Christi Lukasiak says the popular reality show, which features kids in nearly every frame of the episodes, films for 70 hours a week.
Christie and daughter Chloe |
Yeah, we bet you are, Chloe. Poor kid. The controversial reality show out of Pittsburgh has been renewed for another season, and now one of the moms is revealing exactly how hard those kids are working for the cameras. But PA Rep. Murt's recently passed child labor law should put a damper on Lifetime's cozy little sweat shop. The bill would only permit the
Dance Moms children age 9 to 16 to film for five hours a day (even less for some of the younger dancers), with four hours left over for mandated school and rest time, and a mandatory 12 hour rest period between consecutive shooting days. The new law also requires that set teachers be on set at all times, as well as a parent or guardian. Will all these changes have any bearing on
Lifetime's product, or will they still be able to churn out a good show without exploiting the living crap out of their young subjects to do so?
Click on the Dance Moms tag below to see our past posts on this reality show. Red flags have been raised more than once.
704 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 704 Newer› Newest»Admin, this one has been after you for some time. It sounds suspiciously like the other one from awhile back. You went trolling and caught that one. This one has the same MO, same writing style, same content.
Sh*t! What the hell?
Who left the barn door opened? The sheep are escaping!
I must have missed where anyone here tried to deny we don't talk about the Gosselin saga or to try to assert that this blog wasn't set up for that very purpose lol. Um, no one is trying to tell you the blog isn't about Kate when there is a big honking photo of supertanned Kate every time you come here hahah! We also discuss other things, yes. I'm lost as to what that poor sheep's point is. But yes it's the same one. She always ends it with okay done for now I'll be back later.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 3
Sh*t! What the hell?
Who left the barn door opened? The sheep are escaping
I think we need the febreeze. They are really smelling up the place tonight. (Administrator) said... 42
I am pretty sure the description was forty hours a WEEK for one Gosselin episode. While here, it's 70 hours a WEEK for one Dance Moms episode.
I wonder how the hpw total worked out when they filmed bits and pieces on different dates and claimed they were the same day or two for an episode? Besides faking Xmas, I swear I read somewhere that the crew painted the grass green and dressed the kids in warm weather clothing because they needed more for a storyline filmed earlier in the year. Or did I imagine that? And was the filming time from the cameras they ran in the kids bedrooms counted in that 40hpw?
Agree, agree 100%!
I was just about to post something exactly along the same line as you did regarding the Sheeple...hailey G fan club...and that is exactly how they would be towards Liz if she went to the dark side.
They are so predictable it's frankly getting boring. : /
They are in desperate need of new, fresh material.
I highly doubt Terri also wanted to pay for Steve the bodyguard to tag along.
I mean who wants to pay for a nice hotel meals and, travel back&forth for Kate&Steve?
Terri's one smart woman.
Oh, Chef, if Terri were smart she would have never flown Kate out in the first place to attend her charity event in 2011. She would have realized they'd be lucky to get 1,000 let alone enough to make it even remotely worth it to go to the trouble to have her there.
Hee... It's Solo cups Auntie, and I've already broken them out!
So happy Robert is back. No one is breaking up this tantric dance.
But yes it's the same one. She always ends it with okay done for now I'll be back later.
It was over Labor Day, if I recall. Poster's name was JCLent, or JClentie or something like that. Came on just to agitate, said she was leaving for the Labor Day holiday but would be back on Sunday.
Do I have any of that correct? lol! that all she got for the Lunch with Kreider auction thing....$1000.00???
Holy crap! That's BAD!
The only thing I could find was this one:
stellaaa76 XXXXXXX
@Chablis4u @ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 it did sell for over $1000 as I was outbid. Geez, don't believe everything u read!!
But there's no way to look it up because someone blocked out the tweeties name (with good intentions of course.) Over $1,000 could have meant $1,003. Even so it's shamefully low for how much it cost to fly her out.
I distinctly remember Kate speaking up sometime later saying she wasn't sure how much it went for but she thought it was about $1,000. She said it like she felt no shame whatsoever about it. I cannot find that tweet though.
On topic- I adore little Chloe. She is an amazing and talented child. I watched her being called called a "little sneak", by dance instructor Abby. Chloe ran off in tears. The reality show Dance Moms, is saddening. I don't feel the mothers care enough about their well-being, and put their potential dance careers and cash, before the emotional health of their child.
The abuse is constant, rampant, and Abby Lee Miller is vile.
Seems that iAmWise and the other platitude tweets that Kate Retweets are following her lead of taking credit for being the author of those sayings. They change a word or two and don't credit the person who originally said it.
If the original author or person quoted is unknown, then put "Unknown" following the quote, but don't plagarize. Wasn't the phrase "Consider the source" one that Kate was claiming as her own?
Kristine, I really admired Chloe when she had such a good attitude about dancing in a meat suit. I don't know whether that was all just one silly scripted set up, which is most likely, or that other dance instructor really was trying to make a fool of her--either one is vile. But that little girl put on that suit and danced her part without complaint. I feel bad for her such a sweet girl is part of a firestorm of exploitation. She deserves a quiet life where she can just devote herself to her passions. And yes I hate the way Abby talked to her. She has never not tried her absolute best and doesn't deserve treatment like that.
Bearswife ah yes the snorers! How do they get along with other dogs and people? (Administrator) said... 12
I found Kate's reply to the tweet you posted above re the luncheon auction. These were both tweeted on Jan. 22, 2012.
Joanne Johnson@stellaaa76
@Chablis4u @ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 it did sell for over $1000 as I was outbid. Geez, don't believe everything u read!!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@stellaaa76 $1500 I think, no? Every $1 helps my koalas :)
The child labor law doesn't specify if hours worked out of state count toward hours worked here. But most states do have child labor laws. PA limits the hours worked in a 24 hour period. I don't see anything specifying total hours in a week. You likely wouldn't be working in two states on the same day. But nonetheless they should clarify it. Who knows what all was debated when this was being written. Maybe there was opposition to a provision like that for some reason, or maybe they felt they didn't have jurisdiction over what other states did.
The law does require parents to disclose if a kid has ever worked out of state before and whether they obtained a permit. I'm a little confused about that--not sure exactly what the purpose is, though maybe to encourage parents to be on the up and up about where their kid has been working.
Ironically, I'm pretty certain the old child labor laws did say that hours worked out of state count toward the total. But the old law didn't cover reality tv or have the educational and rest requirements or all the strict requirements for the trust fund.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@stellaaa76 $1500 I think, no? Every $1 helps my koalas :)
Ah there it is! THANKS! How do you not know what your own auction brought in? What, were paying too much attention to the VIP treatment to notice?
Well no, Kate, you actually took away money from the koalas, since you and Steve's airfare alone couldn't possibly have been less than 1500. Thanks for playing.
Tamara said... 5
There was a time where they were either doing a Good Housekeeping photo shoot or were filming cut scenes for the opening title sequence and they dressed the kids in sweaters, etc. to make it look like fall when it was something like 90 degrees outside in the summer. I think that's what you're thinking of.
chefsummer said... 7
I highly doubt Terri also wanted to pay for Steve the bodyguard to tag along.
I mean who wants to pay for a nice hotel meals and, travel back&forth for Kate&Steve?
I think that Terri Irwin met a different Kate Gosselin the second time around when she flew out for Steve Irwin day without Discovery tagging along to keep her in check. That, coupled with the fact that she really didn't help generate any new income for the Australia Zoo, probably convinced her that Kate wasn't worth her time.
I'm really surprised Terri Irwin hasn't shopped around her own reality show. You know - brave widow of animal legend Steve Irwin carries on raising two wonderful, well adjusted kids amidst the backdrop of a zoo losing money and in financial straits and infighting with her father in law (please note that this is all said tongue in cheek. To be honest, I really don't know all that much about Terri Irwin except the comments that were shared here last fall during Kate's trip).
Or maybe she did and I missed it?
For anyone who's interested, I found this online about this year's gala event (Sorry if this has already been posted):
Silimom, nope, it was a it's cold but pretend it's warm bit, not the other way around. I remember thinking 'wha???' because the person talking about it said that they had to go back and CGI out the mist from the kids breath it was so cold. But all of this could just be my poor brain fighting back because it doesn't like my strategy for beating 24 time difference/dateline crossing and jet lag.
Re: Dance Moms - With the new laws in effect, how is Lifetime going to make this profitable? Or will they just go with the flow, knowing this was coming down the pike and they should just make the best of it?
Or will they ramp up drama between the moms and the teacher? Sorry, I don't watch the show. We gave up cable a year ago. Now we watch things with our Apple TV using iTunes, Netflix and HuluPlus. What we can't get that way, we watch online on our computers.
I will admit there are times I miss just sitting down and channel surfing but I certainly don't miss the $100+ cable bill. :-) And having to be deliberate about what we choose to watch has been a wonderful teaching moment for our kids about what you put in your head.
Silimom, nope, it was a it's cold but pretend it's warm bit, not the other way around. I remember thinking 'wha???'
Tamara, I do remember something about spray-painting the grass, but I have no idea when it was or for what episode.
Tamara, it may have been mentioned in the book. I'll look for it when I get a chance.
