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https://twitter.com/siMone_aLisa/status/295976855373234176/photo/1 |
The Temple University organized event at noon today also features folks from Cake Boss and The Michael Vick Project, and will discuss legal issues in reality T.V.
749 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 749 Newer› Newest»Just Down The Road said... 193
She's just recycling something that she claims Hannah said last year on her birthday. Last year she made a post on CC about her birthday and said:
"In fact, just this morning, Joel said, “Your cake said 37? Hannah thought it said 73!”
So she's using old material, but is also reminding her tweeties that her birthday is coming up. Time to go out and get those gifts, it's less than 2 months away.
oh- Timothy Busfield was charged but cleared of sexual harassment this past summer- seems he thought his date was more into him than she was !
His attentions ere not appreciated,
Kate is a twit said... 200
Just Down The Road said... 193
She's just recycling something that she claims Hannah said last year on her birthday. Last year she made a post on CC about her birthday and said:
"In fact, just this morning, Joel said, “Your cake said 37? Hannah thought it said 73!”
So she's using old material, but is also reminding her tweeties that her birthday is coming up. Time to go out and get those gifts, it's less than 2 months away.
Excellent example of the games she plays.
re: Melissa Gilbert. From her book, it seemed to me ALL her relationships, among her family, peers, boyfriends etc were a bit odd. She did seem insecure about her looks, hence the plastic surgery? Yet at the same time she seems rather conceited.She kind of was a cling-on with Rob Lowe and her first husbands.
The Robe Lowe thing was weird. Man was a living God. I mean a living God. Then there's Melissa, who while I think by my standards is VERY pretty, she is average by Hollywood standards. Had buck teeth for the longest time, is very short, wasn't skinny by Hollywood standards, and didn't have a tiny little nose by Hollywood standards, didn't have big boobs. She was girl next door, not babe next door. The plastic surgery to fix it made her look creepy.
Typically, people pair up with those more or less comparable to them looks wise. Once in awhile you might see a mismatch, more often with a beautiful woman and an ugly guy, but the other way around is very strange. I know this is a very superficial conversation but I just find it fascinating why she consistently, man after man, winds up with these dashing out of this world good looking guys. It's just odd and I can only conclude it's some kind of massive insecurity and superficiality--almost like, if she is with living Gods, then she knows she's attractive enough? Just my guess. Alison is overwhelming complementary of her but when it comes to relationships she's like yeah um nooo thanks.
You know what I find interesting is someone like Melissa, who also has kids one still at home, is allowed to be with several men during that time even some guy in FRANCE (wtf????) and no one really says anything. But if a man does it he's suddenly a terrible bad influence on his kids shouldn't even be around them let alone let his significant other around them. It's just a double standard. In this respect, women get away with murder. A single mom can date whoever she wants even have some fling in France and no one ever dares suggest maybe that's not good for her pre teen (teenage?) son. Pam Anderson has done the same thing and I've never seen anyone say a single negative thing about it.
When Bill Cosby used to wear the school sweat shirts on the Cosby show, one of his first shirts was Temple. I seriously thought he was touting a Jewish house of worship. I had no clue about a University with that name.
Our thinking made huge sense to us because the Temple in our city was right down the street and was a center for lots going on. When it moved things quieted down.
I think if you are sharing your life via twitter as celebs do you have to have a sense of what's interesting to YOU, and what's interesting, funny and good fodder to the general public.
Not interesting: Kid mixing up letters. Yawn. Happens all the time.
Interesting: Grandon's hilarious story about her grandson growling like a bear as he kicked the ball.
Interesting: Pioneer woman's hysterical blog post about the girls being out of town so she spent the weekend with the boys playing Power Rangers and watching Superhero movies and cheering on a championship football game.
I mean it's hard to explain what works well and plays to the public and what doesn't, it's sort of one of those, you will know it when you see it things. Kate does not know it when she sees it.
I guess Kate is finally going green since she's recycling her material! I too remember the same comment from last year on her birthday. It wasn't funny last year and it's not funny this year. I wonder if she's just going to recycle all those tired CC blogs as well.
Hannah (again!): 'Mommy you're not old. You're only 73.... Ohhhh I mean 37!' [loud laughter from all Gosselin kids] Nice one!
Why or why are these kids (Hannah in particular) stroking her ego constantly. First the blonde hair comment and now this. Sounds like she is feeling sorry for herself and needing some rah rah's from the eight. "Mommy is so old now, she is turning 38! that's so old! pretty soon I will be the big 4 0!!" "Oh, no mommy you are blonde and beautiful. Soon you will have a boyfriend and soon he will become your husband because that is all we want now, for you to find a husband". The bullshit world according to Kate.
So, so gross.
Re: school closing.
I can't speak as to exactly why their school was closed but here is some perspective. Private schools are dependent on the surrounding public districts to bus their kids. Some private schools do offer limited bussing, but the fact remains that the public districts have to provide reasonable bussing for children in their districts who attend private schools.
Therefore if the surrounding public districts are on delay, the private schools are on delay; if the public districts are closed, the private schools will be forced to close.
Now I can't say why many districts chose to close yesterday. I was surprised myself to learn of the closure as it was only moderately snowing early in the morning and the forecast was for a change to wintry mix to all rain in the afternoon. It has a lot to do with liability and the risk of pricy lawsuits if there are accidents with the busses.
For what it's worth, I was told by many people that the roads were quite icy in the morning and even some were slick in the afternoon rush. So maybe the schools didn't make such a bad call after all.
As to why Kate tweeted about the kids shoveling snow, well she's just an idiot. No news there.
If I can jump in here about Melissa, your posts have hit the nail on the head with her relationships. They have always seemed odd and she always seemed sort of pushy with the men.
I remember reading that she and Bruce broke up a number of times before they got married. The biggest issue was at his age he didn't want more children and she did then they had their son. With Rob Lowe, she got pregnant but he broke up with her when she told him she was pregant and she ended up miscarrying, and with Bo I believe she got pregnant pretty quickly.
I have to say, though, she looks prettier now than she did when she was younger. And yes, she is much prettier than her latest fiance.
I saw a funny quote on yahoo a little while about her engagement. The commenter said "These actresses, that's all they do is wear dresses, accept awards and get marred." LOL.
Yep, Kate is a head shaker! Kate cant remember what anyone else said last year, let alone last week. She thinks that is typical for everyone. So recycling content , to her, she is being one smart cookie!
Thanks Admin for all you do for the blog. This Northern Prairies Girl is staying warm in frigid temperatures. drinking coffee, surfing the internet, and reading Allisons book, again. I hear there are tornadoes in some parts of the country...go figure....
Stay safe everyone!
I think this is the kind of after effects of child stardom, or the effects that are not your cliche ones like drugs, but are still damaging and rarely attributed to child stardom--but I think there is a case to be made this all stems back to her childhood.
If I had to guess, I would say at some point, the constant pressure and scrutiny on her about her looks damaged her so much psychologically that she has been looking for validation from men EVER SINCE. This is why she forces herself into relationships with men she has no business being with. Had she just been a normal kid, she probably would have been considered pretty and popular, would have dated a football player, married him and had 2.5 kids happily ever after in Kansas somewhere. But she was damaged by stardom and now can't seem to make anything work. Now, she's on her third marriage, her kid is lord knows how confused, and she is STILL trying to fill that void she lost in childhood with boyfriends in France and pin-ups she had on her locker and the whole works.
Not that is necessarily has any bearing on anything, but she is adopted. You have to wonder if maybe that had something to do with it--like she felt like she didn't TRULY fit in with this family and this Hollywood lifestyle BUT she was going to make it work come hell or high water. She has always had a sort of, even if I can't get this square peg to fit, guess what, I'm going to FORCE it in jam it down no matter what it takes. I feel sorry for her, and I think that would surprise people. But I just don't get a sense from her she's truly happy. Oh, she will make that square peg of happiness try to fit into happy.....but is it sincere, I don't know.
Just my speculations. I think she's an interesting case study of post child stardom.
Then there's Alison, who married some guy who looks fresh off the Hells Angels bike. LOL, he's awesome.
My grandmother had a good expression and it applies to Kate, she is "full of the cutes". She says something funny, mean or inappropriate and laughs about it like she is just so cute and funny, when in reality she's being mean or ignorant. Or if she thinks she putting something over on someone she thinks she's just so brilliant, when she really just looks foolish.
Oh like isn't it cute little Tommy made a racist comment?
Yeah we all know those kinds of parents.
I read once that people are often most attracted to people who look much like themselves. I have seen this over and over, particularly with the stars (guess because their photos are available for public viewing). Look at Tom Cruise and what's her name (how quickly one forgets) oh Katie Holmes. Mirror images. There are many others that I can't name right off hand. My son's dad had a girlfriend who looked just like him. Same height too - 6 feet. Mirror images. Same coloring; same boy cut. I think they broke up now but they stayed together longer than any of his other relationships. I don't know what made me think of that. Something to look out for, it is fun.
I was trying to watch Dance Moms. I am so sick of them and am starting to feel more sorry for Abby. She worked hard to get those kids where they are and they became famous because of the show, and will go on to be successful dancers. The moms are disgusting. They need to be replaced. The show is so predictable now and the moms are not handling their fame in an attractive manner. If I was Abby, I would wash my hands of them or lock them a soundproof room so they can bicker and carry all they want but without an audience. All I wanted to do is watch the dance routines but had to muck through all that other crap first.
