Producers decide to air slain cast member's reality show just days after her death, and it's not the first time.
What if you die before your reality show airs? Is it right for networks to still air it or should they pull it out of respect? Two years ago, Bravo also aired episodes post-mortem featuring Russell Armstrong, who had committed suicide. His family was horrified, especially when Bravo at first repeatedly promised to re-edit the show. Russell's death was linked by some family members to the pressure of the show, at one point his mother saying that he once told her, "
South African producers have come under fire from viewers who say it's disrespectful to air the show and they are just profiting off her death. However producers claim they consulted with her family about the decision. They said: “We felt that it was important for people to know that there was more to the narrative of Reeva than an exceptionally beautiful girl in a bikini, that she was strong and vibrant and funny and lovely and that this is a tragedy on an unspeakable level.”
716 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 716 of 716 Newer› Newest»Kate was on twitter earlier this morning, and all she tweeted were 7 retweets. One about the show, one about a saying regarding coffee, and 5, count em, 5 platitudes. Did she get some bad news regarding her "cookbook" or her "career"? These are the platitudes she retweeted--where's all the happy, happy, joy, joy?
Life Tools @LifeTools 3h
Always remember: you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Life Tools @LifeTools 3h
Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Life Tools @LifeTools 3h
You're a winner. The tests of life are not meant to break you, but to make you.
Notebook of Love @Notebook 3h
Don't lower your standards for any friendship, job, relationship, or opportunity. If it's not on your level..#Pass!
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne 3h
What looks like a loss may be the event which is responsible for helping to produce the major achievement of your life.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin (Administrator) said... 184
''There is something very wrong when a kid notices or even cares about a mess. Kids shouldn't CARE. They have been brainwashed to be hypersensitive and to freak out over things like this when they should just be KIDS''
How many times did we hear Jon tell the kids and/or KK that getting stains on clothes was no big deal? I remember hearing it over and over and over from Jon. I believe that the reason the kids are ''hypersensitive'' has less to do with being hypersensitive over getting dirty, and much more about the absolute knowledge of what reaction their mother will have. The children know that KK will yell and lecture and yell and probably punish whichever child has a stain on their clothes. And even then, KK won't really be yelling about the stain, she will be yelling about KK having to remove the stain.
We know that Jon doesn't care if they get their clothes messy, so just judging from my childhood experiences, I think that the children will know it is KK that is the problem. They will follow her rules when they are at her house, in order to survive. Go along to get KK off your back and stop the screeching at Mom's and relax and lay around loving on dogs at Dad's house.
KK's determination to keep the children living a life of minute to minute demands will continue to drive the kids away from her. The thing is, I don't think that KK would really care if all the kids turned against her. I really don't. She would just turn it into her tale of woe....''everyone always leaves me.''
Admin, I'm not letting this one go. You said:
>>That wasn't the point though. The point was she had serious problems, including drugs, that resulted in her losing her children. Someone was giving examples of other mothers losing their kids, and we were pointing out that was because they had very serious problems and that typically that doesn't happen.<<
And my point is you do her a great disservice by stating it was because of drug use, period. It was not because of drug use, it was because of a number of things, that were caused by an underlying mental condition, including drug use. She also displayed over sexualized behaviour, and I bet you she spent money like no tomorrow. All very symptomatic of Bipolar Disorder. For her to require a mental health hold probably means she has the most serious type of bipolar, where you really do go whacko. My friend's mother was that way. When she was manic there was no one funner to be around. When she crashed she was psychotic, and my friend and I spent all night one night trying to get her to check herself into a mental health unit. It is serious stuff and, in my opinion, by stating Britney has been in and out of rehab not only minimises her real situation but does her a disservice. And in actuality, she really has not been in and out of rehab. She has, however, been receiving mental health treatment. Apparently, quite successfully, although it appears she is not yet stable enough to have split custody of her children.
End of rant. (Administrator) said... 162
"Clearly, the fantasy happy happy joy joy life Kate portrays on twitter is nothing like what is really going on."
So true. The reality is it's Kate that's having all the fun, fun, fun while her kids just work, work, work.
So Jon never drives the kids anywhere? Another subtle slam from Kate
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
I wonder how many days,weeks,hours,yrs we moms spend total in our cars waiting for r kids events to finish so we can drive them home?
Reply from a dad who has hockey kids....
@Kateplusmy8 And Dads. Way too many.
Kate's response:
Sorry dads. Doesn't come into my thinking in my case (oops!)!
Would Milo's tune ever change if Kate actually got arrested for child abuse? I sincerely doubt it.
No, because she would say that the kids deserved it. They weren't listening. Physical discipline is good. Didn't Milo say that she got slapped around (not in those exact words) when she was a child and she turned out fine? For Milo, it's not about the kids. It's all about Kate...her beautiful, sexy, hot Kate. She can do no wrong.
Cursing also comes from religious beliefs - there was a time when the words "hell" and "damn" could not be spoken on television, and to tell someone to "go to hell" was indeed a curse - besieging them with eternal punishment.
In the culture where I live, and where the Catholic Church reigned in oppressive authority - not any longer, but a few generations ago - the curse words are religious. To say the word tabernacle or host in the wrong context is the worst blasphemy.
In other countries that I know, the sexual words are so common they have lost their meaning, and the charged ones refer to paid sex - such as whore, and whorehouse. Not just to call someone a whore, which is an insult in itself, but just the word as an expletive.
In other societies where family ties define a person, cursing may refer to the virtue of their female relatives. Sometimes attributing the parts of the body that are used for animals as opposed to humans is meant as profane
It is interesting to see what cultures use as expletives - they usually relate to taboo words, and they may reflect the shadow life of a culture.
yeah, Kate is not the one to bark out dining etiquette rules. She eats like a pig!
lol...yes, she does, and not only at home. I remember a few restaurant scenes where she was propped up on the table, chewing with her mouth open, and shoveling the food into her mouth. I remember thinking at the time -- is that the way she eats when she's in the company of classy celebrities and people who actually observe rules of table etiquette...what must they think of her?
And my point is you do her a great disservice by stating it was because of drug use, period.
Well, but I never said that. LOL. I said that's what the judge reportedly said was the reason. Many times people are self medicating with drugs when there is mental illness going on anyway. I don't disagree I'm sure it may have played a role.
