A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
1801 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1801 Newer› Newest»I have a feeling that a publisher is going to pick up Robert's tell all book. I also want to know about the other 90% he was holding back. Too much potential for making money.
Milo follows talking points, that's why I think she is compensated. She/his brain is not that big.
Twittering And Twattering said... 200
"I wonder if this is proof that M&J is indeed one or more paid tweeters and one just happens to currently be in another time zone...New Zealand, perhaps? Hah. Or my imagination is just running away with me."
I thought about that, but they are far ahead of us. It's early morning there now, October 18. I wonder what time zone is four hours ahead of us. Even the tweets from today are "off:"
@muddiedRunner @CouponCabin @Kateplusmy8 Yes it is! Anyone who has every lost a job knows it kicks U in the gut..not a good feeling!
I'm pretty sure the UK is 5 hours ahead of us. That's close... Four hours would be Western Ireland and the Azores? Well, that could be. We know Milo is full of blarney!
Inside Edition did an interview with Hulk Hogan's ex-wife last night and I immediately thought that will be Kate in a few years. Seriously scary. Kate may or may not have the boy toy that goes along with Hulk's ex, even though they broke up. Maybe she can find one on her dating show.
Cruisin Just as Fast as She Can...I'm enjoying football season right now. Am looking foward to college basketball. Love that. Professional basketball, I can take it or leave it.
Love all the comments on this blog, the serious and the hysterical.
It's approximately 24 hours since the Coupon Cabin letter appeared. I have just checked her website which contains a link to her Coupon Cabin blog. When you click on there the link takes you directly to the CEO's letter which indicates she has been terminated. You just can't make this stuff up - it's hillarious. Wouldn't you think her support staff would have deleted the link.
Twittering And Twattering said... 194
I don't have a twitter account, but when I look at tweets on twitter.com, the time shown is always PT.(I live on the east coast). Twitter's headquarters are in SF.
So Milo's tweet to Kate would show as 8:06(PT), which would be 11:06 ET, which is usually around the time she leaves twitter.
PT is 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time/UTC, so 8:06pm PT would be 3:06am GMT/UTC.
Don't know why, but I believe those tweets were showing the GMT/UTC time, not the local time. Is there an time setting on your twitter account, based on your location?
Hope this makes sense.
Twittering And Twattering said... 194
Tweet-le -- it is a mystery. Her last tweet, right after LOM made his rounds at 11 p.m., showed up on the time stamp as October 17. It was right after 11 p.m. here on the East Coast, and if she's somewhere in southeastern United States, it was not yet October 17.
@thebumpiestpath I have lots of problems...but thank the lord...that is not one of them! Good day 2U my friend...say goodnite 2me! :)
Oct 17
She said GN to Kate at 3:06.
Yes, 3:06 am which was 11:06 pm Eastern time. Places that are four hours ahead of our Eastern time; Greenland, Azores, parts of Iceland...
Or it's a Tweet Tunnel glitch.
I'm a bit late jumping in here, but my theory of how it went down with CC starts with a short twitter exchange before she went to NY. Someone had sent her some platitude about never accepting less than the best and she RT'd adding that she didn't, but that it often involved a fight to get it. I just shook my head because I took the saying to mean 'never accept less than the best from yourself'. She took it to mean less than the best STUFF from others. Not the best effort or intentions, but the best stuff a la premium Kobe beef tips stuff. So I am thinking now that she had just finished making her ridiculous demands to CC for her appearances in NY and at that time thought she had won. I would love to have heard that fight. No doubt a lot was said over and over about their 'brand' being Thrift and hers being Extravagance. She just didn't get it. I'm not sure RH's revalations had a great deal to do with it. I'm betting their own history with her was more than enough for this public spanking.
Kate Gosselin’s abrasive personality and expensive demands lead to her being fired from CouponCabin blogger job: source
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/kate-gosselin-abrasive-personality-led-firing-source-article-1.1185723#ixzz29a9t3LRg
Found this on a site about Tweet Tunnel:
Geo Data
Server Country Code: US
Server Country Name: UNITED STATES
Server City Name: FRANKLIN
Server Region Name: INDIANA
Server Zip Code: 46131
Server Latitude: 39.4841
Server Latitude: -86.0843
Server Time Zone: -05:00
So Time Tunnel's server is located in CT. So 11:06pm ET, would be 10:06pm CT. 10:06pm CT would be 5 hours less than 3:06 am UTC/GMT time.
aggiemom09121416 said... 190
Kate needs to market a cologne called Desperation. She reeks of it.
lol! Good one aggiemom.
Indiana is in the south???
Her personality is so loathsome that even a lowly coupon-clipping blog doesn't want Kate Gosselin, sources say.
The reality mom, who shot to fame on the TLC docu-series "Jon & Kate Plus 8," parlayed her notoriety into a gig last year as a featured columnist offering money-saving advice on CouponCabin.com.
But she was suddenly axed on Tuesday by the website.
The problem, sources told the Daily News, is how the notoriously difficult reality star has been battered by waves of bad press related to a bombshell, unauthorized, tell-all book written by Robert Hoffman, a pal of her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin.
The self-published work, called "Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World," contains allegations of child abuse and inhumane treatment of the family’s two dogs.
The book was pulled off of Amazon two weeks ago when lawyers for Gosselin charged Hoffman had based the project on inappropriately obtained confidential documents.
Someone close to Kate had apparently leaked copies of her computer hard drives containing the information to Hoffman, sources said.
Another issue for the website was that it was hard to deal with Gosselin’s abrasive personality and over-the-top, expensive demands, a second source said.
Among her daily requirements paid for by the Internet company were a personal security guard whenever she appeared in public, sources told the Daily News.
“She’s just so demanding and hard to get along with,” a snitch once close to the reality star said. “And this book is drawing too much, too much negative attention — like her, karma is a b---h.”
What may have been the final straw is how Gosselin is also accused of telling tall tales in her CouponCabin column.
In her final post this past Monday, she claimed to have saved money doing home repairs herself last week by shopping at Lowes and Home Depot — when she was actually on the road for msedia appearances.
Yesterday in a letter posted on the website, CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth explained why he had ditched Kate.
"A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/kate-gosselin-abrasive-personality-led-firing-source-article-1.1185723#ixzz29aBsWkpD
I hate unsolved mysteries, so I checked the time stamps from last night of some tweeters who I know live on the east coast, around the same time that Milo was tweeting. Those are all correct, and show October 16, with the right time. Milo's should have been showing the same time, but they weren't.
Any good sleuths have any ideas/theories as to why Milo's time stamp showed October 17, four hours ahead of East Coast time, when it was 11 p.m. October 16 in that time zone?
No. 9. It's 'revelations'. Sorry, I know better.
Now I'm wondering if it really was that last column that did her in.
Rumors are saying that she couldn't have done all that stuff like putting oil in her car, cuz she was on the road that whole week for CC, so they KNEW it wasn't true.
Would explain the CEO's comment about authenticity.
She thinks she can lie with impunity and no consequences, doesn't she.
(deleted other post due to a typo)...we can't have misspelled words, ya know!
I've got it!!!!!
Kate and Steve are in L.A. auditioning for the parts of Christian Grey and Ana Steele.
Kate Gosselin is looking for her plus-one, and she's hoping to find him on the same place she debuted her plus-eight: on TV.
The divorced mother, 37, has signed on to shoot a dating show, which has yet to be picked up by a network, reports E! News.
"She is ready to find love again and to move on from her past," a source tells E! "She's excited. This is a chance to start something new."
Her (potentially) televised search for a special someone comes three years after she filed for divorce from Jon Gosselin, transforming Jon & Kate Plus 8, which began in 2007, to Kate Plus 8 in 2010. (The show, which was canceled in 2011, continued to document the lives of their eight children: 11-year-old twins Cara and Mady, and 8-year-old sextuplets Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel.)
Earlier this year, she revealed that despite her full house, she was feeling lonely.
"I clean up the house, put the kids to bed, and there I sit," she said in a February episode of Dr. Drew's Lifechangers. "Ideally I would find that person – "I don't know if I feel ready for that."
But now that she's ready, a source tells E! that "she is willing to travel around the country in order to meet Mr. Right" because she finds it difficult to meet men in her everyday life.
And she's more than mentally prepared. Gosselin completed her first marathon last December in Las Vegas and has since continued her running routine, including a mini marathon in Chicago Sunday.
