Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The rights of the deceased

Producers decide to air slain cast member's reality show just days after her death, and it's not the first time.

What if you die before your reality show airs? Is it right for networks to still air it or should they pull it out of respect? Two years ago, Bravo also aired episodes post-mortem featuring Russell Armstrong, who had committed suicide. His family was horrified, especially when Bravo at first repeatedly promised to re-edit the show. Russell's death was linked by some family members to the pressure of the show, at one point his mother saying that he once told her, "Mom, they're just going to crucify me this season. I don't know what to do. I'll never survive it."

Now, it's happening again, after Reeva Steenkamp was shot and killed. Her boyfriend, the famous "Blade Runner," was charged with the crime. Steenkamp had wrapped a reality show shortly before her death, which aired this past weekend. 

South African producers have come under fire from viewers who say it's disrespectful to air the show and they are just profiting off her death. However producers claim they consulted with her family about the decision. They said“We felt that it was important for people to know that there was more to the narrative of Reeva than an exceptionally beautiful girl in a bikini, that she was strong and vibrant and funny and lovely and that this is a tragedy on an unspeakable level.”

716 sediments (sic) from readers:

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fyi said... 1

http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/index.php?showtopic=3210416&st=315 Just a reminder not to forget to watch the comments here. I find Twop comments to be scathingly brilliant.

fidosmommy said... 2

Anything for a buck.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

Well, I checked out Kendra's twitter for the first time and what's the first tweet I see. Some hashtag that says "f--- it." Only, the real word, spelled out. She's just so lovely and classy. She's also tweeting back and forth with Hugh Hefner, it's not like she's left that part of her life behind and is moving on to better things, oh no. Definitely Kate's fans, the kids, and the kids' friends should be sure to hang out on her twitter.

Seriously on what planet is it a good idea to associate with this person?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 4

Oooo thanks FYI good call! Hey, is this a show they recap? I doubt it but one can hope. Their recaps are insanely hysterical. I am a poor man's recapper.

Starz22 said... 5

Just like any other show on tv...if people watch it,it will stick around.Sad to see so much attention being given to stupid ass reality shows. If you don't watch...it will go away. No ratings = cancellation !!!

Starz22 said... 6

I am no Kendra fan. But Kendra is more real than Kate will ever be. Kendra's drug stage and stripper phase and sex tape all happened when she was a teenager! She was under 18 and almost 19 when all this happened.
The sex tape? Kendra and her BF at the time recorded themselves having sex. Years after being on the GND the ex-BF tried to market the tape.Vivvid let Kendra know and she made money by agreeing to the release of the tape. It was coming out either way...so she found a way to get paid for it.
Kendra says Hef saved her life...she was doing drugs and stripping,then got the call from the mansion for her to be gf #3 to Hef.The strict rules she had to follow stopped her drug use.
The girl is dumb as a box of rocks....but she really loves her son and puts him 1st. You don't see her dressed in hooker outfits at home with hair and makeup done like Kate.She is real when she's with her family. When she's doing media....she the trashy slut that people want to see.
Kendra knows what role she needs to play and when to play it.

franky said... 7
This comment has been removed by the author.
fidosmommy said... 8

Admin, Don't you dare sell yourself short. Your recaps are brilliant.

Anonymous said... 9

Here's a You Tube video of the CWS ad. One thing I noticed is the quick shot of Kate at a patio table with a glass of wine and her usually "p'od" look on her face. I think this show will feature Kendra much more than Kate. (JMHO)

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 10

Administrator, You are not a poor man's recapper. You are the best. I still have that image of Crazy Horse in my head. That was funny!

Formerly Duped said... 11

No, I think Kendra visits the mansion regularly and hank too. Maybe little Hank. she also has friends w still in that business.Doubt Hef visited Kate though; she wasn't up to his seedy standards!

As for the reality deaths , well, that's true exploitation to run the shows after the deaths of these people.

Anonymous said... 12

Here's a little observation.
If Kate was filming her show in October why hasn't she been able to get any more work.
Seemingly 'a fun time was had by all'.
That would suggest that she got along with the film crew and producers. Word would get back to the execs that she was a good/hard/determined/compliant worker who wanted to get more involved in the industry.

It is now 5 months past the time of filming CWS. Kendra has had another opportunity at filming something (Splash) yet Kate has had NADA...nothing.

I can't get over the nagging feeling that perhaps Kate, once again, showed her true colors and is no longer welcome within the Hollywood or even Reality TV circle. There have been no TV interviews, no radio shows, not even a paparazzi shot for MONTHS AND MONTHS. Could CWS be the swan song to her long drawn-out 15 minutes of fame?

NJGal51 said... 13

Well you know the old saying, if it bleeds it leads. It's all about money and ratings. Is it morally right? No, but people will tune in and then scream about how outraged they are after the fact. Don't watch. That's the only way to send a message to the networks.

JudyK said... 14

Yeah, Kendra's got about as much class as Kim Kardashian...Kendra known for being one of three women living with and sleeping with an old man for money and for porn videos...and Kim known for being peed on in a porn video.

Kate should be so proud of aspiring to be linked with Kendra in her quest to remain relevant and once again using her kids to achieve her narcissistic goals.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 15


They said: “We felt that it was important for people to know that there was more to the narrative of Reeva than an exceptionally beautiful girl in a bikini, that she was strong and vibrant and funny and lovely and that this is a tragedy on an unspeakable level.”


Bullsh*t. Let the family grieve in peace.

NJGal51 said... 16

I saw a commercial last night on Lifetime for a new reality show of "biblical proportions" that might be just right for Kate. It's called "Preacher's Daughters"....

Anonymous said... 17

Admin RWA is now saying that you are working for Kate! That your blog seems too well funded. That's the exact same thing they said about Sage.

Laurie said... 18

Franky, where do you see a KK conspiracy theory on this thread? We understand that Russell is not Reeva and one death was suicide and one was murder. The question remains, do you air the shows so soon after their deaths or not.

Bluebird said... 19

Berks I think you've hit it on the head. We have not seen nor heard of Kate in the media since this Wife Swap episode. She has not been on any talk shows promoting it and when it does air I hope there will not be enough ratings for any network to want to have her on. I think this is finally Kate's total flush down the toilet.

Lukebandit, I'm so happy you're home today. Take care and stay healthy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 20

Correct, I work with Kate!

FYI said... 21

There is also a video that Mindy McReady made shortly before her suicide. At the end, it gives a link to a suicide prevention website.

IMO, releasing that video, is just another way of exploiting her death.


JoyinVirginia said... 22

The death of Reeva Steenkamp is very sad. I did read some coverage that quoted a cousin of hers who said the last thing Reeva told her in a phone call was to be sure and watch the show. She was apparently very excited about the show. It sounds like a competition treasure hunt game in a tropical setting, I think it was filmed in Jamaica or another Caribbean island. I wonder how long it will be before the entire story of her life SMS death is made into a movie.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 23

Great, it makes it seem like the kids were little terrors for her with their "noooooo!!!!!" Another reason not to do this, the kids being portrayed as difficult. Which would be totally understandable given their mom abandoned them with a stranger for a week.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 24

ok..russel is not reevs....as apples are not pears

as dr. drew (dread) said

we all live, one day we die..we willl all die someday

stop the kk conspiracy theories..puhleease


I'm totally lost. This post has nothing to do with Kate or a conspiracy theory. Nor is Russell Armstrong the same as Reeves, however they certainly do have in common that they both died before their reality shows aired, and in both cases, networks decided to air them anyway, and in both cases, the public questioned it. That's all.

I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said... 25

Of course Kendra will keep saying I don't know how "she" does it and Kendra seems all frazzled with messy hair while Khate is being handed a glass of wine and looking very fake I might add!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 26

Starzz I actually agree with a lot of your assessment about Kendra in that a lot of her shenanigans happened years ago. But the bottom line for me though is that she is still seen by the general public as a rather trashy personality, and to let the kids around her exposes them to grave potential for ridicule and scorn. It doesn't matter if underneath the f-it's and tweets to Hugh Hefner she is a completely normal beautiful person, the fact is the kids shouldn't be associated with her for their own reputations, it's not fair to them. I think another good example is the Kardashians. Underneath all the drama some of them may actually be very kind, safe, decent people. But I don't think Kate should let the kids do a reality show with them. Exposes them to too much potential for ridicule.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 27

The deaths of such beautiful young women are so tragic. They have families who will never be the same.
Did I hear it correctly on the CWS video that this is a three week event? Kate must have been "over the moon" being chosen for this d-list program. Those 8 kids are her "claim to fame." Great meal ticket, too. They surely did try to make Kate to look like Kendra. Sorry, Kendra is a lot younger and it shows. You will never hear me say that Kate is pretty. Ugly shows from the inside out. Sad, really sad for the kids.
Television viewers need to rise-up and demand better shows.

JoyinVirginia said... 28

True stories can be very compelling and inspiring and horrifying and heartbreaking, all at the same time.
I have been following the Coast Guard hearings on the sinking of the Bounty, the tall ship that was built for the Mutiny on the Bounty movie. It happened during the height of hurricane Sandy on October 29, 2012. After the ship left Connecticut sailing into the Atlantic ocean knowing a big hurricane was coming.then when the already leaky ship leaked so much it was going to sink, they headed for shelter toward Cape Hatteras North Carolina. Otherwise known as the Graveyard of the Atlantic, with who knows how many hundreds or even thousands of wooden hulled ships at the bottom of the ocean.
The entire story is a fascinating tale of hubris on the part of the captain, who was never found after the sinking; incredible heroics and skill of the Coast Guard rescuers who flew a helicopter into a hurricane and especially the rescue swimmer who jumped out of the helicopter into the ocean with eighteen foot waves around him!; of sailors who were too inexperienced to know what they didn't know; and sadness at what was unnecessary loss of life.
Absolutely fascinating reading. It will make a great book, I hope someone writes it! Best reporting on this, start here:
There are links at the bottom if that article to each days testimony. Quick and fascinating summaries.

Susie Cincinnati said... 29

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 20

Correct, I work with Kate!


So if you work with Kate, and Kate is Milo's best friend forever, then surely Kate would have confided in you about Milo. Is the person a man, a woman, a paid intern? Do spill, admin!

"But the bottom line for me though is that she is still seen by the general public as a rather trashy personality, and to let the kids around her exposes them to grave potential for ridicule and scorn."


She's remembered for what she did back then, i.e., the porno tape, and don't think for a minute that the twins aren't going to be informed about this, and their peers are going to tease them about it. Kids don't care when it happened, only that their mom left them with a former Playmate who made a sex tape that's available on the internet.

