"We did the best we could."
Chris Cuomo's moving interview with Aaron Fisher, 18, otherwise known as "Victim Number 1" is so important we thought it deserved its own post.

"Why are you moving so fast now when you moved so slowly when Aaron needed your help?" Cuomo shouts to a school principal running away from him. Karen Probst, mandated by law to report any abuse, instructed Aaron to go home and think about it when he first disclosed the abuse to her. She is still principal.
Will anyone ever be held accountable for the child abuse and child labor violations perpetrated against the Gosselin children for years? According to Robert Hoffman, he reported the child abuse allegations to CYS twice. Is this the best they could do?
Aaron's book Silence No More: Victim 1's Fight For Justice Against Jerry Sandusky is available for purchase on Amazon.com
1729 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1729 of 1729 Newer› Newest»Formerly Duped said... 180
AuntieAnn & Dwindle: I do not think Alana's (HBB) behavior is cute in the least either. Regardless of what she looks like, that is my opinion
I didn't think her behavior was cute either and thought if that were my kid I'd get her the heck off tv and away from the pageants. IMO it's an unhealthy form of competition. That's what I took from about 1 minute and 45 seconds of an interview. What they're doing to that little girl is no different than if they'd brought a trained orangutan on stage and stuck a cigarette in its mouth so people could watch it smoke. It pisses me off no end that people are doing this to their kids.
my apologies! lol!! what kind of gift card would you like?
No gift card. Just send Gilles Marini (DWTS) my way, and all is forgiven.
OT - A bit ago Rocketman took off on his bike. So I am here catching up on posts, my cell next me (happenstance - usually I can't find the darn thing). Then the following text convo takes place:
(backstory - today is DD's b-day. I waited until I knew she was home from work to text)
ME: Happy B-day!
DD: Thanx Mom!
DH: Most uncomfortable stools in bardom
Me: WTH?
DD: What?
DD's MIL: Where r u!?!?!?
SIL: We're in Chicago...where r u?
ME: Huh?
DD's MIL: What stools in bardom? Hope you were in a bar
DD: What? I think that text went to the group
ME: Huh? (I'm quite the conversationalist, no?)
DD: I think we all just want to know what a 'bardom stool' is, dad
Poor Rocketman. He stopped into a new Mini-brewery to check it out (yeah, right) and thought he was adding to a private convo thread with me. Alas, in the dark of the bar, he hit DD's thread to a group of us regarding an achievement by GS. Thus sparking the confusion in DD, her husband, her MOTHER IN LAW and myself.
Note that DH doesn't respond after his critique of the furniture...he had no idea. That is, until he returned home.
THIS is why he shall never be introduced to Twitter.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming...
The general rule from the new law is the same as California, which has laws widely regarded as very protective. Basically it's, generally, a rule of halves. For every hour you spend being filmed, you have to spend an hour doing school/rest without being filmed. The total amount of time you can be wandering around on set increases as you get older, but the rule of halves still applies. Meal times don't even count toward your rest, it has to be an actual real rest period.
So if you film the kid for four straight hours, you can't just say okay that's a wrap see you tomorrow. You then have to supply that kid with four hours of rest and school, ON SET.
Like I said before, it is a good thing to force kids to stay on set to finish all their required rest and schoolwork. If you don't, all you're doing is sending them home to the parents you're supposed to be protecting from in the first place, and we can't trust all parents will make sure they get the schooling and rest they need. Much better to have it in the hands of set teachers and the law. It is a very good law.
I remember watching the Betty Broderick trials on Court TV. I think during her first trial she was trying to convince the jury that she was a battered wife and that is what sent her over the edge. I remember thinking at the time that she really seemed delusional and blamed everything on Linda, Dan's wife-but that was only my opinion.
Honey Boo Boo lifting her shirt is a 'thing'. It seems to be very entertaining for folks and very profitable for TLC. I dont care what names I get called, but I dont think the behavior is cute and i dont think the belly is cute.
I have found myself saying, well at least there are no rumors of her being beaten by her mother. But does that make this OK?
I mean, is it OK that 'some' kids end up in ERs with "only" broken bones when other kids die of their abuse? Should we look the other way on that, set the bones and send them home, because at least they werent beaten to DEATH by their parent and other kids have it so much worse?
Is a quick murder by gunshot so much better than a more painful prolonged murder by stabbing - do we tell the killer with the gun it's ok, we dont mind so much because it could have been SO much worse? At what point is wrong just wrong without comparing it to something else (Honey BooBoo's exploitation compared to the G kids) and say well, example A isnt AS BAD as example B, so we'll look the other way.
After all, they all got free trips.
And by that the sheeple actually mean that the MOTHER got free trips by doing nothing more than giving birth and then selling the chattle. And they admit they would do it too if they could. Sell them annoying brats and pamper MEEEEE.
Sorry, I am not directing this at anyone in our community here (Gawd, i love that word!) it just frightens me that society still feesl entitled to do with other humans as we see fit, especially if there is money involved.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 3
my apologies! lol!! what kind of gift card would you like? :)
No gift card. Just send Gilles Marini (DWTS) my way, and all is forgiven.
I'll take what I first read Lancaster's request to be: Giles (Buffy's Watcher) and a Martini. Oh, and a Tigers championship.
I assumed the governor signed the bill as expected but Murt hasn't updated his web site.
Anyone know???
I mean, is it OK that 'some' kids end up in ERs with "only" broken bones when other kids die of their abuse? Should we look the other way on that, set the bones and send them home, because at least they werent beaten to DEATH by their parent and other kids have it so much worse?
