Practically the only good "reality T.V." left these days comes in the form of documentaries, and five of the best are up for Best Documentary Feature on Sunday night at the Oscars. Many are available on demand streaming if you want to check them out yourself in time for the show. Here's our mini reviews and our pick for the winner.
The Gatekeepers. (coming soon on Netflix) Former members of Israel's counter-terrorism forces discuss various defensive efforts through the decades. The documentary is heavy on talking heads but the history is engrossing.
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The Oscars, Sun. on ABC |
Plague is not only a comprehensive history of AIDs activism in the 80's and 90's, but also a study of the psychology behind large social change--where ACT UP went right, where they went wrong, and why people who all basically had the same righteous goal just couldn't get along with each other. Some of the old footage the film digs up is engrossing, especially the ashes spread on the White House lawn, and a highly charged moment where a young Bill Clinton takes an activist to task for his personal attacks, scolding him for distracting from the real goal. Never debate a Rhodes scholar, the activist jokes afterward. Thirty years later the film tracks down the most famous of the activists, many who are still alive. The "goodness" and "humanity" the activists showed the world is "mind boggling," reflects one today. If Sugarman doesn't win, Plague should.
5 Broken Cameras (Netflix streaming, Amazon) offers an unique perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, shot by an average Palestinian citizen who bought a camera to film his new son, but ended up turning the lens on the streets of his home turf. As the conflict escalates, his cameras become damaged one by one. Hence the title. Without a good understanding of this part of the world, Cameras can get confusing at times, and be forewarned, there's subtitles to follow as well.
Our pick for the winner: Searching for Sugarman. (Netflix, Amazon) What if you were famous and didn't even know it? We want Sugarman to get the trophy tonight, and finally get the recognition stolen from him for so long, and apparently so do many other Oscar predictors.
The compelling aspect of this film is the South African fans who catapulted a gifted but obscure American artist into stardom. The reason why it should win stems from the fans themselves. Fans can go very, very wrong sometimes. But other times, they can be your savior. Sugarman's fans are not creepy, nosey, dim-witted or overbearing. Rather they are grounded, intelligent, successful men and women who in their youth were going through unspeakable upheaval in their country, and found their voice in Sugarman's music (One of his songs asks, "I wonder, will this hatred ever end?"). It was the fans who decades ago recognized the brilliance of Sugarman, made him a sensation, and then didn't rest until they got answers about what really happened to the man who saw them through such great change during Apartheid. The outpouring of love and respect for one very talented (yet unappreciated in the U.S.) artist, will move you. And wait until you hear what the humble Rodriguez himself has to say all these years later. (On a side note, the injustice of what happened to Rodriguez's well-deserved royalties when he was a superstar, and the meager way he had to live and raise his daughters for decades for never receiving any checks, will make your blood boil. Although South African fans had no choice because his albums weren't available in any other form but a bootleg copy, Sugarman is a living breathing example of why pirating music is so wrong.)
287 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 287 of 287 Newer› Newest»From Celeb Dirty Laundry:
I love how Kate Gosselin wants moms everywhere to believe that she is exactly like us. She’s just a typical soccer mom that lives and breathes through her children, does school projects with them and requires copious amounts of coffee to survive each day. In between all of that she is obsessed with finding new and often ridiculous ways to keep herself in the press. If that means using her kids to snag another show then so be it. That tendency I would say, most definitely separates Kate from the rest of us for sure.
The d-list reality star consistently faces backlash for everything that she does and this last month has clearly taken a toll. She recently started mommy-blogging over at The Stir and has caught shade because even when talking about her kids she manages to make herself the center of attention. Last year she successfully blocked a tell-all book that would have completely buried her parenting skills. Well that little ditty is back after the tiniest bit of retooling and this time Kate’s not so sure that she’ll be able to halt it from being mass marketed.
Kate decided that she needed to take yet another crack at reality television and signed on for an episode of Celebrity Wife Swap which airs Feb. 26th. It hasn’t even aired yet and already Kate is being vilified for leaving her eight kids with a complete stranger for a week, as if their lives haven’t been disrupted enough over the years. The experience was hard on the kids according to sources close to them and it’s going to be hard for Kate to turn this episode into a positive thing from even her fans perspective.
All of this equals a whole lot of stress for the single mother and recent sightings prove that it’s taking a toll. Kate looks pale and run down....
Is this supposed to be a joke? This is what ABC is putting out there?
"When Kate touches down in Los Angeles, she tries to get used to relaxing -- an entirely new concept to this working mom of eight. Meanwhile Kendra struggles, plunging head-first into the chaos of caring for eight kids. It's a comic turn of events as Kendra tries to put all the kids to bed while Kate is treated to a girls' night out. As the week progresses, Kendra continues to juggle all of her new responsibilities while Kate relishes her "me" time, far away from household chores and obligations."
