Two $25 gift cards will be given away in the wee bewitching hours
What are you going as? A meat slicer, a botox injection, Quilted Northern TP? Whatever it is, make it snarky and on topic! If you don't have time to put together a costume, bring a dish to pass instead (or do both!).
The Rules:

2. Costumes should be relevant to the blog or the Gosselin saga, but as always, leave the kids out of it and follow the normal blog rules. The staff has discretion to delete any posts necessary.

4. Winners must contact us at to claim their prize. As the gift card will be sent electronically, you need only provide an e-mail address. Real names and addresses are not necessary. Winners may select a Kindle Amazon gift card or a regular Amazon gift card, winner's choice.
477 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 477 Newer› Newest»I'll start! I'm a headless meat slicer of course!
I am coming as Kate Gosselin at her next Girls Night Out!
Now who's got chocolate?
Still without power so reading this blog on my iPhone is keeping my sanity. I am not sure what I am but I will tell you what I am wearing. No photo attached as I do not want to scare anyone. I am wearing nothing but my panties and bra underneath a FEMA blanket that says "will shill for Botox, island vacations for 2 only please and mani/pedis."
Where's the throgs waiting to lick my foot?
Do I have lipstick on my teeth?
I'm coming as a wooden spoon. Big head, skinny
body. If it's cold, I'll wear a bikini.
Happy Halloween Everyone! I am Kate's wonkey eye. Scary, huh?
I faithfully require that meat slicer to shave a fresh layer of boobstuffing off Steve's ass!!!! HellOOOOOOOO! Please move that dead body! So annoying but the head is #SuperFun!
I'm coming as an escaped German Shepherd. Broken leash, bleach blonde hair stuck in my teeth, big smile.
Dwindle - I won a year's supply of Godiva Chocolate at a United Way event last week (no lie!) I have PLENTY to share
Anonymous said... 5
I'm coming as a wooden spoon. Big head, skinny
body. If it's cold, I'll wear a bikini.
BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!! CackleCackle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cleary yer my bestie! I wubs uuuu wooden spoon! Almost as much as my mirror!
I am wearing all black. I am the spirit of past posters.
There are name tags stuck all over my attire. I filled in a few of the blanks with the names of posters I used to love and wish were still with us.
Dallas Lady
Hippie Chick
Hey Jude
Hoosier Girl
Just Me
Feel free to pencil in the names you recall.
My real name is on the tag stuck to the bottom of my right foot.
Anonymous said... 8
I'm coming as an escaped German Shepherd. Broken leash, bleach blonde hair stuck in my teeth, big smile.
Dwindle - I won a year's supply of Godiva Chocolate at a United Way event last week (no lie!) I have PLENTY to share
I love the bleach blonde hair stuck in your teeth. Seems to put a little spring in your step!
Thanks for the choco offer; I require 8 year's supplies. Nice try, but you dont know how to help me!
(really see saw, congrats on the win! and thank your for the offer. mmmm, delish! I wont hog it all.:-))))
Anonymous said... 10
I am wearing all black. I am the spirit of past posters.
There are name tags stuck all over my attire. I filled in a few of the blanks with the names of posters I used to love and wish were still with us.
Dallas Lady
Hippie Chick
Hey Jude
Hoosier Girl
Just Me
Feel free to pencil in the names you recall.
My real name is on the tag stuck to the bottom of my right foot.
The party is 4 minutes old and I am having a hard time staying in character and being mean and rude to my regular buds here.
Helloooo!!! From my throne of rubbermaid white I issue orders to my followers- aka my minions!
It's my way or the highway cuz I just get sooo soooo ANGRY- No One knows how to help me!!
Why cant you all just help me, by doing everything, cuz I am so busy, you know, telling you what to do! It's not easy running 'Mine, Alllll Mine, as far as the eye can See', my queendom- the land of Kate.
So get with the program, or OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!
(happy halloween everyone!)
My costume is a giant wad of ABC gum.
SeeSaw -- I think you're my new best friend, LOL! Congrats on the choco win.
I miss Prairie Mary.
I am wearing:
1. Purple man sneakers
2. A strap-on Grow-A-Boyfriend, fully inflated front and back
3. An alarm clock on my butt, set to go off at 11 p.m. EST
4. Two bowls of vanilla ice cream, one on each boobie
5. A G-string that collects all of my missing g's
6. Football helmet that says, "He, She, or It" - your choice, your pleasure, whatever turns you on"
7. Large rubber hands with patches of brown hair, carrying sheet music, "So, kiss me, Kate, thou lovely loon,'Ere we start on our honeymoon.
So kiss me, Kate, darling devil divine,
For now thou shall ever be mine"
Blowing In The Wind
Twick or Tweat.
I'm one of Kate's Ardent Enablers
I am covered in ostrich feathers and am carrying a big bucket of sand into which I've deeply plunged my head. When I need to take a breath I remove my head, breathe deeply all the while singing lalalalalalala, I can't hear you.
One last trick-or-treat for the party- I am Bill
(who remembers this?)
Boy: Woof! You sure gotta climb a lot of steps to get to this Capitol Building here in Washington. But I wonder who that sad little scrap of paper is?
I'm just a bill.
Yes, I'm only a bill.
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey
To the capital city.
It's a long, long wait
While I'm sitting in committee,
But I know I'll be a law someday
At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: Gee, Bill, you certainly have a lot of patience and courage.
Bill: Well I got this far. When I started, I wasn't even a bill, I was just an idea. Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed, so they called their local Congressman and he said, "You're right, there oughta be a law." Then he sat down and wrote me out and introduced me to Congress. And I became a bill, and I'll remain a bill until they decide to make me a law.
I'm just a bill
Yes I'm only a bill,
And I got as far as Capitol Hill.
Well, now I'm stuck in committee
And I'll sit here and wait
While a few key Congressmen discuss and debate
Whether they should let me be a law.
