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Thank you, Rep. Murt, for the more than two years you devoted to this important cause. |
"Remember, the kids are just playing in front of the cameras, so." Kate Gosselin, Larry King Live, August 25, 2009.
A child on reality T.V. deserves to be paid fairly for their work.
A child on reality T.V. deserves to be paid fairly for their work.
The original TLC contracts provided for payment only to Kate and Jon, not to the children. After more than three years of filming, TLC finally established a trust fund for the children, in November 2009. The Gosselin children first appeared on screen in May 2006.
A child on reality T.V. deserves to have his or her money protected from their parents and others who may seek, either intentionally or unintentionally, to misappropriate it.
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Those are just some of the reforms that Rep. Tom Murt has been working for more than two years to get Pennsylvania to understand that they need. Yesterday, Governor Tom Corbett signed House Bill 1548, which affords reality T.V. kids and regular child actors the same protections. Among the reforms, it requires trust funds be set up, a parent or guardian must be allowed within sight and sound of the children at all times (the Gosselins were filmed more than once without Kate or Jon on set), and, perhaps most importantly, requires a studio teacher on set (a licensed teacher), even on reality T.V. shows, to facilitate plenty of time for mandated schoolwork and rest. Finally, an independent set of eyes on our children who are working.
A brief explanation of the hours a kid can work, which were modeled after California's strict laws and have been a little misunderstood in the press: Babies under 6 months can be on set a maximum of 2 hours. Ages 6 months to 2 years old can be on set for four hours, but can only work on camera for two. Ages 2 to 6 can be on set 6 but work just three hours. Kids ages 6 to 9 can work 4 hours a day but are allowed to be on set for 8. Kids age 9 to 16 can be on set for 9 hours, but can only work 5. The rest of the time must be devoted to rest and schoolwork. There is a mandatory rest period of at least 12 hours between consecutive shooting days. So if the family stays up late to film a segment about fireworks until 11 p.m., the children are not permitted to start work again the next day until 11 a.m.
Should the Gosselins ever film again, Kate will find herself facing some big changes on set. Thank you, Rep. Murt!
A brief explanation of the hours a kid can work, which were modeled after California's strict laws and have been a little misunderstood in the press: Babies under 6 months can be on set a maximum of 2 hours. Ages 6 months to 2 years old can be on set for four hours, but can only work on camera for two. Ages 2 to 6 can be on set 6 but work just three hours. Kids ages 6 to 9 can work 4 hours a day but are allowed to be on set for 8. Kids age 9 to 16 can be on set for 9 hours, but can only work 5. The rest of the time must be devoted to rest and schoolwork. There is a mandatory rest period of at least 12 hours between consecutive shooting days. So if the family stays up late to film a segment about fireworks until 11 p.m., the children are not permitted to start work again the next day until 11 a.m.
Should the Gosselins ever film again, Kate will find herself facing some big changes on set. Thank you, Rep. Murt!
1315 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1315 Newer› Newest»Very happy the bill has been passed.Lots of work from so many devoted people.
As for Puke fest Gosselin style...I have never seen it.But I believe everything that was said on this blog about it. Seem's like kate didn't give a shit that she had many kids sick and vomiting,in pain.All she cared about was getting her 'AIR" time. If I remember right...she said many kids ill and vomiting...BUT...the show must go on...NOW watch me fish!
This is one huge WIN for the new bill. An on set teacher would have stopped this mess and demanded that filming be stopped and the boat turned around and the kids get the medical attention they needed.
It's a start.Still many things need to be improved on,and I'm sure with time,they will be.
I would love to see a law about how much money should be put into a trust for the kids...what do the G-kids have? 15% divided by 8? They have "worked" as much as kate.And should have money in trusts she CAN NOT touch for any reason.
kate should use her OWN money to feed,clothe,pay for the school SHE wants them in, ect.This is a parents job! Children should have not to pay for their up bringing.
I do hope this is the next law we see.
If you look at some of the very best talk show hosts-Oprah, Ellen, Katie Couric. They all are REALLY interested and curious people. They ask lots of questions, really look at their subjects with intense interest, are very, very informed about what is going on in the world--be it the hard hitting news all the way down to the cotton candy celeb news. They are just aware people.
There's just no way Kate could handle such a job. She's not built for it.
I've mentioned a few times I'm a Civil War nerd. I'm going to a reenactment next weekend, can't wait. Haven't been to something like that in 15 years.
I'm watching a Lincoln biography on Netflix and they're talking about how as a child his father made him work around the area but then would take all his money. Lincoln felt that was so wrong and hated it. He wanted to keep his own money he earned. His biographers say that was actually his foundation for why he hated slavery so much--even though he also believed in the many other reasons why it was wrong, he initially felt it was wrong because it was wrong to make someone work only to have to turn all their earnings over to someone else.
Who knew Abraham Lincoln was one of the first who took issue with a parent taking their child's money.
Thank you Admin. That was real crazy and I posted a couple more things that didn't show up. I just wanted to make sure I didn't go to far with my joking. I enjoy this blog and respect your freedom of speech.
I just went to see how Kate's latest epistle was doing in sales 2.5 years after publication. They're still selling from Amazon. There have been 41 sold from Amazon since October 2011. 11 of those were in Dec. and 7 were in May (Mother's Day gifts?)
I'm wondering if the release of Robert Hoffman's book will start a surge of purchases
so comparisons can be made. Since Robert may have had to remove parts of Kate's book from his own, it could happen. Of course, they are available at the Dollar Store for a buck, but still.. More of the Love My Kids book on the shelves of America.
Sorry if I sound like a broken record but does anyone know why Kate's HealthTex kid's clothing line was dumped? She could have made millions off of just that.
Mady just said 'You would make the best president of the United States ever. A lot of ppl might disagree but I don't'
How does Mady know a lot of people might disagree? Hummmm, reading the internet behind moms back maybe? Get ready Kate, there just might be a storm coming your way? How ironic. Or should I say coincidence.
A couple of comments
1) I wonder how this law will impact dance moms. I hope it means that a teacher will be required to travel with them.
2) Did anyone see the post on gosselinbook about Alana (aka Honey Boo Boo) and her body guard. He is shown in the swimming pool with her and walking right behind her. It looks like he was hired to actually protect her and is doing an ok job at it. He was one of Jon and Kates old body guards. It must burn Kate to know that one of her body guards is now protecting Alana.
Greedy Gosselins said... 5
Sorry if I sound like a broken record but does anyone know why Kate's HealthTex kid's clothing line was dumped? She could have made millions off of just that.
Greedy Gosselins, there were several reasons given. One was that Kate was going to devote more time to her family. Another one was that
when it was known that Walmart was going to sell HealthTex clothes with Kate's face on the label, there was an outcry. Kate was starting to get on peoples' nerves in 2009.
Anyway, the above link is Preesi's take on it.
Hope this helps.
A couple of comments
1) I wonder how this law will impact dance moms. I hope it means that a teacher will be required to travel with them.
I think it's going to be a real issue for Dance Moms. I get the sense they are filming every practice for several days in a row and then picking out a few minutes of footage.
The girls are overwhelmed and overworked enough. With the tutor requirements and rest requirements they're going to have zero time for anything else. I can't see them being able to work around all these requirements very easily. I see the girls rebelling and walking off this show.
How does Mady know a lot of people might disagree?
She lives with her. Surely she knows she's an idiot if we know just from watching her in public.
Actually, that's kind of funny, Mady. Good one.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 9
A couple of comments
1) I wonder how this law will impact dance moms. I hope it means that a teacher will be required to travel with them.
I think it's going to be a real issue for Dance Moms. I get the sense they are filming every practice for several days in a row and then picking out a few minutes of footage.
The girls are overwhelmed and overworked enough. With the tutor requirements and rest requirements they're going to have zero time for anything else. I can't see them being able to work around all these requirements very easily. I see the girls rebelling and walking off this show.
October 25, 2012 11:47 PM
I am happy to hear that it will have an impact with how the show is filmed. I hope it improves things for the girls. I hope the best for all of the girls no matter what they choose to do in life. They all have talent. I can also see a few rebelling and walking off. I hope that they are not burned out to the point of quitting dance.
I also hope the best for the Gosselin children. They deserve privacy and a childhood free from abuse. They also deserve their fair share of the money earned on the show. I dont know if they will ever get the money but I do hope that the worst is behind them. They are all sweet children with talents and dreams of their own. I hope Jon sees that. I hope he is able to spend time helping the children develop their talents and achieving their dreams. I also hope the children have other mentors in their lives to help them develop their talents and reach their goals. I know that Kate wont. She cant see past her own needs and dreams. She still sees the younger children as a six pack and the twins as a two pack. I doubt she could even name each child's hobbies and interests.
Thank you fido's mommy for the Health Tex info. Kate really burned her bridges for any sort of 'branding' she may have had. She could have cornered the market of kids' clothes, toys and even her own 'mom' fashion line. What a shame.
I remember reading in Hoffman's book about e-mails Kate was receiving for a cell phone game with her kids as the 'stars'. Sooo many opportunities and all of them wasted.
How does Mady know? This has been her life from the start.As much as she is a child...she knows what to say and what do to get kates attention.Mommy...you are the best...Mommy we have everything b/c of you...Mommy , it's all b/c of you. Children know when they are being used and abused.They have no one helping them. They only believe the abusive parent cause NO one can stop her.
The Gosselin 8 have no one to help them...they have always been told to be quiet...their own dad could,t help them...
How can we get the8 the protection they so need?
We can get the 8 some protection by telling anyone and everyone to read Roberts book...the whole truth is there.
Read Roberts book...it's pretty much in kates own words...He took a lie detector test and passed with flying colors...kate's words are her downfall.
I am happy that some of the children are recognizing the need for boundaries. Colin is in that category. I hope that Kate respects those boundaries. But, she has a tract record for not respecting her children's wishes.
dee3 said;.....and they both often called the flu, the "grippe".
That sounds as the dutch word "de griep" for flu!
but I think the Dutch borrowed it from the French ( it's not on this list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_words_of_Dutch_origin )
After watching that video, I realized Kate has ruined something for me...French manicures. If I ever got a manicure, maybe once a year, I would do this. But not now!
