Our third annual recap of Kate's worst moments of the year is here. Last year it was difficult to narrow it down to only 10. This year, it was an even greater challenge. Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions. There were so many dirty deeds they could fill an encyclopedia, but we've attempted our Cliff Note's version here. Enjoy!
10. Around the World in 80 Days, or How to Be a Truly Terrible Parent.
Lots of Kate's blogs this year about parenting were real head scratchers, but this one, Lessons Learned from the Gosselin Globe, was so bad it rightly earned the title "Globe Gate." When one of the kids peeled back the equator on their globe (surely a crime worthy of 100 lashes as we soon realized), Kate was "disgusted" and went after her resident scapegoat, Joel, allowing the rest of the pack to gain up on him like wolves, too. Turns out, it was one of the girls who did it (naturally, Kate won't say which girl, but was happy to single out Joel). The real kicker was she never let the rest of the kids know that. So everyone still thinks it's innocent Joel! Free Joel! Ugh, she deserved every bit of the Hitler parody video we made about the incident. Lessons learned? Kate's a grade-A bitch. Class dismissed.
9. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things does not belong! Cher, Madonna, Sting, KATE.
Sweet and generous Em Tanner, a designer from Tennessee, has grifted Kate untold amounts of merchandise through the years, especially when the children were toddlers. (Remember those shirts numbered 1-8? Those were Em's.) When a sheeple this year alerted Kate that Em was calling one of her calendars "Kate's Calendar," Kate threw a fit. Mind you, not Kate Gosselin's Calendar, not Kate Plus 8's Calendar. Just Kate's calendar! (No where on the calendar's sale page did Em even mention the Gosselins or the show.) We must have missed when Kate copyrighted the name Kate. Kate Middleton might have something to say about that one. Kate's immature rampage about the incident on Twitter (why not just call Em privately, or contact a lawyer?), prompted Em to tweet back surprise at why she was being "badmouthed so randomly," as well as this well-deserved doosey, "I'm so sorry you lost your way, I really am." Shockingly, Kate later actually admitted that she started it, and that she didn't mean to cause a war. Em Tanner: 1, Kate the Great: 0.
8. Dance With the Devil
Poor Tony Dovolani can't get through an interview these days without someone asking him, notwithstanding all the incredible divas he has been paired with over the past decade, how in the world he put up with Kate Gosselin. I guess no one has been satisfied with his answers yet, LOL. It was no different on Anderson Cooper last spring when Tony told the CNN reporter "there was a lot of therapy involved" after being partnered with Kate. Ha! What was clearly just a joke was as serious as the Cuban Missile Crisis to Kate (if she knows what that is), who decided to pen an entire diatribe responding to the comment, oddly, on Coupon Cabin instead of her own web site's blog! Huh? Is DWTS offering coupons for tap shoes now? Why was that even there? we all wanted to know. Anyway, Kate told Tony it was a shame his remembrance of their time was only negative (he never said that, Kate) and challenged Anderson to go on Dancing With the Stars, where she would be watching front row. He wouldn't lower himself. The best part of all? Not a word in response to this craziness from Anderson or Tony. It was like she was talking to a brick wall. Baw-haha! Coupon Cabin later swiffered that post and all the others when they fired her. Oops, shoulda put it on your own blog for posterity. She's bananas.
7. Running on crazy
Kate had spent a lot of effort trying to convince us the kids just love, love running, but her "Catfish" facade of a life was never more apparent when she dragged the kids up to Connecticut to run a race with her and several other schoolchildren (who, unlike the Gosselins, had been working very hard together to prepare for the event). One of the girls was even crying as Steve encouraged her along. We also learned a lot about her serious lack of boundaries when she let one of the kids sit on the lap of a fan, and stranger. Run, crazy, run, but leave the kids out of it.
