Coming up on Celebrity Wife Swap. Kate gets to tell some other nice family raising their adorable son just fine that they are doing everything all wrong. This will go on for 42 long minutes. Batten down the BB Mercedes, it’s going to be one long, hypocritical ride.
People know Kate best for Dancing with the Stars and for her reality show. No Kate, people know you best for your vile personality and also for sucking at motherhood.
Wow, I didn’t realize Kate had three books on the “New York Best Seller List.” Where’s that prestigious literary office out of, Jamestown? These books may have once been on some list in days gone by, but now according to the people on this blog, they’re bird cage liner.
What’s even funnier is no one bothered to tell Kate about her gaffe and let her do a take two. I like when it’s obvious production doesn’t give a crap. We started seeing a lot of this toward the end of Kate Plus 8: bad editing, poor sound quality, etc. There was even an episode where they didn’t even bother to put music in. Like a lazy high schooler printing out his English essay, the “eh, that’s good enough not to fail now let’s get some beer” attitude is amusing.
I see Jon’s now in the witness protection program, blurred face and all. Hopefully he’s somewhere tropical! As usual, Kate paints a picture that Jon is dead, but don’t worry, they were able to make this “positive” somehow, though she never explains what she means by this. Kate does all the cooking and oversees everything else. This really means, Kate does some of the cooking some of the time and the hired help does everything else all of the time.
“Somewhere around 2011” Kate was divorced, she said. Uh, no, Kate, you were separated and divorced in 2009. That’s more than three years ago, not one. Though judging by the way she still isn’t over this, 2011 sounds more much plausible, sure why not. Kate suffers from a permanent case of what can best be described as "fuzzy memories" and it’s nearly impossible to live with these kinds of people, always made to feel like you’re the crazy one and not crazypants here.
Mady sums up Kate’s parenting style better than I can. “You’re going to do it my way,” she says with a slap of her hands. Pretty much. From refusing to let her 12-year-olds enter their own kitchen, to barking at them to put their napkins in their laps and roll up their jeans and tuck them under their boots and now I say, to the countless lists and more written rules, regulations and decrees plastered everywhere, a stint in Alcatraz is starting to sound like more fun, especially if a young Clint Eastwood could be there. I’ll even risk the life raft popping!
“All I’ve ever really known is work,” Mady says. “Work is a bad thing when you have too much.” Sniff.
Manipulated, demure B-personality Deanna better known around these parts as @DeannaTweeting, the BFF flavor of the month, will play the “husband” for this little lab rat experiment, as a poster here so accurately described it. But wait, @DeannaTweeting is a woman, you say as you scratch your head, and the hired help. You see, Kate has acted as preying mantis to anyone of the male persuasion so there are none left to choose from. Hired help it is!
Ha, I like how Kendra just owns it. People know me best as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend, she announces shamelessly. That is correct. Kendra and her helpful husband Hank are cute, funny, and affectionate. Their little son Hank Jr. is a free spirit with darling long curly hair. It’s nice that Kendra acknowledges her hired help by name, Rosa, gives her the respect to call her what she is, the nanny and not just that person who watches my kids or the "babysitter” or “helper,” and describes her as a member of the family. Aw. I bet she even gets benefits too! I noticed the stark contrast between Rosa wrestling around with Hank Jr. on the couch, the two of them giggling up a storm, contrasted with @DeannaTweeting who gives one of the girls a light, polite hug when she arrives you might give some second cousin you barely know. The hug is shown twice from two different angles, making it seem like she hugged her twice to an undiscerning viewer. She didn't.
Kendra says Rosa and Hank make it possible for her to lounge by the pool, party and otherwise behave like a trust fund baby, though she is also shown kissing Hank goodbye as she goes off to work. The women say goodbye to their families and head to each other’s respective houses. The hypocrisy has already started, with Kate admitting the kids don’t want her to leave, and the kids looking genuinely crestfallen to see her go. I thought they just loved this idea and couldn’t wait to do it! To me, these look like kids who just want things to be normal over their Columbus Day holiday and maybe even see their dad and friends.
“Hollywood is very Hollywood,” Kate says philosophically as she gesticulates. Even a wild hand flap can’t save that inane comment.
While Kendra tries her best to compliment the Wolf’s Lair as tidy, Kate saunters around Kendra’s cheerful, family friendly colorful pad, pointing at a little clutter here on the counter and crumbs there on the floor, and deciding the absolutely vast chef’s kitchen is not big enough. The whole thing takes an unexpected and might I add creepy turn when Kendra discovers the witch’s crematory just like in Hansel and Gretel! Oh, wait that’s just the bread machine.
Hey, I just realized who the voiceover narrator is! Took me ten minutes to place it. That guy who narrates Extreme Couponing. Aw, I’d love it if he could do for us a little dramatic will they won’t they get their bill under 95 cents before they crash the cash register?? He makes coupons for half off Cheerios and 10 ketchups for $1 each edge of your seat thrillers. I had nearly as much fun with him as I did making my way through Locked Up Abroad recently. This is what reality T.V. has come to, but you can tell this guy totally just embraces it. Might as well.
Kendra and Kate sit down to read each other’s house manuals, standard formula for this silly show. Kendra is honest about her hired help, discussing her cook, housekeeper and nanny. Kate for some reason acts appalled about this (sorry, Katherine), and with a straight face, says she’d rather be all three. What she really means is she’d rather control all three, not actually be all three. There’s a difference. She must have forgotten how many times she’s told us about all her hired help. In fact her manual, posted online, says they’ve been through so many nannies she can’t even keep track, and she did an entire blog post about how she’s had at least a part time housekeeper since the children were babies. Babies! That’s nine years! These are but two examples of dozens of Kate’s admissions about her staff. For her part, Kendra is mostly just worried about how she is going to remember all these names. Think top ten popular baby names from 2003 and you’ll be fine, Kendra.
Oddly, all Kate will do this entire episode is judge Kendra, her family, her household, everything and anything about her. And yet in an interview with Inside Edition the other day, she goes on and on about how her bad experiences in the public eye (oh, poor thing!) has taught her one thing. Sadly, it’s not, I need to change my nasty behavior. Rather, she has learned not to judge. I think what Kate means to say is she doesn’t want to be judged. She couldn’t care less if anyone else is judged.
By the way, Kate did so much hand flapping in that interview I thought she was going to take off. This is the interview where she was peddling some snake oil about how wrongly portrayed she is. I think hand flapping is the proverbial Pinocchio’s nose. The more you flap the more you’re lying. Oh, and she insulted Californians by implying it’s all Easy Street over here and all Kendra has ever known. She should take a stroll through Watts sometime and see how easy folks have it. The median income in California usually only hovers a few thousand dollars above the national average, nothing to write home about. California has a few incredibly wealthy neighborhoods that get a lot of screen time, but other than that, it’s like any other state, mostly hard working Americans just trying to make a living, with good parts, bad parts, and mostly in between parts. In fact, Kendra’s parents split when she was, sadly, only eight, a little younger than the twins, and she was hardly raised in Beverly Hills living in that mansion between Lisa and Adrienne. No, she certainly wasn’t poor, but she did grow up in the San Diego suburb Clairemont, which bears a striking similarity to Wyomissing, demographics wise.
Kendra took the divorce hard and turned to drugs to cope when she was only thirteen (thirteen!), and soon afterward, stripping. Otherwise, she had a pretty average childhood with public school and several years on the softball team. All Kendra’s “easy” childhood tells me is that it doesn’t matter how secure your family is in every other way, divorce can be very tough on kids and any mother who is brushing off the kids as “just fine” post-divorce needs to make sure they are delving a bit deeper. Kate always seems to judge people, including herself, on the possessions and environment that surround them, and never understands that those things usually have little correlation to happiness, how “easy” you have it, or how mentally stable you are. Anyway, I’m glad Kate decided to throw Kendra’s upbringing under the Mercedes because it prompted me to read up on it and actually discover what seems to be the root of Kendra’s issues, being a very young child in a broken home. Are you listening Kate? Approve of some of Kendra’s choices, nope. Excuse them, not on your life. Understand them better now, yes.
At O-Six hundred-and-three the children are to come downstairs for breakfast. Not 6:05, Kendra says in disbelief, not 6 o’clock. But 6-0-3! Welcome to Shawshank, Kendra. Fresh fish! Fresh fish!
Commercials. Kate also promoted this appearance on The View this week, in which I guess Brooke Shields drew the short straw and had to ask all the questions, bless her little heart, while Whoopie just sat there brooding. I’ll always remember Whoopie calling Kate an “angry bitch” and her desperate cries of “She got to go! Vote…her…off!” during Dancing With the Stars. It’s like she had been bottling it all up for years and it finally exploded, and also, she was at the end of her rope at not being able to get through to dimwits like Sherry. Now, she’s back to bottling, apparently. I get it, there’s a certain point where you’re just done trying. Kate’s outfit choice was inappropriate, to say the least.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
We’re back. Kendra appears to be doing some sort of Lamaze breathing in preparation for meeting the kids. Ha. The kids are hardly enthusiastic to find her in their house. They are incredibly shy and distant. When Kendra asks who’s excited, only Alexis raises her hand. Mady knows full well who Kendra is because she snuck downstairs to watch her show. So much for the schedule! @DeannaTweeting pronounces her name as Dan-a. That’s odd, I thought it was De-anna Tweeting. Or maybe she’s just mumbling like a New Yorker. No matter.
Hank, Hank Jr., Rosa and Hank’s business partner (heh, so L.A.) meet Kate. Hank brings her a gorgeous big bouquet of flowers. Aw. As Hank pours Kate a glass of wine and fires up the grill, Kate remarks that she never gets to watch someone else cook. Geez, did Katherine die too?
I’m surprised @DeannaTweeting didn’t have to reference her propaganda manuel when she, with a straight face, informs Kendra that Kate does it all herself. Number one, @DeannaTweeting doesn’t even live in the same state so I hardly think she knows what goes on around here on a day to day basis. She is just basing this off what Kate tells her. Number two, Kate herself admits she certainly does not do everything (rather, she “oversees”), so @DeannaTweeting can put a sock in that one. I have to hand it to Kate though, she sure knows how to recruit for the Kate Youth. On a side note, what a slap in the face, @DeannaTweeting, to all the people who have ever helped this family out, often for nothing in return. This is why Kate runs through dozens of nannies, when someone like Kendra likely will never lose Rosa until Hank Jr. is 18. And why you, Deanna, will probably, sadly, never move as far as you probably should in your career, as long as you make BFF with pathetic people like Kate.
The kids seem to stick to their normal routine, doing their chores/hard labor and setting the table. Kendra just kind of goes with it, albeit perplexed the whole time. I like the compliments Kendra is giving the kids, that they are so smart, especially Mady. At dinner, Mady prays that Kendra will survive this week. That was sweet of her, though I’d be surprised if God cares about making sure D-list celebrities successfully swap households. Heck, I didn't even realize God had a T.V. I guess you never know, maybe He skipped NCIS this week to watch this.
Interesting, Kendra has some real friends named Jessica and Kristen who stop by for dinner. We’re quickly back to Kendra, who is close to losing it at this point, her hair is disheveled and her forehead shiny as she puts the kids to bed. She gets them off to dreamland and heads downstairs to rinse off the eggs.
“I’m washing an egg right now,” she says. “Out of a chicken’s butt!” Thanks for the visual, Kendra.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Jessica and Kristen take Kate clubbing. At a place that features a strip pole. For someone who claims she’s only been clubbing once, she sure is tossing back those shots and Long Island iced teas like a pro.
Kendra is awake early and makes the kids a perfectly acceptable breakfast of Cheerios and fruit, though the kids tell her, rather rudely, they want to have eggs. Geez, cut the gal a break, it’s her first morning here. On another note, had Rep. Murt's new child labor laws been in place when they filmed this episode (they weren't yet, almost), they would have just broken them, anyone catch it? Under the new law, there must be at least a 12 hour break between shooting the night before and shooting the next morning. Since Kendra fed them dinner and put them to bed the day before all on camera, and we know they go to bed around eight or so, having them filming again the next day at 6 a.m. was not a full 12 hour rest. And, this is just one reason why reform was needed. (The new law cheat sheet, downloads as a PDF.)