"I can't speak as to exactly why their school was closed but here is some perspective. Private schools are dependent on the surrounding public districts to bus their kids. Some private schools do offer limited bussing, but the fact remains that the public districts have to provide reasonable bussing for children in their districts who attend private schools."
That makes sense, but as far as I know, none of the public schools in the district was closed. In fact, none even had a delay. What happens sometimes is that because it's a private school and kids come from other counties, that factor is taken into consideration because of the risk of busing the kids from areas in which the weather may be much more inclement.
Oh like isn't it cute little Tommy made a racist comment?
Yeah we all know those kinds of parents.
I was thinking back to the time when Kate complained about Jon's breathing on the show. She was just being so funny, wasn't she? Or just being full of the cutes "look how funny I can be picking on my husband about his breathing. Aren't I delightful?"
As for Melissa, I really thought it was romantic when she married Bruce. I remember thinking how nice she finally had some stability. Sure there was an age difference but they looked so happy together.
I think you're right about jamming a square peg into a round hole. That is the impression I got about her, especially after I read about Bruce not wanting anymore children but she did and then their son was born. Maybe pregnancy was, in her mind, of making a man stay with her? Like you said, she always picked really handsome men that most woman would be jealous of. Maybe that was her insecurity creeping in and in her mind, if they had a child, the man wouldn't leave her?
I'm attracted to someone whose shoes I don't trip over and who manages to shower on a regular basis.
So maybe she seeks out attractive men so that other women will want them and she will lose them--a sort of self sabotage thing? Or she likes the idea of making others jealous or feeling like others are jealous, gets off on it.
By the way I'm not making fun of her. I find her interesting. I thought I saw her once at this place John's Garden but really it was actually Joan River's daughter hahaha. I'm glad I don't approach celebs usually that probably would have insulted her.
Melissa Rivers. Which role did she play on Little House?
Melissa Sue Anderson, Melissa Gilbert, some other Melissa.... what, no Melissa Rivers? I'm shocked.
Melissa Rivers is about two surgeries ahead of Melissa Gilbert, so it was an honest mistake.
Admin 13 -- I agree with you that Melissa Gilbert's emotional instability stems from her childhood, but I disagree with you that it's the result of child stardom. I think she'd have been an emotional mess even if she'd never shot a second of film. Her mother was married 3 or 4 times and her father something like 8 times, so she never had a good example of a stable marriage. She herself said she had a contentious relationship with her mother and that the only time she felt safe in releasing her emotions was on the show. She could cry and Michael Landon would hold her and she felt secure. That's a pretty sorry statement about her life.
Does anyone know how to get in touch with the ladies on FB?? I don't have a profile on there but is there a contact email from one of them I can use?
If the reason for her relationship problems are because of her issues when it comes to her looks, I think it's probably related to fame. But as you said if it's related to her odd home life, it's probably related to that and not fame. Or, it could be a combination of the two. Without sitting down with her in therapy I'm not sure.
With so many college grads, and workers with real experience of all ages, who have college degrees in Journalism, who paid the price, and who spent years getting a degree, why would CC or this new place hire KG, who has no college or journalism experience at all? Or for that matter, why not pick real talent or someone who actually is honest and truthful who has something to share with everyone, instead of an old TV show that was scripted months in advance and whose children are half grown now? The public wants to read new and refreshing ideas and stories. Not recycled babble. $1000, a day or even an article is enough to make me NEVER go to this site. That is too much money that could be given to charity, or some other worthy cause. They don't need my hit on that site. Looks like they are doing just fine!
I bet the guy at CC is LHAO at this company, saying to him self, oh just wait suckers!
I d o n 't g e t i t
I do feel sorry for JG. He had so much going for him when he met her. Now here he is, broke, confused, loves his kids, but has to deal with her for the rest of his life. It has to be heart breaking for him to struggle so hard just to eat, and have a place to live, while she is living like a queen. I feel for him. I honest to G-d feel for him. I know how hard it is.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 5
You know what I find interesting is someone like Melissa, who also has kids one still at home, is allowed to be with several men during that time even some guy in FRANCE (wtf????) and no one really says anything. But if a man does it he's suddenly a terrible bad influence on his kids shouldn't even be around them let alone let his significant other around them. It's just a double standard. In this respect, women get away with murder. A single mom can date whoever she wants even have some fling in France and no one ever dares suggest maybe that's not good for her pre teen (teenage?) son. Pam Anderson has done the same thing and I've never seen anyone say a single negative thing about it.
Well, a lot of people think it is OK to put studio lights in their home so that they can film the crap out their children.
Speaking for myself, I do believe that Jon has done a disservice to his kids by introducing women (and now their kids) into their lives. I have always put my kids before myself, and that is what I believe is right. And, by the way, he has been quoted as saying pretty much the same thing during the interval between Ellen and Liz. No double standard here. I would say the thing about Kate, if she was dating.
If I can find his quote in less than a few minutes, will post it or a link.
I think if you take issue with such things it should go for both mothers and fathers. Ex nurse you seem reasonable enough and I don't doubt you would apply the same standards no mater who it was. I'm talking about the general public, especially how celebs are portrayed in the media. More often than not men who do such things are deadbeat dads and womanizers. Melissa Gilbert, on the other hand, is a national treasure. Double standard. The media will get behind your Charlie Sheens as pathetic in a heartbeat. But they let other things slide.
I agree with you 100%. I never understood why kate was given everything.They are both the kids parents but yet,kate got all the money...the house everything. They both sold the kids privacy...but yet,kate got it all. I also know kate had the best attorneys that TLC could buy,but in this day and age I just don't get why Jon lost everything.
They were both wrong to do what they did...Jon figured that out and made it clear he just wanted their OLD lives back. Then BAM! Jon was the devil spawn and lost everything.
With detailed accounts of the abuse and neglect that the kids suffer(ed) at kates hands,she walks away free.I never thought Jon was a saint,but he did pull his head out of his ass and is trying to give his kids a normal,private life. Sad thing is....if the wench got a show tomorrow with the kids as the focus...I don't think anyone could stop her. I just don't understand it. How can any Judge think that the Gosselin kids should be forced to work to give mommy dearest the life she THINKS she's entitled to.
All I can do to try and help the Gosselin kid's,is to keep letting anyone and everyone know,who might take an interest in kate....that she IS a Child and Animal ABUSER.God I hope Robert's book see's the light of day soon!
Tweet: "Being a single dad with no interruptions has really brought me closer to my children: I really feel being a single dad has improved my self-awareness and well-being.”
'''“I still have a lot of work to do on myself, and I am an extremely busy person, between work and the children,” the Pennsylvania native told Star. “My family is the most important thing in my life. I will strive to make it better for them every day.”
eing a single dad with no interruptions has really brought me closer to my children: I really feel being a single dad has improved my self-awareness and well-being.”
MG was adopted when she was one day old. Her father Paul Gilbert was married 4x when he and current wife Barbara Crane adopted her and Jonathen not 8X. They divorced when MG was 8. He died when she was 11. He did live nearby her. Her mother was married 2x, the second marriage she adopted Sara Gilbert. MG has had a great career which has gone from commercials to LHOTP to various TV movies and guest spots to President of Screen Actors Guild, to even starring as Ma Ingalls in the musical LHOTP. She had a rough private life but has overcame a lot of obstacles seeking treatment for her drug and alcohol use. Today I don't look at her as a failed child star but rather as a human being that is still very talented and doesn't deserve to be criticized for her looks or her personal life from almost 30 years ago (Rob Lowe phase).
Don't feel like following Rule #whatever
I read a bog post last week on what makes a good blog. The author said that you must be authentic, and true to yourself. That's why Kate'sblog will never succeed. She is neither authentic and definitely not true to herself!
Being a single dad probably *did* bring him more self awareness.
With Kate as a partner there is absolutely no room for Jon to think *anything* about anything. It's all about her. 100% of the time.
He might as well have been a little dog. Or a roller suitcase she dragged around behind her for as much respect as she gave him.
What did he mean about no interruptions? I think we need more context here. Did he mean no interruptions as in Kate not being around to micromanage every single thought he ever had?
I call this Pathetic:
I told Mady&Cara this am that by the time they r 18 I'll write another book&call it 'I Just Want You To GO' LOL I laughed so hard @ my joke!
Kate's tweets are so lame...I'm glad she laughed at her own jokes as she'd be the only one. And yes, she recycled the 'age' remark. Wants tweetie confirmation she is still 'smokin' hot' Ugh.
This is a few days old (Jan 23 pub date), but it's an interesting read, especially in hindsight. (LOL about the "huge weekend party"!!)
Kate Gosselin Prepares For Huge Weekend Party With Fans
We’ve been really excited with the news ex reality mom Kate Gosselin is making. Kate was once a Kris Jenner-in-the-making, but seems to have rewound, emotionally detoxed, and saved her kids from a lifetime of superficiality. Though she’s working the single mom life since split from cheating hubby Jon Gosselin, Kate tries to keep optimistic. Yesterday, Kate admitted that life with eight kids is hard, and it sounds like she’s struggling to keep it together. Fortunately, she’s doing so with a smile and in her home—not on a talk show!
