Two $25 gift cards will be given away in the wee bewitching hours
What are you going as? A meat slicer, a botox injection, Quilted Northern TP? Whatever it is, make it snarky and on topic! If you don't have time to put together a costume, bring a dish to pass instead (or do both!).
The Rules:

2. Costumes should be relevant to the blog or the Gosselin saga, but as always, leave the kids out of it and follow the normal blog rules. The staff has discretion to delete any posts necessary.

4. Winners must contact us at to claim their prize. As the gift card will be sent electronically, you need only provide an e-mail address. Real names and addresses are not necessary. Winners may select a Kindle Amazon gift card or a regular Amazon gift card, winner's choice.
477 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 477 of 477 Newer› Newest»YOU think something weird is going on here, do you? Well, just try being a wooden spoon with no arms and a bikini thong up your crack. The spatula's no help.
Throwing my opinion in on Liz's tweeting of kid pics, I think she does it a a (not-so) subtle dig at kHate. She wants everyone to see how happy and relaxed the kids are with them.
We had about 28 kids show up to our house, a few more than last year.
Complete OT coming up, so scroll on by...
But, I've got to tell you my halloween story! You might get a chuckle.
OK, I see some kids coming up the walk, so I head over to the door and here come three boys about 10 or 11 years old. They see me coming and start banging on my door. BANGING! LOUD! I open up the door and they are dressed like little gang-bangers with stockings pulled down over their faces - real 'tough guys'. I look at the one who was pounding the crap out of my door and said "You'd get more candy if you were polite!" Then I only gave them two small pieces of candy, everyone else got candy AND a kool-aid jammer.
I'm sure they had plenty to say about the crazy bitch in the grey house, but I just can't handle rude kids. LOL
YOU think something weird is going on here, do you? Well, just try being a wooden spoon with no arms and a bikini thong up your crack. The spatula's no help.
It was full moon this week. Weirdness goes with the territory!
Weirdness saying: “Some are born weird, some achieve it, others have weirdness thrust upon them.”
I think that there are some here who fall into each category, but I'm not looking at anyone in particular!
Let's throw tomatoes was never a teacher, but maybe a pap's wife, or a lawyer, or...
Oh yes, she is!
I thought that the poster was kidding, too, and wasn't sure how to respond...especially the part about only having to write comments in a block on the report card. But, you just never know!
If you don't teach writing skills in the subjects you mentioned, then how do you teach the subject and the follow-up activities/lessons that accompany them? You can't do that at a parent-teacher conference! *********************
I didnt take the original comment as pertaining to punctuation and spelling, but more in the line of being an AUTHOR and making sentences flow in an interesting story telling way. Anyone, but especially an educator, can learn punctuation and spelling, that does not make a "writer". In my humble opinion that speaks for no one but me, certainly not in a Dutchessy kind of way and nothing more than the mother in law of a real honest to heaven CW4 pilot army soldier who... never mind, just meee.
Hi, all! Can't believe Halloween is over already and Thanksgiving is coming up soon! We had about 60 kids come to our house yesterday, a bit less than we usually get, but I noticed we didn't seem to get any high school kids. Yes, we usually get about a dozen of them each year.
Well, reading through the comments on the last couple of threads, I have to echo what Auntia Ann asked: what is going on here? There seems to be some hostility being directed at posters for what I think are ridiculous reasons. People accusing Dmasy of being disrespectful because of her avatar of the sentinels at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. Really? I didn't think it was disrespectful at all, I saw it a sweet reminder to all of us of how lucky we are to live in this great country, it's freedom defended my our military men and women who are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country free.
Then others bickering back and forth about teachers and writing, etc. Then some anonymous posts again accusing a few of posting things to get attetion (the one I saw appears to have been swiffered already, thanks for that Admin). I just don't understand why there seems to be this tension on and off for the past month or so. I'm sure much of it is the driveby sheeple, but boy, they certainly are acting up more and more lately. Please, friends, don't engage them in this. Also, please let us continue to be tolerant of each other's different views and opinions. Let me say I have not carefully read every post, just have been skimming the many on the last 2 threads. So I hope I haven't offended anyone by what I have posted.
