Coming up on Celebrity Wife Swap. Kate gets to tell some other nice family raising their adorable son just fine that they are doing everything all wrong. This will go on for 42 long minutes. Batten down the BB Mercedes, it’s going to be one long, hypocritical ride.
People know Kate best for Dancing with the Stars and for her reality show. No Kate, people know you best for your vile personality and also for sucking at motherhood.
Wow, I didn’t realize Kate had three books on the “New York Best Seller List.” Where’s that prestigious literary office out of, Jamestown? These books may have once been on some list in days gone by, but now according to the people on this blog, they’re bird cage liner.
What’s even funnier is no one bothered to tell Kate about her gaffe and let her do a take two. I like when it’s obvious production doesn’t give a crap. We started seeing a lot of this toward the end of Kate Plus 8: bad editing, poor sound quality, etc. There was even an episode where they didn’t even bother to put music in. Like a lazy high schooler printing out his English essay, the “eh, that’s good enough not to fail now let’s get some beer” attitude is amusing.
I see Jon’s now in the witness protection program, blurred face and all. Hopefully he’s somewhere tropical! As usual, Kate paints a picture that Jon is dead, but don’t worry, they were able to make this “positive” somehow, though she never explains what she means by this. Kate does all the cooking and oversees everything else. This really means, Kate does some of the cooking some of the time and the hired help does everything else all of the time.
“Somewhere around 2011” Kate was divorced, she said. Uh, no, Kate, you were separated and divorced in 2009. That’s more than three years ago, not one. Though judging by the way she still isn’t over this, 2011 sounds more much plausible, sure why not. Kate suffers from a permanent case of what can best be described as "fuzzy memories" and it’s nearly impossible to live with these kinds of people, always made to feel like you’re the crazy one and not crazypants here.
Mady sums up Kate’s parenting style better than I can. “You’re going to do it my way,” she says with a slap of her hands. Pretty much. From refusing to let her 12-year-olds enter their own kitchen, to barking at them to put their napkins in their laps and roll up their jeans and tuck them under their boots and now I say, to the countless lists and more written rules, regulations and decrees plastered everywhere, a stint in Alcatraz is starting to sound like more fun, especially if a young Clint Eastwood could be there. I’ll even risk the life raft popping!
“All I’ve ever really known is work,” Mady says. “Work is a bad thing when you have too much.” Sniff.
Manipulated, demure B-personality Deanna better known around these parts as @DeannaTweeting, the BFF flavor of the month, will play the “husband” for this little lab rat experiment, as a poster here so accurately described it. But wait, @DeannaTweeting is a woman, you say as you scratch your head, and the hired help. You see, Kate has acted as preying mantis to anyone of the male persuasion so there are none left to choose from. Hired help it is!
Ha, I like how Kendra just owns it. People know me best as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend, she announces shamelessly. That is correct. Kendra and her helpful husband Hank are cute, funny, and affectionate. Their little son Hank Jr. is a free spirit with darling long curly hair. It’s nice that Kendra acknowledges her hired help by name, Rosa, gives her the respect to call her what she is, the nanny and not just that person who watches my kids or the "babysitter” or “helper,” and describes her as a member of the family. Aw. I bet she even gets benefits too! I noticed the stark contrast between Rosa wrestling around with Hank Jr. on the couch, the two of them giggling up a storm, contrasted with @DeannaTweeting who gives one of the girls a light, polite hug when she arrives you might give some second cousin you barely know. The hug is shown twice from two different angles, making it seem like she hugged her twice to an undiscerning viewer. She didn't.
Kendra says Rosa and Hank make it possible for her to lounge by the pool, party and otherwise behave like a trust fund baby, though she is also shown kissing Hank goodbye as she goes off to work. The women say goodbye to their families and head to each other’s respective houses. The hypocrisy has already started, with Kate admitting the kids don’t want her to leave, and the kids looking genuinely crestfallen to see her go. I thought they just loved this idea and couldn’t wait to do it! To me, these look like kids who just want things to be normal over their Columbus Day holiday and maybe even see their dad and friends.
“Hollywood is very Hollywood,” Kate says philosophically as she gesticulates. Even a wild hand flap can’t save that inane comment.
While Kendra tries her best to compliment the Wolf’s Lair as tidy, Kate saunters around Kendra’s cheerful, family friendly colorful pad, pointing at a little clutter here on the counter and crumbs there on the floor, and deciding the absolutely vast chef’s kitchen is not big enough. The whole thing takes an unexpected and might I add creepy turn when Kendra discovers the witch’s crematory just like in Hansel and Gretel! Oh, wait that’s just the bread machine.
Hey, I just realized who the voiceover narrator is! Took me ten minutes to place it. That guy who narrates Extreme Couponing. Aw, I’d love it if he could do for us a little dramatic will they won’t they get their bill under 95 cents before they crash the cash register?? He makes coupons for half off Cheerios and 10 ketchups for $1 each edge of your seat thrillers. I had nearly as much fun with him as I did making my way through Locked Up Abroad recently. This is what reality T.V. has come to, but you can tell this guy totally just embraces it. Might as well.
Kendra and Kate sit down to read each other’s house manuals, standard formula for this silly show. Kendra is honest about her hired help, discussing her cook, housekeeper and nanny. Kate for some reason acts appalled about this (sorry, Katherine), and with a straight face, says she’d rather be all three. What she really means is she’d rather control all three, not actually be all three. There’s a difference. She must have forgotten how many times she’s told us about all her hired help. In fact her manual, posted online, says they’ve been through so many nannies she can’t even keep track, and she did an entire blog post about how she’s had at least a part time housekeeper since the children were babies. Babies! That’s nine years! These are but two examples of dozens of Kate’s admissions about her staff. For her part, Kendra is mostly just worried about how she is going to remember all these names. Think top ten popular baby names from 2003 and you’ll be fine, Kendra.
Oddly, all Kate will do this entire episode is judge Kendra, her family, her household, everything and anything about her. And yet in an interview with Inside Edition the other day, she goes on and on about how her bad experiences in the public eye (oh, poor thing!) has taught her one thing. Sadly, it’s not, I need to change my nasty behavior. Rather, she has learned not to judge. I think what Kate means to say is she doesn’t want to be judged. She couldn’t care less if anyone else is judged.
By the way, Kate did so much hand flapping in that interview I thought she was going to take off. This is the interview where she was peddling some snake oil about how wrongly portrayed she is. I think hand flapping is the proverbial Pinocchio’s nose. The more you flap the more you’re lying. Oh, and she insulted Californians by implying it’s all Easy Street over here and all Kendra has ever known. She should take a stroll through Watts sometime and see how easy folks have it. The median income in California usually only hovers a few thousand dollars above the national average, nothing to write home about. California has a few incredibly wealthy neighborhoods that get a lot of screen time, but other than that, it’s like any other state, mostly hard working Americans just trying to make a living, with good parts, bad parts, and mostly in between parts. In fact, Kendra’s parents split when she was, sadly, only eight, a little younger than the twins, and she was hardly raised in Beverly Hills living in that mansion between Lisa and Adrienne. No, she certainly wasn’t poor, but she did grow up in the San Diego suburb Clairemont, which bears a striking similarity to Wyomissing, demographics wise.
Kendra took the divorce hard and turned to drugs to cope when she was only thirteen (thirteen!), and soon afterward, stripping. Otherwise, she had a pretty average childhood with public school and several years on the softball team. All Kendra’s “easy” childhood tells me is that it doesn’t matter how secure your family is in every other way, divorce can be very tough on kids and any mother who is brushing off the kids as “just fine” post-divorce needs to make sure they are delving a bit deeper. Kate always seems to judge people, including herself, on the possessions and environment that surround them, and never understands that those things usually have little correlation to happiness, how “easy” you have it, or how mentally stable you are. Anyway, I’m glad Kate decided to throw Kendra’s upbringing under the Mercedes because it prompted me to read up on it and actually discover what seems to be the root of Kendra’s issues, being a very young child in a broken home. Are you listening Kate? Approve of some of Kendra’s choices, nope. Excuse them, not on your life. Understand them better now, yes.
At O-Six hundred-and-three the children are to come downstairs for breakfast. Not 6:05, Kendra says in disbelief, not 6 o’clock. But 6-0-3! Welcome to Shawshank, Kendra. Fresh fish! Fresh fish!
Commercials. Kate also promoted this appearance on The View this week, in which I guess Brooke Shields drew the short straw and had to ask all the questions, bless her little heart, while Whoopie just sat there brooding. I’ll always remember Whoopie calling Kate an “angry bitch” and her desperate cries of “She got to go! Vote…her…off!” during Dancing With the Stars. It’s like she had been bottling it all up for years and it finally exploded, and also, she was at the end of her rope at not being able to get through to dimwits like Sherry. Now, she’s back to bottling, apparently. I get it, there’s a certain point where you’re just done trying. Kate’s outfit choice was inappropriate, to say the least.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
We’re back. Kendra appears to be doing some sort of Lamaze breathing in preparation for meeting the kids. Ha. The kids are hardly enthusiastic to find her in their house. They are incredibly shy and distant. When Kendra asks who’s excited, only Alexis raises her hand. Mady knows full well who Kendra is because she snuck downstairs to watch her show. So much for the schedule! @DeannaTweeting pronounces her name as Dan-a. That’s odd, I thought it was De-anna Tweeting. Or maybe she’s just mumbling like a New Yorker. No matter.
Hank, Hank Jr., Rosa and Hank’s business partner (heh, so L.A.) meet Kate. Hank brings her a gorgeous big bouquet of flowers. Aw. As Hank pours Kate a glass of wine and fires up the grill, Kate remarks that she never gets to watch someone else cook. Geez, did Katherine die too?
I’m surprised @DeannaTweeting didn’t have to reference her propaganda manuel when she, with a straight face, informs Kendra that Kate does it all herself. Number one, @DeannaTweeting doesn’t even live in the same state so I hardly think she knows what goes on around here on a day to day basis. She is just basing this off what Kate tells her. Number two, Kate herself admits she certainly does not do everything (rather, she “oversees”), so @DeannaTweeting can put a sock in that one. I have to hand it to Kate though, she sure knows how to recruit for the Kate Youth. On a side note, what a slap in the face, @DeannaTweeting, to all the people who have ever helped this family out, often for nothing in return. This is why Kate runs through dozens of nannies, when someone like Kendra likely will never lose Rosa until Hank Jr. is 18. And why you, Deanna, will probably, sadly, never move as far as you probably should in your career, as long as you make BFF with pathetic people like Kate.
The kids seem to stick to their normal routine, doing their chores/hard labor and setting the table. Kendra just kind of goes with it, albeit perplexed the whole time. I like the compliments Kendra is giving the kids, that they are so smart, especially Mady. At dinner, Mady prays that Kendra will survive this week. That was sweet of her, though I’d be surprised if God cares about making sure D-list celebrities successfully swap households. Heck, I didn't even realize God had a T.V. I guess you never know, maybe He skipped NCIS this week to watch this.
Interesting, Kendra has some real friends named Jessica and Kristen who stop by for dinner. We’re quickly back to Kendra, who is close to losing it at this point, her hair is disheveled and her forehead shiny as she puts the kids to bed. She gets them off to dreamland and heads downstairs to rinse off the eggs.
“I’m washing an egg right now,” she says. “Out of a chicken’s butt!” Thanks for the visual, Kendra.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Jessica and Kristen take Kate clubbing. At a place that features a strip pole. For someone who claims she’s only been clubbing once, she sure is tossing back those shots and Long Island iced teas like a pro.
Kendra is awake early and makes the kids a perfectly acceptable breakfast of Cheerios and fruit, though the kids tell her, rather rudely, they want to have eggs. Geez, cut the gal a break, it’s her first morning here. On another note, had Rep. Murt's new child labor laws been in place when they filmed this episode (they weren't yet, almost), they would have just broken them, anyone catch it? Under the new law, there must be at least a 12 hour break between shooting the night before and shooting the next morning. Since Kendra fed them dinner and put them to bed the day before all on camera, and we know they go to bed around eight or so, having them filming again the next day at 6 a.m. was not a full 12 hour rest. And, this is just one reason why reform was needed. (The new law cheat sheet, downloads as a PDF.)
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
Kate finally rolls out of bed at nine o’clock, just as Hank is taking Hank Jr. to school. He instructs Kate to just relax. I guess from this little piece of information Kate has decided Hank is “enabling” Kendra. Or, you know, he’s just trying to be hospitable. Could be that. Kate bemoans outside by the pool that if she only had as much free time as Kendra (snort!) she would spend it with Hank Jr. I’m sorry, I missed the implication that Kendra and Hank aren’t spending enough time with Hank Jr. The kid’s usually around so far, he seems to be an active enough participant in the family dynamic and very comfortable with Kendra and Hank, he just melts into them like an adorable, curly haired little marshmallow. What information is Kate basing this rather serious accusation? You don't have to be with your kids twenty-four hours a day for heaven sake. He can go to school and see kids his own age like everyone else is doing in Calabasas, and you can even sit by the pool a little. 24/7 is not what anyone expected of Kate and it's not what anyone expects of this family either, except Kate. It's always extremes when it comes to Kate. The world is black and white, there is no gray, in her rigid mind. Not to mention, the only jobs she's really had in the past two years is a scant few media appearances and to write up a few silly blog posts once in awhile. The kids are in school all day. What does she do all day. Errands, I guess? How can you be doing errands eight hours a day five days a week? Not to mention she's off duty when Jon has the kids. Comparing her schedule with Kendra's IMDB, I'm really at a loss how Kate isn't the sloth here with more free time than most women could ever dream of in a lifetime. If she isn't, she is not as organized as she thinks she is.
Back at the Wolf’s Lair, Kendra is up to things the hired help normally tackles, like the laundry and grocery shopping. And if there’s any doubt that the hired help doesn’t do the laundry, I think Kate’s directions taped to the machine will settle that! “Mandatory Uniform Policy. Check shirts for stains. After 1st wash [unintelligible] run with 2/3 cup bleach. Stain free! Doors need to be open when not running.” Now why would you need such elaborate directions for just yourself unless you have some kind of short term memory disorder ala Joseph Gordon Levitt in The Lookout? If that’s the case, your problems are bigger than messing up the mandatory laundry policy! Try robbing banks with such an issue, it’s no picnic.