What has Kate ruined for you?
She is lying about the sciatica just like she lied about having issues getting pregnant. She is a LIAR. Why would you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?
I haven't caught up on all the comments yet, so I hope no one has brought this up. Admin, you were explaining yesterday that the 48 hours/week included the set time devoted to classroom work and to rest periods. How would that work in the G8's cases? They LIVED on the set. Their home had lighting tracks installed to make filming easier. Would the arrangements be different in their cases? Would parts of their home be declared off-limits to the film crew and the kids confined to those areas when they were not filming but "on the clock" so to speak?
So Kate, I guess Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi really did have their nieces and nephews' best interests at heart after all. What about you, Kate? TLC?
recording those children singing shows what a maniac she is.Katie Kreider you are not Maria Von Trap
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 179
Does she ever talk about how great the kids are and what THEY want to do and what THEIR interests are? Every single conversation she relays about the kids somehow relates directly back to her. I've never seen kids this obsessed with their mother.
Have a now "former friend" who does that. It becomes all about her in every single instance.
carezee said... 178
Mady just said 'You would make the best president of the United States ever. A lot of ppl might disagree but I don't' #agirlwholoveshermom
And now she will be president of the US. She will rule with a big wooden spoon.
And she will have to learn this is an election year and there have been televised debates going on during Real Housewives.
Kate, are you even registered to vote? To use one of your words, I "seriously" doubt it. Probably just as well, since you aren't informed enough to exercise that right.
I don't follow Khates tweets, so can someone tell me if the sheeple ask her about world events or, even pop culture events, often? Or do they just suck up and ask her about herself? If its the latter, that shows what they would want from her if she hosted a talk show. The Khate Show would be all Khate, all the time. Maybe that's exactly what they want. Or maybe, like her kids will have to accept to live an emotionally healthy life, the sheeple realise that the only way to get a response from Khate is to talk about her life, as small as it is, 24/7.
Barb In Nebraska said... 18
After watching that video, I realized Kate has ruined something for me...French manicures. If I ever got a manicure, maybe once a year, I would do this. But not now!
What has Kate ruined for you?
Any product or service provided free to Kate, aka Her Royal Griftiness.
randomish responses:
love Mady's 'lots of ppl might disagree', way to know how to deal with mom, tell her 'you think' she'd be great. Way to get back at her, tell her you 'know ppl don't like her'.
How else would Gather get a personal 'recorded' incident of anything her kids 'spontaneouslyish' do off of her personal phone? SHE SENT THE FRICKIN THING!
And to whoever said she can't carry a tune...
what are you talking about? She sings every bit as good as she dances!
She stated all the kids were in bed but then related something Mady just said. Haven't we all gotten her message? The ONLY KIDS THAT COUNT ARE THE TUPS. The twins rank like she said she did in her family, they are the forgotten child(ren).
I love when 'zloggers' comment here. It's hard to believe how long ago (and far away) those days were. Sure miss David Z. but totally understand and credit his determination to forever sever gosselinish crap from his world. He did more than the average guy would or could have to help 'the kids of (UN)reality tv'. And I am still enjoying daily 'chats' with Irene, Sherry and all the rest of that great group.
Re Hurricanes:
I live in FL and I can say pretty confidently that we (and others I've talked to) don't listen to the weather forecasters UNTIL the hurricane is about a day out.
If you listen to the TV weather before that point, it's all death, terror and destruction. They will take every 2% chance of destruction and spend 20 minutes talking about it, even if the models show a 98% chance of a fish storm (one that never hits land). Which they will casually gloss over as they gleefully move into the death and destruction rant.
The facts that we go by in this house: size of storm, how quick storm is moving, and wind speed/rainfall. Go to the NOAA NHC website to get just the facts. And we kind of make our own decision re how bad we think it will be. If we listened to the weather forecasters, we'd be picking out burial plots every time.
Also, I grew up on LI -- anyone else remember Hurricane Gloria? Schools were closed for a week.
So be prepared and stay, but take it ALL with a grain of salt.
Woke up at 3 am. and have been glued to the Weather Channel since. I'm in Delaware.....oh brother, we're screwed. The European model has it making landfall just south of us around Ocean City, MD and the US model has it making landfall around Long Island Sound. Apparently...one of the main reasons it's considered so unprecedented is because it will end up being a hurricane enveloped/wrapped in a Nor-easter. There are also potential significant snowstorms predicted for the mid-west.
The tiny corridor of escape....where it could go out to sea...is almost non-existent now, apparently.
They are saying that if you live on the east coast "just plan on losing your power".
I have this feeling of impending doom. :(
I too was one of the ZLoggers. That was a particularly funny group. Chrissy's letter to McD's was hilarious, I still remember that.
Mady just said 'You would make the best president of the United States ever. A lot of ppl might disagree but I don't' #agirlwholoveshermom
this is actually a little disturbing to me. Mady is 12 years old. At 12, children are way over the hero worship of their parents. WAY over it. At 12 they are learing more about the world, the way it works, they are learning about the strengths and weaknesses of other adults and they are WELL aware of the 'weaknesses' of their parents. At 12 they are absolutely done with the belief that their parents are omnipotent.
If Mady is spouting this stuff, like a first grader, I think it shows a very dysfunctional relationship with her mother. NOT because the child loves her mother (get off it, sheeple) but because she is spouting such infantile stuff to suck up to her mother. She is either fixated on finding ways to constantly soothe her mother's Hummer sized ego, or she somehow (private school or not) has zero clue what the actual role of an elected leader means.
Ding ding ding Dwindle, we have a winner!! Your comment @ 31 is absolutely bang on!!
Dwindle said... 31
If Mady is spouting this stuff, like a first grader, I think it shows a very dysfunctional relationship with her mother.
Or maybe Mady didn't say it. Kate did say she was chugging back the wine!
Here on the East Coast of FL by Cape Canaveral, the wind is blowing, the rain is coming in bands and the kids have the day off because the school buses can't cross the causeways w/ winds over 40mph. Sandy is only a 1 so we brought nothing inside, no loss of power, etc. Heather @ 28 is spot on. Don't worry about a direct hit until you're a day out. It IS all doom and destruction a week out and gives the weathermen something to talk about. The "Cone of Uncertainty" is a good name because the weathermen are just that. :) Just have water on hand for now and some canned goods.
Have a great day! I'm off to play outside w/ my boys in wind and light rain. :)
Jane....good theory. Mady said something with the word President in the sentence. Kate HEARD what she wanted to tweet! I think you explained it.
anger issues kate said... 172
Day of whine & roses: No, Kate said nothing about taking any pain killers, that is just common sense, if you are in pain, most people take something for it or call their Doctor, and Kate being a nurse, she would be taking something. If I am in pain I take something, in terrible pain, I call Doctor and see what he/she tells me to do.
There is probably nothing wrong with Kate, she is just looking for a way out of the race on sunday. Cause, nobody is flipping the bill for her now. But then Kate just might go anyway, just to get away from the kids.
Let's give her all the benefit of the doubt and assume she is #muchtoosstrong and #muchtoobusy to take narcotic pain medication or muscle relaxers. With true sciatica ('ouchy' X8!!!!!!!!) one would take tylenol or ibuprofen or naproxen or naprosyn or even aspirin. All of the above, except the tylenol, would have a nice anti-inflamatory effect. One should not consume alcohol with these medications which ones liver would object to strongly. Even a student Practical Nurse knows this.
So to sum up here, she is lying. Again. If she has a twinge, it was not real sciatica and she knows it. It's like losing one tree and screeching about ALL of her $40,000 worth of trees coming down. One tiny tidbit of semi truth and she is off to the races with her lies.
Barb In Nebraska said... 18
After watching that video, I realized Kate has ruined something for me...French manicures. If I ever got a manicure, maybe once a year, I would do this. But not now!
What has Kate ruined for you?
For a long time there she ruined big earrings for me. I used to love big earrings and then she started wearing them with her short hair and I just felt gross wearing mine for a while.
There are occasions when I have watch my bounderies and say that I am too busy or wont have time for something. But hearing Kate say that, once every 88 seconds as her lazy excuse for her her anxiety and inability to concentrate, has made me so disgusted every time I hear it, or any time I even think it, no matter how true it might occasionally be.
For example, kate's excuse that she didnt use the airconditioning in the other house because she was too busy and didnt have enough time to close windows. When we knew even then that she proudly had those babies locked in their cribs for 4-6 at a time with nothing to do but stare at the ceiling. She was young and able bodied, and it would have taken no more than 3 minutes to close the windows in the house. She was just too too too lazy. She always acted like she was the President of the US in the midst of a missile crisis being asked to stop what she was doing and go empty wastebaskets throughout the west wing.
Mady just said 'You would make the best president of the United States ever. A lot of ppl might disagree but I don't'
Omg, she's delusional. Why on earth tweet that under any circumstances. She would get one vote-her own, if she even knows when Election Day is; two, if Mile counts. Luckily Paige is in Canada! Help us all if that were true!
I too am watching the weather.It changes all the time so you really have to. :( Best to be prepared in any case.
Jane said... 33
Dwindle said... 31
If Mady is spouting this stuff, like a first grader, I think it shows a very dysfunctional relationship with her mother.
Or maybe Mady didn't say it. Kate did say she was chugging back the wine!
Jane, you took the words right out of my mouth!
Ummm... Kate? Your over-inflated ego gets comical when wine is involved.
You wouldn't last a week being the head of any country.
Keep on drinking [burp], Kate. I mean, dreaming.
I don't believe Mady said any such thing. How embarrassing for Mady to have her mom telling the world that she says such stupid stuff. Way to set your kid up to be mocked.
Mady's comment is totally made up or she is sucking up to mom. Either way...BIZARRE.
Keep safe, east coast.
Batten down the hatches!
barbee said...
How else would Gather get a personal 'recorded' incident of anything her kids 'spontaneouslyish' do off of her personal phone? SHE SENT THE FRICKIN THING!
Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I'm a bit out of the loop. Wasn't around much yesterday.
If I recall correctly there was a link posted here a couple of days ago that we could click on if we didn't want to go to Kate's site to listen to the audio of them singing.
I'm pretty sure that link could be copied and pasted into an article just like the link to a picture can be copied and pasted into an article.