Kate has a loyal following of moms who look to her for guidance and inspiration. She seems to take this role seriously, but admits she doesn’t have enough time to give fans as much attention as she’d like to. That’s why Kate’s come up with a terrific solution: she’s having a party! Yesterday, Kate shared, ‘I’m saying ‘hey’ you, my tweety friends ARE on my ‘to do list’ today! I miss you and will be back to chat soon..tweety party this wkend?”
It sounds like Kate is planning an hour to sit down with Twitter and reach out to her followers! We’re not sure if this will manifest as a Q & A session, a long string of retweets, or maybe even a few links to blog updates (her personal website has been relatively inactive recently!). One thing’s for sure: we’ll be checking in to see her, whatever she may be doing!
The continued support Kate has received since deciding to stop appearing on reality TV must be so validating to her: not only does she have more quality time with her kids, she has narrowed her fan base. While I’m sure haters like to spam her (as happens to all celebs, and sometimes to us regular folk too!), a cursory glance at the Twitter replies she receives show a circle of empathetic friends, who seek her anecdotes as remedies to their own stresses. We hope Kate can keep it up, and can’t wait for her party! Will you be there?
I told Mady&Cara this am that by the time they r 18 I'll write another book&call it 'I Just Want You To GO' LOL I laughed so hard @ my joke!
You know I'm realizing, I REALLY don't get her sense of humor.
She is in for a rude awakening when they estrange her like she taught them to estrange anyone who is upsetting to them.
TxBR549Iam said... 31
I call this Pathetic:
I told Mady&Cara this am that by the time they r 18 I'll write another book&call it 'I Just Want You To GO' LOL I laughed so hard @ my joke!
There's so much anger in that tweet - very frightening.
Mel, I kind of want more context too. I took the no interruptions to refer to filming, and perhaps even Kate. Now, he is free to actually be a normal dad without being bogged down by a nagging shrew of a wife and a demanding production schedule. Having a love life doesn't necessarily mean you are interrupted as a father. As we've seen, he is frequently out with the kids on his own, no girlfriend.
They are only 12. She hasn't even begun to experience the real teen angst yet. There is so much more to come.
I really think these kids are going to eat her alive. And then six teens coming up? She is done for.
I didn't get the sense anyone was "criticizing" Melissa Gilbert. I think she's lovely. Speaking for myself, I feel sorry about her issues, and I am seeking to understand if her issues bear any connection to her experiences as a child. We can learn a lot from the past experiences of chid stars, where things went wrong, and where things went RIGHT. The Little House set has a lot to offer current child stars, since most of its stars turned out, overall, very well. I think there is value in trying to understand where they went right. I think it's important to spot when sets go so very right, and try to duplicate that environment if possible.
Those kids are going to have to stroke her ego and walk on egg shells until her birthday. This is all she will talk about. Face it Kate,you are almost 40. Soon you won't have the money for anymore plastic surgery. You will have to do what mediocre people all the the world do; get old and look it. Those kids are really going to suffer when she turns 40. I think Jon in doing great. Have a great day all.
She brings to my mind the old saying 'digging your own grave.' She must be halfway to China by now.
I told Mady&Cara this am that by the time they r 18 I'll write another book&call it 'I Just Want You To GO' LOL I laughed so hard @ my joke!
She thought that was funny? Why would you say that to a kid, much less send a tweet about it to strangers? What on God's green earth is wrong with that woman?
I agree with you 100%. I never understood why kate was given everything.They are both the kids parents but yet,kate got all the money...the house everything. They both sold the kids privacy...but yet,kate got it all. I also know kate had the best attorneys that TLC could buy,but in this day and age I just don't get why Jon lost everything.
They were both wrong to do what they did...Jon figured that out and made it clear he just wanted their OLD lives back. Then BAM! Jon was the devil spawn and lost everything.
I think that Jon was so sick of the whole thing and chose not to fight, saying, just give her what she wants and I'm out of here. He was probably smart enough to see that he couldn't fight TLC and her attorneys and spending money and time was just going to prolong what was going to be inevitable anyway. He knew what she was capable of, her wrath, her getting what she wanted (she had made that quite clear in the note that was posted in her journal). He lived with it and probably just decided to bite the bullet to get it all over and done with and get on with his life.
Actually since the kids bought that house maybe they should be the ones doing the kicking out.
Trying to imagine how that tweeted scenario actually played itself out:
Kate, doubled over with laughter, as her kids look on with brimming eyes. 8 precious faces, pinched with sadness...
That tweet reminds me of the thing that drove me from JK8 watching to begin with, the repeated statement, "We miss the family of four." It was said repeatedly and in front of the 6 youngest. Did they think these kids didn't hurt when they heard that?
The problem with that is that it was sarcasm with a ring of TRUTH. She does want these kids gone, the second they are of no use to her anymore, and they know it.
These kids are smart. They understand sarcasm with a ring of truth. And they may laugh manically with her, but deep down, most kids would be incredibly hurt by it.
Hate her "humor". Your kids should never be the punch line, Kate.
Blowing In The Wind said... 45
I told Mady&Cara this am that by the time they r 18 I'll write another book&call it 'I Just Want You To GO' LOL I laughed so hard @ my joke!
She thought that was funny? Why would you say that to a kid, much less send a tweet about it to strangers? What on God's green earth is wrong with that woman?
I know. Some joke.
That was not a very kind, loving, and appreciative comment.
It's Kate's self-fulfilling prophecy to be alone in her aloneness.
Don't worry, Kate. You will get your wish someday.
kk 'told Mady & Cara' sure does speak volumes. I wonder if they took it as a joke, were they laughing along with her? I would hate to be any child starting or ending a day(or going forward) with that type of comment from a parent.
Speaking for myself, having been a kid of divorce and adoption, if my parents would have made a joke/remark like this one...I would have been so deeply hurt.I know alot of parents say things like, wait til you grow up and experience the real world as an adult and have kids of your own, I hope you will understand better our decisions as you grow upand so on.
A 'joke' like kk's would have sent me to my sister's sayinthey don't want us either, you were right, they don't love us.
Another day and another crack in those kid's hearts and lives (imo)
Anonymous said... 32
I agree with admin, no one is criticizing her, just trying to figure her out, since she did put her life and very personal issues into a book. I think she was/is a very talented actress.I do wish her the best.
I was curious as to whether kids would have enough cognitive ability to understand sarcasm. This article suggests a qualified yes. I also like this pull-quote, because it seems perfectly suited to Kate. No wonder we don't get (reject?) Kate's sense of humor!!
Sarcastic statements are sort of a true lie. You’re saying something you don’t literally mean, and the communication works as intended only if your listener gets that you’re insincere. Sarcasm has a two-faced quality: it’s both funny and mean. This dual nature has led to contradictory theories on why we use it.
Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/The-Science-of-Sarcasm-Yeah-Right.html#ixzz2JTVul3lM
Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter
Kate Tweeted...
I told Mady&Cara this am that by the time they r 18 I'll write another book&call it 'I Just Want You To GO' LOL I laughed so hard @ my joke!"
Really? It's funny to tell your 12 year old children that you can't wait for them to grow up and leave?
I wonder if she'll be laughing when they actually do it and don't look back? I bet not, I bet she'll victimize herself and call them ungrateful because they don't call or visit.
That woman defines the words callous and oblivious.
On my sister's 18th birthday, 2 months shy of her high school graduation, my mother sat my sister down and told her that she and her husband were buying a house out of town and that my sister had better find a place to live because she wouldn't be joining them.
My sister hadn't even finished high school and my mother had decided she was done parenting. This wasn't the 50's either, it was only 20 years ago.
No support, no money, certainly no college fund...Mom spent all HER money on HER new house.
Anyway, my sister never forgot that feeling of abandonment and has resented it ever since.
So enjoy your little digs at the expense of your kids' well being and sense of security Kate. You're such a hoot, NOT!
You know what I do appreciate about Melissa Gilbert, she EMBRACES everything that made her who she is. Little House is frankly a bit of a nerdy show, campy even when it aired, beyond melodramatic, and many felt it had typecast them and ruined their careers. Many others actors would have refused to ever talk about it again. Not Melissa. Not only does she go to fan reunions and talk about it all the time, she named her son after Michael Landon and stared as Ma in an on stage adaptation of Little House. It made her who she is and she appreciates it.
Also, it was very irritating to hear in Alison's book that after FIVE YEARS of giving up their childhoods to the show, NBC flat out REFUSED to give them a raise. Refused. Including Melissa Gilbert! They weren't even paid enough to support a family according to Alison because this is where they started. Now the show had exploded and made them millions upon millions and they couldn't even thank the stars by giving them a LITTLE raise.
Alison and Melissa Sue Anderson heavily negotiated and got no where. Melissa Gilbert was finally able to get a little more because they felt they had to have Half Pint. The rest who wouldn't keep working for cheap were written out of the show with barely a goodbye. In my opinion, was so disrespectful to those teenagers who had given up so much for that show and made it a huge success. I don't think it's necessary to poor millions at them and I don't think anyone was asking for that, but a raise every year or so as the show continues to be a grand slam would have been respectful of them and appreciative.
