A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
1801 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1801 Newer› Newest»The key word: "authenticity"
Omg. They basically said she was inauthentic. I wonder if they are referring to the child abuse, her wealth or what.
OOOO...Scott's letter is a bit snarky toward Kate. I truly thought it would come out more like: "We have enjoyed working with Ms Gosselin. Coupon Cabin has opted to move in a different direction and will no longer feature special blogs such as Ms Gosselin was writing." But No, instead (paraphrasing) "Well, that was a huge cluster f**k. Glad THAT contract is over. All our best to Kate and her family".
Is this for real??? Wow Kates Teflon layer must be wearing of a little, I guess :-)
It's about damn time! Kate Gosselin just doesn't fit with their authenticity. Who'd have guessed?So how long was she there...a year?
Inauthentic as in she hasn't got a clue about saving money and she lives like Cleopatra Queen of Egypt? Inauthentic as in liar? As in phoney? Who knows.
Gee that woman sure can't hold a job, even a simple one like writing a short blog entry once a week.
And she gets the axe.
That's worse than mediocre.
I think authenticity meant that she was not all that she was caracked up to be. CC was getting way too many negative comments and especially since the Gosselin Book came out. They could see that Kate was quite the hippocrite. Smile, be nicey nice to everyone but behind closed doors she was an abuser. I think that's what helped CC to decide to let her go.
Definition for authenticity: undisputed credibility. Yep, Kate definitely lacks that.
And such a public humiliation. Karma is hard at work.
Let's just hope this isn't another opportunity for Khate to make the talk show circuit and say- see, now I don't have my Coupon Cabin job, I really need money to support my 8 kids. I do love the snark of the CEO. Aside from my loathing of Khate, "she" clearly did not have the intelligence or communication skills to write for any site and what an insult it was for people who are true writers and couponers! Khate never promoted Coupon Cabin and "her" blogs were nothing but self-promotion and an attempt to keep "her" relevant!
Inauthentic as in she had a support staff? Lol. I agree they could have said our contract is up it was a good run we wish her the best. Instead he really brought that axe down, ouch!
Sheeple, who has had more jobs than bathroom breaks now, huh???
I like too how they specifically said her actual posts were not aligning with their mission. We can't be blamed for the quality of her actual posts. She supposedly wrote them. Not us.
Wished her "support staff" all the best! Bizarre. Really makes you wonder who was writing the blog.
Good! I'm not prone to enjoying other people's failures but there was absolutely nothing authentic about a millionaire writing a coupon blog. Add insult to injury, almost every post she wrote was a self-congratulatory piece of crap anyway.
He also implies she was a gimmick and fluff by saying he tried to create a site that wasnt like that. Yikes!
Now we know where she's been, crying with her box of wine.
If the demands her support staff made on couponcabin were anything like those Kate made in the past no wonder they cut her off. They're really just a small business content farm. They can't afford a diva. Small businesses make or break it based on pennies, not dollars.
Maybe part of it was her demands financially, as in travel, meals, lodging, etc.
Bringing this over from previous thread:
I doubt that Kate was fired from CC because she was a CHILD-BEATER and ANIMAL-ABUSER, though that probably didn't help her cause any.
The RECENT events probably have most to do with the revelations about her income. I think the exposure of her incredible lies about her financial status were the last straw.
INAUTHENTIC to the core, that's KK. She can't even pretend to speak for budgeting mothers any more, on any level.
Or maybe CC finally noticed that KK won't promote anything that isn't "Me, all Me".
Wow, is that announcement dripping with contempt. Wonder how long it's been waiting in the wings, and how many people at the Chicago CC office are celebrating today? Paaarty time, folks! The witch is dead!
And this folks, is why the only divas that can really last in this business are so dripping with talent that no one will cut them off. All other divas will eventually push the limits one too many times with their imported water from Rome aqueducts and green m&ms that anyone hiring them will eventually say enough. I bet the bulk of this had to do with her demands. She probably treated them like her sugar daddy, not her boss.
Yes, not typical that they would include SUPPORT STAFF. Very interesting.
And admirable that they laid it out there. Therefore, I, who does not make purchases without looking for an online coupon but refused to use CC while the fake poor Kate was there, will now make it a point to check it out for coupons as well.
Also, the fact that they made a pointed statement about an additional contribution to breast cancer support tells me they did not appreciate that Kate promoted herself and not their cause.
Imported water from Roman aqueducts!!!
God, it will be interesting to see how she spins this termination. "It was a one year contract and I really have SO much else going on that I just couldn't find the time to continue, I decided not to renew". BLAH, BLAH,BLACH!!!!!!!
I was just over at Kate twitter: I think her sheeple are in shock. No replies from them yet, and the only who saying anything are the haters. That one CJ is from what one posted, is bashing at CC.
Rumor alert: someone tweeted that Kate was doing a commercial for Nick. I don't think that will make it on air.
Also....DWTS did not "buy" into her BS either. "Her storyline"....hahaha. Only in her head.
I remember reading that when Kate met Jon she wanted everything in her life video taped. She is not falling from her house of cards very gracefully, that's for sure. And all on display.
Yeah I really want to hear Kate's take on this. I bet she'll imply she fired them! This is when following this crazy is really fun.
That letter was very layered with a lot. He said a lot about her. Good for them for making an actual statement calling her out. They could have just quietly let her go, instead she pushed them so much they decided to screw it and call her out for everything she is. How are the sheep doing?
Wow, Kate really angered someone at Coupon Cabin. That is one blistering letter.
"Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin."
OUCH! This statement implies that the CC team and culture are WONDERFUL, but that Kate doesn't fit with this WONDERFUL team! It sounds like she doesn't measure up to the high standards of the folks at CC and that she's NOT wonderful!
I wonder how long this has been in the works, and if she saw it coming. I guess they had enough of her inane drivel and ridiculous moronic tips, or maybe she's simply just a biotch to work with.
Authentically speaking, bwahahahahaaaaaa!!
Kate tweeted an hour ago that she's been busy and having fun and can't wait to share, so a couple of her fans are "omging" thinking that she has a new show.
I don't believe she once plugged CC in her last three interviews. I bet they have told her time and time again she must get in a plug. Bet it's even in her contract. Wonder if that was the last straw. She can't so something so basic they had to let her go.
This is way to funny. I can't wait to see how the sheeple spin this one. Probably blame Jon or the "haters"
"...and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin..."
