A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
1801 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1801 Newer› Newest»I have a few questions for the gleeful tweeters who think that Mother-Kate might be in LA filming a dating show.
You know she was in NY on Thursday night? You know she was in NY on Saturday?
Now, you think she is across the country filming a pilot for a sleazy show?
WHO do you think is taking care of the children?
But she has to WORK, don't you know.
*sigh* such is the life of a single mom.
So will Steve be one of the lucky men in line to date Kate?
Or will he man security to keep over zealous men away from Kate?
I figured she did not go home from NY. No tweeting. I believe the sighting.
Hailey Glassmen is on showviz tonight talking about Jon-(& Kate).
Maybe that's what Kate's so busy with.
The original post is actually by Melissa Hunter, who is another Hollywood "wanna-be", on her own facebook page, but she posted that as a reference and with a link to one of the negative CC firing articles.
So who knows...twitter silence means she's not home, so it could easily be true. But I'm pretty sure, if true, that that particular nightclub is not exactly the image that her handful of fans expect!
The AV Club has a very burlesque-style ambiance. Not what you'd call a wholesome, family style venue.
Say what? What goes on there? It looks like a brothel.
Hailey going to be on lifetime tomorrow. On my life is "A lifetime movie".
Hmmm maybe she and Kate will team up on Jon tomorrow night.
The Pink Kitty (linked on the AV site linked above) is having a "Pimp N Ho" costume ball on the 27th. Nice place you're associating yourself with Kate. I wonder how much SK8 productions is spending to film this pilot so they can shop it around.
Say what? What goes on there? It looks like a brothel.
lol, Tweet-le! I pulled up the website, looked at the photos, and thought, BROTHEL! My immediate reaction! Then I read your post!
If its just a 529 college plan I believe you can withdraw your contributions whenever you want. She could desemate them. I hope the money is in irrevocable trusts with clear rules she cannot get her grubby little paws anywhere near them. Im told Jon fought and won to set up just such a thing for them.
NJGal51 said... 9
The Pink Kitty (linked on the AV site linked above) is having a "Pimp N Ho" costume ball on the 27th.
LOL! Oh, this is too good. Kate's found her new home.
my 2 cents...
I think she was supposed to promote the Breast Cancer fundraiser on her recent media tour and didn't. This wasn't the first time (coupon cabin app anyone?) and likely much more, but I believe that was the proverbial straw. That is why CC donated the additional $10000 and made a point about it.
Dating show - night clubs are such a far cry from the image she has been portraying. Shouldn't she be showing her christian following how a single mom can date without the bar scene? No diss on those that met their significant other at a bar but in my experience it is soooooo hit and miss. Soul mates are not often lurking in night clubs looking for long term commitment....
oops, should have said "trying desperately to portray"....
Kirkland said...I don't know how the tv business works. Because she's filming, does that mean it will actually air?
Nope. Dozens of pilots are shot a year and only about 5% make it to your telly. And only about half of that are there for more than one series.
Anyone can film a pilot and shop it around but pitching it and actually selling it are worlds apart. IMO no TV network will buy what she's selling, her reputation precedes her. Lets see, diva attitude, blatant grifter, child and animal abuser, parental alienater, the list is endless. She's beyond redemption.
Kirkland said... 198
Kate being on a dating show means she'?l have to:
1) have tender moments with other men. (Can you really believe Kate can be tender. Yeah, she'll "tenderly" rip a man's #%#@'s off!)
2) talk about someone other than herself. Yeah, right!
3) explain to her date why Steve is hanging around.
What else?
Ugh, if this is true. The whole thing will be even more fake than K+8. I'm sure they will have to get actors to pretend to be her dates. She will try to re-create her finely honed emascualtion techniques which caused America to fall in hate with her 6 years ago.
I really, really hope this isn't true. How embarrassing for the kids. How desperate she is to stay relevant. How pathetic.
Kate is a true parasite! I'm sure in her initial metings with CC she was all "sweetness and light" and then tried to milk them for everything she could. This is what a parasite does. Suck 'em dry and go on to the next victim!
Kudos to CC CEO for his public firing so Kate couldn't twist the story to suit her.
She has an obsession with attention and it's getting more negative every day.
She can tape any show she wants. It doesn't mean anyone will buy it!
Aww. Nothin' says brothel like red velvet curtains and gaudy chandeliers.
NJ, 9..."The Pink Kitty (linked on the AV site linked above) is having a "Pimp N Ho" costume ball on the 27th"
Well, at least Kate won't have to buy a costume. You know how she feels about spending money on costumes. She has many things in her wardrobe that would be suitable, including shoes.
I do not believe she is filming a dating show. It is just to suspicious that this "sighting" comes about just after the news of her firing from CC is announced. Someone is trying desperately to deflect the attention. Plus, if it causes rumblings of a dating show for Kate then that is all the better for Kate. Nope, just too suspicious in the timing.
Well, if someone is trying to deflect attention away from her being fired, they picked a great place to dessimate her reputation even more. LOL
KathyB said... 18
Kate is a true parasite! I'm sure in her initial metings with CC she was all "sweetness and light" and then tried to milk them for everything she could. This is what a parasite does. Suck 'em dry and go on to the next victim!
Kudos to CC CEO for his public firing so Kate couldn't twist the story to suit her.
She has an obsession with attention and it's getting more negative every day.
She can tape any show she wants. It doesn't mean anyone will buy it!
So true! So very few of her projects and endeavors ever see the light of day, the epic fail list is long!
I wonder if kate is really in LA filming, that she is not tryin a reality type show of going to clubs to see what they are about, and has nothing to do with dating, just doing a docu. You know Kate on the seen of the AV Club, a trenders docu. Like a reporter. That will really take off. Kate is an expert on reporting and clubing.
I give it a little more credibility because she's been so silent this week then pops in implying she has some kind of project going on. She doesn't seem to have the least amount of upset about CC.
I question any man in her age range who hangs out in a place like that. Come on, no man is looking for a woman her age in there let alone one with kids. The older men go there to get a 25 year old trophy wife, period. Anyone agreeing to go in this show is a fame whore and shouldn't go near those poor kids.
Maybe Kate's applying for a job at the club. Their FB page says their hiring.
Check out their FB page, and what the employees look like. It's almost like the 21st century version of the Playboy Club.
It makes me doubt even more that Kate was there, no less filming. Kate now looks like so many other Hollywood blonds, anyone could easily be mistaken for her.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 25
I give it a little more credibility because she's been so silent this week then pops in implying she has some kind of project going on. She doesn't seem to have the least amount of upset about CC.
Didn't she stay fairly quiet after getting fired by TLC? I seem to remember her fans trying to gently coax the news out of her, long after it hit the social media.
I'm sitting here just laughing. Kate gets fired in just about the most embarrassing way possible, the CEO writing a long and specific letter explaining why (cliff notes version: it's all Kate's fault), by the way have most people even met their CEO? Lol. And then either to deflect from this or to just report the information, it leaks out she's filming in a brothel in LA??? Lol!!! Forgive me but you can't make this shit up.
So she started her own production company and may be going forward with trying to make a dating show. Wouldn't she have to hire camera people and everything else a production company needs to do film/tape it? Or will she go low budget and just have Steveeee tape it? (Ewww, just thinking of that gives me the creeps!)
I hope the lawyers milk her dry. And quality productions cost a lot of money. I should know....
And then either to deflect from this or to just report the information, it leaks out she's filming in a brothel in LA??? Lol!!! Forgive me but you can't make this shit up.
Well, admin, look at it! It does look like a brothel! I've never been in a brothel, but I bet there are even brothels that look less like brothels than that one! All they need is Madame Xaviera peering out from the red curtain.
I'm laughing right along with you. You're right - you can't make this up. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
You know what I really love? Kate is STILL the number one trending topic on Yahoo's home page and has been for hours now!
You gotta love that karma. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
But Kate can't make this shit up either. No way is she this good. I do believe she's filming a show in a brothel (it does look like one).
I think I just focused on this because Kate always seems to come up smelling like a rose no matter what happens to her.
Honey boo boo is in Hollywood appearing on every show. She's obnoxious ...... this much attention at this age can't be good for the little pageant princess. I'm glad to hear her mom is responsible, likeable, and giving-back.
Most pilots DON'T ever air. Kate is POISON right now.
Finally, her run was way too long. Hope Mady and Cara are fully aware on how to call 911 if mommy starts hurting ANYBODY.
She said on Katie Couric's show that the dating show she wants would be something her kids could watch. Doesn't sound like this place fits that bill.
I wonder if her business partner Steve is the camera/sound man? And perhaps M will do the video editing?
Ewwwwww Skeevee filming is really disgusting.
Drain... going down.......
Tweet-le...you follow Twitter and know what's going on. What's this about Milo's timestamp being four hours ahead of any time zone in the US? It showed Oct. 17 when it wasn't Oct. 17 anywhere in this country. How could this happen?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 28
I'm sitting here just laughing. Kate gets fired in just about the most embarrassing way possible, the CEO writing a long and specific letter explaining why (cliff notes version: it's all Kate's fault), by the way have most people even met their CEO? Lol. And then either to deflect from this or to just report the information, it leaks out she's filming in a brothel in LA??? Lol!!! Forgive me but you can't make this shit up.
If you read between the lines of the Coupon Cabin statement it seems as if some of the staff threatened to quit if the Katie Irene wasn't aggressively dealt with. I assume the operation is a small shop and that a blow like having key staff walk away would be devestating.
