Christi Lukasiak says the popular reality show, which features kids in nearly every frame of the episodes, films for 70 hours a week.
Christie and daughter Chloe |
Yeah, we bet you are, Chloe. Poor kid. The controversial reality show out of Pittsburgh has been renewed for another season, and now one of the moms is revealing exactly how hard those kids are working for the cameras. But PA Rep. Murt's recently passed child labor law should put a damper on Lifetime's cozy little sweat shop. The bill would only permit the
Dance Moms children age 9 to 16 to film for five hours a day (even less for some of the younger dancers), with four hours left over for mandated school and rest time, and a mandatory 12 hour rest period between consecutive shooting days. The new law also requires that set teachers be on set at all times, as well as a parent or guardian. Will all these changes have any bearing on
Lifetime's product, or will they still be able to churn out a good show without exploiting the living crap out of their young subjects to do so?
Click on the Dance Moms tag below to see our past posts on this reality show. Red flags have been raised more than once.
704 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 704 Newer› Newest»Thanks, Virginia Penn, for bringing this to our attentionI
I can't remember who it was that said, "You can't legislate morality," but they were right. I'm glad for this bill, but it doesn't change in any way the mindsets of those who exploit young kids for personal gain.
Okay, so I decided to Google that phrase. Apparently it was Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) who made the assertion, "You can't legislate morality." It was his argument against the Civil Rights Amendment of 1964. Though he supported previous versions of the bill, he was objecting to an inserted passage that (in his opinion) violated individual liberties and states' rights. The bill was passed with overwhelming support from both parties, despite an ultimately unsuccessful, 83-day filibuster by Democrats in the Southern States.
So there you have it--your history lesson du jour, via Wikipedia. :)
PA Rep. Murt's recently passed child labor law should put a damper on Lifetime's cozy little sweat shop.
Thank God.
Meanwhile, Kate tells her sheep to "never say never" when asking if there will ever be another show featuring Kate & her kids.
Kate can appropriately name her show, "Cozy Little Sweat Shop".
Just kidding. NO NETWORK in their right mind would hire her tarnished, abusive ass.
There is a nice article on the Imperfect Women site about Jenny Marsche who was on the show Raising Sextuplets. She is now remarried to a man with 2 children and they are expecting her first child together. Take notice Kate. It actually is possible to meet someone despite having several children and raise them by actually working a "mediocre"job. Of course Kate would like us all to believe that it's totally impossible to be able to raise 8 yes 8 kids without the benefit of a reality show. Also that no guy would ever be interested in dating someone with several children. Wrong on both counts as usual. I think more likely the reason she can't find anyone is because she is an ignorant,shallow self serving bitch who can never see beyond her own needs and wants to live a celebrity lifestyle. She can use her kids as an excuse as she always does but she really needs to look as herself or she will always be alone. I always find it amusing and laughable that the "fans" assume that we are jealous of Kate. Jealous?? Of what?? I wouldn't trade places with her for anything. I think she is miserable every minute of the day. No thanks. She can keep her 8 kids, 10k month mortgage, private school tuition x8 and 3 luxury cars to insure and her lonely life with no friends or family. Doesn't sound to enviable to me
Okay, so I decided to Google that phrase. Apparently it was Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) who made the assertion, "You can't legislate morality."
No, you can't. But you can legislate ethics.
I did watch some of Dance Moms with my daughter. The girls seemed to have a firm friendship amongst themselves, moms seemed devoted and loving, and Abby terrible although the girls appeared to like her-perhaps she has kinder, gentler moments. But 70 hours a week?? That's ridiculous. I wonder if the show can continue? I don't see why they need so much footage- some takes place at dance competitions that they would be going to anyway but still...the girls seemed to have run out of steam a little at the end of the last season. I would be happy for the show to end.But apart from the overwork and TV exploitation and drama, I don't see any of the moms toxic like Kate. But who knows?
Jenny Masche had a tummy tuck too IIRC- I guess you can carry a baby with one?
Those letters, probably from the two fave tups, Leah and Hannah- maybe they were under orders to make them! Why suddenly now? these kids seem a little greedy and selfish- doubt they would do this when it's not Mothers' Day of Thanksgiving yet...'We forgive you for beating us, Mommy Dearest."
Whatever, they should remain private if legit.
I'm with you anon, I never again will go to the IW website. Never.
You're right, Heather (Anon at 6). That's why laws get passed, I think--to help override whatever lapse in judgement some individuals might otherwise have.
"All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother."
Oh yeah, that's EXACTLY the kind of sticker that would draw an 8-year-old's eye. Doesn't every little girl have a supply of similar sediments (sic) on hand for those random "I love you SO MUCH, MOMMY" moments?
emschick1128...The man Jenny Masche married was a former boyfriend she had before she married her ex-husband, Brian. Her ex-husband claims that Jenny cheated with the former boyfriend and that is why the marriage broke up. Jenny denied this was the reason the marriage broke up. I saw a few episodes of the show and I thought Brian had serious anger issues.
I have never watched Dance Moms but I agree with Formerly Duped, 70 hours a week is ridiculous.
emschick1128 said... 4
Not to disparage Jenny Masche, but she didn't just didn't "meet" a man. She began dating her former boyfriend after she and Bryan split, and while they were still married. From
"After Masche split from her ex-husband, Bryan – the father of her 4-year-old sextuplets Savannah, Bailey, Grant, Cole, Molli and Blake – she officially began seeing McClendon, a separated father of two boys whom she had dated years before. While talk soon turned to marriage, neither was divorced, so they promised each other when they were able to wed, they would.",,20582690,00.html
I do agee, however, that Kate uses having 8 kids as an excuse why no one will date her. She uses them as an excuse for everything she can't do.
Those cards look like they were from Mother's Day. What does the sticker "Mommy Room E" mean?
Probably was a school project to make cards for Mother's Day. Why didn't Kate show the cards, rather than the envelopes?
Here's the link to the picture:
Meant to add:
I seems to me like damage control, now that Robert's blog has been restored.
She's come undone said... 8
I seriously doubt that they would care if the "trolls" go there or not. Just like the Admin could care less if the "trolls" read here.
They (whoever 'they' are) should come up with a better genre title for "reality tv". There is nothing real about it. Something like the aforementioned SweatShop tv would be more apropos. How many hours would the Dance Mom children practice and perform in actuality if the cameras weren't there to film, then stop to adjust the lighting, reposition the cameras, etc, etc? Probably not even half of 70. It's inhumane to make kids work that ridiculous amount of hours just so a production company can make millions. Parents who do this to their children should have their heads examined.
I really believe that Kate has probably provided all of the kids with "I love you mommy" stickers. It really isn't something that a kid would buy. And what's with that Room E (or backwards 3)? When my son gave me cards (b'day or mother's day) he'd just write "Mom" on the front of the card. No room #.
Kate is a twit said... 13
Those cards look like they were from Mother's Day. What does the sticker "Mommy Room E" mean?
Probably was a school project to make cards for Mother's Day. Why didn't Kate show the cards, rather than the envelopes?
Here's the link to the picture:
Do you get the feeling Kate had a major globegate-type meltdown and the cards were some sort of pacifier the kids left behind for their big baby of a MOTHER to find? I do. The woman is sick. She needs help and quickly.
From what I can tell the IW site isn't dedicated to Kate. There are articles that cover many different topics. There are probably people who read that blog that know or care nothing about Kate. Is the blog tracking every reader who happens across the blog and trying to determine if they are a Kate "hater?"
Yes, the room number or letter was odd. Does Kate number the rooms like a hotel? Or maybe they were just playing post office. My kids did that when little- my bedroom was 'charmingly' on Toilet Lane as there is a bath right off it.. agree Kate provided stickers. Schools don't always have kids make cards for M or F Day as there are many single parent families.I remember feeling awful back in school when we did do this as my mom was a widow and I didn't have a father to make a card for.
