Coming up on Celebrity Wife Swap. Kate gets to tell some other nice family raising their adorable son just fine that they are doing everything all wrong. This will go on for 42 long minutes. Batten down the BB Mercedes, it’s going to be one long, hypocritical ride.
People know Kate best for Dancing with the Stars and for her reality show. No Kate, people know you best for your vile personality and also for sucking at motherhood.
Wow, I didn’t realize Kate had three books on the “New York Best Seller List.” Where’s that prestigious literary office out of, Jamestown? These books may have once been on some list in days gone by, but now according to the people on this blog, they’re bird cage liner.
What’s even funnier is no one bothered to tell Kate about her gaffe and let her do a take two. I like when it’s obvious production doesn’t give a crap. We started seeing a lot of this toward the end of Kate Plus 8: bad editing, poor sound quality, etc. There was even an episode where they didn’t even bother to put music in. Like a lazy high schooler printing out his English essay, the “eh, that’s good enough not to fail now let’s get some beer” attitude is amusing.
I see Jon’s now in the witness protection program, blurred face and all. Hopefully he’s somewhere tropical! As usual, Kate paints a picture that Jon is dead, but don’t worry, they were able to make this “positive” somehow, though she never explains what she means by this. Kate does all the cooking and oversees everything else. This really means, Kate does some of the cooking some of the time and the hired help does everything else all of the time.
“Somewhere around 2011” Kate was divorced, she said. Uh, no, Kate, you were separated and divorced in 2009. That’s more than three years ago, not one. Though judging by the way she still isn’t over this, 2011 sounds more much plausible, sure why not. Kate suffers from a permanent case of what can best be described as "fuzzy memories" and it’s nearly impossible to live with these kinds of people, always made to feel like you’re the crazy one and not crazypants here.
Mady sums up Kate’s parenting style better than I can. “You’re going to do it my way,” she says with a slap of her hands. Pretty much. From refusing to let her 12-year-olds enter their own kitchen, to barking at them to put their napkins in their laps and roll up their jeans and tuck them under their boots and now I say, to the countless lists and more written rules, regulations and decrees plastered everywhere, a stint in Alcatraz is starting to sound like more fun, especially if a young Clint Eastwood could be there. I’ll even risk the life raft popping!
“All I’ve ever really known is work,” Mady says. “Work is a bad thing when you have too much.” Sniff.
Manipulated, demure B-personality Deanna better known around these parts as @DeannaTweeting, the BFF flavor of the month, will play the “husband” for this little lab rat experiment, as a poster here so accurately described it. But wait, @DeannaTweeting is a woman, you say as you scratch your head, and the hired help. You see, Kate has acted as preying mantis to anyone of the male persuasion so there are none left to choose from. Hired help it is!
Ha, I like how Kendra just owns it. People know me best as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend, she announces shamelessly. That is correct. Kendra and her helpful husband Hank are cute, funny, and affectionate. Their little son Hank Jr. is a free spirit with darling long curly hair. It’s nice that Kendra acknowledges her hired help by name, Rosa, gives her the respect to call her what she is, the nanny and not just that person who watches my kids or the "babysitter” or “helper,” and describes her as a member of the family. Aw. I bet she even gets benefits too! I noticed the stark contrast between Rosa wrestling around with Hank Jr. on the couch, the two of them giggling up a storm, contrasted with @DeannaTweeting who gives one of the girls a light, polite hug when she arrives you might give some second cousin you barely know. The hug is shown twice from two different angles, making it seem like she hugged her twice to an undiscerning viewer. She didn't.
Kendra says Rosa and Hank make it possible for her to lounge by the pool, party and otherwise behave like a trust fund baby, though she is also shown kissing Hank goodbye as she goes off to work. The women say goodbye to their families and head to each other’s respective houses. The hypocrisy has already started, with Kate admitting the kids don’t want her to leave, and the kids looking genuinely crestfallen to see her go. I thought they just loved this idea and couldn’t wait to do it! To me, these look like kids who just want things to be normal over their Columbus Day holiday and maybe even see their dad and friends.
“Hollywood is very Hollywood,” Kate says philosophically as she gesticulates. Even a wild hand flap can’t save that inane comment.
While Kendra tries her best to compliment the Wolf’s Lair as tidy, Kate saunters around Kendra’s cheerful, family friendly colorful pad, pointing at a little clutter here on the counter and crumbs there on the floor, and deciding the absolutely vast chef’s kitchen is not big enough. The whole thing takes an unexpected and might I add creepy turn when Kendra discovers the witch’s crematory just like in Hansel and Gretel! Oh, wait that’s just the bread machine.