In the unfortunate society we live in, where the government and private citizens are only willing to dole out enough cash to help the ones most in danger of being killed, "we" look the other way to protect our own sense of... Something. It's a million percent wrong, but very few are stepping up to do anything about it.
I haven't seen any story that it has been signed yet, and Paul P. hasn't updated anything on FB.
MSN does have a story about it, but no update if it's been signed.
It went to the governor today-does anyone know how long it takes for a bill to be signed once it reaches the governor's office?
Admin, nothing on Google. I have checked through the day.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 5
Duck & Cover was first released in 1952 as a Civil Defense film and was used to scare the heck out of us during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1961.
I was in elementary school I know long long time ago but that film scared me to death. I was so afraid 'they' would drop the bomb and I wouldn't be able to get home and we would all be separated. It still haunts me to this day.
By the by, love my grandkids and my dogs.
Kate's back to tweeting again. A lot of her tweeties asked what her and the kids plans were for Halloween.
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate! Have anything fun planned for Halloween? What are the kids going as? :)
Kate Gosselin
@xxxx not sure yet but I think they are going...;)
She thinks they are going? Halloween is a week away--what happened to Miss Organized who always plans ahead?
Kate Gosselin
Cara/Mady r looking at Christmas toy catalogs...Making endless lists 4 themselves&their bros/sis's..I better make a plan&QUICK! #readyornot
Here we go! Setting the stage for freebies!
She THINKS they are going??? Halloween is a week away! WT??? Maybe she should just admit that Jon has the kids that day, or that the nanny is handling all the Halloween prep, or she's been too busy making her dating show to give a shit, just be honest.
She " thinks" they are going because just maybe they are with ther father that night? Not sure yet means they probably did the costume thing with their father while she was gone for 9 effing days. Just say it fool. I hope I'm right and they get a normal holiday this year. No next day 1/2 price candy in other words.
Well the annual don't forget Christmas is coming tweet is a little early this year but I guess the earlier the better right!
Also, out of touch much? Kate, many kids this year, many of your sheeple's kids, won't be able to circle even more than a few toys this year let alone going through the whole catalogue circling away like money grows on trees.
She " thinks" they are going because just maybe they are with ther father that night?
If that's what she is implying, that's another backhanded slam.
Well I THINK Jon will do what every good parent would do but what would I know???
I feel like every post these days needs to end with SHE NEEDS HELP. Heck maybe if she reads GET HELP enough she will....
I like how she told her tweeties she has a few minutes what's everyone up to and when they proceed to tell her mildly interesting stories about their lives, a car accident here, a homeschool issue there, she quickly loses interest and starts back to talking about herself. LOL classic Kate. They will never learn.
@Kateplusmy8 I wanted to say I think you are an amazing mother and a great role model for young women! Plus you are inspirational
@Kateplusmy8 you are a great role model for strong healthy working women at all ages, even for a pa teacher!
Role model? Yes, indeed. All young women hold mothers who whip their children in high esteem. Such an inspiration. When toddlers don't behave, you just spank them as hard as you can and then put them in their cribs. Maybe Kate should give inspirational/motivational seminars as a strong, young, healthy working woman. Not working, you say? A mere technicality.
Sheeple have such low standards. The bar is set very low.
I just want to throw in my two cents on the new pups issue. Like I said before, when I came aboard it was a time when if you posted a comment that seemed to disagree with a regular poster, you were most likely to get attacked by someone. Not everyone did it and maybe only one or two. Still, any unkind comment hurt and the only way to make sense of why ANYONE would do that was to think you didn't fit in or your opinion was unwanted.
Admin, with me you explained to me that someone, way prior, was on this blog, who's name happened to be the one I chose for me, cried a sob story and gained compassion from those here and also received offers of help, only to be a scam. That was an acceptable story to me and I totally understood why unkind things were being said to me. I changed my name and apologized for my short patience yet there were still was one or two that wouldn't let it go.
That was almost two yrs. ago and I have seen MOST EVERYONE work on rule #3 and this blog has truly evolved to a place where most respect and welcome each other. Back then most of the threads received rarely even 700 to 800 comments with in two to three days and there were way less posters than there are now.
All the doo doo stirring compared to how many post on this blog is minimal. I really was shocked to see how many really post here when we added our names to a list for support for Dwindle. Sorry if Dwindle isn't the one, I'm having a brain fart trying to remember. Anyway, the ratio of posters/drive by is huge in favor of posters. I see that the amount of drive by's are really not that much considering the number of posters. It still isn't fun though. I think if all practice the rules, the rules are sufficient to keep problems at bay. Maybe a little wave too.
Bottom line, treat others with respect and most will come around. Practice rule #3 and I think that will take care of it.
My apologies but I don't think most newbies come on and ask to be worshiped. Just a wave by one I think would do wonders to help the mood of this community. Most communities send a welcome wagon to newbies unless they feel the newbies have nothing to offer their community.
So, is Kate the REAL "Old Mother Hubbard"?
I don't know anything about bill signing, I assumed it would be signed today but now I'm wondering if "sending it to the governor's desk" means it could sit there for weeks before he gets to it.
I'm anxious for it to just be confirmed.
This may have real consequences on a big production right now, Dance Moms. For all the practices they are filming there is no way they're in line with the new labor laws. They will have to make a lot of changes. I even wonder if they might drop it and just focus on Abby's new show.
today would have been my dad's 100th birthday. I can't think of a nicer thing to have happen today than the passage of this Bill in PA.
Happy day to all, Happy Birthday Dad!
@Kateplusmy8: Cara/Mady r looking at Christmas toy catalogs...Making endless lists 4 themselves&their bros/sis's..I better make a plan&QUICK!
Let the grifting begin! I wonder if she took the rolodex when she CC.