I suppose I'll google it, but what exactly is Club AV?
Remember when Kate was at a eating place after J&kplus8 wearing a white apron and Steve told on lookers step back, Kate is filmimg. Kate was suppose to try different jobs for that TLC new series that got shelved when Kate plus 8 was cancelled. Kate is going to blow all her money on different ways to get a dating show on air. Wonder if her lawyers got paid up front before Kate runs out cash from her 11-bank accts.
According to this article, Murt's bill has been sent to the Governor and opinion is that the Governor will sign the bill!!
If you read between the lines of the Coupon Cabin statement it seems as if some of the staff threatened to quit if the Katie Irene wasn't aggressively dealt with.
What led you to believe that this may be the case? I didn't see any of this at all...
IMO-SN is acting very similar to Sam Lufti, with how he alienated B Spears from family, friends and co-workers and took advantage of her and her state of mind.
Almost identical dangerous path that KG is taking, one that BS has already walked, with the club--brothel filming and the way she is acting.
Is she on pharamacuticals? Too much drinking? She looks over 40 years old. Her fresh face and cover girl looks are gone forever. She is so thin and gaunt in the face and neck.
This maybe can't end well without quick changes. Won't there be anyone to step in and take conservership or GAL for KG or her kids?
In less than 12 months from now, she could very well be broke and on skid row with this new self film production company with guard man as the CEO?
Never in 30 years of professional business have I seen a CEO so publicly mad. Whatever she did to his staff or to CC, it will come out. His words almost border on a "try me" and some kind of legal action will soon be taken. Whoa, was he ever mad...
Her and "staff" may gave crossed the line this time in whatever they did or tried to do.
Kudos to CC CEO for calling her out and for doing the right thing. He won respect from millions today with the posting of that letter.
And is that Milo lady bordering on a huge civil lawsuit from Jon Gosselin and CC? Jon should have enough by now to win, hands down for defamation and all the lies she post. And CC could have he/her/it, whatever it is, by the balls tomorrow if they wanted too. How does Milo think she can openly say these things with no back ups?
JG, you might have to send this crazy Milo a C&D and start a civil suit against her. You only have to pay the filing fee to get started.
Production costs can be astronomical. She better not be spending a dime of the children's money funding her stupid little whims. Especially on something that doesn't even sound age appropriate for them to even watch.
"Getting paid to travel and date strange men" - lol. What does that make Nield? Well, he's been making money off Kate for years.
Another comment about Scott's letter, it sounds like he is a boss who truly cares about his employees. It seems like this letter was also a way for him to tell his employees I will not let something like this derail us and our mission, I got your back, and when someone disrupts what we're trying to do here and threatens you, I'm going to have your back so much that I'll post a very public letter about it.
I'd work for this guy in a heartbeat.
Admin I don't think she knows day to day what is going on. She is headed down the Anna Nicole Smith route. Is SN taking advantage of this woman and her children and the money? How many checks is she giving him to fund his new project?
Someone said this makes her an escort. I think that's putting it mildly. I say it makes her a prostitute.
OMG thanks for pointing that out. It never occurred to me but now it looks like Steve is to Kate like Howard was to Anna Nicole.
If you read between the lines of the Coupon Cabin statement it seems as if some of the staff threatened to quit if the Katie Irene wasn't aggressively dealt with\
I read this after I posted but I think he was at minimum talking to his employees too.
I think a good CEO keeps his costumers happy AND his employees. Scott did both in this letter.
For all we know Kate has filmed several pilots over the years that never saw the light of day. Yes it's absolutely true most pilots are on the cutting room floor.
Actually, for uber fans, it can be a real victory to try to get their hands on a bootleg copy of a pilot that never aired featuring their star. A friend of mine is friends with some B lister who made a Western series pilot years and years ago and then was shocked when his small but devoted group of fans someone got it and started passing it around.
I don't believe Kate reads here anymore. I don't think he or his wife allow her to read much of anything. She may be censored, like her children. There really is not one person in her inner circle that has her or her children's best interest at heart, including herself.
Just like with that Howard Stern lawyer, she turns to SN in interviews to see if it is ok to answer, and looks again to see if he approved of what she said.
Sometimes, she looks really scared. She does not look happy. She was not her normal giddy look at me happy self, I am so happy to be on camera at the Bravo or KC interviews.
SN is always there now. Never leaves her.
Kate is to old for a dating show , if true, in that format. The women at those clubs could be Kate's daughters! She has eight kids, isn't that what she has been shoving down our throats, she has EIGHT young children!
Kate go home and enjoy raising your kids! They will grow up so fast and you'll miss out on all the great times!
Kate seems to be so desperate and just wants to have fun! She married at 24, she had six years after graduating from high school to date, travel and have fun without kids! I don't get her " I just want to have fun, fun, fun, fun! What is wrong with her! She's pushing 40!
Let's Throw Tomatoes
I don't believe Kate reads here anymore.
I think it's probably way too much reading for her at this point. We should use more pictures.
I think a good CEO keeps his costumers happy AND his employees. Scott did both in this letter.
I agree. He said "WONDERFUL team." He appreciates his employees, but saying that some of the staff threatened to quit if Kate wasn't dealt with is really stretching it. I just don't read that in the letter.
They very well may have been very upset with her, and she most likely was obnoxious and demanding, but I'm not seeing it as threatening to quit, even if I read between the lines.
It's probably just me, though. I'm still laughing at Kate flinging herself around in a brothel!
By the time I was 27 I felt silly showing up at some of these trendy L.A. hot spots. I don't know what on earth she is thinking showing up at 37.
Like I said in the NYC tramp episode recap, if you carry business cards, you're too old for a club.
Nah I'm sure the CC employees were too mature to threaten such games. But Scott seems like an open door type CEO and I bet they respectfully expressed some concerns to him about the direction of this.
I mean they can read, and they can read those blog posts. And they can read the information about her out there too.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 41
What led you to believe that this may be the case? I didn't see any of this at all..
The 2nd paragraph, where he states that Gosselin doesn't fit with the team and culture...and having worked in offices of 50 - 60 people. I'm guessing it was the person in charge of marketing/brand recognition. (My opinion) They got tired of being called on the carpet every time Katie Irene refused to plug CC.
I've said it myself during my career. Something along the lines of ... I told you not to hire (so and so), you did and put them under me. Now you are trying to hold me accountable when I predicted this result. It's me or them.
"A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin."
I'm not saying nothing else was involved because I agree that our Katie did nothing to promote the CC brand, but it is implying to me that Katie Irene rocked the boat to the point that somebody was going to leave.
It also tells me that Katie was repeatedly warned to improve her performance on all fronts. Obviously Katie didn't deliver anything close to what CC was expecting marketing wise. They keep stats on those metrics. Combine that with a diva attitude and clashing with key personnel and you get the Katie Irene experience.
I wonder what they thought when Katie proved to be such a mediocre runner?
Does it's me or them really work these days?
I kind of feel like a lot of people these days feel like anyone is replaceable.
In any case, respectfully I think that's kind of immature. But what I'm sure happened is employees were in on the conversation about whether this particular employee was working out.
I wonder if she got benefits like insurance and 401k or if she was just an independent contractor.
It also tells me that Katie was repeatedly warned to improve her performance on all fronts.
I would think that a place like CC gave her the chance to get her act together and that there were meetings, conference calls and other things that went down before she was fired. I just don't see any of that in the letter, especially not that anyone threatened to quit or that she was warned. For me, it's just not there, but there are most likely many interpretations out there.
One thing for sure, though, is that he was very unhappy with her performance. He made it clear that he has loyal team players there, and she was not one of them.
I wonder if Kate's comment last week about how she can't go back to nursing, is haunting her this now? It was a very flippant thing to say when she actually had a job-now she hasn't one.
I really think she was unaware of anything going on until after the race Saturday.
I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing she tweets in the next couple of days are retweets from her fans promising their support--just like she reacted when the book came out.
I also think the passage of Rep. Murt's bill also nailed the coffin whether the kids will ever film again, even in she somehow managed to get Jon to agree. The law requires a teacher on set and that a parent or guardian must be present at all times while filming. How many times was Kate not there when they filmed last year?
Sleepless-I'm also think Kate was given warnings about her performance and she was given the chance to improve. Most places of business don't just fire you like that unless you did something extreme. Usually you get a first, second and final warning.
Approximately 2 weeks, she started with her daily twittering of CC deals. That was probably one of the conditions expected of her, to promote CC. But even in her interviews, it was the host who brought of SGK and the race. Just like with the CC app, if they didn't mention it, Kate would have said nothing. She failed at what they expected her to do. Basically, I think they told her to "shape up, or ship out", and she never believed they would let her go.
Approximately 2 weeks, she started with her daily twittering of CC deals.
Yes, she did. I saw that and wonderful what was up because she never did that before. It just seemed so strange and so not like her to plug anything on Twitter, other than when she's grifting for something.
I wonder if on all those conference calls telling Kate to shape up, she wrote in her diary at night: Scott called again! Annoying! Blah, blah, blah!!!
I haven't read all the comments yet, so some of this stuff might have been mentioned already.
I've been thinking about how CC handled this today as I was going about my day and some things really stood out to me at just how brutally this was all handled.
We are nearing the 1 year mark of her employment with them. I believe they announced her employment on 11/11/11 or thereabouts. That means they probably hired her a couple weeks before that, so probably around the end of Oct or Nov 1.
