Anna Nicole Smith's 6-year-old gets a modeling contract with Guess, meanwhile Hollywood icon Shirley MacLaine's daughter is all grown now and says her childhood was pretty screwed up thanks to her mother's selfishness and neglect.
This week's 20/20 had some fascinating stories on famous children, including a pint-sized first grader who is the offspring of the most famous blond since Marilyn Monroe, and a Hollywood icon's daughter who is finally spilling the nasty, shocking dirt. Once again, another celebrity child says it's not all as it seemed.
Dannielynn Birkhead

Sachi Parker
Holy what the hay?! Shirley MacLaine's daughter is throwing her under the bus big time in her new book, where she says that MacLaine was neglectful and detached and rarely around when she was growing up. No, say it ain't so! Not Cora's American mum! According to one of Parker's many appalling tales, Shirley once put 2-year-old Sachi on an airplane to Japan to go see her father. By herself. Ugh.
478 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 478 Newer› Newest»The crap fest with Kate will never end, as she continues to use her Twitter and Stir blog to continue exploiting her kids. Sorry, but by now, she should have been able to post about her "many" talents, etc.. without using her kids for recognition by sending photos, blogging about them, etc... Her willful grifting from companies is unprecedented, as far as I know, whereby she continues to expect companies and fans to support her every need, in spite of all of the money she has made, as well her expectations that the world owes HER.
This woman has sought recognition by conceiving 8 kids of her own volition- artifical means. She has eaten up and spit up everyone to meet her needs to be a star. Including her own kids. No one except the Stir wants anything to do with her, but she refuses to "get it."
Any idea of when Jon Hoffmans's book will be coming out? Have had enough of this insipid vacuous vessel. JMO of course:)
To Tucker's Mom (193): Khate's property taxe$ did not decrease. In tax year 2012 they were $16,946, and in the previous tax year, they were $16,946.
If taxes stayed the same in 2011 and 2012, then she did get a tax break. Taxes do not stay identically the same year after year. There would have been a change. Zillow also has the property being sold on July 2, 1996 and the amount of the transaction, but the house wasn't built until 1997, according to Zillow and Trulia.
By the way, Rearranging, were you aware that someone possibly hijacked your name a few days ago, posting under your ID, commenting that they called the kids' school? Did you ever get that checked out and/or corrected on here?
Jenna Miscavige Hill was on The View this morning discussing her book "Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape". It is avaible on Nook, Kindle and hardcover @B&N, Amazon....ect.
To Reality Bites (195): Thanks. Even if her property taxes are just $16,000+, it is still a lot. $uck it, Khate. Ha Ha. I cannot fathom how this witch can afford 8 kids, tuition x 8, humungous property taxes, house maintenance, the list goes on... It baffles me year after year how thi$ witch $tays financially afloat. As a poster mentioned recently, her $illy blog only gives her $1000 a week x 52 weeks = $52,000. The finances just don't seem to add up.
This Milo just screams "nut-job". She supposedly is married and has two children yet she is constantly hanging on Kate's coat tails begging for a crumb of her attention. She acts as if she is a personal confidante of Kate's even though she has never met her. Kate wouldn't even be interacting with her and others like her if she wasn't so desperate to get back into the spotlight.
Milo wants privacy????????????
LOL. Why be on twitter all over Kate?
And she does not have one ounce of respect for eight kids that will NEVER have privacy again because of their mother's actions. Guess that's ok????
...can you say hypocrite??
...can you say hypocrite??
Class A-1 hypocrite...the hypocrite to end all hypocrites! Seriously, there is something very, very wrong with that person -- man, woman, it, or whatever it is.
We are only assuming Kate and Milo have never met. The truth is that we don't know. They may Skype twice a week to schedule Kate's week. Then Milo might tweet her to make sure Kate is on schedule.
kk tweeted this a.m.:
Hi guys!Another cold and dreary day in paradise! :)Pasting a smile on my face and putting my best foot forward! Plan 2 get a lot done 2day!
Someone needs to look up 'Pasting' both in the reg dictionary and urban.
A severe beating or defeat.
urban: putting toothpaste on nipples for a high.
So what's it gonna be?
Why don't I believe that Milo had a stalker? It sounds so phony - I guess because I can't figure out who would stalk a middle aged lady who basically has nothing interesting going on in her life. I think it's Milo wanting to claim a commonality with Kate.
We are only assuming Kate and Milo have never met
Milo has admitted more than once that she has never met Kate. But with Milo, who knows what kind of games the two of them are playing. We do know that Milo asked Kate what Kate imagined she looks like (if they would ever meet). There's a reason that Milo never signed up for the cruise, or attended any of Kate's appearances or book signings.
The whole thing is just so bizarre.
I know this is way off topic and rehashing something discussed on another thread - but I just finished re-watching Frontier House last night. I watched it years ago and had some memories of the different personalities involved, but it was still as fascinating, and frustrating, on the second time around.
Please skip over this post if you're not interested, or haven't watched the series yet and don't want to know much about it.
My favorite pioneer was Nate. He seemed the one who complained the least, and most definitely had the sweetest of natures. My second favorite would probably be his wife, although she was only there for half the series. I noticed that Nate & wife had less camera time than the others and I presume this is because there wasn't conflict between them or related to them. I also liked Nate's dad very much - another gentle spirit.
Least favorite is tied between Karen Glenn and Gordon Clune. I found both of them obnoxious in their own distinct ways. On the positive side - both appeared to be loving parents, and at least while isolated together on the series, very hands on and involved.
On the negative side - Karen seemed to arrive at the project with a chip on her shoulder. She was irritated that she was expected to handle the traditional female role of the day. She sniped about the Clunes constantly, and in front of her kids. As time went on, she sniped about her husband to her kids and used them as confidants re her dissatisfaction with her husband. Totally inappropriate! She interspersed her nastiness with references to how important her religious morals were. I hope when she viewed the final editing, she learned something about her own behavior (but I somewhat doubt it, based on her comments in the after-conclusion interviews).
Gordon Clune - where to begin? Such an ego on the man, and a man used to getting his own way. A man who will twist and bend the rules and justify it without a second thought. I am sure he does this all the time in real life, which is probably why he's so wealthy. Unscrupulous. But in his mind, justified because he's "providing for his family." I also did not appreciate seeing him in his underwear all the dang time. Put on some pants PLEASE!
Surprisingly, I found that I liked Adrienne Clune more than I would have expected. She might have had unrealistic expectations when signing on for the project, but she did hang in there, survived without her make up, and worked hard.
Mark Glenn - an interesting character. Obviously, he would have happily stayed in the 1880's, with its back-breaking labor just to survive. As he said, he found his niche in the world. Unfortunately, it was only temporary. I can't figure out how he and Karen connected enough to marry. I do fault him for wanting to be only with her, and not bonding with his step-children -- but given Karen's domineering personality, I have a feeling she didn't allow him to get into that inner circle. It's sad though, that he seemed to easily walk away from those two children.
As to the children - I think all of them stepped up, although some took longer than others. I really hope this experience stays with them all their lives, so that they appreciate what they have now, and are willing to work hard for what they want. The Glenn children were sweet (so I have to give Karen points for obviously raising them right - she is annoying but is a good mom.)
The Clune children - especially the boys: I hope that their dad continued to try to find time to spend with them. But in the after-show interview, the boys weren't heard from. Sort of strange. Gordon admitted he was often gone from home again, back to his usual routine of traveling all the time for work. Their home was monstrously huge. Such an explosion of wealth and luxury. I wonder if the cost is worth it.
Okay - thanks for letting my share my thoughts on an old topic!
Maybe because she has met her, and just doesn't know it?
To Reality Bites (3): Yup. Must have been a troll. I would have no interest in calling the school.
And another profound morning tweet. It may surprise you, Kate, but most people "plan 2 get a lot done 2day" and they do do whatever keeps you busy AND work full time jobs. Annoying biotch.
"This woman has sought recognition by conceiving 8 kids of her own volition- artifical means. She has eaten up and spit up everyone to meet her needs to be a star."
Speaking of Shirley MacLaine, there's a line from the play, "Sweet Charity," that fits Kate like a glove...
"You run your heart like a hotel: You've always got people checking in and checking out."
And another one from the same show..."Fickle Finger of Fate." Kate's dealing with is it going to turn out? (Administrator) said... 197
So they can't claim ignorance about the dangers of stalkers. That's amazing.
Milo is claiming that she and her family were stalked. I seem to remember some time ago she was posting on ROL giving out info, using her real name. Could it be that a non-fan or hater took that info and found out who she is, and then stalked her online? On Twitter, some of the non-fans refer to her by the first name she used and someone revealed not only her name, but also her husband's first and last name. It's possible that her location and names of her children (if she really has any) are known to some.
She's still a hypocrite of the worst kind, wanting privacy for herself while at the same time poking her nose in everything that Kate does. She (or he) needs help.
OT Betty White's Second Annual 90th Birthday special in on tonight NBC, 7 pm EST
Reality Bites (2)
Just to clarify some of the property info list on Zillow, the property (land) was sold in 2006. The house was then built on that property in 1997. So, the sale of the acreage shows up, whether there was a house on it at that time or not.
The property taxes in PA are outrageously high. Kate must have the property listed as a working farm, or her property taxes would be at least double the amount listed. I would guess it has always been listed as a farm because the previous owners had horses, and perhaps other animals or crops. It saves the landowners in PA a lot of money in taxes to be listed as a farm. Kate gets a huge tax break for having chickens. They save her money on taxes, plus provide eggs . It's actually a smart thing for her to do. I wouldn't be surprised if she has someone selling her eggs at one of the farmer's markets in the area. Why else would she buy MORE chickens recently? Didn't she say she has 50+ chickens now? They can only eat so many eggs themselves. And Kate would do anything for money.
I have the same questions how someone like Shirley MacLaine who can have a normal conversation and acts normal can believe in aliens and think her child's father is an alien and all the other freaky stuff she does. It doesn't make sense. I thought when people have a break from reality it's usually not so compartmentalized.
The property taxes in PA are outrageously high. Kate must have the property listed as a working farm, or her property taxes would be at least double the amount listed.
Yes. I was just going to comment on that. What she is paying is extremely low compared to what I paid on a comparable property that was not listed as a farm. Unfortunately. mine was zoned residential (no farming permitted) or I would have bought some chickens!
