Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Megan Kowalewski's remarkable fight

Thanks to one young woman's random encounter with Jon Gosselin, we now are privileged to know the story of this inspiring Berks County resident as she battles cancer. Megan, age 24, was diagnosed with lymphoma over a year ago and has been in treatments ever since. Her empowering music video homemade at the hospital, with Kelly Clarkson belting out lyrics like "You didn't think that I'd come back, I'd come back swinging," in the background, is a Youtube sensation.


Megan's treatments have caused a great deal of pain, and stomach symptoms. She couldn't eat a thing over the holidays this year. But her appetite has been better recently, and on Saturday when she felt well enough to grab some fast food, she bumped into Jon Gosselin at a Chick-fil-A. Jon posed for not just one photo but two, and Megan proudly posted them on her Facebook account. The photos generated over 1,800 likes and 233 comments, mostly from friends happy to see her smiling again.

The Reading Eagle has been documenting her story, which can be found here. Megan speaks frankly about her situation to the publication, from being devastated at not having enough time to harvest her eggs should treatments make her infertile, to her fears at not being able to beat her disease. "I'm not embarrassed," Megan said. "I want people to know the truth about what's going on."

Wishing you good health, Megan.

1209 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said...

what an amazing story

Tucker's Mom said...

Now Jon, you must stand tall with chest out. Place hands on hips and stand sideways with one leg forward to elongate the torso. Pishposh man! Don't you know how to pose with fans?
OK, snark over!
What genuine smiles on both of them. Jon looks good and you can tell he's genuine by looking at his eyes-- they match his smile.

Anonymous said...

Hi found articles about this brave lady so opposite of our kate

reading eagle

btw I am carrie a long time reader love this blog you all are so funny

Anonymous said...

oops sorry admin already posted links


Jo said...

OH MY GOSH..I'm blown away by this. How beautiful is Megan and her strength is inspiring.

This hits home for me. I had to watch my beautiful sister-in-law face leukemia. She won the battle and is one year clean but I will never forget my brother's phone call from the hospital when he told me and how absolutely devastated he was. There are no words. It took everything I had in me to stay strong for him.

Now, sadly, my aunt is dying of lung cancer. She has maybe two weeks. She's such a strong woman and I know if she could be up dancing with Kelly Clarkson right now she would. She was always the fun, crazy aunt.

Thanks for posting this, Admin. It makes me thankful for being healthy, not-wealthy, wise and strong.

NJGal51 said...

What an amazing and inspirational young woman she is. As a cancer survivor I know some of what she's going through and yes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm sure that Kate's fans will not see just how strong and courageous this young woman is because they will be blinded by the fact that Jon was eating fast food at Chick-fil-A rather than the "healthy" organic slop that Kate serves up.

kids first said...

You watch...kk will find some random person at Target to pose with. She can't be outdone by Jon, you know.

Jo said...

NJGal51 said... 6

I'm so happy you're a survivor! Well, you're not a survivor, you're a WARRIOR! Congratulations and God bless.

Improbable Dreams said...

Bless you, Megan! You are the very definition of courage, grace and strength.

Such a difference in the way Jon looks here--side by side, friend with friend--as opposed to Kate's visit to the children's hospital. Jon wears a genuine smile, has a patient and approachable demeanor. Kate, on the other hand? I've never seen her smile with her eyes, have rarely seen her stand close to someone, unless she's posing.

Pity Party said...

That smiling hapless face would make anyone feel better. Oh but for the troubles he has had and still smiling, and the lady too. The human spirit is a remarkable thing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, just WOW! Wishing you only the best, Megan.

I know I'm not alone in having lost a spouse to cancer. It's a club that is just too big to believe, but we always have hope and until the very last minute we keep hoping for our miracle. My husband was diagnosed 8 months after we were married, stage 4. He died 17 months later. I still miss him but my life has moved along and I did remarry.

Lynn W. ~ Administrator said...

Read the Reading Eagle articles if you get a chance, I highly recommend them. Well worth your time. I'm so inspired by Megan.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, just beautiful. So glad you shared this, Admiin!


Paula said...

Such an inspirational, strong woman. Her story reminds me of that of a local teenager in my area who was such an inspiration by trying to help other children with cancer, but sadly, lost her battle with cancer:

Just a comment on Jon. He looks healthy and content. His smile is genuine, ~ Administrator said...

Times like this make me really glad for this blog. It seems almost daily someone stumbles upon something worthwhile to check out like this.

By the way I know there are a lot of PBSers on here, The Education of Michelle Rhee on Frontline looks really good, did anyone see it? It's replaying late tonight and I'm DVRing it. Between that and The Abolitionists and Downton Abbey, I'm parked on PBS. I'm turning into my grandfather.

Dmasy said...

Wonderful. Watched three times and I will watch again. Such grace and elegance under duress.

I guess I am feeling emotional right now. This is a thought I hope I can share as sweetly as I feel it.

WE are here. We have greeted and gotten to like and admire each other. We share personal stories with the cloak of blog names. We care. We are glad that we have met each other.

Now, we have met Megan (and her hospital friends) . Before, we met Jaunita (Farmer's Wife).

What a wonderful experience this is. I am grateful.

Now, I am going to watch Megan again and be inspired even more. ~ Administrator said...

Chick-Fil-A is so goood. Besides Kate was seen at a McDonalds once. It's okay to be human and enjoy fast food once in awhile. Plus so many places have healthy options now.

Working Woman said...

Wow. What an inspirational, amazing young woman.

Wishing Megan all of the health, success, love and happiness in the world.

And good for Jon, just posing naturally for a picture with a nice woman like it's no big deal, not posting it on his website or twitter for the world to see. I feel he is a genuine guy.

Thank you for this post, Admin. ~ Administrator said...

Now, we have met Megan (and her hospital friends) . Before, we met Jaunita (Farmer's Wife).


I know. I really love this blog. We also met a lot of fascinating children of the Depression. And I can't wait to meet Kind Hearted Woman and her family this spring.

I just doubt I would have the same kind of motivation to seek these kinds of things out if I didn't know I had such a great group to share it all with and knew I would in turn find out about equally amazing stories right back. Standard prime time TV is easy to find and fun to watch, but sometimes I really want to delve a bit deeper and I've found that here. ~ Administrator said...

I love the nurses and patients really getting into it too lol. Especially the guy in the jean shorts, he was great!

AussieGoldenLuv said...

I just wanted those who are talking about pets & medication & seizures to know that some breeds are more prone to this. There is a test to screen them. Herding breeds are most susceptible to MRD1.

Working Woman said...

You know, stories like this make it seem all the more ludicrous that some people consider Kate to be an ispiration (including Kate herself!)

Yes, Kate gave birth to 8 children and makes it through each day. She also has had numerous people throughout the years to lighten the burden and help her tremendously.

Megan continues to battle an awful, debilitating disease, that, unlike Kate's kids, has not earned her any money or freebies. The things that a person like Kate takes for granted every day, like the beauty of the world around her, moments with loved ones....they have likely become all too precious to Megan. She holds her head high and works to fight the illness that she did nothing to deserve. She is the true inspiration.

fidosmommy said...

Megan, I am so thankful you have let people look into your life, your dreams, your fears.
God bless you, and stay strong.

Jon is there representing only Jon. He did not bring his children who would naturally become the center of attention, and the parent would be
spotlighted right along with them. Jon didn't bring a performance, Jon brought Jon. And Megan is clearly happy he did. I have a strong feeling the point of this meeting was for Jon to meet Megan, not for Megan to meet Jon. A fine line I know, but still there is a difference.

kris said...

Stay strong beautiful lady! ~ Administrator said...

You will find in the Reading articles that Megan's insurance was about to expire and so she decided to move up plans to marry her boyfriend so that she could be added to his insurance. And then, to his sadness, she decided it would be a really bad idea to take his last name now because it might confuse things with all the medical paperwork she has to deal with. They rushed the wedding and didn't have what they wanted. A 24 year old didn't get her dream wedding and can't risk taking her husband's last name because of cancer. F-U cancer!

