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https://twitter.com/siMone_aLisa/status/295976855373234176/photo/1 |
The Temple University organized event at noon today also features folks from Cake Boss and The Michael Vick Project, and will discuss legal issues in reality T.V.
749 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 749 of 749 Newer› Newest»About Alison's post LHOTP career-- two words; Danny Bonaduce. That she didn't turn into this train wreck speaks volumes.
In other news, we've got a dusting of snow and it's squalling right now. So pretty! I love that the birds come to my feeders in droves when the snow covers their food sources. I've seen visitors that don't come that often; red bellied woodpecker, red finch, downy woodpecker and the usual suspects of course, titmouse, wrens, chickadees and nuthatches.
Mourning doves are brutal bullies!
Admin, for future documentaries to discuss, I suggest you seriously consider HOOP DREAMS. It follows two Chicago teens thru their high school years, playing basketball with hopes of getting college scholarships and then being in the NBA. It's older, from 1994, and Rotten Tomatoes tomatometer gives it a98% positive rating. It it's about a lot more than basketball, and concerns adolescents, fits the reality kids category.
I too, always felt that profanities tend to diminish whatever one is trying to say. Instead making a stronger statement, it weakens what the person is trying to illustrate.
Do I swear? Of course I do (especially when I am pms-ing!!), but I keep it to a minnimum. When I am mad or frustrated I tend to let things slip out (even the F-bomb on occaision). But I know it only makes me look bad, so I try to do it in private.
Thank you Admin and others who shared all the snow stories, enjoyed reading the pros and cons.
I still hope one day I will get the chance to experience a beautiful winter wonderland. It's going on my bucket list.
JoyinVirginia, I like your idea. 2011 sure did show us the smarts of Coach Smart!(also Butler's coach from the previous year) I also like Jane's idea of some Super Bowl chat. I have no idea what I am going to fix foodwise.
Re: Hits to a website. If you don't want to add multiple hits to the Stir/kk's bog or any website, just click once then you can minimize the screen and if you want to go back, then refresh the page...it is not a hit but called 'a unique view' and does not count as new hit.
This blog is simply too civilized for many of the non-fans. Those are the ones that have left this blog and turned their venom on admin and some of our regulars. Haterz hating...what a shock!
And my question is why. Why, out of the blue, have other blogs turned into a tirade against 15 Minutes? What has this blog, and admin done in order to deserve it? This blog hasn't done anything to THEM, or trashed THEM or their administrator. What caused this venom, ridicule, sarcasm, and bashing of this blog to the point that post after post is a slam at posters here, with the copying and pasting of posts, identifying individual posters here in order to pick them apart? What is the point?
I find it hard to believe that Alison Arngrim isn't jealous of her former co-star's. After what 30-40 years this is the only claim to fame she has?
Her stand up routine and book is pretty much everything LHOTP.
Did you read the book? She loves Little House and the doors it's opened for her. She has done tons with AIDS activism and child abuse. She has done a lot more testimony than just with Murt. She voluntarily left acting. She hasn't been out there trying to be famous. I don't sense one iota of jealousy from her. None. She got therapy at 22 and is a happy, well adjusted, confident woman now.
Almost the entire casts' only claim to fame is that show, except Jason Bateman and Melissa Francis. Only a very few are better known for other things. She's not any different than anyone else from the cast.
Fido said...I guess it's just not something I do. I don't curse no matter who's saying what. That does not make me better, it just means I am so uncomfortable with it that even if it's everywhere around me I refuse to participate.
I don't like how it makes me feel. It's not at all natural for me.
Same here. I think if I ever said the f-word, or any of those other words, daily life here would freeze for a minute. The kids would look at me like I'm nuts, and I'd probably scare myself. It just doesn't feel natural to me. I'd probably have to laugh to hear myself saying those words out loud. That doesn't make me any better than anyone else, and I don't look down on anyone who curses. I just never grew up around that language, and neither did my husband, so it's out of character for anyone here to use it. We don't even say, "Oh, my God," it's always "Oh, my gosh." We're not religious fanatics or holier-than-thou people. It's just the way it is.
Remona Blue said... 186
Thanks for saying that so I didn't have to! I too believe obscenities are a valid second language and I am very fluent in that language! I guess one man's gosh, golly, darn is another man's fu€k.
Almost the entire casts' only claim to fame is that show, except Jason Bateman and Melissa Francis. Only a very few are better known for other things. She's not any different than anyone else from the cast.
Jason's career just keeps getting hotter. Well, he's pretty hot, so...
His new movie with Melissa McCarthy looks like a hoot.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
Scary,but this am went so smoothly that I had a chance2enjoy a cup of coffee&a bowl of cereal instead of inhaling it while shouting orders!
followed by:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@xxxxx haha 'shout' as in talk above the noise of 8 kids!Is it 'sad' when a school teacher talks loud? Nope.Smile--life is meant 2b enjoyed!
There is a huge difference in shouting and talking loud. Surely she has no problem commanding their attention......just flash that ole wooden spoon.
We're not religious fanatics or holier-than-thou people. It's just the way it is.
Yes I don't even think it is a religious argument. I think it just sounds vulgar to many people, and distracting. I hate the word moist, but not for religious reasons hehe. Just sounds nasty.
I hate shouters. I've never seen people who talk to kids, and adults, like regular people using 12 inch voices be any less effective.
What caused this venom, ridicule, sarcasm, and bashing of this blog to the point that post after post is a slam at posters here, with the copying and pasting of posts, identifying individual posters here in order to pick them apart?
When it gets old and there's nothing more to say, this, too shall pass!
In the meantime, just sit back with a cup of hot chocolate (with or without marshmallows and whipped cream) or something stronger, and celebrate the day, even if you're snowed in!
I readily admit to being able to cuss like a sailor...in the privacy of my mind and home, knowing when it is appropriate. In writing on blogs and such, many use the ole WTF for example....nothing wrong with that in my book and I bet we all know what WTF means.
A few years ago I started reading at Cafe Mom, just checking to see what was being posted. I joined a local group here in Slidell. Never really went there again until recently. Popped over there about 6 months ago and requested to join another group. I had to answer certain questions as to why I want to read or post there. I mentioned that I just like to hear different views of the J&K situation.
Shortly after that, got an email that said "access denied". I emailed her back and asked why I was denied.
She wrote back saying "you ask why I am denying you access. I'll tell you why, because the last thing I need is another lurker! Emailed her back and called her a bitch.
I hate the word moist, but not for religious reasons hehe. Just sounds nasty.
lol, admin! I remember one of the fans on Twitter awhile back who was going on and on about the word "crotchety," saying she never used or, or allowed her kids to use it because she thought it was a dirty word and didn't like the sound of it. Turns out she didn't know the meaning of the word...that it was a perfectly good word and not cursing!
Aw Grand I hope you do get to see a winter wonderland sometime. It's not so bad if you don't have to shovel or scrape off a car.
There was a recent study that people who swear more are well above average intelligence. The next story was that Obama's approval rating has risen sharply since the inauguration. I'll believe the first before I believe the second.
I don't see amything wrong with visiting the school's website. It's public and not hurting anyone. The info is out there but maybe Kate will have them remove it like she did before. I doubt it though because this time she's a winner.
IMO Cara should not have won for her project simply because she didn't do it according to Kate's blog. Everything Kate says has to be taken with a grain of salt so it's hard to know what to believe. It was all about winning for her and did I read the prize was $2000 or was I dreaming? Seems like a lot of money.
As far as anyone contacting the school, so what? If they had been anyone elses kids they would have been permanently expelled rather than temporarily when the kids were physically abusing the teachers and other students. Of course that is not the fault of the kids, they do what they learn at home and from Kate they learned how to hit. The school seems to care more about the money they get than the kids just as Kate does. I think there are many things the school should have reported to CPS but chose not to. If I had children in that school I would contact them also. I know many other parents have made complaints about the Gosselin kids and Kate. Should eight kids dictate what other kids have to put up with? I don't think so.
