A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
1801 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1801 Newer› Newest»aggiemom09121416 @191 Kate loves pink! Now she has TWO pink slips to go with her 8th pink iphone!!
I'm on a conference call and thank God I've got the phone on mute because I laughed until I choked at that one!
It's a matter of time before R&R cuts her loose. She has no market value whatesoever. Well, I'd watch her on Fear Factor...dump snakes on her, make her eat a cockroach or pig testicles,jump off a high building, lol...
Glad to hear she got the axe, apparently the CC ceo saw that light.
She's kinda like the ufo's in the movie Independence Day...Jeff Goldblume gave her a virus and people want to take her down...lol.
Jane 187-it was added today to the post about raising money for SGK.
Is "support staff" the same as a "good bra"????
Kate, 200..."he has regrouped and is blaming them for not having a "sit down" to explain what she should have done differently"
Someone said that Kate, in addition to de-aging, should de-bitch. Does Milo include this in her suggestions as to what CC should have told Kate? Could have been helpful.
Love the comment about the size of Milo's balls. Perhaps that explains why, in one of the photos of herself, she's wearing men's pants.
I think Scott Kluth was snarking on Kate when he mentioned "support staff" in his letter
support staff= good bra
Kate has a vicious temper, as we all know. When she is mad, she can be down-right scary. I feel for her kids right now. Boy, I hope those little ones stay out of her way and remember to praise her and thank her for every breath they breathe.
How close to a year has it been since Khate started "working" for CC? Weren't people here guessing it was a year long contract? Wonder what "job" she will claim now?
Sorry if it's already been asked, I haven't had a chance to read all the posts, but did she have any idea the sack was coming?
How the heck does Milo know they didn't have a sit down or multiple sit downs and warnings? Many businesses would after investing so much and I doubt this is an exception. In fact given how long this dragged out I'm guessing this woman has had plenty of direction and warning, she simply chose not to fix herself.
Linda #4
great minds think alike, lol, you beat me by 1 minute!!!lololol
Kate better brush off that passport..somebody book her a COACH seat to 'one' of the Koreas!!!
Support Staff? Did they work for her and how many? Where are they this evening?
Anybody know what was her salary was at CC?
She's already digging in her closet for that big old bag to cram her unpaid bills in for her next apperance (along ith the big red spoon).
Has she already started begging on twitter for more freebies?
Would hate to be in that home for the next month or so.
Has anyone taken any pics of Steve with her lately? Know Andy Cohen made reference to the body guard but is it still Steve?
One more thought. Andy Cohen did not introduce her as Reality Star KG. Was nice NOT to hear that. She's fading away.
Kate is a twit said... 3
Jane 187-it was added today to the post about raising money for SGK.
Aha!! Thanks :)
How long before the sheeple start in with their "Jon" diversion?
I was laid off about 10 years ago and it is painful believing someone does not value you or your work. Kate was actually fired and for a second I almost felt sorry for her, but that was over pretty quickly.
I don't like to celebrate someone else's misfortune, even if it is Kate. My comment is I am not surprised. What did she expect? She put no effort or real time into those blog posts and simply used CC for whatever personal appearances she could get out of them, and then they had to deal with Steve, too.
After all, look at some of the money-saving blogs she did: in hot weather, if you have a pool, swim in it. If you have multiple cars, drive the one that gets the best mileage for the distance you're going. My all time favorite - her blog about Tony Dovolani and Anderson Cooper discussing her performance on DWTS! Yes, what "authentic" money saving posts these were. I'm sure they helped so many people save money.
Maybe they wanted her celebrity and actually bought into her good mom bit. However, after working with her, they discovered first hand it was all a sham.
Kate, you have no one to blame but yourself. You want your name in headlines still? Well, now you've got it, but not in a positive way. Really, what company do you even think would attempt to touch you now? You're delusion, greed, demands, and diva behavior have been your downfall. We all knew it would happen sooner or later. The only who refused to acknowledge it was you. How's that working for you now?
Kiwi said,
I blame ambien
I blame Kate's over-inflated head lamps. No matter how much she fed them with silicone, they just didn't know how to help her.
Not that Scott cares, but I hope the sheeple realize that stating as fact how Kate was fired, ie no sitdown, etc, if not true, is libelous to Coupon Cabin.
Tamara-the story about her starting the CC job came out last year on Nov.1. The reports about her first day on the job there were posted on Nov.10. Her first blog post was Nov. 22.
So, she didn't even make it a full year.
I have a feeling she knew it was coming. She did a CC post yesterday, but didn't tweet about it. I think she was given the news sometime yesterday.
Hence, the cheery tweet today--so her tweeties would think she's just fine and dandy, and to give them hope that she has a new gig. More like damage control, IMO.
How close to a year has it been since Khate started "working" for CC? 8
Her contract would have been up in November. He could have just not renewed it.
Octo-Mum was FIRED.
Really, what company do you even think would attempt to touch you now?
Do you think that she will put CC on her resume as a reference?
Karma. She could have been let go quietly as her contract expired; today's CEO letter says something epic happened.
My thought is that she was called to Chicago after the NYC race to discuss the contract expiration. She was told it would not be renewed and she let her diva fly. Last straw for the CC CEO, simply last straw and his polite good-bye became what we read today. It may not have gone down that way, but does explain her absence from home and 'net post race, and her unicorn/ rainbow fart just before the CC web site letter.
As for Milo, what an effing embarrassment, to herself mostly, and none of this helps her sweet Kate. Right now silence would be golden.
Had to laugh at pink slips and pink phones, brilliant. And I hope the kds are with their dad.
Wonder if she made some of her gimme demands to CC. Wonder what the straw was that broke that camel's back?
You know it is bad when your boss says you are fired and by the way, you suck, and by the way, you suck so much we are making a $10,000 donation to this charity as our thanks at being able to cut ties with a biatch like you.
I doubt Kate won't run her upcoming marathons why?
Cause they give her a reason to get away from the kids and to be with Steve.
Oh, here it comes! Jon's fault!
@xxxxxxxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 I don't need 2read ROL or some inside source 2know abt Jon's connection 2RH & his part in this mess!
Paula...they've already started blaming Jon....guess who...Milo. Don't you know he's to blame "for this whole mess"....OT....I wonder if Milo runs her teeth through the dishwasher?............Just curious..
Kate's had better days...
first, someone told her to 'de-bitch'
then, she gets fired.
Good point about CC could have just let her contract run out and not renew it. Instead, the CEO himself chose to make a very public "statement" that they were letting her go. There must have been some real fireworks that ticked him off to the max!
Did Kate grift from the product companies? Did she misrepresent herself to companies?Did she steal, lie and misrepresent herself to the companies posting coupons. Did companies complain about Kate wanting lots of samples?At that convention she went to in NY a while ago, did she ask everyone else for free products beside toilet paper?
@Kateplusmy8 Another example of corporate world using the notoriety of another person...a sweet mother of 8...using her 4their gain!
Oh. My. Word.
AuntieAnn said... 6
Inauthentic as in she hasn't got a clue about saving money and she lives like Cleopatra Queen of Egypt? Inauthentic as in liar? As in phoney? Who knows.
