Our third annual recap of Kate's worst moments of the year is here. Last year it was difficult to narrow it down to only 10. This year, it was an even greater challenge. Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions. There were so many dirty deeds they could fill an encyclopedia, but we've attempted our Cliff Note's version here. Enjoy!
10. Around the World in 80 Days, or How to Be a Truly Terrible Parent.
Lots of Kate's blogs this year about parenting were real head scratchers, but this one, Lessons Learned from the Gosselin Globe, was so bad it rightly earned the title "Globe Gate." When one of the kids peeled back the equator on their globe (surely a crime worthy of 100 lashes as we soon realized), Kate was "disgusted" and went after her resident scapegoat, Joel, allowing the rest of the pack to gain up on him like wolves, too. Turns out, it was one of the girls who did it (naturally, Kate won't say which girl, but was happy to single out Joel). The real kicker was she never let the rest of the kids know that. So everyone still thinks it's innocent Joel! Free Joel! Ugh, she deserved every bit of the Hitler parody video we made about the incident. Lessons learned? Kate's a grade-A bitch. Class dismissed.
9. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things does not belong! Cher, Madonna, Sting, KATE.
Sweet and generous Em Tanner, a designer from Tennessee, has grifted Kate untold amounts of merchandise through the years, especially when the children were toddlers. (Remember those shirts numbered 1-8? Those were Em's.) When a sheeple this year alerted Kate that Em was calling one of her calendars "Kate's Calendar," Kate threw a fit. Mind you, not Kate Gosselin's Calendar, not Kate Plus 8's Calendar. Just Kate's calendar! (No where on the calendar's sale page did Em even mention the Gosselins or the show.) We must have missed when Kate copyrighted the name Kate. Kate Middleton might have something to say about that one. Kate's immature rampage about the incident on Twitter (why not just call Em privately, or contact a lawyer?), prompted Em to tweet back surprise at why she was being "badmouthed so randomly," as well as this well-deserved doosey, "I'm so sorry you lost your way, I really am." Shockingly, Kate later actually admitted that she started it, and that she didn't mean to cause a war. Em Tanner: 1, Kate the Great: 0.
8. Dance With the Devil
Poor Tony Dovolani can't get through an interview these days without someone asking him, notwithstanding all the incredible divas he has been paired with over the past decade, how in the world he put up with Kate Gosselin. I guess no one has been satisfied with his answers yet, LOL. It was no different on Anderson Cooper last spring when Tony told the CNN reporter "there was a lot of therapy involved" after being partnered with Kate. Ha! What was clearly just a joke was as serious as the Cuban Missile Crisis to Kate (if she knows what that is), who decided to pen an entire diatribe responding to the comment, oddly, on Coupon Cabin instead of her own web site's blog! Huh? Is DWTS offering coupons for tap shoes now? Why was that even there? we all wanted to know. Anyway, Kate told Tony it was a shame his remembrance of their time was only negative (he never said that, Kate) and challenged Anderson to go on Dancing With the Stars, where she would be watching front row. He wouldn't lower himself. The best part of all? Not a word in response to this craziness from Anderson or Tony. It was like she was talking to a brick wall. Baw-haha! Coupon Cabin later swiffered that post and all the others when they fired her. Oops, shoulda put it on your own blog for posterity. She's bananas.
7. Running on crazy
Kate had spent a lot of effort trying to convince us the kids just love, love running, but her "Catfish" facade of a life was never more apparent when she dragged the kids up to Connecticut to run a race with her and several other schoolchildren (who, unlike the Gosselins, had been working very hard together to prepare for the event). One of the girls was even crying as Steve encouraged her along. We also learned a lot about her serious lack of boundaries when she let one of the kids sit on the lap of a fan, and stranger. Run, crazy, run, but leave the kids out of it.
6. Ah yes, divorce. From the Latin word for to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.
This year marked the third anniversary of Jon and Kate's divorce, but you would think it only happened three days ago the way Kate couldn't stop ragging on Jon this year. There were many sour moments where she threw the children's beloved father under the bus, including when she claimed that she relieved him of child support obligations out of the goodness of her heart (she didn't count on anyone knowing that's not possible under Pennsylvania law once an order has been put in place), told everyone that the kids preferred to be with her over the Christmas holidays, and even just let her sheeple believe that Jon couldn't pay his utility bills when she announced that his power was off (even though news reports revealed thousands were without power also in his area). One of the worst was when she told a sympathetic Dr. Drew that Jon was "trying" to be a good dad. The....f&%$ ??? Of course nothing can top her infamous mediocre comment from the year before, but she sure tried. Meanwhile over at Jon's, a few discreetly tweeted photos reveal happy, calm, relaxed kids. Good to know.
This fall, Jon's girlfriend posted a few sweet photos of the sextuplets with her adorable pit bull, and however misguided, it set Kate off into yet another unnecessary public twitter war. Why, because the children have never looked more at peace? Figures. She retweeted several negative articles about pit bulls and implied that her request the children not be around the dog was ignored. Liz snapped right back that Kate rolled her window up in Liz's face. Forget dogs, where are the cats?! Meeow! Kate's accusations were so over the top, she drew criticism from Animal Planet's Pitbulls and Parolees for spreading misinformation about the "nanny dog" breed and contributing to their unjustified reputation. What takes the bone is that Kate owns a German Shepherd herself, also listed on many "dangerous breeds" dog lists! Woof.
Kate's tweeted too many embarrassing photos of the kids this year, but one of the creepiest was a revealing photo of Mady's legs in Kate's hooker heels. The fact that Kate failed to realize that no matter how innocent her intentions were, a good parent has to think about others who may be using the photos for less-than innocent purposes, spoke to exactly how screwed up her noggin is. We weren't the only ones. This one attracted backlash from around the web, including from popular Mommyish bloggers. As Eve Vawter put it, "Kate Gosselin didn’t need to post it, but I suppose it can also be argued that Kate Gosselin uses any excuse to exploit any of her eight children for attention and publicity, whether good or bad, to feed her gaping maw of a fame hole." Kate learned absolutely nothing from Bill Blankinship's arrest and subsequent conviction this year. #ParentingFail
3. Stop Child Abuse.
The truth is, numerous non-fans have quietly speculated for years there might be child abuse going on in the Gosselin home, and even an ex-staffer tried to come forward in 2009 about some disturbing things they saw and gave a story to the tabloids anonymously, but without proof, it's been just that, quiet speculation. However photog Robert Hoffman was finally able to prove it this year after discovering some old computer files of Kate's that contained her journals and publishing them in a book. Among many disturbing entries, Kate writes that she whipped Collin into his crib and pulled him by the hair. The information Robert uncovered in his research also suggests that Kate is bipolar, and was physically and sexually abused as a child. For those of us with backgrounds in this area, it sure made a lot of sense. Hoffman's book was perhaps the most chilling moment not just of this year, but since this family first came across our radar.
2. Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic.
We feel like a white squall hit us after this one. WTF! Okay, so, the year kicked off to a hysterical start with Kate trying to organize a fan cruise to the Caribbean this summer during the height of hurricane season, and with the twins, like she were actually a real celeb. The whole thing was so vague and unaffordable, not to mention exploitive, it had white flags of doom written all over it from the very start. It got all the weirder when it became clear that Cindy, a cruise rep running the show, well, basically was a trust fund baby idiot who hadn't the first clue what she was doing. She enlisted the help of some of the creepiest sheeple to "vet" potential cruise goers, something even our most seasoned cruise-goers here had never seen done in their entire vacationing lives (I guess they were afraid a non-fan would sign up and, I don't know, maybe report back here??? The horror!). Only, the vetting was actually scaring the beJesus out of legitimate fans who just wanted to have a nice time with their families. Cindy would also send out mass emails to anyone interested and forget to BCC, thereby exposing everyone's real names and e-mails to each other, and she would talk publicly about her clients, a huge no-no. As we oh-so-accurately predicted, Kate cancelled the whole thing and jumped ship in May just before final payments were due, muttering something about not enough people had signed up, and promising to try to meet up and treat cruise goers to a lunch before they embarked. Think that ever happened? Take a guess. This whole thing was so bizarre you would think hands down it should make number one on our list, right? Think again. She did something even worse.
Before we get to number one, once again this year there were so many bad deeds they couldn't possibly all fit into ten, nor could they all fit into the runner's up list either! (We practically need a runner's up list to the runner's up list) But here are a few that didn't make the top 10.
- Kate's year saw her picking more Twitter battles than if she were to suit up in Troy. When Kate called out the Dance Moms, saying they were "horrible" and she would never "ever" do that to her own kids, star Melissa Ziegler couldn't believe the hypocrisy. Yeah, neither could we. Ziegler tweeted back that she's from the same part of PA as Kate and has always supported her and her show. We're guessing this was her last turn with Kate. Kate also picked another bizarre and unnecessary Twitter war with a reporter at the Red Cross Gala this year. This one went on for pages before she finally gave up. Bloody hell.
- Kate never stopped accepting gifts from fans and even encouraged it, even in the wake of terrible tragedies like Hurricane Sandy and the shootings in Newtown. Her selfishness and sense of entitlement is astounding, and is being passed right on down to the kids.
- Kate tried to pretend she was still fighting traffic during the president debates, but Bravo's Andy Cohen actually called her out for the lying compulsive liar that she is and told us all he saw her watching The Real Housewives, actually. That was classic. And typical. Voting records revealed Kate never bothered to change her polling place when she moved, what was it, four years ago?
- Kate's made many inappropriate comments about body weight and exercise over the years, encouraging unhealthy preoccupations with appearance in her young impressionable fans, but the worst was when she tweeted a fan "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Ugh.
- Hide the bunny. Kate's manic posts on Easter were just odd, and creepy.
- We couldn't believe our ears when we heard Kate talking about periods and bra shopping with the twins. We used to joke that's what would be exploited next, only Kate was for real. We wish there were room for this one in the top 10.

And now, the long awaited worst moment of the year....
1. Coupon Crapin
It was a really tough call this year between whether the cruise cancellation or the Coupon Cabin firing was Kate's worst moment of the year. Ultimately, Coupon Cabin just barely edged out the cruise, due to one generous CEO named Scott. Instead of just quietly letting her go, Scott decided to put it all out there in a brief but succinct letter. In it, he laid out exactly why he could no longer have her on his team, from her lack of authenticity, to her utter inability to fit in with everyone else, to her entourage, to her polarizing posts. The letter so aptly described the joke of a celebrity we've all for so long tried to explain she is, it was sort of our own personal vindication. Or if you like, "We told you so, suckers!" To this day, it's fun to speculate what in the world she did this time that would prompt Scott to fire off such a scathing Dear John. The world may never know. Here it is again:
A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
3. Tony finally wins Dancing With the Stars! May his prize be no one ever asks him about Kate again.
2. No more child exploitation. Rep. Murt's bill, inspired by disturbing information he heard from us and others about working conditions on the Gosselins' set, was signed into law.
