Sunday, January 6, 2013

Biggest Loser Kids: The new cast features three overweight teens

In a surprise move, the acclaimed reality show The Biggest Loser, which premiered tonight, has for the first time added kids to their cast. Bingo, age 13, Lindsay, also 13, and Sunny, age 16, are part of the cast this season. The show promises to tackle childhood obesity with the addition of the three kids. Fortunately, Biggest Loser films in Calabasas in California, protected by California's well-received child labor laws for reality shows. By law, a parent or guardian, and a set teacher, will need to be at the ranch when the children are there.

The Biggest Loser changed a few things to accommodate the kids. They can't be voted off, and they won't participate in the famous, sometimes demoralizing, weekly weigh-ins. They appear to be thus far more like a smaller side story parallel to the main contestants, the adults. 

The move has not been without controvesy, however. Fitness guru and author Golda Poretsky says the show encourages bullying of overweight children, and physician Yoni Freedhoff is calling for an all-out boycott. Said Dr. Freedhoff
"I would imagine that the psychological devastation of weight regain in any of these children will be far more damaging to them, and far more likely to be ridiculed by their peers and even complete strangers, than regain in any adult participant. As far as blame goes - I don't blame the children for wanting to be involved (their parents I'll cover tomorrow) - the show's messaging is incredibly seductive. I do however blame the producers as no doubt they understand the implications of these kids being in America's cold, hard, spotlight and however well intentioned they might claim to be, ultimately what they're doing is exploiting children for the sake of viewers, and I believe, putting children in true harm's way."
Coach Bob Harper had this to say: "With the kids, we wanted to do exactly the opposite of when we work with the adults. We do no breaking down, just lifting up ... It's about getting kids to move around again and getting kids to be kids."

But the show is already putting a lot of responsibility on the kids, calling them "ambassadors." What if they can't live up to the expectations for them? How will a 13-year-old handle such pressures in front of a national audience?

658 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said... 1

We also had a perverted gym teacher. 40 yrs later, my sister belongs to the same chuch. She finally told him that "kids remember EVERYTHING." Now he leaves whenever he sees her, even if its in the middle of services.

Anonymous said... 2

You know nothing surprises me about this. Gain weight, lose weight it's all pretty much the same talked about issue all over America.

I see no reason to really make weight loss a reality show, which is pretty much what I see Biggest Loser as, I mean come on, I think most people know if anything is on television, it's edited to a point, whether or not you film it realistically.

Just like the reality show with all these teen moms I don't think, as good as the intention may be to inspire other kids to get up off the couch and go out and do something (they used to start to push this concept in the 90s in my childhood), but I have only seen one Biggest Loser episode and I didn't like the in your face bit about it.

You can push people but these are kids. Why parents would allow their kids to document their weight loss for the world to see is beyond me period.

I say this because I have and still do struggle with my personal fears of being overweight even if techincally I'm not considered overweight or obese I think society in genearl not to mention my personal background really haven't helped.

I mean, people say they want to lose weight, they might but then you turn around and there's fast food on every corner, it's commercials with their "special deals, one-time only, half off," or whatever it's no wonder people have almost jumped on the gimick of weight-loss products. You go to any store and there are dozens of products, dozens of personal triners telling you their "secrets," promises of 10lbs by a month and such.

If kids really wanted to be healthy I don't think they should put it on television but simply, if you're parets encourage your kid to do something active isn't it that simple? I mean really when did America become so in your face with everyting, everyone making a reality show or something similiar out of things? Why?

Anyway that's my cents, not that it's worth much but if these parents or these kids want them or their kids to be healthy...I think they could have gone about it firstly by not putting their kids out there and just doing something as simple as being a family and going for a walk around the block, etc.

Anonymous said... 3

@Dmasy, I'm little confused on your real or fake facebook account not that I mind, but, I'm just wondering if I should delete message I sent...or didn't send to you? I mean it's no big deal. I just want to know if I should cancel it or resend it or what.

I have't meant bother anybody if that's the problem.

I'm getting tired said... 4

Wow. What's wrong with the parents of these kids? No way in hell would I subject my child to such scrutiny. Enough of this. ~ Administrator said... 5

What really, really bugs me about this is how it's directly tackling two things that are just SO fragile for many teens--body weight, and self esteem. It's all going to be put out there publicly. It's not like we're just watching a kid play baseball and he gets to keep his self esteem private. It's directly about that.

This idea may do amazing things for these kids and many other kids. But is it really worth the risk that a child could get his self esteem crushed if anything goes wrong, with terrible consequences? Bingo strikes me as especially vulnerable, he is clearly overcompensating, playing that stereotypical fat kid class clown role. ~ Administrator said... 6

but I have only seen one Biggest Loser episode and I didn't like the in your face bit about it.


The Biggest Loser puts forth one way to lose weight that works for some people. But a lot of doctors think it's dangerous and also a lot of contestants have come forward to say it was impossible to keep the weight off and they're right back to where they were before. Those who keep it off said they work out EIGHT HOURS a day!

The problem is once you are morbidly obese apparently there is no going back without all the extra work. Scary, but true.

franky said... 7

from other thread, please let this throigh Admin

my name is Franky Alain, and I have been "outed"
Hi, franky here, and yes, I stand against child exploitation.

I stand for my my child, mother, brother family and friends.

I stand for our fallen soldiers on overpasses..Highway of Heroes.

I stand for missing daughters and sons ..Jessica Elizabeth Lloyd.

I stand for gun control...Sandy Hook

I stand for those in need..haiti, pakistan..heck, the world.

What in g-d's name do you stand for? sheeple, I am talking to you. kk?

Lord have mercy on your soul

ps. Even the Dionne sisters warned kk..was that not enoigh?

We learned..when will you?

Dutch Tulip said... 8

franky said... 7
Applause, applause!

Lbelle said... 9

Dear Franky Alain....7:
It is great to meet YOU!
I loved your post and what it says about YOU and the quality person YOU are.
The mud on the bottom of your ( Im sure, very in fashion Montreal ) shoes are miles above the stupid Sheeple and the low, nasty 'lives' they live.

I cannot fathom, for the life of me, what they hope to gain from their latest juvenile actions. Do they actually believe ANY of us are shaking in our boots? For what exactly? OMG....we MAY find out each others names and be able to put a face to our posting names? OH NO! THE HORRORS!!

Lots and lots of very established blogs, like ours here, morph into real names, pics shared, etc. Usually enriches the experience for these long time cyber pals. Just my humble opinion AND my personal experience. : )

This is nothing more than a scare tactic by these morons because they are JELLUS! Oh...and because we ( I? ) can't stand the orange, tranny face, horse toothed, flat assed, no female shape to speak of except for the store bought Torpedo Tits, Katie Irene Kreider, their Queen.
Forgot talentless. Oh, and child/animal ABUSING biotch!!!

Phew! I feel better now! Next post will be on topic. Sorry!

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 10

I was watching TV this am, while drinking my coffee, and guess who was on the TLC channel at 6am? I know reruns have aired on another channel but today TLC. Coincidence? It's the New York City episode, with Jamie saying barely anything, and Steve off camera for the most part. Kate shrieks and screams, running down the street with ice cream cones in heels, covers the 6 year old tups in paper towels from neck to knees so they don't get ice cream on their clothes, chomps on her gum, talks non-stop and makes herself the center piece non-stop. She ignores her kids for the most part, and uses them as a prop here and there. The twins are showing signs of disgust and wear and tear, while they "make memories." And the kids, of course, thanked her for taking them on the trip, according to Kate.

Not sure whether Kate recently filmed the kids, yet again, after Mom Swap, and the horrible SUV trip, in the hopes of getting back on air, but my gut tells me she did film with them, and I hope to God no one decides to televise the filming. These kids have more than earned their right NOT to have their lives shown for all to see for far too long. And I think it is plain to see that most of these kids were tired of filming in the NY episode. Most mothers would see the signs. Not Kate.

She needs her "accesories," as she knows she is a has been. The Narcissist lives on, come hell or high water. It is all about Kate. Trip with family and friends?? I think not.

Looka said... 11

The only thing worse than an obese adult, is an obese child.

I never blame a child for their weight problem. It's the parents who create these unhealthy and unatractive young people with poor diets and lazy lifestyles. When you see a fat kid, nine out of ten times they have a fat parent.

I applaud these parents for recognizing the problem and doing whatever it takes to get these kids to lose weight.

Lbelle said... 12

Biggest Loser with Teens: the good, the bad and the ugly!

Good: child/teen obesity numbers are HORRIFIC and getting worse! These kids are not only battling NOW the taunting, laughs, dirty looks from their peers but also their own feelings of shame/low self-esteem. So, so sad. We/they know all the reasons they got there, in most cases. I think that if this kind of show COULD motivate even 10 other kids to do something about their weight/health situations by watching others, just like them, then perhaps this IS a good, positive thing.
I think the kids featured on the show MUST want to change their lives and are brave enough to 'take one for the team' so to speak, in hopes,of inspiring others to ditch the junk, get off the couch and JUST DO IT! ( such a fab slogan! )

Bad: well....I guess the feelings of hopelessness they will undoubtedly face IF they cannot follow the program or, worse even, if they can and they don't see much in the way of results. Maybe they are too young to be realistic? Also, yes, I agree that the teasing at their schools could increase just because EVERYBODY would know and, likely, even noticed by those who had previously paid them no mind. I mean, it MAY make things worse. It also MAY make it a lot BETTER for them if they end up with good kids at school who,would start to understand their struggles and become cheerleaders for them!

Ugly: oh...God forbid if these poor kids lose a bunch of weight...due to the strictness of the program and inability to do anything BUT focus on their weight issues....and then fall off the wagon and gain it all back! Like somebody already mentioned, it's all fine and dandy when at the Ranch but, seriously...WTH can work out for 4-6 hours EVERY DAY in real,life??? Pretty much not possible so, I imagine, most participants WILL see a climb on the scale after filming is over and you are thrown back into your old normal...with temptations all around you!! Roller coaster living is hard enough for a mature, sensible ADULT to handle. A teen? Not good!
I'm hoping these teens do GREAT. I hope it changes their lives and how they live their life. Most importantly, I REALLY hope this show does no harm to any of them.

JudyK said... 13

Looka said... 11
The only thing worse than an obese adult, is an obese child.

