Christi Lukasiak says the popular reality show, which features kids in nearly every frame of the episodes, films for 70 hours a week.
Christie and daughter Chloe |
Yeah, we bet you are, Chloe. Poor kid. The controversial reality show out of Pittsburgh has been renewed for another season, and now one of the moms is revealing exactly how hard those kids are working for the cameras. But PA Rep. Murt's recently passed child labor law should put a damper on Lifetime's cozy little sweat shop. The bill would only permit the
Dance Moms children age 9 to 16 to film for five hours a day (even less for some of the younger dancers), with four hours left over for mandated school and rest time, and a mandatory 12 hour rest period between consecutive shooting days. The new law also requires that set teachers be on set at all times, as well as a parent or guardian. Will all these changes have any bearing on
Lifetime's product, or will they still be able to churn out a good show without exploiting the living crap out of their young subjects to do so?
Click on the Dance Moms tag below to see our past posts on this reality show. Red flags have been raised more than once.
704 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 704 of 704 Newer› Newest»I don't think anyone has a right to discuss custody except the mother, father and the children. It's THEIR custody, not anyone else. And, if they must, once they've made their points, there is no reason for them or their friends to discuss it any more.
Another thing about the sheep that makes me nuts is the way they say 'how can you hate someone you've never met'. Here's the deal, you fruitcakes, how can you hate Jon so much when you've never met him? Yeah, it goes both ways. I actually did meet Kate at a book signing back in the early days when I was a semi fan. She was ok but that arrogance thing she has was in full sight and Steve was standing right there. But that doesn't mean I know her. But I do know what I saw with my own eyes on TV when I watched and that was and is enough to know I don't want to be anywhere near her.
Next: jealous? Of what, her lifestyle? No thanks, I wouldn't take on her life for all the tea in China. Her home? No thanks. We have a large home that suits our needs just fine and hey, we paid for it ourselves. Her kids? Definitely no thanks. Her money, half of which she stole from Jon to keep for her greedy self? Once again, we have plenty of money, actually more than we need, and I don't want nor need millions to be happy! Jealous of her fame? That would be the biggest, fattest no of all. Because she is famous for being a cruel, child and animal abusing witch around the world -- so once again, a big no to that. Travel.? Yeah, traveling with 8 kids, grifting off everyone so she doesn't have to pay for anything? I've never seen a bigger beggar in my life. How embarrassing. We have traveled to almost everywhere we wanted to and once again, never asked anyone to pay for us. So, I have not one reason to be jealous of Kate Gosselin.
Lbelle said... 196
Agree 100%, my friend!
Also...I think the steeples head would SPIN watching how fast Kreider would happily ditch the kids full time on Jon if she got the big call she's dying for. You know, a perfect fit for Kate....a show, out in L.A., no kids, big money. She'd be GONE in a heartbeat!
What a gal!
She sucks so much!!
: (
You know if she did that I honestly believe her sheep would stick by her.
I really do they would say "The kids didn't deserve you anyway Kate". Her sheep are sick just like their queen.
Totally OT here. Has anyone ever used the Reynolds turkey oven bags? Do they help keep the turkey moist, or isn't there any noticeable difference? Do you still butter or oil the turkey inside the bag?
Oh She's Come Undone it's just typical sheeple logic they never realize makes no sense. You can't dislike someone you don't know. So I guess that means no one gets to vote in the election unless you were able to meet the candidate. And yet a lot of them were very passionate about the elections. Have they met the candidates? And I don't mean just a hand shake at a meet and greet at the American Legion. People form opinions all the time based on information about the person widely available. You need not meet the person.
Blowing...I use the Reynolds turkey bags. Very moise turkey. There are directions contained in the box.
As far as Deanna, if she does not open her eyes soon, she will just be another one of Kate's victims. I hope, for her sake, she faces reality soon.
You're right! What was I thinking???? I guess I had a momentary lapse of know, thinking the Sheeple had brains, morals, ethics, etc.
Yep...they'd even believe her in that situation if she STILL piped out her lame story about 'doing it all FOR my kids'.
Um because I changed my mind, Just Me? It's allowed. I think we've been going around for 18 months about this with absolutely nothing accomplished but MORE parental alienation. No one will ever change their minds, that's become clear. I agree with Kate, enough is enough. In any case I was referring to those involved who know speaking up about it, not the general public, sheeple and non-fans alike, discussing it. I can't blame anyone for discussing what people in and around them are putting out there.
