Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Spirit of Giving

This is a time of year that is about love, family, friends and most of all giving. Discuss holiday plans, recipes, gifts (the tangible and intangible) and more here.

Meanwhile, just in time for the season, Netflix and Amazon.com have released for streaming a raw and intense documentary about giving, Craigslist Joe.

In December 2011, 29-year-old Joe Garner decided to see if he could live solely off the generosity of others all month long. He empties his wallet and takes to Craigslist. The dozens and dozens of heartwarming (and often funny!) encounters Joe has with people from Craigslist moves him, and viewers, to tears. In particular, he is once invited to stay with an Iraqi family in Seattle. They tell him about their experiences, good and bad, as immigrants in the U.S. And in New York, he meets an eccentric woman named Fran with cancer. Joe quickly realizes Fran has a severe hoarding problem. Without judgement, he spends a few hours at her place clearing one small area for her to sit, bringing joy and peace to Fran. Will Joe find a place to rest his head and food to eat every day? The answer may surprise you. 

A Zach Galifianakis produced film (yes, that crazy guy from The Hangover!) Craigslist Joe is the ultimate 31-day grifting plan--and yet this grifting had a greater purpose. To see if most people really are generous, open, and good at heart. Perhaps the most moving moment of all is when Joe's mother talks about the experience. She says she wasn't going to worry about her son out there. She was confident her boy would find plenty of good people to help him. We were rooting throughout the film for Joe to prove his mom right. Thank you, Joe and Zach.

1625 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Bearswife said... 1

Wow, Craigslist JOe sounds good - and how appropriate, he's a GRIFTER! lol Albeit, not one like kHatie.

Bringing this over from the last thread, where I was busy playing catch-up...

Dwindle, can I come over too? I will bring my own crockpot (and a pillow)!

Pink, we have to take a yearly animal first aid class and we were told that it is extremely rare for a dog to choke on it's own tongue. so although your instinct may be to open the dogs mouth, keep your fingers out! You may be accidentally bitten. http://pets1st.com/articles/00085epilepsy.asp

Tucker's Mom, glad to know your Bichon is doing better. We have a bichon at work named Tucker. He is the cutest, sweetest, happiest boy! He is 1/8th Jack Russell, so he looks exactly like a bichon but with some dark spots! Adorable.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

Bearswife it was fantastic! I watched it this weekend. Even the trailer makes me cry LOL. The song "I am lost and found, oh I am lost and found." LOL I turn into a blubbering baby. You won't regret spending a couple hours with Craigslist Joe.

This film actually got a lot of criticism for Joe just being a grifter! They missed the point though. Kate grifts just to get stuff because she wants more stuff. Joe was grifting for a very LIMITED time to actually survive because he wanted to prove that people were basically good at heart. He had an unselfish reason for his grifting. I think his film will bring hope to a lot of people this holiday season. Hope in this country and in humanity.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

We should probably start planning our holiday party too. When is it?? I'll man the potato bar since I'll have experience!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 4

You'll also notice Joe never says an unkind word or snickers or whatever about his subjects. Some of them are really weird and I can't say I wouldn't crack a joke. Some of them are how I picture some of the sheeple. But Joe showed them respect and dignity.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 5

By the way that's Fran in the picture. Look at her smile. He made her SO happy. What a beautiful woman.

HistoryBarf said... 6

I hope to have Christmas and Christmas Eve off, as I had to work Crisis during the Thanksgiving holiday. I had to commit a boy to a psychiatric hospital on Thanksgiving night, all because he was threatening to hurt himself if he didn't get to go home and eat dinner with his family. Sad part is, his mother is dead and his dad is in prison. He is in one of our group homes for unruly youth.

Anyhoo, I plan to spend a wonderful holiday with my hubby, dad, siblings, two children and my four grandchildren. After seeing what my clients go through with their families, I thank my lucky stars that my family isn't dysfunctional.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 7

Poor, poor nosy Milo. She gave up pestering Kate as to her whereabouts before Lights Out Man showed up. I noticed that she seems to have a fixation about Kate's bed and when Kate's lights go out.

@Kateplusmy8 So what on earth have U been up 2busy woman? Im fearin we're gonna get a ..."Im exhausted" tweet any moment! LOL

@Kateplusmy8 HaHa..."another day got away"...Did Kate get away? LOL I bet ur...TTTT #TooTiredToTweet Bed here she comes! :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 8

I find it funny that the sheeple are always defending her saying how busy and tired she is with 8 kids, yet they freak out and wonder what she could possibly be up to when she's quiet. Sheeple, check your own manuels. she has 8 kids remember? What do you think shes up to??

JoyinVirginia said... 9

Serendipity, coincidence, whatever you call it, it is kinda cool when you cross paths with people by happening to be in the same place at the same time.
Few years back, local bicycle club was having annual picnic at park. On theclub rife before picnic, several members stopped at same store a couple was stopped at. This couple was fully loaded on their bicycles, they were from Australia! They had flown into San Francisco and then bicycled to Washington state to see friends, then bicycled across the country and we were on the route toward the end of their journey. Other cyclists invited them to come to picnic, everyone talked to them, and they ended up coming home with us, we live closer to the route they would take next day. After they left out house, they ran into another stranger the next day who put them up for the night. Across the country, they had just started talking to lots of people during their journey, and they said everyone had been so nice. They had been given food, invited in for meals, given a free place to stay, they were so impressed by Americans and their generosity and welcome.
Few years later we were on group ride going to my folks house, group of our friends was bicycling there and going to spend the night. I drove the van carrying everyone s luggage. When I got to house, found that the group had grown by one, found a solitary bicyclist who was going from Florida to Boston. It was near the fourth of July. That was the best night, we all went to the beach after dark and watched fireworks from a nearby town across the Chesapeake Bay. I was able to call a friend and get the solitary cyclist a fee place to stay the next night too along his route.
Brief encounters, but fun! And makes me wonder, what if you bicycled past that place ten minutes later, or earlier, and never made that connection. Would it make any important changes for you? For the other person?
Being kind to a stranger gives you as much as the stranger I think. Isn't there something about entertaining angels unaware?
I am looking forward to this documentary. Admin, you have made great picks so far, I trust this one will be good too.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 10

I find it funny that the sheeple are always defending her saying how busy and tired she is with 8 kids, yet they freak out and wonder what she could possibly be up to when she's quiet.


Yes, and they tweet out of both sides of their mouths. One sheeple (second Milo wannabe) tweeted:

My wish for 2013 is that people respect @Kateplusmy8 and her kids privacy.

And yet she's as nosy as they come:

@Kateplusmy8 from now on will the kids get to choose who they spend the holiday with? I think it's great that you let them decide.

xxxxx@Kateplusmy8 how early do the kids wake you up on Xmas morning? I'm sure it's a magical day for all!

@Kateplusmy8 those little moments have the greatest impact. Are Hannah and Leah still extremely close? Do any others have close bonds?

JoyinVirginia said... 11

I plan to bring a pumpkin roll to the holiday party. And a crockpot full of little smokies, tiny hot dogs, in sweet baby rays barbecue sauce. Or maybe ham biscuits. What is everyone else gonna bring?
GN all! #DwindleIsNotTheOnlyOneWho CantSleep!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 12

Joy yes I'm a big believer in pay it forward. That's kind of what this film does test if people believe that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

Sleepless I know. The things they ask about these kids is absurd.

@Kateplusmy8 from now on will the kids get to choose who they spend the holiday with? I think it's great that you let them decide.

Me: None of your business.

xxxxx@Kateplusmy8 how early do the kids wake you up on Xmas morning? I'm sure it's a magical day for all!

Me: None of your business.

@Kateplusmy8 those little moments have the greatest impact. Are Hannah and Leah still extremely close? Do any others have close bonds?

Me: None of your business!!!!

Anonymous said... 14

Joy pissed me off for about 3 minutes, then I got over it and decided to dance with her.

She posts here because she's welcome.

Can all parents afford a treat for the entire class?

save the 8 said... 15

Aren't Ex Nurse and thaat poster who was accused of racism welcome here as well? Seems the owner here picks and chooses whose attacks stay up or get pulled down.

How's about in the 'giving' nature of this post, the owner here keeps the rules equal?

Oh and Joy? An apology would be nice.

silimom said... 16

Admin - this looks really interesting. Thanks for the suggestion.

Save the 8 - Huh? I must be missing something. Ex Nurse is a long time poster and I enjoy discussions with her and hearing her opinions. I don't agree sometimes, but that doesn't mean she isn't welcome here. Where did you get the idea her post was taken down? I just spent 20 minutes writing a response to one of the points she brought up. I love education and I love the fact that she shared her observations which led to the discussion.

Yes, some people get indignant. Again, I may have missed something in the last post but it didn't seem anyone was being exceptionally rude. I think this is a hot topic for parents. I know it is in my district. At my daughters' schools the classrooms are only allowed only one party day a month, per district standards. Also all food brought must be on the pre-approved healthy food list and can only be store bought. This is because districts are being sued by parents over food allergies and the fact that their children are obese. And not being sued in a "We want to change the system" kind of way but a "We want monetary compensation" way. The district's legal departments are setting the policies in response to these types of actions. It's why there are "Zero Tolerance" policies in place now.

I'm being dragged off to bed by my husband because I told him to so I'd get to bed before 2 (Not sure I'll get to sleep before then, but that's a different issue. Got to love peri-menopause!)

Nite all.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 17

Greedy @17: Anyway, as someone else once said here, no good deed goes unpunished. I've talked with him many times since then and unfortunately, my opinion of you changed. I think when others in a community express any kind of emotion of the negative kind, perhaps ADDRESSING it may be the best route to take. You just know Matt would have done that.


What does this have to do with anything? Why this personal post addressed to Joy?

I don't understand any of this, or what the heck you're talking about.

Starz22 said... 18

I walked into my local Walmart...I was given an evil look and a hard bell shake from the guy hoping to get donations for his red bucket.I didn't give a dollar at that time,altho I have already given 20+ dollars since November..

I'm not a rich person.I do have two kids.2 Kids who's father we haven't seen from of heard from for over 5 years and then some.We don't have alot...we don't have all the name brand stuff...
This year I was able to get my daughter a $175 phone and my son a $197 ipod g4 touch....this was the 1st thing for both of them that they got NEW...never owned b4...1st time in their lives for a NEW device...

My kids said to me Mom...can we give them back? We want to go to the shelter and help again.I was in awe...my son said for the 1st time he'd be like every other kid,playing on his ipod school...but he was willing to give it up to help other people...
Sorry but ...I felt so good...knowing my kids really know what it means to need. Gadgets they may want...but they KNOW it really means nothing.Helping people...giving food and heat and shelter means more.