6. Ah yes, divorce. From the Latin word for to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.
This year marked the third anniversary of Jon and Kate's divorce, but you would think it only happened three days ago the way Kate couldn't stop ragging on Jon this year. There were many sour moments where she threw the children's beloved father under the bus, including when she claimed that she relieved him of child support obligations out of the goodness of her heart (she didn't count on anyone knowing that's not possible under Pennsylvania law once an order has been put in place), told everyone that the kids preferred to be with her over the Christmas holidays, and even just let her sheeple believe that Jon couldn't pay his utility bills when she announced that his power was off (even though news reports revealed thousands were without power also in his area). One of the worst was when she told a sympathetic Dr. Drew that Jon was "trying" to be a good dad. The....f&%$ ??? Of course nothing can top her infamous mediocre comment from the year before, but she sure tried. Meanwhile over at Jon's, a few discreetly tweeted photos reveal happy, calm, relaxed kids. Good to know.
This fall, Jon's girlfriend posted a few sweet photos of the sextuplets with her adorable pit bull, and however misguided, it set Kate off into yet another unnecessary public twitter war. Why, because the children have never looked more at peace? Figures. She retweeted several negative articles about pit bulls and implied that her request the children not be around the dog was ignored. Liz snapped right back that Kate rolled her window up in Liz's face. Forget dogs, where are the cats?! Meeow! Kate's accusations were so over the top, she drew criticism from Animal Planet's Pitbulls and Parolees for spreading misinformation about the "nanny dog" breed and contributing to their unjustified reputation. What takes the bone is that Kate owns a German Shepherd herself, also listed on many "dangerous breeds" dog lists! Woof.
Kate's tweeted too many embarrassing photos of the kids this year, but one of the creepiest was a revealing photo of Mady's legs in Kate's hooker heels. The fact that Kate failed to realize that no matter how innocent her intentions were, a good parent has to think about others who may be using the photos for less-than innocent purposes, spoke to exactly how screwed up her noggin is. We weren't the only ones. This one attracted backlash from around the web, including from popular Mommyish bloggers. As Eve Vawter put it, "Kate Gosselin didn’t need to post it, but I suppose it can also be argued that Kate Gosselin uses any excuse to exploit any of her eight children for attention and publicity, whether good or bad, to feed her gaping maw of a fame hole." Kate learned absolutely nothing from Bill Blankinship's arrest and subsequent conviction this year. #ParentingFail
3. Stop Child Abuse.
The truth is, numerous non-fans have quietly speculated for years there might be child abuse going on in the Gosselin home, and even an ex-staffer tried to come forward in 2009 about some disturbing things they saw and gave a story to the tabloids anonymously, but without proof, it's been just that, quiet speculation. However photog Robert Hoffman was finally able to prove it this year after discovering some old computer files of Kate's that contained her journals and publishing them in a book. Among many disturbing entries, Kate writes that she whipped Collin into his crib and pulled him by the hair. The information Robert uncovered in his research also suggests that Kate is bipolar, and was physically and sexually abused as a child. For those of us with backgrounds in this area, it sure made a lot of sense. Hoffman's book was perhaps the most chilling moment not just of this year, but since this family first came across our radar.
2. Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic.
We feel like a white squall hit us after this one. WTF! Okay, so, the year kicked off to a hysterical start with Kate trying to organize a fan cruise to the Caribbean this summer during the height of hurricane season, and with the twins, like she were actually a real celeb. The whole thing was so vague and unaffordable, not to mention exploitive, it had white flags of doom written all over it from the very start. It got all the weirder when it became clear that Cindy, a cruise rep running the show, well, basically was a trust fund baby idiot who hadn't the first clue what she was doing. She enlisted the help of some of the creepiest sheeple to "vet" potential cruise goers, something even our most seasoned cruise-goers here had never seen done in their entire vacationing lives (I guess they were afraid a non-fan would sign up and, I don't know, maybe report back here??? The horror!). Only, the vetting was actually scaring the beJesus out of legitimate fans who just wanted to have a nice time with their families. Cindy would also send out mass emails to anyone interested and forget to BCC, thereby exposing everyone's real names and e-mails to each other, and she would talk publicly about her clients, a huge no-no. As we oh-so-accurately predicted, Kate cancelled the whole thing and jumped ship in May just before final payments were due, muttering something about not enough people had signed up, and promising to try to meet up and treat cruise goers to a lunch before they embarked. Think that ever happened? Take a guess. This whole thing was so bizarre you would think hands down it should make number one on our list, right? Think again. She did something even worse.
