"We did the best we could."
Chris Cuomo's moving interview with Aaron Fisher, 18, otherwise known as "Victim Number 1" is so important we thought it deserved its own post.

"Why are you moving so fast now when you moved so slowly when Aaron needed your help?" Cuomo shouts to a school principal running away from him. Karen Probst, mandated by law to report any abuse, instructed Aaron to go home and think about it when he first disclosed the abuse to her. She is still principal.
Will anyone ever be held accountable for the child abuse and child labor violations perpetrated against the Gosselin children for years? According to Robert Hoffman, he reported the child abuse allegations to CYS twice. Is this the best they could do?
Aaron's book Silence No More: Victim 1's Fight For Justice Against Jerry Sandusky is available for purchase on Amazon.com
1729 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1729 Newer› Newest»I think Robert should have focused more of his book on TLC and all those people who where involved in the whole J&K+8 mess instead of just Kate and all her lies. I'm not too convinced about all of his reports but I'm keeping an open mind about everything. Kate has issues that's for sure but just like this Sandusky case, what about all those people that were involved in one way or another, why didn't the authorities believe all of the reports? If anyone knows, is sexual abuse cases or reports handled differently than physical abuse?
Admin - Thanks for posting this. I tried to watch it last night and fell asleep. When I heard that Aaron was only 11 years old when it first happened, I was so upset. He has put up with much in in young life.
Also - long time lurker, second time poster (loved the globe/hitler parody). Thanks for the link to the "Farmer's Wife" too. I watched all of it because of your tip and think of her courage often.
Unbelievable that this principal still has her job. She needs to be terminated NOW. So many, many children are failed by the people that are supposed to protect them.
I liked the interview I saw with Chris Cuomo where he referred to him as "Hero No. 1". Much more fitting.
I am in and out of the house on this beautiful autumn day in my neck of the woods!
It is a shame that this young boy informed the appropriate people of this abuse, and he was ignored. It went on for so long, but could have been stopped earlier if people had done their jobs! I just can't fathom an adult ignoring/not investigating these allegations. The fact the principal is still there is shocking. She should be fired for not dealing with this when it was reported to her.
As far as the Gossein kids and TLC, if they did witness the child abuse and did nothing but edit it out, that is reprehensible on their part. Kate was abusing toddlers and TLC was complacent in all of it for their own profits. Disgusting.
It's interesting that Joe Paterno, who did tell his boss, was crucified, not to mention fired, but this principal is still WORKING WITH KIDS. This is outrageous. If you're going to go after people who did report it, certainly we should go after those who didn't who are mandated to.
She needs to be fired and arrested.
Paul Petersen's statement:
Paul Petersen
"You do not keep secrets about dangers to children." So says the Portland attorney who sued the Boy Scouts back in the 80's as that organization released 14,000 pages of what they called "the Perversion Files" on Thursday of this week, files that covered 1959 to 1985; files that do not cover the last 27 years. Think things have improved? Predators abound, my friends, aided in their search for hapless victims by the growth of the Internet and the continuing societal creep toward behavioral depravity. Like the bank robber, Willie Sutton who robbed banks because "that's where the money is," today's sexual predators of children go where the children are...schools, churches, sports...and within families (where the preponderance of the predation occurs). Modern media that too often belittles the value of childhood continues to peddle harmful images, of which Honey Boo Boo is only the latest example. Ordinary people with an ounce of common sense can see what's coming. It's time to put some real consequences in place for those adults who profit from the exploitation of children. What say you?"" Paul Petersen
By the way I was so impressed with Aaron's mother. She looks very young. She didn't question her son, she just believed him. She didn't worry about who Jerry Sandusky was or what kind of god he was, she reported it. She didn't take no for an answer. She called CYS anyway even after the principal told her to go home--oh SNAP. She stood up to Jerry Sandusky for three years until finally someone listened. Mother of the year.
TMZ has a post up about Kate Gosselin entitled,
"Kate Gosselin New Job Offer ... Clothes 100% Off"
Porn company Vivid Entertainment want her to serve as a NAKED HOST for their new cable division Vivid TV.
You're welcome upstater glad you enjoyed Farmer's Wife and stick around when we screen Kind Hearted Woman together this spring.
Gross. I had just eaten when I read your comment.
Bringing over from last thread:
Dwindle and Admin: Thank you for your responses to my post. I don't think anyone needs to jump up and down and send new posters roses or anything, but I appreciate your comments.
I think part of the disconnect is the fact that you do have drive bys and it's hard to weed them out. I also think that people have been bashed enough by Kate fans that there is suspicion if a new person posts something that is even remotely positive about Kate, when it might just be a reasonable question.
And people using Anonymous doesn't help either. Even regulars do it and they don't get called out. My philosophy is I need to own my words, and if I don't want to put my name to them, perhaps they should stay in my head.
Anyway, thanks.
Admin, not to mention Mike McQuery the grad assistant who reported the incident as well. He's been basically erased from Penn State as well. There are many who believe that the Freeh Report was initiated by the BOT and the PA Governor (who I think was AG at the time) as a way of keeping the spotlight off of their inactions. Corbett even authorized donation to Sandusky's charity even when he knew about the child abuse allegations. This goes WAY deeper than just Penn State. Will those ever be brought to justice. My heart tells me now.
This goes WAY deeper than just Penn State. Will those ever be brought to justice. My heart tells me now.
Yes. As I started to read both the grand jury report and the subsequent investigation I was shocked at all the non-Penn Staters who knew and were involved and did little or nothing. I kept wondering, why is the media only talking about Penn State? Sure Penn State should be talked about, but does anyone know the name Karen Probst? The PRINCIPAL who sent a sex abuse victim home to think about it, thus essentially intimidating him into saying nothing? Where is the ceremony tearing her statue down and dragging her away in handcuffs? It's a disgusting double standard and it makes me think that sometimes the public just wants a nice public face to put on the mess, tar and feather them, then brush off their hands and say okay we handled THAT ONE, next?
Not absolving Penn State of responsibility but it is completely ABSURD all the people that knew about it, educators most of all, who are still at these schools still teaching our children. And Penn State fires everyone gets their football program trashed and punishes basically the entire university community and alumni around the world for the actions of a few.
Oh and there's Karen Probst, still principal at her school.
None of this would have happened had all the people involved with Aaron put a stop to it right there and then. Shame on them.
As I mentioned on the previous thread, what Kate was doing to her kids was not child abuse in PA! The PA laws were(and still are, although under review) antiquated. needing serious physical damage (near death ) before a parent would be charged. You can find these laws by googling-I did.
I have always felt that instead of going after the laws about kids on reality shows, they should have gone after the child abuse laws. and emailed Rep.Murt several times about this.
I don't recall whether the sexual abuse legislation was with the physical abuse (this was several years ago) but I think not. I could be wrong.
And another thing I'll throw out there is - I wonder if the CPS workers were somewhat intimidated by the celebrity aspect. Certainly they're trained to look past that but do they?
Look at the Sandusky's victims and how they were let down by professionals.
That very well could be. Let's face it, there are not a lot of celebs to come out of Pennsylvania. Jerry Sandusky, Joe Paterno, and Kate Gosselin are some of the few. It's not like NY or CA where celebs are a dime a dozen and if you tear down one or two there are 100 more where that came from. I definitely think that played a role--if they tear down those people what do they have left but just one big embarrassment? Sadly that happened anyway and now it's even WORSE because now they look like disgusting enablers who waited so long to finally do it.
Los Angeles CPS has a special high profile unit for celebs. It's not to give them special treatment, but rather the opposite. To be sure there are workers in there who are highly trained and are not being being influenced by the celebrity but rather do the same job as they would do on any case. So that celebs DON'T get away with things.
Hailey Berry went through the system and basically got a real smack-down for her parental alienation thanks to the efforts of CPS. I think she expected special treatment and was shocked when she didn't get it.
Kate is a Twit monitored visitation is pretty standard even in the worst abuse cases. I don't think he was saying that was the ONLY reason it was monitored, just a factor. Think about the kids, it's pretty traumatic to just have your parent cut off just like that, never see them. Virtually every foster care law in every state allows for visitation except in the most horrendous of circumstances, like say, severe sexual abuse.
I am not an absolutest, I believe even if your kids are taken away, you should be able to see them, for both your sakes. As long as it can be kept in a safe environment.
About that offer from Vivid Entertainment to be a naked host, she has said in the past she would like to "co-host" a show, maybe she can strike a deal with them to co-host with Steve.
Kate is a Twit monitored visitation is pretty standard even in the worst abuse cases. I don't think he was saying that was the ONLY reason it was monitored, just a factor. Think about the kids, it's pretty traumatic to just have your parent cut off just like that, never see them. Virtually every foster care law in every state allows for visitation except in the most horrendous of circumstances, like say, severe sexual abuse.
I am not an absolutest, I believe even if your kids are taken away, you should be able to see them, for both your sakes. As long as it can be kept in a safe environment.
@ Administrator~
I think that many just don't realize the sheer numbers of people who regularly write comments here. There is just no way a group this size, with this many people actively commenting....could be considered to be any kind of clique.
It's always been my impression that at least 90% or more of the time, commenters (such as me) always use the same name and don't post under multiple names. Occasionally, one may change a name....but generally, we all use the same name for all of our individual comments. And if you just count the ones who actively comment under their own same name...it's really quite a LONG list. There are some blogs with a very small, close-knit group that can be hard to glide into (and also some with a small group who post under all sorts of different names).....but this isn't one of them. The numbers of active DIFFERENT commenters here on this blog is just MUCH higher than many seem to realize.
I completely agree. I have to admit even for me sometimes I can't keep everyone straight. I'm a very visual person so not really having a face to the name or other photos is hard for me. Hard for me sometimes to remember whose grandkids or kids are what ages, who lives where, etc. I manage to remember who is really funny though lol.
There are a huge number of people who post often with the same name every time then there is a fair amount of people who post more occasionally that I still recognize as hanging out here for awhile, then there are some names I don't think I see much if at all.
In thinking about this very carefully, it's my belief it's not a clique, it's not personal, it's not meant to be alienating. It's just a big gathering.
