Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1940's House: Part 1

"The war years were times of problems, but I think it gave many of us a chance to discover depths which we didn't know we had, talents which we didn't know we had before ... Pretty good sex we were. We managed beautifully." ~Marguerite Patton

The House series that aired on PBS and the BBC were some of the most educational and riveting programs we've ever seen. And they were all made in the dreaded reality T.V. format. One of the best was Britain's 1940s House. The Hymers, hand picked from many hopeful candidates, were so dedicated to the authenticity of the project, there seemed to be no better choice to cast.

In particular, single mom Kirstie Hymer, along with her two sweet sons, fully embraced every aspect of the project, even going hungry when the rations ran low. Their commitment to making the most of the experience and gaining an appreciation for what their country went through during World War II is inspiring.

Kirstie, age 29: This single mom who was just a teenager when her first child was born had one priority: her boys. Her heart and head in the right place throughout the project, she made sure Ben and Thomas got to the bomb shelter first, even getting fined for turning on a light doing so, gave up her rations so they wouldn't go hungry, and was horrified and ashamed to find out other children at school had been giving them food. "I can't have people thinking you're not getting enough food!" she bemoans, and then bakes a cake for them. Oh, and she even finds time to give blood and volunteer at a local daycare. Meanwhile, she discovers a talent for baking. (Margurite Patton, a ration book recipe guru during the war and fascinating in her own right, helps Kirstie with authenticity.)

Ben, age 10: At his tender age, Ben takes on the role of man of the house while his grandfather is away on business. The self-appointed family "Fuel Warden," he guards the family's expenditure of resources so carefully (he even paints a water line in the bathtub) his Granny heckles him with a sign that says "Fuel Warden Stinks."

Thomas, age 7: After shedding a few tears at having to leave his home, carefree Thomas quickly grows to love living 1940's style, pitching in, helping with the bomb shelter and offering to take a bath with his brother to save water, and always making everyone smile. His cheerfulness in the face of such adversity is a reminder how resilient children can be.

This beautiful portrait of a family from modern times who somehow found a way to pull together during wartime just like the families of yesteryear had to, is definitely worth screening together. Enjoy!

Part 1 is available on Youtube and Amazon.

407 sediments (sic) from readers:

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PJ's momma said... 1

Aw shucks, it's no big deal, and I'm sure Dwindle would agree. These items are very easy to make and don't take a lot of time. When you enjoy doing something, it's not a sacrifice at all. Crochet is just counting and following a pattern. As my husband would say, easy squeezy. I taught my neighbor basic stitches and she cranked out some scarves for a program I am involved with, in which people make handmade scarves and hats for the homeless so they have something warm, made with love. They have gifted over 30,000 items since 2007! It's really fun and easy.

Lbelle said... 2

Oh....all you guys with all the sweet stories....I WAS trying to comment on each but there are just too many tonight. That's a good thing! : ). There is SOOO much love on this site!

But.......Bear......OMG!!! You have got to be kidding!?!? You were asked to GIVE A GIFT BACK???? Holy Crap! I'm so stunned by that!

Lbelle said... 3

I wish I knew how to knit and/or crochet. There is not one single female family member that ever did so nobody to,learn it from. : (

How/ where would be the best way to learn ? I mean, is it something I can learn on the Internet or does it have to be at a class of some kind?

Lbelle said... 4

Sorry for my multi posts but I forgot something.

Admin....is it possible for you to post the next segment of 1940s House? The same way you did part 1? I cannot find it anywhere and I am dying to see the rest of the show.

Please! Pretty please!?! I'll send you a Target gift card! LOL!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 5

Labelle I think someone posted it up thread somewhere. I will post it in a separate post but want to give folks a chance to fully digest this one.

anon but you all know me as... said... 6

It says something that you are so easily offended by posts about gratitude. Maybe we all should stop complaining so much about shit that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things?

Did someone touch a nerve?

I remember that gym post. If I remember right, you were bitching about having a membership but not wanting to go.

I find GG's post refreshingly honest and whether intended or not, knocks me down a peg when I need it.

Bearswife said... 7

I taught myself to knit about 10 years ago (and crochet about 8 years ago) from books.
I would think now, it would be much easier because of all the videos on knitting sites and youtube.
IMO crocheting is much easier and faster, but I still knit most things (not sure why).

And YES, I did give the gift back. It really stunned me and hurt my feelings. His family never accepted me and with such a nice present I thought that they finally had welcomed me into the family. NOPE.
My mom bought me a set of two small bud vases to cheer me up. I still think of my ex's rude family when I use them!

PJ's momma said... 8

Lbelle, there are lots of tutorials on youtube for learning to crochet. You can even crochet jewelry!

silk out of a sow's ear said... 9

You go Greedy! I'm pulling for you!

Anonymous said... 10

All you crocheters, knitters, sewers count me among those in awe. I don't possess the craft gene in any way shape or form. It skipped me - much to my late mother AND DD's dismay. I think's it's great what you can do. I help people with tech stuff...and cook. Grilling is a bit teeth chattering in this weather, but I use in the indoor grill (Jenn Air) It's not 6 crock pots or 5 stand mixers, but it'll do.

Yeah I DID burst into tears that Christmas. I also said I was young. AND immature. AND a brat. I don't see the effort in 2 left frog slippers yet today - but hey, I blame ambien. I see effort in the 38 years we've been together - the life we've built, the tough times we've weathered, the love we share and how it's grown. That's the important thing for us. I know. Everybody dance now.

I thought the discussion was fun. Heaps better than anything KG.

These days I burst into tears when I see my kids and grandkids. I blame love.

All This Is That said... 11

@6: I find GG's post refreshingly honest and whether intended or not, knocks me down a peg when I need it.

Someone finds a post 'refreshingly honest' when it criticizes other posters who did absolutely nothing other than to reminisce about gifts given and received in the past? Personal attacks are refreshing?

I need a drink.

capecodmama said... 12

I will be receiving my best Christmas gift this year. My oldest daughter is a nurse and since she doesn't have any children yet she always puts in to work on Christmas as long as she gets Thanksgiving off so she can come home. So far its worked out. Well this year she found out she had to work both Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was the first time she has never been home for Thanksgiving. However, she surprised me the other day when she told me that she's working the 3-11 shift on Christmas Day so her and her boyfriend are coming home the Sunday before Christmas and staying until Christmas morning. It will be her first Christmas at home since 2003. I was thrilled. We always saw her before Christmas but it's not the same as having her here on Christmas Day. This will be my favorite gift as the whole family will be together on Christmas for the first time in nine years. I'm gonna love it!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

The gym comment was way out of line and certainly wasn't the first. Lots of people complain about exercise--it was a joke about making excuses not to go! I DO go. And then to suggest I donate my membership??? WTF? I USE my membership as a matter of fact, and I donate to charity all the time and have dedicated my entire career to a nonprofit, how presumptuous to suggest otherwise--you don't know me. Nor do you know all my family history of various health problems and how important this is for me and my genetics, how much its helped with my history of stomach problems, and on and on. Strike me down for cracking one joke about it being a drag.

I guess if you've never complained you're a better woman than me. Given how many free or almost free options there are to exercise at a gym (the Y, your local senior citizens center, local community colleges or universities, schools, MeetUps, com), to accuse someone of being ungrateful was ridiculous. Greedy acted like someone had complained about balancing their millions in a checkbook--it was completely uncalled for. Over a GYM membership that costs 13 bucks a month that someone was JOKING about that someone in fact USES. Unbelievable. And then the same accusation of ingratitude happens AGAIN tonight over sharing some nice stories. Sorry but I've had enough. The posters here are generally good people and don't deserve that. Greedy apologized for her comment, and I accept that. Even she realized it was out of line.

fidosmommy said... 14

My mom was a knitter who specialized in wool caps, wool socks and wool sweaters. She made my brother a wonderful brown and beige sweater/jacket out of buffalo yarn about 25 years ago and it's still going strong. It's definitely for cold weather climate - my brother lived in N. Canada and it was the perfect winter coat. She bought the yarn to make him a second one and died before she even got past the first few rows. I now have a Rubbermaid tote full of buffalo yarn and no one I know knits sweaters. Oh well. Maybe I'll just stuff it into a cover and give my cat a new pillow.

Buffalo yarn is interesting - full of lanolin that makes your hands feel so smooth, but it
breaks easily as single strands. Once it's knitted it becomes very durable. Mom called those her invincible knitting projects.

I also have never-used Hudson Bay Blankets - I think they are 3 point but I really don't remember. They are TOO HOT for where I live.

All these great Canadian items going to waste here in not-Canada.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 15

Someone finds a post 'refreshingly honest' when it criticizes other posters who did absolutely nothing other than to reminisce about gifts given and received in the past?


I find it sad myself.

I have tried to do a giveaway on this blog three times now. Every single time, the posters here donate the prizes to charity. Some they even asked me to just donate directly. I find myself frustrated I can't do a proper giveaway here because you folks won't let it, LOL, but then I realize what a good cause it's all going to. And then all the stories of what people do here without even thinking it's a big deal, from all the doggie foster parents here to knitting hats for infants to supporting the military, there is overwhelming evidence on this blog of the overall charitable hearts of the people here to allow a few funny "bad gift" stories without over the top, uncalled for accusations otherwise.

I have also been privy to some things that occurred off blog of posters doing kind things for others here, even others family members of posters. It's beautiful to know this happens. I hear some people are even going to be meeting up soon.

To jump all over people who have proven themselves time and time again to be an incredibly generous, caring lot is really not going to fly here.

readerlady said... 16

I posted about my worst Christmas, although not a gift. My best Christmas was when I was a senior in college. I was about to start my internship and the school I'd been assigned to wasn't on a bus line. I worried and worried about how I was going to make it back and forth but figured something would work out. That Christmas my Dad handed me a tiny box and said "This is all you're getting for Christmas this year". Well, I knew money was tight and there wasn't much extra for frills, so I didn't think anything of that. I gave Mom and Dad their gifts and sat down to watch them open them. Instead, they both sat looking at me and grinning and so I opened the package. There was a key in the box. Dad pulled me out of the chair and led me out the front door and there sat a car! I couldn't believe it. It was a 10 year old Ford Fairlane and looked huge to me, but it was all mine! The top of the steering wheel was about level with the bridge of my nose, so I had to peer over it to see out the windshield, but that was, hands down, the best car I've ever owned. I drove it for 8 years before it died and couldn't be resuscitated.

LBelle, I don't know about crocheting. I've never been able to get the hang of it, but there are instructional videos for knitting. Check your local library. They may have something. Also, craft stores and yarn shops often have beginner and advanced classes or groups.

AuntieAnn said... 17

All This Is That said... 11

@6: I find GG's post refreshingly honest and whether intended or not, knocks me down a peg when I need it.

Someone finds a post 'refreshingly honest' when it criticizes other posters who did absolutely nothing other than to reminisce about gifts given and received in the past? Personal attacks are refreshing?

I need a drink.

The sheeple night shift has arrived a little later than usual. They must be on west coast time with Kate.

Kate is so hopelessly finished. She must have completed her endless to-do list, then decided that today was a good day to become a humanitarian...starting with flies. Oh well, baby steps.


