Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1940's House: Part 1

"The war years were times of problems, but I think it gave many of us a chance to discover depths which we didn't know we had, talents which we didn't know we had before ... Pretty good sex we were. We managed beautifully." ~Marguerite Patton

The House series that aired on PBS and the BBC were some of the most educational and riveting programs we've ever seen. And they were all made in the dreaded reality T.V. format. One of the best was Britain's 1940s House. The Hymers, hand picked from many hopeful candidates, were so dedicated to the authenticity of the project, there seemed to be no better choice to cast.

In particular, single mom Kirstie Hymer, along with her two sweet sons, fully embraced every aspect of the project, even going hungry when the rations ran low. Their commitment to making the most of the experience and gaining an appreciation for what their country went through during World War II is inspiring.

Kirstie, age 29: This single mom who was just a teenager when her first child was born had one priority: her boys. Her heart and head in the right place throughout the project, she made sure Ben and Thomas got to the bomb shelter first, even getting fined for turning on a light doing so, gave up her rations so they wouldn't go hungry, and was horrified and ashamed to find out other children at school had been giving them food. "I can't have people thinking you're not getting enough food!" she bemoans, and then bakes a cake for them. Oh, and she even finds time to give blood and volunteer at a local daycare. Meanwhile, she discovers a talent for baking. (Margurite Patton, a ration book recipe guru during the war and fascinating in her own right, helps Kirstie with authenticity.)

Ben, age 10: At his tender age, Ben takes on the role of man of the house while his grandfather is away on business. The self-appointed family "Fuel Warden," he guards the family's expenditure of resources so carefully (he even paints a water line in the bathtub) his Granny heckles him with a sign that says "Fuel Warden Stinks."

Thomas, age 7: After shedding a few tears at having to leave his home, carefree Thomas quickly grows to love living 1940's style, pitching in, helping with the bomb shelter and offering to take a bath with his brother to save water, and always making everyone smile. His cheerfulness in the face of such adversity is a reminder how resilient children can be.

This beautiful portrait of a family from modern times who somehow found a way to pull together during wartime just like the families of yesteryear had to, is definitely worth screening together. Enjoy!

Part 1 is available on Youtube and Amazon.

407 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

If given the opportunity would ya'll participate in a House series? I always thought I'd never do reality t.v. but this is one I might be game for.

mim said... 2

The PBS "House" series are fascinating and I would jump at the chance to be in one.

Anonymous said... 3


I watche this on my phone...part one anyway

saweet..anyone have yohtube to part 2?


Tamara said... 4

History buffs unite! They were/are brilliant and so heartening to hear the families interview after they had been home for a while. The boys were watching less TV, and video games; instead they were playing outside and using their imaginations.

Which House would you have chosen to participate in? I think they pioneer series seemed to hardest to get through.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 5

Frontier House looked like one of the hardest ones but I think I'd have to pick that one to do since I'm such a 19th century nerd.

Oprah once did an episode where she joined Colonial House for a day or so. It was funny.

AuntieAnn said... 6

Admin, I'm so excited you're doing this. I was riveted to the tv when The 1940s House aired on PBS a few years ago. I even unplugged the phone (pre-cell era). I've always been interested in learning how people managed to survive in harder times and WWII was devastatingly difficult in London, especially during the Blitz. My God! I admire resourcefulness in people. Necessity dicates ingenuity when the things we are used to having at our fingertips are removed and supplies are limited. This family learned to thrive very well, I think.
Thanks for the thread on it.
On with the show!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7

There's so much I liked about this family but Thomas and Ben were so awesome!

They were so cute the way they both regulated the fuel. There is an adorable part where they catch their mom leaving a light on....at midnight!

Then "Granny" Lynn sits there hair in curlers saying tiredly the boy is even doing it in his SLEEP!


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 8

Oh and then there is Kate, a bit tired because she had a late flight back from Vegas. Ah, the problems of the 1%. Try taking one bath once a week in five inches of water, for starters.

AuntieAnn said... 9

Oh yeah, the black line in the bathtub!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 10

Another funny part is when Kirstie is shoveling coal and goes to put more in and Thomas says nope that's it Mom that's our ration. And he runs off with the bucket before she can put more in. The annoyed look Kirstie gives him his priceless!!

But Thomas had it right--you had to watch your fuel or you would be without and sitting in the cold.

AuntieAnn said... 11

Kate wouldn't last 15 minutes (haha) living without her iphone, never mind the rest of the things these people went without. She barely lasted an hour in camp in Alaska. She's never pushed herself to do anything that might break a nail.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 12

She's never pushed herself to do anything that might break a nail.


I think that's one of the greatest lessons this family taught us. Sure a lot of things stunk and they said so. Sure they complained. Sure, they even cheated a little bit here and there. But they stuck it out. They did everything that was asked of them. They never quit. Some of them really got into certain aspects of it like Thomas with the fuel, and Lynn with the volunteer work at the nursing home.

And the end result of sticking it out even when it stunk was extremely rewarding. Quitting is easy and gives you short term relief that it's over--but sticking out something difficult gives you a much longer lasting satisfaction.

Starz22 said... 13

We are a nation of waste...we really have no idea what it means to conserve.I think most conserve because we want to,not because we HAVE to. Back then there was no other option. I remember my great-grandmother and grandma telling me some stories about what life was like for them.

My grandma was 1 of 11 children. She would only get to wear shoes in the winter,they were never new,hand me downs from the other 10 kids.
For her school lunch she'd bring a potato which they would put on the wood stove that heated the school room,by lunch time it was ready and she could eat.Sometimes she was able to have a lard sandwich.When times were good every now and again,she'd get some sugar on her lard sammich! yum!

This is a good topic!
BTW....kate would never make it.

Silimom said... 14

OMG!!! I loved these series! Frontier House, Manor House, Colonial House, 1900 House, 1940s House! Now you've jazzed me up to watch all of these again!

And no, Kate wouldn't survive a day let alone an hour but to be fair I don't think many people could. But it's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the culture and history of a certain time period.

This is reality television at the better end of the spectrum. Not that there wasn't drama but it was far more "real" than anything TLC puts out.

::Doing the happy dance and squeeing with delight!::

AuntieAnn said... 15

The people who lived through this period of time were more hands-on in the first place. We're pretty soft in comparison. They didn't have all these distractions we occupy our days with like tv and texting and cars that practically drive themselves, and movies at the touch of a finger...(and crock pots and KitchenAids, lol).

Seriously though they had backbone, and what they had to do to survive built character. They had to, the option was death by any number of things.

I'm not saying there aren't people today who don't have character and who aren't struggling and working hard to put food on the table for their family, it's just that there are more resources today than there were during wartime.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 16

We can watch ranch house too at some point but it will feel a lot more "reality" to you. A lot more drama and conflict, light on history. At lesst compared to this one.

fidosmommy said... 17

It's no wonder Tom Brokaw called the people who lived through all this the "greatest generation". They certainly were solid to the core.

On a side note, the young boy in the picture on top looks like Beaver Cleaver to me...

and the gentleman looks like he could possibly pull a tommy gun out of his raincoat... LOL

No, seriously, these kinds of documentaries are very interesting and worthy of discussion.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 18

I think some of us do have it in us to survive such things if we had to, we've just been lucky enough not to have to know what we would do.

Elvis Fan said... 19

I was so excited when this series first began! I've seen all but Manor House (I believe). I'll be watching this again this week, as it's been several years since I've seen it. This was TV worth watching! Would've loved to have participated in 1940's house. I seem to have an attraction to this time period.

@aggiemom, I just purchased my first Kitchen-aid mixer. Very excited. I got the new bayleaf color. Baking tomorrow! :)

aggiemom09121416 said... 20

Dwindle 126 said
aggiemom09121416 said... 76

You guys let me know when you finish talking about those little piddly ol' crock pots and move on to the workhorse of the kitchen, a true machine crafted in the good ol' USA....the one, the only, the KITCHENAID MIXER. (yep, I have five, count'em FIVE kitchenaid mixers!)


Excuse me. "...little piddly ole crock pots..."????

Huh. 15 Min-ners, you should know that this woman not only has FIVE count em 5 mixers, she NAMES them!

Go ahead, aggie, dear. Tell them. There is healing in the confession of it all!
Tsk,tsk,...Dwindle dear, going for the jugular, are you??LOL
You fine posters here, don't listen to silly ol' Dwindle trying to defame my character,and more importantly my beloved mixers, THE workhorses of the kitchen. I will admit that they can't cook a pork roast or her stinky sauerkraut, but they can whip up mashed potatoes, candies, make pasta, grind meat, mill flour, ....let's watch her ol' six, count'em, six crock pots do THAT! (hehe, 1000% snark happening here!)
For the record, only two of my mixers have names, NOT all of them....I have a lovely vintage yellow mixer named Mildred and another vintage green mixer named Kermit, cuz' it ain't easy being green!

aggiemom09121416 said... 21

Elvis Fan said... 19

@aggiemom, I just purchased my first Kitchen-aid mixer. Very excited. I got the new bayleaf color. Baking tomorrow! :)
Aww, congrats! Just in time for the holidays. You will love love love it.

Lilly said... 22

Sorry guys - I have the best crock pot in the world. The bowl is clear glass and you can watch as everything cooks and it cleans up like a dream. don't have to keep lifting the lid to see what is happening

Now have I made you jellus??

HistoryBarf said... 23

Interesting!! Yeah, Kate. Your show was real. Not!


aggiemom09121416 said... 24


You trying to send Dwindle over the edge? LOL
All this crock pot talk is giving her crock pot envy!