As a single mom...a real single mom kate...the kids dad is no where around...I'm so very proud of my kids.They have learned that giving is better than grifting/receiving .Too bad you can't do that for your own kids.

Dutch Tulip said... 19

Well I'm not bringing special brownies ( don't want to spend christmas as a special guest of customs) so instead I'll bring real dutch appeltaart (applepie)!

localyocul said... 20

Are we really being mean-spirited and petty over a Dancing with the Stars "spoiler"? C'mon! What is this, high school? Very disappointed.

TLC stinks said... 21

Oops. I posted this on the previous thread.

I think my wish for the New Year is about to come true...no more Kate Gosselin. The fact that this blog is taking a new path proves that. The only thing I am waiting on yet is Robert's revised book. I hope it goes mainstream. It may give Kate some publicity for the short term, but oh, it will be sooooo bad for the long term.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Dwindle said... 22

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 8
I find it funny that the sheeple are always defending her saying how busy and tired she is with 8 kids, yet they freak out and wonder what she could possibly be up to when she's quiet. Sheeple, check your own manuels. she has 8 kids remember? What do you think shes up to??


Well, they are dyin' to know, same as us! She has someone to do the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, the yard, the pool, the grocery shopping, the special events, the homework help, the nightly group hosing down, getting the children ready in the morning... By her own admission she goes MONTHS without entering their bedrooms and then only to throw their possesions down the stairs... So yeah, Milo would like to know what she does all day. Milo's little fantasy episodes are getting kind of thin... You know, the ones that Milo always starts with "I'm sure that..." "I bet that..." "I know that..."

Dwindle said... 23

localyocul said... 22
Are we really being mean-spirited and petty over a Dancing with the Stars "spoiler"? C'mon! What is this, high school? Very disappointed.


It is indeed disappointing that it keeps coming up.

handinhand said... 24

A little OT:
I've been watching Catfish the series On Demand and skip through to the end to see the initial meet up of the online romances. So far, I think all four of the stories have ended in deceit (some show really big time deception).
After watching the movie, I guess I thought this may have been more of a regional thing. I have relatives very near that Upper Michigan location and know that area quite well. There was a poster here (forget who) earlier who had spent time in Ishpeming, MI, and described the culture there the same way I know it to be. (I think that post is in the Catfish thread). I thought Angela, the woman from the movie, created a profile to escape what can be a difficult life in that area. But as these episodes play out, I seeing that it's not geographically exclusive.
It makes you realize how desperately people want to portray themselves as something that they're not, for whatever reason, and how the internet makes it that much easier to do. And that brings me back a little more on topic. I agree with the sentiment Admin mentioned recently when she wrote that Kate just plays the role of good mother on the internet (something to that effect). If someone feels so inclined, it's easy to do.

Anonymous said... 25

Thanks for choosing this movie, sounds wonderful and I can;t wait to watch it.

People really are good at heart, unfortunately, we've been conditioned to fear each other.

I made a pledge (to myself) to smile/make eye contact with each person I passed while going about errands, etc. It is astounding how no one makes eye contact anymore. We don't even recognize each other anymore.

But, I will keep at it. Smiling, eye contact and a hello, if the person looks up.


FYI said... 26

I really like this guy, William Mantic, who writes articles for Gather.com. He has been calling Kate out on her tweets lately, and in this one he addressed Kate's tweet yesterday about getting old.

"So, Kate took a really important question to her Twitter followers on Tuesday. Gosselin tweeted, "Tell me, when the days fly by at the speed of light, does that mean we're getting old... Or just that we have too much to do? :) Another day got away.."

Best line of the whole article:

"What do you think? Is Kate getting old... or is her complaining about having too much to do what is really getting old?"


TLC stinks said... 27

I think she spends her time driving back and forth to the mail center in town picking up all those packages from Amazon, etc. and the sheeple gifts.

Mel said... 28

I made a pledge (to myself) to smile/make eye contact with each person I passed while going about errands, etc.

I hear ya!
We have a pretty unpleasant head of HR at work. My goal since July 2011 was to get her to say hello to me in the hall two times in a row (cuz the first time might have been a fluke) with a friendly look on her face, instead of her usual 'die b*tch' look.

Took me a year and a half, but I finally did it...good for me. Did my happy dance all the way down the hall. :-)

Formerly Duped said... 29

William Mantic of Gather has Kate's number! His articles are usually sarcastic and amusing. Fewer and fewer comments on Kate on many articles, a good sign.

Watched one Catfish; I am SO busy ( or old!) I am getting behind here!lol

Dmasy said... 30

12-12-12. I will be 88 years until we see another date duplication.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 31

I made a pledge (to myself) to smile/make eye contact with each person I passed while going about errands, etc. It is astounding how no one makes eye contact anymore. We don't even recognize each other anymore.


Oh that's great. I want to do that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 32

localyocul said... 22
Are we really being mean-spirited and petty over a Dancing with the Stars "spoiler"? C'mon! What is this, high school? Very disappointed.


It is indeed disappointing that it keeps coming up.


Yes really. Move on please!

Formerly Duped said... 33

I do that- sometimes get ignored or weird looks. oh well, my cheery nature prevails lol.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 34

Greedy Gosselins, this is the third time in a row. If you insult the posters here one more time, you are banned. Enough is enough.

I have an email address. It's very easy to send me an email if you have an issue with someone here. That is your option for dealing with your grievances.

Dwindle said... 35

Dmasy said... 32
12-12-12. I will be 88 years until we see another date duplication.


88? I FEEL about that old these days. I should NOT complain though, I do have many blessings!

Next September 10th, at 11:12 AM and PM, it will be: 9-10-11:12-13, if you are in the US and read it that way. In the UK, and Europe, it's turned around.

I am a veritable encycolpedia of useless crap!

My Yellow Lab Girl was restless last night, prowled the house, all levels, all rooms, watched out all the windows. She didnt bark, though. Rottie Man snored on the floor on my side of the bed. (Typical, huh? hehe). It crossed my mind for a hot minute what an opportunity Kate has wasted with her dog(s) to provide her and the children such a sense of love, security, companionship, safety.

For all those who are coming to my house for the holidays; I am getting my list of chores and home repairs organized and masterminded. :-) I promise to out do myself coz I am just that awesomeishy!!!! List making is exhausting and I need lots of $50 cups of coffee right now!!!!!! And I ACTUALLY drink COFFEE, not warm sugar milk!!!!! later, I will crack open the box o wine!

FYI said... 36

Kate's lastest platitude retweet:

RT @iAmTheWiseOne: The first reaction to truth is hatred.

Kate, the reason you have "haters" is because people DO know the truth about you. They have seen you on TV and have read Robert's book. The truth is that you're a child abuser, animal abuser, parental alienator and all around bad mother.

I do find it ironic that she retweeted a platitude that actually applied to her.

Dwindle said... 37

HistoryBarf said... 6


Are you a nurse or doc, hon? What a rough Thanksgiving for that young man, and for you. When my DD and I were both with hospice, the holiday calls were so hard.

Your Christmas plans sound peaceful and lovely, but if you cant stand peaceful and lovely, head on over to my e-house with the rest of the e-goofs from this blog. I'll be crock potting, Aggiemom will be doing the dishes (she promised), and everyone else will be arguing over sleeping space. If AuntieAnn comes, she will sleep wherever she drops, she usually does once she commences Rumspringin'.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 38

RT @iAmTheWiseOne: The first reaction to truth is hatred.


That's true. I really hated to find out she was a child abusing church robbing whore.

Anonymous said... 39

I made a pledge (to myself) to smile/make eye contact with each person I passed while going about errands, etc. It is astounding how no one makes eye contact anymore. We don't even recognize each other anymore.


Oh that's great. I want to do that.


I got the idea from listening to an interview with Bill Corgan (sp??) (Smashing Pumpkins) of all people. He was talking about humanity in general and how full of fear we are, how insulated, and how people don't even look up to acknowlegde you if sit next to them on the bus. I was very surprised and learned a lot from the interview. He is a mature, intelligent and spiritual (who would've thought??) man. I was very impressed.

So I took up smiling and saying 'hi' as a hobby, lol. And starting random little conversations with strangers, where appropriate. Pay it forward, build spirit of community.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 40

I got the idea from listening to an interview with Bill Corgan (sp??) (Smashing Pumpkins) of all people.


OMG. My favorite band.

Midnight Madness said... 41

I didn't feel the need to mention that until Joy kind've sort've disrespected some of us when she was asked, multiple times, not to post tv show spoilers. See, I figured she'd simply say a kind word or two acknowledging our disappointment.


There was no need to mention it. It's been over and done for quite some time. Everything has been said that some felt needed to be said, and posters who felt that they were "disrespected" have moved on. Bringing a third party into it, mentioning that person's name, in my opinion, is unwarranted.

Dmasy said... 42

Heather (anonymous) -- You are an inspiration! I am going to make an effort and smile and chat until I see people quietly moving away from my crazy self.

I think, as a whole, we are probably a friendly bunch already. But, you are reminding us to step up our game.

Thank you.

Midnight Madness said... 43

It is astounding how no one makes eye contact anymore. We don't even recognize each other anymore.


Thornton Wilder, Our Town, from Emily's monologue...

"Let's really look at one another!...I can't. I can't go on.It goes so fast. We don't have time to look at one another. I didn't realize. So all that was going on and we never noticed."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 44

I'm getting back into an old hobby of mine from high school, photography. Got some new equipment, joined a Meetup, am trying to take some classes if it can work with my schedule (no luck yet!)

It's all coming back to me now how much you can notice if you keep your head up. I can't count how many times I've noticed new things just in my own neighborhood that I never really saw before. Another nice thing about photography is the lens creates a buffer, reducing awkwardness. If I have a lens on me I'm more confident to approach new people or things. It's not just me on my own. It's cool to really engage with the world, and other people. A camera is one way to help you do it.

Count Your Blessings (AKA Amy2) said... 45

*OT* As the holidays are upon us what are you grateful for? Let me start... I'm grateful for:
--this blog of wonderful, smart, funny people
--having friends and family I can ask for help when needed
--Robert Hoffman, for having the courage to write and public his book

PJ's momma said... 46

Dang, I need to dump Blockbuster and get on Netflix. I can't ever get anything on Blockbuster. We were the 'giver' of lodging once - we were in Alaska and met some "Dutchies" who had been camping near Juneau for 6 weeks. We told them they could stay with us on their way home and they said yes. We picked them up at the airport (and boy were they ripe). We had a great night together and remain very good friends, have visited them in the Netherlands and they have come back to see us. I am even friends with their teenage son on facebook, he is darlng. Opening your heart to someone reaps great rewards sometimes.
Can I recommend 2 more? I am a documentary nerd (was the original 'recommender' of the docudrama Taking Chance many months ago) and my 2 favorites are To Be and To Have and God Grew Tired of Us. To Be and To Have is about a one-room schoolhouse in rural France,and the teacher who cares for all the kids, from K-8. It is wonderful. God Grew Tired of Us is the journey of a group of lost boys of Sudan, from their refugee camp to various cities in the US. It will make you view the things we take for granted much differently. It too is amazing.
Hope everyone has a great day.

