Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Discussion Thread: Celebrity Wife Swap

Kate with swap places with Kendra Wilkinson, tonight at 8 EST on ABC. Also this morning, Kate will be a guest on The View. 

1256 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Carole said...

Kate doesn't need chickens. She got them for a show and to maintain the home's status as a farmette for tax credit.

The property tax credit has nothing to do with her having chickens. She gets a credit from the "Clean and Green Act". In Kate's case it's because she has 10 or more acres that are left as pasture used for hay (iirc Henry farms it for her). The property has had the designation since at least 1998 - before J&K bought it. Chickens or no chickens, she'd still get the credit.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I can only speak for myself, but I think anyone who misleads, defrauds, or otherwise misrepresents their situation should pay the government back for what they take. The PA government caught on quick to that scam and realized that there was nothing wrong with these babies that Kate and company couldn't handle just fine on their own. I also think anyone who can afford the special care in some other way, such as family members helping out, church volunteers or, the fact that they are a nurse themselves and had even worked on the maternity floor (wait just a cotton pickin' minute here!!), should also pay back what they took.

I did not live in PA so I could pay someone else's nanny bills so they had more free time to try to get a TV show.

me PAY? No Way!! said...

If I'm getting unemployment from the state and than get a job, if the state pays me for the first week I'm working (because I wouldn't yet have a salary coming in) I'd have to pay that week back to the state.

Kate LIED to middle-America's generous church goers. "Love Offerings" while closing on a 1.2 million dollar home has to be some kind of fraud. If its not an actual crime, it sure is a moral crime.

If she, a nurse who wanted all her babies, can't handle her babies, she shouldn't have had fertility treatments. She had twins and knew what work babies entail. Her religious views (eye roll) prevented her from reducing, I repeat, she shouldn't have had fertility treatments.

She WANTED all those babies but not the responsibility. All her "help," Jon, beth, jodi, Grandparents, etc. was tossed to the curb. She CHOSE to pay babysitters rather than have Jodi watch/love HER kids.

When she became successful and flaunted it like a pimp, yes, she should pay back the state. In my opinion.

fidosmommy said...

Do you expect every individual who ever received a government benefit to pay back the state/feds if they become financially secure? Or does the rule only apply to Kate Gosselin?

Even though your question comes across as rude, and confrontational, I will answer you politely.

My answer is very much like Admin's.

If anybody receives money or benefits under false circumstances (i.e. not actually needing financial help) ia is generally expected they pay it back. Sometimes courts tell them to do it. I wish the courts found out that the Gosselins told an untrue sob story about needing the state to finance a nurse for them
when they had money from Jon's dad to use. They didn't want to use that money, they wanted the state/taxpayers to pay for nurse Angie.

I see it as nothing short of fraud. Just my opinon, but that's what I think.

So, to answer your question more generally, if a person can justify their need for aid, they get to keep it. If they are fraudulent about it, they don't. Sounds fair, just and simple to me.

grandee4 said...

Finally got to finish watching my DVR. Did Kendra hold up a half of Avacado and say she had to split it between the kids?I sure hope not but would not be surprised. Those poor little boys look about 5 or 6, their small for their age and seem to have slow development. I could cry looking at this.

MJ said...

prairiemary, bless your heart for rescuing an abused dog and making it a part of your family. I'm sure that the little gal will bring a lot of love to what sounds like an already loving family.


Remona Blue: I noticed Kate wearing a new ring also. I noticed it first on The View. Because of the way she was flapping her hands around with large rings on both middle fingers, it was veryyyy distracting.


As for Kate's blog about apprehension for the upcoming teen years: IMO, it's just "noise" to create a buzz and for attention. She has to maintain her image of being the over-stressed, over-worked, super-mom of 8, you know. (snark) Hands-on moms take it in stride and deal with changes in their kids, but not Kate. She'll tell the world details of how their changes affect HER because you know she'll have it harder than any mom ever!

LB said...

CWs showed how controlling Kate is, in my opinion. She controls food portions; she kept the extra pancakes and syrup on the counter far away from the kiids' reach. Collin had to go up to her & ask for more. Of course she gave them only 1 to start with! She hasn't grasped the concept that kids CAN make choices for themselves if ou keep it small enough & age approperiate. Having 2 choices will sloow them to learn how to make decisions. Remember Kendra gave them cereal. But when she asked them what they wanted, it was either cereal or eggs. The girl said eggs. She knew what she wanted, even if it is what Kate picks for their breakfast. See? No chaos came out of that. Its sad the kids really doesn't have a voice. They probably never have family meetings or aren't asked what they can do or want. Collin seemed caught off guard when Kendra asked if he was good at packing lunches. I guess he didn't expect to be included in the discussiin. You saw how 2 of the girls behaved at the family meeting with Kendra. Mady was telling Hannah to stop, she was fidgeting so much & threw her doll.

grandee4 said...

I feel so bad for all the kids, especially the little ones.They have never felt the bugs and kisses from a grandmother or bounced on the knee of a grandfather. Can't remember the love and affection Jodi and Kevin showed them. Don't get to have that special bond between cousins. Never get to have a good giggle with a friend. Not allowed to play a sport or go to dancing school. All because their mother is insane and has a severe personality disorder. It's a shame because there is medication she can take but refuses.
Unless someone steps in soon, their childhood will be lost forever.

NT said...

I agree with posters who are saying that when Kate interacted with Hank jr she seemed cold and rigid. Almost like she was there not as a mother but as a strict teacher who had to get a lesson thru to him. In the scene where she is doing crafts with Hank jr,I saw in her face that she REALLY wanted to smack his foot out of Hank jr's mouth. But she can't touch him and it was driving her crazy. Like she was not in total control over him. Also,just an observation of mine,it seems to me that Hank jr looked happy and smiling all the time,except when he was with Kate. I wish all these news stories would stop giving all the credit for ratings to Kate. It was not a one woman show.

Winsomeone said...

"They made their own lunches, put their things together the night before because the mornings were a mad house otherwise.
Amy, I don't think it is the kids getting ready for the next school day that bugs people so much. It is Kate saying SHE DOES IT that bothers people."

I think the most bothersome thing about CWS, was the total fabrication of Kate's life..all of the lies. Even her advice to Kendra, was full of all of the things that she has done wrong..the neglect of her kids, letting everyone else raise them and do all of her housework. Jon enabling her to be a big lazy pig.

TLC stinks said...

I tried to watch CWS online a few days ago and couldn't take more than a few minutes. OMG, her voice!

I suspect she is still trying to convince someone to put her in a dating show. She is not dumb. She has come to the realization that her interactions with Jon brought in viewers. No takers, though.

CWS was filmed in Oct. The rumor is she's had more plastic done on her face since then. Actually the changes have been subtle (a little botox here, some thinning of the nose there)over the years, but if you saw those photos of her with no makeup taken a few weeks ago, it's apparent she has been under the knife, again. Nice way to blow the kids' money. I hope Robert addresses this in his book because I am tired of her denials. Geez, her facial shape has totally changed.

From what I saw in clips, I thought it interesting that Jon's face was blurred in CWS. He either refused permission to air his image or had no idea about it. I guess I am frustrated that it appears he has no control over his own children and that Kate can do whatever with and to them. Yes, indeed. Those kids will all be in therapy as adults thanks to their nutjob mother and weak father. No wonder she is afraid of them growing up and spilling their guts. Be very afraid, Kate, when they are teenagers.

Mel said...

Finally saw The View clip....yep she had work done. Subtle work, but still work.

They have a survey on one site. 96% of a lot of people are saying Kate had work done.

Funny how the person most engaged with Kate was the guest host, who didn't appear to know anything about Kate. She didn't seem to know anything about 8 kids. She didn't know Jon's name, and stumbled over it. She had to look down at her card, and mumbled something about "your ex? Jon? Is that his name?"

The 3 ladies to the left of Kate were engaged to some degree. Joy very limited. And Whoopi. Oh my. She was like a lump on a log. Had nothing to say. Just sat there and looked at Kate like she was a turd on her shoe. Look at Whoopi's body language....as far away from Kate as she could get. She was actually *leaning* away from Kate.

And gosh, Kate, get some new material for God's sake. We *know* that your kids want you to start dating. Good grief. How many times you gonna beat *that* dead horse?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Anonymous said... 1

I see what you are saying but.

Well Kate's a millionaire so.....she kind of different than the average Joe blow.

TLC stinks said...

E!'s TV Scoop:

... she reveals her children miss having a father figure in their home. "It would be nice. I work so hard to give them everything that they want and need and they want this," Gosselin says. "They miss the male person in our house and they are the ones who are always saying, 'Mom, you need a husband. You need to get married.'" It's hard to not be able to just make that happen, because I work my whole life to figure out what they want and need to make that happen, but when you can't just like have somebody appear, that's hard."


You can't tell me she's not trolling for a dating show.

First off, those kids have a father. Second, no children of divorce say to their mom that they want them to remarry. If anything, they wish for their parents to get back together. She makes me sick.

FYI said...

I just read some of the comments at TheStir. One person asked if anyone had seen this topic from Kate before. Has she already talked about her kids turning 13 this year? In other words, is she rehashing material? Does anyone remember?
fidosmommy-her first bog post at the Stir was titled "The Year of the Teenager and More". The new post is titled "The Year of the Teenagers"

Although her first post was mostly about herself-her birthday, the many home maintenance projects, etc, she did briefly mention that the twins were turning 13 this year.

That's probably why someone thought she had done a post about it again, since the new post has almost the same title as the first one.

TLC stinks said...

I believe there is a consensus among plastic surgeons online that Kate had a nose job and a facelift and one of them estimated it at $17K. There is no doubt when you compare photos that she had work done recently. And whomever the surgeon is, he/she is talented because it is subtle. You can bet with her birthday coming up she'll be asked how come she looks so good. Frankly, I think she is on the cusp of getting too much done to her face. Her eyes are slanted and her nose may end up looking like Morgan Fairchild's if she keeps chipping away at it. So much for the money she earned from CWS. It went to redo her face. I do remember reading somewhere that an "insider" said she was obsessed with her looks. Really, it doesn't take an insider to reveal that! Makes sense to me she is obsessed because she has to control everything. You can't stop aging on the surface unless you go under the knife.

FYI said...

TLC stinks said... 15

She's been playing the "kids miss having a father figure and want me to get married" schtick for well over a year.

She brought it up in 2011 when she was on Today the week before her show was cancelled, where she said:

"“The kids are just begging on a daily basis for me to get married again,” Kate said. “They bring it up all the time.”"

