"We did the best we could."
Chris Cuomo's moving interview with Aaron Fisher, 18, otherwise known as "Victim Number 1" is so important we thought it deserved its own post.

"Why are you moving so fast now when you moved so slowly when Aaron needed your help?" Cuomo shouts to a school principal running away from him. Karen Probst, mandated by law to report any abuse, instructed Aaron to go home and think about it when he first disclosed the abuse to her. She is still principal.
Will anyone ever be held accountable for the child abuse and child labor violations perpetrated against the Gosselin children for years? According to Robert Hoffman, he reported the child abuse allegations to CYS twice. Is this the best they could do?
Aaron's book Silence No More: Victim 1's Fight For Justice Against Jerry Sandusky is available for purchase on Amazon.com
1729 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1729 Newer› Newest»xxx
@Underwalt @kateplusmy8 She'll tweet tomorrow, snowed in trees down no electric. she did on the last one. Confirmed that it was not true.
Did Kate tweet that it's supposed to snow tomorrow? This should be interesting since the high is forecast in the 60s. We've never had snow at 65 degrees before!
Admin - why was my post removed? It appeared briefly an was gone.
Call me a blogger-come-lately but...
Fleecing The Sheeple was asking last night about Milo, after I posted regarding the creepy "A courtin" tweets she sent to Kate, several months ago.
Thank you for elaborating on the tweets, Fleece! Yes, Milo did in fact use the term "suitor". I was awkward, and she later deleted all of those tweets, stating something to the effect of-- she likes to keep a clean Twitter house, and periodically removes recent tweets. She has done this more than once. (Huh, M&J?)
In addition to this, the regulars once told me Milo has tweeted pictures of her dog Jack, that can be found on another fan of Kate's personal account. They have since been removed as well. This is the same male tweetie, that was sending (inspiring) romantic type messages to Kate several times a day. Several.
I think M&J just walked a 5K or something? Last I read, Milo was telling Kate what she thinks her words of encouragement to her might be, had Kate given a rats ass. She's on a roll that one!
And another thing I'll throw out there is - I wonder if the CPS workers were somewhat intimidated by the celebrity aspect. Certainly they're trained to look past that but do they?
They definitley can, especially if there is pressure from above. On top of that, there is so little to go around resource-wise that what happened, and is probably still happening, to the G kids was not desperate enough when compared to other cases. And as someone else mentioned, according to the laws of the state a lot, if not all, of what Khate and Jon did is perfectly legal. Want to change it Pennsylvania residents? Write, petition, use your vote, make your voice heard.
Pulling the Wool said -
I've been posting as Pulling The Wool for some time now (I think for more than a year)
pulling, yes, I remember you for some weird reason. Your father or father-in-law is a minister who goes to casinos and plays poker, or blackjack. Right? I remember reading that and thinking, wow, he sounds like fun! Bet his sermons are good!!!
Layla: that is exactly what Kate was doing. Kate before was shopping around an idea, for a show. Any TV network or cable channel, would want to see the merchandise, first before committing money, or time or a commitment , to put it on TV. I read once a few years ago(this was about David Tennant, he came to the US to film a pilot for a TV show that might be shown on NBC, the pilot never saw the light of day), that there are thousands of ideas(I also read back about Star Trek: Next Gen, how they pick story ideas and scripts, from pro writers to fans) and hundreds of pilots, that TV/Cable stations get all the time. So even if and it appears that Kate did film something, does not mean it will ever see the light of day. With Kates recent actions and past repetation, is not doing her any good. And if by chance it does see the light of day, it won't last long.
Kate proved one thing, with the CC firing, that all we saw on JK8 & K8 were not edited to death(as Kate stated), granted a lot might have been scripted, but a lot wasn't, like the RV trip, that was very real and how Kate really is, cause if it wasn't and it was edited to death, there would have been nothing to put on TV. So let Kate rant & rave, no network or cable channel has signed her(yet). If they do then they, did not read the CC letter and are just as stupid as Kate is, or will they try and use Kate, make fun of her, like Andy did.
I think M&J just walked a 5K or something? Last I read, Milo was telling Kate what she thinks her words of encouragement to her might be, had Kate given a rats ass. She's on a roll that one!
Yes, amazin isn't it? The woman (or man) who couldn't go on Kate's cruise in August because she'd have to be pushed around the ship on a wheelchair, is now walkin a 5K two months later. That recovery was certainly one for the record books!
Administrator, I didn't realize you were so important that this blog will decide who is President! I'm so impressed.
The millions, well, you do get $100 per page view and $1000 for any comments, right?
(waiting for my plane ticket)
This is True said... 46
I also know that the court had to order Kate to give the kids a fresh lunch each day. She was sending spoiled/stale food if they didn't eat it the day before.
I also remember, I wish I could remember how far back, someone asked kate on twitter what she does with the food the kids leave that they didn't eat that day. She said that she would put it on the table at their place and if they ate it by dinner then they could have what was made that night for dinner. If they didn't eat it by dinner, that is what they got for dinner. I guess she was going to have it her way no matter what.
It's hard to not comment on every post here. Everyone makes such good points and have interesting opinions. I did leave a comment on the last post with thanks and comments so I won't do it again here.
Dwindle #131 DWTS and the crane always cracks me up. They were just hoisting her up to her high horse haha
The core emotion Kate strikes in most mothers is that she doesn't love her children. She does not exude kindness, patience, warmth or empathy. She talks about her children as being too many of them, too expensive, too much work, too exhausting to be around. She has never expressed wonderment and joy at being gifted with them.
Remember last Christmas? The one message Kate wanted the world to know about her children was that she spent hours and hours wrapping their presents and they in turn repeatedly thanked her for doing such.
If I were in her shoes the first tweet I would send would say "I am sorry".
Robert's book has called kate out.It's in her OWN words.This woman thinks she is bullet proof.Well...guess what...she's not.kate dear...you are done.You have Abused the kids and family pets...you don't have a leg to stand on.
I have sent e-mails to HLN and CNN and nancy Grace (forgive me) ..I finally got a real response. Not just the auto-responce...I am telling anyone and everyone who will listen to READ Roberts book...To make him a guest on their show.
Kate is NOT a single mom...Jon is NOT dead...he has the kids 50% of the time...kate IS an abuser...the facts are there...report it!
Roberts book is the truth...he took a lie Detector test and passed...
Break some real news...call kate out for what she is...A Child Abuser.
The only hero here is Jon...I told these "news" breakers...Kate has FOOLED you just like Robert's book said...How Kate Gosselin Fooled the world.
This woman had a plan from the start...she has made mad cash from it...while the kids suffer...she is mean and nasty...so UN-cristian ...begs for love donations while she is bringing in the cash....
Kate...you'r karma is here...You are done...I will NOT watch anything you are on...but I will remind anything you are on...that you are a child abuser!!! You abuse the kids and the animals...I wont ever get tired of telling anyone that. Have a great8day!!!
interesting link. I post this because I often wondered how this blog got away with posting pictures. No condemning of blog administration, just an observation. The questions from anonymous had me thinking well if random posts can cause a lawsuit (inside info) why can't Kate's pictures?
TWP girl
Not buying anything she says......she just got home...my ass....dont believe her...shes a known liar...sorry....she just finished a project???......bullshit!!!!! Even if she did (and im sure she didnt) it will never see the light of day ....she is completely delusional. Im a little surprised anyone would believe this mental case given her history with the truth. What i think is she just sobered up from one of her binges....I call BULLSHIT on her whole statement....I think we've seen this scene before.....fool me once.......
Anonymous #185 said...
What if there had been an electrical fire in the house? Do any of you think the nanny or babysitter would have had or even taken the time to open 8 locked doors, plus another locked door to get out of the house before the smoke inhalation set in? That would be impossible.
Yep, especially impossible because according to Zillow, there are not 8 bedrooms in that house.
And Anonymous? The ads you are seeing are based on your own browsing history on that computer you use. We don't all see the same ads all the time. The ad I am seeing at the top is for a paper shredder (because I researched paper shredders yesterday). And the ad I see at the bottom is for Sam's Club...because I was on Sam's Club site Friday (researching paper shredders).
Wanna take bets on whether or not Kate mentions church today?
Oh, and TWP girl, I saw that too! I mentioned it here a while back. It may have gotten lost in a long string of postings that followed it that day, or perhaps Admin decided it's a calculated risk. Her blog, her choice... :)
TWP girl
What's this tweet quotation about 'out- performing yourself? Is Kate implying she did that? Oy.
OT: At the risk of arousing wrath, does anyone know a good way to get dog drool off couches- upholstery shampoo does not seem to work...since my dog had tooth extractions she makes little drooly patches when sleeping. :(
AuntieAnn said... 31
From JohnTesh.com:
**Students, prepare to get camera ready! A growing number of parents are lobbying to install cameras in every classroom across North America! It’s not to spy on you – it’s to protect you from abusive teachers!
When my daughter was in gradeschool she told me about an incident with a female teacher when she and another little girl were a bit late getting out of their classroom. The female teacher came in and screamed at them and grabbed them both by the arm to hustle them out.
I immediately wrote a letter to that teacher and told her that if there were any future such incidents on her part, I would be addressing her actions with the Principal, Superintendent, and District Superintendent.
She kissed my butt after that, and there were no further incidents. Cameras in the classroom might be a very good idea.
Formerly Duped ~ Poor little puppy! I hope she gets to feeling better really soon.
Try SoilLove. You can find it at some grocery stores, but definitely at the Dollar Store. Super cheap, but it's a wonder product, I swear! You'll be amazed at all the stains it removes (just last week, my neighbor girl helped her daddy wash the car. She got oil stains all over her favorite stuffed animal. She was beside herself with worry, but her mommy rubbed some SoilLove into the spots, rinsed and dried it in the sun. Voila, all (and I mean ALL) traces of the oil stains were gone!
Google it. Like vinegar for some bloggers on this site, SoilLove has its own cult following. ;)
Just Down The Road said... 1
@Underwalt @kateplusmy8 She'll tweet tomorrow, snowed in trees down no electric. she did on the last one. Confirmed that it was not true.
Did Kate tweet that it's supposed to snow tomorrow? This should be interesting since the high is forecast in the 60s. We've never had snow at 65 degrees before!
No she didn't. Walt was tweeting about what Kate did last October around Halloween when she tweeted about the freak snowstorm that "took down all her trees" which turned out to be a gigantic lie.
If you want to read Kate's tweets you don't need a Twitter account and she won't get "hits" or whatever you may think. Click on the link and read away:
Kate's tweets
Dreams: Thanks! lol, I will look for that. Funny, she seems embarrassed by the spots but noses off the protective blanket I put down on her favorite napping place!