I'm not against the Gosselin children, completely the opposite, but what's fair is fair and they are going to have to learn that one day. It would be easier on them to know that now rather than later. I hate what Kate does to them and wish they could live a normal life but that's never gonna happen. I'm in a piss poor mood today so maybe I'm going overboard just so sick of so many lies everywhere. With that said, I'm off to take out my frustration on a punching bag.
I don't think the school should be contacted under any circumstances. We don't have the slightest idea what they have done or not done for the kids. We do know they took the step of expelling two of them at one point, so it's not as if the school is oblivious to them.
At a certain point, people need to step back and just let the school do its job and trust that they will. I know schools don't always have the best track record of protecting kids, but they should not be disrupted just based on speculation. Imagine if you were one of those kids and knew that fans or non-fans were interacting with your school.
Everyone knows the name of the $chool where Khate Gro$$elin's brood of 8 kid$ go. I called the HEAD OF THE SCHOOL thi$ A.M. (his name is $teve, by the way... the irony), and I $poke to hi$ $ecretary. I told her about Khate'$ late$t blog with Café Mom which di$parages the $chool'$ parent$ and make$ them look petty and competitive. The admini$trator then looked at the blog, and it $ound$ like they are really fed up with Khate over there.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 20
Everyone knows the name of the $chool where Khate Gro$$elin's brood of 8 kid$ go. I called the HEAD OF THE SCHOOL thi$ A.M. (his name is $teve, by the way... the irony), and I $poke to hi$ $ecretary. I told her about Khate'$ late$t blog with Café Mom which di$parages the $chool'$ parent$ and make$ them look petty and competitive. The admini$trator then looked at the blog, and it $ound$ like they are really fed up with Khate over there.
Could you explain what you mean by "it sounds like they are really red up with Kate over there."
Did they express that specifically, indicate it with sighs, innuendo, anger in their voice, etc., ect., etc??
As far as anyone contacting the school, so what? If they had been anyone elses kids they would have been permanently expelled rather than temporarily when the kids were physically abusing the teachers and other students.
You don't know that, and unless you know what the school policy is, that's not a fair statement. It might very well be that each case is decided on an individual basis, and just because the Gosselins were allowed to return doesn't mean that any other child would have been permanently expelled.
"The school seems to care more about the money they get than the kids just as Kate does. I think there are many things the school should have reported to CPS but chose not to. If I had children in that school I would contact them also."
From what I understand, attrition is low, and for every student who leaves, there is one waiting to be admitted. The money would come from another paying student. You don't know what the school has reported to CPS, if anything, because the records are sealed. If you had children the school, why would you contact them? For what reason? What have the children or Kate done that would put your children in harm's way? I don't understand.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 20
Everyone knows the name of the $chool where Khate Gro$$elin's brood of 8 kid$ go. I called the HEAD OF THE SCHOOL thi$ A.M. (his name is $teve, by the way... the irony), and I $poke to hi$ $ecretary. I told her about Khate'$ late$t blog with Café Mom which di$parages the $chool'$ parent$ and make$ them look petty and competitive. The admini$trator then looked at the blog, and it $ound$ like they are really fed up with Khate over there.
I hope this is just another sh$t stirrer. It's one thing to view a public website, totally another thing to contact the school and harass the employees. School is probably a sanctuary for the kids, why disturb it.
See this is what is wrong with "checking out the website of the school" people take it the next step and CALL the school. That school has been a safe haven for the kids. They don't need truthers or sheeple calling the school. Frankly I am sure the school already knows what they are dealing with when it comes to Kate. They deal with her in real life.
I thought we were better than that. It sounds like something that the blog who is attacking Admin non stop would do.
Use your heads people. Don't do something just because you can.
OT Buyer and Seller Beware... A company in Austin which buys and sells used smartphones, and IPads online has been found to not pay up or send out products to folks. Bewoop.com owner has admitted to this. It goes beyond local activity.
Be sure to do your homework before participating in any like program as seen on tv or the internet.
I finally read Kate's latest blog post. No way did she write that. Way too wordy, too gushy.
Sounds like it was written by a 20 year old. Sounds like it was written by someone trying to write like how they think Kate would write, but they haven't done their research and didn't nail it.
"I gotta tell you" ....Kate doesn't talk/write like that.
Note to person writing her blog: Read her CC blogs, read her diary entries from Robert's book, read her own books (supposedly authored only by her) to get a better feel for how Kate writes, the words she's likely to use, her style and tone.
Although you did capture the tone pretty well. Everyone else is an idiot and she's wonderful.
The Huffington Post says Robert's book is back!
I too don't agree with anyone contacting the school and if it happened, the blame is on the caller. BUT if someone did call, I'd hope a light would go off in someone's head about the fact that if Kate had never blogged about the contest, no one would have known about it. Once again, Kate - stop talking about and exploiting your kids for your own benefit! ! !
Anita said... 28
The Huffington Post says Robert's book is back!
Back or will be rereleased soon?
"Back or will be rereleased soon?"
It's not listed at Amazon, just good old Al's book is there.
I hope this is just another sh$t stirrer. It's one thing to view a public website, totally another thing to contact the school and harass the employees. School is probably a sanctuary for the kids, why disturb it.
Oh, good grief. Please tell me that nobody called the school. This is outrageous. Let those kids have some peace in the only place that is their sanctuary right now. What good is calling them going to do? What is the school supposed to do about Kate writing a blog.
Please tell me that this was a joke and nobody from here actually called the school. What an idiotic thing to do, and how immature. Are people really that stupid to stoop so low?
As always, there are different interpretations. My understanding was that C did indeed particpate, at least 4 hours worth, in the building of the bridge. Yes, she apparently had the help of someone knowledgeable, but having help allegedly was in compliance with the rules. I seriously doubt Khate went out and hired a professional, licensed Structural Engineer. After all, she was unwilling to plunk down $62 for HER favorite TV movie to inspire the kids. She of the one Lego set purchase for 8 kids of 2 different age groups. Nope, not tightwad-where-the-kids are concerned Khate. Khate did no helping on this project - oh, yeah, she went to the store to purchase the pasta - and count me in the group that thinks C should have accompanied her on that shopping trip.
This blog post, and her column title includes "Adventures with my 8" (which probably means ALL her columns will involve, yet again, the kids. Sigh). Khate, once again, made it about her as much as possible - She bought the pasta, SHE had the "friend", she kept the coffee coming, she watched for 4 hours, she was nervous about the bridge making it to school, she served a guardian and protector of the bridge, she policed the exhibit to keep others from touching not only C's bridge, but others as well (because they were off socializing in the hall BAD them) she relieved the tension in the room with a "joke" and she was tense and nervous waiting and waiting for C's bridge to be tested...I too scratch my hear over why she would make C take it to school on the bus...it seems the rules allowed or suggested bring it to the school afterwards, but before the 5:30 deadline...but whatever, it's Kate. Other than it was C's project, very little was written about C.
Khate exaggerates, Khate lies, Khate can't remember from one minute to the next what she just said, Khate-can't-do was front and center in this blog/column.
I don't think the blog threw the other parents under the bus. Khate "thinks" she is competitive therefore everyone else must be.
"Please tell me that this was a joke and nobody from here actually called the school."
Someone on this blog actually called the school? A regular poster? Good gawd, why? I'm sure the school knows all about Kate and by now someone (parent, staff) would have read the blog. I can't believe that someone would have done this. THINK, people...WHY would you call the school? At least let the kids have privacy at school, even if Kate doesn't.
Ex Nurse said -
I don't think the blog threw the other parents under the bus. Khate "thinks" she is competitive therefore everyone else must be.
I didn't have that impression either. She made it sound like ALL of the parents were competitive and protective of their kids' projects, which is understandable and might very well have been that way. She wasn't bashing the other parents, but it sounded like all of them were in it together.
Regardless, Kate needs to learn to keep the kids school life private even if she can't keep any other aspect of their lives that way.
Didn't Kate have a handyman around through January helping with all the overwhelming repairs and maintenance? I figured that's who helped Cara with the pasta bridge.
