Coming up on Celebrity Wife Swap. Kate gets to tell some other nice family raising their adorable son just fine that they are doing everything all wrong. This will go on for 42 long minutes. Batten down the BB Mercedes, it’s going to be one long, hypocritical ride.
People know Kate best for Dancing with the Stars and for her reality show. No Kate, people know you best for your vile personality and also for sucking at motherhood.
Wow, I didn’t realize Kate had three books on the “New York Best Seller List.” Where’s that prestigious literary office out of, Jamestown? These books may have once been on some list in days gone by, but now according to the people on this blog, they’re bird cage liner.
What’s even funnier is no one bothered to tell Kate about her gaffe and let her do a take two. I like when it’s obvious production doesn’t give a crap. We started seeing a lot of this toward the end of Kate Plus 8: bad editing, poor sound quality, etc. There was even an episode where they didn’t even bother to put music in. Like a lazy high schooler printing out his English essay, the “eh, that’s good enough not to fail now let’s get some beer” attitude is amusing.
I see Jon’s now in the witness protection program, blurred face and all. Hopefully he’s somewhere tropical! As usual, Kate paints a picture that Jon is dead, but don’t worry, they were able to make this “positive” somehow, though she never explains what she means by this. Kate does all the cooking and oversees everything else. This really means, Kate does some of the cooking some of the time and the hired help does everything else all of the time.
“Somewhere around 2011” Kate was divorced, she said. Uh, no, Kate, you were separated and divorced in 2009. That’s more than three years ago, not one. Though judging by the way she still isn’t over this, 2011 sounds more much plausible, sure why not. Kate suffers from a permanent case of what can best be described as "fuzzy memories" and it’s nearly impossible to live with these kinds of people, always made to feel like you’re the crazy one and not crazypants here.
Mady sums up Kate’s parenting style better than I can. “You’re going to do it my way,” she says with a slap of her hands. Pretty much. From refusing to let her 12-year-olds enter their own kitchen, to barking at them to put their napkins in their laps and roll up their jeans and tuck them under their boots and now I say, to the countless lists and more written rules, regulations and decrees plastered everywhere, a stint in Alcatraz is starting to sound like more fun, especially if a young Clint Eastwood could be there. I’ll even risk the life raft popping!
“All I’ve ever really known is work,” Mady says. “Work is a bad thing when you have too much.” Sniff.
Manipulated, demure B-personality Deanna better known around these parts as @DeannaTweeting, the BFF flavor of the month, will play the “husband” for this little lab rat experiment, as a poster here so accurately described it. But wait, @DeannaTweeting is a woman, you say as you scratch your head, and the hired help. You see, Kate has acted as preying mantis to anyone of the male persuasion so there are none left to choose from. Hired help it is!
Ha, I like how Kendra just owns it. People know me best as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend, she announces shamelessly. That is correct. Kendra and her helpful husband Hank are cute, funny, and affectionate. Their little son Hank Jr. is a free spirit with darling long curly hair. It’s nice that Kendra acknowledges her hired help by name, Rosa, gives her the respect to call her what she is, the nanny and not just that person who watches my kids or the "babysitter” or “helper,” and describes her as a member of the family. Aw. I bet she even gets benefits too! I noticed the stark contrast between Rosa wrestling around with Hank Jr. on the couch, the two of them giggling up a storm, contrasted with @DeannaTweeting who gives one of the girls a light, polite hug when she arrives you might give some second cousin you barely know. The hug is shown twice from two different angles, making it seem like she hugged her twice to an undiscerning viewer. She didn't.
Kendra says Rosa and Hank make it possible for her to lounge by the pool, party and otherwise behave like a trust fund baby, though she is also shown kissing Hank goodbye as she goes off to work. The women say goodbye to their families and head to each other’s respective houses. The hypocrisy has already started, with Kate admitting the kids don’t want her to leave, and the kids looking genuinely crestfallen to see her go. I thought they just loved this idea and couldn’t wait to do it! To me, these look like kids who just want things to be normal over their Columbus Day holiday and maybe even see their dad and friends.
“Hollywood is very Hollywood,” Kate says philosophically as she gesticulates. Even a wild hand flap can’t save that inane comment.
While Kendra tries her best to compliment the Wolf’s Lair as tidy, Kate saunters around Kendra’s cheerful, family friendly colorful pad, pointing at a little clutter here on the counter and crumbs there on the floor, and deciding the absolutely vast chef’s kitchen is not big enough. The whole thing takes an unexpected and might I add creepy turn when Kendra discovers the witch’s crematory just like in Hansel and Gretel! Oh, wait that’s just the bread machine.
Hey, I just realized who the voiceover narrator is! Took me ten minutes to place it. That guy who narrates Extreme Couponing. Aw, I’d love it if he could do for us a little dramatic will they won’t they get their bill under 95 cents before they crash the cash register?? He makes coupons for half off Cheerios and 10 ketchups for $1 each edge of your seat thrillers. I had nearly as much fun with him as I did making my way through Locked Up Abroad recently. This is what reality T.V. has come to, but you can tell this guy totally just embraces it. Might as well.
Kendra and Kate sit down to read each other’s house manuals, standard formula for this silly show. Kendra is honest about her hired help, discussing her cook, housekeeper and nanny. Kate for some reason acts appalled about this (sorry, Katherine), and with a straight face, says she’d rather be all three. What she really means is she’d rather control all three, not actually be all three. There’s a difference. She must have forgotten how many times she’s told us about all her hired help. In fact her manual, posted online, says they’ve been through so many nannies she can’t even keep track, and she did an entire blog post about how she’s had at least a part time housekeeper since the children were babies. Babies! That’s nine years! These are but two examples of dozens of Kate’s admissions about her staff. For her part, Kendra is mostly just worried about how she is going to remember all these names. Think top ten popular baby names from 2003 and you’ll be fine, Kendra.
Oddly, all Kate will do this entire episode is judge Kendra, her family, her household, everything and anything about her. And yet in an interview with Inside Edition the other day, she goes on and on about how her bad experiences in the public eye (oh, poor thing!) has taught her one thing. Sadly, it’s not, I need to change my nasty behavior. Rather, she has learned not to judge. I think what Kate means to say is she doesn’t want to be judged. She couldn’t care less if anyone else is judged.
By the way, Kate did so much hand flapping in that interview I thought she was going to take off. This is the interview where she was peddling some snake oil about how wrongly portrayed she is. I think hand flapping is the proverbial Pinocchio’s nose. The more you flap the more you’re lying. Oh, and she insulted Californians by implying it’s all Easy Street over here and all Kendra has ever known. She should take a stroll through Watts sometime and see how easy folks have it. The median income in California usually only hovers a few thousand dollars above the national average, nothing to write home about. California has a few incredibly wealthy neighborhoods that get a lot of screen time, but other than that, it’s like any other state, mostly hard working Americans just trying to make a living, with good parts, bad parts, and mostly in between parts. In fact, Kendra’s parents split when she was, sadly, only eight, a little younger than the twins, and she was hardly raised in Beverly Hills living in that mansion between Lisa and Adrienne. No, she certainly wasn’t poor, but she did grow up in the San Diego suburb Clairemont, which bears a striking similarity to Wyomissing, demographics wise.
Kendra took the divorce hard and turned to drugs to cope when she was only thirteen (thirteen!), and soon afterward, stripping. Otherwise, she had a pretty average childhood with public school and several years on the softball team. All Kendra’s “easy” childhood tells me is that it doesn’t matter how secure your family is in every other way, divorce can be very tough on kids and any mother who is brushing off the kids as “just fine” post-divorce needs to make sure they are delving a bit deeper. Kate always seems to judge people, including herself, on the possessions and environment that surround them, and never understands that those things usually have little correlation to happiness, how “easy” you have it, or how mentally stable you are. Anyway, I’m glad Kate decided to throw Kendra’s upbringing under the Mercedes because it prompted me to read up on it and actually discover what seems to be the root of Kendra’s issues, being a very young child in a broken home. Are you listening Kate? Approve of some of Kendra’s choices, nope. Excuse them, not on your life. Understand them better now, yes.
At O-Six hundred-and-three the children are to come downstairs for breakfast. Not 6:05, Kendra says in disbelief, not 6 o’clock. But 6-0-3! Welcome to Shawshank, Kendra. Fresh fish! Fresh fish!
Commercials. Kate also promoted this appearance on The View this week, in which I guess Brooke Shields drew the short straw and had to ask all the questions, bless her little heart, while Whoopie just sat there brooding. I’ll always remember Whoopie calling Kate an “angry bitch” and her desperate cries of “She got to go! Vote…her…off!” during Dancing With the Stars. It’s like she had been bottling it all up for years and it finally exploded, and also, she was at the end of her rope at not being able to get through to dimwits like Sherry. Now, she’s back to bottling, apparently. I get it, there’s a certain point where you’re just done trying. Kate’s outfit choice was inappropriate, to say the least.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
We’re back. Kendra appears to be doing some sort of Lamaze breathing in preparation for meeting the kids. Ha. The kids are hardly enthusiastic to find her in their house. They are incredibly shy and distant. When Kendra asks who’s excited, only Alexis raises her hand. Mady knows full well who Kendra is because she snuck downstairs to watch her show. So much for the schedule! @DeannaTweeting pronounces her name as Dan-a. That’s odd, I thought it was De-anna Tweeting. Or maybe she’s just mumbling like a New Yorker. No matter.
Hank, Hank Jr., Rosa and Hank’s business partner (heh, so L.A.) meet Kate. Hank brings her a gorgeous big bouquet of flowers. Aw. As Hank pours Kate a glass of wine and fires up the grill, Kate remarks that she never gets to watch someone else cook. Geez, did Katherine die too?
I’m surprised @DeannaTweeting didn’t have to reference her propaganda manuel when she, with a straight face, informs Kendra that Kate does it all herself. Number one, @DeannaTweeting doesn’t even live in the same state so I hardly think she knows what goes on around here on a day to day basis. She is just basing this off what Kate tells her. Number two, Kate herself admits she certainly does not do everything (rather, she “oversees”), so @DeannaTweeting can put a sock in that one. I have to hand it to Kate though, she sure knows how to recruit for the Kate Youth. On a side note, what a slap in the face, @DeannaTweeting, to all the people who have ever helped this family out, often for nothing in return. This is why Kate runs through dozens of nannies, when someone like Kendra likely will never lose Rosa until Hank Jr. is 18. And why you, Deanna, will probably, sadly, never move as far as you probably should in your career, as long as you make BFF with pathetic people like Kate.
The kids seem to stick to their normal routine, doing their chores/hard labor and setting the table. Kendra just kind of goes with it, albeit perplexed the whole time. I like the compliments Kendra is giving the kids, that they are so smart, especially Mady. At dinner, Mady prays that Kendra will survive this week. That was sweet of her, though I’d be surprised if God cares about making sure D-list celebrities successfully swap households. Heck, I didn't even realize God had a T.V. I guess you never know, maybe He skipped NCIS this week to watch this.
Interesting, Kendra has some real friends named Jessica and Kristen who stop by for dinner. We’re quickly back to Kendra, who is close to losing it at this point, her hair is disheveled and her forehead shiny as she puts the kids to bed. She gets them off to dreamland and heads downstairs to rinse off the eggs.
“I’m washing an egg right now,” she says. “Out of a chicken’s butt!” Thanks for the visual, Kendra.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Jessica and Kristen take Kate clubbing. At a place that features a strip pole. For someone who claims she’s only been clubbing once, she sure is tossing back those shots and Long Island iced teas like a pro.
Kendra is awake early and makes the kids a perfectly acceptable breakfast of Cheerios and fruit, though the kids tell her, rather rudely, they want to have eggs. Geez, cut the gal a break, it’s her first morning here. On another note, had Rep. Murt's new child labor laws been in place when they filmed this episode (they weren't yet, almost), they would have just broken them, anyone catch it? Under the new law, there must be at least a 12 hour break between shooting the night before and shooting the next morning. Since Kendra fed them dinner and put them to bed the day before all on camera, and we know they go to bed around eight or so, having them filming again the next day at 6 a.m. was not a full 12 hour rest. And, this is just one reason why reform was needed. (The new law cheat sheet, downloads as a PDF.)
