Oops, that's not a turkey! We're always searching for reality worth watching to tell you about, and here's another. If you're looking for something light after a heavy Thanksgiving meal, try some sushi. Jiro Dreams of Sushi, that is. Jiro Dreams is a 2011 Japanese documentary (it has subtitles) about Michelin three-star sushi chef Jiro Ono, whose small, simple restaurant makes the best sushi in the world.
Ono has been working nearly his whole life. At age seven, his alcoholic father abandoned him, and at age nine, he started working in a sushi shop. He never stopped.

Ono's hard work and dedication is admirable, but his perfectionism is controversial among some. Once, one of his employees had to make 200 batches of egg sushi before Ono was satisfied. His sons, who are in their 50's, are still waiting to take over the restaurant. Ono admits he treats them harder than anyone else who worked for him. How far do you have to go to make a perfect plate, and can you go too far?
Discuss Thanksgiving, recipes, Black Friday, whatever suits your fancy, and Jiro, which is available for streaming or rent on Netflix, as well as Amazon.com
1379 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1379 Newer› Newest»Happy Thanksgiving from England! I'm a Pennsylvania native who has been living here for the past year after completing my masters and marrying my English hubby. We just cooked a Thanksgiving meal for my in-laws and brother/sister in law this past weekend (sister-in-law is coincidentally Canadian and living here as well). We are so hard pressed to find anything remotely "Thanksgiving" here but I managed to get my hands on a few cans of pumpkin. My inlaws tasted my homemade pie after an amazing meal complete with maple glazed sweet potatoes (that they also had NEVER experienced) and stated, "Well, this isn't NEARLY as bad as we thought it'd be!" I took it as a compliment. I won't be celebrating with you all on Thursday but everyone here will be in my thoughts. God bless this Thanksgiving!
Shoka makes a Thanksgiving appearance! No, not an actual picture...just the mental image that Kate's trying her best to plant in our heads.
A tad bit too obvious, don't you think? Spelling error, included.
Cooking a chicken caracas. Cara:what r u doing? Me:Making breakfast4Shoka Cara:oh what a spoiled little dog! Me: He's actually really big!
Improbable -
Even funnier was Kate's craziest fan (the goody one) explaining a chicken carcass is boneless. Hahahaha
Oops, that's not a turkey! We're always searching for reality worth watching to tell you about, and here's another.
Oh, admin, I'm not a sushi eater, and when I looked at this photo, I did a double take. I thought it was something else. Something like, let's see how I can put it, something that John Bobbitt was missing. I'd have a drink, but it's a bit too early!
SeeSaw said... 3
Improbable -
Even funnier was Kate's craziest fan (the goody one) explaining a chicken carcass is boneless. Hahahaha
Oh no she didn't!!! Hahaha!!!
I just hope that Kate knows that chicken bones can kill a dog. A friend of mine had a little Yorkie who got into the trash and ate a bone. The little guy bled to death before she got home. That was several years ago, and she says she will never forgive herself for putting those bones in the trash.
Blowing In The Wind said... 6
I just hope that Kate knows that chicken bones can kill a dog
Well, in Kate's defense, it's hard to kill a dog that's not there.
Blowing In The Wind said... 4
Oops, that's not a turkey! We're always searching for reality worth watching to tell you about, and here's another.
Oh, admin, I'm not a sushi eater, and when I looked at this photo, I did a double take. I thought it was something else. Something like, let's see how I can put it, something that John Bobbitt was missing. I'd have a drink, but it's a bit too early!
I thought it was a finger!!! I swear I did!
I thought it was a finger!!! I swear I did!
lol!! Well, I guess I know where my mind is this morning!
If Cara is actually cooking "Caracas chicken" her skills surpass her mother and I hope that they're not planning to give something that spicy to the dog! Even a little bit of spice might cause an upset tummy. Nah, Kate just can't spell. A non existent "chicken caracas" for a non existent dog. Kate is so predictable.
Whoever had the idea of baking a funny round orange squash, mixing the guts with eggs and spices, then baking it again over some dough? Well, I hope she is getting kudos in heaven whoever she was because my kitchen smells great with pumpkin pies in the oven! Who needs scented candles?
Since our dear ones that were coming for dinner tomorrow all have to work, HunnyBunny and I ended up in a rare disagreement about who's brother-sister-other brother to go to tomorrow, so we decided to lovingly decline all invitations and stay home, just the two of us.
After some mental adjusting, I am now really looking forward to it! All of our favorite dishes, aromas in my OWN house, I can watch the parades fairly undisturbed, can time MY dinner around the Lions game (I grew up in Detroit, need I say more?) HunnyBunny and I can nibble on all the crispy turkey skin we want, and I dont have to clean the house!
Gonna break out the linen table cloth and some taper candles for the table, this is going to be some fun actually!
A blessed peaceful day to all.
Even funnier was Kate's craziest fan (the goody one) explaining a chicken carcass is boneless. Hahahaha
Oh no she didn't!!! Hahaha!!!
Oh, yes, she did!
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21
@OneMomsOpinion @Kateplusmy8 Chicken Caracas id boneless
Maybe she thinks "caracas" is an exotic dish from Venezuela, and didn't realize that it was Kate's misspelling of carcass.
Why would Kate have a chicken 'caracass '( sic) if they had tacos and now preparing..oops, prepping, turkey ?
Blowing in the Wind: ROTFL!
Mayne the chickens in the yard died.
Chicken caracas?? Kate should just stick with one syllable words. Know your limits dear!
I am thankful for my daily bread.
I am thankful that I will have a coat, shoes, and a heated roof over my head this winter.
I am thankful for my HunnyBunny. So much.
I am thankful for the smiles I find from the most unexpected places, like this blog.
I am thankful that I woke up on the top side of the dirt this morning.
I am thankful that my Rottweiller loves me sooo much he suddenly hopped up on the bed (a big no no!) in the middle of the night because HE needed a cuddle.
I am thankful for the blessings of nature and the incredible awe I felt watching my Yellow Lab peacefully rub noses with a young male deer.
I am thankful for the health and well being of my 4 children.
I am thankful for the peaceful and painfree passing this year of our elderly dog at the hands of a compassionate and caring vet.
I am thankful for the lovely rendition of Ave Maria I am listening to right now which is stirring my spirit and faith.
I am thankful for rumspringa and remind myself that even Jesus drank wine.
I am thankful for having enough peace in my soul that I have room to snark and joke.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here.
Wishing all of you a wonderful holiday and much to be thankful for.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21
@OneMomsOpinion @Kateplusmy8 Chicken Caracas id boneless
Said with such authority too. She really id something idn't she?
I really should catch up on posts.
Kate is traveling to Venezuela, to go to Caracas to buy boneless chickens WHA????
Is this before or after she ever learns the difference between Austria and Australia? or does she still think she DID go to Austia?
Do boneless chickens lay eggs, I wonder...
And do they eat that bloody finger up there!!!!???
Oops...forgot to change my avatar. Not in Texas any more, sad to say.
Just for Kate -- let's all sing La Cucaracha -- loudly and with enthusiasm!
I was actually looking at this movie on Netflix Instant and wondering if it was any good! I'm very into cooking and restaurant culture (if I thought I could handle the stress, I would have become a chef) so I'm always up for a good film about just that.
Another great restaurant documentary is Eat This, New York, about two friends trying to open a bistro in Brooklyn. It has cameo interviews with Rocco DiSpirito, Ruth Reichl, Tim Zagat and others. The main "characters" can be frustratingly clueless at times, but it's worth a watch.
I hope everyone who "does" Thanksgiving has a healthy and happy one. It's not a holiday I personally celebrate, but I like the sentiment behind it!
just curious about something and trying to get a general opinion on it. Do people now usually bake their stuffing outside of the bird or do they bake it in? I usually do it outside but it took a few tries to get it moist.
sj girl
AuntieAnn said... 18
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21
@OneMomsOpinion @Kateplusmy8 Chicken Caracas id boneless
Said with such authority too. She really id something idn't she?
Add some tomato and mushrooms to that and she'll get cacciatore.
Would pay to see a proper link for a recipe to Chicken Caracas. Maybe they only serve it in Venezuela. That Kate and CJ - they be so WORRRDLY, dont they? I am so mediocre, idn't me?
Chicken bones are OK for dogs IF cooked through. Our old vet (who is a holistic vet and thinks that if people food is good enoughf or us it's good enough for dogs) says that if you cook chicken until the bones are soft, it's fine. We put a carcass in a crockpot and cook the living daylights out of it.
PS To whoever thought the sushi was John Bobbitt's missing member: If that's how small it was, I'm surprised he misses it!
