Coming up on Celebrity Wife Swap. Kate gets to tell some other nice family raising their adorable son just fine that they are doing everything all wrong. This will go on for 42 long minutes. Batten down the BB Mercedes, it’s going to be one long, hypocritical ride.
People know Kate best for Dancing with the Stars and for her reality show. No Kate, people know you best for your vile personality and also for sucking at motherhood.
Wow, I didn’t realize Kate had three books on the “New York Best Seller List.” Where’s that prestigious literary office out of, Jamestown? These books may have once been on some list in days gone by, but now according to the people on this blog, they’re bird cage liner.
What’s even funnier is no one bothered to tell Kate about her gaffe and let her do a take two. I like when it’s obvious production doesn’t give a crap. We started seeing a lot of this toward the end of Kate Plus 8: bad editing, poor sound quality, etc. There was even an episode where they didn’t even bother to put music in. Like a lazy high schooler printing out his English essay, the “eh, that’s good enough not to fail now let’s get some beer” attitude is amusing.
I see Jon’s now in the witness protection program, blurred face and all. Hopefully he’s somewhere tropical! As usual, Kate paints a picture that Jon is dead, but don’t worry, they were able to make this “positive” somehow, though she never explains what she means by this. Kate does all the cooking and oversees everything else. This really means, Kate does some of the cooking some of the time and the hired help does everything else all of the time.
“Somewhere around 2011” Kate was divorced, she said. Uh, no, Kate, you were separated and divorced in 2009. That’s more than three years ago, not one. Though judging by the way she still isn’t over this, 2011 sounds more much plausible, sure why not. Kate suffers from a permanent case of what can best be described as "fuzzy memories" and it’s nearly impossible to live with these kinds of people, always made to feel like you’re the crazy one and not crazypants here.
Mady sums up Kate’s parenting style better than I can. “You’re going to do it my way,” she says with a slap of her hands. Pretty much. From refusing to let her 12-year-olds enter their own kitchen, to barking at them to put their napkins in their laps and roll up their jeans and tuck them under their boots and now I say, to the countless lists and more written rules, regulations and decrees plastered everywhere, a stint in Alcatraz is starting to sound like more fun, especially if a young Clint Eastwood could be there. I’ll even risk the life raft popping!
“All I’ve ever really known is work,” Mady says. “Work is a bad thing when you have too much.” Sniff.
Manipulated, demure B-personality Deanna better known around these parts as @DeannaTweeting, the BFF flavor of the month, will play the “husband” for this little lab rat experiment, as a poster here so accurately described it. But wait, @DeannaTweeting is a woman, you say as you scratch your head, and the hired help. You see, Kate has acted as preying mantis to anyone of the male persuasion so there are none left to choose from. Hired help it is!
Ha, I like how Kendra just owns it. People know me best as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend, she announces shamelessly. That is correct. Kendra and her helpful husband Hank are cute, funny, and affectionate. Their little son Hank Jr. is a free spirit with darling long curly hair. It’s nice that Kendra acknowledges her hired help by name, Rosa, gives her the respect to call her what she is, the nanny and not just that person who watches my kids or the "babysitter” or “helper,” and describes her as a member of the family. Aw. I bet she even gets benefits too! I noticed the stark contrast between Rosa wrestling around with Hank Jr. on the couch, the two of them giggling up a storm, contrasted with @DeannaTweeting who gives one of the girls a light, polite hug when she arrives you might give some second cousin you barely know. The hug is shown twice from two different angles, making it seem like she hugged her twice to an undiscerning viewer. She didn't.
Kendra says Rosa and Hank make it possible for her to lounge by the pool, party and otherwise behave like a trust fund baby, though she is also shown kissing Hank goodbye as she goes off to work. The women say goodbye to their families and head to each other’s respective houses. The hypocrisy has already started, with Kate admitting the kids don’t want her to leave, and the kids looking genuinely crestfallen to see her go. I thought they just loved this idea and couldn’t wait to do it! To me, these look like kids who just want things to be normal over their Columbus Day holiday and maybe even see their dad and friends.
“Hollywood is very Hollywood,” Kate says philosophically as she gesticulates. Even a wild hand flap can’t save that inane comment.
While Kendra tries her best to compliment the Wolf’s Lair as tidy, Kate saunters around Kendra’s cheerful, family friendly colorful pad, pointing at a little clutter here on the counter and crumbs there on the floor, and deciding the absolutely vast chef’s kitchen is not big enough. The whole thing takes an unexpected and might I add creepy turn when Kendra discovers the witch’s crematory just like in Hansel and Gretel! Oh, wait that’s just the bread machine.
Hey, I just realized who the voiceover narrator is! Took me ten minutes to place it. That guy who narrates Extreme Couponing. Aw, I’d love it if he could do for us a little dramatic will they won’t they get their bill under 95 cents before they crash the cash register?? He makes coupons for half off Cheerios and 10 ketchups for $1 each edge of your seat thrillers. I had nearly as much fun with him as I did making my way through Locked Up Abroad recently. This is what reality T.V. has come to, but you can tell this guy totally just embraces it. Might as well.
Kendra and Kate sit down to read each other’s house manuals, standard formula for this silly show. Kendra is honest about her hired help, discussing her cook, housekeeper and nanny. Kate for some reason acts appalled about this (sorry, Katherine), and with a straight face, says she’d rather be all three. What she really means is she’d rather control all three, not actually be all three. There’s a difference. She must have forgotten how many times she’s told us about all her hired help. In fact her manual, posted online, says they’ve been through so many nannies she can’t even keep track, and she did an entire blog post about how she’s had at least a part time housekeeper since the children were babies. Babies! That’s nine years! These are but two examples of dozens of Kate’s admissions about her staff. For her part, Kendra is mostly just worried about how she is going to remember all these names. Think top ten popular baby names from 2003 and you’ll be fine, Kendra.
Oddly, all Kate will do this entire episode is judge Kendra, her family, her household, everything and anything about her. And yet in an interview with Inside Edition the other day, she goes on and on about how her bad experiences in the public eye (oh, poor thing!) has taught her one thing. Sadly, it’s not, I need to change my nasty behavior. Rather, she has learned not to judge. I think what Kate means to say is she doesn’t want to be judged. She couldn’t care less if anyone else is judged.
By the way, Kate did so much hand flapping in that interview I thought she was going to take off. This is the interview where she was peddling some snake oil about how wrongly portrayed she is. I think hand flapping is the proverbial Pinocchio’s nose. The more you flap the more you’re lying. Oh, and she insulted Californians by implying it’s all Easy Street over here and all Kendra has ever known. She should take a stroll through Watts sometime and see how easy folks have it. The median income in California usually only hovers a few thousand dollars above the national average, nothing to write home about. California has a few incredibly wealthy neighborhoods that get a lot of screen time, but other than that, it’s like any other state, mostly hard working Americans just trying to make a living, with good parts, bad parts, and mostly in between parts. In fact, Kendra’s parents split when she was, sadly, only eight, a little younger than the twins, and she was hardly raised in Beverly Hills living in that mansion between Lisa and Adrienne. No, she certainly wasn’t poor, but she did grow up in the San Diego suburb Clairemont, which bears a striking similarity to Wyomissing, demographics wise.
Kendra took the divorce hard and turned to drugs to cope when she was only thirteen (thirteen!), and soon afterward, stripping. Otherwise, she had a pretty average childhood with public school and several years on the softball team. All Kendra’s “easy” childhood tells me is that it doesn’t matter how secure your family is in every other way, divorce can be very tough on kids and any mother who is brushing off the kids as “just fine” post-divorce needs to make sure they are delving a bit deeper. Kate always seems to judge people, including herself, on the possessions and environment that surround them, and never understands that those things usually have little correlation to happiness, how “easy” you have it, or how mentally stable you are. Anyway, I’m glad Kate decided to throw Kendra’s upbringing under the Mercedes because it prompted me to read up on it and actually discover what seems to be the root of Kendra’s issues, being a very young child in a broken home. Are you listening Kate? Approve of some of Kendra’s choices, nope. Excuse them, not on your life. Understand them better now, yes.
At O-Six hundred-and-three the children are to come downstairs for breakfast. Not 6:05, Kendra says in disbelief, not 6 o’clock. But 6-0-3! Welcome to Shawshank, Kendra. Fresh fish! Fresh fish!
Commercials. Kate also promoted this appearance on The View this week, in which I guess Brooke Shields drew the short straw and had to ask all the questions, bless her little heart, while Whoopie just sat there brooding. I’ll always remember Whoopie calling Kate an “angry bitch” and her desperate cries of “She got to go! Vote…her…off!” during Dancing With the Stars. It’s like she had been bottling it all up for years and it finally exploded, and also, she was at the end of her rope at not being able to get through to dimwits like Sherry. Now, she’s back to bottling, apparently. I get it, there’s a certain point where you’re just done trying. Kate’s outfit choice was inappropriate, to say the least.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
We’re back. Kendra appears to be doing some sort of Lamaze breathing in preparation for meeting the kids. Ha. The kids are hardly enthusiastic to find her in their house. They are incredibly shy and distant. When Kendra asks who’s excited, only Alexis raises her hand. Mady knows full well who Kendra is because she snuck downstairs to watch her show. So much for the schedule! @DeannaTweeting pronounces her name as Dan-a. That’s odd, I thought it was De-anna Tweeting. Or maybe she’s just mumbling like a New Yorker. No matter.
Hank, Hank Jr., Rosa and Hank’s business partner (heh, so L.A.) meet Kate. Hank brings her a gorgeous big bouquet of flowers. Aw. As Hank pours Kate a glass of wine and fires up the grill, Kate remarks that she never gets to watch someone else cook. Geez, did Katherine die too?
I’m surprised @DeannaTweeting didn’t have to reference her propaganda manuel when she, with a straight face, informs Kendra that Kate does it all herself. Number one, @DeannaTweeting doesn’t even live in the same state so I hardly think she knows what goes on around here on a day to day basis. She is just basing this off what Kate tells her. Number two, Kate herself admits she certainly does not do everything (rather, she “oversees”), so @DeannaTweeting can put a sock in that one. I have to hand it to Kate though, she sure knows how to recruit for the Kate Youth. On a side note, what a slap in the face, @DeannaTweeting, to all the people who have ever helped this family out, often for nothing in return. This is why Kate runs through dozens of nannies, when someone like Kendra likely will never lose Rosa until Hank Jr. is 18. And why you, Deanna, will probably, sadly, never move as far as you probably should in your career, as long as you make BFF with pathetic people like Kate.
The kids seem to stick to their normal routine, doing their chores/hard labor and setting the table. Kendra just kind of goes with it, albeit perplexed the whole time. I like the compliments Kendra is giving the kids, that they are so smart, especially Mady. At dinner, Mady prays that Kendra will survive this week. That was sweet of her, though I’d be surprised if God cares about making sure D-list celebrities successfully swap households. Heck, I didn't even realize God had a T.V. I guess you never know, maybe He skipped NCIS this week to watch this.
Interesting, Kendra has some real friends named Jessica and Kristen who stop by for dinner. We’re quickly back to Kendra, who is close to losing it at this point, her hair is disheveled and her forehead shiny as she puts the kids to bed. She gets them off to dreamland and heads downstairs to rinse off the eggs.
“I’m washing an egg right now,” she says. “Out of a chicken’s butt!” Thanks for the visual, Kendra.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Jessica and Kristen take Kate clubbing. At a place that features a strip pole. For someone who claims she’s only been clubbing once, she sure is tossing back those shots and Long Island iced teas like a pro.
Kendra is awake early and makes the kids a perfectly acceptable breakfast of Cheerios and fruit, though the kids tell her, rather rudely, they want to have eggs. Geez, cut the gal a break, it’s her first morning here. On another note, had Rep. Murt's new child labor laws been in place when they filmed this episode (they weren't yet, almost), they would have just broken them, anyone catch it? Under the new law, there must be at least a 12 hour break between shooting the night before and shooting the next morning. Since Kendra fed them dinner and put them to bed the day before all on camera, and we know they go to bed around eight or so, having them filming again the next day at 6 a.m. was not a full 12 hour rest. And, this is just one reason why reform was needed. (The new law cheat sheet, downloads as a PDF.)