I think that Jon was so sick of the whole thing and chose not to fight, saying, just give her what she wants and I'm out of here
I think Jon pulled a Coyote Ugly and would rather chew his limb off to get away from Kate than to stay mired in unhappiness.
Given his appearance on the show at the end, I also think he was self-medicating and perhaps not thinking clearly and critically with an eye towards his future. He was living in the moment, big time.
I think his counsel sucked too.
"I laughed so hard @ my joke!"
There it is. ME, ME, ME. And don't worry girls, she'll never write such a book because she will become distracted by more shiny objects. She always does.
I remember understanding sarcasm at 12. Doesn't mean they aren't hurt by it though. See the thing is you can KNOW someone is joking, but the joke still isn't funny and still hurts. That's what this is. I mean I think Kate is joking, sort of, but I still find the statement hurtful.
Sort of like ha-ha you're butt ugly--ha just kidding! Um, okay, but that is still hurtful.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 50
The problem with that is that it was sarcasm with a ring of TRUTH. She does want these kids gone, the second they are of no use to her anymore, and they know it.
If not for agreeing with this sediment, I truly think that tweet was very Erma Bombeck-esque in its humor.
It's amazing how well Alison turned out. She sounds like a lot of fun. There is a website and forum I am member of that has to do with a certain tour in Hollywood (deals with mostly dead celebrities-where they died, where they lived ect....). Anyway, Alison goes on the tour regularly as a guest tour guide. According to Scott, the owner of the tour, she is an absolute joy to hang out with. She makes the tours so much more fun. She doesn't do it for notariety or to get paid, she just gets a kick out of it. And she makes everyone around her have fun too.
someone tweeted this 'so true comment' to kk:
@kateplusmy8 I say this in the kindest way I can. There is no shame in seeing a therapist.
So very, very true
I recall reading that Melissa Gilbert formed her own production company. I remember some made for TV-movies.
She called it Half-Pint Productions.
I would say that that indicates she had fond thoughts and respectful memories.
Not suggesting disrespect to a mom, but it would be interesting if Mady or Cara had responded with their own quip. Something like, "Well, our book is going to be called "We Just Want the World to Know"." That should make Kate turn pale.
There's a great interview with Alison on youtube - it's in 4 parts. Here's the first: http://youtu.be/fOL-AVKYQaw
I think Jon pulled a Coyote Ugly and would rather chew his limb off to get away from Kate than to stay mired in unhappiness.
Given his appearance on the show at the end, I also think he was self-medicating and perhaps not thinking clearly and critically with an eye towards his future. He was living in the moment, big time.
I think his counsel sucked too.
Correct on all counts, imo. How sad.
TxBR549Iam said... 62
someone tweeted this 'so true comment' to kk:
@kateplusmy8 I say this in the kindest way I can. There is no shame in seeing a therapist.
So very, very true
@kateplusmy8 I say this in the kindest way I can. There is no shame in seeing a therapist.
Kate keeps sticking her Frankenstein foot into her gaping mouth...
@Kateplusmy8 Which is more important, retweets or respect for your lovely daughters? Please think about what you say to them and the public.
If you've noticed, like me, a plethora of mainly 'positive' articles coming from Celebrity Laundry http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com you should find no surprise that they are listed as a Partner Site with The Stir/Cafe Mom. I've seen numerous articles from Celebrity Dirty Laundry highlighted under the lower heading of "Tasty Treats from our Partners"
Improbable Dreams, I think celebdirtylaundry.com has assigned a new writer/sheeple to Kate's stories and/or someone is being paid to promote Kate on that site since the new year. Their opinion of her and slant of the articles have really changed. Past articles were NOT complimentary to her at all. Something's fishy.
Could she just give it up about her age? My parents NEVER discussed their age with us as kids, and their birthdays weren't a big deal. They were struggling to put food on the table for 4 kids while at the same time worrying about my brother who was serving in Vietnam. She just has to make EVERYTHING about her.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 13
Had she just been a normal kid, she probably would have been considered pretty and popular, would have dated a football player, married him and had 2.5 kids happily ever after in Kansas somewhere.
And what do you have against Kansas, missy? LOL.
We have the world's largest ball of twine, two-headed calfs, our own Big Ben, national basketball championships, a couple Miss America's,etc. AND snow today. Make a visit to KC and I'll take you out for barbecue!
Regarding her "joke" tweet, I don't doubt for a minute that she said that to Mady and Cara and then did her horrible cackle. I never thought her comments on the show were funny. She always laughed and mugged the camera when she thought she said something amusing (cruel). No camera now, just Twitter. She's not amusing. Not in the least.
I told Mady&Cara this am that by the time they r 18 I'll write another book&call it 'I Just Want You To GO' LOL I laughed so hard @ my joke!"
This is a perfect example of what the poster called ''full of the cutes''. I noticed that KK said SHE laughed so hard at her joke, and didn't even bother to lie that Mady and Cara also laughed. KK is so self-absorbed that it never entered her mind her comment would hurt her children. The only thing in KK's mind was telling her ''joke''. Everytime I think KK can't be more stupid, she does/says something that proves me wrong, There seems to be no limit to her stuck on stupid behavior!! She is a waste of skin and space. Period.
To all those in the severe storm areas of the South/SE, please be safe and you are in my thoughts.
Anonymous 32 -- I stand corrected. I'm confusing Melissa Gilbert's autobiography with another I read about another child star who's father was many, many times married. In my defence, it's been more than a year since I read either one, and I read A LOT, as you may have guessed from my screen name. Now it's going to drive me crazy trying to remember who the heck the other person was. MAJOR senior moment, LOL.
TxBR549Iam said... 62
someone tweeted this 'so true comment' to kk:
@kateplusmy8 I say this in the kindest way I can. There is no shame in seeing a therapist.
So very, very true
But the thing is that she doesn't realize that what she does is NOT NORMAL...she sees nothing wrong with tweeting about what the kids say or do. She doesn't THINK...never has, never will.
Blowing In The Wind said... 75
''But the thing is that she doesn't realize that what she does is NOT NORMAL...she sees nothing wrong with tweeting about what the kids say or do. She doesn't THINK...never has, never will.''
You are so right. KK doesn't realize that what she says/does is NOT normal, and I believe that she never will. KK is what she is, and that is what she will always be....not normal. That fact is why I have such sympathy for Jon and their children.
Berks Neighbor said... 66
If you've noticed, like me, a plethora of mainly 'positive' articles coming from Celebrity Laundry http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com you should find no surprise that they are listed as a Partner Site with The Stir/Cafe Mom.
I noticed that, shortly before Kate's first blog came out, they were trying really hard to push 'Kate' stories. Now they're putting out a new story every day or two, and they are just sickening, gushing over her. It's like they let Kate dictate what they write, and then they regurgitate the whole simpering, fawning mess onto the unsuspecting public. Yuck. Kate is old news. She's on life support, and The Stir/Celeb Dirty Laundry is her IV bag. I wish they'd just spare us all the Kate-love and move on to something people actually want to read about.
Interesting, MJ and Berks Neighbor--thanks for the info & observations!
I saw the CelebrityDirtyLaundry article* as mostly positive, but it's still tinged with the stains of her past.
(*Copied at comment 37, if you want to read w/o clicking.)
Sorry if this has already been discussed. I'm a bit slow in connecting the dots...
Mark Heller was Jon's lawyer and is currently Lindsay Lohan's lawyer. Heller didn't do Jon any good with his divorce, though I know there may be reasons why Jon got the settlement he did. As bad as Heller represented Jon I can't imagine what's going to happen to Lindsay with her problems with the law. My goodness, this is going to be interesting.
Just wait, everyone. Kate likely won't be at the Stir very long and then the articles can get back to their usual snark on Kate. As long as their sites are interrelated, the kindnesses will abound. Kind of like having a cousin you dislike showing up for Christmas, but you have to be nice to her anyway.
I think the reason Jon has nothing to show for it is Jon's fault. He made choices that, in the end, caused him to lose a lot in the divorce, both personally and professionally. He did receive money from the division of assets - they were just eaten up by his extravagant (at the time) lifestyle and his child support payments. He likely didn't want the house - that house was always Kate's dream and probably not his. In fact, when they moved, if memory serves, the marriage was already over. I think that was confirmed by the presence of a bed in the basement of the Elizabethtown home. Personally, since the E-town house hadn't sold when they first divorced, I would have just asked for that and left her with the mansion. But again, I don't think he was thinking long term. I think he was thinking "I need cash. Fast."
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Jon's a bad guy. I think he's probably very nice (having never met him, I this is just a guess). He appears to love his kids and tries to interact with them and develop a relationship with them. He seems pretty laid back which I think the kids need in contrast to their mom but I think it's a personality trait that also doesn't help him all that much in the work force.
Jon strikes me as the kind of guy who was likely spoiled growing up (various family/friend sources have confirmed that his dad denied his three sons nothing growing up and perhaps not much was expected of him on the homefront (i.e. chores, etc.) and, like many - NOT ALL, just a generalization - didn't really have a very clear direction in his life, career wise. He probably fell into doing IT work and has stuck with it as it's something he knows and it pays better than waiting tables or putting up solar panels. But is it his passion? I doubt it.
I'm not sure if Jon is working right now or not. It really doesn't matter in the long run. That's his private business. The way it should be, imo.