TLC stinks said... 177
Whoopi and nobody else on The View will ask Kate any probing questions. Have they in the past? Kate is on solely to promote an ABC show.
* * *
You have that right. The #1 job of the hosts on The View is to promote whatever their bosses want them to promote. Maybe their smile will be fixed, but smile they will and ask fluff questions, and laugh as if Kate said something funny. Once you tune in to the fact that the main goal of these shows is to sell, sell, sell -- well, in my case, I tuned out.
However, it will be interesting to see how much airtime Kate gets. Will it be as much as 5 minutes? Or just 60 seconds? I think that the producers couldn't get anyone else to agree to do Celebrity Wife Swap besides Kendra and Kate -- because they seem pretty much near the bottom of the barrel to me. A young woman most famous for having slept with an ancient Hugh Hefner and having a sex tape made public; and an aging shrew.
Now if only they'd do a show where they put Hugh Hefner and Kate on a desert island together. I would pay to see such a show!
TLC stinks said... 195
From Celeb Dirty Laundry:
Good article from some who's got Kate's number. No one believes Kate is your average mom just struggling to raise her family. I love how she says she "supervises" every single household chore except cooking. Is that like masterminding?
If you like Whoopi and like Downton Abbey, then check out Jimmy Fallon skits on the late night show he does on NBC. Go to the NBC site or YouTube, and search under video for ”downton sixbey” . The studio Jimmy films in is 6B in rockefeller center. There are four episodes and they are very funny!
It gets better, gang. If you read around online, the premise of the show is exactly as I said. Kendra will be frazzled and Kate will get to relax. Apparently, she has so much time on her hands with Hank Sr., Hank Jr., the nanny and the housekeeper, that she gets treated to a girl's night out (remember, she was sighted at a LA club filming). This is such a joke.
Here's a summary:
When Kate touches down in Los Angeles, she tries to get used to relaxing -- an entirely new concept to this working mom of eight. Meanwhile Kendra struggles, plunging head-first into the chaos of caring for eight kids. It's a comic turn of events as Kendra tries to put all the kids to bed while Kate is treated to a girls' night out. As the week progresses, Kendra continues to juggle all of her new responsibilities while Kate relishes her "me" time, far away from household chores and obligations.
foxy said... 175
It was just announced that Honey Boo Boo has gone World Wide. She is a huge hit in several countries.
To quote Kate, which I hate to say this now that she says it so much, honestly, the reason so many of these "reality shows" are being watched by so many is because "many" real people live like this.
I received many compliments on my post the other day. One said I said it better than a professional. Well, isn't because I so smart, it's because I lived it. I mentioned it to a new friend on fb the other day that I HATED my mom for a long time because I had to learn etiquette by embarrassment. Thank God I had good, patient friends that love me and took me under their wings and taught me. I just hope the gosselin 8 will have someone like that when they get old enough to understand that kind of life is NOT NORMAL. I have seen that Jon is that kind of person now that he has asked forgiveness for loosing sight of that.
Ever since these shows have come on I have learned that that kind of life, Honey Boo boo, is more normal than you think. People put on arise around strangers and if they WERE HONEST, you would see that PARTS of their life, more than they would like to admit, are the same way.
My mom was a hoarder. Not nearly to the extreme that the shows are but our home wasn't clean. My mom gave me a great gift though. She showed us six how to love and have a good heart. Homes are easy to clean but learning how to love when you haven't been taught is VERY HARD TO CHANGE.
The Gosselin 8 know how to love. Jon shows them that. Though they yell at each other they come to each others aid when needed. Jon gave them that. What a great gift from a father that is "such a screw up".
Penny said... 41
Bla bla bla... Who needs to watch?
I'm not going to lie, I'd love to see Kate raked over the coals for a change and I think the two women who could really do the job are Whoopi and Joy. I hope at least one of them is aware of the contents of Robert Hoffman's book and brings it up to her. It's been a while since we've seen her flash that stink-eye. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing her visit to the View is part of the contract for doing CWS? If it isn't, Kate skin is thicker than elephant hide.
(ps - posts directed at me - thanks so much, I really appreciate the advice about emailing and it's not that I am afraid to email anyone, but I'm notoriously delinquent in answering emails which is very annoying when you're on the receiving end. Lilly- the test pattern avatar is symbolic of my interest in Kate's return to the television screen. I'd rather see the that than her face on there
From the Celeb Dirty Laundry post:
"The experience was hard on the kids according to sources close to them and it’s going to be hard for Kate to turn this episode into a positive thing from even her fans perspective."
Oh, this writer obviously doesn't know Kate's fans.