Dmasy said... 20
Oops...forgot to change my avatar. Not in Texas any more, sad to say.
Just for Kate -- let's all sing La Cucaracha -- loudly and with enthusiasm!
English translation goes something like this:
The chicken, the chicken,
isn't sad cuz it lost its feathers
it is sad because it doesn't have
the bones to hold itself together
PS To whoever thought the sushi was John Bobbitt's missing member: If that's how small it was, I'm surprised he misses it!
LOL!!! Guilty. I think they packed it in ice and he had it reattached, so I hope maybe they gave it some Extenze before the surgery!
Blowing In The Wind said... 27
LOL!!! Guilty. I think they packed it in ice and he had it reattached, so I hope maybe they gave it some Extenze before the surgery!
That's something that's always puzzled me. How come the men on the police force can't find a missing person, but a man's penis gets tossed out a car window in the middle of the night and they not only find it, but save it and reattach it. Talk about priorities.
What a world, what a world.
English translation goes something like this:
The chicken, the chicken,
isn't sad cuz it lost its feathers
it is sad because it doesn't have
the bones to hold itself together
I thought a cucaracha was a roach! I think I'm losing it today. Where's the Rumspringa?
Where's the Rumspringa?
Dwindle id hogging it.
"just curious about something and trying to get a general opinion on it. Do people now usually bake their stuffing outside of the bird or do they bake it in? I usually do it outside but it took a few tries to get it moist."
Here in the PA Dutch country, we call it filling. We make potato filling, bread filling and oyster filling. We also have inside bread filling and outside bread filling. We are just a "filling" people so we give everyone a choice of what they want.
Is it overkill on the filling? Yes, but since everyone has a preference, we aim to please! The person doing the cooking does it inside the turkey. The others are assigned to bring the outside fillings.
AuntieAnn said... 30
Where's the Rumspringa?
Dwindle id hogging it.
Damn right.
'id' actually refers well to Kate:
The id is unconscious by definition:
"It is the dark, inaccessible part of our personality, ... the construction of neurotic symptoms, and most of that is of a negative character and can be described only as a contrast to the ego. We approach the id with analogies: we call it a chaos, a cauldron full of seething excitations.... It is filled with energy reaching it from the instincts, but it has no organization, produces no collective will, but only a striving to bring about the satisfaction of the instinctual needs subject to the observance of the pleasure principle."[4]
I hope I'm not repeating another post. For laughs, here is a recipe for Caracas Chicken:
Ingredients Edit
90 3 oz. olive oil
2 onions, cut into eighths
3 Large tomatoes, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
A pinch of chili pepper
¼ tsp ground turmeric
¼ tsp ground cumin
1 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp ginger paste
14 oz. coconut milk
4 oz. water
4 Chicken Breasts, cut into bite size pieces
4 bay leaves
Wow - that is quite a fancy dish for a dog that isn't even there anymore!
Kate's chicken "caracas" tweet caused quite an uproar. After she explained she cooked a chicken carcass, made stock and gravy with remaining meat a discussion has popped now about whether there is meat on a chicken carcass. I don't think the boycott will be successful.
I would like to say that this is one thread not to read from the bottom up O-0 LOL!!
So Kate has clarified her chicken cooking.
@MiloandJack @Pudgeypup I cook chicken off bones, make gravy from the stock & serve the chicken,toss the bones..no1 eats bones here!!
So if she cooked chicken off the bone--she wasn't cooking the carcass. She said she was cooking A chicken caracas, not Chicken Caracas-which would be too spicy for Shoka, and she said that she serves him bland meals. So why didn't she even bother mentioning "caracas" or "carcass"? And she's revels in being a cook?
IMO, she just wanted to mention Shoka again, and how spoiled he is, plus she wanted to stir up controversy and bait the non-fans.
Yep, she won. The baiting worked. Too bad.
Tweet-le De said, Kate's chicken "caracas" tweet caused quite an uproar. After she explained she cooked a chicken carcass, made stock and gravy with remaining meat a discussion has popped now about whether there is meat on a chicken carcass. I don't think the boycott will be successful.
I didn't think it would. It was a good idea, but everyone has to be on board and there are some who just can't help themselves and have to get into it. Then others follow suit. So much for the death of Twitter. That was short-lived.
Kate is a twit said... 37
IMO, she just wanted to mention Shoka again, and how spoiled he is, plus she wanted to stir up controversy and bait the non-fans.
I think that's exactly what she was doing. She was trying to get a rise out of someone, hell ANYONE, to get people talking.
And if Shoka really isn't there anymore, shame on her for dragging Cara into her web of lies again.
The Official 15-Minutes Holiday Rumspringa Fruit Cake Recipe:
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
4 large eggs
2 cups dried fruit
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup brown sugar
lemon juice
1 gallon Rumspringa
Sample the Rumspringa to check for quality.
Take a large bowl.
Check the Rumspringa again to be sure it is of the highest quality. Pour one level cup and sip. Keep sipping.
Turn on the electric mixer; beat 1 cup butter in a large, fluffy bowl.
Add 1 teaspoon sugar and beat again.
Make sure the Rumspringa is still OK.
Cry another cup.
Turn off mixer.
Break 2 legs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
Mix on the turner.
If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry it loose with a drewscriver.
Sample the Rumspringa to check for tonsisticity.
Next, sift 2 cups of salt. Or something. Who cares?
Check the Rumspringa.
Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one table. Spoon. Or sugar or something. Whatever you can find.
Grease the oven.
Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees.
Don't forget to beat off the turner.
Throw the bowl out of the window.
Check the Rumspringa again.
Go to bed.
Who the leck whikes fruitcake anyway?
(Blantantly plagarized from all over the internet. http://www.snopes.com/holidays/christmas/humor/fruitcake.asp)
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 35
Kate's chicken "caracas" tweet caused quite an uproar. After she explained she cooked a chicken carcass, made stock and gravy with remaining meat a discussion has popped now about whether there is meat on a chicken carcass. I don't think the boycott will be successful.
November 21, 2012 10:30 AM
You should get a prize for calling that one right on the nose.
Millicent said... 34
I hope I'm not repeating another post. For laughs, here is a recipe for Caracas Chicken
I stand corrected! LOL!
If this is all she has to dangle for bait, then her twitter is not long for this world, one can onlly hope. Again while others are deep into holiday prep, travels and family Our Kate is doing what? She has nothing to offer.
OTOH I wish you and yours all a happy, peaceful and yummy Thanksgving. Good recipes all, safe travels to those who are on the road.
Dwindle said... 41
The Official 15-Minutes Holiday Rumspringa Fruit Cake Recipe:
...(Blantantly plagarized from all over the internet. http://www.snopes.com/holidays/christmas/humor/fruitcake.asp)
Plagarized or not, it's still hilarious Dwindle. Thanks for the laugh.
Hope you all have a very enjoyable Thanksgiving!
I wouldn't give my dog any kind of chicken bones, raw or cooked for hours. Not worth it.
@SchmeckyGirl @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 She said nothin abt spices...she has clarified numerous times he has 2have bland diet! :)
Milo is so incredibly stupid! What does she think a bland diet is? One with spices?
"And if Shoka really isn't there anymore, shame on her for dragging Cara into her web of lies again."
Did she ask Cara's permission to tweet what she said?
LOL Dwindle - I have seen a version of that recipe before and it's always good for a laugh.
Aeduko24=I respectfully disagree about cooked chicken bones for dogs.
I have been feeding my dogs naturally for about 8 years now, which means they eat raw meat, organs and bone, and no kibble or veggies. Chicken bones are really only safe when raw, as then they are pliable and soft enough.Cooked chicken bones splinter and can tear a dog's insides.I have never heard that they could be cooked enough to be safe.
Our vet who is also holistic, agrees with me. So I guess it's a matter of agreeing to disagree...
I hope you and everyone else on this blog has a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
PS After reading the Wikipedia definition of id, I need to say that the ID in my screen name should really be I.D. and not ID!
Auntie Ann #26 and Dwindle #41.
I came here at lunch to get a laugh and you two never let me down!! I laughed so hard a couple coworkers joined me to see what I was reading!!
You guys are just hysterical!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Parent In Lancaster County said... 47
@SchmeckyGirl @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 She said nothin abt spices...she has clarified numerous times he has 2have bland diet! :)
Milo is so incredibly stupid! What does she think a bland diet is? One with spices?
No, she thinks a bland diet is one without spices, hence her comment that Kate said nothing about spices *and* has indicated that the dog needs a bland diet.
