Christi Lukasiak says the popular reality show, which features kids in nearly every frame of the episodes, films for 70 hours a week.
Christie and daughter Chloe |
Yeah, we bet you are, Chloe. Poor kid. The controversial reality show out of Pittsburgh has been renewed for another season, and now one of the moms is revealing exactly how hard those kids are working for the cameras. But PA Rep. Murt's recently passed child labor law should put a damper on Lifetime's cozy little sweat shop. The bill would only permit the
Dance Moms children age 9 to 16 to film for five hours a day (even less for some of the younger dancers), with four hours left over for mandated school and rest time, and a mandatory 12 hour rest period between consecutive shooting days. The new law also requires that set teachers be on set at all times, as well as a parent or guardian. Will all these changes have any bearing on
Lifetime's product, or will they still be able to churn out a good show without exploiting the living crap out of their young subjects to do so?
Click on the Dance Moms tag below to see our past posts on this reality show. Red flags have been raised more than once.
704 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 704 Newer› Newest»aggie, darlin', you're on a roll tonight!! Lol!!
Keep the pug tips and cute stories going. I'll definitely share if Mr. P sparks any interesting stories.
And don't forget we're doing a "book club" discussion of The Dust Bowl Sunday night. There will be a post early Sunday morning to get our juices flowing. Only thing that annoys me is looks like I will get the West Coast feed so I will be three hours behind the Eastern seaboard. If anyone knows where the East Coast feed might stream online let me know.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 5
aggie, darlin', you're on a roll tonight!! Lol!!
Would that be a Kaiser roll?
I am really looking forward to the book club discussion. I read several books about this era and it is very interesting. Thanks for keeping things hopping around here!
She's come undone, I am absolutely nerdy about this. I have many historical time periods I am very interested in and the Civil War is at the top, but the Depression is close behind. It's been awhile since Ken Burns has really got me all hot and bothered lol. He plans his projects WAY in advance, and he's scheduled to do Vietnam in 2016 and Hemingway in 2019. Oh my.
Dwindle: Multigrain penne with mixed fresh veggies from the farmer's market, Italian bread, and apple-walnut salad. Cookies for dessert. It's what I call the good-evil meal, it's got elements of extreme health food, and elements of absolute sin.
So my avatar is my pug- but it's all Admin's fault- yep- cuz she mentioned Instagram and I put it on my camera, and my poor dog is the subject of 90% of my pics. So this particular pic was about the 5th one I took in row, and my dog was giving me the look "another photo?? ok ms. paparazzi"
And look how nice it came out after I Instagrammed it - fun app!
I'm still not over how obsessed Kate is with what she eats and her weight and 'size'.
To those with daughters, I don't know how you did it. The pressure to be skinny and thin is overwhelming.
Kate has FIVE daughters! She's setting such a terrible example to these young impressionable minds. It's just sad.
Yes, I realize boys can have eating disorders as well.
Kate is such an irresponsible parent. Clueless.
Paige says when she starts dating, she will take Kate's and Milo's advice on men. Milo says that Kate is wise beyond her years.
@Paige_Kate8fan @deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 Needless 2say...between Kate, myself & others on here...lots of good experience/advice 4U! :)
@Paige_Kate8fan @deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 U ever do start datin...U'll have a crew of mother hens here tellin U what 2do! LOL
@Paige_Kate8fan @deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 Im older than Kate...but I do give her CREDIT...she is wise beyond her years! #GoodAdvice :)
Then there's this...
@deannatweeting @Crayola1231 @Kateplusmy8 So the 50/50 custody story is 100% untrue...Jon just has #Visitation 2wkends a month! Thanks! :)
@deannatweeting @Crayola1231 @Kateplusmy8 That certainly puts Kate N the drivers seat as regards decisions/primary care of kids N all areas!
Tonight's meal...Breaded veal cutlet, mashed potatoes, stewed tomatoes, and corn bread. Dessert: Haagen Dazs rum raisin ice cream. NOTHING healthy, and it was wonderful.
Deanna Bell@deannatweeting
@MiloandJack @crayola1231 @kateplusmy8 The 50/50 custody rumor is 100% false. The kids have visitation w/ their dad every other wknd.
But if Milo is such an intimate friend of Kate, and so close to her, knowing EVERYTHING that goes on in Kate's life and in her mind, wouldn't she already know about the custody? Why would Deanna have to clear it up for her?
@deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 This has been a good 2 for 2 on clearing up rumors 2nite. Kate nixed the tabloid/show funding rumor & now this!
Wonder how much Kate pays Deanna to do her dirty work. Looks Deanna, Kate and Milo are now a happy threesome. Not a visual I wanted to have!
@Crayola1231 @Kateplusmy8 I think it would be extremely unlikely a judge would award 50/50 custody when man can't pay utilities.
Deanna Bell @deannatweeting
@MiloandJack @crayola1231 @kateplusmy8 The 50/50 custody rumor is 100% false. The kids have visitation w/ their dad every other wknd.
@MiloandJack @crayola1231 @kateplusmy8 The 50/50 custody rumor is 100% false. The kids have visitation w/ their dad every other wknd.
Two problems with that one Deanna. One, numerous twitter sightings as well as a PHOTO I have in my hot little hands shows the kids with Jon during the week. Second, Kate has frequently tweeted several weekends in a row about having the kids. Third, Kate herself has tweeted several times about just having the twins.
So, you can argue all you want it's not 50/50, but it's not every other weekend EITHER.
Jane said... 11
Wonder how much Kate pays Deanna to do her dirty work. Looks Deanna, Kate and Milo are now a happy threesome. Not a visual I wanted to have!
Only in your mind! ewww
Actually make that three things.
And judges let parents have custody all the time who are having problems with utilities or all of America struggling with poverty and unemployment would lose their kids. AND Kate never said he didn't pay his bill, so that is one big assumption.
I cannot stand the way her sheeple contribute to the parental alienation.
Jon is no saint and not a single person thinks he's a saint, but the children love him. Let him enjoy his time with his kids without this harassment. No one here tries to disrupt Kate's custodial time.
What a coward to have your best friend do your dirty work. Then you don't have to lie.
Kate nixed the tabloid/show funding rumor
See I was confused about Kate addressing this. Does she mean she didn't fund the reality show or there is no reality show at all?? Have her sheeple asked her to PLEASE clarify? She is so obnoxious when she does this. Her statement left me more confused. If she can address it by all means do so, but she needs to be clear and stop with the games.
Why is Deanna tweeting about custody?
First, according to sheeple, only Kate is allowed to speak of custody of the kids, or anything about the kids for that matter
second, according to Kate and therefore to be treated as the holy word, only what Kate says HERSELF is the truth. So you can't believe Deanna, using sheeple (cough) logic.
The next time someone mentions Liz having a drink, remind them that Kate's BFF's Twitter profile picture is Deanna with a drink to her lips along with a come-and-get-me look.
I have never in my life had or seen a friend like Deanna. I can't imagine this. She has some serious maturity problems and no shame. She doesn't think for one second about how she contributes to egging these unstable sheeple on. Who tweets publicly about their best friend's custody arrangement? That's just crazy. And she sounds like an idiot given she doesn't even live in the same state. My best friend doesn't live in the same state and sure she tells me things but the last thing I would do is start spreading that around to 120,000 tweeties as facts. Hell if I know what really goes on. And anyway I would figure if she wants to talk to her tweeties she will do so. I'd be worried I'd upset her by speaking for her.
So Paige is taking relationship advice from Kate?
HA prepare to be alone Paige or prepare to date a man in a relationship.
Hey Deanna don't let Kate around your man.
She loves stealing men who are in relationships.
Oh you mean this one, this one of Deanna drinking?
Have you noticed how no one here, despite that photo, has claimed that Deanna is a lush or a drunk or an alcoholic. Because adults are allowed to have a drink for pity sake and there is no need to trash their reputation just because they decided to sip a drink on an evening out.
Though speaking of adults, Deanna looks about 26 in that photo. What is she doing latching on to some aging has been D-lister? She could do better.
Why is Deanna tweeting about custody?
First, according to sheeple, only Kate is allowed to speak of custody of the kids, or anything about the kids for that matter
second, according to Kate and therefore to be treated as the holy word, only what Kate says HERSELF is the truth. So you can't believe Deanna, using sheeple (cough) logic.
Would Deanna be stupid enough to admit to a split custody? If she did, there goes the whole Kate persona of Super Mom down the toilet. She's going to tell Milo what Milo wants to hear.
Milo's second in command said tonight that she only believes what comes out of Kate's mouth. The denial of the split custody came from Deanna, so therefore she wouldn't believe it. Milo, on the other hand, as leader of all things Kate, is slowly worming her way into Deanna's confidence, so everything Deanna says is gospel.
I can't imagine this. She has some serious maturity problems and no shame. She doesn't think for one second about how she contributes to egging these unstable sheeple on. Who tweets publicly about their best friend's custody arrangement?
Because she has something to prove, which is that she is best friends with Kate. She's latched on to Kate and therefore has to show the sheeple that she knows everything about her. It's the bragging factor, the Insider Syndrome, created to make the sheeple envious of her relationship with Kate.
Also it never occurs to the sheeple that some mothers sometimes keep up a facade of how things are for their best friends, because they are too embarrassed to admit things are different. Kate certainly is the type to keep up a facade of roses and lollipops and everything is fine even if that's not the case. Better women who have lost their children have pretended otherwise for months and even years.
Deanna would be the perfect person to bend the truth around since she's just not there enough to really know. Kate may have told her the every other weekend story, but we know through multiple twitter sightings and even photos that that's just not true. It never occurs to Deanna OR her sheeple that if Kate lies to us (why just the other day she lied about asking the children's permission to post their projects on twitter) she certainly might lie to her own best friend.
Paige is about 19 years old by now. I hope she has female school friends and a mom, aunt, some older relative who can be her dating confidants.
But Milo is recommending herself and Deanna and
I hope, seriously hope, that Paige has real-life
friends she can talk to.
