Tuesday, January 1, 2013

'Dance Moms' Season Three: Big changes ahead for production

Lifetime is airing a New Year's Dance Moms marathon all day today, followed by the premiere of Season Three at 9 p.m. EST. Seasons One and Two can be found on Amazon, Netflix, and for a limited time all for free on Lifetime streaming (sweet!). 

Love her, hate her, or just don't care, Abby Lee Miller has emerged as one of the most well-known, and polarizing reality T.V. women since Kate Gosselin. (Lifetime is unabashedly advertising Abby as a "maniac" and even Television Without Pity, a site that usually lives for snark like this, said they are taking a break from the show, due to the obvious fake setups and bad acting, and stale formula.)

Dance Moms has been sashaying around for awhile now, but Season Three, which begins tonight, marks the first season that Lifetime's production, based largely in Pennsylvania (although the girls participate in a lot of out of state competitions), will have to comply with Rep. Murt's new child labor laws passed last year. After a brief waiting period, the law will take effect this month, and requires a set teacher on set and limits the hours the girls can work. Previously, one of the moms reported the show films for 70 hours a week.

Will we notice any changes, or will Lifetime still be able to churn out a great guilty pleasure even with safety protections in place? We're hoping the latter. Here's hoping this show can prove that schmalzy,  addicting reality T.V. can still be accomplished without exploiting the living crap out of the children participating.

To check out previous posts we have done on the Dance Moms, click on the link "organizational-ish" Dance Moms link below.

1230 sediments (sic) from readers:

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PJ's momma said...

Dmasy, I think the sign is there because there are two blind curves coming up, not that people slow down, even for ELK. If you hit one even at 30, it would demolish your car. We see them all the time, right in the yard. They are huge. Deer too, and coyotes and some have sighted mountain lions and bears as well. It's pretty rural and pretty awesome.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

PJ's Momma, what a funny story!! It sounds like conversations my hubs and I have had over the years, and we laugh about them afterwards!

PJ's momma said...

LMG, he was not laughing. I still am though!
I consider his mother to be evil, I mean, just really awful, and long ago gave up trying to be accepted or fit in. She just acts as if we don't exist to keep the peace with her narcissist daughter who demands all the attention and throws a fit if anyone else gets any (sound familiar?). Anyway, she's not too bright. We went to college late, same school, and one Christmas bought her a SIU Mom sweatshirt, the kind that kids give their parents when they're in school. Since we were not invited to her house for Christmas only 30 miles way, she called us to ask what MOM stood for. We had no idea what she was talking about! Once she explained, we looked at each other with wide eyes and put our hands over our mouths so we would not laugh out loud into the phone. So unfortunately, I guess that's where his naivete comes from, though he is very bright in all other things. But MAN, he comes up with some doozies!

SeeSaw said...

PJ's Momma - I have some Cuisinartt pans I bought long ago from TJMaxx. Love them and they have held up really well. Happy cooking.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Okay, all of the ornaments and lights are off the tree, the hubs just took it to the curb, and there are a pile of needles in the corner where the tree was all the way to the front door!

I got the broom, sat down for a break, and decided that the needles could wait until tomorrow morning because I'm tired. So I won't win the Good Housekeeping award for this year, but I can live with that.

PJ's momma said...

SeeSaw, thanks! They had all sorts of KitchenAid baking stuff too, but I resisted. I don't bake enough to replace my 25 year old tins and cake pans. (In fact, I took back a bunch of purchases, I really have trouble with buyer's remorse, drives my husband nuts.) I've gotten a ton of kitchen gadgets there over the years. Nice ones too, the expensive spatulas, tongs, and such. My favorite 2 are a milk frother and stovetop espresso maker. $10 for the best little lattes or cappuccinos you could ever want!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

PJ, I've bought a bunch of kitchen gadgets over the years. However, I have small drawers in my kitchen. I have cleaned them out and given unused gadgets to the resale shop. My problem is then I buy more! One at a time! I think to myself, oh this would come in handy, but I never use the darn thing. Now it's time to clean out my small kitchen drawers again because I had a heck of a time finding the utensils I do use at Christmas!

Over In Kate's County said...

....Isn't that's exactly what I said only said with more detail??.....calculations first, then go to the judge if you don't agree with your number.


I think there was a step missing in there! The parties don't (personally) go to the judge when the calculations are made at the conference and there is a disagreement. He has to issue his order first. A friend of mine is going through this right now. The judge reviewed it, issued the order, and she is waiting out the 20-day period to see if her ex is going to appeal the court's decision. At no time did either party personally appear before the judge to tell him why the calculation was too much or too little. That only happens after an appeal is filed.

She's hoping it doesn't come to that!

I have to laugh at the sheeple who think that Kate could relieve Jon of all support out of the goodness of her heart. With a court-ordered support, it MUST go through the courts. The judge makes the final decision.

PJ's momma said...

Oh, if anyone is looking for good gym/workout clothes deals to perhaps work on those news years resolutions (or whatever) and you have Dicks nearby, their clearance gear is 50% off! I bought 4 pair of Reebok running shorts and 2 Under Armor tops for $35.

SeeSaw said...

I love Marshall's and TJMaxx. I could spend all day digging through their home stuff. I love when you check out and they ask if you found everything you were looking for. I never know what I'm looking for there until I find it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

OH. I have no idea if the parties personally appear in front of the judge, I just understood that a judge can review it if you want. The minor irrelevant details of how that happens exactly aren't that important to me. The point is the number is not an end all be all.

PJ's momma said...

SeeSaw, I never have luck at TJMaxx, but I do love Marshalls and my standard answer is 'and a lot of stuff I wasn't!' But then I take half of it back, haha. I was so happy to find workout clothes today at Dicks (next to the Marshalls where I returned stuff), my clothes get really ripe and the smell doesn't wash out after a while. I ripped the tags off and put it all in the washer before I changed my mind because the deals were super, about $6 per piece for name brand stuff. I don't really need as much as I got, but I don't see sales like that often and will definitely use it all.

Dmasy said...

Hubby is watching football. I am watching a recorded Lifetime movie. Many promos for the Casey Anthony movie. The topic and Rob Lowe have me ready to watch.

Maybe I will try to read the book before the movie is shown.

Anonymous said...

PJ's momma said... 9
Oh, if anyone is looking for good gym/workout clothes deals to perhaps work on those news years resolutions (or whatever) and you have Dicks nearby, their clearance gear is 50% off! I bought 4 pair of Reebok running shorts and 2 Under Armor tops for $35.
That is music to my ears! :D

I think the issue of child support and Kate being able to relieve or not is maybe some of the sheeple are basing their opinion on their own experience and knowledge of the system and that may be from 15, 20, 30 years ago and of course the courts were different then than they are now. They are much more strict now and really enforce child support. Like in my case, which was 15-ish years ago, the ex and I decided the custody, the visitation, the grandparent visitation but I stood firm and said I wanted the court to decide the amount of child support; but we had the option to agree on that on our own. I was also asked, when I was awarded the support, if I wanted him to pay me, or for him to pay the state and then the state to pay- so back then that was an option, too. So, based on my prior experience, if I wanted to be narrow-minded- I could, in theory, say "Oh, Kate is sooo nice to relieve Jon of Child support" and actually believe that it could be true. So who knows, maybe they dont know- times they are a'changin'!

PJ's momma said...

Sososososososososososoooooooooooo sick of football. Two playoff games on a Saturday? And more tomorrow, including our local team. Yippee.

Over In Kate's County said...

OH. I have no idea if the parties personally appear in front of the judge,


Oh, I'm sorry! I read your initial comment incorrectly. You said:

"For two parents with identical circumstances it will spit out the same number. At that point you can go to the judge and explain why you think it's too much or too little and he can override the "default" number.

...and I took it to mean that the parties physically go before a judge and explain why they think the amount is incorrect.

It's a double rumspringa kind of night!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Butterfly yes it is getting way more mathematical than it used to be, and also, it really is very state specific. PA has their own complicated set of rules that aren't the same as my state. So a sheeple saying well this is what my exhusband and I did isn't really that relevant if they aren't even in PA to begin with. They also get confused comparing situations that are not at all like Jon and Kate's and trying to say they are the same when they are not.

For instance I remember a PA sheeple coming in here condescendingly saying hey my husband doesn't pay support because I decided from the beginning I didn't want him too. The sheeple failed to take into account that that scenario is completely different because she was relieving him of support BEFORE an order was put in place. THat's allowed from what I understand in PA. But once the order is in place a whole new set of rules apply. Subtle nuances are very important in the law and the sheeple are anything but appreciators of the subtle.

njay said...

Hey shout out to you LMG.

I think the reason Roberts book didn't get chatter among the press or internet that everyone thought it would or should, is that he is the only one with proof of the things he accused her of and that is still having to be dealt with through his lawyers. Had anyone other than him accused Kate of the things Robert did, they could be sued and I don't think any of them wanted to spend money to prove Roberts evidence.

I think once the book has been written properly and all legal issues have been gone through there will be a lot of chatter and the truth will be known to the world. Hummm, I better change that to those who care. lol

Call me old fashion but I have lived long enough and experienced for myself that God is not mocked, what a man sews he also reaps. The TRUTH ALWAYS PREVAILS. Whether we see it happen or not.

Dmasy said...

We don't have Marshall's. I am a TJ Maxx freak/fan. From soap to my newest purse -- they have it all!. Some great seasonal sales there, too.

True, you can't shop from a list of "needs". The surprise bargain purchase is just a joy.

Anonymous said...

exactly, the sheeple can't seem to understand that it's not a one size fits all rule or law, or that states have different laws! I dont feel like my case is that old, but I am not so naive to think that maybe laws have changed since I went to court. C'mon now.

PJ's momma said...