Last, it sounds like the costume party was a great success!! Sorry I couldn't participate, but I was on candy duty and grandson calls.
To all of you on the east coast, I know that many of are struggling without electricity and with flooding. My church is praying for all who suffered from this storm, as are many churches here. My hope is that your lives can return to somewhat normal soon. Prayers and love to all of you.
To Kokomo:
Thank you for your post @197 previous page. I couldn't have said it better myself!
To Tomatoes:
I am not going to apologize for making comments about something in which I believe wholeheartedly, which is providing a topnotch education for ALL students, yes even kindergarten. Our students are the future of America. Many kindergarten students enter school already reading, and some can even write small sentences by the end of Kindergarten. So yes, I stand by my comments and believe that writing is important K-12.
By the way, Kate Gosselin IS a child abuser/animal abuser!! Yes, I read the book! (Although I had already suspected that.)
<------ I put up a new avatar, a pic that my dear son in law took a couple of years ago of his main 'ride'. He is happily works with HOMELAND SECURITY in any capacity that he is called up to. Just thought I would mention.
If anyone is interested in the job duties of a CW4 Instructor Pilot Battalion Leader in combat, let me know and I will ask him for details! That is, when he has time to email me back from the sandbox.
This avatar is staying up for awhile. :-)
Fun party last night, huh? Thanks to Admin, the hostess. I wanted to come as a moose hotdog, but I was afraid that someone would throw me to the ground, eat me alive, or worse, I'd end up in Admin's meat slicer!
I was there, though, incognito and anonymous. I'm still shaking off effects of the chicken salmonella and creamed spinach. Let's just say I spent most of the day in the outhouse with the white pages of the phone book. The yellow pages make my rear end look jaundiced!
Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said:
Let's Throw said: "I'm sorry,sorry sorry that I never taught my kindergarten classes to write a novel."
I was looking back over the comments and you never said you taught Kindergarten. Your comment was that you were a teacher and implied that writing wasn't involved...that all you needed to do was to write comments on report cards. How would anyone know you taught Kindergarten if you didn't mention it? If you don't want to be questioned, then you need to make yourself clear as to what grade or grades you taught instead of writing condescending remarks such the person must be confusing a teacher with a lawyer. Those who responded that writing isn't part of a teacher's job expressed surprise that a teacher would write that. Anyone would.
You said that once an educator, always an educator (or something like that). Educators do teach writing, particularly elementary educators. Fundamentals begin in the lower grades. If it's not taught then, students will find themselves far behind when they get to middle school and will have a difficult time catching up.
Well said, Kokomo, well said!
Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said:
Let's Throw said: "I'm sorry,sorry sorry that I never taught my kindergarten classes to write a novel."
I was looking back over the comments and you never said you taught Kindergarten. Your comment was that you were a teacher and implied that writing wasn't involved...that all you needed to do was to write comments on report cards. How would anyone know you taught Kindergarten if you didn't mention it? If you don't want to be questioned, then you need to make yourself clear as to what grade or grades you taught instead of writing condescending remarks such the person must be confusing a teacher with a lawyer. Those who responded that writing isn't part of a teacher's job expressed surprise that a teacher would write that. Anyone would.
You said that once an educator, always an educator (or something like that). Educators do teach writing, particularly elementary educators. Fundamentals begin in the lower grades. If it's not taught then, students will find themselves far behind when they get to middle school and will have a difficult time catching up.
Well said, Kokomo, well said!
NewHampshire said... 10
I agree with you. But just ignore it, it was a drive by.
I agree with LovemyGrandsons...she posted some very wise words.
ROL has an article about what Robert wrote on his blog re Kate's #SuperFunSand remark.
One of Kate's tweeties asked her about it, and she actually replied.
