Friday, October 5, 2012

Discussion Thread: 'Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World,' Chapters 8-10

'I know without a doubt that we did the right thing.'

We will do a “book club” style discussion of a few chapters at a time as we read the book together. You are free to read with the group or skip ahead. You are also free to discuss whatever you like, however if you want to partake in the book club discussion, this thread is here to discuss the designated chapters. Robert Hoffman’s book “Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World” was available on Amazon for Kindle, but has been suspended with an unknown date when it will be available again. The Kindle app is free for multiple platforms, including PCs.

8. Show Me the Money!!!!! Part 1 

Kate has been marketing the sextuplets even before they were born. She invited dozens of media to their first birthday party. She requested a 15-passenger van and that people give Target gift cards in lieu of sending gifts.

Kate was extremely paranoid that other families with multiples could steal her thunder. Betty Hayes, a New Jersey mother of sextuplets and two sets of twins, called Kate asking about their first special and about being paid and receiving freebies. Kate writes that she is “mad” that the Hayes are getting another special, and “I am merely trying to provide for my family and rely on the Lord to do so! He is in control and I HATE this competition pressure I am forced to deal with!

After the first Discovery special aired and did well, talks commenced for a second special and a 20-episode contract. Discovery agreed to pay the family $2,000 an episode, with many things comped including Disney World and the grocery shopping trip to Giant. Kate was involved in a lot of back and forth e-mails with producer Jen Stocks about episode ideas and money. As time went on, Kate grew more demanding about what things Discovery would comp. She also continued to take checks and cash from fans, friends and relatives, sometimes checks for several hundred dollars or more.

In October 2006, Kate’s grandmother died. Kate wrote this about the funeral: “Her service was nice except that our mother tried to preach to us children through her tribute to grandma… none of us appreciated that!!!”

In March 2007, Kate called Discovery’s treatment of them “wining and dining”  and refers to it as a “magical time.” For season two, Jon and Kate wanted $6,000 an episode. Discovery negotiated them down to $5,000.

Kate obsessively tried to line up other money making opportunities, for example commercials. She accused Discovery of “sucking the life” out of deals after there was concern a commercial she wanted to do for Fridgidaire might compete with some of their other advertisers. Kate had visions of filming even when she was “old and gray.” In one email she writes: “I also want to secure a 'foreverness' for our family (house, college etc) that goes beyond our show so that when I look back when I am old and gray (and probably STILL filming- ha ha) I know without a doubt that we did the right thing.”

9. Show Me the Money!!!!! Part 2

The Gosselins made less money per episode than some sources have reported. Season one they made $2,000 an episode. Season two and three they made $5,000 an episode. Season four was $9,000 per episode, which was later re-negotiated to $22,500. Season five stayed at $22,500 per episode.

Kate hired a new manager, Julie Carson May, in April 2008. May was heavily involved in contract negotiations. She fought to try to limit the family’s commitment to the show to an average of three days a week, that each season include at least 35 episodes, and that the family would be compensated for episodes even if they used old footage from previous seasons (i.e. flashback episodes), for first class travel and “overages” of $600 a day per family member and $75 per diem per day per family member. She proposed a ghost writer to write TLC’s Jon and Kate blog because Kate didn’t have time. Tax obligations were flagged as something to be discussed. She wanted the family to have input and approval over merchandising.

The list of freebies Kate was able to get Discovery and others to pay for or at least offer to her is astounding. Landscaping, fences, Gymboree, ski clothes for Cara, a condo near Cancun, a beach house in North Carolina, an offer for filming a breast augmentation in San Diego and subsequent recovery at a resort called The Hideaway  [Admin note: My source says Kate ultimately chose Dr. Glassman to do her breasts, without filming. In the book she indeed says she has a choice between Glassman (but no filming) or San Diego (filming), though doesn’t say which one she ended up choosing. One wonders if some kind of executive decision was made to keep the boob job secret for image reasons, even though they had an offer to film it.], at least $500 a week at Ann Taylor, make-up, Olay daily facials, Crest whitestrips, camping equipment, furniture, Charmin toilet paper, invisible fence for the dogs, and a trip to Niagara Falls. Kate responded to an offer from a doctor to give just Jon Lasik surgery that she wanted it for both of them. Kate frequently follows up with those who gave her free things, straight out asking for more and claiming how much she talks about how great their products are.

Kate once shamelessly skipped out on a scheduled weekly conference call with Discovery to go to the spa. There were also discussions about a deal for Cara and Mady to “write” a series of children’s books. Perhaps most disturbing of all, there was discussion about designing an iPhone game around the children. Part of the game description includes: “The game starts with the player taking on the roll of Kate on Monday morning.   The player must get through 7 day/night cycles to win the games first level.   Each level will not only be separated by days, but each day will also be separated in sections breakfast time, lunch and dinner time, with bedtime being the goal the player trying to reach each day. The first week is an example of basic daily life, from getting the oldest kids ready for school to getting the rest of the kids ready for their meals, in this case breakfast. Each of the kids run of different timers, where they will get antsy, crying or even have a full tantrum depending on how long they are left alone or not given what they need.”

Kate and Beth received a $100,000 advance for their book Multiple Blessings. A deal with Kmart for their holiday campaign that only required three-days of work paid $158,000 plus up to $5,000 for a security team of Kate’s choosing. There was also a $25,000 Proctor and Gamble deal.

10. A Family Under (Discovery's) Control 

Discovery maintained a frightening amount of control over the family contractually, including where they would travel, what they wore and even how they styled their hair. Discovery also had several provisions limiting their liability and obligations to the family. They specifically prohibited the Gosselins from subjecting their contracts to union rules such as SAG. [Admin note: Huge red flag they were taking advantage of the family and actively trying to circumvent any built in protections in the entertainment industry’s unions.] The contract also included a provision that the Gosselins would “guarantee” the children’s “performance” and “obligations.” Discovery released themselves of all responsibility in the event of an accident or even death. They also had a provision excluding them from any worker’s compensation claims. Any personal photos and video the family took in the course of the show was the property of Discovery. Discovery could terminate the contract at any time for any reason without owing the Gosselins a cent.  It was the Gosselin’s obligation to secure any necessary work permits and travel documents. They also wrote in the right to sue should any member of the family breach any of their obligations. In other words, Discovery could bail on the family at any time without consequence, but there would be hell to pay if any member of the family ever tried the same thing (and as we all saw, there was).

1844 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 1844   Newer›   Newest»
aggiemom09121416 said...

wayward said... 199

Standing in the aisle, picking out the 1 & the 2 candles for Mady and Caras cake. As I reached for them I almost burst in2 tears! #suchamom
Nah, she's LYING. She didn't buy candles for the twin's bday party. (remember her tweeting about stuffing easter eggs? she hired a company to do it, Robert has proof).

She also tweets about making dinner, Robert says he has proof she has a cook and she simply re-heats.
He also has proof she doesn't do her big grocery shopping, her grocery helper girl does that.
nah, she didn't buy any dang candles.

capecodmama said...

Just read admin. post but none of the comments. My comment. Wow. Just Wow.

Formerly Duped said...

The party must be today or tomorrow if school is open for Columbus Day which I recall form Twins Turn 7.

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend, Canadian posters ! I have sent greetings to my Canadian friends and relatives. It's a beautiful fall day here.

Anonymous said...

I post infrequently(ish) from San Antonio, TX. Blogger won't allow me to post with my name.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Anonymous said... 4

I post infrequently(ish) from San Antonio, TX.
Ohio peeps, Texas is standing up and being accounted for (5 strong!)!!!
The eyes of Texas are upon you.......
yee haw

Dwindle said...