OT - all the dog stories make me want to share one...Our dog Ampers (hence my "name") believes the coffee table must be cleaned off. The two (and only two allowed) coasters, and the remote control are the only things allowed to be left on the coffee table. Any and everything else no matter what it is gets removed from the table. She takes it out to the backyard through her dog door. But she does not chew it up. Just "cleans" up the table. We have had to go to the yard to reclaim candles, pens,calculator, magazines and the tissue box. We can leave these things anywhere else but the coffee table. She has done this since she was 3 months old and she is 12 years old now. Don't ask why remotes and 2 coasters are safe, we don't know why.
could your dog teach my dog that trick? I could use a little helper :)
I would be pi$$ed off royally if I found out that my friend (best or otherwise) disclosed something to a stranger (which, of course, Milo is) about something as private as a custody matter. Kate's not even talking about it, so who appointed Deanna spokesperson for everything Kate?
Kate even asked people to stop talking about it, enough already. That was from Kate's own tweets. Maybe someone can find the tweet but she was very clear, ENOUGH. I'm not sure I even believe she gave Deanna clearance to talk about this. And if that's the case that's just outrageous.
I'm not sure I get the latching on theory. Deanna has a lot of celebs listed on her blog. Can't she latch on to one of them? Although she and Kate really do seem a lot alike. Why even her web site has two whole sections that are "coming soon" LOL!
Jane said... 17
The next time someone mentions Liz having a drink, remind them that Kate's BFF's Twitter profile picture is Deanna with a drink to her lips along with a come-and-get-me look.
But the sheep don't see this.
And anything that has to do with Kate i.e Deanna they will defend. (Administrator) said... 29
She did color me surprised.
Kate can shut them up if she say "Yes Jon & I have 50/50".
But it'll be a cold day in hell be for she does that.
Here's the difference between us and the sheep. I think Deanna is kind of pathetic latching on to Kate and I don't get it and I think she is very immature and at best, wildly inappropriate. At worst encouraging people who could be very, very dangerous and make no mistake even deadly. But here's the thing. I can have an opinion about Deanna as to her involvement with Kate but not worry about her otherwise. I don't need to trash what other clients she has helped with, I have no need to trash her makeup skills (she looks decent enough at her job to me), I don't care who her boyfriend is or want to trash him, I don't care that she has a photo of her looking like a skank sipping a $12 drink and I don't think she is an alcoholic. I can separate having a disagreement about someone's behavior, from intense hate wanting to destroy anyone that dares to come in contact with Kate.
Can you imagine the wrath if someone like her latched on to JON? There would be hell to pay every waking minute from them.
butterfly said... 27
could your dog teach my dog that trick? I could use a little helper :) .
Sure butterfly..but you don't want to see the end tables in the living room :)
That brings up an important point. Have you noticed all of Kate's best friends all live out of state??? LOL.
I suppose it's hard to keep up your roses and lollipops life if your best friend only lives five minutes away. Much easier to just see them every couple of months, keep them at a nice healthy distance.
@deannatweeting @Crayola1231 @Kateplusmy8 So the 50/50 custody story is 100% untrue...Jon just has #Visitation 2wkends a month! Thanks! :)
What a nosy bitch! I'd freak out if I knew people were PUBLICLY discussing my child custody issues.
I can't believe Kate is obviously okay with her 'friend' Deanna discussing her personal business with STRANGERS. What a crazy world Kate lives in that this kind of behaviour is acceptable.
It also runs contrary to all the days that Liz tweeted he had the kids, which amounted to eight out of 16. I'm using my fingers to count here, but I think that's half, no? So someone is lying because they can't both be telling the truth. And I'm going to put my money on the dog lover because dog lovers are safe bets every time.
You know what? Let's assume what Deanna said is true, for the sake of argument. Nonetheless, that really isn't the point. What a vile vindictive person to marginalize him like that. JUST visitation, like he's the mailman or the contractor. He's the children's father, Deanna, you vile woman, and they LOVE HIM. Even Kate admits this. Surely you have seen this when you are there. Surely you have heard of their tears and wails when he left them at the gate. If not by all means please watch the video. It's on TAPE. So even if it's JUST visitation, shut your damn mouth about it and let these children enjoy their time in peace.
I don't think Deanna has kids, but if she ever does and she finds herself divorced, I hope her ex never treats her as callously as she has treated this situation. She needs to grow up. These people NEVER think that anything like this could happen to them. But then someday it might. From divorce, to child custody issues, to unpaid bills, to unemployment, they are so arrogant to think it will NEVER happen to them--karma is a bitch.
I am enjoying the dog stories. They are so funny!
Well, I don't know about what D/Milo have tweeted about Jon's custody time with his children. The bottom line is that both of them are simply repeating what they've been told by KK. KK tells Deanna, who repeats that to Milo. Then Milo tweets repeats of what Deanna said as though it is confirmation that Jon only has the children every other weekend, when it wasn't confirmation at all, it was simply repeating what she was told.
In any case, no matter what any of them say, WE know that the best indication that KK has the children is if she is twittering away. KK tweeting = KK has the kids. KK twitter silence = Jon has the kids!
I would think one of the hardest parts of this many kids is you tend to feel like a taxi service. Yet you never hear that complaint.
You will now. :-):-):-) (Administrator) said... 34
That brings up an important point. Have you noticed all of Kate's best friends all live out of state??? LOL.
Not only out of state but also young, gullible and stupid. Except for Milo. She's apparently older and gullible and stupid. I think Kate likes them young because it's easier to get inside their heads and manipulate their brains than when they're older women like Jamie.
BTW where IS Jamie? Unless she's actually the mysterious Milo I don't think she's on twitter. Maybe instead of waiting to be kicked to the curb she made her own exit the same as Ashley did after it became abundantly clear on the RV trip that Kate was a total narcissistic nutjob.
What a sick twisted story this has turned into all because of Kate's greed.
It is SOOOOOO obvious to me that Kate is paying Deanna to "play the part" if her friend and defend her on Twitter. This "friendship" of there's has stunk to high heaven since Deannas first tweet to Kate. Kate obviously tells Deanna what to tweet and when to "set the record straight". Kate is so transparent its laughable.
Just wait for it Kate going to be saying how exhausting.
It is take her 8 to and fro and how she driving x8 and lord almighty the gas prices.
AuntieAnn said... 40
I've always said Kate gravitates to the young ones because they don't have the life experience to figure out she is a bitch and a manipulator. Just look at her fixation with Taylor Swift. And Deanna........
Not only out of state but also young, gullible and stupid. Except for Milo. She's apparently older and gullible and stupid. I think Kate likes them young because it's easier to get inside their heads and manipulate their brains than when they're older women like Jamie.
Auntie Ann, yes I completely agree. I've said this before but sometimes Kate is smarter than we give her credit for and I think she has actively sought out the not to bright to use for her own agenda. I don't really recall any of her serious friends coming across as all that quick. The vast majority of her sheeple are young girls or the incapacitated, needy and not to bright. You don't see very many grad students or real working mothers with careers or anything like that. What about teachers, therapists, accountants, real estate agents, social workers, lawyers, doctors? You rarely see professions like these coming out as fans of Kate.
She is scared to death of someone who is bright and quick and can turn circles around her. I think she thought she was getting another victim in Tony, but as soon as she realized he was way out of her league. She can't get a handle on the Tony's and Em Tanners and Anderson's of the world, so she cries bully and turns all her minions against them.
By Deanna tweeting the custody arrangement Kate covers her butt if she was ordered by the court not to discuss it.
Could be a word play thing, too. Maybe it does come out to only two weekends a month, but what about week days? Factoring in holidays could make it equate to more or less than a perfect 50%. In Kate's game of word play 50% could come down to an hour or minutes.
I know someone like that and it's maddening to try to get an honest answer from them. Questions have to be carefully worded. Fortunately, it isn't someone I have to interact with often.
It isn't just that she choses the young, gullible, and stupid to keep around. Any one 'bright' is too smart to hang with her for long. They see through her lies.
If she was sooooo wonderful!! nice!! & fun!! she would have some intelligent good friends right in her area who are her own age.
One more funny dog story.
Mugsy loves to hide and loves to climb into small, covered places. He loves being in a "cave like" place. So one day I come into my living room and I start calling for him, since I can't find him. I'm looking in the usual places. Then I hear a very tiny "woof". So I start calling to him and get a couple more woofs. He never barks when he wants something or needs help. He actually tries to talk with this sing, songy voice. Anyway, I find him having climbed behind my end tables, behind the couch and is now stuck at the end, so his little muzzle is peeking out from behind the couch. When I get to him, he kind of glares up at me, like, could you help me out of this jam, please? I died laughing. He was so cute squished back there. He also will climb under club chairs, where the slip cover goes all the way to the floor. He lies flat on his tummy and wriggles underneath. So the you have to say," where's Mugsy, I can't find him". He will then stick just his nose and muzzle out from the chair, and quietly say "woof". No barking. He loves hide and seek. Whenever you call for him, you get this tiny little woof. He is so fun and silly. The only downside to the couch capade is all the dust he unearths.
What's Next? said... 45
'' Could be a word play thing, too. Maybe it does come out to only two weekends a month, but what about week days? Factoring in holidays could make it equate to more or less than a perfect 50%. In Kate's game of word play 50% could come down to an hour or minutes.''
Oh I think you're on to something there!! Jon's custody could very well be two weekends a month, PLUS enough week days to make custody 50/50. Now that you've brought it up, that sounds exactly like something KK would do. Say two weekends, and stop in her mind, she's not REALLY lying...just not telling the complete truth!!
By Deanna tweeting the custody arrangement Kate covers her butt if she was ordered by the court not to discuss it.
Admin would know best if that type of thing occurs in the courts, but if Kate was ordered not to discuss it, and she disclosed the terms to Deanna, she would still be guilty of discussing it. She wouldn't be off the hook just because she didn't talk about it to her sheeple or the media. The fact that she told anyone would be a violation of a court order if there was one. Deanna wouldn't be exempt.
What about teachers, therapists, accountants, real estate agents, social workers, lawyers, doctors? You rarely see professions like these coming out as fans of Kate.
Right. There are none of those in her little circle. Tweeties she doesn't really want to meet and a make-up artist who's latched onto her are all she has. Big whoop. She's swimming around in a sea of stupid sheeple.
Okay, a pond of stupid sheeple.
Paper Plates - I think Taylor has her number though. Kate would have liked to suck her in for all the freebie concert tickets she could grift but Taylor was smarter than that. Go Taylor!
Admin would know best if that type of thing occurs in the courts, but if Kate was ordered not to discuss it, and she disclosed the terms to Deanna, she would still be guilty of discussing it. She wouldn't be off the hook just because she didn't talk about it to her sheeple or the media. The fact that she told anyone would be a violation of a court order if there was one. Deanna wouldn't be exempt.