When she appeared on Dr. Drew last February(taped in January) she actually cried and said how "lonely" she was.

In the E! interview, at least she said they missed a "father figure" living in their home, not just a "father figure". But you know she was subtlely taking another dig at Jon.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

From Kate's Toughest Questions:

"It's hard when 'the law' (she says it like that) makes you consult somebody who doesn't see them as often and may not have the same, you know, even views and opinions of even the kids. ..... There's no two adult perspectives, it's me."

First, as if not wanting your kids to film is immature or something. No two adult perspectives??? Second, how dare an adult do something that their child objects to because it's in their best interest.

Third, I think we know exactly what Kate was willing to do keep her agenda for him. She doesn't even have enough respect for the law to not say it with a snotty tone.

MJ said...

Love this comment about Kate's latest 'bog' at theStir.
From Truther:

This week's statistics:

Words: 668; I: 20; I've: 3; I'd: 1; I'm: 4; me: 14; my: 15; and 11 exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!

21 words ending in ly: greatly, immensely, stupendously, literally, ultimately, badly, simply, frankly, deeply, repeatedly, honestly, certainly, family, basically, lovely, extremely, shortly, clearly, strategically, exactly (2)

tone-setters: evil, panic, horror, stressful, overshadowed, dread, difficult, trepidation, flare, armed, drama, furious, ultimate test, and my inevitable fate.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I will never understand why Kate felt she needed plastic surgery.

To me she was very pretty the way she was in 2005-2009.

She messed her self up.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I see it as nothing short of fraud. Just my opinion, but that's what I think.


I agree, it's fraud. If you hide assets from the government or otherwise misrepresent your needs, it's fraud, and not only can you be asked to pay it back, but you can be thrown in jail. That's sort of the point with the condescending, do you expect everyone who takes assistance to pay to it back. (Well, in a perfect world, yes, if you later have the money. Shouldn't you give back to those who helped you when and if you get out of tough times? I hate that we don't' think this way anymore). The point is that assistance is supposed to be a safety net for those truly in need, who are being truthful about their situation, and working to correct it. Kate did not need this safety net as she had other means to pay for it, she was not truly in need, she was not working to correct it, and she was not being truthful about their "dire" situation that was not dire. The fact that PA took the nurse away and Kate has never provided a single solitary example of it having any negative impact on the kids proves it was not needed.

On another note, it's morally wrong. There was nothing wrong with those babies once released from the hospital Kate and the volunteers couldn't learn how to deal with on their own. I have never heard a single explanation justifying 24 hour nursing care other than some ramblings about a fire, which in that case, many PA families would be entitled to a nurse. I don't object to the physical therapy some were getting, and other than that they had a few meds to take and nebulizer treatments. How about that nurse goes to a family in need whose child will die without assistance?

The fire excuse was a joke. She had a wonderful church with an army of volunteers ready to help. She could have asked them to rotate a schedule to spend the night at their house in case they had to get the babies out in a fire and needed help. Or, install smoke detectors in every room so you know the second a flame sparks and have plenty of time to make a few trips to get your family to safety.

Kate was lucky not to expose herself to criminal liability when she wrote those sob letters to welfare explaining why she needed the nurse and misrepresenting those needs. Any volunteer could have testified against her she was lying. But she thinks she is untouchable, the law will never call her to answer.

The greatest thing PA ever did to this woman was tell her to screw off when she wanted that nurse longer. Good for them.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I also think Kate's surgeon did a horrible job on her.

It's tons of stars who have work done and you can't tell.

But for Kate a blind man can tell she had work done.

Her fans can tell unless they're that dumb or they're in denial.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

It would appear to me that Kate truly is a very lonely woman who wants nothing more than a lover in her life. It looked like she was developing a little crush on Hank Sr. There is no doubt that she is making herself look as hot as she possibly can with the surgeries, tanning, 0% body fat and flowing blonde hair but where are the takers. It must be embarrassing for her that the world knows she hasn't had a date/sex in a long, long time. Let's just pretend for arguments' sake that she wasn't boinking Steve. It's been a while then, that's for sure.....how humiliating for such a hot mamma like Kate.

Here is the key phrase for that dating show she pines for: "I'm starting to think that person for me does not exist out there". There it is. The magic phrase for the dating show. It's not over folks. That dating show is going to happen come hell or high water. She will keep pitching that phrase until she gets it. God Kate. How you do like to spin things to get your way. We all know you are a lazy ass who wants your lover to be delivered to your door step. You reek of desperation in your vibe of "if anyone needs a dating show it is ME ME ME". For Kate, snagging a man through a show is worth the western world despising her even more. Yup, brass balls for sure.

FYI said...

For those of you who did not see Kate on the View, and would like to see how appropriately(snark) dressed she was, go to the link below. Compare how she was dressed, as opposed to how Brooke and Elisabeth were dressed.

This is how a hard-working mother of 8 dresses? Especially for a morning talk show? She looked like she was ready to go clubbing. She wore the same dress for the E! interview, but she changed for the Extra interview-perhaps because that one was outdoors, and she might have gotten a little cold wearing that dress.


The dress she wore in the Extra interview was definitely more appropriate. Maybe someone convinced her to change clothes before that one.

Here's the Extra interview:


MJ said...

"You saw how 2 of the girls behaved at the family meeting with Kendra. Mady was telling Hannah to stop, she was fidgeting so much & threw her doll.'

It's bothered me the way some of the girls acted, too. I've wondered if they were prompted to act out for the camera or if their actions are normal and they think those things are funny. For example when one stepped on the other's plate and laughed and then whined about her sock being dirty or the fidgeting and their reactions when Kendra was announcing her rules. It's hard to believe that at almost 9 years old that some of them are still behaving like they're still 5.

readerlady said...

Grandee4 #8 -- Your post just made me feel even sorrier for the twins, because it brought home all the losses they've had to deal with in their young lives. First Mommy abandons them when they are only 3 (okay, I know she didn't really abandon them. She was hospitalized. But to a 3 year old, that feels like abandonment.); then Jon's father, who reportedly adored them and spent a lot of time with them, died; they're supplanted by 6 babies who require a lot of attention; Mommy removes Grandma and Grandpa from their lives; Mommy removes Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi and their cousins from their lives; "Aunt" Beth disappears; then Mommy kicks Daddy out and proceeds to try to remove him from their lives. All this before the age of 10 and most of it by the time they are 7. The younger kids have never spent much time with their extended family and won't remember Uncle Kevin, Aunt Jodi, Beth or the cousins, but the twins do and they can't help but feel the loss. How sad for them and, for the most part, completely avoidable.

TLC stinks said...

chefsummer, I think her surgeon will continue to hack away as long as Kate pays. This time it is more noticable because of photo comparisons. I still think it is done subtlely (why all the conjecture if it was obvious?), but when you keep adding procedure on top of procedure, it becomes obvious that she is not naturally "de-aging". If she wants to end up with cat eyes and a wind-blown face, she is almost there. She should stop it now but I don't think she will. The makeup and lighting on The View helped her plenty. Like I said, if you saw those pictures of her without makeup, she looks horrible. Her makeup was plastered on for TV. And, IMO, she is using Deanna to get freebie makeup and advice. I would love for a local to comment here when they have seen her in the light of day.

There was a study done in 2000 that the desire for facial surgery may reflect some people have a personality disorder (hmm, Kate?). An analysis of 133 patients revealed that 29 percent did not meet any criteria for personality disorders. However, 25 percent were categorized as narcissistic; 12 percent as dependant; ten percent, histrionic; nine percent were borderline; four percent were diagnosed as obsessive-compulsive; three percent were anti-social/passive-aggressive; and the remainders listed schizotypal (one and one-half percent), schizoid (one and one-half percent), avoidant (one and one-half percent) and one percent, paranoid. I'm not a psychologist, but I cannot believe this woman is not in therapy.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Oh my, that is truly not a Mom of 8 in the morning outfit on The View - electric blue and shiny, skirt up to here, neckline down to there. Brooke and Elizabeth are both in very appropriate morning dresses, longer hems and higher necklines, they look very nice. And um Kate, it's still winter, look at Sherry in leggings, boots and sweater. What a tool/fool. And nothing good will come from scraping away at your face.

grandee4 said...

I noticed how there were light sun spots on her cheeks and neck. She has some spots on her chest that look like light moles and those are the ones that can be labled pre cancerous. She is ruining her skin and taking a very big health risk.

Someone made the comment that tanning mom would be a good Kate if, God help us, a movie is made about KKG's life. Perfect choice, lol

JoyinVirginia said...

Five years seven months until twins are eighteen. Could they appeal to the court before then to become emancipated minors? Anybody know what Pennsylvania laws are about that? If all they have ever known is work, could they get control of their own earnings then?
Complete speculation.
The Bachelor is very scripted, so maybe Ms Kreider can be the next Bachelorette. Surely the producers could find enough people who want to be on TV who would agree to be in the pool of guys. Plus it would get her away from the kids for a while. Win win.

TLC stinks said...

I agree she has been pitching the dating show for a looooong time. What I fear is that it will involve the kids and their reactions to mommy's boyfriend, and this is where Jon needs to step up. I am concerned with the CWS appearance because this could just be the boost she needed to convince a cable network to invest in her. Nothing surprises me much anymore when it comes to what is aired on TV these days. My only hope is that Robert has the goods on her. I fear Jon is in no position to stop her exploitation of the kids.

Mel said...

Kendra looked young and fresh, and alive.
Next to Kendra, Kate looked old. Kate looks old next to anybody. Except maybe Betty White, and Betty looks like she's alive at least.

Why was Kate coming on to Hank? Wonder how much of that they didn't show us.
It's not like he'd be interested in an old lady like Kate when he has Kendra who actually has some personality.

I was really hoping that he'd kick her out of the house for how badly she treated his kid. That would have made for some good drama!
Kind of made me mad that he let Kate treat his kid so badly without putting a stop to it.

For all Kate says that she's Miss Positivity...we sure didn't see *any* of that. Negative from the start.
The house was cluttered, Kendra doesn't have to do housework, the kid doesn't put his toys away, Kate has no "me" time, Kendra doesn't have to do housework, all they do is play all day, the kid doesn't use utensils correctly, Kendra doesn't have to do housework, Kendra doesn't care about the kid or her husband, Kendra doesn't have to do housework, Kate has no one to share the work with.

AMD said...

So Kate advised Kendra at the end of the swap that Kendra should be taking more part in raising her child as she's missing some moments. This from the woman who was away from her children weeks at a time, even in their early years, so that she could pursue her celebrity career.