So why not just wait out the 3 or so weeks that are left on her contract, remove her blogs from the main page and put up a nice We were happy to have Kate blog for us and wish her well on her future endeavors kind of message.
Something happened that was SO egregious that they couldn't even wait out that 3 weeks and brought the CEO out with a blistering letter about her being FIRED. He's very clear that they are FIRING her, not just letting her contract run out or she is moving on to greener pastures.
That is really kind of unheard of in the business world, so the fact that they did it must mean that our girl really outdid herself this time. I personally think it was a cumulative effect with her performance on WWHL, the Halloween blog and her failure to drive donations to SGK being the straw(s) that broke the camel's back.
Regarding Milo and her "sit down" tweet. Given the blunt and harsh nature of Mr. Kluth's message, it's my opinion that they have probably tried everything short of someone sticking their hand up Kate's butt and moving her mouth for her to get what they want out of her and have found her untrainable/unteachable, unreliable, unbearable, uncoth, and finally undeserving of being on their team.
IF, Kate is filming a pilot dating show , she is financing a good chunk of it ! She must be very confident it's going to get picked up. She must think that the haters are going to watch because she doesn't have any fans!
If she is comparing herself to the hated Kardashians, she shouldn't ! The Kardashians have many family members with different plots! Kate would be the only one and she can't carry a show on her own!
Maybe she has more money than anyone thinks!
Let's Throw Tomatoes
The 'recent events' part of that CEO's statement ring the loudest for me. I'd love to know what happened. In detail.
Those poor kids.
It's pretty 'clear' to me that CouponCabin wanted to publicly detach themselves from her. Permanently and unequivocably.
I think to describe that very public firing as 'scathing' is putting it nicely.
Might I add, if I were Kate and had been shamed on TLC with her show, Sarah Palin's show, the cancelling of her show, the cancellation of the cruise, the publishing (for even a few hours) of a scathing tell-all IN HER OWN WORDS, and now publicly fired....I'd be suicidal. Hell, I'd have been suicidal after the first two events. She's got to be having a breakdown of some sort. I mean, she IS human after all, right??!
I feel a terrible foreboding. Something is going to happen and it's going to be very, very bad.
Has anyone noticed both angie/Angie and dwindle have disappeared at the same time? Strange.
I was never a CC fan...I didn't follow them before Kate...and never followed anything after kate.I won't follow them now b/c they have finally seen the light. Kate is a Child Abuser and a Animal abuser.
CC you finally figured it out. Good for you.
Kate reads here...and I bet she even post's.No doubt about it.
Kate hunny...darling...lite of my life...I just want to bash...ect ect..
Kate...You are done. You think you won cause you got the book stopped for now? No honey...the book was on line for 2 whole days...Enough people bought it and passed it around. People are seeing you for what you REALLY are. TLC is trying to cover their butts...not yours.
I don't know anyone who wants to back up a Child Abuser.Are you thanking God for this too kate?
Steve Nield is an opportunist of the highest order, but I want to make my opinion clear. Kate has been and still is the captain of her adult life. Her downfall has begun. She is not being controlled by Nield, nor is she fearful of him. She's not a victim of anything except her own hubris.
Scott Kluth...so you finally figured out that kate is NOT what she seems?
OMFG...what gave you the 1st clue? Kate's demands...or her abusive behavior to the children?
She wasn't aligned with what we tried to pass off. So said Scott...You picked this woman for what? You could have done so much better with Octo-mom...She really gives a crap about her kids. Kate wants to be number 1. She expects everything on a golden platter.She is willing to sell her kids most private moments to the highest bidder...we never saw this from Octo-mom.
Well a lesson learned I guess.
Whats next Kate?You have been proven to be a Child abuser...Let me guess?? It's Jon's fault...or tlc for making you look bad...
Naw kate...you are being called out for what you are...A CHILD ABUSER!!!
Sleep well,knowing the world has you'r number now!
Watchful, are you suggesting dwindle and angie are the same person? Because that's ludicrous. Try to get over your bizarre obsession with dwindle, and stop embarrassing yourself. I can't even be mad, because your attempt to smear dwindle is sad and pathetic.
To answer Poison's question: is Nield taking advantage of Kate? NO, although I'm sure he's making money hand over fist. Any scenario trying to paint Kate as some victim is simply false. Whatever befalls her is 100% her own fault. Actions have consequences. Julie May, is that you? Getting ready to throw Nield under the bus? Won't save Kate's "career" or marketability. It's too late, Julie.
OrangeCrusher1 #20 Very good point! He had something to say and said it. Scott Kluth has bigger balls than all the shady networks oombined. Kate would have been fired anyway but, "A series of recent events...", makes me believe R. Hoffman and Gosselin Book had a part in the icing on the firing cake.
Like the cake Kate sent her kids when she did the fake run in Las Vegas, could we send her a You're Fired AGAIN cake? heh heh
Anonymous #100 It was hard reading through those sappy messages to find the one about Kate filming. Glad I was right about Kate getting fired from CC (TT was doing those flash tweets) but I have a bad feeling about her getting another show. Who would want to deal with her and why??? Drinking at a bar getting filmed, what else aside from a dating show, could it be? Maybe someone's doing an intervention for her drinking problem. I might just watch that, hehe
We warned Coupon Cabin and what's her face from what's their name travel about her. Hope the next one will heed our advice.
As far as the sheeple go, I have no words, just a bunch of pitifully bad spin doctors.
Oh, and, how many days now has it been that she's abandoned the kids?
Wasn't there something in RH"s book about all the skanky pics of her (red velvet mary jane shoes with daisy dukes?) being yet another attempt to."reinvent" her image? I believe the brothel sighting. If it's a pilot, it'll be just as awkward and cringe worthy as the nightclub episode, more so. Take your meds Khate, and get away from ratclaws. How low do you have to sink? TAKE YOUR MEDS!!
chefsummer said... 32
@Kateplusmy8 Another example of corporate world using the notoriety of another person...a sweet mother of 8...using her 4their gain!
Hmm this sounds like Kate herself.
She uses people for her own gain including her own 8 kids.
It does sound like Kate. An anagram for MiloandJack if it had one more O. K claim Jon DOA or Jon a calm kid
I still wonder, how did she treat the backstage staff at Dancin With Them Thar Stars? Not only the costume designers and seamstresses and makeup and hair, but camera operators and sound staff and the floor director and whoever else came in contact with her and the boobyguard. That show s staff can make anyone look gorgeous, and there was ALWAYS something flawed, less than gorgeous when Ms Kreider was on screen torturing our Saint Tony Dovolani of the Ballroom. Tony is a Saint for having to put up with her for so many hours AND for not strangling her during the rehearsals or performances AND for not immediately dissing her on talk shows afterward.
That to me was real beginning of end for Ms Kreider. Did she NOT realize how many actual celebs would do most anything to get on that show? Did she have any concept of what a huge opportunity she completely wasted? It got you on the Emmy show so you could be laughed at, Ms Kreider, not because you were endearing or popular. You were the joke of the month, you were THAT BAD.
We have read how she treated the crew in her own words. Distain for the sound guy, throwing poopy diapers at crew members, expecting them to pitch in and play with the kids and you're her stuff. No, Ms Kreider, the camera guy and sound guy are already toting thousands of dollars worth of sound and video equipment!
TLC could make a mint off of footage of Ms Kreider behaving badly. Maybe someone is filming her as a prank show. That I could believe.
THE DONALD says it all...YOU'RE FIRED! Sound familiar Katie Irene?
What does R & R get out of her being 'at' their races? She doesn't promote her upcoming appearances.
Take what her FAN 'seen' at AV in LA for what its worth with that kind of grammar. How much credibility do we put in that kind of crap?
And at her 'de-aged age' (read 'advanced age') and with all her baggage, how does she fit into a dating show of any kind, no matter how tacky a venue it is?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 45
Another comment about Scott's letter, it sounds like he is a boss who truly cares about his employees. It seems like this letter was also a way for him to tell his employees I will not let something like this derail us and our mission, I got your back, and when someone disrupts what we're trying to do here and threatens you, I'm going to have your back so much that I'll post a very public letter about it.
I'd work for this guy in a heartbeat.
Me, too!!!
On the Today Show this morning they reported during the news segment about Kate's being fired. They even quoted from the CEO's letter. LOL.
Then they had a whole segment about Honey Boo Boo and how she is becoming such a big star and make the late night talk show rounds.
I hope Kate was watching. Karma.
I'm still not convinced she's filming a show, dating or otherwise. And while it's fun to speculate, I hope we don't allow this speculation to get passed along, unchallenged, until it's hardened into "fact." It's just a rumor, passed along by an unknown, unproven entity, nothing more.
We've got time...I suggest we watch and wait. The truth will reveal itself, and there's no need to cloud the picture.
No one knows when Kate found out she was fired, but I would bet everything I have that Kate had no idea that the CEO of CC would put a public letter on CC's website announcing that firing. She is so used to being protected by TLC, I'm sured she figured nothing would be said and she would announce that she is too busy to continue writing the blog but she was happy for the opportunity. Finally, someone with first hand knowledge had the balls to call her out publicly on her behaviour. Usually we hear about it through "sources". Premptive strike by CC. Gotta love it. We may not have heard from Kate but she is probably seething. How are you gonna spin this one Katie Irene?
As far as her filming goes, not buying it until I see it on TV. The fact that it came from a fan's facebook page is suspect. Why didn't this fan go up to Kate and talk to her. The way Kate's fans are, if one of them had seen her in public, they would have gone right up to her and we would have heard all about it.
