Our third annual recap of Kate's worst moments of the year is here. Last year it was difficult to narrow it down to only 10. This year, it was an even greater challenge. Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions. There were so many dirty deeds they could fill an encyclopedia, but we've attempted our Cliff Note's version here. Enjoy!
10. Around the World in 80 Days, or How to Be a Truly Terrible Parent.
Lots of Kate's blogs this year about parenting were real head scratchers, but this one, Lessons Learned from the Gosselin Globe, was so bad it rightly earned the title "Globe Gate." When one of the kids peeled back the equator on their globe (surely a crime worthy of 100 lashes as we soon realized), Kate was "disgusted" and went after her resident scapegoat, Joel, allowing the rest of the pack to gain up on him like wolves, too. Turns out, it was one of the girls who did it (naturally, Kate won't say which girl, but was happy to single out Joel). The real kicker was she never let the rest of the kids know that. So everyone still thinks it's innocent Joel! Free Joel! Ugh, she deserved every bit of the Hitler parody video we made about the incident. Lessons learned? Kate's a grade-A bitch. Class dismissed.
9. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things does not belong! Cher, Madonna, Sting, KATE.
Sweet and generous Em Tanner, a designer from Tennessee, has grifted Kate untold amounts of merchandise through the years, especially when the children were toddlers. (Remember those shirts numbered 1-8? Those were Em's.) When a sheeple this year alerted Kate that Em was calling one of her calendars "Kate's Calendar," Kate threw a fit. Mind you, not Kate Gosselin's Calendar, not Kate Plus 8's Calendar. Just Kate's calendar! (No where on the calendar's sale page did Em even mention the Gosselins or the show.) We must have missed when Kate copyrighted the name Kate. Kate Middleton might have something to say about that one. Kate's immature rampage about the incident on Twitter (why not just call Em privately, or contact a lawyer?), prompted Em to tweet back surprise at why she was being "badmouthed so randomly," as well as this well-deserved doosey, "I'm so sorry you lost your way, I really am." Shockingly, Kate later actually admitted that she started it, and that she didn't mean to cause a war. Em Tanner: 1, Kate the Great: 0.
8. Dance With the Devil
Poor Tony Dovolani can't get through an interview these days without someone asking him, notwithstanding all the incredible divas he has been paired with over the past decade, how in the world he put up with Kate Gosselin. I guess no one has been satisfied with his answers yet, LOL. It was no different on Anderson Cooper last spring when Tony told the CNN reporter "there was a lot of therapy involved" after being partnered with Kate. Ha! What was clearly just a joke was as serious as the Cuban Missile Crisis to Kate (if she knows what that is), who decided to pen an entire diatribe responding to the comment, oddly, on Coupon Cabin instead of her own web site's blog! Huh? Is DWTS offering coupons for tap shoes now? Why was that even there? we all wanted to know. Anyway, Kate told Tony it was a shame his remembrance of their time was only negative (he never said that, Kate) and challenged Anderson to go on Dancing With the Stars, where she would be watching front row. He wouldn't lower himself. The best part of all? Not a word in response to this craziness from Anderson or Tony. It was like she was talking to a brick wall. Baw-haha! Coupon Cabin later swiffered that post and all the others when they fired her. Oops, shoulda put it on your own blog for posterity. She's bananas.
7. Running on crazy
Kate had spent a lot of effort trying to convince us the kids just love, love running, but her "Catfish" facade of a life was never more apparent when she dragged the kids up to Connecticut to run a race with her and several other schoolchildren (who, unlike the Gosselins, had been working very hard together to prepare for the event). One of the girls was even crying as Steve encouraged her along. We also learned a lot about her serious lack of boundaries when she let one of the kids sit on the lap of a fan, and stranger. Run, crazy, run, but leave the kids out of it.
6. Ah yes, divorce. From the Latin word for to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.
This year marked the third anniversary of Jon and Kate's divorce, but you would think it only happened three days ago the way Kate couldn't stop ragging on Jon this year. There were many sour moments where she threw the children's beloved father under the bus, including when she claimed that she relieved him of child support obligations out of the goodness of her heart (she didn't count on anyone knowing that's not possible under Pennsylvania law once an order has been put in place), told everyone that the kids preferred to be with her over the Christmas holidays, and even just let her sheeple believe that Jon couldn't pay his utility bills when she announced that his power was off (even though news reports revealed thousands were without power also in his area). One of the worst was when she told a sympathetic Dr. Drew that Jon was "trying" to be a good dad. The....f&%$ ??? Of course nothing can top her infamous mediocre comment from the year before, but she sure tried. Meanwhile over at Jon's, a few discreetly tweeted photos reveal happy, calm, relaxed kids. Good to know.
This fall, Jon's girlfriend posted a few sweet photos of the sextuplets with her adorable pit bull, and however misguided, it set Kate off into yet another unnecessary public twitter war. Why, because the children have never looked more at peace? Figures. She retweeted several negative articles about pit bulls and implied that her request the children not be around the dog was ignored. Liz snapped right back that Kate rolled her window up in Liz's face. Forget dogs, where are the cats?! Meeow! Kate's accusations were so over the top, she drew criticism from Animal Planet's Pitbulls and Parolees for spreading misinformation about the "nanny dog" breed and contributing to their unjustified reputation. What takes the bone is that Kate owns a German Shepherd herself, also listed on many "dangerous breeds" dog lists! Woof.
Kate's tweeted too many embarrassing photos of the kids this year, but one of the creepiest was a revealing photo of Mady's legs in Kate's hooker heels. The fact that Kate failed to realize that no matter how innocent her intentions were, a good parent has to think about others who may be using the photos for less-than innocent purposes, spoke to exactly how screwed up her noggin is. We weren't the only ones. This one attracted backlash from around the web, including from popular Mommyish bloggers. As Eve Vawter put it, "Kate Gosselin didn’t need to post it, but I suppose it can also be argued that Kate Gosselin uses any excuse to exploit any of her eight children for attention and publicity, whether good or bad, to feed her gaping maw of a fame hole." Kate learned absolutely nothing from Bill Blankinship's arrest and subsequent conviction this year. #ParentingFail
3. Stop Child Abuse.
The truth is, numerous non-fans have quietly speculated for years there might be child abuse going on in the Gosselin home, and even an ex-staffer tried to come forward in 2009 about some disturbing things they saw and gave a story to the tabloids anonymously, but without proof, it's been just that, quiet speculation. However photog Robert Hoffman was finally able to prove it this year after discovering some old computer files of Kate's that contained her journals and publishing them in a book. Among many disturbing entries, Kate writes that she whipped Collin into his crib and pulled him by the hair. The information Robert uncovered in his research also suggests that Kate is bipolar, and was physically and sexually abused as a child. For those of us with backgrounds in this area, it sure made a lot of sense. Hoffman's book was perhaps the most chilling moment not just of this year, but since this family first came across our radar.
2. Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic.
We feel like a white squall hit us after this one. WTF! Okay, so, the year kicked off to a hysterical start with Kate trying to organize a fan cruise to the Caribbean this summer during the height of hurricane season, and with the twins, like she were actually a real celeb. The whole thing was so vague and unaffordable, not to mention exploitive, it had white flags of doom written all over it from the very start. It got all the weirder when it became clear that Cindy, a cruise rep running the show, well, basically was a trust fund baby idiot who hadn't the first clue what she was doing. She enlisted the help of some of the creepiest sheeple to "vet" potential cruise goers, something even our most seasoned cruise-goers here had never seen done in their entire vacationing lives (I guess they were afraid a non-fan would sign up and, I don't know, maybe report back here??? The horror!). Only, the vetting was actually scaring the beJesus out of legitimate fans who just wanted to have a nice time with their families. Cindy would also send out mass emails to anyone interested and forget to BCC, thereby exposing everyone's real names and e-mails to each other, and she would talk publicly about her clients, a huge no-no. As we oh-so-accurately predicted, Kate cancelled the whole thing and jumped ship in May just before final payments were due, muttering something about not enough people had signed up, and promising to try to meet up and treat cruise goers to a lunch before they embarked. Think that ever happened? Take a guess. This whole thing was so bizarre you would think hands down it should make number one on our list, right? Think again. She did something even worse.
Before we get to number one, once again this year there were so many bad deeds they couldn't possibly all fit into ten, nor could they all fit into the runner's up list either! (We practically need a runner's up list to the runner's up list) But here are a few that didn't make the top 10.
- Kate's year saw her picking more Twitter battles than if she were to suit up in Troy. When Kate called out the Dance Moms, saying they were "horrible" and she would never "ever" do that to her own kids, star Melissa Ziegler couldn't believe the hypocrisy. Yeah, neither could we. Ziegler tweeted back that she's from the same part of PA as Kate and has always supported her and her show. We're guessing this was her last turn with Kate. Kate also picked another bizarre and unnecessary Twitter war with a reporter at the Red Cross Gala this year. This one went on for pages before she finally gave up. Bloody hell.
- Kate never stopped accepting gifts from fans and even encouraged it, even in the wake of terrible tragedies like Hurricane Sandy and the shootings in Newtown. Her selfishness and sense of entitlement is astounding, and is being passed right on down to the kids.
- Kate tried to pretend she was still fighting traffic during the president debates, but Bravo's Andy Cohen actually called her out for the lying compulsive liar that she is and told us all he saw her watching The Real Housewives, actually. That was classic. And typical. Voting records revealed Kate never bothered to change her polling place when she moved, what was it, four years ago?
- Kate's made many inappropriate comments about body weight and exercise over the years, encouraging unhealthy preoccupations with appearance in her young impressionable fans, but the worst was when she tweeted a fan "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Ugh.
- Hide the bunny. Kate's manic posts on Easter were just odd, and creepy.
- We couldn't believe our ears when we heard Kate talking about periods and bra shopping with the twins. We used to joke that's what would be exploited next, only Kate was for real. We wish there were room for this one in the top 10.

And now, the long awaited worst moment of the year....
1. Coupon Crapin
It was a really tough call this year between whether the cruise cancellation or the Coupon Cabin firing was Kate's worst moment of the year. Ultimately, Coupon Cabin just barely edged out the cruise, due to one generous CEO named Scott. Instead of just quietly letting her go, Scott decided to put it all out there in a brief but succinct letter. In it, he laid out exactly why he could no longer have her on his team, from her lack of authenticity, to her utter inability to fit in with everyone else, to her entourage, to her polarizing posts. The letter so aptly described the joke of a celebrity we've all for so long tried to explain she is, it was sort of our own personal vindication. Or if you like, "We told you so, suckers!" To this day, it's fun to speculate what in the world she did this time that would prompt Scott to fire off such a scathing Dear John. The world may never know. Here it is again:
A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
3. Tony finally wins Dancing With the Stars! May his prize be no one ever asks him about Kate again.
2. No more child exploitation. Rep. Murt's bill, inspired by disturbing information he heard from us and others about working conditions on the Gosselins' set, was signed into law.
1. YOU! Yes, You. And you, and you, and you. The people on this blog have always been close, but what's been really cool about this year is to watch this blog really progress into a true community. Comments on posts increased dramatically this year (some posts had over 1,000 after only a few days!) as it became more of a porch gathering every day and sometimes late into the night. We threw a few virtual parties and had a blast, screened some fantastic quality reality T.V. like The Farmer's Wife and The Dust Bowl, and we even invented our own drink. We hit 8 million hits this year and surpassed 9 million just this week. So bottoms up, here's a round of Rumspringas on us. Happy New Year, everyone.
646 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 646 Newer› Newest»Okay, all, I am signing off until after the new year. I wish you all a safe and happy new year, and many blessings in 2013.
