Anna Nicole Smith's 6-year-old gets a modeling contract with Guess, meanwhile Hollywood icon Shirley MacLaine's daughter is all grown now and says her childhood was pretty screwed up thanks to her mother's selfishness and neglect.
This week's 20/20 had some fascinating stories on famous children, including a pint-sized first grader who is the offspring of the most famous blond since Marilyn Monroe, and a Hollywood icon's daughter who is finally spilling the nasty, shocking dirt. Once again, another celebrity child says it's not all as it seemed.
Dannielynn Birkhead

Sachi Parker
Holy what the hay?! Shirley MacLaine's daughter is throwing her under the bus big time in her new book, where she says that MacLaine was neglectful and detached and rarely around when she was growing up. No, say it ain't so! Not Cora's American mum! According to one of Parker's many appalling tales, Shirley once put 2-year-old Sachi on an airplane to Japan to go see her father. By herself. Ugh.
478 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 478 of 478 Newer› Newest»Exactly Admin, the comments I appreciate are free from the key hater words: grifter, child abuser, etc. The ones posted by people who are members of the Stir and who are clearly having a WTF moment are priceless. (Administrator) said... 193
By the way if you can send good thoughts in this direction to please catch Christopher Dorner before he kills anyone else, I'd appreciate it. A lot of us are on lockdown or sent home, me among them. If he is not caught tomorrow, we will remain home.
His manifesto is frightening. The police HAVE TO find this man before he kills anyone else.
Stay safe, Administrator.
"I take advantage of the price decrease that typically goes along with buying anything in bulk, and I fill my five chest freezers full ... "
She's talking about chest freezers. The kind you put in your garage of basement. She has five of them, or so she reports. Is that in addition to the freezer compartment in her sub-zero?
Her electric bill must be astronomical. It sounds like she has some food hoarding issues going on.
Exactly Admin, the comments I appreciate are free from the key hater words: grifter, child abuser, etc. The ones posted by people who are members of the Stir and who are clearly having a WTF moment are priceless.
You can totally tell the difference! With us it's like oh well yet another ridiculous post from Kate. We're used to it.
With people who have not been around the blog with her their comments have a deer in headlights, is this woman for REAL, tone to them that is hysterical. They are SO credible and I love it.
Pink, yes the mentally ill ramblings are unmistakable right off the bat. I sympathize with his frustrations about the police but obviously this is NOT the way to try to correct them. The LAPD are doing a great job. There are no questions asked, if you are not an essential worker you are being sent home until they can take a deep breath and figure out what the long term protection plan will be if they can't get this guy. (Administrator) said... 181
That's nearly half a roll per person a day. That's insane.
They must spend a considerable time in the bathroom in the morning and evening, considering they aren't home during the day! Considering that three of them are boys, who don't use toilet paper after they pee, that means that five girls are using most of the tissue. If they go through that much for the few hours they are home, how much are they using at school? :)
I was going to read Kate's latest blog post...
but I can't be bothered to do it.
It's probably nothing new, or useful to the reader anyway.
Good luck & stay safe to the folks living in the Blizzard zone.
I seriously do not believe kk uses up a gallon of ice cream to fill 8 cones....get real. based on her dole out size, a gallon should last her 8 weeks I didn't read any mention of Milk or did I miss that.
How many "normal" moms can relate to anything that she's written? How many single moms drive three luxury vehicles, live in a 6,000 + square foot house and have five freezers, two dishwashers, and two washers and dryers, an industrial meat slicer and all top-of-the line appliances? Then she sweats when she pays the bills? She wanted that house with all of its maintenance. She wanted "mine, all mine," and now the bills are "hers, all hers." She asked for it. She got it.
My neighbor a couple houses away has six kids, one dishwasher and and one washer and dryer. I've never heard any complaints out of her that she needs more than that. How do other families manage? Kate has no idea how other people live.
She's teaching her kids how to save and the importance of a budget, but yet she goes to NYC to get her hair done when there must be salons in her area that could fry her hair, spends money on tanning sessions and nail appointments, and who knows how many pair of shoes. What a mixed message these kids must be getting.