There is one thing with having a blog to vent opinions and fight for the children. It's another thing to attack those who just want to say hello. People would be more successful if they left the fans alone. They would have nothing to defend Kate from. Really, how many times can you say hey Kate, we love you. How would they be able to say "we will defend you to the end". Without the attacks of the haters there subject matter leaves little room to talk about.
Njay - what a touching comment. Even though your life growing up wasn't "perfect," it sounds like you had a loving home and the great support of friends.
My prediction: The Stir will let Kate go very soon. Just as Coupon Cabin hired her to bring publicity to the site, the same with The Stir. Unless you lived under a rock, it is pretty obvious none of these blog gigs are long term. But here's the problem for the powers-to-be at Cafe Mom: us regular moms will not buy into Kate's behavior on "Wife Swap".
Nobody, except for the handful of sheeple, believe the woman does it all herself. Who wants to see Kate prance around in full make-up in skin tight short dresses and act like she has never done that? Uhhh, I think we have seen plenty of pap shots to prove she thinks she is some sexy momma. Frankly, from the clips I've seen, Kate looks very slutty and OLD. No wonder CC had enough.
One of the hosts from one of the radio stations Kate was on today, was busily defending Kate on twitter to some non-fans, who were just stating how she exploits the children. They just stated some facts, and weren't offensive.
All I can say is @kateplusmy8 was a pleasure to have on and is welcome back anytime. She's a good mom who's doing what she has to.
@nancivs I have no problems with her and I won't throw stones because I've never walked in her shoes. Don't believe everything u read.
After he couldn't convince them how wonderful Kate is, he tweeted:
I've never seen such looney people like the @kateplusmy8 haters. They are cyber bullies who hide behind screen names. #immature #nuts
Then the radio station posted Kate's interview on their website. They tweeted the link and also put it on their FB page. However, they didn't include Kate in their tweet.
Funny thing is when you click to open up the interview, it comes up "file not found". Oops.
Here's the link, in case they ever fix it, and someone wants to listen:
Twitterbots-thanks for the explanation. I was wondering how Kate's twitter was suddenly blowing up with so many people excited about Wife Swap. Can't wait to see those numbers drop off. I hope Milo's husband has an ambulance on standby tomorrow night. She has herself so worked up I think she might have a heart attack!
I'm seeing a lot of damage control tweets in the last couple of days from Khate. All of these "I hang out with my twins in my room and I love them so much to happy birthday to my grandpa" It's all just way too suspicious and predictable! Perhaps Khate is on the manic side of the bi-polar! The View has mostly negative comments about Khate's appearance on the show tomorrow and one person said that Khate was judging the funny teacher contest. That would NEVER happen! Sherri wasn't on today and hopefully, she won't be on tomorrow to fawn all over Khate. I'm sure Elisabeth will take that place. I would still like to know what Khate told "her" kids about Kendra and how she got her fame. Someone on twitter asked Khate how "she" could be on the show because "she" is not a wife. Khate assured the person that "she" is still single and that ABC mixed it up a bit for the show. Did I happen to mention how much I loathe Khate? More and more every day!
Thank you Millicent said... 199. I did and still do.
Happy(would be) Birthday to my Grandpa..THE most amazing Grandpa ever! I miss him daily,still! I can still 'hear' his encouraging words 2me!
After Kate tweeted this, not one non-fan tweeted anything to her about it, not one. Yet the Milo wannabe tweets:
@kateplusmy8 tweets a heartfelt bday wish to her grandpa in heaven and people write negative things in response. These people live sad lives
Not only are the sheeple delusional, now they are also hallucinating and seeing things that aren't there.
Tucker's Mom said... 197
TLC stinks said... 195
From Celeb Dirty Laundry:
Good article from some who's got Kate's number. No one believes Kate is your average mom just struggling to raise her family. I love how she says she "supervises" every single household chore except cooking. Is that like masterminding?
Ha! Good one!
But let's look at this more carefully!
Super = over
vising = seeing
So, supervising means overseeing.
Master = good at
Mind = thinking
So, masterminding means good at thinking.
Now, ask your question again. :-)
From Celeb Dirty Laundry:
I love how Kate Gosselin wants moms everywhere to believe that she is exactly like us.
What's the matter with you? :) I trade places with a former Hefner Playmate at least a few times a year...doesn't everyone?
To #15 above: I'm with you. I loathe her more and more each day as well. I can't stand that Kendra whore either.
What's the matter with you? :) I trade places with a former Hefner Playmate at least a few times a year...doesn't everyone?
Can you imagine if Jon was involved in this? Allowing a porn star to mother his kids for a week? The sheeple would lose their minds.
At least Kendra addressed the elephant in the room and wondered if the kids would be made fun of, having someone who gets naked for a living mother them.
"Doesn't The View tape the afternoon prior?"
I believe it's live every day except Friday. My mother watches The View, but she won't watch Kate. There's a thread about Kate on the View message board, and it's negative.