Completely OT. Instagram pics worth seeing! s interior on instagram and twitter don t miss these stunning photos from.html
So is Kate actually doing now? Her wheeling and dealing has only netted her (maybe) a Mom Swap show which may not see the light of day. Running? No mention of it. Did the running go the way of the Bella Bars, Coffeemate, etc. Another flash in the pan activity.
Has she simply become a person on the outside looking in with her nose pressed to the window. Calling, tweeting, asking, Hollywood people to give her a job. Well, my dear Kate, its over. You're now in the category "Whatever happened to?"
As we go through life goals change as experiences or other events change the course of life's path. People then assess what the new goal is and go for it. As we all know life is not a straight line. For Kate she had only one goal...fame and fortune. Now the fame is gone and as for the fortune, who knows. I certainly don't. Now its time to assess her life's goals. When she's only had one goal, and that is no longer an option, how can she move forward with her life? Can a narcissist actually change their goals or are they so single minded in their approach to life that when the goal isn't available anymore they can't function normally. I'm speaking of the old life knocks you down, and you get up and keep going.
This, on the other hand, is gross!
http://www.eonline./com/news/363990/ see-honey-boo-boo-portrait-made-entirely-out-of-trash
Can a narcissist actually change their goals or are they so single minded in their approach to life that when the goal isn't available anymore they can't function normally.
Has Khate ever had any goals outside of fame, cash and being the absolute centre of attention at all times? I don't think she has or will every wanted for anything more from life. In fact, I think she still sees herself as an uber famous superstar, much much better than anyone and everyone, so in her mind she's never been knocked down. No comeback needed when you've never left.
Thanks, Paula. I'm going to try the bag. I was concerned that the skin isn't going to crisp inside the bag, but what the heck, I won't know unless I try it!
What is it about the sheeple? You can talk until you are blue in the face, pound the walls, try to drum it into them, but they just don't understand that Kate has helpers, sitters, domestics, is unemployed, and the kids are away for nine hours, five days a week:
@Kateplusmy8 omg please tell me how you find the time and motivation, I have 4 n can't find time
Jeff Long @JeffScruffylong
"@Kateplusmy8: Just back from running a little over 12 miles. I have 3 kids and can't get things done. How do you do it Lady?
well done @Kateplusmy8 for your run of over 12 miles!!! you are such an amazing role model for your children #inspiration
Not only is @Kateplusmy8 an author, mother of 8, nurse, and role model. She ran over 12 miles today
This is why she needs Twitter and why she will never give it up. She thrives on this adulation. She can't do anything quietly -- it has to be tweeted to her flock so they can dish up the praises. Why did she have to tell them that she ran? What would she do without them?
But what is it about a person who has to take to Twitter to find some validation in her life. It's truly sad that her only friends are "cyber friends".
She has made up this own little fake life on Twitter and these poor souls just buy it hook, line and sinker. I would think this was make a good thesis for someone out there. :)
Blowing In The Wind said... 13
''........This is why she needs Twitter and why she will never give it up. She thrives on this adulation. She can't do anything quietly -- it has to be tweeted to her flock so they can dish up the praises. Why did she have to tell them that she ran? What would she do without them?''
I agree. Not only did she have to tell them she ran, but she also had to tell them she ran 12 miles!! Does anyone other than her adoring twitter fans believe that she REALLY ran 12 miles?
Not only is @Kateplusmy8 an author, mother of 8, nurse, and role model. She ran over 12 miles today
someone pass the rumspringa....
Someone needs to get Robert's book to the Bailey chick and quickly...Sheesh...I'll take a double rumspringa...
The way it is reported that she drives, I would believe it if she ran over 12 pedestrians today. Miles?I think not...
The Gosselins and TLC duped us for a few years and it must be terribly difficult for someone like Kate to realize that you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The truth will come out eventually. We are witness to that very fact today. Kate has refused to take good advise and is, in fact, her own worst enemy. Even the latest book is not necessary for most of us here to see the light about Kate, a needy, needy woman.
Butterfly and Paula: save me a seat at the rumspringa bar! I sure could use 1 ( or 13!!! ) tonight! the verandah free tonight for an online par-tay? : )
It's truly sad that her only friends are "cyber friends". 14
That's what her twitsodes are about. She not only needs the
validation from her tweeties because she has no one else, she is also
hoping Hollywood will "discover" her amazing self and life and make
her a real star. So far she's only made it as far as ROL, and even
they skipped the "Jon has no electricity" scandal.
What a sad waste of a life.
From what I've gathered, her young tweeties are naive, many of her
older tweeties are misanndrists. They all think they are getting
something (I don't know exactly what) from this "relationship".