AuntieAnn said... 18
Do you get the feeling Kate had a major globegate-type meltdown and the cards were some sort of pacifier the kids left behind for their big baby of a MOTHER to find? I do. The woman is sick. She needs help and quickly.
Yes, exactly what I thought, too.
Could be a project they did at M & C's "school", but I still think they were from Mother's Day. Kate's tweet:
This is the best day brightener ever!I found these cards, strategically placed, when I returned home from bus this am!
"Strategically placed"? Where? Next to the box of wine?
The mommys room note was to tell the housekeeper or nanny where to put the cards after they left. Someone had to have been home to out them out so she would find them when she got back.
I looked at the envelopes. Obviously left over from Mother's day.
The stickers that say Mommy's Room E are for their in house post office/mail delivery system they have created. kHate has talked about it before.
And that is why I KNOW kHate is lying. The stickers prove that the cards were meant to be "delivered" so how could they have been "strategically placed"?
FFS khate just lies to lie - what a tool. I get so infuriated by liars. What a peice of shit human being.
I was looking for a quote the other day and stumbled across this one:
“The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
― Maya Angelou
kHate has showed us numerous times!
Anyway the quote I was looking for I wanted to share with Greedy Gosselins, Penny and anyone else that could use some encouragement.
It's something I heard on Oprah YEARS ago, and goes something like this:
"I did the best that I could until I knew how to do better, and then I did".
It was my mantra for many years (after a devastating divorce). Please accept it in the spirit it was intended - I hope someone finds it helpful.
Completely OT:
I am a new auntie! The first grandchild in my family was born last night and everyone is doing well. So happy there is a boy to carry on our family name, we are all so excited for my bro and sis-in-law!
Sorry about my crappy spelling and grammar (and I am sure improper use of quotation marks)! Don't send the troll/grammar police after me!! lol
Sure ..... encourage trust.
I hope the posters here are smarter then that. Ms. B.
What the heck??
@Kateplusmy8 @LifeTools Some say the past will come back 2haunt U...when ur complete/full past is known...U will be vindicated! #UDidUrBest
A lot of what I am now I owe to my mother. She suffered from some form of personality disorder and was emotionally abusive to both me and my older brother. He was the golden boy and I was the scapegoat but in the end I think I suffered less than he did. It took me decades to work my way through the repercussions of that upbringing - but now I know myself to be a compassionate and loving person. And I know I would never do to anyone what she did to me. Was it because of her, or because of the struggling I did to overcome her influence on me? I can't say I am grateful, but I can acknowledge her role in my life without bitterness and with compassion. I'm glad I am not her.
Bearswife said... 24
I looked at the envelopes. Obviously left over from Mother's day.
The stickers that say Mommy's Room E are for their in house post office/mail delivery system they have created. kHate has talked about it before.
And that is why I KNOW kHate is lying. The stickers prove that the cards were meant to be "delivered" so how could they have been "strategically placed"?
FFS khate just lies to lie - what a tool. I get so infuriated by liars. What a peice of shit human being.
First - congratulations Auntie Bearswife! New babes in the family are so exciting.
About the cards...I don't think those are Mothers Day cards. The stickers aren't torn where the envelope is sealed.
I'm sticking with my theory she had an ugly manic episode and the kids left the cards behind to calm her down. I don't blame them either. I would imagine they'll get a good beating if they don't tell her in writing what a loving, wonderful mother dearest she is. They probably have a rolodex of strategies to soothe their mother when she goes ape on them.
Bearswife--Congratulations on becoming a new auntie!!
Auntie Ann said I'm sticking with my theory she had an ugly manic episode and the kids left the cards behind to calm her down. I don't blame them either. I would imagine they'll get a good beating if they don't tell her in writing what a loving, wonderful mother dearest she is. They probably have a rolodex of strategies to soothe their mother when she goes ape on them.
Spoken like someone who knows how it is to live under the erratic thumb of a narcissistic, rage-driven mother. I'm 100% in aggreeance.
Congrats, Bearswife! :)
Looks like I hit a nerve.
I wish Kate would just tattoo "I love Mom" on all their shoulders and be done with it.
And 70 hours is as much as a hospital resident works for heaven sake. It sounds to me like they are just running the cameras constantly making sure they don't miss a controversial moment, instead of being okay with missing one or two good moments so the poor kids can have LIVES. Lifetime is just as bad as TLC. Heck the report about how long TLC filmed was "only" 40 hours an episode.
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne
The first reaction to truth is hatred.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Yes Kate when I heard that you beat your little children.
And you didn't deny doing so. I do hate you for beating you innocent children.
AA, you may be correct, I didn't take into account how the stickers aren't torn. But I stand by my statement that kHate is lying - mostly because she is a lying liar who lies. But your theory is even sadder. Those poor kids.
Thanks everyone for the good wishes on becoming an auntie. I have some great-nieces and nephews on DH's side, but it is a very strained relationship with their mothers and so I am not that close to their kids. I finally feel like a real auntie (even if I live in another country 1000s of miles away)!
said... 30
Auntie Ann said I'm sticking with my theory she had an ugly manic episode and the kids left the cards behind to calm her down.
I agree. It's a school day. It's not a special day like a birthday or V-Day or Mother's Day. Why in the world any kid that age would think to pause and just write some gushy card for their mother is beyond me, unless something happened. Maybe Mady is teaching them how to brown-nose for their own protection. God bless them.
We get it Kate, your kids love you. Even puppies love the owner who beats the crap out of them.
I just listened to this snippet of Glassman on My Life Is A Lifetime Move, in which she said that Jon sold her out to the paps. At the end, the comment (from E) says that three years later Kate has put everything behind her and that she and Haily share recipes on Twitter. When do they do that?
Anther theory is that the kids are desperate for real love and so lavish it on Kate going overboard in an unhealthy manner hoping for real love in return.
Kate can talk the talk about loving the kids but what goes on at that house may not be anything close to what a child needs. Maybe they are desperate for her love and approval and don't feel that is being met, even if in Kate's twisted head she thinks she is meeting their needs fully.
"Heck the report about how long TLC filmed was "only" 40 hours an episode."
But most of those episode were half hour episodes. So it could have been twice as much(80 hrs.) for a one hour episode.
I, too, wonder how the new law will be affecting the filming of "Dance Moms". According to this article, they are filming the 3rd season now, which will begin to air in January 2013. So if there is a fourth season, then the law would come into play for that.
Also, found this article on ROL which states that several of them are having meet and greets, and other events, for which they are charging the public to attend.
Kate is a Twit thanks for bringing up the meet and greets, I remember briefly we talked about this last time we were discussing Dance Moms.
The f#^& (excuse me) should a 10 year old child be doing at a MEET AND GREET? They are not COMMODITIES.
From the ROL article, re the scheduled events for Dance Moms:
"The Dance Moms are cashing in on their fame, charging fans $40 for a meet-and-greet, is exclusively reporting.
The moms and their dancing tots have lined up a series of appearances on the East Coast through Eventbrite and aside from the meet-and-greets, there are also private parties for $80-$100 per ticket, and a VIP spa party that had tickets selling for $150 per head."
The VIP spa party is being held by Chloe and her mom. Chloe is eleven years old! (Administrator) said... 37
Anther theory is that the kids are desperate for real love and so lavish it on Kate going overboard in an unhealthy manner hoping for real love in return.
That's what I'm thinking.
And here's something I had forgotten:
@Allisstair @Kateplusmy8 I guess it's a lie when Kate says she ALWAYS gets child's permission before divulging drawings/privacy on twitter.
I saw that tweet by Kate a while back. She couldn't have gotten permission if she came across the cards after she dropped the kids at the bus stop. The lies never stop.