Lilly said... 195
Canadian thanksgiving is officially monday - but we are doing turkey today so we can graze the rest of the weekend

OK - i,m officially going crazy - yesterday around 3 I signed into the blog and I swear there was a post of Kate/steve at the fig & olive with 28 comments and then it just disappeared - anybody else see this alternate universe?

You might not be as crazy as you think, depending on your rumspringa consumption.

at least 1/2 the time lately when i log in, i am redirected to an old thread. I think we are blowing up the server with the sheer magnitude of our awesomeness. so it is possible, in MY alternate universe, that you got booted over to an old thread and didnt notice it.

happy grazing! I like the way you think!

Anonymous said...

I know this is silly, but I tried Steve Neils's phone number as was listed in an email in the book. He answered it, "hello"...I asked if he was still providing security and he said yes. He then said, he was on another call and could I call him back in 5 minutes. He said he was just finishing up, and just call back.

I found it amusing, and am somewhat surprised his number has not changed.

That's all.

AuntieAnn said...

I just listened to Christina Crawford on youtube talking about how her mother yanked her out of bed by her hair and started hitting her in the face in the middle of the night (the infamous wire hanger night raid).

This must be a common tactic for bullies/child abusers...Waking their children from sleep and beating on them?

Does Kate think her kids won't grow up and tell the same stories?

Dwindle said...

OT- I was up most the night with a sick dog. This morning she isnt herself at all and is getting weaker by the hour. She is about 14 and I am getting kind of scared here. I am waiting for a call from our vet as to whether or not she can squeeze us in this afternoon.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Oh Dwindle..
so sorry....hope the vet calls SOON. keep us updated. You think you just need to go to vet and demand to be seen? (after all, what are we paying them for?)

Dmasy said...

Dwindle, 9 -- We are all waiting with you. Please keep us updated. Sorry. ~ Administrator said...

I haven't seen this mentioned yet but in chapter 11 Jon forwards Kate an email from someone who is friends with a young woman pregnant with sextuplets, eight weeks along. She was asking Kate if she could reach out to her and provide encouragement.

Kate replies to Jon with only one sentence, she's only eight weeks.


I'm not sure what Kate meant by that but I took it to mean why bother to reach out and help she's only eight weeks the pregnancy probably won't make it anyway.

Kate really had a lot of hate for other women who had multiples or were pregnant with multiples. She was so paranoid someone might steal her thunder. She took it so far as to seem to have absolutely no feeling for the unborn children or a mom who really wanted to be pregnant, all she cared about was the competition.

PatK said...

Dwindle!! lol "My Mom is Horny". Love it!! ~ Administrator said...

I didn't include every last detail in the summary but how about the part where Kate sends an email to some contact person, I forgot who, at 4 in the morning saying she needs her gift card refilled hopefully by the end of the day before the store closes. Not only did she want her money but she wanted it NOW.

Have a GR8T DAY!!!!!!!

She sounds like such a sociopath signing all her demanding emails like that.

Formerly Duped said...

Dwindle: So sorry- I know what a worry you must be going through.Is she drinking fluids? Insist your dog is seen- long weekend. Hope it turns out well.

I walked my dog through leaves ( her favorite thing, tip-trapping along)on this beautiful sunny day. I was thinking how much I enjoy having her in my life, and I know you other animal lovers share the sediment (sic) What Kate is missing!Hope the G kids get some pleasure from Shoka and the chickens too.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Seems like there was an AZ woman pregnant, then Kate journals later oh, she's not...and her two embryos were supposed to be of poor quality...Kate says "YEA!"
that's sick.
(she was also concerned the lady might get a tv show).
I bet she had a fit when octomom appears on the scene.
Someone on another blog, or comment site, said she and octomom ought to team up for a reality it CATCH -22....(her 14 kids, kate's 8). I thought that was pretty funny. ~ Administrator said...

I thought this season of Celebrity Apprentice is All-Stars so Kate wouldn't qualify for that anyway.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Dwindle said... 9

OT- I was up most the night with a sick dog. This morning she isnt herself at all and is getting weaker by the hour. She is about 14 and I am getting kind of scared here. I am waiting for a call from our vet as to whether or not she can squeeze us in this afternoon.


Sending out prayers for a speedy recovery for your sweet doggie, Dwindle.

And sending out a prayer that the veterinarian heals your doggie too.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian posters.

Dwindle, I'm sorry about your dog. I hope all goes well.

Maggie said...

Sleepless where did this come from: Though she is yet to find a network for her program the producer of the show will be holding auditions and casting calls soon and they are accepting applications for Kate Gosselin’s new show.

I never heard or read anything about this. Yes, I read about her wanting a dating show but not holding auditions and casting calls. ~ Administrator said...

But I think that it would be fun because that would allow me to sort of meet people, have fun, show my fun side


Is there a reason you can't have fun, meet people and show your fun side without being on a T.V. show? I do.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 16

Seems like there was an AZ woman pregnant, then Kate journals later oh, she's not...and her two embryos were supposed to be of poor quality...Kate says "YEA!"
that's sick.
(she was also concerned the lady might get a tv show).
I bet she had a fit when octomom appears on the scene.
Someone on another blog, or comment site, said she and octomom ought to team up for a reality it CATCH -22....(her 14 kids, kate's 8). I thought that was pretty funny.


It only cements what an insecure, selfish monster Kate is.

It will not surprise me if Kate's head spins around, and projectile vomits green bile.

FYI said...

Show her fun side? Like she did in the episode of her birthday in NYC?

She wants a dating show so that she doesn't have to pick up the tab for anything. That's what "fun" is to her--not having to pay.

PatK said...

Awww, Dwindle, I'm sorry your furry baby isn't feeling well. Keep us updated.

localyocul said...

Dwindle said... 177
localyocul said... 171
I just got to the part in the book where she smashed the boys' lego house because they didn't put it away the first time she asked. Reminded me of her throwing the twins' toys down the stairs. Witch.

Doesnt that just break your heart? She kicked their Lego House to pieces. I used to take pictures of my son's creations


Me too! I have a pic of her when she was four with 5-6 things she had made one night. I remember that day like it was yesterday 12 years later. It's a great time of childhood! Normally.

Ingrid said...

Oh Dwindle I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I will be thinking of you.

FYI said...

Dwindle--sorry, to hear about about your dog. Hoping you hear from the vet soon, and that it is just a minor thing that is easily taken care of. Please keep us up-to-date. ~ Administrator said...

Admin #33, I agree that a layman would not truly understand all of the repercussions of the contract. However, the layman can still pay to have a lawyer review it and explain everything.


This is true. What I don't like about this situation though is the balance of power. In the beginning, TLC held all the cards. Let's just pretend Jon and Kate are some other family, Jack and Joy. Jack and Joy have eight kids to raise on a small income. Jack and Joy have been successful so far with getting some freebies, but the kids are babies and cute and they're worried that will dry up soon. Jack and Joy have an offer on the table from TLC for a lot of money, maybe even enough so that if they just sign right now, they might never have to worry again. Jack and Joy talk and say you know there's some stuff in this contract that sounds a little fishy or that is over my head, we should get a lawyer. But then they worry that a lawyer might scare the network off. What if the lawyer finds all these problems with the contract and wants all these changes? All of a sudden they have established themselves as a family that causes too much hassle and trouble and is not worth it. Quicker than scat TLC pulls the contract, moves on to some other family willing to just sign here without asking a lot of questions, and Jack and Joy have to figure out how to raise their kids without all this money.

You can see that once Kate knew she had leverage, once she knew TLC really wanted and needed her several seasons in, Julie Carson May was firing off demand after demand when negotiating contracts. In the beginning she acted like she was walking on eggshells, very tentatively asking for money and immediately taking their counter offer without pushing it. But to play hardball up front I think would be a dangerous proposition for the family and would have caused TLC to back out, too much trouble. TLC knew the leverage they had and took advantage of it, and it was wrong.

