Tuesday, January 1, 2013

'Dance Moms' Season Three: Big changes ahead for production

Lifetime is airing a New Year's Dance Moms marathon all day today, followed by the premiere of Season Three at 9 p.m. EST. Seasons One and Two can be found on Amazon, Netflix, and for a limited time all for free on Lifetime streaming (sweet!). 

Love her, hate her, or just don't care, Abby Lee Miller has emerged as one of the most well-known, and polarizing reality T.V. women since Kate Gosselin. (Lifetime is unabashedly advertising Abby as a "maniac" and even Television Without Pity, a site that usually lives for snark like this, said they are taking a break from the show, due to the obvious fake setups and bad acting, and stale formula.)

Dance Moms has been sashaying around for awhile now, but Season Three, which begins tonight, marks the first season that Lifetime's production, based largely in Pennsylvania (although the girls participate in a lot of out of state competitions), will have to comply with Rep. Murt's new child labor laws passed last year. After a brief waiting period, the law will take effect this month, and requires a set teacher on set and limits the hours the girls can work. Previously, one of the moms reported the show films for 70 hours a week.

Will we notice any changes, or will Lifetime still be able to churn out a great guilty pleasure even with safety protections in place? We're hoping the latter. Here's hoping this show can prove that schmalzy,  addicting reality T.V. can still be accomplished without exploiting the living crap out of the children participating.

To check out previous posts we have done on the Dance Moms, click on the link "organizational-ish" Dance Moms link below.

1230 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 184
Waiting now for her to tweet a grainy, lopsided photo of this thing sitting on her granite countertop, kids all shrieking and excited about the next batch of her yummy, amazingly delicious, bestest in the universe yogurt?

Hurry up Kate. Time's awastin'


with freshly made organic, no sugar no flavor yogurt in the kids lunches for tomorrow. Tuesday at the latest. Because no matter how many times she tweeted otherwise, she was constantly caught throwing frozen store bought pre packaged Gogurts in their lunches.

Or maybe since she touched the thing with her french tipped acrylic/gel fake nails, it is now french.

Poor poor broke lonely struggling unemployed Katie.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Lilly, hon, you've got mail!

PJ's momma said...

Tucker's Mom, I sort of chuckled, because if she only uses the converter that changes the plug, the device won't work. There won't be enough juice flowing through it. Many years ago, we saved for a trip to The Netherlands (hello, Dutch Tulip!) and had the plug converter only, which we thought sufficient. I was blow drying my hair, and thought, "Wow, this sucker is getting hot and blowing really hard!" That's because it had 220 volts running through it and was not equipped for that! I set off the fire alarm downstairs and two security guys burst into the room looking for the fire, but I couldn't hear them because this dryer was roaring, I was there in my panties wondering what all the ruckus was......in hindsight, it was hilarious! The dryer literally melted and I ended up cutting my hair to avoid having to deal with it, one of the best haircuts I have ever had. I will never forget my husband's face as he was yelling at me to turn the damn thing off while trying to cover my up exposed areas with his hands. Now we know that you can purchase a POWER converter. Converting the plug does no good.

CS said...

Love My Grandsons said... 186

I agree with you LMG 100%.

I hope that Kate is not spending the children's money on more pilots in the hope that some network will bite! Unfortunately, she is done!

I pray that the children will not have to suffer due their Mothers irresponsible spending.

LMG, I think about you often and have prayed about your dilemma with your daughter. I hope that you will be able to see your Grandsons soon.

Dmasy said...

PJ's Momma....you couldn't make up a story like that. I hope they were sexy panties! I am still laughing.

PJ's momma said...

Dmasy......no........cotton jobbers you buy by the 6-pack at Target! The only way to fly! No offense to the Dutchies, but they are pretty liberal and there's a lot of nudity on normal TV, so the guys didn't even notice. Not that there's anything to notice, I am lucky to make silver dollar pancakes at my mammogram.

readerlady said...

Admin 75 You'll either be very near to or crossing the S. end of Natchez Trace National Park (In Mississippi). It's both a drive through and hiking trails. Also has a couple of good museums -- the Meriweather Lewis Museum (of Lewis & Clark fame) and a great crafts museum. There's also a museum/fort/tourist attraction near Atlanta that is very interesting. I can't remember what it's called off-hand, but I'll look it up and post the information, if you're interested. has quite a lot of info on the Cherokee Nation residing in that area, and about the Trail of Tears. Of course, there's always Stone Mountain, too.

AuntieAnn said...

PJ's momma said... 6

Not that there's anything to notice, I am lucky to make silver dollar pancakes at my mammogram.


LoveMyGrandsons said...

CS, that's so sweet of you, hon, and I appreciate it. We have been talking to our daughter and the boys a few times a week, especially on the weekends. I've been praying and feel peace and confidence that this will work out. Thank you for your well wishes, sweetie. God bless.

Formerly Duped said...

PJ's momma said... 6
Yikes, that could have been bad! (or should I say worse!) lol@ silver dollars and cotton waist highs! I'm sure you underestimate your charm and
come hither-ishness. I wonder if that will happen to Kate in her good bra and thong?

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for someone to draw her attention to the TMZ article about Honey Boo Boo's mother setting up trust funds for her children. She wants her children to be able to say, "Mama played it smart. Not like those other reality TV people."


Tucker's Mom said...

OMG, watching episode 1 of Season 1 of Downton Abbey. Via Raku, ordered on Amazon. Oh, that manse! Absolutely sumptuous. Thanks for all your inspiration.

Dwindle said...

Hey, everyone, I want to make an offer here.

For a long time we have been wishing that Admin had time to act as a 'clearinghouse' of sorts for our private email addresses. Well, i would like to offer to do that for everyone here, if you trust me.

I set up a new gmail account, it is listed somewhere on my Dwindle profile page. If you wish to RECEIVE emails from other posters here, email me, tell me your screen name. I will keep you 'on file'. I will NOT disclose your address to ANYONE unless you say to me, in an email, "Please send my email address to Aggiemom" (for example) and THEN I will send that message on.

I will NOT disclose an address to anyone who says "Can you send me Jane Doe's address?" Nope, but if Jane Doe has 'registered' with me, I will send her YOUR address.

So, yes, I will have your screen name and your private email address in my possession. In a secure gmail account I just opened for this reason.

I do not do anything on a telephone thingy, and no one has access to my accounts or my laptop (there is just the 2 of us here and we each have our own laptop). So I promise to try to remember to check the gmail account once a day or so and forward on any messages.

Trust me with your stuff or not, it is up to you of course. I think Admin has verified that I am me and not a basher in disquise. Some of the regulars here I email with, snail mail with, and speak on the phone with. Some have spoken with my daughter. I know it is a leap of faith, but I make the offer.

I have no desire to take anything away from the blog, but this might be nice for exchanging photos etc.

AuntieAnn said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 150

Extend arm toward yogurts, clamp fingers around container of your choosing, throw in cart.

hehe. That's the same recipe I use.

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 150

Extend arm toward yogurts, clamp fingers around container of your choosing, throw in cart.

hehe. That's the same recipe I use.
Honestly, I love to cook and bake, but yogurt? Just too easy to grab at the store, plus, I like variation. Straight Greek, Ciobani flavors, Yoplait whipped etc.
Just picked up some 2% Greek for Blood Orange Panna Cotta. I love when they're in season.

PJ's momma said...

Formerly Duped, you are funny! I buy bikinis now, or those boy shorts. If I do wear nice panties (purchased at Marshalls, hoo-AH!), I change for bed. I need my biscuits covered up when I sleep, and no crack creeping allowed. Hubby calls them 'sleeping drawers.'
Can you imagine Kate with no bra? Actually, with implants, they stand pretty high on their own with no support, so maybe she doesn't need one. That's one way she could save money!
The French would look with disdain on Kate. They are very refined, very stylish, very beautiful people. They dress simply, but elegantly. No stick-straight overprocessed locks, no busting out of their clothes. You can see a 60 year old woman with gray in her naturally curly hair, minimal makeup, with a blazer or sweater, scarf, nice jeans and shoes, and she looks AMAZING. Kate would stick out like a sore thumb. I know one friend who posts here who lives part-time in Paris, and she would concur.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Dwindle, I think that's a great idea. I've already sent you an email. Thanks, sweetie!

MJ said...