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
Kate finally rolls out of bed at nine o’clock, just as Hank is taking Hank Jr. to school. He instructs Kate to just relax. I guess from this little piece of information Kate has decided Hank is “enabling” Kendra. Or, you know, he’s just trying to be hospitable. Could be that. Kate bemoans outside by the pool that if she only had as much free time as Kendra (snort!) she would spend it with Hank Jr. I’m sorry, I missed the implication that Kendra and Hank aren’t spending enough time with Hank Jr. The kid’s usually around so far, he seems to be an active enough participant in the family dynamic and very comfortable with Kendra and Hank, he just melts into them like an adorable, curly haired little marshmallow. What information is Kate basing this rather serious accusation? You don't have to be with your kids twenty-four hours a day for heaven sake. He can go to school and see kids his own age like everyone else is doing in Calabasas, and you can even sit by the pool a little. 24/7 is not what anyone expected of Kate and it's not what anyone expects of this family either, except Kate. It's always extremes when it comes to Kate. The world is black and white, there is no gray, in her rigid mind. Not to mention, the only jobs she's really had in the past two years is a scant few media appearances and to write up a few silly blog posts once in awhile. The kids are in school all day. What does she do all day. Errands, I guess? How can you be doing errands eight hours a day five days a week? Not to mention she's off duty when Jon has the kids. Comparing her schedule with Kendra's IMDB, I'm really at a loss how Kate isn't the sloth here with more free time than most women could ever dream of in a lifetime. If she isn't, she is not as organized as she thinks she is.
Back at the Wolf’s Lair, Kendra is up to things the hired help normally tackles, like the laundry and grocery shopping. And if there’s any doubt that the hired help doesn’t do the laundry, I think Kate’s directions taped to the machine will settle that! “Mandatory Uniform Policy. Check shirts for stains. After 1st wash [unintelligible] run with 2/3 cup bleach. Stain free! Doors need to be open when not running.” Now why would you need such elaborate directions for just yourself unless you have some kind of short term memory disorder ala Joseph Gordon Levitt in The Lookout? If that’s the case, your problems are bigger than messing up the mandatory laundry policy! Try robbing banks with such an issue, it’s no picnic.
Kendra is all mouth agape exaggerated shock at the three bags of fruit she puts in the car. I never understand why people act so amazed at the amount of food that eight kids consume. Haven’t you ever been to, like, a large dinner party? More people, more food consumed, it’s really not that much of a Christmas miracle.
Hank is really going out of his way to give Kate a great experience on her vacation. And this is a vacation. He gives Kate a golf lesson, an activity she conveniently packed a bright blue polo shirt and starched white shorts for. She’s actually not bad for her first time. Golf isn't easy I'll give her that, but she did it. It would be nice to see her at least try to take up a sport her kids are interested in instead of making them feign interest in whatever she's into at the moment.
Kendra is still trying so hard to try to make a connection with the kids, even though they are understandably distant. She is a stranger after all and they were just abandoned by their mother for the week and have some flavor of the month BFF living in the garage apartment who doesn’t even appear to be around (I guess Deanna is really taking this "husband" role to heart. I appreciate her method acting.). Kendra's Herculean efforts are really touching. She relates to Cara because of sports and seems to have a “breakthrough,” she says. This is no act. You know these types, the “Yeah, dude, I love Grand Theft Cars!!” First of all, it’s Grand Theft Auto, and you’ve never played it a day in your life. Nice try though. Like I said, Kendra really did play on a real softball team as a kid for several years, so the Yeah Cara, I love sports too thing is for real. Kendra says the kids are “amazing” and talks about how much she adores Hank Jr. and how she doesn’t know how you would divide up your love among eight kids. That’s so funny, I’ve only ever heard the non-fans talk about how amazing the kids are and worry about how you could possibly give eight children the attention they need. Should we invite Kendra over here?? Kendra sincerely wants to know what Mady’s into. Mady goes on and on about loving acting and Kendra makes supportive comments like “amazing!” and I was into that too! (Another true statement, Kendra has several real acting credits on her resume, including a role in Entourage, and a couple bit parts in the Scary Movie franchise). I have to hand it to Kendra, I don’t think anyone exactly wanted to root for the Playboy Playmate here, but she makes it hard not to.
Hank is proud of himself for getting Kate to loosen up, he says he deserves a pat on the back for that. He deserves more than a measly pat for that. Like something closer to a wallop. Over dinner out, Hank says nice things to Kate like that Kate is a strong woman who will find her Mr. Right, and Kate looks into Hank's eyes and says Kendra is really lucky. Aw. This dinner kind of has a Fatal Attraction vibe about it ....
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.

This sad situation doesn’t go unnoticed by Kendra, and she really says it best here. “The hardest part for me is realizing these kids have so much to do, and so many jobs to do. I’m a big believer in a kid should be a kid,” she explains, her eyes welling with tears. “I know that they need structure and chores, but this is hard because .... “ She actually has to pause a moment she’s that emotional. “I just don’t like to be so strict, I feel bad, you know?” she finally chokes. Oh my God.
Commercials. It’s pretty bad when a kid is doing so much hard labor they are actually making a grown adult weep. Usually when adults see kids doing chores all you hear from them is, “Eh, it’s good for them!”
We’re back, and now we finally get to the interesting part of the show (well, as interesting as a show like this can get), where Kendra and Kate get to impose their own rules on the household.
I love this, Kendra's first rule is the boys and girls are going to switch chores. Boy did she nail this one. Say what you like about her but that girl knows exactly what’s up and figured it out in only one day too. This one's got book smarts, she’s a regular Andy Dufresne.
It’s pretty pathetic that such a rule isn’t the norm anyway. Why are chores designated across such rigid gender stereotypes in the first place? Here’s a wild idea, why not just rotate the chores? Fairly, across all eight kids? No designating chores by gender. And Kate has the nerve to criticize Hank for “pampering” Kendra? Isn’t that the ultimate gender stereotype, the romantic leading man and his pampered housewife? The poor boys are so checked out none of them really respond to this change-up. The girls moan and groan but seem game, I guess. Good, they need to get a taste for what their brothers go through.
Back in L.A. at Casa Kendra, Kate has finally been allowed to set up a satellite bunker to the Wolf's Lair, and it's creepy how much happier she looks now. Unlike Kendra, who speaks off the cuff, Kate apparently needs little cue cards so she doesn't mess up telling Hank he's enabling Kendra by pampering her. Aw, poor Hank looks genuinely crushed. You have to be careful when you insult how a man treats his wife. You could be met with tears or even a fist.
"Why is Hank doing practically 100% when there's (sic) two parents?" Kate asks.
I don't know Kate, why was Jon doing practically 100% when there were two parents?
Kate announces Rosa is outta here and she'll be taking care of Hank Jr. "You're not care me," Hank Jr. says defiantly. Ha, kid's got a lip! The kids resist Kendra's idea to have a picnic with tacos in the basement. Mady reminds them these are the rules of the psychological experiment they were neither emotionally or intellectually old enough to consent to. No chores, lots of playtime, the kids cheer.
@DeannaTweeting is making annoying faces and mutters some nonsense about how the kids need the schedule to make the house run and keep the kids happy. Shut up, @DeannaTweeting. It's not the kids' responsibility to make the house run, it's their job to go to school, after-school activities, play, and lastly to do some chores, within reason, that don't interfere with those other things. They didn't ask for a mansion. If you want a mansion, you don't get to enslave your children to keep it up. Downsize, or hire a larger staff, and be done with it.
Kate puts the Hanks on a schedule with chores. "Call her Miss Boss now," Hank snarks. Heh, that's not all I would call this woman, but it's a start.
Well, the girls seem to be doing just fine tending to the chickens. They like it. Kendra talks about bonding with them. You know what I like about Kendra? She doesn't just treat this as an experiment to see how she would react to a different situation, like how Kate views it. She treats it as an opportunity to get to know and love eight kids, and try to make a difference in their sad lives, however small. I am moved by this, truly moved. Just proves that no matter what your past, it doesn't mean you don't have a beautiful heart. The kids show her their really cool treehouse, but, oh man, it's locked! Locking the treehouse is as odd as locking your refrigerator or something. Not something most normal people would ever think to do unless you are maybe A Child Called It’s mother. Kind of funny that Kate and her fans defended this later as being a safety issue, when the treehouse has a vast staircase with a railing safer than many real house stairs.
Hank Jr. happily puts away his toys and is so cutely proud of himself for earning piggy bank money. Aw. Naturally, Kate really can't help herself, gloating and shooting smirky looks at Hank the whole time, which is odd, since Hank never said he objected to Hank Jr. doing chores and in fact made it clear he supported Junior starting to learn responsibility, he just said he knew it would take time to get used to it is all.
Kendra picks just about the absolute worst meal to have on the floor, tacos. Hannah steps through Alexis's taco and then giggles sinisterly about it. Ugh. The kids are so horrified by the mess and chaos and Alexis is nearly in tears. Great, now they're going to have an even bigger phobia of emancipation. Poor Kendra tries to tell them that spills are okay but they're really not having it.
I don't mind this rule, Kate says Hank Jr. should sit at the table with his parents. Hank Jr. is having a hard time behaving, but like his father said, this will take time. You can tell Hank is starting to crack under all the criticism, but this man has the patience of a saint.
Aw, Kendra arranges for an ice cream truck to pull up to the house and they love it. Kendra has already started processing this experience and thinking about making changes in her own life, opining that she should spend more time with her family. Good for her.
While Kendra has long taken the kids to school, Kate's finally up at 9 a.m. Did she party last night again? Kate keeps Hank Jr. at home today and they have breakfast, play, and do an art project. It goes all right I guess. I don't like how she constantly talks down to Hank Jr and corrects him, that will get old real quick, but Hank Jr. seems fine. I like the mischievous twinkle in his eye, like he's inwardly cataloguing all of Kate's transgressions for when he someday takes his sweet revenge.
Baw-haha, I love this, Kendra's girls day is not with any of Kate's friends, but with @DeannaTweeting and one of her friends. Really? All of PA and they couldn't find one friend of Kate's to go to lunch with?
"They're amazing kids," Kendra emphasizes once again. Aw. She really believes this, too. "To Kate! To Supermom!" Kendra says as she toasts. Kendra, Kendra.
Kate admittedly has another rather good idea, she arranges a family yoga session for the Hanks. Babies doing yoga poses is unexpectedly adorable! I dare you not to say "aww" at this:
And how about this:
Anyway, the problem here is that Kate is hellbent on getting Hank to agree that this is the most fantastical amazingish idea she has ever come up with. Hank is reluctant, explaining that Hank Jr. already does yoga at school and Kendra has her own class. See, Kate needs to offer up ideas, and then let Hank decide for himself if he wants to change. Some he may resist, some he might actually be open to, like the chores. But insisting he must agree with her and only her on each and every thing is only going to make him more resistant. And, it just seems rather arrogant. And hypocritical of course, that's a given.
Kendra takes the kids out for a fun night go carting and one of those play gyms with ropes and climbs and such. The kids adore it. I mean, adore it. Mady's taking photos, they're cheering, it's great. Kendra says she wants them to have real childhood memories besides chores. Kendra, don't worry, Kate has devoted her life's work to seeing to it they make memories. The memories thing is well covered.
Glenn Close over here is giving Hank sultry looks as she explains that Hank does more than his fair share. You know the Five Love Languages? Hank's love language is "Acts of Service," that's all. Kendra admits she needs to change a few things, fair enough, but maybe she brings different things to the marriage, like income, humor and emotional support. Not every aspect of marriage is measured in brooms and dustpans. I would guess her love language is probably "Words of Affirmation" judging by her interactions with the kids. Hank explains this is what works for them and he likes it. Since it's not hurting anyone and they seem happily married, I don't see why it's so darn important to Kate that Kendra do more hard labor, other than jealousy and resentment. Just let them speak their own Love Languages and leave them be. Also there's this weird undertone like she's trying to imply that she was once in a marriage like this only she was Hank (double snort!), and she's trying to "save" him from her sad fate. Pathetic, yet hysterical too, since delusion is funny to me. Also, anyone see the irony in a divorced woman who can't even get a date giving relationship advice to two happily married people on their first marriage? Tee-hee.
Kendra is still learning about herself over at the Wolf's Lair, realizing that if she can manage eight kids on her own, she can manage one on her own. She's still washing eggs, I don't know why that's funny but it is. Meanwhile Kate's still gloating about what a difference she had made in Hank Jr.'s life because she gave him a few chores. The swap is over, and of course Kate has already decided that she learned that she has the best behaved kids ever and thank God she implemented such a militant schedule or these kids might have turned out like, gasp, Hank Jr.! Why am I not surprised the only thing she would get out of this whole thing is to feel even more validated?
Kate, Kendra, Hank and @DeannaTweeting gather at a roundtable to discuss the experience. Kendra says nice things like the house felt like a family home.
Kate in reply tells Kendra that Kendra doesn't care and just lets everyone else do everything. Kendra is already in tears. Does Kate have to try to be such a bitch or does it just come naturally? I see no problem telling poor Kendra that maybe she could change up a few things, but you don't have to be cruel about it. And funny thing is Kendra learned this all on her own this week without Kate's help before she ever sat down. Hank is basically like, that's just not true, she's great with Hank Jr., and that Kendra shouldn't change. He's finally cracked!
Kendra asks if Kate has ever been through a live for myself stage. Baw-haha! Kendra, this is no stage. That implies someday you might come out of it. Kate's all like oh no never! Meanwhile @DeannaTweeting is just dumbly nodding at all this. She's so obnoxious.