But she's okay with it. She says look when I'm all better I'm going to have my dream wedding--we'll do it again. Now this is someone deserving of a freebie or two. And yet I get the feeling she wouldn't take it.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I have a strong feeling the point of this meeting was for Jon to meet Megan, not for Megan to meet Jon. A fine line I know, but still there is a difference.


Was this a prearranged meeting? I thought that Megan was there and happened to see Jon and he was happy to have his picture taken with her. ~ Administrator said...

On her Facebook she says she was having lunch with him, which makes it sound prearranged. But it could have been just a random run in which she was being facetious about. She's cute like that. Either way it made her happy which I'm glad for.

Berks resident said...

I guess I am feeling emotional right now. This is a thought I hope I can share as sweetly as I feel it.


Dmasy - hugs! and Hogs!

I was surprised when I read this latest article because I know the young man she married. He is a wonderful person, his grandfather is a pastor in our area.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she wanted to meet Kate too, and was ignored.

Working Woman said...

What a journey for someone so incredibly young. 24.

Gd bless her.

May she come out the other end of this, healthier and stronger than ever. May she come out with a deep love for herself, for life and all it has to offer a wonderful person like herself.

AuntieAnn said...

Megan, you go girl. You are truly an inspiration. Sending prayers of healing to all who deal with illnesses that are heavy to bear.

Jon looks like a happy man. It's nice to see him that way.

Thanks for this thread Admin. My eyes have misted over many times from reading here these last few years and tonight, it's happened again. ~ Administrator said...

You know what's also awesome is that Megan has some awesome friends and other folks battling cancer who commented on this photo on facebook. They all talked about how good SHE looks in the photo, not much about Jon other than a few kind comments. No drama about his past, very little ga ga over celebs, they made it all about her, about how lovely it was to see her so happy. You need great friends who build you up and make it all about you sometimes, especially when you're that sick.

Working Woman said...

Yeah I noticed that there were very few Facebook comments about Jon.

And you know what? I bet Jon is fine with that.

Very genuine smiles from both of them

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

God bless, and protect you in your recovery, Megan.

Jon Gosselin, you are a mensch.

meagler said...

I agree, very inspiring story and Jon looks genune in his smile! I pray for a full recovery Megan!

I watched the solar panel clip, I did not see that episode. yep, she's classic kate. What I DID notice.... was the ll between her eyes was very prominent, just shows she has had botex. Her forehead doesnt move now.

AND!!!! Can Do kate who can put on a Barn door, CAN"T fix a towel rack???

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I just read the newspaper story and the writer says,

"She felt so well that on Friday she went to meet some friends for lunch at Chick-fil-A in the Broadcasting Square Shopping Center, Spring Township, where she ran into former reality television star Jon Gosselin.

The two took a photo together and she posted it to her Facebook page."


So it sounds like she was there, he was there, and he was nice enough to pose with her for a photo.

What an inspirational story. Thanks, admin, and to the person who initially posted that Jon had his photo taken with this amazing young woman.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the alert about medicines for herding breeds. I of course have border collies, and aussies as well, and always discuss medications first. Many city vets are not very aware of invermectin, etc being often bad for herders. Be sure to mention it. Why don't they know? I consider it a failure of continuing education, squarely on the vet, but they often don't have many borders and aussies. Nonetheless, it speaks to their lack of interest in their own profession.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Administrator, I saw The Education of Michelle Rhee on Frontline last night.

I was in AWE of her tenacity, intelligence and lack of fear under pressure.

Frontline is another excellent PBS program.

PBS offers nothing but excellent programming.

fidosmommy said...

I have a strong feeling the point of this meeting was for Jon to meet Megan, not for Megan to meet Jon. A fine line I know, but still there is a difference.

What I meant by that was that Jon didn't make the photo shoot all about Jon (and the kids, if they were there.) He made it about Megan.

If Kate would have allowed her picture to be taken at lunch, she probably would have somehow made it clear in the picture that SHE was the
star and the other person was darned lucky to be having this picture taken. And the kids would be lined up too, probably. See, I take my kids out. And they are happy! See those smiles?

In other words, Jon didn't have an agenda with the picture. At least I seriously, seriously doubt he did. He sat for the picture for Megan, not himself.

Whatever happened, I'm glad I know about Megan and her zest for life. Blessings to her.

Paula said...

Ok, not a fan of Michelle Rhee is any way shape of form. In fact, just seeing her name sends my blood pressure higher, so I'll bow out for now.

Have a good evening everyone. ~ Administrator said...

Pink, great! I heard so much about the D.C. school system when i lived there but didn't pay much attention since I was just a college kid. I INSTANTLY liked Michelle in the promos.

Where has PBS been all my life? I've been a snob! Too good for public broadcasting! Shame on me. I think PBS is brilliant at their promos. They make everything just look like a must see. I think that's the same announcer who did the Farmer's Wife promos who also made it look fantastic--which it was. ~ Administrator said...

Paula I don't know enough about her to comment but usually Frontline is pretty good about showing more than one side of the story. Even if you don't like her it might be interesting, who knows.

Anonymous said...

Working Woman here

I have always been a PBS lover. Including PBS kids. Arthur, anyone???? Still love that show and watch it when I want to feel like a kid again.

Jane said...

PBS has always been at the top of my tv watching list - from Reading Rainbow to Downton Abbey to Antiques Roadshow to Live From Lincoln Center to This Old House to the late, great Julia Child. It's all good and seems to just keep getting better.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Jo, I'm so sorry to read about your dear aunt's illness.

May her remaining time on this planet be peaceful, and be surrounded by her loving family, and friends.

Pink ~ Administrator said...

I think what they've done in the past several years is sought out production companies and programs to buy that are massively entertaining while still being educational.

I think at least to me it had this reputation for being full of long, dull documentaries or long dull interviews. But most things I watch are not dull at all. They are often fast paced, rich, character studies. Downton Abbey really moves 100 miles an hour if you think about it, so many characters and story lines you need a flow chart, but that is interesting and full.

They've sort of moved into the next century and proven you CAN make quality stuff that's entertaining and they're getting great ratings.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

NJGal51, it's truly wonderful to read that you are a survivor.

You are an inspiration :o)

Stay well-
With love,

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Administrator, you will not be disappointed.

It was definitely an eye opener.

Greedy Gosselins said...

Is anyone here following the Steubenville Rape Case in Ohio? Wow! The corruption in these small football towns and the sense of entitled privilege these young men convey is breathtakingly horrifying.

Daffy Laffy Taffy is asleep on TOP of her boy's bed tonite! Success! Maybe my little guy will finally get a good nite's sleep instead of under the bed! They are pretty much inseperable. Now that school started, there's much goodbye-ing and tail wagging in the mornings. When he gets home, he's glued to her ear whispering all his little boy secrets.

Best decision I ever made.

Bluebird said...

What an inspiring story, Megan I wish and pray that you have a full recovery. I've seen too many loved ones who have wasted away from this terrible disease. Like her t-shirt says 'cancer sucks'.

Jon really looks good and happy, his eyes are smiling. I wonder what Kate's reaction will be when she sees this pic. ~ Administrator said...

As long as Megan isn't trying to upstage her by having multiples too (cancer and multiples?? Greedy!), I think Kate will be okay with this.

fidosmommy said...

Did I just miss ANOTHER mop up? Ah, shucks.

Anonymous said...

Working Woman here

It portrays Jon as a kind, humble human being so Kate will probably just pretend it doesn't exist.

AuntieAnn said...

Jane said... 44

PBS has always been at the top of my tv watching list - from Reading Rainbow to Downton Abbey to Antiques Roadshow to Live From Lincoln Center to This Old House to the late, great Julia Child. It's all good and seems to just keep getting better.
Mine as well, Jane. I've watched if for years too numerous to count.

PBS is fine dining. TLC is a greasy spoon. I'm also watching T&E lately, mainly for bad-boy Bourdain, but it has quite a few very good programs too.