I am pretty sure the description was forty hours a WEEK for one Gosselin episode. While here, it's 70 hours a WEEK for one Dance Moms episode.
So regardless the length of the episode, whether it's half an hour or two hours or five hours, the Dance Moms are filming longer per week than the Gosselins ever did. I didn't think it was possible.
I saw that tweet by Kate a while back. She couldn't have gotten permission if she came across the cards after she dropped the kids at the bus stop. The lies never stop.
They were a surprise after they LEFT so how did she ask permission to post it? BULLSHIT.
So in addition to 70 hours a work week poor Chloe now has to make public appearances at spa parties, meet and greets, private many more hours is that?
What is she, the president? Or one very overworked clown act? This is so wrong.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 36
Hailey once(and only once) tweeted Kate for her Monkey Munch recipe. ROL even did a story about it.
Hailey's tweet:
"Hey @kateplysmy8 can you share the recipe for the "Monkey Munch," Hailey wrote to Kate. "It's so yummy, my mom & I never seem to make it as tasty as you did."
Kate's reply:
"@hAiLeYgLaSsMaN1 go to the chex website...It should be there..not my recipe but love it! Called 'muddy buddies' there! Enjoy! :)"
I wouldn't exactly call that "sharing" recipes.
Ugh, another self promoting tweet from Kate; exploiting the kids AGAIN. Ah heck, why am I surprised though - she is/has nothing, nada, zip, zilch, without the 8.
The stickers remind me of something she would have grabbed at the BlogHer convention she attended. I can picture her snatching rolls of them, taking enough for 8 of course!
As for this: @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @LifeTools Some say the past will come back 2haunt U...when ur complete/full past is known...U will be vindicated! #UDidUrBest
We've already seen what Kate herself wrote in her journals - do you REALLY want Robert to publish MORE of Kate's own words detailing her admissions of child and animal ABUSE, grifting, horrible behavior in the community and with co-workers? REALLY?
Mscatie is the one who remembered Kate's tweet about always getting permission. Kate needs to either lay off the wine while tweeting or shut the thing down. She's beyond being able to keep track of all the lies she spews.
She's trying to counter the perception that she's an abusive mother by tweeting this stuff, but she's doing it through lies.
Her fans are such gullible fools. They "amaze" me.
Bearswife said... 23
Congratulations! And thank you for the inspirational quotes. I totally know what you mean about the one that helped you with your divorce.
Once I knew better, I did SO much better.
Congrats Aunt Bearswife!! Glad to hear of the healthy birth.
Chloe seems like a sweet little girl. I hate to hear that she is 'required' to give up even more time for 'appearances" She was worried over her schoolwork a few times I saw the show.
Of course Kate is frenemies with Hailey. As the proverb goes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
Improbable Dreams said... 30
Spoken like someone who knows how it is to live under the erratic thumb of a narcissistic, rage-driven mother. I'm 100% in aggreeance.
Pretty close Improbable... I was spanked but never with anything but the palm of a hand on my butt. However I did have a strict Lutheran upbringing and the day I left home I told God that I'd stay in touch on a personal level, but organized religion wasn't for me.
Anyway the reason I have an idea of what it like to live with an OCD, rage-driven nutjob is that my late mil was one. My husband could scare Stephen King with some of the stories he has about her. She was actually his stepmother - a monster of a woman who would beat him and his siblings to a pulp when she went into one of her rages. Hubby told me he and his brothers came up with all sorts of ways to try to placate her before and after she'd go off the deep end. He always says Joan Crawford had nothing on her.
The real zinger is that a month before she died she told him she couldn't understand why he never told her he loved her after all she'd done for him. Duh.
Kate's tweet about asking permission, tweeted on Nov.8. Milo deleted her tweet, so don't know what exactly Kate was replying to:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack no but I asked (as I always do) if they minded if I tweeted abt their leaf projects-made a mental note2tell them my corny joke
7:42 PM - 8 Nov 12 ·
Kate's A Twit/Capecodmama I didn't know how Jenny met her husband or the circumstances surrounding their relationship. The point I was trying to make is that it is possible to have a life, work a normal job and survive despite having several children that's all. Kate's excuse that no man would want her because of her kids is bogus. She needs to look at herself.
How utterly detestable that those poor girls are filmed for up to 70 hours a week plus the extra appearances. Disgusting.
What is wrong with our society that we have so few people protesting the exploitation of our children? (I know, I'm preaching to the choir here.)
But, really? In what universe is it perfectly acceptable to make children WORK (thanks, Aggiemom for the reminder in the last thread) grueling hours purely for the entertainment of others?
Someone said it in the last thread too, it's a sweat shop mentality. Oh, people got all up in arms when it was discovered that Kathie Lee Gifford's clothing line was being manufactured in overseas sweat shops by small children but there are no qualms about the same kind of work schedule for our own kids.
Hypocritical much? Or is it okay because our kids (really, their parents) get paid thousands while the kids overseas get paid only pennies?
No amount of financial compensation makes it okay to exploit and abuse children...NONE. It just shouldn't be happening at all, anywhere, period.
I'm getting my dander up and think I need a break. I take pride in my participation on this blog and adding my voice to the compassionate and like minded people here who want to see an end to child exploitation.
But so often it feels like a futile endeavour...battling Goliath as it were. The money machine trudges on and blows its toxic fumes into our collective conscious and it's so hard to shake the ever growing cloud of greed.
It just breaks my heart.
Bearswife said...
Completely OT:
I am a new auntie! The first grandchild in my family was born last night and everyone is doing well. So happy there is a boy to carry on our family name, we are all so excited for my bro and sis-in-law!
Congratulations to the new parents, and to
Auntie Bearswife :o)
Welcome to the world, baby boy!
emschick1128 said... 53
I understood what you were trying to say and I totally agree with you. Although Jenny had known her present husband previously, her 6 kids did not deter her from having a relationship to the point where they got married and are having another child.
Kate uses her kids as an excuse, because she won't admit that she's the problem, not that she has 8 kids. She uses them as an excuse for everything--why she's not dating, why she can't go back to nursing, etc.etc. (Administrator) said... 43
I saw that tweet by Kate a while back. She couldn't have gotten permission if she came across the cards after she dropped the kids at the bus stop. The lies never stop.
They were a surprise after they LEFT so how did she ask permission to post it? BULLSHIT.
Oh, that Kate-
can't keep her lies straight!
We've already seen what Kate herself wrote in her journals - do you REALLY want Robert to publish MORE of Kate's own words detailing her admissions of child and animal ABUSE, grifting, horrible behavior in the community and with co-workers? REALLY?
Ah, but you're forgetting. Milo knows everything there is to know about Kate (even though she never met her). She thinks like Kate thinks, she knows what's on her agenda every single moment of every day, and she knows all about her past. She imagines herself inside Kate's brain. In fact, I sometimes think that she believes that she IS Kate.
How she knows these things remains a mystery. If Robert comes out with more details, Milo will just continue her "Robbie" tirade about him being a lying creep. She knows Kate could never do those things, and even if Kate ever would admit to anything, Milo would just say that Kate is confused. Jon is to blame for everything bad in Kate's life, and if Kate's journal really are her own words, it's all Jon's fault because he is an evil manipulator. That way, Kate will be vindicated because she was at the mercy of an abuser.
They were a surprise after they LEFT so how did she ask permission to post it? BULLSHIT.
She called the twins on their new iPhones, asked their permission, told them to round up the kids and ask them if it was okay to tweet it, and then had the twins call her back with everyone's permission?
Yeah, right.
I wouldn't exactly call that "sharing" recipes.
Not only that, but I doubt if Kate even knew who she was sharing it with. Would she be smart enough to look at the Twitter name and figure it out?