Dmasy, doesn't the $3 picture frame make you excited as you imagine the perfect picture you will put in it? LOL. I bought my dachsund what is probably a cat bed, like a little cocoon. He doesn't want to go in there, I found he smashed the top part down and went on top! Hahaha! I thought he would love it, he actually waits for us to cover him up with his Dollar Tree baby blankets at night and he tunnels a lot. I forced the terrier into it and she dropped a load of hair in there so I definitely didn't feel right about taking it back for the $17. Oh well. A smashed, overpriced kitty cocoon for the dog to sleep on top of it is.
Marshalls is like TJMaxx but maybe not as nice, I think? We have a 'superstore' and it is great! Others are not so great, but we're lucky to have 2 good ones within 20 minutes.

SeeSaw said...

Dmasy - my daughter in law took me to a TJMaxx in Boston. I was shocked at the different stuff. Really high end designer clothes and bags. My little corner of PA TJMaxx paled in comparison. I wish we had a Homegoods

SeeSaw said...

My dachshund will only sleep in his bed if the sun is shining on it. He's a heat hound. Right now he's buried under a blanket on my lap. He whines and scratches at the blanket until someone covers him up.

Courtney said...

I only posted on how child support agreements can work in my state after discussion was had that parties agreeing to lower or abate support was construed as being somehow illegal. I wanted to share that there are states, or at least counties, that give generous discretion to the parents to negotiate an agreement. The courts here handle modifications the same way. If the parties' circumstances change they can petition the court to modify the original support order. The calculated form has to be prepared still, but again the parties can agree outside of the calculated numbers. I've seen a lot of different scenarios as the basis for one party to reduce or give up support, but never have I seen a party blackmailed or worse.

I think it is interesting to read how other states handle family law issues. It's such a complex area of law.

PJ's momma said...

SeeSaw, we are in the great Pacific NW, if PJ waited for the sun to be on his bed, he would never sleep from October-April! He sleeps a lot, he's a little old man. We don't let him sleep in our bed because if he has a seizure, he will pee all over, so he's used to his bed. He has a bed in my closet for noisy nights, particularly this time of year and 4th of July. He happily toodles into the closet and gets in his bed there and waits to be covered. Does your guy whine and sing when he scratches and makes a nest? PJ sings his heart out when making an invisible hole to sleep in. I wonder if it's a doxie trait.

carolina peach said...

Love finding a Christmas tree needle in June to remind me of December.

Belief systems are hard to shake. Remember the times people in power whether political or religious or social did something wrong and their supporters refused to believe it? We just refuse to believe something if it goes against what we believe. The sheeple believe in the fantasy they have in their minds about Kate.

Hey, Dindle, how was the chili? Reheated ours and it was much better tonight.

Waiting waiting waiting for some snow. Need some snow cream like Mama made for us and we make to this day. We use snow, milk, sugar, and vanilla. (Avoid the yellow snow.) Come on, Frosty!

PJ's momma said...

carolina peach, come on over, we can do or PF stretching together and you can step on dozens of pine needles even though we didn't have a tree! The perils of living in the Evergreen State.

Is it Pink's dog Oreo who developed seizures? Or Joy? I am wondering how the dog's doing, if it has remained seizure free. Sure hope so.

I'm posting too much, sorry. Going to have some wine and read until this blasted game is over. Have a good night, everyone.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I only posted on how child support agreements can work in my state after discussion was had that parties agreeing to lower or abate support was construed as being somehow illegal. I wanted to share that there are states, or at least counties, that give generous discretion to the parents to negotiate an agreement.


Oh yes. Illegal in PA. It's not necessarily illegal in other states. It does however in my opinion, make fraud a little easier which is why some states don't allow it, although I think/hope most parents don't abuse it. Family law IS complex and what's frustrating is you never see the same situation twice. There are always new scenarios that don't quite fit in perfectly with the law and then you appeal it and have the appellate court decide and then there's even more law to know and understand. That's one reason I love it though, it is so rich, so much depth, so challenging. I like being frustrated, that's a challenge. I think I would get bored with more stable areas of the law.

Welcome Courtney, by the way. Glad to have you.

Dmasy said...

My 3 Min Pins are heat seeking pups, too. We have their heated beds plugged in year round. They struggle to burrow into the blanket piled on top. Plush blankets purchased from TJ Maxx.

Sometimes, arranging themselves in a bundle takes a couple of minutes. They will whimper of assistance from their human "servants". They become barely visible bumps in the folds of warmth.

The two girls will often curl up together. Nugget, the only guy, chooses more privacy.

Their habits and preferences delight us.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I have a burrower too and boy is he dramatic. I put him in his pajamas (shut up) put a heating pad under him, swaddle him in our favorite college fleece blanket and he still shivers pathetically.

Anonymous said...

OMG- my pug will shiver when I come down stairs in the morning as if to say "turn the heat up!!"
Really? It's 65 degrees, crazy pug! She's always buried in blankets, even if it's 70 degrees, she loves her little nest. And yes, she is buried, completely, under the blankets, next to me on the couch right now. Maybe I should try pajamas ;)

PJ's momma said...

Pajamas? Oh my goodness. Our terrier is a chihuahua mix but she is definitely not a heat seeker. She'll let us cover her up, but will get up in the middle of the night and punch you in your face to remind you she was too hot under there, then pin you down as she anchors herself against you on the top blanket, sighing very disgustedly for the grand finale.
I might e-mail you a picture of a very nice man I met in Tokyo........where everything is pristinely clean. He had his dog in overalls and SOCKS! He was so tickled that we oohed and aahed over it and wanted a picture. It was adorable. But socks? Just kidding, it was awesome.

Twittering And Twattering said...

Not a peep out of Milo for eight consecutive days. Is this a record for her? Call Guinness!

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 30
I have a burrower too and boy is he dramatic. I put him in his pajamas (shut up)
I get a kick out of putting Mr. Bichon in his Dr. Dentins. OMG, so cute. He's got a great fleece onesie too.

Widowed Young said...

PJ's momma---------------------


SeeSaw said...

My doxie doesn't sing but he scratches and circles and grunts forever until he settles down.

Admin I bought PJs for my two yorky granddogs for Christmas. Martha Stewart long johns actually.

carolina peach said...

PJ's Momma, on my way! Thank you for the invite. Stretches and hopping with the pine needles. Do they breed like dust bunnies? (I have a secret community of them under the bed in the extra bedroom. They Do like their privacy until they decide to race each other to see how many places they can hop to all over. I promise, vacumn today, tomorrow morning, there they are just sitting there smugly settling in.

Come on, Frosty.

PJ's momma said...

Widowed Young, hello, nice to see you, hope all is well in your world and Okey-Dokey! I don't get it but people are sure going crazy, eh? I've been seeing blue and green everywhere I go all week!
So I'll be a team player/12th (wo)man with you and say, 'GO HAWKS!'

Hook 'em Horns said...

My rescued puppy, Kismet, is a year and a half, and 75 pounds. Part golden, part lab, part odds and ends. I couldn't find him today, and he was UNDER THE COVERS in our bed. He was snoring.

I wish I owned Shoka.

PJ's momma said...

carolina peach, they do seem to breed, but they do not hide, they are out in the open constantly as you scratch your head and say, "I just vacuumed and we have not been outside!" There probably is a collection upstairs too. Those suckers hurt when they manage to stand upright in the carpet, ouch! I have hard-soled Minnetonka slippers now, from Marshalls of course, so maybe my soles will be safer.

Kirkland, I hope you'll join Widowed Young and I as 12th men!

carolina peach said...

To the wonderful smart lady who shared this yesterday, {{{{{HOGS}}}} to you!!! The secret she shared to get to the end of the blog when refreshing or posting: CONTROL END
Scathingly Brilliant!

Extra HOGS to you.

carolina peach said...

Sorry, what is IW daily? Thanks.

carolina peach said...

Your needles are like sand spurs in the south. They look like kidney stones. Little ball with spikes and do they hurt. Can remember my Granddaddy going around the yard and digging the little suckers up. Then we could play bare footed with no worries.

Having to make my way to bed. Long day. Have a good night everyone. Good Night. HOGS all round.

Anonymous said...

Julianna Houff (sp) just gave an interview where she revealed she was majorly abused as a child and teen. She said she was 10 but her dancing moves and outfits made her seem older and more mature.

I didn't read the entire article (Cosmo) but this is what I have against kids working young. She loved dancing but didn't realize the perils involved.

Might be a good topic for your next post. (Gosselin boring)

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Bear with me...but for the first time, I'm starting to think Milo and Iwana really are the same person. If that's so, this guy is really sick and certainly strange.

I was just looking at Iwana's timeline. Two days after Kate retweeted and tweeted Donald Trump, Iwana was “VEGAS BOUND,” with Kim. Iwana tweeted to Kate, Milo, and Trump that while in Vegas, Kim would be HONORED (his caps) to meet and have dinner with Donald.

Didn't Milo overstep her bounds, suggesting Kate should dine Trump? Same strange obsession for Kim/Kate.

Also, a tweeter said that on her (the tweeter's) iPhone, Milo's Twitter kept switching over to Iwana's, even though this person wasn't friends with Iwana.

Awhile back, Kate mentioned having wine and "Milo" asked if Kate were having her wine in the bath? It sounded very much like a fantasy, not something one woman would say to another. It's long ago deleted.

Both Iwana and Milo talk about their successful home-based businesses. Iwana sells on eBay and Milo implies it's internet.

Both claim to be born-again Christians living in the south.

Milo follows Iwana. Iwana broke the news about Milo "nearly dying." He had "heard" from Milo privately.

There was the picture of the “man hands” Milo posted of “her” hands, then deleted it.

And Milo tried DESPERATELY to convince Kate to go out with Iwana? I think she even said he might be the one or some such nonsense. Remember that?

Iwana used to talk about Kate needing "a real man" to take care of her. Milo has a similar kind of fussiness with Kate.

It could explain the "how do you think I look?" comment Milo made. Could twisted Iwana be thinking Kate will fall in love with (and become dependent on) “Milo,” and then when Kate finds out it's really him….she's still in love with him? It's like a crazy version of "Tootsie”!