Kate's response:
Sorry dads. Doesn't come into my thinking in my case (oops!)!
What a bitch. He doesn't get ANY credit. How do they get around when they are with him, pogo sticks?
Didn't she herself say she "gave" him the old big blue bus (a bus that was his too anyway)? Why give it to him if he never drives them anywhere?
@MY_3BCOLLIES @Cato_Cat @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 Kendra could relax the #KateRoutines 4 a wk...but long term, that would not work w/8kids!
Um, no, it doesn't work long term. Read up on it. It creates low self esteem, power struggles, rebelling, and a host of other issues. Virtually every child psychologist agrees authoritarian parenting is bad. And if Milo is saying she was parented in an authoritarian style I think we know exactly how BAD it was for her, look at her, she's a mess. She is mixing up authoritarian, which is bad, with authoritative, which is good.
@Kateplusmy8 So amidst all this debate abt HOW u raise ur 8...I bet they R all havin a fun Sat. w/U! Enjoy the day! :)
This says so much right here. Milo doesn't get it because everything is about Kate. It's Saturday. The kids shouldn't be havin a fun Saturday with KATE. They should be havin a fun Saturday with their friends, hanging out, going to movies or maybe shooting hoops in an open gym...NOT havin fun with Kate (how much fun could that be?)...
My kids aren't having fun with me today and it's not because I don't cherish the time I spend with them, but it's not all about me. I'm not at the center of their universe. They are with their friends. I delivered mine to friends' houses this morning. Tomorrow, after church, it's our turn here to have kids over. Not every weekend is a fun time alone in the house with Mom. Milo seems to think that Kate is the light of these kids' lives, that they live and breathe to be with her and should get down on their knees and worship the ground she walks on.
Did she get some bad news regarding her "cookbook" or her "career"? These are the platitudes she retweeted--where's all the happy, happy, joy, joy?
Maybe she saw the promo clips for the show. They are making her look awful and Kendra look like a breath of fresh air. The backlash from casual viewers is probably going to be bad. What did she EXPECT to happen, I mean she was there.
Sherry they are sounds to me but the point is that people who curse simply need to respect that to others they are NOT just sounds. It is all about perception. Some people aren't bothered at all by racial slurs, for other people it is the worst thing you could possibly say. People perceive things differently.
I don't like the word moist but it's not a traditionally bad word. I understand why someone might not like the word F&^% so I wouldn't say it around them. I think the point here is about respect. Respecting societal norms, respecting people's sensitivities, and so on.
Blowing in the Wind? AMEN sister.
These kids were not put on this earth for Kate, or for that matter, her fans, and until Kate and her fans grasp this concept they will always be commodities. It's disgusting. I knew this show was going to be bad but I never expected this bad. Not a single fan ever says oh man these kids are not being portrayed in a very flattering light maybe CWS was a bad idea for them. It's all about Kate and what the kids can do for her no matter how bad they look.
Also if the general public is constantly talking about your parenting, I don't know, maybe you're doing something wrong? It's not like we talk about say, the Obama's parenting ever, other than to say well they sound like good parents. People don't talk about good parenting much. It's the bad parenting that people discuss.
Also it kills me that eating is associated with such negativity. This is how eating disorders start.
A 12 year old shouldn't be saying how hard she works and how hard it is to work.
Sad sad sad.
And what's even more sad is that her 38yr mother can't say the same.
@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 People have #DifferentParentingStyles..these R Kate's kids.its her call2do what she deems best 4them! I see :)s
Well, as stated, it's also Jon's call. But to the greater point, we all realize that Kate is making the calls here. But people also have a right to say they don't like it when you make those calls public. If she doesn't like it, she is free to make her parenting private. It's as simple as that.
Re the comment about dad's driving - how many times can you say what an effing bitch? And since she apparently plays that role on CWS too, again one off, short lived media career. Again. And again. Those poor kids, having to be tossed in front of a camera again, for their fame whore mother's "career". What a shame. Tuesday cannot come and go fast enough IMHO.
I dont see how cursing hurts anyone if you only do it around people who are fine with it. Some of the most generous, genuine people I know curse like sailors. They never demean or hurt.
I have a question. She loves to hem and haw that Jon isn't involved whatsoever. So if that is true (eye roll) why not just flat out say their father is not involved in their lives I do everything? Instead she makes passive aggressive little slams like this constantly and loves playing the game of IMPLYING he's not involved. It's insane and psychotic. They have been split how long now? Four years???
Yes, Admin. I'm sure mental illness MAY have played a role in Britney's hospitalization.
LOL, to quote you. I was being serious, and I don't appreciate someone LOL'ing at a serious response to a serious post. Yes, I'm bipolar as well, although luckier than Britney. You demean her and you demean me. It must be difficult to be right so often. I'll have to take note of that. Thanks a lot.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet, but Kate will be on The View on Tuesday.
Totally OT...I know we've talked about everything on here, from gardening, to egg boiling and uses of vinegar. Does anyone have any good remedies for cracked heels? I have such a deep crack in my heel that it seems the only way to fix it is to spackle and grout it. Nothing works, and walking is painful! Any tried and true fixes for this?
Oh, and admin, I agree about respect. If one wants to curse a blue streak in his/her own home, more power to them. Let it fly. But this is not the societal norm, and if someone is going to be offended by it, you don't do it. If you know that others are going to be uncomfortable around it, there are many other ways to express your anger, frustration, or whatever emotion you are trying to convey. You think about the other person and not only yourself. Personally, I don't curse, but it's because it was never allowed in our home and it would be uncharacteristic of me to do so. I don't like to hear it, but it's a great big world out there and not everyone has grown up or has the same value system. To each his own.
Audeko, I am at a loss how it demeans you to say that the judge said he took Britney's kids due to drugs. It doesn't mean that drugs were the heart of the issue. I AGREE with you, they probably weren't, it doesn't change the fact that that was the reason the judge cited. I think people self medicate and that there are almost always other things going on when you have to turn to such hard core drugs. The fact is though she was doing drugs and the judge took her kids for it. That's a problem with the judge if he is not understanding the full spectrum of her problems and writing it off as just drugs, but it happens all the time because drugs are much easier to quantify. I think you're getting upset about something for no reason, since I pretty much agree with you, the woman had many issues going on.