Congrats on the new addition to your family! I was your position 2 years ago at Thanksgiving, excited to see my newborn nephew. Last year when I saw the little man he was walking and jabbering. I'm told that he's now quite the talkative 2 yr old who especially loves using big, new words, sings songs at the top of his lungs, LOL, and tells pretty inventive stories.
I love children when they're this age and it brings tears to my eyes knowing the Gosselin kids were his age when Kate wrote in her journal about picking them up by the hair and BEATING them. I just can't imagine their fear and confusion.
I'm so excited to see the little man again next week and smother him with hugs and kisses.
The enablers(especially Milo) are all attacking Jon again, because Hailey said that Jon sold her out to the paps. But they seem to let slide that Hailey also said that Jon and Kate had been separated for almost a year before he started seeing Hailey.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 59
They were a surprise after they LEFT so how did she ask permission to post it? BULLSHIT.
She called the twins on their new iPhones, asked their permission, told them to round up the kids and ask them if it was okay to tweet it, and then had the twins call her back with everyone's permission?
Yeah, right.
She's still pretending the family is filming. The E on the card is for "Executive" because she's the executive producer and the kids have disclosure agreements that only she can violate. Good grief. We should know these things already.
I remember Brian Masche saying that Jenny wanted to put the kids back on tv for a "yours, mine and ours" show with her new blended family. Brian was so angered that Jenny finally left him and was happy.
That man had so many issues on the show that it was a train wreck to watch (I think I saw 4 episodes one afternoon...oh, and Brian actually called Jenny "Kate Gosselin").
Well, Gladys Kravitz has inserted herself into Deanna's business. I can't say, with the way Milo latched on to Kate, that this should come as any surprise to Deanna:
@deannatweeting Now ur pullin a #KateEscape...LOL Just checkin on U! Hope ur well...not sick or anything. If just busy...that's all good!
It's got to be a curse to live with someone like Milo.
You're so right. How silly of me to forget that Milo and Kate have practically morphed into one. That's scary thinking about a combination of the two of them! LOL
No tweet from Kate to Terri Irwin about Steve Irwin Day? Even after a reminder from Milo?
@Kateplusmy8 @BindiIrwin Join me N celebrating Dad's life & legacy. #SteveIrwinDay Such a fine example..carryin dad's legacy/dreams/goals!
Oh, that's right--Kate wasn't there, so no need to acknowledge it. Too late now--the day is over.
By the way, Kate has finally stopped following CC on twitter, although she still has their link up on her website.
Kate is a twit said... 62
The enablers(especially Milo) are all attacking Jon again, because Hailey said that Jon sold her out to the paps. But they seem to let slide that Hailey also said that Jon and Kate had been separated for almost a year before he started seeing Hailey.
I don't doubt that Jon was in contact with the paps and gave them location info -- heck Kate/TLC was feeding them info about where to find Kate during that same time period, too (I wouldn't be surprised if Hailey didn't call the paps, too). It seemed to be the thing everyone was doing during that time to keep the Gosselins in the media. Any press during that time was good press.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 65
@deannatweeting Now ur pullin a #KateEscape...LOL Just checkin on U! Hope ur well...not sick or anything. If just busy...that's all good!
It's got to be a curse to live with someone like Milo.
Can't you just see Milo knockin on her neighbor's door, peekin in the windows, lookin over the fence continually, sayin:
Hi there, MissHangingOutTheClothesOnTheClotheslineLady. Just checkin to see how you're doin'. Haven't seen you in an hour or so. What are we havin for dinner tonight? Somethin good and organic I hope for your MrHardWorkinManWhoComesHomeHungry.
Can't you just see Milo knockin on her neighbor's door, peekin in the windows, lookin over the fence continually, sayin:
LOL!! If it's one thing you'd never want to do if you live anywhere near her is to invite her over for coffee! She'd show up every day at the same time with a Kate DVD and two Bella Bars.
OT - Hey guys, while I don't want to get into the details I really, really, really could use some prayers, good thoughts, whatever you got. Today I got put on a clear liquid diet. They are talking TPN. Now I'm scared AND upset :( But I am totally over the self pity thing, so that's good.
Thank you all.
Flight of the Kiwi,
You've got lots of them coming your way!!
Take care
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB 69
I'm literally LOLing!! That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time.
I don't see a difference between Milo talking crap about Jon and RH talking crap about Kate!! Milo better watch out,cos there might be a lawyer from Jon coming after her. They should practice what they preach.
Kiwi - Sent!
Thanks to all who post about the tweets from and to K8. I have stopped looking up this stuff for myself. If I continue to do so, I'm afraid I will need prescribed medication.
Flight of the Kiwi said... 71
Prayers to you, Kiwi. Stay nourished and strong!
I am sending all good thoughts to you. Stay strong.
Can't you just see Milo knockin on her neighbor's door, peekin in the windows, lookin over the fence continually, sayin:
Hi there, MissHangingOutTheClothesOnTheClotheslineLady. Just checkin to see how you're doin'. Haven't seen you in an hour or so. What are we havin for dinner tonight? Somethin good and organic I hope for your MrHardWorkinManWhoComesHomeHungry.
Tweetle-De - lol! too funny!
I hate to be a buzzkill but Milo is a prime example as to why Kate needs someone to moniter her. She latches on to anyone who showers her with attention. If it's true that she has never met Milo, for all she knows she/he could be a freaking serial killer who picked a doddering old ladyfriend persona to get close to the family. Kate is a danger to herself and her kids.
Deanna's reply to Milo
Deanna Bell @deannatweeting
@MiloandJack Hi there! How are you! My to do list has been very long, so no time for fun until I can cross everything off!!!
Flight of the Kiwi, my thoughts are with you.
Jane said... 80
Deanna's reply to Milo
Deanna Bell @deannatweeting
@MiloandJack Hi there! How are you! My to do list has been very long, so no time for fun until I can cross everything off!!
Add ten exclamation marks and Kate could have written it.
Flight of the Kiwi, I will be praying for you, Sweetie. Take care and God bless.
Flight of the Kiwi--Sending thoughts and prayers your way.
Kiwi: So sorry. I didn't realize you were so sick- best wishes for your recovery. TPN is a good thing- it's amazing how it restores energy and levels of electrolytes etc back to normal.
while respecting your privacy, many of us here are here for you to offer support and an ear.
Jenny Mache has admitted to having an affair with her now husband, so she's hardly a saint.
She's still a lot more likable than Kate, though. So is the dog catcher, for that matter.
I like the IW site. They're sheeple, but they do have sense and manners. I remember when Ellen asked them to remove parts of her interview, and they abided by her wishes. They are also tolerant of our point of view.
Why can't the blogs get along? It seems silly for people to get so upset with those who see things differently.
Flight of the Kiwi, I add my good thoughts and good vibes to you.
If I didn't know better, that tweet could've been written by Kate! No wonder their "friends".
♫♫ Still, they're friends.
Identical friends and you'll find,
They laugh alike, they walk alike,
At times they even talk alike --
You can lose your mind,
When friends are two of a kind. ♫♫
(With apologies to the writers of the Patty Duke Show theme)
Bearswife, congratulations on the new baby boy in the family, how wonderful! Blessings to all of you.
Flight - Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kiwi, prayers and good wishes through your struggle.
Bearswife - Congrats on the new baby boy!
Kiwi, healing vibes coming your way!
LMG, my mom is tickled pink (or blue in this case) to FINALLY become a grandma!! At 72 she had just about given up. This will be one spoiled boy, she was headed out on a shopping spree today. And I had to go buy blue pompom yarn to make another blanket.
From the Daily Mail website: "Honey Boo Boo gets another 15 minutes, as she is immortalized in garish comic book. The comic book is entitled "15 Minutes" and charts her rise to fame over the past 11 months.