So is Iwana still really divorced, and he’s created a dying ex-wife who needs him as a fantasy of Kate? Then Milo is his way of transmitting those care-taking fantasies to Kate herself? Iwana taking care of "Kim" = Milo taking care of Kate = Iwana taking care of Kate. It's like math gone bad. Oy, this is making my head hurt.

By the way, having a nice little getaway with my youngest daughter before she heads back to college. She's asleep, and I'm reading.

Virginia Pen Mom, giving up conspiracy theories for the night!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Sorry, "Kim" is supposed to be Iwana's dying ex-wife that he has reunited with to be her hero until the end.

Lbelle said...

Virginia Pen Mom....45:
Well......things that make you go hmmmm!
Very strange, indeed.
I have always thught it pretty implausable (sp?) that Iwana....who was SO into Kate...would drop off the radar so easily after the supposed rebuff from Kreider at the meet and greet a few years back.
Somebody THAT obsessed I CAN see faking a new identity to keep the involvement going with Khate. Not likely to just disappear, right?

Well, whoever the heck Milo is...IT is a super FREAK! Just. So. Creepy.

Heide said...

Virginia Penn Mom, I think the ladies over at RWA think they might be the same person too. If I'm remembering correctly.

meagler said...

What ?!?!?!? no late night twitter tease from Miss kate the Stah tonight????


Sleepless In Seattle said...

I have always thught it pretty implausable (sp?) that Iwana....who was SO into Kate...would drop off the radar so easily after the supposed rebuff from Kreider at the meet and greet a few years back.
Somebody THAT obsessed I CAN see faking a new identity to keep the involvement going with Khate. Not likely to just disappear, right?


But the thing is that there are some who have "known" Milo for years before Iwana was rebuffed at the meet and greet. Supposedly Fired Up was around for a long time on blogs, and she did make those radio calls. This was before Iwana surfaced.

It's true that Milo tweets things to Kate that no women says to another woman. I remember when she tweeted to Kate that she wants to see her driving the tractor in her Daisy Dukes. That's something a man would say...not another woman!

I don't think it's the same person, but I do think that both are very strange and there must have been a reason that Kate blew him off after the meet and greet. She was spooked about something.

Meagler said...

I just finished watching for the first time ever...
One flew over the cuckoo's nest!

Slow to start, but it was interesting towards the end. Many things in that movie that were not accurate, but its just a movie....

I have 2 pups.. A collie shepherd red heeler cross, and he is so handsome. A real brindle color. We rescued him when he was 1.5 years and he came with many,many hangups and insecurities. Would not step on the linoleum, and my hubby had to carry him thru the house many times to the back door to go to the backyard to go to the bathroom. My husband got piddled on every time. The dog ( I dont want to use names) was too afraid to play or anything. But now 8 years later, he has found his voice ( barks a lot) and loves to play! and is a very fast runner. Our 2nd rescue is a small terrier. Some type of cairns, maltese, au coton cross. She use to run away anytime anyone opened the door. That was so frustrating. She barks at everything which also is frustrating but we dont need to worry about anyone getting into our house without knowing about it. She sleeps in the bed with us too. She thinks she's the boss, but we keep her in line pretty good, so does the heeler!

We still visit the humane sociaty on a regular basis, and sometimes it is really hard to leave without any more rescues....

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

She's clearly on vacation if she's not filming, and has been on said vacation for a week.

Question for the fans. Why does someone who can afford TWO vacations in one year for eight kids (remember Alabama???) need your gifts of freebies? When's the last time you took your little sheeplites on a vacation?

Anonymous said...

Late to the game on this, but I think the only reason Robert mentioned Kate's abortion in high school was to try to make a case that she never suffered from infertility. I am not about to judge her for something that (more than likely) was forced upon her when she was a minor. I used to be pro-choice before I had kids, now I am less so.

Also, I think if Kate did have an abortion forced upon her, that would explain a LOT of her need to fill up that void. Aiming for HOM makes more sense to me, if that story is true.

JoyinVirginia said...

PJs momma, it is my Boston Terrier who is having seizures. She is on potassium bromide now, but she hates the taste. Friday night I don't think I got the entire dose down her, because she had another seizure Saturday afternoon. First one in a week, so I think the meds are helping. She takes pills well, I might ask the vet to switch her to the phenobarbital pills instead of this liquid stuff. I will take Herr back in another week. Thanks for asking!
Virginia Pen Mom, I think your analysis of the tweeter pals is intriguing.
Sports! VCU won the game today with LeHigh. The Lehigh star McCollum hurt himself in the first half, no one was even around him when he got a bad pain in his foot. He may have broken his foot, would be a terrible time for that to happen if he did.
Tomorrow the Washington Redskins play! Should be a great game! We will be watching.

Greedy Gosselins said...

Laffy Taffy is doing really well with us! Her boy literally dotes on her. They are besties.

Once the two of them are finished Owning a New Pup 101 (and they BOTH pass LOL), we'll be taking her over to the shelter. It'll have to be done in baby steps to begin with but i'm not worried. Taffy has the disposition OF taffy - sweet and malleable.

This little apartment is now a real home because of this silly little girl. We're so fortunate.

Hope the New Year is treating everyone well!

I've been trying to keep up with that horrible (alleged) gang rape of that 16 yr. old girl in Ohio. I know the football players haven't been convicted yet but wow! about the confession video.

I'd simply die of shame if my sweet boy grew up to be monsters like that. But for the grace of God, right?

Improbable Dreams said...

I don't know who or what Milo is. I can't figure out Iwana, either. But...Remember Kate's shout-out to Milo on Dr. Drew? I was creeped out by Milo before that time, but that one incident suggested to me an unholy (untoward?) relationship. It didn't seem authentic, that mention. Instead, it clarified (at least for me) that theirs is hand-in-glove relationship that plays out behind the scenes, as well as on Twitter, with Kate playing the role of puppeteer.

Tucker's Mom said...

Improbable Dreams said... 56
I don't know who or what Milo is. I can't figure out Iwana, either. But...Remember Kate's shout-out to Milo on Dr. Drew?
It's sad that Kate mentions tweety fans in her life vs. true friends and family.
I also seem to remember a "SuperPattyPie" that Kate mentioned during a K+8 Q&A. Whatever happened to her?

Formerly Duped said...

My favorite shopping spots are TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Christmas Tree Shop and Home Goods.
Honestly, why pay full price for brand names or other items in these days of budgeting and economizing?

Improbable Dreams said...

Tucker's Mom ~ Good point. I've never seen a Twitter exchange between Kate and her relatives. As for SuperPattyPie, she's still around, tweeting mostly with the other sheeple...mostly blather, as the herd awaits with bated breath the triumphant return to the fold of their Head Ewe.

(FYI: You can use TweetTunnel to track someone's Twitter activity/history.)

JoyinVirginia said...

GG, your new family member Taffy sounds so cuddly and sweet, so glad your boy has his dog. People need pets as much as pets need us.
Sports OT: Fun Facts: Russell Wilson the Seahawks quarterback graduated from Collegiate School in Richmond, and is considered a hometown favorite. Everyone who remembers him from high school has been interviewed on local news this week, and they only have nice things to say about him.
Robert Griffin III the quarterback for the Redskins is also an equally nice guy, and a local favorite because the Redskins are the closest thing to a hometown football team for practically the whole state of Virginia.
Who ever wins the Seahawks-Skins game today, we will be happy.

Dmasy said...

Greedy G, thanks for your Taffy update. I have been wondering about your adjustment. Smiling. Blessings to you and and your son in your "new" home.

VA Pen Mom, I was glad to see a post from you, too. You put a lot of thought into your analysis. One thing is for sure, Kate attracts some weird and loyal fans. She has been away a long, silent time. I hope a TV program is NOT involved.

Joy In VA, I am glad the meds are working for your baby.

It will be a Football Sunday here -- for hubby. Maybe I will fun off to a TJ Maxx sale!

localyocul said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
Good morning everyone! Although we are back into our routine, we still have lots of unpacking left! You'll find me in my laundry room today!

Wonder how long it will take Milo to make a miraculous recovery.

JaninNJ said...

Loved reading the bedtime routines of all your fur babies. I have a westie (totally insane dog) who sleeps with me. Since westies were bred to go to ground as ratters, the instinct is there in Merlin, even though he wouldn't know a rat if he tripped over one. Every single night he tries to stall me getting into bed. As I get in, he goes under the covers, growling, barking, shaking the blankets into disarray, searching out that elusive vermin. When he's convinced the coast is clear, he comes topside and settles in for the night. Routine only takes a few minutes, but it's a nightly thing. Gotta love 'em!

carezee said...

I am sorry I don't remember which poster it was but one of made a list of what Kate's tweet would be when she got back. I know the laundry tweet was on that list. I think it is horrible if she purposely planned a getaway over the holidays. If she did then she did it so that Jon couldn't have them at all for Christmas. What kind of mother does that? She could have let him have them for the time leading up to and Christmas if she planned on taking them after. That to me just shows how mean and spiteful she can be.

localyocul said...

I have a custody order in PA. Each of us can take two weeks vacation, even if we just stay home but it means dd is with whoever took the vaca. The vacation trumps the regular schedule. HOWEVER, Holidays trump everything. You cannot schedule a vacation that takes away from the other's holiday without their permission. My ex used to "steal" (dd's words) my daughter's Christmas vacation week. She would get mad because she would not be able to spend time with friends. However, during that week the regular holiday schedule was followed.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Tell your DD to feel loved. My ex never wanted have our DD on his custody time. I had to drop her off AND pick her up (not in the court order) or his parents had to come get her. Disgusting. Then, when we left the state, he has never once, not once, come to see her. She has seen all the rest of her family, including his parents (we kept a good relationship- they are awesome people) but him? Nope. She now has nothing to do with him.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Now that she's back why can't she tell her tweeties where she was and share some of these oh so fantastic memories? There are no safety reasons now that they are home. She is such an annoying TEASE.