I never blame a child for their weight problem. It's the parents who create these unhealthy and unatractive young people with poor diets and lazy lifestyles. When you see a fat kid, nine out of ten times they have a fat parent.

I applaud these parents for recognizing the problem and doing whatever it takes to get these kids to lose weight.

Whoa (or in Katespeak "Woah"), I am really, really offended by your post.

Working Woman said... 14

Wow, this is really rubbing me the wrong way.

On the one hand, hopefully these kids' lives will change in a powerful and special way.

However, why do they need to be filmed? Losing weight, especially if you are considered obese to begin with, is no easy task. Thes\re is a lot of sweat, a lot of tears, a roller coaster of emotions, setbacks, etc. Why oh why does a camera need to capture all of this and broadcast to the young ones' peers?

13 and 16 year olds? Yikes, such fragile ages. Body image and self-esteem issues are rapant.

At least adults, for the most part, have a more stabilized view of who they are as people and have a greater ability to consider the broader implications of the decisions they make.

At least they won't be voted off or have to participate in the weigh-ins. I hope they don't get yelled at.

That's the thing that always bothered me a bit about the Biggest Loser, ever though I never really watched it much. Weight loss should not be made into a competition. First of all, people have all different kinds of metabolisms and they naturally lose weight at different rates. Also, the more a person weighs, the easier it is going to be for that person to lose weight week by week as long as he is following procedure.

Wishing those kids, and all of the other contestants, all the very best.

Susantoyota said... 15

Here in my neck of the woods, one of the school districts received a grant this year and partnered with a wight loss program which treats children's obesity back east. The children (older pre-teens/teens) were actually flown to the program and remained there for the first semester of the school year. Counselors worked with their parents back home in order to make better food and activity choices when the children returned. The children returned home right before the Chrismas holidays, noticeably lighter, with only a few articles in the paper and a little bit of TV coverage at the airport. I imagine there might be some things said at school, but nothing like if their struggles had been used for entertainment on national television.

Formerly Duped said... 16

This concept is not new, although IMO, exploitative. There was Fat Camp, Honey, We're Killing the Kids, Half Ton Teen, an African-American family all of whom were obese...I think it's terrible to film a personal struggle like this, especially as statistics say kids who have been overweight likely will be again.

I prefer the nutrition-based shows like Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.

JoyinVirginia said... 17

I read an interview with Jillian, the returning trainer, about this season of Biggest Loser. From brief article, I got impression that the teens will not be living at ranch like the adult contestants, that they would be worked with re exercise and nutrition. I think from the article that the teens have one or both parents participating in Biggest Loser, and this will give it a bit more family intervention approach. Jillian was very clear that the training approach for the teens is more nurturing and positive and not the typical drill Sargent approach.

JudyK said... 18

Joy #17...That's good to hear!

Improbable Dreams said... 19

Kate Plus 8's on TLC this morning! After a long hiatus, doors slammed in her face, she's somehow managed to slip through this narrow crack.

An update special, filmed during Christmas break? Maybe. With Kate, there are no coincidences...something's in the works.

Jane said... 20

Improbable Dreams said... 19
Kate Plus 8's on TLC this morning! After a long hiatus, doors slammed in her face, she's somehow managed to slip through this narrow crack.

An update special, filmed during Christmas break? Maybe. With Kate, there are no coincidences...something's in the works.


I agree. And this combined with relative Twitter silence - wonder if TLC or whomever told her to chill. I also wonder if she was in Europe with Steve and his family - she always referred to them as 'family.'

kids first said... 21

IF this TLC/filming is true and IF it does make the light of day, we need to launch a HUGE sponsor boycott. Those poor kids.

Pity Party said... 22

Why does everyone think TLC was involved?

Jane said... 23

Pity Party said... 22
Why does everyone think TLC was involved?


I'm not sure they are, it's just speculation. But the fact that Kate Plus 8 is apparently airing on TLC after being shelved is odd. Makes me go hmmmmm......maybe they want publicity for an upcoming show?

Pity Party said... 24

Thanks Jane. I try to keep up, but haven't been able to much lately. ~ Administrator said... 25

Does anyone remember MTV's Fat Camp? It was probably one of their very best reality shows, it was really well done and interesting. But there was a girl on it Diane who seemed Aspergers, had a lot of meltdowns that were embarrassing, and I can't imagine the kind of teasing she must have gotten from being on that show and being made to look so foolish. I felt awful for her.

Formerly Duped said... 26

Yes, I mentioned Fat Camp above. I watched a bit of it. I thought it was invasive as they went into the personal lives of the kids ( crushes, family situations, escapades,academic standing, sneaking food, results of weigh-ins) but thought it was interesting.I don't remember Diane but I do recall a boy around 13 or so who was always crying and refusing to follow the rules.

Improbable Dreams said... 27

I'm not a fan of shows like this. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but even if they enjoy it in the moment (or appear to, anyway), I'm guessing the kids involved won't think the same way about their experience as they get older.

As for any Kate plus 8 updates...I hope & pray we hear from Robert H again, so as to hold accountable the "realest reality" star, by keeping her antics/true nature front and center.

Formerly Duped said... 28

Oh- I watched the clip- yes I do remember her! She seem to over react to everything. Idk if that's Asperger's like but definitely a bit different.She caused a lot of her own heartache. The counselor handled the towel situation well, though.I felt badly for Dianne too- I thought the bunk-mates were pretty nice to her too.

Dwindle said... 29

The real reason Kate may have gone to France! Or maybe not because she is too stupid to have this much fun!

Anonymous said... 30

It looks as though this TLC re-exposure is doing her no good. Check out this tweet from this morning. (this is NOT a hater, just someone who was watching the show this morning.)

J*****r ‏@je******b
Kate Gosselin looks like a 50 cent prostitute takin her kids to the Statue of Liberty like ok you have 8 kids put a shirt on.
6:54 AM - 7 Jan 13

Dwindle said... 31

Jane said... 23
Pity Party said... 22
Why does everyone think TLC was involved?


I'm not sure they are, it's just speculation. But the fact that Kate Plus 8 is apparently airing on TLC after being shelved is odd. Makes me go hmmmmm......maybe they want publicity for an upcoming show?


groan, you could be right. Oy.

Or maybe whatever kind of royalties they would have had to pay that woman expired at the end of 2012 so now they can show them without answering to her for anything?

But Jane, I think you are right.

Improbable Dreams said... 32

Berks Neighbor~ Hmm, and who woulda guessed? lol

TLC knows how to bring the crazy. So if they're showing NYC today and Australia tomorrow, anyone wanna bet they filmed another travelogue episode, featuring Kate in all her hissy-fit glory?

Be careful what you wish for, Katie Irene...

Dwindle said... 33

Berks Neighbor said... 30
It looks as though this TLC re-exposure is doing her no good. Check out this tweet from this morning. (this is NOT a hater, just someone who was watching the show this morning.)

J*****r ‏@je******b
Kate Gosselin looks like a 50 cent prostitute takin her kids to the Statue of Liberty like ok you have 8 kids put a shirt on.
6:54 AM - 7 Jan 13



Another way Kate Gosselin has enriched my life: I thought hookers only dressed like that on TV and movies, but noooo, there she is, in her fake real life, dressing like a complete and total exhibitionist tramp. NO LIE!

Dwindle said... 34

Improbable Dreams said... 32
Berks Neighbor~ Hmm, and who woulda guessed? lol

TLC knows how to bring the crazy. So if they're showing NYC today and Australia tomorrow, anyone wanna bet they filmed another travelogue episode, featuring Kate in all her hissy-fit glory?

Be careful what you wish for, Katie Irene...


Production company secrecy is about the only reason in all of creation that Kate could keep her mouth shut this long. Or maybe she just took off with Steve for a couple of weeks, sans kids. Who knows. I dont care. I had a great holiday season this year, one for the books, and I dont care what a former tv tramp did. Or what some mentally ill housewife in PA did.

Anonymous said... 35

I don't get TLC so I'm not sure what episodes are being shown, but if they are her 'worst' episodes (well, let's rephrase that, on a scale of 1 - 10 of her basic personality issues, most being around 10 or 11 or 17) perhaps TLC is done with her and wants to show her the way she actually is by replaying the 'worst of'.

This would explain her really odd tweet about apologies.
Perhaps she went to TLC and asked for an apology, and didn't get one. Or perhaps she went to Coupon Cabin and didn't get one. I do not for one second believe that tweet was about Kate apologizing, because if it was it was singularly the most rude comment in regards to apologies summed up as "I know I'm right, but I still need to use you, so I'm going to embrace my martyrdom while I use you for my own purpose".

In my humble opinion Kate is still persona non grata among TV execs.

BTW, an interesting tidbit, Pastor Bryon spoke on Psalm 23 and did quite a large section of his introduction on sheep. Kate could have learned a lot at this service.

Jane said... 36

Dwindle said... 31
But Jane, I think you are right.


Something about it feels right, but we've been wrong before and are hopefully so this time! And sheeple, we aren't afraid to admit it :)

Did you get my email?

Anonymous said... 37

Girls who are on the facebook group, I'm sorry I haven't requested a 'friendship'. I'm still a bit wary of something personal getting out to the wrong people. So I'll play here at the blog if you don't mind. If you get a request from Berks Neighbor, it's NOT me. You will know if it is me I'll make myself known.

Dmasy said... 38

I haven't seen Biggest Loser yet. DVR'd it. Hanging my head here, shameful grin...I watched Honey Boo Boo.

I did laugh when the uncle got his head stuck in the 50 lb pumpkin.

The family is so CONFIDENT. They like themselves and care very little if anyone judges them unkindly.

June put on a Marilyn Monroe white dress (to go with her newly blonde hair) for Halloween. Honey Bear said he was now Horny Bear -- he liked it (a lot)! She models the dress with a kind of self-assurance I have NEVER had.

I doubt that I will watch again. But, they are likable because they are so genuine. They still need some classes in manners!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 39

I can't imagine what TLC may be planning by putting Kate+8 back on. Strange time of day if they're sending out "feelers" -- 6am eastern time. Her west coast fans will have to be setting their alarms for 3 am.

kids first said... 40

What would be funny is if TLC found out that she was independently filming and decided to replay her worst episodes to put a bad light on her. But really, I doubt that TLC really cares what she does now. Unless....she really ticked them off.