Anonymous said... 47

Heather (anonymous) -- You are an inspiration! I am going to make an effort and smile and chat until I see people quietly moving away from my crazy self.

You would be surprised how often people respond to a bit of conversation. Just little things, like if you are shopping and looking at the same product as someone, situations like that where there is a commonality in place. Or giving a compliment (that is such a pretty pin, etc.). Even responding to cashiers in a heartfelt manner, asking them how they are doing while looking them directly in the eye, rather than an automatic robotic response. I haven't had a negative experience yet.

And it makes me feel happy, so I hope the strangers I talk to feel a bit happier also.


Amy2 said... 48

Good grief. That should read..."write and publish his book".

Improbable Dreams said... 49

Admin~ Me, too! I'm amazed, sometimes, by the things my camera captures...images within the picture frame that I somehow overlooked when I snapped the picture.

It's a metaphor, really, for the way we process memories.

What kind of camera (and lenses) do you currently use?

Midnight Madness said... 50

It's all coming back to me now how much you can notice if you keep your head up. I can't count how many times I've noticed new things just in my own neighborhood that I never really saw before.


Absolutely. I was a newspaper photographer for many years. One of my favorite things to do was to take a day away from assignments, do some people watching, go to a park or just out on the street and take candid photos of people, places and things. Along the way you meet people, talk to them, and really see "life."

Midnight Madness said... 51

Improbable Dreams said... 49

Admin~ Me, too! I'm amazed, sometimes, by the things my camera captures...images within the picture frame that I somehow overlooked when I snapped the picture.


Any ghosts? I've found images that just couldn't be explained.

Lilly said... 52

Whenever I check out at a cashier, I always look for their name tag and end the experience with a cheery Thanks Jane (or whatever) - it always brings a smile to their face. I have also been known to find their supervisor if they have done a great job packing (expecially the younger kids)and mention their name and how pleased I was - makes the supervisor smile too!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 53

Improbable, Canon 7d with the kit lens 28-200mm (people say the kit is crappy, I personally have gotten it to do great things for me), also have a 300mm telephoto from my high school days, and will be getting a Canon 50mm macro for Christmas.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@LadyAnnaKasper @RealRomaDowney @bibleseries W.O.W I already know from this music video, @bibleseries will b AMAZING! Can't wait!

She's STILL tweeting RomaDowney like they're BFFs. If I recall my Kate History correctly, Roma only ever tweeted her back a quick thank you once ages ago and never acknowledged her again despite numerous tweets from Kate nagging her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 54

It makes you feel good to interact with those around you but it also can get you out of a pinch.

I need to look up more than I do, but I do make a point to be friendly with the security and bailiffs around. It got me out of a ticket once because some jerk with a jag was complaining I was parked too close. Standard procedure would be to just write a ticket, but security guy I'm buds with recognized the car as mine and called me down to move it quietly--said we'll just pretend I snuck away before they could find me. :) Thanks, A! He also lets me leave the car there overnight if I go out of town. I prefer to leave it there with more watchful eyes on it than at home.

Midnight Madness said... 55

One of my most favorite places I've gone to was an old abandoned amusement park. The photos captured the eerie remains of a time when life was good and carefree, when summers there were highlights of a child's vacation. Now desolate and left for dead, that place served as the subject for photos that were incredibly haunting and nostalgic.

Midnight Madness said... 56

She's STILL tweeting RomaDowney like they're BFFs. If I recall my Kate History correctly, Roma only ever tweeted her back a quick thank you once ages ago and never acknowledged her again despite numerous tweets from Kate nagging her.


Oh, geez, now watch Milo tweet Roma and get in on the conversation.

PJ's momma said... 57

I encourage you to interact especially with street or lonely (sole elderly person, for example) people (not so much the obviously mentally ill, that can be dangerous). I work with homeless and so many live with 'eyes down' out of shame and fear of being judged. The greetings you give them may be the only one they get that day. Some will actually do a double take and then brighten up and return your greeting. We are created for community, not to be wandering the streets all day by ourselves with nobody to talk to or just be with.

Dutch Tulip said... 58

PJ's momma said... 46 To Be and To Have is about a one-room schoolhouse in rural France,and the teacher who cares for all the kids, from K-8
That's also a favorite of mine, highly recomend that one, it's very sweet!

PJ's momma said... 59

Dutch Tulip, don't you wonder what happened to JoJo? He was so cute and spunky and would probably be a teenager now! The way Mr. Lopez dealt with each child was so touching - especially the young girl who was so shy. I cry every time he asks her if she will come visit him.

Anonymous said... 60

I encourage you to interact especially with street or lonely (sole elderly person, for example) people (not so much the obviously mentally ill, that can be dangerous). I work with homeless and so many live with 'eyes down' out of shame and fear of being judged. The greetings you give them may be the only one they get that day. Some will actually do a double take and then brighten up and return your greeting. We are created for community, not to be wandering the streets all day by ourselves with nobody to talk to or just be with.

One of my friends is a teacher and she works with emotionally disturbed middle-schoool kids. School policy is no touching the kids, no hugs. My friend is very loving, free spirit. She said this year if a kid asks, she WILL give them a hug, as it might be the only hug they get that day/week/month.


PJ's momma said... 61

heather, I love your friend! I did a tutoring program for several years at church, we abided by the school policy as much as we could, but the best we could do was only 'side hugs' because the younger kids would literally throw themselves at you each week. They would hug you and then hold your hand as you went inside, from the snack area to the study area, and then to the exit where they'd meet their parent. They just loved the one-on-one attention and it showed. That little kid is still inside each of us.

Dutch Tulip said... 62

Pj'smom ,Ah, Jojo in his little faux- leather jacket, so cute ( and at the end when the teacher welcomes the little children that will be attending next year Jojo's little brother is amongst them). I hope and wish all these children are doing great, their teacher did his very best to give them a great education start, such a loving teacher.

PJ's momma said... 63

Dutch Tulip, I think JoJo would be about 17 now! It was made in 2002, I just looked it up. Some of the older kids are probably married with families of their own. It is such a heartwarming piece, I always feel privileged to be peeking at their lives.

pam said... 64

I have been in sales for a long time. I was told by a "higher up" that a really fun thing to do was to find something,about each and every person, that you liked...admired...thought was wonderful...etc. and tell them. With all the negativity in the world, this works wonders.

Dwindle said... 65

All Points Bulletin! Missing Posters Alert!

Last I heard, FoTK wasnt feeling well. And where is Mrs. Malaprop? There are others... Missing Without a Trace. Did Chefsummer fall in her soup? Is Aggie so jellus of my crockpots that she is hiding in her 44Qt Kitchen Aid mixer? Lbelle...????

I think from now on we should send Admin our real names, addresses, phone numbers, and hat sizes, photos, and next of kin. Not the names and addresses of the next of kin, but the actual PERSON. yes, indeed, just shove that Loved One in a crate and mail em off to Admin. That way when one of us disappears, The Blog Girls can get right on it, cast out the big fishin' pole and reel us each back in.

Oh yes I do!

Dutch Tulip said... 66

PJ's momma, me to. I also think it's so discrete and sensetive filmed with respect for the children for example the very shy girl or the boy with his very sick father. You really get the idee that you're invited to sit with them in their classroom.

Dmasy said... 67

Dwindle...now, Admin is REALLY going to have to quit her day job!

Blowing In The Wind said... 68

That way when one of us disappears, The Blog Girls can get right on it, cast out the big fishin' pole and reel us each back in.


Admin has to find the Blog Girls first. She's caught them several times in the shed with the Mowing Boys.

Dwindle said... 69

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 54
It makes you feel good to interact with those around you but it also can get you out of a pinch.


When DD3 moved into a house in a tiny little town, she immediatly made a point of finding where the night shift police officers hung out, since she was a home visit hospice nurse on night shift. And young. And pretty. And living alone. She wanted to introduce herself right away and for them to know what she did and why she was coming and going all night every night. it worked like a charm. Jeez, those guys got to know her, looked out for her, treated her like big brothers and uncles every one of them. Eventually she ended with most of their personal cell phone numbers. Of course it worked both ways, she made lots of emergency drives over to their own homes too everytime one of their kids had a boo boo. Nice to have a kind nurse from the neighborhood on your speed dial too!

Dwindle said... 70

Blowing In The Wind said... 68
That way when one of us disappears, The Blog Girls can get right on it, cast out the big fishin' pole and reel us each back in.


Admin has to find the Blog Girls first. She's caught them several times in the shed with the Mowing Boys.


I heard she got out The Spoon...

Dwindle said... 71

Dmasy said... 67
Dwindle...now, Admin is REALLY going to have to quit her day job!


Something to do with law books, wasnt it? Ms Law Book Girl...

(Dwindle was never heard from again. Blood was splattered all over the blog but the Administrator denied any knowledge. DNA results from Admin's bare hands are pending...)

swimgirl said... 72

Ok, am I the only one getting sick of the trite sayings tweeted by iAMWISE? Clearly, this person is anything but wise. Here is the latest:

'The first reaction to truth is hatred.'

This person needs to put down their book of platitudes!

White Organza said... 73

My gift to this blog that brought me so much since I've started reading here: my super ultra secret Toblerone chocolat cookies recipe! Only the initiated are allowed to peak at it: secret ring and password are required to get access. (And, yes, as usual, the secret word is "rumspringa"...

12 onces coarsely chopped (about the size of chippits…) Toblerone chocolat bar, ¼ cup soft butter, ½ cup (packed) brown sugar, ½ fine white sugar, 1 tsp pure vanilla extract, ½ tsp baking soda, 1 large egg, 1 cup white flour (preferably unbleached if you have it on hand…). In a large mixing bowl, combine soft butter, brown sugar, white sugar and vanilla extract. Beat with electric mixer until « fluffy ». Add the egg and the baking soda and mix well until smooth. Add the flour, mix with a wooden spoon. Add the chopped chocolate and blend well so the chocolate is evenly incorporated to the mix. Press the mix in the bowl, cover and refrigerate for about four hours. When you’re ready to form the cookies, set the oven at 350 F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper (preferably an insulated cookie sheet if you like a soft « chewy » cookie..) Take a big round « glob » of mixture (about 1 tbs -1 ½ tbs..) and form a little « hamburger patty » with it. (I’m sorry, I don’t know how else I can describe it. That’s even what I wrote in my french version of this recipe…). Bake 10 to 12 minutes, in center of oven. (I bake them for exactly 10 minutes, using an insulated cookie sheet. It might be a little less if you use a regular cookie sheet and want soft cookies.) Let cool on rack for 10 minutes, then transfer on paper towels. I keep them in the freezer. When ready to serve, I nuke them for about 15 seconds (4 at a time…) in the microwave. They tastes (and smell!) like the’re freh out of the oven. Warning : these cookies tend to attract marriage proposals to the baker…

(Makes about 3 dozens cookies)

Blowing In The Wind said... 74

This person needs to put down their book of platitudes!