That "fecking" funny little song is stuck in my head now!! What a charming dog and family.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 93
Another thing about globe gate is why would a kid be so darn petrified to come to Kate immediately and say I'm sorry mommy I was playing with the globe and it started to peel off. This should not be a terrible crime. I'm sure it was an accident or at most just innocent curiosity. A kid should not fear such a thing yet she did.
Agreed. Especially since Kate went on to crow that with a simple dab of glue the globe was fixed. It's not like it got smashed, never to be spun on its axis again.
Just when you all thought it was safe to go back in the blog-water, I AMMMMM BAAACCKKK!
I am sorry I have neglected my minions, my clique, my specials, my favorites, all my split personalities here, but Your Duchess (me) has been busy busy busy with fun fun fun!!!!!!!! And I have been excruciatingly exhaustedish from working harder at it all, than any other woman evah since the creation of this universe. I have attacked each day with a vengence and checked things off my list even as they mysteriously added themselves on to my never ending list of laborius labored labors!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have heard rumors that some of you have moved OFF the tape line and I now I must instruct, discipline, organize and mastermind you with my homemade penalty of organic and non fat severness!!!!!!!!
Seriously, I missed you all. Hope each is well, but I have a feeling I missed some life events here.~~ Now I am off to catch up on posts, at least the ones from this fine Top 10 Thread, in which I see Admin has outdone herself again. Kudos, Admin!!!!
To piggyback on what njay said, I sort of understand why people go anonymous. I was a regular here for years and got run off a couple of times. My mom beat the cry right out of me, so it takes a lot to bring me to tears. But both times, I cried a lot, was very hurt at not the 'clique', but the mob mentality, when I truly meant no harm, was just giving a different perspective. When I said I was done, I got the 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' response. Again, very hurtful. People continued talking about why they were justified long after I left. This has happened with others too, like Let's Throw Tomatoes and a couple others I can think of. But I truly do like the people on this blog and have enjoyed being a part of it had trouble staying 'gone' and I hope that's OK. If not, I can go back to just reading.
I may have been the documentary nerd who brought up Catfish long ago. There was a somewhat-regular poster, sharing her story and opinions, and someone decided it couldn't be true, the blog was being catfished, researched news stories to find one that lined up with hers, unsuccessfully, and decided this person was not real, never considering she might actually be a person with real feelings. She is. She's a friend of mine. I watched all this going down in horror, afraid to say anything. And she was AGREEING with everyone about Kate and her behavior.
I guess my point is that we should strive to treat each other with kindness. If I can't say something nice, I say nothing, even to a troll. It isn't always easy.
For those saying they would adopt only an adult dog because of potty training, I say "HA!" We adopted a 2+ year old terrier mix and boy, she has been terrible to potty train. Just when you think she finally has it, she pees on the bed - while you are in it. She doesn't ever care that you are upset, she just watches you clean up her messes with an adorable look on her face that either says, 'nice job' or 'you missed a spot.' I believe maybe some dogs are surrendered for such issues, and some people just never even try to train their dogs because they toss them outside and there's no need. I would never trade or little Dixie (Dixie Cup, Dixie Chick, Dixie Doodle or Dixie Doodle Doo when she's being great, which is 99% of the time), but it can be frustrating. I hope all worked out well with Taffy and she has a happy ending with the GG clan!
I read Globegate again, it is truly sad.
Why would Kate have tolerated the other children just deciding that Joel was guilty, for no reason in particular?? Just because Cara said so? She is a kid who probably just wanted to blame somebody, anybody so that her mother would finally move on and start acting sane (relatively). Kate is an adult (at least chronologically) who should know better. That poor boy.
I do kind of get a little chuckle out of Kate's oh-so-dramatic writing style LOL. Particularly this part:
"I could do nothing else in that moment but grab her and hug her tight. I whispered “thank you” through my tears and told her that her confession was “a little late” but I could tell that she had already punished herself enough, so I didn’t need to. I reminded her how very important it is to “always tell the truth” and asked her to always “remember the globe” so that next time she would proudly offer the truth because it is right and also so that she could avoid that awful feeling of guilt!"
Why would she be in tears? I can see being proud of her daughter for telling the truth, absolutely, but if it had been me, I would also be a bit bothered that she let poor Joel take the heat in the first place, I would be curious as to why she had been so hesitant to tell me sooner, even when everyone's heads were done, etc. I am an extremely emotional person, and even I don't see why this should let to tears. It's. a. GLOBE!
PJ's Momma, I am sorry that happened to you. I don't even remember such posts. Please stay. I think I know which detailed poster you are talking about. I was skeptical of her myself. Someone else confirmed that her circumstances were genuine.
If you are the one who first mentioned "Catfish" -- thanks to you. I have watched the documentary twice, each time with more emotion.Angela was a complex and "sad" person. I now follow the TV show.
PJ's Momma, I'm sorry you endured that at this blog before :-( But I am glad you came back and are a regular poster, and I love reading what you have to say.
I don't think I was a regular back then, at least not a regular poster, so I am not sure what happened. And of course, there are always things we can improve upon here.
Personally, no one should ever feel like they can't express an opposing opinion, as long as they do it respectfully and do not insult anybody in the process. It is a free country, and everyone has a right to disagree.
Of course, the exceptions are those who feel that Kate is Mother Theresa and can literally do not wrong and will just argue, argue, argue and will not even try to listen to another viewpoint. As far as those types of posters, I wonder why they would come here, because it probably will not be productive and they are clearly just out to change people's minds, which is likely not going to happen.
Anyway, PJ's Momma, you are awesome and I am glad you are here. :-)
I think this part is funny that she wrote.
"I reminded her how very important it is to “always tell the truth”
Kate is a know liar on & off TV and yet she expect her children to tell the truth?
She lies so much but she gets mad when the kids lie?
Now that's is ironic.
PatK said... 112
So Khate has actually taken the kids somewhere on vacation? Now, I think we all know by now Kate does nothing like this on her own.
If this has been solved, i apologize but I am betting they are at Steve and Gina's.
Here's a photo of Kate at Ron Dixon's marathon if you wanna add it Adm.
chefsummer said... 9
I think this part is funny that she wrote.
"I reminded her how very important it is to “always tell the truth”
I still can't get my eyes to roll back down after reading that. They're permanently stuck. Really, where does she get off saying that? Does she 'honestly' believe she doesn't lie?
Anonymous said... 193
completly OT
dd has decided cocotte needs more room to swim..aka a wall aquarium..)..for one turtle..and yes...she has the decor picked out a la piratrs des carraibes..oye vey
what to do?
franky, I think it sounds adorable! She isnt trying to redo your entire main living room/lounge is she? hehe. I forget how old she is, can you share it again? She is pretty young, isnt she?
Hi Dwindle!
Thanks, friends, and my apologies, I was not seeking affirmation or sympathy, or anything like that, just wanted to provide a reminder that there are real recipients to some of these comments. Some even yesterday left me wincing a little.
Hope everyone is enjoying a good day and has a safe new year's celebration, whatever that may entail.
Dwindle.....welcome back. Running toward you with arms outstretched for a great big HOG!
Sounds like you enjoyed every family minute. Are the crock pots cleaned and lined up decoratively now?
AMD said... 190
Here's a cute video about "Loca, the pug who couldnt' run". It's set to an Irish ditty.
Adorable!!! My pug runs similar, both hind legs at same time 0_o I just say she's channeling her former life as a rabbit, sigh, LOL
I hope Dwindle brought some left-overs for us- hint hint ;)
Thanks for the list Admin, spot-on!
I am pleased you put her running trip to Connecticut on the list, one of her more disturbing moves in 2012 for me. To take those kids, throw them on a track, tell them that running is their new passion was inexcusable to me. Other participants had worked up to that day, and she fish tailed in for publicity, and used her very unhappy kids to do it.
As she fades further into obscurity, her children are simultaneously getting older, and soon they will refuse to be her pawns for publicity, at least that is my wish for them.
I want to thank Admin., her helpers, and all the fellow-posters a very happy new year. This blog provides great discussion, debate, and sense of community. All the best to all for a healthy and happy 2013 and on!
She says she lives within a few miles of her and I believe that she does.
Not really. Big Fan is in Hershey. Kate is in Wernersville. It's about an hour away, something like 60 miles. However, it's close enough for her to stalk Kate at a grocery store, which she once admitted that she did. I remember when she pestered Kate incessantly about coming over for coffee, babysitting the kids, cleaning her house, and going to the outlets with her.
I hope Dwindle brought LOTS of left-overs the Bear and I are still indecisive about what to make tomorrow. Maybe our menu is "Day-old Dwindle"!?
Blog historian, I brought it up once. We are financially secure and I honestly have a lot of guilt over it because I was raised very poor and we have had our own struggles. I just tried to give a perspective that not everyone lives or remotely thinks like Kate. I made one remark to defend myself and left and all the chatter about it happened after I was gone.
Thanks for proving my point, yet again.
Non dwidle..dd is 15..someone shoot me 6 years ago..when dd brought home turtle..cocotte..no bigger than a quarter then..and I let it in my house..oye vey
now cocotte is bivgger than the palm of my hand..bashes against aquarium window when we walk by..yet hisses at u if u touch her highness
already at 30 gallon tank for princeszilla..niw need a wall one...omg
never, ever let a turtle in your home, they will take over alll...
I sure wish there was a good crystal ball to tell us all who is here as a poster with a legitimate reason to be here - i.e. to pose an honest question or post a differing opinion in a respectful manner. The problem is, as in so many blogs, there are those who arrive with a big smile and a coy question and then after awhile show their true colors. We've been burned so many times...once tricked, shame on you, twice tricked, shame on us. We don't like being tricked. (I'm using "we", perhaps incorrectly here. I really only speak for myself, but I love the Royal WE.) I for one am
highly suspicious, even when the mistrust is misplaced.
I AM still waiting, however, for any KateFan to
show up and give a logical, clear and honest
answer as to what they admire about Kate. You know, things like "she donates 3 hours a month to our church nursery program", or "I saw her
at the Red Cross Blood Drive AGAIN this past Thursday. She must be up to 4 gallons by now"
You know, that kind of tangible stuff. Or, I'll even take someone who has known her as a friend for years and has something nice to say about her personality and what a good friend she has always been. Anything. Anything at all. Please write in. I really want to read up on Kate the antithesis of what we have come to know from her show and subsequent public
persona. Thanks.
fidosmommy said... 25
I AM still waiting, however, for any KateFan to
show up and give a logical, clear and honest
answer as to what they admire about Kate. You know, things like "she donates 3 hours a month to our church nursery program", or "I saw her
at the Red Cross Blood Drive AGAIN this past Thursday. She must be up to 4 gallons by now"
You know, that kind of tangible stuff. Or, I'll even take someone who has known her as a friend for years and has something nice to say about her personality and what a good friend she has always been. Anything. Anything at all. Please write in. I really want to read up on Kate the antithesis of what we have come to know from her show and subsequent public
persona. Thanks.
I am with you on that- waiting......
2ieme esaye..merde
dwindle..my turtle thinks shhes a dinadaure.frig she bitrs
dd wants me to now buy a wall aquarjium..
sheesh..i would feed cocotte to keyla but has already jumped her tank and svared the bejeus outa keyla
think a wall aquarium is in my future..sheesh
Um, I have been to Australia once. My husband's job is global so his ticket is paid. He has literally a million air miles so my tickets are free. I am very blessed to go along sometimes, and the room is paid for too. Literally the only money spent is pocket money. Thanks, Anonymous.