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
Kate finally rolls out of bed at nine o’clock, just as Hank is taking Hank Jr. to school. He instructs Kate to just relax. I guess from this little piece of information Kate has decided Hank is “enabling” Kendra. Or, you know, he’s just trying to be hospitable. Could be that. Kate bemoans outside by the pool that if she only had as much free time as Kendra (snort!) she would spend it with Hank Jr. I’m sorry, I missed the implication that Kendra and Hank aren’t spending enough time with Hank Jr. The kid’s usually around so far, he seems to be an active enough participant in the family dynamic and very comfortable with Kendra and Hank, he just melts into them like an adorable, curly haired little marshmallow. What information is Kate basing this rather serious accusation? You don't have to be with your kids twenty-four hours a day for heaven sake. He can go to school and see kids his own age like everyone else is doing in Calabasas, and you can even sit by the pool a little. 24/7 is not what anyone expected of Kate and it's not what anyone expects of this family either, except Kate. It's always extremes when it comes to Kate. The world is black and white, there is no gray, in her rigid mind. Not to mention, the only jobs she's really had in the past two years is a scant few media appearances and to write up a few silly blog posts once in awhile. The kids are in school all day. What does she do all day. Errands, I guess? How can you be doing errands eight hours a day five days a week? Not to mention she's off duty when Jon has the kids. Comparing her schedule with Kendra's IMDB, I'm really at a loss how Kate isn't the sloth here with more free time than most women could ever dream of in a lifetime. If she isn't, she is not as organized as she thinks she is.
Back at the Wolf’s Lair, Kendra is up to things the hired help normally tackles, like the laundry and grocery shopping. And if there’s any doubt that the hired help doesn’t do the laundry, I think Kate’s directions taped to the machine will settle that! “Mandatory Uniform Policy. Check shirts for stains. After 1st wash [unintelligible] run with 2/3 cup bleach. Stain free! Doors need to be open when not running.” Now why would you need such elaborate directions for just yourself unless you have some kind of short term memory disorder ala Joseph Gordon Levitt in The Lookout? If that’s the case, your problems are bigger than messing up the mandatory laundry policy! Try robbing banks with such an issue, it’s no picnic.
Kendra is all mouth agape exaggerated shock at the three bags of fruit she puts in the car. I never understand why people act so amazed at the amount of food that eight kids consume. Haven’t you ever been to, like, a large dinner party? More people, more food consumed, it’s really not that much of a Christmas miracle.
Hank is really going out of his way to give Kate a great experience on her vacation. And this is a vacation. He gives Kate a golf lesson, an activity she conveniently packed a bright blue polo shirt and starched white shorts for. She’s actually not bad for her first time. Golf isn't easy I'll give her that, but she did it. It would be nice to see her at least try to take up a sport her kids are interested in instead of making them feign interest in whatever she's into at the moment.
Kendra is still trying so hard to try to make a connection with the kids, even though they are understandably distant. She is a stranger after all and they were just abandoned by their mother for the week and have some flavor of the month BFF living in the garage apartment who doesn’t even appear to be around (I guess Deanna is really taking this "husband" role to heart. I appreciate her method acting.). Kendra's Herculean efforts are really touching. She relates to Cara because of sports and seems to have a “breakthrough,” she says. This is no act. You know these types, the “Yeah, dude, I love Grand Theft Cars!!” First of all, it’s Grand Theft Auto, and you’ve never played it a day in your life. Nice try though. Like I said, Kendra really did play on a real softball team as a kid for several years, so the Yeah Cara, I love sports too thing is for real. Kendra says the kids are “amazing” and talks about how much she adores Hank Jr. and how she doesn’t know how you would divide up your love among eight kids. That’s so funny, I’ve only ever heard the non-fans talk about how amazing the kids are and worry about how you could possibly give eight children the attention they need. Should we invite Kendra over here?? Kendra sincerely wants to know what Mady’s into. Mady goes on and on about loving acting and Kendra makes supportive comments like “amazing!” and I was into that too! (Another true statement, Kendra has several real acting credits on her resume, including a role in Entourage, and a couple bit parts in the Scary Movie franchise). I have to hand it to Kendra, I don’t think anyone exactly wanted to root for the Playboy Playmate here, but she makes it hard not to.
Hank is proud of himself for getting Kate to loosen up, he says he deserves a pat on the back for that. He deserves more than a measly pat for that. Like something closer to a wallop. Over dinner out, Hank says nice things to Kate like that Kate is a strong woman who will find her Mr. Right, and Kate looks into Hank's eyes and says Kendra is really lucky. Aw. This dinner kind of has a Fatal Attraction vibe about it ....
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.

This sad situation doesn’t go unnoticed by Kendra, and she really says it best here. “The hardest part for me is realizing these kids have so much to do, and so many jobs to do. I’m a big believer in a kid should be a kid,” she explains, her eyes welling with tears. “I know that they need structure and chores, but this is hard because .... “ She actually has to pause a moment she’s that emotional. “I just don’t like to be so strict, I feel bad, you know?” she finally chokes. Oh my God.
Commercials. It’s pretty bad when a kid is doing so much hard labor they are actually making a grown adult weep. Usually when adults see kids doing chores all you hear from them is, “Eh, it’s good for them!”
We’re back, and now we finally get to the interesting part of the show (well, as interesting as a show like this can get), where Kendra and Kate get to impose their own rules on the household.
I love this, Kendra's first rule is the boys and girls are going to switch chores. Boy did she nail this one. Say what you like about her but that girl knows exactly what’s up and figured it out in only one day too. This one's got book smarts, she’s a regular Andy Dufresne.
It’s pretty pathetic that such a rule isn’t the norm anyway. Why are chores designated across such rigid gender stereotypes in the first place? Here’s a wild idea, why not just rotate the chores? Fairly, across all eight kids? No designating chores by gender. And Kate has the nerve to criticize Hank for “pampering” Kendra? Isn’t that the ultimate gender stereotype, the romantic leading man and his pampered housewife? The poor boys are so checked out none of them really respond to this change-up. The girls moan and groan but seem game, I guess. Good, they need to get a taste for what their brothers go through.
Back in L.A. at Casa Kendra, Kate has finally been allowed to set up a satellite bunker to the Wolf's Lair, and it's creepy how much happier she looks now. Unlike Kendra, who speaks off the cuff, Kate apparently needs little cue cards so she doesn't mess up telling Hank he's enabling Kendra by pampering her. Aw, poor Hank looks genuinely crushed. You have to be careful when you insult how a man treats his wife. You could be met with tears or even a fist.
"Why is Hank doing practically 100% when there's (sic) two parents?" Kate asks.
I don't know Kate, why was Jon doing practically 100% when there were two parents?
Kate announces Rosa is outta here and she'll be taking care of Hank Jr. "You're not care me," Hank Jr. says defiantly. Ha, kid's got a lip! The kids resist Kendra's idea to have a picnic with tacos in the basement. Mady reminds them these are the rules of the psychological experiment they were neither emotionally or intellectually old enough to consent to. No chores, lots of playtime, the kids cheer.
@DeannaTweeting is making annoying faces and mutters some nonsense about how the kids need the schedule to make the house run and keep the kids happy. Shut up, @DeannaTweeting. It's not the kids' responsibility to make the house run, it's their job to go to school, after-school activities, play, and lastly to do some chores, within reason, that don't interfere with those other things. They didn't ask for a mansion. If you want a mansion, you don't get to enslave your children to keep it up. Downsize, or hire a larger staff, and be done with it.
Kate puts the Hanks on a schedule with chores. "Call her Miss Boss now," Hank snarks. Heh, that's not all I would call this woman, but it's a start.
Well, the girls seem to be doing just fine tending to the chickens. They like it. Kendra talks about bonding with them. You know what I like about Kendra? She doesn't just treat this as an experiment to see how she would react to a different situation, like how Kate views it. She treats it as an opportunity to get to know and love eight kids, and try to make a difference in their sad lives, however small. I am moved by this, truly moved. Just proves that no matter what your past, it doesn't mean you don't have a beautiful heart. The kids show her their really cool treehouse, but, oh man, it's locked! Locking the treehouse is as odd as locking your refrigerator or something. Not something most normal people would ever think to do unless you are maybe A Child Called It’s mother. Kind of funny that Kate and her fans defended this later as being a safety issue, when the treehouse has a vast staircase with a railing safer than many real house stairs.
Hank Jr. happily puts away his toys and is so cutely proud of himself for earning piggy bank money. Aw. Naturally, Kate really can't help herself, gloating and shooting smirky looks at Hank the whole time, which is odd, since Hank never said he objected to Hank Jr. doing chores and in fact made it clear he supported Junior starting to learn responsibility, he just said he knew it would take time to get used to it is all.
Kendra picks just about the absolute worst meal to have on the floor, tacos. Hannah steps through Alexis's taco and then giggles sinisterly about it. Ugh. The kids are so horrified by the mess and chaos and Alexis is nearly in tears. Great, now they're going to have an even bigger phobia of emancipation. Poor Kendra tries to tell them that spills are okay but they're really not having it.
I don't mind this rule, Kate says Hank Jr. should sit at the table with his parents. Hank Jr. is having a hard time behaving, but like his father said, this will take time. You can tell Hank is starting to crack under all the criticism, but this man has the patience of a saint.
Aw, Kendra arranges for an ice cream truck to pull up to the house and they love it. Kendra has already started processing this experience and thinking about making changes in her own life, opining that she should spend more time with her family. Good for her.
While Kendra has long taken the kids to school, Kate's finally up at 9 a.m. Did she party last night again? Kate keeps Hank Jr. at home today and they have breakfast, play, and do an art project. It goes all right I guess. I don't like how she constantly talks down to Hank Jr and corrects him, that will get old real quick, but Hank Jr. seems fine. I like the mischievous twinkle in his eye, like he's inwardly cataloguing all of Kate's transgressions for when he someday takes his sweet revenge.
Baw-haha, I love this, Kendra's girls day is not with any of Kate's friends, but with @DeannaTweeting and one of her friends. Really? All of PA and they couldn't find one friend of Kate's to go to lunch with?
"They're amazing kids," Kendra emphasizes once again. Aw. She really believes this, too. "To Kate! To Supermom!" Kendra says as she toasts. Kendra, Kendra.
Kate admittedly has another rather good idea, she arranges a family yoga session for the Hanks. Babies doing yoga poses is unexpectedly adorable! I dare you not to say "aww" at this:
And how about this:
Anyway, the problem here is that Kate is hellbent on getting Hank to agree that this is the most fantastical amazingish idea she has ever come up with. Hank is reluctant, explaining that Hank Jr. already does yoga at school and Kendra has her own class. See, Kate needs to offer up ideas, and then let Hank decide for himself if he wants to change. Some he may resist, some he might actually be open to, like the chores. But insisting he must agree with her and only her on each and every thing is only going to make him more resistant. And, it just seems rather arrogant. And hypocritical of course, that's a given.
Kendra takes the kids out for a fun night go carting and one of those play gyms with ropes and climbs and such. The kids adore it. I mean, adore it. Mady's taking photos, they're cheering, it's great. Kendra says she wants them to have real childhood memories besides chores. Kendra, don't worry, Kate has devoted her life's work to seeing to it they make memories. The memories thing is well covered.
Glenn Close over here is giving Hank sultry looks as she explains that Hank does more than his fair share. You know the Five Love Languages? Hank's love language is "Acts of Service," that's all. Kendra admits she needs to change a few things, fair enough, but maybe she brings different things to the marriage, like income, humor and emotional support. Not every aspect of marriage is measured in brooms and dustpans. I would guess her love language is probably "Words of Affirmation" judging by her interactions with the kids. Hank explains this is what works for them and he likes it. Since it's not hurting anyone and they seem happily married, I don't see why it's so darn important to Kate that Kendra do more hard labor, other than jealousy and resentment. Just let them speak their own Love Languages and leave them be. Also there's this weird undertone like she's trying to imply that she was once in a marriage like this only she was Hank (double snort!), and she's trying to "save" him from her sad fate. Pathetic, yet hysterical too, since delusion is funny to me. Also, anyone see the irony in a divorced woman who can't even get a date giving relationship advice to two happily married people on their first marriage? Tee-hee.