Kendra is all mouth agape exaggerated shock at the three bags of fruit she puts in the car. I never understand why people act so amazed at the amount of food that eight kids consume. Haven’t you ever been to, like, a large dinner party? More people, more food consumed, it’s really not that much of a Christmas miracle.
Hank is really going out of his way to give Kate a great experience on her vacation. And this is a vacation. He gives Kate a golf lesson, an activity she conveniently packed a bright blue polo shirt and starched white shorts for. She’s actually not bad for her first time. Golf isn't easy I'll give her that, but she did it. It would be nice to see her at least try to take up a sport her kids are interested in instead of making them feign interest in whatever she's into at the moment.
Kendra is still trying so hard to try to make a connection with the kids, even though they are understandably distant. She is a stranger after all and they were just abandoned by their mother for the week and have some flavor of the month BFF living in the garage apartment who doesn’t even appear to be around (I guess Deanna is really taking this "husband" role to heart. I appreciate her method acting.). Kendra's Herculean efforts are really touching. She relates to Cara because of sports and seems to have a “breakthrough,” she says. This is no act. You know these types, the “Yeah, dude, I love Grand Theft Cars!!” First of all, it’s Grand Theft Auto, and you’ve never played it a day in your life. Nice try though. Like I said, Kendra really did play on a real softball team as a kid for several years, so the Yeah Cara, I love sports too thing is for real. Kendra says the kids are “amazing” and talks about how much she adores Hank Jr. and how she doesn’t know how you would divide up your love among eight kids. That’s so funny, I’ve only ever heard the non-fans talk about how amazing the kids are and worry about how you could possibly give eight children the attention they need. Should we invite Kendra over here?? Kendra sincerely wants to know what Mady’s into. Mady goes on and on about loving acting and Kendra makes supportive comments like “amazing!” and I was into that too! (Another true statement, Kendra has several real acting credits on her resume, including a role in Entourage, and a couple bit parts in the Scary Movie franchise). I have to hand it to Kendra, I don’t think anyone exactly wanted to root for the Playboy Playmate here, but she makes it hard not to.
Hank is proud of himself for getting Kate to loosen up, he says he deserves a pat on the back for that. He deserves more than a measly pat for that. Like something closer to a wallop. Over dinner out, Hank says nice things to Kate like that Kate is a strong woman who will find her Mr. Right, and Kate looks into Hank's eyes and says Kendra is really lucky. Aw. This dinner kind of has a Fatal Attraction vibe about it ....
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.

This sad situation doesn’t go unnoticed by Kendra, and she really says it best here. “The hardest part for me is realizing these kids have so much to do, and so many jobs to do. I’m a big believer in a kid should be a kid,” she explains, her eyes welling with tears. “I know that they need structure and chores, but this is hard because .... “ She actually has to pause a moment she’s that emotional. “I just don’t like to be so strict, I feel bad, you know?” she finally chokes. Oh my God.
Commercials. It’s pretty bad when a kid is doing so much hard labor they are actually making a grown adult weep. Usually when adults see kids doing chores all you hear from them is, “Eh, it’s good for them!”
We’re back, and now we finally get to the interesting part of the show (well, as interesting as a show like this can get), where Kendra and Kate get to impose their own rules on the household.
I love this, Kendra's first rule is the boys and girls are going to switch chores. Boy did she nail this one. Say what you like about her but that girl knows exactly what’s up and figured it out in only one day too. This one's got book smarts, she’s a regular Andy Dufresne.
It’s pretty pathetic that such a rule isn’t the norm anyway. Why are chores designated across such rigid gender stereotypes in the first place? Here’s a wild idea, why not just rotate the chores? Fairly, across all eight kids? No designating chores by gender. And Kate has the nerve to criticize Hank for “pampering” Kendra? Isn’t that the ultimate gender stereotype, the romantic leading man and his pampered housewife? The poor boys are so checked out none of them really respond to this change-up. The girls moan and groan but seem game, I guess. Good, they need to get a taste for what their brothers go through.
Back in L.A. at Casa Kendra, Kate has finally been allowed to set up a satellite bunker to the Wolf's Lair, and it's creepy how much happier she looks now. Unlike Kendra, who speaks off the cuff, Kate apparently needs little cue cards so she doesn't mess up telling Hank he's enabling Kendra by pampering her. Aw, poor Hank looks genuinely crushed. You have to be careful when you insult how a man treats his wife. You could be met with tears or even a fist.
"Why is Hank doing practically 100% when there's (sic) two parents?" Kate asks.
I don't know Kate, why was Jon doing practically 100% when there were two parents?
Kate announces Rosa is outta here and she'll be taking care of Hank Jr. "You're not care me," Hank Jr. says defiantly. Ha, kid's got a lip! The kids resist Kendra's idea to have a picnic with tacos in the basement. Mady reminds them these are the rules of the psychological experiment they were neither emotionally or intellectually old enough to consent to. No chores, lots of playtime, the kids cheer.
@DeannaTweeting is making annoying faces and mutters some nonsense about how the kids need the schedule to make the house run and keep the kids happy. Shut up, @DeannaTweeting. It's not the kids' responsibility to make the house run, it's their job to go to school, after-school activities, play, and lastly to do some chores, within reason, that don't interfere with those other things. They didn't ask for a mansion. If you want a mansion, you don't get to enslave your children to keep it up. Downsize, or hire a larger staff, and be done with it.
Kate puts the Hanks on a schedule with chores. "Call her Miss Boss now," Hank snarks. Heh, that's not all I would call this woman, but it's a start.
Well, the girls seem to be doing just fine tending to the chickens. They like it. Kendra talks about bonding with them. You know what I like about Kendra? She doesn't just treat this as an experiment to see how she would react to a different situation, like how Kate views it. She treats it as an opportunity to get to know and love eight kids, and try to make a difference in their sad lives, however small. I am moved by this, truly moved. Just proves that no matter what your past, it doesn't mean you don't have a beautiful heart. The kids show her their really cool treehouse, but, oh man, it's locked! Locking the treehouse is as odd as locking your refrigerator or something. Not something most normal people would ever think to do unless you are maybe A Child Called It’s mother. Kind of funny that Kate and her fans defended this later as being a safety issue, when the treehouse has a vast staircase with a railing safer than many real house stairs.
Hank Jr. happily puts away his toys and is so cutely proud of himself for earning piggy bank money. Aw. Naturally, Kate really can't help herself, gloating and shooting smirky looks at Hank the whole time, which is odd, since Hank never said he objected to Hank Jr. doing chores and in fact made it clear he supported Junior starting to learn responsibility, he just said he knew it would take time to get used to it is all.
Kendra picks just about the absolute worst meal to have on the floor, tacos. Hannah steps through Alexis's taco and then giggles sinisterly about it. Ugh. The kids are so horrified by the mess and chaos and Alexis is nearly in tears. Great, now they're going to have an even bigger phobia of emancipation. Poor Kendra tries to tell them that spills are okay but they're really not having it.
I don't mind this rule, Kate says Hank Jr. should sit at the table with his parents. Hank Jr. is having a hard time behaving, but like his father said, this will take time. You can tell Hank is starting to crack under all the criticism, but this man has the patience of a saint.
Aw, Kendra arranges for an ice cream truck to pull up to the house and they love it. Kendra has already started processing this experience and thinking about making changes in her own life, opining that she should spend more time with her family. Good for her.
While Kendra has long taken the kids to school, Kate's finally up at 9 a.m. Did she party last night again? Kate keeps Hank Jr. at home today and they have breakfast, play, and do an art project. It goes all right I guess. I don't like how she constantly talks down to Hank Jr and corrects him, that will get old real quick, but Hank Jr. seems fine. I like the mischievous twinkle in his eye, like he's inwardly cataloguing all of Kate's transgressions for when he someday takes his sweet revenge.
Baw-haha, I love this, Kendra's girls day is not with any of Kate's friends, but with @DeannaTweeting and one of her friends. Really? All of PA and they couldn't find one friend of Kate's to go to lunch with?
"They're amazing kids," Kendra emphasizes once again. Aw. She really believes this, too. "To Kate! To Supermom!" Kendra says as she toasts. Kendra, Kendra.
Kate admittedly has another rather good idea, she arranges a family yoga session for the Hanks. Babies doing yoga poses is unexpectedly adorable! I dare you not to say "aww" at this:
And how about this:
Anyway, the problem here is that Kate is hellbent on getting Hank to agree that this is the most fantastical amazingish idea she has ever come up with. Hank is reluctant, explaining that Hank Jr. already does yoga at school and Kendra has her own class. See, Kate needs to offer up ideas, and then let Hank decide for himself if he wants to change. Some he may resist, some he might actually be open to, like the chores. But insisting he must agree with her and only her on each and every thing is only going to make him more resistant. And, it just seems rather arrogant. And hypocritical of course, that's a given.
Kendra takes the kids out for a fun night go carting and one of those play gyms with ropes and climbs and such. The kids adore it. I mean, adore it. Mady's taking photos, they're cheering, it's great. Kendra says she wants them to have real childhood memories besides chores. Kendra, don't worry, Kate has devoted her life's work to seeing to it they make memories. The memories thing is well covered.
Glenn Close over here is giving Hank sultry looks as she explains that Hank does more than his fair share. You know the Five Love Languages? Hank's love language is "Acts of Service," that's all. Kendra admits she needs to change a few things, fair enough, but maybe she brings different things to the marriage, like income, humor and emotional support. Not every aspect of marriage is measured in brooms and dustpans. I would guess her love language is probably "Words of Affirmation" judging by her interactions with the kids. Hank explains this is what works for them and he likes it. Since it's not hurting anyone and they seem happily married, I don't see why it's so darn important to Kate that Kendra do more hard labor, other than jealousy and resentment. Just let them speak their own Love Languages and leave them be. Also there's this weird undertone like she's trying to imply that she was once in a marriage like this only she was Hank (double snort!), and she's trying to "save" him from her sad fate. Pathetic, yet hysterical too, since delusion is funny to me. Also, anyone see the irony in a divorced woman who can't even get a date giving relationship advice to two happily married people on their first marriage? Tee-hee.
Kendra is still learning about herself over at the Wolf's Lair, realizing that if she can manage eight kids on her own, she can manage one on her own. She's still washing eggs, I don't know why that's funny but it is. Meanwhile Kate's still gloating about what a difference she had made in Hank Jr.'s life because she gave him a few chores. The swap is over, and of course Kate has already decided that she learned that she has the best behaved kids ever and thank God she implemented such a militant schedule or these kids might have turned out like, gasp, Hank Jr.! Why am I not surprised the only thing she would get out of this whole thing is to feel even more validated?
Kate, Kendra, Hank and @DeannaTweeting gather at a roundtable to discuss the experience. Kendra says nice things like the house felt like a family home.
Kate in reply tells Kendra that Kendra doesn't care and just lets everyone else do everything. Kendra is already in tears. Does Kate have to try to be such a bitch or does it just come naturally? I see no problem telling poor Kendra that maybe she could change up a few things, but you don't have to be cruel about it. And funny thing is Kendra learned this all on her own this week without Kate's help before she ever sat down. Hank is basically like, that's just not true, she's great with Hank Jr., and that Kendra shouldn't change. He's finally cracked!
Kendra asks if Kate has ever been through a live for myself stage. Baw-haha! Kendra, this is no stage. That implies someday you might come out of it. Kate's all like oh no never! Meanwhile @DeannaTweeting is just dumbly nodding at all this. She's so obnoxious.
Kendra talks about going off schedule to see the treehouse and how fun that was (even though it was locked, Kendra still made it fun). Basically Kendra is trying to tell her to let the kids go off schedule for things like that, but @DeannaTweeting says what they are trying to say is Kate needs to "forgive" herself for taking 30 minutes out for herself. Well, Kate's open to that suggestion, naturally. Oh Lord @Deanna, that is not what Kate should take away from this at all. Go away.
The bottom line is Kendra and Hank learned some wonderful lessons from all this, and they talk about growing up and spending more time with Hank Jr. Kate is so tearful that she helped Kendra accomplish this. Kate, you didn't do anything, it was spending time with the kids that made Kendra think. Kate of course learned she is right and also that it would be nice to have someone else to share her workload. What workload? Maybe she means all the chore charts she writes? That probably does take considerable time!
Final score, Playboy Bunny: 1, Shrew: 0.
1622 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1622 Newer› Newest»Anita said... 172
Anyone see this little article about Tina Fey? Can't help but compare this to so many we've seen of Kate. I think Tina looks Great!!!
Thanks for sharing this. Big Tina (and Amy Poehler) fan here. Tina does look great, just a 'normal' mom enjoying her vacation with her kids and she knows just what to say to the press. Remember the pics Steve took of Kate splayed out on the lounge chair. Quite a difference LOL!
I honestly hadn't thought of that but now that you've raised this scenario - yuck! Was it Zelda who knew all about raising chickens? Maybe she can share her thoughts.
Nope, wasn't me...I only recently grew out of an allergy to birds!
I lived in an efficiency apartment senior year of college- no bathroom sink, so we (my roommate) and I had to wash our faces, do our contact lenses and brush our teeth in the kitchen sink. I thought it was pretty nasty to begin with, but got used to it. However, we never brushed our teeth at the same time, and if we had, I'd be squicked out as Hell. I can hardly stand seeing/hearing my OWN spit, much less another persons'. 7 other people? Dear Lord!
Chicken poop in the sink in the kitchen? You are all okay with that?
I found this:
The basic issue is that dirty eggs are covered with bacteria, which have trouble getting through the shell so long as it's dry. As soon as the shell is wet, they pass through the shell more easily. Also, if you cool the egg, the contents shrink a little, causing a partial vacuum inside that tends to suck foreign matter into the egg.
The upshot is that you should always wash eggs in water that's warmer than the egg is, and you should sanitize the eggshells to kill any bacteria on the shell.
Not everybody would clean eggs this way, but those who are germophobes would. :-)
Some people use the dry method of a loofah or sandpaper.
You're also supposed to add a sanitizer to the water that you wash the eggs with. Didn't it look like Kendra was just rinsing them under running water?
The water you wash with needs to be at least 20 degrees warmer than the temperature of the egg.
The eggs are supposed to then be dried with a clean paper towel, and then be sprayed with sanitizing spray, and then dried again. The eggs need to be dry before storing in the frig.
You can forgo the sanitizer in the wash water, and the sanitizing spray, if you originally wash the eggs in hot enough water. That would be 160 degree water. Far hotter than tap water.