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
Kate finally rolls out of bed at nine o’clock, just as Hank is taking Hank Jr. to school. He instructs Kate to just relax. I guess from this little piece of information Kate has decided Hank is “enabling” Kendra. Or, you know, he’s just trying to be hospitable. Could be that. Kate bemoans outside by the pool that if she only had as much free time as Kendra (snort!) she would spend it with Hank Jr. I’m sorry, I missed the implication that Kendra and Hank aren’t spending enough time with Hank Jr. The kid’s usually around so far, he seems to be an active enough participant in the family dynamic and very comfortable with Kendra and Hank, he just melts into them like an adorable, curly haired little marshmallow. What information is Kate basing this rather serious accusation? You don't have to be with your kids twenty-four hours a day for heaven sake. He can go to school and see kids his own age like everyone else is doing in Calabasas, and you can even sit by the pool a little. 24/7 is not what anyone expected of Kate and it's not what anyone expects of this family either, except Kate. It's always extremes when it comes to Kate. The world is black and white, there is no gray, in her rigid mind. Not to mention, the only jobs she's really had in the past two years is a scant few media appearances and to write up a few silly blog posts once in awhile. The kids are in school all day. What does she do all day. Errands, I guess? How can you be doing errands eight hours a day five days a week? Not to mention she's off duty when Jon has the kids. Comparing her schedule with Kendra's IMDB, I'm really at a loss how Kate isn't the sloth here with more free time than most women could ever dream of in a lifetime. If she isn't, she is not as organized as she thinks she is.
Back at the Wolf’s Lair, Kendra is up to things the hired help normally tackles, like the laundry and grocery shopping. And if there’s any doubt that the hired help doesn’t do the laundry, I think Kate’s directions taped to the machine will settle that! “Mandatory Uniform Policy. Check shirts for stains. After 1st wash [unintelligible] run with 2/3 cup bleach. Stain free! Doors need to be open when not running.” Now why would you need such elaborate directions for just yourself unless you have some kind of short term memory disorder ala Joseph Gordon Levitt in The Lookout? If that’s the case, your problems are bigger than messing up the mandatory laundry policy! Try robbing banks with such an issue, it’s no picnic.
Kendra is all mouth agape exaggerated shock at the three bags of fruit she puts in the car. I never understand why people act so amazed at the amount of food that eight kids consume. Haven’t you ever been to, like, a large dinner party? More people, more food consumed, it’s really not that much of a Christmas miracle.
Hank is really going out of his way to give Kate a great experience on her vacation. And this is a vacation. He gives Kate a golf lesson, an activity she conveniently packed a bright blue polo shirt and starched white shorts for. She’s actually not bad for her first time. Golf isn't easy I'll give her that, but she did it. It would be nice to see her at least try to take up a sport her kids are interested in instead of making them feign interest in whatever she's into at the moment.
Kendra is still trying so hard to try to make a connection with the kids, even though they are understandably distant. She is a stranger after all and they were just abandoned by their mother for the week and have some flavor of the month BFF living in the garage apartment who doesn’t even appear to be around (I guess Deanna is really taking this "husband" role to heart. I appreciate her method acting.). Kendra's Herculean efforts are really touching. She relates to Cara because of sports and seems to have a “breakthrough,” she says. This is no act. You know these types, the “Yeah, dude, I love Grand Theft Cars!!” First of all, it’s Grand Theft Auto, and you’ve never played it a day in your life. Nice try though. Like I said, Kendra really did play on a real softball team as a kid for several years, so the Yeah Cara, I love sports too thing is for real. Kendra says the kids are “amazing” and talks about how much she adores Hank Jr. and how she doesn’t know how you would divide up your love among eight kids. That’s so funny, I’ve only ever heard the non-fans talk about how amazing the kids are and worry about how you could possibly give eight children the attention they need. Should we invite Kendra over here?? Kendra sincerely wants to know what Mady’s into. Mady goes on and on about loving acting and Kendra makes supportive comments like “amazing!” and I was into that too! (Another true statement, Kendra has several real acting credits on her resume, including a role in Entourage, and a couple bit parts in the Scary Movie franchise). I have to hand it to Kendra, I don’t think anyone exactly wanted to root for the Playboy Playmate here, but she makes it hard not to.
Hank is proud of himself for getting Kate to loosen up, he says he deserves a pat on the back for that. He deserves more than a measly pat for that. Like something closer to a wallop. Over dinner out, Hank says nice things to Kate like that Kate is a strong woman who will find her Mr. Right, and Kate looks into Hank's eyes and says Kendra is really lucky. Aw. This dinner kind of has a Fatal Attraction vibe about it ....
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.

This sad situation doesn’t go unnoticed by Kendra, and she really says it best here. “The hardest part for me is realizing these kids have so much to do, and so many jobs to do. I’m a big believer in a kid should be a kid,” she explains, her eyes welling with tears. “I know that they need structure and chores, but this is hard because .... “ She actually has to pause a moment she’s that emotional. “I just don’t like to be so strict, I feel bad, you know?” she finally chokes. Oh my God.
Commercials. It’s pretty bad when a kid is doing so much hard labor they are actually making a grown adult weep. Usually when adults see kids doing chores all you hear from them is, “Eh, it’s good for them!”
We’re back, and now we finally get to the interesting part of the show (well, as interesting as a show like this can get), where Kendra and Kate get to impose their own rules on the household.
I love this, Kendra's first rule is the boys and girls are going to switch chores. Boy did she nail this one. Say what you like about her but that girl knows exactly what’s up and figured it out in only one day too. This one's got book smarts, she’s a regular Andy Dufresne.
It’s pretty pathetic that such a rule isn’t the norm anyway. Why are chores designated across such rigid gender stereotypes in the first place? Here’s a wild idea, why not just rotate the chores? Fairly, across all eight kids? No designating chores by gender. And Kate has the nerve to criticize Hank for “pampering” Kendra? Isn’t that the ultimate gender stereotype, the romantic leading man and his pampered housewife? The poor boys are so checked out none of them really respond to this change-up. The girls moan and groan but seem game, I guess. Good, they need to get a taste for what their brothers go through.
Back in L.A. at Casa Kendra, Kate has finally been allowed to set up a satellite bunker to the Wolf's Lair, and it's creepy how much happier she looks now. Unlike Kendra, who speaks off the cuff, Kate apparently needs little cue cards so she doesn't mess up telling Hank he's enabling Kendra by pampering her. Aw, poor Hank looks genuinely crushed. You have to be careful when you insult how a man treats his wife. You could be met with tears or even a fist.
"Why is Hank doing practically 100% when there's (sic) two parents?" Kate asks.
I don't know Kate, why was Jon doing practically 100% when there were two parents?
Kate announces Rosa is outta here and she'll be taking care of Hank Jr. "You're not care me," Hank Jr. says defiantly. Ha, kid's got a lip! The kids resist Kendra's idea to have a picnic with tacos in the basement. Mady reminds them these are the rules of the psychological experiment they were neither emotionally or intellectually old enough to consent to. No chores, lots of playtime, the kids cheer.
@DeannaTweeting is making annoying faces and mutters some nonsense about how the kids need the schedule to make the house run and keep the kids happy. Shut up, @DeannaTweeting. It's not the kids' responsibility to make the house run, it's their job to go to school, after-school activities, play, and lastly to do some chores, within reason, that don't interfere with those other things. They didn't ask for a mansion. If you want a mansion, you don't get to enslave your children to keep it up. Downsize, or hire a larger staff, and be done with it.
Kate puts the Hanks on a schedule with chores. "Call her Miss Boss now," Hank snarks. Heh, that's not all I would call this woman, but it's a start.
Well, the girls seem to be doing just fine tending to the chickens. They like it. Kendra talks about bonding with them. You know what I like about Kendra? She doesn't just treat this as an experiment to see how she would react to a different situation, like how Kate views it. She treats it as an opportunity to get to know and love eight kids, and try to make a difference in their sad lives, however small. I am moved by this, truly moved. Just proves that no matter what your past, it doesn't mean you don't have a beautiful heart. The kids show her their really cool treehouse, but, oh man, it's locked! Locking the treehouse is as odd as locking your refrigerator or something. Not something most normal people would ever think to do unless you are maybe A Child Called It’s mother. Kind of funny that Kate and her fans defended this later as being a safety issue, when the treehouse has a vast staircase with a railing safer than many real house stairs.
Hank Jr. happily puts away his toys and is so cutely proud of himself for earning piggy bank money. Aw. Naturally, Kate really can't help herself, gloating and shooting smirky looks at Hank the whole time, which is odd, since Hank never said he objected to Hank Jr. doing chores and in fact made it clear he supported Junior starting to learn responsibility, he just said he knew it would take time to get used to it is all.
Kendra picks just about the absolute worst meal to have on the floor, tacos. Hannah steps through Alexis's taco and then giggles sinisterly about it. Ugh. The kids are so horrified by the mess and chaos and Alexis is nearly in tears. Great, now they're going to have an even bigger phobia of emancipation. Poor Kendra tries to tell them that spills are okay but they're really not having it.
I don't mind this rule, Kate says Hank Jr. should sit at the table with his parents. Hank Jr. is having a hard time behaving, but like his father said, this will take time. You can tell Hank is starting to crack under all the criticism, but this man has the patience of a saint.
Aw, Kendra arranges for an ice cream truck to pull up to the house and they love it. Kendra has already started processing this experience and thinking about making changes in her own life, opining that she should spend more time with her family. Good for her.
While Kendra has long taken the kids to school, Kate's finally up at 9 a.m. Did she party last night again? Kate keeps Hank Jr. at home today and they have breakfast, play, and do an art project. It goes all right I guess. I don't like how she constantly talks down to Hank Jr and corrects him, that will get old real quick, but Hank Jr. seems fine. I like the mischievous twinkle in his eye, like he's inwardly cataloguing all of Kate's transgressions for when he someday takes his sweet revenge.
Baw-haha, I love this, Kendra's girls day is not with any of Kate's friends, but with @DeannaTweeting and one of her friends. Really? All of PA and they couldn't find one friend of Kate's to go to lunch with?
"They're amazing kids," Kendra emphasizes once again. Aw. She really believes this, too. "To Kate! To Supermom!" Kendra says as she toasts. Kendra, Kendra.
Kate admittedly has another rather good idea, she arranges a family yoga session for the Hanks. Babies doing yoga poses is unexpectedly adorable! I dare you not to say "aww" at this:
And how about this:
Anyway, the problem here is that Kate is hellbent on getting Hank to agree that this is the most fantastical amazingish idea she has ever come up with. Hank is reluctant, explaining that Hank Jr. already does yoga at school and Kendra has her own class. See, Kate needs to offer up ideas, and then let Hank decide for himself if he wants to change. Some he may resist, some he might actually be open to, like the chores. But insisting he must agree with her and only her on each and every thing is only going to make him more resistant. And, it just seems rather arrogant. And hypocritical of course, that's a given.
Kendra takes the kids out for a fun night go carting and one of those play gyms with ropes and climbs and such. The kids adore it. I mean, adore it. Mady's taking photos, they're cheering, it's great. Kendra says she wants them to have real childhood memories besides chores. Kendra, don't worry, Kate has devoted her life's work to seeing to it they make memories. The memories thing is well covered.
Glenn Close over here is giving Hank sultry looks as she explains that Hank does more than his fair share. You know the Five Love Languages? Hank's love language is "Acts of Service," that's all. Kendra admits she needs to change a few things, fair enough, but maybe she brings different things to the marriage, like income, humor and emotional support. Not every aspect of marriage is measured in brooms and dustpans. I would guess her love language is probably "Words of Affirmation" judging by her interactions with the kids. Hank explains this is what works for them and he likes it. Since it's not hurting anyone and they seem happily married, I don't see why it's so darn important to Kate that Kendra do more hard labor, other than jealousy and resentment. Just let them speak their own Love Languages and leave them be. Also there's this weird undertone like she's trying to imply that she was once in a marriage like this only she was Hank (double snort!), and she's trying to "save" him from her sad fate. Pathetic, yet hysterical too, since delusion is funny to me. Also, anyone see the irony in a divorced woman who can't even get a date giving relationship advice to two happily married people on their first marriage? Tee-hee.
Kendra is still learning about herself over at the Wolf's Lair, realizing that if she can manage eight kids on her own, she can manage one on her own. She's still washing eggs, I don't know why that's funny but it is. Meanwhile Kate's still gloating about what a difference she had made in Hank Jr.'s life because she gave him a few chores. The swap is over, and of course Kate has already decided that she learned that she has the best behaved kids ever and thank God she implemented such a militant schedule or these kids might have turned out like, gasp, Hank Jr.! Why am I not surprised the only thing she would get out of this whole thing is to feel even more validated?