Gee that woman sure can't hold a job, even a simple one like writing a short blog entry once a week.
And she gets the axe.
That's worse than mediocre.
Auntie Ann, it was so obvious she was not even writing those blog entries. She says "then" for "than." The blog entries have been written by a ghostwriter for some time, and a number of us continued to call her on it.
I just went to Coupon Cabin and saw this, my mouth dropped open (but THANK YOU to Scott Kluth for NOT mincing words and for having the guts to stand up to this SHAM of a woman), and then I came directly to this site.
I'll bet you anything she made her usual diva demands and has been taking a luxury vacation with Stevie on CC's back.
Again, I APPLAUD Mr. Kluth for "calling it like it is" and not sugar coating it. It is more than about time.
So Jon made Kate behave like a diva which led to this firing? The CC source didn't say anything about child abuse. Just that she was a diva. She sure is obsessed with Jon if he has that kind of power over her!
@Kateplusmy8 Another example of corporate world using the notoriety of another person...a sweet mother of 8...using her 4their gain!
Hmm this sounds like Kate herself.
She uses people for her own gain including her own 8 kids.
You know, I don't worry about what Milo or the other 5 sheeple think or say because they're all nuts! However, I do find them very entertaining when you guys posts their tweets here.
I posted on the last thread - what happened in NYC this weekend at the RnR 10K run to precipitate this? What did Khate do in that pink Coupon Cabin t-shirt in public?
While I understand this could have been a cumulative decision on CC's part, I still think there was a straw that broke the camel's back, and it was related to SGK fundraising and this past weekend's run.
Coupon Cabin finally came to their senses!
As for Milo and that dumbass remark about using people's notoriety for gain- Welcome to Hollywood, Baby!!
How many struggling single moms do you know that have "staff"???????? <-----8 question marks.
Think she got canned because she admitted to Andy Cohen that she didn't watch Honey Boo Boo and her mom, June the COUPON Queen? Yep, that sealed the deal.
CC is using her that's classic. By that logic anyone who ever hires a celeb is "using" them.
Yes, thanks for reposting tweets from Milo and the other nutters, very entertaining.
" Sweet mother of 8". What planet does this person live on?
And nice going Kate - do you think this public flaming will not be read by parents and even classmates of your children? You and Skeevo protect them how?
Compared to this, mediocre is a nice place to live.
I wonder if CC took down her picture that was on display at CC.
Lol the using thing still cracks me up. I'm sorry, was Kate not getting PAID for her services plus perks???
In the world according to M/J, it is okay for KT by her own admission to BEAT her BABIES for poopy diapers and confine them to their cribs to lay in their own blood and feces for hours on end and abuse the dogs as well but just not anybody else. I used to have a begrudging degree of respect (as did many others on twitter, I think) for that woman but not anymore. The tweets that I am reading here make me sick.
Her picture is still there. I heard Scott turned that cute little picture holding up eight fingers into the break room dart board.
Bitch got caught, she got caught in the headlights this time. No guessing. Her boss is PISSED. Went public with this one.Waited until after the run in NYC for breast cancer.
She never promoted CC or their charities. All interviews about herself. Got to laugh except for kids have to live with her.
koop dedoo said... 34
I posted on the last thread - what happened in NYC this weekend at the RnR 10K run to precipitate this?
Is this not precisely how TLC crashed and burned? They not only said "this isn't working out", they also very specifically said: "we don't want to do business with YOU."
TLC fired her, and then did her in with the RV episodes.
And we all asked, what in the heck did she DO, that would have precipitated all that???
And now, here we are, with CC doing the same thing!
Not only do her employers say "go away", they say "go away and die"
I tell ya, she must really be a piece of work.
Her picture is still there. I heard Scott turned that cute little picture holding up eight fingers into the break room dart board
Now THAT is something I would pay to see.
Maybe they confronted her about the contents of Robert's book and she declined to deny the accusations. Hence the "authenticity" remark.
Kate has been running a sham for years. Admin runs a truthful, well-run blog. All Kate's fans (maybe a total of 10) will attack anyone who isn't fooled by Kate's delusional goal to be a "stah." They appear to be hanger-ons. Most people found out about Kate's real motives years ago. Thus, where is her family? Where are her friends who would die for her? Missing?
This is an ugly story, the Gosselins, and it hinges on the fact that they were greedy grifters and Kate who was the master mind, has been found out. Teflon is lifting from the bottom of the pot.
You think that you know how ignorant sheeple are, but when something like this happens, it takes it to a whole new level and your jaw just drops at their stupidity.
It's actually quite sad to think that these are people walking around pretending to function as human beings with some degree of intelligence.
Those sounds you hear are the dominoes falling and the kid gloves being yanked off. I believe Robert's book, brief as it appeared on Amazon, started everything in motion. Bravo to Scott Kluth for being one of the ONLY business/media people to have the cojones to call Kate out publicly on her lack of "authenticity." Thank you, Scott! Drinks all around!
The sheeple are now saying that they will never ever go use CC again. Just like they said that they would never watch TLC again after Kate's show was cancelled.
I'm sure CC is quaking in their boots and rethinking their decision---NOT!
miloandjack said
"@Kateplusmy8 Another example of corporate world using the notoriety of another person...a sweet mother of 8...using her 4their gain!"
Milo may have, inadvertantly, got the meaning of a word right when it comes to Kate.
*notoriety - the state of being known for some unfavorable act or quality
ill fame
infamy - evil fame or public reputation
reputation - notoriety for some particular characteristic; "his reputation for promiscuity"
Yep, Coupon Cabin actually fired Kate for her notoriety. And/or, I suspect that CC caught her in a big fat lie.
Which lie? I have no idea, there are so many.
I've been reading comments over at CC. Many of those who are glad Kate's gone are stating she didn't offer good tips. They are respectful of CC's purpose. Some are just jubilant.
Then there are those who are mad. CJWhodunit is one of them. Poor CJ. It's everyone's fault.
Kate is a victim of haters. She does everything right and people just snatch the rug out from underneath her. When will they ever let Kate
keep on keeping on without interfering?
Thanks Kate is a Twit and Rhymes. I think it says a LOT that CC let her go before the full year was up. And that they did it so publicly. Kind of reminds me of the lack of pro-Khate editing in the RV episodes. The behind the scenes people making their feelings known.
Will mainstream press pick this up or will it be ignored like most everything Gosselin is these days?
I wonder if Milo runs her teeth through the dishwasher?............Just curious..
Yes. Kate healed them, too, along with Milo, and now Milo and her teeth can both run.
Was Khate's salary from CC ever confirmed?
Ha Ha--Today is National Boss Day!! Guess Kate won't be sending him a card or present.
When will they ever let Kate
keep on keeping on without interfering?
Maybe when Kate de-bitches, but it's a matter of too little, too late. The old leopard can't change her spots.
Linda said... 4
Is "support staff" the same as a "good bra"????
HA, Linda! I think that is more like "support STUFF!"
Octo-Mum was FIRED.