Pink, don't worry,lol, it's all rehashed stuff from CC 'bogs!' I posted earlier but I don't see it. She claims she uses family packs and diluted juice but then we saw her pour straight from the Juicy Juice bottle on TV. Then she says she packs juice boxes! She also claims to use yogurt tubs, but again, we have seen the individual ones in her lunchbox posts. Bacon? On TV she said a bi-annual 'rare treat.' Now, a daily thing along with loaves of bread and 2 1/2 dozen eggs... she can't keep her story straight or just lies.The TP thing again exaggerated- I hope!She managed to slip in a compliment on her well-defined arms. That's the same ole Kate!
Most stores have a limit on how much you can stock up on sale items anyway. I don't see how you can possibly fill five freezers with sale items. And it's rude to empty out a meat aisle and leave nothing for anyone else.
@The_Stir @Kateplusmy8 K8 complains abt cost of toiletries for kids yet splurges $400 on face cream for herself. She does NOT support 'em.
When did Kate spend $400 for face cream? I must have missed that!
Admin and all others in the area, stay safe. And to the NE folks stay safe and warm this weekend!
I call BS on almost all of her blog!
A normal breakfast consists of a dozen and a half of eggs, about one to two packs of bacon, an entire loaf of bread, and a two-liter bottle of apple juice, diluted to 50 percent juice and 50 percent water.
18 eggs!!! I don't believe those kids each eat 2+ eggs each morning! Nor do I believe they each eat 2-3 pieces of bacon. Nor do I believe they each eat 2 slices of bread either (1 if those slices are really thick)! We've seen the portions they eat for dinner and I don't believe what she's describing.
As for the apple juice - no way do they drink --
2L = 68 ounces diluted 50% = 134 oz divided by 8 kids = each drinking approx 15oz --- NO WAY.
And, again -- no milk.
As for dinner: I typically cook two to four pounds of meat, one and a half pounds of pasta, and three pounds of vegetables for dinner. Dessert wouldn't happen here without an entire gallon of ice cream and, of course, eight sugar cones!
BS, BS, BS. No way do they go thru a whole gallon of ice cream at night. Does she make those cones 4-6 scoops high?! No way do they eat 3 POUNDS of vegies at night.
BS, Kate. BS!
I have always incorporated an element of financially responsible living into my kids too. ... or "Recycle that. We can use that bag again."
BS Kate, the paper plate, paper cup, paper towel using, mastermind uses and abuses paper products like they're going out of style. We've seen how many she's used for years and how overflowing her trash bins are.
This blog joins all the others full of her BS, 'I'm a mommy of extraordinary responsibilities and burdens', manipulations and lies to try to impress those not savvy enuf to her history to know differently.
Kate's new blog is there to serve one purpose sets the stage for Kate to start grifting all over again. When she lists all the things they use or need, that is Kate-speak for "gimme!".
I don't like the exaggerated tweets either, but there's nothing we can do about them and never was so I don't see the need to give them attention--but she did talk once about the face cream she buys and it is high end stuff 40 or 50 bucks a pop. $400 bucks easily a year. Not 400 bucks a pop though, of course.
LOL one of the comments on Kate's blog included the pic she posted last year showing Valentine's Day breakfast. Kate's such a liar!
In the Vday photo several of the kids aren't even having eggs, and of those who are having eggs, it doesn't look like more than an egg and a half at MOST. Even smaller organic eggs.
By the way thanks everyone for respecting not reposting the entire blog here. I think the discussion is chugging along just fine based just on the highlighted excerpts.
The comments on the bog are rather negative and disbelieving and it seems to be a different 'crowd.' Maybe not too long a stint in this part of her 'career' either?
Kate is trying to reinvent history.
Her attempt to dazzle us with how much work she has, or how much of a master mind she is, only does a good job of showing how utterly ridiculous her claims are.
I dont believe her normal breakfat is a typical breakfast.
her lunch.. why have hummus when you have protein in the sandwich. Why potato chips AND a cookie, and a granola bar? I f they ate that much for breakfast they do not need a snack on the bus.
But its her supper... 3-4 pounds of meat?? Maybe when you are cooking up your half frozen half cooked chicken wings for the crew and your kids. Otherwise, what other meat have we ever seen? I have never heard her mention pork chops, or hamburger or roast beef, or even fish ( other then for her).. and 3 pounds of frozen veggies?/
To quote Kate .. " Oh Lordy be!".... I doubt it!
remember Elaine on Seinfield? BLAH<B:LAH<BLAH< BLAH!
The comments on the bog are rather negative and disbelieving and it seems to be a different 'crowd.' Maybe not too long a stint in this part of her 'career' either?