Carolina Peach, I had not thought about the resemblance of Ms Kreider to the Weeping Angels in Dr. Who. You are absolutely correct, the scary angry face is the same! That must be how Ms Kreider keeps showing up in the media, she is an alien here to corrupt the earth! Another reason to fight back.
I am just checking in briefly, the dh and I are in Hilton Head South Carolina for a few days. The beach and weather is unbelievable for late October! FYI that is not a humble brag, I am just bragging. I am at the beach! Yea me and dh!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 25
I don't know anything about bill signing, I assumed it would be signed today but now I'm wondering if "sending it to the governor's desk" means it could sit there for weeks before he gets to it.
Snerk Eek Ghak, sorry that is the sound of me genuinely trying not to laugh at your positive, and ultimately naïve, view of the American government. Expect waits. Expect loooong waits. Unless the press decides it's a story, and then it will suddenly be at the top of the Penn Govs agenda.
The real question is, how strictly will it be upheld and followed?
I found a website that tells how long a governor has to sign a bill. In Pennsylvania,the
Governor must sign or veto legislation within 10 days after transmittal, or it becomes law without signature.
So there may be a wait before he signs it--but most articles I've read, say that he is expected to sign it.
fidosmommy -- happy birthday to your father.
JoyInVa -- have a fantastic, sandy time.
Thanks Kate is a twit. So within 10 days it should be done.
Tamara obviously this has moved slowly but now that all the nuts and bolts are squared away a signature shouldn't really take that long. It's not the signature that delays things, it's actually working out the language and getting it passed. They've worked all that out already.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 19
Well the annual don't forget Christmas is coming tweet is a little early this year but I guess the earlier the better right!
Also, out of touch much? Kate, many kids this year, many of your sheeple's kids, won't be able to circle even more than a few toys this year let alone going through the whole catalogue circling away like money grows on trees.
Just like clockwork, with almost exactly 2 months until Christmas, Kate is signaling the tweeple to get shopping. I'm surprised she didn't attach a holiday shipping timetable for the international sheeps. She's got to have those festively wrapped gifts to display under her Charlie Brown tree.... we all know now that plain low or no cost newsprint ends is all Kate can be bothered with.
It's not just "American" government by the way. Most governments move slowly. Just this year Canada had all kinds of delays and fighting back and forth about their budget passing, as I recall.
On the flip side I'd wonder how much thought really went into a bill if it sails through in 2 seconds.
Usually they use different pens and might have media there. Maybe he plans to sign a pile of bills at some point instead of whenever they cross his desk. I hope he does it this week.
Kate's twitter folloers have increased by 138 in 24 hours with her not being in the news at all.
There's a possibility that Hurricane Sandy might hit the northeast next week, so Kate may have an excuse for the kids to not go trick or treating. But according to her twitter she isn't even aware there is a hurricane. Just shows how up-to-date with the news she is.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, with hurricane coming did you buy the power pack I told you about to run coffee maker+charge cell phones?
Kate Gosselin
xxxxx uh, hurricane? Where have I been?
Kate Gosselin
xxxxx uh, hurricane? Where have I been?
I'm guessing watching Real Housewives of Miami.
I see Kate is twittering her ass off.
Now she is claiming a new medical thing, probably will use as excuse to not run on the 28th: Sciatica: pain in back that runs down to but and leg, and makes them numb, caused by an injury. Kate says, she has had it for the last 3 days.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
What's up everyone? I have a few minutes to chat... What's new?
23 Oct Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
GN all... A wee bit late and my eyes are half closed as I write this... Tweet ya tomorrow! XO
the Roloffs have a new show coming on Tuesday.
HAHAHAHA and Kate has nothing TLC showing her how they feel.
anger issues kate said... 39
I saw that tweet about the sciatitca. She tweeted that to someone who she had bursitis. Kate can't just "sorry to hear that" she has to add in that she's "hurting" too.
@Kateplusmy8 just crawled into bed with my 3 yr. old after a rough day dealing with bursitis pain in my hip/leg.
Kate Gosselin
@jessica_b02 oh no not good. I had sciatica last few days.. Never really had that before.. Ouchy! Feel bettter
I wouldn't be surprised if she uses that as an excuse to not run this Sunday.
Kate is a twit said... 42
She might not run but I'll bet she & Steve will fly out.
So they can spend some quality 2gther.
Kate a twit: If she does then Kate is full of beans. We know the truth. Notice how Kate has not addressed or even said one word about CC. You know what that means, it's true. Now the gracious, adult, mature thing would be, to make a statement. Like to the CEO, sorry you feel that way and it did not work out, for me. But Kate saying nothing says a lot.
She sure knows how to set things up. Now when she bows out of the race because hell if she wants to pay to send herself to LAX on her own dime, now, ohh, ouch ouch my sciatica. She probably saw some commercial about it and decided that's what she has to not have to run.
anger issues kate said... 44
Kate never addresses anything. I think it took her a couple of days before she said anything about the show being cancelled. She never addressed the cruise cancellation, and now the CC firing. She only addressed the book because Katie C. asked her.
The fact that she won't post a current picture of Shoka, is another thing she won't address. She only talks about what SHE wants to talk about, because that way she is in total control.
Snerk Eek Ghak, sorry that is the sound of me genuinely trying not to laugh at your positive, and ultimately naïve, view of the American government. Expect waits. Expect loooong waits. Unless the press decides it's a story, and then it will suddenly be at the top of the Penn Govs agenda.
Gov. Corbett has 10 days to sign the bill when the legislature is in session; 30 days if not in session. Before that happens, it goes to Jim Schultz's office (General Counsel) for its opinion (legality, and whether it's constitutional). Has that been done? I have no idea but I can find out. However, Gov. Corbett can either veto it, sign it, or ignore it. If he chooses to ignore it, it will become law in 10 days.