My best advice is to follow the rules, be respectful and keep posting. Eventually when I see the same name over and over I start to perk up a bit.
I brought this over from the previous thread. I wonder if CPS was ever investigated this couple and nothing was done because it involved a government official. It had to get to this stage, before anything was done.
I was just reading an update on the case of the PA Deputy Attorney General, who along with his wife, is accused of physically abusing their 2 adopted children. I didn't know that they also have 2 biological children, ages 4 and 2.
According to the article:
"According to investigators, a 6-year-old boy is said to have been starved and a 19-month-old girl suffered head trauma. The couple is facing charges of child endangerment, aggravated assault and simple assault.
Pending trial, the couple wanted visitation rights and were granted part of what they wanted.
They can have visits with their biological children, aged four and two, who were not identified as abused, but not the adopted children. The visits with the biological kids have this restriction: the 4-year-old biological child’s visits will be monitored since she could be a witness in the abuse case.
“These are very young kids,” Zappala said. “So the ability to influence them is rather substantial and we want try to avoid that if we can.”
So the visitation will be monitored because the child could be a witness, and not because the child may become the next victim of their abuse? Does this make any sense to anyone? I'm glad the visits will be monitored, but just because these children did not show signs of abuse, does not mean that they will not be abused in the future, especially since the previous victims have been removed from the parents.
Admin-I see you replied to my comment before I brought over the post. I guess they couldn't say that another reason for the monitoring was to protect these children from abuse also. The important thing is that the visits WILL be monitored.
Maybe he did say that. They didn't say that was the only thing he said about it.
TLC questioned? We need a trial where Jon Gosselin takes the stand and tells the world why he allowed his children to be beaten by their mother in order to stay on TV.
Joe Paterno? He had an obligation to follow thru with his boss' and even further up the chain of command to insure that Sandusky was removed from that campus. He had that power to question. Joe Paterno was seen as Penn State.
Altar boys and girls are molested, raped, abused by priest and nuns and who moves the accused priests and nuns to different churches and schools? The present Pope did.
Boy Scouts for years have been raped, molested, and afraid of being along with upstanding leaders of their community who wore that uniform and no one did anything.
Have we become that society who sees what goes on and tells no one? Who hear what has gone on and question no one?
What kind of society have we become? Don't get involved? We owe the innocent protection. We owe the small, defenseless protection. We have to speak out when it comes to our children. Raise the roof to be heard. Write the letters.
This Penn State victim situation should have been reported and investigated decades ago. It wasn't.
We have school teachers, male and female, seducing our young people.
Is there a test to determine how balanced the leaders of our young people are?
I took so much space here but I was directed to this site by another site. This is a sad society when we do not lift a hand to help and to protect.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 55
IDModo, the child had to be near death to be considered abuse???? A useless law like that is like doing nothing at all! Why wait till the child is near death or dead? How about stopping it before it gets that far? Unbelievable.
It's about time those laws get reviewed.
(from the last thread)
You know I love ya, LMG and I agree with you on this 100%. But I am going to play devil's advocate for a moment to point out why no one will make any progress on the laws regarding this, not anytime soon.
What follows is not what *I* believe, but what others say every single day:
"No one can tell me how to raise my kid."
"yeah, that is what we need, more government interference in our families."
"More nanny state, telling us what to do."
"No one will ever stop ME from spanking my kid!"
"I heard there were laws somewhere where parents cant force kids to eat vegetables if they dont want to! I'll be damned if I'll allow that!"
"I heard there is a city in another state where parents are not allowed to enforce bedtimes anymore! More government interference!"
"Kids lie all the time and now They will put me in jail over every kid lie? I dont think so!"
"The government interferes too much already in how we raise our kids! I heard there is a school system where all female students HAVE to take birth control pills!"
~Dont tell me that each and every one of you havent heard these same things? Everytime someone somewhere goes on a campaign about child abuse, child nutrition, children's reading programs, reinstituting student gym class coz American kids are obese, you get a loud group up in arms yelling about freedom, government interference, My Child/My Chattle, and True Patriots.So trying to fine tune or strengthen laws about hitting children or any other abuse of children is seen as taking away the rights of parents to control everything and allowing too much NannyState overseerers around a kid trying to brainwash and indoctrinate them.
"Besides, I was hit as a kid, and I had an uncle with groping hands too, and I turned out jest fine."
Have we become that society who sees what goes on and tells no one? Who hear what has gone on and question no one?
Actually, I've been quite surprised how many people DID tell someone. From Paterno on down, people were talking, telling, disclosing. CPS/CYS was involved from DAY ONE. It's not that no one told what happened to Aaron. It's not that no one told what happened at Penn State to the other boys. What happened was the appropriate action wasn't taken soon enough after people told. Just like Robert told CYS about the Gosselin kids and who knows how many other people, including Jon, tried to get help for them.
So the question to me is why are we a society who doesn't LISTEN when people disclose abuse. THAT'S the question. And frankly, I think it's a scarier one. Because it's easy to train people to disclose abuse. Harder to train people how to handle it once it's disclosed.
Dwindle, yes. We are a country that values very highly one's right to raise one's children.
We have got to figure out a way to bridge that gap so that one still has a right to raise their children while balancing it with a child's right to live a life pain-free.
Perhaps we need to back off telling parents they can't send their kid to school with soda or peanut butter or whatever, and focus on the big stuff. The stuff we really need parents to comply with. Because I think all the little stuff is really annoying some parents to the point where they are just shutting out ALL interference whatsoever. We need to pick our battles.
This Penn State victim situation should have been reported and investigated decades ago. It wasn't.
To clarify one more time, it was in fact reported and investigated, years ago, since the first child came forward.
I highly recommend reading the grand jury report. It will shock you how many professionals were involved in the investigation. From day one.
I took so much space here but I was directed to this site by another site. T
Great, what site is linking here? :)
You know I love ya, LMG and I agree with you on this 100%. But I am going to play devil's advocate for a moment to point out why no one will make any progress on the laws regarding this, not anytime soon.
Brought over from the previous thread...
They are making progress, even as we speak. The bill will be presented to the governor next month and if approved, will be put into law in 2013. Task forces have been working on this since the Sandusky scandal broke. One of the things under review is the mandatory reporting law. Anyone, not just those currently mandated to report abuse, must report it if they see it or face criminal charges. Another thing being reviewed is the use of instruments in child abuse, which includes hitting and spanking with objects.
From JohnTesh.com:
**Students, prepare to get camera ready! A growing number of parents are lobbying to install cameras in every classroom across North America! It’s not to spy on you – it’s to protect you from abusive teachers!
The movement was sparked by the recent rash of horrific high profile cases of children abused by teachers and classroom aides. Some gut-wrenching cases have involved teachers punching, kicking and verbally abusing students.
The camera movement is being spearheaded by parents of special needs students – since they often aren’t able to tell their parents that they’re being abused. And even when kids do speak up, it’s difficult to prosecute abusive teachers because it’s a “he said-she said” situation, and schools often side with teachers.
So, a lot of parents are taking matters into their own hands. Like one New Jersey father. He put a voice recorder in his autistic 9-year-old son’s pocket before dropping him off at school. Later that day, when he played back the tape, he heard teachers verbally and physically abusing his son. And he says that if cameras were in the classroom, the abuse never would have happened or it would’ve captured the assault and could be evidence in court.
But schools are still blocking classroom cams because they say it’s an invasion of teachers’ privacy. And would make them feel extremely uncomfortable being monitored. After all, how would you feel if a camera watched you at work all day long?
So, do you think classroom cams would protect kids? Or are they an invasion of privacy?**
PMK: Thank you SO much for the information about Ty Campbell. I have been sitting glued to my iPad all morning and afternoon reading his blog from the beginning. My heart aches for this family and what they endured. The highs and extreme lows, the sickness of this sweet baby and the really bad diagnosis. And to think there is this vicious witch name Khate who abuses her children the way she does while parents are out there begging for their children to just get better. Thanks again for sharing.
Dwindle, I hear ya' hon, and understand what you are saying. My own opinion is an open handed spank on the butt is okay, but across the face, no! When fists, kicks, bruising occurs, there isn't really a fine line. But I know that lawmakers can confuse it. However, there should be no confusion when it comes to physical and sexual abuse.
Admin, I agree, we as a society should focus on the important stuff, not the personal things that are truly a parents right to choose the school, etc.
PennStateAlumnus, I understand you frustration and anger at the entire situation. Is there a confirmed test to detect a predator? I don't know. I know in my church, where I work with toddlers and preschoolers, we have certain rules and newcomers are never alone with the children. In the beginning, I wasn't either. There are always at least 2 adults around and pastors will pop into the Sunday school rooms and Awana rooms. Parents can sit in any time they want to.
It's a worry all parents have to deal with. I just don't know the answer, except that there should be very harsh penalties once proven and convicted. No wrist slapping allowed and 2 years. I just think child abuse deserves a maximum sentence, and I apologize in advance to those that don't agree with me.
Off my soapbox now.
Penn State Alumnus said... 24
You say you are new here, so I just want to say welcome. Thank you for posting your thoughts on the thread! Please stick around.
Actually, I've been quite surprised how many people DID tell someone. From Paterno on down, people were talking, telling, disclosing. CPS/CYS was involved from DAY ONE.
The whole thing here is that this was Penn State. It was the political power machine at play here. Protect the school and everyone affiliated with it at all costs. Football is their bread and butter. Don't make waves. Sweep it under the rug. Everyone from the top to the lowly janitors protected the sanctity of the school or face being ostracized and unemployed.
Never under-estimate the power that the school thought that they had. They also believed that nothing could bring them down. Thank goodness they were wrong. Just like Kate, you can only get away with misdeeds for so long. Eventually you're going to be found out.
Anonymous said... 9
TMZ has a post up about Kate Gosselin entitled,
"Kate Gosselin New Job Offer ... Clothes 100% Off"
Porn company Vivid Entertainment want her to serve as a NAKED HOST for their new cable division Vivid TV.
* * * *
Not sure if I'm the only one, but I definitely am one who saw this coming. The question is -- at what point will she be so desperate for attention that she'll take one of these offers? Will she do it if Steve tells her it's good for her career?