Perhaps you should read more carefully before labeling someone "so incredibly stupid." I happen to think Milo is way over the top in her "fandom," but that doesn't mean she deserves to be called stupid because you misinterpreted what she said.
I wouldn't give my dog any kind of chicken bones, raw or cooked for hours. Not worth it.
I'm with you on that one. Why would you risk it when there are so many other foods for a pet to eat? We had fried chicken last night. After we had finished eating, I had the plates (with bones) on the counter. I turned around for one second, and there was the cat, ready to run off with a bone. You never so anyone run so fast and catch a cat. I didn't know I could move that quickly!
The cat, who thought she was getting the prize of the night, was not a happy camper.
Doesn't sound to me like Kate is preparing for a Thanksgiving dinner. Are the kids going to be with Jon tomorrow? Is Kate running off to NY to have T-giving with Deanna?
Questions! I've got questions! Come on, Milo...get the answers for me. Work your nosy magic, darlin'.
Dwindle, love the Rumspringa Fruit Cake recipe! LOL
My wishes to everyone for a Happy and safe Thanksgiving. I'll be here keeping my eyes on everyone. lol
Admin, how weird you post about sushi! I just finished my thanksgiving shopping and grabbed some (grocery store) sushi to eat for lunch. Plopped down in front of the computer with my spicy mango roll and whaddya know?
Had to laugh! Okay off to unpack my groceries (I'm bad - I ate first!).
Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
So that's why my fruitcake is always dry. I'm forgetting to strain my nuts.
I'm off for some "real" Rumspringa this weekend. Cases are 30 percent off. Anyone care to join me?
So that's why my fruitcake is always dry. I'm forgetting to strain my nuts.
You have nuts?
Perhaps you should read more carefully before labeling someone "so incredibly stupid."
lol! Okay, so Milo isn't stupid. That's why she tweeted last night that when Kate is on Twitter and is in control of it, things are more pleasant. Whatever...
So that's why my fruitcake is always dry. I'm forgetting to strain my nuts.
You have nuts?
I do when I have enough Rumspringa in me!
Kate retweeted:
Haters = [H]aving [A]nger [T]owards [E]veryone [R]eaching [S]uccess.
Think about it. Does that even make sense? You can hate a child abuser. You can show anger toward a child abuser. Does that mean the child abuser has reached success? Success in what? Taking advantage of an innocent child?
Milo stupid? How about incredibly misguided in lending her admiration, time, support and probably money to a child abuser? I call it stupid. The definition is below and it seems to me it fits!
characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless
tediously dull, especially due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless
annoying or irritating; troublesome
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 56
So that's why my fruitcake is always dry. I'm forgetting to strain my nuts.
You have nuts?
In my family, we got everything. Nuts, fruitcakes, prunes, sour apples, sour grapes, sugar candy, fluff...
Improbable Dreams said... 2
Shoka makes a Thanksgiving appearance! No, not an actual picture...just the mental image that Kate's trying her best to plant in our heads.
A tad bit too obvious, don't you think? Spelling error, included.
Cooking a chicken caracas. Cara:what r u doing? Me:Making breakfast4Shoka Cara:oh what a spoiled little dog! Me: He's actually really big!
Hmmm Kate, cooking a chicken carcass for a dog you no longer own? Kooky.
However, she may have made a subliminal slip when she spelled carcass "caracas." Caracas Ave. is in Hershey and surely she has passed it quite frequently on her way to the Spa at Hershey, NOT while taking the kids to HersheyPark. We all know quite well she can't afford the park. Spa- yes... amusement park for kids- no. ;)
Happy, happy Thanksgiving ya'll! A ton of stuff going on here and a sick DS to boot. My kids rarely get sick so I could not find my digital thermometer. I pulled out my ancient rectal one (I was going to throw it out) and DS said "Oh hell no Mom!!!" We all had a good chuckle over that ;)
Harrisburg Native, thank you for checking in and glad you were able to give your in-laws a taste of American Thanksgiving! Please stop by more often, I live in Central PA as well!
Enjoy ladies (and gents!) and let us bask in the warmth and glow of our blessings, friends and family. A big mwwwwahhh to you all :)
Dwindle said... 61
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 56
So that's why my fruitcake is always dry. I'm forgetting to strain my nuts.
You have nuts?
In my family, we got everything. Nuts, fruitcakes, prunes, sour apples, sour grapes, sugar candy, fluff...
I've got to admit, I've got a couple of nuts and fruitcakes in my family too. ;)
Oy, not enough room in the frig! What a blessing!
And special shout out to LBelle who acurately and hilariously described the sound of cranberry sauce leaving the can: PLORP!
Anonymous said... 51
Perhaps you should read more carefully before labeling someone "so incredibly stupid."
Perhaps not stupid, but it isn't exactly a MENSA gathering either...
miss kate - Cooking a chicken caracas. Cara:what r u doing? Me:Making breakfast4Shoka Cara:oh what a spoiled little dog! Me: He's actually really big!
miss goody - Chicken Caracas id boneless,
Why don't you read Kate's tweet? Kate tweeted C-A-R-A-C-A-S
miss milo - She said nothin abt spices...she has clarified numerous times he has 2have bland diet! :)
Why can't the anonymous posters pick a name? Is it that difficult to do, or are they just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn? Rule #1 is quite clear. DO NOT USE ANONYMOUS. Then they call out others for not being able to read.
susan dowd @dowd24
@Kateplusmy8 hey :) I'm waiting to get my eyebrows threaded :-) ouch
Um..hmmmm...wha.....I guess I'm speechless.
Harrisburg Native said... 1
Happy Thanksgiving from England! I'm a Pennsylvania native who has been living here for the past year after completing my masters and marrying my English hubby. We just cooked a Thanksgiving meal for my in-laws and brother/sister in law this past weekend (sister-in-law is coincidentally Canadian and living here as well). We are so hard pressed to find anything remotely "Thanksgiving" here but I managed to get my hands on a few cans of pumpkin. My inlaws tasted my homemade pie after an amazing meal complete with maple glazed sweet potatoes (that they also had NEVER experienced) and stated, "Well, this isn't NEARLY as bad as we thought it'd be!" I took it as a compliment. I won't be celebrating with you all on Thursday but everyone here will be in my thoughts. God bless this Thanksgiving!
My English hubby finds it difficult to find Brit food here in the States. I usually order his stuff on Amazon.
Deck The Halls said... 59
Kate retweeted:
Haters = [H]aving [A]nger [T]owards [E]veryone [R]eaching [S]uccess.
Think about it. Does that even make sense? You can hate a child abuser. You can show anger toward a child abuser. Does that mean the child abuser has reached success? Success in what? Taking advantage of an innocent child?
Well, I dont view Jerry Sandusky of having reached success. Unless of course his goal was to find new boyfriends in prison.
Nor Josef Mengele. Nor Charles Manson. Nor the punk with the gun whose stray bullet killed a child sleeping in her own room the other night.
And I am not going to split hairs over hating the action and not the person.
Not everyone is jealous of you Kate. You are a mean, self-entitled, sour, rude, nasty, foul speaking, arrogant, lying, violent, dangerous, user. Just because material possessions are the end all and be all to you, doesnt mean others feel that way at all. The fact that you continue to play the Yer Jest Jellus card, shows how shallow and nearly un-human are continue to be.
I don't consider Kate a success. Even at her own reality career. Didn't she just get fired with a public letter for everyone to see? That's not successful, that's embarrassing.
Dwindle I'm putting your recipe in my Evernote recipe box!
Admin, be sure to indicate that extra Rumspringa may be needed!
Looks like Kate is lonely and has to keep stirring things up on Twitter. What's the matter, Kate? Been out of the tabloids for too long?
Kate's only a success in her own mind.
As for Milo, yeah, stupid is one word to describe her--among many, many others...
Dwindle~ I hope you're still around, because I'd love to hear whatever version of Ave Maria it is that you love best. It's one of my all-time favorite songs, and I'm always looking for new artists/renditions.
Thanks in advance. :)
Kate retweeted:
Haters = [H]aving [A]nger [T]owards [E]veryone [R]eaching [S]uccess
If I was on twitter this would be my reply:
Narcissist(aka Kate) = believing everyone is jealous of you
The Mayo Clinic has an excellent list of traits of a narcissist. It is amazing that the list describes Kate exactly. Usually, people may have a couple from the list but Kate actually has all 16 of them.
It would make a great separate post to discuss sometime.
Well, the Twitter boycott was short-lived. Sad to say I think the boycotters have been played.
Dwindle said... 61
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 56
So that's why my fruitcake is always dry. I'm forgetting to strain my nuts.
You have nuts?