Jane said...

Oh good grief, are the sheeple sleuths posting names again? Have they found me? Waving hi! So ridiculous.

Jane said...

AuntieAnn said... 55
Mine as well, Jane. I've watched if for years too numerous to count.

PBS is fine dining. TLC is a greasy spoon. I'm also watching T&E lately, mainly for bad-boy Bourdain, but it has quite a few very good programs too.


Have you caught "Mind of a Chef" narrated by Anthony Bourdain on PBS? It follows Chef David Chang on marvelous adventures.

CeCe said...

What a nice story.
Good for Jon, he seems like a nice guy.

AuntieAnn said...

Jane said... 57
Have you caught "Mind of a Chef" narrated by Anthony Bourdain on PBS? It follows Chef David Chang on marvelous adventures.

Not yet, but there is a new episode on Saturday which I won't miss.

He's like Tony, a rebel and a carnivore lol!

IDModo said...

As an older person (69)living with multiple myeloma, I watched Megan's video with both joy and sadness. Joy, that she is so bravely fighting lymphoma and has not lost her sense of humour, and Sadness, that one so young has to endure cancer.

Cancer sucks, but somehow for someone like me who has lived a full and generally happy life, it doesn't seem to suck as much as it must for a young woman with her life, marriage and children before her.

Nobody wants to come to terms with death; we all think it won't happen, at least not soon. I devoutly hope that Megan's treatments give her the chance for a rich, long and joyful life, as free of pain and sorrow as it is possible to be.

God bless Jon for joining her in a smile of pure joy.

Kristine said...

There are no words. (But I will type some anyway ;)

I have spoken kindly many times here, about how much I love Jon. He's a great man. And, I think he sends thanks you notes!

Let me go back and read the thread, and then I'll get back to you about Kate.

Jon was also recently hanging locally, singing Karaoke (sp?) at TGIFs- serenading the lively, and broken-hearted. Mending one couples' true-love, one song at a time. GO JON!!

Speaking of mending... I read it on Twitter. Jon also went to a craft shop, to pick up an unknown item. I assume it was something custom and knitting related. (Admin knows, I call this Blog our knitting circle, so it's fitting.)

Is Milo back yet?

Kristine said...

*Thank you notes*...

My Swed mother, made sure I had every note filled out by New Year, as I had the best cursive skillz.

franky said...

Is this the poor woman who put 1 photo on fb
.and khates minions attacked it b/c Jon was there?

they are serilusly sicm

what an uplifting photo..look into her evil here...mooove on

Anonymous said...

Franky have the sheeple actually attacked this poor woman???!!!

Anonymous said...

There is much to admire on PBS. But much of the programming also has heavy bias. Keep your critical thinking skills on and as yourself many questions as they present much of their programming.

I was a fan of I Claudius, Ethics in Media, Masterpiece, and currently Downton. The history of how life was is brilliantly presented.

Anonymous said...

Megan is an amazing young woman. How brave she is to share her heart wrenching journey. I wish good health and good things for her.

Jendi ~ Administrator said...

Hang on, hang on, I don't see any evidence the sheeple attacked her. There are only NICE comments on Jon's photo, period. Let's not accuse them of something they didn't do. No one deserves that. ~ Administrator said...

There is much to admire on PBS. But much of the programming also has heavy bias. Keep your critical thinking skills on and as yourself many questions as they present much of their programming.


Always in anything I watch. This is a very critical group in general.

PJ's momma said...

Megan was deleting negative comments and asked several times that people cease with posting negative comments. Sad. ~ Administrator said...

OMG. Shame on them. She is fighting cancer. Most comments were nice. ~ Administrator said...

So they don't even drawn the line at someone with cancer. Good to know.

PJ's momma said...

I saw a couple before they were deleted yesterday and it was more along the lines of'Jon's a creep.' Though it was years ago, a lot of people are stuck on the weird mistakes he made when newly single. A good lesson that bad perceptions are sometimes never forgotten.

did you know said...

There were more negative comments directed at Kate than Jon. I don't believe they were haters or sheeple. They were using real names with real accounts. They were just people in general who didn't like Jon or Kate.

Anonymous said...

Megan Kowalewski Please, no rude comments. He is a really nice person, and nobody should judge.
January 5 at 7:19pm · Like · 70 ~ Administrator said...

If it were just general Jon is a creep comments that's not necessarily sheeple then. That's how a lot of people feel. Kate and TLC's dead beat dad campaign and Jon's own actions successfully has solidified his place in many people's minds. I wish though they would think about saying things like that to someone with cancer who was clearly happy to meet him. ~ Administrator said...

Interesting. Am I wrong that Megan's facebook is not the place to talk about Kate OR Jon???

Take a note from most of her friends. If people are going to post they should say something nice about Megan or nothing at all-- not spread negativity by giving their two cents on how they feel about the stupid Gosselin saga.

PJ's momma said...

Did you know, that's the impression I got too. Oddly, she didn't remove the comments regarding'his wife.' ~ Administrator said...

Oh, that was said way back on January 5, way before this wonderful story was exposed to the main Gosselin "followers."

I'm guessing then that was just random people who have been influenced one way or the other by what they've heard. They have every right to express their opinion, but come over here or to the other blogs. Don't do it there.

Anonymous said...

Working Woman here

That opinion of Jon proves that people are not always very forgiving, and that sometimes negative impressions last. It's really a shame, and it's certainly a shame that some people had to express it over that lovely photo. ~ Administrator said...

Actually from what i can tell, there haven't been any comments on those photos since Sunday. Good.

It should probably stay that way. I would hate that outing this story would cause her one second of clean up. The swiffering is for me, well and my blog girls, not a cancer patient. The purpose of outing it is to share what an inspiration she is. I wish her nothing but healing and peace. ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous, I don't know what you are talking about re: jendi and see nothing "suspicious" about her comments whatsoever. Please email me to clarify or drop it. ~ Administrator said...

Jen is a popular name. There are many Jen's who have been here over the years just like there are many Sheri's. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

In any case I don't really care if it's a sheeple, their comments are appropriate and I'm not going to ban someone just because they have the same name as someone else unless they're violating the rules. When their comments become inappropriate then I will delete them. Sheeple are allowed to post here as long as they respect the rules.

Anonymous said...

I'm so digusted that anybody would leave a negative comment on Megan's page. It actuallu makes me sad that the Enablers hate Jon so much that they've tossed out all human decency. I wouldn't even leave a negative comment if she posed with OJ.

The picture is of Megan's big, well-needed Smile. I'm convinced the sheep are spawns of the devil. ~ Administrator said...

. I wouldn't even leave a negative comment if she posed with OJ.


Me neither. After reading her story I don't care who makes her smile I just want her to SMILE.

jz said...

penny, i agree. those haters that left those negative comments about kate are spawns of the devil. ~ Administrator said...

penny, i agree. those haters that left those negative comments about kate are spawns of the devil.


You know, I actually agree. I have no problem with speaking your mind about someone in the public eye but don't do it on the facebook page of a cancer patient who is just trying to SMILE once in awhile. There are PLENTY of other places to spout off about Kate around the web. And Jon.

jz said...

the bottom line is there was no sheeple or haters creating any issues on her page. why make it into something it wasn't? no need for that.

dog lover said...

