The dog rescuer and pit bull expert seen on Animal Planet says Kate's negative retweets about the breed are 'nonsense' and the oft-vilified dogs are 'very loving, very protective and gentle around children.'
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Courtesy of "Pit Bulls and Kids," |
Yesterday, Animal Planet star Tia Maria Torres spoke out in support of the breed, pointing to the nanny dog's good nature with children, and saying she would send Kate some educational DVDs on the dogs. Torres said aggressive and ignorant owners are responsible for attacks. Meanwhile, Animal Planet's web site has called the breed eager to please, faithful, enthusiastic friends and pleasant with children.
"Kate should know better than anyone what it's like to be vilified, what it’s like for people to say untruths about you," Torres said. "I would also like to know if Kate has had any personal experiences with pit bulls that she believes she is the authority on their behavior." Oh, snap!
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Helen Keller and her pit Sir Thomas |
Famous pit bull owners who also have children in the home include Michael J. Fox (who even gave voice to a pit bull determined to make it home to his family in the classic 1993 family film Homeward Bound), Jamie Foxx, and Alicia Silverstone, whose son Bear is 18 months old. Helen Keller also owned a pit bull.
Suggestion for Kate: Next time you have an issue with someone who is around your children, pick up the phone and call them and discuss it like grown adults. Leave Twitter and your fans out of it.
1734 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 1734 Newer› Newest»Twittering And Twattering said... 2
wife of a pap AND oh yes...could that also be who is posing as MILO on twitter?
Just a thought.
"Wife of Pap" and "Oh, Yes," was not a Kate fan, so I doubt it. In the one post upthread, the person says that Kate is yesterday. Milo would never say that!
(Rolls down window)
Oh that's right.
Too much Rumspringa.
Dwindle what the hell are you putting in these things anyway?
(Rolling my window back up)
Twittering And Twattering said... 2
"Jon Has Major Problems, you sound almost exactly like The Kids Need Privacy. How convenient."
It's the same poster.
I agree that they are the same person, but I believe the poster is that Al person.
Al....why don't YOU stop?
Different writing style entirely, unless he's trying to disguise it.
AuntieAnn said...
Twittering And Twattering said... 2
wife of a pap AND oh yes...could that also be who is posing as MILO on twitter?
Just a thought.
"Wife of Pap" and "Oh, Yes," was not a Kate fan, so I doubt it. In the one post upthread, the person says that Kate is yesterday. Milo would never say that!
(Rolls down window)
Oh that's right.
Too much Rumspringa.
Dwindle what the hell are you putting in these things anyway?
(Rolling my window back up)
Oh Yes she is, could be pretending to change sides in order to get some attention on her posts. or it's Kate or Al. Or some other nut who needs therapy.
Auntie, speaking of nuts, get out here before I take the garden hose on your car.
Out of that car NOW, Auntie! I scored some Extreme Flavour Nacho Cheese Doritos and there's room for you on my porch swing!!
Let's rock! Dwindle is fillin' the cups and Kate is a Twit has fired up the karaoke machine!!
First track?......our reality show theme song 'Scrollin'!!
I object!!!
Yes, Dwindle, I will enjoy every minute of it. How could anyone not with good friends, family, and just a laid back, relaxing time.
Oh, I know who couldn't: Kate. Because she doesn't have any of these people in her life, and that is so sad. Sometimes I do feel sorry for her, but mostly I feel sorry for the kids and what they are missing.
For how much longer will we use the phrase, "roll up/roll down" the windows when rolling has nothing to do with that task?
The evolution of language....
And no I didn't get my triangle thingies yet. I've been sitting in the car with the windows rolled up, pouting. (hehe) 196
Ok AuntieAnn, I'm here with the mega bags of orange thingies. Eat to your heart's content but puleeze stop pouting.
Kids need privacy?
so why did TLC put cameras in their bedrooms?
Telling us details about any of the kids is not giving them privacy. Hypocrite.
Kate sells them and you watch them. Yeah you sure respect their privacy unless its entertainment for you. Sick.
LMG -- I got the same message from Facebook. Since my Facebook page is private and I haven't invited anyone to "friend me", it's some kind of scam or something. I only opened a Facebook account so I could post on a couple of forums I belong to. DON'T click on any links in the email.
Ex-Nurse -- I'm so sorry for your troubles. Prayers for you. I don't always agree with everything you post, but you have a loving heart and the courage of your convictions. Bless you.
Dwindle -- I'll have some cheddar and sour cream, please.
Now for a bit of reality, LOL. Dwindle, I went to Dollar Tree yesterday and found the best thing! It was spiced cider mix, sugar free, in CARAMEL APPLE flavor! It is to die for!! I've had 2 cups today. Absolutely delish!
?? In all the twatting KK's done today, has she sent any message of support and sympathy to her "good friend" Brooke Burke, following the revelation that she has thyroid cancer?? . . . Didn't think so.
Speaking of Delish -- I know some of you don't like Rachael Ray, but -- She donated $500,000 and 4 tons of wet and dry food to the ASPCA for the emergency shelters they set up in NYC to care for the animal victims of Sandy, and $100,000 and food to the people food pantry. See Kate, this is what REAL celebrities do when there is a disaster.
Dwindle -- You've probably seen pix of Afgan Hounds. They are the very regal looking dogs with long, thin patrician noses and long flowing coats. Look very elegant and refined. Just gorgeous dogs.
OK. I have been educated on the "Oh yes, I am..." poster. But, the reference to "Wife of Pap" is lost on me. Another one before my time?
oooooooooh alright. I'll get out. Thank you Dwindle and Rhymes and LBelle for the triangle thingies. It's all Jon's fault anyway. It's ALWAYS Jon's fault.
Dmasy, now that is a good question. lol. I'd never actually thought about it.
Power up/power down?
Like dialing the phone?
Or record albums?
Kate is a Twit, will you do a duet with me? I was thinking we could be the new Judds.
Penny said... 14
Sure, I'll do a duet with you, but if we're going to be the new Judds, I want to be the daughter!
LBelle--I owe you an apology. In my post 197 on the previous page, I added an "a" to your name by mistake. Must have had too much Rumspringa!
Okay, you can be the heavy one with drinking problems and I'll be the mom with a hot body and hep C.
Get on Weight Watchers and off your asses said... 16
And where did you get all this information?
No parent EVER has to grab a toodler by his hair and throw him in a crib.
Do you carry a spanker too?
Those kids live in fear. I bet yours do too.
This is a fun party but Rhymes with wont stop touching me! (Kate and Morgan Fairchild).
chefsummer said... 18
Get on Weight Watchers and off your asses said... 16
And where did you get all this information?
Methinks from his/her own widdle head.
Get On Weight Watchers, I was going to say you are a fool, but after you nasty post, I will now say that you are an idiot.
I will ask you the same question that I have asked everyone about Jon's electricity: how do you know it was shut off? Did he tell you personally?
Also, how do you know that Robert is going bankrupt? Did he tell you that?
How do you know that Kate is this wonderful single mother? Did she tell you? I'm sure she did.
The bottom line is that Kate has shown on her TV show, in her interviews, and on talk shows, that the farthest thing from her mind is her children. She has left them multiple times with a sitter to get her hair done in NY, to go to marathons, etc. And when she is with them, by her own tweets, they spend most of their time in the basement WITHOUT HER.
She is a poor excuse for a mother and her only claim to motherhood is that she gave birth. After doing that, she did nothing with those that she gave birth to. They are simply a commodity to her, and nothing more.
So get your head out of your butt and let the light hit your eyes.
Hmm-readerlady(11) mentions Brooke Burke and Kate not tweeting any support or sympathy to her and look what Milo just tweeted to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 OMgoodness! Kate did U see this abt Brooke Burke? She needs to have thyroid surgery and have a thyroidectomy! #cancer :(
Milo-are you reading(and/or posting) here? Especially since the news about Brooke Burke came out yesterday.
Funny that she tweets Kate about it now-roughly 15 min. after readerlady said something HERE!
Don't worry Milo Kate's going to make Brooke's situation about herself in some way.
New post at GosselinBook!
OK. I have been educated on the "Oh yes, I am..." poster. But, the reference to "Wife of Pap" is lost on me. Another one before my time?
It was on the "other blog," early to middle of last year, I think. The person posted as Wives of Paps, Wife of A Pap, Philly Worker, Glad To Have Peace And Quiet, Amy Too, Child Advocate, Katherine, Flight Attendant, Wife Of A Pap People, Reading Observer, Be Nice To Have Quiet, Several Wives Of Pap People, and scads more.
Funny that she tweets Kate about it now-roughly 15 min. after readerlady said something HERE!
lol! Busted!
Twittering, that is quite a list of names. I am guessing, always someone "in the know" and willing to share. Got it. Thank you.
Twittering, that is quite a list of names. I am guessing, always someone "in the know" and willing to share. Got it. Thank you.