Improbable Dreams said... 19
Wanna take bets on whether or not Kate mentions church today?
Lol..... I think Kate will cool it with the church references since Robert busted her for not actually going when she said she was (except xmas eve and Easter)
This sort of thing is what I found kind of fascinating about the gals at the utility company who claimed that Kate should be left alone and not spied on. Why? So she can spend another 18 months on twitter lying about being a loving, involved, hands on mom who does it all?
No issue, apparently, with the many lies Kate has been caught in, just a problem with Kate being spied on. According to the night crew, she should be left alone to continue to not only tweet manically during her custody time, but to tell bold-faced lies while she does it. This comes just after CC fired Kate for having an authenticity problem. They are 100% correct, she sure does. So why would people say to let her alone, so she can continue to be less than authentic?
I. Don't. Get. It.
Heather #180...I agree w/ everything you said. Why even call it a party--it made me hurt for your little boy.
So Kate is gone for 9 days away from her 8 kids. Doing god only knows what.
Instead of staying of twitter. What does she do?
she gets home and she tweets and she also tweets through the rest of the day.
What a wonderful mother.
chefsummer ~ I'm not seeing that. (???) Unless I'm missing something, it appears to me that Kate tweeted just twice yesterday--once, as a shout-out to all her fans, and once to Milo.
That doesn't negate, by any means, the fact that she's been AWOL from her kids for many, many days.
As a child who grew up in a fairly wealthy community but in the poor section I have to say that I totally understand why they wouldn't want to open the gifts in front of everyone. Even now as a 48 year old when I go to a party where gifts are opened I'm worried that my gift won't be received well. Sometimes the experiences of our childhood haunt us forever. I also understand the disappointment the child felt.
Kate (and Jon) ARE single parents. Sorry, but it's true. Kate is raising children in a household with no other parent. THAT is the definition of a single parent. The CDC defines single parents that way, all social programs (think food stamps, welfare, subsidized housing)
define single parents that way, any kind of application for school defines it that way, sociologists define them that way, and I included just a sampling of other references to provide definitions.
I know this goes against what many of you believe, but it comes down to this- how many parents are in the house- NOT the marital status of the parent. That is what defines a single parent.
From the CDC-
Single parent family-
consists of one or more children living with a single (meaning one) adult, male or female, related or unrelated to the children.
(the CDC describes 6 family types all together, quite interesting, actually).
From the Encyclopedia of Children's Health- Definition-
Single-parent families are families with children under age 18 headed by a parent who is widowed or divorced and not remarried, or by a parent who has never married.
From Wikipedia-
A single parent usually refers to a parent who has most of the day to day responsibilities in the raising of the child or children, which would categorize them as the dominant caregiver who is not living with a spouse or partner, or those who are not married.
From the Free Dictionary-a. a person who has a dependent child or dependent children and who is widowed, divorced, or unmarried.
Improbable Dreams said... 29
I was just saying she stayed off twitter this long.
Why not wait till the kids went to bed you know?
She could have twitted "I'm home"-and then-"Goodnight".
Apparently Kate is up and lurking on Twitter. She just blocked somebody for asking if her dating show will be named 'Who can do Kate?'
She'll probably tweet that they were at church....during which she was checking tweets and blocking people. :-)
I think ChefsSummer meant that's how it's gonna go today. Remains to be seen, but I wouldn't doubt it.
Chefsummer~ I understand your point, but maybe the kids are with Jon? I hope so!
That's true I hope their with him as well.
Improbable Dreams - thanks for the tip. We've got an English Bulldog so our life is one big drool stain! If I can't find it in a local store I will check Amazon.
"From Wikipedia-
A single parent usually refers to a parent who has most of the day to day responsibilities in the raising of the child or children, which would categorize them as the dominant caregiver who is not living with a spouse or partner, or those who are not married.
So, when the kids are living with Jon, for his 50% of the custody, he is the single parent, and then what is Kate called during that time period? And Jon during his non-custodial time?
Maybe her super fun project for all involved, with a bright future ahead, was that she and Steve got married and were on their honeymoon.....
From E! Online's weekly roundup:
EXPIRATION DATE: Kate Gosselin was fired from her post as a blogger for CouponCabin. Apparently she wasn't in keeping with the authenticity of the brand. So, for the record, she's not cutting coupons or her face.
NJGal and FormerlyDuped ~ Hope (and believe) SoilLove will work on those puppy stains. Report back to us, will ya? :)
Winsomeone said... 37
Yes, Jon is a single parent also. The sheeple will love that- NOT!! LOL
did y'alll ever see these? there is a parody of the "Leave Britney Alone" w the (male-teehee) actor portraying Kate....there are a slew of other videos making fun of her,too. Hilarious stuff.
jillygee said... 41
All ways
Now this sounds like Kate.
I'm glad to see Kate finally acknowledged Milo's 5K. It's the least she can do for such an ardent supporter.
TWP most sites don't care if blogs use their pictures since it's usually mutually beneficial. After all in exchange for using 20/20's picture of Aaron Fisher, I'm linking back to their episode and giving them business.
I also use a lot of stock photos or other public domain photos, such as the photo of a woman in a bed of money a couple posts back. Or I ask. There's no issue there.
I did get an email once from someone who owned a pap photo, so I said no problem and took it down. Usually if you just ask them to take it down, it's not an issue.
Where you usually run into trouble is using photos people are making money off of. Since that's really only for pap photos and perhaps photography photos people are selling, it doesn't come up much. 20/20 really isn't making any money off a simple press shot of Aaron, if anything it serves their best interest to have it spread across the web, and it has. Gets people interested in the interview.
Deanna is back to tweeting:
@deannatweeting @Berksgrl @BIOGHAWG @Kateplusmy8 I'm very glad to hear that! Have a great day! :)
Dreams: put SoilLove in my cart at amazon and will try to find a better price locally before checkout. Thanks! Will let you know.Good luck with yours, NJGal.
Where is the Milo tweet from Kate supporting her 5K?? I just see one for Natalie?
Formerly Duped, you have to click on "All" if you're reading from Kate's Twitter page:
@MiloandJack yay to YOU! An accomplishment you doubted would happen and now it's checked off your to do list! I'm proud of u! Never give up!
Formerly Duped ~ I hope you can find SoilLove locally. I found it at the dollar store, and paid (you guessed it) all of $1.00 for it. But even at Amazon's price, it's well worth it!! You just use a tiny bit, so unless you're the washerwoman for the local Little League team, one bottle will last you forever.
When Kate did that fashion show, was it for something for CC? Was it for charity? Why exactly was she in the fashion show? I just can't remember. If it was for charity do we know how much she brought in for them?
Please don't post things knowing you broke the rules, then say I know this will be deleted. Yes, it will, and it's extra work for me or someone to delete a post. So just don't post it in the first place since it's going to get deleted.
Haven't posted in a while as I have been very busy.
First and foremost, I think it is fairly clear at this juncture that Kate destroys everything she touches and has problems dealing with anyone who does not go along with her agenda. In the last year alone, her show ended, cruise cancelled, CC fired her with a detailed explanation, etc... Never mind her "journal" exposing what many of us have thought all along, as well as some very disturbing insights in to how she is wired, and how she thinks and responds.
She clearly has tanked to the lowest level, and I don't care if she films a dating show or what happens with her "fun" show. I do care that she should not be wasting the kids' portion of money on this prospect, as she refuses to understand that she is no longer palatable to the general public. Most people with her history would crawl under a rock and accept the inevitable, and try to address their flaws and accept "normalcy," but not Kate. This speaks volumes of her mental illness. And until she addresses THAT issue, things will not change.
My only hope is that agencies (DHS, School, family, police, Court), Jon,and others with knowledge of her behavior towards her kids REQUIRE her to get counseling if she is to continue parenting them. The writing is on the wall- this woman never had any business having 8 kids. She needs to account for her actions and get help, and this should be required of her with some monitoring.
She apparently is still on her own agenda for media fame, in spite of all the bad press, and although I think she will fail miserably in this endeavor, I hope all agencies, Jon, family, former friends/hired help,and other parties come forward so she is forced to address her issues once and for all, as these kids did and do deserve so much better. I do believe coming forward on behalf of the kids trumps any confidentiality agreements. I also hope all of the boys and Alexis minimally, have been getting some type of supportive counseling without Kate and TLC interference. They deserve this after all they have been through.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 47
Excellent post. I agree with everything you said.
I would love it if Jody's sister would give us an update. Time for her to rise up from the ashes and put that bitch in her place finally.
Most people with her history would crawl under a rock and accept the inevitable, and try to address their flaws and accept "normalcy," but not Kate. This speaks volumes of her mental illness. And until she addresses THAT issue, things will not change.
She so desperately needs people in her life that tell her what she NEEDS to hear. Sadly, all of those people were kicked to the curb long ago and she is surrounded by paid people who tell her what she WANTS to hear since that's how they earn their paycheck.
Thanks Tweet. :)
I wonder WHAT will cause Kate to realize the world does not want to see her on television or anywhere else!She's really been a human disaster at everything, from parenting, n family member, TV personality, blogger, dancer etc, no need to repeat it all...she should just come clean, at least to herself, and concentrate on those 8 kids she professes to love.
A celebrity truly interested in doing what is best for them will surround themselves with people who tell them the truth, not people that just want to kiss up, enable, and use them.
This is why I say that ironically, her own fans are somewhat responsible for her miserable failure at CC. Had they all banded together to tell Kate the truth, even if they had to do it tactfully--the posts were crap, she was alienating people with her humble brag, she needed better tips and better photography, perhaps she might have listened. Instead she fluttered along for a year being built up and enabled by them and refusing to change a thing, after all her fans love her no matter what so she can be as lazy as she wants, then suddenly the axe fell.
It may seem counterintuitive to fans or employees of a celeb, but you help them more by being truthful.
Starz22: you mean Kate is part of both, the 47% when she was younger, and now part of the 1%.
Chefsummer: Shut up, no no no, Illinois has got enough problems, Kate stay in PA.
Well, if Kate does manage to even get what she filmed on TV, it won't last long, Kate does not have that fan base anymore, and from all the negative comments of late, people don't want to see her mug on TV, anymore.