How I hope and pray that they will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: Listen to those congressmen arguing! Is all that discussion and debate about you?
Bill: Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones. Most bills never even get this far. I hope they decide to report on me favourably, otherwise I may die.
Boy: Die?
Bill: Yeah, die in committee. Oooh, but it looks like I'm gonna live! Now I go to the House of Representatives, and they vote on me.
Boy: If they vote yes, what happens?
Bill: Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts all over again.
Boy: Oh no!
Bill: Oh yes!
I'm just a bill
Yes, I'm only a bill
And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill
Well, then I'm off to the White House
Where I'll wait in a line
With a lot of other bills
For the president to sign
And if he signs me, then I'll be a law.
How I hope and pray that he will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Boy: You mean even if the whole Congress says you should be a law, the president can still say no?
Bill: Yes, that's called a veto. If the President vetoes me, I have to go back to Congress and they vote on me again, and by that time you're so old...
Boy: By that time it's very unlikely that you'll become a law. It's not easy to become a law, is it?
Bill: No!
But how I hope and I pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Congressman: He signed you, Bill! Now you're a law! (Jon and Kate's Law, hehehe)
Bill: Oh yes!!!
Schoolhouse Rocks!!! Hope you enjoyed the song and my second, and final, costume of the night.
OK, OK. Read the rules. So...
STILL the chair in the corner. Brown one. The old one. NOW reclining. Replaced the bunny ears with $7000 white blonde hair extensions. Have stacked up 8 rolls of QN (an hour's supply) next to me. The Spanker tucked in the side on one side, a pink iPhone next to it. One the other side 7 issues of People magazine. Over the side, a vomit bucket. Holding my coffee waiting on SOMEBODY to bring me my 1/3 cup of fat free coffemate. I think I sat on an egg.
Flight of the Kiwi
oops, forgot to post as anon, LOL
I am bad at this :D
Sorry I growled at you Dwindle!
You look just like the old witch on date night with the silver haired guy.
(holds out my Rumspringa cup)
LOL You girls are crazy!
Ok, I'm dressed as Faye Dunaway, dressed as Joan Crawford.
Anonymous said... 22
Sorry I growled at you Dwindle!
You look just like the old witch on date night with the silver haired guy.
Aww, I'd give you a hug but it might mess up my make up and I have been troweling this shit on my face since October 3rd.
I can only stay a moment, but I did rustle up a costume. I am coming as half an avocado and four pieces of cut, not ripped, romaine!
berks res
When Mr. Milne wrote about me and Mr. Shepard drew me I bet they never thought that I'd and up as a bad tattoo on Kate's ankle. I'm her Winnie The Pooh tat and won't someone please help me escape back to the hundred acre wood? Shoka - can I hitch a ride on your back?
It took me a couple of tries but I think I've got it!
Anony said... 23
(holds out my Rumspringa cup)
Oh Dwindle, I mean Anony! I think you might have had one too many rumspringa already!
berks res
NJGal51 said... 25
When Mr. Milne wrote about me and Mr. Shepard drew me I bet they never thought that I'd and up as a bad tattoo on Kate's ankle. I'm her Winnie The Pooh tat and won't someone please help me escape back to the hundred acre wood? Shoka - can I hitch a ride on your back?
Hi, Pooh Bear! I have a sure way out for you!
Walk outside and drag the carcass that you are attached to with you. Now plunge your entire self in the first deep mud puddle you see and stay there! Dont worry, you'll be perfectly safe - ignore the wiggling and screaming.In a few short hours a nice rescue worker will be dragging your former owner away in a cozy white jacket with funny sleeves and belts, but YOU will be on your way to freedom!
Well my costume is my revers mullet magic bra and spray tan.
I neeed to seriously gfit some hooker heels and a backpack for my bodyguard.
Chef Summer,
Anonymous said... 27
I can only stay a moment, but I did rustle up a costume. I am coming as half an avocado and four pieces of cut, not ripped, romaine!
berks res
You're gonna get fat. dont you want to be as shapely as me?
I forgot. I've brought ostrich egg deviled eggs (without the yolks) so they look kind of weird.
I neeed to seriously gfit some hooker heels and a backpack for my bodyguard.
Chef Summer,
I have an extra pair, dear. But only in size 2.
I don't exist; therefore, I cannot be a costume.
Kate's Good Bra
(aka PatK)
Dwindle -- that is one hideous avatar. I would flee the ladies room that woman entered!
I think I'll try that Anony but it's awful hard dragging her off that leather couch. Maybe if someone will dress as h eleventh-billionth pink iPhone and run by she will get up and chase it.
You're gonna get fat. dont you want to be as shapely as me?
YOUR AVATAR IS AMAZING!!! Anyway, that menu was lunch and dinner for TWO days, silly.
OT: I had to enlarge the pic to see what it was and I took a sneak peek at your profile. With one minor change, I could copy that and it would be all about me. Same years and everything. We just may be soul sisters!
berks r.
Hi, Pooh Bear! I have a sure way out for you!
Walk outside and drag the carcass that you are attached to with you. Now plunge your entire self in the first deep mud puddle
Or just go into Rabbit's tree and eat a bunch of honey.
I hope you guys don't mind a long time lurker joining this costume party. I'm Kates pink I Phone. I have 100 other replacements stored away in case i break.Something is really strange though. My number keyboard which is on my back is fine. Has all the numbers and symbols. The front is really,really strange. It only has three buttons. Over my right fake boob it has the word I,the left fake boob it has the word me, and the strangest button is right over my belly button which has the word umm.. strange isn't it?
You're gonna get fat. dont you want to be as shapely as me?
Hey. HEY! I'M the shapely one here. The wooden spoon. Big head, skinny body. You're jus' jellus.
OK one last post and then I am done. My contribution to the party is a tray of delicious peanut butter cookies. All organic peanut butter. They smell absolutely delish, but I won't eat any. I saved one of my romaine leaves for the party.