Kendra is still learning about herself over at the Wolf's Lair, realizing that if she can manage eight kids on her own, she can manage one on her own. She's still washing eggs, I don't know why that's funny but it is. Meanwhile Kate's still gloating about what a difference she had made in Hank Jr.'s life because she gave him a few chores. The swap is over, and of course Kate has already decided that she learned that she has the best behaved kids ever and thank God she implemented such a militant schedule or these kids might have turned out like, gasp, Hank Jr.! Why am I not surprised the only thing she would get out of this whole thing is to feel even more validated?
Kate, Kendra, Hank and @DeannaTweeting gather at a roundtable to discuss the experience. Kendra says nice things like the house felt like a family home.
Kate in reply tells Kendra that Kendra doesn't care and just lets everyone else do everything. Kendra is already in tears. Does Kate have to try to be such a bitch or does it just come naturally? I see no problem telling poor Kendra that maybe she could change up a few things, but you don't have to be cruel about it. And funny thing is Kendra learned this all on her own this week without Kate's help before she ever sat down. Hank is basically like, that's just not true, she's great with Hank Jr., and that Kendra shouldn't change. He's finally cracked!
Kendra asks if Kate has ever been through a live for myself stage. Baw-haha! Kendra, this is no stage. That implies someday you might come out of it. Kate's all like oh no never! Meanwhile @DeannaTweeting is just dumbly nodding at all this. She's so obnoxious.
Kendra talks about going off schedule to see the treehouse and how fun that was (even though it was locked, Kendra still made it fun). Basically Kendra is trying to tell her to let the kids go off schedule for things like that, but @DeannaTweeting says what they are trying to say is Kate needs to "forgive" herself for taking 30 minutes out for herself. Well, Kate's open to that suggestion, naturally. Oh Lord @Deanna, that is not what Kate should take away from this at all. Go away.
The bottom line is Kendra and Hank learned some wonderful lessons from all this, and they talk about growing up and spending more time with Hank Jr. Kate is so tearful that she helped Kendra accomplish this. Kate, you didn't do anything, it was spending time with the kids that made Kendra think. Kate of course learned she is right and also that it would be nice to have someone else to share her workload. What workload? Maybe she means all the chore charts she writes? That probably does take considerable time!
Final score, Playboy Bunny: 1, Shrew: 0.
1622 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1622 Newer› Newest»So why did she start wearing them? Partly to dress up for the tour, granted. But partly to differentiate herself from the masses.
I think it was around that time that there were comments about her chunky legs and cankles. She made the remark somewhere that heels make your legs look thinner and you look taller. That's probably what she was aiming for...a long, lean look, but she took it to the extremes. Dumb thing was that she started wearing those ankle straps and couldn't figure out that with heavy legs and ankles, you never wear ankle straps because they make your legs look short and heavy. She was defeating the purpose of high heels.
Btw, I do agree that whether he has paid it is not our business. Most of the things we talk about aren't our business IMO.
"Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @mkbrownlow I'm going a bit batty... Just sayin'. Have always loved being work at home mom 1wk and travel mom next. Works4us"
What I read from that tweet is "I have the kids one week and Jon has them the next." And frankly that's fine if that's what is truly happening. Unfortunately, we know it's not. She has tweeted many times how she has left the kids with "sitters" while she travels for "work". So more likely what's happening (or what was - to be fair I don't think she's been traveling a whole lot lately for "work") is that Jon has the kids one week and Kate stays home and then Kate travels on her week with the kids and leaves them to the care of the sitters.
So KK thinks her sons need more "Man time"? Last I counted, they had a father, 3 uncles by blood and several more by marriage, a grandfather, and a step grandfather. That should provide them with plenty of "man time". Oooops! I forgot. KK has jettisoned all those men from their lives. Sorry boys, looks like you're SOL.
Thanks Admin for the recap. I really appreciated begin able to read the gist of what happened rather than having to watch the episode for myself. Unlike Kate, I'm too busy actually being a mom to have time to watch someone pretend to be one.
I think Jon is frankly smart not to put out any public comments. It always gets him into trouble. It Kate into trouble too, but she hasn't learned how to muzzle herself yet.
I will say this - if Kate were on Celebrity Apprentice, I would likely watch. 1) It would involve the kids minimally (I hope) and 2) She always talks a great talk about how organized she is and how good she is at managing money etc. Let's see her put her money where her mouth is.
Wow. You really want to see the difference in Kate over the years? Look at the pics in this article from the examiner:
The reasons for someone's tax problems could be any number of things. Taxes are complicated. No one is saying Jon didn't make money off the kids. He is the first to say that. No one is saying Jon is off limits to his contribution to this mess or that his financial issues are not his fault. In fact he settled his divorce so whatever was the result HE agreed to it, that is completely on him. I think he thought he could make money without taking anything from the divorce, as simple as that.
But that said it's creepy and unwarranted to discuss someone's taxes without anymore just cause than oh well someone speculated that Kate took all the money. It's off limits. And by the way Kate's taxes are off limits too. Unless someone can demonstrate some compelling reason why it shouldn't be. I have heard no such reason offered. Until then Do not discuss it here please. It also treads into libel territory I don't want to be in when we start making sweeping statements based on one tax lien. (Administrator) said... 31
Why in the world would the maintenance people be in her bedroom? That's really paranoid and also a bit disrespectful to people just over there trying to fix the sink who couldn't care less about your stupid stuff. Presumably, you hire people from a reputable company, you would be home when they are there because you don't work, and you would call the police if they ever took anything. They know this. If she has such expensive jewelry a safe makes more sense.
If you are comfortable leaving your door open,leave it open. If others are uncomfortable, let them close it. Why are you going on and on about this? Just because someone makes a choice that is different than yours doesn't make that choice wrong.
Just looking at those two pics again and it's just amazing how much work she's had done and how much her face has changed. The mom holding those three babies is relatable. The celebrity ready to run a marathon is not.
I really feel very sorry for her. I hope she's truly happy but I suspect she's not. And that just frosts my cookies when I think of the sacrifices her children have unknowingly made so she could have her mansion, her cars, her plastic surgery, her celebrity. Yes, they have had trips. Yes they attend a private school. Yes, she buys them so many toys she has to throw them down the stairs and put them into the garbage can (yeah, that's a great example to set for your kids and other moms, Kate).
@Kateplusmy8 hi sorry to be a pain, was just wondering about the bread recipe that you use? As I would love to make acceptable br for school
As opposed to unacceptable bread for school?
If nothing else, these sheeple are always good for a laugh.
silimom said... 193
Wow. You really want to see the difference in Kate over the years? Look at the pics in this article from the examiner:
Does anyone recall Kate admitting to breast augmentation? Ever? The last time I remember anyone asking her directly and specifically about a boob job was Joy on The View, and Kate said, "no".
Most of what we talks about isn't our business. Really? Even though 90% of it Kate put out there herself? I have to disagree with that.
The odd comment here and there about sexuality and so on is none of our business I get that, but it's not like that ever dominates the conversation. This entire thread is almost all about a tv show that anyone could have seen. It's definitely free to discuss and accusations it's none of our business just don't reconcile with that. I'm not seeing how that works when a public figure has built their entire brand on their private life and handed it all to us on a golden platter to digest. We're gonna talk.
Why in the world would the maintenance people be in her bedroom? That's really paranoid and also a bit disrespectful to people just over there trying to fix the sink who couldn't care less about your stupid stuff. Presumably, you hire people from a reputable company, you would be home when they are there because you don't work, and you would call the police if they ever took anything. They know this. If she has such expensive jewelry a safe makes more sense.
It happened to me. I didn't let a repair person in the bedroom. The repair was in the next room. I was called away for one brief moment, and when I returned, there he was -- going into my room just to "check out an access outlet." There was no reason to be there. It could have been an innocent thing, but you just never know. It was a reputable company that I've used countless times. The thing is that you don't always have the same maintenance people at your can get those on emergency call, new employees, or whatever. I'm not paranoid. I'm just careful.
Has Kate been tweeting for the past four hours? I guess the kids are home and nothing was planned for spring break, huh?
Kinda funny...listening to a podcast from last week. One disc jockey asks some Hollywood type that they were interviewing if he planned to watch CWS with Kate Gosselin that night.
He says, "uh, no. I actually had plans poke my eyeballs out."
silimom said... 7
"Wow. You really want to see the difference in Kate over the years? Look at the pics in this article from the examiner:"
Holy crap! Is that really the same woman? I always knew Kate looked better before she felt the need to "Hollywood" herself, but that comparison is just glaring.
@Kateplusmy8 hi sorry to be a pain, was just wondering about the bread recipe that you use? As I would love to make acceptable br for school
* * * *
It's rather sad that this person would rather tweet a has been celeb for their bread recipe than simply Google one. I recently did just that very thing and found one of the most simple yeast bread recipes ever. You mix together your flour, yeast, water and salt, then form a soft dough (no kneading or anything). Place in a covered dish overnight to rise. In the morning, form the dough into loaf shape, place in greased loaf pan and let rise for an hour. Then bake it. Super easy!
As to what I choose to discuss here on this blog - I try to stick to what is put out there by Kate - her public tweets, her blogs (on CC and now on The Stir), her stint on CWS, or any other public appearances. I've discussed scenes from the show. I have speculated as to the relationship between Kate and Steve Nield (and I think that's probably the area where I speculate the most with the least provable facts.)
If I didn't have such a horror of the lives those children must lead under Kate's iron control, I would find her a fascinating study in what happens when the wiring goes haywire in someone's mind. My main hope from all this fiasco is that Jon end up with 100% custody of all the children, but most especially those boys. I feel sick and heartachy inside when I see their faces, most especially Colin. That poor little boy - so sweet as a young child, so desperately trying to please his mom and win her love. I know she is just cruel beyond words to all three boys.
To Ex Nurse (#191): I agree with you. Well said.
Ok, I forgot to copy the tweet, but did anyone else catch the one of Kate's latest tweets to a mom who lost her twins to TTTS?
There is a picture attached, and kate replies they are so precious with cute names, and truly are a miracle, and that TTTS is sooo scary...
Uhhh, Kate... her babies DIED!
She knows its scary! You need to read your tweets more closely, and try to have some type of compassion or empathy. Oh right, I forgot, that doesnt exist in you. I suppose if she just willed it, TTTS wouldnt have happened to her babies either. Lets see you back peddle this one..
The way I see discussion of Jon't taxes is this:
if he used his kids to make income to pay them, then it's something to discuss. Otherwise, no.
Holy crap! Is that really the same woman? I always knew Kate looked better before she felt the need to "Hollywood" herself, but that comparison is just glaring.
Yes, and it's sad. How someone could age at least 15 years in eight years is unbelievable. When I first saw Kate (up close and personal), it was when the twins were in first grade, and she looked cute...not gorgeous, but fresh, natural and young. If you'd see her now, without her "professional" makeup, you'd never believe it was the same person that we saw in those early shows of Jon and Kate. Whatever it is she's doing, she needs to stop.
If you are comfortable leaving your door open,leave it open. If others are uncomfortable, let them close it. Why are you going on and on about this? Just because someone makes a choice that is different than yours doesn't make that choice wrong.
Well, since this IS Admin's blog, I guess she gets to talk about whatever she wants to talk about and as long as she wants to talk about it. If WE don't like it, WE can log off.
Carry on, Admin. You are at the helm and doing a fine job of it.
Ex Nurse said... 199
He made a statement about going to jail because he didn't pay child support just 6 months ago.
Did he actually say that? I saw articles that said he was going to jail for non-payment, but I don't remember seeing where he said that. But I don't follow this that closely.
Many of Kate's tweets cause me to do a palm to face move, including this one she tweeted today in response to sheeple Gypsi who shared a picture of a 'kid' - baby goat - in a parking lot.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@gypsi001 haha thought 'Geesh, who lets a 'kid' go potty in parking lot?' lol. My kids would love to have that kind of kid! Have fun!
