A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
1801 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 1801 Newer› Newest»I think "we" could safely say "we" enjoy the comments made by serious contributors here whether we reply or not. 194
Fido's, I agree.
Tucker's Mom -- you did NOT say that, did you now?
LBelle -- I would be delighted to join you (and joke you).
I made a pink promise with Berks that I will get to that brewery and order a real Rumspringa. I hope many of us will congregate there some day.
Tucker's Mom said... 195
There will come a time when Alana (HBB) will no longer be cute and that will be a painful to know what will probably happen to her and her family.
It's so hard to child stars/actors to grow up in front of the camera. Some go from a good looking kid to an attractive adult and some don't blossom as well. Boys especially, it seems.
Thank goodness Dakota Fanning turned out to be a beauty. Her career would have halted otherwise.
HBB, well, how do I say this delicately? She didn't win the gene pool lottery.
(hides from lightning bolt)
I brought a special Lightening Force Field for you and I to hide under, but I dont even think the poor dear won the 'cute' lottery either. I think she is too chubby to be TV cute, she looks like she needs a bath all the time, and everytime that little one opens her mouth, she is first runner up for Ms Trailer Trash Mouth USA. Yes, i slammed a child, but none of it is her fault. It's the way she is being fed, raised, taught. She is being validated and praised for things that most of us corrected our own children for. But at least no one is suspecting that she is being beaten, starved, ridiculed by her mother, and getting her face smashed for standing, breathing or looking in the wrong direction. And she sure does seem very very loving and loved, from what I have seen.
Sweet Tart... My exact same path!
Remona Blue... Yes. Not only in our childhoods but our current lives. Like you say, it resonates. I remember being horrified as I watched more of the show, and recognized what was happening.
Formerly duped 186... Yep. I can't understand why they kept her after the first one or two worthless blogs. Must have been a contractual thing. But I would have just bought her out, and made it stop. Her blogs did NOTHING good for their reputation.
C is for cookie... Bingo. Like the side of smoke signals. :-):-):-)
Kiwi...what you talkin 'bout?? Early start at Mass?? Geeeez....what have I been missing all these years? Lol
Gong to chillax for a bit before dinner chaos starts as I likely disappoint my sons about what's for dinner! : /
Tamara, CC deserved a pat on the back from me because I am a forgiving person, I recognize human beings make mistakes or unwise decisions, and if they own up to it and fix them, I appreciate and support that because I would want the same treatment if I were in their shoes.
OMG. I just wrote a gigando post (which highlighted what a bleeping pain in the arse it is to reply on my phone) and LOST IT. grrrr
Ok, consider yourselves lucky, I guess.
The second time is always more concise!
Ladies who aren't g-mas yet: don't give up hope. My mom thought I would be the one, but sadly I am unable to have kids. So I have dogs! My older brother just never seemed interested. But he is proudly expecting his first next month AND he is 47!!! His new wife is a decade younger. So don't think it wil never happen to you.
I am in agreeance with Lbelle. But realize life is too short to let it get me down. We are all busy and sometimes I mean to respond or want to and for whatever reason never get around to it. Guilty as charged on both accounts. All of you who think you are not as popular as the others (like Dwindle our ditches) never fear. I know all of your 'names' and consider you part of the gang.
As for KIG I hope this is her come-uppance finally a-coming. I do hope and pray the kids and dog are safe.
One last bit about shoka, I looked up his 'breeder' awhile back and my opinion is that he is a back yard breeder. He does not have a website (that I could find) and advertised his dogs on his Facebook page. Doesn't make him s so reputable to me. If anyone has more info I would love to see it.
Okay. I think that is all.
Smooches. LOL
Maryann did you miss Robert saying he turned everything over to CPS when he first found it? He never held out on anything.
I completely don't understand the thought that someone could be a millionare from this blog.
Dmasy, I think HBB was in LA last week and there was footage of her swimming at the hotel's pool. I think it was her first time in a real, big pool.
Well, the "concrete pond" jokes were flowing freely, people seemed to be gawking/laughing in her general direction, there were tons of cameras on her as she (and this is the sad part) jumped into the pool in shorts and a T-shirt, that clung to her every roll as she got out of the pool.
I cringed. The world can be an unkind place to begin with, but a spotlight not only adds 10 lbs (as they say on TV), but it's an unforgiving microscope of scrutiny.
Tamara said... 12
I missed out on having a chance to buy The Book, so I was hoping someone who has it could do a little search through it for me to answer this query: Do dates and entries mesh with specific episodes of JK8? Especially for the first two series.
Did anyone reply to you yet? I am behind in comments (lately however, I get up to get tea and by the time I come back I am behind in comments!) The answer is yes, and Robert points out correlations often.
For example, the entry in her journal about lifting Colin by his hair and beating him 'as hard as I could' was in the same time frame as the 2nd special where Alexis says "Hi mommy, hi mommy" and Kate of course replies with "is mommy pretty?"
So that gives us an idea of how tiny and innocent baby Colin was when he was lifted by his hair and 'whipped severely into' his crib. Any wonder why none of those babies lifted their arms to their mother when she came back after a week gone? And why none of them smiled at her? Only Alexis seemed to note "oh. You're back."-- so she was journaling that she was beating them when they were just filming the 2 specials.
He also does a lot of correlatin with what he saw with his eyes and what she tweeted. Like stuffing 4000 easter eggs or whatever it was, but Robert SAW a company pull up and deliver them. Same thing with going to church - She tweeted they went to church, but Robert, when he was working for US magazine, was there all day and they never left the house.
Maryann I haven't pulled any of your posts.
Formerly Duped said... 186
I think CC kept Kate too long. Should have read a test blog and said no thanks.
I agree. I don't know why everyone is clapping Mr. CC CEO on the back and calling him smart. He PAID her to be a complete and total moron whom barely mentioned his site for nearly a year. And whatever it was that FINALLY made him swing the axe can it really be worse than everything she's been guilty of for the past 10 months?
I'm sure, as based on past contracts, Kate's contract was written in her favor and very difficult for CC to get out of. I'm sure they waited until they had overwhelming evidence for breech of contract, where there would be no way she could protest it.
Sounds too like Scott was trying to be nice and patient with her, trying to help her write better, promote better, giving her chances. I can't fault him for that.
One last bit about shoka, I looked up his 'breeder' awhile back and my opinion is that he is a back yard breeder. He does not have a website (that I could find) and advertised his dogs on his Facebook page.
Any breeder who would give a dog back to Kate is an abomination to breeders. She had nothing but contempt for those puppies. Too much trouble, too messy, bitched about feeding them and showed unrestrained disgust when the female, Nala, cost them thousands for emergency surgery when she swallowed something. Even Jon pissed me off when he laughed off the vet's instructions to isolate Nala from commotion and allow her to rest. No running, jumping etc.
Jon totally blew it off, like it would never happen with 8 kids.
Yeah, laugh right up until Nala's intestines eviscerate when her wound dehisces.
How could the breeder NOT have known that Kate was just using Shoka for ratings? And what about Robert's account of the dogs being left out on the road with no way to get back onto the property, given their shock collars? I wonder if Robert ever contacted the breeder to let him know of the mistreatment.
If it were my dog that I bred, I'd plow down that gate and take my dogs back come hell or high water.
Why do I read this blog. First, because of wonderful posters. Even though we are all (electronic) strangers, we have gotten to know each other. Some have experienced tragedies in their lives, and bloggers have stepped up with a comforting comments. None of the bloggers have asked for anything in return. We have become an electronic community of caring people.
Why do I stay. The Kate saga is like none I have every seen before. It has drama, physical and mental abuse, infidelity, money, legal ramifications, psychological issues, greed, the press, Hollywood, and on and on. It amazes me that one person could have caused all this.
When this is over what will people who follow(ed) this saga have learned? Or perhaps it will never be over? Will the fall out from this saga continue into future generations (abuse sometimes causes future abuse). This is a perfect case study on so many levels; psychological, societal, legal, etc.
I will continue to read continuously, and post occasionally. If my posts do not generate a response, I've fine with that. This community gives me a place to share my opinions.
lukebandit said... 15
I have some great news I need to tell somebody!
Many many congrats! and deep prayers and wishes to you for holding the little one for a long time to come. {{hug}}
Anonymous said:
We are the night workers at a utility company who read this blog daily. We expect an answer
Or what? You'll turn out the lights?
The rescue I volunteer with has strict rules. You cannot adopt if you've ever given up a dog before and you cannot adopt again from them if you return the dog. You're blacklisted, no exceptions. It's a good rule.
Tamara said... 197
I agree. I don't know why everyone is clapping Mr. CC CEO on the back and calling him smart. He PAID her to be a complete and total moron whom barely mentioned his site for nearly a year. And whatever it was that FINALLY made him swing the axe can it really be worse than everything she's been guilty of for the past 10 months?
That's a really interesting question, Tamara.
I can only speak for myself, of course......I only clap him on the back (and I'm only referring to his connection to Kate G...and not to his charities, etc...which I also clap him on the back for)......for having the courage to write and publicly post the rather scathing letter severing her connection to him and his company (and his charities).
As I mentioned in an earlier comment, it's my opinion that he initially knew very little about Kate....except for the fact that she was a minor celebrity and might bring attention to his site/business. And I believe that this held true for a whole host of interviewers who had Kate on their shows and gave her a pass for so many years.
In fact, it was one of the big things that frustrated so many of us for so long...and we wondered, "does this person even KNOW anything about her (Kate)?"
So....I do agree that it appears that he was clearly lax when it came to checking out who she really was when he hired her.....but I have to give him a clap on the back for finally being the first one (who had any sort of business connection to her) to stand up and make a loudly heard statement regarding who (he learned) she really is.
And what is so intriguing about your question is that the answer, I think, is still a mystery. I, like you, am having difficulty seeing what she did recently as being much different from what she'd been doing the whole time she was in his employ. Sure, it was classic Kate's entitled behavior....but what was so different about it that it merited this sort of public flaying?
There are multiple possibilities. Did he know all along how poor of a job she was doing and figured he'd just not renew her contract but then she pulled the SGK stunt and he'd just had it and reacted and publicly fired her a month before her contract expired? Did he learn about the contents of R. Hoffman's book and horrified by it, in light of the children's charities he sponsored, feel the need to immediately and publicly sever their/his connection to Kate? OR......is there something coming down the pipeline (info to be released) that we are not privy to that caused him to take this dramatic pre-emptive action?
But...so far...he and R. Hoffman have been the two big whistle-blowers here and for that I clap them on the back.
And maybe it can serve as a cautionary tale for anyone who chooses to utilize a minor celebrity to bring attention to their business, their show, etc.
Granny said... 27
Oh my. I have no words. May that little one fill your heart with joy and help ease your pain a bit.
fidosmommy said..
(Oh boy, I can hear it coming now. "How do you
deign to speak for everyone on this blog? "
fido--you can speak for me anytime!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 20
The rescue I volunteer with has strict rules. You cannot adopt if you've ever given up a dog before and you cannot adopt again from them if you return the dog. You're blacklisted, no exceptions. It's a good rule.
If I saw some woman come teetering in on stilettos to pick out a couple puppies, she'd be gone. You are not serious about getting down to the dog's level and interacting with cfm shoes. Nuh uh.
She wanted to interact and love on those little puppies in her stilettos about as much as her kids in a corn maze with her witchypoo boots on.