Hey, I just realized who the voiceover narrator is! Took me ten minutes to place it. That guy who narrates Extreme Couponing. Aw, I’d love it if he could do for us a little dramatic will they won’t they get their bill under 95 cents before they crash the cash register?? He makes coupons for half off Cheerios and 10 ketchups for $1 each edge of your seat thrillers. I had nearly as much fun with him as I did making my way through Locked Up Abroad recently. This is what reality T.V. has come to, but you can tell this guy totally just embraces it. Might as well.
Kendra and Kate sit down to read each other’s house manuals, standard formula for this silly show. Kendra is honest about her hired help, discussing her cook, housekeeper and nanny. Kate for some reason acts appalled about this (sorry, Katherine), and with a straight face, says she’d rather be all three. What she really means is she’d rather control all three, not actually be all three. There’s a difference. She must have forgotten how many times she’s told us about all her hired help. In fact her manual, posted online, says they’ve been through so many nannies she can’t even keep track, and she did an entire blog post about how she’s had at least a part time housekeeper since the children were babies. Babies! That’s nine years! These are but two examples of dozens of Kate’s admissions about her staff. For her part, Kendra is mostly just worried about how she is going to remember all these names. Think top ten popular baby names from 2003 and you’ll be fine, Kendra.
Oddly, all Kate will do this entire episode is judge Kendra, her family, her household, everything and anything about her. And yet in an interview with Inside Edition the other day, she goes on and on about how her bad experiences in the public eye (oh, poor thing!) has taught her one thing. Sadly, it’s not, I need to change my nasty behavior. Rather, she has learned not to judge. I think what Kate means to say is she doesn’t want to be judged. She couldn’t care less if anyone else is judged.
By the way, Kate did so much hand flapping in that interview I thought she was going to take off. This is the interview where she was peddling some snake oil about how wrongly portrayed she is. I think hand flapping is the proverbial Pinocchio’s nose. The more you flap the more you’re lying. Oh, and she insulted Californians by implying it’s all Easy Street over here and all Kendra has ever known. She should take a stroll through Watts sometime and see how easy folks have it. The median income in California usually only hovers a few thousand dollars above the national average, nothing to write home about. California has a few incredibly wealthy neighborhoods that get a lot of screen time, but other than that, it’s like any other state, mostly hard working Americans just trying to make a living, with good parts, bad parts, and mostly in between parts. In fact, Kendra’s parents split when she was, sadly, only eight, a little younger than the twins, and she was hardly raised in Beverly Hills living in that mansion between Lisa and Adrienne. No, she certainly wasn’t poor, but she did grow up in the San Diego suburb Clairemont, which bears a striking similarity to Wyomissing, demographics wise.
Kendra took the divorce hard and turned to drugs to cope when she was only thirteen (thirteen!), and soon afterward, stripping. Otherwise, she had a pretty average childhood with public school and several years on the softball team. All Kendra’s “easy” childhood tells me is that it doesn’t matter how secure your family is in every other way, divorce can be very tough on kids and any mother who is brushing off the kids as “just fine” post-divorce needs to make sure they are delving a bit deeper. Kate always seems to judge people, including herself, on the possessions and environment that surround them, and never understands that those things usually have little correlation to happiness, how “easy” you have it, or how mentally stable you are. Anyway, I’m glad Kate decided to throw Kendra’s upbringing under the Mercedes because it prompted me to read up on it and actually discover what seems to be the root of Kendra’s issues, being a very young child in a broken home. Are you listening Kate? Approve of some of Kendra’s choices, nope. Excuse them, not on your life. Understand them better now, yes.
At O-Six hundred-and-three the children are to come downstairs for breakfast. Not 6:05, Kendra says in disbelief, not 6 o’clock. But 6-0-3! Welcome to Shawshank, Kendra. Fresh fish! Fresh fish!
Commercials. Kate also promoted this appearance on The View this week, in which I guess Brooke Shields drew the short straw and had to ask all the questions, bless her little heart, while Whoopie just sat there brooding. I’ll always remember Whoopie calling Kate an “angry bitch” and her desperate cries of “She got to go! Vote…her…off!” during Dancing With the Stars. It’s like she had been bottling it all up for years and it finally exploded, and also, she was at the end of her rope at not being able to get through to dimwits like Sherry. Now, she’s back to bottling, apparently. I get it, there’s a certain point where you’re just done trying. Kate’s outfit choice was inappropriate, to say the least.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
Is she sure that was a dress and not a plus-sized babydoll top? That awkward moment when you realize that outfit you are wearing is not what you thought it was.
We’re back. Kendra appears to be doing some sort of Lamaze breathing in preparation for meeting the kids. Ha. The kids are hardly enthusiastic to find her in their house. They are incredibly shy and distant. When Kendra asks who’s excited, only Alexis raises her hand. Mady knows full well who Kendra is because she snuck downstairs to watch her show. So much for the schedule! @DeannaTweeting pronounces her name as Dan-a. That’s odd, I thought it was De-anna Tweeting. Or maybe she’s just mumbling like a New Yorker. No matter.
