'I know without a doubt that we did the right thing.'
We will do a “book club” style discussion of a few chapters at a time as we read the book together. You are free to read with the group or skip ahead. You are also free to discuss whatever you like, however if you want to partake in the book club discussion, this thread is here to discuss the designated chapters. Robert Hoffman’s book “Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World” was available on Amazon for Kindle, but has been suspended with an unknown date when it will be available again. The Kindle app is free for multiple platforms, including PCs.
8. Show Me the Money!!!!! Part 1
Kate has been marketing the sextuplets even before they were
born. She invited dozens of media to their first birthday party. She requested
a 15-passenger van and that people give Target gift cards in lieu of sending

After the first Discovery special aired and did well, talks
commenced for a second special and a 20-episode contract. Discovery agreed to
pay the family $2,000 an episode, with many things comped including Disney
World and the grocery shopping trip to Giant. Kate was involved in a lot of
back and forth e-mails with producer Jen Stocks about episode ideas and money.
As time went on, Kate grew more demanding about what things Discovery would
comp. She also continued to take checks and cash from fans, friends and
relatives, sometimes checks for several hundred dollars or more.
In October 2006, Kate’s grandmother died. Kate wrote this
about the funeral: “Her service was
nice except that our mother tried to preach to us children through her tribute
to grandma… none of us appreciated that!!!”
In March 2007, Kate called Discovery’s treatment of them
“wining and dining” and refers to it as
a “magical time.” For
season two, Jon and Kate wanted $6,000 an episode. Discovery negotiated them
down to $5,000.
obsessively tried to line up other money making opportunities, for example
commercials. She accused Discovery of “sucking the life” out of deals after
there was concern a commercial she wanted to do for Fridgidaire might compete
with some of their other advertisers. Kate had visions of filming even when she
was “old and gray.” In one email she writes: “I also
want to secure a 'foreverness' for our family (house, college etc) that goes
beyond our show so that when I look back when I am old and gray (and probably
STILL filming- ha ha) I know without a doubt that we did the right thing.”
9. Show Me the Money!!!!! Part 2
The Gosselins made less money per episode than some sources
have reported. Season one they made $2,000 an episode. Season two and three
they made $5,000 an episode. Season four was $9,000 per episode, which was
later re-negotiated to $22,500. Season five stayed at $22,500 per episode.
Kate hired a new manager, Julie Carson May, in April 2008.
May was heavily involved in contract negotiations. She fought to try to limit
the family’s commitment to the show to an average of three days a week, that
each season include at least 35 episodes, and that the family would be
compensated for episodes even if they used old footage from previous seasons
(i.e. flashback episodes), for first class travel and “overages” of $600 a day
per family member and $75 per diem per day per family member. She proposed a
ghost writer to write TLC’s Jon and Kate blog because Kate didn’t have time. Tax
obligations were flagged as something to be discussed. She wanted the
family to have input and approval over merchandising.
The list of freebies Kate was able to get Discovery and others to pay for or at least offer to her is astounding. Landscaping, fences, Gymboree, ski clothes for Cara, a condo near Cancun, a beach house in North Carolina, an offer for filming a breast augmentation in San Diego and subsequent recovery at a resort called The Hideaway [Admin note: My source says Kate ultimately chose Dr. Glassman to do her breasts, without filming. In the book she indeed says she has a choice between Glassman (but no filming) orSan Diego
(filming), though doesn’t say which one she ended up choosing. One wonders if
some kind of executive decision was made to keep the boob job secret for image
reasons, even though they had an offer to film it.], at least $500 a week at Ann Taylor, make-up, Olay daily facials, Crest whitestrips, camping equipment,
furniture, Charmin toilet paper, invisible fence for the dogs, and a trip to
Niagara Falls. Kate responded to an
offer from a doctor to give just Jon
Lasik surgery that she wanted it for both
of them. Kate frequently follows up with those who gave her free
things, straight out asking for more and claiming how much she talks about how
great their products are.
The list of freebies Kate was able to get Discovery and others to pay for or at least offer to her is astounding. Landscaping, fences, Gymboree, ski clothes for Cara, a condo near Cancun, a beach house in North Carolina, an offer for filming a breast augmentation in San Diego and subsequent recovery at a resort called The Hideaway [Admin note: My source says Kate ultimately chose Dr. Glassman to do her breasts, without filming. In the book she indeed says she has a choice between Glassman (but no filming) or
Kate once shamelessly skipped out on a scheduled weekly
conference call with Discovery to go to the spa. There were also discussions
about a deal for Cara and Mady to “write” a series of children’s books. Perhaps
most disturbing of all, there was discussion about designing an iPhone game
around the children. Part of the game description includes: “The game starts with the player taking on the roll of Kate on Monday
morning. The player must get through 7
day/night cycles to win the games first level.
Each level will not only be separated by days, but each day will also be
separated in sections breakfast time, lunch and dinner time, with bedtime being
the goal the player trying to reach each day. The first week is an example of
basic daily life, from getting the oldest kids ready for school to getting the
rest of the kids ready for their meals, in this case breakfast. Each of the
kids run of different timers, where they will get antsy, crying or even have a
full tantrum depending on how long they are left alone or not given what they
Kate and Beth received a $100,000 advance for their book
Multiple Blessings. A deal with Kmart for their holiday campaign that only
required three-days of work paid $158,000 plus up to $5,000 for a security team
of Kate’s choosing. There was also a $25,000 Proctor and Gamble deal.
10. A Family Under (Discovery's) Control
Discovery maintained a frightening amount of control over the family contractually, including where they would travel, what they wore and even how they styled their hair. Discovery also had several provisions limiting their liability and obligations to the family. They specifically prohibited the Gosselins from subjecting their contracts to union rules such as SAG. [Admin note: Huge red flag they were taking advantage of the family and actively trying to circumvent any built in protections in the entertainment industry’s unions.] The contract also included a provision that the Gosselins would “guarantee” the children’s “performance” and “obligations.” Discovery released themselves of all responsibility in the event of an accident or even death. They also had a provision excluding them from any worker’s compensation claims. Any personal photos and video the family took in the course of the show was the property of Discovery. Discovery could terminate the contract at any time for any reason without owing the Gosselins a cent. It was the Gosselin’s obligation to secure any necessary work permits and travel documents. They also wrote in the right to sue should any member of the family breach any of their obligations. In other words, Discovery could bail on the family at any time without consequence, but there would be hell to pay if any member of the family ever tried the same thing (and as we all saw, there was).
1844 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1844 Newer› Newest»I got the impression that in the very early days of receiving "gifts" she was awestruck with the money falling from the skies. She was impressed with any small gift and small amounts of money.
Bigger expectations took over quickly and she caught on to the game of greed eagerly.
I was very uncomfortable with how she believed God as her own personal ATM.
I could just imagine her running to the phone, jumping up and down like a Jr. High cheerleader, screeching to Jodi, "Guess what I got today!"
STUFF changed a self-centered woman into a demon.
I've never spent much time around evangelical christians so I need to ask is all this the Lord supplies everything and is responsible for every single tiny part of life, forces people to do things etc etc a normal thought process? Khate writes like she has absolutely no power over her own life. Its all god.
Yes, like the old expression "much wants more."
I couldn't believe the extent of her boldness in demanding free things - and not trifles- for the whole family. More than we ever thought when we complied list of grifts. The God aspect I got the feeling was from her upbringing and Beth's example ( not Beth's intent)
So what's next for Kate? She does seem to get a free ticket to this day.
Two things struck me when I was reading this section of the book. One was KK admitting that she was angry to receive ONLY $750 gift card from a company. The other was the contract provision that gave the right for Discover to terminate their contract if any family member failed to fulfill their obligation to film for a period of 7 days, INCLUDING ILLNESS!!!!!! !! That explains all those episodes where sick children were forced to continue filming instead of being allowed to lie in their comfy beds and be taken care of by a loving parent.
In response to Dmasy's post 1,,,,
yes, I think in a later chapter Kate is given a gift card by Julie May, and even though it's 750.00, Kate was angry that 'that was all it was', or something to that effect.
It's interesting to watch how her faith lost its importance, then disappeared entirely as her faith in herself and her greed increased.
Brought from last thread.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 150
As everyone else has commented, I do not understand how Kate can be the self-serving, abusive b@*!& she is and get away with it.
I think it is the fear of those three words Robert said is Kate's favorite words are, "can we sue".
I was thinking about why so many of the big media sites are keeping from REALLY commenting on her. All I could come up with was a couple of reasons.
1. She now has the money.
2. Robert said that was the first thing out of her mouth when annoyed (I REALLY HATE THAT WORD NOW) was "can we sue?"
3. She is mean and ugly enough to do it.
4. I think this now their strategy. By accident I think they have found that with time, public opinion is starting to feel sorry for her and if they can keep all that she has done out of sight,
it will give them more leverage.
The one thing that Robert has that no one else has is the documentation to save himself from a lawsuit of libel or defamation of character. Should any other website or person, for that matter, say she did what Robert said, they would be in danger. So I would think. Am I wrong anyone? Feel free to answer.
The book doesn't follow a specific timeline, but I remember somewhere in it it said they were filming 40 HOURS a WEEK for one 30 MINUTE episode.
that's insane.
how she can say those kids weren't working defies logic. (oopsie, I forgot we were talking about Kate.)
I read part of the book today, there was a journal entry detailing an incident where one of the girls somehow cuts her head while in her crib. Kate cleans up the mess, Jon takes care of the child.
She's never exhibited a maternal bone in her body.
As far as her getting ANGRY about going into the kids' room and finding a bunch of stripped down kids, my twins would do all that all the time, and I thought it was hilarious. Sometimes they would climb into the other's crib so they could sleep together, I was concerned about them hurting themselves doing it(thankfully they never did), but I thought it was just really cute.
Kate had so much attention on herself all those 599 weeks of bedrest, she probably resented the spotlight being turned to the babies after they were born.
Tamara #2, I am an evangelical Christian, and no, we do not all think like that. Some pastors (Joel Osteen, Jim Bakker, and others), have proclaimed the "prosperity gospel" - that God wants us to be wealthy. However, that is so totally false according to the bible. However, I believe some people who call themselves "Christians" agree with this false doctrine to justify their own greed.
Now, my opinions on the revelations in the new post. I understand and agree that TLC took advantage of this family. However, I still have to ask, didn't Jon and Kate's greed play a part in this too? After all, they were getting enough money to have an outside attorney review the paperwork and explain it to them, but they didn't. They had the time to think and discuss all of the ramifications this would have on their children and family if they went forward with this, but they didn't. They were blinded by the money. And we know from the Reading Eagle, TLC didn't instill this attitude in Kate; it was there all along from the very beginning.
Jon and Kate were adults and responsible for their children and the decisions that affected their family life. However, no one put a gun to their heads and forced them to sign their lives away, and those of their children. They did it due to their own greed, mainly Kate's because I'm sure she was pushing Jon.