There appear to be two other CWS. One with Mark McGrath and Coolio. The other with Alan Thicke and Gilbert Gottfried. I have nothing against these men, but I think are very low on the celebrity list.
Can you imagine if Jon was involved in this? Allowing a porn star to mother his kids for a week? The sheeple would lose their minds.
What minds? :)
Do you remember the time, a few years ago, when Jon took the twins to Olive Garden for dinner and the sheeple totally freaked out that he posted something AFTER the fact...that he wasn't giving them their privacy?
@kateplusmy8 tweets a heartfelt bday wish to her grandpa in heaven and people write negative things in response. These people live sad lives
Not only are the sheeple delusional, now they are also hallucinating and seeing things that aren't there.
That one has problems. She's been hanging around Milo too much.
It's nice she remembers her grandfather though I find it funny the only relatives she ever mentions are dead. I guess if you're dead you can't interfere with her agenda. (Administrator) said... 25
It's nice she remembers her grandfather though I find it funny the only relatives she ever mentions are dead. I guess if you're dead you can't interfere with her agenda.
It's like the bonding skipped a generation. It's nice to have fond memories of grandparents. It seems as though they knew how to help Kate.
Knowing how much her grandparents enriched her childhood, it seems so cold to deny her 8 children a relationship with her parents.
Are they seriously *that* horrible?
Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't think Kendra is a whore and she really isn't a porn star. I think we serve out position better by being factual and in my opinion that means Kendra made a sex tape and was with Hefner. I think exaggering her past is no different than people on twitter who exaggerate things like the bus ride or other things like that. There is plenty valid things to say about this without exaggerating.
I am looking at The Bachelor while cleaning up my kitchen. Yes, I know its trash TV and incredibly scripted, its still pretty in Thailand!
Anyway, there have been promos for The Taste at its new time nine pm on tues. The Middle. Modern Family. The local eleven o'clock news. Castle. Some other shows. Nothing for CWS.
Everyone who has said this is a space filter, a place holder until they have a show worth something to out in the time slot., you are right. ABC is spending their previous advertising moments on their shows that already have an audience, so hopefully those shows will get bigger ratings.
That's my report for now. Piers Morgan is dissecting the Oscars with Nancy ODell and a Vanity Fair editor on CNN.
Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't think Kendra is a whore and she really isn't a porn star.
I agree, admin...Putting out a sex tape certainly isn't anything I condone and is so far away from my value system/morals, but slamming her as a whore just reminds me of the very nasty name-calling that flows off the tongues so freely (along with the exaggerations) of some on Twitter.
Auntie Ann said...Lilly- the test pattern avatar is symbolic of my interest in Kate's return to the television screen. I'd rather see the that than her face on there
Lol!! Of course, even the NBC peacock would be preferable to watching Kate on television!
. (Administrator) said... 25
It's nice she remembers her grandfather though I find it funny the only relatives she ever mentions are dead. I guess if you're dead you can't interfere with her agenda.
I thought the same thing. With all due respect to her late grandfather, how convenient to put any words in his mouth that she pleases.
Milo's still tweeting that she thinks there will be more than one episode of K & K's swap. She's pretty sure they filmed for more than a week, so that must mean more than one episode.
Oy vey.
9:43, during Bachelor, about a ten second promo for CWS. I'm serious, I timed it, no more than ten seconds.
Yes, I had to turn back to ABC to see who Sean sends home this week.
To Administrator (#27): About Kendra: You cannot shine Sh#t AND, if you put lipstick on a pig, it is STILL a pig. Kendra whored out her own body on TV with Hef and 2 other whores, and now she is u$ing her kid, Hank Jr., to make bucks. Boy that Khate hang$ out with good company. I do not know how those 8 kids of hers are going to live this one down in school.
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 did u find out if was 1 or 3 epi? If 3, I have to make arrangements to get chyna frm cheer every tues! :)
@gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 Not sure on that ..I know Kate was gone 4over a wk filmin maybe they get more than just one episode. #Hope
Wouldn't you think that at least one of the sheeple would be capable of going to the ABC website and looking this up? It's right there! Tomorrow, Kate, next week Mark McGrath...the schedule is posted!
I can't remember where I saw the promo either online or on abc but I do remember them saying Kate, Kendra, and a three week event. It could have reasonably be interpreted the Kate episode is three entire weeks. The horror. I wouldnt put it past abc to deliberately mislead people about this.
gabby2 said... 166 previous thread
Is she getting chickens so that she can lower property taxes?? As a working farm or something?
Kate's property is already zoned agricultural. The property's had a "clean and green" property tax credit since the late 90's - before she & Jon bought it. I don't believe there's anything more she can claim to decrease her taxes which are pretty low compared to other properties that can't claim that credit. Why she'd have 50 chickens is beyond me other than IMO she's selling the eggs thru a local farmer (Henry?) who is probably also handling most of their care. Let's face it, properly caring for 50 chickens is more work than 3 young boys can do in short time after school each day.