I completely don't understand the thought that someone could be a millionare from this blog.
Admin is working on her third (or is it fourth...we've lost count) million from this blog. She's already purchased a new Ferrari 458 Italia, as well as two vacation homes, and has a bid in for another one in Belize. All have 50,000 gallon salt-water pools and spas. When the deal is completed, everyone here is invited for a house-warming party at the beachfront home...warm sands, stunning sunsets, hunks in thongs feeding us mangoes and bananas and tropical drinks with umbrellas...all at our beck and call.
She's even paying for first-class air tickets and a bodyguard for each of us.
Right, admin?
Anonymous said... 95
For those that follow the twitter feed, is this the longest Kate's been on twitter silence?
Heather - I've been around pretty much since the beginning of all this and I don't remember a time when she was off Twitter for such a long time. I was also remembering one of her first tweets - maybe someone who's more Twitter-proficient than me can find it - where she said she'd ALWAYS tweet to her loyal fans, from the supermarket, from home, anywhere.
One of the higher ups at DWTS said in an article months ago that we could be seeings Kate in an episode where they bring others back. Perhaps this is what she was tweeting about a few days ago. The timing seems about right.
Flight of the Kiwi said... 19
Anonymous said:
We are the night workers at a utility company who read this blog daily. We expect an answer
Or what? You'll turn out the lights?
Hahahahaha! I laughed so loud the dog came running over, looking alarmed. :D
I think Kate's Twitter silence is approaching a new record. I really don't know what to think of it.
I just still have a very strong feeling that she has still not been home, which makes it a very long time since the kids have seen her.
I hope she at least calls them when she's away ;-(
I don't want to invade the kids privacy, but I would like to know the last time Kate was seen at the bus stop. There have been zero pap pics and no reports, so i think she's been absent from the drop offs and pick ups.
Blow off answers that's this blog.$$$$ Jon saw pictures? He left his kids with her?
I've got my own strict rule. Only adopt those animals you fully intend to feed properly, give a clean, safe environment to live in, walk when needed, schedule vet appts, and love, love, love always.
I had 12 adopted cats at one time. 9 were in the house. They were all adopted off the streets. It was work and it was expensive but it was what I signed up for the minute they came through the door. Those cats were my family and gave me more joy than I can say. They deserved the very best I could give them.
The very idea of an animal being abused or unloved in its own home..........
Anonymous said... 27
One of the higher ups at DWTS said in an article months ago that we could be seeings Kate in an episode where they bring others back. Perhaps this is what she was tweeting about a few days ago. The timing seems about right.
Until this CouponCabin firing happened, I thought she'd make an appearance on DWTS either in the audience or in some type of dance where the regulars are poking fun at her. Now, I wonder -- this, along with the Hoffman book, has garnered some really bad press.
Bearswife said...
I am in agreeance with Lbelle. But realize life is too short to let it get me down. We are all busy and sometimes I mean to respond or want to and for whatever reason never get around to it. Guilty as charged on both accounts. All of you who think you are not as popular as the others (like Dwindle our ditches) never fear. I know all of your 'names' and consider you part of the gang.
And I am in aggreeance with Bearswife & LBelle (LBelle. I wanted to answer your post, but time was running out, and I had to go to a dental appointment- sorry)
You are all a wonderful, loving, intelligent, and conscientious group of people. I feel very connected to all of you in this blog.
It's a pleasure to leave comments, and interact with people on this blog. It's amazing to me that so many people have come together on a blog for the same reason.
BTW, I never feel insulted, or slighted if my comments are overlooked, or whatever.
In the annoying (and insipid) words of Kate the ungreat-
it is, what it is.
Tamara said,
And whatever it was that FINALLY made him swing the axe can it really be worse than everything she's been guilty of for the past 10 months?
Quite possibly it could be, and unless some insiders come forth, we most likely will never know. I doubt if she was just axed because he felt like chopping someone. He had to have documentation/cause to fire her, and get his ducks in order. Kate has a penchant, according to Robert, for wanting to sue. When the time came, her "boss" gave her the pink slip and she was history.
Tucker's Mom said... 11
Dmasy, I think HBB was in LA last week and there was footage of her swimming at the hotel's pool. I think it was her first time in a real, big pool.
The family has an above-ground pool in their backyard and HBB loves to swim. I do believe that she's been in real "big pools" before. Those making Beverly Hillbilly type jokes are idiots.
Anonymous said... 58
Lots of us here in our office wonder if you will now leave Kate alone if she has lost her way?
This was the funniest thing I have read in several days! Yes the poor little lamb just lost her way for a while, and beating babies is back in fashion so all is forgiven now. I also hear that Kate has some kind of reimbursement plan in the works for all the church folks and companies she swindled! And Captain Kirk just came back from Mars with a little green man - maybe HE can date poor little lost Katie and the green would could compliment her orange.
I have it on good authority that one year ago after we ALL saw Kate smash Colin in the face on national TV because he was looking in the fridg in her presence, she was unrepentent, but now that Coupon Cabin has fired her, she will merely stick with calling the children names and pinching their arms. She was lost but now is found - AMEN!
@Kate is a Witch said... 64
First things first: I am also a regular lurker, I hardly EVER post. But you know what I'm sick of? People who post just to gripe about the comments here. If you don't like something/aren't interested in it, you have two choices: scroll past it or DON'T READ HERE.
My God, you'd think someone puts a gun to people's heads and forces them to read this blog. Free will, people. Look into it.
I'm not really into the OT stories myself. I come here to read Kate information and snark. You know what I do? I act like a big girl and scroll right past anything I don't want to read.
Ug. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
As for anon at 58, no one's buying what you're selling. Shoo.
KIAW - I think I love you!
fidosmommy said... 31
I've got my own strict rule. Only adopt those animals you fully intend to feed properly, give a clean, safe environment to live in, walk when needed, schedule vet appts, and love, love, love always.
I had 12 adopted cats at one time. 9 were in the house. They were all adopted off the streets. It was work and it was expensive but it was what I signed up for the minute they came through the door. Those cats were my family and gave me more joy than I can say. They deserved the very best I could give them.
The very idea of an animal being abused or unloved in its own home..........
It's monstrous...unspeakable... heartless...
The same goes for people who adopt children, or foster children, and do not properly care for them.
Horrible... and a sin.
Admin 20 -- Having been a breeder (of cats, not dogs),I wouldn't let the fact that someone relinquished a pet stand in their way of adopting another. There are always reasons for giving up a pet and circumstances change. It would depend on the circumstances and the current situation. Sometimes relinquishing is the responsible thing to do. That said, I was VERY particular about who got my kittens, and required references out the yingyang and lots of personal observation before sending one of my babies to its forever home. I only had one come back and that was when an owner had a stroke and had to go into a nursing home and no one in the family wanted the cat. He lived with me for 14 more years before crossing the bridge.
Maryann said... 30
Blow off answers that's this blog.$$$$ Jon saw pictures? He left his kids with her?
I'm sitting here eating my popcorn, waiting for Admin. to field this one. I was going to but Admin is far more assertive than me and knows far more than I do about the implications of how stealing your children affects family court judges....among other things.
And I'd have to go over to Mr. Hoffman's blog to check to see if he'd even actually documented that he had photos of actual physical abuse in the first place....which could take some time.
So....I just keep refreshing the page, lol. :D
Granny....so sorry to hear about your husband and so thrilled about your grandson.
I happen to have a few....well, not beliefs...but interests in a few things in the spiritual realm...ie: reincarnation, quantum physics, etc.
The cat I rescued turned out to have been born (according to owner who tossed her out) right around the same time my mom died....and I swear, she had such a similar personality that I actually started speaking to her as if she was my mom...........not completely seriously, mind you....but just as a possibility. I'm not a "blind faith" person....but more of an "intrigued in multiple possibilities" one. :)
And to all the other grandmothers...both new ones and those with multiple grandchildren.....I congratulate you (green with envy...j/k) :D
Those making Beverly Hillbilly type jokes are idiots.
I agree. HBB certainly looked like she can swim, but all those eyeballs and cameras on her just doing something fun made my heart break for her.
Maybe it was this spring when the CC people responded to all the negative about Kate. They replied that they were happy Kate was there and
she was doing good things for them. It was right around the time of one of Kate's runs - and maybe her Runners World article too.
I'll see if I can find it.
Maryann...30: Blow off answers that's this blog.$$$$ Jon saw pictures? He left his kids with her?
Say that again?
Buttercup said... 83
Hi All - LONG time lurker here. Has anyone given serious thought that besides being bi-polar KG fits the actual very definition of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
It's as if the medical definition was written just for her, isnt it! Instead of that, they should just post links to any old 6 episodes of the show.
Lots of folks have long discussed Kate's blatant NPD behaviors; but to read the definition again IS a little unsettling isnt it?
Having just started to "catch up" on comments I have a quick question. Are we finished with the book? I don't know how many chapters there are because I didn't get the book in time. Just curious whether we are going to continue reviewing the chapters.
Sorry if this has already been asked or answered.
Reader I think it's easier to have a strict rule so that one family can't complain another got different treatment. Plenty of other places will let then adopt. I can imagine only a few very limited circumstances where I would ever trust someone who gave up a pet with another. This charity is very picky but the numbers don't lie, their success rate is nearly 100%. On the flip side they are very open to condo apartment owners as long as the dog is small and they are set up right, whereas many charities don't like that at all.
Admin said: The rescue I volunteer with has strict rules. You cannot adopt if you've ever given up a dog before and you cannot adopt again from them if you return the dog. You're blacklisted, no exceptions. It's a good rule.
Nope, it's not a good good. There are exceptions for a reason. Not all dogs work out in the home they went to. I adopted a hardheaded aussie from the national rescue I'd been volunteering with for several years. I ended up returning him after 7 months because his presence was causing my older dog (also from that rescue) to seize. She had been mildly epileptic before but having him around was causing daily issues. The rep/foster home was aware of the problem and we tried several different things before coming to the decision that returning him was best. He wasn't a good fit for our dog, and personality wise he wasn't right for us (we do better with softer dogs). I had a chance to see him at the foster hom a couple months later. My dog took one look at him and went into seizure activity. That squashed any lingering doubt the rep may have had (if any). We would be totally eligible to adopt another dog from them in the future as we did what was best for both dogs.
I'm a good home. My dogs get an excellent diet, chiropractic & massage as needed, learn advanced skills (I show them in a variety of activities), get to use their natural instincts, and so on. At two years tomorrow they've earned several titles each (with national rankings) and one just finished her therapy dog tests. I'm not anywhere close to perfect but my dogs do lead a better life than most. To refuse to adopt to me because I put my dog's health ahead of my ego (it was so hard to return the one) would be incredibly short sighted.
I am an animal lover and I long to have a dog. Unfortunately, I am too responsible to have one right now. With two young kids involved in a lot of activities and two full-time working parents, we are simply not home. It is not fair to the pet. I hate telling my 8 year old dog-lover this, but she understands that it is a lot of responsibility. I wish more people would think pets through before impulsively purchasing or adopting one.
What Kate did with those dogs makes me ill.
Dwindle said,
This was the funniest thing I have read in several days! Yes the poor little lamb just lost her way for a while,
Let's call on Bing Crosby for a verse of Whiffenpoof...