Audeko you stat off lecturing everyone that they were all so wrong about why B. Spears lost her kids [they weren't] now you're getting mad at being corrected and making it personal. I don't think anyone here had the slightest idea you are bipolar and are taking it as a personal insult. Pretty silly. Move on?
It seems that everyone is in on the "Kate joke" except for Kate. Every tv show Kate has done since J&Kplus8 has been for the sole purpose of humilating her for entertainment. People enjoy showing Kate in the worst light possible, and viewers like watching it. I am not being snarky when I say I think Kate is the dullest celebrity interview ever. She never has anything interesting to add to a conversation, and really, the only thing she can talk about with any authority is herself. Does she not realize that CWS is going to make her look horrible, or does she just not care?
All in a neat little row, it's obvious that KK didn't get something that she wanted/lost something she was involved in. What do we think caused all the platitudes?
A. Robert's book release is very close
B. Her involvement w/Bullyville and minor children is causing legal problems for her
C. She finally got a clue that self-publishing a cookbook is not going to work for her
D. She watched CWS and knows what is ahead
E. Due to KK's involvement with something (maybe in list above?) allowed Jon to 'win' something in court
F. ???
Judging by KK throwing Jon under the bus again when she said, ''Sorry dads. Doesn't come into my thinking in my case (oops!)!''..........I'm thinking that a combination of CWS and Bullyville/minors helping her ''take down'' some non-fans, my choice for her need for platitudes is E. Jon won something in court that KK doesn't like.
Another couple of things about the clip- Kate had a famous post-it note on the thermostat I think? Control freak! Schedule white boards said Mady0- voice lessons, aha!Hannah looked like she enjoyed being tucked in by Kendra- not sure Kate even tucks the kids in before allegedly locking them in. Kate's roots showed bahaha, when she picked up Kendra's raisin spill..
Mady is definitely brainwashed by Kate- said Kendra didn't know what she was doing.
Actually, it is HER only comfort zone. She needs to make rules and watch the kids comply.
Obedience, compliance and "fear" of her make Kate feel in control and powerful 194
I agree. Anyone who dictates the order in which her kids have to eat their lunches has pathological control issues.
Those poor children.
Anon, 25:
Audeko you stat off lecturing everyone that they were all so wrong about why B. Spears lost her kids [they weren't] now you're getting mad at being corrected and making it personal.
There have been some who have come from another blog, started controversy on here just to "test the waters" and report back to another blog. Admin and others -- don't fall for it.
LOL, to quote you. I was being serious, and I don't appreciate someone LOL'ing at a serious response to a serious post. Yes, I'm bipolar as well, although luckier than Britney. You demean her and you demean me. It must be difficult to be right so often. I'll have to take note of that. Thanks a lot.
Aedoku--thank you for providing your perspective on the role mental illness plays in substance abuse. I think that if you had just led with that, Admin would probably have phrased her answer differently. In itself, I don't think there was anything wrong with Admin's response, since she was literally quoting what the judge cited, and, I think that the LOL response was to try to lighten up on the way the exchanges were heading--it was clear that you were upset, but, until you disclosed your own diagnosis, I didn't know what was behind what you were saying. It is very difficult to discern tone from blogs, so I will usually check out what the person meant.
Having said that, if you came here with the foregone conclusion that Admin is rigid and authoritarian, then it appears that you may have tried to set up a Gotcha situation. I have no idea why someone would go to all that trouble, but, we are talking about Kate's World, where everything normal is out the window.
Anyway, I really appreciate your perspective and hope you continue to post here, as long as you follow the very few rules of the blog. My husband is an alcoholic, and there is definitely a mental illness component--so I understand the larger point you were making.
Does anyone else now fear that what goes on behind closed doors has actually gotten worse now that Jon and the cameras have gone away?
Also I think a few of the kids were scolding poor Joel...he still is the scapegoat.
Sherry Baby said... 23
''Does anyone have any good remedies for cracked heels? I have such a deep crack in my heel that it seems the only way to fix it is to spackle and grout it. Nothing works, and walking is painful! Any tried and true fixes for this?''
As a matter of fact, I do. Not only is it cheap, but it WILL work...though it sounds weird. Take Vicks VapoRub, and''spackle and grout it'' with Vicks. Cover with white cotton socks...I use those ??footies?? and leave on overnight. It is shocking that after a short time, the cracked heels are gone. If you work, when you come home, do the treatment, and then clean it all off and do another overnight treatment when you're ready for bed. The treatment also works on hardened/yellow/toe nails, which is what my sister used the Vicks for, and discovered it also worked on her cracked heels!!
Did she ever let the other kids know that it actually wasn't Joel who peeled the globe? Because according to the blog she just let them all blame Joel and covered for the real culprit one of the girls. Gaaa....!!!
Ex Nurse as usual you're the calming voice of reason.
Or anyone who regulates who can come in and out of the kitchen and when. For God sakes it's a huge kitchen what's the big deal? They paid for it.
This is what I mean by stupid rules. Rules are fine and necessary. Stupid rules aren't.
She never has anything interesting to add to a conversation, and really, the only thing she can talk about with any authority is herself. Does she not realize that CWS is going to make her look horrible, or does she just not care?
In all seriousness, I really wonder about her self respect issues. She just keeps putting herself out there over and over and keeps being made fun of. She IS the butt of the joke, this entire episode is about how she is a real buzz kill. How many times will you let yourself be the sacrificial lamb before you wonder if maybe you have some serious issues? I don't find it very healthy, and I don't think it's a good example for the children. I think you can hold your head high and be proud of yourself as a nurse far more than you ever could be being on T.V. in this capacity. Go on TV by all means, but do projects that are worthwhile. There is nothing redeeming about this. It is degrading and embarrassing for both herself and the children. Everyone needs money but that doesn't mean you'd sooner flip burgers for minimum wage than prostitute for it. Same concept. At least you can be proud of what you do flipping burgers.
Remona,34...Well, I have learned a lot of unusual hints here. I think this one will be the winner, though. Who knew?
I don't have dry skin on my heels, but I know someone who does and she can't find a solution. I guess I will call her immediately and share your Vicks solution. I will let you know how it works for her.
Amazing blog!
Also for dry heels: Bag Balm. It's usually used for cow's udders but you can buy it in most drugstores!Great for dry skin.A lot of diabetics use it.