I'm wondering why Jon didn't help.
I was reading Twitter and saw that some non-fans on there were including the school in their tweets. Some suggested that the school should be called, but I didn't actually think that anyone would really go though with it. That's too bad. I thought people had more common sense.
I readily admit to being able to cuss like a sailor...in the privacy of my mind and home, knowing when it is appropriate. In writing on blogs and such, many use the ole WTF for example....nothing wrong with that in my book and I bet we all know what WTF means.
Warm The Fanny...right? :)
Reality Bites said... 34
"Please tell me that this was a joke and nobody from here actually called the school."
Someone on this blog actually called the school? A regular poster? Good gawd, why? I'm sure the school knows all about Kate and by now someone (parent, staff) would have read the blog. I can't believe that someone would have done this. THINK, people...WHY would you call the school? At least let the kids have privacy at school, even if Kate doesn't.
I just don't think someone who's a regular here called the school. There's so much blog shit going on now, my guess is that it's someone from elsewhere trying to make this blog look bad. Don't fall for it!!
Reality Bites said... 34
"Please tell me that this was a joke and nobody from here actually called the school."
Someone on this blog actually called the school? A regular poster? Good gawd, why? I'm sure the school knows all about Kate and by now someone (parent, staff) would have read the blog. I can't believe that someone would have done this. THINK, people...WHY would you call the school? At least let the kids have privacy at school, even if Kate doesn't.
Uh-oh. Creepy, and definitely stepping over the line.
I agree, kids deserve their privacy.
Please use common sense.
I just don't think someone who's a regular here called the school. There's so much blog shit going on now, my guess is that it's someone from elsewhere trying to make this blog look bad. Don't fall for it!!
Jane -- apparently it was Titanic @21, who has been a frequent poster here for some time. Are you saying that a s##t stirrer posted under his or her name?
Why on earth is anyone on this blog thinking that THIS......
''Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 21
Everyone knows the name of the $chool where Khate Gro$$elin's brood of 8 kid$ go. I called the HEAD OF THE SCHOOL thi$ A.M. (his name is $teve, by the way... the irony), and I $poke to hi$ $ecretary. I told her about Khate'$ late$t blog with Café Mom which di$parages the $chool'$ parent$ and make$ them look petty and competitive. The admini$trator then looked at the blog, and it $ound$ like they are really fed up with Khate over there.''
is anything other than a troll, posting here to stir the pot? Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic, did YOU call the school, or is this a c/p from somewhere else? If this is something you c/p, you sure didn't make that clear. OR...did someone else come here and post using your name? Please explain. If it is something you actually did, then I hope you realize what you've exposed yourself to be.
Admin, if you're still looking for a documentary, I'd like to suggest "The Hollywood Complex". It's about kids and their parents/families who come out to LA during the pilot season to try and break into the business and all live at this one apartment complex. Here's the link for more info:
I know it's available on Netflix and iTunes. Not sure about YouTube. But it is a GREAT documentary and very on topic for this blog.
Jane said... 36
Reality Bites said... 34
"Please tell me that this was a joke and nobody from here actually called the school."
Someone on this blog actually called the school? A regular poster? Good gawd, why? I'm sure the school knows all about Kate and by now someone (parent, staff) would have read the blog. I can't believe that someone would have done this. THINK, people...WHY would you call the school? At least let the kids have privacy at school, even if Kate doesn't.
I just don't think someone who's a regular here called the school. There's so much blog shit going on now, my guess is that it's someone from elsewhere trying to make this blog look bad. Don't fall for it!!
I agree with you, Jane. I did recognize the screen name of the poster. It did look like someone who posted here in the past, however, anyone can choose any screen name they want, so it may not be that same poster, just someone using their screen name.
My initial reaction was that it was hoax post. If it is a hoax, it's just sad that people would resort to that kind of foolishness.
Someone on this blog actually called the school? A regular poster? Good gawd, why?
No one from this blog posted that they called (and I doubt anyone from here did, if it happened). I saw one comment suggesting people do that in a comment on KATE's blog, not this one.
If this is something you c/p, you sure didn't make that clear. OR...did someone else come here and post using your name?
Deck Chairs has always used the $ in place of S, so I would think that this post if from this person. I wish she/he would clear this up.
. The admini$trator then looked at the blog, and it $ound$ like they are really fed up with Khate over there.''
While this person was on the phone? Sorry, but as a former teacher, in my opinion this is highly unlikely.
Also, while they may be "fed up" with Kate, I doubt the school is really going to do anything. She didn't mention the name of the school, the names of other students or families, or the names of staff. The one picture she put up that was taken at the school was simply of C's bridge and one other bridge beside it.
I suspect the Administrator you talked to is probably more fed up with non-fans calling him over her. And as someone said, all that these types of calls do is generate more sympathy for Kate.
I guess here's the upshot - I really am finding, more and more, that I could give a flying fig what Kate does or doesn't do. I don't like that she is using her kids, yet again, to hold on to her 15+ minutes of fame but that's really no different than many of the other mommy blogs I read. And one could argue that by keeping the focus on herself (which, to be fair, is what happens in most mommy blogs), she's, in a way, shielding her children.
Look, I don't like her but she's a washed up reality star who will likely never be on television again unless it's in a "Whatever happened to?" or a VH-1 style "Let's revisit the 80's" type of show, except in her case it will be "the 2000"s and that will be another 10 - 20 years from now.
If she can make $1000 a blog post each week, she's making $52,000 a year provided she keeps it up. The media salary for an RN in Reading, PA (off of salary.com website) is $68,451. So honestly, she's not making that much less than she would nursing full time.
It certainly beats putting the kids on a reality show, it allows Kate to earn an income and to put on her own reality show without shelling out the kids' monies for production costs.
Again, I'm not a Kate fan. I wish she wouldn't use the kids to make a living. But I'll take this, the lesser of two evils, in lieu of a television show. Just my personal perspective.
No one from this blog posted that they called (and I doubt anyone from here did, if it happened). I saw one comment suggesting people do that in a comment on KATE's blog, not this one.
Actually, someone did post that. Read post @21.
I took that post as a parody making fun of what a crazed person might expect to happen but never would. I've been wrong before!
I agree with you, Jane. I did recognize the screen name of the poster. It did look like someone who posted here in the past, however, anyone can choose any screen name they want, so it may not be that same poster, just someone using their screen name.
The writing style and syntax is identical to that used by Deck Chairs. If it's an imposter, it's a darn good one. I hope, however, that I am wrong and that nobody from here really called the school.
Anyone obsessed with shitstirring against this blog can type in a name and imitate a poster's "style". Not convinced that was the Rearranging the Deck Chairs who has posted here in the past.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 41
If this is something you c/p, you sure didn't make that clear. OR...did someone else come here and post using your name?
Deck Chairs has always used the $ in place of S, so I would think that this post if from this person. I wish she/he would clear this up.
It's not a Blogger name, anyone could recreate it. Not saying that happened, but both sheeple and non-fans have been known to do so.
LisaNH said... 39
I agree with you, Jane. I did recognize the screen name of the poster. It did look like someone who posted here in the past, however, anyone can choose any screen name they want, so it may not be that same poster, just someone using their screen name.
That's what I get for reading from the bottom up! Just posted the same thing - I'll learn someday :)
Also, while they may be "fed up" with Kate, I doubt the school is really going to do anything.
What would they do, or what should they do? Call Kate into the office and demand that she doesn't mention the school in any of her blogs? Make her apologize to the other parents who were mentioned, even though none was singled out or identified? That's what I don't understand -- what would be the purpose of calling the school? I would think that by now some parents and staff would have read that blog. The horse is out of the barn. The only thing calling the school would accomplish is to make Kate look like the object of crazy haters.
As much as I don't want to believe it, I honestly think that the poster here did call the school, and that's very disappointing.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 41
''Deck Chairs has always used the $ in place of S, so I would think that this post if from this person. I wish she/he would clear this up.