I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said... 30

Oh- and of course this gives Khate a chance to get all dolled up! In the youtube clip, it looks like Khate has on a ton of makeup and a strapless top. Nothing says Christian mom more like this swap! I also wonder if Khate will keep saying how "she" wishes for this easier life and therefore throwing "her" kids under the bus! I really think that Khate thinks this will make "her" sexier and so now "she" can beg for that dating show "she" has been trying to pitch for years! Also, from the clip- this episode looks entirely scripted and staged- but then again that is the MO for almost all reality shows. I really hope NCIS gets the highest ratings ever next Tuesday!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 31

Annie yes I find the whole thing tragic. There is a comment on the video I posted that is harsh but I think really is very truthful and goes for Kate too. Here it is:

ChristoMafesto 10 hours ago
Oscar is exactly the type of guy i thought he was. A rich, deceptive self centered egotistical sociopath with good looks that woman lust for. These asshole are all over the entertainment / sport industry. More celebrities than you would like to believe are exactly like Oscar. I don't think he was ever a hero, you should NEVER idolize celebrities, singers, actors, or label them as special. They are groomed to entertain you, to pull you along and deceive you via media brainwashing.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 32

I found a twitter account stupider than Kate's.


lukebandit said... 33

I am finally back.

kate got what she dreams about her life being, but she got a taste of it for a week on CWS. One child, rich, hunky husband, living in a mansion. On the patio, stileto's, and her ever present glass of wine.

I would really like to know if Jon knew about the filming or if he didn't know. Or, if he knew, tried to stop it.

fidosmommy said... 34

Mark Harmon and I have a date next Tuesday night.

Maybe we can discuss the NCIS episode! :-)

NT said... 35

In both shots of Kate in the short you tube video,Kate is dressed sluty in both. Yeah,that's what she looks like everyday. NOT!!! That's not even what Kendra looks like everyday. Kendra wears sweats and t's everyday unless she's getting dressed to go somewhere. The only thing that will come out of this is Kate is back to her slut dressing ways. I wonder who she is trying to impress. I also wonder if Steve was there with her all week.

Rearranging the Deck Chairss on the Titanic said... 36

Khate acts like She is so proud of herself with regard to this latest escapade into infamy. I can't stand Khate, but I can't stand Jon Gosselin EVEN MORE now, because he did not put a stop to this latest round of emotional abuse toward HIS OWN CHILDREN. Man up for once, Jon. Man up! You are letting your kids down big time.

JudyK said... 37

fidosmommy said... 34
Mark Harmon and I have a date next Tuesday night.

Maybe we can discuss the NCIS episode! :-)

The sexiest man alive!!!

terri said... 38

I really don't think this CWS is going to turn out very well for Kate. Just by that short little clip I watched she still has that hoity-toity look on her face as if to say "I am above all of this." This will surely backfire on her and her hopess of being a "STAR."

Amy2 said... 39

Mark Harmon forever! Kate, never.

Somewhere In Time said... 40

I can't stand Khate, but I can't stand Jon Gosselin EVEN MORE now, because he did not put a stop to this latest round of emotional abuse toward HIS OWN CHILDREN. Man up for once, Jon. Man up! You are letting your kids down big time.


Do you know Jon personally? Do you have access to court records? Do you know his attorney? If so, fine, then share what he didn't do. Let us know that he just signed off on this without putting up a fuss. If you're not privileged to confidential information, then nobody has any idea what he did to stop the filming. Do you have any idea what it's like to go to court, only to be beaten down time after time?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 41

Franky said,

stop the kk conspiracy theories..puhleease


What conspiracy theory is that? I must have missed it. I read it twice and still didn't see any theory that was put forth as the topic discussion.

Sherry Baby said... 42

", one day we die..we willl all die someday

stop the kk conspiracy theories..puhleease"

The topic of this thread is the rights of the deceased. What KK conspiracy theory is being put forth here?

Anonymous said... 43

Annnnddd, Kate's Twitter feed goes silent. Cue the interviews in 3, 2, 1...

JoyinVirginia said... 44

Admin, of course you work for Ms Kreider! You give her advice, she ignores it. Sounds like perfect job, no stress at all.
Oh, and all you ever talk about is Ms Kreider 24/7, no other topics allowed.

MJ said... 45

Fleecing the Sheeple,
I'm baffled by the conspiracy comment also. I reread the post and I just don't get it.

Franky, I hope you'll come back to explain - I think I'm missing something.

MJ said... 46

I'm scratching my head about this too:

"I can't stand Khate, but I can't stand Jon Gosselin EVEN MORE now, because he did not put a stop to this latest round of emotional abuse toward HIS OWN CHILDREN. Man up for once, Jon. Man up! You are letting your kids down big time."

We don't know if Jon was aware of the filming before hand. Robert said the kids were warned to not tell anyone about it. If Jon was aware, we don't know what steps were or weren't taken to stop filming.

I find equal fault with J&K when they were together for exploiting their children, but after they split Jon went to a great expense to try to stop filming. We know he tried to stop filming in Australia. We don't know what's happened recently and I don't think it's fair to crucify him about this latest show with no evidence either way.

MJ said... 47

Anonymous, I agree; I think we'll be seeing Kate and Kendra doing interviews of some kind either before or after the show airs -- or both. ugh

PatK said... 48

I really think Jon didn't try to stop the filming because of what he's said in the past about the kids are older (i.e., they can make their own decisions regarding being filmed), plus I do believe dropping the back child support, or whatever that arrangement was, was the payoff for him not squawking about future endeavors involving the kids.

So be it. Whatever. It's what HE has to live with.

aeduko said... 49

My understanding is Reeva's family gave permission for the show to be aired, that they wanted people to see her as she was.

And there's a word for how you're treating Kendra Wilkinson Baskett. It's called slut-shaming. Because she has a past, she's unfit for public consumption. One thing I'll say about her, she's honest and doesn't pull any punches.

Sheri said... 50

The difference between the two cases noted in the post is that RA killed himself as a direct result of his participation in the RH show, the other was killed by her boyfriend before the show even aired.

Assuming Ms. Steenkamp's family is really okay with the airing of her reality show, IMO, it seems much more distasteful and disrespectful for Bravo to air the episodes with RA, posthumously, especially considering the objections of his family. Not to mention that he is survived by a young daughter who will one day come to learn, sadly, the legacy that reality television created for her.

Reality television though is not about true story telling or reflecting the strength and integrity of its participants like the Farmer's Wife documentary was.

Reality t.v. is a modern day Barnum and Bailey Circus show. It exists only to exploit the differences, the frailties and the oddities of the human condition AND to make its producers RICH, RICH, RICH.

Participants are encouraged, prodded and often even "scripted" to expose and exaggerate their insecurities and neuroses.

All in the name of entertainment. As though being entertained is a right earned by the masses and the profits are deserved by those who provide it.

"Here we are now
Entertain us" - Kurt Cobain

All in all, its a very sad statement on the values of our current culture. Today fame, for whatever reason, equates hero worship where once is was true heroism that garnered fame.

grandee4 said... 51

Anything for a buck, that's our little KKG at her finest
I was starting to think that maybe just maybe those kids could survive with a less than scorned childhood. Nope, just seeing their little faces in that short clip, so sad.
And face on KKG looks frozen, like it always does. Want to take an ice pick and crack it all up into tiny pieces but that would mean I would ruin my 108 th pink iPhone and she is not worth it.

Anonymous said... 52

Nobody knows what Jon has or has not done to keep his kids off TV. One comment does not prove he endorses it and, according to Robert, the kids were told NOT TO TELL HIM about CWS.

Horrible, telling kids not to tell their dad something but that's the way Kate works. If he doesn't know, he can't attempt to stop it.

As far as "what RWA says," there are different posters with different opinions. Just because one or two (or three) posters say "Administrator works for Kate" doesn't mean the entire site believes that. Just as no one can say "everybody at RealityTVkids watches and endorses Dance Moms."

No blog has one mindset. Well, non of the anti-child exploitation blogs.

By the way, I've seen a bit of Dance Moms and I think it's absolutely horrible. Abby pits the girls against each other, makes them cry and belittles them if they don't come in first. I will not be watching it again. Horrible.

Uptown Girl said... 53

Rearranging the Deck Chairss on the Titanic said... 36

Khate acts like She is so proud of herself with regard to this latest escapade into infamy. I can't stand Khate, but I can't stand Jon Gosselin EVEN MORE now, because he did not put a stop to this latest round of emotional abuse toward HIS OWN CHILDREN. Man up for once, Jon. Man up! You are letting your kids down big time.


Is this really "rearranging?" Didn't someone hijack your name recently, claiming to have called the kids' school, and the
real "rearranging" denied it? Did you ever get that straightened out, or find out who did it?

franky said... 54

ok, to explain my deleted post

there is no "reality tv"..it is engineered, and we fall for it.

I h8 lol that khate uses her 8 beautiful children for her personal gain.

we learned from our mistakes here ( the Dionne quints)..when will she?

I even asked admin to re-cap loser show from Hank Jr.'s point of view.

( imagine namjng an icky;boy after your hubs..hiz daddy..point to Kendra)

Rearrainging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 55

To PatK (#48): I agree with you. I have always disliked them BOTH. I think Jon is a shleb. And yes, he has to live with it: his ex-wife going on national TV looking like nothing but a painted whore and hooker while his kids are looked after by Hugh Hefner's s@utty ex-lover. I hope you like being a "Stah!", Khate. We are all laughing at you making a complete FOOL out of yourself a la that other fame-whoring idiot, OctoMom.

Melissa NV said... 56

"( imagine namjng an icky;boy after your hubs..hiz daddy..point to Kendra)"


I believe that there are quite a few babies named after their fathers. That's why there is a "Jr" after their names.

Dumb things that sheeple say:

@JillianMerrill @kendrawilkinson @kateplusmy8 Wait stupid question does that mean Kendra will be in my hometown

Well, if her hometown is Reading, PA, then I think she missed her since this was filmed four months ago! It's not a live show.

Unknown said... 57

We'll have the answer when CWP airs, but I'm speculating right now that KK's version of Kendra's life will involve her doing ''photo shoots'' in her version of sexy that everyone else sees as hooker looking for a hook-up. We've already heard tales of her at that ?bar? that looked like a bordello, so we'll have a night on the town. I also predict that the spats between KK and Kendra's husband will involve the little boy.

Anyone have any other predictions or speculation?

Anonymous said... 58

I don't think Kendra is a bad person. She overcame her rough teenaged years. Yes, Hefner is GROSS and he took advantage of her but she also got a lot out of that "union."

I remember her mom saying that if Hef would raise the age of women he dated, she'd go for it. THAT made me sick.

One look at Kendra's mother and you can almost see why she had so many issues.

Her image is sex. America's image is sex. She is a loving mother, pet owner, and wife (I think).

I don't consider it "slut shaming" if she's selling her own sex tapes but I also don't consider her a 'Porn Star.' She's not actively making porn movies.

She has issues, yes, but I think she's just a trouble person trying to find herself and a way to make a living. Do I agree with her choices, HELL NO, but as long as little Hank isn't tossed by his (long) hair into his crib, as long as her dogs are loved and fed and as long as she respects and loves her husband, I do not think she should be vilified.

Uptown Girl said... 59

One thing I'll say about her, she's honest and doesn't pull any punches.


So, apparently, was Charlie Manson, but I wouldn't let him babysit my kids.

How do you know she's honest? Do you really know that much about her? Not everything is always what it seems. She appears not to pull any punches -- she certainly lets the words fly in her tweets. Classy lady.