I do kind of get a little chuckle out of Kate's oh-so-dramatic writing style LOL. Particularly this part: 206
WW, makes me wonder if kk is reading a steady diet of harlequin romances or the like after she read 50 Shades. Her (kk's) writing is VERY formulaic and predictable.
Welcome back Dwindle. You were missed Don't let this go to your head - heh, heh. Glad your holiday was good.
PJs Momma, I am sorry about your friend. I think many of us could share what others would consider "unbelievable" stories and some go
"anonymous" to do so because they are afraid of being attacked. Personally, if I'm in doubt, I just keep my mouth shut and my fingers still and I don't send money (not that I recall anyone here asking for any). I'm glad you're back
Damn I just caught up and saw someone call you out. There is NO REASON to apologize for being financially savy and/or lucky or both. THAT reeks of jealousy. DAMMIT. I have no problem acknowledging my own needs (privately) while being happy for others' good fortune. I also want to say that I doubt that the regulars (lurkers or posters) keep tabs on who said what over the years. THAT reeks of certain
PJ's momma said... 5
There was a somewhat-regular poster, sharing her story and opinions, and someone decided it couldn't be true, the blog was being catfished, researched news stories to find one that lined up with hers, unsuccessfully, and decided this person was not real, never considering she might actually be a person with real feelings. She is. She's a friend of mine.
If it is someone whose real initials are JJ, tell her I say hello. Yes, her circumstances are real, even though they are extraordinary.
Well, I Anonymous is attacking me right now, sooooo............adios. I have feelings and this is so unnecessary.
Wish you all well.
I'd seen Catfish not too long after it came out but I do remember someone bringing it up here and that's when I made the connection and realized the parallels. Never really thought of the similarities before. Thanks PJ. It actually gets MORE similar day by day as Kate is literally transforming into her sheeple's Angela. Her sheeple are in love with a woman who doesn't exist. It's the same story!
PJ's Momma, I hope you are still here to read this. I see that the attacks on you have already been erased.
Please consider staying.
Dwindle said... 31
PJ's momma said... 5
There was a somewhat-regular poster, sharing her story and opinions, and someone decided it couldn't be true, the blog was being catfished, researched news stories to find one that lined up with hers, unsuccessfully, and decided this person was not real, never considering she might actually be a person with real feelings. She is. She's a friend of mine.
If it is someone whose real initials are JJ, tell her I say hello. Yes, her circumstances are real, even though they are extraordinary.
JJ? Talking in code now? I'm so lost. Guess that happens when life takes over and one is too busy to read. I missed so much drama I'm reading about today.
Dwindle, you are way too cool to talk in code. And, if you do, please clue the rest of us in.
fidosmommy said... 25
I AM still waiting, however, for any KateFan to
show up and give a logical, clear and honest
answer as to what they admire about Kate. You know, things like "she donates 3 hours a month to our church nursery program", or "I saw her
at the Red Cross Blood Drive AGAIN this past Thursday. She must be up to 4 gallons by now"
You know, that kind of tangible stuff. Or, I'll even take someone who has known her as a friend for years and has something nice to say about her personality and what a good friend she has always been. Anything. Anything at all. Please write in. I really want to read up on Kate the antithesis of what we have come to know from her show and subsequent public
persona. Thanks.
Deanna tried that once, remember? We laughed her outta the park. Deanna said she KNEW Kate was a good and loving mother because she saw Kate carry in groceries one time all all all alone-ish. At it was like, um, like wow, um 2o bags or something! What a woman!
I mean, can you imagine a gestational carrier actually carrying in the family groceries without a purse carrier, hired sack toter, or anyone to help her, the poor thing? My mother had 9 kids, fed a family of 11 every week and I just dont know how she did it without her hired grocery carrier-boys. Poor Kate. Sniffle.
was JJ the young widow?
dwindle..my turtle thinks shhes a dinadaure.frig she bitrs
Franky, I love your posts, but this one has me a bit baffled. What is a dinadaure.frig? Dinosaur who bites? What is frig?
Why would Kate have tolerated the other children just deciding that Joel was guilty, for no reason in particular?? Just because Cara said so?
And that's yet ANOTHER reason why it was so dysfunctional. I don't care if you have two kids or 20, the other children are not there to consult and seek support from when one has done something wrong. That is between YOU, and the child. I think it's fine to ask the other children is they saw anything, but in this case, no one else saw it, so at that point, the other children had nothing else to offer to this problem and she needed to either let the issue go (the more appropriate path) or if she must get to the bottom of a stupid GLOBE PEELING, talk to the children each one by one, ALONE.
It's terribly unhealthy to involve children in the prosecution and discipline of their siblings. Talk about dividing kids. Not only is she destroying their relationship with her, but the really shitting thing is, she is creating dysfunction among each other. And at the end of the day they may be all they have someday. It is despicable to mess with their bonds. Despicable.
We have touched on this briefly before I think actually when this came out....that Kate for some reason takes some kind of sick enjoyment out of pitting her children against each other. I believe someone mentioned that's probably what narcissists do create chaos and confusion and love to keep kids divided so no one gangs up on HER. I believe other children of narcissists said they too were pitted against siblings and left in constant states of confusion.
Deanna tried that once, remember? We laughed her outta the park. Deanna said she KNEW Kate was a good and loving mother because she saw Kate carry in groceries one time all all all alone-ish. At it was like, um, like wow, um 2o bags or something! What a woman!
LOL that was great remember that? Apparently Deanna living the dream in NYC doesn't realize that for most women if you don't carry your groceries in, the pug sure as heck won't do it and they're just going to sit there and ROT. Good lord.
These people want to give Kate a medal for carrying groceries, saying thank you, and breathing.
JudyK said... 33
Hehe. I think PJ's momma is referring to a former poster here who got run off, that I used to email with privately for a while. Her REAL name had the initials J for her first name, and J for her last name. I wouldnt post her real name here for any reason. I only said "JJ" so PJs Momma can verify if we are talking about the same former poster. I am so sorry for the confusion. I am without Rumspringa tonight so I am off my game, I think.
Tomorrow BBCA is having a Doctor Who marathon beginning at 8 am. All day.(Have watched The Snowmen 3 times. I know, but the memory worm bit gets funnier every time.)
SCI channel in one guide has a Firefly marathon, but my channel guide on the tv has How's It's Made all day long...NOT shiny.
Happy New Year, everyone. Staying in, going out, is there a gathering on the porch tomorrow night?
Dance Moms is also doing some New Year's marathons on Lifetime, like ALL DAY. It's terrible I watch that show but I'm not going to pretend I don't. The new episode is an hour and a half oh happy joy joy.
I really am curious how they are going to get around all the new PA laws. This is one to watch unfold.
What is so sad about that family is that there really is no mother. She used to call Jon the ninth child, but she is actually one of the kids and the oldest so she gets to boss them around. Or would bully them be a better way to put it? In the five years I've seen/read anything about her, she has yet to take on the role of parenting.
Heide said... 35
''was JJ the young widow?''
I remember the young widow w/a bunch of children. For the life of me, I can't remember any drama surrounding her. Maybe it all happened and was swiffered while I was offline.
In any case, PJ's momma......if any comments attacking you are anonymous, I'd treat them with suspicion, and ignore them! I hope you will stick around and post.
Wow Auntie that's so spot on.
You know what she is? A significantly older, BULLY sister. She treats them like a bossy big sister who is parentified. She doesn't treat them like a mother. Will she ever grow up?
PJs Momma, please please dont go. I take it you mentioned something joyous in your personal life - there is a mean person who lurks here who HATES when one of us has a moment of happiness and good fortune in our *gasp* personal life! Please dont let a stalker troll run you off! Please?
Pj's momma...no need to apologize for your life circumstances. They are what they are. Personally, I think that if your life is easier than it might have been....good for you! I rejoice with you!
(I was in Australia the same way you got there...husband travels for work, his ticket/room is paid for, I use his frequent flyer miles. I look at it as payback for the weeks on end that he is out of the country leaving me to deal alone with all the child/house/car issues. Couldn't even call him because of the time difference when a semi-truck hit me and totalled my car.)
Notice that the ugly stuff has been deleted. Why choose to focus on the ugly? Why let a few posts determine whether you stay on a (mostly) nice blog?
Ignore the few whatever they are on that side of the veranda, and stay over here on this side of the veranda. I hate it when people I enjoy leave. Like DallasLady and Let's Throw Tomatoes. Here, wanna share a rumspringa with me and Njay?
PJ's Momma -- PLEASE don't leave again. I've missed your posts so much! I've also missed seeing that adorable little Dachsie face in your avatar. Admin or the blog girls have already swiffered the anonymice. Just scroll on by anything that's anonymous and I don't think you'll have a problem. There are a couple of regulars here (Heather, Franky, Working Woman) who often post as anonymous, but they always sign their posts. Otherwise, just Agree, Agree,Agree and ignore(Hard to do, I know, when someone is lambasting you, but try. The rest of us will hold you up)!
ADM -- Thanks so much for posting that video. Very adorable and clever, plus it got rid of that awful "Close to You" earworm.
NJGal -- I was a big fan of "Farscape", so "frell" gets a good workout here sometimes. I tried "feck" once or twice, but it's too close to that other word and I got some "looks". Since I work with kids, I have to be careful.
AuntieAnn said... 42
In the five years I've seen/read anything about her, she has yet to take on the role of parenting.
She thinks bullying IS parenting. And she thinks giving birth gives her moral permission to hit and beat them. Therefore, in her mind, she is a wonderful, perfect mother because she has those 2 skills nearly perfected. She, and the children therefor, need nothing else, merely to obey and be afraid of her. There - parented. Done.
I doubt Kate will ever mature. She's the screecher and the one who grabs the best lollipop or runs through the streets of New York with ice cream, cries when she's afraid, or pouts when she's miserable. She's just such a child. Those kids are pretty much on their own being raised with her. And I do mean WITH her, not by her.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 37
Maybe since Kevin took up for Kate when she was little.
She thought that Joel would take up for his sister.
Right, she thinks the extent of parenting is OBEYING. She is incapable of understanding everything else these children desperately need. Hopefully they are getting it at Jon's. The photos are encouraging.
Any parent know "obeying" is such a tiny tiny part of what it means to raise a child up in a healthy manner.
And to think, J*el probably got his head mauled for that and the little girl had her mother get her back for her. Nice parenting.
Today is a sad for me. In 2008 my little 4lb baby boy Shadow, a chihuahua, was run over. My mom ran in saying to go get him cause she needed the bathroom. I ran out and because it was dark I couldn't see him, he was black. I saw lights in the road and I yelled his name hoping he would come. The person in the car said, "mam was that your dog?" I yelled yeah, hang on I'll come and get him. The man yelled back I ran him over. I ran to the street as I asked if he was ok and the man said very coldly no he's dead. He yelled for me not to pick him up because he was a mess. He was my boy. No way was I not going to pick him up. When I got to him I saw that he was not a mess. His little head flopped over my arm and I just started screaming no. Mom and my nephew had to help me up the stairs cause I couldn't lift my legs for the weakness. That picture and feeling never gets easier. I miss him so much.
2008 was a very difficult year indeed. The reason I got Shadow was because I had to put my girl Socks, of 16 yrs, down six months prior in June. 3 months prior to that in march my father passed away. I have to say though that I felt and feel so blessed that I was the one chosen to take care of dad and my stepmother for combined 2yrs. And with my dad I was able to be there to help make him as comfortable as I could as he made the transition from this life to the next. How better can that get.