LMG said... I don't know if Kate left PA, but I don't believe she left the US. And if she knows that people are thinking she was in Paris, she won't deny it because she wants people to believe that she is something special and goes places that the mediocre could never afford.

Since Kate is a known liar, I will not believe she went to Paris unless I see a phote of her in front of the Eiffel Tower. I also don't believe it was filmed for a show because she just isn't a star and her kids are not special. They're like everyone else's kids and only special to their family and a few of Kate's sheeple.

I could be wrong about filming in Paris, and it wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong, but I just don't see it happening.


LMG, I agree, agree, and agree! :-)

Anonymous said...

Why is it everything Kate does- breadmaker, industrial meat slicer, billion chickens, now the french yogurt maker (Bulgarian yogurt is the best anyway, Kate, pfft!)- why does it have to the MOST UN-cost effective way to go about doing it??
What the F&*% is wrong w/her??

"I'm gonna make homemade yogurt, but I'm gonna invest a couple hundred in start up costs to do it, hehehe" What a freaking dumbass. Sorry for swearing.

Lilly said...

Heck PJ - Montreal people would look n her with distain - gum chewing classless piece of work

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

That's awesome, so never really own up to anything you did wrong and try to change, just give a flat, insincere I'm sorry and move on. Because you were right all along anyway so. What a sad way to live life.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I agree, butterfly, and I think that most of her expensive gadgets are sitting gathering dust. After the shinyness wears off the new bauble, it gets pushed aside. Just like her kids.

Dmasy said...

Thank you, Dwindle. There are about a dozen of us now sharing info in the private group. We want some more locals so we can start setting up the Great Rumspringa Meeting of 2013.

We are posting pet and children photos and getting to know each other in a funny/friendly way. (No one has bothered us!)

We are still posting here in full force. The email and private group are just an addition.


PJ's momma said...

Lilly, I agree. She has no class. My husband has a French team, who I will have the pleasure of seeing in a few weeks here. I like them, but boy, I almost hate to be around them. Even if we just go on a hike or horseback ride, they look better in their 'play' clothes than we do in our best clothes. They'll come in khakis, a polo shirt (and Gucci belt, LOL) and we look down at our own clothes and go, "Dammit!" They just exude class and it comes so naturally to them. Gum? NON!

Tucker's Mom said...

You can spot the Americans in France/Italy by the velour jump suits! Oy vey. Oh, and the fanny packs, which btw, don't deter gypsies from robbing you blind.

SaveTheWorldFromEvilKate said...

OT Alert: Have any of you history buffs read The Plum Tree? I've read some reviews and I'm always looking for something my Mom hasn't read yet for a gift.

It's a novel that, among other things, tells how not every German is a nazi which is something that has been discussed in my family for as long as I can remember. We're not Jewish but my Dad was born in Germany and his parents were killed in the war. They separated him and his brothers all into different orphanages and boy does he have some stories to tell including having his tonsils removed without any type of sedation.

This is the first place I thought to come and ask, pardon the interruption!

AuntieAnn said...

Honestly, I love to cook and bake, but yogurt? Just too easy to grab at the store, plus, I like variation. Straight Greek, Ciobani flavors, Yoplait whipped etc.

Tucker's Mom - I have some culture in the fridge but I just can't get around to making it either. ( Yogourmet, 3 pouches of freeze dried starter and NO KATE, YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT - IT'S MINE ALL MINE!) I had good intentions to get at it, but I don't have a yogurt maker and I don't want to buy one. It's one more appliance I just don't need on my limited countertop space right now.

The sampler gal at Safeway pulled me over the other day and "forced" me to try Oikos organic Greek yogurt. I bought four cartons with the coupons she gave me. I've never tasted yogurt that tasted that good!

Dmasy said...

Auntie, Oikos is wonderful. Thankfully, she "forced" you.

I use Greek yogurt in almost any way that I could use sour cream -- healthier and few calories. Can't tell the difference.

We made chili the other day and instead of a glop of sour cream on top, we used the plain Greek yogurt. Then sprinkled grated cheese mix.

My yogurt recipe is a variation of Admin's -- I need to wrap TWO hands around the large container at Sam's club.

PJ's momma said...

Tucker's Mom, the Roma have gotten a little more creative with picking your pocket. Have you dealt with the 'miraculously found golden ring' or 'I'm deaf can you sign my petition and give money' scams? Pretty funny stuff.

Dwindle said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 22
I agree, butterfly, and I think that most of her expensive gadgets are sitting gathering dust. After the shinyness wears off the new bauble, it gets pushed aside. Just like her kids.

In all fairness I have a basement full of gizmos I thought looked fun at the time. Foreman grills, press and seal sandwich makers, pie tart makers, ravioli presses, electric griddles, I dont know what all. I didnt pay very much for any of them, my theory was that if I loved it, i could upgrade to a better model later. Ha. However, Kate is 37 now, she should have outgrown this several years ago and should know herself well enough by now to know she doesnt get her money's worth out of these things. Unless she thinks Katherine or the Helpers are going to make daily yogurt for her.

Either I decided they were too hard to clean or they were taking up too much room. I use my crock pots (in case ya didnt know) my bread machine, my food chopper, hand held mixer, coffee grinder... I think that is about it. I haul the meat slicer out about once a month, maybe less. Oh and I have 2 of those coffee cup warmers, where you put your mug of coffee on it and it keeps it warm as you sip - one in the living room and one in the bedroom.

Tucker's Mom said...

PJ's momma said... 29
Tucker's Mom, the Roma have gotten a little more creative with picking your pocket. Have you dealt with the 'miraculously found golden ring' or 'I'm deaf can you sign my petition and give money' scams? Pretty funny stuff.
I haven't, but I've heard stories and been approached to buy electronics that I'm sure "fell off the truck".
DH and I were in Rome and part of a group exploring all day. This 85 year old German woman had about $400 snatched right from her fanny pack, poor gal. But, she bounced back like I never could and didn't let it bother or slow her down one bit.
It was a gypsy trio with a baby... distract and bam! You don't know what hit you.
French women are so stylish, and with such ease. DH used to travel internationally for business and I dare say his wardrobe has declined ever since.

Lbelle said...

Email request sent!
Thanks for taking this on!

Okay ladies...have a great afternoon! I am in the middle of watching the documentary movie First Position!! Soooo good!

franky said...

lol on paris scams. dd wore a money belt..only got scammed 2X.

she had a bracelet slapped on her wrist when she reached out to look at it..sold! so she paid..no more jewelery after that. a beggar asking for change ..she gave..she the beggar then shamed the other girls into giving more.

dd hates parisians..says tbey are stuck up. Montrealers are cooler..lol

Dwindle said...

Dmasy said... 28

My yogurt recipe is a variation of Admin's -- I need to wrap TWO hands around the large container at Sam's club.


that's my recipe too. Non fat, plain or vanilla, super large tub. Doggies get a dollop daily and for myself I add my own fruit. Cooked apples, diced oranges, mashed banana, etc. Last night I added a big spoonful of whole berry cranberry sauce to non-fat plain. Yum!

AuntieAnn said...

Dwindle said... 13

Hey, everyone, I want to make an offer here.

Dwindle - Oh boy. I'll bet you've given a certain sheeple-sleuth an exciting new assignment to do today. She's probably, at this moment, trying to figure out a way around your idea so she can do what she does best. What a fun hobby. Not. lol!

AuntieAnn said...

Dmasy - I don't think I'll ever buy sour cream again. I have some Borscht simmering on the stove right now. Guess what's going into when it gets served.

Dmasy said...

Auntie, Poor sheeple-sleuth. If she wasn't so determined to be nasty, maybe she could make friends here like the rest of us are. I agree -- she needs a new hobby.

Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 35
Dwindle said... 13

Hey, everyone, I want to make an offer here.

Dwindle - Oh boy. I'll bet you've given a certain sheeple-sleuth an exciting new assignment to do today. She's probably, at this moment, trying to figure out a way around your idea so she can do what she does best. What a fun hobby. Not. lol!


I have really thought this through and tossed it out to several folks the past few days. I cant find a kink in my idea, unless someone knows how to hack your average gmail account and read emails.

If I were to send a message from Butterfly to LMG, and LMG had never heard of Butterfly did not wish to communicate with Butterfly, all LMG has to do is not reply to the email. LMG stays completely safe. And Butterfly WANTED LMG to have her address in the first place, hence the reason I sent it on, so all is good.

I only use these two names because I think they can handle me teasing them this way.

