Breaking News: PA Rep. Tom Murt is projected to be re-elected in Montgomery County
No, not that one, who cares about that one?! This one! The election for Pennsylvania's 152nd legislative district, a race that really matters. To us here, anyway.
In this corner we have the challenger, Ronald Kolla:
No, really, that's the guy running against Murt, Ronald Kolla. Organist at Woodside Presbyterian Church, believes the youth can lead America (& txt rlly gud 2), has knocked on, like, more than 1,700 doors--his campaign slogan is "Make It Happen." Yeah, dude! Oh, and his Facebook status says he's "in a relationship." Aw.
And in this corner, we have the incumbent, ho-ho-ho Santa!
Oops, we mean Rep. Tom Murt. Loves to visit special needs kids dressed as Kris Kringle (Santa, lay off the salads, you look positively sickly!), calls Nellie Olsen and that cute kid from Lassie his friends (Hollywood poser), served in Iraq--his campaign slogan is.....well, we couldn't find one. Appears he was too busy authoring the Jon and Kate bill and finally putting an end once and for all to child exploitation in his great state to bother with much of a campaign. Thanks, Murt.
And after long and careful thought and much roundtable debate (the pool boys even stormed off at one point), the staff at Realitytvkids has officially endorsed ...
Unlike the nail biter the general election is sure to be, projections are that Rep. Murt is expected to take his seat once again in a landslide (in 2010 he handily beat his opponent with 68% of the votes).
![]() |
Election Graph: The polling girls have calculated that Rep. Murt will win by a landslide. |
But could a choir boy pull off an upset? Stay tuned and follow the results online!
The Rules: It may seem counterintuitive, but even though this is a candidate thread, please do not discuss the general elections. However, you may discuss Rep. Murt's projected re-election as it does not appear to be very contentious here. You may also use the thread for a typical general discussion thread, as usual.
370 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 370 of 370 Newer› Newest»ReaderLady, I got it. I had to add the words "A Memoir" to the title and the text format became available. I will share my attention with election coverage and a compelling book tonight. Thanks, again.
carolina peach said... 192
Heartbroken #182. A girl. Trying to remember the recipe for baby formula my Mama used. Canned milk, karo syrup, water, and a couple of spoons of something else. Remember watching her make it, boiling the bottles, heating a needle over a match flame to get it hot so she could make the hole in the nipple with the hot needle. And I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday.
I was 12 when the youngest was born and I remember this too! I sure wish i could recall what the couple of spoons of something else were! I recall the hot needles in the rubber nipples, sterilizing the GLASS bottles, including caps and rings. Everything boiled within an inch of it's life. It all seemed like rocket science and a labor of incredible love.
NJGal51 said... 189
<----------I voted.
Interesting that Kate isn't tweeting today. Shouldn't she have tweeted telling everyone to get out and vote? Of course, if she isn't even registered to vote that explains her silence. She doesn't want to answer her tweeties' questions--did you vote Kate? Or she could just tweet and lie about voting. She seems to lie about everything else.
I predict Kate will be true to form and will tweet "don't forget to vote" around 8:30 after the polls close.
Always a day late and a dollar short that one.
Thanks, Dwindle :) Great pic BTW. You must be so proud.
Heartbroken For the Kids said... 182
Hope you don't mind me jumping in here.
In last Sunday's episode they didn't say if the baby was a boy or a girl but in the previews for next week Hershel is saying to someone "SHE will need food, SHE will need formula".
It's a GIRL! And doesnt Herschel look great, considering? What a guy! I just love him. I think Rick is going to finish going 'round the bend now.
tate said... 4
Interesting that Kate isn't tweeting today. Shouldn't she have tweeted telling everyone to get out and vote? Of course, if she isn't even registered to vote that explains her silence. She doesn't want to answer her tweeties' questions--did you vote Kate? Or she could just tweet and lie about voting. She seems to lie about everything else.
She doesnt know enough about this 'voting or whatever' to even make up a lie about it all. And if she is quiet, it means either Steve is with her, or Jon has his children. If she had the kids she would be tweeting all their little sayings about the election today that they heard in school.
If she voted she wrote herself in wherever there was a blank line.
Missy works at Fox Business now and I think is very successful. Agree she is likely troubled so hopefully the book is therapeutic for her. There's some mystery about her elder sister- did she die, and if so, how?
I remember Missy in something About Amelia, a TV movie about incest.
OT Alert (somewhat). I've been seeing a sweet commercial on TV for Carter's. It's a little girl talking about her birth and her mom taking care of her. It ends with the child sitting on her mom's lap waiting for the school bus. And she says, "the day I became yours, you became mine". I can't explain why, but this commercial just touches my heart so much because it is so true. We are theirs as much as they are ours. This commercial makes me think of Kate and her relationship with her kids. I know that she doesn't realize the importance of when they became hers, she also became theirs.
I probably didn't explain it very well, but I know what I meant. Hope all of you do, too.
You guys are cracking me up saying Kate will write her own name in on the ballot and how she'll remind people to vote around 8:30 tonight after the polls close. LOL. Pretty funny. She could also tweet some generic comment like---hope everyone voted today. I really think it isn't even on her radar. Probably doesn't even know it is happening today.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Hi all! Stopping in to say 'hi' and have a great night! Didn't have time to read your tweets today-sorry- busy being mom + 8 :) GN!