This is the same Kate who gladly sold her kids' potty training, going to the bathroom in the driveway, and one son being disimpacted on camera?
Betsy Laxton said... 195
You nailed everything in one succinct post! Bravo!
Thanks for the recap, Admin
About the boys, Kate twittered while watching Wife Swap that "that's pretty much how my boys are.. Go with the flow and fine with anything! Great huh?:)"
So they're not depressed or scared. They're just going with the flow. Yeah, right.
Little Hank's hair was a subject of Kendra's show. They were going to cut it, but Kendra just couldn't do it.
Kids who endure rage and wrath if they don't quickly learn to go with the flow.
Been so busy with my poor, frail foster puppy, but glad I made time to read your re-cap, Admin.! You knock it out of the park every time, so thanks for that! Now will have to catch-up with everyone's comments. No matter how much plastic kate gets done to her face, she will never be rid of that stink-eye/evil-eye thing she has going for her.And who in the world locks a tree house-my 6 sibling and I had many over the years, none of them were ever locked,that's plain crazy!
New article:
Kate Gosselin Fabricates and Pontificates
Treehouse = good! Locked treehouse =
what's the point? I guess if ALL 8 of the G kids wanted to play in the treehouse at the same time, Mommy might go get the key. But just one or two kids? Probably not. It's all or none in her mind, isn't it?
And I hate that those poor boys are still having to dress the same. How long have they had those LovePeaceWorld shirts, anyway?
Haven't they outgrown them yet? Oh, wait! She buys their clothes 8 sizes too big..... or else they loved having hearts on their clothes so much she grifted them new ones.
Millicent said... 18
I totally agree. The boys have totally checked out and C twin as well. Who wouldn't with her at the helm? I hope the boys can eventually go live with Jon, as they clearly need a "boy friendly" setting, and that is clearly not happening with Kate.
I think Kate looked at your blog header, liked how she looked, and printed it out for her plastic surgeon. Then found the exact same blue dress to wear on The View. She really is looking freakish.
Tucker's Mom said... 12
No. Always the good bra. Minus all of the other prcedures she has done since.I can only imagine what these kids have seen if she comes home after surgery.
Sue Buddy! Pontifik8s and Fabrik8s! Perfect!
I do love your articles, Sue Buddy.
Thumbs up Sue Buddy! You nail it every time.
The examiner article says she's admitted to a tummy tuck AND breast augmentation. Guess they didn't get the memo about the good bra.
KW lol maybe so!
Did anyone actually watch The Bible? I DVRed it but probably won't get to it until the weekend. Curious how it went. I wish nothing but the best for Kate's Irish BFF!
I'm getting a few vile nasty comments claiming the kids looked HAPPY we are nuts! I guess if you keep saying it, it will be true?
I know this is slightly off the topic, but there is some discussion about the boys and her relationship or lackthereof with them. Remember the episode when they were on vacation and she had to spend one on one time with just the boys. It was so pitiful when they were eating ice cream and one of them said "But I like you" to her. She is so distant with them. She doesn't touch them are have nicknames or talk silly with them. I really worry about those poor boys. Boys who don't have close relationships with their mothers or feel worshiped by their mothers have serious problems in their teens. It is a known fact. They will need help. I hope Jon has half a brain and can try to counteract this.
Mady looked happy. She was in her element, back on tv again. The boys NEVER looked happy, and they along with Cara just look like the life has been totally sucked out of them. I see some troubled teens in Kate's future.
I'd like them to point out where the kids look happy. May we have a time on the video where it shows them acting happy? I'd like to go and see that, I really would.
No child can be smileless forever. Of course there will be smiles at times, even from the saddest children. But if you divide their days into happy times and not so happy times, which comes across the most? Which is the prevalent
emotion? Happy or something more akin to sad or
Great article as usual, Sue Buddy. You really have her number.
Even at the play place, the boys had these dull, blank stares going on. In the car on the way home Joel looked so lonely and sad. When Kate watches herself, does she see her boys? So freaking sad.
Maybe these vile commenters are doing just what Kate does - blocking out the boys. Don't notice them much; if they're not crying or
acting out, they must be happy, right? Just keep your eyes on the happier girls! That will
just make the sad boys fade off...
Yes they're so fond of screenshots where are the screenshots of the kids happy, especially the boys?
I amend that, the kids were happy. When KENDRA let them go off schedule and go to the tree house. When KENDRA let them go off schedule and pig out on ice cream, and when KENDRA took them to the fun play gym and let them just cut loose for the evening until bedtime. Even then they seemed afraid to let go. As many have said, they are old enough to realize that Mom is going to see this.
fidosmommy said... 36
I'd like them to point out where the kids look happy. May we have a time on the video where it shows them acting happy? I'd like to go and see that, I really would.
IIRC, the boys looked thrilled to be able to run around the game and activity place. They were set free to do whatever and able to let loose, so it makes sense that they were having fun. But at the house? No, not much expression or engagement that I recall. I also don't recall any of them being vocal really, but maybe I should watch again.
At the beginning of the show, Kate has to say to the kids "hugs" for them to come and hug her. When Kendra leaves, the kids go right to her, hug her, and don't want to let go (mostly the girls). I think the boys are experiencing attachment issues. I remember the show when the boys were meeting someone (a chef maybe?) and each one said "I'm Aiden, glad to meet you,", etc. The were so cute, friendly, and outgoing. Now they are withdrawn and shy. Something has gone wrong.
When Kate was tweeting about the "braces on" party on Saturday, someone was trying to guess who was getting them. They asked if their guess was correct, and Kate replied:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@CJR17 no. I'll divulge once/if I have their permission:)
Well, I guess she got permission(yeah right):
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I'm's Cara & Madys final 'dubble bubble hang outs' at night w/ mom.. it will be hang outs wearing braces longing 4 gum from now on!
Sue Buddy-great article. I'm glad you mentioned the tweet from a fan who asked about the bread slicing bread machine. That was definitely a "huh?" moment for me. Where do they come up with this stuff? If they even watched CWS, it shows Kate slicing the bread. For those of you who didn't see the tweet, here it is:
Tahlia Mayte @tahliamayte
@Kateplusmy8 What bread machine do you have? I noticed it makes sandwich slices whereas mine is more of a full loaf. Thank you so much!
This one may have a full loaf, but doesn't sound like she's playing with a full deck.
The ratings for The Bible were about 13 million. That's really great for a History Channel show. I watched some of it and didn't think it was that great. A lof of the reviews weren't that great either. I also can't imagine an 8 year old being interested. I lost interest pretty soon and I know the stories!
NJGal51 said... 33 and readerlady said... 37, thank you so much.
Kate is a twit said... 40 Thank you and glad you posted that insane tweet. It's hard to believe what comes out of these fans' heads unless you actually see it and then it's still hard to believe.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I'm's Cara & Madys final 'dubble bubble hang outs' at night w/ mom..
The twins need to get friends to hang out with and enough with their bubble gum girls nights in with Mom. These pre-teens are not here to keep Kate company every night.
How does a 9 year old or 12 year possibly understand all the implications of their private information going on twitter in order to give their informed "permission"? She never answers this question.
I actually watched The Bible, and even if I get blasted for saying it, I thought it was pretty bad. I had no idea that all the Jewish people in biblical times had English accents! The indoor sets were obviously little more than room size, and no matter what was going on, or where it was supposed to be, all I could see was dirty people. It was really silly...making everyone dirty and unwashed doesn't translate to authentic costumes. I won't watch any other episodes...or chapters or whatever they call the next one.
The programs I watched last week, explaining the Biblical miracles in scientific terms (not debunking the miracles) was MUCH more interesting and much better done as far as costumes and sets are concerned.
I don't remember anyone on this blog saying that the boys didn't smile when the were with Kendra. The discussion was about their behavior in the segments with KK.
Almost forgot........Sue Buddy, another great article!
Ha Ha-love this tweet from a fan, who apparently doesn't understand Katespeak:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I'm's Cara & Madys final 'dubble bubble hang outs' at night w/ mom.. it will be hang outs wearing braces longing 4 gum from now on!
Katie Mae Robinson @KatieMaeR
@Kateplusmy8 it's sad because we don't know exactly what your talking about. Miss your kiddos on my television!!
Wow good to know you guys didn't like it. I can't put my finger on it, but judging from the tailor something seemed off about the Bible. Almost like a Disney World vibe about it. And I immediately thought this would bore kids, too!
I'm in no rush to watch it.
Tahlia Mayte @tahliamayte
@Kateplusmy8 What bread machine do you have? I noticed it makes sandwich slices whereas mine is more of a full loaf. Thank you so much!
This one may have a full loaf, but doesn't sound like she's playing with a full deck.
I laughed so hard when I read that one. Sue Buddy, great article! You should compile a list of the stupid things that sheeple say in a month, and use that in an article. I loved the tweet from the one asking how Kate freezes cookies.
The boys smile during the group shot in the beginning when they introduce the kids. But the smiles are those fake smiles that you do when someone says "cheese - smile for the camera." There is also a real smile when one of them comes down the slide at the play place. That's it for boy smiles as far as I can tell.
Mady seemed happy enough but then there was her comment she hadn't had that much fun in TWO WEEKS!
She's the only one who seems to be comfortable with the cameras and with public speaking and that's fine but that doesn't mean the rest of the kids have to come along for the ride. Let her do school plays and that will satisfy that.
Remona Blue said.....I don't remember anyone on this blog saying that the boys didn't smile when the were with Kendra. The discussion was about their behavior in the segments with KK.
Yes, Remona, I was not clear, but you got my meaning anyway. I was talking about the kids being happy doing their "regular scheduled activities", not about when they went "off schedule". Is their CUSTOMARY life happy? would like to see that.
I would certainly hope that a day at the fun park and eating ice cream would bring smiles to kids' faces. I expect that. I want to know what's so happy about living under that roof with Mommy.
I'm a big Bible buff, but turned off the TV at the point where the Hebrews were still in Egypt.
That's pretty early on in the story. I did not find it engaging. Frankly, it's hard to make the Bible dry and uninteresting to me. I'm glad the Burnett/Downey team tried to honor the Scriptures, but this just didn't work for me.
And that makes me sad.
Remona Blue said... 51 Thank you. Glad you liked it.
Even Kendra had a heck of a time getting the boys to relax and loosen up. It wasn't until her rules went into place they slowly started to let loose, a little.
The whole thing was sad and no wonder Kendra was crying. I wish she could have done more for them somehow.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 56 Sue Buddy, great article! You should compile a list of the stupid things that sheeple say in a month, and use that in an article. I loved the tweet from the one asking how Kate freezes cookies.
Thanks so much! I've thought about compiling all the inane tweets from fans. That would be a full time job, wouldn't it? LOL I'll give it some more thought.
Sue Buddy, love your article!! You nailed it again......
I always wonder though, would Kate be that stupid to lie and say she has been approached a few times to do CA? What if she was lying and Trump found out. Isn't that way too much to gamble and piss away especially when she is trying so hard to get back on TV? Not to mention it would be incredibly mortifying for Kate. I just have a difficult time believing she would be that stupid. I don't think she has the confidence to BS like that about something that could affect her future career. She does prevaricate constantly, we all know that. But those that notice are the non-fans. Trump could probably care less that she lies about how much she actually does around her house or that she uses ready to bake Toll House Cookies.
What I think is more likely is that they could have approached her with the caveat that she could be on the show provided she is able to find enough wealthy benefactors who would be willing to contribute on her behalf. And herein lies the problem. She is considered a joke in the industry, she doesn't have any friends in the industry, so she's screwed. I do hope Deanna The Cheerleader can pull some strings for her since she's in the biz. Hahah. Just made myself LOL.
Sue Buddy, put it in a book form and I'll buy a copy. Seriously.
While the tweets themselves would entertain, your commentary will make it even better.
Personally, when I want to freeze cookies I put them in a baggie, open the freezer door, and throw the baggie in. Who knew?
When Kate and Hank were golfing Kate kept going on about how she's always, always wanted to try golfing.
If that's true, why didn't she try it on the icky boys' outing where they golfed?
Sue Buddy -- first the re-cap and now another article from you. Bad week for Kate, good week for us. Thanks!