Before we get to number one, once again this year there were so many bad deeds they couldn't possibly all fit into ten, nor could they all fit into the runner's up list either! (We practically need a runner's up list to the runner's up list) But here are a few that didn't make the top 10.
- Kate's year saw her picking more Twitter battles than if she were to suit up in Troy. When Kate called out the Dance Moms, saying they were "horrible" and she would never "ever" do that to her own kids, star Melissa Ziegler couldn't believe the hypocrisy. Yeah, neither could we. Ziegler tweeted back that she's from the same part of PA as Kate and has always supported her and her show. We're guessing this was her last turn with Kate. Kate also picked another bizarre and unnecessary Twitter war with a reporter at the Red Cross Gala this year. This one went on for pages before she finally gave up. Bloody hell.
- Kate never stopped accepting gifts from fans and even encouraged it, even in the wake of terrible tragedies like Hurricane Sandy and the shootings in Newtown. Her selfishness and sense of entitlement is astounding, and is being passed right on down to the kids.
- Kate tried to pretend she was still fighting traffic during the president debates, but Bravo's Andy Cohen actually called her out for the lying compulsive liar that she is and told us all he saw her watching The Real Housewives, actually. That was classic. And typical. Voting records revealed Kate never bothered to change her polling place when she moved, what was it, four years ago?
- Kate's made many inappropriate comments about body weight and exercise over the years, encouraging unhealthy preoccupations with appearance in her young impressionable fans, but the worst was when she tweeted a fan "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Ugh.
- Hide the bunny. Kate's manic posts on Easter were just odd, and creepy.
- We couldn't believe our ears when we heard Kate talking about periods and bra shopping with the twins. We used to joke that's what would be exploited next, only Kate was for real. We wish there were room for this one in the top 10.

And now, the long awaited worst moment of the year....
1. Coupon Crapin
It was a really tough call this year between whether the cruise cancellation or the Coupon Cabin firing was Kate's worst moment of the year. Ultimately, Coupon Cabin just barely edged out the cruise, due to one generous CEO named Scott. Instead of just quietly letting her go, Scott decided to put it all out there in a brief but succinct letter. In it, he laid out exactly why he could no longer have her on his team, from her lack of authenticity, to her utter inability to fit in with everyone else, to her entourage, to her polarizing posts. The letter so aptly described the joke of a celebrity we've all for so long tried to explain she is, it was sort of our own personal vindication. Or if you like, "We told you so, suckers!" To this day, it's fun to speculate what in the world she did this time that would prompt Scott to fire off such a scathing Dear John. The world may never know. Here it is again:
A Letter from CouponCabin CEO Scott Kluth
To all our Kate blog readers:
Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.
A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on CouponCabin.com. Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.
Scott Kluth
Founder and CEO of CouponCabin.com
3. Tony finally wins Dancing With the Stars! May his prize be no one ever asks him about Kate again.
2. No more child exploitation. Rep. Murt's bill, inspired by disturbing information he heard from us and others about working conditions on the Gosselins' set, was signed into law.
1. YOU! Yes, You. And you, and you, and you. The people on this blog have always been close, but what's been really cool about this year is to watch this blog really progress into a true community. Comments on posts increased dramatically this year (some posts had over 1,000 after only a few days!) as it became more of a porch gathering every day and sometimes late into the night. We threw a few virtual parties and had a blast, screened some fantastic quality reality T.V. like The Farmer's Wife and The Dust Bowl, and we even invented our own drink. We hit 8 million hits this year and surpassed 9 million just this week. So bottoms up, here's a round of Rumspringas on us. Happy New Year, everyone.
646 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 646 of 646 Newer› Newest»Permanent Name in Blue said... 197
I have the same WS apron and I don't so much mind the strap around the neck when it's on, but my glasses usually fly off my face when I take the darn thing off.