@Kateplusmy8 who's this idiot on Radar complaining abt u making a very tense storm situation in2 a calm situation 4urkids?U cant get a break
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@xxxx I hear radar pays for articles/ things ppl say so they just keep on coming. Maybe that guys rent is due again? #Garbage
She "hears" that Radar pays for articles? Wouldn't she KNOW, since there was an article that quoted her own lawyer regarding the child support issue. She's turning into one of her own enablers--because the line about the rent is something they frequently used whenever there was an article about Jon or Robert that was negative to her.
Sorry guys, not sure why my comment posted twice. oops.
Sorry I couldn't hang around longer last night, but I enjoyed reading the exploits this AM. You guys kept it going pretty late!
I've noticed that when KK messes up on twitter, and says something insensitive or just gets stuck on stupid, the drive-bys flock to this blog. We suddenly see posters w/names we've not seen before, who poke at other posters, faking being indignant or shocked or otherwise horrified. It's frustrating to those of us who enjoy this blog and our friendly disagreements, but we can ride it out by either ignoring them or making fun of them. I'm positive that being a KK fan isn't a pleasant thing right now, but as someone said earlier....''talk to the hand''!!
I know, I know...I'm waaaay late for the party.
I was planning to come as a shopping cart but I was arrested and detained for the theft of aforementioned cart!
Then I figured I could get out of it by telling the cops things like: "don't you know who I am'?? Too bad nobody there had a clue about this Kreider chick. They didn't know how to help me. : (
Oh sounds like it was fun for all!
Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 199
"LOL. What the hell is going on around here?
Order in the court.
I second that motion. Something weird is going on here tonight."
Rumsprings hangovers will do that!
haha. Maybe a hair of the dog will fix it.
It has been a very stressful last few days for a whole lot of people, nerves are on edge so a few dust-ups should be expected I suppose. It was no superfunsandy, that's for sure.
YOU think something weird is going on here, do you? Well, just try being a wooden spoon with no arms and a bikini thong up your crack. The spatula's no help.
LOL! and with those steriod infused pinecones sticking out under your neck, it bet you're feeling a bit prickly. Crisco for your crack? hehe.
<----------In honor of Kate burning yet another bridge with her latest tweet (@xxxx I hear radar pays for articles/things ppl say so they just keep on coming. Maybe that guys rent is due again? #Garbage) I guess she is not pleased with ROL's latest article referencing her #SUPERFUNSANDY tweet. Kate should know if they pay for articles....I'm betting she's sold them a bunch in the past.
I had a great time last night. I stayed anonymous for my few posts. You all are a funny bunch!
I was the costume of name tags -- the sprit of posters past.
I think I have a rumspringa headache today.
Moose Mania said... 11
Fun party last night, huh? Thanks to Admin, the hostess. I wanted to come as a moose hotdog, but I was afraid that someone would throw me to the ground, eat me alive, or worse, I'd end up in Admin's meat slicer!
I was there, though, incognito and anonymous. I'm still shaking off effects of the chicken salmonella and creamed spinach. Let's just say I spent most of the day in the outhouse with the white pages of the phone book. The yellow pages make my rear end look jaundiced!
lol! And that green tissue paper that manadarin oranges are wrapped in will send you right back to the ER.
Did you really get food poisoning? Yikes.
Have we all been bitten by a Walker??? WHY again are we ganging up on Let's Throw Tomatoes?? she has been here for a while and is fun! She didnt claim to be a professional writer and now we are dismayed and throwing her out? A school teacher is not a professional writer. So she admitted that. There have been some SuperNastyComments towards her, maybe they are deleted not, but still...
What did I miss? She is not, nor ever has been anything more or less than a fun poster and a retired professional. What's up, everyone?
Dwindle, I really admire your new avatar. Thank you to your son in law for his service to us.
haha. Maybe a hair of the dog will fix it.
That works, and I was thinking along the lines of fillet of fenny snake, eye of newt, toe of frog, wool of bat, tongue of dog, adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg and owlet's wing.
Is that right? Did I miss anything?