"She looks fantastic," the source adds. "She's in fantastic shape because of all her marathon training. This feels like the right time for her."
But are you ready to share Kate's search for a man with her?
Take Our Poll
Tell us: Would you watch a Kate Gosselin dating show?
Yes, I'm still interested in how she's doing
No, It's time for TV viewers to move on, too
Sheeple are hypothesizing the CEO of Coupon Cabin came on to Kate and she turned him down so thats why he fired her. LOL Can he sue?
I think that makes a lot of sense, Scott knew he had her traveling all week then she submits a blog about being Suzy fix it all week. He knew that he and many others who saw her out knew that wasn't true. He questioned all her other blog fodder. Hence the authenticity comment. The axe fell.
Kate got fired. Enough. Now you are on a rampage about Kate filming a TV pilot.
Someone should be advising Jon to find out where Kate is getting the money for this Administrator, lawyer that knows Jon instead of adding to this twisted posting. You know Jon, you know how to reach him, get him moving on whose money is being spent instead of spinning more bull about this whore from hell who is spending money that is not hers.
Everyone on here is going nuts over Kate losing her job. Enough, get to what is happening in LA if anything and you are in LA right Admin so get on this now and do something like save the money for the kids. This is sadder than the firing of their mother for the kids. Anyone mention that?
These kids are going to live in a shack with their father if someone doesn't stop her spending. Then what, stories about using outhouses?
People who know Jon, get in touch with him and find out what this crazy witch is up to. Steve will walk away with everyone.
"Someone close to Kate had apparently leaked copies of her computer hard drives containing the information to Hoffman, sources said."
Well, I guess if Kate is close to Kate, then someone close to her did leak the computer hard drives...Kate herself.
"Among her daily requirements paid for by the Internet company were a personal security guard whenever she appeared in public, sources told the Daily News."
Wasn't there speculation that Kate wasn't paying for him, but someone else was footing the bill? The truth always comes out.
Maybe Milo is Gina Neild. :) Doesn't want her Stevie to miss out on a paycheck.
terri, 10 -- thank you for that link. Good article. They got the fact right regarding why the book was pulled. Someone was checking.
Insanity your passion is interesting, but just so you know 90% of the time Jon has no idea what Kate is up to, where she is, or what she is spending money on. They are divorced now and she doesn't owe him or give him any explanations.
I'm sure that SK8 productions is filming some sort of pilot for a dating show so shop around. Date My Mom (MTV) and Date My Ex (Bravo) have both already been done. What's left A Date With Kate Mom of 8? What's the premis of this show? Will she only date men who have a litter of kids also so that we could then film a mess of kids to see if they get along? As Kate would say, "I just don't get it".
Someone should be advising Jon to find out where Kate is getting the money for this Administrator, lawyer that knows Jon instead of adding to this twisted posting.
No. Jon is a big boy. He has attorneys. He has professional advice. He can take care of himself and doesn't need more cooks in the kitchen. Just because he's not tweeting or making public statements doesn't mean that he is living in exile somewhere without any clue as to what Kate might be up to. It's not anyone's obligation here to personally butt into his personal affairs.
xxxxxxxxx62@CJWhodunit @kateplusmy8 A little bird told me she does indeed have something in the works! Excited!
So...she gets to spend what is left of the kids money in order to travel across the country with a bunch of strange men, so that she can pressure Steve into leaving Gina??
Now we know why she gave Jon 50% custody.
Like she said in her last interview....who ever sticks around the longest...Steeve.
That is a really, really, really strongly worded public statement firing Kate's lazy self-centered ass. I'd give a buck ninety five to be a fly on the wall when no one minced words and the decision was made. Maybe even a buck ninety SIX!
Jon already did his part to get as much of the Children's money in trust as he could. He can't control how Kate spends the rest. Courts are not going to tell Kate she can't fund a pilot if she wants as long as she still feeds and shelters the kids when she has custody.
admin said, "...your passion is interesting, but just so you know 90% of the time Jon has no idea what Kate is up to, where she is, or what she is spending money on."
I would believe that he has some idea what she is up to. He has the kids. The kids talk. You're right, though, they are divorced and what she spends HER money on is her business. When it becomes his business is if she's draining the 15 percent trust that belongs to his children. I don't know how that is set up. Can either parent withdraw funds for the welfare, health and safety of the kids? I know that there is no child support accountability in PA, but would each parent have the right to know how the money in the children's trust is being spent?
PatK said... 30
xxxxxxxxx62@CJWhodunit @kateplusmy8 A little bird told me she does indeed have something in the works! Excited!
That's the "foster mom" who just started tweeting recently. Looks rode hard, put up wet, says she's married to a cop & has six foster kids yet tweets constantly.
What little bird would tell her anything?
The "little bird" is probably Milo.
Put a Fork in her said... 1
Kate did fly to Los Angeles after the marathon. Don't suppose she even knows about the letter from CC. She does not see everything.
She sees what she wants to see, I think. If CC had issued a statement saying they were offering her a VP position with fancy office, car service, expense account etc, she would have seen THAT fast enough. Hehe.
The trust in the NEW fund Jon set up cannot be touched for any reason period. So he doesn't need to worry.
According to what I'm told Kate routinely does not give very many details about what she is doing or where she is to either him or the kids. Whether she has gotten more open lately i dont know but this is how its usually been. She is paranoid things will leak out. We even saw her make a backhanded slam on the show implying trips have to be secret because people leak them.
Courts are not going to tell Kate she can't fund a pilot if she wants as long as she still feeds and shelters the kids when she has custody.
True, but can the courts tell her that she can't take money out of the kids' fund to pay for that filming? Can she "fudge" it to say that she has to have those funds in order to work and therefore be able to feed and provide shelter for the kids (their welfare)? With that reasoning, the money withdrawn from the trust in order to film would indirectly be going for the welfare of the children.
I suspect Gina is more than a little annoyed by Kate's antics, but Steve wants his cake and to eat it too.
Don't think milo is Gina.
admin...I'm referring to the fund that the DOL required to be set up for the children when they were filming, not any other trust that Jon or anyone else would have set up. According to the terms, money can be withdrawn from that fund for the health, safety and welfare of the kids.
Yes they could tell her she cannot withdraw from a trust but that is the trustee's issue. He doesn't need to be alerted by Jon or anyone, he will be directly involved in any withdrawals. Again though the new trust is sEALED she cannot touch it for any reason even for their welfare.
This woman has millions, she doesn't have to try to tap a trust yet. If she wants to, have a little faith in the trustee.
Dmasy said... 198
What if Jon is using any or all of the recent developments to seek full custody?
He probably has the children more than 50% already. She is gone!
She could be in LA with her law firm trying to plug all the holes in her leaky boat.
She could have more troubles than we are aware of.
Hmmm.... Jon is the one with employment, living a quiet thrifty life. The mother is the unemployed one, going through the children's living expense money like water on her own hair and nails, and leaving them with hired help all the time.
A case could be made...!
Twittering And Twattering said... 16
I hate unsolved mysteries, so I checked the time stamps from last night of some tweeters who I know live on the east coast, around the same time that Milo was tweeting. Those are all correct, and show October 16, with the right time. Milo's should have been showing the same time, but they weren't.
Any good sleuths have any ideas/theories as to why Milo's time stamp showed October 17, four hours ahead of East Coast time, when it was 11 p.m. October 16 in that time zone?
I've got to run.
Did you check the other ways to read tweets; twazzup, twitIq, etc?
Will check back later.
Insanity 23...Enough, get to what is happening in LA if anything and you are in LA right Admin so get on this now and do something like save the money for the kids.
Admin! Find your best hooker heels and meander down there to the brothel and ask them if Kate was filming there. Be sure to get some good photos of yourself with the ladies of the evening! New thread!
"I thought about that, but they are far ahead of us. It's early morning there now, October 18. I wonder what time zone is four hours ahead of us. Even the tweets from today are "off:"
Can't you set the time and date on your computer yourself? Seems like I have seen where to do that before. So, it must get the wrong time on its own at times I would think?
Could the trustee be Steeve
But now that she's ready, a source tells E! that "she is willing to travel around the country in order to meet Mr. Right" because she finds it difficult to meet men in her everyday life.
Well, sure she is. Away from the kids and away from real life. Fantasy world.