FYI said...

Since the Bachelorette is also an ABC show, could be with all the talk about dating, getting married, etc. is Kate's way of pushing for that show. I wonder how Kate's fans would feel about it, if she were to appear on it.

I remember when there were rumors last year, many of them said they would have no objection to Kate being on a dating show, IF it were done tastefully. IMO, the Bachelorette is not considered a "tastefully done" dating show.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

She is too old and too nasty for a dating show, period. Who wants to date a woman with 8 kids, a woman who does not even appear to enjoy being touched? She could not even be nice to Hank Sr. She is hardly pleasant to anyone. Her kids' teacher are probably grateful she hardly comes to school. A dating show, at her age?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate is a Twit said...

For those of you who did not see Kate on the View, and would like to see how appropriately(snark) dressed she was, go to the link below. Compare how she was dressed, as opposed to how Brooke and Elisabeth were dressed.

This is how a hard-working mother of 8 dresses? Especially for a morning talk show? She looked like she was ready to go clubbing. She wore the same dress for the E! interview, but she changed for the Extra interview-perhaps because that one was outdoors, and she might have gotten a little cold wearing that dress.


The dress she wore in the Extra interview was definitely more appropriate. Maybe someone convinced her to change clothes before that one.

Here's the Extra interview:



Thanks for posting the links, Kate is a twit.

Brooke Shields has lovely taste in clothing-
tasteful, and proper for her age.

Kate's has a terrible sense of fashion. If the hem on her dress were just a little bit lower, it would make a world of difference. She can still show off her legs- just in a less tacky way.

Whatever. She'll figure it out eventually.

When I went to the Extra.tv link, the following hit me like a ton of bricks:


“I wasn’t going to sign them up obviously if they weren’t onboard,” explained the “Jon and Kate Plus 8” alum. “I presented it to them like, wouldn’t it be fun to have another mom come here that might be really different from me… wouldn’t it be fun to see if you like it or not.”


What a weird thing to say to your children-
"wouldn't it be fun to have another mom come here that might be really different from me… wouldn’t it be fun to see if you like it or not.”

Why must herself she continue to experiment with her children's emotions?

Stupid, emotionally abusive reasoning just to get on t.v. at their expense.

Somewhere In Time said...

I remember when there were rumors last year, many of them said they would have no objection to Kate being on a dating show, IF it were done tastefully. IMO, the Bachelorette is not considered a "tastefully done" dating show.


I don't think that Kate is going to be the Bachelorette. It was already offered to one of the girls the current Bachelor rejected and she turned it down. They have, historically, gone to one of the girls who was a "loser" on the Bachelor. Word is that the new one has already been selected. ABC has its hands full keeping the ratings up for the Bachelorette, so I doubt if they'd want to sink money into a show with an aging woman. Filming takes place over months and I can't see her fans, who consider her a Super Mom, to be away from her children for that amount of time. Of course they'd try to justify it, but I don't think it would sit well with them.

Another network and a new format for a dating show? Maybe, but somehow I just don't see it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

"wouldn't it be fun to have another mom come here that might be really different from me… wouldn’t it be fun to see if you like it or not.”


That's an insane comment. She was asking for advice in her bog, my biggest advice is please, please get some therapy and parenting classes too.

It's also hypocritical for the sheeple to be upset at Jon for having a girlfriend when Kate flat out admits she wants a boyfriend, she just isn't able to GET ONE cause she's a psycho.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

I just watched the Extra interview. The hand flapping is out of control. Unbelievable. So distracting. I didn't have time to count how many times she said "like". She is pathetic. Just a handful of looky-loos watching the interview outside. Again, we subtly hear dating show, dating show, dating show in her answers to the dude interviewing her. Me wants a dating show. Me. Me. Me. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Just a handful of looky-loos watching the interview outside


I don't know why this made me giggle but it did. Makes it sound like people were passing by and saw a car accident. But really it's just a boring fender bender. But, you look anyway, because there's nothing much more interesting at the moment. LOL.

Ex Nurse said...

MJ said...
tone-setters: evil, panic, horror, stressful, overshadowed, dread, difficult, trepidation, flare, armed, drama, furious, ultimate test, and my inevitable fate.
Sounds like a Stephen King novel--probably feels like one if you are a boy in that family.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

If Kate's sincerely looking for a mate, she should do it AWAY from the cameras.

Why would anyone be interested in watching her exploits? There is nothing funny, cute, or interesting about Kate. It would just be only more embarrassment for her family.

FYI said...

In the Extra interview, Kate says she thought of CWS as "as sort of psychological experiment" and that she always thought those were "kind of neat".

Nice to know that she basically though of her children and "lab rats" to be experimented with, in order to further her "career".

I wish someone would use her for a true psychological experiment, and find out why she's such a bitch.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 38

It's also hypocritical for the sheeple to be upset at Jon for having a girlfriend when Kate flat out admits she wants a boyfriend, she just isn't able to GET ONE cause she's a psycho.



And the fact that she wants to televise the entire farce makes it more unsavory.

chefsummer #Leh said...

TLC stinks said... 27


When I first saw Kate her was soft womanly and kind.

And now it just hard and square with no moment.

Kate could be addicted to get work done.

Formerly Duped said...

Oh my, thanks for the link! Kate's dress is SO short! Brooke looks classy as always and a little skeptical of Kate. The others 'know' her.
I agree about the hand flapping; out of control. It makes her look silly and nervous.

She's a real joke.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Me thinks U should take the day off! But oh wait..U have 8kids, a dog & 50chickens 2take care of!! @KendraWilkinson Hank HELP!
Methinks that Kendra and Hank need to block her before they get sucked in to the vortex!

FYI said...

Here's Kate's interview on Inside Edition. Her hands must have hurt from all the hand flapping she did that day. When asked about how the life of a former Playboy Playmate compared to the life she leads, Kate says "she was born and raised in California..just the easy, laid-back sort of life".

What Kendra being raised in California have to do with anything about her life. Do all Californians have an easy, laid-back life.

Then she says "I have learned by how I am judged and sort of portrayed..wrongly, very wrongly portrayed, not to judge other people".

She also throws in how badly she felt for anyone to have to take care of all kids, the homework, the laundry, etc, etc.

And then she says about Kendra "HER and Hank will be friends forever".

Poor, poor Kate-please pity me, me, me.


Dmasy said...

Kate is mean. You can see the glint of power control in her eyes as she deals with Hank, Jr.

You will comply with Kate...or else. She is a wrecking ball instead of a human being.

I think Kate is a complete sadist. Her rules, her rigidness, her lack of warmth and her stern voice -- all are designed to hurt the person in her path. Even a 2-1/2 year old child is not exempt.

That lady is downright, outright MEAN!

PS: I haven't watched the entire episode yet.

TLC stinks said...

There are plenty of wanna-be actors out there who would love to be part of a reality $how. And Kate knows this. I think she has no intention of finding a true mate, nor would any decent guy put up with her crap, but her ploy is to use ambitious, unknown guys to get face time on TV. Since there would never be any commitment to the relationship, she could treat them a hundred times worse than Jon. And once again, the kids will be confused and used. I just don't see her wanting to remarry, just wanting attention and a man to do her bidding. She could care less about the effect on the kids.

TLC stinks said...

Oh, and I bet she has already hired a new housekeeper. That's who did the grocery shopping and unloading. Kate "oversees".

Maybe it was the old housekeeper who tipped off Robert and that's why she is gone?

Pity Party said...

The one of the twins in front of the fireplace? Fake smile much? But doesn't KT have a fireplace like that, maybe even 2 of them? I missed the kids at the swap, and Jon being shown. He was probably blurred to make sure he didn't get paid. By that point, I had lost interest. She is doing something weird with her eyes these days - ducking her head and cutting them. Makes her look really mean. Maybe she is trying to emote more using her eyes.

FYI said...

NJGal51 said... 47

Methinks that Kendra and Hank need to block her before they get sucked in to the vortex!

Milo tries so hard to be part of what she perceives as Kate's "in crowd". Look how she insinuated herself with Deanna. Whenever Kate tweets Jason, Milo is right there tweeting something to him too. Now she's doing the same thing to Kendra and Hank.

It really makes her look so desperate to be a part of every and all things "Kate".

Yet, she doesn't even follow any of them, except for Deanna and the only reason she followed Deanna, is because Deanna went private.

It's sort of sad to see.

AuntieAnn said...

I agree with Dmasy, she is a sadist. She's cruel. She BULLIES people into getting her way and children are the easiest target.

About those clips: do not watch the E! Online video with the sound muted and for sure not before you go to sleep. She's scary.

And she should see a bird groomer to get those talons of hers clipped back. They look awful on those manhands.

JoyinVirginia said...

Many many moons ago, I worked in a maternity ward with nursery. Emergency equipment available included a big vest for evacuation of babies. In case no time to wheel out the nursery cribs, grab the babies, put them in the vest packets, and go. One vest could hold six newborns. Ms Kreider worked in a hospital and didn't know about this equipment? huh?

FYI said...

Milo must be slipping--according to Kate's tweet during Sandy, she has 55 chickens, not 50. But then Milo also thought that CWS beat NCIS in the ratings, 7mil to 20 mil.

“Hurricane Sandy Diary, by K8
Entry #12: Oh,forgot2say r 55 chickens r safely inside barn,all doors2outside securely closed

readerlady said...

Way OT here, but I need some help. I had a computer crash a couple of weeks ago and lost all my links, favorites, and bookmarks. I had a list of the most important ones, but I'm still trying to find a few of them. Could someone please post the link to that candle lightning website? I'd be very grateful. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

What the heck has Kate done to her face? I thought it was just a nose job, but in the inside edition video she looks 'manly'. Her features are all harsh w/ angles. It's really unattractive - and her makeup job is just bland and blah.
I think her 'handflapping' is a terrible habit, when I saw her in the car at Lowe's in January on the phone she was doing the same crap movements with the hand that wasn't holding her 150th pink iPhone.

wowser said...

I think it's hilarious that Kate says she has worked to give her kids everything they want....ummmm...then why can't they go to the movies, why can't you take them on trips, why can't they take music lessons or sports! Paleese Kate - everyone knows that EVERYTHING you do is to give YOU YOU YOU all the things that YOU YOU YOU want!! we also know that if it were dependent on YOU to get the money for what YOU want, then you would be in the poor house, so the truth is YOU need the KIDS to do what YOU want, so THEY can give YOU all the things YOU want!

Ampersmom said...