She moved there in 2008. She got the chickens in 2010. How could she have claimed it as a working farm from the time she bought the property until she got the chickens? It would seem that in the period from 2009-2010, the tax should have doubled from what it was when she bought it, if the previous owners had claimed the farm tax exemption.
Here's another disturbing story:
Then, she and her boyfriend, Brad, were invited to the star’s California beachfront flat where she claims she met Shirley’s sex therapist friends, Phyllis and Eberhard Kronhausen.
Sachi says Phyllis told her mother: ‘It would be a fabulous opportunity for Sachi, to have her first introduction to sex with all of us here as a support group. We could talk about it afterwards and validate her feelings.’
As Sachi flushed with embarrassment, she says her mother declared: ‘I think it’s a wonderful idea. We’re all here to help you, sweetheart.’
Now 56, Sachi says that helpless to oppose the three ‘powerful’ adults, she ‘felt like Mia Farrow surrounded by the satanists in Rosemary’s Baby’ and they watched as she and Brad left for the bedroom.
She writes: ‘Once our mission was accomplished, we had to face the next hurdle: reporting back. We hid out in the bedroom until we heard a light knock on the door, and Mom’s voice, “Is everything OK in there?’’
Feeding my kids cookies/milk 4 a bedtime snack. I'm waiting4them2eat,&sat down at our bar counter Leah:'U haven't sat down in SO long' TRUE!
How do any of the children know what Kate does during the nine hours when they are away from home during the school week? Geez, Kate, THINK before you tweet!
I wonder if Milo really is into Kate as much as she presents herself to be, unless she is in the last stages of Celebrity Worship Syndrome. Could she be doing it for attention, knowing that the more over-the-top she is with her bizarre comments, the more she will get noticed by Kate and the non-fans? Could she be doing it just to get a reaction from the non-fans? She's really quite good at yanking their chains.
Nobody could be *that* nuts, could they?
What a sad tweet....she just clarified that she doesn't't sit and eat with her kids....that must have been saved for the cameras! She really has "hand, foot and mouth" disease....her hands constantly tweet stupidity and she constantly puts her Flintstone foot in her mouth! What a tool! In her install start quest to make everyone think she is sooooo overworked, she ultimately makes herself look more neglectful!
Down The Road, 24 -- I guess if she had to sit down every time she pats herself on the back, she would be sitting down all the time.
Everything...always, all about her.
Milk must have been "on sale" (!) recently. Glad to read she got some for them to drink.
Uggghh...autocorrect...that's "in her constant quest to make everyone"
And the detatched "feeding" the kids again like they are farm animals. Too bad they can't EAT cookies together.
Speaking of loonies. This is from an adult fan with a child...
@Kateplusmy8 please be my mommies????????
Mommies? Plural? Does Kate have MPD?
It is indeed tragic that she sits down with her children while they eat so infrequently that they actually are compelled to comment when she does. And stupid her, working it into a tortured tweet to appear that the comment is about how hard she works, too busy to sit. Open mouth, and out comes utter nonsense.
There's this weird sense that the more tired you are and the more time you spend on your feet the better mother you are. When really, good mothers actually stop once in awhile to actually enjoy their kids instead of treating them like one endless machine to keep running. You have to eat anyway so sit down with them, it's not hard. The studies about children who eat with their parents and the benefits are endless.
Well, if Kate "hasn't sat down in so long", I guess she's not driving them to the bus stop, or she drives standing up!
The way she says "feeding" is weird. It almost sounds like she is literally putting the food in their mouths like they were babies. Wouldn't most people tweet "my kids r having cookies/milk for bedtime snack"?
You feed the baby.
You cook or prepare for people old enough to feed themselves.
You eat together.
I realize I'm nitpicking, but what ARE the kids learning from all this? That once you are an adult you never get to take a break and life is just a lot of exhausting work? That when you have graduated from the kiddie table at family holiday dinners, you never, ever again eat with children at the table? That parents don't have to actually like their children enough to spend some down time with them?
If I had to guess, I would say she has some bad memories of dinner at her house. Perhaps there were loud, unhappy voices around the table, maybe she was fidgity and didn't want to sit there until everyone else was finished, or whatever the rule was. So, she may have decided that she will sit or stand wherever she pleases, free to get up and move whenever she wanted and not have to answer questions or deal with loud voices. I don't know - I'm just sharing a thought I had.
I don't understand her, but really wish I could.
I'd really like to understand and then I could show some compassion for her.
For the 2nd night in a row, I've read a few chapters of my 1st book, 'Multiple Blessings' to Mady and Cara before bed! We r all enjoying it!
She's reading the book to them? How old are they again? Do 12 yr olds really want to hear Mommy read her book to them? And I would think at their age, if they were interested in the book, they would have read it already, unless Kate keeps copies of her books under lock and key.
Is she trying to plug her book now? Hoping to deflect from the re-release of Robert's?
As controlling as Kate is, she probably is feeding them. "One bite of cookie, one sip of bite of cookie...say, 'Thank you mommy, you're the best mommy in the whole wide world' bite of cookie...
"My" book you mean Beth's book?
There's a million books these kids should be reading before wasting time on that drivel.
I never read it but doesn't she say nice things about Jon? I would think that would just depress them.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@CJR17 well, not really. I actually sat today so it was rare. She mentioned it cuz they NEVER see me sit! Except at dinner-- quick:)
So now she says she sits at dinner--and she says she doesn't see the negative tweets. The kids NEVER see her sit? Now she's laying it on a bit thick, ya think?
She was sitting when she wrapped herself in that Red Cross blanket.
Someone asked Kate if the twins knew how to read to themselves. She replied:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@wenderella12 hahahah yes!They just like to hear ME read some of it to them because it's me telling them about their childhood essentially!
So maybe she'll read Robert's book to them, too. Aren't her journals just her talking about their childhood too?
I hope M and C are enjoying this new bedtime ritual. But something tells me they have a reason to be stroking Kate's ego right about now. I can't believe that tweens want this, and even less that they want their friends to know that Mommy reads to them at bedtime.
The McMansion HAS been a working farm since 2008.
She worked those kids from the minute she got there! and then came along the dog and the chickens.
Thats why she " feeds" the kids, like she "feeds" the dog, and like she ( or Colin) "feeds" the chickens. If she didnt, she might have to pay more property taxes!
As for sitting, she sits lots, but never with those kids! She's backpeddling, but never still quite covered her butt, because she still said " only at dinner and then quick".
I vote for " Absent Parent of the year" Award, and its only february!
I forgot to say that I wonder if she read stories to the "littles" tonight before they fell asleep. That would have been nice. I have great memories of bedtime stories (Winnie the Pooh was my all time favorite)being read to me by either my mom or my brother. Dad would often fill in and make up stories for me. Oh, the memories are sweet...
But those evening stories stopped at about 4th
grade or so, at my request. I read the stories myself before going to sleep.
I doubt she's reading that drivel, or anything more literary, to them at bedtime. It follows her 'cookies and milk' twitter, you know, we're just one big happy. Next we're curled up in Mommy's bed watching our TLC show over and over. Making memories - she's seriously nutso. And with a seriously empty plate of media anything. Tough times.
So she is reading to m/c because its her telling about their childhood and she makes them watch all the dvds why? My 12 year old would rather read by herself cause shes reading books from school and what other 12 years old are reading so they can discuss it, I really doubt the m and c friends are reading her books. Why doesn't she spend time reading with the boys or the younger girls, don't understand why 12 years old spend so much time with her
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 1
''.........Any idea of when Jon Hoffmans's book will be coming out?''
Do you mean Robert Hoffman's book?
fidosmommy said... 43
''I hope M and C are enjoying this new bedtime ritual. But something tells me they have a reason to be stroking Kate's ego right about now. I can't believe that tweens want this, and even less that they want their friends to know that Mommy reads to them at bedtime.''
fidosmommy, I had the same thought you did! I'm afraid that they are doing whatever they think will please KK, in an effort to keep her on an even keel.
Kate is a sick woman. Constantly throwing the old shows up to the little kids and now, reading her book to M and C. We all know they can read and the last thing they want to read is her book, again. Probably has the big spoon sitting right next to her.
I think Milo is an older woman that has grown children. When she was on Nina Frye's radio show she sounded late 50's or 60's. She also has either a Mississippi or Alabama accent.
I live in the south, too close for comfort.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 1
''.........Any idea of when Jon Hoffmans's book will be coming out?''
Do you mean Robert Hoffman's book?
fidosmommy said... 43
''I hope M and C are enjoying this new bedtime ritual. But something tells me they have a reason to be stroking Kate's ego right about now. I can't believe that tweens want this, and even less that they want their friends to know that Mommy reads to them at bedtime.''
fidosmommy, I had the same thought you did! I'm afraid that they are doing whatever they think will please KK, in an effort to keep her on an even keel.
kk hatches more plans in her mind than those poor chickens lay eggs.
I realize I'm nitpicking, but what ARE the kids learning from all this? That once you are an adult you never get to take a break and life is just a lot of exhausting work?
Fido I think you make an excellent point even if people think it's nitpicking. So be it. I also wonder what she is teaching them specifically about motherhood. That motherhood is one long exhausting drag. Why would these kids want to be parents at all? They've been taught it's a real pain.
Awww, how sweet.
This is how I interpreted that book: I want kids more than anything in the world but twins won't bring me fame or fortune. They are cute enough, butonly two (non-identical) isn't enough for me to exploit.
Since these two non-identical twins don't garner much public attantion, I'll "pretend" to want just one more. Then, when I find out I'm having a litter I'll pretend to be devestated. It will be nice to read those words to my money-makers every evening when they are 12 years old.
I will not reduce because I don't believe in abortion or messing with God's plans for me.
I "had a feeling" I'd have trouble getting pregnant so I used scienc. God invented science. I'm a part of his plan.
I want those non-marketable, non-identical girls to know they weren't enough for me. They can't fill the gaping whole that occupies my chest and I needed to put that in writing so if they ever begin to feel any security in MY home and (lack of) heart, I can read them the words nightly to keep them in their place.
They need to know that if they aren't always running, praising me or catering to MY needs, they will be banished from their oh so very special brothers and sisters.
I speak of my parents lovingly in the book but now they are strangers to my famous littles. My non-identical girls need to know WHO the boss is and when I read this book to them, every single night, they will know that grandma and granpa are gone because they didn't know how to help me.
These girls need to know their lot in life and if they dare attempt to divert from my plan, ooops, I mean God's plan, they will go the way ogf grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and even that formerly nice lady that helped me write my pulitzer prize winning tome.