No, Octo-Gestational Carrier Half DNA Contributor was FIRED.
Sniff, sniff. SEE you guys, EVERYBODY leaves her, just everybody. No one gets her. To meet her is to luv, luv, luv her. To know her is to die for her. But it's all OK. She didn't like the blogging gig at all...second only to nursing. She's best on FILM dontchaknow? That's her true calling. TV. Only TV will let her make the money she needs to take care of the bills.
Oh folks, she IS struggling. Just not financially. It's a mental health struggle. Sad.
@Kateplusmy8 Ia it true CouponCabin has let you go?
Talk about sheeple stupidity. No, sweetie...the founder and CEO of CC posted a letter on his webpage as an early Halloween prank.
Mel, Love My Grandsons, everyone who has mentioned that in corporate speak this letter is the equivalent of saying Ms Kreider is poison and impossible to work with. She must be very dismissive and abusive to any workers she considers beneath her, and that means almost everyone to Ms Kreider.
The irony is, she reads here! All she had to do was take some of the criticisms posters wrote here, and she could have improved the blog. Well, almost anything could have improved that blog, I bet her kids could write a better blog!
This is not a surprise.
not authentic = not real
CC has been catching shi* every since she took her on. Wonder what the final straw was?
Anyone think that if Kate continues to 'de-age', her kids can one day put her on the potty and hit her with the spanker??
Coupon Cabin let Kate hand herself. After all, her blogs were shit and they posted them anyway.
How the heck does Milo know they didn't have a sit down or multiple sit downs and warnings? Many businesses would after investing so much and I doubt this is an exception. In fact given how long this dragged out I'm guessing this woman has had plenty of direction and warning, she simply chose not to fix herself.
I think the letter is a calculated move to show Kate that if she even DARES try to sue them or say anything derogatory, they will come at her with everything they have, including her work ethic, inability to get along with staff, and of course her absolute sham (false hardworking, coupon clipping single mother of eight), with the comments about "support staff" and "authenticity."
As another posted pointed out, stuff like this is usually handled by HR or a press release. Kate got the full court press on the main page of the website in a letter signed by the CEO.
Kate's dead in the water. If she so much as farts the wrong way they will be ALL OVER her. She can't say anything negative about CC. She's effectively been muzzled.
I think that pink box on CC's home page that says, "Looking For Kate Read a letter from the CouponCabin CEO" is one more poke in her eye. She must have really pissed off some people big time.
What's that famous Hollywood saying when a star makes a fatal boo-boo, "You'll never work in this town again".
The CEO of Coupon Cabin might just as well added a P.S. "You'll never work in this country again".
The Official terms of the contest that CC was running states:
DONATION. For each eligible Entry received during the Promotion Period, Sponsor will donate $1 to the Chicagoland Area Affiliate of The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. (doing business as Susan G. Komen for the Cure), located at 8765 W. Higgins Road, Suite 401, in Chicago, Illinois, up to an aggregate limit of $5,000.
So they fired Kate, and made an addition $10,000 donation over and above the maximum amount they were willing to donate before. I think one of those "recent events" definitely had to do with her lack of promotion for SGK.
I discovered Kate actually has a fund raising page on the SGK site:
Another thing she didn't promote.
Octo-Mum was FIRED. (source tmz)
No, Octo-Gestational Carrier Half DNA Contributor was FIRED. 60
aggiemom09121416 said... 66 Anyone think that if Kate continues to 'de-age', her kids can one day put her on the potty and hit her with the spanker??
No wonder why CC canned her behind she doesn't promote anything.
aggiemom, you're on a roll tonight, Sweetie! Kate de-aging on the potty and her color is "pink" this year. Lololol!!!!!!!!!
Yes, this is worth the extra work I have to go to in order to comment these days!! I have been happily reading along. I have not yet read all the comments to this newest revelation but....
I find it revealing that not only is it Kate's Contributions but Kate herself that does not align with their authenticity!!!
I wonder if her behavior at the recent public running events also played a role in this very public firing! The CEO def minces no words when he tells us, she did not fit in with their corporate culture, which is WONDERFUL!!!
So, tell me again Kate... Just where ARE all these (real) people who just love you as soon as they meet you?????
"not authentic" = a fraud
She's not a single parent.
She's not struggling financially.
She's not a good mother.
She's not an adequate employee.
She IS a huge fraud. Inauthentic from her over-processed hair down to her narcissistic little heart.
She must have REALLY blown it, directly and personally, to have warranted firing by the CEO.
Also, whoever said that that very public letter was meant to ensure that Kate didn't re-write the history of this termination is absolutely right.
She can't go anywhere with trying to whitewash this.
Bet Julie May is the next to terminate Ms. Krieder. It's going to be really difficult to milk this baby any further.
Admin said it: Diva works when you have immense talent. Otherwise, not so much.
Hey kate... I just realized, they may love you as soon as they meet you, but then after about three minutes, they want to poke a pencil in their eye!
I guess Kate Coyne is the only one that hasn't left Kate G. People.com is like the only site that hasn't reported on her firing.
Who are the obsessed sheeple that remain in Kate's camp? Let's see, there's...
CJ, the lunatic Bible-thumping Christian who masqueraded (to Cindy) as a sweet, harmless little old lady.
bhappy, the hypochondriac/liar who tweets platitudes under various socks, and has entertained more famous people than any US President
Zippy, who is dumber than a box of rocks
Milo, the certifiable country bumpkin nutcase, who is either a man, a woman, or both
Austin, Paige and Connecticut Emily, teenagers who have developed an abnormal crush on Kate and have bizarre dreams of meeting her and spending the rest of their lives with her
Leigh, the sheeple who parades around WalMart parking lots holding up signs, smacking gum while she blows bubbles with Bazooka
This is Kate's fan base...the ones who really believe that they alone can lift her up with their positivity, restoring Kate's good name (like she ever really had one) and securing her employment on a network.
What about the other 100,000 plus followers? Don't they know how to help?
What in the world does Ms Kreider have twitter for if she could not even publicize her own fundraising page? I just don't get it!
There is another blog who still supports the abuser. I think "imperfect" is a mild word for those that enable.
IMO, Kate never used her twitter to promote anything for 2 reasons. First, she doesn't like to promote anything that doesn't directly put money in her own pocket. That's why charities fall to the wayside with her. Second, she knows she only has 10 followers at the most because all of the rest she bought. Useless to to "promote" to a majority of empty/fake twitter accounts.
I can just hear KK now "But . . . But . . . But . . . I went on all those shows to promote Coupon Cabin, but the interviewers all asked me about dating and Jon, so I couldn't do it!" That's about the level her mind works. Forget that it happens to celebrities all the time. When it does, they give a brief, polite answer, then redirect the conversation by saying something like "I'm here today to talk about my newest (film, book, concert tour, charity event)" and take it from there.
If you click on the link within Scott's letter that takes you to Kate's blog the letter is there again. lol. I guess that's in case you missed it the first time...here, read it again. bwhahaha.
Dropping by with some TEA!....