Love my WS apron and I really need it when I cook. I'm messy.
Love your solution and the Yankee ingenuity.
"Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid"- misquoted and misattributed, nonetheless, a cool quote.
PBURB said... 183
That wasn't CJ. Its a long-time "detective" who believes she's a modern-day Nancy Drew.
I'm sickened that these women aren't satisfied with the damages they've already caused and are continuing their intimidation to make haters shut up and stop bloging out of fear.
She did it to many haters who may have changed their screennames.
They love when CJ gets blamed. Keeping their public personas clean has been part of their mission. Taking this blog down, one poster at a time, is another mission.
ANY personal info is noted. THey may change their blog names but they are still the original ladies from "Where's Aunt Jodi" on Cafemm and the posters/moderators of GDNOP.
A detective OTHER than CJ? I am confused. And you said 'they'? More than one? I am not afraid of any whack-a-doo Kate fanatics trying to 'take down' someone from a blog whose opinion they oppose. I, and we, have done nothing wrong. I am perfectly free to say I dont like the way Kate raises her children, or treated her husband. I am free to say I dont like the way she dresses, if I choose, which I rarely talk about cuz normally I dont care how she dresses. I have never posted here from work, because I can't, so they can't call my employer, which I would to see them try anyway, go ahead, I'll give them a head start, It's the United States Navy and the NSA. Good luck with that. I am sure they would love to listen to their complaints, LOL!! So what else? Why are they so F$%&n' crazy??? I am talking to YOU, crazy sheeple fans? What gives? Go away and play on your own, poisoned blog. This blog is harmless, keep your 5150 drama to yourselves. Happy New Year :)
Happy Birthday Dwindle (&Jane's son)! Blow out the candle that I'm holding in front of me and make a wish.
Year of the teenagers huh? She really is pushing the twins now and the 6 seem to have taken a back seat (for now). If age 12 is the year of the teenagers, just wait until they hit 16!
Twittering and Twattering,
"Yes, indeed. They are going from age eight to 13 this year, skipping five years in between. Amazing, isn't it? And the following year they will be celebrating their 18th birthdays and their freedom. "
From your lips to God's ears!
I hate to ask, but was it me they went after? I just had a little spike in my obscure blog views and am feeling paranoid.
Happy new year, all.
Happy 2013 everyone! We are having so much fun here and hoping for the best year ever! In my world, 2013 is 'the year of the teenagers'! ��
I get the feeling Kate gets the twins a whole lot and the tups spend time with Jon.
Just the way I read (between the lines of) her tweets.
I think the kids switch off between Kate and Jon and yeah, maybe she does have some kids most of the time, but not all the kids all the time (well, except 4 days a month to the person who should have no say in their raising... ugh).
Tucker's Mom, I agree. I have had a "mother's feeling" for some time (based on trying to interpret Kate's tweets) that she does not have the tups as much as she would like the sheeple to believe. No Proof....just a mother's hunch.
PJ's momma said... 5
I hate to ask, but was it me they went after? I just had a little spike in my obscure blog views and am feeling paranoid.
Happy new year, all.
LOL! maybe you should have that song "I always feel like, somebody's watching me" play everytime someone looks at your profile :D
Happy New Year to all!
Happy Birthday, Duchess Dwindle.
I have this picture in my head of a bunch of busybodies furiously scribbling in their notebooks every little fact we may reveal about ourselves. How clever. We barely discuss their hero anymore so I don't get the fascination. I post more about the OT topics now and enjoy hearing about everyone's joys and even sorrows. This is a fun group and it's sad that the only joy they have left is trying to mess with all of us. My wish for 2013 is that they all find new hobbies.
Thank you for the quote, however misquoted it is - the quote is spot on!
The older I get, the more years I am privileged to live the more I embrace recycle, reuse and repurpose.
There is just damned much STUFF in this world and I'm embarrassed I was so lazy for so long trying to buy a new one when all I had to do was FIX the old one.