You probably introduced Kate fans to a whole new big word.
Mel...182 With regard to Kate's shoes being stipperish because of the toe platform. Her shoes were definitely hideous but if you look at the picture again, Elisabeth has a pair of shoes on with the toe platform and they are very classy. I'm betting the boots Sheri had on also had the toe platform. When the heel on your shoe is that high, the platform makes them easier to walk in and a little more comfortable. I have some shoes with the platform and they're nice looking. It's just the style. Brooke's shoes did not have a platform but the heel didn't look that high. But I agree, Kate's shoes were just ugly. She doesn't have a clue with regard to how to dress. All she has to do to get some help with this is google it.
Betsy Laxton...195 Great post and so true.
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 64 Thanks for reading and commenting. I don't think she lied. I think she avoided the question by not saying anyone from CA approached her. She merely said yes to the question of whether she had ever been approached to be on CA. Neither the fan nor Kate said anything about being approached by someone affiliated with CA.
As as far as Kate being mortified she hasn't been yet. I doubt it will ever happen. I wrote an article about Kate implying that it had been discussed when a fan suggested she should work with Michelle Obama on a health and nutrition program for kids. It's her way of avoiding having to answer no.
You're correct about her being a joke in the industry. And yeah, maybe Deanna, twitter defender/babysitter can pull some strings. Sure. ;)
Why Kate won't be on CA.
1. She met DT and touched his hair.
2. She's not a celebrity.
3. She won't get paid, so why bother?
4. She hasn't been asked.
Sue Buddy... Great article as usual. I wonder if Kate's putting her cookie recipies in her cookbook.
Ok, taking bets for what re-cycled drivel Kate will post on The Stir this week.
I'm going with the one about how she personally changed the oil in her car.
fidosmommy said... 65
But I don't have a pink iPhone. How could I ever write a book? I have to say that does sound like fun.
So glad you enjoyed the article. I'll have to start paying closer attention to fan tweets. Hmmmm.
Admin, great job by the way for your recap. Stellar.
Just curious. How long does it take you to do one like that? Do you have to stop every 5 minutes while watching it to write your thoughts down? Would love to know!!
Paper Plates not long. I split this one up over a few days, squeezing in 30 minutes here and there. Total time maybe a few hours putting in all the links. Yes I watch a little bit then pause the T.V.
I know professional recappers would spend days on such a thing. I could spend a lot more time on it, make it funnier, polish it, but I have my limits on how much time I'm willing to spend on such a thing. I'm not getting paid by Scott here and this is not my real job. :)
My MIL wanted to watch The Bible so I watched with her. I thought Moses looked a bit demented at times and he reminded me of Mick Foley (the wrestler). My MIL is 94 and I had to laugh when Moses parted the sea and she sai " so that's how they got across...I forgot about that". On the whole I didn't think it was that good and spent more time on my iPad than really watching. Unfortunately I'll probably have to watch all the episodes with her.
I think I figured this out, I bet by "approached" she means this is one of dozens of ideas her manager approached her with and suggested they pitch. Her manager would pitch her for CA. When CA ignored her resume and never called back, she made up some nonsense about wanting to be with her children.
After reading the recap, I went back to check out some of the scenes from the show. I did notice that during the bit with the ice cream truck, Shoka was actually shown running down the driveway. In other parts of the show, he was just shown laying on the driveway, or on the grass. In this part, he actually moved.
Somehow, it felt good to see that. Those kids probably get more love from him then they do from their mother. I'm sure he is a great comfort to them.
Mady has picked up on a lot of Kate's fake valley girl inflections, eye rolling, and hand flapping. Poor kid. Can't beat her, so join her and avoid her bile.
So now Kate says Rhianna's song Half of Me describes her life? Just looked at the lyrics. Oh. What a surprise. It refers to someone being on television and no one understanding there is more to this person than what they see on TV. Her ego is out of control. First the Paparazzi song, now this? God. What is wrong with her. Can't she just relate to a song out there without it having to be a reference to being a celebrity. And I use that term loosely.
Egomaniac loser.
Do you think kate took a picture of the caricature from the top of this blog and asked her plastic surgeon to make her look just like it? The jawline is uncannily similar. She looks gross and well, evil
At what point do you start to sound absurd claiming that T.V. isn't really portraying you for who you are when you've had about 150 opportunities to present a picture of yourself to the public?
How about try to be nice for an entire episode and explain how they will edit IN meanness?
Even assuming CWS edited out every single nice moment, it still doesn't explain how they edited IN all the bad ones. How do you edit IN catatonic kids whose mother works them so hard they made a grown woman CRY?
Kate is a legend in her own mind. Off the radar and so done. She is just praying that the paparazzi will pay attention to her again. She must be texting them every day. Pathetic
Jane said... 25
Many of Kate's tweets cause me to do a palm to face move, including this one she tweeted today in response to sheeple Gypsi who shared a picture of a 'kid' - baby goat - in a parking lot.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@gypsi001 haha thought 'Geesh, who lets a 'kid' go potty in parking lot?' lol. My kids would love to have that kind of kid! Have fun!
This is the same Kate who gladly sold her kids' potty training, going to the bathroom in the driveway, and one son being disimpacted on camera?
I hear you Jane. Narcissism must be a blessing and a curse.
"haha thought 'Geesh, who lets a 'kid' go potty in parking lot?' lol."
uh lemme think...YOU DO KATE!!
My God. I swear I'd be a raging alcoholic if I had to spend any amount of time with that woman. And to use her infamous phrase...I don't get it. I just don't get it.
She was in Chipotle with the kids (or some of them) tonight and the girl who took their order didn't recognize any of them until after they sat down. I thought that was kind of funny about KG (but good for the kids).
@kateplusmy8 Guess it wasn't such a good idea to get Mady braces so young after all since she needs them again.
Seems the topic among tweeters are the braces and chewing gum. Mady had braces before, but it doesn't mean she needs them again. It sounds like this is Phase II. Many times braces are done in phases -- I guess some don't know this. We had Phase I at age 9 (still had some primary teeth, but was needed for upper jaw treatment) and are now in Phase II, which is going to last about 12-18 months.
Sounds, though, like the kids are really into chewing gum. Thank goodness none of mine show any interest in gum. I wonder if the chewing habits of parents are passed on to the kids. Kate always was chomping away on gum.
I don't understand their obsession with the braces. 80% of kids get them, who cares?
admin said..."I don't understand their obsession with the braces. 80% of kids get them, who cares?"
I think her reason for tweeting about the braces isn't necessarily about the braces, but about the bubble gum party while hanging out, therefore showing the mother-daughters bonding after the "littles" are in bed.
Yes I see why kate mentioned it I'm just confused why her tweeties always ask about it.
@kateplusmy8 Guess it wasn't such a good idea to get Mady braces so young after all since she needs them again.
I may not trust Kate's judgment on a lot of things, but I trust a pediatric orthodontist to
know what he/she is doing with braces. Yikes.
All that training so they can put worthless braces on kids' teeth. Uh huh. Thanks for weighing in, tweetie.
I don't know if the empirical data is REALLY all there yet about braces at such young ages, but, I have to say I find it incredibly rude and nosey to be discussing this with Kate when one of the children is the subject of it. Children this age are mortified enough about so many things, now some stranger is discussing your dental work on twitter? It's just so inconsiderate. Go discuss the idea of braces twice on a dental forum, but leave the kids out of it.
librarylady said... 85
She was in Chipotle with the kids (or some of them) tonight and the girl who took their order didn't recognize any of them until after they sat down. I thought that was kind of funny about KG (but good for the kids).
It's a start. I look forward to the day when she is in a restaurant with her kids an nobody recognizes them at all.
It's nice that she took them out to eat. come Kate isn't whining about the cost of braces? Why no attempted grifting this time? Is Double Bubble footing the tab for the twins' orthodontia or is she just slipping here? Snark
librarylady said... 85
She was in Chipotle with the kids (or some of them) tonight
I've never been to Chipotle's so I don't really know anything about the food, but I'm glad at least some of the kids got to go! Yea! Real food, real portions! Unless, of course, Mommy got her knife busy and cut 2 servings into dinner for all of them. That's happened before.
I'm going to hold out a hope that this was a wonderful dinner out and a good time was had by all. They got to order what they wanted, they got to eat an entire order themselves if they wanted to, and they laughed and chattered and
made a good memory. That is my hope.
Hoosier girl--Here is the article I referenced:
Sue Buddy--great article, as usual
The CA statement are similar to the Playboy references several years ago. it prompted Hugh Hefner to issue a formal statement saying that there was never an offer made and that he wasn't interested. Maybe Trump will do the same.
Kate Gosselin believes her ex-husband and father of her eight children, Jon Gosselin, is to blame for the bombshell tell-all that (sort of) hit shelves last fall, and has exclusively learned the 37-year-old single mom has been trying to put together a lawsuit against him that would not only take away his rights to see the children, but could land him in jail.
ROL was right about her filming with KW; if they are right about this it is disgusting. Here she is talking about wanting peace and more "man time" for her boys...what a liar. Not to mention that if true she is admitting that was her diary in the book.
From Radar Online:
Kate Gosselin believes her ex-husband and father of her eight children, Jon Gosselin, is to blame for the bombshell tell-all that (sort of) hit shelves last fall, and has exclusively learned the 37-year-old single mom has been trying to put together a lawsuit against him that would not only take away his rights to see the children, but could land him in jail!...
...“Kate has been shopping her lawsuit around to various law firms, but no one is interested in taking her on because she has no actual evidence to support her case!”...
I guess it's the truth, then huh Kate? LOL
However, Kate does put all that information out there (e.g., braces). If she doesn't want her idiot fans discussing her kids' braces, she shouldn't keep telling them about them.
I remember reading somewhere that all the children's dental care is free.
Jon's father was generous with his services during his life time and his former partners treat the Gosselins.
Was that info in Robert's book?
Adm, I can't even imagine how long it took you to write this masterpiece of a recap.
My favorite line:
"Why is Hank doing practically 100% when there's (sic) two parents?" Kate asks.
I don't know Kate, why was Jon doing practically 100% when there were two parents?
MJ, thanks for the RadarOnline link...I was just getting ready to mention it. It's this morning's headline story.
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 64
My sediments too ;-)
I don't think you say "no" to The Donald and expect his people to offer again. Kate implied she's said no more than once, so seriously, The Donald is just waiting for Kate to fit CA into her kids' school schedule?
I don't think so, Tim.
And to your point about Kate not being able to raise serious money, I really did try to think of who would donate in the 5-figure range for her, and I can think of none.
For example, she had connections to hundreds of companies at Coupon Cabin and well, that didn't end well for Kate. Those companies could have been used synergistically to donate to charity in a high profile fashion and get tons of good will.
IIRC, Kate was hired as a spokeswoman for P&G and I don't believe an ad campaign came to fruition because even years ago, Kate generated an outpouring of dissent from the people who bought P&G's products. And those are companies with DEEP pockets.
Next example-- Walmart and the clothing line that got nixed before it ever really started.
So many companies and so many burned bridges. I just can't fathom where Kate could go to beg for charity. Now, if you amassed the charity, donations and love offering-largess that Kate has been the recipient of over the course of her storied career as a destitute mother of multiples, she'd be at the top of The Donald's list.
HOLY CRAP! She wants to put Jon in jail? That is the father of her children! She couldn't get Robert slapped with jailtime so she's going after Jon now? Why is she picking on him?
To She is Evil (#79): Yes. Mady is becoming a Khate clone.
If the radaronline story is true Kate is nothing more than a vindictive bitch! I guess Laverne & Shirley don't want to fight that battle for her because she's all but admitting that the "personal journals" documenting her abuse of the kids are true. Yeah Kate, this is really good publicity for you right now and oops, you can't even blame your treatment of the kids on PPD because you refused to get it.
...“Kate has been shopping her lawsuit around to various law firms, but no one is interested in taking her on because she has no actual evidence to support her case!”...
Well, I don't know if it's true, but it sure is funny the picture of Kate knocking on law firm after law firm and being told time and time again that she has no case. Even if Jon DID give Robert information, it's called free speech Kate. You can say whatever you want even about your ex and as long as it's true even YOU the great and powerful cannot stop it. SORRY!