From what I read it does cost a lot of money to make a pilot, rent equipt., sound guy, camera guy, pay actors or extras, there is also the actors union, other unions and filming in some places, want money. So crying poor now kate does not wash anymore, hiding behind your kids, does not wash anymore, Kate is very well to do, if she was not, she would have downsized. I'm sure this filming will include some thing about Kate changing her ways, for a new Kate. If Kate wanted to change her ways, the blog was the way to go. Kate could have put some effort, research subjects, gone out of her way to make the blog outstanding, basicly do some work and maybe do the blog more than 1 day a week(she certainly had lots of time to do the blog). She had 6 days to prepare a blog, what she gave people was garbage, stuff people already knew, common sense, ideas that have been around for decades. No real explanation for anything, just random thoughts, stuff off the top of her head. Kate could have proven herself that she has changed, serious about things she has said, like, I am a couponer, I cut coupons out, she hardly mention that or any savings. She could have won back fans. Maybe this CEO had been turning a blind eye, to what Kate was doing, or someone at CC was covering for Kate. And maybe, just maybe, some of those complaints of Kate, got to the CEO, and he findly took a look at her blog.
Kate has been given so much opportunities, over the years to make a lot of money and be sitting on easy street for the rest of her life and the kids, but Kate blew every opportunity that came along, this will be no different.
I feel bad for the little boy who didn't get to see his little friend open the present that he got him.
I also thought of when all the kids are gathered around to open the gifts and one gift was say homemade but a good gift, would be a ho-hum thank you until the child opened the next gift that would be a remote controlled race car. Then he is screaming THANK YOU!
I remember when my oldest son was in 2nd grade and the teacher told the kids for Christmas to buy a toy no more than 5 dollars for them to exchange.
My son got a box of old fashioned chalk like peppermint sticks. He was heartbroken, because the other boys had toys. I had bought a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for the boy that my son had drawn his name. So he expected something equal to that.
When I saw the box of chalk peppermints, I was ill. Then I promised my son that I would take him to the store and buy any TMNT he wanted to make up for it. And I had to buy 2 more because of his younger brothers.
I found out that the little boy that brought the candy was extremely poor and his parents were in their mid 50's and not in tune with the customs. They probably had that in the house and just regifted.
After the teacher was told, she made an announcement that you could not bring candy as a gift.
LOVED the photoshopped picture of kates dumpster. Needed a notebook laying there that said Kates Journal, In My Own Words. Did you notice kate walking with the garbage can in the driveway carrying a wooden spoon?
From what I read it does cost a lot of money to make a pilot, rent equipt., sound guy, camera guy, pay actors or extras, there is also the actors union, other unions and filming in some places, want money.
Hundreds of thousands. Even more. She's going to bankrupt herself filming her own test pilot which won't sell, then she'll have no money. There's no way this is going to sell no matter what it is.
I guess it's possible an independent filmmaking company agreed to pay for the project in the hopes they can sell it. That happens sometimes.
Anger Issues Kate (6),
That is exactly what I'm thinking. I simply cannot imagine that any network would want anything to do with Kate. A new show? Her last one tanked, and that was back when she was less hated and had 8 cute kids to bring in viewers. Cruise failed, last book failed, fired, exposed as a child and animal abuser, Ridiculist, Jackhole of the Week, and lots of bad press in the meantime. Networks are business-savvy, and it's hard to believe anyone would think she would be a good investment.
Going bak in history, she announced that she had signed on for a dating show (but no network had picked it up) in July, at about the time that SK8 Productions was formed. Why form a production company unless it's going to be used for something? Then there was a casting call, then she was spotted filming, then her tweet about her long, fun project and bright future. She did a pilot herself. No question in my mind. A network is not going to pay for a pilot that won't ever see the light of day. The only person who still thinks Kate needs to be on TV is Kate. Okay, and Steve, too.
I still chuckle about the casting call and the bordello-like club she was (apparently) filming in. So much for being "tasteful" and "something my children can watch". And she had to HIRE actors to pretend to hit on her in a club? Why? Because no man in his right mind would actually hit on her! Too funny! Can you imagine seeing her kiss strange men on TV? EWWWW.
The single parent label doesn't bother me as much as some of you, what does bother me is that she refuses to acknowledge, appreciate and respect Jon's heavy role in their lives.
Call yourself a single parent, but stop acting like Jon died. I can't believe she was comparing herself to Katie Couric's situation. Those two girls would kill to be able to stay with their dad when Katie is out of town, but they can't, because he died a terrible death from cancer. How dare she.
It also bothers me in the 9 plus days she has been gone, Jon will never ever get credit for it, not publicly anyway. She would rather let her tweeties think the kids were with the nanny.
I'm of two minds re: opening gifts at the party (or school etc) My kids loved to see the expression on their friends' faces when their gifts were opened. I also can understand if someone with a lower budget might have a gift not made a fuss of,or if a duplicate item is given.
However, I am very upset that hardly anyone these days , either adult or child, seem to feel a thank-you note is in order! You always wonder if your gift was opened and acknowledged to you. My dd had an 'old-fashioned' teacher in HS who showed them how to write a TY letter- as I have always done and insisted my kids do as well.(She also taught grammar, gasp!)
Flashback! Anyone remember her stealth trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming? Or someplace closely, if not that exact city? I seem to remember her meeting up with a very young fan (male) there, and her saying shortly afterward that she'd love to live there.
Speculation! Maybe she's planning a move, lol! For sure, she'd be even further away from the heat of the spotlight. And maybe she'd find a way to rehabilitate & reinvent herself there.
This is why I say that ironically, her own fans are somewhat responsible for her miserable failure at CC. Had they all banded together to tell Kate the truth, even if they had to do it tactfully--the posts were crap, she was alienating people with her humble brag,
But, admin, they aren't that bright. Maybe they thought that the blogs were wonderful and well-written. In their own little worlds, they might have thought that she did her job there, and she did it well. To them, the blogs weren't crap because they don't know any better and wouldn't know what should be included in a comprehensive blog if their lives depended on it.
But, admin, they aren't that bright. Maybe they thought that the blogs were wonderful and well-written. In their own little worlds, they might have thought that she did her job there, and she did it well. To them, the blogs weren't crap because they don't know any better and wouldn't know what should be included in a comprehensive blog if their lives depended on it.
Very true, but I think a few of them sort of admitted they were crap when they suggested CC owed her a "sit down" to discuss the problem before firing her.
(As if they didn't give her a sit down or multiple sit downs. Eye roll.)
When my kids were in younger grades, the school asked that each child send $5 towards class gifts..this money was collected, and if a child couldn't send it, it was donated by another anonymous parent. All the boys were given the same exact gift, and likewise for the girls.
One year the teachers talked to the kids and they decided as a group to donate their collected monies to charity (like Adopt an Angel, etc). Christmas is about giving, not receiving. (and bringing this topic back to Kate, she never learned that altruistic behavior).
Why not have a "no gifts, your presence is gift enough" birthday party and just enjoy being together? It solves the problem of when to open the gifts and whose feelings might be hurt. And kids have so much material stuff as it is.
Admin said,
It also bothers me in the 9 plus days she has been gone, Jon will never ever get credit for it, not publicly anyway. She would rather let her tweeties think the kids were with the nanny.
That bothers me too. I cant stand how Kate acts as if Jon doesnt exist, and the kids arent with him. Why is it so difficult to admit the kids are with the father? Not a big deal, and comes off so much better than leaving them with nannies.
I'm trying to remember when was the last time one of her tweets about some big project or event or "much much more to come stay tuned!" ever amounted to ANYTHING. We really need to follow up with this fool. Exactly WHEN will we see this oh so fun project?
I think the opening of gifts sometimes depends on the size of the party and the party venue. At most home parties, my grandkids attend the gifts will be opened at the party. However, if the venue is held somewhere else, there is a time limit on how long the room(or whatever) is booked for, and the party agenda is run by the establishment.
My grandkids do open their gifts at their parties, usually at the end. Sometimes if a child has to leave the party early, they will specifically open that child's present before he leaves, and leave the others until later.
I guess there is no hard and fast rule about opening presents at parties. It depends on the parents and what they decide to do. I know some parents who have had parties where presents were open, yet also had parties where they were not.
It seems Kate is home and back to tweeting which I have picked up from posters here. Admin, have you decided to stop posting Kate's tweets as a header here? Sorry if this has already been addressed and I missed it.
Hmmm,interesting--Milo was on twitter earlier today, thanking those that responded to her completing her 5K. She thanked everyone individually EXCEPT for Kate. She did not tweet Kate at all.
Does anyone remember if back in the heyday of filming were the Gosselins ever photographed going to church on Sundays. I would think with all the paps following their every move back then there would have been a shot or two of them either entering or leaving church.
And, I have picture proof the kids were with the father from someone here who sent it.
These people will worship Kate no matter what. If she just admitted they were with Jon this whole time they would be calling her a saint who recognizes the importance of a father figure in their lives and how generous of her to "let" Jon be involved, and if he's become a better parent it's because he learned from her example.
Surely she must know her fans will back her up on this.
oh i think katie really does have a show and it will be on tlc. look at the garbage they air its all about ratings and i believe a dating show would bring in viewers. adoring sheep and others for the trainwreck factor im ashamed to say i would so watch.
Kate really does personify every thing that I learned in my Deviant Behavior class. The more deviant a person is in private, the more hell-bent they are to make themselves appear perfect in their public persona. The only thing a deviant cares about is saving face.
I've never understood her secrecy. Why not create buzz about a project? What is the big f-ing deal about saying hey I've filmed a dating show pilot I'm super excited about it and I'm hoping a network picks it up. Celebs do this ALL THE TIME.
This could only help her by getting everyone excited and talking about it so that when she goes into her meetings to pitch it she can say hey look at this look how excited everyone is the public wants this!
She's an idiot who in 7 years in the entertainment industry still has no clue. No clue at all.
The sheeple must be peeing themselves in anticipation! Let the speculation begin!
Someone upthread said Kate may be thinking of a move to get out of the spotlight and reinvent herself. I think she's past the point of reinventing herself. Robert apparently has the 27 8 by 10 glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one is to be
used as evidence against her...people in the business talk and the talk about Kate is not good. When The Book is reissued it will be just another nail in her coffin.
Maybe Kate wasn't away working on this "dating show" project. Perhaps it was another project she had been contracted to do--such as a commercial, voice work, etc.---before the sh*t hit the fan with the book revelations/CC.
I also think that the entire week wasn't spent on just the a project, though. I'm sure there were some R&R days with Steve-o before she returned home to her "life of drudge" with her children.
terri said... 70
Yes, they mentioned it was hard to get ready for church on time as it was a hour (?) away and one time, they showed the kids getting ready, then they went to church daycare/classes and on to Cocoa Castle. Kate said it was a 'typical Gosselin day." Jon seemed to do most of the work dressing the kids and loading the van. (as usual)
Kate had her Bible quotations posted all over the house in messy printing.