Rumor has it...That the last straw for CC was this latest publicity tour Kate has been on (katie couric, Bravo Andy etc) was paid for by CC for Kate to Promote CC.. However, she failed to even mention them on most interviews and made it about herself. CC lost money.
I personally think this is a breech of contract and KK should have to cover the entire cost of said press tour.
kate and her 8 fans:
You get what you get and you don't get upset!!!
AuntieAnn said... 85
If you click on the link within Scott's letter that takes you to Kate's blog the letter is there again. lol. I guess that's in case you missed it the first time...here, read it again. bwhahaha.
I know. I'm laughing.
If Kate weren't such a horrible person I wouldn't be. Kate's dippy fans are always saying she "deserves" a rest, a trip, a massage, a bleach job.........
Well, now it's my turn.
Kate, you deserve this firing. Baby beaters deserve every awful thing that can happen to them.
Maybe Kate's 'support staff' is her good bra.
Rumor has it...That the last straw for CC was this latest publicity tour Kate has been on (katie couric, Bravo Andy etc) was paid for by CC for Kate to Promote CC.. However, she failed to even mention them on most interviews and made it about herself. CC lost money.
This is what I have been thinking, and actually wondered about last week - that she basically used CC's money, lodging, etc., to promote her own self in NYC and get a trip.
Or: It is what it is.
In spades.
readerlady said...
Forget that it happens to celebrities all the time. When it does, they give a brief, polite answer, then redirect the conversation by saying something like "I'm here today to talk about my newest (film, book, concert tour, charity event)" and take it from there.
readerlady, you took the words right out of my mouth. It wouldn't make good television for tv hosts to flatly state, "Well, Kate, why are you on here [on tv] today?" Instead of answering specific questions related to Jon, the book, etc., she could have transitioned into, "I really don't want to discuss this at this time, but I would love to talk about this great cause I'm here to promote." Then, start talking about how she took up running yada yada and why she joined this great cause.
So, Kate was supposed to attend the Halloween half marathon in LA on behalf of Coupon Cabin. Will the company still honor that agreement or will Kate now be forced to pay for those expenses, if she still wants a trip out to sunny, hot LA.
I bet CC set up this latest press tour and she failed to promote and I bet the Essex room service bill arrived yesterday. Kobe beef takeout was her downfall.
What's funny is we told her exactly how to promote and exactly how to write a good blog. We knew how to help! This is a perfect example of why enablers actually hurt her. She needed to hear the truth and maybe she wouldn't have gotten fired. Instead her stupid fans just kept telling her how great she was at this job. They should have been honest. If its anyone's fault it's theirs.
Fidomommy: I'm with you.
Kate must have really done something that PO'd the CEO, to have him fire her. Something serious. If a person gets fired, it's usually HR, or your manager, only time a CEO does it if it is serious. So either Kate said something to him, he did not like, or he read stuff on Kate(like researched Kate)or someone at CC gave him her blogs or he caught Kates staff writing her blogs from her scribble. I mean why else, mention her staff? And as to why they made it a public firing, cause Kate is a celeb, or to have it in black & white, so Kate can't say, I was not fired. That was a powerful letter and it said a lot. Yes, stuff we already knew about Kate, Kate is not hard to read. That CEO, she PO him big time.
She needed to hear the truth and maybe she wouldn't have gotten fired. Instead her stupid fans just kept telling her how great she was at this job. They should have been honest
Yes, but she couldn't change her ego, or her demanding/bitchy personality. Even if she took advice on how to promote and how to write blogs, she apparently couldn't fit in with the "wonderful" CC team/culture. Even if her job were on the line, she couldn't change her reputation as an entitled diva. Her own nastiness and entitlement issues contributed to the loss of this job.
Anonymous said... 86
Rumor has it...That the last straw for CC was this latest publicity tour Kate has been on (katie couric, Bravo Andy etc) was paid for by CC for Kate to Promote CC.. However, she failed to even mention them on most interviews and made it about herself. CC lost money.
I personally think this is a breech of contract and KK should have to cover the entire cost of said press tour.
So does everyone think this means Kate's days of doing talk shows are over? Can Julie May get her back on these shows?
Why would Kate be so stupid as to not promote the hand that fed her? (Oh, it's Kate. Forget I asked that!)
I finally watched that clip on Bravo. Kate's eyes really narrowed (classic evil, nasty look) when some questions were asked of her--like about the bodyguard and face work. That is one mean mug. It was like a lie meter.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 41
Lol the using thing still cracks me up. I'm sorry, was Kate not getting PAID for her services plus perks???
Exactly. The ONLY reason CC even hired Kate was for perceived 'celebrity'. They weren't using her, or taking advantage of her, or none of that nonsense. She SELLS herself!! She is the one who believes she is a star and pimps herself out for money.
That de-aging comment, ROFL!! That would be the icing on the cake :D
Her fans are trying to start a rumor that she has a new show and someone saw her filming....somewhere....i guess this is how they cope with having a loser for an idol...
librarylady said...
Rumor has it...That the last straw for CC was this latest publicity tour Kate has been on (katie couric, Bravo Andy etc) was paid for by CC for Kate to Promote CC.. However, she failed to even mention them on most interviews and made it about herself. CC lost money.
This is what I have been thinking, and actually wondered about last week - that she basically used CC's money, lodging, etc., to promote her own self in NYC and get a trip.
Kate probably demanded a posh-hotel stay, four-star restaurants, salon visit, etc. She probably wanted the same thing for her LA trip.
Kudos to Coupon Cabin for finally drawing the line. Enough is enough.
Kate better watch out with all those demands. Soon, no one will want to use her as a celebrity promoter because she's too expensive for a basically worthless promotion. There are other D-list celebrities who would probably do more, with less demands.
There's a post on a Kate Facebook fan page that she was seen filming at Club AV in Los Angeles.
@Kateplusmy8 saw you again in the media for the first time in a while. WOW! Are you single and where could I bump into you...? ;-)
Try the unemployment line!
Trying to catch up. Yall are right on tonight. It just hit me, they fired Kate and are replacing her with Mama June, Honey Boo Boo's Mama.
#108. You nailed it!
Lady's and what ever gentlemen that are here. The other day I shared how my niece nearly killed her little daughter. I had mentioned that her children are now 16 and 20 and the 16 yr. old is in juvie for beating up his sister.
I just got home a few hrs ago from attending his court date and sentencing. I am so excited to share that he has requested to remain in some kind of substance and anger management program. The judge granted his request and said that it is rare for young person to see that a program would help them.
This is a program that will last six months and will provide counseling for substance abuse and anger problems. The judge looked into his eyes and stressed that it will be a long and hard journey but possible to achieve. My nephew said, "yes sir, I understand that and am willing to work hard to turn my life around." I am such a proud auntie.
I know it probably not exciting for you all but for me, I just want to scream from the mountain tops. Thanks for letting me go off topic and share. I sure hope that Jon is preparing those kids for all things adult.
Fleecing, I completely agree. Her nastiness and entitlement, as well as her poor blog, led to her being fired.
Besides, if any tweeter would have given her honest feedback, she would have immediately blocked them as haters and bullies.