However, I don't think that the legislature is in session right now; it will be in mid November. If he gets the bill now and it has gone through General Counsel, he has 30 days to sign it or veto it (assuming that the legislature is not in session). If he ignores it, it becomes law in 30 days.
Has Kate started her begging?? Maybe that's where she was last week at some corner begging for money! Her sign said " please help, I'm hungry and homeless and I have 8 kids "! She has no shame!!
Today was my child's birthday and we went out to dinner. What is this new thing where young people now celebrate their birthdays all week! I remember when they were little and it was one birthday party, one cake, ok many presents but all in one day! Now it's a whole week of celebrations! My kids were telling me girls sometimes celebrate the whole month! WTH?? It's because they're young wait til they get old, they are conveniently going to forget its their birthdays! LOL
Let's Throw Tomatoes
Over In Kate's County said... 47
This is the site where I saw the 10 rule. It lists all the states, and while it mentioned the 30 day rule if the legislature is not in session, it didn't mention it for PA. So I assumed that it didn't matter whether the legislature was in session or not. Thanks for the clarification.
Although Paul P. said it went to the governor today, this site said it was presented to the governor on Oct. 18, so maybe the General Counsel had finished going over it, and then it went to the governor today.
Guess we'll just have to wait to find out. I'm sure Paul P. will have an update when it is actually signed.
The classy thing to do would be to thank CC for her time there and wish them the best. It wouldn't kill her.
The sheeple would lap that up. Look at Kate how classy she was in the face of such a catty letter.
So is it 30 or 10? When they say it went to the governor, do they mean it actually is all cleared and ready for a simple signature? Or do they just mean it went to his office and has to be reviewed by legal counsel and so on first before it actually is ready to be signed?
Because if the governor was indicating he would sign it I would assume it's long cleared legal and other teams that may review it.
It's rough when your idol is responsible for an entire state rewriting their child labor laws, I know. Hang in there.
What this blog does is pick apart anything and everything Kate does with no regard to what this may mean for her children and their livlihood.
Oh no the old, you're taking money out of the children's mouths. I think they're okay calling Kate on their $500 iphones they value so much they leave in fridges to collect moisture and die (who cares, when you're rich you can just get another) and circling entire catalogues of toys making lists up the wazoo for Christmas. It's not even Halloween yet for cripe sake.
Kate could go be a nurse. Last I heard there are no media there so nothing to pick apart.
It's tough supporting kids with only $5 million.
According to a PhillyBurbs.com article(which is the same as the MSN article)
"Legislation to reform Pennsylvania laws regulating children in the entertainment industry is waiting for Gov. Tom Corbett's signature"
It may just mean it passed the legislature and was sent to the governor's office. That about all the details that I could find.
I think the articles are just giving us the simple explanation for people just wanting the basic story.
Of course for most folks here that's not enough, we want the details. When did it go there, how long will it take to sign it, who else does it have to clear?? We're Milo-ing for the details.
Yes I used Milo as a verb.
Speaking of Milo--a few on the non-fans were taunting Paige because Kate follows Emily, Milo, and a few others, but not Paige. So Milo came to her defense.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 I have no doubt U have a special place N Kate's heart...she has watched U grow up rt here! :)
Kate's been on twitter for 18 months-so how has she watched Paige grow up. Paige was almost 17 when Kate started twitter. I'll reserve my comments about whether Paige is "grown up" or not.
What this blog does is pick apart anything and everything Kate does with no regard to what this may mean for her children and their livlihood.
The children's livelihood? A livelihood is employment or occupation. What might that be? They are no longer being forced to work to support their mother.
"So is it 30 or 10? When they say it went to the governor, do they mean it actually is all cleared and ready for a simple signature? Or do they just mean it went to his office and has to be reviewed by legal counsel and so on first before it actually is ready to be signed?
Because if the governor was indicating he would sign it I would assume it's long cleared legal and other teams that may review it."
It's 10 if the legislature is in session; 30 days if it is not. I don't think it's in session right now. Seems I read it goes back into session in mid-November. I don't know if it's been cleared by Office of Counsel. When it gets sent to his desk, he sends it to Counsel. This could have been done already. When did it go to his desk? Perhaps it's all been cleared and ready to go.
Here...I just found this:
"What happens after the bill goes to the Governor?
The Governor refers the bill to the Office of
General Counsel for an opinion as to the legality and constitutionality of the legislation. After the
Office of General Counsel’s review, the Governor has three options: he may sign the bill into law; he
may veto the bill (he may veto specific items in an appropriations bill, this is known as a “line item
veto); or he may allow the bill to become law without his signature."
I didn't delete your post and it's not in spam. I actually checked.
FYI blogger can be buggy. Not everything is me trying to silence you.
Hmm that's weird is disappeared again INSTANTLY. I wonder if the pool boys are on night duty. Or maybe blogger hates you.
You all fancy yourselves some kind of guardian angels when all you actually do is vent your hatred for a woman you have never met. i find that pathetic.
Guardian angel, nah. Speaker of the truth about just one issue of many in the world that are important, yes I think this group has done that. It's not the sole purpose or only purpose here, but it's been one. And this week we had a hand in accomplishing something really big. An entire state's LAWS are being changed. And for the better. I'm proud of Murt and PA for recognizing something was wrong and working so hard to fix it, and I feel vindicated, and actually, a bit hopeful. The Gosselin kids probably won't benefit much, but at least this can never happen again. Thanks Kate.
You can think that's pathetic, that's totally fine by me.
It's pathetic is what it is said... 52
Really? You have got to be kidding me. You really think this blog is doing anything to help the Gosselin kids?