It would be in violation, however I hate to tell you it's almost impossible to enforce do not discuss the case orders.
I wish I could give details, but all I can say was the situation was horrendous and involved parental alienation, the violations of do not discuss were outrageous, and it was like pulling teeth tooth by tooth to do ANYTHING, ANYTHING about it.
Fines, threats of contempt, threats of jail time, do nothing to parental alienators. They literally think the courts cannot touch them. They literally have sort of a God complex about the courts. They literally think a judge would never throw a mother in jail. They literally think that even though the judge said that, THEY know best.
Look at the two best friends that ran the marathon with her. Didn't they work for Penn State or something? Had respectable careers in higher education?
They latched onto her for about two "episodes" then left. There's no way someone in that circle is going to stick around Kate for long nor will Kate have it. She cannot have anyone that knows too much.
I am not on Twitter but if some else from here is, please bombard Kate, Milo and Deanna with WHY CAN'T KATE SPEAK FOR HERSELF? Good holy cow, what are these freaks doing? 99% of the world cannot stand Kate and yet they are glommed onto her like superglue. They all belong in the looney bin together and in straight jackets. Stuck on stupid --thanks to Remona for that one!
The truth is coming Kate and your freak posse so you better prepare yourselves.
Kate did speak for herself and she asked people to drop the custody issue and please move on. Why Deanna and Milo cannot respect that is beyond me. If my best friend said that I'd be falling all over myself to honor her wishes. She's my best friend.
What about teachers, therapists, accountants, real estate agents, social workers, lawyers, doctors? You rarely see professions like these coming out as fans of Kate.
Right. There are none of those in her little circle.
And yet, someone with her lifestyle would encounter people in finance, teachers, lawyers, other people in similar circles ALL THE TIME. Yet none of those people ever emerge as her BFF. Only someone who snorted too much blush. (Administrator) said... 52
Look at the two best friends that ran the marathon with her. Didn't they work for Penn State or something? Had respectable careers in higher education?
They latched onto her for about two "episodes" then left.
They're probably still on the run and telling each other not to look back. lol. (Administrator) said... 54
''Kate did speak for herself and she asked people to drop the custody issue and please move on. Why Deanna and Milo cannot respect that is beyond me.''
I don't think that KK has ever confirmed OR denied on twitter they now have 50/50 custody has she? As you said, she's asked that people drop the whole thing and move on. From what Deanna and Milo are now saying, she seems to have told them privately that it is two weekends a month, but has KK actually said that publicly? I don't think she has. As far as I can tell, it is her FANS that keep insisting on the two weekends. If I'm off the track, please someone correct me!
Snorted too much blush! Bwa hahahaha! Good one Admin.
Auntie Ann well you know kids today. If it's not blush they're putting up their noses it's bronzer.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 49
But Deanna could claim to know because of her friendship with Kate as far as when the children were home or not, and not because Kate told her. I would think Kate publically stating it on Twitter would have more bearing in court than discussing with a "close" friend in private.
That said, I sure don't presume to know the ins and outs of the legal system and enforcing court orders, so if Admin says it's near impossible to enforce then I believe it.
You're usually allowed to discuss the case in private with your support system. No discussion of the case usually means discussion with the children or in front of the children or in public. I've never seen something where you can't breathe a word about the case period especially to those who are supporting you.
Kate could have said look she's my support system and we talked about it in confidence and I had no idea she would take to twitter to tweet what I told her! Who, little ole me?? She gets away with it, again. At most she would get a slap on the wrist and a directive to make clear to her BFF not to tweet things they discuss.
Wasn't Deanna also the mouthpiece for Kate when Liz put the kids photos on twitter? Didn't she say something about their privacy being invaded (anyone? I can't remember)
...and yet she can boldly talk about custody? She's as big a tool as Kate.
Let's not forget that Deanna is in actuality an employee of Kate's. Kata pays her to do her makeup for appearances, plus I would imagine Kate has to pay for Deanna to travel to the event and other expenses such as food and lodging. The reason I'm saying this is that Deanna has a stake in keeping Kate happy.
The sheeple never consider that element either. Name me a friend who isn't paid who latches onto her. They don't exist.
What's Next - true, but it could also work against her. I don't think a lot of people want to associate themselves with Kate Gosselin anymore. She's turned herself into Typhoid Mary. Deanna might lose clients because of Kate.
I wouldn't go to Deanna for the simple reason that she's not discreet. She doesn't think before she speaks, spouts off private information, instigates fights on twitter in the name of her celeb--she is a loose canon who cannot be trusted.
It's actually a really bad idea for a celebrity makeup artist to be running her mouth. They are part of the inner circle and most celebs are going to want someone who is not so darn public. You can ruin your career and reputation in the span of three or four tweets. I hope this girl knows what she's doing.
Admin, That is something I hadn't thought of, but you are so right. It is very unprofessional.
In fact I quit going to a hairstylist because she would talk about other clients once they left the salon. I decided if she was talking about them, then she was talking about me. I had gone to her for years and was perfectly happy with the way she styled my hair, too.
Your hair dresser is like your therapist. The things women say to them. I mean heck that's a reality show idea right there.
It's just crazy as a therapist to be running her mouth the way she does. She's very young, very unprofessional, very immature.
Here's another tale of how great it was/is to be child star. Don't know if you have seen this yet Admin. Melissa Francis aka Cassandra Cooper Ingalls
says in her memoir how cruel her mother was. The abuse her mother put her through so she (Melissa) could earn a pay check for the family.
Child star's! How could it be anything but great??!!
She's very young, very unprofessional, very immature.
She meets all the conditions that qualify her to be Kate's bff. I wonder how long it will take until she's gets the old heave-ho. We should start another pool.
Butterfly....LOVED the part of your post re:
Normal kids: mommy, look at meeeee!
G8 kids ( according to their lying 'mother' ): oooh, mommy...look at you!!!
Spot on!
If Kate actually spent ANY time, past and present, parenting her children, she would know how ridiculous her claims are.
She is a lost cause.
Dwindle.....oh, sweet Dwindle....there you go again, making me all misty-eyed!
It truly means a lot that you care! xoxoxo is still here tonight? I have a feeling I'm going to be awake for awhile and it's already 2:30am!! Grrrrr! : (
Charlie here in New Zealand, LBelle. It's 9:45 Saturday night. Don't you hate when everyone goes to sleep?
Just wanted to say...went and saw BD2 the twilight saga.
Loved it! The book was so much better.Even tho they made the book into 2 movies. We had to wait a year to see the last one. That was pure greed on the authors part...But I had to see the end.Not a fan of kristen at all...the boys/men drew me in...Robert Pattinson and Taylor were the ones who I wanted to see. Guilty pleasure and was a good end.
So tired of seeing greedy people...LOTR...Twilight...Hungar games...ect..
Auntie Ann, no offence intended but I was wondering why you keep using the pic of little Leah getting spanked. Is it to remind people that Kate is an abuser? I think we all know that. I don't know, it just seems to be re-victimizing that poor little girl in a very humiliating incident.
I guess for the few fans of Kate that come here, perhaps that reminds them how evil she is?
I'm sure you mean no harm. It's just that every time I see it, it makes me feel very, very sad for that little child that she will never live that down.
Believe me, I'm on the same side you are. Team kids! *insert smiley face here so you know I'm not trying to be argumentative* <-- I find the actual smiley faces kind of cheesy LOL
Hi Charlie!
New! How cool is the Internet! I'm sitting here in Canada talking to you...tomorrow night!?!?!
I meant to answer your post yesterday re: our new cell phones. I think it's hilarious that your daughter has hijacked your phone after declaring she doesn't want or need all the smart phone features!! I have a funny feeling I'm going to be the same about my new one. I'm starting to get the hang of it and it keeps getting a little bit cooler as I go! Thanks hubby!! xoxo
Although I could write a book length comment about how I feel about the Gosselin custody issues I just want to get one little part out before I try to get some shut-eye.
I don't understand why the Sheeple are so bent on this trying to prove that there is no 50/50 arrangement. Do they think that looks good on Kate? Bad on Jon? Anybody with 2 eyes and half a brain know that Jon adores his kids and they adore him right back. So...the Sheeple think it makes Kate Mother of the Year? For what? Hurting her own kids by keeping them away from their own Dad? If their is no dangerous issues at either parents homes then ALL kids should be able to see each parent as much as possible. In all divorce cases. These kids are no more Kate's than they are Jon's. Where does she get off subjecting them to the loss of time with their Father?
Plus...I think one of the saddest things about the G8's lives is the fact that they do not have one outside the Kompound while they are with Kate. I think it looks just terrible on her as a parent to treat them this way. Poor kids. It really is despicable.....she has the means in every way ( thanks TO the kids ) to have them signed up in sports, music things, cubs/brownies, art stuff...whatever they're each interested in. She does not allow them the things that, I'm sure, all their friends at school have/do and, since she insists she has pretty much full custody save 2 weekends, then there is nobody to blame in this but Kate and Kate only.
She is a pathetic and selfish creature. Really bottom of the barrel especially concerning her so-called parenting abilities. What the hell kind of parent could EVER relate to her as soon as they see what a spoiled bitch she is.
I think she has D*nna say these things because she knows people would more likely believe it coming from her. She is losing credibility, she sounds very immature for a grown woman.
Still in you hear the Southern drawl in my words? First cup of coffee and catching up with all the wonderful ladies I miss. (I feel much closer to you aggiemom!)
While I agree with most of your points, I'm not sure how you made the jump to the fact that they have no extracurricular activities. Do you know that? My thought is that they very well maybe, through their school. She often picks them up pretty late from the bus. They attend private school. I'm sure their school offers lots of after school activities. So it may seem they only go to school, but maybe they are involved in fun things. I hope, anyway. When they are at home, with her or a babysitter, they go nowhere. Kate thinks the paps will follow her. And destroy their fun. Jon takes them out all the time, at least according to Robert, and I have never seen one pap photo of the kids with him. Kate still thinks the world swoons to her every movement.
Deanna's such a silly girl. LOL She thinks her Twitter is private and that all 386 of her followers are her friends. In the celeb world in which she's a pretty small player still, backstabbing is rampant. But even outside of Twitter, her association with Kate & her public yakking about Kate's private business isn't going unnoticed. No one wants to hire a makeup person who might turn around and share personal information & those who've made it in this industry are discreet. She's young and can turn things around but she needs to remove herself from this Kate obsession if she wants to get those big, big jobs and the respects she craves.