Hank, Hank Jr., Rosa and Hank’s business partner (heh, so L.A.) meet Kate. Hank brings her a gorgeous big bouquet of flowers. Aw. As Hank pours Kate a glass of wine and fires up the grill, Kate remarks that she never gets to watch someone else cook. Geez, did Katherine die too?
I’m surprised @DeannaTweeting didn’t have to reference her propaganda manuel when she, with a straight face, informs Kendra that Kate does it all herself. Number one, @DeannaTweeting doesn’t even live in the same state so I hardly think she knows what goes on around here on a day to day basis. She is just basing this off what Kate tells her. Number two, Kate herself admits she certainly does not do everything (rather, she “oversees”), so @DeannaTweeting can put a sock in that one. I have to hand it to Kate though, she sure knows how to recruit for the Kate Youth. On a side note, what a slap in the face, @DeannaTweeting, to all the people who have ever helped this family out, often for nothing in return. This is why Kate runs through dozens of nannies, when someone like Kendra likely will never lose Rosa until Hank Jr. is 18. And why you, Deanna, will probably, sadly, never move as far as you probably should in your career, as long as you make BFF with pathetic people like Kate.
The kids seem to stick to their normal routine, doing their chores/hard labor and setting the table. Kendra just kind of goes with it, albeit perplexed the whole time. I like the compliments Kendra is giving the kids, that they are so smart, especially Mady. At dinner, Mady prays that Kendra will survive this week. That was sweet of her, though I’d be surprised if God cares about making sure D-list celebrities successfully swap households. Heck, I didn't even realize God had a T.V. I guess you never know, maybe He skipped NCIS this week to watch this.
Interesting, Kendra has some real friends named Jessica and Kristen who stop by for dinner. We’re quickly back to Kendra, who is close to losing it at this point, her hair is disheveled and her forehead shiny as she puts the kids to bed. She gets them off to dreamland and heads downstairs to rinse off the eggs.
“I’m washing an egg right now,” she says. “Out of a chicken’s butt!” Thanks for the visual, Kendra.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Ooo, I like their little shoe cubby hole by the stairs that holds all their shoes without being an eyesore. Nice. Sounds like a wet mess in the winter though.
Jessica and Kristen take Kate clubbing. At a place that features a strip pole. For someone who claims she’s only been clubbing once, she sure is tossing back those shots and Long Island iced teas like a pro.
Kendra is awake early and makes the kids a perfectly acceptable breakfast of Cheerios and fruit, though the kids tell her, rather rudely, they want to have eggs. Geez, cut the gal a break, it’s her first morning here. On another note, had Rep. Murt's new child labor laws been in place when they filmed this episode (they weren't yet, almost), they would have just broken them, anyone catch it? Under the new law, there must be at least a 12 hour break between shooting the night before and shooting the next morning. Since Kendra fed them dinner and put them to bed the day before all on camera, and we know they go to bed around eight or so, having them filming again the next day at 6 a.m. was not a full 12 hour rest. And, this is just one reason why reform was needed. (The new law cheat sheet, downloads as a PDF.)
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
I like how Kendra listens to them and respects what they are saying, but doesn’t back down. She is a cereal person, she explains, and “we’re gonna get there” when it comes to eggs. But it’s not going to be this morning. Kendra is, surprisingly, rather good with kids. She talks to them like she's actually interested in what they have to say. It’s surprising how many adults don’t really know how to speak to a child. She could have told them she doesn’t care what they think, which in a round about way is exactly what Kate does. Instead she listened to their suggestions and offered to try it, just not for this particular breakfast. The boys seem to be having the time of their lives with this experiment, staring blankly forward without a word and not even acknowledging their new mommy. What’s going on here, their names weren’t drawn to tar the roof?
Kate finally rolls out of bed at nine o’clock, just as Hank is taking Hank Jr. to school. He instructs Kate to just relax. I guess from this little piece of information Kate has decided Hank is “enabling” Kendra. Or, you know, he’s just trying to be hospitable. Could be that. Kate bemoans outside by the pool that if she only had as much free time as Kendra (snort!) she would spend it with Hank Jr. I’m sorry, I missed the implication that Kendra and Hank aren’t spending enough time with Hank Jr. The kid’s usually around so far, he seems to be an active enough participant in the family dynamic and very comfortable with Kendra and Hank, he just melts into them like an adorable, curly haired little marshmallow. What information is Kate basing this rather serious accusation? You don't have to be with your kids twenty-four hours a day for heaven sake. He can go to school and see kids his own age like everyone else is doing in Calabasas, and you can even sit by the pool a little. 24/7 is not what anyone expected of Kate and it's not what anyone expects of this family either, except Kate. It's always extremes when it comes to Kate. The world is black and white, there is no gray, in her rigid mind. Not to mention, the only jobs she's really had in the past two years is a scant few media appearances and to write up a few silly blog posts once in awhile. The kids are in school all day. What does she do all day. Errands, I guess? How can you be doing errands eight hours a day five days a week? Not to mention she's off duty when Jon has the kids. Comparing her schedule with Kendra's IMDB, I'm really at a loss how Kate isn't the sloth here with more free time than most women could ever dream of in a lifetime. If she isn't, she is not as organized as she thinks she is.