As a matter of fact, I do. Not only is it cheap, but it WILL work...though it sounds weird. Take Vicks VapoRub, and''spackle and grout it'' with Vicks.
Thanks! I heard of doing that for a chest cold (Vicks on the feet) but never for cracked heels. I'll give it a try. I have a jar of Vicks that belonged to my grandmother (1950s)...think it's still good? :-)
I've tried various creams, even Crisco (yuck) with the socks. Nothing has seemed to work. It's just the one foot. Weird.
In all seriousness, I really wonder about her self respect issues. She just keeps putting herself out there over and over and keeps being made fun of. She IS the butt of the joke, this entire episode is about how she is a real buzz kill. How many times will you let yourself be the sacrificial lamb before you wonder if maybe you have some serious issues?
I was thinking the same thing. She certainly has to have read the comments under various articles. She must know that she's a laughingstock. How many times do you put yourself out there, only to be poked fun at over and over? Is there no self respect? There comes a time when you have to ask yourself what you're doing wrong, correct it, and if necessary, get some professional help. You don't keep doing it over and over again when the result is always the same.
Much needed "me"time. Good grief....Kate has more me time than anyone on the planet. Every other weekend, weekdays 7am til 4pm approximately. Week day evenings she has help. Is she *ever*alone with all 8 kids?
Seems unfair for Kendra not to be allowed the same "part-time" help that Kate has, since Kate was allowed to have Kendra's housekeeper and nanny.
Pity party said...
Sadly, just as we suspected the kids do not appear to be faring well. Maybe the show will have some brighter moments.
Sorry, I am really behind in reading the posts, so sorry if this has already been said. I don't think it is fair to judge the kids' state of mind from this show--they are in an unusually stressful and contrived situation that is designed to evoke maximum drama.
I think that really tried to make a name for herself without the kids. Sadly, putting the kids on camera like trained monkeys, is the only way she will get back on a network show or get network morning show gigs. It will always be on the backs of her kids. She is a complete aberration of what a mother should be. It is extremely depressing and tragic that she can't just let them be kids.
@Cato_Cat @MiloandJack @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 No kidding, a mom has to be organized with 8 kids or for sure chaos would take place:)
Here's the issue. Sheeple are too dumb to know the difference between organization and military-like rigid discipline. Of course you have to be organized, whether it's one child or eight children. Organizing is structuring that makes for a more efficient order. Discipline is behavior set forth to adhere to the rules of conduct. One can have organization in a home without expecting kids to behave like little soldiers.
@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 People have #DifferentParentingStyles..these R Kate's kids.its her call2do what she deems best 4them! I see :)s
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Please tell me which minute marker the kids are smiling when with Kate? …
@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 time 4that! Trust me...every day there R smiles, giggles, hugs & pure love & adoration 4Kate fr her 8!
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Oh. You said you saw smiles. I don't see one smile in that vid so don't know why you would think they have fun.
@Kateplusmy8 So amidst all this debate abt HOW u raise ur 8...I bet they R all havin a fun Sat. w/U! Enjoy the day! :)
admin said,
These kids were not put on this earth for Kate, or for that matter, her fans, and until Kate and her fans grasp this concept they will always be commodities.
Yes, and here's another one. TRUST Milo? Why? She's nuts:
@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 time 4that! Trust me...every day there R smiles, giggles, hugs & pure love & adoration 4Kate fr her 8!
Hey Anonymous, if you would like to criticise me pick a name. Own your words.
Admin: Call me what you want. I took issue with your point, and yes it is personal. You appear to me to be unwilling to concede a point even when it's pointed out to you that you might not be totally correct. Whatever happened to "hey, aeduko, didn't realize that this topic might hit you personally. Sorry if I seemed like I didn't care." I would then say, "Thanks, Admin, appreciate that.". But you didn't, and I don't.
Why is she still yelling about sit up straight, put your napkin on your lap?
Think she yells that at every meal? Or is it just for the camera's benefit?
She is so much like my dil. Yelling away, the kids just ignore her and do whatever they want. For all the yelling, they sure are ill behaved.
That girl that stepped in the food plate...maybe it wasn't deliberate, but was certainly deliberately careless. Done just to annoy the other kid.
You could tell from the look on her face that she knew she wouldn't get in trouble for it either, but that the other kid would get yelled at for fussing.
From Milo: Trust me...every day there R smiles, giggles, hugs & pure love & adoration 4Kate fr her 8!
And she would know that how?
She only knows what she imagines, or Kate tells her.
Has she *ever* been present with Kate and all 8 kids? If so, let's hear when that was.
Audeko, now I'm really confused. I didn't call you anything. I also don't know what point I'm supposed to concede. I agree with all your points except for your first point, which was that Britney hasn't been in rehab, because that's just a false statement. I DID concede your points by saying I agree. We correct each other on this blog because facts are important to a lot of people here including me, it's not personal. Sorry. I have noticed that most of your posts have been a bit antagonistic the past several months, hope everything is okay.
MiloandJack@strawberrypsu@kateplusmy8...........every day there R smiles, giggles, hugs and pure love and adoration 4 (FOR) Kate fr her 8. Not FROM Kate TO her 8. That about says it all. I too think this CWS gig will not help to further her "career".
Trust me? Has Milo even met these kids much less Kate?
Also hugs and kisses are no proof of a happy family. That's just naive.
"Admin: Call me what you want."
Admin didn't call you anything. You came looking for a confrontation, anything to stir the pot. You tried that by making it seem like admin was attacking you personally. She didn't. Time to get that chip off your shoulder.
Now go and report your findings to another blog. Sheesh!
Kate is so transparent. In the preview clip for CWS she exalts herself by saying she has no full time babysitter or cleaning person. But just prior to saying that, she says: "I OVERSEE errands,laundry and grocery shopping". Translation, someone ELSE does the errands,shopping and the laundry...and it ISN'T the kids. Full time in Kate's mind must be live in help, which she doesn't have...but she DOES have A LOT of help. Why does she feel the need to lie?? It just makes her more despicable. Also, my two cents on this OBVIOUSLY scripted program is, Kate is playing the role of "strict disciplinary mom" to Kendra's "free thinking mom". Such a TIRED concept..Not that she isn't one in real life, but this show is not REALITY, just like the rest of them.
aeduko said... 3
And I also love your rants, you're so right!
