A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
1801 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1801 Newer› Newest»Thank-you everyone for input on kindles.
I am surprised no one is talking about kate's hidden location today. I can't image any company spending their advertising dollars anything she is promoting. There would be a gigantic backlash.
I would say now she knows how Jon felt to be slaughtered in the media, but I just don't think she sees the parallels.
When all is said and done she will wish she had the kind of people around following this saga who were willing to forgive Jon when he asked for it. Instead she spent the past 18 months telling everyone to block us.
Jo, I just went on the page with posts 401-600 and CC Lover's post at 195 is still there. This is the post I thought you were talking about.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 59
Does it's me or them really work these days?
I kind of feel like a lot of people these days feel like anyone is replaceable.
In any case, respectfully I think that's kind of immature. But what I'm sure happened is employees were in on the conversation about whether this particular employee was working out.
I wonder if she got benefits like insurance and 401k or if she was just an independent contractor.
You are "sure" that other employees were involved in the decision to let her go? I would be shocked if that were the case, unless you are talking about her supervisor(s). Are you regularly consulted about whether your colleagues should be fired?
CC Lover's entry was copied onto another anti-Gosselin site. Should be pretty easy to find.
If you paid for the book, you wont have to pay for the revised edition.
FandM Alumna said... 191
Hailey is back in the news because she is going to be on a new Lifetime reality show called "My Life is a Lifetime Movie".
According to a video(also on AH's site), Hailey's segment on the show will air on Nov.14.
Hailey is back in the news because she is going to be on a new Lifetime reality show called "My Life is a Lifetime Movie".
Yupe I said that last night.
@juliectimmons @Kateplusmy8 Only thing I can tell U is she is working on something new...has been really very busy! :)
Oh, geez...Milo, the insider knows that Kate is really busy because she's working on something new. Why, then, was Milo at her wit's end the past couple days demanding some kind of tweet from Kate, and why didn't she know IN ADVANCE about Kate's firing?
...and it's now October 18 where she is.
You are "sure" that other employees were involved in the decision to let her go? I would be shocked if that were the case, unless you are talking about her supervisor(s). Are you regularly consulted about whether your colleagues should be fired?
I was talking about employees being in on the conversation as to whether she was working out, not that any employee made the decision to fire her, that seems to probably be Scott. I'm not sure, I take it back. However I don't work with any public figures who abuse their children and dogs. It's hard to believe not a single employee didn't express some concern about what was being said about her and what that meant for their direction of the company. After all, it's not just about Kate. It's about the other employees who have to work with her and their company too. Scott seems like a nice guy with an open door policy. The fact that he specifically talks to their "wonderful" team and employee culture suggests that was a strong motivating factor. It strongly suggests that concerns were discussed about the team and culture of the employees.
Although I've fortunately never had to use it, any company I have ever worked with has encouraged an open door policy when there are issues with other employees. They don't want you to fester and stew about it, they would rather you come talk about what the issue is so it can be fixed. I've seen others take advantage of it and conflicts get resolved quite nicely.
@GoKingDaddy @TwitTartwif @Allisstair @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 Wherever Milo the intern lives, it's tomorrow already:
PMP! I know, I just checked! lol!! I feel like singing, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, you're not even a day away!"
I've figured it out, Milo is a Time Lord!
Now that Kate is out of a job (again), will she do the round of talk shows to try to drum up sympathy?
Will she be on the Today Show to cry about how she doesn't know how she can support her eight children (sob, sob) and how scary that is (sniff, sniff) and how she isn't getting any support from Jon (that horrible, horrible man) and how only another tv show will save the family from destitution (and besides, the kids really, really miss filming)?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 200
Conspiracy theory here, but maybe the only strategy Kate has left is to become thee most hated celeb in the world. If that's the only way she can get fame and attention left, she'll do it.
I think it's a pretty good theory. It certainly can't just be a coincidence that she's suddenly been a guest on various interview shows again. She's "hot" right now due to all the negative press that's come out since R. Hoffman's book was released on Amazon and then spread on the internet.
And if she had any talent, she might be able...albeit only temporarily....to ride the wave of her notoriety.
But boy....there's being hated.....and then being hated for being a child and animal abuser.
You would think that anyone with any sanity....who knew that there were all these abuse skeletons rattling around in her closet and threatening to come flying out....would be huddling down trying to maintain a low profile....if not just disappear altogether.
And I have to add that I too am getting a sense of foreboding. I'm just stunned....really stunned.....that this CEO would have written such a scathing letter and posted it on his site. It's my understanding that Kate's contract with CC was ending soon. He could have just not renewed it. It had to be something BIG....really BIG....to have resulted in this letter.
All the explanations here are valid....but I feel fairly certain that this was typical demanding behavior of Kate the entire time she was on their payroll. Her demands, her self-promotion, etc....were all things she'd been doing since the first day they hired her. I'm not hearing any explanation of any particular behavior that sounds like it was egregious enough to warrant this letter. It all sounds to me like the types of things she's been doing the whole time she's been working there...same old, same old.
If her contract was getting ready to run out...possibly next month...why suddenly fire her one month early? Not only fire her but post a really scathing letter like that on the site?
It had to be something bigger. Nothing mentioned here (ie: not promoting the site, lying about the home improvement work, etc.) rises to the level of warranting a scathing public firing like this......esp. when her contract term was expiring anyway.
The conspiracist in me is also considering this info regarding the re-release of Mr. Hoffman's book....that will contain additional information.....information, I'm assuming, included in what he'd initially said he wouldn't put in the book. Why the change of mind? Is something getting ready to break? Something that made the CEO of CC feel a sudden sense of urgency....that he had to publicly and scathingly sever his company and the reputation of his company from Kate?
Am I going off the deep end here? It's okay....you can tell me. :D
Admin, I agree with you 100% about the input of other employees. Where I work, the employees in my department were having a problem with one particular employee who ridiculed them when she had to check their work. There were some outbursts and many employees, myself included, had talks with our manager.
We assume that this employee was talked to about this because her behavior changed and has been great to work with for the past few months.
re: Kate's potential new dating show
Maybe she's finally gone 'round the bend and to keep her manageable Steve just films everything she does and tells her it's for her "new tv show" ;)
OMG...T and T@11......I was gonna say the same thing....Milo loves to act like she got the inside on kate....why didnt she say this yesterday....now all of a sudden she knows kates very busy.....now we know what a liar she is...she doesnt have a clue where kate is ......wacko...
@dee3...Kate's notorious for being a child and animal abuser. In light of what has gone on with Jerry Sandusky, I'm not too sure anyone would touch Kate Gosselin or her show.
I agree with Paula. When this book is re-released, no network will touch Kate with a ten foot pole. People forgive a lot of stuff, but not abusing kids and animals.
Kate's radioactive.
Paula said... 20
@dee3...Kate's notorious for being a child and animal abuser. In light of what has gone on with Jerry Sandusky, I'm not too sure anyone would touch Kate Gosselin or her show.
I would tend to agree with you, Paula.....but then, all these recent shows were willing to have her on as a guest. It's difficult to predict how far some might go if they think there's enough money to be made. It's not completely outside the realm of possibility that there might not be a decent viewership for a dating show that showcases her as (as the Administrator put it) "thee most hated celebrity".
My suspicion would be that it would be her total lack of talent that would cause disinterest in any show she might be selling. That they would preview what had been filmed and find it embarrassingly bad.
I still can't stop thinking about the letter at CouponCabin. It reminds me of some of these crime shows......where they are investigating a murder and comment that a particular murder was "overkill" and had to be "personal" because the person was stabbed 500 times.
To me....that letter looks like "overkill".....far more than just a normal firing of an employee. I'm sure that the other employees at CC complained (for months and months) to the CEO about Kate....for a whole variety of reasons...being demanding, not promoting the site, only promoting herself, all sorts of problems with the content of what she blogged, etc......and for months he had to deal with all the negative comments written there about her....and what she blogged.
But normally......the boss would tell them, "hey, don't worry. Her contract runs out next month and we're not renewing it. She'll soon be gone".....or something along those lines.
And then when the contract expires, you write a tactful letter and post it on your site....a tactful one....not a scathing one.
Even if...after months of complaints....he was just looking for the first excuse to fire her.....and this lying about the home improvements provided that for him.......okay, fire her a month early. Nice and quietly.
But to fire shortly before the contract expires? And post THAT letter...firing her publicly and quite scathingly?
SOMETHING is going on....or getting ready to happen....or to be revealed.
With only the facts that are currently available...to me....it was "overkill".
Not that I'm criticizing him....please don't think that. I'd love to shake his hand and congratulate him for being honest....and courageous.
It's just....I don't know....something is up.
Pooh Bear ... that makes her just like Norma Desmond. Though poor Steve will never be anything like Eric Von Stoheim, both Gloria Swanson and Norma Desmond's director/butler.
Lindsey Lohan is a pain, but studios think her talent overshadows that, so they give her film roles. Charlie Sheen is a pain, but tv networks
think his talent overshadows that, so he gets jobs in ads, on shows, etc. Others, ditto.
The American public will forgive lots in its celebrities. Michael Richards may be a singular exception because of racist spews, but for the most part, the public forgives.
Kate seems to be beyond redemption in America's hearts. So sad, because she really was loved by so many once. Child abuse and animal abuse may trump racism on the unacceptable meter.