Parent In Lancaster, so true! I think Kate is finally facing the karma she has evaded for so long.
PennStateAlumnus, sorry, I forgot to say welcome as well!
Sweet Tart, Ha! Octomom refused the offers a couple years ago, but look what happened in 2012 when she needed money!
And another thing I'll throw out there is - I wonder if the CPS workers were somewhat intimidated by the celebrity aspect. Certainly they're trained to look past that but do they?
I cant find who originally said this, so i cant credit it...
But one the kids in the Sandusky thing said he went to his school guidance counselor, who told the child "Jerry Sandusky is a wonderful man and would never do something like that."
That breaks my heart and I hope that counselor never works again. If I had any pull in Pa I would search out who that is and do all I could to have her up on disciplinary charges and yank her license. What a horrible thing to say to a child, it's right up there with "Well, you must have asked for it."
We, several people, investigating cases of abuse still of concern in US. We input many variations of Abuse Uninvestigated as well as several other topics into 4 differnt search engines. We also used Abuse Reported and Not Reported (college campus crimes are the least reported) and someway your site was one that popped up.
We also have read in depth the Grand Jury transcripts along with other information. Thank you. It is a deep discussion but not a complete answer to our many questions.
The entire Sandusky saga is very disturbing to me, on so many levels. It says something very sad about our society. It tells me that people would prefer to look the other way than believe a child. It says that children often have no one to turn to when they are abused, because even when they tell people who are supposed to help them and protect them (like that principal), instead those people will betray them.
I'm not sure if it is this young man or another of Sandusky's victims, but the boy told his principal. The principal told Sandusky, who convinced the principal that he (Sandusky!) should have one on one counseling sessions at the school with the boy! The boy would be taken out of class and made to go speak with Sandusky.
Something needs to be done - but what? The only person I can control is myself - so the lesson I take from this is: If I think there is something wrong going on -- take action. Don't dismiss it. Investigate, push the proper authorities to investigate, file a report, follow up, and make some noise. If a child tells me something, DO NOT DISMISS IT.
I agree - that principal should be fired immediately. She should have no authority over children ever again. I won't go into my opinion of Paterno because I know some here still think he was a decent guy.
I only hesitate to say oh it was just because the school was powerful because if people were really so scared of Penn State and its power, people never would have reported it in the first place. Everyone would have shut up. In fact, dozens of people reported it. In fact, CYS, police and educators were involved from the very beginning.
There were obviously some people, actually many people, who felt the school wasn't above this and DID try to report it and get something to happen. I can't say exactly why it went no where, but it's not fair to blame all of PA and Penn State for not saying anything, a lie that the media has told for almost a year now.
I wanted to add - if that principal was anywhere within my child's school district, I would be working tirelessly to get her dismissed. I can only hope the parents in her own district care enough to do the same.
The problem is that it seems as if people assume that because these Sandusky, and the 2 other officials, whose names escape now, are facing trial, that it is over - the people who allowed this to happen are facing justice when that is just not true. No one wants to find out what really happened and who else was involved. 20/20 is the first news organization that has really cared to try and get the facts. This really is frustrating. The State of PA is STILL failing these children.
I guess there is a movement at Central Mountain High among parents to get Karen Probts out. They at least had a petition trying to get her to resign. This story I think is causing renewed interest. Forget a petition, I cannot believe she's not resigning of her own accord.
Paula exactly, 20/20 is the first big media entity to not accept the media's little neat bow of, okay we lynched these three guys now everything is fine, and actually are going after everyone involved here not letting anyone slip through the cracks.
I guess the media feels it's easier to tar and feather a "celebrity" than a kind looking school principal. No one wants to be the one to put that "sweet lady" up for lynching. 20/20 did it, and they were gutsy to do it.
Personally, I think Probst committed one of the greatest crimes in this whole mess and she's just skating on by. She wasn't just someone who by circumstances walked in and saw or heard an unknown child. That child was her student, someone she knew well, a child she was charged to teach and protect. A child she was mandated, by law, to help. All people who don't help abused children are wrong, but her relationship over that child as protector and educator makes the sin all the worse.
I know that Kate was reported for locking her children into their bedrooms at night. The school reported it after two of the kids told a teacher. Kate not only locked them in their rooms at night, but she also instructed babysitters to do the same thing.
CPS was involved, it ended with Kate being told to stop locking them in their rooms.
I also know that the court had to order Kate to give the kids a fresh lunch each day. She was sending spoiled/stale food if they didn't eat it the day before.
Dwindle - you are spot on. I hope and pray that we, as a society, will continue to move forward in our thinking about how children should be treated. I believe progress has definitely been made with each generation - what was once considered acceptable (such as husbands allowed to hit their wives, as long as the item used was no thicker than their thumb "rule of thumb"; wives and children considered property) have certainly evolved. We as a society at least legally agree that neither spouse should be allowed to batter the other.
Now, we need to move forward even further, to an understanding that hitting is never right - and it should be even more wrong when the hitting is of an adult to a child. Why isn't that considered twice as wrong as one adult striking another? Why is still okay to hit a child, if that child is our own? (Because children were once viewed as property and I believe that is still a deep-seated belief of many. My child, therefore I may discipline as I see fit.)
But there are much more humane ways to raise children and have them be well-adjusted, reasonably well-behaved individuals. Children should not be expected to be perfect, to speak only when spoken to, to instantly become quiet and obedient. That's not normal for a child. But they can be taught by example - to be gentle, to use words rather than physically hitting, to follow rules and stick within boundaries.
I'm sorry to go off on such a tangent. As I said, I raise my own child without raising a hand to him. He's stubborn and wilful, yet I was able to get him to his teens without him running wild. Hitting never solves anything, and it takes away some trust your child has in you when you raise a hand to them. The stronger hitting the weaker should not be considered okay. I know other countries are reaching this conclusion sooner than the U.S., but even though we lag behind, I believe in a generation, the majority of people will be shocked at the idea of hitting a child as a form of discipline. (That is my fervent hope anyway :) )
The problem is that it seems as if people assume that because these Sandusky, and the 2 other officials, whose names escape now, are facing trial, that it is over
The grand jury investigation is on-going. One of the victims, who says he was molested when he was 16 (he's now 50) wants the attorney general's office to consider another criminal prosecution. Some believe that the pedophilia goes back decades, but the problem is that although it's possible that he could face more charges, the statute of limitations would
bar prosecutors from going after Sandusky for older crimes. Current law allows them to file charges until a child victim's 50th birthday — but only for cases involving those born Aug. 27, 1984 or later.
I really don't think this thing is over yet. I have a feeling that more is to come. People know more, there will be more victims, and it's going to come out.
Sweet Tart, I understand your post. I am one of the parents, though, that thought a light, opened handed swat on a butt was not abuse. It rarely happened, but I did do it at times. I quite possibly am wrong, but I didn't consider this abuse. It may not have been the appropriate way to handle a discipline issue, but it did happen occaisionally.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 2
You can't just put them to bed whenever you don't feel like dealing with them like they are children in an overcrowded Russian orphanage.
I have looked into Russian adoption and remember an article regarding the orphanages...following is an except and a link to the article. I cannot help but see a similarity between the childhood of the Gosselin kids while they were filming and not filming:
"Human Rights Watch said, in its chilling report Cruelty and Neglect in Russian Orphanages. But having read the report, having spent time in numerous orphanages of different categories and levels, your thoughts blur down an endless tunnel of confusion, depression, incomprehension, fear, outrage and finally numbness, a feeling of helplessness against a behemoth.
And struggling to the surface, among the Dickensian pictures, are the constant smiles on the faces of staff, the genuine love they can show, the smell of a clean ward, the echoes of the babble of excited children, dressed in their best clothes, singing happy songs for the guests, warm kitchens, the clatter of spoons on plates.
But then again the pallid faces of babies in the "lying down rooms", the stoic, clinical, outdated dismissiveness: "This child is an idiot, that one's an imbecile," remind you how grim life is here.
Just a comment to be careful about accepting unverified information about the Gosselin kids as the truth.
Rumors many times take on a life of their own...
This is True said... 46
I know that Kate was reported for locking her children into their bedrooms at night. The school reported it after two of the kids told a teacher. Kate not only locked them in their rooms at night, but she also instructed babysitters to do the same thing.
CPS was involved, it ended with Kate being told to stop locking them in their rooms.
I also know that the court had to order Kate to give the kids a fresh lunch each day. She was sending spoiled/stale food if they didn't eat it the day before.
Domestic Relations judge or magistrate issued an order outlining lunch contents? I suppose it's possible... Only Jon or CPS would have authority to bring that before the court, i think. Would childrens services feel the NEED to get a court order regarding lunch contents, but not children locked unsafely in rooms?
Could be, but it doesnt feel right. If the kids and the school lunchroom attendants were interviewed about lunch box contents, wouldnt have "The Spanker" been mentioned too? Well, maybe it was.
If Kate's still not home who has the kids when Jon's working?
Or is he able to work and keep the kids at the same time?
The school system should be inundated with calls for Probst' resignation. It should be done and done NOW. She broke the law and not only is she not prosecuted she gets to keep her job? No, no, no.
Sandusky's lawyers filed a motion yesterday asking for a new trial and another motion to have his sentence changed.
"Attorneys representing former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky filed a motion Thursday asking for a new trial, saying they did not have adequate time to prepare a defense, and they believed the statute of limitations for some of the charges had passed."
"Sandusky's attorneys also filed a motion Thursday asking that his sentence be changed because Judge Cleland "abused" his discretion by giving Sandusky consecutive rather than concurrent sentences.
Judge Cleland said the sentence "has the unmistakable effect of saying you will spend the rest of your life in prison" when he handed down it down. Mr. Amendola argued the sentence violated Sandusky's constitutional rights."
Pulling The Wool said... 52
Just a comment to be careful about accepting unverified information about the Gosselin kids as the truth.
Rumors many times take on a life of their own...
You are so right! I should not have nibbled at the bate.
Pulling The Wool, I recognize your style and appreciate your comments. It would be great if you could use the same name every time so others could recognize you too. I know you change it as a title to address each post content, but a usual name might be fun for you too? Just a thought - no disrespect intended! :)
A child could choke to death so easily. Somehow I believe we have not heard 90% of what she put them through. All the while smiling her veneers.