Well we lost power for a few hours but it wasn't because of a hurricane. Something just done broke apparently! So I'll do the drawing in a couple minutes here now that I have internet again.
By the way for apple fans if anyone is thinking about upgrading to the iphone 5 and only has a 4 or 4S, I had really good luck selling my iphone 4 for the same amount of money (actually, a bit more) as the iPhone 5 subsidized price. Sold it on Amazon. The iphone 5 thus became "free" for me. So if you are planning on upgrading sooner might be better for you before prices really start to plumet on the 4's. I was very surprised to be able to break even on a brand new iphone. Now wouldn't that be a good CC blog post, how to get the newest iphone and not pay a dime?
Is that right? Did I miss anything?
Nope. Well, except for a single gallstone from your great great grandfather. Other than that you got it.
Remona Blue @ 17
I really hope that you are not referring to me as being a drive by. I post very infrequently but read everyday. (I have for a couple of years now.) I don't post a lot because everyone else has already said what I am thinking, so what would be the point of repeating it?
However, when I feel that I have something valuable to add, I do it. I always post as "Shocked." My viewpoints may not always be in line with everyone else's, but they are my viewpoints nonetheless. Differing opinions do not a sheeple/drive by make.
I think that we here have always lived by the mantra "agree to disagree" right? I am sorry if I have thrown a wrench into the light hearted mood after the Halloween party.
I posted about writing/education because I am passionate about my work, what else can I say?
She really doesn't get it.
It would go SO far to simply say you know what that was in poor taste, I certainly didn't mean it to be offensive and I'm sorry.
That's ALL she has to say. That's all. And it would be over and done with. That's how real celebs deal with things they blurt out that were inappropriate. "I'm sorry" goes a long way in defusing the situation and making it all go away.
EVERYONE says things that come out wrong sometimes, and most people don't have a problem saying "oops, sorry." Not Kate though.
aggiemom...You had 250 trick or treaters! Holy cow. My neighborhood is loaded with kids and we only had 10. The last group of four was a very polite group of HS kids. They were in costume and we had a nice chat. Made sure they didn't have any eggs on them and they informed me they hate when people egg houses, cars or other people. I gave them a ton of candy as I had so much left over. Sent some to work with my husband and put the rest in the freezer. No, not for next Halloween but for me to slowly eat.
I really don't think anyone should be judged based on just their blog posts. This really just isn't the place to be picking apart someone based just on that. I have my opinions but this really isn't the place. Please let it go and move on.
I am a step-mom of a 12yr old who has now been living with us for the past year, I have no idea how Jon has been able to keep it together. I am also dealing with a moron of a mom who couldn't put her son first if her life depended on it and keeping my mouth shut through the past 8 yrs has been incredibly hard but I know important.
I know the best thing I can do is just support him and keep quiet but it is so hard to see a child hurt and take the high road for that alone I commend and admire Jon because it sucks!
Moose Mania has left a new comment:
haha. Maybe a hair of the dog will fix it.
That works, and I was thinking along the lines of fillet of fenny snake, eye of newt, toe of frog, wool of bat, tongue of dog, adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg and owlet's wing.
Is that right? Did I miss anything?
Chicken feet and Tobasco sauce.
Off topic because, well, I feel like it! I've shared before I LOVE salads. Not just a few lettuce leaves, rather the kind that have cheese and meat and nuts and all the fixings and make a meal.
I LOOOVE this one from Pioneer Woman, swoon:
Apple, Pecan, and Blue Cheese Salad with Dried Cherries. I sub in Granny Smith apples and add some grilled chicken and this thing tastes like AUTUMN.
Have we all been bitten by a Walker??? WHY again are we ganging up on Let's Throw Tomatoes?? she has been here for a while and is fun! She didnt claim to be a professional writer and now we are dismayed and throwing her out? A school teacher is not a professional writer.