Sad story to tell. A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to take a sick, older Yorkshire Terrier, and all vet bills and food would be covered by the owner. The little thing was barely 6 pounds, her trachea was the diameter of a pencil, and had just been found to have a bad heart murmer. This woman was going to the tropics for vacation soon, did not want to put the dog to sleep yet, but did not want the responsibility of caring for the dog herself. So last friday, I went and brought her to my home. I also have 3 small dogs, and a rescue Border Collie, but live out in the country, so have lots of room for them. The little dogs have built in kennels, fluffy bedding, a dog door that goes out to a deck, with a ramp that goes into their fenced in pen. The rescue Collie has his own dog door. I have no carpet in my house, the dogs do cause me extra work, but I don't really are, because I love them. So tonight, I held that tiny Yorkie in my arms, struggling for breath, I knew she was dying. I did not want her to feel afraid or alone, so I kept her in my arms, we were face to face, until she was gone. I cried and cried tonight. And now I am mad! If you have a dog, that is old and sick, but still has lots of life to live, then You Live With It, and see it thru, you don't pass it on to someone else, because you can't be bothered! Sorry to come here to rant, but I know there are true dog lovers on this blog, and I needed to get this off my chest. I only had her for a few days, but I fell instantly in love with her. The other dogs loved her quickly, too, accepted her into their pack. Sometimes humans just plain suck.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading here for a while, but only commented a couple times using Anonymous, without my signature. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset anyone. Jendi is the nickname my Grandma gave me when I was very young. She called me that until she died.


Anonymous said...

Dog Lover, Bless you. I am sure that dog had the better person, 100%, to be with him/her at death. RIP little one. You will be rewarded, Dog Lover.

Heide said...

Dog Lover,
I'm glad that sweet little Yorkie had someone who comforted her at the end. Bless you. You did a really great thing for that little dog.

dog lover said...

Thanks Border Collie and Heidi, I knew I could get some comfort here. She was 13 years old, abd had just 7 teeth left, but she sure was a little character. I am so glad that in the short time she was with me, she hardly had a chance to use her little legs, as I never wanted to put her down.I will really miss her. And it is my birthday January 10, which really sucks.Off to try to sleep now, crying is exhausting. Nice story about Jon and Meagan admin., nice to see a picture of him so happy.

Anonymous said...

IDModo at 59, you have my admiration for living with multiple myeloma. It seems that if you can get it under control you have a decent chance. It's one of those silent cancers that can sneak up on you (in our case). I hope you have many quality years ahead of you.

Lynn W.

curious said...

WHAt is your goal?

MJ said...

Thank you for this topic Admin. Megan is a courageous young woman and her story is so inspiring. I wish the teens and those who look up to Kate would read this story and re-direct their admiration to someone truly inspiring like Megan.

IDModo said...

Lynn W. at 92,Thank you for understanding.I had a stem cell transplant in May and so far so good. Wishing you the same quality years!

Dog lover, my old Zoe died in my arms at 13. It doesn't matter how long they are with you, they leave a big hole in your heart when they go.That little Yorkie is waiting at the Bridge for YOU, who showed her kindness and love.

Improbable Dreams said...

TMZ is carrying a story about Jon having a $39K IRS tax lien, due to unpaid bills in '09. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I think SOMEONE tipped them off. SOMEONE with eyes of flint and a heart made out of coal. Likely because that SOMEONE couldn't stand the idea of Jon receiving all this positive attention, no matter how much he deserves it.

Hi Kate! Read here much?

kids first said...

Evil Kate can tip off TMZ, etc but it doesn't change the fact that she is a bi@$h and everyone knows it.. Amd pulling crap like that isn't getting her bsck on TV. In fact, it may backfire on her.

Jane said...

Jon's acknowledged for doing something nice and Bam! Kate or her sleuthing sheeple are at it again : (

Jon Gosselin became a free man in 2009 -- problem is, he allegedly snubbed the IRS in the process ... and now, the schlubby reality dad's been hit with a $39K tax lien.

If you recall, 2009 was the year Jon and Kate went splitsville ... scoring them both more publicity -- i.e. paid interviews and appearances -- than either could've imagined.

But according to docs filed in Berks County, Pennsylvania ... Jon still failed to dish out the necessary cash to Uncle Sam that year ... resulting in the massive tax bill.

Let's hope he saved some of that sweet reality cash ... 'cause while the bill might've been a doable amount back then, it's gonna be a pain in 2013 ... considering Jon works a totally normal person job now.

Thank God he bought all those Ed Hardy shirts while he had the chance... Multiple attempts to reach Jon were unsuccessful.

TxBR549 said...

GM all !!!
Improbable Dream, I looked at the document and it is a State of Pa. notice, not from the IRS. TMZ needs to get some of their facts straight, perhaps try something new for a change.

Hope everyone is off to a good start in 2013!!!

Terri said...

I'd like to get some feed back from all here with their thoughts on what they think has happened to Kate's #1 fan Milo. Something is up, I just can't seem to figure it out.

Mis-Mannered said...

Deanna (aka Kate's BFF & Make-up "girl") says she's all about the hand-written Thank You note. #sideswipe? #HiKate

Love these &I still send TY notes! @TheVivant Can the Handwritten Note Make a Comeback? @DerekBlasberg Is Betting OnIt.

JudyK said...

Behind again, but watched this remarkable, inspiring video of a very brave young woman with spirit to spare.

The picture of Megan and Jon is touching...touching because Jon is slumped over with a big grin on his face, not posing--just sharing a sweet, genuine moment with Megan. Kate might want to look up the meaning of the word "genuine."

IDModo #59 wishing you the best in your own cancer battle. You are also inspirational. You have been posting here for as long as I can remember, but never before have I heard you mention your illness.

In so many ways the women on this blog represent the antithesis of Kate Gosselin, which brings me to Dog Lover. I am grateful that selfish, uncaring woman left that little Yorkie in your excellent care and that the Yorkie had the comfort of feeling loved when she passed.

Improbable Dreams said...

Terri at 100 ~ I can't help but be concerned, as well. Milo's affection for Kate seemed so over-the-top, and now she's vanished w/o so much as a nod in Kate's direction? Odd, to say the least. Maybe they're having back-door conversations, who knows? But it's curious to me that none of Kate's closest fans are asking her about it, either.

Maybe if enough people tweet Kate with questions as to Milo's whereabouts and well-being, she'll trot out a picture or two, like she eventually did with Shoka.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dog Lover, my sense is that the Yorkie was with you for a reason and I'm sure you helped make the passing peaceful. It's still heartbreaking and I dread when any of my dogs needs to leave me. I pray for strength.
IDModo, blessing to you in your recovery and much love and laughter in your future. Your outlook is truly inspiring.
Thanks Admin for bringing yet another inspirational story that if not for this community, I would have never learned.

Jane said...

And here come the happy, happy, joy, joy tweets:

GM! SO happy that the sun was coming up as I returned from bus stop drop off...that means the days are getting longer&spring is on its way!

Jane said...

Mis-Mannered said... 101
Deanna (aka Kate's BFF & Make-up "girl") says she's all about the hand-written Thank You note. #sideswipe? #HiKate

Love these &I still send TY notes! @TheVivant Can the Handwritten Note Make a Comeback? @DerekBlasberg Is Betting OnIt.


Deanna was tweeting last night to some of the fans about Downton Abbey, Amazon Prime, everyday type stuff. No tweets to Kate and nothing about Kate. She doesn't initiate tweets to the fans, just replies in a general, broad way.

Pity Party said...

They have have been trained to walk on egg shells, like everyone else.

Improbable Dreams said...

Jane said...106 ~

I saw that, too! Interesting. Do you think Deanna's mentioning thank-you notes was a coincidence? I don't. I also don't think it's coincidence that Deanna no longer has Twitter exchanges with Kate, and/or with K's fans.

Jane said...

Improbable Dreams said... 108
Jane said...106 ~

I saw that, too! Interesting. Do you think Deanna's mentioning thank-you notes was a coincidence? I don't. I also don't think it's coincidence that Deanna no longer has Twitter exchanges with Kate, and/or with K's fans.


I don't think it necessarily means they're on the outs, but perhaps Deanna either woke up or someone shook her and told her to stop with the over-the-top tweets to Kate and her fans defending Kate's actions and discussing child-support issues. Her current tweets to the fans are still friendly, chatty, they just don't mention Kate, Jon, or anything about their lives.

Formerly Duped said...

Best of luck to IDModo and Megan! And anyone else who is dealing w health issues or their loved ones are...great photo of Jon and Megan.

Kristine said... 60

Jon singing karaoke? He has a terrible voice as seen ( heard!) on the caroling Xmas episode, but a good sport I guess.