@MiloandJack: @deannatweeting Deanna...maybe U can answer this? Many fans R this a one or 3part series w/Kate & Kendra?
@deannatweeting: @MiloandJack I don't know!
The Sheeple 6.
@Kateplusmy8 Early wake-up..and a huge busy day 2morrow...U need 2get 2bed! Go ahead & give us ur goodnite tweet & get some sleep :)
Oh, good heavens. Even Gladys wasn't this bad.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Early wake-up..and a huge busy day 2morrow...U need 2get 2bed! Go ahead & give us ur goodnite tweet & get some sleep :)
Ah, how sweet. Milo is Kate's Lites Out Man now.
Watching castle, really good tonight.
Five second promo. The Taste gets a full thirty seconds,.with fire in the kitchen!
Kendra may not be a whore but at the very least she is a slut if that is more palatable to you Admin. We may not be a porn star in the true sense of the word but she did sell a sex tape of herself. Call her what you will but as Deck Chairs said above You cannot shine Sh#t AND, if you put lipstick on a pig, it is STILL a pig. I won't be watching because Kendra and Kate are the same person, one just has more kids.
I'm not asking us to sugarcoat anything I'm just asking us to be factual. It's what we want of everyone on twitter so I don't think it's too much to ask of us.
I'm sorry but a porn star and making a sex tape are two completely different things. One is not necessarily better than the other (I could make an argument being a porn star is actually more respectable, at least you have a steady job and it's "acting" with another "actor", not some private sexual encounter with someone you are actually with that has no business being public) but they are two different things.
How can Deanna not know??? You sign on the dotted line to take part in something and you have no idea how many episodes it it? That sounds a bit irresponsible especially when kids are involved.
All the tweets that you see Kate getting lately from what appear to be new fans are, in reality, just "twitterbots" set to tweet about the show.
It's such a dead give-away, with most of them including "SO EXCITED" in the tweets. The sad thing is that Milo is convinced that all of these fans have popped up within the last week or so, just to throw their adoration at Kate. Therefore, Kate needs to beg ABC to have her on a regular show, and that she needs to do press tours!
I'm with ya', NJGal51 (#43) !
It's such a dead give-away, with most of them including "SO EXCITED" in the tweets.
This is exactly how all the massive spam we are getting this week sounds. It's all kind of the same tone and style. I think you've seen some of it get through when we were unmonitored.
Kendra Wilkinson is so far off my radar I had no idea who she was when her name was mentioned here. I was disappointed to hear about her tape and her too public antics. Kate, while
no sex kitten, is ON my radar for her films.
I won't watch Kendra or Kate because I'm not interested in supporting the way either one of them rose to fame.
Kendra may not be a whore but at the very least she is a slut if that is more palatable to you Admin. We may not be a porn star in the true sense of the word but she did sell a sex tape of herself. Call her what you will but as Deck Chairs said above You cannot shine Sh#t AND, if you put lipstick on a pig, it is STILL a pig. I won't be watching because Kendra and Kate are the same person, one just has more kids.
So if believe that Kendra is a slut, and she and Kate are the same person, then are you saying that Kate is a slut?
I saw the video with kate at the end of the trailer and do you think it is possible she had a wig on? Because the fridgegate pic her hair is not the same color. Oh, I just remembered they filmed this a few months ago. I do agree, kate does look like "our life" is taking a toll on her body and mind. The Sun UK printed 4 or 5 HUGE pictures of her coming out of the tanning salon, and she looked BAD! I wish I could of took those pictures, I would of sold them and donated every penny to the Jimmy Hale Mission in Birmingham that I donate to. I even donated 5 dollars in honor of my 1st grandbaby and they sent my son and DIL a card about it! That just thrilled me! I agree that very soon that she will be in a hospital due to exhaustion and dehydration. Maybe she can get on meds and get her mental state in control! I don't wish it on her, but something has to give. She is a ticking time bomb. I wonder how much Scuba Steve is going to be mentioned in THE BOOK! More lives affected, all because of kate.
I think everything is dog piling on her all at once, hacking, negative feedback on having Kendra watch the kids and her party in LA, cc firing, possible stir firing, THE BOOK, negative feedback on everything, looking bad on CWS, and her self publish book, possibly failing.
About the refridgerator, remember when she gave Katherine instructions to bring the food and put it in the fridge in the garage? So, I wouldn't think that the kids have snacks in that one. There were no snacks in the one she was "cleaning". Wonder if she has a under the counter fridge for the snacks?