In my family, we got everything. Nuts, fruitcakes, prunes, sour apples, sour grapes, sugar candy, fluff...
Dwindle, we have 'taters' in our family, baked, mashed, stewed, candied, and fried. What kind am I? Why, sweet, of course. Couldn't resist.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
What's Next? said... 76
Well, the Twitter boycott was short-lived. Sad to say I think the boycotters have been played.
Do you mean that Kate tweeted that to get them to react?
I think one hater overreacted and then they others did too. Too bad.
Dwindle-I love your Rumspringa fruitcake recipe!! Thanks for giving me a laugh!
If there's 1 thing in life, I CAN'T do,it's making pie crust..oh I can do it, but my kids tell ppl 'it looks bad but it tastes really good!'
Making pie crust is ONE thing in life she can't do? I can think of plenty of other things she can't do--such as being a mother who protects her children's privacy and whose children come first, not last in her life.
She also can't seem to keep a job.
Well RWA, now you know that you and yours are the ones keeping Kate alive on twitter. The boycott was nice while it lasted.
Didn't Kate tweet pictures of pie crust in a red pie-plate she had made- we wondered if it was the interior of the dish or the crust itself...turned out the real crust did look terrible..
@Kateplusmy8 Can you give me the recipe for the chicken caracas? My dog would love it.
Oh, my.
Improbable Dreams said... 74
Dwindle~ I hope you're still around, because I'd love to hear whatever version of Ave Maria it is that you love best. It's one of my all-time favorite songs, and I'm always looking for new artists/renditions.
Thanks in advance. :)
It's Jonathon and Charlotte, but I think it is only on their new album.
Um..hmmmm...wha.....I guess I'm speechless.
It's not as bad as it sounds. They use a thin thread and remove the strays...sort of like plucking, only it's with a cotton thread that is twisted. Instead of doing one hair at a time, they can do many hairs and shape at the same time. Similar to waxing, but they have more control over what hair is removed. I think it's recommended for really bushy eyebrows.
I never had it done, but a friend's daughter did, and she has really perfect eyebrows. I think you have to find the right person to do it, or it could end up as being a disaster.
@BColliesRGreat @Kateplusmy8 It's Caracas NOT carcass. Chicken Caracas is boneless and if you give it to your dog make sure it's bland
Good grief. They are still arguing over the chicken carcass even though Kate tweeted that she cooks chicken off the bones. She said she's cooking A chicken caracas, meaning carcass.
Goody, Caracas chicken is NOT bland. It's the spices that make it Caracas chicken or it wouldn't be Caracas chicken. I've had Caracas chicken, and it was so spicy I was drinking most of the night and the next day. If ever there was an excuse to drink, that was it.
@Kateplusmy8 Can you give me the recipe for the chicken caracas? My dog would love it.
She needs a recipe to cook a chicken carcass? Now I've heard everything.
Someone please tell me that this person doesn't think that Kate operated on a live bunny (Hannah's plush bunny). I've must have missed another bunny story somewhere.
@Kateplusmy8 is this a real bunny???
Auntie Ann (65) said:
Perhaps not stupid, but it isn't exactly a MENSA gathering either...
Sheeple probably think that MENSA is a bacterial infection.
Big deal, so she can't make pie crust. Neither can I. However, the big deal is she lies so much who knows whats true or not with her. Pie crust making is a minor thing, so what. What matters is the lies that she says about others, especially her kids.
Formerly Duped said... 83
Didn't Kate tweet pictures of pie crust in a red pie-plate she had made- we wondered if it was the interior of the dish or the crust itself...turned out the real crust did look terrible..
She also tweeted something of herself in a shower cap with perfect looking pie shells on the kitchen counter. Thanked tweeters for noticing how lovely the looked and how hard she worked on them. Now we know Katherine made those. Or maybe Kate has had a stroke since then and forgot how to make them, to the point where the children have to reassure themselves that they look awful but taste ok?
If she tweeted a pic of the eight kids rolling on the table in the food holding tomorrows newspaper, I still wouldnt believe she cooked, set a table, had the children that day or anything she says. If tommorrow she tweets Happy Thanksgiving, I'll have to check the calendar. She lies so much.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 88
Someone please tell me that this person doesn't think that Kate operated on a live bunny (Hannah's plush bunny). I've must have missed another bunny story somewhere.
@Kateplusmy8 is this a real bunny???
Where is our poster Hide The Bunny? We need her now!
Thanks, Dwindle. I listened to a sample online & loved it. I think I'll buy the MP3.
I have to say, the twitter fans do not seem bright, as with the 'live' bunny, chicken carcass recipes, asking for Kate's advice on very sick babies, their own sports injuries, compliments to Kate's accomplishments and legs (lol, missed that one) and the cute things the kids allegedly said and did.
Shoka certainly does have fancy breakfasts. It seems that Kate is making it the most important meal of the day. Coconut milk and all! Wow. That might have taken a trip in town for a grocery run. I guess she is now jealous that all she got was a lousy egg white omlette on Mother's Day.
Tomorrow, Hot Browns for the big guy! Nothing is too much trouble for Kate to lavish on those she loves, right?
I have The Dust Bowl on again as I prep and I missed this the first time but the flour sacks would come with pretty patterns on them because they found out the farmers were making clothes out of them. Aw. This was a time when everyone pulled together. Even businesses and manufacturers. Manufacturers gave the families a little bit of dignity by making the flour sacks look as nice as they could. It's moving and I just don't think something we would see today.
Dwindle said... 69
Thank you for finally putting Joseph Mengele, Charles Manson and Kate Gosselin in the same post!
I was over on the other thread for about an hour wondering if everyone left for Thanksgiving already and didn't realize the party was over here.
I just want to say that I'm so glad I finally delurked on this blog. You are all wonderful people and wish you the happiest Thanksgiving (or regular Thursday if not in USA).
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 96
I have The Dust Bowl on again as I prep and I missed this the first time but the flour sacks would come with pretty patterns on them because they found out the farmers were making clothes out of them. Aw. This was a time when everyone pulled together. Even businesses and manufacturers. Manufacturers gave the families a little bit of dignity by making the flour sacks look as nice as they could. It's moving and I just don't think something we would see today.
Heck no. If a company today found out people were making dresses out of the flour bags they'd start charging MORE because you were getting flour AND a dress.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said...
I have The Dust Bowl on again as I prep and I missed this the first time but the flour sacks would come with pretty patterns on them because they found out the farmers were making clothes out of them. Aw. This was a time when everyone pulled together. Even businesses and manufacturers. Manufacturers gave the families a little bit of dignity by making the flour sacks look as nice as they could. It's moving and I just don't think something we would see today
Tiny print for underwear and large print was for dresses. And girls in school would be wearing the same dresses and would smile at each other knowing their moms were so frugal and handy. Now days they would double the price of the flour to make the cloth a designer item.
Now I dont know what to make for dinner TONIGHT. Sigh. Hamburgers I guess.
Same to you Buttercup!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 98
Tweet-le, we were posting at the same time, I guess! I'm sorry, did not see yours! LOL!
Tweet exactly. I do think the world is very generous still but the extreme over the top greed from others tends to overshadow it.
Now I dont know what to make for dinner TONIGHT. Sigh. Hamburgers I guess.
I'll be finishing up the last of a roasted chicken which will leave me with the caracas!
Well my dog seems to enjoy this. He's sitting on the coach staring at the TV. Our newest baby the pug is coming this afternoon for babysitting! Will be a wild and crazy Thanksgiving.
Shoot Dwindle I'm stumped for dinner too.
I'm making a crustless pumpkin pie....it is supposed to be sort of like custard. Never done this before I'm scared lol. I love finger-crossing moments in the kitchen. That's what it's all about.
Silly Kate can tweet anything she wants. I wouldn't believe a peep of it. She duped hard working people for years. She has manipulation down to a science. All she has to do is mention one or all of her 8 kids and her "maybe she has or maybe she doesn't have" dog and her sheeple swoon. Tired of it, really.
Wish everyone here a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Too many blessings to count here, and they have nothing to do with money.
Admin, I just made what I call a crustless pumpkin pie for us and all I use is the recipe on the Libby's Pumpkin can, minus the crust. Hubby likes it with whipped cream on top! Thanks for all of your hard work. Great job!
I still have pillowcases made from bleached flour sacks that my Gram would crochet a lace border on. I also had nighties she made from Dad's threadbare shirts with the collars and sleeves cut off, and the raw edges bound with bias binding and rick-rack trim.
I am thankful for all the frugal and creative ways she taught me to stretch a dollar, and how to live simply. Because of her I could live without electricity, indoor plumbing, using a pump for water;making my family's clothes and cooking on a wood stove.We did this every summer in a cabin in Muskoka, before it became a tourist destination.