My most memorable Christmas gift was from my grade one teacher. She gave out gifts to every student in the class that year and each one was different. Mine was a 3-D cardboard manger scene. The manger had a hole above it where you put a light to shine down on Baby Jesus. I was thrilled. We put it up that year under the tree and Mom still has it and puts it up every year in with all it's ragged edges.
When we went back to school after Xmas we learned that our dear teacher had passed away over the holidays. We all sat in our desks and cried. I remember the school informed our parents that she had cancer and was going to start treatments and hadn't planned to return to teaching until she was well. She was so sweet, she didn't want us to know that before our Christmas holiday.

Lbelle said... 18

Thanks so much for the info. Re: learning to knit/crochet.
It's something I've thought about doing for years....this coming year I'm going to actually take a stab at it. I will check for intro classes where I'd have to get supplies and watching How To videos ( 1000x over, I'm sure!) on YouTube will be very helpful.
Hmmm.....maybe I can look into quilting too! I'm sure that takes forever to master.
Any quilters out there?

Lbelle said... 19


Darn! I did try that link and it just says ' cannot load movie' or something like that.
I can watch everything else but for some reason, Part 2 just won't cooperate. : (

Anybody else having trouble with it? Oh...it also seems like there is only 1 person posting Part 2......but all the other 'House' series I searched today had several choices. Weird. Oh well....guess I have to wait.

Bearswife said... 20

definitely check out craft classes, I also recommend picking up a copy of Stitch n Bitch. i still have my copy - it is weather beaten and some pages are falling out, but it is indispensable for a new knitter (I think).



Quilting is next on my list. I follow a blogger who does freestyle quilting, and I am encouraged that I can do it too. Someday!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 21

Lbelle I don't know why it isn't working for you. Boo! Try keepvid.com. Put the link in there and see if you can download.

I stumbled upon this other British series also on Youtube called Coal House? Can't believe I found one I haven't heard of. It's supposed to be a World War I thing. Didn't have time to really watch more than a minute but it looks really good just like they all are. It's going to be quite a fun winter lol!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 22

What is this Neat Freaks thing on TLC? They put cleaning freaks into dirty homes. It looks like a pilot idea Kate pitched that they stole lol.

FYI said... 23

Lbelle-this also has the videos. They are the ones from YouTube, but maybe you'll be able to open Part 2 there. Just click on the picture of the video, which will open it up in a new window--it does not take you to YouTube.


AuntieAnn said... 24

Bearswife said... 20

Quilting is next on my list. I follow a blogger who does freestyle quilting, and I am encouraged that I can do it too. Someday!

Someday lol! I had high hopes for quilting when I started about 18 years ago. I was going to do a perfect job so I bought an embroidery frame and got one square stitched nicely. I put it away in my cedar chest to do another day. It's still in there in it's hoop and all, waiting for me to get at the next square. Talk about procrastination.

Bearswife said... 25

Oh Auntie! That is definitely NOT the kind of quilting I would do - or be able to do (too hard and I would hate to screw up)! The woman I 'know' uses a machine with a special attachment.

You can check out her stuff here:
She is a very cool woman, I look forward to her blogging everyday.

Blowing In The Wind said... 26

What is this Neat Freaks thing on TLC? They put cleaning freaks into dirty homes. It looks like a pilot idea Kate pitched that they stole lol.


I don't know, admin, but they just showed a woman pulling down her pants and squatting over the toilet. Sounds like TLC...

Dwindle said... 27

Flight of the Kiwi said... 200


Seriously? She spent .25c of her little money to buy YOU a special coffee mug? And you treasured it? What a special gift! And many blessings to the helper-mom at the Santa Shop who helped that child with that purchase. WOW, what a precious thing!

My first gift from my young SIL was also a coffee mug, only because she wanted to get me a Christmas decoration for the HOUSE but couldnt afford what she could find, so she got me a mug with a Xmas tree on it. It has been... um... 30plus years and I use it every season.

Lbelle said... 28

Stitch n' Bitch! Ha!! What a great title! Thanks for the info. I have put everything in my notes. Kind of looking forward to trying this....I imagine a scarf would be easiest, right?
Oh.....I gotta tell you guys...even though I'm going to look like an idiot (!!).....I don't sew. At all. Can't even thread a needle! Lucky for me, hubby is great at it! So...yep, the knitting thing will be HUGE for me! : /

About 1940s house: thanks for all suggestions. I'm going to go see if I can get anything to work. Part 2 looks so interesting and I'm dying to finish it.

Dwindle said... 29

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 197
Aggie you did nothing wrong. We had a fantastic discussion all day up until about 15 minutes ago.


Aggie, this is a great discussion!!!! This is about memories, special, silly, precious, and disappointing. Dont you dare feel bad about this at all! IMO!

There may very well be those among us who dont have wonderful gift memories to share, and if we can read/listen to their sadness maybe we can support them. Not everyone has full loving memories to fill their repetoire, and we can commiserate and support each other if needed. In the meantime I am going to puddle up here over others' precious memories.

Lbelle said... 30


Oooops! I meant to comment in my last post.

Un-Be-Lieve-Able!!!!!! I'm so shocked that anybody could be so freaking mean! I can only imagine how bad that must have been for you. I would be drowning in Rumspringas!!!
Actually...it's kind of 'tense' here tonight. Rumspringas for EVERYBODY!! Yay!

AuntieAnn said... 31

Bearswife said... 25

Oh Auntie! That is definitely NOT the kind of quilting I would do - or be able to do (too hard and I would hate to screw up)! The woman I 'know' uses a machine with a special attachment.
Bearswife - Apparently my subconscious thinks I can't either. I think I should just take that one square out, frame it and call it my one and only attempt at quilting. I admire quilters though. I saw a beautiful quilt at an exhibit at our museum one time. It was a huge butterfly in spectral colors.

I like the pin cushions on that blog.

Shirlene said... 32

Dwindle, you have more patience than I can come up with. I don't have a perfect life and I don't always have good memories to contribute on every topic discussed but I don't sit here and rain on everyone's parade when they are trying to have a good discussion. Actually one definition of a troll is they try to hijack a pleasant conversation and stop the good vibes and flow. That's just sad. You don't do that. I was taught you don't ruin other's good time just because you are not having a good time. Be a Pollyanna not an Eeyore.

Dmasy said... 33

LBelle, in the 70's I taught quilting classes. Imagine me in my long denim skirt with a hand embroidered smock blouse and some clunky totally hippie shoes...teaching other eager, wholesome women how to quilt. I even won an award once for a prize quilt.

I have gotten away from the hobby. I keep waiting for that extra "retired" time to begin again. I have promised myself I will learn knitting and crochet someday, too.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 34

I am just not a quilter or knitter or whatever, but, one year my grandmother, who has seven granddaughters, wanted to teach us all to knit scarves. I adored her so much I didn't care it wasn't something I was into--I sat there and let her teach me. Turns out I had a great time. And to this day I have that scarf, mistakes and all in it--I wash it once in awhile good as new. She died far too young and quick of pancreatic cancer. And it's that scarf that cost the price of yarn to make, that I treasure the most from her. Us granddaughters still talk about that summer we all lined up with Grandma to knit together.

FYI said... 35

I used to be an avid knitter and I can crochet, but I've haven't made anything in years. The last thing I knitted was a baby blanket for my 8 yr. old grandson. Since my daughter and SIL wouldn't tell us the sex of the baby, I decided to forgo yellow or green as a color, and knitted it in white. I'm proud to say that that blanket was not only my grandson's christening blanket, but both my granddaughters' as well.

My mother taught me how to knit and crochet, my grandmother taught me how to sew.

Sort of funny story--after my mother retired(at age 70) she would do all sort of crafts to keep her busy, but cross-stitch and crocheting afghan blankets were her specialty. She made so many afghans just for the sheer pleasure of having something to do. She figured that you would try to sell them, and put a sign on our mail box(which was by the street)saying "Afghans for sale" with our phone number listed. We got several phone calls-but they were interested in purchasing dogs, not blankets.

Dwindle said... 36

Shirlene said... 32


Exactly! Not everyone here can be our own personal soul mate. For the love of heaven, cant we accept each other as we are for the most part? Talking about gifts shouldnt be cause for mutiny. Talking about the best way to hide child beating from authorities - well, then let's bring out the outrage! We are each very very good women! We have differnt life experiences, but that doesnt make one wicked and the other sainted.

Dwindle said... 37


This is for all and each of us. That includes YOU. What a world.

If YOU dont click on this and spend two minutes, you are a poopyhead. Harrumph.

What a world.

Ex Nurse said... 38

If anyone is having issues with streaming on an ipad, it might help to reset the network settings. You can do this by going to Settings, choose the General tab and then scroll all the way down to the Reset button. Choose "Reset Network Settings". The device will shut down and restart. If you have password protection on your wireless, you will need to re-enter it. It has solved the buffering problems on many occasions. I am using the original ipad, so the settings might have some differences.

My best present was the Little Red Spinning Wheel that my brother gave me. It was in a huge box, wrapped with the Sunday comics. I couldn't resist opening a little corner to see what it was. What's funny is that, way back in the 60s, I used a spool with nails hammered in to manipulate yarn It produced sort of a tube of yarn that could be made into potholders, hair ties, etc. The huge plastic spinning wheel was just a version of the spools and nails--it produced the identical tube of yarn. Anyway, by brother was 8 years older than mean and pretty mean. It meant a lot to me that he spent his own money earned from his after school job at a record store on such an extravagant present.

Pj's Momma--good to see you back posting. Must be our 18 hours of dark, eh?

FYI said... 39

Dwindle--thank you for posting that. I loved that song when it first came up, and I still love it today.

I also like this video


Dmasy said... 40

Dwindle, 37. I am not a poppyhead. I watched. What a world...what a world.

grandee4 said... 41

Loved all the gift stories especially the hats and gowns. Never was good at sewing, my mom was the seamstress, she made most of our dresses. I was a chubby kid and my sis was a bean poll. Was not easy shopping for us.

When I got pregnant I made a few maternity tops and dresses, preparing and hopng for a girl so I could make her clothes. Had all boys and my mom had 6 grandsons, so the and her beautiful smocking went to my cousin's girls.

One more thing, and I guess it is a gift from mom, my sis and I have a huge jaw of old buttons. I mean buttons from the 1940's on up. We always say we are going to do something with them but time is ticking. Maybe some of you crafters have some ideas, would love to hear some.

Have a good late night, off tonight so I will be up till about 4am.

Anonymous said... 42

Grandee I love ya - I am up with an awful migraine (yeah, iPad probably doesn't help, but it's a distraction) your typo (I'm guessing) of "jaw" of buttons made me feel better :). The visual...

Dmasy said... 43

Kiwi, I don't remember you being a part of the migraine discussion we had a few weeks ago. Sorry. What do you do to prevent, avoid or survive one? Any meds?