That is a boat load of problems by far as she can see. Because she can say, "mine, all mine, as far as the eye can see"!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Early wake-up..and a huge busy day 2morrow...U need 2get 2bed! Go ahead & give us ur goodnite tweet & get some sleep :)
Ewwwuyelcch. Reminds me of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey ... "give granny a kiss"
To Lukebandit (#51): It's not "OUR" life, it's "R" life ! Hee Hee.
I really can't think of another has-been reality celebrity who repeatedly goes on radio shows or tv talk shows saying the same things over and over like Kate does. "Miss filming, miss the experiences, I do it all on my own, etc."
Exactly, not at all. You need talking points and you need to get new ones every once in awhile or it gets boring. Yes she is on talk shows sometimes but not that much. She's not interesting. She needs new things to talk about, a cute or funny kid story, a new project or hobby, something. She is using talking points from TWO YEARS ago!
She is terrible at fodder and that's why she is not only a terrible and boring blogger but terrible on talk shows.
I don't know much about the workings of Twitter, but I found the "Twitterbots" interesting, so I looked it up and read that Twitterbots post at-reply messages in response to tweets that include a certain word or phrase. In Kate's case, the key word or phrase is "so excited."
And Milo and her ewes really believe that these are fans who are popping up out of nowhere, thrilled to death with the upcoming show? Too funny! Did anyone break the news to them?
NJGal51 said... 43
''Kendra may not be a whore but at the very least she is a slut if that is more palatable to you....''
I see no reason to use either whore or slut. I would use promiscuous. There are a LOT of young unmarried women who are sexually promiscuous, and I think that is their business....none of mine!! Since their sex life is none of my business, I see no reason to call them names.
Kate's tweet in response to Milo's question of how many parts: one part :(
I have a hard time getting excited about activities between two consenting adults especially nothing illegal or that children have access to, easily anyway. I don't care what consenting adults do. That by no means means that I think kids are old enough to be exposed to it. I just don't think adults should be blasted for their sexual exploits, gay, straight, porn, sex tape, or whatever. It's not like Kendra made a sex tape at their house. She made tacos. People should be able to do what they like sexually as long as everyone consents, children aren't involved, and they keep it away from people who shouldn't see it.
Now, that doesn't mean that children should be around it or associated with people who participate, that's just common sense. It's the association that is a problem for me, not Kendra's activities themselves. Actually in some ways it's similar to cursing. I could care less if you curse, but I don't think you should curse around children. Not that that would be the worst crime in the world, but I'd just people rather not. I hope it makes sense that although I absolutely think the Gosselin kids should NOT be around Kendra and should not have filmed this, it doesn't mean I am making a case against her lifestyle, not enough to name call her anyway. Moral judgments are fine for your own sexual activity, but I think it's a slippery slope when we start imposing it on others and we've seen how badly that can go sometimes.
Kate's foot licking. By all means, get your foot licked by a strange man if that floats your boat. But when you film it as part of your episode and further mortify your children and are hypocritical, it becomes an issue that involves kids. That's the difference. Perhaps Kate is getting her foot licked all the time, as long as she does it in private, I don't care.
Now when people exploit children, children who CANNOT consent to such a thing and could be very hurt by it, my blood starts boiling.
Kate's tweet in response to Milo's question of how many parts: one part :(
Aw. Poor thing.
You mean all this fuss and build up for only 45 minutes??
Oh blast! I was hoping there would be 4
episodes. Episodes 2-4 could be all the film of Kate on the cutting room floor. After they actually worked with her, they decided their revenge would be to show it ALL!
But, alas, it is not to be. Oh well.
Remona Blue... 56
I'd say Kendra is slutty because made a sex tape for public consumption, not to mention her romps with Death On A Stick Hugh Hefner.
Audible Click said... 61
Remona Blue... 56
I'd say Kendra is slutty because made a sex tape for public consumption, not to mention her romps with Death On A Stick Hugh Hefner.
That's kind of where I am with it too. I agree that what consenting adults do in private is OK with me; doing it for public viewing/sale puts it in an entirely different category for me.
It is the sale of graphic sex for profit. Call it what you want, I find it disturbing.
Since their sex life is none of my business, I see no reason to call them names.
Did they make videotapes of themselves and then sell them to the highest bidder?
I just don't like using words for women that are demeaning...even if they behave in ways that others believe are demeaning. I'm only speaking for myself. I'm neither the word police or the thought police. I use the words I choose, and you all can use the words you choose. Now I'm moving on........
I am afraid that on CWS tomorrow that the way kate acts and does is really going to show everyone that she does not want her children. Jon should be awarded full custody, kate move to LA and pursue her dream. Give the house to Jon and Liz and her kids and the 8 would live in peace and contentment. I also have a feeling that if kate was hospitalized and not able to make decisions for herself, Altered Mental Status, that STEVE would be the person to do those things. Steve would take over and be the boss and put Jon through the ringer with the kids.