White Organza said...

Funny... Altough I haven't have been posting much lately, I was reading everyday, really enjoying every little story about each and everyone of you, your families, memories from your childhood, your pets, your favorite recipes, etc., etc. And then... Kate came back from vacation, and "snap!", I feel the fun just disappeared from the sandbox. Lol. I guess it means I'm really over that flat-assed clown pathetically trying to impersonate a mother. Good! 'Been waiting for this moment for a while, now.

Oh, and Sheeple Herder, your last comment about where Kate could put her Yolacta ferment really cracked me up!

carolina peach said...

"I had a French receptacle put in:)" Tweeted by Kate.

I've heard her speak all kinds of ways but this is just nasty.

Sorry if this offends anyone. Couldn't resist.


SaveTheWorldFromEvilKate said...

When Kate tweeted "We are just gr8... Thanks for worrying, everyone!:) Still having fun on our break...X9!!!", is she the 9th or did she take Shoka on vacation too? OR is she referring to Steve OR maybe she reconciled with Jon! Haha

I tend to believe she didn't go anywhere aside from her P.O. Box to look for the Dyson she was trying to grift. She has lied so much (always) and makes up such crazy lies, last years "snowgate", it's impossible to believe anything that comes out of her mouth.

Who in their right mind would pay to send her and her crew to France? If she did film under SK8 productions... I don't know what to say.

Lilly said...

Chicken breasts in the Actifry (made in France dontcha know) and squash in electric pressure cooker - take that!! Actifry is amazing Dwindle - you really want one - french fries with 1 tbs of oil - oh my

Tucker's Mom said...

Hoo boy, no love lost between the Seahawks and Redskins. Yowza!

tate said...

No way Kate went to France. She tweeted that the yogurt maker is FROM France. If she had gone to France, she would have tweeted about the yogurt make SHE BOUGHT in France.

AuntieAnn said...

Dwindle said...

If I were to send a message from Butterfly to LMG, and LMG had never heard of Butterfly did not wish to communicate with Butterfly, all LMG has to do is not reply to the email. LMG stays completely safe. And Butterfly WANTED LMG to have her address in the first place, hence the reason I sent it on, so all is good.


Here's what may be tricky though.

(let's call you-know-who "Stuper-sleuth")

Stuper-Sleuth sends you a bogus email with the name butterfly in it somewhere pretending to be "our" butterfly. For example: xxx_butterfly@mymail.com You send it on to LMG. How does LMG know it's not really the butterfly from here and replies or composes an email to Stuper sleuth's bogus butterfly email addy? Stuper-sleuth now has LMG's email address, hasn't she?

Lilly said...

Carolina peach - too funny - snorted my wine..

Tucker's Mom said...

tate said... 44
No way Kate went to France. She tweeted that the yogurt maker is FROM France. If she had gone to France, she would have tweeted about the yogurt make SHE BOUGHT in France.
Not to pick nits with ya, but Kate's command of the King's English would prelude this (normally sane and reasonable) conclusion.
She obfuscates all. the. time.
Note her response to the tweeter who tried to dig for clues at to whether or not Kate got the yogurt maker IN France and see if you can make heads or tails of it.
You can't and that's the way Kate rolls.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 47

Not to pick nits with ya, but Kate's command of the King's English would prelude this (normally sane and reasonable) conclusion.
She obfuscates all. the. time.

By the same token, she might call her IUI Intrauterine Installation, mightn't she?

PJ's momma said...

AuntieAnn, i just realized why your name resonates with me. I get groupon offers from Auntie Ann's Pretzels all the time, I just got another one!

Dwindle said...

carolina peach said... 40
"I had a French receptacle put in:)" Tweeted by Kate.

I've heard her speak all kinds of ways but this is just nasty.

Sorry if this offends anyone. Couldn't resist.


This. Is. Hysterical.


(Well, the poor thing has to attract a man somehow, I guess.)

Anonymous said...

If LMG didnt write me back, I might burst out in tears, just sayin' ;)

AuntieAnn has a point. Every one just be careful with your personal info- protect yourselves if you fear a super sleuth.

Anonymous said...

I know- Dwindle will just have to 'vet' all the email addies ;)

Make sure we are who we say we are and that we are worthy of emailing each other, LOL!!

When do we go on our cruise?

Working Woman said...


Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong. It just means that you value your relationships more than your ego.

Retweeted by Kate Gosselin


Ummm Wtfwtfwtfwtfffff???????

I"m sorry but since WHEN does Kate value relationships at all, let alone more than her own ego????

I mean, of course, besides her relationships with Jon, Kevin, Jodi, her parents, her other siblings, Beth, Carla, Ashley, her 8 beautiful children. I know how much she valued those relationships.

Does this woman even read the platitudes before she retweets them? She probably just skims it and thinks, Hmm that looks like a pretty profound sediment...that'll do!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Parent In Lancaster County, I made your ham and cabbage soup this afternoon. It was so delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe.

The only thing I did different is that I had a ham bone from Christmas. So, instead of adding the plain water, I added the ham stock to it. I also added corn.

It was such a flavorful soup and I have plenty for work tomorrow as well as a starter for dinner tonight and tomorrow. Thanks again, sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think that Kate's 'from france yogurt maker' was made in China?

Dwindle said...

PJ's momma said... 49
AuntieAnn, i just realized why your name resonates with me. I get groupon offers from Auntie Ann's Pretzels all the time, I just got another one!


I love those pretzels! Unfortunately they are only in malls and I really cannot walk a mall anymore due to my knee. Anyone know of a decent substitute?

AuntieAnn said...

PJ's momma said... 49

AuntieAnn, i just realized why your name resonates with me. I get groupon offers from Auntie Ann's Pretzels all the time, I just got another one!

Yes PJ, I googled "my" name and came upon that a couple of years ago. I wish it were my company. I just looked again, they are Anne with an 'e'. No relation, lol!

fidosmommy said...

Does Dr. Glassman even DO French receptacles?

LoveMyGrandsons said...

No tears from you, butterfly I'd definitely write you back!

Dwindle said...

Working Woman said... 53

Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong. It just means that you value your relationships more than your ego.

Retweeted by Kate Gosselin


Ummm Wtfwtfwtfwtfffff???????

I"m sorry but since WHEN does Kate value relationships at all, let alone more than her own ego????


I think she means
1) she lies and says she is sorry just to shut someone up


2)she expects OTHERS to value HER above their own mediocre egos and apologize to her.That tweet is likely how she demands others feel about HER.

Remember her saying, more than once, that at the end of the day she 'disciplines' for the day's wrongs and also even made babies apologize to her for forcing her to rage at them?

Anonymous said...

For those of you on a low fat diet, you can make plain yogurt into Greek yogurt. I do this all the time as I eat very lean and no-fat.
I purchase a tub of plain yogurt Non-Fat.
I line a strainer (I have a metal one on the larger size that is NOT mesh) with coffee filters (you can use cheese cloth) and then place it over a bowl.
I dump the container of yogurt into the lined strainer, cover with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge for a couple of days.

The whey will drain out (you can use this whey to make ricotta cheese - but you need a lot of it) and then you can store the yogurt in a covered container. I eat the yogurt plain with a couple of berries or I use it in baking or as a replacement for sour cream. It's really THICK and CREAMY.

This is where I found the information.

Kate's an idiot if she bought or grifted a french yogurt maker. I'll bet she uses the machine once and gets tired of it.

Dmasy said...

carolina peach, 40 -- YOU win!

Dwindle said...

Who was the lucky lady here who got the Cuisinart cookware? I cant find the original post! I got one nice saucepot for a Christmas gift, (dont laugh, it was a great gift!) and I have not 'mucked' mine up either, but I am leaning toward Welsh Rarebit tommorrow (or Rabbit, if you prefer the Welsh term.)

AuntieAnn said...

fidosmommy said... 58

Does Dr. Glassman even DO French receptacles?


If he does, hopefully better than bellybuttons.

Working Woman said...

Dwindle lol!

Maybe it's her way of finally admitting that she never feels she is wrong, which we already knew.

In my opinion, apologies should be genuine or should not hapen at all.

Kate probably is the type of person who thinks "I'm sorry" are magic words that will just make everything better, no matter what happened or how the words are said. The thing is, I do think it is a wonderful gesture to apolgoize, but only if it's from the heart and only if you are willing and able to prove from your actions that you learned from what happened and wish for things to be different going forward.