We're poor little lambs who have lost our way
Baa, baa, baa
We're little black sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa
Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa
Kelly H. said... 47
I hope the right dog comes at the right for your family--you sound like you'd be a great home ;-)
Thanks Tucker's Mom... I great up with a Great Dane and a Lab so I am just itching to have one!
*grew* up with one... sorry. It is Friday and the fingers are not working.
In that case Aussie you should be allowed another dog. But because of the seizure issue, I disagree because the personality wasn't right. JMO.
They also rejected a family because when meeting the dog the dad let slip he'd prefer a bigger dog. They lost out because the charity felt that the whole family should be in board. Tough to say no but like I said you can't argue with their placement success.
Not everyone got to read the book. Can we continue, Admin?
Tucker's Mom said... 40
Those making Beverly Hillbilly type jokes are idiots.
I agree. HBB certainly looked like she can swim, but all those eyeballs and cameras on her just doing something fun made my heart break for her.
Boy, I hope I don't get lambasted for this....but this is another problem I have with that show (HBB). To me....there's a big difference between doing, let's say, a documentary-type show on a certain social strata of life in America.....and a reality show that intentionally highlights it to the point of almost lampooning it.
And I hope this doesn't make me look like a snob or an elitist...I am FAR from it....but to me, TLC is setting this family up as entertainment so others can laugh at their socio-economic strata (I'm trying to be tactful here). All over this country there are true salt-of-the-earth folks who grow our food, etc.....and are to be admired.....but this show is handing up this family as "entertainment" of the "hillbilly" variety. There's a big difference between appreciating people who are different than we are and stereotyping and lampooning them.
And yeah, I think this poor little HBB is going to have all sorts of problems with this now....thanks to TLC.
Dwindle said... 36
Oh Dwindle.....you are SO darn funny. I love reading your posts. You also have great comedic writing skills.....and so clever.
C its for cookie, just have to say that was funny! Ms Kreider ” was interpretive dancing it in with a side of smoke signals” r her blog. You know that creates an interesting mental picture!
Hi to all other new/ infrequent posters! I wish I had time to respond to everyone individually!
Maryann said... 30
Blow off answers that's this blog.$$$$ Jon saw pictures? He left his kids with her?
What are you talking about? Come on Maryann, stop trying to stir it up. Kat will be back sooner or later on twitter and then all will be right with your world.
OT: An extra rumspringa for anyone who got the Frankie Valli & the 4 Seasons reference.
Enjoy this web site. what happens if Kate Gosselin drops twitter, sells the house, and goes away.
readerlady said... 158
I have a question for you utility workers who read here at night and love and admire Kate. What is there about her that you admire?
I have a question for you, Readerlady. Where did the poster say one word about loving or admiring Kate?
Typical "with us or against us" mentality that is always on display here. Anybody who goes against the grain is immediately labeled a Kate lover, even when their words imply nothing of the sort.
Auf Englisch, Bitte? said... 42
Maryann...30: Blow off answers that's this blog.$$$$ Jon saw pictures? He left his kids with her?****** Say that again?
Great minds think alike. I don't have a clue as to what she's saying either.
Danke schoen for your post!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 96
Yep, you bet it's a nice group.
This nice group was minding their own business, talking about the post topic and talking about other things, when someone came in and very rudely and cruelly attacked them and demanded that they stop posting a certain way. This nice group was actually pretty restrained, though justifiably defensive. If that were me being attacked I don't think I'd hold back that much.
And the respectful responses to LBelle, who WAS respectful with her opinion, show exactly how this nice group will behave when shown a bit of respect.
Here is the thing about LBelle. She said, completely paraphrasing here, that she posts here sometimes, but sometimes this blog leaves her feeling sad. She feels left out, wonders how she can get better responses to her opinions, but no matter because it is still all a pretty good place and she will still hang around.
She never called us names, never said the topics here are 'old and annoying', she never pointed any fingers, just said she sometimes feels left out and could we be gentle with her and then she cracked a joke about wanting to fit in with the cool kids.
Her entire post felt like a pretty cool newish neighbor coming to the - veranda! So she got some hugs, some mea culpas, and a rumspringa, and I hope the next few times I see her on the street, I will remember to invite her up here on the veranda, offer her a chair (even if I have to kick Auntie off hers) and see what LBelle has to say.
But when someone stomps over, tells us how we annoy them when they evesdrop and how they dont like the plants and the porch furniture on Admin's veranda, well even us middle aged ladies still have a steel toe in our boots.
LBelle said... 6
Kiwi...what you talkin 'bout?? Early start at Mass?? Geeeez....what have I been missing all these years? Lol
Gong to chillax for a bit before dinner chaos starts as I likely disappoint my sons about what's for dinner! : /
OT OT!!!!
LBelle, occasionally we share recipes, but I for one am always looking for dinner ideas. Because I am sick of the same old same old. So anytime you want to casually mention what you are fixing for dinner, I will read with interest.
We now return control of your television set to you.
NJGal51 said... 59
Auf Englisch, Bitte? said... 42
Maryann...30: Blow off answers that's this blog.$$$$ Jon saw pictures? He left his kids with her?****** Say that again?
Great minds think alike. I don't have a clue as to what she's saying either.
Danke schoen for your post!
Maryann apparently wrote a comment :
"Repeating Admin,Jon,Robert had pictures proofing of beatings why not give them to cops and news reporters.Held out for money and bigger book?"
This was after she'd accused Admin of intentionally deleting a similar comment (so she was "repeating" it.
Then Admin replied:
"Maryann did you miss Robert saying he turned everything over to CPS when he first found it? He never held out on anything."
So now she's insinuating that the reply was blowing her off and wanting to know how Jon could let Kate have the kids if there were photos of abuse he'd seen.
I was not able to get the Hoffman book before its sale was suspended...so have been over on his blog trying to find the paragraph regarding his back-up documentation and whether or not he even said he specifically had photos of Kate physically abusing the children.
Did he even say that?
Does anyone have that info?
A Mom said... 57
Enjoy this web site. what happens if Kate Gosselin drops twitter, sells the house, and goes away.
Then we will be talking about recipes, fart jokes, snot, grandkids, sick pets, and books. And people will still be complaining about it.
NJ...59: Great minds think alike. I don't have a clue as to what she's saying either.
Danke schoen for your post!
Bitte schoen. Nichts zu danken.
who died and made dina boss? said... 47
The owner here has said she takes into account the feedback she gets and makes appropriate changes (I think). So why can't someone speak up about what they don't like? Or would you rather hear tales of gas, snot and depression?
If a person that comes to a place looking for information, yet sees only gas, snot and depression, that person sadly lives in a shallow, dark and lonely place.
I am glad that everything I look at has something to teach me about myself, my life, my walk and where I need to grow. It's a nice place to be.
Lancastermom, I saw your wave. lol thanks.
Do you suppose Milo's lights out man works with those late night utility workers who read here?
I was not able to get the Hoffman book before its sale was suspended...so have been over on his blog trying to find the paragraph regarding his back-up documentation and whether or not he even said he specifically had photos of Kate physically abusing the children.
Did he even say that?
Does anyone have that info?
I did get the book and I don't believe Robert has photos of the kids being beat by Kate. There are Kate's own accounts, in her own words, which are stunning to say the least.
There is the photo of her spanking Leah in the driveway and of course, Mr. Spanker in the car door (and Kate's account of using said spoon on Mady to "happy her up").
Ex Nurse said... 23
fidosmommy said..
(Oh boy, I can hear it coming now. "How do you
deign to speak for everyone on this blog? "
fido--you can speak for me anytime!
And me, go ahead!
njay said... 65
And to add to what njay wrote....it's also HOW the comment is written. I don't think we have a problem with constructive criticism if it's worded nicely and tactfully.
People are much more sensitive when it comes to the internet, I've learned. Being nice goes a long way.
HAHAHA Hailey's and Kate's interview with Access Hollywood is on the same page.
And Jon's defening Hailey maybe that's why Kate's so pissed.
-(Super snark on Kate)
I found this...is it what you're asking?
So why hasn’t Jon Gosselin spoken up about the abuse? I don’t know that he hasn’t reported it and I don’t know what conversations he’s had with Kate about it. I don’t even know if he was ever present for the physical abuse. I do know that Jon has had to sign Discovery agreements not to talk about it, and the contract he signed forbids him from talking about it, but Kate took it a step further than a simple non-disclosure agreement with Jon. Kate threatened Jon that if he ever spoke a word about her abusing the kids, that Discovery would sue him for every cent he’d ever make, and she’d make sure he never saw or had any contact with his children ever again. Could or would Kate do either of those things? You can be the judge of that.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 7777-7784). . Kindle Edition.
Tucker's Mom said... 67
I did get the book and I don't believe Robert has photos of the kids being beat by Kate. There are Kate's own accounts, in her own words, which are stunning to say the least.
There is the photo of her spanking Leah in the driveway and of course, Mr. Spanker in the car door (and Kate's account of using said spoon on Mady to "happy her up").
Thank you, Tucker's Mom.....that's what I'd thought but just wanted to make sure. I don't know where Maryann even came up with this.
fidosmommy said... 31
I've got my own strict rule. Only adopt those animals you fully intend to feed properly, give a clean, safe environment to live in, walk when needed, schedule vet appts, and love, love, love always.
I had 12 adopted cats at one time. 9 were in the house. They were all adopted off the streets. It was work and it was expensive but it was what I signed up for the minute they came through the door. Those cats were my family and gave me more joy than I can say. They deserved the very best I could give them.
The very idea of an animal being abused or unloved in its own home..........
Our strict rule is, till death do us part. When a pet comes into our home have made a promise to love it, keep it clean, safe, fed, pampered, medically attended to, slightly spoiled, until God calls it home. Period.
If the breeder whom gave Khate and Jon their dogs came forward and apologised would you forgive him?
I think whomever it was that talked about piling on had the right idea. Maybe CC sacked her so publicly because they figured her lawyers would be too busy elsewhere to bother with them.
Remona Blue said... 71
Thank you to you too, Remona. :)
What you provided is even additional info on the topic.
I'm assuming that Maryann was asking how Jon could let Kate have the children (when it's her time to have them) if he had seen photos of her abusing them.
For starters, as Tucker's Mom said, I don't think R. Hoffman ever said that he had photos of Kate abusing the children.
But let's say there were.....if they were handed over to CPS and the family court judge had allocated visitation times......what would she have Jon do? Steal the children and run off to a hidden location with them?
But there are no statements by Robert H. saying he has photos of abuse....and he did say he handed what info he had over to CPS....and Jon is doing what he can to stay within the law and to see the children as much as he can.
It's just inflammatory to make accusations based on imaginary facts.
Winsomeone said... 66
Do you suppose Milo's lights out man works with those late night utility workers who read here?
lol! They are demanding an answer, so if they don't get a response, they'll black out the entire East Coast, and Lights Out Man will be out of a job. This will leave Milo in the dark. It won't matter anyway, since she's always been in the dark concerning the truth about her idol.
If the breeder whom gave Khate and Jon their dogs came forward and apologised would you forgive him?
Not if he was the one who gave Shoka back to kk.
That is unforgivable.
Ok, I'm just going to say it.
I wish Nala had taken a chunk out of her ass.
Tucker's Mom said... 67
''I did get the book and I don't believe Robert has photos of the kids being beat by Kate. There are Kate's own accounts, in her own words, which are stunning to say the least.
There is the photo of her spanking Leah in the driveway and of course, Mr. Spanker in the car door (and Kate's account of using said spoon on Mady to "happy her up").''