Perhaps the staff were threatening to mutiny if they were being treated the way others have been treated by Kate..as her underlings.
Bringing this over from the previous thread...sorry didn't see that there was a new post.
"A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago."
FINALLY!!!!! Somebody with integrity. Somebody with some balls. Somebody TLC/Discovery/Laverne & Shirley couldn't intimidate into silence. God bless gosselinbook. He tried. This CEO, man! did he succeed! Whomp!
koop dedoo said... 161
Don't you find it strange that the CC letter wishes Khate's "support staff" well?
Tells you he knows that she does NOTHING herself.
Bluebird said... 147
Oh dear God, here she is back on twitter, fun, fun, fun, work, work, work.
If history serves us, a l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ a lot of overcompensation here.
If her contract was up in Nov, they could have quietly let it expire and said a polite bye-bye. But instead, the CEO went public and fired her. This letter is scathing. She sure knows how to make friends and keep those good jobs coming!
Maybe she got caught cheating in the last race? Or maybe she was to give a donation, and didn't?
Is milo on twitter silence. They must be commiserating on how to spin this....lol
Holy moly! I go out to run some quick errands and find THIS news when I return? I'm still trying to absorb all of this.
Thank God they finally had their fill of her.
That letter isn't a very glowing resume, is it?
Hahahahahahahahahahaha WhoooooooHooooooooooooooo!.
It's about time Coupon Cabin woke up.
I'll bet they are ALL relieved to remove that albatross from their necks.
What happened, Kate?
Coupon Cabin did not know how to help you?
It is very telling that they made a statement. They could have just taken her off the website and said her contract ran out. Their statement cites recent developments. I LOVE IT! They fired her because of RHor used him as an excuse to do so! So much for "doing fun things"
One additional comment -
She has to be very careful in how she chooses to spin this firing. This is not an issue where she can blame Jon or the paps or any of her previous foils and everyone will nod in understanding. The CEO of Coupon Cabin, her employer, signed the letter and would probably love to comment further, if necessary.
As I wrote on other thread: did Kate actually write those blogs or did she just scribble some sentences down and e-mailed to one of her staff, and they wrote the blog.
And, CC doing an additional donation, CC was tryin to save face. Remember the Chicago run, CC made a big deal of it, lots of pics, even a whole blog on it, and did they not say how much they made, for donation. Not this time, not a word till now, and this was additional amount? More like this was an amount CC decided to donation, so they would not be embarassed by, the almost non existing donation support connected to Kate. Most of the comments for this CC blog on the race were negative and most said they do not/would not support Kate.
Kate's reaction will be to first retweet platitudes from @LifeTools or @Notebook. Then she will say that her blogs were all "edited" and it's not what she wrote.
"Support staff" could mean JCM, who probably came up with the idea of CC sponsoring her runs, both in Chicago and NY.
CC gave more support to Kate, than Kate ever gave to them. If you don't do the job-guess what, Kate? You get fired.
And of course...Coupon Cabin just doesn't know how to help her.
@Kateplusmy8 So Kate...another quiet day here! Hope ur having a really good time & enjoyin lots of success in this new endeavor! Miss U! :)
There's a positivity for ya Kate. Getting your ass canned is a "new endeavor". I've never heard it called that before.
Sorry to post two in a row but I think by inauthentic it means she sold herself as a hardworking thrifty mom while she does nothing herself and gets free stuff. She's writing a cost saving blog for struggling families while she has millions and still begs for and gets freebies. Her free vaca helped to do her in
Maybe the new endeavor is the unemployment line.
wow. wow. people are starting to see right through her.
admin asked...
How are the sheep doing?
Well, Milo is telling her to work it, but I'm not sure what she's supposed to be working.
@Kateplusmy8 Yay.Kate! Been waitin 4this sweet tweet! Life is good 4U! That means even better 4ur 8! Work it Girl! :)
OUCH! They did not renew her contract but it sounds more like she was canned. Not a flattering letter. She put so little effort into the blog and I bet Robert's book did not help. Now we just need to wait for Rock n Roll to kick her to the curb. She is no runner.
I said it in the other topic, but I want to say it again here.
Reading the letter again, "...A SERIES of recent events..." stands out. They've had more than a single problem with her and more notably the recent revealations of her history of not only child abuse, but animal abuse as well. On top of all that - her blog stinks.
So far, it appears her six twitter fans are totally ignoring her firing and focusing on the fact that she's hinting at a new endeavor.
Whatever this "news" may be, I pray the company behind it has a good escape clause.
She got let go because she is a CHILD ABUSER/ ANIMAL ABUSER! The CEO who fired her maybe has kids/ pets! KATE IS A HORRIBLE PERSON!!
I don't think it's because she didn't plug them, the interviewer did ! I didn't even know what CC was until Kate started working fo them! It's Roberts book that is finally bringing her down!
What is that about Kate doing a commercial for Kickelodeon?? A CHILD ABUSER! I hope that's not true for Nickleodeons sake!
Let's Throw Tomatoes
I don't use coupons....but I am going over to give CC some love. Maybe I'll start@@!
Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
So I guess Kate is not so wonderful to be able to fit in with the wonderful team and culture at Coupon Cabin.
Hey Kate- "another one bites the dust..."
That CEO is pissed about something!!!
FINALLY!!!!! Somebody with integrity. Somebody with some balls. Somebody TLC/Discovery/Laverne & Shirley couldn't intimidate into silence. God bless gosselinbook. He tried. This CEO, man! did he succeed! Whomp!
Yes, he does have balls, and she must have done something really out of line for him to lay them on the table like that. She royally p***ed someone off.
"Inauthentic"....well, if it wasn't her boobs, financial statement, mothering techniques, grifting ways, or Robert's tell-all, maybe they realized she didn't really add oil in her vehicle.
Seriously, I am a new fan of Coupon Cabin! They should be proud that they took a decisive and just action.
Where is this found, on the CC site? At last! I agree with the posters who feel Kate was not a good choice for CC, being wealthy and writing about savings, but more-so that she did not provide useful information and basically talked about herself and gave pathetic little tidbits that everyone already knows.
Well, this should reduce Kate's dreaded paperwork1
I also agree she will spin it she left to work on her "secret projects"
Wonder if it was The Book or just that her contract was up and it was obvious she was inept at the 'job.'
Thanks for the update Admin :)
Who would her support staff be> steve?
Thank goodness.
I'm thinking the "Support staff" was Stevie boy....