I cannot believe she is going to throw all that money down a rat hole to make a self-serving show about her dates. The genre seems jaded to me, but what do I know?
dee3, I don't think the letter was overkill. I think it was very honest. I also believe, as others have stated, to show Kate that she cannot go on TV shows and badmouth them for an unfair firing. They basically showed their hand up front when they let her go. Therefore, she can't fall back on her pity me media tours. I think that is what they were trying to stop so they took such a hard stance with her. Afterall, this is Kate, you can't do things mildly with her or she doesn't get it.
dee3 said... 16
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 200
Conspiracy theory here, but maybe the only strategy Kate has left is to become thee most hated celeb in the world. If that's the only way she can get fame and attention left, she'll do it.
I think that's what has let Kate limp along this long. People loved to hate her, but she also got a little bit of a break because of the cute kids.
I think with the confirmation that she is an animal, child, and adult abuser, she is now poison. Damaged goods. Not accepted in nice company. Repugnant.
Let's just say she did form her own production company and she is filming a dating show. She is so whacked, so uncoachable, so unwilling to take direction, it is going to a the hottest of hot messes, just like the Paula deen pilot.
Instead of taking the opportunity that was K+8, she completely wiped anything relatable from that show and made sure she got plenty of posh trips and $$home improvements. Gee? I wonder why the show was canceled?
You would think after everything she touches has turned to steaming crap, she would get it. She won't and can't. So let the steaming crap flow.
Kate Gosselin, meet Lance Armstrong. You two deserve each other.
fidosmommy said... 24
Lindsey Lohan has talent rather it be acting or singing.
Kate's talent?????
Count me in! I am next door in York County!
I agree with you. He could have let her go quietly when her contract was up but instead, made her release as public as possible. Admin mentioned this also. It's as if he knows something or has solid proof. I think the fact that Roberts book has the go ahead to be published might play into his decision to fire her.
fidosmommy, in all of your examples, you cited people that have talent. That is the difference between them and Kate, she has no talent. The only thing she did to get stardom was to give birth to children. That's not a talent and it sure doesn't pay the bills.
KAT said... 19
OMG...T and T@11......I was gonna say the same thing....Milo loves to act like she got the inside on kate....why didnt she say this yesterday....now all of a sudden she knows kates very busy.....now we know what a liar she is...she doesnt have a clue where kate is ......wacko...
There are some of us who have more than a clue.
Nantango said... 27
Kate Gosselin, meet Lance Armstrong. You two deserve each other.
your comment made me crack up. But then I started thinking about it, and although I believe he's guilty as sin (always have), what he did still isn't as bad as beating two yr olds.
Kate's worse.
Her day of reckoning is upon her.
Kate, meet Karma.
@BIOGHAWG @Allisstair @Kateplusmy8 Hard 2understand the nature of the beast N them...U hurt Kate...U hurt the 8kids!
My jaw dropped with this one. Literally. So Milo believes that Kate shouldn't be called out for abusing her children and animals because to do so would be to hurt the kids?
In other words, the child abuse needs to be swept under the rug because if word gets out that Kate has beaten the kids, it will hurt them. Child abusers should therefore be allowed to keep on abusing because if they are arrested or go to jail, it's the kids who will be hurt because the abuser is absent from their lives?
This must be a paid intern or pr person writing this stuff. No rational, normal person, especially a parent, could possibly believe this.
Blowing In The Wind, with that tweet from Milo, I no longer find her entertaining. I think she is sick. It's amazing that she put that in writing. At times like this, I do think she is a paid peon of Kate's, or Kate herself.
Hubby actually told me Kate was axed from Coupon Cabin, yesterday afternoon. It was trending #1 on the search engines all day long.
So tonight, we are making OG Philly Cheese-Steaks (provolone style), here in Los Angeles to celebrate the ending of a bad business deal.
Scott Kluth & Robert Hoffman... YOU ROCK!
Where the Hell is Skoka, Katie?
AuntieAnn said... 190
@Kateplusmy8 A mother's journal is not so much the reality of the day..but the emotion of the day, her way2relieve stress & analyze her day!
Oh brother. If I ever found myself in a big pile of doodoo like Kate, I think I want this person to follow me around and tell me I'm the greatest person on earth and that I can beat my kids and treat my dogs like shit, scam church goers and still be the a bright shining star in her eyes.
Geez. Where does Kate find these people? I'm beginning to think Kate has a seperate twitter account and is tweeting herself all these words of encouragement.
It's only October, but Katie Irene is practicing for her Big Role of laying herself gently in the manger come December 24th....
How she is going to play the Christ AND His Mother at the same time, I am not sure... but it is her calling, let's be honest. She is all things pure and honest and martyred on this planet.
Anonymous said... 30
I agree with you. He could have let her go quietly when her contract was up but instead, made her release as public as possible. Admin mentioned this also. It's as if he knows something or has solid proof. I think the fact that Roberts book has the go ahead to be published might play into his decision to fire her.
I'm thinking the exact same thing, Jane.....especially with this latest info that R. Hoffman will be adding new additional information in the edited re-release.
My best guess is that....and you have to forgive me here because I know nothing about the publishing world.....but that his book has picked up some serious interest in the publishing world....and is now being edited by professionals, etc.
When I first learned about the book here and read all the comments with excerpts....I thought that the book had significant blockbuster-type potential....but my main worry was whether or not there would be enough interest in it outside of the Gosselin blogosphere.
I suspect it got enough activity on the internet...after being available on Amazon for only about 2 days before being held up in legal issues....to have prompted some serious professional interest in it. And I'm guessing it's being edited and cleaned-up by other professionals (going by the comments written here regarding what types of editing it would benefit from)....and MOST importantly.....that new info is being added.
And I'm assuming here that this new added info will be coming from the cache of info he was withholding.
So that begs the question....is he now adding it because LaVerne & Shirley have finally irritated him to that point? Or is it because it is info that is soon to come out anyway due to some unknown reason so he is adding it?
And how serious is this new info? Serious enough that it would cause the CEO of CC to feel the need to make SURE he cleanly and publicly severed himself and his company's reputation from Kate? And leave NO doubt about it?
That's kinda how I'm thinking right now. It's definitely something significant...I feel pretty certain of that. And I totally agree with you and suspect it has to do with the impending re-release of R. Hoffman's book (along with the new added info possibly being something that will be publicly released soon by some entity).
Because IIRC....he said he was withholding certain info. that he'd promised Jon he would but also implied that it was info that would be coming out anyway.....am I remembering correctly here?
Too many little clues here that are fitting right into a tight little conspiracy theory of my own here. :D
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 12
You are "sure" that other employees were involved in the decision to let her go? I would be shocked if that were the case, unless you are talking about her supervisor(s). Are you regularly consulted about whether your colleagues should be fired?
I was talking about employees being in on the conversation as to whether she was working out, not that any employee made the decision to fire her, that seems to probably be Scott. I'm not sure, I take it back. However I don't work with any public figures who abuse their children and dogs. It's hard to believe not a single employee didn't express some concern about what was being said about her and what that meant for their direction of the company. After all, it's not just about Kate.
Maybe it had more to do with her treating her coworkers at CC like her own hired minions and demanding they write her manadatory tweets or posts for her. We have all seen tweets on behalf of CC that were written by others, expecially the last few weeks. Clearly after dozens of these events, others would have complained long and loud that they were doing her work and not getting all the paid luxuries SHE was getting.
She. Is. Such. A. Loser. In. Life.
KATIE. Get. A Psychiatrist. SOONEST.
Admin: It could be that the other CC employees, got tired of doing Kates work, and not getting paid for it. We all know how Kate likes to dump work on someone else. Perhaps these women got tired of covering for Kate, editing her stuff, getting her comments, her e-mails of complaints. But, the final decision to fire Kate is the boss/owner/CEO, not other employees.
I worked in a few places, where some employees got away with crap, even though others complained, cause the Boss/manager liked them, till a higher up got enough complaints and went over the managers head, an fired them, or the Boss caught them red handed doing something. This is clearly something Kate did or got caught doing. For nothing a CEO fires her, makes it public, and tells her & family best of wishes, that include her staff? I've never heard a CEO, HR etc, wishing a persons staff best wishes. It sounds to me that Kate had, either dumped her posted notes on a co-worker, and/or had her staff, do the blogs. Kate even admit on one of the blogs, she does not like doing research. It had to do with one of the apps.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 185
Sorry for the OT, but I just called my grandsons and they were so silly to talk to tonight! Giggling, telling knock-knock jokes, and I still don't know what they are going to be for Halloween!
The things that I did get through giggles are that soccer is over, they want to play basketball, school is okay, and the younger one heard the older one "tooting".
LOLOLOL1!!!!!! Nothing is funnier, or my sacred, to little boys than FARTS!!!
What a blessing for you to hear their giggles tonight! (Freeze it in your mind, as you know it goes by so fast. Oh how precious to hear a child's giggles again.)
Dee3, I am really enjoying your speculations. Very interesting posts.
I want to add that maybe Jon saw all this coming. He went completely underground long before the first hint of trouble. I hope he has a well fortified plan of action to protect the children.
His silence seems to have strength now.
He loved Kate once. He loves the kids still. This has to be heart breaking for him.
Wow what a day. Kate's name is MUD and American Horror Story returns to TEEVEE!
I meant... Where's Shoka?
I am with those that think Jon might have him, while (and if), Kate is in Hollywood. Was the L.A. brothel last night debunked yet? Some Club.
Admin. the Documentary "Catfish", is on the list of Morgan Spurlock's "Top 50 Docs. To See Before You Die". It is one of my favorites... especially the reveal of the romantic texts to Nev, in the motel room. I have never giggled so much! Lesson learned- you never know who anyone REALLY is, on the Internet.