Of course where she goes on vacation is no one's business but when she has made everything else about her life their business it seems like common courtesy to at least tell them a bit about her vacation. And I think those who give her freebies should know what kind of vacation she went on that she can afford. She doesn't realize by playing so coy she is probably turning off a lot of fans.

Tucker's Mom said...

Robert Griffin III the quarterback for the Redskins is also an equally nice guy, and a local favorite because the Redskins are the closest thing to a hometown football team for practically the whole state of Virginia.
Joy, if I hear "Battle In Seattle" one more time, I'm going to wrap my head in duct tape so it won't explode!!
Should be a good game. The Hogs are our hometown team and I'm rooting for them today. Unfortunately, my Eagles SMELLED this season. Awful. Just awful.
Hey, isn't Richmond getting the Skin's training camp?
Anyway, say "hi" to Carytown for me!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

To any of my Civil War buffs out there, has anyone been to Vicksburg?

I am going to be passing right through this month and thought I would stop, however I am reading that it is a 17 mile slow drive self guided tour through the park. We really want something where we can stop for an hour see a few things and be done, we don't have time to make a whole day of it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I rarely watch professional football, just the Superbowl, but I'm going to be watching the Redskins/Seattle game. Redskins are my dad's absolute favorite team, he is obsessed, and he is thrilled to see them in the playoffs. Watching this one "with" dad!

We are not originally from that area, however when he was very little, a neighborhood boy played on the team, and my dad's dad told him you should support the Redskins. My dad does what his dad tells him, and he has ever since.

We are planning to see a live game next year as a family.

Winsomeone said...

"Now that she's back why can't she tell her tweeties where she was and share some of these oh so fantastic memories? There are no safety reasons now that they are home. She is such an annoying TEASE."

She did the same thing after her last trip/filming. Had promised to update her tweeties upon her return, but never did.Just denied that she spent her own money o film when they asked about that.

Formerly Duped said...

Get those kids in the laundry room- or call the 'laundry girl' on a Sunday, poor exhausted Kate!

Improbable Dreams said...

Admin ~ A friend took me on that Vicksburg tour. Traffic was slower'n a Southern drawl, and I got twitchy. Lots to see, and it was affecting, no doubt about that. But we ditched it after an hour. I prefer a walking tour, myself.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Improbable, I want a place you can walk around a bit. I don't want a driving tour. We are going to be driving a long time so if we stop we'll want to get OUT. I am so bummed, this is the only really good Civil War site that is right off our route, that I know off.

I'm going to be driving from Atlanta to Austin. If anyone knows of any good fun touristy places to stop for an hour or two please let me know! Civil war or not.

Improbable Dreams said...

Admin ~ I don't know if you've seen this video, but your comment about watching the game with your dad brings to mind this heartwarming Christmas gift. I double-dog dare you to watch it without tearing up, at least a little:


Dmasy said...

2 of my 3 Min Pins. Girls in the electric blanket dedicated to them. Dogs will be watching football with hubby.

Admin, I love the story about your dad and the Redskins.

Tucker's Mom said...

butterfly said... 67
It's amazing that you kept a great relationship with DD's paternal grandparents. I'm sure that makes her feel loved.
Really inspiring what you've done in light of DD not winning the Dad lottery. I'm sure you're heart is more than big enough for both parents love.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

That's also something Kate doesn't understand about deadbeat dads. Kids will soon enough figure out for themselves if their dad doesn't care about them and are perfectly capable when they reach a certain age of limiting or cutting of contact. It is not a mother's job to help that along or offer her take on things or alienate them. A kid will KNOW if that's what is going on, so Kate needs to butt the heck OUT and let these kids decide for themselves how they feel about their father without her two stupid cents.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Kate's in the laundry room just like she stuffed 1000's of Easter eggs. It ain't happening.

Kate's part of the upper middle class that takes a Christmas vacay. I would guess she just took the twins, she is incapable of handling all her kids on her own.
I have a sibling that he and his family do these Christmas vacays, they just got back from their umpteenth trip to Disney.

I would be surprised if she did any filming; I bet most production companies took two wks off.

Let's see if super-mom Kate is able to mastermind a spring break for the kiddos. Last yr the kids spent the holiday break in the basement. lol

Bearswife said...

I just finished watching Catfish - it was really interesting. Now, I finally understand what everyone has been talking about, lol!
I think that there are more Catfish then we might suspect.

Now I'm watching Craigslist Joe. I had a dandy of a day yesterday and I am taking it easy today. ;)

Dmasy said...

Admin said, "...without her two stupid cents."

That made me laugh loud enough to wake a dog sleeping beside me.

Sums up Kate in more than one area....2 stupid cents.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kate's part of the upper middle class that takes a Christmas vacay. I would guess she just took the twins, she is incapable of handling all her kids on her own.
I have a sibling that he and his family do these Christmas vacays, they just got back from their umpteenth trip to Disney.


Yeah really. She doesn't realize what a turn off it is to complain about laundry after you just took yet another luxurious vacation in six months. Ah, vacation laundry, the problems of the 1%.

Also, you know, most places you go have some kind of laundry facilities so it doesn't pile up this bad.

Anonymous said...

Working Woman here

Those kids clearly always loved Jon, and not just because he was their father and they were supposed to. They would just light up when he was around.

I truly don't believe he is a dead-beat dead or ever was. Even when he was in his Ed Hardy bar-hopping phase, he was still involved in their lives and saw them regularly.

You know what I think? Three or four years ago, when Jon was misbehaving and not making himself look to good, I think Kate LOVED that. Most women would be heartbroken about a clear crisis that their children's father was going through, but I think Kate absolutely loved it because it was the first time when she was thought of as the better parent by a lot of the public.

During Jon and Kate Plus 8, most people would say that Jon was the fun, hands-on, more enjoyable parent. That changed for a while after their divorce, and even though eventually he seemed to straighten out and get his act together, it was almost like Kate couldn't admit it. Even in 2011, when his wild days were long over and forgotten and he had apologized, she made a comment on The Talk about how he is still his father despite "his choices" as if to remind everyone.

So yeah, she hasn't yet come to terms with the fact that the days where he was getting awful press and was getting painted by the media as a deadbeat dad, they are long over and the world has moved on. She likes to hang on to those days and continue to act like Jon is a deadbeat, because that phase made her feel better about herself.

What a tool.

Dwindle said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 79
That's also something Kate doesn't understand about deadbeat dads. Kids will soon enough figure out for themselves if their dad doesn't care about them and are perfectly capable when they reach a certain age of limiting or cutting of contact. It is not a mother's job to help that along or offer her take on things or alienate them. A kid will KNOW if that's what is going on, so Kate needs to butt the heck OUT and let these kids decide for themselves how they feel about their father without her two stupid cents.


She might think she is influencing the battle, but she will lose the war. Sooner than she thinks, these kids will rebel against her controlling ways and their relationship with their father will be their biggest weapon. They will turn Jon into a saint in their minds and accuse Kate of deliberatly interfering with their relationship with their 'perfect' father. "We have always had a loving and wonderful father and YOU kept him from us!" They will become blind to any of their dad's failings, simply as a rebeling mechanism against Kate. She is creating a type of Romeo and Juliet effect, where the kids will WANT what their mother has told them isnt good enough for them.

If she would shut her mouth, and still her acrylics, the kids will see their dad for the normal, flawed person that he is and each will make their own decision as to where he fits in their life. Same as they will with their mother.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's part of the upper middle class that takes a Christmas vacay. I would guess she just took the twins, she is incapable of handling all her kids on her own.
Agree and agree.
BIL and family take these vacays. Hey look! DS just caught a 200# tuna off the coast of Hawaii. We went scuba diving off Grand Cayman.
Wow. It's really great for them and I can be happy for them because for all their (real and earned) money, they are down to earth and the kids have been raised right-- not entitled at all.
They have been given much and much is expected of them.
Kate has to complain after every vacay. I think her seratonin levels bottom out and her adrenals are burned after her manic stint while away.

Anonymous said...

Working Woman here

****still the children's father I meant, not his father. Lol

localyocul said...

Tell your DD to feel loved. My ex never wanted have our DD on his custody time. I had to drop her off AND pick her up (not in the court order) or his parents had to come get her. Disgusting. Then, when we left the state, he has never once, not once, come to see her. She has seen all the rest of her family, including his parents (we kept a good relationship- they are awesome people) but him? Nope. She now has nothing to do with him.


Unfortunately she does not feel loved by him. He doted on her until he remarried a narcissist. My dd is a second class citizen in their lives and her sm is a manipulative witch. They don't allow her to do anything when she is with them and refuse to bring her to activities. The taking of the vacation week is a control move orchestrated by the sm. It's a very sad situation.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

She might think she is influencing the battle, but she will lose the war. Sooner than she thinks, these kids will rebel against her controlling ways and their relationship with their father will be their biggest weapon. They will turn Jon into a saint in their minds and accuse Kate of deliberatly interfering with their relationship with their 'perfect' father. "We have always had a loving and wonderful father and YOU kept him from us!" They will become blind to any of their dad's failings, simply as a rebeling mechanism against Kate. She is creating a type of Romeo and Juliet effect, where the kids will WANT what their mother has told them isnt good enough for them.

If she would shut her mouth, and still her acrylics, the kids will see their dad for the normal, flawed person that he is and each will make their own decision as to where he fits in their life. Same as they will with their mother.


Oh my gosh so well said.

Let's assume a hypothetical situation where a dad IS a deadbeat and mom is parental alienating him. Some kids will buy into mom's story and agree with her. But some, as you said, will rebel against her control of their relationship and use their relationship with dad as a weapon to get back at their mother. Sort of like when a parent tries to tell a kid you can't hang out with this friend or that friend. What do many kids do? They just want to hang out with them MORE.