Kendra talks about going off schedule to see the treehouse and how fun that was (even though it was locked, Kendra still made it fun). Basically Kendra is trying to tell her to let the kids go off schedule for things like that, but @DeannaTweeting says what they are trying to say is Kate needs to "forgive" herself for taking 30 minutes out for herself. Well, Kate's open to that suggestion, naturally. Oh Lord @Deanna, that is not what Kate should take away from this at all. Go away.
The bottom line is Kendra and Hank learned some wonderful lessons from all this, and they talk about growing up and spending more time with Hank Jr. Kate is so tearful that she helped Kendra accomplish this. Kate, you didn't do anything, it was spending time with the kids that made Kendra think. Kate of course learned she is right and also that it would be nice to have someone else to share her workload. What workload? Maybe she means all the chore charts she writes? That probably does take considerable time!
Final score, Playboy Bunny: 1, Shrew: 0.
1622 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 1622 Newer› Newest»Even if she's purposely trying to be funny, I can just hear the groans from Roma and Mark when they see those tweets. They probably think Milo is a teenager with a severe crush on Kate.
There are some who have posted that they are just dying to know if Milo is a man or a woman, or an it, or a kid, or an octogenarian in a nursing home. I have to admit -- I am curious, too! Will we ever find out?
@Kateplusmy8 @MarkBurnettTV @RealRomaDowney We see folks all the time transferring into the realm of acting w/out any exp. U could do it! :)
Well, I guess she's still at it. She doesn't give up, does she? What a nutcase.
Shouldn't Kate be getting the pool ready? It's 60 degrees today. They've gone swimming in 40 degree weather. She loves to push the season!
I'm not in Lancaster Co, but I am in PA and I haven't noticed any changes to the C&G on our taxes. We have a number of acres of pasture & forested areas and still get the credit. I'll check with our tax guy though. Thanks.
No chickens for us though. lol
Marie said...
I've never had to do this all my other animals came fixed already. Are they supposed to whine this much? I feel bad for him because he's just a puppy and sounds so miserable.
How long ago was the surgery? My dogs have been neutered and wore one of those cones, but no longer than 2 days. They didn't whimper or cry. If it's been more than a couple of days and/or if you think your pup is suffering, don't hesitate to give your vet a call - they're there to help. In my experience, my dogs bounced back very quickly - I was astounded they were so active after having surgery.
Admin, I agree that "The Bible" was terrible. I am not a Biblical scholar, but some friends of mine said it was inaccurate in several places. I'm missing Downton Abbey right now.
Kate exaggerates her importance to everyone. She justs wants to be "amazing" to every person she views as important. These important people are of the entertainment world, who may or may not want to promote Kate and the 8 kids. Remember, she has nothing to offer without the kids. Kate is so insecure that it's sad, really.
Don't bread machines come with recipes and instructions? Mine did and I got it at a consignment store. I still don't consider this "homemade" bread vs the kind Mom made, but it is nice and fresh. And you can add herbs and spices to your heart's content.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 @History @MarkBurnettTV @RealRomaDowney. Well someone may break a leg! Let's have YOU on stand-by N the wings! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 45m
@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 Oh please...U folks get so ridiculous! Not one word there meant N any ill way! Really??! Its a #showbiz expression!
Poor Milo. She has no idea what the expression means...that it's something you say when you want an actor to be a success. Others on Twitter are trying to explain it to her, but she doesn't get it.
MJ...I'm not in Berks where Kate is, so I'm not sure about the tax credit. I know that it changed. We had many acres of pastures and woodland and we were never given a tax credit. We were told that in order to quality, it needed to be a working farm. It might be different in Berks. I really didn't want chickens, cows or pigs...there was enough work to do just maintaining the land!
Maybe, in addition to the Clean and Green, there is an additional credit for having a working farm?
Marie - leave the cone on the puppy. He'll get used to it and it's better to have a little discomfort from the cone versus chewing out stitches, etc. My bully didn't have to wear a cone when he was neutered because bulldogs can't bend to chew their privates but he did have to wear one when he had eye surgery so he wouldn't rub his eyes. He didn't like it but got used to it. W even put it back on him at Halloween and said he was a satellite dish. He was pathetically cute!
From one of the love-sick tweeters, vying for a place in Kate's heart:
@Beach__lover @kateplusmy8 @barbgilmer but turning away men without getting to know them, is how you end up with an a hole
A hole? Where? Kate's been digging that hole for so long that she's halfway to China.
TLC stinks said... 145
OH, BTW, in that French toast picture. If any sheeple claims that Collin cut up the toast, he did NOT. Those pieces were cut up and DUMPED on that plate. See how some pieces are piled on top? It looks like slop. Instead of serving him the slices on a proper plate and let him cut them up as he eats and pour his syrup on, she DUMPS in on a plastic plate (heart-shaped becuz she luvs him so, so much).
My son's comment was "it looks like barf".
@mscatie @steelergirl1014 @Kateplusmy8 Kate is my friend...on & off twitter! I enjoy being able 2encourage/support her! Why R U here? :)
How are you a friend with someone off Twitter if you've never met the person? Does Milo call her? Does Kate call Milo? Is this a bizarre relationship in which Milo believes that she is in Kate's "in group" circle of friends and that's why she tweets celebrities that Kate knows?
Kate never should have given the shout-out to Milo on television. That got the ball rolling. I wonder if Milo knows that if Kate ever met her she'd be brushed off so fast her head would spin. It would probably be enough to send her off the edge.
It's just very strange to me that if they are such good friends Milo never went to any book signings, speaking engagements, nor did she sign up for the cruise. If she's so devoted, why is it the two have never met? She would have had opportunities to do so.
I'm not sure about any additional credit for a working farm since it never applied to us and we receive the credit, but iirc I didn't notice Kate receiving any credits other than the C&G.
Do you still own the land? If you have enough acres you should qualify (min. 10 acres pasture is considered agricultural). C&G has saved us a ton of money over the years.
I'm just wondering why we haven't heard anything from Robert, not one little peep since November? I know many think the articles about the book are coming from Kate's PR team. Do any of you think Kate might be working on her own tell all book and the nonsense about a cookbook is just smoke and mirrors. After all only Kate makes money off of Kate's kids don't you know. She could use Robert as the excuse for doing it now as the information is already out there and she has to put her own spin on it. She must know that if she waits until all the kids are 18 that no one will be interested. She could go on about how both she and the kids have received therapy and all is wonderful and the world is great and so much better now. A cookbook is not going to get her back on the talk shows but a tell all might. I don't think she cares about how anything might affect her kids at this point. The kids know everything already, they lived it.
Cindy Said
Do you think poor M will be repeating her "all I do is work" comment next week when her classmates are talking about what they did on spring break? Actually, Kate, that is what kids talk about, not your fahbulous lunches. You do so little for them. All they will remember is the hours you spend on Twitter.
NT said... 94
''I find it interesting that the only room that the kids are not allowed in is the only room that is NOT clean!!! They clean every other room in the house and her room is not clean. If she is so OCD about cleaning,how could she sleep in such a messy room?''
KK being OCD about cleaning is yet another invention in her own mind of KK's behavior. In Robert's book, he said that JON is the ''neat freak'', JON is very organized, JON continually vacuums...and so on and so on. KK just appropriated JON'S personal habits and claimed them as her own.
Do you still own the land? If you have enough acres you should qualify (min. 10 acres pasture is considered agricultural).
It's not zoned ag, it's zoned residential. :(
Sorry, your links wouldn't work for me (error code). I'll check into it further. Thanks. Taxes are a killer here...already went the appeal route.
@Kateplusmy8 do you have any particular reason why you don't post pics of the kids?
Do these sheeple live in a vacuum? Someone please direct this poor soul to Kate's blog or The Stir.
Oh brother. Just saw a promo for "Duggars Do Asia". No wonder Kate is seething at Jon.
In regards to Robert not updating his web site, I suspect it has something to do with lawyers.
Kate tweeted...
Just back from a wonderful spring run and paused to take a pic of my furry boy, and he's 'smiling'!!!
Looks to me like Shoka is bearing his teeth!
Has Kate been tweeting up a storm all day today -- again?
Who is this guy? And why is Barb Gilmer in the middle of it?
@Kateplusmy8 @barbgilmer what's wrong with me Kate?
@Kateplusmy8 @barbgilmer wait, you called me a boy? I'm a man Kate.
rainbows -- Yep, that looks more like a dog that is baring teeth/growling than smiling.
Sue Buddy -- Loved the article and can't wait for the novelette! If you like Tim Dorsey, have you tried Carl Hiaason? He's equally as goofy and off-the-wall and hilarious. His books are non-series, but also mostly set in Florida.
I don't usually go to KKs twitter, but I took a look at the "french toast". It looks like something Shoka recycled. I can't believe she still butchers their food for them at almost 9 (I refuse to call it "cutting", because it's so sloppily done). That must be why nearly everything packed in those "fabulous" lunches is designed to be eaten with the fingers. Those kids must be so embarrassed if they are ever invited out to meals with friends. I can only hope that Jon's taken the time to teach them proper table manners.
Milo is making a fool of herself, because if she knew Kate at all she would know Kate despises the butt kissing personality types. Kate prefers and is more attracted to the sarcastic character types. An example is this on twitter is Barb Gilmer & Hispanic Guy, and in life...was Jamie. I would imagine there is a lot of eye rolling going on from Kate while she reads Milo's sickening, over-the-top, endless daily commentaries.
Uh, Kate. That's not a smile from Shoka. Too funny she says he's smiling.
The line about NJ's dog, her putting the cone on her bully for Halloween and saying he was a satellite made me laugh out loud big time! Thank you NJ for the laugh of the day!
I agree Kendra and Hank managed to stay calm during the Cat 5 hurricane kate was giving them. Grace under pressure. I posted that I wanted Kendra to go on WWHL w/Andy Cohen and have a kate bashfest. But I agree with the poster that it would put Kendra on the same level as kate and that is not good.
I can't stand kate how she did those precious twins of hers not allowing them to come into the kitchen because it was not time. I think she wanted the camera on just her, ME ME ME!
Oh, WOW! Kendra got paid back by being graceful to the Attilla the Hun at the sitdown on the show. She is shown huge pictures of her practicing and guess who shows up? Hank SR! He gives her pointers and pep talk to support her in her diving! The first dive after she saw Hank was a BEAUTIFUL SWAN DIVE! They show Kendra getting out of the pool and the article mentions that Hank SR is so proud!
Eat your heart out kate, witch. Here is the link!
I went to tinyURL and made it much smaller. It took off over 100 characters off the original http address.
Also, I know ya'll can tell my fingerprint in my writing because I always type kate Gosselin like this. I never capitalize the k because I have no respect for her and I always capitalize Gosselin because of love and respect for the kids. I always capitalize Jon name also.
You may be right about the cookbook being her biography. I wish Kitty Kelly would do it.
Hurry Robert Hurry
@Kateplusmy8 @BarbGilmer @DaveGuinup LOL..I just KNOW U want Barb & I as ur #TwitterDatinChaperones. We love 2get N ur business/lovelife! )
Oh, my word. It is now time to tell Milo to butt out. If Kate doesn't want to do it, she needs to find someone in her camp (handlers?) to do it for her. That woman is insane.
Do any of you think Kate might be working on her own tell all book and the nonsense about a cookbook is just smoke and mirrors. After all
only Kate makes money off of Kate's kids don't you know. She could use Robert as the excuse for doing it now as the information is already
out there and she has to put her own spin on it. 16
She would need a damn good ghostwriter and Beth was banished long ago. Kate can't write her way out of a paper bag. I'll admit, she may be
trying that though.
Waiting anxiously for Mr. Hoffman's book to be rereleased. Any book by kk? Not so much - well, not at all, actually.
Memo to Kate: healthful dinner, not healthy dinner!If you're writing a cookbook and want to appear credible, learn the lingo of your chosen topic.
“Healthy” is used to describe things that are in a good state of health. For example, a person who does not have any problems with his or her health is considered healthy. A stalk of broccoli that is green, firm, and clear of signs of rot is also healthy.
“Healthful,” on the other hand, is used to describe things that promote good health. So cutting out trans fat from your diet is really “healthful.” Fresh fruits and vegetables are also “healthful.”
Does anyone know if this guy is serious, or if he (she) is a hater/non-fan who is yanking Kate's chain? Is this an "inside" joke, or should Kate be concerned about this guy?
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 @barbgilmer I've decided that Kate and myself are Twitter dating. We are exclusive. #patienceiskey
Memo to Kate: healthful dinner, not healthy dinner!
That's a little picky. I've heard even Food Network chefs say healthy meals all the time!
My issue is she hasn't the first clue about good nutrition. Her "healthy" ideas often deprive you of essentials.
Memo to Kate: healthful dinner, not healthy dinner!
That's a little picky. I've heard even Food Network chefs say healthy meals all the time!
Maybe so, but they have established reputations and a track record for quality recipes/cuisine.
I suspect most people are far more likely to buy what someone's selling if it's obvious someone's put in the time & effort to get things right.