You're welcome. That doesn't even make a dent in the list. Those are just the ones I remember. The writing style, same spelling errors, and the "oh, yes" was always the same. I think there were only one or two of those used here...the rest were on the other blog. The person had more jobs than legs on a centipede, and all at the same time. She was a busy person, but not too busy to know what went on inside Kate's house with Steve, or when Jon had the kids and where they went.
Man, it becomes so disjointed when comments from the idiot sheeple are swiffered and yet the ones who saw it keep commenting on it. I mean, we're all big girls here and can handle reading their crap.
Milo tweeted: Its been quite the day...appreciated ur nice GM U can give usone 4 our nitetime sleep! :)
She gets skeevier by the hour. She makes my skin crawl.
Anonymous for this time said... 30
''Man, it becomes so disjointed when comments from the idiot sheeple are swiffered and yet the ones who saw it keep commenting on it. I mean, we're all big girls here and can handle reading their crap.''
I'm glad their crappy comments are swiffered. The big girls here can discuss what is going on w/o trying to step over the pools of vomit they leave!! I object to them coming here and trying to take over this blog with their sick enabling blah blah blah, taking up for that stuck on stupid waste of skin and space!
Twittering And Twattering said...
It was on the "other blog," early to middle of last year, I think. The person posted as Wives of Paps, Wife of A Pap, Philly Worker, Glad To Have Peace And Quiet, Amy Too, Child Advocate, Katherine, Flight Attendant, Wife Of A Pap People, Reading Observer, Be Nice To Have Quiet, Several Wives Of Pap People, and scads more.
Always had fake inside info; "Kate does this, oh yes she does!" Paragraph structure was a little more rambling than what we see on here today, but the thought process and word selection was exactly the same.
Ok we agree agree agree. Liz needs baby powder, you dont like Jon having a friend, you dont like the job the friend USED to have, everybody's ex husband is a drunk scum bucket and you are the only one who understands the Super Secret Society Handshake and Decoder Ring Instructions.
Doesnt change:
Kate lifted a toddler by his hair and cant quite deny that, can she?
Kate has been seen in public and on film mashing her sons in the face, at 3 times that I know of.
Kate ground Alexis' shoulder socket till the baby cried out.
Kate blogs and tweets kids' most private moments, even when one can be heard on tape saying "Dont post this, it's private."
Kate has spent the better part of the last year and a half, dressing like a 22 year old tramp and begging for date. There's a name for that.
Kate refuses to get a job or hold down a job. She refuses to follow rules of employment, treat coworkers and superiors with civility, perform the duties of her job description, and she refuses to stop lying about it all.
And based on your total histrionics all day today, I would say Kate left Jon's children with a porn performer so they could be filmed as part of a freak show. Rented out to a porn performer and a production company for money for Kate's pocket. For her hair, botox, good bras, manicures, pedicures, spray tans, meat slicers, iPhones, pool boys, laundry girls, ironing lady, in home chef, cleaning lady, cleaning crew, mowing boys, limo service, purse carrier, shoe collection, but not milk for her children.
I'd flip burgers or go on welfare before I would sell, rent, lease, loan, pimp, prostitute, my children.
Anonymous for this time said... 30
Man, it becomes so disjointed when comments from the idiot sheeple are swiffered and yet the ones who saw it keep commenting on it. I mean, we're all big girls here and can handle reading their crap.
Awwwwww, not getting the attention you crave because your comments are being swiffered so quickly?
My husband of 32 years is moving out today, and I journaled this morning about surrendering the relationship
Ex-Nurse, you are in my prayers. Hugs.
Over In Kate's County said... 27
Funny that she tweets Kate about it now-roughly 15 min. after readerlady said something HERE!
lol! Busted!
I'm telling ya, she WAS here earlier. I can't remember which one is was but to me it sounded just like Milo. I kind of expect her to come here and plead her case, pretend she's neutral and then tell Admin it's all her fault - the dead giveaway that it's a sheep named Milo.
Sounds like a good movie title, doesn't it?
rated pg 13.
I'm sorry to hear about your marriage.
I wish you strength and I hope that you will keep your head up.
readerlady said... 11
Hot Cider stuffish! Got mine at Dollar Tree too! Not as fancy as yours, but wonderful. I had one today, but I bought 5 boxes yesterday! Sugar free? I'll keep looking!
Somewhere waaayyyy upthread I posted a link to an Afghan Hound that looks suspiciously like Kate. I'm just sayin'. (Yes, admin i remember how much you love that phrase! hehe!)
After 11p here, I'll leave the chilli and throw another log on the fire before I head home. LBelle, keep on boogyin'.
Ex Nurse, you are in my thoughts. Please let us know how you are holding up?
I'm telling ya, she WAS here earlier. I can't remember which one is was but to me it sounded just like Milo.
I believe you! I haven't read all of the posts today, and maybe it was swiffered before I got a chance to read it. If it elevated Kate and put down Jon, and sounded like her, it very easily could have been. It's just too much of a coincidence that she tweeted Kate within 15 minutes of Brooke's diagnosis being reported here.
OT - does anyone watch the Amy Allan person on Dead Files? Her face goes through more contortions than the Rubber Man at the circus.
Hot Cider stuffish! Got mine at Dollar Tree too! Not as fancy as yours, but wonderful. I had one today, but I bought 5 boxes yesterday! Sugar free? I'll keep looking!
Brand? I need to go there tomorrow and that sounds so good.
That was about the best post I have ever read in regards to this whole Kate Gosselin fiasco.
Ms Kreider is boring. And despicable. And oh so predictable. Ms Kreider and her twitter tempest in a teapot is boring, stupid rerun or prior twitter ” battles” that diD nothing but show how irrelevant she is.
Does the idiot even know we had an election?
Ms Kreider is so ignorant, she couldn't even take care of a pet rock.
I'm only here because of the rumspringa and the snacks!
Dmasy...I don't know where you are, and it might be a long trip to come for a drink, but get yourself here! Maybe we should wait until admin comes east again. We'll have a blast! Here are the selections for your Rumspringa pleasure:
If you go to the Barn Cafe link and click on the menu option, you can see a picture. They also have meat, cheese and fruit plates that go great with the tall cold Rumspringas
The one with cocoa and berries sounds intriguing! I will be in your neck of the woods tomorrow night, heading out for a girls' night and visiting the D. A. Dinner theater(abreviating the name for protection since I have no booby guard)...
Anyway I have said several times it would be fun to have a get-together. The laughter would be heard all the way in Admin's neck of the woods!
Speaking of Milo being here today, she's still tweeting about Grow-A-Boyfriend, who she named Goliath because of his size...
@Kateplusmy8 So was the quiet nite watchin TV w/ Goliath? (Im countin on ur sense of humor here!) LOL
And she needs a GN tweet. There's something really, really wrong with this person. She is one love-sick puppy:
@Kateplusmy8 Its been quite the day...appreciated ur nice GM U can give us one 4 our nitetime sleep! :)
Over in Kate's County #1240, OT Amy Allen. Oh yeah. When I saw her on The Dead Files, knew I'd seen her before. It was A Haunting in Georgia 10 years ago. She wasn't quite so... animated then.
Anybody get to play cow poker, I mean sheeple poker?
Everybody check your shoes before going inside.
Thanks everybody and good night.
Sleepless .....45:
Just when I think Milo can't get any creepier...surprise!......she somehow manages to do so! She/he/it totally makes my skin crawl!!!
@Kateplusmy8 Its been quite the day...appreciated ur nice GM U can give us one 4 our nitetime sleep! :)
Too much. Just toooo much. Ugh.
Penny said... 14
Kate is a Twit, will you do a duet with me? I was thinking we could be the new Judds.
Kate and Kendra could form a duo called The Jugs.
@Kateplusmy8 Its been quite the day...appreciated ur nice GM U can give us one 4 our nitetime sleep! :)
Did anyone else flash back to the Waltons? Good night (insert children's names X 8). Good night, MiloandJack. Good night, Kate.
Creepy, creepy, creepy.
Tweet-le Dee Tweet Le-Dumb #102 I googled casting for new reality show Mom Swap and that was one of the results on search page. Turned out to be a recap of ROL's story.
There was nothing on front page and didn't have time to search site at that time. I thought Heather Dubrow had said something about wanting to produce a show awhile ago. I put 2 and 2 together and ended up with 8.
Sorry for confusion. Kate's lies wear me out, I can't imagine what the kids go through.
Over in Kate's County #1240, OT Amy Allen. Oh yeah. When I saw her on The Dead Files, knew I'd seen her before. It was A Haunting in Georgia 10 years ago. She wasn't quite so... animated then.
The one with Heidi and Mr. Gordy? I don't remember seeing her on there. Interesting!
Did anyone else flash back to the Waltons? Good night (insert children's names X 8). Good night, MiloandJack. Good night, Kate.
Creepy, creepy, creepy.
Can you imagine having a person like that living in the same house with you?
Kate and Kendra could form a duo called The Jugs.