So then, you have kids who have someone who maybe really shouldn't be in their life, in their life just to SPITE their mother. There is just nothing good that ever comes of parental alienating a father, deadbeat or not. I wish she would get therapy.

Tucker, yes, I'm perfectly happy for people who can go tuna fishing in tropical waters over break, awesome. Just don't complain about your laundry when you get home--poor you. I personally don't care as I wouldn't change what I did over Christmas for all the tuna in the world, but it angers me how insensitive she is to her mediocre sheeple.

PJ's momma said...

Greedy Gosselins, so happy for you all!

Joy, sounds like your pooch is having a lot of seizures initially. Don't know how much PB is being given, but any chance you can put it in a hot dog slice? That's how we administer meds. Even the 'well' dog runs in to get her 'dose' and happily eats a hot dog slice. The pills do work but just know that if the dog is put on that, you'll be paying for frequent blood work as they monitor her liver enzyme levels. The pheno is cheap but the blood work is not!

Interesting that Russell Wilson is from your hometown. Besides Marshawn Lynch (the BEAST!), he is a hero around here, very nice piece in the local press about him last week or so, talking about what a great guy he is, what a wonderful family he comes from, his father's death, etc. Today will be interesting. Seahawks did go to the Superbowl a few years ago, so it could happen. This makes me think of Ex Nurse. I hope she's OK.

Dwindle said...

butterfly said... 67
Tell your DD to feel loved. My ex never wanted have our DD on his custody time. I had to drop her off AND pick her up (not in the court order) or his parents had to come get her. Disgusting. Then, when we left the state, he has never once, not once, come to see her. She has seen all the rest of her family, including his parents (we kept a good relationship- they are awesome people) but him? Nope. She now has nothing to do with him.


My four are grown now, from 27-37. And they could give us an earful about their dad and none of it is good. At one point he was dating a woman who came from a very large family and 2 little kids of her own. HER mother eventually told my ex he was no longer welcome at the family events if he couldnt be bothered with his own children. HA!

I stayed out of it, in fact in the beginning I covered for him, and it was painful to my heart to see them so sad and so shocked over their dad's neglect. But he is what he is, even now, and they had to make their own peace with it. Each one has dealt with him and with their feelings in different ways, but none of them have much to do with him. DD2 wont be in the same room with him.

PatK said...

AHA! I see she mentioned the laundry room. Bingo! So predictable. Check that one of my list on the previous page. Now, within the next 24 hours, we'll hear the "thanks times a gajillion x8". I can be patient...

And I am another one who suspects Milo will make a miraculous recovery and get those fingers a-flyin' sometime later today.

Anonymous said...

Tucker's Mom said... 78
butterfly said... 67
It's amazing that you kept a great relationship with DD's paternal grandparents. I'm sure that makes her feel loved.
Really inspiring what you've done in light of DD not winning the Dad lottery. I'm sure you're heart is more than big enough for both parents love.
Tucker's Mom,
Yes, DD's paternal grandmother is a saint! This woman, I swear, should win mother of the year award every year. There's no way I would ever cut my daughter off from people who love her, and who she loves. That is stupid. They got their own visitation and they send money when I really needed for her and they are involved in her life. Like family should be. I cant hold it against them about their son (my ex). They didnt make him that way.

Anyway, it is ugly of Kate to come back from vacay and complain. She just loves to brag, but not humble brag. She doesnt understand her audience or she revels in the fact she has what she has and they dont have it- which it worse, IMO.

Has Milo tweeted yet? LOL

aggiemom09121416 said...


1) what's with the avatar? Are you holding Milo hostage??

2) your kids are *ahem* older....and that makes you....uh...how old???


IDModo said...

Kate may be able to take a winter vacay but she has no class whatsoever.
Pun intended.

I hope Robert gets his revised book out soon, with much publicity. I'm afraid the world will forget in the interim that Kate is a Child and Animal Abuser, and continue to focus on her current irrelevant behaviour. I believe she continues to abuse them, physically and/or emotionally, whether or not she takes them on vacations to wherever.

terri said...

TMZ has a great article about Honey Boo Boo's mom June. She says that the majority of the money made from the show goes into trust accounts for all her girls and the grand baby that they can't touch until age 21. She states the money is automatically deposited into their accounts by the network and she gets an e-mail telling her the amount each child received. Sounds to me like this woman is a truly loving mother and is more interested in her children's future than her own immediate needs. Kate Gosselin could surely learn a thing or two from her.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

And I am another one who suspects Milo will make a miraculous recovery and get those fingers a-flyin' sometime later today.


Unless she's in the laundry room with Kate, washin, ironin and foldin Kate's very short Daisy Dukes.

Dmasy said...

terri, I keep imagining how Kate seethes and boils when she views the promos for Honey Boo Boo and Sister Wives.

Kate knows what if feels like to be pampered and courted by TLC. Now she is watching other families be the STARS. June is everything Kate would cross the street to avoid and June is now a darling of the TLC lineup.

We know Kate is possessive and territorial -- this just has to aggravate her no end.

wayward said...

Anonymous said... 84
Working Woman here

"You know what I think? Three or four years ago, when Jon was misbehaving and not making himself look to good, I think Kate LOVED that. Most women would be heartbroken about a clear crisis that their children's father was going through, but I think Kate absolutely loved it because it was the first time when she was thought of as the better parent by a lot of the public."
Spot on, I always thought this as well.

By the time of the divorce, Kate was already a Grade A, certifiable bitch. In addition to her terrible behavior on the show, stories had already come out about how rude and snotty she was at book signings, speaking engagements and in public. When Jon started acting out, she relished playing the role of being the good, responsible and stable parent.

I think she loved nothing more than sitting there on Today, crying and dabbing while patting her own back at the same time and telling America how wonderful and strong she was.

It's now the first week of 2013, but for Kate it's always the summer of 2009. 3 1/2 years later she's still taking swipes at Jon, still trying to imply that he's unstable, putting a gag on the real custody situation and still making sure everyone remembers his "choices" made almost 4 years ago.

Dwindle, you are absolutely right when you say Kate will not win the battle. She jokes and tweets about teenagers, but I think her many issues prevent her from considering that she might not be able to control her kids. Sadly, I think she will be just as cold and unyielding with teens as she was with her family. There will be a couple who will be content to live under her thumb and feed her narcissist supply. Those who do not choose to submit, are likely to be shown the curb.

localyocul said...

I'm attempting homemade yogurt using my new yogurt maker from France! Does any1 know how I can get 'Yalacta Ferment' 4grams starter in USA?


When I come home from my one count it one, one count it one-week vacation with my one count her one teenager I spend the whole day unpacking, doing laundry, grocery shopping and picking up my one count her one dog from the kennel. She comes home after ten days with eight count em eight kids and is making (French of course) yogurt?

handinhand said...

Does this woman not have all dang week to catch up on laundry? Immersing herself in piles-o-laundry with threats of, 'Work it out yourselves. Can't you see I'm busy with Mount Stained Delicates after that super fun vacation I so generously took you on?' Just another way for her to get away from the 8 kids she just had to have.
Back into her routine indeed.

Winsomeone said...

Kate was silent on twitter for almost 10 days, and now her tweeties are satisfied with her just telling them she has mounds of laundry..no hint whatsoever where she was or what they were doing? Seems really strange to me. They all just carry on like she was never gone at all.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
I'm attempting homemade yogurt using my new yogurt maker from France! Does any1 know how I can get 'Yalacta Ferment' 4grams starter in USA?

LOL!! Kate's fans need recipes for salads. Doubt they're up on Yalacta Ferment. Her silly sheeple don't even realize she's rubbing their noses in how mediocre they all are.

Sheeple Herder said...

While I can't help Katie with her yogurt starter, I certainly know a place she could stick it!

Dmasy said...

Is a French yogurt maker more special than an American yogurt maker?

I guess so, or she would not have mentioned it!

wayward said...

Dmasy said... 98
terri, I keep imagining how Kate seethes and boils when she views the promos for Honey Boo Boo and Sister Wives.

Kate knows what if feels like to be pampered and courted by TLC. Now she is watching other families be the STARS. June is everything Kate would cross the street to avoid and June is now a darling of the TLC lineup.

We know Kate is possessive and territorial -- this just has to aggravate her no end.
Everytime I would see that promo of the BooBoo family having the pumpkin guts fight, I literally laughed out loud! It made me think of Kate having her meltdown over the kids having a nice, controlled and tidy pumpkin carving session in the garage. There was nothing wrong there, she wasn't even involved!

I have always felt that Kate cannot not stand to see her kids have pleasure and enjoyment. She really is the original Debbie Downer. If she's not yelling, she's making nasty, insulting comments. Or threats, like telling a child she will be abandoned. Or demanding that they thank her. Who wants to bet that if Mama June was shown being half as cruel to her kids as Kate was/is to hers, CPS would be there in a hot minute. However, when Kate was shown repeatedly being verbally abusive, it was just brushed off. Why? Because she's a wealthy, attractive (sorta) Northern lady? But I digress....

I was conflicted about BooBoo and not sure about the family's motives. As we all know, nothing about reality TV is real :( So far, my opinion is that they are the real deal. Although, another season may change things. I'm glad to hear that June right away put the money away for the girls. Kate should be ashamed that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania MADE her put money away for the kids AFTER several seasons were in the can.

Anonymous said...

localyocul said... 100
I'm attempting homemade yogurt using my new yogurt maker from France! Does any1 know how I can get 'Yalacta Ferment' 4grams starter in USA?


Does this mean she was in Paris? Episode 245764 - Traveling with 8 count 'em 8 Kids in Europe!


Sleepless In Seattle said...

I'm attempting homemade yogurt using my new yogurt maker from France! Does any1 know how I can get 'Yalacta Ferment' 4grams starter in USA?