Who is this guy? And why is Barb Gilmer in the middle of it?
One of the twitter folks tweeted the link to his homepage. Check out the tattoos and pictures of him at wresting matches. Somehow I don't think that he's Kate's type! He certainly is persistent, though! Reminds me of Iwana.
That's a little picky. I've heard even Food Network chefs say healthy meals all the time!
True. I watch several of the cooking shows, and whether it's correct or not, the term, healthy meals, healthy eating, healthy snacks is used more often than healthful meals.
I don't require Kate to be an expert on cooking. But I think if you're going to write a cookbook the recipes should taste good, at bare minimum. :)
"Somehow I don't think that he's Kate's type! He certainly is persistent, though! Reminds me of Iwana."
What has Iwana been up he still around on Kate's twitter? Did he just give up on Kate? I thought he got back together with his ex-wife who is ill.
I remember when he posted here (many moons ago) about how serious he was about dating Kate, then he supposedly met her, and she shunned him after that. Then he changed his twitter name. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting.
Luke Bandit - the tiny URL did not work for me. What did you type into the search bar to get the video to come up?
I did go to ABC and watched their lead in but it wasn't a video. They said Greg Luganis? trained for 3 years just to do the high dive and these celebrities have done it 3 months. I read somewhere else that Splash is all the talk in Hollywood.
I gotta feeling that Kendra (and the others) are about to make a big splash. But how is that possible if she sits around all day and lets everyone else do all the work and has a nanny for nothing. Guess jumping from 3 stories high into a pool is not work.
At 9 they should definitely be using a fork and knife.
What bothers me about Kate is her seeming desire to keep her children as dependent upon her as possible. She's so caught up in what's easiest for her that she doesn't seem to think about what's best for their long term development.
And it frosted my cookies to here her calling out Hank about his son not being able to use a knife and fork (or was it just a fork) at 2. Like her kids did? Please. Should we cue up some old episodes and look at exactly what type of food she served them at that age? Oh was finger food.
I think Kendra is one of those people who probably enjoys her work and doesn't see it as a burden, waste of time, or exhausting. I know lots of people like this and maybe I'm even one of them. They work hard and a lot but I don't know, it just doesn't feel like it. It is not a cross to bear.
With Kate, work is the bane of her existence. Any little thing is such a struggle. I'm sorry for people like that.
readerlady said... 24 Thank you, I'm glad you liked the article.
Thank you for mentioning Carl Hiaason. I had seen him name mentioned on some of the opening pages of Tim Dorsey's books but I'd forgotten about him. Now I've got his name in my "book recommendations" folder." I'm looking forward to reading his books now.
This whole thing with Kate and the tattooed wrestler is about as goofy and off-the-wall as it gets.
This whole thing with Kate and the tattooed wrestler is about as goofy and off-the-wall as it gets.
Totally off-the-wall, but I can't figure out if the guy is serious, or if he is a plant to jerk Kate around, making her think that she's desirable and this guy wants her. I wouldn't put it past one of the non-fans to set up something like that!
Of course, then there's Irishfan who is also in competition for Kate's affection. Poor Milo. She must be tearing her hair out thinking that a guy could eventually end up taking her place.
Sue Buddy -- I agree. KK is goofy and off the wall. If someone wrote a movie script with a featured character like KK, they'd be laughed out of the studio as "unrealistic". You just can't make this stuff up! On the reading front -- if you like more straight forward mysteries, Lisa Lutz has an hilarious series called "The Spellman Files" (which is the title of the first book). VERY funny, in a Janet Evanovich sort of way, but better, IMO.
Sue Buddy (41) said;
This whole thing with Kate and the tattooed wrestler is about as goofy and off-the-wall as it gets.
What a creeper! Ewwwwww!!!
Dave Guinup @DaveGuinup
@BarbGilmer @kateplusmy8 @miloandjack Kate didn't give me any love today :-(
Dave Guinup @DaveGuinup
@Kateplusmy8 now I'm sad. You didn't tell me you missed me
Dave Guinup @DaveGuinup
So @Kateplusmy8 since I wasn't on for a while, did you actually miss me? If you did say," I missed you Dave." Lol
Sue Buddy, that level of craziness is exactly why it fits into the Kate Gosselin Story.
Another terrific article, BTW. Very funny.
Readerlady - I LOVE The Spellman Files series. She's got a new one coming out in June. I've already pre-ordered it for my Kindle!
Thanks for the Lisa Lutz recommendation. It's now on my list, too. I've been reading Anne Perry for a while and other novels that take place in Victorian England. I love reading about that era. Now that I've found Tim Dorsey, I'm in the mood for some humor.
I don't like X changes..whoever made these spring back or ahead rules or whatvr should've consulted me 1st! Going2bed->2train4the X change!
I would think that Kate would be in favor of energy conservation -- saving electricity, plus giving farmers an extra hour of daylight to do their chores. I guess not!
Spring back or ahead rules or whatvr...writing style sounds kind of like the 9/11 bombings or whatever.
Apples and Apples said... 186
Kate destroyed her marriage; Kate treats her children as money makers who must be controlled at every instance; Kate has no decency, appreciation for others, no innate goodness, nothing. To my way of thinking, there just isn't any comparision between Tori and Kate.
Uh, Tori destroyed her marriage too, as well as helping to destroy a second marriage. She and her current husband had an affair when they were both married. As for using her children as moneymakers, she seems to be doing that too. The comparison is apt.
I think your comparison seems to completely exclude the abuse the Gosselin children have suffered and continue to suffer from their mother. If you don't feel it's important to include that in the equation, then I could see how you might say Tori and Kate are exactly alike.
Sue Buddy and NJGal -- You might like Donna Andrews also. Her Meg Langslow books are more traditionally cozy but very funny. Sue Buddy -- I love Anne Perry's Thomas and Charlotte Pitt series. Haven't been able to get into the Monk series as much. They are very well researched. I can't wait 'til the new Pitt comes out. It's due in, I think, April.
Re: shoka. Is it just me, or is that a completely different dog? I googled an old picture of Shoka playing with Jon (and he really IS smiling in that picture), and that dog has far more black on his muzzle than this one. Also a longer ruff (fur around the neck). I think it's a different dog!
I came across this old article that was written by a Ph.d Christian author,Dr. Mintle. Another of her articles were previously talked about on this website. The last paragraph says it all.
Kate Gosselin’s New Reality is No Reality
posted by Linda Mintle
I hesitated to write about Kate Gosselin because last time I did, I was immediately thrown in to one of two camps–the haters and the supporters. I’m neither. I do not hate Kate, nor do I support a number of her actions.
My concern–her reality about reality TV does not seem to be based in reality.
Monday night was the finale of Kate Plus Eight. Her reality TV show is retired and she told E-News that she wakes up at night wondering how she will provide for her kids. She is gripped with fear regarding the future for her family financially.
Here is what what I do not get about Kate’s thinking.
How much money has Kate made during her six years of television, her stint on Dancing With the Stars and from her endorsements, book sales, speaking engagements and appearances. Here are the numbers from MyFoxPhilly back in 2009.
a) Jon and Kate plus Eight –30,000 an episode
b) Kate Plus Eight– $250,000 an episode.
c) Dancing With the Stars–$600,000
d) Her first book, Multiple Blessings sold over 500,000 copies and she got an advance and royalties on her books. So even if she netted a dollar a book (and it had to be more than that) we are talking half a million on book one. Her second book, Eight Little Faces debuted at #5 on the New York Times Bestseller list. Her third book, I Just Want to Know You, was #103.
e) She and Jon reportedly charged $25-40,000 for appearances for speaking engagements.
Celebrity net worth has her worth at about 5 million dollars. Now, I know she has expenses but even if this number is way off and she is worth a mere million, she should not be sweating how to financially take care of her kids.
So why is this mom gripped with fear about future finances?
The money she has earned from her celebrity should easily support a family of nine.
Both of my parents came from families with 8 and 7 children respectively and had very little income. They might have been considered lower middle class, yet they all turned out great and had wonderful families. Their strong work ethic and character were not financed.
So Kate, I’m sorry that your income source has dried up for now. But you have earned way more money than most American families ever dream of, kids or no kids. And your bold pitch to any producer for a talk show or some other television show only confirms that celebrity is your choice for the future. If you like being a celebrity, admit it. Don’t use your children to fuel your dream.
She is evil, could that old picture have been Jon and Nala? Just a thought.
I thought that Hank just stopped by for a little while to see Kendra. He stayed ALL DAY, talking to Kendra, giving her pointers and ENCOURAGING HER!
Eat your heart out, kate!
Here is the original link:
When kate took the picture of the kids last year for the school picture at the front door, the alledged Shoka was in the front looking at the camera and he was "smiling". I remember posting that he looked like he had aged 10 years! When I first saw him, I got a vibe, that is not the REAL SHOKA. Do you think that Shoka got to mean for kates taste and got another one claiming it was SHOKA?
She needs to go to a mental health rehab facility and stay for a year. No, kate, Steve cannot go.
I hate that the kids have to eat those freeser burned cookies. She is just some whacked out psycho who loves to spite, hate, demean, scream, fuss, give demonized looks to EVERYBODY!
"If" it is a cookbook that she is having printed, I wonder if she will ask Emeril Lagasse to do the forward. He will say, hide all the red spatulas, all the wooden spoons, because kids your mother is a certifiable loon!
NJGal -- No, I wasn't referring to the Monk (TV series) books. Anne Perry writes a series set in Victorian England featuring a police detective who has amnesia and later becomes a private detective. I've read a couple of the TV series based books and agree with you that they're not all that good. I haven't read the last one, so I don't know how the author ended it.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 48
I don't like X changes..whoever made these spring back or ahead rules or whatvr should've consulted me 1st! Going2bed->2train4the X change!
I would think that Kate would be in favor of energy conservation -- saving electricity, plus giving farmers an extra hour of daylight to do their chores. I guess not!
Spring back or ahead rules or whatvr...writing style sounds kind of like the 9/11 bombings or whatever. --------------------------------
I agree. Krap has no awareness of anyone, other than herself. Always was, always will be all about Kate. Apologies to Kate that the time change is such a huge inconvenience to you- everything revolves around you. We forgot.
What a piece of work! She has no self-awareness either, as to how crass she comes across.
Everything is always about her. By the way, it is spring ahead, fall back. Sorry the nation forgot about your personal needs/preferences Kate. And the 911 "bombings" or whatever is so offensive and disturbing, she should be ashamed of herself. Let alone her pleasure over a woman who lost multiples. GET HELP KATE!
The twitters from her "male admirers" are in sync with Kate wishing for a dating show. They are a joke, and not to be taken seriously, IMO. Not sure if it is fan or foe, but regardless not to be taken seriously.
Suddenly, male fans appear pining for her. I think not : ) What a joke.
@Kateplusmy8 @BarbGilmer @DaveGuinup LOL..I just KNOW U want Barb & I as ur #TwitterDatinChaperones. We love 2get N ur business/lovelife! )
Hoax I say! Love life? More amo for a dating show for Kate? What serious man would contact her by twitter when he could clearly send her email on her site, or send her mail at home if he was serious about her?
More Kate self-promotion- how "wanted" she is. Not so much, in my opinion. Most men do not go for "verbal castration" and not much has changed on that end, angry control freak that she is.
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 @barbgilmer I've decided that Kate and myself are Twitter dating. We are exclusive. #patienceiskey
Looks to me that he is trying to bring attention to himself and his wrestling career. Actually sounds like a good match for Kate. Promote yourself at someone else's expense. In Kate's situation, it is 8 Count 'em 8 kids. Two of a kind.
Purple Skies said... 25
I am becoming more convinced that Milo is a very distant relative of Kate or Kate's family, as some of the stuff she comes out with would be dismissed by Kate in a minute if there were no connection. Or else she may be hired help.
Kate has dismissed people left and right, so there is some weird connection here that causes her not to dismiss MILO. Strange at best. Maybe Milo has the true scoop on her, which would explain a lot. JMO.