PJ's momma said... 41

kids first, I love how you think!

PJ's momma said... 42

Sorry, hit post too soon - Marie, great post. WHY put kids up for this kind of scrutiny, which will only be worse if they gain the weight back? Kids are fragile, peers can be brutal. It's good they want to learn a new way and get healthy, but it could be really hard on them in the end.

improbable dreams said... 43

Tweet-le-Dee ~ The NYC episode played on the West Coast at 6 a.m., as it did on the East Coast.

Sheeple are tweeting their excitment, and make mention of the Australia episode airing tomorrow....

IDModo said... 44

Way to go Franky!
You said it all, there's nothing to add...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 45

improbable dreams said... 43
Tweet-le-Dee ~ The NYC episode played on the West Coast at 6 a.m., as it did on the East Coast.

Sheeple are tweeting their excitment, and make mention of the Australia episode airing tomorrow....

Ok. Interesting. Where I am it played at 4 am so I figured 3 am on West Coast. I noticed they're putting on a lot of old shows from 2009 thru 2011. Guess that's typical of cable networks though. Not sure how significant it is that they're rerunning old Kate shows.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 46

I know that the "Biggest Loser" program exists, but I've never seen an episode.

I'm happy that that the children will be taught how to live healthier lives- by eating better, and by incorporating daily exercise that is fun.

I'm just not thrilled that the process will be broadcast on t.v.

I'm concerned that they will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle when the cameras are turned off.

Anonymous said... 47

I am asking this sincerely as I watched very little - were there any GOOD episodes of Kate Plus 8?

Nancy said... 48

Flight of the Kiwi said... 47
I am asking this sincerely as I watched very little - were there any GOOD episodes of Kate Plus 8?
I watched from the very begining up to the vow renewal and at the time not knowing what I know now I would have said yes BUT in retrospect I think there where warning signs all along.... She may have looked differant at the begining but has really always been nasty. Once the facade of a hard working over stressed mom of 8 is stripped away once a b*tch always a b*ith :)

Nancy said... 49

Sorry Kiwi I didn't read your question properly I thought you meant J&K +8 I never actually watched Kate plus 8 couldn't stomach it lol

Dmasy said... 50

I find the thought of Kate returning to TV almost unbearable. Mostly because I can't stand to think of her doing the happy dance and chanting "I'm ME! I win! I'm knew I was a star!"

I don't want her to rejoice in her success or put the children back to work.

Where is Robert?

aggiemom09121416 said... 51

Kids went back to school today, so I had to get up at 530~ flip on the kitchen tv,and there she is, in all her trashy boobed-out glory, Kate steering a boat toward the Statue of Liberty.
I tell ya, bile was brewing! I couldn't flip the channel quick enough. She was screeching, the twins were totally disgusted with her behavior, the other kids will milling about.
I haven't seen the episode in its entirety, but it was probably more of the same.

How she can deny a boob job is laughable at best. She had those massive missives upright and standing at attention, with no bra in sight!

yep, all we mothers know, that pregnancy and breast feeding makes those puppies bigger, firmer, and stand higher.

As far as the biggest loser show, don't watch it.
I have *several* children, and 4 of them are skinny as rails...and I have identical twins, and they are on the plump side. Same genes, same diet, same schedules, same parenting. Some people are just blessed with skinny genes.

I'd like to serve french bread tonight for dinner....can someone book me a quick flight to France so I can be back in time to cook dinner??

Ingrid said... 52

Dmasy said... 50
I don't want her to rejoice in her success or put the children back to work
That's what I feel too. She's a talentless b**** who doesn't deserve the money or the fame.

Dmasy said... 53

Humble brag alert!

Time to change the sweeper bag in my vacuum. My paper bags are -- wait for it -- Made in Germany! Says so in great big bragging letters. Who knew!

Pity Party said... 54

There were some tender moments between the kids in the beginning.

Anonymous said... 55

Oh please. Kate ever going to France? That I'd pay to watch her do it, but she has to do it herself. I'd like to see her check into a hotel on her own, even buy a simple coffee on her own. Go into a clothing store wearing her skimpy baby doll dress and ask to made, "Y'know like all you French-ie people dress," I guarentee you right now she'd be laughed out so quick her head would spin.

Kate in France. Please. But yes, Kate, that is exactly how you save money. Buy an appliance overseas. Good for you. You moron. Now I get to sit back and watch you continue to blow what money you have. By the way, I hear unemployment just called they have that opening you wanted at McDonald's. But, you see, don't worry, you can eat all the "fresh" salads you want on your 15 minute break with all the rest of the minimum wage teenagers since you know, they are your social group.

Nope, I don't feel like being nice this morning.

Blowing In The Wind said... 56

I'd like to serve french bread tonight for dinner....can someone book me a quick flight to France so I can be back in time to cook dinner??


lol! My kids requested cottage pie tonight (similar to shepherd's pie), but when I called Gallagher's in Dublin (who has the best ever), they told me that it was too late to get it on the next flight over here. What to do, what to do...

aggiemom09121416 said... 57

I am one of the few, I don't care if Kate returns back to tv. I just won't watch.
What I do have a problem with is her talking about the kids, the ex, etc.
If she wants a show, do it on her OWN.
There are plenty of people on tv I do not care for, Kardashians come to mind first. But, for whatever reason, there is a market for that kind of trash, but I do not watch.

What bothers me about Kate is that she isn't authentic. She is as fake as they come. She will do anything, say anything, to keep the money rolling in. And being fake is fraudulent, like a con game.
And I hate being lied to.

kids first said... 58

Could she have been filming another Mom Swap episode?

Anonymous said... 59

I may not agree with the President's politics but I whole-heartedly agree with this:
White House Bans pictures of President's Daughters - cites privacy

Kate could learn a lesson or two about keeping children safe from prying eyes and using them for personal gain. I'm sick of how she crawls her way to fame on the backs of their children. ~ Administrator said... 60

I don't know if the White House has the authority to do that but good for them asking they not be posted. Hopefully it will be respected. They also said that making Obama girl dolls was wildly inappropriate.

carolina peach said... 61

Haven't read any for this new post yet. From the last post. I respectfully disagree that children always remember. Ssometimes they don't and then something triggers the memories of the abuse. There are blank spaces in their childhood and no memories of a certain age.

White Organza, you know there are other victims of that nun that share the same memories. She knew just which tiny innocents to prey upon. And I would think that other adults there knew or suspected what was going on. No one wanted to rock the boat. What would happen if it got out? Aren't you furious that she did that? I am furious for you. You're not alone. Many of us were taken advantage of by those our parents trusted.

AuntieAnn said... 62

Reality tv has focused its lens on every other less-than-ideal visible feature of the human form so it was just a matter of time until they turned the camera on "obese" kids. I wonder if these three young contestants understand they are representing the stereotypical conception that because you are bigger physically you are less of a person. Even coach Harper's remark about getting kids to be kids suggests these three don't fit the norm.

Every child is unique and an individual but it seems like a large part of society won't be happy until all children look and act the same. Easier to manage the herd that way I suppose.

carolina peach said... 63

Is it only appropiate to cook French Toast in a pan from Tar-ge' (Target?)

Saw K this am. smh. She'll be on in the am, too at 6. Wonder why? tlc just filling in some blank spaces? She's on at 6 am and HBB at prime time. Ouch.

Agree that these children and their weight lost journey should not be filmed. Don't see a positive ending to all of this.

Working Woman said... 64

The Obamas love and care about their daughters above all else, that is so beautifully obvious.

I hardly know anything about the girls, which I think is a good thing. They have always seemed like lovely, well-behaved young ladies who adore their dad and are so very proud of him. But that is the extend of which I know.

These girls probably live very priviliged lives in many ways, but tough lives in other ways. It will be a huge effort to maintain their privacy. But it is wonderfully refreshing to see how much thought and effort goes into respecting their privacy and letting them lives like the young, wonderful kids that they are.

And how cute is Bo Obama? Love that dog!!!! Beyond precious.

PatK said... 65

Do ten sheeple posting their joy at TLC airing Khate's re-runs in the wee hours of the morning think that's enough to get her back in the news? Or get her a new series?

I can't stop laughing.

JoyinVirginia said... 66

Michelle Obamas mother moved with the family to the White House, so Mom and Dad have the back up of grandma for their children. That is great for the kids and their parents, and grandma deserves to be thanked multiple times!

SeeSaw said... 67

Formerly Duped, I remember the show "Honey, We're Killing the Kids." It was awful when they would show the parents what their child would look like as an adult. If I remember it focused more on the whole family and changing eating/exercising habits than it did on just the child.

Jane said... 68

Dmasy said... 50
I find the thought of Kate returning to TV almost unbearable. Mostly because I can't stand to think of her doing the happy dance and chanting "I'm ME! I win! I'm knew I was a star!"

I don't want her to rejoice in her success or put the children back to work.

Where is Robert?


Yup. That says it all.

Anonymous said... 69

There's always the 1980's era heirloom faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner that doubles as a spaceship. Get ya there and back in a jiffy. Although, book now, as said 1980's era heriloom faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner/spaceship is kinda on it's last legs. Decommissioning in its near future :(

Anonymous said... 70

Heriloom? NOOOOOO. It's not "heri" at all. Nice faux ultra suede. HEIRLOOM. sigh.

foxy said... 71

President and Mrs. Obama are not the first to ask respect for the chidren. President Truman was ruthless about protecting Margaret and made no qualms about letting the media know to lay off. Mrs. Kennedy only allowed media at certain times for her children. President and Mrs. Clinton also let the media know that Chelsea was off limits. I admire these families for telling the media that their children are private people and reporting on them or taking pictures will not be tolerated.

Anonymous said... 72

I say this with the utmost respect. You are an extremely intelligent group. Why do you continue to speculate about what Kate did during the Christmas break?

Some of you have assumed that Kate went to France. Why? Because she has a yogurt maker from France. Really?

Other's have assumed that she must have been away filming another show. By the way, her show was NEVER filmed, it was Video Taped. Huge difference. I only mention this because, in the past some of you have commented about film being left on the cutting room floor. Since I was Video Tape Editor in one of the top Post Productions facilities in Burbank, Ca. it drives me nuts! I promise you, ALL of the footage that was shot,is and forever will be, on tape. Kate can say that editing made her look bad. No! Katie it is ALL there, unedited!