Fido another great point you made is wondering if Kate's family dinners weren't that pleasant growing up.
One reason I stick around for this is because of the psychological aspect of it all.
These things do affect kids into adulthood. Whatever happened in her childhood I think is having a huge influence on how she is as a parent now.
Sometimes I think that a year with a good therapist should be a prerequisite for parenthood. That way you could discover some of your own issues, start dealing with them and beginning to break the cycle. Great idea on paper, anyway.
Reading to them while they massage her back? For anyone who hasn't read MB, it is a good read. Beth is a very good author and should write more books. The books that KT wrote are very elementary in comparison. MB is a chapter book and is actually, surprisingly, no holds barred. I lost interest when it got to the TV part and didn't finish it but very telling, those days as infants. Her mother and father played a big part, particularly with the twins. Jon also played a big role from day one. He was the primary caregiver even then aside from the volunteers of which there were many, all bearing gifts and cash. Beth? Yes a lot.
Oh puleez! All she ever did was sit. Plastic throne? And if ever she did lift a finger, it was martyr and complaining time. You think she's any different now that the kids are older and more independant? She is lying and fabricating shit, classic narcissist, they only know one way.
Kate is a twit-34 - Wouldn't most people tweet "my kids r having cookies/milk for bedtime snack"?
Yes, but,as always, Kate must inject herself into the equation- they are eating only because SHE is FEEDING them.
Remona Blue 48- Yes, of course - Robert Hoffman: ) Kate reading her book to 12 year olds is probably her pre-emptive strike before ROBERT Hoffman's book comes out in hard copy. Her version is the truth; if she reads it to them, it is gosple. Her timing is very telling. She is about 10 years too late in reading books to her twins. So predictable. It is, however, very strange that she is twittering about it.
In a "normal" family, reading that book to 12-year-old children would lead to inevitable questions.
How does Kate respond to them? A generous and kind portrayal of Jon and Grandparents would lead to conversation about how the relationships floundered.
The twins will get the Kate version of why. Let's hope they are smart enough to see the inconsistencies between what she wrote and what she says.
For some reason I believe I cannot make comments from my ipad, so I will repeat what I just wrote and write from the computer.
Judging from Kate's twitter, I believe it validates my opinion that she is mentally ill. To enforce such a bedtime ritual is extremely odd and must be uncomfortable for the twins. And the constant viewing of the old TV shows is not making memories, but a failure to face "reality" that those children are growing up. If I were Jon, I would seek advice as to how to make her see a therapist because those children are being exposed to mental torment by their mother. I know that Jon had to leave her for his own sanity, but wouldn't that hold true for his children too?
Kate has qualified for an agricultural exemption since the property was purchased (the application/form is online). Her owning chickens had nothing to do with it.
The exemption is based on the number of unimproved/still farmed acres (it's called the 'clean and green' act/credit and the property has had that credit since 1998).
Her property is classified as a "farm" for tax purposes. There are no other credits/exemptions in the property's file. It already qualified as a farm from the beginning so I don't see how any chickens would change that. I think someone who wasn't aware of the existing farm classification thought Kate got chickens to save on her taxes. But the question remains, why does she need that many chickens?! LOL
BTW, Babble and Celebrity Dirty Laundry have been posting about Kate's Twitter recently. Seems to be putting a positive spin on her tweets. Why the sudden interest? Any connection with The Stir?
Yes, Carole, that makes perfect sense. Similiar in my county. That $16K figure previously discussed seemed outrageously high. Zillow is not a good source. Having said that, her monthly house payment is probably still very high but she has the bucks socked away. I am still convinced she will sell at some point. The upkeep of the property is not cheap.
TLC stinks said... 62
BTW, Babble and Celebrity Dirty Laundry have been posting about Kate's Twitter recently. Seems to be putting a positive spin on her tweets. Why the sudden interest? Any connection with The Stir?
Celeb Dirty Laundry is a partner of The Stir.
Carole said.... But the question remains, why does she need that many chickens?! LOL
Why does she need 3 cars? Kate does EVERYthing in the extreme.
I finished Melissa Sue Anderson's book last night. That's Mary from LHOTP. She mentioned her young co-stars VERY little. The omission is conspicuous. There is a great deal of Little House info. Her relationship with the adults seemed very solid.
She discusses the effects of being a child star and the choices she made for her two children.
Quick read and a pretty good book.
Kate is a twit said... 40
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@CJR17 well, not really. I actually sat today so it was rare. She mentioned it cuz they NEVER see me sit! Except at dinner-- quick:)
She does all that paperwork standing up?
TLC stinks said... 62
Shana Aborn has always written glowing articles about Kate on She used to write articles on every CC post Kate wrote, and uses pictures from Kate's twitter. She's a major butt-kisser in Gosselinland.
Some of the Celebritydirtylaundry posts seem to be favorable to Kate, but one was posted yesterday that really wasn't too nice, which was written by the same author as the favorable ones.
Also, Celebritydirtylaundry's owner Robyn Good, herself wrote an article about the re-release of the book.
Even if they may be connected with the Stir, I just think that because Kate has this new "bogging" gig, that they feel she's newsworthy again.
Besides wondering about mealtimes at Kate's father's house (high possiblity they weren't pleasant?), I wonder if she isn't an un-medicated high ADHD person.
Thus the inability to sit still for more than a few moments at a time. And the inability to follow anything through, just flitting from interest to interest.
Night-time reading to your middle schoolers of the simplistic books you supposedly wrote (and they already read, according to you)....very odd, indeed. Reading their life to them sounds like something you'd do with a 3-4 year old.
Another thing that probably isn't true. How embarrassing for the girls to have her publicly say something so stupid.
Maybe because they keep dying?
These are a couple of excerpts from Robyn Good's CDL article about the book. They sure don't sound positive about Kate, and remember she is one of the owners of CDL.
"Well her legal team went running to do their best to keep this stuff from landing in too many hands. Kate was able to slink off and plot her next failed career move while her fans were none the wiser about her alleged abusive behavior"
"Kate has kept herself out of the spotlight for a bit but recently re-emerged and threw herself a bit of a coming out party in yet another desperate attempt to revamp who or what she might be. Kate is now a blogger for The Stir.
For the 2nd night in a row, I've read a few chapters of my 1st book, 'Multiple Blessings' to Mady and Cara before bed! We r all enjoying it!
I agree with everyone about this tweet and the 'feeding milk and cookies" I think she put the milk in there as she has read criticisms of lack of milk...and yes, 'feeding' surely the kids could manage to eat a cookie alone!
Then the bedtime story- does she acknowledge Beth? Jon? Both are listed as authors on the cover and obviously figure in the book quite a lot- does she read an abridged version? As it's mainly the tups' story after the birth- don't know if M and C would still feel jealous this book was written due to the six, not them. Idk. Probably not even true she's reading it to them.Do the twins ask about Beth and Jon?
kk missed the cruise when it comes to attachment long ago.
"Attachment patterns in infants: secure attachment, avoidant attachment and anxious attachment.[4] A fourth pattern, disorganized attachment at birth." from: Wikipedia- Attachment Theory. This article goes into attachment patterns from birth, through childhood and adulthood.
Oops.... left out the keyword 'positive' attachment in previous post
Re: The Was I See It:
I think I mentioned before I thought it showed integrity on MSA's part not to mention the young co-stars- she must have known what their books contained about her. I found her book a little dry,and odd format but nonetheless enjoyed it as a LHOTP viewer of old.I'm glad she is happy now and is keeping her own kids out of show biz. She looks great and sounds grounded and secure.
Didn't she post a picture of Mady "supposedly" reading one of Kate's books months ago?
Whether the tweet was a fabrication or not, Kate is delusional. The constant harping and showing the kids the books and DVD's is either sick or she is making sure those kids tell a judge mommy loves them more than daddy.
She NEVER sits? Does she do the bedtime reading standing up? Maybe she has a podium in her bedroom so she can pretend she's at a book reading/signing.
I don't think it's weird to read to older kids. Even after she learned to read, my daughter loved to have books read aloud that were beyond her reading skills. But that was more around the tups age. By 12 they're hiding under the covers with a flashlight reading on their own. I don't believe a word Kate says about milk, cookies, sitting, or bedtime stories. She's got a picture in her head of the life she wants to present and crafts Twittersodes to match.
Formerly, if MSA was the last book written, I think you could be correct. Better to say nothing than to add to the comments.
She did mention many times that she is shy.
SeeSaw...good ?
I'll ask one....
Does she use the 'bog' standing up? yikes
She did mention many times that she is shy.
That's interesting that she is shy. Having spent many years as a child being extremely shy, though much better now, I do know that some people said they thought I was being standoffish or stuck up when really you're just uncomfortable to approach people. It can be devastating to hear that when that's not you at all. It also seems like her mother held her back from friendships too. The biggest indication that's not really who she was, was when she went to Universal with the girls and had a blast. Shy people often just need to be in an environment where they feel comfortable and they open right up. Sometimes shy people need an outside element to focus on, in that case it was a roller coaster, as a security blanket, and they open right up. For instance I played sports in groups just fine whereas if we were just standing at the lockers chatting was harder.
It is hard on the other end to feel like a person is resisting your attempts to be friends. I understand the other girls' frustration, and in fairness, you can only reach out to someone so much before you give up. I don't blame them for feeling put out but I don't blame MSA either if her issues were related to other things and not just because she was a sour person.
If Kate only sits down 'quick' as she tweeted for dinner, that's not really promoting a good dinnertime atmosphere/eating habits for the kids- also the eating of a salad instead of what she concocts.To watch these TV shows/playing games with her big girls, is she standing? all the bedtime standing? She's a mess/mass of contradictions!
I think it was Leah and Hannah in a pic- whom she always treats as 'twins' and leaves Alexis out, right down to color of their cups- who were reading I Just Want You to Know, on their own a while back.
In the context she was using, I think Kate meant that she never sits with the kids at dinner (or rarely does). Implying that she's waaaay too busy to sit down and eat. OMG! Eat! With your kids! No way!
You'd think this is not something a person who is trying to project a "cool mom" persona would want to admit to.
No wonder she refers to it as feeding. Because she's not a part of it. Feeding is what you do with animals. You provide the food, they eat it while you watch.
Humans eat together. You provide the food, you and the kids eat it together, enjoying each other's company.