If CC had her traveling all last week, they expected constant, ongoing PROMOTION of their company out of her. Other than accidently showing up somewhere in a pink CC tee shirt, did she even mention them at all last week? I honely dont recall.
She got it in her head that promoting HERSELF was good for TLC. Remember her saying something about "raising awareness of our family" was the same as "raising awareness of our show" or something like that? She thought that the more folks paid attention to HER, they would tune in to the show and raise the ratings.
So she just assumed, I guess, that other wealthy folks juggling 3 luxury cars would log into CC to see 'how she does it'? Or other folks with salt water swimming pools would go to CC to catch her new tips about filters?
I feel so validated, actually, by CC. They could have let her quietly slip away without any fanfare, but instead they CHOSE to air their outrage and disgust with her. This was a deliberate kick in the pants.
I think that sound we hear is the CC staff still popping champagne corks and dancing through their offices. And taking target practice at that stupid pic of her they had to hang on the wall over there.
Admin - 138
Just catching up here and your comment about CC doing a preemptive firing might be spot on.
Didn't Robert mention in the book that something BIG was going to come out soon but he was sworn to secrecy? He made it sound like it was going to be even worse than the book contents.
Aggiemom -- We need your search/copy/paste skills!
Pulling The Wool said... 46
Insanity 23...Enough, get to what is happening in LA if anything and you are in LA right Admin so get on this now and do something like save the money for the kids.
Admin! Find your best hooker heels and meander down there to the brothel and ask them if Kate was filming there. Be sure to get some good photos of yourself with the ladies of the evening! New thread!
Just call them and ask. I did that a few years back when there was a rumor circulating that Kate was filming somewhere. I called, asked if Kate was filmed there, they were very surprised, said no and it ended up just being that, a rumor. Really gotta run out now.
Our dwindle us not any of the Angies OR Milo . She is.... Elvis!
” Elvis is everywhere
Elvis is everything
Elvis is everyone
Elvis is still the king!”
Except.. The evil opposite of Elvis, the Anti-Elvis, who has no Elvis in their soul. Ms Kreider is the Anti-Elvis! And her little Skeeve, too!
Apologies to Mojo Nixon, if you want to laugh a little look on you tube for Mojo Nixon and Elvis is everywhere video. Old, but funny!
thanks to dwindle also for the perfect phrase, Hoochi Tramp! Another term for the Anti-Elvis!
Yes they could tell her she cannot withdraw from a trust but that is the trustee's issue. He doesn't need to be alerted by Jon or anyone, he will be directly involved in any withdrawals.
But would the trustee of the DOL trust inform Jon that money is being withdrawn from that fund...and for what purposes?
I am not a crazy stalker. At least, I haven't shown those kind of tendencies till now.
I know that if I lived in the area, I would be checking to see who is picking up and dropping off at the bus site. And, I would drive by for sightings of Shoka. I would!
Oh no!. Good thing I live a few states away.
Dwindle -- We have been waiting for your input on the termination.
A trustee has to keep beneficiaries informed of what's going on. I'm not sure that extends to their parent. When they are minors, could be. Estate planners out there??
Trustees can be held liable for their decisions so if I were Steve I wouldn't want to be trustee.
Dmasy - I do live in the area and I have never stalked either the house or the bus stop. I have family on her road and I never go down her way because it just seems wrong.
I understand your Shoka concern and I share it; it's the only thing that might get me to do a drive over there. I could never sit in front of the house, though. Although ... maybe I could meet Robert in person!
Does Steeve have dual citizenship? I really wonder what offsite country she stashes her money....all the cash donations. That's one thing that has not come out...
Dmasy said... 55
I am not a crazy stalker. At least, I haven't shown those kind of tendencies till now.
I know that if I lived in the area, I would be checking to see who is picking up and dropping off at the bus site. And, I would drive by for sightings of Shoka. I would!
Oh no!. Good thing I live a few states away.
Dwindle -- We have been waiting for your input on the termination.
I take ONE DAY away from computer and look what happens! LOL!
Well, now she has an excuse for her flat ass, besides just sittin' on it too much: The door hit her on the way out!!!!
SeeSaw -- if you ever do meet Robert, please take him to that brewery that makes Rumspringa! I'll reimburse you!
You are admirable and you have more restraint that I would have.
I get weary of the speculation and I would be just curious enough to need a FACT -- just one juicy little fact.
Best tweet of the day:
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin didn't even have to appear on Celebrity Apprentice for millions of people to see someone tell her "You're fired!"
I am trying to catch up on comments, but we are worried that she is out of town again? Why are worried? I am not arguing, I just am missing the point.
SeeSaw said... 51 Admin - 138
''.......Didn't Robert mention in the book that something BIG was going to come out soon but he was sworn to secrecy? He made it sound like it was going to be even worse than the book contents...........''
My search skills failed, but I think that what Robert promised to not discuss had something to do with the kids in school, and KK's behaviour that Summer. Does that jog anyone's memory?
Anonymous said... 21
Sheeple are hypothesizing the CEO of Coupon Cabin came on to Kate and she turned him down so thats why he fired her.
Pffft. Sheeple, please. How to you come on to someone when you're holding a ten-foot pole?
A trustee has to keep beneficiaries informed of what's going on. I'm not sure that extends to their parent. When they are minors, could be. Estate planners out there??
Wouldn't it be one of the parents who would request a withdrawal from the DOL trust, since either the mother or father (or both) would know what is needed for the health, safety, welfare and education of the child? The trustee would be the one to make the withdrawal upon the request of the parent. So, if Kate says she needs x-amount of dollars for tuition, she is the one who would make the request for that money. In that case, would Jon be informed that she is withdrawing that money? What if he wouldn't agree? I just wonder how that works. None of that was spelled out after the DOL hearings in 2010.
Anonymous said... 20
Kate Gosselin is looking for her plus-one, and she's hoping to find him on the same place she debuted her plus-eight: on TV.
That sounds like the same article that was circulating around the gossip rags back in July.
Not sure Blowing. It could even be dependent on the specific terms of that trust. You can make a trust do almost anything.
By Christie D'Zurilla
October 17, 2012, 10:39 a.m.
Kate Gosselin is out of a job again, and boy did her boss make it public. He even implied she was less than "wonderful."
Since last November, the onetime "Kate Plus 8" reality-TV star has been a columnist for deals website CouponCabin, but as of Tuesday, not anymore.
"A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago," CouponCabin chief exec Scott Kluth said in an open letter promoted prominently on the website, "and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin."
Ouch. Guess there was no going-away party.
Kluth described his domain as one with "no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals." Maybe Kate ran into trouble in the gimmicks and fluff departments?
Many of her posts refer to her having eight kids, and one recent effort suggested ground-breaking money-saving ideas such as buying the store brands, watching a movie on DVD instead of going to the theater and making coffee at home instead of buying it at Starbucks.
Then there was the time when, in a very meta way, she suggested saving money by using the CouponCabin app. Suggested that to people already using the CC website.
We won't go into detail on the "great deals" promoted in Kate's appreciation of Pamela Anderson and the rest of the new cast of "Dancing With the Stars: All Stars." (Won't, 'cause there weren't any.)
Our fluff-o-meter was going wild, a sentiment seemingly echoed vigorously by many in comments posted after Kluth's open letter.
Sounds as if Kate has other irons in the fire, however. "Good afternoon! I'm alive!" she said Tuesday on Twitter. "I've been super busy working away! I'm having lots of fun and can't wait to share! No worries..we will chat soon! XO."
Article on the Murt bill from Philly.com. We should really be celebrating this!
The state legislature has put the kibosh on round-the-clock work schedules for child stars of reality shows. Call it the Jon & Kate Plus 8 law.
Under a bill approved Tuesday and expected to soon be signed by Gov. Corbett, production companies must extend the same protections to child actors who appear in reality shows as those given on the sets of movies and other television programs. "This is a major victory for the state's children," said the bill's lead sponsor, Rep. Thomas Murt (R., Montgomery). "The entire General Assembly has stated emphatically that those employed in film and television are indeed working and must have rights and protections."
Murt began efforts to change the state's laws in 2009 after issues arose involving the 24/7 video shooting of Jon and Kate Gosselin's eight children in their Berks County home. Those who testified during hearings, including Kate Gosselin's brother Kevin Kreider, raised concerns about the extent to which the children's private lives were being exposed on the internationally popular show, broadcast on TLC. Kreider cited video cameras rolling in the children's bedrooms, taping of toilet training with full nudity, and lack of parental supervision on the set. Murt said he realized that the child-labor laws, written long before the reality show era - in fact, predating color TV - needed to be updated.