Really Kate?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Hi all! Stopping in to say 'hi' and have a great night! Didn't have time to read your tweets today-sorry- busy being mom + 8 :) GN!
Really Kate?
She has EIGHT? Don't tell me...
I was curious about the donations thing and looked at Kirstie Alley's Wow, she don't play. She is sending at semi-truck load of stuff that her fans contributed to and from what I can gather it is going to Staten Island and she is going as well. The truck is already rolling. Staten Island is the worst I think. The clip of the lady begging the senator for help - you don't understand - we are going to die here just ripped my heart out. I don't know how they are going to stay there - they have no protection from the sea.
She also has a book out called The Art of Men. I may order it from Amazon. They are saying it is funny, yet makes you think at the same time. Nice to see someone using their celebrity or a good cause.
Then everyone who is a celebrity should be tweeting those 2 things all day long everyday, all day.
Well from what I've seen, that is in fact pretty much what most celebs are doing. Also I don't think Kate should tell her people to vote. I don't think they should vote, that scares me.
We got a robocall at 6:54 from our republican governor asking us to vote for mitt. I think its a little late! Polls closed at 7!
I thought the calls would stop today! You folks not in swing states have no idea the fun you missed - not!
Of course, if she isn't even registered to vote that explains her silence.
She is registered to vote. Honest. It's right there on the PA voter page. However, what's really weird is that she's listed to vote in Reading, rather than at the polling location in Wernersville.
I wonder if she hasn't changed her address from when she lived in Wyomissing. I know some of those folks vote in Reading. She's listed to vote in Spring Township, which is where Wyomissing is located. Wernesville is in Lower Heidelberg Township.
If this is true, then her last voter registration was in Wyomissing, and she never registered to vote when she lived in Elizabethtown, Lancaster County.
However, she's listed to vote in Spring Township (Wyomissing), but she lives in Lower Heidelberg Township (Wernersville).
If I weren't hitting the Rumspringa so hard, I might be able to figure it out. Where's our other Berks friend on here?
JoyinVirginia said... 16
Maybe they fired up the phones again after Paul Ryan visited Richmond.
We got a call just before 6pm. I don't know who it was because I gave it the ol' click-click buh bye.
Thanks Readerlady I just ordered the book for my Kindle. I wonder if there was a requirement that a certain number of little girls in the cast had to be named Melissa.....Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Anderson and Melissa Francis. LOL, I guess that was a popular name.
My compliments to the swiffer team for cleaning up unsightly droppings in a jiffy!
I'm here Berks!
I live in Spring Township and vote at Kate's church haha. I'm not sure where Lower Heidelberg votes. Lower Heidelberg is right next to Spring so it's not outside the realm of possibility to vote here. Wyomissing residents vote in the Borough of Wyomissing I think.
Now I've probably just confused things more.
Well, I decided to forgo the wine. I went straight to vodka :( The vodka is easier on my diet. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
kHatie is registered in Reading because she never bothered to update her info. maybe she thought the tanning salon did that for her?
Well, I decided to forgo the wine. I went straight to vodka :( The vodka is easier on my diet. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
kHatie is registered in Reading because she never bothered to update her info. maybe she thought the tanning salon did that for her?
What I just posted at @17 looks as confusing as heck. Bottom looks like her voter registration status has not been changed from when she lived in Wyomissing. It appears that she didn't register to vote in Lancaster County, if current voter registration still shows the Wyomissing township/polling place. This means her address hasn't been changed to the Wernersville address.
Does make sense? If not, I give up.
kHatie is registered in Reading because she never bothered to update her info. maybe she thought the tanning salon did that for her?
I think she's registered in Beverly Hills, you know, where she is from...not.
Pulled my voter guide. All 3 Lower Heidelberg Township polls are in Lower Heidelberg so her registration must be from the old house.
Well, maybe she drove to her old neighborhood to vote (haha I crack myself up).
Does make sense? If not, I give up.
It sounds like Kate let he voter registration go and never updated it as she moved over the years.
I registered to vote with my new card tonight.
So if you are registered in the wrong county are you allowed to vote? Would they give you a polling place that's 30 miles away and you could go there? Last time I moved they made me re-register. You can't just do an address change you have to officially re register and if you dont do it by the registration deadline you're out of luck.
I live in Spring Township and vote at Kate's church haha. I'm not sure where Lower Heidelberg votes.
She would vote at St. John's on Church Road, wouldn't she?
If you haven't updated your address, can you still vote at your current polling place?
I need to switch to vodka.
Seriously guys, Kate has 8!!!!!!!!! kids!!!!!!!! We shouldn't expect her to vote!!!!!!!!
You can't just do an address change you have to officially re register and if you dont do it by the registration deadline you're out of luck.
That's what I was wondering. I thought you have to vote at the polling place that's connected to your address. You just can't up and go to any polling place you feel like going to!
See I would think with eight kids that would make you want to vote even more since you have eight young people affected not just you!
Just finished working 3 hours at the polls after working all day. In PA if you move to a different township/county you must re-register. Looks like good old Katie Irene Kreider cannot be bothered to vote. I am so surprised...........SNARK!
So if you are registered in the wrong county are you allowed to vote?
No. That you can't do. She couldn't have been registered to vote in Berks County (Wyomissing) and voted in Lancaster County (Elizabethtown).