It's unfortunate that Kendra's past is coming back to haunt her, but, hey, you make those decisions and inevitably, they will surface. I believe that the thing that's a concern is that the kids were left with her, and they and/or their friends will google her and find out about her past. Those kids, especially the twins, will be teased about being left with a former Heffner bed-partner, and maker of a sex tape. I wouldn't want that for my kids, but Kate apparently didn't think this through.

Unknown said... 60

Penny said... 52
''Nobody knows what Jon has or has not done to keep his kids off TV. One comment does not prove he endorses it and, according to Robert, the kids were told NOT TO TELL HIM about CWS.
Horrible, telling kids not to tell their dad something but that's the way Kate works. If he doesn't know, he can't attempt to stop it.''
Amen! I've said from the beginning that I think Jon had no idea what was happening till it was a done deal.

The comment about the kids being told to NOT tell Jon about CWS still bothers me. When my siblings and I were raising our kids, we taught them to not ''keep secrets'' from the time they could talk. Children being told to keep something a secret way too often is a way to cover abuse! Did the Gosselin children learn to keep a secret when KK was abusing her children all those years ago?

TLC stinks said... 61

Remember, Kate was spotted out clubbing with the camera crew. If that is included, she will look even more slutty. How embarrassing for the kids. I cannot believe The Stir will keep her on their payroll.

Anonymous said... 62

I think the twins will be teased more about their own mother than Kendra.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 63

Those kids, especially the twins, will be teased about being left with a former Heffner bed-partner, and maker of a sex tape. I wouldn't want that for my kids, but Kate apparently didn't think this through.


I'm not an old fuddy-duddy, but I honestly don't know how anyone could watch even a minute of that tape and then say, "Sure, I'll let her stay with my young children." It's not that she's not competent at taking care of them, or being afraid that harm would come to them. And it's not slut-slamming. She might be the most honest person in the world. Diogenes may have stopped looking when he found her.

For me, it's a matter of morality. I just couldn't do it. Others have different opinions about it, and that's fine. It's what makes the world go around.

Anonymous said... 64

The kids will be teased about things that happen to THEM, pages created about THEM, "Hannah pooped in Hannah's unnerwear."

Mady is a ..... (any number of names come up on google)

Boy getting poop-ejected with a plastic bag.

Puke fest.

Mady's teeth close up.

Boy being "clueless"

The list goes on and on.

Mother with married bodyguard and dressing like a hooker, dad with various girlfriends, flaunting his "love" time after time.

I really don't think a week with a Playboy bunny will be a big deal.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 65

I don't think Kendra is necessarily a bad person or unfit to have children my big thing though is the teasing and embarrassment the association may bring to the kids. The general public does see her negatively even if others don't. That's all. I guess I liken it to maybe the kids hanging out with the author of 50 shades. She seems like a lovely woman but they don't deserve the embarrassment of being associated with that book. It doesn't matter if Kendra is actually a wonderful person and great with kids and it doesn't matter how wrong it may be to keep bringing up her past or mischararcterize her as a porn star or slut, it doesn't change the fact that this is embarrassing for the kids. I also don't think other bad things that have happened to them in the past mean this is okay because it's not as bad. It's just yet one more negative things to pile on and it's not right.

Jane said... 66

Excellent article on the repercussions of bullying from the New York Times:


Victims of bullying at school, and bullies themselves, are more likely to experience psychiatric problems in childhood, studies have shown. Now researchers have found that elevated risk of psychiatric trouble extends into adulthood, sometimes even a decade after the intimidation has ended.

The new study, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry on Wednesday, is the most comprehensive effort to date to establish the long-term consequences of childhood bullying, experts said.

“It documents the elevated risk across a wide range of mental health outcomes and over a long period of time,” said Catherine Bradshaw, an expert on bullying and a deputy director of the Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence at Johns Hopkins University, which was not involved in the study.

“The experience of bullying in childhood can have profound effects on mental health in adulthood, particularly among youths involved in bullying as both a perpetuator and a victim,” she added.

The study followed 1,420 subjects from Western North Carolina who were assessed four to six times between the ages of 9 and 16. Researchers asked both the children and their primary caregivers if they had been bullied or had bullied others in the three months before each assessment. Participants were divided into four groups: bullies, victims, bullies who also were victims, and children who were not exposed to bullying at all.

Participants were assessed again in young adulthood — at 19, 21 and between 24 and 26 — using structured diagnostic interviews.

Researchers found that victims of bullying in childhood were 4.3 times more likely to have an anxiety disorder as adults, compared to those with no history of bullying or being bullied. Bullies who were also victims were particularly troubled: they were 14.5 times more likely to develop panic disorder as adults, compared to those who did not experience bullying, and 4.8 times more likely to experience depression.

Men who were both bullies and victims were 18.5 times more likely to have had suicidal thoughts in adulthood, compared to the participants who had not been bullied or perpetuators. Their female counterparts were 26.7 times more likely to have developed agoraphobia, compared to children not exposed to bullying.

The effects persisted even after the researchers accounted for pre-existing psychiatric problems or other factors that might have contributed to psychiatric disorders, like physical or sexual abuse, poverty and family instability.

“We were actually able to say being a victim of bullying is having an effect a decade later, above and beyond other psychiatric problems in childhood and other adversities,” said William E. Copeland, lead author of the study and an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University Medical Center.

Bullying is not a harmless rite of passage, but inflicts lasting psychiatric damage on a par with certain family dysfunctions, Dr. Copeland said. “The pattern we are seeing is similar to patterns we see when a child is abused or maltreated or treated very harshly within the family setting,” he said.

One limitation of the study is that bullying was not analyzed for frequency, and the researchers’ assessment did not distinguish between interpersonal and overt bullying. It only addressed bullying at school, not in other settings.

Most of what experts know about the effects of bullying comes from observational studies, not studies of children followed over time.

fidosmommy said... 67

I would not choose to leave my child with a person who curses. It is not my style and I find it
classless. I realize that is a minority opinion, but it's how I feel. Kids pick up on these things far too easily and I would not want it in my home.

Anonymous said... 68

Uptown Girl said... 59
One thing I'll say about her, she's honest and doesn't pull any punches.


So, apparently, was Charlie Manson, but I wouldn't let him babysit my kids.

How do you know she's honest? Do you really know that much about her? Not everything is always what it seems. She appears not to pull any punches -- she certainly lets the words fly in her tweets. Classy lady.


You are comparing Kendra Wilkinson to Charles Manson?!? I'd love a link to all the testimonials from people who encountered Charles Manson and found him to be a guy who seemed honest and didn't throw punches.

How do you really know if anyone is honest? If you're that paranoid, I would suggest not ever using a babysitter.

Jumping In said... 69

This show will be crafted to show the viewers that Kate is an amazing, multi-tasking, meat-slicing, organic eating, chicken raising saint! The kids will be encouraged to act out and be as taxing and disruptive on the very overwhelmed Kendra from morning 'til night.

Over at Kendra's house, Kate will be at a loss as to how to fill her days with just ONE child to care for. And, yes this will translate in to
her big brood being thrown under the bus by default. She will play up her enormous, single-parent role and remind people how much they are missing by not seeing her kids grow up on television. Remember, watching Kate manage her 8 kids efficiently is a unique viewing opportunity. Kendra will look frazzled, feeding in to Kate's brand. Kate will look serene and rested, unsure what to do with soooo much time.

Thankfully, this will be a one-shot thing, reminding everyone exactly why Kate no longer has her own show, nor the talent to have anything else in the entertainment business.

PatK said... 70

I wonder how much prodding the producers had to give Kate to squeal, shriek and argue with Kendra's husband for ratings? I bet not much.

Anonymous said... 71

Children being told to keep something a secret way too often is a way to cover abuse! Did the Gosselin children learn to keep a secret when KK was abusing

Of course they were.
"Don't tell anybody or we'll lose the house, you'll have to go to public school, you won't be able to see your daddy anymore."

I can only imagine the threats she spouts off at those children daily.

Just Down The Road said... 72

The kids will be teased about things that happen to THEM, pages created about THEM, "Hannah pooped in Hannah's unnerwear."

I really don't think a week with a Playboy bunny will be a big deal.


So you just dump one more thing on them to be teased about? Talk about the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Yes, those other things will stay with them, but hopefully, maybe, just maybe, it was long enough ago (Hannah was a toddler) that in time, it will fade. Now you have it happening again. Why keep piling it on, adding one more thing for them to be teased about? Why freshen the teasing pot?

No big deal? How many kids do you know who have been babysat by a Playboy bunny? Believe me, in the religious community of Lancaster County (where the kids go to school), it is a big deal and those kids will be teased.

Anonymous said... 73

No offense, Fido, but people swear everywhere. You'd have to keep your child under lock and key in order to prevent them from being exposed to people who swear.

Teachers, babysitters, friends, friends' parents, aunts, uncles, cousins.

Anonymous said... 74

So you just dump one more thing on them to be teased about?

I didn't dump anything on them.
I didn't say it's "no big deal."
I am not giving a straw to break the camel's back.

Yes, Hannah was a toddler. Meanwhile people still tweet Kate about how they "always say that" and there is even a Facebook page devoted to it.

I think CWS is AWFUL and this is very damaging to the kids but I don't think it's the worst thing that ever happen to them and I don't think it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Their mother beating the crap out of them, to me, is worse than a woman who posed nude and is a sexpot (which is what Kate has been aspiring to be in her conservative community.)

Why blame ME? Sheesh.

Anonymous said... 75

Also, if the classmates in this conservative, religious community are teasing these kids for ANYTHING, kinda gotta blame their parents, don't you think?

(the teaser's parents, not J&K)

Ex Nurse said... 76

PatK--ITA that Jon made that deal when his child support was discontinued. I can't really say that it makes me think less of him--I already have a pretty low opinion of him. It doesn't matter to me if someone else is worse. He failed to protect his children and abandoned them to the hands of a child abuser. That will always be a part of his contribution to his children's sad story. Doesn't matter at all what I think--it is what his kids will think when they see the whole picture.

Lukebandit--glad you are home!

Admin--I'm working for Kate, too! Isn't every one here a sheeple in disguise?

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 77

Kate Gosselin will ALWAYS be disliked by 99% of the viewing audience. That will nevah change. Nevah evah. One just has to read comments made whenever her name hits the media for whatever reason. She will never get the respect she so desperately craves no matter how much plastic surgery she gets or no matter how much running she does or no matter how blonde Jason does her hair. Yes, she can be used for ratings purposes if shows need a boost but who cares. She has no integrity nor anything respect-worthy. I see her as nothing more than an aging POS now.

Lbelle said... 78

Jumping In......69:
I agree 100%. To the point that Admin. may as well start writing her recap 1 week early. That is EXACTLY how this episode will go down. I'll just add to it with one more teensy detail : you forgot the part, at the very end of the show, where Kreider will step out of her limo and all the G8 will fall at her feet, shrieking and shouting in delight that their Mommy, the best Mommy in the whole wide world, has finally come back to them.
It's all seriously vomit-inducing. : (

Somewhere In Time said... 79

Nurse said,

I can't really say that it makes me think less of him--I already have a pretty low opinion of him. It doesn't matter to me if someone else is worse. He failed to protect his children and abandoned them to the hands of a child abuser. That will always be a part of his contribution to his children's sad story. Doesn't matter at all what I think--it is what his kids will think when they see the whole picture.