As far as TLC televising a Kateplusmy8 show this morning, calm down! TV is like any other for profit business- keep your overhead Low and your Profits high. It's CHEAP programming. Think about how many stations still run Friends, Seinfeld, The Walton's and Little House on the Prairie over and over. It's Cheap!

Kate is done! Stop worrying. If Kate really had something in the fire, she would be tweeting endlessly with her subtle hints, and farting rainbows!

AuntieAnn said... 73
This comment has been removed by the author. ~ Administrator said... 74

Aw come on speculation is so fun though. Prove us wrong.

As for the cutting room floor lol, I don't think anyone seriously believes editing boys still have to sit there and cut up film. It's just an expression people use to describe things being edited out. Digitally edited out just doesn't have the same ring. Surely if you're in the business you've heard the expression used in a fashion that wasn't literal.

AuntieAnn said... 75

AuntieAnn said... 73

Dmasy said... 38

I haven't seen Biggest Loser yet. DVR'd it. Hanging my head here, shameful grin...I watched Honey Boo Boo.

I surfed to the show late to see HBB sitting on the floor dumping some jars of mayo into a bowl. June was complaining how much she hates the stuff but will eat it in potato salad if someone else prepares it.

My son walked into the room and remarked, "Mom, we have 250 channels, and you're watching this?" I promptly surfed away from the show.

Sometimes I need a good smack up the side of my head.

AuntieAnn said... 76

Oh for crying out loud, I can't post today.

Improbable Dreams said... 77

Anonymous at 72 ~ I say this with the utmost respect: You seem like an intelligent, caring person, so may I suggest you make yourself comfortable?You could start by picking a name... :)

As for your suggestion that we "stop worrying," I don't think you need be concerned. We're just speculating, lol, as we are wont to do.

AuntieAnn said... 78

Anonymous said... 72
Some of you have assumed that Kate went to France. Why? Because she has a yogurt maker from France. Really?

She has a reputation for doing sh*t like that.

Formerly Duped said... 79

SeeSaw, yes, that was a good show in many ways, although it always made me feel SO guilty! While my kids were not overweight in the least, I did allow some of the foods that would 'kill' them!!! I took it very seriously. I suppose it should be taken that way- those families worked hard to improve their eating & lifestyle. Yes, those projected pictures and expected age of death were scary!

Anonymous said... 80

heather here

SeeSaw, yes, that was a good show in many ways, although it always made me feel SO guilty! While my kids were not overweight in the least, I did allow some of the foods that would 'kill' them!!! I took it very seriously. I suppose it should be taken that way- those families worked hard to improve their eating & lifestyle. Yes, those projected pictures and expected age of death were scary!

What's frightening is that my BIL looks like one of those pictures. He only eats chicken, potatoes, mac and cheese and fast food. No veggies, no fruit. All processed foods.

And it shows. It is heartbreaking to see. While he is not obese (he could stand to lose maybe 15 lbs, which isn't a heck of a lot), he has the full circle of black around both eyes, and he's only 28. He is exhausted all. the. time.

I've been retraining my husband to eat better. Two years and much progress made. Although he still stays away from veggies, he eats fruit everyday.

But my BIL is a lost cause. SIgh.

Carrin said... 81

I had TLC on for a split second, just to see what all the hub-bub over Honey Boo Boo was about. I gagged, wiped my eyes, and turned it away. People are paid to behave this way? Really?

Tucker's Mom said... 82

And how cute is Bo Obama? Love that dog!!!! Beyond precious.
Did you see when Bo jumped in "Mommy's" lap while FLOTUS was reading to kids at Christmas time?
That dog is loved and treated as part of the family. Shoka probably wouldn't dare even attempt to snuggle with Kate.
Check it out!

Working Woman said... 83

Tuckers Mom, thank you for posting that! How adorable! They treat that dog so wonderfully.

GiGi said... 84

Kate's kids are back in school and still twitter silence, no pics, no bragging, etc. This just isn't like Kate. The quote she posted about apologizing doesn't mean admitting you're wrong, blah, blah really has me suspicious. Could it be that TLC paid Jodi and Kevin to go on vacation with Kate and the kids? No one would watch just Kate and kids , but wow could some fireworks be stirred up if you add Jodi and Kevin to the mix. And yes it's fun to speculate. Not worrying, just soeculating!

Winter Wonderland said... 85

I found a recipe for slow-cooker goulash. Only problem is, my crockpot was made in China. Will the goulash taste Hungarian, or will it be more like Cantonese beef stew? Do I need a crockpot from Hungary?

I wonder if Kate searched the internet for a French electrician in the Reading area, or did she fly one over here from Paris to install her receptacle?

GiGi said... 86

Oops! Meant "speculating"!

Improbable Dreams said... 87

Winter Wonderland said..."I wonder if Kate searched the internet for a French electrician in the Reading area, or did she fly one over here from Paris to install her receptacle?"

LOL, yeah...these are the sort of things that keep us up at night. That, and wondering what happened to FUFK, aka Milo, who's been AWOL from Twitter for 9 + days.

Winter Wonderland said... 88

LOL, yeah...these are the sort of things that keep us up at night. That, and wondering what happened to FUFK, aka Milo, who's been AWOL from Twitter for 9 + days.


Do you mean that she hasn't shown up yet? I don't believe she's ever sulked this long. Wasn't the only other time she was away for this amount of time when she was in the hospital and they couldn't tell her that Kate's show was cancelled?

She's either ill, or Kate cyber-smacked her for the abortion tweets.

Anonymous said... 89

TLC also played a kate+8 episode a few weeks ago, at 4 a.m.

Tucker's Mom said... 90

Winter Wonderland said... 85
I found a recipe for slow-cooker goulash. Only problem is, my crockpot was made in China. Will the goulash taste Hungarian, or will it be more like Cantonese beef stew? Do I need a crockpot from Hungary?
Haa! Put some paprika and Chinese 5 spice in there and your crockpot will go apoplectic.

Improbable Dreams said... 91

Milo's tweeties have taken to asking Kate if she'll check on her, but she's so far ignored them. Unless they're having back-channel conversations, that is.

Tucker's Mom said... 92

I don't think reruns of Kate on TLC means anything other than filling infomercial time slots.
And, I just can't fathom TLC teaming up with Kate again. Not to rule out filming.
I find it interesting that Kate has not tweeted about getting up at O'dark Hundred to fix lunches, breakfast and drive the kids to the bus. Nothing. Interesting.

Anonymous said... 93

In the past she's only tweeted when the kids are home. Hmm...

kids first said... 94

Anonymous, are you Jon? :)

Jane said... 95

Tucker's Mom said... 82
And how cute is Bo Obama? Love that dog!!!! Beyond precious.
Did you see when Bo jumped in "Mommy's" lap while FLOTUS was reading to kids at Christmas time?
That dog is loved and treated as part of the family. Shoka probably wouldn't dare even attempt to snuggle with Kate.
Check it out!


So sweet! That's a loved and well-cared for dog!

Thanks for sharing :) ~ Administrator said... 96

Omg Bo loves his mama! He doesn't seem to realize how big he is lol.

Anonymous said... 97

I have seen a handful of documentaries of obese children on either TLC, or discovery health, about them losing weight or having weight loss surgery so I am not quite sure what the big deal is about Big Loser for kids- is it because it is national tv? Or the style of the program? I have never seen the show. I just dont see how it's any different than what has already been shown, cuz we know 'documentary' on TLC/Discovery is hardly that.

Berks Resident said... 98

Hi all,

Tonight my daughter is coming over to help me start Weight Watches Online. Has anyone done this program on line before? I have had great success with Weight Watchers in the past but no time or inclination to go to weigh ins

Also just want to say that it is so incredibly sad that we have to be so paranoid about posting here because some doofus named Gosselin. I love you women here, and there are so many more fun things to discuss. Thanks for letting me vent.

Anonymous said... 99

Kate's website's still a wreck. But when you click from page to page, the site visitor count increases by leaps and bounds.

Is there any place, any situation or circumstance in which KK doesn't alter the truth somehow?

Anonymous said... 100

As a Hungarian (well, 1/2) I can say absolutely no one will EVER make a true Hungarian goulash in any crockpot, no matter what it's nationality. So sayeth my grandmother and you don't mess with my Hungarian grandmother - she'll curse you...from the grave!

Dmasy said... 101

Berk's Resident -- love you pink phone avatar! Matches the color I see your name. I love it here, too. Feels like friends...

Anonymous said... 102

That video of Bo was cute!! He was getting his cuddles, oh yes :)

Berks Resident said... 103

hee thanks Dmasy. PINK is my favorite color!

Tucker's Mom said... 104

Berks Resident said... 103
hee thanks Dmasy. PINK is my favorite color!
I have a pink gel cover for my iPhone (ducks and covers).

Improbable Dreams said... 105

Good luck with WW registration, Berks Resident. May the power of Pink be with you. :)

Anon ~ Website counter off again? I couldn't help but notice that her Tweetie counts are on the rise again, too.

Flight of the Kiwi: What are the ingredients in authentic Hungarian goulash? And how else should we cook that stew, if crock-pots are a no-no?

So cute, that video of Bo and Michelle Obama. What a love bug he is! <3

Winter Wonderland said... 106

As a Hungarian (well, 1/2) I can say absolutely no one will EVER make a true Hungarian goulash in any crockpot, no matter what it's nationality. So sayeth my grandmother and you don't mess with my Hungarian grandmother - she'll curse you...from the grave!


I'd hate to have the Hungarian grandma curse on me, but I'm going to give it a try. Just don't tell her! Seriously, I need a good chicken paprikash recipe. Would she mind sharing if I promise not to do it in a crockpot? I just can't keep installing Chinese, Hungarian, Irish, Mexican and Italian recepticles in this house. It's starting to look like the United Nations here.

Yvonne said... 107

There are'nt many positive things to say about Kate.

One thing she's done well is to not allow herself or her kids to become overweight.

I lol at the comments that say extreme diets and fitness affect a young persons self esteem. But nothing is worse than being fat. That will really cause self esteem to plummet. Far better to have disciplined young folks who are fit than lazy couch potatoes.

And yes, when you see a heavy child there is always a heavy mother. Even if these women don't care enough about themselves to remain fit you'd think they'd do it to set a good example for their kids.