I imagine every district or state has their own rules but it's typically all connected to your address so I'm not sure it would work if you're using some old address. I've voted through the mail the past two elections so I'm having a hard time remembering how it went last time I showed up in person.
In Texas, you must vote in the precinct where you live. If I moved across town, and stayed registered at my present address, my voter's registration would be invalid. Does it work the same way there? Or are both address where KK lived still in the same precinct?
Over In Berks County said:
I need to switch to vodka.
Do it! Come over to the dark side... (Administrator) said... 28
I don't think you can vote at your old place if you've moved. I saw a woman get turned away tonight and told that she was now to vote at a nearby school, not the one I vote at and she had voted at.
Thanks for the locals with help trying to figure the logistics out. I just plain do not think Kate votes at any level, let alone the Presidential election.
I don't think she'd vote for a paper boy.
So if you are registered in the wrong county are you allowed to vote?
No. That you can't do. She couldn't have been registered to vote in Berks County (Wyomissing) and voted in Lancaster County (Elizabethtown).
That's not exactly what I mean. I know you have to go to your polling place they assign you to but if you had moved could you drive to your old polling place and they would take you in? Would they even know if you moved if you still showed up at your old assigned place? I'm guessing maybe not.
Over In Berks County said:
I need to switch to vodka.
Do it! Come over to the dark side...
Ex Nurse said... 181
Joe Biden was elected to public office adage 29. Everyone has to start somewhere--unless you at a Bush or a Romney, that is.
In Washington State, we have gay marriage and legalization of marijuana. I would be interested in hearing what othere states have on their ballots.
Ex Nurse,
I voted in Wa state elections and I was so surprised to see these on the ballot! (ok,remember, I am in military and I currently live in GA). I remember voting on the marijuana issue in CA back in the day, and now I get to do it again for another state, yay!
I may register for CA someday again (my homestate) but after the entire Gov Schwarzenegger fiasco, I was so embarrassed to associate w/that state, and WA was so nice, I just registered there, LOL!
I love Admin's comment she hopes the sheeple dont vote- ROFL!! Me too!
Looks like good old Katie Irene Kreider cannot be bothered to vote. I am so surprised...........SNARK!
That's what it looks like to me, but then again, I'm enjoying the fruits of the vine right now, along with my beef stew and HOMEMADE bread. Not sitting on the leather sofa, though...
Question from your northern neighbor:
What time will the final results be in for the Presidential elections? Just wondering with the west coast time zones and all. Will we know by midnight?
Thanks and sorry if this is a dumb question. : /
I see that everyone is asking the question I did. In Texas, if you early vote, you can vote in any early voting polling doesn't have to be only in your precinct. However, your voter's registration card does have to have your current address on it. Like others have said, if you move, you have to re-register.
Over in Berks County Said:
If I weren't hitting the Rumspringa so hard, I might be able to figure it out. Where's our other Berks friend on here?
Hi I am here also! I don't know anything about Western Berks voting places as I live on the eastern side. However I did check on a voting place for a co-worker who lives in Wyo, and it was located at the Athletic Field House, not a church.
I hope I hope I hope my candidate wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear I do not know why all of my comments have been posting twice lately! I am only hitting publish once.
Duchess, can you fix this issue for me?
I'm pretty sure you can vote at your old location and no one would know. Doubt she did.
I'm FB chatting with my daughter who lives in Italy. They're all fascinated by our election. She says it's the number one topic of discussion. (Administrator) said... 39
So if you are registered in the wrong county are you allowed to vote?
No. That you can't do. She couldn't have been registered to vote in Berks County (Wyomissing) and voted in Lancaster County (Elizabethtown).
That's not exactly what I mean. I know you have to go to your polling place they assign you to but if you had moved could you drive to your old polling place and they would take you in? Would they even know if you moved if you still showed up at your old assigned place? I'm guessing maybe not.
I don't think so because I was really bad at updating mine, and I always voted. Maybe things have changed since I've actually had to vote in person, though...who knows.
Are the results in yet? LOL Are the sheeple tweeting?
Oh, Abby Lee's Dance show is on- gotta go!
What time will the final results be in for the Presidential elections? Just wondering with the west coast time zones and all. Will we know by midnight?
Thanks and sorry if this is a dumb question. : /
It's not a dumb question, it's anyone's guess.
Depends on how wide the margins are and how comfortable they are "calling" the states. And you might see some news organizations more willing to call things that are closer than others. They are predicting late, but if either of them gets a firm win in one of the key states it could be in just a few hours we could get a solid idea which way it will go. Worst case, and very possible scenerio, we won't know tonight and there will be recounts.
For election results-
The Texas thing: I asked that absentee ballots be sent to my daughters away at college (in Tx). They both told me that they could vote ON CAMPUS,which is 3 hrs from home, so don't know what's going on with that. I always thought you HAD to vote in your precinct in Tx. Apparently NOT.
Probably getting her hair done before the Nor'Easter hits. I never saw anybody so excited about a hair salon getting their lights back on. That was a raw moment - she was truly elated.
Thanks Admin. it's all a bit confusing the way it's done down there to me...but much more exciting! I guess I'll just keep checking in here for the official results. to read about Kreider getting another strip torn out of her on ROL! Yay!
Bearswife i often have the same problem with no known cause and it's very annoying lol.