Jon is not perfect and I think he'd be the first person to admit that. He seems like a nice guy who does the best he knows how for his kids. I wish him all the best.
Found this on the Stir - Eye roll is right.
Well, sigh, it's not like M&C have to worry - not that many people bought or read "I Just Want You to Know"
They should have responded "Yeah? Well, we'll write a book too, mommy. "We Just Want Back All Our Dough".
If ya give it, Khate, you gotta take it.
and the hits keep coming:
RT @iAmTheWiseOne: Be yourself. People don't have to like you, but you don't have to care.
Of course people do not have to like you and yes, people should be themselves if they are living a life which is honest and not harmful to others (or themselves). These two things encompass life.
Do I expect everyone in the world to like me? Well, of course not. Am I myself?, I sure as heck do my very very best to be me. Do I care when people do not like me? Hell yeah...I ask myself, is there something I can do, change or improve upon to make myself a better person overall. Some folks just never connect. And that is life.
Employment is one area where you need to care. Ever wonder why some can't get a job or keep a job regardless of experience, education or even looks? Ever wonder why some can't maintain or even enjoy a personal relationship.
KK really does need to CARE...of course, all the therapy in the universe will not help her unless she is able to come around, admit it, accept it and do whatever it takes to mend herself. IMO, she needs psychiatric intervention. You can't truly help others if you can't help yourself.
she lacks in character and has no inner strength..I could go on and on.
Those poor kids.
ROTFL!!!!!Good one.
I choose not to click on the Stir website because it might - might - give Kate a better
number. If I'm going to read something from there, I need it copied and pasted here, assuming that's legal.
"“The book is almost finished going through the re-editing process and will be released in hardcover as well as ebook format,” Robert tells The Huffington Post. “I’m actually enjoying the fact that Kate has been staying out of the news. Perhaps it's the calm before the storm.”"
Did everyone see this from Naughty but Nice Rob?
Kate Gosselin Expose: Reworked Ebook Manuscript To Be Released
Naughty but Nice Rob says:
Kate Gosselin might have won the first battle in her effort to halt the sale of a nasty ebook being written about her -- but she hasn't yet won the war.
In October 2012, Kate successfully halted the sale of the ebook, in which writer Robert Hoffman (a friend of Kate's ex-husband Jon) alleged that the reality TV star and mom of eight "fooled the world." Now, Robert has come back with a re-edited version of the story, he says, and he warns it's still full of bombshells.
“The book is almost finished going through the re-editing process and will be released in hardcover as well as ebook format,” Robert tells The Huffington Post. “I’m actually enjoying the fact that Kate has been staying out of the news. Perhaps it's the calm before the storm.”
The book was removed after only two days on Amazon when lawyers intervened, claiming confidential emails were being published. At the time, Robert told The Huffington Post that he was “trying to regroup … and certainly don't want to do anything illegal.”
Since then, Robert has met with his attorneys -- and he plans to move forward with a reworked manuscript, he said.
“Anyone that thinks Kate will let someone attack her and her family should think again,” a friend of Kate’s says. “This book has many problems with it and is something that she will fight no matter how many times it gets re-edited.”
Naughty But Nice Rob announces...
"Kate Gosselin Expose: Reworked Ebook Manuscript To Be Released"
You go, Robert!
New article on Huff Post re Robert and the book:
Naughty But Nice Rob
Kate Gosselin Expose: Reworked Ebook Manuscript To Be Released
Posted: 01/30/2013 3:34 pm EST
Kate Gosselin might have won the first battle in her effort to halt the sale of a nasty ebook being written about her -- but she hasn't yet won the war.
In October 2012, Kate successfully halted the sale of the ebook, in which writer Robert Hoffman (a friend of Kate's ex-husband Jon) alleged that the reality TV star and mom of eight "fooled the world." Now, Robert has come back with a re-edited version of the story, he says, and he warns it's still full of bombshells.
“The book is almost finished going through the re-editing process and will be released in hardcover as well as ebook format,” Robert tells The Huffington Post. “I’m actually enjoying the fact that Kate has been staying out of the news. Perhaps it's the calm before the storm.”
The book was removed after only two days on Amazon when lawyers intervened, claiming confidential emails were being published. At the time, Robert told The Huffington Post that he was “trying to regroup … and certainly don't want to do anything illegal.”
Since then, Robert has met with his attorneys --and he plans to move forward with a reworked manuscript, he said.
“Anyone that thinks Kate will let someone attack her and her family should think again,” a friend of Kate’s says. “This book has many problems with it and is something that she will fight no matter how many times it gets re-edited.”
Let's face it- Kate has no shame.. ever. The boys are yucky, Alexis got expelled, Maddie was " a problem" and eventually Cara as well on the RV trip. Who wasn't a problem for Kate- Hannah and Leah. 2 of the 8.
She has no normal adult interaction, is now best buds with her tweens, but has no clue what it takes to be a parent to her 8 count 'em 8 kids, as she has made everything about HER, including making Jon a villian. Make no mistake, Jon had issues, but seems to care more about the kids, rather than himself. He does need to grow up and provide for his kids, to the best of his ability. But he is a far better person than naricisstic Kate will ever be. JMO. He does, however, need to grow up and support the kids.
Kate on the other hand, considers her kids fodder to support herself, and will NEVER stop, as she has had a dose of fame and will NEVER get over herself. She is one of the laziest people I have ever seen, that thinks she is owed something. The constant grifting is just one small example of her belief that she is owed something each and every day. Someone, not sure who, but these kids' private schooling was gifted to the kids and trust me, it was not Kate. May have been an "anonymous" donor but Kate will NEVER EVER admit to that.
Kate tries to claim as much credit as she can while doing as little as possible. She has no adult friends, no family she relates to, and no friends she can discuss parenting issues with.
Truth be told, it is all about Kate presenting her image of what she "thinks" parenting should be. Her show eliminated so many good practices that both she and Jon should have employed,but of course, Kate always knew the best.
Go Robert! I bought the first ebook, I will buy the second ebook, AND I will also buy the hardcover book!! (I'm giddy....can't wait till my other comments are posted to say GO ROBERT, GO!!)
Melissa NV said... 89
Naughty But Nice Rob announces...
"Kate Gosselin Expose: Reworked Ebook Manuscript To Be Released"
Happy dance!! Hope Robert will let us know if it can be pre-ordered. Just checked his website, nothing yet.
This is great news about Robert re-releasing the book! We know he has to remove the confidentiality/trade secret document stuff, but I wonder if he'll be adding any new goodies.
Can't wait! Kate can continue to pretend this doesn't exist, but I'm glad she can't stop it.
Melissa NV said... 89
Naughty But Nice Rob announces...
"Kate Gosselin Expose: Reworked Ebook Manuscript To Be Released"
You go, Robert!
Now we know why she's been so quiet lately, it's the calm before the storm. She knew Robert was re-editing the book and once edited, she has to accept it for what it is. There's not much her lawyers can do. She's probably shi--ing bricks right now.
You go Robert!
Go Robert! wonder what more there can be...sort of hope nothing re: kids and pets or any victims of her maneuvers, but more her lies and greed.
So happy to hear this news about the book! I must admit that I've been worried about what's been going on with Robert, and it is so good to hear that he is moving forward in getting this book published.
Great news!! You go, Robert! I wonder if someone would be kind enough to post the link to Robert's website. I had it bookmarked, but my computer crashed just after the first of the year and I lost all my links and bookmarks. I've been slowly but surely rebuilding them, but I haven't been able to get them all back so far. TIA!
Remona Blue said... 87
Did everyone see this from Naughty but Nice Rob?
Thanks for finding and posting this!
“Anyone that thinks Kate will let someone attack her and her family should think again,” a friend of Kate’s says. “This book has many problems with it and is something that she will fight no matter how many times it gets re-edited.”
I wonder if this "friend" of Kate's is Deanna.
PatK said... 98
''..........Can't wait! Kate can continue to pretend this doesn't exist, but I'm glad she can't stop it.''
I remember when Robert said that if KK called him a liar he would take HER to court. I remember, and if KK still has two working brain cells to rub together, she'd better remember too!! (Though I will admit that I'm sort of hoping she will call him a liar, and bring the whole shebang down on her own head!)
readerlady: This is the one I have-
Leah was also problem enough to be spanked outdoors with her skirt up, for all to see in tabloids.
Readerlady said... 102
''Great news!! You go, Robert! I wonder if someone would be kind enough to post the link to Robert's website.''
Here is the link, but there is nothing there about the newest development....yet! I don't know how to make it 'clickable'.
I wonder if this "friend" of Kate's is Deanna.
Or Milo. Who else is left?
“Anyone that thinks Kate will let someone attack her and her family should think again,” a friend of Kate’s says. “This book has many problems with it and is something that she will fight no matter how many times it gets re-edited.”
Look out, kids, your hard-earned dollars are going to attorneys! Kate screwed up. She wrote down her thoughts and then carelessly discarded the journal. Kate has only herself to thank for this. If she thinks she's being attacked, it's her own darn fault. Next time she should be careful what she writes and where she disposes of it. This time it's costing her big bucks to take care of the mess she created herself.