I'm not going to talk about Deanna... or Kate... or Kendra... RH... (or babysitter, Ashley for that matter) tonight.
I just want to say-- Ex Nurse?
I am so sorry about the situation with your husband leaving. What a terrible time for your family. I have been following your posts for many years, and always appreciate what you have to say. I respect you dearly... woman-to-woman.
My 'hubby' and I (we have actually never married), met in 1990. We married and divorced our ex-spouses later down the road, and somehow ended up together by 1994. We separated once, ten years later. He left me with a "Dear Kristine" letter unsigned, on the wet bar... (and a $4K monthly house payment). I found it one Friday night, after working a 70+ hour week, for the local military base. I was five minutes into telling my sister I was moving on from Chris, the minute he showed back up on the doorstep of our home, 10 months later.
Here we are again, going strong and happy into 2013. You never know what the future holds for you, Ex-Nurse. When people go to rehab, they change. You stood by him, and maybe he will come around and you will be what you once were. On the other hand, perhaps you will find you like yourself better, during this time alone.
'My Chris' was driving his new "I'm 33 and hitting (pre)mid-life crisis way too early" Corvette at the time, mind you. The Vette was sold the next month for an RV... we then scouted out America in it!
We're here for you, Ex-Nurse. (BTW... I'm getting my CNA this winter. Major career change from IT/Telecom.)
Heide said... 54
Kate and Kendra could form a duo called The Jugs.
I agree Heidi. The ladies are hilarious tonight. The Jugs/the Waltons/check your shoes
Thanks for all the laughs :0)!
I will bring up one burning question I have... about Deanna's tweets (possibly commanded by Kate herself, recently).
Do the Gosselin children get upset when Kate tweets photos of them, Deanna Bell?
Or, is it only when Jon and Liz are doing it that bothers them?
Is Goliath a dildo milo mailed to her???? Yes creeeeepy.
Al Bundy read "Jugs" mag. Haha!
Now, put your little kids in the other room for this one... *Oprah-Style*
Guess what? I'm gonna talk about Kendra Wilkinson. The porn sex tapes, are absolutely rank! K-Dub is barely out of high school, and barely legal- with that kid Justin Frye. She can also be found on these tapes, having XXX sex with other high school 'girlfriends'. It is bad, and I have heard horror stories about the content, coming from San Diego pals. Like "Mom's Outta Town" raw, almost-kiddie porn.
Katie sure can pick 'em. Role model for XXX?
Kendra also forgets to give her 3 yr. old kid water, and lil' Hank has been hospitalized for the like. Sound familiar, M?
Schmecky listed a blistering article on Twitter, covering everything I'm posting and had already known for years. Kate never looked into who was watching her kids. Maybe because she figured they would be safer with just about anyone, without her in the home to abuse them.
Al Bunch read "Bigguns" and I'm ashamed I know that.
You know what I'm getting tired of? Even knowing that this is going on.
Kate is Kate. There's not much else I can add about her that hasn't already been said.
What I find ironic is that for a woman who complained her ex-husband was too passive-aggressive she's putting on a good show herself.
Kate talks through Deanna. Jon talks through Liz and possibly Robert, protestations to the contrary. No, he may not be putting words in their mouths but I'm sure he doesn't mind that they're sticking up for him. Yes, it's understandable after TLC and Kate's treatment of him but it's still passive aggressive, in my opinion and no disrespect intended to those who disagree.
As Liz said, this has gone too far and needs to stop. Both of them need to grow up and if there are issues then take it to court or ask for a court appointed mediator. I'm sick of hearing about how poor Jon is. I'm sick and tired of hearing how traumatized the kids are. If the kids are traumatized, it's at the feet of both their parents. They need to keep this between themselves.
I think Admin made the comment earlier that Liz may be trying to get through to Kate because this is her first experience with a narcissist. It may be. However Jon has been traveling this road for several years. He should have pulled Liz aside and said "You know what, Babe? It doesn't matter what she says. There are maybe a handful of people who really follow her on Twitter. What matters is that the kids, you and I know the truth. Just ignore her. That will get her goat more than anything. Living well is the best revenge, after all."
To Robert, Jon should have said "Dude, I appreciate the support, I appreciate that you want to share all of this with the world but what's the point? You're racking up attorneys fees to prove to a handful of people that Kate is mentally ill. Is it really worth it? Yes, Star and Radar pay and in this economy that's always a good thing but at what cost? This affects my kids. They don't need you telling them that she's a crappy mom. When they are adults, they will look back and see this time for what it was and their mom for who she is. Save that hard drive. When they're 18, we can share it with them. In the meantime, trust me, I'm looking out for them. I know Kate probably better than anyone. Have faith that I can see them through this. Kate may have her problems, mentally, but she is still their mom and I want them to look back and say "You know, despite what mom said, Dad really did his best to look out for us and make the best of a crappy situation."
That's what I would like to see happen.
(Note: This is all pure speculation on my part. These conversations are fictitious.)
Ex-Nurse: I'm so sorry to hear about you and your husband. You are in my prayers.
Al Bundy. I hate autocorrect..
Yes! Bigg'uns... or is it Bigg'ins?
At any rate, Al liked the big 'boob-les'.
Yes, I will pray for Ex-Nurse as well tonight. (Hugging you tightly EN ;)
And you too... Dwindle- Amen Bitches! LMAO, Dutchie.
My heart goes out to you. I have always enjoyed your posts for their wisdom and insight. Both will serve you well now. I wish you peace & strength.
Youre probably right. It was on this morning and Al said, "we swore on a stack of Bigg'ins."
General statements about custody Jon and Kate have always been open about and I don't take issue with that, Anonymous. General statements like Jon has weekend visits or whatever is not that intrusive. Lots of celebs talk about the general terms of their custody arrangement. 50-50 is HARDLY intrusive and hardly revealing private information about custody. Any fool can deduce from the tweets and pics that have leaked that custody is not what Kate says it is.
But when you start getting down to folks who are parties to the mess taking to twitter to discuss who is mad at whose girlfriend, who hates who because of whose dog, who rolled up whose window at who, who made demands or requests for what, enlisting friends or girlfriend or whoever to take up your cause I'm sorry but that has gone way too far. That is what I mean by it's none of our business. It's not, in my opinion. I'm not asking you to share it.
mean, we're all big girls here and can handle reading their crap.
Sorry, not gonna happen. It's not a matter of being big girls or not being able to handle reading it. It's a matter of not letting them clog and derail a blog, which is exactly what they want. Even if a few straggles respond to the comments, having them swiffered really deflates the balloon.
Private family law custody, visitation, and problems with girlfriends really is no one's business.
** I agree. So why the need to spill about the 50/50 custody issue, if true? You mention it over and over and over. To prove Kate is a liar? Well, we already know that. So what was the purpose of putting that out there if now you're saying it's no one's business?
Maybe I shouldn't have spilled. Maybe I should have just let people go on thinking what they want to think and let Kate frame the agenda.
Thanks for all the prayers, ladies...I will let you know how I'm doing. I rarely drink, but I could use a Rumspringa tonight.
Silimom--standing ovation for your imaginary conversations--I agree with every word. I think that we all want Jon to be a better person than he is---I know I do. I know that I am one of the loudest critics, but even I can see that he clearly loves his kids. The saddest thing about this is that there aren't any adults in this story. If Jon truly believes that his kids need privacy, he needs to muzzle his girlfriend. This stupid back and forth can only hurt the G8--how much more of this can they endure?
And, anyone who has devoted his life to destroying someone else, as Robert has, is not quite right in the head. We get it--she is an abusive, depraved harridan. How much lower can she go? Her latest gig is stepping into the shoes of a Z-list celebrity that derived her fame by posing in Playboy and screwing on of the most disgusting men on earth. Where does she go after this? These media farts are ridiculous and, from what I can see, is really the only thing keeping her in the public eye.
And half the stuff posted here is Jon's concern to deal with, but that doesn't stop you and your posters from talking endlessly about issues that are not your concern.
You're not understanding. No one here goes around fighting anyone's battles for them. The sheeple however do it ALL...THE.....TIME....for Kate.
Unlike the sheeple, no one here seems to have a need, desire or even think it's their place to go fight someone's battle for them. There is something for that, it's called the court of law. The family law courts. I trust them to handle all these issues without our help. It doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about parental alienation and the like but I'm not going to take up for anyone on it. It's their battle to fight not mine.
Matters of public concern, such as the children filming, or child labor laws, or things said publicly, are fair game.
We all, or most of us, know Kate lies so the reason for the big revealing secret of custody change, in light of what you've now said just seems contradictory. I don't think most posters here need confirmation of more of Kate's lies to 'get it'. We, or sorry, I get it.
I guess I felt it was unnecessary to announce that. And if Jon is your source, then why can't he have the balls himself to announce it?