Back at the Wolf’s Lair, Kendra is up to things the hired help normally tackles, like the laundry and grocery shopping. And if there’s any doubt that the hired help doesn’t do the laundry, I think Kate’s directions taped to the machine will settle that! “Mandatory Uniform Policy. Check shirts for stains. After 1st wash [unintelligible] run with 2/3 cup bleach. Stain free! Doors need to be open when not running.” Now why would you need such elaborate directions for just yourself unless you have some kind of short term memory disorder ala Joseph Gordon Levitt in The Lookout? If that’s the case, your problems are bigger than messing up the mandatory laundry policy! Try robbing banks with such an issue, it’s no picnic.
Kendra is all mouth agape exaggerated shock at the three bags of fruit she puts in the car. I never understand why people act so amazed at the amount of food that eight kids consume. Haven’t you ever been to, like, a large dinner party? More people, more food consumed, it’s really not that much of a Christmas miracle.
Hank is really going out of his way to give Kate a great experience on her vacation. And this is a vacation. He gives Kate a golf lesson, an activity she conveniently packed a bright blue polo shirt and starched white shorts for. She’s actually not bad for her first time. Golf isn't easy I'll give her that, but she did it. It would be nice to see her at least try to take up a sport her kids are interested in instead of making them feign interest in whatever she's into at the moment.
Kendra is still trying so hard to try to make a connection with the kids, even though they are understandably distant. She is a stranger after all and they were just abandoned by their mother for the week and have some flavor of the month BFF living in the garage apartment who doesn’t even appear to be around (I guess Deanna is really taking this "husband" role to heart. I appreciate her method acting.). Kendra's Herculean efforts are really touching. She relates to Cara because of sports and seems to have a “breakthrough,” she says. This is no act. You know these types, the “Yeah, dude, I love Grand Theft Cars!!” First of all, it’s Grand Theft Auto, and you’ve never played it a day in your life. Nice try though. Like I said, Kendra really did play on a real softball team as a kid for several years, so the Yeah Cara, I love sports too thing is for real. Kendra says the kids are “amazing” and talks about how much she adores Hank Jr. and how she doesn’t know how you would divide up your love among eight kids. That’s so funny, I’ve only ever heard the non-fans talk about how amazing the kids are and worry about how you could possibly give eight children the attention they need. Should we invite Kendra over here?? Kendra sincerely wants to know what Mady’s into. Mady goes on and on about loving acting and Kendra makes supportive comments like “amazing!” and I was into that too! (Another true statement, Kendra has several real acting credits on her resume, including a role in Entourage, and a couple bit parts in the Scary Movie franchise). I have to hand it to Kendra, I don’t think anyone exactly wanted to root for the Playboy Playmate here, but she makes it hard not to.
Hank is proud of himself for getting Kate to loosen up, he says he deserves a pat on the back for that. He deserves more than a measly pat for that. Like something closer to a wallop. Over dinner out, Hank says nice things to Kate like that Kate is a strong woman who will find her Mr. Right, and Kate looks into Hank's eyes and says Kendra is really lucky. Aw. This dinner kind of has a Fatal Attraction vibe about it ....
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.
Then Kate ruins the nice moment by saying to be a better mom she, Kate, needs to step away from her kids. Oh, give me an ever-loving break. We can all cite a hundred examples of how much this woman has neglected her kids and put herself first. She's talked all the time about how much she loves being away from home. Disgusting.

This sad situation doesn’t go unnoticed by Kendra, and she really says it best here. “The hardest part for me is realizing these kids have so much to do, and so many jobs to do. I’m a big believer in a kid should be a kid,” she explains, her eyes welling with tears. “I know that they need structure and chores, but this is hard because .... “ She actually has to pause a moment she’s that emotional. “I just don’t like to be so strict, I feel bad, you know?” she finally chokes. Oh my God.
Commercials. It’s pretty bad when a kid is doing so much hard labor they are actually making a grown adult weep. Usually when adults see kids doing chores all you hear from them is, “Eh, it’s good for them!”