Pulling The Wool said... 196
I am so embarrassed! I apologize for not recognizing your name. I do like your comments apparantly! I look forward to seeing you enough so that your nice name finally penetrates my thick head. Again, I am sorry.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 66
I'm trying to remember when was the last time one of her tweets about some big project or event or "much much more to come stay tuned!" ever amounted to ANYTHING. We really need to follow up with this fool. Exactly WHEN will we see this oh so fun project?
Whatever became of something she sent off in the mail with a kiss that her tweeties were going to be happy to see? Wasn't that in May or June?
The sermon today was "You Are What Others Perceive You To Be."
Oy, Kate. If she had been there, she would have walked out!
Kate is a twit said... 69
Hmmm,interesting--Milo was on twitter earlier today, thanking those that responded to her completing her 5K. She thanked everyone individually EXCEPT for Kate. She did not tweet Kate at all.
She probably emailed her.
Kate has said that she was working on a cookbook and a children's picture book. Perhaps, one of those is the "fun project". Doesn't mean it will come to fruition--could just mean she found someone to help her with it.
Hey all you fine ladies and whatever gents. are here. Here is a link to a great, free file converter you can use to convert Roberts book and burn a cd and any other files. I have had it and used it for over a year. It is real easy to use. Tutorial is very good and easy. Enjoy!
I have a request if it's ok? For those of you who pray and those of you who send energy and good thoughts, please remember me when you do so.
I could really use a boost when it comes to taking care of my mom. She is being very difficult to take care of. She wasn't careful when going outside and our little dog got out. The biggest part of that is instead of coming to get me, she went after him herself. When she got back her chest was hurting and her feet very swollen. Because she scared the crap out of me I got angry and said you never learn. I feel terrible about that but she has had 3 heart attacks w/2 stints. I really fear her dying when I'm frustrated. I'm not sure I could live with that guilt.
Thank you a head of time. Most of all though, thanks to Admin. for having a blog where I come and ask for support.
Anonymous said... 172
posting as anon tonight.
Only one who has been there knows the courage it took for Aaron to take that first step in telling. Look what happened. Exactly what his abuser told him. No one's going to believe, they will blame you, you'll get into trouble if you tell. I did try to tell...once. And he was right. "Hush, don't say things like that, what would people say?" But Aaron had strength. Now I wonder if there were others and what if I had told and they had believed me? I pray I was the only one. This was a long, long time ago and if I told now it would destroy families and friendships. I'm not going to hurt my Mother after all these years. Now she would only feel guilt.
So I am telling. I was molested as a child and it was NOT my fault. Now, I have told.
I was believed. I finally got the courage to tell my mother, and she believed me right away. She SAID all the wrong things ("you know he really loves you and doesnt mean to hurt you"). She believed me because he had been HER abuser too when she was a child and yet she put her little daughters in his path. But she DID believe me, and the very next day took huge steps to protect us.
I knew then, as I know now, how blessed I was that she reacted as well as she did and that she literally sounded the alarm thoughout the family.
I have decided to be ANON on this, but regulars will probably be able to tell who I am.
For the record, I am 2nd oldest of 8 kids. All my siblings are a few MONTHS apart, not years. I guess it is called Irish twins ? Anyhow, My thoughts on Kate lately :
The little people who live in Oregon. They are now back on TLC with a entire new project, wedding venues at their farm. Maybe Kate IS sniffing around TLC for another chance at fame.
I wonder if one of the children were invited to a friend's home after school..my children did that frequently. So, would she have to pop the other 7 in the van to shlep over to the friends house to pick up a tup ? What if more than one child wanted to visit after school and they lived miles apart ? shouldn't the kids be in scouts , sports, awanas by now ?
I will describe my life as one of 8 in future stories. I grew up mostly in the 60's and 70's though, so it may not be as relevant as Kate's .
Tweetle-her tweet about sending something off with a kiss was back in April. She keeps hinting about things. Even when her tweeties asked her about the dating show, her responses were "oh, you're so anxious!". She just wants to keep them guessing. Cookbook, children's book, dating show,even DWTS--hint, hint, wink, wink.
She knows how to play them for sure. I'll believe she has something in the works when it actually happens.
This could only help her by getting everyone excited and talking about it so that when she goes into her meetings to pitch it she can say hey look at this look how excited everyone is the public wants this!
Probably because she and her six defenders are the only ones who would be excited about it. If she talked about it, said what project it is, the tabloids would get it and bash her all to heck. The comments, as we have seen, would be more negative than positive, and she would be bashed as a desperate has-been reality star. When networks or whatever would see this, it might have the opposite effect on the project, which then would never would see the light of day.
She is a TEASE, period.
Can you imagine trying to date this woman? A relationship based on hints, innuendoes, coming soon I promise!, teasing, would have any man running for the hills.
I agree with you, Over in Kate's Country! Look how fast her affiliation with Bella Bars came and went.
See I don't think she has even thought that way, Over in Kate's. I think she's just ignorant.
She actually thinks in her pea brain that the best way to build anticipation is to tease and hint and tease some more, never actually giving anyone anything. It doesn't cross her mind all this does is frustrate and disappoint her fans. She is so unschooled, ignorant and green to the world of entertainment she still hasn't learned how to properly promote herself. She only knows ONE WAY and that is to keep everything a secret. Probably because that's the way it was when TLC was around and she's too stupid to realize there's other ways.
That's another drawback with the teasing. Eventually you lose credibility. How many times does she have to say she's got something coming soon that never happens before people say well I give up.
With only six fans left that surely was a factor.
Kate is a twit, I agree. I'll believe it when I see it. Her enabling fans seem to love the innuendo and lack the courage or curiosity to ever question her.
Kate loves to keep secrets. Doesn't she keep it a secret from the kids when they're going on a trip? I believe it's part of her control problem. She knows and no one else does. Lordy, she's annoying, to put it mildly.
MaryB, I'm not sure if I've seen you here before. If you are new, welcome. I look forward to your future posts as "1 of 8"!
njay, I will pray for you and your mother. I know that it is a difficult position that you are in. You are doing a wonderful thing to care of your mom, and you will be blessed for this unselfish deed. God bless.
I dunno, Admin. I kind of disagree with your assertion. No disrespect intended here, but I think I recognize this pattern of behavior and its purpose.
I grew up in an oppressively religious family, in which parents held sway over the kids by withholding. Affection, approval, affiliation...all part and parcel of the rewards we earned for sharing the same faith. All denied to those of us who challenged their religious constructs in any way, or who grew up to believe otherwise.
Moving away from the religious angle, I can still similar patterns in Kate's behavior. I hesitate to say that it comes of her own upbringing, but maybe...
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 66
I'm trying to remember when was the last time one of her tweets about some big project or event or "much much more to come stay tuned!" ever amounted to ANYTHING. We really need to follow up with this fool. Exactly WHEN will we see this oh so fun project?
I'll see your 'oh so fun project' and raise you the 'all my hopes and dreams sealed with a kiss'.
In her mind it is probably all just face lifts, boob lifts and new toenail polish.
If she was indeed in front of somebody's camera the past few days, CC would have been mighty annoyed if she was found to be arranging it all with THEIR contacts on THEIR time. Not to mention THEIR dime! Just speculation...
Improbable Dreams said... 95
I dunno, Admin. I kind of disagree with your assertion. No disrespect intended here, but I think I recognize this pattern of behavior and its purpose.
I grew up in an oppressively religious family, in which parents held sway over the kids by withholding. Affection, approval, affiliation...all part and parcel of the rewards we earned for sharing the same faith. All denied to those of us who challenged their religious constructs in any way, or who grew up to believe otherwise.
Moving away from the religious angle, I can still similar patterns in Kate's behavior. I hesitate to say that it comes of her own upbringing, but maybe...
I couldnt agree more. I have always felt that Kate's rage issues and physically hitting other people was directed at her parents. To this day she remains furious with each of them for something. And she is trying to prove something to them too. Or punish them.
And when she started tramping her appearance, others felt she was trying to prove something to Jon, and i felt strongly that she was trying to taunt either her father or a possible sexual abuser.
Not Me For Now said... 85
Anonymous said... 172
So I am telling. I was molested as a child and it was NOT my fault. Now, I have told.
Not for me, I too was molested but at the age of 4. I remember everything still, There is still one thing I am feeling guilty about. Even though my mind knows it's not my fault I still blame myself. I's a work in progress.
She probably emailed her.
Or she is on her way to PA to help Kate with her lists, babysit the kids, feed the chickens, slop the hogs, and milk the cows, so that Kate can devote all her energy on her new fun project. I'll keep an eye out for a woman hobbling down the road holding a sign, "You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings," with a yellow lab by her side.
The Rock N' Roll (half) marathon in Los Angeles next Sunday. Am I right in assuming that Kate, who just got back from L.A. (obstensicly filming something, who knows what) will be going back to L.A. in a few days?
I am confused, is Rock N' Roll funding this appearance in L.A. now that Coupon Cabin has fired her, or has Rock N' Roll been picking up the tab on these runs all along?
Does Kate tell her kids that running is "working", is that still the official story? Do we know if Kate gets compensated beyond the usual airfare, hotel, meals and expensive bodyguard, or this run on her?
I realize I am musing, that we likely have no firm answers, but I am curious nevertheless.
njay said... 84
Hey all you fine ladies and whatever gents. are here. Here is a link to a great, free file converter you can use to convert Roberts book and burn a cd and any other files. I have had it and used it for over a year. It is real easy to use. Tutorial is very good and easy. Enjoy!
I have a request if it's ok? For those of you who pray and those of you who send energy and good thoughts, please remember me when you do so.
I could really use a boost when it comes to taking care of my mom. She is being very difficult to take care of. She wasn't careful when going outside and our little dog got out. The biggest part of that is instead of coming to get me, she went after him herself. When she got back her chest was hurting and her feet very swollen. Because she scared the crap out of me I got angry and said you never learn. I feel terrible about that but she has had 3 heart attacks w/2 stints. I really fear her dying when I'm frustrated. I'm not sure I could live with that guilt.
Thank you a head of time. Most of all though, thanks to Admin. for having a blog where I come and ask for support.
Oh njay, prayers for peace and strength and wisdom for you, hon; and prayers for your mom's comfort and for her to trust your guidance. How I wish I could help you...
To those of you who have courageously shared your stories about being molested as children, my heart breaks for each and every one of you. How sad that child should ever have to experience that.