I haven't looked at it much to say for sure but my sense is The Star attracts a rather sophisticated crowd, based on their reactions to Kate being hired--from confusion to disbelief to outrage.
The Stir made a huge misstep trying to just appeal to the lowest common denominator. They are being called out on it by bright, educated, reasonable women on that site and it's not pretty! And also, quite funny. She cannot pull a fast one past these women like she might have on CC. This could be a fun ride.
In the Vday photo several of the kids aren't even having eggs, and of those who are having eggs, it doesn't look like more than an egg and a half at MOST. Even smaller organic eggs
...and one slice of bacon is on the plate = eight, not a pack and a half! One to two packs of bacon? Unless Kate is eating the rest of one pack, and an entire other pack, she's so full of it!
Does she really think that people are so gullible that they would actually believe these exaggerations?
I agree with the food hoarding idea. For some it is great fun to buy and store food, yet not using it. Freezer burn and date expirations are the only way it ever gets out of there, and then only on the rare occasion. I know about this first hand. I used to stock my freezer with rib eyes, Tbones and NY strip steaks and only ate them occasionally. About once a year I cleaned out my freezer and tossed them out.
What a waste. My reasoning was that - and this is important - I could afford to do it and there was nobody around to tell me I couldn't.
It was purely an ego thing. Stupid, I know. I stopped that insanity a few decades ago, thank goodness. But I can see Kate filling up her cart at the store with all sorts of purchases that she will simply store away and forget about. When she runs out of room, she just gets another freezer or more shelves.
I do hope she's not serving old meat to her kids
disguised in sauces like in a chicken cacciatore
or that mess with the sausages floating around in the pot.
Didn't Kate herself say she had spent $200 on face cream, or did somebody else say that awhile back?
If I recall this correctly, Kate herself named the brand of moisturizer she uses and a quick google search showed that it was very costly. Certainly someone who could afford such a thing could afford to send their children to gymnastics.
Who eats bacon and eggs for breakfast every day anyway? Their cholesterol would be through the roof! That plus sugary juice..they'd all be doomed for type II diabetes
And who has TIME for all that cooking at 5 in the morning? It doesn't make you a bad mom to throw together some cereal and fruit, or instant oatmeal, or yogurt and granola. It's just as good for kids, if not better, and is much easier. You don't have to be a martyr.
I mean, make it easy on yourself. An IHOP style breakfast is just not necessary every morning. Save it for the weekend.
I wonder if Kate has ever figured out how much she spends on one lunch per child. Each of them could buy a hot or cold lunch that includes various combos of soup, salad, sandwich, hot entree, dessert and milk at school for $4.70 per child or $188.00 per week for all of them.
When you think about all the shopping she's doing for lunches, preparing the lunches, baking cookies, packing them, etc., it would seem to me that she should take a look to see how much she's really saving, and if it's worth it to pack the lunches. Haven't the kids worked enough that they should be allowed to have the option of purchasing their meals at school?
I mean, make it easy on yourself. An IHOP style breakfast is just not necessary every morning. Save it for the weekend.
Oh, great, I'm craving IHOP or Dennys!
IHOP chocolate chip pancakes.
WAIT...didn't she once post that the twins had protein shakes for breakfast? It was either on the TLC site or her twitter. Plus, she rehashed the toast/bread thing from when she was on Leno(?) years ago, doing her whole pity thing about needing a 6 or 8 slice toaster.
This woman is pathetic.
WAIT...didn't she once post that the twins had protein shakes for breakfast? It was either on the TLC site or her twitter.
Does Kate think no one has a good memory?
Yes, I recall that too. And I also recall some kind of respected nutrition expert maybe blogger speaking up and saying kids shouldn't drink their calories. LOL burn!
fidosmommy said... 23
Didn't Kate herself say she had spent $200 on face cream, or did somebody else say that awhile back?
I seem to remember that she tweeted a cosmetics company about a face cream that she used and someone checked and saw that it was $200, but not $400 as someone said on Twitter.
This large amount of food being prepared begs the question who else is in the house eating meals with them? I thought Katherine brought food in and then left (put stuff in the freezers?) so I doubt it's her. Who might it be, I wonder.
kk tweeted pre Christmas that she ordered a face cream from a New York store. She posted a pic of a large jar of the cream. Somewhere along the line she stated a cost of around $200 per jar(maybe someone else quoted the price?)