Rhymes with Witch said... 21
''......many of her older tweeties are misanndrists. They all think they are getting
something (I don't know exactly what) from this "relationship".
In my opinion, the older misanndrists watch KK's treatment of Jon, and either wish they had been able to do the same thing to their ex, OR get validation for their treatment of their exes.
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 HaHa..I know that...but still, Kates a lean clean lookin machine! Prettier than most! Glad U day was success!
Is Milo a man or a woman, or doesn't even Milo know? Is it normal for a woman to lust after another woman and gush over another woman's looks and body?
Prettier than most? lol
Does Jesus love her more than most too?
@23, Twittering
I don't know, but it seems that Milo would never kick Kate out of the sack, if you know what I mean..
@IDModo 18
BAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for the laugh of the day!
Maybe she meant SMILES, she ran over 12 smiles today. That will teach those damn pedestrians to smile when she's coming down the road.
Is it normal for a woman to lust after another woman and gush over another woman's looks and body?
I don't know, is it? You all may not gush about Kate's looks and body but you sure know it by heart.
You all may not gush about Kate's looks and body but you sure know it by heart.
At least we have one...a heart, that is!
Welcome to the weekend! :)
Emay said... 27
I don't know, is it? You all may not gush about Kate's looks and body but you sure know it by heart
Just the fake parts...
Why the hell is she always so damn busy? What kind of things does she have on her "to do" list that keeps her so damn busy?
And why the hell does she think anyone cares.
I really despise that woman.
Do you think she knows what Thanksgiving is all about and will actually feel "thankful" for all she has?
Paula said..."Just the fake parts..."
lol!! Isn't that most of it? What else is left?
Kirkland said..."Why the hell is she always so damn busy? What kind of things does she have on her "to do" list that keeps her so damn busy?"
Maybe she makes lists for her lists.
Kirkland said... 30
''Why the hell is she always so damn busy? What kind of things does she have on her "to do" list that keeps her so damn busy?''
If we were discussing anyone other than KK, I could list many many things that women with children do that keep them very busy.
However, we are talking about KK, so my response is that she is not really busy....she is simply tweeting that she is!! The more busy she says she is, the less her adoring twitter fans will expect her to respond to them. The more busy she says she is, the more their fevered imaginations will speculate that she is actually filming something. The more they imagine, the more they tweet her. And on and on and on.....busy KK style!!
I agree....she is so easy to despise though, isn't she?
I'm trying hard to think of just one redeeming quality in that she-monster.
I got nothin'.
butterfly said...
Not only is @Kateplusmy8 an author, mother of 8, nurse, and role model. She ran over 12 miles today
someone pass the rumspringa....
Here, butterfly.
Hey, sheeple! 12 miles, 11 miles etc...? Why, when she did that little 3 count em THREE miles in Chicago, did she act like she was DYING?!?! "Oh, Praise, Allehlu! The finish line, every one look at me oh thank gawd I survived! Are you lookin' at MEEEEE???"
From skimming through the comments, I take it Kate has not mentioned Thanksgiving and went right to Christmas. I don't understand that philosophy, especially when you have children.
Thanksgiving is a special holiday to us, and it is a time to remember to give thanks for all of the blessings that you have, not those that you think you deserve, but do not have. I just don't think Kate grasps the meaning of Thanksgiving, or the importance of it. This holiday is a perfect teaching moment for children. Of course I don't know that she isn't teaching them these things, but from what I've seen of Kate, I doubt it.
It's at times like this that I feel somewhat sorry for Kate, but not as sorry as I feel for her children.
As far as Kate always claiming she is exhausted from being so busy, we all know it's BS because she does very little to nothing. I am an empty nester and I do more than she does on any given day. Between working outside of the home 40-45 hours a week, grocery shopping, cooking meals and the cleanup afterwards, laundry, and other household chores, I work harder than she does and she has 8 kids. We all work harder. The thing with us is we actually DO it; we don't have hired help that do it for us.
Katie Irene's Wikipedia listing has her residence as Oakland, California (!) and has no updates since apparently 2011 including the show's cancellation, her Coupon Cabin blogging fiasco and the Hoffman book. Anyone care to update the listing?
Lbelle said...
Butterfly and Paula: save me a seat at the rumspringa bar! I sure could use 1 ( or 13!!! ) tonight! the verandah free tonight for an online par-tay? : )
LOL! Well, it's Admin's veranda and it sure looks open and cozy to me! I could probably attend for a bit, but I have been ever so slightly under the weather and not my usualy snarky self. hehe. (Let's just say, I hope rumspringa goes with cranberry juice and that rumspringa is helpful for sciatica too. I bet it is!) No worries, though, about me! On the mend with heating pad and pampering!