I guess Robert didn't make it clear enough in his book that JON HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT? He flat out said that.
The kids are going to have a tough day today. Kate's going to be raging. Sure hope at least some of them are with Jon. The fact that she's trying to stop this book just tells the world it's true. She must be on the phone right now with her PR people - how's she gonna spin this one? A flurry of rainbow happy happy unicorn tweets isn't going to do it!
I'm so glad Jon is quiet and hope he remains so.
If the article is true, I'm also glad that potential witnesses are refusing to help Kate with this one. It's not their axe to grind or battle to fight, and they are rightly staying away from her. There comes a certain point where the only thing that will stop Kate is if everyone else around her refuses to cooperate with her. And it's happening. She's lost most of her friends, Jon of course, the rest of her family, and now she can't even scrounge up a single person to testify on her behalf. Then all she will be left to do is circle the drain by herself. It's starting to get very pathetic watching her do that with no one else around to hold her hand but some makeup artist.
So no one's willing to testify for her? What happened to all her BFFs? Jamie, Beth, Ashley, Deanna, HER FAMILY, laundry lady, pool boys, Mr Handyman, gosh, even the film crews and photographers. Poor, poor Kate, no one's on her side. Well, except Milo, Austin, Emily and a few other sheeple!
It ought to be another fun day watching the tweety sheep go after Jon on Kate's behalf, while again completely denying that what was on that hard drive was true.
Also, I'm surprised bitter Al Walentis hasn't offered to be a witness for Kate.
You know, she's so caught up in who can I sue and how can I get back at people for this she is letting a golden opportunity sail on by.
Most people believe those diaries are hers. She hasn't denied it and it's been almost six months. I can say with a lot of confidence those were hers. So why not use Robert's book to make HERSELF money? Start doing interviews and press about the book, say you know what i had it really rough back in the day but I've since learned to control it and here's how. I am a reformed child abuser and if there is hope for me my message is there is hope to all the parents out there taking their frustrations out on their kids. She could team up with lawmakers in PA to tighten the laws and provide more programs for abused kids. She could be the face of child abuse reform.
She would come off as the hero, Kate's brave struggle to overcome her issues and come out on top, the teflon would strike again as it always does.
Her shoes were definitely hideous but if you look at the picture again, Elisabeth has a pair of shoes on with the toe platform and they are very classy. I'm betting the boots Sheri had on also had the toe platform. When the heel on your shoe is that high, the platform makes them easier to walk in and a little more comfortable. I have some shoes with the platform and they're nice looking. It's just the style. Brooke's shoes did not have a platform but the heel didn't look that high.
I didn't mean that ALL platform heels were hooker shoes...sorry. What I meant was that the combination of sling back, peep toe, different color platform, thick platform, very high stiletto threw them there.
I think what threw Kate's shoes into hooker territory, and how they were different from ther other's that the platforms were quite thick vs the other platforms, and they were a different color than the shoe.
Plus her shoes were sling back peep toes, whereas the other shoes were pumps or boots. The other obvious platform heels didn't have stiletto heels. And they weren't as high.
Kate's shoes were wannabe rich lady shoes. Not classy. Certainly not day-time, and especially not morning, shoes.
Brooke's shoes were stiletto, but they were pumps, closed toe. Sheri's stilettos were long boots. Joy's shoes were closed toe pumps, chunkier heel, not as high. Elizabeth's shoes looked like platforms, too, but the same color as the shoe, they were closed toe pumps, not as high. And they all had longer dresses on to offset the higher heels.
Kate's dress was too short for the shoes. Her shoes could have worked if she'd had a different dress.
Once again, Kate missed the mark. Still trying to fit in with the "in" crowd, and missing.
Still trying to show that she doesn't have to work, she just gets paid big bucks for walking around in a short dress and stilettos.
PatK said... 109
Also, I'm surprised bitter Al Walentis hasn't offered to be a witness for Kate.
Ha! Good one!
So....if the child/dog abuse has already been made public, what *else* is there that Kate is afraid of being made public?
Realizing that this would be speculation, where we normally don't want to go....good grief, what is worse than child abuse? What else could there be that she's so freaked about being made public?
I don't know if she's got much more to hide at this point. I think she's accepted it's all come out now, now she wants to get EVEN.
The funny thing is had she just ignored the book it would probably just be a distant memory by now. If she completely ignored it everyone would wonder if she can't even bother to give it a breath maybe it's really all nonsense. Instead she chose to attack and now the whole thing looks credible and is STILL in the news! I doubt Robert would have been galvanized to do another edition had she just let this little thing sail on by. It would be OLD NEWS.
Mel said... 113
So....if the child/dog abuse has already been made public, what *else* is there that Kate is afraid of being made public?
Interesting point, Mel. It does seem like there can't be much more to come out - perhaps there are more detailed specifics about the abuse? I've always wondered why there's so little information from and about her family. It's apparent they're estranged but could there be damaging info there, too? I've always hoped that the kids do see them from time to time and maybe that's why they're quiet.
Dmasy said... 67 capecodmama said... 71,
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
Admin, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your recap. It was excellent.
And here we are, another day, another ROL article. Interesting, if true. And if true, it's extremely interesting that Kate is focusing on Jon "stealing" the information instead of denying the information. However, Kate's never denied it has she? In a way I believe the article because I think Kate is just dumb and vindictive enough to try it.
Oh my......I am LOVING this in so many ways! Robert's book put you in a hole should just stop digging! I love that she does NOT say the journals are a lie. I love that she can't find an attorney to take her case. I love that she can't find anyone to testify for her. I love that she has revealed that she is so profoundly stupid that she doesn't seem to comprehend that her latest stupidity is VALIDATING Robert's book.
This latest 'smooth move' of hers is yet one more indication that this woman should be committed.
Oh my......I am LOVING this in so many ways! Robert's book put you in a hole should just stop digging! I love that she does NOT say the journals are a lie. I love that she can't find an attorney to take her case. I love that she can't find anyone to testify for her. I love that she has revealed that she is so profoundly stupid that she doesn't seem to comprehend that her latest stupidity is VALIDATING Robert's book.
This latest 'smooth move' of hers is yet one more indication that this woman should be committed. (Administrator) said... 114
I don't know if she's got much more to hide at this point. I think she's accepted it's all come out now, now she wants to get EVEN.
Kate's still not finished getting even for Jon not hanging around to take her further abuse.
Mel said... 113
''Realizing that this would be speculation, where we normally don't want to go....good grief, what is worse than child abuse? What else could there be that she's so freaked about being made public?''
Mel, I think this latest nonsense is because she can't stop the book from being re-issued, so KK being KK, her next move is to sue and try her dead level best to not only throw Jon under the bus, but into jail. All without a care what this latest move will do to Jon's children!
Lili Abby @lawlpopz
Kate Gosselin to Sue Jon Over Tell-All Book?
Lizzy Lizzy @boratrules
Kate Gosselin to Sue Jon Over Tell-All Book?
15 mins Lisa Buffet Lisa Buffet @WiredPress
#celebrities Kate Gosselin to Sue Jon Over Tell-All Book?
The bots are having a field day. I just cut and pasted a batch in a row. No editing.
@admin 110
She could NEVER pull it off. She would have to be acting beacuse she HASN'T changed and we all know what a great actress she is. Just like Armstrong couldn't pull it off. I agree thay she should have just let it go in the first place.
I just find it astounding that Kate can get on twitter and talk about all sorts of mundane goings on in her daily life such as how many cookies she's baking, sleep-overs, what's for dinner, etc. but when an article comes out stating such awful things such as she's going to sue her children's father to take away his parental rights and possibly put him in jail (even though there isn't a chance in hell of that happening) she doesn't get on her twitter and deny anything of the sort is happening if for no other reason than to make it seem like she cares for her children's feelings about their father. This just goes to show waht a total BITCH she really is.
If true, it really shows her total disconnect with reality. She sounds very mentally ill, paranoid, and angry, imagining all these scenarios where Jon MUST have been involved and completely ignoring all the information that lays out pretty clearly that he wasn't. Even though everyone else is trying to tell her this just isn't the way to go, she doesn't listen. Anyone who has ever worked with the mentally ill, doesn't this sound so familiar? She really needs serious mental health help.
So no one's willing to testify for her? What happened to all her BFFs? Jamie, Beth, Ashley, Deanna, HER FAMILY, laundry lady, pool boys, Mr Handyman, gosh, even the film crews and photographers. Poor, poor Kate, no one's on her side. Well, except Milo, Austin, Emily and a few other sheeple!
So why isn't Laverne and Shirley willing to take the case? They are the ones who have been involved in pulling the book. It would seem that they know more about this case than any other firm and if they don't want to represent her, they could recommend somebody who would. Maybe Mark Heller? :-)
I have a hard time believing this is true. Could it just be another attempt to keep her name out there?
So, if they were still legally married is it stealing to take the computer? My husband has access to my profile on OUR computer.
Kate - Call Mark Heller. I'm sure he'll take the case!
Sorry if this was posted but look at the photo- a pair of badly dressed buffoons!
I'm convinced that this show had nothing to do with Kate's image, but was used to change/soften Kendra's image and get her new fans. Because of her rep as a Playmate / party girl/ slutty girl (her image, not looking to get into a debate about that word) she only has a certain fan base. Put her up against a haggard villain and watch her shine, oh, and tune in to see MORE of Kendra!!! She will be diving AND has her own show!!! Watch those, too!!!
By softening her image with this "mom" experience, ABC can get more viewers for its Splash show. I think this episode of CWS was simply to get more viewers for the diving show and was not intended to "help" Kate's "career" in any way.
P.S. When Kate asked her kids if they wanted a new mommy for a week, of course they said "yes." Wouldn't you? (snark)
Robert said that when KK kicked Jon off the property (he was staying in the garage apartment) in a rage, she threw all his 'stuff' in the trash by the road. Robert found everything there. Taking trash from the road is not illegal. Robert passed a lie detector test about how he got the computer stuff and all the papers in the trash bags by the road.
...“Kate has been shopping her lawsuit around to various law firms, but no one is interested in taking her on because she has no actual evidence to support her case!”...
Ah, now we know what she's so busy 'working' on on those 'work' days. No wonder she has to lock her door. Insufferable tool.
My daughter likes to take her toddler boys to Chipotle, they have a good kid's menu. Hope the G kids don't have to share, our toddler boys finish one each pretty much. Wonder if Kate joins them in sharing a meal, or does she whip out a plastic bowl of salad and a dressing mister? Maybe she just watches and chomps her gum.
All the articles about the book, keep saying that Robert got the info off her computer hard drive. Yet Robert himself said that he got it off computer disks. From the book:
"Kate’s journal was found by me while combing through documents and computer discs and files that she threw in the trash, the day after she threw Jon out of the apartment above the garage for good."
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 24058-24060). . Kindle Edition.
If this story is true, Kate just admitted that the book is all true. If it was made up, she would be going after Robert for libel, not Jon for giving him the information.
I don't understand what she can base this lawsuit on. Theft? Violating a confidentiality agreement? I don't see what case she can have against Jon even if he did give the info to Robert, which I don't believe is true at all.
From one of the comments on ROL. Who knows if it's true. But she does seem to think that she can buy her way out of anything. Either cash, or having hackers threaten to empty people's bank accounts.
My friend's husband worked on their show at one point. He said several crew members quit over ethical problems with how she treated her kids and the ones who stuck around were paid extremely well.
And another one.
We have friends and family that dealt w/ them at Disney and they say the same thing. She was an absolute bitch to everyone. They felt awful for Jon and the kids.
Wait a minute. I don't understand -- haven't been reading all the posts. If she wants to sue Jon because she thinks he gave Robert the hard drive, then is she acknowledging everything on there was, in fact, her journal and her words? She's not saying that none of it is isn't true, but if she sues him, wouldn't that be admitting that it was her hard drive?