Starz22 said... 44

I have a few issues...I am all for any religion..what ever you believe in...go for it. BUT...I find every year closing in on me and saying you can't do it.
When I was in school, we had Easter Halloween,and Christmas...
Now I'm told I shouldn't say Merry Christmas...I should say,Happy Holidays. There is NO Christmas tree..it is a Holiday tree. Really?
There is no more x-mas gift exchange....
Like I said ...I have no issues with other beliefs or religions...BUT why can't we take part in what we always have?
I have no issues with my neighbor putting candles in her window...I have no issues with my other neighbor having none...I just want to light my lawn and tree's and not being attacked for it.
So I put up my flag...decorate my tree's..BUT yet I'm told I can not send in treats for my kids,b/c they are not PC??
In a school of 600...3 don't believe in Christmas....and thats enough to stop it for everyone else.
Why not keep the 3 at home for this 1 day...or take them to a room and let them watch a movie or make crafts...or whatever?

Anonymous said... 45


I must have missed that. I just started back on topamax. I can only get take it so long then the whole big weight loss starts. Been on and off in it maybe 4 times over the last 10 years. I have the imitated shot thingees that don't always work (like tonight, my fault, i didn't catch it in time). If it goes to status migraine I see my doc for dilaudid/phenergan knocker outer. Mine are mostly weather related.

How about you? I'd love other options. I've had them them for 35 years on and off more on as I got older. Excedrin migraine used to work. My mom had them as well.

Anonymous said... 46

Oh golly, imitrex not imitated. Darn you autocorrect and 4:000 am

Anonymous said... 47

Really? Really? 4:000 am? Am I on Mars? I am sitting in the 1980's, oh, you know. Sigh 4:00 am. I NEED ambien...

Strz22 said... 48

Ambien sucks... try Temazepam...Valium...30 mg..
No sleep walking or cooking...Just a good clean sleep.

Dmasy said... 49

Kiwi, we have been on a similar migraine path. I am always curious and looking for the magic solution. Thanks for sharing. Mine have increased in the last few weeks. Sorry you have one tonight.

Anonymous said... 50

Strz22 - nah, don't really want any of the benzos or even ambien. It's just a tag line. Bad enough I have to take the darn topamax and imitrex. Sleep will come naturally when the headache subsides.

I'm just "normally" goofy.

grandee4 said... 51

Sorry, it was a typo but if it made you feel better, that's the best news.

I work nights (6p-6a) so when I'm off I try to stay on that schedule. Being lazy, relaxing and reading here and try typing with 1 hand.

Hope your migraine stays far away. I am blessed and never suffer from them but have many patients that do. It makes me feel so helpless when we try so many things to relieve the pain and nothing helps. Hope you don't get them often. Bless your heart.


Anonymous said... 52


Thanks. Someday, yeah? Something will turn up.

lukebandit said... 53

Love reading the best and the worst Christmas gifts. I have 3 boys and when they were little in school, money was tight. So at school, the parents were told to buy a gift for a boy, 5 dollar limit. My son picked out a TMNTurtle for the classmate to get. He picked out what he liked, hoping that he would get one. The presents were exchanged and my son was horrified at what he got. I couldn't believe what he got. He got a box of the old fashioned peppermint chalk sticks. My son cried his eyes out. I told him it was ok. I told him not to worry about it that I would take him to the store to pick out something for 5 dollars to make up for it. Well, it would up being 15 dollars because his brothers would of felt left out, and I didn't want them to feel that way. I told the teacher about it and she said well, next year we will tell them NO FOOD/TOYS ONLY! Then I found out who gave the present and his parents were much much older like in their early 50's and very poor. But, it was ok.

Starz22 said... 54

Benzo's make for a clean sleep...Insomnia I have been plagued with since I was 11...I have tried everything and have gotten no relief ...I take my Valium every night and fight nothing.I get a good nights sleep. I wake up fresh and ready to go.

grandee4 said... 55

Temapezam is Restoril, usual dose is 15-30mg. 30mg of Valium would be a bit much.

I took Ambien after a 3 surgeries last year and it worked alright. When I woke up, I could not remember a thing from the night before. Then I saw a dish and half eaten sandwich on my night table and a note in my calendar book that looked like Chinese. This was after I had taken it for about 7 nights. OMG, now I knew how my patients felt when they woke up in the middle of the night. Been giving it to pts for years but you never really know until it happens to you.

Anonymous said... 56


Wow. That's great you found something that works so well for you. Chronic insomnia would be horrible.

Grandee... I've heard the ambien stories. Funny, but scary. I was once on zanaflax for the adhesion pulling...didn't help much...until the night the pirate lizard came out of the laundry room door at me. No more of that. I can do nightmares on my own without hallucinations, thank you very much. Thing was, I was quite aware I was hallucinating, not afraid. Just shut my eyes and made my way to bed. I'm good at navigating blindly. Thankfully, I live in a ranch. Doc said it was a side effect of the med, rare, but documented. Ick.

Improbable Dreams said... 57

I've got a fruitcake tin filled with vintage buttons. They belonged to my grandmother, who had a Depresssion-era mentality. There are a few special (glittery, unique designs, etc), but most of them would seem to the casual eye quite ordinary. To me, though, they were treasures, because my grandmother told me stories about the discarded garments she rescued them from, and she taught me how to make "buzz saws" from the biggest ones.

She kept them in an old fruitcake tin, and when that eventually rusted out (and she passed away), I put the buttons into a vintage canning jar and displayed them on a prominent shelf. Such a treasure chest of memories!

A nostalgic craft project, for your consideration:: I affixed some of the flashiest buttons around the opening of a framing mat, and inserted a picture of my Nana into the picture frame itself. You have to use a shadow box frame, to allow extra room for the buttons, but it's a unique gift that you'll enjoy giving. Or keeping for yourself....

Winsomeone said... 58

"Post dinner excitement in the Gosselin household?We rescued a house fly ALIVE and sent him on his way..Yes, ALL living things are safe here!"

She sent him on his way? Out into the very cold weather we are now having, where I am sure he promptly died after being in their warm house.

AussieGoldenLuv said... 59

Llebelle also check with your local senior center. There are many ladies there who crochet and knit, and it may make their day to have someone asking them to share their knowledge. Seems like when people get older, we often think of them as less valuable, when it's not true at all. :-(

She's come undone said... 60

I take Fiorcet (butalbital, generic) for migraines. If you take it as soon as you feel it coming on it works every time. At least for me it does. I've only had one that sent me to the ER and I quickly learned to get ahead of the pain, don't chase it because it's too late by then. Good luck! I know migraine pain and it is horrible.

Jane said... 61

Improbable Dreams said... 57
I've got a fruitcake tin filled with vintage buttons. They belonged to my grandmother, who had a Depresssion-era mentality. There are a few special (glittery, unique designs, etc), but most of them would seem to the casual eye quite ordinary. To me, though, they were treasures, because my grandmother told me stories about the discarded garments she rescued them from, and she taught me how to make "buzz saws" from the biggest ones.

She kept them in an old fruitcake tin, and when that eventually rusted out (and she passed away), I put the buttons into a vintage canning jar and displayed them on a prominent shelf. Such a treasure chest of memories!


Oh my goodness, I have the same thing! My grandmother, like so many of her generation, made many of her clothes and shopped thrift stores for dresses she could alter. Nothing went to waste - all buttons were saved and she braided rugs with dresses, pants coats that were cut into strips. Those rugs were beautiful and would now bring in a nice sum! My sister and I have two tins of buttons from the early 1900's to the 50's. They're precious!

NJGal51 said... 62

I know we've had discussions about natural remedies for when you can't sleep and I've found something new that seems to be working. It's called Dream Water. It's a small bottle and has a combo of GABA, melatonin and 5 HTP in it. I found it at Safeway. The only flavor they have is Snoozeberry and it is horrible tasting but it's only a 2.5 oz shot so it's doable. I've ordered the Lullaby Lemon from Amazon hoping that it will taste better. Thought I'd share because I've been using it for the past couple of nights with good results. If you want more info the website is http://www.drinkdreamwater.com/ (Should I put an @ or # by that so that I can grift like Kate?) If you go to the web site you can get a free shot.

And sheeple, no I am not a doctor or a nurse and am not passing on medical advice, just letting everyone know about a natural remedy that's working for me.

Annabelle said... 63

Improbable Dreams said... 57
Thank you for the jar idea for the buttons.
I also was given all my Grandmas buttons, except mine were in a very old wooden box, which I have on my desk, but I can't see them so the jar is a wonderful idea.
I often thought of framing some, but one day I got the bright idea, that as my grandma was the one who taught me to knit, I would knit a cardigan an incorporate the ones I loved best.
I found a lace pattern that was called 'Catherine wheel' which was like a medallion and was perfect to sew a button in the center of each pattern.
The cardigan is my favourite and I have now done 3, in different colours as my girls also love it to death and would fight over it.
When ever I wear it, it's funny, someone always admires it and comments on the vintage buttons, mentioning that it reminds them of their grandma.(:

Anonymous said... 64

Improbably Dreams . . . the buttons! Brings back memories for me. My grandmother collected buttons and had them in a very pretty tin. As a child I played with those buttons and would dig through them looking for the prettiest one. :) To me they were a family heirloom to be treasured. My mother sold them at a garage sale :( I will never forgive her for that.


NJGal51 said... 65

I've got a jar filled with buttons that my granny cut off of my grandfather's WWI uniform. I don't know how I ended up with them but I think it's because I married a military man.

Formerly Duped said... 66

Back to Kate for one post lol. She said she is 'off to work' with her endless list ( yesterday) Does she not realize that shopping for Christmas or whatever she is doing is something working moms fit into their 'spare time and is not WORK??

Anonymous said... 67

P.S. I have started my own button collection but the buttons today are not as good quality as they were back in the day. I do miss those buttons.


Tucker's Mom said... 68

My heart goes out to you migraine sufferers. I had them in my late teens through mid twenties and the pain was horrible. It would get to the point that I'd get nauseous and puke. Then the pain would release and I'd feel like a wet dish rag, needing hours of sleep in order to function.
Anyways, haven't had one in years and I think it was a hormonal thing that I got past, thank God. A woman in my dentist's office is going to get peripheral nerve surgery for migraines. If you haven't heard of it, check this out:

JudyK said... 69

How the hell does one catch a "live" fly and return it to nature. Kate's lies are now so over the top they are comedy.

I've been trying to kill a damned fly in my house for the past three (3) days and can't even get it with a flyswatter.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 70

Does she not realize that shopping for Christmas or whatever she is doing is something working moms fit into their 'spare time and is not WORK??


Yeah really. How nice for her to be able to have a whole weekday to get the shopping done. Most moms have to wait until the stores are crowded on the weekend, or try to squeeze it in over the lunch hour, or leave the kids with the babysitter or at daycare longer after work and fit it in then. She's very out of touch and I firmly believe this is why she lost the vast majority of her sheeple. I mean remember back in the day when there were hundreds of them defending her? They're all gone except a few!

Dmasy said... 71

I have several jars of old buttons. I think I bought Marie (in black) grandmother's buttons at a garage sale.

A few years ago I made swag garland strings for our Christmas tree. I bought a sturdy yarn and sewed the buttons to the length. I tied knots for spacers. I bought some beads that could be strung randomly between the buttons. The swag was quite heavy -- a flaw in my plan.