(am I getting on everyone's nerve with my hash tags???????????????????????????????)
Oh I'm glad someone thought to come as Joan Crawford! I bought some Noxzema for that but then it slipped my mind.
Over my right fake boob it has the word I,the left fake boob it has the word me, and the strangest button is right over my belly button which has the word umm.. strange isn't it?
You have a belly button? I thought People made it go bye-bye!
I just had to join in tonight so much fun!
I am the washable crayola marker, uncapped and not out of the package. I cause too much stress and laundry for a certain mommy of 8.
I brought rolls of toilet paper for us to wrap ourselves in while we wait for the gr8t k8 to unveil her current scheme for increasing fan interest. Then we can munch on last years candy stash. Sorry the chocolate is a little bit whiteyish....
If K8 doesnt produce the newest scheme soon, we can venure down to the chicken coop, and snatch a basket of eggs, and know the rest!
I'm going as a damn Bella Bar.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate
You're gonna get fat. dont you want to be as shapely as me?
YOUR AVATAR IS AMAZING!!! Anyway, that menu was lunch and dinner for TWO days, silly.
OT: I had to enlarge the pic to see what it was and I took a sneak peek at your profile. With one minor change, I could copy that and it would be all about me. Same years and everything. We just may be soul sisters!
berks r.
AWWW! So many times, I wish we could really know each other and this is one of them. {{hug}}
I am a Keurig coffee machine. My earings and necklace are made out of K-cups. I have bracelets made out of CoffeeMate containers. My hat is made out of a BellaBar box, and it is decorated with Bed, Bath and Beyond Q-pons.
Be back later-still trying to catch up on the old thread.
(Kate is a twit)
Anonymous said... 40
OK one last post and then I am done. My contribution to the party is a tray of delicious peanut butter cookies. All organic peanut butter. They smell absolutely delish, but I won't eat any. I saved one of my romaine leaves for the party.
(am I getting on everyone's nerve with my hash tags???????????????????????????????)
BUSTED! In the pics on ROL, she is at Target buying a jar of Jiff.
I tried to go as a shopping cart with no self-awareness, but my wheels locked up when I tried to go beyond the yellow line!
FL Mama
I'm going to bring a boat load of candy to the party. Where are the damn trick or treaters? They can't use Sandy as an excuse because I'm on the other side of the country. Come on kids...good candy here (I buy what we like).
Winnie The Pooh
Anonymous said... 38
I hope you guys don't mind a long time lurker joining this costume party. I'm Kates pink I Phone. I have 100 other replacements stored away in case i break.Something is really strange though. My number keyboard which is on my back is fine. Has all the numbers and symbols. The front is really,really strange. It only has three buttons. Over my right fake boob it has the word I,the left fake boob it has the word me, and the strangest button is right over my belly button which has the word umm.. strange isn't it?
Hi Gingerbread! Have some rumspringa!
I neeed to seriously gfit some hooker heels and a backpack for my bodyguard.
Chef Summer,
I'd seriously like to see your bodyguard in hooker heels...
Flight of the Kiwi
I am going as one of Kates sheep.
I am covered in pink wool
I have my running shoes on
I am telling everyone that I am going train for a 5 K due to Kates influence
I have multiple copies of her books signed and covering my body.
I have an I hate Jon sticker on my butt.
I am arriving as the scariest thing since Kate's journal.....can you guess what I am! BAAAAABAAA Susieq
I have decided to come to the party as the BBB parked in the fire lane. I am full of last years candy. Come in and help yourselves.
Winnie The Pooh (NJGal51)
I am the chair over in front of the stove cooking, car keys on the arm. Still brown. Still old. Still reclining.
Don't remember moving. Why am I cooking? Where's the car.
Shouldn't have taken that ambien...
Fliki tfo ghe wih
Anonymous said... 48
I tried to go as a shopping cart with no self-awareness, but my wheels locked up when I tried to go beyond the yellow line!
FL Mama
Here ya go, dear!
Like Kate, I have been in jail..not twitter jail, but blog jail, but tonight I am here and ready to par-tay!
Everyone catch- 1 roll of toilet paper for each of you... not quilted northern tho, thats my stash, you each get the TLC paid for crap....
So, just play amongst yourselves while I go see if the gr8 k8 has made any announcements!
be right back...
I am wearing a silver wig, cut close to the head: my right hand is elbow deep in a cookie jar labeled "$ earned by the kids": while I have one of Kate's purses slung over my left elbow. My ensemble is completed by a Super Security Dude black backpack and a round pin which declares "Don't touch mah pizza!"
Sweet Tart
I am coming as a chicken and I brought my two friends with me, Sammy and Ella. Instead of eats I brought barf buckets.
Anonymous said... 51
I neeed to seriously gfit some hooker heels and a backpack for my bodyguard.
Chef Summer,
I'd seriously like to see your bodyguard in hooker heels...
Flight of the Kiwi
He's tall sliver hair wears a backpack and carries and purse.
He's also married and from NZ but I swear there's nothing between was.
I am dying to know if that precious little pink cupcake at the top of the page is our Admin? Is that you, Admin? You are absolutely scrumptious!
I have THE most romantic, wonderful hubby...
DH: Watcha doin'?
Me: I'm at a party...can't you tell?
DH: Oh. I was just thinking...
ME: (ignoring the obvious comeback) yes?
DH: We should have sex before you lose your looks.
Sigh. I think I'll send myself flowers.
Andrea said... 52
I am going as one of Kates sheep.
I am covered in pink wool
I have my running shoes on
I am telling everyone that I am going train for a 5 K due to Kates influence
I have multiple copies of her books signed and covering my body.
I have an I hate Jon sticker on my butt.
At first glance i read this as "due to Kate's FLATULENCE." so naturally I figured you were Steve!
Yo Ho Ho... and a bottle of RUMSPRINGA!