In Texas, you must vote in the precinct where you live. If I moved across town, and stayed registered at my present address, my voter's registration would be invalid. Does it work the same way there? Or are both address where KK lived still in the same precinct?
How do they know you moved though? If you just used an old driver's license with an old address how would they know? Oh if she didn't update it that means she may have had issues voting in the 2010 elections too.
In my state I think you have to go to the new place to vote. The couple in front of me were told to go to their new polling place and ask for a provisional ballot to vote because they were not listed in the book. I guess they'd moved and didn't register in the old or the new.
Admin's right that the election could be called by very late today, or it could go into tomorrow. It depends on the key swing states whose electoral votes will make it or break it. Ohio, Florida, Virginia....
Or, we may be counting hanging chads for a month or so ;-)
Where I vote, I have to show a photo ID that includes my current address. If my address is not in that precinct, I am told where to go.
Very politely. I bought a house and moved about 3 blocks, and fortunately it was in the same precinct as before so I didn't get shown the door. Very politely.
Bearswife said... 40
Over In Berks County said:
I need to switch to vodka.
Hey, Psstt....yeah, you. I've got Vodka. Come on. It's not THAT dark over here. After awhile, you won't even care.
OK, that was creepy and uncalled for but I couldn't help it. But, I do have Vodka :)
Check CNN or ABC or NBC for election results LBelle.
This isn't the best place for it really! :)
I'm not sure LBelle what feed of CNN you get if you get it at all but I've been able to stream it online since I'm popping in and out of my home office and we don't have cable in there. Go to their web site.
To answer Admin at 56, the polling ladies went by the address on their driver's license. I think everything has to match. I know that the polling ladies (what are they really called) had to make a couple of phone calls to find out what to do for the couple.
How do they know you moved though?
I'd say first your drivers license, which you have to keep current. Next your mail.
Both are forms of voter ID in my state.
If you just used an old driver's license with an old address how would they know?
1. I TX, it's illegal to carry two drivers licenses. The invalid one should be destroyed.
2. When I voted last week, the lady asked me if I lived at the address printed on my voter registration card.
As I said, my kids said they could vote on campus. So one sent in her absentee ballot, and the other voted today. This is a new phenom though, my older kids never had the option of voting on campus-it was come home and vote, or do an absentee ballot.
Wasn't there some big whoops de do about how they couldnt' require a driver's license to vote or something? I kind of didn't follow that story.
So we've talked about KG's voter status - anyone know what's up with Jon? Is he registered?
Yes Jon is also registered. Under Jonathan.
Tx: you can use a driver's license if you can't locate your registration card. (I know, I did this in the May local elections...I should have found my registration card before walking was in a different pocket in my purse).
This may - or may not - amuse anyone of appropriate age:
In 1972, after the disastrous Richard Nixon/George McGovern presidential election, I was living in France. Up in the mountains one day I saw a car (for some reason I think I remember an ancient Citroen) with a bumper sticker reading "Don't blame me; I'm from Massachusetts!" I thought it was quite wonderful.
KHatie is registered in Reading because she never bothered to update her info. Maybe she thought the tanning salon did that for her. 22
More likely she didn't even think about it. Who,me,vote?Don't you know who I AM? (Administrator) said... 65
Wasn't there some big whoops de do about how they couldnt' require a driver's license to vote or something? I kind of didn't follow that story.
Examples of what I could have used to vote:
Voter registration
Driver license
Military ID
Employee photo ID
Current utility bill
(love this) concealed handgun permit
among others
So, there are many forms of ID, but it has been a huge issue across the country with some arguing that it aims to marginalize poor and disenfranchised voters.
Wasn't Mitt in PA?
Maybe Kate went up their where he was showing off the girls trying to steal him from Ann.
Or she was trying to get Steve a job.-LOL
admin said:
Bearswife i often have the same problem with no known cause and it's very annoying lol.
Well, I guess I want to be just like you, doncha know!? LOL
Up here polling ladies are called Scrutineers. I bet they are in the US too.
Rhymes with Witch said... 70
KHatie is registered in Reading because she never bothered to update her info. Maybe she thought the tanning salon did that for her. 22
I would assume this means she didn't vote in 2010 either. What a tool she is!
Is Jon's voter registration current and valid?
Or are both address where KK lived still in the same precinct?
No. They are in different towns, in different precincts.
Admin -- the voter ID thing...
I'm going 4 Obama idk about you guys.
But who ever wins I bet Kate will say she voted and somehow make it about herself.
Bearswife well in case you missed it today the driveway said I was a god and you do whatever I say so, that's consistent!
Is Jon's voter registration current and valid?
I couldn't find it, either in Berks or Lancaster counties. I tried Jonathan, Jonathan K, Jonathan Keith, Jon, and his correct birth date. (Administrator) said... 56
''How do they know you moved though? If you just used an old driver's license with an old address how would they know?''
The answer is simple. go to the precinct that matches your address on your voter's registration. (old address) You don't have to show them your driver's license or any other ID if you're standing there w/your registration card in your hand. You hand them your voter's registration, they find your name in their big ole book, ask you if you are still at XXX address. If you've moved, you lie and say Yes. They show you where to sign in the big book under your name, and give you a ballot. BUT......
The catch is that you are mailed a new voter's registration every year, and each year is a different color. So your card should be the correct color for that year in order for it all to work. Honestly, I don't know what happens if you don't have a current voter's registration. I take my right to vote so seriously that I have never not had a current registration!!