Hard to connect with someone who's darting around while the rest of you are sitting at the table.
It's also probably one of the mechanisms she uses to avoid eating anything. Too tempting to eat if you're sitting at the table.
I don't think some adults realize that how they treat food around their children can have a lasting impact on them. Kate laughs it off now, oh I never sit down, oh I feed the kids while I bustle around. But make no mistake these kids are learning that mealtimes are a hurried, frenzied thing, a high stress time. Not a time to breathe, relax, sit down, and enjoy each other's conversation and company. I am fascinated by how our observations as children can influence healthy or unhealthy eating as adults. Another thing is using food as a reward or punishment, which Kate is also guilty of. Huge no no.
Maybe if she stopped tweeting so much she would have more time to stop and smell the roses. That would be a start.
lmao, kk posted a pic on twitter Dec2011 from the Vegas 'marathon'. Well, that sorta answers my ?.....
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack great memory convos have come out of it. I'm crying through & laughing thru so much! C/M r 'getting it'=r bond is increasing!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Truth_Teller201 @miloandjack yeah. We are like glue already! I love how close we all are!
She needs therapy. Lots and lots of therapy. Crying as she reads to the kids?
And she sounds delusional talking about how close their bond is how like "glue" they are. Gimme a freaking break. These kids are almost teenagers, they are concerned about school, friends and probably boys, not their mother. She is in for a rude awakening.
I never noticed whether my Mom sat down or not. I paid very little attention to what she was doing all day when I was 8 or 12. Yes, she sat down every night for a family dinner. But other than that? I have no memory of her daily routine as a kid. I think it's weird that Kate imagines kids see or comment on those things. I still believe she makes up their "cute" remarks.
Everyone has their opinion of you & I have mine. I totally get you.<3
7:02 PM - 5 Feb 13 · Details
13h Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXX yay! Thanks for support :) Mommy power-- we need to stick together:)
I cannot STAND "mommy power" and we need to "stick together."
No we do NOT need to stick together if a mother is a bad one, I'm sorry, we don't. If a mother sticks by a bad mother she is nothing but a pathetic enabler, period.
I never noticed whether my Mom sat down or not. I paid very little attention to what she was doing all day when I was 8 or 12. Yes, she sat down every night for a family dinner. But other than that? I have no memory of her daily routine as a kid. I think it's weird that Kate imagines kids see or comment on those things. I still believe she makes up their "cute" remarks.
Me neither, until I was an adult. Then I realized at family gatherings and things my mother and grandmother sure were bustling around a lot and not enjoying the party. I literally remember thinking gosh was it always like this? I bet it was, but I never noticed. So I got up to help them and the bustling was done in no time so we could all sit down.
Anyway the point is you are absolutely right, most kids wouldn't notice. Kids just aren't typically obsessed with their parents like these kids are portrayed. They're just not. Your parents are just sort of THERE and that's it. You don't register these things until you are an adult usually. She imposes adult thinking on her lies about them.
She really seems to be pushing this "bonding" thing with the twins a lot lately. Her last bog post was about Cara, will the next one be about Mady?
Seems like she's trying to prove something, that most likely does not exist.
By the way, has anyone ever heard her audio reading of MB? If that's the way she's reading it to the twins, it would put anyone to sleep.
You can hear a clip here:
Another point, and we've discussed this before, is that kids think a house just magically runs itself.
The don't understand all the work that goes into running a house, getting all the laundry done, getting food on the table and lunches packed every day, making sure you have everything you need like clothes and so on.
The only time a kid notices is if something ISN'T provided. Then most parents will hear the dreaded "Mommmmmmm I don't have any shirts!!!"
But does that kid have the first clue how much work you put into making sure 99% of the time he does have shirts? Of course not, not at this stage.
The fact is kids are living in their own worlds and are inherently selfish. Evolution has made kids very selfish, because the selfish kids survived. Eventually they grow out of it as they shift to being givers so they can raise their own selfish kids, but it just is how it is.
Seems like she's trying to prove something, that most likely does not exist.
But they're so close they are like GLUE don't ya know!
Overcompensation. People who truly are close usually don't have a need to talk about how close they are all the time. They just are.
You have to wonder if maybe something happened. I've noticed she often talks about having the twins or only having a few while the rest go to Jon's. Almost like she is holding on fiercely to the kids who still care to be around her.
Her overzealousness is only going to push them away and fast.
@CJR17 well, not really. I actually sat today so it was rare. She mentioned it cuz they NEVER see me sit! Except at dinner-- quick:)
They NEVER see her sit because they aren't there all day! How can they see her sit when they are at school five days a week? I guess she stands up for her pedicures, manicures, tanning sessions and hair-frying jobs. Must infuriate those performing the services!
Does she ever mention reading to the younger ones before their bed time ever? Or spending special time with them before bed? Not that I have seen.
I think these are "overcompensation tweets" to prepare the path for Robert's book coming out. She is doing a "premptive strike" in working up the sheeple about how busy, busy, busy, involved, involved, involved she is so when Robert's book comes out, they are PRIMED and READY to DEFEND their QUEEN!
I don't see what the twins would 'get' about the book- it's the story of their family which they surely know.How would this make them bond more closely to Kate? They saw the NICU and heard about the bedrest and Ronald McDonald house/condo, they already know all this!Plus they had the pleasure of seeing the show DVDs ad nauseum. I'm sure they 'get' it and more...
I think this last line from an article written by Effie at Gather regarding Kate reading MB to the twins, basically sums up the mindset of most of the sheeple, especially Milo:
"It's nice that Mady and Cara—and soon the sextuplets—are at an age where they can really appreciate it the things that their mother has done for them."
Yes, in the future, I'm sure all the kids will be saying to Kate "thanks so much mommy, for exposing our private lives and exploiting us, so that you could be a stah!"
I wonder is Kate ever expresses gratitude and appreciation toward the kids for the lifestyle they have afford HER. She certainly hasn't done so on twitter.
my mom got alot done, even sitting down was not "down-time"....she sewed, she cleaned cabinets, she shelled peas, she helped us with homework, she rocked my younger brother/sister, she read and colored with us......we had a "STANDUP" mom, but it had nothing to do with whether she was sitting or standing....she was mothering all the time.
I sure do remember knowing about the house upkeep as a kid.....being the little (through hs) helper with Mom and Dad...we had chores. I enjoyed mowing, gardening (a large one), canning, laundry as I grew. And just had to be outdoors, whether it be backyard sports, exploring or simply eating a slice of watermelon on the back porch.
Times have changed for sure via so many outlets. From working mothers, single or not, to growing's the evolution of family/social dynamics.
wowser said... 95
I think you're totally right. Saturday she tweeted about watching a movie with them, Sunday they watched the SB, and now she's reading to them. It definitely seems like a pre-emptive strike.
But she NEVER sits while doing any of those
By the way, on Friday she tweeted the fan that sent her the movie she was frantically looking for last week. She actually thanked her.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@ourfamily178 I 4got 2tell you2look4your 'thankyou' package arriving this week....thank u again 4 sending the movie I looked everywhere 4!:)
So how come they watched a totally different movie Friday night? She was so frantic to find it ASAP.
Kate is definitely trying to up her image quotient more so than before.
I don't know why, but I am feeling a little nostalgic for the kids right now. I don't know. Strange. I had written a long post about it but it was just too deep.
Back in the day, as a kid I saw and knew what went into serving a family dinner, as well as seeing my great granny cooking a meal for 2 dozen or more in her tiny home on any given Sunday. Alas, all the adults ate in the dining room and everyone else would scatter about. there was an outhouse across the little country rd. You either held it or.... She had an iron hand pump at the kitchen sink, a well and a cistern. Couldn't make a kid stay overnight for anything until the home was remodeled.
Good memories all around for me. Oh, the bushels of beans we kids strung and broke for for days and years, the daughters did the picking, one or two men carried down the bushels. Most of the other men would just hang around or go to the 'store' for the day, later returning with nothing. And granny did the canning always wearing her country dress and apron.
I have been fascinated with the info coming out from the FBI about the insane man in Alabama who kidnapped the kid. There was a good segment on CBS morning news this am. The Daily Beast also has a good summary article that is written with a definite snarky tone.
He patrolled his large rural property at night with a gun ” as if anyone would be interested in it” the Daily Beast snarks.
The FBI looked for someone with a connection to him that could possibly help with communication with him. The closest person to him was the bus driver! Who had brought him a pie as a thank you for fixing something in the dirt road he lived on. No one else had any sort of relationship with him.
From the reports released so far, the man was becoming more and more irrational, not sleeping, so the decision was made to go in. The agents made a mock up of the shelter and practiced. He had been demanding to go on the news, so the agents got him to open the entry hatch by saying they were giving him a video camera to record his statement. When he opened up, the agents threw a flash bomb in that created a lot of smoke, noise, and light, then they entered and killed him when he sour at them. The guy had pipe bombs in the shelter, and they wanted to make sure he didn't set of any bombs they didn't know about.
Reports are that the property is getting swept for explosives still, and it's a big property, so it may be a while before it all wraps up.
There is a mock up of a town somewhere near Quantico VA where the FBI and military practice urban assaults and all kinds of scenarios, to be ready for things like this. Stuff like this is so interesting.
kk should be letting all the kids do some household and outdoor chores. The twins are old enough to toss in a small load of laundry, even the tups and see it through. Instead she has hired help it's not rocket science and not like anyone there is hauling laundry down to the creek, beating shirts with stones. So sad just the boys(as far as I know) are delegated to the chicken coop. If a child can operate an ipad or phone, they can surely operate today's laundry equipment and care for the chickens. Any kid can shovel the coop and help make the soup.
With the size of the house and surrounding land, there are so many opportunites to develope a healthy and happy kid.
IMO, kk is seriously marketing the twins + 1....(she forgets 2's company, 3's a crowd). They hold the key in her mind to bringing her to stah-dam. She probably thinks Disney or someone will sign the 3 of them up. And is a 'courtesy of Disney', no wonder it gives kk the thumbs up.
it's DoReMe(Mi)Forever and Beyond
BR549,, my grandma had an iron hand pump at the kitchen sink too! She and grandpa had put in an indoor bathroom as soon as they had electricity. But one aunt and uncle lived in an old house with no indoor bathroom until 1970 or thereabout.
Where is Sue Buddy when you need a "point/counterpoint" article to balance out the love fest articles?
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 64
This probably is the most frustrating aspect of Kate and her image vs. reality. Obviously promoters will shed a great light on her to justify her existence and their choices.