Anonymous said... 25

I needs to buy e a mixer.

and anyone have part2 of 1940's house


Dmasy said... 26

I grew up with dueling Depression stories.

My father survived those hard times living on a farm in the Midwest. My mother suffered through the same difficult days living on Long Island, NY. Their experiences were totally different -- each believing that the other had it "easier".

I have never seen any of the House shows. Looking forward to watching 1940 House, Part 1 tonight.

Admin, you are cleverly "weaning" us from Kate and preparing us to be a solid blog after her name disappears from the gossip news. Well done!

aggiemom09121416 said... 27

Dmasy 26 said
Admin, you are cleverly "weaning" us from Kate and preparing us to be a solid blog after her name disappears from the gossip news. Well done!
Kate who?

FYI said... 28

I haven't watched 1940s House yet-will watch it later today. Part 2 is also posted on YouTube-by the same person who posted part 1.


Wikipedia has a post about the background of making the series that is very interesting.


Dutch Tulip said... 29

Happy sinterklaas everbody, I'm going to celebrate with my sister and her three daughters to night. ( in Holland we don't have Santa)

LoveMyGrandsons said... 30

Auntie Ann #15, we do have more resources today, and more modern conveniences. The one chore I really hate to do every week is laundry. However, when I think of the modern washer and dryer I use, compared with how laundry was done back in the 40's, I do have it so much easier. There are times when I think we are a spoiled nation and do not realize/appreciate how good we have it.

Now, for the show I would like to do, I would really love to do the Colonial House, because I love early American history.

Dmasy said... 31

Dutch Tulip....Thank you. I am going to think Sinterklass thoughts all day!

Rhymes with Witch said... 32

Answering readerlady's question (644)on the previous post.

Kara Baskin May 10, 2012

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 33

I'll do a separate post on part 2 when we've talked out part 1.

FYI said... 34

Admin-I hope you don't mind that I posted the link to Part 2. I wasn't sure if you were going to do another separate post on Part 2. Sorry, if I jumped the gun.

Lbelle said... 35

Admin: OMG!! What an absolutely fascinating series! I had never heard of ANY of these 'house' shows and now I am totally addicted!

1940s House is such an eye opener. It's mind boggling what all those folks had to endure, in all aspects of their lives.

Love, love, love all the proper little old ladies....always dressed up...neat as a pin. Now THOSE women are to be admired! To think that any Sheeple are in awe of Kreider is laughable.

Off to find part 2 of 1940s House. Looks like all heck is going to break out!!

Amy2 said... 36

Along the same lines, I watch a show called Buying Alaska. This is people buying homes in various parts of Alaska. Last night there were two different couples buying homes. One couple had lived in their home near Homer, Alaska for several years and had two children and were buying in the same area, only they were upgrading the type of house they wanted What was amazing is the current house had no bathroom, they used an outhouse and had to be careful to watch for bears when they went down the path to the outhouse. The other thing that struck me was how grateful they were for basic amenities like electricity, and water piped to the house, and heat. Although it may run off a generator it was heat. Things that I expect to find in a house, is considered a luxury.

These people are hardy and tried to figure out how to make things work even though it was not ideal. Its a different way of living, and one these people love.

My point being is there are people living today having fewer (standard) conveniences and doing just fine. In fact, they seemed quite happy living this life. One does not need the McMansion, 3 cars, 27 pink phones, etc. And, things do not guarantee happiness.

TLC stinks said... 37

PBS is awesome! I love that we are weening away from Kate.

Rhymes with Witch said... 38

Amy2 (36) You might find this article about dry cabins in AK interesting.


Lbelle said... 39

Nooooo! I can't get Part 2!!!! It says 'cannot load movie'. Using iPad and cannot hit links provided up thread.


kids first said... 40

Interesting...Kate's public appearances are becoming fewer and fewer. And when she does have one like this past weekend, the media coverage is getting sparser and sparser. Almost there! Then this blog can totally convert to discussions of REAL reality shows like these on PBS.

Sherry Baby said... 41

I think some of us do have it in us to survive such things if we had to, we've just been lucky enough not to have to know what we would do.


I remember listening to my grandmother's stories of the Depression and asking her how she lived that way, fascinated by some of the things they went through and survived...the ration books, bank runs, unemployment (and even if you were employed, having your pay cut in half) watching for the coal man to come, only to find out that there was none. She said, "We didn't know any better. That's the way it was, everyone was in the same shoes, and you did what you had to do. There was no choice."

Sherry Baby said... 42

Kate's on Twitter, talking to herself. Nobody is there. Had to bring this one over, though, because it's funny...

@Kateplusmy8 are you still working as a nurse? If not would you ever consider going back once the children are old enough?


Children are old enough for what? To go to work with her? :)

It seems that there are some who think that these kids are still toddlers at home who need to be supervised 24/7.

This, from a non-fan...

@SuzeW718 @ashymama2 @Kateplusmy8 Notice the deader Kates thread gets the more FUFK posts? Sign they are some how here for that sole purpose

Then why are the non-fans still posting, keeping it alive? I don't understand this.

The twit's tweets said... 43

Amy2, you might be interested in a Discovery series (it's almost over for this season, though) about subsistence living in Alaska. This family has lived in AK for about 40 years, raise/grow/hunt their own food, build their houses, dig their own water supplies, etc. And, if they don't catch enough fish or find enough deer before winter - they go hungry.

The growing season is so short in AK they must find ways to grow & make hay to keep their small herd of cattle alive over the winter and build a greenhouse out of collected materials to extend the growing period for vegies. It's quite interesting.

Here's a link to the website:

Amy2 said... 44

Rhymes, Thanks for the article. I'll read it on my lunch break today.

Amy2 said... 45

Twit, Thanks for the link. More lunch hour reading.

Anonymous said... 46

Dutch Tulip

Happy Sinterklaas! My grandparents were from a small town in Slovenia right on the Austrian border. As such, I know a bit of Sinterklass, though they called it Saint Nicholas' feast day. My grandmother would make THE best pastries. Have a fun day. I'll do a clog dance in your honor - I have an old pair that makes a wonderful racket on the floor. I'm all about the noise :) Maybe you'll hear all the way over in Holland!

As for a House series - count me in for a 20's House - Great Gatsby type, which would pretty much be an American Manor House, yeah? If pressed, I'd be more than happy with a Biltmore :)

Winter Wonderland said... 47

Then why are the non-fans still posting, keeping it alive? I don't understand this.

And I don't understand that THEY don't understand this. They're not without the ability to think logically.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 48

Winter Wonderland said... 47
Then why are the non-fans still posting, keeping it alive? I don't understand this.

And I don't understand that THEY don't understand this. They're not without the ability to think logically.

Logic goes out the window when one has developed an unremitting habit.

Winter Wonderland said... 49

Logic goes out the window when one has developed an unremitting habit.

You're right. It's an addiction for both non-fans and the few remaining sheeple. They seem to need each other to support the habit.

JoyinVirginia said... 50

Happy Sinterklaas! Another reason to celebrate!
My dad and grand father and other relations were sailors, so glad to learn Saint Nicholas is patron saint of sailors! I learn something here every day!
Today is Day Eight Of the Eight Days Of Celebration for SAINT TONY OF THE BALLROOM AND MELISSA WINNING DANCIN WITH THEM THAR STARS!!!!!!!! We started the celebratory dancing on Wednesday, the first full day after Saint Tony and Melissa were declared the winners. From now on, I will be able to remember Sinterklaas coincides with the end of the Eight Days of Dancing!
I am so gonna remind everyone next year, because you know what? This blog will still be discussing interesting topics, and not boring pseudo celebrities.
Dancing to Nicki Minaj cause her song VA VA Voom.is just so catchy.

Pity Party said... 51

From what I am hearing the people on Staten Island are having to exist in something that sounds similar. They are living in their dilapidated houses with no water, sewage or electric and are freezing and have no money. They are wondering where all the money is going that has been collected. They are getting no assistance from anyone - government or their own insurance companies. They are having to fight the mold every day, bleaching it down to try and stay healthy. It is so sad. What they need is MONEY.

There is a new book out - A SEALS guide to survival. It is being recommended (Dr. Drew) for everyone as the extremes in weather and natural disasters are on a much larger scale than previously measured and occurring much more frequently.

There was also a man on Dr. Drew with a go pack that contained a solar cell phone charger, and different items that one would need the most important being CASH. A minimum of $100, but as much as you can afford is best in small bills. You can grab it and go as that is what those people had to do(but admittedly unprepared) actually running for their lives. It is going to be a long hard winter, as the conditions are favorable for more Nor'Easters than ever. Volcanoes are rumbling, the ground is shaking, and weather has become unpredictable.

I will be watching the show, buying the book and making a go pack.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 52

[Sigh] I love PBS- and I LOVE watching all their House shows.

I think that I prefer "watching" rather than participating in a house show. I've grown quite accustomed to all the modern conveniences we have. I need my hairdryer...

JoyinVirginia said... 53

Book recommendation four those interested in this time period: Blackout and the sequel All Clear by Connie Willis. These are in the science fiction category, since the main plot device is history researchers in the future having access to tome travel to actually live the period they are researching. The books were exhaustively researched for period details of life in London during the air bombardment. In her acknowledgments in the book, Ms Willis thanks her husband who found a group of ladies who had all been air wardens. He was just checking out things while his wide was researching in some historical place, and because of him she got to have tea with this remarkable group of women.
Don't let the science fiction category turn you off. Connie Willis is a terrific writer, and both books have humor drama, romance, history, and heart.