I actually put together my costume, several weeks ago. I'm a gypsy-pirate, in honor of the Kate Plus 8, "Pirates, Kites & Turtles, Oh My!!" episode. The one where they took pirate acting lessons in North Carolina-- ARG!
What's in my sachel? A flask of Rumspringa, of course. And by Rumspringa, I mean boxed wine.
Kristine (formerly 'Monster Mommy')
Flight of the Kiwi said... 63
I have THE most romantic, wonderful hubby...
DH: Watcha doin'?
Me: I'm at a party...can't you tell?
DH: Oh. I was just thinking...
ME: (ignoring the obvious comeback) yes?
DH: We should have sex before you lose your looks.
Sigh. I think I'll send myself flowers.
Laughed so loud the dog came over to see if I am ok. !!!!
Wow! Suck it Khate! There's a new sextuplet family in town and Oprah is backing them!
I have decided to come to the party as the BBB parked in the fire lane. I am full of last years candy. Come in and help yourselves.
Oh, creative! I think someone should come as a cop and arrest your ass and finally see some JUSTICE here even if it's just pretend.
ps: prayers have gone out to all those effected by Hurricane Sandy
*theresa monsterinthehousemeagler*
Everyone catch- 1 roll of toilet paper for each of you... not quilted northern tho, thats my stash, you each get the TLC paid for crap....
Real nice monstermashmeagler - now I have a 3-inch wood splinter in my butt. Who has the tweezers?
Yes that's me the cupcake, aren't I a dish?!
He-he naw I'm the meat slicer!
Anonymous said... 59
I am wearing a silver wig, cut close to the head: my right hand is elbow deep in a cookie jar labeled "$ earned by the kids": while I have one of Kate's purses slung over my left elbow. My ensemble is completed by a Super Security Dude black backpack and a round pin which declares "Don't touch mah pizza!"
Sweet Tart
Brilliant! hand in the kid$ cookie jar. Brilliant!
Sorry. It's me, flight (too lazy to type of the kiwi), who needs the tweezers. And somebody with a flashlight. Quick.
I am bringing seven dozen boxes of frozen cupcakes from Georgetown, and cases of bottled water. You are not allowed to eat the cupcakes or drink the water.
Look, but don't touch.
Anonymous said... 69
ps: prayers have gone out to all those effected by Hurricane Sandy
*theresa monsterinthehousemeagler*
The cupcake - is she gluten free?
I am a piece of unwrapped pizza-crawling with germs-sitting on a scooter going nowhere since I have no gas can!
Anonymous said... 74
I am bringing seven dozen boxes of frozen cupcakes from Georgetown, and cases of bottled water. You are not allowed to eat the cupcakes or drink the water.
Look, but don't touch.
HEY you studied up! And learned the details on how to throw a Kate Gosselin kind of party! I supposed we arent allowed in the house either!
Following my own outstanging example when I announced I was a participant on DWTS, I'm coming as a demure mon in a demure dancing outfit on because, you know, I'm a mom of 8. 'Can't dress like a tramp, now, can I? There's a place and a time for that. Like shopping at Target, pumping gas for my Audi, going to the UPS store, etc., etc. Is Tony here yet? No? Good! The man never knew how to help me...
Oops! The DWTS post (79) was from meeee: little White Organza! (Blush...)
I'm coming as Robert Hoffman. :-)
I changed. Got too hot in that chair.
Now I'm Jon.
I'm coming as a little kids stuffed toy - and I have chewing gum stuck to me.
That three inch wood splinter is a stick, and JON told you to pull it out!!! no tweezers needed!
Here I am, fashionably late (and I'm from the '80s as well)!!
I am usually found swimming free in the ocean but now I am wrapped in crisp parchment paper and baked to a flaky deliciousness-ish! You will find me hanging out with some earthy vegetables, fresh herbs and a touch of saffron. You may enjoy me for only 34 dollars, unless your hairdresser picks up the tab...
Some may call me by my formal French name, but others may just say "cum an' getcher fish in paper!"
I am only popping in for a bit, I am very tired after working an 11 hour day and then handing out candy for a couple hours. But I simply couldn't miss the party! Does anyone have any skinnygirl rumspringa? I'll have a triple!!
BTW, I miss Prairie Mary too (as well as the others mentioned)!
Seesaw #7. Perfect!
Flight of the Kiwi said... 63
"DH: We should have sex before you lose your looks."
Haha Kiwi!
My sister-in-law and I are both dressed as pirates tonight. She just said to my Hubby... "Doesn"t she look HOT? Don't you just want to take her to bed?" (Giggles all around)
He responded with, "No, I think I'd rather PUT her to bed!" He's a real gem.
I really want that Amazon card, to buy Gosselin Book. "Dying" to read it. ARG!!
Kristine- (Monster Mommy)
Admin says...
Oh, creative! I think someone should come as a cop and arrest your ass and finally see some JUSTICE here even if it's just pretend.
But don't you know who I am?? I am Kate the great and I love a man in a uniform. That's why they let me speed through town in my BBB and keep those terrible P People away from me.
The cupcake - is she gluten free?
OK I just made the most awesomeist gluten free peanut butter cookies last night for my students. So easy and woweewowwow were they delish and EZ. 2 cups peanut butter, 2 cups sugar, two eggs. Mix and drop. Bake 350 for 8 minuten. My very own personal original and fresh recipe that I copied off the internet.
I know I said that my previous post would be the last of the night, however, I am a lying liar who lies. I'm watching American Horror Story and I need to look away at times.
I have arrived as the next best super duper cookbok gathering dust
wheres the rumspringa? and forget the glass, I need a box, I'm thirsty, and no u can't have any, we're on the air!
I'm coming as a big bowl of macaroni and cheese. Just for Steve.
I have decided to come to the party as the BBB parked in the fire lane. I am full of last years candy. Come in and help yourselves.
What's that paper under the BBB...I'll see if I can crawl under and retrieve it - don't MOVE!