Silimom, Tamara and Sleepless -- I remember reading about the grass painting too. I THINK it was on GWOP and maybe Aunt Jodi's sister Julie reporting it? I'm pretty sure it was filming the opening sequence, the one where the kids come out of the house and have the big circle on the grass that says "Jon & Kate + 8". IIRC, there was snow and the crew had to remove the snow and paint the grass green to make it look like spring. I don't have time to go looking for it this morning, but if someone else hasn't found it and posted about it, I'll see what I can come up with later today.
Admin -- Pugs are typically people pleasers. They tolerate a lot of wooling around from kids, love to play dress-up, and can be as snuggly as a cat. They're great with kids and normally get along well with other animals -- dogs and cats. They generally aren't agressive at all, but they will defend themselves if cornered.
Oh, Admin -- because of the skin folds, Pugs can be prone to skin irritations and infections. If they get wet, make sure that they are thoroughly dried, especially the folds.
Silimon... I remember hearing the same thing as you. Were they being photographed at Beth's house perhaps? I also remember Kate yelling at Jon about where he should dress the kids too. Was it in one of her books or on the show? That I don't remember. I do remember that they were dressed for winter but it was summer. Sorry I can't help with anything but agreeing with you.
Hi admin, pugs do have different personalities. In general they are very happy, love to be close to people, and are eager to please. They have small bladders so be sure to take them out on a schedule. Find out if this one likes to mark. If you have any accidents, Natures Miracle its seriously the BEST cleaner ever and Petsmart sells it.
PUGS I know love to smell anything interesting, and to try and eat anything that smells interesting, so watch your trash cans. They are seriously little eating machines, but it is easy to keep things out of their reach. Have fun! PUGS are adorable!
Carezee -- The kids being dressed for winter when it was summer was for the Good Housekeeping photo shoot. That was another episode. I remember reading about KK getting irritated at the kids, especially the twins, who were fading fast in the heat. Again, I think that was discussed on GWOP, and again, I think the reporter was Aunt Jodi's sister, Julie.
I think also they said it was cold when they filmed the spreading of the number 8, that maybe they had to clear a place of snow and they were not dressed for the cold. I am pretty sure I read that somewhere.
I have been watching the Dance Competition which is very good and if they left the moms off it would be better. Those moms make Dance Moms look like angels. Some of them are abusive on camera to those kids. On Dance Moms you don't see that but kids are caught in the middle of the infighting, not directed at them but around them and about them.
That little girl named Asia is way ahead of her time and it is like someone said if she was on stage with Beyonce you would not be able to take your eyes off the little girl. Her mother is not abusive to her, but defends her with a vengeance as all know they are not in the same league as her. She is not the best dancer, but has tremendous stage presence. The competition moms don't walk around in cocktail attire like the Dance Moms in the middle of the day, sitting in a studio watching their kids rehearse. Unrealistic to think they would spend hours getting ready to do that otherwise.
That is the whole problem with reality shows. Once they get a taste of big money, it is never enough. There is no reason for those kids to have to go on meet and greets and you know they hate it. I think that is more for the moms.
Thanks for the quick answer. I didn't mean to post and run..hubby had just got home with my brand, new cell phone and it was time for a wee tutorial. Yay...NOT!
My skin crawls just thinking about new electronic gadgets! Lol!
Anyhoo....back to Kreider. Not only would such a paltry amount would have put Terri's organization in the red BIG TIME, $1000 probably JUST covered the actual cost/value of the stupid Lunch with Krap! Bet that was the starting bid.
Oh, I would have LOVED to have been there! Bidding starts and...........crickets!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
My kids always screech w anticipation when I answer their 'what are u doing today?' question w 'I have a secret Christmas mission to do!' :)
SCREECH is exactly what those kids do because they learned it from Kate.
And, I am SO TIRED OF THOSE QUOTES she keeps posting. People that do that cannot think for themselves. I believe she thinks posting those quotes make her sound better and more insightful than she is.
Hailey Glassman is a fame whore. Her mother is one too by contacting TLC and offering her husband's services (I am sure TLC paid for the surgery). At the time I thought it was a wonderful thing for Kate to get that plastic surgery. Little did I realize how it would all end up. I would love to know if Glassman is the one who has done the subsequent plastic surgery on Kate.
Oh, does anyone here think that the only Thanksgiving "friends" Kate will have over will be Deanna and her man? Bet Kate will make it sound like she has a full house like she did last year. After all, she has sooooo many friends and family. Ha!
Just got a new Smartphone myself.Really awesome, now i can read this blog while I am at work (call the FBI, CJ). Also downloaded Kindle for my phone and plan to upload some books to read in my downtime. It is hard to get used to. Tried to convince my 21 year old daughter that she needs one, but she has always objected, but she has just spent the last 4 hours playing games on my phone. "Do you want something to eat, Hon?" ."Don't talk, Mum, I'm busy." The graphics are awesome. We've come a long way since Pacman.
TLC stinks said... 34
Oh, does anyone here think that the only Thanksgiving "friends" Kate will have over will be Deanna and her man? Bet Kate will make it sound like she has a full house like she did last year. After all, she has sooooo many friends and family. Ha!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure her "running girls" as she referred to them were bought and paid for by Coupon Cabin for her runs. What a pathetic life she has. I can't imagine holidays without my sisters, nieces and nephews. My kids are so excited to spend the day with their cousins. I really hope the G8 get that with Jon. Those are the important memories in life, not trips or "golden platters".
And I'm way behind on my K8 reading, but did she seriously spend her own money (or I should say the money the kids earned for her) filming a pilot with Kendra?! If true, she's even more insulated from the real world by her "yes" people than I could have ever imagined. Again, just sad and delusional.
I'm pretty sure the kids don't ask what Kate plans to go to school, come home, and voila, there is Kate. They probably don't give her a second thought except when facing their awesome lunches, maybe a small shriek of delight(or disgust) then.
She does make the kids out to be all about receiving- all kids love to get gifts, but she mentions this so often, along with the big thank yous, and you're the best Mommy.
'What did you do today?' sounds like something Steve would ask, not the kids.
I don't recall my kids or grandkids EVER asking me what I did today, even when the kids got to be adults. It *is* something my spouse asks.
I can't imagine a world in which Kate tolerates "shrieking" noises, much less to a factor of 8.
Silent adulation, ala that "strategically placed" card? More her style, IMO.
Flight of the Kiwi ~ If you're online this morning, please let us know how you're holding up.
Kateplusmy82 hours ago via TwitterrificTwitter.
My kids always screech w anticipation when I answer their 'what are u doing today?' question w 'I have a secret Christmas mission to do!' :).
I don't believe her (shocker).
This is probably closer to the truth:
O.k., who is going to be the first one to ask what I'm doing today?
I am pretty sure when we post, it captures our ISP's. And it should.
It is for everyone's protection, the posters and Admin.
So glad Robert's blog is back up. Can't wait for more info and the book coming out.
You know Laverne and Shirley asked kate if the journals were TRUE or FABRICATED.
Bet she said over the phone, in a small voice, you know when you cry and you can't hardly catch your breath, Y..Ye...yes.
No wonder a libel lawsuit hasn't been filed!
kate is a vile, vicious, venomous, vindictive vixen and a sociapatic pathological LIAR!
I had my first encounter with this fan the other evening. If obsession had a name, it would be PAIGE.
I saw this:
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan
@JennaNGood my point is you shouldn't post pics of other people's kids with a controversial dog
So I asked Paige:
@Paige_Kate8fan @JennaNGood Paige, you posted pictures of kids you were babysitting! YOU also post many many many unauthorized video.
She replied; (this made me laugh)
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan
@bettybakesbunts the kid I babysit isn't famous and wasn't with a controversial animal. The videos I post are just re using content
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan
@bettybakesbunts @jennangood that is already out there. Nice try though. Not even comparable
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan
@bettybakesbunts u just proved you're a fake hater sock acct btw , #dumbass
I responded:'
Betty Baker @bettybakesbunts
@Paige_Kate8fan fake hater? Nothing fake about me! I hate child beating dog abusers!
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan
@bettybakesbunts well then go find someone else because thats not kate dumbass
Saw this tweet on Kate's twitter:
When people ask me why I am in nursing school, they always think its weird when I say Kate Gosselin was my inspiration @Kateplusmy8
If the reason you're in nursing school is because of Kate Gosselin, then you need to rethink your career. Ever wonder why people think it's weird?
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan
@bettybakesbunts well then go find someone else because thats not kate dumbass
So Paige didn't say that Kate wasn't a child & animal abuser.
Yay! I'm so glad Robert is back and so are his post.
When people ask me why I am in nursing school, they always think its weird when I say Kate Gosselin was my inspiration @Kateplusmy8
That's not the greatest compliment Kate could receive. LOL
Oh my more Kate weird use of vocabulary this am - "shriek with anticipation". Huh? Actually, she's just too stupid for words. As if we are to believe in the chaos of a school morning a kid asks what Mom is going to do on any gven day. My kids certainly did not, and I can tell you my DH walks out every mornng without askng either. Oh sure, he will say 'have a nice day', that's pretty much it.
I will hazard a guess that if KG is talking about Chrstmas she has nothing planned for Thanksgiving. As for Paigie, that kid certainly does have a potty mouth.