Kate needs to take a Dale Carnegie training class on public speaking. One of the big topics is what to do with your hands so their constant motion does not annoy the audience. And Kate, you are perceived and presented to be just what you are. A Bitch.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Milo tries so hard to be part of what she perceives as Kate's "in crowd". Look how she insinuated herself with Deanna. Whenever Kate tweets Jason, Milo is right there tweeting something to him too. Now she's doing the same thing to Kendra and Hank.


She also pestered The Donald and was tweeting him for awhile. She somehow thinks that because Kate knows someone, she also "knows" them and is friends with them. If she wouldn't be so downright annoying, it would be sad. It seems that the more the non-fans call her out on being a delusional lunatic, the worse it gets. It's almost as if she is egging them on to see just how far she can take it. I think it's all for attention, and then she can join Kate in saying that she's being bullied.

It's the entire Single White Female Syndrome -- she wants to identify with Kate; heck, she wants to BE Kate. Her next shtick will be giving her advice on raising teenagers. She's not going to let that go without setting herself up as an expert in whom Kate can confide.

It's not going to end well, I'm afraid. The sad thing is that if Kate met her in person she wouldn't give her the time of day. I wonder if that would be an enormous blow to her ego. Deep down inside, would she be hurt, or would she just make excuses for Kate?

Anonymous said...

I only watched the meet-up after the swap.

Was Kate shown cooking/baking organic food from scratch for Hank Jr.? I was just wondering if they were "sticking to plan" re her pretend personality.

She is such a liar. Anyone who eats organic foods wouldnt' be shilling Coffeemate chemical products for years the way she has.


tate said...

Of course, Kate is trolling for a dating show. That would keep her in the limelight. But, I don't think she has ANY interest is having a mate. It is always her way or the highway, so she doesn't want anyone with a brain or an opinion. I truly think she wants to be alone. Unless someone comes along with $100 million and whisks her off to Beverly Hills to live the high life, Kate doesn't want anything to do with any man. Other than to star in a sham of a dating show.

FYI said...

I was just reading an article about Michelle Obama's response to being criticized for appearing on the Oscars. A few excerpts of what she said:

“That’s just the nature of life. I mean, we live in a time when there are bloggers and tweeters and 24-hour news and everyone has a voice in this town square, and it’s a big one,”

“That means at any point at a given time, somebody’s not going to like what you do. That’s just the nature of things.”

“It’s a part of the culture,” she added. “It’s not really about me, I just happen to be in the public eye and along with everybody else in the public eye, you’re subject to conversation, opinion and all that sort of stuff. There’s nothing new about that.”

She didn't say she had haters or bullies--she just said it's just part of being a public persona.

And when asked if her daughters were aware of the pressures being in the public eye:

“They’re absolutely aware. I think the awareness grows with age,” she said. “But as I’ve always said, we just try to keep them on the track of their lives, which is one of the reasons why they’re not in the public eye all that often.”

Kate could take a few lessons from her, about being a public personality.

wildrose said...

I just watched CWS last night and this was my impression (sorry if these points have already been made):

1) Overall it was a Kate love-fest. Usually both wives 'take home' something from the other, but this was just a Kate is a super-mom I don't know how she does it.
2) Seemed a little scripted and fake
3) Kate's closing comments about how she would like a partner, she stated that she would really like the help - ummmmm there is a whole LOT more to marriage/relationships than him helping you out. This statement makes me believe that she wouldn't be in a relationship for all that 'other stuff' (good and bad). Perhaps she should just stick with her part-time help....

JudyK said...

Oh, wow, I just "like" watched that Extra tape, and "like" want to puke. "Like" watching her say "like" 200 zillion times put me over the edge.

Walk On The Wild Side said...

Berks said,

What the heck has Kate done to her face? I thought it was just a nose job, but in the inside edition video she looks 'manly'. Her features are all harsh w/ angles. It's really unattractive - and her makeup job is just bland and blah.


What was wrong with her original face? She was cute, natural and fresh looking years ago. She keeps this up, and she's going to go the Michael Jackson route with the nose. Isn't there someone, ANYONE who can talk some sense into her? She looks terrible and plastic.

FYI said...

readerlady said... 57

Here you go:


I had the same thing happen to me. Luckily, I could retrieve my Google bookmarks, by just adding the Google Tool Bar to my new computer.

Sherry Baby said...

Poor, poor Kate-please pity me, me, me.


I put it on mute because I just can't listen to her. If you watch it without the sound, pay attention to her eyes. That's what is really scary. Her eyes. She talks with her eyes, and not in a good way.

njay said...

I don't want to make this as long as I usually do so here I go. I grew up with a mom who lost a baby at 10 months due to tub drowning. Mom and dad divorced when I was 4. Our house was mostly filthy and mom tried to take her life 4 times, ending up in a state hospital 2 times. She did go to therapy but I don't remember it making much difference. She was addicted to antidepressants through my 1 to 4 yrs and street speed to my jr. high yrs. From then pain killers to present. I don't remember too much any physical abuse but neglect and emotional abuse to the hilt.

When I was in 4th grade dad tried to take us away from my mom. His wife was verbally mean and dad always worked. We lived with him for a few months. I don't remember much but fear. The last I remember was my stepmother, for a reason I can't remember, told me she would call the cops on my mom and they would put her in jail and she would never get out. I started crying so hard and called mom. Her lawyer told her to get us out of that house that night. That was the end of living with dad.

Now, listen to what the judges decision was. "I would rather these six children live in a dirty home with love than a spotless home without love. What wisdom he had.

Though we lived with mom and her issues we all ended up good people who have compassion and love. Three are also very successful. One brother lives in New York making over 800 a day designing roads and highways that will hold together during earthquakes. He only has a high school diploma. My oldest sister at 15 dropped out of high school and went to a beauty school. She is now Marie Osmond's hairstylist and has a one chair salon in her home and has only worked there 3 days a week. She is financially secure. Another sister had hard times at first but now works as an advocate for criminal drug addicts to get help and become better their lives. I can't say my gift is having money but I loved my dad and took care of him and my stepmother until they passed on to the other world. I presently am taking care of mom and will do so until I can't anymore. Besides, I have always said I would never be rich because I would give it all away. hehe. Ok, not very wise but it makes me happy.

I'm not trying to toot my own horn, though it sounds like it. I'm just hoping that somewhere, somehow, people like Kate and those who think her way has something to offer, maybe just maybe, read my experience and understand that "love covers a multitude of sins". Not seeking adoration, rigid structure and harsh discipline.

Rats, I didn't make it. It's long. hehe Oh well.

Jennifer said...

WTF did she do to herself? Her jaw line looks so harsh now, and she kind of reminds me of a drag queen. Is that the look she's going for? How could she possibly think she looks good like this?

njay said...

Sorry, just one more thing. When dad died, I inherited the home we lived in those few months. To this day, every time I go down the stairs, I hear my stepmothers voice yell "don't touch the walls!" A person told me just a few weeks ago that I should put my hands in paint and plaster my wall with hand prints. Too funny! I just might do that. lol

Millicent said...

Here is the key phrase for that dating show she pines for: "I'm starting to think that person for me does not exist out there". There it is. The magic phrase for the dating show. It's not over folks. That dating show is going to happen come hell or high water.
* * * *
Hmmmm, I just can't see it happening. Seems like for a dating show to do well in the ratings, the audience has to generally be rooting for the bachelorette to hook up with one of the guys, right? If Kate was the bachelorette, the audience would be rooting for their favorite to be eliminated ASAP. Other male contestants would probably be sabotaging themselves to get out of there.

Second reason a dating show is unlikely: Unfair thought it might be, networks want young 20'somethings on their dating shows. They don't want someone approaching 40. It's just that simple. Can you imagine them setting up the forced intimacy scenes like they do on The Bachelor - one on one dates that end up with them in a hot tub guzzling booze, then making out? The younger audience members would go 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewww!!!! Look at those old geezers making out." Yes, they would. According to my 14-year old, anyone over 30 is an old geezer to them. Heck, 25 is pushing it. LOL

I know Kate is desperate to get a long-term TV gig again -- but it just isn't going to happen. Still, I eagerly await the day she signs on for Celebrity Boxing!!! It would be most awesome if she had to box Tonya Harding.

readerlady said...

Of course, that should be candle lighting, not candle lightning, website.

Dmasy said...

njay -- I think the handprint idea is great! Then, you would smile every time you descend the steps.

Readerlady -- do you need a "special" link that I have? Sorry about your computer!

njay said...

TLC stinks said... 50
There are plenty of wanna-be actors out there who would love to be part of a reality $how. And Kate knows this. I think she has no intention of finding a true mate, nor would any decent guy put up with her crap, but her ploy is to use ambitious, unknown guys to get face time on TV. Since there would never be any commitment to the relationship, she could treat them a hundred times worse than Jon. And once again, the kids will be confused and used. I just don't see her wanting to remarry, just wanting attention and a man to do her bidding. She could care less about the effect on the kids.
She said it all one time in an interview when she was asked about wanting a husband. She stated she didn't need one with money, she has plenty of that. She wants someone there to back her up and tell the kids that they heard her and they need do it. That referring to her commands. So that clarifies that. She doesn't want a husband, she wants a tool to whip them with. How prophetic.

Millicent said...

Thanks for sharing this link:

Looking at that picture makes it incredibly obvious that Kate has no taste or sense of appropriate style. Look at all three ladies to her left. Elizabeth is in a lovely coral dress with a high neck, sleeveless, and hits her at the knees. Her shoes are a neutral color. Her hair looks very natural, with variegated shades of color. The overall effect is very classy and it complements her natural skin tone and coloring.

Next is Brooke Shields, also wearing a sleeveless dress that hits knee length, with a high neckline. Her shoes match the dress, with about 2" heels. Very tasteful. She could wear this look into a business meeting, to lunch, etc. She looks polished, understated and classy.

I can't tell for sure, but I think Sherri is wearing a long tunic style top over black leggings with knee high black boots. Again - the top shows no cleavage and is a neutral color, very muted. The knee high boots are the pop in the outfit, but they also blend into the leggings. Her hair is in soft curls and looks healthy and pretty.

Now we have Katie Irene, in a bright blue hoochie mama dress that hits her about five inches above the knees. It is low cut and sleeveless. The black peeptoe stilettos complete the tacky look. Her hair is too obviously bleached.

The three View ladies have this very polite look on their faces that seems to say, "You've got to be kidding? Who dresses this way?"

Jennifer said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8

Kids said... 'Mom why is Kendra crying about our chores?' Lol

Yeah, she doesn't care what people think of her. And if her kids really said that, I'm the queen of England.