Is she hinting that she brought one back from FRANCE? Can't she find the "starter" on the internet, or is this just her way of doing her bragging thing, making sure that her sheeple know that she has a NEW YOGURT MAKER...from FRANCE!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Ah, the problems of the 1 percent. How to find a Yalacta Ferment 4 grams starter for their imported French Yogurt machine.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Does this mean she was in Paris? Episode 245764 - Traveling with 8 count 'em 8 Kids in Europe!


LOL, Jane. We were thinking the same thing at the same time!

Sheeple Herder said...

I was wondering the same thing. Is this her way of letting everyone know she was in France? Didn't one of the kids supposedly "say" that he/she wanted to go to Paris? I might be wrong about that..can't remember.

localyocul said...

Could she possible have grifted a trip to Paris by her few tweets about how it is the kids' dream to see Paris? Remember that?

localyocul said...

Sheeple Herder said... 111
I was wondering the same thing. Is this her way of letting everyone know she was in France? Didn't one of the kids supposedly "say" that he/she wanted to go to Paris? I might be wrong about that..can't remember.


I googled +@kateplusmy +paris and looky at question/answer #1 here:


1. @Alexandraaa_m: @Kateplusmy8 If you had the chance to take your kids anywhere in the world where would you take them?
A: That is a very very hard choice! Top of my list is: South Africa, Ireland and The Netherlands. But if you ask my kids, they all have an obsession with visiting Paris, so add that at the top! They LOVE to travel and see the world! :)

Remember she kept whispering "Best Christmas Ever" in the kids' ears?

carolina peach said...

Remember the movie Mars Attacks? The noise the aliens made? I'll just get my cat to make a donation (starter) and overnight it on to her. I would bet that if she read the damn instructions that came with the damn machine from France that it tells her how to get the damn starter. Damn, bragging much khate? Sorry this one just hit a nerve. What a braggart. Hey tweet fans, did YOU get a yogurt maker from France? Rethinking the grifts you sent to her? Did you get to go a on vacation over Christmas? Guess she'll keep in on the counter next to the $500 meat slicer. And I'm holding back!!!

Blowing In The Wind said...

admin said...Ah, the problems of the 1 percent. How to find a Yalacta Ferment 4 grams starter for their imported French Yogurt machine.


I'm sure every one of her tweeties can relate to that problem, and know exactly where to tell her to find it. Betcha they'll be searching, and then sending her whatever she needs.

Why didn't she just order it (or pick it up if she was in France) when she bought the yogurt maker?

Tucker's Mom said...

Have any of Kate's sycophants asked Kate about the France reference? Kate loves to take on the persona and attributes of wherever she visits, because anywhere and everywhere is better than "you've seen one farm, you've seen them all" PA.
I think Kate could have taken the girls to France. I mean, why suddenly make yogurt with your make from FRANCE?
Oh, honey, I made an egg casserole this morning... in my Le Creuset, from FRANCE!!
Does Kate remind anyone else of the dad in "A Christmas Story"?
"Fra-jeel-ay, it must be Italian!"

Bearswife said...

I have a couple of friends who have tense relationships with their ex-husbands, but have great relationships with their ex-mother-in law. Doing that makes it easy for the kids to draw their own conclusions as they get older. Kudos to those who are able to rise above!

localyokul, you crack me up! I will send you one of my french yogurt makers, I have 8 of them. ;)

Anonymous said...

So are we to believe they went to Paris and she bought a yogurt maker? I just gave away my "old used once yogurt maker from China" still in the box. It was a white elephant exchange.

Can the woman not google? She once again looks foolish re: the yogurt starter. Uh oh Khate, a measurement. 4 grams. What WILL you do????

Tucker's Mom said...

I know when I was 6 I was obsessed with visiting France. Who wasn't, I ask you?

Dmasy said...

carolina peach, my reaction was similar.

Again, what Admin said -- 2 stupid cents worth. She must be deliberately obtuse. No one could be that clueless by accident.

localyocul said...

If I recall she had mentioned a boy tup who was wanting to go to Paris. The teenage fan she met in CT had gone to Paris at one point and K8 kept tweeting Paris references to her. If she just took the twins, that's a slap in the face to whatever boy it was who was supposedly dreaming of going. If she was trying to hint that she was in France by her yogurt tweet, noone has bitten yet. She'll have to throw out another one I guess.

Dmasy said...

I think I will have some bought-in-bulk (Sam's Club) Greek yogurt for lunch. I will close my eyes and dream of French yogurt ...

I am a part of the mediocre masses. Sad, I tell you....just sad.

PatK said...

If she's making yogurt, I guess she lied about finding her in the laundry room all day.

Dutch Tulip said...

And she wanted to visit The Netherlands, please noooooo! A few weeks ago I did a google search to see if Kate was mentioned in dutch, besides those naked celebrities advertisement sides were they insert your googled name the last time she was mentioned was in 2010/2011... and the dutchies didn't like her that much.

SwingsandRoundabouts said...


To: silimom

I have been thinking of you after reading your "Poor is..." link last week and I hope you are keeping your chin up.
Now we are financially stable but for years we had to stretch every penny until it squeaked. After living frugally for so long the feeling never leaves you and colors every financial decision. Even now I only buy on sale and am constantly aware of waste or excess consumerism & materialism.
I will send positive thoughts your way and hope for only positive outcomes for you and your family.
I also hope I'm not being too intrusive but I can't help thinking about you. Hogs to you.

Dutch Tulip said...

sides is sites, sorry!

Blowing In The Wind said...

LOL!! Kate's fans need recipes for salads. Doubt they're up on Yalacta Ferment.


Not only do they need recipes for salads, but they also need Kate to give them recipes for their bread machines:

@Kateplusmy8 I just got a bread machine for Christmas. Do you have any good recipes? :)

Don't these people know how to use the internet? Are they that helpless?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I bet she definitely has at least tried to pitch a Paris trip to TLC because then at least the kids would go willingly.

And it makes sense why there are no sightings. I bet Parisians haven't the foggiest who she even is.

Tucker's Mom said...

OT looking for input and experiences!
DH is bringing home a Roku (streaming device) and we're going to greatly slash our cable down to the nubs if we think we can. I knew we were paying through the nose for the cable channels but didn't realize just how much.
Any experiences?
BTW, I looked into streaming because so many of you do it and have found ways to watch the same things for way, way cheaper, so thanks for the inspiration!
I'm also on a fix it, don't replace it kick after the apron discussion.
My Food Saver is performing below par and instead of ordering a new one, I called the company and ordered new gaskets in the hopes that that sucker will suck and seal like new. For $12, it's worth seeing if I can extend the life of my current machine.
Also, so proud of DH as he replaced the thermister/moisture sensor in our dryer for half the cost of just a repairman visit, let alone repair. And... our front load washer has been behaving and working like a champ since we re read the operating instructions and are using it correctly. Duh.
After realizing that we paid almost 1K for the darn thing, I was determined to find out if the problem was me or the machine. Fortunately, it was me and you know, I'm trainable.

Widowed Young said...

PJ's momma------------------

Sorry I didn't respond-went to bed early last night after a long day with the family. I am a huge football fan-have been since our local high school hero played for the Washington Huskies. I then went to the UW in the late 80's so it has always been Huskies on Saturday and Seahawks on Sunday! My late husband was also a huge fan-luckily (or unluckily!) he got to see the Seahawks go to the Super Bowl in 2005. He passed away in 2007 so I have to root for the both of us now! Would love to see them go all the way again-especially with the entertaining and talented Russell Wilson!

I am off to Church-then home to enjoy the game!!!!!!!!! (8 exclamation points in honor of Kate)


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I think someone should ask her in a respectful manner if she went to France and see if she plays coy.

Folks I think we're in for another popcorn day! I've missed these all week!

Redskins game AND Kate's twitter, somebody fire up the machine.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I think I will have some bought-in-bulk (Sam's Club) Greek yogurt for lunch. I will close my eyes and dream of French yogurt ...


I'd rather eat Greek yogurt, and find that the next person I see has turned into John Stamos.

Anonymous said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 110
Does this mean she was in Paris? Episode 245764 - Traveling with 8 count 'em 8 Kids in Europe!


LOL, Jane. We were thinking the same thing at the same time!



It wouldn't surprise me if she either grifted a trip to Paris or got someone to film a trip there and is shopping it around. If this is true, and right now it's just wild speculation, if the filming were of a decent quality, she'd get a buyer. There's still interest in the kids (sadly) and how they've grown.


OrangeCrusher1 said...

Le the new year begin, she's back and tweeting vagaries. Guess there was no internet wherever she was, amazing how sometimes she can live without it and other times it's a all day lovefest.

So, to summarize, in Kateworld she had the most amazing Christmas ever, with or without the kids, and then took off for the most amazing memory making holiday ever, with or without kids. If she did indeed have all of the kids, their dad got cheated out of the whole holiday. Most of us find that hard to believe. A more likely scenario has the younger children with him post Xmas, and she and her BFF twins were on vacation in what, a stretch jeep in NC. NC is an odd place to be on your way to Paris.

Yep, poor 1% Kate, home to mounds of laundry.

Paris, only in her odd tweet about a yogurt maker from France. This is Kate, who cannot write a proper sentence with proper modifiers. So, she either went to France and bought a yogurt maker, someone gave her a French brand yogurt maker, or she grifted one from a sheeple in France. Hope she speaks French since if you Google that starter, everything comes up in that language. Twitidiot.

I have been lurking, not posting, because for reasons I do not understand, my Ipad will not let me post. Anyone out there know why? Belated new year's greetings to all.

Oh, can't hardly wait to see when Milo reappears - maybe she knows something about French probiotics.

Dmasy said...

Blowing in the Wind, isn't that the cutest commercial? Those ladies shoveling yogurt into their mouths -- I laugh every time I see it.

localyocul said...

I am no conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination. In fact I generaly roll my eyes at conspiracy theories. BUT. WHAT IF Milo DID give K8 and the kids a vacation this summer...gave up her timeshare or loaned out her beach hose. What if Milo found out through emailing K8 or through Deanna that K8 was taking the kids to Paris for the week. Would that make Milo go twitter silent? What if Milo finally saw K8 for the grifter she is...one can dream I guess.