I wonder if Maryann is confused about what Robert said he turned over to CPS. He said he made copies of KK's journal about abusing her children, and gave them to CPS twice. At some other point, Robert said that he knew that SOME of the abuse WAS on film, but he didn't say that he had seen or had possession of any of the filmed abuse.
Dwindle said... 4
Tucker's Mom said... 195
There will come a time when Alana (HBB) will no longer be cute and that will be a painful to know what will probably happen to her and her family.
It's so hard to child stars/actors to grow up in front of the camera. Some go from a good looking kid to an attractive adult and some don't blossom as well. Boys especially, it seems.
Thank goodness Dakota Fanning turned out to be a beauty. Her career would have halted otherwise.
HBB, well, how do I say this delicately? She didn't win the gene pool lottery.
(hides from lightning bolt)
I brought a special Lightening Force Field for you and I to hide under, but I dont even think the poor dear won the 'cute' lottery either. I think she is too chubby to be TV cute, she looks like she needs a bath all the time, and everytime that little one opens her mouth, she is first runner up for Ms Trailer Trash Mouth USA. Yes, i slammed a child, but none of it is her fault. It's the way she is being fed, raised, taught. She is being validated and praised for things that most of us corrected our own children for. But at least no one is suspecting that she is being beaten, starved, ridiculed by her mother, and getting her face smashed for standing, breathing or looking in the wrong direction. And she sure does seem very very loving and loved, from what I have seen.
You slammed a child by your own admission. Imagine a child reading that she's not cute and too fat to be on television. Do you really think the words "but it's not your fault sweetheart" would make one whit of difference? Here's a thought: don't slam children. Period.
Since I don't twitter, just wondering if Milo and her sheeple have also gone on twitter silence in Kate's continued absence?
A child should never, ever be slammed. As a southerner, I am concerned that the HBB "conversation" is beginning to take an anti-southern turn. Please let's not go there.
Several tv stations here in Atlanta have interviewed HBB and her family numerous times and they all have come away with how close and loving this family is. Don't make fun of them because of circumstances of their life. June even turned down a brand new house and now Rosie O'Donnell is trying to talk her into allowing her (Rosie) to pay for a remodel.
Her sins should now be forgiven if she wants forgiveness with her children not with any of us.
Anonymous said... 58 and your office. You forgot the most important one she needs forgiveness from, GOD. He is the one who said, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." Galatians 6:7 He created a law that said if you do "this", then "this".
I don't want to start a religious debate, so whether people call Him Karma, or God, the law remains the same.
Had no wrongful acts been done by Kate, the only one who would look stupid would be her accusers. PERIOD...
NJGal51 said... 56
Maryann said... 30
Blow off answers that's this blog.$$$$ Jon saw pictures? He left his kids with her?
What are you talking about? Come on Maryann, stop trying to stir it up. Kat will be back sooner or later on twitter and then all will be right with your world.
OT: An extra rumspringa for anyone who got the Frankie Valli & the 4 Seasons reference
Yes, MaryAnn is very bored twitterer without her Queen. Everthing smashed incomprehensibly into 140 characters or less.
THAT'S why all the drivebys and shit stirrers! the Twitter kids have no where else to go! I just figured that out. Dont worry, little lambs, your queen will be back online for a minute this weekend, and then the kids will be back from their Dad's on Monday night, so by Tuesday Katie will tweeting funfunfun! busybusybusy! nonstop again. Start getting your praises of love and adoration ready for your madonna now!
Come on marianne, say you understand...!
If he apologized, took the dog back and vowed never to let such a thing happen again yes Tamara, I would forgive him. Your point?
Remona Blue said... 78
Remona, here is what R. Hoffman wrote on his blog and it was in a correspondence with an employee of Radaronline:
"I personally contacted Child Protection Services twice in 2010 when I found the journal. I sent them copies of what I had and they told me they would look into it and that's the last I heard. I've tried to talk to Kate several times in 2010 but she wouldn't acknowledge my existence.
The other 90% of the material that I possess will not be published, ever, but you can be sure that if I'm falsely accused of anything and drug into court, or called a liar by Kate Gosselin or her lawyers, this information will come out then, including photographs.
My sources include former crew members who witnessed the abuse.
I would suggest that a better story to pursue would be why TLC and Discovery kept filming this family for five (?) seasons knowing full well that Kate Gosselin was abusing her children. I've been told that there is much footage of this that obviously never saw the light of day."
There is only one mention of "photographs" in his possession and no indication that they show any physical abuse by Kate. And he clearly states that he turned over the journals to CPS...twice.
Kate, it was done and it didnt work. Lasted 8 episodes in 2009. Yawn.
"The Cougar is an American reality television series where an older woman (aka cougar) chooses a boyfriend from a group of twenty younger men. The series premiered on TV Land on April 15, 2009...
Over eight weekly hour-long episodes, the young men (all in their 20s) compete for a chance to have a long term relationship with Stacey Anderson, a 40-year-old real estate agent and divorced mother of four from Arizona.[2]"
I think Scott K. should have signed off kate's pink slip with "it is what it is"
Paula said.....81
Paula, I absolutely did not mean for anything regarding HBB to take an anti-southern turn. I don't live in the south and there are many, many families where I live similar to HBB's family. I have tons of friends and neighbors whose families are similar to HBB's. I live in a relatively rural area. I don't think it even has anything to do with the south. There are diverse groups and strata covering the entire US.
I have a problem with ALL young children being on reality TV...I don't care what part of the country or what socio-economic strata they are from. They are far too young to handle the fall-out from this that they will likely have to live with for the rest of their lives. I can totally understand that the allure of fame and income is strong.....and it is perfectly fine for adults or even older teens to able to make an informed decision and consent.....but these little children are unable to truly comprehend what they are getting themselves into at that age. It opens them up to having themselves splashed all over the internet, lampooned, etc.....and it's just not fair to do this to little children.....I don't care WHERE they come from.
In his book, Robert also said this:
''So who should have reported the obvious child abuse of the Gosselin children at the hands of their mother, Kate Gosselin? According to Pennsylvania’s guidelines regarding child abuse, everyone who knew about it, even if they signed Kate’s super-special confidentiality agreement. As for Discovery Communications… I dare you to make all of the unused Gosselin film available for the world to see. You know, the parts where Kate is shown spanking and screaming at and threatening the children.''
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 8009-8015). . Kindle Edition.
I suspect that TLC/Discovery's attempt to stop Robert's book has less to do with the reason they gave, and more about their fear of what OTHER information he has!!
If the breeder whom gave Khate and Jon their dogs came forward and apologised would you forgive him?
Apologized to whom, and how would he do that? How would he know that he was "forgiven, and by whom?" I don't understand.
Yep, Such "Nice" Women said... 79
Dwindle said... 4
Tucker's Mom said... 195
There will come a time when Alana (HBB) will no longer be cute and that will be a painful to know what will probably happen to her and her family.
It's so hard to child stars/actors to grow up in front of the camera. Some go from a good looking kid to an attractive adult and some don't blossom as well. Boys especially, it seems.
Thank goodness Dakota Fanning turned out to be a beauty. Her career would have halted otherwise.
HBB, well, how do I say this delicately? She didn't win the gene pool lottery.
(hides from lightning bolt)
I brought a special Lightening Force Field for you and I to hide under, but I dont even think the poor dear won the 'cute' lottery either. I think she is too chubby to be TV cute, she looks like she needs a bath all the time, and everytime that little one opens her mouth, she is first runner up for Ms Trailer Trash Mouth USA. Yes, i slammed a child, but none of it is her fault. It's the way she is being fed, raised, taught. She is being validated and praised for things that most of us corrected our own children for. But at least no one is suspecting that she is being beaten, starved, ridiculed by her mother, and getting her face smashed for standing, breathing or looking in the wrong direction. And she sure does seem very very loving and loved, from what I have seen.
You slammed a child by your own admission. Imagine a child reading that she's not cute and too fat to be on television. Do you really think the words "but it's not your fault sweetheart" would make one whit of difference? Here's a thought: don't slam children. Period.
My take on the 'too fat for tv' comment is that it wasnt a slam against Alana, per se, but rather on observation of current societal norms for what is acceptable for tv. We all know (if you don't- you live under a rock or havent watched tv in 30 years) that television (and btw, magazines and ads) go for the too skinny look. A regular sized person may be too large for some tv programs or ads. She was just stating a sad truth about our society- tv glorifies and wants the anemic looking people- and Alana is not that person. Sometimes the truth hurts, doesnt mean it shouldnt be said. Maybe it should be said- and loudly- so change can be effected.
PS- huge HBB fan here. I think that child is freaking adorable with a zest for life and love for her family that makes her shine like the sun.
I love the Grandma stories on here, I'm one myself-- a 9 month old boy, too cute and too ornery already!
It is terrible about the grandmother that was under the influence and now the child is dead. Alcohol destroys so many lives in many ways.
Concerning Kate, if she is going to lose it so badly and smack Leah for blowing a whistle OUTSIDE, or how many times has Colin gotten his face mushed .....all the while Kate KNEW there were paps present to snap away! Why did she write her abuse down? Perhaps this abuser wants to get caught. She's coldly denied her daughter a drink of water...on camera too. I think Kate's a sociopath and NO ONE is going to tell HER what to do. Those children are possessions. No one will make money off them, but her. Right? Kate even got Jon brainwashed into her stinking thinking for awhile, with the help of people like Dr. Phil (the brand)..but she wrapped it all as so many do nowadays when dealing with greed, fraud and lying...its ok, cause it is the name of God.
So happy Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Kluth are stepping up to the plate as many bloggers have done over the years. The TRUTH always comes out, Kate and TLC. Ask the Boy Scouts of America, ask Penn State, ask the Catholic Church, ask Lance Armstrong.
Oh Dwindle.....now you have that song stuck in my head.....Come on Marianne and it will be stuck in there on an endless feeding loop for the rest of the night.
When I was a kid, we would take our metal skates (the ones with the little key) and go down to a friend's basement and just skate around and around on the smooth concrete floor for hours. And she had a little record player and we'd play Frankie Valli $ the Four Seasons and make our own little roller rink.
And speaking of roller rinks...they are SO hard to find these days. We used to go and skate at the roller rink all day every Saturday back in the day. We took a bus.....and the Beatles had just come onto the scene...but they didn't play the same sorts of music at the roller rink that they do now. I can't even remember what it was but it was this "roller rink" music...played on some sort of calliope or organ or something....that was unique to roller rinks. Ah....those were the days. :D
I loved it. For several hours every Saturday, I felt like I was flying.
This relates to Kate. Heather Dubrow made a comment on a RHOC reunion that I've never forgotten.
She said.
"If everyone is telling you you're dead, maybe you should lay down".
I think Kate should "lay down".
Remona Blue...........89
I'd imagine that one of the big things they'd like to hide is just what Robert said on his own blog:
"My sources include former crew members who witnessed the abuse.
I would suggest that a better story to pursue would be why TLC and Discovery kept filming this family for five (?) seasons knowing full well that Kate Gosselin was abusing her children. I've been told that there is much footage of this that obviously never saw the light of day."
The story of Kate and the child and animal abuse is bad enough but to have had multiple staff of a huge corporation witnessing it....and protecting it...is really the MUCH bigger story to me.