As far as Liz goes, she started this whole mess by posting a public pic of a Gosselin child, no TWO Gosselin children with a dog she was aware would upset their mother. And while everyone cheers Liz on for sticking it to Kate, guess who pays for all this discourse? The kids. Can you only IMAGINE what went on in that house after Liz posted not one but TWO pics? Liz seems to agree that she was told Kate had concerns about this. Again, what do you think happened to those kids when they went home that day?
It's just all so sad. Jon, please get some therapy so you don't keep jumping from woman to woman. You have EIGHT chidren. Invest ALL your non-working time in THEM. Suck it up and make the sacrifices all parents have to.
Kate and Jon both disgust me.
Oh, my gosh, WHY am I up this early? Why? I know, we're going to the bonfire on the farm and I wanted to try to get my laundry done before then. So while the clothes are in the washer, I came here to read (as I usually do on laundry day).
Admin #70, I'm one of the "straggles" that usually responds to the comments if I see them before they're swiffered. For an old lady and doting grandma, I can get quite scrappy if someone starts posting BS, and I call them on it. So you can continue to swiffer, and I understand why, but if I see it beforehand, I'm probably going to straggle! Lol!!
175: It's just all so sad. Jon, please get some therapy so you don't keep jumping from woman to woman. You have EIGHT chidren. Invest ALL your non-working time in THEM. Suck it up and make the sacrifices all parents have to.
It's just all so sad. KATE, please get some therapy so you don't keep jumping from PERSONA to PERSONA. You have EIGHT chidren. Invest ALL your non-working time in THEM. Suck it up and make the sacrifices all parents have to.
KATE has plenty of nonworking time to invest. Sacrifices? I don't think KATE knows what that means. She's busy looking for the thing, event, persona, that will get her back on TV. And if it's a Twitter war with her children's father, she's fine with it. KATE needs to take a step back and think about what her actions are doing to the kids she says she loves so much.
Ex Nurse, you're on my mind. I just wanted to say that I hope you have a day that is serene and peaceful and filled with love from your family and friends. Hugs to you, Sweetie.
Kate's County -- I don't know what brand Dwindle's spiced cider drink is, but the Caramel Apple flavor is an off-brand called Chifley Foods. It's really good. Has absolutely no nutritional value, but it only has 5 calories and 2 grams of carbs, so it's an allowable treat on my diabetic diet. Most of the foods Dollar Tree sells are off brands, but they're every bit as good as the name brands.
Silimom -- Liz has shut down her twitter. Perhaps Jon had a hand in that? As long as you're speculating?
LMG -- I can't believe I'm up this early too, on a day when I could sleep in. Oh well, gives me more time to read, both here and my Kindle! Enjoy your cook-out. Sounds like fun. Eat a hot dog for me.
Can we just break the cycle and do our Thanksgiving recipes and see how long we can go without mentioning KT? It may be bad publicity, but it is all good to her. Maybe KT's posse will have some good recipes to exchange who knows.
Pity Party,
for turkey day this year I am trying Bell's seasoning for my stuffing. I never heard of it, beinf from the west coast, but my boyfriend is from MA & he grew up on it, and says in new england, stuffing isnt stuffing without Bell's. So I am trying it! I look forward to it.
And of course I'm baking tons of holiday sweets- yum!!
ExNurse, I had a dream that you were in last night. Don't get all Milo-worried or anything.
I just carried concern for you into my sleep.
I am one of the ladies here who had to start her life over at one time. I was scared and worried and broken. I had no way to foresee the wonderful chapters that were ahead.
Every day has new surprises.
Lovemygrandsons~No laundry duty for me, but I'm glad to see someone else who rises and shines so early on a Saturday. Smiling at the image of your running a mop over the sheep poop while also keeping an eye on your washing machine. Did you ever get those grass stains out of your shorts this summer, from the time you were romping in the mud/grass with...hmmm, who was it now? Your grandsons???!!! :)
On a more serious note:: Ex-Nurse, I am holding you in my thoughts. May you be peaceful, may you be well, may you be free from suffering. (Buddhist prayer)
silimom, 61 -- that is a well thought out post. Nothing silly about you, at all!
I would love a Thanksgiving planning thread, or just a holiday planning post! I am hosting a party two weeks from today and I have to get busy!
Today I MUST clean the house, do laundry, get invites done, and get list together. I have to figure out who doesn't have email so I can drop physical invites in the us mail on Monday.
Its eight here and I have to get motivated to get moving!
The dh and I are going out to see The Unknown Hinson tonight in Richmond VA, so I have to be productive today! See y'all later!
Hey, Pity Party-I'm also from MA and grew up on Bell's seasoning! I still use it and think of my sweet Mom in front of the stove whenever I do.
New post up on Robert Hoffman's blog.Say what you will about the man, you can't argue with the truth.
I don't understand the concept that some have, that Jon "Keeps jumping from girlfriend to girlfriend". He was in a long term relationship with Ellen and when that broke up, after a while he found someone else. That's usually what happens.
Jon's relationships appear to be relatively healthy, and he never protests that any of his female friends are only his bodyguard!
Re: Kate's tweet: I guess the kids are sick of pre-school Roma videos and Sesame St...opted out of movie night, good for them. Bet Kate was annoyed until she tuned into her 'special' programmes (Kardashians etc)
One KK related post, then I'm all for a holiday or recipe themed thread.
I looked at those pictures in Robert's newest post and one thing stood out for me (aside from the sheer joy on the little girl's face). Jon stooped over to greet her. I thought back. Jon almost always bends, stoops, crouches to get down to the kids' level when he's with them. Most adults do, or at least as much as older joints and bones will allow ;). It's just instinctive to get down on their level. Now, think back. Other than when she's whaling the tar out of Leah, or getting in their faces to scream at them, have we ever seen KK do this in her interactions with the kids? I close my eyes and I see her parading along, with the kids' arms yanked up as far as they'll go to be able to hold her hand (barely). She doesn't even bother to extend her arm to make it easier for them, but bends her arm upward. Must she always keep her children at arm's length? And is it for their protection, or hers?
Savethe9FromEvilKate said... 51 Thanks for your reply. I did a little Googling too and couldn't come up with anything relevant either. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if this whole "Mom Swap" thing was something Kate and Steve produced hoping to sell it.
IDModo -- There seemed to be some reckless dating immediately after the split. (Not uncommon!)
I think Denna (?), the school teacher, has been proven to be just a friend. Then Jon settled down and has had a total of 2 -- count 'em -- 2 girlfriends.
How has his "reputation" as a womanizer stuck? I don't understand.
Good morning Improbably Dreams! No, I never got those stains out of my white shorts. My DD cut them up to use for rags!
Pity Party and Dogsandkids, what is Bells seasoning? I've never heard of it.
Dmasy, I agree. When you think about it, even during his "womanizing" phase, he wasn't really hopping from one woman to another. He was with Hailey for what? Six months or so? Kate Major, I write off. She claimed "relationship", he denied it and said "just business". He always owned his other relationships, she had a history of doing similar things, and there were never any sightings of them "canoodling", although they were seen having dinner together a time or two. Then Jon moved on with Morgan and was with her for several months. Next was Ellen, for about a year and a half, and now Liz. That's 4 relationships in about 4 years. That seems pretty normal to me. The only thing I fault him for is getting involved with Hailey before the divorce was final (or at all, for that matter. That woman is almost as toxic as KK is). Call me old-fashioned if you must, but that is wrong and disrespectful regardless of how bad your marriage is.
It's funny how the sheeple always play "look at all those gf's Jon had", but never have ONCE questioned why Kate has given priority for, what 6 years?, to a man, Steve, WHO WAS NOT HER HUSBAND nor the children's father. Hyprocrisy, again.
Don't forget Stephanie the babysitter. Kate Major was real but was for a very short time.
So, when was it that Steve first appeared as an inappropriate part of the Gosselin family? That Utah ski trip? We saw hiim sitting behind Kate's seat on the plane as she had that childish meltdown? I could not imagine having a 3rd wheel in my marriage. But, there Steve was. A man that Kate has put ahead of her husband and children. Sad, indeed.
OT Over in Kates 1252. Odd that this came up. These two episodes aired this am on the DEST channel 7 til 9. Heidi & Mr. Gordy, yes. Amy came in and did her thing. 10 years ago and very young. Not as creepy as she is now.
I don't understand the womanizing label either. Maybe it is something to do with Haley being before the marriage ended, and she was not exactly reputable.
And then Kate Majors, who we don't count but I think other people do.
Plus there was a lot of drama surrounding Jon at that time.
Well, I was thinking randomly last night about this Kate/Kendra pilot and was dismayed when someone ( admin?) mentioned you get payed a lot of $ for one that doesn't necessarily take off as a regular show. Kate has come a long way from that pseudo-Christian woman who thanked the Lord for all her blessings, yeah rubbing elbows with a porno star/Playmate for 'fame' and money. Still exploiting the kids; what else is she still doing to them?