Ally said...79
...Kate thinks the paps will follow her.
Robert confirmed that there are zero paps following her these days. The one guy who was did it like 1x per month. Even he gave up though I think he was the one who took those haggard pics of her coming out of Bed Bath & Beyond a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway it looks like her reasoning concerning the paps is completely unfounded. No one really cares anymore (cept groups like us).
I just think it's strange that an almost 40 woman with eight kids is best friends with a 20-something single woman. I believe that Kate latched on to Deanna because Deanna does know some celebrities, and Kate figures that Deanna has connections that might help her in the entertainment business. Kate figures it wouldn't hurt to know people who know people. Deanna, in turn, just enjoys being an insider in Kate's world and likes the attention while she makes a name for herself. The vacation perks are one benefit she got from this relationship.
Daanna has a case of foot in mouth disease. Very unprofessional to disclose private issues about a client. If I were a celebrity, I would think twice about hiring someone who blabs on Twitter, whether true or not. For whatever reason, Deanna considers herself a bff of Kate's, but it's a joke, Deanna, because Kate is paying you and using you.
Kate must have promised Deanna something to invoke that kind of loyalty...maybe a job as makeup artist for her *cough, cough* dating show? Maybe Deanna needs the work.
I do remember Kate telling her fans to drop the subject, but wasn't that before Roberts book was released and before Admins source told her custody was 50/50? It just seems to me that all these 'facts' are being released now at a fast pace and Milo and Deanna are constantly twitting defending Kate, as if Kate can't speak for herself. It wouldn't be half as pathetic if we all didn't know Deanna will be out like yesterday's trash at some point. As for Milo, there's no hope for it.
I agree with those who think Kate has no big Thanksgiving plans- that's fine, at least I hope she doesn't have a 'pretend' table set etc. She is going on about Xmas- for kids it' a bit early, and again agree she is just reiterating the material aspects of the holiday.
Didn't picture Milo if I read that right, as a woman with flashy jewelry? The twitter followers are all weird- and pathetic, especially Paige. I honestly hope she 'gets a life' This is unhealthy.
Deannatweeting @MiloandJack @crayola1231 @kateplusmy8 The 50/50 custody rumor is 100% false. The kids have visitation w/ their dad every other wknd.
First, I must echo everyone else's sediment (lol)
If you have been reduced to sitting on twitter and telling lies for a z-list hasbeen ex-reality star- YOU might be a loser :waving at you Deanna! You stay klassy!:
Kate is now having Deanna lie for her regarding the 50/50 custody arrangement, among other things. As I always say, while Kate IS stupid, she is not dumb. Robert's book uncovered how Kate and 'the truth' have nothing in common. She wants her spin out there to impress her 6 sheeple, but she's not going to do the dirty work herself anymore only to get busted again and again.
This is similar to Kate having her lawyer go to Radar last spring when the 50/50 went into effect. While the lawyer wasn't going to lie, obviously, the lawyer stated that Kate relieved Jon of his child support obligation (conveniently, without mentioning the part about the new custody time that went with that.) I'm sure Kate thought that made her look not only like a saint, but very credible since that nugget came from a Mrs. Legal Person.
One more time for all you sheeple out there! An established order of support cannot be recinded in PA without a change of custody time. Baaa. While it seems to give the fans a thrill that Kate disparages Jon, lies about him, marginalizes him and uses her hate for him to stoke the hate THEY have for him- she is showing what comes first to Kate- Kate.
Keeping these last six fans hanging on is more important than the sad history she is creating for her children. She is so shortsighted, so unable to believe they will ever grow up, she can't see that every lie, every dig, every mean spirited thing she does to the father of her children is adding one more nail to the coffin containing her adult relationships with them. She wants to stay famous NOW. Be embraced by the public and adored NOW. Have companies use her for endorsements and ad campaigns NOW. Her kids are merely pawns in this whole process to get her where she wants to be NOW.
Another thing that has been bothering me lately is how much money Kate has spent this year because she is a complete asshole. I can only imagine the 100s of thousands of dollars she has thrown at her fancy Bev Hills lawyer to keep her own journals from coming out. Then 100s of thousands MORE dollars producing a reality show that might not ever get picked up, because no other production company wants anything to do with her nasty self. It makes no sense at all that this woman doesn't buy organic milk for her kids until it's on sale, she told them they were only getting 1 Christmas gift last year because the show was canceled (then she was busted) but she has no problem spending huge amount$ to protect herself from her own words and lies and $100k+ on a show that will probably never see the light of day. WTF?
Just an FYI to those looking at twitter - many of the non-fans believe that @Crayola1231 is actually a sock account that Kate uses to "drunk twitter" her bitterness to the world. If not then it just means he/she/it is seriously unhinged with the amount of energy used to bash Jon and Liz.
Someone had commented that Kate paid for Deanna to go with her on "business" trips. Do you really think Kate paid her or her food/hotel? She got coupon cabin to pay for it. Just like they paid for Steve. Remember the letter when she was fired stated, " best of luck to you, your family and your "support staff". Support staff was probably more than just Steve. It was her entourage that she demand travel with her. I am sure Deanna was written into that contract. It is well known that her demands are outrageous, fostered by TLC. Kate does not, nor will she ever pay for anything herself. Any activity she participates in has to be paid in full by someone else. She demands it. She is the biggest celebrity charity case ever! Isn't that an oxymoron? I don't think celebrity and charity case ever go together. Kate is truly a piece of work.
Buttercup said... 81
Ally said...79
...Kate thinks the paps will follow her.
Robert confirmed that there are zero paps following her these days. The one guy who was did it like 1x per month. Even he gave up though I think he was the one who took those haggard pics of her coming out of Bed Bath & Beyond a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway it looks like her reasoning concerning the paps is completely unfounded. No one really cares anymore (cept groups like us).
Ah so she is either paying for a pap or Steve has a new job title.
Steve K Neild
Road Manger
Purse Holder
Kate wrangler
I would how much he's getting paid for doing all these jobs.
I totally agree with you. 100%. I remember when that ROL article came out in the spring. I believe she put that article out for many reasons. One, she wanted sympathy. She "voluntarily" dropped Jon's support order, makes her look like a wonderful kind and thoughtful mommy, to help daddy. Yeah right! Two, she went on to state at the same time her TLC contract expired. Again, is that to make people think she is really getting NO money from anyone, and she voluntarily relieved Jon of his child support. She's a saint. Three, to call Jon out as a liar, when he claimed he was struggling to pay his bills and child support. He was still paying areers(sp). And we have no ideas how much they were since his original support order was so high. He very well may have been struggling. So another dig on daddy and high praise of mommy for relieving Jon of his support obligation.
I think she thinks she is smarter than everyone else. Get a lawyer to make some statements then everything must be true. It would be common sense. This woman never turns down a dollar. And she can't withdraw his support of his children, it's the kids money, not hers! 50/50 custody is the only way that happened. She was pissed he got 50/50, so she had to play up her voluntary withdrawal of child support. Ugh! I feel like I need a shower after that.
This has got to be one of the most hypocritical platitude retweet that Kate has ever done:
RT @LifeTools: You cannot build yourself up by tearing others down.
"tearing others down"--she's an expert at that.
Jon, Liz, EMtanner, TlC, to name a few. Plus how she calls anyone who criticizes her, liars, bullies, haters, stupid, jealous, etc.
Too bad she never follows the platitudes that she retweets.
Steve is looking pretty rough these days.
stashcacheabout 11 hours ago
@deannatweeting @msgoody2shoes21 @MiloandJack @Crayola1231 @Kateplusmy8 Blog that started 50/50 lie has an idiot as "source". #gullible
Just because you run your mouth to your hair dresser does not in any way, shape or form mean that a hair dresser is a therapist.
I said a hairdresser is LIKE a therapist and usually, like a therapist, are discreet. The good ones anyway.
By the way "as a therapist" was a typo. I meant as a hairdresser.
If your best friend tells you something is fact, you don't believe it because you didn't see it with your own eyes? Wow, you are quite a trusting "friend."
No, that's not what I said. Read again. *I* believe it, but I certainly wouldn't go around telling 120,000 that I know it to be the truth. That's a whole other matter.
Blog that started 50/50 lie has an idiot as "source". #gullible
Excuse me? How do they know who our source was? And given that I said multiple times it was someone close to the the way someone the kids care about, I find that statement very rude and insensitive.
She's come it was before the book but ages after the source.
Again, is that to make people think she is really getting NO money from anyone, and she voluntarily relieved Jon of his child support. She's a saint.
She didn't count on anyone being able to read and understand PA law. Fool.
Also what the sheeple call sainthood, I call irresponsible mothering. There is a long time between now and 18. How the heck do you know what's going to happen financially in order to give up your support forever? And to do so with only a few gigs going for you one of which you were soon to be fired from? That's irresponsible, stupid and basically just not thinking. They praise her for the oddest things.
They're doing it again, quibbling over semantics (A hairdresser is not a therapist)and deflecting from the real issue, that THIS hairdresser is a loudmouth and being used by Kate to say what she is too cowardly or too shrewd to say for herself.
ID I know, I know. Apparently they were not discerning enough to realize that the second time I typed therapist I clearly meant to say hairdresser.
Of course she is under no legal obligation to not talk--the whole point was that GOOD hairdressers are discreet and Deanna isn't a good hairdresser because she's not discreet. Please address the POINT.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@deannatweeting @Crayola1231 @Kateplusmy8 So the 50/50 custody story is 100% untrue...Jon just has #Visitation 2wkends a month! Thanks! :)
That whole tweeting episode with Milo and Deanna was so contrived. It's on a jr. high school level.
I don't agree with who it was above that said Kate is stupid but not dumb. She's both to have ok'd the above.
after reading, w/delight & amusement, the dog stories I need to add mine. two Lhasas, who were bred to guard Tibetan temples, mine decided the house was a temple. I live near a school w/students passing by twice a day. You all get the picture. It was bark, bark X2. One day I told them it is all right to bark but only when someone is on the property. No barks at kids, mailman or delivery men. Got it?? By jove, they got it. Hard to believe but those rascals did.
What's in the brackets at 101 should have been in quotes. Sorry!
I wonder how long it will take for Kate to rid herself of Deanna? Any bets? Because we all know it will happen. Right now Kate is using Deanna to spread the lies that she, herself, cannot spread. At some point Deanna "won't know how to help" Kate and she will be banished.