Here: I am lugging over my big pile of freshly laundered afghans to snuggle up in, in case it is chilly on admin's veranda!
A quick comment on Kate's kids constantly telling her what a great mom she is.
When my kids were young they never told me what a great mom I was. Why would they. They didn't know any differently. I was their mom and I was doing my job. That's what moms do. Fast forward to my older daughter in college. She had just started her psyche clinical and she called me one night in tears. She kept saying thank you, thank you for being the mom that you are. I said, "Okay. You want to tell me what's going on." She told me that she was working with a group of teenage girls whose home lives were pure hell holes. She wouldn't go into specifics but said the end result were girls that were anorexic, bilumic, cutters and several who constantly talked about suicide. She had never known kids who had lousy homes. You can read things in the paper or online but unless you actually listen to someone describing it, you don't have a clue. It blew her away. At the end of her psyche clinical she told me that every time she left that facility, she would go to her car and burst into tears. She said I knew you and dad loved me but I didn't realize how much until I worked with those girls. That's why Kate saying her kids telling her all the time what a great mom she is is pure BS. If you were doing your job as a mom your kids wouldn't know any differently.
FotK...hope you're feeling better.
Aggiemom...How was the game today? Who did they play?
Remona Blue said...
Rhymes with Witch said... 21
''......many of her older tweeties are misanndrists. They all think they are getting
something (I don't know exactly what) from this "relationship".
In my opinion, the older misanndrists watch KK's treatment of Jon, and either wish they had been able to do the same thing to their ex, OR get validation for their treatment of their exes.
Pour Remona a drink! Not only do I agree with you, I think they are over the top envious because Kate got paid and pampered for the behavior!
Kate's to do list for today:
1. Tweet a platitude.
2. Have coffee.
3. Relax and do nothing
4. Tweet how busy I am
5. Relax and do nothing
6. Have more coffee
7. Tweet that I ran
8. Read hater blogs
9. Have more coffee
10. Relax and do nothing
11. Read my twitter timeline
12. Find another platitude to tweet
13. Make list of things to tweet for tomorrow
14. Set reminder to tweet goodnight
15. Tweet another platitude
16. Advise Deanna re next story she should tweet
17. Say how busy I was, then tweet goodnight
18. Recheck twitter one more time
19. Recheck hate blogs one more time
20. Go to bed
Lather, rinse and repeat, just change the event of the day from running to something else.
Twittering And Twattering said... 23
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 HaHa..I know that...but still, Kates a lean clean lookin machine! Prettier than most! Glad U day was success!
Is Milo a man or a woman, or doesn't even Milo know? Is it normal for a woman to lust after another woman and gush over another woman's looks and body?
"Kates a lean clean lookin machine! Prettier than most!"
That was painfully uncomfortable.
Just had a disturbing thought of Milo sitting on a rock, saying "she loves me, she loves me not," while picking petals off a flower.
Get a room already!
I agree with you, capecodmomma. Young children do not keep thanking their parents for every single thing the parents do. Also, I do not believe that Kate's kids really ask her what her plans are for the day because kids just don't do that either. It's all in Kate's mind, what is left of it. As others have said, it's her way of showing her sheeple how much her kids love her and how awesome they think she is.
If only she spent her time actually being a good mother instead of always tweeting about how great she is, her kids would benefit immensely.
Even the latest book is not necessary for most of us here to see the light about Kate, a needy, needy woman.19
LaLaLand, she is indeed a bottomless pit of need and greed. I think most of us appreciate the validation that the G Book provided.
It is also an eye opening, jaw dropping look at the extent of her rage and greed.
Remona 33
"Busy" the continuing and ongoing twitsode of kk.
Hey, if "twitsode" makes it into the next Merriam Webster, credit should go to 15 MIns.
Well we are not passing over Thanksgiving for December holidays, packing up the car for our drive tomorrow to the city where our children and grandchildren all live. I think we amy everything BUT the turkey in that car. Believe me I am truly thankful that we get to have this holiday with our famiily, which will extend this year to include in-laws on two many sides to figure it out. I will get to cook with my daughters and son, play with my grandboys, and pray no one else gets the flu bug sweeping through one of their homes right now.
Kate has a very sad life, with riches at her fingertips that she ignores for her deep rooted material greed. I hope her children are at a table with people who love them for who they are, not for what they might earn.