We’re back, and now we finally get to the interesting part of the show (well, as interesting as a show like this can get), where Kendra and Kate get to impose their own rules on the household.
I love this, Kendra's first rule is the boys and girls are going to switch chores. Boy did she nail this one. Say what you like about her but that girl knows exactly what’s up and figured it out in only one day too. This one's got book smarts, she’s a regular Andy Dufresne.
It’s pretty pathetic that such a rule isn’t the norm anyway. Why are chores designated across such rigid gender stereotypes in the first place? Here’s a wild idea, why not just rotate the chores? Fairly, across all eight kids? No designating chores by gender. And Kate has the nerve to criticize Hank for “pampering” Kendra? Isn’t that the ultimate gender stereotype, the romantic leading man and his pampered housewife? The poor boys are so checked out none of them really respond to this change-up. The girls moan and groan but seem game, I guess. Good, they need to get a taste for what their brothers go through.
Back in L.A. at Casa Kendra, Kate has finally been allowed to set up a satellite bunker to the Wolf's Lair, and it's creepy how much happier she looks now. Unlike Kendra, who speaks off the cuff, Kate apparently needs little cue cards so she doesn't mess up telling Hank he's enabling Kendra by pampering her. Aw, poor Hank looks genuinely crushed. You have to be careful when you insult how a man treats his wife. You could be met with tears or even a fist.
"Why is Hank doing practically 100% when there's (sic) two parents?" Kate asks.
I don't know Kate, why was Jon doing practically 100% when there were two parents?
Kate announces Rosa is outta here and she'll be taking care of Hank Jr. "You're not care me," Hank Jr. says defiantly. Ha, kid's got a lip! The kids resist Kendra's idea to have a picnic with tacos in the basement. Mady reminds them these are the rules of the psychological experiment they were neither emotionally or intellectually old enough to consent to. No chores, lots of playtime, the kids cheer.
@DeannaTweeting is making annoying faces and mutters some nonsense about how the kids need the schedule to make the house run and keep the kids happy. Shut up, @DeannaTweeting. It's not the kids' responsibility to make the house run, it's their job to go to school, after-school activities, play, and lastly to do some chores, within reason, that don't interfere with those other things. They didn't ask for a mansion. If you want a mansion, you don't get to enslave your children to keep it up. Downsize, or hire a larger staff, and be done with it.
Kate puts the Hanks on a schedule with chores. "Call her Miss Boss now," Hank snarks. Heh, that's not all I would call this woman, but it's a start.
Well, the girls seem to be doing just fine tending to the chickens. They like it. Kendra talks about bonding with them. You know what I like about Kendra? She doesn't just treat this as an experiment to see how she would react to a different situation, like how Kate views it. She treats it as an opportunity to get to know and love eight kids, and try to make a difference in their sad lives, however small. I am moved by this, truly moved. Just proves that no matter what your past, it doesn't mean you don't have a beautiful heart. The kids show her their really cool treehouse, but, oh man, it's locked! Locking the treehouse is as odd as locking your refrigerator or something. Not something most normal people would ever think to do unless you are maybe A Child Called It’s mother. Kind of funny that Kate and her fans defended this later as being a safety issue, when the treehouse has a vast staircase with a railing safer than many real house stairs.
Hank Jr. happily puts away his toys and is so cutely proud of himself for earning piggy bank money. Aw. Naturally, Kate really can't help herself, gloating and shooting smirky looks at Hank the whole time, which is odd, since Hank never said he objected to Hank Jr. doing chores and in fact made it clear he supported Junior starting to learn responsibility, he just said he knew it would take time to get used to it is all.
Kendra picks just about the absolute worst meal to have on the floor, tacos. Hannah steps through Alexis's taco and then giggles sinisterly about it. Ugh. The kids are so horrified by the mess and chaos and Alexis is nearly in tears. Great, now they're going to have an even bigger phobia of emancipation. Poor Kendra tries to tell them that spills are okay but they're really not having it.
I don't mind this rule, Kate says Hank Jr. should sit at the table with his parents. Hank Jr. is having a hard time behaving, but like his father said, this will take time. You can tell Hank is starting to crack under all the criticism, but this man has the patience of a saint.
Aw, Kendra arranges for an ice cream truck to pull up to the house and they love it. Kendra has already started processing this experience and thinking about making changes in her own life, opining that she should spend more time with her family. Good for her.
While Kendra has long taken the kids to school, Kate's finally up at 9 a.m. Did she party last night again? Kate keeps Hank Jr. at home today and they have breakfast, play, and do an art project. It goes all right I guess. I don't like how she constantly talks down to Hank Jr and corrects him, that will get old real quick, but Hank Jr. seems fine. I like the mischievous twinkle in his eye, like he's inwardly cataloguing all of Kate's transgressions for when he someday takes his sweet revenge.