Thank you all for all your kind posts to me. YOU ARE ALL KIND INDEED. Oh, and I did get two little boys the day after I lost Shadow. They are Terrier chihuahua and one is a complete fuzz ball who we, me and mom, named Sugarbear. The other is totally straight hair we named Buddy. They are our life. I love to tell people who coo them that they are brothers from the same litter and that one got the Terrier and the other the chihuahua. If you saw them you wouldn't believe it either.
Well, I have said enough again. Thanks for reading my books. lol. I once had a supervisor ask if I lived alone because I talk so much. YEP! Well except for mom, but she doesn't count. She's always asleep or having a hard time making seance of what I'm saying. Ya gotta love elderly moms, they can make life interesting. HEY WAIT, I forgot, some consider me elderly. What a world, what a world.
I hit the wrong button - that anonymous is me Pity Party with my trademark don't want my comment about kids to pop up on Google.
Deanna tried that once, remember? We laughed her outta the park. Deanna said she KNEW Kate was a good and loving mother because she saw Kate carry in groceries one time all all all alone-ish. At it was like, um, like wow, um 2o bags or something! What a woman!
Now maybe another friend can tell us something Kate had done for SOMEONE ELSE, not for her own
household needs.
My someday son in law is a sound engineer for Famous Country Band. While the band pays all his airfair, the miles are his to keep. So DD3 is usin' em up! He is to the point where he groans just looking at his suitcase or seeing an airport on TV. DD3 just looks at it like one of the perks they get for him being gone so much while Band tours. Another perk is, she got to meet Mr Famous Man and Mr Really Famous Man at the Country Music Hall of Fame a few weeks ago. So there are perks and sacrifices made for every job, I love it that we can share our YIPEEs here!
Dwindle #39, thanks for clarifying that. Until the last few days, I've fallen so far behind that I don't know what's currently going on.
PJ, don't leave. Don't. :)
Dance Moms is my guilty pleasure, I admit I am looking forward to season 3. I loved the Abby Lee Dance Competition. I wouldn't mind discussing that show on here every so often (hint!) :)
Here are other parts I don't get about the whole globe thing.
I glued it back together and figured it was “good as new,”
- So why didn't she let it go?
I assured them that NOW was the time to be honest and escape the consequences.
-When is she ever honest?
I told them that this was more about honesty and way less about the damage to the globe!
-Once again when is she ever honest?
I also don't like how she pits all the kids against one.
And afterwards she didn't apologize to Joel for wrongfully accusing him.
And she didn't punish the guilty child but let her get away with it.
What is her parenting logic?
Dwindle, yes, it is JJ.
njay, how horrific, four years late, I am so sorry. So happy for you that you have little love bugs to fill your life.
Others, thank you for your kindness, but seeing those words gave me the same feeling of fear I used to have when my mother was chasing me and trying to grab me by the hair to stop me so she could pound me while screaming in my face that I was making her do it. I realized in the last half hour or so that I don't have the thick skin I thought I did. When a psychotic person calls me names when I can't give them what they want, I know it's not me they are really upset with. But to be pursued like that, I can't do it. I'll read and chime in with dog stories or funny malapropisms that my (very humble) husband never fails to provide (daily) during the course of our simple lives now and then, but I need to resist the urge to post especially since some perceive it as bragging. I never want to be perceived that way.
To my off-blog friends, thank you and 'meeting' you through this blog has been a great joy and I look forward to continuing those friendships.
Happy New Year, everyone.
I told them that this was more about honesty and way less about the damage to the globe!
She's sort of right, it is more about being honest and open with your mother and family.
And so that begs the question, why, why, why couldn't the kid just go to her right away??? Kate never ONCE considered it might be a problem with HER why her kid didn't come to her. Instead it was all the child's fault for being a dirty rotten liar. Sad.
I had no issues going to my parents when an accident happened. Go to your parents when you are 8 and accidentally peeled back a globe, and you'll hopefully be comfortable going to them later on in life when the problems get a bit more complicated. But be scared to open up at 8 and it's probably not going to get better.
Awwww, so sad about your little boy. I'm sorry for your loss of your sweet pet, no matter when it happens, when a pet makes it his way into your heart, the loss when they leave is always felt. Pets are so special.
I guess if we can read about people's financial woes here we can also deal with people's financial non-needs too. The financially needy are not looking for a handout, and the secure are not looking for people to turn green. I don't mind hearing about either end of the spectrum. There is no "fan base" demographic here, we're all quite different and living in
different circumstances. Some can afford vacations to the Poconos, some to Greece. So what? It makes no difference if the point of a vacation is to relax, enjoy and do whatever you like doing without everyday pressures. Me? My BEST vacations are in my house, phone turned off, Do Not Disturb sign on the front door knob.
Solitude, silence and pure luxury. And not a dime spent. I will take that over any fancy cruise or any overpriced hotel in any fancy place on earth. We're all different, with a different set of needs and likes and situations.
I think that's fine. Not a hint of jealousy here. Just gratitude for what I have and
who I have.
She thinks bullying IS parenting.
AB-SO-LUTELY! That is spot on.
I remember the young widow, I always believed her story too. I felt horrible how that went down.
njay, that is a sad anniversary. Go and have some cuddles with your doggies, they sound cute!
PJ's Momma,
I, too, am doing much better financially now and grew up poor and I often feel, well, guilt. I struggle with these feelings and thought something was wrong with me. Thank you for your post, for letting me know I am not alone. Keep posting!! And Happy New Year!!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 61
I had no issue with going to my parents either.
But after we learned from Robert on how Kate beat her children when they were little.
Who know's what kind of emotional scars they may have.
I remember the young widow w/a bunch of children. For the life of me, I can't remember any drama surrounding her. Maybe it all happened and was swiffered while I was offline.
I can't either. The only young widow I remember with children used the ID Lake Up North (or something with Lake in it). Is that the JJ person?
I mean she beat her little ones for a potty accident.
I bet the kids were scared about the globe.
And we saw how made she was at the bus stop once maybe. The globe innocent happened after the bus pick up.
MAN, I did't say that right. What were my fingers thinking? LOL. Anyway, I was trying to say that I have NO problem hearing about peoples' trips afar, their swimming pools and their other enjoyments. I don't mind people sharing their financial concerns here either.
I just like hearing from the people on this blog. So, thick wallet, thin wallet, please keep writing in. I care about your thoughts and I care about your life circumstances. We all have a place here.
I hope that came out better this time!
I'm so sorry, njay.
How horrific. Words cannot express my sadness for your loss. A pet owners nightmare.
I wish you peace, dear.
Njay, my heart broke reading about Shadow and I could feel your pain talking about your legs not working. So glad you have two little pups to help fill that hole in your heart. They sound adorable.
And how Kate spanked Leah for blowing whistle.
Who's knows truly what the 8 have been through w/their mother.
LOL that was great remember that? Apparently Deanna living the dream in NYC doesn't realize that for most women if you don't carry your groceries in, the pug sure as heck won't do it and they're just going to sit there and ROT. Good lord.
What was really funny about that one was that Deanna tweeted that she watched Kate carry in the bags by herself. Deanna is supposed to be her friend, and she stood there and WATCHED Kate and didn't help her? The kids weren't around to help her? They each couldn't grab a bag? Nothing about that tweet made any sense.
Yes and that's the point Chef. The kids were probably afraid of abuse, that's why they didn't go to her. And that's on KATE.
Others, thank you for your kindness, but seeing those words gave me the same feeling of fear I used to have when my mother was chasing me and trying to grab me by the hair to stop me so she could pound me while screaming in my face that I was making her do it.
PJ - That is horrible. I'm sorry you went through that. It has left scars that no one should suffer with. I'm glad you've found happiness with your DH.
njay - your story brought tears to my eyes. Losing a furry companion through an accident is tragic.
"I once had a supervisor ask if I lived alone because I talk so much. YEP! Well except for mom, but she doesn't count."
But THAT made me laugh out loud!
Re: Dance Moms: are they replacing any or all of the girls/moms? The teaser was ambiguous! (I also watch it!)
njay said... 53
He was your friend and companion, plain and simple. We still tear up over here about doggies we lost years and years ago. I know you are getting extra cuddles with your current friends and I hope that joy is comforting to you.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 61
I told them that this was more about honesty and way less about the damage to the globe!
She's sort of right, it is more about being honest and open with your mother and family.
And so that begs the question, why, why, why couldn't the kid just go to her right away??? Kate never ONCE considered it might be a problem with HER why her kid didn't come to her. Instead it was all the child's fault for being a dirty rotten liar. Sad.
I had no issues going to my parents when an accident happened. Go to your parents when you are 8 and accidentally peeled back a globe, and you'll hopefully be comfortable going to them later on in life when the problems get a bit more complicated. But be scared to open up at 8 and it's probably not going to get better.
I am going anon on this. Please dont delete me if you can help it.
When I was 12 years old and my grandfather had his hands and other things all over me, all I kept thinking was that I had to find a way out of the room and away from him and to get to my mother. It never occured to me she would yell at me, blame me, accuse me, anything like that. My mother was my first thought while it was going on. Maybe Kate thinks her preteens would do that, but would they? And what about her sons? We are strangers and even we here know her reaction to her sons would be screaming, doubting them, grilling them, and carrying on all about Kate and how she doesnt have time for this. Would she tell them they are horrible for saying bad things about a crew daddy? What about being offered drugs or beer? Would they turn to their mother?
Kate, can your sons rely you on for calm reassurance and reasonable guidance? will it always be about your anxiety and your children burdening you with their troubles?
OK, I just diced up turkey and put it in the left over green bean casserole and that might go over pretty good.
I dont know what I did to deserve it but HunnyBunny made us ham and cheese omelets for dinner. Why do things taste so much better when someone else cooks?
Re Dance Moms...I LOVE that show and I LOVE Abby. Can't wait for the new season to start. I think Abby is pretty (though overweight) and I think she has a loving heart and really cares about those girls, even those she comes across tough as nails on that show. She's preparing those girls for their future livelihood...don't think comparing her to Kate is even valid.
I'll take Abby over any of the vapid housewife shows in a heartbeat.
I am so sorry that you endured that horrific loss a few years back , hun. How awful.
But I am so happy that your life is once again filled with beautiful pets. Wishing you a wonderful, blessed 2013.
Thanks, Admin and to all regular posters...i enjoyed your recap and subsequent comments.....I raise my glass and say "Prosit" to all...down here in Texas the few of us from German/Czech decent toast this way. Maybe next year, if we are lucky (and the kids too - "8, count 'em 8) there won't even be a Top Ten.....maybe it will be down to 5 because she will be so obscure news of her will be scarce....and isn't that something to look forward to in 2013? My best to all....Happy New Year......my husband and I are hoping that our jobs are not "downsized" but still hope to find joy in the coming year.
I see Abby kind of like Jillian Michaels on
Biggest Loser. She is nasty, yes, but with a purpose. Don't you give up. Don't you go weak.
I'm here every day for your sake, helping you do what you have told me you want to do. If you go weak on me, you won't meet your own goals. If you listen and do your part, you will be busting with pride at the end of the grind. So shut up, stand up, do what I tell you to do and never give up!
At heart, she cares about each individual girl in her school. Although she plays indifferent,
that is (I think) just to show the kids that any missteps hurt the GIRL and not Abby. Abby will still go on teaching with or without her.
The girl, on the other hand, needs Abby and knows it.
Goals are very powerful incentives to put up with the hard grind of success.
Maybe military drill sargeants are another example? Not necessarily cruel people, but they are trying to break down the civillian in order to create a military success.