We sometimes share many of the same thoughts.
Since everyone that meets Katie loves her I take it those folks at CC never met her, eh? Ha, another fat lie.
Glad to hear I may finally get to read Robert's book. Learn more of her grifting, greed, and utter disregard for family, friends and community.
AuntieAnn said... 157
Anonymous said... 146
You couldn't possibly know how she is or isn't feeling. Did you expect her to tweet "curled up in tight ball of shame and remorse" to give you a heads up about how she feels?
Don't be stupid "anonymous". No one would ever expect Kate Gosselin to tell the truth about anything.
and who the HELL wants to ask kate "how she feels"? No one gives a shit anymore "how she feels".
I DO take issue with the original poster who said something about her 'curled up in a tight ball'... all that artificial saline in the boobage area would sure prevent any 'curling' into a 'tight' anything.
I know this may be wild speculation, but....
Kate went on a media tour--Katie, WWHL, AH. Although she didn't promote SGK, it was mentioned on all 3 programs. It might be possible that Kate herself received donations from the cast, crew members and guests of these shows. Could it all be possible that Kate hid these donations and CC found out? That might be something that would fall under "recent events".
Don't want to start a rumor-it's just my speculation.
Dmasy said... 42
Dee3, I am really enjoying your speculations. Very interesting posts.
Thank you so much for reassuring me. I was getting worried that the guys in the white coats were on their way to commit me. :D
Seriously, though.....the letter Mr. Kluth posted is a major statement. It's a public (and somewhat bloody) severance of yourself and your company from a prior employee.
I worked for a corporation or two back in the day...and it would have been considered completely outside of the normal MO.
There is just some serious blood in the water suddenly....and this time there are some REAL sharks circling.
R. Hoffman, if you read back through the various things he wrote on his own blog, etc., dropped a few significant clues, I think. And he decided to add some NEW info to this re-release...info he'd said he would not include (but intimated it would be coming out anyway at some point....but he'd promised Jon not to include it until then)....and publicly released this little fact right after this public firing of Kate?
And boy, do I LOVE puzzles. My favorites used to be logic puzzles.
Dwindle said... 37
It's only October, but Katie Irene is practicing for her Big Role of laying herself gently in the manger come December 24th....
How she is going to play the Christ AND His Mother at the same time, I am not sure... but it is her calling, let's be honest. She is all things pure and honest and martyred on this planet.
Dwindle - Yes. Cripe. It might not be ready for Christmas, but I have a sneaking suspicion Kate and Steve are planning her second coming in the New Year. If she were a rock star (which I think SHE thinks she is) it would be billed as her Redemption Tour 2013. Kate's ego is swollen with pomposity and void of humility. If she was part of my family I'd disown her for the embarrassment she's caused for being a relative. I don't care what happened to her when she was young. Tough titties. None of us have escaped without a few scars from our past. She's getting what's coming to her and I've waited to see it too long to be apologetic for being freaking jubilant about watching her go down.
Dwindle, Anonymous was taunting me. Here is the original post:
Dmasy said... 76
A mediocre woman with a conscience and any normal instincts would not be able to withstand these assaults.
What is she made of that she isn't curled into a tight ball of shame and remorse?
She needs more help than a rabid fan can provide.
You couldn't possibly know how she is or isn't feeling. Did you expect her to tweet "curled up in tight ball of shame and remorse" to give you a heads up about how she feels?
Maybe that explains more.
milo gets their talking points from kate, I have no doubt.
I just watched the Katie C show again to confirm that Kate DID NOT PROMOTE anything but her desire for a dating show...and of course to trash Jon again.
Katie C. bought up CC, the run and fund raising.
@BIOGHAWG @Allisstair @Kateplusmy8 Hard 2understand the nature of the beast N them...U hurt Kate...U hurt the 8kids!
Do you think what Milo really means is that if Kate gets hurt she takes it out on the kids? Maybe she really does think that Kate hits her kids and tries to kiss her butt so she stays happy and won't hurt them.
I know that's probably not what she meant but a girl can dream can't she?
Sorry if this has already been posted. But this is a great video about Kate (skip to about 3 min. into the video):
The more I read the more frightening this gets. Are the children's teachers putting 2 and 2 together and reviewing all of the signs they must have seen over the past few years? Were they forced to sign non-disclosure agreements so felt like their hands were tied? Bull. Time to step up now, teachers. Shame on you. Kate's brother tried so hard to let people know but nobody listened. So many of us saw evidence years ago. Nobody listened.
The reason they never participate in group activities is that Kate couldn't be there to control every single moment. What if one of the innocents accidently exposed something they shouldn't. At school, they probably monitored each other and were careful because they were grilled every afternoon. In a group activity, they could have just blurted out a family secret. We all know kids will innocently repeat almost anything that goes on at home. We also know what happens in our homes, even 'quiet' abuse if it happens often enough becomes 'normal'. Guess these kids think yelling, threats,and hitting happen in everybody's house.
I pray the children and their Mom can come through this. Can you imagine how pissed she must be? Losing all control. Are these children going to get councelling? And Mom anger management monitoring for life? No, not anger management. Psychiatric treatment because she has slipped into a world that she is the only one that is important.
Who knows what she'll do? This new dating show is laughable. A 37 year old bleached out rebuilt wanabe with a terrible reputation? Somebody said once you can take a 40 year old Ford Mustang and replace every single part and repaint it and you still have a 40 year old car. Lipstick on a pig.
The picture of her on ROL? Of COURSE she's going to look pitiful. She's in poor me mode now. Now is not the time to be showing off her tan and hair and manicure. Destroy Deny and Deflect.
Whew, thanks for hearing me out and thank you, Administrator for providing this forum for us.
I think she got fired for several reasons that have already been listed. I also feel the CEO went public with this as he probably knows she likes to sue everyone and decided to let it be known that if she pulls any BS stunt, it will back fire on her and a lot more will go public. Maybe her aka name is Sweet $ue.
This is interesting...
Page down to review #2
Hmmm, one great review from current CC employee, one poor review from former employee. Looks like a draw to me.
Assuming that Kate really is filming a dating show is it possible the show is somehow connected to Donald Trump? I believe Kate is/was following Donald on Twitter. I remember Donald had a reality show where he tried to find Omarosa(?) a partner. I just wonder if he is not trying to do the same for Kate.
HAHAHAHA ever one is slamming Kate.
See 4 yoursef 3:08-4:11
Looks like Kate is projecting her bi-polar diagnosis.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 31
fidosmommy, in all of your examples, you cited people that have talent. That is the difference between them and Kate, she has no talent.
I know. That's why I said so in the first paragraph of my post. ;-)
Dwindle said... 46
and who the HELL wants to ask kate "how she feels"? No one gives a shit anymore "how she feels".
A rabid fan, apparently. Dmasy touched a nerve with her. lol.
Omerosa was in a very committed and serious relationship with Michael Clarke Duncan. (Rip)
AuntieAnn said... 62
Dwindle said... 46
and who the HELL wants to ask kate "how she feels"? No one gives a shit anymore "how she feels".
A rabid fan, apparently. Dmasy touched a nerve with her. lol.
Nope, not interested in asking Kate how she feels. Just pointing out what should be obvious -- Kate Gosselin is not pouring her guts out on Twitter so nobody here has a clue how she feels and therefore shouldn't be claiming to know. As for who gives a shit, apparently your buddy Dmasy does since she brought up the topic.
LoveMyGrandsons and Dwindle...Had to laugh about boys and their farts. When my grandson lets one rip, he just laughs and nonchalantly says, "Mimi, smell my fart?" I'm trying to get him to say fluffer instead of fart but it is not working.
I have a bbbaaaaadddddd feeling about all of this being made public. Can you just imagine her anger because she is no longer calling all the shots? And even more allegations in the next book?
Wonder if some of the info in the book came from a computer she threw out because she demanded a newer model from CC? That really would be Karma biting her in the ass.
So, no one should ever fire someone doing a poor job for them because it could hurt their kids? Is that what she's saying? So you just have to put up with someone doing a crappy job because Lord knows we shouldn't hurt their kids.
And what if someone doesn't have kids, it's okay to fire them because no one else will be hurt?
Anonymous said... 64
Kate Gosselin is not pouring her guts out on Twitter so nobody here has a clue how she feels and therefore shouldn't be claiming to know.
Correction Anonymous, or may I call you Rabid Fan? Kate did reveal how she felt by her one and only tweet yesterday.
She's having fun.
Omarosa....back years ago...was, for a short period of time....one of the "hated celebrities" and her career was "hot" for a period of time due to this notoriety. I was only using her as an example and only referring to her celebrity years ago.....and not to anything recent. Over the years, there have been various celebrities who were able to have some very limited success in the entertainment industry...for short periods of time....because they were much more disliked than they were liked.
In recent years, however, Omarosa had apparently changed quite a bit and became a much more likable and caring person.....and I feel terrible for the recent grief she's endured.
Unfortunately, unlike Omarosa, Kate will probably remain the same unlikable person forever.....as she doesn't really have the capacity to change.
I wasn't comparing Omarosa to Kate G....just using her as an example from years ago.
Auntie, It is nice to know that we are considered buddies. I don't mind. Hope you don't either.
My mom used to say "oops, my fanny burped"... giggle time all around when we were little kids, we thought it was hilarious.
Also if we got to laughing really, really hard she'd tell us that our giggle-box got turned upside down....
My brother, on the other hand, when he was in high school would walk into the room, let one rip, smile and walk out as if nothing had happened.