Nobody said it was. Dwindle, go back and read the posts. She started out by saying she was a bad writer. A regular asked if she was a teacher because they thought they remembered that. It was a question. There was nothing mean about it. Nothing. Nobody called her out on anything, and certainly not about her writing, but Tomatoes made a not-very-nice remark, saying the person was confusing a teacher and a lawyer. She then went on to say something about not teaching writing and only having to write report card remarks because that's what teacher conferences are for.
A teacher then posted that this was a surprise to hear because teachers do teach writing. Then Tomatoes said that she taught Kindergarten. She hasn't mentioned that in the original post, nor second post. Nobody would have known that.
Nobody (as far as I can tell) criticized her writing or teaching ability. There were no attacks.
capecodmama said... 32
aggiemom...You had 250 trick or treaters! Holy cow.
Yep, NO LIE!..we live in a small town that ironically has a HUGE school district. We also live in a relatively new subdivision, so the treaters can hit a lot of houses in a hurry. We have had them come in on flat bed trailers...we only had one trailer last night. The streets get so clogged in our subdivision that people have to leave their cars and walk the whole thing. It's nuts.
Hubby loves to decorate for Halloween, we have a huge spider that it's legs move, has lights on it, it is super creepy, lol..he made and suspended a huge web in the front yard.
Now it's time to start thinking about Christmas decorating (shudder)..I am one of those weirdos that decorates every room of the house,lol..
She didnt claim to be a professional writer and now we are dismayed and throwing her out? A school teacher is not a professional writer.
Ok, with all due respect, that is not why I was upset with her. She said, "Yes, I am a teacher. What does writing have to do with teaching?" I took that to mean that writing has nothing to do with education...i.e. teaching children to write. Maybe I misunderstood. I said that I couldn't believe she made that comment. I NEVER said she should leave the blog.
That is all I will say about it. It's dropped-I wasn't trying to be mean to anyone. I think I should go on back to lurkdom until things cool down. I certainly didn't mean to cause any problems :(
OT on grandson so scroll by. Grandson showed up in his awesome (his favorite word) zombie skeleton costume today. The mask was unreal. He loves dressing up in costumes and he asked me if we could go to the costume store (Party America) and get another one. I figured why not. 50% off after Halloween. So we went to the store and got another scary costume. He was so excited when he got home he put it on and took a nap in it. My daughter is going to go and pick up more costumes and save them for Christmas. He'll be thrilled. Now that, Kate, is how you save money.
@jenzo4 yes what fun memories... Wish we could all go this year... Did you love the zoo? Amazing huh?
3 hours ago - Twitterrific
jenzo4 @Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, saw yor handprints at Steve Irwins , from when you were down here, for the charity weekend.
Wanna take bets that this phrase, translated, means: "I'm going. Eight kids, though? No way. They can't afford to buy them tickets, so they'll be staying Stateside with the "helpers."
Incidentally, a lot of lawyers aren't very good writers. You need to be able to express yourself enough to get through the Bar exam and to communicate but a lot of lawyers are more interested in litigation or transactions or contracts or various other things that don't require a lot of writing. Many lawyers do not write on a regular basis at all. Litigators especially usually have a brief bank with "canned briefs" where they can plug in the names and facts and so they don't have to sit there composing anything beautiful, it's already done for them. Oral argument is a completely different skill than written argument. Some people are good at both and I try to be (oral argument I find much more difficult, I hate thinking on my feet I'd rather stew over things to say it JUST right in a brief), but many prefer one or the other.
I had a high school kid dressed full-out in a Santa Claus outfit...he asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told him COLLEGE TUITION.
Wish we could all go?? Who says that if you don't mean you are going?
What's that mean, she's ditching them AGAIN?
How are they having this fool back when per her own admission she only raised $1,000!
Even if they invited her, have some dignity and say no really I appreciate it but I think you should focus on finding a celeb who would be a bigger draw. Have some DIGNITY.
Wish we could all go?? Who says that if you don't mean you are going?
What's that mean, she's ditching them AGAIN?
How are they having this fool back when per her own admission she only raised $1,000!
Even if they invited her, have some dignity and say no really I appreciate it but I think you should focus on finding a celeb who would be a bigger draw. Have some DIGNITY.