I'm sure those demons are hard to deal with, even as adults. I have said a prayer for each of you and wish blessings always.
Over In Kate's County said... 99
She probably emailed her.
Or she is on her way to PA to help Kate with her lists, babysit the kids, feed the chickens, slop the hogs, and milk the cows, so that Kate can devote all her energy on her new fun project. I'll keep an eye out for a woman hobbling down the road holding a sign, "You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings," with a yellow lab by her side.
Wayward said According to the night crew, she should be left alone to continue to not only tweet manically during her custody time, but to tell bold-faced lies while she does it.
Brings up a good question, when will "we" leave Khate alone? Or when will "we" consider Khate a private citizen? If she's not on tv for sixth months? Makes her twitter private? Btw Wayward I laugh every time I see "the night crew". Maybe that should be the name for the more intelligent of the sheeple.
Did anyone see this woman's video about Kate denying Mady water?
An enabler just tweeted this to Kate:
"Kate Gosselin, I have never seen a woman more determined to take care of her family or one who works harder at it than YOU."
Wow, talk about sucking up! What a slap in the face to those mothers who DO work hard to take care of their families. Does she really believe this? If so, she really is living in a cave. Maybe she should watch "The Farmer's Wife".
Jumping In said... 68
It seems Kate is home and back to tweeting which I have picked up from posters here. Admin, have you decided to stop posting Kate's tweets as a header here? Sorry if this has already been addressed and I missed it.
Something went wrong with the app that Admin was using to port over the tweets. I think that is what I heard.
Admin 64 said --"Why not have a 'no gifts, your presence is gift enough' birthday party. . .?"
There was an article in our local paper not long ago about a young girl -- she was about 10, IIRC -- who requested that the people attending her birthday party bring pet food for the local animal shelter. She collected nearly 1000# of dog and cat food. I've also seen articles about kids who ask for donations of food or clothing for the local food pantries and/or shelters. To me, that seems like a very special and wonderful way to celebrate a birthday. Those kids have parents who have taught them the pleasure and responsibility of caring for others. That's a gift that will last far longer than the newest Barbie or video game.
Even though she filmed that Arm/ab roller commercial...did it even go anywhere? and THAT was when she would have been more excepted in the media industry......no one wanted to see her then
She didnt lie that time, but only gave hints. " You'll NEVER guess what I did today", and " my arms are so sore" " Soon you will all see it"
Sure I think we got to watch the video, but where was it ever aired? Anyone know?
Kate is a twit, well that tweet made me want to vomit. Seriously, sheeple, I still want to know exactly what Kate "works at"???? She doesn't have a job and she has a house full of help! So how is she working?
I forgot to add in my above post about the time she is away from the kids. She was gone for 9 days this time, 4 or 5 days before. It seems like every month she is out of state for days at a time.
I can't imagine being away from my daughter that often when she was young. I realize some parents have to travel for work, but "work" is the operative word. Kate doesn't work! TLC and CC proved that!
I grew up in an oppressively religious family, in which parents held sway over the kids by withholding. Affection, approval, affiliation...all part and parcel of the rewards we earned for sharing the same faith. All denied to those of us who challenged their religious constructs in any way, or who grew up to believe otherwise.
Ah, I can see that. So if Kate feels that things were constantly "withheld" from her as a child, she, as an adult, will take back that "power" and withhold things from her fans. Sort of like a, now I have the carrot and I can dangle it as much as I like and rip it back whenever I like. Taking back control.
Is this what you're saying? I like this theory.
ecslang said... 72
oh i think katie really does have a show and it will be on tlc. look at the garbage they air its all about ratings and i believe a dating show would bring in viewers. adoring sheep and others for the trainwreck factor im ashamed to say i would so watch.
I think TLC washed their hands of her. There's a whole circus train of nutjobs waiting to take their turn in front of the camera. Why on earth would they want to recycle Kate. They don't need the hassle that comes with her.
Admin ~ Exactly.
She plays the reward / withhold game with everyone, not just her fans. Think about it...
It sounds to me like Steve very well might be taking advantage of her.
He would make sure that his security fee is paid up front. It makes no difference to him whether the pilot gets picked up or whatever silly project Kate does from time to time ever makes it. He still gets his fee.
It's in his best interest to encourage Kate to make a pilot no matter how likely it is to fail. He still gets his fee. And he'll encourage the next endeavor and the next no matter how likely to fail or how stupid.
JudyK said... 18
When my daughter was in gradeschool she told me about an incident with a female teacher when she and another little girl were a bit late getting out of their classroom. The female teacher came in and screamed at them and grabbed them both by the arm to hustle them out.
I immediately wrote a letter to that teacher and told her that if there were any future such incidents on her part, I would be addressing her actions with the Principal, Superintendent, and District Superintendent.
She kissed my butt after that, and there were no further incidents. Cameras in the classroom might be a very good idea.
Judy - Good for you. I would have done the same. There's no need to scream or push a child in school any more than there would be to do that in (for example) a public library. She could have told your daughter and the other little girl to move along quickly because they were late without resorting to hollering and grabbing. Would she have treated two adults that way? I have no qualms about putting cameras in the classroom.
Improbable Dreams said... 114
She plays the reward / withhold game with everyone, not just her fans. Think about it...
Where is the reward in watching Kate? How dumb are these sheeple?
Don't answer that.
To me it is very telling that no one seems to know what Kate has been up to the last nine days. Other than the one questionable blip about her filming in a bar, no one has taken a picture of her, leaked any news, gossip or reported on any sightings. I believe she has been out and around in Calif but no one (especially the paps) are interested in her.
Kate is a twit said... 106
An enabler just tweeted this to Kate:
"Kate Gosselin, I have never seen a woman more determined to take care of her family or one who works harder at it than YOU."
Wow, talk about sucking up! What a slap in the face to those mothers who DO work hard to take care of their families. Does she really believe this? If so, she really is living in a cave. Maybe she should watch "The Farmer's Wife".
I find that highly insulting! I work my ass off to provide for my kid, as did my mother, as do all the mothers on here, and so many mothers and fathers out on the world.
One of the many things that has always bothered me about Kate is her darn laziness. With the show, and now without it for a year, she's had helpers galore and didn't have to do much at all.
This past year, without the show, she still didn't work except for that crappy blog for CC which they eventually fired her for. However, all the moms on this blog know that we had to do the housework, laundry, shopping, homework duty, etc., all ourselves. PLUS we still did things like extra curricular activities with the kids, the PTA, teaching Sunday school, volunteering at local organizations - you all get my drift.
Here this woman hasn't had a job, but still does not get involved with anything else either. Yet someone tweets her how hard she works?!?
She does NOTHING!!!! And it is an insult to real moms and dads everywhere!
Okay, done venting.
Take this for what it's worth, but a guy who, according to his twitter profile, lives in Wyomissing just tweeted:
"I love seeing Kate Gosselin driving around town. 2 u turns and an illegal left in a matter of 100 yards"
Dwindle 107... thanks for the heads-up on the problem with Kate's tweets. Missed that entirely.
I don't know that anyone should be insulted by that tweet. We're not the intended audience, Kate is.
The tweeter is obviously looking for attention via a retweet-- the ultimate reward, doled out sparingly by Kate to fans who know how to help her.
More than a little bit sad, when you think of it that way.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 61
(As if they didn't give her a sit down or multiple sit downs. Eye roll.)
October 21, 2012 9:18 AM
As if you actually know whether they did or didn't give her a sit down or multiple sit downs. Do you fancy yourself an expert in absolutely everything? Eye roll.
Nobody here knows whether she was an employee or an independent contractor. If she were an independent contractor, it would be highly unlikely that there would be multiple sit downs.
OT so feel free to scroll on by. I talked to my DD today and finally found out what the boys are going to be for Halloween. The older one is going to be a policeman, and the younger one is going to be Darth Vader. My daughter even said she bought the sword to go with the younger one's costume. Of course I pointed out to her that it's not a sword, it's light saber/saver (not sure which one, I just knew it wasn't called a sword! LOL!).
Take note, Admin. You don't have to increase my monthly check for October, just credit it to November's check.
Kate only works hard for KATE. SHE wants to stay in that mansion. SHE wants three vehicles. SHE wants to keep her face in the media. SHE wants to travel/have vacations. And so on, and so on...
I find that highly insulting! I work my ass off to provide for my kid, as did my mother, as do all the mothers on here, and so many mothers and fathers out on the world.
You have to consider the source. The person who tweeted that is one of the sock brigades, a not-very-nice instigator.
I was thinking about Kate and the Quilted Northern today when I went to the store to stock up on paper supplies. I wonder if she ever got the one-roll-per-kid problem ever straightened out. She tweeted that she was going to check up on the toilet paper usage.
freelancer, there was a previous post by someone affiliated with CC who said that they had sit downs with Kate. Also, being an independent contractor would have nothing to with it, in my opinion, because she is still working for the company and representing them.
Why are there so many attacks on Admin lately? Are people looking for someone to blame because of Kate's downfall that she created herself?
Freelancer, at least you picked a name. Heck, you pick a new name several times daily.
But at least you picked a name.
Kate is a twit said... 121
Take this for what it's worth, but a guy who, according to his twitter profile, lives in Wyomissing just tweeted:
"I love seeing Kate Gosselin driving around town. 2 u turns and an illegal left in a matter of 100 yards"
He should have taken out his iphone and recorded it. Isn't there a reality show on some channel all about dangerous drivers?
Just like everything else, Kate's bad driving will catch up too. Only what's scary is that when it does, she, the kids or someone else on the road is going to be hurt or even killed.
AuntieAnn said... 131
Kate is a twit said... 121
Take this for what it's worth, but a guy who, according to his twitter profile, lives in Wyomissing just tweeted:
"I love seeing Kate Gosselin driving around town. 2 u turns and an illegal left in a matter of 100 yards"
He should have taken out his iphone and recorded it. Isn't there a reality show on some channel all about dangerous drivers?
Was that guy driving, too? Or was he at a place? I ask because if he was driving also, then recording on it his phone, while amusing, probably would be illegal. Not sure about PA's laws, but I know most states are cracking down on using phones while driving (and that does not mean just texting- it includes any use of the phone). I would hate to see someone get any kind of backlash for calling out Kate's wreckless driving.
As if you actually know whether they did or didn't give her a sit down or multiple sit downs. Do you fancy yourself an expert in absolutely everything? Eye roll.
Apparently you didn't read the article with the CC source who said they did, in fact, give her multiple warnings. I.e., "sit downs."