@strawberrypsu Was a general statement N regard 2sum of many episodes/clips & private photos I've seen of Kate & the 8! They R #Happy kids!
Did she watch the same show that wewatched? "In regard to some of many"? So only some episodes showed happy kids? What private photos is she talking about? The ones that Kate puts on twitter, that are obviously posed?
If Milo were ever to take off her rose-colored glasses, she might be in for a big shock. The more she tweets, the more it looks like she is trying to convince herself than she is others.
Also if you divide several household chores and babysitting across several "part time" people even if you have help virtually all the time, you can still say I only have "part time" help without it really being a lie.
For instance you can have two part time nannies who are working a total of 60 hours between them, but neither is "full time." I don't understand why you would need full time help anyway what with not really working.
Yes, and here's another one. TRUST Milo? Why? She's nuts:
@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 time 4that! Trust me...every day there R smiles, giggles, hugs & pure love & adoration 4Kate fr her 8!
Milo has never met Kate or the children, and yet she expects everyone to trust her on what she says. Why? If I were in Kate's position and the object of such celebrity worship, I'd very gently DM or e-mail her and say that while I appreciate her support, it is embarrassing and she should tone it down a bit.
Milo is miles and miles away from Kate and has no idea what is going on in the household. Even Gladys Kravitz had an advantage over Milo - she was able to peer through windows and make visits next door! Milo has no idea what goes on in Wernersville, PA, but she expects both the fans and non-fans to believe that she does. It must be make her feel good to set herself up as the All-Knowing. It's quite sad, really.
I just have a funny feeling that this Kate/Milo thing is not going to end well.
My teen was driving today. She's had her permit a few months. It is an exercise in terror. Holy moley. But on the outside I'm all "OK next time try and break earlier so you don't have to slam on the breaks when you see the person in front of you stopping (before you kill us)" and "you need to slow down before a curve like that (as we almost roll over)" and "you are going to hit those parked cars your too far to the right (and I think you just took off someone's sidemirror)" CAN YOU IMAGINE Kate driving with the kids as teens? Trying to teach them to drive? She'll be screaming and flapping and directing every single motion.
Rhymes with Witch said... 29
''Actually, it is HER only comfort zone. She needs to make rules and watch the kids comply.
Obedience, compliance and "fear" of her make Kate feel in control and powerful 194''
''I agree. Anyone who dictates the order in which her kids have to eat their lunches has pathological control issues.''
I agree with both of you. In my opinion, KK is clearly all about control. Control is the goal. Rape, domestic violence...abuse of children is all about CONTROL. KK's abuse of her toddlers during potty training was all about her trying to control them using the potty chair, and when she couldn't, she abused them. I'm convinced that is why the toddler was impacted...he and the other one were punished for not being potty trained, so he simply stopped pooping so he wouldn't get in trouble/be abused again. I also believe the reason he covered his eyes for so long was because he was punished for smiling and waving at the ''paparazzi'', so he covered his eyes when out and about in order to avoid being punished again!!
Who gives Milo "private" pictures of the family? Kate?
Wow Kate, that's smart. Good Lord.
Admin said:Also if you divide several household chores and babysitting across several "part time" people even if you have help virtually all the time, you can still say I only have "part time" help without it really being a lie.
That's exactly right. And, you can see ONE of her "helpers" in the clip. Kate can call these people who "help" her whatever she wants to...but their role translates, collectively, into a FULL TIME HIRED WORKER. They may sleep somewhere else, but they WORK for Kate. She thinks she is so clever with her carefully worded explanations of her home life. I have to say, it is entertaining to watch this idiot try to pull the wool (haha) over everyone's eyes...Only morons buy her baloney.
CAN YOU IMAGINE Kate driving with the kids as teens? Trying to teach them to drive? She'll be screaming and flapping and directing every single motion.
With Kate's driving record, she's not qualified to teach driving to anyone.
Audeko I was just told by email you frequently run to other blogs to trash this one. If that's true, seems a little two-faced to demand respect and apologies and concessions here when you run around trashing folks here behind our backs. In fact, it seems like a set up, I'll say it.
My heart just broke when I saw the clip of the taco dinner. Those kids, I just don't have the words to say about how they have become. They will be so attacked on the internet after this show airs and it is so not their fault. They seem as though they have NO social skills what so ever. Kate has so much to answer for it's ridiculousness. Watch out Gosselin8, thanks to your mom your life as adults will be HELL!!!!!!!!
Now I need to go find a good place I where I can cry. SO SAD.
NJ I feel the same. Just sad.
Whistling on another note, nothing can be more disrespectful of the "hired help" in my opinion than when you downplay their role. It is very hurtful. Especially those who do things that become very personal, like caring for (raising) your children, to be marginalized as "just" part-time help, to be told really Mom is in charge of everything. I liken it to say any typical employee whose boss goes around saying he does it all or mostly does it all when the truth is it's the employees make the factory run. It's SO disrespectful. I have never in my life heard her say I am so grateful to my housekeeper/manager/nannies for making sure this house runs and everything gets done, I couldn't do it without them. It's always, well yeah yeah those people are around sometimes but make no mistake I do it all! It's not credible and it's rude.
KW said... 26
People enjoy showing Kate in the worst light possible, and viewers like watching it.
And sadly they will view the kids in the same light just to make her look like the horrible mother she has been.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 55
CAN YOU IMAGINE Kate driving with the kids as teens? Trying to teach them to drive? She'll be screaming and flapping and directing every single motion.
With Kate's driving record, she's not qualified to teach driving to anyone.
True! Even I get "but Mom YOU don't stop for three seconds at a stop sign." Ay yi yi can you imagine? But Mom, YOU go 90 in a 45 zone."
Sherry, Remona posted first, but I also have used vicks vapo--rub in cracked heels, athletes foot, and toenail fungus. It usually takes a little longer with fungus to clear it up. My doctor told me about it years ago, also Udder Cream that you can find at farm supply store, or quilting shops, works well
My heart just broke when I saw the clip of the taco dinner. Those kids, I just don't have the words to say about how they have become. They will be so attacked on the internet after this show airs and it is so not their fault. They seem as though they have NO social skills what so ever. Kate has so much to answer for it's ridiculousness. Watch out Gosselin8, thanks to your mom your life as adults will be HELL!!!!!!!!