I don't agree with some of Abby's methods but for me the big thing is that you have a choice as a parent and student if you want that teaching method. If you want a softer style then you can go to the dance teacher down the road. It's not like Abby is their mother and they have no other. In fact Abby has chosen not to have kids of her own.
That is how a lot of teachers in the arts teach--tough, tough, tough. Many successful adults who made it in the arts swear by it. I really don't think Abby would have such a successful studio if there weren't some kind of market for tough love.
LOL Lifetime is advertising Dance Moms as "the maniac is back!"
LOL they're just totally going for it aren't they. Can you imagine if TLC advertised a new season of Kate Plus 8 that way?
Dwindle! You were very missed :-) Welcome back!!!
So Dance Moms is a good show?? I love dance and have thought about watching it many times, but I was under the impression that it was an exploitive show for stage moms .... but I have never seen it before, so I would have no way of knowing for sure.
Would you recommend it?
njay, so sorry about your little Shadow. These little guys add so much joy to our lives.
butterfly & admin & formerly duped, dance moms! I'd never make it, those little girls must have steel-plated feelings. Definitely will watch. Abby sure did love being the center of attention on her dance compet. show. I've wondered as the core group physically matures if they 'age out'. Harder to control and they don't stay the same size and height for stage presence for group dances. Most are all about the same size. And what would she do without her Maddy?
If hauling grocery bags into the house makes you mom of the year, then we all need to be nominated.
Honestly, I used to be the office 'spell check'. Nothing got by me and now sometimes I have to actually think about how a word is spelled. So, please overlook my spelling errors. I do try.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 84
I don't agree with some of Abby's methods but for me the big thing is that you have a choice as a parent and student if you want that teaching method. If you want a softer style then you can go to the dance teacher down the road. It's not like Abby is their mother and they have no other. In fact Abby has chosen not to have kids of her own.
The student doesn't really have a choice if that's where the parent wants the child.
Many children succeed without negative motivation and there is plenty of harm done to children who are verbally abused in the name of "motivation." Some of the successful ones may swear by it, but how about those who don't "make it?" Do they have the same fond memories?
Working Woman much of it feels very, very fake. Abby has even admitted many aspects of it that are fake. They are still filming kids and still filming for long hours. At least it's only one aspect of their lives however, not a full on invasion of their privacy by any stretch.
To me it's become sort of a campy show. Abby is so over the top, the moms are so over the top, the kids are so overtly normal to contrast all the craziness. It's a modern cult classic.
Got it, thanks admin. By the way, can I just say...
that Titanic graphic with Kate and Steve is still so hilarious I break down in hysterics whenever I see it. Very, very nicely done!
You have a true talent, I am glad it is being put to use.
Can't Stand Abby, for most of my childhood music was my life and I came to a fork in the road entering college whether to go for music or something else. I left music behind because I did not think I was good enough to perform which in my eyes only left teaching left, and I did not care to teach. I still play in my church band and keep it up but I didn't make it a career. My teacher was a Juilliard grad. My training was intense. My parents spent so much money. I spent a lot of time. But she never, ever, ever, ever once even so much as raised her voice to me. The lessons were healthy and positive and fun. For my last year and a half of high school when I was really making the tough decisions whether to go for music, I switched teachers just to get a different perspective. Her style was different but she still never, ever, ever raised her voice or used any kind of negative methods. A bit more by the book but no abuse or anything close. Both teachers trained many very successful musicians and have excellent reputations in the community.
Is Abby's ways the method for me, absolutely NOT. Is there proof that other methods work YES. But do people swear by Abby's methods too, yes.
my dad keeps turtles! He loves them, I always wanted to have some myself, someday!
Just when you all thought it was safe to go back in the blog-water, I AMMMMM BAAACCKKK
Yay Dwindle is back! I've missed you Dwindle! Raising my rumspringa to you...
Happy New Year everyone. Open invitation to Robert Hoffman for pork and sauerkraut on Tuesday - I miss you and your posts! oh and Berks neighbor, and Over in Kate's County, and SeeSaw, Lanco MOM and Parent in Lanco - and anyone else living in these parts - come on over! Would be a fascinating dinner yes?
I don't think the dancers are doing this for the camera. They would be dancing long hours
if the cameras had never come. It's the moms who are camera seekers. Why else would they wear those one-shoulder dresses and heels to sit in the loft for hours? Most don't SEEM to have a job outside the home. Holly has taken a leave of absence from hers.
It is exploitive, yes, but it shows the bad side of the adults and the good side of the kids. Actually, the kids are secondary to the action. The only reason they are there is to give the moms and Abby a reason to all be in the same room. And because they have actual, genuine dancing talent. They really are good.
Thank you to each of you for the warm welcome back wishes. i really mean that. I just knew I didnt have time to keep up with posts and I didnt want to be a drive by. But things are starting to settle down, I only have one child still in town, and all the visiting and hosting is over. This has been a holiday season like none in recent memory and I really dont recall the last time I was this happy. But it is dang good to be back with you goofs!
Watching my "boyfriend" Paul McCartney perform at London's Roundhouse in a 2007 concert. Man, I love that guy! Hey Jude....
Another Dance Moms fan here and I'm also looking forward to the new season. I love the "Flash Dance" commercial.
I've been watching a 24 marathon. I love me some Jack Bauer. I love it when he says "damnit"!
PJ - Ignore those who have nothing better to do than pick on every little thing about your posts. I guess they're giving Dwindle a break while they go after you. Don't ever apologize for what you have or don't have.
Readerlady - I will give frell a try but saying that Jack Bauer is "frelling" fine just doesn't sound right.
I don't think the dancers are doing this for the camera. They would be dancing long hours
if the cameras had never come.
Huge difference. A lot of this, most, would happen cameras or not.
I've always thought that is the key difference in that the exploitation is really more about the dancing itself and not the filming. Which will happen cameras or not and has had happened for decades. Whereas with the Gosselins when the filming stops the exploitation stops (unless you have a mother taking to twitter but that's another issue.)
Thank you for the kind invitation Berks. I love pork and sauerkraut. I've often thought it would be funny if the locals did meet up and it turned out we knew each other.
I've been lurking more than posting lately. Tough holiday with a sick little doxie. He's finally on the mend thank goodness. Between caring for him and cleaning the carpets I really was exhausted. Worry takes a lot out of you. I hope PJ's Momma sticks around. I would miss seeing your cute little dachshund and you.
Admin, as always, amazing job on the top 10. Happy New Year.
Oh cripes. I was just looking at the tv guide. "Paparazzi Princess: The Paris Hilton Story" comes on tonight. yuelch. gag. blech.
I think I'll pass on it.
I would be totally jellus if the locals meet each other in real life! JELLUS! Anyone want to crash that get together?
I think you should meet. And, then come back and tell us all about it.
Auntie Ann, oooo if Kate sees that She's not the Paparazzi Princess she's going to be royally pissed!
The reality about dance too is that if you want to be a professional you're going to take a lot of criticism and it's going to be rough out there. It is NOT for everyone, it's NOT for MOST people. Abby may be doing the girls a favor by giving them some rough treatment so they will know if this is REALLY the life they want. It might be a huge shock if they are treated with kid gloves their whole childhoods then suddenly make the NYC ballet and encounter some real brutal atmospheres and rejections.
Sort of like how a lawyer who wants to be in court should probably do some debate clubs or at least some public speaking to see if they can even get through that kind of thing before diving head first into it.
Not justifying it, just kind of talking out all sides to it and looking at all the potential reasons she teaches this way, and the benefits.
Carolina - yeah she thinks she owns the paparazzi story. She's the only one who has ever been bothered by them. Well, besides Princess Di. But Paris? Kate will be so jellus.
NJay, so sorry for the loss of your furry friend. Glad to hear you have two to love and cuddle with. Our furry friends make life so much sweeter.
Admin - Do you ever get nervous in the court room when you're representing a client and the place is full of people? I would be a freaking wreck and forget everything I wanted to say.
Yes Auntie I get nervous but I am more nervous about what the judge is going to do and what the other side is going to throw at me than the other people in the room. There is no nervousness left over to worry about what someone sitting in the back thinks!
I have done a couple arguments downtown and I was PETRIFIED. It wasn't fun but the payoff is great especially when you win.
It's one of those weird things where it's painful in the moment but it feels so good after you just want to keep doing it more, like an addiction.
Dmasy said... 101
I would be totally jellus if the locals meet each other in real life! JELLUS! Anyone want to crash that get together?
lol Dmasy!!
Admin, proud of you that you kept music in your life. I took piano lessons many years from 2 good patient ladies and I learned. Not a natural talent, just hard work and pratice, practice, etc. Then life got in the way. Sorry I didn't make time for it or me. Now I look at my music and am amazed that I could read and play some of those pieces. Just decided I'm going to use that piano for more than family pictures. Yep, because now I can play for me. Thank you.
Admin - I can see where winning would be a confidence builder. Do you have mock trials in law school?
Berks Resident, Thanks for the invite. My in-laws were over today to celebrate Christmas (originally they were coming on Jan 1 - New Year's Day but since my oldest had to work that day they came early). We had our pork and sauerkraut today because I had planned to have it when they came but I saved some to reheat on New Years day and sent a couple of servings to my in-laws who live in another state. Wanted them to have good-luck as well this next year.
I'm still thinking a clandestine meeting for all of us in Berks/Lancaster/Lebanon for Rumspringa should be in the plans for 2013.
I studied theatre at two different professional schools in NY. Believe me when I say that the teachers that are rough (honest) are the ones that prepare you for life in the theatre. You don't just walk in the door and get the job...you're too short, too tall, too thin, too fat, not pretty enough, etc. I married a military man but not before I had my fair share of rejection. Abby is tough but she's realistic about the business. I still dabble in community theatre and am happy to be thought of as a "professional" (LOL far from it). I have a good job with the government and am happy with my life.
As I've said before, Kate may want a show business career for M, but M has not been training all her life for it like some kids and the Gosselin name won't get her far without the talent to back it up.
I would still love to have someone's pork and sauerkraut recipe.
The arts is one of the few professions where it's okay to say you don't want someone because you are too fat, too thin, too pretty, not pretty enough, too short, too tall. Not girl next door enough, too girl next door, too old, too young.
That's just very different from almost every other aspect of our lives where we are supposed to be judged on merit not on things we have very little control over. Most people just can't hack that kind of rejection and I wouldn't expect them to, but you probably should find out if you can withstand it when you are young before you waste anymore time. This isn't dance class for fun. This is dance class for careers, Abby makes that very clear.
Admin - I can see where winning would be a confidence builder. Do you have mock trials in law school?
Yes there are mock trial clubs but mock trials aren't part of most standard curriculum believe it or not. I forgot the exact statistics but it's something like only 5% of lawyers ever even see the inside of the courtroom. I am in the minority.
To add to that, if a child is doing dance just for fun as a fun hobby and has no intention of making it a career as an adult I see absolutely no reason to pick a teacher like Abby. It's completely unnecessary. But, if it is a career, I might give her a look.
Great post as usual Admin. I forget how bad Kate is until you do this post. She truly is a tool.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and has a Happy New Year. We found out on Christmas Eve that we have a new bundle of joy arriving in July. My grandson will be a big brother. He will be five when the baby arrives so he'll be a big help. He's excited now but we'll see what happens once the baby gets here and he realizes it's not going anywhere.
Joy...watching the game and rooting for the 'Skins. Love RGIII.
Aggie...agree with regard to Jerry Jones. Loved Tom Landry and haven't been a Cowboys fan since Troy Aikman retired. Loved me some Troy!