I have to say again how proud I am that I finally (after only 9 years) fixed it myself... :-)
I too love this apron - it's thick, sturdy and has served me well. I am known far and wide for dripping things on my front. The family always kids me about the 'spots' on my tshirts.
It's a skill, a talent, I guess to be able to drip something on my front EVERY MEAL. Yeah, my kid was rolling eyes when he was younger. Now he just lovingly gazes at his 'dottering old mom' and says 'isn't she a sweetie'..... GAKKKK.... I'll kick his butt - ha ha.
I get the same image. I know- we should all make up fake identity - a completely ridiculous one, for ourselves, and post tidbits and lets those crazy ding-bats go chase those dead-ends. Maybe we could even put out some coordinates, and make it a game of geocaching, hehehe. I agree, they need new hobbies. I hear their idol Kate is into running ;)
My dad was with NSA after 30 years Air Force pilot.
We lived at Ft. Meade and then off base in a Levittown planned community down 301.
Small world.
Permanent Name in Blue said... 197
It needs done? I'm going to do it.
I tell ya, I feel so relaxed now that strap is gone and the weight is on my shoulders instead... I might even sit around today and read, all day....
*** Wouldn't it be nice if all our problems were this small and this easily fixed? ***
HOGS to all from snowy but sunny midwest <3 <3 <3
Hogs to you too, Permanent
I had eight panels of sheer drapes that needed to be hemmed by hand. I kept putting it off and putting it off. Ack! The measuring, the pressing, the pinning, the basting, the sewing and then the pressing again. When I finally got down to doing it last month it took me about a day and half to get the job finished, between other chores around here. They look so nice now that they're hung. But longer I put it off the bigger the job became in my head. In reality it didn't take long at all and it was so satisfying.
Good resolution. JUST DO IT!!
“Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.” ~ Christopher Parker
Permanent Name in Blue said... 12,
it is a small world, I work with soooo many AF :)
I havent made it to Meade, yet, but it is one of the places i could end up (we get stationed by our languages). I am actually headed back to Cali for more training- YAY cali, HOME!
There's a couple of other posters on here that are tied into the intel community.
My sweetie is there now, right off the 301, oh, the traffic.
I had eight panels of sheer drapes that needed to be hemmed by hand. I kept putting it off and putting it off. Ack! The measuring, the pressing, the pinning, the basting, the sewing and then the pressing again. When I finally got down to doing it last month it took me about a day and half to get the job finished, between other chores around here. They look so nice now that they're hung.
Congratulations on that feat! I have a simpler solution though, I would raise the rod LOL
I have that WS apron in green, I've had it for years and it still is in great shape. I switch off with my Mickey Mouse one, which does not have an adjustable neck. But I always always wear an apron for cooking, and good aprons are very hard to come by.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 200
What is her DEAL?
Well, to state the obvious, to the choir who knows the truth (hows that for mixing sayings?)
kart is a lying liar who lies. Simple. Easy peasy.
Me, I don't for one minute believe anything, NOT ANYTHING, she says, twits, blogs or whines.
AND, I think she has many made up twitter accounts and twits to herself all those crazy complimentary twits and questions.
I believe firmly that she posts here as a shitstirrer. she's a bully and an angry mental midget with a mean streak a mile wide. Disclaimer: just my humble opinion, of course...
Did she have the kids for Xmas and New Years? Did she say she did? Then she didn't.
Did someone twit that she was spotted on vacation with family and friends? Then she wasn't. She has no friends and is estranged from her family.
she is just, only, always and pathetically a lying liar who lies. her pants are always on fire while she hangs from the telephone wire in the front of her house so the paps can take pictures.
Uh oh....
There is a mean looking brown-haired lady on the banner above who says I'd better pay attention to her or she's outta here! She seems to be trying to get business for Gentle Dental.
Well honey, standing with your hands on your hips, a frown on your face and threatening to leave if I don't pay attention to you is certainly not going to get me to sign up for Gentle Dental....
I just love these banner ads. Sometimes they can be so amusing... I almost miss Stephanie....
But I always always wear an apron for cooking, and good aprons are very hard to come by.