Kate, Kendra, Hank and @DeannaTweeting gather at a roundtable to discuss the experience. Kendra says nice things like the house felt like a family home.
Kate in reply tells Kendra that Kendra doesn't care and just lets everyone else do everything. Kendra is already in tears. Does Kate have to try to be such a bitch or does it just come naturally? I see no problem telling poor Kendra that maybe she could change up a few things, but you don't have to be cruel about it. And funny thing is Kendra learned this all on her own this week without Kate's help before she ever sat down. Hank is basically like, that's just not true, she's great with Hank Jr., and that Kendra shouldn't change. He's finally cracked!
Kendra asks if Kate has ever been through a live for myself stage. Baw-haha! Kendra, this is no stage. That implies someday you might come out of it. Kate's all like oh no never! Meanwhile @DeannaTweeting is just dumbly nodding at all this. She's so obnoxious.
Kendra talks about going off schedule to see the treehouse and how fun that was (even though it was locked, Kendra still made it fun). Basically Kendra is trying to tell her to let the kids go off schedule for things like that, but @DeannaTweeting says what they are trying to say is Kate needs to "forgive" herself for taking 30 minutes out for herself. Well, Kate's open to that suggestion, naturally. Oh Lord @Deanna, that is not what Kate should take away from this at all. Go away.
The bottom line is Kendra and Hank learned some wonderful lessons from all this, and they talk about growing up and spending more time with Hank Jr. Kate is so tearful that she helped Kendra accomplish this. Kate, you didn't do anything, it was spending time with the kids that made Kendra think. Kate of course learned she is right and also that it would be nice to have someone else to share her workload. What workload? Maybe she means all the chore charts she writes? That probably does take considerable time!
Final score, Playboy Bunny: 1, Shrew: 0.
1622 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1622 Newer› Newest»mnreilly
As I sit here & contemplate dinner, I wonder- what's Kate @Kateplusmy8 making for her kids tonight & what's her meal schedule for the week?
Why? Is Kate going to prepare extra food and deliver it to her via The BBB Meals On Wheels? Does she need Kate to post her meal plans so this fan has a guide and her family doesn't starve?
Sue Buddy needs to compile a list..."Dumb Things Sheeple Tweet." Good job on the recent article, Sue!
She hasn't been calling us over here in Westbrooke to help her out considering the whole break up happened here and we saw it unfold, up close and personal albeit not willingly. Guess she believes we can't help her but we would testify!
......................for Jon
So I think Jon sincerely tried to work with Kate, but in typical fashion, she put the screws to him. Perhaps this time, Jon is collaborating with Robert and that is what has set her off. She has pushed aside all family and friends, and she expects them to help her??? What goes around comes around!! Can't wait, Robert.
Anonymous said... 2
She hasn't been calling us over here in Westbrooke to help her out considering the whole break up happened here and we saw it unfold, up close and personal albeit not willingly. Guess she believes we can't help her but we would testify!
......................for Jon
What are you talking about? Westbrooke?
"She hasn't been calling us over here in Westbrooke to help her out considering the whole break up happened here and we saw it unfold, up close and personal albeit not willingly."
I think she's more concerned about what happened in the trash at Wernersville, not what happened in E-town during the break-up. From what I understand, her contention is that Jon gave Robert the information that she considered private. I don't think that she has denied any of what he published ever happened. Perhaps you should be on stand-by, case she needs some character witnesses to testify on her behalf! If I were she, though, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Blowing In The Wind said... 192
I agree and your points are all valid. Anyone who has read my posts here for a while knows how poorly I look upon Jon's involvement in the children's exploitation and his behavior after the separation/divorce.
But, he's apologized and admits his part in this whole fiasco. He's said the words, "I'm sorry". He's spoken favorably about Kate in recent memory, calling her a good Mom. What a difference!
I admire that Jon's been radio silent of late-- must be hard when Kate continues her passive-aggresive slams at Jon and seeming parental alienation.
He's been and continues to right the wrongs and I think, recognizes his need to grow up and be a man in order to father his boys to into young men.
I think time has shown Jon to have grown; to have changed-- for the better.
I can not say the same about Kate.
Maybe Robert's book will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, and maybe it will be known as truth. If and when it is, I believe Jon will face what has obviously been his part in the exploitation of his children, and the duplicity and subterfuge employed in perpetuating their struggling image, that caused ripples which spread from the nucleus of the Jon and Kate + 8 juggernaut and effected an unprecedented, quantum leap forward for TLC et. al. ,that lead to more ratings and money and power than they could have ever imagined.
Wow! I do believe the ROL story that Kate is looking to sue Jon. And why not??? Any good mom knows that the way to get your ex is to sue them, expecially if there are 8, count em 8, children involved. SNARK! How can any mother, let alone a mother of 8 do this to her CHILDREN? It's a good thing this story broke this week as the children are on spring break. But, what happens next week when they return to school? They will be teased, and it's all because their "mother" can't get over the fact that her husband left her! WHAT A TOOL!
Thank you, Admin, for the spot-on recap. Kate is all phoney balogney. Kendra is the real deal. We know that Kate had a strict religious background. Kendra had a completely different life. I'd choose Kendra over Kate as a friend any day. There is something wrong with Kate. She just comes off as mean. She enjoyed putting Kendra down every chance she got. That was no act. Ugly is just ugly. Kate is a jealous envious person. She would love to have Kendra's life and husband. We cannot kid ourselves about that. As you mention, Kendra brings income to her family. Kate spends money her kids' made. Horrible!
Kate Major is now jumping in, volunteering to testify, and ROL now has her story:
If you notice, none of the articles say that Kate is still trying to stop the book--just that she's going after Jon. Hopefully, if the articles are true, that means that the book is coming out and Kate can't stop it. So she's doing the next best thing-blame it all on Jon.
Does she even realize how much more could come out during a court trial?
I don't know if she's got much more to hide at this point. I think she's accepted it's all come out now, now she wants to get EVEN. 114
Just because there was a nasty divorce doesn't mean that Kate Major knows anything about the computer. She could testify until the cows
come home that Jon and Kate didn't have an amicable divorce and even that Jon despised her, but unless she has first-hand information that
Jon actually gave that computer hard drive to Robert, her testimony means nothing. 157
Plus, maybe it was THE family computer and she claimed it when she kicked him out. I for one believe that she threw out stuff that she
though belonged to Jon without even checking to see what it was, and her backup disks were among that stuff. Remember when she "cleaned"
the twins room by tossing everything out?
Anonymous but no one will take her case or testify. If she's not nuts where are all her supporters? 164
On the fan blogs of course, and tweeting her for her recipes.
Kate might have been able to say she had PPD but since she is powerful enough not to get it, I guess she just beat the kids for
sport. 186
Great point Penny. She blew that one.
Does she even realize how much more could come out during a court trial?
No, because she has never had the ability to look ahead and weigh the consequences of her actions. We even see this on Twitter. She doesn't think before she acts or tweets. I just don't understand that she doesn't have advisers or anyone to whom she will listen.
“Jon is very computer savvy and I wouldn’t doubt for one second he would try to spy on her or plant something himself to try to ruin her,” Major told Radar.
Notice that Kate Major doesn't say that she *knows* for a fact *anything*. She isn't saying I SAW Jon do this/that. Or I personally saw the hard copy results of him doing this/that.
She's just speculating, like everybody else.
What are you talking about? Westbrooke?
I believe Westbrooke is saying that since she lived in the same development as Kate and Jon when much of the events in the book went down, that neither she nor the neighbors were called upon to act as witnesses on Kate's's snark, I believe!
If I'm incorrect, then I don't know what Westbrooke is talking about!
Uh I don't recall anyone implying that "spying" was how Robert got the documents. A witness who has no first hand knowledge is useless. Calls for speculation your honor! What a bottom feeder. Kate ruined herself without Jon's help.
You know what I hate? All the talk about how the journals were obtained and how little talk there is outside of here of the abuse! What does it matter who how why??? The point is their content.
Anonymous - Westbrooke
"She hasn't been calling us over here in Westbrooke to help her out considering the whole break up happened here and we saw it unfold, up close and personal albeit not willingly."
I'm curious as to why none of the Westbrooke neighbors and townspeople have spoken up about what went on there. I do remember a pastor speaking up that I think was from that area and maybe one neighbor saying that Jon was often outside with the kids and always friendly, unlike Kate, but that's about it.
I think it's important to not get lost in how or where RH got the information he has and remember that it's about Kate abusing her children. Sheeple love to deflect and now that Kate Major has chimed in, I'm sure she'll be deified and put up for sainthood, but it's really all about the harm Kate's done to those kids. And continues to do based on that horrific schedule they have to adhere to.
I've always felt that Lohan and Major were trying to set-up Jon. I bet the room he stayed in had a hidden camera and maybe Jon was smart enough (I know, it's a stretch) NOT to do the deed with Major.
She's a MAJOR fame whore. Anybody with Lohan has got to be.
I'm curious as to why none of the Westbrooke neighbors and townspeople have spoken up about what went on there
Probably because Kate would say, "Can we sue?" Who wants to get involved in that?
Although the ROL article doesn't make mention of the abuse it will still make people curious as to what IS in the book that would cause Kate to go to all this trouble.
There are plenty of articles(especially at ROL) that tell about what's in the book, especially about the abuse of both the children and the dogs. Anyone searching Kate Gosselin book will find a myriad of articles about Robert's book.
@Lady_Jazzy21 @Kateplusmy8 Hope U don't mind my tweeting U...but U r conversing w/people who send negative/critical tweets 2Kate every day!
Well, thar she blows! Did anyone really expect Milo to keep her mouth shut in this one?
@Lady_Jazzy21 @Kateplusmy8 Few people could walk N Kate's shoes...she's done a tremendous job of parenting & caring 4the needs of her 8! :)
@Lady_Jazzy21 @Kateplusmy8 The so-called "diary" is trash tabloid fodder embellished & totally falsified 2misrepresent Kate & hurt her! :(
Why doesn't Milo ask Kate if it's all embellished and falsified? Is she afraid of the answer? I think Milo needs to be very careful of calling the book a lie, especially if Kate has never denied that it's been falsified.
Lancaster County Mom said... 200
Looks like Kate, north of us, is going to be spared the brunt of this storm, but get ready -- to hear her tell it, they'll be snowed in for days and the kids will be out shoveling the driveway, she'll be out of power, and her trees will be down.
We, however, are in for a decent blow with ten plus inches possible. Darn. I put away the snow blower and shovel, figuring that it's March and what could possibly happen. Right now it's the calm before the storm.
This wasn't posted by me. I'm still here, just haven't had a lot of time to post lately!
Anonymous said... 2
She hasn't been calling us over here in Westbrooke to help her out considering the whole break up happened here and we saw it unfold, up close and personal albeit not willingly. Guess she believes we can't help her but we would testify!
......................for Jon
lol, Westbrooke!!
Post #s 8, 13, & 18 are not from me.
Lancaster County Mom is a bit too close to my name which I have used for a couple years.
@Lady_Jazzy21 @Kateplusmy8 Its a big enjoy helping out. Gives them pleasure2contribute&builds their self-esteem!
Oh, Milo, Milo, Milo. How in the name of all that's holy would Milo, somewhere in a facility in the deep South, know what goes on in Kate's household and that the kids get pleasure out of coming home from school, doing chores, doing homework and doing more chores? What kid wants to mop and sweep the floors, polish chrome, clean the basement and take care of feeding and watering chickens...on a daily basis? I guess Milo missed Mady saying that all she has ever known in her life is work.
Someone tweeted the link to an article written by a pediatrician in PA. Although this article was written a year ago, it gives a very insightful look into what one physician thinks of Pennsylvania's Child Abuse Law. An excerpt:
"Another challenge relates to discipline. In more than 10 years of evaluating and treating abused children, one of the greatest frustrations I face is accepting the fact that parents in Pennsylvania have the right to physically and severely discipline their children. This "discipline" can rise to the point of causing injuries to a child that make it painful to sit or that leave welts on the body. By not calling these injuries abuse, a powerful message is sent to the child and to others that this is acceptable behavior."
Read more:
Post #s 8, 13, & 18 are not from me.
Lancaster County Mom is a bit too close to my name which I have used for a couple years.
Since you said in post 22 that you haven't posted for awhile, perhaps the person who posted in 8, 13 and 18 wasn't aware that the name was close to yours. Just a thought.