NJGal51 said... 112
I studied theatre at two different professional schools in NY. Believe me when I say that the teachers that are rough (honest) are the ones that prepare you for life in the theatre. You don't just walk in the door and get the job...you're too short, too tall, too thin, too fat, not pretty enough, etc. I married a military man but not before I had my fair share of rejection. Abby is tough but she's realistic about the business.
I will respectfully continue to disagree with this. While I am not a dancer myself, my mother was a professional dancer as both a child and adult and if she were still alive she would be appalled by Abby. There are plenty of people with dance/theater backgrounds who do not agree with your contention that the way that Abby treats children is necessary to prepare them for the professional world, including a couple of the DWTS professionals who have had some harsh things to say about Abby. Verbal abuse is verbal abuse. The end does not justify the means.
NJGal51 said... 113
I would still love to have someone's pork and sauerkraut recipe.
I brown pork chops, or pork side ribs in a fry pan, take them out and put them in a roaster or Dutch oven on a bed of sauerkraut and then more sauerkraut on top of the meat. Deglaze the pan with a little of the sauerkraut juice or water and pour it in the roaster. Put a lid on it in a low oven (325)or a Dwindle slow cooker for the afternoon and voila. If I have leftover ham or sausage or weiners they go into there, too. You'll know it's done when the meat starts falling off the bone. Serve it with knephla and/or mashed potatoes. Knephla is a kind of German-style gnocchi.
How I did my Pork for today
Place in Crockpot in this order:
Pork Loin (around 4-5 lbs)- you don't have to brown it
Salt and Pepper
2 jars (or you can use the bigger cans) of sauerkraut (I drain but don't rinse)
Sprinkle about 1/4 cup of brown sugar (might have been less than that...I don't really measure it - I use it to cut the sour of the kraut)
2 hours on High, the rest (around 6 hours) on Low
3 hours before serving I peel and slice 2 granny smith apples and lay over the top and let it continue to cook.
Once Pork is done, I scoop everything out in reverse order on a platter
First the sauerkraut/apple
Then the pork which is usually so tender you don't need a knife to cut it.
I serve with garlic mashed potatoes and green beans with Almond slivers. Don't forget to add the Horseradish - homemade bought from one of the Amish vendors at the Green Dragon (which I shop at nearly every Friday morning - my family loves when I bring home Apple Fritters from there!)
ooo Berks. I'm going to put brown sugar in mine next time I make it. Sounds good.
Twit..franky here
frig is like frack..aka
stoopid turl
tle is godzilla..aka..princeszilla
AuntieAnn, I saw that (brown sugar) recommended on All Recipes and decided to give it a whirl. It was really good. I forgot to add that I made a gravy from the juices in the crockpot, just took what was there and then added a little bit of beef broth and mixed with some corn starch for thickening.
Abby is certainly not for everyone. I would hate being her student. Absolutely hate it. I would have switched my passion from dance to
art in a week. I'm not built to take being jealous of my teammates or have my mom screaming at my teammates' moms.
As serious as I was about swimming, and being a member of a nationally recognized (and championship) team, I would have left it all in the pool if the coach were mean spirited. I'm a person who responds best to encouragement, not
negative correction. Others need to have that firm hand and actually respond well to it.
I will say that Coach was much harder on the team members who were Olympic Trials bound than he was with the rest of us. He didn't put up with any degree of nonsense or non compliance with his daily regime. He was determined they would go far and would stand on the side of the pool barking at them to MOVE IT! during their practices.
And our parents were nowhere to be found. They did not hang out in fancy clothes and sew our
letters on our warm up suits.
What a day. Daffy Taffy peed on herself on the way home. Her boy said (I am anonymous here, right? Because my son would kill me if I told this to anyone he knows!) "It's ok Taffy. Sometimes I still pee in my bed and I'm 8!".
When we got home, we gave her a bath which she LOVED. Then she went wild and ran around and around the kitchen and the living room. So funny!
She fell asleep under her boy's bed. That's where he is now too. I tried to cover them up!
I don't have a camera or I'd totally take a picture. Very sweet.
Day 1 is finally over! LOL
Berks - now my mouth is watering for pork and sauerkraut with br. sugar. I like trying out variations of the same dish. DH likes caraway in his, I wonder if I can do both? I thawed out meat to make cabbage rolls tomorrow, but change of menu now. Ha!
NJGal - I put a pork roast (4 or 5 lb shoulder with a bone) in a pan, cover and roast a few hours at 300. Then add a few cans of sauerkraut and bake a few more hours until the pork is falling off the bone. I uncover the pan for the last half hour so the sauerkraut browns a little. My DH has to have mashed potatoes and, oddly, in his family they put chopped raw onion on top.
Fair enough Can't Stand Abby. I had a mother to tell me how great and talented I was but I needed those teachers to balance it out. None of them were verbally abusive per se but they were honest and harsh with us about our performances and yes, I once had one tell me that I sounded like a wounded cat in heat! I think a lot of what we see with Abby is done for the cameras and for drama. I'd much rather have an Abby than that Candy Cane lady. Just my choice.
Thanks Auntie Ann and Berks for the recipes. I will be using them both. On another note, my son asked for my beef stew recipe today. I gave it to him as it was written down but told him not to expect it to taste like mine because you all know that we taste and add a little of this and a little of that and we never add
the same little of this and that twice. It should turn out OK, just not as good as mom's!
If you are open to teachers like Abby, I highly recommend Pressure Cooker. It's about a cooking teacher in the inner city who teaches kids with a lot of tough love. She does a lot of screaming and shouting which really isn't my cup of tea but it works for her kids. She doesn't hesitate to call them out. The kids LOVE her and it's impossible to get into her class. It's almost like she's the first person who won't let them get away with their crap and they are just craving it, absolutely craving that firm structure. It's an interesting sociological study. Her students routinely win competitions.
I'm pretty sure it's still on Netflix streaming.
Dmasy said... 101
I would be totally jellus if the locals meet each other in real life! JELLUS! Anyone want to crash that get together?
I think you should meet. And, then come back and tell us all about it.
Dmasy, for you I will videotape the entire thing! Or we can Skype! Or we can send you a ticket and I'll pick you up at the airport!
NJGal51 - Pork and sauerkraut is one of the easiest things I make. I like a pork loin but MAN were they expensive yesterday!! Anyway, brown the pork loin (I like to rub it with a little minced garlic first) and place into a large roasting pan. Dump the sauer kraut on top and bake it in the oven until the meat is done (by meat thermometer) and the sauer kraut has pretty brown tips. Hubby likes it in the crock pot, and it's just as easy to do it that way. Serve with mashed potatoes and there you have it.
I have heard of the brown sugar and apples method as well, but frankly I like mine with a little BITE.
It's supposed to bring you good luck in the new year. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much! But it's a TRADITION doncha know...it just doesn't feel right if we don't have it.
Auntie Ann,
I was thinking of making cabbage rolls tomorrow. I just talked to my girlfriend (who is Yugoslavian) about how to do it with pickled cabbage. They are soo good that way. Hubby wants potato pancakes. Might just have both...no tradition here, I guess. ;)
SeeSaw said... 127
NJGal - I put a pork roast (4 or 5 lb shoulder with a bone) in a pan, cover and roast a few hours at 300. Then add a few cans of sauerkraut and bake a few more hours until the pork is falling off the bone. I uncover the pan for the last half hour so the sauerkraut browns a little. My DH has to have mashed potatoes and, oddly, in his family they put chopped raw onion on top
LOL SeeSaw, we must have been typing at the same time. Your "recipe" is just like mine! I paid almost 20 bucks for a pork loin yesterday zoweee
I'm surpried the argument here is about Abby's teaching style!
What about the exploitation of minor children??
Posting from my tablet and i dont know how to c&p!! Anyway, Fidosmommy, I agree with your opinion of Abby and her teaching techniques. I also think she has a soft spot for the kids, you can catch her smiling and talking softly to the kids, its sweet, but not part of the 'image' on the show so it doenst get included often. And who mentioned the moms one-shouldered dresses? LOL my thoughts, too, I mean really, I thougt Kate was the only mother dressing like that:-)
I saw a Cirque du Soleil show and it was at nine pm and ended after ten and one feature was five little japanese girls, and it was a weeknight! This just made me wonder what the laws were regarding child performers.
I forgot the exact statistics but it's something like only 5% of lawyers ever even see the inside of the courtroom. I am in the minority.
That's very surprising. I would have thought it to be much, much higher. Goes to show what I've learned (or haven't learned) from tv courtroom dramas. I assumed almost all lawyers spend a lot of time inside courtrooms.
Oh believe me we've talked about the exploitation even done posts on it!
Remember when they were dressed like show girls doing that sexy strip tease and they had to pull the episode??? Yikes!
We're just discussing the teaching style at the moment because it's interesting.
My initial impressions of Abby were that she was just awful. Period. But then I saw an episode where she secretly took the kids out for ice cream and let them cut loose and she talked to them like an adult who just GETS kids should talk to kids. It made me do a double take. I firmly believe you cannot "fake" a good rapport with kids. My impression of her changed.
Laffy Daffy Taffy makes me smile! Thanks Greedy Gosselins.
Thank you SeeSaw. I will try them all. I also like mine with a little bite.
We are only having appetizers tomorrow night. My husband and I both have to work tomorrow and then have the New Years Eve party ready to go by 6:30. Our party guests will be our elderly neighbors (80's and my MIL 94). It will be an early night for us and they'll be long gone before the ball even drops in NY! I will be cooking a turkey for New Years Day dinner (same guests) because that's what hubby wanted. I took Carolina's advice and bought some of the Glory brand Hopin' Jack to serve. We'll eat around 5 and they'll all be gone by 7.
I think the tougher style teaching methods are very effective, but I dont like the pyramid they made on the show for the drama.
I just hope all this added drama isnt distracting the girls from their dancing and potentially harming their future dance careers.
homemade bought from one of the Amish vendors at the Green Dragon (which I shop at nearly every Friday morning - my family loves when I bring home Apple Fritters from there!)
At what stand do you buy the fritters?
I'll be over for the pork and kraut. Is there any left? Thanks for the invite! After a few rumspringas, I'm sure we'll get to know all the local posters very well!
I think sometime we should all meet over here at the Rumspringa Brewery. It's just such an appropriate place for a get-together, considering our fondness for the drink.
Bearswife - I've tried pickled cabbage and didn't care for it very much. But that was years ago, maybe I should try it again. I always like cabbabe rolls the day AFTER I make them.
I don't see why potato pancakes wouldn't be good with them either. Oh dear. I know what I'll be doing tomorrow...cooking pork chops and sauerkraut AND making cabbage rolls.
And potato pancakes.
And sausage! Santa brought me the sausage stuffer attachment for my KitchenAid for Xmas. woohoo!
The pyramid confuses me. Everyone admits it's all fake for the show. But how do you explain that to a 10 year old. You're gonna get thrown under the bus but don't worry it's all fake? I can't see kids this young being able to completely understand such a concept when it involves their egos.
P.J., I see that you do know exactly what I felt as you had almost to a tee what happened to me. I'm learning, yet not perfected, not to regret any of my past because it is those lessons, good and bad, that have made me who I am today. I have also learned that it is a continuous journey that does not stop at the blessing we have earned and have been given to us by God.
Please never let anyone make you feel ashamed or embarrassed about what you have obtained. All blessings are attainable to all who are willing while on their journey, to walk in the light (understanding) that is lighting THEIR journey. If all they can see is your light they are in their own darkness and can't find their way on their own.
I know for myself that when I can't make sense of my path I am so grateful that there are people out there that will share and let me see what they did so I have a template to follow and me back to where I need to go. Trust me, there are more that need and want your testimony of success than those who are shaming themselves by being too lazy to walk there own journey.