1. YOU! Yes, You. And you, and you, and you. The people on this blog have always been close, but what's been really cool about this year is to watch this blog really progress into a true community. Comments on posts increased dramatically this year (some posts had over 1,000 after only a few days!) as it became more of a porch gathering every day and sometimes late into the night. We threw a few virtual parties and had a blast, screened some fantastic quality reality T.V. like The Farmer's Wife and The Dust Bowl, and we even invented our own drink. We hit 8 million hits this year and surpassed 9 million just this week. So bottoms up, here's a round of Rumspringas on us. Happy New Year, everyone.
646 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 646 Newer› Newest»Has anyone watched the show Wife Swap? Saw several episodes today- they choose parents with extreme parenting differences. Balloon Boy was on one the episodes. Creepy and disturbing show.
Gossellin8ComeFirst said... 1
Has anyone watched the show Wife Swap? Saw several episodes today- they choose parents with extreme parenting differences. Balloon Boy was on one the episodes. Creepy and disturbing show.
Balloon boy... my gosh, I feel so sorry for that poor kid. Both parents are mentally ill, especially the dad. I truly feel that any parent who subjects their children to such antics is ill.
If Kate did this, then shame.
Is there a web site that will give you a list of the local sexual offenders. I did not know who to ask, and thought the ladies here would know. This is important, my grand child is at stake.
Berks Resident -- Bavarian Sauerkraut has caraway seeds. I think it gives it a little extra tang, but I like it fine without, too.
Berks Neighbor -- Thanks for the info on the expat download. I'll have to check it out. Now that SyFy channel has stopped carrying Dr. Who, I hate waiting for the DVD sets. Hulu Plus has it, too, but not the current shows. I'm a Whovian from the Tom Baker era, too! Who's your favorite Doctor? I loved Peter Davison, but Tom Baker was my favorite from the old era and David Tennant from the new. I didn't care much for Eccleston and the jury's still out on Smith.
Pamelajo....I think this is what you're looking for.
Thank you
Pamelajo - you could just call your local police station - good luck
Admin, I cannot wait to get a day off to spend on Evernote. I am gathering business itineraries, research notes, recipes, and pictures (among other things), to get ready for processing! Now I am excited as I am on a never ending quest for total organization! Thank you so much!
May I please add an addendum to my post regarding prepping cards for the upcoming year? You can find some great bargains at certain stores that sell very nice relation-specific (e.g., to son, daughter, etc.) cards—two for a dollar! Also, if you are going to include a gift card, you need to add a stamp per USPS (I use “Forever” stamps now—I think that is the only kind of “regular” stamps sold, if I am not mistaken). As a gift for elderly relatives, I have set up their calendar with labeled dates for birthdays, etc. with specialized cards put in pre-addressed, stamped envelopes (clipped on to the calendar) so all they have to do is sign and drop in the mail. Additional cards for the unexpected events are also included, as well as note cards for writing with an extra book of stamps.
Also felt I needed to clarify the other point in previous post I was trying to get across to KK about how she, too, could pursue educational goals and how it could potentially hold the key to providing for her children’s education. In my case, both my son and daughter hold BS and Master’s degrees because, as a university professor and administrator, they got their education tuition-free. Though I recognize college is not for everyone (thank God for that as vocational pursuits are just as valuable and honorable), it was just an option that might have merit for those wanting to pursue it.
Oh, and LMG, though you signed out for the new year I just want to say I also love reading about your grandsons! Though my two grandsons are only seven months and twenty-two months, it thrills me to think what might be ahead after reading your comments. May your family situation be restored and peace abound.
Dwindle, happy to see your funny comments when you signed in! And AMD—loved that video. We have a video of our floppy-eared Yorkie that keeps us in stitches so may put it on youtube—it is that funny!
A blessed 2013 to all of you in this warm community--and to the Gosselin kids--wherever they are!
CA Suzy if you're anything like me you will have a ball.....however you will need more than a day, realistically, lol.
I've had it for months and I've filled up the space each month. I'm basically scanning 7 years of tax documents not to mention everything else paper in my life. Then I'll move on to scanning or typing in my recipes and many other things. I heard a great tip, scan the index pages of your recipe books and make them searchable PDFs. Then you just type in whatever you are looking for and those indexes should come right up, then you head to your book for the recipe.
Another Evernote tip....Christmas cards!
Occasionally I'll get a Christmas card that has a lovely family photo on it or some Christmas letter I'd really love to keep. I have an Evernote folder sort of for "keepsakes" and I scan them and put them in there. Otherwise I will have to store them in a shoebox somewhere probably never to be taken out. Now I have them there easy to draw up and flip through just like that.
I went back and read Globe Gate again and was just as shocked as I was the first time I read it. Totally sick!!! :-( I don't know which is worse - the way she handled it, or her belief that it was an example of great parenting.
I'm another regular lurker. Usually I find that any comment I would make would be along the lines of "me too", as most sediments are pretty well hashed out. I generally pipe up when I'm either particularly inflamed or it's a subject in which I have a particularly high level of knowledge. (Which 99% of the time is dogs. I have spent time working with rescues and I train and show my own rescued pets). Otherwise I don't know that I would be contributing much. If the OT posts are too much at times, I just skim. Sometimes I get great ideas from them. I can't say that I recognize most of the posters, and certainly don't expect to be recognized back, but I appreciate the wit and compassion that is shared between everyone here. I think I even recognize screen names from AOL dog boards I used to be on years ago - Silimom and ReaderLady, does that ring a bell?
Happy new year everyone. Hoping the clock finally runs out on Kate in 2013.
I am a HUGE Sons Of Anarchy fan and can't wait for the new season to begin. I watch it on TV but I also get the season pass for it on iTunes so that I can watch it without commercials the next day. I bring my iPad to work and watch it at lunch. I just finished Season 3 of Breaking Bad and am starting in on Season 4. It's really a great show also and I highly recommend it.
Readerlady - I put caraway in my kraut. We spent many years stationed in Germany and I learned to add it while over there. Love the flavor that it gives. I also add a little beef broth to give it some body.
Pamelajo, here in Texas, the DPS website has a sex offender list which I check.
Heidi, your viewing dance card is filling up quickly. Please consider West Wing. Complex TV show that developed strong characters. Humor with drama. I re-watch favorite episodes on special rainy days. You will care about the lead characters. Season one starts a bit slowly -- give it a chance. Season 2 is the best TV ever, in my opinion. Let me know if you do watch. Thanks.
If there is a real life meeting over rumspringa in PA. I WILL be there.
Fantasy -- I drive across the Eastern states, mostly on I-70. Dwindle drives a bit South to meet me. We pick up Readerlady and any other Ohio poster. When my car pulls up to the brewery 6 or 8 of us spill out and you PA ladies can guess who/which one we are. Roadtrip for 15 Minute fans!
Reality -- I use my free flight ticket to Atlantic City. From there, I figure out the way to your awesome Amish area.
Does Admin approve of our meet and greet plans? I think we are ready for real life Hogs.
Commenting on professors helping the students referring to The Paper Chase discussion.
Not only do professors do their best to help students, so does the staff. As a mid-manager at a University there has been several times, I've had to counsel students. The counsel mostly consists of listening, giving them tissues when they cry (and yes, they do cry), and gently explaining a possible solution. Not only do we help the students we also give advice to professors regarding a particular situation. In every instance I've been involved in, the bottom line was to help the student succeed.
On the other end of the spectrum, is safety. Being aware if the student is going off the deep end and could harm him/herself or others. Knowing when to bring in the campus cops or deal the situation ourselves. Its a very delicate balance. On more than one occasion I made myself the third person in the room with the faculty member and the student, so the faculty person was not alone with an unstable student.
No matter what the issue or what end of the spectrum I'm dealing with, the goal is always to help the student succeed.
Another note about how law school has changed. Most do kick out the bottom tier. My school kicks out the bottom 12% or so. For some people this is a relief it just wasn't for them. However there is an opportunity to contest it if they want to kick it out. By writing letters, having others write letters, and meeting with them. If you can make a good case why you should stay and how you will do better they will consider keeping you. Good friend of mine successfully appealed, did much better the last two years and is now a lawyer in Texas. There was compromise and compassion for him and it paid off.
Working Woman here
Has anyone ever taken a Megabus? I'm on it now lol, such a relaxing trip. Was getting a bit bored so I thought I'd stop in. :-)
I briefly considered a career in law. I wanted to work in child advocacy law and I even started studying for the LSAT. This was about a year and a half ago, and ultimately I chose the Speech-Language Pathology route (I was all over the place!) and am very excited to be starting my masters program next fall.
But I did a lot of research on law schools at the time and have true admiration for those who power through and dedicate themselves to that. That is such an incredible commitment and not one that everyone is cut out for. It's like med school in that its a good weeding-out process. The men and women who make it through mee school probably have the passion, drive and devotion to be good doctors someday. Same thought process with law school I imagine.
Reader Lady. I just recently started watching the older episodes of Doctor Who on Netflix. I actually like the Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee. He's a bit of a dapper Dan, but pretty cool.
After Tom Baker I didn't follow the series again until my kids discovered Doctor Who and then I was hooked once again. Did you know that David Tennant is married to Peter Davison's Daughter (who also played Tennant's daughter in the episode "The Doctor's Daughter")? Love Doctor Who trivia.
Hey Everyone! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and will be enjoying a wonderful New year. I wish everyone the best for 2013.
I continue to be reading along, but cant post off of Firefox, only safari, and since I prefer to use firefox , hence the infrequent posts! Lucky all of you, you dont have to read my drivel :)
I agree it is none of my business where Kate is with the kids or what she is doing, but she is the one who continues to put these things out there.I am curious to what game she is playing right now/
She is a sly person. I happened to be looking at her twitter when that tweet came up. It was 1:00 am CST. Kate never posts at that time. Kate has commented in the past about being with family and friends, and it has not been the sort of " family and friends" gathering that most typical people attend.
And if she was with " family and friends" in the normal sense, I doubt it would be filling her narcisstic need and she would be reaching out to her tweeties. Heck, correct me if I am wrong, but didnt she post pictures when they were at that beach vacation!? or was it afterwards...