I thought you were going to say that this person needs to be put down...or put out of their misery.

Blowing In The Wind said... 75

@Kateplusmy8 where can I get your recipe for play doh?

Don't these needy sheeple have internet access? I just checked and there are 608,000 results, and yet she needs Kate's recipe!

Dwindle said... 76

So some 'commisioner' has revoked Lindsay Lohan's probation. I thought only the court could do that?

But wait - there's more! She doesnt have a hearing about it for another month!

Supposedly she will face about 8 months in jail, but we all know nothing will be done. She will only serve a few days, if that.

The system isnt working here. I know the laws are convoluted, and you cant lock someone up for 8 months just because she lives her life like a train wreck. I dont think it is her meager 'star power' or that she has enough money to be manipulating the system, it is just broken. But she is going to kill herself, and likely take someone else with her, and then we will all wring our hands.

Her parents are every bit as whackadoo as Kate is; in fact, they are Kate's role models.They are not fit to guide her, and she seems to have the maturity of a very young child.

Admin, in CA, can the judge appoint an attorney/guardian? A conservator? Someone NOT personally involved and someone who doesnt have to answer to the parents' mental illness and manipulations? Can a judge make that determination or does someone have to make application? Can it be this judge she keeps seeing for these other offenses, or does it have to be ONLY domestic or adult probate court? Other than the parents, who would have standing to be considered? If it is Uncle Joe Schmo, you know the parents will fight it.

I dont get it, I just dont get it.

Who has rumspringa?

Sue Buddy said... 77

With interest in Kate waning (finally) mine has as well and unless Kate ends up doing lap dances on late night TV or something equally hilarious, this will be my final article. I feel it’s time to move on and let Kate flounder and grift and tweet endless platitudes with her pubescent, fawning tweeties promising TV shows and cookbooks that don't materialize.

Attention: Kate Gosselin’s Christmas List-Clap, Clap

Happy New Year. May it be Katie Free.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 78

Dwindle a comissioner is the court. It's just a lesser status of judge. There are referees, comissioners and judges here but they all can pretty much do the same things there's just a few little differences like only judges can hold you in contempt, you get more time to appeal referees and comissioners.

On another note I am shocked Lindsay is still alive. That girl has 9 lives.

Dwindle said... 79

White Organza said... 73


Cut copied pasted and named for YOU! Thank you, White Organza!

How large is your '1 large egg'?
Does it matter what brand of paper towel I transfer them to? What brand do YOU use?
What do I cover the bowl with?
Where in the refrigerator should I put the bowl?
Where do you buy 'soft butter'?
How many ounces are in that cup of flour? Can I use my coffee cup?


That is the best sheeple imitation I have done in a while!

FYI said... 80

Sue Buddy--great article, and unfortunately so true!

That's what Kate's new book should be about. "101 Ways to Help ME, ME, ME!!"

OrangeCrusher1 said... 81

Thank you Sue Buddy, once again and always. My sediments exactly! Raising a glass to a Kate Gosselin free 2013.

FYI said... 82

Dwindle said... 79

You forgot to ask White Organza "What should I pack the brown sugar in?".

Dwindle said... 83

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 78


Makes sense! I am used to the term "Magistrate", at the Domestic, Adult Probate, and Common Pleas levels. Same thing? A Magistrate is a step up from a referee...I dont remember about Juvenile court here...

Dwindle said... 84

Kate is a twit said... 82
Dwindle said... 79

You forgot to ask White Organza "What should I pack the brown sugar in?".

HELLLLOOOOO!????!!! I do have a very nice, very expensive, leather, salt water, mine all mine, Mercedes $1399 grifted designer good bra cup I was going to use!

aggiemom09121416 said... 85

Dwindle 65 said
Is Aggie so jellus of my crockpots that she is hiding in her 44Qt Kitchen Aid mixer? Lbelle...????
I HEARD THAT!! I was minding my own business (yep, telling the maid where to clean, showing the laundry girl the stains she missed, the pool boy where to put his pole (sigh), Katherine which of 4 freezers to put the 2,000 cookies)...I am BUSY! If you are not running, you are not helping me, Dwindle!

Honestly, how can I do all these chores, go to Target, get my nails done, park in the fire to pick up mail, and tell the nanny to pick up the kids from school?

I was super busy today!! I was attacking the day, and what do ya know, Dwindle has to say "Kitchenaid" and I had to run over and see if someone had decided to send me a @white7qtkitchenaidmixer#!

While I am at Target, I'll sign up in the gift registry, how's that??

aggiemom09121416 said... 86

Dwindle 65 said
I think from now on we should send Admin our real names, addresses, phone numbers, and hat sizes, photos, and next of kin. Not the names and addresses of the next of kin, but the actual PERSON. yes, indeed, just shove that Loved One in a crate and mail em off to Admin.
Gee,Dwindle, are you channeling CJ?

White Organza said... 87

LOL, Dwindle and Kate's a Twit! But I must admit that both of your posts DID startled me at first! Like "I just KNEW I was going to make a mistake transfering my metric mesurements in imperial equivalencies!". (Remember: I'm French Canadian. Double Jeopardy when it comes to recipe sharing...) Well... Phew... I did re-read my recipe and it's O.K.

And thank God, I'm not Kate! Those (strangely realistic..) questions of yours would drive definetely me up the wall.

P.S. And Dwindle was right about the cup size: it IS a deep DDD. I'm sure you all have one somewhere in your cupboards: if you don't see it, it's because it's perfectly invisible.

Sue Buddy said... 88

Kate is a twit, 80, OrangeCrusher1 81, thank you for reading. It's been FUN. ;)

Sue Buddy said... 89

Oh my, my last comment was #88! I feel very privileged.

Dmasy said... 90

Sue Buddy...thank you. The bad news is that might be your last article. The good news is that might be your last article.

What to think. What to think.

lukebandit said... 91

This was an ad to the right side of what I was reading. So funny!


Widowed Young said... 92

My dad always told me to smile and say hello to everyone as you were walking down the street. Nothing intrusive-just a friendly "hello" or "how are you today?". He worked in law enforcement for 35 years and saw the worst of the worst everyday so he lived his life as happily as possible. He also addressed any service provider that was wearing a name tag by their first name (clerks, waitresses, ect.). As a teenager I was often embarrassed but now as an adult appreciate how friendly he was. He got sick during the holidays and passed away 3 years ago-I do miss him!

Sue Buddy said... 93

Dmasy said... 90
Sue Buddy...thank you. The bad news is that might be your last article. The good news is that might be your last article.

What to think. What to think.

That's so sweet. Thank you, Dmasy. One never knows for sure. Maybe Kate will do something truly outrageous and I'll feel compelled to write again.

I just want you to know said... 94

Continuing from the last thread. Not reading this one beyond here so no point in further discussion, at least on my behalf.

Sometimes suicide IS the only tolerable alternative.

Not even remotely joking.

readerlady said... 95

Sue Buddy , Thanks for all the entertaining articles. But please, don't let #88 be your last comment. At least come over for the occasional rumspringa and virtual party. We promise to discuss everything under the sun EXCEPT KK!

I see the early morning BAAAAAAAings have been swiffered. I think we need to send someone out to the back 40 to patch the fence, though. And maybe set up some patrols. Maybe Border Collie can help get those organized?

I FINALLY got 1940's House from the library, so I'm off to watch it, a day late and a dollar short. I'm looking forward to this. It's been so long since I saw it originally that I don't remember much about it at all.

Dwindle -- I'll bring some PURPLE rumspringa to the house party, and a bottle of peppermint schnapps to add to our breakfast hot chocolate (or coffee). Maybe a crock pot full of chicken and noodles, too, but you'll have to settle for packaged noodles.

Improbable Dreams said... 96

Midnight Madness said... 55
One of my most favorite places I've gone to was an old abandoned amusement park. The photos captured the eerie remains of a time when life was good and carefree, when summers there were highlights of a child's vacation. Now desolate and left for dead, that place served as the subject for photos that were incredibly haunting and nostalgic.

Oh, MM, I'll bet that was a really fun photo shoot! The pictures must be equal parts haunting and exciting. I can easily imagine them in my mind's eye....

Lbelle said... 97


I'm here! I'm here!!! Actually, I've been enroute to Chez Dwindleberry for the last couple of days....I hear there is to be a rumspringin' sleepover and I don't want to miss this one! I'm bringing all the fixins for some hearty Canadian Poutine! YAY!!

Truth be told...I've been feeling pretty crappy lately and I wasn't posting in case of bringing things down....then it was kind of freaky here for a few nights...full moon???.....extra snippety snip posts from unknowns so I felt it best for my mental health to sit on the sidelines, munch my popcorn and stay the heck out of the way!

Question: am I the only person who kind of, sort of, HATES Christmas??? : /
It's such a stressful time. I think I need a sunny beach and a Piña Colada!!

Ladybug said... 98

Sometimes suicide IS the only tolerable alternative.

Not even remotely joking.
My, god, Admin, please check if you can on this person.. this is very worrisome that anyone would say this and my heart is in my throat. Truly frightening what this poster is trying to say. I do hope they aren't committing to some plan.

Sue Buddy said... 99

readerlady said... 95
Sue Buddy , Thanks for all the entertaining articles. But please, don't let #88 be your last comment. At least come over for the occasional rumspringa and virtual party. We promise to discuss everything under the sun EXCEPT KK!

Sounds good!! I won't be too far away...just in case.

Unknown said... 100

Oh heather, I thought that was so sad that so many don't make eye contact. I promise you, if you lived in Fort Worth, Texas, that would not be the case. Just about everyone here looks you in the eye, smiles and/or nods. People chat with random strangers while waiting in line or with the clerk while shopping. What state are you in, heather?

Dmasy said... 101

Ramona, I have observed the same friendly Texas behavior in the hill country where we will be moving. Strangers are very helpful and approachable. One of the many reasons we fell in love with Texas.