There are so many children abused...many worse than the G. kids...all over the US and we've been accused of ignoring them and only focusing on the G. children. But the reason for that...at least for me....is the story of how a huge corporation saw this, tolerated this, protected and covered for this.....strictly for profit. THAT is one of the biggest things that makes the situation of the G. children unique. In fact, to me, that IS the story.....how a huge corporation and multiple others in the entertainment industry looked the other way.
Winsomeone said... 66
Do you suppose Milo's lights out man works with those late night utility workers who read here?
LOL line of the week right there!
I'm not trying to make any point Admin, I'm just curious. People are often (all too often IMO) much more concerned and angered by animal abuse than by child abuse, and the breeder was just mentioned, so I asked. Just a cigar being a cigar.
I tell my thoughts on the HHB discusstion. It is not the uncuthness that bothers me so much or the lifestyle. That is the whole purpose of the show. They are proud of the "redneck" way they live and many others are also. I'm sorry that any type of stereotyping happens whether it be Southerner, Redneck, Hillbilly, Westerner, etc.
Where I have a problem with it is when people either use it to make others feel less inferior or with an attitude of "in your face, what ya gona do about it.
I do agree with the person who said mentioning it wasn't HBB's fault, it's her parents doesn't make pointing out a child's faults proper. But then it doesn't make you a terrible person either. Anonymous, I will say that the way you told this person was childish, rude and uncalled for. You meant it to harm her and that DOES make you a not nice person.
May I say that whether Anonymous or known bloggers, this attacking back and forth is not taking anybody to a good place. This is why IT IS GOOD and somewhat soothing to have OT stories. It gives a minute to step back and take a deep breath and breathe.
Isn't Lance Armstrong a perfect metaphor? You may win two, three, four, even seven times. But you won't win forever. Eventually the truth wins. It just may take a long time.
I am not always able to respond to other posters even thought they made very good points. As LBelle, said, there are just too many sometimes. Therefore, it doesn't bother me when others do not respond to my posts either. The reason it doesn't bother me is because Admin sends me a monthly check out of her millions so I will continue to post about my grandsons. It's part of our contract!
I don't understand. I'm forgiving Scott, not a child abuser. When Scott found out about the child abuse he promptly fired her. What more do you want?
butterfly said... 91
My take on the 'too fat for tv' comment is that it wasnt a slam against Alana, per se, but rather on observation of current societal norms for what is acceptable for tv. We all know (if you don't- you live under a rock or havent watched tv in 30 years) that television (and btw, magazines and ads) go for the too skinny look. A regular sized person may be too large for some tv programs or ads. She was just stating a sad truth about our society- tv glorifies and wants the anemic looking people- and Alana is not that person. Sometimes the truth hurts, doesnt mean it shouldnt be said. Maybe it should be said- and loudly- so change can be effected.
PS- huge HBB fan here. I think that child is freaking adorable with a zest for life and love for her family that makes her shine like the sun.
And the "she didn't win the cute lottery" also was a comment on "societal norms?" Please. She slammed a child, regardless of how you might try to spin it.
So it's not a mystery, you know for sure CC CEO sacked Khate because of the child abuse she wrote about over 4 years ago?
LoveMyGrandsons said... 100
I am not always able to respond to other posters even thought they made very good points. As LBelle, said, there are just too many sometimes. Therefore, it doesn't bother me when others do not respond to my posts either. The reason it doesn't bother me is because Admin sends me a monthly check out of her millions so I will continue to post about my grandsons. It's part of our contract!
Cha-ching! ;o)
Wowee...I just got online for today and read (backwards) almost two full pages of posts.
I think our legs are being pulled by some of the drive-bys. Whatever floats their boat, I guess. These ARE boring times right now since the Twitter silence, and I don't think they actually know what else to do with themselves. The "utility workers" made me laugh the loudest. I mean, REALLY?? lol
Yes...reminds me of the saying from some Greek philosopher....The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine.
I think it's supposed to mean that justice eventually prevails or something along those lines.
Listen, I agree that HBB has a loving family....why I said absolutely nothing critical about her mother or the rest of her family. And I celebrate diversity in all forms....and colors....and whatever.....and I celebrate loving families of all shapes, sizes and colors.
And....if legally consenting adults want to open themselves up for all kinds of public scrutiny and criticism....then that's fine. But these little children are another story. Have you ever read all the horrible and hateful criticisms of Teresa Giudice's little daughters on the Bravo site and other sites? It's just horrible.
If she and her husband can handle all the Italian stereotyping and criticism, that's fine.....but those little girls are just way too young to give consent for this. They are far too young to understand the consequences this may have on the rest of their lives....especially with the internet. This stuff will be all over the internet forever and can't just be erased.
Oh...and njay...this isn't specifically directed at you....just grabbed your comment because it related to the subject. I'm just kinda pontificating here a little in general on the topic some more.
What really irks me is that TLC/Discovery is laughing all the way to the bank. They don't care what HBB may have to deal with for the rest of her life thanks to the show. Any adult that puts him/herself out there for public consumption has to realize the consequences....and heck, even many of the adults can't handle it once they realize what they opened themselves up for. But HBB is just a little girl. There's a REASON there is a specific age for consent...a REASON you have to be a certain age to enter into a contract.
It just doesn't sit right with me.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 99
Isn't Lance Armstrong a perfect metaphor? You may win two, three, four, even seven times. But you won't win forever. Eventually the truth wins. It just may take a long time.
I hope I convey this the right way, so here goes...
I think that HOM's are to Kate, what cancer is to Lance Armstrong. Both are extremely rare things to come out of the other side intact. They are both survivors (and so are those precious 6). There's a certain super-human-ness about Kate and Lance that people see as impenetrable, unimpugnable(sp?)and unimpeachable.
Lance survived cancer and Kate did not reduce her pregnancy, and that makes them beyond reproach to many.
Ah, but at what point does a light go off in their heads where they think that no one will step out of line and call them out? Because, it does, and their power is used as a weapon to wield and armor to deflect from criticism and being held to task for their actions. Eventually, they are hoisted with their own petard.
SameOld, SameOld - readerlady, and many others read that comment from the utility workers as this blog was responsible for the downfall of Kate and she is picked on too much. Many took it as they were fans of Kate, myself included. The bottom line is Kate brought all of this on herself and no one should be accusing this blog or anyone else, for the karma that has now come her way.
Nice Women - Dwindle was not attacking a child, she stated her opinion, which many of us do here. I personally think my grandsons are gorgeous, but maybe others who see them have a different opinion. I would not agree with them, and they definitely should not say it to me. The main issue is that HBB has been put out there publicly by her family, and some will love her and some not so much. Therefore, opinions will be stated. The parents should think of these issues BEFORE they put their children out there for public consumption. Not everyone will feel about our children and grandchildren the way we feel. I don't know if I truly worded this properly, but I hope you get my drift.
Now, both of you should really be more respectful in your posts if you want that same respect shown to you. If you don't want to be respectful, then yes, you should go elsewhere.
Tamara what is your point??
Admin, I really enjoyed your post about sharing the tickets. I, too, have been in the place of receiving help from friends. Now, I can "pay it forward" and it feels wonderful. Just like it says "Tis more blessed to give than to receive." We have never, ever seen this in Kate. Even on her show, others were paying for whatever the Gosselins pretended to give away. Kate has missed out on so much. Her thinking is really messed up. I agree with so many here who think Kate will spend her (the kids') last dime in her pursuit of fame/celebrity. Stupid, selfish, grifting woman. That public firing would make most of us look harder at ourselves. Sad, really sad.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 108
Nice Women - Dwindle was not attacking a child, she stated her opinion, which many of us do here.
She *stated* that she slammed a child, so why you are claiming that she did not do so is beyond me. Stating an opinion and attacking a child are not mutually exclusive concepts. In fact, the act of slamming someone entails offering an opinion.
TLC stinks said... 53
Not everyone got to read the book. Can we continue, Admin?
I'd like to continue on with the next set of chapters. Yes, I have the book, but it's been helpful to discuss it with everyone here. And it beats the heck out of entertaining all the lost sheep who've found their way to this blog. Maybe they'll find something useful to chew on.
Yep, Such "Nice" Women said... 102
butterfly said... 91
My take on the 'too fat for tv' comment is that it wasnt a slam against Alana, per se, but rather on observation of current societal norms for what is acceptable for tv. We all know (if you don't- you live under a rock or havent watched tv in 30 years) that television (and btw, magazines and ads) go for the too skinny look. A regular sized person may be too large for some tv programs or ads. She was just stating a sad truth about our society- tv glorifies and wants the anemic looking people- and Alana is not that person. Sometimes the truth hurts, doesnt mean it shouldnt be said. Maybe it should be said- and loudly- so change can be effected.
PS- huge HBB fan here. I think that child is freaking adorable with a zest for life and love for her family that makes her shine like the sun.
And the "she didn't win the cute lottery" also was a comment on "societal norms?" Please. She slammed a child, regardless of how you might try to spin it.
I wasnt 'trying' to spin anything. It's plain and simple english- all in the first sentence..
Here it is again "My take on the 'too fat for tv' comment" So why did you bring up something I wasnt talking about? I stated the intention of my comment quite clearly- I was giving my perspective on the ONE comment the OP made. Easy day :)
I happen to think Alana is plenty cute. Just throwing that out there.
Poor sheeple must not have the talent or knowledge on how to put nor keep up a blog of their own to baaaaa (whine) at, leaving them no choice but to sheepishly post here, where amazingly they're allowed to. Cuz we're nice like that.
Bo-Peep is MIA, off in some 3-day intensive "escape the entire planet" yoga class, I imagine. She'll log back on to twitter, shortly, sheepies, no worries...she has to come back to the planet, eventually, to tell everyone how awesome it was to escape it.
Poor sheep, they've lost their Peep. :(
Once again, Nice Women, Dwindle gave her opinion. Many, many people have given their opinions on HBB and other reality children on various blogs and article comments. The issue is that these children should not be exposed to either the positive or the negative opinions, and it is THEIR PARENTS responsibility to protect them from that. The parents should not have put their children on reality shows in the first place. This goes for HBB, the G kids, the RHONJ kids, etc.
I do not believe children should have to deal with this, but it is their parents fault that their kids are even being discussed publicly.
I am still a Lance Armstrong fan, in spite of the truth. I am not, however a sheeple. Difference? I dont blindly follow Lance and believe he is above all others, untouchable, and free from all accusations made against him. I am a fan, and I know now that without a doubt he was doping. That doesnt change my respect for him as an athlete. I just wanted to show the difference between a fan and a sheeple. Maybe one of Kate's sheeple can learn from it, that Kate can be guilty- and its ok, they can still be a fan- just stop being delusional - LOL
Maybe they'll find something useful to chew on.
Sheep, like cows, chew their cud, which is undigested grass that they've regurgitated.
This seems very applicable, since they come here with the same old stuff over and over again.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 115
Once again, Nice Women, Dwindle gave her opinion. Many, many people have given their opinions on HBB and other reality children on various blogs and article comments. The issue is that these children should not be exposed to either the positive or the negative opinions, and it is THEIR PARENTS responsibility to protect them from that. The parents should not have put their children on reality shows in the first place. This goes for HBB, the G kids, the RHONJ kids, etc.
I do not believe children should have to deal with this, but it is their parents fault that their kids are even being discussed publicly.
Once again, LoveMyGrandsons, she offered an opinion that included SLAMMING A CHILD, BY HER OWN ADMISSION. If you are okay with that, that's a sad comment on you.