What a tease!
Anyways, as usual, some semblance of the truth will come out....
Take care everyone!
I don't comment here any more but I wanted to drop by and wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
Let's Throw Tomatoes
Me Again...
Went and checked the time stamp on that tweet saying she was MIA. Like said, I was on twitter when it posted, and it was around 1am CST. The time stamp on the tweet is 10:30ish pm ... So Kate was 2 hours behind me, so I am going to bet she was on the West Coast. She had been playing iPad games with her big girls because they had been either riding in a plane, or in a vehicle or both.
I know someone saw her in N Carolina..... on the 26th. Hmmm, the plot thickens...lol...whatever it is she is trying to catch.. it will constantly evade her. It wont be anything appropriate and be more along the lines of D-listed...
We've been asking about you, and hoping you would come back!!
Tomatoes....hello. Happy New Year to you also!
Working Woman here
Thank you Tomatoes! A happy, healthy, wonderful new year to you too!
We've all been missing your comments. Hope you'll stop in sometime in 2013. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year 15ers!
My husband shared the following article with me that has had him in tears for two days straight. The title is "Being Poor Is..."
I urge everyone who can to read it. For me, it was hard at times to get through it as I've been there. But it was also a reminder of how truly blessed I am, a perspective I really needed as we have a lot of stress going on financially right now.
Kate's probably taking the twins to the Wyoming Dude Ranch for New Years. It's a Gosselin tradition after all.
Ha ha ha Anonymous 29, you're funny! If its so creepy, why are you here and hiding behind anon???? Thats creepy! **shudder**
I wonder ... because Kate likes to tease and play games. I like games, so I play along. Got a problem with it, go tell your Queen Kate to stop " phishing"... but I doubt she will, because she likes games too....
ha ha anonyous..still laughing! Makes me think I came a little too close to figuring something out... right Kate?
Silimom said... 27
''I urge everyone who can to read it. For me, it was hard at times to get through it as I've been there. But it was also a reminder of how truly blessed I am, a perspective I really needed as we have a lot of stress going on financially right now.
Thank you for the link, Silimom. I've also been there!! The additions in the comments were also very true, though difficult to read.
OT - watched press conference - just love your President - one gets a feeling of a kind, funny but caring person - unlike our PM with his smarmy smile
The best way to get rid of Kate's anonymous uber fans when they come here to post is ask them a reasonable question, such as -- what exactly do you find admirable about Kate or describe Kate's talents. They run for the hills.
You know, it kind of makes my moment, when I come and make a comment after being comment-less for many many weeks, and someone has to jump all over it.
I must have hit a nerve.
Anyways, I have much more important things to do with my day, then argue with a sheeple..cause they are always right..dang nat it....
franky here
kraut quebecois-mamie style
shredded cabbage boiled with kosher salt and vinegar..then cooled
pork fat? ( its a white mound of fat/rind)
you dice the rind and saute in pot ..then add thinly sliced red pepper, just a bit..then saute sauerkraut
delicius..in fact gonna make some now..with pigs knees..mmy
Thanks a lot for all the great TV suggestions. I think I'm going to start with Sons of Anarchy tomorrow!
Working Woman here
Meager, you're fine and didn't post anything wrong. I hope you still choose to comment here :-)
I don't get that the issue is ever where Kate is as much as it is the fact that she teases and lies. People wish to comment on different things, it's no big deal and nothing to get in an argument over.
Working Woman here
Meagler I mean, sorry! Autocorrect LOL
Anonymous 42 and 43 because who knows if you are the same person posting?
You dont know how integrity became a part of the conversation because you dont know what integrity is, and you are not worthy any more of my time.
If you are not a fan, why are you here? if you dont agree with the things posted on this blog, why are you here?
Happy pot stirring Anonymous 42 and 43. It isnt going to get you anywhere tho... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....
franky here
sheeple alert. sheeple alert..danger will robison
lol...that was a cool campy show..think I'll youtube some episodes=)
Hi Working Woman!
Thanks for the feedback...yes, their manipulative tactics are deflective in attempts to cover what we are really getting at, the lying and deceit. If kate didnt want people to try and guess where she was, she would close up twitter shop, or at least become a much more responsible tweeter.
I like a good puzzle and Kate provides many clues for me to decipher...
Anyways, got people coming over tonight, because I have real friends, not paid friends, and I want to clean up a bit and make some nice appeys because I dont have a maid, chef, nor can I afford, nor would I want to order from a catering service....I want to make them feel special and hope they enjoy themselves, vs, hoping they come and make me feel special and make certain I am the centre of attention....lol..
Happy new years to everyone, including the many, many anonymous posters out there!
I am very conscience of the fact that I sometimes use a LOT of exclamations points and I dont ever want to be like Kate G because she aint no woman I want to ever emulate.
Everyone on here is anonymous. Some just post here frequently so feel they know each other. I do agree that some posters are obsessed with Kate. Most aren't.
Lilly, as far as our President goes, he is a very accomplished politician.
I have integrity, I follow the rules. AND YOU????????
Last time I checked, posting RULE #1 was pretty darn clear and self-explanatory. DO NOT USE ANONYMOUS.
touche working woman..touche
have fun tonight
dd and I are gloing to the old port..party, family fun and fireworks
we will be 2 of 50 000..give or take a few
ok, the comments posted numbers have changed. Anonymous must have erased her comment #43, because now that comment is Working Woman's. It had been a response to Tweedle Dee's comment #38 about asking reasonable questions.
Anonymous said that asking reasonable questions didn't apply to her/him because she wasn't a Kate fan or an uber fan, but ratherr just saying that wondering where Kate was , is creepy.
Perhaps anonymous erased it because it realized it had opened itself up to many comments stating that reasonable questions didnt apply to it!
Ha ha ha
Anyways, I have much more important things to do with my day, then argue with a sheeple..cause they are always right..dang nat it....
What you do is wish them Happy New Year, greetings for all the best in the coming year...nothing more, nothing less.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, sheeple, sheeplings, trolls, mini-trolls and Billy Goat's Gruff. Have a wonderful NYE celebration with family and friends.
Meagler, like so many, I don't really care where Kate may be in her twisted version of Where's Waldo. Hoping only that the kids are safe, happy and not being exploited!
For all I know she could be face down on the floor in the middle of her used up wine box homemade fort.
Happy New Year to ya!
And a very happy new year to youse all..hogs=)
especially the efficient swiffers=P..lol
I love this blog and youse all
If people think I am obsessed with kate..oh well. I know I am not. I hardly come on here anymore and talk. I do read up occasionally.
I do like to catch kate in a good old lie and I find her play on words very interesting. Perhaps just fulfilling my investigative personality!
The original intent of this blog was to chronicle every move that Kate ( and Jon and TLC) make in their relentless cause to further fame and fortune off the backs of their kids.
I have no qualms about commenting when I feel she is doing just that. And ultimately if Admin feels I am crossing a line and breaking rules, she, or her support staff will do their own swiffering.
Ok, I really am out of here for a while now. Have a great day everyone. Please dont drink and drive. Find a safe way home, because even tho I dont " really" know who any of you are, I do not want you or any of your loved ones finding a ride in a Police Car, an Ambulance, or a Hearse.
Dmasy said... 15
If there is a real life meeting over rumspringa in PA. I WILL be there.
Fantasy -- I drive across the Eastern states, mostly on I-70. Dwindle drives a bit South to meet me. We pick up Readerlady and any other Ohio poster. When my car pulls up to the brewery 6 or 8 of us spill out and you PA ladies can guess who/which one we are. Roadtrip for 15 Minute fans!
Reality -- I use my free flight ticket to Atlantic City. From there, I figure out the way to your awesome Amish area.
Does Admin approve of our meet and greet plans? I think we are ready for real life Hogs.
YOWZA! and I do mean YOWZAAAAAAAAAAAA There would definitely be HOGS all around ! And while ya'll are here, we could go to Lancaster County and check out the Amish Mafia - reality TV at its finest :)
Happy and SAFE New Year's wishes to everyone here. It is snowing -- pretty, but slick -- here in central Illinois.
Count all your 2012 blessings and wait for the wonders of 2013.
Berks. I am really serious. I have been wanting to meet the ladies of this blog for awhile now. Several of us have found each other on Facebook and it is a satisfying experience. Admin (and Kate) brought us together and we are learning all the other things we have in common.
I am glad to"know" all of you. Have a wonderful and blessed new year.
Friends, husband and I just got home from Les Mis and woweeewow it was fab.u.lous. I have seen the Broadway show several times in New York and Philly and have never cried but today during this movie I cried like a baby. The story is exactly the same, music the same, but the casting - fabulous. Was never a fan of Anne Hathaway but she was magnificant.
I was surprised and excited to see a former Jean Valjean (Colm Wilkinson) playing the part of the priest. Actually my husband is the one who recognized him, but how cool is that??
I give this movie five stars out of 5 (although it is quite lengthy). Second best part is, we only paid six bucks a piece and we received free popcorn! Love a great deal!
*sniff, sniff*. Us Canucks are shut out of the Great Rumspringa Meet of 2013!!
: (
Hmmm.....maybe we will have to raise you a Great Canadian POUTINE and Merlot Meet of 2013!!!!!??!!!! : )
We can get wild....let me tell ya!! YAY!
Berks. I am really serious. I have been wanting to meet the ladies of this blog for awhile now. Several of us have found each other on Facebook and it is a satisfying experience. Admin (and Kate) brought us together and we are learning all the other things we have in common.
I am glad to"know" all of you. Have a wonderful and blessed new year.
Dmasy, I don't have a facebook yet but I asked husband to help me make one today or tomorrow. Once I have that figured out, do you think I could find you gals?
Funny story, I had been in Lancaster county to see a show back in November, and my friends and I had gone to dinner prior to the show. Lo and behold, I come to find out the next day that one of the Lancaster Counties was there having dinner in that same restaurant that night!! What a weird small world, but if only I had known I would have treated her to a rumspringa and dessert!
I'll let you know when I have the facebook up and perhaps we can take it from there.
The best thing is - it would be a meet-up that would NOT be revolving around KATE. Will we laugh about her a little? Yes, probably, but there will be so very much more to talk about!
I am making a New Years' resolution to step out a little bit and take chances. A meet up would be just the thing to get me started.
When Kate's fans show up here they never admit they're fans. Maybe they're embarrassed to admit they kiss up to her for tweets. I'd be embarrassed if I did that.
Was it troll day again? Did I miss it?
My New Year's resolution is to build a troll trap. It will have cute little spikes in it and be see-through so we can all point and laugh at what losers they are.