Anyhow, my point is that no matter what TLC did, Jon and Kate had the ultimate control as to whether or not they signed the papers. They CHOSE to do it.
No one knows what's in Kate's heart or spiritual belief system, but from all appearances, she seems tied to Prosperity Doctrine. And I might also add that Kate (and others) seems to have taken those ideas to their extremes.
On the other hand, and while I can't speak for all Christians, there's a much-quoted passage in the Bible that speaks to what most Evangelical Christians believe.
A rich man asks Jesus what he needs to do in order to inherit eternal life (in Heaven). Jesus responded by telling him to keep the commandments, and then adds, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
The young man is unhappy to hear that, and rejects that idea. Jesus famously responds to him by saying,
"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:23-24 (Also told in Mark 10:24-25, and Luke 18:24-2)
Admin. could you explain what this means: "The contract also included a provision that the Gosselins would “guarantee” the children’s “performance” and “obligations.”
Also, can we figure out what Multiple Blessings made in total? And what percentage did Kate receive?
Improbable Dreams, perfect biblical example.
The contract also included a provision that the Gosselins would “guarantee” the children’s “performance” and “obligations.”
The kids were (and are) minors. They weren't able to sign their own contracts, so it was up to the parents to make sure that they were on the set when they were supposed to be, doing what they were supposed to do. I believe this is what Jon was up against when he went to the courts because he didn't want them going to Australia. The kids, by virtue of Kate signing a contract and guaranteeing the children would film, were required to fulfill their obligations and that meant they would "work" in Australia.
Kate reduced God to a waiter with a towel over his arm there to get her whatever she asked,..now she is a fair weather friend....maybe God turned her over to her own lust and she is reaping what she sowed
What has she got that makes everyone back down from her? I really want to know.
I swear, she's gotta have pictures of somebody at TLC doing something they're not supposed to be doing.
Admin. could you explain what this means: "The contract also included a provision that the Gosselins would “guarantee” the children’s “performance” and “obligations.”
I think that literally means that Jon and Kate can't just say well Mady's not working today she doesn't feel well or doesn't feel like it. Or Hannah can't work today she has piano practice and soccer.
I really think that's what that means. I think they literally made Jon and Kate promise to FORCE the kids to work no matter what.
In a way that provision kind of makes sense even though it's terribly unfair to the children. The draw of the show was "plus 8". You can't just have an episode where Aaden is mysteriously missing or Mady just pops in at the end. Or even if half the kids are at a school even or something. They felt the draw of the show was the mayhem of eight. If some are gone it takes away from the whole "hook" of things.
Someone is tweeting to support to Robert's legal fund. Does he have one? I thought money that was donated was going to a charity.
If the Gosselin kids weren't working, why was it necessary to contract them to their performance and obligations??
God forgive me if I'm being too cynical here, but I wondered when I read that section if maybe that's why Kate didn't take the kids to the doctor.
If they were sidelined by sickness (strep throat, for instance)--say, because of doctor's orders--that would've shut down filming & therefore slowed the flow of cash.
Admin #18, excellent point! That wording alone in the contract proves that Kate was lying through her teeth when she said they were just playing. Even though we all knew that already.
Therefore, any judge with half a brain would be able to see that the kids had no choice and were working. If only Kate was dumb enough to push this issue and take the book to court. It would really blow the lid off of this farce.
I can't say how big the group is, but there is a group of Christians who feel the need to justify their riches because somewhere along the way it became wrong to be rich and Christian, so they do this to deal with the guilt problem.
The group of Christians I identify with reject this thinking, though it has many members who are quite wealthy, but do not feel the need to attribute this to God. Rather, they take credit for their own hard work but believe that to whom much is given much is required. This is regarded by mainstream Christians as more Biblically based than the Prosperity movement, which doesn't explain how it works when it turns out you're NOT prospering.
On the other hand, and while I can't speak for all Christians, there's a much-quoted passage in the Bible that speaks to what most Evangelical Christians believe.
One could write an entire thesis on the definition of an "evangelical Christian" and still not know the meaning of the term. Many people may, in fact, be one and not even know it. More so than not, the Doctrine of Prosperity is practiced by those who are members of a non-denominational church. In reading Kate's writings, it certainly does appear that she believed in the Doctrine of Prosperity, but somewhere along the way, her beliefs got twisted dramatically because she wasn't willing to give up her riches and follow Him, but rather kept taking and taking, believing that He would give her what she wanted and needed.
It doesn't work this way. She wanted the best of both worlds -- keeping her wealth and expecting more and more, but at the same time giving up nothing in return.
If they were sidelined by sickness (strep throat, for instance)--say, because of doctor's orders--that would've shut down filming & therefore slowed the flow of cash.
I never figured out why she didn't take one of the twins to the dr, the kid had a stomach issue for a MONTH...wtf? when she finally did take her to the dr, she never documents in her journal what is was. Puzzling.
"Discovery maintained a frightening amount of control over the family contractually, including where they would travel, what they wore and even how they styled their hair... They specifically prohibited the Gosselins from subjecting their contracts to union rules such as SAG… The contract also included a provision that the Gosselins would “guarantee” the children’s “performance” and “obligations.” Discovery released themselves of all responsibility in the event of an accident or even death. They also had a provision excluding them from any worker’s compensation claims. Any personal photos and video the family took in the course of the show was the property of Discovery. Discovery could terminate the contract at any time for any reason without owing the Gosselins a cent. It was the Gosselin’s obligation to secure any necessary work permits and travel documents. They also wrote in the right to sue should any member of the family breach any of their obligations."
THIS is why the book was pulled and why the Daily Mail scrubbed their article from the net and Radaronline is toeing the line. Posters mistake the matter when they attribute it to Kate’s power. She is a nobody and her power is limited. It is corporate image and potential wrongdoing that is primarily behind the ban.
I posted on this blog back in the day, when Jon was leaving the show and all the craziness was going on, something to the effect that he must be under TREMENDOUS pressure from the corporate power deployed against him. People were kvetching that he should be doing more to get the kids off the show. We don’t know what or how much he was doing, but if he was taking on TLC/Discovery, he was up against a Goliath.
I have always had a degree of sympathy for both of them. Neither one strikes me as the brightest bulbs on the tree. They foolishly signed a Draconian contract and allowed themselves to be thoroughly exploited by a rapacious corporation. Money and fame went to their heads. Kate’s grifting went into the stratosphere and Jon had delusions of getting another show of his own.
Luckily, he eventually came to his senses. I hope he did not help the author with this book. Any abuse of the children, of course, should be stopped. And I'm glad the exploitative and abusive contract TLC had them sign is now public. But the level of detail in this book about their mother’s private dealings is not in the best interests of the children.
Improbable Dreams, you're not being cynical. It just proves what we have always known: Kate put the money and financial gains above her own childrens well being.
Someone is tweeting to support to Robert's legal fund. Does he have one? I thought money that was donated was going to a charity.
Tweet -- I think the money from book proceeds goes to charity; donations on PayPal go to the legal fund.
njay said... 6
Brought from last thread.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 150
''As everyone else has commented, I do not understand how Kate can be the self-serving, abusive b@*!& she is and get away with it.''
njay said
''The one thing that Robert has that no one else has is the documentation to save himself from a lawsuit of libel or defamation of character. Should any other website or person, for that matter, say she did what Robert said, they would be in danger. So I would think. Am I wrong anyone? Feel free to answer..
I think that KK has gotten away with everything going on because she was being protected by TLC/Discovery, in order to continue filming their cash cows, and making hundreds of millions on the backs of abused Jon and abused children.
I agree that the ONE thing that has protected Robert is the things he found in the trash on the backup disks that were in KK's own words. It has included copies of the contracts she signed, emails and so much more. It never entered their minds that Kate would throw that stuff away!! WE may realize she is as dumb as a box of hair, but even we were shocked at the things she threw away...all because she was in a blind rage at Jon.
If they can't stomp Robert into submission, it totally clears the way for Jon and the Gosselin children to sue them for every cent that vast corporation owns!!
This is just another example of how stupid and naive Ms Kreider and Jon were. To sign a contract with such provisions, and so few protections, you can tell the only legal advice they got was from the Discovery attorneys. So anxious to get on film and TV, let's sign quick, who cares what it says!
I posted a long tome ago, quote a few years back now, a producer for Wife Swap I think contacted the owner of a comic book store my dh and I have been going to for years. They were looking for a comic/ superhero loving family to be on the show. The figure mentioned was thirty thousand dollars for total compensation. Of course the production companies for these shows own the rights to the film in perpetuity. The dh and I mentioned it to the kids, they said a resounding NO! We had rejected the idea quickly, but wanted to see what they thought, and we all agreed! I love it when everyone is in agreeance!
Renmona Blue, I know that Kate was protected by TLC while she was under contract to them. However, it doesn't explain why everyone was still giving her a free pass during the past year. That's always been my frustration. She had no one backing her, but everyone still treated her with kid gloves.
I don't blame TLC.
Jon and Kate were greedy and expected the world to support them.
Had it not been TLC, they would still be the same grifters.
TLC gave them an opportunity that they really screwed up. Kate could be the young Martha Stewart with eight (count 'em eight) kids. Jon could have been the poster child for stay at home dads.
If it hadn't been TLC it would have been the church circuit.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 29
''Renmona Blue, I know that Kate was protected by TLC while she was under contract to them. However, it doesn't explain why everyone was still giving her a free pass during the past year. That's always been my frustration. She had no one backing her, but everyone still treated her with kid gloves''
My best bet is that TLC/Discovery still owns everything Kate & Jon plus 8, and Kate plus 8. They are showing them in countries around the world. It is in their best interest to try to continue to pose Kate as the wonderful mother of 8, in order to continue to make money from them.
I'm not certain I explained very well what I'm thinking, but hope you can figure it out!
OOOPS! I didn't add my name.
The Piggie Pie comment is from MOI.
The contract was simpler to understand than I expected. Whether Jon and Kate truly understood everything they were giving up by simple agreeing to give up SAG protections, workers comp, etc., I'm not sure. The next question is whether a layman should be expected to understand the implications of such waivers. I'm not sure I know the answer.
Remona Blue, you explained it very well. I didn't think of the shows still being shown in other countries. I guess TLC makes enough money off of that to make it worthwhile to still defend Kate. I really don't know because I freely admit to being uneducated on how this all works.
Admin #33, I agree that a layman would not truly understand all of the repercussions of the contract. However, the layman can still pay to have a lawyer review it and explain everything.
Years ago, I had an issue with my car and before filing suit or agreeing to a settlement, we consulted and attorney and it cost us $400, but it was money well spent. We based our decision on the sound legal advice we received.
My point is Jon and Kate were willing to sign over their family, their kids, and their rights without thinking any further than the dollar signs on the contract, as well as the publicity and fame they would achieve. That is Jon and Kate's fault, not TLC's.