Ok, it's been a while since I posted. Anyway, my comment is related to her newest debacle. Now I read your recap and saw the episode on you tube, thank you you tube, no ratings and no buying! That was a fiasco. However, related to the gosselin kids, what was the biggest thing we saw with them? Their CHORES! Well, what was the first chore, packing lunches, of course. So we see them do that whole thing, Kendra amazed at how much they know and how efficiently they maneuver in the kitchen. Clue 1, they should not be maneauvering that well in the kitchen if that is Kate's "domain"! Ok, doesn't get worse and more obvious until rule switch, chore switching with boys and girls. What?! Boys, always, pull chicken duty, on her show, chicken duty was for whoever was being punished, remember. And girls always, PACK LUNCHES! Great, as Collin would say. I love him. One, more thing about the lunches, anyone notice that bread was not homemade but store bought that they were using. Yeah, I didn't believe she made four loaves everyday either or that she wakes at 4 am to make sure they have warm fresh bread for the morning. Yeah, right!! Ok, now for damage control. She learned this well from tlc. However, Kate, it does not work when you are doing damage control on video from your own home! Idiot!! That does not stop her. Let's write a blog about baking cookies with the kids. Sounds nice, warm, fuzzy, cute. Not for Kate. Her blogs are either, way over the top exaggeration or how much work KATE does for her EIGHT children. This was a work by Kate article, you know to prove to everyone how much she really does do for her children, not how much they do for her! Again, she's just an idiot, so it should be a good laugh. Well, as another poster said after reading her article, if her name was not Kate gosselin, that blog would never have been posted anywhere, because it is BORING. And is nothing every mom in America, actually does. She tries to wow us with the numbers. 400-500 cookies in a bakery in hell day! Umm, I am in a family of 4 and I have made easily 200 cookies for Christmas time, with one other person, in a short afternoon. Her numbers are not large. She should be making a hell of a lot more, but, sadly, only one cookie per bag per kid per day ever. She really is an idiot! Then she must go into, for multiple paragraphs, how Kate and only Kate packs 1,440 lunches every year for her kids and all the math that goes with it. First, who cares!! Second, no YOU don't. The little girls do it. It's a chore. And I can see the gender lines in the sand at her house. Dirty, messy boys get chicken poop, girls in the kitchen preparing food. The boys also probably get dirty garbage duty and girls get scrubbing toilets. She never fails to amaze me. Sicken me, yes. Amaze me, never.
So, now we have a dry boring cookie blog where again she thinks her numbers are so impressive, actually very normal!, and sneak in so obviously, I do all this because I love my EIGHT kids, I am so tired..blah, blah, blah. This damage control is absolutely ridiculous when she is doing it to refute her own video of the kids doing it. So many comments to this blog were, uh, Kate, do you think we are idiots! We watched the kids pack their own lunches as a chore, not you!
This exchange that we saw over the last week and a half is what she is reduced to and sadly, it will never change. We will always be the bullies and haters, because we can see the obvious and call her out on it. Sorry, does not make me a bully. A hater, maybe that name works for some, but to me I say, I don't hate her, I hate what she does to her kids, I can't waste emotion on her. If you thinks that makes me a hater, then fine. Call me whatever you want, but I can not in good conscience not do anything but sit by and watch 8 innocent children, tortured for no other reason than to make mommies life easier!
My comment was slightly longer, I had to edit and trim, it was too long to get published. The gist is there. I just wanted to close with, as Hoffman has said, he wrote his book for Collin. He breaks my heart. He is so full of life and she stifles it out of him. He is a robotic shell of the boy I saw years ago. She praises her little robots!! Can I say one last thing, Kate you are an idiot!!
She is evil, we had this discussion before, but your comment struck me because I thought that something was different too. I went back and looked at pictures of adult Shoka and this latest photo. Shoka had much more black on the face, all the way up to under the eyes. Now I realize markings change on animals as they age, and I would love it if someone could post side by side pictures or if anyone has German Shepherds could comment about markings. It's a "konspiracy" theory for sure, but anything is possible when it comes to Kate.
One more author recommendation: Susan Wittig Albert. She write a series of mysteries with the sleuth being China Bayles, a lawyer turned herb shop owner, set in a small town in Texas Hill Country. She also did a charming series about Beatrix Potter and her real life career as a farm owner with some small town mysteries and fantasy elements of the animal characters thrown in.
How does someone who "never sits down" and has to "keep moving fast" to get everything done (!!!) manage to tweet away the day? Why don't her fans ever see her contradictions?
She is evil, we had this discussion before, but your comment struck me because I thought that something was different too. I went back and looked at pictures of adult Shoka and this latest photo. Shoka had much more black on the face, all the way up to under the eyes. Now I realize markings change on animals as they age, and I would love it if someone could post side by side pictures or if anyone has German Shepherds could comment about markings. It's a "konspiracy" theory for sure, but anything is possible when it comes to Kate."
I thought the dog is a different one, because last year the one they had supposedly killed 15 chickens. This year, when CWS was taped, it showed the chickens loose, as was the dog. She didn't mention the dog having been trained to not kill, so I really doubt it is the same one.
Anonymous 53- Excellent post.
When is enough money ever enough? All at the expense of her 8 contrived children.
My clock says 10:14am..I should not b feeling sleepy&should have many things done already! What's wrong w this picture? #daylightsavingstime
She acts like changing to DST is such a big deal. Last night at 10:16 she said she was going to be to "train" for DST. Yet she was still twittering away at 11:08.
She always needs something to complain about and she always has to make a big deal about it.
Maybe she should move to Arizona or Hawaii-they don't observe DST.
I wonder if she is going to celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year. Didn't she forget about it last year until it was too late to celebrate? Then of course, there's her birthday and Easter coming up. She better start moving on those, she has less than 3 weeks to make plans.
Her assertion that she created a bread machine bread recipe is so obviously made up, I almost feel embarrassed for her.
I'm an excellent cook and baker, self-taught. But my first loaves of bread were all from a tried and tested recipe. I did not start baking bread by just making up my own recipe. NO ONE does that. You learn how to make a great loaf using a recipe, then if you want to tweak it, you try that out. You branch out to other recipes. You learn those, then maybe tweak those.
Bread ingredients follow a pretty strict pattern and order. It's not one of those things you can just throw stuff together and get a good result.
She's such a unabashed liar it's pathetic. And why lie about something so stupid??? Anyone who has EVER baked a load of bread (machine or oven) KNOWS she's lying. Does she realize that? Or care?
Readerlady and JoyinVirginia, more author recommendations! Thank you!! I live in a rural community and our library is very small. I think I've read most of the books there. But I can usually order whatever I want and they get it in sooner or later. I hope the librarian doesn't groan when she sees me with my "list."
Regarding Kate's exaggerated complaints about the time change, wouldn't it be helpful if her fans tweeted some of those wonderfully encouraging platitudes all about positivity?
Winsomeone, the more I look at that photo, the more I am convinced it is a different dog. Not only is the muzzle different but those eyes. Most pictures I've seen of Shoka have sorrowful eyes. Hey, or then again, it's just angle she took the picture and he hates Kate (no surprise there). I can totally see her covering up a mishap with Shoka because we animal lovers would roast her alive. Besides, she needs a dog to patrol the prison.
Oh, I had to look up "slag". Never heard it before. Good one!
I don't like X changes..whoever made these spring back or ahead rules or whatvr should've consulted me 1st! Going2bed->2train4the X change!
A perfect example of why Kate could never have a talk show of her own. Her ignorance is so glaring.
I wonder if these people were on some kind of time change "training." Their outlooks are much more reasonable:
@Kateplusmy8 here by 10:30am as well, clothes on line some in dryer, floors, dusting, dishes, vacuumed out pellet stove now to have fun ;)
@Kateplusmy8 Girl the time change is hard to adjust to but daylight savings time also means warmer weather is on its way!! #HAPPYHAPPY 🌞
@Kateplusmy8 I'm glad if happened today and not tomorrow. My kids are hard enough to wake up for school
She's bitching and moaning about losing ONE hour-one lousy hour.
How come she never bitches about the time changes when she's flying to CA and back?
I'm surprised that she didn't say that they couldn't go to church today because of the time change.
How does someone who "never sits down" and has to "keep moving fast" to get everything done (!!!) manage to tweet away the day? Why don't her fans ever see her contradictions?
If she never sits down, then for the past few days her feet and back must be killing her if she's standing to tweet all day and into the night. Her fans don't see her contradictions because everything she does is perfect. They don't question her. It's the cult thing. Jim Jones. Guyana.
To Kate Gosselin is a Slag (#71): That is why I am waiting for her moronic cookbook to come out. She is going to make herself look like an even BIGGER idiot than she is now. Bring it on, are not fooling ANYONE, except perhaps five sheep.
Looks to me that he is trying to bring attention to himself and his wrestling career. Actually sounds like a good match for Kate. Promote yourself at someone else's expense. In Kate's situation, it is 8 Count 'em 8 kids. Two of a kind.
Not only wrestling. He wants to play for the Lancaster Barnstormers. Good way to promote himself -- "hey, I'm dating Kate Gosselin." Barnstormers is a baseball team in the Atlantic division of pro ball (not MLB).
TLC stinks...65 We have an eight year old male German Shepard and his coloring is not even close to what is was when we got him at eight weeks. His fur was completely black except for a cream belly and cream colored horse shoe shape from his front left paw, up his leg, across his chest and down his right leg to his paw. His coloring now is still a cream belly but he is mostly red with hints of black. He's gorgeous. It's incredible to see pictures of him when he was young and see pictures now. You would think it was a totally different dog. His coloring changed for the first approximately 18 months. But his parents were on the premises when we picked him out and we knew he was going to be the red/black color. It could be the same dog but who knows.
As far as Kate and DST. Kate, you're still an asshat.
As a non-employed full-time mother, with kids in school 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, her blog is not monumental, especially when it is all about her, and often containing lies.
She really should be ashamed of herself, that she has the luxury of not working, while crying overworked.
Total disgrace to full time working moms, with no cleaning help or part time nannies.
Now, I know she has expenses but even if this number is way off and she is worth a mere million, she should not be sweating how to financially take care of her kids.
Someone had figured that she needs about $350,000 to meet her annual expenses. With tuition alone approaching $150,000 per year, plus mortgage, taxes, utilities, maintenance, lawncare, clothing, food, and everything else, that sounds about right. A mere million, at that rate, isn't going to last long if she doesn't find a job.
Total disgrace to full time working moms, with no cleaning help or part time nannies.
Totally agree. And poor thing lost an hour. Guess what lots of moms have to lose and hour AND work the weekend shift today.
It's 5 sheep now? I thought it was 6. Who defected?
@Kateplusmy8 I'm glad if happened today and not tomorrow. My kids are hard enough to wake up for school
Well, at least we won't have to hear about how difficult it is to get the kids up for school tomorrow. They will still be on spring break, and so far, didn't do a thing while their mother tweets.
I am commenting about questioning whether animal markings change ass they age. In my experience, yes! I have a miniature poodle / bischon mix. He is black and white. He has a black face and a white skunk stripe across the top of his head. As a pup, it was very white and quite prominent. Now, age 2, it is significantly less noticeable and would not stand out to you. His body markings also changed. As a pup he was much more pure white with two big black patches on his back. Now, he almost looks more Dalmatian with the coloring, with poodle hair! He has black patches mixed everywhere on his body. So his coloring has changed with age as well as the texture of his hair. This may vary between breeds, but coloring does seem to change. Maybe this is true with Shoka.
Slag I agree bread making is a science. You may tweak the add ons like raisins or spices but it's silly to mess with a good foundation. We've been using the same ratios for 100s of years. I guess we never counted on Kate coming along. (Administrator) said... 85
It's 5 sheep now? I thought it was 6. Who defected?
Of the original rabid defenders, "BDyin" as she's called by the "haters," who has had a myriad of names, LivinLovin whaterever, who had the hole in her heart and astronomically high blood pressure, has gone private. MsGoody has gone into the hospital for a month, Barb and LEIGH only pop in once in a while, don't even participate in the twitter parties much. One of her newer defenders, a foster mom who supposedly is married to a cop, and was happily declaring she knew and had reported "haters" personal information to anti-bully crusaders, has changed her name a couple of times in the last week or so and gone private.
One of her newer defenders, a foster mom who supposedly is married to a cop, and was happily declaring she knew and had reported "haters" personal information to anti-bully crusaders, has changed her name a couple of times in the last week or so and gone private.
...and supposedly is moving to another state! Sounds like there is something a little "fishy" with that one and the way she accessed that private information!
Gosselin8, Milo sends her free stuff she even admits it. I think she does it a lot. That's why Kate strings her along IMO.
This dishonest. Kate had a quiver full of twitter fans following/tweeting her but they were all run off by the insane haters who attack ANYONE who RTs or responds to her. You all know it too. You've seen it and discussed it. Stop pretending otherwise.
CWS was pretty popular, huh? That's because the childadvocatz aren't the only ones who watched CWS to comment on it. Her fans did, too.
What happened to Paige and Austin? Weren't they included in the original six sheeple?
It's funny that all of those twitterbots who frantically tweeted before the CWS show, haven't been seen or heard from since! Who pays for those? Is it Kate, or the network?
admin said, Gosselin8, Milo sends her free stuff she even admits it. I think she does it a lot. That's why Kate strings her along IMO.
Maybe that's why Milo says that they are friends ON and OFF Twitter! Isn't it soon time that the two of them meet face to face and Milo kisses the ground Kate walks on?
In some ways I feel sorry for Milo. How do you know a friendship is real if you have to pay into it so much with gifts? This friendship sounds bought.
FYI Kate fan, her twitter numbers haven't dropped. It is very easy to ignore what you don't want to hear.