To me, the simple solution is to REQUIRE that all reality show subjects be provided with an independent lawyer and REQUIRE that all contracts be reviewed by them and that all subjects be counseled by them. That way there is no fear that if a family causes too much "trouble" they will lose their opportunity.

Unknown said...

LC stinks said... 169
''Does anyone know all the producers Jon and Kate Plus 8 went through? How about crew changes? There is an interesting line in Kate's email to Jen:
"We appreciate a crew without opinions (we have discussed this before)." Opinions about what, I have to ask? Spanking? Yelling? Also this: "We appreciate having a say about WHO comes to our house as part of the crew." So Kate was allowed to get rid of offensive crew members she didn't want voicing opinions?''
Thank you! I was just about to search the book for that very quote! I suspect that the ''opinions'' were about her behavior....yelling, spanking, demanding, and so on. After xxx number of crew had been replaced due to ''their opinions'', the remaining ones would learn to keep their mouths shut if they wanted a job...not to even mention references!! ~ Administrator said...

I agree with Dwindle there is no dating show. Production companies float show ideas all the time seeing what will stick. Maybe 1% of them ever see the light of day. Kate is so delusional she thinks she can just float a show idea and it will happen. She's been putting this idea out there for months now and still nothing. And now with the child abuse allegations out there I really don't think many networks want to bother.

tate said...

Didn't Kate also say that the dating show is something families could watch together? OMG. What in the world is she thinking? Yes, this would be an appropriate and fun show for school age kids to watch. Gather around kids. There is Kate in her hooker heels and daisy dukes and her halter top. Yes, those are her fake boobs hanging out. That is the sleazy guy she wants to go on a date with. Now they are kissing and flirting. See kids, isn't this fun to watch?

And how totally inappropriate would this dating show be for her own children to watch? How much would that confuse them? I'm sure they want to see random men going on dates with their mother. Who thinks this would be a good idea or that the kids would be interested or that it might even cause emotional damage to them?

And this wouldn't just be a dating show. Kate would insist that each date be filmed at some exotic location---flying to Bermuda, going parasailing in the Bahamas, jetting to Paris for dinner, etc. It wouldn't be Kate going on a dinner date in PA. It would have to be a show focusing on jet setting Kate.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Admin #28. I understand what you are saying, but if the family needed a TV show to support their kids, then they shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place, especially with help from a fertility doctor. They received a lot of freebies before the show came along, Kate contacted the Reading paper about following her pregnancy, Kate made the video of the kids and sent it to TLC/Discovery. She was reaching from day one for fame and was more than willing to use her kids to get it. Then she got even greedier as the show took off. She didn't care about the repercussions to her kids in the beginning, cared even less as the money started rolling, and would jump at the chance to put them on TV again if she received an offer.

Yes, TLC held the cards, but Jon and Kate gave them the deck.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Poor Kate, she didn't get to utilize that free offer of the Bahamas house, nor did she get the free trip to Korea.
(I'll be right back, I feel a tear coming on...need to find a tissue)
ok, too I am sobbing!

localyocul said...

Dwindle I hope your dog is OK. Furbabies really are our family. ~ Administrator said...

LovemyGrandsons I think where we differ is that I don't think just because a family wants a T.V. show to support their family or had multiples or whatever, means they are not entitled to some minimum protections in contract negotiations like this. I tend to think that everyone no matter how vile, greedy or stupid should get a fair shot at a fair contract. There are kids involved too and aren't they entitled to some protection from greedy parents eager to sign?

I want to say this part again differently because I think it's really important to notice.

The first year or so Kate was tip toeing around TLC being really nice, not asking for that much, etc. She knew who had the power--TLC. She knew her fate, whether she would be the millionaire she wanted to be or have to work nursing until she was 65, was in their hands. As things started going her way and she realized that the tables were turning and now they needed HER, that was when her demands started.

In my opinion a reality t.v. subject should never feel so beholden to a network that they aren't even comfortable negotiating a fair contract for fear they will toss their dreams aside if they do. ~ Administrator said...

Does anyone really wonder how it went down that it was decided the boob job wouldn't be filmed?

I mean obviously someone at some point decided to keep it quiet thought it would look bad, and I bet a million bucks it sure wasn't Kate.

NJGal51 said...

Dwindle - So sorry to hear about your furbaby. It's always hard when they're sick because they can't tell us what's wrong or where it hurts. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Administrator said...

Remona Blue I pretty much agree with you.

I dont think that just because someone is greedy or an adult, they aren't entitled to some basic protections in contract negotiations. Especially when they are contracting innocent children as well.

If only for the KIDS they should have had some protections when signing that contract.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosseln on a dating show.

Be pawed by strange men. Kate making out with strange men.

Kate making lovely dovey eyes and holding hands with strange men.

Kate sneaking in delight cause she giving present by strange men.

If you don't vomit in your mouth you can watch. Coming to a TV near you.

mamasan said...

Dwindle - my vet accepts sick animals w/o an appt. during regular visiting hours. I am protective of mine, I would just show up w/my dog if it was ill. I rather wait in the office , than at home. Discuss w/your vet.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Yes, Admin, I agree that everyone is entitled to a fair contract. However, if the parents were afraid of losing the opportunity to sell their children, that should have been a red flag for them as to how much control they could possibly lose over their own family.

Let me also say that I do believe that there should be strong laws in place whenever children are involved in any type of TV production. It is obvious from Jon and Kate, and other stage parents, that they don't have their eyes on the best interest of their children; they have their eyes on the huge dollar sign they bring them. It is a shame.

FYI said...

Wow--I was just reading the amended agreement to the contract, which was added when Jon and Cara went skiing in Utah in Jan. 2009.

This part really stood out:

Outing Participants are solely responsible for determining whether Outing Participants are physically, emotionally, psychologically and mentally able to participate in the Activity. Outing Participants acknowledge and understand that, as with participating in other hazardous activities, Outing Participants’ participation in the Activity carries with it the potential for injury or loss, including but not limited to death, serious physical injury, extreme emotional distress, mental or physical illness and property loss, as well as other unforeseen losses. Outing Participants voluntarily and fully accept and assume all such risks and understand and acknowledge that the waivers, releases and indemnities in this risk agreement expressly apply to these risks and any and all consequences of these risks.

Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 5399-5406). . Kindle Edition.

TLC wanted to film it, but wanted to take no responsibilty if anyone got injured.

Sort of explains why TLC wouldn't care if those kids were being abused by Kate--all they cared about was the bottom line $$$.

I wonder if Kate had to agree to the same thing when she jumped off the Skywalk in New Zealand?

I blame both parents and TLC for even agreeing to something like this.

JudyK said...

AuntieAnn said... 8
I just listened to Christina Crawford on youtube talking about how her mother yanked her out of bed by her hair and started hitting her in the face in the middle of the night (the infamous wire hanger night raid).

This must be a common tactic for bullies/child abusers...Waking their children from sleep and beating on them?

Does Kate think her kids won't grow up and tell the same stories?

I am sure they will, AA. Just this morning, out of the blue, some painful childhood memories came back...I wasn't abused, just ignored. I don't remember much, but I do remember some very significant incidents.

Happy upcoming Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends...many of them on this favorite holiday of the year.

Dwindle, thinking of you and your doggy. Thinking it may be hard to get ahold of a vet on Saturday. Keep us informed.

SS Blvd said...

Suggestion to TLC: Want to have a big hit show on your hands? Take all the outtakes from J&K+8 and create a series based on them. You have the rights, don't you? You could call it something like "8+ Kate & Jon - What Really Went on!"

Tamara said...

Anyone under 21 involved in a reality tv show should have automatic legal representation, independent from their legal guardians. And their contract should be separate from that of others involved. Just a small part of Gosselins Law. ~ Administrator said...