So, Deanna, did Kate make you sign a confidentiality agreement?
Deanna, are you so naive as to believe that your association with Kate will not harm you professionally? Do you really think that upstanding individuals with morals and integrity would want to associate with you?
Deanna, as someone who is probably old enough to be your mother, let me give you a piece of advice. Find new friends, quit tweeting about Kate Gosselin and her children, or you are going to find yourself isolated career-wise.
Hey what's it called when you ask a "friend" to do your dirty work for you, especially someone who is in no way on your playing field because they are a lot younger and stupider and gullible.
Oh yeah I remember it's called USING THEM. Deanna wake up.
Deanna is going down the same path as Cindy the travel agent. She's becoming an unprofessional joke.
70-hours a week! when do they attend school, eat, do homework, travel back and forth? Something doesn't jibe.
I don't think Kate usually pays Deanna out of pocket but in the negotiations she certainly insists that Deanna be part of the package. Whatever project Kate was tweeting about in October, Deanna tweeted that she was along too. Sheep, wake up, Kate gets Deanna gigs and ensures she gets paid. What's Deanna going to do, say BAD things about her?
I went over to Kate's twitter because I wanted to see the card pic I missed when I was frozen for some reason. The bs platitudes and a$$ kissing they give Kate is stomach turning. One person actually tweeted, I have never seen you on tv or know who you are but you seem so nice here on twitter, I don't get why so many dislike you. Kate replied, block the bullied and come join our fun. Same old mantra. This person supposedly has no idea who she is. Why are you tweeting her? And why, would Kate tweet back to her? That conversation made no sense.
Again, the same old go to, we are all jealous of Kate and that's why we don't like her. Jealous I'd take happiness and love over money anyday. She is miserable and alone. No thank you. Be glad she does not know me, I am a mandated child abuse reporter and would have CPS on the phone so fast her head would spin.
m said... 109
70-hours a week! when do they attend school, eat, do homework, travel back and forth? Something doesn't jibe.
Proof they are even in school while filming this show? Just judging by the episodes I don't see how they can be. They TALK about school but no one ever sees them go. They learn complicated routines in allegedly just one week then spend the weekend at competitions. And if Chloe is at the studio but working on homework in the next room and the cameras are filming interviews with others while she waits her turn for her interviews, I count that as working and so does the new law. She's on set, cameras are there, she's just waiting for her cue.
I know we'd all like to believe these sweat shops don't exist and everyone is lying, but we do these kids a great disservice when we take that attitude.
M she also didn't say camera are filming everyone together for 70 hours a week. They are just "filming" for 70 hours.
"Cameras film 70 hours a week for a 42-minite show."
There are about six girls and six moms, and there are times when the focus is on one or two girls and not the other. All together, you bet I believe it adds up to 70 hours a week, no question.
If Kate is seriously called our on the 50/50 custody agreement.
I bet she going to blame Deanna for talking and blame her for everything.
She going to toss Deanna under the bus so fast Deanna won't see it coming.
And the sheep with turn on Deanna as well esp Milo & Paige.
I can see it now.
Deanna, your actions have consequences. Many young people today don't realize that what you tweet, what you post on Facebook or any form of social media is out there for everyone to see. That means clients, potential clients, gossip columnists, etc. Kate Gosselin is toxic, which means you are becoming toxic with your constant illogical support of Kate. Step back and remember that you judged by the people you surround yourself with. Cut off the conversation with "Milo" and extract yourself from Kate Gosselin and her dysfunctional life. (Administrator) said... 112
m said... 109
70-hours a week! when do they attend school, eat, do homework, travel back and forth? Something doesn't jibe.
Proof they are even in school while filming this show? Just judging by the episodes I don't see how they can be. They TALK about school but no one ever sees them go. They learn complicated routines in allegedly just one week then spend the weekend at competitions. And if Chloe is at the studio but working on homework in the next room and the cameras are filming interviews with others while she waits her turn for her interviews, I count that as working and so does the new law. She's on set, cameras are there, she's just waiting for her cue.
I know we'd all like to believe these sweat shops don't exist and everyone is lying, but we do these kids a great disservice when we take that attitude.
In one episode the older girl quit dancing for Cheer, I think that is during the school year and in another episode, same girl missed a practice because she went to a school dance- so they are filming during school year, and at least the older girl is attending school.
In one episode the older girl quit dancing for Cheer, I think that is during the school year and in another episode, same girl missed a practice because she went to a school dance- so they are filming during school year, and at least the older girl is attending school.
So they said. All we ever saw was Brooke at cheer tryouts and cheerleading. Doesn't mean it wasn't a set up, or that any of the rest of them go to school. Brooke is phasing out dancing anyway.
We never see them at school other than that. Don't believe everything they tell you. This from a show that does a fake pyramid and makes the kids cry.
I wonder why Kate has not tweeted anything about thanksgiving and had already jumped into Christmas. Did she forget about that holiday, or are the kids with Jon, so it does not really exist to her? Something odd. She tweeted how all her kids sit in a row at the counter while she cooks and she narrates it to them, like her own "cooking show". Gee, I wonder where that tweet came from. Great way to try and promote yourself in that way. We all know, something like that would never happen. But one is allowed behind the kitchen island but her. Naaa. Although, maybe I would take a front row seat to see her make a big mess in the kitchen, ignite things, burn things, make lots of smoke..
OT, when I was a kid, about 4, my mom was cooking dinner and upstairs changing my brothers diaper. I ran upstairs and told her there was smoke in the kitchen. She ran downstairs and said, "no honey, that's steam". Well, next time, I ran to tell my mom there was a lot of steam in the kitchen, when she came in, it was full of smoke!! She took the big smoking pot and put it in the driveway. My dad was coming home from work with a friend. They smelled smoke about a block away. My dad joked, that it was my moms cooking again. Well, they turned into the driveway and saw a billowing smoking pot. They died laughing! It has now been a running joke in our house for the last 30 years. She never lived that one down!
I watched the first few episodes of Dance Moms. I could tell early on it was staged, and staged badly. I was appalled that these 4 women would allow themselves to be put in such a negative light. I don't know if Abby is really a bully in real life, but she does not come across as someone I would want to influence my daughters in any way. I guess there are people that will sell their reputations for money.
I do wonder how much of Abby is just made up or exaggerated. Sometimes there are moments where I think she is far kinder and sensitive than I take her for. For instance I remember one time the moms were out and she was telling the girls let's go out for ice cream sundaes!!! So they went to a cute place and chowed down and the girls LOVED IT. I thought that was really sweet of her and she really did listen to them and have a nice conversation with all of them. MOments like that make me think she isn't the person she acts.
I don't mind a strict teacher. I think every kid should at least experience one no-nonsense, strict teacher. But that doesn't mean a strict teacher has to berate and belittle a child. (Administrator) said... 107
Hey what's it called when you ask a "friend" to do your dirty work for you, especially someone who is in no way on your playing field because they are a lot younger and stupider and gullible.
Oh yeah I remember it's called USING THEM. Deanna wake up.
There's a pattern here.
Jamie walked down this same exact path. First, she was summoned from Michigan to pal around with Kate. Hang out by the pool, take pictures for twitter (see haterz! I DO have a friend!) If I'm not mistaken, Jamie spoke for/defended Kate in a couple US mag articles before Kate was on twatter.
Then.... Kate gets TLC to pay Jamie to do stuff. Go to NYC and oversee the footlicking. Go along on the RV trip from hell as one of the hired help. That's where the line blurs. Kate lures them in as just a gurlfriend. Then a little later, sees that they get on the payroll. Someone else's payroll, of course. This is the part where there is then implied expectations on Kate's part. Kate expressed this VEERRRY clearly and passive agressively on the RV trip, that she was not getting the help she should be getting from the paid help. And you are telling the camera this why? Both of those ladies are adults, discuss this with them privately. Don't diss them behind their backs, then stand there shocked, shocked! when one loses it and takes the first flight out of there.
Every relationship Kate has had has gone this way since she became famous. She can't just have a no strings attached relationship with someone. She wants to make them do certain things, so she must have an employer-employee relationship with them. Because Kate refuses to think she is capable of doing anything wrong, she will do Deanna like she did Jamie. Soon, Deanna will not meet Kate's expectations and she'll be scolded for it. And Deanna will learn the hard way she was never Kate's friend, just another one of Kate's paid lackeys. As soon as Deanna's gone, Kate will scrounge up another naive gal to use.
I don't lump Kate and Deanna in the same category - YET. I think Deanna is young and impressionable and has been spun into Kate's web. She probably believes that Kate won't treat her like she treated everyone else in her life.
However, at some point, Deanna will be jettisoned from Kate's web of lies and deceit. I hope it is not past the point where Deanna can rehabilitate her image.
Ally said... 47
One more funny dog story.
Mugsy loves to hide and loves to climb into small, covered places. He loves being in a "cave like" place. So one day I come into my living room and I start calling for him, since I can't find him. I'm looking in the usual places. Then I hear a very tiny "woof". So I start calling to him and get a couple more woofs. He never barks when he wants something or needs help. He actually tries to talk with this sing, songy voice. Anyway, I find him having climbed behind my end tables, behind the couch and is now stuck at the end, so his little muzzle is peeking out from behind the couch. When I get to him, he kind of glares up at me, like, could you help me out of this jam, please? I died laughing. He was so cute squished back there. He also will climb under club chairs, where the slip cover goes all the way to the floor. He lies flat on his tummy and wriggles underneath. So the you have to say," where's Mugsy, I can't find him". He will then stick just his nose and muzzle out from the chair, and quietly say "woof". No barking. He loves hide and seek. Whenever you call for him, you get this tiny little woof. He is so fun and silly. The only downside to the couch capade is all the dust he unearths.
That's adorable!! My pugg loves caves too- or den as we call it. SHe is always cocooning herself in blankets, and I dont know how, its not like she has hands to wrap the balnket around her- But I have pics as proof- she does it. We go looking for her, and we see a blanket moving, there she is! She will steal blankets right off of you,too, to wrap herself up in, just her face visible. So funny.
COMPLETELY OT question for those who "craft"
re GLUE GUNS ...
I figured this would be the place to ask.
Any recommendations on what glue gun to buy? I will be getting one to do crafts/projects/etc. I'm looking for ease of use and low cost. I have never used one ever, so I don't even know where to begin.
Any advice is appreciated!!!