Formerly Duped - was that the one with Red and Brownie? I felt SO sad for that guy. It was just great that (whichever daughter it was) made such a good connection with him and helped as much as possible.
I found it easily, Jonathan.
I forgot what county it was under though. I think I did look under several until it popped up. I thought it was Berks.
Dwindle said... 6
Heartbroken For the Kids said... 182
Hope you don't mind me jumping in here.
In last Sunday's episode they didn't say if the baby was a boy or a girl but in the previews for next week Hershel is saying to someone "SHE will need food, SHE will need formula".
It's a GIRL! And doesnt Herschel look great, considering? What a guy! I just love him. I think Rick is going to finish going 'round the bend now.
Yes he does! I love him. I'm wondering if Rick will blame the baby for Lorie's death. It really was a good episode. I was worried that this season wouldn't be able to stay interesting and entertaining but this past epi played like a finale!
OT Alert:
I also saw that sweet Carter's commercial a few nights ago.
The little girl and her mother were standing at the end of a driveway, waiting for the school bus for the little one's first day of school. The voiceover by a man says, "Every time a child is born, a mother is born, too."
A little different from the one someone else saw, but just as effectively SWEET!
Voting sounds so complicated now, glad I am mailed my ballot. Doesnt everyone get to vote online, or by fax, now, too? I thought that was offered. I can if I want, but I like to use the snail mail method- I dont know why.
Found Jon and Kate on this site. Jon is also listed as active:
You have to use Jonathan and his birthdate 4-1-77.
Remona said..."You don't have to show them your driver's license or any other ID if you're standing there w/your registration card in your hand."
I don't even have to show them that and I don't get a new voter registration card every year. I give my name and address, then look it up on the list, and I'm set to go.
Admin, I am LOLing at your typo. The driveway was talking to you? have you been into the vodka? Well, I have, so you better too!
We are watching Rick Mercer and 22 Minutes to keep the mood light, but I switched over to CNN for a bit. Bad move, now I'm nauseous.
Unlike me to be posting so much, but I am trying to stay busy.
Hold tight ladies, it might be a long night.
It lives!!!
First chance I've had to pause today...have I ever told you how BUSY 8 kids keeps me? LOL! Tweet ya soon! I miss you guys!! XO
Parent In Lancaster County said... 87
''I don't even have to show them that and I don't get a new voter registration card every year. I give my name and address, then look it up on the list, and I'm set to go.''
Well, don't get me to lying, but I think in Texas if you don't have your card, but are registered to vote (and are in the correct precinct) you may have to show some sort of ID to prove you are that person. I think that Aggie'sMom may be correct about the kind of ID's they accept. I got a kick out of them saying they will accept a utility bill, and I think I read that a cable bill would also work.
Dwindle #41 - I thought I was living my worst nightmare but you've shown me worse. To be in a place like this and not be lucid and able to defend yourself...I can't even comprehend...
I never got a voter's registration card. My friend did, but it had the wrong name on it.
We MUST show a current picture ID. Even if it is your mother who is working at the poll table, she's still got to check off that she saw your current picture ID. In this state you must get a new driver's license within 10 days of setting up residence. The BMV (DMV) takes your old driver's license before they hand you your new one. Same with non-driver's personal ID which carries the same weight as a driver's license.
There is no way a legitimate poll worker would allow a non-registered, non ID-carrying, old license toting, not living in that precinct voter to vote. Katie Irene would be shown the door.
I'd love to see that, frankly.
Found Jon and Kate on this site. Jon is also listed as active:
I found him. It didn't work before, but it did this time. His polling place is Reading, Spring Township. I don't understand it, if she is in Lower Heidelberg and he now is in a different township.
Who is offering the vodka?
First chance I've had to pause today...have I ever told you how BUSY 8 kids keeps me?
EIGHT? Really? She has EIGHT? She said that earlier tonight. She's so annoying.
She's just saying that so that when anyone asks if she voted she can say, ehh eight kids!
Weren't they at school all day? What exactly did she DO all day that she couldn't vote? Couldn't she swing by on the way back from the bus stop?
fidosmommy said... 92
I never got a voter's registration card. My friend did, but it had the wrong name on it.
We MUST show a current picture ID. Even if it is your mother who is working at the poll table, she's still got to check off that she saw your current picture ID. In this state you must get a new driver's license within 10 days of setting up residence. The BMV (DMV) takes your old driver's license before they hand you your new one. Same with non-driver's personal ID which carries the same weight as a driver's license.
There is no way a legitimate poll worker would allow a non-registered, non ID-carrying, old license toting, not living in that precinct voter to vote. Katie Irene would be shown the door.
I'd love to see that, frankly.
CA requires updating a DL w/in 10 days too and I can tell you i NEVER updated mine in that time, and sometimes I didnt update for 3 or 4 moves (I used to move a lot).
CA DMV's are notorious for long lines so I just didnt go. Really wasnt a big deal. I still voted- there's no way the ladies could know my current address.
In IL where I vote, we receive a card in the mail telling us our voting place. When I go there I give them my name and if it is in there book, they give me a receipt with my name on it and a ballot. If my name isn't in their book, (which happened a about some years ago), they asked for my license and then looked it up and told me where I had to go to vote. Where I live, you cannot just go to any polling place and vote; it has to be the one for your district.
here in my county in GA the kids the day off school cuz the was used as a poll. Crazy.