LMG, my mom is tickled pink (or blue in this case) to FINALLY become a grandma!! At 72 she had just about given up.
LOL! We made my mom "grandma" for the first time and she was no spring chicken. She was ecstatic. I was in the hospital bed, having just delivered, door was open, and I saw her fly by. I called to her to come and see me, but she didn't even stop. She said, "Got to see the baby. I'll see you later." I laughed.
She went on many shopping sprees. We never had to buy a thing.
Congratulations to your family!
Flight of the Kiwi ~ My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Tweetle-De ~ If it's true that laughter's the best medicine, you just gave us entire pharmacy o' healing. Thanks!
Bearswife and Blowing In The Wind, yep, first grandchildren will do that to you! The truth is though, it isn't just the first one; I went out of my way to spoil the second one just as much! They are such blessings. Congrats to all of you.
Flight of the Kiwi said... 71
I'm sending you all the luck, hope and best wishes!
Kiwi - Hugs and good thoughts to you. Stay strong and get well.
Kiwi -- healing thoughts coming to you :)
Twit@88 said,
♫♫ Still, they're friends.
Identical friends and you'll find,
They laugh alike, they walk alike,
At times they even talk alike --
You can lose your mind,
When friends are two of a kind. ♫♫
lol!! Milo tweeted to Deanna:
@Deannatweeting No problem w/that! I see why U & Kate R best buds! #ToDoListFinishers. Just glad ur okay...see later 2play! :)
Milo has a playdate with Deanna! You can't make this stuff up!
Kiwi, nothing but best wishes for you!
We had a friend come to visit us with her grandchild. The baby started to cry, not wet, not hungry, just one of those crying jags that babies go on. Grandma picked the baby up but the baby just wanted to cry. My bully went over to the baby and seemed very concerned and then he went and got his favorite toy (yes the one he's holding in the picture that I use as my avatar) and dropped the toy on grandma's lap for the baby. It didn't stop the baby from crying but it was cute.
NJGal51 said... 103
Isn't that something..who can say dogs don't have emotions.Would make a great Youtube!
What a cute dog story, NJGal51! So sweet.
I never watched Jenny and Brian's show because I was so tired of the Gosselins. It is interesting that Jenny could actually work and is continuing on with a happy life after divorce. Kate does use the 8 kids as an excuse. Don't you think if she truly needed money Kate would have to return to a nursing type job? She keeps up with her license for a reason. Lucrative television offers will never happen for Kate. Everyone has her number and it isn't good. People don't "quit" her, she runs them away. Kate could take lessons from Jenny. Kate has negative issues that Jenny does not have. Sad, really.
All this "I love you, Mommy" stuff is tired. What mother even talks about that? If the kids are loving, we just enjoy it. No need to brag, brag, brag. Just stupid, really stupid.
Flight of the Kiwi said... 71
OT - Hey guys, while I don't want to get into the details I really, really, really could use some prayers, good thoughts, whatever you got. Today I got put on a clear liquid diet. They are talking TPN. Now I'm scared AND upset :( But I am totally over the self pity thing, so that's good.
Thank you all.
Prayers heading your way, Kiwi.
Take deep healing breaths, and think positively,
and logically.
No matter what, you are in good hands.
God bless you, dear.
LaLaLandNoMore said... 105
''.....No need to brag, brag, brag. Just stupid, really stupid.''
Yep. KK is still stuck on stupid!!
NJ what a heart on that dog.
Kiwi you are much appreciated and cared about!
Kate's ideas about love are very literal. I love you's, hugs and kisses. I'm sad she doesn't seem to know how much deeper love is than that.
NJGal51 said... 103
We had a friend come to visit us with her grandchild. The baby started to cry, not wet, not hungry, just one of those crying jags that babies go on. Grandma picked the baby up but the baby just wanted to cry. My bully went over to the baby and seemed very concerned and then he went and got his favorite toy (yes the one he's holding in the picture that I use as my avatar) and dropped the toy on grandma's lap for the baby. It didn't stop the baby from crying but it was cute.
Your bulldog has better maternal instincts than Kate ;o)
Dogs are awesome :o)
Tweedle....wowza! You channeled Milo like a pro!! Too funny!! wishes, hugs sent your way! I'll make sure I keep an eye out for you here to see how you're doing.
Bearswife.....Congrats on the beautiful, blue bundle of joy! Enjoy the new family addition!!
As for this new thread....70 hours??? Seriously?! That is just all kinds of insane! I feel so badly for all those poor babies. The parents just suck for ever getting them involved in all of this. Some childhood. : (
NJ-what a great story!
When my grandson was born, my daughter and SIL had a beagle. When the baby cried, he would coming running up to one of us and started whining as if to say "baby needs you, and needs you now!", and he wouldn't let up until we went and took care of the baby. He was almost as good as a baby monitor.
Milo is still trying to get Kate to acknowledge Steve Irwin Day. She just tweeted again her previous tweet to Kate about it. Guess she doesn't realize that it's already the next day in Australia, and Steve Irwin Day is over. Too late for Kate.
LaLaLandNoMore said... 105
All this "I love you, Mommy" stuff is tired. What mother even talks about that? If the kids are loving, we just enjoy it. No need to brag, brag, brag. Just stupid, really stupid.
It's damn annoying.
Because of Kate's lack of esteem, and her need to be superior, she needs to be constantly stroked by her sheeple.
Her hungry, dependent ego is exhausting-ish.
Can't you just see Milo knockin on her neighbor's door, peekin in the windows, lookin over the fence continually, sayin:
* * *
I didn't have a neighbor as bad as this, but a good friend of mine once did. She lived in a condo, and in order to reach her door, she would have to pass by her neighbor's door. She made the "mistake" of being her natural friendly self when the neighbor first moved in, and from that moment forward, she was pestered no end. As soon as she would walk in her door, two seconds later the neighbor would come a'knocking, wanting to visit. For a long time. And smoke. Inside. (Friend was non-smoker.) She couldn't take a hint either.
After awhile, my friend tried explaining that when she first got home, she needed to deal with other things rather than visiting. Didn't stop the neighbor. Then she tried coming around the other side of the building - neighbor must have had a can up between her wall and the carport to listen for the sound of my friend's car, as she turned up just as quick. My friend finally had to point blank tell her not to come over. The neighbor got offended. Apparently some people have no boundaries, manners, or even common sense.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 69
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 65
@deannatweeting Now ur pullin a #KateEscape...LOL Just checkin on U! Hope ur well...not sick or anything. If just busy...that's all good!
It's got to be a curse to live with someone like Milo.
Can't you just see Milo knockin on her neighbor's door, peekin in the windows, lookin over the fence continually, sayin:
Hi there, MissHangingOutTheClothesOnTheClotheslineLady. Just checkin to see how you're doin'. Haven't seen you in an hour or so. What are we havin for dinner tonight? Somethin good and organic I hope for your MrHardWorkinManWhoComesHomeHungry.
That's positively chilling, Tweedle ;o)
I wonder how fast Kate will call the cops if that superfan showed up at her gate...
Flight of the Kiwi Sending all kinds of prayers and hugs your way. I hope you get better real soon.
The neighbor got offended. Apparently some people have no boundaries, manners, or even common sense.
I hope your friend didn't have a bunny! :)
Kiwi -- chin up. Good wishes to you. Hang in there.
Milo's having so much fun bashing Jon.
@deannatweeting Did U see Hailey's show last nite? How revealing? She even confirmed Jon's "mantrums"..grown man kickin his feet N anger!
Guess she has a faulty memory or never watched Kate's show. How many tantrums did Kate exhibit on that show. RV episode anyone? Oh wait-I forgot, that was all due to "editing".
She even confirmed Jon's "mantrums"..grown man kickin his feet N anger!