The bill mandates that children may work no more than eight hours a day or 48 hours a week and no later than 10 p.m. on school nights. Those under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times, and a teacher must be present on the set. The bill also requires that trust accounts be established for minor actors. The employer must deposit 15 percent of the child's gross earnings into the account. "It's the only way to make sure a portion of the child's earnings are there for them when they reach adulthood," Murt said. A Corbett spokeswoman said the governor would sign the bill. philly.com
AuntieAnn said... 66
That IS the same article. It was published at People.com on July 21, 2011.
It is not a new article.
Oh dear God...the last thing I want to see is Kate Gosselin kissing another fame whore on T.V. EWWWWWWWWWW...Why in the world does this woman think that people want to, yet again, watch her abuse someone else on national T.V...I hope she's not using her own money for this fiasco....that would be career suicide...I guess no one was interested so she took it upon herself to film this junk....WAIT...I think her balls just got bigger than Milos....
So she's in LA, supposedly filming a pilot not yet picked up by anyone. Mom of 8, late 30's, playing at clubs with kids sooo much younger. And the question is, who is picking up the bill for all this? It has to be on her dime, which means the kids's dime. Ultra secretive biotch with a huge set of brass balls. Filming a dating show with the boobyguard at her side, a relationship that should keep any serious contender from a first date with her at the very least.
Is she staying out here wheelin' and dealin' until next week's run? Stay tuned, because as we all know, every mom of 8 just heads out the door for a 2 week break whenever. Her behavior, in the of yesterday's well earned and well deserved debacle with CC, is remarkable. Simply remarkable.
The New York Daily News has an article that says that Coupon Cabin fired her because of her "abrasive personality" (their words) and her outrageous financial demands - for instance, she insisted that CC pay her bodyguard's salary for all of her public appearances.
The CEO of CC sounds like she really p*ssed him off. She does have a talent for burning bridges, doesn't she?
I'm the one who noticed Milo's timestamp discrepancy last night. It makes me think this person really is an intern who may have tweeted from the air, not thinking about the timestamp.
After all the talk about "Milo" being an intern, this was eye-opening.
Thanks for noticing & tossing the ideas around. I'm very intrigued by "her".
Joy In VA @53 said : Aggiemom, Our dwindle us not any of the Angies OR Milo . She is.... Elvis!
She is also THE WALRUS! I posted the followingon the previous page (with apologies to the Beatles):
She is he as you are she as she is me and we are all together.
Dwindle's the eggman, Dwindle's the eggmen.
Dwindle's the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob
Kate is a twit said... 70
AuntieAnn said... 66
That IS the same article. It was published at People.com on July 21, 2011.
It is not a new article.
Thanks. I thought is sounded familiar.
Barbara M. said... 73
The New York Daily News has an article that says that Coupon Cabin fired her because of her "abrasive personality" (their words) and her outrageous financial demands - for instance, she insisted that CC pay her bodyguard's salary for all of her public appearances.
Poor Kate can't get an employer to pay for her gigolo? awwww. Her bank account must be running pretty low. Oh well she won't be needing him anymore anyway. No public appearances = No more boobyguard.
Why doesn't she know what we know...that this is another waste of time and money....this woman will lose her shirt if she's not careful. Is being famous THAT important....she can't go back...or is it...she won't go back...that is, until she goes broke...
If the CEO doesn't need a bodyguard while on the job, what makes Kate think she needs one?
I agree, Admin, with your ultimate karma being Kate eventually asking one of the kids to "spot her a $20." The woman is delusional if she truly believes she has a future in show biz. I see some people pumping her up, taking her(the kids') money, and she returns home broke and broken. She'll be interviewed again by the Today Show while she is living in her forclosed on, run down, falling apart big house on 26 acres. It will be ugly. In her stupid quest for more and more fame/money she will lose everything. The "love" of money is the root of evil. I believe it. She used those 8 kids to make herself rich. Not pretty at all.
I do remember Robert hinting about something "big" that he knew about, but I don't remember if it was in his book or webpage.
Dwindle@60 "SeeSaw -- if you ever do meet Robert, please take him to that brewery that makes Rumspringa! I'll reimburse you!"
I already offered to meet Robert for night of rumspringing (that doesn't sound right, does it?) at the brewery, but I haven't heard back from him! All of the locals should get together and take him out (that doesn't sound right, either!).
I'm curious whether Morgan Fairchild came to Andy Cohen's set with a bodyguard. She was the one who was kidnapped years ago, so she might be justified having one. But Kate? It would be like the Ransom of Red Chief. Kidnappers would bring her back within an hour.
So according to the articles CC was paying the warranted boobyguard. I wonder if shell still find him warranted now that she has to pay.
Hasn't she done a few recent appearances lately where no one saw Steve? I wonder if this fight over who pays his invoice has been going on for months.
Kate, Kate, Kate... tsk, tsk.
[excerpt from NY Daily News- Kate Gosselin’s abrasive personality and expensive demands led to her being fired from CouponCabin blogger job: source]
In her final post this past Monday, she claimed to have saved money doing home repairs herself last week by shopping at Lowes and Home Depot — when she was actually on the road for msedia appearances.
Kate's abrasive, demanding, expensive, and she's a liar to boot.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/kate-gosselin-abrasive-personality-led-firing-source-article-1.1185723#ixzz29adCVw1U
Found what I was thinking about:
UPDATE 2012: The situation is even worse than I can put into writing here. I’ve learned some new details about the expulsion of the Gosselin children and their interactions or lack of interactions with certain school employees as well as Kate’s treatment of them at home over the summer. I believe this information will come out soon after this book is published by the people who should be dealing with the situation. This is one part of the story that I can’t put into words, because I gave my word that I wouldn’t.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 13747-13751). . Kindle Edition.
Kate's abrasive, demanding, expensive, and she's a liar to boot.
Really NYDailynews? This is news?
I like how forgiving most non fans seem to be. We welcome back with open arms couponcabin, Em Tanner, Jodi and others who have seen the light. But hell if Kate fans will ever forgive anyone who ever wronged her, even if they apologized and say nice things about her now.
Hasn't she done a few recent appearances lately where no one saw Steve?
I think the only time recently where there was no proof that Steve was around was when she ran the YesICan 5K in Wyomissing. We know that he was at Blogher in early Aug., and then in NY 2 weeks ago for her Katie appearance, and then again this past week in NY.
I don't think there were any other appearances. And of course, we don't know if he went on the Alabama beach vacation.
So much of this is a variance from what we're used to seeing. Even those of us who've watched Kate from afar for a long, long time.
I'm not the only one who's mentioned this, and there's no sense repeating all the details posted on this thread already.
That said, I think it's odd enough to serve as thunderclouds, gathering before a storm. I truly believe something terrible is about to break. Maybe something along the lines of what Remona Blue mentioned (at 86). Maybe something CC broke loose, and will (as it is with all secrets) eventually be leaked. About Shoka, maybe, or Kate. Or maybe something more terrible than any of us could've possibly imagined, but which Kate's been planning for a while.
I'm not one who looks into dark corners, expecting to find monsters there. But jeez oh pete, I am feeling such a strong sense of dread. :(
I'm the one who noticed Milo's timestamp discrepancy last night. It makes me think this person really is an intern who may have tweeted from the air, not thinking about the timestamp.
@74, PMP
Thanks, PMP. I didn't remember who noticed it, but have you figured it out yet? What time zone is four hours ahead of us? Somewhere midway over the Atlantic Ocean? The UK is five hours ahead of us!:) I really don't think that she set a computer that far ahead. What would be the purpose? Were her timestamps still off today?
I think the blog ate my last post, so I will try again.
The idea of a mother of 8 children supposedly trolling a bar in L.A. looking for male prospects to get herself a dating show is repugnant to me.
These kids have a mother who will do anything to distance herself from them, and they know it. Even an 8 year old knows when they are being duped. The Coupon Cabin thing was a vehicle to keep her relevant and the CEO did the only thing he could do, and that was to stop her from using his company as a platform for her blatant self-promotions, Kudos to him.