Have a very Happy New Year, everyone! (Well, except the shit-stirring trolls. Don't care if their New Year is happy or not.)
Berks...can I copy your resolution. I really like that idea.
Admin might not have the time to be a conduit for our personal info.
I will "step out" and volunteer to publish a real email address on my profile so that we can exchange contacts. Let me know when we are ready.
I have already been "outed" so my real name has lost some anonymity.
Before we all meet, I have one truth to tell. Horrors! I have mis-represented myself on this blog.
OK....here goes, I don't actually own a pair of Crocs. But, I would be glad to buy a pair for our meeting.
Anonymous said... 54
Or perhaps you are too ignorant to realize that I can't erase my comments and that was done by the blog's administrator or her "staff."
Ouch Anonymous.
May your heart grow three sizes bigger in 2013.
Happy New Year to all the 15 minute gals and guys
May there be more 'hellos' and fewer goodbyes
May our resolutions last more than a day
May the lost little sheeple find their way
I just put my cabbage rolls in the oven. Off to buy some Rumspringa bubbly. Staying in tonight to see 2012 off and welcom in 2013.
Lbelle I love your idea. Maybe we can make it happen!!
Eating my sammie at the computer...
For those of you in the area and trying to coordinate a rumspringa get together, what if Dmasy, you created a facebook account using your Dmasy name, and be an administrator . People wanting to join have to request an invitation. Berks neighbor, or any of the Lancaster people could request an invite. Once you are set up, it is a private page, and you can discuss meeting places , dates, etc without fear of having a cj , a troll, a sheeple, or heaven forbid even kate herself, joining in for a rumspringa....
I have never myself set up a private account, but I belong to a few, and they work quite well. Still do not have to give out private info like real names or emaila ddresses, although you may chose to share your first names with others if you want.
Might be a bit safer....
Dmasy said... 56
OK....here goes, I don't actually own a pair of Crocs. But, I would be glad to buy a pair for our meeting.
Gah. I'm stunned Dmasy. I wear my pink crocs in the house to honor you. lol!
Confession time? I'm really not Margaret, Princess of Norway. I'm AuntieAnn, always.
Okay, now I AM off to the store...
I have brown crocs with the fuzzy inside, but I promise not to wear them to the meet up. I don't want to make you jellus ; )
Lbelle, Auntie Anne - how about meeting in Niagara Falls - we could all get themed rooms and even bring DH for our protection and to hold our purses as we ride the Maid of the Mist in our matching blue plastic raincoats - umm in Summer of course - but if we do it in Sept we will get Seniors discounts
Just watched Moody Blues concert - knights in white satin anyone?
OT franky here
darling dog Keyla is lying next to me and her fabulous black fur is showing lots of grey
I am no-where ready to think of her as older..shes 10
feeling sad
Meagler, thanks for the suggestion. I will teach myself how to open a second Facebook account.
Isn't it sad that we need to exercise this kind of caution?
Lilly, Lbelle, and Auntie Ann, I am a Canadian too! I could come to Niagara falls with my kids in tow, and while standing on the Maid of the Mist in my blue raincoat , complain about how wet it is, what were you gals thinking? When my kids start to have too much fun at the Haunted Houses, or on the Niagara Eye, I could tell them all its time to go and if they refuse, I will ask them if they are a Meagler or a Lbelle/Lilly?Auntie Ann, because they are welcome to stay with strangers if they want!
lol.. I wouldnt do that! Niagara Falls would be fun. I have been there and it was a trip of a life time. My family and I still speak of our very happy 7 day road trip that involved some 9 hour driving days! But we had fun being couped up as a family in the vehicle playing car games, singing, playing our own little electronic games and even stopping fro gas. We went through the states so it was fun to find different flavors of pop, and snacks in the american stores!
ok, back to prep work for tonight!
Hi Tomatoes! hi Meagler! Hi everyone else!
Happy New Years Eve!
Franky, Lost in Space was such a fun show! ” Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!”
I could convince the dh to do a road trip with me if we are going to end up at a brewery! Count me in for the Rumsprimga Reunion! Well, I suppose its not really a reunion since we haven't actually met in person in the first place, but we can be creative. I hear tell you can gets points for creativity!
Lilly!! Another MB fan???
Meagler, I don't think you are obsessed with kk and I sincerely hope my post didn't offend you in any way. I really despise that lying, pathetic excuse of a person.
It hurts my very soul what those kids have experienced, are experiencing and possibly in the future.
On that note, I will share a little part of my life. At the age of 3, my two sisters 5 and my brother, 1, were adopted by our paternal grandparents. We were victims of documented gross neglect, physical abuse, emotional and psychological abuse via our Mother. I will spare myself and others of details/
One evening, my sisters decided they were going to run away and taking me with them. so we each got our little suitcases and started packing. Just a little bit of stuff, hopefully so no one would notice. We tore pages out of our bibles to take along, because missing bibles would definitely sound the alert.
And where were we going? To find a circus of course
And why? Because no one loved us,no one wanted us and my sisters just knew that if we did anything wrong, our grandparents would get rid of us as well.
Mom found us the next morning, the 3 of us in the same bed, our lttle suitcases ready to go. Mom's heart was broken when my sisters told her of the plan and why.
My grandmother became my Mom and gave us the love every child deserves. Did we have problems growing up? Sure did. Problems throughout our lives even to this day? Sure do.
I was with my Mom when she passed away, just the 2 of us. As it was meant to be, my family said.
As for my mother, she died a year ago alone in the bathtub. Her 5th husband found her. Cause of death: years of prescription pain pill and patch abuse combined with scotch.
So maybe KK will wake up some day and turn her life around.
Okay, I've said my peace, was difficult to write.
Franky here
Lbelle..Is is up for dat
a Canadian meet and greet with rumspringa in hand..hey to the double hockey sticks
coint me in!=)
Franky 10 is the new 8 in dog years - lots of time so enjoy - better food and care for pooches - look for 13-15 at the very least
watching cirque du solei on TV - wow
Prime rib - check, spaghetti squash - check, baked potatoes and Yorkshire - check -
PS - you and yours can ride with us to NF - and get our senior discount
But Franky - DH has requested that you wear your Mtl corn maze boots for the trip - what can I do??
Woke up today w/horrible migraine, took meds, been out of it all day. What a way to start New Year's Eve- with a headache- how backwards, LOL!!
I'll be fixing black-eyed peas and corn bread shortly, but otherwise, just enjoying the Twilight Zone Marathon, as I have done my entire life- never miss it (except when deployed-grr).
I am sad to be missing out on the Rumspringa meet up, mostly because you PA locals have talked up PA so much that I now want to visit and take in the sights and food and drinks and good people. I've been to Philly, but it was only 1 night.
FOr New Year's I signed up for fitness challenge- it is a fitness app called MapMyRun and the challenge is to log 10 work outs in the month of January. Anyone else have any plans or resolutions for the New Year?
TxBR, thankfully you survived with love and strength. Be proud of who you have become. Thank you for sharing.
txBR549.. What a painful childhood you have had, and I hope that you feel God's hedge of protection around you, now and for always!
I was not offended by your post at all, in fact I felt supported by your post. You put a name to your post and I am the type of person who will self reflect to see whether I am saying/doing something I ought not to be. It was anonymous who I was specifically responding too.
I now see that Admin or her support people have pulled out the swiffer and cleaned up. Since my posts remain, that tells me, I wasnt breaking any rules. I guess my definition of integrity was appropriate..lol...
My reason for being here is I had a narcissist in my life, and I know the damage it did to my self esteem. Thankfully that person has moved on. I worry for what the kids go through because of having a mom for a narcissist.
and I am bad for wanting to be right, and catching people in lies, or pointing out their inconsistancies.... :)
franky here
tx..big..non..huge hogs to you
I know how difficult that was for you
txbr - hogs
Dmasy 56,
LOL!!! Oh you little sneaky sneak, you!!!
But you are forgiven - I'm not really a tall, lithe blonde with perky girls - even though I do have yogatoes in purple, I don't have clogs either... sad face!
Wouldn't it be funny if we all showed up at the hotel wearing clogs? HA HA.... I'm in midwest, next to PA, about 6 hr drive from eastern PA.
And I would also bet that in honor of such an occasion, the hotel bartender would make up a rumspringa recipe...
Oh lordy, we might all be laughing so hard we'll pee pee our little panties.... oops! Let another secret out of the bag.... I guess you can add that to my profile. Hanging head, TMI...
Such memories - when my family was still alive we'd get together for holidays and laugh so hard we'd leak..... we'd also eat ourselves into comas, but hey, it was a holiday.
thank you for sharing.It's important for people to see what emotional damage can be done to a child.
I remember you! Welcome back....
I was going to offer to open my profile with my email too but I see Dmasy beat me to it. I'm not really scared of sheep showing up for a Rumspringa. We can all bring wooden spoons to defend ourselves.
Seriously, I'm definitely in. It would be #superfun. Hope no one will be disappointed to find out I'm not really green. I don't have crocs or a good bra either.
Hogs to each and every one of you!
We were given such a great gift and were encouraged in every aspect growing up...adventure, creativity, music, sports and academics.
Happy New Year !!!!!!! I can't believe it will be 2013.
Franly here..OT
what about a rumspringa humdig in Niagra?
did you know for 5 nucks more you get srason pass at Marineland..sky-scraper and all...campground not 2 clicks away..and they have bathtu s..just sayon'
I coild do that ..dd wants marineland,I wanna meets youae all
we could do north and south..border-wise.
TxBR549 said... 80
Hogs to each and every one of you!
We were given such a great gift and were encouraged in every aspect growing up...adventure, creativity, music, sports and academics.
Happy New Year !!!!!!! I can't believe it will be 2013.
Thanks for sharing your story. lots of hogs to you!
2013.... wow. Hard to believe.
When I was in highschool, I remember thinking how old I would be in the year 2000 and what the world would be like..think the Jetsons! lol
Now here we are on the eve of 2013. Almost mind boggling. technology has come a long way, but still no Jetsons!
Permanent Name in Blue.. thanks! I havent gone too far but dont post as often because, I have electronical difficulties, despite it being almost 2013.. ha ha..
TxBR549. said... 67
What a sad story and warning to many. I am so glad you sound so healthy and at peace with this- though I'm sure you'll be forever affected. You seem like a goodhearted person and are always welcome here. Thanks for sharing and I wish you a very happy 2013- hogs!
Hooray!! Looks like we may have something to go with for our North of the Border Meet! I suggest waiting until after winter.....too dang cold out there!