Of course the parents are responsible for putting their children out there. HOWEVER, that does not absolve the rest of humanity from responsibility for their own words and actions. If you insult a child, you are in the wrong. Period.
I read this on RWA and it is so revealing of the sheeple and their sour attitude right now, that I had to share (posted by ASISEEIT, from RWA)~~~
From IW: “No one likes getting a pink slip, but this one is especially caustic. Scott Kluth, tell us how you really feel! Obviously Mr. Kluth is unhappy with something that transpired between Kate’s team and Coupon Cabin. We certainly understand when celebrities and the companies they endorse part ways after a contract dispute or disagreement. We have to wonder though, is this explanation a wise decision? Did Mr. Kluth forget that Kate’s fans are used to an upbeat message about Kate’s busy household? Instead, fans were greeted with a peevish post barely disguising displeasure.”
Is that not funny?? Kate's fans want an upbeat message- no one dares diss their queen! Didnt Scott get the memo- when you talk about Kate, you disguise all displeasure and maintain the lie of sunshine, rainbows, and unicorn farts. Get with it, Scott!
Baa Baa Black Sheep said... 117
Sheep, like cows, chew their cud, which is undigested grass that they've regurgitated. This seems very applicable, since they come here with the same old stuff over and over again.
Another benefit of moving on to the next set of chapters: It'll give us fresh fodder, too!
butterfly said... 116
Great explanation. You can still respect what Lance has done and the career he's had. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but he's parlayed his career and fame into a well-respected foundation that has done amazing things for those in need.
What has Kate established with all of the blessings she's received thus far?
Just the beginning of Gosselins giving back? She doesn't even give back the free clothes she's received over the years, that's how much she's giving back. When you read how much money she's gone through in gift cards, it's sickening. At one point, Kate writes that she spends (via her ever-filled account) $500 per WEEK at Ann Taylor.
Oh, btw, AT's new spokes model is Kate Hudson.
Hey Sheeple...Baby Mamma's blog is really, really lonely. I'm sure she could use some support. Why don't you wander on over?
Yes admin, it would be nice for you to review more chapters...especially for people that did not read the book....
Nice Women, I don't consider myself as articulate as many of the bloggers here, so I may not be stating my point clearly. So I will try once more only:
There will be opinions given on anyone who is put out there for public entertainment on reality shows, like it or not it's a fact. However, children do NOT have the choice or the reasoning, intelligence, etc, to make this important decision and decide for themselves. I truly feel sorry for any child whose parents have abdicated their responsibility to protect their child from emotional, psychological, and physical harm for the fame and the almighty dollar.
There is no "sad commentary" on me because I am a good person and feel all children are special gifts from God that should be protected during their formative years by the people He gave this responsibility to.
I'm done with responding to you.
I know this is a blog, but the bitching back and fourth between you ladies is what will ruin this blog. Chill, you ladies made your points (some waaaay more than others), now move on. I know that there are sheeple (or whatever you call them) that help stir the pot, but some of you just keep on and on. First time readers here are more than likely thinking, WTF? I'm out....
I enjoy reading here, If I don't like a certain post/opinion, I move on. Opinions come in all shapes and sizes, we all have them. But beating a dead horse over some of the dumbest shit will cause readers to move to other blogs. There are "clicks" here, but its that way at every blog. there are people here (it seems) from all over the country. Find your "click" and enjoy reading.
Drinks are on me, ladies... Whatcha havin'? ( that didn't sound creepy did it?) :)
I read here almost, everyday. And, RARELY post...and yeah, duh: skip and scroll. Here's a tip, sheep: don't be so obvious. You're welcome.
Another thing about Kate, that hasn't been discussed for awhile, if ever...Hmmmm. Well, I've been reading up on her parents. Interesting that her pops isn't a pastor, anymore, and never was head or executive pastor, just the "assistant" pastor, which as a church person, I find that interesting...and even more interesting is that this tent/camper/trailer park that they live on and have been running, has been much of their livelihood (K and C's), even though they've been taken to court many times over zoning and such, since the 70s-80s.
Ok, so what's interesting about that, Betty?...you might ask.
Well,...here's what: Kate says she HATES to camp, right? Alaska? With Jon...blah, blah, blah... How many times have we heard that...Not only does she hate it, she had to have camera-helper-people put up a littleish tent for her.
In light of my new readings, this is kind of fascinating to me. Her parents, BUILT this campground for tent campers, mostly (cleared the sites and such)...A "primitive" place at first...then they slowly added electricity, paved an entrance, brought in water/sewer, etc...AND I MEAN slowly. It's not too fancy, by any means..but still, it's a freakin' campground that sustained their family and paid the bills, and Kate acts like "camping" is a newly discovered foreign language to her, on her show. Weird.
In the 70s, my parents purchased property for our summer cabin. I was only 10 yrs old, but I helped my dad measure for the foundation, it later had to be re-done by professionals, but my dad just laughed about that. Great story to this day. My brothers and I helped my parents build that cabin, it took nearly 2 years, and we learned so much. I didn't do near the work my brothers did...but I made them lemonade, watched them, rejoiced in their progress with them, etc.
Either Kate is lying, which yeah, I know...about not knowing how to do it (camping and such), cuz probably she never helped or even observed???how could she not???Is it cuz she can't SEE beyond herself, like Carrie-Ann (DWTS) says..OR she's just that embarrassed about her trailer/tent childhood. We'll probably never know, I just think it's interesting...and maybe another piece of puzzling to put out there. :)
A Dude's View, welcome. Not creepy at all, I'll take a double rumspringa on the rocks.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 124
Nice Women, I don't consider myself as articulate as many of the bloggers here, so I may not be stating my point clearly. So I will try once more only:
Perfectly clear!
In a civil society, we must police others, simple as that. Against crime and abuse among other things. Among those other things is using children's real lives for profit and entertainment, and in particular, allowing their privacy to be violated.
We do this for the kids who will hopefully NEVER be filmed puking or on a potty again in the state of PA, if Rep. Murt's bill goes through. We do this for Balloon Boy, whose father wanted his 15 minutes of fame and used a story about his son being a stow away in his Jiffy Pop UFO so that he'd get his family on the radar and maybe get a show.
The price for these children, who anchor these shows as the main attraction, is very, very high.
Improbable Dreams said... 112
TLC stinks said... 53
Not everyone got to read the book. Can we continue, Admin?
I'd like to continue on with the next set of chapters. Yes, I have the book, but it's been helpful to discuss it with everyone here. And it beats the heck out of entertaining all the lost sheep who've found their way to this blog. Maybe they'll find something useful to chew on.
I'm with you!
Well said, Dude. Not creepy at all.
I'm having a Corona.
Don't make fun of them because of circumstances of their life. June even turned down a brand new house and now Rosie O'Donnell is trying to talk her into allowing her (Rosie) to pay for a remodel. Honey Boo Boo...
I read somewhere that the family wants to move (as always, a security and privacy issue for the kids with TLC shows) but that they are prevented from doing so by TLC because that whole "redneck small house by the railroad tight living space look poor" is a point of the show. I can't remember where I saw it.
TLC sure holds on tight. Although I suspect that if they really tried to push Mother Honey Boo Boo, she might say "forget you" and move on, lol.
A Dudes View said... 125
Double sidecar, please.
did you say the women here were bitching too much? Women, bitching? pshht- that never happens :D
Tucker's Mom, perfectly stated. It is a disgrace that parents who are supposed to support the children they bring into this world, try to find ways to have the children support them and THEIR goals.
Betsy, enjoyed your post. If I'm not mistaken, Kate said on the show or in an interview, that one of the reasons she wanted the show was so her kids could experience places and things that she couldn't as a child. I took that to mean that she felt somehow cheated because they weren't wealthy. She's been striving for that wealth ever since.
If I'm wrong in my recollections, posters, please feel free to correct me.
Dee 3 (21) "I have to give him a clap on the back for finally being the first one (who had any sort of business connection to her) to stand up and make a loudly heard statement regarding who (he learned) she really is."
(Very respectfully, Dee... I'm not being snippy.) In fact, the first person who had a business connection to KK and stood up to her is one of the posters here, Em Tanner. She was not heard as loudly as CC CEO, but it sure was brave of her, considering that, at that time, absolutely nobody had had the guts to reveal what really went on backstage on that "reality" show. I don't know Em personally but from then on, I pictured her in my mind as "Standing with fist", in the film "Dances with the wolves." To me, that was the first real crack in the egg of Katie Irene's BS.
Betsy, very interesting thoughts. I thought I read that the Kreider campground was for RV's, but it started primative? Interesting in light of Kate's "who would want to be homeless on purpose" comment.
Welcome, Dude!
By the way, since I don't have the book, I'm all for moving on to new chapters.
I was just on Kate's twitter and it looks like the fans are gone except maybe one or two. The "haters" have taken over.
I think Kate's public firing goes way beyond child abuse. I also think it was done in this manner so "Sweet $ue" Kate will know to not even think of a law suit. This seems to be a warning not to bad mouth CC or the exact reasons for firing will also be made public.
You know, every time I log on and read that letter from Scott Kluth, what always jumps out at me is his sentence that Kate "is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin". To me, that states it all. She was a diva and could not fit in with the other good employees that worked there and the company atmosphere as a whole. She didn't even try to be nice to the others and that's what I take from his letter.
Ahh.. Corona.. Reminds me of my college days. I'm a simple man from the bluegrass state. I like beer in the summer and whiskey in the winter :) .
About Kate... The reason I read here is for many reasons. I have family (film crew) that was involved with KG show ( for only two episodes) and have had business relations (my mother,go figure) whom was a narc.. (Uh,however it you spell it) and cost me over $250,000 in less than six months. ...but..the main reason,is that my Grandmother gave $ to this asshole, KG at one of the churches (she went with a friend) the Gosselins scammed from. I love that woman to death and just knowing she was scammed from these assholes is what burns my butt. I know that may sound petty, and she( my grandmother) doesn't care. She says that,if that's what they were really doing, then they'll have to answer to god for it ( big Christian woman). I have no idea how much she gave...it's just the point.
Let me know what you all think. Jon is good friends with Robert. Do you think when it is Jon's custody time that Robert is at Jon's house and questioning the kids as to what Kate is saying and doing? Maybe the kids are giving him more info for his new edited book?
Hey Dude..I'm with you on the whiskey in the winter. Just a bit though. It sure warms the spirits. Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful woman.
That letter from Scott firing Kate was personal. There is a reason Kate has gone underground. I think someone took that phone from her. There is no way that woman could go this long without tweeting. She does not have it in her. We can only speculate as to what is going on with her. Personally, I don't care if she is having plastic surgery or is in rehab or whatever. All I care about is that those kids are safe and if Kate is away from them, we know they are.
Dude, I completely understand your frustration with Kate because some in your family had first hand experience. However, I understand your grandma's response. She did what she thought was the right thing to do and gave, as the bible tells us to help others. She will be rewarded in Heaven for this. However, those that falsely took this money will have to answer for it. Bless your big hearted grandma.
Has Kate posted on twitter yet? I don't have twitter and refuse to sigh up for it.
Just Wondering, in my opinion, I have to say no. I just don't believe that Jon would let the kids be questioned for a friend's book, especially during this time which I'm sure is difficult for them.