I'd rather not, but I could...
LaLa land cool! I was going to do a cinnamon graham cracker and walnut topping for it.
I bought the graham crackers last week....guess what....a LITTLE BIRD ATE THEM......WTH! Gaa! :)
Admin, similar thing happened here. Some ingredients for a recipe just disappeared. Maybe the same little bird likes cranraisins and fresh coconut chunks. Hummm...
First of all, Admin, what ever you do to it, it will still be edible and THIS is the real stuff memories are made of! As long as you can laugh about it, you have everything!
Like the year the jello mold slid off the platter and on to grandma's lap! We all laugh till we cried, and it was the last Thanksgiving grandma had. That was also the year mom tried to make the gravy without my supervision and she grabbed baking soda instead of cornstarch. Ya know, that shit foams all over the stove and then ya gotta evac the house till the fumes clear? We sat on the patio and bundled grandma and blankets. So I cant wait to hear about your pumpkin!
Yeah, hamburgers and a box mix of scalloped taters tonight.
I remember the good ole days when if I bought something, it was exactly where I last put it when I needed it. Haha.
Dwindle said
That was also the year mom tried to make the gravy without my supervision and she grabbed baking soda instead of cornstarch. Ya know, that shit foams all over the stove and then ya gotta evac the house till the fumes clear? We sat on the patio and bundled grandma and blankets.
LOL. Thanks, I needed a laugh x8!
I have the memory of the year I "bragged" about my pumpkin pie made from a real pumpkin I grew and scooped out myself. Bragged -- I admit.
The big day with guests, I discovered I had forgotten to add the sugar in the recipe. Just let me say, you can't salvage the pie by sprinkling powdered sugar on top.
I want to wish everyone here(posters and lurkers) a very Happy Thanksgiving.
I've been invited to my daughter's stepsister's house for dinner. My daughter and her family will be there, as well as my ex and his wife. I'm looking forward to it. Contrary to popular belief, some exes can get along. We decided a long time ago, it was no longer about us, but about our daughter and our grandchildren. Besides, I really like his wife and her daughters. We're not best friends or anything, but we have always gotten along. And that is one thing I am extreme thankful for-that we have managed over the years to put our differences aside, and enjoy our daughter and her family together.
My holiday oopsie:
One yr I was told to whip together a banana pudding (homemade, of course, lol). For some reason, it turned GREEN. Have made it hundreds of times, milk, sugar, cornstarch, egg yolks, vanilla, etc, I have never had a banana pudding turn green. It was embarrassing, lol.
Everyone said it tasted fine, it was just green! But the good thing about it, I wasn't asked to make another one the next year!!!
strange but true: one of my relatives asks for a pecan-less pecan pie.
Okay, 2 funny stories to tell about family get togethers. First of all, when my daughter was in high school, it was my birthday and my favorite cake is cheesecake. So her and the hubs bought one of the cheesecakes that has 12 slices, 2 of 6 different kinds. I didn't know this, though, so the hubs turned off the living room lights and my daughter came into the living room carrying the cake with a candle on each slice. While making her way to where I was sitting, she tripped and the cheesecake slices with LIT candles landed on my lap and the floor around me! We were able to put out the candles before a fire started AND salvage a few pieces of the cake. We still laugh about it and joke that my DD is never allowed to be the one to carry the cake!
2nd story was last Thanksgiving. My daughter and her family came up by us this time and we had a big family dinner with all of the trimmings. It was cold and not enough room in the fridge, so we wrapped up some things, including the turkey, real good and put them in a cooler on the deck. The next morning, we let our german shepard out and later, we couldn't get him to come back in. I went outside and there it was - he got into the cooler, got the leftover turkey unwrapped and there were pieces of it all over the deck and hanging from his mouth!! It felt like that moment in the Christmas Story when the Bumpasses dogs get in the neighbors house and ate their turkey! We laughed so hard about this. Thankfully, Cody did not get sick although he didn't want to eat for the rest of the day. Gee, I wonder why!
Anyway, I went to Jewel and caught the after holiday sales on turkeys, bought another smaller one and cooked it that day so we and our DD would have leftovers to take home.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and may you all have happy and fun memories!
BREAKING NEWS: Kate's tweets are now protected!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Kateplusmy8's account is protected.
27m Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@ecslang709 no worries.we can keep all who are here for the right reasons:love.We know who r friends r & r very happy! Sorry ur so bitter!
I'm thinking they both got suspended.
aggiemom09121416 said... 116
strange but true: one of my relatives asks for a pecan-less pecan pie.
Hey, that's the first kind of pie I ever made. My son loved the filling but didn't like nuts.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 96
I have The Dust Bowl on again as I prep and I missed this the first time but the flour sacks would come with pretty patterns on them because they found out the farmers were making clothes out of them. Aw.
I have my grandma's embroidered tea-towels made from flour sacks in my cedar chest. She used to bleach them and press them with care. Now they are are yellowin' with antiquity (thank you Blanche DuBois, I love that expression). That was another part of the film that was so moving. My DM said all their underclothes were made from sugar/flour sacks, too. What a resourceful generation these people were.
I felt so bad for the woman who said her mom just up and left the family one day. She told her daughter she wouldn't be there when she got home from school and that was last she ever saw of her. Holy cow. Why did I automatically think that it sounded like something Kate would do. Yeah, I said it sheeple. Suck on it.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 89
Sheeple probably think that MENSA is a bacterial infection.
bwahahaha! Yeah, bad stuff happens if you don't drink the koolaid.
Supper tonight is Monte Cristos. And there's a big pot of home made chicken noodle soup on the back burner if anyone wants a bowl.
LMG, did you not go to your daughter's? All ok?
I am loving the funny disaster stories! You have no choice but to laugh about it all, for years and years to come! The 'disasters' are more fun to recall than the successes. Yeah, a couple of years I somehow managed 27 people in my small home, but the gravy foaming all over my mother's kitchen is more fun to recall!
OK, there is no rule that says we cant dig into one of these pies tonight, is there? I might not wait for a consensus on this...
Thank you for your sweet concer, Dwindle, but all is fine. We both had to work today so we are leaving at 3:00 in the morning. The hubs is already in bed, the traffic will be light, and we should get there around 9:00AM. I'm packing and will do most of my sleeping on the way there. So looking forward to seeing the grandsons.
Yesterday I talked to the younger one on the phone and he so sweetly asked, "Gramma, are you bringing special treats for brother and me?" I said of course I am. My DD told me that it's not right that they expect that from me and said it doesn't bother me. I'm grandma, I only see them every few months, therefore it is my perogative to spoil them!
A Mom said... 118
BREAKING NEWS: Kate's tweets are now protected!
No, there would be a little lock next to her name at her account. She must have you blocked. That's what I get when I try to look at things like that.
I just looked at kate's twitter page. I can see all the tweets.
I don't think Kate would lock her account. How else would ROL get their latest Kate news?
Twitter is her the only way she keeps herself "relevant".
A Mom said... 118
BREAKING NEWS: Kate's tweets are now protected!
Go to twazzup or http://twitiq.com/Kateplusmy8
You can see everything there. I have no idea how Twitter works since I don't have it, but I heard others say that if you have Twitter, you need to sign out before you can look at it (if she has you blocked).
OK, there is no rule that says we cant dig into one of these pies tonight, is there? I might not wait for a consensus on this...
lol!! I made pecan pies today and it's all I can do to keep from sticking a fork in one of them just to make sure they are as good as my grandma's. I may have to have one of the kids hide them from me tonight.
LMG, it occurs to me I sounded stalkerish. I apologize. Just didnt expect to see you here is all. Pleasant surprise! Please carry on.
"No, there would be a little lock next to her name at her account. She must have you blocked."
I saw Kate's account is protected tweet then I could see her and the sheeple tweeting again. Must've been a glitch. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
I can see all her tweets. The conversation I copy/pasted here from Twitter (not Twitiq) must've reflected her having blocked an offending Tweet(er).
Oh my gosh, Dwindle, my friend, you did not sound "stalkerish" at all and there is definitely no need to apologize. All is well and I appreciate your sweet concern. And, if you want my opinion, dig into that pie, sweetie!
AuntieAnn said... 121
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 96
I have The Dust Bowl on again as I prep and I missed this the first time but the flour sacks would come with pretty patterns on them because they found out the farmers were making clothes out of them. Aw.