LoveMyGrandsons, now that Robert has exposed it all, they realize that it's not only abuser Kate Kreider that they have to protect, but because of her stupidity, THEY are at risk!
Robert said his entire reason for doing this was to protect those abused babies, and I believe him. I admire him very much for not folding as soon as they shot the big guns at him!
Moi said... 30
"I don't blame TLC."
This kind of attitude just amazes me. Don't misundertand me - I don't absolve Jon and Kate of all responsibility. They have some very human failings and faults that a LOT of people have. There are many others who would have made the same mistake - and lived to regret it.
I read a lot of talk about Christianity here but see little of it displayed. Is there no understanding - even while disapproving - that some people are susceptible to getting their heads turned by money and fame? And then they are ripe for exploitation by an organization like TLC.
It seems like a lot of people here just like to revel in their hate for Kate. I don't care for her at all myself. And I hope she and the kids get the help they need so the abuse stops. But, sheesh!
Jon appears to have learned and grown. That counts for a lot with me. But disentangling himself and his kids, when he is up against an entity FAR MORE POWERFUL that he is, is incredibly difficult. I don't understand why people here don't grasp the power imbalance here.
"TLC gave them an opportunity that they really screwed up."
Huh?? An opportunity to sell their souls! And they were foolish enough to take it. You really don't see anything wrong with a potential employer making those kinds of demands? Is it even legal to say they can't have workman's comp if injured?
aggiemom09121416 said... 7
The book doesn't follow a specific timeline, but I remember somewhere in it it said they were filming 40 HOURS a WEEK for one 30 MINUTE episode. that's insane.
Yep. The Gosselins and TLC took the real OUT of reality.
aggiemom09121416 said... 23
Mady had severe constipation problems...perhaps (JMO) related to her potty training memories.I've read a bad experience then can lead to life-long issues with bowel and bladder function.
Some episodes were filmed without the twins (at school) and I think there was one without Cara. But the tups were always present, all 6.
I only feel bad for the kids. If Jon and Khate were stupid enough to sign contracts without a lawyer then that's on them. They weren't swindled, they were greedy. They were both so into never having to work again that they'd happily sign over their children's lives and privacy without a second thought. No, wait, there was a second thought. But that second thought was "Let's hire someone to make sure we can ring every pence out of the world!"
No "understanding" here.
Hope for Jon I don't think your opinion is all that unpopular here. A lot of people here have a lot of disgust for how TLC treated them. Certainly they have a moral obligation not to take advantage of an ignorant couple with eight kids desperate to make ends meet.
Hope For Jon, I understand what you are saying, and yes, when Jon wanted to quit he had a powerful corporation against him. However, because of the contrat that he and Kate both signed, his hands were tied and his fight was difficult.
My point is that Jon and Kate were not 16 year olds. They were in their twenties and had children to think about. They didn't make wise decisions and didn't check with lawyers first, as they should have. As the responsible adults, it was their responsibility to make the right decisions for their family and their children; they didn't do that. They were blinded by the money and fame.
I do have to say that the comment that many others would have made the same choices is the excuse Kate and her sheeple used: you would do it too if it was offered to you. Please do not take this the wrong way because I honestly do not intend to offend you, but my point is that Jon and Kate were responsible for their decisions, just as my husband and I were for ours.
However, if we made wrong decisions, we tried to correct them instead of playing them out publicly for all the world to see and read about. Kate, and somewhat Jon, never felt that way and it shows in having the divorce issues filmed and written about. Once again, Jon and Kate didn't take the responsibility to think all of this through before putting their family, and their children, on the line publicly.
I also want to add that yes, TLC is monster looking to exploit families. However, they wouldn't have this clout if there weren't families willing to be exploited for fame and fortune. The families signing up to put their personal lives on camera for money, in my opinion, are more responsible for this fiasco because they were willing to sell their privacy for fame and fortune.
Ultimately, parents are the adults responsible for protecting their children and making the best decisions for their children and the family as a whole.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone with this.
LoveMyGrandsons wrote:
"My point is that Jon and Kate were not 16 year olds. They were in their twenties and had children to think about. They didn't make wise decisions and didn't check with lawyers first, as they should have. As the responsible adults, it was their responsibility to make the right decisions for their family and their children; they didn't do that. They were blinded by the money and fame."
I agree with all of the above. My points are that: 1) they don't strike me as very intelligent - and therefore more easily exploited; and 2) TLC also bears responsibility - and is the more powerful agent here.
We've all made mistakes. Some people make bigger and worse mistakes than others. Some people don't learn from their mistakes. And some mistakes are easier to undo than others.
Kate claimed several times that if any of the kids didn't want to film and wanted the show to end, they would have ended it at any time. How was that going to work if the parents guaranteed that the children's obligation would be fulfilled? Is there a provision in the contract that if any of them wanted filming to cease, that the parents had the legal right to pull the plug?
Hope for Jon said... 37
''.........Jon appears to have learned and grown. That counts for a lot with me. But disentangling himself and his kids, when he is up against an entity FAR MORE POWERFUL that he is, is incredibly difficult. I don't understand why people here don't grasp the power imbalance here......
Hope for Jon, I think that many posters on this blog have commented many times about Jon learning and growing. There have been many times that Jon has been given 'attaboys' about doing all he could to get the filming of the kids shut down. There have been many many comments about how TLC/Discovery stomped him to a greasy spot and prevented him from getting work. Admin has complained many times about them preventing Jon from making a commercial to be shown at the SuperBowl, that would have made him a lot of money.
Jon has been called on his mistakes on this blog, many times. In the chapters we're discussing, the comments are reflecting Jon & Kate in that time frame.
As has been noted, we are a very diverse group, and have never been pushed to all agree on anything. Thank goodness!
from the previous thread:
readerlady said... 158
More Buckeyes coming out of the woodwork! I love it. Winsomeone, I used to live near you, in Sandusky Co. Starts with an F and ends with a T, LOL. I think there are so many Buckeyes here because we're right next door to PA and feel like we're KKs neighbors, too.
I lived there for about a year in junior high!!! My first experience up close and personal with seasonal migrant farm workers.
Such a small world...
About Kate: one of the things that got to me in the book is her constant "gift card gift card gift card" obsession. If she wanted something she would make one call and within minutes, someone had 'called in a gift card' for her. She would call or text right at the cash register "I went over my gift card limit. PLEASE CALL THE STORE AND TELL THEM (THEM!!!!) WHAT TO DO!" and within minutes she would get a reply "called in another gift card for you!" She had no limits on anything, not on her mouth, her hands, her spoons, her temper, her ego, her wallet, nothing. Not one limit in life.
And for those that have had the opportunity to read the book, is there any phrase more annoying on the planet right now than "All Best"??!?!
All Best, All Best, All Best. what the HELL does that even mean? It is even more annoying to me than "Thanks! Have a Grea8t Day!"
LoveMyGrandsons said... 43
"I also want to add that yes, TLC is monster looking to exploit families. However, they wouldn't have this clout if there weren't families willing to be exploited for fame and fortune. The families signing up to put their personal lives on camera for money, in my opinion, are more responsible for this fiasco because they were willing to sell their privacy for fame and fortune."
Yep, but then how do they get out of it later - when they realize how stupid and wrong they were? That's what I mean about power imbalance. I'm thankful I never made the kind of stupid mistake I can't undo. I have the feeling Jon did try and was willing to make sacrifices and humble himself to undo it - but couldn't.
"I'm sorry if I offended anyone with this."
Not offensive at all - a very civil conversation!
And now, I'm out, probably for another year or so. :) Best to all.
I just wanted to say to all of you that the opinions that I have expressed tonight have always been my opinions. For whatever reason, I just felt uncomfortable expressing them. I definitely do not excuse TLC, not by a long shot. However, the bulk of the responsiblity, in my opinion, rests on Jon and Kate. And Honey Boo Boo's family, and the parents of Toddlers and Tiara's, etc.
In my humble opinion, I think that Kate & Jon were fully aware of what they were getting into.
They were both seduced by the fame & easy money. Jon & Kate would have (without a doubt)allowed TLC to film their kids, way into their college years.
Thank God that Jon threw a monkey wrench into Kate's/TLC's plans...
I agree with your opinion. It ultimately falls on Kate and Jon. Now, if they were truly ignorant, and I mean having a low IQ, then I might feel a tad bit sorry for them. Jon did see the light, the error of his ways. Kate just reveled in it. She is not that stupid. She's just a greedy person and her greed kept in TLC'c hands. She is solely to blame for her decisions. Jon got out, she could have too. JMO.
Improbable Dreams said... 19
God forgive me if I'm being too cynical here, but I wondered when I read that section if maybe that's why Kate didn't take the kids to the doctor.
If they were sidelined by sickness (strep throat, for instance)--say, because of doctor's orders--that would've shut down filming & therefore slowed the flow of cash.
Yes, and in the contracts the entire family only gets 7 'sick days' per contract year. not 7 days in a row for someone to be sick, but a total of 7 times in a contract year for ANYONE to be sick. And when they do have a sick day, the money stops and is prorated for the time missed.
TLC/Discovery should rot in hell for lowering the bar on what's considered entertainment.
And child exploitation should never be must-see t.v.
Brings to my mind the last part of Monty Python's "Galaxy Song":
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth.
The kids must be with Jon this weekend...no tweets or her handlers have put a muzzle on her and duct taped her fingers
What saves Kate today is most likely continued financial support from Discovery to save the brand which is Kate.
I believe with that comes all the tabloid magazine articles that are owned and possibly funded by direct links to Discovery which spin and lie and paint Kate as the continual victim (so far from the truth). Everyone just plays along.
I am probably sure she most likely is paying no money at all for her current legal team, which to me is just as infuriating.
The only demise of Kate and the brand will come if video evidence of her habitual rotten behaviors surface. That is the only situation that will put Discovery and Kate at a significant disadvantage with no ability to back pedal and spin their lies.
Well it's taken me about 3 hours to get caught up here and the last thread.
Thank you so much guys for the Rumspringa information. I have one now and am in debt to you all forever.
I am furious with TLC/Discovery. 10 people in a contract and only 7 sick days among them. That is wrong and child abuse in itself in my opinion!
No wonder they're worried about trade secrets although I suspect it's secrets they are worried about!
I didn't watch the show at the time but I've read that the six were a year late in commencing school. I've often wondered if the delay was due to their obligation to appear for filming per the contract their parents signed calling for their appearance (performance).
I was finishing a purchase at a local store today, thanking the cashier and was about to say "Have a great day" and stopped. Instead, I said "Enjoy the day." After reading over and over Kate's "Have a gr8t day" in The Book... well, that's not going to be a phrase I use now.
Pink, yes TLC has definitely lowered what is considered entertainment, as have all reality shows. However, they couldn't do it without willing participants clamoring to sell their pride and souls for the almighty dollar.