Steve Irwin day? " Your" koalas won't be seeing you anytime soon Katie, that's a given. FYI, just how much have you ever donated to them personally? It's spelled z-e-r-o.
I am pretty sure when we post, it captures our ISP's. And it should.
It is for everyone's protection, the posters and Admin.
Here? No, it doesn't. I do NOT capture ISPs when you post or have any kind of ISP tracker installed.
I have never heard of kids so obsessed with their mother. Either she is making all this up, or these are kids with very unhealthy preoccupations with her.
You tend to see this kind of thing with mothers who are drug addicts or alcoholics or mentally ill, or some other dysfunctional reason why kids should worry. Some kids DO tend to think about them and worry. They do tend to keep track of them, try to keep them on task, try to make sure they are doing productive things when they are not home, try to keep them calm and stable. It's called parentification and it's incredibly unhealthy. Otherwise, kids simply don't do what you say they do Kate. I'm sorry, they don't.
Trackers capture IPs not ISPs. IP stands for internet protocol, it consists of numbers. ISP is your internet service provider.
Admin, I have a pug and I can tell you they are nuisance barkers, that is for sure. They bark at anything. You do have to wear earplugs at night (he sleeps with us on our bed) and while mine does not have gas, his face can stink a little if I don't wash his nose rolls regularly. They follow you everywhere so get used to that. They also are food obsessed and will eat anything. Mine will eat a bowl of hair if I put it in front of him.
Ip, ISPs, I don't even understand the difference let alone am sitting in some dim basement like a computer nerd trying to find out who you all are. I know it's hard for some of the sheeple to understand, the ones so obsessed with outing, but I....don' you are. I don't. The only time I've ever tried to block an IP was years ago when I had a particularly bad troll who was wreaking havoc here. Even then when I captured it and blocked it, I only cared about the string of numbers I needed to successfully block them, not what they meant or who they were. Don't they only reveal general areas anyway? What good does that do?
Thanks everyone - I actually think your good wishes worked! I pretended the beef bouillon cube was a steak. vegetable bouillon cube some kind of amazing vegetable concoction...just yummy! (helps to have a vivd imagination).
I am experimenting with a new avatar. Let's see if it works...
PUGS! So, so cute. My DD has a puggle. Sweetness personified. Lucky you admin. Also how nice of you to puppysite!
Did we ever see the donation box Kate sent to the hurricane victims? I wonder what she put in it. Some her 'famous' mini bread loaves maybe? Deanna maybe donated some make-up.
Steve probably put in a pair of handcuffs, or an extra sniper rifle. Or maybe his extra binoculars.
Avatar, if you couldn't tell it is Rocketman (headless - keeps him quiet that way)and our "deerslayer" Bailey chillin' with him on the...wait for it....wait for it...1980's era heirloom ultra suede faux brown Lasy-Boy recliner! (see, it really does exist).
And it isn't even staged!
Uh, puppysit...sigh.
Yes, exactly, they id a general area. You could be 100 miles from there. Some of the sheeple like it that the haters believe they can track you down. If you post from work it can be easier to be tracked. That's how someone was found and apparently lost their job when a sheep bleated to the hater's boss.
Mel said... 54
"Did we ever see the donation box Kate sent to the hurricane victims? I wonder what she put in it."
Knowing Kate, she probably shipped them copies of her books. Because you know, they'll be so inspired by them. Just like the kids at St. Judes. *eyeroll*
Kiwi-Glad to hear from you and see you haven't lost your sense of humour. Get well soon. :P
Anyone hear from ExNurse lately, sure hope she's holding up okay.
And congrats on the new family member Bearswife! Colour me green with envy. It's been 18 years since we've had a new addition to the family and I'm getting impatient. :P
It has always bothered me that Kate has to show everyone personal moments like when she tweeted the two envelopes Leah left her on the kitchen counter. Most of us might mention it to our girlfriends but why does this dope have to show the world such things? It screams of insecurity and insecurity drives her every move. If she doesn't constantly reinforce the 'see? my kids LOVE me me me' crap constantly, the public perception will continue to vilify her. Better to continue this phony charade I suppose than to just drop off the radar and live her and the kids' lives in private. In her twisted mind, a little damage control is better than none.
ur IP usually shows your ISP.
ur browser, screen size, resolution, where you came from, where you left to, what you searched for (if you typed in a search) and what threads you were reading.
that's a basic free tracker.
a super-duper pay-a-price tracker can tell you more.
Oooooo, so I can see that person uses Internet Explorer and that person uses Chrome??? Sound the bells!
As Kate would say, I don't get it. I really don't. WHO CARES what browser you are using, what you searched for (I just searched for iPad, oh my god!!!!), what threads you were reading (THIS ONE!!!)??
I do not get it.
I do not get it.
You're not a vindictive sheeple.
So they PAID for a tracker? That's insane. Because when I was trying to catch my troll the only free one one I've ever seen will show a bunch of IPs or ISPs or ABCs, but there is no way on God's green earth to line them up with who is who. Which resulted in me accidentally blocking some non trolls. It wasn't worth it.
So basically I could see a room full of general locations with no idea who is who. LOL. Some help! Might as well go look at a map of North America and put my finger down wherever and block that.
Blogger doesn't let you see that information like others do, and I think that's a good thing. They don't let you play those games.
I do not get it.
You're not a vindictive sheeple.
read my mind
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 59
It has always bothered me that Kate has to show everyone personal moments like when she tweeted the two envelopes Leah left her on the kitchen counter. Most of us might mention it to our girlfriends but why does this dope have to show the world such things? It screams of insecurity and insecurity drives her every move. If she doesn't constantly reinforce the 'see? my kids LOVE me me me' crap constantly, the public perception will continue to vilify her. Better to continue this phony charade I suppose than to just drop off the radar and live her and the kids' lives in private. In her twisted mind, a little damage control is better than none.
I agree.
It screams of insecurity, and I'd like to add
that it also screams of isolation.
It must be so boring, and grating for her very few "friends" to hear ad nauseam how Kate's kids
shriek with love for their mother.
Next thing we will hear Kate say is that her (isolated) children are petitioning the Vatican for her canonization.
TrackingTrackers said... 65
I do not get it.
You're not a vindictive sheeple.
read my mind
What more information can you get from a super duper pricey tracker?
Kiwi, it's so good to see that you are in better spirits.
I trust that all is well?
Bearswife said... 23
Congrats, Auntie! Hope all are healthy and well, and please make sure that Mr Bear doesnt gobble up the baby as a mid winter snack! hehe!
Sheri said... 58
Mel said... 54
"Did we ever see the donation box Kate sent to the hurricane victims? I wonder what she put in it."
Knowing Kate, she probably shipped them copies of her books. Because you know, they'll be so inspired by them. Just like the kids at St. Judes. *eyeroll*
Now Sherri, we all know that Kate's book makes excellent kindle to start a fireplace, or a bonfire ;o)
TLC stinks said... 34
Oh, does anyone here think that the only Thanksgiving "friends" Kate will have over will be Deanna and her man? Bet Kate will make it sound like she has a full house like she did last year. After all, she has sooooo many friends and family. Ha!
I'm sure she hopes that Skeeve will stop by and baste her turkey. ;)
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 68
Kiwi, it's so good to see that you are in better spirits.
I trust that all is well?
Thanks Pink - I had my pity party and got over it. All the well wishes from here helped I must say. It's just something that is out of my control at the moment. Still planning on hosting Thanskgiving. It'll be hard sipping buillon, but so many folks can't even do that. Lots of blessings in my life - multiple in fact (snark). I have a great family - having them all around will be a hoot.
Hope you are well.
FOTK, keeping you in prayers.
I ran across an interesting tidbit. Seems this account has a tagline that is questioning Robert. There are also many tweets to Liz attacking her for the pix posted of the kids. It seems that Miss Kate went private and actually tweeted this friend? complete stranger? Deanna? anyone? Bueller? Yeah, HAD to be a complete stranger.
I am just so confused about the motivation of Robert Hoffman
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Kateplusmy8's account is protected.
SoConfusing2me @SoConfusing2me
@SoConfusing2me's account is protected.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 70
Sheri said... 58
Mel said... 54
"Did we ever see the donation box Kate sent to the hurricane victims? I wonder what she put in it."
Knowing Kate, she probably shipped them copies of her books. Because you know, they'll be so inspired by them. Just like the kids at St. Judes. *eyeroll*
Now Sherri, we all know that Kate's book makes excellent kindle to start a fireplace, or a bonfire ;o)
With all the copies of that book she's got laying around the house, she could put them to decent use and stop scolding her children about the cost of toilet paper.
Hey all..