Cruisin Just as Fast as She Can...What's happening to your team? What do you think about A-Rod? Too bad about Jeter.
Don't believe she's filming anything...just ridiculous...One of her dopey fans trying to aggravate the haters....She goes into twitter silence whenever theres a crisis...and there's been quite a few lately. Noy buying it for a minute....what...the moment she gets fired someone sees her filming????????? Such absolute bullshit. Give me a break....she's hiding out AGAIN until this latest storm blow over....
Kate has been hawking this dating show for months. No cable networks bit but said give us a pilot, you supply it, thus the formation of SK8. But here's the deal. Pilots are screened beforehand. If it sucks, it will never air. Money down the drain...the kids' money. Sure, this could all be just a rumor, but SK8 was formed for some reason, right? She is disparate enough and skanky enough to be following through on this dating show. How many more reinventions will the public be subjected to by this fame whore? If she's not filming, then something is definitely going on because she is just too damn quiet.
Gov Corbett has the reality tv bill on his desk to sign, his rep says he is signing it. this is the bill Rep Murt started because of Jon and Kate Plus 8 and the lack of rights for those children. Protecting future children from the exploitation the Gosselin children have endured.......long hours, no parent......filmed nude......no teacher on set........something will now be in place in Pennsylvania! Victory within grasp. WB
For what it's worth, I think she's "too damn quiet" because her lawyers, maybe even her publicist, finally convinced her to STFU.
Silenced because of her own words, thank you RH. Hoisted, in other words, on her own petard.
Is there any confirmation of filming a show? Or is this just an overzealous fan trying to deflect?
Won't believe it till I see proof, which, quite frankly I never want to see (gag reflex). She can independently film all she wants, no one will buy it. She's done.
All that's left is the "Dear John" letter from JMC. I don't think even she can recover from this last public blunder. There's a scarlett "K" on Kate's chest.
Heather, she may very well have set up her own production company and is filming, however, someone has to buy. WB
Aren't her fancy attys in LA? maybe she's meeting with them.
If the kids are with Jon, perhaps she is just hanging out getting 'cultured'.
I'd hate to know that *I* was the reason this law was passed. Yep, Kate, way to go!!
Oh, and isn't Julie Carson May in LA as well? Maybe she and Kate are re-negotiating their contract.......
....and Kate, what happened to that 'dream dropped in the mail with a kiss'?
Well, at the CC site, there are 150 comments. Most of these comments are negative, towards Kate, and congrats the CEO. The rest of the comments are from the Kate lovers. The comments from the Kate lovers, that were posted, about and hour or 2 after the letter was posted are her fans, the rest, I believe are the same fans, using different names and posting crap, calling CC CEO everything from a bully to, unprofessional businessman, and that Kate is blameless, that she is being picked on. Her fans, can't accept that, this was all Kate's doing. Kate truely does not understand business. Just like if Kate thinks(should she ever really consider going back to nursing)she can just jump in or show up at a hospital, clinic etc. and they have to hire her, cause she is Kate Gosselin, not!, most places are looking not just at your resume, they want to know what practical work you have been doing, and raising 8 kids, does not count as practical nursing in Kate's case. That would not work for anyone. Kate has done nothing in the last 7 years, in nursing. For her, she would be starting out at the bottom, again.
Kate had a golden opportunity to change her ways, by showing the world, she could do something, not using her kids to hide behind, and that she has some brains. Kate did not want to do the work, as in: knowing her subject, doing research, when shopping mentioning what deals she saw while out, and blogging them. Kate did none of that. A good blogger for couponing, would be: what is on sale, and is there a coupon one can use to get the item even cheaper. And if you are gonna give some advice or info, you need to do research, have all the facts, not shit off the top of your head and write a less than 2 min blog or have her staff write it from her posted notes.
On April 14, 2008, Kate signed a contract for the entire Gosselin family, including Jon, with Julie Carson May of Media Motion International, LLC. Below is an excerpt from that contract. “Manager shall not have the option to renew and extend the Term for the first Option Period unless Gross Compensation of $ 350,000 (excluding any revenues related to Exhibit A) has been paid to Experts during the Initial Term. For each of the additional Option Periods, Manager shall not have the option to renew and extend the Term unless Gross Compensation of $ 300,000 (excluding any revenues related to Exhibit A) has been paid to Experts in the previous one year term …” Not a bad deal for Kate back in those early days. Julie May needed to make Kate at least $ 350,000 in the first year of the contract and $ 300.000 per year in any of the extension years, in order to keep Kate as a client. And Julie made a whopping 15% commission on all things Gosselin from that day on. No wonder Julie worked so hard to help exploit the Gosselin children. From that day in April of 2008, Kate was demanding as much as $ 25,000 per church speaking appearance. Before Julie May - $ 1,800 - $ 2,000 per appearance. After Julie May - $ 25,000 per appearance. Where do I sign Julie May??? (I like saying Julie May.) After negotiating a new contract for Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht with Discovery, Julie May went right to work canceling previously booked speaking engagements at Christian churches and conferences, and booked as many new, much higher paying gigs as she possibly could for Jon and Kate – including booking new speaking engagements on the same days as the ones she canceled. There was no way she was going to have Kate wasting her valuable earning time with these small-time deals. $ 2,000 per appearance? Ha! Kate would now be making more than ten times that amount. But did Kate now throw the Christians under the bus and switch her God to the almighty dollar? You decide. At the very least, in my opinion, Kate should have honored her commitments to the church groups who had already booked her, prior to hiring Julie May and raised her price after fulfilling her obligations. Instead, Julie May, not Kate, emailed them with the lie – that Kate couldn’t attend because she needed to be at home with her family, spending more time with her children.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 11346-11350). . Kindle Edition.
What is this constant crave for fame? Is this worth it..to put yourself and family through one humiliation after the next...how many more rejections will she take before she "gets it"...Its been one disater after the next lately..her show cancelled, her cruise cancelled, the book aligations, her getting fired....why does she keep putting herself through this in the public eye? Stop forcing yourself on the masses. The things that are being said are horrendous...I honestly don't know how she holds up..She had better go live her life in private....sooner or later she WILL break down...no one can sustain this abuse...
aggiemom09121416 #91 -
Renegotiate that Julie Carson May contract...hmmm...didn't the original contract in the RH book give a dollar amount under which Khate could be dropped by Julie? (I am not on the computer where my copy is saved!) So, I am thinking it was $300,000, if Julie's fees for services fell below that within a 12 month period(which is a percentage of the amount Khate was paid), Julie could drop Khate.
Do you remember that at all?
KAT said...94
She had better go live her life in private....sooner or later she WILL break down...no one can sustain this abuse...
She is abusing herself at this point. Which begs the question: WHY???
koop dedoo
see post 93
aggiemom09121416 #93 -
I knew you would pull that contract out for me! THANKS!
koop dedoo said
Of course I would!! I am a copy and paste contract-honorer....
What if Kate is trying to re-so Twist of Kate.
If this dating show thing is 'for real' I think it's very risky for any network to put any money into Kate. With her bad press, firing, and rumors of being difficult to get along with, why on earth would anyone think they will get many viewers or people to date her who are not sleazy scum.
She is too old for this. It will be another grand failure. I agree this may be why she did not cry over CC. A 'My Life in a Brothel" show might be a better bet.*snark* Her kids must be mortified.
KAT said...94
She had better go live her life in private....sooner or later she WILL break down...no one can sustain this abuse...
Did you miss her breaking down and crying in the closet.
Cause no on wanted to buy her last book.
I just watched the ROL clip of Susan Boyle on DWTS. (I didn't see the actual show.)
My heart goes out to that sweet, uncertain, shy lady who has enormous talent. She is the opposite of arrogant Katie Irene.
Opposite -- in every way!
I don't know what she's up to... if anything, but she will get smacked down again. Still the question..how much more of this is she willing to go through? Why Why Why....enjoy all of your money and have a nice quiet life. Repair your relationships with family and raise your kids without all this embarrassment. Not too many people can live in comfort like she can without working...yet she's not satisfied..don't understand that way of thinking...all I know is I would be sitting poolside everyday and tuning out the rest of the world and be happy I was fortunate enough to have what I have....but then again I wouldn't have put my kids on display like she did...
Kat: think of it this way: Kate craves attention, she wants to be center of attention, her attention is like a drug/addiction. The more she wants, the more she needs. The only praise Kate gets is from her tweeters/fans/sheeple/lackeys etc, & children. Kate gets none from a husband, even an ex, sisters, brother, other family members, especially mom & dad. Especially dad. Kate from what we know has always wanted approval from her dad. Her dad sounds like, he just brushes Kate off, course, maybe as a kid,(we know her brother Kevin took a lot of her punishment) kate was a difficult kid. After all Kate was third daughter, dad does not care he has 3 daughters, his first 2 belong to mom, 3rd is just an extra kid, Kevin is the little star(only boy), and the 4th girl is the baby. Kate felt neglected, ignored, so she would do stuff for attention, better to get some attention than none(even if it involves being hit or punished). Kate needs to prove something, what who knows, the above is one possible explaination. If you can answer her question to everyone who ever had to deal or was related to Kate why they can't help her, then I think we would know why Kate is the way Kate is. Therapy Kate you need therapy.