Boys and their farts? What about men and theirs?! Ugh!
What is it about potty humor that makes everyone laugh while trying not to? As I sit here with a tiny little smile on my face....
I'm ashamed.
Mind? Dmasy, I'm honored to be your buddy.
AuntieAnn said... 68
Correction Anonymous, or may I call you Rabid Fan? Kate did reveal how she felt by her one and only tweet yesterday.
She's having fun.
You may call me whatever you choose. The name is completely inaccurate, but whatever makes you happy.
So because she tweeted the was having "fun" that precludes her from having any other feelings? Alrighty then. Besides, I thought Kate was always lying on Twitter so why are you choosing to believe her now?
I'm wondering if KK was fired because the CEO finally read the parts of her journal where she described how violently she abused her toddlers. Remember how stunned we all were when we read in her own words what she had done?
Or, maybe I'm just afraid to think about what might be worse than what we've already read?
Anonymous I think you are picking some really silly fights over something so trivial.
Of course no one really knows how Kate feels even if she were to right a book on it. Only the individual person knows how they really feel inside. We all full well know that. I don't see the problem with speculating how she feels though. This shouldn't bother you so much. Also pick a name.
Write, not right lol. It's been a long week!
@73 Okay you got me there. She IS always lying on Twitter. And on tv and in interviews and to her children...
EM said...
Anyway..even if for some reason a dating show saw the light of day...what would it accomplish except being the final nail in the coffin of kate's 15minutes. No one wants to see a 37year old mom of 8 making out with 20 different men. All this show would do is align kate with the like of Tila Tequila and Flava Flav. Public reaction would not be good to this show and the few remaining folks on the fence about her would jump.
Anyone know what Flava Flav is up to lately? Maybe he and kHate can get married? Now, that is a show I would want to watch!
So, no one should ever fire someone doing a poor job for them because it could hurt their kids? Is that what she's saying? So you just have to put up with someone doing a crappy job because Lord knows we shouldn't hurt their kids.
Looking over the "conversation," she seemed to be saying that Kate shouldn't be trashed, that Robert never should have published the book, and that the child/animal abuse shouldn't have been brought up, because when Kate is hurt by negative remarks and media hate, it hurts the kids.
Ha Ha Ha Kate was Andy's jackhole of the day again tonight! He said (and I am paraphrasing) she had been on his show to promote her job on the coupon blog and then got fired. He said she gave bad advice like saying don't join a community pool, swim in your own. Wow she really is getting slammed everywhere. Don't think she will get a job on Bravo.
Looking over the "conversation," she seemed to be saying that Kate shouldn't be trashed, that Robert never should have published the book, and that the child/animal abuse shouldn't have been brought up, because when Kate is hurt by negative remarks and media hate, it hurts the kids.
Ah, gotch-ya. So, speaking out about child abuse is wrong because it might hurt the kids' feelings to see you say bad things about their parent.
Good Lord. What an f-ed up way to live. Go to a third world country where there is no child abuse (i.e. you don't report such things) if that's honestly how you feel. Unbelievable.
A dating show for a mother of 8 seems just odd. What would people say if Jon had had a dating show? Jon and a date and you can meet my 8?? Serious.. Rolls eyes. People would be rabid. Katie needs to go away. She is a child abuser and a people abuser. She is no one special.
The only time Kate promotes things is when other people bring it up.
Like an interviewer will say-"Do you have a run coming up.
And then she do her "Oh yeah" and then it goes back to being all about Kate.
I wonder if Kate's waiting by the Iphone for the kids to call?
Cause we all know the 8 being with Jon is soooo boring and they can't wait to see mommy.
If Kate really had "something" in the works why wouldn't Kate say so? Kate didn't say anything in the beginning about 'twist of kate' and that didn't show up on TLC. Kate should come out via twitter(nothing left) and see if she can point interest to new show. With no job, no TLC and only her $$$ to pay for a dating show and lawyers whats left!!
I think even Morgan Fairchild was the one to bring up oh yeah Kate don't you run marathons?? She acted like oh yeah I think I do. What a perfect opportunity to say yes I do I have one coming up this weekend I'm running for Coupon Cabin which does this and that good stuff for saving money and you can find them at couponcabin.com. It's NOT HARD.
LOL everyone was trying to help Kate promote herself and still she was helpless.
She should literally "study" some Jay Leno interviews to learn how to find openings to promote herself, to see how real celebs manage it.
anon said...So because she tweeted the was having "fun" that precludes her from having any other feelings?
If you're having fun being embarrassed, depressed, or humiliated, then I guess she could be both. Some people can have fun and be sad at the same time. It's called ambivalence. It may also be that some may enjoy being angry. It also could be a symptom of being bipolar.
Just read some Tweets saying Kate was named Jack Hole of the Week on WWHL tonight.
Andy made her jackhole of the day just one week after interviewing her??? OUCH!!!
She should literally "study" some Jay Leno interviews to learn how to find openings to promote herself, to see how real celebs manage it.
It wouldn't work. Her brain doesn't seem to be wired that way. She can't learn. We've often talked about how she can't think ahead. She could find no openings in any conversation to promote whatever cause she is going to be promoting. I'm not sure if this is because she really lacks any kind of communication skills, or because she thinks only in terms of herself and thus, everything is about her. Maybe it's a little of both.
After all of these years, she still hasn't learned the very basic art of public speaking. If she can't master that, how can she figure out what to promote? That would be far too complicated.
Today's TMZ Live show is now posted on their website. The segment about Kate starts at approx. 32:40.
Maybe her and Steve ran away 2gther and she forced him to marry her.
She can tweet
Oops-forgot to post the link.
Remona, I think one of the biggest concerns of the CEO was probably his charity. Just looking at his web site it's pretty clear he has worked very hard building multiple relationships with tons of child-oriented, child-advocacy charities, including CASA, the charity Robert Hoffman highlighted that works with abused kids.
Image and association are everything and there was no way he was going to risk associating himself with someone so controversial anymore. It was not worth the hits Kate may have brought to his content farm.
It almost might not have mattered to him whether it was true or not, the point being the things being talked about that Kate may have done to her children are so incompatible with the mission of his charity he had to cut her loose and fast.
I tend to think Scott Kluth took his employees concerns to heart before publicly shaming Kate, but there is more to this than just his disgruntled staff. To post an online letter explaining his reasons for her termination is extreme. This letter was designed to leave no doubt that HE made the decision to let her go. He shut down her spin-machine before her contract ended, and this was key. He eliminated her opportunity to dust them off as unworthy of her time.
I also believe a big contributing factor was Kate putting herself ahead of the Susan G. Komen Foundation run, a cause Coupon Cabin was supporting. Kate brought nothing to the table. She did not promote it, she did not raise funds, and in typical Kate fashion, she felt they should be thanking her for showing up and doing the run. I bet Mr. Kluth was humiliated putting her face out there as a representative of his company. She showed no compassion for this, or any other cause that doesn't feature her as their centrepiece, and even then she feels put-upon.
But, as dee3 suspects, something more is coming and my guess is CC wants as much distance and time between themselves and Kate Gosselin as they can possibly could.
Out of curiosity, did anyone email Coupon Cabin about Robert's book when it came out? No one mentioned they did that but who knows.
Good Lord. What an f-ed up way to live. Go to a third world country where there is no child abuse (i.e. you don't report such things) if that's honestly how you feel. Unbelievable.
It was Milo would tweeted it. Nothing about him/her surprises me anymore. She's more than a bizarre and obsessed fan. She really is a very sick individual. That is, if there's just one Milo and this isn't a group of interns, in which case there would be a group of sick people running around tweeting Kate worship, which is even worse.
According to the movie Game Change, even Sarah Palin was able to be coached into saying certain talking points at the right times, after a lot of work. I'm not sure I really believe there has been that hard of an effort to really try to train this woman how to do an interview. Although I suppose maybe she really is unteachable or refuses training.
I just shot off an e-mail to Rep. Thomas Murt of Pennsylvania to thank him again for his work.
The bill may be far from perfect, but it is most certainly an improvement over what the Gosselin kids had to work with.
Sadly, many people were abused as kids at least a little. And some much worse.
I wonder if any of her fans have been through that as children. It's hard to believe NONE of them have, statistically speaking. Because that's when it really gets messed up, when they are STILL defending this child abuser despite their own backgrounds as victims.
Real life has been crazy for me, so forgive me if this has been posted already...but I wonder if she didn't cheat during this last "marathon"...
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 96
Out of curiosity, did anyone email Coupon Cabin about Robert's book when it came out? No one mentioned they did that but who knows.
What occurred to me was the possibility that one or more of the CC employees comes to read here, found out about the book and ordered it when it came out. Or, have been reading Aggiemom's exerpts. Just a thought.
I'm sorry, but a dating show? Who's dumbass idea is this? No one wants to see this idiot date. She had a lovely husband she was lucky to have in the first place. She abused him and then divorced him because he wouldn't comply with her crazy ass. She doesn't deserve love again, if she's even capable of it.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 96
Out of curiosity, did anyone email Coupon Cabin about Robert's book when it came out? No one mentioned they did that but who knows.
I wonder if one of the employees may have gotten a copy of the book when it was avaailable; especially if they were already displeased with her.
Sorry Fidosmommy. we were posting at the same time.
Wouldn't it have been incredible that the CEO's wife read RH's book and then told him what she learned.
Jimmy Kimmel just crucified her. The meaning of the CEO's letter was that Kate was a pain in the ass!