I just looked at Kate SGK donation page, and two things stuck out for me.
She set a goal of a measly $1,000.00??
And she has only had one donation of $100.00.
Not sure how long the page has been set up, since Kate never bothered to promote it, but maybe that's another reason she was let go from CC.
I work for a very small company, and we make a team page every year and all the employees, our families and friends participate. We make T-shirts for all the participants and set a goal of $2000.00 which we have always surpassed. We promote the team by word of mouth to our customers and put a link on our company website.
It's unbelievable that Kate only set a $1,000.00 goal. She could've tweeted a few times asking all of her followers to donate $1 and raised almost $118,000! Oh, wait..how many of those followers are real people??
Just saw a commercial for honeybooboo and June on I think jimmy kimmel...that must be killing Kate. She also showed more coupon savvy on her TLC show than Kate ever did or could
JudyK said... 30
The blog entries have been written by a ghostwriter for some time, and a number of us continued to call her on it.
Her ghostwriter could not have been too fond of her either. It would a hoot if Kate tried to blame it on her though.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 88
I know. I'm laughing.
If Kate weren't such a horrible person I wouldn't be. Kate's dippy fans are always saying she "deserves" a rest, a trip, a massage, a bleach job.........
I know me too but it makes me happy to see someone finally not back down from her.
And we all 'deserve' to be happy once in a while.
njay, that's great news about your nephew wanting to turn his life around! I have a nephew going through the same issues and rehab is just what they need. You have every right to be proud because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can't help someone unless they admit they need the help. Your nephew has! God bless.
She Does have evil eyes!
Wonder why they didn't terminate her contract sooner- it was obvious from the start she was no good for CC.
Anyone else feel the earthquake tonight? 4.6,originating from from Maine.Shaking house and objects rattling here.
Congrats!! Here's to wishing your family all the best on the long, hard road ahead. Awesome on you for being there and providing support- family support makes all the difference in the world. :)
Coupon Cabin knew they were in trouble when they saw Kate moving her lips as she typed her first blog post.
Wowser said... 105
Just saw a commercial for honeybooboo and June on I think jimmy kimmel...that must be killing Kate. She also showed more coupon savvy on her TLC show than Kate ever did or could
HAHAHA, yes, little Alana, a 7 year old does indeed have more coupon savvy than Kate. Couldn't resist.
Wowser said... 105
Just saw a commercial for honeybooboo and June on I think jimmy kimmel...that must be killing Kate. She also showed more coupon savvy on her TLC show than Kate ever did or could
It aired last night. Mama June was ok - she spoke clearly about couponing and giving money to charity, even had a dollar amount that had been raised and donated. She's got some smarts. Honey Boo Boo -- oy.
OC Girl said... 99
librarylady said...
Rumor has it...That the last straw for CC was this latest publicity tour Kate has been on (katie couric, Bravo Andy etc) was paid for by CC for Kate to Promote CC.. However, she failed to even mention them on most interviews and made it about herself. CC lost money.
This is what I have been thinking, and actually wondered about last week - that she basically used CC's money, lodging, etc., to promote her own self in NYC and get a trip.
Kate probably demanded a posh-hotel stay, four-star restaurants, salon visit, etc. She probably wanted the same thing for her LA trip.
Kudos to Coupon Cabin for finally drawing the line. Enough is enough.
Kate better watch out with all those demands. Soon, no one will want to use her as a celebrity promoter because she's too expensive for a basically worthless promotion. There are other D-list celebrities who would probably do more, with less demands.
Wasnt she introduced as "Coupon blogger" on the last talk show she appeared on? So maybe she was supposed to promote CC.
They wish her support staff all the best?
Everyone knows that " SUPPORT STAFF" is Steve. He is with her all the time. There is NO REASON whatsoever for her to have a bodyguard and for her to keep pushing that down our throats is just as nasty as she is. WE ALL KNOW she is hooking up with him.. Karma is rearing its ugly head for her...
Jane - Does June donate some of her stash to food banks, too? I've never watched HCHBB. How many kids are in that family?
Strike one - the non promotion of the CC app during a coveted national TV appearance. Instead, she begged for a new TV show and later, her "staff" started the fake buzz about a dating show.
Strike two - Khart's behavior at the Blogger convention, including bad behavior mentioned by a fellow blogger, grifting after the fact from convention sponsors and her complete lack of cross promotion which was called out by at least one vendor on Twitter.
Strike three - her total lack of promotion for CC during the latest series of promotional activities, including never mentioning EVER her page to raise funds for the SBK foundation.
Add in whatever may have happened during her run with the CC staff in Chicago and her interaction with that staff results in - FIRED.
Can't you just hear Kate screaming to her legal team. Can we sue?
OH FFS. Now she's going to be making the talk show rounds to "set the record straight".
Go ahead and pack your travel bags and book your room at Essex House, Steve. Kate's going to be boo hooing and crying poor/can't pay the bills on The Today Show in 3......2......1........
She was supposed to be plugging CC last week when she was on Kate AH and WWHL and she didnt say a word about them. Its no wonder she got the ax. No One wants to work with her. Hope the kids are safe tonight cuz she will be in a horrible mood. Hide the wooden spoons Mady. How sad!
AuntieAnn said... 116
Jane - Does June donate some of her stash to food banks, too? I've never watched HCHBB. How many kids are in that family?
Yes, she said she does donate to food banks. She also mentioned setting up funds for all the kids because 'this could last a month or a year.' I've never seen the show but I'm a Jimmy Kimmel fan and DVR him. Watched last night's show an hour or so ago. I liked June - unpretentious and seems very aware of who she is and why this is happening.
Wasnt she introduced as "Coupon blogger" on the last talk show she appeared on? So maybe she was supposed to promote CC.
Looks that way to me. Her big one was Access Hollywood. Wasn't she on that last night? Did she even mention CC?
"Just last week, Kate made a series of promotional appearances for CouponCabin – including sitting down for an interview with Access Hollywood, where she also talked about her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, and her passion for running."
Anonymous said... 68
I think the letter is a calculated move to show Kate that if she even DARES try to sue them or say anything derogatory, they will come at her with everything they have, including her work ethic, inability to get along with staff, and of course her absolute sham (false hardworking, coupon clipping single mother of eight), with the comments about "support staff" and "authenticity."
As another posted pointed out, stuff like this is usually handled by HR or a press release. Kate got the full court press on the main page of the website in a letter signed by the CEO.
Kate's dead in the water. If she so much as farts the wrong way they will be ALL OVER her. She can't say anything negative about CC. She's effectively been muzzled.
I'm thinking now would be a good time for Robert to put his book back out on the market.
I would almost bet a publisher might be willing to take it on now.
Then Jon should demand a forensic accounting of the kid's money and ensure she cannot touch it in her bid to regain her 'stardom'.
Katie Irene's cruise down the river of denial is almost over/in danger of running aground.
I have a great idea for Kate's next venture! Bring back Kate Plus 8, but instead of starring the kids, the 8 can be the 8 rabid sheeple she has left. The kids ca move in the Jon and TLC moves the sheeple into the McMansion.