Jane said...

Kate is a twit said... 56
Milo must be slipping--according to Kate's tweet during Sandy, she has 55 chickens, not 50. But then Milo also thought that CWS beat NCIS in the ratings, 7mil to 20 mil.

“Hurricane Sandy Diary, by K8
Entry #12: Oh,forgot2say r 55 chickens r safely inside barn,all doors2outside securely closed


Those 5 chickens were Shoka's dinner. Much better than bread wrapped in plastic : )

Sport said...

Hi all, long time no speak.
Been reading here after I saw the hag in the news the past couple weeks with that ridiculous show being aired.

"Celebrity Wife Swap: Featuring One Celebrity Wife and one washed up bitter divorced lady"

I cant believe how scary and haggard looking she has become. I wish I could click on your links and watch an interview or even 10 seconds of that stupid show but I find the sound of her bitchy voice just too annoying and arrogant to handle. Even for 10 seconds. If admin does a recap I would look forward to reading it as it is the only way to stomach The Shrew®.

Good to see many of the same names around here, with the same intelligent comments and criticisms. Cheers to you all.

njay said...

Dmasy said... 75
njay -- I think the handprint idea is great! Then, you would smile every time you descend the steps
Thanks, I just might.

Midnight Madness said...

"Can you imagine them setting up the forced intimacy scenes like they do on The Bachelor - one on one dates that end up with them in a hot tub guzzling booze, then making out?"


...or Kate and a bachelor spending the night in the Fantasy Suite, or lying on the beach with a hunk, making out while the sun sets over the island? Milo would be pooping in her big girls with jealousy.

Dating shows are a dime a dozen. They don't work. Fox had one last year, Take Me Out (or something like that) that bombed. The Bachelor's viewers are in the older teen/20-something range. That age group does not want to see a woman approaching 40 find a date. Any network that wants to take the risk of putting her on a dating show is just asking for failure.

What happened to Twist of Kate? Kate's nothing without her kids and the networks have to know that.

FYI said...

OT-I see that Mark Heller is helping Lindsay Lohan just about as much as he helped Jon.


readerlady said...

Thanks KIAT.

Dmasy -- No, I'm blocked.

AuntieAnn said...

Jennifer said... 71

WTF did she do to herself? Her jaw line looks so harsh now, and she kind of reminds me of a drag queen.


She's starting to look like Pinocchio when he turned into a donkey.

Pity Party said...

I watched that IE video. I can't believe that she sat there and said she didn't judge people because she was so wrongly judged. She was slamming Kendra constantly, from the time she got there through the swap out.

Jane said...

AuntieAnn said... 85
She's starting to look like Pinocchio when he turned into a donkey.
Hahahaha! You're so right!

Winter Wonderland said...


Ouch! Everyone knows it...why does she keep denying it?

Dmasy said...

nay -- If you are really going to make a handprint decor in your stairwell, why not invite friends and relatives over to contribute their special shape for you? Could be really special -- full of loving spirits. Healing!

Readerlady --you are not blocked from the link I was offering. Messages are waiting for you.

MJ said...

njay, (((hug))) and thank you for sharing your story with us. The handprints down the stairs sounds like a fantastic idea!


Sport, good to see you here again. I hope you and your family are doing well!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Jane said... 87
AuntieAnn said... 85
She's starting to look like Pinocchio when he turned into a donkey.
Hahahaha! You're so right!

Maybe her nose will start grown when she lying. HA

AuntieAnn said...

chefsummer said... 91

Jane said... 87

AuntieAnn said... 85
She's starting to look like Pinocchio when he turned into a donkey.
Hahahaha! You're so right!

Maybe her nose will start grown when she lying. HA


Maybe they already cut off about 9 inches. That could explain the (rumored) surgery. lol!

librarylady said...

Oh, that Fox article is quite the slam, lol.

Sheri said...

Sherry Baby said... 69

Poor, poor Kate-please pity me, me, me.


I put it on mute because I just can't listen to her. If you watch it without the sound, pay attention to her eyes. That's what is really scary. Her eyes. She talks with her eyes, and not in a good way.


I watched it with the sound. And yes, her eyes were creepy but still, she did come off as half credible. That is until they asked her about leaving her kids with a woman who's known for porn.

Then she went into a stammered 'people in the media are judged, LIKE ME, so I'm not going to judge her' spiel.

Though her facial expressions may reveal a great deal, her own words say even more.

I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said...

Love the Fox article about plastic surgery. However, Khate is NOT a Hollywood star! "She" doesn't even live in California and "her" only claim to fame is being on a reality show. Geesh! I hate that articles keep referring to Khate as a Hollywood Star- HATE IT! Love that "she" was called out though! :)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Ohhhhh... how sad- Bonnie Franklin (One Day At A Time mom) died from Pancreatic cancer.

RIP Ms. Franklin.

Mel said...

Seems like Kate is always mentioned when they're talking about how NOT to do something...

Krabby Patty said...

You know, she shouldn't wear yellow. She looks like SpongeBob. There really isn't any waist, is there?


capecodmama said...

Sport... Good to hear from you again. Always nice to get a male perspective.

Njay... Hugs to you and never worry about how long your posts are.

Just read the Fox News article. Matt Coppa, Deputy Editor at Star Magazine said the following about Kate, "she went from looking like a normal housewife, to looking pretty good, to looking a little freakish with the amount of work she's had done... The more work she has done the less visible she's been and her ratings have fallen." Tell it like it is Matt.

Also, they had two pictures of Kate side by side. One of them was her in about 2009 and the other from The View appearance. She looked damn good in 2009. She had the short haircut and it had soft blond highlights in it. Her skin was a normal color and her face was nice and round. Plus her complexion was clear. Compare that to The View picture. She has long bleached hair; orange, bumpy skin and a long face. It's amazing to see the difference in the pictures. I can't believe she honestly thinks she looks better now.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Hi Sport. I was wondering where you went. I have missed your posts and point of view. I like the way you think. Hee hee.

Ex Nurse said...

It is now only 48 hours since Kate's big adventure, and here are the 5 results that come up in a search on google news filtered for the last 24 hours. Two of them was about her plastic surgery, one was about her Stir  entry, one was about wishing her onto a deserted island with other reality stars and one was unrelated to her at all. 

I sincerely doubt that CWS will lead to any kind of real job. She is seriously over--people are simply sick to death of her. 

A search for Kendra returned 13 results, Kim Kardashian returned 17 pages  (around 160) of results. Kate is not on the mind of any mainstream outlet, except as a punchline or a footnote. She only exists in the online tabloids and on farm content websites. 

I think that CWS was really about putting Kendra in an interesting situation--she is, after all, on another show on the same network. And, those articles about Kate pulling in the numbers? That is the last gasp of her marketing 'team'--someone sent out a press release. It doesn't even make sense--Kendra has 2.1 million followers to Kate's 140,000ish. How can anyone believe that Kate is the draw?

Here are the news stories:

1) Kate Gosselin Dreads Children's Teenage Years--Begs for Help--Celebrity Dirty Laundry 

2) Why Some Celebrities Go Too Far With Plastic Surgery -Fox  News 

3) magazine editor says Kate Gosselin 'looking a little freakish' 

4) Mommy tweets (Actually about Kendra's tweets about CWS) 

5) Girls Gone Wild files for bankruptcy--yahoo news (comes up on search with a sentence fragment about sending the Jenner/Kardashian clan and Kanye West to a deserted island with the following phrase: "(They can send along Kate Gosselin too)" , but is not actually mentioned in story it links to. 

5) about someone else with same last name.

Formerly Duped said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 96
Oh no- thanks for the news, which is very sad. I knew Bonnie was ill.Horrible way to go. I loved that show!RIP.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Just read the Fox News article. Matt Coppa, Deputy Editor at Star Magazine said the following about Kate, "she went from looking like a normal housewife, to looking pretty good, to looking a little freakish with the amount of work she's had done... The more work she has done the less visible she's been and her ratings have fallen." Tell it like it is Matt.


And that's the problem. These women don't know when to stop. When they look in the mirror, what do they see? Flaws that they think are still there and need to be fixed? Are they ever satisfied? I think so much of it is psychological...they can't change what's inside, so they do the next best thing -- they chip here and there at the face until they look like an entirely different person. Problem is, they are still the same on the inside.

I think that's where Kate is right now. It's sad, really. She knows how much she is disliked, and while she says that she doesn't care and she ignores the haters, she really does care. Face lifts and nose jobs aren't the answer. She has to get to the root of the problem and she's just too stubborn to realize that there IS a problem. If she keeps this up, she will have destroyed her looks. I think the prettiest I ever saw her look was on a television appearance. I'm not sure if it was The View, or Today. She wore a yellow blouse and her short hair was softly curled around her face. She should have left well enough alone. She really was attractive then, looked classy, but at the same time, she wasn't plastic...she was "normal."

I loathe this "woman" and ":her" entire brand! said...


Had to re-post this! See any of these in Khate?

Blowing In The Wind said...

I sincerely doubt that CWS will lead to any kind of real job. She is seriously over--people are simply sick to death of her.


Except, of course, for the Twitterbots! ;-)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate is a twit said... 17

TLC stinks said... 15

She's been playing the "kids miss having a father figure and want me to get married" schtick for well over a year.

She brought it up in 2011 when she was on Today the week before her show was cancelled, where she said:

"“The kids are just begging on a daily basis for me to get married again,” Kate said. “They bring it up all the time.”"

When she appeared on Dr. Drew last February(taped in January) she actually cried and said how "lonely" she was.

In the E! interview, at least she said they missed a "father figure" living in their home, not just a "father figure". But you know she was subtlely taking another dig at Jon.


Usually, there is a very good reason why someone is alone- and usually, it's because that person is a GIANT EMOTIONAL BLACK HOLE.

What she really needs to do is to stop acting like a desperate idiot in front of cameras.

Krabby Patty said...

I'm surprised she hasn't auditioned for a part in a television soap. Seems it's the only thing she hasn't gone after yet.

AuntieAnn said...

In the E! interview, at least she said they missed a "father figure" living in their home, not just a "father figure". But you know she was subtlely taking another dig at Jon.


I wish she'd stop saying 'the kids say they want me to get a man'. If they do, they want him there as a buffer. She makes it sound like t the reason no one wants to date her is because of them. I'm pretty sure there are other women out there with lots of kids who have found someone to date and/or marry. Her situation isn't unique.