Lord of the Flies childhood.
I am a close friend of someone very close to the situation. I can't say anything more than that. I have no reason to lie to any of you.
Kate is absolutely cruel to those children, especially the boys. Her "parenting" is cold and mean.
OK totally ot but funny - the kitten(cat but don't tell her) has started chasing her tail like a dog - continuously and then gets dizzy and falls over - just thought you might like a funny visual in the depths of all this horrible news
Karma to kate
You would think Kate could at least rouse herself to remove all the CC stuff from her website.
Hope the kids are enjoying weekend with Jon.
Really looking forward to Kindhearted Woman. :)
Funny story, Lilly. I remember my daughter's pup doing that and we would laugh our heads off because she looked so funny!
Regarding Kate, I don't know why, but I have the feeling she is in "hiding" because she is embarassed by the very public firing by CC. Although RH book brings more severe charges against her, I don't think that bothered her that much because she still went on her media tours.
However, the info comes about CC and all of a sudden she disappears. I think this bothered her more than the child abuse allegations. Isn't that sad?
Bringing over from other thread:
Well, I think Kate is doing a number of things: filming something(maybe dating show, some kind of trend scene show, or that was not Kate and someone who looks like her, her look is after all a dime, a dozen) , having surgery(she lost weight, girls went south), taking a mini vacation(cause you know she is the only woman in the world with 8 count them 8 kids, that have nanny/sitter/not hired help, to look after them, Jon does not figure in this. And working that one day a week blog was just too much, not including, the trips to UPS/Fed-ex, spa, nails and going all the way to NYC for hair, and driving those kids to & from the school bus drop/pickup). Whoa is me!
This does prove that Kate cares nothing for her fans, or her kids. Course now Kate can't cry poor anymore, cause, one has to have money to make a pilot. Where did it come from, surely not the little blog she did!
Lovemygrandsons: So, will Kate just stay out in LA to do marathon at end of next week or will she fly back to PA and then fly back to LA? Seems stupid to bounce around like that. Or is Kate having as I said above a little fix it up surgery, till the 28th? Or will Kate drop out of the race, since CC is no longer her sponser.
Admin.- I saw the interview with the PA victim yesterday, on HLN/CNN... disgraceful and sad.
Next... OMG VIVID! Haha!!
Trust me, nobody wants to see Kate Gosselin's (weird) goods. We have seen enough, in hooker heels.
- The half a rose tattoo on her va-jay, product of the tummy tuck? (No.)
- The naval going clear up to her fake boobage? (Nope.)
- Speaking of which... Can Katie wear her "Good Bra" during the show's filming? (Oh, HELL no Vivid!)
What I really want to see, is an expose' article, covering the alleged TMZ cover-up concerning Kate Gosselin. I knew they were up to no good a few years ago. Their agenda was apparent in trashing Jon, whenever possible.
Here's the naked truth story... God I hope that's not the "fun stuff!" Kate was blabbing about, on her last Twitter message. Perhaps the nudie pilot was already filmed at the brothel club in L.A.
I totally believe she locked those kids in the bedrooms at night
aggiemom, I honestly don't know what she is doing. However, I tend to disbelieve the filming stories. Who would have Kate on their network? I just don't see that happening unless she buys a network.
Wherever she is, I hope the kids are safe with Jon and feeling secure and loved through all of this mess.
She's back.....
Just finished a long SUPER fun project...so good to be home but what a great time had by all involved!....A fun bright future lies ahead!
"...maybe she can strike a deal with them to co-host with Steve."
That's what I was thinking! Those two should attend the "Pimps & Ho's Night", happening at that Club they are rumored to have been in (see previous post).
Steve Neild is obviously still supporting an animal and child abuser. They are both sick... and Purse Boy is Kate Gosselin's ENABLER.
So that confirms it. She doesn't give a crap about her fans or making sure they know she is fine and not in a straight jacket somewhere.
Is she really so delusional to think ANY network will pick up whatever project she is doing?
Kate is a twit said... 68
She's back.....
Oh good lord, Twit- thanks, I guess!
Pardon the cliche'... But you really can't make this shit up.
Just finished a long SUPER fun project...so good to be home but what a great time had by all involved!....A fun bright future lies ahead!
There you have it. All's well and good in Kate's World. The book didn't happen. She never saw the letter on CC and she's going to have a fun future.
That one was easy to call.
Just wait for Milo and Paige to go crazy there queen is bacccck.
I wonder if that's going to be her only tweet for now, and it's just to placate her tweeties and get them all excited.
I still don't believe she has any project in the works. Remember, Kate does have a tendency to, well... um, Lie.
Robert has a new post on Gosselin Book's blog. It's a picture comparison of HBB's bodyguard to Steve.
Never changes, does she? Sorry I wasted an ounce of concern for her- well, not really, but it IS annoying to hear her merrily tweet about her FUN.Wasn't a Nick commercial discussed? Who knows if it's all smoke and mirrors.
She doesn't have a project in the works - that post was only to keep the sheeple happy. No company in their right mind would touch this woman now.
But, hey, I'm sure the kids had a FUN time without their Mom!!
Sorry if this was already mentioned... new GosselinBook post up!
It's just a cute little comparision of Steve the twinkie to the huge, burly bodyguard who guarded Kate once & awhile, who now guards Honey Boo Boo.
A bodyguard is an ever vigilant individual who protects their client from possible physical harm. While we know Kate had/has some whackadoodle, obesessed fans, I don't think any of them were a clear and present danger. As I said earlier today, Kate doesn't want a bodyguard, she wants someone to follow her around and be her mean girl.
IMO, the real body guards weren't interested in manhandling housewives or telling teenage girls to watch their mouths. Only Skeevey would stoop be being a bully for her so he became her fave.
Comment from Lynn Coutermash on A Minor Consideration's Facebook page:
"TLC used to stand for "The Learning Channel" not it stand for "Taking the Lives of Children".
So true!
If she is actually filming a dating show I hope the sheeple have some water to wash it down when they have to eat their hats. They won't be able to say a word about the three months where Jon was dating a few women. At least he didn't FILM the whole thing.
I posted this on the previous thread, but thought I'd bring it over here.
Another great photoshop titled: "What Can We Find Inside Kate's Dumpster..Let's See":
I really don't think this thing is over yet. I have a feeling that more is to come. People know more, there will be more victims, and it's going to come out.
It sounds like things are still happening but I think the point being made is that the general public perception from those not following it carefully is that they got the guys who screwed up and all has been righted now.
Other than seeing her name pop up in some reports way back in November, I haven't seen a single mention of Karen Probst getting her due justice until 20/20 had the balls to chase her down.
Somehow, we need to get people understand there are still a lot more people out there who need to be brought to justice and that there are still a lot more questions that need answering.
Ha! Love the new post and pictures at Gosselin Book!
It truly shows the difference between a real body guard and, well, Steve.
Milo tweeted earlier that she was doing her 5K this afternoon at 4pm. If Kate was around to tweet her "fun" tweet, she could have at least wished Milo good luck.
Paula-I agree. That tweet was to keep the enablers happy and nothing else.
You know someone DID email me the CPS lunch story some time ago however I have no way to verify it that I could see. They even asked me not to post it.
But I doubt there was a whole court case just for that. They may be mixing up court with CPS getting involved. Again, court does not HAVE to be involved when CPS involved and in fact usually aren't--court is a last resort when no one will cooperate. It could very easily have just been a social worker instructing her to stop sending old food in or they would file a case and so she stopped and they closed the referral.
I didn't watch 20/20 last night ("Blue Bloods" fan here! ). I find it appalling that that school principal not only didn't do anything about Hero # 1's (I like that. Thank you,Chris Cuomo) allegations, but that she's also still employed in a position where she can damage other young lives. So much for "the principal is your PAL!".
I'd like to carry this over from the other thread. Canadianmom -- Speaking as someone who has taught school, much of it in special education, and currently works as a volunteer classroom aide, I can understand your dilemma with your son. I don't know anything about the Canadian school system and the classroom challenges faced by the teachers there, but from my own experience and observation, academics should be given priority. Is your son able to function and keep up in the classroom with the amount of assistance he receives? At this age, the grounding he gets will set the stage for his life. If he has difficulty keeping up and if the school is not able to provide the assistance he needs to reach his potential academically, then he would be better off in the other classroom. I understand that you are also concerned about his social growth and development, but there are so many ways he can be encouraged sociallly that don't involve school. There are church youth groups, Scouting, community sports groups, the neighborhood kids, etc. If he needs extra support in only a few areas of learning, maybe something can be worked out with the school where he goes to the special classroom for those subjects and is mainstreamed for the others. Or maybe he could be in the special class for academics and be mainstreamed for things like physical education, art, music, lunch, recess, etc. It's a balancing act, but the regular classroom is often not set up to give children with special needs the support they require to succeed to the best of their abilities. The teacher is divided into so many parts, and most of those parts need to focus on the majority of the kids. It's a disservice to both groups to expect that he/she devote extra time to the ones who need extra support. Special needs classrooms are set up to give individualized attention to the kids who need extra support, whatever it may be, to reach their potential.
twit: LOLOL. That is pretty funny. Could be a lot more buried at the bottom of that dumpster , too.
Improbably Dreams I think your idea is so thoughtful, but I'm afraid if everyone took the time to scoop up one or two posts to reply to there would be even more than the 1,000s of comments on each post and then the "there are too many comments to read!" group would gripe. Sigh!
I'm afraid there is just no pleasing everyone. Such is a blog.
How long of a "bright future" is Kate counting on with whatever this little project was? As long as her previous bright future on TLC? Or, better yet...with Coupon Cabin? Ha.
"... still a lot more people out there who need to be brought to justice and that there are still a lot more questions that need answering."
Indeed, Admin. This victim's bravery in coming out and speaking about the abuse, should be commended. The public can now put a face to this awful story. (Some people require that, in order to wake the FXXX up!) Sorry, it's a sensitive issue. Fortunately, my sisters and I were never victims, but I know dozens that were... correction- ARE.