For any of you who may have never done something like this before...I did and it was GREAT!! I am a Disney fanatic and the DisBoards are, I believe, the largest online community out there. I met SOOO many fun people on there and met quite a few at DisMeets in Disney World. They go on all the time. It's really neat to meet up with folks you talk to daily online!
Be back later. It's my Dads birthday and family is going to be here any second now. Hubby not feeling well so we are, for once, staying home and watching New Years festivities on tv. Kind of looking forward to it actually!
Could one of you Twitter experts please explain this suspension thing to me? I posted that the Hershey fan (sometimes non-fan) was back yesterday and then suspended. She resurfaced yesterday under another name, only to be suspended again. The person only had an account for a day. What does one have to do to be suspended in such a short period of time? From what I could see, she only had a few tweets under the new name.
Just curious...
Looks like the "hateful lunatic" got suspended from Twitter too.
I told my DH about our plans to meet. He said what if Kate shows up to beat you all up. I had a good laugh imagining Skeeve there demanding our IDs and threatening us. Teehee.
We're in for New Year's too since DH finally caught my cold.
Well..peace with 15yrld was short-lived.
either I spend new-years here or go f**k off and die..lol
I choose here
I know things will get better..although patience has never been my best virtue
We're in for New Year's too since DH finally caught my cold.
Feel better! Chicken soup for what ails you.
We never go out for NYE. I've got Navy Bean soup (with leftover Heavenly Ham) in the slow cooker and bread proofing in the oven.
The house should be smelling heavenly tomorrow morning ;-)
Anyone else planning to cook good luck New Year's foods tomorrow?
SeeSaw, you would be coming from Texas! The thought is exciting.
We are also in for the evening. We had a "fake" NYE date on Saturday.
Snowy and icy here. Be safe all of you celebrating outside your homes.
LOL Is this a year for IN for 2013? I'm tired from traveling and under the weather, and a fanciful night of ski ball my friend was planning for everyone got cancelled when her son came down with strep. So looks like it will be Netflix and hot cocoa and lots of couch time. And you know what, that sounds FUN to me. Here's to a peaceful entrance to the new year, may it be symbolic of 2013.
Anonymous said... 81
Franly here..OT
what about a rumspringa humdig in Niagra?
did you know for 5 nucks more you get srason pass at Marineland..sky-scraper and all...campground not 2 clicks away..and they have bathtu s..just sayon'
Why are we talking about clicks again. I said i was sorry. he he giggle. JUST KIDDING, I couldn't resist. Sorry. hehehhe My family calls those "my name" jokes cause I'm the only one that laughs at them.
Looks like the "hateful lunatic" got suspended from Twitter too.
I saw that! I wonder what she did this time. She's one of the most unstable of the flock. Kate certainly has amassed some strange fans.
Oh lordy, we might all be laughing so hard we'll pee pee our little panties.... oops! Let another secret out of the bag.... I guess you can add that to my profile. Hanging head, TMI...
You will all be ok if Kate isn't there. If she is maybe you should all shave your heads first and stay away from any cribs.
The person who posts here and always says condescendingly that she's not a fan I think could be the sheeple of which you speak. It's very unsettling the sheer amount of just raw ANGER that they have. Picking on people out of the blue then seconds later calling people really nasty names. It's just not normal at all.
It's one thing to come in here and say they don't like the curiosity about Kate's whereabouts, that's totally fair, actually someone said that very respectfully yesterday and received respectful responses back, for instance I explained I don't care where she is she could take a trip to the moon for all I care, I just find the pack of lies she usually tells to be fascinating so I follow it. It's quite another to take it to such a vile and angry level--red flags went off for me it could be that same sheeple and if so, she is to be avoided for your own safety.
Dmasy said... 91
SeeSaw, you would be coming from Texas! The thought is exciting.
No, I'm a local - Berks County, PA. I live 15 minutes (haha) from Kate.
SeeSaw...oops. Still, it will be fun meeting you. (Even if you aren't green.)
Give me enough Rumspringa and I'll be green ;)
Fair enough Can't Stand Abby. I had a mother to tell me how great and talented I was but I needed those teachers to balance it out. None of them were verbally abusive per se but they were honest and harsh with us about our performances and yes,
This is an older comment from NJ but I wanted to respond to it. Those teaching methods worked for her because she needed a balance from a mother who praised her.
On the flip side, how much have we seen lately about concerns about how lavishing children with excessive praise, trophies for every little thing, and having "there are no losers" games. That's messing kids up too. I even remember reading once one therapist say that excessive praise on a child can lead to narcissism!
It seems to me both extremes aren't good, but perhaps if you only have extremes as seems to be the options these days, it's good to have some of both to balance it.
Definitely an IN night for me, still medicating this dang migraine- oh well.
Franky- 15 year olds can test your patience, for sure!! And it doesnt, stop, unfortunately, I know I am still being tested by my 20 year old :/
Tucker's mom, I am having black eyed peas tomorrow. Ok, I made them tonight, but I have some for tomorrow, too, LOL. (couldn't help it, they just sounded good and I was hungry and my head hurts)
The person who posts here and always says condescendingly that she's not a fan I think could be the sheeple of which you speak. It's very unsettling the sheer amount of just raw ANGER that they have. Picking on people out of the blue then seconds later calling people really nasty names. It's just not normal at all.
I agree, admin, which is why I posted that the person is unstable. There's something really wrong there, and I think that it's best to just ignore.
I agree, admin, which is why I posted that the person is unstable. There's something really wrong there, and I think that it's best to just ignore.
I'll talk with a mentally stable sheeple any day of the week I don't mind explaining my side of things or hearing theirs. But when it's pretty downright OBVIOUS there are serious mental health issues going on with a particular shit stirrer (I trust you know which one I speak of, they were here today).....we really do need to make a big effort to just ignore and let the cleanup crew get it. That can be this blog's 2013 resolution, don't play with the mentally ill. Believe me I know how hard it is when they decided their daily witch hunt is directly after YOU. But it's gotten so bad and as I understand it even the police have been involved with this one, that we need to maintain some distance. By the way is their blog still down?
I'll agree to follow this Blog's Resolution for 2013 and that other blog is still shut down.
Bonjour, franky! Comment ca va? Ca va bien?
Count me in for Niagara Falls too! I only live about 40 miles from there! If we make the trip in the summer we could drive up through the Ontario wine country and stop at the prize-winning wineries, pretending they served Rumspringa and sampling at each one..I will even be the designated driver.
Tomatoes, good to see you once again. Stay.
Happy New Year to Adm and All!
Franky here
seriosly butterfly..someone put me outta my pain
I knew about teeens..was one onçe,but sheesh..I grew up
hope dd does too
..that dang girl is stronger than I a am..greeen is me..brkwn her
Evening, Y'all. I was gone all day and see I missed some bleating and baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaing. Thanks Admin and Blog Girls for swiffering. I don't really feel like reading their blather.
I'm in a bad mood right now.Met up with a friend for lunch, and when I was ready to leave, had a very unpleasant surprise. One of my tires was flat as a pancake. My friend had already left to go back to work, so I waited 2 hours for a tow truck, then another 2 hours at the tire store before I was back on the road again. To add insult to injury, it started to snow again while I was in the tire store, and the roads were slick as glass by the time I was ready to leave. Took me 45 minutes to get home -- a trip that is normally about 10 minutes. So I'm staying in tonight, too. Think I'll start on that DVD set of "Rizolli and Isles" I got for Christmas.
AussieGoldenLuv --I've never been on the dog boards, sorry. I love dogs, but I used to breed and show cats. I'm still active on the cat boards.
Burkes Neighbor -- I liked Jon Pertwee,too. Couldn't stand Colin Baker, though, and I thought Sylvester McCoy was just a little too twee. I haven't seen many of the first and second incarnations of The Doctor, but I liked William Hartness, too. I did know that David Tennant was married to Peter Davison's daughter. I think they met when she guest starred on the show? I loved Peter Davison in "All Creatures Great and Small", too.
I'd love to come to the Rumspringa meet and greet, too. Maybe we can borrow Kiwi's magic recliner to make the trip. She lives about 1/2 hour S of me. Seriously, depending on when it is, I could drive over. I haven't been to E. Pa. except for cat shows, in a long time, and I could plan a long w/e in Philly and Gettysburg, with a stop off in Berks/Lancaster Co. on my way.
Oooops. I hit publish too quickly again.
I wish everyone here a New Year filled with joy and peace and happiness. I wish peace and anonymity for the G8, and I wish the help that she so desperately needs for KK.
readerlady, glad you got home OK. What a tiresome and scary day!
AARRRRRGH!! I mean Berks Neighbor.
Tucker's Mom -- Thanks. My blood pressure is probably higher than is good for me, and my bank account is considerably lighter, but I'm home, and that's all that matters ;-) .
Thank you admin! for looking after all of us! I think some comments must have gotten swiffered before I, and others even saw them. I was giving a little push back, and some fun with the play on words with a sheeple forgetting how very dangerous some of them can be.
I havent been following the twazzup feed of kate's twitter so have no idea of the craziness over there anymore, but sounds like it has been " interesting".
Am waiting for the first of our guests to arrive. We may not have many, as people, including our own son, are coming down with that stomach virus. Maay tonight and all of 2013 be everything you wish it to be!
...and yes, I will ignore, ignore, ignore....( even tho it was kind of fun)....but I dont want to be playing with unstable people...
Staying in tonight also. Having that horrible toss up - watching Doctor Who or Twilight Zone I think Twilight Zone will win just because it has become a trend here every year. I would say a tradition but I do not want to be confused with Kate and her traditions.
Wishing all have a great New Year and everyone gets healthy soon.
Franky...teenage girls are tough to raise so you have my sympathy and please remember even when she is testing you, she loves you.
Anonymous said... 107
Franky here
seriosly butterfly..someone put me outta my pain
I knew about teeens..was one onçe,but sheesh..I grew up
hope dd does too
..that dang girl is stronger than I a am..greeen is me..brkwn her
you made me laugh- you were a teen but grew up, LOL!!
Oh, that's all we can do, wait patiently for our children to grow up as they give us one test after another - gotta love them!! Just keep telling yourself DD is just testing her boundaries and learning how to be independent. Make it as positive as you can. And don't forget to give her the mother's curse "one day I hope you have children that behave just like you!!"
"One of my tires was flat as a pancake. My friend had already left to go back to work, so I waited 2 hours for a tow truck, then another 2 hours at the tire store before I was back on the road again."