This way everyone wins! Episodes can include:
- Kate screaming at the sheeple on a cruise ship
- Kate beating them with a wooden spoon
- Movie night with Kate; the sheeple sit of a strip of tape and Kate screams at them to not spill any popcorn
- Kate making bagged lunches for a picnic with the sheeple and the sheeple recite what order to eat everything
- Milo gets sick and Kate locks her in the laundry room until a Stevie and take care of her
- Baking with Kate! A caterer drops off 100 dozen cookies and Kate screams at them that if they drop any crumbs they have to pick them up one by one.
Any other episode ideas?
Hey Coupon Cabin,
I will start using your site on a regular basis if you dish about the things Kate did to get fired. For every juicy story you tell, I will use 8 coupons. Deal?
I saw Kate on Access Hollywood Monday which was the same interview we all saw on the net.
She kind of promoted CC but not really. Her interview was all about Kate-(as usual)
She had a page to raise money for breast cancer??? Huh.
Couldn't she, as a multi-millionaire, say, "Here, I'm seeding this with $8,000. Let's set a goal of $1 from each of my tweeties and get this up to $88,888!"
And then promote the h*ll out of it.
Nope, I guess not. Sigh.
Hambone said... 125
Hey Coupon Cabin,
I will start using your site on a regular basis if you dish about the things Kate did to get fired. For every juicy story you tell, I will use 8 coupons. Deal?
Me too!
Unless the kids' "good college funds" are in a special account that can't be touched, they may be used to pay for Kate's trips to NY for her hair and Nobu! (Or Fig and Olive now.)
This came up on Twitter, it's from a Kate Gosselin Facebook fan page. The poster is in Los Angeles.
Interesting! And I just seen her, Kate Gosselin, out last night at Club AV & might have a tiny tad of airtime on her show she was filming there! lol.
Here's a video about CC firing Kate.
Jane said... 130
This came up on Twitter, it's from a Kate Gosselin Facebook fan page. The poster is in Los Angeles.
Interesting! And I just seen her, Kate Gosselin, out last night at Club AV & might have a tiny tad of airtime on her show she was filming there! lol.
Can you post the Twitter ID or is that a no-no?
my take on the 'support staff' remark was in reference to her ghost writer(s) because you know she can't compose a cohesive sentence on her own or without using her twitter-onics.
pray she's not venting her anger/frustration on the kids...
Anonymous said... 68
How the heck does Milo know they didn't have a sit down or multiple sit downs and warnings? Many businesses would after investing so much and I doubt this is an exception. In fact given how long this dragged out I'm guessing this woman has had plenty of direction and warning, she simply chose not to fix herself.
I think the letter is a calculated move to show Kate that if she even DARES try to sue them or say anything derogatory, they will come at her with everything they have, including her work ethic, inability to get along with staff, and of course her absolute sham (false hardworking, coupon clipping single mother of eight), with the comments about "support staff" and "authenticity."
As another posted pointed out, stuff like this is usually handled by HR or a press release. Kate got the full court press on the main page of the website in a letter signed by the CEO.
Kate's dead in the water. If she so much as farts the wrong way they will be ALL OVER her. She can't say anything negative about CC. She's effectively been muzzled.
Heather, I TOTALLY agree w/ everything you said...I cannot tell you how much admiration I have for Mr. Kluth!!!
Kate is the ultimate bully...making people sign CA agreements, having not one (1), but two (2) teams of attorneys behind her to INTIMIDATE anyone who dares cross her and reveal the truth of their encounters with her. Now, FINALLY, someone with some backbone stands up to her PUBLICLY and tells her enough is enough and that he will not be bullied by her PAID-FOR THUGS.
Mel said... 189
"A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago."
"FINALLY!!!!! Somebody with integrity. Somebody with some balls. Somebody TLC/Discovery/Laverne & Shirley couldn't intimidate into silence."
(Brought this over from the last post) Totally agree with you, Mel!! Finally! is right!!! It's about time! I think we should reward Coupon Cabin by going over there & promoting them. Well done, Mr. Kluth!!
If Kate weren't such a horrible person I wouldn't be. Kate's dippy fans are always saying she "deserves" a rest, a trip, a massage, a bleach job.
The sheeple are always telling her to take a deserved rest because she's so exhausted. Well, now she can sleep all she wants. No more pesky CC blogs to write. I guess you should be careful what you wish for.
Well, as you all can tell, I am back from our camping trip. (Alright, hold your enthusiasm) I can finally type (which suggests I could type before. Debatable.) - Took me two days to fully thaw out after two nights of below 32 degrees F weather. So cold if you had to pee - well, lets just say liquids freeze. That includes pee. The visual alone...
But, as always, camping with Rocketman is fun!
Some of our conversations:
ME: (RM is beginning the setup) I have to go find and use the facilities.
ME: (Upon return) Well, there's only one restroom. It's connected with the showerhouse. (pointing) waaaay over there. Uphill. Steep uphill. Both ways. I vote we use the bucket for the rest of the weekend. (BTW,I did not win).
RM: **$$$%##))))@@@**#
ME: Wow...problem?
RM: Shut up. The lift on the camper broke! %%#$$@@@. A nut in the back fell off.
ME: Hey now, what's camping without one or ten camper related catastrophes?
RM: True
So we got the camper up, but our site was on a hill so it listed leeward - dramatically. Think Titanic. Near the end. Listed so much so that if one was inside the camper and opened the door it flung open and when exiting, in spite of one's best effort, one was propelled forward rapidly resulting in a run down the hill into the next campsite (which, thankfully, was unoccupied). FUN stuff!
ME: Sweetie, uh, the camper's not level
RM: Yes it is.
ME: No it's NOT. Where's the level?
RM: I didn't bring it. You're too anal about (air quotes) being level.
ME: No matter - ya jerk. Come look at this...
Into the camper we go. Besides the obvious lean, I pulled out a chapstick, opened the door, placed the chapstick on it's side and watched it roll off the table and FLY out the door.
RM: So,what's your point?
ME: It's OK with you if we sneeze this entire camper is going down that hill?
RM: Don't sneeze.
So our listing camper with a roof that might collapse at any moment and take out a limb or result in a beheading was setup and home for the weekend.
Perhaps the most fun was watching DS and RM attempt to watch the OSU/Indiana game. On a cell phone. One phone. Two of them. In a valley. In the rain. Every 30 seconds, the darn thing had to buffer. Which it did in the final seconds...so they had no idea who won until the next morning. HAHAHAHA. I'm mean that way. Shoot me.
Sunday morning:
ME: Coffee?
RM: It'll be awhile. Forgot to empty the pot yesterday. It froze. Sigh. Wanna beer?
But it WAS fun. Any time I get to spend the weekend with our grandchildren (the older two - 9 & 12) is FUN.
Twitter's running so fast, I'm not sure who tweeted about this. If you go to the Kate Gosselin Facebook fan page you can see the comment in the timeline.