I was reading some posts about these cards that were made. I could not see for myself since her twitter page was frozen for me, but I have some thoughts. Every time Kate opens her mouth it is only to speak a lie. She never speaks truths. The only time we see Kate interacting with her children is from the show. That was designed to portray Kate as the loving, doting, high organized amazing mom, that her kids idolized. I personally don't believe that her children and happy, smiling "squeals of delight" when they are with her. I believe there is a lot of egg shell walking, boarding school like behavior. She would have you believe the kids act like they live at Disneyland with her. I think it's just the opposite. Now, did we see actual cards, or just an envelope addressed to her? Maybe it was a Christmas list? If they were "I love you" cards, I absolutely believe the children made them to stroke mommy's ego. Anyone ever pick up how well behaved those six are? They are trained soldiers. A good kid reflects on "good parenting". She is trying to show the world how smart, lovable, funny and "perfect" her children are because that means she's perfect. I think they are too scared to not directly obey every command. It is so sad to live in fear. Those children never seemed relaxed to me, when they were with her. But we know, in her household "if momma ain't happy, nobody else is"...literally.
Mel said... 54
Did we ever see the donation box Kate sent to the hurricane victims? I wonder what she put in it. Some her 'famous' mini bread loaves maybe? Deanna maybe donated some make-up.
Steve probably put in a pair of handcuffs, or an extra sniper rifle. Or maybe his extra binoculars.
Backpack full of empty lip glosses?
Tin foil from his personal pizza slices?
Shirts from his drawer that he is not allowed to wear coz they dont matchymatch anything of Katie's?
23 pair of manly flipflops coz Katie aint goin' to a beach again anytime soon?
Admin, sorry just checking in for first time since las night. Pugs are very affectionate and silly. They usually get along great with other dOgs and people.
Off now to catch up on all the posts!
Ally said... 76
I completely agree with your post. Couldn't have said it better.
i said too much already. time to change my location & put on my tin-foil hat
i purchased a new one for holidays because tin-foil was on sale.
Here's some priceless info regarding Dance Moms. I read a while back that the pyramid system that is introduced at the beginning of every episode is NOT Abby Lee's system but was devised and created by Lifetime for more dramatic interest. So lifetime wanted create feelings of inadequacy in children to make it more interesting for the audience. It also gives something for the moms to argue about. She literally ranks them and them upsets them because someone has to be last. All in the name of reality tv. Nice huh!
Ally thats absolutely true and scary.
Abby herself disclosed the pyramid was all a fake set up in I believe a tvguide interview. Wonder if lifetime was mad she spilled the beans.
FOTK - great pick of dog, recliner and dh - hope you are feeling better soon - keep up with that imagination
Bearswife - congrats to you.
hellish around here lately - twice more to ER this week with dh - lots of tests - will finally know on tuesday (I hope)
OrangeCrusher1 said... 47
Oh my more Kate weird use of vocabulary this am - "shriek with anticipation". Huh? Actually, she's just too stupid for words. As if we are to believe in the chaos of a school morning a kid asks what Mom is going to do on any gven day. My kids certainly did not, and I can tell you my DH walks out every mornng without askng either. Oh sure, he will say 'have a nice day', that's pretty much it.
Maybe they do ask, ~wondering if when they leave for school she is jetting off for a week somewhere with Steve, without so much as a see-ya as they go. ~Also they have got to know by now that if mommy-darkest has a bad day, there will be hell to pay when the kids get back from school, whether her bad day had anything to do with them or not. ~ A third reason they might ask is that they get back from school and are regaled with lovely stories about Michelle Obama dropping by for lunch tips from Katie, Katie was whisked off to Rome for that canonization meeting at the Vatican and back again in time for the bus, Jesus floated over from heaven and was dismayed about a speck of dust in their rooms... Katie leads such an exciting busybusybusy life, the kids may be trying to keep up.
A little off topic, but since we talk about dogs I wanted to share a funny one I had. I have a 12 mini poodle/bischon mix. When I first got him he was 12 weeks old. He didn't come from the best breeder so I had to get him to unlearn some bad habits and retrain. It was tough. I remember one day after a week, I gave myself a time out. I put him in the crate and me in bedroom behind closed doors. Deep breaths. Anyway, one afternoon I had set up his crate, pee pads and baby gates to give him a small area in my kitchen. Whenever I put him in there and could not see me, the crying...
I went away to my room, closed the door and trying to muffle the noise for a break. About 20 minutes later, quiet. I thought, oh thank god. So I slowly and quietly crept down each stair trying to check up on him, without him seeing me and starting the cycle over again. Instead this is what I found...the pee pad torn to shreds, one of the baby gates twisted, and him standing in the middle of my living room, quietly staring at me. I was stunned! He had managed to climb on top of his crate and jump over the gate, into the living room. How in the world did he manage that?! He was 5 lbs at the time and could not get up on my couch or climb a stair, but got out of that? I had not named him yet and at that moment thought Houdini should be his name. Ultimately, I decided to keep the name the breeder chose, Mugsy, because his "mug" is all black with a white Mohawk stipe over his head. Now they say poodles are smart, I thought, damn, he's a magician!
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne
Character isn't something you were born with & can't change. It's something you weren't born with and must take responsibility for forming.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
So you were born a selfish self serving wicked b***ch I get it.
Ally said... 81
"Here's some priceless info regarding Dance Moms. I read a while back that the pyramid system that is introduced at the beginning of every episode is NOT Abby Lee's system but was devised and created by Lifetime for more dramatic interest."
I remember hearing/reading the same thing. Reality television my arse. People have no shame.
Pink, good point about the books. Excellent kindling. ;)
Regarding Kate's obsessive need to prove to the world that her kids think she hung the moon...overcompensate much?
Whether her kids actually "shriek with delight" while in her care is not the point. Though I'm more inclined to believe they actually "shriek with fear".
Who's freakin' business is it how much they adore her, admire her, respect her and are inspired by her? (I know, I know, I'm laughing.)
Let's suppose they do, no really, for argument's sake, let's suppose they really do go around all day touting how very lucky they are to have her as their mother.
Her need to twitter about it says only one thing...she is terribly, terribly insecure and maladjusted.
No secure, confident in her parenting, mother goes around talking about how much their kids love them. You don't have to. Knowing my kids love me, fills me with a quiet sense of pride and accomplishment, of course.
But reality being what it is, I know for a fact they didn't often like me, they didn't always respect me and I doubt they ever admired me when they were growing up. I'm their mother for heaven's sake, not a rock star.
I cooked and served spinach, doled out endless chores, turned off the television and told them when to go to bed.
I insisted on curfews and no computer until homework was done. I made them pick up their clothes, brush their teeth and comb their hair.
Sure, I kissed boo boos and read bedtime stories. I played board games and baked with them. I went to their school plays and attended parent's night.
But on the whole, I was mostly a complete and utter drag. You know, a real mom. :P
Of course, adult children respect and admire their parents sure, but 12 and 8 year olds, hardly.
The fact that she's trying to make the world believe the are in constant awe of her just speaks volumes of her detachment from reality.
Ally, what a sweet story!
Well said Sherri. What's funny about truly good mothers is most of the time their kids don't know any different. They don't know that some moms don't bake, play with the kids, love on them, spend time with them. It typically doesn't occur to kids this young to fall all over their mothers with praise and gratitude because, of course mom is there for us that's normal. Their behavior really raises some red flags. They may feel tremendous pressure from Kate to behave this way, to shower her with pick me ups like this, and that's not fair to them. Childhood should be spent being a kid, not feeling some sick obligation to constantly validate and placate your mother. Sigh these poor kids face a lifetime of issues.
chefsummer said... 86
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne
Character isn't something you were born with & can't change. It's something you weren't born with and must take responsibility for forming.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
And once again iAmWise tweets it and Kate retweets it, but John Rohn doesn't get credited for the quote. I'm so sick of those platitude spouting, plagarizing tweets.
You know, it's such a tiny, nitpicky thing– but it bugs the HELL out of me that she constantly uses the word "screech" when describing the children's "delightful" responses.
Screech (verb): make a loud, harsh, squealing sound
The word does not have positive connotations at all! I know she doesn't have the greatest vocabulary, but it's basically an onomatopoeia and that shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
Hahahaha, Ally!!
Mugsy is a perfect name for your doggie ;o)
Very, very smart too.
Her need to twitter about it says only one thing...she is terribly, terribly insecure and maladjusted
Bingo. That's it exactly. It's wonderful that they do little things to show that they love her (if they really do those things). Keep it private! There is no need to tweet to a flock of sheeple about it. I think that this fills her need because she is so insecure, but it also puts it out there to her fans that she's do a wonderful parenting job and they, in turn, praise her for all that she does. Her ego needs an ongoing puff-up.
Her constant tweeting about it is also damage control since the book came out. She's saying that if the kids express their love on a daily basis, how could they possibly have been abused or exploited.
Good post!
Shri, excellent points made about mothers. If you are doing a good job of being a parent then yes, you are a cOmplete and utter drag!
Thanks again to everyone for their well wishes ony new nephew! This kid is on media blackout and I have only seen one grainy pic of him. But the new parents are head over heels in love.
Kate tweets like a crazy person because, let's face it, wthout twitter she has nothing. And with twitter she can invent a life that is busybusybusyhappyhappyhappy. All the time. But the reality is that she spends most of her time alone - kids are at school, long days w/ that bus ride, 5X week and with their dad 50% of the free time. When they are with her, she sends them off to play while she tweets. No friends, ok one, just one, in anothet state, no family and hired help to do any real work in the house.