Yes! Must have the adjustable neck and long enough strings to cinch around the waist and back to tie in the front. Then, towel gets tucked in and I'm good to go.
Remember New Years a few years ago? They were traveling somewhere. Kate was in a light blue sequin dress, just her and the kidd and Steve and the rest of her staff.
They were in a hotel room, with some lame food set out. No one seemed to be having a good time. The kids kept looking around, like what are we supposed to be doing? We don't get it...what is fun about this?
The staff spent most of their time trying to stay out of camera range.
Most pathetic New Year's Eve ever.
I wonder what she grifted for this year?
permanent name....16:
I got a kick out of your comment! LOL!
might be your humble opinion but i agree 100% too!
lying liar who lies....ALL THE TIME.
She is such a loser....to me.
Oops, I got that wrong... she wants me to pay attention to "her needs".....
Hmmm, why do I think that has some sexual innuendo overtones???? LOL
I'm baaaaaaadddd!
Must. Get. Mind. Out. Of. Gutter.
Auntie Ann, doesn't it feel good to have those drapes hemmed?! YES! Deserves a chocolate....
Berks resident said... 15
Congratulations on that feat! I have a simpler solution though, I would raise the rod LOL
I'd have to raise the roof hehe. They are ceiling to floor drapes in a bay window area. Sigh.
Permanent. Yep. Feels good, looks good. And it was #SuperFUN,FUN,FUN to get it done done done.
(okay, that last part was a lie, it wasn't fun. I bitched the entire time. I cannot use a thimble so my fingers took a beating, lol!)
Remember New Years a few years ago? They were traveling somewhere. Kate was in a light blue sequin dress, just her and the kidd and Steve and the rest of her staff.
They were in a hotel room, with some lame food set out. No one seemed to be having a good time. The kids kept looking around, like what are we supposed to be doing? We don't get it...what is fun about this?
I remember we were all saying how just SAD that was. Here you are in a foreign country in some strange hotel room having New Year's with your hired help. The STAFF. Where are the friends and family? Where are the things familiar to the kids? Where is the yummy food?
It's like she has no idea how to create a cozy and warm good time. None. And when the Palin's created that cozy and warm good time she freaked out and ripped the kids away from it. She has such serious problems.
Happy 2013 everyone!
Wasn't that the Australia trip? I remember the party was for the cameras not for the kids. But Kate was happy and that's all that really counts. #snark!
Was that also the episode where she ALLOWED the kids to phone their dad? And of course, it just had to be caught on film.
Mel said... 19
That New Year's celebration was when they were in Australia. They had a party in their room and then went to the Sydney fireworks display. The kids were having meltdowns, and Kate sent Cara to the bus--someone else (or maybe it was Cara) kept saying "Mommy, I promise I didn't do anything, I promise" and it seemed that there was total fear in her voice. After reading Robert's book, I understand why. That whole part of the episode was very painful to watch. You can watch it here: The party starts about 16:30 and the fireworks follow right after.
Kate made so many excuses for the way the kids acted up at the fireworks--yet, they still filmed it and aired it.
Whether they're with Kate or not this New Year's, at least the kids are not being filmed.
Wasn't it the fireworks where they were sequestered in a tiny little portion of roped off area and they all had to cram in their life sardines? Why was that, the only place they could film? The beauty of warm weather fireworks is watching all the kids running around carefree. Poor kids.
Slightly OT but along the lines of Permanent's comment about Stuff:
Has anyone heard of Purple Heart Pickup Service? They will pick up used clothes, household goods, small appliances, toys, etc. I believe they mostly sell the items to raise funds for veterans. DH and I are months into a massive cleanup effort and I'm looking for a good place to donate things. The stuff is garage sale worthy but I really can't face that task.
Any reviews of this org would be appreciated. They are mainly East coast I think and have a website: www.purpleheartpickup.org.
Twittering And Twattering said... 199
Kate tweeted...
Happy 2013 everyone! We are having so much fun here and hoping for the best year ever! In my world, 2013 is 'the year of the teenagers'! 😳
A fan tweeted...