So, assuming the children are with Jon and not restricted to the Internet, they have to know mommy got the axe. This begs the question, "why isn't mommy coming home now"? Will Jon say, "your mother is trying to get a new show where she goes to bars to try and find you a new daddy' that's why she is still in Los Angeles".
At NO time does she think of the impact of any of her actions on her kids, NEVER.
ROL...just posted lead story. Horrible photo of Kate. Quotes from Robert.
How much can she take?
But hell if Kate fans will ever forgive anyone who ever wronged her, even if they apologized and say nice things about her now.
And they call anyone who sees through her sham 'haters' who are taking food out of her childrens mouths. Uh no. Kate does that whether she's working or not.
I think they've actually forgotten why they idolized her in the first place. They just like to keep up the fight. God knows why, but they do.
@90 Improbable I'm not one who looks into dark corners, expecting to find monsters there. But jeez oh pete, I am feeling such a strong sense of dread. :(
You know they do sell that spray to get rid of monsters in the closet (for kids). Not sure if it works on Kate, though.
NJ gal, yes we are all together and Dwindle is most certainly THE WALRUS! ( and a little of ELVIS!)
I just had to watch the Mojo Nixon video when I posted that, so I have been singing ” Elvis needs boats! Elvis needs boats!” All afternoon. You see, Elvis is in the Bermuda triangle.....
I think the children are talking. Maybe in therapy. The horror house kate has created is going to get exposed.
Remember when the children did not want to go back to their "home"...screeching and crying? There is a reason they fear that house. And how qualified are their full time caretakers? Young girls that will take kate's abuse??
Improbable Dreams said... 90
''.......That said, I think it's odd enough to serve as thunderclouds, gathering before a storm. I truly believe something terrible is about to break. Maybe something along the lines of what Remona Blue mentioned (at 86). Maybe something CC broke loose, and will (as it is with all secrets) eventually be leaked. About Shoka, maybe, or Kate. Or maybe something more terrible than any of us could've possibly imagined, but which Kate's been planning for a while.
I'm not one who looks into dark corners, expecting to find monsters there. But jeez oh pete, I am feeling such a strong sense of dread. :(''
I also am expecting to hear something really awful, but am keeping my fear about what KK may do next to myself. KK has no problem with saying whatever she pleases, and the truth often has nothing to do with what she says!! KK is capable of anything, I'm sure about that.
And about his now-unavailable book, Hoffman told Radar: "Regarding the book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World, which was pulled from Amazon by Kate's lawyers, it is currently being edited for re-release and will be available in the very near future. The re-release will include even more proof of Kate's network of greed and lies."
looks like I'll be buying a newer, updated book. GO ROBERT!!
According to ROL...Robert said the book is being re-edited and has more info and will be released in the near future...hmmmm
Sorry if my comments seem OT but I just got home from work and am cathching up on the posts.
The earthquake some of you felt in the northeast was the fallout from Kate reacting to the news that her firing was all over the internet. :)
And, no, I don't believe for a second Dwindle is Angie! I know I've been accusing Angie of being someone else, but never did I think she was Dwindle. Just wanted to say that and let Dwindle know that I know better.
And as far as the contract, I believe that if JCM didn't make 300,000 dollars per year FOR KATE that Kate could let her go--not the other way around. That's how I took it anyway.
Now off to finish catching up!
LOVED this from the ROL article:
''And about his now-unavailable book, Hoffman told Radar: "Regarding the book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World, which was pulled from Amazon by Kate's lawyers, it is currently being edited for re-release and will be available in the very near future. The re-release will include even more proof of Kate's network of greed and lies."
This is good news about Robert's book! While $8.88 is not much, I think that those of us who were lucky enough to originally purchase it should be given the updated version for free. Or doesn't it work that way with Amazon/Kindle?
Kate's "CAN WE SUE" list just gets longer and longer.....
Kate is a twit said... 70
AuntieAnn said... 66
That IS the same article. It was published at People.com on July 21, 2011.
It is not a new article.
Articles get republished a lot in the rag mags. I am convinced that the most recent article about Jon not being able to pay child support was recycled from quite some time ago. Can’t think of other examples off the top and don’t want to go looking.
I'd gladly pay another $8.88!!
I'd gladly pay another $8.88!!
Hell's bells. I didn't get it in the first place and I'd pay double.
If Kate and Steve are really out in L.A., paying a film crew and beating the bushes for some desperate guys to participate in a reality dating show, then Kate is clearly delusional and Steve is clearly grabbing as much money as he can before Kate might actually wise up and realize what a con man he is.
Kate is almost 40 years old; she's thin and tanned and when she is wearing enough make-up and has her hair done professionally, she can look fairly attractive. But then she opens her mouth. I think the execs at TLC are probably snickering at the idea of Kate and Steve trying to put together enough footage to promote this dating show, as they know firsthand how much time it took spent filming in order to get just a half hour of usable footage.
I'll be honest and say I'd watch the footage of this dating show, if it's actually being filmed and would one day be available. Just for the sheer train wreck quality, and shots of Steve in the background, like a stage mother, mouthing directions to Kate, such as "don't hit him" and "don't scowl" and "you can have wine later, after filming."
I can only assume that Jon has had the children with him since the time Kate originally left to make the PR rounds, run the 10K and now hit L.A. I'm beginning to doubt the 50% custody - it's probably more like 70% Jon/30% Kate, if that!
Remona Blue said... 86
I wonder too...maybe Robert promised Jon not to divulge info about the kids. Fair enough. But I wonder what the re-release will be able to disclose if the first edition was too contentious to be published.
School & interactions? Treatment over the summer? The imagination can go horrible places based on the first revelations.
ROL...just posted lead story. Horrible photo of Kate. Quotes from Robert.
ROL wrote, "A day after Kate Gosselin was fired from her blogging job at CouponCabin.com, the author of a controversial ebook slamming the mom of eight has spoken out exclusively to RadarOnline.com applauding the move."
Radar! Read what Robert said! He did not applaud the firing!
"Although I won't celebrate Kate's most recent loss of employment from her couponing blog, I am encouraged that more and more people are seeing through her facade and realizing that Kate Gosselin isn't who she claims to be, and I'm hoping that more people will come forward to speak out about what they know to be the truth about Kate Gosselin's eight-year web of lies, abuse, greed and manipulation – for the sake of the Gosselin children."
Insanity, it's to little to late, it's insane that Jon let Kate keep all the money and the house! All the money that was made was (50/50). How did that happen?? While I'm alive my kids will never do that, I won't let them! He should have fought for the money for his kid's future! They are not going to get any money, I would be surprised if there's any left.
I notice People mag. and US mag. are still soft balling Kate. No mention of CHILD ABUSER/ANIMAL ABUSER Kate but all about a dating show for Kate!
Who is protecting this monster???
Let's Throw Tomatoes
Kate looks a hot mess on that ROL article! I don't suppose it's a new picture, is it? She looks miserable...and lost.
If Robert gets the book edited and re-released, I'll happily pay MORE than $8.88 for the edited book.
Twittering And Twattering said... 91
As I said before, I think those time stamps are UTC/GMT time. UTC/GMT time doesn't ever change due to daylight savingss. Right now UTC/GMT is 4 hours ahead of eastern time. When eastern time goes off daylight savings, UTC time will be ahead of ET by 5hrs. The UK does have daylight savings time, so the UK is ahead of ET by 5 hrs. Currently, UK time is UTC/GMT plus 1 hour.
This might explain it better from Wikipedia:
UTC is the time standard used for many internet and World Wide Web standards. The Network Time Protocol, designed to synchronise the clocks of computers over the Internet, encodes times using the UTC system.
Technically, there is no location that is 4 hrs ahead of ET.
The only thing I don't know is why Milo's time stamp would show UTC, and not regular EDT time.
Can milo by using a proxy location?
As far as Kate's most recent tweet- I'm not buying it for a second. How many times has she tweeted something similar and nothing has come from it? Not like her tweeties call her out on it anyway. If Kate pretends like it never happened, they pretend like it never happened.
Kate- for the sake of your children- stop chasing YOUR fantasy and start encouraging your children's dreams instead. They will look back and they will remember a mommy who cared more about herself than them.
Why dont you love your children kate? What did they ever do to you?
I'll be honest and say I'd watch the footage of this dating show, if it's actually being filmed and would one day be available. Just for the sheer train wreck quality, and shots of Steve in the background, like a stage mother, mouthing directions to Kate, such as "don't hit him" and "don't scowl" and "you can have wine later, after filming."