You're right about that. It doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks about his not protecting his kids, especially, when there is no proof that he did absolutely nothing to protect them. All of this is based on speculation, when nobody knows if any deal was cut so he didn't have to pay child support. Kate got custody of the kids. She had the money and the attorneys and she had bottomless pockets. Jon didn't, and fighting for custody and taking her to court for everything that he believed wasn't in their best interest costs money. You can't get blood from a turnip, and he would have ended up with a mountain of attorney's fees and court costs. In a perfect world, you can say that you would fight to the end to make sure that your kids are protected. In reality, though, you have to be assured of a win at the end and that the process is not going to bankrupt you. There was no guarantee that he was going to win. We saw how far his fight to keep him from filming in Australia got him. Nowhere.

I remember when Jon made the statement that the children know the truth. Hopefully, that truth involves their knowing that in the court of law, not everything goes your way no matter how hard you fight.

Dmasy said... 80

LBelle, oh no. I forgot about those running-across-the-parking-lot reunions. Kate will be embraced by 8 and stand there glowing in their adoration.

If the popcorn bucket is empty, we can use it for throwing up!

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 81

To Uptown Girl (#53): Yes, this i$ really me (or meeeeeeeeee as Khate would $ay). Let me make it clear: I DID NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. I am not computer-savvy, so there is no way for me to figure out who grabbed my beloved moniker that day. If I see that happening again, I will make a big stink about it. It is my screen name, and I like it. I have been on this site since the beginning and and I am waiting for Khate to file for bankruptcy and fall back into "MEDIOCRE-LAND". I do not wish bankruptcy on ANYONE... except that tramp Khate. And by the way, I can't $tand either Khate or Jon. Khate is a $ick, s@utty, whore-wannabe and Jon has let his kid$ down.

prairiemary said... 82

I dvr The View every morning, just to listen to the Hot Topics, and this morning the Guest Host was Abby-Lee Miller from the Dance Moms. Joy sure was not very nice to her, but the only reason that made me mad, was because Joy has never been mad at kate,never asked kate the hard questions! Apparently, the Guest Hosts will be Reality Show 'stars', so I bet they may have kate on the show.

Just Down The Road said... 83

Also, if the classmates in this conservative, religious community are teasing these kids for ANYTHING, kinda gotta blame their parents, don't you think?


Not at all. Kids go on the computer, they use google. Parents aren't feeding the kids this information. Kids are kids. They aren't living in a monastery and they're going to do what kids do in this age group, no matter if the community is conservative or not. Kids will tease. Why would it be the fault of the parents?

"I didn't say it's "no big deal."


You said, "I really don't think a week with a Playboy bunny will be a big deal. "

Nobody is blaming you for anything...not at all. "You" is the generic you. It's an indefinite pronoun one uses when referring to an unspecified person or a group of people.

PatK said... 84

Just remember the bright side: after the hour of CWS is over, Kate will still be just blogging for The Stir and taking care of eight, count 'em eight, children.

And being laughed at by a lot more people.

Jane said... 85

You said, "I really don't think a week with a Playboy bunny will be a big deal. "


The actual week with Kendra may not have been a big deal and it may have been fun. After all, they were without their screeching, demanding mother. The repercussions will come in the weeks, months, years when other kids learn who Kendra is. It'll be one more thing that's food for bullying and teasing, along with so many other scenes on film, all of which we've discussed. Can't you just hear the boys being teased about being put to bed by someone who made a sex tape?

Anonymous said... 86

I guess you are right. In the big scheme of thing I Don't think a week with Kendra is a big deal.

I am, however, more concerned about the crew members than I am about kendra.

Also, don't most parents, conservative or not, try to teach their kids not to tease anybody!

Blowing In The Wind said... 87

My goal4this eve was2take a relaxing bath! I've only taken prob THREE in last 3 yrs(showering is faster)! I'm drawing h2o now..so exciting!

Oh, geez...can you image what's going through Milo's mind right now? "Close To You"

I can't stand JON said... 88

No blog has one mindset.

Bullshit. One can hardly post an even SLIGHTLY negative opinion of Jon without getting blasted.

GiGi said... 89

PatK, Well said and I totally agree. One Wife Swap episode is not going to sustain Kate in the entertainment industry.

fidosmommy said... 90

Penny said... 73
No offense, Fido, but people swear everywhere. You'd have to keep your child under lock and key in order to prevent them from being exposed to people who swear.

Teachers, babysitters, friends, friends' parents, aunts, uncles, cousins.

Sorry, Penny, but nobody swore in our house. Ever. I was not raised around it and find it, like I said, classless.

I also said "in my home". I can't control what any child hears at school or around town. I would not invite a known swearer to be around my children in my home. It really is a big issue to me. I may stand alone on that, but there I stand, firmly. I just can't abide it.

fidosmommy said... 91

Penny said....Also, don't most parents, conservative or not, try to teach their kids not to tease anybody!

While they're doing that, can they also teach them not to curse? Please? :-)

OK, in the first part the Gosselin kids have to live by Mommy's rules. Mommy's rules include no internet for kids. The second part is Kendra's rules. I am figuring she will have them using their computers and iPhones however they want. Just a guess. No telling where they would go on the internet.

Jon is an enigma too said... 92

I can't stand Khate, but I can't stand Jon Gosselin EVEN MORE now, because he did not put a stop to this latest round of emotional abuse toward HIS OWN CHILDREN. Man up for once, Jon. Man up! You are letting your kids down big time.

Yes. Yes, he is. Why must negative posts about Jon always be qualified with an 'I can't stand Kate but...'?

Unknown said... 93

Somewhere In Time said... 79
''You're right about that. It doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks about his not protecting his kids, especially, when there is no proof that he did absolutely nothing to protect them ''
''......I remember when Jon made the statement that the children know the truth. Hopefully, that truth involves their knowing that in the court of law, not everything goes your way no matter how hard you fight.''
I also remember Jon saying that his children know the truth. I also remember when Jon said this:
“On October 13, 2010, I went to court to act in the best interest of my children- to remove them from television. The judge respectfully denied my plea, and granted filming rights to their mother. I honor the judge’s decision, but I do not support it. I will not stop fighting to remove my children from television. It is not a child’s job to support themselves, or a lifestyle, they need to be kids. I would like to apologize to my friends, family, and especially my children for not taking a stand earlier in my life and not questioning my decisions to have our lives documented and displayed. I will have
to answer to my children for the rest of my life. I will have to live with this guilt the rest of my life. I am truly sorry!''
I don't think that Jon's opinion about the children being on TV has changed. I also don't think that his opinion that it isn't a child's job to support themselves or a lifestyle has changed.

Anonymous said... 94

I see nasty things about Jon here all the time.

Getting blasted? Saying "we don't know what jon has done has not done to keep kids off tv" is hardly "blasting."

I know may regulars her don't like Jon.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 95

I don't care if you curse like a sailor but I do notice if you can't control it. For instance I wonder why it would be necessary to swear at an elementary school or even on twitter knowing you have many impressionable young fans. To me that speaks more to someone's self control and discipline. It's kind of like drinking. I don't care if someone wants to get a little tipsy but they shouldn't do it at a funeral and make a scene. In their home with just family watching the game who cares. It's all about the context.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 96

I don't see the blasting either. Where? People have posted tons about frustrations wondering where he is.

Blowing In The Wind said... 97

Sorry, Penny, but nobody swore in our house. Ever. I was not raised around it and find it, like I said, classless.

I also said "in my home". I can't control what any child hears at school or around town. I would not invite a known swearer to be around my children in my home. It really is a big issue to me. I may stand alone on that, but there I stand, firmly. I just can't abide it.


Fido -- you beat me to it! I know that you said in your home. I'll stand with you on that. You're not alone. I wasn't raised with it, either, and neither are my kids. And I'm not holier than thou, or a religious fanatic.

I can't control what my kids hear when they are out and around other people, but here, you don't swear. I think if my kids ever heard me utter a curse word, they'd have to laugh because it would be so uncharacteristic of me. I did, however, say the "s" word when I reached on a shelf in the garage and a mouse trap closed on my fingers. Husband had put it there without telling me. If ever there were a time to let loose with a few curse words, that was it! :) Both the surprise element and the pain was enough to send me over the edge.

PatK said... 98

I can't stand JON said... 88
No blog has one mindset.

Bullshit. One can hardly post an even SLIGHTLY negative opinion of Jon without getting blasted.


You might be confusing "blasted" with someone just giving their own opinion.

Anonymous said... 99

Just curious, how do you know jon didn't try to stop this filming and, how could he stop something he didn't know about?

My biggest issue with Jon is that he left his children with Kate at all. He knows she's an abuser but he didn't fight for full custody or demand kate get help. I can't stand him for that.

Unknown said... 100

Penny said... 94
I see nasty things about Jon here all the time.
Getting blasted? Saying "we don't know what jon has done has not done to keep kids off tv" is hardly "blasting."
I know may regulars her don't like Jon.''
Penny, I was just coming here to say that very thing!

Blowing In The Wind said... 101

Also, don't most parents, conservative or not, try to teach their kids not to tease anybody!


Of course they do, but that by no means suggests that kids are going to listen to them!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 102

I also came from a curse free home. I have never heard my mother curse. I heard my father curse once. Once. He had locked his keys in the car. I don't think it was even a religious thing it just wasn't in their vocabulary.

I did hear it of course. The cursing came from us siblings! Lol. We weren't punished for it. They just said we'd appreciate that language not occur in our home. I thought that was totally fair and reasonable. You can curse just not under the roof we paid for.

Blowing In The Wind said... 103

Hate 2b the bearer of bad news, but now I know why I don't take baths... Got in2 a tub of lukewarm h2o cuz its shower time x's 8! #momslife

Is she really this stupid? And she admits she's this stupid? There's not an endless supply of hot water when you have eight kids taking showers (and perhaps she's running the dishwasher). You have to give it time to recycle, which is why you wait until late at night after the kids have gone to sleep. Been there, done that, even with two high capacity hot water tanks...

Terri said... 104

Just watched a video of Kendra giving a tour of her home. Her house is absolutely beautiful. Kate is probably green with envy. Kate's house is so cold and outdated.

Jumping In said... 105

Lbelle 78....

Thanks for bringing my rendition of CWS to a proper conclusion. Of course the kids will be screeching with glee when they see their mother! After a week of acting-out, pretending to be disruptive, the final "act" will be a suitable display for mommy when she comes home. My guess is that Kate told her kids that THIS is their shot at getting another show, so remind the world how important her parenting skills are. "Work it kids, work it for mommy!"

Blowing In The Wind said... 106

He knows she's an abuser but he didn't fight for full custody or demand kate get help. I can't stand him for that.


How do you know that?

fidosmommy said... 107

I think it's interesting that none of my friends cursed either. None of them. I guess it's true that birds of a feather.... I knew people who did, but they were not really my friends, like people I hung out with.