Maybe I can fit a few bottles of rumsringa in that car.
in that car.
Oh sorry you are under the weather today. Want me to send you chicken soup? I will...cuz I HEART you!! : )
I've just been killing myself laughing at a blog I happened upon. I'm sure lots of you guys may already know about it as it seems to be quite popular. It's called
STFU parenting blog. Too funny! Check it out if you need a laugh!
I'll be back later with cocktails!!
Kate is a twit said... 42
Kate's to do list for today:
1. Tweet a platitude.
2. Have coffee.
3. Relax and do nothing
4. Tweet how busy I am
5. Relax and do nothing
6. Have more coffee
7. Tweet that I ran
8. Read hater blogs
9. Have more coffee
10. Relax and do nothing
11. Read my twitter timeline
12. Find another platitude to tweet
13. Make list of things to tweet for tomorrow
14. Set reminder to tweet goodnight
15. Tweet another platitude
16. Advise Deanna re next story she should tweet
17. Say how busy I was, then tweet goodnight
18. Recheck twitter one more time
19. Recheck hate blogs one more time
20. Go to bed
21. Blame Jon
22. Find something to blame Jon for
23. If I can blame Jon blame Liz
24. Find ways to park in fire lanes.
25. Pretend to make dinner.
26. Take credit for making dinner.
27. Take photos/videos of my 8 kids to post of twitter & my website.
28. Blame Jon.
29. Pretend to be Miss Steve Neild.
30. Find a way to be Miss Steve Neild Gosselin X8.
Thanks for the drink! I'll have a top shelf Margarita on the rocks, please.
Giving Thanks, I'm with you! We will be packing up our car Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with our daughter's family and all of her inlaws. Of course, the best part will be seeing our grandsons! We have the big cooler in the kitchen already that I will be packing on Wednesday with side dishes and appetizers for Thanksgiving Day.
Have a safe trip and a wonderful holiday with your family!
Just curious what Kate's actual dream job would be? Talk show host (NPD version of Oprah?) or perhaps star of a sitcom (No Friends)? Or would the dream job still have to include the labor of her children?
Ally: I noticed the reversed Y on the kids' letter as well. A couple of the tups did this last year and I believe in a younger child it's normal, but by now they should be writing properly IMO.I am not a teacher but maybe dyslexia or maybe just not really the best students in the school and that's perfectly fine- your handwriting doesn't define you as a person. Kate IS full of hot air. No kid is 'perfect' and she can't accept any 'flaws.'
Buttercup, Kate's dream job, hmmmm....
I think it would be one without the kids so she could be the "star"; someone foots the bills for all the places she wants to go to; getting to do whatever she pleases and the camera just follows her; when she is on interview shows, she gets to talk solely about herself and no one interrupts her.
It would be Kate's Travel Show and she thinks that everyone would just LOVE to see HER going to different places because she deserves it.
Ally...118 I had to chuckle at the story of your kitchen filling up with smoke. The running joke between my best friend and I is when her smoke alarm goes off, dinner's done.
Kiwi and Dwindle, I hope you are both feeling better. Dwindle, it sounds like you have a backache from what you posted. If that is the case, laying down is the best thing. I had one this morning, but nothing that Aleve didn't cure for me.
LBelle, hon, I hope you are doing better. I've been reading your posts and I get the impression you are feeling better and I hope that is the case. Take care, sweetie.
LoveMyGrandsons said...
Buttercup, Kate's dream job, hmmmm....
I think it would be one without the kids so she could be the "star"; someone foots the bills for all the places she wants to go to; getting to do whatever she pleases and the camera just follows her; when she is on interview shows, she gets to talk solely about herself and no one interrupts her.
It would be Kate's Travel Show and she thinks that everyone would just LOVE to see HER going to different places because she deserves it.
ya know, if you add in there about how she gets to tell the world. non. stop. about how put upon she is as a mother, she basically wants Kate Plus 8 back.
Oh, Discovery, look what you have done.
Dwindle, in my opinion, Kate would rather have a show without the kids; she loves to get away from them any time she can. She only uses them if she can't get a job in TV on her own. That's why her dream job would be a one without the kids. It would be just Kate, Kate, Kate. She'd be in her glory with that!
Kreiders dream job I think is the exact show she was trying to fly earlier this year: Kate Dates in 8 Dreamy States!
Kate, sans offspring, of course, travels hither and yon, all MILFed up, being wined and dined by ( paid for filming ) handsome, wealthy male models.