Or when he directs Kate to kiss the guy, and Kate looks over at him and mouths, "But that isn't part of it!"
See Saw! That MAKES my day! I was around back then, and actively involved in that effort. Thank you SO much for posting that! Victory and celebration, indeed!
Remona Blue said... 102
LOVED this from the ROL article:
''And about his now-unavailable book, Hoffman told Radar: "Regarding the book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World, which was pulled from Amazon by Kate's lawyers, it is currently being edited for re-release and will be available in the very near future. The re-release will include even more proof of Kate's network of greed and lies."
Suck it- kate! Suck it- sheeple
The bill mandates that children may work no more than eight hours a day or 48 hours a week and no later than 10 p.m. on school nights. Those under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times, and a teacher must be present on the set. The bill also requires that trust accounts be established for minor actors. The employer must deposit 15 percent of the child's gross earnings into the account. "It's the only way to make sure a portion of the child's earnings are there for them when they reach adulthood," Murt said. A Corbett spokeswoman said the governor would sign the bill. philly.com"
The part about 48 hours a week...eep. Glossed right over that. 48, really?? A full time job is 40 hours for an adult! That part, I am not happy with, but it's definitely a step in the right direction otherwise.
Simple question:
Do the children, the reason she lives (ha), her branding tool (8 this, 8 that) have any idea where she, or even how to reach her? What does she tell M&C if they call on their Iphones? Mommy is bar hopping in LA? Mommy is visting her lawyers? Cuz you know, Mommy is working, working, working, having fun, fun, fun in mystery locations just doesn't cut it anymore.
Parent in Lanc. County said:
I already offered to meet Robert for night of rumspringing (that doesn't sound right, does it?) at the brewery, but I haven't heard back from him! All of the locals should get together and take him out (that doesn't sound right, either!).
Haha I made that offer, too, Parent, and he didn't answer me either...Robert, still waiting. If you are nervous about meeting us, I can call Officer Jim and see if he will accompany you for protection !!
Parent, how about Stoudt's Brewery, that's about halfway for both of us? I bet they have some flavor of Rumspringa.
Did anyone call to see if Kate was actually at that bar??
@Kateplusmy8 you should start your own coupon site
...and sheeple stupidity goes on and on and on! Where do they find these people, and why are they attracted to Kate?
Regarding ROL's lead paragraph that Robert "applauds" CC's move. If I were Robert, I'd fire them a demand for retraction of that statement. It's NOT what he said.
Ohhhhh yesssss! I'll purchase his book again!
aggiemom09121416 said... 99
And about his now-unavailable book, Hoffman told Radar: "Regarding the book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World, which was pulled from Amazon by Kate's lawyers, it is currently being edited for re-release and will be available in the very near future. The re-release will include even more proof of Kate's network of greed and lies."
looks like I'll be buying a newer, updated book. GO ROBERT!!
Me too.
Looks like I might buy a kindle....but which size???
Please skip over if this has been brought up, but when I looked at the gallery at the a v club in la, all the pics look like the computer generated rooms in online games. creepy. Think I'll run a virus scan.
Poor Kate--The news just keeps getting worse and worse, doesn't it?
Yay, for Robert! The re-edit may have to do with some material that TLC's lawyers managed to get pulled. Doesn't sound like Laverne & Shirley were able to have Kate's words pulled if more stuff will be coming out.
I was thinking that maybe Kate is meeting with the Lawyers in LA, about the book, and maybe about CC too. Since nothing has been sighted or even a pic taken, or any of the TV rags has reported Kate being in LA.
I'll certainly buy the new edition of the book, though the first edition just about broke my heart reading what those children were put through by their "mother".
Insanity, it's to little to late, it's insane that Jon let Kate keep all the money and the house! All the money that was made was (50/50). How did that happen?
Lets throw T, I think that Jon WAS thinking about his kids over himself. I think he knew that if he asked for half, the greater the chance TLC would sue and take all of it anyway. At least if Kate had it, though she spent so much on her, the kids would still benefit from it. The less money for the kids, the faster the opportunities of private school, their home to live in, etc. disappears.
Parent, how about Stoudt's Brewery, that's about halfway for both of us? I bet they have some flavor of Rumspringa.
How many of us will be there? I'll call Ed and have him reserve a special room for us where we can rumspring and not embarrass anyone!
Please skip over if this has been brought up, but when I looked at the gallery at the a v club in la, all the pics look like the computer generated rooms in online games. creepy. Think I'll run a virus scan.
I thought that the waitresses' attire was particularly attractive. Admin, are you sure you don't want to take a run over there and experience it for yourself...or at least attend the Pimp and Ho costume party?
Jumping In said... 92
...The Coupon Cabin thing was a vehicle to keep her relevant and the CEO did the only thing he could do, and that was to stop her from using his company as a platform for her blatant self-promotions, Kudos to him.
I agree. Just catching up on all the posts over the last few days. I saw this in an article.
"Among her daily requirements paid for by the Internet company were a personal security guard whenever she appeared in public, sources told the Daily News."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/kate-gosselin-abrasive-personality-led-firing-source-article-1.1185723#ixzz29avziHHs
Sorry if someone already posted about this article.
I really think that CC had enough of Kate whining and diva behavior including demanding Steve Purse Boy to be paid by CC to "protect" her. They knew he was NOT a body guard but just a male companion because she had no friends or family to keep her company.
The addition of "support staff" to the letter was mostly for PurseBoy though we all know she had other support staff doing all the work. I just think CC had enough of Kate AND Steve and this was their way of telling BOTH of them.
I think the people of Pennsylvania should kick out their lawmakers! That is a horrible law. Kids working 48 hours, work no later then 10 P.M. On a school night?? It's an open invitation for TLC to film in Penn. I bet their own kids are in bed by 7:30 P.M.
If Kate was filming in a bar in LA, she probably looked like the chaperon ! She's to old , and there are many young pretty girls all over Hollywood trying to make it!
If Kate wanted a Hollywood life she should have come to Hollywood right after high school, but then again she could not have had a makeover from head to toe!
Let's Throw Tomatoes
Here's another article.
From the Dirty Disher:
"Your 15 minutes is up, Hate. I even had to look up how to spell Gosselin. THAT's how over she is. The time has come when no one will pay you to beat your kids while sitting in a plastic lawn chair. Not even some low rent couponing site."
Wow, that's harsh!!
gabby2 said... 127
Looks like I might buy a kindle....but which size??
don't need a kindle. download the book to your computer.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 133
How many of us will be there? I'll call Ed and have him reserve a special room for us where we can rumspring and not embarrass anyone!
October 17, 2012 2:41 PM
Heck, I'll come from New York and stop at Fig & Olive to pick up fish in paper for the group!!
TMZ live(online) had a segment on Kate, and they are being harsh on her. They're were taking some calls and tweets defending her, and Harvey just came out and said "She wasn't doing her job". I don't if it will be replayed online today. TMZ the TV show airs in NYC at 7pm on Fox. I'll have to check it out later.
TMZ's website may have a repeat of the online show available later today or tomorrow.
If even Andy who talks to celebs all the time is confused why Kate needs a bodyguard that speaks volumes. I think Cc was confused too especially since they paid the bills.
Today was horrendous..I don't think I have ever seen so much negative press directed at one person in my life!! There's been article after article about her firing and how everyone is loving her getting what she deserves...its been brutal...how hated can one person be??
aggiemom....I have it on my pc, but I am seriously wanting a pad. But which one??? Microsoft's new one, nook, samsung? I want it to read in bed...books and internet...don't want an ipad. I need glasses for reading so I don't know which size is good. I prefer reading hardcovers over paperbacks because of the print size....but on these new pads you can enlarge the print. Is the bigger kindle too heavy for bed?
@kateplusmy8 just start your own blog, thats all! #wordpress
Great idea! She can't be bothered or update the website she already has, but starting a new one would definitely be the way to go!
TMZ's Harvey Levin just said that Kate's only worth about 200,000 now...whether thats true..who knows...
Dmasy said... 76
A mediocre woman with a conscience and any normal instincts would not be able to withstand these assaults.
What is she made of that she isn't curled into a tight ball of shame and remorse?
She needs more help than a rabid fan can provide.
You couldn't possibly know how she is or isn't feeling. Did you expect her to tweet "curled up in tight ball of shame and remorse" to give you a heads up about how she feels?