Truth is any man who's seen her doesn't want a shrew as a partner. Who the hell would want to tie themselves down with her unless they're paid to, like Steve for example.

She's just not qualified said...

Now hold on to your hats but I am going to tell you something an acting teacher told me once: Soaps actors are some of the best actors in the business and the hardest working. They have to be because they get their scripts with almost no time to learn them and even less time to rehearse. If the script is written a few days in advance that is a luxury. You learn the script in the evening, rehearse in the morning and are shooting in the afternoon.
Because the finished product is not as slick as a movie or a weekly television show we think the actors are just not as good. Au Contraire!

Somewhere In Time said...

Some of these fans really have nerve (okay, balls) don't they? This one doesn't have the courtesy to ask if Kate's kids will participate in a project. She just wants a post office box number, wants the kids to help in Flat Stanley and send it back...

@Kateplusmy8 do u have a po box? Friends son is doing a flat Stanley school project 2nd grade.. Wanted ur to send to ur six to do & send bac

chefsummer #Leh said...

Krabby Patty said... 98

You can't compare Kate to sponge bob lol.

Songe bob has a job and family and friends and he doesn't beat his pet.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Who the hell would want to tie themselves down with her unless they're paid to, like Steve for example.


The kid, Austin, in St. Louis, who just sent her a package. I think it's a toss-up between Kate and Kirstie's racks.

And, of course, Iwana.

Krabby Patty said...

@109... Because the finished product is not as slick as a movie or a weekly television show we think the actors are just not as good. Au Contraire!


I wasn't mocking soap actors. I think there are some very fine actors among them. I don't watch the soaps like I did at one time, but gosh, some of the actors are wonderful, dedicated, and you can tell, very hard-working professionals.

Even if Kate had any acting ability, she'd never be able to cut it in a soap.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Truth is any man who's seen her doesn't want a shrew as a partner. Who the hell would want to tie themselves down with her unless they're paid to, like Steve for example.


Auntie Ann, here's one who loves her! Check out his avatar. She sure does attract them!

@Kateplusmy8 I absolutely love Kate Gosselin. She's so damn AWESOME!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

You know it is a lot of kids and even if she were kind and gentle I think finding the right man would be hard. But for heaven sake stop saying its because of the kids! It's cruel and probably is making them feel guilty.

On another note I just saw a lady slap her chihuahua in the park. He was just barking! I hate people sometimes.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Anyone know how spring break, day 1, went in PA today? Or is the twitter broken again?

rainbowsandunicorns said...

@Kateplusmy8 My 5 yr old daughter begs me everyday to watch WifeSwap again. She LOVES watching your kids! You are a great mom!

Five years old? Good grief.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Like Sport, I've been checking in with this whole Wife Swap thing.

The surgery is SO obvious and she's starting to look strange and plastic like an evil Barbie. Tilt those eyes up a little, and Kate's a dead ringer for the caricature above!

I'm in the camp who says in a few more years, Kate will start to look really strange. She's just over the edge of that now, and I think she's addicted to the plastic surgery. Key word: plastic. Yes, Kate. That's the effect. Quit while you still look human.

I didn't know anything about Kendra, but I found her genuine and likable. Kate the hands-on mom? Really??? Someone should make Kendra a collage of Kate+8 scenes.

Someone needs to tell Milo and Kate that "methinks" is one word. As in, "Methinks Kate doth protest her great motherhood too much." lol.

And finally, Milo is now quizzing Kate. What the heck? So many great points have been made on here the past few days...like Milo going over the top and embarrassing herself (and Kate!) by tweeting every famous person Kate tweets. Now, let's take the Milo quiz!

@Kateplusmy8 Testing your memory Miss Kate...what is this Sunday March 3rd? :)"

Um, the day the bunny gets it?

Lauren said...

I want to scream every time I read about Kate saying the kids are always telling her she needs to get married again! There is no way that they think that way, especially as young as they are (and were when she first started claiming that).
My kids were 12 and 15 when I got divorced, and they never told me I needed to get married again. In fact, they are both going to be in their dad's wedding tomorrow, and they are not happy about it. They're 19 and 22, so they are being civil about it but they don't really want to be there.
Also technically my daughter won't be 19 until Tuesday, and she has already told me that she wants to go to dinner with just me, her brother, and her dad. My ex and I have always gotten along pretty well, and sometimes we do celebrate birthdays together. But this year I'm not so sure I can do it, with it being only a couple days after he marries "the girl he wasn't having an affair with". Not that I'm jealous, but because it's kind of bringing all the crap back that I thought I'd forgotten and forgiven.
My point is, even as young adults my kids still in some way wish mom and dad were still together, and I'm sure the farthest thing from the G kids' minds is replacing their daddy.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I'm surprised she hasn't auditioned for a part in a television soap. Seems it's the only thing she hasn't gone after yet. 107

This made me laugh. I watched the inside edition video without sound,and she looked like a D list soap "actor" having an over the top
argument with someone on a really bad soap.

p.s. KP, if you're new - welcome.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Virginia Pen Mom said...

@Kateplusmy8 Testing your memory Miss Kate...what is this Sunday March 3rd? :)"

Um, the day the bunny gets it?

Oh my, I laughed so hard I scared my dog.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

They never ask what the kids want.

They never say we'd love to see the kids on t.v. that is IF they want to!

We'd love to hear more about the kids that is IF they want to!

I miss your kids so much post pictures that is IF they are okay with it!

I'm going to send you this project for your kids to do IF they want to.

I've never seen a group of adults have such little regard for other people's needs, desires and preferences. They are commodities to them just like Kate.

Rhymes with Witch said...

@Kateplusmy8 Testing your memory Miss Kate...what is this Sunday March 3rd? :)"

Um, the day the bunny gets it? 118

It's FRIDAY and VA Pen Mom made me choke on my wine. :) and I thank her for the laugh.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Lol! That does kind of sound like a threat.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I don't understand the toothbrushing sink in the kitchen. Certainly there's a first floor bathroom in that house. If she wants to supervise the kids brushing their teeth and doesn't want to go upstairs to their bathrooms, why couldn't they do it downstairs in the powder room?

There has to be a reason...

rainbowsandunicorns said...

What kind of a stupid game is Milo playing with Kate...just to get Kate to respond to her?

AuntieAnn said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 114

Auntie Ann, here's one who loves her! Check out his avatar. She sure does attract them!

@Kateplusmy8 I absolutely love Kate Gosselin. She's so damn AWESOME!!!

I don't care how stupid her sheeple are, I would bet the farm that if gaywhiteguy, Iwana and Austin spent just one week living with her, they'd all have to be put on suicide watch when they got out of there. And it wouldn't be because of the kids either.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 121
Virginia Pen Mom said...

@Kateplusmy8 Testing your memory Miss Kate...what is this Sunday March 3rd? :)"

Um, the day the bunny gets it?

Oh my, I laughed so hard I scared my dog.

Maybe it's their anniversary of when Milo fell for Kate.

She/he is head of hills for Kate and only Mr. light out man can bring him/her down.

Anonymous said...

Popping in again, after a lovely dinner out with my husband. Went to Plaza Azteca (had to wait a while as it was PACKED).
We were enjoying our table side fresh guacamole when I hear a portion of the conversation from the booth behind us. Four very nicely put together women were obviously out for a girls night. I hear the phrase 'book for sale in the dollar store'. I started laughing because I knew right away who they were talking about.
I would absolutely hate to be the laughing stock of my community, but Kate puts herself and the kids out there time and time again.
One of these women KNOW the kids' ___(I decided not to put the title of this person's job out there as I don't want this person to get into trouble)_____ and I will leave what they said about the kids out of it, but I can tell you that Kate is a fricken' liar about nearly everything (like we didn't know it).
They talked about tans, hair, nails, her cosmetic surgery and botox.

Kate needs to come clean. She needs to ask forgiveness for how badly she treats others and she needs to keep her KIDS off of tv.

BTW...dinner was lovely and my husband and I had a few quiet laughs over the stories we heard.

Kelly said...

That was me Grandee4 and thank you. I thought she'd be the perfect person to play Kart in a made for tv movie.

On a devastating side note, I lost my Bullie today very unexpectedly. I'm still in a state of denial, shell shocked and heartbroken as if I'd lost a child. May Kart show Shoka 1/100th the love my husband, myself and my kids showed Winston.

FYI said...

I read where ABC is going to repeat the CWS show on Mar.16 at 8pm and the tweeties were all excited that it's getting repeat and it must be because it was such a big hit.

ABC usually shows movies on Saturday night in that time slot, so I wouldn't be surprised that they will be repeating ALL 3 of the CWS shows from 8-11pm on that date, since they'll all have aired by then.

Kate responded to Milo's tweet saying that it's the premiere of Roma Downey's Bible series(which it is), but Milo says that's no what she meant.

So are Kate and the kids going to watch the Bible series? I seriously doubt it-since she doesn't even take them to church. But I bet she'll make a point to say they watched it.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! Hell has frozen over in Sheeperville! Their queen actually and honestly was judging and critical of another woman's parenting and wifery skills! Kendra W, and s her family, who told audiences everywhere that the were really happy with their lifestyle and marriage. But Holy-jaw dropper, Kate did not support their marriage or parenting styles and felt, dare I say, try to convince them , both Hanks and Kendra that she was right and they were sorely
wrong!!! Gasp!!! Who would'a thunk it??...Kate is a hater!! My oh, my .... The sheep must be in a tail curly tail spin. How dare Kate judge another woman??? How dare she be on a show called "Wife Swap," pretending she's a "wife" and giving out "holier than thou" advice to a happily married couple?
I am just plain stupefied. ...

Midnight Madness said...

@Kateplusmy8 and @KendraWilkinson should have a reality show together! After the success of wife swap its the next logical step.


Yeah, kind of like Roxie Hart and Velma Kelly in "Chicago." MIlo could be Mama Morton (Queen Latifah). Milo could sing, "When You're Good To Mama..."

"Got a little motto
Always sees me through
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you.

They say that life is tit for tat
And that's the way I live
So, I deserve a lot of tat
For what I've got to give
Don't you know that this hand
Washes that one too
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you!

When they pass that basket
Folk contribut to
You out in for Mama
She'll put out for you

The folks atop the ladder
Are the ones the world adores
So boost me up my ladder, Kid
And I'll boost you up yours

Let's all stroke together
Like the Princeton crew
When you're strokin' Mama
Mama's strokin' you"

JW said...

I've finally finished reading all the comments before posting mine on the show in hopes I won't repeat anything. But these were my observations:

The snack mix/raisins that she HAD to pick up off the floor that were IN THE CLOSET! That was SO staged and what would she be doing in their closet ANYWAY?!