She always acted like she was the President of the US in the midst of a missile crisis being asked to stop what she was doing and go empty wastebaskets throughout the west wing.
LOL. Don't forget Prez Khate would be screaming the whole time that she also has to personally care for 8888888888888 people allll alone because NO ONE knows how to help her. Sigh, the whole of Congress and the Senate is just beyond lazy, stupid and are all trying to bring her down, even though she is the only reason any of them got a single vote. But she has been kind enough to tow them along and not complain about it once. (Well, not more than once a minute). And btw, when in the heck did CNN and Fox decide to hate on her? She's sunshine and fun 24/7. They must all be jellus!
My Grandama once told me I'd had some "falling off". She noticed I'd lost weight. She also asked me if I had brought clean 'step ins' (underpants)when I came to spend the night. Love those sayings.
Who thought up Frankenstorm? How appropriate. We've been through several hurricanes and we're 3 hours inland. Stock up on water, food, BATTERIES, ways to communicate with the outside world. I hope everyone comes through this storm ok and without too much damage. I know it's all just stuff, it's our stuff and our homes and possessions. Everybody stay safe.
To see what might be in store, Google/Bing the New England Hurricane of 1938. Chilling.
carolina peach said... 45
My Grandama once told me I'd had some "falling off". She noticed I'd lost weight. She also asked me if I had brought clean 'step ins' (underpants)when I came to spend the night. Love those sayings.
I remember my grandmother saying "please don't put your feet on the davenport' and 'you look a little peak-ed (pale) today'.
Count me in the one day out group. I think it's immoral the way the news likes to scare people with doom. Obviously sometimes bad weather happens but the majority of time the worst case scenarios they imagine never materialize. And if it is the perfect storm, all you can do is prepare. At least you got a warning. Out here earthquakes just happen out of the blue.
carolina peach said... 45
Who thought up Frankenstorm? How appropriate
I heard it on an all-news radio station here in NY. Not sure if that's where it originated.
And when was the last time Mady ever saw any elected official dress the way her mother does? Or show concern and civic action for any other citizen of the planet? And a pre-teen who is hit/beaten thinks their abuser should have MORE authority and control?
I really want to just assume Kate is lying as usual, but if the 12 year old in question is saying this stuff, there is real reason for concern. Emotional health wise.
heather said: "The facts that we go by in this house: size of storm, how quick storm is moving, and wind speed/rainfall. Go to the NOAA NHC website to get just the facts. And we kind of make our own decision re how bad we think it will be. If we listened to the weather forecasters, we'd be picking out burial plots every time."
heather - this is great commonsense advice - thanks!! (I especially liked the last sentence, lolol!)
Who knows if Mady really said that. If so, she has learned to butter her abuser up in order to protect herself. And Kate is delusional enough to think that's something worthy of repeating, as stupid, self-centered, uneducated, charmless, and shallow as she is....no one thinks she can find her way through an airport, let alone be leader of the free world.
Dwindle said: "She always acted like she was the President of the US in the midst of a missile crisis being asked to stop what she was doing and go empty wastebaskets throughout the west wing."
You guys are coming up with GREAT one liners today - LOVE it!! :D
Jane said... 46
carolina peach said... 45
My Grandama once told me I'd had some "falling off". She noticed I'd lost weight. She also asked me if I had brought clean 'step ins' (underpants)when I came to spend the night. Love those sayings.
I remember my grandmother saying "please don't put your feet on the davenport' and 'you look a little peak-ed (pale) today'.
Oh Jane, bless you for triggering those memories for me! My grandmother had a davenport in her front room. Period. LOL! My grandma never had a 'sofa' or a 'couch' or a 'living room' or a 'family room'. She had a davenport in the front room. Oh and there was a TV Room, too.
And the little space under the stairs next to the washmachine was the 'root cellar'.
Of course, 'ice box' was to be expected, I know.
And yes, we were 'peak-ed' too. Or sometimes we had 'the urry-urps'.
Why oh why do we love our grandmas so much, and how can I miss her so badly after all these years?
"Mady just said 'You would make the best president of the United States ever. A lot of ppl might disagree but I don't' "
Oh, she just wants to one-up Sarah Palin. ;)
Dwindle #36 -
Name: Khate
Take one box of wine for pain. Repeat as needed.
signed: Dr. Quacker
if the 12 year old in question is saying this stuff, there is real reason for concern
Yep. Hope someone is paying attention to this. Jon? Teachers? Anybody?
Katie cry-duh said... 52
Who knows if Mady really said that. If so, she has learned to butter her abuser up in order to protect herself. And Kate is delusional enough to think that's something worthy of repeating, as stupid, self-centered, uneducated, charmless, and shallow as she is....no one thinks she can find her way through an airport, let alone be leader of the free world.
My uncle was an active Catholic Deacon in his church. The family story goes that after Mass one day, his 3 year old grandson looked at him with wide eyes and asked if my uncle was the Pope. Cute enough story regarding a three year old who is just learning about people and roles and places in the world. And perfectly acceptable, IMO, to share with the FAMILY! That child is a teen now and still cracks jokes about GrandpaPope.
But for Kate to boast this silly thing to the world is humiliating for both her and the pre-teen. An alarming display of pathetic life awareness for both of them.
Katie cry-duh is right! She cant even find her way through an airport! And Mady knows it. And one would think you should master being able to pick out your own plastic boobs before you have a go at federal legislation or supreme court nominations.
Like someone said upthread, the weather forecasters keep us tuned by preaching doomsday! However, I am a PA resident and wish my fellow East Coasters safe keeping from the storm. On another topic, I feel so badly for Mady. Her mom just won't let any of those kids have any privacy whatsoever. My children would be mortified to have their personal feelings for all the "world" to know.
Mel said... 57
if the 12 year old in question is saying this stuff, there is real reason for concern
Yep. Hope someone is paying attention to this. Jon? Teachers? Anybody?
The family therapist?
Admin, you were explaining yesterday that the 48 hours/week included the set time devoted to classroom work and to rest periods. How would that work in the G8's cases? They LIVED on the set. Their home had lighting tracks installed to make filming easier. Would the arrangements be different in their cases? Would parts of their home be declared off-limits to the film crew and the kids confined to those areas when they were not filming but "on the clock" so to speak?
Yes I've thought about this very thing. If the home is their set it could get complicated.
Assuming the kids can be "on set" for eight hours, I would say the safest bet to comply with the law is that the crew has to be all packed up and gone when that eight hours is up.
Another option would be to wall off certain areas. For instance they did a lot of basement interviews filming. So if they go beyond the eight hours, they could section off the basement and not let the kids go down there.
It looks like Kate's number one sycophant (or would that be psycho-phant, lickspittle, groveller doesn't even believe Kate's tweet about what Mady said:
@Kateplusmy8 Have 2ask...whatever N the world prompted that praise fr ur Miss Mady? We all know how she looks up2U! :)
We had a 'chesterfield" and my grandma wore mysterious one-piece 'garment' that could only be purchased at one remaining dept store...took along time to put it on! She also took "Pink Pills for Pale People" I guess iron? Table legs were 'limbs'
Kate Gosselin: Elect me for President and I will fool the world!
This is site with coastal live webcams. Most from NC and one from NJ. Thought yall might find it interesting to follow Frankenstorm up the coast.
More memories of childhood. Little girls sat with their knees together. Of course, I didn't wear slacks to a class until I went to college. Even when it was really cold, we wore dresses or skirts. It bothers me how little girls and bigger ones sit with their woo woos showing today. Is there no modesty at all?
carolina peach said... 65
This is site with coastal live webcams. Most from NC and one from NJ. Thought yall might find it interesting to follow Frankenstorm up the coast.
More memories of childhood. Little girls sat with their knees together. Of course, I didn't wear slacks to a class until I went to college. Even when it was really cold, we wore dresses or skirts. It bothers me how little girls and bigger ones sit with their woo woos showing today. Is there no modesty at all?
Thanks for the camera! I'm within walking distance of NY beaches and guess I'll spend part of the weekend bringing in umbrellas and furniture. Stay safe!
In high school, we could only wear pants to class if the temp was below 32 degrees. When I went to college (a finishing school first - ugh) we were never allowed to wear pants, only skirts or dresses and no hair ornaments LOL! In college there was a curfew and a dorm mother. Looking at things now, maybe it wasn't so bad :)
My Grandma wore a corset that did up with laces, then she went modern and discovered corsets with hooks and eyes. We sat on the chesterfield, which was festooned with doilies, also called antimacassars because their origin was to combat men's macassar hair oil.
She washed our clothes on a washboard and plucked chickens from the market, singed the pinfeathers with a candle.
My great grandma took Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
I bet the corset was your grandma's secret garment, Formerly Duped!
Tweet-le De...43
Thanks for clearing up my confusion. I didn't realize Kate had put it on her blog. Gather just copied and pasted it. Now, if only we knew why none of the kids on that audio acknowledged Shoka when Kate said "hi Shoka" makes me wonder, just seems odd that not one of them would call out to him if he was there.
IDModo said... 67
lol, probably!~ I remember my mother and aunts took it in turn to escort her to the 'garment' store and it took a long time for her to try them on and select one!
said... 46
carolina peach said... 45
My Grandama once told me I'd had some "falling off". She noticed I'd lost weight. She also asked me if I had brought clean 'step ins' (underpants)when I came to spend the night. Love those sayings.
I remember my grandmother saying "please don't put your feet on the davenport' and 'you look a little peak-ed (pale) today'.
I still say, "I feel peaked" whenever I'm under the weather.
Jumping In said... 68
That was probably under 'penalty of severeness.'
Collin's 'it's private' remark led me to believe it was about Shoka's whereabouts as well as the singing being taped.
Dwindle said... 54
Why oh why do we love our grandmas so much, and how can I miss her so badly after all these years?
My Grandma was my best friend, always calling me after every date to see how it went. To this day, there is an ache in my heart for her.
Remember her always asking me to "reach" something for her. She called macaroni and cheese "spaghetta and cheese"...whatever it was, I've never had any that could match hers. How I loved that lady.
Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack yes,the old apple is limping along here..Fine w me,I'm not computer literate but not cool 4kids school work.On Christmas list:)
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hey guess what...its the #Eight day...Microsoft rolls out #Windows 8 operatin system! Now U need new computers!HaHa :)
This blog keeps disappearing and I keep getting error messages from Google. I wonder if it has been doing that intermittantly for a few days, and taking some posts with it everytime it goes. Or if folks are trying to get on, and cant coz Google is down for a minute.
OT Alert: MY NIECE PASSED HER STATE BAR EXAMS AND HAS HER LAWYER BONA FIDES (as she calls it!)Not bad for a 28 year old. And readerlady, it was CapLaw!
We now return you to your regulary scheduled program.
IDModo said... 67
My Grandma wore a corset that did up with laces, then she went modern and discovered corsets with hooks and eyes. We sat on the chesterfield, which was festooned with doilies, also called antimacassars because their origin was to combat men's macassar hair oil.
She washed our clothes on a washboard and plucked chickens from the market, singed the pinfeathers with a candle.
My great grandma took Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
I bet the corset was your grandma's secret garment, Formerly Duped!
OMG! My parents gave us Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
I remember pleading with them to PLEASE buy Flintstone vitamins. None of my friends were forced to take that stuff.
Grifters 'r Us said... 73
Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack yes,the old apple is limping along here..Fine w me,I'm not computer literate but not cool 4kids school work.On Christmas list:)
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hey guess what...its the #Eight day...Microsoft rolls out #Windows 8 operatin system! Now U need new computers!HaHa :)
If I-z a-readin' this gibberish correctish like, Kate is computer illiterat and still managin' to run a Windows OS on her Mac? Coz that is some fancy programmin' to install a Windows operatin' system on an Apple computer. It can be done, but it takes a bit of know how. And sort of defeats the purpose of having a Mac.
WHOO-HOOO, Dwindle!!!
Congratulations to your niece :o)
Dwindle unless a tree falls on me I will be reading during Monday, but Sunday night I will be sleeping. Mother Nature controls. We prepare for the best and we prepare for the worse but we cannot devote every hour to the storm being the worse since 1991 because forecasters say this. That is their job, talk, talk, talk and we know somethings we have no control over. We can only hope that we will be okay and we pray that those who have to work during this to protect everyone. But don't keep scaring everyone. We have gotten through storms for as long as we live.
Dwindle -- Congratulations to your niece. Tell her to go forth and make the world a better place!!
Grifters 'r Us said... 73
Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack yes,the old apple is limping along here..Fine w me,I'm not computer literate but not cool 4kids school work.On Christmas list:)
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hey guess what...its the #Eight day...Microsoft rolls out #Windows 8 operatin system! Now U need new computers!HaHa :)
Let's see which sheeple offers a brand new "puter" to millionaire Kate...
for Kate.
I see no mention of race on sunday yet!
and now Kates grifting for computers. I thought, someone sent her kids laptops a couple of years ago? If Kate is worried about windows 8, it's called up-grading to 8 from 7. Kate really is very stupid.
Dwindle-Congrats to your niece!! I'm remember when you told us about her graduation from law school. You must be so proud.
Dwindle: congrats to your niece!
Dwindle: do a virus scan on your computer. You might have picked up a virus somewhere. Do full scan, and malware scan and spy scan. Even if your computer does a schedule scan. Just to rule that out, cause nobody else is having that problem so far.
Those in the path of the hurricane/Frankenstorm, please stay safe! Prayers and good thoughts for all of you.
Doesn't sound like central OH will get anything bad - but you E OH folks keep a sharp look out.
Power outages. I gotta shrug. Our power goes out randomly at least once a week. During the day, middle of the night, random days of the week. Annoying. Even when there is no apparent reason. Sometimes for an hour or two, other times just 5 minutes. The hardest on the equipment (we have lots of computer stuff running 24/7 because of DH's business) when it's a surge - out/on/out/on/out for a bit/finally back on. This coming spring we are putting a surge protector on the house (i.e. where power comes into the house. Our insurance agent advised us to do so. Won't keep the power on, but might prevent loss of appliances, electronics, etc. May I just say having to go reset all the clocks is just really, really annoying - the microwave, the stove. there's so many things flashing we could hold a rave. This outage "issue" - AEP refuses to call it a problem - is particular to our neighborhood. areas just north, south, east and west will all have power, just not 20 houses here. Go figure. Ironically, after the derecho storm last summer WE got power back in 15 minutes whiles those around us were out for a week or more. Thankful but so confused. We do have a generator, mainly to run the fridge and as a source to charge cell phones. After the derecho we lent it to my DS's in-laws.
Again, please stay safe. Here's hoping it won't be nearly as bad as predicted.
I remember my grandmother saying "please don't put your feet on the davenport' and 'you look a little peak-ed (pale) today'.
We still call them davenports here! My great-grandmother always had a pack of Sen-Sens with her...tiny little licorice things. Do stores still sell them? I'd love to buy some, just for the memories.
Nice to remember Grandma and hear the grandma stories :) I remember her using a wash board and Fels Naptha soap and then getting a wringer washer - I was very young but still remember how cool I thought that machine was! I was at The Vermont Country Store recently and saw Fels Naptha as well as a lot of neat, old-timey things:
Dwindle: Congrats to your niece! Hard work pays off.
Re: G8 computers, if someone or a company sends them any, I will screeeeeaaammmm!!
Kiwi: Goodness, why does your power go out so often? I once lived somewhere (Nova Scotia) where it did that, so annoying!I was always resetting the alarm clock to PM instead of AM...
I do hope the storm is not too bad.Everyone , take care and be prepared .
Barb In Nebraska said... 18
After watching that video, I realized Kate has ruined something for me...French manicures. If I ever got a manicure, maybe once a year, I would do this. But not now!
What has Kate ruined for you?
If Kate Gosselin has "ruined" French manicures for you, you are way too obsessed with her.
I was just looking at Kate's twitter and noticed that in her avatar picture, in the lower right hand corner it says "Splash News". Was that always there, or did someone finally tell her that she has to give credit to the source of the picture?
Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Tell Mady ur tweeties will "write you in" as alternate candidate 4 president! What will be ur campaign slogan? Hmmm? :)
I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did this-would you?
@Kateplusmy8 Why no school 2day? Guess that means preparin healthy lunch there...so what R we having? :)
What a nosy little bozo! I wonder if Kate rolls her eyes when she sees this stuff and says MYOB (or some choice little bleepers).
What are WE having? Sick...
Dwindle said... 74
''This blog keeps disappearing and I keep getting error messages from Google. I wonder if it has been doing that intermittantly for a few days, and taking some posts with it everytime it goes. Or if folks are trying to get on, and cant coz Google is down for a minute.....''
I've been having the same problems today, Dwindle. That annoying error message is making it very difficult to read the boards today.
Kate is a twit said... 89
I was just looking at Kate's twitter and noticed that in her avatar picture, in the lower right hand corner it says "Splash News". Was that always there, or did someone finally tell her that she has to give credit to the source of the picture?
Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Tell Mady ur tweeties will "write you in" as alternate candidate 4 president! What will be ur campaign slogan? Hmmm? :)
I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did this-would you?
Wouldn't surprise me a bit! I do, though, sometimes think Milo is smarter than we give her credit for. Delusional, certainly, but maybe sneaky-smart.
lindafoerrester We will be happy to forward 2 Mac Books for your precious ones to share. @Kateplusmy8
37 secs ago
Isn't this the woman who gave them iPads?
Dwindle, Ramona - just happened to me as well. 505 Error. Google says "That's all we know" try again in 30 seconds.
Not having a prob with any other site, including a couple of other blogger sites (not having anything to do with Kate).
Macbook Pro with a 13" screen has just been released. Kate always has to have to latest and greatest don'tchaknow?
Admin said:
I'm watching a Lincoln biography on Netflix and they're talking about how as a child his father made him work around the area but then would take all his money. Lincoln felt that was so wrong and hated it. He wanted to keep his own money he earned. His biographers say that was actually his foundation for why he hated slavery so much--even though he also believed in the many other reasons why it was wrong, he initially felt it was wrong because it was wrong to make someone work only to have to turn all their earnings over to someone else.
* * *
That's very interesting. I think I need to get a couple good biographies of Lincoln's life, and learn more.
I am in the camp that does not believe children should have to a) support their family financially; and b) if they are working and earning money, that ought to be their own money, and put into savings for them to access when they reach 18.
If a couple chooses to have more children than they can afford, why should the children be expected to make up the difference? It was the parents' irresponsible behavior that got them in the financial jam in the first place. If adults wish to have a child or children, then they should be prepared to fork out the expenses related to raising and caring for their offspring until they reach the age of 18.
I also believe in encouraging hard work. Why take away the incentive to work hard by taking the money your child earned through his or her own labor. That really peeves me off when I hear about it! I began giving my son an allowance from an early age (5 years old). Each year it goes up a little bit. Even so, he would ask for extra jobs around the house when he needed money for something extra. That graduated into him going around the neighborhood looking for odd jobs. Then he began collecting baseball cards, buying and selling. He's not even 15 and he has over $1,000 in a savings account based on money he's earned through his industriousness. That is his money and I wouldn't dream of touching one dime of it. (And believe me, there have been pay periods where I'm down to my last $10 and digging in the couch cushions for spare change lol)
Formerly Duped:
We have no idea. Been like that the 30 years we have lived here. In the early days we blamed it was all the construction that was going on. Now it's probably the aged underground lines. We (the neighbors) talk about it all the time - why just us? It's a joke but an annoyance. There have been tons of complaints filed with AEP over the years. They climb the power pole that's a mile away and (pretend, I think) to work on the transformer or whatever. Of course, they take down the power while working on it. So we do around and continue to complain.
I fully expect AEP will approach the neighborhood with some kind of outrageous bill to upgrade our little portion of "the grid".
It's quite odd.
Isn't the silence eerie when the power goes out? I am amazed at how used to the everyday hums of all the electrical things we become.
@Kateplusmy8 Why no school 2day? Guess that means preparin healthy lunch there...so what R we having? :)
* * *
If I had a real life friend who was so nosy about the little details of my life, it would drive me bonkers. I'd be twice as annoyed if it were some person I'd never even met. If Milo is a real person (and I tend to think she might be), she must be incredibly lonesome and have very little daily social contact in her own life. How else to explain her obsession with the boring details of Kate's life?