Actually it occurred to me that maybe the family law judge heard this issue. Now THAT'S possible. I've seen everything from the temperature of the baby's milk to what clothes the child wears to whether a 6 year old could wear nail polish taken in front of family law judges. Parents can get very petty when they dont get along. It could have been one of Jon's complaints and the judge ordered her to stop, now that's possible for sure.
I thought bodyguards didn't drink on the job.
Or is this after hours fun for her and Steven.
Yes Kristine I'm so glad people have a face now. The face of a gentle, kind young man who was a slight, gentle, angelic little blue-eyed blond boy. Maybe when people see THAT little boy was abused they will wake up. People need a visual sadly.
Kate threw her tweeties a bone, and now they're all happily gnawing on it.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 80
If she is actually filming a dating show I hope the sheeple have some water to wash it down when they have to eat their hats. They won't be able to say a word about the three months where Jon was dating a few women. At least he didn't FILM the whole thing.
Here's how they will spin it.
They will say that Kate is just doing a ~pretend~ dating show, only so she can feed those kids that she is the sole provider for(cough, cough, wink, wink;)
Never, ever, will they accept that their pristine qween would ever give up her membership to the "Shemale Men Hatin' Club" and ever have a relationship with an icky man! Ewwwwwww! No, this will be all about making money period, because their Katie is much too busy being the best mom evah to her kids to REALLY date.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. :(
In anticipation of that argument, heck isn't a FAKE dating show even more confusing to the kids than a real one?
Here's your new daddy! Oh wait no he isn't just kidding!
Talk about screwing kids up.
AuntieAnn said... 72
Just finished a long SUPER fun project...so good to be home but what a great time had by all involved!....A fun bright future lies ahead!
There you have it. All's well and good in Kate's World. The book didn't happen. She never saw the letter on CC and she's going to have a fun future.
That one was easy to call.
Yep, and the 4 sheeple that are left will get their fill of her by Tuesday. Unless for some reason the kids are back at KATE'S house sooner.
HappyHappyHappy! FunFunFun! AmazingAmazingAmazing! BusyBusyBusy! ExhaustedExhaustedExhausted! AND DONT FORGET I HAVE 8 KIDS!!!!
Here is a very interesting article I just saw about our wonderful Governor Tom Corbett. I have been suspicious of this man ever since he came on TV to announce this mess back last November. He seemed very upset, out of sorts and extremely short tempered. I think we've only seen the top of the barrell here:
From a TV news station in State College about Tom Corbett:
Democratic candidate Kathleen Kane told 6News that Corbett's handling of the initial investigation into Sandusky during his tenure as attorney general has been the most persistent question she has been asked by voters.
"I have been traveling the state for 20 months now. I've been on the campaign trail, and every single county I have gone to, it is the No. 1 question on everyone's mind. 'What happened, why did it happen, and why did it take solong?'" said Kane. "The part that I'm questioning is the investigation. I'm questioning why it took three years with a pedophile on the street. I've heard one answer, that it was a calculated risk. I have two littleboys; that's not a risk I'm willing to take with my sons or with anyone else's sons."
Recent reports said Republican candidate David Freed has also indicated that he would investigate Corbett's role if he were elected attorney general.
In a sit-down interview with 6News in February, Corbett said he pursued the case when the initial allegations of misconduct and child molestation involving Sandusky came to his office.
"I told my agents and told my attorneys, 'Follow it up. Let's go.' This investigation was run and is run by career professionals in the agent ranks and in the attorney ranks. I was kept apprised throughout the entire time," Corbett said.
I think they are all going down including Corbett. People aren't going to stop now.
Admin, I have to say this. You do a great job with this blog, that is obvious by the number of posters here on any given day. You will not be able to please every single person all of the time, but you do your best to make it friendly. The rest is up to the bloggers here, and rightly so.
However, I have never worked at an office, went to a church, a get together, etc., where some didn't like the way things were done. Others thought it was fine.
Please understand that I do not mean to criticize those with other opinions, that is truly not my intention. I was just trying to point out that in all group situations in life, some will be satisfied, some won't.
With so many peoply and personalities, there will never be 100% approval. So, Admin, you do a great job and I just want to thank you for all of your efforts with this blog where people can get together to discuss a variety of issues. It's all good.
When some one ask Kate why she needs Steve around her.
I like how she-"It's my job as a single mom is to provide & to stay safe".
Um when did being a single mom constitute as a job?
OK, Robert has put up another post. I just spit out my wine.
Let the unicorn and rainbow farting commence, the queen returns to PA. She has been on quite the long, unpaid 'business' trip. Most people I know who travel for business do not come home bragging about the great time they, and others, had. Wanna spin this one sheeple?
And as long as she ignores the book, the public firing, the media storm, then why yes, a bright and happy future lies ahead. Pinocchio.
oh no! That's a terrible picture- I can see Robert's point! LOL I think Vivid may rescind their offer.
The lunch stuff was also in the tabloids about the time the kids were "separated" from the school.
Oh my gosh, I saw that picture of Kate when it was first published a couple years ago. My take on it then is the same as it is now. Women, we have to be realistic in what we wear!
I worked with women who were larger and older, yet wore the small skirts and tight shirts that accentuated every roll they had. I've also worked with women with the same body type who looked great because they realized they could no longer wear clothes meant for women in their 20's who weighed 105 pounds.
It is just a matter of being self aware. Kate, at that time, should never have put on a bikini. It just doesn't flatter her. However, Kate has never worried about whether or not an outfit flatters her. She thinks she looks good in anything! That shows in her wardrobe.
Love Robert's newest post and love his sense of humor!
Victim One article
I first read about this almost a year ago, when Aaron was simply known as "Victim One". It made me sick to my stomach then, and it still does now. So many people failed this young man.
local: I took a look at the site and agree with one comment- why didn't the kids throw away the food and say they ate it? I don't condone lying, but better than food poisoning!
The sweet lady principal needs to be fired immediately for Dereliction of duty! MANDATED REPORTER! How dare her tell that child to go home and think about it!!! She needs to be fired, arrested and her STATE PENSION TAKEN AWAY FROM HER!
Also, didn't that DA in PA in that county come up missing and they found his computer hard drive in a river? He has never been found or no contact with anybody. I think he was going to prosecute Sandusky or bring it out into the open. Hmmmmmmmmm....
Also, kate should be charged for fraud in procuring the Rentals on the Beach for free for a week at Gulf Shores. RontheB was a client of CC and they gave free rentals to our VETERANS!
You know kate the take heard about that and kept saying she couldn't afford a trip to the beach with the kids, even a couple of hours drive. Crying poor AGAIN. Someone noticed it and did it for her without CC's permission.
I wonder how fast kate was driving that van with everybody on board trying to get to her FREE CABIN FOR A WEEK!!!
I have a question about something from the previous thread:
"Because this is Lancaster County, and if your kids don't behave like good little baby ducks in a row behind their mother you are looked
down on. "
First, I am presuming that you are not speaking only about the various Amish sects. Lancaster County Mom and/or other locals, would someone
please elaborate a little on this statement? Thanks.
Thanks :)
Formerly Duped said... 108
local: I took a look at the site and agree with one comment- why didn't the kids throw away the food and say they ate it? I don't condone lying, but better than food poisoning!
That's what my daughter would have done! And if I were a teacher there I'd have thrown it away for them!
Just finished a long SUPER fun project...so good to be home but what a great time had by all involved!....A fun bright future lies ahead!
She's back!
Formerly Duped said...
local: I took a look at the site and agree with one comment- why didn't the kids throw away the food and say they ate it? 108
At the time someone here familiar with the school said that it was school policy to send uneaten lunches home (at least in the younger
grades), presumably so parents would know what was eaten and here's a thought! adjust lunches to meet the child's preferences. I can't
imagine they were trying to "feed" a control freak
An interesting analysis on the Sandusky scandal, the Freeh Report, and questions that some in the Penn State community have: http://ps4rs.org/freeh.html
Rhymes with Witch said... 114
Formerly Duped said...
local: I took a look at the site and agree with one comment- why didn't the kids throw away the food and say they ate it? 108
At the time someone here familiar with the school said that it was school policy to send uneaten lunches home (at least in the younger
grades), presumably so parents would know what was eaten and here's a thought! adjust lunches to meet the child's preferences. I can't
imagine they were trying to "feed" a control freak
My daughter's school had the same policy in the younger grades and she came home with half eaten pudding, etc. Turned out she only liked store brand, not Jello pudding (yay!). So I adjusted. I know darn well that if I forced her to bring the same stuff next time she would have either starved or found a way to throw it out.
The E cable channel has a question and answer section on their website. Someone asked about Jon.
"Just saw the news about Kate Gosselin getting fired from her coupon job. Which reminds me, where did her ex Jon Gosselin disappear to?
—Figgs, Ohio, via Twitter
If by "disappeared" you mean "stopped doing public appearances and settled down into a relatively anonymous life in Pennsylvania," then, yes. The former Mr. Kate is back to working in the tech field and, I hear, has plans to start a business or two in that arena in coming months."
I'm sure he really appreciates being called Mr. Kate.
Auntieann said 31
From JohnTesh.com:
From the ages of 3 to 5 my son was in an early ed class for kids with speech problems and the teacher brought her own video camera in and then set up a tv in a small empty room mext door. She invited any of her parents come pop in whenever they wanted and sit for a while and watch her class (which I did all the time). Eventueally there was a bunch of us parents who would sit there and spy on the class, drink coffee and chat. It was such an awesome idea and I wish more classrooms had this. Not necessarely to watch for abuse but just to have an idea of how your child is doing in class.
Regarding the child abuse- It is nearly impossible to get intervention on a lot of these cases. I have a good friend who is an RCMP and she had reported the same family to social services 8 times in 6 months. Social services did absolutley nothing and a month ago the youngest of the children was found dead at 6 months. Social services still did nothing, kept the other 3 kids at home and parents were never charged. They couldnt prove WITHOUT A DOUBT that the baby died as a direct result of the parents neglegence or abuse. Its so heart breaking, these poor innocent children that are born to these POS parents. My heart aches for them.
Oh, oh, there she is! Watch out for the rainbow tweet attack!