What this blog does is pick apart anything and everything Kate does with no regard to what this may mean for her children and their livlihood.
You all fancy yourselves some kind of guardian angels when all you actually do is vent your hatred for a woman you have never met. i find that pathetic.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 59
I didn't delete your post and it's not in spam. I actually checked.
FYI blogger can be buggy. Not everything is me trying to silence you.
October 24, 2012 9:10 PM
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 60
Hmm that's weird is disappeared again INSTANTLY. I wonder if the pool boys are on night duty. Or maybe blogger hates you.
October 24, 2012 9:11 PM
Well don't you think you're clever. Here it is again, since you aren't deleting it.
It may just mean it passed the legislature and was sent to the governor's office. That about all the details that I could find.
Twit -- it did pass the legislature or it wouldn't be on his desk. What I am not sure about is if it was cleared by General Counsel. That office was established to review if bills are legal and constitutional. It is headed by Jim Schultz of Philadelphia, who was appointed this summer.
The pool boy just emailed me they deleted it....she says sorry she didn't realize I wanted something that broke the rules to stay.
Admin....I vote you delete it again, and again, and again!!
General counsel only has 10/30 days to review it before they have to decide whether to sign or veto? That's really not much time. Or does the 10/30 days start from the point that general counsel gives the okay, then the governor has 10/30 from then?
I know I'm asking questions maybe no one is sure about. Just asking.
I vote to delete it too.
It's so ironic that the fans are quick to do the same old, same old..."you've never met someone but you hate her" thing, and yet they idolize her, she's a role model, she's inspirational, her kids are part of their family, and yet they've never met her.
It may surprise the sheeple who troll here, but there are actually people on this blog who have met her and don't hate her, but are disgusted at her greed and the way in which a parent could allow a production company to sacrifice the childhood of eight children who had no say in the matter.
Good show on television tonight...a documentary on the danger of cults. Sheeple should watch it.
It's so ironic that the fans are quick to do the same old, same old..."you've never met someone but you hate her" thing, and yet they idolize her, she's a role model, she's inspirational, her kids are part of their family, and yet they've never met her.
LOL I've thought that same thing but I tend to fall back on logic too much.
If you can't hate someone because you've never met them (and by the way I've met Kate) it follows you can't like someone if you've never met them either. It goes both ways.
By that logic, everyone, fans and non-fans alike, should have no opinion of Kate.
I see the Kate Gosselin acolytes have stopped by on their way to worshiping at the altar of Goddess Kate, Defiler of Childhood, Equal Opportunity Child/Animal Abuser, and All Around Crass Bitch. Gotta love those feet of clay and saggy silicone boobs.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
What's up everyone? I have a few minutes to chat... What's new?
Oh you know...nuthin' much...the usual Kate.
Ignorant twit. Of all the things to ask today. What's new?
For the Kate lovers that can't stay away from this blog: you're right, we haven't met Kate. Have you? Have the other 9 or so of you left met her? Of course you haven't. That one is as old as the 'you're just jellus' one. But here's what I really don't get. If it were just one person who brought out all the evilness that is Kate then I could understand your point. But when do you pull your head out of Kate's rear long enough to realize these reports come from EVERYONE who has met her. Family, grandparents are not even allowed in their lives. There are too many to mention here and it's been discussed repeatedly so why is that? Why can't you accept that this woman is a truly nasty person, a child abuser who we all saw on the show being abusive, we didn't just take Roberts word. An animal abuser. A stingy, self absorbed control freak extraordinaire who is rich and still grifting away and crying poor. One of these days you will read something so bad even you won't be able to support her anymore. And, you fans are helping to feed the monster. Truly sad.
Auntie, There you go again. Thinking that Kate might care what anyone has say.
What's new ? She meant what new things do you have to send to her. You just didn't read the question the right way.
Because it can't be said enough:
When an entire state rewrites their child labor laws and calls it the Jon and Kate bill, you might just be a child exploiter.
Yeah what's up Kate? Remember when I asked you, two years ago, about the new child labor laws coming down? And your boyfriend had be thrown out of the place? Yeah THAT'S WHAT'S UP TODAY! WHAT'S UP NOW???
Admin - do you think she's connected the dots yet? Do you think the lightbulb lit up over her head that that is what that mean woman at the book signing was asking about? Does she even know it was YOU?
Good grief I can't believe her. And her dumb sheeple probably aren't aware of it either. Nope...what's new she asks. oy.
Dmasy - Notice she asked that right after she said goodnight. Oops all of sudden she came up with a plan, so she got right back on to chat them up a little. Only 58 days of Christmas grifting left.
She reads like a book.
Multiple choice question: Which of these situations would make you want to repent or go into hiding?
-- Being labeled a child abuser?
-- Having your TV show canceled?
-- Becoming a late night joke because of your lack of dancing skills?
-- Getting publicly fired for being inauthentic?
-- Having legislation enacted to prevent others from following your choice?
-- Reading a book written about the worst of your private actions?
-- Being rumored to have an affair with a married man?
-- Or, the fact that this is only a partial list of your abhorrent behaviors?
Wow Dmasy - that's very telling to see it laid out like that. I'd be curled up in bed. She doesn't seem to be fazed at all. Mind-boggling.
Dmasy--you forgot "being asked to be a talk show host for a porn company".
Heidi -- I agree. I don't think many of us could go about our daily FUN lives.
And, none of those accusations or facts were caused by administrator or the posters in this community.
I will never understand the lack of logic shared by her "fans".
Kate is a Twit -- Good one! I knew the list was incomplete and other posters might fill in the blanks. Thanks.