Mel said... 53
That CEO is pissed about something!!!
lol, Mel! We were posting at the same time and thinking the same thing. I just wonder what happened.
go to D Listed STAT!!
On CC's home page, the link about supporting SGK has been removed, and has been replaced with "Looking for Kate? Read a letter from the CouponCabin CEO". It's on their MAIN page, not just hidden in the blog section.
This line in the letter also stands out:
"I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money."
Someone finally realized that Kate does not relate to the "mediocre" masses. I think the blog about saving on Halloween but not celebrating it, really made someone there go "Huh?"
Maybe the other CC bloggers who work hard and do their research also complained about how Kate's posts were nothing but self-promotion.
I think a wealthy person can write credibly about how to save. If anything that's how they got to be wealthy. I think the problem is when they are being unauthentic by trying to pretend they need to save, or shafting others while spending on themselves. That's exactly how Kate's blogs came across--lies and shafting. It has never been attractive and they finally cut her off.
They even have free samples. I have a friend that loves this type of stuff. Sometimes she even gives me the ones she does not use.
Kate got canned so hence the (new) farting rainbows & unicorns tweet from her. She makes it sounds like everything is coming up daisies for her when in reality the ax is falling. Loser.
JillyGee, 59 ... WOW. Thanks for the link. The hits just keep coming.
I just went to her website and the funny thing is when you click on her Coupon Cabin link, it takes you directly to the CEO's letter which fires her - LOL.
Thanks JILLYGEE :o)
That Dlist article was HILARIOUS!
Carried over from the last post:
Scott Kluth stepped out boldly and actually allowed his opinion to be stated. 177
Never did I think you were defending kk. It was refreshing tonot, see political correctness in action.
I just tacked on a sheeple alert cause they gonna be mad…………
The letter is undated. I wonder if the decision was made before or after the CC run this weekend.
Admin: your right. She talks of saving: but buys a $500 meat slicer, that's not saving, just like the cars: I drive the kids to school bus, then drive home and use other car. Where is the saving in gas there? You just wasted gas driving back home and getting other car. And telling people to take out store credit cards. There was so much Kate never researched, like pool safety, not a word, in ground vs above ground pools etc, and Halloween? The last few were so short, done in what 3 min. And this last blog was so bad, I don't know how to hang a pic, or my favorite, I don't know how to paint or put oil in my car, newer cars? When a CEO fires it's bad. I would always say Kate blog were useless info that people already know, no saving, no research, lame info.
Anonymous said... 65
I just went to her website and the funny thing is when you click on her Coupon Cabin link, it takes you directly to the CEO's letter which fires her - LOL.
I'm tempted to write CC a thank-you note for making such a wise decision. They could have easily said nothing and just let her disappear.
This calls for a celebration. Sorry Border Collie, but I'm cracking open a bottle of bubbly Rumpsringa.
Coupon Cabin receiving congratulatory comments.
Auntie, I wasn't sure how to comment on their site. I followed them on Facebook with a comment about being a new fan to their site. They should get the message that way.
Rhymes, oh good. I thought I had stated myself in a confusing way. You got it!
JILLYGEE said... 59
go to D Listed STAT!!
"Woah" That guy really doesn't like Kate. LOL Nice touch of icing for today's cake. Thanks for the link.
Check out all the charities Scott Kluth has supported. CASA, Chicago Children's Advocacy Center, Children's Heart Foundation, invisible Children, Make a Wish. Clearly he has a heart for kids and I bet the child abuse allegations played a role in his decision.
I think the 2 big clues in this letter are authenticity and support staff.
Clearly, this guy is NOT happy with our little Katie. They could have just said thanks for the memories and we will have a new blogger for you on Monday (or whatever date), but he took the time to carefully craft a letter with specific words that would hit home AND give hints as to why they were letting her go.
I think I will start visiting CC again in light of this little turn of events.
I suspect her wonderful save money for Halloween by not buying anything (and therefore not using any coupons) was probably the final nail in her coffin.
A mediocre woman with a conscience and any normal instincts would not be able to withstand these assaults.
What is she made of that she isn't curled into a tight ball of shame and remorse?
She needs more help than a rabid fan can provide.
I think a party on friday night or saturday would be good. Not tonight the pres debate is on. Can't miss that.
As for Kate I feel nothing for her. Kate brought this on herself. She never promo CC, the lamo promo, she did was pitiful. AS I posted on other thread: that one TV show she did, when CC apps came out, Kate was to do a promo for those CC apps, Kate talked one sec on cc and had to asked about it, and spend the rest of the interview about herself, and her need to have another TV show. Then wrote a very short blog about the apps. I don't think she even wrote it, her staff did. Just like Kate kept saying she will have monday menu, when was the last one, even twitter, she hardly tweets. Doing a blog once a week was hard work for Kate, she had to use her brain. Even that was not much.
While I'm glad to see Kate tossed to the curb so publicly, I do worry about the kids.
The book, the bad publicity. She's become a public joke. I can't help thinking she's got to take her anger and frustration out on someone.
Stay close Jon!
JILLYGEE said... 59
go to D Listed STAT!!
"Woah" That guy really doesn't like Kate. LOL Nice touch of icing for today's cake. Thanks for the link.
Yes, that's a must read. That guy HATES Kate.
Radaronline has the story now: Here is an interesting tidbit from the story:
"An insider at the company exclusively tells RadarOnline.com that Kate was "difficult to work with, often making outrageous demands and just didn't fit in with the company as a whole.
"Kate thought that because she was a celebrity she could do or write whatever she wanted, but that's not the way it works."
dmasy, I hear you. That's why I compare her to Casey Anthony. NO sense of remorse anywhere...and for anything. She really doesn't give a damn as long as she gets her trips, shopping money and bodyguard.
E! has an article about her de-aging comment. I like the title:
Benjamin Button Alert: Kate Gosselin Didn't Get a Facelift, Says She Just "De-Ages"
Her recent appearances on AH and WWHL are now coming back to bite her in the butt.
AH's website has another article(posted today) about how she handles stress by running etc. It also mentions CC:
"When Kate isn’t busy chasing after her kids, she loves to share her advice with other parents. Kate writes a family-friendly blog at CouponCabin.com. Plus, Kate is running the Rock ‘n Roll Los Angeles Halloween Half Marathon on October 28th on behalf of CouponCabin, who is donating money to the Susan G Komen for the Cure to benefit breast cancer. For more on Kate’s coupon blog or her upcoming race, check out www.couponcabin.com."