Millicent said... 54

oveMyGrandsons said... 30

Auntie Ann #15, we do have more resources today, and more modern conveniences. The one chore I really hate to do every week is laundry. However, when I think of the modern washer and dryer I use, compared with how laundry was done back in the 40's, I do have it so much easier. There are times when I think we are a spoiled nation and do not realize/appreciate how good we have it.

I just so happened to be cleaning out some drawers yesterday and stumbled across a bag of old family photographs (great grandparents, great aunts & uncles, and my father and aunt as children). Included were two brief family histories. One was written by one of my father's aunts and she described how one of her brothers was very smart with electrical things. The brother (that would be a great-uncle to me) motorized his mother's (my great grandmother) sewing machine and he also affixed an electric motor to her washing machine. It was the only one of its kind in their neighborhood and all the neighbors were quite amazed.

My own grandmother did have an electric washer, but never had a dryer. She hung all laundry on a clothesline in the backyard. Fortunately, they lived in southern CA, so rainy days were less frequent.

I would definitely not want to go back and live in those times again, but I think it would be good if everyone had the opportunity to spend even just one week living in the conditions faced by earlier generations. I'm sure it would give us all a greater appreciation for what we have, and probably encourage us to waste less.

AuntieAnn said... 55

What makes the 40's House interesting for me is that this family had to revert back to the way it was. People who actually lived at that time didn't have what we have in this day and age. There wasn't much television in the 40's homes, mostly radio, newspapers. letters, some telephones and local gossip.

The Hymers had a double whammy when they took on this project. They KNEW what they were missing and they had to cope without it, and they had to live within the restraints the war inflicted upon their living conditions.

At the very least the actual people of that era didn't know what was to come. They might have even thought they had it pretty good until the war came along.

Anonymous said... 56

Twit.. I think I love yoh X8

NJGal51 said... 57

JoyinVirginia - I picture you dancing today like Tevia (at about the 2:25 mark) in Fiddler on the Roof - To Life! One of my favorite scenes from both the show and the movie.


She's come undone said... 58

I love this blog! And I love that 75%of the time we are not even talking about Kate because there is just nothing new to say. So she ran a half marathon --big whoop. So she had another interview with some low class rag mag -- big whoop. So she's still gifting -- no surprise there and big whoop. Her twitter is nothing more than a war between opposing sides and is so dead boring I never go there anymore. The end of Kate -- what a great Christmas present!

fidosmommy said... 59

For some reason the house itself surprised me. When I think of England, for some reason I think of a whole different architecture than that house. I don't know why - it's just a preconceived notion, I guess.

ZeldaZee said... 60

@The twit's tweets

If I'm not mistaken, the Kilcher family is the family of the singer Jewel (her cousin, Q'orianka Kilcher, played Pocohontas in Terrence Malick's The New World).

I think I saw 1900s House a long time ago, but I haven't seen any other "House" series. If anyone is interested in house histories (like, the history of certain rooms, what they were originally built for, etc) I highly recommend Bill Byson's "At Home". A fascinating, easy and really funny read.

aggiemom09121416 said... 61
This comment has been removed by the author.
LancasterCountyMom said... 62

What a great show! I've never even heard of the "House" series. I am looking forward to watching Part 2 & the other shows. Thanks, Admin!

Lbelle said... 63

You're right! I didn't even think about that until you mentioned it. I imagine that's why they wanted to throw in the towel at times....everything was truly 100xs harder to accomplish than today.
Not sure how long I'd be able to cope.

My worst Christmas present EVER was.....I was just 15 and madly in love ( eye roll today!) with my first serious boyfriend....you know...when you'd both say you'll be together forever, blah, blah, blah.....anyhoo....there I was, expecting some trinket that symbolized his everlasting love for me .....hahahaha.....and you know what I got????
You know what he gave me????

A flarking, 24" tall ceramic SMURF!!!!!
A Smurf!!
Who would EVER think a painted, ceramic Smurf was a great gift??? Obviously HE did!!!
I was mortified. To this day I still shake my head at the memory of it. LOL!!!

Dwindle said... 64

oh, a TV discussion I cant WAIT to join! And I have not seen this one! My favorite was Frontier House ~ and a Canadian one that was similar that I can never recall the name of. Anyone? In that series they DID winter it through.

OK, I am off to see if this series is on Amazon Prime so I can watch it free. I hate watching stuff on Youtube, but we sally forth!

ZeldaZee said... 65

I received my worst Christmas present when I was about 16. It was from my best friend's mother, which was really odd since the woman hated me. Still, I thought it was a nice gesture. Christmas arrives and I eagerly rip off the paper to find...

One shrink-wrapped sausage and a small tub of cheese spread, tossed into a shoebox.

I'm a vegetarian.

Actually, that might have been the best Christmas present I've ever received. Certainly nothing else has ever managed to top it.

aggiemom09121416 said... 66

Lbelle said... 63
omg, hilarious. LOLOLOL

Rhymes with Witch said... 67

R.I.P Dave Brubeck.

Dwindle said... 68

JoyinVirginia said... 53
Book recommendation four those interested in this time period: Blackout and the sequel All Clear by Connie Willis.


May I add one? "The Way We Cooked: Grandma's Wartime Kitchen" by Joann Lamb Hayes. I am blessed to have a first edition, a gift from my mother. We sat and cried together when we read it because it brought her mom/my gramma so close to us. And for my mother, it was an explanation of why her female elders did things the way they did when she was a kid.

The book FEELS like it's the author's doctoral dissertation; I dont know if that is true or not but it is full of research and authentic recipes she found first hand from old magazines of the time.

Dwindle said... 69

oops here is a link: http://www.amazon.com/Grandmas-Wartime-Kitchen-World-Cooked/dp/0312253230/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1354741740&sr=8-1&keywords=grandmas+wartime+kitchen

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 70

My worst was something I knew was a "regift". That kind of hurt my feelings.

Rhymes with Witch said... 71

I saw this on the news this morning. It's a 5 speed. Don't know how he works the clutch. It was amazing.


So Over DWTS said... 72

From where I sit Saint Tony and Melissa are also boring pseudo celebrities. Happy the 8 days are over.

Now crock pot recipes . . . Made a fabulous Hungarian beef goulash on Sunday. Next up: Calvados Pork Roast.

Lbelle said... 73

NO! Oh, that's just so awful. Totally understandable to be hurt by that.

Dwindle said... 74

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 8
Oh and then there is Kate, a bit tired because she had a late flight back from Vegas. Ah, the problems of the 1%. Try taking one bath once a week in five inches of water, for starters.

I started work in a new nursing home once, as a social worker. There was an elderly man that they could not get to shower or bathe. Common problem with true Alzheimers sometimes. The facility was lucky to have a nice bathtub, so I made arrangments with the aides and I stayed late one evening. After his dinner I approached him and said, "It's Saturday night. Time for a bath" and I whispered in his ear "You're my favorite so I want YOU to have the water FIRST! Come on - while it is still warm!" He was so proud and happy and went with the aides and had a lovely bath - but only in about 5-6" of water.

He had been one of 11 children. And they all shared the same bath water, brought in by bucket, on the night before church. We just had to meet him where he was; after we figured out where he was. :)

Of course, then there was the elderly man, Sal, who would remove his own Depends and hang them over a hangar in the closet to dry so he could use them again later... Folks who went though hard times dont throw anything out, ever.

Formerly Duped said... 75

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 70

My worst was something I knew was a "regift". That kind of hurt my feelings.

same thing. I was a teenager-an old scarf with no tag that smelled like an attic. It was from the (wealthy)mom of a boy I babysat and loved dearly, did a lot with and for him, bought him a nice Sesame St toy from my earnings. :(

The twit's tweets said... 76

Thank you. I didn't know about the singer Jewel coming from the Kilcher family featured in the Discovery show. Very interesting!

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about her family background.
"Jewel was born in Payson, Utah. Shortly after her birth, her family moved to Homer, Alaska, where her grandfather Yule Kilcher, a delegate to the Alaska State Constitutional Convention and a state senator, had settled after immigrating from Switzerland. Yule also made the first recorded crossing of the Harding Icefield. Jewel is the cousin of actress Q'orianka Kilcher. She spent most of her young life in Homer, living with her father, Atz Kilcher. The home she grew up in did not have indoor plumbing; it had a simple outhouse instead. The Kilcher family is featured on the Discovery Channel show Alaska: The Last Frontier, which chronicles their day to day struggles living in the Alaskan wilderness."

Dwindle said... 77

Worst gift? I dunno, that is hard coz mostly they were all given with love. I guess it would be the bathrobe with matching potholders from my now ex husband. But that wasnt really all HIS fault, I mean who SELLS a bathrobe with matching potholders? It was a set. Aint that cute?

Best gift? I dunno that either, they are all given with love! How do I like one more than another? I guess in recent memory it would be the Kindle I got last christmas from DD#1. But dont tell DD2 or DD3 or DS that.

Best gift I ever 'helped' give? My ex and my youngest brother were as close as blood brothers could have been. about 10 years apart. When my brother was a young teen he wanted to get something for my Hubs but no money! I convinced him to go over to great grandpa's house and take a piece of coal from the furnace room. Brother wrapped up a lump of real coal and gave it to my Hubs as a gift. You should have been there! Hubs sat there with that in his hand and just kept saying over and over "you gave me a lump of coal for Christmas". He tried so hard not to laugh that his eyes were just streaming with tears. Finally they both laughed for about 15 minutes, like the boy-children that they both were. Absolutely hilarious. We have been divorced now for decades, but I bet my ex would still say it was the best gift he ever got.

Rhymes with Witch said... 78

Dog lovers, please check out the link posted at 71.