Njay - congrats on your nephew wanting to do better. I can imagine how happy that makes your heart. :)
It is amazing that she couldn't even hold a coupon blogging job. To think of the many opportunities handed to her that she squandered over the years is mind boggling. If she did not have this entitlement/narcissism/mental illness she could have had an empire like Jessica Simpson or Paula Deane. Endorsement deals for kids clothes, toys, exercise wear--you name it. She would have been set quite nicely for life. For crying out loud I see the lady from the Bravo's "Flipping Out" (Jenny) starring in commercials and endorsing products.
Linda said...Is "support staff" the same as a "good bra"?
I think the "support staff" holds up the "girls".
njay...Best of luck to your nephew. It's nice to hear he realizes he needs help.
Formerly Duped...We didn't feel it but my sister called and she felt it on the other side of the canal.
So we got the camper up, but our site was on a hill so it listed leeward - dramatically. Think Titanic.
The Titanic broke apart. Be thankful for small favors.
Holy cow! This letter is so awesome-ish that I don't even know where to start. Good on CouponCabin for calling her out on her crap.
Kiwi - welcome back! Sounds like a fun trip. Hopefully, your bucket and your coffee pot were NOT interchangeable. ;-)
If I may ask, did you drive the camper, and RM use the recliner to meet you there?
LOL...she only raised $100.00??? Wow.
Kiwi - LOVE your trip outtakes!! You really need to write a book!!
Glad you had a good time in spite of all the mishaps, Kiwi. Grandchildren always make everything better, don't they?!
My theory is "Support Staff" is a snarky dig at Steve.
Bet her over-the-top demands to have her purse boy/security detail follow her everywhere had something to do with her dismissal.
Remember in the book how Steve had to be included in every little trip?
Twitter's running so fast, I'm not sure who tweeted about this. If you go to the Kate Gosselin Facebook fan page you can see the comment in the timeline.
Ok. There's only one Kate Gosselin Facebook fan site?
Austin, Paige and Connecticut Emily, teenagers who have developed an abnormal crush on Kate and have bizarre dreams of meeting her and spending the rest of their lives with her
emcr68 (CT Emily)
At least once a week @Paige_Kate8fan and I have a discussion about how much we love @Kateplusmy8 and how we'll always be her # ones!
You got that right!
SeeSaw - I agree - my first thought was that the "support staff" was Steve.
Kiwi - If you and Rocketman every take your comedy show on the road I'll be the first in line to buy a ticket. Still giggling at your camping trip report.
It is amazing that she couldn't even hold a coupon blogging job. To think of the many opportunities handed to her that she squandered over the years is mind boggling
Right. And she has the balls to call Jon's job mediocre.
Tweet -le Dee.
Try this
Had to move over to the iPad and this site and the iPad aren't getting along!
Kate I think you should promote my new perfume, Schadenfreude.
Jane, thanks. What a weird page. People think they're talking to Kate even though it says at the top of the page it's just a fan site.
Little Paige is frothing at the mouth, furiously typing in glee because someone saw Kate being filmed in a bar. Dating show, says Paige, dating show. She knew it...it's happening, she claims, unable to contain her excitement!
The 1980's era faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner was grounded for the weekend...maintenance and all that.
Oh, Moose Mania - I am CONSTANTLY thankful for small favors. LOL. Like Rocketman chopping the wood into small pieces. With a dull ax. He thought I wouldn't see the bloody bandage. I did. HE felt it was an incredible teaching moment for GS. It was, but I had to ask him why he had to teach each generation the dangers of dull axes. It wasn't the first time. I had to ask if he had ever heard the phrase "live and learn". He answered "No." He's stubborn that way. But I'm thankful the cut wasn't more serious. I'm thankful no one sneezed and tipped the camper :) I'm thankful the Buckeyes won (by the skin of their teeth), mainly because I HAVE to. It's part of the requirements to graduate. Thou shalt root for the Buckeyes in perpetuity. Sign here. Here's your diploma... Kinda like those TLC CA agreements (see all, a Kate reference).
Camping in OH (or last year in IN up near Chicago) in October is always a crap shoot weatherwise. Just adds to the whole camping experience. As does scraping dirt off the sandwich you dropped. I'd go again in a heartbeat.
You know it's possible that's why she was fired. Maybe she does have a dating show she is filming, and when CC found out, they decided to fire her.
I hope they give the blog job to Honey Boo Boo's mom. She actually lives the coupon lifestyle. Its kind of sad to say it but I actually have some respect for that women. She is putting most of the money from the show into trust funds for the kids. She is also donating to different community outreach programs. (http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20639388,00.html)
Now, the letter on coupon cabin makes it clear that Kate will not play nice with others. I am sure there were multiple meetings and warnings before she was sacked. No company would fire someone like that without having a paper trail a mile long to prove that they are not at fault.
Google is not letting me sign in tonight so I am going black.
Flight of the Kiwi...137
That was funny. My husband and I went camping once, 31 years ago in eastern Canada. (I grew up going camping for three weeks every summer with my family but we had a 22' trailer that slept six, had a mini bathroom, a mini kitchen, dining and living area. Don't know how my mom did it. She was still cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. Us four kids had fun but it was still work for her). This was the only time my husband and I went camping. We had a five man tent we couldn't put up properly in the rain and wind and then my husband burnt his eyebrow off lighting the Coleman lantern. Me? I wet my pants I was laughing so hard. We had rented a Ford escort station wagon, with unlimited mileage, for the trip. The guy croaked when we brought it back as we put 3,000 miles on it. It was a two week trip. Anyway, while we were on our way home while we were still in Canada, my husband ran over a tire in the road that got stuck under the car. Don't ask me why he decided to go over it instead of around it. I have no idea. We pulled over to the side of the road and had to wait until a couple of good samaritans stopped and helped my husband lift up the car so I could get underneath and pull the tire out. We did have a blast on the trip though.
Notice that in her tweet where she says she's alive, that she DOESN'T say that she's home.
Nothing about being home since before the race.
Her boobs are HUGE!!!!!!!
Kate you can make money being the spokesperson for that good bra of yours!!! Oh right, there is no good bra, just the boob job...awwww, and you didnt get to make any money off of that surgical procedure...
CapeCodmama - too too funny! That's camping. It NEVER goes smoothly. Some of our best trips when the kids were small were in Orleans on Cape Cod (we always called it "the cod"). I'm jealous you get to live there year round.
Regarding Kate filming, if true, it's probably SK8 Productions. I find it difficult to imagine a legit network producing a TV with Kate.
Kate could film all she wants, that means nothing except that she's spending the kid's money and continues to have delusions of grandeur.
I am glad the twins have phones. Their phones might just save them all from a hell-night or day. In light of all recent develpments,
I think Jon might just rest easier too, knowing he is a phone call away under any circumstance.
She only cares for herself. Those kids need help
The debate has ended and the analysis has begun. It is all so serious on TV. Rightly so.
Hubby squints and asks, "What are YOU laughing at ... like an idiot?"
Flight of Kiwi -- you know it had to be your camping report. Please more details, please.
Oh, and I think Robert and Coupon Cabin will be experiencing an "Em Tanner" surge.