Paper plates-
your pug is gorgeous!! He looks healthy and happy. (Administrator) said... 29
Kate even asked people to stop talking about it, enough already. That was from Kate's own tweets. Maybe someone can find the tweet but she was very clear, ENOUGH.
Kate asked people to stop talking about it on HER TWITTER account--that doesn't mean she wants it to stop somewhere else. I guess it's okay if people go to Deanna's twitter to discuss and bash Jon, Liz and Robert. That way it's not coming from Kate, and then Kate can then act so innocent and say "I have no control what people discuss on someone else's twitter". And she's probably enjoying every moment of it.
Cute!! Mugsy does the nesting thing too. If I get up to do something and come back to my seat, he is now nested, exactly where I was sitting. Same thing with the bed. He climbs to the warmth, I guess? He'll just bat his eyes at you when you return and want your seat back. He is such my little baby, I don't have my own children yet. I can't imagine someone ever hurting puppies.
True about not knowing how much on Dance Moms (or any reality tv show) is set up- they have fooled me before...
But wasnt Dr. Holly gone a lot because of her job (before she quit)? So it seems (seems) there is a tiny nugget of reality in this show. Oh well.
It looks like Honey boo boo is in hiatus now that school is back in, maybe her family got that one right - fingers crossed on that.
I would love for Robert to unearth the 50/50 custody to prove what a liar Kate is. I agree with other posters that Kate is not dumb. I think what she is brilliant at is cunning. I don't have one shred of sympathy for Deanna. She is a name dropper and she is using Kate as much as Kate is using her. They deserve it each other.
I also agree that some of those sheeple tweeters are socks created by Kate. That new one, Crayola1231, aka Yvonne, I do believe is actually Kate. I believe Kate is disturbed enough to invent Twitter personalities to attack people because she doesn't want to trash her image as to being above the fray. Crayola has said a few things that Kate has said like worry about your own kids and not mine, and announces when it's time for bed. Crayola is also a Jon basher. I know, I know, her handful of sheeple followers say the same stuff, but this one just suddenly popped up, and to me, sounds like Kate.
Soon Deanna is going to tweet the wrong thing or one of her followers will expose her tweet on a non-private twitter and the tabloids will jump on it. Suddenly she'll be known for her association and twitter-defense of Kate. Not a good thing when RH's book comes out. I wonder if her other clients will wonder. Real professional and mature....stupid little girl. I wonder if she has twitter relationships with her other celebrity clients.
Wayward, wow that summary of Jamie was great! You're right, it's exactly the same!
Lures them in, gradually gets them on payroll, expects them to defend her honor. Eventually BFF cannot meet her expectations and are discarded for a new BFF.
Deanna you are a young girl and seem nice enough, please wake up before your trash your career.
Admin, was is part of Jon's deal for the 50/50 custody that he not speak of it? I cannot believe that the court would demand silence on such a thing, but Kate sure would.
my dog is such a seat stealer- sheesh! I cant imagine hurting a pup/dog either. They are so loving and sweet. Ok, cats, too for the cat people, I couldnt imagine hurting a cat. :)
Butterfly I think about half of it is real and I fully believe the 70 hours a week.
I got an uncomfortable sense from M that she may have been trying to paint Christie as a liar and from there imply that everyone who suggests that reality t.v. kids aren't anything but wonderful and happy are liars.....I could be wrong.
Br*oke also wrote a song and made a video. It was actually pretty good. You can tell she does not want to be there. Her face is completely devoid of emotion.
Did Jon or Liz, ever, when they had twitter, mention the amount of time the kids were with them? I know they said their custody with both sets of kids fell at the same time, so it was usually 11 kids or none! Now, as bad as it is to say, she is mom, there is no way she has less than 50/50 of her kids. Does that help prove the 50/50 question?
Did Jon or Liz, ever, when they had twitter, mention the amount of time the kids were with them
Yes, when a sheeple was going on about how Jon doesn't have his kids, Liz schooled her and listed all the dates that Jon did have them recently. Of the sixteen day period, he had them for eight of them. It's back in the comments somewhere.
Robert can have cold hard proof that Jon&Kate share 50/50 custody.
But the sheep Mil & Pagie will say it all fake and lies and Robert is a lair.
Or they will yes how good of a mother Kate is to let Jon have the kids 50% of the time.
Either way Kate will come out shinning like she all ways does.
Irony here in that it's all about control with Kate. SHE wanted first Jamie, then Deanna to be part of her paid entourage, and made TLC and CC foot the bill. Remember when TLC wanted to compensate Jodi and Kate was enraged at the idea.
She's got nothing. And I doubt she will be bringing Deanna any paid gigs in either the near, or the far, future.
I agree with cats too :). But I have a bit of irony. As a child I was scared of cats. I would babysit and the cat would dart across a dark room or jump in front of me. Scared me to pieces. Then at a friends house, I was sitting on her couch and the cat climbed to the top of the couch and attacked my shoulder. Just a scratch, but scared me. Then in high school I developed an allergy. My BFF just got 2 cats and all of a sudden I could not be in her house without the itchy swollen eyes and throat. Over the years it has worsened and now, I can't breathe around cats. My exhusbands family had cats and we eventually could not stay the night at their house because I couldn't breathe. I think cats were telling me something! But I still wish them nothing but the best.
On Dance Moms, they often mention school, tests, homework and events like a camping trip that Abby was upset Cloe went on- or even dr appts. I know the kids are being exploited although they do seem to love dance and good relationships with their moms...I hope 70 hrs was an exaggeration. Even so, it's wrong and I don't see why the moms have to be there for hours on that staged or normal for an intense dance program?
this just caught my eye - about the ads on the page- I have a smart phone, and I saw a couple posters here got a new smart phone- so this is for you ladies so you dont get caught by surprise like I just was.
The ad on the top of the page was for a city that I was just texting about about! I was startled- and then I realized, my smartphone is android and I run this website through google chrome....A ha! Android is powered (?) by google so I am logged in on both. Whew. Now to figure out why a slimfast ad was on the page- is that a hint, Admin? LOL
Thanks. I do remember reading that back somewhere now that you mention it.
I have another question for anyone who can answer. How do you get a picture next to your user name? I am working from an iPad. I'd love to be able to post a picture of my Mugsy. Thanks.
When they add it all up with all the interviews and all the travel and all the interviews (all the mom AND all the kids do couch interviews each episode) and all the different people they film, 70 hours actually seems like an understatement to me. They cram a lot into one week.
I've never been part of the dance world but like a lot of sports and the arts I thought parents are actually encouraged NOT to be there. Instructors like kids to be looking and listening to them, not constantly cranking their heads around toward mom for validation.
I always wondered why we haven't seen Jamie on twitter. Maybe she is. Probably not Milo though. She's probably one of the snarky ones. :-)
kids first said... 107
Deanna is going down the same path as Cindy the travel agent. She's becoming an unprofessional joke.
My understanding is it's already happened.
Found the tweets, from Aug.25:
The enablers and non-fans were arguing about 50/50 custody and child support. Kate pops in and tweets:
Kate Gosselin
@TrippenIn @msgoody2shoes21 @LilyatIW what's the main argument? (don't usually ask but is there something I can clear up?)
@Kateplusmy8 Has there been a court ordered custody change ? Stupid I know but lol gotta luv those phony 'inside sources'
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@TrippenIn @RealityTv my atty spoke facts that no 1 can dispute.Nothing else has changed.End of subject.
@LilyatIW @TrippenIn @msgoody2shoes21 my atty said it. Why still discussing? Please end it. Why do others care what our arrangement is?
Kate never addressed the 50/50 custody, just referenced what her attorney said which was only about child support. Kate obviously didn't want to be pressed more to answer the question about custody.
This was almost 3 months ago, and NOW Deanna says 50/50 is 100% false.
I am by no means an avid crafter, but the type of gun probably depends on the project. I have used one to create a holiday wreath. I just bought the cheapest one. It worked for my purpose. Just make sure the glue sticks you buy are the same diameter as the gun. I made that mistake :). My own stupid fault. That's what I know. Hope it helps.
I am just wondering Administrator....
Why is it wrong for Deanna (a family friend) to talk about custody but not wrong for Jon's friend (insider) to talk about custody?
I have many questions like this but don't want to make anyone mad or feel I need to defend myself.
I have been somewhat following this saga on and off for a few years and have my own point of view.
I am not a fan of either party and not looking for a fight.
Kate is a twit...
Yeah, but her attorney said in that article that she "voluntarily" withdrew Jon's child support, forever. That is not possible! Someone is lying somewhere.
Thank you Admin! :)
TLC stinks said... 132
Admin, was is part of Jon's deal for the 50/50 custody that he not speak of it? I cannot believe that the court would demand silence on such a thing, but Kate sure would.
I can't imagine the court putting a gag order on this either...except if Kate argued that she needed silence on this due to her public persona as a full-time mother of 8. That this is what her image has been built on and this is what keeps her following engaged and interested.
Oh, I can only imagine the judge saying "Ms. Gosselin, in your estimation how large is your following?" And Kate says "Uhh, ummm, 6 uh..60...ish.. umm, uh (leg flapping, gum chomping) honestly, no lie, uhhh (leg flapping uncontrollably now, tapping ear looking for non-existent earpiece) I have 122,000 followers on twitter and to tell the truth, uhhh ummm, I didn't buy any of them. Oh and yer Honor? I had to umm, get rid of our family dog because he, ummm uh, threw up a whole dead animal on my rug. But I need that to be in the gag order too, because uuh, ummm (chompity chomp, smack) being a dog lover is part of my persona too. No lie."
That ROL article was purely to call Jon a liar, because he said he was struggling financially. So she decided to boost her public image while simultaneously trying to make Jon look bad. That's not what I call peace for the children. That looks like picking a fight with her ex, for all the world to see.
And Deanna will learn the hard way she was never Kate's friend, just another one of Kate's paid lackeys.
Much like Beth Carson, who also learned the hard way.
Kate lures them in with a pseudo-friendship, then she reels them in further with intimations of money and fame (sex, in Jon's case) for doing a joint project, the other person does all the work, Kate takes all the credit/cuts the other person out of the money and fame, finally the other person has enough and leaves, and Kate moves on to a new victim.
Nana Janet
Jen Stock, the producer
Cindy, the travel agent
Coupon Cabin
Deanna (soon)
Notice that except for the last three, those people stayed because of their concern for the kids.