Baw-haha, I love this, Kendra's girls day is not with any of Kate's friends, but with @DeannaTweeting and one of her friends. Really? All of PA and they couldn't find one friend of Kate's to go to lunch with?
"They're amazing kids," Kendra emphasizes once again. Aw. She really believes this, too. "To Kate! To Supermom!" Kendra says as she toasts. Kendra, Kendra.
Kate admittedly has another rather good idea, she arranges a family yoga session for the Hanks. Babies doing yoga poses is unexpectedly adorable! I dare you not to say "aww" at this:
And how about this:
Anyway, the problem here is that Kate is hellbent on getting Hank to agree that this is the most fantastical amazingish idea she has ever come up with. Hank is reluctant, explaining that Hank Jr. already does yoga at school and Kendra has her own class. See, Kate needs to offer up ideas, and then let Hank decide for himself if he wants to change. Some he may resist, some he might actually be open to, like the chores. But insisting he must agree with her and only her on each and every thing is only going to make him more resistant. And, it just seems rather arrogant. And hypocritical of course, that's a given.
Kendra takes the kids out for a fun night go carting and one of those play gyms with ropes and climbs and such. The kids adore it. I mean, adore it. Mady's taking photos, they're cheering, it's great. Kendra says she wants them to have real childhood memories besides chores. Kendra, don't worry, Kate has devoted her life's work to seeing to it they make memories. The memories thing is well covered.
Glenn Close over here is giving Hank sultry looks as she explains that Hank does more than his fair share. You know the Five Love Languages? Hank's love language is "Acts of Service," that's all. Kendra admits she needs to change a few things, fair enough, but maybe she brings different things to the marriage, like income, humor and emotional support. Not every aspect of marriage is measured in brooms and dustpans. I would guess her love language is probably "Words of Affirmation" judging by her interactions with the kids. Hank explains this is what works for them and he likes it. Since it's not hurting anyone and they seem happily married, I don't see why it's so darn important to Kate that Kendra do more hard labor, other than jealousy and resentment. Just let them speak their own Love Languages and leave them be. Also there's this weird undertone like she's trying to imply that she was once in a marriage like this only she was Hank (double snort!), and she's trying to "save" him from her sad fate. Pathetic, yet hysterical too, since delusion is funny to me. Also, anyone see the irony in a divorced woman who can't even get a date giving relationship advice to two happily married people on their first marriage? Tee-hee.
Kendra is still learning about herself over at the Wolf's Lair, realizing that if she can manage eight kids on her own, she can manage one on her own. She's still washing eggs, I don't know why that's funny but it is. Meanwhile Kate's still gloating about what a difference she had made in Hank Jr.'s life because she gave him a few chores. The swap is over, and of course Kate has already decided that she learned that she has the best behaved kids ever and thank God she implemented such a militant schedule or these kids might have turned out like, gasp, Hank Jr.! Why am I not surprised the only thing she would get out of this whole thing is to feel even more validated?
Kate, Kendra, Hank and @DeannaTweeting gather at a roundtable to discuss the experience. Kendra says nice things like the house felt like a family home.
Kate in reply tells Kendra that Kendra doesn't care and just lets everyone else do everything. Kendra is already in tears. Does Kate have to try to be such a bitch or does it just come naturally? I see no problem telling poor Kendra that maybe she could change up a few things, but you don't have to be cruel about it. And funny thing is Kendra learned this all on her own this week without Kate's help before she ever sat down. Hank is basically like, that's just not true, she's great with Hank Jr., and that Kendra shouldn't change. He's finally cracked!
Kendra asks if Kate has ever been through a live for myself stage. Baw-haha! Kendra, this is no stage. That implies someday you might come out of it. Kate's all like oh no never! Meanwhile @DeannaTweeting is just dumbly nodding at all this. She's so obnoxious.
Kendra talks about going off schedule to see the treehouse and how fun that was (even though it was locked, Kendra still made it fun). Basically Kendra is trying to tell her to let the kids go off schedule for things like that, but @DeannaTweeting says what they are trying to say is Kate needs to "forgive" herself for taking 30 minutes out for herself. Well, Kate's open to that suggestion, naturally. Oh Lord @Deanna, that is not what Kate should take away from this at all. Go away.
The bottom line is Kendra and Hank learned some wonderful lessons from all this, and they talk about growing up and spending more time with Hank Jr. Kate is so tearful that she helped Kendra accomplish this. Kate, you didn't do anything, it was spending time with the kids that made Kendra think. Kate of course learned she is right and also that it would be nice to have someone else to share her workload. What workload? Maybe she means all the chore charts she writes? That probably does take considerable time!
Final score, Playboy Bunny: 1, Shrew: 0.