In my SAHM days, before returning to work and after my children were in school full time, I filled my days with volunteer work: classroom, PTA, synagogue, community. My knees were still good for tennis, and I walked the dog. Met friends for lunch, visited my mother. I simply cannot fathom the deep void that KG lives in.
And by choice.
Zelda I admit, I had to look that one up! Onomatopoeia! What a great word. I think she tries so hard to appear smart and educated yet comes across as very stupid.
Mugsy will be 2 on December 5th. My dad is December 1, so they get to share a birthday party. On his 1st birthday last year, we made a cake shaped like a bone. My poor dad! He shared a birthday cake with the dog! He didn't mind...they are best buds. Mugsy is his surrogate grandchild, at least for now.
"I was reading some posts about these cards that were made. I could not see for myself since her twitter page was frozen for me, but I have some" thoughts
I don't know how Twitter works since I don't have it, but can't you go here to see it? If I go to these places, I can see her tweets and the photos she sends...
And with twitter she can invent a life that is busybusybusyhappyhappyhappy.
Yes, and it's like Thurber's "Secret Life Of Walter Mitty." She can be anything she wants to be, any time, and for anyone. When her life becomes mediocre, she can use her escapist fantasies to change characters and go to another place.
At one time, that world may have been very real -- Dancing With The Stars, going to the Emmys, rubbing elbows with celebrities. Those days are over, but she still has Twitter, and on there she can present herself as still being relevant, telling them that she has a standing invitation to visit Australia, that she really was happy she wasn't invited back to DWTS because she was just too busy, bragging about her pool parties, trips to NYC, writing another book...
It's sad, actually.
I think the children's over-the-top behaviour per Kate is intended to give the impression that everything is so very, very exciting and the children are so very, very happy at home.
Then her teenage fans, who see life from a carefree, teenage perspective and maturity level, eat it up. They think children squealing in delight makes Kate a good mother, unlike, their boring mother who makes them clean their room and do homework.
Remember the scene where Kate is running in high heels with the melting ice cream cones? Very teenage girl-like behaviour, also very manic behaviour in adults. Note that not all teenage girls act like that, but I have seen some act that way in public. It depends on their maturity level.
As to the adult fans, well, I am at a loss.
Milo was tweeting to Kate last night and called her 'dear one.' She's since deleted the tweet, of course, as well as others. Seeing that tweaked something in my brain, about Kate and Deanna's summer trip and how Milo tweeted that she knew where they were. And a month or so later, Milo went away and tweeted a few pics that looked remarkably like where Kate was. I wonder if Preesi or any sleuths looked into whether Milo owned the house/condo Kate stayed in? Not that it matters -- it was just one of those things that was sitting quietly until I saw the 'dear one' tweet.
realitytvworld @realitytvworld
@Kateplusmy8 is funding her own private reality TV show do you think she's being desparate?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@realitytvworld 100% false. Consider the source again...
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 51
Admin, I have a pug and I can tell you they are nuisance barkers, that is for sure. They bark at anything. You do have to wear earplugs at night (he sleeps with us on our bed) and while mine does not have gas, his face can stink a little if I don't wash his nose rolls regularly. They follow you everywhere so get used to that. They also are food obsessed and will eat anything. Mine will eat a bowl of hair if I put it in front of him.
My pug doesnt bark unless the door bell rings. She just. doesnt. bark. In fact, I never herard her bark until she was 8 months old, and she NEVER cries. EVER. Never had a dog like that before and I am not complaining, LOL!! :D
She just sits and stares at you as if communicating telepathically- like dont all creatures read each other's minds? Sometimes it's creepy how she stares you down, then you realize she's been asking you for 5 minutes to open the backdoor - she needs to go out- HAHA.
She's playing the word game again, not denying that a show was filmed, but saying, what -- that she didn't use her own funding, or that she's desperate? Exactly what is 100 percent false?
realitytvworld @Kateplusmy8 is funding her own private reality TV show do you think she's being desparate?
@realitytvworld 100% false. Consider the source again...
So is she denying she filmed a reality show at all, or just that she funded it? When are all these fun fun projects she is always hunting at going to be seen?
...or is she denying that it's a private reality show? Her "truth" may be that it's a pilot for a show, and it's just one episode?
Pity Party said... 31
I think also they said it was cold when they filmed the spreading of the number 8, that maybe they had to clear a place of snow and they were not dressed for the cold. I am pretty sure I read that somewhere.
I have been watching the Dance Competition which is very good and if they left the moms off it would be better. Those moms make Dance Moms look like angels. Some of them are abusive on camera to those kids. On Dance Moms you don't see that but kids are caught in the middle of the infighting, not directed at them but around them and about them.
That little girl named Asia is way ahead of her time and it is like someone said if she was on stage with Beyonce you would not be able to take your eyes off the little girl. Her mother is not abusive to her, but defends her with a vengeance as all know they are not in the same league as her. She is not the best dancer, but has tremendous stage presence. The competition moms don't walk around in cocktail attire like the Dance Moms in the middle of the day, sitting in a studio watching their kids rehearse. Unrealistic to think they would spend hours getting ready to do that otherwise.
That is the whole problem with reality shows. Once they get a taste of big money, it is never enough. There is no reason for those kids to have to go on meet and greets and you know they hate it. I think that is more for the moms.
I love that Dance Competition show!! Asia is awesome- what a natural gift she has. I wish the mom's weren't on it- they only add un-needed drama. I wonder if the young man will end up being on Dance Mom's next season? Abby practically hired him on the spot. (Administrator) said... 105
So is she denying she filmed a reality show at all, or just that she funded it? When are all these fun fun projects she is always hunting at going to be seen?
Or that she's desparate?
Paper Plates 59 - You're right about Kate's insecurity and her need to tell the world that her kids LOVE her, but I think it goes further.
She accelerated saying these things on a regular basis when the news that she beat her babies hit the fan. It's another Kate deflection/denial:" That can't be true because see,they LOVE me!"
She thinks if she says it enough, people will forget that she is a child and animal abuser, or think it's not so important because they LOVE her.
I can't believe her crafty stupidity...
In my SAHM days, before returning to work and after my children were in school full time, I filled my days with volunteer work: classroom, PTA, synagogue, community. My knees were still good for tennis, and I walked the dog. Met friends for lunch, visited my mother. I simply cannot fathom the deep void that KG lives in.
And by choice.
* * *
Neither can I. She has chased away all her family. She doesn't appear to have any real friends. The closest would be Deanna, plus twitter "friends." I think Nield is not around much anymore either, since she's not going to any gigs where he can provide "security" for a hefty fee. She has extremely limited social contact with other people, except those hired to run her home.
She has no job; no volunteer activities; doesn't seem to help out at the kids' school; nothing. She goes back to bed when the kids leave for school, then she goes tanning or shopping, then she eats food prepared by her paid chef, then drinks herself to bed. Half the time, the kids are with Jon.
What a waste of life. So boring, so empty, so meaningless. She's like a black hole of self-absorbed misery.
realitytvworld @Kateplusmy8 is funding her own private reality TV show do you think she's being desparate?
@realitytvworld 100% false. Consider the source again...
Consider the source? She always says that like, pfffft, they're lying. Kate the lying liar who lies. Pot meet kettle.
LAGrand said... 74
I ran across an interesting tidbit. Seems this account has a tagline that is questioning Robert. There are also many tweets to Liz attacking her for the pix posted of the kids. It seems that Miss Kate went private and actually tweeted this friend? complete stranger? Deanna? anyone? Bueller? Yeah, HAD to be a complete stranger.
I am just so confused about the motivation of Robert Hoffman
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Kateplusmy8's account is protected.
SoConfusing2me @SoConfusing2me
@SoConfusing2me's account is protected.
Their accounts aren't protected. That message appears when you are signed into your twitter account and you are "viewing" a conversation and the person who has blocked you has a tweet in the series of conversations that you are viewing.
Sorry I don't know how to explain it any better than that. Sign out and you will be able to see the tweets. The only tweets you cannot see are those that have their accounts locked. So if you want to see everything that is being said sign out (if people have blocked you.)
Seeing that tweaked something in my brain, about Kate and Deanna's summer trip and how Milo tweeted that she knew where they were. And a month or so later, Milo went away and tweeted a few pics that looked remarkably like where Kate was. I wonder if Preesi or any sleuths looked into whether Milo owned the house/condo Kate stayed in?
I agree that something was 'off' about that entire thing. I thought at the time that Milo knew where KK/Deanna were because Milo was following Deanna's private twitter, and/or was getting photos DM to her. When Milo later tweeted the photos of her ??vacation??, I believed that Milo didn't actually go there, but was tweeting photos that KK/Deanna had taken.
In other words, I thought that Milo was having a 'twiter vacation', much like KK was 'outed' by Robert...tweeting that she was going to church or to pick up the kids when Robert was looking at KK in her own yard.
I'm not sure I'm explaining very well what I mean. Hopefully, someone will understand!
I wonder if Preesi or any sleuths looked into whether Milo owned the house/condo Kate stayed in? Not that it matters -- it was just one of those things that was sitting quietly until I saw the 'dear one' tweet.
Remember when someone told her that they left the red tent there for her? Was that on a FB page or on Twitter? Milo has "businesses." It wouldn't be so far out there that one of them could be owning rental property. It would seem that it wouldn't be too difficult to find out who owns that house. The address is on the rental page. Some claim to know Milo's name and her husband's name since at one time she was active on other blogs and ROL.