Now I need to go find a good place I where I can cry. SO SAD.
This is exactly why I am NOT going to watch the show, and I'm not even sure I want to read a recap. She will continue to put her kids on display for the entertainment of the sheeple, and to make bucks off their backs for as long as she can get away with it, justifying it as a way to give them material things in life that they deserve.
Everything about her has to do with what she can buy, where she can go, what she deserves to have without any consideration of the emotional/psychological needs of these kids. You just wish someone, anyone, would take her and sit her down and read her the facts of life. She needs help, but apparently there is nobody out there who will see that she gets it, and the children are the ones who are ultimately paying the price.
"Audeko I was just told by email you frequently run to other blogs to trash this one. If that's true, seems a little two-faced to demand respect and apologies and concessions here when you run around trashing folks here behind our backs. In fact, it seems like a set up, I'll say it."
Admin -- that poster is not the only one. There was one on here yesterday who used to post here by another name, came back here under a new name, and ran off to another blog admitting that the whole thing here was a set-up. It's really immature, and for what reason, I have no idea. (Administrator) said... 63
Who gives Milo "private" pictures of the family? Kate?
Wow Kate, that's smart. Good Lord.
Unbelievable! Kate sending Milo private pictures only proves she loves the over the top adoration that Milo spews on a daily basis. Milo must be Kate's bestest friend ever. Maybe neither of them have had friends before.
Has anyone ever seen that creepy movie One Hour Photo with Robin Williams? He becomes obsessed with a family imagines himself their uncle and plasters an entire wall full of their pictures. Is that what Milo does with her "private" pictures?
What about the children's rights not to have their private photos distributed to a complete stranger who not only is clearly obsessed with them but obviously has a lot of other issues as well? Good grief.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 72
''....You just wish someone, anyone, would take her and sit her down and read her the facts of life. She needs help, but apparently there is nobody out there who will see that she gets it, and the children are the ones who are ultimately paying the price.''
I agree. I said the other day that it was really sad that KK has no friends or relatives that can get in her face and tell her to shut up...and get help. I'm wondering if much has been tried behind the scenes by Jon and/or others, and their efforts have obviously not been successful. On the other hand, as I was typing this, I remembered all the platitudes she was posting today, and I suddenly have hope that somehow, something has been done.
I think when Milo referred to "private pictures" that she was referring to the ones that Kate takes and puts on twitter. I think she actually meant "personal" not private. In other words, Kate takes them and not the paparazzi, so they are for Kate's own private, personal use. And of course the kids look happy in them--would Kate post a picture showing them unhappy?
I don't think Kate sends her pictures---look how many times Milo begged for pictures of Shoka.
Before we had our 2 boys, my husband and I were extremely tidy. Not OCD, but it is a lot easier to keep a house clean with only 2 adults, who are away at work most of the day.
Babies come, and you know what? It's not important. Why would I spend time cleaning a bathroom, when I could spend time with my sons?
I've always believed: if you don't want to sacrifice your time, money, sanity, etc., DON'T HAVE KIDS!!!
My oldest is the same age as the tups. He does not ask about my day, plan for weeks about Mother's Day, give me back rubs, and I could go on. Guess what?? I do that for them!
They certainly have chores, that they do to the best of their ability, but it is mine and my husband's responsibility to make sure our home is clean and functional for them.
I would rather spend my time with them laughing, dancing, and acting silly, than ordering them around. What do you think they will remember???
True! Even I get "but Mom YOU don't stop for three seconds at a stop sign." Ay yi yi can you imagine? But Mom, YOU go 90 in a 45 zone."
Ay yi yi!! Gosh -- I can tell you are from this neck of the woods. That was my grandmother's favorite expression!
Children First said... 73
''... There was one on here yesterday who used to post here by another name, came back here under a new name, and ran off to another blog admitting that the whole thing here was a set-up. It's really immature, and for what reason, I have no idea.''
My theory is that if you're not posting on twitter where they can exchange barbs, the only thing left is to come to the blog
and try to start something here. I enjoy lurking on other blogs and twitter, there are many creative people out there...but I don't post in order to get into an argument or name call.
Is that what Milo does with her "private" pictures?
If Milo has photos of Kate, private or not,. I bet they are on her night stand so Kate is the last person she sees before she goes to sleep, and the first person she sees when she wakes up.
There is something seriously wrong with that person, and we don't even know if it's a she or a he.
Sherry baby: another heel heels look like I just had a BIG secret?....wait for it.... VASELINE! Lol. I put it on my heels EVERY morning before I put my socks on. (in the summer I put it on before bedtime). I do not have one crack on my heels. Yep the girl who does my manicures does the same thing and her heels look great
I don't think Kate sends her pictures---look how many times Milo begged for pictures of Shoka. \
Good point. I think you're right. For Milo, private means personal...ones that weren't taken by the paps for public consumption. I can't imagine Kate, no matter how naive she might be, sending private photos to Milo. Milo tried everything she could to get Kate to admit that Shoka was alive and well, and even had to prod Deanna to find out about him.
Totally OT...I know we've talked about everything on here, from gardening, to egg boiling and uses of vinegar. Does anyone have any good remedies for cracked heels? 23
Sherry Baby, try Bag Balm. Where I live you can buy it at the drugstore. Previously I bought it at places like Agway (farm
equipment stores). Make sure to put on old socks after you apply it.
@EmeraldCityJazz @KendraWilkinson @Kateplusmy8 guess getting sued wasn't enough to shut the bitch up about the 'dirt' in others' homes
Who got sued? Kate? I'm assuming this is in reference to the episode in which Kate complained about the dirt in Dr. C's house. As far as I know, there was no lawsuit filed. Anyone know any differently?
Thanks for all the responses for treating cracked heels! I was hoping nobody was going to suggest vinegar since it's been a remedy for everything on the planet!
I tried Vasoline and it didn't help. I think I must have an acute case. This is really a deep crack. I could probably stick a penny in there. I'm trying the Vicks tonight, and when I can get to the store, I'll buy some nipple, er..udder cream! Is that the Bag Balm? I was checking the internet and found that "Blue Goo" (Walmart) got decent reviews. Has anyone heard of it?