Oh wow I don't remember her saying it was that much but it coulda happened. I remember it was a lot, for sure.
How did she justify THAT one?
There she goes with her "teasing" again.
@Kateplusmy8 I miss seeing y'all on TV :)!!! Will you be on anything anytime soon?! X
@xxxx mmmmmmaybbbeeeeee..:)
Is she actually reading the comments on her blog? Most of them are negative. Perhaps, she trying to tell them "Hey, get over there and make a comment-I need some positive spin on my blog".
Thanks guys for all your nice comments about my blog on @The_Stir ... Love to hear your comments! Keep them coming! :)
And who has TIME for all that cooking at 5 in the morning? It doesn't make you a bad mom to throw together some cereal and fruit, or instant oatmeal, or yogurt and granola. It's just as good for kids, if not better, and is much easier.
When she was grifting from the stale cereal fan, didn't she say that they go through something like three or four boxes of cereal for breakfast? I don't remember the amount, but I do recall thinking that eight kids couldn't eat that much cereal during one breakfast.
When she was grifting from the stale cereal fan, didn't she say that they go through something like three or four boxes of cereal for breakfast? I don't remember the amount, but I do recall thinking that eight kids couldn't eat that much cereal during one breakfast.
Maybe the kids wanted milk for their cereal.
Kate is a twit said... 38
There she goes with her "teasing" again.
@Kateplusmy8 I miss seeing y'all on TV :)!!! Will you be on anything anytime soon?! X
@xxxx mmmmmmaybbbeeeeee..:)
I'm guessing that's a "yes".
Here's the tweet where she mentions the $200 she spent on face cream. Don't have the tweet she responded two-someone probably accused her of grifting. She tweeted on Nov. 29.
@xxxx @xxxx @kiehlsnyc not true!I treated self 2 $200 of their prod last wk!I'm a consumer that WILL tell others abt gr8 products:) (Administrator) said... 31
IHOP chocolate chip pancakes.
One of my kids would eat those IHOP chocolate chip pancakes every day if he could. I don't think he's even looked at a menu. He knows exactly what he wants.
Now I'm craving IHOP even more!
Looks like Kate is encouraging more comments to her blog. Could she be paid more if there is more traffic to the blog?
Anyone looking for a few laughs tonight head over to Kate's blog on The Stir. More ridiculous lies and the comments are hilarious.
Kate tweeted -- "My kids told me that they have2wear their pjs inside out,a spoon under their pillows,&3 ice cubes in the toilet so it snows tonight! WHAT?!"
Geez, Kate, get over it. This is not something cute your children thought up. When I was a kid, my grandmother told me the same thing! It's been around for a long, long time.
One her blog post she has a picture of the storage shelves in the basement, with the following caption:
"I recently lined my basement storage area with shelves, to systematically hold my large supply of grocery and toiletry items. Friends call it "Goss-Mart."
I wonder how she defines "recently" since she used the same picture on her website on March 20, 2012, when she wrote a post about how "teamwork" helps her and the kid get organized.
The inside out pj's thing actually works. This storm is going to be truly epic especially for New England, stay safe!
Misery solved:
kk: tweeted Nov 29, 2012 image of jar of cream along with:
Omg @deannatweeting u tried to tell me abt @KiehlsNYC Creme de corps..I am in total love!The scent&body moisturizing is AMAZING!
On Kiehls website, product sells for: $38 per 8 fl oz. Same container shown.
TxBR549Iam said... 47
Misery solved:
Who is in Misery, besides Kathy Bates and James Caan? :)
"On Kiehls website, product sells for: $38 per 8 fl oz. Same container shown."
So how did someone on Twitter come up with $400 for face cream?
Just Down The Road said... 29
I wonder if Kate has ever figured out how much she spends on one lunch per child. Each of them could buy a hot or cold lunch that includes various combos of soup, salad, sandwich, hot entree, dessert and milk at school for $4.70 per child or $188.00 per week for all of them.
I was thinking along those lines. By my estimates, she has to spending upwards of $40.00 per lunch. If she is shopping "organically" (good one miss NYT best seller author), it would be more like $45.00-50.00. School lunches are balanced, and provide a hot meal on cold days. Obviously, filling her day with meaningless tasks substitutes for a life filled with interests, family community and relationships.