Yes, everyone go check out CC! I wonder if they'll now revise that article.
One more thing before the sheep accuse us of hating Kate no matter what she tries: I would have APPLAUDED Kate for becoming a money-saving coupon blogger if she actually tried to do it without exploiting the kids.
So let me see if I have this.
Kate bashes Jon for having a mediocre day job while she was content with her former CC job, and now, with Jon still employed...does that still mean in Kate's mind she's still able to give herk ids better opportunities?
So, being fired is supposed to be better than having any job, at al? Really Kate?
I can only wonder what she is going to do now. She is officially unemployed, no job, of any kind.
Better stock up on your coupons there Kate. Maybe if you're lucky you'll be able to find those special coupons. You know, the ones that say "With your second cup of coffee you get 75% off on your next reality show offer."
I wish your down spirialling self all the best. Take a shovel because digging yourself out from this hole you've burried yourself in isn't going to be an easy climb out.
Seriously though--who is going to hire her or what type of job could she realistically even get these days? She's been out of the nursing field for what, 6 years or so? Even if she maintained her license I still don't see how she would be up to date. And her behavior seen on reality television the small bits she did on nursing taking her kids to a unit or something was terrrible.
Who would want to hire her with all her drama as it is anyway?
Best you can hope for Kate is that there might be a 50% coupon on bodyguard protection.
This just gets better. The Coupon Cabin site has a link entitled, "Looking for Kate? Read a letter from the Coupon Cabin CEO". LOL
Winsomeone said... 32
Maybe she got caught cheating in the last race? Or maybe she was to give a donation, and didn't?
LOL. I know there isn't one, but maybe she failed the drug test.
SeeSaw said... 78
''While I'm glad to see Kate tossed to the curb so publicly, I do worry about the kids The book, the bad publicity. She's become a public joke. I can't help thinking she's got to take her anger and frustration out on someone.
Stay close Jon''
Oh my....I was just coming in to say that I hope the kids are with Jon!! I also worry about the kids. I hope it helps that her abuse is now very public, and the kids are older. I'm positive that Jon is keeping close tabs on his babies!
"An insider at the company exclusively tells RadarOnline.com that Kate was "difficult to work with, often making outrageous demands and just didn't fit in with the company as a whole.
lol! Yep...just as we suspected. She was a royal pain in the a##! I wonder if TLC is holding their sides in laughter, saying, "see what we had to go through...!"
OUCH! Fired via public letter! How is she going to spin this?!
I'm willing to bet that Coupon Cabin was sick and tired of her going on shows/interviews & not saying one damn word to promote the company she "worked" for - plus, she was probably demanding a bunch of free crap like limos rides/free meals etc.
What in the hell did she ever really do for Coupon Cabin anyway? Write the worst blog posts in history? Give them negative press?
This should be a HUGE signal to her that she is very difficult to work with. I mean, REALLY - how many jobs do you have to be let go of & how many people have "to leave you" before you get it?!
ROL has picked up the story:
An insider at the company exclusively tells RadarOnline.com that Kate was "difficult to work with, often making outrageous demands and just didn't fit in with the company as a whole.
"Kate thought that because she was a celebrity she could do or write whatever she wanted, but that's not the way it works."
Dmasy said... 76
A mediocre woman with a conscience and any normal instincts would not be able to withstand these assaults.
What is she made of that she isn't curled into a tight ball of shame and remorse?
She needs more help than a rabid fan can provide.
Dmasy - Yes! Most people would be humiliated to the point of no return. But she comes back as if nothing's happened...all fun, fun, joy, joyed up.
Oohh...Karma is kicking her flat ass. I love it!
chefsummer said... 192
CC fired Kate can I say-(LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL).
And lets all wait till Kate's sheep come out and blast CC.
The Kluth Family Foundation
3 Golf Center, Suite 213
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Their list of charities is impressive and child oriented. I plan to write a good old fashioned thank you note and include a donation check.
Maybe someday we can buy Scott Kluth and Robert Hoffman a tall, cool glass of Rumspringa. Heroes!
I'm guessing she expected them to fund her entire lifestyle like TLC did. Put money on store cards, etc. They rightly just wanted to pay her a fair salary a maybe pay for her travel when it was about CC and that's it. God know how many emails were exchanged about all this. Too bad Robert doesn't have those!
Latest tweet;
Good afternoon!I'm alive!I've been super busy working away!I'm having lots of fun and can't wait to share!No worries..we will chat soon! XO
What is she on about? I agree with Dmasy & AuntieAnn. Now she's 'working away' and having 'lots of fun?" I just don't get it. But now she can't say she's a working mom, can she.
I wonder will Kate re-turn her CC shirts that she ran in now that's she fired.
Milo has spoken:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@CouponCabin Obviously U guys couldn't handle all the hate & negativity that media slings at Kate! 2bad 4U..loyalty is thin N business! :)
I think a wealthy person can write credibly about how to save. If anything that's how they got to be wealthy. I think the problem is when they are being unauthentic by trying to pretend they need to save, or shafting others while spending on themselves. That's exactly how Kate's blogs came across--lies and shafting. It has never been attractive and they finally cut her off.
Exactly. I was thinking the same thing. There is a way to do this and still sound credible. I guess her support staff just didn't know how to help her or advise her in the way to write a blog that is authentic in every way.
Then again, I'm more inclined to believe that her snottiness and diva ways had more to do with the firing than anything else. When you read those journal entries in Robert's book, it's quite clear that the self-entitlement is so over-the-top that she doesn't care who she steps on as long as she gets her own ways.
This time it backfired and she got called out on it...big time.
Milo is getting "fired up". She is letting Coupon Cabin know "...2bad 4U....". LOL
Ah lets wait till we hear from Pagie she's going to be pissed at CC.-(LOL LOL LOL)
Yikes....the comments on the DListed article are vicious...KK must have opened the box o wine early with her rainbows and unicorn farts tweet. Seriously , how does one deal with this type of public humiliation?
I wonder if she sent detailed menu lists for her stay for Blogher etc. Wonder if cc employees all signed CAs. Woops!
Wonder who *won't*be running the Las Vegas marathon on behalf of Coupon Cabin....
Hope the kids are with Jon today. And Shoka is at that shelter.
And the attacks on CC begin. I don't think I have to name the tweeter.