For safety reasons, eggs should be collected morning and evening. Hmmmm. I didn't see anything about the boys collecting eggs before school. Kate must do it after she drops the kids off at the bus. Yeah, that's it.
What do you think the chances are that Kate actually washes/dries/sanitizes *any* of those eggs herself? What about when she's out of town? Who washes all those eggs then?
Suppose Kate knows any of this? Who wants to bet that she does a blog on the egg care soon?
What I'd really like to see her blog about is what to do about sick chickens. How do you know when they're sick? What do you do about it?
That would be a good blog post. Much like her nonsensical laundry blog. You could tell from that stupidity that she doesn't actually *do* the laundry.
SwingsandRoundabouts said... 164
Pink, my sincere condolences on the loss of your father. You have good memories and the knowledge that he passed down to you. What a treasure.
Thank you, dear.
My father definitely left a lasting impression on all of us.
Sheri said... 170
Pink said...(150)
"My dad also had a soft spot for children & animals. I think he preferred to be with animals & children more than adults."
My sincerest condolences Pink. And I think what you said about your father speaks volumes of his character. I'm also inclined to agree with his preference.
Thank you for your kind words, Sheri.
You are very sweet.
Somewhere In Time said... 179
For Sue Buddy's list. More dumb things needy sheeple say...
@Kateplusmy8 I'm plnning a bday party for 6 yr olds at Disneyland shld I plan an itinerary for rides? Help!!;-)
It's on my list!! :) Thanks for posting it though.
Since I'm not going to be able to read each tweet I definitely don't mind if people post them here.
Grooming should be kept out of the kitchen generally. It's a sanitation issue. It's also a manners issue since most adults are grossed out by hair and spit near their food even if you manage to keep it clean. Like it or not kids need to learn to respect polite society. What do they do at a friends's house pull up a stool and brush next to the pot roast pan? All these little things may not seem important but they're essential to raising a well adjusted adult aware of themselves and their surroundings. I guess you could do that over at Sally's but she's probably not going to invite you back.
NJGal51 said... 171
Pink - So sorry to hear about your Dad. It sounds like you've got good memories of a great man.
Thank you, NJGal. You are most kind.
I have many good memories of my dad.
I'm happy that he lived long enough to enjoy his grandchildren.
Millicent said... 173
Pink - my very sincere condolences on the loss of your father. There is no greater accomplishment in this world, IMO, than to leave behind those who will miss you and remember you always with love. It sounds like your father was a truly great man and I am sorry for your loss.
Millicent, thank you so much. You are very kind.
It's kinda funny that no matter how old you are-
when a parent passes away, you kinda feel shakey... kinda lost... kinda scared.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 150
Pink, I am so sorry about your father. I hope your memories of him can bring you some comfort.
I wish you peace.
Bluebird said... 183
Pink, may your Dad rest in peace and you're so lucky that he left you good memories.
Thank you for your kind words, Bluebird.
I sincerely hope that he is resting (finally) in peace. He LOVED life, but towards the end,
the quality of his life (or what he was used to doing) went down- way down.
He spent his last days on earth (literally)
casting an imaginary fishing line. He thought that he was fishing- as he loved to do throughout his life.
I hope he found a good fishing spot in heaven...
Not everybody would clean eggs this way, but those who are germophobes would. :-)
Some people use the dry method of a loofah or sandpaper.
You're also supposed to add a sanitizer to the water that you wash the eggs with. Didn't it look like Kendra was just rinsing them under running water?
It's amazing that the Amish families here manage to stay so healthy. I would imagine that they just hold the eggs under the kitchen spigot and give them a rinse and a promise!!
Jane said... 188
Pink - thank you for sharing a bit of your dad with us. He sounds like a wonderful man and a good father. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Thank you, Jane. You are very kind.
Admin, I respectfully disagree. My grandmother and aunts was/are respectable, well mannered adults. They did not/do not brush their teeth in other people's kitchens when they visit. They understood social convention and how to behave in polite society. They were/are well adjusted and aware of themselves and their surroundings. And as I said, they kept/keep their toothbrush right next to the kitchen sink as they didn't/don't have the luxury of a wet bar. My aunts do it out of habit and convenience. She says it's easier to just brush her teeth right after she eats. She also brushes her teeth in her bathroom before she goes to bed. My mom was raised the same way but chose to brush her teeth in the bathroom as she says it was just easier because she was already in there bathing and doing her hair. People take toothpicks at restaurants and pick their teeth at the table and leave it on their plate after they eat or on their way out of the restaurant. I don't see that as being much different.
I am sure the kids likely brush their teeth in the bathroom when they visit Jon's. They are smart kids who I'm sure understand their are different rules for different places/situations (If they haven't learned that just from having to live with their mom, I'd be really surprised).
Again, I don't think there are very many adults running through Kate's household and those that do probably do so knowing that it's Kate's house and Kate's rules.
I will just respectfully agree to disagree with everyone here who feels differently and stop discussing this.
That's kind of the point, it's a rule that is silly. Your aunts aren't doing it because of control issues. I think a toothbrush next to the sink is gross. As would be a hairbrush, hair ties, floss. I also think toothpicks are gross and I'm surprised people still do it though I usually only see that back east.
It sounds like an awful lot of extra cleaning to make sure it's sanitary when you could just keep it all in the bathroom the room we designed for grooming and washing and relieving ourselves to keep all of that separate. Bottom line this is about control not personal preference.
Call Me Crazy said... 10
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 150
Pink, I am so sorry about your father. I hope your memories of him can bring you some comfort.
I wish you peace.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
I feel peaceful- I do.
My personal regret is that I never had the chance to say I love you & goodbye to him at the end of his life.
As someone previously said, having the kids line up to use that toothbrush sink would seem to slow down their morning routine. How much quicker it would be for them to go to their own bathrooms to brush their teeth.
But...but.....but HOW would Kate be able to time them properly if they were in different bathrooms? One child might try to get away with only 58 seconds of brushing instead of the required 1 full minute!
You know she wants to supervise this activity.
That's why they do it in the kitchen. If I ever tried to brush my teeth in the kitchen my mother would have pulled me out of there and stood me at the bathroom sink, exactly where tooth brushing belongs.
To a Pink Straightjacket for Kate, I offer my deepest condolences. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us here. I hope you have comfort and peace from your own words about him.
It caused me to stop and think about my own Dad whose funeral was 5 years ago today. Thank you for bringing marvelous memories of a wonderful man to me this afternoon.
Blessings to you and to all who loved your Dad.
I also think toothpicks are gross and I'm surprised people still do it though I usually only see that back east.
I'm back east and we eat out quite a bit, both at hometown diners frequented by truckers (best pancakes ever) and upscale restaurants, and I can't tell you the last time I saw anyone pick their teeth at a restaurant table. In fact, I can't ever remember seeing it at the parking lot getting into their cars, maybe, but never at a table in a restaurant.
I agree with admin. It's a control issue and it's high time these kids learn where to do their grooming and personal hygiene, and it's not in a kitchen. I can't imagine finishing a meal and seeing a member of the family standing at the kitchen sink brushing teeth,
I agree, Admin, that the boys seem broken. They certainly exhibit a dull affect. I've never seen boys that age look like, or behave the way they do. Would be interesting to know which ones are on medications. That was my first question when I saw their eyes. If they were my family, I'd be troubled. All this control Kate exhibits will back-fire someday. Mark my words.
Oh, Pink...I am so sorry to hear about your loss. When my dad died many years ago when I was still in college, someone sent me a card with these words, and I'll never forget it. Sympathy to you and your family. I hope it's okay if I share it.
I am home in Heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting light.
All the pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever.
Safely home in Heaven at last.
Did you wonder I so calmly
Trod the valley of the shade?
Oh! But Jesus' love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade
And He came Himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread;
And with Jesus' arm to lean on,
Could I have one doubt or dread?
Then you must not grieve so sorely,
For I love you dearly still:
try to look beyond earth's shadows,
Pray to trust our Father's Will.
There is work still waiting for you,
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now, while life remaineth—
You shall rest in Jesus' land.
When that work is all completed,
He will gently call you Home;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting,
Oh, the joy to see you come!
@Kateplusmy8 @LydiaHVanWinkle @CRBDUKE Did U say U need a date?? Firedup 2the rescue! I got some hunks waitin 4U!! LOL
Oh, good gawd. Can you imagine what Milo has waitin for Kate?
Did you ever stop to think that maybe Kate doesn't say anything because the journals were hers but that Robert or Jon did alter them in some way?
That's a valid reason for her lawyers to tell her not to say a word about them. And I would not be surprised if this is what comes out and that Robert and Jon both are taken to court.
It seems to me that it wasn't Kate or her people who came out with the Radar Online story; more like Robert or someone from Jon's camp supporting Robert's book and trying to keep their name out there in the wake of Kate's being on CWS.
Not only is the teeth brushing a control thing, but it totally reflects how lazy she is. I have never, ever seen such a thing in a kitchen except for Kate Gosselin. I remember seeing it in the show when the tups were toddlers, she said it was convenient, but you'd think at eight years old they'd be programmed by Commandant Gosselin to groom themselves alone. Hell, even I managed to drag myself upstairs in the evening to check on my kids. I don't think she does that. Oh, and remember the pedicure picture in the kitchen? Her and Jamie's dirty feet on the counter during their stove cleaning photo op? Kate is no germaphobe, totally created because a nurse should be like that (in Kate's mind).
Melissa NV said... 21
@Kateplusmy8 @LydiaHVanWinkle @CRBDUKE Did U say U need a date?? Firedup 2the rescue! I got some hunks waitin 4U!! LOL
Oh, good gawd. Can you imagine what Milo has waitin for Kate?
I think one of them is Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty.
silimom said... 14
''I am sure the kids likely brush their teeth in the bathroom when they visit Jon's. They are smart kids who I'm sure understand their are different rules for different places/situations (If they haven't learned that just from having to live with their mom, I'd be really surprised).''
Silimom, I agree with you that the Gosselin children are VERY well aware that there are different rules for home with KK, and rules for everywhere else. The children are no longer little kids (no matter what KK calls them) and go to school and with their father.
Some on this blog have spoken more than a few times about seeing the children at school and out and about with Jon, watching them be 'normal' kids. Their ability to shut up and blindly follow KK's ''rules'' when with her is the key to them having survived their abusive life!
rainbowsandunicorns said...Tweet -- you are so funny. Is it a sound made to announce the banging of the pots and pans?
Yeah that must be it, like rat-a-tat-tat.
Pink, my sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your Dad.
Gladys is still at it. She'll be harping on this one until she comes up with something new to get Kate's attention:
@Kateplusmy8 @LydiaHVanWinkle Did U mention a man...a date...oh YES we can! He is sweet/one who will care & still has all his hair! LOL
Does anyone know if Milo is male or female? Some on twitter swear it's a man; others remember "her" from posting on sites and say they know "her" name and her husband's name.
Sorry to hear of your loss--your father's story is inspirational.
As far as Ms Ãœberclean goes, it is a well known fact that children build immunity by being exposed to a reasonable level of dirt. At least I hope it is true--I have been know to pick up a pacifier from the floor and put it back in my kid's mouth after wiping it on my shirt. Nobody died. Anyway, this is just more of Kate's BS. Wasn't she the one that drove around with full potties sloshing over in the van?
Pink, condolences on the loss of your father. Thank you for sharing memories with us.
Remona Blue said (561) that Ms Kreider may have done cWS without Jon s knowledge, and he may then have gone to court for some type of order preventing filming altogether in future. Pure speculation, but this sounds like a reasonable scenario to me. Or, at the Very least, Jon may have made sure the portion of the income that the children were entitled to was then put in a fund where Ms Kreider cannot touch it. Both these scenarios sound possible, both would infuriate Ms Kreider.
Wasn't there some info that Jon could not prevent the kids going to Australia for filming because there was an existing contract? This filming of CWS.would have involved a new contract. I would speculate a judge would not be happy at contracts involving the children being negotiated without the father being involved.
Remona, I think you are on the right track for even more reasons Ms Kreider is out for Jon s blood
Warmth Of The Sun said... 20
Oh, Pink...I am so sorry to hear about your loss. When my dad died many years ago when I was still in college, someone sent me a card with these words, and I'll never forget it. Sympathy to you and your family. I hope it's okay if I share it.
That poem was absolutely beautiful, Warmth Of The Sun. Very comforting.
I'm so sorry that your dad passed away- even if it happened many years ago.
I will share your poem with my family.
Thank you for your kindness, dear.
PatK said... 30
Pink, my sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your Dad.
Thank you, PatK. I appreciate that.
Assuming... said... 24
Did you ever stop to think that maybe Kate doesn't say anything because the journals were hers but that Robert or Jon did alter them in some way?
My answer is: NO....
Read the book. If you did and came away with that impression I am/will be shocked.
Ex Nurse said... 32
Sorry to hear of your loss--your father's story is inspirational.
As far as Ms Ãœberclean goes, it is a well known fact that children build immunity by being exposed to a reasonable level of dirt. At least I hope it is true--I have been know to pick up a pacifier from the floor and put it back in my kid's mouth after wiping it on my shirt. Nobody died. Anyway, this is just more of Kate's BS. Wasn't she the one that drove around with full potties sloshing over in the van?
Thank you for your kind words, Ex Nurse.
You are sweet.
P.S. I remember that they used to drive around with pissy potties in the back as well...gross!
JoyinVirginia said... 33
Pink, condolences on the loss of your father. Thank you for sharing memories with us.
Aw, JoyinVirginia- you're so kind.
Thank you for allowing me to share his passing.
Jane-that's an old photo from December 2010. That's when Kate got her hair extensions.
The above link is to a site I've never seen before, and I think they've been posting old pictures of Kate there recently. So other places may be picking up pictures from there, thinking they're new. You can see that the pictures are dated 12/8/10.
I'm so sorry that your dad passed away- even if it happened many years ago.
I will share your poem with my family.
Thank you for your kindness, dear.
You're welcome, Pink, and thank you. Yes, he died many years ago, but when I read the last two lines of that poem today, I still cried. It's comforting, though, to know he will be there waiting for you. I really believe that, and it gets you through the hard times dealing with the loss.
Jane said... 25
Kate and Steve in NYC today?