Milo has latched onto one fan to keep spouting her defense of how Kate is a good mother. She even went so far as to state that Kate has "sole custody". Milo really seems to think that if you really believe it hard enough, it will make it so.
@Lady_Jazzy21 @Kateplusmy8 Kate has sole custody of her kids&they R clearly happy, well-behaved, sucessful N school & loved so much by Kate!
None of the enablers are even mentioning the ROL article. They're all obviously avoiding the elephant in the room.
Wow, are the trolls already out? spaces vs Lancaster Mom..close but no cigar..
Who stays with the 'littles' while Kate runs? I thought she didn't have any help.
Finally got out 2day late afternoon/eve 4 a quick head clearing run! Ahhh spring is coming&soon I can say adios to my treadmill for awhile!
That's weird I didn't see anything "trolly" about Lancaster II. Will the real Lancaster please stand up!
Kate Gosselin goes for a run to clear her head and says "almost spring"; Snow is predicted the next 3-days! One would think that Kate just wanted to get away from the kids leaving them with the nanny or C/M in charge.
Hope Robert's book comes soon; maybe April 1, 2013.
A Mom Kate doesn't check the weather or watch the news. She probably has no idea. She didn't even know a hurricane was coming, a direct hit hurricane, until her tweeties were asking her about it.
Hope U don't mind my tweeting U...but U r conversing w/people who send negative/critical tweets 2Kate every day!
So...if Kate has them all blocked (cuz they're bullies, doncha know) and doesn't their tweets, what's the problem?
Now people can't say what they think about Kate cuz *Milo* might see it?
franky said: "Wow, are the trolls already out? spaces vs Lancaster Mom..close but no cigar."
admin said: "That's weird I didn't see anything "trolly" about Lancaster II. Will the real Lancaster please stand up!"
Not sure what franky is seeing, but I don't see any trolling! I posted as Lancaster County Mom. I wasn't aware that there already was a LancasterCountyMom. I apologize! I am not a troll. I will change my ID to PA Dutch Mom. Is that okay? Sorry about that!
Kate is a twit, thanks for posting that and thanks to the brave doctor for speaking out.
We are an interesting country. We are very progressive in many ways, young, like a teenager, and yet our foundations are very religious and conservative, and one aspect of that was the right to put your hand on your child. Delaware has taken a bold step in passing a law that on its face seems to ban spanking. Will we ever become a nation where physically hurting a child it not acceptable and even illegal? I don't know. The only thing I do know is that this is one area where we still have very far to go. It's interesting that we hear so much about racial relations and gay rights, so we are not afraid to discuss change, and yet the rights of children are so rarely thrown into that mix.
Kate is a twit... 26
Thank you so much for that link. It explains so much, doesn't it? Robert said he reported KK to Child Services, providing her journals about how she abused the toddlers, yet nothing was done. I wonder how many others, including Jon tried to get something done?
On another note, even in states with stricter physical abuse laws won't interfere much. Only very, very serious cases.
It does not surprise me one bit that these kids have never once left Kate's side.
Now people can't say what they think about Kate cuz *Milo* might see it?
Yeah I don't get this. Telling grown adults who they can talk to on twitter is going way too far.
@Kateplusmy8 @HspncElvis HaHa...I can rattle ur chain so easily! Miss #ForeverYoungKate....U look like a teen! :)
Huh? Does Milo have vision problems as well as being just plain dumb?
"Someone tweeted the link to an article written by a pediatrician in PA. Although this article was written a year ago, it gives a very insightful look into what one physician thinks of Pennsylvania's Child Abuse Law. An excerpt: "Another challenge relates to discipline. In more than 10 years of evaluating and treating abused children, one of the greatest frustrations I face is accepting the fact that parents in Pennsylvania have the right to physically and severely discipline their children."
I think that the child abuse laws (or lack thereof) go back to the old Germanic belief of sparing the rod spoils the child. Those who founded PA were very strict in their child-rearing beliefs and it seems to be a hard tradition to throw aside. Thank goodness new laws are being written, and some have passed the House, waiting for approval in the Senate. PA has a long way to go, but progress is being made.
Snow is predicted the next 3-days! One would think that Kate just wanted to get away from the kids leaving them with the nanny or C/M in charge.
Latest forecast has Kate in the 2-4 inches range (low end) starting around midnight and out of there by tomorrow evening. She''ll probably sleep through it.
Recent article(dated yesterday) about a task force that was set up to address PA's child abuse laws.
An excerpt:
"On top of that, Pennsylvania’s fight against child abuse is hampered by an “utterly unworkable” definition of child abuse that uses a standard that is too restrictive and may deter doctors and caseworkers from identifying something as abuse when it should be, Heckler said.
The challenging definition deters doctors and caseworkers from sometimes labeling a child’s injuries “abuse,” out of concern it may be too difficult to prove.
It is a guessing game that creates situations where defense attorneys can make “atrocious arguments,” Heckler said.
The task force suggested the definition of “abuse” would be much more effective if the description of “severe pain” was replaced by “severe injury.”
Rep. Kathy Watson, a Republican from Bucks County, said lawmakers are working on legislation to correct the definition of abuse, just one of numerous legislative remedies expected to come out of the task force’s recommendations."
Sherry Baby said... 27
Since you said in post 22 that you haven't posted for awhile, perhaps the person who posted in 8, 13 and 18 wasn't aware that the name was close to yours. Just a thought.
it's not been a terribly long time - maybe 3 weeks or so?
Milo has latched onto one fan to keep spouting her defense of how Kate is a good mother. She even went so far as to state that Kate has "sole custody". Milo really seems to think that if you really believe it hard enough, it will make it so.
@Lady_Jazzy21 @Kateplusmy8 Kate has sole custody of her kids&they R clearly happy, well-behaved, sucessful N school & loved so much by Kate!
What? First, she probably has primary physical custody, not "sole custody". I do wonder if she has sole legal custody given her stance that Jon doesn't have a say in thing. And, no, they are not "clearly happy" the boys and Cara are clearly very unhappy.
I just watched CWS again with Coolio and Mark McGrath. He is a cutie and really a hands on dad. I enjoyed it. So different than the other one.
I used to have a begrudging respect for M/J, but not anymore. The more that comes out the more ridiculous she sounds. Her tweets are so canned. Everyone of them says the same thing, just in a slightly different way. (Administrator) said... 31
That's weird I didn't see anything "trolly" about Lancaster II. Will the real Lancaster please stand up!
lol, I don't think it's a troll, but I'd like to keep my name if that's ok. :D
Milo has latched onto one fan to keep spouting her defense of how Kate is a good mother. She even went so far as to state that Kate has "sole custody". Milo really seems to think that if you really believe it hard enough, it will make it so.
If I were Kate, and I had a security team, or someone in authority, I would have a letter or e-mail sent to Milo to tell her to back off. Milo has carried this much too far, no good can come from it, and if I were Kate, I'd be furious to know that Milo has taken it so far that she's telling others who to talk to, what to discuss, what to believe...
In fact, if Milo tweeted this to me, I'd be madder than a wet hen...
@Kateplusmy8 @HspncElvis HaHa...I can rattle ur chain so easily!
I guess Kate is ignoring her e-mails and DMs!
@Kateplusmy8 U get DMs fixed or did U actually look at e-mails! :)
Lancaster County Mom said... 13
What are you talking about? Westbrooke?
I believe Westbrooke is saying that since she lived in the same development as Kate and Jon when much of the events in the book went down, that neither she nor the neighbors were called upon to act as witnesses on Kate's's snark, I believe!
If I'm incorrect, then I don't know what Westbrooke is talking about!
Thank you! Was that the house they lived in before moving into the Wolf's Lair?
Milo was asked by a non-fan why Kate has never denied anything that was in Robert's book.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@popems42 Because she has been instructed by lawyers 2make "NO COMMENT"..and that's what she doing. Keepin mouth shut! Let them handle it!
So when the non-fan asked her how she knew that Kate was told to keep quiet:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@popems42 She said so! On TV interview and 2me!
If that's true, Milo probably was pesterin' and pesterin' Kate for info, and Kate gave her that answer to shut Milo up.
If you leave here for three weeks you lose your name.
Hehe just kidding the new Lancaster should pick a different name.
PA Dutch Mom, 35 -- hello. Interesting to have another local. Glad you are here.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@popems42 Because she has been instructed by lawyers 2make "NO COMMENT"..and that's what she doing. Keepin mouth shut! Let them handle it!
Usually, when allegations are untrue celebrities say those allegations are ludicrous and I deny them. Look at how Kris Jenner treated the allegations of HER being a child abuser. She said absolutely not those are absurd and untrue.
You only say no comment when it's true. Because by saying they are untrue if they are true, you are libeling the author.
Also how exactly are the lawyers "handling" this since her no comment statement? We haven't heard a peep. My guess is she racked up one hefty bill only to be told she has no case and now is shopping around an alternate plan to sue Jon.
my last post must've gotten lost, but the issue seems addressed about 2 posters one name. Thanks admin. I am just weary since we have seen names duplicated before.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@popems42 Because she has been instructed by lawyers 2make "NO COMMENT"..and that's what she doing. Keepin mouth shut! Let them handle it!
Usually, when allegations are untrue celebrities say those allegations are ludicrous and I deny them. Look at how Kris Jenner treated the allegations of HER being a child abuser. She said absolutely not those are absurd and untrue.
How does Milo know this? Is she in contact with Kate's attorneys? Is she "in" on the attorney-client privilege? Gosh, that woman has balls to speak for Kate.
Thank you! Was that the house they lived in before moving into the Wolf's Lair?
Woo hoo my nickname for the house has made it into pop culture!
Appropriate huh?
Lancaster County Mom said... 18
I'm curious as to why none of the Westbrooke neighbors and townspeople have spoken up about what went on there
We have, not to the tabloids but to Rep Mert and the Attorney General. Not afraid of being sued as we only speak truth. --- changing the laws is a slow process. While I don't find Jon totally innocent, I find Kate using her public persona to put him down either directly or via innuendo disgusting. Like it or not, he is the father of those children. Westbrooke (Administrator) said... 56
Thank you! Was that the house they lived in before moving into the Wolf's Lair?
Woo hoo my nickname for the house has made it into pop culture!
Appropriate huh?
Very! LOL
Hehe just kidding the new Lancaster should pick a different name.
The "new" Lancaster did! lol!!
It is amazing to me that someone can look at a child's face, that child staring forward blankly, dead eyes, all the life sucked out of him, and conclude that child is "happy"? Are they in denial or being deliberately obtuse? I refuse to believe they honestly think that's a happy child.
Even babies can understand facial expressions, happy faces versus sad or angry. Even infants will pick out the happy faces.
There was just no question how broken those boys were. None. Now I suppose we could argue over WHY they are like that, but there's no much quibbling over their body language that was that clear.
Welcome, PA Dutch Mom!! :)
@Lady_Jazzy21 @Kateplusmy8 Few people could walk N Kate's shoes...
Oh, I'm sure somebody beat me to the punch on this one, but here goes anyway...
I couldn't walk in Kate's shoes. I'd break my ankle and pop a toe.
Question for the dental people on here:
Mady had braces before. She got them off at age 9. Kate says this is phase 2. I have never heard of that. Is it possible someone would need braces twice?
The only time I have heard of people getting braces a second time is when after they were removed, they did not wear the retainers as prescribed, and the teeth moved back into place. I hope that isnt hat happened for Mady :(
ahh If only @kateplusmy8 would have a lunch with me & @paige_kate8fan this summer.. We would so fly out to Penn! Lol
Uh, oh! Look out! Kate may be getting visitors this summer!
It's not just Germanic. Most old, conservative religions have their roots in children being seen and not heard, and well disciplined even if it means physical force, which is interesting, since in that famous NT story, the adults tried to treat the kids as second class citizens by not wanting them to bother Jesus, but Jesus welcomed them in. This was UNHEARD OF in Biblical times, children were NOT supposed to approach adults. I wish the Bible talked more about treating children well, sadly it doesn't. However we can infer from that passage that if children are good enough for Jesus, they should not be abused.
As a Christian, I find it disturbing that some of the great societal resistance to reform have been based on religious doctrine, from slavery, to homosexuality, to now child abuse.
Hi PA Dutch Mom, sorry about that, we've had trouble here before. Please put on yer crocs and have a rumspringa on me..( yeah, I went there)
look forward to reading your posts!
oops, I asked the question about braces before reading any of todays posts, and now see it has already been discussed.. feel free to pass on by my previous post....