8 states: hmmm..... Hawaii, Florida, California, New York and the remaining 4 just have to have hot weather and a beach so Kreider can frolic in the waves in a different Victoria Secrets skimpy bikini daily. Hair, pro makeup and spa time daily a necessity as well.
Yup....pretty much think that would do it for her
@Kateplusmy8 did you know you're financing your own reality show? Funny how every1 claims to know what's going on in your life
Does this fan include Milo in all of this, or does Milo get a free pass in claiming she knows everything going on in Kate's life?
@SiobhanR111 @murphy756 @Berksgrl @MaryDMD1 @mylilabbster @Kateplusmy8 Should we notify elec co & police Berksgrl getting unlawful acct info
I believe that the person who tweeted this is the "lunatic" Robert mentions in his book. Didn't she gain access to PA child support files and kept hammering over and over again that he was behind in his payments?
I have no idea how you work with a child with dyslexia. There seem to be so many diagnosed with that nowadays. I know those children - and adults - have to be super vigilant in their reading and writing, and it's frustrating. Hard work pays off, but it's very tedious for them.
When you cook the turkey start it breast down on the rack. All the juices that would normally run into the pan run into the breast and make for a very juicy bird. I think we cook it for 1/2 to 3/4 of the time breast down and then finish breast up to brown and crisp. We always brine the turkey overnight.
NJGal, that's a great tip! I wouldn't have thought of it.
Heather & glue guns -
I agree with the other 2 posters - brand doesn't matter. Get it at your local craft store with a coupon. I have a large one and a small one (small one has cool setting).
My only advice: Park it on something heat proof & not important when it is heating up. Sometimes the glue drips out. (I have a piece of heavy cardboard wrapped in foil that I use)
Aunty Ann, you're right. Kate (and Jon because if he hadn't agreed to do the show to begin with, paps would not have been camped outside their property to get these pics) will have to deal with the fallout with the kids when they grow up and understand what their greedy parents did to them.
No trip, and I've been to Europe and Australia, is worth the price of my or my my child's privacy.
OT great cooking tips and recipes can be found at
The show is on PBS. The other version is Cook's Kitchen, also on PBS.
Rhymes with Witch said... 65
OT great cooking tips and recipes can be found at
The show is on PBS. The other version is Cook's Kitchen, also on PBS
I LOVE those 2 shows! I learn so much! Watch each nearly every Saturday morning.
Hey Remona got a top shelf margarita? MMMM, my fav, I think I may have to join her- these sheeple praises to Kate are just too much- drives one to drink, LOL.
Dwindle- you and your cuddly afghans, I'm getting you a Snuggie for Christmas ;)
Butterfly, I swear I wanna kiss the pup's little face! Until he belches at me, that is. hehe. What a darling picture! mine? She is still trying to decide if she is going to go steady with a deer, but we bought seconds apples today as a dowry gift. Or a consolation prize, I should say.
butterfly said... 67
Hey Remona got a top shelf margarita? MMMM, my fav, I think I may have to join her- these sheeple praises to Kate are just too much- drives one to drink, LOL.
I'm am cracking up reading this! This week we had dinner at Applebees. I'm not a big drinker, but every once in awhile I enjoy an adult beverage. I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea, and the waiter gave me a knowing look and said, "Top shelf?" He was nodding his head as if to say, "Of COURSE you'll want top shelf!" I have never been asked that, and I didn't know what he meant. Well, I figured it meant the good stuff, but I was too uneducated to know how to tell him, "Nah, the other stuff will be fine." ha ha ha So, my friend Google taught me that the thing to say would have been, "Well is fine." The drink was yummy, so top shelf for me! LOL
but we bought seconds apples today as a dowry gift.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't feed wildlife. You don't want to encourage them to stay.
Disease transmission can be increased by animals sharing common feeding sites. It has been shown fairly conclusively that many deer diseases are transmitted either through saliva or through fecal contamination at concentrated feeding areas. Discovery of Chronic Wasting Disease in 2002 led to even more proof that feeding wild animals is NOT a good idea.
Humans are also very dangerous to them. You may think you are helping them but many are killed in residential streets. They can also attack if they have babies. Please don't feed them! They are wild for a reason.
Kate didn't run 12 was some guy named Jeff who stated he had run 12 miles and only has 3 but can't get much done.
How do the sheeple rationalize that 'we' can't hate Kate because we don't know her but they can 'love' her and obviously 'they' don't know her either.
I agree that KK probably didn't run 12 miles, however on her twitter, she said:
''Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Just back from running a little over 12 miles... Ate everything in my fridge lol, now I'm off to accomplish my never ending list of 'to do'!''