This imaginary show will never hit the airways...she has no talent and she is grasping at straws at this point...no network is gonna air her stupidity....I guarentee it. Most pilots never make it. No one wants to deal with the backlash that follows her everywhere she goes...She's just wasting more valuable time and money on another failure....This is how people go broke...it happens everyday...she'll be another statistic...
Yeah chefsummer, she can walk in the shoes of a hooker, really try and empathize with their misfortune! Whore/famewhore, same dif.
Knowing her she'd only agree to it if it was the high end $1000/night. Who knows if this is all to deflect the extremely bad "press"(ahem, TRUTH) that's been coming out lately, but I agree with those saying she should be curled up on a fetal position.
Just stop!
It is reported Mama June is putting all the TLC money earned in trust accts for her kids' futures and donating some to charity.
I've seen the show a few times with my twins, and although they are somewhat crude and a little rough around the edges, it is apparent that they LOVE one another.
With all her faults, I'd hang out with June before I'd give Kate the time of day. Damn, even SugarBear says even though the older girls aren't his biologically, he loves them like they are....Kate's kids are hers biologically, and where's the love??
(too bad TLC canned Kate before June came along. That would have been an excellent mom-swap episode! watch Kate make spaghetti sauce out of ketchup and butter...watch the G kids go in the mud pit, lol)
watchful observer @69 said: Has anyone noticed both angie/Angie and dwindle have disappeared at the same time? Strange.
She is he as you are she as she is me and we are all together.
Dwindle's the eggman, Dwindle's the eggmen.
Dwindle's the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob
Well, I may end up eating my words, but I think SK8 Productions was specifically set up as her own film production company with Steve as a partner so she could film a dating show and attempt to sell it to a cable network. LA has plenty of out-of-work film production crews, so I believe the Facebook posting. Lots of unemployed male actors, too. She will suck, no network will take the risk. CC CEO got her good by the publishing that letter. I do not think she anticipated that move and now she cannot spin it that she left CC because she wants to spend her time producing her own show. That's my theory.
This imaginary show will never hit the airways...she has no talent and she is grasping at straws at this point...no network is gonna air her stupidity....I guarentee it. Most pilots never make it. No one wants to deal with the backlash that follows her everywhere she goes...She's just wasting more valuable time and money on another failure....This is how people go broke...it happens everyday...she'll be another statistic...
Has it been confirmed that she is indeed filming for a show? Does anyone have absolute proof that this is what she is doing now? And yes, I understand that she may be doing it on her own, no attachment with no deal from a network.
There's a lot of speculation about this: But is she REALLY doing this right now?
Or is it more BS rumors to make her appear "busy and working?"
Sweet Tart 71 -- I agree with you. Skeeve is not Svengali and KK is hardly Trilby. People got a very good idea of what she was like long before Skeeve appeared on the scene. The success of J&K+8 and TLC's indulging of her just gave her the opportunity to indulge in the over-the-top behaviors she's always been prone to. At first, her desire to be a TeeVee star and, possibly, Jon, kept those behaviors somewhat in check. When a raging narcissist is given free rein, as KK was done by TLC, this is what you wind up with. You notice that not one person has come out and said "But she used to be such a sweet person, before power and money went to her head". She's always been a beyotch. It just shows more now.
I missed the post about why people think she is now doing the dating show- I know it's been her 'dream' but why suddenly after the CC firing? It really is bad timing for her, but then her tweet about 'working' and fun? Idk...was it on FB? She is trending on Yahoo- all bad- and a few mentions she wants a dating show but nothing more? Could it be that CC objected?
On the entertainment section of my morning news (NECN, owned by Comcast) there was a very brief picture of KK surrounded by a few reporters, captioned Kate Gosselin fired from coupon Cabin. This is my regular morning news (great weather people) and I have NEVER before seen any coverage of Kate there.
Oh, and, how many days now has it been that she's abandoned the kids? 75
Those kids are safer “abandoned.”
Anyone else feel the earthquake tonight? 4.6, originating from Maine. 109
We felt it. It was like a Mack truck roaring down our dead end street.
Formerly Duped said... 113
I missed the post about why people think she is now doing the dating show- I know it's been her 'dream' but why suddenly after the CC firing? It really is bad timing for her, but then her tweet about 'working' and fun? Idk...was it on FB? She is trending on Yahoo- all bad- and a few mentions she wants a dating show but nothing more? Could it be that CC objected?
The following comment was posted on a Kate Gosselin fan Facebook page. It appears legit - it was posted on the page's timeline and doesn't seem to be from a rabid fan:
Interesting! And I just seen her, Kate Gosselin, out last night at Club AV & might have a tiny tad of airtime on her show she was filming there! lol
I almost think that if this rumored "dating show" turns out to be true, it is laughable...
I'd love to sit in on the network meetings when they try to figure out who their target audience for this show is...
Not to mention, I'd love to sit in with the network advertising departments as they try to line up sponsors for this show...
When they realize that they don't have a target audience, nor do they have sponsors who are willing to sponsor this crap, then this show will go the way of "Twist of Kate"...into the trash dump. Which is where it belongs.
However - if it DOES manage to see the light of day...you can guarantee I'll be writing letters, sending emails, and tweeting the sponsors who promoted it.
The following comment was posted on a Kate Gosselin fan Facebook page. It appears legit - it was posted on the page's timeline and doesn't seem to be from a rabid fan:
Interesting! And I just seen her, Kate Gosselin, out last night at Club AV & might have a tiny tad of airtime on her show she was filming there! lol
So all this speculation is based on a posting on a Facebook page by a fan.
I don't believe it.
If Kate is funding her own her or whatever it may be that means.
(A.Kate has more money than we all thought.
(B.She's & Steve are some how spending the kids monies.
TLC Stinks . . .I think you are right. Wasn't there a casting call for male models for a dating show with Kate a while back?
I think it's a rumor, intended as a distraction for a) critics, who might otherwise devote more time to the CC debacle and b) fans, who need to believe there's always something positive on the horizon for their queen.
And I can easily imagine Kate reading here, smirking at the time we're spending on this issue. Good or bad, she likes being the center of attention.
Jane and Anon: Thanks. I don't put much credence in it then...the 'lol' is interesting.
Witch: Yes, we felt the earthquake too! Shaking house and rattling objects/windows. Weird- we don't get them often at all. No damage from what I heard.My husband thought the support beams of our house were going- that's his standing theory when unusual things occur. The dog did not care for it at all!
From what I understand, Admin, Kate has access to all of the money. This includes the kids' funds and she can use the money as she sees fit. Please correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe she could drain all the money with her own selfish quest for more fame. Sad story.
Why are people still supporting her? Enablers (yes people) will not help the situation. Kate has frittered away more time and money than we could even imagine. It would be difficult for Kate to get a "real" job. She is not authentic and she has now been "found out."
When you've been called out publicly, how does a person recover? Quietly, Kate, quietly. I would tell her to settle in, enjoy your beautiful home and children and spend your money very wisely. No more bodyguard, tweeting, photo-ops, wasteful trips and grifting. I know she has had a taste of fame, but it was without talent and came too easily for it to last. Learn from this before it's too late. You are a weak image of your former self. Not an improvement, just an imitation. Professional therapy would do Kate a world of good, if she would "work" on herself and be willing to "look in the mirror." Quit trying to look like anyone but yourself. Not pretty.
Formerly Duped said... 121
Jane and Anon: Thanks. I don't put much credence in it then...the 'lol' is interesting.
Well, we'll see! Someone will snap a pic of her and Steve if they're in LA. I personally think there's something to this. She's been floating the dating show idea for a while, SK8 was set up, she's 'disappeared' and says she's working, Deanna - who tweets quite a bit to her friends, is silent since 10/12 (just checked her Twitter feed) and may be with her if they are doing a pilot. Something's going on!
I think whoever made that comment on FB might have seen someone who looks like Kate. I remember there once was an article about a Kate spotting in LA, and it turned out it was Jennie Garth not Kate.
After looking at the FB page of that nightclub, I highly doubt Kate would be doing any filming there. It's definitely not a "family" friendly place.
From what I understand, Admin, Kate has access to all of the money. This includes the kids' funds and she can use the money as she sees fit. Please correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe she could drain all the money with her own selfish quest for more fame. Sad story.
This is what I've been told, and I hope it's true. When the Labor Dept cracked down on TLC, TLC set up trust funds, but they could be accesses for education, necessities, etc. Effectively, they were useless.
However, after this when they were getting divorced, Jon took this issue to the judge and fought tooth and nail to put their money in IRREVOCABLE trusts that could not be touched for ANYTHING, PERIOD. The judge agreed, transferred the money into these accounts, and now Kate can't touch it even for necessities.
However it seem to me this obviously wasn't all the money, perhaps just 15% or another small percentage. Kate clearly has access to a lot of liquid money not a part of these trusts.
LaLaLandNoMore said... 122
I think the people the are still support Kate and her dreams of becoming a super stah.
Is only reason only money she's will to pay them and they're willing to get paid.
Off her dreams that they know won't happen. It's like taking candy for a baby.
-(She's willing to pay tons of $$$ why not take it)
Sunset Blvd is such an amazing movie.
I definitely see Kate as Norman Desmond, and Skeeve as Max Von Mayerling.
[Kate 20 years from now, living alone (kids left her) with her butler/driver Skeeve, talking into a camera]
And I promise you I'll never desert you again because after "Kate + 8" we'll do another show and another show. You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, the cameras, and my millions, and trillions of wonderful fans out there in the dark!
Skeeve, I'm ready for my close-up...