Kate can't hold a simple conversation on air because everything about her brand is bullshit. So when Morgan asked her if she ran marathons, Kate is thinking...hmmm, wonder if she knows I only pretend to run them. And the opportunity to have an interesting convo or plug a good cause is lost.
When I first learned about the book here and read all the comments with excerpts....I thought that the book had significant blockbuster-type potential....but my main worry was whether or not there would be enough interest in it outside of the Gosselin blogosphere.
I know this may be completely over the top but Kate herself is over the top so I'm not alone. With all the new interest and editing of Roberts book, do you think that interest grew because of the possibility this book could be referenced for what not to do, i.e. big corporations turning a blind eye at abuse, breaking up of families, cover ups, background checks for pedophiles and any thing else they did.
Is it possible, not necessarily probable, that the book peaked interest in possibly being used for education in all those areas.
I know my post is all over and maybe too over the top but I'm not sure how to say what I mean. I hope those here who like figuring things and are so good at it will put in words what I'm trying to say. Hopefully you can figure it out. Thanks
I know all this poopoo of Kates life can surely be evaluated and discussed in the education of psychology. Just a thought. YA THINK?
When did Steve go from being Kates road manager back to bodyguard? Could it be when Kate started working for Coupon Cabin? No way would CC pay Kates "road manager" so lets demote Steve back to bodyguard and CC will pay for Kates protection, sly devils!
That's another thing, what's the big problem with creating buzz about whatever she claims to be doing? Why not just say hey we're trying to get this dating show off the ground get excited! Create lots of buzz, the more buzz the better.
I have a friend who is a screenwriter and another producer friend and they always talk freely about whatever project they are trying to work on. I remember one summer I heard all summer long about some pilot about a guy who makes hybrid plants....it never got off the ground, but no one had an issue with everyone talking about. The more talk the better.
I just read something else about another shore I watch, that emphasizes some differences with Ms Kreider and... other shows.
I love Hoarders. Mondays show had the cleaning specialist Matt threatenEd with physical harm by soon of the hoarder they were trying to help, and for first time they pulled out completely. Thought there was possible physical danger from the son. On A&E discussion board Matt writes ” my crew was there for me when I got into trouble. The most intense situations were not shown because my camera crew put down their cameras to help me. .. Guys that get paid to tape this, guys that could lose their job for not taping stuff, put down their cameras to help me personally... I'm lucky to have the friends that have my back”.
This really made me think, compare and contrast. Ms Kreider s camera crew made sure to catch her nasty moments, but did any of them ever put down the camera to help the kids? They didn't know how to help Ms Kreider I am assuming.
Katie Cry-duh said... 108
Kate can't hold a simple conversation on air because everything about her brand is bullshit. So when Morgan asked her if she ran marathons, Kate is thinking...hmmm, wonder if she knows I only pretend to run them. And the opportunity to have an interesting convo or plug a good cause is lost.
ITA. TLC scripted all her answers for her and they made it even easier by making sure the questions were tailored so she could remember the script. She couldn't sit through a spontaneous interview if her life depended on it.
CC donated another 10,000 to komen bc fund. My guess is, that's what Katie asked for another shot at her dumb ass.
On TMZ Live, someone tweeted the show:
"Why did the Coupon Cabin owner feel the need to put out a statement? Because he got free advertising, that's why. He used her"
Harvey's comeback was:
"What bull! She screwed them and they had every right to do so, I think".
Nobody, but nobody is sticking up for her except for the enablers.
Something I found kind of interesting on CouponCabin. Each of the bloggers has a specific charity that they fund raise for. They show their picture and a little paragraph on why they picked the charity and how much they have raised. Guess who is not among those people? It seems to me she was not a team player from day one. I don't know why she took the job and what she thought she would get from it or for that matter give. It sure seems to me that it was a mistake from day one on both sides.
Remember when Carrie Ann said the she had never seen anyone that had so little self awareness? I really think kate can't see beyond her nose. Sociopath. No empathy, none. Her poor kids.
Her persona is of a simple minded 14 year old.
Harvey's comeback was:
"What bull! She screwed them and they had every right to do so, I think".
Nobody, but nobody is sticking up for her except for the enablers.
Given what has been said of her, they had every right to make sure it was clear this was not simply a contract expiring, but rather they were actively cutting off ties. That letter was for the protection of Coupon Cabin's future.
According to the movie Game Change, even Sarah Palin was able to be coached into saying certain talking points at the right times, after a lot of work
You can love her or hate her with a passion, but Palin is not unintelligent. Kate, on the other hand, is not the sharpest tack in the box. I honestly think that she really would have no idea how to be able to do this because if the intelligence isn't there in the first place, no amount of coaching or teaching is going to do any good. You have to have something in the brains department to work with.
When it came down to the interview, she'd just get flustered and really screw things. It would be too much to remember.
"Why did the Coupon Cabin owner feel the need to put out a statement? Because he got free advertising, that's why. He used her"
Was it Milo? She was carrying on yesterday about how the CEO "used" her.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 96
Out of curiosity, did anyone email Coupon Cabin about Robert's book when it came out? No one mentioned they did that but who knows.
Don't know if anyone emailed them, but I recall that quite a few tweeted them. This is one I found that also included the link to Robert's blog.
@kateplusmy8 @CouponCabin Do you have coupon for new book "Kate Gosselin How She Fooled The World". http://t.co/tlk4S96S
I always love it when one of the enablers tweets Kate something like this, and doesn't include anyone else in the tweet, so it looks likes she's directing at Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 If you stupidly & arrogantly think you have the right to take anothers rights away, hang on, yours could be next!
I wonder what Kate thinks when she gets a tweet like that.
chesterctymom said... 101
Real life has been crazy for me, so forgive me if this has been posted already...but I wonder if she didn't cheat during this last "marathon"...
You mean the one in NYC? Wasn't it a 10K? Or am I getting her runs confused?
If it was a 10K in NYC, it might be hard to cheat, what with the bright pink shirt and all.
But if there was a way to do it, I wouldn't be surprised if it was considered. Not much surprises me anymore, I'm telling you.
Was there something posted earlier (by a CC Lover or something similar) in which it was suggested that Kate was "sick" and wasn't going to run the course until she was forced to do so--perhaps by Steve?
I can see that happening. #boxofwine?
Thank you #116. That seems to have been part of the terms of employment that KG chose to ignore. Very interesting.
Anyone got the video of Andy Cohen and Jimmy Fallon??
Sleepless In Seattle said... 120
No, it wasn't Milo. In fact, I don't think this person is a Kate follower. I looked at her tweets and she tweets the show quite often with her opinions.
Another person called in(from CA) and asked "who's going to feed the children? That's sad. She needs the job."
Harvey's reply was that she wasn't being honest because she said she was home doing things, when she was out in public doing other stuff for herself, and that it was wrong for her to do for the business she was in.
To those of you suggesting that "the only strategy Kate has left is to become the most hated celeb in the world..." Think about it. It's one thing to be hated for being obnoxious and annoying, like Omarosa. Kate is a proven child and animal abuser. Those are criminal offenses! While she has not yet been convicted in a court of law, she has been more than convicted in the court of public opinion. I cannot see any network, much less any sponsor, wanting to toss their support in her direction now. The backlash would be tremendous!
I also imagine that now with the book AND the public termination by CC, her freebies are going to dry up and fast. Again, can you see Juicy Juice giving product to an admitted child/animal abuser?? What will she do? While she might want to do another "cry me a river" tour of the talk shows, I can't imagine those shows who indulged her in the past are going to be lining up to be associated with her now.
I just pray that before a REAL tragedy happens, somebody or some organization protects those children (as in, takes them away from her!!). They are (once she returns from God knows where) her "closest targets." Mark my words, given her obvious mental illness, she is going to mentally implode, and soon, and we all know she's not going to place the blame where it actually belongs (square on her shoulders). Those kids are in, I fear, more danger now than ever before. Any thoughts?
Another person called in(from CA) and asked "who's going to feed the children? That's sad. She needs the job."
Why do all of these people think that the children have no father? I don't get it. There have been no reports that Jon has passed away, but yet they totally disregard any role he has in caring for the children and providing for them.
Imagine Parody:
Next letter will be from school saying kids are dismissed from there. She is bringing that school more bad press than any other parent in the school's history.
Next letter after that: From Lavern and Shirley resigning from case.
Next letter after that! Subpoena to appear in family court over custody issues.
Next letter after that! You decide____________maybe twitter jail
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...
LOL, Kate's CC "replacement"
Bearswife 78 said "Anyone know what Flava Flav is up to lately?"
Flava Flav is in jail. He was arrested yesterday in Vegas for throwing his fiancee to the ground twice during an argument and for chasing her 16 year old son with 2 knives when the son tried to stop him. He's charged with domestic violence and assault with a deadly weapon. The news article was on my home page this morning.
PatK said... 88
Just read some Tweets saying Kate was named Jack Hole of the Week on WWHL tonight.
Wow! How embarrassing.
Milo (aka KG sister?) stf* go away! she does not need you to be her PR person. You are hurting her more than helping and you act kooky, like her! LOL You are on every blog, twitter and news site posting the same things.
I had never explored Coupon Cabin, because I didn't want to "support" Kate by doing so. I just went there and found some really great coupons! Much more there than I expected.
Again, can you see Juicy Juice giving product to an admitted child/animal abuser??
She has not admitted to being either one of those things, nor will she ever.
"Kate is a proven child and animal abuser."
Playing Devil's Advocate here, she has not been proven to be either, at least not in a court of law where proof of these allegations is demanded.