Anonymous said... 57
I didn't watch the show at the time but I've read that the six were a year late in commencing school. I've often wondered if the delay was due to their obligation to appear for filming per the contract their parents signed calling for their appearance (performance).
At the time, many many of us here thought the same thing. Jon said 2 werent ready for kindergarten so they did another year of nursery school or "junior kindergarten" as it is called in some places. Then in real kindergarted a year late, 2 WERE indeed expelled for behavioral problems (excuse me. Not expelled: TOLD to LEAVE) so who knows.
I haven't read the TLC contract but were the Gosselin's considered employees, did they receive a W-2 or a 1099? If it was a 1099 than no they wouldn't receive workmans comp. As a self employed contract person you handle that yourself.
Where's Jon, I understand your anger and agree with you. However, it was Mom and Dad that agreed to this ridiculous stipulation and signed the contract on behalf of their children.
I'm sorry to be such a rebel tonight, but I've always felt that none of this would have happened if Kate (and Jon to an extent), weren't so hungry for fame and fortune. They got it, but their kids paid the price. If only Mom and Dad would have thought about that BEFORE they signed. However, we already know that Kate has no regrets and would do it all again in a heartbeat if it was offered to her. That's why I hold the parents more responsible than TLC.
Thanks, Admin, for posting another set of chapter summaries for us to discuss. This segment illustrates so well the old saying, "the love of money is the root of all evil."
Hope, Grandsons, et al. -- I agree with you up to a point. KK is stupid, but she's canny. Jon, I don't think is unintelligent. Naive, immature at the time, ignorant -- in the sense that he didn't know and understand the implications of what was going on -- and completely controlled by KK. She's like a juggernaut. Once she gets an idea and runs with it, she flattens everyone in her path. In this case, it was Jon and her children. KK never had the best interests of her kids at heart. It was all ME, ME, ME. When Jon wised up to this and began to try to extricate himself and the children, he found that he was at the center of the Gordian Knot. I think Jon's biggest mistake in all this was loving and trusting the wrong woman. All this to say that yes, the parents bear a great deal of responsibility, but TLC recognized the dynanmic, played it to their advantage, and exploited the family's naivete to the hilt. I really wonder what would have happened if Jon's father hadn't died when he did. I bet he would have advised them to run for the hills.
I haven't commented today.
Improbabledreams, thank you for your explanation. I'm sure "HE" is happy with your explanation. I know I am.
I'd love for someone to ask her about the vows ceremony. If the 'red flags' were always there, and you believe that you would really be divorcing anyway, why do the ceremony? Why tell your children you would always be together and why not go into counseling to improve the situation? These are the questions no one ever asks her. Ugh.
Kate writes in the journals about "losing it" when the crew is there filming. I think she went into another room. She names someone as being there one time. So, they were aware of what was going on.
There is also an email from Kate in the book to someone ?Angela? about travel arrangements and she mentions going to Nyack? for surgery. It might have the date on it. Don't have time to look right now, but it's in there.
Of course, she and Mady did the episode in San Diego alone in Mar09? and she could have gone up to La Jolla then too...
Thanks, njay and Lovemygrandsons. There's lots of wisdom (and compassion) wrapped up in that seemingly simple story. It's one of my absolute favorites.
readerlady, you're right, Kate was the ball of fire behind all of this. However, Jon was equally responsible at the time as his former employer related that Jon said he wouldn't have to work ever again. However, I do believe that Kate was the driving force behind all of this. Once again, though, TLC wouldn't have profitted if the parents weren't willing to give up their rights for the almighty dollar. I just cannot excuse Jon and Kate for that.
I'm sure that my opinions have upset some, but I have to be honest with how I truly feel. I've just taken my meds for the bacterial lung infection and am ready for bed soon. Have a good night all.
By the way, I love that we can all express different opinions here and not be attacked, just have an intelligent mature conversation, even if we disagree. Thanks, Admin, for the great job you do.
Dwindle (#60) Thanks for your reply.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 62
Where's Jon, I understand your anger and agree with you. However, it was Mom and Dad that agreed to this ridiculous stipulation and signed the contract on behalf of their children.
I'm sorry to be such a rebel tonight, but I've always felt that none of this would have happened if Kate (and Jon to an extent), weren't so hungry for fame and fortune. They got it, but their kids paid the price. If only Mom and Dad would have thought about that BEFORE they signed. However, we already know that Kate has no regrets and would do it all again in a heartbeat if it was offered to her. That's why I hold the parents more responsible than TLC.
I totally agree that none of this would have happened if they hadn't signed, and continued to sign, those stupid contracts.
However, I am unwilling to continue to lay ALL the blame on Jon & Kate, when in MY opinion, it was the horrible Corporate giant that wrote those vile contracts. The same vile Corporate giant protected and covered up Kate's abuse. That Corporation, managed the divorce and prevented Jon from working for years.
Maybe I just believe in second chances....or forgiveness when one sees the error of their ways. I forgive Jon because he has publicly apologized and said he will live with the guilt of what he had done for all his life. He adores his children and they have shown over and over how much they love him.
I haven't read the TLC contract but were the Gosselin's considered employees, did they receive a W-2 or a 1099? If it was a 1099 than no they wouldn't receive workmans comp. As a self employed contract person you handle that yourself.
Robert stated they received a 1099 misc. Those are a booger--you have to pay all the social security/medicare withholdings, employer pays zero. It sucks, believe me.
" ...Each of the kids run of different timers, where they will get antsy, crying or even have a full tantrum depending on how long they are left alone or not given what they need.”
Kate was sure all set and ready to exploit every aspect of her childrens lives. I'll bet she squealed like a pig when the folks at TLC told her about a video game. Woohoo. More $$$!!
Oh and funny the game didn't include extra points for smacking the kids around if they pooped their pants. Obviously they should have learned to hold it by the time they were two and a half years old. Never mind that their mother left them all alone so these accidents would happen. She set them up. What kind of a mother does that?
I know she would prefer the public love her but in her mind being hated is better than being ignored.
Okay, this is my last post for tonight. Remona Blue, I completely agree that Jon realized the mistake and tried to correct it, even going up against the big guns of TLC. He loves his children and it is obvious how much they love him. Yes, everyone deserves second chances and I am so happy how Jon has tried to turn things around.
However, although TLC wrote the contract, again I will state that no one put a gun to the parents head to force them to sign. I do believe that Kate was enamored with publicity, fame, and fortune, that she pushed Jon into it. The bottom line is, though, that none if this wouldn't have happened if the parents weren't so greedy and signed the contract, especially without seeking legal advice.
I just read this old article about Jon and some of his comments. Maybe someone else might enjoy it. It does make sense of some things now that Roberts book came out.
Parts of that book just keep coming back to me...her journal talks about one of the boys having an issue with potty training...she spanked him so hard, etc etc, and thought he should have had a better handle on it AFTER FIVE DAYS....FIVE DAYS....
I bet those kids spent most of their toddlerhood in their cribs..(12 hrs at night, 4 hr naps...that's already 16 of 24 hrs a day..and sometimes they were punished and sent back to their cribs.
She does say she knows to put them in their cribs and walk away from them when she's really angry.
Kate needs to get help.
It's amazing how she's been silenced since all this hit the fan. I wonder what she's doing with all her twitter-time? I hate to say it, but maybe it's better she non-stop tweet when the kids are home, at least she isn't screaming or 'disciplining' them. Who knows what's been going on in that house since she can't tweet due to the book backlash.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 75
''....... The bottom line is, though, that none if this wouldn't have happened if the parents weren't so greedy and signed the contract, especially without seeking legal advice.''
I don't think a single person has disagreed with you that none of this would have happened w/o them signing those contracts. If you point out someone that did, I'll be happy to respond to them.
My take for Kate, always watching her mouth move.
I really do think she might get a dating show.
Where is her self respect?
She will once again debase herself. One shot at humiliation. Yes, she would do that to herself and her faimily. She has not one shred of natural love for the what came from her own body. Be ashamed Kate Gosslein. Be ashamed of yourself.
I find it ironic that with all her confidentiality agreements she is the one who
carelessly disclosed, by discarding, information that her employer claims should have been confidential.
If you are looking for the original dirty hands, it is the parents, as they were the ones that sent out videos of their family. As they say, they drew first blood.
Yes, there are many others culpable in this mess, but it started with the parents.
It is also good that it ENDED with one parent coming to his senses.
And the kids got to pay the price with their childhoods.
God forgive me if I'm being too cynical here, but I wondered when I read that section if maybe that's why Kate didn't take the kids to the doctor.
If they were sidelined by sickness (strep throat, for instance)--say, because of doctor's orders--that would've shut down filming & therefore slowed the flow of cash
That would have been a act of love to take them to the doctor. After what I have read my thought leans more to the thought of just being too lazy. It "ANNOYED" her to do anything for anyone else. I'm quite surprised that with her narcissism she didn't also have Munchhausen by proxy disease.
New Hampshire said... 79
My take for Kate, always watching her mouth move.
I really do think she might get a dating show.
If she does, I hope she doesn't become another Susan Smith who drowned her children in a lake because her boyfriend didn't want children. If Kate can't film the children, which I'm pretty sure Jon wont let happen again, then they will be of no use to her.
I think this will blow up sooner than later.
People can get away with their games, lies, abuse and manipulation for a long time.
Snark and games may allow her to pretend, but the truth is KARMA will get you every time.
I'm quite surprised that with her narcissism she didn't also have Munchhausen by proxy disease.
That would mean that she would be misleading others to believe that her child is sick, and would make multiple trips to the doctor and hospital for attention. She didn't want to be bothered with that, which is why she let the kids be sick without any medical attention. If she would do the Munchausen thing (with only seven sick days allowed as per contract), the money flow would cease.
njay said...Somehow, my comment got split in two. But, I agree I hope she does not become another Susan Smith. Fortunately, that witch loves herself too much to risk prison. I truly believe she will give the children up to Jon. Sooner than later. I really think she is more than tired of them. I raised two chldren, never have I ever had thoughts toward them as she has. It is just not natural for a Mother to label or describe a child as she has. Shee is nut's in my book.
Its sad to see that the family got 7 sick days total. I get more then that at my job in the underfunded public higher education sector. I get 2 weeks sick leave and 10 days vacation. This is my first year on the job. I also get paid holidays including one week where the university is closed down. Poor kids had to work no matter what.
I do think that Jon and Kate were naive when they signed the original contract. They saw $$$$ and signed their lives away. I stopped watching when Jon wanted to quit but Kate did not. Kate said they would stop if someone in the family wanted to. She did not hold up her end of the agreement so I stopped watching. Besides, it was not fun to watch an unhappy family. I got enough of that growing up.