I see the Kate Gosselin acolytes have stopped by on their way to worshiping at the altar of Goddess Kate, Defiler of Childhood, Equal Opportunity Child/Animal Abuser, and All Around Crass Bitch. Gotta love those feet of clay and saggy silicone boobs.
Made me spit ....
She was named Jackhole of the day for the cruise fiasco.
I don't see a scenario where Kate's kids would go hungry or homeless...at least until they turn 18. When their Momma has the kind of money that she currently has, PLUS you have a working and loving father, it can safely be assumed these children will not be street urchins begging for a meal. So don't swing by here and try to accuse the posters of having no regard for their livelihood, because it just ain't gonna fly.
But nice try.
She also was named Jackhole of the Day for being fired from CC. This is what Andy Cohen said(Thanks to Tam from Preesi's site):
"My Jackhole of the Day goes to Kate Gosselin. She cannot catch a break. She came on this show promoting her role as a coupon expert and then she just got fired for giving bad couponing tips. Like she said 'you can save money by having your own pool instead of paying to join the community pool.' That's bad advice. Ah, ok we wish you a lotta luck with your couponing."
Does anyone know specifically why Kate was dropped from that children's clothes line, called HealthTex? I remember it was advertised on Rachael Ray's show. Was it pulled? And why? Other than the obvious reason that Kate is a nightmare to work with.
dee3, I'm surprised you thought 'dr.' drew held 'mama' June's feet to the fire. What I saw was Drew re-inforcing that child's terrible behaviour instead of correcting it and letting June get away with whatever BS answers she gave ALL THE WHILE the child said something different. drew basically ignored what the child said and instead allowed the 'mother' to defend her abuse.
Until 'mama' June creates or joins a 501c charity, I do not believe any money is going to the community. Rather, a very tiny portion may be contributed but most the money TLC is throwing at them, and any money she grifts for on her Facebook account, goes right into 'mama's grubby disgusting hands.
Sure, drew asked if 'mama' thought the child would regret all this when she got older but very easily accepted her complete denial. Unless 'mama' can see into the future (and then she'd have a Down South Medium show instead), she can't possibly predict how her child will feel at age 15. But drew didn't challenge that. Nope. He just regurgitated some crap about 'at least the 'mother' is thinking about these issues'. Um, no, the 'mother' is definitely NOT thinking about these issues. She's too busy counting her money.
Disgusting trash. It upsets me.
Also, the majority of responses to any of the current articles about her are negative. In fact, they're scathing.
If I may step in a bit late regarding the Broderick situation -- I met Betty a couple of times in vastly different situations. She was mad as hell at her husband who she supported (probably not financially) through medical and law school, had I think all 4 kids were born during that time. She has said that he really wanted very little to do with family life towards the end of their marriage, that she was the one doing it all. She was used to a lavish lifestyle and I have no doubt that she went through a lot of money after the separation. She & the kids did move to a smaller home in La Jolla, but I don't remember if it was purchased or rented. Dan, being a good old boy of San Diego's legal community, held all the cards as someone said above. He paid some of his support in cash and some by check so he could claim she could get by on less money than she claims he was supposed to give her (I heard her say this). Does any of this excuse their horrible behavior to each other, or to her rage and killing them both? It certainly sent shock waves through San Diego. I spoke several times to Linda since I was applying for a job in Dan's office. It was filled before I had my interview so I didn't meet him.
I have no opinion on parole. I can appreciate both arguments.
Coupon Cabin was very clear a big reason why she was fired was because she wrote poor blog posts, wasn't relatable, and didn't fit in with the team. They didn't say anything about being influenced by us. They're not stupid, they knew they were going to get hate mail when they hired her and I'm sure they got it all along, but none of that made them fire her or they never would have hired her.
What do we have to do with whether an employee fits in with the team? I'm not in the break room in Indiana trying to prevent someone from fitting in. And what do we have to do with her blog posts? We didn't write her blogs for her. She could have worked hard and done a better job writing blogs. What's funny is every time she would write such a crap blog you need only come here to see all the suggestions we were making for how to improve it. We were trying to help! LOL. She could have not sucked. She chose not to. Had nothing to do with anyone but her.
I don't see how that is "us" interfering with her livelihood. We did not cause Kate to suck at her job.
oops. I meant The Old woman Who Lived In a Shoe. Nursery rhyme dyslexia.
Speaking of pathetic...
It's beyond pathetic that Kate's fans couldn't donate to the charity she ran for. Just $1 by each of the supposed 126,000 followers and maybe the CC gig would still be her "livelihood". It's even more pathetic those same non-givers probably will buy her Xmas gifts. Equally pathetic that she will gladly accept them.
Kate is a self indulgent, neglectful, child abusing, animal abusing, greedy, lying hypocrite. Who learned to love her 8 from afar (her words) shortly after promising never to leave them again upon her return from the tummy tuck.
Pathetic. The whole sordid mess is pathetic.
Oh one more thing, we didn't make Kate non-relatable and we gave her plenty of suggestions for how to seem more relatable. I.e. don't spend all your children's money on yourself, don't live in mansions and drive three cars, stop bragging about all your money, go get a real job if you want to convince us you're strapped for cash and not just living off your millions, and on and on.
We didn't make Kate do anything of those things and have been saying all along she should make changes if she wants to peddle the poor single mom coupon gig and seem even remotely relatable.
It's really her sheeple who did her in if you think about it, constantly telling her she deserves to live the way she lives. Had they told her otherwise, she might be more relatable. Had she listened to US, she might still have this job. That is hysterical but true.
And so you see really, it's the sheeple who got her fired! He-he oh the irony.
Admin-maybe we should bill Kate for all the advice and counseling we gave her.