For example, if in an argument my sister called me a nasty hideous loser for some reason, she could apologize all she wants, it wouldn't take the hurtful words away. It wouldn't change my feelings about it.

What my sister would do, however, being the great person that she is, is explain why she did not mean what she said and then use kinder words in the future. So apologizing does not fix everything, especially when it is not a genuine apology.

Of course, these are relationship skills that Kate will never have.

AuntieAnn said...

Berks Neighbor said... 61

Kate's an idiot if she bought or grifted a french yogurt maker.

Kate's an idiot even if she didn't get a french yogurt maker.

PJ's momma said...

Dwindle, I bought several pieces, 3 covered pans and a medium skillet, at Marshalls. The skillet was only $7! It was $40 for all, I believe that is a smoking deal for 4 various pans and 3 lids. I won't be mucking for a couple more days, we have a mountain of leftovers here and I am weird about throwing out/wasting stuff, so no new food until the other is gone!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

In my opinion, apologies should be genuine or should not hapen at all.


I totally agree. Don't apologize to me if you don't mean it. I'd rather not get the apology. An empty apology is just that, EMPTY. Because now not only have you wronged me, but now you are lying to me.

Penny said...

Here's a link to a Julianna Hough story.
I think it's very sad. This is the quote that got to me:

"The abuse began when she was just 10 while she was training to become a dancer in London at the world-renowned Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts.

“I was a tormented little kid who had to put on this sexy facade because that was my job and my life,” she told the magazine."

That was HER JOB. Sad.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

There have been a VERY few times on the show, toward the end, I think during the question an answers, that Kate said well I wish I hadn't done that or I'm sorry about that. The sheeple hang their hats on that say SEE Kate is sorry see???? She grows, she learns!

Well, so much for THAT. She just SAID she was sorry to shut everyone up. It was meaningless. She's not really sorry. She hasn't grown at all, sheeple. Sorry she ruined one of your best defenses of her.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I agree about apologies. Insincere apologies are worthless. If you really want to save a relationship (as Kate claimed in her tweet), then you discuss differences of opinions and listen to the other person's point of view. Kate's way suggests to give an insincere apology and then sweep the issue under the rug. That never solves anything.

However, I don't believe Kate gives even an insincere apology. She never thinks she is wrong about anything.

Penny said...

Forgot link:

I had issues when I heard she and her brother went to Europe to study dance. Away from home, in a foreign country and they were CHILDREN.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

She doesn't seem to understand that you don't always have to agree with people or they agree with you to have close friendships and relationships. You don't. It's about respecting people for who they are. It's not about just giving an empty sorry and moving on anytime dust ups happen because you're right. So maybe in your mind you are right but why spoil the relationship over it?

For example, why did the thing with Aunt Jodi go so far? Why can't she just accept that Aunt Jodi doesn't agree with exploiting the kids? Accept it as something that you fundamentally disagree about, but that it doesn't make her a bad person or bad aunt just because she has different ideas about what should happen to the children. You don't necessarily need to say sorry if you're not sorry, just accept her and let her back into your life. There are going to be people from time to time who don't agree with your choices and they may be vocal about it, even people close to you. Almost everyone has that outspoken relative or even parent. She needs to listen to them, reflect on what they have to say, and then decide for herself. Why this is interfering with her relationships I have no idea.

As long as they are not beating little children, breaking the law, or otherwise, what's the problem with not agreeing? Accept them for who they are and pursue the relationship anyway. Differences are interesting anyway.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Wait does this mean Derrick was abused too? What does he have to say about this? This is interesting.

Working Woman said...

There have been a VERY few times on the show, toward the end, I think during the question an answers, that Kate said well I wish I hadn't done that or I'm sorry about that. The sheeple hang their hats on that say SEE Kate is sorry see???? She grows, she learns!

Remember the episode with the Viewers topic picks, I forget what it was called but the viewers would vote, like Cutest Kid Line and Biggest Blow Up? Of course, the Biggest Blow Up was the Toys R Us incident. Kate did admit that that was a mistake, which is good. BUT, and this is a big "but".... she followed it up with about five rationalizations and excuses: she was stressed, Jon was just playing with toys (actually, he was tending to his children), I was in over my head, I wasn't really yelling that loud, the mic made it sound louder, etc.

A noble apology loses all merit when you proceed to defend yourself. If she was going to apologize, she should have said, "I'm sorry, it was wrong of me to do that and I wish it hadn't happened." Period, the end, no ifs ands or buts.

THAT is a real apology.

And on the question and answers one, she did that will all of her worst moments, justifying and defending herself, but then attacked Jon over his worst moments. So there was always a legitimate reason for hers, never for his.

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 68
In my opinion, apologies should be genuine or should not hapen at all.


I totally agree. Don't apologize to me if you don't mean it. I'd rather not get the apology. An empty apology is just that, EMPTY. Because now not only have you wronged me, but now you are lying to me.
And this may be semantics, but to me, to apologize means to say, "I'm sorry", not "I apologize".
It's like saying, "I'm thanking you" instead of a genuine, "thank you".
Had a BF who was much like Kate, in fact, so many on this blog and others made me realize, years later, his narcissistic personality and chronic "gas lighting". I mean, it was NEVER him. Never.
Anyway, he'd "apologize" by saying, "I apologize" in the fricking flattest tone you'd ever heard.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

No one else in her life who makes errors is EVER allowed to make them, but she is.

What if Jodi, or Jon, or Beth, were stressed, hungry, tired, or heaven forbid justified, when she estranged them? Nope that's not allowed.

JoyinVirginia said...

The Seahawks-Redskins game is REALLY GOOD!
Ms Kreider is boring. I agree with those who don't think she went anywhere.

PJ's momma said...

The best apology is
I am so sorry.
I hope you can forgive me.

Penny said...

Administrator, the article is in the next issue of Cosmo and I plan to read it. Men are much less likely (IMO) to come forward.

I think she's so cute but I now feel so bad for her childhood. Luckily, she's dating one of the richest men in Hollywood and has a wonderful career ahead of her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

PJ even better to add to that, I was wrong and it will never happen again. I love you.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Working Woman, I remember that question and answer show with Kate. I checked it out on reruns after people her talked about it. What amazed me is that she went on and on justifying her screaming at Jon at ToysRUs. Then when they showed the clip of Jon saying, rather quietly, about taking the stick out, she went on and on about how hurtful and uncalled for that comment was. I couldn't believe how blind she could be, even then. And arrogant.

Tucker's Mom said...

Penny said... 72
Forgot link:

I had issues when I heard she and her brother went to Europe to study dance. Away from home, in a foreign country and they were CHILDREN.
My antennae went WAY up when I first read this.
They seem like amazing people and heaven's knows, they are so, so talented. Derek seemed to put a "hey it was fine, we were fine" spin on it, but really? Sent away from your home? So far away?
I just don't trust anyone that much.
You can not parent from afar. You can not mother from afar and you really can't "love them" from afar.

Penny said...

Jodi, Kevin or Beth don't have 8, count 'em, 8 kids! They CAN'T be as stressed as she is. EVER.

However, wasn't it interesting that Jodi could be with her kids AND the G kids, have fun, laugh, be relaxed and not have a meltdown.

Kate's jellusy of Jodi is HUGE. JUST HUGE. If Jodi wasn't getting emails (that kate deleted) and becoming a favorite with the fans, Kate might not have removed her from the kids' lives.

JELLUS, it's not pretty, Kate.

Working Woman said...


Oh all HELL broke lose over that "pull out the stick" comment. He never lived that down and Kate made sure to mention several times after how horrible she thought it was. There was no excuse for Jon, not that she was all over him about something stupid (shoes, I think?) and nagging him while he was trying to get the kids dressed. That was all his fault, according to her, plain and simple.

But whenever she says or does anything, it's only partially her fault; somebody else was doing something (or NOT doing something) that aggravated her into reacting poorly.

Yes she was grouchy, but it was because Jon wasn't explicitly asking "What can I be doing now to help you?"

Ladies, you are all intelligent, insightful and have good memories. Throughout all seasons of the show, do you recall ever seeing Jon just sitting relaxing, doing nothing?

I don't.

He was always, always either doing something around the house or something to take care of the kids. That's why he didn't ask her that -- he always had things under control!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

My BFF was an incredibly talented dancer in her teens. She was "sent away" to NYC and then Toronto in her teens and danced with a ballet company in Toronto until she got too old which in the dance world I think she was about 26.