So P.J., shine that light bright. Let all those who are looking know that you are blessed and are willing to share what you have learned.
I don't mean all this to be sappy, it's just how I see it. Stick around P.J. you have helped me in the past and I'm looking forward to hearing you in the future. AMEN hehe giggle.
So much of the law is preventative, negotiations, settlements, drafting or advisement. Things that have nothing to do with going to court. Court is sort of like the last resort.
The only people that consistently see the inside of the courtroom are the bread and butter attorneys who do the prosecuting/defense work often the quick in and out cases. Of those most don't even go to trial anyway. You may only see one or two major cases a year.
And, of firms that do cases that involve courtroom work they often will only have two or three attorneys who will go to court while everyone else preps.
It's not unusual for a 40 year old attorney who is a litigator to never litigate a case.
I'll be over for the pork and kraut. Is there any left? Thanks for the invite! After a few rumspringas, I'm sure we'll get to know all the local posters very well!
I think sometime we should all meet over here at the Rumspringa Brewery. It's just such an appropriate place for a get-together, considering our fondness for the drink
Yes! There will be plenty, enough for you and your family. But the Rumspringa Brewery sounds like a great place for a meet-up. I am totally serious, I would definitely come!
Theres a new cheerleader show on TLC now and frankly those coaches seem far worse as far as 'mean' goes compared to Abby. In fact, some of them are ruder and meaner than my bootcamp drill instructors.
Admin is a treasure trove of knowledge for netflix documentaries :-)
njay, I really don't want to post, but wanted to thank you, as that moved me. It is only by the grace of God that we have anything at all and we have been content in life, no matter what, even when I was a GS-3 and my husband was an E-3 in the Air Force and we had nothing at all. We feel we are only stewards of our blessings and if it all went away, that would be OK too because we have each other and the people we love and that is ALL that matters.
Thank you, njay, God bless you.
Amen, LOL.
Thank you for enlightening me on the subject Admin. I am woefully uneducated about lawyer's responsibilites and tasks, as you can tell.
It sounds like you've chosen a career you enjoy.
Oh..cirque du soleil heafquarters are a 20 min walk from here
I have freinds who work there
good question..I will ask
remind me to get back to you
hadn't thought about it, but after Nadia Commanici I should have
Parent in Lancaster...I don't know the name but its near the furniture section near the end of one of the long buildings that has the shoes at the end and the lady who has her own little bookstore (I've bought a lot of my classics from her as well. For $4.50 a book it's not a bad price)
There's a food/restaurant right across the aisle that sells pretzels, etc. Plus a sit down (at the low counters) type restaurant there. I'm so bad with names.
Hubs and I also go in the evenings when he gets off work as they have GREAT sales on the fresh produce, but I have to get the fritters early in the morning or they sell out. You can buy them 3/$5. They are huge and so delicious. (can't eat them all at once.)
I talked to the Amish couple who sell them. They said they make and sell 5000 fritters each Friday. That's some good money! ! This is in addition to their other baked goods like monkey bread etc.
Hubby also buys pie from one of the outside Amish vendors (he craves the Strawberry/Rhubarb) and those are only $5/each.
I'd do the Rumspringa brewery as well. Perhaps a meet-up arranged through Admin so we can keep the details from the Sheeple. ;-D
My stomach still gets tied in knots at the thought of Abby and her methods. Our son, who turned 16 last July, is ( was?) a very talented and much sought after baseball player. He is a pitcher. Was? .????? Being Canadian, it's not easy to break into American baseball. He has played all over the Northeast US, Florida, Arizona ( I LOVED that place!! ) and in Cuba.
His last team was run by a Coach from Ohio....he had been with the Atlanta Braves....and it all sounded great. The guy was, without a doubt, the biggest asshole bully we had EVER encountered...and believe me, we've seen a lot!
Anyhoo...this jerk SHREDDED my son. He hasn't picked up a ball since the end of June. Won't even discuss other options. I'm STILL TODAY getting emails from big US schools and can't even bear to answer anymore. It just breaks my heart. He could have gone ANYWHERE with his pitching and now he wants nothing AT ALL to do with it. : (
I suppose we could look at it as ' well, if he can't take THIS coach, what would happen down the road?'. Problem with that is, Coach insisted on treating them like they WOULD be treated in Minors, Majors, etc....but for some so young, it's hard to take. My son is no wussy, that's for sure...just couldn't stand the CONSTANT screaming and humiliation this guy just seemed to thrive off of. I just shake my head that, in this day and age where SO MANY boys his age have nothing to do with sports...it's not 'cool' ?? .....that there are people that see no problem with pushing them out.
I can get over the money spent in the last few years....it ain't cheap...but I STILL hate the look on my sons face or in his eyes these days.
Sorry for my rant.....just wanted to chime in about the Abby's of the world and the damage they CAN cause.
I need a HOG right now.
Pjs momma, hope you are still reading. There is a very jellus baabaa who leaves droppings here in the evening usually. Humble brag or all out brag are some of the favorite insults because I suppose they are jellus! The swiffer girls are on the job and pick up those messes in the aisle fast!.so don't leave on their account. Just think of it as the grouchy olds man who lives down the street, and wanders outside every so often to yell at anyone who happens to be out in the yard. Don't worry, his daughter will come over and apologize id she sees it, he's just has some dementia.
Njay, thank you for sharing the story about your little dog. Such an awful thing to witness. I'm glad you have a dog now.
Anyone who watched the Skins Cowboy game, hope you enjoyed it! It was a really good game.
Admin, I used to faithfully watch the TV drama called "The Paper Chase" about Harvard Law School. (the professor was fabulous - he also did an ad for some company that asked "how did we get to be tops in our field? WE EAAARRNNEED IT" in his fabulous Shakespearean English. But I digress...)
On The Paper Chase the students had a major moot court every year. It was something they took very seriously and studied for like it was the bar exam on that one case. Fascinating, even if it was a Hollywood production.
Fido never saw the series, heard of it, but did see the movie. It's a classic.
I take it back we did have mock moot court our first year but I don't count that as a mock "trial" because it's not a trial. It's more like appellate work, where there is a petitioner, respondent, and panel of three or so judges who banter with you and ask questions. That is appellate oral argument to a higher court once the trail is over and done with, nothing like how a real Law and Order trial would work. Oh, and I was petrified. Scared straight.
P.J. you are awesome. Everyone's journey is their own. You are the only one who can and should say which path you should take because at the end of the day, you live the consequences of your choices, good or bad. As long as your at peace that that is the way you should go, then my friend, go with God and your peace will follow. Stop in and say hi once in awhile. I will leave the porch light on.
franky here
Lbelle..hugs to you and your son
.no words, just a nod
fidosmommy said... 154
Admin, I used to faithfully watch the TV drama called "The Paper Chase" about Harvard Law School. (the professor was fabulous - he also did an ad for some company that asked "how did we get to be tops in our field? WE EAAARRNNEED IT" in his fabulous Shakespearean English. But I digress...)
On The Paper Chase the students had a major moot court every year. It was something they took very seriously and studied for like it was the bar exam on that one case. Fascinating, even if it was a Hollywood production.
The move "Paper Chase" is what scared me from ever going to law school. So then years later my son ends up going to Harvard Law and it was nothing like the movie - haha - not scary at all.
Well, I should add that Harvard Law was hard, but not scary like the movie.
OT - Over the holidays, I watched the first 4 seasons of Breaking Bad on netflix streaming and I loved it. What were the other tv shows that people liked that I can check out on netflix?
Law school is pretty stressful though. Unstable, easily stressed people will find it insane to deal with. I actually found the Paper Chase pretty accurate in terms of the method in which it is taught. I just didn't have a Kingsley (Kinglsey, right?) although I definitely had a few no nonsense professors where you'd be nuts not to over prepare. I think it's a little more focused on well-roundedness these days but almost all including of course Harvard are teaching things the same way they have for 150 years.
Thanks for that comment Admin. I know law school is very stressful. I guess what I was thinking about was that guy in the movie who couldn't cut it and tried to commit suicide when he had a pregnant wife. My son told me that the law school tried really hard to keep people in who were having trouble and to try to help them from failing. So I guess I was thinking that there was more "heart" than the movie made it seem - does that make sense?
Berks resident said... 96
Watching my "boyfriend" Paul McCartney perform at London's Roundhouse in a 2007 concert. Man, I love that guy! Hey Jude....
Now I gotta tell my best friend Shelley that her "boyfriend" Paul is two-timing her with some broad named Berks resident.
Professor Charles Kingsfield.
To hear him say it, it was ProfESSah Chawles
Kiiingsfielt. I just loved John Houseman's
precise speaking style.
Prof. K. taught Contract law, IIRC. I guess that would give lots of opportunity for moot court.
Carolina Peach 40 -- I'm officially jellus! I love Dr. Who and would enjoy a marathon, but I don't get BBCA. Rats!!!! BTW -- still not shiny, but SyFy Channel's website says The Twilight Zone marathon today and tomorrow. Better than how it's made, and I think it's a tradition for them to do a TWZ marathon over New Years every year.
Dwindle -- Welcome back! You were missed, but I'm glad you enjoyed the holiday and your kids visit. Is DD3 the one who met Oz?
Njay -- What a horrible experience with your little Shadow. I'm so sorry. Our furbabies enrich our lives so much. It's hard to lose them to disease and age, but when it's an accident like that, it's doubly hard. I'm glad you have furry companions now, although they'll never take Shadow's place. He's waiting at the Bridge, so you'll see him again one day.
Admin -- I had a similar upbringing in music. I started singing at about age 3 and piano lessons at 4. My Dad was a Conservatory graduate, and both his parents were professionals in music in one way or another. I did have a piano teacher who was physically abusive. I have small hands. I can't quite stretch an octave with my right and barely make an octave with my left. When I rolled a cord, she used to whack my hands with a ruler. I finally rebelled at about 15 and quit and concentrated on singing after that. I'm grateful my parents didn't push me to continue or to major in music. I know my dad always held out hope that I'd change my mind, but he never tried to persuade me to do it.
I always do pork and sauerkraut for New Years. I have to confess that the past couple of years I've taken the lazy way out and bought one of those pre-cooked packaged pork roasts. I usually buy the store brand, but Armour makes one that's pretty good. Question for all you krauters. With or without caraway seeds? I prefer with myself, but also like it without.
oooops, hit publish too quickly again. I really liked the TV seris "The Paper Chase". Houseman was great, and I also liked the guy who played Hart, James Stephens. Several good actors/actresses, who are now staples on TV shows, were on "Paper Chase". I still remember "a burned and hairy hand?".
So jealous of all these postings about pork and sauerkraut :( Feeling particularly homesick this year...(I live in England now)- I usually do my grocery shopping online to be delivered. Happy to have found sauerkraut on the grocery store's website. Upon delivery at times they may have to do a "substitution" if the item you wanted wasn't available (I've gotten different coffee brands in the past delivered- no big deal). This time they delivered PICKLES as the substitution to the sauerkraut I ordered. I could have cried. It's not popular here at all. I will dream about the smells coming from the crockpots in my beloved Pennsylvania and elsewhere.....Happy New Year everyone.
Thank you so much. I appreciated that very muh.
: )
How to cut and paste on iPad -
Greedy Gosselins said... 125
What a day. Daffy Taffy peed on herself on the way home. Her boy said (I am anonymous here, right? Because my son would kill me if I told this to anyone he knows!) "It's ok Taffy. Sometimes I still pee in my bed and I'm 8!".