Aeduko said...

You don't need a French yogurt maker to make yogurt. I had magazines over Christmas with homemade gift ideas and one of them was homemade yogurt that required no machines at all.

localyocul said...

‏Aeduko said... 137
You don't need a French yogurt maker to make yogurt. I had magazines over Christmas with homemade gift ideas and one of them was homemade yogurt that required no machines at all.

Well, this fan agrees with you:

@Kateplusmy8 No idea. I make yogurt in mason jars on stove, cool in sink, incubate in cooler& organic yogurt as starter. Sounds primitive!

Anonymous said...

Since Greek yogurt is all the rage it's too bad she didn't get a yogurt maker from Greece...trip/grift/fan present.

Barb Gilman said...

You all will love this...you can even make yogurt in your crockpot!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Kate in Paris? I'm sorry, but I just don't think so. I cannot see her spending that kind of money for a trip and I don't believe that she has that kind of star power anymore to grift one. Just like the slicer, I think it was a gift she ordered for herself, or possibly someone else gave it to her.

Her tweet about making yogurt in her machine from France was just a brag, in my opinion. She loves to brag about her pool, her leather sofa, her top of the line meat slicer; the yogurt machine is just one more way for to advertise that she has the best material things in her home. She tweeted that question as an excuse to brag about her new toy.

She's an idiot.

meagler said...

I am waiitng for her to try and plug that yogurt maker from France in.

I have been to great Britain and a couple of places in Europe but not france, but everywhere else, they have different plug ins, so that thing may not plud into her wall. If she couldnt think that machine would require different ingredients then what she has available to her, she likely didnt think that the plug would be different!

PatK said...

If Milo were around, tweeting and was not privy to any trip to Paris, you just know she'd be asking Kate for the truth on behalf of "the rumors started by haters".

She loves to step in and take care of quashing those rumors being batted around by haters!

Dwindle said...

Barb In Nebraska said... 140
You all will love this...you can even make yogurt in your crockpot!


Y'all know how to get my laptop a-rattlin'!!

aggiemom09121416 said...

I cooked ham in my Sidney, OH vintage wagner-ware roaster.
I whipped mashed potatoes in my Greenville, OH KA mixer.
Later, I will drive my Arlington, TX assembled chevrolet suburban to fill it up with gas.

Gee, Kate.
Made in the USA.
you ought to try it sometime.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Let's make this fun, I'm taking bets what Kate's answer will be to the Paris question. My guess is:

"Who me, Paris???"

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Why even mention it's from France? She's such a tool. My appliances, which came with the place, came from Germany, which I think is pretty cool, but I don't go around saying my German oven or German dishwasher. Because frankly, you sound like a tool saying that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I cooked ham in my Sidney, OH vintage wagner-ware roaster.
I whipped mashed potatoes in my Greenville, OH KA mixer.


Aren't you special. I made some toast in my China toaster.

Bearswife said...

kHate can suck it, because I have 2 (count 'em two) food processors from France. thhhhbbbbbbbt!
Let's make this fun, I'm taking bets what Kate's answer will be to the Paris question. My guess is:

"Who me, Paris???"

Absolutely, Admin! I bet you 3 of Dwindles crock pots.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

@Kateplusmy8 No idea. I make yogurt in mason jars on stove, cool in sink, incubate in cooler& organic yogurt as starter. Sounds primitive!


Oh God a reasonable fan. They're out there!

Also, you could always throw a tub of Greek in as you get your eggs and sour cream. The good stuff is only 2.99.

Extend arm toward yogurts, clamp fingers around container of your choosing, throw in cart.

Dwindle said...

Tucker's Mom said... 129
OT looking for input and experiences!
DH is bringing home a Roku (streaming device) and we're going to greatly slash our cable down to the nubs if we think we can. I knew we were paying through the nose for the cable channels but didn't realize just how much.
Any experiences?

WAVING ARMS WILDLY HERE! I have a Roku, in fact I have 2 of them. We got the first one about 4 years ago, to try to stream Netflix. Then about 2 years ago we got the newest version at that time for the HD of it all, and the first generation unit went in the bedroom.

We loved our first one so much; we have zero cable. Just a bill for internet.

how may I be of help, Tucker's Mom?

aggiemom09121416 said...

I had a SIL like Kate...
when they visited, it was, 'oh (insert name of kid) run out to the LEXUS and get my (fill in the blank).
As If we didn't know she had a LEXUS. (dang, all it is a toyota,lol)

It sounds so stupid...I can hear myself saying, oh. (kid name)run out to the suburban and get so and so. That's just dumb! lol.
My kids call my suburban 'the tank'. now THAT's classy.

Dang, Kate can't even order fertility meds domestically...she ordered from Canada.

Meagler said...

Ha ha Admin, thats how I make my yogurt too! Extend Arm, put fingers around tub, toss in cart!

But, Kates new brand is to get a recipe book, and I believe she wants it to be organic, so she is making everything from scratch. It will be right next to Hillbilly Homemaker. Except kate's will be " How to feed your family of 9 on $750 a week" , vs $75 a week! Hillbilly Homemaker is feeding a family of 8 too!

meagler said...

Kate just confirmed to a tweeter that she was in France! Expand her Post about her french yogurt maker!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

You have got to be freaking kidding me.

They had to be filming, no way would she pay for this.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Cheryl McKechney ‏@CherylIam
@Kateplusmy8 Are you able to plug in that yogurt maker you bought while visiting France? I thot their plug ins were different then ours?
Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
6m Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@CherylIam I had a French receptacle put in:)
Hide conversation Reply Retweet Favorite


Well she didn't exactly confirm it but she's not denying it either.

Shame, shame, shame, shame on her for taking freebies from Tweeties just weeks before she jets off to Europe and not giving them DIRECTLY to charity. France my butt.

Anonymous said...

More teasing - not exactly a confirmation.

@CherylIam I had a French receptacle put in:)
9 min ago from Twitterrific

@Kateplusmy8 Are you able to plug in that yogurt maker you bought while visiting France? I thot their plug ins were different then ours?
17 min ago from web

@Kateplusmy8 Are you able to plug in your new yogurt maker that you bought while visiting France? I thought they had different plug ins?


Dwindle said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 147
Why even mention it's from France? She's such a tool. My appliances, which came with the place, came from Germany, which I think is pretty cool, but I don't go around saying my German oven or German dishwasher. Because frankly, you sound like a tool saying that.


My daughter's McMansion, for those of you who have seen the pics of it, is FULL of stuff they got from all over the planet Earth on the travels. Antiques included. And you have to about pry the info out of those two to get them to tell you about it. When they do finally talk about their items, it is more about the stories of how they found it, who they were with, why they love it, etc.

For those that are in the Blog Ladies on FB, I will put up a pic or two later. :-)

Lilly said...

Maybe she went to Paris, PA or Rome, NY - you don't get a special receptacle put in - you just buy an adapter - standard travel - geesh

LMG - more than 3" more snow today - coming for a visit?

Tucker's Mom said...

Aeduko said... 137
You don't need a French yogurt maker to make yogurt. I had magazines over Christmas with homemade gift ideas and one of them was homemade yogurt that required no machines at all.
Many make it with a heating pad, the oven light or on bread proof. You don't need any special equipment and you can start from existing yogurt.
Shiny balls. Shiny balls.

AuntieAnn said...

@CherylIam I had a French receptacle put in:)


For a lousy yogurt maker? Why not just buy an adapter for European appliances?

GiGi said...

Me thinks she's been to France and yes, filmed it! That makes so much sense now. That's why the secrecy of where she was, no pictures, no tweeting, nothing. We will be seeing this on TV some where soon. Dear lord help us!!

Formerly Duped said...

Gawd! How pretentious Kate and her yogurt maker are.:-(

Lbelle said...

If I was a betting gal:
yep....Kreider has finally taken her non-cultured, flat orange ass to Paris
Filming will have been involved
She financed it all as she is desperate enough to do ANYTHING to get her ugly, tranny mug back on teee-veee.
She will shop it to any and all networks dumb enough to take her calls.
One of them will bite....ughhhh.

I believe THAT is why she is going to keep her mouth shut aboutmthe 'vacation'...it has been talked about so many times that she puts it all out there via Twitter so there is less reason to need a special just to update the stupid, creepy Sheeple.

Time will tell and I REALLY hope I'm wrong about getting something like this on air.

localyocul said...

@Kateplusmy8 Are you able to plug in that yogurt maker you bought while visiting France? I thot their plug ins were different then

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@xxxxxx I had a French receptacle put in:)

@Kateplusmy8 wow, I didnt no u could do that! It was #1 on their list! I am so excited for you all! You so deserved it!

No idea if this is a fan or a non-fan baiting about the Paris trip but K8 did NOT deny visiting France...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Typical Kate. Goes all the way to France to get something you could get around the corner at Bed Bath and Beyond. Not some beautiful watercolor they watched someone paint along the Seine, not some nice perfume, not some Baroque end table she can have forever and pass on to the kids and when they are old and gray and laying out a lamp on it they'll remember that trip.

She gets a yogurt maker. Where's LeeAnn when we need her, money can't buy you class.

Tucker's Mom said...

how may I be of help, Tucker's Mom?
I will definitely post about the Roku with plenty of questions, I'm sure. DH will try to get it set up today and tommorow, we'll call our cable etc. provider to see how much we can pare down. We need cable to get TV service, so I'm hoping we can slice everything but basic cable and save a ton of money.
I do have a question... I'm guessing from your post that you need one for each TV that you want to stream? It's not like wireless for your home computer?

Lilly said...

Auntie Ann - SNAP - great minds and all that

CS said...