Even my own mother doesn't ask me what I'm preparing (for breakfast, lunch or dinner)!
Improbable Dreams said... 93
Yes, that's the woman who said she sent them Ipads, and Kate denied that she ever heard of her.
Funny--she hasn't tweeted Kate since February, and now that Kate mentions computers, she shows up.
Dwindle, sincere congrats to your niece.
Off today and watching the leaves drift down from the trees like snow flakes. OK, doing a dozen other things, too. SO enjoy this blog.
Dwindle said... 74
''This blog keeps disappearing and I keep getting error messages from Google. I wonder if it has been doing that intermittantly for a few days, and taking some posts with it everytime it goes. Or if folks are trying to get on, and cant coz Google is down for a minute.....''
That's what I have been saying, it's usually around 2am-4am. I think it may calibrate, allowing for geographic time difference.
I remember it happened a lot back when I first came on here to post. There was no answer back then either. I remember thinking it was Admin. deleting my post. I took it personal and stopped posting for a while until I realized everyone's disappeared. It happened again a couple days ago.
Admin., when I sent my post, it said above comment box, your comment will be posted after review. You didn't say anything about being monitored so I wasn't sure if it was you or the blog. Do you remember me asking if you deleted my comment? It didn't show up when my posts came back. Also it took the option url/name and anonymous from the drop down box.
Kate says she's computer illiterate...understatement of the century. LOL
Kate - it would behoove you to take a bit of time to learn some basics. Perhaps your journal would not be in the hands of another.
Indeed, if you are computer illiterate, how is it you know that the old Apple is "limping along"?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Mady just said 'You would make the best president of the United States ever. A lot of ppl might disagree but I don't'
Kate for president???-(really???)
Um she didn't know the right president for Mount Rushmore.
I have gotten that same error message 3 times today. Instead of refreshing the page, I have to reload from the beginning.
It is cold here in Utah. It snowed some yesterday.
Improbable Dreams said... 93
lindafoerrester We will be happy to forward 2 Mac Books for your precious ones to share. @Kateplusmy8
37 secs ago
Isn't this the woman who gave them iPads?
Ladies, that sound we hear is Formerly Duped excercizing her urge to screeeeeaaammmm!!
Good thing I had great news a few hours ago, or I would be screaming too. How does one set up this begNsnatch scam she has goin' here?
And thanks all. Neice is working for the xxx County Public Defender.
lindafoerrester...things that make one go hmmmm...she has 5 followers and she follows 2 people. Sounds like one of those fake twitter accounts to me.
I think Mady/Kate meant she would make a good dictator either way.
I would move to another country if Kate ever ran for either position.
Parent in LC
Go to www.vermontcountrystore.com and type sen sen in the search box. They have them
This was a twitter exchange between Kate and this lindafoerrester last Sept:
linda foerrester@lindafoerrester
@kateplusmy8 Glad you finally got it Kate. There are 4 more on their way. Enjoy them.
Kate GosselinVerified@Kateplusmy8
@lindafoerrester I have not read about, accepted OR received 5 iPads from you..so don't know why you are tweeting this to me? Please stop.
4:38 AM - 22 Sep 11 ·
She is also the one who claimed that she got UnderArmour to send the kids socks last Feb., and also wanted to meet up with Kate in Philly.
I don't think anything she said is true-I just think it's strange that she popped up now when she hasn't been around since February.
If Kate ever ran for President, her campaign slogan would be(with apologies to JFK):
"Ask not what your country can do for you-Ask what your country can do for ME, ME, ME!"
Funny--she hasn't tweeted Kate since February, and now that Kate mentions computers, she shows up.
Things that make you say hmmmm....
Wonder if gosselinbook knows anything about how Kate does this.
Kate is a twit said... 111
At least would be a real presidential bodyguard again.
Instead of carrying her purse he could carry her brief case.
Grifters 'r Us said... 73
Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack yes,the old apple is limping along here..Fine w me,I'm not computer literate but not cool 4kids school work.On Christmas list:)
Oh, good grief, that's really getting embarrassing now. She never fails to make herself look even worse. She could easily afford great $400 or less laptops for EACH child and herself from any number of places, that would do school work just fine. Even my college kids with very little money have manages to buy them - she sounds so foolish.
Barb In Nebraska said... 18
After watching that video, I realized Kate has ruined something for me...French manicures. If I ever got a manicure, maybe once a year, I would do this. But not now!
The French manicure did it for me too. I can't stand that style on anybody anymore. I thought about doing it a few years ago, but sure wouldn't want it now.
Dwindle said... 31
If Mady is spouting this stuff, like a first grader, I think it shows a very dysfunctional relationship with her mother.
I would imagine all of those kids have very dysfunctional relationships with their mother. I don't think Kate is capable of having anything other than dysfunctional relationships.
I used to work with a woman who was a "Me, Me, Me" person, like Kate. I knew every single thing about her life, because she talked about herself every chance she got.
I knew about her parents, her children, her spouse, her grandchildren, everything. I usually just listened, and got back to work.
One day my sister died unexpectedly. I was crying off and on at work.
She asked me what was wrong, and I told her my sister died unexpectedly from pneumonia.
She looked at me for a little while, then she said, "Well, I don't even know what to say."
Unless it was about her, she didn't know what to say. Glad I am no longer working with her.
Anonymous said... 88
If Kate Gosselin has "ruined" French manicures for you, you are way too obsessed with her.
Aww nice try "Anonymous". Scroll up the top of the page and have a look at the name of the blog. Where does it say " BFFs of Kate"?
Not sure but I think there might be one Kate G fan site left somewhere on the internet. You might wanna hoof it on over there and annoy them for a while. .
Kate's fugly nails turned me off french manicures too.
Jane said... 86
Nice to remember Grandma and hear the grandma stories :) I remember her using a wash board and Fels Naptha soap and then getting a wringer washer - I was very young but still remember how cool I thought that machine was! I was at The Vermont Country Store recently and saw Fels Naptha as well as a lot of neat, old-timey things:
The Vermont Country Store looks so inviting. I'm jellus.
My grandmother and mother used Sunlight Pure Soap bar soap. I still buy it and rub it into stains. Oh the smell is soooo clean.
All those in the path of Frankenstorm Sandy stay safe.
Dwindle and others. It is not just the blog because I got the error message from google when trying to go to twazzup.
I hope everyone is safe and this hurricane moves away before it causes any serious damage!
Something Kate GAVE me: this blog and all you lovely people! :)
Unless it was about her, she didn't know what to say. Glad I am no longer working with her.
I must've worked with this woman's sister.
The joke was even if you said it was your birthday, she'd manage to turn that around:
"WOW, it's your birthday? I have a birthday, I was born too!!!"
It has to be experienced to believe how pathological it is.
We get sciatica, Kate gets psy-atica.
Kate is a twit said... 111
If Kate ever ran for President, her campaign slogan would be(with apologies to JFK):
"Ask not what your country can do for you-Ask what your country can do for ME, ME, ME!"
She'd lie about chopping down a cherry tree too.
Dwindle - Congrats to your niece! Will you be able to attend the bar ceremony?
Admin - Reenacting? DH is a huge Civil War nerd too - focusing on Gettysburg...he's never been involved in a reenaction though.
Now - some scroll by info if not interested in "Fun with Telemarketers and Phone Scammers"
I just overheard Rocketman on the phone (actually, the home line rang and he picked it up just as I walked in his office to give him his mail.) I only heard his part of the conversation - but it wasn't rocket science (OK, pun there) to figure out the other side. Clearly, Rocketman is bored this afternoon...
DH: Hello? Oh, Oh, Oh. I've been selected to win a trip to DisneyWorld. Just gotta punch in this confirmation code number!
(I have no idea what "selected to win" means. Isn't that just a "win"?)
DH punches in confirmation code number and gets a human...
DH: Hello! You are? Bob? Oh, Rob. With an R. Hi Rob! I can't believe THIS. I was JUST assigned this phone number by Frontier last week! And it's unlisted. How lucky! I've never been selected to win anything before! Ever!
DH: 7 days at DisneyWorld AND airfare? AND a 4 day 3 night cruise?!?! This is exciting!
DH: Um, let's get to my information in a bit - besides you called me so you already have it. Yes, yes, I know you have to confirm it but tell me more about the disneyworld and the cruise first please.
DH: Wow, Rob, really, for FOUR people? We can take the grandkids! My wife is going to be so thrilled! She'll start packing tonight!
(actually, wife, me, is eye rolling - now my eyes hurt)
DH: Oh. I see. Well, I guess the government always wants it's piece, huh? So, Rob, let's make sure I understand this. I have to pay port charges and taxes on the DW, the airfare and cruise up front? But that's all. No problem. This is still a really good deal.
DH: Oh no. Oh, I hope this doesn't disqualify me...I don't have a credit card or debit card. There's this little problem with gambling...BUT WAIT! Rob, I can get you the money. Today! I have it in savings and I just thought of a way...yeah, sure, that's fine, I'll talk to your supervisor...
DH: Hello? And you are? Ben? - OK. Ben, I hope I still qualify to win. As I was saying to Rob, I CAN get you the money. I'll go to the bank immediately after hanging up. I'll do a wire transfer - it'll cost me an extra $30 but that's just a drop in the bucket to get this all arranged. So, I've got pen and am ready to write down the info. I do wire transfers all the time, ALL the time. So convenient. I need the name of the company or person to send the wire transfer, the bank name, account number, routing number and either the company's EIN or a social security number...let's start with the bank account number...WHAT? WELL, THAT was rude and unnecessary!
Me: What happened?
DH: He called me a motherf*er and hung up! I don't think I won that trip.
I think lindafoerrester is a prankster looking to snag Kate in her grifting.
Kate is so obvious in mentioning on Twitter her computers are old. BTW, I did not see that tweet.
Dwindle 74 -- I remember. PURPLE POWER!! Tell her congrats from an old Capper (or is that Cappette)?