Dwindle said... 79

Sherry Baby said... 42
Kate's on Twitter, talking to herself. Nobody is there. Had to bring this one over, though, because it's funny...

@Kateplusmy8 are you still working as a nurse? If not would you ever consider going back once the children are old enough?


Children are old enough for what? To go to work with her? :)

It seems that there are some who think that these kids are still toddlers at home who need to be supervised 24/7


Yes, to go to work WITH her and do her duties FOR her! RUNNING RUNNING at all times! Maybe she is planning on Mady strapping on the stillettos and plopping some white string on her head, so she can pass for Kate and Kate can go home and get back into bed.She'll get back up when it's time to spend the paycheck.

It's a hard life.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 80

Are you still a nurse lol. Yea cause all the nurses I know putter around all day on twitter about Bella bars.

The twit's tweets said... 81

Here's a video sure to put a smile on everyone's face (and have you humming the song for the rest of the day, too. It's super cute!)


PJ's momma said... 82

That dog video is amazing!
My worst gift is anything my inlaws ever gave me. We tried to dispense with the gift giving but they refused and kept wasting their money on horrid junk that went straight to Goodwill.
At the risk of being accused of humble bragging, I want to share my best gift. We grew up with just enough to get by and we were happy with the one small gift we got (which may be why I don't care much about gifts to this day). But our mom was cruel (and abusive), she would only get what was convenient for her (not too loud, no small pieces, didn't take up much room). Last year, my husband called me before he came home on my birthday, saying he had something for me, but not to come out until he said it was OK. He was excited and insistent. He called me from the porch to tell me to come out and by then I was nervous.....and he was nearly vibrating. There was a huge box, I half wondered who was going to jump out. He handed me a note that said, "It's 40 years late, and I can't give you a re-do, but I hope this takes away the disappointment of your 8-year-old heart." I was completely clueless. He giddily tore into the box himself and I saw the beanbag chair inside that my mom said I could not have because it was too big, and I burst into tears. I am emotional typing this even now. It is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. That is what the spirit of giving is all about. I laugh away the lump in my throat every time I sit in or trip over (it is BIG) that big lump of beans.
Hope you all will share your best too. I don't really post but I do read.
Happy holidays to all. And Ex Nurse, I hope you are doing all right.

Jane said... 83

The twit's tweets said... 81
Here's a video sure to put a smile on everyone's face (and have you humming the song for the rest of the day, too. It's super cute!)



This was great - thanks!!

Dwindle said... 84

Formerly Duped said... 75
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 70

My worst was something I knew was a "regift". That kind of hurt my feelings.

same thing. I was a teenager-an old scarf with no tag that smelled like an attic. It was from the (wealthy)mom of a boy I babysat and loved dearly, did a lot with and for him, bought him a nice Sesame St toy from my earnings. :(


Well, NOW I remember a yuck gift. Yeah, thanks for bringing that up. I was in high school, seeing this boy for several months, thinking I getting someTHING important! Instead, he puts this .25c necklace, unwrapped, into my hand. Nowdays we would know it was from the dollar store, for a buck. It wasnt the cheap assed necklace so much, as it was the lack of --- anything. "oh, by the way, here." I was just so hurt. Good thing we grow up and move on. Unless of course you are Kate, then you are still fuming and out for blood.

aggiemom09121416 said... 85

LOL, I take back my worst Christmas gift ever. Thought of a better one!

My ex-laws (well, they weren't ex at the time) gave me a 4 FOOT by 4 FOOT, portrait of themselves and their four adult children.
They got upset when I didn't jump up and down with joy....(

(they didn't think in-laws like myself were 'real' family...we aren't married anymore.)

I never even took the damned thing home. I put it upstairs in one of their unused closets.


Dwindle said... 86

PJ's momma said... 82

so good to see you again!

A beanbag chair. See? THEE best gifts are the ones given from the heart, not the ones that are listed according to catalogue number, color and size and distributed on a list in triplicate. So happy for you that you got all the LOVE that day in the form of a precious bean bag chair. Amazing.

I am not a Mariah Carey fan by a long shot, but that Jimmy Fallon video was adorable! And the kindergarten instruments!

I sent of a copy of the doggy driving clip to my DD because she is a dog lover AND she has a Mini Cooper!

Thank you everyone! I love this blog.

readerlady said... 87

It's been a long time since I watched this show, and I'm enjoying seeing it again. I'm very annoyed with youtube, though. The video keeps cycling and cycling and cycling, every 3 or 4 minutes, and it's annoying as heck. I may have to discard my principles and watch on Amazon. I think, of all the "house" shows, and I watched all but Texas Ranch House, this one was my favorite. Maybe because it was so much more immediate. My parents lived through WWII, one of my best friend's mothers was an English war bride and she told us stories about living in London during the blitz, but this one "spoke" to me more than the others. That said, I'd probably choose "Colonial House" if I had the choice of one to participate in.

Joy, every time I read one of your posts about the 8 days of dancing, I'm reminded of one of my very favorite sit com characters, Balki Bartakomous (from "Perfect Strangers") -- "Now we are so happy, we do the dance of joy"! Thanks for the mention of the Connie Willis books. I've read several of her books, but not those 2. I'll have to look them up. I agree with you, she is a terrific writer.

It wasn't a Christmas present, but the worst thing that happened at Christmas was my Dad died the day after Christmas. It was a very long time before I could enjoy Christmas again.

readerlady said... 88

Oh, I forgot -- Pity Party -- If you are making a Go Pack, make sure you pack in your prescription meds, too. At least a week's worth.

aggiemom09121416 said... 89

This isn't a Christmas gift story. For my hubby's bday one year, I gave him all sorts of hints.
1.it was green
2.it was long, smooth and slender
3.it can be held in one hand or two
(he's thinking naughty thoughts and salivating)
4.it plugs in OR uses batteries
5. it vibrates.

He was dismayed to see it was a WEEDEATER.


PJ's momma said... 90

Thank you, Dwindle. My husband is a gift giver and my parents sort of ruined me as a gift receiver (no lists, no expressed wants allowed), so we struggle a little and just forego gift giving altogether most of the time to avoid discomfort on my part and disappointment on his. He looked panicked at my reaction and realized they were happy tears and started crying too. Yes, the best things come from the heart - just like many of you share the trinkets your kids bought or made that still hold places of honor in your homes and always will. That kind of love cannot be bought.

Dwindle said... 91

NJGal51 said... 57
JoyinVirginia - I picture you dancing today like Tevia (at about the 2:25 mark) in Fiddler on the Roof - To Life! One of my favorite scenes from both the show and the movie.


LOL! I still picture dear Joy as doing the Snoopy happy dance sometimes, and the Elaine From Seinfeld dance the other times!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 92

Reader lady try hitting play, then hitting pause, then waiting for the light grey bar to crawl across the whole video to load it. Could take a few minutes spending on your connection. Then hit play.

Another option is keepvid.com where you can download it in a variety of formats for offline viewing. I watched this whole episode offline at the gym because my phone doesn't work there. Downloaded it in mp4 format for apple.

Dwindle said... 93


Speaking of snoopy dance, BTVS fans - this is for you. You know there really are TWO of them? We all knew that right?

Anonymous said... 94

She's come undone said... 58
I love this blog! And I love that 75%of the time we are not even talking about Kate because there is just nothing new to say...(yada yada ABOUT Kate)
Your post just took it down to 74%.

Dwindle said... 95

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 92
Reader lady try hitting play, then hitting pause, then waiting for the light grey bar to crawl across the whole video to load it. Could take a few minutes spending on your connection. Then hit play.


Buffering. Ugh.

Dwindle said... 96

Anonymous said... 94
She's come undone said... 58
I love this blog! And I love that 75%of the time we are not even talking about Kate because there is just nothing new to say...(yada yada ABOUT Kate)
Your post just took it down to 74%.



There. Now it is seventy THREE percent.

readerlady said... 97

Dwindle -- Thanks for that link. Nick and his Snoopy dance, LOL. Yeah, I knew he was an identical twin. His brother Kelly was on the show several times, esp. the episode where Xander splits into two personas (personae?).

Thanks for the suggestion, Admin. I'm going to go try it right now. I'll let you know if it works.

Penny said... 98

I will admit that this series doesn't interest me in the least. Therefore, I scroll. I'd still rather see this than a post about an insignifican former reality personality.

Kristine, I'm STILL laughing at Dina Lohan's tweet from Milo. I was dozing off the other day and just laughed my self awake with "a snortin."
I decided to make my own.

@KrisJenner with all your pimpin and whorin your daughters sure are gettin the men excited. Those younguns should be ready for their pornin soon. #GoodMother #CaresAboutFuture

I'm not Kristine .....

Also, Dancing with Joy (literally and figuretively) is something we should all do, everyday.

Anybody see Kathy Griffin's routine on Oprah doing one of these shows? "I ain't gonna be no slave."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 99

Kathy Griffin is hysterical when she talks about Oprah. The whole weird relationship with Gail and when Barbara Striesand was on the show and painted the microphone white lol.

Parent In Lancaster County said... 100

A flarking, 24" tall ceramic SMURF!!!!!
A Smurf!!
Who would EVER think a painted, ceramic Smurf was a great gift??? Obviously HE did!!!
I was mortified. To this day I still shake my head at the memory of it. LOL!!!


So whatever happened to the Smurf? Was it re-gifted, or did it become a garage sale item?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 101

[Sigh] I just love PBS- and I LOVE watching all their House shows. I'm not sure if we (my family) would do well under any of those circumstances. We've become quite attached to our modern conveniences ;o)

What a great post, Administrator. It was fun watching the "1940's House" again :o)


P.S. Stop the presses! Kate has saved a house fly in her latest tweet...