Doesn't even come close to a mother who pulls a toddler by the hair and slams him into the crib.
Flight - Hugs & Good Vibes!
Bearswife, congrats!
Flight of Kiwi, hope you will be feeling better soon! Maybe this will make you smile: few years back, a friend had surgery and got discharged home before Thanksgiving. She was going to be on liquids for a while. I made orange jello jigglers and used cookie cutters to make her jello Turkeys. She loved it! Tell that Rocket Man to get busy and make you some.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@EmSmellsOld @TrippenIn A shame Hailey did not get a video of the "man-trum" stompin his feet N anger! Never heard of such! #Immature
But there are videos of Kate dragging a vacuum cleaner over a parking lot, of her throwing a tantrum in Toys R Us, and having a fit at Jon for not using a coupon. That was "mature" behavior? Those examples are only the tip of the iceberg.
70 hours a week filming??!! That is outrageous! I did a little math. I'm the first to admit that I am math challenged, so if I mess it up, one of you whizzes please correct me. There are 168 hours in a week. Minus 70 hours filming, that's 98 hours. Figure 8 hours a night sleep (it should be more for kids this age, but say 8 on average), that's 56 hours. 98 - 56 is 42. Those kids have 42 hours a week - 6 hours a day - for unimportant things like school, eating, homework, family time, and just living! 42 hours a week! That is unconscionable. What kind of parent does that to their kid?
Kiwi -- Nightly prayers for you and many good thoughts heading your way daily too. I hope you feel better very soon. Don't be afraid of TPN. It may be just what you need. Give your gut a rest and get better nutrition into you so you can heal faster. Prayers for your doctors too, as they work to get you better.
Bearswife -- Congrats on the new nephew. What a gift to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!
When I mentioned all those blogs and websites for free e-books last night, I forgot one -- They will email you daily with info on books in any genre you choose. You can also go to their website and get info on more books. They also just launched a new e-letter called bargainbooksy, that will give info about cheap e-books, DTBs, and audio books. Again, you can sign up for a free daily e-letter for the formats/genres you are interested in.
The way Milo is attacking Jon, maybe she should change her twitter name to "Milo and Jon". It's funny how they're all behind Hailey now and believe everything she says, where when she was with Jon, all they could do were call her names, of which "tramp" was one of the nicer ones.
NJGal, what a cute dog story! I think alot of dogs just have this inherent sense to protect the little ones. Our german shepard would stay by the boys while they were in their romper seats, like he was guarding them. If they started to cry, he would perk up, run to me, run to the baby, run back to me, as if he was saying, hey you're not coming fast enough!
Once the baby was calmed down, Cody would go back to his guard dog routine, laying right by them.
Pink, not to put you on the spot or embarrass you, I just want to acknowledge how kind your messages to fellow posters always are. Anytime any of us need an encouraging word or have good news, you are quick to give thoughtful and encouraging words, and as as a avid reader of this blog and occassional poster, I appreciate it very much. I can't claim to know you, but you seem like a fantastic person. Please know that that never goes unnoticed.
Take care and don't ever change!
@Kateplusmy8 hey kate, what kind of knife set did you have at the old house?
Huh? Most likely ones that cut.
Anonymous said... 114
Can't you just see Milo knockin on her neighbor's door, peekin in the windows, lookin over the fence continually, sayin:
* * *
I didn't have a neighbor as bad as this, but a good friend of mine once did. She lived in a condo, and in order to reach her door, she would have to pass by her neighbor's door. She made the "mistake" of being her natural friendly self when the neighbor first moved in, and from that moment forward, she was pestered no end. As soon as she would walk in her door, two seconds later the neighbor would come a'knocking, wanting to visit. For a long time. And smoke. Inside. (Friend was non-smoker.) She couldn't take a hint either.
After awhile, my friend tried explaining that when she first got home, she needed to deal with other things rather than visiting. Didn't stop the neighbor. Then she tried coming around the other side of the building - neighbor must have had a can up between her wall and the carport to listen for the sound of my friend's car, as she turned up just as quick. My friend finally had to point blank tell her not to come over. The neighbor got offended. Apparently some people have no boundaries, manners, or even common sense.
I wonder if we've all had a neighbor like this?? My nosy neighbor was a man named Dave, about 40 and the biggest busybody I have ever met.
One night, a bat got into our house. Since we had three small kids, we panicked and called the sheriff (after not being able to find a removal service because it was late.)
Being a small town, the sheriff obligingly came out. We put the bright overhead lights on in front of the big picture window facing Dave's house around 1 a.m.--after finding the bat hanging in the curtains. The sheriff helped my husband remove the curtains and grabbed the bat with his gloved hand and let it go outside. Then the sheriff and my husband rehung the curtains--all the while the bright light was on.
Now, I absolutely KNEW that this would drive Dave crazy. 24 hours a day, Dave never missed a thing. So we decided not to say anything. Why was the sheriff at our house late at night hanging CURTAINS????
So right on schedule, ol' Dave approaches me the next day. I just said hi. Then (I could see it was killing him), he says, "Um, everything okay at your house?"
"Sure," I said smiling. "Everything's fine!" And went on my way.
Now, I absolutely KNEW that this would drive Dave crazy
Did it drive him batshit crazy?
Where do you find a sheriff to help hang curtains? Was he the New Sheriff In Town? :)
RT @kdgymnast13: Watching @Kateplusmy8 in Australia and @TerriIrwin said Steve Irwin day is Nov 15! So happy Steve Irwin day!!! (:
Isn't it Friday morning in Australia right now?
Is the blog tracking every reader who happens across the blog and trying to determine if they are a Kate "hater?" 18
They are indeed.
I realize that reading there is free, but caveat emptor applies.
Kiwi, all my heart to you. I am one of your blog friends/fans who cares about you. Please tell us when it is better. Bless you, dear.
So Jon-boy sold photos of Hailey what happened to the money I wonder?
Kiwi, thoughts and prayers.
Hailey I have 3 words for you. You picked him.
Kiwi sending you tons of good vibes and prayers!!
Did it drive him batshit crazy?
Where do you find a sheriff to help hang curtains? Was he the New Sheriff In Town? :)
LOL, I think it did! We never told him. He kept hinting. We just looked at him like he was... well... bat$hit, ha ha.
I often think of the sight it must have made to good old Dave, with his binoculars (I think). Only in small town America does the sheriff come out and rehang the curtains before he leaves.
My other favorite Dave story is--imagine the irony--our baby monitor picked up HIS house's baby monitor. So we, who couldn't have cared less, essentially had his house bugged.
Milo and Dave would have gotten along well. Milo would have wondered what we had for dinner, and Dave would have stuck his binoculars out the window and told her!
Hailey only picked Jon because she thought with him she could get some exposure that she wanted. Wasn't it reported that prior to Jon (or shortly after), she tried out for some college reality show or something? I'm sure I read about it and, at the time, Jon was in the news so I believe that's why she chose to latch onto him: for her own chance at 12 minutes of fame.
Jenny M and her beau/husband have been offered a reality show and surprise, they are thinking it over, she needs the money!
Thought no one was going to talk about the kids in a bad light? What's with mentioning Leah and Hannah as 'love ups' not a good thing to start here. Leave the kids alone, they have nothing to do with what pics on put on the web. They are just kids, little kids, 8 yrs old, give em a break. Admin, please stop anyone talking about them and destroying them. Rep Murt passes a law and this blog is now for calling the kids names?
We don't know the kids, grow up!
Virginia Pen -- so whatever happened to crazy Dave?
Rep Murt passes a law and this blog is now for calling the kids names?
We don't know the kids, grow up!
Who is calling the kids names?
Moose Mania said... 142
''Who is calling the kids names?''
I agree. Who on this blog called the kids names? Link please!!