Aw...glad you got home safe and sound. Couldn't they change the tire and put the spare tire on right there? I have had more flat tires that I can count, and when AAA comes out, they change the tire and I'm on my way. When I have the time, I take the flat to the tire place for repair.
"But it's gotten so bad and as I understand it even the police have been involved with this one, that we need to maintain some distance. By the way is their blog still down?"
I think we're talking about two different sheeple. One is the person Robert mentioned in his book at the lunatic, while the other is the stalker/cruise vetter. Which one was here today?
I am watching Twilight Zone- love it!! Been watching that marathon for as long as I can remember, and I am 40, so if I stop now, who knows, end of the world? Just kidding :)
But it is my life long tradition that I refuse to give up.
Twittering -- My only spare tire is a donut, and those are dangerous in the kind of weather we've been having (snow, snow and more snow). The tire wasn't repairable. It wasn't just flat, it was coming apart. It's less than 2 years old, too, but out of warranty, of course. That seems to be Murphy's Law. Things never fall apart while they are in warranty.
Twittering .... It sounded like MsGoody who had her Twitter account suspended.
Twilight Zone has "won" here too. This is what we normally watch every New Year's . Even though we know each one by now, it brings a sense of comfort watching it.
our dog is 12 1/2 years old. she has grey in her muzzle. Ampers is a keshound mix. we have had her since she was 4 weeks old. We also have two cats, one that is 13 years old and the other one is 10 years old. The cats and the dog get along really good.
Okay! It's payback time!
She's been throwing me under the bus every chance she gets, so turn-about is fair play!
I am glad to 'know' you guys, you have enriched my life in many ways. Vinegar, accordion bed sheets and freedom to drink rumspringa mid-day!
We are staying home (alone) so expect to see me back later. We are having drinks and yummy food (sour cabbage rolls and potato pancakes) and relaxing. We both forgot champagne, but I do have some sparkling Moscato - it will have to do.
Okay, going to catch up now.
Cheers! My glass is raised to Peace and Happiness for the G-8!
Weeeee! Dwindle Baby is a New Years Baby!!! Cool! You'll have to let us know how 35 years old feels tomorrow.....!
: )
Happy Birthday to you....repeat a whole bunch of times....Happy Birthday Dear Dwindle.....last line, same as the first!! EVERYBODY NOW!!
I thought this was hilarious. a relative posted this on facebook.
Hope everyone is having a great new year's eve. I am sitting here watching it rain, eating a banana.
maybe you just have to know this person, but I almost fell on the floor laughing.
(or maybe this is just funny 'cuz I am loaded up with cold meds).
Anonymous said... 119
Twittering .... It sounded like MsGoody who had her Twitter account suspended.
Correct. But Admin referred to a sheeple for whom the police had to be called. As far as I know, that was not the one who was suspended from Twitter. That was the cruise vetter. Admin cautioned us against responding to a sheeple, and from reading her comments, it sounds like she believes the angry one who was here is the cruise vetter because she asked if her blog is still down.
Wife Swap is the show I hate to love.
Best line today, "you're using big words liike 'anonymous' to prove you're smarter."
Was on this blog for about 5 months. My life revolved about this blog. Finally my computer broke down. End of my obsession with Kate or anything about Kate Gosselin or Jon Gosselin or anything to do with her children. Got the computer back after a month and never turned to this web site again until tonight. I just wondered if you were still all putting so much energy into destroying this woman, which I was guilty of also, and the children. Last thing I heard Jon was out of work, his girlfriend was fighting Kate on twitter or trying to over Kate's children and Jon's just not that into his kids or working.
Still some of you were very funny when talking about anything other than Gosselin and the banter was funny, caring, creative, just like sitting on a porch and you were there for each other. I hope that you all stay together, feel better health-wise in 2013, hugs to all the regulars who were so sweet to me and each other.
Lots of health, hugs & being there for each other and for some of the 5 months I was on the blog.
This is for the regulars who appear every day or night and just don't talk about Gosselins but really have become faceless true friends and accepting of each other, not those who pop in once a month.
I want to go to Niagara Falls too! Auntie Ann can pick me up on her way across the prairies.
and of course I'm in on the facebook dealio.
franky, my old girl is 11 and very grey in the muzzle - nearly white!
Are we going to share our resolutions?
I volunteer mine.
- to continue with my diet!
- to walk my dogs everyday.
- to write on my blog at least 4 times a week.
- to remember to be a kinder, gentler person.
- to live a more authentic life.
- to start meditating.
Kind of lofty goals, I suppose! ;)
I was just sitting here thinking about past New Years Eves. Funny how you enjoy totally different things as we get that much older. Last few years ( like 10 or so) have been house parties...some were crazy, some not so much. I'm outside right now and can hear a few in the neighborhood but I'm TOTALLY enjoying the quiet night we are having instead. Remember in your 20s and early 30s where we got all dolled up and hit Nightclubs?? Waiting for HOURS just for the stupid cabs to pick you up...in the winter...in Ontario! Guess we were too drunk to notice the cold?! : /
Anyways....I'm sure I'll be back on tonight but just in case.....
HOGS!!! Lol!
Bearswife.....how exciting!! I'm not sure what the Facebook thing is. I have an account but not sure what everyone is doing with them.
Maybe we should ALL just make the trek to Penn and join in the Rumspringin' !!
Niagara Falls/Pennsylvania ......same thing, right???
Twittering....right, cj is still tweeting and her blog is closed. Rumor was that police were involved but the scenario described on another blog seemed off. The police show up at your door, tell you to shut down a blog and you do? Based on her stalking and more I think it's possible the law was involved but not how it was described. Whatever happened she's sick and dangerous and probably does visit here to try and stir things up.
Was searching for something to watch and just noticed the Catfish movie is on MTV right now. It started at 9. I just watched it online not too long ago...
Happy New Year! I have a short list, of the Top 10 moments of 2012 of my very own...
10. Joined Twitter. Managed to mastermind Milo, into buying a case of Luna (not Bella) Bars. Also drove Coupon Cabin and Cindy C., organizer-woman of 'Kate's Cruise To Hell' absolutely MAD. Made friends with a Sheeple- Kate read our tweets, and temporarily banned cruiser from @KatePlusMy8. (Kate is the real HATER.)
9. CJ had me suspended on Twitter. (RIP... @WhysMommyOrange) I never bothered to create another account. Mission Accomplished.
8. Jon Gosselin's Twitter feed was amusing, and mostly positive- despite rhymes with Hoody's protests and maniacal ramblings. There was the song of the week, on his account... "Tonight, We Are Young" was my fav.
7. During Calendar-Gate: EM Tanner re-tweeted me (Springtime?), after I told her and Jon my birthday was December 5th, and demanded a RT. She even followed it up with a LMAO. Best day ever. "Whee... I'm FREE!" Jon shirts were discussed for 2013.
6. I discovered, I'm still a better speller than Kate.
5. We risked getting a major computer STD, and logged on to Gosselin Book, and reported the expose' right back here immediately, as promised. Robert Hoffman also singled out 15 Mins. on his Website. I held my breath, praying it wasn't a Sheeple Blog he was shouting out to. (As did others here ;)
4. We (truthers) wished Kate's lazy, flat, dimpled arse a Happy Birthday on Twitter-- and she saw them!
3. Bearswife and I started 'A-courtin'... after reading Milo's creepy tweets to Kate, about what she expects from a suitor. Yuck. (Not you- Bearswife.)
2. A delish Rumspringa, was invented here at 15 Mins.
1. Meeeeeeeee... Thank you, Admin. 9 Million hits is something worth celebrating. See you all next year!
Evening everyone! I just bought my first crab to cook tonight. Do I use melted butter or bearnaise sauce with it? Any suggestions from crab lovers out there.
ampersmom - My Annie (Nouschi) is a Keeshond mix too! Aren't they great dogs? We call Annie the velcro dog because she is so affectionate. Is Ampers like that as well? Does Ampers have the goofy Keeshond grin? What other breed(s) does she have? Annie's other is Siberian Husky with a small amount of Beagle.
I don't know anybody else who has one, that's why I'm asking all the questions. We got her from the SPCA with no history, and had her DNA done to find out her breed(s).
Annie and I, and the rest of our family (Mr.Modo and Miss Boots the cat), would like to wish everyone a happy and peaceful New Year.
Martha, RI, welcome back! Happy New Year.
The only thing that confuses me about your post is how are we destroying Kate exactly?
I'm looking over Kate's top 10 and more worst moments and not a single thing we caused. In fact the number one moment, her firing of Coupon Cabin, Scott made very clear had absolutely everything to do with Kate's own behavior and crappy blog posts, not anything to do with some nonfan phoning him up and saying please sack Kate.
We didn't write her GlobeGate blog, we didn't trash Tony, we didn't drag the kids to the Connecticut marathon, we didn't trash Jon (many of us here do the opposite doing everything we can to try to spread the message about how terrible parental alienation is), we didn't publicaly trash a perfectly decent breed of dog, tweet a photo of Mady's bare legs, abuse children, set up a cruise then bait and switch and cancel it on our devoted loyal fans, engage in twitter wars, accept freebies from decent hard working people, lie about watching the presidential debates, make inappropriate comments about being skinny, talk about the twins bra shopping and everything else Kate has done this year that was so horrendous. And most perplexing of all is that almost all of these things SHE chose to make public. Not us. With ONE exception, Robert's book, none of this was "sleuthed out", all was free for the taking on her twitter account or web sites.
I just have such a hard time seeing how any of those things had ANYTHING to do with us. Kate destroys herself, we're not destroying her.
Happy Birthday fellow capricorn!! Who's got the CAKE??
OT- I started a blog to chronicle my journey next year (long story, lifestyle change) and I decided to go ahead learn this whole social-media stuff, so I opened a twitter to link to the account (that wasnt easy) and now I am trying to do a FB page linked to the blog and twitter and failing miserably- UGH! I am not good at this stuff. I should just leave it at the blog and twitter cuz so far that is working pretty good. I feel like an old geezer, LOL!
Today I took down all our Christmas decorations. Minimal but colorful. Swept up all the dry evergreen needles that left a trail to the door and dusted the formerly festive areas.
I learned a massive amount about Facebook accounts and fancy computer stuff with the help of my wonder son.
Nice last day of this year.
Wishing all the best to everyone.
Staying in this New Years Eve. We have stayed in the past 3 years, we used to go out, and I mean OUT! but this is cheaper so here we are! Not even having anyone over, but I do have 2 bottles of Ecco Domani chilled. That is doin' me just fine, I dont know what HunnyBunny plans to drink, but no one is touching my wine!