Kate is circling the drain...BUT she never goes down. I truly believe she's made a pact with the devil (or Rumpelstiltskin). For some reason, Kate always has another life.
I truly believe she is filming a dating show. Her firing from the show has something to do with that fact.
Kate has had so many opportunities...and she's going to have more. It will never end. Is this hell?
I truly believe she is filming a dating show. Her firing from the show has something to do with that fact.
Probably. Likely even more to it than that excellent CC letter indicates. I don't think she's home at all. If she is/was really filming something at AV Hollywood (like the other wanna-be star on Facebook said she was), then...YUK. Won't fly. Not now.
Jane said... 121
Yes, she said she does donate to food banks. She also mentioned setting up funds for all the kids because 'this could last a month or a year.' I've never seen the show but I'm a Jimmy Kimmel fan and DVR him. Watched last night's show an hour or so ago. I liked June - unpretentious and seems very aware of who she is and why this is happening.
Thanks Jane. I guess she should get credit for her charitable activities, but the idea of selling her daughter out to TLC still doesn't sit right.
Lol the Em Tanner effect. There's actual names for these things, it's to that point.
Better stock up on your coupons there Kate. Maybe if you're lucky you'll be able to find those special coupons. You know, the ones that say "With your second cup of coffee you get 75% off on your next reality show offer."
Marie, I cracked up when I read that, so funny!
And I won't hide my glee at her getting canned!
If Kate Gosselin gets a dating show she is the producer by spending her $$$ or kids $$$$. However, Oprah spent her $$$$$$$$ on "OWN" and loss millios. Oprah can afford it, but Kate will spend every last cent to get herself back on TV; then where will Kate be and will the kids ever forgive their Mother!
As Auntie Ann stated, I too have never watched Honey Boo Boo, but did see the Jimmy Kimmel video online. What stuck me was the authenticity of this little girl and her mother and their caring ways toward the less fortunate. They may be a bit rough around the edges but they are real and you can sense their sincerity.
Kate manufactured 8 children to become famous, her motives suspect at best. Lost, are the 8 little people wondering where they fit in to their mother's life now that the spotlight is fading away. They must sense their value is diminishing as Kate's options dry up. These kids just want a mother who loves them for real, but my guess is they know reality-show-television "love" from the real thing.
As far as Kate's firing today goes, I admire the CEO of Coupon Cabin. He exposed Kate for her inauthentic ways, and then stood firm on his company's values, and listened to his concerned staff and his disgruntled customers. Good for him!
If she's filming she may not care about being fired. She was never that interested in CC anyway it was just a way to get free trips and cash. Maybe that contributed to her firing. She was more interested in planning her filming project and not meeting her CC obligations.
Yep. She's not home. If she's filming it's some type of pilot she and Steve will push. She is spending her own money through SK8 Inc. She doesn't care about CC and will spin this tomorrow. Wait and see.
Maybe CC did not want to be associated with a skanky dating show?
If she's filming she may not care about being fired. She was never that interested in CC anyway it was just a way to get free trips and cash. Maybe that contributed to her firing. She was more interested in planning her filming project and not meeting her CC obligations.
Club AV, if that is true, doesn't exactly jive with the image of a so-called "hard-working, coupon-saving mom of 8 (you hear me? 8!! lol)". And yes, it was clear from the start that she wasn't really interested in CC.
So I'd say you are probably correct, and CC called her out on it. (She won't care, although she might whenever she flops again).
KK can film hours and hours and hours of whatever, but she'll never be able to get it sold. I think the only place it would be shown would be online. It is just one more example of KK spending on herself the money earned on the backs of those children!!
If she's actually going to have a dating show the first five episodes will have to be devoted to her travelling around the country trying to find a sucker willing to date her.
That's exactly what I said. Kate was fired because of her filming her new "show", whatever the hell it is. Those are the recent events.
I do believe it was the last straw though.
I don't know how the tv business works. Because she's filming, does that mean it will actually air? Remember when they had that open casting call for a guy wanting to date a mother with kids? What guy in their right mind would date her?
Admin is right, she's done with CC, she wasn't doing her job, she had no respect for CC, and she never did. How many times did she promote that show? I can count it on one hand. That show was a means to an end. She used it, chewed it up, then discarded it. And the people at CC finally realized it, and they were pissed!!
I don't believe she's filming a new show. She's probably just doing another interview, or maybe a promo piece for Rock n Roll Los Angeles.
The rumor: she was seen last night filming at AV Nightclub in LA.
That could totally be possible, they are a wholesome company and may not want to be associated with a dating show filming in a bar. That clearly wasn't the only reason though given that letter he wrote even implying her posts themselves weren't working for them. Sounds like a combination of things which is usually how it goes anyway.
Her dating show...one notch above porn. How embarrassing for the kids.
I always felt that she was embarrassed by being labeled a coupon blogger.
Coupon promotion is not FUN!
Being on TV is FUN!
Kate should read here. Flight of Kiwi and her hubby are FUN!
Sorry, I just had to laugh at this tweet...
Now she's looking to get paid to travel and date men. Isn't there a term for that? Hmmm. #escort
Steve is her pimp.
Jane said... 130
This came up on Twitter, it's from a Kate Gosselin Facebook fan page. The poster is in Los Angeles.
Interesting! And I just seen her, Kate Gosselin, out last night at Club AV & might have a tiny tad of airtime on her show she was filming there! lol.
Hmmmmm... proceed with caution as sheeple have tried pulling their wool over our eyes before. Remmeber someone said she was on their cruise? There were a couple false airport sightings too.
On the other hand, if Kate is in the LA area maybe Admin could keep an ear out for cackling, screeching, the eardrum shredding sound of Kate's voice and the sounds of extreme arm flapping! Also, slurps from foot licking and shrieks of "are you HELPING me!!" will help confirm her location :)
TLC stinks said... 187
Her dating show...one notch above porn. How embarrassing for the kids.
If she did do porn can you image what her porn name would be?-(LOL)
A 37 year old mother in a nightclub. Jon is bad because 3 years ago he had a beer and went on some dates.
I'm not going to lie recapping that hot mess could be very fun.
Kate's all ready got the hooker outfits with heels and fake boobs to be a porn star.
Hey octo-mom did it.
The AV Club has a very burlesque-style ambiance. Not what you'd call a wholesome, family style venue.
Kate being on a dating show means she'?l have to:
1) have tender moments with other men. (Can you really believe Kate can be tender. Yeah, she'll "tenderly" rip a man's #%#@'s off!)
2) talk about someone other than herself. Yeah, right!
3) explain to her date why Steve is hanging around.
What else?
If Kate is filming a dating show and she has guys to choose from, but if the show doesn't have a network does Kate tell the future "man" of her dreams "so long"? The show hasn't even begun and already it's a made up not true reality show. Guess Kate doesn't want the only real reality show any more. LOL
I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that she is actually in LA, especially since it was a post by someone on her Fan FB page. There have been false sightings before. I'm actually surprised Paige didn't jump all over that poster wanting details.
The commentor said she saw Kate last night in LA, which if true, means Kate has probably not been home since at least last Thursday.
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