Where are the photos of the Gosselins in their costumes?
On Jon's camera.
Bearswife said... 2
Complete OT coming up, so scroll on by...
But, I've got to tell you my halloween story! You might get a chuckle.
OK, I see some kids coming up the walk, so I head over to the door and here come three boys about 10 or 11 years old. They see me coming and start banging on my door. BANGING! LOUD! I open up the door and they are dressed like little gang-bangers with stockings pulled down over their faces - real 'tough guys'. I look at the one who was pounding the crap out of my door and said "You'd get more candy if you were polite!" Then I only gave them two small pieces of candy, everyone else got candy AND a kool-aid jammer.
Some kids have no manners. One year I thought I'd go simple and just hand out those small bags of potato chips. One kid at the door whined, "Aww not more chips". So I said "oh you don't want them?" and I reached in his bag to take it back out when he suddenly changed his mind and said he'd take them. lol.
Ya know, with Kate being the Queen of the Grifters, you'd think she would LOVE's the only day of the year you can go to a stranger's house, knock on their door, and they give you free food.
Moose Mania said...wool of bat...
Where exactly do you live that you have wooly bats? I don't ever want to go there.
Love the Halloween ToT's stories.
We had a small boy (around 4yo?) come over and DH told him to reach into our little cauldron and take candy (handed out bite-sized Snickers etc.) and so he did. Then DH said, "take another one", so the little boy places the candy back and took a different piece.
It was so cute!
DH had to just reach in and get more candy and put it in his bag.
The look on the little boy's face was precious. Like, "ok, don't know why I can't have THIS one back, but I'll give it back and take another".
Another vs. addition doesn't compute at that age. His taking it literally was a gem.
Ooooooohhhh... Yummy!
Just in time for Thanksgiving menu planning :o)
Nice website, too.
Thanks, Administrator. (Administrator) said... 32
I really don't think anyone should be judged based on just their blog posts. This really just isn't the place to be picking apart someone based just on that. I have my opinions but this really isn't the place. Please let it go and move on.
Exactly- I know this may be difficult to believe, but my papers I submit in my graduate classes are raved over for being well thought out and well written, AND - hold on to your hats- I never get hit for grammar- SHOCKING I know!!! Then I come here and I can barely write on a 5th grade level, LOL!!! I learned to let it go a long time ago my time blogs has been much nicer. :D
Where exactly do you live that you have wooly bats? I don't ever want to go there.
I can't speak for Moose's wooly bats, but we had one in the church 2 months ago that looked wooly to me. We usually have very small bats, but this one was the size of a small squirrel when it was crumpled on the floor beside the piano. It was camel brown and very furry and huge. It was also only partly dead. EEK.
Lucky me, I'm the one who found it. Luckier me, someone else hauled it out of there.
RE: The tweet about Australia. That doesn't read to me like Kate saying she will go alone.
It sounds like she's lamenting that NONE of them will be going. I doubt she's even been invited, despite her BFF deal with Terri Irwin.
No board of directors of any corporation would
allow spending all that money for basically no return - TWICE. I bet they had to be talked into it the first time.
Now, if Kate's financing her own trip, well.....
oh wait.
Where exactly do you live that you have wooly bats? I don't ever want to go there.
lol! You'll have to ask old Willy Shakespeare. He wrote it! Maybe the wool bats are what happens when the sheeple inbreed.
I am not a big salad fan, but a restaurant nearby serves a seasonal salad of vanilla infused pears on fresh spinach with candied pecan bits and feta crumbles tossed in a light blackberry balsamic vinaigrette. Heavenly. Sounds overly sweet but it is not.
The apple salad sounds like one I'll have to try.
Kiwi that sounds fantastic!
I love feta. I love all cheese.
I love food and I love that my stomach is in a good place right now. Yea!
No board of directors of any corporation would
allow spending all that money for basically no return - TWICE.
Yeah except this is Terri Irwin and she's an idiot and a half. This entire Steve Irwin franchise is going to be bankrupt before she's done with it.