She is a sad and pathetic creature.
I'll give the inside out p.j's a whirl...high of 85 today...mid 70's expected tomorrow. I I would love some snow....winter passed us by in mid Jan. Guess it's snowing somewhere in the world tomorow.
When I buy chicken or beef, I buy it organically in bulk
Just exactly how do you buy it organically? Only wear organic clothes, and pay for it with paper money (no plastic)?
2 rolls of paper towels a day???
What happened to being green?
Does somebody have a palsy that that much stuff is getting spilled?
Blowing in the Wind, ..I just had a flash of Annie Wilkes famous line: "I'm your number one fan" to Paul.
OMG. Heres a piece of a comment on her blog. "have you considered couponing?"
Kate is not as organized as she would like us all to believe, because if she was don't you think she would have all of previous CC blogs, tweets, and any other story (and I use that word loosely) labled in files with the dates of when she wrote it or spoke about it. That way she would be sure not to mix her lies up. This kind of "Writing" for the stir is going to be exactly what caused her to get fired from CC. There is not a truly authentic bone in her body. I give it 6 months she'll be gone and on to her next victim in the blogging world. Well I've got my rant in so I wish you all up in the Northeast stay safe and warm during the blizzard that's on it's way to your doorstep. I'LL try to send some of my warm rays from Sunny Florida up your way. We are having temps around 79 for tomorrow.
Kate is not as organized as she would like us all to believe, because if she was don't you think she would have all of previous CC blogs, tweets, and any other story (and I use that word loosely) labled in files with the dates of when she wrote it or spoke about it. That way she would be sure not to mix her lies up. This kind of "Writing" for the stir is going to be exactly what caused her to get fired from CC. There is not a truly authentic bone in her body. I give it 6 months she'll be gone and on to her next victim in the blogging world. Well I've got my rant in so I wish you all up in the Northeast stay safe and warm during the blizzard that's on it's way to your doorstep. I'LL try to send some of my warm rays from Sunny Florida up your way. We are having temps around 79 for tomorrow.
Mel said... 54
2 rolls of paper towels a day???
The kids aren't home during the day. How much could they spill in the mornings and evenings, unless it's Kate who is sloppy?
My question is this: Doesn't Kate realize how ridiculous she sounds with all of her exaggerations? Doesn't she know that there are those who actually remember what she's said in the past? She needs to pick one story, and stick with it if she wants to be believable. If she hadn't commented on blogs (hers and CC) and Twitter about many of these things, perhaps people wouldn't disbelieve what she wrote this time. But as it is, nobody knows what to believe because she puts out so many versions of the same thing.
Off topic of Kate: I just found out I am going to be a first grand baby!! I cannot even describe what a happy day it is for me! Kate who???
There is one comment at the Stir made me giggle. Someone actually asked Kate if she has tried couponing and suggests that although it's time consuming, it might be something good for Kate to do.
Which kind of made me think--why didn't Kate mention using coupons in her blog post. Is she restricted from using the word "coupon" at the Stir?
I'll give the inside out p.j's a whirl...high of 85 today...mid 70's expected tomorrow. I I would love some snow....winter passed us by in mid Jan. Guess it's snowing somewhere in the world tomorow.
I don't even want to hear it! I have to set the alarm early for tomorrow to find out if we have a delay or cancellation. We're getting a mixed bag here of freezing rain, snow, rain, back to freezing rain and ending with snow. Should be fun on the roads.
Ex-Nurse said,, "By my estimates, she has to spending upwards of $40.00 per lunch. If she is shopping "organically" (good one miss NYT best seller author), it would be more like $45.00-50.00. School lunches are balanced, and provide a hot meal on cold days"
Yes, and there is such a good selection of various combos -- sandwiches, soups, hot entrees, all salads, desserts and MILK! But if she didn't pack their lunches, then she couldn't brag about all she does for them, and her claims of exhaustion would go way down, not to mention that her lunches wouldn't be the envy of every kid in school.
Congratulations Gramma Wowser! It is one of the greatest things in life.
Robert's book has a letter about Mady and Cara owing lunch money. So they at least bought lunch sometimes. But to mention that would remove the martyr element of this whole thing.
Wowser-Congratulations!! You must be so excited!
Congratulations, Wowser!
@xxxx mmmmmmaybbbeeeeee..:)
I'm guessing that's a "yes".