PJ's momma said... 108

WW, I used this recipe to make chicken paprikash for my husband and he loved it. I only ate the dumplings and sauce and it was quite delicious! ~ Administrator said... 109

I don't like any shows that scrutinize an overweight child but the big difference I see here is the widespread popularity of this show. Yesterday's premiere hit 7 million viewers! That makes it even worse to me. I don't recall any shows about overweight kids in the past getting that type of wide prime time audience

JoyinVirginia said... 110

Hi Berks Resident! I am doing Weight Watchers now, and have the online membership. Very easy to sign up, and you can go to as many meetings as you want, its no extra charge if you have online membership. Or you don't have to go to any meetings at all. I also purchased the ActiveLink, you wear it and it measures your activity points and sets goals. It costs about $30 and is $5 extra per month.
I like the current program, it is very flexible. ~ Administrator said... 111

Yvonne I respectfully disagree. The end does not justify the means. What Kate has done well is control the food a huge no no. Portion control, withholding it when they are bad, giving it when they are good. They are losing crucial opportunities to learn how to control their food themselves. When they are on their own with no one to divide the meal into prison trays will they have the slightest idea how much to eat? I think she is setting them up for a lifetime of food issues, some may be too fat some too thin, but I doubt any of them will come out of it with any kind of healthy relationship with food.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 112

Berks Resident said... 98
Hi all,

Tonight my daughter is coming over to help me start Weight Watches Online. Has anyone done this program on line before? I have had great success with Weight Watchers in the past but no time or inclination to go to weigh ins

Also just want to say that it is so incredibly sad that we have to be so paranoid about posting here because some doofus named Gosselin. I love you women here, and there are so many more fun things to discuss. Thanks for letting me vent.


Hey Berks :o)

Congratulations on your decision to join WW online. You are going to find the website, and online community very helpful & informative.

After trying unsuccessfully to lose weight after my first pregnancy, I ran to Weight Watchers for help. I am a Lifetime Weight Watchers member for 23 years- gave back the weight twice during this journey, but finally kept it off successfully for the past 6 years.

I know many people that have been very successful with Weight Watchers Online. Their website is EXCELLENT, informative, and their online community is quite friendly & helpful.

I wish you much success. The plan is easier than ever.

If you have any questions, gripes, frustrations confusion, I'm here for you.

Best wishes for a fabulous, and healthy New Year-

Anonymous said... 113

Um, anonymous, "I" have relatives "in the biz". Movies and television. In front of and behind the camera. The phrase "left on the cutting room floor" is used all. the. time. "Filmed" is still very much in the vernacular as well. Frequently they refer to it as "shooting", or a "shoot" be it a photo shoot or a movie/tv shoot. They also say "taped". I am not belittling you or your profession or the top post production facility in Burbank. My DH no longer actually uses his drafting board to draw plans or make revisions. It's all digital. Blueprints aren't really blueprints they are prints. But blueprints and drawing/drafting are still a part of his professional vernacular. I guess I don't get why it drives you nuts. Pretty much everyone knows all her nastiness, aired or not, edited or not, are there for posterity.

I do agree with you about the airing of Kate + 8 episodes being meaningless. Heck, just last week TLC aired some episodes of Mystery Diagnosis and Real Stories of the ER. Stuff they used to show all the time.

I'm not the least bit "worried". I find Kate and her "teasing" of her fans with stupid sh*t like "a yogurt maker from France" a hoot - mainly because it makes her look foolish.

Hey, but what do I know, what with a 1980's era heirloom faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner.

I agree with Admin. A bit of harmless speculation is fun.

Anonymous said... 114

7 million viewers? Wow. I guess because I try to see the positive (and because I have not seen the show so I dont know it's format) I like to think that by featuring these kids, it can hammer home the physical fitness message into America's children, which is badly needed. Of course no child should be sacrificed, so to speak, to get the message out. ~ Administrator said... 115

There are hundreds of educational programs out now to encourage healthy kids I don't see that a tv show will make a difference. If it were an issue no one ever discussed that would be one thing but you can't go into a school these days without being bombarded by health and fitness education. The biggest loser is not necessary for kids.

Anonymous said... 116

The kids, from my experience, aren't getting that message. Of course a tv show isnt needed, but in today's media hungry culture, maybe that is a good way to go to reach some children. PE has been cut out of many schools as part of budget cuts and there is a movement to have it added back in. I know my kid only had it hit and miss. In high school it was an elective. That's nuts. Well anyway, I try to see the positive, but if there is no redeeming factor....oh well, I tried. ~ Administrator said... 117

I hope it helps some kids get the message but it will be at the risk of harm to those three beautiful kids.

There is a growing movement of physicians who are saying the emphasis on body weight is misplaced.

Berks Resident said... 118

Thanks for the WW encouragement. Going to have one last ice cream tonight and start tomorrow. YAY! haha

Anonymous said... 119

I 100% agree emphasis on weight is misplaced, however emphasis on physical fitness cannot be stressed enough. I hope those kids make it through Big Loser ok, and make lifelong changes for the better. Best wishes to those kids.

Now I just read on Sister Wives blog something interesting- Kody having 4 wives isnt about religion (no kidding) but it goes with right along w/his driving an expensive sports car, wearing an expensive watch, buying McMansion, etc- it's overcompensating and showing off. He is making himself feel better- like he is better than those around him. He does it with wives, as well.

Dwindle said... 120

Berks Resident said... 103
hee thanks Dmasy. PINK is my favorite color!


I dont have it myself, but DD3 has a PINK leather cover for her Kindle. PINK is very nice.

Oh and pink Straight Jacket - you are nice too! (dont wanna leave you out of a PINK discussion.)

White Organza said... 121

Carolina Peach (61) "Aren't you furious that she did that? I am furious for you. You're not alone. Many of us were taken advantage of by those our parents trusted."

I don't want to bogart the blog with this story, but since I have a feeling that you were in the same situation at one point in your childhood, I will tell you that, no, thank goodness, I'm no longer furious for what happened fiity years ago. I will never forget, I also refuse to forgive, but around the time my first child was born, I knew I had to let go of the anger so it wouldn't burden me anymore. I have no merit, I think it's the way I'm wired: I just got tired of weight of it all. But every person reacts differently to abuse. And some do need to sue to come to closure...

Anonymous said... 122

You know what's really funny about the France speculation, Jon actually did go to France *haha* ,of course it was with his running around with Haley era, but still it has to make Kate fuming mad that she didn't get to go there.

Anonymous said... 123

Winter Wonderland - My Hungarian grandmother passed away some time ago...hence the curse from the grave :) She assured me she would see all when she died. So...

I will dig in my box of recipes to see if I can find her goulash recipe...If I can find it I would be more than happy to share it. I know one secret - Hungarian Paprika. The sweet pungent grade.

On my Slovenian side I have a killer recipe for patitza (the ends with a "good luck") and a cottage cheese strudel recipe that is just delicious.

Hungarian Grandma kinda scared me. She lived on the West Coast so I didn't see her much. When she visited she came by Greyhound bus. My Slovenian grandma (the one who owned the store)did everything by memory, so my great aunt gave me the poticas (nut roll) and cottage cheese strudel recipes.

I'm off to search!

carolina peach said... 124

White Organza, you are a gracious woman. Bless you.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 125

Dwindle said... 120

Berks Resident said... 103
hee thanks Dmasy. PINK is my favorite color!


I dont have it myself, but DD3 has a PINK leather cover for her Kindle. PINK is very nice.

Oh and pink Straight Jacket - you are nice too! (dont wanna leave you out of a PINK discussion.)


Hahahaha ;o) Thank you.

Dwindle, you are an absolute delight :o)

Meagler said... 126

Testing, posts havent been going through since last night....

Jane said... 127

Meagler said... 126
Testing, posts havent been going through since last night....


I see you - hi!

meagler said... 128

Yay! Were things on moderation last night?

I was worried that my new found way of posting had been foiled in some way ....

Anonymous said... 129

Organza bless you. When a package is too heavy, eventually you put it down so can move unimpeded. When a pot is too hot you drop it or use a pot holder. You did the healthy thing. I don't agree it is healthy to keep these burdens simmering for years. I know it isn't healthy. And although I know it is bound to get me jumped on by others here, I also know that not all remembrances of abuse are accurate. Believe me, I know this, it is documented, and it is sometimes coaxed out by "professionals". They should be sent to their own special hell for the harm they do.

Berks I didn't recall Jon being to France until you mentioned it, and now that I think about it, it was Monacco, playground of the wealthy. On a yacht no less.

Penny said... 130

My good friend has never had a weight issue. She has twins, male and female and the female is chunky. They eat the same food. The male is as thin as a rail.

Dad isn't heavy either. They eat healthy.

It's not always so clear as "if the kid is fat, so is the mom." That's so damn ignorant.

Unknown said... 131

White Organza, I think you did the right thing for you. The more hate you have in your heart, the less room there is for love. You had a child and you made more room in your heart for love! I admire you for that.

alana said... 132

kHATE's "show" airing between 4-7 a.m. where I live has been going on for at least a year. And never more than one 30 minute episode.

I have horrible insomnia, and I'm usually up for the day by 4 a.m..

However, I'll be dammned if I'd ever watch it; I saw bits and pieces of the RV-Around-America-in-80,000-Ugly-Scenes, but the vow renewal was the end for me, too.

Penny said... 133

<>Haven't read any for this new post yet. From the last post. I respectfully disagree that children always remember.

Carolina Peach, I agree with you that all kids don't recall the past, however I was referring to what my sister said to a predatory-type man from her childhood.

Also, I had posted a old group photo with him in it and a schoolmate immediately commented "what a creep!" and then she deleted it. My sister wasn't the only one.

fidosmommy said... 134 (Administrator) said... 111
Yvonne I respectfully disagree. The end does not justify the means. What Kate has done well is control the food a huge no no. Portion control, withholding it when they are bad, giving it when they are good. They are losing crucial opportunities to learn how to control their food themselves. When they are on their own with no one to divide the meal into prison trays will they have the slightest idea how much to eat? I think she is setting them up for a lifetime of food issues, some may be too fat some too thin, but I doubt any of them will come out of it with any kind of healthy relationship with food.