Kate twitted on 12/29/2012.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
Hi! I've been MIA! I'm away w my kids over vacation visiting family and friends! Having an amazing time! We r all so happy to be here!!!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
Happy 2013 everyone! We are having so much fun here and hoping for the best year ever! In my world, 2013 is 'the year of the teenagers'! 😳

Great Minds Quotes ‏@GreatestQuotes
"I love the man who can smile in trouble, gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection." - Thomas Paine
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
We are just gr8... Thanks for worrying, everyone!:) Still having fun on our break...X9!!! #makingirreplaceablefamilymemories

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
So far, I really love 2013! Nothing but fun has been on our schedule! Let's hope it continues on throughout the year! Good night all! XO

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
Good morning everyone! Although we are back into our routine, we still have lots of unpacking left! You'll find me in my laundry room today!

JMO. I don't believe for one minute that Kate ever left PA. during the break! Has anyone looked at the amount of followers she has accumulated since Christmas? It takes time to buy that amount of followers!

Kate, Do you honestly believe that if you increase the number of your followers, it will make you more marketable? All anyone has to do is read the comments associated with any article written about and they will know that you are toxic! There really isn't anyway that you can redeem yourself. Resign yourself to the fact that you will NEVER have a career in the media again. The public has spoken!

My advice is: You close your Twitter account,
stop Googling your name and spending the day sipping wine, reading blogs about yourself.

Give up your phony facade of running, slicing meat, baking bread and now your latest interest, making homemade yogurt. Oh! And stop your grifting! You are not only an embarrassment to yourself, but you are an embarrassment to your children as well. How,in all good conscious can you grift for anything, when your children attend a private school and you live in a $1,000,000.00 house?

Start being a mother to your 8 beautiful children! Spend your extra time in therapy and parenting classes. Maybe then, people will give you the accolades that you so desperately crave.

NJGal51 said...

You can purchase converter kits for European appliances for use in US as well as kits to convert your American appliances for use overseas. Anyone who's been stationed overseas has probably purchased them. If she's got a European appliance all she did was purchase a converter plug and plug it into the wall. Been there, done that, got the converter kits in the closet!

Formerly Duped said...

...and I thought all she wanted was a Dyson and Victoria Secret PJs.

I agree, LMG, her latest toy. Plenty of responses on Twazzup.She is really nauseating.

AuntieAnn said...

Lilly - yep SNAP, lol!

Question. IF she went to France - sorry, I'll wait for confirmation on that one - but IF she went, when did she find the time to hire an electrician to put a receptacle in her home? I thought they just got back?

Anonymous said...

"French receptacle" per Kate = converter/ adaptor to the rest of the population.


localyocul said...

Formerly Duped said... 171
...and I thought all she wanted was a Dyson and Victoria Secret PJs.

I agree, LMG, her latest toy. Plenty of responses on Twazzup.She is really nauseating


Actually most of them are non-fans. I've been watching and only 5-6 fans have replied. LOL

fidosmommy said...

I don't know how much yogurt her fancy French
yogurt maker makes, but that Yolacta stuff is the starter (yeah, I know you knew that.) She has to keep making batches of yogurt to keep the starter going. I hope she and the kids REALLY like this yogurt because once they start it it will be a regular on their tables. It's like that friendship bread - you have to keep it going, and pretty soon you run out of friends to give it to.

Paula said...

I didn't know Kate had family and friends in Paris???? Who knew..........

Ok, any ideas? I got a Keurig for a Christmas gift. The first 2 cups of coffee tasted like metal. Any ideas how to get that taste out?


Meagler said...

Ha ha, that would be kate..install a converted receptacle, rather then just buy a converter. She obviously had someone with her to tell her she had to do that, because I dont see Kate being smart enough to figure that out. Too bad they didnt also tell her she should have bought the starter too! Never bought a yogurt maker, wouldnt starter come with it?

So, we have good reason to believe she was in France.... now if someone would ask if they were filming!

Tucker's Mom said...

Ok, any ideas? I got a Keurig for a Christmas gift. The first 2 cups of coffee tasted like metal. Any ideas how to get that taste out?
hmm... what are you using? Keurig cups? K cup refillable?
You could scale it with vinegar and see if that cleans it out.
We love ours and never had any traces of metal taste in our coffee.

PatK said...

It made me laugh that she refers to it as a "French receptacle", rather than a European receptacle.

She's so intelligent.

Formerly Duped said...

It was Joel she claimed wanted especially to go to France. I'm sure this must be her way of making up for Globegate to him *snark*

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 141

Kate in Paris? I'm sorry, but I just don't think so. I cannot see her spending that kind of money for a trip and I don't believe that she has that kind of star power anymore to grift one. Just like the slicer, I think it was a gift she ordered for herself, or possibly someone else gave it to her.

Her tweet about making yogurt in her machine from France was just a brag, in my opinion. She loves to brag about her pool, her leather sofa, her top of the line meat slicer; the yogurt machine is just one more way for to advertise that she has the best material things in her home. She tweeted that question as an excuse to brag about her new toy.

She's an idiot.



Kate being the simple creature that she is, has to feel superior to her "fans". It's VERY IMPORTANT to her ego.

Tucker's Mom said...

Family and friends in Paris= film crew/Daddies?
Right about now, I think she filmed a special with her own production company.
Wouldn't that be a business expense write off?
(I just can not imagine TLC touching her with a 10-ft. pole after K+8 and Hoffman's revelations)

localyocul said...

The person is still baiting:

@Kateplusmy8 oops, meant to say, that I bet the kids were so excited to be in France! It was their #1 place to be on their wishlist!

A Non-Fan finally asked the baiter:

@xxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 What makes you think Kate & kids went to France?

Pass the popcorn, please. Just plain ole' American will do.

AuntieAnn said...

Waiting now for her to tweet a grainy, lopsided photo of this thing sitting on her granite countertop, kids all shrieking and excited about the next batch of her yummy, amazingly delicious, bestest in the universe yogurt?

Hurry up Kate. Time's awastin'.

Jumping In said...

I do wonder if she went to Paris myself. She and her eight kids would still be noticed somewhere along the line, wouldn't they? I know she has fallen WAY down on the scale of interest, but shouldn't SOMEONE have seen them at an airport? They do have a level of recognition from their years on television.

Does one have a French receptacle put in upon their return from France, or is that pre-arranged prior to departure. ;-) Who shops for small appliances while in Paris, seems a bit odd to me. My guess is that they were in PA, and the yogurt-maker was grifted from a French sheeple!

As with all things surrounding Kate, time will tell.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Lilly, I've got to get to your neck of the woods because I want snow!!! Are you and the hubs going to put me up for a day or two?

CS, I don't know if Kate left PA, but I don't believe she left the US. And if she knows that people are thinking she was in Paris, she won't deny it because she wants people to believe that she is something special and goes places that the mediocre could never afford.

Since Kate is a known liar, I will not believe she went to Paris unless I see a phote of her in front of the Eiffel Tower. I also don't believe it was filmed for a show because she just isn't a star and her kids are not special. They're like everyone else's kids and only special to their family and a few of Kate's sheeple.

I could be wrong about filming in Paris, and it wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong, but I just don't see it happening.

AuntieAnn said...

@xxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 What makes you think Kate & kids went to France?

Cue Milo's miraculous recovery.

PatK said...

I don't think she was in France, either. Glad to see someone baiting her on it, though.

Pass that popcorn when you're done, localyocul!

Formerly Duped said...

The 'family and friends' mention gave it away as bogus IMO...she kept changing her story how the kids liked to be with her at HOME at Xmas and days 'surrounding it" (weird word choice), then they were off for a vacation? She makes no sense and I think the yogurt maker is a red herring..maybe she hopes the interest will make someone feel inclined to offer a trip to France fro spring break?

Lilly said...

Still think she went to bed, bath and beyond in Paris, Pennsylvania

LMG - igloo is waiting - pics (not igloo though - don't want to have to take reservations

GiGi said...

Since Kate's production company supposedly filmed the wife swap episode with Kendra they could have also filmed a trip to France. I do admit it's odd that there were no photos of her and the kids snapped at airports, etc. She could just be trying to generate some buzz since she's pretty much been out of the news lately.

PJ's momma said...

So Kate had a 220 volt outlet put in her house in prep for her French yogurt maker? Yeah, sure. She probably means she plugged in a converter. Tool.

Suze said...

Is this her way of letting everyone know she was in France?

IF she was there, she went at a crummy time of the year to see one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was 45-50* and rainy/overcast all week. Definitely 'off-season' for tourism. LOL

Improbable Dreams said...


Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong. It just means that you value your relationships more than your ego.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

An acknowledgment of what Kate (poor dear) endured, in order to reconnect with "friends and relatives"?

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Lilly, an igloo would be perfect for me. I only hope that with my hot flashes I don't wake up in a pool!!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...


RT @FAC7S: Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong. It just means that you value your relationships more than your ego.


It also shows how insincere you are when you apologize...

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

It amazing how easily stupidity flows out Kate. You would think that at her age, she should know how to treat people.

Lilly said...

Lmg - check mail....

Tucker's Mom said...

PJ's momma said... 192
So Kate had a 220 volt outlet put in her house in prep for her French yogurt maker? Yeah, sure. She probably means she plugged in a converter. Tool.
I know, talk about "bass ackwards".
Why, why, why would you buy any ubiquitous appliance or anything that gets plugged in that comes with Euro outlet plugs?
That's just stoopid.
I remember using something of mine in London with a converter DH had from living there and the darn thing sounding like it was gasping for dear life. It just didn't translate.

Improbable Dreams said...

Re Kate's "french yogurt maker"

She probably bought/grifted a Donvier yogurt maker from Sur La Table.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Thanks Jane 157.

My BS meter is on overdrive.

@Kateplusmy8 Are you able to plug in your new yogurt maker that you
bought while visiting France? I thought they had different plug ins?

@CherylIam I had a French receptacle put in:)
9 min ago from Twitterrific

She doesn’t need a freakin’ receptacle. She needs an adaptor. The
difference is in the CURRENT (AV v DC).

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