AuntieAnn has left a new comment on the post "Goblins and Ghouls and Meat Slicers oh, my: The Ha...":
Is that right? Did I miss anything?
Nope. Well, except for a single gallstone from your great great grandfather. Other than that you got it.
OOH! OOH! I have 4 eyelashes (in grey!) from my great grandma Nettie, if that would help! They eyelashes are German, as was my greatgrandma, so they are of hearty stock.
Then I come here and I can barely write on a 5th grade level, LOL!!! I learned to let it go a long time ago my time blogs has been much nicer. :D
I definitely don't hold myself to the same standard here as when writing professionally. I write much faster here, allow myself run on sentences, treat it more like I would speak with friends. If I mix up there or their because I'm writing fast and not thinking, it's doubtful I would go back and fix it. I just let it slide on by. If someone wants to think oh my look at that look how stupid she is, oh well.
That likely wouldn't happen if I'm working on something in my professional life, or I would fix it if it did. Just because I make the mistake here doesn't mean I don't understand the difference or make the mistake professionally. It's just a blog.
I'm REALLY late for the party.I was coming as Kate's summer wardrobe, but the water balloons in my good bra burst and soaked my Daisy Dukes. As I was trying to hitch a ride on an Amish wagon I fell off my gladiator sandals and twisted my ankle.
Then the Amish man said he was only going as far as St.Jacobs, Ontario, and I would have to get off the wagon.. I got mad, grabbed his hat and scuttled off home to look up a good lawyer in the Yellow Pages.Can I sue?? You bet!
New post with the winners announced!
Aggiemom and FotK!
Throw leftover turkey on it and dried cranberries and you've got one heck of a leftover THanksgiving salad!
fidosmommy said...
I can't speak for Moose's wooly bats, but we had one in the church 2 months ago that looked wooly to me. We usually have very small bats, but this one was the size of a small squirrel when it was crumpled on the floor beside the piano. It was camel brown and very furry and huge. It was also only partly dead. EEK.
Lucky me, I'm the one who found it. Luckier me, someone else hauled it out of there.
Dear Lord in Heaven! At least it was immobile! I had one (not at all wooly) fly into my living room once. I'm not sure which was worse, the bat coming in the house or the tarantula.
x I hear radar pays for articles
I have no idea what their policy is, but just because an article was paid for doesn't make it inherently false. It just means it was paid for.
Exhibit A: The John Edwards story. All paid. All true too.
@Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams
Thank you for the recap. Perhaps I read way too fast? xoxo
Constructive criticism about someone here really just isn't appropriate though.
Disagreements over issues we are discussing is fine. Those are opinions on the issues. But disagreements about someone personally just aren't a good idea and take the blog in an uncomfortable and unwelcoming direction when it goes on.
Um, Errr, honestly isn't #garbage where Robert found her journal to begin with.
And Kate your tweet WAS insensitive. No if, ands or buts. Just apologize and be done with it.
Thankyou. I got on my tiptoes about it, I was likely wrong and I apologize. Thank you! :-) (Administrator) said... 43
Wish we could all go?? Who says that if you don't mean you are going?
What's that mean, she's ditching them AGAIN?
Or it means in Kate speak.
Can you pay for me and my 8 kids to go along with my bodyguard plus helpers?
Plus hotel plus a way to get around plus gifts plus a check for me cause.
I'm a single mother doing it all alone.
Aggiemom and FotK Congratulations!
I had the best time last night mingling with the best guests ever. Still chuckling over the costumes. Really glad I was wearing my poise, poises, poise big ones? What is the right word? Do you actually wear them? Anyway, when a few of you strolled by they were a lifesaver.
I'm definitely posing as anon tonight.
I just looked on the Steve Irwin Day site and even though it's set for Nov. 15, they still have 2011 auction items listed. It would look like Kate was going to be auctioned off as a lunch hostess again if you didn't read the top of the page VERY carefully.
Doesn't seem very well organized to me. Maybe Kate SHOULD go and get everything masterminded.