A Cat 1 hurricane is still a destructive force, so y'all in the path, be careful. When Ike huffed and puffed and tried to blow Ohio down a few years ago, it was a Cat 1. Eighty of 88 counties were declared disaster areas, billions of dollars worth of damage, and some areas were powerless for 2 or more weeks. Outside of the Gulf coast, we had more damage than any other state from that particular "little" hurricane. And of course, Ohio is notorious for its hurricanes, LOL.
Speaking of weather -- It was 81 yesterday. Long range forecast says we could have our first measurable snow of the season this coming Tues. Yuck! Guess I'd better start pulling out all my winter sweaters and sweats and start hunting for a pair of winter boots. Last year's pair sprang a leak near the end of the season.
Funny, after I posted to Dwindle to check for computer virus, I got the same message, and noticed that Google was very slow. and now others are having the same thing happen, so then it is Google, not us.
Flight of the Kiwi - lol! I think I love the Rocketman. May I borrow him? We win a trip to the Carribean once or twice a week.
Recalling my childhood with a dysfunctional and abusive parent, I remember she would often hear a compliment given to another person, and within a couple hours, the compliment was about her. In her reality, the only person worthy of compliments or praise or adulation was her, and she practiced revisionism with a vengeance. As a child, I would repeat compliments that I had received to her, and inevitably if I had been first in my class on a math test, my mother had been first in her school. If I had been singled out for praise in art class, my mother had been personally lauded by a visiting artist. If a character on a television show was heroic, my mother had been twice as heroic in a like circumstance. If someone said a candidate would make a wonderful prime minister, the next day it was someone on the street who had stopped my mother to tell her she would make a great leader. It's all part of the mental illness.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 I 4got 2ask..I do hope U had a chance 2sleep N this mornin? We want Miss President well rested 4any executive decisions 4 2day!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Well....Miss President Kate...Im being unusally lazy 2day! How abt U? LOL I need a "butt kickin" tweet! #OneOfThoseDays :)
Boy once Milo latches onto something she sure won't let it go. First it was that grow-a-boyfriend thing, now it's Miss President this and Miss President that. I hope it drives Kate around the bend.
I think Kate misunderstood Mady when she said "You would make the best president of the United States ever."
Mady probably meant "precedent", as in Kate is the best example of how not to be a mother.
Kate has prospered by exploiting her 8 kids, plain and simple. She has successfully grifted innocent people for years. It does appear that she has been rewarded with lots of money/stuff for being "not a nice person." She will never "get it." Doesn't care about how anyone else feels. She is truly a me...me...me...person. It would be impossible to be her friend unless you were willing to devote your life and thoughts to her. I'm quite sure she would never tolerate any questioning of what she is doing or saying. No give and take with that one.
AuntieAnn said... 118
Aww nice try "Anonymous". Scroll up the top of the page and have a look at the name of the blog. Where does it say " BFFs of Kate"?
Not sure but I think there might be one Kate G fan site left somewhere on the internet. You might wanna hoof it on over there and annoy them for a while. .
Kate's fugly nails turned me off french manicures too.
I wasn't "trying" to do anything, so I'm not sure what the snotty "nice try" is about. It is utterly ridiculous for grown adults to say "I'm not going to get XX because Kate Gosselin has it." I understand boycotting a product as a matter of principle because someone with whom you disagree is associated with it. But "Kate Gosselin has ruined French manicures for me" is crossing the line into plain silliness based on obsession. Why would you let someone you can't stand have so much control over you?
Thank you, lilacs, for sharing. Your contribution was well-stated. We can see these traits in Kate. Self-centered to the max and would benefit from "looking in the mirror" with the help of mental health professionals.
The kids are probably talking about the election at school and tried to tell Kate about it, hence the presidential comment, surely made up by Kate.
Good luck east coasters with hurricane Sandy. My dad used to tell my nephew to major in meteorology; it was a job where you could be paid for not necessarily telling the truth!
Anonymous said... 134
''........ But "Kate Gosselin has ruined French manicures for me" is crossing the line into plain silliness based on obsession. Why would you let someone you can't stand have so much control over you?''
I had a response all typed up, but decided your anonymous poking is ''silliness based on obsession'', so I decided to just move on!!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 I 4got 2ask..I do hope U had a chance 2sleep N this mornin? We want Miss President well rested 4any executive decisions 4 2day!
What executive decisions?
To tweet or not to tweet?
To grift today or not to grift?
To bake or not to bake?
To exploit my 8 kids or not to exploit?
To have two cups of coffee or one Hmmm?
Mady just said 'You would make the best president of the United States ever. A lot of ppl might disagree but I don't' "
Okay ladies maybe we have to look at this a different way. When I first read this I thought it was Kate saying that people might disagree but she wouldn't. You know she loves to agree with her kids and all. LOL.
Anonymous said... 134
I wasn't "trying" to do anything, so I'm not sure what the snotty "nice try" is about. It is utterly ridiculous for grown adults to say "I'm not going to get XX because Kate Gosselin has it." I understand boycotting a product as a matter of principle because someone with whom you disagree is associated with it. But "Kate Gosselin has ruined French manicures for me" is crossing the line into plain silliness based on obsession.
Thanks for your concern "Anonymous" and for alerting us to that danger. It's good to know someone is watchdogging the fine line between silliness and obsession. It must take up a lot of your time.
Anonymous said... 134
AuntieAnn said... 118
Aww nice try "Anonymous". Scroll up the top of the page and have a look at the name of the blog. Where does it say " BFFs of Kate"?
Not sure but I think there might be one Kate G fan site left somewhere on the internet. You might wanna hoof it on over there and annoy them for a while. .
Kate's fugly nails turned me off french manicures too.
I wasn't "trying" to do anything, so I'm not sure what the snotty "nice try" is about. It is utterly ridiculous for grown adults to say "I'm not going to get XX because Kate Gosselin has it." I understand boycotting a product as a matter of principle because someone with whom you disagree is associated with it. But "Kate Gosselin has ruined French manicures for me" is crossing the line into plain silliness based on obsession. Why would you let someone you can't stand have so much control over you?
Awww... I am goin' to answer coz I am going out in a bit and then you can huff and puff back at me and I wont care.
No one said anything about being controlled.
Kate's ginormous, square, white plastic nails are horribly out of style and after watching her flap them about in our faces oh-so-dramatically on that show that she begged everyone to watch, it can leave you with an unpleasant feeling when you see said ginormous, square, white plastic nails anywhere else. If things like that never bother you, good on ya.
I once dated a guy that had that little Hitler thumbprint moustache and I made him shave it off. Was just way too creepy. Some folks are bothered by stuff like that.
As for me? I am part Vulcan and I have pointy ears and green blood and everyone expects me to be logical because they associate my looks with those certain qualities. Just like *I* associate ginormous square white plastic nails with someone histrionic and unpleasant. :-) Have a gr8t Day!
All the aunties and uncles and a few of the cousins in this part of the state are meeting up... um... SOON... to toast our new lawyer in absentia. This side of the family really likes each other, so any excuse for a party, and we're on it. Our pretty attorney gal wont even be there nor her proud parents!
Everyone stay warm and dry and safe. "Talk" to you all tommorrow!
AuntieAnn said... 140
Anonymous said... 134
I wasn't "trying" to do anything, so I'm not sure what the snotty "nice try" is about. It is utterly ridiculous for grown adults to say "I'm not going to get XX because Kate Gosselin has it." I understand boycotting a product as a matter of principle because someone with whom you disagree is associated with it. But "Kate Gosselin has ruined French manicures for me" is crossing the line into plain silliness based on obsession.
Thanks for your concern "Anonymous" and for alerting us to that danger. It's good to know someone is watchdogging the fine line between silliness and obsession. It must take up a lot of your time.
Please don't mistake my posts for "concern." I have plenty of concern for those deserving of it, but idiots who refuse to get French manicures because it reminds them of Kate Gosselin aren't in the "deserving of concern" category.
As for taking up a lot of my time, a simple comparison of the number of posts you have made today and my posts will tell you who is spending more time on this blog.
Please don't mistake my posts for "concern." I have plenty of concern for those deserving of it, but idiots who refuse to get French manicures because it reminds them of Kate Gosselin aren't in the "deserving of concern" category.
I'm on my way out to get a French manicure. It's good I don't fall into the idiot category...well, at least not when it comes to my nails!
Flight of the Kiwi...I'm officially in love with you and Rocketman. Your posts are hysterical. I love laughing out loud at some of the things I read here.
Just spent a couple of hours on the beach with my younger daughter and grandson and my older daughter and her boyfriend plus the dogs. It was beautiful here today. Looks like Frankenstorm is gonna land in the New York City/New Jersey area according to several weather forecasts I've been watching. Don't know what kind of weather the Cape will get if this track is the one that pans out. Everybody be safe that could possibly get hit with it.
Anonymous just makes me want to post something for the fun of it ( and I do have a lot of time)
Dwindle shout out from The Netherlands!
As for taking up a lot of my time, a simple comparison of the number of posts you have made today and my posts will tell you who is spending more time on this blog.
Geez you keep track of that too?
Hey dumb s_ _t, boxed wine will give you a hugh headache because its rot gut wine. At least that's what we call it in the south.
If anyone is looking for me I'm in the Fifth Dimension.
“It was the dawn of the third age of mankind, ten years after the Earth/Minbari war. The Babylon Project was a dream given form. Its goal, to prevent another war by creating a place where humans and sheeple could work out their differences peacefully.”
It’s a great place. The Vorlons are awesome.
"Okay ladies maybe we have to look at this a different way. When I first read this I thought it was Kate saying that people might disagree but she wouldn't. You know she loves to agree with her kids and all. LOL."
That's what I thought she meant, some people would disagree that she'd make a good President, but that she thought she WOULD make the best President.
What did she mean? :)
"Boy once Milo latches onto something she sure won't let it go. First it was that grow-a-boyfriend thing, now it's Miss President this and Miss President that. I hope it drives Kate around the bend."
She still is carrying on about the Grow A Boyfriend -- tweeted about it yesterday.
Milo has latched onto Kate and it's clear she's never going to let her go.
"I think lindafoerrester is a prankster looking to snag Kate in her grifting."
Isn't she Mrs. Miami Heat?