Now I love her parents and I never noticed any abuse, however, I still think being sent away like that has caused incredible dysfunction in her in relationships for years. She was divorced at 25 and got a law degree she didn't want, and she was 31 before she was in what I would call her first NORMAL relationship with a man and working a job she actually likes. She is doing great now but for all those years of waste it's just not right.

Tucker's Mom said...

“I was a tormented little kid who had to put on this sexy facade because that was my job and my life,” she told the magazine."

That was HER JOB. Sad.
Imagine the damage to these little girls whose mother's dress them like whores in pageants. Like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
They flirt, shake, shimmy, bare their bellies and are plastered in makeup, wigs and flippers.
How are they learning how to be present in the world as a female? I'll tell you how. Use your wiles to get what you want.

fidosmommy said...

When the sextuplets were still very little and would take a swing at a sibling, Kate would make that child apologize and then they had to hug. The apology always seemed to be out of fear more than out of sorrow. It certainly seemed forced. Maybe I just don't know what children that age are able to understand about the process. Maybe the idea is just to get them to learn to say I'm sorry rather than to
actually tug at their hearts about hurting others. I don't know.

I don't have children and am rarely around young ones. Is this system Kate used the norm?
I don't remember from my own childhood. Not one of my siblings hit another, ever. It was simply not done. My parents would confirm that if they were here.

Penny said...

"Pull the stick out" was my very favorite Gosselin moment of all time.

I cheered at the TV.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ladies, you are all intelligent, insightful and have good memories. Throughout all seasons of the show, do you recall ever seeing Jon just sitting relaxing, doing nothing?
Once, for 2 minutes and Kate go all over Jon's ass for standing idle for a few moments.
Remember Kate was making lunch, ie: paper plates with grapes, Gogurt, cheeese? She mercilessly harangued him for standing there while she was making lunch.
In his defense, Jon said that he got the kids up at 6am, dressed, breakfast, supervised inside and out and when Kate requested he get all the kids at the table for lunch, he obliged.
He just just idling in neutral while Kate threw shit on plate.
"WOW, I'd love to trade places for a day! I can just stand around and do nothing!", Kate sniveled to the camera crew, never letting up ONCE, even after Jon ticked off his very busy morning, while Kate was doing what now?
Most women would get down on their knees and thank the Lord for a husband who took on the morning routing with ONE kids, let alone EIGHT.

That is when I really saw Kate for who she really is and realized her sense of humor is predicated upon debasing others and having a laugh at their expense.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

fidosmommy, my grandsons sometimes take a swing at each other. When they do, my DD and SIL talk to the one who did the hitting. Then they have to apologize to the other and they make them put into words what they are sorry for (it's usually my little guy who takes the first swing). Then the other one will say that they forgive him and they hug. My DD and SIL do not tell them to hug, they just do it. The boys are close, but do have their fights, very rarely physical, but it does happen. When it does, it is addressed right away.

fidosmommy said...

Ladies, you are all intelligent, insightful and have good memories. Throughout all seasons of the show, do you recall ever seeing Jon just sitting relaxing, doing nothing?

I remember Jon and Kate were going out somewhere, maybe for their anniversary dinner?
Anyway, Jon had taken care of the kids while Kate was running around flapping her arms, and Jon disappeared. Turned out he was ironing his shirt for the evening's outing. Kate started muttering that he should have been helping HER instead of ironing his own shirt.

I remember thinking, Lady, just be very glad he doesn't expect you to iron his shirt tonight. You two would NEVER leave the house. She was just awful to him. You'd have thought he had
gone to the living room for a few hands of solitaire and a beer.

If that was the Anniversary dinner out, she was ugly to him that night, too. She ordered something and decided she wanted to eat his dinner instead. She got quite nervy about it.

Never sorry. Never. A classic narcissist
symptom. Never wrong, therefore no need to be sorry. Sorry is for YOU. And if you are very, very lucky, I will deign to let you back into my world as long as you straighten up and don't do that heinous thing again. Iron your shirt instead of helping me! Tell me to eat my own dinner instead of yours! Well, I never.

PJ's momma said...

Admin, totally agree on the'I was wrong, I love you' add to an apology, but I would be careful about'I won't do it again.' My husband apologizes for the same things over and over and I would resent that empty promise if he made it, which he fortunately doesn't!

JoyinVirginia said...

Wansnt it Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell who moved from California to Vancouver when one of their kids was playing hockey as a teen? To give him more opportunity, he wanted to possibly pursue a hockey career and was very talented. They did not send their child away, they moved as a family. Taylor Swift did not go to Nashville alone, the family moved when she was trying to start a professional carer as a teen. That's the way to help your kids pursue their dreams. Not to send them away with only visits back home to see the parents.

Anonymous said...

I thought, maybe naively because I will tell you I know little to nothing about dance, but I thought dance was an art form, or should I say, an Art form. I know ballet is highly respected. So I didnt think girls were looked at in a bad way because they were performing Art. Is this just something that is swept under the rug? Has society become more perverted? Is it just a few isolated cases?

IDModo said...

Having worked with a Roma family from Hungary for several years I would like to point out thhat the word "Gypsy" to them is like the "N" word to African Americans and seen as quite offensive.I find it so myself.

The Roma people I worked with were refugees. They had been beaten, robbed, and raped by skinheads in Hungary. The boy, only 13, had been forced to eat his school lunch in a locked stall in the washroom to be safe.He had scars from beatings by skinheads. Prejudice against them was everywhere.He was a second class citizen in his school; it was not until they got to Canada that he was able to get the assessment he needed to diagnose his serious learning disability.

Canada does not allow most Roma people refugee status because the Hungarian government does not actively persecute them;it just turns its back when skinheads and neo-Nazis do. The family was deported back to Hungary where the mother died because she was unable to get the medical treatment she needed.

There is no doubt that there is a long history of crime among the Roma people, but there is no nationality that is crime-free, and not all Roma people are criminals. Many are musicians, entertainers, or have been assimilated into their home country's employment pool.

Most so-called "Documentaries" that have been shown recently about them are sensationalist and scripted like other "reality" shows.

I know this sounds like a diatribe and perhaps it is; I'm sorry that Roma people stole from some of your friends and family. That's not acceptable anywhere.But please try to understand that the roots of prejudice are deep, and it was not so long ago that some of our grandparents were faced with signs that said "No Irish (Italians, Negroes)need apply."

Admin, if you choose not to post this, that's fine.

Tucker's Mom said...

Tucker's Mom said... 90
Wow, forgive all the typos. No, I'm not playing a drinking game while watching the Redskins! I'm eating dinner, doling some chicken out to the dogs and reading/typing here all at once!

Bearswife said...

Damn you Dwindle!!
Now I want welsh rarebit and it isn't on my diet.


LoveMyGrandsons said...

I'm signing off for the night so everyone have a good evening and a good Monday.

Widowed Young said...

Admin-to add to your apology-I was taught that an appropriate apology was to say:"I am sorry. I was WRONG. Will you please forgive me?" Of course, you can add more but that takes you to a humbling place-it is hard to say that you were wrong. Always reminds me of a Happy Days episode where Fonzie had to say he was wrong-he kept stuttering and couldn't get it out-I was WR----, I was Wro----, I was Wroooo----g. Funny but proves my point! That is how I have raised my kids and it is hard for them but works with sincerity.


PJ's momma said...

IDModo, I believe most countries do not persecute Romas, because they are sympathetic to them as a people because of the atrocities they experienced during the holocaust. In hungary, I was struck by how quietly they lived, despite the fact most people do not like them. So sorry to hear how your friends were bullied, I never considered that a possibility but that is an incredibly stupid assumption on my part. Nobody should be treated like that. Nobody.

Tucker's Mom said...

Widowed Young said... 100
I remember that! Did Mrs. Cunningham make him apologize??

Anonymous said...

IDModo said... 96
Thank you for posting that and trying to break a stereotype. That story of the Roma family is heartbreaking, as is the situation in Hungary.
I live near a HUGE population of (please excuse for use in this instance) Gypsies, but they aren't Roma, they are Irish Traveler. They have a really bad reputation here, you can hear stories from anyone you stop and ask- they will tell you. Is it true? IDK. I'm just stationed here, I dont know the history. But now I will definitely not dismiss them as bad folks; just a whole heck of a lot different than me. :)

Unknown said...

fidosmommy said... 88
''I don't remember from my own childhood. Not one of my siblings hit another, ever. It was simply not done.''
This comment made me think about my childhood, and led to a realization I hadn't had before. Yes. We all fought like cats and dogs. Much physical contact, resulting in cuts, bruises, loss of hair and torn clothes. No adult ever stopped us from fighting, or punished us for hurting a sibling. I was in my mid-20's before I refused to return a slap from a sibling.