They probably wouldn't bring the ballot out to her car along with a glass of merlot. Don't they know who she is? She's not going to stand in line.
I wonder if Steve the bodyguard voted today.
Grandsons, it is exactly the same in downstate Illinois.
Sort of like THEY are waiting for us. We did not have to show any ID. I don't know what happens if you aren't in the big magic book. (Of course, we did know 3 of the ladies sitting behind the long tables with the book. Still, we would have shown ID if asked.)
I know this was mentioned earlier on the blog but I wanted to tell you thanks for suggesting we all watch "Taking Chance". I checked it out from my library and watched it last night. Truly moving. Thank you.
JW, if you just watched for the first time, I can tell you will watch Taking Chance more than once. And, each time you will feel pride and tears. It is a wonderful, quiet, and emotional movie.
Is it just me or is this Iam Wise retweet from Kate confusing and just plain odd. The first sentence is contradictory to the rest. Maybe it's just how I'm interpreting it or maybe if a few more words were added it would make sense.
"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never get it. Don't ask, answer is always no. Never step forward, always be in the same place."
I worked for a woman with that philosophy once:
Don't ask, answer is always no.
They fired her a**.
Where I live, you cannot just go to any polling place and vote; it has to be the one for your district.
It's the same here. You have to be registered in your district. But it's really strange -- they don't ask for ID. In fact, the last time I went, I pulled out my card and they told me they didn't need it. I had it along with me this time as well and they didn't ask for it. They just looked me up in the book; I signed, and voted. It reminded me of getting to the pearly gates, having Saint Peter look up your name in The Big Book, and pass you through! If you're not in there, you're in big trouble.
Chefsummer, Skeeve probably can't vote. I believe he has NZ ctizenship, is most likely here with some kind of work visa. My SIL is from Australia, has a spousal green card, but cannot vote here.
Wow, 3 tweets tonight proclaiming her supreme busy-ness as a mom of 8. Effing idiot, or how do you explain all that busy-ness with 50/50 custody?
"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never get it. Don't ask, answer is always no. Never step forward, always be in the same place."
I understand it- we use that in my work- we tell our juniors that they have to ask if they want something, or dont be afraid to ask, because the worst that can happen is to be told NO, and if they dont ask- well its definitely NO, so ask! :)
I would add though, if you never step forward, you get left behind.
Weren't they at school all day? What exactly did she DO all day that she couldn't vote? Couldn't she swing by on the way back from the bus stop?
Yes, if she is registered where she's supposed to be registered! Her polling place where she SHOULD be voting is five minutes away.
It's the same here. You have to be registered in your district. But it's really strange -- they don't ask for ID. In fact, the last time I went, I pulled out my card and they told me they didn't need it.
I really don't remember them asking for an ID from me either! Last time I voted in person though was two elections ago. If I am remembering this correctly, they asked for my address and found me and said ok go on in. Seemed rather unofficial.
Good night, I am glad this election is (just about) finally over- looks like I will be satisfied at work tomorrow.
Looking forward to moving on to a Turkey Day thread- recipes, family stories and winter time!
And if anyone wants to keep discussing Walking Dead- my FAV show!!
OT Alert, so scroll on by if you want to.
LBelle, over the weekend you had posted about the issues you had with your meds and I encouraged you to keep taking them because you feel worse without them. Well, I now know from personal experience that what it's true.
I ran out of my meds about 4 or 5 days ago and with it being the beginning of the month and paying all of the bills, I didn't have money to get them refilled until this Friday. I could feel the difference in my moods; I was emotional and down for the last few days and it really hit the past 2 days. My hubs asked what was wrong and I told him. He asked why I didn't take money from the savings and I said no, because I always feel that is for our retirement and emergencies. I just didn't think this was an emergency.
Well, he told me that I need the medication because he could tell the difference in my moods and had me call the pharmacy for the refill. I got the refill and will start on them again tomorrow morning.
I guess my point is that the medication is really important and it does make a drastic difference in how I feel and it helps alot. Please keep up with yours, hon. God bless.
But what do you do when the answer IS no?
No never means no?
I mean, sometimes no IS no.
No will be no for SOMEONE tonight, just as one example! LOL.
ok, sorry but why is FL such a difficult state when it comes to the elections?? It is like the drama queen of states- all eyes have to be on FL, LOL!!
Thats it, next election, I am going to register for FL and help it become decidedly blue or red once and for all :D
I think Ohio is an attention whore.
Tee-hee! :)
LBelle turns out it was an early night. They're calling it.
I'm very glad that we have an answer tonight and this isn't dragging out.
I think Ohio is an attention whore.
Tee-hee! :)
Admin, you are so cute. I love this blog.
I love you, Ohio.
Virginia has elected our second Democratic senator, to replace our current Democratic senator who choose not to run again. Tim Kaine joins Mark Warner as the two Democratic senators from Virginia.
In other news, the results are in for Murt and he's won.
9,957 63.5%
5,715 36.5%
Congrats to Murt and best wishes to Kolla.
JW, if you just watched for the first time, I can tell you will watch Taking Chance more than once. And, each time you will feel pride and tears. It is a wonderful, quiet, and emotional movie.