No one called the kids names in fact Kate was the one who tweeted the picture of Hannah and Leah to begin with. Blame Kate.
I don't see any insults about Leah and Hannah either. btw, did you notice the envelope of the love note was not even opened?? Weird.
Thanks Admin for removing another college comment!
Did Kate open the letter from Paige yet. LOL
Admin, I also thank you for deleting that comment. You saved me from reading and re-reading a paragraph that I swear didn't make a lick of sense!!
Thanks for removing the "college" comment! Glad to know I'm making an impression on the university kids. Look out Dwindle, I may get my own fan club...
I just wish I had some of those meds they mentioned.
Amy must be confusing this blog with one of the
I hate __(name)__ blogs out there. That's where she'll find name calling. Terrible.
Glad I could bring a laugh or two. I was sandwiched between a couple of women rather like Milo once but not nearly as pushy.
I think Stephen King should write a book about Milo and then there could be a movie and they could use the theme song from "Jaws" when she was skulking through the neighbors' yards and picking through their trash on pick-up days, jumping out from behind trees when the kids got off the school bus. It would be terrifying.
Dmasy said... 146
Thanks Admin for removing another college comment!
I missed it. What college was it this time? :-)
Nice try.
We cant "all get along" when they are a blot who disparaged our Administor for ONE reason only -- she doesn't support Kate Gosselin.
Kiwi...sending good thoughts.
Ex-nurse...hoping things are settling down for you.
OT...Texas miles of off topic. I am sitting in Gruene Dance Hall. 1878. Oldest dance hall in Texas. Rustic to splinters in the ladies room....
Drinking Texas Shiner. I wish I could share.
Rmember I was mentioning the unheard-of tornadoes in MN last week?
Wow. What a lot of work! My muscles are sore! (Thanks to those who mentioned wearing sturdy shoes!)
My brother is such a connector. He showed up with a contingent of 34 people, made up of family and friends. We all brought hammers/nails, tarps, chain saws, generators, food. The one little old lady burst into tears when she saw us all.
He has another little old lady staying with him now because her house was destroyed, and she has no family. He stood right next to the ladies as they met with the insurance agents, to be sure that the women were treated right.
You know, when it comes time to get into heaven, I think he's gonna be allowed right in.
Kate? I think she's gonna have some 'splainin' to do. Child-abusers and dog-beaters aren't looked on with favor there, I would imagine.
Mel, Your brother sounds like a great guy! Very familiar with tornadoes here in Tennessee. My neighborhood was affected in 1989 and it's devastating to those impacted. That's when neighbors really get to know one another. Thank God for good people.
Watch it there you might want to brush up on your Bible, which says SPEAK UP, JUDGE, but do so fairly, DEFEND the RIGHTS of the poor and NEEDY. Without a doubt, child abuse victims and exploited children fall under that "needy" category.
In any case it doesn't take a Christian to know that child abuse and exploitation is wrong, wrong, wrong. And that turning a blind eye is wrong, wrong, wrong. Those people will have to answer for turning their backs, too.
Hey Kate - bet you regret dissing Anderson Cooper. His co-host on his show today was SNOOKI! (she did a good job).
How's your "gift of gab" working out for you?
Good deeds don't get you into heaven. One sin isn't any worse than the other.
All I know is that if I die in an elevator, I'm pushing the "up" button.
Google, bear with me on this. When is the last time IW has given me a hard time? As I remember it that was over two years ago and it was only one or two posts. Yeah it was a cheap shot and blogs on blogs, but I knew it didn't accomplish much. It's not about me as much as posts like that tried to confuse the issue. It's about that lying child exploiter and abuser Kate. Anything else is a red herring. As far as I know they don't come here and try to disrupt things. As far as I know, they haven't continued to post about me in a long time, unless I'm just unaware of it.
As long as they don't continue to attack me, I can forgive and forget. They play in their sandbox we play in ours. It's cool.
Watch it There do you honestly think she actually thinks she has a say who gets into heaven??? Come on, don't be so literal.
You said none of us can determine whether we get into heaven, and then you go off about how you think it is based on faith not works. Well, that's debatable my dear. There are many passages that talk exactly about good works and heaven. Guess you missed those as well. "So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." DEAD....i.e. not heaven for you. And this one: "He will render to each one according to his work." There are many more.
Don't be so literal, and don't be so hypocritical. No one was trying to debate religion.
I probably won't ever have to answer for turning my back, but there will be other things I will need to answer for. As we all will.
Didn't mean to start anything. Sorry.
I was just thinking about how my brother rounded up so many people to help those little old ladies, who desperately needed help. And then stood with them when they needed help with the other facets of recovery.
And then thinking of someone else who mainly focuses on how much they can grift.
Getting into heaven...I don't know. Aren't you supposed to get in if you believe? And have repentence? Didn't good deeds have something to do with it, too? I've kind of forgotten. Obviously. :-)
You know I suppose it never occurs to the sheeple that Hailey doesn't land herself any interviews if she syas her ex was a nice guy and she wishes him the best. Yawn, that's boring. They want controversy and cat fights.
Hailey has no sympathy from me. She dated a celebrity and made no effort to hide from the paparazzi while doing so. You can't act like that then go crying about some tabloid articles. There were plenty of other men she could have dated who were private people. She was a young girl with no baggage from a nice wealthy family, she didn't NEED to date Jon.
If Liz ever calls things off with Jon and chooses to say anything bad about him they would flip in a second and support her too.
If you reach out to shake their hand, I guarantee they will bite it off.
Kate has a heart?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 I was beginnin 2think Capt. Kirk had Scotty beam U over 2Australia 4 Steve Irwin Day! #InYourDreamsHuh??
Why does Milo continue to rub Kate's nose in the fact that she didn't go to Australia? Does Milo get po'd if Kate doesn't come on early enough for Milo so she pouts?
Google, relax. I'm not shaking any hands. Simply leaving them be.
I'm simply saying I don't hold grudges. Whatever, it's just a blog. Who cares.
Why does Milo continue to rub Kate's nose in the fact that she didn't go to Australia? Does Milo get po'd if Kate doesn't come on early enough for Milo so she pouts?
I think she is as dense as Kate. She doesn't see she is embarrassing her and putting her in an awkward position. Dollars to donuts Kate outright ASKED them to fly her out again this year. You know she did. And after the fiasco of raising only 1,000, count them, 1,000 dollars, there is no way Terri's board would let her touch Kate again. Terri has done enough to jeopardize her organization, the last thing they're going to let her do is blow money on a D list celebrity who brings absolutely NO value to them and in fact puts them in the red. And not to mention it's VERY selfish of Kate to want to go back there when she knows full well she did nothing to help them. She should be hiding in a closet in shame. What does she do though, puts out tons of feelers that she wants to go again! She has no shame, none.
Milo knows Kate wasn't asked to go but I think she is playing guidance again thinking it's probably better Kate acknowledge it and say something nice about that. But that's not how Kate operates, try as she might. Kate is probably bitter about it, doesn't see why they can't fly not just her but all the kids out, first class no less. I'm willing to be she and Terri aren't even on speaking terms. You know Kate probably stormed off in a huff when they told her no. Another person dead to her.
Anyone out there have any pug tips??
I'm babysitting next weekend!!! He's ADORABLE.
Watch, 157...
With what measure you measure it will be measured to you.
"Truth is truth
To the end of reckoning."
(Shakespeare, Measure For Measure)
Anyone out there have any pug tips??
Ear plugs and nose plugs!
Pugs are super cute but they snore and are notoriously gassy. They are also great cuddlers and pretty funny little guys.
That's exactly how you started--rude and condescending, attacking one of the posters here. Again with the attacks then getting upset when it's dished back. Not falling for it.