You have to do some simple sewing so that the button will be flat on the surface of the yarn. I think a festive ribbon would also work for the swag.

It was colorful and looked quite vintage on the tree. I have since made several more for nieces. Buttons, from my Grandma and from other's Grandmas, have been saved.

Tucker's Mom said... 72

I mean remember back in the day when there were hundreds of them defending her? They're all gone except a few!
I remember when the sheeple would spend all day writing comments on Radar. There were hundreds and hundreds. Now, maybe one sheeple will say "be nice!".

Anonymous said... 73

Admin, please check your email. Thanks!!

Katykat said... 74

I love reading everyone's best/worst gift stories. :)

Worst: My husband and I got married on 12/31 19 years ago. We met while working for Disney(which I hated and my MIL knew this. She LOVES Disney). Anyway, on Dec. 1st of the year we were married, she said, "MERRY CHRISTMAS, early!" and gave me a Mickey/Minnie wedding cake topper, in front of everyone and gushed about how SHE always wanted this on HER cake (She had 3 sons, no daughters to marry off). I had already picked out an elegant Lladro-esque cake topper, but ended up w/ rodents on top instead. I threw it out a few years later.

Best-- My fifth grade teacher, Mr. Russell, lost his wife and child in a car accident. Every year he handmade and painted 30 some odd mugs for the kids. That year they looked like blue jeans (complete w/ stitching) and where the label was he painted each of our names. He said he did it because he loved to still be able to give special gifts to kids like he used to make for his daughter, and he and his wife loved making pottery together. I still have that mug. :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 75

Annabelle I'd love to see a picture of that cardigan. What a great idea.

Annabelle said... 76

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 75
As it's 3am here in Australia, I won't disturb my man to get into the dressing room, but I will take a photo in the morning and email it to you (:

Amy2 said... 77

Isn't that nice (sarcasm). Kate saved a fly but won't way what happened to Shoka.

Anonymous said... 78


Ya need to "sneak" up on it with a trap it with a cupped hand. Scoop into closed fist and shake really hard to stun. Throw anywhere you want. Outside, on the floor and smack it with the flyswatter or a lead pipe, whatever.

I am serious. I have seen it done. Yes, by you-know-who. I cannot do it, nor do I wish to. Son can do it as well. I am so proud...(eye roll).

Have you tried the rubberband shoot-to-kill method? Messy, but effective. Best not done anywhere near plates, cups, open containers, etc. Again, not a skill of mine.

Lbelle said... 79

Wowza! You must be incredibly talented! Winning a quilting contest is awesome! Would love to see a pic of your creation. I am so envious of all you guys who are able to make things by hand. To be able to custom make something that surely would become a prized heirloom! *sigh*

What a fabulous idea!! I have filed it with my notes and will look into that for sure!
You are so right....all those seniors weren't always old! My hubby is a WWII fanatic and when we watch documentaries and they interview the now old men, we always comment on that. The stories are amazing and it's cool to think that, maybe the frail old guy in a store used to be a young, muscular and very brave soldier. It will be sad when they are all gone. : (

PJ's momma said... 80

Lbelle, the crochet version of a good book by Stitch-n-Bitch is Happy Hooker. It has very good instructions to learn to crochet and patterns for easy projects. You can also go to Joann or Michael's and get a book that teaches kids to crochet. That's what my neighbor had for her daughter. Surprisingly easy to follow directions. Good luck! Both stores have 50% coupons off a regular item (in the paper or online) and you can get a book for less than $8. Buy a standard size hook, size I or so, a skein of cheap Red Heart yarn, and you are ready to go.

PJ's momma said... 81

Chiming in on Ambien here. Please be very careful with that stuff. Not only is there a lot of sleep eating, there is sleep driving, sleep shopping, etc. Our friend, a former CIA operative (really) started using it and then abusing it, together with alcohol. "Zombie" is a word used to describe some people on that drug. He made his own drive through at a Jack in the Box early one morning and remembered nothing. Long story short, he blew his head off. He had a wife and two little girls. His mom told me recently that she didn't think he even knew who she was, about an hour before he did it. I said he probably didn't and described the zombie effect, and it actually gave her comfort to hear that. Ambien (and any drug) can be dangerous, those horrid side effects you hear them rattle off at rapid speed or in tiny print only happen to a select minority, but they do happen.

Audible Click said... 82

I have an old tin filled with buttons that my mom kept. It brings back so many memories, she used to let me dump them on the floor and sort them or make words with them. Memories...

localyocul said... 83

I hope I don't get in trouble for this. I am in Berks for business with time to kill and was curious as to if her hineyess had decorations outside the house. Nope. Not a piece of roping or wreath at least on the fence or gate. But guess who was running along the fence and barking! Either Shoka or a lookalike! I was so surprised I didn't think of getting a pic. There's no place to pull over anyway and tho Im still in the area I would feel weird doing that! But there is a GS roaming the property.

Ex Nurse said... 84

I must have missed the migraine discussion, too. I have a diagnosis of cluster headaches. I was getting a headache every day. I was so used to it, I really didn't know I was having them every day until I started logging for neurologist. I am on Verapamil every night and get Botox injections every three months. The injections are all over my head and my neck--just a few in forehead area. Yes, it diminishes my wrinkles, but I can still show full expression. Verapamil works by relaxing the blood vessel in the brain--not a narcotic.

I have weather-related migraines, also. I take Imitrex for that and it works really well, without side effects--it has many potential side effects, but I don't experience any.

This regimen works really well. Most of the migraines are prevented, and if one starts, taking Imitrex usually prevent it from turning into a full-on migraine. I can definitely tell when I am due for the injections. I wanted to try to lengthen the time between sessions, but the headaches always return.

I have started having acupuncture, and while I do feel some overall benefit, not sure if it is specifically helping migraines yet. Anyone else having acupuncture?

Bearswife said... 85

I don't condone what you did, but if I were in the area I think curiosity may have gotten the better of me, as well.
At least Shoka is alive, although unsupervised and out of control. I wouldn't allow that kind of behaviour (but that's just me). I wish he had a real loving home :(

Parent In Lancaster County said... 86

She sent him on his way? Out into the very cold weather we are now having, where I am sure he promptly died after being in their warm house.


Not cold here. We've had two days of 70 degrees; yesterday it was in the 60s. In fact, Tuesday night at midnight, it was 63 degrees. Hard to believe for this time of year, but we will pay for it sooner of later!

Just Another Point of View said... 87

I don’t have the happy memories of grandmas and crocheting and button boxes that so many of you have. My maternal GM lived in another state and I have one memory of visiting her when I was very young. I felt out of place, I suppose you could say. Her other g/children lived in the same town and she knew them well. She passed away shortly after that visit. My mother didn’t like my father’s relatives, well, she didn’t like my father, so no surprise. We visited them occasionally but I also felt out of place there since that GM also knew her other g/children well because she saw them often. I can’t even remember when she passed away.

My earliest childhood Christmas memory was the year my father was suffering with broken ribs and was in a lot of pain. I was maybe 5. He and my older brother had been in a fistfight, not unusual, and my brother won that one. I was confused since I loved them both. It was a dark time. I don’t really remember a lot of Christmases.

I usually scroll by all the posts about everyone’s happy childhood memories that are so prevalent here now that Kate isn’t the main topic. I do lots and lots of scrolling these days and actually I don’t check in as often as I used to since all that kind of reminiscing only reminds me of what I try to forget.

Just another point of view.

Pity Party said... 88

Only KT includes her activities of daily living on her to-do list.

Dmasy said... 89

Just Another Point of View....I am so sorry for your sad memories. I wish we could embrace you into ours.

I understand about distant a Grandmother. My maternal one was in New York. We saw her twice a year. Distance makes it difficult to develop wonderful/warm memories of a relationship. I am grateful that I have the ones I have.

Please stay with us for other topics.

LancasterCountyMom said... 90

Parent in Lancaster County said: "Not cold here. We've had two days of 70 degrees; yesterday it was in the 60s. In fact, Tuesday night at midnight, it was 63 degrees. Hard to believe for this time of year, but we will pay for it sooner of later!"

Nooooooooooooooooo! The weather last winter was colder than usual, so this year it's just evening things out. :D

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 91

What does it matter if its warm today when the poor thing is always outside? :(

Dmasy said... 92

My New York Grandmother always gave us "panties" for Christmas. Sets of little underwear in pastel colors. I don't think I fully appreciated the gift or predictability of it when I was a child.

An Aunt and Uncle would drive Grandma to our Midwest home -- a long drive including the PA turnpike then.

Grandma always brought food stuff common in deli's from NY that my mom couldn't purchase in our rural area.

I remember skinny, hard sticks of pepperoni that she wrapped in waxed paper and packed in her "valise". (This was before the days of pizza pie being a common food.)

For the entirety of her visit with us, all her clothing and every hug smelled just like hard salami.

Dmasy said... 93

local -- thanks for the Shoka report. Maybe a drive by snoop isn't appropriate. But, I would be soooo tempted if I lived nearby.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 94

Just Another Point of View, I'm so sorry, hon. Like Dmasy, I wish I could give you big hugs.

You know, some of us here grew up in abusive homes, but we overcame it. That being said, although many of the memories were bad, we can still find a few good ones. Most importantly, we've focused on overcoming those issues and creating wonderful memories for our immediate family.

So, you're surrounded here by caring people who understand. I hope you stay around and continue to post. Just keep scrolling past the comments you aren't up to reading.

Take care, hon, and God bless.

Parent In Lancaster County said... 95

What does it matter if its warm today when the poor thing is always outside? :(


lol!! Admin -- the poster was talking about the FLY dying when it was released outside! I do have sympathy for all living things, but I draw the line at calling a FLY a "poor thing." :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 96

Oh well you don't have a lot of choices. Either kill it or release it. I don't take issue with whatever she wants to do but that's hardly interesting twitter fodder. Is that all that's going on??

Parent In Lancaster County said... 97

I don't take issue with whatever she wants to do but that's hardly interesting twitter fodder. Is that all that's going on??


Six tweets per hour, plus a discussion that Iwana is really Milo, and the usual platitudes.

Millicent said... 98

Part of our family's Christmas history is a long-running joke about how one of my father's aunts once gave one of her siblings a can of olives as a Christmas present. Obviously, this occurred long before my sibs and I were gleams in our parents' eyes - but my grandmother would laugh about it every Christmas.

Another family "shared smile" is the way our father invariably says about any gift he receives: "I'll put this to good use." Socks, a bottle of brandy, a good book, whatever it is - will be put to good use!

Tis the season to be jolly folks - so don't let a few Debbie Downers spoil your fun! You know that you shared family stories in good fun, and were not complaining. The rest of us know that too. Unfortunately, there are some people who lurk and occasionally post with the primary goal being to disrupt or distress. If you have it in your hearts to feel sorry for people like that - good on you. Otherwise, let it slide off your back and keep enjoying the fellowship and good humor most express here :)

Dmasy said... 99

We get some of those "pet" flies here. Cold outside, warm on a window sill...they just show up. They are sluggish and easy to trap in a paper towel.