I havent caught up on posts yet today, so if I am interrupting a nice discussion, I am so sorry. I should read before I blab.
Right, Admin. If Kate didn't make her mess in public we wouldn't even consider rubbing her face in it. That's what we're doing, really.
The idea is to get her to realize that what she's doing isn't such a great idea.
And no, I have never rubbed my pets' faces in
their messes, even though I had 2 who had what constituted Crohn's disease with the requisite
puddles of poo all over the floor.
Ampers is a very loving dog. Yes, she has the funny grin and the "spectacles" She is brown and black instead of grey and black. Some people think she may be part chow, but we don't think so. Only because we have raised chows and she doesn't act like that personality. Maybe german sheppard or collie. Oh and we have a Miss Boots too.!
I've given up on Kate, but I do think it's important that other families who may consider a reality show see what it did to this family. There is tremendous value in documenting this gaping maw of a fame whore beyond just the fun and snark, of which I like as well.
In fact there was a recent family I believe in Texas who had multiples who right away said um no please leave us alone look what happened to Jon and Kate. To me that really says that we've made a mark in the quest to make it known what Kate and Jon did was NOT okay. If blogs and the media and everyone just went alone saying oh the Gosselin family aren't they lovely I don't know that people would have caught on as quickly.
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 134
Melted butter! best melted on MEDIUM heat over the stove until it 'foams', then kept warm if you can. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Paper Plates...melted butter. Delicate melted butter to enhance the sweet flavor of the crab.
Caution, the butter always finds a way to dribble warmly down your chin.
Franky here
butterfly, zi admit 8 have wished worse on my dd
I msy have on occasion whished her Twins
there..I said it..double the trouble
2 just like her..can't eait..lol
Happy New Year!
Long time reader and sometime poster. Love reading here regardless if posts are on topic, off topic or waaaaaay off topic.
Dwindle, I am with you on the Ecco wine! Love it, but tonight I am having some French wine, a gift to the hubs from an employee.
Keep on posting everyone (except trolls), love all the different outlooks!
Thanks Dwindle and Dmasy!! About to dig in!! Butter is ready to go. Happy New Year to everyone!!
Bearswife said... 128
I want to go to Niagara Falls too! Auntie Ann can pick me up on her way across the prairies.
BearsWife... We have made the same resolutions for 2013 (only mine were just realized in text, when I read them on your post!) There was a Buddhism meditation-driven thread here recently, that I really got into.
I sould have known -- we ARE soul sisters. I have never been to Niagara or NY for that matter (West Coster here), although I've wanted to make that trip since I was a kid. My parents honeymooned there, and I sure loved the Monroe movie.
Hee... Happy New Year everyone, cheers!
*West CoAster*
HOGS to all! (That made me pig snort, Dwindle)
First off...I love ya babe! I'm sorry if you have been asked this already but....
Boy, do I have a heck of a time trying to decipher your posts! Lol! Just wondering if it's due to whatever device you use to post (I know NOTHING about any of them but have heard some 'talk' a weird way??) OR is it due to being a smokin, sexy French speaking Montreal chick? I ask sincerely with not one speck of snark intended. HOGS!!
By the way....I was born in Montreal! Lived in LaSalle, Chateauguay, Pincourt...moved to Ontario when I was 10. So...I claim you as my blog sister!!
Is everybody almost ready for Ryan Seacrest ( I SO miss Dick Clark ) and the Times Square ball? I've said every single year, while watching, "we MUST go to NYC for New Years Eve at least once before we die!". Anybody been?
Neighbors party in full swing now. It's funny how silly drunken folks are when you're stone-cold sober!!!!
Well this is the last few minutes of 2012 for some of you fine people. The count down begins, so I'll wish you all on EST a Happy New Year!
We still have a couple of hours and some to go. Celebrating quietly here, which is kind of an oxymoron. Or is it Oxy moron? (hi JudyK!)
I just looked at Milo's twitter. Zip. Maybe she got the rumspringa shunning from Kate?
Wishing everyone a very prosperous and joyful 2013. Silimon, you and your family are in my thoughts.
Admin - You and your blogaids have done a hell of a job here this year. Thank YOU!!
Bearswife - Maybe I'll rent a RV and we'll head to Niagra Falls. Think we'll have better luck than Kate and Jamie? lol!!
Yall have been busy since last night. Have read 200+ posts trying to catch up and just can't finish tonight. So many comments I want to comment on so I'll just say Happy 2013 to each of you. Stay safe and well. Hogs to all!
Anonymous said... 145
Franky here
butterfly, zi admit 8 have wished worse on my dd
I msy have on occasion whished her Twins
there..I said it..double the trouble
2 just like her..can't eait..lol
LOL. I've wished triplet sons on my daughter. If it happens, I'll have to leave the country.
Their almost 4 year old daughter is almost too much for them to handle, so smart.
ppy new year!!!
Kristine, Happy New Year soul-sister (even if I am an East Coster)! I am humbled to make your top 10.
Watching Anderson and Kathy and they are FUNNY!
Happy New Year! We have another 40-odd minutes left here.
Lbelle, I can't speak for Franky, but I was trying to send some information to my online pharmacy. They asked for my email address on the "form". No matter how often I typed in my proper email address, it popped up zerda. That is not even close. Not even a little bit. But the autocorrect was determined. I finally had to go to my laptop to send in the "form" because it doesn't autocorrect on me.
I think if autocorrect doesn't know what you are trying to type it just hits random keys for you! LOL ;-)
lbelle..it's my danned phone.
I am litterate I swrar
.check out fb Highway of heroes in all caps
that is me
hogs to you
I was watching Rockin With That Thar Passed Away Dick Clark and the big disco ball dropped and - 2013 won!!!!!
This show sucks without Dick Clark, I will never put this on again. They didnt even play Auld Lang Syne, they played NY, NY by Sinatra.
Anyway, I am so glad to have gotten to know you all, your advice and support and the education you give me is nothing but a complete blessing in my life.
For those that have struggled this past year, I wish with all my heart that the year Lucky 13 is the beginning of good and peaceful things for you. I hope we can ALL meet back her this time next year and compare notes again.
Damn Dwindle! Did you have to spoil NewYear's Eve for all of us by telling us that 2013 won?! Couldnt you at least have a little respect for those of us not on the East Coadt waiting to see the results? LOl!!!
Happy New Year to all of you good folks on 15 Minutes. Here's hoping that this will be lucky 13 for all.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Dwindle, you beat me posting the spoiler! Boo! I stay up late at night thinking of spoilers to post too!
Hope everyone has a better new year than the last year! Even the little lost baabaas who leave their droppings here. I hope they find a nice group of real life friends, so they will be happier.
Thanks for spoiling the new year for those on the West Coast. I like to be surprised. Now I already know it's 2013, and what's the fun in that.
Ah ha! So it's the phone thing. Got it! Thanks for answering. I do admit I have fun trying to figure out your posts, Franky!
Fido.....so you have the same problem with your phone. Is that what I hear people talking about 'android' or something like that? My iPad is as high tech as I get and I don't know how to use 90% of it....just Internet and email for moi!!
Dwindle....we were watching as well but it was on a Buffalo channel and they were showing more of that than Times Square....didn't even see Seacrest. So we switched to the Carson Daly one just to have all NYC but Holy Crap is that guy wooden or what? There was like ZERO emotion/excitement with him...it was actually weird to watch. You're right....not ever going to be the same without Dick Clark.
We got phone calls from 2 out of 3 of the boys....not bad! Now I have to worry about the other one! Even in their 20s we just can't stop fretting!
omg..brother just became father..he was ordained today..couldn't be prouder of my brudder..ah.. father
its going to take some getting used to
Seriously, I'm definitely in. It would be #superfun. Hope no one will be disappointed to find out I'm not really green. I don't have crocs or a good bra either.
SeeSaw, I can pick you up on the way!
Dwindle Happy Birthday!
Happy New Year to all! We just got home from a party, well, a senior citizen party haha all of us are oldies, and once the ball dropped we were all looking for our coats! We ate and drank vino and played the game Apples to Apples. We borrowed each others' glasses to read the cards :)))
Lbelle....your a Buffalonian? Me too! Happy New Year to everyone here on 15. May we all have health, happiness and prosperity in 2013!
8 minutes to go here in Western Canada but Happy New Year to eveyone on this blog it's great :)
Happy New Year to all of the wonderful posters here! May 2013 bring you good health, happiness, love, and special times with family and friends. (to include our fur babies!)
Auntie Ann, saw your note on the other thread. Will try to jump in more often! ;)
Dwindle, welcome back. You were missed!
PJ, please stay!
Dick Clark made NYE programming for me. I really liked the guy, as corny as he could be sometimes. I was a little torn between whether I thought he should still be doing it after his stroke, but he clearly wanted to be there, doing his NYE thing. I have no use for Ryan Seacrest on any show and wonder what ABC sees in him. I refused to watch tonight.
Happy New Year all 15ers and even sheeple. May ALL truth be spoken with love and light and all lies go to the dark pit that is awaiting the one who created them.
I have a question for all of you amazingly educated women. When I was in college I had to write a story for my English class making use of as many adjectives as we could. When I was in the computer room writing it I called over a fellow student to ask a question. All of the sudden, as he was reading it, he started giving me HUGE complements. I was completely baffled by his response. I had no clue what he was talking about. He asked if he could show one of his professors who was also in the room. He too started, IMO, over complimenting the style of writing I had used. I was speechless and confused. He said that I must read a lot. I said, "well no, I hate to read. I mainly read only the Bible." I was a young licensed Evangelist at the time.
Anyway, I had no clue to what style they were talking about. I barely even knew how to put a sentence together. My fellow student and the Professor just kept complimenting the use of my "ing" adjectives. Finally I asked what kind of style they were talking about and to my disappointment he replied take my class to find out. Humm, how could I take his class if I didn't know WHAT THAT STYLE WAS and the fact that I tried to avoid as much reading as I could back then. lol. They moved on to their own projects and I walked away wondering, for going on 25 years now, what the heck they were talking about.
So ladies, or gents, does anyone know what that style might be? Oh, I did get an A on my story though. lol The ironic thing is, my english professor gave me a slight neg. comment about using ing adjectives. For real, can you believe that? Go figure.
Twittering And Twattering said... 116
"One of my tires was flat as a pancake. My friend had already left to go back to work, so I waited 2 hours for a tow truck, then another 2 hours at the tire store before I was back on the road again."