With RH's book coming out, it is fairly easy to see that some of the facts regarding Kate's life and actual actions, will be there for those who give a hoot about these kids.
Kate is a twit, thank you for linking that book audio. Since I never read Multiple Blessings, this was my first encounter with it.
A few thoughts. First, if Admin wrote a story and asked me to read it aloud, it would automatically lose some of its power. Those are not my words, they are Admin's words, and only she truly knows the way they should be read.
It becomes clear to me that Kate never wrote what she read in that clip because it was flat,
totally void of any feeling or emotion. It's like she is reading these words for the first time, cold. She is talking about the house catching on fire with 8 kids in there, and she sounds like she's talking about ironing their clothes. Those are not her words or else she would put more feeling into them.
Second, why would she go on and on and on about these dire thoughts of fires and death? Why would Beth dwell on it as well? Sure they are trying to convey how much more difficult it is to have 8 kids than it is to have whatever any other family has, but still, it was not something I would want my young children to have read to them before they went to bed.
If that was a typical excerpt from the book I am very glad I never bought it. It sounds pretty boring to me, even reading it for myself and not having Kate read it to me.
Admin said:
The fact is kids are living in their own worlds and are inherently selfish. Evolution has made kids very selfish, because the selfish kids survived. Eventually they grow out of it as they shift to being givers so they can raise their own selfish kids, but it just is how it is.
In our modern world ( and I'd say that includes the time I was growing up, in the 60's), yes, many children have had the luxury of being "selfish." I didn't consider myself selfish as a child, but my mom and dad took care of most things, except for simple chores we kids had to do each week. Make our beds, fold the laundry, do the dishes. Pretty mild stuff.
I got upset with my own son the other day. He waited in the car while I went into the grocery store for a few things. I pushed the cart back to the car, and I know he saw me. Then he just sat there while I proceeded to make three trips between cart and trunk to put the groceries away, each time more steam coming from my ears. LOL. Then I banged the door shut when I got in, and he asked "why are you so mad?" I told him he sat there watching me load the groceries and it never once crossed his mind to get out and help me.
Unthinkingly selfish. But most of us grow up and grow out of it. (My son helped bring the groceries in the house and put them away, without being asked, so I guess my little fit of temper made a point - at least for the moment.)
Joy in Virginia, great old fashioned country living! As I recall they remodeled early 1970's as well. They were stubborn, putting off family offers. I feel so fortunate to have known them as well as my g-g grandparents and a few gg-aunts and uncles. very fond memories, Waltonish.
I am loving all these close NCAA b'ball games!
Are you watching "The Following"...very good psych storyline.
If Kate really is making Cara and Mady listen as she reads MB to them, then I feel really sorry for those two girls! At their age, it would feel babyish to still have your mommy read to you; and even worse, read a book she wrote about the six younger siblings who basically pushed you two older girls aside.
I used to read to my son every single night and loved it - and he loved it too. But at a certain point, he wanted to read. First, he wanted to read to me (and seriously, I would feel my eyes drooping lol), and then as time went on, it evolved into reading on his own before he fell asleep. I think that was around age 11 or so. If I tried to read him a book about my memories of his childhood, he would roll his eyes and tell me "no thanks!"
* * *
SeeSaw said... 86
I never noticed whether my Mom sat down or not. I paid very little attention to what she was doing all day when I was 8 or 12. Yes, she sat down every night for a family dinner. But other than that? I have no memory of her daily routine as a kid. I think it's weird that Kate imagines kids see or comment on those things. I still believe she makes up their "cute" remarks.
Remember the movie, The Christmas Story, where little Ralphie is narrating as a adult, and he says, "My mother had not had a hot meal for herself in years." or something like that. He's looking back in time and realizing something that had completely escaped him as a child. And we former children can laugh and relate, remembering our own mom making sure everyone had seconds while her own food went cold; and seeing ourselves in the Mom because we do the same thing ourselves now.
If she was devistated when she found out there were 6, wouldn't that be pitting the twins against the 6? And as mentioned above, how are those kids going to feel when the read that.
KKG has needed therapy for a long long time but it won't happen. The result, 8 kids who are afraid every time she walks through the door, never knowing what her next move might be. Someone mentioned MPD, hum
NFGal51, the same thought crossed my mind, but to be honest, I would not even know about those internet articles if not for this blog. I guess I just prefer not to continue down the path of giving Kate any more publicity, even though I have enjoyed Sue Buddy's insights. Kate has obviously joined The Stir, owned by CMI, Inc. (Celebrity Marketing) for anticipated damage control from Robert's revised book.
Unthinkingly selfish. But most of us grow up and grow out of it. (My son helped bring the groceries in the house and put them away, without being asked, so I guess my little fit of temper made a point - at least for the moment.)
Interesting. My kids are the opposite. They love to go to the store with me, push the cart, and load the car while I sit get into the driver's seat and watch THEM! I don't think it ever occurred to them to stay in the car while I load it with groceries. When we get home, they make a contest of it to see how many plastic bags each of them can carry into the house at one time. I think my oldest son's record is 15. My job is putting the things away. They don't find any fun in that, and I don't mind since they are such a big help with loading and unloading.
Kids are so different. Some of them just have the basic "what can I do to help you" instinct, while it never occurs to others that you might appreciate help. But eventually, as they mature, most of them do get it.
Millicent, I agree. It used to be taught to kids that you "help little old ladies across the street" and hold the door open for others.
It was part of the training of being a child.
But we had to be taught these things, and sadly, many (certainly not all) parents are not doing the teaching. Sadly, many are leaving the teaching of manners, getting along, appropriate behavior, and a whole host of other subjects to the school. There is no time in the day to cover these basic life skills, like being helpful, to build character in kids.
Kids aren't "bad", they just need to be taught.
I am speaking in general terms here, not directly about your own son, btw.
Even helpful kids are usually doing it because for some kids helping is fun. The old Tom Sawyer thing about having fun painting a fence. If its not fun to help most won't and the rare kid who is truly altruistic is just that, rare. still don't think most kids care or understand what kind of work goes into running a family. It's normal, it doesn't mean kids are bad or nasty people. It means they are normal in their own world. They are kids and with enough poking, prodding, chores and tough love throughout childhood, most get it soon enough.
TxBR549Iam - This has been nagging at me...wasn't BR549 a phone number used on HeeHaw or some show like that. I keep hearing Junior Samples voice in my head saying "The number to call is BR549". Did you just pick that at random or is it a nod to the show?
TLC stinks - I don't read the articles either, I just know about them from what I read here.
Every time I read one of Kate's kid quotes I finish her sentence with "And then I woke up" because I know she's got to be dreaming up most of these things. She's trying to convince us all that she lives a Leave It To Beaver/Donna Reed life.
Millicent and Rhythm of Life, good thoughts from you both. My dd as a toddler began her 'just helping Mommy out." stage. I love to share stories with her regarding growing up. Today we spent 2 hrs on the phone doing just that. One came up today about this subject. registering highest on the laugh-o-meter.
She was <2 and strolling slightly ahead of me down aisle 7 @ the grocery. She picked up a large pack of maxi-pads, dragging it on the floor...oh, I laughed so hard inside, it was so cute. She thought it was a pack of her huggies.....and those were on aisle 9.
I wasted a nanosecond of my life taking a listen to kk's book audio. My ears are mind ?.... as I anxiously await for my short term memory to disappear. Should be any second now.
NJGal51, I wasn't thinking of HeeHaw when I came up with the, I sure saw all the episodes when it first aired. Something I use when someone asks for phone#..I reply to folks who ask my name, Ishmael. so many replies about what a beautiful name it is. Nary a clue of its origins or even the character from Moby Dick.
Millicent, I agree. It used to be taught to kids that you "help little old ladies across the street" and hold the door open for others.
It was part of the training of being a child.
But we had to be taught these things, and sadly, many (certainly not all) parents are not doing the teaching.
True, but kids also learn by seeing. We never had to teach our kids to hold open a door. It's instinctive with them because they've always seen their parents doing it. My husband has always gone out of his way holding doors open for anyone, .saying, "Go ahead, I'm buying." The kids see this and they just do it.
You're right, though, parents aren't teaching these things, and when it comes to manners, how are they going to learn if their parents don't have good manners? How, for example, are the Gosselins going to learn table manners when they see their mother propped up at the table with both elbows, shoveling the food into her mouth? They see it, and they do the same thing. Who is going to teach them if she herself doesn't practice good manners?
Re: BR549. Yes, that is Junior Samples' used car lot phone number. Check out the YouTube
clip BR549.
You are right, learning by traditional lessons or learning by observing and mimicking, it's all being taught.
If Dad didn't hold the door open for the people coming in, I would have never been "taught" how to think of other people before I let the door
slam shut. It is a lesson MANY people I have encountered have never been taught.
There are many things I fear the Gosselin children are not being taught, and table manners are almost the least of them. I hope I am very wrong about this.
Rhythm Of Life said... 122
''.....How, for example, are the Gosselins going to learn table manners when they see their mother propped up at the table with both elbows, shoveling the food into her mouth? They see it, and they do the same thing. Who is going to teach them if she herself doesn't practice good manners?''
The Gosselin children have a father who spends time with them. Jon seems to have been raised to have manners, and I am confident that Jon not only teaches good manners, but practices them too, giving his children at least one parent as a good role model.
All the kids have to do is watch the show....Kate hid in her "kitchen" all day barking orders and making schedules for volunteers, while Jon got the kids up, brought coffee to kate in bed, dressed the kids, was primary caregiver ALL DAY, bathed them and then up them to bed....Kate bitched and moaned all day.
On "KATIE"S" show she has sextublets on.........
and Kate Gosselin only mentioned one time. How times have changed.
And we former children can laugh and relate, remembering our own mom making sure everyone had seconds while her own food went cold; and seeing ourselves in the Mom because we do the same thing ourselves now.
Yes...or if we don't cook enough and the kids want seconds, we always give our food to them. It's what Moms do without even giving it another thought.
A Mom said... 126
I just finished watching a recording of today's show..Katie did a good job with all of the guests from twins to the family of 12. Worked for me...kk got a blip on the screen, I blinked. It was funny to see the clip of Katie plus 80.