Dear Kate:
It is what it is.....
The Public.
On another note, I am very sad for Jon, who actually loved this person, and tried his BEST to please her, over and over again. His parents gave her money, took care of her teeth, gave her a home, and even paid for her scam to have the tubs. She has not a grateful bone in her body. She has also isolated her children from family and friends that could have given them the love and acceptance that she is unable to do. Hide your head in shame kate.
gabby2 said... 143
Sorry my dear, I can't 'help you', lol....I didn't know I could download the kindle thing to my pc until someone told me on this blog! If they hadn't told me, I wouldn't have been able to purchase the book. thanks again to whoever that great poster was!(x8!)
She had better put that house up for sale and sell her gas saving Audi.....I wonder where Harvey came up with that figure? Thought she was a zillionaire...
Born – March 28, 1975
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Mother, reality TV star, media whore.
Best known for: Being fertile.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/person/kate-gosselin/#ixzz29bXF9sUS
I have the original book and if there is new information in the edited version, I will be buying that one as well.
gabby2 @143
I have the Kindle 3G & WiFi with the leather cover with pull out light. It's not too heavy for bed and with the cover it feels like you're holding a book. The light is perfect for the screen. You can change the fonts to make it big enough to read without glasses.
I've also got an iPad which I also use for reading. The Kindle is better for in bed reading IMO.
I get the feeling that Milo (and others) are more concerned about the 'haters' than they are for Kate. More than a few of Milo's tweets were disappointments that 'haters' are gleeful (paraphrasing) and celebrating, and that CC is getting new customers (haters) by firing kate....obsessed much? It's like a they think it's war and they just suffered a defeat in a battle. Is kate even a real person to them? Or just some figure head in a virtual game of capture the flag? They just dont want to lose.
Those posters on here saying they would make an interesting case study is right.
Berks, Parent and Jane -- Waving. Putting my coat on while dashing out the door. Let me know the day/time -- I will be there.
gabby2--I recently got a Kindlefire HD ($199) and think it's great. Available at Amazon.com
and Best Buy; probably at other places as well.
NJgal...but the kindle fire now has two sizes: 8.9 and 7 inch screens. I don't want to pay for something I won't use. I wonder if the 8.9 screen is light enough for bed. 20oz vs 14 oz.
It was very hard to read Robert's book on pc, I was not able to read the whole thing. Can't wait for the edited edition. I have some amazon rewards dollars, so I want to take the big step. :)
Anonymous said... 146
You couldn't possibly know how she is or isn't feeling. Did you expect her to tweet "curled up in tight ball of shame and remorse" to give you a heads up about how she feels?
Don't be stupid "anonymous". No one would ever expect Kate Gosselin to tell the truth about anything.
Where's Sue Buddy? I would think the events of the past 24 hours or so would be tailor made for her pithy prose.
Sorry but I had to post this- this is a tweeter making excuses for kate's horrid journal entries about beating her children~~~~
XXXXXXXX (you can prolly guess who wrote it)
@Kateplusmy8 A mother's journal is not so much the reality of the day..but the emotion of the day, her way2relieve stress & analyze her day!
O.M.G. seriously?
The sheeple just go on and on about how the media is to blame for the public hating Kate. It's all their fault why she is being trashed repeatedly. Did it ever occur to them that there might be a reason for this...that she's just a nasty person? The press just didn't up and decide that hey, it's "pick on Kate Gosselin" day, let's just go for it.
Milo was right. Kate has notoriety. Milo chose the correct word, but I don't think she knows that "notorious" and "notoriety" have negative connotations.
Anonymous, 146...."You couldn't possibly know how she is or isn't feeling. Did you expect her to tweet "curled up in tight ball of shame and remorse" to give you a heads up about how she feels?"
She did take the time to post one tweet telling us that she is having FUN.
You would be surprised to know that I do feel sorry for her. No normal person can absorb all these brutal assaults...complete with unflattering photos.
She was a shiny star on top of a gossip heap for a long time.
She didn't mind when the press was beating up on her children's father. She never anticipated that one day she would fall into the same dark pit of criticism.
Is she embarrassed or angry or ashamed or broken? You are correct, I don't know.
Where ever she is and what ever she is feeling, it is not a FUN place -- she can't convince me of that.
@159....oh oh..let me..my hand is raised...do I get a prize if I say Milo...
I don't even know what to say about this mess that is now Kate's life (and, unfortunately, the kids' lives, too).
I can't imagine any human being not being bothered by the negative articles and comments about them. Although we always said Kate doesn't care what other people think, that may be true, but only to a certain extent. She didn't care because she still saw herself as a star and the vast majority of the main stream articles about her were good. They didn't call her out on her crap and let her spin her lies, and never questioned her. Therefore, she felt empowered, like nothing could touch her.
However, that has all changed now. The vast majority of articles and comments are negative and are calling her out on her crap and behavior. That feeling that she is untouchable has been challenged big time the last few days, and this has to be affecting her. As well as the fact that with all of this going on, her chances of getting any type of show for herself are zilch.
I think when this reality hits her, she will crash in a big way. I am sad for her because this is all of her own doing, yet if she got another chance, she'd do the same things. She won't learn. And that's why no one will offer her anything, because they know her rep and that she won't change.
I'm sorry that the kids will have to deal with this very public fallout that their mother is having.
XXXXXXXX (you can prolly guess who wrote it)
@Kateplusmy8 A mother's journal is not so much the reality of the day..but the emotion of the day, her way2relieve stress & analyze her day!
So Kate really didn't pick up Collin by the hair and slam him into the crib? She just THOUGHT about doing this because she was relieving stress (in her mind) and analyzing what she might have done?
Why is it the media doesn't print articles every day about what a nightmare, say, Michelle Duggar is? Kate drew the short straw? They just can't accept she actually is a nightmare and that's why people say so.
Blind faith in someone, anyone, really bothers me. Continuing to support someone because they have an idea of what this person is in their own head bothers me. Any 'normal' human being would take a step back and study and internalize all of the allegations that have followed Kate for all these years and come to a logical conclusion. She shits on them and they think it's raining Skittles. Very, very sick.
I hate to make this comparison and I'm sure I'll get shit for it but that's OK. I'm a big girl and I have my big girl panties on. Hitler had millions of blind followers. I'm not comparing Hitler to Kate because, let's face it, Hitler was a lot more intelligent. I'm comparing the blind faith mentality. He got away with what he did because his followers didn't question him. That's all. Come on sheeple...twist my words.
Sorry, Dmasy. We must have been posting our comments around the same time so I didn't see yours.
Inside Edition just did a short story on her firing from Coupon Cabin...more national TV exposure...
butterfly said... 159
Sorry but I had to post this- this is a tweeter making excuses for kate's horrid journal entries about beating her children~~~~
XXXXXXXX (you can prolly guess who wrote it)
@Kateplusmy8 A mother's journal is not so much the reality of the day..but the emotion of the day, her way2relieve stress & analyze her day!
O.M.G. seriously?
October 17, 2012 3:39 PM
Now that's a stretch! Really, Milo?
Shame on the sheeple that are twisting KATE'S OWN WORDS to make her child abuse seem acceptable. That is disgusting.
TMZ's Harvey Levin just said that Kate's only worth about 200,000 now...whether thats true..who knows...
That figure came from a website, therichest.org. It has Kate at 200,000 and Jon at one million. Take it for what it's worth!
Just a thought regarding the fan posting about seeing kate filming a show at AV.
If an uber kate fan saw her filming..wouldn't she have posted it asap "omg omg omg I just saw kate at AV"
Why would uber fan wait until hearing about the CC Firing to make an offhanded remark about it. Makes me think fan is just trying to start a rumor to deflect from kate's firing. As in oh no big deal she has bigger fish to fry with a NEW SHOW.
Anyway..even if for some reason a dating show saw the light of day...what would it accomplish except being the final nail in the coffin of kate's 15minutes. No one wants to see a 37year old mom of 8 making out with 20 different men. All this show would do is align kate with the like of Tila Tequila and Flava Flav. Public reaction would not be good to this show and the few remaning folks on the fence about her would jump.
It wasn't an uber fan who saw her. It was a random person. The uber fan reposted it to the Facebook page. That's my understanding of it anyway.