It is indeed one of those films you watch more than once. The first time to just experience it, the second and more times to really start digesting it. What an important film.
Oh another comment on Taking Chance, you don't see so much the long, long camera shots of virtually nothing happening.
Taking Chance took on that style of just letting us sit with the scene, experience it, be part of it. There was no need for fancy camera angles or handheld shaking, or fast cuts. It just was. The scene goes on for as long as it needs to go on without impatience.
It's over!
Off to find some rumspringa :)
I was jk about Steve. -)
Maybe Kate couldn't figure out how to vote lol.
You know all those bottoms she had to press with the fake nails.
Mind if I come along See? :)
You know all those bottoms she had to press with the fake nails.
I thought the only bottom she was pressing belongs to Purse Boy!
Come on over Admin!
Wine was lovely...who has the straight Vodka. Needing some right now.
New Kid -- I find that nothing to be excited about! Nothing.
Let's all gather for drinks and we can try to guess who is drinking in celebration and who is trying to drink away their misery. First round on me! :)
New kid-
:) (Administrator) said... 131
Let's all gather for drinks and we can try to guess who is drinking in celebration and who is trying to drink away their misery. First round on me! :)
Pass the rumspringa! I couldn't think of a more wonderful group to drown our sorrows/ celebrate with! Now's about three hours past my bedtime!
Administrator, that is generous of you. We are a wonderful blog community.
The country was 50/50 and probably this site is close to that percentage also. So, half of us are jubilant and half of us feel defeated.
Let's stay friends, because we will be needing each other for any future success for this country.
I'm a big believer in acceptance and moving forward from here. It's done, you can't change it, time to work together now or TRY.
Well said, Dmasy!
I'm in a "mixed" marriage politically so I have 29 years of practice in staying friends despite politics.
Nicely said Dmasy. Out here on the west coast we are still awake, into the second bottle of wine, tho sadly, the chocolate is finished. Hoping for a speech or two before we call it a night.
Both my husband and myself showed our Military I.D. cards (retired after 30 yrs each) and our photo I.D. puzzled the women. But our Military I.D.s do not have our address on them. It is our ranking, our service #, our names, our signature and a photo ID. It was puzzling to watch the elderly ladies reading my ID, then they asked if I was in the service and retired, I said yes, they extended their hands to shake my hand and I complied. But they did not say anything, just hand me sign the Register Book and I voted.
HALLELUJAH!! It's OVER! Congrats to the winners, condolences to the losers. No more robocalls, ugly campaign signs littering the landscape, no more campaign literature overflowing the mailbox, and no more campaign ads on TV. Even HULU was running campaign ads the last couple of weeks. UGH!! This has been such an ugly and divisive campaign. I hope that wounds can be healed and that EVERYONE will work together for the good of our country. No more calling people ugly names because you don't agree with them. No more pitting black against white, rich against poor, foreign born against native born. No more lying to get your way. Americans all. Please God, make it happen.
@Kateplusmy8 Can't imagine 8 but you do it with grace!
Grace who? Won't Milo be jealous?
Admin -- I'll take a large hot chocolate with a shot of peppermint schnapps and lots of whipped cream. If you don't have that, a rumspringa will do.
Chefsummer -- I know it was just a typo, but still, that's the funniest post I've read here in awhile! "You know all those bottoms she had to press . . ." BWAAAAHAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
OOPS, sorry to seem to be politically biased there for a moment. I was just yelling--nobody knows whether it was in jubilation or, um, something else, right?
So, back to Kate business!
readerlady said... 139
''I hope that wounds can be healed and that EVERYONE will work together for the good of our country. No more calling people ugly names because you don't agree with them. No more pitting black against white, rich against poor, foreign born against native born. No more lying to get your way. Americans all. Please God, make it happen.''
I live in a very small community that usually get patriotic during the election season and yard signs go up for both parties.
The only yard signs I saw this year were for our local elections. I have not seen one single Romney/Paul or Obama/Biden sign anywhere.
Youth walking home from school were overheard saying, "What would happen if we went and switched the Rep. Headquarters and the Dem. HQ
signs downtown? Do you think anyone would even care?" The other kid said, "Whoa, they're both right across from the Police station, so yeah, someone would notice. It would be cool though cuz we all really want the same thing."
I'll take you up on that offer Admin, make it a double, I'm drowning my sorry.
Congrats to Obama, now change something for the better.
I love the graciousness of those here who want only the best for all Americans, regardless of who won tonight.
What Chris Christie and Barack Obama proved during hurricane Sandy is putting people before politics is the way is should always be. Working together is the only way move forward and I see that reflected in the comments here tonight.
I just wish someone would come out and end the evening so I can go to bed.
Canadians have a keen interest in America's politics and generally stick it out to the end just as our southern neighbours do!
I can now see Kate taking C&M to vote in 4 years.
She's going to say "I'm teaching my kids the importance of voting yay".
... drowning my sorrow! Geez, haven't even taken a sip yet.
I meant 6yr oops
I thought Romney's concession speech was very gracious. The crowd was respectful, responding to his comments.
Chefsummer, hopefully Cara and Mady will be the hell out of there when they turn 18.
Love your avi.
Well...that was exciting!
I always feel so bad for the losing party. Romney's speech was very sincere but he looked so sad. I've paused my tv, waiting to hear from Obama now...quite the party going on in Chicago !