NT said...

Terri,I also am wondering what happened to Milo. It's very strange indeed. I also wonder why Kate has not questioned where she is,or said anything about her at all. Also,Kate's tweet this morning is laughable. Spring in Pa. is still far away!!! She just lives for the warm weather so she can flaunt her fake boobs,which by the way,look terrible on her because she is losing too much weight. She looks very top heavy. JMO!!

Mel said...

Jane said... 105
And here come the happy, happy, joy, joy tweets:

Of course Kate's happy! She got to throw Jon under the bus again.

She just can't *stand* for him to have any positive press, can she.


Working Woman said...

Poor Jon.

It's just a little too coincidental that, after not being in the news for months and months, right when he is seen in a lovely picture with a cancer patient and commended for it, this TMZ news story comes out.

Not buying that it's a coincidence at all.

If it's true, who cares?? He'll pay the tax he was fined with and it will be over. It's not like he's Kate and "no is never no" to him.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

IDModo said... 95

Lynn W. at 92,Thank you for understanding.I had a stem cell transplant in May and so far so good. Wishing you the same quality years!


Stay healthy and strong, IModo.

Best wishes to you for many, many more happy years to come-

With love,

Jane said...

Working Woman said... 113
Poor Jon.

It's just a little too coincidental that, after not being in the news for months and months, right when he is seen in a lovely picture with a cancer patient and commended for it, this TMZ news story comes out.

Not buying that it's a coincidence at all.

I agree - no coincidence here. It could be Kate spewing to TMZ or it could be one of the fans who love to dig and pick and send info to the tabloids. Wasn't it one of the fans who admitted to searching PA child support records and notifying Radar?

Working Woman said...

Dog lover, hon what a heartwrenching story. It must be have been so hard for you to see the precious little Yorkie struggle like that.

That said, she was very lucky to spend her last moments with someone so caring and compassionate. It is said that her original owners were not able or willing to take on the responsibility of a sick pet.

Thank you for sharing your story. Gd bless you, Dog Lover.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

dog lover said... 87

Sad story to tell. A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to take a sick, older Yorkshire Terrier, and all vet bills and food would be covered by the owner. The little thing was barely 6 pounds, her trachea was the diameter of a pencil, and had just been found to have a bad heart murmer. This woman was going to the tropics for vacation soon, did not want to put the dog to sleep yet, but did not want the responsibility of caring for the dog herself. So last friday, I went and brought her to my home. I also have 3 small dogs, and a rescue Border Collie, but live out in the country, so have lots of room for them. The little dogs have built in kennels, fluffy bedding, a dog door that goes out to a deck, with a ramp that goes into their fenced in pen. The rescue Collie has his own dog door. I have no carpet in my house, the dogs do cause me extra work, but I don't really are, because I love them. So tonight, I held that tiny Yorkie in my arms, struggling for breath, I knew she was dying. I did not want her to feel afraid or alone, so I kept her in my arms, we were face to face, until she was gone. I cried and cried tonight. And now I am mad! If you have a dog, that is old and sick, but still has lots of life to live, then You Live With It, and see it thru, you don't pass it on to someone else, because you can't be bothered! Sorry to come here to rant, but I know there are true dog lovers on this blog, and I needed to get this off my chest. I only had her for a few days, but I fell instantly in love with her. The other dogs loved her quickly, too, accepted her into their pack. Sometimes humans just plain suck.


Thank God for people like you, dog lover.

Dogs & cats & people(in Kate's case) are not dispensable.

Bless that sweet, little Yorkie's soul.
I'm glad you were with him, when he needed a loving & compassionate friend the most.

Many blessings to you, dear-
With love,

chefsummer #Leh said...

Improbable Dreams said... 96
TMZ is carrying a story about Jon having a $39K IRS tax lien, due to unpaid bills in '09. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I think SOMEONE tipped them off. SOMEONE with eyes of flint and a heart made out of coal. Likely because that SOMEONE couldn't stand the idea of Jon receiving all this positive attention, no matter how much he deserves it.

Hi Kate! Read here much?
January 10, 2013 3:57 AM

I'm just waiting for Kate fans to pick this up & for them to start slamming Jon.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I say good job Jon it a sweet thing he did.

I also say stay strong and stay positive to Megan you're a beautiful lady.

Jane said...

chefsummer said... 118
I'm just waiting for Kate fans to pick this up & for them to start slamming Jon.


It's started - the usual fans are at it. And they mostly have the info wrong.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Jane said... 120

Guess I'm behind then lol.

Working Woman said...

Spring is on its way?

We're not even in mid-January, Katie dear.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Working Woman said... 122

Now now you know that she doesn't pay attention to the news.

So how do you expect her to know what season it is?-(lol) ~ Administrator said...

I'm not sure how separations work in PA, Jon and Kate's divorce wasn't finalized until the very, very end of 2009, in December. Literally 2 weeks before 2010. Is there some kind of mark where suddenly your income and tax obligations are treated as your own? Because typically in marriage, a tax issue for income made while you are married belongs to both of you no matter who earned it. Wouldn't they have actually filed joint tax returns for 2009?

In other words, I'm curious if half this tax problem could be Kate's, too.

JoyinVirginia said...

IDModo, best wishes to you for good health and goodresponse to your treatment.
Dog Lover, those cute little puppy dog eyes say so much, even tho dogs can't talk, you kind of understand what they are thinking sometimes. And that little dog was so happy and content I bet just to be held.
Terri, my speculation about Milo: 1. Really was an account done by interns and the contract ran out. 2. Milo s elderly aunt really did die and she is busy doing whatever had to be done to settle her affairs. 3. Milo really has health problems that are flaring up again. 4. Milo got insulted she did not receive a shout out when Ms Kreider was on Watch What Happens Live! 5. Milo got offended she did not receive a gift or Christmas card from Ms Kreider. 6. Milo has decided to start a Honey Boo Boo or Duck Dynasty fan club, Ms Kreider is so 2012. 7. Milo decided to take a nice vacation with Lights Out Man and is taking a break from electronics at the same time. 8. Milo was a sock puppet and the puppeteer got bored. 9. Something very serious happened to Milo and we may never know what happened in real life.
personal note: ten years ago tomorrow, one of our very close friends died very suddenly and unexpectedly. He was only 50. Anyway, he was very active on one online forum that he had shared with me, and he had many virtual friends. I emailed the admin of that site, gave them the link to the obituary and funeral home legacy page. His brother and sister were amazed by all the online condolences they received. only one or two people in that online community knew his physical address and real name, but he had many virtual friends that he meant a lot to.

Bluebird said...

Dog Lover, what a big heart you have, you can be sure that the little Yorkie will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

IDModo, I pray that your stem cell transplant is a huge success and that your battle with cancer will be over.

My take on Milo is that she had a falling out with Kate and has decided to ditch her. Of course, Kate would never send Milo a tweet asking if she needed anything.

Working Woman said...

This story on Job brings back 2009, which is Kate and the sheeples' very favorite year!

It was the year Kate was "Can-do Kate" and Jon was Ed-Hardy-wearing, bar-hopping, girl-screwing, Michael-Lohan-wannabe Jon.

The one time in their whole lives, certainly in their time in the public, where Kate possibly looked better than Jon. And that was only because of her Emmy-worthy performance of "heartbroken, single mom who is going to do whatever it takes to do right by her kids who have a horrible worthless daddy."

And sadly for Jon, that image of him will never be forgotten by some. Despite his apologies, despite his new image, despite the fact that he no longer chases fame, lives a regular-Joe life, and refuses to exploit his kids, some people will always have a negative opinion of
him based on that period of time 4 years ago.

But he knows, in his heart, that is a decent man. He knows he made mistakes and is willing to admit it. He knows that those mistakes are in the past and that what is most important is being a good parent to his children and helping them lead a normal life.

Can Kate say this about herself? If I brought up any one of Kate's horrible meltdowns, the Toys R Us incident, her public spanking of Leah, wouldn't the sheeple say, "They were mistakes, she is not perfect, everybody has bad moments" etc.