I would suspect, though, that with the recent firing by CC, word will get around that she is really not the one to be rewarded with free products. Does that mean she will stop grifting? No, but I would imagine that products won't flow so freely now, nor will she be asked to promote any products. Her own words are her downfall.
I am in Los Angeles on vacation and I went to a taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live this afternoon. Man, Jimmy really skewered Kate in his monologue. He quoted part of the letter written by the CC CEO. Then he turned to a member of his staff standing off-stage and asked, "What do you think he meant by that?"
She replied, "I think he meant she was a biotch!"
The audience cheered and applauded. Poor Kate! Ha ha!
Aunt Connie, that was something being talked about on the CC comments. CJWhodunit was squalking about how the "Haters" were on the website only to complain about Kate, but would not be back once she was gone. She also suggested that those who liked having Kate as a blogger would now leave because Kate was fired.
So, she's basically saying CC has cut off its nose to spite Kate.
I hope those who are pleased with Scott Kluth's
actions yesterday will go support CC by using coupons from there if they find ones they like and can use.
Playing Devil's Advocate here, she has not been proven to be either, at least not in a court of law where proof of these allegations is demanded.
The court of law isnt going to demand proof of the allegations when a public figure is involved. On the contrary, they presume the allegations are true and demand Kate prove they are NOT true.
No one has ever denied the allegations and no lawsuit, which is public record, has been filed. At most people were whining about trade secrets. I'm usually pretty cautious, but I'm completely comfortable saying she is in fact a proven child abuser.
This is an amazing photoshop lol WOW.
Kate, you were fired for "untruthfulness". No one, no one will ever touch you again in the biz or maybe even real life. Not even nursing, if they find out about this. Why did you lie to your employer? Did you think he would not find out you were not shopping at Lowes or Home Depot, saving money like you said, but rather were on the road filming? This is unforgivable. After everything CC did for you. gave to you, paid for your trips, and you crap all over him?
Comments are getting brutal
I think Kate lives such a lifestyle of lies she honestly didn't even see there would be a problem with making up blog fodder. She also feels like she's such a huge celebrity that she can make up whatever she wants and it's okay, she's above the rules. She knew full well that Coupon Cabin knew she was gone all week, she saw nothing wrong with submitting a blog post full of lies anyway. She is so used to lying it's normal to her, she never even once had the smallest incline of concern this might not be a good idea or they might take issue with it.
I remember when Fran Dresher years ago made up some story about a muffin and an allergy or something, it didn't sound right, she got caught, and she admitted to making it up. I'm not sure her career ever recovered. For some reason if there's one things people cannot STAND it's when celebs lie.
She probably thinks all celebs and bloggers just make shit up (no Kate, they don't always). She doesn't understand that when celebs and bloggers talk about cute stories about their kids or around the home, it just might be true.
I'll ask again. Has anyone got Jimmy Fallon or Andy Cohen links up yet? Bravo hates Canadians. Youtube links, anyone? Please?
Just on rwa....someone claims that she piched real housewives to andy and wasnt interested and then expected bravo to pay for hotel and they said no....so she tried to pawn off the charge of the hotel to CC and they said no way....also she demanded a limo and got suv instead....andy was pissed and ignored her most of the night....sounds like she ended up in not such a luxurious hotel and wasnt happy....
To Sleepless in Seattle - She did, in fact, admit to child abuse - in her journal - probably the ONLY place she was ever honest (granted, assuming no one would ever read it). Semantics aside, I contend that those heretofore giving her products will no longer do so if only to avoid the mere HINT of implied approval of her and her behavior for fear of losing actual paying customers.
If all that is true....shes not in LA.....and IS curled up like a ball on her living room floor...if she thought she was a shoe in for the housewives franchise....why would she be shooting a dating show....doesnt make sense...
I have a correction to make on my earlier post #137. I watched the tape of Jimmy Kimmel Live and what the lady said was, "I think he meant Kate was a pain in the ass." I guess it was hard to hear in the studio. Sorry about that.
I dont know who is still awake .....but you have to go to Dlisted and read comments...i am laughing my ass off....its hilarious....
About the time stamp question on Milo's goodnight tweet to Kate:
The tweet in question that Milo sent to Kate is stamped at 11:06pm Oct 16, not Oct 17.
@Kateplusmy8 Gnite Kate....follow ur dreams, don't let other opinions/decisions/views hinder ur focus! Pursue ur goals! :)
11:06 PM - 16 Oct 12
It doesn't make any difference how the person who is sending the tweet has their computer time set, nor where they are in the world sending it - it's your computer's settings that make the difference AND whether you have a twitter account, read the tweets on Twitter and how you have set the time zone in Twitter's settings.
If you're using a service other than actual Twitter to read the tweets, that may be the problem as actual Twitter has it stamped 11:06pm Oct 16. For what it's worth, Milo's goodnight tweet time stamps have always reflected a logical 10-11pm EST time stamp.
Its obvious kate was trying to pull the same shit on CC that she did with TLC....and they would not go for it....she just assumes everyone will pick up her tab.....its madening....where the eff does she get off....im so happy cc saw this con artist for what she is....now whos gonna bankroll her life.....welcome to the real world you entitiled bitch....pay for your own hotel and bodyguard....she deserves all this hate thrown her way....and its about time....i love karma...
Greedy Gosselins said... 144
I'll ask again. Has anyone got Jimmy Fallon or Andy Cohen links up yet? Bravo hates Canadians. Youtube links, anyone? Please?
Check sometime in the morning - it takes awhile for videos to upload on Youtube, Hulu, etc.
Thank you twit's tweets. I'll be back tomorrow!
Can we sue? Huh huh huh? Can we sue? Huh? Um Um like um, honestly can we sue?
Now it makes sense why that Dr lady sued her. It all makes sense. To show her she is not the only one who can sue and win. Maybe never was about money, or a bill being owed, it was to prove to KG that she lied, was caught, can be sued and KG lost the case. Kate you hurt people! Really honestly, purposely down right hurt people, period!! You seem to like it. Cause you do it over and over again.
Hope she gets the pants sued off her for breach of contract. Time for someone to drag HER into court and make her pay big money for all the hurt she causes.
How does it feel KG? How does it feel to be fired form a job? How does it feel to be disgraced to the world?
So many people with families, who had small babies and children to feed and take care of, fired from their jobs for nothing. Just because you could.
I'm wondering if it's necessary to look for more reasons for Kate's firing than what was in CC's letter. We have known for years how disingenuous and unauthentic Kate is, how she's been caught so many times in "inconsistencies", etc. and I think CC finally had enough, took a stand and issued the necessary, bold statement to cleanly sever ties with her.
I think it was a culmination of many things, but most recently not promoting CC itself in interviews, lending NO support to the Komen Breast Cancer fundraising, and the fact that her blogs were always worthless and she was now actually being caught in lies. Maybe Robert's book helped open CC's eyes about how INauthentic she is, but the CEO didn't really need any more reasons to fire her than her own poor performance.
Kate tried to play a loving stay-at-home, coupon clipping, "giving-back", mom for years on tv, but it was NOT AUTHENTIC. She tried to write about the same things on her own pitiful blog, but it was NOT AUTHENTIC. She got a 'job' at CC and blogged about nothing but herself and it was NOT AUTHENTIC, and low and behold, she was fired for... NOT BEING AUTHENTIC. My only comment to Mr. Kluth is, what took so long. ;-)
I've become a big fan of Andy's. I love when the Housewives are fighting and his head looks back and forth as if he's watching a tennis match.
The fact that he named her JACKHOLE after meeting her sort of means that not "everybody who meets Kate loves her." Go figure?
The enabler sheep are looking like idiots.
I read an article that gave the impression Kate was fired for lying in a coupon cabin blog about doing home repairs herself, shopping at Home Depot, etc when this coincided with the week she on the road doing publicity for CC. It was likely the easiest lie to catch her in to fire her, given the bigger lies of her entire reality tv show story are now catching up with her.
Speaking of lies, here is Hailey Glassman now doing a Lifetime Movie offering up this nugget of truth about what Jon and Kate were about when they renewed their vows.
In Hailey’s November episode of “My Life is a Lifetime Movie,” she says that’s when the scrutiny began.
“Next thing I know there’s a million reporters up at Indiana, and they’re doing everything they can to paint me as Jon’s trashy party girl mistress, because no one knows that Jon and his wife have been separated for almost a year,” she said.
Mama mia, good catch! Having a vow renewal for TV while separated is just about as inauthentic as you can get.
Let's analyze this a little...what guy the age that would be interested in a broad that looks years beyond her 37 is also looking for eight (you remember the drill, yeah, 8, count 'em) kids who have been raised by the 'mother of all narcissists' with a sense of entitlement the size of the State of, oh, say, PA? She is a little long in the tooth for a 'dating show', has a BIT too much baggage and let's just say is somewhat lacking in the personality area. So, where in all that would anyone think there is a possibility for anything in the entertainment 'bidness', let alone something involving fixing her up with someone, anyone, Buehler?
No too many supporters over at twitter lately...they're dropping like flys over there...mostly all haters...she's lost a lot of fans in the past few weeks...guess they found a new swindler to worship...