I am becoming more convinced that Milo is a very distant relative of Kate or Kate's family
This is what I've thought for some time. Some of the things s/he says are almost too comfortable, even more than an obsessed fan might write. There was something s/he tweeted awhile back where I immediately thought when I read it "has to be a relative", wish I could remember what it was.
Paige seems to be getting a life of her own now that she's out of high school, has a job she likes and is starting college in the fall. She rarely tweets Kate these days.
Austin doesn't tweet her much, but does send her gifts, which Kate never acknowledges, and wants to meet her. He says he and Paige want to.
Yep, anonymous Kate fan, those 120,000 fans made the CWS show a big hit. Just ignore Kendra's 2 million. I don't understand why Kate's fans don't understand numbers.
I have a question. Does anyone on here know the validity of the claims that Kate is trying to sue Jon regarding the book? Is this a case where she knows she can't deny it, because she wrote it, so pin it on Jon and claim he gave confidential information to him. That's the only way to stop it? Throw their father under the bus. But wants him in jail?? and never see his kids again? In what world does this make any sense. There were quotes from a source, but unnamed. Still, someone said it. It's a civil matter, jail is not an option. Duh! And how would he lose custody? In what way would this been grounds for him to lose the kids. Actually, if she pursued this doesn't it sound more like she would lose custody? Wouldn't she be better off never acknowledging any of it?
Yes, but many of her fans have been purchased, as evidenced by their very similiar responses, using the same words over and over.
You have every right to "like" her, others of us don't like what she does to her kids. Some of us care about the kids, rather than blindly worshipping a has been reality star., who clearly is not what she says she is.
Kate does not know whether to 'spring ahead' or back?? Not surprised. My,she's organized-ish, isn't she :/
Thanks to those who posted about markings changing. I know they did with cats too. I guess I just believe she has no business with a dog, particularly after reading Robert's book. Shoka is a saint.
Hey Kate! It is Daylight Saving Time, not Savings Time!
We Spring forward, Fall back. Love having another hour of daylight. Ha
So how about this? Why didn't she sue Robert in small claims for the value of the hard drive and other items he retrieved from the trash? Why didn't she press charges on Robert for theft?
I believe it has been upheld by the Supreme Court and US Appeals courts that garbage placed at the curb is abandoned and in the public domain. This is why cops can go through a suspect's trash without a warrant.
I think she was in such a state when she threw out Jon's stuff that she wasn't thinking clearly. Jon could have taken her to small claims for the value of the computer and other items of his she put in the trash and he did not. He has shown more class than her by far.
Anonymous what in the world are you talking about? I was out last night I think my last comment was about Kendra and the cookbook, in the afternoon. I didn't make any comment close to what you are saying that I recall. You really don't need to feel sorry for me it's okay I'm a grown woman with big girl panties. :)
Careful, Granny! Don't tweet that correction about DST to Kate. She will block you just like she did me!
Tlc agree. It was their responsibility as celebs to be aware of that and if they don't want anything looked at you can buy a $30 shredder from staples that can handle paper and discs.
Jon doesn't sue Kate in small claims court = showing class.
Kate doesn't sue Robert in small claims court = stupid.
Do I have that right?
I think you're missing the point. I don't think tlc was saying Kate was stupid not to sue only that it's telling she didn't. You're supposed to report theft to the police. The point being made it wasn't theft.
Sue Buddy -- I have one word for you -- KINDLE!! They are great. You can buy books online at Amazon and other sites and you can borrow books from the library on your Kindle. If you don't want to buy an e-reader, download the free Kindle app to your computer. I love books. I love the feel of a book, the smell of a book, the colorful covers of books. I never thought I'd like an e-reader, and I debated long and hard about getting one. Now I wouldn't be without it. I still buy and borrow DTBs, but I love my e-reader. Mine proved its worth when I was hospitalized for 3 weeks with pneumonia about a month after I bought it. I didn't have to worry about running out of reading material. I had a world of books at my fingertips. Another good author -- Joanne Fluke. She writes a series about a bake shop owner in Minnesota. Don't read these books when you're hungry, because they have a lot of yummy sounding recipes. These books are light cozies.
I have to say, I'm with KK on disliking the time change. This one in the spring really throws me. It messes up my sleep cycle, my blood sugars do strange and scary things for a couple of weeks, and I generally feel draggy for several weeks until my body adjusts to it. Some people are more affected by having their body clocks messed with than others.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 99
Yep, anonymous Kate fan, those 120,000 fans made the CWS show a big hit. Just ignore Kendra's 2 million. I don't understand why Kate's fans don't understand numbers.
March 10, 2013 at 10:25 AM
I understand numbers. I didn't ignore anything. I assume you know Kendra and why she is famous, right? I think that explains her follower numbers. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Do the math:
Posters here count 5 or 6 fans who engage Kate on Twitter. They think that means she has no fan base. I point out that only 5 or 6 engage her because of the harassment you have not only seen but have mentioned and some have disapproved of. I get told that I can't be right because her Twitter numbers remained the same.
But...the reason the Twitter numbers remained the same is she has a good fan base. I follow her. The reason I don't engage her is that I have had two insane twits hang on my Twitter timeline for almost 2 days after Kate tweeted me. So 5 or 6 brave souls engage Kate, while the rest of us are content to read and quietly watch her shows and email support that cannot be traced by crazy haters.
I just explained the good ratings. Now let me explain the 2 million vs. 120,000 followers on Twitter:
Sex tape
Hi guys, Butterfly here,
Sorry I am not in whatever color our names should be in. Anyway, I have been very busy with work and school and now I am on a vacation- and I have to respond to this comment-
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 82
As a non-employed full-time mother, with kids in school 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, her blog is not monumental, especially when it is all about her, and often containing lies.
She really should be ashamed of herself, that she has the luxury of not working, while crying overworked.
Total disgrace to full time working moms, with no cleaning help or part time nannies.
WOW-- Now that I have a month off of work and I spend ALL DAY at home, I cannot believe how much get done!! No one who does not have an outside job has any excuse to not get a ton of stuff done everyday (unless they have medical issues). I have so more time in my day to get stuff around the house done, including taking care of anything for my DD AND getting in workouts and cooking from scratch! Give me a break. This is unbelievable. If you can't manage this, you have some time management skills problems. Oh, plus I canceled my cable tv, so that REALLY helps :) This makes me wish I didn't have to go back to work. Kate is pathetic.
Bye you guys. Gotta get back to my life :D
Shoka does not look like a friendly dog there...I agree with whoever said teeth look bared; not good.
LOL @ Kate complaining about the time change. Does it affect people yes, some more seriously than others . This however, from the woman claiming that the time zone changes didn't affect her and the kids while traveling to and from Australia, when asked about it, but one hour is completely affecting her life and according to her would throw her young children off course for 2 weeks.
She contradicts herself with almost every sentence she utters!
I have to say, I'm with KK on disliking the time change. This one in the spring really throws me.
I guess there's something wrong with me. I never noticed a thing! :-)
Anonymous what in the world are you talking about? I was out last night I think my last comment was about Kendra and the cookbook, in the afternoon.
I'm at a loss for that one, too, admin. You weren't here last night and you never made any comment close to what that poster is saying, and I'm not even sure WHAT the poster is saying!
Shoka just has some piece of black fabric in his mouth. Not baring teeth, not grinning. Just holding onto fabric.
Kate really does have some weird fans. This, from a guy, who wants to BE her...
Eli Carpenter @EliCarpenter
I just want to be @IvankaTrump @Kateplusmy8 Diane Paulus or Julie Taymor. I mean is that so much to ask.
Anonymous said... 104
''Not for posting...
You know admin - I was feeling sorry for you when JenD was outing your posters and harassing them on RWA''
As soon as I read you saying ''JenD'' was outing the posters, it was clear that you're either the defective detective or one of the mindless posters on her blog! There is nothing you say that has the slightest connection to reality, or common sense, and most certainly no connection at all to the truth. Period.
The time change doesn't seem to bother me any more....oh wait, maybe that's because I'm currently in AZ and we don't spring ahead or fall back!
Remona Blue said...
As soon as I read you saying ''JenD'' was outing the posters, it was clear that you're either the defective detective or one of the mindless posters on her blog! There is nothing you say that has the slightest connection to reality, or common sense, and most certainly no connection at all to the truth. Period.
Remona & Admin, I thought the exact same thing. It's one of the people connected to the defective detective's blog, someone who likes to try to cause trouble.
Exactly, we were concerned about how rough going to Australia would be on the kids in terms of their internal clocks. Not to mention having to work during all that adjusting. Kate assured us oh no they were FINE just slept on the plane the whole time they are just adaptable little chameleons!
Now it's waa-waa one hour time change kids can barely roll out of bed. Which is it?
Sometimes I just have to put palms to face and
shake my head.
I have a friendly suggestion. Before going off on a tirade about your comment not being published, the name calling toward me and temper tantrums toward the blog, why not just ask me if there was a problem with your comment? That's what most rational people do. I'm just going through now and making sure all the comments went through and low and behold there was a comment someone was having a fit over not being published, sitting in the queue, just waiting to be published. Bing bang boom I published it. I simply hadn't gotten to it yet. Comments come in backwards, newest first, so usually when I'm approving I do newest to oldest. I don't like that method but it's what's easiest.
FYI, I've had a very busy weekend, unlike Kate I actually go to church every Sunday, I was at church most of the morning and out and about the rest of the afternoon. Thanks for your patience.
What cloth? I didn't see a cloth in the mouth. And if that's what Shoka was doing, that's dangerous! You should never give a dog a strip of cloth, it could choke. It also suggests Shoka hasn't been properly trained. A well trained dog will only play with their designated toys and ignore children's toys, strips of cloth, and other play things puppies go after until they learn. Don't get a dog if you don't want to spend the time teaching them.
We know full well if Liz posted a pic of her dog "smiling" like this there would be absolute outrage. They would say he's two breaths away from strangling a baby.
Remona Blue said... 121
Remona, I don't believe it's the defective detective at all. I think it's the usual troll who does the shitstirring between this blog and the other one.
Remona, I don't believe it's the defective detective at all. I think it's the usual troll who does the shitstirring between this blog and the other one.
Am I wrong in saying only about .5% of people have the slightest interest in what all they want to stir up, outings and the like? The whole thing is so boring and has no place here. Blogs on blogs may be good fun for a few months but at the end of the day they take you in one mind numbing, pointless circle. Which is why blogs on blogs has been banned since day one here. The only reason I posted that comment was so I could ask what the heck they were talking about, and I didn't get any response.
Admin- Respectfully, I'd like to say that I don't appreciate you posting that comment. I've never outed any poster here. In fact, I don't know more of your posters. I've never bashed this blog, your posters, or you. I've always thought things were peaceful between us.
You may or may not realize that I've been a victim of internet harassment for quite some time now. They've even moved on to harass my daughter who is currently in a hospital caring for her infant son after his heart transplant. (all documented- including outing my daughter right on their blog)
Additionally, they've learned that I have started to self publish a few small books under a pen name and they've been working to tarnish that effort as well.
In publishing that comment it serves to add fuel to their fire. (not that it takes much.) I'd appreciate it if you didn't post anything like that again, or at least remove my name first.
Sorry about that Jen, I deleted it. It was directed at me claiming I said something which is why I responded with utter confusion and was actually curious where that came from. But not that curious--it's swiffered now!
Thanks so much! I didn't expect you to fully realize how this would affect me. I appreciate the deleting.
What cloth? I didn't see a cloth in the mouth. And if that's what Shoka was doing, that's dangerous! You should never give a dog a strip of cloth, it could choke.
I didn't either, until I looked closely at it, and it appears that there is a piece of something black hanging out the left side of the dog's mouth...very tiny, but nothing that would cause the dog to be showing his teeth like that. Why he would have a piece of cloth in his mouth is beyond me. If Kate saw he was chewing on something like that, she should have yanked it out, not stopped to take his picture first.
Any responsible dog owner would stop everything and find out what he's chewing on, if it's dangerous, edible or not edible, a choking hazard. Dogs are like toddlers, they can choke in a heartbeat.
The reason I don't engage her is that I have had two insane twits hang on my Twitter timeline for almost 2 days after Kate tweeted me. So 5 or 6 brave souls engage Kate, while the rest of us are content to read and quietly watch her shows and email support that cannot be traced by crazy haters.
How do you explain the multitude of twitterbots who landed on her page with the keyword "excited," or "so excited" and never were heard from after the show aired? It was almost laughable because every one of those tweets from fans who were anxious for the show contained those key words, which, of course, is characteristic of twitterbots.
I also got massive amounts of spam here on the blog the two or three days before CSW aired. Like one or two posts an hour that were junk. It went WAY down as soon as the show aired.
I don't know how this all works or who pays for it but there is some sort of bot thing going on.
OT -- Downton Abbey.
I started watching this afternoon. Thank you to all the ladies who recommended this program. Really, thank you.
The first episode, I could barely keep the names straight. The second episode, I was totally invested in each character.
Moving on to Episode 3 right now. Excellent!