I have my grandma's embroidered tea-towels made from flour sacks in my cedar chest. She used to bleach them and press them with care. Now they are are yellowin' with antiquity (thank you Blanche DuBois, I love that expression). That was another part of the film that was so moving. My DM said all their underclothes were made from sugar/flour sacks, too. What a resourceful generation these people were.
My g-grandma made seat cushions out of some of her sack cloth, the dining chairs were apparently wicker bottom and the seat cushions lessened the wear and tear. Rumor was the cushions were stuffed with old rags and g-grandma's nylon Sunday stockings that had run. I had one for my little rocking chair when I was little.
Family legend says she traded seat cushions and other homemade items for home canned goods, as grandma was a divorced (scandal!) working woman and didnt have time for a garden of her own.
She's come undone said... 37
The top article in our newspaper this morning was 'stores will open tomorrow for early shopping and lines are already forming. At Best Buy the lines began forming on Monday morning . They have their tents and grills for cooking. I cannot even imagine what you could possibly want to buy that would make me do such a thing. Well, in my case, nothing. I'll buy whatever on another day and pay a bit more rather than that. So I guess the logic behind the stores opening so early is because of demand and the almighty dollar. Very sad on both sides.
Not really all that sad, just good old Capitalism.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 132
Oh my gosh, Dwindle, my friend, you did not sound "stalkerish" at all and there is definitely no need to apologize. All is well and I appreciate your sweet concern. And, if you want my opinion, dig into that pie, sweetie!
Whew. I didnt think you would mind, but I wanted to be certain, after I re-read my post.
I was gonna have a piece of pie to console myself in case I offended you but now I will have a piece to celebrate! It's a Dwindle win/win, all thanks to LMG!
I just started "reading" Kate's Twitter feed via that twazzup link given above. Sheesh...it is beyond boring. Why would anyone want to participate in such a snooze-fest?
Holiday story -- several years ago we had a blizzard on Christmas Day. Everyone thought it was going to be the best Christmas ever because it was so holidayish. Family was all there before the snow started, so everyone was safe and sound, snuggled up by the fire place...a Christmas card setting. Turkey was in the oven for about a half hour. The power went out.
I called around to find out what restaurants nearby were open, and even the Chinese place (Fa Ra Ra Chinese duck/Christmas Story) was closed. We ate ham on roll, bologna sandwiches, cold baked beans and potato salad for Christmas dinner. Thank goodness I had stocked up on wine, so everyone was feeling pretty darn good and didn't really care!
"The big day with guests, I discovered I had forgotten to add the sugar in the recipe. Just let me say, you can't salvage the pie by sprinkling powdered sugar on top."
Oh, geez. I did that one year. Not with real pumpkin, but with Libby's canned. The pie looked beautiful, but you couldn't eat it. Everyone still laughs when they remember the year of the pumpkin pie without sugar.
Another pie story. My sister makes the best mince pies in the world. She's always in charge. Her husband claims she doesn't put enough rum into the mix, so every time he walked into the kitchen when she was baking, he grabbed the rum bottle and added more. My mom, who didn't know that he had over-spiked the pie, added more rum. We still joke about it -- that it's good we didn't get pulled over on the way home or we would have been arrested for driving while drunk on mince pie.
How about banana pudding without the bananas? We do that for a few special people. Personally, I love the pecan pie filling better than the pecans.
Happy and safe Thanksgiving to all.
Administrator, thank you for all that you do to host all of us every day. A toast to you and Rumspringa for all.
Parent -- we can share the memory of pumpkin without sugar. Quite inedible! My guests tried to be polite and nibbled a bit. One of them complimented the crust in a kind attempt to make me feel better.
On our way out of Texas, we purchased a homemade pecan-sweet potato pie. Advertised to be the BEST! I might pull a "Dwindle" and check on the truthfulness of that claim tonight.
My gosh, my wonderful son-in-law just called me to ask if we could leave earlier! I said earlier than 3:00AM?? He said he didn't know that, but from the way my stressed out daughter is talking, he thought we weren't going to be there until 3 in the afternoon! There obviously is some miscommunication going on, and I must say it is probably on my DD's part. She is so stressed over this first holiday hosting all of her inlaws that she is driving herself crazy!
I think when I get there tomorrow, I'm going to send her straight to her room with aspirin and possibly a strong drink! I'll take care of the dinner with my SIL!
Dwindle said... 133
My g-grandma made seat cushions out of some of her sack cloth, the dining chairs were apparently wicker bottom and the seat cushions lessened the wear and tear. Rumor was the cushions were stuffed with old rags and g-grandma's nylon Sunday stockings that had run. I had one for my little rocking chair when I was little.
Family legend says she traded seat cushions and other homemade items for home canned goods, as grandma was a divorced (scandal!) working woman and didnt have time for a garden of her own.
Bartering was common back then. Wouldn't it be great if we could still do that?
I know where we can get some sheep. Don't know what we'd trade them for though.
Amusing Musings from Milo. I just want to know what in the heck she is smoking. Seriously, though, is she drunk tweeting, or is she like this when she's sober in real life?
@fostermom62 @Kateplusmy8 During the hard/divorce drama..Kate was the "glue".the constant love,the stable parent that kept family 2gether!
@Kateplusmy8 It will B a privilege..a trust & a real love on ur part2allow a man2share the completeness of ur life/hm & kids!
@Kateplusmy8 Kate we know Shoka has his "fall jacket" he wears outside...does he also have a #FormalJacket 4company like 2morrow? :)
@Kateplusmy8 I hear ya! U've made ur family complete! Ur kids R happy/wealthy w/love/positivity & the best Mom they could have dreamed of!
@Kateplusmy8 I admire U Kate...ur a master of twitter #SelfControl...U've handled negativity/verbal assaults w/dignity & respect! Ex.4 all!
@Kateplusmy8 LOL...like 2hear U say food addition...that way I don't have 2ever worry abt U gettin too skinny! :)
@Kateplusmy8 When the day comes (& IT WILL)..U meet Mr. Right/Mr. Lites Out man...we're gonna tweet that good/positive news 2the moon! :)
@CJWhodunit @Kateplusmy8 The #Man who steps up 2the plate & wins Kate will be blessed! So many good qualities...she deserves the best! :)
Dang!! Can't seem to find my large, fluffy bowl. : (
I'm ruined....RUINED, I tell ya!!!
So my sister called me yesterday. She and her hubby are going to the Christmas Show at American Music Theater Friday. They got tickets for my mom, BIL's son, and his daughter who can't make it so they asked me to come! I'll report back!
Any ideas for a good, creative snack like food to bring to a Thanksgiving get together?
Lbelle said...
Dang!! Can't seem to find my large, fluffy bowl. : (
I'm ruined....RUINED, I tell ya!!!
Honey, just go strain yer nuts; you'll be fine!
LoveMyGrandsons said... 140
You know I luv ya, right? And you are only mostly kidding about taking over your DD's kitchen in front of her inlaws, right? NOW I am being stalkerish and buttinsky, I know...
But he's so occupied with Big Bang Theory right now!!! Tee hee, hee. ; /
Blowing: Amusing Musings from Milo. I just want to know what in the heck she is smoking. Seriously, though, is she drunk tweeting, or is she like this when she's sober in real life?
What in the name of all that's holy is wrong with this woman? She's flipping nuts. She's talking about Mady:
@Kateplusmy8 Well....we all know, truth be known...that she really says every nite N her prayers...OMGoodness, thank God for my Mom! :)
With all the yummy TGiving talk I may have a turkey tantrum tomorrow!
I want turkey! I want turkey, too!!!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
Hi Mady! (she is looking at our website www.kateplusmy8.comand asked for a shout out on my live twitter feed there! Omg!) love, mommy
So Kate let Mady check out her website? I wonder if Mady clicked on the link to Kate's CC blog that shows the letter from Scott Kluth? (and that's all it shows, because all of Kate's CC blogs have been deleted). You'd think by now Kate would removed the CC links on her website.
Funny first Thanksgiving story: My first time cooking Thanksgiving dinner it was for my brother, his wife my mom and my hubby of course. My SIL bought the turkey and we picked it up from her the day before Thanksgiving. As we were leaving she asked if I had everything and I said yes, just going to the store to pick up the whipping cream. She closed the door then opened it again and called out, “Be sure and soak it in salt water over night.” We went to bed that night, and sure enough, I realized that I’d forgotten, so I went out into the kitchen, filled the sink with water, added salt…and the carton of whipping cream!
When my brother and SIL arrived the next day I asked her why the heck I had to soak the carton of whipping cream in salt water. I’ll never forget the look on her face when she said “The turkey, the turkey.” I think she meant, “The turkey, you turkey.”