1622 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1622 Newer› Newest»Wanted to carry this over from the last thread then dive into your recap, which looks AWESOME.
She's not getting another show. I'm willing to eat every shoe I own if she does, that's how sure I am. Reality stars come and go and she's not "hot" as far as being a draw for TV and hasn't been in quite a long time. The longer she's off TV (as in, no regular show), the closer she gets to her MAYBE mention on some show on E! called "Where Are They Now?" And all that will be mentioned about her is 8 kids, public divorce, and controlling shrew (or similar words). What a legacy.
I'm not above confessing that I'd watch her on a dating show ONLY because I know it would be absolutely disastrous and would only get worse as it went on. I'd "hate-watch" it, as they say on Television Without Pity, LOL. And as usual, she wouldn't have the self-awareness of a slug and would continue to be blind to her part in the shit storm that is her world.
Admin, GREAT recap!
I just wanted to make one comment about the Ice Cream was my understanding, from something one of twins said, that Kendra (or the production crew lol) arranged to have the truck come to the McMansion. It seems to me they were in the driveway getting the treat. Kendra didn't "take them" to the ice cream truck.
PatK, yes it was at the house. Maybe I should say Kendra lets them have icecream. It was getting so long I stopped explaining every little detail.
Haven't read the recap yet, but I wanted to bring this over from the last thread, too.
I looked at the credits at the end of CWS, and noticed this. There is a credit for "Additional Images", and it lists Associated Press, Getty Images, WireImage, Filmmagic, NBC Newswire via Getty Images, AND
Mady Gosselin.
I assume the others were credited for the pictures used in the intro--Mady must have taken the pictures for the "six weeks later segment".
So the question is-did Mady get paid separately for those pictures, and if so, did she get to keep all of that money? At least it was nice that SHE got the credit for it, and not her mother.
It's T.
Great recap admin! Carrying this over from the previous thread:
strange that the key to the treehouse was locked in Kate's bedroom and not in a more common location (kitchen, office, garage' etc.) and why is her bedroom door locked anyhow? Who exactly is she trying to keep out? Does her "not help" turnover so quickly that there is a need to keep strangers out of HER bedroom but the kids and the rest of the house is ok? Did she hire people she trusts enough to take care of her children , but not to be in her room ? What is she hiding from them anyway? Lock a drawer, a filing cabinet, heck even a closet or two, but what kind of mother has a literal "closed door policy" to her own family? Bizarre...
Ps. I don't think Kendra stayed in Kate's bedroom, the room they showed her in had a different bed and the wall was a different color.
Does Kate have to try to be such a bitch or does it just come naturally
We know the answer to that now don't we :)
I think one other thing Hank and Kendra learned is they never, ever want to cross that witch's path again!
Did I read correctly in Kate's manual that she makes eggs,oatmeal,pancakes and french toast for breakfast? All everyday? If so,why are the kids still hungry and want more pancakes? And why do they get hungry on the bus? Really don't know what to believe anymore.
You know, Kate started baking bread AND doing yoga suddenly not long before filming this episode. When she mentioned the yoga I realized that was why she started doing it; for the show.
Did anyone get the feeling that hank sr was keeping jr away from Kate as much as possible? Also it seemed that he really disliked her but refused to give her the pleasure of an argument. He is a lovely man and Kendra is a good hearted soul. I'm happy for them; Kate looked peeved when Kendra gave hank a big hug and kiss upon reuniting. All she got was a chinless yes-dolt to hug.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Clarifying my comment last pm: I didnt mean2imply that PPD was a CHOICE.I meant I 'refused'-mindset I use in life often,whether helps or not
Huh? How does that clarify things?
"All she got was a chinless yes-dolt to hug."
That has been the elephant in the room, that everyone, everywhere, was too polite to mention, for almost a week now.
"Baw-haha, I love this, Kendra's girls day is not with any of Kate's friends, but with @DeannaTweeting and one of her friends. Really? All of PA and they couldn't find one friend of Kate's to go to lunch with?"
What about the Stale Cereal Lady who had such an intimate relationship with Kate? How about all her wonderful friends at Target and Lowe's? Don't they all adore her?
"strange that the key to the treehouse was locked in Kate's bedroom and not in a more common location (kitchen, office, garage' etc.) and why is her bedroom door locked anyhow? Who exactly is she trying to keep out?"
Kate admitted a long time ago that she keeps her bedroom door locked. I'll have to defend her on that one. Since there are people coming and going, such as babysitters, laundry people, repairmen, etc., I'd keep my door locked, too. You just never know who is going to go in there, and for what reason.
Great recap. I'm glad I didn't watch it. I just can't stand to listen to her. I'd find myself getting so worked up and yelling at the television that it just isn't worth it. A recap is so much more fun!