I respectfully, totally agree. I am living proof of your argument. When I moved out of my mother's house I went wild, tasting things like fried chicken, pizza, french fries, going back for seconds of things that I enjoyed. It all tasted so good and I had no idea how to shut it off. My mother taught me nothing about food, she merely controlled it. To her, the word appetite simply meant overeating.

Parent In Lancaster County said... 135

@Kateplusmy8 Go to Millers Natural Foods in Bird in hand (Amish Health Food store). They have gr8 organic yogurt starter!!

@kelluvdal thank you!!

Kate's going to drive an hour for organic yogurt starter. She will be just five minutes from the Rumspringa Brewery. Maybe she could join us locals for some #superfunrumspringing.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 136

Alana said, "I have horrible insomnia, and I'm usually up for the day by 4 a.m.."


I have horrible insomnia, too, and that's when I'm usually falling asleep, so thankfully I miss the rooster crowing at the Kate shows.

Anonymous said... 137

Parent In Lancaster County said... 135

@Kateplusmy8 Go to Millers Natural Foods in Bird in hand (Amish Health Food store). They have gr8 organic yogurt starter!!

@kelluvdal thank you!!

Kate's going to drive an hour for organic yogurt starter. She will be just five minutes from the Rumspringa Brewery. Maybe she could join us locals for some #superfunrumspringing.


I would think you locals would want to have fun. No?

Penny said... 138

I don't care if it's Honey Child, talented dancers, kids of Housewives watching their mother's act crazy, Toddlers acting like prostitutes, Wife Swap or even a "weight loss" show, I don't think kids should appear on reality TV.


Formerly Duped said... 139

I agree with Admin, Yvonne.Kate is practically starving the kids and giving them body issues as she eats salad while they eat her unappetizing concocted meals. The portions she serves are so tiny for growing kids. Her own emphasis on being skinny and ' thinner is prettier?' (was that it?)is SO wrong. Her kids who were slightly chubby are no longer that way.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 140

White Organza, what a strong woman you are. Thank you for sharing your story here. God bless.

As far as teens on Biggest Loser, I don't watch the show, but am instantly against have kids on there. Like it was mentioned above, the teen years are filled with insecurities, self esteem issues, and how they are viewed by their peers. I don't see this as a good thing because overweight teens are already dealing with these issues, but to have them broadcasted to the nation? It's just wrong.

My opinion of the Honey Boo Boo show is different than most comments that I've read. It doesn't matter if they are handling things better than Jon and Kate, and if their love and respect for each other shows on TV. My big issue is that a child's private life should not be shown on TV. The home should be a sanctuary for kids, not a production studio. To expose young children to the critique of strangers who watch the show is wrong.

Also, and I honestly do not mean this in a nasty, insulting way, but the poor child already has weight issues. Since there is such a public uproar about obesity in children, why is this show getting the attention that it does? I have never watched it, but going by comments made and articles that I've read. The family eating habits seem to be unhealthy from what I've read. The current and future health of the children is what the parents should be focusing on, not a reality show.

I probably have not worded this well and I expect some flack. However, the Honey Boo Boo show to me is just wrong, on so many levels.

Lauren said... 141

Yvonne 107 said..
And yes, when you see a heavy child there is always a heavy mother. Even if these women don't care enough about themselves to remain fit you'd think they'd do it to set a good example for their kids.
That is about as far from the truth as you can get!! I have a son who is overweight and a daughter who is "normal" weight, not super skinny but not fat either....And I weigh 110 pounds.
Your post really hit a nerve with me, how dare anyone say that a mother doesn't care about her kids and want to set a good example for them just because the child is overweight?
My ex is "normal" weight also, but one of his brothers is overweight and has been for most of his life. We think maybe our son inherited the "fat gene" from his uncle.
Also I developed Gestational Diabetes when I was pregnant with my son. As soon as I was diagnosed I was put on a strict diet and had to monitor my blood sugar. I gained 25 lbs while pregnant with my son, 20 of those lbs before the diagnosis. I have read studies that say children of diabetic mothers are at greater risk for obesity.
With my daughter I did not get diabetes, I'd like to think it was because I was very careful about what I ate because I didn't want to develop it again. Dreaded having to poke my finger three times a day!

My point is, my son ate the same foods as the rest of the family, yet he gained weight faster than anyone else. He didn't really start becoming noticeably overweight until he was around 9 or 10.
Another thing I suspect caused his weight gain was that he always had ear infections and his doctor was trying to avoid putting tubes in. We tried for awhile to not give him "mucous producing" foods such as milk, peanut butter, and cheese. So he drank a lot of juice, and I thought I was doing a good thing by giving him 100% juice only to read studies later that said even too much 100% juice can cause obesity since it still has sugar, even if it is natural. (And he ended up getting tubes in his ears anyway)
My son is grown now and he really struggles with his weight. And I feel guilty and heartbroken for him. But it's "Mom guilt", the feeling that it's your fault even when you logically know it isn't, not guilt that I let him eat junk all his life and our whole family is a bunch a pigs.
To be accused of not caring about myself or the health of my child really makes me angry. I know that post wasn't directed at me specifically but I sure took it personal. ~ Administrator said... 142

I approach each reality show with a open mind. I don't like Honey Boo Boo either and some of the biggest reasons are that it's very much about her home life and therefore is very invasive, and also the show is clearly set up for viewers to enjoy poking fun. I dont like this idea she is the butt of the joke.I can't find redeeming value in this one. I do think June sounds okay and I'm glad she's saving money away but she's still exploiting that child.

Penny said... 143

LMG and Lauren, GREAT POSTS!!

Penny said... 144

The mocking of Honey Child is usually a grown, overweight man in a pink tutu.

Lbelle said... 145

Wonder how that special French yogurt is coming along at the McMansion?? : /

Oooh La La....she's such a pathetic creature.

MaggieL said... 146

As to those shows of Kate Plus 8 airing on TLC...has anybody considered that TLC just needed time fillers? I don't believe the show ever reached syndication, so TLC can show it essentially without paying Khate or anyone. Considering the time it was on, not exactly prime time. I'm betting it was just filling a time slot for which they had nothing else to air. Save for the 3 or 4 die hard sheeple, nobody is going to watch that drivel again - it was bad enough the first time around.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 147

Lauren, I haven't read all of the comments yet, but I completely understand your post. In my family, my father had no weight issues, my mother did. We mostly ate junk food because my mother rarely felt like cooking. However, 3 of us had no weight issues as kids, 2 of us did. What I recall is that my older brother and younger sister (the ones with weight issues), weren't very active. My older brother would sit in front of the TV for hours watching sports. My younger sister never was interested in outside activities. Now, we had other abusive issues going on in our home, but this is what I remember.

Now, all of these years later, my older brother and I are the overweight ones, none of our 3 siblings. My older brother has always struggled with his weight and he isn't anymore active now than he was as a kid. As for me, once menopause hit, I jumped from a size 10-12 to having to order my clothes from a catalog for larger women.

It can vary within families and I agree with your point. However, I was much more health conscious with my daughter than my mother ever was with us.

IDModo said... 148

My mother, grandmother and great grandmother were quite plump and would now be called obese.
My sister and I are not. The reason: we got my dad's family genetics. All of his relatives including him, and my aunt, were very slender.
I have never had to diet or exercise specifically to lose weight, and my sister works out occasionally.

We all ate the same things as a family and our food was just good old fashioned family food: meat, potatoes, veg.

I think it's more important to consider genetic indicators than it is to blame a parent.
I think it's also important to look at the kind of foods that people who live in poverty are forced to subsist on, which are often heavy on starch and sugar (white bread, pasta, juice boxes etc.)

LoveMyGrandsons said... 149

Very good point, IDModo.

PJ's momma said... 150

Hey all, have you ever baked brussels sprouts? I just did it, and they are so GOOD! You toss them with olive oil, coarse salt and pepper, then spread them on a sheet pan, bake them at 400, shaking the pan every so often to roll them, around 40 minutes. They look all black like little charcoal pieces, but wowee, they are delicious, quite sweet!
Bon appetit to whatever everyone's having for supper.

Working Woman said... 151

A person's weight depends on a variety of factors, a combination of lifestyle and genetics.

Often, when a child is overweight, a child is too. That could be because of family genetics or they simply have similar eating and exercise habits.

However, I do not believe that is always the case, at all. Sometimes there is indeed a health-related issue that causes weight gain in a child. Or some children who have very thin mothers that are obsessed with portion control, become overweight as a rebellion.

I was never an obese child, or anything close to it, but I was definitely carrying around a few extra lbs during some of my childhood years. This was for a couple of reasons: we do not have great family genetics, so to do this day I have to work hard to maintain a healthy weight; I LOVED food and loved to eat; my mother had an eating disorder and was underweight, and to avoid having children who underate, she always had a lot of food around and let us order as much as we wanted from restaurants.

It's SUCH a complex issue. I can't wait to have children, but I am sometimes terrified about how I will go about teaching them how to have a healthy, normal relationship with food.

Everyone is born with the desire to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. Many people go through life continuing doing just that and never have any issues, whereas some battle weight and food issues for years. It's fascinating to me and something that I would like to do research on (I'm a research/science nerd LOL).

Again, I wish these three children on The Biggest Loser the very best, and only health and happiness throughout their endeavor.

And, to those who are on WW, I wish you the best of luck and hope that you soon feel as wonderful as you are!

Meagler said... 152

Me thinks, Jon has the kids. Perhaps to make up for time lost over the holidays. If she is home, and not tweeting, she does not have the kids.

Me also think she's lying about the french receptacle ( gosh I laugh when I read that)...because why?? why?? would you do that????

I use to watch that show, " Honey , we are killing the kids", and I dont recall thinking that was exploitive. I would almost need to watch it again, but I seem to recall thinking that it helped families to figure out healthier lifestyles. I dont recall anyone being made fun of in the show, but who knows what happened to those kids in their private lives...

Working Woman said... 153

***Often, when a child is overweight, a MOTHER is too. Thats what I meant!

Dwindle said... 154

White Organza, mine was a pastor's assistant. We arent alone now and we werent really alone back then; we just didnt know it and we FELT alone. (holding your hand for a quick minute).

meagler said... 155

As for the Biggest Loser, I felt it was not a typical way to lose weight, so never watched it very often....there plans were not realistic for the person at home watching.