Have to relate my food story - 5 sons and the deal was "whatever they wanted for breakfast." Had to eat whatever I made for dinner. One morning I was running late for work [5 boys can really eat]I asked my 12-year what he wanted. He replied oatmeal. No instant in our house. I countered how about some cold cereal. Stubborn kid, said I won't eat anything. Clever me, "Don't you feel bad making your tummy go empty?" He looked up with big blue eyes and asked "Dont you feel bad making your kid go empty?" That stopped all wheels. I decided my kid was worth more than being late.
Besides the CC source saying they gave her warnings, by the way that they say she "ignored", I highly doubt that a company would invest so much in trying to make this work with Kate, independent contractor or not, without trying to FIX things first. I don't see what her status as an independent contractor or not has to do with it. Coupon Cabin didn't take this lightly and I can promise they sure didn't want to end it like this. They would have liked her to work out and at least complete the year, or they wouldn't have hired her in the first place. It was an embarrassing misstep that anyone in their right mind would have done anything to try to fix before resorting to firing her. Scott is no dummy, look at his resume. For as much as that letter was embarrassing for Kate, it was embarrassing for CC too and not something they would have liked to do, or any company.
Even I would say that's unfair to just fire her without trying to fix the problem first and giving her a chance. This isn't an "expert" opinion it's common sense not to mention based on the CC source.
Grandsons when they have no other way to defend Kate they attack me. Always for silly stuff like this, they can read the Radar article themselves to see the CC said they indeed had sit downs with Kate, multiple ones. I didn't say it, they did. But I get attacked.
It's called shooting the messenger. Classic rookie debate club mistake.
njay: Sending you thoughts of strength and support. I hope your mom and dog are ok, and that you are able to relax and enjoy some aspects of this day, and eventually find peace in some very trying circumstances.
Rhymes with Witch said... 110
I have a question about something from the previous thread:
"Because this is Lancaster County, and if your kids don't behave like good little baby ducks in a row behind their mother you are looked
down on. "
First, I am presuming that you are not speaking only about the various Amish sects. Lancaster County Mom and/or other locals, would someone
please elaborate a little on this statement? Thanks.
October 20, 2012 3:45 PM
Nope, not talking about the Amish. I am not originally from this area, but have lived here for over 35 years. I don't know if it's the Mennonite/German influence or what, but my experience has been there are a lot of large families around here & kids tend to be quiet & do what they are told.
I especially have experienced this in church situations. And if your kids don't do this, oh boy, watch out. You are NOT a good mom because you don't control your children. Heaven help you if your kids have ADHD, autism, etc. because, of course, those conditions are not real - it's a result of "lack of discipline".
The pressure starts when a child is an infant. Everything should be on a precise schedule including naps, feedings (including breastfeeding), pottying, etc.
The times when Jon said things like "we know how good they can be & when they scream, it's embarassing" - I understand that COMPLETELY. The time came, however, when I realized that I was doing the work of someone who had 4 times the amount of kids that I had...that I WAS a good mom, & that people who didn't have to deal with the meltdowns, hyperness, etc, just didn't understand.
Spanking didn't help, I had to read books, join ADHD message boards, & talk to other parents who had lived this & see what would work best for MY children. I know that parents in other areas with ADHD children experience being "looked down on" also, but here in Lancaster County - it's REALLY a noticeable phenomenon.
I hope I have explained what I meant clearly, if not, just let me know.
I don't think it's a Lancaster thing. A lot of the Northeast is like that. Harkens back to the children should be seen and not heard era that was so popular in the religious Northeast. There are many places you would still get dirty looks if your kids were misbehaved. I've definitely noticed California kids seem much more free spirited and outspoken. Not necessarily BAD kids, just more carefree. And I don't see the dirty looks when kids are misbehaving, people just walk on by.
Lancaster Mom: That's a lot of pressure to live with. I know you are a good mom. I wonder why it's like that where you live, although it is seems to be rampant in our culture, people judging without knowing the facts. My friend has an 8 yr old ADHD/ODD-affected boy and she says people judge the behaviors, not the causes, and label him a brat despite knowing his issues.
I found this country very competitive re: kids when I moved here- people surprised that my 5 yr old was not in sports and other activities, that my 3 yr old had yet to attend 'school' etc. It gets worse as they get older. Also religious in tolerance in my area- asked if my kids were heathens as we do not attend the church most of the community does.
Best wishes to you in your struggles as a mom and ignore any negativism- it's hard, I know.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 140
I don't think it's a Lancaster thing. A lot of the Northeast is like that. Harkens back to the children should be seen and not heard era that was so popular in the religious Northeast. There are many places you would still get dirty looks if your kids were misbehaved. I've definitely noticed California kids seem much more free spirited and outspoken. Not necessarily BAD kids, just more carefree. And I don't see the dirty looks when kids are misbehaving, people just walk on by.
That's funny cuz I hear plenty of comments made to parents whose children aren't behaving and that's in LA and OC. I dont have any experience in the North East though. I know when my kid was little, when she acted up, we left. When she learned to behave while we were out, then we, as a family, would go out. Maybe it sounds nicer on the west coast but make no mistake, "sounds like someone needs a nap" is most definitely a remark that a child is acting inappropriately. Oh, and I worked with a lady who loved to say "sounds like the baby is being pinched" whenever we heard a little screaming- so embarrassing.
Butterfly, odd, I've never once had that experience. Not once. People are extremely tolerant of kids where I am. If anything it's a bit too lax, kids are treated older than they really are which isn't always a good thing.
LA is a huge place though and I suppose different neighborhoods could have different attitudes. I rarely go to the OC, it's a bit more conservative and "keeping up with the Jones" down there, I've heard.
it might also be because you dont have kids yet. Once you do, you will see how people butt in your business :D
njay said... 84
I have a request if it's ok? For those of you who pray and those of you who send energy and good thoughts, please remember me when you do so.
I could really use a boost when it comes to taking care of my mom. She is being very difficult to take care of. She wasn't careful when going outside and our little dog got out. The biggest part of that is instead of coming to get me, she went after him herself. When she got back her chest was hurting and her feet very swollen. Because she scared the crap out of me I got angry and said you never learn. I feel terrible about that but she has had 3 heart attacks w/2 stints. I really fear her dying when I'm frustrated. I'm not sure I could live with that guilt.
njay, I can so relate, including your little dog getting out. Prayers headed your way, and I totally believe in the power of prayer.
My 88-year-old mother just called me and asked if I had tried to call her. I was puzzled because I had called her early this a.m. and she was getting ready for Sunday School.
She told me she wasn't at home right now but would call me later, and I said, "Stop. You're at the hospital, aren't you?" Yes, she was. She kind of lives in her bedroom where she has her t.v. and her king-sized bed covered with all her writing materials, etc. Apparently, she stabbed herself with a pencil last night. I'm still not sure how that happened.
It never stopped bleeding and she had gone to the hospital after Sunday School to get it cauterized. My poor little mother is as sharp as ever (well, nearly) mentally but so frail physically (less than 75 pounds now) that it's frightening.
You are a good person, njay...don't be so hard on yourself. It's hard. I want my mom to live with me, so I can take care of her but she refuses.
oh dear, JudyK! Your poor mother and what a worry for you. Maybe your mother will relent and live with you if she can control her own environment as she did at home, in her bedroom. Good luck and best wishes. My mom lived with us before losing her battle with cancer and I know it's not easy, but I feel it was my turn to care for her as she cared for me as a child. I don't regret a moment- just so sorry she had to suffer; she was truly a fine person & I'm glad my children had her in their lives for a few short years.
Kate's tweeting about her fun projects, her hints at something big in the works, etc. brought to mind the song "Razzle Dazzle" from Chicago. If ever a song applied to her, this song is it. Some of the lyrics:
Give 'em the old razzle dazzle
Razzle Dazzle 'em
Give 'em an act with lots of flash in it
And the reaction will be passionate
Give 'em the old hocus pocus
Bead and feather 'em
How can they see with sequins in their eyes?
What if your hinges all are rusting?
What if, in fact, you're just disgusting?
Razzle dazzle 'em
And they;ll never catch wise
Throw 'em a fake and a finagle
They'll never know you're just a bagel,
Razzle dazzle 'em
And they'll beg you for more!
Give 'em the old
Double whammy
When you're in trouble, go into your dance
Though you are stiffer than a girder
They let ya get away with a murder
Razzle dazzle 'em
Razzle dazzle 'em
Razzle dazzle 'em
And you've got a romance
Had to eat whatever I made for dinner. One morning I was running late for work [5 boys can really eat]I asked my 12-year what he wanted. He replied oatmeal. No instant in our house. I countered how about some cold cereal. Stubborn kid, said I won't eat anything. Clever me, "Don't you feel bad making your tummy go empty?" He looked up with big blue eyes and asked "Dont you feel bad making your kid go empty?" That stopped all wheels. I decided my kid was worth more than being late.
Mine was 13 when she wanted homemade waffles and bacon on a school morning, no matter what. It was a live or die situation. I made her stand there and watch while I prepared it. I showed her how to do it. The next time she wanted the waffle breakfast before school, I told her that she knew where the waffle iron was kept, how to fry the bacon, and if she wanted it and I didn't have time to make it, she was capable of doing it herself. She did it a few times and then it got old and she settled for cereal, telling me that she realized why the waffles and bacon breakfast was reserved for weekends!
Apparently her tummy was just as happy with Cheerios as it was with waffles and bacon!
I hope I have explained what I meant clearly, if not, just let me know 139
Lancaster County Mom, thanks so much for elaborating. It's very different from where I grew up and where I live now. And of course
spanking doesn't help.
Freelancer said... 124
As if you actually know whether they did or didn't give her a sit down or multiple sit downs. Do you fancy yourself an expert in absolutely everything? Eye roll.
Nobody here knows whether she was an employee or an independent contractor. If she were an independent contractor, it would be highly unlikely that there would be multiple sit downs.
I work as an independent contractor and not only have frequent sit downs where job goals and performance are discussed, once a year there's a written report sent to me and any bonuses or salary increases are based partly on that. It's a great system - I'm able to share any concerns I have and the employer can do the same. I've been at this job for about 5 years and was an editorial independent contractor for about 10 years for a major website previously and the same standards applied. It's a great way to work - flexible, interesting. As usual, Kate blew a great opportunity but then, what else is new. And if she was an employee, for sure she had sit downs and/or conferences. CC would be foolish not to play by the rules, especially in this case.