There has been a lot of speculation on Kate's bank balance. Surely it must be shrinking enough to worry her a bit/ I know we worry about retirement and if SS is done away with etc.We have good investments but how can one not worry in this day and age?
You do have to wonder about Steve's hold on Kate, as a poster above mentioned. There are times when you feel like he's got her brain washed into thinking that only HE has the answers.
She's so insecure that it would be easy for someone to dig their claws into her and have her convinced that she needs to run everything by them first, except the person doesn't have Kate's best interests at heart and is only in it for what they can get out of it. And when that's not good enough, they too will dump her.
She can't do *anything* out in public without being told what to do. We saw that with the interview a while back. Steve was masterminding every move she made.
Maybe that's why Andy Cohen was annoyed about the body guard....he was having too much input into how/what Kate was saying?
And it does seem like she's always looking off camera to somebody, who knows who, as if to say, "Did I say it right?"
Before she was looking off camera to somebody with the attitude, "Ain't I cute? Aren't I just the funniest?"
Steve is so weird. I just don't understand his relationship with Kate, and I especially don't understand his relationship with his wife!
Uh... make that Norma. Not Norman.
SK8 was formed in June, 2012. Coincidentally, the tabloids in July said from a "source" that Kate was pitching the idea of a reality dating show. Kate also pitched it personally. Anyone can film their own pilot but need to get permits, casting, crew etc. and it takes money, lots and Kate has lots. Once the pilot is filmed, then you have an agent pitch it to networks. I do recall someone mentioning a casting call rumor but I paid no attention to it.
Perhaps in the next few days more will leak out or we will just find out that Kate has been hiding out at the Konpound. I am intrigued by the filming rumor because I do not see Kate going down quietly. She has been hawking the dating show idea every chance she gets, so it just sounds credible. Perhaps Robert has some insight or knows something.
Kate is a twit said... 124
I think whoever made that comment on FB might have seen someone who looks like Kate. I remember there once was an article about a Kate spotting in LA, and it turned out it was Jennie Garth not Kate.
Good point - you could very well be right! It's just quite odd that she's so quiet and Deanna's disappeared.
Wonder if any of the locals have seen her around??
And I agree that it could have been some Kate look alike at he club. I saw a woman at the airport once who looked exactly like Kate but I knew it was not her because no Stevie.
Isn't pilot season like in April? Maybe that's changed now that there are so many cable shows airing at odd times.
I really also don't think a major network will touch her or any of the major or minor cable networks. It's just not worth the backlash. The only hope she has is on some struggling tiny cable network buried after hours sometime. I've come to believe it's impossible to embarrass this woman.
So all this speculation is based on a posting on a Facebook page by a fan.
I don't believe it.
You don't have to believe it. But it's also based on her going on four days of twitter silence with one brief pop in to say she's super busy working on things to come and to stay tuned. Unless she's flat out lying, which is entirely possible, that sure sounds like a project to me.
Also she hasn't indicated she's upset AT ALL about CC. If she's being filmed, she's probably actually happy to be fired from that mediocre gig.
The most recent Bachelor (Ben) and most recent Bachelorette (Emily) both announced within the last week that their engagements have been broken.
They participated in high budget shows with a strong audience. I think the success rate of the Bachelor franchise has been 1 marriage. Lots of exotic dates and helicopters and crashing waves, but not so much relationship success.
What would Kate be intending to accomplish? Actually finding a husband and father? Not likely.
Hopefully, the children can't be involved in the show.
So, we would be watching Kate trip around in a short skirt and clomping heels trying to appear charming to strange men.
Only Kate would think this is an entertaining format....only Kate!
Does anyone else get a funny feeling this letter was a preemptive strike? As if something really terrible happened that might come out and they want to make absolutely sure the public understands they want nothing to do with her. If not maybe for someone like Scott with a real heart for kids the child abuse allegations were enough, not sure. I bet that could really hurt his reputation with all those charities to employ a known child abuser. Hell if Kate Gosselin is going to bring down HIS charity.
The Bachelor and other dating shows are a tired, has-been concept that has already flooded the market and run its course. Kate is about 8 years too late.
So all this speculation is based on a posting on a Facebook page by a fan.
The person who posted that is someone who is was a previous low-rated reality show persona and another Hollywood "wanna-be" - trying to make her spot in the business with irons in a million fires. But she is not totally unknown and would likely know who she was seeing somewhere.
I suspect that her "sighting" is probably accurate, but who knows. Whatever Kate is trying isn't going to work now, so really, does it matter?
Incidentally, not a shit stirrer here is stirring since news of this axing.
So all this speculation is based on a posting on a Facebook page by a fan.
I don't believe it.
You don't have to believe it. But it's also based on her going on four days of twitter silence with one brief pop in to say she's super busy working on things to come and to stay tuned. Unless she's flat out lying, which is entirely possible, that sure sounds like a project to me.
Also she hasn't indicated she's upset AT ALL about CC. If she's being filmed, she's probably actually happy to be fired from that mediocre gig.
She can't really say anything about CC. She's been called out on the carpet publicly, and I'm pretty sure she asked a lawyer about her options as far as responding (can we sue???). And she was probably told to STFU about it. So her silence is not surprising, to me anyway.
I'm just wondering why so many are holding a comment on a FB page as utter truth. Given the demo that are Kate fans, would a Kate fan even be in a nightclub/place like that? On a weeknight? Teenagers and nonworking moms? It's not believable.
I can't imagine being fired so publically and basically being told I don't fit with such a wonderful team. Man does she know how to burn bridges or what!
One year post-TLC and they haven't touched her with a 10 foot pole either. Too busy with the Roloffs apparently.
And DWTS said "no thanks" we'll go with Bristol Palin to fill the reality/wannabe star slot.
I can't believe she may actually be delusional enough to believe she still has an entertainment future.
@Kateplusmy8 Another example of corporate world using the notoriety of another person...a sweet mother of 8...using her 4their gain!
I really can't get over the stupidity of this comment.
Celebs are hired for jobs like this for their recognizable face and persona and ideally, for their talents. They are paid a paycheck for this, and often perks too. It is their responsibility to negotiate a pay they feel is fair for what their employer is hiring. I'm sure Julie Carson May got everything Kate is worth out of CC.
It is no different than a pianist being hired for their musical talents, a surgeon being hired for his talented hands, a model being hired for her beautiful face, a teacher being hired for her magic in the classroom, a lawyer being hired for his skills in the courtroom. Heck, a garbage man for his skills at disposing of trash. NO DIFFERENT.
You bring to the table a talent, skill or uniqueness, and you get a paycheck for it. It's not USING. It's called employer-employee.
Now, if Kate were helping out Coupon Cabin out of the goodness of her heart and not getting paid, then yeah they're using her. But that wasn't the case. LOL.
I don't believe for a minute she is filming anything. Here we have a fan making a single comment and it is picked up and assumed to be exactly what Kate wants -- all the non fans foaming at the mouth about it. She knows this is the biggest non fan site out there and if she can get us all riled up and talking about this, then it takes away from her very public firing. Who knows where she is, there's no proof she's in LA. Just another lie to try and keep her relevant. She's just a huge waste of space on the face of humanity. Everyone in the media is picking up on it now, there are few positive comments anywhere. Karma baby, karma!
Heather no one is holding it as utter truth. We've talked about Kate sightings here for years. It's also entirely possible Kate was told to STFU on twitter, of course. But then I guess she's lying about this project she is working on and how busy she is--which is also entirely possible, she's done it before. Also, it wasn't a Kate fan there. It was a grown woman with an IMDB page who is part of the reality scene. I tend to give more credence to people who show up out of the blue who are not part of her fan base since they usually don't have an agenda. Assuming it is someone trying to deflect for Kate, they sure picked a skeevy place to do it at. Why not say Kate was filming at a classy restaurant? If it is a deflection they sure are bad at it.
We've heard many sightings of Kate and we assess them and decide for ourselves based on circumstantial evidence--who reported it, what Kate is doing on Twitter, etc., and decide for ourselves whether we think it could be true. Frankly, often they are true. Not always. If you don't want to believe it that's fine but understand that just because people say well it sounds credible, doesn't mean they won't accept it if it turns out not to be true. We'll probably soon find out anyway, pics or other sightings are bound to turn up.
She can't really say anything about CC. She's been called out on the carpet publicly, and I'm pretty sure she asked a lawyer about her options as far as responding (can we sue???). And she was probably told to STFU about it. So her silence is not surprising, to me anyway.
I disagree. If she had any class or smarts (ha!) she'd say something like "I enjoyed my time with CouponCabin and will miss the friends I made -- they're a great group! Lots of other opportunities are coming my way and I'll fill you in just as soon as I can. Life is good!" Or some such drivel.
I find the total silence interesting. Either she's working on a pilot or something big and nasty is about to break.
Also would a fan who really wants to deflect really put Kate in L.A. away from her children like this?
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to say she was filming locally and going home at 3 p.m. every day to be a mother to her children?
By all accounts these kids have been with Jon over a week now, given how long she was in NY and now missing presumed in L.A. That does not bode well for a fan trying to perpetrate the lie that she still has full custody.
"Also she hasn't indicated she's upset AT ALL about CC"
But that's Kate's MO-she won't address it, just like she didn't when the show was cancelled, when the cruise was cancelled, or when the book came out. I think her tweet yesterday was just a cover-up of how she's really feeling, and to give her tweeties some hope to hang on to.
She's not going to address--she'll let her tweeties do that for her. I think she's purposely staying off twitter, to give the impression she is doing something.