Oh wait--she doesn't pay "counseling" bills.
Kate will not be successful in whatever she tries to foist on the public who are so tired of washed up wannabes. She's like the reverse King Midas, everything she touches turns to crap.
You know I think we could have made Kate a multi-millionaire for the rest of her life if she let us manage her. The smart and savvy people here have said exactly what she needs to do to build a franchise and make it last. And the path is not, running a few 10ks in Vegas and NY, canceling a cruise on all her die hard fans, and writing for a content farm only to get fired when you're writing is not even good enough for a content farm (BAW-HAHAHHAHAA). Oh and none of THOSE things had a single thing to do with any of us either. Those were Kate's choices as to how her "career" would "progress."
I suppose we'll also catch the blame when this next super secret project of hers flops.
Back to HBB for a minute. Her mother went on FB and defended what was said on Dr. Drew. She blamed it on "editing". Are these the classic lines that TLC tells everyone to say? Is it in their contract?
“oh k im going to answer this as a whole about the dr drew interview we done when dr drew ask her about being on tv and she said no and she didn't like fans coming up to her they didn't show the other part of that they edited out the rest like most news and media does to get a reaction out of ppl<
“after she said she them im just kidding I LOVE seeing my self on TV but I don't like when ppl take alot of pics of me she was meaning the paparazzi not fans cause the night b4 at the fountains on the walk of fame at the shopping center she went to play in the fountains after kimmel and about 50 paparazzi followed and cause it caused alot of attention they turned the fountain off
“she was so mad bout that she is 7 and yes some days she wants to b left alone like anyone does but trust me if she hated being on tv I would b the first to stop production period cause my kids r #1 so I hope this clears up some of the questions from that interview ..
Keep spinnin' June, you disgusting excuse for a mother.
Anyone know why Kate's HealthTex clothing line failed? Or was it just pulled? And any specifics reagrding why?
Does this sound familiar? From New Zealand:
Sheeple prove who the real haters and troublemakers are.
I once indignately went up to my black lab sitting by the lake to berate him from coming in after my dogs called " intruder alert"
turns out it was a beaver and he was very non-chalant..even with
my backup 3 quivering dogs
Kate's fan once again proving how nasty, evil and immature she is. Like attracts like.
It's pathetic said... 62
Yupe blame
Perez Hilton
Coupon Cabin
Kate's family that don't know how to help her.
Jamie & Ashely
The Hollywood Gossip
The Huntington Post
Radar Online
Robert-(The gosselin book)
Twitter hater
For taking away the kids earning power so mommy Kate can stay rich.
All those people are mean-o-bullies to Kate she did nothing to deserve what she getting.
I mean she's uses/used her kids for fame. But it's okay right?
A new day for me to go forth and battle my boxelder bugs. Too bad all nasty critters in life can't be managed with a solution of water and Dawn detergent!
thought about u this morning
at stevens' song "morning has bromen" came to mind..lol..Dawn to the res ue
Kate makes her kids out to be so greedy at times! Who makes a lengthy Xmas list up before Halloween? Kate better get a bigger roll of that newspaper end. ( forget what it was called in The Book) She even w commented the twins made up lists s for the tups.
Then she thanked her' 2 billion'*snark* followers, just to display the number. Transparent.
localyocul said... 187
I love the Betty Broderick Lifetime movie. Meredith does a great job. Similar to her kids, there was a murder in NJ several years ago. The father murdered the mother at a reststop. There was a tv movie about that too and one of the sons met Tracy Gold and they married. That son totally thinks his dad his guilty and another son is on his dads side. Not sure about the third sone (I think there was a third son).
Yes, there were three (3) sons.
I read the book BLIND FAITH and saw the movie, which starred Robert Urich and Joanna Kerns. Loved Robert Urich...marvelous actor...still sad about his death.
Good l-rd..typos
Cat stevens
morning has broken
sheesh I hate stupid smart phone
Hmmmmmmm, last night Kate was tweeting about suffering from sciatica....just in time to get out of running in the marathon on Sunday because CC is (probably) no longer sponsoring her and she'd have to go on her own dime. This morning she's re-tweeting something from R&R about the upcoming LV marathon (2 December). I wonder if she's trolling to see if R&R or anyone else will sponsor her so that she and Steve can have another free LV vacation. AND, if she does go to the LV marathon will she actually "run" it this time? After seeing real time pictures at some of the 10K runs this summer does anyone really still think that she "ran" the full marathon in LV last year and crossed the finish line looking fresh as a daisy?
Kate is clearly grifting when she talks about Christmas lists. She is hoping her fans will start sending the gifts and gift cards. She'll be putting specific items out there too that her kids want in hopes that the companies who make those products will send them to her free of charge. Get ready for more crying about how expensive everything is, blah, blah.
And I wonder if she won't go to the LA race this weekend and it will never even be mentioned. That seems to be the way she operates.
NJGal51 said... 108
Hmmmmmmm, last night Kate was tweeting about suffering from sciatica....just in time to get out of running in the marathon on Sunday because CC is (probably) no longer sponsoring her and she'd have to go on her own dime.
I didn't see that tweet, do you have a link? Sciatica huh?
I can not imagine running on behalf of CC after such a public firing.
I remember growing up, we kids drooled over the Sears catalog and I used to dog ear pages (hint, hint Mom). I loved dreaming about the toys in there!
Is there a present day Sears catalog equivalent for kids?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
RT @RunningQuotes I don't have a regimented training plan. I run entirely how I feel. -- Gary Allen via @RunToWin SAME HERE! :)
Kate doesn't have a running plan because she is undisciplined. She acts like her body is magic and can do anything! De-age! Grow boobs! Smooth facial lines! enlarge teeth!