KAT said... 162
@159....oh oh..let me..my hand is raised...do I get a prize if I say Milo...
ding ding!! You are right! As are the rest who called it. Ok, start grifting your prize on twitter - and I will RT ;)
Love My Grandsons -- I think you said it better!
Sorry if this has been posted before. Radaronline is bashing Kate once again. Weren't they BFF's before? Karma is paying a visit, Kate.
The new Kindle PaperWhite is getting really good reviews. It's backlit, so you can read it in the dark. (The fonts also adjust.) I have the regular Kindle with the leather cover w/light, which I like - but I was even thinking about buying the new PaperWhite version.
It has Kate at 200,000 and Jon at one million. 171
And have I got a great piece of land to sell you. heh, heh........
gabby2 - I bought the 7" kindlefire HD. I wear contacts and need reading glasses. No problem reading in bed. FWIW. Information only.
PatK 103 and others -- My experience with Amazon has been that when a revised, updated or re-edited version of a book I've purchased is released, they send me an email and give me the opportunity to download the revised version free of charge. I would assume that would be the case with Robert's book, too.
I almost never go to ROL but I did this time. KK looks like a drowned rat in that picture. Or like she's been rode hard and put away wet.
Thank you, Dmasy. We basically said the same thing; just used some different words.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 133
Parent, how about Stoudt's Brewery, that's about halfway for both of us? I bet they have some flavor of Rumspringa.
How many of us will be there? I'll call Ed and have him reserve a special room for us where we can rumspring and not embarrass anyone!
I'll need to grift a ticket. Anyone want to set up a "whoa" is me account for me?
Seriously, that's one get-together I'd love to attend. Youtube it or something!
I looked up someone I know on there and their net worth was more than 50 million off. Sounds kind of unreliable to me. Everything I've heard says Kate has millions.
Thanks for the Amazon info, readerlady!
And about his now-unavailable book, Hoffman told Radar: "Regarding the book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World, which was pulled from Amazon by Kate's lawyers, it is currently being edited for re-release and will be available in the very near future. The re-release will include even more proof of Kate's network of greed and lies."
It sounds like Robert WON!! A re-release of the newly edited book. Again, sorry, if this has been posted before.
Sorry for the OT, but I just called my grandsons and they were so silly to talk to tonight! Giggling, telling knock-knock jokes, and I still don't know what they are going to be for Halloween!
The things that I did get through giggles are that soccer is over, they want to play basketball, school is okay, and the younger one heard the older one "tooting".
Okay, yes, these are what my phone calls with the grandsons are like when they're in a silly mood!
If Kate made $250,000 off of 28 epis for K+8 that alone made her a millionairess.
Jo said... 184
And about his now-unavailable book, Hoffman told Radar: "Regarding the book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World, which was pulled from Amazon by Kate's lawyers, it is currently being edited for re-release and will be available in the very near future. The re-release will include even more proof of Kate's network of greed and lies."
It sounds like Robert WON!! A re-release of the newly edited book. Again, sorry, if this has been posted before.
Good news like bears repeating :D
L8R K8!!!
Wow.....just wow.
Again....I just learned of this earlier today when I saw Kate's firing trending on yahoo.
I'd like to say bravo to Scott Kluth.
I'm sensing that there's blood in the water at this point.....and the sharks are circling......and that the cause of the gash that started the hemorrhage was R. Hoffman's book. We'd have never seen a scathing letter like this in the past.
Just one additional thing, though.......it's very possible that some network might view Kate as just "hot" enough right now (along the lines of how Omarosa was seen years ago) to put her on some sort of show (like a dating show).......viewing all the bad press as being a possible draw.
And frankly, it wouldn't be all that bad of an idea.....having one of TV's "most hated reality stars" become the focus of something like a dating show....in order to take advantage of her sudden rise in infamy.........but for the fact that her personality and people skills are SO lacking that it's unlikely she could pull even this off.
But....I'm preparing myself for the possibility just in case.
If I EVER suspected I was being invited onto interview shows suddenly because a damaging tell-all book portraying me as a child and animal abuser had been mentioned all over the internet....I'd be hiding in a cave right now.
Had Kate gone quietly back to private life after her show was cancelled....it's likely none of these horrible abuse revelations would have ever seen the light of day. Many ex-reality stars spiral down years later....but for Kate....nothing will do but a spectacular crash and burn. Reminds me of that line from a movie...something like "I'm ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille". It's almost painful to watch at this point.
Gabby2 -- By bigger Kindle, I assume you mean the Kindle Fire, which now comes in a couple of different sizes. I don't know how much they weigh, but I've heard they're very lightweight. I have the 3rd generation Kindle Keyboard, and I love it. It's about the size of a paperback book. I read in bed all the time, and don't have a problem with the weight, and I have arthritis in my hands and wrists. You can set the font size on all versions of the Kindle. If you have stable wifi availability where you live, then think about the Kindle WiFi. If not, go with the ones that have both 3G and wifi. That way, you can always get an internet connection if you need one. You don't need to be connected to the internet to read a book, but you do to download one. Once it's downloaded, it's on your Kindle until you send it to your archives. If you want to retrieve it from the archives, you need the internet connection. The newest, most expensive Kindle Fire has both 3G and WiFi, but the other verions don't. I you want more than a reader, look into the Fire or the Nook pad or an ipad. I'd recommend that you go with something like that, rather than one of the off-market readers/pads. If you only want a reader, go with a Nook or a Kindle. The Kindle has many more books available and has them cheaper than the Nook. You can check them out before purchasing. Staples, Best Buy and Wal-Mart all carry them, so you can go in and test drive one before buying.
@Kateplusmy8 A mother's journal is not so much the reality of the day..but the emotion of the day, her way2relieve stress & analyze her day!
Oh brother. If I ever found myself in a big pile of doodoo like Kate, I think I want this person to follow me around and tell me I'm the greatest person on earth and that I can beat my kids and treat my dogs like shit, scam church goers and still be the a bright shining star in her eyes.
Geez. Where does Kate find these people? I'm beginning to think Kate has a seperate twitter account and is tweeting herself all these words of encouragement.
Access Hollywood is promoting an upcoming segment of Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman: "what was she thinking?" What!? Isn't this old news? Hmm. Maybe hailey's trying to divert attention from the Fame Whore Katie Irene.
"sweet mother of 8" ..... maybe if she shoves a sugarcane up her ......Glassman is in the news again. Cashing in......
John Di Saia MD @drdisaia
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate...FYI. I will be blogging about your recent "de-aging" comment on http://CosmeticSurgeryTruth.com in the next few days. #CSTBlog
Just for the record, Indiana is on Eastern time, except a few counties near Chicago, which are on Central Time.
FAndM, maybe someone is paying Access Hollywood to divert attention away from Kate. The story about Jon and Hailey is what - 3 years old? They really are reaching at this point, and I don't understand why. Although Hailey would probably do a paid interview, but what could she say 3 years later? Ridiculous.
C.C. Lover said... 195
I applaud your post! Do you work for Coupon Cabin?
Did CC Lover's post get deleted? Did anyone see it besides me?
Twittering And Twattering said... 193
John Di Saia MD @drdisaia
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate...FYI. I will be blogging about your recent "de-aging" comment on http://CosmeticSurgeryTruth.com in the next few days. #CSTBlog
The good doctor will probably call her out on her lies about her non-work.
Jo, it's not deleted. I just went back to read it after your comment, and it describes the situation perfectly.
Conspiracy theory here, but maybe the only strategy Kate has left is to become thee most hated celeb in the world. If that's the only way she can get fame and attention left, she'll do it.
And yeah most normal people would be on suicide watch if the fact that you got fired was announced on the Today show this morning.
Jo -- I can think of a couple of comparisons that are closer to home -- Jim Jones, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert. They all seemed to inspire fanatical devotion and, in the cases of Swaggert and Bakker, adamant denials when they were shown to have feet of clay. Jones inspired such rabid devotion in his followers that they were willing to murder their children and then commit suicide.
I have to wonder if KK isn't beginning to have just a wee bit of empathy and understanding for Jon and what she and TLC put him through, now that she's getting much the same treatment. Oh, what am I saying, this is KK we're talking about. She doesn't have an empathetic bone in her body.
I have to agree with the other posters who are experiencing a sense of forboding. I'm having a case of what my Scots great grandmother would call "the cold grues".
Nope. CC Lover's post is gone. Too bad.
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