@Kateplusmy8 oh my gosh! Teenagers? All of them?! ALREADY?
Yes, indeed. They are going from age eight to 13 this year, skipping five years in between. Amazing, isn't it? And the following year they will be celebrating their 18th birthdays and their freedom.
Kate has NO CLUE what awaits her. She had better grow some patience first. It's going to come in handy 8x's.
I wonder if there's an affirmation on teens, and how quickly they age you.
Much love to the young folk here ;o)
Happy, healthy 2013 to all!
Happy 2013 my 15-minute friends!!!!
Here's to another year of you keeping me entertained ... and hopefully some extra time for me to post more often.
BRRRR COLD in good old Tippecanoe County IN. I'm so ready for Spring and it's only January 1st.
If I drink enough RumSPRINGa will I at least think it's Spring?!! :-)
I used to have little parties for my daughter for New Years, just her and I (on the every OTHER year I had her cough cough). But that party with waitresses and waiters there to serve the kids on "golden platters"! No wonder they melt down. They've been treated like they are entitled to the finest of everything.
SeeSaw said... 28
I've done Purple Heart many times and I just call to schedule a pick up and get my stuff to the curb. They leave a receipt in the door.
To Permanent Name in Blue,
Let's talk aprons.
I wear an apron every day around the house.
Can't seem to function without one on.
I must have 8 or 10 aprons that hang from my neck. Several times a day I try to hike it up to keep my neck free. I look at them often, trying to figure out how to modify them so they are off my neck. I couldn't see any way to fix it.
So, just yesterday I ordered two new aprons that cross in the back. They cost $24.00 each!
I hated to spend that on aprons, but thought maybe when they came I could possibly make a pattern from one and sew one up myself.
Wish I had your ingenuity! I am anxiously awaiting delivery of my new aprons.
I tried Purple Heart, sent an email saying what I had (solid hardrock head & footboard for full size bed, excellent quality).
I never heard back. I was disappointed... I just cannot get rid of this bed. It's in such good condition. So frustrating because I know someone out there could use it, but not being able to connect is annoying.
Ah well. Maybe I'll make a PHONE CALL next week.
Yes, a good apron does cost, it seems. I especially like the WS ones because they are a canvas type fabric. Nothing will seep through if I splash. I got mine as an xmas gift from DS.
Where did you order the cross-in-the-back aprons from, if you don't mind my asking....
PJ's momma said..
I hate to ask, but was it me they went after? 5
No, it was directed at someone else here
Whoever wrote it did a nice job of channeling cj though.
The whole thing is just bizarre.,
To those mentioning aprons, try Etsy.com. There's a wide variety of styles at all costs.
Thanks Tucker's Mom and Permanent.
I usually call the Salvation Army if I have furniture.
First post of the new year! Hold hands and head on over.
We have something similar. A DV shelter leaves bright yellow bags on our doorstep and we fill them with whatever we want to get rid of and leave them out and they come pick them up on our scheduled day. It's awesome in terms of convenience. Just open the bag, put the stuff in a bag and you're done. They even give you a receipt. I also have a PlanetAid dropbox right on a main road I take all the time. Between those two it's so easy to get rid of things I don't need, which I've been trying hard to do lately. They have made charitable giving so easy for working, busy people, and that's great.
Franky here on stupid android smart phone
nods to Beloeil..
non pj..don't think it was you
thanks to Charlie for catching it..must admit my shackles were up
but remember..sheeple are just that..and harmless
so..to plan a vacay meet and greet in Niagra..hmmm..we can do it
yes sheeple will try to detectivise their way in...whatever..lol..Let me think about Canadian side..a closed fb group maybe..vetted by admin?
she can see our IPs and know it is us
How I did it was this way (hope my directions are clear enough)...
I made DH put on the apron and tie it in the back.
I took the neck strap and put it over my shoulder going straight down his back to the top edge of the wrapped around back part.
Pinned it there, then sewed it.
Put a new strap made from some coordinating fabric in the same position just on the other side.