Double standard.

librarylady said...

Joy, I just typed "maybe "Milo's" twitter contract with Kate ran out at the end of the year" and you beat me to it, lol.

Working Woman said...

IDModo, my warmest thoughts, prayers, and wishes go out to you, dear.

I am glad you can say you have thus far lived a full and happy love. Wishing you many many more years of love, good health, and blessings.

Chefsummer 123 - LOL! My expectations are a bit unreasonable sometimes I suppose...

June said... (Administrator) said... 51
As long as Megan isn't trying to upstage her by having multiples too (cancer and multiples?? Greedy!), I think Kate will be okay with this.


This made me laugh out loud!

TxBR549 said...

I went back to the certified copy of the document re: lien. When first posted, it showed a SNN, now that has been redacted.

Admin, I am in agreement with you!

June said...

Working, I agree with much of what say. Yet some of us are still leary of just how much Jon has changed. Has he dumped Liz yet? She's not an asset and falls into the sleezy category. Ellen was the only sane relationship that man's ever had and he wasn't smart enough to hold on to her. No doubt he's way better than Kate but that isn't saying much.
IDModo have you considered treatment in the US? Canada isn't exactly known for its superior medical care.

IDModo said...

Wow!Thank you everybody for the outpouring of caring messages (Sorry if this sounds like a Kate blanket thank-you tweet).The compassion and caring on this blog are wonderful.

We are each battling something. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes not so. It always could be worse, my hope is that it can also be better and that's what we all need to look forward to.
God bless you sll.
Love Modo♥

Working Woman said...

June, I don't know Liz and I don't know much about her so I can't speak in regards to her.

In general, I feel that he's turned his life around. Not saying he's perfect at all, but he's certainly not the loser the sheeple want him to be. ~ Administrator said...

Heather, I must have missed where people are calling you a conspiracy theorist and dismissing you. Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they are dismissing you. Folks here don't have to agree with you. You can agree to disagree, move on, and no one is "dismissing" anyone least of all anyone here. People here are pretty patient with what you want to talk about even though you have many times insulted them. I do encourage you, if you want, to join in on the post topic at hand from time to time and leave the other topics to rest for a bit. The people here are generally well versed in a variety of issues and I'm not sure you'll change their minds anyway especially on big subjects like food in which most of us know quite a bit already and have formed our own conclusions ages ago. For instance, what do you think of Megan's story? I'd love to hear.

MJ said...

Admin said...
I'm not sure how separations work in PA, Jon and Kate's divorce wasn't finalized until the very, very end of 2009, in December. Literally 2 weeks before 2010. Is there some kind of mark where suddenly your income and tax obligations are treated as your own? Because typically in marriage, a tax issue for income made while you are married belongs to both of you no matter who earned it. Wouldn't they have actually filed joint tax returns for 2009?

In other words, I'm curious if half this tax problem could be Kate's, too.


I agree Admin. It's either a joint tax problem or the divorce agreement allowed them to file as "married but filing separately" for '09. Interesting.

IDModo said...

June, them's fightin' words. I have had the best of medical care in a world class facility. The University hospital in my home town is world renowned for its cancer research.
My care didn't cost me one red cent.In the US it would be impossibly costly.

Please do some research on Canada before you form opinions based on what must be either gossip or propaganda.

I didn't post my condition to pick a fight, but you must have been aware that your comment, while untrue, would cause a reaction in any patriotic Canadian. I would be vilified if I were to say the same thing about US medicine. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe Kate already paid her part of the lien. That's easy to do when you're willing to dig into the children's pot to make ends meet.

You know debt, bills and liens are just so EASY not to have when you are perfectly willing to exploit your children to pay them. I don't see her as any kind of saint for paying her bills. She didn't pay them herself.

Bluebird said...

June, I'm sorry to contradict you, but Canada has some very good and well known medical facilities. McGill University Health Centre is one of the leading cancer institutes in North America. And now Montreal is building a new $155 million Cancer Centre on the Glen Campus as part of a $2.2 billion MUHC redevelopment project.

The divorce was in 2009, would Kate not be responsible for some of these taxes owed also? ~ Administrator said...

Maybe Jon wasn't smart enough like Kate was to put in every contract that the person hiring you should pay all your taxes because hey, why should I have to pay taxes on my income??? That's the problem for the one paying me!

We saw a contract like that in Robert's book.

MJ said...

Admin, you're so right about Kate and bill paying and the kids. Thinking about this tax bill brings to mind Kate not paying Dr. LaFair's bill.

IDModo said...

Thanks, Bluebird! And then there's Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, at the forefront of Stem Cell Cancer research in the world; Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton, Ontario, that does an average of 80 stem cell transplants for cancer patients every year...

Formerly Duped said...

June said... 132
I agree with IDModo and she is in a position to post on this. Canada has world-class hospitals, yes, a superior reputation, including cancer centres. I worked there for many years as a nurse, and have relatives in the medical field. No system is perfect, but I have been amazed by US insurance costs & the HMO system since I moved to the US, although treatment itself is also top-notch.However I would not insult the country or the Americans on this board and elsewhere .I just find the differences hard to get used to.

Also re: Jon. Maybe Jon loves Liz? Why judge their relationship?

PJ's momma said...

dog lover, my heart goes out to you. But it that little Yorkie was treated so dismissively by her owner during her life, these last 2 weeks may have been the happiest ever lived, especially with all the love you showered on her. You did a good thing and hopefully that will comfort you.

IDModo, our friend had a stem cell transplanst (his own harvested cells) in October and is returning to work part-time next week. What an amazing thing you have been through. Brutal (and yes, expensive)! But what an example and testimony you have. I wonder if Megan has had the same but I am not good with nonclickable links on my phone. I'll read the articles when I get home.

We had a young news reporter here who got cancer last year and chronicled her journey on their website. The support and love she received were amazing, similar to the tens of thousands of 'likes' on Megan's page. She's in remission now and planning her wedding, she's about the same age as Megan. I pray the same good health/outcome for Megan. She definitely has a 'light' that shines brightly and hopefully it will continue to shine for many decades. ~ Administrator said...

She's not an asset and falls into the sleezy category.


I don't get this comment either. She's not an asset? How do you define that? She works, the kids seem completely relaxed and comfortable around her judging by the photos she has posted, and Jon loves her. She's sleazy? How so? We know so little about her this just seems uncalled for. What more do we know about her other than she works, Jon loves her, no judge has stopped her from being around the kids (it's about as easy as apple pie to get an order that detrimental significant others are not to be around the kids--if Kate has tried this, she has never succeeded) and the kids look happy and relaxed around her. Oh we also know that Kate rolled her window up in her face.

JoyinVirginia said...

Library Lady, that is funny! First thing that I thought of was the speculation a while back that Milo was a group effort by interns maybe. It just might be true.
We will wait and see, I suppose if Ms Kreider renews her contract the tweets will start up again.

Admin I finally watcher the Stronger video Megan made. So inspirational, yes you can have fun with your cancer nurses and dance with your iv pole! I love how she rides on her pole.

librarylady said...

McGill has an excellent reputation worldwide. I'm not sure why we don't hear more about it. One of family's neurologists who specializes in MS just left this area of Ohio with world famous health facilities to go to McGill because the research opportunity and funding was far superior for her line of work to here in the U.S. She felt she could make more progress and ultimately help more patients there and we were sorry to lose her. ~ Administrator said...

By the way I tend to like Ellen the best too, yet at the same time Ellen was very young and hadn't had her family yet. It wouldn't be fair to her to join this family and not ever fulfill her own dreams of her own family that anyone who wants it should have. I get the sense that breakup was done for the good of Ellen. It seems more practical to be with someone who has had their children and understands divorce. I think the last thing this family needs is more kids added to the mix. I think that would be devastatingly difficult on the Gosselin kids to deal with yet another child commanding attention and I do think Jon knows and respects that.

Working Woman said...