LancasterCountyMom said... 60
Welcome, PA Dutch Mom!! :)
Thanks! Sorry about the name. I am not a name usurper (or a troll)! Are you ready for the snow? Any faith in Joe's weather report? lol! I see that there are 72 closings already!
PA Dutch Mom,
no problem!
I am hoping if we get something it will melt quickly!! We don't have a snowblower, but the snow shovels are still at the ready. Glad to hear that there are closings, I didn't feel like getting up early to drive kids to school anyway. Think this is the onion snow?
To answer the dental question: My daughter had braces when she was in the 3rd grade for a year and then got them back on during middle school. She had an overbite.
It's not just Germanic. Most old, conservative religions have their roots in children being seen and not heard, and well disciplined even if it means physical force, which is interesting, since in that famous NT story, the adults tried to treat the kids as second class citizens by not wanting them to bother Jesus, but Jesus welcomed them in.
True, I'm just thinking of this part of PA. Of course, PA was founded by Quakers, and I would believe that they would have adhered to the "children should be seen and not heard" rule. You just didn't get out of line, or there were severe consequences.
Ok, kinda got a bone to pick re: Wolf's Lair.
Wolves mate for life and are fiercely loyal..Coyotes on the otherhand... lol
I think much of the east coast and south has that religious base informing the acceptance of physical force. I went to Texas recently and I saw a parent spanking their kid in the grocery store and another parent threatening it on the plane. I can honestly say I never once have seen that in CA. If anything when a child is misbehaving parents think it's cute or funny or something, or look at Johnny expressing himself. Neither approach is all that beneficial but it's interesting the stark contrast. We're going to have to talk about a serious, serious sea change here. I can guarantee many parents are going to be fit to be tied if legislatures start trying to tell them they can't parent as they see fit.
Isn't that what we hear so often from the sheeple? Kate may parent as she sees fit? Though I couldn't disagree more, I think every child has a right to a childhood without PAIN, I think it's a good temperature gage for how people feel--that you don't dare tell a parent what to do. It'll be interesting to watch PA try to change things up.
It's a Hitler reference Franky. Has nothing to do with actual wolves. :)
I cant help but think that kate's reference to the kids needing more " man time" was .... throwing Jon under the bus that he isnt a man not about the amount of time.
Wow the plot thickens.. Kate knows she cant go after Robert because he said he has more evidence against her. Could kate be hoping that if she goes after Jon, Robert may hold off on re-publishing the book to help out a friend?
If someone sues you, do you actually have to hire a lawyer and go to court? Can you just say, prove and then I'll come?
I cant help but think that kate's reference to the kids needing more " man time" was .... throwing Jon under the bus that he isnt a man not about the amount of time.
The way I interpreted that, she was being sarcastic. The person she responded to was saying the boy were desperate for more time with Jon. Kate sarcastically responded with basically, The last thing they need is more "man" time with Jon, eyeroll! Only she said it in the affirmative yeah they need more man time.
Cause that's how she rolls, sarcastic and nasty. It was vile.
I have one more thing to say about CWS and then I'm going to shut up. The girls' room was dinky! Unbelievably dinky for 3 girls. And there was a little dinky TV on a dresser for them to watch all their episodes before they go to bed. I wondered why we didn't get to see the boys horsing around in their room before bed like we did in the girls' room. Maybe the boys were still in their trances at bed time and nothing was happening in there. Weird I thought. Or maybe their room was dinkier. And the toothbrush sink in the kitchen. Littles (bleh, hate that reference) all lined up like little soldiers, waiting for their turn to brush. Was sickening to watch. I didn't look at it like a group of well disciplined kids. I saw it as Kate having complete control over their every move like a sergeant major.....
oh crap Admin, this is where language creates unknown barriers. Since highschool (secondaire) I have studied Hitler, the Ss Wws..etc.
Love our military, watch combat hospital and bomb girls, admin HOH and more...
never heard that expression in English before..will google for french version.
Thanks, we learn something wveryday..btw, wolves beat coyotes hands
Kate is suing Jon to deflect the real problem, Robert's new book coming out. She wanted a way to play the poor pitiful me card when the book is re-released. A card she has played many, many times before. By going after Jon she never confirms nor denies the contents of the book but how Jon "gave" Robert her computer. "Oh woe is me. See, even my private thoughts have become public because Jon sold them to make a buck". Wait, a minute while I throw up. Okay, and I'm back.
By playing the poor me card, once again she is talked about in the press. And she gets what she wants once again...attention. And, her evil deeds are not discussed.
I have a question, and this isn't snark. I notice that the franky who is posting here doesn't seem to be the same franky that posted in the past...the other one had spelling difficulties, as well as sentence structure and it was very difficult to decipher the posts. Is this the same person?
Or am I thinking of someone else?
I have heard that Wolf's Lair is actually a bad English translation, but it's kind of what was settled on and stuck.
I took it as sarcastic and nasty too, but more the reference like.. they spend time with the father, and I agree they still need more " man time" ( like he's any kind of man) **eye roll**.
either way, she was throwing their father under the bus.
How does it work in PA when being sued? Does Jon actually have to pay a lawyer if she was to find some sleezy law firm to take this on?
Amy2 said... 79
Kate is suing Jon to deflect the real problem, Robert's new book coming out.
Already a story from a gossip site is being repeated as fact...
Sleepless - I was thinking the same thing about franky. It doesn't seem to be the same person. Maybe she's not posting from her phone anymore.
lol sleepless, touche..
stupid smart pho.e and I have me..and oh yeah, more protests..bring oht your pots and tuesday nights again resinnent
The more I think about Kate suing Jon,the more confused I am. What can she sue Jon for? If, as he has said, he doesn't have any money. Maybe he has some assets from the divorce i.e. retirement or other long-term investments. He could be cash poor, but still have investments. And, as someone else already said, there would have to be criminal charges for Jon to go to jail.
I would be surprised if she could not find some lawyer that would take this case on a strictly hourly basis. Frivolous lawsuits are filed all of the time--Many lawyers would do it just to get their names out there.
Welcome to the new posters and welcome back to the returning ones, too! Always good to have a variety of viewpoints.
I hope that Hoffman did a lot of editing and reorganizing of his material and keeps his commentary to a minimum. I know there are those who disagree, but, I thought he sounded like a lunatic and flow of the book was chaotic and overwhelming to read.. Her own words and the contracts, documents, emails etc were the best indictiment of her. If he comes across as having a personal vendetta, then it will arouse sympathy in some people.
I don't think that having the book come out does Jon any favors, either. There is plently of evidence that he was as greedy as she was, in the beginning. And, of course, his name was on both of the contracts for J&K+8.
Sleepless - I was thinking the same thing about franky. It doesn't seem to be the same person. Maybe she's not posting from her phone anymore.
I thought the "other" franky defected to another blog, or am I confused, as usual?
Already a story from a gossip site is being repeated as fact...
Please pick a name. I don't think there's anyone here that doesn't understand that it may not be true. But it is very burdensome to say IF TRUE after every comment you make about it. Though if you look, many people did that anyway. Obviously, a tabloid story may, or may not, be true.
That said I want to know why it's so darn hard for Kate to deny something that could be incredibly hurtful to the kids. Is she imply it's true?
If Kate's looking for someone to bear witness against Jon, what about her buddy, Sherri Shepherd? She offered to burn the house and tear up Jon's car. I'm sure she'd find a way to claim that Jon helped Robert in a mission to destroy Kate.
and oh yeah, more protests..bring oht your pots and tuesday nights again resinnent
What am I supposed to do with my pots and pans?
please google montreal should include pots and pans..l9l
activism is my middle name..
PatK said... 91
What am I supposed to do with my pots and pans?
You're supposed to resinnent them (86). I'm not sure if it can be done in mixed company, though. the sarcasm.
Tuesday night protest by students at 8pm. sharp.
you can google kate but not pots and pans protests?
soutb american protests anyone?
I know what your saying. Kate will make a complete asshole out of herself, and admitted, that Robert's book is real, truthful and not a lie. But then, she just made a fatal mistake, by filing this law suit(if it goes), she just admitted the book is not a lie. Kate does not think. She is the kids in school who does it and then thinks about it, instead of think & do.
franky said... 92
''please google montreal should include pots and pans..l9l''
I did google it, franky. Interesting, non-violent way to show civil disobedience.
and you wonder wbu I don't post much anymore 94..and before that is why want to make fun of me..fine..
resinne vs letter in the middle of the word most people would get...
I am trying to b careful because of people like u
call me out..fine
point out my typos..fine
don't ever call me on my soldiers..thus my veracity..
zI am franky, like or hate it..fb me..highway of hereos is a launching poinr.
What have YOU done to help others lately?
yup Remona..quite inyeresting to live through it long neighbour was banging his pots one day, throwing eggs..lirttterakly at us the messages..but I have a kid
she can bang her pots for what she beleives in..I will always naxk her...
and throw eggs at neighbours who threw them first..lmao
" want to make fun of me..fine.."
I didn't make fun of you, nor would I. I was teasing. I am confused, though. Is the person who posted #99 the same person who posted #66 because it doesn't sound like it?
What have YOU done to help others lately?"
I really don't think you want to go there because you have no idea, and this isn't the forum in which to discuss it.
as a side-note,.pots and pans ring out in EVERY neighbourhood..
I am Canadian..and I am proud we still stand up
franky-- out
Banging pots and pans helps others how exactly? I'd rather have peace and quiet.
I am Canadian..and I am proud we still stand up
Yes, you may be Canadian, but so are many of us. Please don't speakfor us all. And what the heck does the 'veracity of your soldiers' mean? No one said anything about that, at least that I can see.
Maybe a French speaking blog would better serve you? I don't know but it seems a few here, including me, don't understand half of what you post. JMO.
Well I googled this pots&pans things and holy moly is google your friend. It looks to me like a bunch of lazy university students who don't want to go to class who probably don't even know what they are protesting. They've been doing this a month! Jesus Christ, get yourself to class and stop wasting your parents' money. It's embarrassing. There are many clubs they could join that would make a real difference, Habitat, RedX, animal rescue, need I go on. Stomping around like a baboon beating a pot is ridiculous and accomplishes nothing. This is when people like this give young people a bad name. Most college kids are studying, working, and volunteering making a difference and preparing to make an even bigger difference, and are not involved in nonsense like this.
really? banging pots and pans brings us the streets and doorsteps..when a 2 yrld acriss the street comes out at 8
.you applaud.
you gotta be here..civil disobebjence at its politest..for ndadadadummm
.with civil disobediance there comes a price to pay
jad King, Ghandi or Lennon.losyened..where would we be now?
a month? ig again.
we brought the new gov't in
months later..
who on earth has a toothbrush sink in the kitchen.
I agree with you. Are there two "Franky" posters here because not only is the spelling and grammar different, but the sentence structures/syntax different. How can one person (apparently French speaking) post in perfect English with perfect sentence structure in one post, only to follow in the next post with something that can't be understood?
Franky said..."don't ever call me on my soldiers..thus my veracity."
Who called anyone on your soldiers? What are you trying to say?
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 77
... I wondered why we didn't get to see the boys horsing around in their room before bed like we did in the girls' room. Maybe the boys were still in their trances at bed time...
Maybe they didn't want the visual of a Playboy bunny alone in a bedroom with prepubescent boys broadcast over the airwaves. It just seems a safer choice to film only the little girls.
Kate is trying to sue Jon, and wants to see him jailed. On the other hand, her six fans keep spouting the nonsense that Kate relieved Jon from paying any further child support, out of the goodness of her heart. Somehow, these two things don't quite go together.
Looking back over the posts, what I see is the franky poster started out by asking if someone was a troll (in good English), and then jumped in with the pots and pans thing, not making any sense. Why? What did that have to do with anything being discussed? Posters were commenting on the lawsuit, if it were true or not. Unless Kate is banging her kitchenware to get an attorney's attention, I'm not sure how one thing led to another, and why the different writing styles between posts supposedly made by the same person.
"I thought the "other" franky defected to another blog, or am I confused, as usual?"
She not only posts/posted at another blog, she ripped this blog a new one while there. Now she is back here as though none of that happened?