Anonymous said... 108

I guess I don't. Its what I perceive.

Kids are still under her roof and she hasn't seemed to get any help.

I'd only know I'd I was in the courtroom.

I apologize for forgetting to say "from what I can see" or -n my opinion."

MJ said... 109

My biggest issue with Jon is that he left his children with Kate at all. He knows she's an abuser but he didn't fight for full custody or demand kate get help. I can't stand him for that.

I don't think we know whether Jon tried to get full custody or not or whether he tried to make Kate get help.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 110

Well I don't think it's good for the kids for their mom to lose custody. She should be able to keep them at least half the time and get therapy. They do love her. It's often far more traumatic on kids to disrupt custody as opposed to trying to make what they are used to work.

MJ said... 111

Hate 2b the bearer of bad news, but now I know why I don't take baths... Got in2 a tub of lukewarm h2o cuz its shower time x's 8! #momslife

Is she really this stupid? And she admits she's this stupid? There's not an endless supply of hot water when you have eight kids taking showers (and perhaps she's running the dishwasher).

Yes, she's that stupid. lol

I have another question, though. What mother of 8 children, on a school night, has the luxury of taking a bath at the same time her kids are showering & getting ready for bed? Who's supervising them? I think I know the answer to that question. Either nobody or it's the same person who does it every other night - the nanny/homework helper or the twins.

I know of NO other mom who would have even a fleeting thought of relaxing while her kids are in the midst of nightly showers/bedtime rituals. NONE!

Anonymous said... 112

Just MY opinion but I don't think the kids are safe with her.
Also, just MY opinion but maybe losing custody would be the only thing that would force her to get help.

Just MY opinion but living with a volatile, angry mother (or father)who beats the crap out of you for minor infractions is never in the best interest of the children.

Proof Is In The Pudding said... 113

There have been quite a few comments from posters who slam Jon for abandoning the children and not protecting them from an abusive mother. There is no proof that he has not done anything within the court system, nor is there any evidence that a custody issue is not an ongoing concern. Perhaps he did bring the abuse issue to the court or to protective services. We just don't know, and it's really not fair to slam him without evidence that he just stood by and watched all of this happen without taking it to court. Not everything is a matter of public record.

Wowser said... 114

Were the other CWS episodes on for 3 weeks?!?! Uggghh...AND I call BS on her "I've only taken 3 baths" tweet! She is only a "part time SINGLE (snark) Mom"...she can take a bath...a LONG HOT bath 15 days a month when those little hot water stealers are with their father! She must really think people are stupid!

Unknown said... 115

MJ said... 111
''I have another question, though. What mother of 8 children, on a school night, has the luxury of taking a bath at the same time her kids are showering & getting ready for bed?''
''I know of NO other mom who would have even a fleeting thought of relaxing while her kids are in the midst of nightly showers/bedtime rituals. NONE! ''
You are so right. Once again, KK's flapping her mouth about one thing, without the slightest clue that she is really exposing things about herself that any mother (other than KK) can see in an instant!

PatK said... 116

She's probably grifting for free additional hot water tanks.

foxy said... 117

If I remember correctly Jon was suing for custody when she was doing DWTS. It is still very hard for men to get custody of the kids even if they are the better parent.
Has anyone noticed that Colin still does not look into a camera? His eyes are always closed or he is looking down even when he has to "smile for the camera". I feel so sorry for that little boy.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 118

Are 99 percent of Kate's fans giddy teenagers?


@Kateplusmy8 omg kate will you please follow me i'd be like 10 times happier right now really ok pleasee

@hendersonsgirll omg!!! When is that on!?! I love her too! @kateplusmy8 Her ex is a douch bag!

@hendersonsgirll @Kateplusmy8 When is it going to be on? Can't wait!


Is Kate supposed to fund this trip?

@Kateplusmy8 oh Kate I need help:( I want 2 go to Australia zoo to be a volunteer with my Bff but we have no $ saw the Ep. Last night #sad

Anonymous said... 119

I agree. Nobody knows but the parties involved.

I was speculating because I usually give jon the benedit of the doubt.

Anonymous said... 120

It is my opinion, and no one can know for sure either way, but I believe Jon got angry with Kate when he felt abandoned with the kids at home while Kate was running around the country with the bodyguard, so in retaliation, he refused to fulfill his contract and tried to pull the kids out of filming. After being sued by TLC and literally going broke and unable to contribute to financially support his children, which is probably why he no longer pays child support, he has relented to having his children filmed in order to pay the bills. IMO


MJ said... 121

I agree that maybe the threat of losing custody might force Kate to get help.

I don't know if the kids are unsafe living with Kate now, but I do think that it's unhealthy for them to be living in such an insulated environment with a mom who is not receiving psychiatric help.
That said, just as I don't know whether Jon tried to take legal action about filming, custody or Kate getting help, I don't know that she hasn't done so. I can't fault someone for not doing something when there is too much information that I'm just not privy to.

MJ said... 122


Kate and Kendra's CWS is only 1 episode, not 3. The next episode is scheduled to be Coolio switching with Mark McGrath on 3/5/13.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 123

I doubt anyone could be able to take custody from her at this point unless she resumes the physical abuse or the alcohol starts becoming a real problem. You have to be absolutely off your rocker yelling at trees that aren't there to lose custody when you are mentally ill. It rarely happens. Even then plenty of shoddy mothers plod along with custody.

Here's the problem. The law doesn't require you to be a good parent. Not by a long shot.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 124

Coolio??? The last time I heard that name I think I was in 8th grade.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 125

@hendersonsgirll omg!!! When is that on!?! I love her too! @kateplusmy8 Her ex is a douch bag!


This is what her constant bashing of Jon has done, her fans think it's perfectly acceptable to say something like that.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 126

Are 99 percent of Kate's fans giddy teenagers?

lol!! Seems so!

@Kateplusmy8 's kids on the commercial got so big im getting emotional bc i like saw them grow up on tv IDK IM ONLY 14 BUT STILL EMOTIONAL

Sleepless In Seattle said... 127

Are there two Pennys here? Penny @99 said,

"My biggest issue with Jon is that he left his children with Kate at all. He knows she's an abuser but he didn't fight for full custody or demand kate get help. I can't stand him for that."

Penny@119 said,

"I agree. Nobody knows but the parties involved.

I was speculating because I usually give jon the benedit of the doubt."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 128

There have been quite a few comments from posters who slam Jon for abandoning the children and not protecting them from an abusive mother. There is no proof that he has not done anything within the court system, nor is there any evidence that a custody issue is not an ongoing concern. Perhaps he did bring the abuse issue to the court or to protective services. We just don't know, and it's really not fair to slam him without evidence that he just stood by and watched all of this happen without taking it to court. Not everything is a matter of public record.


This is what I believe, though I respect the right to speculate this is not the case.

Any kind of interactions with social workers would be strictly confidential and they would be even MORE careful given they are "celebrities." Also we HAVE seen the court docket from a couple years back and it was literally full to the brim with court hearings, we don't have the first clue what those were all about. Sure they could have just been about financial issues but they also could have been about custody and abuse allegations. At one point Kate and Jon were doing some kind of conflict parenting class, we do know that. As well as therapy, Kate racked up a bill for that! Things were tried to try to draw Kate back down to earth. I am privy to another piece of information that I'm hesitant to reveal especially since it was from several years ago but the short story is there were people from Jon's camp emailing this blog politely asking for documentation of some of the detrimental filming incidents with Kate. This was right around the time of the Australia trip. I pointed them to the archives and that was all I heard from them about that. I do believe things were tried. How much I have no idea, how hard anyone fought I have no idea. And we may never know. Clearly Jon doesn't want to talk about it, and at the end of the day, he's really not obligated to discuss his private custody battle. Perhaps the judge made it clear to him he was tired of their squabbles about filming and to give it a rest, it's anyone's guess. I have certainly seen judges when a parent has an ax to grind say enough is enough you bring this to me again and I'll hold you in contempt of court. You can't keep saying the same thing over and over and over to the judge, at a certain point you have to accept their ruling and move on. Unless you have some kind of NEW information judges are going to get annoyed and fast. Is there new information since Jon last brought the filming issue to court? In my opinion, no. It is not any worse or better than it ever was when he first brought the issue to the court.

The trade off is, many people are going to think he did nothing. And that is fair enough. He is the one who has to live with that not anyone else. The most accurate thing that man ever said was that really at the end of the day his children know the truth. That's true. Whether that's a truth we would agree with or not is anyone's guess but this really is the children's call how they feel about him, not anyone else.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 129

Actually to be honest I'd be shocked if the abuse didn't come up in court.
The first thing an attorney would ask in a custody battle is what has SHE done to you or the kids? What dirt do you have???

Are we to believe Jon played hide the ball on that? To protect Kate? I mean clearly he was much more interested in the kids than Kate. That makes no sense at all.

At the same time, a judge would say, when did she last pull Collin's hair. Well, when he was a toddler. And how old is Collin now? And that would be the end of that one in most states. Not only do you have to be abusing your kid, but you have to be currently abusing them. In California even a few MONTHS without abuse is enough for it to be considered "stale." It may be wrong but it's the state of the law.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 130

@Kateplusmy8 Can't wait for Celebrity Wife Swap!!! Can I get a retweet for being 100% back to activities a week after knee surgery!!! :)


OMG!! Can I get a retweet because I went to work a day after a nosebleed?

OMG!! Retweet me. I got stitches in my hand last week when I got my hand stuck in the garbage disposal, and I'm back to tweeting already because I love you so much!

OMG!! Like, can you RT me because I like got my tonsils out and still ate a Bella Bar!!! Like, they are so good!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 131

What I don't understand is why is all the relaxing and me time done when the kids are still awake? With eight kids you get SO little time for them.

Assuming they get home after that long drive at 3:30, four, maybe even later, after homework and supper, you're pushing 7 or 8 oclock and maybe only have an hour IF THAT to spend real time with them. With eight kids divided by 60 minutes that's a piddly seven minutes per child. If that! On a good day. And you decide to go relax in the tub? Why not just wait until they are in bed?? It's just so selfish. These kids didn't ask to be in a family of seven other children. The least you can do is try to give them a LITTLE time each day.

That's the one thing that would scare the crap out of me about having high order multiples. I would worry to death that they would never get the individual attention a child needs. In fact I recall the Dilleys saying that over and over, how are we going to give all these kids enough attention? They did a fine job, but I never hear this same fear from Kate.

Anonymous said... 132

"Can't stand" was an exaggeration. We don't know.

I supported jon until I read the journals.

Britney spears and tatum O'neil both lost custody of their kids.

PatK said... 133

Sleepless...130, those cracked me up! lol

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 134

Britney Spear and Tatum ONeil both lost custody, temporarily, because they had serious drug problems. Britney was doing drugs and alcohol, driving without a license, and was in and out of rehab. As for Tatum ONeil, her COCAINE problem was so bad she went to jail. Kate has not been to jail, rehab, or ever shown evidence she is using illegal drugs. That's when you start losing your kids, when you show up with SERIOUS drug problems that are putting you in jail, rehab or both. Kate, as far as we know, has no such drug problem.