Kate Gosselin Departs the Ted Gibson Salon with a New Hairstyle Pictures
Not sure if these are new photos although they are dated today:
Mar 6, 2013, 22:24 GMT
The picture has attribution to "M&C"..weird.
Pa Dutch Mom said... 20
I also think toothpicks are gross and I'm surprised people still do it though I usually only see that back east.
I'm back east and we eat out quite a bit, both at hometown diners frequented by truckers (best pancakes ever) and upscale restaurants, and I can't tell you the last time I saw anyone pick their teeth at a restaurant table.
That's because they all live where I do. Toothpicks abound here. They are free for the taking by the register of many a family style restaurant (non chain establishment).
I just realized my joke wasn't so funny.
Assuming... said... 24
''Did you ever stop to think that maybe Kate doesn't say anything because the journals were hers but that Robert or Jon did alter them in some way?
That's a valid reason for her lawyers to tell her not to say a word about them. And I would not be surprised if this is what comes out and that Robert and Jon both are taken to court.''
I know that one specific KK fan insists that the journals have been altered, but that is just wishful thinking, attempting to find something that would absolve KK of being a violently abusive person to animals and her poor children.
Grasping at straws requires removing common sense. IF the journals were altered, Laverne and Shirley would have had Robert into court before he could blink an eye. Facts are facts. Robert found the things in the trash, Robert had the balls to get them out to the public, and KK is a despicable mentally ill monster.
I said before, I do hope that Robert or Jon leaked KK's latest insanity to ROL. If they did, good on them for exposing once again what a horrific monster she is!!
At least I hope it is true--I have been know to pick up a pacifier from the floor and put it back in my kid's mouth after wiping it on my shirt. Nobody died.
lol, Nurse! With our first, I washed, sanitized everything from toys to pacifiers to snuggle blankets. I was fanatical about it. By the time the last one came along, I picked up the pacifiers and wiped them wherever. It was kind of the five-second rule (which has been proven to be a myth) hit the floor, I grabbed it, and wiped it off, and nope, nobody died or got sick. If a sippy cup fell, I did the same thing -- wiped it to make sure there was no hair or fuzzies on it and gave it back to him. The oldest child is the one who frequently gets sick with colds and earaches; the five-second rule child has several years of perfect attendance days at school! You just never know!
Did you ever stop to think that maybe Kate doesn't say anything because the journals were hers but that Robert or Jon did alter them in some way?
Let me repeat what a previous poster said above.
NO. Not for one second. If they had been, Kate could say that those were not her words.
She hasn't said that. She has said nothing. Any lawyer worth his/her salt would tell her she has no hope to try to prove there is any fraud, theft, alteration or anything other than
the publication of some pretty scary info about
a woman who painted herself a loving mom.
I believe Robert Hoffman is on the level and Jon Gosselin is not involved in Robert's publication in any way.
Does Kate ever read what she retweets?
RT @LifeTools: When you try to control everything, you enjoy nothing. Relax. Breathe. Let go. Live and let live.
"Control" is her middle name! :)
Looks like she's been on Twitter for most of the day. Spring are home!
Stupid fan tweets for Sue Buddy!
@Kateplusmy8 Dear Kate, I love You..... Your Pal, Austin 😊
@Kateplusmy8 Did you get you package for me yet?!?!
Austin Martin @TheAustinMartin
I sent you a small package in the ma today!! @Kateplusmy8
Austin Martin @TheAustinMartin
@Kateplusmy8 :)!!!!!!!theres something else in the mail now haha
Austin Martin @TheAustinMartin
@Kateplusmy8 have you gotten my little surprise I sent you?? Nothing big... Lol but I personalized it hahaha ;)
@amycaffee haha my short hair was so 2008 :) yet SO easy to manage!
So is tanning, Barbie bleach blond hair, and hooker heels, but that doesn't seem to deter her!
She's so funny.
I was wrong in my post #39-that's not when Kate got her hair extensions. Those pictures were taken in Dec. 2010. She got the extensions the previous January.
Kate is a twit said... 39
Jane-that's an old photo from December 2010. That's when Kate got her hair extensions.
Thanks - good sleuthing!!
Audible Click said... 42
Jane said... 25
Kate Gosselin Departs the Ted Gibson Salon with a New Hairstyle Pictures
Not sure if these are new photos although they are dated today:
Mar 6, 2013, 22:24 GMT
The picture has attribution to "M&C"..weird.
Since it's been shown that these are old pics, I'm going to delete my post so we don't add to rumors : )
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 17
My personal regret is that I never had the chance to say I love you & goodbye to him at the end of his life.
Judging from what you have shared about him, I'm sure he knew how very much you loved him.
Taking a cue from the beautiful words Warmth Of The Sun posted (...22), this poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye comforted me when my mother died:
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
I can see my mom in all these beautiful things.
And now I will think of your dad when I see someone casting a fishing line. You have honored him with your stories about him.
Audible Click said... 42
''The picture has attribution to "M&C"..weird.''
According to view image info when I right clicked on the photo, M/C stands for Monster Sand Critics
Made a big ole Thanksgiving Dinner.. turkey and all..thinking it'd be snowing outside thus perfect ambience...just rain + a great dinner!:)
If Kate can make a big old Thanksgiving dinner when she's on twitter most of the day, then I want to know how she does it.
Remona (45) said:
"Grasping at straws requires removing common sense. IF the journals were altered, Laverne and Shirley would have had Robert into court before he could blink an eye. Facts are facts. Robert found the things in the trash, Robert had the balls to get them out to the public, and KK is a despicable mentally ill monster."
You got that right. He would have been slapped with a big libel lawsuit. I wonder if that one specific fan, who claims everything was embellished and altered, has ever asked Kate why she doesn't sue Robert for everything he has and clear her name.
Then again, I think she's too afraid to find out the truth. It would destroy her.
I guess it's all in who you believe. I think that it's very plausible that Robert and/or Jon altered Kate's words. It's not easy to say those are not my words when some of them are. Any lawyer worth their salt would say "don't make a comment at all until we get this figured out" and a lawsuit would have merit because they wouldn't be her words the way they are written in Robert's book. I'm not saying I know this us what happened I'm saying that there is a possibility that they took her actual journals and altered them in some way and that that is a valid reason why Kate hasn't come out and denied anything. Her silence doesn't mean Robert is telling the truth.
Assuming... said... 58
''I guess it's all in who you believe. I think that it's very plausible that Robert and/or Jon altered Kate's words....Her silence doesn't mean Robert is telling the truth.''
While it is ''all in who you believe'' to some, to others, it is using common sense and critical thinking and reaching a logical conclusion.
As far as the plausibility of Robert altering KK's words, I simply point to his book. The man is not, and admits he is not, an author. All you have to do is read the book, and you KNOW he isn't an author! He didn't alter KK's words.
KK's silence means she can NOT deny the journals, emails, and other information Robert discovered in the trash.
You are still grasping at straws, and no matter how you twist and turn, continuing to attempt to find a way KK isn't a abusing children and animals monster is just an exercise in futility. Period.
More dumb things from sheeple:
@Kateplusmy8 Turkey dinner? During the week? You're the perfect Mom! #luckykids. @Kateplusmy8
What difference does it make if it's during the week or the weekend? Kate doesn't work. She's at home. Wednesday is the same as Saturday or Sunday!
Remona it is simply not true that I'm grasping at straws and I'm not twisting or turning anything. I'm not trying to find a way that Kate is not abusing her children or animals.
I just don't happen to believe a person I do not know (Robert) simply because he wrote a book that denigrates Kate.
That's not critical thinking, that's not common sense, and that's really not a logical conclusion.
Not believing something that I don't know for sure and not saying it here like it's fact that's reality. What you're doing is pure speculation.
Assuming... said... 58
Oh, sweetheart. You really are clutching at straws aren't you? I'm sorry, but your idol has feet of clay.
It has been months since the Hoffman Kindle edition was published. It isn't a good book by any means (badly written and in dire need of editing) but those Kate quotes are real, IMO. Chilling, ugly, controlling and abusive. And they sound *just like Kate.*
Honey, if those were not Kate's actual journal entries, verbatim, we would have heard by now.
Pink, my sincere condolences. Your Dad sounds like such a great guy who left a wonderful legacy of love.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe Kate doesn't say anything because the journals were hers but that Robert or Jon did alter them in some way?
That's a valid reason for her lawyers to tell her not to say a word about them.
Did you ever stop to think why Jon or Robert would open them up to a tens of thousands of dollars libel lawsuit for doing such a thing? Jon has eight kids. Robert has three kids and a wife.
#Things that make absolutely no sense.
Not believing something that I don't know for sure and not saying it here like it's fact that's reality. What you're doing is pure speculation.
No one ever said we know for SURE or that we are stating it as fact. It is called a reasonable conclusion. You are free to conclude otherwise. Personally, I find it downright scary that when it comes to child abuse, anyone would air on the side of it didn't happen. Shouldn't you air in the side of it DID happen unless proven otherwise? That's what happened at Penn State, everyone aired on the side of Sandusky. The kids must be lying or exaggerating, surely someone like him would never do such a thing or it is not as bad or they must not be remembering it exactly right. Have we learned NOTHING from such a thing?
Would it kill Kate to say I never abused my kids and I will fight until I've cleared my name? As a lawyer I would have no problem with her saying that. Uh, unless that is, she did beat them. Oops.
Assuming... said... 61
''Remona it is simply not true that I'm grasping at straws and I'm not twisting or turning anything. I'm not trying to find a way that Kate is not abusing her children or animals.
I just don't happen to believe a person I do not know (Robert) simply because he wrote a book that denigrates Kate.''
~~~~~~~~ don't know Robert, so you don't believe him. But you DO believe that KK didn't abuse her children? Are you insinuating that you personally know KK? IF you knew KK, you would know she abuses her children, her animals and is a hateful person. In any case, this ends my conversation with you...
I haven't had time to read all the comments, so if this has been addressed, please forgive. @Millicent 176 -- that passage by KK in her bog is unclear because of her lousy writing skills. However, I took it to mean that the kids had to wash within 5 minutes of returning home, not that their uniforms had to be washed within 5 minutes of their returning home. Didn't KK say in an earlier bog that she didn't wash uniforms unless there were visible stains/dirt?Or was that something else?
Pink -- I'm so sorry to hear of your father's death. No matter how old we get, it's always hard to lose a parent. I hope your wonderful memories of him bring you comfort. It sounds like he had a happy and productive life. Hugs and prayers.
I do not believe the person with a history of lying. All Kate does is lie. Would you like 100 examples? I'll give them to you.
Robert has no such history. Everyone said Robert was lying AGAIN about Celebrity Wife swap he just made it up for publicity and to tell the story. He was RIGHT. He has a proven track record of telling the truth.
USA Today had an article about where you can join a website to try to get a reality show, Maybe Kate can see if the site can help her? They talk about the popularity of Honey Boo. They also go over different reality shows past and present.
J and K plus 8 was mentioned. They talk about Jon trying to reclaim his bachelorhood and Pennsylvania passing the child labor laws. What confused me was they said Gloria Allred showed up? I've been keeping up with this mess since the beginning and don't remember her.
Our girl Eileen is quoted in the article:
"It's always great to cast a wide net, but the key is knowing how to recognize great characters," says Eileen O'Neill, group president for Discovery Channel and TLC. "We have found Authentic(a reality show production company) to be great at that, and can't wait to see who they find."
So the reality show people are characters? Nice to know Eileen hasn't changed.
To add to Remona's words, I simply do not believe someone who is not a professional writer could have fabricated those journals or even altered them with any credibility. You would have to have a very good sense for Kate's writing style and then be very talented to not only mimic it, but as a man, write about things a woman would write about.
A prime example is the journal entry about Kate noticing that Jen Stocks had said she and Jon don't hug/kiss as much anymore. A man would not notice such a thing or understand why that was significant to just make that up. That is a diary written by a woman.
I took many writing courses in college and I don't think I could have even come close to making up such a thing with any credibility.
Although some books with the women as the main character in first person were written by men, there aren't many. A man can certainly write a beautiful story from the perspective of a woman, however, when compared to all men, the percentage of male writers able to do this successfully is small. It's hard to believe that some local just happens to have such a special amazing talent. Gimme a break. He should spend his time writing real books and make a living if he has such a gift.
Call Me Crazy said... 54
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 17
My personal regret is that I never had the chance to say I love you & goodbye to him at the end of his life.
Judging from what you have shared about him, I'm sure he knew how very much you loved him.
Taking a cue from the beautiful words Warmth Of The Sun posted (...22), this poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye comforted me when my mother died:
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
I can see my mom in all these beautiful things.
And now I will think of your dad when I see someone casting a fishing line. You have honored him with your stories about him.
Thank you so much for sharing Mary Elizabeth Frye's beautiful poem. I found great comfort in reading it.
You're so lovely. I will remember your kind words always.
The thing that makes me question whether the kids can just be normal kids at Jon's and brush their teeth where normal people do it is when Kendra let them have tacos picnic style they were helpless, attacking all the toppings like animals, stomping on their sister's taco then laughing about it. Granted it was a messy meal to have as a picnic but that doesn't mean they have to be little animals about it. They certainly weren't able to eat tacos in any kind of normal way, why would the know how to brush their teeth normally.
Pink, so sorry to hear your sad news. We care about you, consider this a second home, or "porch" as we used to say.
I don't know Kate. I don't know that she does or doesn't abuse her kids. She is definitely not my idol.
I'm just telling you that a logical conclusion is not believing 1 stranger over another.
my original post was in reply to so many saying why doesn't Kate speak out and say they're lying it must be the truth over and over and over again. I gave a plausible reason. you don't have to agree with it.
and just because someone disagrees with you does not make them wrong. If you believe that you have a very unhealthy sense of yourself.
Thanks for going off topic. said... 62
Pink, my sincere condolences. Your Dad sounds like such a great guy who left a wonderful legacy of love.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I am touched by your sweetness.
She could bake/roast 2 large chicken breast on Sunday, one to eat and the other one for the kids sandwiches for the week. kate please make a FULL, not halved sandwich for those kids! Let them buy MILK at school to drink instead of the JJ's. Did you ever think that their teeth are in cavity city is because you were to cheap to minimize their JJ and let them drink more milk?
I saw the line at the TB sink. The boys caring for the 50 chickens, one of the boys in a panic trying to gather the lunch packs. Reminded me of a Concentration Camp.
The kids looked stressed, depressed, sad, zombie like, defeated and without hope.