@Love My Grandsons - I didn't know what Bell's seasoning was either, but found it by typing MA behind it. It is a 6 herb poultry seasoning with the main component being sage and is available on Amazon and E-Bay. I might get some as I much prefer mixed seasoning, instead of a longer listing.
Over In Kate's County said...
Hot Cider stuffish! Got mine at Dollar Tree too! Not as fancy as yours, but wonderful. I had one today, but I bought 5 boxes yesterday! Sugar free? I'll keep looking!
Brand? I need to go there tomorrow and that sounds so good.
Alpine something. It is so good. 4 envelopes in a box for a dollar. While you are there, get a jar of cinnamon sticks to swirl in your mug.
Also works great to mix a batch, add to a 1/2 gallon of fresh cider in a crock pot, add some cinn sticks, orange slices, maybe a few whole cloves, all for the visual of it all. It is GREAT for serving hot that way for a crowd. (it is also not bad with a bit of spiced rum splashed in it, or so I have heard. hehe)
Paula 95,
And also the fact that Steve is married. That part gets conveniently forgotten, too. If their affair is ever proven then two families are hurt.
Meh, directing the discussion to Jon's girlfriends is all deflection anyway. Don't look here, look over there. An attempt to get us off the current topic and change the course of the conversation. Notice when the discussion is a topic that makes them uncomfortable they do a driveby and attempt a topic change. The best remedy to that is to ignore and continue on with the topic at hand. Otherwise they have accomplished their mission.
Thanks for the info, Pity Party. I'm going to look it up.
I was skimming through Kate's Twitter feed this morning and this made me laugh:
Thank you @Kateplusmy8 ! Every weekend morning, I thank you for your method of cutting pancakes with a pizza cutter! Big #timesaver. :)
For all of Kate's recent machinations and conniving here is what she will be remembered for (if she's lucky and not permanently linked with a porn performer):
I wanted to write an article about her legacy but have too much going on today. I really wish I could share with you all what's happening with me today because I think many of you would be interested. I'll just say it has to do with:
Sand Mandalas
and is truly fascinating.
Kristine said... 55
Congrats on your CNA! I never did that job, but I did do a different job in the same environment. If you want to vent or brag, i will be here to listen!
I don't understand the concept that some have, that Jon "Keeps jumping from girlfriend to girlfriend". He was in a long term relationship with Ellen and when that broke up, after a while he found someone else. That's usually what happens.
Jon's relationships appear to be relatively healthy, and he never protests that any of his female friends are only his bodyguard!
i guess this girlfriend-to-girlfriend critisism always seems personal to me since I followed the exact same pattern.
Dated a handful of men for short periods looking for that special someone. Finally, found someone I wanted to try to make a go with, and since then have had two long, serious relationships. I consider myself woefully inexperienced and my friends say the same. TWO serious relationships, that's all you've ever had??, they say. Yep, pretty much. But in the sheeple world, this is somehow some bizarre, terrible thing? LOL.
Dating is what you DO when you are looking for that special someone. It doesn't make any sense to me at all to just got into a long term relationship with the first person you went out with, or even the second or third. Dating around isn't something I enjoy, but you usually have to go through the process in order to find him and I've found that unfortunately most dates don't amount to much. But when they do....:)
Just took a look at Kate's twitter, and she just tweeted this:
I knew this day would come! Hannah and Leah asked to read 'I Just Want You To Know' I am so excited!
She included a picture of the 2 of them reading the book.
I wonder what they'll think when they get to the part about Kate describing the "bedroom trashing". Will they ask her "Mommy, where were YOU when this happened?"
I think we should rename drivebys and call them what they really are "deflect and redirects", DARS for short.
LOL look at Leah's expression, she looks gobsmacked. You're in for a wild ride Leah, you're only on chapter one. Isn't it Hannah that Kate writes in the book was broken by the divorce or some such awful description? Great.
Kate? When you take photos of the kids will you please stop hovering over them like a helicopter? Crouch down, shoot at their level. It's kids, not aerial farmland.
There are comments up above that are not in blue, using my name. They are not mine. I will always be in blue and my son in law's pic is my avatar right now.
By the way, Admin has been given my daughter's and son in law's names and how to look at their pages on FB and SEE my son in law's pictures and posts about his service. I have also given her my FB info as well as my home phone number if she wants to ask me about my son in law.
Life Tools @LifeTools
Positive results will come when you start to replace your negative thoughts and habits with positive ones.
I wish she would stop being so negative about pit bulls.
Dwindle oh jeepers. I just found one but I erased it.
To the person harassing Dwindle, please stop using my blog as a way to do that. It's getting old. Thank you.
Isn't that the same sofa she took the red cross photo on?
I wonder if she going to let them read Roberts book as well Hmmmmm?
I hope they don't read that awful book before they go to sleep they'll have nightmares. Looks like she just got them to pose for a quick pic and used the books for props for this twitisode of K8 + MINE all MINE 8.
I'm very upset. I have those same cushions on my couch.
Admin, you are so kind! and of course I shouldnt have said blue, but i was keeping Permanent Name and Remona company. :-)
Today is "hack up the last hurricane-downed tree" day. It is warm here, heading toward 60 we hope, but we will be having a wonderful fire going outside and I will be soaking up the Vitamin D out there, lots of sun today!
Later, all!
Will Kate be that excited when the kids read Robert's book?
She has only herself to blame.In IJWYTK, there is plenty of disturbing info as it is.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and make a prediction... her kids will LOVE the book X 8 and thank her for writing it X 8!
Who's with me?
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
I think we should rename drivebys and call them what they really are "deflect and redirects", DARS for short.
DARS is also a degree audit (reporting system), used in colleges and universities to analyze the progress made toward the requirements for a degree.
I've had to print out more DARS than I care to remember!
I can think of some other names for drivebys, but they'd be bleeped here.
Working Woman said... 118
I'm gonna go out on a limb and make a prediction... her kids will LOVE the book X 8 and thank her for writing it X 8!
I think the book only sold X 8 copies, right?
An infomercial for her failed book. Sheesh...
I think the book only sold X 8 copies, right?
An infomercial for her failed book. Sheesh...
And apparently two of those Kate bought.
Okay, that link to the pix doesn't work for me. I tried twice, in case I'd made a typo. I get a message saying "sorry, we can't find that link". Did KK take it down? I've not read the book, but doesn't KK say some pretty unflattering things about her kids in it? Why would she want them to read what her innermost thoughts about them and their siblings are? Isn't she afraid it might make them angry or upset to read that Mom has such a low opinion of them?
Paula 118 LOL I believe that's true...
And Admin please remind me, how many people were at that 2010 book signing again??
You guys, she is actually getting to me more than usual lately. Thank you all for at least providing humor and laughs and kindness :)
There's some story in the book about how Mady lied about leaving a wet towel out and lying about it. These kinds of stories are between a parent and child, and are none of the business of the rest of the siblings not to mention the world. If I were eight years old I can see gloating to Mady you're a liar you're a liar! After reading that book.
I think Kate pits these kids against each other, creating constant turmoil and confusion. Her book is just another way to do that.
readerlady--try this link. When I c/p the tweet I didn't copy the whole link. Sorry.
And Admin please remind me, how many people were at that 2010 book signing again??
20 or so, when all was said and done? I'd be hiding in a utility closet too. And also on the phone with my manager demanding to know WTF happened and I'd probably be firing some people too. It was disgraceful the lack of promotion for it and speaks to how green Kate is to not anticipate the disaster coming down the pipe. We were even talking here before it happened about the bizarre lack of promotion and wondered how anyone would know about it. In fairness, Kate's "staff" didn't do crap for her. Maybe self sabotage mode?
readerlady said... 122
Here you go (Administrator) said... 126
I don't remember Kate even promoting I want you 2 know.
Maybe she said one thing about it coming out.
Although Kate said they're reading the book, we must remember that not everything Kate says is true. She could have just had them pose for a photo op, just to prove she has the kids today.
Also, is that the doghouse in the background. Another way of her trying to show that Shoka is still there? Even if the doghouse is there it doesn't mean that Shoka is.
Oh hey you're right that is the royal couch of slutiness.
To whomever suggested that there were pictures to be found in the blue marbling, Thank you! I've been entertaining myself by trying to find them while the comments load. So far, I've found 2 lions, a duck billed platypus, a bear, the profile of a baby, pacman with his mouth closed, and a person wearing a hoodie, with the bill of a baseball cap sticking out of the opening.
Kate is a twit said... 129
I was thinking the same things you said.
Kate could have said hold mommy's book and pretend your reading.
And then took it back after the photo.
Readerlady, I know what you mean about how Jon reacts with his a loving manner.
I remember watching KK when the tubs were younger, one of the little kids went up to her to ask something, and KK stood tall, crossed her arms, leaned back, and crossed her legs (standing up) she did not want to have any physical contact at all. She is emotionally crippling her children. I just hope Jon's love can sustain them, and teach them love is not cold and painful.
And I hope Liz can stay strong, and give them an example of what a loving mother can be.