No one is saying mothers NEVER lose their kids. Of course they do. It's just got to be THAT bad to do it. Cocaine, rehab, jail. Things of that nature the fact is Kate has never been near as far as anyone has been able to prove.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 135

Actually I've said several times before it would be much easier to take custody from Kate if she would just start using meth.

Emotionally abusing your kids goes nowhere, sadly. Nowhere.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 136

Even then you don't necessarily lose your kids. A New Jersey court just dismissed a case in which a mother used cocaine and marijuana during her pregnancy and her and the baby tested positive. They went to the mother's home and found it to be clean, orderly, and her oldest child well cared for. Absent some kind of risk to the kids they said they couldn't take her kids away just for a drug problem. You have to show some kind of connection of harm to the kids. I can't remember the name of it but i was all over the media.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 137

"Can't stand" was an exaggeration. We don't know.

I supported jon until I read the journals.

Britney spears and tatum O'neil both lost custody of their kids.


What was it in the journals that made you "unsupport" him?

Spears lost custody because of drug and alcohol abuse; O'Neal lost custody because of heroin addition.

Unknown said... 138

Sleepless In Seattle said... 127
''Are there two Pennys here?''
I think that glomming onto another poster's name is the new Anonymous. I just read something here that sounds exactly like one of KK's fans on twitter, but they used another name. OR maybe the other name has always been one of KK's fans, using another name here?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 139

Another one! This one from a Bieber fan who can't breathe! Quick CPR! Why do these kids freak out because Kate is going to be back on television? Why are teens fascinated with a 38-year-old has-been? I wish I knew what the big draw is...


Anonymous said... 140

In my opinion, physically abusing toddlers is worse than using drugs.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 141

The teen fans don't bother me. They will grow out of it. Heck I used JTT and Brad Pitt posters like wall paper as a teen, now I don't give them a second thought. It's the people who are still this kind of fan as an adult that are creepy.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 142

The teen fans don't bother me. They will grow out of it. Heck I used JTT and Brad Pitt posters like wall paper as a teen, now I don't give them a second thought.


But, admin, they were "real" celebrities and guys. Perfectly normal. These are young girls in love with an ex-reality star who is a woman!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 143

Penny I agree.

Actually some kids don't have the foggiest notion their parents do drugs. The parents do it on the weekends or whatever and always make sure someone sober is with their kids and come home and go to bed and it's over. It's when you start neglecting a kid it becomes an issue and many actually don't, like the New Jersey mother. I think you'd be shocked how much drug use goes on in this country by people who live perfectly normal lives and raise their children well.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 144

Mommy issues maybe, still rather normal. They think it's cute and fanciful her raising the kids, they fantasize how "fun" it would be for them to have multiples. By the time they are adults they will laugh at how silly they were to think such a thing and will decide a singleton is much better.

Remember those toys quints?? You got five little babies and dressed them up in different outfits. Huge hit. Even I had a set! Girls like the idea of multiples. Found a pic of it!


FL Mama said... 145

xxxxxx@Kateplusmy8 Had tonsils removed today. 35 years old and not fun. Watching Job & Kate plus 8 reruns. :-)

Had to laugh at this. I most certainly would call Kate's ex-husband "Job" as well!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 146

LOL Job that's great. I'm going to use that just like bog.

fidosmommy said... 147

Admin said....That's the one thing that would scare the crap out of me about having high order multiples. I would worry to death that they would never get the individual attention a child needs. In fact I recall the Dilleys saying that over and over, how are we going to give all these kids enough attention? They did a fine job, but I never hear this same fear from Kate.

Actually, Kate DID say that. In her letter to the State of PA when she was trying to keep her Nurse Angie, she mentioned she was not able to keep up with all the physical and emotional needs of all the children by herself. No mention of Jon when he was home from work, just "by myself", if I recall correctly.

Unknown said... 148

Sleepless In Seattle said... 127
''Are there two Pennys here?''
I think that glomming onto another poster's name is the new Anonymous. I just read something here that sounds exactly like one of KK's fans on twitter, but they used another name. OR maybe the other name has always been one of KK's fans, using another name here?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 149

Ah yes Fido I remember that now, only when she wanted a full time nurse on MY dime (I was living in PA at the time) did she suddenly concern herself with individual attention for the children.

Susantoyota said... 150

Kate's too late again! Dina Lohan has laid claim to the title of "the most minunderstood Mom in America" and is writing a book about it. The comments below the article are funny.


I don't think Kate and Kendra will get that much of a media tour out of this CWS show. Kendra might get more talk show appearances out of it because she's now working on the diving show and could talk about that whereas Kate would just talk about the same old stuff we've all heard before.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 151

Kate said that she had her tonsils out. Someone responded...

@Kateplusmy8 Did you have them out after you had kids? If so, what did you do with your kids?

Well, duh, let's see. I guess I put the kids in the closet, slipped food trays in there every now and then, and let them out after a week or so when I felt better.

You can't make this stuff up..."what did you do with your kids?"

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 152

You can't make this stuff up..."what did you do with your kids?"


Hey that's a fair question. After all they've been groomed to believe Jon has passed away, and it's obvious there are no friends or family around.

What DO you do with your kids when you have NO ONE? Oh right nannies.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 153

I think that glomming onto another poster's name is the new Anonymous. I just read something here that sounds exactly like one of KK's fans on twitter, but they used another name. OR maybe the other name has always been one of KK's fans, using another name here?


I just asked because one seems to be contracting the other one. Either that, or my high fever has made it difficult to figure out what is going on. Darn flu.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 154

Hey that's a fair question. After all they've been groomed to believe Jon has passed away


...and that he's a douch (sic) bag!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 155

I said...
I just asked because one seems to be contracting the other one

Sheesh! Make that contradicting. I'm going to take my meds and turn out the light.

Anonymous said... 156

Again, this is just my opinion but I think Jon covered up the abuse along with TLC.

I still think he's a decent guy, just kinda weak. He loved Kate so I try to understand him from that viewpoint but I just have a difficult time understanding some of his choices.

Only one Penny who's having a hard time putting my feelings/opinions into words

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 157

Has anyone noticed that Colin still does not look into a camera? His eyes are always closed or he is looking down even when he has to "smile for the camera". I feel so sorry for that little boy.

And have you ever noticed that Kate is usually holding Collin's hand in photos? Maybe it's the guilt over how she mistreated that kid compared to the other seven. Even Robert said that he had a soft spot for Collin. Perhaps Collin has very different needs than the other kids and has acted out more for that reason. There is usually a kid in a family who needs more attention than the other ones. Hopefully, it's not too late for Kate to give him what he needs.....

Somewhere In Time said... 158

@Kateplusmy8 is my role model. She is a great mother and a fun women. You can make fun of me but she is amazing :)

@Samatha_Garr @Kateplusmy8 oh btw I wanna be a mother just like her some day... :)


admin, I sure hope you're right and these teens do outgrow this fascination. Otherwise, we'll have a myriad of "Kates" running around trying to be parents.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 159

I predict that the ratings for Celebrity Whore $wap with Khate Gro$$elin and Kendra Wilkinson will be a ratings bonanza. I think a lot of people will tune in to see Kendra the Playmate-Whore, Khate, the Fame-Whore, and finally to see how the brood of 8 has grown since they last glimpsed them on TV (like animals in a zoo or the Dionne quintuplets in their Quinthouse in Quintland, Canada). Khate is now only one step above that idiot Octomom Nadya Suleman who strips butt naked now for a living to support her brood of 14.

Ex Nurse said... 160

Proof Is In The Pudding said... 113
There have been quite a few comments from posters who slam Jon for abandoning the children and not protecting them from an abusive mother. There is no proof that he has not done anything within the court system, nor is there any evidence that a custody issue is not an ongoing concern. Perhaps he did bring the abuse issue to the court or to protective services. We just don't know, and it's really not fair to slam him without evidence that he just stood by and watched all of this happen without taking it to court. Not everything is a matter of public record.
Just to clarify my comment, which was misconstrued by another poster. I was referring to him leaving the country to hang out with clothes designers and his drugged out girlfriend, followed by a move to New York. Making a living hosting Las Vegas parties. Leaving his bewildered and confused children in a stressed out state, knowing that their mother was mentally unstable and fully aware of her abusive tendencies. And then did a national TV interview in which he said that he despised Kate. Sorry I wasn't more specific that I was referencing specifically that period of time.

I have no idea what Jon has or hasn't done or can or can't do--and neither does anyone else. I have my opinions--just like everyone else. I think he blew threw his part of the money. I think he thought that he could sleaze out of the contract that he signed--not, once--but twice and that his fame would go on forever. His children are going to see the same pictures and read the same stories as we did. But, I guess that everything he did was because Kate ______-just fill in the blank. That is the story of Jon, I guess. Everything he did or didn't do and does and doesn't do and will do or will not do will always be because of someone else.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 161

Jon will never be forgiven by some for the four, five odd months of mistakes he made going on four years ago. By the way, if it's not your custody time, what is the point in hanging around doing nothing and being a constant irritating presence to the other parent? Might as well work. You can't see your kids anyway. Kate took off TOO when it wasn't her custody time and no one cared. I'm not saying it's right or wrong to not move on from this, just making an observation.

When people have moved on from four or five mistakes ages ago, and others have not, I don't se a lot of meeting in the middle. That's okay, it will become a agree to disagree situation. Everyone has their own tolerance level in terms of how much they are willing to move on from.

Anonymous said... 162

Again, this is just my opinion but I think Jon covered up the abuse along with TLC.

I still think he's a decent guy, just kinda weak. He loved Kate so I try to understand him from that viewpoint but I just have a difficult time understanding some of his choices.

Only one Penny who's having a hard time putting my feelings/opinions into words.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 163

It's okay Penny this is a complicated subject and we all bring our own experiences with husbands, fathers and men with it, be it good or bad. That makes it very emotional sometimes. Take your time.

ZeldaZee said... 164

Re: cursing homes...

My mother taught me how to curse! "Sh!t on a stick" was her particular favorite, I remember asking her what it meant when I was around 5 or 6.

I don't see cursing around kids as particularly 'bad'. In some ways, it removes the "naughtiness" from the words and gives them less playground ammo, strange as that may seem...when the word doesn't mean much, it's not worth repeating.

For the record, my parents are very far from 'classless'– educators, married almost 50 years, cultured, well-respected in their fields. My mother, in particular, just happens to have a mouth like a sailor and I grew up repeating the words...to my parents, in conversation. NEVER outside the house: it was made very clear that it was perfectly alright if I was a pre-teen George Carlin, but only at home. I didn't start cursing in public until I was almost 20 years old!

Melissa NV said... 165

Titanic said -- "Khate is now only one step above that idiot Octomom Nadya Suleman who strips butt naked now for a living to support her brood of 14."

I don't believe she strips for a living. It's not steady employment. Last I heard, she's still on welfare.

PatK said... 166


It will get the highest ratings of all the planned CWS episodes exactly for the reasons you stated. I have no doubt about it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 167

I hope high ratings wouldn't encourage TLC to do an update special. Eek.