Call Me Crazy if you are around anywhere could you please email me? Thanks!

Just Wondering said...

Does anyone have any guesses as to what is going on with Robert? Why is he being so quiet?

Maggie said...

I am just outside of Houston, Tx. Yeah for another Texan.

wayward said...

Even as of last Wednesday, Khate is still claiming she only has 15-20 hours of help per week.

"There were sometimes up to three babysitters at the house with the kids at any given time during the summer months. Kate also recently hired a live-in 'overnight' nanny. kindle location 15047
....And for Kate Gosselin to utter the words "umm, and, I, when I'm at the house which is most of the time, I'm hands on..." Well, just read through this book for the real truth about how much time Kate is actually at the house with the kids. Kate looks for any reason NOT to be at the house with the kids. I've seen it, on a regular basis, for nearly two years, seven days a week.

I doubt if Carla is still "helping" Kate these days, but I read a list Kate emailed to Carla with 16 different things for Carla to do. Apparently, Kate is incapable of putting the Easter decorations away and throwing away the dead Easter lily on the porch. This must be all of that masterminding Kate tweets about. She spends more time making up detailed & nitpicky lists of things for the people who wait on her to do- instead of doing them herself. My favorite is #6 on the list "carry Katherine's dishes downstairs." kindle location 19844

Katherine is Kate's personal chef, whom she uses to this day.

wayward said...

2nd part of above post, it wouldn't fit on one :)

Kate lies, and we've all known that for a long time. But the discovery that she has a personal chef, allegedly the same personal organic chef who was hired to bring them meals at the E-Town house, IMO is mind blowing. She has gone to such great lengths to make it look like she cooks. She tweets about it, gives us fake 11 out of 10 ratings from her kids, even tried to do menu Mondays until we outted her for lifting from AllRecipes and using non-organic soups and canned beans. We scratched our heads at the tiny amounts of meat in "her" recipes. It just made no sense. Someone who babbled endlessly and obsessively about cooking and loving it- seems to have no clue how to do it. And damn if she just didn't learn her lesson about plagarizing recipes.

"Zondervan was going to release Kate's next big book called "Love is in the Mix: Making Meals Into Memories" but canceled it in it's tracks. Not because of the timing- it was to be released around the time the marriage scandal was making headlines- but because Zondervan discovered that none of the recipes in Kate's recipe book were actually hers. She had stolen recipes from various sources, changed the names and tried to pass them off as her own. Oooops. kindle location 25788

Kate claims that she looks the way she does because of her "hard work." She can't even tell the truth about the plastic surgery she had filmed: "all the tummy tuck did was remove loose skin, I had to exercize the muscles underneath" Bitch please. A tummy tuck procedure consists of going in and cutting and tightening the muscles stretched by pregnancy. Lipo is performed. Then the surgeon cuts off the offending flap of stretched skin, creates a new belly button and closes. We now know she has had her breasts done, leg lipo and touch ups and possible nose and chin work. With Botox, Juvederm and Restylane thrown in.

Since the sheeple love to read here, I ask you: Why? Why do you worship a woman who is not helping her fellow women one bit, but fraudulently working to make you all feel bad about yourselves. She does not cook. She does not clean. She does not grocery shop. She does not do laundry. She does not do yardwork. She does not care for her children. She has had at least $100,000 of plastic surgery but claims her body was created only by her hard work. If YOU would work as hard as she does, YOU could do it too, but you're just too lazy. What she claims to do is a lie and is virtually impossible. She's not helping women, she's tearing you down. Add to this the fact that she sits on twitter and invents complete fabrications about spending time with the kids and planning events, events she hires others to do and doesn't even attend, like the egg hunt. Or going to church. Or telling those precious babies who worked their entire childhoods, that they were only getting one xmas gift apiece last year because the show was canceled (until the info leaked out to a tabloid. She was then forced to buy more gifts to save face.) kindle location 30693-30694. She spends alot of time lying to you sheeple, and she has yet to come out and dispute any of those lies. She can't, without finding herself in some legal trouble. I suggest you all start looking around for someone worthy of your steadfast dedication. Not a fraud and a loser like Kate Gosselin.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Maggie said... 48

I am just outside of Houston, Tx. Yeah for another Texan.
OK! We stand 6 strong!!

A little birdie flew to TX and told me Dwindle has a vet appt very shortly. For those inclined, please send positive thoughts their way.

Maggie said...

On the previous page, New Hampshire ( followed with a long blank space) and NJ Girl made some posts about casting calls and such.I am confused. Someone even quoted a website that Kate had casting calls. Can someone please fill me in the details concerning this. Thanks so much!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Does Kate get re-runs for J&K+8 and K+8?

I've all ways wonder this does anyone know?

wayward said...

~~Sending positive thoughts to Dwindle and her furbaby ~~ prayers are with you!

aggiemom09121416 said...

Wayward 49 said
My favorite is #6 on the list "carry Katherine's dishes downstairs." kindle location 19844

Katherine is Kate's personal chef, whom she uses to this day
-------Thanks for clearing up who Katherine is, guess I was having a senior moment and didn't make the connection of who she was.
Robert said he had proof she has prepared meals delivered to her house. All Kate has to do is re-heat.
What a great stay at home mom!

localyocul said...

I'm an airforce brat so I have claims to Texas (1967) Alabama (1968) Colorado (1968) Ohio, New Jersey, and finally good ole PA

Anonymous said...

Jane said... 58
I was finishing a purchase at a local store today, thanking the cashier and was about to say "Have a great day" and stopped. Instead, I said "Enjoy the day." After reading over and over Kate's "Have a gr8t day" in The Book... well, that's not going to be a phrase I use now.


Obsessed much? Kate Gosselin has an influence over your choice of phrases? Good grief.

Anonymous said...

Another example of it being all about Kate- the personal chef.
Why does Kate prepared meals, but feeds her children slop?
And why would the sheeple defend it?

Man, if I had a personal chef, damn straight they would be making meals for kids! That would be a time saver.
She doesn't care about her children.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 57
Jane said... 58
I was finishing a purchase at a local store today, thanking the cashier and was about to say "Have a great day" and stopped. Instead, I said "Enjoy the day." After reading over and over Kate's "Have a gr8t day" in The Book... well, that's not going to be a phrase I use now.


Obsessed much? Kate Gosselin has an influence over your choice of phrases? Good grief.
Really? Like the obsessed sheeple that put '8' in their words on twitter?

Oh, you are soo RIGHT :D
No x for neg in my life!! Have a nice day!
Buh bye

wayward said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 55
Wayward 49 said
My favorite is #6 on the list "carry Katherine's dishes downstairs." kindle location 19844

Katherine is Kate's personal chef, whom she uses to this day
-------Thanks for clearing up who Katherine is, guess I was having a senior moment and didn't make the connection of who she was.
Robert said he had proof she has prepared meals delivered to her house. All Kate has to do is re-heat.
What a great stay at home mom!

Lol... I know right! She does n.o.t.h.i.n.g. Nothing. Nothing whatsoever resembling what a real mother does. We've said for years we never saw her push anything but a mini grocery cart. We now know why. We could not believe she would speak about using one whole boneless chicken breasts for 8 kids. We now know why. We didn't think it was possible for one person to stuff 1400 plastic eggs. We now know she paid someone to do it. And on & on. She's a joke.

'Just wondering' asked above where Robert has been. I'm thinking (guessing & hoping) that he has received and is sorting through many offers of pro bono legal assistance from professionals who specialize in freedom of speech issues. Robert should not be bullied into submission because of KATE'S carelessness in discarding her personal info. This is where karma and her mental illness she refuses to treat, are going to bite her in her flat ass.

..."Indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all." For ALL. That's how our pledge goes. These words apply to every American, not to all Americans except those who dislike Kate Gosselin. [[waving to you CJ!]]

aggiemom09121416 said...