Using $ in place of S would make pretending to be Deck Chairs very easy to do, wouldn't it? I also hope that she/he will respond.
silimom said... 42
''If she can make $1000 a blog post each week, she's making $52,000 a year provided she keeps it up. The media salary for an RN in Reading, PA (off of salary.com website) is $68,451. So honestly, she's not making that much less than she would nursing full time.
It certainly beats putting the kids on a reality show, it allows Kate to earn an income and to put on her own reality show without shelling out the kids' monies for production costs.''
I agree with you, silimon.......as long as she doesn't start using the children's photos in every bog post. It would be even better if she didn't violate the children's privacy...but l understand that is all she has to bog about...and it is a LOT better than forcing the kids to be on yet another tv show!!
Remona said...Using $ in place of S would make pretending to be Deck Chairs very easy to do, wouldn't it? I also hope that she/he will respond
Of course it would, but I pulled up some other posts from this person, and the style/grammar/usage all match. If it were an imposter, why would someone pick this poster to impersonate, and then go to the trouble of matching the writing style? I really doubt that's the case, but who know?
So, from reading the comments on here it sounds as though the general opinion is Kate should not be allowed to blog about her children. This really isn't fair, is it? Is it only because she put them on television and now every one wants them to be forever to remain in private? Sounds good in theory but Kate has a right to blog about her children. She is a mother, they are her children. There are tons of mommy blogs on the net, are you going to call out those mothers, too? If they can blog about their children, so can Kate, otherwise she is being discriminated against. Unless all mommy blogs are going to be stopped, Kate has every right to continue blogging about her journey as a mother. Besides, it's all about HER HER HER, remember?
I don't know if anyone called the school or not. Saw on Twitter it being talked about and here someone mentioned they saw someone saying they were going to send copies of Kate's blog to the school.
This is why I wouldn't care if someone did call the school. It wouldn't hurt anyone, they wouldn't take the win away from C and they certainly wouldn't kick the kid out of school for that. This blog has rules, another Gosselin blog has rules, Twitter has a TOS, etc., so I'm
not going to tell someone what they can or cannot do or make them feel bad about it when nothing would come of it anyway. It's a person's perogative to do as they please on their own time with what I hope people to understand including obvious exceptions such as causing bodily injury. I doubt any of the kids would find out about it but if they did they are finding out a lot of other things that I bet they would be reading first.
If something were to come of it, it would be on Kate because she's the one that decided to blog about it,if they are even still going to that school. I say if only because as I was thinking about this it came to mind there are some pictures of the kids coming off of the bus in normal clothes. I'm sure there are days when they don't have to wear uniforms, just thinking out loud and about that comment Robert Hoffman had made awhile ago about something big happening.
There are so many do as I say not as I doers out there lately I don't know what the hell is going on. I read three Gosselin blogs, this one included,but none of the sheeps blogs. From what I believe a sheep to have started here with the outings has turned into something sick between people who are suppose to be on the same page and now it seems some are trying to out our own. If that's the case, chalk one up for the sheep, they certainly got what they wanted.
On to Kate and her blog. This works out perfect for her again. She continues to exploit the kids but doesn't have to split 15% eight ways because they are not on TV. Don't know but I'm guessing that Kate uses their money to pay for tuition, clothes, medical etc. They are going to end up with nothing unless she has invested their money also.
I agree with Admin with not allowing Kate's blog from The Stir to be posted here. I wouldn't feel safe doing that now either.
After IPhillyChitChat tweeted Kate about the Mom
Swap show I also got the feeling that Kate may have a boyfriend. It certainly would be something if it turned out to be Steve.
I think Hollywood Complex would be a great topic. And, on point with this blog.
Silimom, I like three suggestion of The Hollywood Complex. I have never seen that one. I think it has been mentioned here before.
I agree with you, if Ms Kreider can make money by writing blog posts, great. Leave the kids ( and their school) alone.
This really isn't fair, is it?
Fair to whom? Fair to Kate, or fair to the kids? The kids have been on display for most of their lives. Kate isn't the "normal" blogging mom. She's one who has violated every bit of her children's privacy from day one. It's time to give them a break from all of this. She has the right to blog and earn money to support her kids. Let's see if she can do this on her own without bringing the kids into it.. Without them, she is nothing, and therefore she is STILL making money off of them.
I've kind of hesitated on suggesting this documentary but I'll just throw it out there. It's on YT if anyone is interested in watching (for those who haven't seen it). It regained popularity when the movie "The Fighter" came out because one of the characters in The Fighter was in the documentary; Dickie Eklund, the boxer.
It's a very rough documentary, on the dark side. It's called "High on Crack Street: Lost Lives in Lowell". It came out in 1995. It's about Dickie and his friends' addiction to crack.
What I found facinating about the film was the fact that Lowell is about an hour away from where I live. My perception of heavy drugs like that was they were always somewhere else, far away, not so close to home.
If that film is too heavy, there is another one, which is quirky. It's called Heavy Metal Parking Lot. A film crew went around and talked to people in a parking lot at a Judas Priest concert back in 1986 in Maryland. The big hair and clothes will be enough to make one laugh and wonder "Was I that young once?" In fact I believe a few of the people in the film were tracked down (it's on some website soemwhere on the Internet) and interviewed a few years ago. Some didn't even remember being filmed.
The problem with blogging about the children is that KK is known - everyone who knows of her knows where she lives and where her children live and go to school. Other mothers who blog have the good sense to retain some privacy and anonymity and usually make every effort to protect their children. Their relatives may know who the children are when they read a blog written by their mother, but not the public at large.
The Gosselin children however have no such privacy or protection. If their mother mentions them in her blog, everyone knows who they are - their neighbours, the kids at their school, their teachers, the paparazzi, the entertainment shows, the radaronline blogs, the predators, the paedophiles...
It is all well and good that Kate is making $1,000 per blog. However in the big picture how long will this last for her? It doesn't look like she can hold a job that long and the blog could close down. If she had a regular nursing job she would also be getting benefits on top of her salary. She does not necessarily need to do patient care. There are other jobs out there that require an RN.
Oh dear. (I'm not really as dumb & blind as my comment #45 appears when I said that no one here had posted they called the school - someone did post that.) I apologize and promise to be more careful about reading all comments before posting.
Putting my dunce cap on and going to my corner for a deserved time-out!
kk will never put her shovel down.
LisaNH ....
Thanks for your recommendations. I keep a running list of movies, books and videos to catch up on and I've added yours!
I gave in and read the contest blog. Well, a few things stuck out. Not to slam Cara but why was Kate doing the research on pasta types? Wouldn't that be Cara's responsbility? Kate's job to shop? No, that's Cara's too because it was her project. ut as Kate likes to make it all about her. It's like saying 'Look, I did this and that and everything else!' I bet she took over and only allowed C to do something when the mysterious 'Handyman' showed up.
No praise for C? No 'GREAT JOB C!' Nothing about spending time with C. I just thought it was odd. It sounded almost panned.
I also thought Kate acted rather childish...mad about 10-12 years old children 'allegedly' cheating. Sure loved how she put that statement bold! Come on, common sense please! Younger and older children would have different education stages so they have to adjust the contest rules at each level.
I'm flabbergasted she didn't notice different groups at that event. Too self-absorbed, eh?
"No praise for C? No 'GREAT JOB C!' Nothing about spending time with C. I just thought it was odd. It sounded almost panned."
The entire blog was about Kate, but is that anything surprising? There was nothing about Cara's part in the project, how hard she worked, how pleased she was, or that Kate admired Cara's determination to get the project finished, other than that Cara smiled when the weights were added. It's sad, really, but nothing that wasn't expected.
Actually I really dont like most Mommy blogs and have said that. Each one is different, but most of the embarrass their kids in one way or another.
The Mommy blogs are not that old. The kids who are the subject are not adults yet. Soon they will be and it will be interesting to see if any of them sue for their cut of the profits, or sue for some kind of privacy or emotional distress type tort.