LoveMyGrandsons said... 99
Admin, I have to say this. You do a great job with this blog, that is obvious by the number of posters here on any given day. You will not be able to please every single person all of the time, but you do your best to make it friendly. The rest is up to the bloggers here, and rightly so.
However, I have never worked at an office, went to a church, a get together, etc., where some didn't like the way things were done. Others thought it was fine.
LMG, oh you are so right! I didnt quite think of it in those terms! At my church, we have many committees, traditionally made up of all women. One year we had a couple of naysayers - no matter what the group decided, they objected strongly! Never any ideas of their own, just No No No to everything, even the traditional roles of what the committee was supposed to accomplish! It got so bad we had to ask to Pastor's wife to see if she could help, before we went higher up the chain.
It happens in every group! Bowling, PTA, large families, church, work... so right! It simply is not possible to meet the needs and expectations of everyone!
@readerlady 86- Thanks so much for your response, you really gave me some stuff to think about! He IS able to keep up with the academics of his class and in some ways he exceeds them (LA for example). This year is more difficult for him because his school has a very low enrolment and for the first time they have decided to blend the classes so he is in a 2/3 split with over 30 kids. Last year there were only 14 in his class. He also has a fulltime aid just for him, the class also has another EA. He spent grade 1 in a different school, in an "interactions" classroom, which is specifically for children with autism. The year was a total nightmare, his achedemics fell way behind and his behaviour and social skills dropped too.
To integrate or not is a HUGE dilemma for most parents of ASD kids, its so hard to know if its helping them or hurting in the long run.
And I haven't totally ruled out home schooling either (lord help me, lol)
Thank you for posting this horrific story. Everyone failed those children. My heart breaks for them.
Sandusky will rot in hell for what he has done.
All the teachers, and principals that knew what was going on will carry the guilt for the rest of their lives- and I say GOOD on that.
My prayer is that one day, peace will come to the victims of that horrible bastard.
Thanks, Dwindle. It just stands to reason that the bigger the group, the more personalities involved; therefore that will create comfort for some and discontent for others. It's impossible to please everyone.
canadianmom, readerlady, and all parents dealing with autistic children: I never had to deal with this issue, but from everyone's posts, this can be a very trying situation, especially with school. The only thing I can think to say to all of you is God blessed you with these children and every one of you see that and appreciate that blessing, even if things get difficult. I'm glad that there are people on this blog that can share their successes with this to help others.
I'm probably not saying it very well, but I am in awe of all of you. God bless you and your families.
Season 4, questions from "fans":
When asked how she gets the kids to run to their timeout corner so quickly, kate answered she did not have a clue.....paraphrasing. Jon could not look at the camera, he bent over and hid his face....
Wait a minute.
Am I reading correctly? Kate is being offered
a job to host a porn channel?
Oh, ho, HO!
How long before she's fired from that gig for being impossible to work with?
I don't think comparing the two bodyguards is worth it. Look at all the secret service guys and Marines who are always around the POTUS.
canadianmom said... 121
I am not an educator, and as a mom I have never had the challenges you have. But you say that with good support your son exceeds expectations in language arts? I am assuming that this is excellent news as it shows his strong ability to process form communication processes? I hope that this school year he can adjust and begin to excell at his academics again; once he gets 'on a roll' of success with his classwork, I hope his self esteem soars as well as your peace of mind.
I hope I havent said all the wrong things.
When asked how she gets the kids to run to their timeout corner so quickly, kate answered she did not have a clue.....paraphrasing. Jon
could not look at the camera, he bent over and hid his face... 124
Makes sense to me. As a abused spouse at a young age, I was not threatened by a large corporation, only my husband, but my God he
scared the crap out of me.
THAT is why I give Jon credit for coming to his senses and standing his ground, especially in a state that residents have said still
routinely favors the mother. May he and his children find peace.
Oh, boy, Kate tweeted about the new project she finished and her bright future. She may have been filming, and either she bankrolled it herself (SK8 Productions) and nobody will pick it up, or she found someone dumb enough to film her. Either way, she has such a small audience right now, it's a waste of time and money. Is there really someone out there who will put her back on TV now that she's been unmasked as a child and animal abuser? Robert Hoffman said the book is going to be re-released, and that will be more bad publicity for her. It doesn't seem like her reputation can take any more hits, but she seems to be getting by.
I don't care what she's on, I won't watch it. Someone said on the last thread that she may have found someone who told her to show something on film (dating show), and she filmed her own pilot. Doesn't man it'll be picked up, but she seems happy about it. Who knows?
Kate is a twit said... 81
I posted this on the previous thread, but thought I'd bring it over here.
Another great photoshop titled: "What Can We Find Inside Kate's Dumpster..Let's See":
Pure brilliance!
It has occured to me that once TLC decided to get rid of Kate, they kicked her in the ass hard with that RV episode, making it clear she is unpleasant and they were happy to see her go.
Next came DWTS: on her final episode where she went up the ceiling in a crane lift, the judges and host laughed uncontrollably at her, making it clear they were happy to see her make a fool of herself.
Then there is Coupon Cabin: Once they decided to get rid of her, they slammed her in the ass with the door and publically said you are a cheat and a liar, you cant get along with anyone, and good riddance to you.
Does anyone see a theme here? 3 employers and groups of coworkers in row take joy in publically ridiculing her as she is booted out.
Reading comments on some of these rag sites that are carrying the story of her firing - one poster said "what's next Kate? A monthly post for the Tampon Times?" I thought that was funny.
I hope with the continued pressure in PA someone somewhere decides to stop covering for her; legally, I mean.
localyocul said... 112
Formerly Duped said... 108
local: I took a look at the site and agree with one comment- why didn't the kids throw away the food and say they ate it?
Someone probably will beat me to this, but the
deal was that Kindergarteners were not allowed to throw out uneaten lunches. The remains were packed back into their lunchboxes and sent back home.
This is when all the talk about soggy PB&J sandwiches started up on here. And assorted other commments about Kate repacking a lunch until they finally ate the darn thing.
We wondered how long one of her famous turkey and cheese sandwiches went before Kate decided it was just too dangerous to send yet again.
It was all rumor at that point, of course, but it got a full workout here. Just the thought of doing that to a child was horrible, and we said so in many different ways.
Dwindle, I agree with everything you posted about Kate's previous "jobs". I don't care what she says as we know she is a liar. She has nothing going on, just trying to stir up some positive buzz for herself hoping that someone will bite. It's not happening.
Rhymes with Witch said... 128
When asked how she gets the kids to run to their timeout corner so quickly, kate answered she did not have a clue.....paraphrasing. Jon
could not look at the camera, he bent over and hid his face... 124
Makes sense to me. As a abused spouse at a young age, I was not threatened by a large corporation, only my husband, but my God he
scared the crap out of me.
I divorced my first husband in 1986 and I still shake when I see his face or hear his voice. I dont know why. I cant help it.
It must be very hard for any and all of the Gosselin Nine to stand up to that woman and it may be something the 4 fellas struggle with all their lives. There is not alot of validation and support out there for guys who have been physically and mentally abused, even if it was in childhood by their mother.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 83
Ha! Love the new post and pictures at Gosselin Book!
It truly shows the difference between a real body guard and, well, Steve.
Good to see Robert posting again.
Kate in that bathing suit made my eyes burn.
I so agree. I certainly hope there are support groups for boys and men that have been abused, just like there are for females.
chefsummer said... 100
When some one ask Kate why she needs Steve around her.
I like how she-"It's my job as a single mom is to provide & to stay safe".
Um when did being a single mom constitute as a job?
Wait a minute- as a single mom, it's our job to provide and stay safe?? Well Fu#$, guess I have to quit the military then...crap, I wont be providing then- oh the dilemma. Guess I'll get me one of them fancy booby- I mean bodyguards to come deploy to war with me ;)
Kate- you are ridiculous.
Pink, I agree. I would look much worse in a bikini, but the difference is, I'm smart enough to realize that and not wear one!
Re: lunch
I was thinking the kids might have been desperate to throw that food out somehow...they have become thinner and must have been starving, and dinner was nothing to look forward to.
I remember the previous discussion- wasn't sure if that rule was in effect or just supposition.
Poor kids. We don't know what Kate really packed as opposed to her' famous lunches' on Twitter and CC
Kate's picture in that bikini doesn't bother me as much as that ridiculous hat.
Formerly Duped, you know, I never thought about it until you mentioned it, but we really don't know for sure what she feeds the kids, at lunch or any meal.
Just going by Kate's pathetic recipes and pictures, I get the impression that she really doesn't care what the kids eat, whether or not they like it, etc. My opinion is that she feels as long as she puts some slop in front of them, they can eat it or not; it doesn't matter to her.
I could very well be wrong about this, but seeing what she has put on her blog and twitter, I just can't believe that all 8 kids love it and rate it a 10!
There is not a lot of validation and support out there for guys who have been physically and mentally abused, even if it was in childhood
by their mother. 134
Dwindle, I agree with your statement and I am sorry for your experience.. My other point, however, is that one of my very best friends is a man who was abused by his wife. he told me the details reluctantly, but I have no doubt that it was real. She DID manage to keep his daughter away from him for years, which ultimately negated her relationship with her father. Mother was an alienator, and when
step sister tried to meet the original daughter, stepsister was met with hysterics. That ended that. SO sad for everyone..
The hubs just came in from finishing painting the garage door so I outa here for tonight. Blessings to you all and have a good weekend!
Jo said... 140
Kate's picture in that bikini doesn't bother me as much as that ridiculous hat.
She wore a lot of silly hats that summer. Keeping the sun off her face till all her nips/tucks healed?
Thanks Dwindle! :)
Dang it, I just typed a big long post and then accidentally deleted it... lol!
He's also really great at science and a total computer wiz! He's the one that installed Kindle on my phone and downloaded Roberts book for me, lol!
Which is why its such a complete joke that Kate thinks her kids arent using google and looking stuff up about their family... My son has been using google and youtube since he was 3.
It's not the bikini that is bothering me either - it's what the bikini bottom is not covering. Yowsa....
If vivid tv (is that their name?), an adult entertainment channel, is offering Kate a position, doesn't that mean they think Kate looks like a porn star? Call me crazy but I dont consider that a compliment. I'd be thinking twice about my appearance and my 'brand' if I was Kate.