When she said "I can't believe Kendra would give up these mornings with him..", I about choked. Kate can you say HYPOCRITE?!"

The death stare she gave little Hank while he was eating his eggs..she is truly an evil person.

With her comments "I have very little help around the house and with the kids and I try to do it all myself"; imagine how that must make all the helpers she DOES have feel?! Her nose must be all the way to China by now.

When Kate and Deanna reunited with Kendra and Hank at the table, I heard Deanna say to Kate: "I have so much to tell you!". Did anyone else hear that?

I really am hoping that she does not get some new show.

FYI said...

It turns out that Mar. 3 is Milo's and Lights Out Man's wedding anniversary, and Kate didn't remember. Milo's tweeting about her marriage and she tweets this:

@Mydmaxx @Kateplusmy8 Its TRUE! 2make a marriage a success takes huge investment of time,emotion,determination & love! #BigLifetimeExpense

Does she realize that she just gave Kate a major put down?

njay said...

I may be wrong but, don't people who are on such a rigid schedule wake up automatically at the same time everyday? I know with me and my work schedule the same every day, I had to fight to sleep in when I could. Especially if I went to bed the same time every night.

I believe she sleeps in but the kids? It makes me go hummm. STAY IN BED UNTIL I GET UP!!! Maybe? No kids for me so I can't really say for sure.

ncgirl said...

Kate is sucking up to Mark Burnett and Roma Downey on twitter about ther Bible miniseries. And she and Kendra are friends for sure! Kate is so Hollywood!

"Do all Californians have an easy, laid-back life."

One of the most neurotic people I've ever met came from California.

njay said...

On another note I just saw a lady slap her chihuahua in the park. He was just barking! I hate people sometimes.
I hope that lady was fat. That way whenever she gets slapped her wobble will slap her four fold. I can say that cause I am fat and experienced. lol not at slapping though. hehe jiggle jiggle.

fidosmommy said...

So in the E interview, Kate says she asked her kids if they want to see if they like Kate's way or the new mommy's rules. And if they had said they preferred Kendra's way of doing things, then what?

Oh, I could guess. There would be some happying up to do.

It's like she says "What do you think?" and then when they tell her she says "But that's not the way we will do it, so shut up."

fidosmommy said...

If Kate is serious about finding a person to date, one of the most logical places for a Christian woman to start is in a church. She attends a large one and I'm sure there are lots of single men there. There are lots of other churches, too. Or, join a running club or a
cooking group. Something.

Starting your dating process on national TV is
just ridiculous.

Oops. I'm sorry. Churches, cooking groups and running clubs don't pay. Drat.

Also, in order to meet someone at church, one would need to actually attend. My bad.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

What kind of a stupid game is Milo playing with Kate...just to get Kate to respond to her?


She bet her husband that Kate would remember their wedding anniversary. Kate didn't! Can you imagine Milo thinking that she's so close to Kate that Kate would remember dates in Milo's life?

Time to hide the bunny...

njay said...

Dmasy said... 89
nay -- If you are really going to make a handprint decor in your stairwell, why not invite friends and relatives over to contribute their special shape for you? Could be really special -- full of loving spirits. Healing!

Thanks Dmasy, good idea. I wish my sis. who I shared a room and our fear with was here. But she is better off in heaven with dad and my stepmother awaiting me. I say my stepmother because long story short, I had to move in with her and my dad and our healing took place here on earth. We really learned to love each other and bond. I took care of her until I couldn't anymore and she passed away in a nursing home. She treated her own children bad during visiting hr but me she never did. "love covers a multitude of sins" I firmly believe. I will do the hand thing like you suggested. Her voice doesn't HAUNT me per say anymore, it just takes my mind where I'd rather not go.

Capecodmama, MJ and anyone else I may have not read yet. Thanks for the love. Your great.

Michelle said...

Ampersmom said... 60
Kate needs to take a Dale Carnegie training class on public speaking. One of the big topics is what to do with your hands so their constant motion does not annoy the audience. And Kate, you are perceived and presented to be just what you are. A Bitch.
THIS!!! For a woman who wants a TV career so badly, why won't she focus on skills instead of just appearance? Is it because working on skills would take actual effort on her part? Can't just rely on the plastic surgeon, hairdresser, tanning bed, manicurist, etc. to do all the work. Does she really think "I just need to be skinnier, tanner, blonder, and then I'll get a show"? Is she that dense?

njay said...

If you can stand listening to her, you will see why cupon cabin said they weren't a good fit. lol Stop part way in though when you've seen it because she slams Jon. She's such a turd.


njay said...

Kate is a twit said... 43
In the Extra interview, Kate says she thought of CWS as "as sort of psychological experiment" and that she always thought those were "kind of neat".
Well there you go, out of her own mouth she hints. That's her m.o., for the sheeple lurking here. She has been professionally tested. lol

Sunset Blvd said...

Duck Dynasty, which was on Wednesday night, had more viewers than CWS. Now what can we infer from that?

She is evil said...

WTF was she thinking when she wasted, yes wasted, more of the kids' money on yet more plastic surgery? She looks like an evil alien...grotesque. It's laughable that this nerdy buffoon actually thinks she can be a sexy tv star. And doesn't she have 8 kids to support and tend to? Aaaack! The mind just reels at the idiocy

njay said...

Can I adopt her boys and share custody with Jon. I always wanted three. I'll take good care of them Jon. I'm in Utah, so you can visit and take them skiing with you off your custody. I'll love them like you and teach them it's ok to love their mom. I'll teach them that men don't need to put up with abuse from their wife like you will more than likely teach them when they are older.

Just wishing of course. They are so broken it hurts my heart.

fidosmommy said...

To Kate is a Twit, thanks for answering both of my questions earlier. Appreciate it!

Cthulhu the Cuddly said...

I know Sponge Bob. He lives in that pineapple under the seas and down the road from me in my underwater palace. Sponge.Bob is yellow, and child like, and optimistic. Kate Gosselin is no Sponge Bob. She is however very similar to Squidward in attitudes and behavior. Squidward is one of my minions and so is Kate Gosselin

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I know Sponge Bob. He lives in that pineapple under the seas and down the road from me in my underwater palace. Sponge.Bob is yellow, and child like, and optimistic. Kate Gosselin is no Sponge Bob.


I believe that the poster meant that Kate is BUILT like Sponge Bob, not that her personality was like Sponge Bob's!

Hoping for the Best said...

During CWS, I paused at the list of weekly extracurricular activities (and stuff that needed to be brought) to see if the younger children had any (nothing on the list) and it said every other Friday they needed to bring "stuff for Jon's?".

Then I noticed that Mady said, when she and the little girls were feeding chickens and checking out the treehouse, "This is the most fun I've had in two weeks". I thought that was oddly specific. about the last time she'd some fun.

I'm starting to think that comment simply meant that was the most fun she'd had since her last weekend at Jon's.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Oh I'll have something to say about that easy life comment from Kate in the recap.

Hoping for the Best said...

Kate says on Twitter that she's having sleepover tomorrow, and that her kid #s will increase "exponentially".

Anyone else think Kate is hosting a "girl" sleepover only and the boys will be with Jon. Just a sneaking suspicion. Which is just as well, of course.

Although I guess it's a good that the kids are getting to hang out with their own friends.

Zoe said...

On the subject of Kate wanting a man, maybe she needs to call Patti Stanger of Millionaire Matchmaker. Of course, if Kate appeared on that show she would be on the record as having a net worth of at least 1 mil. On a recent show Patti made a match for a celebrity's father. Was it Nicole Richie's father? Anyway, Patti found him a great match. I wonder if Patti would take Kate on as a challenge. Watching Kate on that show could be a real hoot.

Meghan said...

Nicole Ritchie's dad is Lionel Ritchie. It was denise Richard's dad.

Patty would tear her apart.

Duckman said...

Kate is a twit said... 43
In the Extra interview, Kate says she thought of CWS as "as sort of psychological experiment" and that she always thought those were "kind of neat".


Apparently she must find the Stanford Prison Experiment pretty "neat" - she's spent the past several years replicating that in her house, with the kids as the subjects.

capecodmama said...

fidosmommy...131 She can always go on ChristianMingle.com. LOL

Formerly Duped said...

I wonder if Kendra was allowed entry to Kate's bedroom to sleep without penalty of severeness? She would find it a bit 'clutterish!"

readerlady: what a pain- do you need Stansel site?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

njay said... 134

Kate is a twit said... 43
In the Extra interview, Kate says she thought of CWS as "as sort of psychological experiment" and that she always thought those were "kind of neat".
Well there you go, out of her own mouth she hints. That's her m.o., for the sheeple lurking here. She has been professionally tested. lol


Yeah, right ;o)

But seriously, too bad the psychological experiment is on her children.

Why does Kate think that it's amusing to experiment with her children's emotions... on t.v... for entertainment purposes?

Kate is a sadist.

JudyK said...

Zoe, it was Denise Richards' father. He lives with Denise...such a good guy.

I'll say it again...Kate is NOT looking for a man...she already has a live-in, and I'd have at least a modicum of respect for her if she'd just admit it. She even said on one of her stupid CWS interviews, she's too tired to date.

A normal 37-year-old WOULD be interested in dating...she's not, because she's had her "needs" met for years now. Still, I'd love to see Patti Stanger rip her a new one.

RonnieandMaggie said...

I would love to see Kate on Millionaire Matchmaker. Patti Stanger has no qualms about calling someone out on their fakeness and b.s. I don't know that she would do it because she would have to admit that she is a millionaire and perhaps the freebies would stop.

It was Denise Richard's father who they had on the show. He is a very sweet man who has been living with Denise since Denise and Charlie Sheen broke up. He is a very hands on grandfather and a millionaire in his own right. Denise may have her issues but I think she is a good Mom and person.

Amanda, Iowa said...

Kate is a twit said... 43
In the Extra interview, Kate says she thought of CWS as "as sort of psychological experiment" and that she always thought those were "kind of neat".
I know a whole bunch of psychological experiments for her to try that are a lot of fun for us to watch :-)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Holy cow! Hell has frozen over in Sheeperville! Their queen actually and honestly was judging and critical of another woman's parenting and wifery skills!


They don't seem to see the hypocrisy do they! They've literally spent their entire career defending Kate telling us not to judge her parenting. And now Kate does exactly the same thing, judges someone's parenting. Oops!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about Winston. Rest in peace.