Anonymous said... 57

Jane said... 58
I was finishing a purchase at a local store today, thanking the cashier and was about to say "Have a great day" and stopped. Instead, I said "Enjoy the day." After reading over and over Kate's "Have a gr8t day" in The Book... well, that's not going to be a phrase I use now.


Obsessed much? Kate Gosselin has an influence over your choice of phrases? Good grief.
Agree! yes, you are totally right!!! yessiiree!
she's such a great customer, her local grocery store 'helpers' call their shopping carts 'the kate gosselins'.
Is there anyone that likes this woman? ANYONE??

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 14
I didn't include every last detail in the summary but how about the part where Kate sends an email to some contact person, I forgot who, at 4 in the morning saying she needs her gift card refilled hopefully by the end of the day before the store closes. Not only did she want her money but she wanted it NOW

Yeah, and it was new years eve, wasnt it?

~~of course vet will see us, leaving here in few minutes. Vet sounded disturbed when i explained symptoms. Pup is getting worse, she isnt moving. She wont even take an ice cube from me, her 2nd favorite thing in the world! I have to keep checking to make sure she is still breathing.

HunnyBunny is working (new job, only mechanic at the dealership on this Saturday, cant leave), it's OK, I'm EveryWoman (yeah, right) I can do this; I am just not sure how I am getting this 40lb baby down a full flight of stairs and to the car on my own.

She just got a nice brushing, which she loves, but I didnt even get a tail thump.

Ya know, girls, it's really hell at a time like this when the kids that grew up with this dog now live so far away and cant be here right now.

Thanks for listening. later.

Anonymous said...

njay said... 83
New Hampshire said... 79
My take for Kate, always watching her mouth move.
I really do think she might get a dating show.
If she does, I hope she doesn't become another Susan Smith who drowned her children in a lake because her boyfriend didn't want children. If Kate can't film the children, which I'm pretty sure Jon wont let happen again, then they will be of no use to her.


Yet another lovely thought for the Gosselin children to read some day. Nice to see the self-proclaimed "child advocates" thinking about the children again...

aggiemom09121416 said...

Yet another lovely thought for the Gosselin children to read some day. Nice to see the self-proclaimed "child advocates" thinking about the children again...
omg, you read my mind! I totally agree with you! We must be kindred spirits!!
Gee, wonder what the G kids will think when they READ THEIR MOTHER'S JOURNALS???

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Dwindle, I'm thinking about your doggie and hoping all is well. Will be checking in often to see if there is any news.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 63
njay said... 83
New Hampshire said... 79
My take for Kate, always watching her mouth move.
I really do think she might get a dating show.
If she does, I hope she doesn't become another Susan Smith who drowned her children in a lake because her boyfriend didn't want children. If Kate can't film the children, which I'm pretty sure Jon wont let happen again, then they will be of no use to her.


Yet another lovely thought for the Gosselin children to read some day. Nice to see the self-proclaimed "child advocates" thinking about the children again...
AGREED!!! as usual.

is your sandbox closed today? aww :(

aggiemom09121416 said...

And the can read all the tweets, too, especially the ones that contradict the TRUTH of what they lived!
Yes, you are right!
hey, maybe they can watch all the great memories, too!!

Anonymous said...

Dwindle - only super good thoughts for you and your doggie. Please keep up updated.

Anonymous said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 64
Yet another lovely thought for the Gosselin children to read some day. Nice to see the self-proclaimed "child advocates" thinking about the children again...
omg, you read my mind! I totally agree with you! We must be kindred spirits!!
Gee, wonder what the G kids will think when they READ THEIR MOTHER'S JOURNALS???
Exactly. Poor Collin and Joel. All they wanted was love.

Audible Click said...

Hoping for a good outcome, Dwindle. Sending good thoughts your way.

readerlady said...

cherier1 164 -- I'm game. I'd love to meet all you funny, smart, compassionate, amazing people in person. Don't leave out Dwindle and librarylady, though. They're a little further from us, but it would be doable.

Anonymous said...

readerlady said... 71

cherier1 164 -- I'm game. I'd love to meet all you funny, smart, compassionate, amazing people in person. Don't leave out Dwindle and librarylady, though. They're a little further from us, but it would be doable.

YES! I'll check with my probation officer - I'm under "county arrest" but I think she'll take the ankle bracelet off just this once.

j/k j/k j/k j/k :) let's DO IT.

But only if those in other states don't feel we'll be come a clique, swing state, superpower pac, etc.

All This Is That said...

is your sandbox closed today? aww :(


It's the weekend. They're bored, their own playground has been shut down due to defection, and they need their daily fix of s##t-stirring.

Agreement is the best medicine. They can't argue with agreement.

Tamara said...

Flight of the Kiwi said...
YES! I'll check with my probation officer - I'm under "county arrest" but I think she'll take the ankle bracelet off just this once.
j/k j/k j/k j/k :) let's DO IT.
Awwww, so their is no ankle bracelet? Dang, I was gonna try and see if our POs would let us go if we were handcuffed together, ala The Defiant Ones.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Flight of the Kiwi - you put into words my exact thoughts!! Being in Illinois I was worried about the posters in your state becoming an exclusive clique! Lolol!!

The twit's tweets said...

Maggie said... 52

On the previous page, New Hampshire ( followed with a long blank space) and NJ Girl made some posts about casting calls and such.I am confused. Someone even quoted a website that Kate had casting calls. Can someone please fill me in the details concerning this. Thanks so much!
Comment #170 on the previous page posted by Kate is a Twit, details the info about the "casting call". It's on a modelsearch website and the article was dated last July. It is not a current article.

readerlady said...

I've been off-line most of the morning and I'm not all caught up on the posts yet. Word of advice. Do NOT make an hour and a half drive while drinking a large Mickey D's iced tea! Wound up taking twice as long, LOL.

Dwindle, how's your dog? When they start getting up there in years, there's that much more to worry about. Hope the vet was able to help her. Let us know how she is doing.

Aeduko said...

All This is That said:
It's the weekend. They're bored, their own playground has been shut down due to defection, and they need their daily fix of s##t-stirring.
I don't post here often, but this cracked me up. On first read I thought the sandbox was closed because of defacation and sh** stirring.

Anonymous said...

butterfly said... 66
AGREED!!! as usual.

is your sandbox closed today? aww :(


Are you going to tell me that you think it's in the best interest of the Gosselin children to read about how their mother might want to drown them a la Susan Smith?

I don't play in anyone's sandbox. I merely have an opinion that differs from yours. Typical intolerant bullshit from posters here.

The twit's tweets said...

Dwindle, sending thoughts and prayers of strength and healing for your beloved dog. I know how difficult these times can be.

chesterctymom said...

When I read about the family sick days (or lack of) my heart broke for wonder Kate didn't care about him being impacted, it would cost her to properly care for her son...

VegasBaby said...

TLC Stinks ~
Thanks for the Jen Stocks explanation.
Just Kate being Kate, I guess.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Formerly Duped said...

...and Hannah filmed with a double ear infection, Aaden throwing up in the kitchen, all ill with stomach flu, Joel laundry room debacle, Alexis sick in the swimming with dolphins episode- although she was taken care of by Jamie for part- Leah with her 'vomitous' habit,probably Mady with her stomach pains. Later all of them sick on that boat trip.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Formerly Duped, all excellent points. And many of these things happened after contracts were renegotiated and it was just Kate+8, yet the parents still did not have the best interest of the children at heart.

chefsummer #Leh said...

You know now that you guys mention the kids being sick while filming.

I find it kind of funny that we never seen Kate or Jon sick on the show.

Or at;east J&K were never sick in the epis that I've seen.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

chefsummer, I don't recall seeing J or K sick either, but I didn't watch all of the shows. The closest I recall is Kate whining about her sunburn on Jon's birthday vacation, after she REFUSED to wear any type of lotion (IIRC).