Ladybug said... 102

Question: am I the only person who kind of, sort of, HATES Christmas???
No, I'm not a Christmas person, growing up in a family with no money and the schoolmates all knew you were the object of pity that the Charity committee choose your family as one of the recipients of the Christmas dinner basket delivery. Your only gift was the one you'd get at the "toy for tots" type party. And to give themselves a pat on the back the donors would have you go on stage to collect your cheap no name doll (wouldn't be your choice even if it was a barbie) gift. Growing up to me Christmas was just another time to be reminded that folks looked at you as "other." Bad enough the rest of the year be teased but it seemed Christmas was a time to really point out the fact you were "to be pitied". Then the feeling bad about the other kids listing their bounty and all you got was a pair of socks and a candy cane. I just started pretending to not be Christian as a teen. Since we moved a lot no one to tattle that it was a lie.
Do those twits that keep doing the platitude twits even know the definition of platitude. That it's "a pejorative term to describe seemingly profound statements that a certain person views as unoriginal or shallow" per Wiki but I'd change that from a certain person to most people with half a brain cell and an ounce of common sense would view those bits of nonsense as nonsense. That one twit will post one then another that contradicts it the next time. Duh, do they even read them? Bad enough they don't bother to attribute the ones that have well know authors.
And poor Roma why won't Kate leave her the heck alone. Roma isn't going to use your elementary aged children to market her infantile/toddler at best videos. Kate again showing her total lack of common sense with her infantilization of her aging children and the retweeting of bizarre platitudes she really shows the world her illness is only getting worse. Her trumpeting of having haters means I'm great made me think how really sad to a person could have such a messed up value system. Like her beating her toddlers meant she really, really loved them journal ... and God please get on the stick and make them mind her, not that she needed to learn to control her behavior.
Excuse my horrid grammar. English, not my best (or even close to it) subject.
Great article Sue Buddy, and lets hope Kate doesn't finally lose the little sanity she may still possess and start doing porno to stay in the limelight. Poor Gosselin kids have enough to deal with when it comes to her. So I do hope it indeed does stay the last time for you to have to say a word about the the grifter. Even though she may have no shame I just can't image the shame those children deal with due to her negative public image.
And sorry to hear about the puppies with seizures, my brother had seizures and they were frightening to see for others and eventually what killed him due to his final case of aspiration pneumonia and sepsis. I hope your puppies all get good treatment and do well.
And WG, thanks for the recipe. Sounds, as per Kate, yummy.

Millicent said... 103

I am giving thanks this year because it has been just over one year since my father was in a very serious car accident resulting in a break to his spine, his sternum, and assorted other painful knocks. He has made slow but steady progress, going from being unable to get up or down by himself, to being in a wheelchair, to a walker, to walking with a cane, and now sometimes walking even without a cane. So I give thanks this season for his recovery. More than that, he has been uncomplaining the entire time. His biggest concern has only been for my mom, who has been his primary care giver.

So I try to carry kindness and gratitude in my heart; and I try not to get irritated by strangers (when I think they are driving improperly, or when a clerk isn't particularly polite to me, etc.). This is the season when most of us are feeling extra stress, and it's bound to come out here and there. I fail many times in my goal to be cheerful and pleasant - but I do try! I like the person who is making an effort to smile at those she passes each day - great idea! It's surprising how far a smile will go and how often people will return it. You will lift people's spirits by proferring a smile to them :)

Ladybug said... 104

Sometimes suicide IS the only tolerable alternative.

Not even remotely joking.
I know this may be related to the nurse that was involved in the prank but I'm still upset over this, my beloved uncle then several years later my 16 year old nephew committed suicide and I'm a little freaked out. I'm greatly saddened and frightened that anyone would believe it's a tolerable alternative.
Apologies for hijacking the blog.
Happy Holidays to all.

IDModo said... 105

My favourite pleasant conversations with strangers take place in the dog food aisle at Walmart or our supermarket.
I just smile and say, "What kind of dog are you buying for?"
Dog owners love to talk about their dogs and will take it from there. Nobody has ever said it was none of my business!
They also come in all shapes, sizes and ages, like their dogs, so I get to talk to a cross section of people while doing my boring grocery shopping.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 106

Excellent post, Administrator :o) Very appropriate for the season.

I need a break from baking cookies for our neighbors, friends, and family. Each day, a different kind of cookie-

Monday: Hershey's Kiss thumbprint cookies
Tuesday: sugar cookies rolled in raw sugar
Wednesday: cookies with different colored sprinkles (jimmies) on them
Thursday: red raspberry, strawberry, apricot thumbprint cookies
Friday: chocolate dipped (tips) cookies
Saturday: rocky road fudge

So far, I'm on schedule...

Heather, you have the right idea. So many people walk through life feeling invisable. A small acknowledgement, a kind look, makes a difference in a person's day.

Bearswife, good advice. Thank you. I will definitely keep my fingers away from Oreo's mouth.

Well, I took Oreo to his vet earlier, and he had some bloodwork done. The doctor thinks Oreo's seizures are probably epileptic in nature. Nontheless, the vet wants to rule out other possibilities.

The good news is that my dear little doggie
is doing quite well otherwise.

Thank you for lending me your ear(s), folks.
When I'm scared, worried, or sad, I know that
I can count on the kind, understanding people in this blog.


A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 107

Sue Buddy said... 77

With interest in Kate waning (finally) mine has as well and unless Kate ends up doing lap dances on late night TV or something equally hilarious, this will be my final article. I feel it’s time to move on and let Kate flounder and grift and tweet endless platitudes with her pubescent, fawning tweeties promising TV shows and cookbooks that don't materialize.

Attention: Kate Gosselin’s Christmas List-Clap, Clap


Oh Sue, that was yet another outstanding article
on Katie Greedy.

Kate & her blind fanatics may not think that she is greedy- but when you itemize her list of wants/needs, she sure as hell looks shamelessly

Thanks for telling it like it is :o)

LaLaLandNoMore said... 108

Kate Gosselin has nothing to offer that is productive, positive, and kind. Still no mention of "giving", only grifting as usual. I want a "Kate free" 2013 as well.

Happy Christmas and Best Wishes to all here in the New Year! Thank you, Admin, for all of your hard work and wonderful stories.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 109

Millicent said... 103

I am giving thanks this year because it has been just over one year since my father was in a very serious car accident resulting in a break to his spine, his sternum, and assorted other painful knocks. He has made slow but steady progress, going from being unable to get up or down by himself, to being in a wheelchair, to a walker, to walking with a cane, and now sometimes walking even without a cane. So I give thanks this season for his recovery. More than that, he has been uncomplaining the entire time. His biggest concern has only been for my mom, who has been his primary care giver.

So I try to carry kindness and gratitude in my heart; and I try not to get irritated by strangers (when I think they are driving improperly, or when a clerk isn't particularly polite to me, etc.). This is the season when most of us are feeling extra stress, and it's bound to come out here and there. I fail many times in my goal to be cheerful and pleasant - but I do try! I like the person who is making an effort to smile at those she passes each day - great idea! It's surprising how far a smile will go and how often people will return it. You will lift people's spirits by proferring a smile to them :)


Millicent, your dad went through so much- thank goodness he's doing better. It sounds like he's a strong chap. May 2013 be a better year for him, and your mother. I especially wish your mother excellent health, strength & peace- it's not easy being the primary caretaker.

Take care-

rainbowsandunicorns said... 110

I wonder how exhaustedish Kate would be if she's done what I have for the past few days. Twelve hours a day wrapping gifts for our local social services children's holiday program, with very few breaks. It's a good kind of tired, though. I started at 6 a.m. with a sausage biscuit from McDonalds. My back is killing me, but I will finish out the week. Is Rumspringa a good pain killer?

I need a spa and a good stiff drink. When's Dwindle's party?

I had to laugh today and thought of Kate. I was in line to pay for gas. The woman ahead of me thought she'd show off and use her card app on the phone for the discount. She fumbled around for her phone, then it wouldn't scan, took forever, still didn't work. The clerk asked if she had a card. She reached right on her key ring, it scanned in a second and off she went, still mumbling why the phone app wouldn't work.

PJ's momma said... 111

Saying a prayer for I just want you to know, whatever their beliefs. We have been through it and the ramifications for those left behind are horrible and never-ending.

Ladybug, I feel for you. We have a toy program gearing up right now and to prevent what you describe, each parent has an appointment to come shop for their kid(s), plus they get a stocking and wrapping paper. No way in heck do we want that experience to be about anything but the love between a parent and child (or grandparent and grandchild). The parent picks the gift(s) best for their child(ren) and takes it all home and wraps it and presents it. It works very well.

Hook 'em Horns said... 112

12-12-12. Am I missing something? Somebody said we'd see another one in 88 years. It will be 2100 in 88 years. I think it's a big deal because we won't see another one until the next millennium. On January 1, 3001, it will be 1-1-1. None of us will see it! Although on January 23, 2014 we will see 1, 2,3, 4.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 113

Ladybug, I feel for you. We have a toy program gearing up right now and to prevent what you describe, each parent has an appointment to come shop for their kid(s), plus they get a stocking and wrapping paper.


I'm not ladybug (although I like them), but I think you were responding to me! :)

These are donated items (new), marked boy or girl and appropriate age range. They are handed out by Santa at several community events for the kids. It works well and brings the area together.

Badger Packer said... 114

Dwindle, can I come to the party, too? I will bring cheesy potatoes made in my crock pot, and I will bring some Spotted Cow beer. In case a few would like something in addition to the Rumspringa, which I look forward to 'sampling'

LoveMyGrandsons said... 115

Sue Buddy, that was a great article and so true!

Lbelle, I hope you're feeling better, hon. I continue to pray for you, Sweetie.

To those who find Christmas stressful, I'm sorry. This time of year must be very difficult for you. What I enjoy is the "spirit" of the season and try not to get caught up in everything else, although I sometimes do.

Dwindle, as aggie and I discussed a couple days ago, I will be at your party, but I get the bed. I asked my grandsons for advice as to what to bring to a party, and they told me their favorites: devilled eggs, cheese sticks, and dill pickles. Yep, that's what they want grandma to put out when their here, so that's what I'm bringing to your party.

PJ's momma said... 116

Hello rainbowsandunicorns, I was actually responding to Ladybug's lengthy post above. But thank you so much for all you do!

Jo said... 117

Maybe it's where I live, but everyone says hello, hi, good morning, good evening and gives a smile. Maybe it's because I'm doing it...I don't know. It's much easier and so much more satisfactory to be pleasant and nice to people. You get what you give and that's the truth!

LoveMyGrandsons said... 118

I agree, Jo. I always say hi to people I'm passing, talk to people in the grocery lines, etc. It's been my experience that people will be friendly to you when you are friendly to them. Sometimes some don't respond or want to converse, and that's okay. But most of the time, they do and I enjoy it.

Winter Wonderland said... 119

"Poor, poor nosy Milo. She gave up pestering Kate as to her whereabouts before Lights Out Man showed up. I noticed that she seems to have a fixation about Kate's bed and when Kate's lights go out."