Milo even tweeted about her being absent from twitter saying something like--When you're not around, we KNOW you're busy and have something going on and you'll let us know when you're ready.
And Kate is perfectly happy to let them believe that.
Maybe. Though doesn't she usually at least re-tweet some libelous stuff about whoever fired her this time? As I recall she at least does that and then thanks people for their support and enabling.
She hasn't even done that. Utter silence.
Maybe silence is her way of dealing with humiliation after proclaiming' fun' and 'work' to follow? If there is neither, she would not have to answer twitter questions if she's 'not there.'
Twitter is her last way of control over her fans (enablers) and I think she's playing with them/appeasing herself. JMO
Huh. Did not know Deanna is twitter quiet too. Usually she would be out there defending Kate. Well, if they are in LA, someone will spill the beans, just like the beach vacay. I guess it's wait and see. Meanwhile, the saga continues....
Where did this whole dating show idea originate anyway? It seems to me, and please correct me I'm mistaken, that it was suggested by her fairy godmother Milo. I'm not going to rehash the who-is-Milo mystery again, but after she said that Kate took it and ran with it. This whole dating show rumor really has no basis at all. If it were a fact someone on the inside would have leaked the story somewhere. Kate Gosselin can't go around picking up men without someone saying something about it.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 143
@Kateplusmy8 Another example of corporate world using the notoriety of another person...a sweet mother of 8...using her 4their gain!
I really can't get over the stupidity of this comment.
Don't try and figure Milo out and why she defending Kate.
You'll just give you self a headache-lol
Thanks, Admin, for the money info. I just feel certain that Kate will go broke before she gives up this selfish quest to be a "stah." She is getting some bad advise about her worth to the television community. The Gosselins had their day in the sun, and just need to enjoy their money and get back to the business of living a good life. Leaving the kids for days at a time will, at some point, bite Kate in the butt. She has claimed over and over that she needs her bodyguard. Is there also security at the "compound" while she is traveling who knows where? This story will not end well. Unless Kate gets the real help she needs, look out.
All of these "yes" people that she is paying are not interested in her well-being apparently. Lining their own pockets, do you think? Sad, sad, sad.
I, too, feel good about what I hear about Honey Boo Boo's family opening trust funds, giving back to charities, and staying in their 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house and being happy there. Saw a clip with Mama June and she appears to be quite "authentic." Hope TLC doesn't change their love for eachother and start trying to change who they really are. It could happen.
Maybe. Though doesn't she usually at least re-tweet some libelous stuff about whoever fired her this time? As I recall she at least does that and then thanks people for their support and enabling.
She hasn't even done that. Utter silence.
That's why I think she has her lawyers involved. She STFU about the book after lawyers became involved.
The firing letter was so scathing, so public, any mention of CC will make her look stupid, and may prompt further action by CC. What could she say? I loved working there? LIE. Everyone was so nice to me? LIE. If she goes negative, I'm sure CC lawyers will be all over her.
She can't say anything.
Kate's firing is still front and center on my homepage. Also Lance Armstrong stepped down from his Livestrong foundation and Nike dropped him because of the doping scandal.
Thanks, Admin, for the money info. I just feel certain that Kate will go broke before she gives up this selfish quest to be a "stah."
Let's assume, and I hope, that what I've been told is true. The kids have a substantial sum that Kate cannot touch.
Wouldn't it be the best karma ever if she goes broke by the time they are 18, just about when their trust funds go through??
Ultimately karma: Kids are finally as rich as they've deserve, and Kate is in the bread line or on the phone with her own children trying to get them to spot her a 20.
I can just see Kate sitting in her big house saying to herself, "they all leave me." Look inside of yourself, Kate. There are reasons why people get away from you. Where are those "friends who would die" for you? Who says that anyway? Whoever is trying to help her is not doing a very good job. Or, if they are giving her any good advise at all, she is refusing to take it and put the work in to have success. Lazy much?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 149
Maybe. Though doesn't she usually at least re-tweet some libelous stuff about whoever fired her this time? As I recall she at least does that and then thanks people for their support and enabling.
She hasn't even done that. Utter silence.
Even when she's Twitter-quiet, she still RTs stuff from Notebook and those other quote sites. Or platitudes from the fans. Nothing. Nada.
I don't know if anyone said this earlier but to me, the letter so wisely slams Kate that I can't help but think they met with her and in her normal "Kate playing nice" tone, she ticked them off. I'm sure it is not the first time. I would loved to be a fly on the wall during any conversation she had about her not being a good fit.
My favorite part of the letter, which really, all of it is my favorite, is "her contributions do not align with the authenticity". We have all commented about what she contributes every time she has written a blog.
CC really did seal the drum tight. I really like this Scott guy. He must know Kate well and know she will LIE about this if he doesn't get specific about exactly why she was fired.
If she had half a brain I suppose she could say something benign like they have chosen to part ways but I appreciate the time we had and I also wish them the best. But with Kate it's better she just not say a word, she's just not capable of handling this.
Hey remember that sheeple going on and on here about how Kate can take whatever freebies she wants at BlogHer and to STFU? I wonder if CC thought differently. I wonder if they got annoyed Kate used that trip not as an educational experience and promotional event, but to just grab as much as she could in free shit like she was in a money machine. And then that embarrassing guac photo of one of the kids after just using it as body art? I would be livid if I were Scott. That is not what an employee of mine would be permitted to do on a business trip. Word got around all she was doing was trolling for freebies, and that reflects poorly on them. As far as image goes, it's not really a good idea to be doing that when you are supposed to be there working and representing a national million dollar company. It's just tacky really. She could have taken a few things, but to go around to every table filling up a uhaul with free crap is unacceptable.
See Kate didn't deflate the girls.
Just the fact that Kate tweeted to her fans that she's busy having fun and "can't wait to share" tells me she IS currently working...on something.
And I do believe she is trying to change her image, knowing that her mom of 8 schtick is no longer marketable and that the Real Housewives type of franchise IS. It still sticks in the back of my mind how she referred to this dating gig in the present tense on Couric's show...not something as being down the road. So, I think it's very, very possible she WAS filming something at that L.A. bar.
The enablers are still bashing Scott Kluth and CC saying how "unprofessional" the letter was, etc, etc. They also actually think that their boycotting CC will have a big impact on the company-yeah, just like their boycott of TLC.
They can't accept that Kate got fired. They don't even think that Kate may have been to blame. It's CC's fault, it's Robert's fault, it's Jon's fault.
One enabler even suggested that Scott's letter was so personal and scathing because he probably made "advances" and "demands" of Kate, and she turned him down, and this was his retaliation.
It's really quite laughable at times.
Twittering And Twattering said... 37
Tweet-le...you follow Twitter and know what's going on. What's this about Milo's timestamp being four hours ahead of any time zone in the US? It showed Oct. 17 when it wasn't Oct. 17 anywhere in this country. How could this happen?
Twittering, it's a mystery to me. It's 4 hours later than Eastern time. Where could that be?
One enabler even suggested that Scott's letter was so personal and scathing because he probably made "advances" and "demands" of Kate, and she turned him down, and this was his retaliation.
It's really quite laughable at times.
Scott made advances as in, sexual??? They REALLY need to be careful here. What they are saying is libelous. Scott has a huge charity to protect and I wouldn't put it past him to sue if this gets to out of hand.
What don't they understand about his letter? Forget what else he said, what Scott said was that her blog posts STUNK. It's all right there. You cannot blame Jon, Scott, or the non fans for someone who writes crappy blog posts.
Speaking of BlogHer, has anyone been or heard? I read a lot about it when Kate did it and it sounds like it has a lot of good information. It's in Chicago next summer and I think I might go. You can get a decent early bird rate. I actually have a wedding the same weekend in Chicago!
AuntieAnn, she can if she makes everyone sign a CA.
Isn't it funny that Kate is so bell hent, to the point of blocking people out of their life, that no one will make money off her kids but her. What makes it the greatest karma is that she doesn't even realize that everyone that is in her close friend circle are all making money off her and the kids, she has to pay them to be in her life, especially Steve. Kate really can't see the forest for the trees.
She's more than likely in a mental hospital after being carried away in a white restraint jacket....hopefully being treated in a solitary confined room..where she can't hurt anybody....just a guess....
But Admin @147, she has a "BABYsitter" at home between 15 to 20ish hrs per week!! (as per her Katie interview) They can't be with Jon!!
Remember!! ;)
The Bachelor and other dating shows are a tired, has-been concept that has already flooded the market and run its course. Kate is about 8 years too late.
Wasn't there a Fox dating show called The Choice that was supposed to be on this summer?
Is it over, or are there more seasons? How were the ratings? Is it dead in the water?
"Cruisin Just as Fast as She Can...What's happening to your team? What do you think about A-Rod? Too bad about Jeter."
capecod -- They are sinking fast. It's over. There's no hope. A-Rod needs to go back to the minors. He should have been benched for all of the games and we might have had a chance against Detroit. He's become the Strike-Out King. CC should have pitched last night, NOT Hughes. We're doomed now. We can't come back and win the next four games. Your Boston did it in 2004, the only time in baseball history that a team has come back from a 0–3 deficit to win.
I watched Jeter fall and roll, and when I saw that ankle turn, I winced along with him and right away thought...that ends his season.
Getting ready for basketball...