Just by the mere fact that Kate gosselin has not denied nor negated anything about Robert's first book clarifies to me that Robert told the truth....when she was first asked about it on Katie Couric, all Kate G. Did was break out in hives and say she wasn't allowed to talk about it because the lawyers told her not to. You can be assured that if anyone had lied about me I would shout it to anyone that would listen...,there has not been one peep from her which to me means she believes Robert's "promise" and is an admission to the truth that he wrote in his book....I mean you have to admit, for a woman with the "gift of gab" who literally can't help putting her big Flintstone foot in her mouth on an almost daily basis, she sure seems to be tongue-tied about defending herself. CANNOT wait for the revised new book...I hope it's not as repetitive or disjointed as the first one though...go Robert!
PatK said... 98
This is great news about Robert re-releasing the book! We know he has to remove the confidentiality/trade secret document stuff, but I wonder if he'll be adding any new goodies.
Can't wait! Kate can continue to pretend this doesn't exist, but I'm glad she can't stop it.
The story of kk is like the Horror version of 'The Neverending Story'.
While the re-release of the book will put Kate front and center again, at least more people will be able to read for themselves what's in there, in Kate's own words. She may just lose some of her "124,000" tweeties.
I will bet that Robert Hoffman got pi**ed that Kate's lawyers pulled the book and he has now added more stuff that he said he had in this rewrite that was not in the first edition. This would serve her right. Now there will be more publicity in a bad way. If she were not afraid, she would be like Kris Jenner and deny all allegations.
Oh, good for Robert. The drama deepens. I will buy that book again, certainly.
Kate needs to duck and run for cover.
I bought the first edition of Robert's book and will also be buying the revised one and the hardback just to support him in his efforts. I stongly believe a bright light needs to be shone into what these children and pets have endured. If it were a family not known from TV I would still want that light revealing the truth.
I wonder if CafeMom knows about this new release!
"This book has many problems with it..."
Notable for its absence: "This book is filled with lies."
It's hard to skirt the obvious--which is, of course, that Kate's position is indefensible. #HIK
Not trying to be conspiracy theorist here....One can't help but notice that kk's TL numbers and twittees (from twazzup)has changed dramtically since the weekend. I am refering to her diehard fans, 6 or so. They rarely post like they used to. I esp. saw this Sat (even during the twit party)and even all day today, pretty much zilch. Are there private twitter accounts for kk and her gang of boot lickers? Perhaps only the shadow knows
I noticed that too. It's a problem because the book exposes lies and child abuse. Nothing about how the book is a lie. Ha.
I am wondering if we can lose the original ebook with all the stuff he is editing out? Can they swap it out of the free PC kindle thing? I never know what all technology can do now days. I would want to keep that first one more than the newer one.
The stupid sheeple will claim it ia all lies but hopefully the ones on the fence will finally realize what a shrew she is.
I hope everyone down south is ok. I had bad snow today but that is much easier to take than tornadoes!
..I mean you have to admit, for a woman with the "gift of gab" who literally can't help putting her big Flintstone foot in her mouth on an almost daily basis, she sure seems to be tongue-tied about defending herself.
One would think that if it were a book of lies, any normal person would be shouting from the rooftops that she/he is innocent of all charges. However, and I am NOT defending Kate, her attorneys may have told her that even if there are lies in the book, keep your mouth shut for once in your life and don't say a thing because it will only open you up for questioning, criticism and more allegations. And for the first time in her life she may have listened to them because she knows what a tangled web she would weave if she said anything at all. She'd never be able to get out of that mess.
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 I know. I'm really dreading it.. And making jokes to make them think I'm not lol
Yup, she reads here and sees the non-fan tweets. Time for damage control, Kate!
Why shouldn't the twins know she is dreading them moving out? That's normal. Kids will move out anyway. She makes no sense. Kids are people too who want to be missed just like adults.
I don't know...it must be me and my strange sense of humor, but I found this tweet really funny.
@Kateplusmy8 If you could meet one person dead or living who would it be and why?
There are no dead people I would like to meet. I would imagine the conversation would be very one-sided.
If you paid for an ebook once, you do not have to pay for it again. Contribute to RH directly but paying Amazon twice is not neccessary.
Of course she wouldn't want the twins to move out at 18. Who else is going to wrangle the 16 year old littles for free?
Jane said... 121
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 I know. I'm really dreading it.. And making jokes to make them think I'm not lol
Yup, she reads here and sees the non-fan tweets. Time for damage control, Kate!
Oh yeah, sure.
Kate's dreading it so much that she laughed her ass off telling that STUPID "joke" to her daughters.
So Kate purposely torments her children?
She's more of a clod than I originally thought.
Thanks for the link, Formerly and Remona. If Robert's book is coming out in hardcover too, there's likely been a certain amount of professional editing done. At least I hope so. Eliminating the repetition would go a long way to making the book more readable. I'll certainly buy it again.
Kate has a FB account? Or is IPhillyChitChat trying to poke her with a stick?
iPhillyChitChat Could you unblock me since you've friended me on FB. Also when will Celebrity Wife Swap be on? Thanks @Kateplusmy8
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 122
''Why shouldn't the twins know she is dreading them moving out? That's normal. Kids will move out anyway. She makes no sense. Kids are people too who want to be missed just like adults.''
Admin......I think that the answer to your question is that KK has no idea what is or is not normal. She simply doesn't know, which is why she makes no sense to so many of us. KK got flack for proudly telling her ''joke'', so she figured out that people didn't think it was funny (though she has no idea why). The best she could come up with was to say the opposite of what people objected to.
Think of all the things that 'normal' people think, feel, and do. All those things KK will never experience. If you stop to really think about what the hell goes on in her mind, it is pretty sad.
I wonder if The Stir saw that tweet about the twins and told her to get her butt on Twitter and "explain" herself. She didn't sound like a warm, loving mom in that tweet. If so, imagine what they'll have to deal with when Robert's book comes out.
I don't understand why she's so preoccupied with them moving out anyway. They are TWELVE. They aren't even teens yet!
Live in the moment. Don't live in the past, don't live in the future. And these days, just so she knows, if the economy continues the way it is, many of these kids are going to want to live there for years after 18. That is also pretty normal these days.
In my opinion this is the perfect PR statement to make when someone releases some information you are a child abuser. That is, assuming it's not true or your accuser is dead and can't be libeled:
"Jenner's publicist told the New York Daily News, "we have no knowledge of these diaries existing and these accusations are ridiculous and not true.""
If it IS true, well, you can't say that can you or you are the one libeling.
Improbable Dreams said... 130
Kate has a FB account? Or is IPhillyChitChat trying to poke her with a stick?
iPhillyChitChat Could you unblock me since you've friended me on FB. Also when will Celebrity Wife Swap be on? Thanks @Kateplusmy8
He's the one who was talked out of printing what he saw at that Red Cross party she attended with Stevie, right? There are several Kate and Gosselin-related Facebook accounts but only the TLC one was legit - if it's even still there.
"Kate has a FB account? Or is IPhillyChitChat trying to poke her with a stick?"
I forgot about that guy. Wasn't he supposed to tell some big secret and then clammed up and went away? What was the story behind that?
Admin......I think that the answer to your question is that KK has no idea what is or is not normal. She simply doesn't know, which is why she makes no sense to so many of us. KK got flack for proudly telling her ''joke'', so she figured out that people didn't think it was funny (though she has no idea why). The best she could come up with was to say the opposite of what people objected to.
YOu know that's very true and all goes back to narcissism. Narcissists have to pretend and imitate normal human behaviors because they lack the intuitiveness themselves.
For instance, Kate always talking about the kids gathered around the table telling her "thank you mommy we love your cooking!" because she saw that on T.V. once on Seventh Heaven and so imitates it.
This gets to the heart of why some people have NO CLUE that some people are raging narcissists behind closed doors, why even some children will deny it when other children say their lives were a living hell Because some can get very good at imitating appropriate socially acceptable behavior--turn it on and off. But Kate is so stunted she can't even play the part. Fascinating.
Remember when the sheeple said but please I doubt Kate even has time to keep a diary!
Except, Kate herself said she kept a Diary in I Just Want You to Know! Ha, oh burn. I'm not a diary person, but if I had six kids at once, I think I would try to hardest to keep one.
Seems to me that more than one person suggested her recent Twitter silence (with the busy-busy-busy drive-by tweets) meant one of two things:
a) she was filming, or somehow involved in the production work; or
b) she was battling something in court.
Ingrid, normally, when a revised version of a Kindle book comes out, Amazon sends an email to the purchasers. You have to request the update, it doesn't happen automatically. Of course, there's a first time for everything. It doesn't matter if you have a Kindle or have the free Kindle app on your computer or another device. All "owners" are treated the same.
readerlady, I bought the first ebook, and downloaded it to my computer. I want to buy the revised ebook too. I'll be able to do that if I want to, right? The one downloaded to my computer won't also be revised, will it? (It is obvious that I'm only computer/Kindle semi-literate...so please excuse my denseness!)
Thanks readerlady. I would much rather keep the unedited version with all the 'dirt' LOL
Great timing. I started reading Hoffman's book again last night. It was a hard read the first time and not much easier this go round. Both in terms of writing and stomaching truths we had formerly only speculated about. I remmember racing through the first reading, worried that Amazon was going to delete it.
I'm anxious to read the new one, hopefully it will be written with the assistance of a professional editor. I love Robert for what he's exposed, and he's denying himself a great book by doing it on his own. Wouldn't you think Dana (his wife) would have expressed pretty strong feelings about what he put out the first time?