On The View, there was a family of 4 who just adopted 5 orphaned siblings from Peru, I got sweaty eyes on that one. P&G gave them a huge washer and dryer along with 1yr supply of their household products. Avilla(sp?) Univ. gave them $500,000 in scholarships for all 7 kids plus an ongoing invitation to all of their summer camps..from football to music, art...ect. A wonderful story for this family.
Avilla(sp?) Univ. gave them $500,000 in scholarships for all 7 kids plus an ongoing invitation to all of their summer camps..from football to music, art...ect.
That sound you hear is Kate grinding her teeth
at this news.
@Kateplusmy8 @Coronado10K" I'd love 2have U at the Coronado Valentine's Day 10K on Feb.17th. Let's chat!" Kate...R U in on this Kate? :)
Oh, good gawd, Milo, give it up! This incessant meddling would be enough to drive anyone to drink!
Valentine's day, I'm sure she has plans with Mr. Handyman come on now.
Fido, 169 said: "That sound you hear is Kate grinding her teeth
at this news."
Is that what it is? I could have sworn it was the sound of her chugging down a box of wine, followed by the wailing and gnashing of teeth!
I wonder if she ever thinks about how things could have gone if she hadn't destroyed the family. They could have had an empire like the other reality stars are doing, not just sitting back and letting it all fall on filming the kids. She just never understood that it was about the family, mom, dad, and the kids. When she did have a chance to do it on her own she just took it all for granted and let it slip away. Sad but true.
I'm not a Jon hater, but have to disagree he had good table manners- he wore his cap at the table ( where he was stuck at the side) , talked while eating, and also did not use cutlery properly.He also ate standing at the counter but I blame Kate for that. But agree it's the least of the G kids problems!
lol,fidosmommy and Susie Cincinnati..
but, but, but kk wrote on twitter very recently she had a glass of wine the day before and that would do her for a month...Someone help me off the floor, I can barely reach the keyboard. 'BoW- guzzlin' Gosselin... why bother to dirty a glass?
NJ gal, BR549 is also the name of a terrific fun rockabilly group out of Nashville, that was very active and touring late 90s and the 00s. The members have all moves on to other projects. They put on a very fun and rocking live show.
Fidosmommy #110: I never knew they had a fire in their house. So after experiencing a fire Kate still decided to lock all the kids inside their bedrooms, insanity.
It doesn't surprise me she talked about death a lot. She probably always thought she was going to injure kids one day as per her journals. Seems she's always been abusive even prior to having children even it it wasn't physically.
Her voice sounds almost like it was maniuplated, robotic somehow. I liked how she called herself a dear, sweet wife, ha!
I don't think they had an actual fire I interpreted that to mean she was worried about IF they had a fire and how they evacuate.
Which never made sense to me because they had 2 kids who were perfectly capable of walking out and 6 babies. In an emergency each parent could carry three babies even if you had to hold one by the leg for heaven sake. Obviously it's not going to be holding a baby like the Red Cross suggests but they could do it for a minute. How do they suppose daycares would do it in an emergency? You get it done.
I was just reading an interview by a previous Bachelorette (Ali Fedotowsky). During the interview, she was asked this question:
"Is it ever hard not to get caught up in all the hype that goes with being on a hit TV show?"
Here's her answer (smart gal, by the way).
"This is the crazy thing about “The Bachelorette”; you are on the cover of every magazine for weeks and weeks at a time, you go to the store and look at the shopping line and you’re like, ‘There’s my face!’ fives times across the magazines. If you don’t have a strong support system it can really affect you. It all comes down to family and friends and your support system. I think what happens is some people see all of that and think they’re important but you’re important at that time because people can use you to make money, they’ll do whatever you want and give you whatever you want and you need to be okay with letting that go. I think what some people do is enjoy it while it lasts and then when it starts to go away they think, ‘Oh, I should have the best table at this restaurant and didn’t you know I was on the cover of this magazine five months ago?’ I think people aren’t okay with letting that go and looking at the experience as just an awesome experience. ["The Bachelorette"], that’s not what defines me and that’s not the rest of my life. It’s my family, friends, my partner; that’s what makes me me."
Like I said, smart gal! Too bad Kate didn't realize this. As Ali says, it's all about " and friends." I look at Kate's life, and I think it's sad.
If you want to read the whole article, here's the link:
Admin I didn't read the book and didn't hear anything in the audio about her talking about fires or death so I can't interpret it either way. I misunderstood Fidosmommy post as Kate saying there was a fire.
I agree, I would get my kids out by any means be it having my husband go outside and throw them out the window to him if need be. Has there been a time anything Kate has done or said made sense? lol I'm sure there are one or two instances but none that I can remember. If she were so worried about it she should have had a plan in place, as any family should.
There's an interview with Kendall and Kylie Jenner in Glamour magazine. They're the children of Bruce Jenner and Kris Jenner. They're half sisters to Kim Kardashian and the other Kardashian siblings. They're 15 and 17 and have been on the Kardashian reality show for a while. They say negative and positive
things about the show:
"Thanks to their young exposure to fame, the two have difficulty remembering a normal life. Kendall says, "We appreciate everything that we have, but we don’t remember what it’s like to be normal kids who aren’t harassed by the paparazzi. I hate that. We’re underage girls. I don’t want to be followed by random men I don’t know. It can also be hard to deal with other kids who are jealous or mean. I can’t post a picture on Instagram without being criticized."
Kylie, however, saw the positive side: "Our family is closer because of the show. And when we are older, we’ ll have the memories on tape. If some of those moments hadn’t been filmed, I wouldn’t remember them!"
They're the only minors on the show in addition to a toddler nephew and a baby niece.
You could get a couple heavy duty laundry baskets lined with a blanket and put them in there for heaven sake. DONE. I mean it's really not that hard to think of ways you could get six babies out fast. It won't be pretty, but you can get them out fast just fine.
If I recall from Robert's book, the point of her whining about that was claiming it was unsafe not to have a nurse, bought and paid for by the good people of PA.
I say the good people of PA buy her a heavy duty laundry basket instead, 19.99 at Target, problem solved.
Miss all the middle of the night posters. Where did everybody go?
Well, good early morning to the early risers!
Was the nurse there 24/7. I thought she was only there during daytime. I bet KKG ran that nurse's butt off. From what I recall, the nurse was an LPN and they work under the RN's license. Even though Kate was not the primary RN she probably sat on her ass, in her recliner shouting orders to that poor woman.
I have always thought that Kate believes her dilemmas (a house fire) are larger than anyone else ever experienced. Her pleasures are more euphoric than any average person could experience.
Her limo rides are longer, and her French manicures are lovelier.
Her secrets are deeper and her thoughts are more profound.
Of course, we know that her recipes and resulting foods are fine dining that you could never achieve in your kitchen.
She believes this to her self-centered core. And, I am silly/stupid that I don't agree with her.
fidosmommy said... 117
I totally agree-Parents do lead by example. Please, thank you, etc... Some of us call it "home schooling" which means you learn to treat others as you wish to be treated, how to treat others with respect, compassion, good manners, and basic human decency, and your parents reinforce it by modeling that behavior.
Sorry, but Kate missed the boat on this one big time. She got so wrapped up in fame and filming that she forgot the most important lessons for her kids. Both M & C were showing signs of wear and tear on the RV trip, but rather than taking the time to spend some time with them and their behaviors, she chose to delegate it. Or simply banished them.
I do think that she majorly missed the boat on parenting as she was more focused on herself, her show and fame, and started delegating or dismissing behaviors she expected Jamie or Ashley to deal with. Who does that? Repeatedly.
The twins were both showing signs of wear and tear on the RV episode and "not nice" behavior but Kate clearly never addressed it. Rather, she made excuses - think Clay. Cara constantly picked on Clay as well as one of the tups, and another called Jamie's kids "stupid and ugly kids." If that did not get her attention, nothing ever will. All about the filming.
To Dmasy (#146): Sums up the $tupid witch perfectly!
Cara constantly picked on Clay as well as one of the tups, and another called Jamie's kids "stupid and ugly kids." If that did not get her attention, nothing ever will. All about the filming.
I agree. Clay got shoved out of the RV table booth by one of the boys, then Cara shoves his head to get out of the way, when the little boy shoved him there into the aisle in the first place!
I don't care what it was called when the kids left their school last year. Kate can play the semantics game all she wants, but I truly believe the tups got kicked out for physical outbursts. We saw it time and again with Jamie's kids.
I also blame Jamie for not packing up and leaving when she saw her boy get shoved out of anger twice by Kate's kids. Jamie plopped her children in the middle of a 3-ring circus and she had to have seen previous Lord of the Flies behavior out of the tups before!
grandee4 said... 144
Miss all the middle of the night posters. Where did everybody go?
Well, good early morning to the early risers!
The blog is on moderation meaning no post goes up until it's been seen by Admin. Therefore, when Admin is sleeping, you'll not see any comments.
I see Milo is in full suck-up mode these days. This is truly gag inducing.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @iAmTheWiseOne "Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind." I think ur 8have an #InHouseGenuis Mom Kate!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Kate is a good writer...she has a way of making her story so down 2earth...easy 2visualize/relate to! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 That's why I SO WANT U 2write another book! I love ur style of writing...always uplifting, humorous & warm! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 I view all ur books as of a kind...special & unique 2b read over & over! :)
I see Milo is in full suck-up mode these days
Gracious. Maybe Milo really is Kate after all. Only Kate thinks Kate's all that wonderful...
The tups were mean to Clay also when Jamie was there for the basement reorganization. He seems like a sweet funny little boy. The girls were especially rude and selfish to their guest at the play-doh table.The Golden Girl was the worst. The twins did not seem especially friendly with Jamie's twin girls either, on the RV episode. Maybe they don't know how to interact with other kids due to isolation and group mentality at the Konpound.
Mel said... 152
I see Milo is in full suck-up mode these days
Gracious. Maybe Milo really is Kate after all. Only Kate thinks Kate's all that wonderful...
Good point. With the exception of a few silly teens who gush over celebs in general, even Kate's 5 other devoted fans don't slobber over Kate like Milo does.
lol. seems the fans are the stupid ones. she never stopped using CLIP IN extensions! Even had some fall out in public! @kateplusmy8
This is what annoys me. Someone photoshopped a pic and before long it becomes the truth. Then who looks stupid?
Dud anyone else notice that on the audio book site they list Jon Gosselin as the author with Kate narrating. I thought it was kind of funny.