Tamara said... 145
Any ideas for a good, creative snack like food to bring to a Thanksgiving get together?
I scramble up some sage sausage, the kind you get in a roll. Drain VERY well on paper towel and use your fingers to crumble the cooled sausage as tiny as you can. Unroll a tube of crescent roll dough all in one piece, spread the sausage on the entire square, sprinkle liberally with Velveeta shredded cheese. Roll up tight, pinch the ends shut gently, bake, then slice into about 3/4 inch pieces. Or you can slice, THEN bake the individual pieces.
Or cheese cubes, apple slices, and crackers. With ranch dip with parmesan in it.
Ok, nomnom, I remembered the nomnom sugar in the nom pumpkin pie nomnom just fine. Nom nom nom. Nank ooo. Nom.
Dwindle, honey......154:
Step AWAY from the rumspringa now. Slowly....slowly......okay, good..now let's sit down and talk about it. You'll feel MUCH better...talking about it. There, there....good girl!
I'm beat! I've never laughed so much in my life. The ladies and I made 2 pumpkin pies and 2 apple pies. Everything else is pretty much done, they just have to turn the oven on early tomorrow.
I'm so proud of my little guy. He brought his much loved game I Spy to play with the other kids so they'd be out of our hair today. Some of those little people weren't sure how to take turns and not immediately grab what they wanted right away. They've dealt with so much violence in their short little lives. They'll be ok though.
We are off to my parents' tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving all!
I shall return!
Time to watch x factor!!
My daughter made a frozen apple pie once at her gramma's. She followed the directions and sprinkled sugar on the top of the crust before baking. Little did she know but gramma buys SALT by the bag and puts it in one of her canisters.
Blowing In The Wind said... 142
Amusing Musings from Milo. I just want to know what in the heck she is smoking. Seriously, though, is she drunk tweeting, or is she like this when she's sober in real life?
Milo is just nuckin futz. OR...she's really Brother Love....
Brothers (halle-hallelujah), I said Brothers (hallelujah)
Now you got yourself two good hands (halle-hallelujah)
And when your brother is troubled
You got to reach out your one hand for him (hallelujah)
'Cause that's what it's there for (halle, hallelujah)
And when your heart is troubled
You got to reach out your other hand (hallelujah)
Reach it out to the man up there
'Cause that's what he's there for (halle-hallelujah)
Take my hand in yours, walk with me this day
In my heart I know, I will never stray
Love, Brother Love, say Brother Love Travellin' Salvation Show
Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies...
Tamara, I like to make a cheese ball to bring to get-togethers.
Off hand, does anyone have a tried and true pumpkin pecan pie recipe? I want to make one tomorrow. I'm googling now, just thought I'd ask you fine ladies!
I am getting things together for tomorrow. I took the next 2 days off so i can have "pretend Thanksgiving" here in Canada. I get so sad on Thanksgiving, the only time I really miss being "home". I am hoping that a proper Thanksgiving and a friday spent putting up Christmas decorations will cheer me up!
I do hope all of you have a wonderful day tomorrow, no matter where you are located.
IDModo, sorry there was an unhappy person picking on Canadians earlier.
Also, can someone explain to me how blocking/protected tweets works?
I always hear everyone say that the reason someone can't see another's tweets is because the other has blocked them. That doesn't make sense to me because kHate blocked me a long time ago (for asking if the kids would be seeing grandma on Mother's Day) and I have always been able to see her tweets.
Just curious and thanks in advance.
Oh wait, one more thing.
PLEASE PLEASE do not feed your dogs cooked chicken bones. It is not safe, raw chicken bones is another matter entirely (but to be clear - I am not advocating that either). Apologies to the poster who said their vet recommends it, in all seriousness I would call some other local vets and see what they recommend.
Last year, my dog almost died and had to be hospitalized because she got into the garbage and ate bones. My vet does not even recommend rawhides for dogs as the choking hazard is too high. I don't mean to be a debbie downer, but I know how heartbreaking it was to have my dog so sick and know that it was my own damn fault (I didn't close up the garbage properly).
And while I am up on my high horse - I'll get down shortly - remember that large amounts of turkey skin can cause pancreatitis in dogs.
Getting down now, as I need to fill my rumspringa glass up. I am enjoying it mixed with club soda and a spoonful of homemade cranberry sauce. Thanks NJGal!!
My other Grandma made beautiful hooked rugs out of fabric scraps and burlap bags and sold them door-to-door during the 1930's, when my Grandpa was too ill to work.As a grownup I learned to make rugs that way, in her honour.
It's a very creative and satisfying craft.
Those Depression-era rugs are now being sold in antique shops for large amounts of money, since so few of them survived.
Another day, another Gosselin kid obsessed with their mother. Kate get therapy.
Bearswife- I don't allow my dog rawhide for the same reason.Although natural feeding involves bones, I know the heartbreak of having a dog get sick from bones they find in the garbage. I'm so glad your dog was OK.
Tweet-De said,
"Milo is just nuckin futz. OR...she's really Brother Love...."
Do the sheeple bow down to her as their leader/matriarch/CEO Ewe, or do they also think that she's nuckin futz and just humor her?
IDModo, I do occasionally feed my dog raw chicken bones, but usually just the wing tips. She loves them so!
Bearswife@160 said..."And while I am up on my high horse - I'll get down shortly - remember that large amounts of turkey skin can cause pancreatitis in dogs".
Very true and I'd like to add that ANY amount of turkey will cause excessive farting in bulldogs! I'm afraid that we'll have a stinky boy tomorrow because he's got to have some Thanksgiving too. He's very thankful that hims humans fall for that cute puppy look every time.
Anyone want to play "Thanksgiving Bingo" tomorrow? This is hysterical.
Deck The Halls said... 164
Do the sheeple bow down to her as their leader/matriarch/CEO Ewe, or do they also think that she's nuckin futz and just humor her?
Darned if I know. I keep thinking there have got to be some fans out there that are thinking, what the heck is with her? But then I remember they are just sheep and we shouldn't expect much.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Deck The Halls said...
Do the sheeple bow down to her as their leader/matriarch/CEO Ewe, or do they also think that she's nuckin futz and just humor her?
Shouldn't her title be CEE? Chief Executive Ewe?
I was reading the last thread and was compelled to point out that RWA wasn't making fun of this blog - there was a comment about other discussions but I didn't pick up on any criticism. Keep in mind that it could very well have been a sheeple post trying to stir up trouble, so I advise that you check it out yourself before reacting.
And, upon further reflection, I suspect the RWA post was very likely a sheeple with a pointy stick. I truly think the sheeple are bored and trying to stir up trouble...
Shouldn't her title be CEE? Chief Executive Ewe?
You got that right! I'd just like to know how a CEE, who supposedly has two children and a husband, finds time to tweet for nine hours in an eleven hour period.
Something is very fishy in them thar neck of the woods.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good Rumspringa!
Monrovia @170, I was reading the last thread and was compelled to point out that RWA wasn't making fun of this blog - there was a comment about other discussions but I didn't pick up on any criticism. Keep in mind that it could very well have been a sheeple post trying to stir up trouble, so I advise that you check it out yourself before reacting.
I don't know who was posting it, but there were comments last night on that blog that weren't kind about this blog or the posters. I won't copy and paste because of the rules here, but the comments definitely weren't very nice.
IDModo said... 161
My other Grandma made beautiful hooked rugs out of fabric scraps and burlap bags and sold them door-to-door during the 1930's, when my Grandpa was too ill to work.As a grownup I learned to make rugs that way, in her honour.
It's a very creative and satisfying craft.
Those Depression-era rugs are now being sold in antique shops for large amounts of money, since so few of them survived.
IDModo Yes! Ragrugs. I remember them as a young kid on the floor of my grandma and grandpa's little farmhouse. The smell of the old linoleum and the coal stove...wow...so many memories. They raised eight kids in a tiny little house on the prairie with no running water, no electricity and through the depression. No wonder both died so young. The house is still out there with just the frame and roof still standing. The inner walls are rotted away with traces of old newspaper still stuck to it, for insulation from the cold and wind. I drive out there occasionally and walk around the abandoned yard. The wind blows through the dead caragana bushes grandma planted to protect her garden. It's haunting.
Was just chatting with my friend in Virginia whose husband works at the Tomb of the Unknown. He has been given the HONOR of doing a shift at the tomb tomorrow. She's going to go with him and be there through the shift. They are eight months pregnant.
God bless our military. Especially those who are willing to give up time with family and friends on this holiday to go guard our unknowns.
Good grief. After Milo's marathon tweeting event today, she ends with this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Kate...U have a short DM :)
You didn't get it all said in the 3 hours you tweeted?