Consider the source? She always says that like, pfffft, they're lying. Kate the lying liar who lies. Pot meet kettle.
It will be interesting to see what is 100% false. She better remember to keep her stories straight.
Anonymous said…67 What more information can you get from a super duper pricey tracker?
TrackingTrackers said... 80
i said too much already. time to change my location & put on my tin-foil hat
i purchased a new one for holidays because tin-foil was on sale.
It never fails. No one has real answers about super stealthy trackers. It's as if you dare mention them the CIA will be crashing through your door any minute. These people are either reeeealllly paranoid or know nothing, just pretend to be in the know. Either way, that's pretty sad.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 114
I wonder if Preesi or any sleuths looked into whether Milo owned the house/condo Kate stayed in? Not that it matters -- it was just one of those things that was sitting quietly until I saw the 'dear one' tweet.
Remember when someone told her that they left the red tent there for her? Was that on a FB page or on Twitter? Milo has "businesses." It wouldn't be so far out there that one of them could be owning rental property. It would seem that it wouldn't be too difficult to find out who owns that house. The address is on the rental page. Some claim to know Milo's name and her husband's name since at one time she was active on other blogs and ROL.
November 16, 2012 12:29 PM
You all are certifiable. (Administrator) said...
So is she denying she filmed a reality show at all, or just that she funded it? When are all these fun fun projects she is always hunting at going to be seen?
I think you meant "hinting", but 'hunting' is funnier because it is much more descriptive!
Let's see: "100% untrue" in Katespeak means someone misspelled a word or something. She is probably admitting it wont be ' a reality show', but set up and scripted. Well, good for you Kate! or maybe she is objecting to the word "private"; 100% untrue, as she intends to let the public watch it therefore it isnt private.
Commenting on the "thanks" the kids lavish on Kate.
Oh come on. What kid does this? Kids are only interested in themselves at this age. They don't get excited about dinner (unless its really, really special). They expect dinner and typically dont' want to eat what's being served. Kids don't praise a mother for every little thing. Kids expect their (not the mother's) needs to be met and their accomplishments praised. Not the other way around.
Kate does not live in reality. As a mother of two grown kids, I know first hand that a mother's needs are way behind the kid's needs. And that's how a real mother should be.
Kate isn't a real mother. All she did was use science to have 8 kids and then used them for her own fame and greed. I used to say she only plays a mother on TV, now I can't even say that. She's not a TV Mom and certainly not a Mom (other than biological) in real life. She's a Kim Kardasian (sp?) want-a-be. The family/money, the fun, the trips, the boy friends. What she doesn't want is being responsible or answering to anyone but herself. Me-me-me.
As for the the words of WC Fields "Go away kid, you bother me".
The family/money, the...
should have read The fame/money, the....
My apologies Admin. I shouldn't have taken the bait.
Amy, spot on.
It may be politically correct to say but I'm sorry, kids are selfish. It's evolution. The most selfish, greedy kids survived because they got to the food and shelter first and didn't share. Selfish babies cry the loudest and get fed first. Selfish kids equals survival.
You have to teach kids to understand the world doesn't revolve around them. It all usually will come in time, but a real understanding of everything mom really does for them typically cannot happen at such a young age. It's perfectly normal for an 8 year old not to understand what their mom does for them. He loves her and cares deeply for her, but the reality is ultimately his needs revolve around himself not her. When that same kid is 23 or so, sometimes younger sometimes older, and often not until they become a parent themselves, so they start marveling at the wonder of their mother.
Does Kate know how stupid she sounds with all the shrieks and squeals of anticipation and joy? Her kids would cringe if they knew what she writes about them.
Amy2 said... 119
Commenting on the "thanks" the kids lavish on Kate.
Oh come on. What kid does this? Kids are only interested in themselves at this age. They don't get excited about dinner (unless its really, really special). They expect dinner and typically dont' want to eat what's being served. Kids don't praise a mother for every little thing. Kids expect their (not the mother's) needs to be met and their accomplishments praised. Not the other way around.
Kate does not live in reality. As a mother of two grown kids, I know first hand that a mother's needs are way behind the kid's needs. And that's how a real mother should be.
Kate isn't a real mother. All she did was use science to have 8 kids and then used them for her own fame and greed. I used to say she only plays a mother on TV, now I can't even say that. She's not a TV Mom and certainly not a Mom (other than biological) in real life. She's a Kim Kardasian (sp?) want-a-be. The family/money, the fun, the trips, the boy friends. What she doesn't want is being responsible or answering to anyone but herself. Me-me-me.
As for the the words of WC Fields "Go away kid, you bother me".
Agreed- NO child acts that way- at any age for more than 10 minutes- usually on Christmas day or their b-day when they are thanking mom for their gifts. Kids do not obsess over their parents- they are too busy deveoping their own sense of self. And w/that many children of the same age- they would be fighting to get noticed apart from each other. I don't believe it's any other way in Kate's house, it's not natural. Children screech "look at me, mommy!" not "wow, look at you, mommy!"
You all are certifiable (117)
Certifiable means to be capable of being certified. I already am certified. I have my teaching credentials.
Nice try, though.
Remona Blue said... 113
I'm not sure I'm explaining very well what I mean. Hopefully, someone will understand!
You explained it perfectly! And your hypothesis is the direction I was going in when this all happened over the summer. And then last night, when Milo called Kate 'dear one' - it was so intimate, so creepy. Not sure why but it sparked the memory of the vacation house and how the rental or whatever it was came about. And I always felt Milo was somehow involved.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 114
Remember when someone told her that they left the red tent there for her? Was that on a FB page or on Twitter? Milo has "businesses." It wouldn't be so far out there that one of them could be owning rental property. It would seem that it wouldn't be too difficult to find out who owns that house. The address is on the rental page. Some claim to know Milo's name and her husband's name since at one time she was active on other blogs and ROL.
Perfectly reasonable! So perhaps Kate grifted or Milo offered a vacation house. If true, and we don't know, the day will come when either Milo wakes up (doubtful) or Kate drops her like a bag of rocks and we'll see how bizarre this Kate-fan-Twitter relationship really is. I just don't see anything good coming from her association with these people who are so obviously sick.
you know when kids gush and get emotional over every little thing about their moms? (At that age?) When they find out that the mom of one of their classmates has died. Then they come home, rattled to their bones, and for about 4 days they suddenly SEE everything about their mom that they love. Then they go back to being embarrassed 12 year olds, or clueless giggly 8 year olds again. If kids carry on like this all the time, it is because they are scared to death of their mother flipping out on them again and they are trying to keep her calm.
Anonymous - the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and it is Saturday where I live. I suppose there is something in that sentence fragment that you could find to argue about? And dont pick on Audible Click!
Somebody worked fast...
@Kateplusmy8 Thanks Kate, we've just published a new report covering your denial:
So the kids screech in delight to know what mommy is doing all day?
I wonder what she tells them.
I mean what exactly does she do with the 6-8 hours while they're in school?
Gosselin and Wilkinson's representatives had reportedly not returned calls for comment when contacted by Shuter.
Kate has a rep? Who might that be? Milo? Best time to find her at home is when Lights Out Man makes his rounds. You might try calling her then. She'll put down her bowl of vanilla ice cream, I'm sure.
How does Kate make everything about her?
The kids ask her what she going to be doing today.
The kids rate her meals 9 out of 10.
The kids want her to date.
The kids want her to re-marry.
The kids run with her.
The kids fill in the blanket want for mommy.
I have never seen a more self serving mother in my life.
Funny how Kate can issue a denial concerning funding of her own show, but not one peep out of her about the abuse allegations. That speaks volumes to me about who is telling the truth.
Coupon Cabin has a commercial and I thought of Kate being fired.
Ha now that's to funny to me.
Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 129
Somebody worked fast...
@Kateplusmy8 Thanks Kate, we've just published a new report covering your denial:
She didn't really 'win' that one. They just said she denied the report and linked it to the other article. lol.
Chef - these days she probably spends 6-8 hours on the phone with her lawyers trying to stop all these "100% false" stories about her from coming out.
To decipher Katespeak regarding the reality show, my guess is the '100 % untrue' refers only to the funding. She probably rode Kendra's financial coatails on this one, because we all know KG does NOT pay for anything. If so, and Kendra paid not only for K8 but for Deanna and Skeeve, then she is also bat shit crazy.
As for the vacation home grifting, I thought someone sussed out that KG used a CC advertiser for her own gain, even asking for their military dscount as the struggling mother of 8, count 'em, 8 kids. I do not think Ms Milo owns expensive beachfront property.
Another Christmas tweet from Kate: Here's another 1 that thrills my kids..whenever any of 'my' 16 ears r near, I whisper 'Best Christmas Ever!' & they scccrreeam in delight!
Good Lord, doesn't she care that she makes her kids sound like 2 year olds....oh wait...never mind!
Butterfly @103 - Our previous bulldog would do the same thing. He'd just stare at us or the door when he wanted to go out and never bark at all. If he had to go out in the middle of the night he'd just come and stand in our room and stare. I don't know what it was but we always woke up!