Oh, I wish Jon had them this week. (Administrator) said... 71
''The thing that makes me question whether the kids can just be normal kids at Jon's and brush their teeth where normal people do it is when Kendra let them have tacos picnic style they were helpless, attacking all the toppings like animals, stomping on their sister's taco then laughing about it. Granted it was a messy meal to have as a picnic but that doesn't mean they have to be little animals about it. They certainly weren't able to eat tacos in any kind of normal way, why would the know how to brush their teeth normally.''
Admin...the taco fixings were set up on a place that barely had room for the containers, and 8 children were encouraged to crowd around all at once. The entire thing was set up for the children to fail.
I have every confidence that when the children are at Jon's, they are allowed to be normal children and that Jon has been quite capable of not only teaching them to brush their teeth normally, but allowing them to do so.
Somewhere In Time said... 60
More dumb things from sheeple:
@Kateplusmy8 Turkey dinner? During the week? You're the perfect Mom! #luckykids. @Kateplusmy8
What difference does it make if it's during the week or the weekend? Kate doesn't work. She's at home. Wednesday is the same as Saturday or Sunday!
Making turkey in the middle of the week hardly makes for a perfect mother.
Kate's enablers are a curious bunch.
Do they think that Kate is so incompetent, that they have to applaude every move she makes?
They're impressed by a turkey dinner from a woman who doesn't even work?? She's home all day!!
We had turkey dinners several times through the winter. It's a popular cold weather meal. It's no different than roasting a chicken. Oh and my mom worked.
I've heard most of the reality shows lately have resorted to casting actors with head shots. They get applications but most people just aren't suited for T.V. They aren't interesting enough, able to articulate themselves well enough, and so on.
For instance apparently Amazing Race and Survivor is almost all actors these days. That doesn't mean they're not real people or interesting people, but they are all or most of them actively trying to be in some kind of entertainment business, which I don't know, sort of makes it feel a little inauthentic at times.
It kind of makes sense, at what point do you run out of people who are interesting enough for reality T.V. or even want to do it? They must be out by now.
It also makes sense with Kate shopping a reality show. It wasn't just random like they just found her out by the park swings. It was calculated.
Dear Pink,
I am so sorry for your loss. You will always cherish the memories of your dad's amazing life. I have the same medical issue as he did.
I wish I could say that about my dad. He is good in a lot of ways, but others not. If he was charged with all the things that he did to me, my brother and my mother,over the 50 years I have known him, he would be put in prison for life, based on the felonies.
When I talk to him on the phone, he always tells me he loves me and I tell him that I love him too and I have forgiven him for everything, so I am not burdened with bitterness and anger.
Wish kate would forgive everyone and ask everyone for forgiveness and turn evil into good. An evil mom into a good mom. Being humble, charitable and an all around good egg.
Snowball fight in hades will have to happen for her to change.
Made a big ole Thanksgiving Dinner.. turkey and all..thinking it'd be snowing outside thus perfect ambience...just rain + a great dinner!:)
Kate, when you got up this morning it was 38 degrees with rain and drizzle. Knowing that the temperature RISES during the day, and was to hit the low 40s, why would you even think it would be snowing outside by dinner time?
Does this woman ever check a weather report?
Oh I wanted to say this about trash. The paparazzi are relentless about trash. When there is a big story going on they'll go through that with a fine tooth comb. Many celebs will have their assistant drive off with the trash and dump it somewhere else. It's totally legal to take trash in CA and I believe in PA too.
Anyway, I bet my bottom dollar when things were getting really crazy the paps were going through the trash daily. No one found anything of much interest until Robert.
Do you know what I have a real problem with and I don't understand? How two people can watch or read the same things and come away with such different interpretations.
Where you saw a child stomp on another's taco and laugh about it I saw a child accidentally walk on the paper plate and then just turn around with a smile and a shrug of her shoulders that said oops sorry.
where you saw the kids attacking the toppings like animals l saw hungry kids just really excited to get in there and make their own tacos.
Where you saw kids that didn't eat tacos in a normal way I saw several of them turn their heads sideways and try to get the end of the taco not just bite into it and crumble it everywhere.
l saw normal kids acting in normal ways. How can you say they wouldn't understand about brushing their teeth? They do brush their teeth all by themselves. Seems like she just does it there to make sure that they're doing it and that they don't have to go back upstairs and she doesn't have to try to find them to leave.
Do you know what I have a real problem with and I don't understand? How two people can watch or read the same things and come away with such different interpretations.
That's funny, me too!
If Hannah said "I'm sorry" I COMPLETELY missed that. I did not hear an I'm sorry out of her whatsoever. If I'm wrong, correct me please.
Kate's enablers are a curious bunch.
Do they think that Kate is so incompetent, that they have to applaude every move she makes?
Yes, with Milo cheering them on. Milo's latest obsession is finding a man for Kate. I just can't imagine that happening since Milo wants Kate for herself/himself.
readerlady said... 66
Pink -- I'm so sorry to hear of your father's death. No matter how old we get, it's always hard to lose a parent. I hope your wonderful memories of him bring you comfort. It sounds like he had a happy and productive life. Hugs and prayers.
Thank you for your kind thoughts, readerlady.
Every so often, I find myself saying that it's hard to believe he's gone...
I can't tell you how grateful I am to all of you in this blog. You have all given me such strength, and comfort. Thank you for your love, concern & kindness.
High five!!! How many times do you think the Gosselin boys were offered a confusing high five from older boys at their school for their mom letting them have an overnight in the privacy of their own home FOR A WHOLE WEEK with a Playboy (all over the Internet NAKED and sometimes having sex! what? It's true!) BUNNY!
This for sure should get Kate a. "Go to the head of the line" pass for Mother of the Year award with Christianity Today mag, Psychology Today mag, and Parenting Today mag, dontcha think?
I must confess it never dawned on me washing eggs in the sink could be a problem. Now I see it is. I got salmonella poisoning in 2005, when traveling, and it was absolutely horrific and lasted more than two weeks. Not only do I not wish that on an adult much less a little child, but when children get it, they can die.
Like I said I have considered chickens from time to time, but I'm glad to be learning so much more about what it entails to own such things.
They talk about Jon trying to reclaim his bachelorhood and Pennsylvania passing the child labor laws. What confused me was they said Gloria Allred showed up? I've been keeping up with this mess since the beginning and don't remember her.
She was at the April 2010 child labor law hearings in Harrisburg. (Administrator) said... 82
Anyway, I bet my bottom dollar when things were getting really crazy the paps were going through the trash daily. No one found anything of much interest until Robert.
March 6, 2013 at 6:14 PM
--Then that begs the question why Robert? I'd equally bet my bottom dollar that Kate knew that and wouldn't have thrown out her journals. I'd also bet my bottom dollar that Jon had a hand in it. Yes, I know Robert said he didn't. That actually doesn't mean it's true for me. (Administrator) said... 84
Do you know what I have a real problem with and I don't understand? How two people can watch or read the same things and come away with such different interpretations.
That's funny, me too!
If Hannah said "I'm sorry" I COMPLETELY missed that. I did not hear an I'm sorry out of her whatsoever. If I'm wrong, correct me please.
March 6, 2013 at 6:15 PM
--No, I'm not saying Hannah said she was sorry. I said her smile and shrug of her shoulders suggested she was saying oops. sorry.
--No, I'm not saying Hannah said she was sorry. I said her smile and shrug of her shoulders suggested she was saying oops. sorry.
Well, perfect example. What you see as apologetic, I see a kid as not caring she has upset her sister and shrugging it off as whatever. Who is really being reasonable here?
When you are sorry, you say sorry. Anything else just doesn't cut it.
I'd equally bet my bottom dollar that Kate knew that and wouldn't have thrown out her journals. I'd also bet my bottom dollar that Jon had a hand in it.
Based on what???? Do we have a history of Kate not throwing anything important out? Actually, we have a history of Kate throwing out important things without a care such as the twins' xmas ornaments from grandpa.
Was Jon even around when she threw them out? How come according to that article no one will take her case if Jon had a hand in it? How come both Jon and Robert haven't had the pants sued off them by now. It's been six months for heaven sakes. For heaven sake she needs to start worrying about the statute of limitations at this point! I don't even know what it is for libel in PA but it could be as short as 6 months!
I'm sorry I believe you have no facts to support your conclusions.
Hey! I just checked, the statute of limitations is just ONE YEAR for defamation for PA.
Kate better get on this. She only has about six months left before Robert is in the clear. When is that big lawsuit the sheeple say is coming, coming?
@Kateplusmy8 that's why I called upon your expertise. I should Target which rides the 5&6 yr olds can get on then start from back of park:-)
...and this one is still trying to figure out what rides to take the kids on at Disney. Of course she needed Kate to tell her to start at the back. Good grief, people have known that since the park opened in 1971!
I wonder if someone should tell her there is more to Disney than just Fantasyland. That would really throw her into a tizzy.
Are these sheeple REALLY this dumb, or do they just want a response from Kate?
readerlady said...
I haven't had time to read all the comments, so if this has been addressed, please forgive. @Millicent 176 -- that passage by KK in her bog is unclear because of her lousy writing skills. However, I took it to mean that the kids had to wash within 5 minutes of returning home, not that their uniforms had to be washed within 5 minutes of their returning home. Didn't KK say in an earlier bog that she didn't wash uniforms unless there were visible stains/dirt?Or was that something else?
I agree with you. I interpreted the "washing" comment 5 minutes after returning home to mean their hands, not their uniforms. Kate did a very detailed blog on CC (or her own blog) about laundry and iirc the uniforms are washed twice a week, max. At the time, I believe we talked at length about the fact that by the time they finally make it to the laundry they must be fairly dirty/stinky.
Pink, I am sorry for your loss. As he passed, perhaps his fishing boat appeared before him. He got in, feeling young and healthy again. He started across the lake, as he saw friends and family on the other shore who had gone on before. You and his loved ones one this side got smaller and smaller, and he knew how sad you were. But, the others on the other side were shouting and waiving at him to hurry, as they were so happy to see him. As he got closer to that shore, he could see all their faces, and he was happy. Perhaps someone special come out in another boat to greet him first. They were all glad to be together again. Now, he is with others who have loved him before. He will often go fishing out a bit from that shore, and will be casting his line waiting for you to come across in a boat. He often goes to his favorite fishing place. The weather is perfect, a light breeze from the west (when the fishing is the best), and he is happy.
What's the statue of limitations for possession
of stolen property?
Sherri, you said it so well. It's the line up and do not just this, but all this, this, this AND line up and do this. There is a bigger problem here that goes far beyond toothpaste. I don't really care if the sheeple come here and think oh wow just a bunch of nitpickers. They are fine to think that. It's not like we have any credibility with the sheeple anyway. Let them think what they like. I'm not really concerned about converting people to hate Kate Gosselin and never have been. If you want to debate and discuss it fine but if you ultimately walk away still a fan and even thinking we're picky that's your problem, I don't lose sleep over it.
Not sure, look it up! But there's no evidence anyone stole anything. You can't "steal" garbage. Not in PA anyway.
Assuming said - Seems like she just does it there to make sure that they're doing it and that they don't have to go back upstairs and she doesn't have to try to find them to leave.
Right, but here's the thing. These kids are not toddlers just learning to brush their teeth. They will be NINE YEARS OLD in two months. Nine! By that age, they should know how to brush their teeth correctly if they have been taught to do so and to come back downstairs when it's time to leave to go anywhere.
Admin, why are you still allowing troll comments on topics we've already gone in circles over in the past?
High five!!! How many times do you think the Gosselin boys were offered a confusing high five from older boys at their school for their mom letting them have an overnight in the privacy of their own home FOR A WHOLE WEEK with a Playboy (all over the Internet NAKED and sometimes having sex! what? It's true!) BUNNY!
Ugh. If those kids didn't know what Kendra was famous for by now, they'll know by the end of the week.
I'm something of a celebrity Luddite and even I know all about Kendra's life– despite never watching Girls Next Door (or her reality show, or DWTS, or E!) or reading tabloids, or even giving her articles a quick scan on the 2 celeb gossip sites I go to. If I know all about her, how on Earth would the kids be ignorant?
(Weirdly enough, Angelina Jolie is another celebrity I know all about despite never seeing her in literally anything but the covers of magazines in the supermarket aisle. I'd be comfortable giving a brief but thorough biography on the woman, but I've never seen a d@mn thing she's been in.)
Here's a question, admin. SOL for a defamation suit would begin when the book was released, which was six months ago. With the release of another book, even though it was re-written, does the SOT start over again when the new book is put out, or does the SOT go back to the release of the original book?
Somewhere, exactly, they are nine years old. If you can't tell a nine year old to go to their bathroom and brush their teeth by this age without overseeing every little swipe across the bicuspids, you've got bigger problems than a few cavities. Maybe you want to check in every few weeks or so but that should be all that is necessary by that age, if that. You know what, maybe it won't be perfect. You know what, maybe they will only do it for 90 seconds and not two minutes. Is it worth making them feel like they are being inspected and dissected and taking away their dignity just so everything can be your way? They are supposed to be seeing a dentist every six months anyway, dentists always examine a child's teeth for good brushing and will make suggestions. They even do this to adults! They are more apt to take pointers from the dentist anyway and that way they don't feel like they're being treated like a three year old. With frequent checkups you're going to know if there are issues anyway.
Badger Packer said... 96
Absolutely Beautiful!
Somewhere good question I do not know. I would guess that old information that is repeated would still be on the old clock. But anything new might arguably trigger a new clock. That really does beg the question, since kindle books can be so easily updated and often are, does it trigger a new SOL clock every time it's updated?
Sounds like something lawyers would argue over. :)
Not sure, look it up! But there's no evidence anyone stole anything. You can't "steal" garbage. Not in PA anyway.
Correct. Once it's on the curb, it's not stolen property. It's up for grabs, whether it's in a trash can, garbage bin or dumpster. In some places in NH, yes, it is considered private property if it's in your trash, but not in PA.
Here's my main thought about the toothbrushing at the sink in the kitchen, esppecially if its a time issue:
Wouldnt it take longer for the 6 younger kids to line up at that kitchen sink, then to go up to their own bedrooms and use the sinks up there?
CWS said there was 5 bedrooms each with its own bathroom. I would also bet, there is a separate bathroom somewhere not attached to a bedroom.