Oh, I forgot. I emailed Bella Bars Corporate and asked them why do they send kate a millionaire grifting for things so she don't have to pay. They emailed me back and said:
She has bought Bella Bars from us. Now, I think kate started paying for them after the free shipments stopped, she really liked them so she started buying them. IMO
Here's a question...if Kate was taped on the View yesterday, why were there no usual tweets like "fun with my girls today on the View" etc?!? Could it be that the interview did not go as well as she hoped?.....maybe tougher questions? One could only hope!
To Administrator (#58): You said,
"Now when people who exploit children, children who CANNOT consent to such a thing and could be very hurt by it, my blood starts boiling."
Kendra is exploiting her child, Hank Jr., so does Kendra's action$ make your blood boil? (Administrator) said... 58
Thanks for further clarifying your points.
I think what it comes down to, for me anyway, is two things. First, Kendra has a history of making poor decisions. Drugs, stripping, trading on sex, making pornography and trying to sell it (through her own Home Run productions... classy) and as close as she is to 30, Kate is to 40, and with a 3-year old, the phrase "Playing hard" should be retired, as well as bragging to your Twitter following that you're "fuggggged up".
Second, this whole CWS thing goes to the lack of boundaries around the G kids. Kendra would not be on any list, no matter how long, of women I'd want to mother my kids for a week. As an adult you can assess for yourself whether or not you want to be Kendra's friend, to associate with her and to trust her. With you, the adult. Not with children who are easily influenced.
How cool is Kendra! I want to be just like her! She's soooo much fun!
That's what a little girl could think and try to emulate. Of all the experiences you can give your kids with exposure to other adults, this is who you allow into their lives?
Go back to Alaska and get back to that incredibly family-centric experience with the Palins.
Kendra for a week vs. the Palins for 2 hours. But then again, Kate was being the center of attention and pampered in L.A. Why would she leave?
I guess now Milo thinks she's best friends with Kendra now too. Just from the clips of WifeSwap it looks like they made Kate look like it's now problem taking care of one and the made Kendra look overwhelmed and disheveled all the time. Kate is so full of herself. I wonder what she got paid for this and I wonder if the diva behavior came out. I'm sure that Kate has burned any bridges from this job too.
Tweet from Milo after Kate informed her it was only one episode that she would be on:
@Kateplusmy8 @deannatweeting puttin a :( on too! wishing 4 several episodes! But we will take the one 4NOW! Harass @ABC 4 more!
Harass? Isn't that another word for bullying?
So if (you) believe that Kendra is a slut, and she and Kate are the same person, then are you saying that Kate is a slut?
Both have exhibited slutty behavior. Both are fame whores. Fame sluts? Misunderstood ladies chasing fame who will do anything to remain in the spolight so that they can provide a better life for their kids? Z list wanna-bes? I guess I don't know what to call them without being jumped on for my choice of words. In my opinion and my opinion only, Kate is a bitch who will do anything to desperately cling to her fleeting 15 minutes of fame. If that includes selling her kids down the river you can bet that's what she'll do. If that includes making a fool of herself on a dating show (which we all think she's pitched in the past) you know she'll jump at the chance.
I'm sorry, I guess I just don't know the politically correct term to use, I just know what we'd say in Jersey.
Wowser said... 66
Here's a question...if Kate was taped on the View yesterday, why were there no usual tweets like "fun with my girls today on the View" etc?!? Could it be that the interview did not go as well as she hoped?.....maybe tougher questions? One could only hope!
Was there info that The View w/ Kate was taped yesterday? It's usually live with the exception of Friday's show which is taped during the week. If ABC were really pushing this show, Kate would have been on GMA followed by Kelly & Michael, a taping at Rachael Ray and then The View. That's the usual NYC circuit.
Also, Milo assumes Kate's driving (being chauffered) into NYC. I'm thinking she was there yesterday.
@Kateplusmy8 @deannatweeting GM 2 U! Cock-A-Doodle-Do! We LOVE U...have a safe trip & a awesome/sucessful/twist&shout/knock-em-out day! :)
made Kendra look overwhelmed and disheveled all the time
I know. So staged. Kate walks into Kendra's house fresh as a daisy, full-on hair and make up. Kendra is shown looking like the wreck of the Hesperus, hand flapping at the thought of pouring flour and water into a bread machine.
Oh, please.
I wonder if Deanna will be shown on film, helping out, or will they make is look like Kendra did it all?
Milo will probably watch the single episode several times and pretend it's an entire season.
I'm sorry, I guess I just don't know the politically correct term to use, I just know what we'd say in Jersey.