Anonymous Kate Fan said...
I just explained the good ratings. Now let me explain the 2 million vs. 120,000 followers on Twitter:
Sex tape
It doesn't matter if Kendra has sex tapes out there or not as far as ratings numbers go. With two million following it would take a dim wit not to figure that her number of followers vs Kate's number had the biggest influence on the CWS ratings.
Either you're being purposely obtuse or it's your permanent condition. I won't try and explain it again.
I think these sex tape women are able to attract a wide following when they show up on mainstream shows. It's like people actually think the same thing might happen again on regular primetime TV. LOL.
Anyway, I think twitter is a pretty fair representation of percentage of people out there who are fans, and obviously, millions of followers versus 100,000 is highly significant.
I still find it hysterical that Kate Major has over 300,000 more followers than Kate!
I am not so sure I am going to love this year's Celebrity Apprentice. Anybody?
Didn't even Jon have more than Kate before he closed the account?
Shocks definitely has something in his mouth and it does look like cloth. The whole teeth thing is weird. I can't tell if its his teeth or a little foam on his upper lip hair from chewing something like rawhide. The thing I find strange is that you don't see his canine teeth at all. Wouldn't they be visible in a dog like that? I only ask because we've got a bulldog and their mouth is a whole different thing. The "smile" just looks very strange to me. I also don't see any love in those eyes.
My sibling is looking for a good mid-sized dog for a large apartment who doesn't require hours of exercise every day.
I am suggesting a bully!
Admin, your sibling needs a pug. That's all I have to say.
Oh I've tried to sell the pug thing believe me. They said too small. Phooey!!!
Admin, your sibling needs a pug. That's all I have to say.
Admin - a bully would be perfect BUT have your sib do some research first. Bulldogs can have medical issues which can become very expensive. Bully's are a joy though and I wouldn't trade my boy for anything.
Do you realize how easy it is to find Kendra's sex tape on the internet? Wait till one of the Gosselin kids watch it. What a role model for the girls, and for the boys? OMG. Their jaws will drop. And Kate cavalierly arranged for her act as their mother, just so she could be on TV.
Kate tweeted: Ended up not feeling so well kids took perfect care of me while I rested in bed:) Their love amazes me:)! GN!
Kate is sick. She gets to rest in bed. Who does that? Most moms, when they aren't feeling well, keep going, keep plodding along because there are things that need to be done in the house. Kids need to be taken care of, dinner still has to be cooked, laundry needs to be done. I remember when I had the flu I didn't even rest in bed...I kept going because that's what moms do. You carry on. The world doesn't stop because Mom isn't feeling well. You feel like crap, but your kids come first.
This family gets sick sooo much. Or is she one who calls a little sniffle "sick"? In that case me too I'm sick.
I was wondering where Stephanie has been, and lo and behold, who shows up but Fenny Liu, age 23, in Taiwan who wants a date with me! Looks like this one isn't 2.8 miles from my house!
When I'm sick, I do what I need to do to take care of the kids and then I collapse on the sofa so I can rest but still keep an eye on them. If I'm really sick, like "I can't get out of bed sick", my husband take the day off work and cares for kids. If he has to be at work, then my mom babysits the kids so I can rest. She does the same thing for my sister who is a divorced mom with one kid if her ex can't come over to the house and take care of their son or take him over to his apartment.
This family gets sick sooo much. Or is she one who calls a little sniffle "sick"? In that case me too I'm sick.
Me three. I'm sick. I have a cold to end all colds, with coughing and bronchitis. Guess what? Life goes on. I still have to get up tomorrow and get kids ready for school and drive them there, and get my job done, prepare dinner, help with homework, and do everything else that mothers do.
Kids look at me and say, "Are you still coughing? What's for dinner?"
Agree, for someone who claims to disinfect everything (the kids dropping everything when they walk in the door and having to wash up within 5 mins), gets plenty of sleep, prepares healthy and organic meals ... well at least that's what she says ... they are sick an awful lot.
Also, have noticed she's dropping clues about the kids lately, 40 - 60% at home at different times. Is this her way of subtly admitting she may be sharing custody with Jon, without actually saying it?
Another one for Sue Buddy's list!
@Kateplusmy8 I am sick to... u fell like up chucking??? Plz tweet back so I can tell you what to do
Kate's ill and the kids looked after her?
Next topic on her Stir Bog?
readerlady said... 111
I've been thinking a lot about getting a Kindle. Like you, I love books. My house is filled with them. The disadvantage I do find is when I read a big old fat book and it gets uncomfortably heavy, especially when I'm cozy in bed. Then I seriously think about a Kindle.
I think it's time I did a little research.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 156
Another one for Sue Buddy's list!
@Kateplusmy8 I am sick to... u fell like up chucking??? Plz tweet back so I can tell you what to do
1. Get a bucket.
2. Get a thin quilt
3. Open all the windows if it's below freezing outside.
4. Go to the laundry room
5. Lie on the floor.
6. Be sure to get it on film and share the fun.
Sue, also consider an iPad or iPad mini. There are numerous sites comparing them with kindle so you can decide what's the best choice for you. If you don't care about the newest iPad you can get old versions for cheap. They work just great.
Admin, will do. Thanks for the info. I didn't even think about iPads. I'm definitely one who doesn't need the newest or latest gadget.
Smoochie said... 155
''... well at least that's what she says ... they are sick an awful lot.''
''Also, have noticed she's dropping clues about the kids lately, 40 - 60% at home at different times. Is this her way of subtly admitting she may be sharing custody with Jon, without actually saying it?''
Maybe they're sick so much because KK's still washing the eggs in the sink? KK was tweeting last night about wine...I suspect that her hangover finally got the best of her early tonight!
Knowing KK, if she admits having 40% or 60%, she's leading up to admitting that she and Jon have 50/50 custody of the children. I've noticed that no matter which percent she says she has, she only talks about Collin (and maybe Cara if she's pushed). Since Robert dedicated his book to Collin, I wonder why KK suddenly keeps talking about Colin. I'm so suspicious of KK....I worry about Collin spending so much time with KK.
Sue, have to agree, I just got the Ipad Mini and I must say I do like it. I wasn't sure I would, but if you're using it for reading, its a nice size, very comparable to a book, but nice and light.
Who refers to their kids in percentages anyway? If she has to say anything at all about how many of her kids are at home, why not just say the number? She's such a jackass.
Not only is it weird to refer to kids in percentages but her percentages often leave you with like .7 of a kid lol. Math is not my strong suit but I know that much.
@Kateplusmy8 I am sick to... u fell like up chucking??? Plz tweet back so I can tell you what to do
Okay, this is gonna be complicated....... get a bucket and go to bed....get it??? My 7 year old knows how that game works...if you really have to throw up and you can make it to the toilet, run for it, otherwise thro up in the freaking bucket!!! Geeeezzzzzzz....Oh...and then mom (not dad cause he cant see/hear or expect puke without throwing himself) will show up, hold your hair, clean everything afterwards, make sure your bed is nice,warm and clean and snuggle with you afterwards, till its time to do it all over again. Well thats how it works here :-)
Sue Buddy -- If you're seriously considering a tablet instead of an e-reader, don't forget to check out the Kindle Fire. cheaper than an ipad and does just about everything an ipad does. If you are only interested in a reader, and not in a mini computer, which is pretty much what a tablet is, then an ipad or a fire is more than you need. There are some computerish functions you can do on a Kindle, such as read email and surf the web. If you don't have good wireless where you live, make sure you get something with 3G as well, otherwise you'll have problems downloading your books (the 3G network is free on Kindle, although, of course, the actual Kindle purchase price is higher).
Poor KK is feeling under the weather? By her standards, I'm sick, too. My spring allergies are kicking in big time and I'm coughing and my throat is scratchy. Didn't take to my bed, though. Don't have time for that.
This isn't brand new info, but, I don't remember any mention of this on this blog. Hailey Glassman has been cast to star in Lena Dunham (HBO Girls) new reality show about young women trying to make it in New York. Why is she famous? i can"t remember...
I did not expect my kids to take of me when I did not feel good.
I think it is normal for them to be sick a lot because with eight they bring home all kinds of illnesses and pass them from one to the other. What's funny is that Kate says she makes them sanitize their hands, etc. when they get in the door. Too little, too late.
Actually, I put in my 2 cents about ipad vs kindle. I have an ipad and husband has the mini and we love them. But if you enjoy reading outside often, just get the cheap basic kindle in addition to an ipad. That's what I did. It's impossible to read outside with an ipad. Don't know anything about the kindle fire, but it sounds like a good alternative if you don't want to spend a lot of money.
I agree..Kate takes to her bed at the slightest sniffle or tummy ache and lets her kids look after her/ What! That is not how it is supposed to be, Kate. Mothers carry on and don't alarm or burden their kids with their illness or expect to be looked after.
My mom didn't get sick that often and if she did, she said nothing. Kept on going, so I sort of am not aware. She would never, ever expect me to take care of her, although I would have helped in any way I could.
Kate just keeps on burdening those kids to take care of her. Maybe I *can* see why the kids want Kate to marry. Let her damn husband take care of her.
Oh, sorry Kate, Elisabeth isn't leaving The View so looks like you got passed over again.
Parentification. Child should not have to care for sick parents. Parents are to take care of sick children.
If she is so ill she cannot drag her sorry self out of bed to get her own medicine, meals, blankies, DVDs, whatever, then she needs to call up a friend, church lady, or find a husband.
"I did not expect my kids to take of me when I did not feel good."
Ah, but you are not a narcissist! I remember an early episode where Kate was lying on an armchair. She asked one of the tups (who could not have been older than 4 or 5 at the time?) to rub her feet! It was appalling. She's also stated on Twitter that Cara and Mady give her massages. I can't even imagine asking or letting my children do that kind of thing. It's the parent's role to take care of the children, not the other way around--unless you're a narcissist, of course.
Yes I remember the massages and whatnot she brags about and that we've even seen on T.V. I think Kate thinks it's CUTE to talk about how much the kids love looking after her. She has not read a child development textbook (she skipped that class in nursing school?) or even so much as an article online to understand that a parent is not something a child should have to look after and attend to and that to anyone who understands children, what she talks about sounds sad and even creepy at times.
Pioneer Woman never talks of such things. You never hear about the kids pampering HER. She always talks of things done for the kids by her and the (many) other adults who love them, not the other way around.
"I did not expect my kids to take of me when I did not feel good."
Kate, you are the lyingest liar who ever lied.
If I recall, you have tweeted before how your kids took care of you when you took to your bed with illness. You knew darn well it would be them since there is no one else in the house to do it. And you don't have to make them sound like martyrs. You're not getting a show because they took care of you.
I doubt that Kate is even sick. She just used that as an excuse because her tweeties were expecting another "tweet party" during the showing of The Bible.
Her last tweet before her "not feeling well" tweet was around 3:30pm ET. Yet she just has to come to twitter seven hours later to let her "tweeties" know she was sick? And of course, she has to point out that her children all took care of her.
IMO, she was just looking for sympathy and hoping that her "tweeties" would forgive her for not tweeting like she did last Sunday.
OR--Maybe she partook too much of the wine she was sent.
I think Kate is so deranged (I mean seriously mentally ill) that it would take a lot more than reading a book for her to internalize what being a parent is about. Do you remember that episode when they first moved into the big house, and one of the tups had just had a BM and needed to be wiped, but Jon was outside? She actually asked Cara to "do her a favor" and wipe the kid for her! Unbelievably inappropriate. When Cara understandably refused, she called Jon in to do it. And we're supposed to believe that she's a hands-on mom? And what about that episode where they went to New Zealand, Kate did a sky jump and broke down in uncontrollable sobs afterward and all the kids were consoling *her*? Just who is the parent here, and who is the child?
Of course she talks about doing things for the kids, since it's part of her persona and she needs to continue marketing herself. (Even though in reality, at best, her hired help does all the crap she talks about, not her.) But from time to time the truth slips out.
She needs massive parenting help, though I wonder if it would ever stick. Like in-home support 24/7. She just really shouldn't have had kids until she sorted out all her childhood issues or whatever this is about that is stunting her at 12 years old. She's not the only parent to have kids before getting their heads on straight though.
OR--Maybe she partook too much of the wine she was sent.
There was a fan who objected to Kate being on Watch What Happens Live, and also said that a dating show wasn't a good idea. Was this the same one who sent her the wine?
It wouldn't stick because I don't believe for a second that Kate actually cares about being a good parent. She wouldn't be where she is now if that were the case. Kate cares about getting what she wants ($$$). Everything else be damned.
That may work in the kids' favor because as soon as she realized she cannot make another dime off them they'll be gone, shipped off to Jon's. Of course with CWS her hopes and dreams and delusions I think have been renewed for at least a few more years. She'll be milking this one for awhile.
It's all on film how Kate likes to be pampered. Jon did it. He's gone, so now the kids have to substitute for him. Don't know if she was really sick or not, but I would not put it past her to demand attention from them. The massages are creepy.