Kateplusmy89 mins ago via TwitterrificTwitter.

Post dinner excitement in the Gosselin household?We rescued a house fly ALIVE and sent him on his way..Yes, ALL living things are safe here!


What an ass.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 102

My worst Christmas give ever was about 12 years ago, from my hub, but he really thought I would like it. I collect the little Christmas music boxes. Very charming and old world. Well, that year the hubs wanted to get me a special one so he found this 2 foot monstrosity that was all white ceramic, trimmed in gold paint, and when you turned it on,10 little doors opened in the middle and had mirrors on them. Then these dancing girls came out, twirled, and went back inside again. Although it played Chrismtas music while the dancers twirled, it was the ugliest thing I had ever seen. Of course I told him that I loved it because he was so happy he found this for me. Years latere, when he said we had too much Christmas stuff and we need to get rid of some of it, guess what the first item was that I got rid of?

Also, I had never hear of thei House series before. I can't wait to watch one of them.

Someone mentioned about living like those people did for a week. Well, about a year after the hubs and I started dating, we went up to northern MN on a fishing trip. We stayed in an old fashioned log cabin with a water pump in the sink, no electric, a firplace for heat, and a woodburner stove for cooking. Yes, the facilities were outside, but they did have cold showers. It was beautiful to look at, but after a few days of washing some jeans by hand and washing all the dishes by hand, and learning how to cook over an open fire, I thought to myself, this is a vacation? This is a lot of work!

We caught our own fish and lived off of the few items we brought with us in the cooler. It was an experience, but I'd never do it again. Okay so I'm a wimp.

FYI said... 103

readerlady--I went directly to YouTube to watch the video-maybe that will help. After you pause it, click on the YouTube icon. It will then take you directly to YouTube to watch the video.

Jane-thanks so much for posting the Jimmy Fallon/Mariah Carey video. I'm not really a fan of Mariah, but I loved the video, especially the kids and the instruments. My daughter had that xylophone!! My daughter also went to high school with Mariah. She said that even then Mariah was a diva.

Penny said... 104

Not sure why I stopped watching Kathy. I'm in the mood for her snark.

Jane said... 105

Kate is a twit said... 103
Jane-thanks so much for posting the Jimmy Fallon/Mariah Carey video. I'm not really a fan of Mariah, but I loved the video, especially the kids and the instruments. My daughter had that xylophone!! My daughter also went to high school with Mariah. She said that even then Mariah was a diva.


You're welcome but it was The twit's tweets who originally posted it, I was just saying thanks. Is WAS good! Like your daughter, my kids also had that xylophone :) Not a big Mariah fan but I do love that one holiday song and yeah, I've heard she was a diva early on!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 106

Lol, was that a shout out to the Kate is a Child Abuser lobby? Hi Kate!

Jane said... 107

Post dinner excitement in the Gosselin household?We rescued a house fly ALIVE and sent him on his way..Yes, ALL living things are safe here!

Except children and dogs who are physically and verbally abused. Oh, and ex-husbands, too. Oh, and hired help. Oh, and .... it's endless.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 108

Jane #107, you took the words right out of my mouth! I thought the same thing.

localyocul said... 109

Rhymes with Witch said... 71
I saw this on the news this morning. It's a 5 speed. Don't know how he works the clutch. It was amazing.



That's crazy! In the car my bichon rides in the back seat behind the driver. She's figured out how to open the window! I have to lock it so she doesn't put it down to far!

Anonymous said... 110

Worst Christmas present...

Relatively early in our marriage. Our 2 children were very small. We decided on a very small budget for the two of us for our gift exchange. I found a number of small items for Rocketman that he had hinted at throughout the year. On Christmas morning he presented me with 2 items.

1. A pair of huge frog slippers - both for the left foot. (Outside of his work attention to detail is not a strong suit).

2. A framed poster of a spaceman taking a leak on the moon (I kid you not - he actually thought I would put it up in my office at work. It was not a joke.)

I was young. Immature. And stunned. When I realized that was it, I burst into tears. Later that day, at the family gathering, as everyone was talking about their gifts and asking me what RM had given me, my voice would quiver as I'd mumble "a poster of a guy peeing on the moon". They looked pretty stunned as well (and these were his brother and sisters) even after he defended himself with "But it's framed!"

I realize (now) he had good intentions. We ARE still married lo these many years later. It's even kinda funny (again, NOW). It's never spoken of. Haven't even thought of it until the topic was brought up here. No. I never retaliated. Yes. He returned both items and bought me nice slippers (left AND right feet) and gloves (left AND right hand). Was I a spoiled brat - ABSOLUTELY!

I must add, his surprises ever since have been romantic, sometimes spectacular, and if puzzling he so knows me now, and I him :)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 111

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 101
P.S. Stop the presses! Kate has saved a house fly in her latest tweet...

Kateplusmy89 mins ago via TwitterrificTwitter.

Post dinner excitement in the Gosselin household?We rescued a house fly ALIVE and sent him on his way..Yes, ALL living things are safe here!


What an ass.

Yes and then another ass tweets it to Perez Hilton:

“@Kateplusmy8: Post dinner - We rescued a house fly ALIVE and sent him on his way..Yes, ALL living things are safe here!” @PerezHilton

Winter Wonderland said... 112

@Nwabcan @Kateplusmy8 @AguiarLidia Her attys have warned her not to deny RH's claims, but she can't keep her big mouth shut about anything

Is there an insider on Kate's Twitter? Attorney-client privilege aside, how would anyone know what Kate's attorneys have told her about responding to Robert's book? What did Kate say about the content in the book?

Penny said... 113

Who's tweeting her stuff to Perez? Does he even write about her anymore?

FYI said... 114

Jane said... 105

Oops, thanks for clarifying who posted the video.

The twit's tweets said... 81

Thank YOU, for posting the Jimmy Fallon/Mariah Carey video.

By the way, I DO like Jimmy Fallon. I loved when he and Steven Tyler sang on the fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy victims.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 115

Usually when attorneys warn you not to deny the allegations you're guilty. By denying it when they are in fact true you could be libeling the very person accusing you. I e by calling them a liar. Usually people will at least deny the allegations but THEN say no further comment.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 116

Winter Wonderland said... 112
Is there an insider on Kate's Twitter? Attorney-client privilege aside, how would anyone know what Kate's attorneys have told her about responding to Robert's book? What did Kate say about the content in the book?

No, it's just one of the tactics of the haters. Many things are said now that cannot be backed up. Just one more reason to let Kate's twitter dry up. No credibility from the haters anymore.

PatK said... 117

@xxxxxxxxxxx_ http://t.co/mmPL9H8J(preview) Try the new flavors of Athena bar! Amazing! They have FREE shipping on any order-Use code "Kate"


Still pushing the bars, I see. Does she get some sort of discount for herself?

FYI said... 118

Things must be pretty mediocre in Kate's household, if saving a house fly is the after dinner excitement!

"Yes, ALL living things are safe here!”

I guess Kate doesn't remember the post on her website about Mady being her "Spider Hero" and how she got rid of a spider. An excerpt:

"With my large running shoes on her feet and the heavy bar in her hand, she went at the spider to smash him into the stone floor. He quickly found a crack and hid… Forcing me to find a book to wedge into the crack and chase him out. Finally he came out and Mady went crazy smashing the heavy bar repeatedly on the spider!
She finally gained victory after a few attempts!"

What a tool!

FYI said... 119

I watched Part 1 of 1940s House. It was an eye-opener to be sure. What amazed me was how the boys seemed to adapt, especially the older one.

Watching that makes you appreciate more what we have now and also makes you realize that there are still people today that don't have the conveniences that we take for granted.

readerlady said... 120

Jane and LMG -- I had the exact same thought, too. Great minds think alike.

I knew my cat was smart, but this smart??!! She walked across my laptop keyboard, then stood on the keys. I had line after line of the following post:


I don't know what she was hissing at, but it was so funny! There was one line of AAAAAAAAAAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, but all the rest were identical.

Admin, I tried your suggestion, but no go. It still buffered constantly. I tried watching it on this site, but same thing. I have this problem with most Youtube videos for some reason, but not with videos from other sites. Guess I'll have to watch it on Amazon. I tried the library, but they don't have the DVDs of this one, if it was ever even released on DVD.

Jane said... 121

I guess Kate doesn't remember the post on her website about Mady being her "Spider Hero" and how she got rid of a spider. An excerpt:

"With my large running shoes on her feet and the heavy bar in her hand, she went at the spider to smash him into the stone floor. He quickly found a crack and hid… Forcing me to find a book to wedge into the crack and chase him out. Finally he came out and Mady went crazy smashing the heavy bar repeatedly on the spider!
She finally gained victory after a few attempts!"

Ha!! Good find! Someone should link to that and remind her on Twitter.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 122

Joy, so glad the 8 days of dancing are over.....so let me paraphrase: what you are saying is we get a year's reprieve until you remind us again that Saint Tony and Melissa from Dancing With Them Thar Stars won again this year? Fine, but please don't do the 8 day happy dance again. Please. Please. Please........

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 123

Joy, so glad the 8 days of dancing are over.....so let me paraphrase: what you are saying is we get a year's reprieve until you remind us again that Saint Tony and Melissa from Dancing With Them Thar Stars won again this year? Fine, but please don't do the 8 day happy dance again. Please. Please. Please........

Lbelle said... 124

Parent in Lancaster......100:

You know, I have NO idea what ended up happening to Smurf!???? I do remember that I hated to look at it so much that Smurf got shoved in my closet.
I'm hoping I threw it at his pick up truck when we broke up though!! : )

When Smurf movie came out recently I was wondering what my 30 year old Smurf could have been worth. : /

Why the heck does Kreider think anybody out in cyber space gives a rats a** about her stupid Fly story?
What a total boor!