It just never occurred to me to name one, adopt one, rescue one or headline one to my friends. Mostly, I just vacuum up their dead little bodies.

Kate will have to educate me about fly care. I can then share with her how dogs like to be inside with their family.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 100

Someone just told me about a free Zumba class. Opportunities to get a structured work out in for FREE are abundant if you keep your eyes and ears open.

abc said... 101

#283 localyocul
Not to worry. I guarantee if 95% of had the chance we'd have done the same thing, if only to see about that poor dog. Thanks.

Lilly said... 102

Buttons, Buttons - just had to go look in my sewing box - found glass jar "Billy Bee Honey" filled with buttons and Harriet's Needles (quick search 1920's), Reliance Needle Book (1940's) and Newey Bros Hooks & Eyes (prior to 1934). All well used

Dwindle - hope you got over your crock pot envy over my clear glass one LOL

And yes, I would drive by - if I was in the neighbourhood and once every year or so - what is her problem about Shoka and not letting even MILO know what's up.

Lilly said... 103

Dmasy - those flies are probably "cluster flies" that only appear in the autumn. They are not like regular flies as they are not "dirty" and don't spread germs - they are just really stupid insects that usually die within a day and yup - I just vacuum them up.

Anonymous said... 104

I don't have a lot of happy childhood memories.

I post here a lot, and some can probably figure out who I am by the way I am posting this.

My parents hated each other's families, so we spent all our holidays at home. After they divorced, it went downhill from there. He found a newer, younger model, but he wasn't missed that much since he never was home anyway.

As the yrs went on, we kids pretty much raised ourselves. Our parent was more interested in partying, the bar scene, or screwing her boss. we kids were told to find other friday night arrangements so she could entertain.

my main memories of my father was that he always sent his child support late, so I had to take it every month to the apt manager and explain.

The past few months, my ex has decided to quit paying child support and canceled my kids' health insurance. So, not only have I had to scramble to find the extra income to cover that, I have had to find almost 1400 to cover medical costs that are no longer paid by insurance.According to the state, i have to wait 6 months before they will step in, but by then, who knows what kind of financial turmoil I will be in.

I had to take out a bank loan to cover my kid's Christmas. Most of them are older, I initially told them we wouldn't be having Christmas this yr, but I just couldn't face the idea of them not having a Christmas.

I am a regular poster here, and some can probably figure out who I am. I enjoy reading all the happy stories. Not too long ago, one of my kids told me they had a happy childhood. I almost lost it, cuz 1) I GOT IT RIGHT, and 2) I don't know what that feels like.
For my childhood, most of my memories revolve around strange men floating in and out, and running a household of 5 since I was 11. It was very hard.

Anyway, there are my childhood memories! That's why I like all the fun and silliness here on this blog, it's a form of escapism.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 105

One of the messages I liked in 1940s House is no matter how tough it is we can make nice memories for our kids. Even something as simple as baking a cake or snuggling up together. Even when bombs are literally going off around us. Kirstie did that for her kids and the love and security they felt from her was tangible.

Anonymous said... 106

Pity Party said... 88

Only KT includes her activities of daily living on her to-do list.

Really? You don't? I make a list the night before so I don't forget.

#2 on my list today:



#3 Wipe


I'm very busy today. I must prioritize. Feel so accomplished when I check things off.

Millicent said... 107

I just re-read my earlier comment, which included a reference to "Debbie Downers." I want to be clear I am NOT referring to anyone who has shared that their childhoods were not happy ones, or that they don't really have happy holiday memories. I am truly sorry that some posters had extremely difficult childhoods, and I want those people to feel welcome here, and be able to share in the fun friendly atmosphere. So if I accidentally offended any of you, I am truly sorry. I was really referring to a few posters whose purpose seems to be in criticizing people here, finding fault, or otherwise officiously pointing out "flaws" they find in us.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 108

Millicent I knew what you meant. There is a huge difference between sharing something painful, which personally I do want to hear about as long as they want to talk about, and jumping all over people for having happy memories. One is contributing something of value to the community, the other is bringing the community down.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 109

Anonymous #104, I understand your painful childhood memories because I can relate. How wonderful that your children feel they had a happy childhood, kudos to you!

I'm so sorry for the financial difficulties you are having now. How awful of you ex to put you, and the children, in this awful position. But you will get through this, as you have everything else, Sweetie. I will keep you and your family in prayers.

Anonymous said... 110


I'm so sorry. You should be so happy a child expressed memories of a happy childhood :) Rightly for take joy in that.

localyocul said... 111

abc said... 101
#283 localyocul
Not to worry. I guarantee if 95% of had the chance we'd have done the same thing, if only to see about that poor dog. Thanks.


Thanks..for the record I had no intention of mentioning my Gladys Kravitz moment..until I saw the dog. He's a beautiful dog.

IDModo said... 112

After I got my cancer diagnosis last year I decided that, since everybody gave generously of crocheted hats for cancer victims, I would, as a CV, give back. In the last year I have crocheted more than 300 toques and given them away to various charitable,homeless and "Out of the Cold" organizations, at home and in Africa..This year I found a nicer pattern and I'm still crocheting.

The funny side of this is that my (bipolar)friend who has breast cancer told me her doc had said that chemo would make her manic, and she should choose radiation.

I'm not bipolar, but sure enough, when I started chemo was when I started my manic crochet-a-thon.Go figure!

Anonymous said... 113


I loved the family, including the children worked together. Everyone valued everyone else. Everyone took their roles seriously and understood their importance to the family AND country. Mommy didn't require accolades from her children for her very existence. THIS trait in Kate annoys me even more than her greed and grifting. Her INSISTENCE that her children appreciate her for allowing them to breathe her air space.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 114

Yes Kiwi I loved that. There is a sweet part where Kirstie, who never baked beforE, made something quite fantastic and Ben said Mummy this is just gorgeous!! Better than takeout food!!

Kirstie tried hard, Ben noticed and sincerely praised her for it, but Kirstie didn't fall all over herself to let everyone know her child loves her handiwork 10/10!!!

LoveMyGrandsons said... 115

IDModo, so sorry to hear of your dx, hon. I hope you are doing well. I think it's terrific that with your illness, you saw an opportunity to do something for others. What a loving and compassionate heart you have.

I also want to say to all of the crafters here who have used their skills to do something good for others, that I am in awe of each of you. God bless you all.

thestoryteller said... 116

Just wanted to say that, as a lifelong insomniac, I had tried everything. Nothing worked, or nothing worked for long. For me, Ambien has been a god-send. I only take half a pill, but I finally don't have to dread sunset. Night is no longer my enemy. No sleep walking, or eating for me. It just works.
I'm probably in the minority, but we are out there.

Dwindle said... 117

Flight of the Kiwi said... 106
Pity Party said... 88

Only KT includes her activities of daily living on her to-do list.

Really? You don't? I make a list the night before so I don't forget.

#2 on my list today:



#3 Wipe


I'm very busy today. I must prioritize. Feel so accomplished when I check things off.


HYSTERICAL! I wanted to add to it, but anything I can think of takes it over the top; and besides, your comment is a Shining Star all on its own!

Dwindle said... 118

FoTK - how are you feeling today? I would have stayed up later with you, but right after I posted at about 2:30A, Mr Rottweiler had another seizure, so my attention was on him till about 6A.
Flight, did you get any sleep? How is your Thursday?

Dwindle said... 119

Anonymous said... 104


Hugs to you, hon.

Please keep posting, under whatever name you need to. Many of us are here to support you, if we can.

Dmasy said... 120

Anon 104, I am sorry. I think we have come to know what kind of mother you are. I know that you will make this work for your children without including them in the stress.

Please know that you are in our prayers.

PJ's momma said... 121

thestoryteller, I think you are in the majority, actually. Ambien works for many, many people. I took it once due to extreme jet lag (9 hour time difference) and it worked so well, we slept 20 hours! Didn't do that again, but I know it works. Just wanted to give a bit of a warning about the dark side. Best wishes for happy sleeping from a fellow insomniac.

Marcellus said... 122

Please know that you are in our prayers.

I realize you meant this in a nice way but I'm an atheist. I don't pray.

Anonymous said... 123


Oh no - Is Rotti OK? :( My brother's late Yorkie used to seize. It was frightening. Hope your baby is doing better. I'd rather hurt than have my Bailey be sick.

Very hard to concentrate today. No sleep 'cause head hurts. I HATE these things. Just have to wait 'em out :( PIA. Although a hammer stategically placed directly above the right eye and whacked really hard might actually help right about now...is there a medical term for that? Other than self-harm? I know that's kinda frowned on. Don't have time for that whole 72-hour hold business.

Anonymous said... 124

My post was 104...

Perhaps 'escapism' isn't the correct word, I was just wanting to be done with the post and walk away from it.
I've learned a lot from others here that have experienced the same thing; it's been a source of encouragement. It's also been interesting to see how others have processed their stressful childhoods.

I don't have any grandparent memories growing up, we saw them sporadically, maybe once every other year. It was one of those 'sitting in the parlor with your mouth shut' type of visits, so they weren't exactly warm and fuzzy, lol.

Glad that so many have good memories of their grandparents. And to bring it full circle, the G kids won't have any either (of Kate's side, anyway).

Now, anyone know any crock pot jokes?

LoveMyGrandsons said... 125

Anonymous #124, I don't have any crockpot jokes, but I'll share with you my younger grandson's favorite knock-knock joke!

Knock, Knock.
Who's There?
Boo who?
Well, if you're gonna be a baby and cry about it, I'm not gonna tell you anymore jokes!!

(We had to fake our laughs everytime 21 times he told this over the Thanksgiving weekend!)

IDModo said... 126

Love My Grandsons 115- I'm doing just great!The stem cell (my own cells )transplant seems to have worked;there is not enough bad protein in my blood to count, my other blood values are normal, and they can't see any myelomas, so I'm on my way to remission (Touch wood).

Crocheting for others keeps me from feeling sorry for myself, and gives me purpose, so I actually get as much as I give. That's why I love to do it.

Thanks LMG for the nice things you said. Your toque is in the mail (LOL)!

LoveMyGrandsons said... 127

So glad to hear that, IDModo! I'll be checking my mailbox every day. Lol!

Dmasy said... 128

Kiwi...with the migraine there is always the "during" and then the "day after" and then the "when will I get another one". Sorry.

I have requested a chain saw solution for my left side. Sounds like yours attacks on the right.

I have only tried Imitrex in tablet form. It didn't work. Is the little injection more effective? I don't take daily meds for prevention. I have gone through several prescription pain killers that don't help. When the throwing up begins, I usually take a trip to the Dr. for the shot that erases the rest of the day. Recently, I have been getting a Benedryl and pain killer and anti-nausea recipe that helps without knocking me out.

Hope your migraine goes away soon. Thinking of you.

Dwindle said... 129

To Anon @ 104, and others; maybe even GG, too:

I have been thinking a lot about what you two, and other posters here, are going through. I mean no offense and if I am 'calling you out' in error, I deeply apologize.