I'm sure because both my parents were abusive, we were repeating what our reality was....that you ruled by brute force. Since we now know that KK was abusing her children beyond the wooden spoon, I am convinced that is why the Gosselin children hit, pushed and kicked each other. In my opinion, KK's forcing them to say they were sorry and then hug was more about establishing that SHE was the only one allowed to hit.

As I raised my own children, they were more like your childhood....hitting each other was simply not done! My method of 'mothering' was to remember my childhood...and do the opposite!

PJ's momma said...

Butterfly, I too always consider'gypsies' to be Irish travelers, not sure where or why Roma got lumped into that category. I have seen a few Roma do some crazy things, like expose a breast to show the baby needed to eat, but Irish travelers have a rep for very widespread scamming and even crime. (Getting paid to do a home remodel and booking soon afterwrd, for instance.) It is a culture, where Roma are an ethnic group, and a very long suffering and persecuted one at that.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Yes PJ, I googled "my" name and came upon that a couple of years ago. I wish it were my company. I just looked again, they are Anne with an 'e'. No relation, lol!


I guess we're really lucky here. Auntie Anne's is everywhere. Anne and Jonas Beiler started out by having a small stand at a farmer's market in Downingtown and then located to Lancaster, where their corporate office is based. In fact, their first mall shop was in Park City Center in Lancaster. The lines for the cinnamon pretzels were out the door over the holidays!

LMG said, "Parent In Lancaster County, I made your ham and cabbage soup this afternoon. It was so delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe.
The only thing I did different is that I had a ham bone from Christmas. So, instead of adding the plain water, I added the ham stock to it. I also added corn."


Oh, that sounds so good. You're welcome. I've used ham stock, but I never added corn. I'll have to try that!

IDmodo said...

Thank you so much for your understanding, Butterfly and PJ's Momma. I feel strongly about this because I did a great deal of research while assisting the family to appeal their deportation order. The day before they were deported they invited me for dinner and treated me to a wonderful meal of their traditional food.

I have often wondered about an ancestral connection between the Roma and the Irish Travellers- hooray more research to do!

The boy is now in his 20's and working as a musician in Belgium. He had an incredible natural talent and could play anything by ear. His family heritage was full of musicians.

Jane said...

She'll jump at this!

@Kateplusmy8 Nous avons un grand château pas loin de Paris. On t'invite à venir avec enfants en été. Si ça t'intéresse, tu me le dis.

@ Kateplusmy8 We have a large castle not far from Paris. We invite you to come with children in summer. If you're interested, you tell me.

PJ's momma said...

Good GRIEF, for those watching the game, when THE BEAST scored, my husband did 3 sprints around the couch while screaming and clapping, leaving the dogs and I trembling in fear on said couch. It's almost over, whew.
Oh, he just declared himself exhausted, LOL

Katykat said...

French receptacle = Bidet...which in Kate's uncultured mind = drinking fountain in the bathroom. ;)

Penny said...

IDModo, thank you for that information. Very sad about that family but I think it's wonderful that you keep in touch with the boy.

Tucker's Mom said...

My heart is breaking for RG3. This is torture to watch him suffer and finally go down. He tried so hard to carry this game.
Back to your normal programming...

Penny said...

Why, tell me, oh why are people still offering her big trips?

I'm a single mother with 2 boys. We'd LOVE to go to a castle in France but we are lucky for a weekend in Wisconsin with a family member.

Why do people GIVE to rich people.

"I don't get it."

Formerly Duped said...

Jon 'relaxed' once skating while he and Kate were both outside with the kids, and Kate yelled up the street (not moving herself) 'You can't run away from your kids, Jon!" She could
have handled things from the white throne for two minutes, being such a master mind!

Tucker's Mom said...

Why do people GIVE to rich people.

"I don't get it."
I think rich people love to impress other rich people. I remember Oprah throwing a big party. Huge event that *I think* honored women. Anyway, every one of those richy rich, more-money-than-God women got diamond earrings.
I just thought of this.
Does Jon have to agree to any and all of the kids leaving the country? For filming or fun?

franky said...

A little late but just wanted to point out we french call a french recetable a "bidet"

Penny said...

Oprah at least had accomplished people at her party who actually contribute something to the entertainment world or soceity. Kate is NOTHING. Does NOTHING. Worth NOTHING.

I bet it's a joke, just to see if she'll bite.

Penny said...

Tyler Perry bought Oprah a Bentley.
Yes, rich people are weird.

I just don't see Kate in "that" catagory AT ALL.

Formerly Duped said...

Why would a stranger want Kate and eight kids at their chateau, and Kate would be crazy to accept a stranger's invitation, well-meaning as it likely was.

I agree- why are people offering Kate the millionaire everything her little heart desires? I don't hear the siren calling...

Penny said...

I don't thoink Jon has a say if it's for "work."

Tucker's Mom said...

I bet it's a joke, just to see if she'll bite.
Me too. The castle thing was a bit over the top.

Penny said...

Kate's green will get her into trouble.

Penny said...

I meant her "greed," not green but her "green with envy" over THINGS other people have will also get her in trouble.

She's just SO STUPID. Literally.

Unknown said...

Penny said... 120
''I don't thoink Jon has a say if it's for "work.''
Penny, I may be remembering wrong, but I believe that the Judge ruled that KK could take the kids for the trip because they were still under a contract. In other words, it was more to honor the contract than because it was for ''work''. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

Anonymous said...

Katykat said... 110
French receptacle = Bidet...which in Kate's uncultured mind = drinking fountain in the bathroom. ;)
LOL, choking on my diet coke now!! :D

SeeSaw said...

Kate is firing up Google translate right now to see what she has managed to grift this time. I'd love to hear her response if someone sees it.

carolina peach said...

fidosmommy said... 58
Does Dr. Glassman even DO French receptacles?


Sa-lute!!! Wish I could be a fly on the walls when patients begin calling into plastic surgeons all over the countty rquesting the French Receptacle procedure.

Penny said...

I don't really know, Remona, it just seems Jon's wishes do not matter. Ever.

AuntieAnn said...

Classic Narcissist Apology: I'm sorry IF you feel that way. I'm sorry IF you think I've hurt you.

Meaning: you must be imagining things, I didn't do anything wrong.

Penny said...

fidosmommy said... 58
Does Dr. Glassman even DO French receptacles?

I swear I've heard Kate be called a "sperm receptacle" at one time.

westcoastie said...

Apologies if this has been covered as I haven't had a chance to catch up but


Honey Boo Boo's mom is waaaaaay smarter than khate. She is putting everything earned in trust accounts. TLC pays the trusts and sends her an email detailing payments.

You go June!!!!

Suck it khate!

PJ's momma said...

AuntieAnn, you nailed it. My mother-in-law is horrid and has never apologized, once telling me she did NOT hurt my feelings. Huh? It takes a lot for me to reveal my feelings because of my childhood, so for her to say that after I sort of took a risk to tell her how I felt was terrible. I pulled out something I heard on Dr. Phil and said, "You don't decide if I am hurt or not. If someone tells you that they are hurt, it doesn't matter what your intention was. They are HURT, period." You could literally hear her 2 brain cells fighting over that logic and of course, she didn't apologize, just started listing the times I hurt her feelings. It's so weird!

PatK said...

I have a gut feeling that the person inviting Kate to stay in a castle in France is pulling her leg.

fidosmommy said...

A large chateau near Paris? Uh huh. Kate, I have a nice little palace in London I bet you'd like too.

Penny said...

I agree. Kate's leg is being pulled.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong. It just means that you value your relationships more than your ego.


I think Fac7S needs therapy.

Also I noticed as soon as people who are not stupid realized Kate went to France she ran away from twitter right quick. Not a peep. TLC probably told her not to disclose details until the episode airs and she just blew it, again.

Penny said...

I don't think TLC is involved.
Kate is paying with her own money.
I mean, her kids money.

White Organza said...