PJ's momma said... 156

Oh Dwindle, how awful. I think you or AuntieAnn said last night that this would be harder to get away with now, and I believe that. We did a tutoring program at church and there were such strict rules (complete with training) on how to deal with the kids. It was through WorldVision and basically followed a standard school district format. Never be alone with a kid without other adults present. Side hugs only, but try to discourage it (yeah, right). Toilet trips on the next floor required either two adults or we'd call the office and ask them to meet one adult and child and both adults would wait in the hall. The kids knew about keeping safe and TELLING. Sure, those determined to vicitmize will find a way, but kids are way more educated and protected now. I hope.

Working Woman said... 157

Meagler, that is a great point.

I have never watched The Biggest Loser - how many hours a day do they have them exercising and what kinds of meals do they instruct them to eaet?

Because here's the thing, suppose they have them doing vigorous workouts for 8 hours a day and eating very regimented meals. What are the odds that the contestants can maintain that kind of lifestyle forever? Nobody who works and has everyday commitments can work out that much. And sometimes life gets in the way and you have to eat something that may not be included in the strict plan.

I cannot speak for WW at all, but that was the reluctance I always felt for the diets like Atkins and Slimfast.... it just seems impossible to maintain those types of mealplans.

If anybody has had success with those diets or believes in them, that is wonderful and I mean no disrespect whatsoever. I know I just would have trouble keeping the weight off long-term with that kind of diet.

So I'm not sure what the contestants on the Biggest Loser do, but I hope it can be fitted into their lifestyles even after they leave the show.

Dwindle said... 158

Working Woman said... 151

It's SUCH a complex issue. I can't wait to have children, but I am sometimes terrified about how I will go about teaching them how to have a healthy, normal relationship with food.


I dont really want to talk about the food dysfunctions i was raised with and what it continues to do to me, but I was determined not to give my kids those same signals. And I guess I succeeded. They pride themselves on eating healthy and finding good activities to do to cope with emotions. It took my son a long time to get there, but he found his path too.

My point is, you will do fine, WW. You are aware and you will instill healthy eating in them without control issues. You will encourage physical skills, hobbies, crafts, arts, mental activity to cope with stress, sadness, boredom, excitement, joy, celebration, etc. You wont hold anything out as 'forbidden' and you wont push anything either. you will do fine.

White Organza said... 159

IDModo (148) "I think it's also important to look at the kind of foods that people who live in poverty are forced to subsist on, which are often heavy on starch and sugar (white bread, pasta, juice boxes etc.)"

Gee... That sounds like a Menu Monday: "You take three cans of beans, one can of spaghetti-O's, mix everything up and serve..." Or the kind of sandwich Kate makes for her kids: two very thick slices of bread (if it's homemade, the calories do not count...) and a verrryyy thin slice of tomato and half a slice of bacon. Wash everything down with a box of good ol' Juicy Juice. Gasp! Noooo!!!! Could... Could... Could Kate be living in poverty?!! No wonder the poor dear has to grift...

Meagler said... 160

IMO Obesity is a symptom of our hurried up lifestyle, and the result of Food manufactorers wanted to make the big $$ off of our lifestyles. between fast food outlets, and fast food grocery store style, we consume way too much food that is lacking in nutrients. People are too tired after work, to make the proper meals, or running from activity to activity.

Lack of sleep is also a major cause of weight gain, as it screws up your cortisol levels which affect the insulin levels ( or something like that)

When I was growing up, every supper we sat at the table all together . Perhaps the time was moved around a little bit to accomodate my parents going bowling or out for another reason, but typically we ate at 6:00pm.

How many families today sit down and eat supper together? There is a stat on it, and it is something like 1.7 meals a week? I am very fortunate, until 2 years ago when I returned to work, we at 2 meals together a day at our table. Both my hubby and kids came home for lunch. Since I went to work, and my kids are in highschool, only hubby comes home now. AND I have gained weight, because it has taken me a while to figure out how to manage, but I am starting to now figure it all out, get into a schedule and get back into cooking those homemade from scratch meals again!

We still have some meals for convenience, but at least some compan ies are now coming out with some convenience foods that are not a heart attack waiting to happen :)

Dwindle said... 161

Penny said... 138
I don't care if it's Honey Child, talented dancers, kids of Housewives watching their mother's act crazy, Toddlers acting like prostitutes, Wife Swap or even a "weight loss" show, I don't think kids should appear on reality TV.


Amen!! No they do NOT! in any way shape or form. It's bad enough their PARENTS make asses of themselves on TV and those poor kids have to face peers; but for the parent to USE the child as a vehicle for their own attention and income is disgusting. ~ Administrator said... 162

My mom is overweight. But, none of us kids are nor is my dad. She eats healthy, I wish she would exercise more, but she doesn't overeat. She has health issues and medication that don't help things.

She didn't talk about food. She didn't use food as a punishment or reward. There was never, no supper or you, or here is a cookie for good grades. She fixed dinner and it was good but dinner was about gathering together, not about the food itself. Food was always served family style, and the only rule was don't take more than you can eat because you can always go back for seconds. No one ever told me I couldn't have seconds or even thirds, no one ever told me I was eating too much or too little. I couldn't have desert before eating at least a few vegetables but I didn't mind that.

I, thankfully, was never burdened with food issues. Except if you count a chocolate problem an issue, which I don't, lol!!! I really credit food being just about a pleasant family together time rather than yeeeaahhhh let's pig out on this or that. It also helped that we couldn't do fast food much because they couldn't afford it--a blessing in disguise. I went to McDonalds maybe twice a year and I developed a hatred for the food, it tasted soggy and greasy compared to family meals. No one ever told me McDonalds was bad for you--I just didn't like it. I don't think it's that difficult to create healthy relationships with fod. Just enjoy the family time and don't worry so much about who is eating what when and how, and the food issues will take care of themselves. ~ Administrator said... 163

You know what's funny is I didn't even see my mom as overweight until I was 8 or 9. She was just mom. I think kids have to be taught to see people as fat or thin. What would happen if we just never mentioned fat or thin? They might not ever realize.

Dmasy said... 164

I am enjoying all the food relationship posts. I never thought about it much till I married Hubby. His family (5) all large and with weight issues. I eat when I am hungry. He PLANS for meals. Cooking a food prep mean love to him.

His mother passed away 4 years ago. His dad was visiting us and reminiscing. He looked away and said reverently, "She was a good mother. You kids never missed a meal."

That was the measurement of love for them. Comfort food takes on a whole new meaning.

15 years later, I have influenced him to healthier choices. And, he is a really good cook!

Formerly Duped said... 165

I agree that the premise of HBB is to make fun of her and her family. While she might enjoy the attention now, the day will come when she feels used and humiliated. I don't think highly of June either- hope it's true about the money in the bank, but she did put Alana in those exploitative kiddie beauty pageants and allowed her to be filmed and go on promotional tours when it was obvious the child was a figure of fun. I also don't see her appeal, but that is JMO

LoveMyGrandsons said... 166

OT so please feel free to scroll on by.

My daughter just called to let me know they will not be coming her in February for the family get together we have for her and my youngest grandson's birthday. After we got off the phone, the younger one called back and asked if we come to his house for his birthday. My hubs is already asleep, but I told him I would talk to Papa and we probably would be able to arrange going there for that weekend.

Then my daughter got on the phone and said that he wanted to be with us on his birthday and that's why she let him call us. She also said that during my older grandson's spring break, they would be coming to Illinois for an extended weekend, Monday through Friday. However, she said she would not be staying with us, she would be staying with our nephew (she is very close with her cousin). He lives about an hour away. I asked if she would be bringing the boys to our home during that weekend and she said she didn't know, but probably not. I said okay, I just wanted to know. Then I told her I loved her and we ended the call.

This is the compromise that I was hoping we could find. Having the boys an hour away is better than 6 hours away. Even though this makes it possible for all of us to see each other, I still feel a little hurt. I will miss having hot cocoa with them after getting them into their pajamas. Waking up in the morning with them snuggling next to us in bed. Taking them bike riding and going to the park down the street that they love to go to.

I'm sorry, I know I'm being selfish. I just need to get used to how things are going to be, and I just needed to share/vent my feelings about it. Thanks for listening.

White Organza said... 167

Dwindle (154)

Thanks, sweet Dwindle... I'm doing the same for you.

Reading between the lines of some of the posts that were adressed to me last night and today, I also want to hold hands with a lot of you: it's so clear to me now that there are a lot of damaged chilhoods amongst us.

And a special thank you to PJ's momma for your post about protecting my heart. That really moved me...

Tucker's Mom said... 168 (Administrator) said... 162
Very similar family eating for me. I never felt pressured to eat or not eat. Well, not true.... I wasn't a breakfast kid on school days and Mom had to push me to get that bowl of cereal or farina down.
I was a skinny kid, but we were SO active. All I wanted to do was get out of the house and play and had to be dragged in at sundown.
It's so much more challenging today for parents to get their kids active with so many computer games etc.
I really do hope the G boys are allowed to get into sports, but as far as I can tell, Kate has never enrolled them. Shame. ~ Administrator said... 169

I know a lot of people here feel all reality shows are terrible when they involve kids and I can understand that, but to me this is a perfect example of why to me each and every show is a case by case basis and why my tolerance fluctuates up and down depending on the show. And in the case of Honey Boo Boo it's too much for me--I have only seen a few clips and immediately had to shut it off. For instance, to me, Dance Moms is not about making fun of the kids, the kids are not the butt of the joke if anything the Moms are the joke while the kids are lauded as extremely talented and poised and much more mature than the adults, nor does it take place in their homes, nor is it about their personal lives. That's just one example why I say Honey Boo Boo is so much worse than this or that show.

Randi said... 170

I'm sorry, I know I'm being selfish. I just need to get used to how things are going to be,


I don't think it's YOU who is being selfish. I think it's your HUSBAND who is being selfish. Why doesn't he quit his disgusting habit? Millions of people have.

Are cancer sticks really more important than his wife's role as Grandma?

Working Woman said... 171

Dwindle, thank you for your encouraging words :-) Really appreciate it.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 172

Randi, I appreciate your opinion and thank you. However, I don't think my husband is being selfish. It is a strong addiction and we both grew up in a time where there was not a stigma attached to smoking. Main characters on popular TV shows smoked: Andy Griffith, Dick Van Dyke, Lucy and Desi, etc. I love my husband and appreciate the struggles he has gone through to try and quit: Chantix, hypnosis, electic cigarettes, etc. He has tried.