Bell's Seasonong has always been a must have in my pantry. It's just the right blend of seasonings for all things poultry. It comes in a small yellow and red box with a turkey on the front.
readerlady said... 131
To whomever suggested that there were pictures to be found in the blue marbling, Thank you! I've been entertaining myself by trying to find them while the comments load. So far, I've found 2 lions, a duck billed platypus, a bear, the profile of a baby, pacman with his mouth closed, and a person wearing a hoodie, with the bill of a baseball cap sticking out of the opening.
Wow, your computer sure loads slowly.
Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
The one on the left (A or H?) looks EXACTLY like Jon in that picture.
Milo wants to write a book about her life:
@Kateplusmy8 Wish I had a book 2leave w/my family! What would I call it tho..."Things I just DON'T want U 2know"! LOL
I'd keep the title simple, and just call it either "Creeper" or "Committed."
Of course, "Up Kate's Butt" would work, too.
KIAT and Chefsummer -- Thanks. Saw the pix. I agree, Leah looks a bit gobsmacked there. I suspect you're correct that KK just plopped the kids down, stuck the books in their hands and took the pix. I also notice that she has them dress alike even lounging around their own home? That sure smacks of "photo op" to me. The house in the background could be a dog house, but I'm wondering -- how close to the house did KK make Jon put the kids' crooked houses? I remember reading that he wanted them further from the house, in the woods and she pitched a fit about it.
It's bizarre the level of obsession these children have with their mother. At their age priorities are usually school, sports, activities, friends. Not their mother.
Of course I should say I don't believe for a second the kids are as preoccupied with Kate as she claims (nor do I find this healthy at all), unless they are just doing it to appease her. The great appeasement. Poor kids.
They are too young for the book anyway. Why not suggest we all go to the library the three of us? Pick out maybe a book mommy read when she was your age? Or head over to Barnes and Noble. It's so annoying that she doesn't seem to encourage interests that don't revolve around her.
I am starting to believe that the 8 kids will never get a break or be okay or safeguarded to having a private life. Their mother has and will continue to use them to keep herself relevant, since she has not one ounce of talent, but strives to be in the limelight, NO MATTER WHAT.
I know there is a Judge involved in this matter, but at what point is their privacy first, as as opposed to Kate needing MORE money by using them, rather getting a gig/JOB where she does not use them, post about them, twitter about them, etc..
These kids have more than earned their right to privacy at this point, and there is no reason why these two should continue to rely on their own children to support THEM.
I really do want both of them to go away and do the right thing for their kids. Kate needs mental health treatment as she will never protect her kids as most mothers do. Deep down, she knows she has nothing to offer, yet will never stop exploiting them. She is a disgusting human being. And the Judge should put a stop to this. It is time they live camera free. When is enough enough. Many people raise large families, and make do. She is not special, and should not be given "special consideration," while raising kids at the expense of their privacy.
Enough is enough. I couldn't care less what Kate does from this point on, but the kids should be excluded. Deep down she knows she is nothing without them.
localyocul said... 136
The one on the left (A or H?) looks EXACTLY like Jon in that picture.
Having seen the girls in person through the years, I've noticed that they are getting to be very pretty. All of them are going to be very attractive young ladies.
Berks -- have fun tonight! I've not seen that one, but next year's line-up looks like some good shows. Have a Bloody Mary for me!
Oh I see Kate says it is H. No wonder she's not the golden child anymore if she looks so much like Jon
@Kateplusmy8 Wish I had a book 2leave w/my family! What would I call it tho..."Things I just DON'T want U 2know"! LOL
Her/his family this reminds me of a line I saw in a horror movie.-(Black Christmas)
Tweet -- Sometimes, especially when we have 1200+ comments on a thread. I also confess that sometimes I get caught up in looking for images and forget to read. It's good therapy, or I need therapy, I'm not sure which, LOL.
After taking a second look at the pix, you're right, localyocal. If that's Hannah, that might explain why she's been replaced as the "Golden Child". Actually, I think several of the kids look very much like Jon's mother. (Administrator) said... 139
Of course I should say I don't believe for a second the kids are as preoccupied with Kate as she claims (nor do I find this healthy at all), unless they are just doing it to appease her. The great appeasement. Poor kids.
I don't know what to make of any of this. Kate tweets that the she and the kids sit and watch reruns of the show (and Kate cries) and now they're supposedly reading one of her books. Those kids will never adjust to the outside world at this rate. If they're doing appeasement exercises, what a crappy way to live.
Enough is enough. I couldn't care less what Kate does from this point on, but the kids should be excluded. Deep down she knows she is nothing without them.
...and she's SO EXCITED that they are reading HER book. I didn't read the book, but I did read comments on it, and some of the things that are mentioned about each child. Aren't there some things in there that children that age shouldn't be reading about themselves until they are ready to understand it...things that could be construed as negative?
Well, we're off to go shoe shopping at the outlets. I hate shopping for shoes with a passion. Narrow feet. Nothing fits. Shoes slip. I feel a headache coming on already.
So... The kids got upset because Liz posted candid pictures of them on Twitter, yet they don't have a problem posing for one for their mother. I totally do not believe one word that comes out of Kate or her minions mouths. Always a double standard when it comes to Kate.
Localyocul -- Two minds with but a single thought! We were typing the same thing at the same time. Actually, that's one reason I've been so surprised that Mady has become the favored child. She looks so much like Jon.
Sorry for my long post but 8 years after having these kids, why haven't both of them figured out how to pay for their expenses without invading the kids's privacy?
Time for both of them to move on, and support their kids wihin their own means, without using them. I lived in small town growing up with very large families and no parent ever expected their kids to provide for them. And they all survived just fine, as they had their priorities straight. Still friends with many of the kids to this day, and they are all just fine.
Even just judging by a handful of her tweets the whole situation sounds very unhealthy.
The kids are EIGHT. They are not toddlers. They are not babies. They should have a nice full schedule of things to do all weekend like normal kids.
Movie nights and daytimes lounged on the couch reading mommy's book are for most kids once in a blue moon treats. For her it's every weekend. Otherwise, kids usually this age have weekends filled to the brim with sports, activities, church, practice instruments, practice whatever other activities they are into, and of course friends and school projects. These kids should each be up to their own thing and scattered all over the house and town, not constantly in the basement only playing with each other. The internet is a wonderful resource for finding interesting things to do if Kate can't keep them busy with all that. There are always things going on to take them to.
I'm all for not overs-scheduling kids, but there is such a thing as under-scheduling the poor kids too.
...and she's SO EXCITED that they are reading HER book. I didn't read the book, but I did read comments on it, and some of the things that are mentioned about each child. Aren't there some things in there that children that age shouldn't be reading about themselves until they are ready to understand it...things that could be construed as negative?
There are things in there that no child to person should read about themselves at any age for eight to 80.
It's an abomination the way she revealed their private feelings about the divorce in that book. Shame, shame on her.
She's probably pushing the book this morning in some sick way to remind them that SHE is really there for them in the divorce and really cares about their feelings. Daddy and his girlfriend don't.
And yeah, it sure makes a lot of sense the kids are happy to have tweeted pics of them on the couch but not happy to have tweeted those other pics of them on the couch.....LOL, Deanna you are an idiot.
My mom's mom, who is no longer alive, was a raging narcissist. Honestly, she was a bad as could be. My mom dealt with every kind of abuse possible, and was brave enough to tell me about it a few years ago.
I have told her that she can always talk about it with me, but I know she purposely doesn't share that much, apparently the stories are just too awful. What I have heard though, deals a lot with her going to the ends of the earth to appease her mother.
When my mom went into labor with my brother, she called her mother to let her know and the response, "You better NOT be, I have to go to the synogogue tonight." A few years later, when my mom was pregnant with my sister and me (we are twins), she was very sick and in danger of giving birth several months preterm (which she eventually did). She was put on bedrest at some point and her mom was supposed to come over and take care of her when my dad was at work. She still guilted my mom into waiting on her hand and foot.
To this day, my mom is a people pleaser to the nth degree and never feels that what she does for others is enough.
We always wonder if Kate's children feel this need to appease her. I don't know the family or any of the children so I am certainly in no position to state either way. All I can say is I sure hope not, because the results of constantly appeasing your mother are NOT pretty.
NJGal51 153 said ...
Thanks so much. Very helpful.
In Robert's book, he has an excerpt from IJWYTK where Kate describes writing in her journal. If the girls are reading the book, I wonder if they will ask Kate "Mommy, do you still have that journal? Can we read it? Please!"
Hmm-how would Kate reply to that question?
I have always thought her body language is distant with the children. It always shocked me how she trumped out ahead of them whenever they were walking. No protective attitude. More than a few times she entered a building first and made no attempt to hold the door open for the kids behind her.
She does not exactly radiate warmth!