Steve? Who knows. He doesn't appear to care about the kids, nor be interested in the sexual aspect. Probably just the money aspect? And when that's gone, he's outta there.
Remona Blue said... 57 (Administrator) said... 54
''Kate did speak for herself and she asked people to drop the custody issue and please move on. Why Deanna and Milo cannot respect that is beyond me.''
I don't think that KK has ever confirmed OR denied on twitter they now have 50/50 custody has she? As you said, she's asked that people drop the whole thing and move on. From what Deanna and Milo are now saying, she seems to have told them privately that it is two weekends a month, but has KK actually said that publicly?
You haven't missed anything. Kate has never issued a statement about this. Her MO is to let others do the speaking for her while she retweets platitudes and double-speaks to suit her twisted agenda of alienation and passive-aggressive interactions with anyone who doesn't agree with her. She really is an insecure coward.
Perhaps Deanna should be reminded of the hairdresser/make-up artist's rules of ethics which stresses things like: 'Gossip can put your career on the line and in the end it isn’t worth the punch it is made of' and 'These people are, generally, expected only to pay attention and listen and not be the broadcaster of information shared'.
I agree with Admin and others who have said that Deanna isn't thinking about how she's jeopardizing her reputation and career getting so involved with fighting Kate's battles for her. No one can say she wasn't given a heads-up.
Just Wondering, no one should be doing what Deanna did. No one said otherwise.
Ally said... 88
Someone had commented that Kate paid for Deanna to go with her on "business" trips. Do you really think Kate paid her or her food/hotel?
That might have been me. I was thinking more of this latest project that Kate is funding - the show they are trying to get a network to pick up. I would bet Deanna's services for that are coming out of Kate's pocket (or more correctly the kid's pocket).
As far Deanna's hotel and food, etc. being included as part of a contract, the fact remains that Kate is the one making those demands, thus putting Kate in control. It all boils down to the fact that Kate could find someone else to fill that spot if Deanna suddenly "doesn't know how to help her" and Deanna would not be making that money no matter who wrote the check. Deanna has a very good rea$on for $iding with Kate and that was my point. Grammar police the "$" signs are intentional.
I went back to look at the envelope picture from twitter again. Something caught my eye. The top one says "I (heart) you so much". The letter "y" in you is backwards. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't an 8 1/2 year old's letters be written in the correct direction? You normally see that in early writers, just learning their letters. Kate continually makes sure the world knows how smart all her children are and how they are at the top of their class. All 8 are the smartest in the whole school. This is not meant to disrespect the kids. This is more a comment about Kate's need to say, told you so, reality tv didnt hurt my kids, they are brilliant, well adjusted children. It's ok for children to excel in certain areas and maybe be challenged in others. The other possibility is that they are very old and in fact written when they were first learning to write.
I would expect that Deanna's expenses are paid, but there is no salary. She's expected to perform the service out the goodness of her heart. Cuz she's such a good friend and all. And look! She got a free trip out of the deal! What more could a gal want? be compensated fairly for their services? And not be expected to donate their professional services cuz they're a "friend"?
I don't think you understood my question.
I was asking what is the difference between what Jon's family friend (inside source) telling you about custody on a public blog and Deanna, Kate's family friend talking about custody on twitter which is also public.
Please end it. Why do others care what our arrangement is?
For once I agree with Kate.
Just Wondering I understood your question and answered it. No one should be discussing it. No one should be a parental alienator either.
By the way I never said my source was Jon's friend. I said they are close to the family. For all you know it's a friend of Kate's. But I actually agree with you, enough is enough, everyone should stop talking custody. It's become clear to me no one will change anyone's minds and all that matters is the children are getting lots of time with parents they love. They don't talk to me any more and I don't reach out to them either.
Heather asked re GLUE GUNS ...
Any recommendations on what glue gun to buy? I will be getting one to do crafts/projects/etc. I'm looking for ease of use and low cost. I have never used one ever, so I don't even know where to begin.
Any advice is appreciated!!!
IMO, brand isn't important. I've got 2. One is a mini that I got for free over 10 years ago and one that is full size that I received as a gift that must have cost $25 and they
both work equally well. Unless you need one asap, I recommend waiting till they're on sale! The key is to use one that is sized for your project. A mini gun is less practical if you're going to be using a lot of glue (the glue sticks are smaller, don't last as long yet the gun is more manageable in tight spaces) but it's great for smaller projects. As Ally said, be sure to buy the appropriate size glue sticks to fit your gun and you'll be fine. Just put the glue stick in the gun, plug it in to heat up and away you go.
Have fun.
Mel said... Kate lures them in with a pseudo-friendship, then she reels them in further with intimations of money and fame (sex, in Jon's case) for doing a joint project, the other person does all the work, Kate takes all the credit/cuts the other person out of the money and fame, finally the other person has enough and leaves, and Kate moves on to a new victim.
Nana Janet
Jen Stock, the producer
Cindy, the travel agent
Coupon Cabin
Deanna (soon)
I don't think Jodi, Nana Janet, Jen Stock, Ashley or Coupon Cabin can really be counted on that list. Jodi was/is family and would have happily continued as an unpaid, unappreciated slave for the rest of her days because she cared only for what was best for her nieces and nephews, Nana Janet never seemed like Khate's friend, or even like she could stand her; Jen Stock was their for the £ and CV, Ashley got roped in by her Mum (a straight up slave), and Coupon Cabin was only with Khate for the £ and fame.
Just Wondering said... 149
It's true, no one should be discussing it. But let's examine the roots of this.
A little over 6 months ago, there was a custody change of some sort. Kate could have said nothing. Or, she could have let her fans know that because of her busy marathon and traveling schedule, she now shares 50/50 custody with Jon. What else would be left up for discussion?
Instead, Kate had her lawyer give that self-serving statement to Radar and she claimed to her fans that nothing has changed, custody-wise. Since that statement appears to be untrue according to several sources, the drama ensues. It is only natural for someone who knows that their father is parenting in equal amounts as Kate, would want to speak up.
This is how Kate paints herself into many corners, then cries that she is a victim. RTweeting her 'woe is me' platitudes. It doesn't have to be that way. She has not learned, and perhaps never will, that her lies do nothing but come back to bite her and they only add to her extremely unpopular image. The old showbiz saying is that any publicity is good publicity. In Kate's case, it doesn't seem to be working in her favor.
At any rate, Just Wondering, your question was very thoughtful, respectful and well expressed. Hope I could shed some light.
Please don't jump down my throat. I stated that I agree with a lot of your points. I have no idea one way or the other. I have seen a twin with soccer gear and know she plays. Kate should let them do out of school activities. Absolutely. All I meant was that they probably get to participate in some kind of activity, but only through the school. Maybe it's part of the tuition, so she would not have to pay extra out of pocket. I was not trying to state anything as fact, just my thoughts. I am sorry that it seems I offended you so much. That was never my intent. I went back an retread my post. I'm still not sure why you are so upset about it. Again, I don't think we have proof 100% either way. But I am hopeful that since we never see or hear about her taking her children to out of home activities, I can only hope they at least get to do something they enjoy through their school. Never meant to offend you. Sorry.
Admin, IIRC you will be beginning your book series on the Depression/Dust Bowl tomorrow. I was watching The Grapes of Wrath several months ago and afterwards I went to Amazon looking for some books on the subject. Have you read The Worst Hard Times -- The Untold Story of those who survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan?. I bought it on the spot and it has fascinating information in it. The subject matter is tragic and sometimes hard to read because the times were so hard. But the resilience of those people is nothing short of amazing. I heartily recommend it.
I, too, am a Civil War reader. A few years ago we flew to Virginia, rented a car and went thru several states visiting the battlegrounds. Awe inspiring.
I think the idea is that the basic pattern is the same: Use, abuse, discard. Use, abuse, discard. Use, abuse, discard.
Anyone who has ever left her fits squarely into this pattern.
It's also a classic textbook narcissistic pattern. Use, abuse, discard.
What's Next? said... 156
Ally said... 88
Someone had commented that Kate paid for Deanna to go with her on "business" trips. Do you really think Kate paid her or her food/hotel?
That might have been me. I was thinking more of this latest project that Kate is funding - the show they are trying to get a network to pick up. I would bet Deanna's services for that are coming out of Kate's pocket (or more correctly the kid's pocket).
If the project was produced by Kate's company, SKG, (or any production company for that matter) I'm sure Deanna and anyone elses fees were written off as a business expense. Just like cameramen or editors, a makeup artist or hairdresser is part of the cost of making a show.
Wayward I think you make good points. Kate has painted things certain ways, certain false ways, and that is frustrating for those who know that's not true or at least misleading.
It's funny that Kate wants people to stop discussing custody when she brought it up. There was a time when she tweeted and did interviews constantly about Jon and custody. SHE brought it up. Had she never said anything, no one would know what to assume and there would be no need to prove her the lying liar and parental alienator that she is. It does reek of bullying and inciting then stepping back and crying foul when a shitstorm ensues, a typical M.O. And pathetic.
People that have never met Jon can spew so much hate against him. Yet they pick and chose what they believe Kate says. They don't believe her behavior on the show or what she wrote in her journals. They say we will hurt the children by talking negatively about Kate. What about the way they talk about Jon? The things we say about Kate have been documented on film and in her own written words. If we hadn't seen her behavior with our own eyes on TV, there never would have been a reason to try to save these children from her.
There's no way Deanna isn't being paid. She simply isn't be paid out of Kate's pocket. Your own makeup artist paid for out of the budget is a PRETTY standard request and it's not unusual at all to insist on your own team.
My observations however has been that sometimes the team can get very screwed over. Makeup and stylists will be loyal to a celebrity with the understanding that celeb will always request them. But when something happens--the director wants to use another team, there simply ins't the budget to pay your people, there are union issues, the celeb gets older and isn't acting or going out in public as much--these people can get left in the dust up a creek.
This is something I sadly saw with my own eyes. Celebrity styling may be glamorous and have its perks but I've seen people who frankly are very used. Used when and if their celeb needs or wants them, left in the dust otherwise. I watched someone turn down a project with Clint Eastwood to be loyal to their celeb, only to get screwed over when they weren't a part of the next project.
Deanna WILL be used, it is only a matter of time.
Wayward, what Kate wants is for her to be allowed to write the fantasy. She doesn't want anyone else to have a say. I really don't blame someone, ONE person, from the other side saying, ONE TIME, hey just so you know, that's not true, thanks for listening.