I guess my sadness comes from the thought that things will not be as they used to be when we see the boys. However, on the positive side, we will still be able to see the boys, and that's what I wanted all along. It will just be an adjustment for us.

Working Woman said... 173


Thank you so much for keeping us posted.

I am glad you will still be able to see your wonderful grandsons, but I am sorry that you are feeling hurt. This seemed to truly be a devastating situation for you.

Time can bring a lot of unpredictable changes. I am sending you and your whole family my best thoughts and wishes. ~ Administrator said... 174

Meagler, that is a great point.

I have never watched The Biggest Loser - how many hours a day do they have them exercising and what kinds of meals do they instruct them to eaet?


From what the contestants said it is a LOT of exercise and a lot of bland foods.

They work out 8, 12, 14 hours a day and they eat things like chicken, fish, whole rice, low fat dairy and lots of veggies and fruit. I remember one interview with a contestant saying he was driven absolutely nuts by the diet, it was awful. THey make it seem on the show though like it's great.

That's why many people say this just isn't realistic. People WORK, people have lives, people need flavor in their food.

Anonymous said... 175

LMG - Here's hoping that things will get better. Obviously, your grandsons are going to miss all the things that you are. I am so sorry. My littlest lives 6 hours away from us. It would so hard for both of us if DD decided to stay elsewhere while in town. It's hard enough when she and GS (and SIL when he is able to join them) spend a bit of time with their friends here in town.

I really do hope your DH rethinks the smoking thing and your DD lightens up a little. But I understand her position with regard to the health of the boys. I also get how torn you are :(

LoveMyGrandsons said... 176

Thank you, Working Woman. You are a very compassionate and thoughtful woman. God bless.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 177

Thank you, Kiwi. I feel the same way that they will be so close, but not with us as usual. However, I knew there had to be a compromise, I prayed for one, and this is it. It's a period of adjustment for me (and the hubs, too), but the bright side is we will still be able to see them.

Jo said... 178

Dwindle said... 161

Penny said... 138
I don't care if it's Honey Child, talented dancers, kids of Housewives watching their mother's act crazy, Toddlers acting like prostitutes, Wife Swap or even a "weight loss" show, I don't think kids should appear on reality TV.


Amen!! No they do NOT! in any way shape or form. It's bad enough their PARENTS make asses of themselves on TV and those poor kids have to face peers; but for the parent to USE the child as a vehicle for their own attention and income is disgusting.


I agree completely. Children's brains aren't developed enough to make decisions like this. It's the parents who are signing the contracts. It's just not in the best interest of a child to be put out there for the public to consume, judge and criticize. It's just wrong!

Randi said... 179

But this is all just so ridiculous. I feel terrible for those young boys! You need to stop making excuses for your husband. Times have changed. Old dogs CAN be taught new tricks.

Sorry, I would just be LIVID if my husband did this to me. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your relationship with him? I mean, this IS life and death AND young innocents are being hurt by his selfishness. ~ Administrator said... 180

I think it's such a good point that even if kids think they want something today, they may regret it later. They don't have the ability for foresight like that. That's why they are KIDS.

When I was a kid I didn't want to do homework. That's why I had parents making me do it. What if I had just been allowed to not do homework? I'd probably have flunked out and be at a minimum wage job if that. Now, of course I would have done the homework. But as a kid my brain didn't have that foresight yet.

That's why Kate's argument the kids miss filming and want to film is utterly ludicrous. It's irrelevant what the kids want. Completely irrelevant. And makes her look like she doesn't understand child development.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 181

Randi, I do appreciate your opinions and your strong feelings on this subject; I understand your point. But I will ask you to please stop bashing my husband.

After almost 27 years together, I will not re-evalute my relationship with him. He is a good man, a good husband, a good father and grandfather. He has a strong addiction to what was once a socially acceptable behavior, and he has tried to stop. I love him and I love our family, as I know he does. Thank you for understanding my point of view.

SeeSaw said... 182

PJ's Momma - just catching up here and saw your brussels sprouts post. Love them roasted like that and I used to hate them. DH gobbles them up. I cut them in half so they get even more crispy on the flat side.

Jumping In said... 183

LMG.......I feel so badly for you and the issue with your daughter, I can really relate.

The fact that your grandson called back confuses me a bit though. Did your daughter give you the opportunity to try and rid the house of smell of cigarettes, or has she drawn her line in the sand?

My brother and his wife are heavy smokers, and I cannot stay with them due to my sensitivity to the smell. We have not yet had "the conversation" with them but they know it is an issue with other family members, not just me. Last week my SIL called and I could here quite an echo. When I asked where she was, she said they now smoke in their garage. They live in Ontario, Canada, so that has to be a chilly experience for them. They are not giving up smoking, but they know it is becoming a problem for others who visit.

Have you, your husband and daughter talked about how things can be changed so the grandkids can stay with you? If your husband isn't thinking of quitting, is there a compromise in the works?

I really hate to think of your grandsons not staying in your home, they obviously love you, and want to be with you. It is heartbreaking, but I believe there has to be a compromise that will work for everyone involved.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 184

Thank you, Jumping In. I do believe this is the compromise at this point. My daughter has drawn a line in the sand, for now. Maybe it will change, maybe it won't. But the thing is that we are all working on it and there is a compromise so far. Maybe there will be more of a compromise in the future, I don't know. But for right now, it's a start I guess.

As with all changes this big, I need a night or so to "digest" them, and then feel better about them the next day. That's just my nature.

PJ, I make brussel sprouts like that all the time since I saw it on a cooking show. They are delicious.

Dwindle said... 185

rainbowsandunicorns said... 136
Alana said, "I have horrible insomnia, and I'm usually up for the day by 4 a.m.."


I have horrible insomnia, too, and that's when I'm usually falling asleep, so thankfully I miss the rooster crowing at the Kate shows.


Yep, 3:30, 4 is when I am finally falling asleep. Although I used to be such a great morning person and I miss it!

Starz22 said... 186

Admin #163

Very well said. You hit the nail on the head.

Staci was over-weight,from a struggling family and a different color than me.Until I was "taught" that, she was just my best-friend in the whole wide world. (and still is)

Twittering And Twattering said... 187

@Kateplusmy8 I make homemade granola all the time, but yogurt kind of intimidates it hard?

Hard? I guess if you dump the granola in there with it, some of it is hard, as well as crunchy. :-)

@Kateplusmy8 Amazing! When can we expect a recipe book?

Ah, the needy sheeple. Kate makes yogurt and granola, and it's "Amazing!" Get that recipe book out there for two recipes!

Meagler said... 188

Clean up on aisle 184

LoveMyGrandsons said... 189

Anonymous #184, what the hell is your point with all of that? No mature person with any amount of class would post that type of information. Why do you insist on acting like a jackass?

LoveMyGrandsons said... 190

Ha, yes everyone, I am #184! I have this split personality thing going and sometimes I'm LMG and sometime I'm Anonymous. I love to argue with myself because I make the best points! LOL!!

Anonymous said... 191

LMG at 166, I am sorry about the situation and appreciate the love for your husband. I wonder when and how your daughter became inflexible. If you take and look at ONLY the research NOT funded by either the tobacco companies or the government, it will show no such danger to being around people who smoke, but aren't smoking around you. It is not a loving nature to be unbending and excluding. Sorry, but there it is. I try to always follow the money and pay attention to those studies benefiting in any way from the results. In this case, it's big government and big tobacco.

RainbowsAndUnicorns--yes wanna be best friends? I've exceeded my 4 am fall asleep time and gone over to 6 am, but am trying to get back to 4.

meagler said... 192

Anonymous is afraid to tell us who they are, so they think the rest of us feel the same way. Its actually a classic narcisstic move.

They have no empathy so believe that what they think and feel is how the rest of the world thinks and feel.s

If it were not for these "people" we wouldnt have to hide behind pseudo avatars...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 193

LMG, our stalker pseudo detective is worse than a jackass, she's a coward. Notice how she prefers attacking someone totally innocent, not someone who has ever ID'd her or badmouthed her and posted about it.

Anonymous, 184, here's a challenge. ID me. Post what you find. I'll way. You can't, can you? You can only harass people who you can search because of their own naivete, people who are no threat whatsoever to you.

Improbable Dreams said... 194

@kateplusmy8 Since yesterday I made my 1st successful batch of yogurt, it's only natural that today I made my first homemade granola, right?;) Goodnight!

@XXXXXXXXXX @Kateplusmy8 Huh, I thought you made granola on a quite a few episodes with some famous people. Emeril comes to mind.

Busted, again!! Does she have a memory problem, or...?

And as a side note, does anyone think this burnishes her image? Making yogurt, that is?

LoveMyGrandsons said... 195

Border Collie, my daughter is a nurse and as her education continues, as well as her experiences in the work force, she has definitely become more health conscious for her and her family. I admire and respect that. I guess I always knew that this may come to a head, so to speak. Now it's happened and we have to find a way to deal with it.

Working Woman said... 196

Improbable Dreams, Kate experienced such intense pleasure when she rudely wacked poor Emiril with a spoon that everything else from that day is pretty fuzzy.

Working Woman said... 197


I remember he had so much presence was so good with the kids and Kate treated him rudely of course.

aggiemom09121416 said... 198

LMG 189......

That's the SECOND time I have read your swearing posts.
What's the deal, girlfriend???

My heart goes out to you concerning the change in how you will see your grandsons. There are no easy answers...I see both sides. My mom is a heavy smoker, and I cringe each time my kids walk in her house. There is no telling the damage done to my lungs, and my kid's lungs. It scares the living daylights out of me.

I am sorry you are caught in the middle. It's a hard place to be.

Bearswife said... 199

I have to have the recipe for patitza. Please.

My best friend is from "former Yugoslavia" (as she says) and her ex MIL is hungarian. She is an amazing cook. Her pastries are to die for - she has one that is rolled out so thin it takes up the whole top of the dining table. I just used her recipe for cabbage rolls on NYE.

Okay, now I have to catch up here. ;)

Bearswife said... 200

Oh I am sorry Kiwi - I thought that patitza was the strudel. Now I have reread your post and see that I am incorrect. It is the strudel I am hankering...

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