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 79
butterfly said... 66
AGREED!!! as usual.

is your sandbox closed today? aww :(


Are you going to tell me that you think it's in the best interest of the Gosselin children to read about how their mother might want to drown them a la Susan Smith?

I don't play in anyone's sandbox. I merely have an opinion that differs from yours. Typical intolerant bullshit from posters here.
YES YES, I think whatever you think I think :D

Anonymous said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 87
chefsummer, I don't recall seeing J or K sick either, but I didn't watch all of the shows. The closest I recall is Kate whining about her sunburn on Jon's birthday vacation, after she REFUSED to wear any type of lotion (IIRC).
kate was sick on the FL vacation episode, when just her and Jon went. She got sunburned bad, and was sick from it. It's on film. I think she made a remark about how she doesnt go in the sub often, or doesnt tan or just burns and Jon agreed.
My how times have changed.

Anonymous said...

should read 'doesnt go in sun often' not sub, LOL

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Thank you, butterfly, for explaining what happened on that episode. My memory isn't the greatest at times and I only remembered parts of it.

readerlady said...

KK allegedly was sick in Utah, and Jon had that scratched cornea - and speaking from experience I can tell you that that is VERY painful - in the cooking with twins episode (AKA Joelgate). Didn't Jon have a bad cold in one of the early episodes? And of course KKssunsickness in Fla. that Grandsons mentions. Otherwise, I don't recall any mention of either J or K being sick.

You know, I'm having trouble remembering a lot of the things Robert brought up in the book. I read it fairly thoroughly and I usually have an excellent retentive memory. I think it's probably selective amnesia, because so many of the things he wrote about were horrific. When someone mentions it, I think, "oh yes, I remember that" but if you ask me about X,Y, or Z, I'm drawing a blank.

Anonymous said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 68

Dwindle - only super good thoughts for you and your doggie. Please keep up updated.

Please keep down updated as well. More importantly keep US updated...

Anonymous said...

butterfly said... 88

YES YES, I think whatever you think I think :D


In other words, you can't answer the question honestly because you know that it isn't in their best interest, so instead you are playing this usual silly game.

Formerly Duped said...

Jon was filmed for the hair plugs and was quite 'tipsy' with the anesthetic, and Kate's tummy tuck and aftermath were also taped. Apart from the other things mentioned, all I recall is Kate resting in a chair but I think it was from 'exhaustedish-ness' Alexis I think was with her and recommended peace and quiet and hot chocolate.

JudyK said...

Wayward #50...OMG, so ON TARGET. EXCELLENT...wish I had written it. You said it ALL.

NJGal51 said...

Kate was sick that one time when the kids had the flu. She was filmed wrapped in a comforter in a semi fetal position in the chair moaning about how sick she was and kid(s) were rubbing her feet or back to make her feel better.

amyf said...

Dwindle - sending HUGE good vibes to you and your dog...

Pulling The Wool said...



It's not that a question CAN'T be answered; it's that when you're here just to stir the pot, nobody WANTS to answer. You can't have a discussion when you know that the only reason the person is here is to bait you. Typical sheeple crap.

Don't I hear the farm bell in the barn? Some of the flock is missing.

anger issues kate said...

I heard and read a long time ago, that Disney contracts were like the one Jon & Kate signed. Disney contract for kids was, the parent pretty much, sign their rights to their kid to Disney. Disney become the parent of the child. The kid has to abide by a certain conduct in public, dress a certain way, look wholesome all the time, be at certain jobs, publicity, public appearance, music recording(if they go that route, be on the TV stage, work & go to school when they say, eat what foods they say, Disney control the kid 24/7. Why do you think so many of the ex-kids from Disney go wild after their contract is up. Lindsey Lohan. Miley Cyrus, has gone almost totally wild. For those who don't believe, take a look at her now. That wholesome image is gone. I do realize that they all grow up, some turn out OK, a lot don't. A lot have to many problems, they can't cope or function with the outside regular world. Or make the transition to adult acting. It's sad. Many would be stars , have turned down Disney. But there are the moms who want their kid to be a star, will go to every audition, they can find.

anger issues kate said...

Dwindle: hope your dog gets better.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Anonymous said... 79
Won't the kids be so proud to read their mom's journal???

I agree!!!!!!!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Anonymous, I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and give an honest mature reply to your posts. However, from your insults to this blog and the bloggers that frequent here, I firmly believe you are just looking to create trouble. Therefore, I will not waste my words.

Michelle said...

I was just reading a little of the book again and I don't think I've ever met anyone who does a little in life as Kate Gosselin. She literally writes down everything for someone else to do - to her standards, of course. Standards she herself could never reach if she tried.

The email where she's giving direction to all the PA's for the big church garage sale. She did nothing but show up on camera and act "exhaustedish" from "masterminding".

Who knew making lists was so exhausting! Of course who knew reading a book could be so exhausting. I can only take this thing in small doses. Just reading her emails makes her more unlikable that I ever imagined.

Dwindle - hope the vet can help your fur baby. For most of us (unlike Kate) they are family.

FYI said...

Saw a story about this on ROL, but this explains it better. The deputy AG of PA and his wife have been arrested on charges of child abuse and endangerment. The article states that an investigation was started on Sept.14, AFTER their adopted children were admitted to a hospital.

It doesn't say if CPS ever investigated them, but it horrifies me that it would take something like this before any was done.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Please keep Dwindle in your thoughts today and throughout the next few days... she helped her beloved dog walk across the Rainbow Bridge.

She wanted her blog friends to know.

God bless you Dwindle, you did what a compassionate dog owner does...stayed up with her during the night, sought vet care, then helped her safely cross over. She'll be waiting for you, on the other side.

localyocul said...

Oh no! Dwindle I am so sorry! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Formerly Duped said...

Oh no, Dwindle, so sorry to hear this sad news. Your dog was ill for a short time I gather? At least she did not suffer long. You did the right thing for her, hard as it is for those who love their pets. May fond memories sustain you in your sorrow. You have support here.

xo FD

aggiemom09121416 said...

If I did this correctly, here's a pic of Dwindle's beloved pet.

JudyK said...



Weep not for me though I am gone
Into tht gentle night
Grieve if you will, but not for long
Upon my soul's sweet flight.
I am at peace, my soul's at rest
There is no need for tears.
For with your love I was so blessed
For all those many years.
There is no pain, I suffer not;
The fear now is all gone.
Put now these things out of your thoughts,
In your memory I live on.
Remember not my fight for breath
Remember not the strife
Please do not dwell upon my death,
But celebrate my Life.

Pity Party said...

I can count on one hand the times my child has been really sick and in particular throwing up. Those kids are sick a lot. How many times has she just casually tweeted oh I have a sick one at home today. No wonder laying in poop, puke and blood, confined to their rooms all the time not eating and drinking over extended periods. One can only surmise if they have to be out of sight to be safe from her by her own admission that she is not providing them bread and water. A. had what sounds like diarrhea when she went after him or at least stool holding, which in and of itself can make a child sick. It just makes me ill to think about it. I am glad we have these threads on here because I open the book up to read and I just sit and stare at the page.

Not a mom, just played one on tv said...

Typical 15 Minutes poster crap.102

Anonymous, if you think this blog is crap, why do you bother to read here?

As someone said a while back, it may be a hot mess but it's are our hot mess and we like it here just fine.

capecodmama said...