I was talking to DH about the psychology of the sheeple.. He compared them to those who deny Global Warming even after scientists have spoken about it's validity. He also compared them to those who watched the Presidential debates. Those that are for Rommney felt he won, those that are for Obama felt he won. In both cases, it's too hard, or painful to look at the facts.
barbee said... 159
Let's analyze this a little...what guy the age that would be interested in a broad that looks years beyond her 37 is also looking for eight (you remember the drill, yeah, 8, count 'em) kids who have been raised by the 'mother of all narcissists' with a sense of entitlement the size of the State of, oh, say, PA? She is a little long in the tooth for a 'dating show', has a BIT too much baggage and let's just say is somewhat lacking in the personality area. So, where in all that would anyone think there is a possibility for anything in the entertainment 'bidness', let alone something involving fixing her up with someone, anyone, Buehler?
barbee, I thought this was very well said and you covered it all. And I actually was thinking about what you said for a few moments and I think I finally realized something - doh!
It has nothing to do with finding a companion. Not one thing. It's all about strutting around on teevee. And it would be the same for any male gendered person. "Reality shows" are not; real, that is. And any fella between the ages of 20-60 would not be going into a 'show' with That Woman looking for companionship. It would only be for the purpose of using her to get on teevee and gain some press and notoriety, probably get to squeeze some fake melons on the side.
Marriage? No one will ever marry That Woman until Jon has the kids full time and some man thinks he can live off whatever is left of Kate's money, flying here and there, and making Media Whoring 101 and Grifting 102 his new career.
As for Kate, she just wants some dude in a matchy matchy shirt standing next to her that she can slap ever 4 minutes and make a new career out of promoting how much he LUVVVVVs her and 'would DIE! for her!'
I truly do not understand the enabler's cries of "who is going to feed the kids???? She needed that job!"
No way the CC job paid enough to make even a dent in Kate's household expenses
The kids are with Jon 50% of the time, during which HE feeds them
The kids are at school M-F, where they are also fed
Give me a break. She didn't NEED that job to meet expenses.
She's living comfortably off the returns from her investments. She doesn't need ANY job. Clearly.
The enablers have no concept of living off investments since they don't know any multi-millionaires, and they themselves don't have much in savings. Their reality is: no job, no food.
Kate only NEEDED that job to feed her fame 'ho needs.
the legislation in PA is not perfect but it is a good start. Westbrooke
Who booked her appearances on KC, WWHL, AH? I can imagine the backlash of the staff of those shows to whoever did the booking. And if it was cc staff, then Ms Kreider made cc look bad by her actions. If it was Julie May, then has she squeezed the last blood from this turnip and will she drop Ms Kreider from her agency?
Omarosa on the Apprentice was educated, up on current events, very well spoken, and a very good saleswoman and pitchwoman on the challenges. Ms Kreider is NO Omarosa!
Jumping In said... 95
I tend to think Scott Kluth took his employees concerns to heart before publicly shaming Kate, but there is more to this than just his disgruntled staff. To post an online letter explaining his reasons for her termination is extreme. This letter was designed to leave no doubt that HE made the decision to let her go. He shut down her spin-machine before her contract ended, and this was key. He eliminated her opportunity to dust them off as unworthy of her time.
I also believe a big contributing factor was Kate putting herself ahead of the Susan G. Komen Foundation run, a cause Coupon Cabin was supporting. Kate brought nothing to the table. She did not promote it, she did not raise funds, and in typical Kate fashion, she felt they should be thanking her for showing up and doing the run. I bet Mr. Kluth was humiliated putting her face out there as a representative of his company. She showed no compassion for this, or any other cause that doesn't feature her as their centrepiece, and even then she feels put-upon.
But, as dee3 suspects, something more is coming and my guess is CC wants as much distance and time between themselves and Kate Gosselin as they can possibly could.
Very thought provoking. It occurs to me that they only thing she halfway promoted was her appearance at the BlogHer convention, but she promoted herself, not her employer. And look how that turned out. She hogged toilet paper, cuacamole, etc and turned all those things into tweets lining her own pocket instead of connecting the products/companies to her employer, which is what she was supposed to do.
CC expected her to promote THEM, not whether or not she could showcase other companies' products in her kids' hair. She clearly used that convention to promote herself alone and hook herself up with tweeting payoffs.
LOL! I went to BM's site and she did post about the firing. There were SIX comments, and one sheeple posted twice.
Jo said... 197
Did CC Lover's post get deleted? Did anyone see it besides me?
Jo, I saw it, thought the person had to be an insider, that the info was right on target, and was surprised no one commented on it.
Kate is such a fool. The CC gig was a dream job for a stay-at-home mom. I think she was embarrassed to be called a coupon blogger. She was not into coupons anyway...it was just a gimmick for a TLC storyline.
I thought Kate tweeted for other companies to endorse their products.... Keurig, coffee mate, etc....well she hasn't tweeted anything as far as products go in days...I wonder if they also canned her ass....
Kristine said... 36
Hubby actually told me Kate was axed from Coupon Cabin, yesterday afternoon. It was trending #1 on the search engines all day long.
So tonight, we are making OG Philly Cheese-Steaks (provolone style), here in Los Angeles to celebrate the ending of a bad business deal.
Scott Kluth & Robert Hoffman... YOU ROCK!
Where the Hell is Skoka, Katie?
Yeah, what SHE said...ALL of it!
Jimmy Kimmel really skewered Kate last night. Catch it here at about 5:12
Morning of the run, Kate was not going to run, she was sick. She was forced to run by I guess Steve. She was forced to stay around for photos, chatting.
Anyone think she'll bail on the L.A. run? I
'm not sure if Rock 'n Roll is sponsoring her, or if she's entered as a CC representative (on behalf of breast cancer awareness).
Now if we could find out what happened to Shoka...Robert?
I love how Jon has completely said nothing for quite some time. The best thing he can do, IMO.
I do feel for the kids. There is no way they can be completely insulated from this insanity that is called their mother.
Just out of curiousity....what would be the running $ for a once a week CC blog, for a celebrity?
Are we talking $10,000 per post? $1,000 per post?
She probably did not want to run because it was COLD but probably the real reason was that she was hungover.
TLC stinks said... 175
Now if we could find out what happened to Shoka...Robert?
I don't think Robert would hold back if something terrible happened to Shoka. Hopefully, Robert knows Shoka is safe - somewhere. Robert? Robert? Bueller? :)
I personally think CC go snookered by Kate's rep/manager.
He/she probably went in there saying, hey! we have this famous mom, who LOVES to coupon. How 'bout it?
CC didn't do any due diligence. Didn't know anything about Kate. Just believed the rep, and went with it.
Kinda like what happened with the Red Cross fiasco. Somebody didn't do their due diligence.
I don't understand that part. How these companies just seem to take the rep's word for who Kate is, and don't do any research on their own about the celebrity.
Maybe there's an ethics thing here that is being breached? That the reps can "sell" their client, but they don't wholesale misrepresent them.
You gotta wonder what this is doing for the reputation of Kate's rep/manager. No one is ever gonna believe that person again, not even about their OTHER clients. This has got to be doing some damage to that person, too.
Actual blog post on PETA official site 9-18-2009.
Jon has packed up the family's dogs and is returning them to their breeder.
Returning them—like taking a sweater back to the mall.
Jon claims that Kate doesn't take care of Shoka and Nala when it's her turn to look after the family, saying, "It's not fair to the dogs to not be wanted in their own home."
We can agree with him on that. It's also not fair to buy dogs from breeders when millions are sitting in animal shelters waiting for homes. And it's not fair to dump your dogs when they've outgrown their puppy cuteness and are becoming a tad inconvenient. Dogs aren't disposable.
If you aren't going to be able to provide an animal with a home forever, you shouldn't get an animal in the first place.
Proves what Robert has written. Jon took care of the dogs, not Kate.
fanny burps...your mother is a funny lady. I like the word fanny burps. I think I'll try using that one.
admin...that was a great photoshop. Whether you like mama honey booboo or not, she does know how to save money.
As far as Kate goes, no one truly knows how she is feeling because she will never let on how she is truly feeling. But she needs to face the reality that her time in the spotlight is done. I have never met anyone who can't carry on a conversation. What is so hard about answering a question that someone asks you. Let's face it. That's what an interview is. It's a conversation. I know she isn't the most intelligent person on the planet, but I find it hard to believe she is really that stupid. I just hope that she comes back to reality soon and gets the help she needs so the kids can have the mom they need.
Morning everyone,
As usual Kate only thinks of herself while promoting this new dating show. And of course in her typical lying speal, she says it's because her children want her to date...LOL. Really Kate?? This is yet another slam at Jon. I am sure the parent they want replaced is YOU, not their father!
Now who would want to date you? Sandursky??? Or any man anxious to get a hold of your kids....well, your advertising to the world. "My kids are for sale, just give me a "fun" time".
Kate you are done in the retail/sponsoring world. Go home. And please tell Milo to stfu, they are just making you look bad. Quit with the talking points. I know it's you that makes their mouth move.
I saw someplace recently, can't remember where, some talk that Shoka was in a shelter in a place some distance away from Kate. Someplace not local to her.
And that the owner of the shelter had some connection to security work.
I would be happy if Shoka was not at the Konpound these days. You can only imagine how badly the poor dog would be treated right now.
So how about it, Kate? Tell the truth for once.
Andy Cohen, on WWHL, last evening awared the JACKHOLE AWARD to Kate Gosselin for getting fired from Coupon Cabin. "She was here to promote her run, she didn't, BUT THE WORSE THINGS ALSO WAS SHE WAS TELLING READERS TO BUY IN GROUND SWIMMING POOLS INSTEAD OF HAVING THEIR KIDS JOIN COMMUNITY POOLS, What a Jackhole she is" lol lol lol lol lol as the 2 guests and guest bartender and Harry Smith, the Newsman laughed so hard at KATE GOSSELIN.