Dwindle said... 131
Then there is Coupon Cabin: Once they decided to get rid of her, they slammed her in the ass with the door and publically said you are a cheat and a liar, you cant get along with anyone, and good riddance to you.
I see Kate cleaned up her site. Got rid of that nasty CC letter of dismissal. Bet she hopes no one saw it. Uhhh Katie....
Anyone know where in the vast universe her planet is located?
I see Kate cleaned up her site. Got rid of that nasty CC letter of dismissal. Bet she hopes no one saw it. Uhhh Katie....
If you go to Kate's blog and click on "Check out my posts at their coupon blog" it still takes you to Scott's letter.
Her fake counter says she has over 5 million hits. Sure, Kate.
canadianmom said... 118
Regarding the child abuse- It is nearly impossible to get intervention on a lot of these cases. I have a good friend who is an RCMP and she had reported the same family to social services 8 times in 6 months. Social services did absolutley nothing and a month ago the youngest of the children was found dead at 6 months. Social services still did nothing, kept the other 3 kids at home and parents were never charged. They couldnt prove WITHOUT A DOUBT that the baby died as a direct result of the parents neglegence or abuse. Its so heart breaking, these poor innocent children that are born to these POS parents. My heart aches for them.
Sounds very much like the jury's decision of Casey Anthony. Why are children given over like sacrificial lambs? Who is being protected and why? I don't even know how to begin to address these things.
I really think if the G8 were removed completely from Kate's custody they'd all be better off. Yes it hurts but it hurts more to be under the thumb of an abuser, never knowing where that next whack across the head is going to come from and when. Kids shouldn't have to walk on eggshells around their parents. It's just wrong.
So Kate throws out a bone, and then shuts the door again, leaving all the enablers drooling.
A "fun bright future lies ahead"? She's probably going for a tanning session tomorrow. "Super fun project" could mean anything-even a couple of days at a spa for another makeover.
Also, notice she said it was good to be home--but she didn't say the kids were with her.
It's Katespeak all over again-implying something big is happening. We all know that exaggeration is Kate's middle name.
I wonder if Robert knows Gina's story and why she puts up with it.
Dwindle said... 131
It has occured to me that once TLC decided to get rid of Kate, they kicked her in the ass hard with that RV episode, making it clear she is unpleasant and they were happy to see her go.
I've said this before but I have to say it again...They also pushed her off a tall building and put her inside a crocodile pen. She's like Rasputen. They couldn't kill her. #snark
"Super fun project" could mean anything-even a couple of days at a spa for another makeover.
If you're really that crazy a 72 year old hold could be a "super fun project."
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 149
If you go to Kate's blog and click on "Check out my posts at their coupon blog" it still takes you to Scott's letter.
Her fake counter says she has over 5 million hits. Sure, Kate.
Maybe she can't clean up all the CC stuff without clearing off her entire blog? I hope it haunts her.
When I went there earlier today there was a CC ad right above her twitter feed. Now it isn't there anymore.
Anger issues kate said... 64
Or will Kate drop out of the race, since CC is no longer her sponsor.
No posts about running of late, so I suspect that'll be the case. She'll probably use her fun! exciting! rainbow-bright project as a reason for bowing out. (No time to train; too busy with work, don'cha know!)
To the broader discussion about the blog participation, I'm glad that people weighed in, pro and con. We had our own Festivus, come early--beginning with he Airing of Grievances. And now...on to the Feats of Strength!
Admin I'll bite. What's a hold?
Hmmmm. Milo did her 5k walk today but hasn't tweeted Kate since her announcement of fun and a bright future although she tweeted her Aussie pal an hour ago.
LOL, Admin on the 72-hour hold.
Leave Katie alonnnnnneeeee!!! :)
Tweetle--maybe Milo's pissed and/or hurt after seeing that Kate tweeted, yet didn't say anything to her about her 5K.
I wonder which of CC's customers she hoodwinked into providing a posh trip for herself and Steve....
Kate is a twit, ah, yes, Milo doing the passive/aggressive thing again.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 149
If you go to Kate's blog and click on "Check out my posts at their coupon blog" it still takes you to Scott's letter.
Her fake counter says she has over 5 million hits. Sure, Kate.
fake website counter
fake purchased twitter followers
Fake boobs
fake face
fake hair
fake nails
fake tan
fake claim that the tummy tuck is the only plastic surgery she's had
fake claims of cooking for her children
fake books. All three of them
fake claims of grocery shopping
fake claims that taking her children in public will cause a panic.
fake claims of inventing recipes (plagarized cookbook)
fake claims of having very little household help
fake claims of "struggling" financially
fake claims that companies just send her freebies "unsolicited" Beach houses and free toilet paper fall out of the sky just for Kate!
fake claims about the college funds (one year it's fully funded, next year not close to being funded, next year fully funded again)
fake claim on Today show that she had a purse full of bills AND NO WAY TO PAY THEM... sniff..dab... annnnd cut- "I want Nobu I want Nobu!!!!!!!!"
fake claims of her personally orchestrating festive holiday celebrations
fake claim of not being able to afford going to the movies or gymnastic lessons
fake claims of running a 26.2 mile marathon
fake claims that having 3 cars saves her gas
fake claims that a 5 in. snowfall destroyed ALL her driveway trees.
fake claims of going to church every Sunday
fake claims that she still has Shoka
fake claim that when she did have Shoka, he ate Christmas bread left for the garbage men
fake claim that she baked and left bread for garbage men.
fake claim that out of the goodness of her black heart she relieved Jon of paying child support. Legally impossible to do in Pennsylvania. ooops.
fake claims that "nothing has changed" in her custody arrangement.
fake claim on Regis and Kelly that she waited by the phone during Jon's custody because the kids would call her to come get them.
fake claims of the kids constantly thank her and telling her how wonderful she is
fake claims of having friends
fake claims that her 8 kids scare potential dates away
fake claims of being a sweet, wonderful person, whom everyone loves when they meet her
fake claims of having a wonderful new project- she's just farting rainbows and sunbeams!
Can anyone think of or find one genuinely postive or not fake thing about this woman? I can't.
Auntie Ann ~ I'm not Admin, so I hope she doesn't mind my stepping in to answer your question about a hold..
California law allows police (and certain other designated mental health professionals) to take you into custody if they believe that, due to a mental disorder, you are:
1. A danger to yourself, and/or
2. A danger to others, and/or
3. Gravely disabled. (Grave disability is defined as: “a condition in which a
person, as a result of a mental disorder, is unable to provide for his or her basic personal needs for food, clothing or shelter.”)
At that time, the person taking you into custody must take reasonable pre- cautions to safeguard your property. Also, he or she must advise you that this is not a criminal arrest, and allow you to gather some personal things to bring with you, and allow you to make a phone call.
Under this law, you are taken to a psychiatric hospital. There, the profes- sional staff may detain you for up to 72 hours if they, too, find that you meet the above criteria (danger to self, danger to others, and/or grave disability due to a mental disorder.)"
More at this link:
Just one question about Milo; how come her twitter acct. doesn't have a check mark to mean her acct. is a verified acct.?
Improbable Dreams - Thanks so much. Admin's post said 72 year old hold. Imagine what went through my mind...lol.
LOL, Auntie Ann! It's what happened to Britney Spears when she had her melt-down. (Hence, my earlier reference.)
I can easily imagine one of KG's fans having a melt-down akin to the uber-fan who posted the Youtube video that went viral. Leave Katie alooooonnnnneeee!
Can anyone think of or find one genuinely postive or not fake thing about this woman? I can't.
I can, she's fake! That's real.
wayward said... 163
Fake claim that she "gave" Jon the old BBB because she has a generous heart.
Fake claim of loving her children never wanting to be apart from them ever again after having her tummy tuck.
Fake claims of Gosselin traditions.
Fake claim of materminding the RV trip for 25 people.
Fake claim of cooking chicken over an open campfire.
Fake claims of conquering her fears.
Fake claim of being afraid of heights so that she did not have to climb to a small peak in CA., then hops half naked into a balloon in Florida.
Faker Kate, it's her career.
No wayward, I cannot think of one nice thing about her. I knew early on in the show she was an abuser. Her actions triggered memories of my Mother and her tirades. Line us up and hit us with a beaded belt. Going up and down the line of four kids until she ran out steam.
I knew she hurt those children and I hated her. Her evil bleeds through.
In response to wayward 163:
I think Kate's journal excerpts RH published are real. And scary.
Wayward -- To add to your list:
Fake claims that "I do it all for my kids".
Fake claims that "I do it all alone".
Fake claims that she needs a bodyguard for her personal safety.
posting as anon tonight.
Only one who has been there knows the courage it took for Aaron to take that first step in telling. Look what happened. Exactly what his abuser told him. No one's going to believe, they will blame you, you'll get into trouble if you tell. I did try to tell...once. And he was right. "Hush, don't say things like that, what would people say?" But Aaron had strength. Now I wonder if there were others and what if I had told and they had believed me? I pray I was the only one. This was a long, long time ago and if I told now it would destroy families and friendships. I'm not going to hurt my Mother after all these years. Now she would only feel guilt.
So I am telling. I was molested as a child and it was NOT my fault. Now, I have told.
Wayward, Readerlady and Only One ~ I think it'd be a greater challenge to list the things in her life that are authentic vs fake
I have a feeling the list would be very short.
Only One got us started with the journal that RH published. What else?
Wayward, Readerlady and Only One ~ I think it'd be a greater challenge to list the things in her life that are authentic vs fake
I have a feeling the list would be very short.
Only One got us started with the journal that RH published. What else?
OOPS! Sorry, I didn't mean to leave out njay and NewHampshire, who weighed in on Kate being fake. And to anyone else who posted on this subject that I overlooked, my apologies!!!
Improbable Dreams said... 167
LOL, Auntie Ann! It's what happened to Britney Spears when she had her melt-down. (Hence, my earlier reference.)
I can easily imagine one of KG's fans having a melt-down akin to the uber-fan who posted the Youtube video that went viral. Leave Katie alooooonnnnneeee!