And about Kate getting warnings...there was a post from someone at CouponCabin who said she had multiple discussions about job performance and adhering to her contract and, I believe, her attorneys or PR people were notified, also. Wasn't it also mentioned in an ROL article, too?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 140
I don't think it's a Lancaster thing. A lot of the Northeast is like that. Harkens back to the children should be seen and not heard era that was so popular in the religious Northeast. There are many places you would still get dirty looks if your kids were misbehaved. I've definitely noticed California kids seem much more free spirited and outspoken. Not necessarily BAD kids, just more carefree. And I don't see the dirty looks when kids are misbehaving, people just walk on by.
I'm from NE PA & I don't get the same vibe there. Also haven't experienced it in Chester County. It just might be more noticeable here because of the high population of people that are Mennonite or from a Mennonite background. There are many, many families here of 4+ kids with quiet, clean, well-dressed children following their parents doing what they are told.
Again, this has been my experience. From commiserating with other families who are not from this area, I know that I am not alone in how I feel. They nod their heads when I speak of the "baby ducks in a row" Lancaster County families. And I KNOW there are good, good large families here - I'm not talking about them. I am talking about the ones that are blest with calm obedient children who think it is all because of their "superior parenting" & not their children's temperament.
This is the Memorial Day Picnic ep. It shows them going to church...AND so much more. In the first minute practically there are many moments of kids hitting/pushing one another. Then there is vomiting Leah, Kate controlling things and taking credit,throwing out artwork, being Queen bee, Jon explaining & executing his many 'duties' one child being the 'parent' to another and comforting her....well, almost everything wrong with that family in the whole episode. Skip through it if you want a review, lol.
(I was idling checking if that one was where they went to church as someone asked about, and it was.)
Kate's tweeting about her fun projects, her hints at something big in the works, etc. brought to mind the song "Razzle Dazzle" from Chicago. If ever a song applied to her, this song is it. Some of the lyrics:
Perfect. My favorite show on Broadway, which reminds me that I need to see it again before its last run. Jon could be Amos Hart right now, he's keeping such a low profile (as he should):
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
'Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there...
Thanks Jane for sharing that experience.
I've worked as both an employee and an independent contractor and the only difference was the taxes in April.
Actually in one of my independent contract jobs playing with a church band we had more meetings and interactions with the boss than any other job I've ever had. He was extremely hands on.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 134
As if you actually know whether they did or didn't give her a sit down or multiple sit downs. Do you fancy yourself an expert in absolutely everything? Eye roll.
Apparently you didn't read the article with the CC source who said they did, in fact, give her multiple warnings. I.e., "sit downs."
WTH? YOU get 'eye rolls' and 7th grade verbage because some other mag site got a quote from a Coupon Cabin source? So that is your fault too? Does that come before or after you control internet advertising and the US presidential election?
By the way, Admin, my check seems to be a little late... ahem... However, the case of Rumspringa arrived right on time, thankyou!
Formerly Duped, #141 - thanks so much!
Rhymes with Witch, #149 - you're welcome. :)
LoveMyGrandsons said... 129
Are people looking for someone to blame because of Kate's downfall that she created herself?
Yes she's the reason Kate is in the sewer. Not only that but she has influence on the election too. Sheeple be warned: Admin will consume you with fireballs from her eyes and bolts of lightning from her arse.
Well! I finally figured out where everyone is. I was sitting over at the previous entry for hours this morning like an idiot until it occurred to me that there might be a new entry.
I'm still learning all the facts of what went on with the Sandusky situation that had gone on for years....so maybe I jumped to conclusions....but I've always felt really terrible for what happened to Joe Paterno....and felt it was an example of unfair scapegoating. I know he wasn't totally uninvolved. Everyone involved needs/needed to own their own role.......but what did people expect him to do? Beyond reporting it? I've never quite understood that.
Should he have resigned? Gone to the newspaper? What could he have done that would have cracked this wide open?
I'm so glad victim #1 had the support of his mom. I can't even imagine what it would have been like for him if she'd not believed him. I'm so glad they are continuing to investigate what happened and that all the people directly involved in the cover-up will be held accountable.
I was reading some articles on the BSA scandal. Seems like similar to the Catholic priest and the Michael Jackson situations, the whole thing finally gets exposed when someone files a lawsuit and won't back down.
I wonder if the Gosselin children can file a lawsuit one day and have TLC finally held accountable for their role?
And speaking of TLC........I decided to watch a few episodes of HBB (I'd only seen the first episode)......and there was one...I think #8...where they have a birthday party for Alana/HBB. And at the end, right before they rolled the credits, she's sitting in a little lawn chair, talking....and she snorted and 2 big strings of snot came out of her nose and just hung there....and she quickly covered her nose with her hand and looked very embarrassed.
But the film crew kept filming....forever....even while they rolled the credits. They never offered her a kleenex....just let her sit there, interminably...with her hand over her nose, looking mortified and so uncomfortable. It was literally painful to watch....I felt so sorry for her. She looked like she was going to start crying.
That damn TLC...they are going to destroy this little girl and her family....just watch.
June seems like a wonderful mother....couldn't be more opposite of Kate...the kind of mother you'd love to live next-door to. But that doesn't change the fact that TLC doesn't give a damn about them and only cares for the money they're making off them.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
Fall fun day Sunday lunch picnic... http://img.ly/oLnf
Kate tweeted a picture of the tups outside on a picnic blanket. My question--why do they have they're shoes off? Is she afraid the blanket will get dirty, and she might have to wash it?
oh- The Abby and Brittany TLC series is over. I truly hope that's the end of it. The girls say they want control of their life story so I hope they get it and don't get enticed back into the TLC web.
#172 I'm anon for tonight. Thank you all for your support. It means so very, very much.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 154
Thanks Jane for sharing that experience.
I've worked as both an employee and an independent contractor and the only difference was the taxes in April.
Actually in one of my independent contract jobs playing with a church band we had more meetings and interactions with the boss than any other job I've ever had. He was extremely hands on.
If the only difference was taxes, EDD probably would like to have a chat with the organizations that labeled you an independent contractor.
Are the different degrees of neediness among the sheeple? This one wants Kate's approval to hope for cool weather...
@Kateplusmy8 Is it wrong that I'm hoping it'll b cool in the am so I can try out my long sleeved workout shirt? It's lime green & evrythng:)
Everything what? These are the ones who most likely thought everything Kate wrote on CC was inspirational and Pulitzer-prizing winning.
re: twwet pic
Look at the way Collin is off by himself in the corner...and look at the paper plates and juice boxes, hmm. The twins are not often in these posed pictures.
Did they change after church for lunch? *snark* I remember Kate said she liked them to eat lunch outside as often as possible because there was no mess to sweep up. Yes, I bet shoes off is the rule. Here it's nice, but too breezy and cool to lunch outdoors.
Freelancer gimme a break.
Of course it's not the only difference, I'm well aware of the differences, the point being you are completely off base to suggest that just because she might have been an independent contractor, there were no sit downs.
Why are you even arguing about this? It's so stupid. SIt downs or not anyone could see Kate was writing crappy blogs. Anyone but you I guess.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 112
I grew up in an oppressively religious family, in which parents held sway over the kids by withholding. Affection, approval, affiliation...all part and parcel of the rewards we earned for sharing the same faith. All denied to those of us who challenged their religious constructs in any way, or who grew up to believe otherwise.
Ah, I can see that. So if Kate feels that things were constantly "withheld" from her as a child, she, as an adult, will take back that "power" and withhold things from her fans. Sort of like a, now I have the carrot and I can dangle it as much as I like and rip it back whenever I like. Taking back control.
Is this what you're saying? I like this theory.
Secrets equal power (in the minds of some people). "I know something you dont know because I am more powerful, smarter, better than you."
Most of us have worked for bosses who feel that way. Just like kate, they fancy themselves a very big fish in an incredibly tiny pond. Right now Kate is a over aged goldfish, swimming around in a kitchen sink biting her own young, screeching "I'm the queen of the worrrrrlllldddd!!!!" Put her in the bathtub and she goes into a panic, hiding from the bubbles and the little plastic boats, unless Steve attaches himself to her fin and leads her around. Yet she constantly bellows about being on the verge of conquering the Atlantic Ocean. Yeah, Kate, glug glug. Here comes Shamu.
lOLOL...just saw Kate called it a 'lunch picnic!!' In the episode I posted the link to above , Kate scolds Jon for saying 'lunch picnic' rather than 'picnic lunch.' Hypocrite.
Kate is a twit said... 159
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
Fall fun day Sunday lunch picnic... http://img.ly/oLnf
A box of juice a snack bag of crackers and a tube of yogurt.
mmmmmm mmmm! Thank you mommie dearest.
Kate is a twit said... 159
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
Fall fun day Sunday lunch picnic... http://img.ly/oLnf
No Shoka :(
I see Peace Love World still hasn't dropped their association with this child abuser. The kids almost all look so different. They have a chance, a CHANCE at being able to just blend into the crowd if she would stop posting all these photo updates.
Where's Shoka? Wouldn't he love a nice picnic lunch outside? I don't understand people who don't bring their dog everywhere.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 165
Freelancer gimme a break.
Of course it's not the only difference, I'm well aware of the differences, the point being you are completely off base to suggest that just because she might have been an independent contractor, there were no sit downs.
LOL, you are the one who made the "only difference" comment, and when called on it your retort is "of COURSE it's not the only difference." Don't make statements that are inaccurate if you don't want your BS pointed out.
Why are you even arguing about this? It's so stupid. SIt downs or not anyone could see Kate was writing crappy blogs. Anyone but you I guess.
I didn't say one word about the content of her blog posts. For the record, I barely read them, but those I glanced at seemed pretty useless.
.....so, the person that has no shame has come out of hiding.....
Hi! I also grew up (born in the early 50's) during the same time period...and my mom never learned how to drive so we walked everywhere. I look back on that now and realize what great physical shape I must have been in and just took for granted/didn't even appreciate. I do remember when we would miss the bus....and the school was about 5 or so miles away....having parents who recognized us often pick us up and give us a ride to school the rest of the way.
If Kate is indeed filming a dating show (on her own dime)....I wonder if Steve goes along on the dates. Ya know....to protect her from the various suitors.
And regarding the offer from VividTV to Kate for a job as a nude host....would Vivid have been the one who sent a copy of the letter to TMZ? For publicity? Who would have most likely sent the letter to TMZ?
From what I read, the letter was sent after she was fired from CC...so not all that long ago.
Also....read on Preesi's site....apparently Octomom is now being investigated because one of her older sons allegedly sexually molested one of the little girl octuplets. When I was reading it, I just had a bad feeling that there will be some major consequences from this. I know she's been investigated before...for child neglect, etc....but I suspect this one is gonna be a big deal.