I had to stop reading the book. It gave me nightmares from my own abusive childhood. I do want to say that men can be physically and emotionally abused. Our society seems to think its impossible. Its not impossible. I saw my dad live through it. I feel for Jon because of what I experienced as a child. He did some stupid things, but, everyone has.
In her journals I don't recall Kate pondering how much time filming would take, how Jon could work and film both, how they would manage if one of the kids had to go to the hospital, etc.
You know, the things parents think about when they are making a major change in their family.
All I remember her looking at was salary per episode and the "fringe benefits".
Apparently the other issues were not given the weight they deserved. Money and stuff rule.
The goal of the Gosselin game was to get the kids to bed. Isn't that just what Kate said on Couric the other day, get 'em to bed and forget about 'em, in not so many words?
Is Robert ok for big parts of his book to be re-printed here?
This discussion re the "ownership" contract by Discovery highlights why it is crucial that federal laws be changed, to at least protect minors from the overwhelming greed of corporations like Discovery. It's like pre child labor law days, when children slaved in factories for pennies a day.
Discovery had not one whit of concern or compassion for those children. They were just a commodity to be exploited to the fullest extent. If that meant they were beat into submission, fine by Discovery. Never ever forget that Discovery is soulless and will pretty much do anything to make a buck. They were the perfect partner for Kate.
Anonymous said... 90
Is Robert ok for big parts of his book to be re-printed here?
Why don't you ask him?
AggieMom and Remona, I also come from Texas. I live in Houston. Yee haw!
My three grandsons. I am right there with you about grand kids. I have 3 as well, but our middle one is our precious girl. I just adore these 3 so much and have so much fun with the. They live very close to us so I drop in from time to time with goodies in hand. They all come running to greet me. How I do treasure them!
Aggiemom - 77 ... I bet those kids spent most of their toddlerhood in their cribs..(12 hrs at night, 4 hr naps...that's already 16 of 24 hrs a day..and sometimes they were punished and sent back to their cribs.
In addition to that bleak math, she also admitted that they were severely punished if the climbed out of their cribs.
(There was an exception when cameras were put in the room to film them climbing in and out with Kate acting as if she thought it was cute.)
Savethe8FromEvilKate said... 89
The goal of the Gosselin game was to get the kids to bed. Isn't that just what Kate said on Couric the other day, get 'em to bed and forget about 'em, in not so many words?
TLC must have picked up on that early on to incorporate it into a game.
It seems like keeping them at a distance is a high priority for her, whether it's a school or a bedroom. She does tweet a lot about their early bedtimes.
Also, her bedroom is quite isolated from all eight of her kids. Odd that a mother would choose to be so far out of earshot of her children. They're so young! How would you hear them if they called for you in the middel of the night?
Clearly she doesn't like being around them. If they're not making money for her she doesn't want to see them.
(There was an exception when cameras were put in the room to film them climbing in and out with Kate acting as if she thought it was cute.)
YES! She called him a little monkey and patted his bottom gently and told him he was a big boy for climbing on his crib, getting himself into bed.
What conflicting messages she gave them!
On second thought, they probably don't call for her in the middle of the night. She probably wouldn't come to find out what was the matter or if she did, she'd beat the hell out of them for waking her from her precious sleep.
Dmasy said... 94
(There was an exception when cameras were put in the room to film them climbing in and out with Kate acting as if she thought it was cute.)
That by itself is damaging. Children need consistency. They learn what is right from wrong by the consequences of their actions. Children need immanent logical consequences. I will never forget the time that I had to sit in the car with my dad because I threw a tantrum in a restaurant. I will never forget that lesson.
When my mom hit me, the only lesson I learned was to hit those who did things that I did not like. Its clear from the videos that its also the lesson that the tups learned as toddlers.
Anonymous said... 90
Is Robert ok for big parts of his book to be re-printed here?
Why don't you ask him?
I am guessing he is busy at the moment.
Didn't mean to sound snarky, I was just curious if anyone checked with him. Wasn't sure if it could jeopardise legal stuff and future sales etc.
NewHampshire said... 86
Shee is nut's in my book.
Roberts too. SNARK!!!!
I hope your right about her giving Jon the kids.
Im going to comment once and then I'm going to take the weekend off!
TLC is a business, of course money was their only priority! Kate's priority should have been her children! The only thing that makes me angry about TLC is that they knew she was abusing her children and did nothing! If they had threatened her with taking away the show that money, fame hungry monster of a mother might have made an effort to stop!!
I have dedicated my entire adult life to helping children and I'm not going to stop now because her enablers , whether its the media or her followers, have started to circle the wagons to protect this dispictable woman! They have decided to label the people who are disgusted with her treatment of her children HATERS to take the attention away from Kate!
I think that the attention should be put back on Kate and Roberts book should help in her downfall! There is to much at stake( 8 children) to ignore!
Have a nice weekend!
( Let's throw tomatoes )
Anonymous said... 90
Is Robert ok for big parts of his book to be re-printed here?
Why don't you ask him?
I am guessing he is busy at the moment.
Didn't mean to sound snarky, I was just curious if anyone checked with him. Wasn't sure if it could jeopardise legal stuff and future sales etc.
I hope that if Robert does not want us to quote passages from his book he would contact Administrator and inform her. Or, come here and post the request. He knows we would comply.
Maybe our discussion and lifting info from his book is the only way it is staying alive and relevant at the moment.
I hope he gets to re-release the book soon. I hope that his legal battles aren't larger than he can handle.
I hope he becomes a wild success in print, on talk shows and with the people who respect his efforts.
KG is 40 years old! That is too old for a dating show!!! My G-d Kate! You ole hag! Nasty nasty nasty! You already want the world to think YOU are dating your security guard, and now you want him to watch you date other guys? We all saw you drunk/drinking getting your toes licked at a night HOT Spot when you went clubbing on TLC TV, with strangers, and that was sick enough to watch on a supposed FAMILY SHOW with children! Who wants to see you getting it on and anything else, YUCK? WTF are these producers thinking? This is gross. And her kids will be teased so bad at school. Cougar will be your new name. How can this happen? NO MORE KG NO MORE K Gross-lein! ENOUGH TLC/DISCOVERY/DISNEY/ABC/BRAVO/WE TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Period! E N O U G H
Though she is yet to find a network for her program the producer of the show will be holding auditions and casting calls soon and they are accepting applications for Kate Gosselin’s new show.
There's no date on that article, but I could swear I read the same thing in early summer. I remember thinking at the time...why would they do a casting call when no network has picked it up?
What about the possibly of contracting herpes (of the mouth or throat, lips?, HPV) Or that bacteria eating disease, or STD's or other GERMS (gasp) that could be exposed to her or her children? And she is a NURSE?
This is stupid. Bad idea IMHO. Total strangers ask to come to the casting call?
KG the book about you says you are a millionaire. If true, you can't say this dating show is for money you need.
Why not just skip this show and go straight to VIVID? At least they do screen. Some may have the opinion it is the same thing anyway.
KG you need to re-think this? Try a dating site and see how bad it is...before you sign a contact.
Though she is yet to find a network for her program the producer of the show will be holding auditions and casting calls soon and they are accepting applications for Kate Gosselin’s new show.
Yeah right Kate. There would only be one question on the application:
"Are you rich?"
What about the possibly of contracting herpes (of the mouth or throat, lips?, HPV) Or that bacteria eating disease, or STD's or other GERMS (gasp) that could be exposed to her or her children? And she is a NURSE?
So people shouldn't date because they can contract a disease? I'm not understanding your point.
On Kate Gosselin's dating show: who are these "producers?" that will be casting for her show? Since Kate has said it's her idea she's most likely the producer and may have to fund the show herself. With lawyers fees and new show cost Kate Gosselin in deed has millions in her 11 accts. plus her kids acct.!!
I believe the casting call auditions were sometime in August. Cannot imagine Kates kids watching guys coming on to her. Oh well, different strokes.
The point is..This will be a scripted dating TV show? Hot tubs, hot kissing on the same people at different times?? Cast expected to do things you may not do normally (guessing)for RATINGS?
Don't read into this. Dating off camera for a REALITY show is not the same thing. Robert just proved her other shows WERE scripted.
JShore cast were in their 20's, and the show was canceled. One cast member said she would never do it again so she could stay at home and be a MOM to her new baby.
What can be shown on her show that has not be shown on any of the other dating/marriage shows with much younger, mostly single, people?
I dunno. 8 beautiful young kids at home and she would be off dating TV strangers on a show? I don't get it.
Just move to LA KG. Give the kids to their dad. Go live your TV dreams.
I had to come back, well to unfortunately say I told you so!!
First , great job NJGal! Secondly I knew she had a dating show in the works!
1. Lots of working out and plastic surgery
2. Started twitter and blog to stay revalent , even though she hates her fans
3. Did whatever she could to stay in front of cameras
4. Last few months started talking about dating
5. Even though has boyfriend( Steve) well do anything for fame and money
6. Paid tens of thousands to delay the book from coming out
7. Media helped her out by not addressing book or slamming Robert/ Jon
8. Bravo will produce her dating show, I bet!
9. A child abuser, exploiter of her children, scammer will have another tv show
And: 10. She will be successful because " her haters will watch her" they can not stay away!!
I wish I was wrong but I doubt it!!
(Let's throw tomatoes)
So if Kate does get a dating show-(I hope not)will Steve be security on set.
Or will he be on the show as one of the lucky guys to date Kate?.
This is a reminder the anonymous posters need to pick a name or if you are just signing your name make an extra effort to figure out how to sign in. This makes the conversation easier to follow.
the producer of the show will be holding auditions and casting calls
Auditions, casting calls? If this is just Kate's life why is it being treated like a production of Annie?
You know Kate, you think you have it all figured out. Go ahead, do it. Try and produce and fund your own show. Good luck with it. Be sure and ask OWN Ms. OW how that is working out for her? She has many more millions than you.
I'm done with this..FOREVER. This is sooo over. Whatever...
Good luck G8 kids. You had a lot of people that really tried to help you. And who love you. The powers in charge say otherwise.
Thanks admin for all the hard work you did and do. And to Robert, I hope everything works out for you and your family. Best to you all.
I thought the dating show was dead in the water.
That is an old article and nothing has come of it. Apparently Kate has a show in mind but has yet to find anybody interested in it. That might be the mailing she sent off with a kiss.
I can see it now. Kate and Date Man 1 go to
Paris for a week of soaking up local color.
Kate and Date Man 2 go to Japan. Kate and Date Man 3 go to the Lesser Antilles. Kate and Date
Man 4 go to Rio de Janeiro.
Why wouldn't a producer pick that up? Kate thinks they should be standing in line with progressively lucrative cash offerings for the privilege of hosting her travels with a fine
Date Man.
fidosmommy said... 120
I thought the dating show was dead in the water.
That is an old article and nothing has come of it. Apparently Kate has a show in mind but has yet to find anybody interested in it. That might be the mailing she sent off with a kiss.