Sorry Admin I thought I was posting as anonymous. Just realized I didn't sorry. This is what happens when you park in firelanes. Rules just don't apply.
MOM she's copying me!!!!!!!
What's that paper under the BBB...I'll see if I can crawl under and retrieve it - don't MOVE!
Not too worry I won't even come out of the BBB. I will try to keep my foot on the brake. It may be hard since I have a lead foot on the gas.
Just popped on, our trick or treaters took all my candy, lol.
I haven't read all the posts, but if not taken I want to be...hmm
I think I'll be a lunchbox with a day old sandwich in it.
or maybe a grape...
I love the cupcake, Admin.-- SWEET! I wish you guys could peep my pirate garb, this evening.
I have more blue eyeshadow on, than Mimi from the Drew Carey Show.
I was dressed as a pirate all day - should have figured you were too! Funny, eh? Go ahead and laugh at the "eh", my whole family does as well. BTW, I have only lived up here 6 years.
***waving hi at Dwindle!!***Duchess, deary, we have your back around here - I hope you know that!
woofwoof! Bearswife
I'm coming as a big bowl of macaroni and cheese. Just for Steve.
I'll come with you as the salad. Just for Steve.
Pleaseeee don't forget the cupcake needs to be organic wrapped in foil.
And like um um seriously make sure my bodyguard has one
PS, wash ur hands-(it's sooo disgusting if you don't)
I'm coming as a coupon with the word "FIRED" written across it.
I will be coming as Dr. Glassman. I will be bringing the botox, fillers, and silicone implants. If you want any work done while at the party line on up. Rumspringa will be your pain killer. Drink up people.
I'll be late for the party. I need to figure out which of the three cars is going to use less gas to get there. Maybe I'll buy a fourth economy car, just to save on the cost of petrol.
Have no fear, that sasquatch was me! I took a "paige" otta khaye's book ( darn costume was too hot, and I need to show off the girls" . So I switched to a beige bikini and ran ariund the house to the swimming pool in my * coit em * inch heels
ps..that spash was me..who tossed me into the pool? I told u I was not to get wet under penalty os severeness!
STEEVE..DO SOMETHInG..clap clap!!!
you guys are hilarious. I haven't laughed this hard since the last party!
anyone come as an EM Tanner board? tanning booth? an Anne Taylor LOFT?lol
a 'dream dropped in the mail with a kiss?"
a cookbook?
half an organic cow?
a paper plate?
juicy juice box?
I will be coming as Dr. Glassman. I will be bringing the botox, fillers, and silicone implants. If you want any work done while at the party line on up. Rumspringa will be your pain killer. Drink up people.
I'll be coming as Dr. Cammarano, former owner of the house. I'll be pushing a refrigerator and a supply of Q-tips.
Over In Kate's County
All I'm wearing is a Red Cross blanket with nothing underneath. Henry, the Amish farmer, is driving me to the party in the horse with the buggy behind.
Parent In Lancaster County
I'll be coming as Dr. Cammarano, former owner of the house. I'll be pushing a refrigerator and a supply of Q-tips.
Over In Kate's County
OMG, I snorted over this one...lololololololololol
I'm coming as that permanent scowl Kate has on her face when she is not gritting for something. See my roots on my hair from the ROL photos? I'm so pissed that I can't get to NY to get my straw redone because that idiotic storm Sandy has blocked my trip. #I'mawhinybitch
She's come undone
Obviously I meant grifting not gritting. Dang autocorrect!
she's come undone
Thank you kindly for the invite to your party tonight. I'm coming tonight as her good bra,stuffed with pink phones, and post-its holding bella bars all around. My necklace has the toy horse that Shoka swallowed and was surgically removed. My mini skirt is made of chicken feathers and trimmed in lo-fat triskets coated in organic peanut butter. My legs are tinted with the rinse water from my last color job and last but not least I'm strutting around in my red Fudge me shoes. OH, my head, I forgot my head. Trying to stay in character-snark snark. Thank you very much for tonight, I had a lovely time. Loved the gifts from our hostess-the Statue of Liberty suckers. And they were all in one piece! Thank you again for the invite.
Have no fear, that sasquatch was me! I took a "paige" otta khaye's book ( darn costume was too hot, and I need to show off the girls" . So I switched to a beige bikini and ran ariund the house to the swimming pool in my * coit em * inch heels
ps..that spash was me..who tossed me into the pool? I told u I was not to get wet under penalty os severeness!
STEEVE..DO SOMETHInG..clap clap!!!
Oh dear, and with all that concrete on your face, you are sinking like a lead weight right to the bottom. Oh dear. Glug glug... Oh look, chocolate!
Why is no one eating the slop - er, um - organic dip I brought? Honestly. I mean, to be honest. It is NOT mediocre. There's lots and lots and lots of cheese and organic canned black beans in it. And guacamole. It's supposed to be served with those 503 loaves of bread I baked in my 2 Cuisinart breadmakers. Which are now broken. The warranty ran out at loaf 500 and I don't have a coupon.
Why is Dwindle painting herself with pudding? With chicken feathers?
Who's the bunch in the dining room singing that Do-Re-Mi song and why are they stuck on MI? Nothing but mi, mi, mi.
Why do I feel like breaking out in a Steeley Dan song?
Admin, this party is getting out of control. We NEED control. We must have control. I could just slap someone silly...
I put the stick back in.
I got tired of feeling sticky and grungy so I changed my costume from the wad of chewing gum to an expensive 2 seater sports car. It's okay, though, because I'm used.
Where are the refreshments. My tank is almost empty!
carolina peach said... 114
LOL! you forgot your head! LOL! Awesome!
Ah costume change if that's allowed?
I'm Miojack you don't know what I'm man or woman insane sheep or paid friend of Kate's.
Forget the demure dancing outfit! I'm coming as a Disneyworld visitor with melted ice cream on my T-shirt. Do you know who I am? You're right! I'm "Ruined"!