When I was four and a half, I was sent to boarding school in a nuns' convent, a twelve hours train ride from my home. The equivalent of an ocean when you're four and a half. And there, ten months out of twelve, year after year until I was fifteen, I was psychologically and physically abused on a daily basis with absolutely no one to got to for protection.

Except for a weird two weeks period when I was around eleven or twelve, during which one of the nuns would wake me up during the night and take me in the study room to "measure me" (read "fondle me"...)for my solemn communion dress (huh?), I was never sexually abused. (I knew something was not totally right, but she exchanged these sessions for extra baths privileges, a rare treat in convents in those days...) So overall, I guess it never got to be completely damaging or destructive..

Even so... I'm in my early sixties now, and to this day, I'm still fighting the after effects of the complete powerlessness I felt during all those years. A feeling made even worst, I think, by the fact that my own parents had put me there. When you're young, you think your parents know everything, so I was sure my parents were aware of what kind of life I was living away from home (They were not...) and, worst, that that was the life they had chosen for me. So I never complained to them.

The end results could have been worst, but I survived with not too many ill effects except for the fact that I'm a total control freak constantly trying to control my controlling ways. :) As all the men I loved quickly learned. I trust no one with any aspects of my life, a behaviour that translated, relationship wise, as a certain aloofness on my part. A big "Whatever, mate... You're not allowed to tell me anything about how to run my life!" and a quick exit the moment things weren't perfectely hunky-dory.

And, of course, I trusted NO one with my child. I had the hardest time sending him to school, to friends' houses, to summer camp. Hell, I had the hardest time sending him to his own father after we separated. Luckily I knew where those fears came from and, for the well-being of my child, I fought them.

But still...

Every time I hear about parents who made the "sacrifice" of sending their young child away so he-she could be trained in figure skating, gymnastics, swimming, name it, I do shudder. A childhood is so easy to steal away from a child. And a stolen childhood can never be given back.

And now, you all know the reason why I came to this blog. It's weird, I know, but I somehow I feel that this blog and all its posters act as some sort of "vigil" for the Gosselin kids against their mother's narcissist doings. Rationally, I know that it doesn't make any sense, but just in case...

carolina peach said...

Jane 108 said...She'll jump at this!

@Kateplusmy8 Nous avons un grand château pas loin de Paris. On t'invite à venir avec enfants en été. Si ça t'intéresse, tu me le dis.

@ Kateplusmy8 We have a large castle not far from Paris. We invite you to come with children in summer. If you're interested, you tell me.


Jane, oh, she'll go if certain demands are met. #1 demand will be for this French citizen to learn to speak Kate English so she can order her around. Remember the demands for a New Years Eve hotel stay? Then she'll go. Hope this isn't real.

Viva le French Receptacle!

MJ said...

Jane said... 108
She'll jump at this!
@Kateplusmy8 Nous avons un grand château pas loin de Paris. On t'invite à venir avec enfants en été. Si ça t'intéresse, tu me le dis.

@ Kateplusmy8 We have a large castle not far from Paris. We invite you to come with children in summer. If you're interested, you tell me.

The aboucher428 twitter account is brand new and she's ONLY tweeted to Kate about the so called chateau visit.

(someone is pulling her leg, BIG TIME) Will she bite?

Jo said...

White Organza said... 138

I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this. No child should ever have to go through what you did. I'm really at a loss for words. I can only hope that you have happiness in your life now because you deserve it. God bless you every single day for the rest of your life.

Jo said...

Anonymous said... 140

Is CJ at it again?

franky said...

108 is written in Quebecois not Parisianfrech

it's a joke

by aboucher translation a butcher

great fans kk

Anonymous said...

MJ ... Love it! Hope she does bite, would be fun to see.


Jo said...

franky said... 143

108 is written in Quebecois not Parisianfrech

it's a joke

by aboucher translation a butcher

great fans kk


Oh, I'm laughing and laughing. Poor Kate..NOT!

PJ's momma said...

Jo, WHY do they delight in doing that? It's sick!

White Organza, I am so sorry for what you endured, and totally understand why it made you very controlling and desirous of never being controlled. We both battle that too, our abuse occurred at home, and we are married to each other, so we do understand but there are fireworks sometimes, and not the nice, pretty ones. You are protecting your heart, nothing more, nothing less, and that is OK.

Tucker's Mom said...

A childhood is so easy to steal away from a child. And a stolen childhood can never be given back.
This is brilliant and puts a fine point on the plight of the Gosselin children.
I'm so sorry for your experiences as a child, but you sound insightful, intelligent and incredibly compassionate.

Dwindle said...

Not to worry, ladies. No email addresses have been harmed today. Ignore anyone who tries to tell your differently.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

White, out of curiosity, have you considered suing the convent or any of the people if they are still alive? In many states there is no statute of limitations for abuse, and fondling you IS sexual abuse.

carolina peach said...

White Organza, hugs to you.

NoSheepleHarmed said...

It's not CJ...it's hater on hater fighting trying to blame sheeple. It has happened before. Steer clear it got really ugly in the Moon and DD days.

Anonymous said...

What's the point of outing us TO US??

Unknown said...

lurker now said... 152
''I used to post here back in the day and got 'outed'. They contacted not only my husband but my son too.''
What did they say when they contacted your husband and son? I swear that if anyone contacted any of my family, they would get laughed at, and then ignored!

Scary stuff said...

Lurker, what possible reason could they have given for contacting your husband and son? I can't begin to imagine how that conversation might've unfolded...

Jo said...

NoSheepleHarmed said... 151

It's not CJ...it's hater on hater fighting trying to blame sheeple. It has happened before. Steer clear it got really ugly in the Moon and DD days.


OK..I think I got a little taste of that the other day. Someone tried to call me a sheeple and start a fight. Hopefully, I nipped it in the bud. I was around during the Moon and DD days.

Unknown said...

butterfly said... 152
''What's the point of outing us TO US??''
GREAT question!!

JoyinVirginia said...

RG III really should not have played today. His knee was not recovered enough. The Seahawks played a terrific game!

Anonymous said...

Lurker now,
I understand you are saying that for our own safety, and thank you, but I am a bit offended that you said 'they' are smarter than 'me'....I just dont think so. Sorry if it sounds snobby. I just doubt that claim.

I trust Dwindle that no email addies have been lost today LOL!!

Dwindle said...

Gotcha! IT WAS A FAKE PAGE and you fell for it! I was the one who put the No Parking sign up there so you would fall for it, and I also made UP the last name THIS MORNING using scrabble cubes.

The FB group is roaring with laughter. You. Fell. For. It. We set you up and sat back and waited. Bets were taken. Popcorn popped. Now we are passing the e-kleenex for the laughter tears.

As an additional bonus, the REAL poster has been nowhere near my gmail account either in fake or in real messages. So staring at a stranger's blank FB page is all you got.

For the love of God go get a life. Some therapy would help. Take up knitting or something. Find a friend somewhere, even if you have to pay them.


Jo said...

bunch of retarded old bags said... 158


I almost feel sorry for you. You need to get a job or a hobby or something to fill up that hole in your life. Consider therapy for your own sake.

NoSheepleHarmed said...

There r some that aren't really haters, aren't really sheep but like to play both sides and create drama and blog wars.

Only way being outed would hurt you is if you were doing something illegal or immoral.

I admirer Admin for keeping this place out of it for the most part.

Sheeple Herder said...

White Organza,

Thanks so much for sharing your story. My oldest daughter was a gymnast, and at one point in her career her coaches encouraged me to consider sending her away for training. She would have lived with another family, etc. We didn't. But there were times when I wondered if I was being "selfish" by wanting to keep her home with the us.

Sharing your story helped me to let go of some thoughts of "did I do the right thing." Hugs and hogs to you!

PatK said...

Well done, Dwindle and all! lmao

NoSheepleHarmed said...

Instigator is posting those names so others will post sheep names. They get off on the drama.

Best ignore. They will go away when they find another shiny object that excites them

Heide said...

Dwindle said... 160
Gotcha! IT WAS A FAKE PAGE and you fell for it! I was the one who put the No Parking sign up there so you would fall for it, and I also made UP the last name THIS MORNING using scrabble cubes.

Hahahahaha - good one Dwindle!!!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Wait, what happened? I'm lost.

Working Woman said...


I don't know about you guys, but I'm almost flattered. I guess we're just so interesting
the sheep (singular or plural) just can't stay away from us!

Anonymous said...