11:07 AM - 17 Nov 12''
I was just at Coupon Cabin site looking for Thanksgiving coupons. Looks like Kate has been completely swiffered from the site.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Kate didn't run 12 was some guy named Jeff who stated he had run 12 miles and only has 3 but can't get much done.
Kate tweeted this morning...]
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Just back from running a little over 12 miles... Ate everything in my fridge lol, now I'm off to accomplish my never ending list of 'to do'!
Kate ran 12 miles? I thought she had sciatica.
Does it just go away without treatment and then she is able to run 12 miles with no problem? Wow! That is just amazing!
Kate hasn't tweeted since this morning. How does Milo know what in the world Kate did today? She's really nuts.
@Kateplusmy8 Either way for sure...I know U'll be ever so tired!...12mi run & endless things U did 2day! Ur bed is calling YOU! Gnite! :)
I have a question to the sheep.
Why in the hell would Robert want to destroy Kate hmm why would he choose a bigger celeb mom.
Such as.
Kris Jenner
Dina Lohan
Any of the dance mom's
Any of the real house wive who are mothers
Kourtney Kardashian
Porn star Kendra
All of these woman are ten times bigger than Kate.
So what's so special about Kate?
And why would he need to take her down instead of the mom's I listed.
(Huh sheep answer me that)
'Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Just back from running a little over 12 miles... Ate everything in my fridge lol, now I'm off to accomplish my never ending list of 'to do'!''
She mistyped. Should have been "my never ending list of DO-DO!"
Tamara said... 78
''Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Just back from running a little over 12 miles... Ate everything in my fridge lol, now I'm off to accomplish my never ending list of 'to do'!''
She mistyped. Should have been "my never ending list of DO-DO!"
OR ''my nonexistent list of 'to do'
OT for Aggiemom...Looks like another Texas team is going to take out #1. Unranked Baylor is currently kicking #1 Kansas State's butt 52-24 with about 7 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Saw that your Aggies beat Sam Houston. Congrats.
Chefsummer...Kate doesn't have to take Dina Lohan down. Dina's already done that to herself.
capecodmama said... 81
Chefsummer...Kate doesn't have to take Dina Lohan down. Dina's already done that to herself.
LOL bad example but I was just saying that Dina as a bad mother would be more plausible than Kate.
Kate hasn't tweeted since this morning. How does Milo know what in the world Kate did today? She's really nuts.
It looks like Gladys strikes again!
You are such a doll!
Truth be told, I've had a pretty bad week...but, that's more the norm for me the last 2+years anyways. Grrrr! It's all SOOO annoying. Yesterday I felt like I had Mono! Seriously could NOT keep my eyes open, felt like my body weighed 1000lbs and I ended up sleeping all darn day.
Oh least I can type/post like a healthy person! It's great coming on here and feeling half normal. You guys are all so great!! : )
Paula said,
But what is it about a person who has to take to Twitter to find some validation in her life. It's truly sad that her only friends are "cyber friends".
She has made up this own little fake life on Twitter and these poor souls just buy it hook, line and sinker
Here's one who admits that she wants Kate's life. Why?
@Kateplusmy8 I wish I could live like u! :-)
Look what they have done to this poor child!
Honey Boo Boo.
anon this time but please? said...
but we bought seconds apples today as a dowry gift.
Please don't feed wildlife. You don't want to encourage them to stay.
My head knows you are correct. I struggle with this. I will give serious consideration to your advice. No need to be anon, not to me anyway, I always appreciate more information. :-)
chefsummer...82 Agreed.
I agree with all the posters who says Kate's only friends are either paid or Twitter fans. Does this woman not have friends from her childhood? High school? Nursing school? That truly is sad. I can't imagine my life without my best friend of 40+ years or my other close friends of more than 30 years. Plus all the new people I've met along the way. And the sheeple insist we're jealous. Not by a long shot. What an empty, lonely life she leads.
I think I have figured out why Kate has skipped Thanksgiving and gone straight to Christmas, She does not have the kids this year. Jon has them.That could explain why she is "ignoring" Thanksgiving and hoping her sheeple jump to Christmas without questioning her about Thanksgiving
Here's your answer said... 89
Because he is friends with Jon. You all claim that Kate has her friends do her so called 'dirty' work for her: ie Deanna. What do you think Jon is doing with RH? Liz?
Jon doesn't do "dirty" work. He is not that kind of a man. He is to be commended for never
popping her one as she nagged, denigrated, humiliated and slapped him. Often in front of the children.