Off to pick up Halloween candy and Mexican takeout (Friday treat. Yes, there will be wine tonight.
Remona Blue said... 137
Anonymous said... 134
''........ But "Kate Gosselin has ruined French manicures for me" is crossing the line into plain silliness based on obsession. Why would you let someone you can't stand have so much control over you?''
I had a response all typed up, but decided your anonymous poking is ''silliness based on obsession'', so I decided to just move on!!
Exactly Remona.
To anonymously show up here and call someone obsessed, then feign shock and surprise that the target was dismayed... is SHIT STIRRING. And they are just begging to get into an arguement.
Fleecing The Sheeple I guess it was suppose to be Mady that said that. Oh well at least I wasn't alone in thinking it was Kate. I am in good company:)
Hi all.....I wish I understood meteorology better because I love to try and figure out what they are explaining on the weather maps. I keep trying to understand if there is ANY way this could turn out to be a not-so-bad scenario. The only hope I'm noticing is that they keep having the landfall moving up farther and farther north. When I was watching around 3 am....they were predicting it more down near MD....but the patterns seem to be moving northward.
Hopefully....I will learn more about meteorology from this. I've been keeping an eye on the weather channel all day.
And to anyone who graduated from HS around when I did....which was in 1970.....do you remember if girls were allowed to wear pants/jeans/slacks in school back then? I can't for the life of me, remember wearing pants back then to school. I only remember skirts/dresses....but my memory isn't what it used to be.
But I DO remember.....back when we first had to take showers for gym....that we gals wore garter belts to hold up our nylons. Boy, remember garter belts? Back in the days before pantyhose?
Re: Milo.....I've not put her/him in the "sycophant" category yet because I have no idea who she/he is.....and have no idea whether that person is earnestly serious or not. I'm never completely sure unless the person is fairly well-identified (like Deanna....or some who have their own blogs, etc.).
Well.....we have about 8 flashlights that work, a radio that works on batteries.....all new batteries put in all of them plus bought about 20 more. Also have about 10 candles.
They sell these little round things you can stick to your bathroom mirror and if you push on it, it lights up. They each take 3 AAA batteries (they come with batteries but you have to replace, depending on usage) but they are really handy to have in the bathroom during a power outage.
dee3 said... 154
Hey dee3..I graduated in 1974 and the dress code changed my junior year. Before that, girls couldn't wear pants. I guess the public schools figured out that pants covered up a lot more than mini skirts did.
I too, remember the garter belts before pantyhose.
Not to get gross or anything, but do you remember having to safety pin menstural pads to your underwear? What a pain that was!
Don't get me started on the drama of weather forecasters! LOL The hubs and I just roll our eyes when we get 2 inches of snow and the local news sends someone out to report on the road conditions. Typically the reporter is standing on the side of a road, telling us how treacherous it is to be out driving. All this while cars are whizzing by in the background on clear pavement. It's ridiculous! Sorry, but 2 inches of snow in Ohio is NOT newsworthy.
dee3, I graduated in '72 and remember being allowed to wear jeans in high school. Funny thing is, most gals still preferred dresses/skirts at that time!
Does anyone know if Kate is running in the LA marathon this weekend or was that part of her Coupon Cabin deal?
AuntieAnn said... 118
Anonymous said... 88
If Kate Gosselin has "ruined" French manicures for you, you are way too obsessed with her.
Aww nice try "Anonymous". Scroll up the top of the page and have a look at the name of the blog. Where does it say " BFFs of Kate"?
Not sure but I think there might be one Kate G fan site left somewhere on the internet. You might wanna hoof it on over there and annoy them for a while. .
Kate's fugly nails turned me off french manicures too.
Oh my...I have such a "girl crush" on you AA! I'm not going to c/p all the fallout from your remark, but you and Dwindle covered it just fine and I'm still laughing!
I agree, Dwindle, "ginormous, square, white plastic nails are horribly out of style." I was turned off by them before and now that Kate has them, I am repulsed by them.
Admin what was the name of the Lincoln bio you were watching on Netflix? Im a Lincoln buff myself and want to check it out. Thanks!
dee3 @154, I graduated in 1968 and our school dress code was skirts or dresses. When we were kneeling, the skirt couldn't be any shorter than 2 inches from the floor. The only time we were allowed to wear pants was on really cold or snowy days, but the skirt had to be on for classes. We usually put like sweat pants on under our skirts and took them off at our lockers or in the girl's room.
Garter belts! Yikes! I remember those. My dad bought me my first pair of nylons for a dance I was invited to sponsered by a Boy Scout troop. In the box with the nylons was a roll of Scotch tape and a note saying that mom could take care of the garter purchase if I didn't want to use tape. He was a character!
Thanks Anonymous #88. You are right! I am obsessed with Kate. I should just check the couch cushions for some money for my yearly manicure and make it a French one! I have 3 months until the college tuition bills are due for my 3 sons.
Thanks fellow 15 minute friends! Glad that you have my back. Just came home from teaching my 32 Third grade students and saw Anonymous post I continued reading on and saw what you all had posted. (((((Hugs)))))))
Garter belts! Yikes! I remember those. My dad bought me my first pair of nylons for a dance I was invited to sponsered by a Boy Scout troop.
Was it uncomfortable sitting on those clip/hook things?
I think Anonymous is in this for the attention. She'll do anything for it just like her idol, Kate. Sad.
11 months ago Admin did a post about Kate grifting iPads from this same Twitter person, LindaFoerrester.
Kate accepts free ipad
The nerve. Instead of suggesting her fans donate to charity, Kate, who drives three cars including an Audi sportscar and just spent a few days in Los Angeles and at the Emmys, is still accepting freebies from fans. She tweeted today thanking a fan for the pricey gift (ipads start at $499 on apple.com), and the fan tweeted back that four more are on the way. Is there a GREED app?
TLC stinks said... 19
She is a LIAR. Why would you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?
October 26, 2012 4:28 AM
And yet you believe the Gosselin Book which you claim is in Kate Gosselin's own words. You can't have it both ways, so which is it?
We are now under a disaster emergency (Gov. Corbett) with the storm forecast to smash right into us here, with days or weeks without power. I was listening to our local channel and our weather guy, who is no alarmist, says he is more than concerned because of the long endurance of the storm, coming here on Sunday and may last until Wednesday.
Should be interesting. I'm nervous about it.
AuntieAnn said... 119
Jane said... 86
Nice to remember Grandma and hear the grandma stories :) I remember her using a wash board and Fels Naptha soap and then getting a wringer washer - I was very young but still remember how cool I thought that machine was! I was at The Vermont Country Store recently and saw Fels Naptha as well as a lot of neat, old-timey things:
The Vermont Country Store looks so inviting. I'm jellus.
It's a fun place to visit :) They have a great, free mail order catalog, too.
And yet said... 167
TLC stinks said... 19
She is a LIAR. Why would you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?
October 26, 2012 4:28 AM
And yet you believe the Gosselin Book which you claim is in Kate Gosselin's own words. You can't have it both ways, so which is it?
Kate never thought her journals would see the light of day, never thought she would be exposed...which is why what she wrote in the journals is the truth. Spin it however you want...
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 164
Garter belts! Yikes! I remember those. My dad bought me my first pair of nylons for a dance I was invited to sponsered by a Boy Scout troop.
Was it uncomfortable sitting on those clip/hook things?
Yes! There was a strip of material between skin and clip, but you would still end up with indentations!
That's just an excuse. Either she lies and you don't believe a word she says which means you don't believe what she says in the book or you selectively choose what you think Kate lies about.
Either way own what you believe and don't change it.
Kate never thought her journals would see the light of day, never thought she would be exposed...which is why what she wrote in the journals is the truth. Spin it however you want...
I read her journals as kind of her private therapy for herself...getting it off her chest, putting her feelings in a journal where she knew that nobody would see them. Many times people do this because they can't talk to anyone about their problems. It's a catharsis of sorts. This was how she perceived things to be, and an account of the events as they took place, including e-mails back and forth between her and production.
Kate has a reputation of lying to other people to make herself look good. I really doubt that she would lie to herself. Saying that she pulled a child's hair and whipped him into a crib certainly isn't put out there to portray herself as a SuperMom. She wrote it quite possibly as her own stress-reliever, putting into words how difficult she thought parenting was at any given time. It was a discharge of pent-up emotions.
Parent 168, when are local forecasters expecting the weather to get bad?
Our kids went to visit a friend at Penn State and we told them they have to leave early on Sunday to get back to school (Ohio) and avoid things. The timing sounds later, though.
Hope things aren't as dramatic as they seem to be portraying. Hard to tell since they make such a big deal out of non-events with weather...
And the information in the journals is bolstered by the behaviors and incidents we all saw on national television.
I remember garterbelts. I remember one band practice, marching down the field. One of my garters popped and I could feel my stocking settling down around my ankle. Talk about embarrassing. I just wanted to sink under the football field and hide beneath my instrument.
dee3: I know! I wish we knew what was going to happen and when ! I am WAY less prepared than you are need flashlights and batteries still- have a few that may be old. have to' batten down the hatches,' um..outside etc- including all those leafbags neatly waiting for pick-up :(
jo: We could wear 'slacks' if cold when I was in Gr 6, then anytime by Gr 8. My mother liked me to wear skirts, but by Gr 9 lost that battle!
Oh, and I just escaped those weird sanitary belts- stick-on pads were invented in the nick of time for me!Those are bad enough- who hates 'wings?' I do!
dee3...I graduated in '77 and went to public schools. The dress code was skirts or dresses until I got into sixth grade and then it was changed so we could wear pants. However, my mother wouldn't allow my three siblings and I to wear jeans to school. It was chinos or corduroys for all of us and also dressy pants for my sister and I. I do remember getting a pair of plaid palazzo(sp?) pants for Xmas one year when I was in hs and I loved them. We weren't wealthy people but my mom always made sure we looked nice when we went to school.
Does anybody else remember those padded bras with the foam rubber that crumbled into hard little lumps after several washings? And hoping your date wouldn't make a move on you in case he felt the little lumps?
I was never allowed to wear pants to school(I graduated in 1958) and in fact got kicked out of music class for wearing jeans on a "casual"day.
Anyone who thinks "Happy Days" accurately represented the 1950's is sadly misinformed...