Cara also threw a stone at Clay's head, both Mady and Cara made mean comments about Clay and Jamie's daughter and Clay "cheating in the races or starting too early." And Krap Kate allowed this to happen, did nothing to correct her kids, as it was all about filming. There were a few incidents where the twins
were banished to the bus, but did Kate ever deal with it? No, blamed Jamie or Ashley! She was more worried about filming, getting her money, etc.. but never chose to parent which was the premise of the show. Her parenting is a joke, and offensive at that. She makes excuses for the kids' behavior (some which were atrocious) but never deals with it as any "Super Mom" would. She has had 2 tup kids expelled from kindergarten( A& C), blamed it on the divorce, 2 tweens clearly acting out badly on RV trip (M&C), 2 other boy tups that barely utter a word for fear of reprimand(A &J) and "terrified of getting dirty, and a mini-tup bullying Clay on the RV trip and calling all of Jamie's kids "stupid and ugly (H) and has been a bully to other tups in the past.
Looks to me like you have 7 kids that have some needs that should be addressed ASAP, yet you choose to ignore this. Not he kids' fault, but clearly they should have been corrected, where needed. Problem is Kate only corrects them when it is an issue relating to her.
I am not trying to pick on the kids, but rather note that Kate deals with nothing when it comes to show her children good behavior with love and support, as she is/has been too focused on herself. I feel bad for the kids, but she needs to step up to the plate asp. But it may too late.
You can't "faux parent" for years and expect a good outcome. Clearly her kids need some lessons.
And her dismissing Jon's parenting for years was a huge injustice to them in learning good behavior.
I remember when Jamie went to Kate to complain about Cara, and Kate yelled at Jamie that she needed to control Clay. Jamie tried desperately to explain that Cara was the one causing problems and the rest of the kids were playing nicely but Kate would have none of it.
Jamie was there and SAW what happened. Kate wasn't. It's shocking to me she wouldn't trust her own "best friend's" assessment of the situation and immediately go to defending Cara especially when she knows full well Cara had been causing problems the whole trip. It was just awful. She essentially called Jamie a liar by dismissing her like that.
lol. seems the fans are the stupid ones. she never stopped using CLIP IN extensions! Even had some fall out in public! @kateplusmy8
This is what annoys me. Someone photoshopped a pic and before long it becomes the truth. Then who looks stupid?
It annoys me, too...these things run rampant and then they are put out there on Twitter as the truth. There was also a photo of a blond gal who was identified as Kate and there was so much chatter about it. Turns out it wasn't Kate, but I can't remember who it was...Kate Major, Lee Ann Rimes, Reese Witherspoon? Who was it?
Maybe they don't know how to interact with other kids due to isolation and group mentality at the Konpound.
I would certainly hope that after several years in school, seven hours a day, five days a week, that they know how to interact with other kids. If not, something is wrong.
I see Milo is in full suck-up mode these days
Gracious. Maybe Milo really is Kate after all. Only Kate thinks Kate's all that wonderful...
My question is -- what does Milo want from Kate? There must be some kind of compensation or reward for all of this sucking up. What does Milo get out of it?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack great memory convos have come out of it. I'm crying through & laughing thru so much! C/M r 'getting it'=r bond is increasing!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Truth_Teller201 @miloandjack yeah. We are like glue already! I love how close we all are!
Yep, The Borg and Kate is The Borg queen:
"I am the beginning ... the end ... the one who is many ... I am the Borg."
- Borg Queen
Tucker's Mom: I just viewed a youtube video yesterday of an episode I didn't see when Jon and Kate took the kids to an amusement park and one of the things that REALLY stuck out to me was how rough Kate was with the tups when they were young. They were still in the triple strollers but everytime Kate "handled" them she was ROUGHLY SHOVING THEIR HEADS in the direction she wanted them facing.....interesting that CARA does the same thing to Clay in the RV episode. Monkey's learn behavior from their Monkey mothers!
Blowiing In The Wind said... 160
It annoys me, too...these things run rampant and then they are put out there on Twitter as the truth. There was also a photo of a blond gal who was identified as Kate and there was so much chatter about it. Turns out it wasn't Kate, but I can't remember who it was...Kate Major, Lee Ann Rimes, Reese Witherspoon? Who was it?
Was that the airport picture? I don't remember who that was.
Here's another annoying one:
@anitje87 @ashymama2 @Kateplusmy8 What beginning? Kate has been pimping these kids since 2003. All you're seeing is HEAVILY edited version
That's just not true. There's no credibility anymore. I guess it just went on too long.
Blowiing In The Wind said... 160
Are you talking about that photo of "Kate" walking through the airport in LA? I think that turned out to be Jennie Garth.
The tups have been Stars since the day they were born. They have received Star treatment from adults (free trips, clothes, big house, etc.) catering to whims. Of course the adults are going to give the kids what they want because the kids mean $$$. They grew up in with a sense of entitlement because that's what they learned. Now that the TV cameras are gone the kids are in the real world their previous entitled behavior does not sit well. It's not the kids' fault.
This is what happens to child stars. As long as they bring in the dollars, everything is good. Once the show is gone, no longer cute as a button; nobody cares about the consequences. The adults they grew up with are reassigned to other projects. Since the child actors grow up in a bubble, when the bubble is burst there is fall out to a child's development path. The behavior problems surface.
Stage mothers push their child to performance. Remember Shirley Temple's mother always saying "Sparkle Shirley Sparkle". The Gosselin saga is a little bit different in that the parents were part of the star process. And has been said Kate would do whatever was necessary to happy up the children for the cameras.
The children have not had a normal childhood so far. One parent chased fame and fortune. The other parent, who appears to be quite loving to the children, was too weak (emotionally & financially)to go against Kate and the TLC machine. How can children be expected to to be okay with this type of upbringing. Where was/is their adult support system?
And one more point, other child stars have said that once they went to regular school they were shunned and/or bullied by other students. Ron Howard said when he played basketball in high school, and he took the court the people in the stands would whistle the "Opie" tune. We don't know nor should we know what's happening to the children at the school. We only know that two of the children were removed from school.
Now that the children are 8 and 12 (I think I got that right) they are expenses not a source of income for Kate. She and Jon are now seeing the fallout (behavior issues) from their decision to sell their children's childhood to TLC. So when these children act out, its Jon and Kate who need to take responsbility for how their children behave as their move through their teens into young adulthood.
I am still fascinated by the guy in Alabama who took the child hostage and killed the bus driver. has good articles that go in depth about the man and the town.
The man, Jimmy Dykes, would bet on dog races and was convinced that the government had microchips in the dogs and if one he bet on lost, it was because of the government microchips. His sister was scared of him and he was evicted from her apartment property for growing marijuana. He kept tinfoil on the windows of his van. that is just a little. He had problems that were not new.
Of course, we won't see to much more of his story in larger media. He was not photogenic, and no sex involved in that story.
The trial of the woman in Arizona? I am just skipping all news about that. I don't care how their relationship was, she still did not have to murder him. Besides, the victim is dead, and she can lie with impunity on the stand, he is not there to contradict her.
Blowiing In The Wind said... 161
Maybe they don't know how to interact with other kids due to isolation and group mentality at the Konpound.
That's true, and the issues I mentioned occurred during filming days(and also the expulsions soon after) so hopefully they have all matured. But school and home behavior can vary quite a bit!Some teachers would be surprised to see their students act out at home yet be perfectly behaved and sociable in class. The G kids do have to live by Kate's rules at home and that must affect them to this day quite strongly.And they do seem to have a lack of social life and activities, but who knows.
Yes! Jennie Garth! Thanks...I was pulling my hair out (no extensions, though) trying to remember the picture, and who it was.
@anitje87 @ashymama2 @Kateplusmy8 What beginning? Kate has been pimping these kids since 2003. All you're seeing is HEAVILY edited version
Tweet-le said..."That's just not true. There's no credibility anymore. I guess it just went on too long.
Kind of hard to do since the little ones weren't born until 2004.
Another annoying one is that the kids are IN SCHOOL 10 hours a day, PLUS travel time. No school that I know of is in session from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., five days a week. Next thing you know, they'll be living there round the clock.
Tucker's Mom: Last night I watched a 20 minutes segment that I had never seen on an older episode where Kate and Jon took the kids to an amusement park for the day. One thing that really stood out to me was how rough Kate handled the tups when they were still in their triplet strollers. She would JERK THEIR HEADS VERY ROUGHLY IN THE DIRECTION SHE WANTED THEM TO FACE which makes me wonder if that behavior was picked up by Cara and why she jerked Clay's head in the RV episode when he wasn't doing exactly what she wanted him to do. It is mirror-imaging behavior from Kate!
Duped said,
I'm not a Jon hater, but have to disagree he had good table manners- he wore his cap at the table ( where he was stuck at the side) , talked while eating, and also did not use cutlery properly.He also ate standing at the counter
In fairness to Jon, though, I remember seeing episodes of him in restaurants where he did have good table manners. I remember thinking at the time, there's Kate with her arms on the table, and Jon is showing excellent manners. At home, I think it's probably a bit more casual (the cap) and eating standing at the counter. I've done this (the counter thing) quite a few times and I don't consider it showing a lack of manners...either being in a rush, or just being casual.
I just read an article about Kathy Lee and Hoda going off their month long tv alcohol-free parade float. I can't imagine folks watching two alcoholics on a morning show let alone drinking so early in the morning.
I just pictured a reality show with those 2 & kk going on a little cruise together...they have to make their own raft out of B-o-Ws and bags of assorted wines. Each one wearing a life vest of frozen mixed drink packets, which also serves for body cooling in the blistering sun. As they suck the contents dry (episode 1) a fight breaks out for the last's 2 against 1. kk goes overboard and struggles to not get her hair wet as her vest is ripped away. The struggle continues....where will kk, KLG and Hoda end up? Which ..itches will drown in their sorrows? Tape @ 11
The new bog entry has arrived!
OT - funny radio moment this morning. Radio gals were discussing Kris Jenner's upcoming TV talk show. One asked the other, "Do you think it will be a success, and will you watch it?" The 2nd replied, "God, no. It'd like watching Kate Gosselin have a talk show."
Re her new blog entry.. I have no words except what an idiot!! You have 8 kids so what you are not special or the only one on the planet who does except the VAST majority of large families DO NOT live in a million dollar house with 2 dishwasher and 2 washers and dryers and have NO job seriously shut up!