Monrovia said... 170
''I was reading the last thread and was compelled to point out that RWA wasn't making fun of this blog - there was a comment about other discussions but I didn't pick up on any criticism. Keep in mind that it could very well have been a sheeple post trying to stir up trouble, so I advise that you check it out yourself before reacting.
Monrovia said... 171
And, upon further reflection, I suspect the RWA post was very likely a sheeple with a pointy stick. I truly think the sheeple are bored and trying to stir up trouble...''
I think you are exactly right. It seems to really get under the sheeple's skin that we just keep on keeping on.......talking about whatever, and yet never ever forgetting that KK is a vile, stuck on stupid, animal and child abuser.
Thanks to whoever posted the link to Thanksgiving Bingo - very funny! I hope there is a Christmas version, because the Bear and I may play at my in-laws house!
IDModo, you described that farmhouse and prairie so well. I can see it through your words. Thank you.
I like when the sheeple come here and say why so obsessed with Kate don't you talk about anything else? And then when we don't talk about Kate they make fun of THAT too! LOL. I think it's time we face the facts they just don't like us.
Monrovia said... 171
And, upon further reflection, I suspect the RWA post was very likely a sheeple with a pointy stick. I truly think the sheeple are bored and trying to stir up trouble...
Believe me when I say this no sheeple comment on RWA.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I watched part of the Dust Bowl special last weekend, but didn't comment about it until now. In the spirit of the holiday, I am remembering the part about leaf of the kitchen table, the family had to use to lay their dear baby to rest. I told hubby they must have sat at that same table-- for years to come, eating their supper... and thought about that horrible day.
As promised, here is Grandma's recipe for Broccoli-Cheese Ritz-Cracker Casserole. I know Admin. likes the "Pioneer Woman" (as do I)... so I'm using her adapted recipe this year.
Broccoli-Cheese Ritz-Cracker Casserole...
Ah, Happy Thanksgiving to all.
The pug is here by the way......asleep on the couch. He snores just like my grandfather!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 176
She probably DM'd Kate asking her "how did I do on twitter tonight? Do you think I got the point across how absolutely wonderful you are and what an amazing woman you are too? Let me know when you need me again-I love supporting you?"
By the way, Kate quoted both C & M today--I guess the younger kids are at Jon's. She didn't mention them at all. She also posted another pic of Shoka-but it was a "photo art" picture that Mady did, so it could have been taken at any time and not recently.
The only food she mentioned today was Shoka's chicken whatever, pie crust and snack chips. Her fans were asking her what she was making for Thanksgiving, and she just eluded those questions, which is very odd for her. I don't think she's doing any cooking for Thanksgiving at all--just giving the pretense that she was.
She probably DM'd Kate asking her "how did I do on twitter tonight? Do you think I got the point across how absolutely wonderful you are and what an amazing woman you are too? Let me know when you need me again-I love supporting you?"
Either that or she sent her a link to a youtube video where she serenades her with "Why do birds, suddenly appear? Every time? You are neeeaaar!"
Dmasy said... 179
IDModo, you described that farmhouse and prairie so well. I can see it through your words. Thank you.
Dmasy, um, that was me. lol.
Now, we very carefully put the cork back into the Rumspringa bottle so as not to spill it.
Anon for this one said... 181
''Believe me when I say this no sheeple comment on RWA.''
I'm just going to jump right into the fire and ask.....why do you feel it necessary to be ''anon for this one''? I don't understand being unable to stand behind what you believe with your regular posting name. In my opinion, anything worth saying is worth claiming. If others disagree with you, then fine...they have that right. Everyone doesn't have to agree...in fact, I think different views are healthy. Does the need to be anon for some things, but not others go over my head? What am I missing?
Auntie, I am so sorry. You deserve credit for those beautiful words. I read them twice.
OK....it's wine. Pre-holiday wine.
I have a new Thanksgiving story... (as recent as this afternoon!)
My SIL and I went to Von's to shop. We planned to fry a turkey, as we always do. While I was tossing items into the Kart, she picked out the turkey.
My hubby just informed me that she grabbed a fully-cooked smoked turkey! Looks like we will be having oven-roasted bird tomorrow- unless someone here can share a 'fried' recipe for our already cooked bird.
Now the only thing I have to prepare tonight, is the Lime Jell-O Salad. I'm using this recipe, and found a decorative mold... with a tulip on the top, in Grandma's old dishes. The green-goop would never have happened, if not for this Blog. I'm Thankful for Admin!
No need to apologize, Dmasy, and thank you for the compliment. IDModo just stirred up some vivid memories from my childhood when she wrote about the hooked ragrugs her grandma made. I really am in awe of the men and women who raised families under such hardship. I think I'll have some of that wine now, too. It's been a strenuous few days.
Happy Thanksgiving.
(Pre-holiday wine? Ahhh. I love Chateau Wednesday, too! :o)
Either that or she sent her a link to a youtube video where she serenades her with "Why do birds, suddenly appear? Every time? You are neeeaaar!"
LOLOLOL!! I think their perfect theme song would be "Wind Beneath My Wings."
"Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings."
I wonder if Kate reads Milo's garbage, rolls her eyes, laughs with Steve at what a total lunatic Milo is and thanks her lucky stars that they don't live anywhere near to each other.
Someone asked about snacks to take for a get-together. I always do the cheeseballs and crackers, and make a meat, fruit and assorted cheeses tray. You can't go wrong. I include the ham and cream cheese roll-ups on the tray. You don't have to worry about keeping anything hot.
Everyone on here tonight are so darned funny.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said ... I couldn't stop laughing when reading your turkey and whipped cream story. Too funny.
Milo is one sick lady, I get the feeling she's being paid by Kate to tweet flattering posts to boost her ego. That would explain the DM to Kate.
LMG, drive safely and enjoy your time with your family and daughter's guests. I'm sure she'll appreciate having her mom there to help her out.
AuntieAnn you describe the prairie and cabin so well, I could picture it in my mind. Loved the story.
I think Kate only has Mady and Cara with her for tomorrow. She surely did not talk about all the cooking and baking she was supposed to be doing today.
All the talk about food here is making me hungry, maybe I'll just pour myself a rumspringa.
Everyone have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Fantastic accomplishment. This will get you far in life...
@Kateplusmy8 I can still name all the kids in birth order with middle name, i can still recite the season one show opening!!!! #biggestfan
Julianna said... 192
Either that or she sent her a link to a youtube video where she serenades her with "Why do birds, suddenly appear? Every time? You are neeeaaar!"
LOLOLOL!! I think their perfect theme song would be "Wind Beneath My Wings."
I hear Duelling Banjos.
Bluebird - thank you.
I get the feeling she's being paid by Kate to tweet flattering posts to boost her ego. That would explain the DM to Kate.
Maybe she's sending DMs to Kate to find out how to report the pay on her income tax...
Bluebird said... 193
Everyone on here tonight are so darned funny.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said ... I couldn't stop laughing when reading your turkey and whipped cream story. Too funny.
Ah shucks, thanks. We all laughed about that for years...some laughed harder than I did. :S I couldn't believe I'd done that.
Thinking about Milo, I don't believe anyone in their right mind would be comfortable with all that adoration being dumped all over them, especially publicly. It's just not normal in any way, shape or form. That Kate didn't nip that in the bud a long time ago, and even encourages it to the point of Milo now going completely off the deep end, tells me Kate is, indeed, not in her right mind. It tells me Milo isn't in her right mind either. This is truly the stuff of a very scary Stephen King novel.
The pug is here by the way......asleep on the couch. He snores just like my grandfather!
My grandfather's snore was enough to wake the dead. He also smelled of cherry pipe tobacco and hair tonic. Gosh, I miss him something fierce, especially at this time of the year.
Remona Blue
Does the need to be anon for some things, but not others go over my head? What am I missing?
I doubt if Remona Blue is your real name so in a sense we are all anonymous here.
I choose not to use my regular posting name because of the Admin's dislike for blog on blog commentary. I have on occasion read at RWA as some of you have and it is not a blog I would care to be associated with. Yes, we poke and snark about the sheeple but they take it to a level that I believe is libelous and dangerous.
Anon for this one said... 199
''.....I choose not to use my regular posting name because of the Admin's dislike for blog on blog commentary. I have on occasion read at RWA as some of you have and it is not a blog I would care to be associated with. Yes, we poke and snark about the sheeple but they take it to a level that I believe is libelous and dangerous.''
Thank you for explaining, when you didn't have to. I understand your reason for being unwilling to use your regular posting name when it involves anything/anyone you believe may be dangerous to you.
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