How could the stupid witch recommend putting an inground pool in your yard instead of joining the local community pool.
She lost contact with the city living people who have no yards. How much sadder is that.
She is either too far gone with alcohol or dieting drugs or else her "support staff" was letting her hang herself.
So Milo, take that, your Idol is being joked about, laughed at from all the news shows at night to now. Everyone now know Kate is and always was the problem in her life with or without Jon.
Yes, this is Angie whom you ran off. Back because this is too good to not write about.
Kirkland said... 53
Sorry if this has already been posted. But this is a great video about Kate (skip to about 3 min. into the video):
Doing major catchup on this blog this a.m.
Thanks SO MUCH for that link...that was priceless. That guy has so got KG's number!
I'll tell you what..If I was her..I would drink myself into a stupor and never get out of it...I really don't know how she can withstand the constant assault on her...hopefully she doesn't have to leave the house and can have it delivered....I wonder if she can scrape herself off the floor long enough to say Hi to her desperate fans...I don't buy for one minute shes filming anything...I don't care who saw what and where....its total bullshit...Shes having "fun"...my ass...for all we know she's in one of her mood swings and in a state of depression...She's not "working"...with any luck she's tied to a bed for her own safety...
Remember this, from 2 weeks ago?
lateplusmy8 Just finished my 4th ever yoga class..I am hopelessly in love w the hard work&the complete shut out of the outside world!So healthy2relax!
Hmmm, maybe she's on a yoga retreat. :)
Mel said... 183
I saw someplace recently, can't remember where, some talk that Shoka was in a shelter in a place some distance away from Kate. Someplace not local to her.
And that the owner of the shelter had some connection to security work.
I would be happy if Shoka was not at the Konpound these days. You can only imagine how badly the poor dog would be treated right now.
So how about it, Kate? Tell the truth for once.
I saw a reference to Shoka's whereabouts, too. It may have been the same one you're referring to. Someone on a blog said that Shoka was at GSR-SP in Lebanon (PA). I googled it, and it's German Shepherd Rescue-Southeastern Pennsylvania. I looked at their website, and I don't see an adult male listed. Who knows?
Mel, that's a rumor that Shoka is gone, but I do hope it is true and he is a new home, even in a shelter and he is adopted because he is a sweet dog. When I read in Robert's book about how the dogs were treated by Kate, it just made my blood boil. When you are cruel to animals, it shows a very sick mind. And what about all those chickens she supposedly has? I even feel sorry for that fish, Fabio. Yep, she has no respect for animals or children. Sick psycho.
Kate Gosselin is a pain in the ass.
Ah I love you Jimmy and your funny guest spot on.
When you buy from a breeder, you have to sign a contract that states in no uncertain terms that if, for any reason, you're unable to take care of the dog, the first rights of refusal go to the breeder.
Speculating here, but I think Shoka was picked up by the GS animal rescue, and that he's been reunited with the breeder.
Me or your lyin' eyes said... 131
LOL, Kate's CC "replacement"
Now that's funny.
http://abc.go.com/watch/jimmy-kimmel-live/SH559060/VD55240412/jimmy-kimmel-live-1017 …
I recall that the breeder's name was Jeff. Seemed like a nice guy but should not have sold the dogs to Gosselins/TLC. Poor Shoka. What a tough short life he's had so far.
If I'm remembering right, there was an unsubstantiated rumor that the "Shoka" that Kate surprised the kids with was, in fact, a replacement dog and not the original puppy Jon returned to the breeder a while back.
Bless the beasts and the children who find themselves in Kate Gosselin's care... :(
I wish once for all the two dogs would get adopted into their forever home. At a breeder, they live their lives in a CAGE. CRUEL.
This is Jon's responsibility too. I hope he is reading here.
I watched LPBW this a.m. and Matt had taken Jeremy, Jer's friend, Jake, his (matt's) brother and their dad on a trip & spent time out on a boat. They had such a good time together and you could tell they all cherished the time they got together, just the guys. It made me think about how sad Kate's life must truly be. She has no family in her life besides her kids, which of course is great but they don't get to have those family memories that kids truly treasure. The bond of when everyone is older still getting together and being able to reminise about the past and laugh. I dunno, the Roloff's just seem so natural with each.
Kate complains everyone leaves her. She needs to look within herself and find out why that is. People have gone out of their way to help her when her kids were babies and as they've grown. She needs to examine herself & what she expects from others and realize that maybe it isn't everyone else, that it's her that is the problem. The whole world can't be wrong about poor pitiful Kate. She won't take responsiblity for her actions...on AH she said she is in no way a Diva nor does she have a mean bone in her body (when we've seen it with our own eyes on tv) and she's non-confrontational (lets ask Jon, her family, Tony and the numberous others she's chewed out on tv). She can have all the $$ in the world but she'll never know where her true treasure lies until it's too late. So sad.
Improbable, that rumor started because one if the tups asked, when Kate surprised them, who the dog was. Could have been innocent question or another dog. Some people also claimed the markings were different.
Maybe Jon stepped in and had the dog removed. Surely the kids informed him of the dog's treatment.
Dwindle said...Very thought provoking. It occurs to me that they only thing she halfway promoted was her appearance at the BlogHer convention, but she promoted herself, not her employer. And look how that turned out. She hogged toilet paper, cuacamole, etc and turned all those things into tweets lining her own pocket instead of connecting the products/companies to her employer, which is what she was supposed to do.
CC expected her to promote THEM, not whether or not she could showcase other companies' products in her kids' hair. She clearly used that convention to promote herself alone and hook herself up with tweeting payoffs.
And don't forget, although this has nothing to do with CC, it has everything to do with Kate's self-centeredness, one of the understandings of those who participated in Blogher was to take product samples and THEN PROMOTE THEM ON THEIR BLOG!
Kate was asked at least 3 times that I saw, by a product rep. of an item Kate said she'd promote on her blog, when was she going to do promised promotion. Kate saw the request and answered yet NEVER did the item appear on her blog.
The breeder's name is Jeff Christopher as reported in Radar in 2009.
@ Jumping In.....95
Excellent comment. You explained it far better than I did.
And just to clarify....when I refer to suspecting something big coming out, I'm not necessarily referring to some new revelation.....but something more along the lines of some official entity publicly corroborating info regarding child/animal abuse already revealed (by R. Hoffman).
I just keep going back in my mind to several things I read that R. Hoffman either stated or intimated....wish I'd written them all down...but instead, shoved bits and pieces into the closet in the back of my brain.
But my impression was that something would come out publicly that would officially confirm some of the child abuse issues documented in his book.
Now....there is a social phenomenon I'll call "piling on".....where a person who has been invincible for a long period of time will suddenly become "persona non grata" when "slapped" by just the right person/entity and then everyone piles on and all the sharks circle.
Is this simply what's happening here? I'm not sure....but for all of us who have watched here....from all the way back to the days when Moon had her blog.....it almost seems unbelievable because Kate seemed SO impossibly teflon-coated for SO many years. How MANY years have we waited to see Karma suddenly show her face?
And she seems to have suddenly arrived with a chain-saw and now the water is full of blood and the "piling on" has begun en masse. Why now?
If you look at the individual events....they don't seem all that much different from the past. A book with negative info about Kate is released but pulled by Kate's legal team after approximately 2 days so couldn't have sold that many copies in just that short amount of time. Kate takes advantage of an employer by not doing her job....but it's behavior she's been doing the entire time she's been in his employ.
The horrific info in R. Hoffman's book did not make her such a pariah that she was un-invited from appearing on the various shows she appeared on during the past week or two.......so why such a sudden change in the dynamic? Because her public firing was the catalyst that told everyone it was time to "pile-on"? And let the stoning begin?
But then why did Mr. Kluth feel it necessary to far exceed normal corporate protocol and publicly and scathingly fire her when her contract was soon to expire anyway? Sure....she deserved it. But she'd deserved it from the day they hired her. Why now?
This is why I believe....and it's just my own little theory, mind you....I could be totally out in left field.....but that something is going to come out publicly....that will involve child abuse (a reality already revealed by R. Hoffman)....but will officially corroborate/confirm the basic info presented in R. Hoffman's book. And I'm having to pull bits of pieces of things I read that I shoved back into that closet in the back of my brain....so it's rather disorganized.....but that's my current theory.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 89
Andy made her jackhole of the day just one week after interviewing her??? OUCH!!!
Boy...really makes you wonder just how arrogant and un-gracious she was behind the scenes when she was on his show.
Kate was asked at least 3 times that I saw, by a product rep. of an item Kate said she'd promote on her blog, when was she going to do promised promotion. Kate saw the request and answered yet NEVER did the item appear on her blog.
Oh yeah I remember this now! It's not just, grab as many freebies as you can. It's, here is a freebie, now you are expected to promote on your blog either with a review, giveaway, what have you. If that's not a product you are comfortable doing that, then don't take a freebie.
If you just take it and don't do that, it's almost like stealing.
I guess her idea of promoting the other free crap was to have Leah body paint herself in guac and the kids to line up in front of the TV on the hard cold floor in their Lorax shirts.
I'm confused about her races. I thought she was employed by R and R to promore their races but now it seems like it was CC she was supposed to be promoting thru the races. But the first one she ran she didn't wear a cc shirt. How are R and R KG and CC related?
Also I believed the sighting of her at the nightclub but now not so sure. With all the KG hype if she were out and about filming in LA the paps would be all over her. Maybe she was filming before she got fired and is now laying low?
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