Kate is basically a hands-off parent even though she wants the world to think she is very involved. I feel really bad for Cara and Mady. I think she places a lot of the burden on them to care for the tups. I get the impression they are responsbible for the tups' bedtime routine and maybe are the ones who help the tups with their homework too. Not so sure siblings babysitting siblings is a good idea because they have always seemed rough and jealous with each other. However, maybe the twins have matured but in the past their temperment has been volatile. And soon they will be full-fleged teenagers. Been there, done that. Could be ugly.
Bottom line, there's no way to know what she tweets is true. I just know what I watched on TV for years and what was in Robert's book. All bad.
I wanted to comment on Kate's French toast since I didn't yesterday. It looked like a grotesque pile of sick. Kate has zero food photography and styling skills and I'd be embarrassed to go to a publisher and show them that "work".
And 3 whole pieces of French toast for a growing boy? Big deal. He should be diving in for his fifth piece and for the love of Pete, let the kids serve themselves and cut their own food!
Tucker I have the same memories. I don't recall my parents ever being sick although of course Im sure they will especially since mom for many years was a special ed assistant around kids all day! The only time I do recall it was when someone was throwing up, because you heard that.
Normal parents do not BURDEN their kids with things like this.
Jennifer, I have been saying forever Kate is mentally ill. I think it's obvious. So I have to ask myself why wasn't this challenged as far as custody? If I was a spouse going through a divorce and my ex had mental issues, I would demand the ex be tested by a psychologist/psychiatrist and put those findings before a judge. Something has always seemed off about how Jon got raped by Kate in the divorce. Couldn't the divorce settlement be revisited in court?
Jennifer, I have been saying forever Kate is mentally ill. I think it's obvious. So I have to ask myself why wasn't this challenged as far as custody? If I was a spouse going through a divorce and my ex had mental issues, I would demand the ex be tested by a psychologist/psychiatrist and put those findings before a judge. Something has always seemed off about how Jon got raped by Kate in the divorce. Couldn't the divorce settlement be revisited in court?
There was a fan who objected to Kate being on Watch What Happens Live, and also said that a dating show wasn't a good idea. Was this the same one who sent her the wine?
Yes, that's the same one. She also is the one who called out Kate for joking about Hurricane Sandy.
8 children who come home to a home, change their school clothes, put them away, put their shoes in a cabinet so that they can be immediately reached in the morning, capable of packing their own lunches, doing their chores, doing their homework and eating a nutritious dinner (doesn't matter what you feed your kids) those kids look very healthy, not overweight, not eating preservatives, setting the table,calm before they go to bed. This is 9 people in a house with charts, so no one can be confused or forget how to keep this well oiled machine working. And this is how you do it. Kate is the Mom and it is her way, she sets the rules, the kids are being raised by her and she is the boss. How many families no longer have a parent giving orders to fulfill healthy, everyday chores, eat at dinner at the table with each other and refuse to listen to parents?The kids give the orders, eat a microwave dinner in front of a TV,no communication between siblings, friends running in and out of the doors. Yelling for your child, under 10 to eat, fighting with them to eat and this is the way half of the homes work, confusion in the mornings, half finished homework,no respect for adults when they go into the school, no nutritious lunch, junk food, and Kate showed us all that her family functions very healthy. Sure give the kids freedom and they take the lead in who the parent is. Not one child looked or acted unhappy. If anything, it was obvious those children,now at age 8, enjoy their routine. I know that children feel better when they get that 8 or 9 hours of sleep, are ready for school, have a packed lunch and discipline is so important with children, it is structure, they know where they are going, they feel secure. Fun nights are weekends, Friday nights are TV night and the tree house has to be locked, an adult should be there when these 6 little children are running around in and out and up that ladder. Kate is the mother, the adult, the responsible person who is doing a good job as a Mother and an adult. It is fine she goes to a manicurist, hairdresser is her reward to herself. I do that, so why is that wrong if your family is receiving everything that you can give them in a loving household. Listen you people can tear Kate apart but you would all love to have 1 child or more children have the knowledge that they prefer to eat at the dinner table where they are all comfortable on a school night. The charts at home are no different than we have in classrooms at school so that our young people know what is expected of them as citizens of the classroom. I enjoyed that show showing 8 children, very normal, but also very structured and loving their home. A place where they feel safe, secure and a nice clean bed at night, clean clothes in the morning, a nice shower at night, clean hair. Until you have seen children who are so sad, so hungry, so neglected and this is in a family where both parents have money, hire a nanny or those families where a one parent family is run by the children and taking care of the mother or father you don't understand and you never well. 48 yrs in the school system, that is what I have spent and I have taught every grade from 1 to 8 and high school for 24 of those years. If you don't work on the children when they are toddlers, teaching them structure, then you have no one to blame but yourself when you have to end up worrying where they are when your daughter is 14, has a boyfriend with a car and she comes and goes as she pleases. Then your worry is for the rest of your life as this young person makes all the wrong decisions. I admire that Kate has no TV, radio, computer, phone on while her family is enjoying a meal together. You don't have to like Kate but you have to admire the fact that she has not dropped the ball and let the kids rule the roost.
TLC it may have been, who knows. I do think a full mental health assessment of the entire family both individually and as a unit would have been helpful, and perhaps that was done. Actually, even many mentally ill patients are able to maintain custody of their children. The state of the law right now is VERY pro-mentally ill mentally disabled being able to do everything normal. Even many mentally retarded parents have their kids. People Magazine a couple years ago had an inspiring article about a mentally retarded mother who had a 12 year old gifted daughter and was allowed to keep her because she accepted help from services. I think they were from Chicago? Wonder how they're doing now. Kate is just sort of screwed up in the head mentally ill. It's not like she is doing bizarre things like talking to herself, drugs, setting fires, running around naked, things like that where cops would come out and consider taking your kids or locking you up.
Personally I think head games can be JUST as bad but we're not anywhere close to that when it comes to the law. Even if she came out bipolar, schizoid, it might not make a difference in custody unless she was doing something bizarre like the above.
The twins also potty trained the tups. Kate would bother to come in once notified. The film crew was there for the potty training more that Kate!
Kate also doesn't bake bread so how the heck will she write a recipe? Bread machine- dump ingredients and push a button.
That's not baking bread. Try making a sourdough starter, a biga, a poolish and then maybe call yourself a bread baker.
The only think she can do is tweak a recipe here and there. Oh, I added rosemary! I'm such an expert!
I'd love to see her pick up and read The Bread Baker's Apprentice and teach herself the science behind it all.
Nah.... what am I thinking!
TLC, I'm not an attorney, but I think Jon had very poor legal representation (Mark Heller is a joke, and it was very poor judgment on Jon's part to get mixed up with him), and that's why he got screwed. The attorney he was working with later on (the one who was a friend of his dad's who stated that Kate was "an absentee parent") seemed very competent, and I'd bet that had he retained him earlier (or kept him once he had retained him), he would have gotten a better deal. I don't know what happened there because it seemed soon after that Jon reached some sort of settlement with TLC.
I think it's sort of interesting how much time people spend analyzing Kate's behavior as if she is a "normal" person and there has to be some reasonable explanation for it. She's a sociopath. For anyone who hasn't seen interviews with Diane Downs (narcissist and sociopath who killed her kids), watch them. The similarities (in terms of speech, behavior) to Kate are really eerie.
I admire that Kate has no TV, radio, computer, phone on while her family is enjoying a meal together.
Oh, you're at their house every day observing that no TV/computer phone is on?
If so, that's great. Now if only Kate would sit down and eat with them!
They have T.V.'s in their bedrooms, and on CWS, the TV was ON. I think that's worse.
Kids should be the recipients of special care and TLC when sick; the parents not so much. Being a single mom must be hard, but you can't keep driving home how hard it is to your kids.
It's just abusive and I actually do believe that some of the kids want Kate to be married because they see her moaning and bitching all the time.
The must feel so guilty.
Retired School Teacher,
I gave up trying to read your comments because there are no paragraphs. I'm surprised a school teacher wouldn't automatically write using paragraphs. It's such a basic concept.
Ex Nurse, you just said that Jon is responsible for being broke, he had funds for 4 or 5 yrs and that is why his child support was so high, so he spent it like water coming out of a fire hydrant, right?
So what makes him the father of the year and a loving one? Because he plays with his kids? Anyone can play with their kids but that doesn't get them the kind of life where all their needs (state law by the way) are met and also their wants, that is where their mother comes in. She does the work, they are all well adjusted children and they would not change that feeling of security, safe clean home where they know there is 3 meals a day, nice clean bed at night and when those kids are sitting around the table eating their dinner, which they prefer, eating together, they laugh, they discuss their day's activities. In any family where there is 2 parents, one parent is the disciplinarian and gives structure and the other parent is the one who laughs, is like another child in order to play with their children and that gets old very fast as these kids grow up. It is nice if they can talk to Jon but he doesn't seem to want to be any part of raising his children. He spent that money, Kate held on to her money and the children's money and she is raising those children insuring their needs and their wants are taken care of but she doesn't do it by letting the children think that life is just one big bunny rabbit and santa claus taking turns supply all the unnecessary things that cost money and are a waste. Jon did not want to be married, he never wanted responsibility and you see it now, he has no money, keeps moving, lives off of girlfriends and seeks attention with radar on line. His children will soon take sides and when that happens he will see less of his children, the older children get, the busier they get with their own lives and a Dad who shows no ambition is tiring to children. These children have traveled for years. They have a vision, already, of a wider world out there. Jon could have worked harder, saved that money from TLC and spent less of his money but he didn't. His parents took care of him and Kate took care of him, then like a kid who doesn't want any responsibility believed his own press and left to get an apartment with a friend, like 21 yr olds do, and have all the freedom. Well, now is the time for him to work, save and remember his children will pass you by and not because of their mother but because he will show himself as the pathetic parent and kids just get tired of that especially after they finish school, get jobs and see that their Dad left them for women and the high life. If hard women are bitches then Kate should write a book on how to raise 8 balanced children who enjoy eating dinner together at night. That is amazing in today's society. I don't care how much weight she has lost, she is healthy and she is a smart women. She doesn't care if we like her, her main occupation is her children being raised and being educated. So Ex Nurse get your balance in your comments, Kate is not bad for her children, she is the one bearing all the responsibility and those kids are enjoying the charts, the responsibilities of growing up with their siblings.
I admire that Kate has no TV, radio, computer, phone on while her family is enjoying a meal together.
How many times has Kate tweeted pictures of their meals, conversations that they are having during dinner, etc. How many meals do the kids have to eat that are cold(i.e. the French toast), because Kate just has to tweet a picture to show her tweeties.
During their Super Bowl meal, she even said that she was on the treadmill while the kids were eating.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3 Feb
Happy Superbowl! (Mady/Cara arent pictured but are on the sofa)Dig in kids while mommy runs on the treadmill nearby!
I don't call that enjoying "family" meals together.
Kate's phone is on 24/7.
you have to end up worrying where they are when your daughter is 14, has a boyfriend with a car and she comes and goes as she pleases.
And you really have to worry when 2 of your 6-year old get kicked out of first grade.
6-year olds. Can you imagine in all of your vast teaching experience just how bad they were so that the school told them to leave?
Wake up and smell the paragraph breaks.
Retired School Teacher said...
I admire that Kate has no TV, radio, computer, phone on while her family is enjoying a meal together.
That's not true. Kate had the kids when she tweeted this:
@BarbGilmer @DaveGuinup's very entertaining to be eating my healthy dinner, and happen to glance at this twitter conversation! Lol!
1 day ago - Twitterrific
Incidentally that in reply to tweets from Barb and Dave Guinup trying to get Kate to go out with a strange man on Twitter.
Retired School Teacher,
Why all the extremes? No one is against chores or a schedule for children.
From 6am every week day, aside from school, schoolwork, dinner and showers, Kate has those children doing nothing but chores.
She mentions in her "manual" that the kids can have playtime if they don't have homework... right after she mentions that they have a very demanding school and has previously stated that they always have homework and school projects.
Those children should have some downtime. All they have is chores, chores and more chores.
No one is against children having age appropriate chores and responsibilities, such as picking up after themselves and cleaning their own rooms, etc.
However, it is Kate's job to maintain her household, not her children's. She is home all week while those children are in school. There is no reason the children have to share the responsibility of her housework.
If Kate worked full-time outside the home I can see giving the children more responsibility.
As for the tree house, how is it a safeguard to lock it because climbing the ladder could be dangerous? The ladder is there regardless of whether the tree house is locked or not. There is a little porch the kids could climb up to that isn't locked. I don't see how locking the tree house itself protects anyone from a fall from the ladder.
Just a suggestion -- with long posts, it would be helpful if they would be broken into paragraphs. If what you have to say doesn't fit into one post, a follow up/continuing post is an option. There's a reason paragraphing is done -- one of which is to make reading easier through unity and coherence. I assume paragraphing is still taught in schools.
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