I'm only up to comment #77 but I have to chime in and agree with LoveMyGrandsons. Even though Discovery/TLC is the big, bad corporation, Jon and Kate had the ability to say no. They were adults. Reading the contract, red flags should have been going off in their heads. When my girls were young, I drilled into their heads that unless someone had a gun to their heads or a knife to their throats, it's okay to say no. I also drilled into their heads that whatever decision they made they had to accept whatever consequence came their way, whether it was positive or negative. No excuses. From what I understand from the comments, Jon and Kate did not use an attorney for the original contract. Stupid, stupid, stupid. By the time the first special aired, Kate was 30 and Jon was 28. They were not kids! They were greedy. I agree it really went to Kate's head and Jon eventually saw the light, but they should have considered the long term consequences of their actions considering it was not just their lives, it was the lives of eight, innocent children that were going to be affected.

amyf said...

SOOO sorry, Dwindle. I think we all know what it's like and how beyond difficult it is. :-(

I've found a short clip that makes me smile no matter how miserable I am (and I can get VERY miserable!). Since we're reading and hearing about all this grief and misery and horror in these last few posts, I'd really like it if people would check it out and tell me if it helps even a little.

aggiemom09121416 said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


LoveMyGrandsons said...

aggiemom, thank you for updating us on Dwindle's beloved dog.

Dwindle, I am so sorry for your loss. You were there for your beloved pet, loved them in life and stayed by their side till the end. How fortunate your dog was to be loved by you.

Healing thoughts to you and your family. God bless.

Dmasy said...

aggiemom -- thank you for the picture of Dwindle's dear friend.

Dwindle -- I am sure he was beside you (on the furniture) when you made many of your charming comments here....or, when you laughed aloud at one of our posts. So, furry friend is one of us and we grieve his passing with you.

Know that we care about you and HunnyBunny and your children who grew up with that handsome animal.

FYI said...

Dwindle--I am so so sorry on the loss of your beloved pet. Please accept my deepest condolences.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

It is no wonder that TLC/Kate wants the book to disappear from public view. I have felt sickened by the Gosselin mess for quite some time, hoping my opinions might not be true. All hope is gone now. Horrible, greedy grifters, Jon and Kate. I'm glad Jon has matured. Not seeing any hope for Kate. "Wealth to last forever." What a goal!

njay said...

Dwindle, so sorry.

Anonymous said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 121
If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Formerly Duped said...


That's a sweet photo. I think that's a favorite spot for dogs, keeping an eye on what's going on, and waiting perhaps for the return of a family member or the mailman!

My post of sympathy is a few comments above.The measure of pain we suffer when pets are gone is as great as the joy they give us while here with us.

Rhymes with Witch said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch

wayward said...

butterfly said... 121
aggiemom09121416 said... 121
If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


So sorry Dwindle... {{hugs}} from all of us and much love

chefsummer #Leh said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Mel said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy toDwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!

Rhymes with Witch

FYI said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit

She's come undone said...

So one question anonymous. If you dislike us all so much, if you have nothing to contribute except calling names and attacking, then why in hell are you here?

It's Saturday girls, watch out for other sheep heading over to stir shit.

How about this: your hero is a childbeater of toddlers. She is someone who wakes her 2 year old daughter screaming at her because she messed her diaper and then spanked her, she beat her boys so hard she was scared. This is who you worship? All this IN HER OWN WORDS.

What is happening in this world when people will defend someone who does this to their kids? As for the kids seeing the Susan Smith comment, there is so much other stuff out there they won't be shocked because they have lived under this tyrannical witch. Sheesh.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Okay, I don't want to seem dumb, but I don't know how to add my name to the ongoing post for Dwindle. Therefore, please consider me part of it.

Jo said... heart is breaking for you. I'm so, so sorry for your loss.

aggiemom09121416 said...

f you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit


Unknown said...

Anonymous said... 79
''........I don't play in anyone's sandbox. I merely have an opinion that differs from yours. Typical intolerant bullshit from posters here.''
Oh I agree with you. The posters here are SO intolerant! They argue with each other and call each other vile names. I agree that everyone on this blog demands that they all agree. See? They even have me agreeing!!

Girl From Up North said...

so sorry Dwindle.

Formerly Duped said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
aggiemom09121416 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Oh Dwindle, I'm so sorry. I had such a similar experience with my beloved Doxie 5 months ago. She became ill suddenly. Of course it was a blessing that she didn't suffer for long. Try and remember that now. I know you'll miss her so much.

Winsomeone said...

f you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit



She's come undone said...

Dwindle, how very sorry I am for your loss. Isn't it amazing how much we love our furry friends? I am sitting her looking at our German Shepherd Emma, one of the most gentle, loving creatures on earth. She just turned 10 and I just can't imagine losing her. I will be thinking of you in the days to come and hope you are able to remember her with joy for what she brought to your family.

Lilly said...

All hugs dwindle - it has been 3 years since we lost our Chulo - but after 2 years we finally opened up to our barn cat - I took 2 days off work to recover after a horrible weekend of his last hours ...but Dh is talking puppy again ----I say not til spring for potty training!!!!!

Big hugs & lots of heartfelt love

Anonymous said...

So sorry, Dwindle - I'm sure she left her pawprints on your heart forever.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Thank you, aggiemom, for adding my name.

capecodmama said...

Dwindle...{{{{{{{{{BigHugs}}}}}}}}} on the loss of your beloved dog. My sympathies to your and your family.

Unknown said...

Dwindle, I'm so sorry. You proved your love for your fur baby today. Only good thoughts are headed your way from me.

capecodmama said...

Wayward...49,50 Loved your post.

CS said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 121
If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!

CS, So sorry for your loss.

Linda said...

f you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit




Andrea said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit


Blessed To Be Mediocre Mother said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 121
If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

Blessed To Be Mediocre Mother....
Remembering you today Dwindle. I'm so sorry!

localyocul said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit



Anonymous said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit


Formerly Duped

Flight of the Kiwi (and Bailey, the dog) :)

VegasBaby said...

Dwindle ~
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your dog.

Heide said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit





Sandi said...

Please add my name to the list.
Dwindle you and your beloved furbaby are in my thoughts, so very sorry.

Tamara said...

Kate is a twit said... 105
Saw a story about this on ROL, but this explains it better. The deputy AG of PA and his wife have been arrested on charges of child abuse and endangerment. The article states that an investigation was started on Sept.14, AFTER their adopted children were admitted to a hospital.

It doesn't say if CPS ever investigated them, but it horrifies me that it would take something like this before any was done.
I don't mean this question to be at all mean, but does this surprise you? It's horrific but, sadly, sickeningly, all too common. An everyday occurrence. Hell, an hourly occurrence.

Anonymous said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit





Anonymous Marie

KathyB said...

keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


I've been there twice Dwindle. My deepest sympathies. KathyB

Francesca said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit





So sorry for your loss Dwindle...(tight cyber hug & you can wipe your snotty nose & tears on my shoulder)
I just have no words of comfort.
Oh sweetie....

Sincerely and from my pet loving heart,

Lilly said...

Please add my name to the list

Unknown said...

I posted mine as a stand alone, because I'm too dense to figure out how to add my name.

NJGal51 said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit





So sorry for your loss. I just gave my bully a big hug and kiss and told him that I love him.

Amy2 said...

you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Permanent Name in Blue (in black this time;-) said...

Formerly Duped said... 162
you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue

October 6, 2012 3:10 PM

readerlady said...

Well, I can't figure out how to add my name to the post, so, aggiemom, if you would, I'd be grateful. I sent Dwindle a private email, but I'd like to be part of our group post, too. JudyK -- I've never seen the poem you posted before. That just destroyed me. All of us with aging pets know we'll have to face that day sooner rather than later. It's the ultimate test of love, knowing when to let go. Dwindle -- {{{hugs}}}. You did the loving and kind thing for your baby. We love you. Go have a rumspringa and grieve as much as you need to.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Formerly Duped said... 162
you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue


mkmom2 said...