It is nowhere near an unreasonable request to ask you to stop poking about trying to talk religion. Especially since I've never even seen your name here before. You can talk about it--but certainly not here. My blog my rules.
Why does Milo continue to rub Kate's nose in the fact that she didn't go to Australia? Does Milo get po'd if Kate doesn't come on early enough for Milo so she pouts?
Somebody needs to tell Milo that it is the 16th in Australia. Steve Irwin Day was yesterday. She's a day late and a brain short.
Honey Boo Boo's being featured in a comic book series called "15 Minutes." I think the very title says it all.
Article excerpt:
You better redneckomitize! Bluewater Productions continues it’s examination of the under belly of FAME in the second installment of their new “15 Minutes” biography comics line that focuses on the stars of reality television. Alana Mitchell better known to the world at large as pint sized pageant queen “Honey Boo Boo”. Join writer/artist Michael Troy as we uncover Honey Boo Boo’s rise to FAME from her breakout appearance’s on Toddlers and Tiara’s to landing her very own reality series. Discover why self-named “Honey Boo Boo” has garnered the attention, if not the hearts from Anderson Cooper to The White House.
“15 Minutes: Honey Boo Boo” is released on Wednesday, November 14
I'm upset by your wording and your rudeness. There is no excuse for that no matter who's blog it is.
Easy solution - go away.
That comic book is awful. That is a REAL child, it's not little orphan Annie for heaven sake.
And there ya go. You don't like what is said to you and you censor (delete). Be a grown up for once.
@Kateplusmy8 If you don't retweet me I am going to unfollow you.
That's one way to win friends and influence people. Ultimatums will get you far...
Is Bitter Betty the Dead Horse Beater back AGAIN?
Watch it there said... 180
''No I wasn't rude and condescending. And it wasn't off topic at all. It was in reply to a post about Kate not getting into heaven.
I'm upset by your wording and your rudeness. There is no excuse for that no matter who's blog it is.''
Watch it there said... 183
''And there ya go. You don't like what is said to you and you censor (delete). Be a grown up for once.''
Boo Hoo, Admin hit you back!! Her blog, her rules. YOU grow up and go away!! Have a gr8 day!!
Your first post certainly WAS rude and condescending, Watch it. Right out of the gate your name is condescending "Watch It There." As in watch it, like you are our mother? How about pick a norma name like Apple or Blue? Please. Then you told Mel her brother isn't getting into heaven. Then you proceeded to tell us we better "watch" judging and implied everyone was hating. Give me a freaking break. You must think I'm stupid. It was shit stirring, period. The simple, mature solution would have been to email me with a concern about a post being inappropriate. Instead you chose to insult all the religious people here. Cya.
Admin ~ I agree. Again, Child as Commodity. Like Shirley Temple in her day, I suppose, but way way way more crass.
And there ya go. You don't like what is said to you and you censor (delete). Be a grown up for once.
Grown ups keep their house neat and tidy, and take action when someone is dirtying up the place or disobeying the four rules. So, that's what a grown up does. :)
I know, be a grown up and follow four simple rules. Most of the rest of the grownups here can manage it.
Admin is it the success of this blog that makes these people hate you so much? The last couple of weeks I can not believe the hate that has come here. We have a nice caring group of posters and these same people using different names keep coming and trying to hijack this blog. I think we better go back to our policy of agreeing or ignoring.
I want people to email me to keep this garbage off the blog. It's as simple as that. I couldn't care less who you are or what your stupid isp is nor do I even understand isps and what the point is on any level like some of those blogs obsessed with outings do. You're confusing that with many other blogs who are bored. And as far as I know there are plenty of ways to email someone from a proxy or what have you without exposing your precious isp. Anyone who has ever emailed me over the past three years can attest I never have compromised them in any manner, and usually am able to respond immediately to their concerns. Never once, not in three years, has this blog ever, ever participated even for a second in outing ANYONE.
They always have the same MO. Always.
They always have the same MO. Always.
They always do and it's annoying. Post something insulting like outright implying someone's wonderful generous brother won't get into heaven, then when slapped back, go run crying about that they are being bullied and they didn't do anything wrong! Good Lord they are like a seven year old pest.
I am so incredibly bored with this and yet am not sure what to do anymore. Nothing works. I'm in a "hit them right back, upper cut!" mode at the moment. The worse Kate gets the more they hate us. Don't hate us because we were right. :)
carezee said... 191
''......I think we better go back to our policy of agreeing or ignoring.''
I vote for deleting their idiotic butts every single time they show up with the obvious agenda of distracting this blog. (Administrator) said... 172
I think she is as dense as Kate. She doesn't see she is embarrassing her and putting her in an awkward position. Dollars to donuts Kate outright ASKED them to fly her out again this year. You know she did. And after the fiasco of raising only 1,000, count them, 1,000 dollars, there is no way Terri's board would let her touch Kate again.
If they ever have a comic of Kate they should draw her tossing a match over her shoulder after crossing a bridge. I've never seen anyone who can kill so many opportunities as that woman. Whoever her agent is, they must be going insane. She is a PR nightmare.
a blog based on hating and destroyig one person
Do you see the irony in posting this in the DANCE MOMS threads about how awful the DANCE MOMS show is?? LOL!!!!
ONE out of the past SEVEN posts have been about Kate! Go look! There were posts on the election, posts on Halloween, the Hurricane, this post on Dance Moms. Plenty of off topic things were discussed. The ONLY post about Kate was when that Pit Bulls and Paroles angel made a public statement about HER hate against pit bulls and HER intent to hate and destroy the breed. Of course we're reporting on that. That wasn't my fault, Kate chose to make a public issue of the pit bull instead of dealing with her problems behind the scenes. Not our fault. Go blame Kate. I didn't post a single darn thing about it until Kate started going on about it.
The purpose of the blog is to expose the truth about reality t.v. It is not our fault that one of the biggest offenders is Kate.
Watch it there said... 198
You want honesty? OK, you're boring and irritating we all wish you would get the hell off of this blog.
Admin I think only one who'll be upset about getting deleted is the poster you just deleted.
Thank you.
How about a tall, soothing Rumspringa? You've earned it.
Dwindle, break out the Polo cups, will you please.
Polo, Solo. Meh.
Thank you for your kindness, Working Woman.
You are very sweet :o)
I love how this blog supports each other.
I guess you can say we are all family.
Take care, Working Woman-
Kind of ironic how sweet Pink is. Her name conjures up such a disturbing image hehe :)
Someone (I am sorry I don't remember who.) anyway someone mentioned that Kate stopped following CC on twitter. Could it be that they blocked her instead?
Watch it there said... 198
You think just because you named it realitytvkids eans anything? Does this sound familiar to you:
A blog chronicaling every move JON, KATE, and TLC makes etc.
So yeah say what you want but your header says exactly what this blog does.
Now you're lying. Remember, we're not sheeple so we're not going to nod our heads and agree with your blatant lie. We discuss many things on this blog that have nothing to do with that child abusing, animal abusing fame whore that you are so enamored of. Why do you stay here? All you're doing is showing your recursive stupidity to us. I have a very good idea of who you are and one thing for sure, you are a shit stirrer from way back. Begone!
Kind of ironic how sweet Pink is. Her name conjures up such a disturbing image hehe :)
That's true, Administrator. But again, Kate's odd behavior kinda helped- but you know that already ;o)
Do we know which states have laws regarding child labor in the entertainment industry? I don't know if most do and PA was one of the few that didn't.
The reason I am asking is I'm wondering if Dance Moms would get around the new PA law by going to competitions in states that don't have such laws and filming more in those states and away from the studio in PA?
I just can't imagine the children working 70 hours a week. That is just crazy. I'm disgusted that their mothers would put them through that and in my opinion that is another pedophile's delight type of show especially given the outfits the girls wear. This has got to stop.
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