It would be interesting to see if she would deny throwing the computer/hard drive out and would she take a polygraph test, like Robert did. Why doesn't she testify on her own behalf? Prove that the diaries were stolen? I thought child abuse was grounds for incarceration? Whatever she's trying to peg on Jon is not. Yes Admin, I've seen mental illness like hers, I picture her rambling to herself how someone is going to pay, one way or the other.
Good luck with that
Lawyers are ethically obligated not to take on cases that are frivolous or don't have any merit. Anyone with their head on straight can see that not only does all the evidence make it clear that Robert found the computer files on his own from the garbage, which is completely legal in PA, but that even if Jon DID offer him information, he didn't break any laws. There's no crime against telling someone that your wife was a child abuser, and trying to argue that one in court is going to get you sanctioned or even in trouble with the Bar for wasting everyone's time. Kate's SOL and even some sleazy lawfirm isn't going to put themselves on the line for her. LOL.
I'm actually not sure that I believe the ROL story entirely. I wonder if it isn't a plant by Kate to get witnesses to come forward, since she hasn't been able to obtain any on her own.
(Although I can't imagine why LaVerne & Shirly wouldn't be able to track them down, being as they have the scorched earth policy and all.)
People who might be out to 'get' Jon for their own reasons, but people that Kate wouldn't have contact info for.
Although why she wouldn't just have her hacker friends obtain the contact info is hard to say.
Mel, it could be a feeler to see if she would have any support for such a suit.
I agree with what another poster said, Kate needs to take to twitter and deny these vile stories especially when they degrade her children's beloved father. She's fine with a rumor floating around she wants to put Jon in jail? She's disgusting. What if the kids heard about that from friends or found the information themselves? They'd be terrified. The fact that she won't so far speaks volumes.
This Radar article, if true, would explain why Deanna is the BFF flavor of the month. Everyone else has had enough.
So....if the child/dog abuse has already been made public, what *else* is there that Kate is afraid of being made public?
Realizing that this would be speculation, where we normally don't want to go....good grief, what is worse than child abuse? What else could there be that she's so freaked about being made public?
That she had an abortion when she was 17? If true, that would belie all her claims about how she couldn't get pregnant, and make her whole infertility story suspect.
@DubbleBubbleTRI how exciting! A tweet from our favorite gum company! Wait til I tell my kids!!! ;)
She's now grifting for gum? (Administrator) said... 136
Mel, it could be a feeler to see if she would have any support for such a suit.
Well, she's got Kate Major's support. That will help bunches.
Kate Major @k8major
@AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 I would testify against him in a second!!!!! Jon was out to get her with everything he told me!!
I would bet my last dollar that Robert gave ROL that story. He is laughing his butt off at Kate.
Kate is a twit said... 131
''If this story is true, Kate just admitted that the book is all true. If it was made up, she would be going after Robert for libel, not Jon for giving him the information.
I don't understand what she can base this lawsuit on. Theft? Violating a confidentiality agreement? I don't see what case she can have against Jon even if he did give the info to Robert, which I don't believe is true at all.''
Remember when Robert dared KK to call him a liar? He said that he had a LOT more things that he didn't put in the book, and if she called him a liar he would release it all!!
The reason she can't find an attorney to take her case is that she has no case! There is nothing to base a case on. What we're seeing is KK having an irrational temper fit. It is really INSANE for her to actually believe that she could have Jon's parental rights taken from him and have him jailed.
All this hitting the news, and KK is twitting about how happy she is that she got a tweet from her favorite bubble gum company! AND that when she saw CWS, ''Kendra looked like me in my kitchen and I asked 'wait, is that me?' when I 1st saw it!''
She has lost all touch with reality.
Mel said... 133
I recall hearing the same years ago- when people wondered why the crew changes so often. No, Kate, not everyone who meets you loves you!
She took the time to deny the story that she wanted her kids on Dance Moms. Why not deny this one since this one actually hurts her children's FATHER?
Kate Major, lol. And Kate wasn't out to get JON? Of course it was very contentious when they were getting divorced, it doesn't make it illegal. There is nothing ILLEGAL about hating your ex and wanting to get back at them, sorry Kreider. Strike three, you're out. Or karma, as it were.
I picture Deanna pouring Kate a glass of wine and listening to her talk all night about how awful Jon is and nodding dumbly in agreement like she did on CWS. There are few friends left who would still be willing to listen to such drivel after three years. The rest are outta there. I would gradually distance myself from someone like that too. I think you're allowed a certain time period to trash talk your ex constantly after a divorce, but not three years. At a certain point I doubt even Deanna can keep listening.
Hey Kate-one witness has stepped forward.
Amber Goodhand @AmberGoodhand
#EXCLUSIVE: @Kateplusmy8 Strikes Back! Dragging Jon To #Court, She Wants Him #Jailed Over Tell-All Book
Look who replied to this tweet:
Kate Major @k8major
@AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 I would testify against him in a second!!!!! Jon was out to get her with everything he told me!!
I can just see Kate Major being the most credible witness in the world, can't you? NOT
Penny said... 70
Why Kate won't be on CA.
2. She's not a celebrity.
Uh, yes she is, hence her appearance on "celebrity" wife swap. CA is peppered with reality TV stars, former models, etc. Kate is the caliber of celebrity CA attracts.
Didn't Robert Hoffman state that if Kate Gosselin gives him trouble and sues him he has more information that he will publish. This supposed information he promised not to publish. Maybe he added this to the new edited version to hopefully be released soon.
I wonder if it is worse being the husband of or the ex-husband of Kate Gosselin. She will never get over the fact that Jon left her before she could kick him to the curb.
I want to know where the heck Milo is! Doesn't she have Kate's back when there is terrible gossip magazine picking on her darling girl? Why isn't she badmouthing Jon and ROL?
That she had an abortion when she was 17? If true, that would belie all her claims about how she couldn't get pregnant, and make her whole infertility story suspect.
Not necessarily. Wouldn't some young girls feel that if they had an abortion and something went wrong that they'd have a difficult time getting pregnant because perhaps something was botched up, even if it weren't? That could always be in the back of their minds.
From Robert's emails to ROL:
''As for Kate Gosselin's journal, I think you know that I was given and passed a lie detector test by AMI specifically focusing on the acquisition and content of Kate's journal. In addition, anyone with basic knowledge of computers can look at the discs and see when they were created and if they were ever modified in any way. The book contains about ten percent of what was found in the computer files. There is so much more that hasn't been revealed. I also have physical and photographic evidence to back up my claims in the book.''
''The other 90% of the material that I possess will not be published, ever, but you can be sure that if I'm falsely accused of anything and drug into court, or called a liar by Kate Gosselin or her lawyers, this information will come out then, including photographs.
My sources include former crew members who witnessed the abuse.
I would suggest that a better story to pursue would be why TLC and Discovery kept filming this family for five (?) seasons knowing full well that Kate Gosselin was abusing her children. I've been told that there is much footage of this that obviously never saw the light of day.''
She sounds very mentally ill, paranoid, and angry, imagining all these scenarios where Jon MUST have been involved and completely ignoring all the information that lays out pretty clearly that he wasn't.
What information? Robert's word is not "information." It may be true, it may not, but it is just someone's word. The world is full of liars. And before someone comes back with "he took a lie detector test," we have no idea what questions he was asked so that in and of itself means nothing.
Oh my! Kate Major would be a wonderful person for KK to testify against Jon. I just saw this:
Kate Major slapped with 'hate crime' lawsuit following arrest for 'attacking and shouting racial abuse' at couple
By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 21:53 EST, 21 February 2013 | UPDATED: 22:38 EST, 21 February 2013
Read more:
Sorry, I don't know how to make it clickable!
Major has no credibility. She just had lohan's baby after accusing him of "kicking her in the vagina."
I want to know where the heck Milo is! Doesn't she have Kate's back when there is terrible gossip magazine picking on her darling girl? Why isn't she badmouthing Jon and ROL?
Give her time. She's probably stocking up on ammunition, frantically e-mailing/DMing Kate to find out what she should say. Remember how she got in the middle of it when she said that Kate never had an abortion? She disappeared for awhile after that.
Kate Major, lol. And Kate wasn't out to get JON? Of course it was very contentious when they were getting divorced, it doesn't make it illegal. There is nothing ILLEGAL about hating your ex and wanting to get back at them, sorry Kreider. Strike three, you're out. Or karma, as it were.
That's funny. Just because there was a nasty divorce doesn't mean that Kate Major knows anything about the computer. She could testify until the cows come home that Jon and Kate didn't have an amicable divorce and even that Jon despised her, but unless she has first-hand information that Jon actually gave that computer hard drive to Robert, her testimony means nothing.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 150
I want to know where the heck Milo is! Doesn't she have Kate's back when there is terrible gossip magazine picking on her darling girl? Why isn't she badmouthing Jon and ROL?
I'm sure Milo will make an appearance, or she'll be busy DMing Kate.
Kate's in a hard place right now. If she goes with her usual, stating the the ROL story is all lies, she'll look even worse if, in fact, she does take Jon to court.
The best thing for her right now is to say nothing, but I'm sure Milo will be pestering her for info.
Al Walentis speaks. I find him so slimy:
Radaronline is the only one having the post about putting Jon in jail. People, US Magazine,Yahoo, everyone else, hasn't picked it up. Makes me wonder who sold it to Radar.
Ugh. Whatever.
Let the chips fall where they may.
Kate cannot be more disgusting to me.
If her stupid case goes to court (her dream probably), I hope the judge chews the crap out of Kate for clogging the court system with b.s.(my dream definitely).
She will never get over the fact that Jon left her before she could kick him to the curb.
I politely disagree. I think she *did* kick him to the curb, and was astounded when he didn't fight back, and just said 'Ok. I'm gone.'
I think she fully expected him to say, 'What? No! Don't do it! I'll be good! I promise!'
When TLC said dump him, and Kate couldn't wait to get it done, I bet even though he was heart broken about leaving the kids, that he secretly jumped for joy that he was free of Kate.
IMO, he didn't have the backbone to initiate a divorce, and was probably secretly relieved when Kate wanted a separation agreement, which evolved into a divorce action.
Sue Buddy said... 142 (Administrator) said... 136
Mel, it could be a feeler to see if she would have any support for such a suit.
Well, she's got Kate Major's support. That will help bunches.
Kate Major @k8major
@AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 I would testify against him in a second!!!!! Jon was out to get her with everything he told me!!
Oh yeeeaaaahhhhh- she's a credible witness ;o)
P.S. Sue, I love your latest article. Good job!
Anonymous but no one will take her case or testify. If she's not nuts where are all her supporters?
Anonymous said... 153
'' The world is full of liars. And before someone comes back with "he took a lie detector test," we have no idea what questions he was asked so that in and of itself means nothing.''
Well, we do know that Robert has gone on record saying this:
''As for Kate Gosselin's journal, I think you know that I was given and passed a lie detector test by AMI specifically focusing on the acquisition and content of Kate's journal.''
You are right that the world is full of liars. But even KK, the lying liar that lies, hasn't said that he lied about her journals. Even her insane attempts to sue Jon for 'giving' Robert the information doesn't say that the journals are lies. That in and of itself means a lot! (Administrator) said... 164
Anonymous but no one will take her case or testify. If she's not nuts where are all her supporters?
LOL, now a ROL story is fact? Instead of deflecting, why not answer my question? What is "all the information that lays out pretty clearly" that Jon wasn't involved? I haven't the first clue whether he was or wasn't involved and let's be real, neither do you. Again, my point was that Robert's version of events is not, in and of itself, "information."
If Kate were to sue Jon for this, wouldn't that be a civil case? How could he end up going to jail? Same thing as far as losing parental rights, wouldn't that be a separate case in family court?
Wouldn't it have to be a criminal case for him to be threatened with jail time, and wouldn't a district attorney have to press charges?
So wouldn't she only need a lawyer for a civil case, and wouldn't a civil case only result in damages being paid, not jail time or loss or parental rights?
She's so predictable:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Kate DM
When Kate serves dinner to the kids everything is portioned out on their divided plastic plates , nothing is served family style. So when they were given free reign to make their own tacos they had NO idea how to act or to wait for the cheese or tomatoes or to pass the bowl of was a free-for-all. Kate isn't teaching them nearly as much as she thinks.
National Enquirer has the story on their site as well.