Are Canadians allowed to join in for drinks too???
As a Canadian, I can now sleep well, even though as we speak oue mayor has stepped down in shame...atleast I will worry less about south of the releived
rumspringas Canadian style on gloo gloo
Congratulations to President Obama.
"Well Done" to Governor Romney.
Debbie Daly @Debbieday2012
@Kateplusmy8 pls write a book on healthy organic meals for families including planning and grocery list,.
Remona Blue said... 143
readerlady said... 139
''I hope that wounds can be healed and that EVERYONE will work together for the good of our country. No more calling people ugly names because you don't agree with them. No more pitting black against white, rich against poor, foreign born against native born. No more lying to get your way. Americans all. Please God, make it happen.''
AMEN from me too.
What's Next? said... 104
Is it just me or is this Iam Wise retweet from Kate confusing and just plain odd. The first sentence is contradictory to the rest. Maybe it's just how I'm interpreting it or maybe if a few more words were added it would make sense.
"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never get it. Don't ask, answer is always no. Never step forward, always be in the same place."
That was an odd tweet. Jumbled up...
The problem with that retweet is that it's missing a couple "ifs" here and there.
Those Ifs are important.
Who cares what and Who kate is voting for....Obama won..I am a happy camper.Did kate even care? Do you think she even had a clue?
If Jon would let me make the kids work...
If Jon would have signed away his rights...
If Jon would have let me have my way!
If Jon has some say how the hell?
If I'm the mother how does he get to say anything?
Kate you are a Child Abuser!
If's? Is that like kate wanting to help the kids more than pimping them out?If Kate is willing to get help?
If kate really gives a s hit about the kids.
If Kate really cares about what people think?
If Kate wants to be better than Octo-mom?
If Kate cares about the kids at ALL?
If Kate seeks medical help for her disorders?
Thats a lot of if's!!!!!!!
Keep flooding anyone who thinks about kate with Roberts book.Get the abuse out there...kate IS a Child abuser!
Oh, I'm so, so glad your wonderful hubby convinced you to fill your meds. Not only do you need them to feel better but you likely would feel quite wonky suddenly going off of them! Withdrawals are NOT nice to deal with.
I'm very lucky in regards to prescrip s as my hubby is a Toronto firefighter and we have just about the best benefit coverage in the province...all meds, dental, therapy, etc, etc. I would have to pay over $300 every month for meds and with me no longer able to work, that would be impossible to manage most times.. I'm supposed to take 9!!! Different meds per day and there is no way I am doing that! It's wreaking havoc on my body and my mind!! I'm just so fed up.
Anyways...just wanted to thank you for your caring post. It's nice to have people here to talk too. Please don't hesitate to vent to me whenever you feel the need too. I'd be happy to try and help. Hugs to you!! xo
butterfly said... 114
ok, sorry but why is FL such a difficult state when it comes to the elections?? It is like the drama queen of states- all eyes have to be on FL, LOL!!
butterfly, Ha! I was thinking the same thing last night. There it was, sitting all yellow and alone on the CNN map, screaming LOOK AT ME!, LOOK AT ME! But 92% of the vote had already been reported. They knew the districts that were still outstanding, so they could pretty safely predict the outcome. They were calling states much earlier that had only 65% of the results in.
It's a conspiracy, I say!!!! :) Maybe they purposefully always hold out on calling Florida because of its large number of 29 Electoral votes. And because of its history of being the "hanging chad" state.
John King on CNN did a really good job explaining how they can call a state based on which districts have reported, and which have yet to report. He was repetitious, but had to be for people tuning in at various times. It was also interesting that, with the push of an icon on his Magic Board, we could see all kinds of historical voting patterns from previous elections.
I know some Blues are very happy today, and some Reds are very sad. I like to think of us here as a bunch of Purples.
Dmasy said... 118
Tucker's Mom.... King baby Jesus statue.... Did you wear a scapular also?
November 6, 2012 10:50 AM
Tucker's Mom said... 119
I had forgotten both! Memories!
Your post about Viagra & tampon commercials made me spit my Diet Coke. Damn, woman, that was funny!
I think Kate's been restricted to three tweeting topics while her pR people (Deanna) try to clean up te latest mess:
1. She's a mom
2. She has x8 kids!!!
3. She drinks coffee.
Protect8? That dog IS part of the children's family. What makes you think they don't know her very well before becoming more cuddly with her?
Another point, look again at the pic of Joel. He was not putting his face in the dogs face. She was approaching his space and licking his face on her terms while he just sat there. That's speaks volumes about that dogs comfort level and "nanny" instinct with these kids.
What is "phylosiphy"?
Whatever it is yes that's me.
The person who forgets spaces between sentences and posts under 20 different names is here!
The children are not visitors, Jon's home is their home. This is not a difficult concept. Every dog is different some prefer lots of people around especially kids. Nice try.
Kate was a vender at blogher. A provider of a service and a rep of a company. Not just a woman attending. I would submit that it's inappropriate or at least tacky to leave the booth and troll around all the other booths amassing as many freebies as she could get her grubby hands on. CC reps with her may have been embarrassed who knows.
Final election comment: according to my newspaper, the 7-11 coffee cup votecorrectly predicted the winner of the presidential election. More people drank their coffee out of Obama cups than Romney cups in the weeks leading to the election!
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