I can see it now. Kate and Date Man 1 go to
Paris for a week of soaking up local color.
Kate and Date Man 2 go to Japan. Kate and Date Man 3 go to the Lesser Antilles. Kate and Date
Man 4 go to Rio de Janeiro.
Why wouldn't a producer pick that up? Kate thinks they should be standing in line with progressively lucrative cash offerings for the privilege of hosting her travels with a fine
Date Man.
Maybe there is not enough money in the world for there to be a Date Man 1,2,3 and 4?
Admin. Are talking to me? I'm having problems with my iPad. I can't use NAME/URL, and can only use Anonymous with Google!
But I want to post by my user name Lets throw tomatoes because I don't like Anonymous because first of all there are to many and also I like to own what I say! But I'll try to figure it out!
A Mom said... 112
On Kate Gosselin's dating show: who are these "producers?" that will be casting for her show? Since Kate has said it's her idea she's most likely the producer and may have to fund the show herself. With lawyers fees and new show cost Kate Gosselin in deed has millions in her 11 accts. plus her kids acct.!!
Yep, bet it is she and Skeve. That way she'd have total control. Does anyone think she will be letting guys kiss her and be in hot tubs with them? I don't think she could do it unless she has a little wine all along.
He'd be the director and she'd be the producer. Good grief. Although if it means the kids have more time with Jon I'm for it.
Must be the reason for the new "SK8" corporation she just began...
I think kHate has long fancied herself in the genre of BRAVO'S Real Housewives; boy does she have another think coming.
And if BRAVO does take on her ridiculous self-serving dating show, they are playing with fire.
(Actually, they're playing with sh_t.) I love some of the Housewives shows, however, Andy is beginning to get on my last nerve; he's just too star struck and full of himself. He's also starting to appear a bit PHONY.
I, for one, would happily give up ALL things BRAVO if they pick up kHate's stupid show. Which would give me endless hours to write letters and post comments about Grocery Kart on their many websites.
P.S. I have three boys. I never even thought about potty training any of them until their third birthdays; boys take longer at learning many things and don't catch up 'til the teen years - potty training is one of those things. When they reach three, they all but teach themselves in a matter of DAYS without tears, humiliation, anger or M&Ms. (How STUPID, kHate. You were on bedrest for sixty years: didn't it cross your little mind to read even ONE child development book? You really are dumb.)
Just had to add that little tidbit. Thanx for reading, if you did!
Homer United Methodist Church and Saint Charles Borromeo Church is where I'll be at praying for MA and Kate. Hope to see you there! :)
I don't watch any Bravo shows. What does this
Watch What Happens show do? Is it a chat fest
like Leno, or an interview like Larry King/Piers Morgan, or what? Never heard of it or Andy Cohen.
Alana I read your comments and I agree with you! My kids didn't have any problems with potty training.
But I don't think they were the problem, I think Kate is the problem I think anything they would have done would have set Kate off! She has a out of control temper with those kids, and I don't think things have changed even if they are older!
Maybe now that she is exposed she will be more careful, but it is going to be hard for her! We can only hope!!
( let's throw tomatoes)
Andrea said... 87
I think you put into words what several people are feeling. Thank you.
njay said... 82
That would have been a act of love to take them to the doctor. After what I have read my thought leans more to the thought of just being too lazy. It "ANNOYED" her to do anything for anyone else. I'm quite surprised that with her narcissism she didn't also have Munchhausen by proxy disease.
I have thought about that too. Even though she would get attention, the child would get attention too and she cant have that at all.
There would be doctors and tests and procedures to 'organize' and 'mastermind' and she is too lazy. Also, I do think she learned during her 2nd and last pregnancy, that she cant bully medical professionals into jumping, stepping, fetching, and pitying her as much as she needs. Their focus would be on the sick child and it would not be enough nearly enough attention on Kate to feed her 'gaping maw of a fame hole'. (I forget what article that was from but I just loved that phrase.)
In short, Kate's need to control and be the absolute center of attention is even sicker than Munchhausen by Proxy could feed. I think.
Didn't know if any of you had seen this.
I still can't imagine her on a dating show. Not after the NYC fiasco. She may have made, or will make, a pilot and shop it around, but I can't imagine a network picking it up. I don't see them getting advertisers, and that's the crucial link. Those talking about her going to exotic locations for dates are, I am sure, correct, except that I don't see the show having the budget to do so, because again I don't anticipate advertiser dollars. This show she is supposed to be on Oct 11 on Bravo is very low budget. I know I couldn't watch a dating show with her. NYC with Jaime left me too uncomfortable to ever watch another set up. She isn't 13; she just thinks she is.
Personally I would love to see her on Celebrity Apprentice. Kate doesn't have a clue about team work. She's also not very intelligent. If you thought she was bad dancer just watch her up against these cut throats. They would put her in her place in a heartbeat.
I think Robert is brash and a little bit crazy to take on this project. But it's brilliant. If Kate calls him a liar he'll release more. I think the wicked witch or Wernersville may be check mated.
LoveMyGrandsons, I'm with you. My major hangups with the TLC is evil-JK were victims argument are
A) Jon and Khate went to them, not the other way around
B) JK had proven their extreme greed long before TLC came into the picture
C) JK didn't want the money to raise their children, they wanted it so that they'd never have to work again.
D) They were adults over the age of 25
aggiemom09121416 said... 7
The book doesn't follow a specific timeline, but I remember somewhere in it it said they were filming 40 HOURS a WEEK for one 30 MINUTE episode.that's insane.
I can't remember where I read this, it may have been on GWOP, and I think it was something Jodi's sister Julie mentioned that Jodi and Kevin had told her which was that Jon and Kate fought so much that they would film for 8 hours a day and were lucky if they could even get a few minutes worth to put on the show. So the above definitely makes sense!
And as far as Jon being on board for awhile, I also read that he bragged to people "We're the Number One show on TLC!!!"
readerlady said... 158
More Buckeyes coming out of the woodwork! I love it. Winsomeone, I used to live near you, in Sandusky Co. Starts with an F and ends with a T, LOL. I think there are so many Buckeyes here because we're right next door to PA and feel like we're KKs neighbors, too.
I lived there for about a year in junior high!!! My first experience up close and personal with seasonal migrant farm workers. "
Yes, good old sugar beets. My aunt still lives there. Now they have gangs I think?
Ok guys, TIME OUT on the dating show talk. This is what KATE WANTS. Buzz. There is no dating show. Can we just proceed with discussing the book? I do not want some internet site picking up that the blogs are discussing Kate's upcoming dating show. She has been putting that idea out there for months and months.
Who in their right mind writes down that they abused their children. She must have thought there was nothing wrong with it or that everyone else did it. I am sure she abused them much more violently than she wrote down.
Robert said in his book she is emotionally 13. Bloggers here have said the same thing.
I read on Preesi a discussion about Jamie sending a topless picture to Jon. I need to go back and reread that in the book, but I would not trust Jamie. Sounds like something she and Kate cooked up to get Jon out of the picture. There is a reason the Katebot, Jamie, and her first husband divorced and she did not get full custody.
She's come undone said... 93
AggieMom and Remona, I also come from Texas. I live in Houston. Yee haw!
I was raised in the greater Houston area.....yea, there are three of us!!!!!!! (do the three of us negate Kate's crazy fan from Allen??)
I agree with TLC stink 138....the ONLY dating show for Kate is in Kate's own mind. There is NO dating show. (I like how she takes credit for the dating show idea...it was an idea by one of her twitter fans. Wonder how that fan feels now, lol).
As far as Kate acting the age of a 13yr old, I have 13yr old twins. They DON'T act like Kate. I'd hate to stigmatize any age group with Kate's issues.
I think she's an almost 40yr old narcissistic woman with severe emotional issues.
We've all been in a testy mood since reading the book. As Kate said, Beth {Robert} wrote it and I {the kids} LIVED it..we just had to read about it. Those poor kids. You know one or more will write a book about what they have endured.
Here it is in Robert's book:
"...I wonder if you've seen the email or the topless photo your best friend Jamie sent to your husband Jon while she was trying to seduce him--while you were still married. I've seen them. I have them. Think I'm bluffing. Try me."
Back in August 2006, Kate wrote in her journal, "Jaime (sic) and I think so much alike and care for our kids the same way...."
You gotta wonder why Jamie did not get custody of her kids.
Anonymous said... 80
I find it ironic that with all her confidentiality agreements she is the one who
carelessly disclosed, by discarding, information that her employer claims should have been confidential.
lol. yep! Kate brought herself down by her own damning words.
Why don't TLC and Discovery go after HER? She's the one that let the cat out of the bag..
For those who believe Kate is running out of money, here's tidbit. Remember when celebritynetworth.com posted she's worth $5 million. This from Robert, "I certainly don't know Kate's exact net worth but that doesn't sound too high to me. In fact, with what I know about her investments, I'd guess her net worth to be more."
This is exactly what I have said before. She is living off her investment income. It totally is a LIE about the couponing and trying to come off as a normal, middleclass mom who worries about expenses. (Eyeroll here). I remember seeing that Robert has the list of all the investment firms she has money stashed in. So, there is money there for the kids, except if she manages to cut them out of it like she did Jon, because after all, it is "mine all mine".
Anonymous said... 131
Didn't know if any of you had seen this.
Just so everyone knows the above article came out in June. It's not current media hype.
Tamara said... 135
LoveMyGrandsons, I'm with you. My major hangups with the TLC is evil-JK were victims argument are
A) Jon and Khate went to them, not the other way around
B) JK had proven their extreme greed long before TLC came into the picture
C) JK didn't want the money to raise their children, they wanted it so that they'd never have to work again.
D) They were adults over the age of 25
you made such an excellent point- they didnt want the money to raise their children, but for themselves. And that's the problem.
In the book Robert said Kate said she was angry that the children diddt get full scholarships like the sextupets parents did for their children, and she even asked and was turned down. At that point she could have started putting money away for them!!! But no, she kept (she had control of the family finances) the money. Greed. Pure and simple. Very ugly trait.
One of the questions I have to ask myself when qualifying someone as self employed, contract employee or employee is whether the company makes all the decisions. For example if the company tells you where to work, what to do and when to do it you are an employee. If you work out of your office, the hours you choose and work for more than one company you could be classified as self employed.
Seems to me that TLC made all the decisions and they would be an employee - except that they worked from home. Might be something that the IRS would disagree with.
Boston 147
Yes, you are correct in your statement..1099 employees are considered self employed, so 'technically' employers cannot require 1099 employees to show up at a certain time, nor stay until a certain time.
But, you don't show up enough, and you are fired. 1099 employers hold all the cards.
Who in their right mind writes down that they abused their children
Some people write everything down in a journal. They can't talk to anyone, and it's a sort of personal therapy...get it off your chest, express your feelings. If she didn't have anyone to talk to about those things, it must have been one way to get it out in the "open" and yet keep it private.