Kate on twitter cause kids with her! How can this mother who has NOT seen her kids for at least a week be so cool towards her own kids?!?!
The kids will most likely be in their beds by 7pm. Such a poor excuse for a mother, and a really bad person in general.
Admin: I agree the kids do look older, some thinner. But I wonder- and please, no offense meant- if Kate chose an Asian spouse so her children would stand out in some way? Be 'famous' longer as they are dragged around by b Blonde Barbie with what she called "China Doll" features? (Even though Jon is Korean, not Chinese!)
AuntieAnn said... 157
LoveMyGrandsons said... 129
Are people looking for someone to blame because of Kate's downfall that she created herself?
Yes she's the reason Kate is in the sewer. Not only that but she has influence on the election too. Sheeple be warned: Admin will consume you with fireballs from her eyes and bolts of lightning from her arse
Admin just beamed back down from her spaceship! And it was AHMAYZINGGGG!!! The best part was her holodeck veranda where she conjured up rounds of rumpsringa by twitching her nose! She is the hardest working, most wonderful, dedicated rockin' hot blog-mama I have ever had the pleasure of never meeting! She had her hooker stillettos strapped to her head with her good bra and MILLIONS of people were sending space ship messages demanding instructions on how the get that rockin' style!
LoveMyGrandsons said... 125
Of course I pointed out to her that it's not a sword, it's light saber/saver (not sure which one, I just knew it wasn't called a sword! LOL!).
LMG - It's lightsaber - all one word. A lot of little ones do translate it to "light saver".
We've had at least 2 cheap lightsabers, and I even splurged and bought an expensive one about 5 years ago (the year I made the ObiWan costume) when it was on DS#2's birthday list.
Do you remember the DarthVader Volkswagon commercial from 2 SuperBowls ago? Still makes me giggle.
May the force be with you!
Freelancer, are you not able to understand that I clearly meant the only difference TO ME was in how I was taxed??
If you want to get into the down and dirty of it, why yes governor you are right they didn't pay my insurance, and I provided most of my own equipment, and I had no contract. And other differences you can learn about in Tax Law. Okay, but that doesn't make much of a difference to ME and I didn't notice that. Others might, but I'm not talking about others.
When I'm looking at houses, I would say well the only difference between this or that house is the pool. Okay, well maybe this house has white paint and that one tan and this house has a longer driveway. But obviously the meaning is the only difference TO ME. Do you not understand how people talk? Do you communicate with others? You are being intentionally picky and rude and fighting over asinine things.
Ok, it was NOT the only difference, you are right, you are correct. Oops you called me out on my "b.S." Shaking in my boots now. What was the point of your original post anyway? Oh right, to point out that I was pulling things out of my ass to say they had a sit down with Kate. On the contrary, I pointed you to the source who said THEY DID. Now you can believe that source or not, but it's completely uncalled for to accuse me of being a know it all when I was simply restating what a source had said.
Hmmm...I thought one of the tup girls wore braces...?
Imagine your mama being away for days on end, and when she finally returns, she prepares a "lunch picnic" for you. Excited, much? No, because it's yet another day of work at the Kompound. A private moment, exploited for a photo op.
She was probably in exploitation withdrawal.
I wonder if the kids understand when Mama is taking a photo to celebrate your nice picnic lunch together after not seeing each other in more than a week, she's exposing it to hundreds of thousands of people. They are plenty old enough to be embarrassed about that.
dee3, I understand what you are saying about HBB, and as bad as TLC is, it is the parents fault. They should never have allowed this show to happen at all, (I also don't think child beauty pageants serve any benefit, but that's another issue).
The problem is the parents agreed to this. They had to have seen the other shows on TLC and know how they are, they just didn't care. Therefore, this young child is going to be the one that suffers.
I have heard people say what a good parent June is. That may be true to a certain extent, but I don't buy it for 2 reasons: she put her daughter in those ridiculous pageants (and they were also on TLC), and then agreed to this reality show.
Sorry if I offended anyone, but that is just my opinion.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 115
I'm sorry but that funny if you think about it. It's like Steve is saying
"I don't care if you make it or if you don't make it".
"I joust want to get paid".
dee3 said... 173
Also....read on Preesi's site....apparently Octomom is now being investigated because one of her older sons allegedly sexually molested one of the little girl octuplets. When I was reading it, I just had a bad feeling that there will be some major consequences from this. I know she's been investigated before...for child neglect, etc....but I suspect this one is gonna be a big deal.
Wow, hadnt heard that dee3, but you are probably right. This might be seen in hindsight as the straw that broke the camel's back.
How odd. I notice a large number of new fans popped up right after Kate posted the picnic picture. A couple asked what they need to do to get her back on TV (coincidence?), and several sound like they don't know much about Kate/kids, asking how old the kids are, how big they are. It's as though they're getting their first tweet from Kate. Are they purchased tweeters?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 180
She was probably in exploitation withdrawal.
I wonder if the kids understand when Mama is taking a photo to celebrate your nice picnic lunch together after not seeing each other in more than a week, she's exposing it to hundreds of thousands of people. They are plenty old enough to be embarrassed about that.
Can you hear her?
"and I'm not telling you again...SMILE!!! or we'll do it over until you GET IT RIGHT!!"
Those poor kids are like a pack of trained monkeys.
And I'm selfishly attaching hope and clinging to the rumor that Shoka is in a rescue home somewhere is true.
koop dedoo -
And also with you!
Kate is a twit said... 121
Take this for what it's worth, but a guy who, according to his twitter profile, lives in Wyomissing just tweeted:
"I love seeing Kate Gosselin driving around town. 2 u turns and an illegal left in a matter of 100 yards"
What in the heck would she be looking for or trying to get to to drive like that?
Grandsons: Totally agree with you re: HBB.Those pageants scam money from people who should be saving it for their kids' college funds, not spending it on costumes and gowns photos, entrance fees, tanning, manicures, wigs, flippers, travel...to win a tin trophy for Prettiest Toes or whatever! Then the next step into this reality show where they are the objects of ridicule/ fun. Pure exploitation.
(I once watched some excellent expose docs on kids pageants- very scary stuff)
The movie Rainman was on TV last night, and something Rainman kept saying made me think of Milo....."of course, lights out at 11"....ha ha ha! Maybe Milo really does live in an institution, and her "lights out" man really does turn them out at 11!
dee3 and Dwindle, regarding Octomom, there were articles on the internet last week saying that all charges about the neglect and sexual were dropped. I believe it was due to no evidence to prove the allegations.
The movie Rainman was on TV last night, and something Rainman kept saying made me think of Milo....."of course, lights out at 11"....ha ha ha! Maybe Milo really does live in an institution, and her "lights out" man really does turn them out at 11!
lol!! Does Milo ever mention, "15 minutes to Judge Wapner?"
mamasan, is he a PR agent or politician these days? ;) I don't think that deal would have been all that great for me. I hated breakfast, and still do. Who in the heck is hungry after only being awake for 15-20 minutes? Not me.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 181
You are completely right LMG....the responsibility ultimately falls on the parents who agree to allow this in the first place. But...and I hope I don't offend anyone here....I have some real doubts if these parents are even able to truly comprehend and appreciate the consequences of having made this decision.
June and that Honey Bear (Alana's father) aren't married (after 8 years of being together)....and she has 3 other daughters from 3 different fathers, I read. She seemed truly not the least bothered by her 17 year old (Anna?) having a baby (with a father nowhere in sight) and their diet is truly horrific and she seems relatively clueless about how unhealthy it is.
She's a very nice lady....and Alana's father seems like a really nice guy too...but they don't appear to be too bright. I question if they had the mental capacity to make these decisions for their children....whether they were able to comprehend what the consequences could be.
What really struck me about that one scene where they kept the camera focused on Alana for so long even though she was mortified and almost crying....and they clearly did it intentionally.....was that they are willing to be cruel in order to get the fim they want. I could have never done that. I wanted to shove my hand through the screen and give her a kleenex. It was truly painful to watch. I don't even see how a person could have kept filming like that....it was flat-out cruel.....and sorta gives me an idea of how they could have continued to witness cruelty in the Gosselin home.....and essentially...not cared.
Dwindle said... 183
I'm finding it really interesting to try and analyze what particular events or subjects cause these sorts of cases to crack/be exposed. Why they can go along for years.....and suddenly just one thing will bring the whole facade crashing down.
I think Kate packed a knapsack- seen in the corner & probably just sent them out without bothering to settle them.Maybe Mady took the photo again lol.I don't think Mommy joined the FUN.
I'm not Dwindle, but I would ask them to pick- within reason- what to take. They could help prepare it.Definitely a treat for dessert.
Moose Mania said... 192
The movie Rainman was on TV last night, and something Rainman kept saying made me think of Milo....."of course, lights out at 11"....ha ha ha! Maybe Milo really does live in an institution, and her "lights out" man really does turn them out at 11!
lol!! Does Milo ever mention, "15 minutes to Judge Wapner?"
Does she insist on getting her underwear at KMart?
I question if they had the mental capacity to make these decisions for their children
OMG....are you serious? Let me take a line from the movie "Sweet Home Alabama". Just be I talk slow don't mean I am slow. As a native Southerner I am truly offended by that statement. June has stood up to TLC several times.
Oh, I "get" the new kate/milo act now.
Kate thinks she is the newest and bestish personal trainer and motivator. $$$$$ for speaking tours around the world, traveling with purseboy, product endorsements, health books, like an Olympic Athletic. kate made a dead man walk!!!
That's really weird. I posted a comment (question, actually) about packing a picnic lunch, and Formerly Duped responded to it. But now it seems to have vanished!
Formerly Duped, I hope you realize I was just kidding about Dwindle leading the discussion. It was a joking response to whoever it was that suggested Dwindle declare herself the "blog leader." Pfft, we all know the blog scepter belongs to whomever it is that sits on the faux leather rocketship recliner, clutching the bottle of rumpspringa. :)
Here it's nice, but too breezy and cool to lunch outdoors.
It was really quite nice this afternoon, about 65 degrees, sunny, beautiful day for a picnic lunch. It was much better than that chilly 40-degree day when she made them eat outside over spring break.
Tamara said... 187
Kate is a twit said... 121
Take this for what it's worth, but a guy who, according to his twitter profile, lives in Wyomissing just tweeted:
"I love seeing Kate Gosselin driving around town. 2 u turns and an illegal left in a matter of 100 yards"
What in the heck would she be looking for or trying to get to to drive like that?
Her driveway? A camera, any camera, any ole camera at all?
Although the visual of it reminds of my Lab chasing her tail...
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