Tucker's Mom said... 125

I guess Kate doesn't remember the post on her website about Mady being her "Spider Hero" and how she got rid of a spider. An excerpt:
When Kate was on her high upon returning home form LV, she tweeted to someone that she was demolished for a week after her full marathon the year before. Could barely walk for a week. Agony. Blah blah.
I swear, last year Kate bragged about being back in her signature high heels a day later.
If I can find it, I'll post.

Great stories about Christmas today! I've been doing laundry and window cleaning and vacuuming (Yuck) and made a lovely baked chicken dinner for DH. I wanted to add that I did get re-gifted. Actually, DH and I go it...from my mom! I truly think she forgot who gave her those wind chimes 2 years before, but we were like, thanks?
Could never hang them-too sad.
A boyfriend (kinda serious/monogamous) gave me a vacuum one year, along with a flashlight. Seriously riveting shit.
PS...love the bean bag story.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 126

I swear, last year Kate bragged about being back in her signature high heels a day later.
If I can find it, I'll post.


YES! I remember that. Now she tweeted that she crawled after her full marathon.

Dwindle said... 127

I cant find the series anywhere other than YouTube for streaming.

Readerlady, is your household wireless? Try shutting off or unplugging your router AND your modem, then rebooting them. If there is some interference in your internet, it might be just enough to mess up your streaming ability.

I have another place I can look for other streaming options for the series...

aggiemom09121416 said... 128

My EX husband once gave me a push lawn mower and a sink plunger, he was happy with himself, it wasn't 'even my birthday'.

He got it honestly, though...his dad gave his mother a wheelbarrow for Christmas. CHRISTMAS!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 129

Great catch Kate! Geez lying sounds so hard when Kate does it.

Dwindle said... 130

How dull and straightjacketed is that stupid house that a loose fly is after-dinner excitment?

What next? Measuring the TV to see if it grew any during the day? ooooo fun fun fun!

Tucker's Mom said... 131

Found it! So yes, Kate basically tweeted this week that last year she could barely walk for an entire week, yet this is what she tweeted last year (after much speculation that she did not run the entire route) I believe the day after the full marathon in LV.

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
So sore last pm-hard X walking..but today less sore&back in heels!:) Yes, ready to start training for next 1...to beat my X! 2/3
21 hours ago

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 132

This from a tweeter I've never seen before (not a hater):

Post dinner excitement in the Gosselin household?We rescued a house fly ALIVE and sent him on his way..Yes, ALL living things are safe here!

@Kateplusmy8 except Jon.


LOL. She'll be banned.

FYI said... 133

Another thing about her ""Yes, ALL living things are safe here!” comment. What about the animals that she claimed that Shoka hunted and killed? Especially, the one he got sick from and had to have meds for.

Nothing and no one is safe in that house as far as I'm concerned.

Jo said... 134

PJ's momma said... 82

I cried when I saw your post.

I have eight brothers and sisters so there was a lot of sharing that went on when I was a kid. I was the only one that didn't have my very own bike because my parents thought that we could just "share". Well, try sharing when everyone else is riding their very own bike and you don't have one.

When I was in my mid thirties with a husband and two kids, guess what was wrapped in a blanket beside the Christmas tree when I woke up Christmas Day? I seriously cried like a baby and my kids were jumping up and down even though they didn't know the history of me wanting my very own bike for my whole life. They just saw how happy I was.

It's been years since then and I ran that poor old bike ragged. It's so worn out I can't ride it anymore but I won't let my husband get rid of it. It's still in the garage. That's MY bike :)

fidosmommy said... 135

Back in the 1970's we had an interesting Christmas one year. My eldest sister gave our other sister and brother-in-law a fondue pot. My sister and b-i-l gave my brother and sister-in-law a fondue pot. My brother and s-i-l gave my parents a fondue pot. My parents gave me a fondue pot. I gave my eldest sister a fondue pot. None of it was pre-planned. Before everyone went home that week we fixed a lovely fondue supper using all the new pots. Great!

The BEST time at our house was when we were all adults. My sisters and I would fix up stockings for Mom and Dad - they didn't have them when we were kids. One sister had the job of finding "a huge, gigantic, supersized, big stocking" for each of our parents. She brought home 2 outdoor garbage cans with wheels and decorated them beautifully. All manner of goodies went in there, all wrapped and festive.
Of course, Dad was excited to have fresh new
garbage cans too. What a wonderful memory of my dear sisters...

The best gift I ever received was in the early 1960's- my bike. A teal Schwinn one speed with a metal basket on the front and a bell on the handlebar. Freedom and my first taste of independence came with that bike. Up to that time I had been using my sister's old bike. We lived in the perfect place for riding around with friends. My bike blew away in the tornado of 1974, and was sorely missed.

Blowing In The Wind said... 136

@Kateplusmy8 except Jon.


LOL. She'll be banned.

LOL indeed. I was thinking that, but I didn't tweet it. I don't have Twitter!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 137

Tucker's Mom said... 131 Found it!
Great sleuthing Tucker's!

Kate needs to wear a buzzer so that every time she lies the buzzer goes off...no, that wouldn't work. She'd have gone deaf by now. That woman can't open her mouth without a lie flying out.

PJ's momma said... 138

Jo, now I am crying at your story too. We shared a lot too - board games, puppets, Tinkertoys, Lincoln Logs......
I love what your husband did for you and your kids' excitement for you. They were probably TRUE shrieks of joy!

Blowing In The Wind said... 139

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
So sore last pm-hard X walking..but today less sore&back in heels!:) Yes, ready to start training for next 1...to beat my X! 2/3


So she was back in heels, but she just tweeted that she had to crawl around for a week. Wouldn't you think that she would either write down what she said, or just shut the heck up and not say anything? Dumb...

@PatriciaChow1 @MiloandJack @5 I crawled for at least an entire week after my marathon... Not kidding. Took me forever to recover!!!

Maybe she crawled around wearing heels. :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 140

I get the odd feeling she doesn't even care that she is being repeatedly caught in all these lies. She doesn't try to deny she's lying, she doesn't act embarrassed. She just keeps carrying on. Where are our mental health experts---does this scare you, make you think she is pretty darn pathological? As a layman that's what it looks like to me.

PJ's momma said... 141

Dwindle, I'm crocheting little Santa hats for babies in a special hospital here, which weans them off the drugs they are born addicted to. These hats are so easy and cute! I'm not a great pom-pom maker though, LOL.

Jo said... 142

PJ's momma said... 138

Yes they were pure sheiks of joy :) I thought the house was burning down before I figured out what was going on..LOL!

Blowing In The Wind said... 143

@Kateplusmy8 Ha,when neighbors hear abt this they will b droppin off their "hm pests..flies, spiders, etc" knowin U'll take care of them! :)

Someone on Twitter should point out to Milo what happened to the spider.

aggiemom09121416 said... 144

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
So sore last pm-hard X walking..but today less sore&back in heels!:) Yes, ready to start training for next 1...to beat my X! 2/3


So she was back in heels, but she just tweeted that she had to crawl around for a week. Wouldn't you think that she would either write down what she said, or just shut the heck up and not say anything? Dumb...

@PatriciaChow1 @MiloandJack @5 I crawled for at least an entire week after my marathon... Not kidding. Took me forever to recover!!!

Maybe she crawled around wearing heels. :)
nah, Kate thinks her fans are too stupid to remember what she did from one minute to the next, much less remember what she said a year ago.
She can't say the same for the posters here.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 145

I know the best gift I ever received, but it wasn't for Christmas, it was for Mother's Day. Since this is OT, scroll on by.

When my daughter was 9, she wanted to give me a special Mother's Day week, for the whole week before Mother's Day. Each day, after dinner, she loaded the dishwasher and put them away after. Twice during the week, she cooked dinner. One time it was hot dogs, the other time it was chicken strips with chicken rice-a-roni. One day, she made the coffee and brought me a cup. One day I came home from work and there were flowers she had picked in a vase on the kitchen table.

On Mother's Day, she gave me an old beat up 3 ring binder with a few pages in there. One was a poem she wrote about Mother's Day, 2 others were pictures she drew for me, and one was a note from her telling me how much she loved me. I couldn't stop the tears when I opened the binder. Later that night, the hubs told me that she had discussed this with him and he helped her with the dinners, etc.

The bottom line is that is was all her idea and it was something she wanted to do for me. It was the BEST gift I have ever received.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 146

yet this is what she tweeted last year (after much speculation that she did not run the entire route) I believe the day after the full marathon in LV.


Hey I remember us saying wow that's nuts that she's walking in heels so soon after! It fueled speculation she actually id run it.

And now that she's caught LYING about how sore she was (i.e. if she really did run it, she would have no problem keeping her story straight about how sore she was or wasn't), I'm even more convinced she has never run that marathon.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 147

Speaking of crockpots and grilling and the like I am really enjoying Top Chef this season.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 148

I cant find the series anywhere other than YouTube for streaming.


You can rent the DVD on netflix or buy it on Amazon but streaming elsewhere I haven't found it elsewhere eitehr.

Really do check out Keepvid, I think you may like this little video hack. You never have to worry whether it will load.

The twit's tweets said... 149

Tucker's Mom said... 131

Found it! So yes, Kate basically tweeted this week that last year she could barely walk for an entire week, yet this is what she tweeted last year (after much speculation that she did not run the entire route) I believe the day after the full marathon in LV.