OT weather report from central Virginia: we have thunder snow! That's when it is snowing, and because of warmer air meeting the cooler ait there is lightning and thunder too! Kinds surprising and fun
So if they're banging pots & pans at night to protest tuition hikes are they still going to class during the day or are they protesting that as well? If they're not going to class becasue they're protesting does that mean that they'll all flunk the semester and have to re-take all their classes thus payiing more tuition? From what I've read (and correct me if I'm wrong), the hike is only $1,779 to be spread over 5-7 years. Doesn't seem like much to me after having put my kid through college in the U.S. I don't intend to insult any of our Canadian bloggers so forgive me if I have.
I think Robert is working his ROL contacts and planted this story to hype the book because it must be coming out soon. Just a guess.
Milo is Kate's cheerleader. It's an odd relationship that a fan would be the spokesperson and defender of an adult woman who lashed out on every episode she ever appeared in. Manipulating Milo? You bet. She lets Milo spew the denials and venom and every word is courtesy of Kate. Just wait until the book comes out. We will be hearing plenty from Milo the Mouthpiece.
Don't just google "pots and pans" google Montreal student protests. This has been going on since last year. Although most protests were peaceful, quite a few have been extremely violent and have caused a lot of destruction. Quebec has the LEAST expensive tuition fees in Canada. This is what they are protesting. Spoiled brat antics, yes it's embarassing.
Peaceful franky?
I wonder if the new Celebrity wife swap has good ratings will Milo say Kate is the reason for those ratings too?
Thanks for your perspective Another Canuck @115. I did google it and it doesn't look quite as innocent as franky portrays it.
Maybe a French speaking blog would better serve you? I don't know but it seems a few here, including me, don't understand half of what you post. JMO.
Heaven knows I've been struggling over
for ndadadadummm
It's hard to get upset about a 1,700 hike when in the U.S. my tuition frequently went up 6-7 percent a year and many colleges went up much more. Sounds like 1700 is barely enough to keep up with inflation. Their tuition is astounding LOW to begin with, according to the article I read. Thousands of dollars lower than Ontario and don't even talk about what tuition is in the U.S.
This is not a matter of an unjust war or apartheid or slavery. A measly 1700 bucks. It seems to me that a better solution is to break down why it's going up, and find out if there is some kind of creative solution to prevent the hike or reduce it. Perhaps cuts elsewhere. I don't get how banging a pot helps a single thing. It's not going up just because they hate students, I can guarantee that. Here's the problem, things cost money. I'm sorry, they do. College costs a lot of money. It doesn't run for FREE. You can either tax people more to pay for it or you can hike up tuition, those are your options, but either way you're paying for it. In that article there were members of government who think college should be free, which I just shake my head at, because that's a total farce. College is not and never can be FREE, it's just a matter of deciding who should pay for college. The students are whining because they don't want to pay for it, but SOMEONE will have to pay for it. What about those people? How is that fair? Why shouldn't tax payers bang pots?
I guess if a student sees a big tax hike next time they buy something they don't make that connection and bang a pot. They're young. If anything, these protests are just going to cost the university more money--more police and security, more clean up crew, etc.
I'm all for expressing how you feel, but these students need to wake up and realize that in this case there is a much better way to accomplish their goals. Anyway, I must confess I never even heard about this protest until now, and although I shake my head at it, I am glad to know what's going on up there.
Maybe I should bank a pot in Washington because it looks like they're probably going to furlough government workers. Not only did my kid's tuition go up every year but I also had to pay a "fee" for student aide. Mind you my kid didn't qualify for any aide but I had to pay that fee anyway so that I could finance other's education. What a world.
overthehill said... 109
who on earth has a toothbrush sink in the kitchen.
I know. That is SO gross. Isn't there a half bath on that floor of the house where the kids could do that? Typical lazy Kate..wouldn't want to leave her kitchen domain to stand over them and make sure they get it done right.
Makes me wonder how many fans are planning to include that in their kitchen remodels. lol
It wouldn't surprise me that Kate is threatening to sue Jon because that is her standard response when things don't go her way. I applaud Jon for remaining silent and not responding to this latest bit of gossip. I agree with Admin, the issue isn't how the information was retrieved but what the information contained.
I'm sure Robert did go to CPS but unless he could prove current abuse they probably didn't see the point in getting involved. Besides, how any outraged viewers probably had already complained? I'm sure the social worker attached to her (if there was one) probably had a circular file for the numerous phone messages and emails they'd receive about her. Kate's key to success, like most bullies, is she wears you down.
I love how she completely missed the point it seems that Hank and Kendra were trying to make which was she needs to loosen up, take the stick out of her butt, and let her kids be kids. Routine is good for kids but they need freedom to fail and discover boundaries on their own as well. Otherwise you simply have an adult stuck in perpetual childhood/adolescence.
PatK, 125....indeed, who? And who lines up 8 children and makes them take turns brushing their teeth over a tiny sink?
A control FREAK who will force her children to grimace for a uncomfortable inspection and humiliation.
Everyday, I am more convinced that everything she does is for pure sadistic meanness.
One year we had a pretty huge tuition hike because of state budget problems. There were a few protests and of course no one LIKED it. But most of us didn't join those protests. I knew that money had to come from somewhere. And I couldn't in good conscience take to the streets and demand that money didn't come from ME. Why shouldn't I be responsible for my own education? Not to mention, I could always go to a cheaper school, or apply for more scholarships or grants. It's not like there were no options.
Seems to me this is a bigger picture question. It's not really about raising tuition. It's about budgets and why we can't seem to manage them properly and about education in general and how expensive it's become. It's a symptom of the bigger problem. Until people are willing to focus on the big picture we will all remain Little Dutch Boys.
And of course, there is inflation. Cost of living goes up every year. I don't understand why people think universities should be exempt from this. Life is hard and costs go up. Costs for a university go up, from toilet paper to white boards. It doesn't seem fair to say although everything you are buying is more expensive, we're not adjusting for inflation.
Interesting note. Tuition in Quebec hasn't gone up in ten years. TEN YEARS! I can't even imagine such a thing down here.
About the "toothbrushing" sink in the kitchen...
Don't the kids have bathrooms in their bedrooms? Logistically, the time it takes for tooth brushing routine could be cut by 2/3 if they all just brushed their teeth in THEIR OWN BATHROOMS.
Dmasy said...(126)
"A control FREAK who will force her children to grimace for a uncomfortable inspection and humiliation."
No kidding, I'm sure that's exactly why she has it set up that way. Not to mention that she then gets to complain what a chore it is to "mastermind" and "oversee" the tooth brushing routine...x8. No one has it as hard as poor Katie Irene.
I'm Canadian & don't want anyone speaking for me.
Seems to me Franky's posts get harder to read as the evening progresses.
Admin said...(127)
"Interesting note. Tuition in Quebec hasn't gone up in ten years. TEN YEARS! I can't even imagine such a thing down here."
That's why they're protesting and exactly why the rest of Canada isn't even paying attention to them. Really, an $1800 hike over 5 years?
Get over yourselves and go back to class.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 World step aside...Kate Gosselin is a #DeterminedWoman who knows where she is going! #PositivitySuccessHapiness :)
I keep thinking at some point Milo went right over the edge. Just can't pinpoint when it was.
Sherri, you kind of said what I'm afraid to say. Go back to CLASS. Sheesh. You can learn more in the classroom about budgets, how they work, and ideas to make them work better anyway. You won't learn much banging a pot.
What I even read is now they're going to stretch it across 7 years! They shouldn't have even caved on that point. And, just so everyone knows, it's not 1700 a year. It's 1700 spread ACROSS those years. So it amounts to a couple hundred bucks if that a year. Any student can easily trim that much from their budget. Cut out drinking, partying, movies, or even get a job. If a student can't shave off a couple hundred bucks a year from their budget they're doing something wrong. This will be good for them. It will help them learn that hard times are going to happen to everyone and you have to make sacrifices. This will be a good lesson in making it work despite tight budgets. It's not going to kill them.
Is this Canadian dollars? Even less!!!
I love how she completely missed the point it seems that Hank and Kendra were trying to make which was she needs to loosen up, take the stick out of her butt, and let her kids be kids.
For some reason Kate and Deanna interpreted Hank and Kendra's advice that she needs to loosen up for the KIDS' sake into, Kate you just need to go to the spa more you deserve it!
If it weren't so pathetic it would be downright hysterical.
Routine is good for kids but they need freedom to fail and discover boundaries on their own as well.
This is a great point and I couldn't agree more. My fear is these kids will absolutely have no idea how to tackle anything in the world without a regimented drill sergeant keeping them in line. I went to college with some kids like this. They didn't know how to do laundry, couldn't keep track of when the cafeteria closed for the night, mixed up their classes, couldn't stay ahead of their homework, didn't get enough sleep. In the process of their parents dictating everything to them, they left them sorrowfully ill equipped to tackle the world.
Let the kids forget things and suffer the consequences. A disapproving teacher upset you forgot your homework sometimes leaves a far greater impression on a kid. Let the kids make some decisions and see how they pan out. It then prompts good discussions. Okay, you decided to do that. How did that work out? What would you change next time? How could you do that better? This is just essential to becoming a self sufficient adult. She is ROBBING them of this.
I find it ironic that although the kids appear powerless in every other way, can't even so much as offer input into the family dinners, the one area Kate is fine to let them make decisions is filming. Please. We're supposed to believe they suddenly are allowed a voice when it comes to that?
From KK's twitter:
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne
Don't talk, just act. Don't say, just show. Don't promise, just prove.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
How on earth can someone be so totally clueless, and remain so smugly arrogant?
Every day that passes, she exposes how mentally ill she really is!!
Admin said...(133)
"Is this Canadian dollars? Even less!!!"
Lol! Not as true as it was a few years ago, our dollars are not so far apart these days, but I get your point.
Quebec gets a lot of federal hand holding because of their official status as "unique". The rest of Canada has little patience for Quebec protesting something that is already unfairly balanced in their favour.
Like you said, trim your budget or get a part-time job. The tuition hike is nominal and nothing compared to what the rest of the country has been paying for years.
Off topic, did you see that Valerie Harper has terminal brain cancer? They're giving her three months. Sad. I like her.
Routine is good for kids but they need freedom to fail and discover boundaries on their own as well.
I crack up at the park, watching parents literally a foot behind the kids ALL OVER the park. OMG, let the kid discover, learn, fall, scrape a knee, bump a head, talk to other kids, etc. Learn independence. There are safe parks where you can SIT on the sideline and watch your child safely from a distance.
it's called being in society, learning boundaries, developing a survival instinct for all kinds of situations.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine. I let my kid fall once, and got HUGE glares from other parents. He was NOT in danger of hurting himself, he picked himself up, tried the climb up again, and did it by himself. He learned by falling how to do it correctly and overcame his fear.
Kids don't have *instincts* any more because parents don't let them.
I think we know one reason why the kids get sick so often. They're all spitting into a communal sink where food preparation goes on.
Unless you're doing a massive bleaching and disinfecting of that sink each time, you're exposing all the food that comes near it to God knows what kind of germs.
So, let me understand this lawsuit (if it's really happening)...
Kate documented her daily life when the children were litle. A bunch of years later, she decides that she cannot live another, single minute with Jon, dumps all his belongings into garbage bags, and places them on the curb. Robert comes along, picks through the garbage bags, and writes about his findings.
What does Jon have to do with all this?
He was not the one that threw out the "sensitive" material- Kate did it. Jon did nothing illegal or decided that it was a good idea to throw out all his stuff (on the curb) in a rage.
It was Robert's decision to go through the garbage bags by the curb.
Kate damned herself (as usual), and it blew up in her face.
IMO, Kate wants to clean/rewrite her history,
and it's just too late. To many people witnessed her antics.
Instead of erasing her sins, she needs to redeem herself by being a better/kinder person, and move on- for her children's sake.
God, Kate. Stop it- seriously.
Guess it's just another boring spring break in Kateworld. Major excitement is 2 kids getting braces, whew, that filled a week. And a planted story by someone on ROL, well that's another major mystery. Meanwhile Milo's on the Kate defense case, guess we can all sleep better at night. And here we go RT'ing platitudes, who could have seen that coming?
No comment on kitchen tootbrush sink, it's that ridiculous.
Pacific Rim said... 130
I'm Canadian & don't want anyone speaking for me.
Seems to me Franky's posts get harder to read as the evening progresses
From they way it looked on CWS, the brushing/spitting sink (UGH) was at the opposite end of the kitchen from the food prep sinks, dishwashers, etc. But still, how would you like to be finishing your breakfast while a bunch of kids are brushing their teeth in the same room? Wonder if Kate is still clipping their fingernails and toenails in the kitchen.