Dwindle, I know what you're feeling and my heart breaks for you. When I lost my beloved dog, my husband said, I don't think you'll be this upset when I go, I had to agree with him.
Hugs to you.

Jo said...

Formerly Duped said... 162
you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue



Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Dwindle, we are here for you!

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB

NJGal51 said...

Kate - I know you read here and my wish for you is to someday have enough feelings for others to be able to cry for someone that you only know through a blog because she's lost a beloved pet. It's called being human.

NJGal51 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Dearest Dwindle,

I'm so, so, sorry to hear that your fur baby has passed on.

Please know that you have our love, and support during this very difficult time.

May your dear, loving doggie rest in peace.

With love always,

LoveMyGrandsons said...

NJGal #169 - what a sweet thought. Unfortunately, Kate doesn't have any compassion for her children or her own pet. Therefore, I don't expect her to have compassion for someone else's. She's almost 40 years old now and I don't when, or if, she will ever learn this.

aggiemom09121416 said...

You guys are awesome. I didn't mean to 'hijack' the blog, but seeing all those names in one post will mean so much to Dwindle. She's a voice of reason, always one to encourage and lift up, and adds a touch of hilarity to this blog.
Even though she isn't online at the moment, I hope she is feeling all the comforting words and thoughts sent her way..
you guys are awesome.

Formerly Duped said...

great idea aggie...maybe people could delete their posts as new ones are tomorrow aM maybe when Dwindle might come by? I'm sure she'll be with her family tonight.

Anonymous said...

Couple of things...

Admin - can we get a cover for the sandbox? We can all move over to the slide and swings. I'd say monkey bars as well, but snide remarks might be made about that.

I'd like to weigh in on the "Have a gr8t day" issue. I already did, but the comment was removed. By me. Accidentally. I blame ambien.

I'm glad Jane opted out of "Have a great day". It' too much pressure to put on a person. Really. What if that person goes on to have a less than great day, perhaps even a bad day? As if the day wasn't bad enough they have to add failure and disappointing you at the end of the day. I, personally, say "Have a GOOD" day!" Less pressure, less rude. As a side note, unless one actually knows the person, even if they have a name tag don't use their name. Too stalkerish. We can't have THAT. If one is feeling ambivalent, one can say "Have a good day!" the lowercase good works just as well. If one is insincere, "Have a good day." Leave out the exclamation point altogether.

Butterfly understands this - hence her "Have a nice day". Acceptable alternative. Also Jane's "Enjoy your day!" Works with or without sarcasm.

Really people, this is winning friends and influencing people 101. Dale Carnegie said so.

Lastly, for Anonymous - quite frankly (no, I don't know frank. I don't know sh*t either. I used to know jack, but jack changed so much that I don't know jack now.) "I" LIKE Obsession. Particularly, the men's version of the fragrance. There. I. Said. It. I. Like. Obsession. I OWN it.

So, Anonymous. I like obsession. I don't know jack. I don't know sh*t. A three-fer just for you (a four-fer if you count that I don't know frank). Saved you a reply. I'm very thoughtful that way. I blame ambien. Always.

btw - We don''t do "typical" BS here. That was pretty arrogant of you. We ONLY do mediocre BS. Lesson learned? (Rhetorical. That means "not really a question).

Sometimes I blame Lunesta.

Anonymous said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 175
Couple of things...
omg, I laughed so hard!!

If the list for Dwindle gets consolidated to one post- please add me! There seem to be two or three lists running and I am only on 1 of them.
We dont want Dwindle to feel alone!!!

Anonymous said...

Kiwi, you are in fine form today! Made me laugh out loud!

Grammie said...

Dwindle, Hugs to you. I am so sorry for your loss.

JudyK said...

Dwindle, we are here for you!

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB

NJGal (and Spike)





Katykat said...

Oh, Dwindle,
I'm so sorry. Praying for peace for you.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Dwindle. <3

Jumping In said...

I too do not know how to add my name to the consolidated list for Dwindle, nevertheless, my sincere sympathy to Dwindle and her family in the loss of their beloved dog. So sorry.

drbutchiewong said...

What a profound emptiness you must feel Dwindle.
I am so sorry to read of your loss.

JoyinVirginia said...

Dwindle, I want to add my sympathy. I am posting from my phone, can't figure out how to copy list.

Formerly Duped said...

Copy and paste the most recent post, then add your own name and publish.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Flight of the Kiwi 175

I agree with everything you said, except I prefer Contradiction.

CK leaves you with SO MANY choices.

Anonymous said...

She's come undone said... 128
So one question anonymous. If you dislike us all so much, if you have nothing to contribute except calling names and attacking, then why in hell are you here?

It's Saturday girls, watch out for other sheep heading over to stir shit.

How about this: your hero is a childbeater of toddlers. She is someone who wakes her 2 year old daughter screaming at her because she messed her diaper and then spanked her, she beat her boys so hard she was scared. This is who you worship? All this IN HER OWN WORDS.


Kate Gosselin is not my hero. I do not and have never worshipped her. And I find her own words about her treatment of her children indefensible and horrific. What th unbelievably arrogant, self-congratulatory group of women who comprise the regulars here is incapable of understanding is that someone doesn't have to *like* Kate Gosselin to dislike your behavior. That's what happens when you live your life in extremes -- either someone is a "sheeple" or a "hater." Has it ever crossed your mind that there are people who don't choose to align with either camp?

Berks Resident said...

Dwindle, we are here for you!

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB

NJGal (and Spike)

Berks Resident and Molly HUGS

Dmasy said...

Does anyone else here just feel PROUD of our collection of wonderful ladies?

Administrator, thank you for bringing us together and for protecting this blog from intrusion.

Dwindle, we are waiting for you...

Anonymous said...

Dwindle - I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We lost of beloved 17 yr. old best friend three months ago. She died knowing that she was loved and had the very best care possible but her heart finally gave up.

It's not easy losing your beloved pet but please know others are thinking of you. Take care of yourself knowing your pet is at rest.


Moose Mania said...

Sometimes I blame Lunesta.


How could you blame a beautiful, sweet little blue butterfly?

btw, Kiwi, I was obsessed with Obsession for awhile...moved on to Opium. At least you can get a good buzz going on while you smell good.

AnnaOkie said...

If you'd like to sign your name to this post offering sympathy to
Dwindle, just add your name to the list and keep it posting.....

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






AnnaOkie and my fur baby, Clementine

LifeinOH said...

Dwindle, we are here for you!

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB

NJGal (and Spike)

Cherier1 (and Biscuit, Chloe & Molly)

LifeinOH said...

@Dwindle Dogs are angels on Earth. This I firmly believe. (((HUGS)) at your loss.

fade2black said...

I'm so sorry to read of your loss. Hugs from me and my two furboys.

anger issues kate said...

Dwindle: sorry about the passing of your dog.

mamaK said...

Dwindle, we are here for you!

We are here for you!!!

So sorry for your loss.


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB

NJGal (and Spike)

Cherier1 (and Biscuit, Chloe & Molly)


LifeinOH said...

Anonymous said... 187

"...unbelievably arrogant, self-congratulatory group of women who comprise the regulars here is incapable of understanding is ..."

Odd. That's exactly how i would have described your posts -- with the addition of 'anger issues.' Project much?

PatK said...

Dwindle, we are here for you!

We are here for you!!!


Rhymes with Witch


Kate is a twit






Formerly Duped

Permanent Name in Blue

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB

NJGal (and Spike)

Cherier1 (and Biscuit, Chloe & Molly)


Rhymes with Witch said...

What th unbelievably arrogant, self-congratulatory group of women who
comprise the regulars here is incapable of understanding is that someone doesn't have to *like* Kate Gosselin to dislike your behavior.

ANONYMOUS, your opinions about Kate notwithstanding, since you dislike US so much I cannot understand why you bother to read here.

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