The most comforting thing I've ever heard about dogs is that the reason they don't spend much time here on this earth is that they already know how to love perfectly. They don't need the extended time us mere mortals do to learn such a thing.

Jane said...

Kelly - please be comforted in knowing you provided a loving, safe and fun home for Winston. It's devastating to lose a beloved pet - I'm so very sorry.

Formerly Duped said...

Kelly: I'm so sorry. What a sad loss. RIP Winston.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kelly said... 130

That was me Grandee4 and thank you. I thought she'd be the perfect person to play Kart in a made for tv movie.

On a devastating side note, I lost my Bullie today very unexpectedly. I'm still in a state of denial, shell shocked and heartbroken as if I'd lost a child. May Kart show Shoka 1/100th the love my husband, myself and my kids showed Winston.


I'm so sorry, Kelly.

It may not ease the pain of losing your dear doggie- but may you find some comfort in knowing that while Winston was alive, he had a wonderful, and happy life with your family.

May your sweet Winston rest in peace.


FYI said...

Kelly-so sorry to hear about Winston.
Condolences on your loss.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

JudyK said... 161

Zoe, it was Denise Richards' father. He lives with Denise...such a good guy.

I'll say it again...Kate is NOT looking for a man...she already has a live-in, and I'd have at least a modicum of respect for her if she'd just admit it. She even said on one of her stupid CWS interviews, she's too tired to date.

A normal 37-year-old WOULD be interested in dating...she's not, because she's had her "needs" met for years now. Still, I'd love to see Patti Stanger rip her a new one.


"She even said on one of her stupid CWS interviews, she's too tired to date."

But for the right price, she'll perk up/happy up for the camera...

Jane said...

Nice to see new faces here - welcome !

NJGal51 said...

Kelly - I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your beloved Bullie. It is hard and may the memories if your sweet puppy bring you joy. I just gave my boy a big hug. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

JudyK said... 161
See, I just don't agree that she isn't looking for a man because she already has someone hiding in the house. She puts up her defense mechanisms by saying she doesn't have time to date. That's just her way of saying there are NO offers coming her way. I'd be saying the same thing too if I was in her position. I'd want to protect myself from the reality of still being single after all these years. Plus wouldn't the locals eventually spot her lover at some point?

When she says her 8 kids are a lot to take on for anyone, I believe her. It's a lot of baggage to carry. It must suck to be her with 8 kids and still looking for love.....

Winter Wonderland said...

I'm sitting at desk in fam rm working on laptop while littles watch @Disney (Jessie) on tv&I gotta say, jokes crack me up 2! #disney4moms2

Did she forget about spring break again this year? How long are the six going to be the "littles?"...until they go off to college?

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate is mean, plain and simple. Her only claim to fame are the 8 kids and the fact that TLC placed them on TV. Have you noticed that most of the reality shows are following the same line? They get acquainted with the audience, then party, then travel, travel, travel, and of course have conflict after conflict. Nothing original or causing anyone to say, "They are so talented." Boring will eventually make you lose your television appeal. Just ask Kate. On second thought, don't ask Kate because she is delusional.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

They must be rolling their eyes at her this point to still be called Littles. Again she has all week to work but has to work Saturday when they are home?

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Apparently spring break for Kate means SHE gets to sleep in for the next week. Perhaps the children who do not watch tv (hah) will get to watch more while mom "works" on her laptop. I think that's all she's got. Seriously, who can plan a fun staycation when you are soo busy working that you even forgot BFF's Milo's anniversary?

AuntieAnn said...

Anonymous said... 132

How dare she be on a show called "Wife Swap," pretending she's a "wife" and giving out "holier than thou" advice to a happily married couple?


I think Celebrity Wipe Swap was just one big ol' FU from Kate. "Look at me, I'm on teevee again lying my ass off and there's nothing you haterz and bulleez can do about it. Naa naa nananaa".

Formerly Duped said...

argh- her 'broking' remarks always irk me.

Formerly Duped said...

oops, that 'working'- autocorrect :(

Winter Wonderland said...

See, I just don't agree that she isn't looking for a man because she already has someone hiding in the house.


Who is she hiding in the house?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

What about the real working moms who have to pull weekend shifts this weekend? Puttering around on your laptop in front of the tv is not "work."

gabby2 said...

Watched a clip....Krazy looks miserable. Steve must have left Kate Gosselin in the dust. She "wouldn't" "mind" a TV show, so she can spend less time with her kids....."Travel Show"....yes, yes!! LOL.

Millicent said...

Lauren said:
My point is, even as young adults my kids still in some way wish mom and dad were still together, and I'm sure the farthest thing from the G kids' minds is replacing their daddy.
* * * * *
Absolutely Lauren. Even more so in that the Gosselin kids love their dad and he loves them - they are clearly very happy when they get to be with him. I think they probably wish Jon would come back and live in the house with them again full time, but that's not going to happen.

I've raised my son solo although his dad is involved and he sees him all the time. Not once has my kiddo ever said, "gee I wish you'd get married mom!" In fact, it's rather the opposite. When I've had dates, my son consistently tried to sabotage them lol. You know, being a real brat, squeezing in between my date and I if we were walking down the street, and otherwise making it known that he's not going to make this dating thing easy.

The only reason I could see any of those children pretending they want a new man in the house would be as someone who might take some of Kate's obsessive attention away from them. Mostly, I think they just try to say whatever they think will make their mom not angry with them.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

At the hair salon yesterday thumbing through an issue of US, I saw that pic of the family posing in the driveway probably promo for CWS. A plus is that they all were sort of smiling. But those poor boys in their matchy-matchy shirts and shoes, looking almost forced to stand together in front of K8. Younger girls, wearing different tees, two in boots, one barefoot (!), bed head hair. Poor boys, that woman clearly has control issues on top of her obvious gender issues.

Somewhere In Time said...

For Pete's sake, Kate, RT this woman so she can recover from surgery. She's been asking you for days, along with other celebrities. You just have to wonder how these sheeple survive without RTs:

Kate Landon @kissmekate0421 17h
@Kateplusmy8 third knee surgery today! Can I get a RT for good luck on my recovery?!:-) http://t.co/r7sz216S2m

Kate Landon @kissmekate0421 20m
@MTVsammi just had my third knee surgery this morning, so I'm relaxing all weekend w/chick flicks & pain pills lol! http://t.co/SH4PL1UQyi

Kate Landon @kissmekate0421 2h
@snooki just had my third knee surgery today:-( could I get a RT for good luck recovering?! http://t.co/q1rOPjjDkL

Kate Landon @kissmekate0421 16h
@NiecyNash third knee surgery this a.m. Could I get some prayers for a quick recovery?? Thank you & God bless http://t.co/2jXOPSbw90

njay said...

Kelly, so so sorry to hear about your little Winston. I never felt such horrible pain and loneliness as the day I lost my little Shadow. My prayers today will be for you and your family's comfort. (((hugs)))

njay said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 165
Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about Winston. Rest in peace.

The most comforting thing I've ever heard about dogs is that the reason they don't spend much time here on this earth is that they already know how to love perfectly. They don't need the extended time us mere mortals do to learn such a thing.
Admin, thank you. That gave me some long needed healing.

FYI said...

I've never understood why people tweet celebrities to ask for birthday wishes, good luck on exams, prayers for surgery recovery, etc. In fact, I'd be more than embarrassed to do so.

I can somewhat understand teens doing it, but grown women? It just makes them seem so needy and alone if a celebrity's retweet makes their day.

overthehill said...

watched cws what a boring programme.children still using prison issue plates and polystyrene bowls.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a twit I don't think we're alone in not understanding what people are getting out of twitter.

I can understand facebook a lot more since you are getting feedback from your real friends, presumably. But twitter friends seem to be a lot more celebs and businesses and people you don't know. I don't understand why it seems to feel so good to these people to have a stranger respond to them.

I understand twitter in terms of using it as a real time public relations thing, a real time ability to know what's going on in the news and with various public figures, to share cool, interesting or funny things in real time. Beyond that I don't get all this other stuff.

njay said...

NT said... 9
I agree with posters who are saying that when Kate interacted with Hank jr she seemed cold and rigid. Almost like she was there not as a mother but as a strict teacher who had to get a lesson thru to him. In the scene where she is doing crafts with Hank jr,I saw in her face that she REALLY wanted to smack his foot out of Hank jr's mouth
That is exactly why she was there, other than to be on tv. She has done that with her kids since they were born.

NJGal51 said...

@xxxxxxxx: Just watched celeb wife swap! So much respect for @Kateplusmy8 . No maid or nanny, just her and 8 kids! #amazing #supermom
Where do these gullible folks come from and why do they all seem to flock to Kate?

njay said...

Then she says "I have learned by how I am judged and sort of portrayed..wrongly, very wrongly portrayed, not to judge other people".
Wow, out of the mouth of a teenager. lol. Notice how she said "sort of portrayed wrongly"? BWAhahahahaha. The truth slips out of her mouth every once and awhile. She just loves those interviews.

chefsummer #Leh said...

NJGal51 said... 193
@xxxxxxxx: Just watched celeb wife swap! So much respect for @Kateplusmy8 . No maid or nanny, just her and 8 kids! #amazing #supermom
Where do these gullible folks come from and why do they all seem to flock to Kate?

Her fans are so dumb.

njay said...

I nearly posted once that there is no way the older girls will be calling her "mommy". Well shut my mouth. They do. When one of the girls said to Kendra that mommy does such and such, my jaw dropped. Still though, it sounded more like them calling her by her name instead of a loving adjective for a parent. I guess her dream was more about playing house than raising a family. My mom had the same dream, only she wanted 24 kids. Thank God she only had six of us.

They had 8 when Jon was 27yrs. Mom had 6 at 22 and dad 23yrs..

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

NJGal51 said... 193
@xxxxxxxx: Just watched celeb wife swap! So much respect for @Kateplusmy8 . No maid or nanny, just her and 8 kids! #amazing #supermom
Where do these gullible folks come from and why do they all seem to flock to Kate?

Her fans are so dumb.


Do they have listening comprehension problems too? Kate didn't say she had NO nanny and housekeeper. She said she had PART TIME help. Part time could be 30 hours a week with 10 people on staff. It's still "part time" help, technically. Besides she probably just keeps them all at part time to avoid paying benefits.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Winter Wonderland said... 174

I think this is going to happen when the kids go off to college.

Funny vid.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

They call her Mommy because it sounds better when you say Mommy Dearest instead of Mom Dearest.

lukebandit said...

Kelly, so sorry about your dog passing away unexpected. RIP Winston.

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