There is an interview with Kendra on the xfinity website:
“What I do know is that Kate is totally thrown off when she finds out the man of our house is the domestic one, he’s the one that does the cooking, he takes care of his woman,” Kendra says of her relationship with her husband. “After taking care of little Hank, I pretty much have the freedom to go out and do whatever I want — I work hard and I play hard.”
So, basically, it sounds like Kate got a week off from her massive brood and a chance to relax a bit and have a man do the housework … and she didn’t like it?
“Yes, just like her kids,” Kendra replied.
Here is the link
Just Down The Road said... 85
@EmeraldCityJazz @KendraWilkinson @Kateplusmy8 guess getting sued wasn't enough to shut the bitch up about the 'dirt' in others' homes
Who got sued? Kate? I'm assuming this is in reference to the episode in which Kate complained about the dirt in Dr. C's house. As far as I know, there was no lawsuit filed. Anyone know any differently?
The only place I ever heard about Kate being sued was on Twitter. Urban legends are growing over there by leaps and bounds.
whistlingdixiee said... 56
"I OVERSEE errands,laundry and grocery shopping". Translation, someone ELSE does the errands,shopping and the laundry...and it ISN'T the kids. Full time in Kate's mind must be live in help, which she doesn't have...but she DOES have A LOT of help. Why does she feel the need to lie??
And why does she need so much help?!! Those kids are at school/on the bus 9 hours a day. What does Kate do during that time if not groceries, laundry, errands? She is just pathetically lazy. Those kids have a busier schedule than their mother. NINE HOURS without kids five days a week and she still needs outside help. I can see for her grounds, but the other stuff. She has no job. What does she do all day?
SwingsandRoundabouts said... 189
Re: the cursing discussion. I really don't believe that curse words are just sounds. Curse words carry power in our society. They exist precisely because they are intended to insult, hurt, diminish. They are violent verbal displays. No one would even think of using the "n" word because of the history of pain and hurt that it conjures.
I especially don't like words that attempt to diminish women such as b**** or c***. They are incredibly offensive to me and are not just sounds. They actually represent something.
A kick in the shins or a slap in the face is not just a gesture either.
That is simply untrue. Many people swear when other situations that have nothing to do with anyone else, ie, they stub their toe, they can't find their keys, they are running late or stuck in traffic (high stress situations) and so they let out with an expletive. In those cases, it is just a gesture, a verbal gesture, usually of frustration. I can be alone and still say 'godammit' when I hit a funny bone. It doesnt hurt, insult, nor diminish.
According to the xfinity interview, Kate's "best friend" from NYC came to help with the kids.
I have a feeling that Kendra is the main focus of the show and Kate was picked for contrast.
Television and the world it revolves around: reality or otherwise does not and will never care about the person, the family or the situation. It's a cooperation just out to make money. It's wrong, sure but again business is business no matter who they step on or hurt.
Kate can't quit reality television because she has no real life(I.e. no life that does not come with a beginning, middle and an ending all wrapped up with credits at the end). It's just not in her.
Dying to get the heck out of Seattle. My weeks stay has been purely miserable. Grateful I leave tomorrow. Sorry for jumping in.
Sherry Baby 86...I read up on cracked heels because I also have them, and several articles mentioned a lack of zinc and omega-3 and vitamin C. I went out to the Dollar Store and got some today.
Yes, Bag Balm is for udders lol. But it works! A lot of people who work outdoors use it.Green square tin- Walmart. Good luck!
By the way, I paused the video clip to read the oh so busy schedule Kate refers to. Pathetically empty I would call it. I have two kids and our schedule is busier than that. Six of the eight kids have no out of school activities on that schedule. No scouts, no Wednesday evening church groups, no sports, no nothing for the tups.
OT alert!
The Nat Geo channel has a show on Cesar Milan's life. It was really good if you're a fan. I learned a lot about him. It's not people talking about him, it's Cesar on Cesar. I caught it at the gym today.
If you enjoyed reading The DaVinci Code you might also enjoy The Sixth Station by Linda Stasi.
Sorry if I missed this being posted already. I'm sure one of you sharp ladies already caught this but just in case....... Do you think Kendra could have been referring to Kate?
Kendra Wilkinson@KendraWilkinson
There are people who think they're perfect but there are people who know they're not perfect. We all know who's happier between the 2. :D
Feb 19Kendra Wilkinson@KendraWilkinson
I know I'm not perfect and ill never be perfect and I like it that way. :)
I know this is totally off topic,but I just wanted to say I've been sick with a head cold the last couple of days and I've been hanging out at home, sleeping and watching TV. Based on what I read here, I decided to start watching Downton Abbey, starting with Season 1, Episode 1. And I was hooked with the first episode. I just finished episode 5. What good drama, and the writing and acting is incredibly good.
I remember Elizabeth McGovern in that Robert Redford movie with Mary Tyler Moore. If it wasn't for those beautiful blue eyes, I would hardly recognize her in those period costumes.
Great show, I heartily recommend it to anyone who hasn't yet watched it.
Sorry for the OT post, I just had to share.
fidosmommy said... 122
I noticed Kendra "fed" them tacos in the basement rec room. They made their own, putting in as much or as little of each ingredient as they wanted. Then, they sat down on a kindergarten type mat to eat. One kid walked RIGHT on top of another kid's paper plate, and then she knocked over her drink bottle. I'm beginning to believe Kate's form of
serving from the kitchen has caused her children to have no idea about eating a casual meal. They seemed to be completely lost on how to eat without a table, in a circle.
Or, maybe they are just messy and that's why
Kate makes them do that. Who knows which came first, the mess or the mess hall monitor.
Well they had to come up with something to make those kids look like barbaric orphans without the guidance of Herr Kate. It would have been exceedingly boring to set up a tray of taco shells with all the trimmings at the kitchen island, allow the kids to load up their plates, then sit at the table to eat. All parents know if there's a messy food that SHOULD be eaten at the table - it's tacos. But no, they had to set those kids up to look wild and uncouth and I don't for one second think they are.
I can hear the director now: "Okay kids. We know you have manners and you know how to behave, but for the sake of the cameras and your mommy's paycheck, act like you don't. Got it? Good. And Action!"
They're trained like circus monkeys. They know exactly what they have to do to please their overseer. It's sad and disgusting how Kate forces them to perform for their keep.
At least ABC didn't stray too far from the usual script. It still reeks of the familiar odor of steaming horse manure.