"Obviously U guys couldn't handle all the hate & negativity that media slings at Kate! 2bad 4U..loyalty is thin N business! :)"
"Really is sad that CEO said "due 2recent events"...well, we all know what that has ref. 2! #HateBK"
@Kateplusmy8 I'm here Kate..not gonna run/hide or waltz around anything that happened2day! U just have 2move forward! On 2next proj.N life!"
@Kateplusmy8 I never even heard of @CouponCabin...they got alot of notoriety out of ur bloggin...in long run will be their loss!
@Kateplusmy8 Regardless of what "crap" was goin on..how tired U were, sick or whatever..U always posted a timely blog..fulfilled ur part! :)
I'm waiting for the "Kate put CC on the map-no one would have ever heard of her if not for CC."
Just like nobody would ever have heard of Tony Dovolani, if not for Kate.
Spin it, sheeple!!
While CouponCabin may have ended its relationship with Kate Gosselin, CouponCabin has not ended its support in the fight against breast cancer. CouponCabin is proud to announce an additional donation of $10,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 98
Milo has spoken:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@CouponCabin Obviously U guys couldn't handle all the hate & negativity that media slings at Kate! 2bad 4U..loyalty is thin N business! :)
No, Milo. I'm sure they made their decision based on first-hand experience with Katie.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@CouponCabin Obviously U guys couldn't handle all the hate & negativity that media slings at Kate! 2bad 4U..loyalty is thin N business! :)
In Milo's pea-sized brain, does she ever consider WHY the media hates Kate as she claims? Do you ever see the media hate on, oh, Betty White, for example?
Yes, Milo. Blame the media. Blame Jon. Blame CC. Blame TLC. Blame the weather. Blame Henry the farmer. Blame Shoka. Blame Fabio. Blame everything and everyone, but for heaven's sakes, don't even consider the fact that Kate is a narcissistic mess who alienates everyone except delusional sheeple who are incapable of opening their eyes because they are too stupid to make it to their annual sheep shearing.
Hoffman Estates. Nice traditional mid-western values!
Milo....the little engine that could PR machine. LOL. Spin it baby.
Correction--that should be "no one would have ever heard of CC if not for HER".
It drives me crazy when the fans pretend it's just negativity for negativity sake. Perhaps CC looked into the real reasons for it. Scott is a smart guy. He's not going to bend to the whim of a few hate tweets. What a good CEO would do however is find out WHY this is happening. Moreover Scott also said her own posts were an issue, and that has nothing to do with what any of us said. Kate wrote them!
mama mia said... 106
While CouponCabin may have ended its relationship with Kate Gosselin, CouponCabin has not ended its support in the fight against breast cancer. CouponCabin is proud to announce an additional donation of $10,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.
And I bet the sheep will say that cause of Kate.
I would love for Robert to comment on this. *croses fingers*
Finally.....now let us see how Kate and her PR people spin this incident?
"No worries..will chat soon"=As soon as I sober up I will be back on twitter and ignore the whole thing......
Who the hell is her support staff? What is a support staff? Just proves she doesn't do anything by herself. I wonder if she wipes her own ass. Sorry, I know that's gross.
Took my gorgeous grandson to Christmas Tree Shop today and bought him a great pirate costume (hat, eye patch, tunic with attached billowy sleeves, pants with attached boot covers and a sash) for $9.99. He's taking a nap in it right now. He loves it. Oops, he just got up. Gotta go.
Based on Kate's first tweet o' the day, I wonder if she knew that they planned to post a letter on the website. Her tweet kinda makes it seem like she did not or at the very least not the kind of letter that it was.
Good old Milo. The letter was pretty clear that she was fired due to HER actions or inactions, not those of anyone else (ie: based solely on comments).
I'm sure if Kate was raking in the money and doing a good job promoting, that they would overlook negative comments from haters and the media because it wouldn't be effecting their bottom line or their work environment.
They might want to be careful poking Mr. Kluth too hard with a sharp stick. I'm sure he hasn't signed a CA and it looks like he's probably willing to speak up to protect CC if necessary.
My sides hurt. I have never in my life revelled at someone's misfortune but it's all of her own doing. I was always infuriated by the way she was tweeted like the victim after the divorce despite how she had acted on the show. This is Karma. So much for "I've changed".
Someone mentioned a tweet about her doing a Nick commercial. I hope it was the tweet the other day from that noboogers. If she bounces right into that I'll blow a gasket.
mama mia said... 106
While CouponCabin may have ended its relationship with Kate Gosselin, CouponCabin has not ended its support in the fight against breast cancer. CouponCabin is proud to announce an additional donation of $10,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.
Well done on both counts, Coupon Cabin.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 108
Yes, Milo. Blame the media. Blame Jon. Blame CC. Blame TLC. Blame the weather. Blame Henry the farmer. Blame Shoka. Blame Fabio. Blame everything and everyone, but for heaven's sakes, don't even consider the fact that Kate is a narcissistic mess who alienates everyone except delusional sheeple who are incapable of opening their eyes because they are too stupid to make it to their annual sheep shearing.
Here! Here! *applause*
@Kateplusmy8 I never even heard of @CouponCabin...they got alot of notoriety out of ur bloggin...in long run will be their loss!
She really is insane, isn't she? Milo is beyond hope, beyond any kind of logical thinking. I wonder how pathetic it must be to live in your own little world where you can't open your eyes and do any kind of logical thinking. Does she sleep wearing rose-colored glasses? Does she drink Kool-Aid at every meal?
What are the RECENT events that led to this firing? Interesting...
♫♪"Oh Happy Daaaayyyyy.... Oh Happy Daaaayy"♫♪
I am going to follow the rest of the crowd over to CC to thank that man personally.
Mr. Kluth smacked her down. No nicey-nice "we've decided to part ways" BS. He point blank called her out for being fake. For example, she used his site to give some of the most skinflint-y money saving Easter tips you could ever imagine- then HIRES TWO PEOPLE TO FILL AND HIDE THE KIDS EASTER EGGS!!!! WTF!!!!
From RadarOnline "An insider at the company exclusively tells RadarOnline.com that Kate was "difficult to work with, often making outrageous demands and just didn't fit in with the company as a whole."
Did we not say when she got this job, that there was potential for her to expand it and turn it into something long lasting? Key word being "potential." However, this is Kate and we knew she would be her usual hateful, difficult, impossible self and try to use CC as her sugar Daddy, just like she used TLC/Discovery. Even when she was supposed to be promoting them, she just couldn't do it.