That said I'm not really keen on some kind of law stopping it. It is free speech. You're allowed to embarrass your child and many parents do by either blogging or a variety of other ways. So other than saying I wish moms would think twice about it, I'm not willing to do much more about it.
Whew catching up thanks for all the documentary suggestions! Sillimom's suggestion has been in the holding bin for awhile, I saw it awhile back and it was great. HIghly recommend.
Since I got To Be and to Have for Netflix and should get to it eventually this weekend, that will prob be the next post.
I see people here saying they can recognize posters by the syntax of their post. Seriously? How, exactly, is that accomplished when reading something 4 or 5 lines long? I've just been reading up on it. It doesn't seem like a simple thing to do.
Good article from Time:
Are You Guilty of Oversharenting? Why We Owe Our Kids Online Privacy
I see people here saying they can recognize posters by the syntax of their post. Seriously? How, exactly, is that accomplished when reading something 4 or 5 lines long? I've just been reading up on it. It doesn't seem like a simple thing to do.
It's not difficult if you've been educated in the field of forensic linguistics. All that's needed is just one word or phrase (or even punctuation usage) that appears unique to a particular style of writing.
"This is why I wouldn't care if someone did call the school. It wouldn't hurt anyone, they wouldn't take the win away from C and they certainly wouldn't kick the kid out of school for that."
One hater calls the school. Another hater calls the school, and yet another one does the same thing. Even if no one is hurt, it's a form of harassment. I would think that the secretaries and school personnel have much more important things to do than fielding phone calls from haters. It's called being considerate of others, recognizing that they have a job to do. Taking phone calls from people who are complaining about Kate shouldn't be part of that job.
Lkate's kids have been filmed from birth. They have "fans" that believe they have a right to watch them grow-up. These sick fans consider Kate's kids "their family."
The footage of Kates kids pooping, crying, naked, etc. Were edited by a pervert who has been convicted for distributing child porn. Only he knows what images of Kate"s kids are being distributed among the lowest of the low perverts and pedophilea.
MommyBloggers are mommys.
Kate is a pimp. Big difference.
Jaycee Duggard was held captive and forced to gice birth to her kiodnappers children. She said he loved to watch TLC. I highly doubt his favorite show was What Not To Wear.
Kate is not a mommyblogger. She's a fame-hungry harridan who has never given one thought about protecting her children or their privacy. She even admits that SHE is so imprtant that she needa a bodyguard while she travels. The kids are home with teenaged babysitters.
Amen. Complaining to the school distracts them from their students and this is wrong. And what are they going to do about it? They have no right to stop Kate from blogging that I can possibly see. None. You and I might not like it, but you have a right to blog about your child and what they're up to at school as long as you're not defaming anyone. Most mommies choose not to over-share, some do, and sadly, that is their right.
If you saw a Mom embarrassing their kid by wearing a big giant tshirt that says I love my kid! on it every day, would you call the school? Of course not. They are both embarrassing their kid, just in different ways. I don't like it, but parents have a right to embarrass their kids. It's really for Jon, and Kate's friends and family to gently and respectfully talk to her about their concerns about her blogging. Not her readers. There are comment sections if people want to leave comments. That's what you can do. Picking up the phone to call the school is nuts.
As to publicly embarrassing your children, can anyone say Kathy Lee Gifford? Her chat time with Regis was legendary in embarrassing her husband and children, IMO. All before anyone ever heard of blogging, too.
I don't agree with your comment "I don't like it, but parents have a right to embarrass their kids."
That's a part of what is wrong around the world, especially in the many forms of media, not limited to TV and social media. Embarrassment can lead to to a host of emotional trauma to a kid from bullying toward and from others. Even simple things like the way we dress (or dress our kids) and how we act can cause problems like saying to a child 'your behavior is idiotic', 'you are stupid'. These words can cause distress and embarrassment. Does a parent have the right to embarrass a kid on tv or let others embarrass them? Sometimes this sets the child up for long time failure. I would rather see or hear a child embarrass their parent. Kids do and say the funniest things, sometimes just for a reaction or they are speaking the truth.
I don't look forward to tell-alls from the g8 down the road unless it is a tool in the recovery of their minds, bodies and souls.
I recall reading when one of the children was given a suspension from school for 2 weeks and kk was quoted as saying "You're embarrassing me!". The only one who suffered in this case was the child, imo.
I believe there is a massive problem with over-sharenting on the internet and the many aspects of what a parent may be doing to the kids involved present and future. How, who, what, where, when and why is sometimes just TMI. Kids need more rights and respect.
TX pretends how you define right. I don't think it's morally right, but they do have a legal right to do it. Unless you support making some law you can't embarrass your kids. Personally, I think that's starting to tread on too much interference. How do you find how much blogging is too embarrassing for kids, too exploitive, and who gets to decide which blogs are okay and which aren't? It's full of issues. I also think having affairs isn't morally right but I wouldn't want a law saying you can't have an affair. It's too much governmental interference. The reason I support laws for kids on TV is because it is taking it beyond merely exploiting them and actually putting them to work--taking up their time, talents and energy of which they deserve just payment for.
But, for sure this is an evolving area and I think one of these days the &*#$ will hit the fan. It's possible, in the future if you blog about your kids, you will at least owe them a cut of the profits. I really do foresee some kid someday growing up, wising up, and demanding his day in court over his mom's blog. It will happen.
When my kids were young teens everything I did embarrassed them. Humming along to the radio, chatting with a cashier, even laughing too loud. Kids that age wish their parents would just blend into the woodwork. I can't imagine how they would have felt if I wrote a public blog about them.
Merely stating my belief and opinion based on experience, observation and interpretation of research and theories. Nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree. Of course this is a moral issue at this time and morality evolves for many as well, the good and the bad.
SeeSaw, lol, I remember those days and the days of being embarrassed by my parents (mostly normal and harmless.) Sometimes things are more shocking than emabarrassing.
$o it appear$ that Khate i$ getting a FREE RIDE for her 8. On Feb. 1 , 2013, at 6:28 PM, a poster by the name of "LCDS Parent" $tated in the comment$ on Khate'$ blog: "All the other children and parent$ end up paying for your free ride." Khate i$ not a$ dumb a$ many have $aid $he i$. Free Ride. Pretty good, Kreider.
20/20 is very relevant.
Celebrity kids and paprazzi.
Parents selling thier kids pictuwith Anna Nicole Smith's babby-daddy and her doing Guess ads.
Could be its own post. VERY relevent.
Someone mentioned she didn't think Kate would throw out her hard drive. If I recall correctly, Robert claimed in his book that he found CDs in the trash. These appeared to have been made to back up the hard drive. He figured Kate didn't realize they were copies of her stuff and thought they were Jon's crap and threw them out. All speculation but not too far fetched.
I remember a mommy column in the Reading Eagle before blogging. The author was very funny and I loved her stories. She had 3 girls very close in age and would write about her life with them. She never used her name or their names. When they got close to junior high, she announced she was quitting the column. The kids were getting older and it was too easy for their friends and classmates to identify it was them in the column. She didn't want them to be enbarrassed now that they were that age. I missed her column but respected her decision.
Jeanne said... 83
''Someone mentioned she didn't think Kate would throw out her hard drive. If I recall correctly, Robert claimed in his book that he found CDs in the trash.''
You are right. Robert says in Chapter 32 of his ebook that he found documents, computer discs and files in the trash the day after she threw Jon out of the garage apartment.
I can almost hear Kate now: Jon, your personal effects are so annoying to have in that apartment. I want them extracted with a great flourish beyond the gates. Please do the job
thoroughly and hurriedly. If you defy me, I will invite the Smiths for fish in paper and they will bodily remove your belongings from the
upstairs to the trash heap. Do you understand?
Jon, what did I just say? If you're clearing out, you better be running. (Hand flapping)
Use paper towels to clean, and don't forget the floor. Three times, on your hands and knees.
If I find one single CD left...
Admin 79 -- Many states have laws on the books making adultery, including having an affair, illegal. Are the laws enforced? Rarely, if ever, but they do exist.