When we got home, we gave her a bath which she LOVED. Then she went wild and ran around and around the kitchen and the living room. So funny!
She fell asleep under her boy's bed. That's where he is now too. I tried to cover them up!
I don't have a camera or I'd totally take a picture. Very sweet.
Day 1 is finally over! LOL
Reading this made me happy...and I'm sure your boy is happy too!
Heidi, re TV series, have you watched Sons of Anarchy? Really God show with lots of complex characters, about a motorcycle gang in northern California. Whoops, it is a motorcycle Club! Great acting, complex story, based on Hamlet according to writer Kurt Sutter. Some scenes are extremely violent, but it also has some humor and it is just very well made.
My dd just finished watching the reimagined series Battlestar Galactica, which is also excellent and complex and had fabulous acting. It was on SyFy, so many may have missed it, even if you don't usually watch SyFy, give it a try. Caprica was the prequel series, and I really liked that too.
Have you ever seen Burn Notice on USA network? Another well written show with quirky characters and interesting plots, with a CIA agent who has been burned or fired as the main character. Lots of action and humor and great cast.
Lbelle - so sorry to hear about your son. We had a similar situation with an abusive soccer coach. My son quit senior year of high school because of him. I know how awful you're feeling for him (and yourself I'm sure as we certainly enjoyed the games and travel). That was 10 years ago. My son went on to a great college, career, wonderful new wife. Looking back it was such a sad time but he got through it fine. Wishing you peace and strength.
PS to the locals. I'm in for the brewery if we can figure out a way to do it.
Hi Harrisburg
Still laughing that pickles are considered a sub for sauerkraut in England. I think sauerkraut is pretty easy to make at home although I've never tried.
Harrisburg Native. I'll have a bite of Pork and Sauerkraut in your honor tomorrow. ;-) If I could, I'd ship you a box of sauerkraut.
For now, however, let Alton Brown inspire you: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/sauerkraut-recipe/index.html
Just got Apple TV and have subscribed to Netflix. Considering Hulu+. I'm looking forward to watching Breaking Bad and was looking for Homeland but it seems to be available only on iTunes? Any suggestions? Anyone else have Apple TV - what do you think of it?
Heide -- I think "Army Wives" is one of the best shows on TV these days. All but the most recent season are available on Netflix. If you haven't seen "Firefly", check it out. It's only a one season show, but wonderful for the humor and the imagination. "Bones" and "Castle" are two of my favorite network series. They are mystery/procedurals with a bit of romance and some humor. All the above are available on Netflix.
Good morning all! I'm off the DC to celebrate the new year. Wishing everyone health, happiness, success, love, prosperity in 2013! You ladies are wonderful, truly.
By the way Admin, is your musical background in singing as well or mostly with instruments? I played violin for about 5 years when I was younger and sometimes wish I had further pursued it. And I do wish I could sing. :-)
Thanks so much for sharing your similar experience. Hogs!
It certainly is nice to hear how others managed/pulled through in these kinds of situations. Normal parents like us....the opposite of Kreider....are gutted when our children are hurting. I think it's the hardest thing about parenting. Cannot handle seeing our kids torn down. Then, of course, is the guilt. I blame myself for putting up with it for even a few months, for not looking more into this jerks track record, and, most importantly, coming down on him by trying, in the beginning, to side with/show allegiance to the coach's ways.
Well, it's all history now but I have to tell you guys....I talked to him late last night about the blog talking about Abby Lee ( he's seen the show) and I asked him "if it wasn't for 'johns' treatment of the team, would you still be playing?". His answer was " of course!". Crap, crap, crap!!!
Joy, I love SoA, we started watching it (on DVD) and got really into it. But then we got sidetracked for a year or more. We have to start over from the beginning to catch up. I hope tonight we can start over!
I'd like to start Breaking Bad also. I bought the Bear a Roku box for Christmas, as soon as I set it up and get a Netflix account we can dive in.
Butterfly I LOVE documentaries and Netflix has been an absolute treasure trove. I love discovering a great true story and am happy to share my finds.
I have mentioned this before but I also highly, highly recommend Dear Zachary. If you want to see a real example of when good people don't get custody, that's it.
Heidi, Breaking Bad is probably in my top 5 all time best shows, I also highly recommend Prison Break. Very similar feel to the show.
Have a safe and very Happy New Year, Working Woman!!!!!!
Great post, Admin!!!!
Wow, I had some catch up reading this morning. I practice 'No computer Sunday' here, been doing so since my DD was a small one.
Joy, that was a great football game last night. I was rooting for the Redskins as the Cowboys have never been at the top of my list. Since childhood, The Vikings have been my team..
I sometimes catch Dance Moms, leading me to take a DRAMAmine. Now the Ultimate Dance was worth watching in my book. Amazing talent!
Gonna be a busy day for alot of folks.I best formulate a plan for today's grocery shopping.
Have a great New Year's Eve...Hogs to all!!
I'd do the Rumspringa brewery as well. Perhaps a meet-up arranged through Admin so we can keep the details from the Sheeple. ;-D
Serious about this! Admin, is there a way we could do this in a Mission Impossible way?
Gah, now I know why we don't get so many answers to our posts. There are about five or six I want to answer, and having to go back and find them is kinda hard :))
By the way Admin, is your musical background in singing as well or mostly with instruments? I played violin for about 5 years when I was younger and sometimes wish I had further pursued it. And I do wish I could sing. :-)
No, just piano. I can't sing. I WISH I could because it would have made me al ot more marketable. I can carry a tune and sing on pitch, but my voice isn't very sweet. I tried to pursue singing as a kid by getting involved in Bach Choir (heard of this?) and other school choirs but after enough rejection I decided I got the message and focused just on piano. It was good though because if you want to get really, really good at something it's better to just focus on one thing.
Paper Chase- wonderful! Wish they made more like that.
Happy New Year to all friends on this blog, the old and the new. May 2013 bring us all peace, health and happiness,& enough prosperity to live our lives and to help others.
Berks Neighbor said... 151
I'd do the Rumspringa brewery as well. Perhaps a meet-up arranged through Admin so we can keep the details from the Sheeple. ;-D
Yes, and perhaps a formal invite to Robert H.? I'd love to have him autograph my Kindle cover lol!
Pants on Fire said... 163
Berks resident said... 96
Watching my "boyfriend" Paul McCartney perform at London's Roundhouse in a 2007 concert. Man, I love that guy! Hey Jude....
Now I gotta tell my best friend Shelley that her "boyfriend" Paul is two-timing her with some broad named Berks resident.
OT: haha Pants, a little history of my Paul obsession - back when I was in elementary school, my mom took me to the movies to see "A Hard Day's Night" and I was so shocked to see the teens SCREAMING at the movie screen! But it began my "teen idol" worship of the Beatles, particularly Paul. I still find him adorable even with a couple of jowls, and I have told my children already that Paul was their "real father" haha
Is Abby's ways the method for me, absolutely NOT. Is there proof that other methods work YES. But do people swear by Abby's methods too, yes.****
I don't watch the show and I guess I'm a little confused about the supporters of Abby. My sense is that this treatment will end up with some of these young ladies confusing harsh treatment/abuse with love.
A lot of abuse, a little love and those young ladies are brainwashed, and will think any tiny, little morsel of affection is worth the abuse. They'll come to believe that they DESERVE abuse or that they had it coming to them in some way. It's sick.
It's like an abused woman whose heart melts when her husband brings her flowers in the hospital. After he put her there in the first place.
If any woman yelled at my daughter like that, they'd have my foot up their vagina. I don't give a shite that Abby buys them ice cream. Her behavior is revolting. You don't treat other human beings like that and the fact that you CAN doesn't mean you should.
Ranting over!
Making bean soup with ham today. Can't wait to get it simmering.
Question for all you krauters. With or without caraway seeds? I prefer with myself, but also like it without.
Readerlady, I've never heard of it with caraway seeds. My P&S recipe is very simplistic. I rarely add onions even because one of my kiddos doesn't like anything "spicey"! And she's 26!!
After being away for Christmas, I'm just beginning to catch up on the news.
I was saddened to see that 2 of my favorite actors passed away on Christmas Eve.
RIP--Charles Durning and Jack Klugman.
Maybe the problem is that the arts as an adult can be very intense and by our standards abusive. Friend of mine danced with a Toronto ballet company when she was a young woman and when we went to see Black Swan together she told me that teacher was exactly how it was anywhere she went--brutal and harsh. Abby is getting the girls used to reality. Maybe that world need not be that harsh or use those methods, but then again if you think about it a lot of serious professions are run very harshly and no nonsense. Anne Wintour's Vogue, the military, many residencies in hospitals. People like me who don't like that avoid it, seek out more collaborative and supportive environments to find work.
By the way to be crystal clear I don't like her methods. I do like dissecting them though and finding out if there are reasons beyond just she's a nasty person.
Anna, not Anne.
I must have been thinking of Auntie Anne!
"Kate hasn't grasped that they aren't dolls. She doesn't allow them to have their own emotions, she puts her emotions into them, like you do when you play with dolls. She uses them like toys that she can put away when she's done pretending with them."
This is a GREAT description and goes right to the heart of how she has always used these kids. She used them as props on her T.V. show for years, now she uses them as props as she creates her Catfish fantasy world on Twitter and her blog. Props they are, not real human beings with real and separate emotions.
JoyinVirginia said... 172
Heidi, re TV series, have you watched Sons of Anarchy? Really God show with lots of complex characters, about a motorcycle gang in northern California. Whoops, it is a motorcycle Club
Can't believe how much I love SOA. It's truly evil! DH and I joke about "Charming", CA-- the deadliest little town in America!
When I make sauerkraut, I, too, add in some brown sugar to offset the sourness. Another thing I sometimes do, is to fry up some bacon bits with onion and then add them to the sauerkraut along with the brown sugar. My Polish grandmother always made sauerkraut that way, and it is a delightful taste.
I wonder where and when did it happen that for some reason the performing arts especially decided that you must be abusive to get the best you possibly can out of your subjects.
It's not you walk into a dental office and the dentist is behaving like a tyrant screaming and shouting at the hygienists that they better get all the plaque off our else. It's just not NORMAL in so many other work environments. But it's "okay" for performers.
For those making pork and sauerkraut, try throwing a cut apple in. Love the brown sugar idea too, btw.
btw, Kate tweeting that she's away with the kids over winter break? Wow. I thought for sure she'd take off on her own to Vegas or something. I must say, I'm impressed.
Although I do hope the kids get lots of Jon time... just doesn't seem like it tho ;-(
For those that can't get Doctor Who - you can download the ex-pat shield which will give you an IP address from the UK and allow you to watch BBC programs on their iPlayer. We only do this for Doctor Who as we can't get it on our television (we don't watch enough TV to justify paying for more than Basic Cable - just local channels)
We are HUGE fans of the show. I'm a Whovian from way back in the Tom Baker era watching the show on the Canadian Broadcasting Channel from our rabbit ears antennae when I lived up north. My kids started with Tennant (and Billie Piper) and then went back to the new beginning with Eccleston. They LOVE Matt Smith however - once the boohooing stopped after Tennant's farewell. Amy and Rory will be missed, but I'm loving Clara/Oswin as the new companion - or as rumors have surfaced she could possibly be the Doctor's sister ? ? ? Sorry, geeking out on you all. I've been hiding my Doctor Who fandom from you all but get excited when I see other fans.
Heidi yes that sounds right to me. Same method, WAY more heart. Professors would invite us over to their houses for dinners all the time, always had an open door, were really interested in helping us through the process. Like I said it's become more collaborative, let us help YOU through the Socratic method, rather than let us try to tear you down.
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