JW said... 168

Did anyone notice Kate's hair in that short CWS clip? It looked a lot longer, straighter and blonder (at least to me). Maybe that's one of the physical changes she's made?

fidosmommy said... 169

For the record, my parents are very far from 'classless'– educators, married almost 50 years, cultured, well-respected in their fields.

And my parents were also well respected in their fields and married for 57 years, and did it all without one foul word coming out of their mouths in or out of the house.

I have my opinion on this, and it's a strong one. We just don't happen to agree on the
importance of this one issue. So be it. Peace.

hmmm... said... 170

When people have moved on from four or five mistakes ages ago, and others have not, I don't se a lot of meeting in the middle. That's okay, it will become a agree to disagree situation.

You're omitting various facts here. Jon was complicit in filming the ever lovin' CRAP out of those kids for years(!). He also turned a blind eye to Kate's physical abuse of the children. He never left her back then or tried to get the kids out of the situation.

You can't discount his part of this exploitation and denial of abuse that he HAD to know was going on.

No free pass for Jon. Ever.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 171

At least Jon acknowledged his role in the exploitation, apologized for it, and put himself up to get the pants sued off him to try to stop it. He is the first reality star to really stand up to a network and many others followed. He never blamed Kate for it, he shouldered the responsibility himself. As for the abuse, I'm in the camp that, without knowing one way or the other what he did or didn't do, it's hard to say much about that. I don't call moving on from something someone has acknowledged and made amends for a free pass, I just call it accepting their acceptance. For me, there is a difference between excusing someone's bad behavior, and accepting their apology. Others see this as one in the same, fair enough.

Ex nurse said... 172

Here's the plot from the Mary Tyler Moore show, circa 1976 (Mary's aunt returns).

Mary's aunt, a wisecracking international reporter, tries to team up with Mary's boss Lou Grant a producer of a local news show. The project? Putting cameras in the home of a blended family with 20 children, portraying "a day in the life". 

When Mary finds out that the couple is headed for divorce this is the conversation that ensued between the producer and her aunt:

Aunt: "Well, will have to postpone the filming until they do tell the kids."

Lou: What do you mean, postpone the filming? They decided to split up--the story is over

Aunt: Hey kiddo, I'm sorry And all that but the divorce Makes it a better story. How do these people cope with the breakup of the marriage? 

Lou: That's disgusting! That's just cheap exploitation of a human tragedy.

Aunt: I've got news for you sweetie. All journalism is exploitation of human tragedies.

Lou: I won't do it.

Aunt: Now you have a contract, and so do the Flynns. I've checked with them and they're willing to go through it.

Anyway, to sum up, they make two versions. Lou does the original 'day in the life" and add the divorce announcement at the end, and Aunt's incorporates the divorce". 

Which one did the fictional network choose? Lou's version that maintains privacy and dignity. Aah, how I miss the 70s.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 173

This might put it in perspective. Here's an interesting fact. Of the approximately 120,000 hotline calls into the child abuse hotline in Los Angeles County, only about 14,000 of those kids end up in foster care and about 20,000 total end up in the system.

That's 100,000 calls in which "nothing" is done. That is, potentially, thousands of parents calling in about the other parent and they cannot get the courts to intervene. I don't know the statistics in Berks County but I imagine they are similar, with the vast majority of reports going nowhere or "evaluated out" as the lingo goes.

The point is, it is a logical fallacy to assume that just because we never heard about anything happening or the fact that the kids remain with Kate, means that no one reported anything, that there was some kind of coverup. For all we know a dozen social workers could have intervened with this family and two dozen hotline calls could have been made and a hundred different examples of abuse disclosed to the family law judge. That's my problem, is knowing full well how many reports go absolutely no where across my state and country every day (Lord knows PA knows all about that, they are the poster child of a state who ignores their children when they cry out for help) I am not comfortable making a, frankly potentially libelous statement, that no one, including their father, "did anything." The fact is we don't have the first clue whether anything was done. Is it possible nothing was done? Absolutely. Can we say that for sure? Absolutely not. The truth is we do not know one way or the other.

hmmm... said... 174

It still doesn't explain the FACT that Jon sold his children's privacy for the almighty dollar. He also complained bitterly on many multiples boards of all the hidden taxes for alllll those 'free gifts' that came with filming he had to pay. Priorities. out. of. whack.

Jon only apologized when he saw the public turn on him. A little too little a little too late for the majority of people.

Did he not also say that filming his kids is "different now, they're older"? Yeah, what a stand up guy.

He was HARDLY the first person to stand up to a network. Kai did it to NBC in 2010, Extreme Makeover was sued by 'the Higgins orphans' in 2004, and Paradise Hotel was sued by the suicidal contestant's family way back in 2008.

This romanticizing of Jon is simply ridiculous, IMO.

Was he a good hands on dad? Sure. Sometimes.
Why does he get comparisons to, of ALL people, JOB?? I mean, come on.

njay said... 175

The one thing that just doesn't sit right with me concerning the hacker issue is, Kate is not in a panic and frantically doing damage control. It just doesn't make sense. At the Red Cross event she nearly went off the deep end over a picture and a comment before it even was published. When the kids were expelled she hit nearly every media outlet she could to clarify what happened.

My gut tells me that it just might be possible that this hacker issue is a marketing ploy to boost ratings for the upcoming CWS. The timing is perfect and the fear from Kate is just not there. Her follow numbers have increased and even her fans aren't really in a panic. Could it be that someone has been paid to stir the waters? It just makes me go Hummm. And by the way, where is Steve in all this. Isn't it his job to save Kate from herself? Could he be behind all this hacker stuff making sure it doesn't get too out of hand. Not that he is doing the hacking. I don't know. It just doesn't fit Kate's MO to keep silent when her filming is at stake. She knows she needs the ratings to even get close to going back to TV. This is just the thing that will sky rocket the ratings. Oh, and the pardon asked for by MBG to all those evolved? Google MBG and see how he dares the cops to get involved. He also advertises his selling of twitter messages at ten dollars a piece. It doesn't sound to me that he fears anything enough to give an apology for his deeds. IT JUST DOESN'T ADD UP.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 176

No one is disputing the fact that he sold his kids for cash, including Jon himself. No one said Jon is a stand up guy. He's been kind of pathetic at times actually. What was said is we do not know half the story with him, that's really all that was said today. For some reason, we don't know gets construed as Jon is romanticized or is some kind of saint? No, I don't know means I don't know. I also don't know what went on with Blade Runner. I have suspicions, but I can't say for sure, there is not enough information yet. That doesn't mean I'm romanticizing him, it means I don't have enough information, that's all. Does anyone have proof Jon did "nothing" regarding the abuse? No, they don't. Does anyone have proof Jon DID do something regarding the abuse. No, don't have that either. Therefore, we are going in circles. When I see a circle forming, it seems to me usually the answer is I don't know.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 177

The Job thing was a typo and later, obviously a joke. Unless I'm mistaken I don't think anyone really thinks he's just like Job. It's a joke! :)

hmmm... said... 178

Does anyone have proof Jon did "nothing" regarding the abuse? No, they don't. Does anyone have proof Jon DID do something regarding the abuse. No, don't have that either. Therefore, we are going in circles. When I see a circle forming, it seems to me usually the answer is I don't know.

You seem to be the only one running in circles. I've countered many other bullet points besides him allegedly ignoring the PHYSICAL abuse. The emotional abuse of those children, Jon was up front and center with. As indiciated on the many, many episodes of Jon & Kate plus8.

You keep going back to the ONE thing we can't really prove. I've made a lot of other points than are proved.

Anonymous said... 179

From T.

Regarding K8......she is desperate, desperate, desperate.... She usually doesn't promote her projects this much. For instance, she sends out only one tweet to promote her blog on The Stir, but is non-stop tweeting about CWS. Also, does anyone know if she wears colored contacts? In older pictures and episodes her eyes appear darker, perhaps even a light brown or or dark hazel and since her makeover(s) they appear more green.

Regarding swearing- my mother was extremely strict about her no swearing rules when we were growing up and her punishments always included a period of grounding to go along with our mouth full of soap. Then one day when I was in 8th or 9th grade I went to her office where I discovered that the greatest contributor to the office swear jar was dear old Mom! Yup dear sweet Mom had a total potty mouth! And although the punishment at home did not lighten up for this offense and we all still laugh to this day, I will admit that she was right though, finding better ways to express our emotions increased our vocabulary and gave us appreciation for the sheer pleasure that employing an expletive at the perfect moment will have. Is my Mom effn awesome or what! Can I get a *uck yeah?!

Ps. Don't forget to put in your dollar in the swear jar, when its full we can go out for rumspringers! Whoops, I meant delightfully refreshing $&@ #^~>€ rumspringers!


Unknown said... 180

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 175
''No one is disputing the fact that he sold his kids for cash, including Jon himself. No one said Jon is a stand up guy. He's been kind of pathetic at times actually. What was said is we do not know half the story with him, that's really all that was said today.''
Well, we do know that family services reports are kept private, which is why we can't say for certain that anyone did or did not report anything. We also know that Jon has acknowledged his part in the entire mess, AND has publicly apologized. We also know that KK has done neither.
Jon said:
“On October 13, 2010, I went to court to act in the best interest of my children- to remove them from television. The judge respectfully denied my plea, and granted filming rights to their mother. I honor the judge’s decision, but I do not support it. I will not stop fighting to remove my children from television. It is not a child’s job to support themselves, or a lifestyle, they need to be kids. I would like to apologize to my friends, family, and especially my children for not taking a stand earlier in my life and not questioning my decisions to have our lives documented and displayed. I will have
to answer to my children for the rest of my life. I will have to live with this guilt the rest of my life. I am truly sorry!''
Each of us has their own opinion of what did or did not happen, and it isn't very likely that anyone is ever going to change their mind. Jon said he was ''truly sorry'', and since I believe him, I'm not going to continue to beat him up over what he did when he finally escaped KK. KK has not said she was sorry, so I'm going to continue to call her out on every single thing she does.

Unknown said... 181

njay said... 174
''The one thing that just doesn't sit right with me concerning the hacker issue is, Kate is not in a panic and frantically doing damage control. It just doesn't make sense. At the Red Cross event she nearly went off the deep end over a picture and a comment before it even was published. When the kids were expelled she hit nearly every media outlet she could to clarify what happened.''
It is true that KK was all over everywhere the kids were expelled, and when the Red Cross mess happened.

I think that the difference between then and now is that she isn't wanted by media outlet to explain anything. Add to that, the rumor that Robert's book is rumored to be re-released, the ''I've been bullied'', the hacking mess, and the fact that CWS hasn't even aired, and IF she were to be interviewed, she probably wouldn't be able to avoid the possibility that she'd open her big fat mouth and say something REALLY wrong!

Didn't I read that Kendra has over a million twitter followers? I think that it is Kendra's fans that are causing KK's twitter following increase. I don't think it is all that unusual for KK to say nothing about the latest mess. Isn't that what she usually does? Say/do something outrageous, and then just pretend it didn't happen? I'm really interested to see if she puts up a new 'bog', and if so, what she will say on it. She'll probably just recycle another CC bog.

fidosmommy said... 182

If a person is continuing the kind of behavior I found unacceptable (exploiting children, for example) and continuing to put that exploitation
into the public arena, then I judge that person's character in the past and in the present. It's an ongoing disapproval. Kate qualifies.