(Nah... It's me again. White Organza.)
Anonymous said... 100
I was dressed as a pirate all day - should have figured you were too! Funny, eh?
Bearswife! We are indeed, soul-sistas'!
We used to own a huge sailboat, in the Long Beach Marina, here in L.A. The folks on our dock 'V', would shout out "ARG!!" every time they saw one of the local sailors approaching their craft. I am still a true pirate-girl at heart. We sailed (a maiden voyage) to Catalina Island 23 miles one way, with a broken compass and made it, just in time for sunset. ARG!!
Kristine (Monster-Mash-Mommy ;)
I'm coming as that permanent scowl Kate has on her face when she is not gritting for something. See my roots on my hair from the ROL photos? I'm so pissed that I can't get to NY to get my straw redone because that idiotic storm Sandy has blocked my trip. #I'mawhinybitch
She's come undone
I thought about coming as a giant fleshy number 11 but I couldnt squeeze another darned thing into this outfit.
I'm dressing up as a big Greyhound bus, with a sign along my side: "If you're trying to find Jon, look under me."
I'm coming as white board calendar, designed and trademarked by Em Tanner. This one's extra special: It comes with a compass, for those who've "lost their way."
She's come undone..112
Let me introduce myself. I'm Dr. Glassman, plastic surgeon. I can fix that scowl for you. Have some Rumspringa. Won't hurt a bit.
I'm coming as Kate. Just plain Kate because I want to live vicariously through her. No frills or gimmicks. She's perfect just the way she is.
I brought my costume description over from the other thread:
I have a great costume picked out for the party.
It includes:
Black fishnet stockings
3 tubs of eyeliner
6 sets of false eyelashes
144 vials (that is a gross, sheeple, check it) of botox injectables, plus one needles
1 freshly sharpened black lip liner
4 gallon sized jugs of hair bleach
2 tubs eyeshadow
one tube of florescent lipstick for upper lip
another tube of maroon lipstick for lower lip
clip in curly hair extensions/ shade white
black leather teddy, 4 sizes too small
plug in false teeth that blink in neon when hooked up to the portable generator
Who am I and who am I?
Ehh. I cant keep a secret! I am Kate on a girl's night out!
DDwindle..why can't u help me? I know there is a shark cage here somewhere..ooh..think those are sheeple in sharks costumes. Quick..toss in the chum..err..guacamole wile I shreik and claw my way over the back of dem darn shark-sheeple..NOW!! clap clap one knows how to heeeelllppp meeeee..they alll leeeave meeeee...I've come undone!!!!!
I am Ruined!!!!!
I need more rumapringa..gonnadeflate the girls and hope it propells me up up outta the pool and into a hot air ballon so I can re-inflate with lots of hot air.
OOO music! Time for dancing! Let's all get our annoyed attitudes on a pitch a fit... ready? 1,2,...
Anonymous said... 124
I'm coming as a white board calendar, designed and trademarked by Em Tanner. This one's extra special: It comes with a compass, for those who've "lost their way."
Oops! Forgot to include my screen name. Anonymous at 124 = Improbable Dreams
Spinning some tunes for everyone now, the dancing has begun.
Taylor's Swift's Speak Now album is up first.
"I'm coming as a coupon with the word "FIRED" written across it."
I'm coming as snips of Kate's hair with the word "FRIED" written across them.
DDwindle..why can't u help me? I know there is a shark cage here somewhere..ooh..think those are sheeple in sharks costumes. Quick..toss in the chum..err..guacamole wile I shreik and claw my way over the back of dem darn shark-sheeple..NOW!! clap clap one knows how to heeeelllppp meeeee..they alll leeeave meeeee...I've come undone!!!!!
I am Ruined!!!!!
I need more rumapringa..gonnadeflate the girls and hope it propells me up up outta the pool and into a hot air ballon so I can re-inflate with lots of hot air.
Look kids. It's either NASA shooting off a rocket or Kate's boobs deflated and are propelling her out the pool! Wow, we should call the AirForce or do something to hel- oh, look Snickers bars!
rainbowsandunicorns said... 126
I'm coming as Kate. Just plain Kate because I want to live vicariously through her. No frills or gimmicks. She's perfect just the way she is.
I too thought of coming as Holy Mother Mary, er I mean plain Kate, but I had started spackling on the makeup weeks ago and Deanna hasnt arrived yet with the sand blaster so I stayed with this costume.
Spinning some tunes for everyone now, the dancing has begun.
Taylor's Swift's Speak Now album is up first.
I want to do the jive to Elton John's "I'm Still Standing," (in honor of Kate) while I am still in an upright position (before I pass out from too much rumspringa!)...
Sorry I'm late. I'm vampire Kate. I suck the life out everyone I come across! Where's the food I'm hungry?
I'm coming as the heart that Kate is missing.
What's Next?
Parent In Lancaster County-
Blasphemous... I love it! Amish Henry would be shocked, to see the horror that lies beneath the Red Cross Blanket. (Is the "good bra" on underneath this wolf, wrapped in sheeple's clothing?)
I think you may be shunned from the community, after this "Rumspringa-ish" display!
Monster Mommy
I'm coming as Em Tanner, and I am bringing personalized calendars for each and every one of you. And personalized mugs for the rumspringa.
I am also bringing a large bowl of broken lollipops to pass out as treats.
Dancing as fast as I can.
I think you may be shunned from the community, after this "Rumspringa-ish" display!
I think if parents went behind the barns on any Saturday night there would be a lot of those kids who would be shunned! :) The Rumspringa flows freely!
Ummm.ummm..oh yeah..I..the great kate foind out where all the helium wemt..what shortage? .