For someone who is so obsessed with cleanliness and germs, the kitchen seems like an odd place to have a stupid 'toothbrush sink'. I seem to remember der fuhrer putting them in a headlock and brushing their teeth right at the kitchen table at the old house. They're almost nine years old for petesake. It's embarrassing. (Administrator) said... 138
''I think we know one reason why the kids get sick so often. They're all spitting into a communal sink where food preparation goes on.''
Well, if they were more like KK, they would ''refuse'' to get sick. Too bad for them, I guess they're more like their father! See? KK's forcing them to brush at a communal sink has nothing to do with it. The kids get sick so often because it's all Jon's fault..!! !!!!!!
admin said...
I find it ironic that although the kids appear powerless in every other way, can't even so much as offer input into the family dinners, the one area Kate is fine to let them make decisions is filming. Please. We're supposed to believe they suddenly are allowed a voice when it comes to that?
Excellent post, admin--that's why you get the big bucks!
Unless you're doing a massive bleaching and disinfecting of that sink each time, you're exposing all the food that comes near it to God knows what kind of germs.
Kate, in her demeaning way, accused Sarah Palin's group of pretending to live like homeless people, and yet here she is, doing bathroom activities in the kitchen.
I thought she had a phobia about germs. As in, nothing from 'outside' could come into the kitchen. Lunchboxes had to be set someplace special until they were sanitized, or some stupid thing. It was in one of her Coupon Cabin blogs.
when the eight youngsters come home from school.....they follow a routine.... “We remove shoes immediately inside the front door, change out of school uniforms and wash thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water within the first five minutes of entering,” ....
Lunch boxes and backpacks go in a special area, too. Dropping them randomly around the kitchen could expose the food-prep area to harmful bacteria.
All that nonsense, and yet they brush their teeth in the food prep area.
I tell ya, she's NUTS!
Someone asked whether Jon would have to get an attorney. If she files a lawsuit, he would--unless he represents himself. That would be literally taking food out of her own kid's mouths.
souns like something she would cook up--bankrupt Jon so that he can't pay for a place and the try to take full custody.
based on the fact that Jon probably didn"t know about CWS filming, it's possible that he agreed to any filming during her custody days. That would put a lot of obstacles for timing for production of series. Maybe this lawsuit is to bully him into allowing the kids to return to a regular series. (Administrator) said... 137
Off topic, did you see that Valerie Harper has terminal brain cancer? They're giving her three months. Sad. I like her.
Oh noooooooo... Dear Lord, how sad.
May her remaining time on this earth be peaceful, comfortable, and surrounded by all her loved ones.
On a personal note, I don't know how to say this. I'm not "fishing" for sympathy. I guess
you can call it, bearing witness to my dad's life...
My dad passed away Monday morning. He was born in Cuba 83 years ago, and was the eldest of 9 children. My father worked hard all his life- was a construction worker that never took a vacation. We always had food on the table, a roof over our heads, and he shared plenty of old world knowledge and his life stories to share with us. He was a constant ball of energy- a live wire who loved discourse, loved to debate any topic, was very funny, and he was poetic- he created poetry on the spot.
My dad also had a soft spot for children & animals. I think he preferred to be with animals & children more than adults.
Monday morning, he left this world peacefully after a long, hard battle with kidney disease.
In the end, his body was just too tired, too worn out, and too broken to continue.
I'm going to miss my old man- he was a fun guy.
Oh good grief. Read this article dated from Sept 2008 about school lunches. Tell me, truly, anyone think she *really* did all that? The woman who never gets any 'me' time?
As a Canadian living in Quebec I debated whether I would respond to Franky but I see that the very perceptive posters here have already called her out. Be assured that the vast majority of quebecois do not support the protesters.
If one wants free tuition, which is ultimately the goal of the protests, then perhaps we could: 1) limit higher education to the top 10-15 percentile based on academic records and entrance exams or 2) totally eliminate loans and bursaries as they now exist.
This government is rife with corruption, we are the highest taxed jurisdiction in North America and tax dollars are frittered away on nonsense (like our language police).
If this is too off topic please delete, but Franky needs to go back to school. IMO
kate's latest RT is a pre-emptive strike to Robert's just about re-released book...."don't talk..just act" means don't talk about Robert's book or defend myself, just don't beat the kids anymore and people will believe I am a wonderful mother. "don't say, just show" means don't say the facts are true or false or admit the diary is or isn't mine, just continue to show my face on tv and be as fake as I can every chance I get so I can "show" people what a wonderful mother I am. "don't promise, just prove" means don't promise my 6 minion fans that I will have new shows, just beg, beg, beg and get ABC to do another show then I can "prove" to everyone that I am wanted on teevee. She is so freakin' predictable...she's as regular as a bowel movement and everything she says smells like one too!
kate could also be sending a message to Jon...I am not going to talk to you, but I am going to act against you and sue you. I am not going to say that I am pissed and blaming you Jon, I am going to show you that I am pissed and blaming you and am going to sue your ass. I don't promise to show the world that all of my woes are your fault, I am going to hire every lawywer I can and prove to everyone that I am perfect and that everything is your fault!
Pink-My condolences on the loss of your dad.
He leaves you with many wonderful memories that you will hold in your heart forever. That is his legacy to you.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 144
Sorry about your dad. Nice tribute to him that you wrote. Glad you shared it.
I wonder if @ABC has blocked Milo by now. They must be sick of getting all her tweets. Apparently, she still hasn't figured out that she's tweeting ABC news, who would have nothing to do with a network show. Maybe they'll do a story on obsessive fans on twitter.
@Booklover244 @Kateplusmy8 Gr8 idea 4 NEW show! @ABC...Hang With Kate and her Eight For a Day! #FunTimesWithTheGosselins
Pink...Your dad sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing the tribute to him with us. A hug to you today, dear.
Interesting convo on twitter, which could be turned around back at them and at Kate.
Bullyville @bullyville
Doing the right thing sometimes means pissing people off.
Barbara Gilmer @BarbGilmer
@bullyville @Kateplusmy8 Oh yes I AGREE with that!!! Sometimes ppl just can't handle the TRUTH!!!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@BarbGilmer @bullyville @Kateplusmy8 Amen...#Bullies don't mind causing U grief...but can't take the heat when their feet R put 2the fire!
Robert did the right thing, and pissed them off. They are the ones who can't handle the truth, and Kate definitely can't take the heat when her feet are put to the fire.
The irony--oh, the irony!
My condolences for the loss of your dear father Pink. He sounds like a wonderful man. Our loved ones may be taken from our sight but never from our hearts.
Ex Nurse said... 143
''based on the fact that Jon probably didn"t know about CWS filming, it's possible that he agreed to any filming during her custody days. That would put a lot of obstacles for timing for production of series. Maybe this lawsuit is to bully him into allowing the kids to return to a regular series.''
You may be right, but I'm much more inclined to believe that since KK managed to do CWS without his knowledge, he managed to get some sort of legal order to prevent ANY filming involving the children, period!
I think that explains Kate's attempt to completely eliminate Jon from the life of the children, by taking away his paternal rights and put him in jail. IF she could succeed, she could do whatever she wants with the children.
However, it would probably be more accurate to say that KK's mental illness is the reason for her actions. Those poor children!
OT weather report. Central Virginia got hit harder than the forecasters predicted. Still snowing here, windy, wet snow, everything is gonna melt by Saturday but today everything is closing early. And some trees are falling because if the weight of the snow.
its snowing! I am still excited!
As someone previously said, having the kids line up to use that toothbrush sink would seem to slow down their morning routine. How much quicker it would be for them to go to their own bathrooms to brush their teeth.
About a year ago, my daughter had a houseful of overnight guests. When my grandson and granddaughter were going to brush their teeth(in the bathroom) before school, all the bathrooms were in use. Someone suggested that they use the kitchen sink, and my grandson, who is 8, turned around and said:
"Ew-that's disgusting. I wouldn't pee in the kitchen sink, why would I brush my teeth there? Some things are just private".
Pink, my sincere condolences on the loss of your father. You have good memories and the knowledge that he passed down to you. What a treasure.
I think we know one reason why the kids get sick so often. They're all spitting into a communal sink where food preparation goes on.
It's not a food prep sink. It's not near the food prep area, but it's still in the kitchen and is still disgusting.
AuntieAnn said... 145
... I seem to remember der fuhrer putting them in a headlock and brushing their teeth right at the kitchen table at the old house.....
So LOL!!
It's not a food prep sink, i'ts a wet bar folks
It looks to me more like a wet bar in the kitchen than a prep sink--still not the place to be brushing teeth in my opinion, but aside from that it affords the children zero privacy--like putting their potty chairs in the laundry room, or in the driveway, or on the porch of your friends' home (not sure I'd have been as gracious as the Carsons)
Kids need privacy from each other, not just the public. What's more, if she can't trust them to go upstairs and brush their teeth, then maybe a shot of novacaine and a filling might teach them a lesson.
If she can't trust them with something like this, how on earth are thoese kids going to learn how to be trustworthy??
Mady had braces before. She got them off at age 9. Kate says this is phase 2. I have never heard of that. Is it possible someone would need braces twice?
Yes, orthodontic treatment can be done in phases. The first phase is usually when there are still primary teeth, but perhaps some adult teeth. It may be used to correct a jaw issue or alignment. The second phase, probably sometime around 11-13 when the adult teeth have come through, is done to straighten the teeth.
"I keep thinking at some point Milo went right over the edge. Just can't pinpoint when it was."
I believe it was when she tweeted and posted a picture that she wanted to walk off into the sunset with Kate, and shortly thereafter, tweeted that she'd love to live at Kate's house so she could have dinner ready for all of them. The love-in took off from there.
"Heaven knows I've been struggling over"
for ndadadadummm
Tweet -- you are so funny. Is it a sound made to announce the banging of the pots and pans?
Pink said...(150)
"My dad also had a soft spot for children & animals. I think he preferred to be with animals & children more than adults."
My sincerest condolences Pink. And I think what you said about your father speaks volumes of his character. I'm also inclined to agree with his preference.
Pink - So sorry to hear about your Dad. It sounds like you've got good memories of a great man.
Anyone see this little article about Tina Fey? Can't help but compare this to so many we've seen of Kate. I think Tina looks Great!!!
Pink - my very sincere condolences on the loss of your father. There is no greater accomplishment in this world, IMO, than to leave behind those who will miss you and remember you always with love. It sounds like your father was a truly great man and I am sorry for your loss.
Joy said,
OT weather report. Central Virginia got hit harder than the forecasters predicted. Still snowing here, windy, wet snow, everything is gonna melt by Saturday but today everything is closing early. And some trees are falling because if the weight of the snow.
its snowing! I am still excited!
OT! You got what never made it here. This morning there were 500 closings/cancellations.. Every school in the county was closed, expecting 8 to 10 inches of snow. Nothing, We got nothing but a little rain. Snow emergencies declared for RAIN! If I were the weather guys, I'd go into hiding for a few days. They'll never live this down.
Next county over to the west got some snow, but the snow never made it past the river. Really bizarre!
LancasterCountyMom, I think this was the "onion rain."
AuntieAnn said... 145
For someone who is so obsessed with cleanliness and germs, the kitchen seems like an odd place to have a stupid 'toothbrush sink'. I seem to remember der fuhrer putting them in a headlock and brushing their teeth right at the kitchen table at the old house. They're almost nine years old for petesake. It's embarrassing. ----------
Of course it is embarassing. Krap does not want to pay the dental bills for "cavities," so the tups have to face her insane measures, by brushing in front of her in the kitchen sink. Missed you Auntie Ann!
We remove shoes immediately inside the front door, change out of school uniforms and wash thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water within the first five minutes of entering,” ....
* * * *
If this is indeed true, I see this as yet another way that Kate exerts complete, microscopic and ridiculous control over everyone in that house and everything that occurs. It's simply ridiculous that school uniforms have to be washed "within the first five minutes" after the kids get home. I think she insists on this just to be a pain in the ass.
Same thing with the tooth brushing in the kitchen. She just wants to screech at the kids when they brush their teeth, tell them how they are doing it all wrong, how they are getting cavities and are therefore horrible children. She is a bitch of the first order.
None of this has to do with her supposed OCD re cleanliness. It's all about control and making things as unpleasant for those children and her staff as possible.
I didn't see the original link or story about this possible lawsuit being filed by Kate against Jon - for something. Since I haven't seen any discussion of details, I presume that the lawsuit has not been filed yet, because it would be public information once it was filed and by now, some enterprising person would have checked the court records and provided what info was to be had.