Terri said... 134
Exactly but if someone ask if she banging/banged Steve.
She'll denied it ti'll she blue in the face.
I wonder if Naughty But Nice Rob will take the "consider the source again" bait and get in a twitter war with Kate. He was always kind of pro Kate in the past and has only recently begun to call her out. She'd needs to "consider the source" when she says things about people because she really doesn't want some of these journalists as enemies.
Well, if anyone is still interested in the discussion from earlier this morning re the winter clothing/photo shoot in 90+ temps and painting the grass green -- I haven't been able to find the info on painting the grass. I still think it's on GWOP somewhere. The photo shoot -- recap is on GWOP, dated 10/7/2008. I dont' want to get into more trouble with Admin, so I won't try to post a link, but it's easy to find. The episode is available for viewing on Amazon, Netflix and iTunes, and is probably on youtube as well. It's entitled "Picture Perfect" and aired on 10/06/2008. I don't recall ever watching the episode, because that's around the time that I got fed up with KK's horrible behavior and stopped watching regularly, so I don't know how bad it is. The recap is pretty snarky.
NJGal51 said... 138
Love yur dog stories! My dog also does the staring thing...I wake up and she is standing there with a penetrating look, meaning she needs out..uncanny.However, the 'look' only seems to wake me up, no one else...
Kate is a twit said... 29
Bearswife--Congratulations on becoming a new auntie!!
Yes, congrats Bearswife! (My soul-sister ;) I became a great-auntie, twice this year. It's crazy...
Anyway, Admin. picking up from last night. I think Chloe wearing the meat suit, at the Beef Jerky Barn was something else. Youtubers are saying that commercial was actually not the one that aired in Ohio. At any rate, she handled it like a trooper. No problema... a "Steak Girl" commercial at the Meat Emplorium? Sure! (Dance instructor, Candy-Apples Cathy and her husband own the Yak Shack in Canton, where this all took place. It's actually called 'Tommy's Jerky Outlet', or something like that.
"After you're done, you can eat all of the beef jerky that's on your costume." YUM!
Absolutely agreeing (haa), this child should be left alone to follow her passion. Appearing on Dance Moms isn't for her. Chloe doesn't need a reality TV show, as she had already starred in a music video, and is talented enough to have been accepted into the Joffrey Ballet summer program.
Chloe commercial link-
Best Christmas Ever tweets/whispers does suggest that Thanksgiving is truly not on her radar. We don't celebrate that holiday, but I have toy catalogs set aside for Chanukah shopping because my favorite holiday is too important and I'm too busy with it right now. There is a time and place for everything. And today I am baking pumpkin cranberry bread.
Not to mention those kind of tweet/whispers show the mindset of a childish tease. She is really pathetic.
Funny how Kate can issue a denial concerning funding of her own show, but not one peep out of her about the abuse allegations. That speaks volumes to me about who is telling the truth.
I don't think her attorneys would have advised her about denying the funding. On the other hand, they would have told her absolutely do not deny or affirm ANYTHING regarding what is in the book.
LOL- so dogs really do speak telepathically :D
That's too funny- so do you guys hear that song in you head too- "I always feel like, somebody's watching me"?
Maybe she is telling the truth about the funding..SHE didn't use HER money...she might have used SKG funding.
Bearswife - Congratulations!!!
I'm sure Kate is having a great time telling the kids it will be the Best Christmas Ever as just another jab at Jon who, according to Kate, ha "issues" with his electric bill.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 148
I'm sure Kate is having a great time telling the kids it will be the Best Christmas Ever as just another jab at Jon who, according to Kate, ha "issues" with his electric bill.
Meanwhile the kids are probably hoping best Christmas ever means they'll be spending it with their dad.
Has Naughty But Nice ever said anything about Kate that was complete bunk and complete crap? I would like to know. Her comment about considering the source I don't get. I read that article that she was commenting on and it sounds 100% accurate to me. Can someone tell me if Kendra was the one who thought up the Mom Swap idea or was it actually Kate like the article says? Or is it unknown information at this point. Kate's production company now makes sense after reading this....
I think it is hilarious....she tweets without thinking then her tweet gets picked up in an article. So now if the filming of a new show does come out she'll be a lier one more. Twitter once again bites her.
Not to mention, way to encourage what Xmas is really about. STUFF. It's not even thanksgiving yet!
Big box stores ought to leave holiday stuff out all year...In October, our local stores had out stuff for Halloween, Veteran's Day (guess leftover stuff from July 4th?) Thanksgiving and Christmas! It's nuts.
Kate better start swinging by the newspaper office for those free end-rolls!! lol
And hit Target for an economy pkg of sharpies. If the kids are lucky, they might get their names on a post it note.
What a gal!
As far as I'm concerned, if Kate lies about going to CHURCH (per Hoffman documentation), she'd like about ANYTHIN
Oopsie, the GRAMMAR police stole my G!
As far as I'm concerned, if Kate lies about going to CHURCH (per Hoffman documentation), she'd like about ANYTHIN
November 16, 2012 2:47 PM
Love ya Robert but we all here know this. lol
Butterfly, I love the pug talk. After this I'll stop. Does your pug bark when it hears a noise or just the doorbell? I think mine barks out of fear. He stares out the front window and barks at people walking by or inanimate objects sometimes. Yelling at him to shut up never works. I have always thought it was a pug trait as I have talked to other pug owners and they have told me their pugs are also yappers.
I bet he will Butterfly. She looks at Asia like yes one day you will be mine and some of the others as well.
"Self-serving" is a perfect description of Kate. Best I've ever read. It's her in a nutshell. Enough said.
Thought you might enjoy this.
It can be the doorbell, or a knock on the door. Any other noise, including thunder, just gets a curious look out of her- she is fearless :)
I love pugs! Oh yes, telling her stop barking does not work- she is her own boss- for sure.
Who in the world is this? Milo's second in command?
@Kateplusmy8 I meant having the ignorant people think before tweeting not you. Your tweets are inspirational. No one can bring u down
@Kateplusmy8 happy Friday! Spend the weekend making memories with family and friends
@Kateplusmy8 your "job" as a mom x's 8 is probably more draining than a 9 to 5. Your kids are lucky to have you as a mom. God bless
@Kateplusmy8 so glad that you and Jon are civil for the kids sake. That's how it should be but isn't always post divorce. You're gr8 example
It's wrong to make false statements about people. So glad that @Kateplusmy8 got that "author" to take down his trash about her. Gr8 mom x'8!
Stop criticizing @Kateplusmy8 she's doing an amazing job raising 8 kids. She needs our support. I support you and your 8 healthy happy kids
Twittering And Twattering said... 161
Who in the world is this? Milo's second in command?
She'd toss Milo over a cliff to be first in command, but sadly for her, I don't think Kate pays her much attention.
I hate the Kate works harder because she has 8 kids mentality. It's so insulting to all the hardworking moms out there. As of they couldn't possibly work as hard as her. The reality is it's probably quite the opposite.
NJGal51 OMG!!!! LOL!
Do you think I would look crazier doing that in my kitchen or in my living room? I swear as soon as I can get HunnyBunny out of the house for 10 minutes, I am doing it!
re: Jane said... 101
Seeing that tweaked something in my brain, about Kate and Deanna's summer trip and how Milo tweeted that she knew where they were. And a month or so later, Milo went away and tweeted a few pics that looked remarkably like where Kate was.
I never really thought about Milo owning the place Kate stayed in but wasn't it in Texas? (it could be possible I guess) Kate and bunch could have planned a stop along the way to meet Milo. (she said she lives in the deep south and for some reason was I was thinking Georgia?) A meeting in any of those lower states could have been arranged.
Her job as a mom x8 is more draining than a 9-5 job? Oh really? How about all the moms who are raising children of any number AND work 9-5 or more AND do not have paid help AND do not have their children phyically with another parent 50% of the time. Crazy sheep is smoking crack.
Wait, I forgot homework helper, laundry girl, chef person, oh sure K8 has to be exhausted with all those hours she puts into her parenting job.
Milo's second in command better be careful. Tryin' to usurp Milo may cause 'er to to git a little jellus instead. No one comes between little ol' Milo and K8. Are ya cookin' another nutritious meal for the world's luckiest kids? what are you cookin' tonight miss Kate? I bet you have them sittin' down watchin' ya cook up a new recipe. I can just hear ya narratin' your "cookin' show" to them lucky kids. Wish I was yer little one.
That "second in command" tweeter sure sounds like a paid one to me.
Ah, Kate. You are always a day late, a dollar short, and bitch too many.
Butterfly 160 - My vet says not to yell at your dog if he/she is barking.They think you're barking too and it encourages them to bark more, since Mom is also doing it!
He didn't have an answer for how to stop Nouschi from barking, however...
Wait, I forgot homework helper, laundry girl, chef person, oh sure K8 has to be exhausted with all those hours she puts into her parenting job.
And here's the thing. These kids aren't toddlers anymore. It's not easy raising eight kids, but they are eight and twelve years old. It's not like she has to watch their every move, bathe them, brush their teeth, prepare for an outing with diaper bags, sippy cups, toys for the car, diapers, making sure each of them is in a car seat, and keeping them constantly entertained....all by herself.