Oh we also know that Kate rolled her window up in her face.

Did she mean this as a metaphor or literally? Either way, shame on Kate.

I completely agree that while Ellen seemed like a sweet, down-to-earth girl who truly cared for Jon and for the kids, that's an awful lot of baggage for such a young girl who possibly wanted a family of her own someday.

And yes, if Jon and Liz are happy together and love each other, then that is wonderful for them. As long as she treats him and the kids well, what more can we ask of her? :-)

Dmasy said...

IDModo, please keep us updated on your health and your progress. I enjoy your posts and you are in my prayers for strength and success. You have an amazing attitude. We can all learn something from how you are handling a serious situation.

June said...

IDModo I wasn't aware you felt so strongly about your Country's medical system.
My opinions ARE based on facts. I work in a doctor's office near the Canadian border and almost half our patients are Canadian citizens who have nothing kind to say about Socialist medicine. They are happy to pay very large sums of money for the quality care they receive. I dare so there aren't many Americans who make the reverse choice. It's not always the better care that draws people, sometimes it's the very long wait and lack of choices available. It's an office joke that noone wants to get sick in Canada.
Didn't mean to upset you, my first hand experience is quite the opposite of yours. Very glad you are happy with your care, though. And of course there are good hospitals there. Nothing is so black and white, good or bad.

Formerly Duped said...

June, I find your comments very offensive and I am a dual citizen. Both systems are flawed, tire, but both offer the latest in medical procedures and centres. Also agree waiting lists are long, but that is one price of free medical care.I worked in Toronto and we had patients from allover the world coming for the quality of care.

Formerly Duped said...

true, not tire.

CanadaBashingNow? said...

At least in Canada we don't have to have gofundme pages to raise money to pay for medical procedures.

CanadaBashingNow? said...


Less than 1 percent of Canadians go to the USA for health care.

Look it up

Boston Bonnie said...

Admin, Frontline on Michelle Rhee was interesting. I've watched it twice already.

What impresses me the most is that JON didn't post this but Megan did. He recognized the personal nature of this encounter and left it private. Kudos to Jon!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Shall we add healthcare to the list of things we shouldn't talk about along with religion and politics?

June said...

I'm not sure where you obtained your stats regarding the percentage of Canadians that seek medical care in the US, but I speak from firsthand experience regarding the numbers we see in our office.
One can find numbers on the interent to support just about anything.

Formerly Duped said...

June, one office? That does not hold much water. What you say re: your job in one office may well be true but is not not a nationwide survey. Either is my opinion, but I think my experiences in BOTH countries are noteworthy as well as IDModo's ( among others) personal story.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

June said... 158
One can find numbers on the interent to support just about anything.

BINGO!! So you see, there is NO POINT in arguing. You'll post your numbers, someone else will post their numbers and all will be stated as facts. So winners.

Lilly said...

Sorry June - I have lived in several cities across Canada and never met anyone who went to the states for treatment unless it was something not available here or perhaps not covered. Having used the system over the last 6 weeks with my dh - i have absolutely no complaints.

CanadaBashingNow? said...

One office does not provide accurate statistics, surely you have to realize that.

Accurate stats are out there. Look it up.

June said...

Didn't mean to offend anyone. I won't mention this topic again.

IDModo said...

June, people who can afford to pay very large sums of money to be able to "jump the queue" by obtaining medical care in the US, are NOT representative of the average Canadian citizen, who is not wealthy.

I realize that Socialism is a dirty word in the USA but in Canada Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in Parliament is a Social Democratic Party, pejoratively called Socialist by the Conservatives (that's the name of their Party) and proudly called Socialist by those of us who believe in a level playing field.This is a comment on Canadian politics, not American.

I don't think that we can have this discussion without it having political overtones, and the purpose of Admin's post was to show us the joy that Jon was able to share with a very brave young woman, so I'm going to put my feelings aside and stop talking about this issue.
Thanks to everyone who participated, time to move on,IMO.

Formerly Duped said...

IDModo, agree. :) Well stated. I will move on as well.

Anonymous said...

Yes I believe in a level playing field. That way no one will ever try to work harder or better or smarter because why bother they will just be knocked down to make sure it's fair to all the rest of them.

God I fear for our future if this is the direction we are going.

PatK said...

So as understand it, TMZ refers to the tax lien as being from the IRS, and initially published the document with Jon's SS number displayed?

Can just any idiot work for TMZ?

Mary Ann said...

Terri, I have a theory about Milo's sudden silence. Two days before she went silent she had ranted about Robert Hoffman being a liar for saying that Kate had an abortion. She sent several tweets that Kate would NEVER have had an abortion...really seemed upset about this . I think Kate told her to shut up and quit talking or defending her about abortion. She does not want it mentioned at all. Milo has served her purpose and overstayed her welcome Just like everyone else that has ever been in Kate's life. She uses and discards people. Thebumpistpath tweeted that she finally got a DM from Milo and that she sounded confused and tired. Not sure why Kate's actions would confuse her, she has never kept her nasty disposition a secret.

h said...

TxBR549 said... 131
I went back to the certified copy of the document re: lien. When first posted, it showed a SNN, now that has been redacted.
I saw the now redacted social security number posted as well.
I shudder to think what could happen if that was indeed Jon's ssn.
Be afraid, Jon.
Be very afraid.

Paula said...

Good afternoon everyone. Well, as predictable is that night follows day, something nice about Jon will be followed by something negative. Though, of course many people these days find themselves with financial issues - something that Kate will find herself in shortly. Who can go without a job for 1.5 years?

Anyway, if, indeed, TMZ posted Jon's SSN #, well, Jon can sue TMZ. So, maybe he should sue TMZ and get enough money to pay the lien? All thanks to Kate!!!

Mel said...

TxBR549 said... 131
I went back to the certified copy of the document re: lien. When first posted, it showed a SNN, now that has been redacted.

How terrible! Aren't there laws against revealing someone's SSN? Is this actionable, admin?

Paula said...

Obtaining anyone's SSN# can lead to identity fraud.

Pity Party said...

Great idea! Definitely has a right to do so!

Pity Party said...

I hope we get a new post. Feel bad posting anything but well wishes on this nice post.

Working Woman said...

Why are the financial woes of a guy who now stays out of the media anyone else's business???

That type of issue is never the public's business. But especially not when the subject keeps himself out of the limelight and just tries to live a normal life.

The actually posted his SSN? How dare they? How careless can you be? Thousands of people probably saw it before it was redacted.

Paula said...

Agreed Pity Party.

June said...

Jon should sue TMZ if they published his SSN.

Talk about irresponsible reporting.

My reasons for not liking Liz have to do with that tv interview she and Jon did and her twitter pictures and postings. I hoped Jon had found another Ellen, and this woman hits me as being a cheap trollop. My pov.

I agree with Admin that it's not good for the Gosselin children to have any other children competing for their dad's attention. There's not enough of him to go around. I'd like to see Jon not involve his kids with whatever current girlfriend he's with. If he marries again it would then be appropriate for them to have a relationship. I don't have a lot of faith in Jon but I still see him as the better parent in most areas.

IDModo, we're polar opposites in beliefs and opinions but I wish you nothing but the best.

AuntieAnn said...

Paula said... 170

Anyway, if, indeed, TMZ posted Jon's SSN #, well, Jon can sue TMZ. So, maybe he should sue TMZ and get enough money to pay the lien? All thanks to Kate!!!

Oh the irony.

Those jackasses at TMZ might end up paying for more than just that lien.

Working Woman said...

I'd like to see Jon not involve his kids with whatever current girlfriend he's with. If he marries again it would then be appropriate for them to have a relationship. I don't have a lot of faith in Jon but I still see him as the better parent in most areas.

This is an interesting viewpoint, and I see why you feel that way.

But suppose Jon refused to involve his girlfriend in his children's lives until after they are married? Then what happens if the children decide they don't like his new wife or are uncomfortable with her? Then it becomes his children vs. his wife. A very uncomfortable situation for everyone.