Milo's an interesting study in fixations. She'll be obsessed with one thing for a period of time, such as the Grow A Boyfriend. Then she moves on to something else, such as Kate's exhaustion and bedtime, and then to hammering away at Kate promoting whatever, Bella Bars, Kiehls, Quilted Northern, taking it upon herself to tweet these companies telling them what a great rep Kate would be.

I really don't care who or what Milo is, but I really hope that she has has someone in her network of family/friends who recognizes that she has mental issues that need to be addressed. That is unless Milo is on Kate's payroll as a PR person and is a very good actor/actress. If she has a husband and family as she claims, I just don't understand why they allow this to continue.

Jo said... 120

LoveMyGrandsons said... 118

I was Christmas shopping today and the stores were very crowded. I'm not a shopper by nature. I hate it, but I can't tell you how many conversations were struck up by random people just shopping like me and how much more enjoyable it became. It made the day longer but the experience was so much better.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 121

Hello rainbowsandunicorns, I was actually responding to Ladybug's lengthy post above. But thank you so much for all you do!


lol! I wasn't sure. I read from the bottom up and saw your post right after mine and it was an appropriate response to my post (all the wrapping we do for the kids)!

No need for thanks. We do this every year. It's a long day of prep work, but it's just so much fun for the kids. That makes it all worthwhile.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 122

Jo, yes, I can't tell you how many times conversations were started in the toy aisle because an aunt or grandma was wondering what to get for niece/nephew or grandchild. Being the mom of a daughter and the grandma of two boys, we shared ideas and it was nice to help. Last year while shopping for the boys, a lady and I struck up a conversation at one of the stores in a local mall. After shopping, we were both ready to eat and had lunch together at the food court in the mall and it was a lovely afternoon. Afterwards, we went to a candle store and she helped me pick out something for my sister. It was fun.

Jo said... 123

LoveMyGrandsons said... 122

That's serendipity. Happy accidents are the best!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 124

Happy accidents! Is that a Bob Ross reference?

I think it depends where you are. I've lived in some Icey areas, others much more friendly. I haven't changed.

Granny said... 125

Just wondering what happened to GWOP. Nothing posted since December 8.

Jo said... 126

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 124

Happy accidents! Is that a Bob Ross reference?


You so silly :)

LoveMyGrandsons said... 127

Granny, I never posted at GWOP, but read there all the time until I found this blog. One of the reasons I stopped going there, besides all of the rules, was the post from the moderators about "dead horse discussions" that were not allowed to be talked about anymore. Another time a discussion was interrupted on a thread by a moderator stating that the subject had been discussed enough and to move on. I stopped going there.

My apologies, Admin, if I have stepped over the line when replying to Granny. Please delete my post if you think it is inappropriate.

Working Woman said... 128

Great post, Admin!

To all of the wonderful posters and readers of this blog, and its dedicated administrator:

In the spirit of the holiday, I want to let you all know how special I think you are. You have all touched me and your fellow posters with your kind words, valuable advice on a wide range of topics, and of course, your awesome wit.

This world needs more people like all of you, people who care about doing right by the beautiful children of our society, who turned to this fantastic community to speak out about it.

Some of you have had less-than-ideal experiences throughout your lives and have shared them on this blog. I have been moved by many of your stories, even the heartbreaking ones. It is remarkable that instead of feeling sorry for yourselves and wallowing in the past, you all choose to live your lives to the fullest and look ahead. And even those who don't share personal stories add so much by being supportive, encouraging, and fricken hilarious.

So, I just want to thank you all and let you know that I think you are all truly fantastic. Before I discovered this blog, I was never a fan of online communities or discussion threads or anything like that. Now I think they are a phenomenal way to hear other perspectives reach out to others. I feel lucky to be a poster here.

Sending you all my warmest wishes and best thoughts for a fantastic, beautiful holiday season with your loved ones. And a terrific new year. Thank y'all for being you!

Working Woman

LoveMyGrandsons said... 129

Working Woman, what kind words and sweet thoughts! You are a special part of this blog community as well, and I'm glad you're here. Many blessings to you, hon.

Working Woman said... 130

Pink, how wonderfully kind of you to bake those cookies for your friends and family. They are lucky to have you in their lived.

And so is Oreo, I am glad he is doing better!

Millicent 103, what a terrible event you, your father, and your whole family has been through! May he continue to recover and bounce back from this. Sending you my best thoughts.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 131

This post has sparked such a wonderful discussion of how we can get involved more in our communities--and you don't even have to spend a cent. A smile will do.

Working Woman we're glad to have you.

I don't think GWOP has been that active for awhile. When you say no posts do you mean no COMMENTS are being let through?? I'd like to be able to reach out to anyone there who doesn't know we're here and invite them if that is the case. I wouldn't want to take people away if it intends to still be active, but if it's dead, I wish they would direct them here.

Winter Wonderland said... 132

LMG said,

One of the reasons I stopped going there, besides all of the rules, was the post from the moderators about "dead horse discussions" that were not allowed to be talked about anymore. Another time a discussion was interrupted on a thread by a moderator stating that the subject had been discussed enough and to move on. I stopped going there.


I think that there may be many who feel that way, and in general, this is one reason why blogs fade away...excessive rules and interruptions by those in charge who end discussions. There may be no real sense of community. When there are no new posts in several days, and there is nothing really discussed other than a few copies and pastes from online article about Kate, as well as her own tweets and recipes, it's a death knell to a blog.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133

I'm a big believer in letting the posters set the tone for the blog. I trust you guys are perfectly capable of knowing what you want to discuss!

I do step in sometimes and ask people to move on, but usually that's because someone is being gained up on personally or the conversation is taking a tense or nasty turn. The posters will tell you when it's time to move on because they will stop talking about it. People move on from things naturally, just let them.

Winter Wonderland said... 134

Admin said,

I don't think GWOP has been that active for awhile. When you say no posts do you mean no COMMENTS are being let through?? I'd like to be able to reach out to anyone there who doesn't know we're here and invite them if that is the case. I wouldn't want to take people away if it intends to still be active, but if it's dead, I wish they would direct them here.


I don't know, admin. I just checked it out and there is one thread that is open for discussion - free discussion, November and December, with no comments since December 8. It's hard to tell if it's because nobody is commenting, or if comments are being deleted. There just doesn't seem to be any interest. There is no mention of the blog being closed down.

From what I can tell, even "Oh, yes, she did" has been missing in action.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 135

Speaking of missing in action, the college kids are gone too. I hope that means they're studying for finals or on their way home for holiday break.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 136

Hard to believe after a few posts every day there there are suddenly no posts whatsoever....someone should try to put a test comment through and see if it goes through.

Seems like maybe something going on on the mods end, hope they're okay. I've always wondered what happens to this blog if say, me and the blog girls get arrested for public indecency? What if I can't reach you? If we just disappear would you assume something terrible happened?

Bearswife said... 137

Okay, ladies,
I'm afraid I'm going to do a big long 'catch-up' post. I hope none of you are too annoyed, if so, scroll away!

Admin, smashing pumpkins is your favourite band?! I never would have guessed that. Hmmph. Not that I "know" you or anything, but still surprised. I loved them back in the day, haven't listened to any new stuff.

Sue Buddy, thank you for all your articles. I think you saved the best for last!

Millicent said:
So I try to carry kindness and gratitude in my heart; and I try not to get irritated by strangers (when I think they are driving improperly, or when a clerk isn't particularly polite to me, etc.). This is the season when most of us are feeling extra stress, and it's bound to come out here and there. I fail many times in my goal to be cheerful and pleasant - but I do try! I like the person who is making an effort to smile at those she passes each day - great idea! It's surprising how far a smile will go and how often people will return it. You will lift people's spirits by proferring a smile to them :)
Millicent, first off, I hope 2013 is better for your family. Second, when I am getting frustrated about similar things, I try to envision the other person as my dear mother and how would I want someone to treat her?
Sometimes it is harder than others, but I try...

IDModo, absolutely! People love to talk about their pets, I know I do!


Make extra deviled eggs for me and the Bear, please! mmmmm!

Carry on :) I'm thinkin' on what to bring to Dwindle's. The Bear suggests I make biscuits and gravy, it's good for a crowd.

All the cookie talk has got me bugging the Bear about when he is going to make shortbread cookies. He makes the best around, and gets lots of requests for them. Funny, I don't care for them! I only have two must-bakes at Christmas - cookie brittle and my mom's russian tea cakes. One thing I've learned is everyone has a different cookie in mind when they think russian tea cakes! My mom's are like round butter cookies with crushed walnuts mixed in...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 138

Aww, Admin, if you and the blog girls got arrested for public indecency, we would expect it and not be shocked! We still keep talking to each other and try to start a bail fund for you guys. My main concern would be that my monthly check from your accounting boys might be late! Lol!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 139

Admin, smashing pumpkins is your favourite band?! I never would have guessed that. Hmmph. Not that I "know" you or anything, but still surprised. I loved them back in the day, haven't listened to any new stuff.


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness came out exactly when I was hitting those years where music was speaking to my very soul. I fell in love. I was a child of the grunge movement so all the bands I was into were bands like Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana and Greenday. I wore plaid flannels with the best of them. All the kids my age definitely embraced grunge where I was. No one liked Mariah Carrey. You just sort of become part of it I guess. I remember my mom HATING my clothes lol.

I remember vividly kids in school crying when Kurt Cobain died. Teachers stopped class to comfort us and have us share about how we felt. I wonder if schools would be able to do the same today. I mean, that was really devastating for us and I think it was important for adults we looked up to to be able to help us. He was sort of our John Lennon. Learning how to grieve in a healthy way is an important life lesson too. Schools do a lot more than teach English and Math.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 140

Maybe I should set up a link to paypal JUST in case we ever do get arrested and I need your help. If I disappear for more than 48 hours you will know to start donating.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 141

Sounds good, Admin, and while we are waiting for you to be released, Dwindle, the "Queen of Every Damn Thing" can take over the blog until you come back.

Bearswife said... 142

Admin, even though I am quite a bit older than you (I was out of Uni when he died), we listened to the same music. I always hated Courtney Love - in a Yoko Ono kind of way - but when Cobain died I felt such sorrow that I embraced Courtney (figuratively haha) and became a big fan of hers.

LMG, no offense but be careful with the titles you are throwing around. I have been called the Princess of Quite A Lot - which might make people think Dwindle is my mom? Is it true?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 143

I am exhaustedish, having made seven (!) cookie recipes to pack and take to our family Chanukah celebration this weekend. And I have wrapped gifts all morning, including those for the foster child program some friends and I do every year. These girls get to make wish lists, and i am happy that their gifts are not random,

We are also going to take our grandboys on a Polar Express train ride Friday evening. They are still 'littles', love trains, and probably don't know Santa is going to be there. Yes, Chanukah and Santa - interfaith families get to play with everyone if they so choose.