They are capable of getting their own breakfast, putting on their own pajamas, having a quiet time by reading to themselves or playing board games. If she's home all day alone and unemployed, exactly how exhausting can that be?
Ally said... 85
My mom's bichon-shih tzu mix does the same since she was young. (just over a year old now) She jumps onto chairs and then tables, desks, etc to get over the 'fence' to the living room. My mom had to add to it to keep her in the kitchen. It is now about 5 ft high and no chairs are left where she can use them. I threatened to attach a heavy weight to her collar to keep her on the floor. Someone nicknamed her the flying shih tzu.
She is just a stinker.
I would think one of the hardest parts of this many kids is you tend to feel like a taxi service. Yet you never hear that complaint. Which leads me to believe they either don't do much outside school and home, or the nanny and Jon drive them.
Ingrid said, "It is now about 5 ft high and no chairs are left where she can use them."
Been there, done that, and got I tired building a wall out of furniture. I finally had French doors installed into the living room.
Dwindle said... 169
Ah, Kate. You are always a day late, a dollar short, and bitch too many.
Oh crap. Why do these moms keep doing this stuff to their kids? How sad :o(
Ally said... 76
Hey all..
I was reading some posts about these cards that were made. I could not see for myself since her twitter page was frozen for me, but I have some thoughts. Every time Kate opens her mouth it is only to speak a lie. She never speaks truths. The only time we see Kate interacting with her children is from the show. That was designed to portray Kate as the loving, doting, high organized amazing mom, that her kids idolized. I personally don't believe that her children and happy, smiling "squeals of delight" when they are with her. I believe there is a lot of egg shell walking, boarding school like behavior.
What do you mean by "boarding school like behaviour"?
AuntieAnn said...
Dwindle said... 169
Ah, Kate. You are always a day late, a dollar short, and bitch too many.
Oh crap. Why do these moms keep doing this stuff to their kids? How sad :o(
And she left one kid off, I guess in a way that is good. I didnt listen to it. I have always felt bad for Nadya, she never pretended to be anything much more than just a mentally ill woman trying to jump on the reality show bandwagon. But I dont feel bad enough to patronize anything that she, or any of these other science-wombs are involved in.
IDModo said... 170
Thanks for the info on the barking. I never thought of that but it makes complete sense! We tried a clicker for a time and it worked. We used a treat after we clicked. It stopped him from barking but he started getting chubby from the treats. I think I will just have to live with his yapping. Besides, I love him like a son and I forgive him easily!
Well, it's Friday night and we are home on our own tonight! We had leftover roast beef on those big soft onion rolls that ya can buy. And just to throw all dietary concerns firmly out the window, I deep fried some store bought, frozen, non organic mozzeralla sticks too.
What did you all have?
Do you deliver?
I'll pay you in q-pons. Pinky swear.
We are the third house on the left.
Make it snappy.
Dwindle said... 183
''........What did you all have?''
I had my very own homemade chili, and nuked some frozen tamales. There is nothing organic anywhere around me. Actually, I don't like anything that is ''good'' for me!!
psst, over here, Jon can't afford to feed his kids if they visit, so they are hardly over there. Almost none of the kids like Lizzy Borden.
This person has some kind of weird vendetta going against Jon, and particularly Liz.
psst...take it outside. We don't care.
My little Maltese barks at the garbage can only when it is at the curb for pickup. I don't think he can see very well sometimes. Either that or he knows it is not supposed to be there.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 186
psst, over here, Jon can't afford to feed his kids if they visit, so they are hardly over there. Almost none of the kids like Lizzy Borden.
This person has some kind of weird vendetta going against Jon, and particularly Liz.
psst...take it outside. We don't care.
Maybe it's KATE. LOLOLOL
IDModo said... 170
Facepalm, no wonder she keeps barking! that does makes sense, thanks :)
Paper Plates,
When did your pug start getting chubby? Mine is 2 years old and she's not plump...yet...but I know those treats are going to add up :D
Maybe it's KATE. LOLOLOL
She's over on Twitter spewing this stuff. It gets old, but she keeps going and going and going...
Ahhh Remona! I have not had Mexican food in a while! Tamales sound good!
Aggiemom, I drove by your house and you didnt have your red carpet out for me or nice looking men ready to lick my feet, so I kept on driving. I'm funky that way.
I feel a hot cuppa calling my name...
Did I tell y'all that my female yellow Lab has a suitor? Yep, a very young male deer with tiny little nubs for where his antlers will be. Oh, I think I told you already. He was back today for a minute but then his mom came and got him so my pup didnt get to flirt too much.
FOTK, Lily, Granny, ExNurse, LBelle, I hope all is well for you each.
I know I am missing others who are struggling, I am sorry, I am trying to remember...
Dwindle, for dinner we had leftovers from yesterday. Rolled chicken breasts stuffed with peppers and sausage, breaded and baked. Side dishes were brussel sprouts and butter potatoes with parsley and parmesan. Nothing healthy about this dinner, but it was good!
It looks like the second in command is as much of a doofus as Milo...if that's possible:
@MiloandJack I believe stuff about @Kateplusmy8 and her kids when it comes from her mouth. Too many people trying to hurt her. Why? #momx8
I drove by your house and you didnt have your red carpet out for me or nice looking men ready to lick my feet, so I kept on driving. I'm funky that way.
Don't have any nice looking men around, but I have two adorable cocker spaniels that will lick your face. How's that??
I thought I saw you drive by with HB though. Want to know why I knew it was HB? Cuz you were giving him what-for while he was driving his truck, and on his back bumper I saw a sticker that said: "Driver doesn't carry any cash. He's married."
Kate NEVER should have mentioned anything about Christmas and secrets. Gladys Kravitz will be pestering her for the next month...
@Kateplusmy8 This is what I was hopin U might be thrillin the kids with! I see 8 of these! LOL
LoveMyGrandsons said... 193
Dwindle, for dinner we had leftovers from yesterday. Rolled chicken breasts stuffed with peppers and sausage, breaded and baked. Side dishes were brussel sprouts and butter potatoes with parsley and parmesan. Nothing healthy about this dinner, but it was good!
WHHAAATTT??? no 2 pounds of cheese??? surely you used paper plates, right???
Butterfly, my pug is two and he is a big pug. Not fat, but cobby as pug lovers like to say. Of course I am his mother so I will defend him to the end. When we first laid eyes on him at the breeders', they had already nicknamed him Brutus because he was famous for making sure he got a teat whenever it was feeding time. LOL. He is built like a bulldog, very big in the chest. He is 23 pounds and the vet said he should be 18-20. I always argue with the vet and tell her he's just a big pug. His daddy was a big boy too. Big boned I guess you could say. We feed him twice a day, 3/4 of a cup each feeding (dry kibble, Science Diet). He gets no human food and he does get a dog biscuit on occasion, low fat ones. We are not overfeeding him. He gets a 1 hour hike every day too!! I am sure you love your pug as much as I love mine. They are the best pets ever!
Paper Plates,
My pug is 20 pounds and she cant walk for more than 20 minutes at a time- and sleeping is an olympic event for her. Yep, I love pugs! So cute, all of them. I would have 3 or 4 if I could, but family thinks my 1 is more than enough.
aggiemom, haha! Sorry to disappoint but only a couple spoons of parmesan, and no paper plates.
I also want to say that I cannot take credit for the stuffed chicken breasts. We have a terrific butcher by us and they have specials for meats dishes that they prepare and you only have to bake. I bought the 4 stuffed breasts already seasoned and stuffed; I just had to bake them for about 45 minutes.
These prepared meats can be a bit more expensive, but once in awhile, it's a nice treat for me to have everything already prepped.
She is gorgeous!!! Love her face.
aggiemom09121416 said... 197
LoveMyGrandsons said... 193
Dwindle, for dinner we had leftovers from yesterday. Rolled chicken breasts stuffed with peppers and sausage, breaded and baked. Side dishes were brussel sprouts and butter potatoes with parsley and parmesan. Nothing healthy about this dinner, but it was good!
WHHAAATTT??? no 2 pounds of cheese??? surely you used paper plates, right???
Aggie, you crack me up!
LMG, I stuff rolled chicken breasts with pepperoni and provolone, and cover in pizza sauce. Serve with something green.
I love the sound of those potatoes!
I have been a tiny bit under the weather the past day or 2 so I am going to settle into bed with my Kindle and a double mug of sleepy time tea. Everyone have a great night and I thank you for another fun week of snarking and sharing. :-)
LMG 200 said
We have a terrific butcher by us and they have specials for meats dishes that they prepare and you only have to bake
He's not related to Katherine, is he?
Dwindle said... 181
And she left one kid off, I guess in a way that is good. I didnt listen to it. I have always felt bad for Nadya, she never pretended to be anything much more than just a mentally ill woman trying to jump on the reality show bandwagon. But I dont feel bad enough to patronize anything that she, or any of these other science-wombs are involved in.
I didn't listen either Dwindle. I counted eight kids though. I agree with you, Nadya is an oddball but at least she acknowledges she's an oddball unlike the Qweenie of all Mothers.
Those little ones look so sweet and so bewildered. Seriously this time...what a world, what a world.
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