The best part is that if Kate calls him a liar, he will expose more.
I'm still in the early stages of my second read and I'm left liking Jon very little, too.
Can't wait to read the new edition and see if we gain new insights.
I have a question. Is anyone follwing the Leann Rimes/Brandi wars?
I'm just starting and finding it hard to have any respect for either of them.
I'm collecting some extra zzzz's tonight... Good night friends! Chat with you tomorrow....:) XO
So Kate goes to bed at 8:30 p.m. If she had an 8 to 5 job like hundreds of thousands of moms in the real world, her job at home would just be beginning after her eight children had gone to bed. She has no idea how those in the real world spend their days and nights.
Why does she feel the need to tell her tweeties that she's going to bed?
Is it possible to own both versions on your kindle?
I don't want to lose the original, but so want to read the new one. Besides, we'd be adding to the sales if we bought more.
Wouldn't it be considered a rare luzury to go to bed at eigth-thirty is you were the mom of even one child?
Her reality is not one I can understand.
Tink - I caught Leann on Jimmy Kimmel last week and came away thinking that she was deeply troubled. I haven't followed her story, though. There's a Jimmy Kimmel You Tube channel where they most likely posted the interview. He had some tough questions for her.
Nice to see you :)
Jane, I saw that, too. I agree that she seems very unstable.
As a newbie on the topic, my first impressions are that Leann is troubled and easily traumatized. By circumstance and choice.
Brandi seems manipulative and knows how to push buttons.
I've yet to pick a side but am curious if anyone else has.
Kate has become boring. I think that's the ultimate insult to someone who was so polarizing.
Tink said... 147
''Wouldn't it be considered a rare luzury to go to bed at eigth-thirty is you were the mom of even one child?
Her reality is not one I can understand.''
Yes, going to bed at 8:30 IS a luxury for a mother...no matter how many children you have. Maybe the children are with their father. Or her ''babysitter'' is taking care of the children while their mother retires to her bedroom with her box of wine!!
Tink, Kate wasn't really going to bed. She says that all the time just so her fans won't wonder why she isn't tweeting them. She's busy drinking her box-o-wine and trying to figure out what she's going to do about Robert's book!
I vote for the box 'o wine.
She's got to be fuming that she hasn't been able to destroy Hoffman. With the caveot that she can't call him a liar.
GiGi said... 151
''Tink, Kate wasn't really going to bed. She says that all the time just so her fans won't wonder why she isn't tweeting them. She's busy drinking her box-o-wine and trying to figure out what she's going to do about Robert's book!''
I think you've almost got it. KK is locked in her bedroom, drinking her box of wine, while running up massive ''billable hours'' with Laverne and Shirley....demanding to know what THEY are going to do about Robert's book!!!
The Laverne and Shirley name is probably the funniest thing I've ever read. Every time I see the law firm mentioned I think of it.
I think both Brandi and LeAnn are deeply troubled. The stuff they tweet and talk to the rags about should be kept private. Talk about airing dirty laundry. They need to stop trying to one up each other and put those 2 boys first. Eddie is no better. That's my opinion.
Remona & Tink -- Usually, you can't buy a book twice for Kindle. If you try to purchase it a second time, you get a message from Amazon that you already own it. Only when a book is in the public domain, say a classic like "The Scarlet Letter", when there are different publishers and different editions, you can buy it more than once. I don't know what the new version of Robert's book will be like. It could have a different name/be traditionally published--any number of possibilities exist. You MAY be able to buy it twice. You may not be able to. Just be careful and aware of the possibilities before you make a second purchase or download the revised edition if you want to keep the original. personally, I'll probably buy the DTB version the second time around. That way I'll be sure to have both.
readerlady said... 156
''Remona & Tink -- Usually, you can't buy a book twice for Kindle. If you try to purchase it a second time, you get a message from Amazon that you already own it''............''I'll probably buy the DTB version the second time around. That way I'll be sure to have both.''
Thanks for the response, readerlady. ''DTB'' means dead tree book....in other words, hardcover, right? I will do as you suggest.
Tink. Welcome. Love the name. It brings back great memories of a sorority rush skit parody of Peter Pan. That was so long ago, but the memories of it are clear.
Thanks for the memories!
I've been thinking about Kate laughing at her joke about wanting the kids to GO, and then coming back and doing damage control. This wasn't the first time she threw it up in their faces about wanting them out of her life. She did it in Alaska during the camping trip, and she told them in NYC that she was going to leave them with strangers. What kind of messages are the kids getting? That she'd abandon them in a heartbeat, and is so anxious for them to leave that she'd write a book about it?
What Mother does this...even if it's joking? These are little kids who look to their mother for comfort, support, reassurance and protection, not to hear her say that she just wants them to go.
Then she's dumb enough to tweet this. She's nuts.
I am a jokester and will laugh at anything. But there are certain things that just aren't funny. And some of those things are jokes about abandoning your child or hurting them.
I don't care who what where or why you made the joke, a child's stability is easily shaken and it's cruel to plant insecurities in their heads.
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I follow this trainwreck, off and on, and love to read the comments here.
I haven't seen any of the outings but my guess is they involve people who have engaged in the facebook/twitter wars. When you act like an adolescent, expect other to react to you in the same manner.
I'm going to purchase Robert's DTB to assure I don't lose the first one. I appreciate the suggestion and all the comments here.
What's funny about joking about abandoning your child? In what world is that considered humorous?
It's late for me and I'll be signing off for the night.
Thanks for being nice to someone who jumped in to this blog without much forethought.
Cool ladies!
I've never thought of Kate as a witty person at all. Quite the opposite: completely humorless. If she is "cracking a joke", it's usually mean-spirited and at someone's expense. Her sad attempts at self-deprecation are usually thinly veiled attempts at fishing for compliments. She also seems to be getting more stupid with time, much less with it than when their show started. She is downright dense these days. I'm guessing she is becoming more addled by her mental illness and perhaps substance abuse. I wonder if inpatient treatment is in her future.
Katie Cry-duh said... 165
I agree with you 100%. Having a good sense of humor is one trait I look for in people. kk comes in at a <0 for me.
She has made it obvious that she is a wine drinker, doesn't make her an alcoholic. However, IMO, she probably does self-medicate.
I love Face Off on SyFy channel. This well in judging the makeup artists creations, Glenn Hetrick, one of the judges had a great line.
”It punches you in the face with how bad it sucks.”
Perfect critique for do much of what Ms Kreider produces.
DWTS performance? ”It punches you in the face with how bad it sucks.”
Blog entry? ”It punches you in the face with how bad it sucks.”
Sarcastic jokes? ”It punches you in the face with how bad it sucks.”
Ms Kreider is boring, imagining Glenn Hertrick giving her this critique is amusing.
Tink welcome, you've lovely. Just one thing I disagree with, as far as I can tell, anyone or most anyone who was "outed" here had nothing to do with the twitter wars or other social media wars. Seems to me those folks have all played in our sandbox politely and never tried to hurt anyone else much less even cared about the stupid blog wars. It was an unwarranted, unprovoked attack, in my opinion. Even when attacked few even fought back publicly, further lending credibility to my statement that they never had anything to do with the "wars."
Joy lol great way to say something sucks.
I know many people that like a glass of wine at night, maybe once or twice a week, which is me, or every night, which is others. None of them are necessarily alcoholics. However, what I find interesting, is that most people I know who are social or casual drinkers but don't have a problem, rarely talk about drinking. They just do it.
For someone who so often is talking about drinking, it almost strikes me as some kind of overcompensation. As in, well if I'm so open about alcohol and talk about it a lot and leave bottles of wine out in the open on my dresser in the background of twitter photos, then no one will ever dare suggest I could have a problem. Who has a problem like this and flaunts it out in the open???
Folks are onto these people, though. They're not fooling anyone.
Remember that email to Steve's wife about how she promises to keep the alcohol in check this time? That was embarrassing.
Katie Cry-Duh said ...
Her sad attempts at self-deprecation are usually thinly veiled attempts at fishing for compliments
I remember when she thought she had cracked a funny she would open her mouth wide and look at someone behind the camera to get her validation that it was oh-so-clever.
Joy Behar does the same thing on the View. She's a standup comedian and when she says something "witty" she immediately looks at the audience for confirmation that it was.
Yeah except Joy Behar is actually witty sometimes. And she's our ally, sees RIGHT through Kate.
It was mere hours after Joy asked her if she should try being a lesbian that Kate was caught speeding 88 mph. Somebody got to her!
All due respect but you don't know who those people are behind their twitter names. Have you learned nothing? Catfish ring a bell?
Your posters aren't innocent virginal, dewy flowers.
Honestly, the know-it-all attitude is SO annoying and, yes, I too am leaving.
Khater, I said it "seems" that the posters in question have stayed here and not on twitter, and that in my "opinion" it was unprovoked. I never suggested I know for sure, so the know-it-all comment is a little out of line especially when I was so careful to qualify my post by saying this is my perception and opinion. The fact is you are right, no one knows who is behind what twitter name. I can only give people the benefit of the doubt when they say they don't harass Kate on twitter. There is no Catfishing going on here--no one deserves to be outed even if they are nasty on twitter. There are appropriate ways to report someone misbehaving on Twitter to their admins. Posting names of relatives it not one of them. Are you saying people who behave nastily on twitter deserve to be outed? I cannot agree, neither side.