I wonder if Kate has given up on the kids being back on TV- the tups will be 9 in May and the twins 12 in a couple of days. Neither they or the public likely want a show about them again. Kate will kick them to the curb ( or to Jon) if she does make a solo comeback. Ok, agree, moratorium on that!
Never understood the Jamie topless text- was Kate in on it? Why? To have 'proof' of Jon cheating back during the marriage? To me, Jamie seemed like a better mom to the G kids than Kate so idk why she doesn't have custody of her own children.
Anyone know if she still carries the Spanker around in the BBB?
To me, Jamie seemed like a better mom to the G kids than Kate so idk why she doesn't have custody of her own children.
In turn, Kate played with Jamie's kids and not her own.
What kind of custody does Jamie have? do we even know?
haha, carrying the spanker in the BBB...the smoking gun, as it were.
Anyone think Kate's being more careful with what she throws in the garbage??lol
She needs to find a good deal on a commercial paper shredder and share it on her CC blog!
I lived there for about a year in junior high!!! My first experience up close and personal with seasonal migrant farm workers. "
Yes, good old sugar beets. My aunt still lives there.
OT, I read a great book when I was at university about migrant workers. "Peacocks of the Field" by Emiel W. Owens. He documents a season he spent with 2 crews in the 70s. While it covers daily life it is more about the health problems caused by pesticides.
Winsomeone said... 137
readerlady said... 158
More Buckeyes coming out of the woodwork! I love it. Winsomeone, I used to live near you, in Sandusky Co. Starts with an F and ends with a T, LOL. I think there are so many Buckeyes here because we're right next door to PA and feel like we're KKs neighbors, too.
I lived there for about a year in junior high!!! My first experience up close and personal with seasonal migrant farm workers. "
Yes, good old sugar beets. My aunt still lives there. Now they have gangs I think?
They had a huge youth drug problem, even back then. Drug use was rampant even in junior high.
A lot of tomato too, Campbell's bought a lot of tomatoes from the area.
111 - Sleepless in Seattle
No worry about her kids getting any disease from Kate's mouth. She never shows them any affection or kisses them. Problem solved.
re: Kate's net worth
I wonder how it is after Jon & Kate divorced that Jon is left with basically nothing and Kate possibly has $5,000,000.
I realize Jon was paying a lot of child support to Kate, but it seems a little unbelievable that Jon and Kate wouldn't be in a little more equitable financial situation.
Maybe Jon said "screw it, I just want out", but you would have thought in that case he would have made sure his share of the assets would be put into trust for the future benefit of the children with someone other than Kate named as trustee.
I know divorces, lawyers, kids, and contracts can get to be messy; but for Kate to get everything while Jon got nothing doesn't seem like a reasonable outcome when you are talking about millions of dollars earned while they were married.
The only show I want to see Kate Gosselin, the child abuser, on is ABC news as she's being arrested for child abuse, tax evasion or fraud.
aggiemom09121416 said... 141
I agree with TLC stink 138....the ONLY dating show for Kate is in Kate's own mind. There is NO dating show. (I like how she takes credit for the dating show idea...it was an idea by one of her twitter fans. Wonder how that fan feels now, lol).
If there is a dating show anywhere currently, I will eat my hat. It's all BS. She and Steve signed papers to create SK8 Productions, they wrote a few ideas down on paper cocktail napkins (grifted of course) and issued press releases that she is SIGNED for a dating show. SIGNED WITH WHO???? Herself and Steve??? There is no network, no pilot, no actual production company, no physical address of business or production, it's all on 2 pieces of paper and a couple of cocktail napkins! She signed a napkin for Steve and he signed one for her and they made an announcement, now she is just sitting back waiting for a finished product to come begging to her.
And wherever would she find the time? Between masterminding her chef, her daily housekeeper, her weekly cleaning crew, her laundry girl, her 'ironess', her mowing boys, her chicken boys, her pool boys, her 12 twitter fans, her 3 nannies, her homework helper, her manicures, her pedicures, her monthly bleach and string fry, moving her 3 cars around the driveway, training for her mini marathon, beating her kids, beating and starving the family pet, and wrestling herself into Steve's favorite good bra... my my my, it's a wonder the poor thing has time to strap on her bondage stilettos without a full time 'shoe girl'.
A question for those who have read the book -
Does it detail how and/or why Kate wanted Jen Stocks replaced as producer? I have not seen this discussed in detail, and I'm curious about the details.
Hilarious post. Yep, that sums up Kate's exciting life.
Dwindle said... 157
aggiemom09121416 said... 141
I agree with TLC stink 138....the ONLY dating show for Kate is in Kate's own mind. There is NO dating show. (I like how she takes credit for the dating show idea...it was an idea by one of her twitter fans. Wonder how that fan feels now, lol).
If there is a dating show anywhere currently, I will eat my hat. It's all BS. She and Steve signed papers to create SK8 Productions, they wrote a few ideas down on paper cocktail napkins (grifted of course) and issued press releases that she is SIGNED for a dating show. SIGNED WITH WHO???? Herself and Steve??? There is no network, no pilot, no actual production company, no physical address of business or production, it's all on 2 pieces of paper and a couple of cocktail napkins! She signed a napkin for Steve and he signed one for her and they made an announcement, now she is just sitting back waiting for a finished product to come begging to her.
And wherever would she find the time? Between masterminding her chef, her daily housekeeper, her weekly cleaning crew, her laundry girl, her 'ironess', her mowing boys, her chicken boys, her pool boys, her 12 twitter fans, her 3 nannies, her homework helper, her manicures, her pedicures, her monthly bleach and string fry, moving her 3 cars around the driveway, training for her mini marathon, beating her kids, beating and starving the family pet, and wrestling herself into Steve's favorite good bra... my my my, it's a wonder the poor thing has time to strap on her bondage stilettos without a full time 'shoe girl'.
'Nuff said.
Kate's full of sh*t.
Anyway. who the hell would be interested in watching that ass ensnare herself a feller?
What a joke, and a waste of time.
I think it's interesting that there were no more tweets about the birthday party. Guess she knows better than to tweet lies that people may be looking to refute. Or her lawyers got through to her to STFU
Dwindle lol! Did you rummage through Kate's trash and find her daily schedule on post-it notes? Because it sounds like that is precisely what she does all day.
In kate's own words, she and Jaime parent so much alike, one of the reasons they get along so well (or at least used to), so does anyone really wonder why she didn't get custody of her kids? I J. did send Jon nude pics of herself, they 'reallllly' did think alike, I guess.
her wording re the dating show was sort of...
she put the idea out there and is getting a dating show, which is her usual thought process, "I WANT, I GET".
to those who worry that any comments or pics showing her in an unflattering way will traumatize the kids, I call B.S., the looks, words, tone, actions are ALL familiar to the kids, been there/done that, they are LIVING with the real her, which is waaaaay worse than the worst that was shown on her realist of reality shows, and we have seen snippets of proof of that.
readerlady,Kiwi, Mrs. Malaprop, Winsomeone and
PatK we have to meet up somewhere once Kate really gets her due!
@Parent In Lancaster County said... 149
Maybe Milo's more than one person. I do know her tweetin style changes. Sometimes her keyboard's missin a 'g,' sometimes not.
I have long suspected that Milo is a group account of paid Kate supporters. It's the only thing that makes sense.
VegasBaby, Kate made extreme demands and was critical complaining that Jen was not organized, was not getting schedules two weeks in advance, and basically claimed the crew was incompetent. From the emails, it appears there were blowups with the crew and between Kate and Jen.
Jen complained to the executive producer (Wendy Douglas)at Discovery Health about Kate and
Kate complained to Wendy about Jen. The result: Jen went to work on the Duggar show.
Quote from Kate emal to Jen:
"The disorganization is not working well. I will need to know what ou want from us each day and I will pick the time slots that work best for us. Thanks."
From Jen to Kate:
"Below is the schedule for this week. As you know, I tried many times last week to get the plans for this week confirmed with you, and I am still waiting on you to tell me if we can do interviews on Friday. I emailed you this week's schedule, as it existed last week, on Thursday. And this is when you decided that you wanted to make changes. I'm not sure when we have ever done anything at a time that did not suit you, you are the one who always chooses the times, we work around your schedule."
But here's the biggest lie in her email to Jen:
"Please take your break and come back to us. No one can replace you and we will look forward to your return....honestly." (Kate speak for you are toast). This was dated 6/17/08. By Dec. 2008, there was a new producer, Jeff Lanter.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 149
I suspect Robert could use a drink (or 2) and a good meal. Would love to know what he knows about a LOT of things!
Dwindle said... 157
aggiemom09121416 said... 141
I agree with TLC stink 138....the ONLY dating show for Kate is in Kate's own mind. There is NO dating show. (I like how she takes credit for the dating show idea...it was an idea by one of her twitter fans. Wonder how that fan feels now, lol).
If there is a dating show anywhere currently, I will eat my hat. It's all BS. She and Steve signed papers to create SK8 Productions, they wrote a few ideas down on paper cocktail napkins (grifted of course) and issued press releases that she is SIGNED for a dating show. SIGNED WITH WHO???? Herself and Steve??? There is no network, no pilot, no actual production company, no physical address of business or production, it's all on 2 pieces of paper and a couple of cocktail napkins! She signed a napkin for Steve and he signed one for her and they made an announcement, now she is just sitting back waiting for a finished product to come begging to her.
And wherever would she find the time? Between masterminding her chef, her daily housekeeper, her weekly cleaning crew, her laundry girl, her 'ironess', her mowing boys, her chicken boys, her pool boys, her 12 twitter fans, her 3 nannies, her homework helper, her manicures, her pedicures, her monthly bleach and string fry, moving her 3 cars around the driveway, training for her mini marathon, beating her kids, beating and starving the family pet, and wrestling herself into Steve's favorite good bra... my my my, it's a wonder the poor thing has time to strap on her bondage stilettos without a full time 'shoe girl'.
You forgot.
The shopping at target.
Parking in fire lanes.
Running 2-7 miles in her drive way.
Tweeting all day when she with the kids.
Baking breads and bread sticks.
Grifting on twitter.
Picking up grifted present from teen fans.
Not opening letter her teen fan sent.
Bashing Jon.
Posting pic on twitter.
Phew now I'm exhausted.
Does anyone know all the producers Jon and Kate Plus 8 went through? How about crew changes?
There is an interesting line in Kate's email to Jen:
"We appreciate a crew without opinions (we have discussed this before)." Opinions about what, I have to ask? Spanking? Yelling? Also this: "We appreciate having a say about WHO comes to our house as part of the crew." So Kate was allowed to get rid of offensive crew members she didn't want voicing opinions?
I went to http://modelsearchamerica.com and did a little more research.
If you scroll to the bottom and click on site map, it brings up a bunch of casting call articles posted on the site.