And yet said... 172
''..........Either way own what you believe and don't change it.''
Here is what I believe. KK's words in her journal were her own words. Words that she in her mental illness believed would bring her sympathy. Her words in her journal were the truth, because it was private to HER..
The words KK speaks in public are lies because she is a liar. Robert took a lie detector test (and passed) about how he got KK's journal. He has exposed her for the violent child abuser that she is, and has dared her or Discovery to call him a liar, saying he'll release some of the 90% material he hasn't yet used. None of them have called him a liar.
Twist things however you choose....you can't change the fact that KK has NOT called Robert or his book a lie. That is what I believe and I own it.
Remona, I heart you. Try to twist what Remona said Anonymous. You can't.
Ruth Doan MacDougall wrote s few books on growing up in the 50s, with her characters aging into the present in the last books, now senior citizens. The Cheerleader is the first one and a very funny/also sad and quite nostalgic. A bit before my time, but enjoyed them all- set in NH.
Hi, everyone. I am still reading the posts, but I have to comment on a couple already. If I wait till I read them all carefully, I know I'll forget some! Memory isn't what it used to be.
Dwindle, congratulations to you, your niece, and your family! How wonderful and what an accomplishment. Blessings to you all.
Garter belts, oh, boy, do I remember those. With the fishnet stockings. I remember the embarassment when one would pop as I was walking to the chalkboard to do a math problem. I could tell from the snickers that my classmates were paying more attention to my stocking falling than my math skills!
Grandee4 and everyone: oh, how I have hated to admit this. However, for family get togethers, I buy the boxed wine. Yes, I am guilty of it. Many in my family do the same thing because it is more economical with a lot of people (and none of us have lots of money!), and they are more convenient than having to open the multiple glass bottles as well as deal with broken glass if someone drops one. So, I have just shared my secret that I was too embarassed to mention before.
OT Alert. I just wanted to mentionn something that really touched me. A few years ago a good friend of mine made a pair of pajamas for her daughter. I thought they looked terrific and always joked that she should make me a pair. Being a snow lover, I said I wanted snowflakes and snowmen on them, but they couldn't be flannel because of my hot flashes! This has been an ongoing joke for about 4 years. This past Wednesday she gave me my birthday present and it was a pair of pajama bottoms with snowflakes and snowmen on them. They are just below the knee and NOT flannel! She told me she has looked for a couple years for a snow print that wasn't flannel and she finally found it! I was so touched. It was initially a joke, but she did it anyway.
This makes me feel sorry for Kate because she has no idea what it means to have a real, true friend. Mostly because she doesn't know how to be one.
OT done now. Off to finish reading all of the posts!
I forgot to add to my above post that I also do not believe that Mady said Kate would make the best president. I think it is another made up story for Kate's twitter fans and to stroke her own ego that even her children thinks she so wonderful. Like most of her tweets regarding the wonderful things the kids say to her, I think it is just more of Kate's BS trying to prove how great she is.
Ramona, I agree with you. According to Robert's book Kate's three favorite words are "Can we Sue". and yet, not a peep from her about this book. I believe that what is in Robert's book, in her own words, is the truth.
For everyone on the east coast, I pray for your safety and God's blessings on you and your families during this Frankenstorm. Stay safe and love to you all.
Parent 168, when are local forecasters expecting the weather to get bad?
Our local guy is saying it's going to start getting breezy on Sunday afternoon, with some showers coming in. Overnight Sunday and into Monday, the wind will pick up and the rain. Height of the storm should be Monday afternoon through Tuesday night, as much as 12 inches of rain could fall. The problem seems to be since it's fall, and the leaves aren't off the trees yet, that the wind and rain will topple trees and power lines. That's what they are most concerned about...the loss of power for an extended period of time. The timeline seems to change by the hour.
I need to buy a battery radio. I have a little Casio LCD color television that runs on batteries, but I can't seem to pick up any signals on it right now.
I just hope that this is all hype.
OT about memories - scroll if you must!
Does anyone remember sanitary belts? An elastic belt with 2 clips (one front, one back) that held the tabs on the lovely sanitary napkins? OUCH.
We were allowed to wear pant suits to school in 4th grade. Actually, we had so many snow days in 3rd grade that we had to attend school on Saturday mornings to make them up - and we were allowed to wear pant suits on those Saturdays.
Fast forward to 7th grade, we moved mid year. I still work "nice" pants, not jeans to school. At the new school, I was harassed about the way I dressed - "why do you have to be so dressy-uppy all the time?" And the last "new girl" in school bullied me because she was so happy to give up the title of "new girl".
Even criminals need to talk about their crimes.
They want somebody to hear them, but they know if they talk, they will be arrested and tried.
That's part of what the Confessional is - telling someone who won't squeal on you what is the deepest secret in your heart.
Kate used the journal as her confessional, I think. Words she could not tell her mother, her sister, her pastor came flooding out on the computer.
People who do not somehow release their guilt will fall apart eventually. Everyone needs an outlet, whether it's through the Church or the law or a friend or the media or a journal or whatever.
As they say, confession is good for the soul.
lilacs #130, I'm so sorry, hon, because I went through that myself so I know how difficult it is. I don't know much about you, but I pray you have found peace and love in your life. God bless always.
Anonymous #143, counting the number of posts that people make as well as calling some idiots? Wow. Your posts speak alot about you as a person. Nothing left to say.
Ah, yes, the sanitary belts. In my opinion, there was nothing worse!
Admin, my former pastor was very much into the civil war era and he and his family went to reenactments at least twice a year. One time, they took my daughter when she was around 11. They had the clothes of the era and extra for my daughter to wear. She had a good time and said she was surprised by how real it all seemed. She loved the part when the pastors kids took her to the "battlefield" after it was over, and seeing all of the old-fashioned weapons and the clothing people wore. I'm sorry I never went to the one he invited my husband and I to, but we couldn't get off of work. Being a civil war buff myself, I would love to see a reenactment.
BTW, I do know there is much more to the Sacrament of Confession than baring your soul to someone bound to silence. I really do know that.
Oh my...I have such a "girl crush" on you AA! I'm not going to c/p all the fallout from your remark, but you and Dwindle covered it just fine and I'm still laughing!
I agree, Dwindle, "ginormous, square, white plastic nails are horribly out of style." I was turned off by them before and now that Kate has them, I am repulsed by them.
Oh Judy thank you. Now "Anonymous" will have something to analyze. lol. You know what bothers me most about Kate's manicured hands? I mean besides the fact that she has Manhands? Her thumbs. I know she can't help it but when she waves them around all I see are big thumbs wearing little white hats.
Formerly Duped - #181
"The Cheerleader"!!! My copy fell apart during high school in the mid 1970's. Snowy & Tom. Her friends Bev & Puddles. Just enough sex I wouldn't let my mother know what it was about.
Talk about memory lane tonight!
Oh my I graduated in '69 and I remember all of these things. They were great times.
Just an FYI, I don't believe anything Kate tweets or says. I think she is nothing but a liar and Shoka is NOT there or she'd have his picture splashed everywhere. So I don't know where he is but I hope it's far far away from her! As I wish the kids were.
And yet said... 167
TLC stinks said... 19
She is a LIAR. Why would you believe anything that comes out of her mouth?
October 26, 2012 4:28 AM
And yet you believe the Gosselin Book which you claim is in Kate Gosselin's own words. You can't have it both ways, so which is it?
Her journal expresses her true feelings, but she lies for her public persona. Her journal was the REAL Kate. Kate is a LIAR publicly, proven by her journal.
And yet, I agree wholeheartedly with TLC Stinks. Robert Hoffman's book is basically a copy of Kate's own journal that she wrote herself.
However, her twitter feed is just Kate relaying what she claims other people, mainly her children, have said to her. There is no proof that the kids actually said these things and with Kate being such a liar, I do believe she makes up a lot of these "wonderful" comments that they say to her.
On the other hand, her journal is not about what her children have said to her, it is mostly about her writing about her own feelings and actions. There is a difference.
Jo said... 180
Remona, I heart you. Try to twist what Remona said Anonymous. You can't.
October 26, 2012 3:49 PM
I'm not going to try to twist anything. That doesn't mean I agree with Remona. I don't.
If Remona believes that Kate's words were intended to bring her sympathy then logically she can't believe they were Kate's words for herself.
Also, I think that if a person believes they are right they don't make things up for themselves. They truly believe them. So if Kate thinks what she has done is right she wouldn't have to lie.
I myself don't know who to believe, Kate or Hoffman, but I want to make sure I am truly informed as much as possible. I am not going to believe Hoffman about the lie detector test for a few reasons; they are not depnedable and cannot be used in court and what questions did he answer and who has the results.
TLC Stinks: actually, even without the book, Kate has been and is a liar. She contradicts herself all the time. She will say something on an interview, or on JK8, K8, and 5 min later or years later, she will say she did not say that. Just like: lying to the world and the kids that mom & dad, will always be together(re-marriage episode) or telling the world in/during JK8, if any of us wants to stop filming, we will stop. Lied about that. There are countless, facts, even without the book. This person is probably a devoted sheeple to Kate. THey can't/won't believe that Kate is that way.
And yet, I have to respectfully disagree with you. One of your comments is that if someone believes they are right, they do not make things up. However, Kate has been caught in so many lies, with her own words. In one magazine article she said Jon wanted the divorce, in another she said she had an epiphany while on an airplane and she knew the marriage was over and later filed for divorce.
On many interviews, she has been caught in lies from what she said to what she previously said in an earlier interview. Bottom line is that Kate always verbally lies to make herself come out looking like the good guy instead of the bad guy. However, her written journals are another story because those are indidents that she wrote about herself that I'm sure she thought no one else would ever see, but due to her carelessness, now everyone can read them.
As far as Robert taking a lie detector, I thought (and I could be wrong), that there was an article that admitted that they gave him a lie detector test and he passed. Once again, I could be remembering the facts incorrectly.
Parent in Landcaster: there is Kates other excuse for not going to LA, for race: the weather, and can't fly out!
Dwindle -- congratulations to your niece for passing the Bar Exam. Now you're covered for your legal needs! I hope the family party was rip roarin'!
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