The only thing is... more bathrooms would get messed up and those poor boys would have more chores, because they have to clean the bathrooms according the CWS.
Funny how Kate felt poor Hank Sr had too many chores, but she didnt think twice about sitting in the white plastic throne ordering Jon around, and now she is doing the same to those young boys!
I do a nightly teeth check and my kids are older than 9. No cavities. Not one.
NIGHTLY? For real?
Are the okay with this inspection? I would freak.
They are fine with it.Gosh you make it sound like it's a police pat down.
No cavities are worth it. I think most modern dentists encourage it.
Sounds degrading to me. Sorry. At least weekly! I'm glad they're fine with it. They won't be soon.
Why is it degrading? It's being involved with my kids. I am not mean or rude. Tarter build up happens daily.
I would question why a child would be so defensive? My kids are well adjusted
I do nightly homework checks too. The school demands it.
Admin your experience as a child is not the experience of my kids. You can't say what they will or will not do. I look out for my kids. It's my job as a parent.
It's not degrading.
I'm glad they're fine with it, the daily thing really throws me off though. I'm just saying that wouldn't have flown with me and probably wouldn't for many kids. My teeth were mine, especially past the age of nine. At that age I was old enough not only to care for them myself but to check myself for abnormalities. I have had cavities but only about two and they were small.
2 is more than NONE in 3 kids. 2 x 3 is a lot of cavities.
Of course they own their teeth. They are not mine. Nothing on their body belongs to me. But I am not going to say ok kid you are 10 or 13 so you are on your own! Miss an area of brushing? Oh well sucks to be you!
Teeth need to be cared for properly each day. (Administrator) said... 91
--No, I'm not saying Hannah said she was sorry. I said her smile and shrug of her shoulders suggested she was saying oops. sorry.
Well, perfect example. What you see as apologetic, I see a kid as not caring she has upset her sister and shrugging it off as whatever. Who is really being reasonable here?
When you are sorry, you say sorry. Anything else just doesn't cut it.
Assuming is not being unreasonable. You just don't happen to agree with her interpretation. Reasonable people can disagree.
My husband is a dentist and he always says parents are not involved enough in their children's dental care. He can tell the teeth of kids who have parents who care a mile away.
He has a patient who discovered a rare oral cancer in her preteen when she saw a white spot on her child's tongue. Kid just thought he bit his tongue or something. Found it during a tooth check.
It's very old fashioned not to be diligent with dental care.
Actually, Assuming completely made up that Hannah apologized for stepping on the taco. Then she backtracked and said well I just think she felt apologetic. Based on WHAT, her manic laughing at the poor child?
Sorry I stand by my original comment, that's not reasonable.
She and you are free to think it's reasonable all the live long day. I am free to think otherwise.
"CWS said there was 5 bedrooms each with its own bathroom. I would also bet, there is a separate bathroom somewhere not attached to a bedroom."
That's what I don't understand. A 6,000 square-foot plus house certainly has a bathroom or half bath on the first floor with a sink. Why wouldn't they use that?
I disagree a few cavities is a lot. Not really, especially not small ones. The amount of kids with a mouth full of cavities is astounding. My parents were very diligent about my teeth and I can't remember ever missing a brushing. I flossed, brushed and did fluoride since I was little. I was one of those nerds even brushing after lunch, a habit I got into after braces and still do if I have a place to do it. My dentist always says my brushing and flossing is excellent. But they didn't inspect them past being old enough to do it myself.
My dad has pathologically weak teeth and has a mouth full of cavities. He also brushed well. Having no cavities doesn't always mean you did a great job, although it often does. There is a genetic component to cavities as well. Some people eat whatever don't brush and don't get them. Given my genetic component, only a few cavities is not bad. Like anything there is a healthy balance between being involved and not being so micromanaged a child is not learning on his own. Kids are people and not all kids do well being treated like soldiers like Kate does to them. Certainly we've seen what it's done to the Gosselin kids.
Parents can do what they want in regards to checking kids teeth etc daily, weekly yearly, whatever.
It just concerns me sometimes when a parent is devastated because their child has a cavity and the parent is blamed. I strongly feel there are genetics at play also. Yes, juice in bottles with babies falling asleep etc, has evidence to support that it causes tooth decay, along with the whole flouride debate, etc.
I had a friend absolutely freak because her kid had to get a filling. She almost divorced her husband because tooth brushing had been HIS dept and he FAILED! She soon took that over.
My kids are teens, they have no cavities. We even missed going to the dentist one year. They eat sweets, even gummy ones, and hardly eat gum. My son even went several months without brushing his teeth on a regular basis, when he was a new teen and going thru that " I dont care how I look " stage. Trust me, not my choice but as teens they have been told the consequences! My daughter had braces, and the ortho nurses freaked because she sometimes had tartar on the t bottom of the bottom braces that were placed very close to her gums. Rather then fight, we just booked her in for a cleaning every 3 months. It cost $30. So worth it.
My point, my lakadaisy parenting attitude towards tooth brushing for my teens has still resulted in no cavities :) Its Genes man. I even try to tell my dentist that every time he tells me what a great job my kids are doing of looking after their teeth! He doesnt believe ....Maybe we are lucky. I still feel bad for those moms beating themselves up because their kid got a cavitity....
It just concerns me sometimes when a parent is devastated because their child has a cavity and the parent is blamed. I strongly feel there are genetics at play also.
Exactly. You simply cannot blame my parents for my handful of cavities. They did absolutely nothing wrong, nor did I. We did everything recommended even the dentist said so. Even to this day I time my brushing! Unless you think never letting a kid have even a taste of sugar his whole childhood is the only way to go.
Has Khate even admitted (or not admitted)that "she" threw the computer out in the streets for garbage? To me, if "she" admits this then there is no case at all. Even if Jon told Robert to come get it, that's not illegal! "She" is so busted!
Well nightly homework checks are different it's not their body. Surely you see the difference. Agree with admin this won't last long but enjoy it while you can! :-)
If someone has stolen your property, you are supposed to call the police. Even if the person who stole was your ex. Kate was obligated to call the police if something was stolen. Since police reports are public, I assume she did not. That's her problem if she chose not to report it.
I think though , our point is about kate...
She micromanages the areas where her kids should be way more independent such as personal care needs, and food choices, etc, and then is quite removed when it comes to handling conflicts, or spending time building a relationship and having FUN!
LauraP -- here's a thought. If your children are cavity free, they must be doing a very thorough job of brushing their teeth. Maybe you could reward their hygienic efforts by displaying some confidence in their abilities.
Compliment them on a job well done. Relax the nightly inspection and let them feel some self-confidence in such excellent results.
Just a suggestion from someone who has already raised her child. He is a fine man and I don't really remember how many cavities he had while growing up. (We had a good pediatric dentist and went through braces.)
Okay, so Kate is a responsible parent and checks her kids' teeth. I get it. Why can't she check their teeth in their own bathrooms rather than in the kitchen?
Does she still clip nails in the kitchen?
Now Kate's a dog trainer! Is there no limit to her talents?
@Kateplusmy8 - could you train my puppy to stop jumping up on people? I'm convinced after watching wife swap, you are the person for the job
Kate is still tweeting...for the past 13 hours. I guess this wasn't one of her busy, exhausting, supermom days1
pym said... 184
I tried to post earlier to acknowledge and agree with Pacific Rim, but I guess it got lost along the way. Pacific Rim, I don't remember seeing your name before, so Hi! if you're new. May I ask if you are a mainlander or and islander?
Hi pym...mainlander here. You?
Sorry for your loss Pink. I think about my late father often.
Personally, I find it downright scary that when it comes to child abuse, anyone would air on the side of it didn't happen. Shouldn't you air in the side of it DID happen unless proven otherwise? That's what happened at Penn State, everyone aired on the side of Sandusky
LOL. Was it all "aired out" in the end? Or was there more erring to do? LOL. Sorry Admin I couldn't resist.
@Kateplusmy8 or u belong in texas !! we have warm SUN too :)
I prefer warm sun to cold sun, too.
It is amazing what forensic investigations can turn up on a computer. Hoffman has already said that the dates of original creation and modifying prove that they are legitimate. He has been advised by an attorney that there are methods that would reveal alterations. As Admin said, why would he open himself and his family up to the liability? Jon certainly has a motive, but what is Hoffman's motive. He is clearly obsessed, but there is nothing that suggests that he will go to such extreme lengths as jeopardizing his own family's financial security. Talk about unreasonable assumption....
As for Jon, since he is in the computer industry, he would be aware that their are hidden logs that track changes that can be detected. I don't think that he is a computer genius, capable of making changes and escaping detection. I agree that he could have had a hand in it--maybe just tipping off Robert that the stuff was out at the trash. That would certainly be consistent with his passive-aggressive personality. However, doesn't sound like anything illegal happened--just questionable judgement.
I know there will be posters that think this is a noble cause with a greater good. I just don't think that dragging this family through the mud, publicly, has any nobility whatsoever. It just makes me really sad.
I think it was scripted for Hannah to purposely step on that taco and then not apologize for it.
Yep, that's what I think and I'm not changing my mind.
Fido lol.
I think two things should be revealed and were noble to reveal. Child abuse and defrauding those churches. I don't see how that's not noble to reveal child abuse or that people got swindled. They have a right to know. The public should encourage openness about such things.
The rest of it was not necessary, though interesting, not necessary.
I think a lot of it was scripted or encouraged. Especially the roundtable, it just kinda felt like a director said okay gals just really lay into it, tell them everything, don't hold back. Let it rip! It felt fake.
The taco thing was, let's pick the MESSIEST meal and tell them to attack it! It'll be hysterical!
It's not hysterical it's cruel.
Although to be fair, maybe that's part of where the blank looks came from. Kids being told do this do that go here go there. They may have felt herded, and if that's uncomfortable for a child, it's natural to withdraw.
Sheesh, if my mother had stood guard while I brushed my teeth I would have left the bathroom and done it in my bedroom and just swallowed the spit. I didn't need or want an audience or a "checker".
I had a dandy WaterPik. Loved it. Every night before bed I used it instead of floss. It was mine, all mine, but I let the rest of the family get their own picks if they wanted to. The dentist was thrilled with all of us. Mom helped me the first few times to make sure I knew what I was doing, but after then, it was my private grooming time, done alone.
Kendra strikes back!
However, a friend close to her now reveals that the attack “really hurt” Kendra, and she was “hugely insulted” by the criticism.
This article says Kate's comment Kendra doesn't care really hurt her. I believe it. That was a nasty comment and totally uncalled for. Kendra could have easily dissected Kate but she didn't. She should have. I would have called her out on her control, said the control was about HER and her comfort and it was selfish, and not about "helping" the kids. Kendra didn't go there and she had every right to.
Assuming... said... 73
I don't know Kate. I don't know that she does or doesn't abuse her kids. She is definitely not my idol.
I'm just telling you that a logical conclusion is not believing 1 stranger over another.
A logical conclusion is when you decide to believe one person over another when all evidence points to one of the parties being more, or less, truthful than the other.
There is photographic and video evidence of Kate doing all of the following:
Physically striking/pinching her children.
Screaming in an out-of-control manner at her children.
Raging at her children.
Mocking and ridiculing her children.
Threatening her children.
Throwing her children's possessions down the stairs.
Individually and collectively, these things show she clearly has a problem controlling her temper.
Kate has also incriminated herself in some of her interviews and on Twitter. As an example, she unwittingly admitted to neglecting her dogs when she said that one had chewed through the metal bars of his cage. A dog would not, and could not, do such a thing unless it had been confined and neglected for many, many hours. That constitutes abuse.
In your first post, you stated that you thought Robert and Jon could have altered Kate's journal entries. Theoretically, that could be possible, but the probability is exceedingly low.
A person's writing style is somewhat like a fingerprint. People tend to use the same word choices, and syntax, and figures of speech, and sentence structure, and colloquialisms in their writings. Some people will make the same grammar and spelling mistakes over and over.
In a small sample, it is possible that someone's style, or pieces of it, could be copied. However, it becomes increasingly difficult as the sample size gets larger. The chances that Robert and/or Jon could have replicated Kate's writing style over the course of the hundreds of journal entries Robert included in his book are infinitesimal.
This writing fingerprint is illustrated plainly if you read Kate's blogs. It is always very easy to detect when Kate has written something herself, and when someone else has written something for her.
I think you have been respectful in giving your opinion. I just don't share it because I think ignoring the evidence is illogical.
$16,000 in Toothbrushes Stolen, Police Say
Police issue a warrant for a woman charged in a Kohl's retail theft.
Editor's Note: The following Middletown township incident has been supplied by the Pennsylvania State Police-Media Barracks. Anyone with information regarding any of these incidents is asked to call police at 484-840-1000. If arrests or charges are mentioned, they do not indicate guilt or a conviction.
They are looking for the person who stole the toothbrushes. Does anyone know of someone who has a tooth-brushing obsession? :)
Ex Nurse said... 141
Kendra strikes back!
Go Kendra! Go Kendra! Of course Kendra was hurt at KK's vicious claim that Kendra ''didn't care''. Even now, Kendra has more class in her little finger than KK does in her entire body, because Kendra didn't comment about everything she learned while watching the pitiful children. I wonder if Kendra has discovered that KK LIED when she said she did everything with no help that she had Kendra do?
Call Me Crazy, 143 -- well said. Assumptions. Evidence. Documentation.
Conclusions. I agree with everything you said.
Pa Dutch Mom said... 174
OT! You got what never made it here. This morning there were 500 closings/cancellations.. Every school in the county was closed, expecting 8 to 10 inches of snow. Nothing, We got nothing but a little rain. Snow emergencies declared for RAIN! If I were the weather guys, I'd go into hiding for a few days. They'll never live this down.
Next county over to the west got some snow, but the snow never made it past the river. Really bizarre!
LancasterCountyMom, I think this was the "onion rain."
It was CRAZY, wasn't it?? Not one stinkin' flake east of the Susquehanna (or so they say). I just know we got nothing! (Except for a day off from school!!)
This writing fingerprint is illustrated plainly if you read Kate's blogs. It is always very easy to detect when Kate has written something herself, and when someone else has written something for her.
Well said all of it, Call me Crazy.