Documentary recommendation: "Farmageddon". It's available on Netflix streaming and, possibly, on Youtube. It's about local farms that raised healthy foods for their communities and how they've been forced out of business. very much in line with a number of our previous discussions. Another: "Restropo", made by journalists embedded in the Second Platoon in Afganistan. It's not for the faint of heart, but gives a true picture of what our deployed military over there have to cope with and live through. it's also available on Netflix streaming.
Twitter has been hacked by some sophisticated people in China. The Twitter blog suggests that it affected only 250,000 users. But as a precaution, they reset passwords and sent emails for people to also reset their password. I bet Kate will be silent on Twitter because she won't know how to reset her. Password! Plus, she will think her Twitter problem only affects her! I bet she will say she's in Twitter jail!
Penny said... 82
20/20 is very relevant. Celebrity kids and paprazzi. Could be its own post. VERY relevent.
Agree 100%! Admin, would you plead consider this?
Kate's tweets are back to 'normal.' Bragging about Mady's music videos etc.All the kids in them...any takers? And its much colder than 23 F a lot of places so be quiet , Kate!
Does anyone else think it's interesting that C was the only one of the G8 to enter the bridge building competition? It sounded like a fun project to me and I'd have thought that since it was open to the whole school that some of her other kids would have entered too. If I was Kate I know I'd have urged my other kids to participate, but she didn't mention anyone else. Since she made such a big deal about the overwhelming (to her) complexity of the rules I hope she didn't discourage others who had expressed interest.
interesting comment on Kate's blog at The Stir
According to LCDS PARENT (FEBRUARY 1, 6:28 PM) Kate Gosselin is getting a FREE RIDE for her 8 kids at the school. Must be nice. It must make the other parents fume.
20/20 is very relevant. Celebrity kids and paprazzi. Could be its own post. VERY relevent.
Agree 100%! Admin, would you plead consider this?
Yes! I always DVR 20/20 and will try to watch today or tomorrow. Also it should show up on ABC streaming so I can link to that.
According to LCDS PARENT (FEBRUARY 1, 6:28 PM) Kate Gosselin is getting a FREE RIDE for her 8 kids at the school. Must be nice. It must make the other parents fume.
There is an email in Robert's book from the ombudsman of the school. A quick google search showed that the name and email address of that person was correct. I never heard that person come out and say that wasn't my email and Robert made that up. Anyway in the email it talked about a refund of tuition for when the kids were suspended. You don't get a refund if your school is free.
Holy goodness Barb what?!
You know, I don't get hackers either. I don't see how destruction is fun.
I miss the posters who have moved on,but I am not interested in following them or reading elsewhere. I am happy right here. :)
What's this about current free tuition.
OT: great novel re: school shooting with interesting twist. The Life Before Her Eyes. (also a film with Evan Rachel Wood and Uma Thurman)
readerlady said... 86
You are absolutely right on the laws concerning adultery. Virginia has a draconian law on the books which makes it illegal to live together (not about general roommates). It is rarely applied, but was applied to same sex relationships not so long ago. Some are trying to get that law removed.
State laws are often hilarious to say the least.
Like the old time law in Ky which said folks had to take a bath at least once a year.
I don't believe Kate is getting free tuition for all her kids. A reduced tuition for having so many, sure...but not a full free ride for them.
I think that "parent" was either just ASSuming or was a troll.
And think about it, how would another parent know for sure if they were getting free tuition? I would hope that your tuition and fees are something confidential. Sure there might be a rumor but unless you see the bill you can't say for sure. Only Kate, Jon and the financial office would know that.
Oops looks like adultery was a bad example LOL! Though they aren't enforced usually that I've ever heard of.
Here's a better one. There's no law you can't be a jerkface. It's not morally right, I don't like it, but there's no law that says you can't. Same with Mommy blogging.
Not to say there is ANY correlation but Chinese professionals hacked the New York Times recently, also. I use my credit card to buy the online Times. I have just had my credit card compromised with fraudulent charges. I am not at all sure there is any connection (the people who used my card just took NYC taxis to a Brooklyn bar, stopping at Party City on the way and gave my money an apparently really fun night out.) So from my personal knowledge I actually just think hackers are an altruistic group of people willing to sacrifice themselves to give our money fun. God knows when I am in control of my money it has to do such unfun things as pay bills and buy groceries. I am almost positive I have never allowed it to hang out in Brooklyn bars and almost never let it take expensive New York City taxis, when it can just as easily buy a metrocard and ride the subway with all the other mediocre wage earners. So, to respond to your I don't get hackers--now you know!
Kate is a mother and she is allowed to write about being a mom and raising her kids. Too bad if you disagree. You cannot take away her rights. You cannot tell mothers that they cannot write about, blog about, make youtube videos about, or use any other media and tell about raising their children. You cant. Thats not the country we live in. Plenty of you here have shared stories of raising your children. It makes no difference if someone is famous ot not, it does not change her status as a parent and it doesnt take away her right to speak openly about being a parent.
I hate to say it but I agree with Geese. We shouldn't start legislating how much a parent can share about their kids, unless we're talking about sharing something obscene (for instance, you might get a knock from the police if you post a bunch of naked photos of your kids, it's happened).
I don't like it, I don't agree with it, I think many parents are making a huge mistake, I think the damage to kids could be beyond our wildest dreams, but I don't support laws trying to stop it. I don't think I want to live in a country that tells parents what can and can't come out of your mouth when it comes to sharing about your kids.
Now, I DO want to live in a country where the law tells me how much and how hard kids can be WORKED. The hours, the payment, the protections. That's crossing a line from merely embarrassing a kid, to actually asking that kid to use his time, energy and talents to produce something. If adults have protections when it comes to employment so too should kids. If an adult can keep his money so should a kid.
I think at most, I would support some kind of legislation that requires permission from your child to blog about them if they are say, older than 12. That I could get behind. That would go to a child's privacy rights. But stopping a mom from blogging about the sixth poopy diaper she changed in two hours is not okay with me, as much as I would be loathe to read such a thing.
And think about it, how would another parent know for sure if they were getting free tuition? I would hope that your tuition and fees are something confidential.
Exact;y. Remember the expenses on the page Kate was copying during the divorce? Listed among them was tuition times 8. If it's free tuition, why would she include that on the list of expenses?
or use any other media and tell about raising their children. or use any other media and tell about raising their children.
Actually this is the one part that if what you are saying what I think you mean, I don't agree. When you cross the line from merely typing about your kids, to actually putting that kid in front of a camera making them perform and subjecting them to long hours and WORK, then the law gets to step in and protect them just like an adult has a right to a safe work environment with reasonable pay and protections of that pay.
Perfect example: Pioneer Woman's daughter. If she is just blogging about what her kid is wearing today or some meal they cooked together, fine, she has a right to do that. But a couple times, her daughter has been part of the episodes, notably on an episode about make your own salads for slumber parties. Her daughter was in it a lot and was WORKING. So that crosses the line where instead of her daughter just being the subject of blog fodder, she is working and deserves to be paid and protected and if not then shouldn't work, period.
TINIC jeepers!
With the Oscars coming up soon, how about considering one or more of the nominated documentary films for future discussion? I have not seen any of them.
The Gatekeepers is about Israeli intelligence officers (now retired).
Five Broken Cameras is about daily life in the Palestinian villages.
The Invisible War is about sexual harassment and assault of women in the military.
How to Survive A Plague is about AIDS activism from 1986 to 1997 and how it influenced drug development and government policy to get to whet we are now, with AIDS being a manageable chronic disease.
Searching for Sugarman is about finding an American who was a musical star in South America in the 1970s.
They all sound interesting. I am most interested in Searching for Sugarman, and How to Survive a Plague.
What does everyone else think?
General blog comment: it is normal in the life cycle of any discussion board that posters come and go depending on what is going on in real life, their interest in the topic, and what new interests they have. If someone us a fanatical fan of American Idol, they may post frequently when the show is on, and immediately abandon fan boards when their favorite gets voted off. Some will be back the next year, some will have become fans of The Voice and not come back. I like reading and posting here, but when things get busy IRL then I will catch up on posts when I can.