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
So sore last pm-hard X walking..but today less sore&back in heels!:) Yes, ready to start training for next 1...to beat my X! 2/3

Great find. According to a comment on this blog by NLAN last year, Kate tweeted that before 10am the day after the race. "And finally, can you even believe that she tweeted before 10 AM the day after the marathon that she was already back in heels? Okay, sure."


Dwindle, Jane, Kate is a Twit, You're very welcome. I'm not a Mariah fan either, but I'm so glad you enjoyed the Jimmy Fallon/Mariah Carey Christmas song-video. I too, loved the kindergarten instruments!

Tucker's Mom said... 150

, I'm even more convinced she has never run that marathon.
Me too, Admin. Like Judge Judy says, if you're telling the truth, you don't have to have a good memory.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 151

PJ what a great thing to do the little baby hats.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 152

That really is it for me. If you can't remember or keep your stories straight about how sore you were after a marathon, chances are you didn't run it and are lying. I would think one's first marathon and how you felt would be solidified in your mind such that your stories would never be inconsistent about the event. She's lying--done.

Pity Party said... 153

Is Top Chef on tonight?

That is a dilemma for me as I have been literally laughing out loud all alone in my room at Duck Dynasty. They are having their Christmas show at 10:00. I hate when DWTS goes off because I always knew what I would be watching on Monday and Tuesday.

But I love Top Chef and Iron Chef Redemption.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 154

It's on tonight yes but at 7pm for me--the same time as East Coast. So no one can spoil it. Moo-hahaha!

Blowing In The Wind said... 155

If you can't remember or keep your stories straight about how sore you were after a marathon,


Especially when you bragged that you were in heels the next day, and then the following year you said you crawled around for a week. She wanted to make herself out to be the invincible runner last year, but this year she's pulling the pitying thing...it was so grueling. She has no idea what role she wants to play.

FYI said... 156

I took a look at the Runner's World interview she did after she had run the marathon. Interesting re-reading it a year later. This question was asked:

How soon after you crossed did you feel like a normal human being again?

A few days. The whole city was so jammed up, people waited for three hours for cabs. I walked forever to get pizza. I ate two and a half of the hugest cheese slices you've ever seen.

She also mentions in that interview that she runs 10 miles every other day, just like she said in the US interview. And when asked about having a trainer:

Did you used to have a personal trainer?

I have never had a minute of a personal trainer in my life. I just hopped on and I always tell people, my mind is my own personal trainer.

Then there's a part where she says that Rod Dixon was going to help her train for her next marathon:

"He goes, "I'm going to train you for your next marathon, and you're going to hit it in under four and a half hours. Will you run it?" And I said, "Yes." And I've thought about a hundred times since I finished, Omigosh, I just finished, and I'm in crying, screaming pain and I just agreed to another marathon. Whatever he tells me to do, I'm going to do it. I know there's a science to this now, and I gotta figure it out."

Hmm-what happened to that marathon? In fact, what happened to her buddy Rod Dixon?

So she obviously has certain talking point re running that she repeats over and over. She's too busy remembering to throw those out there, that she forgets the other things she says.

Blowing In The Wind said... 157

@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 I know that...but I also know kids can have such intense/serious feelings abt the smallest of living things! :)

Then why did one of them club the spider to death? Intense feeling? Yes, obviously...

"Mady went crazy smashing the heavy bar repeatedly on the spider!

Our Mady, showed a new braveness that night and therefore gained a new title: Spider Hero!"

readerlady said... 158

Well, I found a DVD of 1940s House. I have cards for 2 different library systems, the local one and one in the city where I used to work. They have 1 copy of it and it's available. I put a hold on it, but it'll be a couple of days before I can pick it up. So I'll get to (re)watch it, but I'll be a few days behind y'all. I misunderstood your post above, Admin. I thought you meant that Amazon streaming had it available for watching. Not that they had it for sale. Anyway, problem solved. Dwindle, for once, it isn't the internet connection. I always have this problem with Youtube, but I can stream videos from Netflix or Hulu without any problem. When people send me videos, no problem usually, either. Just something about Youtube that my 'puter doesn't like, apparently.

Lbelle said... 159


Aww.....you got me all misty eyed and stuff.
What a sweet story! : )

Amy2 said... 160

I have to share an awww moment with you.

One of my staff member's mother-in-law passed away a few months ago. One of the staff person's relative asked for a box of the MIL'S clothes. What the relative did was take the clothes and made Xmas ornaments of them and am giving the ornaments to the MIL's relatives. That way everyone can remember the deceased person with one of her personal items.

Dwindle said... 161

readerlady said... 158
Well, I found a DVD of 1940s House.


So glad you found a resource! I too misunderstood and thought Admin meant Amazon streaming. I tried there, Netflix, HuluPlus and few other places, Youtube it is. There is a 1940's House facebook fan page, nothing going on there at all but I see that Youtube is the only place to watch streaming. I will watch epi one on Thursday, after I run some errands!

Dwindle said... 162

Amy2 said... 160
I have to share an awww moment with you.

This is incredible. Do you have any info on what she did, exactly? I know a hospice bereavement counselor and hospice art therapist who would be interested. I am aware of using pieces of the clothing to make a pillow to cuddle with...

Bearswife said... 163

P.S. Stop the presses! Kate has saved a house fly in her latest tweet...

Kateplusmy89 mins ago via TwitterrificTwitter.

Post dinner excitement in the Gosselin household?We rescued a house fly ALIVE and sent him on his way..Yes, ALL living things are safe here!


What an ass.


She forgot about the spiders and chickens...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 164

Especially when you bragged that you were in heels the next day, and then the following year you said you crawled around for a week.


If you were in heels the next day that's something you would remember FOREVER. That's a badge of honor! You wouldn't just forget you said that. The fact is that was a lie, that's the only way a detail like that wouldn't be remembered by any reasonable person.

Bearswife said... 165

Sorry! I see that Jane and KIAT have already mentioned what I did, I really should read everything before posting!

Worst present? One year my (then) fiance's sister gave me a lovely cut glass vase. I was so happy! I could tell something was wrong though, by the looks going back and forth between my ex's sister and mother. Sure enough, after supper they let me know there had been a mistake and the vase wasn't meant for me and that I needed to return it.

True story! What a bitch!

Dwindle said... 166

LoveMyGrandsons said... 145


LMG, that was darling. Oh the joy she must have felt being your big helper and doing doing doing for you. What a wonderful gift.

Not a proper holiday gift, but the day after i came home from the hospital with baby #4, the older two girls were off to school, and 3year old daughter was my big helper girl. After she had her lunch, baby wanted to be nursed, and DD3 was awful quiet in the kitchen. Darned if she didnt come into the living room with a gawd awful peanut butter and jelly sandwich arrange in pieces on a plate, with a side of Smartie Candies also arranged ("I couldnt cut the apple, Mommy") and a glass of milk. She brought me lunch since I was sooo busy with the baby. I am crying typing this. I ate every bite of it, but shared the candies with her. Ladies, it was the best lunch i have ever had in my life. That was 27 years ago.

The best gifts come from the heart. I wouldnt trade that silly little lunch for a diamond.

Dwindle said... 167

Bearswife said... 163
P.S. Stop the presses! Kate has saved a house fly in her latest tweet...

Kateplusmy89 mins ago via TwitterrificTwitter.

Post dinner excitement in the Gosselin household?We rescued a house fly ALIVE and sent him on his way..Yes, ALL living things are safe here!


What an ass.


She forgot about the spiders and chickens...


... and dogs and toddlers...

Twittering And Twattering said... 168

The fact is that was a lie, that's the only way a detail like that wouldn't be remembered by any reasonable person.


Unless that was the truth, and she really was back in heels because she didn't run that marathon and she wasn't sore.

Dwindle said... 169

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 147
Speaking of crockpots and grilling and the like I am really enjoying Top Chef this season.


after the holidays, because my brain can only process so many GBs right now, maybe you could post a bit about your grilling triumphs. Might not be a bad winter topic for those of us buried in snow and sub freezing temps trying to remember that there will be life again.

February: Grilling and SPRING TRAINING!

Twittering And Twattering said... 170

I have been watching @Kateplusmy8 on Netflix for the past 4 hours....*sigh*


You have to wonder just how nuts these people really are, and how they got to be that way.

Dwindle said... 171

PJ's momma said... 141
Dwindle, I'm crocheting little Santa hats for babies in a special hospital here, which weans them off the drugs they are born addicted to. These hats are so easy and cute! I'm not a great pom-pom maker though, LOL


Glad to know another charity hooker. I make simple burial gowns for premies and infants. If anyone is interested I can post the pattern I use, but really the most important thing is finding white, soft pink, or soft blue yarn on clearance.

Your caps are so special and important. Good for you. What an act of graciousness and love.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 172

Dwindle, what a sweet story! The best gifts don't always come at Christmas; many of them are ones that come throughout the year.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 173

Dwindle said... 166

That story brought tears to my eyes. Loved it. Thanks.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 174

Twittering And Twattering, I was just about to mention those tweets, five of them in 15 minutes time:

Samantha Kirk ‏@Sammkirk

penny panda. ‏@bravo_panda
so excited to learn that #KatePlus8 is on netflix! i adore @Kateplusmy8. I'll be rewatching the series!

ladyaustin96 ‏@ladyaustin96
@BKell182 @Kateplusmy8 Are all the seasons on Netflix? I think it's going to be a #Kateplus8 weekend marathon for me!!