Sorry to see you go Khater. I don't get what the problem is, but apparently it has affected you in a deep way. I wish you well.
Joy Behar. It depends on what day of the week it is how I feel about her. I don't watch the View a lot, and when I do I only watch the hot topics segment. (Don't care a thing about the celebrities, etc.) Joy can make me laugh, but often I just find her annoying. On her annoying days I see her turning the audience more consistently, as if she knows it's not her
best day and she needs to feel the love. Kate was never funny and really needed to feel the love.
I just had to stop by and say GO ROBERT!!!! So very happy with this news~!
Surprised that some of our posters are confused about the context of Jon's tweet and quotes at:
This was a story about his breakup with Ellen--nothing to do with Kate, as this was said in 2012. The context is that a relationship was interrupting his focus on the kids.
Unless, I'm missing something here, it seems pretty clear.
Khater said...
Your posters aren't innocent virginal, dewy flowers.
Honestly, the know-it-all attitude is SO annoying and, yes, I too am leaving.
Wel, if the shoe fits...
Maybe I'm missing something. I'm not seeing anywhere in that article he is implying that breaking up with Ellen freed him up to spend more time with his kids. He said he is enjoying being a single DAD, which he was with or without a girlfriend, not that he is enjoying being a single GUY i.e. being single has allowed him time with his kids--that's not what he said. He also said he is enjoying meeting new people and is extremely busy, which doesn't line up with this idea that he is implying that being a single GUY gives him more time with and focus on his kids. If anything he makes himself sound stretched thin girlfriend or not.
And what's more, I really don't think Jon would make an implication that Ellen took his focus away from his kids. He never said a bad word about her and the breakup appeared to be a positive, non-contentious one. Blaming not spending time with or focus on his kids on her is unfair and extremely out of character. To me that article says, my focus is my kids. Not, my focus is suddenly on my kids now, as in this is a new thing.
On my way to bed, but had to comment on kate's so called joke.
You had better watch what comes out of your big mouth, kate, how you talk about your daughters needing to go when they turn 18. My daughter got cancer when she turned 18, and died when she was barely 20. I would give ANYTHING to have her living back with me. Anything. I loved and cherished her, so I really hate the way you talk about your kids being such a bother and money-drain on poor, poor you. Not much of a christian anymore, are you kate?
Khater...oh, good grief.
Ex-nurse..thanks for reminding me of the context in which that was said. I think I took it the same as admin...being a single dad, not a single guy. Maybe not what he meant, but it's how I took it at the time.
I thought he meant when he was married his focus had to be 100% on Kate, now that he was single, he could focus on the kids instead. The interruptions he was referring to was Kate micromanaging him.
He couldn't focus on the kids because she thought everything he did was wrong, and she sucked all the life out of anything. She didn't let him enjoy the kids.
She hated every moment that he had fun with them and wasn't paying attention to her. Remember the time he went skating down the road, and the kids thought it so much fun, and she nearly had a heart attack?
Or the pumpkin carving time? Everybody's having a good time with Jon doing that, and out of nowhere Kate swoops in and makes them all stop, for no apparent reason other than she couldn't stand them having a good time with Jon.
Just my opinion.
Speaking of focus...my spouse (unfortunately) is very much like Kate. If my focus isn't on him, he acts up until it is.
Two weeks ago my nephew's life partner died of unknown causes in his sleep, at a young age. My spotlight has been with my brother and my nephew, as we traveled to the funeral, made arrangements, etc.
Guess who developed chest pains on Sunday and had to be taken to the ER? Yep. Where's the spotlight now? Or...where did he hope it would be?
He pulled that stunt the week my mom was dying and I was immersed in her care. He also pulled it the week my young sister-in-law was dying and I was caring for her children and my brother.
He just can't stand it if I'm not focused on him, and will do whatever it takes to get my focus back. Start a fight, threaten divorce, stomp out of the house, roar off in the car, throw things around, have chest pains.
However, you can only cry wolf so many times before people start saying, "Whatever."
And then he wonders why my focus now is hardly ever him.
I think that's what happened to Jon. He just stopped caring.
I interpreted the Radar article the same way you did, ie: that since the breakup Jon's time with the kids was now 'uninterrupted'.
“I am doing great, moving on with my life, focusing on my kids and my businesses,” Jon told Star magazine exclusively. “I’m in a much better place in my life … right now, I’m just hanging out with friends, meeting new people and trying to focus on my kids."
“Being a single dad with no interruptions has really brought me closer to my children: I really feel being a single dad has improved my self-awareness and well-being.”
Admin@ 138
And Jon specifically says on the Disney trip episode that he brought the laptop so she could journal or whatever.
Wow, talk about playing both sides of the fence! Here, the low-brow, modern-day version of Shakespeare ["After all, Julius Caesar is an honorable man..." the statesman says with a smirk, as the assassins lurk in the shadows].
From CelebrityDirtyLaundry...
I guess it goes with the territory of being a single mom, and is exacerbated by the number of kids she has! We’ve been following Kate Gosselin pretty closely, and have been happy to note that she seems to be truly focused on providing her kids with a stable (read: reality TV crew free) home. Since her show ended, Kate has been focusing her energies on home repair, keeping in shape, and making sure her kids have varied activities and opportunities. All in all, she seems like a really great mom, if not a little tired.
Kate is under constant scrutiny, and we wonder if the new Kate will last long. It’s got to be exhausting playing Mama Martha Stewart seven days a week, but Kate does it with a smile and joke. That doesn’t mean the stress doesn’t get to her—we reported she may be on the verge of an identity crisis and breakdown. Kate, who just signed on with Café Mom to write a weekly blog, is nervous about her first set of twins entering their teenage years. She tweeted, “I told Mady&Cara this am that by the time they r 18 I’ll write another book&call it ‘I Just Want You To GO’ LOL I laughed so hard @ my joke!”
It would be easy to read a lot of negativity into that. For example, I could say that Kate is overworked and under-appreciated, disappointed in love, struggling to reassert herself and establish a career, and needs a mommy break. We could go so far as to say that, while she loves her kids, she thinks her 30-year-old self was crazy for having so many. Combined with other tweets and blog tidbits—forcing her kids to shovel snow, being called 73-years-old by her daughter, and being sick with no one to help her—it could seem like Kate is struggling to keep afloat and is genuinely on the verge of a full-blown crisis.
Instead, I’m going to take it at face value and assume that Kate is tired, but loves her kids, is happy in life, and keeps stress lighthearted with humor. Do you think Kate is a good mom?
I noticed that Kate is back to retweeting platitudes again. Doesn't she usually do that when something is not going her way? Does anyone see the irony in the one she retweeted this morning:
RT @iAmTheWiseOne: More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren’t so busy denying them.
hmmmm, I just took a gander at The Stir...under posts for kk, it shows 'NO POSTS' new or old. her first one seems to have disappeared...I can't find it on the site.
That was a quick lights turned on by the Stir
If he meant he has more focus on the kids now that he has broken up with Ellen, why didn't he simply say, "now that I've broken up with Ellen, I can focus on my kids."
Like Mel said maybe that is what he meant indeed, but it's not anything close to what he said.
hmmmm, I just took a gander at The Stir...under posts for kk, it shows 'NO POSTS' new or old. her first one seems to have disappeared...I can't find it on the site.
That was a quick lights turned on by the Stir
Really? And where is her new post? Hasn't it been over a week? I thought they said this was a weekly thing.
Thanks to the Stir I now know that Michael Lohan had a baby with Kate Major the other day. I had no idea she was pregnant. I feel enriched now.
Really!..I took a frsh look at the Stir, did a search on kk, her profile showed up but no posts , none whatsoever.
Mel, sorry you are going through that.
My impression of the situation is just as you said, Jon simply couldn't take it anymore. I mean he COULD NOT take it another second. It was just, I'm out, f-it whatever you want, take the house, take custody I am OUT. What drives a person to that point is surely something I've never experienced.
You can still find her listed on the author page and then her post shows up. Not sure why it's so hard to find any other way.
And again, where is her post this week???? It's THURSDAY already.
SaraMRN2010, GREAT CATCH. Totally don't remember that at all.
TxBR549Iam said... 187
hmmmm, I just took a gander at The Stir...under posts for kk, it shows 'NO POSTS' new or old. her first one seems to have disappeared...I can't find it on the site.
That was a quick lights turned on by the Stir
No such luck:
Really? And where is her new post? Hasn't it been over a week? I thought they said this was a weekly thing.
According to Naughty Rob her posts will come out on Thursdays.
Hm. It's Thursday.
Well, Kate's soooooooooooo busy perhaps she gets a break and is allowed to turn her masterpieces in late.
Her first post last week was posted at 12:31 ET, so it will probably be posted later. Any guess on what it will be about? Cute things my kids say? Taking care of 8 kids when I have a cold is a challenge? Look at what I'm doing for Valentine's Day?
The possibilities are endless. I wouldn't be surprised if she's re-reading her old CC posts and her old website posts looking for ideas. Since the CC posts are swiffered from CC, what's to prevent her from just recycling old stories?
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