Where Kate's dating show is listed, on the right it shows under Last Modification Time--2012-07-27 17:34.
Model Search America also has a FB page. Some of the articles that show the same Modification Date as Kate's, were also posted on their FB page on July 27, although Kate's was not.
The first stories that Kate was shopping a dating show came out on July 23.
So I believe that that casting call was posted on that site on July 27, 2012, and only because of the stories that came out regarding such a show. I don't consider it confirmation of any show, especially since it was posted about the same time as the stories were.
I just got to the part in the book where she smashed the boys' lego house because they didn't put it away the first time she asked. Reminded me of her throwing the twins' toys down the stairs. Witch.
I removed my original posts about the dating show. It was an article that I'd never seen before and thought (mistakenly) that you all might be interested in reading it. I am hanging my head in shame and vow not to post gossip articles any more.
chefsummer, you are right! also, the sheer quantity of junk she spends all her time begging for boggles the mind. Lists and lists of companies, begging for everything, demanding things for free. And not just her; Steve has a running list too of things he is grifting for the house and yard. It's an organized full-on daily effort to get those letters out begging, follow up with phone calls and more letters, more follow up to make sure the free products are within specifications. I am not being snarky, Robert listed much of it in the book. I think it qualifies as a cottage industry: "Kate and Steve; Beggar Scam Artists Inc."
localyocul said... 171
I just got to the part in the book where she smashed the boys' lego house because they didn't put it away the first time she asked. Reminded me of her throwing the twins' toys down the stairs. Witch.
Reading that in the book brings to mind the photo she recently tweeted of the kids cleaning the basement with all the toys, clothes, books thrown all around. I wonder how it got in that condition...
I wonder if Kate found the time to open Paige's letter yet?
Tweeting all day when she with the kids.
Ya know, it's better she tweet while she has her custody time...that way, she isn't screaming or 'disciplining' the kids.
also can add:
chomping gum
drinking coffee
localyocul said... 171
I just got to the part in the book where she smashed the boys' lego house because they didn't put it away the first time she asked. Reminded me of her throwing the twins' toys down the stairs. Witch.
Doesnt that just break your heart? She kicked their Lego House to pieces. I used to take pictures of my son's creations.
You know what happens when you do that to a kid? They stop trying. I mean, why bother? It will never be good enough, I will always get ridiculed, my work will always be destroyed.
In a couple of years she will be on another media tour complaining about how the boys dont complete anything, never create anything, cant think outside the box and are lazy "just like their dad" when in fact she has beat the spark right out of them.
Dwindle 157.....
Your post was priceless. And what is so sad about what you said is, it's true.!
In the event of the world ending on December 21st, 2012 (the Mayan calendar theory), I see two things surviving, cockroaches and Kate Gosselin. Therein, lies our collective frustration here, there is no getting rid of her, no matter her behaviour. She is a MASTER manipulator, who can magically turn child-abuse in to television interviews where SHE looks the victim. Imagine how her relatives feel, how Jon feels, and how Robert Hoffman must feel watching her climb in to that limo, all smiles. They must be ripping their hair out in clumps. How does she do it, just how gullible is the viewing public?
My wish is that Robert Hoffman forges ahead with his book (with new formatting) and manages to get it to the masses. He has the goods, and his information needs to see the full light of day.
The twit's tweets said... 174
Reading that in the book brings to mind the photo she recently tweeted of the kids cleaning the basement with all the toys, clothes, books thrown all around. I wonder how it got in that condition...
That's exactly what it reminded me of. And this too:
As for the possibility of Kate Gosselin returning to television on a dating show? The 37 year admitted:
“It is true. After a few years in realizing my barriers to dating and all of that and loving TV and the experiences … I just feel like honestly, yes, that was my idea. I would do it (so) it could be watched by families and my children. But I think that it would be fun because that would allow me to sort of meet people, have fun, show my fun side — I do have one. I’m not always barking orders! And so to sort of do that, I do, I think it would be really fun.”
"I would do it (so) it could be watched by families and my children."
How out of touch could this woman be?
What child wants to watch his/or her mother
date man after man- AND on t.v.? How degrading.
More reason for classmates, parents, teachers, and the entire neighborhood to talk badly about their mother. Way to go, Kate.
Kate's a friggin' nightmare.
I know this is a broad question and full of hypotheticals, and I dont mean to start a war, but I wonder how much precedence there is for the children suing her for the abuse? Taking her journal entries into court, testifying to their memories of being terrorized and suing her for pain and suffering.
There a few things on tape and in pics, things that are alreay out in public. She loves smashing the boys in the face: Collin at the fridg, Collin at the bus stop, Joel on the tour bus. Pinching Alexis' shoulder. The kids could piece together footage of their mother approaching them with that spoon in her hand (when they were already sitting in time out, she chased after them to beat them anyway), etc.
Is there precedence for this? Kids suing parents regarding abuse?
Dwindle said...In a couple of years she will be on another media tour complaining about how the boys dont complete anything, never create anything, cant think outside the box and are lazy "just like their dad" when in fact she has beat the spark right out of them.
Even worse she will have beaten a completely different type of spark into them. The kind that just continues the abuse cycle and produces angry, violent young men.
Like many others here, I believe the dating show is in Kate's mind only. There can't be any sponsor not turned off by the skanky and "eeww" factor of such a show. Also, what kind of man would agree to date her knowing she has no boundaries about sharing publicly things that should remain private (see the link below).
Ramona Blue and Aggiemom....another poster from Texas (I am just north of Allen, home of the infamous CJWhodunit). I miss Dallas Lady. She hasn't posted in quite some time.
NJGal51 said... 172
No need to apologize for posting that article. Kate, herself, brought up the dating show on Katie Couric.
Since there was no date on the article, I just wanted to see if it was recent or not.
I just hope you don't think that I was trying to make you look bad. That wasn't the case--not at all.
You shared something you found, nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to see if I could find out how recent it was.
Dwindle said... 177
localyocul said... 171
I just got to the part in the book where she smashed the boys' lego house because they didn't put it away the first time she asked. Reminded me of her throwing the twins' toys down the stairs. Witch.
Doesnt that just break your heart? She kicked their Lego House to pieces. I used to take pictures of my son's creations.
This is the same woman who would trash the childrens' treasures and Jon's mementos of his father.
I still see her as Malignant Narcissist. Bi-polar? Nah.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 180
What child wants to watch his/or her mother
date man after man- AND on t.v.? How degrading.
I was 13 the first time i saw my mother go out on a date with another man. I thought I was going to die. I went to my pastor and told him I thought my mother was secretly a prostitute. So yeah, I over reacted a bit. hehe
With Kate, it wont be a nice date with a nice man. It will be a televised slutty cougar hunt, with her shoving her plastic boobs and orange sprayed thighs in the face of any man who can stand her cackle long enough to get filmed.
My Gawd, the humiliation the kids would have to live with. "My Mom Is Horny; Tuesdays at 9pm, 8 Central!"
AnnaOkie said... 183
Like many others here, I believe the dating show is in Kate's mind only. There can't be any sponsor not turned off by the skanky and "eeww" factor of such a show. Also, what kind of man would agree to date her knowing she has no boundaries about sharing publicly things that should remain private (see the link below).
Believe me there are just as many manwhores who are starved for fame as there are females (Kart). It's a perfect recipe, Kate and the ten narcissistic men she has to choose from. And if she is seriously trying to convince people she is looking for a mate on a dating show, she is as whacked as I ever thought. The reason they "cast" these dating shows is because they want to get people who are "model quality" in looks and lunatics in personality i.e. wannabe actors and actresses. It's a show purely for "entertainment purposes". Ew, just threw up a little.
AnnaOkie 183 said
Ramona Blue and Aggiemom....another poster from Texas (I am just north of Allen, home of the infamous CJWhodunit). I miss Dallas Lady. She hasn't posted in quite some time.
add She's Come Undone to our little posse! I came out of lurkdom as DL was bowing out...she was a firecracker!
(See, you Ohio peeps! We are catching up cuz no never means no to us!)
Someone did say Kate's slated to appear on WWHL, my how she's shed her evangelical persona for her real one. (I have watched this show a few times, so no I am not a prude, but neither have a put my image out there as Kate did) I hardly think Michelle Duggar would appear on this show.
Kate has completely taken the mask off.
NJGal51 said... 184
OT but happy Thanksgiving to all Canadian posters! If it's not until Monday happy early Thanksgiving. I've seen conflicting dates so don't really know if it's today or Monday.
Thank you NJGal. It's on Monday. My turkey is defrosting in the fridge.
Gobble gobble.
I, too, want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadian posters. Enjoy!!
I agree with all who say Kate's dating show is wishful thinking on Kate & Steve's part and that's all.
Bravo has a TON of "housewives" to pick from if they want to do anything of the sort. Check their Twitter accounts. All have more Twitter fans than Kate. Why would Bravo waste one dime on Kate? IMO they won't!
I suspect Robert could use a drink (or 2) and a good meal. Would love to know what he knows about a LOT of things!
Would truly enjoy that. I did invite him to start a local book club. He never got back to me on that ;) Hey Robert, I would provide the refreshments. Or Lancaster County Mom could direct us to the Rumspringa Brewery. Now that sounds like a night out!!
Canadian thanksgiving is officially monday - but we are doing turkey today so we can graze the rest of the weekend
OK - i,m officially going crazy - yesterday around 3 I signed into the blog and I swear there was a post of Kate/steve at the fig & olive with 28 comments and then it just disappeared - anybody else see this alternate universe?
My pop up at the bottom says
great research made easy
free one month trial
try now.
wanna bet Kate would sign up?
it's FREEEE...
@dedoose, do you have any q-pons?? send me your free products and I will ttwweeeettttt....(she wouldn't realize there aren't 'products'..she'd just see FReee.....and start salivating.
chefsummer said... 191
AH but Dwindle Kate does it all for the kids ya see.
That want mommy to date and get remarried Kate side it herself.
The kids are begging day in and day out for mommy to date & get back
Kate say's this so it must be true cause honesty Kate all ways um um um...tells the truth.
Andy Cohen's website indicates Morgan Fairchild is slated as a guest as well as Kate Gosselin on the Oct. 11 show.
I seem to remember Morgan Fairchild was on a show about cosmetic surgery a few years ago.
Should the topic come up it could get interesting.
Standing in the aisle, picking out the 1 & the 2 candles for Mady and Caras cake. As I reached for them I almost burst in2 tears! #suchamom
Kate, you are such a ________ but mom isn't one of them. Your tweet implied you were sad that your big girls are growing up. When what you really meant is that they are turning 12 and you thought you'd have them in a Disney franchise already. Time is running out. You are sad that you only have 6 short years left to sell them out until they are of age.
Allrightythen....Happy Thanksgiving day weekend and happy Thanksgiving on Monday (Columbus Day for us).
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