How his kids feel about Liz and how Liz treats them is probably a huge factor for Jon as far as where he wants the relationship to go.

So I don't personally see any problem with him involving a girlfriend in his children's lives, once the relationship is stable and at least semi-serious.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon's outstanding tax debt? Well, he allowed himself (or had help) to get shafted in the divorce and Kate get just about every blessed thing, including her 11 bank accounts.
This stuff happens, but Jon will have to pay his debt and he will, and I bet dollars to donuts that he will not sell his children to do it. He could have made a deal with the devil, as Kate has and would do again in a heartbeat, but he hasn't.
Let Kate have her Faustian machinations, I'll be on Jon's team any day.
SS#?, holy shit! I hope he can take legal action for that being published. ~ Administrator said...

I think another woman's kids are apples and oranges to a biological kid. Those kids already have a mother and father and there is no reason the kids should feel competition. More like friends or cousins not competition.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 181
I think another woman's kids are apples and oranges to a biological kid. Those kids already have a mother and father and there is no reason the kids should feel competition. More like friends or cousins not competition.

Can't agree with that. Children from divorce often resent the boyfriend/girlfriend of their parent(s) because they wish their parents were back together and consider anyone involved in a relationship w/a parent as an interloper. They're resentful and jealous and often jealous of the children of the "interloper" as well, especially when their parent pays particular attention to the "interloper's" kids.

IDModo said...

Anonymous 166 - My vision of a level playing field, Anonymous, is that everyone has the same chance to better themselves; and what success they have is due to their own efforts, once they have had equal opportunities in the beginning.

It would also be a place where nobody is afraid to own who they are and people don't hide behind pseudonyms, when their opinions differ.

Good feelings back atya, June, we can agree to disagree!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

TMZ posted Jon's social security number?

Oh sh*t. I agree with prior posts, that's not good. We live in a crooked world, where indentity theft is rampant.

Note to Jon: sue TMZ for negligence, pay off any money you owe, and do periodic credit checks- just in case some ass decides to open credit cards with your ss#.

Good luck, Jon.

Tucker's Mom said...

They're resentful and jealous and often jealous of the children of the "interloper" as well, especially when their parent pays particular attention to the "interloper's" kids.
I can see that totally. What I imagine (because I'm not a child of divorce) is the when an "ours" is added to the "yours and mine", that's when the feelings of being an interloper is worse.
I sense that Ellen is a very nice young woman with many great qualities. It worried me that she'd want to have kids with Jon and frankly, 8 is enough. The fact that Liz is older and has kids bodes far better in my mind. And to the derogatory comments made about her? Maybe she suits Jon far better than Kate, Hailey, Ellen and whatever GF du jour Jon was having dalliances with.
Just the fact that Liz stopped Twittering and refused to go down that purposeless, insane rabbit hole makes her seem pretty skippy in my book.

Working Woman said...

I agree, the little I know about Liz seems pretty decent. I'm sure she is a lovely young woman.

As far as her posting pictures of the kids on her twitter, it was one or two pictures of one of them with her dog, and the pictures were very natural and it was not even easy to tell which child is was. So I didn't see a huge issue with that.

PJ's momma said...

I agree with those talking about feeling like an interloper with your own parent. The problem comes when the non-custodial (or even 50/50) parent spends more time with their significant other AND their kids than you, and then expects everyone to just get along, not really considering that it is extremely painful for the kid(s) to see their parent having a relationship and/or rapport with someone else's kids, something it feels they are being denied. It really hurts. Kids don't see it as everyone getting along, they often see it as a reason to be jealous. Voice of experience here.

But back to Megan, what a woman!

AuntieAnn said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 182

They're resentful and jealous and often jealous of the children of the "interloper" as well, especially when their parent pays particular attention to the "interloper's" kids.


I agree Tweet-le. In a perfect world all the children would get along. If only.

Also, factor in the parental alienator who happily fuels the fire... "Your dad pays more attention to his girlfriend's kids than he does to you".

June said...

Working, you brought up an excellent point. A good parent wouldn't be able to marry someone his children didn't care for. I appreciate your perspective because it gave me a moment's pause.

I will amend my opinion. I do not think Jon should introduce his children to a girlfriend until he is seriously ready to commit ( ie: in marriage) to her. If he is certain this is the woman for him, and all he's waiting for is his children's approval, I applaud him. He can introduce the kids at THAT point, and wait another six months to marry.

That's assuming he isn't using these women as unpaid babysitters. ~ Administrator said...

Jon was very clear the kids all get along fine. It doesn't have to be that way. I have many friends who couldn't be closer to their step siblings.

Working Woman said...

Also, factor in the parental alienator who happily fuels the fire... "Your dad pays more attention to his girlfriend's kids than he does to you".

And even if Kate doesn't do this, she HAS painted a picture of him in the media, that he does little for the kids and is not involved with them. He is "trying" to be a good dad, according to her, much like a first-grader tries to stop picking his nose in class.

Despite what Kate pretends to believe, children are not oblivious to the media. They have to know, to some extent, how Jon is portrayed, the whole dead-beat dad image. And, Kate's comments to the media haven't helped.

So thanks to her, they may already be a little wary of his presence in their lives. Throw another woman's children into the mix, and if Jon gets along with them, jealousy could possibly erupt.

PJ's momma said...

Admin, all due respect, my dad said the same thing about us and all his various girlfriends' kids. But we were keeping the peace so we wouldn't lose him completely because my mom was like Kate, throwing our dad under the bus constantly and we felt he didn't want us. I pray what Jon says is true but with 8 kids, I doubt everyone feels the same level of warm/fuzzy about it. They love their dad.

Working Woman said...

But I am happy to hear that in the Gosselin kid's case, all of the children get along. That is wonderful to hear.

I just think that Kate did not do those kids any favors by throwing Jon under this bus, and this is one of the many reasons why.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 190
Jon was very clear the kids all get along fine. It doesn't have to be that way. I have many friends who couldn't be closer to their step siblings.

Admin, I'd imagine in your line of work you have to come across a whole lot of kids not happy with the divorce and boyfriends/girlfriends and their kids coming on the scene.

Working Woman said...


Thank you for graciously accepting a different perspective, I truly think you have interesting points as well. :-)

It's about letting your children get to know someone who is important to you and who you could potentially spend your life with.... without putting your kids in the position of having to say goodbye to all of these different women if/when the relationship doesn't work out.

So I absolutely agree that the relationship should be stable and relatively serious before kids get involved.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Working Woman said... 191

That is what I don't get about Kate and her way of thinking.

She get the kids esp the twins Iphones & Ipads.

Which last time I checked can get on the web.

But she expects them not to get on the web and do a search or her.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I bet Kate's going to deny what she said about Jon to the kids.

So I would ask her if she was my mother.

"So mom are you a lair?"
"Why did you feel the need to say such things about my dad in public"?

June said...

Working, you said that beautifully.

As far as Jon saying all the kids get along? What's he going to say? My kids hate her and her kids but I'm with them anyways? Of course he's going to say they get along swimmingly.
I hope they do. But Jon's comments are to be taken with a grain of salt.

Would Kate do a better job if anyone ever dated her? Hell, no. I think it would be handled in the poorest possible manner. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that she's so unlikeable she can't get a date.

Anonymous said...

Jon doesn't have a history of lying about how the kids feel so I tend to believe him. I also don't think he would be with someone the kids are miserable around. If the kids were unhappy he wouldn't say they were happy he would just not be with that woman in the first place. Your track record speaks for itself. Photos speak for themselves. You can't fake the serene look on Joel's face with Liz and her dog

Winter Wonderland said...

Working, I agree with much of what say. Yet some of us are still leary of just how much Jon has changed. June said...Has he dumped Liz yet? She's not an asset and falls into the sleezy category.


Wow. What a judgmental thing to say. An asset to what or whom? Sleazy? How so? Do you know Liz, her background, her personality, how she parents, her friends, her social life? Does anyone here have insight into her private life that would qualify them to form such an opinion?

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