Regardless of friendships, I get the impression Jon's first priority is his childrens' well being. So I do not believe he would let Robert question them.
Just wondering said... 141
''Let me know what you all think. Jon is good friends with Robert. Do you think when it is Jon's custody time that Robert is at Jon's house and questioning the kids as to what Kate is saying and doing? Maybe the kids are giving him more info for his new edited book?''
No, I don't think that Robert is using either Jon or Jon's children for anything to do with his book...either the original or the re-released book.
I think that idea is total nonsense! There is no better way to take KK down than using her own words from her journal...THAT is what Robert used, and if he adds anything, it will be MORE of KK's journal!!
LMG's Do you think that he could overhear the kids conversations and use that? I am sure the kids tell Jon and Liz what is going on at their mothers house.
Personally, I hope someone did an "intervention" with Kate and she's in an in-patient treatment facility, chilling out in a straight jacket. That woman needs intensive psychological therapy and psychiatric medications.
Just Wondering, in my opinion, even if Robert overheard the kids, he wouldn't use it. He has made it clear he wanted to help them. Also, I do not think he would take advantage of conversations in the privacy of their home.
A Dudes View said... 125
I know this is a blog, but the bitching back and fourth between you ladies is what will ruin this blog. Chill, you ladies made your points (some waaaay more than others), now move on. I know that there are sheeple (or whatever you call them) that help stir the pot, but some of you just keep on and on. First time readers here are more than likely thinking, WTF? I'm out..
I agree. Don't feed the trolls! And I'll have a Coors Light. Did your film crew buds have to sign a CA? Any juicy tips. Some people on twitter tonight were posting some clips where it was clear that Kate slapping a tup's wrist and hurting Mady's arm were (poorly) edited out.
@Betsy 126- Great post! And the silly thing is that if Kate had maybe talked about her parents campground on the show and played it up a little during the camping episode (and ESPECIALLY during the Palin episode!) it would have made her a little more likeable. Poor Kate, she will just never get it.
Another piece of the Kate puzzle that doesn't make any sense.
Dude, Thank you. It's a chilly, rainy, dreary night here and I need cheering up, so I'll take a hot chocolate with a shot of peppermint schnapps and plenty of whipped cream, please. Post more often, please. It's always nice to get a dude's point of view. Sorry if we seem bitchy. It's the momma bear factor, I'm afraid.
Speaking of dudes, Sport, where are you? I'd have thought you'd be one of the first to post after the news of KK's firing came out. Or are you busy with your own kids? In which case, carry on, Dad.
Dee3 -- several very interesting posts. Very well said. I agree with you. We really don't have to go any further than the G8 for examples of the impact on children's' lives and reputations. Just google Mady Gosselin and see some of the vile, nasty, EVIL stuff posted about her. This child had entire websites dedicated to hating on her, when she was 5 years old. Why? For behaving like a normal 5 year old whose needs are being ignored. And these supposedly grown women are calling her all sorts of horrible names. Just frelling unbelievable.
Betsy -- My understanding is that KK's father has a masters degree in education and is also a teacher. However, I've read so many contradictory things about this family, I don't know if that's accurate or not. Local residents? Care to elaborate.
My take on HBB. I've never seen the show. I have seen a few clips on TV. I thought the child was obnoxious, frankly. They are rednecks and hillbillies. I don't say that to denigrate. I'm a half billy myself and some of my favorite relatives when I was growing up were full-fledged hillbillies. They lived in backwoods Ky, and didn't have indoor plumbing, electricity, or running water. They were the most open, loving, welcoming, giving people I've ever known, and if I'm even slightly like them in any way, I consider that a compliment. Unfortunately, I think that TLC is using the "redneck/hillbilly" factor to lampoon (good word, poster who first mentioned it) the family and to make them spectacles, rather than to embrace their culture and uniqueness.
librarylady said... 131
I read somewhere that the family wants to move (as always, a security and privacy issue for the kids with TLC shows) but that they are prevented from doing so by TLC because that whole "redneck small house by the railroad tight living space look poor" is a point of the show. I can't remember where I saw it.
Thanks for this librarylady.
That kinda sums it up for me.....TLC doesn't care what's best for the family or their children. They will chew them up and spit them out and leave lots of wreckage in their wake.....and the children will probably suffer the most.
It's all about the "hook" for them. First it was families with multiples, little people, polygamists......and now moving on to demographic stereotypes. What's next?
White Organza said... 134
Yes, you're right, I had forgotten about Em Tanner.
The facade cracking bit by bit.
A Dudes View said... 140
Hahaha.....when I first read your comment, I thought you were saying that your mother was a "narc"....as in a narcotics officer....and by the time I got to the $250,000, I was all kinds of confused.
OK....you meant narcissist...now I've got it.
And I particularly hate when people rip off the unsuspecting elderly...a particular bugaboo of mine.
Welcome. :)
I am afraid you saw HBB being the victim of bad editing! HAHAHA- just joking :)
Just wondering said... 148
''LMG's Do you think that he could overhear the kids conversations and use that? I am sure the kids tell Jon and Liz what is going on at their mothers house.''
Since his book was released, Robert has made it clear that he hasn't talked to Jon.
Now you can keep on ''wondering'' if you please, but my advise to you would be stop wondering!!
Either Kate is lying, which yeah, I know...about not knowing how to do it (camping and such), cuz probably she never helped or even observed???how could she not???Is it cuz she can't SEE beyond herself, like Carrie-Ann (DWTS) says..OR she's just that embarrassed about her trailer/tent childhood. We'll probably never know, I just think it's interesting...and maybe another piece of puzzling to put out there. :)
The campground was built in 1984, but there wasn't much to it at all...just a few trails cut for some campers. There was nothing for her to do there, and it wasn't even in close proximity to the house. By the time it was modernized for RVs, Kate had graduated and was in nursing school and had moved in with her boyfriend. She wasn't living at home then (mid to late 1990s). She and Jon got married in 1999, so she wasn't around for the additions/expansions to the campground, or for all of the zoning issues.
I don't know about that HBB show. I've only had it on a few times in the background while sewing. It seemed like the family is pretty loving and normal.
But I was unhappy with TLC...there seemed to be an element of mocking the family that I didn't like. Nothing overt, more like a subtle undercurrent. Someone up thread said lampooning. I felt like TLC was taking advantage of the family, and certainly the little girl.
Kind of putting the family out there to be laughed at.
I don't know. I didn't like it.
Dude, years ago, probably more like an eon, I had a friend from Tenn. His name was Dude. Never even knew his Christian name, he was Dude, way before it was "in" to call everyone "dude." If I recall correctly, he liked whiskey summer and winter.
Sorry your grandmother was a victim of Gosselin Greed. She's not alone.
Remona Blue, I honestly mean no offense so please don't take my post that way. I thought that Just Wondering was asking questions she was curious about and was looking to us for some answers.
We encourage others, especially new or relatively new posters, to ask questions. Therefore, I wouldn't want them to feel they are stepping on toes by doing so.
If I misunderstood your responses to Just Wondering in any way, I sincerely apologize.
WalktheTalk said... 145
Has Kate posted on twitter yet? I don't have twitter and refuse to sigh up for it.
Kate's last tweet was Oct. 16, just the one saying what fun things she was doing. Before that she tweeted a few times on Oct 13. The "haters" have captured the flag and Kate's enablers are hiding in their bunkers.
FYI, you don't have to sign up for a Twitter account to read her twitter page. Anyone can read it:
Enjoying all the new avatars! Really clever.
So many posts! I love reading them - hard to find time to keep up, but I read every one of them.
Love this group! <3
I just realized something.
In a little over a month, Kate has gone from the dahling of Real Women Real Fashion, to fired coupon blogger. What a swift and steep descent that was.
By the way--where are the buddies she made while she was there?--derek washburton, matt dillon and ajay rochester.
Today also marks 3 wks since the book came out--I don't know about anyone else, but doesn't it seem like it's been out there much longer?
I have not gotten as far in the book as Kate's family background. I read a half an hour at a time while I elliptical (applause here). Does this campground still exist? What was/is it called and where is ist?
Oh, geez...insider Milo strikes again -
@juliectimmons @Kateplusmy8 I doubt it..she may not even be hm yet..long wk of work. Next one she mentioned was RockNRoll half Mar. Oct 28th
Nice to see The Big Lebowski has chimed in!
Anyone stolen a rug recently?
Twittering, I almost feel sorry for Milo because she is so delusional. Long week of work?!? Doing what? Kate doesn't have a job and hasn't had one for years (I never considered the reality show a "job").
Reader said.......154
My take on HBB. I've never seen the show. I have seen a few clips on TV. I thought the child was obnoxious, frankly. They are rednecks and hillbillies. I don't say that to denigrate. I'm a half billy myself and some of my favorite relatives when I was growing up were full-fledged hillbillies. They lived in backwoods Ky, and didn't have indoor plumbing, electricity, or running water. They were the most open, loving, welcoming, giving people I've ever known, and if I'm even slightly like them in any way, I consider that a compliment. Unfortunately, I think that TLC is using the "redneck/hillbilly" factor to lampoon (good word, poster who first mentioned it) the family and to make them spectacles, rather than to embrace their culture and uniqueness.
Oh readerlady, I could kiss you!! Thank you! THIS is exactly what I meant!
Now...not sure if I'd go so far as to call HBB obnoxious but she exhibits some behavior that were I her mother, I think I'd be more than just a little concerned. She takes "precocious" to an alarming level. I'm picturing her at the age of 15 or so going, "aww, ain't I cute?" and not getting the responses she wants.....and her need for attention could become extremely problematic when she hits her teens.
But you said exactly what I'd meant SO much better. I live with rednecks for crying out loud. My neighbors have the pick-up trucks, the gun collections, go hunting in Potter County....the whole nine yards. I'm not living in some ivory tower. And I love and care about my neighbors.
It's the TLC executives who are the ones who go home to their ivory towers and their McMansions with their profits from these shows (not me)....and their latest gimmick (with HBB and her family) is to stereotype rednecks for the entertainment of others. Yes, they are stereotyping them....not embracing their culture and uniqueness.
Yes, they seem like a lovely family and I really like June. I know many women like June......but that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that TLC is using them.....and yes, they are as much as lampooning them. Nobody wants to sit and watch the paint dry on someone's house. TLC intentionally picks the most dramatic stereotypical spectacle they can find and presents it up as entertainment.....and then laughs all the way to the bank.
I live in a fairly rural blue-collar area....but there ARE all sorts of people who do live in cities and in upscale areas who watch this show and laugh. And I just don't happen to think it's funny. I think it's stereotyping and is unfair to truly hard-working people who live their lives quietly, taking care of their families and dealing with all sorts of adversity.
I have a problem with TLC's gimmicks for shows....and THEN I have an additional problem with having little children on these reality shows for a whole host of reasons I gave in previous comments.
Thanks again readerlady. I'm a very guilt-ridden type and always worry about saying something that's not PC when in a diverse group....afraid I'll offend someone and be misunderstood or understood incorrectly. Hell, I'm feeling guilty that I even brought the HBB topic up at all because poor Dwindle was getting "slammed" by some drive-by.
So I'm so happy that you came out and said it the way I wish I had.
It just dawned on me how many posts I have made tonight. Sorry, I don't mean to take over! It's just that the hubs started early (5:00 AM) the last two days so he is in bed already. Love the person that invented crockpots because we had a ready roast and vegetables when we came home. So I've got time to myself to just read and post.