Improbable Dreams - Thanks again. That will teach me for not reading through all the comments. I feel so much better when the fog lifts. haha.
I have never seen that video before. That girl is hysterical, literally
... and quite frightening.
Anon ~ Good for you, for speaking up for yourself, for giving voice to what you've choked back for so long. I hope you found some relief in doing just that, and that it's the first of many steps toward peace and healing, going forward.
Fake claim of their show being the "realist reality" show
Fake claim that the kids were just running in and out of the picture
The ''Leave Britney Alone'' upset fan is a young boy.
I think she's smart to remain quiet at this point. Anything she says will add fuel to the fire.
NICE to see people stand up to this witch. Her employer was enlightened by facts and fired her lying self. Everyone should out her, wherever she goes. There shall never be peace for the mean and wicked.
Need to vent completely OT so scroll on by ...
My son went to his first b-day party today, at a local gym for kids. As we went in, the b-day boy's day met us at the door, told us to drop the present on the table and go upstairs to where the party was. I took my son's shoes and socks off and he played with the other boys doing all sorts of games organized by the gym staff, the parents were talking on the side. Then the kids were corralled upstairs to have pizza and cake, served by the gym staff.
As we were leaving and passed the gift table (which now had gifts on it for another child's party), my son said sadly, "But he never got his present."
My son sat at our kitchen table with me as I wrapped it, he picked out the bow and helped me tape it on. he colored on a blank card, drawing little stick figures (that's Julien, that's Dylan, etc.). He was so excited.
I was happy he had a good time playing, but just felt really let down and disappointed after we left. He wanted to give his friend his present himself, and see him open it.
I don't know. Whatever happened to simple parties and homemade cake? These are 3-5 yr old boys. It just really felt so impersonal.
I'm feeling very old and out of place and, I don't know. Sigh.
Heather...I've taken grandkids to that kind of party, too. Don't like it. Part of the fun, in my mind, is the opening of presents. Otherwise it feels like a greedy present grab. JMO.
To This is True
Thank you for sharing that information. I suspect what we know from Robert's book is nothing compared to the truth.
I loathe this woman and hope against hope that Jon gets full custody. What do we think happened to the kids for telling that they got locked in the bedrooms at night? I can't imagine.
At least the kids lunches could have been reported without blaming the kids for telling.
This woman is cold and does not have a maternal instinct in her body. She truly lives in her own fantasy world. I actually hope she find something that takes her to California as long as she leaves the kids with Jon. She does not care about them nor love them.
I can't imagine how they feel having to go home to her!
FAKE invitation from Playboy, if I remember that correctly.
"Um when did being a single mom constitute as a job?"
First-Divorced-She is a divorced mom. She has an involved ex husband. There IS a difference!)
And when I was a divorced mom, I HAD an entirely separate, full time job. I didn't sit at home for nine hours a day ordering around support staff and twittering.
"This is True said... 46
I know that Kate was reported for locking her children into their bedrooms at night. The school reported it after two of the kids told a teacher. Kate not only locked them in their rooms at night, but she also instructed babysitters to do the same thing.
CPS was involved, it ended with Kate being told to stop locking them in their rooms.
I also know that the court had to order Kate to give the kids a fresh lunch each day. She was sending spoiled/stale food if they didn't eat it the day before. "
If and when someone else is trying to speak about outside information on this "blog" why not let them? You can't always play it 100% safe admin. After all, you are making money off the G8 too, with this site.
And a lot of it.
And you are influencing the outcome of the election with your ads. So, you do have your own motives for having this site. But, if the main concern is for the children, like you say, then why not let people speak?
They need a place to post what they know, but you shut them down, a lot. Why is that?
Why do you have to read it or see after someone has already performed the work?
You always want a confirmed source, a twitter, a video, or a link when something is posted. We should all have it so easy....
Even the sheeple know by now, this is not a known gossip rag site. People ARE trying to help in the only way they know how. They are bothered. But, the fact is, they can't sign their names or always give you a source when exposing something that might need to be told.
Do not censor or remove posts like this out of fear. Someone posted "Don't put things like this on the board." Why the hell not? Robert's book is much worse, and the media ran the stories about the food in the lunches.
Don't sit on the fence. Take a stand or don't, to help abuse victims. Secrets is what helps enablers get away with their crimes.
What if there had been an electrical fire in the house? Do any of you think the nanny or babysitter would have had or even taken the time to open 8 locked doors, plus another locked door to get out of the house before the smoke inhalation set in? That would be impossible.
JG does not get a free pass admin. Yea, that's your guy, and you like him a lot. But, he is no different than the principal you want to tar and feather. He walked away numerous times and let the kids stay in the abuse. He should have tried to help them every single day until someone listened or the kids were removed from the home.
And where is the Aunts and Uncles and grandparents in all of this hell for these kids? There is no way that can't get together and do an intervention on big bad KG. BS! They don't want to be involved. They want others to do it for them, because they are too lazy. KG has a large extended family. That is one sad sorry screwed up family. On ALL sides.
And those of you who say don't put something out there without confirmation are sooo wrong. People know things about these children, that maybe needs to be told. It is not like they can sign their names or give a link where they learned information. Ms.sue crazy will have them by the balls.
Someone tried to tell admin weeks ago about things that happened to the children that were really happening, and she removed the post! What they posted was true. Stop CYA for your own self admin if you really want to help the G8.
You can't say, Why don't people help, then turn around and say well, we don't want that much help. This is exactly what happened to Penn State. People tried to tell, and people like YOU, looked at it as gossip or hearsay. or was too scared to really get involved.
Like the site, sometimes, but original you are not. You only discuss what is safe for you personally to discuss. You never actually do anything to help. You just talk a good game about what others should or should not do.
Remona Blue - I just realized that...lol. Just read up on Chris Crocker. Wish I hadn't.
heather - I agree with you and Mel. It sounds very impersonal and nothing more than a gift grab.
I felt sad for your little guy after I read that. Birthday parties shouldn't be that way.
I influence the elections? Wow, cool. I hope my guy wins.
It's so easy to say post whatever people want anonymous, when you're not the one who would be sued for libel.
Jon is not the same as Karen Probst whatsoever. We know exactly what Karen did and said. Conversely, we haven't the first clue what Jon, or anyone else in that house, did or said about the abuse.
If you did not write it, how can you be sued? I signed a name. You could question it?
Hate the election ads. Don't belive you should influence others with your beliefs while having a blog to help victims of abuse.
Or a blog about heros, like the farmers wife.
posting as anon tonight.
You have been heard and will be in my thoughts tonight.
If you did not write it, how can you be sued? I signed a name. You could question it?
Wow. I'm too tired to get into a long explanation of libel laws, but I can be sued for what is on this blog whether I wrote it or not. I also firmly believe a lot of the inside stories are sheeple trying to stir things up and then running back to their flock to laugh at how people will believe anything bad about Kate, and that is the other main reason insider stories, without verification, are not allowed here. If you believe so strongly in the information you are sharing it shouldn't be a problem to let me verify it.
Hate the election ads. Don't belive you should influence others with your beliefs while having a blog to help victims of abuse.
I do not pick the ads, period. They are based on blog content and your browser history. If we suddenly started talking about cruises again, Royal Caribbean would show up. That's how it works.
Second marraiges have even a lesser chance of surviving than the first. Especially when there are children involved. The more childre and /or ex spouses, the least successful the relationship is. Some people should never be married. Others should never be married twice.
Kate falls in both categories.
If one cannot keep their 'sacred' vows the first time, why would anyone believe them the 2nd time? Kind of dumb if you ask me. You're not. LOL
This is true......I call BS on your post. Those are all rumors that were floating around at one time or another. Hh yes they were!
Heather, I am sorry for your son's disappointment. A gift should be opened, acknowelged, and the receiver should say thank you. That's how we did it at my child's birthday parties. Manners seem to be fading in today's society.
This is a word of caution for those who want grandkids and aren't too shy to say so to their children.
Have you ever considered that perhaps your daughter (or even your son) or daughter-in-law (or son-in-law) may have fertility issues? It's a painful and very private subject and one that they may not feel comfortable in sharing with you. Keep that in mind. I'm sure you don't mean to hurt them but you very well could be. I told my own nosy mother repeatedly that we never wanted kids but that was a lie to cover up my husband's low sperm count. I wasn't about to tell her that!
Don't want to identify myself here. I like you guys (well, most of you LOL) but not enough to share my private life.
Anonymous said... 189
If you did not write it, how can you be sued? I signed a name. You could question it?
I'm not all that familiar with the legalities and responsibilities of blog ownership, but wasn't there a discussion here awhile back that a blog's owner is responsible for its content and could indeed be sued?
Dwindle said,
"Pulling The Wool, I recognize your style and appreciate your comments. It would be great if you could use the same name every time so others could recognize you too. I know you change it as a title to address each post content, but a usual name might be fun for you too? Just a thought - no disrespect intended! :)"
I've been posting as Pulling The Wool for some time now (I think for more than a year) and don't change it to address each post, although for the post you are referencing, it did fit the content of the post!
Anonymous said...185 - well said!!!
This is True said...46 - thanks for the information and the courage to tell us!!!
Heather, I am sorry for your son's disappointment. A gift should be opened, acknowelged, and the receiver should say thank you. That's how we did it at my child's birthday parties. Manners seem to be fading in today's society.
My kids have been to birthday parties where the gifts were unopened. Some of the parents and I were talking about it and and some feel that with a group of kids from mixed socio-economic groups, that perhaps one child would bring a very expensive present and another child would bring a home-made gift or something that cost very little. The thought is that gifts are not opened so as not to embarrass those who don't have the money to spend on expensive gifts. I still like to see the gifts opened at the parties, but I also can understand the other side of it.
"I do not pick the ads, period. They are based on blog content and your browser history. If we suddenly started talking about cruises again, Royal Caribbean would show up. That's how it works."
So if we start talking about Stephanie, she'll be there ready to chat with us?
admin put your big girl panties on and stop deleting posts that you can't justify.
you only like posters who agree with you. you hate being called out.
I answered your questions, Anonymous. I can't help that you're not satisfied with the answers. This is not a blog about me so move on or email me, those are your choices.
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