Thank you Mr. Kluth, I will be putting CC back on my bookmarks again. You are just one of the many who didn't know how to help Kate, and for that I salute you!
I think her number one fan needs some calm down medication. She is not taking Kate's humiliation lightly.
No blog for you!
Now there will be no Christmas at the Gossein manor either, unless Kate can grift something up before the holidays.
Her blog on Halloween might have been the last straw. Don't buy costumes or candy, it'll rot your kids teeth out. Way to go Kate.
And I suppose Scott has earned the label of "bully" among the sheeple now, too.
Dmasy, she is not hanging her head because she is DETERMINED, dontcha know, to never, ever back down to anyone. When everything is gone she will still be screaming about how determined she is!!
She is really seeing what we have all been wanting to see, a really nasty person with no redeeming qualities, brought down by herself. She needed no help from haters or Jon or anyone, she is doing this all to herself. She has nothing coming up, this is just her usual MO. She is poison now and even Milo and CJ can't save her now. I just wonder what she will do to her kids. It's scary to think about.
Since milo is now claiming to own 3 businesses...I think milo should hire kateK! Match made in heaven. lol
Mel said... 104
Wonder who *won't*be running the Las Vegas marathon on behalf of Coupon Cabin....
Yes, but I think Rock n Roll still supports her, at least for the time being. LOL.
She really "doesn't get it", does she Hahahaha! She'll never learn.
I agree that most "normal" people would be embarrassed to the point of at least keeping quiet. Not wannabe Kate. This is quite a bit different than anything she has experienced because it is soooooo public. Hooray! Karma is coming around and I don't believe she can twist or spin this one away. "De-aging" just isn't working, is it? All this "support team" business is just crap. Save the kids' money, Kate, and support yourself. No one is falling for the junk that drips out of your mouth or pen. Obviously, she let down CC and the CEO is not happy. That letter was direct and he wanted it to be seen by the public. That man cares what we think. Surprise, someone in a place of authority over Kate, really cares that she is not authentic. Fleecing, grifting, begging, pandering, and lying might work for a brief time, but it will not stand up to the truth. Hopefully, this decision will help
CouponCabin prosper.
Apparently Milo reached her peak and calmed down a bit for this tweet to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 @CouponCabin It appears 2b strictly business decision...CEO wished Kate & family the best...said was not good fit! #HisChoice
My bet is Kate got into a "discussion" with a few of the other CC employees. We all know how those go.
"YOU! Over here. Quit playing at the copy machine and come help me NOW. When I say come, you better be running. I need FAT FREE @Coffee_Mate. Don't you know that? Where's the grocery buying man? Make him a list of what we need. ORGANIC water only! Why doesn't anybody but me know how to organize and run things?"
Pull that kind of stuff enough times and nobody will find your blogs very interesting. They will just hate you.
And, the idea of telling people to go jump in their pool for cheap summer fun.....buy a commercial grade meat slicer for cheap lunch meats....don't do Halloween for a cheap halloween....get friends to do the labor when they come for Thanksgiving dinner, which they contributed to.... well, all that together makes her blog basically inauthentic.
I'm only surprised it took CC this long.
Kate is a twit said... 90
ROL has picked up the story:
An insider at the company exclusively tells RadarOnline.com that Kate was "difficult to work with, often making outrageous demands and just didn't fit in with the company as a whole.
"Kate thought that because she was a celebrity she could do or write whatever she wanted, but that's not the way it works."
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Katie-monster hasn't changed one bit.
Well, the sheeple have showed up at Kates twitter. They are now saying that the CEO of CC is a bully. Milo spins: CC is running scared and picking on a self supporting person with 8 kids.
I expect the drive-bys soon, after they get over the shock.
KATE GOSSELIN DEAD LINED- fired from blogging gig for being a diva,source sez http://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/kate-gosselin-dead-lined
I thought Scott did a good job emphasizing it was Kate and her actions that caused him to fire her, not the reactions of others to her. I like this guy.
Oh and speaking of Midwestern values I can't imagine any fine Midwesterner would put up with Kate's demands for long. That is not how they roll.
Usually they say xxx "has left the company to pursue other opportunities", or "has left the company to pursue his/her personal interests."
And it's NOT issued by the CEO. Usually an HR flunkie.
Kate already has started her DEFLECT and DEFLECT behaviors and comments. Boy does she need major therapy, so, so ill.
Kate can take her Q-pon Mama role off her CV. Probably runner(cheater) and cook (has chef) can go, too. Writer? No, we saw many samples in Robert's book. "Person in public eye?" Nope, her appearance on Andy's show was a farce.... What's left? Botox rep?
Maybe she didn't lie- I think Milo might actually die for her!
If it were readers fault Scott would have said it has become clear to us that Kate is not what you want to read. Nope he said its become clear to us Kate is not what WE want. Lol.
Eh I'm pretty sure this was not strictly a business decision. Sounds pretty personal to me, sheeple.
oh, two other small comments.
Why would Kate be asked to do a commercial for Nickelodeon? B/C she has 8 kids?
and, I think her dying website is on its last legs too...
TLC stinks said... 128
Mel said... 104
Wonder who *won't*be running the Las Vegas marathon on behalf of Coupon Cabin....
Yes, but I think Rock n Roll still supports her, at least for the time being. LOL.
I wonder how long that contract is for and how she has behaved with THEM.
And I suppose Scott has earned the label of "bully" among the sheeple now, too. 125
Not to mention “hater.”
Well since she mailed in her effort(?) for Coupon Cabin, she can't say she left for that old chestnut, "I just want to spend more time with my family". She is looking for something that will take her away from her family for as much time as possible.
Maybe Kate was in the CC closet for two days and Steve was trying to get her out.-(LOL)
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 136
I thought Scott did a good job emphasizing it was Kate and her actions that caused him to fire her, not the reactions of others to her. I like this guy.
I like him too. They must have really gone at it for him to state so publically she doesn't align. Align. I like that too.
I suppose HotLips and Skeevo are in some hotel room busily typing out a retort to his nasty letter.
From the Enquirer. (bolding mine)
KATE GOSSELIN fired from her blogging gig at CouponCabin.com.
The octo-mum started working for the money-saving website last November, but according to the CEO, Kate's contributions didn't jive with the site, RadarOnline.com reported.
I wonder if CC's reference to "support staff" was directed at Kate's tweeties. The many retweets they did whenever Kate posted about her CC blog, or CC special deals.