I know what it is like to be on the verge of being homeless, with my small children. I know what it is like to be barely functioning in my own skin, and in society. Not enough food on the table, utilities being shut off, and the county sheriff at the door in anticipation of eviction. Frozen in my brain with fear, indecision and more fear.

I know what it's like to look at others and just want to scream, "you have no idea what real life is really like!!!" And then people say or do something, intending to help, and it is all wrong and just proves once again how clueless they are. Like talking about 'worst gifts' when some have 'NO gifts'. Like complaining about how to juggle holiday visits, when some will have NO holiday visit at all.

I dont know for sure, but I am betting that is a horrible time in your life that WILL pass. It doesnt seem like it ever can, but it will. You will come out on the other side and be even more amazing, loving, stronger, than you are now. My sister said to me, all those years ago "If you could only know NOW, what you are going to know THEN, this would be easier." And she was right.

For those here who are facing debilitating health issues - I know sometimes you are alone and you FEEL alone. I dont know what to say to you, other than I wish you peace in heart and physical comfort. Your blog friends here are with you; others are with you too in spirit, you may not really be as alone as you may feel.

Admin, in my humble opinion, you have been right on target with your leadership on this blog. Allowing discussion, personal sharing, support, information, disagreement about SUBJECTS, etc. And I applaud your efforts to prevent criticism of us as people and ridicule. Not one of US HERE ever signed up for a reality show and demanded money and approval from the public. Our values are not fair game for finger pointing here. Gentle input and alternative methods of living and coping has always been permitted by you and even encouraged, and I admire that.

Our society pushes false over-the-top spending on us at this time of year. Loving family all happily squished around a huge dinner feast with gifts galore waiting in the other room... Pshaw! Some have that, most dont. I just hope we can all realize that this time of year is full of pressure, sad memories of times long gone, and fears of the future. It's my wish that we can support each other and resist the urge to take out our frustrations on each other, too.

I wish each of us peace of soul.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 130

Well said Dwindle. Especially this part "none of us here signed up for a reality show."

The posters here are NOT fair game to attack and criticize. Gentle, helpful suggestions and disagreement are always okay, attacks like we may go after Kate and others in the public are not. I could allow it, but I choose not to. It's not fair to the folks here.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 131

What a beautiful comment, Dwindle. Thank you.

JoyinVirginia said... 132

I am not a doctor not do I play one on TV. Disclaimer aside, a friend of ours got awful migraines after a car accident and concussion. He saw all kinds of specialists, still got the headaches at least monthly, and they were bad. His family doctor put him on propanolol for his blood pressure, and that stopped the headaches. He had tried all the imitrex and other meds, but no one had ever tried him on that one. He still gets migraine but more it is more like once or twice a year.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133

How far do you take that little philosophy? Should we not discuss recipes because some people don't have enough to eat? There go all the recipe sites out there. Shall we not discuss our kids because some people are infertile? There goes the mommy blogs. Shall we not talk about our hubbies because some people are divorced or widowed? Frankly, I can't agree with this idea nice things should NEVER be discussed because some don't have that. By that logic blogs shouldn't exist at all because some people don't have computers. I don't think so.

Formerly Duped said... 134


Thank you for the Shoka report. All you did was drive by and not bother anyone. It's good to know Shoka did not succumb to ill-treatment.

Just Another Point of View said... 135

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 133
How far do you take that little philosophy? Should we not discuss recipes because some people don't have enough to eat? There go all the recipe sites out there. Shall we not discuss our kids because some people are infertile? There goes the mommy blogs. Shall we not talk about our hubbies because some people are divorced or widowed? Frankly, I can't agree with this idea nice things should NEVER be discussed because some don't have that. By that logic blogs shouldn't exist at all because some people don't have computers. I don't think so.

I wholeheartedly agree. It's up to the individual to decide if they want to read and or participate in any blog.

"You cannot please all of the people all of the time."

PatK said... 136

Finally getting around to catching up here for the day, and glad to see localyocul's report of a pet sighting!

Not surprised about the lack of outdoor Christmas decorations, though. The hired hands probably haven't shown up to do that yet.

Anonymous said... 137

This is typical liberal garbage. They've been taught to hate the rich, to hate everyone doing well. We are seeing it right here on this blog. People can't just be happy for other people, they have to hate them and not only that but want to redistribute everything they worked so hard for. I couldn't agree more with that OP who said posts like that just confirm to the sheeple we are just jealous of Kate and her riches and trips and fame. Please stop making us look like the jellus hags they all say we are, I am getting embarrassed by this. Enough already. Carry on with the wonderful stories I am enjoying them and am not bitter and jealous.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 138

Just, thanks. It seems to me a much more considerate and unselfish thing to do is to scroll on past something that is upsetting to you because you don't have the same. I don't visit monster truck blogs because I don't like them and if the discussion went that way here I would scroll, not tell people not to discuss it.

Anonymous said... 139

Anonymous said... 127

luke bandit, I personally think you missed out on teaching your son an important lesson. Kids seem to be so coddled. They don't get what they want or what they think they 'deserve' and a parent steps in and 'fixes' it for them.

What world, indeed.
Oh for cryin' out loud. You have NO idea what the ENTIRE story is here. A child can be soothed AND taught at the same time. In fact, the little one so disappointed and CONFUSED is more likely to listen and understand. You have no idea what Luke Bandit said or did not say to her child about what she learned about the circumstances. How do you know she didn't say 'tis better to give than receive? She eased the broken heart of her SMALL child a bit, because, unlike the ass Kate Gosselin, she actually understands HER children and parenting. She didn't buy her son an f*ng iPad.

The authoritative/dictatorial/ "you get what you get and you don't get upset" PERIOD without explanation zips by a teaching moment. Go free a fly. Anyone who wants to jump of me go right ahead. I don't mind, at all. I know EXACTLY what Luke Bandit meant. And what she did and why she did it. And I don't know her.

I'm sorry Admin, I am in a foul mood. This just so pissed me off. If you wish to delete it, of course go ahead.

Wow said... 140

Starz22 said... 44
I have a few issues...I am all for any religion..what ever you believe in...go for it. BUT...I find every year closing in on me and saying you can't do it.
When I was in school, we had Easter Halloween,and Christmas...
Now I'm told I shouldn't say Merry Christmas...I should say,Happy Holidays. There is NO Christmas tree..it is a Holiday tree. Really?
There is no more x-mas gift exchange....
Like I said ...I have no issues with other beliefs or religions...BUT why can't we take part in what we always have?
I have no issues with my neighbor putting candles in her window...I have no issues with my other neighbor having none...I just want to light my lawn and tree's and not being attacked for it.
So I put up my flag...decorate my tree's..BUT yet I'm told I can not send in treats for my kids,b/c they are not PC??
In a school of 600...3 don't believe in Christmas....and thats enough to stop it for everyone else.
Why not keep the 3 at home for this 1 day...or take them to a room and let them watch a movie or make crafts...or whatever?

Is this post for real?

Maybe those 3 non-Christian children should be regulated to a camp of some sort so their non-Christian germs don't get near the regular children.

Very nice of you to "have no issues" when your neighbor puts up lights.


And this will be deleted but I needed to comment. I usually enjoy Starz comments but this one had White Power written all over it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 141

Missy? I scroll past things I perceive as moaning. Believe it or not, I don't agree with every single thing posted in this thread. But it also isn't right to attack someone for telling a simple story. If I don't like the story, the solution is not to be bitter and angry about it and attack them. What good does that do. I have a scroll button just like you.

PatK said... 142

Perhaps those who are unhappy with this blog should go form their own board/blog. Easy, peasy.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 143

Wow, I have to disagree with you. I toatlly understood the point Starz22 was making, and it did NOT have "white power written all over it".

PatK said... 144

Wow...140: Are you serious? I think Starz22 has a valid point which I happen to agree with. I'm personally tired of all this namby-pamby political correctness being shoved down our throats.

Fire away.

Wow said... 145

So I put up my flag...decorate my tree's.....

Confederate Flag?
What type of Flag for Christmas?

Wow said... 146

Why not keep the 3 at home for this 1 day…or take them to a room and let them watch a movie or make crafts…or whatever?

Why not separate the non-Christians from the Christians?

Isn't that what she's saying? Am I reading it wrong? She's saying that the "3" should be OUTCAST from the rest.

PatK said... 147


Whatever floats your boat. Last time I checked, America was still a free country.

Over In Kate's County said... 148

Now, anyone know any crock pot jokes?


No, but I can tell you what I made for Sunday brunch after church. We had friends over, so in the morning I threw some crabmeat, shrimp and everything else but the kitchen sink in the crock pot, with a tomato based broth. One of the friends who ate here has his own catering service. The result was a seafood stew/chowder and it was absolutely amazing. He said it was the best he's ever eaten and he wanted the recipe to include in his catering offerings. There was no recipe, and I couldn't make it again if my life depended on it. I called it "crock on the dock."

I'll try making it again, but I'm not holding my breath.

Dwindle said... 149

Calling all Buckeyes, especially NEOhioans:


Dmasy said... 150

Starz 22, I understood what you were saying. I agree. We are going to bizarre extremes to pacify every faction. It can't be done. We need to relax and enjoy diversity.

You expressed my thoughts very well. Thank you. Oh, and Merry Christmas!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 151

Wow said... 145
So I put up my flag...decorate my tree's.....

Confederate Flag?
What type of Flag for Christmas?

I guess you're the only one who can stereotype?

I don't live in the South, think they won the Civil War or own a Confederate flag but I would like to see Christians be allowed to celebrate Christmas and call it Christmas.

SeeSaw said... 152

This blog is giving me whiplash.
Admin - can I sue?
What a world.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 153

Wow #146, she was not saying the 3 children should be outcasts. In that situation it is up to their parents how they want to handle it, if they want their children to participate or not. She offered some suggestions if the parents did not want their children to participate in the celebration.

When my daughter was in public elementary school, she had classmates that were of different faiths. Being a room mother, I know that some of the parents of the children let them participate in the activities. I also know that 2 of the mothers picked their children up after lunch because they chose not to have their kids participate. It was not an issue and they were very nice when they picked up their kids; there were no hard feelings. It was just against their principles/religious beliefs.

PatK said... 154

Hold the phone! My post @147 references Wow's post @146. The post I was referencing is now @145. Was something swiffered somewhere along the line?

Just wanted to make it clear I was NOT referring to Wow's current @146 post!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155

In my experience kids usually love participating in and learning about other religions and festivals. It's some uptight adults who want to pull them out of class or make demands no one discuss this or that.

Midnight Madness said... 156

"I realize you meant this in a nice way but I'm an atheist. I don't pray."

Does this mean that if one is an atheist and doesn't pray, that those who do pray can't include you in their prayers?

Midnight Madness said... 157

We get some of those "pet" flies here. Cold outside, warm on a window sill...they just show up. They are sluggish and easy to trap in a paper towel.

Weren't there flies on the inside window sills in the Amityville horror house? It seems that in many of those paranormal/fear movies, flies congregate inside! Not saying that Kate attracts them, but...

Improbable Dreams said... 158

I've been thinking a lot about that Shoka sighting...