Reaserlady yes you're right about M but she does have a little Kate in her especially temperament. H looks like the spitting image of Jon. I too am beginning to wonder if she is making them read this. From the reviews and the exerpt I read it's mostly about how hard SHE had it. She even says in one of the letters she was overwhelmed by theit bickering as a "single mom". After the dog drama and the alleged mutiny on the rug stripe I wouldn't put it past her. You kids sit here and read WHO has done everything for you! WHO sacrificed for you.
The alleged mutiny is puzzing though. Usualy she depicts them as completely enamored with her, her meals, her everything but now not one kid felt bad and said oh mommy I'll watch a movie with you (I was that child). Plus how odd is it that all 8 decide on the same thing to do, especially since half are boys and half are girls. It's all just so odd.
admin said -- "And yeah, it sure makes a lot of sense the kids are happy to have tweeted pics of them on the couch but not happy to have tweeted those other pics of them on the couch.....LOL, Deanna you are an idiot."
I think we pretty much reached that conclusion some time ago, but her latest tweets just confirmed it. She needs to keep it zipped. She's not doing Kate any favors.
OTOH someone on twitter said the pic is an FU to Liz. That's a thought. She's saying I'm the mother of these kids I am the one who (masterminded help and) raised them and I'm the one to pit pics online not you.
"More than a few times she entered a building first and made no attempt to hold the door open for the kids behind her."
Or look behind her to make sure they are all there. I am constantly aware of who is where (I'm obsessed with knowing that everyone is together and not wandering off). I would watch her leading the parade and think - geez, Kate, you don't check on these kids to make sure that they are where they are supposed to be. I wonder how many times one or more got lost.
If this book was written for the kids and the letters were written to them wouldn't have already read this book, her favorite one (because she looks halfway human on the cover). She even thanked them in prelude for making her look good.
Wouldn't you think by now that she would know how absolutely ridiculous she looks by tweeting such a picture? It's obviously a staged shot. What kid, on a Saturday morning, picks up a copy of Kate's book and settles down on the sofa to read it? None!
"Here, kids. I need to tweet a picture to show how wonderful I am. Sit on the sofa and pretend you are reading and for goodness sakes, look like you are interested in it."
I can't figure out that woman. I'm sure she believes that the sheeple are dumb enough to think that this is a Saturday morning activity for the girls, but anyone with any smarts knows that this is just one of the many ways she stages her kids to make herself look good.
carezee said... 147
So... The kids got upset because Liz posted candid pictures of them on Twitter, yet they don't have a problem posing for one for their mother. I totally do not believe one word that comes out of Kate or her minions mouths. Always a double standard when it comes to Kate.
Maybe it is because one is their mother and the other is their dad's girlfriend.
A comment on the picture - it was completely staged (not that we didn't know that already). One tup is looking at the inside flap (i.e. she opened the book and is looking at the back of the binding) and the other is looking at the title page.
They did not read those books. Period. Kate just said "Oh hey, here girls, act like you're reading my book and I'll take a picture."
What is real and what is faked in Kate's world? It's so hard to tell because it's all about image for her. I can't imagine what it's like to live with her (and frankly I don't want to).
Kids, I pray that you are able to rise above your upbringing.
I'm with Anon This Time. If you're going to swiffer the posts you don't like, then swiffer the responses. I've scrolled up and down looking for posts that aren't there trying to figure out what someone's talking about and it gets really confusing. Those people will only derail the blog if we let them.
And while I'm in Bad Aeduko mode, I'll go on record as saying that slut shaming Kendra Wilkinson isn't right either. I don't agree with what she's done, but it's her life. And shooting porn isn't a crime. Kate leaving her kids (and Kendra hers!) with people they don't know is the issue, not what they do for a living.
Just wondering said... 163
carezee said... 147
So... The kids got upset because Liz posted candid pictures of them on Twitter, yet they don't have a problem posing for one for their mother. I totally do not believe one word that comes out of Kate or her minions mouths. Always a double standard when it comes to Kate.
Maybe it is because one is their mother and the other is their dad's girlfriend.
Maybe it's because they knew they would catch hell from their mom for petting a dog.
I suppose Kate has about 20 boxes of those books stored at her house. New copies can be given to everyone in her lineage for generations to come.
Were there no other books in the house for these kids to read? Libraries are a wonderful thing, Katie. Let your kids try them sometime.
I'm sure she believes that the sheeple are dumb enough to think that this is a Saturday morning activity for the girls,
And the sheeple tweet:
@Kateplusmy8 that's so awesome! They are going to love it!
@Kateplusmy8 they are beautiful girls, i'm sure they will love the book. Love from Denmark !!!
@Kateplusmy8 Awww...what a gr8 thing you've done for your kids!! I just hate other people can't see that!
Leigh also tweeted...
@Kateplusmy8 Hannah looks like Kate jr!!!
I think Leigh needs to visit her optometrist, lay off the booze, or stay away from Walmart parking lots. Hannah looks nothing like Kate. You can see so much of Jon in Hannah's features.
Blowing In The Wind said... 160
"More than a few times she entered a building first and made no attempt to hold the door open for the kids behind her."
Or look behind her to make sure they are all there. I am constantly aware of who is where (I'm obsessed with knowing that everyone is together and not wandering off). I would watch her leading the parade and think - geez, Kate, you don't check on these kids to make sure that they are where they are supposed to be. I wonder how many times one or more got lost.
WE didn't have an entourage following us with cameras so we actually had to keep our eyes on our kids. Kate tromped ahead, head held high like the D-List Diva she is letting the mediocres take take of the details.
I wonder if Kate autographed the book for them?
admin, 151 said...
There are things in there that no child to person should read about themselves at any age for eight to 80.
Well, the sheeple disagree. What butt-kissers they are:
@Kateplusmy8 Awww so sweet, I know they will enjoy it and cherish the kind words you wrote to them :)
Aeduko said... 165
And while I'm in Bad Aeduko mode, I'll go on record as saying that slut shaming Kendra Wilkinson isn't right either. I don't agree with what she's done, but it's her life. And shooting porn isn't a crime. Kate leaving her kids (and Kendra hers!) with people they don't know is the issue, not what they do for a living.
I thinks that's a very 21st Century attitude. Sadly I ain't there yet. Maybe I never will be.
"WE didn't have an entourage following us with cameras so we actually had to keep our eyes on our kids. Kate tromped ahead, head held high like the D-List Diva she is letting the mediocres take take of the details."
So true, but even if I did have the mediocres taking care of the details, I'd still make sure I knew where every single one of them was all the time. I wouldn't trust a camera crew or helpers to do it for me. But that's just me! Kate, not so much!
Well, well, has all, finally, become crystal clear to me....with the posting of the girls reading Kate's garbage of a book the exploitation of the Gosselin kids is about to explode: Kate's actually going to make us all WATCH her children mentally falling to pieces as they read for themselves the horror of their lives, in print, for all the world to see. Yep...we all will get an up close and personal view of the looks on their faces as it happens. Wow. As if it wasn't bad enough that this piece of shit memorialized how one of the girls 'fell to the floor' was it (?) upon hearing about the divorce. Keep on posting those public twitter pics, bitch!
I suppose the boys will be next, right? Can hardly wait to see the heartbreaking look on their sweet little faces as Mommy spells it all out for know, how she really feels and all.....just want you to know, kids!!! YAY!!!!!! !!
Oooooh.....I'm literally seething over here. She has the audacity to complain about kids and dogs loving each other up. I think it's high time Daddy 'requests' she refrain from exposing HIS children to danger....cuz this book is guaranfreakinteed to hurt those kids beyond all measure!!
"I thinks that's a very 21st Century attitude. Sadly I ain't there yet. Maybe I never will be."
Tweet...I'm right there with you on that!
I looked online for the price of a car part. Now I'm getting ads here for mechanics who want to chat online. One looks like Joey Buttafuoco. I miss Stephanie.
Just wondering said... 163
Maybe it is because one is their mother and the other is their dad's girlfriend.
The only reason it would matter that it was dad's girlfriend is because of Kate. As shown in the pictures from Liz they look very relaxed and happy. Heaven forbid that they should be happy with anyone else but Kate.
Here is my wish:
I wish Robert Hoffman's book is being overhauled, re-edited and he prints all the factual information he has obtained. He should remove himself from the story of Jon and Kate and let the facts speak for themselves. He will quickly lose credibility by inserting his personal opinions and very obvious desire to bring Kate down. Yes, he is doing it for the kids, but they will still suffer knowing their mother is being exposed so publicly. She is still their mother.
Our collective goal here is advocate for the 8 children who have been exploited for fame and fortune. Ultimately, they just need to be left alone and have as normal a life as they can. Their mother claims she does all this nonsense for them, their father unable to shut Kate down, the result being on-going turbulence for their kids.
I watched the short clip on the Canadian program DOC ZONE. Jon did not have much of an opportunity to explain his situation, but he did seem immature to me. He may be the better parent, but he does not seem to have the good sense to fully remove himself from the lure of fame.