Down the shore ;-)
I agree, stick to the facts, some of which to most of us are a little unsavory,but I think Kendra has some good qualities- basically kind, funny, athletic, loving. She did make what many would consider very bad choices but what is worse, abusing children and animals or promiscuity etc? Calling names does not do us any favors , even if we are opposed to sex tapes and her relationships with Hef et al and feel the CWS show is wrong for the G kids. ( and lil Hank)
“I mean, come on, I take showers with my son. I take baths with my son. We are fine. Everybody has boobs,” Kendra said on the show Monday morning.
Seriously? No really, seriously? I truly do want to know.
Is it normal and accepted for mothers to bathe and shower naked with their 3-year old toddler son?
We are having tornado warnings here in central Florida so they have interrupted regular programming for updates on this bad weather so I'm hoping there will be a report on Kate's appearance on the View. I'm sure it will be more of the same old regurgitated crap she always spews.
Kate's on the View in 30 minutes. Milo must be peeing her pants!!!
They have released the new DWTS roster. I only know of 3 of them, Wynona, Dorothy Hamil (?) and the Pickler girl from American Idol. There are 2 comedians, a boxer, another gymnast, the obligatory Disney star, a soap star. I see a pattern here. Olympanians, gymnast, athletes, soap stars, and Disney stars.
Yes,the new DWTS cast looks boring. They are back to scraping the bottom of the barrel.
They say kate is going to judge a teacher who is doing a comedy skit. She's sure to put her foot in her mouth. Kate that is,not the teacher.
Forgot to add the link in my previous post.
New discussion thread post.
It bothers me it's set up that Kendra is so, so frazzled by the eight kids (Huh? We've seen plenty other people stay with these kids who aren't frazzled by them at all, from Jodi, to nannies, to Beth).
It bothers me the most that they are making these kids out to be little out of control heathens no one can handle but Kate the Great. It's cruel to portray them like that, and not only that, but I firmly believe it's an outright lie. Sure we've seen times where they are hitting, biting, a little rowdy. But not as much as they got older and in the grand scheme of things, not THAT bad. Not so much that one woman couldn't handle them with a little order. I firmly believe they are not bad kids and to sacrifice their reputations for the drama of this is disgusting. There is no drama if they are eight kind, loving, sweet kids who listen to Kendra, now is there? That's boring. Puke.
Kendra is exploiting her child, Hank Jr., so does Kendra's action$ make your blood boil?
Absolutely. I don't think Kendra should exploit Hank and actually I said many times in many ways this experience must have been WORSE for Hank because he is far too young to understand it and have it explained to him. At least his dad was there, but there's no way a child that young could understand ok now this is just all a game mommy is going away this is your new mommy it will be fun! I would worry he would think his mother died. Awful. Kendra did the same thing Kate did, opened her little child up to ANYONE for a week. It's irresponsible at best. People have lost their kids for less egregious behavior, leaving kids with people they barely know and then something happens.
mbg hacker sells tweets...I googled this because I remembered that the other day, when the hacker fiasco happened, I read an offer from Kates mbg hacker to buy tweets. I googled the above just now and found this article. It was an awe ha moment for me and made so much sense when I read the post about twitter bots. An interesting article. It's more about some loosing money from twitter bot scams but is proof that they take place.
I say that this is true what Twitterbot...14 posted and it explains a lot. whether or not Kate paid for it or someone else is not sure but I believe it totally took place. (Administrator) said... 129
Zelda thanks for sharing that, I have heard it's a lot of work. I have considered getting two or three, we are zoned for it and a few neighbors have them, but it sounds like a lot of hassle and I'm worried my dog will stress them out. It's a given he will hate them. I can't imagine having 50.
Just getting back to reading posts.
Admin, Yes, your dog might take offense and hurt them. But it is more the neighbors dogs, hawks, raccoons and fox. The predators will keep visiting. Here in New England there are mink and weasel too.
If they are allowed out to roam the girls will eat all of your succulents and of course your veggies. They scratch and dig all of the time and dig holes for a daily dust bath. It really is easier to buy good eggs.
I know in my heart Kate would never collect, wash and box fifty eggs a day. If she did any part of the chicken chores, the blog world would have heard all the nonstop moaning and complaining.
When chickens become two or three years old the egg production goes down. After five or six years, they only lay from spring to fall.
I cannot see Kate wading through two feet of snow with fresh water twice a day. Unless you have a heat source the water freezes. Your eggs freeze too. For sure someone else does the work. Each chicken has a different personality and some don't want you reaching under them for eggs, you get pecked. It hurts some to be pecked but for a small child, that would really hurt.
Dmasy said... 131
I so have lot's of pictures but no scanner to post them. The chickens and the coop have been photographed many times by passers by.
Oh, if I ever met that Witch I would call her out in public tirade for all of her evil deeds against her own. I would never do such a thing in front of her childrden though. She brags about having chickens, but really..what the hell does she know about them. Birdology she knows nothing about. Kate is not "birdish".
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