If a person has stopped the kind of behavior I found unacceptable, then I judge that person's character in the present only. If a person has stopped doing what it was I found unacceptable, there is no use bringing it up, IMO. This is where I place Jon.

Had Kate reeled herself and the kids in after Jon and Kate Plus 8 went off the air, had herself some fun with some friends and then got herself any kind of a job that did not involve her children, then she would have gone off my radar long, long ago. Jon did just that. He flew wild for a short while and then parked himself in "need to know" mode. We get an occasional glimpse/word from Jon, but it's not
any kind of continuation of his past bad behavior. For this, he's OK in my book on the issue of exploiting children.

I also believe he did more than we will ever know to help his children after it became clear that Kate Plus 8 would be picked up by TLC. In my opinion he became the safe port in the storm for them while their self-serving mommy plunged
into the tides of stardom. I applaud Jon. I don't idolize him, but I think I do understand him. And I'll take one imperfect Jon Gosselin over anything his ex wife has to offer in all her self proclaimed perfection.

Dutch Tulip said... 183

aeduko said... 49
As always a great post, thanks!

Wowser said... 184

MJ....THANKYOU!!! The commercial made it sound like it was a 3 week episode! You just made my day.

Arguments and Conclusions said... 185

Admin, re your comment at 172:

Where do you get those statistics, and how did you draw those conclusions? So many variables missing from your assertion...it seems to me that the "logical fallacy" could also be at your end. Ergo, your conclusions could be false.

Perhaps some child abuse hotline reporters later retracted their stories, for a host of reasons not explored. For instance: fear of unintended consequences-- or fear that comes of dealing with a child abuse perpetrator. (Anger issues are scary for all concerned, not just the child.) And perhaps some reports were cautionary and later proved inadequate for action--or maybe even false. The possibilities are too numerous to mention here, but I think you get the picture.

All that to say: weak argument. Jon may or may not have reported the issues. He may or may not have retracted (or buffered) his stories later. It's impossible for us to say, either way, without having all facts in evidence, right in front of us. I'm with those who say the argument against Jon's having intervened --consistently and over time -- is compelling, if not proven. The facts in evidence don't speak well for him.

Though we'd like to believe it, we can't even be 100% certain that the custody issue was resolved in his (the kids' favor). And in the absence of direct evidence, the argument supporting Jon's being an upstanding, conscientious and consistently involved parent who's looking out for his kids' best interest...well. It hangs by a tenuous thread.

Terri said... 186

I would have given anything to hear the lecture that I'm sure Kate gave her kid's before the swap about all the things NOT to talk about to the new MOM. You just know she did.

Jane said... 187


The Naked Truth! Kendra’s 3-Year-Old Son Hank Has Already Seen Wilkinson’s ‘Dirty’ Playboy Pics!

Well, that didn’t take long!

Kendra Wilkinson’s son is only 3 years old, but he’s already discovered his mom’s racy Playboy past !

The former Girl Next Door opened up about what happened when her son, Hank Jr., discovered naked photos of her, to Celebrity Jabber at OK Magazine’s Pre Grammy Event presented by CIROC at Sound Nightclub in Hollywood — and RadarOnline.com has all the hilarious details.

“Little Hank is not so little anymore. He is 3 years old but he acts like he is 23 years old,” Kendra joked about her son with football star Hank Baskett. “He runs rules on us. He’s like an old, Italian grump stuck in this baby’s body. He is so mean.”

The Kendra On Top star said she had to use her quick wit when the toddler spotted her nudie pics on her husband’s mirror!

“He sees like a naked photo of me on Hank’s mirror in the bathroom. It’s me on the beach, with my hair wet, naked for Playboy,” Kendra continued. “And little Hank comes in, ‘Mama what are you doing here?’ I’m like, ‘Mama’s swimming in the ocean.’ ‘But, you are so dirty.’ ‘I’m swimming I’m swimming!’”

Knowing that it would inevitably happen one day, Kendra said she is glad that she got it over with sooner rather than later.

“It happened already and I reacted the best way I could’ve. It’s fun,” she said.

Here’s hoping it will be a good few more years until little Hank discovers mommy’s sex tapes!

Mel said... 188

Kate's back to be being boring. What to do....I know! Let's bash Jon!

Agree that the hacker thing seems to have suspiciously died down. No frantic activity from Kate. But it's also like the cruise disaster...she just ignored it and it never really got much attention in the mainstream media.

One of the hacker tweets was threatening to empty bank accounts and expose full names/ssns, and Kate retweets their threats, also saying that she LOVES them. Then DELETES her tweets about it, like all innocent people do.

I'm astounded that that didn't get more mainstream attention.

Anonymous said... 189

Looks like Kate is putting out a cookbook.

Kim Weiss ‏@kimmerieweiss
Conference call this morning with Kate Gosselin about her fall cookbook. Should be interesting!

This tweet is from someone who runs a blog called "Help Me With My Book". http://www.helpmewithmybook.com/blog
Is Kate self-publishing?

LaLaLandNoMore said... 190

I have never given Jon a pass as a parent, but saying that, I believe he is the better parent. He was, like many of us, manipulated. One of his biggest mistakes IMHO was quitting his job with the State of PA. Someone talked him in to that. He was not made to be a "stay at home dad." He needed that job, and the family needed the benefits it provided. The money train would eventually end and Jon did need that good job, both for the money and his own peace of mind. He let Kate run his show. Big mistake.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191

Yowser that book publishing consultant charges $299 an hour. Nice way to blow the kids' money.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 192

Here is the thing: Not only will a cookbook probably come out (Berks Neighbor #179), but I bet Khate will be doing a future season of Celebrity Diving since her new BFF Kendra the Whore is on it and will probably get Khate on the show. So cookbooks, more Reality TV. This witch will never, ever, ever, ever go away. Uggh.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 193

The good thing is, if Khate is $elf-publishing this cookbook, that is HER OWN big bucks that she has to cough up... just one step closer to home foreclosure and bankruptcy. That is what I am waiting for. That would be just rewards for this fame-whore to be bounced back in the world of us "mediocre" people. I am not holing my breath, though, that she will ever go into foreclosure of bankruptcy. She is TOOOO clever. I am NOT wishing foreclosure and bankruptcy on ANYONE but this witch.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 194

Jon may or may not have reported the issues. He may or may not have retracted (or buffered) his stories later. It's impossible for us to say, either way, without having all facts in evidence, right in front of us. I'm with those who say the argument against Jon's having intervened --consistently and over time -- is compelling, if not proven. The facts in evidence don't speak well for him.


You say it's impossible for us to say without having all the evidence right in front of us. That's exactly my point. I think we agree. I don't know is constantly getting confused with oh those people are giving Jon a "pass", and it is rather tiresome. For the 100th time, I don't know means I don't know.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 195

The good thing is, if Khate is $elf-publishing this cookbook, that is HER OWN big bucks that she has to cough up... just one step closer to home foreclosure and bankruptcy. That is what I am waiting for.


See but it's the KIDS' big bucks really, at the end of the day. I think it's totally absurd that the kids, after all the money they made the family, should have to face bankruptcy because their mother cannot manage their money properly. On the contrary, I think this family should flourish after all the hard work they did.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 196

Perhaps some child abuse hotline reporters later retracted their stories, for a host of reasons not explored. For instance: fear of unintended consequences-- or fear that comes of dealing with a child abuse perpetrator. (Anger issues are scary for all concerned, not just the child.) And perhaps some reports were cautionary and later proved inadequate for action--or maybe even false. The possibilities are too numerous to mention here, but I think you get the picture.


Those are all possibilities. There is also a possibilities that authorities got involved, talked to the parents and children, and determined further intervention was not necessary, that that was enough of a wake up call. Or determined that as long as the parent agrees to go to classes they won't get involved. Or determined that because all the kids firmly denied it there was nothing they could do. All those are possibilities as well.

The point is not all the dozens of reasons why things are evaluated out. The point of that is how do we know authorities didn't investigate Kate? Because we never saw the authorities put her kids kicking and screaming into foster care? Therein lies the logical fallacy. I.e. because we never HEARD about it, nothing ever happened. That's just not true one way or the other. Not to mention, PA's history of moving child abuse allegations down the conveyer belt when it's a celebrity are pretty compelling in my book.

The point being that just because child abuse is reported doesn't mean the general public sees any evidence it was, whether something was done by authorities or not, it's all hush hush.

Even if Jon never reported it, it's hard to believe of the dozens upon dozens of friends, relatives and helpers that were in the house, not a single one of them ever reported it either. How do we know they didn't either? Jodi and Kevin were happy to participate in state congressional hearings, hard to believe people like that wouldn't first pick up the phone and call the hotline. Actually, it makes quite a lot of sense that people talked to authorities, as Kate quickly started getting rid of all those people. Good people who tended to TURN HER IN.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 197

My gut tells me that it just might be possible that this hacker issue is a marketing ploy to boost ratings for the upcoming CWS.


My initial reaction to this is that is quite a bizarre story to cook up as a marketing ploy! Hardly mainstream publicity story. However then I realized it's Kate and she just might think something like this was a good idea. The bullyville, the finally bringing "justice" to her detractors is in her mind probably a very clever way to drum up attention. Naturally it all backfired on her.

Anonymous said... 198

LaLaLandNoMore said... 190
I have never given Jon a pass as a parent, but saying that, I believe he is the better parent. He was, like many of us, manipulated. One of his biggest mistakes IMHO was quitting his job with the State of PA. Someone talked him in to that. He was not made to be a "stay at home dad." He needed that job, and the family needed the benefits it provided. The money train would eventually end and Jon did need that good job, both for the money and his own peace of mind. He let Kate run his show. Big mistake.

Do you realize that your comments make Jon sound like a total loser, with no mind of his own? Someone "talked him into" him quitting his job? He was "manipulated"? He "let Kate run his show?"


A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 199

Berks Neighbor said... 189

Looks like Kate is putting out a cookbook.

Kim Weiss ‏@kimmerieweiss
Conference call this morning with Kate Gosselin about her fall cookbook. Should be interesting!

This tweet is from someone who runs a blog called "Help Me With My Book". http://www.helpmewithmybook.com/blog
Is Kate self-publishing?



Since Kate can't cook anything appetizing,
I'm guessing that it will be filled with recipes sent to her by her sheep.

Another fail.

Has The Stir fired her ass yet?

P.S. I'm looking forward to NOT wasting my time watching Kate on that crappy wife swap show.

Kate can suck it.

Winsomeone said... 200

"Do you realize that your comments make Jon sound like a total loser, with no mind of his own? Someone "talked him into" him quitting his job? He was "manipulated"? He "let Kate run his show?"

Yes, I agree with this too..he also let someone force him into sleeping in the basement in the old house, and then into sleeping in the garage in the mansion. He let someone travel the country with a male body guard getting 5 star treatment, while he was the main care giver of 8 kids, with an allowance of $5 per week. What sort of man allows this to happen?

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