I totally want to see a Kate Gosselin reality dating show. VH1 has had their train wreck o'love programming off for a while and I've been missing my trailer trash "looking for love in the wallets of others" shows. She really is perfect for the VH1 brand... narcissistic, whining, yelling, do nothings who want to be famous for just breathing. Some of the things they make them do are amazingly brazen, drunken, and self serving... plus, it will give The Soup more clips for months.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 167
Speaking of BlogHer, has anyone been or heard? I read a lot about it when Kate did it and it sounds like it has a lot of good information. It's in Chicago next summer and I think I might go. You can get a decent early bird rate. I actually have a wedding the same weekend in Chicago!
From what I understand, it's a good deal if you need to stock up on toilet paper.
Wonder how many eyes looked at Scott's letter before it hit final draft?
That was one *well-written* letter. Never seen anything like it.
It said everything it needed to say and not one word more. It was certainly stern.
Maybe he has Laverne & Shirley's best competitors as his attorneys.
Scott made advances as in, sexual??? They REALLY need to be careful here. What they are saying is libelous. Scott has a huge charity to protect and I wouldn't put it past him to sue if this gets to out of hand.
Absolutely. It's one thing for the sheeple and haters to fight among themselves with the name-slinging. They think they can get away with that, even though there are always threats of suits being thrown around. But when you libel someone like Scott, you better get your attorneys lined up, because you are not immune and above the law. He's not going to put up with accusations like that being thrown around. His reputation is at stake there, especially with the charities.
I see that a lot of newer stories about Kate's firing are now including her tweet from yesterday, giving rise to more speculation that she has something in the works.
Makes me think even moreso that her tweet was a carefully engineered PR move.
TLC stinks said... 168
AuntieAnn, she can if she makes everyone sign a CA.
I really don't think there is anyone left who is dumb enough to sign one of those things. Her reputation precedes her now wherever she goes and whatever she does. She really is poison. There's no proof she's doing anything right now.
Great comments from everyone!
Some thoughts, Coupon Cabin has business relationships with about EVERY retailer in the world. WHO will ever buy advertisements on anything to do with Kate Gosselin again???
Sue CC??? Really? No one will ever associate themselves with the Gosselin "brand" again. Not ever. IMO
So, Fake Kate, if you want to spend your money on lawyers and filming your memories, break a leg!!
One enabler even suggested that Scott's letter was so personal and scathing because he probably made "advances" and "demands" of Kate, and she turned him down, and this was his retaliation.
They'd better be careful. They're going to take a completely humiliating situation and MAKE IT WORSE!
I can't see this guy taking that kind of garbage. They're going to force him into taking even more forceful actions. It's not gonna be good.
And she'll have her FANS to thank for it. :-)
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 167
Speaking of BlogHer, has anyone been or heard? I read a lot about it when Kate did it and it sounds like it has a lot of good information. It's in Chicago next summer and I think I might go. You can get a decent early bird rate. I actually have a wedding the same weekend in Chicago!
I think I mentioned that I was involved with BlogHer when it launched and for the following two or so years and was impressed with the management and business model. It was a unique start-up then and the team has managed to stay intact and rise above the ups and downs of blogging on the 'net. If you can go, yeah -- if nothing else you'll get freebies :)
Wow, go away for a day and all heck breaks loose!
I found out today about Kate getting SHIT CANNED from CC...on the Today Show!
Yes, she gets shit canned and it's announced on a nationally televised morning show.
For me too, I have new found respect for CC. I have seriously wondered who this founder and CEO is. Does he not have his reputation on the line? His business cred, his mortgage etc... Doesn't the joke that Kate has been making of her CC blog mock him as well? Who could take this insubordination?
I am betting, and I bet that I am right, that CC has had this separation lined up for quite some time, but have been getting their ducks in a row s that when they cut her loose, they were free and clear of Kate forever.
And I do believe she is trying to change her image, knowing that her mom of 8 schtick is no longer marketable and that the Real Housewives type of franchise IS.
And the image of an almost 40 Barbie Doll woman with eight kids meeting men in a brothel is what will be marketable? Admin was right...you can't make this stuff up!
So, Fake Kate, if you want to spend your money on lawyers and filming your memories, break a leg!!
gabby2, I agree! As my Polish mother would say, "IdĽ z Bogiem"
Go with God.
(sounds nice, but it's a blow off;-) or in today's parlance, whatev's)
One enabler even suggested that Scott's letter was so personal and scathing because he probably made "advances" and "demands" of Kate, and she turned him down, and this was his retaliation.
LOL. Somebody needs to inform this enabler that the phrase 'go procreate with yourself' is not exactly defined as a sexual advance.
LaLaLandNoMore said... 158
I can just see Kate sitting in her big house saying to herself, "they all leave me."
hehe! Not this time Katie Dearest. There's a big old letter on the CC website telling YOU to leave. Suck it.
Just a thought--
Kate tweeted about a "conference call" on Sept.18. This was a few days after she posted that picture of Mady, and was getting a lot of negative publicity. Then came the publicity about the book, followed by her recent appearances on Katie, WWHL, and AH.
Most of the stories about Kate have been negative since that picture first appeared. I wonder if the "conference" call had something to do with that and the negative reaction. Peraps, CC did not like all the negative publicity and told her then to tone it down.
Then out comes the book, and it's starts all over again, so CC sends her on a media tour to make them and her look good by promoting SGK.
However, instead Kate promoted herself and again more negativity, exactly what CC did not want. I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I really feel bad for the camel....
So, what will Steeve and Juleee come up with now?
What is the "Gosselin Brand" Dr Phil???
Well looks like my annual Kate's worst moments of the year list won't be hard to come up with this year.
Kate needs to market a cologne called Desperation. She reeks of it.
I wish someone would sue milo. We all know where she gets her talking points.
What is the "Gosselin Brand" Dr Phil???
I think the only thing left of the 'gosselin brand' is the winnie the pooh tattoo.
Can Winnie the Pooh sue???????lol
Assuming the rumour is true and she is filming a proposal for a new show, I can't picture any organization willing to sign on to promote it to any network. Her reputation precedes her, she is poison.
There have been "stars" who have gone to re-hab and come back to re-establish their careers, but these are people who have talent. She has not had a entertainment career and has no talent to offer in the entertainment field.
If I had the misfortune to be in her shoes after that letter from Coupon Cabin hit the news (and without getting into the details revealed in her journal), I would be surrounded by family and friends to ensure that I was not suicidal.
I truly hope all recent events are a huge wake-up call for her and she seeks the help she needs to continue in what should be her major priority, raising her children none of whom asked to be born.
Tweet-le -- it is a mystery. Her last tweet, right after LOM made his rounds at 11 p.m., showed up on the time stamp as October 17. It was right after 11 p.m. here on the East Coast, and if she's somewhere in southeastern United States, it was not yet October 17.
@thebumpiestpath I have lots of problems...but thank the lord...that is not one of them! Good day 2U my friend...say goodnite 2me! :)
Oct 17
She said GN to Kate at 3:06.
Twittering And Twattering, about the weird time stamp on M&J's twitter...I wonder if this is proof that M&J is indeed one or more paid tweeters and one just happens to currently be in another time zone...New Zealand, perhaps? Hah. Or my imagination is just running away with me.
Kate needs to market a cologne called Desperation. She reeks of it.
I was going to suggest Axed, but there already is an Axe for men, and we know that she wouldn't think of trademark infringement!
What if Jon is using any or all of the recent developments to seek full custody?
He probably has the children more than 50% already. She is gone!
She could be in LA with her law firm trying to plug all the holes in her leaky boat.
She could have more troubles than we are aware of.
Who is Kate's PR person again??
Bet she does down with Kate. Who will ever listen to her again about promoting anyone. Spoiled goods. Both of them. IMO
So much to read this morning.
"I wonder if this is proof that M&J is indeed one or more paid tweeters and one just happens to currently be in another time zone...New Zealand, perhaps? Hah. Or my imagination is just running away with me."
I thought about that, but they are far ahead of us. It's early morning there now, October 18. I wonder what time zone is four hours ahead of us. Even the tweets from today are "off:"
@muddiedRunner @CouponCabin @Kateplusmy8 Yes it is! Anyone who has every lost a job knows it kicks U in the gut..not a good feeling!
16 : 01
Kate did fly to Los Angeles after the marathon. Don't suppose she even knows about the letter from CC. She does not see everything.
However, after this when they were getting divorced, Jon took this issue to the judge and fought tooth and nail to put their money in IRREVOCABLE trusts that could not be touched for ANYTHING, PERIOD. The judge agreed, transferred the money into these accounts, and now Kate can't touch it even for necessities.
However it seem to me this obviously wasn't all the money, perhaps just 15% or another small percentage. Kate clearly has access to a lot of liquid money not a part of these trusts.
* * * *
I recall hearing the 15% figure and I think that may be fairly accurate. In other words, 15% of some amount (earnings for the year in which the court order was issued? earnings from the show from the time the order was filed until the time the show was cancelled?) was ordered placed into trust for the children. They are supposed to at least have that amount when they reach adulthood.
If Jon fought in court to have those accounts made irrevokable and untouchable by Kate - then I am very impressed. Good on him!
Anyone remember the child star Gary Coleman? He was on Different Strokes for several seasons and I believe he earned a fair amount of money. His parents went through it all. He had nothing by the time he became an adult. It's very sad to think of his life, how he was exploited by his own parents and had to take demeaning jobs just to earn a little here and there. I worry that the Gosselin children will have worked very hard, under harsh and punishing conditions, only to have no financial benefit at all.
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