I am really glad this blog is here, I don't have many people IRL I can discuss documentaries with!
Pat said -- I don't believe Kate is getting free tuition for all her kids. A reduced tuition for having so many, sure...but not a full free ride for them.
I think that "parent" was either just ASSuming or was a troll.
There is no such thing as free tuition, not even for the children of the faculty or trustees. The person claiming to be a parent is not a parent, and I'd bet my new SUV on it.. I wouldn't believe anything that she/he wrote there. Admin is correct -- in Robert's book there was an e-mail from Junior concerning the refund. You don't get a refund if you've not paid tuition. It doesn't happen.
I guess you could say "free tuition" if say someone like Beth was writing the checks, but they framed it as if it were a freebie from the school. Again though, even if they did offer a free tuition option, I don't see how another parent would know whether they were getting that unless they see the bill themselves and see the 0 themselves.
Yeah, Admin. Won't know the full extent until I have access to my account again--when the new card gets here--but don't think the hackers got around to buying 52" tvs before it was cut off. Will know in a day or so how big the hit was when I can go over every charge. Meantime, really? Couldn't they have gone to the museum or something. Bars? In Brooklyn? Oh, well.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 104
or use any other media and tell about raising their children. or use any other media and tell about raising their children.
Actually this is the one part that if what you are saying what I think you mean, I don't agree. When you cross the line from merely typing about your kids, to actually putting that kid in front of a camera making them perform and subjecting them to long hours and WORK, then the law gets to step in and protect them just like an adult has a right to a safe work environment with reasonable pay and protections of that pay.
Perfect example: Pioneer Woman's daughter. If she is just blogging about what her kid is wearing today or some meal they cooked together, fine, she has a right to do that. But a couple times, her daughter has been part of the episodes, notably on an episode about make your own salads for slumber parties. Her daughter was in it a lot and was WORKING. So that crosses the line where instead of her daughter just being the subject of blog fodder, she is working and deserves to be paid and protected and if not then shouldn't work, period.
No I wasnt referring to putting the kids in front of the camera. I was thinking of the mommy bloggers that have taken to YOUTUBE, you only see them, the mother. I guess some respond better to video than to reading. And of course never post naked pictures of children, that is plain gross. I havent seen pictures of kids on most blogs, but I have seen pictures of kids. I wouldnt put my DD out there, but I wouldnt tell another parent what to do with their children, either.
You cannot legislate common sense. Just because a Mommy CAN blog about her children doesn't mean it's a good idea. There is no law, but
just plain sense would make a mommy think before
telling a lot of private mom/kid conversation.
Like I said last night, Kathie Lee Gifford was
forever yakking about her poor kids. It was really too much. Same with Kate.
Apparently not everyone at celebritydirtylaundy.com likes Kate. From a new article about her blogging at the Stir:
"This time out instead of parading her kids in matchy outfits across television she’s still talking about them in order to earn money! I’m not sure what goes on in Kate’s head but if she can’t find her way back to successful television show then she still sees her kids as the vehicle to mediocre success!"
Ah, I see Geese.....I agree.
That said, someone made the good point that these kids are different than most Mommy blog kids because people already "know" them and seek them out and they've already been exploited so much that even the slightest little invasion on a Mommy blog seems like piling on. But, how do you write a law that says you can Mommy blog, except if you have exploited your children before, then you can't Mommy blog. I don't see how you can.
Unfortunately the only thing that will stop Mommy blogs that go too far is if everyone votes with their remote. If no one comments or clicks on ads I'm guessing a lot of them would stop.
I remember Kathy had a lot of haters too, right? People were sick to death of her yapping about her kids. Didn't she eventually leave the show not exactly with a huge fan club?
She's reinvented herself, I don't watch her much anymore, but I've noticed when I happen to catch it she never has mentioned her family when I did. Maybe she has finally learned to cut it back. Which is ironic, because her kids are probably adults now and could consent.
And then there is digital photography....no more need for folks to develope their own photos or have a professional develope and print. Once there was a certain degree of monitoring on printing pics and it goes on today, monitoring online photos. Consideration of the 'age of innocence' was and still is a factor as well as overall content.
I know of a company which reproduced digitals from prints to playing cards, mugs, holiday cards, plates, tshirts, aprons, even enlarged framed reproductions. It was the responsibilty of all at every stage to raise attention re: questionable pictures and report them to a supervisor. It is very common for those types to be reported. It was up to the higher ups to report these to the proper authorities, the FBI and there was a halt to further production, shipping and no more communication with the sender until notification from the FBI.
Joy: I love docs- those sound good to me! I think I would like The Invisible War, How to Survive a Plague and Five Broken Cameras.Great idea!
fidosmommy said... 111
You cannot legislate common sense. Just because a Mommy CAN blog about her children doesn't mean it's a good idea. There is no law, but
just plain sense would make a mommy think before
telling a lot of private mom/kid conversation.
Like I said last night, Kathie Lee Gifford was
forever yakking about her poor kids. It was really too much. Same with Kate.
AMEN to that.
Just to reiterate, just because (by law) you can, doesn't mean that it's a good idea to do it.
The First Amendment should have an amendment for people who indulge in a*sholery & insist on dragging/exposing their young children in it to entertainment strangers.
Especially sad that Kate's blog at The Stir is nothing but doggie doo-doo with confetti on it.
That's the thing we have to accept if you believe in free speech. That you take the bad with the good. People will say things you don't like or think are wrong. People will embarrass their children. They have a right to say them. If anything, it's more important to protect things we don't like, if that makes sense. One day we might be the person saying something someone doesn't like. I am the first to step up when kids are being worked and say we should legislate protections for them, that's not a free speech issue, that is a child LABOR issue. But I am also the first to say you have a right to talk all you want about your kids, even if I think it's wrong, wrong and more wrong. I also think people that speak about certain political issues are wrong, but I would never say they can't speak about them. The only reason I don't allow it here is not because you don't have a right to say it, but rather just to avoid conflict and fights. By all means go shout it from the rooftops on political sites or elsewhere, that's your right.
Someone waaaaaaay upthread joked that the kids probably hold meetings to determine how to placate Queen Katie. I literally LOL'ed at that one. I can just imagine the kids holding formal meetings in the basement, and voting on issues and actions using parliamentary procedure. Naturally, they're lead by Joel, whom they permit Kate to think is the family omega, because doing so fits into their long-tearm plans.
Sorry, I'm having trouble logging in, but I'm--
C (Is for Cookie)
Holy crap Shirley MaClaine's daughter is letting it all out. Dang. Do celebs think their kids will never grow up and talk?
Admin -- did that college person from TEMPLE U (:-) ever e-mail you back with verification from the university? The one who had inside information on the panel discussion...
You cannot legislate common sense. Just because a Mommy CAN blog about her children doesn't mean it's a good idea. There is no law, but
just plain sense would make a mommy think before
You have to have common sense to determine what is, and what is not appropriate information (and photos) to publish on the internet about your kids. When in doubt, leave it out. Personally, I would never publish any photos or information about my children anywhere, including online, and that includes FB and Twitter (neither of which I have and never will) or even any kind of private photo hosting service online. I'm just a Mamma Bear when it comes to things like that. I looked at that photo of the darling little girl on the potty that one mother sent out on Twitter because I wanted to see what all of the commotion was about. I couldn't believe that a lunatic parent would do something like that. You just can't make some people understand what the consequences might be.
Unfortunately, Kate was baking in the tanning bed when common sense was passed around.
Holy crap Shirley MaClaine's daughter is letting it all out. Dang. Do celebs think their kids will never grow up and talk?
I missed the interview on 20/20, but read the highlights. What a sad story. Not only do kids talk on shows, but they write books, such as Sachi has done. My guess is that for the Gosselins, the time is coming...maybe not for all of them, but with eight kids, I would believe that at least one of them will grow up and talk.