I wonder if Kate wanted to sue Hoffman, but was told by attorneys that she couldn't; so now she is turning her sights on Jon. My guess is she can't sue him either. As another poster has already well stated: Kate writes a journal when the children are young in which she details her miserable failings as a parent and a human being. At some point, she throws out those journals (apparently written in her handwriting) plus some computer files. Jon no longer lives in the home, has nothing to do with the journals and other files/documents being tossed into the garbage.
Hoffman digs through said garbage and finds the incriminating evidence. Writes a book. Has to pull it from Amazon and retweak it because TLC/Discovery doesn't want any of their contract info in the book. Once he edits it to satisfy their lawyers, he can re-publish. Kate can suck eggs.
Re: teeth brushing in the kitchen - this may be a learned behavior. I had a grandmother and several aunts who did this themselves and with their kids and at the actual kitchen sink, not a wet bar. My grandmother learned it from her mother who did it because she grew up in a rural community with outhouses and that's how everyone did it in their community.
Here's my opinion - I think what matters is you're teaching your children to brush their teeth and if your family wants to do it at the kitchen sink so be it. I don't know about anyone else but from a hygiene perspective how different is it from rinsing the dishes you ate off of into the kitchen sink and the glasses you just drank from? My kitchen sink I gets dirty and then I clean it. It would be one thing if she was having them drop their toothbrushes into the sink afterwards and then rinsing the dinner/breakfast/lunch dishes afterwards and then not cleaning the sink and the making them brush their teeth with dirty toothbrushes.
She has them do it at a wet bar sink. As long as they are rinsing their toothbrushes and the sink is being cleaned regularly how is it worse then doing it in a bathroom? I mean, we urinate and defecate in the bathroom and so there's likely more chance for cross contamination in there then in the kitchen frankly (I'll have to review the mythbusters episode that tested that).
We are entitled to disagree with her decision but the outrage is, in my opinion, unwarranted and a bit nit picky. This is a agree to disagree and move on situation, again IMO.
For Sue Buddy's list. More dumb things needy sheeple say...
@Kateplusmy8 I'm plnning a bday party for 6 yr olds at Disneyland shld I plan an itinerary for rides? Help!!;-)
She has them do it at a wet bar sink. As long as they are rinsing their toothbrushes and the sink is being cleaned regularly how is it worse then doing it in a bathroom?
Aside from washing out the sink and the bacterial concern, would you want to be finishing your dinner at the table, or having dessert and coffee while kids lined up at a bar sink, brushing, flossing, gargling and spitting? I'm not too sure I'd want to listen to that times eight. It would take my appetite away.
@Kateplusmy8 World step aside...Kate Gosselin is a #DeterminedWoman who knows where she is going!
Well, Milo, I think we know where she's NOT going, which is to job interviews for a nursing position or any real job.
Silimom, you asked what's wrong with having the kids brush their teeth in the kitchen. It's a control issue. Each bedroom has a bathroom. These kids, at age 9, should be taught to be responsible enough to brush their teeth in the bathroom, where I would believe over 90 percent of the population brushes their teeth.They need to be trusted to brush their own teeth. What happens if they have sleepovers and their friends see them brush their teeth in the kitchen? I would imagine they get teased. What if they go to a friend's house they ask to brush their teeth in the kitchen sink because that's what they have been told to do at home?
These kids are no longer toddlers that she can line up like little soldiers, or put in high chairs at the dinner table. Teeth brushing at their age belongs in the bathroom, not as a communal project in the kitchen.
Why does everyone have an issue with the kids brushing their teeth in the kitchen, but no one has an issue with the eggs being washed there? Eggs that could have Samonella (sp?) on them since they are straight out of the nests. That makes me shudder far more than what the kids are doing. Chicken poop in the sink in the kitchen? You are all okay with that?
Pink, may your Dad rest in peace and you're so lucky that he left you good memories.
SwingsandRoundabouts said... 152
I'm also from Quebec and do not agree with the protestations. Geez it's been 10 years the tuition has not been raised, I say it's about time. I do not agree with Franky on that subject, but I'm with her all the way with her views on the Highway for Heroes. I've seen a procession go by and had tears in my eyes, it was so solemn.
I tried to post earlier to acknowledge and agree with Pacific Rim, but I guess it got lost along the way. Pacific Rim, I don't remember seeing your name before, so Hi! if you're new. May I ask if you are a mainlander or and islander?
But somewhere, let's be fair. Is that really happening in Kate's house? Are there other people who are dining while the kids are doing their toothbrushing routine? I doubt it.
My point is that to each their own. I am not a Kate fan and my posting history here, I believe, reflects that. I think amid all the things that people could be calling Kate out on, having her kids brush their teeth at a wet bar is the least offensive. Again, that's my opinion.
What bothers me sometimes is that there can be such a reaction over something like this, which really is a disputable matter in my opinion, that it detracts from the valid points and arguments people here do make regarding her exploitation of the kids.
If a fan of her wanders over here and sees people dissing her for something like tooth brushing, I believe it allows them to be more dismissive of the more legitimate concerns raised here, such as the abuse documented in her own journals that Kate doesn't dispute just the fact that they were aired at all. And if a person who is curious about Kate wanders over here and sees such criticism, it might confirm in their own head that yes, Kate is right, she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.
I'm not trying to tell people what to post, truly I'm not. I'm just stating my own opinion, that the toothbrushing at the wet bar sink isn't a bad thing, and raising my own concerns, that when she is criticized for every little thing it diminishes the more important points people here make -
1) that this woman uses and exploits her children for her own personal gain and is unashamed about it,
2) that her children have suffered physically and emotionally,
3) that they weren't simply playing in front of the cameras and making memories. They were working to support a lifestyle they did not ask for simply because they had the misfortune to be born to a narcissist who believes they owe it to her because she carried them in her womb for 8 and 1/2 months and
4) they will continue to be expected to support themselves and their mother until they are legal adults and can choose not to, if they are capable of such a choice at that point since Kate seems determined to keep them children and dependent on her for knowing what they're supposed to do, when they're supposed to do it and how they're supposed to do it.
Don't forget, she's being "turned down" by lawyers to take her case. That in itself means there is NO case.
Captain - I don't have an issue with it. I assume that the sink is cleaned by the housekeeper on a daily basis, likely with some bleach based cleaner.
For anyone interested in the proper treatment of home-raised chicken eggs, here's what seems to be a good article:
Pink - thank you for sharing a bit of your dad with us. He sounds like a wonderful man and a good father. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Somewhere In Time said... 180
She has them do it at a wet bar sink. As long as they are rinsing their toothbrushes and the sink is being cleaned regularly how is it worse then doing it in a bathroom?
Aside from washing out the sink and the bacterial concern, would you want to be finishing your dinner at the table, or having dessert and coffee while kids lined up at a bar sink, brushing, flossing, gargling and spitting? I'm not too sure I'd want to listen to that times eight. It would take my appetite away.
I so agree Somewhere. Even more, what about the simple fact that people brush their teeth in their bathrooms, not in their kitchens or, if they can afford them, at their wet bars?
That's what's worse about it. Do these kids even have a shot at normal when this kind of thing makes up their daily routine?
Captain of the Titanic said... 182
Why does everyone have an issue with the kids brushing their teeth in the kitchen, but no one has an issue with the eggs being washed there? Eggs that could have Samonella (sp?) on them since they are straight out of the nests. That makes me shudder far more than what the kids are doing. Chicken poop in the sink in the kitchen? You are all okay with that?
I honestly hadn't thought of that but now that you've raised this scenario - yuck! Was it Zelda who knew all about raising chickens? Maybe she can share her thoughts.
Blowing In The Wind said... 181
Exactly. It's the control issue that is so glaringly obvious. I could care less about the sink and what happens there.
Blowing, I'm glad your kids never had an issue with that. I can only speak from my own experience, but I have to remind my 7 and 9 year old to brush their teeth each night. If I didn't watch them do it, I have to follow up that they did indeed do it by having them blow in my face so I can smell the toothpaste. Because trust me if I didn't they wouldn't. Not because they're bad kids. Not because they're lazy. Because I think for most kids (I'm including my friends kids in this because they've reported similar issues) they have way to many other cool things they want to be doing and don't want to waste a minute of their time up until the moment they have to turn off the lights and go to sleep and toothbrushing is an activity that doesn't make sense to them really.
My older kids were the same way. My 23 year old stepson still has horrible dental hygiene. It didn't hit home with my stepdaughter (21) until we sat her down and showed her what her dental bills were costing after insurance and that if she didn't want to care for her teeth that was her choice but that we would be instructing the dentist to bill her directly from now on. I'll let you know if it makes a difference for either of them.
And heads up - they had a mom who told them to go brush their teeth and never followed up and since they were over there most of the time, they didn't develop that habit. My younger stepson is much better, has great teeth and if it took me being a little more controlling, so be it.
So I'll cut Kate some slack on this one. Again, I think what's important is that she's holding them to a tooth brushing routine and it's a habit that will hold them in good stead.
Kate is a twit said... 155
Pink-My condolences on the loss of your dad.
He leaves you with many wonderful memories that you will hold in your heart forever. That is his legacy to you.
Thank you, Kate is a twit.
You are very kind.
Mel said... 156
Sorry about your dad. Nice tribute to him that you wrote. Glad you shared it.
Aw, Mel. Thank you for reading it,
and thank you for your kindness.
Captain of the Titanic said... 182
''Why does everyone have an issue with the kids brushing their teeth in the kitchen, but no one has an issue with the eggs being washed there? Eggs that could have Samonella (sp?) on them since they are straight out of the nests. That makes me shudder far more than what the kids are doing. Chicken poop in the sink in the kitchen?''
I was going to keep my opinion of the kids brushing their teeth in the kitchen to myself, since it was clear to me that the reason they do it is because it is yet one more brick in KK's wall of control of the children.
As someone who was raised on a farm/ranch, I was shocked to see the eggs being cleaned in the kitchen sink, but I just didn't have it in me to say something.
Thank you for pointing out what is REALLY unhealthy in that kitchen! Of course, know it all KK has no clue. We may now have the answer to why the children are sick so often, and KK can't blame it on Jon this time!!
That makes me shudder far more than what the kids are doing. Chicken poop in the sink in the kitchen? You are all okay with that?
Chickens don't each have their own bathrooms, nor are they nine-year-olds who should be taught to be responsible for brushing their own teeth in their own bathrooms without a parent hovering over them. They have to learn sometime.
In the sink, I wash off fruits and vegetables that I purchase at roadside stands. Lettuce and other greens often have a bit of mud and who-knows-what on it. Poop probably. You wash it off, clean the sink, pour some bleach in there and you're good to go. If you're really fussy about it, you fill a bucket with water, take it outside, and wash the eggs out there.
It's not just the line up and brush your teeth at the wet bar, though is it?
It's the line up and I'll cut your pancakes for you.
It's the line up on that piece of tape on the floor because we're watching a movie.
It's the line up we're taking photos I'm selling to a magazine or tabloid.
In and of itself, brushing your teeth in the kitchen sink is your business and likely benign.
But combined with Kate's documented on film need for control, having her line up her children to brush their teeth in one small sink in the center of the house when they have their own bathrooms, is well...just creepy.
Dmasy said... 158
Pink...Your dad sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing the tribute to him with us. A hug to you today, dear.
He was a hoot, Dmasy.
My dad was a very interesting man- full of life, and full of knowledge- about EVERYTHING.
Thank you for being so kind, dear.
AuntieAnn said... 160
My condolences for the loss of your dear father Pink. He sounds like a wonderful man. Our loved ones may be taken from our sight but never from our hearts.
Thank you for comforting words, AuntieAnn.
I appreciate it.
After reading about this 'lawsuit' I decided to continue reading Robert's book ( I can never get past one chapter every few weeks or more)...
I just finished reading Chapter 25. The Help. My recap of that chapter is, OMG !!!. After watching CWS and how she tried to make herself out to be a supermom then I read this chapter and, well, I am at a loss for words at the distain I feel towards Kate and how she made Kendra feel like a bad mom for having a loving nanny for her son. Kate is a psycho bitch for even pretending to be as loving a mother as Kendra is.
The more I read this book, the more I truly believe it should be published for ALL to read...revised or not. For the record, I don't believe Jon had anything to do with Robert's book. Jon is not portrayed as an innocent bystander, but Kate is the ringleader.
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