This reminds me of something I wanted to point out. Kate's last few Coupon Cabin posts were either highly polished and edited posts she wrote, or outright ghostwritten. They sounded nothing like her usual drivel. Coincidentally, she was fired soon after that. My guess is she was on thin ice and they were getting their ducks in a row to do it, but didn't want to suddenly stop her posts and have people wonder what was going on before they were ready. So they grabbed a ghostwriter to write the last few posts and keep up appearances. Then bam, she was gone. But the ghostwritten posts stand out like a sore thumb, they are that bad. And these are paid writers!
Anyway I agree, I don't think anyone but the most highly trained writers and experts could have duplicated that style across so many entries. It was so hallmark Kate. And I also just can't believe that anyone would avoid issuing a denial over journal entries that were made up, that's ludicrous. There is no legally sound strategy for not issuing a denial of journals that aren't you. However, if you are guilty in some form, it is advisable to say no comment. Finally, even though it's unlikely, that book opened up both Kate and Jon to potential liability especially with the admissions about how much money they made while still selling their sob story and taking love offerings. A savvy church goer could file a lawsuit over such things and there may be no argument it's too late since that information is brand new information no one knew before.
On an even greater note, many of the things she refers to match up exactly with the real timelines we're aware of. It would have taken an incredible, massive amount of research to make sure everything matched. Even we get confused about timelines and things that have or haven't happened--if we do, Robert would. Any person trying such a thing would have slipped up somewhere. It would just be too hard. I can't find a single example in any of those journals of something that doesn't make sense--timelines off, facts wrong, etc.
Admin 120 - So I just watched the episode on Hulu Plus. Yes, Hannah did say "sorry" immediately right after she stepped on the plate. The camera panned to her as she then turned around while Kendra was listening to what happened, smiled nervously and looked at the camera and sat down.
It's between the 27 and 28 mark on HuluPlus. I rewound it three or four times to make sure. There was indeed a sorry. You were incorrect Admin. I think you owe someone an apology.
I agree, the boys faces did seem very blank a lot of the time. Honestly? They reminded me of expressions I've seen Kate and Jon both make. The fighting over the tacos was something I wouldn't have tolerated but frankly I think that was just inexperience on Kendra's part - they should have served themselves in groups of 2 or 3. It was also a rather dinky serving platter for that many kids all at once so there was bound to be fighting. How the kids talk to each other is again something that would not be tolerated in my house and that part really bugged me. But then again, who has modeled how to treat people for them? Their mom. Enough said.
Question: Who puts gym mats on their playroom floor? Is it just me or does that seem odd? I don't blame Hannah for stepping on her sister's plate, frankly. It is hard to walk well on mats that thick and I do think it was an honest mistake. At least that's what it appeared like to me. I think her reaction was probably nervous because she didn't know if she was going to get in trouble or not.
It seemed like Kate was trying to create conflict with Hank where there really was none. I totally agree - there wasn't anything Hank did that I didn't see Jon do for her, including letting her sleep in until 8:00 a.m. and making her coffee each morning when her babies - not 8 or 9 year old children but babies - were clearly awake in their cribs and making noise in the background.
Oh and did anyone catch at the very beginning when Deanna's walking into the house she says "There's so many of you!" Odd for someone who babysits so regularly for Kate or at least that's what Kate claimed in her introduction of Deanna on the show.
I liked the parts with Kendra interacting with the kids. Kate was just Kate. She talks at the end of her Hank day about how she's connected with him but I really didn't see what she did with him that day that was all that wonderful. She actually seemed rather standoffish to me.
I think Kendra walked away changed by her experience with the Gosselin kids. I think Kate walked away still Kate. As you said, Admin, it was a vacation for her, nothing more nothing less.
Hoffman has not only exposed fraud and child abuse, but also how a large corporation basically condoned and covered up abuse. Crew members were replaced if they (after signing confidentiality agreements) were uncomfortable with what they saw or they were well compensated if they turned an eye to the abuse. The emails between TLC and her her PR manager will be interesting to read.
If any other swindler's personal diaries were found and published there would be a celebration, not a debate. She is guilty of many things, from fraud, child and animal abuse, to speeding, reckless driving, child endangerment and there have been NO consequences! Maybe THIS is when she FINALLY pays the piper. Finally SOME kind of justice.
Assuming sounds like one of the Casey Anthony
Condolences Pink, very sorry for you and your family's loss.
Correct me if I'm wrong admin, but you cannot be jailed for losing a civil case right?
A little off topic but relative, on RHOBH (yes, guilty)
one of the wives said it cost her $10,000 for a lawyer to defend her from just a "letter" stating the "intent" to sue. What will be the total bill for khate AND Jon?
My daughters are 30 and younger one turns 29 today. Neither one of them has ever had a cavity but I don't attribute it to good dental care on their part. Since most cavities occur on the back molars, on the recommendation of our dentist, our daughter's molars were sealed every two years when they were young. So far, no cavities. But I also think it's genetics and luck of the draw.
Pink, condolences on the loss of your dad.
To Vanessa (#152): Along the lines of your point, I just do not understand how Khate can stay financially afloat. You mentioned the potentially huge lawyer fees. My friend just told me a few days ago that her daughter needs to get braces, and the braces are going to cost $5,400. Multiply that by 8 for Khate, and you get $43,200. and my friend told me that she had two other children in braces at this practice and did not get ANY, repeat NO discount. So my friend will have spent $16,200 on her three kids braces. In addition, Khate has a HUGE mortgage and big property taxes, not to mention the daily upkeep of the house and land and groceries, etc. etc. ...the list goes on and on. I just do not understand how this witch stays financially afloat. Her blogging job does not pay that much, I am sure.
Oh and did anyone catch at the very beginning when Deanna's walking into the house she says "There's so many of you!"
I went back and watched this part, and I don't think Deanna said that. I think it was a voice-over of something Kendra said. If you look at Deanna when that voice comes on, her mouth isn't moving. I think Kendra probably said it sometime during the filming, and they just dubbed it in at that one point. It sounds more like Kendra's voice, than Deanna's.
Yesterday Kate claimed to have made a full turkey dinner. If true, good for her. She said that when organic turkeys are on sale during the holidays she stocks up on them to get her through the year. She specifically stated that she buys 10 pound turkeys. She also stated that they'll have the full meal, turkey sandwiches, turkey salad and turkey soup. OK, I'll give her a pass on the soup becasue you use the carcas for that, however, 10 pounds of turkey does not mean 10 pounds of meat and she's making quite a few meals from that bird to feed 9 people. In another tweet yesterday she claimed that her kids are already bottomless pits that she loves to feed. I guess the portions are small if she's getting that many meals out of it.
Rather presumptious for Kate to claim Kendra does whatever because she 'doesn't care.'
Kate doesn't know Kendra, was only at her house without her present. She has no idea what Kendra's motivations are. Good grief, she's never even spoken to the woman, and she presumes to know why she does *anything*?
Kendra could have returned the favor, presuming Kate does whatever because she xxxx. But Kendra was too classy to do that.
At first I thought Deanna said 'so many of you', but upon watching again, I thought it sounded more like Kendra's voice. Hard to tell.
Deanna was saying something, but it didn't look like that's what she was saying.
I also thought it odd about the floor mats. But they had to put something down to protect the carpet, probably. A tarp would have been too hard to walk on, and Kate would have freaked if they used a blanket.
I wonder what Kate uses the floor mats for, though. Not something you usually see in a home. At least not that many of them.
fidosmommy said... 19
To a Pink Straightjacket for Kate, I offer my deepest condolences. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us here. I hope you have comfort and peace from your own words about him.
It caused me to stop and think about my own Dad whose funeral was 5 years ago today. Thank you for bringing marvelous memories of a wonderful man to me this afternoon.
Blessings to you and to all who loved your Dad.
Thank you, fidosmommy.
You are very kind.
I can tell that you loved your dad dearly. May you always find comfort in those sweet, wonderful memories. (Administrator) said... 72
Pink, so sorry to hear your sad news. We care about you, consider this a second home, or "porch" as we used to say.
Thank you, dear. You have a kind heart.
This blog is filled with the most amazing people.
I'm overwhelmed with your compassion.
Sillimom, huh? I invited people to correct me if I'm wrong, I only saw it once and didn't notice her say anything. Interestingly enough, the person who originally says that, admits that she didn't see her say that, only thought she felt apologetic. I do remember the shot was quick. If she said that, good, I'm glad. I wouldn't expect the other person to "apologize" if she didn't say that either, especially since the shot was so quick.
Rearranging, I suspect Kate has a financial advisor. When you have millions, you don't just stick it into a savings account. However, she spends like there is no tomorrow (on herself) so I expect by the time those kids are out of college she'll be penny pinching. She will never again make the kind of money she made with TLC. And no man with a hefty salary would marry her and want to burden himself with her or her eight kids. She'll eventually be back to square one. She was a "one- hit -wonder".
Vanessa, totally agree, and Jon was potentially part of a lot of that. Which goes to the point why Jon would assist with exposing all of this information, knowing, potentially, he very well could be implicated in it. I'd be surprised if the whole book didn't make Jon quite nervous at least in the beginning. I don't know why any sane person in his shoes would assist with such a thing. Plus, you know, the author himself said he didn't. There's that little pesky detail.
lukebandit said... 80
Dear Pink,
I am so sorry for your loss. You will always cherish the memories of your dad's amazing life. I have the same medical issue as he did.
I wish I could say that about my dad. He is good in a lot of ways, but others not. If he was charged with all the things that he did to me, my brother and my mother,over the 50 years I have known him, he would be put in prison for life, based on the felonies.
When I talk to him on the phone, he always tells me he loves me and I tell him that I love him too and I have forgiven him for everything, so I am not burdened with bitterness and anger.
Wish kate would forgive everyone and ask everyone for forgiveness and turn evil into good. An evil mom into a good mom. Being humble, charitable and an all around good egg.
Snowball fight in hades will have to happen for her to change.
Aw, lukebandit- thank you for your kind words.
It's good that you have forgiven your dad, dear.
My wish for you, lukebandit is that you be happy, strong in body & mind, eat well, laugh often, enjoy the company of family/old friends & new friends, never stop learning new things, stay positive, and find peace in your mind.
Be well-
This reminds me of something I wanted to point out. Kate's last few Coupon Cabin posts were either highly polished and edited posts she wrote, or outright ghostwritten. They sounded nothing like her usual drivel. Coincidentally, she was fired soon after that. My guess is she was on thin ice and they were getting their ducks in a row to do it, but didn't want to suddenly stop her posts and have people wonder what was going on before they were ready. So they grabbed a ghostwriter to write the last few posts and keep up appearances. Then bam, she was gone. But the ghostwritten posts stand out like a sore thumb, they are that bad. And these are paid writers!
If they used ghostwriters, they were paid to sound like Kate, that's why the entries were bad. That's what ghostwriters do, sound as though someone else wrote it. That's the job.
Thanks for going off topic. said... 62
Pink, my sincere condolences. Your Dad sounds like such a great guy who left a wonderful legacy of love.
Thank you so much for your kindness, and for the comforting words.
I am finding great comfort in knowing that he is free- no longer a prisoner in his broken body.
Yes Heather, and they did sound like Kate. 90% of it anyway. To someone who hasn't read a lot of Kate's stuff, it would fool them. If you look back though at when these posts came out, many of us pointed out many parts that didn't sound like her. My point being I think she had one foot out the door at that point, and was busy filming anyway, and didn't write them. I can't say for sure obviously. It's neither here nor there just a thought. They are not working for the CIA, they are just CouponCabin ghostwriters. People like us noticed.
I see that CWS's ratings for last Tues. night's show were 4.14 million. The show with Kate and Kendra was a little less than 3 million more (7.05 million). Since Kendra has 2 million followers on Twitter and Kate has 140 thousand, I feel quite safe in saying that Kendra was most responsible for the bulk of the 3 million increase.
If you want to give them each equal credit you could say that they each brought in 1.5 million extra viewers.
No matter how excited the likes of Milo and the few other of Kate's die-hards see it from Twitter activity, Kate doesn't have enough of a draw for even a lousy cable show.
I've been laughing for a couple of days over Milo's proclamation that "the world is watching" Kate. I don't think Kate even believes that...well, yeah maybe she does.
Badger Packer said... 96
Pink, I am sorry for your loss. As he passed, perhaps his fishing boat appeared before him. He got in, feeling young and healthy again. He started across the lake, as he saw friends and family on the other shore who had gone on before. You and his loved ones one this side got smaller and smaller, and he knew how sad you were. But, the others on the other side were shouting and waiving at him to hurry, as they were so happy to see him. As he got closer to that shore, he could see all their faces, and he was happy. Perhaps someone special come out in another boat to greet him first. They were all glad to be together again. Now, he is with others who have loved him before. He will often go fishing out a bit from that shore, and will be casting his line waiting for you to come across in a boat. He often goes to his favorite fishing place. The weather is perfect, a light breeze from the west (when the fishing is the best), and he is happy.
Thank you, Badger. I will cherish your lovely sentiment forever.
Hasn't Kate's schtick always been "us moms need to stick together"?
So, why did she think it was ok to bash Kendra?
Kenra's a mom, too.
Kate could have gotten by with saying a few benign things about changing things up a bit, but no, she's gotta go for the jugular.
Hasn't Kate always said that the worst thing a person could say about her was that she was a bad mom?
And *that's* what she chooses to say about Kendra? Says a lot....out of all the things she could have said about Kendra, she chooses the one thing that she herself thinks is the worst insult.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 154
But what if, just what if, Kate socked away say, 3 million like I believe she has.....and invested it.....she will be able to spend money for some time to come...
Remember: she is a skinflint. Always has been, always will be. She hoarded every cent she received until the money stopped flowing so freely. I'm sure she has a separate budget for her beauty treatments and plastic surgery. But that could be the blogging money or the TV appearance money that she makes occasionally. That will still leave tons in the bank. Maybe she lives off some of the interest............I don't think she is dipping in to that big pot of money as fast as some people think.
There is a reason why she buys bulk, grifts and buys bread machines and meat slicers. She is trying to maintain as much of her jackpot as she can for as long as she can.
Pacific Rim said... 133
Sorry for your loss Pink. I think about my late father often.
Thank you, Pacific Rim. You are most kind.
May you find comfort, and happiness when you think of your dear dad.
Vanessa said... 151
Condolences Pink, very sorry for you and your family's loss.
Thank you, Vanessa.
You are very kind.
Thinking about it, saying someone doesn't care as a wife/mother is probably one of the worst things a person could say to a woman.