It must be nice to just will these things to happen out of think air.
My over under is that Kate is not going to run for SGK anymore because it's not on CC's dime and RnR runs will be touch and go as well. I can't imagine RnR would see any benefit, only liability with being associated with Kate's damaged brand.
Most 8 year olds that I know, would write out their own Christmas list. Unless only the twins are allowed to actually touch the catalog?
oops, thin air, not think air.
Although, maybe Kate thinks "air" when she can magically run a marathon and look dewy and fresh when she never trained for it in the first place.
I don't get the outing, I really don't. I don't care what anyone's name is, what their address is, who their family is, or would ever dream trying to contact anyone.
This outing thing has been an obsession of the sheeple since day one and it's weird, creepy, and most of all, boring.
Admin: also, at CC, the comments by a lot of the negative ones, gave a lot of good tips and savings. The tips & savings of the commentators, had more info, than Kates blog did. Which is shameful. Like I've said before: Kate put no effort, no research, this was top of her head write it in less than 2 min blog. And the stuff she wrote was common sense(some) and stuff people already knew for decades. The fact Kate had 6 days to write a blog, only did one blog, was not doing it 5 days a week, she had plenty of time to write a good blog. Kate certainly found time to waste on twitter. As for the contents of her blogs, she did no research: meaning: if you have a pool, what chemicals, safety stuff, and is there a manufacturer coupon for any of that stuff, or does someone have it on sale, and also remind people that the sales are different in each area, & state. Kate did none of that. That's one reason she got fired.
As Kate says: it is what it is.
Tucker's Mom said... 110
NJGal51 said... 108
Hmmmmmmm, last night Kate was tweeting about suffering from sciatica....just in time to get out of running in the marathon on Sunday because CC is (probably) no longer sponsoring her and she'd have to go on her own dime.
I didn't see that tweet, do you have a link? Sciatica huh?
@jessica_b02 oh no not good. I had sciatica last few days.. Never really had that before.. Ouchy! Feel bettter
All of Kate's tweets can always be found here:
Click on any line of her tweets and it'll expand to show you what/who, if anything/anyone, she's replying to. Click again on the specific tweet to close the expanded lines of text.
Geez! Kate just did several inspiration tweets. Must be having a bad day or frustrated that, that none of the networks & cable have, let her know that they are picking up her: what ever she filmed. Kates fool of inspiration today, I also guess that means she will quote everyone to death.
Pennsylvania Governor Corbett Signs House and Senate Bills
Published: Thursday, 25 Oct 2012 | 9:54 AM ET
HARRISBURG, Pa., Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Governor Tom Corbett signed into law the following bills into law on Wednesday.
House Bill 1548 - Regulates child labor, repealing and replacing the former Child Labor Law in its entirety.
So excited, I forgot the link.
Instead of spending her morning tweeting recycled inspirational tweets, why isn't she focusing on Halloween costumes for her kids?
Oh, that's right...
There is a new post about the bill being signed.
I'm not so sure that Kate hasn't lost her interest in "running." If it isn't getting her the attention she craves, she'll drop that mantra. Remember, it's all about what the activity can do for her. She is a taker; not a giver. When I hear Kate's name, the immediate vision is one of a person holding out their hand, grifting for everything. Not pretty.
I agree that some children are just naturally prettier than others, but I stop short judging their appearance publicly. When I refer to HBB as cute, I'm not talking about how she behaves. I don't know her personally. Most children I know could be described as "cute." Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.
That was Tamara our resident anti American.
Wow 10 hours of work with 2 hours of break for ages 0 to 15 in Georgia? Is this a sweat shop?
about your biys' b-day party
I dont get ither
my dd was so excited about everyparty...she waited with baited bteath for her friend to unerap her gift
I get the patents' concernz
Kids don't
I finally sent gifts at school.being busy that wrekend..zoo..whatever.and wr did
after 5 I asked for no gifts..just attendance
my kid had the bivgezt parties e er..go fgure
If she can afford a new Mac for Christmas just because hers is running a bit slow she has no business grifting a single thing ever again. She's so out of touch.
Local it was Lincoln The Untold Stories.
Did you know his first serious girlfriend died of sickness and he was so devastated he was suicidal. He never really found another one he loved like her.
He also once visited a brothel, and wasn't very religious.
Oh these aren't rumors they were based on letters and journals. Oops shoulda secured the trash!
Why would someone lie in their own journals about how badly they hurt their children? That makes no sense at all. I'm no student of pathological liars but I thought so much of that has to do with putting up a front. There is no need to put up a front in private writings.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 72
she can't put the children on film anywhere unless Jon agrees.....and I just can't see him allowing it.
Sadly I wish Jon had veto power but that's not how it works. Jon could hate it and protest as much as he wants. All Kate has to do is go to the judge and overrule him. Jon is again out a bunch of attorneys fees, money, etc only to lose again. And if all she wants to do is film a little pilot with the kids making a little cameo when they haven't filmed in 12 months, as long as THEIR part is safe and wholesome, their money is protected, they are getting their education, I hate to say it but I can't see any judge finding that unreasonable.
I think any filming of these kids PERIOD should be off limits after what they've been through but I highly, highly doubt a judge would see it that way. Judges, most of them, don't see themselves on the bench to dictate what would be the best possible course of action the best possible parent would take. That's just not the standard, for better or worse. It can be very frustrating when you, as a parent, do hat the best possible decisions made for your kids, not just "good enough" ones.
October 29, 2012 8:32 AM
Ha! Jon can't veto anything anymore! No matter how you word it, the fact is that Jon has no veto power over filming anymore; his greed got the best of him.
BTW Ask RH if Jon is still looking for his big break back into stardom.
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