I wonder if it's code for we made a pilot but no one is buying.
@Kateplusmy8 Hubs is in awe over latest blog @The_Stir! He says if he lived close by, bein the southern gent he is,he'd bring N grocries 4U
Kate should get down on her knees every night and thank her lucky stars that Milo and "hubs" live nowhere near her!
Milo, Kate has eight children, count 'em, EIGHT children to help her to bring in the groceries. She doesn't need "hubs" to do it for her.
Someone tweeted to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 shout out to @TheCaraGosselin & @TheMadyGosselin and the Gosselin family
I guess Kate hasn't reported these impostor accounts to twitter, since they still exist. Didn't she tweet saying how quickly twitter is at removing impostor accounts? Last Sunday, Kate tweeted:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack @TheCaraGosselin @TheMadyGosselin @Support they won't for long. I'm following up with @support. It's wrong and illegal.
Maybe one of her "tweeties" should tell her that tweeting @support doesn't do a thing-that she actually has to file a report.
Congrats Wowser!! What exciting news for you. I can picture the big smile on your face.
I too am sooooooo sick of Kate going on about "feeding" her 8 kids. She doesn't have a clue-she is lucky her kids are small in stature. I have 4 kids-all 3 girls have hit 6' by age 12 and my 19 year old son is 6'6" and weighs 250lbs. He is not fat-just built like a mack truck. He and the girls all have their Scandinavian grandparents genes-they are tall, big stature and can eat! I would guess that they eat more than all 8 of Kate's put together. I keep it as healthy as I can with lots of fruits and veges-we do have weight issues but keeping active is the key.
It is not only my family-son went over to a friend's house and he said that friend made a double batch of Hamburger Helper for just the two of them. This friend is skinny-just a normal appetite for teenage boys after a long day at school. I went out to dinner with my brother's family one time and both nephews had a 1 lb cheeseburger on the menu-it even came with it's own special over size bun. They ate the whole thing, plus finished off everyone's leftover fries!
I have a question about PA milk. I went to Costco today and bought 4 gallons of non-fat at $4.49 for the package of 2 ($2.25 per gallon). That will last us 4 days-we go through about a gallon a day with my homemade latte habit and if the kids eat cereal for breakfast. I don't understand why she can't afford it-I would love to know Costco or Sam's Club prices there-they tend to be pretty uniform. Are these stores not popular in PA? I do almost all of my shopping at Costco-they even have a ton of "organic" options.
Congratulations Grandma Wowser! That is fabulous and it's such a fulfilling feeling. I keep hoping to hear one more is in my future but no word yet.
Lynn W.
Wonderful news Wowser!
Millicent, thanks for posting the tribute to Charles Poland, the heroic bus driver.
Admin, I hope the LA murderer is caught soon. I was watching Anderson Cooper tonight when they were taking about him mailing his evidence and manifesto to news media. Another unhinged person.
Another interesting story is about the football signing day. That is the day high school seniors fax their letter of intent to attend a college or university to that school. This year it was Wednesday Feb 6. One senior in south Florida, Alex Collins, had said he would go to U Miami, but changed his mind and was going to sign his letter of intent to go to Arkansas. Well, his mom took off with the letter! She doesn't want him to go so far from home! He says he wants to go to college in another part of the country. Anyway, on Thursday Alex got his father to come and sign his letter. Alex is 18, but NCAA rules say the letter of intent must by signed by parent or guardian if the player is under 21.
Meanwhile, momma hired the Cochran Law Firm to represent the family! Without telling the son anything.
All this, plus snowmageddon coming in the northeast! The Kreider tits bog sounds really boring in comparison
It looks like only canned goods on those shelves. Where's all the tp and paper towels?
Instead of all those mis-matched wood shelves that don't hold much, she could get those nice stainless steel 5 or 6 shelf ones on wheels from Sam's Club, that hold lots of weight.
Wowser said... 60
Off topic of Kate: I just found out I am going to be a first grand baby!! I cannot even describe what a happy day it is for me! Kate who???
Congrats, wowser! Wishing her a healthy pregnancy : )
Thanks everyone for your yay gramma comments. I am beyond excited about this little grand baby. I have shared in the past my story of losing my precious baby boy in my 9 th month of pregnancy so you can only imagine how much I am holding on to my faith for my daughter and this sweet child growing in her....please keep them in your prayers during 2013....thanks blog buddies !
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