RE: Bats. I have had 9 in my house and there have been too many to count in our church over the years. I said on another post bats are in my top 3 things that terrify me. Yep. We've had professionals try to deal with the ones at the church, but the little devils keep coming in. And making babies. The attic is their nursery.
Fidosmommy re bats. We had the little boogers in the eave on the north side of the house. They had been there a while when we found them by accident. We put a fine mesh fabric over the entire eave after they were all gone. No, no killing, waited until they left at dusk. They won't 'nest' if the conditions aren't just right, access, temp, humidity. If you can add a fan to the attic space, that might change enough that they will leave. Still will have to deal with the poop and urine. If it's not removed, it will seep into the walls, ceiling and will cost a bundle to repair. Very dirty little guys.
Kate's tweet regarding Australia sounds like she is grifting. I can't believe she would fork over her own funds for herself and Skeeve, plus his fee, for this wonderful wish.
Oh Lord, we're quoting from The Scottish Play again. Someone go outside, spit, turn around 3 times and come back in again!
Dwindle, I know, I don't know why people are ganging up on Tomatoes again. *I* knew she'd taught Kindergarten, so she must have mentioned it sometime. Besides, what you teach in the classroom doesn't necessarily translate to what you write on a blog. I've been a teacher. I've also done some professional writing in my day, and I sure don't come across as very articulate or professional on here most of the time. It's an entirely different milieu.
Carolina Peach, thanks for the debat tips.
The house hasn't had any for awhile. It's a lot easier to control than a high ceiling church that's about 150 years old. There is an attic of sorts, but it's not the kind a person can get to. We have a bell tower they love to nest in I'm sure, at least until the bell rings. There are small openings all over the place that can't be sealed without ruining something. So, we live with the bats. Very fortunately, our cleaning lady loves bats and doesn't mind dealing with them. She debats the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall every Saturday.
Did you know the Queen of England loves to go into the Great Hall at Buckingham Palace with a butterfly net and remove bats from the crevices?
Yep. It's one of her daily rituals, but I don't think it's written in the Official Royal Handbook of Queening. She just likes doing it. She takes them outside, lets them go, and of course they circle back in and take their places all over again. I don't know who likes this game better.
Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy your gift cards.
Kate is certifiable...she calls the Radar article #garbage and infers that it's a lie to make money for rent...ummm KATE YOU WERE THE ONE WHO TWEETED THE HASHTAG. What a moron!
2 RNs even if that's true that wouldn't be the case for Kate since she lives near several big hospitals including penn state Hershey.
In any case I know several nurses who have kids and support their families just fine. If no one could support a family on that salary no one would do it.
I'm glad people are standing up for dogs and pit bulls on Radar. That fan should do her homework, German Shepherds are more likely to attack than pits. Did we ever suggest Shoka is unsafe just because a teeny tiny percentage of them have attacked? No.
RNs are having a hard time in Philly. My dgtr was a maternity/surgical nurse at Jeanes Hosp, they elminated obstetrics, they are got moved to another hospital, far from where she lived, then onto Temple Univ Hosp.,no seniority, then another cut back and she works ER.This is a graduate nurse, trained 5 plus years and she works wherever and does whatever she is told to do.She does not want to be in this big city hospital and the crime element as she leaves at night and travels the 2 hrs to NJ where they have a house. She is looking to get out of nursing, it isn't what it use to be and she cannot get seniority, shifts, days off and when she gets her shift changed, she has no say so. Keeping our fingers crossed she can get the research job she applied for. The money isn't there like CNN said either.She has 18 yrs in nursing. Sad stuff is happening in hospitals with cutbacks, malpractice insurance has sent doctors who delivered babies into teaching jobs at medical schools, even surgeons are looking to get out if they once had a small practice. One doctor we know left Doylestown, PA and moved to Limon Colorado to be a country doc. She couldn't get partnership in the practice she was with in Buckingham.Things are not like they use to be, insurance has an affect on all of this too.
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