My guess is that Kate will mastermind a book deal for one or more of her kids, while they're still young enough to be manipulated. A pre-emptive move. Or push them in that direction, anyway.
For what it's worth...
Octoraro Orphie and Punxsutawney Phil did not see their shadows today, meaning an early spring. Finally some good news. I just hope these cute little marmots are right this time. This cold weather is nasty and goes right through to the bones! Something is really "off" when it's 65 degrees one day, and the next day the windchill is 8.
I love the quote from General Colin Powell about free speech. He said, ''The First Amendment exists to insure that freedom of speech and expression applies not just to that with which we agree or disagree, but also that which we find outrageous.''
A gentle suggestion for those who sign in as Anonymous, but end with a name. Instead of ending the post with your name, how about starting with your name? Before I finally managed to turn Blue, I always said ''This is Remona'' at the beginning of my comment. It sets the 'tone' of the post from the beginning, instead of reading the Anonymous post w/a dread that some tacky comment is going to appear!
Nope, no verification of the "temple U" poster, lol.
I never believed a Temple student would ask such rude, none of their business questions of their guest speaker.
Nope, no verification of the "temple U" poster, lol.
I never believed a Temple student would ask such rude, none of their business questions of their guest speaker.
lol!! Well, heck, if you're going to post using the name of a school, you at least check to find out what the school is called. I have never heard Temple being referred to as Temple U!
A gentle suggestion for those who sign in as Anonymous, but end with a name. Instead of ending the post with your name, how about starting with your name? Before I finally managed to turn Blue, I always said ''This is Remona'' at the beginning of my comment. It sets the 'tone' of the post from the beginning, instead of reading the Anonymous post w/a dread that some tacky comment is going to appear!
Remona -- I always look at the bottom of the post first to see if there's a name. Of course, since I read from the bottom up, and I'm upside down to begin with, it's easy to do! :)
Hershey Kiss said... 126
For what it's worth...
Octoraro Orphie and Punxsutawney Phil did not see their shadows today, meaning an early spring. Finally some good news. I just hope these cute little marmots are right this time. This cold weather is nasty and goes right through to the bones! Something is really "off" when it's 65 degrees one day, and the next day the windchill is 8.
Is it too late to make him see his shadow? LOL I dread the coming of spring. It's not the weather it's the POLLEN!!! I have the worst spring allergies. I've never been able to enjoy spring time because my eyes are watering and my nose is running. The only relief I get is when it rains or when pollen season ends and by then it's summer. :)
I can see similar things will happen with Khate's kids. Of course the real difference is- Shirley Maclain has extreme talent. Shirley is a fantastic actress and a phenomenal dancer. Khate has no reason to abandon "her" kids!
At least Shirley was honest she flat out said I was never going to put my kids before my career.
Sachi said her mother loaned her money for her car and then made her pay it back with interest. I heard Khate say that if the kids wanted a car, they would have to buy it themselves. I really hope that when they are old enough, they can take Khate to court for misusing their money! Khate really feels that's "she's" entitled to whatever "she" gets because "she" had to carry those kids and go on bed rest and suffer...Geesh- you get my drift! Also, Khate has used the children to make a career. Shirley already had a career long before she had Sachi and it is a legitimate career that she has trained for! I LOATHE Khate!
New article at Gather...
"Kate Gosselin may seem like she's got her life together with a news job and eight happy kids under her belt, but apparently it could all come crashing down at any moment. Will Kate be losing her new job just as she seems to be settling into it?"
Kate has a news job? With a television station, or as a reporter? Oh, I guess this means "NEW" job. Geez...at least proofread.
Two comments, neither of which is positive! She really is disliked, isn't she?
Lisa NH, hae you tried zyrtec? I'm allergic to dust mites, among pollens and other things. It really helps.
I sympathize with Sachi, but she wasn't put to WORK as a toddler.
Animal lovers, remember the Puppy Bowl tomorrow.
I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said... 134
''Sachi said her mother loaned her money for her car and then made her pay it back with interest. I heard Khate say that if the kids wanted a car, they would have to buy it themselves.''
I think it was clear from the beginning that KK believed J&K+8 was REALLY about her. SHE was the star, and Jon and the children were there ONLY because of her. If you think about her behavior in those terms, you can see why she believes every penny earned by Jon and the children is really hers. She would have no problem spending the money in any way she pleases, because after all, in her mind, SHE earned it....not Jon and certainly not the kids! Jon and the kids were simply around as background as KATE was being filmed! In my opinion, KK will believe that to her dying day.
No 'normal' person would see things that way, and that is why so many people loathe her.
"Remona -- I always look at the bottom of the post first to see if there's a name. Of course, since I read from the bottom up, and I'm upside down to begin with, it's easy to do! :) "
I do the same thing. it's no problem to look at the bottom and see if the poster is a familiar name. You just scroll through the post -- top or bottom...no biggie!
Sachi lived her whole childhood what the Gosselin kids only had to put up with for a few years before the ride was over--a mother constantly out of town and too busy for them.
Rhymes with Witch said... 136
Lisa NH, hae you tried zyrtec? I'm allergic to dust mites, among pollens and other things. It really helps.
I did try Zyrtec last spring. It worked okay for me. I had a prescription for Clarinex (which works better than Zyrtec) but my insurance doesn't cover it and it is very expensive. So, I have to use it sparingly.
Something that did help with my nose (but not my eyes) is Neilmed saline sinus rinse. I would recommend it. It helps with sinus infections too.
Thanks for the suggestiong :)
It's almost like Shirley took the opposite view and wasn't going to let her have one single advantage in life due to her mother being a star. Too much help and a kid wonders if it's only their name that got them there. But no help at all and a kid wonders why they even bothered to have you. Such extremes and neither one is good.
Yet another negative article about KK and her ''bog''.
I'm really torn about all this. On one hand, I'm thrilled that KK is being exposed for the fraud she is. She has earned every single negative thing ever said about her. On the other hand, her newest ''bog'' is at least keeping the children off television, and I'm glad about that. Sigh
I see KK has twittered that she's curled up watching the movie she grifted ''with my three kids that are home.'' Nice to see that she isn't pretending to have all the kids when she doesn't. Of course, as soon as I have a good thought about her, I immediately realize that she's twittering her butt off as she supposedly is curled up with her kids!!! Another sigh
There should be a list of dumb things sheeple say, sort of like the old Art Linkletter's "Kids Say The Darndest Things"
@Kateplusmy8, Quick mommy question, do your babies cut their own fingernails yet? How old should this start to happen?
Remona Blue said,
"I see KK has twittered that she's curled up watching the movie she grifted ''with my three kids that are home.'' Nice to see that she isn't pretending to have all the kids when she doesn't."
What? Nothing about the snow? When it rains, she mentions being snowed in. When it snows, she says nothing? Maybe she hasn't looked out the window! I'm surprised that the kids aren't out shoveling on this miserable night. It's good they are home. This isn't a night to be on the roads.
Remona Blue- you nailed it! Your assessment is one of the main reasons I loathe Khate! I never once threw it back at either of my kids what I went through when I was pregnant! NEVER! For Khate- it's like "her" family and the world owes "her". I HATE that sense of entitlement! We all caught on to Khate early on and it seems like a lot more people are finally catching on!
Anyone who follows NCAA basketball, knows that Temple is always refereed to that way. So the ” Temple U insider” is not a sports fan.
by the way, lots of GREAT basketball games today! Miami and NC State game was thrilling, Georgetown was great, VCU beat Fordham, so many good games!
New post. Sorry it took so long to get it up!
I have lived in Philadelphia area all of my life, attended Temple and trust me Temple is NOT called Temple U. Don't go by ESPN, go by Bill Cosby. He never calls it Temple U. And I do watch NCAA basketball and they don't call it that either.
A Temple grad not Temple U grad.
Also, to Remona, some of us prefer to be anonymous and post a name at the bottom because we do not trust our emails getting hacked. You are just going to have to ignore it. We sign it so that we are not anonymous. Hope that is ok with you
The temple grad again
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