Sorry to sond cynical, and with no offense to Localyocal, who has Shoka's best interests in mind, but I'm wondering if that's really the same German Shepherd.

Again with the conspiracies, I know, but not without cause. Kate's been deceptive before, with her own kids as well as her viewers, fans and detractors. And we all know the mystery surrounding Shoka's ingesting a dead animal and then...radio silence, as to his well-being.

Anyone remember her bringing home that GS on one of the last-gasp episodes of Kate + 8?? I seem to remember at least one kid saying something along the lines of "What's its name?" As if it were, I dunno, a replacement animal.

Berks Neighbor said... 159

When I was in middle school there was a boy who was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. He didn't celebrate Christmas. We always had a Christmas party in school -gifts, food, etc. (just so you know I graduated highschool in the late 1980's) Anyways...on those holiday celebrations he stayed home. The choice of his family. No one complained to the school district and made the Christmas holiday miserable for everyone else either.
This PC crap where no one receives any joy and can't celebrate as has been tradition for over a hundred years is just a bunch of BULL. Life is tough. You live by the choices you make. You choose to be an atheist, fine, you choose to believe in the flying spaghetti monster, fine, you choose to be a theist, fine. Do what you gotta do, but don't make YOUR choices become MY rules to live by.

Dutch Tulip said... 160

Flight of the Kiwi said... 139
Oh for cryin' out loud. You have NO idea what the ENTIRE story is here. A child can be soothed AND taught at the same time.
I totally agree with you, all kids should have at least one person in their life who tries to make things good for them, I try to be that person for my nieces, Lukebandit did it for her kid! ( and Jon for his).
Ps sinterklaas was great, thanks for your best wishes)

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 161

Dwindle said ... 129

That was a terrific post. I thought I was finished posting here but I have to come back to say that I agree wholeheartedly with you. Thanks.

Dmasy said... 162

Berk's Neighbor -- well, how did you know about my flying spaghetti monster? I agree with everything you said so well.

When did our country loose its common sense?

LoveMyGrandsons said... 163

Berks Neighbor, I tend to agree. At work, we have people of various faiths, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, etc. However, the office decorates for Christmas every year as they have for all the years the previous owner had it. We also are closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. No one gets upset over this. One of my friends there, who is Muslim, always participates in the holiday luncheon that we have, although she chooses not to participate in the grab bag, and that's okay.

IDModo said... 164

I’m reacting to the directives we used to get at work about no decorations of any kind for any holiday for fear someone would be upset. My birthday is on Groundhog Day and I used to love getting up early and festooning the Boss’ office with Groundhog shit; singing my little Groundhog song and teaching my colleagues the dance. We would all go outside, sit in a circle on the snow, and I would look for my shadow.
The City Fathers got wind of it (must have been the shit) and said that I couldn’t even mention Mother Nature under penalty of severeness. I retired early and am devoting my life to making people aware of this celebration!

LoveMyGrandsons said... 165

IDModo #165, bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Dwindle said... 166

Flight of the Kiwi said... 123

Oh no - Is Rotti OK? :( My brother's late Yorkie used to seize. It was frightening. Hope your baby is doing better. I'd rather hurt than have my Bailey be sick.

Very hard to concentrate today. No sleep 'cause head hurts. I HATE these things. Just have to wait 'em out :( PIA. Although a hammer stategically placed directly above the right eye and whacked really hard might actually help right about now...is there a medical term for that? Other than self-harm? I know that's kinda frowned on. Don't have time for that whole 72-hour hold business.


Rotti is subdued today and clingy, but fine. We cant deny it anymore, he has epilepsy. Each seizure is looking more and more typical. Oh well.

Ummm. The hammer over the eye thing... If that is the treatment direction you really want to go in, I wont argue with you just. However, I have the perfect thing for you to WEAR for the occasion! It's a lovely white jacket, warm and sturdy with lonnnnng funny sleeves and some odd buckles on it. No worries! Well, just get you all set in this lovely garment and then we can talk about that hammer thing...

All kidding aside, I do not have serial migraines, but I have a child who has had them since age 7. I am so sorry.

PatK said... 167

Why should anyone care about Hannah lifting up Leah so she could reach the top of the fridge, all the while telling Kate a story and never missing a beat? This is twitter-worthy?

Grasping to keep family in the limelight. Sad.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 168

Dwindle, so sorry to hear about your dog, but glad that he is okay now. Sending comforting thoughts your way.

Hey, IDModo. Can you have someone record you doing your groundhog dance and then send it to Admin so she can post it? I for one would LOVE to see it!! I didn't know such a dance existed, so consider it an educational tool for your bloggie friends!

LoveMyGrandsons said... 169

Seriously, sorry but there are some comments from the haters on Twitter that are so off the wall and ridiculous that I won't comment on them. I choose to ignore them.

JudyK said... 170

Flight of the Kiwi said... 78

Ya need to "sneak" up on it with a trap it with a cupped hand. Scoop into closed fist and shake really hard to stun. Throw anywhere you want. Outside, on the floor and smack it with the flyswatter or a lead pipe, whatever.

I am serious. I have seen it done. Yes, by you-know-who. I cannot do it, nor do I wish to. Son can do it as well. I am so proud...(eye roll).

Have you tried the rubberband shoot-to-kill method? Messy, but effective. Best not done anywhere near plates, cups, open containers, etc. Again, not a skill of mine.

LOL Kiwi! You crack me up.

Sidney said... 171

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 155

In my experience kids usually love participating in and learning about other religions and festivals. It's some uptight adults who want to pull them out of class or make demands no one discuss this or that.
December 6, 2012 2:30 PM


I have a sweet friend who grew up in a small town in Utah.

She said when she was a little girl that ALL the kids went to Catechism, Bible School and Primary.

The small town had a lot of coal miners, so Mormons were not the predominant religion.

There were many Catholics, Baptisms and Mormons.

All This Is That said... 172

Love My Grandsons, 171 said...Seriously, sorry but there are some comments from the haters on Twitter that are so off the wall and ridiculous that I won't comment on them. I choose to ignore them.


I'll second that, LMG. It's too ridiculous to discuss. I'm surprised it hasn't been swiffered.

IDModo said... 173

LMG169- Alas, the Groundhog Dance is no more.I
have become lame in my old age and the youngsters are all into gangnam style. The song has also receded into the mists of time. I am searching archives at the Music Library for it as we speak.
If I can find an old colleague who remembers the dance, and if he/she dares do it in public and on camera, I will send it along.

fidosmommy said... 174

Speaking for myself, I am VERY thankful for the
pet report made here. It's not like we were hearing about the kids. I am so relieved to know that Shoka is OK. (I don't believe for one second that Kate would get another dog if Shoka was gone.) Now that we know there is an actual live GS on the property, we can quit wondering on this blog where he is. So, admonitions be damned, I appreciate this report.

Dwindle said... 175

"I realize you meant this in a nice way but I'm an atheist. I don't pray."

Does this mean that if one is an atheist and doesn't pray, that those who do pray can't include you in their prayers?


I am so weird. Weirder than you all even know. I have a cousin, a FIRST cousin no less, who follows Wicca practices and when she says she is doing a charm or offering up some burning herbs on my behalf, I am flattered. Never offended.

I am not Catholic, but when I worked for the diocese I learned how to pray the rosary out loud with elderly who wanted companionship while they prayed. I hope God forgave me for that.

I am not Jewish, at least not that it has been proven yet, but I burn Yahrzeit candles for my departed Jewish friends.

I dont know - is this offensive? I am quite happy over here in my little corner, but am I offending others? Am I offending a higher power? I happen to believe that if you worship The higher power, it is all the same one. Just different methods of worship and observance.

Maybe we shouldnt discuss religion. I just dont get why we are sniping at each other lately.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 176

IDModo, I actually googled the groundhog dance and found out about the origins of it, but didn't find any videos of it except the groundhog on Caddyshack. My tough luck!

foxy said... 177

Notice that Kate NEVER mentions her sons or Alexis. She really is so blatant with this as if she only has 4 (count them 4) children. She uses the number 8 for 8 children when she wants attention and wants her ring (among other things) kissed.

ampersmom said... 178

Dwindle, so sorry to hear about Mr Rottweiler I know how much you are worried about him. Hopefully you will be able to find a medication for him that will reduce the number of seizures he has.

Nuts said... 179

Is this poster bat shit crazy? Maybe it's a sheeple who is trying to post bizzare drivel in an attempt to drive traffic away from this site?

IDModo said... 164
I’m reacting to the directives we used to get at work about no decorations of any kind for any holiday for fear someone would be upset. My birthday is on Groundhog Day and I used to love getting up early and festooning the Boss’ office with Groundhog shit; singing my little Groundhog song and teaching my colleagues the dance. We would all go outside, sit in a circle on the snow, and I would look for my shadow.
The City Fathers got wind of it (must have been the shit) and said that I couldn’t even mention Mother Nature under penalty of severeness. I retired early and am devoting my life to making people aware of this celebration!

LoveMyGrandsons said... 180

Nuts #179, IDModo has been a poster here for awhile and I do not believe they are a sheeple. It was a funny post and I got a kick out of it. I even googled groundhog dances!! So, the joke's on me!

fidosmommy said... 181

No, not bat poop crazy. Just groundhog day crazy. Entirely different. And loads more fun.
Dance on!

Parent In Lancaster County said... 182

No, not bat poop crazy. Just groundhog day crazy. Entirely different. And loads more fun.
Dance on!


Here in PA, in the southern end of the county, we have Octoraro Orphie. Northeast of Pittsburgh, there's Punxsutawney Phil, both groundhog predictors of the spring to come. Celebrations include pancake breakfasts, dances, and festivals.

Yes, we're nuts. But we're "happy nuts" and these Groundhog Day observations have been going on for over 100 years.

The twit's tweets said... 183

Berks said: ... This PC crap where no one receives any joy and can't celebrate as has been tradition for over a hundred years is just a bunch of BULL. Life is tough. You live by the choices you make. You choose to be an atheist, fine, you choose to believe in the flying spaghetti monster, fine, you choose to be a theist, fine. Do what you gotta do, but don't make YOUR choices become MY rules to live by.


Thank you. I completely agree.

My Two Cents said... 184

I'm sorry but if your joy is ruined by Merry Christmas becoming Happy Holidays, especially as it relates to public schools and public places, in a country where the last time I checked we supposedly have a separation of church and state, then you may have to dig a little deeper for the true meaning of the season. My family is interfaith, And while I grew up in a more diverse community, I raised my children, and was a major volunteer, in a small town where the public schools were heavy into Christmas, no pc about it. We coped, we had our own family traditions and participate in a lot of different celebrations. But I have a strong personal feeling about where the secular is appropriate. And isolating children, in a public school, in December, is just plain wrong. Embrace all holidays, or attend religious schools, you do have a choice.

Jo said... 185

The twit's tweets said... 183

Berks said: ... This PC crap where no one receives any joy and can't celebrate as has been tradition for over a hundred years is just a bunch of BULL. Life is tough. You live by the choices you make. You choose to be an atheist, fine, you choose to believe in the flying spaghetti monster, fine, you choose to be a theist, fine. Do what you gotta do, but don't make YOUR choices become MY rules to live by.