Twittering, you still could have driven with that tire safely. lol. My niece did when she drove my car. When she told me she had a flat tire I cringed as I asked if she drove with it flat. She reassured me that it was ok because she checked and there was still air in the top. BUTABING! And yes, she is blonde.
So ladies, or gents, does anyone know what that style might be? Oh, I did get an A on my story though. lol The ironic thing is, my english professor gave me a slight neg. comment about using ing adjectives. For real, can you believe that? Go figure.
I don't know what that's called other than
descriptive writing. But I agree, if you use too many adverbs or adjectives you start to sound like a certain blog writer who was very publicly dumped for being wrong for the company.
Was is along this line --
"The barking, leaping dog was so happy to greet his smiling, running kids as they entered the squeaking, peeling wooden gate." Am I close?
Anyway, I'm glad to see English instructors running their students through descriptive words. That way they are likely to use some
words other than Awesome and Amazing or Freakin'
or the other ones I won't name here.
Happy new year everybody! Hope you all have a great 2013!
(and because big hogs make me uncomfortable piglets for you)
Happy 2013! My sole resolution is to walk 30 minutes 3 times a week. I agree that Ryan Seacrest is grossly overpaid and not worth watching. Spent new year's having pizza and sparkling cider with my teenage son. He helped put away the heavy boxes of Christmas decorations and set up a wifi router. A mellow but enjoyable way to ring in the new year.
Everyone here has my sincere wish for a happy and prosperous new year!
fidosmommy said...171
Was is along this line --
"The barking, leaping dog was so happy to greet his smiling, running kids as they entered the squeaking, peeling wooden gate." Am I close?
I don't think I was that bad. I must of done something right to get the A though. Sheesh, I was just happy to get it finished. I'm better at fixing things than I am at reading how to fix them. The professor complementing me was saying I was very talented and it was a unique talent. That was nice of him but I guess it is a wasted talent because reading and writing is from being something I enjoy. Especially because I am slightly dyslexic and have to re-read and re-write everything.
Happy New Year Admin and blog friends!!
fidosmommy said... 168
Dick Clark made NYE programming for me. I really liked the guy, as corny as he could be sometimes.
I miss Dick Clark, too. It just doesn't seem like the same holiday without him. I've enjoyed Anderson Cooper (with Kathy Griffin) the last few Eve celebrations. Love Anderson, Kathy - not so much, but the 2 of them together are pretty funny.
Before I close for the evening I want to thank everyone for your kind comments about my boy Shadow. I took your advise and cuddled with my two boys Sugarbear and Buddy. Once again, Happy New Year everyone.
hey charlie
thanks for standing up..zi smell swiffering in the air
hey CJ
I got a feeling you messed with the wrong broad
Admin, I do think that the Gosselins, both K & J, have destroyed themselves.....I just don't want them in my life anymore. Do not think I was clear enough. The Gosselins, both K & J love the publicity and I just wouldn't give them any, not anymore. Those kids will always love Mommy and Daddy and it sounds like they do okay with gifts, trips, private school and if they believe they are loved and have a home with wonderful bedrooms and have to listen to some OCD, than they are still doing better than a lot of children are being raised and they are certainly warm, eating and probably use to eating the way Kate has them eating and eating whatever their father feeds them whenever they are there. I just think both K & J like to stay in the public eye, good or bad, it is someone wanting to interview them. Kate doesn't care she got fired from Coupon Cabin and it hasn't affected my life. No one ever said she was Einstein, we all know she is wrapped up in her exterior appearance and eventually we all get older, but some make sure they age rapidly with bad plastic surgery, her problem. All I really know is that both Gosselins had a good ride for a number of years and J was enjoying it, the toys, the money, trips, magazine covers they were paid for, the hob knobbing with real celebrity, but they are not even important anywhere but in their own minds, I realized that. Whatever happens in their worlds or with those kids has nothing to do with me. This blog is a good place for some good faceless friends and I never challenged anyone, never insulted anyone and always appreciated the kind words from one to another. Many conversations going on at once which made new people feel like there needed more organization but I loved the crazy, wonderful people who were on this site all the time. I wish you, Admin, and everyone here the very best in life, good health, no worries, but this is life and we all take a turn. The Gosselins have been fortunate in many ways, healthy children. Whatever the adults want to do in that whole circus I don't pay any attention anymore and I feel healthier about it. Otherwise I use to get angry at K or J, now I just stopped by last night and today to say, I wish some of you were my neighbors and we could all be there for each other in life but since we can't, know some of you have made an impact on my life, yes thru this blog for 5 months, how much fun you can be, how I laughed on bad nights with your jokes, how I cried for some of you and what you were going thru. God Bless You All!
Friends Help.......I had all things to post to you but dear Charlie said it all and then some. Go Charlie! Post 178 says it all!
Happy new year to all
Lbelle, Franky - looks like we Canuckcs are early risers - btw DH was born in Beloie (sp?) PQ
Lilly....yep! But headed back to bed again now. : )
I rarely get a full nights sleep so off I go!
That wasn't CJ. Its a long-time "detective" who believes she's a modern-day Nancy Drew.
I'm sickened that these women aren't satisfied with the damages they've already caused and are continuing their intimidation to make haters shut up and stop bloging out of fear.
She did it to many haters who may have changed their screennames.
They love when CJ gets blamed. Keeping their public personas clean has been part of their mission. Taking this blog down, one poster at a time, is another mission.
ANY personal info is noted. THey may change their blog names but they are still the original ladies from "Where's Aunt Jodi" on Cafemm and the posters/moderators of GDNOP.
Martha, RI said... 181
That was a wonderful and thoughtful missive, Martha, RI. You said so many things that I feel, mostly having to do with the fact that J+K had a great ride and loved every minute of it.
It all became so superficial though, didn't it? The whole "we have 8 kids to support, what else are we going to do to support them?" didn't wash after a while.
I might even be feeling a tad optimistic on this first day of 2013, and that's because Kate apparently is with the kids this winter break and with family and friends. If, big if, but if it is family, then that's one giant step towards a healthy environment for the kids.
God bless and I hope we hear from you from time to time.
"Twittering .... It sounded like MsGoody who had her Twitter account suspended."
OT, but whatever happened to Paige, Kate' best teenaged friend? Haven't seen her on twitter in forever?
Dwindle, Happy Birthday. Have a wonderful day!
Officially 2013. Happy New Year to all.
Well, we had a last minute change of plans....stomach flu!! Hope it's short-lived. We will also miss our neighbors' open house today :(
Happy Birthday Dwindle!
DH is trying to figure out how to stream the Philadelphia Mummer's Parade through our TV. At least I'll be able to watch it on my computer if we can't figure it out.
If you love the parade but can't get it locally/outside of Philly, go to
(sorry I can't make it clicky)
Happy New Year everyone!!
Also, Happy Birthday, Dwindle! Enjoy!
Hope you have a great birthday, Dwindle!
Berks resident,
I can relate to your NYE party. Christmas, after supper, we played a game called "Would You rather..." which involved reading questions off of cards. My 6 year old niece brought you glasses and a flashlight when it was your turn. So old!!
Hope everyone had a good time last might. I was in bed by 12:30, didn't even drink my sparkling wine.
Whoever was complaining about Dick Clark's Rocking new years Eve was correct - very lame. But the Canadian one was even worse, poor Nelly Fertado.
Happy New Year bloggers and Admin! May it be healthy, happy, prosperous, and lots of fun : )
Happy birthday, Dwindle! It's my son's birthday, too :)
nj -- that was readerlady with the flat tire, not me. Knock on wood!
For those who liked Big Fan. She's back!
Happy Day to all of you, and to Dwindle, happy rumspringing!
PBURB said... 183
That wasn't CJ. Its a long-time "detective" who believes she's a modern-day Nancy Drew.
Oh, the IW's? They're still trying to cause chaos?
PBURB said... 183
That wasn't CJ. Its a long-time "detective" who believes she's a modern-day Nancy Drew.
I thought that WAS cj. Or is there another super sleuth out there, too? lol
Either way, they all need other interests.
Hello, hello, hello!
I want to offer my best wishes for everyone here for a healthy, happy and productive peaceful year. 2013 is finally here - who'd a thunk it? I still remember when it was 1995... sigh...
Many thanks to Admin and the Swiffer Crew for their attention to the cleanups needed on all the aisles. Some days I can agree, some days I ignore and other days I am just tickled pink when the swiffering is done. Such is life...
OK, here's a personal OT story that warms my little fat heart. I hope you all can gain some wisdom from it - LOL:
I have a Williams Sonoma apron for the kitchen, the kind that has the strap around the neck and ties in the back. Well, I HATE that strap around the back of my neck! It makes me feel like I ought to be putting my head out and down like a turtle. It just plain old gets on my nerves. Really pisses me off to feel it back there.
For YEARS I've pissed and moaned about it. I looked high and low for an apron that crossed over my shoulders and not around my neck. I even sought out patterns at sewing stores, to no avail. Man, was my life hard -- sad face -- cue the sympathy here --
So anyhoo, I just finally got SOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoyed with the apron and MYSELF yesterday that I marched my large, round (but cute, ha ha) butt upstairs to the sewing room, found some fun fabric, made some shoulder straps, made DH stand in the kitchen as a model and I SEWED THOSE SHOULDER STRAPS RIGHT ON.
Goodbye neck strap!
I have to say I'm proud of my accomplishment! And mad at myself for letting this go on for years. All that time I moaned and griped, I could have done this modification years ago and saved myself lots of grief.
So, here's the lesson I learned, and my resolution: Just Do It (with thanks to Nike) - I vow to not let my lazy, procrastinating mind and body let this happen anymore.
It needs done? I'm going to do it.
I tell ya, I feel so relaxed now that strap is gone and the weight is on my shoulders instead... I might even sit around today and read, all day....
*** Wouldn't it be nice if all our problems were this small and this easily fixed? ***
HOGS to all from snowy but sunny midwest <3 <3 <3
PBURB said... 183
That wasn't CJ. Its a long-time "detective" who believes she's a modern-day Nancy Drew.
How do you know who it was?
Kate tweeted...
Happy 2013 everyone! We are having so much fun here and hoping for the best year ever! In my world, 2013 is 'the year of the teenagers'! 😳
A fan tweeted...
@Kateplusmy8 oh my gosh! Teenagers? All of them?! ALREADY?
Yes, indeed. They are going from age eight to 13 this year, skipping five years in between. Amazing, isn't it? And the following year they will be celebrating their 18th birthdays and their freedom.
Not to mention, does she really expect us to believe that she got New Year's TOO??? Come off it, no family law order works that way unless dad is dead. What is her DEAL?
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