Emily ‏@emilyjoyhyland
@Kateplusmy8 everyone is happy you are on Netflicks, but I own the seasons so I can watch the show everyday all day #evenbetter

Gena Caskey ‏@GenaCaskey
I have been watching @Kateplusmy8 on Netflix for the past 4 hours....*sigh* #missthisshow

What's up with that? They're almost all in a row. Weird.

Greedy Gosselins said... 175

Didn't we all just discuss how Christmas is not about the gifts? I'm a little surprised at some of the complaining of gifts they received.

Why does it matter what you got in return? Isn't the giving part the best part?

I don't think, no, I know, I've never given a gift with the attitude of expectation in return.

My exhusband bought me a case of beer (it was really for himself) but I was touched that he even made an effort. Of course my expectations are low to none.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 176

Dwindle and PJ's Momma, what wonderful heartfelt gifts you ladies give. I am in awe of both of you. I don't crochet or knit, and really don't have any talents like that, so I organize food drives twice a year.

God bless you both for the time and effort you put in for others.

FYI said... 177

I wish Milo would ask Kate if her sciatica bothered her at all while she was running.

Here's the link to the Spider Hero post. Anyone can feel free to tweet it to Milo.


Speaking of Milo, did anyone see these tweets yesterday?

Rock n Roll Marathon‏@RunRocknRoll
@Kateplusmy8 we have to get them out at an #INGKiDSROCK event next year!

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@RunRocknRoll yes! Let's do it!!! :)

And then Milo chimes in with:

Fired Up 4 Kate‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @RunRocknRoll Are they REALLY developing a program/run 4the kids? Is ur friend Rod Dixon behind this? :)

The ING Kids Rock events have been around for over a year and are run in conjunction with the Run RocknRoll events. The program is similar to the Rod Dixon Kidsmarathon. Dr. Andy Baldwin is the official ambassodor for the program.

Milo really should brush up on her racing knowledge, if she is Kate's official race announcer.

Jane said... 178

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 174
Twittering And Twattering, I was just about to mention those tweets, five of them in 15 minutes time:


Hmmm... almost looks like some interns were told to pump up Netflix visibility on Twitter.

IDModo said... 179

The best gift I ever got was from my Dad. I was around 16 and going through gangly awkward nerdy angst.

It was a tiny package wrapped in plain white paper. When I managed to get it open it was a very tiny (about 2 inches high) statue of a little knight in shining armour.

I still have it 54 years later. I really miss my Dad, who was my actual knight in shining armour.

Dwindle said... 180

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 140
I get the odd feeling she doesn't even care that she is being repeatedly caught in all these lies. She doesn't try to deny she's lying, she doesn't act embarrassed. She just keeps carrying on. Where are our mental health experts---does this scare you, make you think she is pretty darn pathological? As a layman that's what it looks like to me.


Of course, no one would know if it's patholgical unless they interviewed and assessed her. That is a whole thought process of denying reality in bigger ways - like forgetting she has children at her house; however rumors are that she has taken off and left no food for them or money to purchase any, but those are rumors.

My hunch with her and the lying is more that she is entitled to lie. She doesnt care what YOU think because you have never been in her situation and cant possibly comprehend how hard her life is.It's as if you are on the phone telling a lie and your dog is watching you. Well, darned, but it's your DOG and it doesnt understand the need to tell Great Aunt Martha that you just cant come Montana this New Year's Eve, even though you probably could. She thinks of you/me/us as dogs that might witness but not comprehend her creative versions of reality. She doesnt care what you think. You didnt have twins, and then sextuplets, and have a FIL who didnt deliver your lunch on time, and then a husband who ate lunch at work against your orders, and then...

She doesnt see her lies as lies. That is hard for us to understand. We see a lie as uttering something as fact that never really happened. What WE dont understand is that she NEEDS to say these things at the time and for her that trumps all and it is not a lie, it is necessary. She completely believes she is entitled to alter reality to fit her extraordinary needs.

She doesnt have the same sense of right and wrong and truth and fiction as normal humans.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 181

Jane said... 178

Hmmm... almost looks like some interns were told to pump up Netflix visibility on Twitter.
Yep. Here's another one that just came up. Something's going on.

Miranda Vititoe⚽ ‏@HeyItsMirandaV
Watching @Kateplusmy8 on #Netflix >>>> #Score #LoveIt

LoveMyGrandsons said... 182

Greedy Gosselins, I agree with you that Christmas is not about the gifts, It was just a fun little conversation about our favorite gifts and then about the worst gift. It was mainly about reminiscing about the past, and not the gifts themselves. There was no intention to offend anyone.

FYI said... 183

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 174

I think those people are tweeting about watching the shows in the hope that they will get a retweet from Kate. Kate already retweeted 2 of them tonight. The tweeties know the drill--if you want a retweet, praise her to high heaven, or tweet about the show or her books. It rarely ever fails.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 184

Wow Dwindle. Makes sense though.

Team 8 said... 185

Good reminder Greedy Gosselins! :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 186

It was just a fun exchange of stories Greedy. Respectfully I don't like your repeated tone that folks here are ungrateful or unappreciative. Don't take everything so literally. Come on, everyone has a fun bad gift story. But I bet most people pretended they loved it. Please stop attacking the people here. Debate the issues not the people.

Greedy Gosselins said... 187

It was just a fun little conversation about our favorite gifts and then about the worst gift. It was mainly about reminiscing about the past, and not the gifts themselves.

I'm not offended. It actually re-affirmed in myself that I am totally aware of what's important in life. Crying over a gift? Maybe I'm envious that your loved ones at least put some thought into it! LOL

Thanks Team 8! I think sometimes we forget how very blessed we are.

Anonymous said... 188

People like greedy gosselins just reassure the steeple we are just jealous. I wish she wouldn't embarrass us like that. Sorry I'm too chicken to use my normal posting name.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 189

So people who have one bad gift story aren't aware of what's important in life? Now that's offensive.

Greedy Gosselins said... 190

My post was for the topic at hand, just a different perspective
I'm sorry if I offended any of you. Apologies I'm REALLY good at! hee (that apology is sincere, btw - just a little joke about all the therapy I'm still in re: my apologistic behaviour)

FYI said... 191

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 174

Also, if you notice they all tweeted right after Kate retweeted the first one. This is the scariest one:

When I have kids I'm going to watch every episode of Kate plus 8 and just write down tips on parenting, cooking etc. S/O to @Kateplusmy8

LoveMyGrandsons said... 192

Dwindle, from my own experience with my mother, I think you are right in your assessment of Kate. My mother lied just for the sake of lying, even if she had nothing to hide. She would make up stories, that at the time I thought were true, then contradict herself the next day. She lied about things that I actually witnessed, and when I would confront her on it, I was slapped in the fact, or worse. She lied and never would accept anyone confronting her on them. It's as if she felt she could say what she wanted and those that knew the truth were NEVER allowed to speak up. What amazes me is that so many relatives knew she was lying, but said is wasn't worth the argument or family problems. Therefore, my mother continued with her lies and everyone just nodded their heads in agreement. In the end, it was us kids that suffered because of that. But in the 60's and 70's, no one thought about abuse.

Okay, it's Christmas time and time to change the subject. Sorry to go into this.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 193

Your post was a personal attack and insulting. If it never happened before I'd give you the benefit of the doubt but just a few days ago you were attacking me about having a gym membership. Among others. All those posts are personal attacks, period.

denni don't like kate..... said... 194

Thank you Dwindle and PJ's momma....hearing about your unselfish acts has made my day.....Kate with never get the concept that you can do good without cameras upon you or you bleating out what good things you have done....

Twittering And Twattering said... 195

When I have kids I'm going to watch every episode of Kate plus 8 and just write down tips on parenting, cooking etc. S/O to @Kateplusmy8

I bet she didn't read Kate's journal. If so, heaven help her children if she has any.

aggiemom09121416 said... 196


Don't attack innocent bystanders! I was the offending poster that initiated the conversation about the worst gift subject. If that offended you, I am sincerely sorry. :(
So please, beat me up, not everyone else.

And to everyone else, if you were offended, apologies to you as well. I snickered with some that found humor in their worst gift, and commiserated with those that were hurt. I also got emotional reading the best gift stories, too.

(Now I'm off to the time-out corner!)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 197

Aggie you did nothing wrong. We had a fantastic discussion all day up until about 15 minutes ago.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 198

aggiemom, no need to apologize to me. I thought it was a fun topic and enjoyed reminiscing and everyone else's stories

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 199

Didn't we all just discuss how Christmas is not about the gifts? I'm a little surprised at some of the complaining of gifts they received.

Why does it matter what you got in return? Isn't the giving part the best part?


I think you missed the point of the whole bad gift/best gift discussion. I read them not as all as complaining about gifts, but in fact the best gifts weren't those that were expensive and requested, but ones that came from the heart. The givers were proud to give them; the receivers were grateful that so much thought was put into them. Yes, that's what Christmas is all about, and the posters here expressed that so well. Complaining? I didn't see any of that.

Anonymous said... 200

Having shared a "worst", I'd like to a share a "best". I've had many - probably THE best was the recovery of my littlest GS 2 years ago - but a "thing"...when we were first engaged, my DH's little sister was 5 (she is 17 years younger than DH). In Kindergarten and able for the first time to attend the school's "Santa Store" and buy gifts for her parents and 5 older brothers and sisters, I was touched that she included in me. She knew that her Mom loved that I sat down and had coffee with her (my other SIL's did not drink coffee at the time), so my little SIL-to-be purchase a red and white gingham coffee mug for me to share coffee with my MIL to be. For $.25 - a fair portion of her limited funds. I have it to this day - well used. She is in her 40's with 2 kids of her own now and she laughs at that mug - mainly because I won't let anyone use it but me. Or her.

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