Thwy used it all in the hot air balloon that just saved me.
and more importantly, the "girls".
btw..farted rainbows and unicorns on the way't I just wo.derful? those weren't firework milo..just my amazing self!!!!!!
found my new bust size..inhaled some gas, expeled other ..and am so exhaustedish gonna chill with my D's ( dwindle.dmasy..and bluebird)...feel even skinnier since that gas
carry one...lounging on mt leather couch awaiting plattitude tweefranky
I love ambien
Rethinking my costume and since it is Halloween I think I'll come as something shocking, disgusting and sickening and sure to put fear into the hearts of small children. I'm coming as Kate's Diary.
What's Next?
I'm dressed as Joan Crawford's evil twin.
unum e pluribus said... 144
I'm dressed as Joan Crawford's evil twin.
So... you're coming as Kate Gosselin then?
I crack me up.
I'm here! I am wearing a yellow hat, orange top, brown pants, and yellow CROCKS! And I have a sign on my chest, expiration date January 30, 2011. Can you guess? I am candy corn, but not just ANY candy corn! I AM EXPIRED HALLOWEEN CANDY!
Joy in Virginia
PS, I brought sweet potato corn bread! Recipe from Chef Sonya Brown at the Sea Shack in Hilton Head SC. Made with sweet potato chunks, corn meal, sugar, floor, brown sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, and jerk seasoning. It is yummy, kinda like gingerbread, great warm with Cool Whip on top!
I think the chair should win the costume contest!
Good party. I've been kinda quiet. Sitting over here by the old brown recliner with special powers.
Enjoying watching all of you dance. Sipping my rumspringa with a twist of lime.
I am going to say goodnight, all. (Stop with the cheering , I am still standing right here!) It will take hours in the shower with brillo pads to get all this makeup off!
I have tickets to see President Clinton tommorrow, so I'll wave at you all as soon as I can shove my donkey teeth in front of a TV camera. I'll be the one screeching as the Secret Service, the REAL ones - not the fake Steve kind, carry me outta there.
Thanks for a fun party, and boogie forth y'all!
Wait! Did anyone come as a white plastic throne?? With an ass in it that wont move?!?
Sorry I'm a bit late. I was running off copies of e-mails. I'm dressed as Cindy, the cruise director, handing out personal information of all the passengers who signed up for the cruise that never happened.
cindy..u should sit on the white throne handing out rumspringas as
I'm coming as a broken Statue of Liberty lollipop.
I got an anonymous tip that Kate will be trying to sneak into the party. She threw on a heavy sweater and is coming as global warming.
Call Me Crazy
Anonymous said... 132
"I'm coming as a coupon with the word "FIRED" written across it."
I'm coming as snips of Kate's hair with the word "FRIED" written across them.
What about TLC you got fired from me first.
My costume is a lone little sock that was carelessly dropped on the road as my friends and I were angrily dragged to the laudromat... desperately missing my mate who is STILL sitting in the laundromat dryer *sniff sniff*
Canadianmom :)
Global warming
I think I saw the missong sock posters neer that laundrymat
I'm coming as a wooden spoon! I'll be running around happying people up!
I think I saw the missong sock posters neer that laundrymat
Ha, franky! And its picture on milk cartons.
Call Me Crazy
Hi All!
I'm late to the party, but I'm here. I'm a tired, cliched platitude retweeted by Kate and lapped up by the sheep: " DON'T LET LIFE GET THE BEST OF YOU... GIVE LIFE THE BEST YOU HAVE! :) have a gr8t day... It's a choice! Choose wisely! :) "
This was a cute daytime at work today and I am soooo stealing it shamelessly ishlike.
I have an expired box of organic cereal trapped to my chest, with a knife stuck in the box, and blood dripping from it... Can you guess? I am a CEREAL KILLER! Of course the cereal is organic and expired, and had a return label ”Sheeple, Sheepleville USA”.
Hi ya'll. Kate's daily planner here. Sorry to be late, but I didn't realize there was a party today until someone tweeted me asking what I was wearing.
There's nothing on my pages really. I mean my owner doesn't have a job or anything and doesn't feel a need to keep track of those pesky school things.
Everyday is pretty much the same. "Freak out because I didn't realize this...was today and call 400 people looking for someone who can help me" (like Halloween and the need for costumes. Costumes? That were needed like last Thursday) Another entry says "Paperwork" and lightly written next to it is "at least 300 I love your product emails to companies for sponsorships"
I guess the most important entries are the ones that say "NYC FISH IN PAPER" which are bolded and have these little hearts all around them.
The only other writting is a little note in the back notes section that says "SN, Hampton, room 243, key at desk, champaige package" but I'm not sure what that's about.
Well, wishing you and yours a very happy halloween! (It IS halloween today, right? Can someone send me some info confirming that on twitter? Thx)
Music request ..I blame N@
N@..I am happy..thank you mommy u are the bestest..and
get happy..partidge family ( could be considered a costume)..and classic Monstermash
CMC..I forgot about those milk cartons...still loking for salt..u seen hin?
Wait... Did anyone come as the stripe on the rug yet? I may change into that later while I hand out some popcorn, feel free to spill it all over me. :)
I'm wearing a navy blue two-piece Ann Taylor suit that I got for a song at the Salvation Army thrift store.
I printed out all the excerpts from RH's book I could find among the pages of Admin.'s blog and stapled them to my suit.
What am I?
Love and Happy Halloween,
The music I brought is Gangnam Style. Yeah I know but there's just something about that song that makes me dance around like a complete fool. Hey, we're all semi-anonymous tonight and the rumps rings is flowing freely. Everybody dance!
Mamak..u forgot halloween prep list..check on tomorrows to-do-by-others lisrequsite "mirror mirror on the wall am I, me still the faitest of them all?
Cherier1 ..I thank u..needed a plaattitude to ponder before being able to sleep
Cereal killer..lmao
Time for a costume change!
I'm a peeling globe this hour.