Sherry Baby said... 44
@Cato_Cat @MiloandJack @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 No kidding, a mom has to be organized with 8 kids or for sure chaos would take place:)
Here's the issue. Sheeple are too dumb to know the difference between organization and military-like rigid discipline. Of course you have to be organized, whether it's one child or eight children.
* * * * *
Agreed Sherry. I get irritated every time I see one of Kate's sheeple claiming that because Kate has 8 (count em! 8) children, she has to run the home like an extreme military compound. I am one of 8 children. My dad was former military, so yes, he was organized, would plan out trips or other projects we were to do. But my gosh, never did we get told what order to eat the food in our lunch, nor were we made to sit in a line on the floor to have a snack. We weren't kept in high chairs until we were in kindergarten, nor did we eat off paper plates except on a picnic. Our house was a haven, not a military compound. I truly feel sorry for those Gosselin children - their mother is a living nightmare.
Also - my mom never made a big deal about how many children she and my father had. Because to her, that was just her life - she was a mom, she had children and a husband to look after. End of story, no big deal. Quite an amazing woman, and so much more beautiful and accomplished than Kate in every way.
Auntie Ann--So good to see you!! You've been missed.
If you are sensitive to curse words, I strongly advise you to put strong ear plugs in if you are ever in or near a high school when the kids are out. The curse words fly a mile a minute. And I will admit, I tend to curse more often than my teenage son. I blame it on a period of time I worked in a construction office, around construction workers. I never cursed much til then.
I don't curse in front of people I don't know, or in front of people I do know who would be offended by hearing me curse. I use discretion. But unless you plan on never leaving your house, it's just about impossible to be out in public without hearing curse words. The only thing that I really disapprove strongly of, is seeing or hearing any adult curse AT their child. I guess that's my line in the sand.
I thought there wasn't to be any filming in the children's bedrooms,ever again. Yet, right there in the promo, we see Kendra, the former stripper, tucking in a child??? No parents on the premises, tons of unknown crew members, this is just WRONG. But anything for a buck, right Kate? It's DISGUSTING how she is SELLING her children AGAIN. No one wants to see KATE, she can't get a job in Hollywood(even ridiculous reality shows) without using HER KIDS.
New Post!
AuntieAnne you're here and okay! Yea! So many What a world moments while you've been gone.
I agree with you about the tacos, that is a situation set up to fail. Of course that is one of the few things they SHOULD eat at the table. Why not have pizza on the floor, or KFC? Something that isnt going to all fall apart. I can just picture Mady saying with that look she has, and we are not eating at the table WHY??? I think had they tried to film this kind of thing just 12 months from now the bulk of these kids would tell them to screw off.
Alberta you sound like a great mom.
So true. The reality is it's Kate that's having all the fun, fun, fun while her kids just work, work, work. 4
While I agree that the kids work (wrong); I sincerely doubt that Kate EVER actually has FUN.
No scouts, no Wednesday evening church groups, no sports, no nothing for the tups.93
The sextuplets are a UNIT. One for one and one for all. Terribly sad.
They're trained like circus monkeys. They know exactly what they have to do to please their overseer. It's sad and disgusting how Kate
forces them to perform for their keep. 98
AMEN. SO glad to see you AuntieAnn.
@Kateplusmy8 Well..U must have had a long day..U been restocking the frig..&other household items? We had a #KateSpottingAtTarget 2nite LOL
Oh, Gladys, give it a rest. What would it be like having Milo as a neighbor? It's not even funny anymore. She's downright annoying.
Thanks ladies. I've missed you all too. I've been sitting up in the nosebleed section. I kind of promised myself that if Kate disappeared I would too. But she's baaaack. What a world indeed. Too bad Kate can't see past her greedy self to get a good look at it.
I agree the Taco dinner was a receipe for disaster. However, there was no excuse for a child to walk across anothe kids plate of food. That was just mean. Or it may have been a way for him to get attention.
When children are brought up in a controlling environment they do not learn how to make decisions. This will catch up w/the kids and Kate
phonybalony said... 102
Angerissues, why don't you "report" it like it is? Admin never attacked you. In fact, she supported you when she posted:
"Phony I never thought you were a kid and I think you are actually right video can be altered I just can't see them bothering on something as low budget as this. This is literally just filler they use with extra cash because they've got to fill the slot somehow. Don't let one person make you write off everyone. Have a rumspringa on me!" did others...
"Yes, you can. One way is through Photoshop CS6. There are several demonstrations online that show exactly how it's done. It's an interesting technique. That said, I seriously doubt that the video of Kate was photoshopped. It's just a bad make-up job."
I don't think the kids were being deliberately messy. I think they were a little disoriented as it was against the grain of anything they have known to be associated with food. They are used to being "fed" and not given an opportunity to fix their own food and get as much as they want. They seemed genuinely stressed and didn't quite know how to act. It may have turned out better if she had set up a station and had them fix their food one by one and then sit at the table or wherever to eat them. I felt bad for them. You could see the stress and anxiety on Al*xis in particular at the spill. I hope she was able to get a handle on things and make it right for them in the end.
AuntieAnn said... 110
Thanks ladies. I've missed you all too. I've been sitting up in the nosebleed section. I kind of promised myself that if Kate disappeared I would too. But she's baaaack. What a world indeed. Too bad Kate can't see past her greedy self to get a good look at it.
Waving hi!
All the time under the sun lamps has turned Kate's skin to Teflon. Throw something at her, it slides off. As long as she's able to continue to exploit the kids, she's not going anywhere.
I agree the G kids were made to look like barn animals eating those tacos. I've fed barn animals that don't make that much of a mess. And those damn paper plates again didn't help contain the absolute mess they made. Hey, tacos are a bit tricky to eat but the fillings were dumped all over the floor.
There were zero manners shown by any of the kids. They all poked their hands into the taco filling with no waiting patiently or taking turns plus they walked all over one another.
My goodness.
Kate's oopsie!! I don't think about dads comment was sinful. She is still so angry. I do not believe Jon is a deadbeat dad. I think he supports his children and loves them, and the harm Kate's doing will come back to haunt her x 8.
Oh Kendra, Kate's house is clean because some else cleans it. And please, do not mention anything about licking... anything.
One Google of you+porn is an eyeful that one wishes they could bleach from their brains forever.
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