My apron has two different straps, sort of like wearing a red sock and a yellow sock. The 'tightness' of the shoulder straps is tight enough to keep them ON my shoulders when the apron is tied in back.
Clear as mud? LOL
Hope that helps. DH said "but the straps don't match", and *I* said, "well honey, they are not supposed to!"
He got a funny look on his face, started to say something, thought better of it, and went to watch the game. Trained him well, ha ha....
I had another little issue with a mattress pad - it got a little wear-tear down around the middle of the foot area. My first thought was to run out and get another pad. But then I thought, when looking at the whole thing, it was in pretty good shape otherwise, so why buy a whole 'nother one - king size - it would be soooo pricey.
So I made a patch, just like the patches to our jeans we used to put on in the 60s.
I love this saying:
Use it up,
Wear it out,
Make do,
Or do without.
I think our American lifestyle and culture is slowly changing from the 'era of acquisition and materialism' to a more frugal and simple lifestyle. I like to think that folks are realizing what is really important - family, values, hard work, a caring stewardship of the land and our resources...
I know there are folks who have been frugal all along for many reasons. I am just finding out how good it feels to make do. Too soon old, too late wise, huh...
One very good apron and one kingsize mattress pad will not be going to a landfill this day my friends... (nod to George on Seinfeld)
I think I must have missed some pretty interesting posts yesterday. I was on here and really didnt see anything that would have been scary,albeit they were rule breaking, but I do know that quite a few posts got swiffered. There was one calling me a name because I had said anon removed her own message, but no sooner did I see that post and it was gone.
Happy New year everyone am moving over to the new post.
Wishing everyone a very happy 2013!
On the subject of re-use: A little sewing skill can go a long way. This year I dusted off my sewing machine. It all started with one costume, then there was some extra fabric so it was easy enough to turn out a second. Then at rehearsal there were a few items missing (a hat or two, some wings, etc) the next thing I knew a third of the kids were wearing something turned out on my dining room table.
In the end, they were all excited and proud to have something made just for them and I got cleaner closets.
Admin said...
Not to mention, does she really expect us to believe that she got New Year's TOO??? Come off it, no family law order works that way unless dad is dead. What is her DEAL?
Because of the nasty passive aggressive tweets she's made about Jon and implying the kids don't want to be with him, I've wondered if she's succeeded in the parental alienation and is not sending them to visit with Jon. I know she has to if it's ordered, but that doesn't mean she's doing it. Maybe Jon can't afford to go back to court and fight for his right to see them and she's getting away with it? I wouldn't put it past her, that's for sure. And, I honestly can't see her doing anything to promote the loving relationships he's had with his kids in the past. IDK, just a thought.
Hi Ladies, Happy New year from Australia.
Admin #27, funny you should mention the filming on New Year with K+8, that episode was just on cable here again, and I always wondered why they chose that location to film K+8 on fireworks night.
I live just up the road from there, and it is one of the best locations to view the fireworks, but it is a public park, and as such it gets crowded, very crowded. It is mostly locals, as because the area is very exclusive,(homes in the area start at 2 million)the police close the roads off early in the afternoon to avoid the crush, and complaints from the wealthy residents. The park is also 'Alcohol Free' so you only seem to get families attend, unlike the city which gets the 'rowdier crowd'.
The park is controlled by local council and police on that night, so the film crew would have to of had permission to erect the 'little enclosure' they did, but it must have been torture for Kate to be amongst all the local 'riff-raff', even if most of them could buy and sell her ten times over lol.
I am suprised they didn't arrange for her and the kids to watch from a private house, as we have the same view from our verandah and so do many of the houses in the area, I know many homes around here are used for filming movies and commercials etc, could have been easily arranged, I'm sure.
We also have two times for the fireworks, we have a display at 9pm and again at midnight. The earlier one is for the families with small children, so I am sure the one Kate saw was the early one, so she could get the kids back to the hotel and off her hands leaving the rest of the night for Kate.
I did feel sorry for those kids being shut in that tiny little fenced thing while watching all the other children running around having fun, but in Kate's world it's all about the filming, sad.
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