While googling to find articles about this story, I came upon this one. Even Hailey Glassman has another TV gig:
Access Hollywood:
"Just last week, Kate made a series of promotional appearances for CouponCabin – including sitting down for an interview with Access Hollywood, where she also talked about her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, and her passion for running."
Um, I don't remember her even mentioning Coupon Cabin. Could that be part of the problem? That's how she got those gigs? She was supposed to be promoting CC?! LMAO no wonder they fired her.
HotLips and Skeevo
Love it!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 140
Eh I'm pretty sure this was not strictly a business decision. Sounds pretty personal to me, sheeple.
Ya got that right. I'm sitting here listining to the Citigroup announcement on the change in CEO. One of the main things that happened was a public thanking of the former CEO for his service to the company.
This Katie Irene situation is a public flogging. A serviceable translation would be...I hope the door hits you in the ass on the way out.
Free cup of Starbucks!
...ya, that AccessHollywoodinterview, turned out to be just another opportunity to bash Jon. She sneered when she mention that the kids brought up "stuff" on Jon. Better still, is what they say about her to Jon.
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere sheeple are laughing, and somewhere sheeple shout;
But there is no joy in Kateland — mighty Katie has struck out.
(with apologies to E. Thayer)
Radars article quotes a CC insider saying she was difficult to work with and made demands.
Oh snap! "Support staff" Kate? As in, the people who've been writing your CC blogs for you? Or perhaps Skeeve McCreeperson came on a little too strong with Coupon Cabin folks? Who knows.
So how will Kate's six addled fans spin this? I guess CC didn't know how to help Kate either - so sad.
Q: When will Julie May Carson and Skeeve McGiveMeTheMoney jump ship? Those are two of the biggest rats on the old ship Katie Krieder.
No question in my mind, Scott's letter was personal.
He wasn't going to let her lie and twist.
CC has gained another supporter.
Jo, I agree. Kate "doesn't get it."
I also think that since Ms Cryder was not having her "needs" met by CC and so she purposefully did not mention them on her free "trips". Did she bring them up on Andy's show?
She's paid to promote....yet she doesn't. On Katie C, I don't think she was the one that brought up CC or SGK.
It cracks me up that the sheeple say they don't believe "an unnamed source"...yet they sure did when it was about Jon. SMH
Kate Gosselin was just fired from her blogging gig at CouponCabin.com, RadarOnline.com is first to report.
Um, no ROL. 15 Minutes was the first to report!
I'd like to know what outrageous demands she made. Did she expect them to pay Stevie for providing security when she ran for CC? Did she write out a menu for room service in the 4-star hotels and expect them to pay for Kobe dinners at upscale restaurants? Did they pay for her new running pants because she didn't check the weather before running?
So...Milo wasn't aware of Kate's possible termination? You mean that Kate didn't share the pending news before it happened? Milo's "close and intimate" relationship with Kate must be deteriorating. Milo better hop to it and come up with some new ways to explain how she was left out of Kate's close circle of confidants on this one. After all, she knew that someone petted Shoka yesterday, but didn't know that Kate was being given the ax.
Sorry, I just have to repeat this one.
Hoist by her own petard.
SUPPORT STAFF = the poor fools who had to write Kate's material because she was too lazy to do it herself.
It cracks me up that the sheeple say they don't believe "an unnamed source"...yet they sure did when it was about Jon. 159
Yes, but this time the source named himself and included a signature.
It cracks me up that the sheeple say they don't believe "an unnamed source"...yet they sure did when it was about Jon. 159
Yes, but this time the source named himself and included a signature.
And knows her personally. And worked with her.
One of my favorite quotes from this announcement? "We wish Kate, her family and *her support staff* all the best."
Dmasy 94 -- that's a great idea, and I will join you in writing a check to their charitable foundation.
Aaand TMZ has picked it up. PS I think ROL reads here.
I don't think Kate is going to miss the paycheck from CC but she is going to miss all the perks! She got many TV opportunities, paid trips, money for boyfriend Steve, and getting away from her kids!
I hope Holleywood starts to see her as poison and stay away from her!
Let's Throw Tomatoes
Kate's probably excited that she "made" TMZ, lol, just like she gets excited that she's "trending" - even though it's always for something really negative. ;-P
At minimum Kate should have mentioned cc in every interview and given the web site. I only recall her doing that once or twice in all the interviews she has done since last year. It's not acceptable.
It really sounds like she had no idea this was coming since she was just posting a blog post yesterday. Maybe she had just faxed her bills for her NYC jaunt to them and Scott's eyes popped out of his head.
So will CC post a million pictures of them taking her picture down off the wall like they showed a million pictures of putting it up? I KNEW this would happen this month...maybe that's why she had the oddest expression on her face when Andy referred to her as a "blogger"...she acted like she didn't like that...I thought it was because she thinks it's beneath her and too mediocre...NOW I think it's because she already knew she was being canned and that Andy referred to her as a blogger and she knew she wasn't EVEN that anymore
@Kateplusmy8 I never even heard of @CouponCabin...they got alot of notoriety out of ur bloggin...in long run will be their loss!
Ah, Milo, Milo, Milo. I'm sure that Scott is at home right now, drowning his sorrows in a box of wine, knowing that he will be unable to sleep tonight because of all the tossing and turning he will be doing because he fired Kate, thus losing much business on his site. I'm sure firing Kate will mean the demise of CC.
Yeah, right, Milo. Dream on, spin it, call it a business decision. Whatever floats your boat and makes you happy.
Mel said... 150
HotLips and Skeevo
Love it!
Mel, I watched MASH the other day and that's who those two reminded me of when they were huddled over the typewriter, cleansing the world of its flaws. lol.
Even TMZ who hasn't covered anything Kate in a long, long time, has the story. Gotta love their headline "Kate Gosselin CLIPPED from Coupon Gig"
Lost 2 jobs in 1 year....and THOSE are the ones we know about...
I imagine whomever was involved in putting Coupon Cabin together with Katie Krieder is also on the CEO's *&%# list. Oh Julie May!!!!!! Whatever will you do now to try to get work for this never-was-anything, always-will-be-horrible star of yours?
I sure hope those children are with Jon, and that Shoka is somewhere safe. Let Kate go on a drunken rampage and bang holes in the walls of her cold and empty mansion.