Admin clean up on aisle 158

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Way over on 158??? Might take me awhile to hobble over there, maybe I should put on skates!

Working Woman said...

Admin do you think this blog should perhaps go back on moderation?

I was hoping we wouldn't need to go there again, but whatever we have to do...

PJ's momma said...

Time for moderation, nobody should have their private information published like that, even if only for a few moments.
Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Oy oy so confused. I was going to send Dwindle my email and join in the chat group. Is this not happening?


Admin...this is not funny said...

It all goes out in email and this person knows that.

Berks resident said...

I set up a new gmail account, it is listed somewhere on my Dwindle profile page
OK Ms. Dmasy, I have sent Dwindle my email address. I made a Facebook just for our Rumspringa get-together, but I was unable to find your account. So hopefully we can now get the ball rolling ? Thanks DWINDLE!

Anonymous said...

check your mail, please :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think we are on moderation.

I wanted to ask why are children in dance and gymnastics sent away from to train? Is it because home is too distracting?

AuntieAnn said...

Anonymous - Wrap it up, you're parents are due home any minute.

NJGal51 said...

Dwindle - I was TDY and missed the invite to your FB page. It sounds like I'm missing all the fun.

Anonymous said...

I was TDY, too. Guess we can share some popcorn

franky said...

wow..missed some drama I guess..lol.was I outed again as against child exploitation a la Dionne sisters?

I am so proud

Berks resident said...

Hey Dwindle,
I wanted to post in pink to let you know that it was really me who sent you the email tonight.

Thanks for doing this!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I tend to avoid moderation lately because I think that makes them do it more, pushing and pushing and pushing until they "win" by putting us on moderation. When they do, they rejoice, then come back again to try it again. It gives them a challenge. When you refuse to go on moderation, the game isn't as fun.

Ignoring is best. PLEASE.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I wanted to ask why are children in dance and gymnastics sent away from to train? Is it because home is too distracting?


My BFF is from a rural area thousands of miles away from any big cities. You can't get the caliber of instruction that you need if you want to go pro.

You really need to be in a major city. Not only are the best teachers there, but also the best jobs.

AuntieAnn said...

Dwindle said... 159

Gotcha! IT WAS A FAKE PAGE and you fell for it! I was the one who put the No Parking sign up there so you would fall for it, and I also made UP the last name THIS MORNING using scrabble cubes.

Geez Dwindle. Good one. I'm sorry I interfered in your sting operation.

Working Woman said...

I probably wouldn't broadcast my name, but to be honest, I really couldn't care less if people on here know it.

I'm not in any kind of trouble with the law. I'm not involved in anything I shouldn't be. My name is just my name and the only thing I do that could upset the sheeple is call Kate out on her BS.

I don't harrass them, harrass Kate, or do anything to any of them. So they would have no reason to have anything against me.

Nor do they have any reason to have anything against you. None at all. It's a free world, we are expressing our opinions, which Kate continues to beautifully illustrate day after day.

Anonymous? My name is Samantha. Call me Sam.

Does that make you tingle from head to toe, knowing my first name? Or does it have to be the whole name? And is it only when you get to use your detective kit to discover it?

White Organza said...

Before this blog goes ballistic roaring with laughter at the results of the FB page trap set by Dwindle and her accomplices, I want to thank all for all the hugs and nice words. And, Admin, no I never considered suing the convent. Like I wrote, the bizarre measurements sessions lasted only for a few weeks, occured at night when everybody else was sleeping (so no witness around whatsover...) and on top of that, for the longest time I DID feel guilty about the whole thing because I DID kept silent so I could have those extra baths.

And to all who wondered if I'm O.K. and happy these days, I say a resounding "Yes!". Ten years in a convent will make you appreciate life and all its perks like nothing else will, lol! I like to talk like there's no tomorrow because we lived in silence except for a two-hours a day (only for one hour for the musicians because we had to pratice...), I like to eat and cook gourmet food because we were served garbage, I like to laugh loudly and often, I like to cry as loudly and as often because those emotions were forbidden, And, finally, during those years, II found my solace in music and music is still a very big part of who I am, of how I get through life's inevitable rough patches...

And, finally, Frankie, you're sure you're not a detective of some sort, lol?! I'm Québécoise too, and I never flashed that the "a butcher" tweet was written in "our" french. I love this! That tweet is SO not parisian french!

Sheeple Herder said...


In the case of my gymnast daughter they wanted her to train at a facility that produced lots of potential Olympians. No guarantee of course, but if that's the route you want to take, it's the best way.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Like I wrote, the bizarre measurements sessions lasted only for a few weeks, occured at night when everybody else was sleeping (so no witness around whatsover...) and on top of that, for the longest time I DID feel guilty about the whole thing because I DID kept silent so I could have those extra baths.


None of these are reasons not to sue. Actually, many, many sexual abuse cases have no witnesses, are just the victim's word. Many sexual abuse cases happened just once or twice. Many involve bribes that the kids took, often money. The law, thank God, tends to believe the victim unless given good reason not to, and gives just as much weight to a child molested once as to one molested 100 times.

In any case, whatever you decide, I wish you all the best. You are a sweet person who didn't deserve such a thing, not that anyone does.

Anonymous said...

The season 2 premier of Honey BooBoo is on. It is not entertaining. I am glad that June has the money automatically deposited into accounts for the all the children, and they live off Sugar Bear's income. At least something positive came out of the show.

Anonymous said...

Working Woman said... 185
I probably wouldn't broadcast my name, but to be honest, I really couldn't care less if people on here know it.

I'm not in any kind of trouble with the law. I'm not involved in anything I shouldn't be. My name is just my name and the only thing I do that could upset the sheeple is call Kate out on her BS.

I don't harrass them, harrass Kate, or do anything to any of them. So they would have no reason to have anything against me.

Nor do they have any reason to have anything against you. None at all. It's a free world, we are expressing our opinions, which Kate continues to beautifully illustrate day after day.

Anonymous? My name is Samantha. Call me Sam.

Does that make you tingle from head to toe, knowing my first name? Or does it have to be the whole name? And is it only when you get to use your detective kit to discover it?
Working Woman, or Sam, I was going to do the same thing!! I was going to 'out' myself and take away their joy, so let me join you-
Hi, my name is Francy, :)
I dont break the law, obviously because I have a TS that I have no intention of losing; I most certainly do not harass Kate in any way shape, or form. I read about her activities. Wow. So not illegal. When I am at work, I do not, and CAN NOT, go on sites like this- they are blocked, silly sheeple, and we are monitored for internet use so I would not jeopardize my career on a Kate blog- so not happening!
So what's left? What do I, or these ladies, do wrong? Nothing.
I might even put my name in my profile. HA

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

For the handful of people who are participating in this, please move on from the outing discussion, the IW discussions, the who is outing whom discussions, and anything similar.

I .... don't......care, and I don't like things on this blog I don't give a crap about.

AuntieAnn said...

Is snark a felony?

Maybe we can all go to jail together.

I think I know how to make Rumspringa out of potato peelings.

Working Woman said...

No problem, consider me moved on :-)

Lbelle said...

I'm so confused. : /
What the heck was going on?
HOGS for help!! : )

Tucker's Mom said...

Glad we're not on moderation, or are we? Testing, testing... is this thing on?
Congrats to the Seahawks fans, they deserved the win and frankly, without RG3 the Skins fell apart and how much further would they have gone with his knee this year?
Loving Downton Abbey. We've watched 3 episodes today and are recording the current episodes, which we'll watch once we're caught up.

aggiemom09121416 said...

One of my kids is forcing me to watch Honey Boo Boo.

OMG, is all I can say.

Mama June has bleached her hair, she looks like Kate.

NJGal51 said...

I'm watching "Celebrity Cook-Off" and I guess that all of Kate's twitter pictures of her meals that got squeals of delight X8 did nothing for the Food Network producers because she's not on! How does it feel to know that Gilbert Gottfried rates above you Kate? Cornelia Guest is also on the show and I don't even know who the he'll she is!

NJGal51 said...

Oh wait....Cornelia Guest is channeling Kate because she just dumped a boatload of canned beans into whatever she's making.

Bearswife said...

Gilbert Gottfreid? I had no idea he was still around.
I watched the last half of Honey Booboo - I don't know why but I think they are funny.

Improbable Dreams said...

NJGal51~ It's a fun show, isn't it? Do you think maybe "Celebrity Cook-Off" was one of her "dreams"?

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