AMEN and Merry Christmas!

readerlady said... 186

Dwindle -- I doubt God was upset with you for saying the Rosary with the elderly parishioners. You were doing a kind, loving and generous thing and isn't that, after all, what He requires of us?

Just to weigh in on the school thing -- When I was in Jr. High, I had a home room teacher who required us to say the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord's Prayer every morning. My best friend, also in that home room, was a Witness. They don't say the Pledge because they believe that one's only allegiance should be to God. There were 2 Jewish kids in the class. They don't say the Lord's Prayer, for obvious reasons. Their solution was to sit quietly and respectfully at their desk when the rest of us Pledged/Prayed. Every day, she had some nasty, unkind thing to say to them. None of the 3 were in the school by the middle of the semester. I'm all for public celebrations and expressions of faith and the like. Unfortunately, some people use it as an excuse to abuse and bully those who don't believe the same things. That teacher's behavior made a big impression on me, but I doubt it was the impression she intended to make.

Dwindle, sorry about Mr. Rotti. Has your vet tried Phenobarb or one of the other anti-seizure meds for him? I know that there are some very effective treatments for epilepsy in cats, but I don't know about dogs. You could ask your vet to refer you to OSU. Their clinics usually have the most up-to-date knowledge and, sometimes, if they are doing a study, you can get treatment/meds for free. Even if they aren't, the treatment costs are very reasonable.

I get migraines too. When I was younger, there was a strong hormonal component to them. Every month, just like clockwork. Now, mostly they're weather triggered, but I haven't had one bad enough to go to the ER in a long time. I take fioricet when I feel one coming on, or have Imitrex for when they get really bad. I can't touch beer or wine, though. Even just a few sips will trigger a major migraine. Red wine seems to be worse than white, for some reason.

AuntieAnn said... 187

fidosmommy said... 174

Speaking for myself, I am VERY thankful for the
pet report made here. It's not like we were hearing about the kids. I am so relieved to know that Shoka is OK. (I don't believe for one second that Kate would get another dog if Shoka was gone.) Now that we know there is an actual live GS on the property, we can quit wondering on this blog where he is. So, admonitions be damned, I appreciate this report.

My *sediments* exactly. I'm doing a little Snoopy happy dance on the roof of my imaginary dog house. I'm relieved to know he's not dead.

Now I only wish she'd never brought him back from wherever he was at in the first place, just to film an episode to make her look like a caring person. She uses everything in her scripted life as a prop to make the play look real.

Gawd, there's no pleasing me.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 188

My Two Cents, no one said their joy was ruined by saying happy holidays. The point, in my opinion, was that as a country we try so hard to be politically correct that sometimes the meaning of the season tends to get lost. I say Merry Christmas, not happy holidays. That is just my preference because it was what I grew up with.

Yes, there are many different faiths in this great country, but I do not believe that traditional celebrations should be stopped because some may not believe in them. Separation of church and state is one thing, muzzling people from celebrating long held traditions in this country are quite another.

I'm sure I didn't state my feelings clearly, and I'm sorry for that, and if I offended anyone. I just think that things are going to far when holiday parties are stopped at schools because someone might not agree with them.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 189

I'm sorry but if your joy is ruined by Merry Christmas becoming Happy Holidays, especially as it relates to public schools and public places, in a country where the last time I checked we supposedly have a separation of church and state, then you may have to dig a little deeper for the true meaning of the season.


But it goes the opposite way too isn't it? If your joy is ruined just by hearing Merry Christmas then YOU need to dig a little deeper to find the true meaning of the season. I am eternally baffled by why people take issue with learning about other religions or even with people practicing them around you. Where I grew up was heavily Catholic. We were one of the few protestants. When I would have sleepovers I would just go to church with the family the next morning--so what. That was fun to me, a learning experience. I also studied abroad in Israel and wanted to know everything about Judaism. I observed their Sabbath and ate their food and practiced their customs. I went to class on Sunday when I should have been in church because Sunday is their Monday. It just never crossed my mind I should feel "offended" by anything or tell people they can't do certain things. Open your eyes to other traditions, even take part. Most of the time, they are happy to have you. Most of the time, you will make lasting friends. It's a good thing. We coexhist every day with people of all kinds of religious and political beliefs. I fail to see how we are to learn and grow together if we segregate each other in the way some seem to want to do during the holidays.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 190

Amen, Admin.

AuntieAnn said... 191

The 1940s House: I am so grateful I don't have to go through Lyn's nightly beauty regime. The aluminum clips, the scarf tied around the chin - yikes! I could though, I have a box full of those aluminum clips in my drawer, inherited, and I can't bring myself to throw them out. Maybe I'll give it a try one these nights after a few shots of Rumspringa.

PJ's momma said... 192

Dwindle, I have a lot of experience with dog epilepsy. The doxie in my avatar is epileptic. Most of the time, the seizures are in the middle of the night. They get them during REM sleep or something. Our doctor prescribed phenobarbitol, which is cheap and effective, but it can cause liver damage. The dog will need regular blood work to monitor that. Our dog's liver enzymes kept going up and up and up (as did our bill for blood work) so they switched him to a 'people' medicine called Zonisamide. It does not have that that side effect, but it does have others. However, if the dog is depressed or suicidal, I sure cannot tell. I get it at Costco for about $36 for a 2 month supply. I went to the local drugstore and it was $112 for a 1 month supply! I could not believe it. So back to Costco we went. Pheno can be dispensed directly from the vet. Just know that the dog will likely have 'breakthrough' seizures now and then and that is normal too. The mess is unbelievable though! If I had to go through this again, I would have the vet start straight with Zonisamide and not do the pheno because of the potential for harm. Good luck, I know it can be scary and they are very agitated for a long time afterward.

My Two Cents said... 193

What is forgotten is that this season does not mean the same thing to eveyone. And yes, someone did say that her joy is ruined by substituting 'holidays' for 'christmas'. I celebrate that this country is a big, beautiful, melting pot of diversity. That's all. Perhaps it's time to just do some scrolling.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 194

Sometimes when I say Merry Christmas I will hear Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanza back. Not in a mean way, just in a same to you I'm sharing my particular holiday joy with you too.

If someone is sharing their traditions and you feel upset, why not try sharing yours back? Most people are more than happy to hear about it. Personally I love it, it makes me happy we can all coexhist together. It doesn't even have to be religion, I have several close friends who are atheist and we've had great conversations about beliefs. You're really missing out if you try to get rid of all this stuff and have us all just be one homogenous non-religious non-beliefs group.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 195

'. I celebrate that this country is a big, beautiful, melting pot of diversity.


So do I. How can it be diverse though if we're all expected to just shut up about whatever we believe.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 196

My Two Cents, no, this season does not mean the same thing to everyone. However, people should not have to give up long held traditions that this country has celebrated for centuries.

If I lived in another country that celebrated different holidays than what I did, I would have no right to tell them they have to stop their celebrations because I do not agree with them.

America has always been a melting pot, and we need to be tolerant of others celebrations, not try to stop them.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 197

@Tab_T FYI, there's a handful of bitter haters who fill all new followers' heads with pure lies. Block them and join our positive fun:)


How does she know this if she has them blocked? Pure lies...as opposed to polluted or contaminated lies?

Kate wants to talk about "lies." How about her tweet last year that she was wearing heels the day after last year's marathon, but this year, when asked about that marathon, she claims that she crawled around for a week? Pure lie?

How about the story of Mady smashing the spider to death, but then recently said that "all living things are safe here." Pure lie?

How about "Mommy and Daddy will be together forever?" Pure lie?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 198

Part 2 is up!

Bearswife said... 199

Admin, in my humble opinion, you have been right on target with your leadership on this blog. Allowing discussion, personal sharing, support, information, disagreement about SUBJECTS, etc. And I applaud your efforts to prevent criticism of us as people and ridicule. Not one of US HERE ever signed up for a reality show and demanded money and approval from the public. Our values are not fair game for finger pointing here. Gentle input and alternative methods of living and coping has always been permitted by you and even encouraged, and I admire that.

Our society pushes false over-the-top spending on us at this time of year. Loving family all happily squished around a huge dinner feast with gifts galore waiting in the other room... Pshaw! Some have that, most dont. I just hope we can all realize that this time of year is full of pressure, sad memories of times long gone, and fears of the future. It's my wish that we can support each other and resist the urge to take out our frustrations on each other, too.

I wish each of us peace of soul.
Dwindle, I love you. You are such a wise woman.These are words to live by.
And thank you for the Louis Armstrong video earlier, as well. I shared it on facebook and it brought joy to lots of my friends.

Anonymous said... 200

I'm only stopping in occasionally these days, but thought I'd say 'hey'....

Dwindle, I have to say I LOVE YOUR POSTS. They make me smile. I'm sure you've never offended anyone in your life!

FoTK, step away from the hammer. Really, just drop it and step back - LOL. I have an icky story about migraines... I had them for about 1 year and turns out they were previews of a seizure. I had a full blown tonic-clonic seizure right after falling asleep one night. DH heard me fall out of bed, came over to see what was going on, saw I wasn't breathing and.... yep, this is true........ pushed me with his foot to start the breathing again.

No, he never had CPR training; no, he was puzzled about what to do, yes, he couldn't believe I'd stopped breathing...... and when I yelled at him the next day, he got all 'gee, shucks' on me and said "well, you started breathing again, didn't you?".

He did say the paramedics asked him, in sort of an incredulous way... 'so, sir, you.... kicked her to get her breathing again?'. He stood up tall and said, "NO, I just nudged her with my foot, then I called you guys".

Yep, that story is one that goes around each Christmas... yuck, yuck.....

Two weeks later he participated in a FIVE DAY advanced first aid class, and has annual repeats. Toad............

So, anyhoo, on the topic of insomnia, I found out I have something called 'delayed sleep pattern insomnia' - I guess if you have to have insomnia it's one of the better ones to have. I can go to sleep no problem, just not until 2 AM. I sleep my full 8.5 hours and wake refreshed.

I tried taking ambien, long-acting - didn't work. I occasionally take benadryl or GABA Calm, but nothing really takes effect until about 2 AM. Go figure. At least I'm retired so no pressure to wake early. Worked 25 years as nurse on afternoon shift - must have permanently changed my sleep brain.

As for folks offering to pray for me, I too am an atheist with Buddhist leanings, but I would never bitch if someone wanted to offer their good wishes. I take them at their word and accept gratefully their kind thoughts. I'd never be so presumptuous to say 'I'm an atheist, so your prayers are unwanted' - ugh, that would be so rude and dismissive of their faith!

Well, here I am rambling tonight. Just thought I'd put in my two cents, for whatever that is worth.

When is the next party? I'm longing for the road trips and veranda sitting. Oh, and not to forget the person getting stuck sitting on the sticky counter - Dwindle, was that you? LOL


One last little ramble, I watched National Lampoons CHristmas Vacation last night. I laughed so hard I peed my pants. Every year I watch it and it's just as funny each time. Laughter is good for the soul!

Dwin, sending good wishes for your Rotti!!!

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