I guess we can cross CouponCabin off the list of those "who would die for her"
I believe it was her lack of promoting CC plus her delusions of grandeur, and high demands and snottiness. She wants alot for doing nothing but 'appearing'. We all noticed how seldom she promotes those who pay her.
Back when she said she was skipping a marathon or whatever I figured RNR had dumped her and she had connived CC into sponsoring her to run.
I will not be surprised if she suddenly announces that she is just too busy with her kids and other projects to keep going to marathons. (Unless some other fool company picks her up by listening to her lies)
I think I figured it out. Kate wants all the perks and glamour of being a celeb without any of the actual work behind it. She fails to realize most celebs work 80 hours a week and often more to get all these perks. Little of it happens just because.
I was thinking about TLC lifting the veil and showing Kate's true colors during the last episodes of K+8, culminating in the bitchfest on the RV trip.
Wow! Imagine being not just fired from 2 jobs but being publicly flogged before, during and after. I think she's worse than we or even Robert know.
And strap on the armor and pour a big rumspringa ladies (and gent), I think it's going to be a bumpy night here.
It's front and center on my msn homepage, "Gosselin Fired".
I think Scott Kluth was snarking on Kate when he mentioned "support staff" in his letter. I think he was talking about the nannies, chef, gardeners, Stevie, etc. If he was talking about the staff that was helping Kate with her blog, then from the sound of his letter they would have been fired also because he was wishing them well. I don't think that happened.
Hey, Y'all. I just went to the candle site and lit a candle for CC. We've allowed all our candles to go out. I'd post a link to the site, but I don't know what it is. I have it bookmarked on my computer. Can someone more savvy please post it again? Thx.
WHOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!! What great news! Oh Katie, tell us again how everyone who meets you in person just loves you?!
OT: For us oldies, it's the 25th Anniversay of the Baby Jessica rescue! Oh, my gosh how time flies.
I think support staff were the people like Julie Kate used to make all her unreasonable demands for her. I bet that's another issue they had, it was hard to deal directly with Kate. She made herself too important. For a guy like Scott with his background, I doubt he has the time or patience to constantly go through managers and assistants.
Wow, this is fantastic news. Will Kate still be running in LA in a couple of weeks? Was supposed to represent Coupon Cabin. LOL. Maybe she'll have to force Rock 'n Roll to pick up her tab (and Stevie's). Will be interesting to see.
mama mia said... 106
While CouponCabin may have ended its relationship with Kate Gosselin, CouponCabin has not ended its support in the fight against breast cancer. CouponCabin is proud to announce an additional donation of $10,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.
Where was this posted? I don't see it at the CC site.
Right on the home page!! :)
WHOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!! What great news! Oh Katie, tell us again how everyone who meets you in person just loves you?!
Our of everything she has claimed (and lied about) that one takes the cake. She's a real pistol...wouldn't give you the time of day if her life depended on it.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 108
Yes, Milo. Blame the media. Blame Jon. Blame CC. Blame TLC. Blame the weather. Blame Henry the farmer. Blame Shoka. Blame Fabio. Blame everything and everyone...
I blame ambien
Kate loves pink! Now she has TWO pink slips to go with her 8th pink iphone!!
I think Mr. Kluth came right out and said Kate was fake. If she didn't align with the authenticity of CC I guess in a round about way he called her out as being fake. Last time I checked (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) the opposite of authentic is fake.
Formerly Duped said... 188
Right on the home page!! :)
Hmmm...I'm not seeing the part about donating $$ to the Komen Fdtn.
All the internet gossip sites that "ignored" the journal entries in Robert's book are leaping on the Coupon Cabin news.
Maybe they were afraid of the legal complications for repeating passages from the book and they have just been waiting for some other negative news to report. Just biding their time to make Kate a target.
Looks as if the safety has been taken off the shot gun now!
Haven't read the comments here yet, but IMO Kate just doesn't know how to take advantage of all the opportunities she HAS BEEN GIVEN. And all her PR help isn't helping her public persona. They need to shut her up, get her off twitter, stop trying to promote herself as mother of the year, because she isn't faking anyway. She could have done thing awesome as a blogger, but didn't. She doesn't live in the real world of pinching pennies and really living on a budget. If she did, she would have all the excess in her life, 3 vehicles, heating a pool in October for a one night bday party buying a $500+ meat slicer. She could actually do something. worthwhile for a charity without promoting herself. On Bravo she didn't promote CC at all, and they were watching. It's just not a few negative comments on CC that did her in - they were blocking comments, can you imagine what didn't get posted.
I hope Jon has the kids tonight. Kate has probably been in NYC and Chicago for the last week - thank goodness for the kids.
Here is the link to the gratefulness - candle lighting page... you'll have to cut and paste it in your browser...
If Kate doesn't run in the Rock N Roll 1/2 marathon on the 28th it will be becasue she's decided to be selfless and stay home and do Halloween with her children....NOT....it will be becasue they expect her to pay her own way since CC is no longer sponsoring her! Is RNR still one of her "sponsors"? I wonder if they'd pick up the tab.
"Kate's probably excited that she "made" TMZ, lol, just like she gets excited that she's "trending" - even though it's always for something really negative. ;-P"
She likes to be in the media, even if it's negative publicity, but I think that this time, with Scott's letter showing up on so many sites, this is not something that is going to make her happy. All of this came on top of the child and animal abuse allegations, and it's not something that is going to make her sit up and cheer. You can only sustain so much negative publicity before something's gotta give.
Jo said... 182
I think Scott Kluth was snarking on Kate when he mentioned "support staff" in his letter. I think he was talking about the nannies, chef, gardeners, Stevie, etc. If he was talking about the staff that was helping Kate with her blog, then from the sound of his letter they would have been fired also because he was wishing them well. I don't think that happened
I think you're right. Someone who has a personal chef, bodyguard, housecleaners, poolboys, lawn boys, nannies and assistants has no business telling anyone how to save money. Those people could somewhat be justified if Kate actually had a full time job in the entertainment business. She doesn't. She doesn't even do her own bulk grocery shopping. She has people to wait on her hand and foot while she does??????? She is not relatable to the average woman in any way.
I'm not sure why CC didn't figure this out in the beginning, but better late than never!
Milo has the biggest BALLS I've ever seen...she has regrouped and is blaming them for not having a "sit down" to explain what she should have done differently...BTW..loved the "drunken rampage" remark.....I can honestly picture it...She's probably cutting a tree down with a hatchet as we speak......
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