Kate's new post is titled "Gargantuan Gosselin Grocery Grab". It is basically a re-hash of several blogs that she wrote at CC. She explains how much food each meal consists and how she buys meat in bulk, makes her own bread, blah, blah, blah. Then she goes on to explain how much other things they use and ends up explaining how she saves on stuff and how she has taught her kids to be thrifty by turning off lights when not in use, etc, etc, etc...
Remember, QN toilet-paper gate? She actually states "We use about three, maybe four, rolls of toilet paper a day, but that's just a guess."
The kids are at school during the day--how many times would they use the bathroom when they are home?
She also point out that she has TWO washers and dryers, TWO dishwashers, FIVE freezers and also says how they discuss cost effectiveness of combining errands and which vehicle to take on any given errand.
Shades of deja vu!! I don't think there's anything in that post that she hasn't already mentioned at CC.
One of the comments on her blog described it perfectly:
"80 Shades of Coupon Cabin blogs here"
Read the 'bog.' So many lies and repetitions. I remember Kate said bacon was a rare treat of once or twice a year,on the show.The no of eggs exaggerated. Also that they don't use juice boxes, but cheaper large bottles in thermoses.The diluting is new- we saw her pour or pack it from the Juicy Juice bottles/mini boxes.
Some of the lunch stuff is old, and no of TP rolls also changed. Not interested enough to dissect the article further! It's a lot like a CC bog-where she did a couple on school lunches- but no product mention. So maybe a better fit here?
Last night I watched a 20 minutes segment that I had never seen on an older episode where Kate and Jon took the kids to an amusement park for the day.
Which one was that? Hershey, Sesame, or Dutch Wonderland?
If it was the latter, I could write an account of that visit, but I won't. It's over and done, but her entitlement behavior there was over the top. You just didn't see it all on the episode.
Kate's blog...
"A normal breakfast consists of a dozen and a half of eggs, about one to two packs of bacon, an entire loaf of bread, and a two-liter bottle of apple juice, diluted to 50 percent juice and 50 percent water."
Not according to the Valentine's Day breakfast last year. Eight slices of bacon and probably four eggs scrambled for the kids. She is so full of it.
We use about three, maybe four, rolls of toilet paper a day, but that's just a guess. Paper towels fly off the roll here due to the frequent spills and messes that go with the territory, so I'm sure we use at least two rolls of the "quicker picker uppers" per day.
Didn't she previously tweet that she uses 120 rolls which last two weeks? That would be 60 rolls a week, or approximately 8 1/2 rolls per day. Now it's down to three or four rolls per day. She really needs keep track of the stories she's told.
Kate's Me, Me. Me, Exhausted Wonderful Mommy bog --
"And, hey, don't forget the fringe benefits I receive as the provider for my eight! "
I guess the fringe benefits involve having perfected the art of grifting!
I wonder how soon she'll run out of "I'm so great" topics?
Why does she continue to give everyone the impression that SHE does all the laundry, and that SHE cooks all the meals, etc.?
Anonymous 157 said...
. She makes excuses for the kids' behavior (some which were atrocious) but never deals with it as any "Super Mom" would. She has had 2 tup kids expelled from kindergarten( A& C), blamed it on the divorce, 2 tweens clearly acting out badly on RV trip (M&C), 2 other boy tups that barely utter a word for fear of reprimand(A &J) and "terrified of getting dirty, and a mini-tup bullying Clay on the RV trip and calling all of Jamie's kids "stupid and ugly (H) and has been a bully to other tups in the past.
All 8 behaved badly on the RV trip. H was awful, calling Clay "weird", and when he responded, she called him mean. Even L, who is probably the best-behaved of the 8, had her moments. Remember the part where H says, "Hold hands. If we die, we die together"? A held out her hand for L to take, and L refused to take her hand, but held H's hand. It wasn't as bad as some of the things the others did, but it was a mean thing to do to her sister. I always wondered if the RV trip and the resulting footage showed TLC just how awful Kate's and the kids' behavior had gotten, and they decided it was time to end it before it got worse. They had all become too difficult to work with, and it was getting too hard to edit out the bad behavior. Too bad Kate didn't take control of the situation and straighten herself and her kids out before it went that far. But as usual, filming was all that mattered to her. Now the cameras are all gone, and I bet she's still saying, "I don't get it!".
"And, hey, don't forget the fringe benefits I receive as the provider for my eight! "
Should read...."the fringe benefits I receive which my eight have provided".
Was it Clay that kk had the sludge fight with on the RV trip? Sludge, according to them, as in looked and smelled like s%#t. kk appeared to have a way too happy smiley blast. Clay seemed to have fun, but the gkids looked petrified (some had tiny sludge smears most likely placed by staff). Totally staged at best.
I just want to know how they can go through 3-4 rolls of toilet paper a day if they are at school every day, five days a week. I hope she has regular maintenance done on her septic tank.
Another one of Kate's tall tales?
That's nearly half a roll per person a day. That's insane.
Kate tweeted during "SuperFunSandy:
@fostermom62 @deannatweeting @miloandjack & where is generator. Outside or inside? Running on gas or what? Can it run all 4 of my freezers?
Today she blogs:
I take advantage of the price decrease that typically goes along with buying anything in bulk, and I fill my five chest freezers full ...
Did she buy another freezer in the past couple of months, Kate lying once again?
It would take years before you ever make up the cost of 5 freezers plus the utilities to run them 24/7. What planet is she on? Planet dillusional.
The funny thing about K8 writing for The Stir is that there are moms of large families there. A few people who are regular members, not just fringe haters, have made comments about how ludicrous her post was. Like this one:
I have 8 children, ( 4 already are in their teens & eating adult size portions) As a family of 10, we definitely go though a lot of food & toiletries but I have to say that this list seems to be a ridiculously extreme. Especially all of the items she listed for lunch, how would all of that fit in a lunch box let alone be eaten in the 30 min allotted lunch time... It's really doesn't make sense... Also, 3-4 rolls of toilet paper, A DAY?!? Really? I thought that she said that she's trying to teach her kids to be frugal & conserve... Honestly, I used to like watching her show & don't have any issues with her but I don't understand why she would write a blog that is so nonsensical & clearly fictitious.
Someone needs to clue her in to Scott TP...1000 sheets per roll. I was complaining one day about how tp rolls have gotten so small and my coworker suggested Scott. Not that I believe she is going through 3-4 rolls per day..that's ridiculous. We have a two person household...1/8 of Kate's. We're not going through a roll a day. More like a roll a week, if that.
Rhythm Of Life said... 169
''......In fairness to Jon, though, I remember seeing episodes of him in restaurants where he did have good table manners. I remember thinking at the time, there's Kate with her arms on the table, and Jon is showing excellent manners.''
Thank you. That is also what I remember. I also remember Jon saying ''please'' and ''thank you'', and just generally being pleasant to people when out and about. The Gosselin children also are around Jon and Liz, watching them have a 'normal' relationship, which is also being a good role model for the children. Thanks to their father, they are exposed to a positive view of the interactions between a man and a woman that don't involve the woman screaming at and/or slapping the man. In any case, KK is not the ONLY adult in their lives, and the children are old enough to notice the difference between KK and her lack of table manners, her screaming at them for everything, and her behavior in general.
I suspect that the Gosselin children will do what many of us have done when we grew up and had children....think of our childhood and when in doubt, do the opposite of the way we saw/were treated!!
I can see some of the kids, if not all, possibly having digestive issues based on the stress/anxiety levels in the home. As well as kk's posted twit pics of her disturbing food concoctions. Thus the need for 3 or more rolls of tp per day. KK probably uses half of those being so fos.
I am not fascinated by the Alabama man who killed a bus driver and kidnapped a 5-year old autistic boy and held him hostage. I don't want his name remembered, for he does not deserve that. However, I hope that this man's name will be remembered and honored: Charles Poland.
A Vietnam veteran, Poland drove a school bus in Dale County, Alabama, until January 29, the day Dykes boarded that bus and told him to surrender two of the children who were in his care. Poland knew Dykes reasonably well, having recently given him a present of homemade jam and eggs. Rather than accede to Dykes’ demand, Poland instead opened the emergency door, located at the bus’s rear, and put himself between the children and the assailant. Dykes shot Poland four times, killing him, while twenty-one children escaped out the back. Although the kidnapped boy did ultimately survive his ordeal, one child on the bus stated that the gunman “said he was going to kill us – going to kill us all.”
Mr. Poland was a Vietnam vet, just as Dykes was. He was a true hero, giving his all to save the children under his care. RIP Mr. Poland, and I know your light continues to shine, wherever you are.
The funny thing about K8 writing for The Stir is that there are moms of large families there. A few people who are regular members, not just fringe haters, have made comments about how ludicrous her post was. Like this one:
I have 8 children, ( 4 already are in their teens & eating adult size portions) As a family of 10, we definitely go though a lot of food & toiletries but I have to say that this list seems to be a ridiculously extreme. Especially all of the items she listed for lunch, how would all of that fit in a lunch box let alone be eaten in the 30 min allotted lunch time... It's really doesn't make sense... Also, 3-4 rolls of toilet paper, A DAY?!? Really? I thought that she said that she's trying to teach her kids to be frugal & conserve... Honestly, I used to like watching her show & don't have any issues with her but I don't understand why she would write a blog that is so nonsensical & clearly fictitious.
Wow thanks for posting this. This is something that is very significant about the stir is that long time members who seemingly have no connection to the saga are saying, wait just a cotton pickin minute here, how does THAT make sense? These people have real credibility. Sometimes if you've been involved in it awhile, an opinion isn't seen to hold as much value as a fresh set of eyes on the situation.
Is she telling her kids to roll the paper around your hand six times? Because that would get you through the rolls fast. Maybe time to teach these kids how much toilet paper is really necessary--not a lot.
By the way if you can send good thoughts in this direction to please catch Christopher Dorner before he kills anyone else, I'd appreciate it. A lot of us are on lockdown or sent home, me among them. If he is not caught tomorrow, we will remain home.
She says she goes through a family size bag of chips or pretzels for one lunch-packing. I buy Lays Family size chips. They have 14 servings! She is so full of it. I'm still laughing at the comment I posted above. The lady was like Um I have 8 kids. Kate is used to wowing her tweeties because she has 8 kids but there are plenty in the world.
It is common for those of Asian decent to have lactose issues. I have always wondered if this has ever been considered for them when Maddie was once complaining she didn't like milk. You don't like milk when it makes you feel terrible, that's understandable.
Looks like Hailey Glassman's got herself a reality tv gig.
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