Let me put it this way. Roberts uncontroverted information. No one including Kate herself has put forth any evidence, or even a denial, disputing her own words. It's been 6 months. That's enough for me. It may not be for you fair enough, but I'm a duck person. If it looks talks and acts it's a duck.
It seems more likely the reason Kate can't find a lawyer is because there is no money to get out of Jon in a lawsuit.
Anonymous 166 -
By the same token, anything Kate says is no more fact than anything Robert Hoffman says. Her tweets, interviews and blogs are no more factual than anything else.
All we know for sure is that Kate is claiming celebrity for having 6 children at once, and is exploiting her children to to do by continually having them filmed, photographed and putting them in the public eye.
@DubbleBubbleTRI how exciting! A tweet from our favorite gum company! Wait til I tell my kids!!! ;)
She's now grifting for gum?
Just more proof of her "100% organic" diet. Apparently it includes artificially flavored, artificially colored, artificially sweetened gum.
She's such a tool.
lilacs said... 173
Anonymous 166 -
By the same token, anything Kate says is no more fact than anything Robert Hoffman says. Her tweets, interviews and blogs are no more factual than anything else.
Of course it isn't. I never claimed otherwise.
Jane said... 159
Al Walentis speaks. I find him so slimy:
No, no...not "slimy". He's more like the bitter girl who got dumped right before the Prom. I say that because there doesn't appear to be anything manly about him at all.
Jane said... 159
Al Walentis speaks. I find him so slimy:
Notice that Al has his book linked at the bottom of the article so you can buy from Amazon. I didn't read Al's book but undrstand that it slammed Jon and was a semi love fest for Kate. Wo gave you your info Al?
Kate is a Twit, I think Milo and the other athletic supporters have decided to publicly lay low today until this blows over. Hence, her weasily DM rather than a Tweet.
Kate is a twit,
I agree with you that this would be a civil case and she'd have to go through the prosecuting attorney to have Jon jailed for any offense and a separate case for child visitation. Both are ridiculous!
I just don't understand what she'd be suing Jon for. He supposedly has no money so it can't be for monetary damages and no family court judge would revoke custody on something as ludicrous as this. Even convicted felons have child visitation and custody - Jon telling Robert about computer files is hardly basis for changing someone's custody terms. She's NUTS.
IMO the source of the article was exaggerating a bit about Kate's hope for punishment for emphasis. Or, knowing Kate, maybe not. LOL
If find it kind of funny and ironic that on Kate's bog page at the Stir, they have a link to a celebritydirtylaundry article about the lawsuit on the sidebar.
Some of the minor gossip sites are picking up the story, just repeating the ROL story.
I guess her mind couldn't process the notion that he left them there for HER. She threw them out in a rampage because she thought they were important to him and she had big plans for that space.
Wow, she is excited about the prospect of getting a year's supply of D*bble B*bble. What are they up to a whole nickel apiece now?
Just skimming over all the latest hub bub. I admit I didn't read the ROL article and only caught a glimpse of the ensuing tweets.
Yeah, Kate Major...she's someone you want on your team. *cough* #sodesperateforfameshehadakidwithmlohan *cough*
My point is merely that for how long have the sheeple complained that "if there was abuse going on why didn't Jon do anything about it".
What if he did, the only way he could, without getting sued, without going public, without exploiting his children any more than they already had been?
I have no idea if Jon had anything to do with Robert's acquisition of Kate's journals. I believe Robert when he says Jon had no part in it.
But what if he did? Wouldn't that prove that Jon was actually sincere in his very public apology, in his determination to do make good and finally do right by his kids?
Wouldn't that totally contradict what all the sheeple have been saying? If Jon knew, he didn't care because he never did anything about it. So, even if it did happen, he was complicit.
Nevermind the total pass that gives their Queen of 8 for actually administering the abuse.
Of course, it wasn't her fault, no one knew how to help her. So suffers eight little children and their father, bound by his mediocrity.
Shakespeare couldn't have written a graver tragedy.
Others have stated this also, but I don't believe Kart will be featured on any future Celebrity Apprentice episodes (primarily because she can't raise money, she has no one, including her long lost money backers from TLC, she doesn't have a specific charity that she's aligned herself with, and other than trying to dress and look like someone trying too hard to portray herself as the next desperate housewife, she's cooked). Regarding her new cookbook, considering she claims she loves to cook, I don't see daily recipes on her website (nor comments) and the majority of her recipes that I've seen are unappetizing and unappealing at best. In the very least, she needs to research sites that have recipes that actually are appealing (yummy primarily unhealthy (yet adaptable) versions on Pioneer Woman or more health conscious recipes and lovely photography on sites such as Kart also needs to study food photography. She has a lousy website and it's obvious she spends next to no time on this site. I expect her thrown together cookbook to be the same (with promotional pictures of her kids stating all her recipes are a 10). She'll just put on another low cut short dress and phony smile, photos of her hungry children eating and rating the recipes and she'll hope it will sell. Maybe Steve or her latest confidant/surrogate husband Deanna will have to coax her out of some dollar store bathroom during her failing cook book promotional tour. Kart thought she had it bad in that Barnes and Noble broom closet, hiding from a few dozen people. Her dollar store cookbook tour will make that broom closet fiasco seem like a comfortable spa when she needs to retreat in dollar store bathrooms trying to hide from her 6 crazed sheeple for her new cookbook tour.
Uh oh--looks like Kate's ignoring Milo. Milo just tweeted again that she sent Kate a DM.
Kate only tweets today were in response to the bubble gum company, and agreeing with someone who thinks Kate and Kendra look so much alike. Then she just came back to tweet this little platitude:
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne
You cannot change the past, but you can change the way you look at it, so treat the bad as a lesson and move on.
Was she directing that at someone? She certainly can't be talking about herself, because she certainly hasn't moved on.
Kate might have been able to say she had PPD but since she is powerful enough not to get it, I guess she just beat the kids for sport.
Why hasn't Kate issued a standard "if it's from 'a source', it's not true"? Kate has said that repeatedly in the past. And something like this, if not true, should be strongly denied by Kate for the sake of her kids.
The thought that the kids could hear this rumor that their Mommy is looking to put their Daddy in jail and never let him see them is pee-inducing at that age.
Kate is a twit said... 180
If find it kind of funny and ironic that on Kate's bog page at the Stir, they have a link to a celebritydirtylaundry article about the lawsuit on the sidebar.
I guess that shows how little they really care about her. Wonder if they're having second thoughts about hiring her -- or is any publicity good publicity?
Looks like Kate's making excuses not to answer Milo's DM.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
FYI: I haven't been able 2 answer DMs on twitter over last few days or so. Email me at if u haven't heard back from me
So Milo will email, and then Kate will use the excuse that she gets sooooooo many emails, that she must have missed it.
But Kate did say that she can respond to tweets.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@CrystalPars3 yes. Odd. Don't know why I can answer tweets but not DMs...
Does that mean she wants Milo to openly say something on twitter, so that Kate can give her the usual "Lies, all Lies" response?
I just don't understand what she'd be suing Jon for. He supposedly has no money so it can't be for monetary damages and no family court judge would revoke custody on something as ludicrous as this. Even convicted felons have child visitation and custody - Jon telling Robert about computer files is hardly basis for changing someone's custody terms. She's NUTS.
Well, yes, she's nuts. If this is true (shopping for attorneys to take her case), then she's just digging her own grave. It would mean that she admits all of this was on her computer. It would open up a whole area of depositions, discovery and call attention to what was on the hard drive. Why on earth would she want to do that? This is one time when it's best to just let it go, hope that whatever Robert releases will just blow over and her fans wouldn't believe it anyway. Why call attention to all of this?
"Uh oh--looks like Kate's ignoring Milo. Milo just tweeted again that she sent Kate a DM."
Milo is contemplating her strategy. It's hard work, don't you know? She wants to make sure that she, as Kate's protector and guardian of her heart, gets everything correct and knows how Kate wants her to proceed. The whole thing with Milo is just so darn funny, and pathetic.
I'm with TLC Stinks, I think that this ROL story is from Robert and is creating a little buzz for the forthcoming release of his book. This is not to say that it is not true. He probably has even more insiders talking to him since the first release of the book. I'm accepting that is it most likely true. If love made Jon stupid (and, boy, did it ever) hate is doing the same to Kate. And this is a stupid, stupid move. Also thinking back to heaving out of Jon's stuff -- at the time it was revealed people here speculated that Kate or the staff threw it out. In light of now seeing what she makes those kids do, do you think maybe she had them do it?
What is "all the information that lays out pretty clearly" that Jon wasn't involved?
If Jon gave the hard drive to Robert, knowing what was on it (child abuse, animal abuse, grifting, selling out the kids, soliciting love offerings, etc.) wouldn't it also implicate HIM in turning his eye to the abuse? Why would Jon want any of that to come out when he would be accused of being an accessory to possible abuse, not to mention how they used their kids for fame and fortune? It certainly wouldn't put him in a good light. I would think that the last thing Jon would want would be to have Robert get his hands on any information that would make Jon look bad. Yes, Kate is the focus of the book, but the two of them were married at the time. Guilty by association.
PD man, LOVE the avatar! I think an uncle had that album.
Ms Kreider should have realized, unpaid bills to a professional (the counselor prior to the divorce) gets around your community. No wonder her only attorneys are in California, thousands of miles away from her. Ms Kreider is still boring, plus delusional, plus does not have the empathy required to care for a pet rock, let alone children.
I have no idea who Al Walentis is, but he sounds like some bitter jealous hag whose own book didn't sell well. It's just sour grapes and smelly moldy cheese from this guy. He's apparently jealous of Hoffman. I believe Jon didn't have any part in Robert writing this book. Robert may have been around when Kart threw away journals, computer disks, and Jon's other belongings for trash. Robert just took the disposed property prior to the garbage collectors taking it. I wonder if Jon ever did find his wedding ring that disappeared from the garage apartment. And I don't believe Jon's a Saint or a perfect parent by any means. But he obviously loves his children enough to stick around after being released from paying child support (although circumstances change). Many fathers who are not required to pay child support, don't fulfill their required custody time and they move far away to start a new life with or without a new love. I give him credit for living close and trying to maintain regular custody time and being involved in his childrens' everyday lives. Many fathers at Jon's age or years older than he is, would move away and start over, especially given his ex is a witch with her highly paid lawyers, and her repeated attempts at publicly and privately bullying Jon.
Tucker's Mom said... 187
''Why hasn't Kate issued a standard "if it's from 'a source', it's not true"?''
Because it IS true? The entire mess sounds just like KK's way of doing things. She can't get what she wants, so it must be all Jon's fault. Since it is Jon's fault, he must be not just thrown under the bus, but squashed to a greasy spot and then scraped up and thrown in jail. She will ALWAYS blame him for any and all of her failures.
She should be committed.
pym said... 191
''I'm with TLC Stinks, I think that this ROL story is from Robert and is creating a little buzz for the forthcoming release of his book. This is not to say that it is not true. He probably has even more insiders talking to him since the first release of the book. I'm accepting that is it most likely true.''
I hope that Robert IS the source for ROL. I really hope he is. In all the time we've been 'graced' with KK's presence, Robert Hoffman is the ONLY one that has had the balls to stand up to that stuck on stupid waste of space! I would love to shake Robert's hand for not allowing KK to terrorize him into keeping his mouth shut.
Once Kate threw Jon out of the apartment, wasn't he banned from the property altogether, or did that happen later? If it happened then, he wouldn't have had access to the computer or anything else it seems like.
Just found out @Kateplusmy8 has twitter...this day keeps getting better and better.
WOW! Big fan there! Just think, her day could have gotten better two years ago when Kate joined twitter! She missed two years of good days! :-)
This is one scary picture for this article.
Looks like Kate, north of us, is going to be spared the brunt of this storm, but get ready -- to hear her tell it, they'll be snowed in for days and the kids will be out shoveling the driveway, she'll be out of power, and her trees will be down.
We, however, are in for a decent blow with ten plus inches possible. Darn. I put away the snow blower and shovel, figuring that it's March and what could possibly happen. Right now it's the calm before the storm.
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