And coming from another woman is even *more* of an insult.
It's one of the most hurtful things Kate could have chosen to say. And she knew it. How cruel and mean.
All this from Ms. Positivity, no time for negative.
Mel said... 157
Rather presumptious for Kate to claim Kendra does whatever because she 'doesn't care.'
Kate doesn't know Kendra, was only at her house without her present. She has no idea what Kendra's motivations are. Good grief, she's never even spoken to the woman, and she presumes to know why she does *anything*?
This is hilarious. 99.9% of the people on this blog don't "know" Kate and have never spoken to the woman and yet no one here has any problem presuming to know why Kate does every little thing that she does. Pots, meet kettle.
I wonder if she just lives off an allowance a financial advisor gives her. She also for a long time was getting pretty big child support payments. Nothing would have prevented her from socking that all away too. She also has finagled a lot of things for free which helps.
That is one thing that has surprised me about this, it appears to me she has been able to more or less keep up her lifestyle, even keep the house. I honestly thought the house would be long gone by now. Someone did right about the money, maybe Steve. It takes discipline to be able to manage that kind of money, although I guess if you think about Kate's linear, militant personality, it makes sense she has the discipline. It would be harder for a free spirit like Jon.
Now when she complains about camp, movies and gymnastics costing too much, maybe it was more about her allowance and how she'd have to cut into her things to do it. Maybe it wasn't that she doesn't have the money, it's that she wasn't willing to change how she spent her monthly allowance.
The description of Jon and Kate as "greedy grifters" was started long ago after some of us realized they had fleeced so many trusting church members on their sympathy tours. What a horrible thing to do to take money from loving, giving people who had far less than the Gosselins. Some here may have fallen victim to their grifting. Upon "waking up and smelling the coffee" it left us with a "really bad taste," never again to be fooled by reality television. I don't know how Kendra sat there and listened to Kate's insults. In real life, I don't believe that would ever have happened. Kendra is sweet and spunky. Someone directed her to take that insult. Sad, really. I hope Kendra is striking back. I don't believe Kendra thinks Kate needs more spa time, she needs to lighten up. There is a major difference. Kate gets more alone time than most families with 8 kids. Kendra has life-long friends. Kate doesn't even do things with her sisters, much less life-long friends. Those 8 kids have seen so many "best" friends come and go there are too many to keep track of. I hope they will be able to form lasting relationships with their own friends.
Lol, just because Hannah said sorry, doesn't mean she meant it! Ha, it was a" sorry, snicker snicker"
Again, not wanting to rag on those kids, but they mimic the adult behaviour.
As far as khate's jab at Kendra, I bet Kendra's time with her son is abundantly more quality filled than Khates...proof in point? She's on.damn Twitter when she has them, totally disengaged. Heard a term on Katie Couric, Proximity Abandonment.
She can sing to the choir that she's there for her kids, she's checked out the majority of the time. Except when she's in one of her rages.
This is hilarious. 99.9% of the people on this blog don't "know" Kate and have never spoken to the woman and yet no one here has any problem presuming to know why Kate does every little thing that she does. Pots, meet kettle.
You make a good point. However, we don't go on a national TV show with 7 million viewers, get welcomed into her home, spend time with her son and husband, though not her, and then accuse her with no basis of not caring to her face. That was mean and nasty. Even Hank, who had gone out of his way to be nice to Kate, immediately jumped in saying hold on here that is NOT true. As long as we stay here Kate need not come here.
There is plenty of trash talk on the internet from all kinds of people about Kendra and I doubt that bothers her. But I think that's completely different than someone who has lived with your family then confronts you about it without basis. Kendra didn't say anything that nasty to Kate. She was restrained in her criticism and tried to deliver it in a respectful manner. There was no reason to be so disrespectful.
All that said, I do like how that blows out of the water Kate's mantra not to judge her. If she can judge Kendra surely people can judge Kate.
Mel, yes. Not to mention, she started off with Kendra doesn't care. If she is sincerely interested in helping Kendra, you might not want to be so hostile. Perhaps like Kendra did, provide examples of what she did with the Hanks and how well it went. She wasn't really interested in helping Kendra, she was interested in letting out all her jealousy.
Like I said in the recap, Kendra learned a lot all on her own, just by spending time with the kids. It was not Kate's lecture that changed things for her. Perhaps Kate could have asked Kendra if she learned anything from the kids and was thinking about changing anything. Make Kendra feel like it was all her idea.
It should have been Kate in the hot seat but Kate is a genius at turning things around. In fact maybe that's what she was doing, making sure al the focus was on Kendra's transgressions to deflect from her.
Ding ding ding!!! Your last paragraph post 177 admin, you hit it right on the head!
Not to mention I really dislike the notion Kate is implying that because you are not hovering over your child you are a bad parent who doesn't care. It's a different parenting style and one that also has a lot of support. Kendra even EXPLAINED why she is the way she is, because Hank Jr. is a free spirit and she believes he should be able to be free and she believes strongly that kids shouldn't have a lot of chores and kids should just be kids. Kate may not agree, but clearly Kendra is caring by thinking about the motivations for her style.
I think even people who tend to be more like Kate's style (minus the abuse and head games) would admit that it's just one style and that a more laid back approach although different and perhaps in their eyes even "wrong", doesn't mean you don't CARE. Just as a parent like Kate has a million reasons for her style, someone more laid back has reasons for their style. I hate her comment that she's so thankful for all her rules because who knows how the kids would be without them--she fails to realize that many different parenting styles can lead to the SAME RESULT. And it has nothing to do with not caring. Like I've said before, I had one laid back parent and one stricter one, and both of them had reasons for it. It was just a fundamental difference in styles they could never agree on. Neither one "didn't care."
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
GM!Working from home today.I have a babysitter coming to help out which is rare while I'm home..I usually try 2 do both! Deadline coming!!!!
Why would Kate mention she has a babysitter coming? Seems rather strange that she just threw that out there.
Working from home?--where else does she work?
Deadline coming--another tease for your sheeple, Kate?
I'm sure it's not her bog post deadline--since those posts are always posted at the exact same time each week-12:31pm.
Just keeping up the old razzle dazzle them as usual.
In fact maybe that's what she was doing, making sure al the focus was on Kendra's transgressions to deflect from her.
I think you hit on it.
I was having trouble figuring out Kate's motivation for being so hostile right off the bat. She was hostile, judgmental, and criticizing from the minute she entered Kendra's home.
I think because Kate is so judgmental, that she assumed that Kendra would be, too. And she needed to do something right away to be sure that Kendra didn't one up her. So Kate upped the nastiness factor.
Kinda funny, because Kendra one upped Kate without even trying, by just being her authentic, genuinely nice self.
OT weather report: Gorgeous day in central Virginia! Sun shining, birds singing, snow melted, gonna be 60 this weekend!
OT sports report: VCU beat Uof Richmond last night, great game, great crowd of all my new best friends at neighborhood sports bar!
A blessed working from home day, F-U Yahoo! I didn't realize Kate had an office to report to every morning just like a real working mom!! Does she mean Fig & Olive, LLP? Settles into her little cubicle there with her coffee and packed lunch to tweet full time?
This woman is a parody of herself. (Administrator) said... 178
Not to mention I really dislike the notion Kate is implying that because you are not hovering over your child you are a bad parent who doesn't care. It's a different parenting style and one that also has a lot of support. Kendra even EXPLAINED why she is the way she is, because Hank Jr. is a free spirit and she believes he should be able to be free and she believes strongly that kids shouldn't have a lot of chores and kids should just be kids. Kate may not agree, but clearly Kendra is caring by thinking about the motivations for her style.
Kendra brought much of the criticism on herself. She chose to write a household manual that basically consisted of "I'm a princess who parties all night and lets others care for my child." Come on...she doesn't need to get drunk every night because "Hank Jr. is a free spirit." She doesn't need to sleep in and let her husband and nanny deal with the kid because "Hank Jr. is a free spirit." She does those things because she doesn't want all the responsibility that comes with motherhood. Does that mean she doesn't care about her child? Of course not, and that wasn't a kind thing for Kate to say. I have no doubt that she loves her child. By her own admission, however, she is a pretty uninvolved parent. There is a happy medium between hovering over your child's every move and putting your desire to be a party girl above parenthood.
Mel, yes, I think that's it. She was coming in strong with a pre-emptive strike so anything Kendra said (which turned out to mostly just be compliments) wouldn't seem so nasty.
What she fails to realize is that Kendra told us more about that household just with her tears, than anything she could ever say. Kate can't stop the fact that Kendra was reduced to TEARS.
I agree, she is tightfisted with money and a grift queen, so maybe the cash haul will last longer than we think. I still think that with eight kids in college, it will wipe her out. Of course, she will be begging for free tuition and scholarships, don't you think?
Anonymous, PLEASE pick a name??? Pretty please? You have important things to say why risk them being deleted?
I totally agree with you, Kendra painted a sorry picture of herself. One that doesn't even make sense given what we saw of her. She seemed to have no problem working pretty darn hard at the Gosselins. I even said in the recap I could have done without her I need to go out and get drunk comment. Someone here said it best in that she thought that Kendra had exaggerated her laziness (I mean, somehow she manages to squeeze in working practically full time in there), while Kate grossly exaggerates her productiveness. Perhaps they were encouraged to be deliberately over the top.
Like you said, it still doesn't excuse such a nasty comment. I think both these women could have helped each other meet somewhere in the middle. Only Kendra seemed sincere in wanting to do that.
Someone called Kate out on how she talked to Kendra and Kate is defending herself again by blaming it out "editing".
Alee Rowinski @aleeserowinski
Wow @Kateplusmy8 was such a horrible person to Kendra. She may only have 1 child, but that doesn't mean she's not a good mom. You suck Kate.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@aleeserowinski u must have seen a diff show than we did?All advice was given in love&editing takes place2!I love kendra&fam!Friends always!
Alee Rowinski @aleeserowinski
@Kateplusmy8 Did you not see this??? Oh right, you were there. …
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@aleeserowinski you said it: I was there and so was Kendra!These r opinions written by ppl who WERE NOT THERE. This was gr8 for all of us!
Alee Rowinski @aleeserowinski
@Kateplusmy8 I completely understand that but also there is video in this story of YOU saying to Kendra that she doesnt do anything as a mom
If something shows Kate in a bad light, she blames it on the editing-her old standby excuse.
The words came out of Kate's mouth-how do you edit that?
I made a comment earlier but it never showed up, so I'll try again since I think it’s interesting. Were the ratings already mentioned and I missed it? Sorry if that’s the case and I’m repeating.
The ratings for Tues. night’s CWS were 4.14 million. That is a little less than a 3 million drop from the Kate/Kendra episode (7.05 million). Since Kendra has over 2 million Twitter followers and Kate has 140 thousand, I feel safe in saying Kendra was responsible for the hike. We’ve been saying that but now the numbers prove it.
If someone wants to give each of them ½ of the increase that’s only 1.5 million each, hardly enough of a draw for Kate to have even a crummy cable show.
So Milo, your ridiculous tweet that “the world is watching” Kate, I have to laugh even more than I did when I first read it.
Isn't it ironic that Kendra - the Playboy bunny - comes across as infinitely kinder, more compassionate and classier than Kate, the woman who has always made such a big deal about being 'a good Christian'?
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 150
I am sorry for the loss of your dad, a great man. Your testimony is very touching.
To the brushing teeth in the kitchen discussion, I find it repulsive. I get that Kate wants to be efficient, but there's a time and place for personal hygiene, and the kitchen is not a place for it.
It's just not.
Send the kids to their respective BR's to brush.
GM!Working from home today.I have a babysitter coming to help out which is rare while I'm home..I usually try 2 do both! Deadline coming!!!!
Why does she need a sitter if she's at home? She tweeted ALL DAY yesterday, for 13 hours, and still had time to make a Thanksgiving dinner with HOMEMADE everything. If a deadline (for what?) is coming, how did she have so much free time yesterday?
She claimed that she ran on a regular basis. Who watches the kids while she's out running if it's rare she has a babysitter?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@aleeserowinski you said it: I was there and so was Kendra!These r opinions written by ppl who WERE NOT THERE. This was gr8 for all of us!
What a liar! Kate, did you see your boys' faces? Great? Leaving your kids with someone you NEVER met is great?
You just cannot find this kind of entertainment on tv. Kate tweets that she is working at home today and has a babysitter coming in because she has a deadline to meet. (Of course, she then spends the next half hour tweeting away furiously.)
Then Milo (who has probably been standing guard over Twitter since her eyelids opened this morning) drives in the blockade bus and exclaims that this absolutely, positively must mean Kate has a new show in the works. (Well, not in those exact words, but you catch my drift.) LOL
Now, this "deadline" can't possibly be the weekly fraudulent blog piece for The Stir, because that should be due to drop in roughly an hour from now. Personally, I think Kate has just had enough of actually watching her kids for almost a week now and needs a break. I guess Cara and Mady, who can usually control their siblings well enough when Kate needs to tweet or run or go to the store, aren't able to handle it today.
Now let's sit back and see how much more time Kate spends on Twitter today...
By her own admission, however, she is a pretty uninvolved parent.
True enough. I didn't really like the party girl persona either.
OTH, I'd rather see her be an uninvolved mother than a mean mother. And li'l Hank did have other people in his life who were caring and involved, unlike the Gosselin children who have no one besides their mean AND uninvolved mother.
Kendra did seem to be fairly uninvolved, but with CWS she seemed to realize that maybe she was missing out on some things. Kate...I don't know what she realized about herself. She just used it as justification for how she already was.
Granted, this was only what we were shown, but Kendra's time with her kid she sitting IN the playbox, being nice to her kid.
Kate's time with her kids were orders: Come hug me. Kate's time with li'l Hank were also orders, don't do this, do that. She wasn't having fun with him. She towered over him, monitoring every move so that she didn't miss an opportunity to criticize.
When Kate was working with Hank to put his toys away, they weren't having fun. At least she wasn't. She was just there to ensure that her orders were followed.
I love kendra&fam!Friends always!
Uh, ok, Kate. You go for it.
This is so typical of Kate. Meet somebody once, and now they're besties for Kate's mind.
The other person is thinking, No! Stay away from me! Don't drag me into your drama! I don't want to be associated with a witch like you!! Please, no!
What she fails to realize is that Kendra told us more about that household just with her tears, than anything she could ever say.
Yes. That just broke my heart.
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