She is the one doing dirty work.
Very dirty work. She is a rotten mother and a was a shrew of a wife. She is unlikable to the max.
RH wrote the book with a huge helping hand from Kate. So glad he exposed her "dirty" deeds.
Hah, she's a dirty bird!
What do you think Jon is doing with RH? Liz?
I don't know and I don't care. Why not ask Gladys? She's the one who peeks through windows and climbs fences and knows everything there is to know.
Here's your answer said... 93
ampersmom, Kate has the kids for Thanksgiving this year.
And you know this how?
Good for Kate. I'm glad she has her kids on Thanksgiving. Let her foot the bill for feeding them since she has all that money!
I bet she does, too!
I'd rather sit in the dark than run a sweat shop forcing little children to pay my bills.
What exactly happened to all the $$? Was Jon not entitled to 1/2? I have to assume he did get 1/2 of whatever money was made during Jon & Kate + 8. Also, he's still the children's father so wouldn't he have access to his kids' accounts (if they even exist)?
How could Kate be so well off financially AND get the house? Wouldn't Jon have to be bought out? That's how it worked in my divorce.
Jon certainly made more money than most of us will ever see in a lifetime, so where is it all?
These Gosselin parents disgust me.
Was it ever explained if Jon attempted to stop this alleged Mom Swap show?
I thought it was pretty well known that Jon didn't get half the money. Jon didn't get that much from what I understand and he had to use a lot of what he did get to pay child support.
Why do people still think Jon got half the money? He didn't. We've talked about it a lot.
See, I'm one of the few who will not make up excuses for that man. Not that you are, either. I just don't believe, especially after going thru a contentious divorce myself, that 'hiding money' is even a possibility. The courts for my situation resembled a scorched earth policy for BOTH of us. In fact, my ex husband was penalized for ATTEMPTING to hide some money. There's always a paper trail, imo.
Regardless, BOTH Jon and Kate are at fault here for even continuing with this stupid show. Yes, Jon 'saw the light' eventually, but it was way too late.
I know I'm in the minority with this opinion. I"m okay with that.
I'm not a man hater either. I hate Kate even more!
I am visiting an area in Texas that is "decorated" with elegant "small" deer. At dusk, they are everywhere. It isn't uncommon to see 6-8 grazing on a lawn in the downtown of this quaint community. Lovely to watch.
I asked a local about the potential problem of lyme disease and what happens to the landscape flowers. Many locals do buy corn to feed the deer to seduce them away from the roses and other yummy flowers.
I found the anonymous post about feeding wild life interesting because when I live here, I will be sooooo tempted to do just that.
capecodmama said... 80
OT for Aggiemom...Looks like another Texas team is going to take out #1. Unranked Baylor is currently kicking #1 Kansas State's butt 52-24 with about 7 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Saw that your Aggies beat Sam Houston. Congrats.
Thank you for your best wishes! Some of my girls and I went to the Aggie game yesterday (thanks to my sibling for sharing season tickets!!). Game was great, although not as exciting as beating Alabama last week.
On the way home, we watched updates on an iphone about the KansasSt/Baylor game. UNBELIEVABLE!!!
That just made a great day AWESOME!!
(And #1 Oregon losing was icing on the cake)
In case you missed it new post!
koop dedoo said... 63
Heather & glue guns -
I agree with the other 2 posters - brand doesn't matter. Get it at your local craft store with a coupon. I have a large one and a small one (small one has cool setting).
My only advice: Park it on something heat proof & not important when it is heating up. Sometimes the glue drips out. (I have a piece of heavy cardboard wrapped in foil that I use)
This is exactly what I was just going to write, including the advice of using heavy cardboard wrapped in foil!
I have 2 glue guns as well. The big expensive one came with several different nozzles so that you can vary and control the amount of glue used better (nice for gluing jewelry pieces) but not necessary for most tasks. For things that just need a good size blob of glue I grab the small inexpensive one every time.
capecodmama said... 88
chefsummer...82 Agreed.
I agree with all the posters who says Kate's only friends are either paid or Twitter fans. Does this woman not have friends from her childhood? High school? Nursing school? That truly is sad. I can't imagine my life without my best friend of 40+ years or my other close friends of more than 30 years. Plus all the new people I've met along the way. And the sheeple insist we're jealous. Not by a long shot. What an empty, lonely life she leads.
I think the only friend Kate said she had was Jamie and Beth.
And we know what happen to them.
I saw a line in a movie the perfectly fit Kate it goes like.
"I don't need friends I need fans"
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