(I could start the laundry, but then what would I do tomorrow after grocery shopping? Lol!)
Thanks, Tuckersmom, Canadianmom, and Readinglady.
It's all documented in the Commonwealth Court Papers, online. Superior Court of Pennsylvania.
From what I understand about Kate's dad, is that he is a grifter with a capital G, or at least used to be; to a larger degree. Apple/Tree, eh?
Kate grew up with her nosed pushed against the glass...wanting/desiring what she couldn't have. She grew up with hand me downs and overs, and handouts from the church. I'm sure her "private school Christian education," was funded for the kids, as it is most often, for clergy; even at the University level.
Remember Kate saying that Kevin, her bro, used to do Kate's chores for her (when he was helping Jon with a building project at their last house.) Kate was able to talk Kevin into that "somehow and often," Kevin said.
Entitlement started early for her, and was modeled to her by her dad. He was strict, also, as she has said...she seems to have inherited two of the negative things about him.
I think (and don't quote me) that Kenton is at least 10 years older than Charlene, in any event, he is a lot older than her mom...As we know, Char was really young when she became pregnant with Kate, 17 or 18? And Kate is her second child. Kate could have seen her mom as something of a 'doormat' (and this part I'm speculating at.) However, if she did see mom as a doormat, as far as not sticking up to Kenton and his discipline, then Kate probably resolved herself to NEVER herself being a doormat, in a marital relationship. Remember she corrected Jon for referring to her as his "wife." How weird was that??? I thought so, anyway.
She was like, "WHAT did you say??? Call me? I have a name, remember???!"
And Jon quickly corrected himself, in a way that it looked as if he had to correct this 'oh-so horrific' mistake many times over.
Back to the camping/tenting issue. I believe Kate HATED growing up in a trailer, even a doublewide. She resolved to herself over and over, that she would NEVER live like that, no matter what. She was probably made fun of, bullied for where she lived, too many times.
She HATES durt. It was all an act in Alaska...to admit she knew exactly what 'camping/outdoor' life was like, would be having to admit she grew up literally 'dirt poor.' Some are not ashamed by that, Dolly Parton is one of our most beloved examples of being proud of rising out of a Coal Miner's daughter, house into a genius song writer and talented musician/singer. She grew up with love and respect...from her parents. And her parents taught she and her family how to respect themselves, to be grateful, and how to respect their community.
Whew...all this typing is exhausting. Please excuse any typos or gram errors. Thx.
Dude! Helllloooo. I'd love a dirty martini, extra olive, please. I'll just take two sips, though, leaving for a benefit and I'll have a glass of wine, when that's mostly over.
G'night all!
Anonymous said... 169
You Dwindle many personalities cruel to child.Why here? You get paid to rebel rouse?
Oh well, moving on.
Anon 172 is me, BETSY!
The diddlie-doo wouldn't let me enter my name.
Yep, Such "Nice" Women said... 102
And the "she didn't win the cute lottery" also was a comment on "societal norms?" Please. She slammed a child, regardless of how you might try to spin it.
If it upsets you so bad, be proactive and turn her in to cps.
dee3, no need to feel guilty, Sweetie. We knew what you what were saying. I have never watched HBB, but have only heard comments from others and seen a few things on the internet. As usual, TLC is taking advantage of this family. No matter how good and sweet the parents may come across, I still have a problem with them putting their child out there for personal gain.
It seems that some have not learned anything from the Gosselin debacle, and the Dionne debacle before them. The problem is, though, that people are watching this crap! The networks are only putting on what they make money from, and they are making money from HBB. What does that say about us as a society?
As I recall there were Grandmothers foregoing their own grandchildrens' gifts at Christmas time because Katie Irene did her manipulating magic "who am I to say no?" after she whined they had no money for gifts.
Also, wasn't there a time that Cara "melted down", didn't want to film and off Kate and her went to the house. Wasn't the rumor going around that Kate took a hair brush or something to her to make her want to film? I knew those 8 children were too well trained on that naughty corner. (go there or else get beaten, people that grew up in abusive homes usually catch on first if they've broken the cycle of abuse) The mind games Kate played with her kids and Jon, the fear she instilled in them. The belittling of the boys and Maddy. Ack!
I hope Robert has some evidence of how much in "love offerings" and how many $20 a pop for a pic of the Gosselin family at her Christian bilkings...wonder how much she collected from all this total?
Hehe.....and I was thinking that I was writing WAY too many comments today.
I think part of the reason I'm a bit hung up on this HBB thing is because I'm worried that even if Kate goes down in flames, TLC/Discovery will walk away unscathed.....and that will make me really angry....especially seeing them continue to wreak havoc with other families.
And I agree...what does that say about us as a society? It worries me (even though I don't have those grands yet). :D
Mel said... 159
I don't know about that HBB show. I've only had it on a few times in the background while sewing. It seemed like the family is pretty loving and normal.
But I was unhappy with TLC...there seemed to be an element of mocking the family that I didn't like. Nothing overt, more like a subtle undercurrent. Someone up thread said lampooning. I felt like TLC was taking advantage of the family, and certainly the little girl.
Kind of putting the family out there to be laughed at.
I don't know. I didn't like it.
You also said it better than me here. Yes...putting the family (and the little girl) out there to be laughed at.
"Anyone stolen a rug recently?"
Hahahaha......that's funny. Morbidly funny....but funny nonetheless. :D
From now on any disrespectful attacks on other posters here will be deleted.
Respectful disagreement is always allowed. See LBelle for how to do that. Private emails to me complaining about posters are also always allowed. But bringing it to the blog to bitch and complain about individuals is forbidden no matter how justified you think it is.
It is my firm belief that there is a massive attempt to derail this blog going on right now, and I'm tired of being patient about it.
I think you are waaaay off base, "Greedy Gosselins".
Just my opinion, of course.
By the way Jon isn't talking to a lot of people he used to now. He is not leaking anything to any sources, returning text messages or emails for comment.
He appears to be doing a total cut off of this entire thing. And I think it's the right thing.
Greedy Gosselins, I have to disagree with you. As a long time reader on this blog and now a poster, I have never seen Dwindle or fidosmommy "bully" others.
They voice there opinions as we all do, and if someone disagrees, they will debate the issue with them, as we all do. But I have never seen them bully anyone. That is a perception that is sometimes taken if others don't like the poster's opinion.
Anonymous said... 171
Thanks, Tuckersmom, Canadianmom, and Readinglady.
It's all documented in the Commonwealth Court Papers, online. Superior Court of Pennsylvania.
Could someone point me toward these records? I see nothing under "Kreider" for the Superior court http://ujsportal.pacourts.us/DocketSheets/Appellate.aspx
He appears to be doing a total cut off of this entire thing. And I think it's the right thing.
Good for Jon...doing his best to protect his children.
And I stand corrected. Dolly's daddy was a tobacco grower. Loretta's dad the coal miner.
Same stories...different states. 2 amazing ladies.
It means no more "insider" stories from Jon but that's fine by me. If you're still reading here Jon, keep it up.
kateissociopath said... 176 too well trained on that naughty corner.
I forgot all about thinking the same thing back when I watched. It didn't look normal to me. I have yet to see any little kids I know stay in their time out spot without shrieking or sneaking away!!
Admin #178, thank you. It's sad that a decision like that had to be made, but there are just too many people coming here to attack as if we/this blog are responsible for Kate's downfall.
One more thing, Admin. My monthly check was late last month. Could you please use your blog millions to send it FedEx so I get it on time this month? Afterall, I need to buy Halloween candy next week!
Oops, that didn't come across how I meant it. I meant it as a snark. Most humble apologies Butterfly.
you're fine, no worries! Snark away :)
Back to the camping/tenting issue. I believe Kate HATED growing up in a trailer, even a doublewide.
SHE DID NOT GROW UP IN A TRAILER, or a singlewide, doublewide or triplewide or any other kind of trailer or camper.
The Kreiders owned approximately 86 acres in South Londonderry Township. They bought 26 acres in the 1970s. Their home, WHERE KATE GREW UP, was built on 6.5 acres. In 1984, they built a campground for RVs on the vacant acreage to the northeast of their house. In the mid 1990s, they wanted to expand and modernize the campground and got into trouble with the zoning board. Kate had graduated from high school by then, was going to nursing school and living with her boyfriend.
njay said... 174
Yep, Such "Nice" Women said... 102
And the "she didn't win the cute lottery" also was a comment on "societal norms?" Please. She slammed a child, regardless of how you might try to spin it.
If it upsets you so bad, be proactive and turn her in to cps.
Oops, that didn't come across how I meant it. I meant it as a snark. Most humble apologies Butterfly.
Thank you, Parent In Lancaster County. I thought that I had read before that Kate didn't grow up in a trailer, her family just owned a trailer park or something. However, I couldn't remember where I read it so didn't feel comfortable posting what I couldn't prove.
One more thing, Admin. My monthly check was late last month. Could you please use your blog millions to send it FedEx so I get it on time this month? Afterall, I need to buy Halloween candy next week!
Do you mind passing that on to the accounting boys?
I think I need to get faster at reading. HEHE.
By the way, did anyone say or notice there is a new thread?
Parent In Lancaster County ..
Do you know the name of the campground? Just curious.
Not a problem, Admin; I will email them right away. Sheesh, you need to hire more efficient help if you still want those posts about my grandsons!
Yes there is a new post.
This is my personal promise to everyone that if I ever do make one million, I will fly each and every one of you out for a minutemen conference and swag bags.
Admin 185 -- AHHAH! Did you just confirm that your "inside source" was Jon himself? I've long suspected that Jon might be your informant, or possibly one of his brothers.
Betsy -- Good post, great analysis. Kate DIDN'T grow up in a trailer, or even a double wide. She grew up in a very nice appearing brick farm house. Otherwise, I think your analysis holds a lot of truth in it. I think you're right about the age differences between KK's mom and dad. Also that her mother was very very young. I think I read somewhere that her first child was born when she was 14 or 15.
I've taken a Kreider break for most of today. Yesterday, on twitter, a 'truther' posted about the heartbreaking story of Ty Louis Campbell. She was pointing out what a monumental failure KK was in comparison to Ty's Mommy and I had to check it out. My eyes are swollen from the tears from reading this gut wrenching blog, Facebook page, twitter and huffington Post article. Talk about inspirational and maddening all at the same time. The injustice of parents like the Campbell's having to lose their precious baby while Kate Gosselin behaves as she does is simply infuriating. I have more hate for her today than I thought possible. It's not right. It's so very warped and wrong. She is no 'mother' and I pray that Karma keeps on doing what it's been doing.
Sorry...I don't mean to be a drag...I'm just so, so upset right now and needed to vent to a group of wonderful ladies who will truly 'get it'.
Dude -- well said. I'll have a nice glass of Australian merlot, please.
Julianna said... 160
With all due respect, I take exception to your accusation that I am only interested in snarking on Kate when I should be taking the allegations of child abuse more seriously. I am fully aware of the seriousness of the situation. My point was that I originally came to this blog to join others to voice my opinion about what Kate was doing to her children in her quest for fame. I still enjoy reading the blog to follow what she is up to next, what she has done to make an ass out of herself and if I refer to that as "entertainment", then that is my right to do so. Yes, she has a black cloud over her head now with the Hoffman book out but she still is snark-worthy with or without the book. Hope you understand my point......
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