And it's not even mid-December. Looking forward to watching the Sandy benefit concert later in our time zone.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 144

LOL Courtney Love was totally our Yoko Ono!

Kurt Cobain battled stomach problems. I have never found anything that suggested he might have had h.pylori. It wasn't as widely tested back then. This is what I had, and I've always thought the poor guy may have had it too and could have been a lot happier if he got rid of it.

It was before my time, but a lot of my attorney friends in family law were involved with her custody cases. CASES. There were a whole pile of them. It started from the day her kid was born.

Pity Party said... 145

Just wanted to share that the 121212 Sandy Relief Concert is airing live and being made available to 2 billion people world wide. If every one donated 1 dollar that would be 2 billion raised in 2 hours. Roger Waters is on now, the Boss, and Jon Bon Jovi have already been on. All the greats are laying it out for Sandy. It is amazing what they have put together in such a short time.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 146

Bearswife, hahahaha!! I don't know, I merely speak of the title Dear Dwindle has given herself. You and her have to work out any personal issues by yourselves!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 147

Also on another note.....my parents, god bless 'em, were sort of like, Who's Kurt Cobain? When he died.

Whereas some of my younger hipper teachers and of course my friends all knew who he was and understood. The social aspect of school plays an important role in a child's life that they cannot necessarily get at home. I'd hate to see all time for this aspect stripped away. Sure my mom could say oh I'm so sorry, but it's hard as a teen to feel like someone really understands when they don't even know who Kurt is. I learned celebs sometimes die, it's okay to be sad, and this is how we grieve--by talking about it, listening to his music, reading about what happened--but it will be okay. And I didn't learn that at home.

Twittering And Twattering said... 148

@Kateplusmy8 Ive been having terrible anxiety lately, and the only thing thats keeping me okay is watching Jon and Kate plus 8 on Netflix <3

I thought that Kate caused anxiety, not that she was the cure for it! You learn something new every day.

Regarding Milo's fixations. Yes, right now it is the bed thing and finding someone to put her lights out (so to speak!). What woman calls another woman "sweet and great looking?" Milo has now appointed herself a matchmaker for Kate? "WE" have to find the right Mr. Lites Out Man? Gag me...

@Kateplusmy8 See...now we gotta find the right Mr. Lites Out man 2see that! Easy, sweet gr8 lookin, gr8 cookin Kate! :)

Jo said... 149

Admin..I don't want you getting all "jellus" on me but Billy Corgin used to live about 45 minutes away from me. I'm not sure if he still lives there but he had a huge old farm house with two or three barns on the property. It was (is?) way out in the country. My husband and I have driven past there a couple of times and it was hard to picture someone so famous living there.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 150

Let me start out by saying I really hesitate to post this, but I'm going to and I expect some flack from anyone that might misunderstand what I am saying.

With the last few posts about Kurt Cobain, I must say I didn't really know who he was. I was always into the oldies music. I grew up in the 60's and early 70's, so I sort of got used to hearing about the deaths of music idols. Janis Joplin (my fave), Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, etc., etc., etc. The deaths were always due to complications caused by drugs and/or alcohol.

I was sorry to hear about the deaths, but after awhile, it was no longer a shock to some of us. It just seemed that that whole time period was full of lots of money and lots of excesses that our musical idols fell prey to. It was sad and I'm sorry these people died, but I never really felt grieving for them because they did it to themselves with their own excesses from fame and fortune.

I'm so sorry if this sounds cold because that is not the way I meant it.

Twittering And Twattering said... 151

The concert...

Pity, I just turned it on. Has Billy performed yet?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 152

Kurt Cobain was a suicide with a note.

The whole idea of the grunge movement was actually kind of anti fame and fortune and access. He never stopped dressing in 12 dollar tshirts. But it kind of leaves grunge musicians in a quandary if they actually do hit it big.

I think had I not been 13 years old I would have handled it better. There hadn't really been a big death in my memory up until then. No other celeb death has ever really captured me like that one. I am more like you, that's tragic but not unexpected. I think every kid when they experience their first is usually shocked and dismayed.

Twittering And Twattering said... 153

Hard to believe after a few posts every day there there are suddenly no posts whatsoever....someone should try to put a test comment through and see if it goes through.


I volunteer, admin, not under this name, but if it goes through, I'll report back.

Millicent said... 154

Re GWOP, I used to post there too. At that time, there were 3 mods and conversation seemed to flow freely. Then it was just one mod who began to impose all sorts of rules. She once corrected me when I used the phrase, "what a maroon" in reference to something Kate did. She thought I had misspelled "moron". When I tried to explain it was an old Bugs Bunny saying, she wouldn't approve my post (I guess because she felt embarassed not to know the origin of the phrase?)

That mod chased off most posters, leaving the few that would kowtow to her ego. Result = dead blog.

Pity Party said... 155

No, Billy Joel is still to come. It is a great night for music and the chance to raise a huge amt of money. Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, The Who, Paul McCartney. These people will never, ever be on the same stage again.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 156

Admin, what really bothers me is the "stars" of today. Back in my day, there were not publicized items about someone's drug use and bad behavior. Most of those things I found out later in life after reading biographies.

Then you have people like Brittany Spears (who seems to have straightened herself out), and Lindsay Lohan, among others. These people have fallen apart in the public eye, and with the history of other "stars" succuumbing to the pressures, very rarely does anyone seem to be doing anything. Although with them being adults, I'm not sure what can be done.

I would not be shocked to hear about something terrible happening to Lindsay Lohan, but I would be very saddened by it. Her parents made all the wrong decisions when she was younger, and now she makes the wrong decisions herself because she wasn't taught better. Now she continues to self-destruct in front of our eyes, and it seems that no one can stop her. How sad.

readerlady said... 157

Just got back from choir practice. Watched a bit of 1940's House before I left. I'll finish it up tomorrow.

Admon, I don't think GWOP is dead yet, but it is definitely moribund. I started out on GWOP, then moved to Small Town and here. I still wander over to both places occasionally, but ST hasn't had a post since the middle of October nor a comment in about 2 weeks. GWOP has had a little over 100 comments in the past 2 months. I stopped trying to post there over a year ago, because my posts never went through. Apparently they violated some unwritten rule that was never explained.

Just read an article online about a plot by a Justin Bieber fanatic to kidnap, murder and castrate him. The plotter is an inmate who has Bieber's image tattooed on himself. He apparently paid a couple of men to do it for him. Scary scary stuff! This is what happens when people get obsessed. I'm not a big Justin Bieber fan, but he is kinda cute and he certainly hasn't done anything to deserve plots like this.

Admin -- I read your post on the other thread about music being your saving grace in high school, and I agree with you. I was a music and science nerd and I think hanging with kids who had the same interests, and concentrating on practice and learning new music, etc. kept me pretty well occupied and out of trouble, too.

Twittering And Twattering said... 158

Carry on :) I'm thinkin' on what to bring to Dwindle's. The Bear suggests I make biscuits and gravy, it's good for a crowd.


I'll bring chili, spiked with rumspringa. It brings out the flavor, you understand. Chili is what I do best.
Biscuits and gravy sounds wonderful!

Twittering And Twattering said... 159

Pity Party said... 155

No, Billy Joel is still to come


Thanks, Pity!

Twittering And Twattering said... 160

Ouch. She's getting a bit testy. Too much eggnog?

@lovinglaw85 rather, let the blocking begin!:) have a great night and a happier life now that you don't have me to BULLY! :)

Bearswife said... 161

I feel like I'm in some alternate reality - is this concert on TV? in Canada? I feel so out of the loop. :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 162

She insults actual victims of bullies. All that person said was that she was grifting when she mentioned wanting to be on a sunny beach.

That's why she got testy. Someone called her on it.

NJGal51 said... 163

OK, the winner of Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition was picked last night. Will I be spoiling anything if I say that my favorite dancer won?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 164

admin said, "All that person said was that she was grifting when she mentioned wanting to be on a sunny beach."

The person said, "Let the grifting begin," which is why Kate responded with, "Let the blocking begin." I bet she can go from happy, happy to nasty, nasty, in two seconds flat.

Ingrid said... 165

It is a great concert and my heart is still aflutter over the 'The Boss' whoooeeeeeee!

carolina peach said... 166

I know we already have biscuits and gravy, but I would love to also bring biscuits and chocolate gravy. Have my pillow and my GM's quilt and my red solo cup from the last time.

DH asked as 'next of kin' if there would be beer. I'll send that with him to Admin's. Uh, next of kin Will be forwarded from Admin's to Dindle's, right? Then again, they could all stay at Admin's and wouldn't that be a sight. Would love to a fly on the wall.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 167

Yeah it's scary. Happy happy joy joy the beach the sun........GAAA WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME BLOCKED!!!!!!!

This person also said Lovinglaw85 ‏@lovinglaw85
@MiloandJack you're super duper creepy

LOL well that's a simple way to put it, but true! Is she/he a lawyer? I like her already. Come on over here lovinglaw!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 168

I think Next of Kin should definitely be invited to this particular party. I'd like to meet them. Yeah I can have beer on tap for them.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 169

She really does have an anger management problem. We saw her on the show explode over things that wouldn't bother a normal person.

Same with that tweet about grifting, why did THAT little statement set Kate off? There's a lot worse said about her. It's like she has little triggers and if you find the right ones BAM she freaks.

Bearswife said... 170

carolina peach, your DH and my DH can sit together and drink beer and talk about biscuits. I hope your DH likes fishing...

Barb Gilman said... 171

Reading through some of Kate's tweets tonight. How convenient that the guest she's having for dinner tomorrow night is also a plumber!

She tweets about all the grandchildren she will have in the future. Could be true, but will she be allowed to visit them?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 172

Well since the children have learned to estrange anyone who dares to disagree with you, I'm guessing nope, she won't see any of those grandkids. That's what you get for teaching your kids such a thing and you don't get upset.

carolina peach said... 173

Bearswife. Oh, yeah. Biscuits and fishing. And beer and jerky. Your DH will recognize him cause he'll have that old fishing hat on. Yep, that one. Will there be charcoal?

Don't know what I ever did to be so blessed to have that man love me. I'm such a grouch and he's so not a grouch.

Ok. I have no idea what I was doing when Kurt Cobain died. Beach music and motown, that's us. First rock n roll song on the radio I remember hearing was. Get ready. "Who put the Bomp in the Bomp sha Bomp sha Bomp". I was still a kid. Actually found the 45 a couple of years ago. Played it and sang my heart out. Still remembered the words. Have a whole bunch of old records. The grandkids think they are something.