Thanks franky and call me crazy! I NEED my sock mate back so I can leave the house, I'm terrified to go out without him because the rest of the laundry swarms me (im a very famous sock dontcha know) and I actually might have to interact with them. *shudder*
Hey, who is that over there as Eileen O'Neil?! She's passing out A+ report cards and mountain dew in bottles to the children of America instead of candy, because Honey Boo Boo is educational-ish and makes us smarter don't ya know. Good one!
Next we're bobbing for organic apples. Please don't bite to hard or the veneers might come off.
Ok, one more costume change. I'm coming as the piece of Kate's counter top from under the range hood. Sorry about the nasty foot prints all over me though, some thoughtless bitch was standing all over me with her smelly old bare feet. Blechhhh!
Ok, off for a nap in the bbb... It's a Halloween tradition after all...
maybe ratclawss could help your soxk situatuon stat..he must be used ti it..cause kate is a nurse dontcha know.. ( wirh 8 count em 8 " kids..not kidding..seriously..honestumlishly that a mars bar?'
I'm a peeling globe this hour.
I need to lay off the rumspringa. I read this as "I'm a peeing globe..."
maybe ratclawss could help your soxk situatuon stat..he must be used ti it..cause kate is a nurse dontcha know.. ( wirh 8 count em 8 " kids..not kidding..seriously..honestumlishly
Did anyone come as a ratclaw? Quick, and hide before he/she finds you!
Woo hoo! Gangnam.Style! Let's dance!
And Monster Mash! Love it!
Woo.hoo! Pass that rumspringa over here! After I finish this drink, I will have some of that box O' wine! In my red solo cup, thank you very much!
Forgot to sign, its me, Joy in Virginia. I am over here sitting in the brown chair. That gangnam style dancin gets me dizzy.
I just emptied the last of the boxed wine into my Olive Garden cup, let's crack open a new one!
So sorry..poating kate is a nurse boggles my mind
to whomever..please stop peeing on the globe
Admin..after standing on cabadian..shooting to the helium hot air balloon..I promise to play nice and not break your veneers while I help u khate-style bob for case no worroes..I have a coypon for veneers
I love that auto correct decided that rumspringa should be "rumps rings" in my post above. I'm guessing autocorrect had a bit too much rumspringa. Now let's all Wang Chung!
"DH: We should have sex before you lose your looks."
I don't get it. I just don't get it.
I'm just a simple long piece of tape. I just love it when the Gosselin children sit down with me. They probably don't even know how much I look forward to their visits because the tall blonde person who lives here looks at me with such disdain and walks all over me. It's hard to keep myself looking nice for the children. But I try.
Lynn W.
I am nurse Kate,I'm sitting here at the nurses station relaxing with my shoes off and feet up on the desk. I trying to file my nails but that dam call light keeps ringing.I
look around, no one here so I guess I have to answer it (pulls mirror out pocket, fluffs hair and smacks a kiss)
Nurse Kate: Yeah, what ya need (while smacking gum)
Don't these people know I have 8, count em, 8 kis at home so I need to rest while doing my 1 shift for the week. Why doesn't anyone know how to help me?
I am Narcissus, a Greek hunter who fell in love with his own reflection which gave way to the word Narcissism. Without me, me, me, this blog wouldn't be here.
Nc girl
You all didn't TELL me we could make costume changes. Harrrumph. How annoying.
I'm STILL a stick thin wooden spoon with a big head. The bikini was optional, right? If I knew we could do a halftime change, I would have become a pot of Ol' Gramma's Soup with creamed spinach on the side.
I'm Kate's LEATHER couch. I'm dressed in head-to-toe leather and have a big butt-print on my lap from all the time Kate sat on me and tweeted about her exhausted-ish exhaustion.
C (Is for Cookie)
I up your creamed spinach with 3 days of eggparm..followed by salmonella chicken and...wait for it...
week old sandwiches
"I up your creamed spinach with 3 days of eggparm..followed by salmonella chicken and...wait for it..."
I'm bringing the Quilted Northern - 888 rolls of it because you're going to need it after eating the salmonella chicken.
May we bring a guest? I'd like to bring Tony. I'm coming as a shopping cart and I need someone to push me.
Anybody watch CSI tonight? It made me smile.
Anonymous said... 180
"DH: We should have sex before you lose your looks."
I don't get it. I just don't get it.
Well, maybe if you wore nothing but the Red Cross blanket, you would get it!
I am Donkey from Shrek with a long blond wig and wearing hooker heels with my toes hanging over. Why am I up on a crane?
I came as a rapping priest performing an exorcism on Kate while blasting this song and chanting no wooden spoons evah! When I realized it was all for naught and came out from the exorcism room I ran when I saw Kate's vileness was even more rampant. Very, very scarrry! Didn't even get to enjoy a rumspringa.
You guys are all so creative, great job, was fun reading for sure!
Now I am a bowl of M&Ms. Touch me at your peril.
I am the vacuum cleaner she dragged across all those rocks during the RV trip, oblivious to how much it hurt me and showing zero respect for property. I wish I could suck her up in my bag but then I'd probably get 'Kate Poisoning' so never mind.
I am a box of bumper stickers and old cliches. Choose one and tweet away.
SwingsandRoundabouts (obviously spoiled for choice)
I forgot to add the song now features Tony D!
I dressed as Robert Hoffman. Donation jar in hand. LOL
Is it too late to enter to win the $25?? This is my son's and my 1st Christmas alone. Happily alone! Well, of course with my extended family as well. I want to make this the bEST Christmas ever for him! It already is.
csi, ..yes
french taking over here..watching charbonneau comission
gvtnt corruption over khatie dearest..thanks for too many pofecelain throne appreciates it
back to regular squealers inc...
a demain=)
Hope I'm not to late for the party, I'm going as Kate's future so my costume is very bleak!
Wanted to bring some special dutch brownies but I wasn't allowed to board the plane with them,sorry!
Dutch Tulip
Wow, sorry I'm so late to the party. I'm a globe with a few peel-off countries missing, and I got lost trying to find the party.
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