His children WILL be told Jon is behind Hoffman's book, it will be spun that way, further driving a wedge between the kids and their father. The book will expose a cruel and uncaring mother, but the children will be exposed to the brunt of the negativity without a doubt. These children have many more confusing years to bear before they can legally break free from the chaos of the fame that will ruin this family.
Sue Buddy said... 104
I was skimming through Kate's Twitter feed this morning and this made me laugh:
Thank you @Kateplusmy8 ! Every weekend morning, I thank you for your method of cutting pancakes with a pizza cutter! Big #timesaver. :)
Yeah I'll bet Martha Stewart feels threatened.
I can't tell you how much time I must have lost over the years cutting up my pancakes with the antiquated knife and fork method.
@MomsObservation @Kateplusmy8 I'm sorry, but do i know you? The woman has EIGHT CHILDREN. Leave her alone!
Whatever happened to that guy? Wasn't he a quasi internet celebrity for a time?
We are being fed line after line from Kate regarding the kids' preoccupation with her. There is nothing normal about what she is telling us about her kids. Sick, sick, sick. Where are there friends, extended-family, youth group friends, etc? Oh, we know. Kate can't afford them. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Those poor, little rich kids.
I can't tell you how much time I must have lost over the years cutting up my pancakes with the antiquated knife and fork method.
lol! ...or how many times the kids refused to eat the pancakes because they weren't cut up my a pizza cutter. They said the pancakes just didn't taste the same and next time I should get it right. ;-)
Aeduko said... 165
And while I'm in Bad Aeduko mode, I'll go on record as saying that slut shaming Kendra Wilkinson isn't right either. I don't agree with what she's done, but it's her life. And shooting porn isn't a crime. Kate leaving her kids (and Kendra hers!) with people they don't know is the issue, not what they do for a living.
I'll back Aeduko, since I think no one else will. Sex is not a crime (well exchanging money for it is, LOL)- while Kendra is a mother, and someday her some day her son may see it, she's definitely not alone in that category. It does not make her a bad person. Kate and Kendra swapping their homes and kids w/a stranger, does. Just like Aeduko said. I certainly dont look down on Kendra for being a porn star. I think as her son gets older, she may want to consider another line of work :)
Jumping In said... 178
These children have many more confusing years to bear before they can legally break free from the chaos of the fame that will ruin this family.
IMO too late. This family is ruined. There is absolutely no way those kids will emerge from childhood unscathed. The damage is done and will continue to occur for many more years. It will take years of therapy for these kids to be capable of normal adult relationships. I fear they will evolve into a mix of narcissists or people pleasing door mats. True happiness will be hard fought for in adulthood for the G8. Life on a golden platter. Far from it, Kate.
Kate is a twit said... 129
''Also, is that the doghouse in the background. Another way of her trying to show that Shoka is still there? Even if the doghouse is there it doesn't mean that Shoka is.''
I would not be the least bit surprised to discover that the dog house was the reason for the photo, & having the girls reading her book was yet another controlling, manipulative move by KK.
Regarding the pancake cutting kudos given Kate on twitter, as I recall it, it was well meaning fans who'd introduced Kate and Jon to the pizza cutter method.
I recall Jon mutilating a pancake (on a paper plate) in his traditional manner. I also recall both Jon and Kate crediting many fans (to the extent of making sure they got it, therefore no more pizza cutter suggestions!) for informing them.
I, too, learned this technique from watching their program, but I credit the informers, not Kate. I find it quite the perfect utensil!
Remona said: I would not be the least bit surprised to discover that the dog house was the reason for the photo, & having the girls reading her book was yet another controlling, manipulative move by KK.
I'm surprised that the dog wasn't strategically placed outside the doghouse as proof that he is still well and alive and living there.
I tend to agree with Aeduko and Butterfly re Kendra. I don't approve of her lifestyle and I certainly don't approve of her marketing a sex tape, but she's far from a "porn star". Linda Lovelace she isn't. Yes, she has a potty mouth, but does she use that kind of language around children? If not, then it's no one's business but hers. I seem to remember reading a few f-bombs on this blog on occasion. Personally, I try to avoid that little piece of profanity, but it has slipped out once or twice, and I certainly say sh*t and d*mn way too often, but I watch my mouth around kids. It doesn't bother me so much that it's Kendra who swapped kids with KK, it bothers me that it was ANYONE who swapped kids. To do something like this with teenagers, who are capable of understanding, and even knowingly participating in something of this nature, is one thing. When you are dealing with toddlers, like Kendra's son, or even 8 year olds, like KK's 6, it's, at best, confusing and frightening. At worst, it can cause all kinds of psychological damage. KK's kids are already emotionally fragile. This just compounds the problems.
Butterfly said: I'll back Aeduko, since I think no one else will. Sex is not a crime (well exchanging money for it is, LOL)- while Kendra is a mother, and someday her some day her son may see it, she's definitely not alone in that category. It does not make her a bad person. Kate and Kendra swapping their homes and kids w/a stranger, does. Just like Aeduko said. I certainly dont look down on Kendra for being a porn star. I think as her son gets older, she may want to consider another line of work :)
I can't imagine being a kid, and as a teenager googling my mother's name, only to discover a video of her engaging in the sex act, full-blown porn. It may not be a crime, but it sure speaks volumes about morals, ethics and values. I know that's something that I'd never forget and I'd wrestle with it throughout adulthood.
Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 187
''I'm surprised that the dog wasn't strategically placed outside the doghouse as proof that he is still well and alive and living there.
I don't think the dog is alive, much less living there.....therefore, KK had to work w/what she's got....the dog house!!
I certainly don't approve of her marketing a sex tape, but she's far from a "porn star"
Okay, maybe I am old-fashioned, I sure as heck consider the public sale, for profit, of someone having sex as "porn". Posing for pictures naked for magazines, to me, is porn. Some of you need to look up the definition of pornography.
The porn industry is filled with low-life sleazeballs, druggies, con artists, etc. Sure hope it's not politically incorrect to slam the porn industry! It's just not an industry one strives to have their children get into or to get into themselves. Making a sex tape is a questionable way to get into the entertainment business as far as I'm concerned and those who do usually regret it big time.
I'm not about to excuse Kate's choice of a partner in this endeavor.
Fleecing, 168...
@Kateplusmy8 Hannah looks like Kate jr!!!
I think Leigh needs to visit her optometrist, lay off the booze, or stay away from Walmart parking lots. Hannah looks nothing like Kate. You can see so much of Jon in Hannah's features.
Oh, Collin looks like Kate! These sheeple need to get into the barn for a good shearing and get that wool out of their eyes:
@deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 Yeah i think Collin favors her too..esp in the photos of her when she was a little girl!! =)
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
The porn industry is filled with low-life sleazeballs, druggies, con artists, etc. Sure hope it's not politically incorrect to slam the porn industry! It's just not an industry one strives to have their children get into or to get into themselves. Making a sex tape is a questionable way to get into the entertainment business as far as I'm concerned and those who do usually regret it big time.
I'm not about to excuse Kate's choice of a partner in this endeavor.
I agree with everything you said, except I dont think Kim Kardashian regrets it and neither does her mother.
And I dont think a mid 40's Kate Gosselin with a house full of teenaged daughters will regret it much either. What a lovely introduction for the twins to the profitable and 'glamourous' world of "adult entertainment". Let the next phase of manipulation and brain washing begin.
And Milo and Deanna can get started on their propaganda now: "there is no reason for those lovely young girls to be ashamed of their bodies; it's just a job; how wonderful that they can support their mother in this way after all she has done for them..."
Dwindle said...
And I dont think a mid 40's Kate Gosselin with a house full of teenaged daughters will regret it much either. What a lovely introduction for the
twins to the profitable and 'glamourous' world of "adult entertainment". Let the next phase of manipulation and brain washing begin.
And Milo and Deanna can get started on their propaganda now: "there is no reason for those lovely young girls to be ashamed of their bodies; it's just a job; how wonderful that they can support their mother in this way after all she has done for them..."
Not to be contrary ( ;) ), but that's pretty much what some here seem to be implying.
Aeduko said... 165
Wise words, I agree with you!
I agree with the doghouse being the reason the picture was taken right in front of that window.
Half of Kate's tweets feature the kids as bit players, with showing off her house, especially her kitchen, as the primary focus. She's as obvious as the trimmed nose on her face.
Pffft. Since when has Kate given a thought to how those kids feel? It's about how SHE feels. They were born to serve her, she's in charge and they'd better remember that. It will be the same a year from now or ten years from now. Kate first ALWAYS.
Catherine said... 197
''I agree with the doghouse being the reason the picture was taken right in front of that window. Half of Kate's tweets feature the kids as bit players, with showing off her house, especially her kitchen, as the primary focus....
I agree that KK's tweets feature the kids as bit players, but I don't agree that her house/kitchen is the primary focus. The primary focus is ALWAYS going to be KK.
Luckily, I don't think any of the kids look at all like Kate. They are cute,ordinary children, not plastic Barbies with altered features.
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