Blowing In The Wind said... 174

After putting her foot in her mouth after that SuperFunSandy fiasco, Kate should redeem herself by working the phone lines at this concert, along with other celebrities. However, on second thought, how many people on finding out to whom they are speaking would ask to be transferred to another person?

It must suck to go through life knowing that so many people find you repugnant.

fidosmommy said... 175

Barb In Nebraska said... 171
Reading through some of Kate's tweets tonight. How convenient that the guest she's having for dinner tomorrow night is also a plumber!

She tweets about all the grandchildren she will have in the future. Could be true, but will she be allowed to visit them?


Do you think she's getting ideas for TV shows for them? Somebody has to support Grandma.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 176

When Milo makes references about "sweet tweets" and other toady remarks to Kate, I get the dry heaves. I have never heard of anyone that sycophantic in my life. Why Kate isn't embarrassed is beyond me. So very, very weird....
I read something she has said and am disturbed enough to want to post something about it!

fidosmommy said... 177

"Who put the Bomp in the Bomp sha Bomp sha Bomp".

I have no idea, but I have my suspicions about who put the Ram in the Ramadamadingdong.

Bearswife said... 178

"Who put the Bomp in the Bomp sha Bomp sha Bomp".

I have no idea, but I have my suspicions about who put the Ram in the Ramadamadingdong.

Can someone tell me who put the lime in the coconut?

GWoP said... 179

4. No trash talking other blogs/bloggers here.

Anonymous said... 180


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 181

I didn't see anyone "trashing" GWOP just saying respectfully why they had issues posting there. People here have always been very respectful of GWOP. It was someone from GWOP who was not respectful to me or this blog. Hi Sharla. We never dished it back either. I even said I wouldn't want to take away any of their readers if they still plan to continue. But if they're not I would invite them over here. Hardly trashing. I call that supportive.

carolina peach said... 182

I LOVE you gals! Smiles all around.

Just tell me the way to go home. bom bom bom It's late and I want to go to bed...

Ladybug said... 183

PJ's momma said... 111
Ladybug, I feel for you. We have a toy program gearing up right now and to prevent what you describe, each parent has an appointment to come shop for their kid(s), plus they get a stocking and wrapping paper. No way in heck do we want that experience to be about anything but the love between a parent and child (or grandparent and grandchild). The parent picks the gift(s) best for their child(ren) and takes it all home and wraps it and presents it. It works very well.
I think that's the right way to do it. I would have rather melted into the ground then shuffle up the stage to "Santa" for the gift marked "girl". Like all girls, regardless of age or interests must want a dolly. Then you must be grateful, charity case kid. Actually I like those angle trees where the child gets to put their gift wish on it, that way a boy can have his art set and the girl can have the plane model kit.
I still smile when I remember that particular Christmas though as when we were driving to the night with Santa someone asked if there would be something to drink. And my little brother at 3 years old popped up in a deep voice and said "yeah, bad booze." I was much older, 10 or so and it cracked me up laughing.
He was a character from day one. When he was still in diapers, he was running around out back going quack, quack, quack. We asked him what he was. A doctor he answered. Again we were in stitches. I don't know where he got that stuff at such a young age. But he was one of a kind.
Covering a 9-5 tomorrow so better, hop in the shower and find my pillow.
Again, thanks for the response PJ's momma, I'm glad your group knows how to make it's less stressful for those less fortunate.
Our office gift for employees a huge box of apples so I've got to find a way to use them, give them away or something before they turn. Ideas appreciated.

JoyinVirginia said... 184

NJGal, I am glad your fave won abbys dance competition! I think you should do a happy dance!
I will run of real fast now so those tomatoes coming my way miss me! Luckily I increased my speed, endurance, and coordination by happy dancing... Y'all know the rest. And it was SO three weeks ago.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 185

I think most charities these days are pretty sensitive and try to help people while not letting them lose their dignity. I think that's why so many of us had a negative reaction to hearing that Milo's hubby brought the kids down to some kind of skid row to stare. Excuse me? Disrespectful at BEST.

Bearswife said... 186

Ladybug, you could make applesauce and freeze it (then you can bake with it later) or make apple butter in you crock pot. You could even make a bunch of apple pies and freeze them uncooked.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 187

I think that's the right way to do it. I would have rather melted into the ground then shuffle up the stage to "Santa" for the gift marked "girl". Like all girls, regardless of age or interests must want a dolly. Then you must be grateful, charity case kid.


Well, that was kind of a low-blow to our kids Christmas program. You don't know how it's run, but yet you take a dig at it. Nobody shuffles anywhere. There's a meal served, and Santa walks around handing out the gifts so that nobody is embarrassed to have to go on a stage, sit on his lap and be singled out as a charity case. If a family cannot make it to the event for whatever reason, names of these families are noted, and Santa or Santas (many volunteers) personally show up at their homes and deliver the gifts.

"I think that's the right way to do it."


There is no right way or wrong way to do it. This program has been run this way for thirty years or so, with success. Each community is different, and not all programs are the same. You go with what has proven to be enjoyable for all those who participate, and you are so very thankful that there are volunteers out there who are willing to make a difference in the lives of children at Christmas.

PJ's momma said... 188

Ladybug, you can make crockpot applesauce......just peel and chop up 3 to 5 lbs of apples, add about a half cup of sugar or less (depending on the sweetness of the apples) some cinammon, about a half cup of water and let it all cook on low all day. Mash it all with an old fashioned potato peeler and enjoy. Your house will smell so good and it is so yummy that there will be unending shrieks of delight x8!

PJ's momma said... 189

Rainbowsandunicorns, I don't think Ladybug was referring to or trying to insult your program per se, she was recollecting her painful childhood experience. I think the way you do it is great too, meal, roaming Santa and all. Please don't be insulted, she said basically the same thing in her earlier post.

NJGal51 said... 190
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NJGal51 said... 191

Bearswife - I don't know who put the lime in the coconut but I'm going to drink it all up and then take JoyinVirginia's advice and do the happy dance for ???(pssst, it wasn't Asia or Madison).....

Christmas Ruiner said... 192

All the churches here get together for an Angel Tree program. We used to be asked to wrap everything (changed that now) and find out the best time to deliver the gifts to the house. I.E., a time when the kids won't be home! So, I called the mother. I asked her when the best time was. She said anytime. I asked, anytime, like right now? She said yes, this is a good time. I asked her if she had a closet cleared out for storing the gifts out of sight. Not yet, but give me 15 minutes and I can have a spot cleaned out in the garage. So, OK, I wait about 20 minutes, drive over there with a van full of gifts for her 5 kids and she answers the door. She looks shocked to see me. Her kids are running around the house, her boyfriend is asleep on the couch, and there is no place cleared out anywhere. I ask if the garage is unlocked. Nope. She tells me to bring them into the house and put them in the corner. (Yes, I had the right house)

She was SO mad at me for "ruining Christmas" for her children because they thought Santa Claus brought gifts, not some woman with a van.
She thought I should have taken them to my house, stored them there, and then brought them over at about midnight Christmas Eve so her children would be surprised. Mind you, she didn't say that to me when I was trying to arrange a good delivery time. Right now was fine then.

Maybe I was too thin skinned about it, but I thought at least a smile would have been nice. After all, she signed up for this Angel Tree program. I wasn't like we were shoving unwanted gifts at her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 193

Christmas, I have had similar experiences especially when I was volunteering with an organization similar to Habitat or Humanity. I would get upset about it but people remind me that you don't do this type of thing to see grateful faces. You do it to help people no matter what their reaction. If they act grateful, that's an added bonus. But trust me, if you do any amount of charitable work you will encounter lots of ungrateful people and you have to sort of get past that and realize it's not about that. It's not an easy thing. We'd all like the sort of Hallmark movie type ending where we give up so much of ourselves for the less fortunate and everyone exchanges a tearful hug in the end.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 194

"Like all girls, regardless of age or interests must want a dolly."


Not all girls want dolls. I was under that impression, too, but I was wrong. My daughters never were interested in them. I thought they had to play with Barbies as I did. I spent big bucks on Barbies, cars, Ken, Barbie's friends, accessories...even baby dolls, American Girl (sort of liked that one), but nope, looked at them and put them aside, as did many of their friends. And yet, they are very "girly" in everything else!

fidosmommy said... 195

When my sister was young there were some special dolls she loved. Ginny Dolls. She had 2 of them, and my parents figured I'd love my own Ginny doll. Mom sent away for patterns for and sewed Ginny an entire wardrobe. When I opened my Ginny doll on Christmas morning, I stared at it, turned to my sister and said "Would you like this? I don't want it." I was about 6, too young to understand what my mom had done for me. My sister was thrilled and enjoyed her Ginny doll the rest of her life. She had Ginny furniture and had the dolls on display in a cabinet. I have no idea where they are now. I never saw the appeal.
I was into model trains, puzzles, board games,
cowboy and indians and rough and tumble.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 196

Fido I never played with dolls either with one exception, the American Girl doll Felicity. I loved her. But that was more about the books I think that's what engaged me. I was more of an imagination type girl I liked making up plays and things and acting them out, and reading. I was also into sports, legos, music and art. Dolls no.

I took it for granted I could ask "Santa" for something and I would get it. I never had to receive a toy meant for a "girl 7-10" because I likely wouldn't like what most people would buy for a girl.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 197

Does anyone on the East Coast/North wear leg warmers and do they help? I got some on impulse for my trip to Chicago. They just seemed so neat and toasty and Black Swan-ish LOL. I haven't worn these since the 80's. We're going on a couple outdoor photography excursions and I'm afraid it could be rough without them haha.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 198

"Fido I never played with dolls either with one exception, the American Girl doll Felicity. I loved her."


My sister's favorite doll was Felicity...she was so attached to that thing. The doll sat next to her in church. She went everywhere with her. She still has her sitting in a child's wooden rocker next to the fireplace. Good memories, she says!

Fido -- those Ginny dolls from the 50s are quite pricey. One mint-in-box dress and shoes (without the doll) recently sold for $125.00. You should have kept her, along with the furniture!

LancasterCountyMom said... 199

Bearswife said: "One thing I've learned is everyone has a different cookie in mind when they think russian tea cakes! My mom's are like round butter cookies with crushed walnuts mixed in..."

Is there any other kind?? Love Russian tea cakes! My sister & I used to make them on Christmas eve. So good. :)

fidosmommy said... 200

Bearswife said: "One thing I've learned is everyone has a different cookie in mind when they think russian tea cakes! My mom's are like round butter cookies with crushed walnuts mixed in..."


That would also describe Mexican wedding cakes and a German cookie I can't remember the name of. Starts with Sch....

By whatever name, they are wonderful.

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