With Kate getting her way at every turn, it is simply gratuitous to PILE ON with more minions backing her up like Deanna. It's ridiculous and unnecessary. We know.
Thank you Administrator & wayward...
I do share some of this blogs view of Kate but still didn't feel like either of you were able to answered my question.
Administrator did say it wasn't right for anyone to talk about the kids custody and that is fair, also I do agree that the kids love both of their parents and that should always be respected.
Have lots of reading to do!
Good thoughts and prayers to all today for good health and contentment.
Have Lukebandit's Shoney's Potato Soup on. Kitchen is warm, sunhsine coming into my-need-to-be-washed windows and it feels like Grandmama's house. Going to fix cornbread,too. Hope we can wait til supper time. Thanks, LB!
I don't understand how I didn't answer your question. I don't know how I could have been any clearer. Maybe you just didn't like the answer. Gosh I thought you would have liked that. NO ONE should discuss custody. That's what you wanted right?
Thank you! You are a doll! Check again for me, please? I will watch this space for your YAY or NAY. Again, thank you.
carezee said... 172
People that have never met Jon can spew so much hate against him. Yet they pick and chose what they believe Kate says. They don't believe her behavior on the show or what she wrote in her journals. They say we will hurt the children by talking negatively about Kate. What about the way they talk about Jon? The things we say about Kate have been documented on film and in her own written words. If we hadn't seen her behavior with our own eyes on TV, there never would have been a reason to try to save these children from her.
Jon is the sheep's sacrificial lamb and Kate is their queen.
It's funny the sheep forget about the 10 years Kate was married to him and how madly in love with him she was in the beginning. That's all like it never even happened. (Administrator) said... 174
....."Wayward, what Kate wants is for her to be allowed to write the fantasy."
Exactly! She wants to deliver HER fabrication of... whatever, then no one is allowed to question or challenge her any further. The Qween Has Spoken.
We've said it before, but it bears repeating. She is uncoachable. This woman, dour as she may be, had a world of opportunities before her. Without question she could have spun her fame into something enduring and lucrative. I'm sure she has been given a king's ransom of good advice and representation which could have paid off in spades. I suspect some of it involved effort though, which is unacceptable to her. Hell, WE, the Real Housewives of the US, UK and Canada have had some superior advice for her. She is determined to do it her way. Even though her way has reduced her to being a turd in Hollywood's toilet bowl, she refuses to change.
Greedy Gosselins said... 74
Auntie Ann, no offence intended but I was wondering why you keep using the pic of little Leah getting spanked. Is it to remind people that Kate is an abuser? I think we all know that. I don't know, it just seems to be re-victimizing that poor little girl in a very humiliating incident.
I guess for the few fans of Kate that come here, perhaps that reminds them how evil she is?
I'm sure you mean no harm. It's just that every time I see it, it makes me feel very, very sad for that little child that she will never live that down.
Believe me, I'm on the same side you are. Team kids! *insert smiley face here so you know I'm not trying to be argumentative* <-- I find the actual smiley faces kind of cheesy LOL
Greedy - I agree. It IS a horrible photo and an unpleasant reminder that Kate is a bully. I don't know where people get off thinking they can beat their children to get them to behave. If that were a photo of her beating Shoka I'd feel the same outrage.
I don't think taking that photo off the internet is going to help those kids heal. It's Kate who needs to make it right.
If I remember right the change in custody was announced here.
I was just asking why Deanna was wrong to talk about it and what made her any different then your source and talking about it here. That was what I didn't feel was answered.
Wayward, 181. That is so well stated. We have tried to share the weath of our experience with snark. Her arrogance will be fatal.
I don't understand why you think that wasn't answered by such an unequivocal response. But you do get credit for persistence. I KIND OF feel like you are baiting, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.
I'm sorry, but I feel that post 163, was just a nasty attack on an innocent comment I made. The yelling and language used was way over the top. It was rude and inappropriate. I have nothing but the best of intentions in my posts.
Deanna isn't really a family friend in my eyes.
If she was she wouldn't be talking down the 8's father like she does.
Deanna I believe is simply defending Kate.
No bait intended.
I share some of your views or opinions here but in some we are miles a part.
Ally said... 136
''Did Jon or Liz, ever, when they had twitter, mention the amount of time the kids were with them? I know they said their custody with both sets of kids fell at the same time, so it was usually 11 kids or none!''
I remember that comment, but I think it was when Jon didn't have 50/50 custody. What I understood that to mean was that Liz's EX had her kids on the same weekends that KK had Jon's kids. Therefore, Liz and Jon would have the same weekends w/no kids, and the same weekends w/all the kids. Did I misunderstand?
Lbelle said...
Although I could write a book length comment about how I feel about the Gosselin custody issues I just want to get one little part out before I try to get some shut-eye.
I don't understand why the Sheeple are so bent on this trying to prove that there is no 50/50 arrangement. Do they think that looks good on Kate? Bad on Jon? Anybody with 2 eyes and half a brain know that Jon adores his kids and they adore him right back. So...the Sheeple think it makes Kate Mother of the Year? For what? Hurting her own kids by keeping them away from their own Dad? If their is no dangerous issues at either parents homes then ALL kids should be able to see each parent as much as possible. In all divorce cases. These kids are no more Kate's than they are Jon's
LBelle, I really dont think it has anything to do at all with the Gosselin children, as far as the 6 remaining sheeple go. (Milo doesnt count in this, in my opinion, because she is creating fantasy things in her sad mind...). For the sheeple, it has to do with how much they hate their own fathers and the fathers of their children. It's about control, lashing out, hurting fathers. In Kate they have found a hero, a nobody who made money by merely giving birth, something ANYONE, even a sheeple, could do. She sold her children for a fancy lifestyle and my oh my do they applaud and envy her for that. Now if Kate can use her money, plastic enhancements and hooker shoes to deny Jon access to the chattle of her womb, well then there is hope for low class, angry, stuck-with-these-damn-kids-while-their-father-is-having-a-life-somewhere women everywhere!
Kate is their hero; she gave birth, sold her kids, acted like a bitch, dumped her husband and got paid cold hard cash for each of those 4 steps. I mean, who is really jellus here?
The twit's tweets said... 170
If the project was produced by Kate's company, SKG, (or any production company for that matter) I'm sure Deanna and anyone elses fees were written off as a business expense. Just like cameramen or editors, a makeup artist or hairdresser is part of the cost of making a show.
Hmmm, then I guess her hair, manis, pedis and tanning could also fall under that cateory, too. That's all part of making Kate camera-ready, right?
She better be keeping good records of everything including gifts because if she is writing a lot off on taxes the IRS might decide an audit is in order. And they go back 7 years, I believe. Gosh, I hope she didn't throw away any important paperwork.
The IRS code is complicated but you can't write off as much as you think you can. You can't normally write off clothes and mani-pedi. There are exceptions to everything.
But, all that stuff could come out of the production budget. I don't know if any CPAs are out there but that might be a write off if you backdoor it that way.
Kate is their hero; she gave birth, sold her kids, acted like a bitch, dumped her husband and got paid cold hard cash for each of those 4 steps. I mean, who is really jellus here?
Yes! I've always felt that the sheeple were jealous of Kate. Jealousy doesn't have to be expressed in a negative, hateful manner. It can actually be expressed as an obsession with the person you want to be like.
All clear :) (Administrator) said... 192
Kate is their hero; she gave birth, sold her kids, acted like a bitch, dumped her husband and got paid cold hard cash for each of those 4 steps. I mean, who is really jellus here?
Yes! I've always felt that the sheeple were jealous of Kate. Jealousy doesn't have to be expressed in a negative, hateful manner. It can actually be expressed as an obsession with the person you want to be like.
That's what I think too- they are the ones that want her lifestyle and they project it on the non-fans.
Thanks Admin.
Agree 100%, my friend!
Also...I think the steeples head would SPIN watching how fast Kreider would happily ditch the kids full time on Jon if she got the big call she's dying for. You know, a perfect fit for Kate....a show, out in L.A., no kids, big money. She'd be GONE in a heartbeat!
What a gal!
She sucks so much!!
: (
Just back from running a little over 12 miles... Ate everything in my fridge lol, now I'm off to accomplish my never ending list of 'to do'!
Hmmm. Why do I find it hard to believe Kate just laced up her sneakers and ran a 1/2 marathon on the roads of Berks County today? Could she be lying or exagerating? Hmmm.
Butterfly, thanks again. :-)
wayward said... 180 (Administrator) said... 174
....."Wayward, what Kate wants is for her to be allowed to write the fantasy."
Exactly! She wants to deliver HER fabrication of... whatever, then no one is allowed to question or challenge her any further. The Qween Has Spoken.
We've said it before, but it bears repeating. She is uncoachable. This woman, dour as she may be, had a world of opportunities before her. Without question she could have spun her fame into something enduring and lucrative. I'm sure she has been given a king's ransom of good advice and representation which could have paid off in spades. I suspect some of it involved effort though, which is unacceptable to her. Hell, WE, the Real Housewives of the US, UK and Canada have had some superior advice for her. She is determined to do it her way. Even though her way has reduced her to being a turd in Hollywood's toilet bowl, she refuses to change.
Totally Wayward. She NEEDS people to write her fantasy world, because on her own she sucks. She focuses on things that are either pointless or end up hurting her 'side' of the story a lot more. She has no doubt turned down some amazing advise and direction, while clinging and/or advancing to an extreme proportion stupid 'storylines' and character quirks. Between laziness, an ego that has grown to the point where only KHATE can be right, and an extremely skewed view of what is normal and positive, she has always been her own worst enemy.
I was just asking why Deanna was wrong to talk about it and what made her any different then your source and talking about it here. That was what I didn't feel was answered.
I look at it from the viewpoint of confidentiality. Deanna supposedly is Kate's friend. She is NOT Kate's spokesperson or rep. She has no business speaking about Kate's custody issues. She's supposed to be a professional. She has clients. How would you feel if you employed her (as Kate does) only to find out that she's going on Twitter discussing your business? I'd be extremely hesitant about employing such a person. I couldn't trust her. Even if Kate gave her the go-ahead to talk about private issues, it still doesn't speak well of Deanna. In situations like this, you'll gain a lot more respect if you keep your mouth shut. All it does is make her look like someone who wants to be an insider, a hanger-on person who can't keep something quiet because she wants to appear that she's privileged to know something about a celebrity that nobody else knows.
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