Kate admitted a long time ago that she keeps her bedroom door locked. I'll have to defend her on that one. Since there are people coming and going, such as babysitters, laundry people, repairmen, etc., I'd keep my door locked, too. You just never know who is going to go in there, and for what reason.
If people respected Kate she should be able to tell them that her bedroom is off limits and people would comply. I have to agree that locking her door makes it seem like she has something to hide, or is just some kind of weird control freak.
Really don't know what to believe anymore 7
NT it's simple. If kate said it, it's either an exaggeration or an outright lie.
Clarifying my comment last pm: I didnt mean2imply that PPD was a CHOICE.I meant I 'refused'-mindset I use in life often,whether helps or not
She needs to zip it. She keeps digging herself in deeper. Story of her life.
Great re-cap, Admin!
Where did you all watch this? I it on YouTube?
I finally watched CWS this morning.
I didn't laugh once while viewing the entire program. Sometimes, I was a tad bored. Often I felt sad for the kids.
Your re-cap was the opposite. First hearty laugh was at the line about Jon being in the witness protection program! More laughs followed.
You were in full sharp snark mode and I loved it. I skipped the clips so I could keep reading.
Well done.
I don't want Kate to have more TV time, but I would enjoy more of your recaps!
Thanks for the time and the effort.
Great recap as always, Admin. I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do. I didn't watch the show, but between all the comments and this recap I feel like I get the gist. Gist = Kate didn't grow one bit as a person after this
I posted this on the last thread, but wanted to bring it over. Kate is already caught in a lie within the first 2:30 mark on the ABC website you see a girl (NOT Deanna) braiding on of the tups hair in the kitchen while Kate is scolding another child (with a fork in her hand). Don't blink, you'll miss it. The girl actually turns to look at Kate and you can get a good glimpse of her face. I took a screen shot, but I can't figure out how to share it here.
Great recap Admin! I always enjoy them, but thankfully they are fewer and farther between as Kate's career continues to careen off into the black depths of the universe. I do hope she has "Shuttle Ride to Uranus" on her bucket list. Check.
Admin-great recap! It just made me think of something. They showed one of the boys putting the shoes in that cubby hole by the stairs.
Yet, when Kendra was carrying the laundry down the stairs, she kept dropping sneakers. Why would the sneakers be upstairs? Especially since Kate has mentioned that no one is allowed to wear shoes in the house.
Was that part actually "staged"? Hmmm....
In response to those observant enough to see the mystery woman in some of the frames, this is typical lying of reality shows. Anyone who believes it was only Deanna and Kendra taking care of those kids needs to buy my swamp property in Florida. Kate may have lost her part time housekeeper, so what about the full time housekeeper/nanny? Really? I cannot believe that for as long as we have been watching this nasty liar, you guys would buy into anything that comes out of Kate's mouth or reality TV production. And I also believe Mady was prompted in what she said during the show.
"Kate looked peeved when Kendra gave hank a big hug and kiss upon reuniting. All she got was a chinless yes-dolt to hug."
There was more loving passion between Kendra and Hank in that 5 second kiss than there was in 6 seasons of J&K+8.
If people respected Kate she should be able to tell them that her bedroom is off limits and people would comply.
If she has maintenance people in there that she doesn't know, even if someone respected her it wouldn't mean that they wouldn't be tempted to go into her bedroom and snoop just to see what they'd come up with. I don't think it has anything to do with respect. She doesn't know these people -- a babysitter hired for a one-night job, or a nanny hired on a trial basis. Maybe she has expensive jewelry, or cash, or documents. I'd lock my door, too, regardless what I had in there.
Clarifying my comment last pm: I didnt mean2imply that PPD was a CHOICE.I meant I 'refused'-mindset I use in life often,whether helps or not
38 mins ago - Twitterrific
Kate is once again trying to do damage control but did she really clarify anything other than she's still an idiot?! Isn't saying that she refused the mindset the same as saying PPD is a choice and she chose not to have it?
I disagree about locking the bedroom door. It's weird. She is hiding something from the housekeeper and the kids. She can put a password on her computer and get a safe for valuables. Paperwork can be kept in a locked file cabinet. I sure would want the housekeeper to clean my bedroom and bath. It makes no sense that she locks the bedroom.
Auntie, 23 -- I saw the bitter look on Kate's face when Kendra and Hank re-united. She was totally jealous of their affection toward each other.
She looks as if she was thinking....Hank spent 5 awesomish days with MEEEE and he still likes Kendra better? I told him what a slacker wife Kendra is and I showed of my "girls" and Hank still likes her better than he likes MEEEE?
I think there was a great deal of Kate crying that was edited out of the round table meeting. Don't you wonder what it was about?
And it's not like the kids are five years old and "get into" things like makeup, Mommy's shoes, things in the drawers, stuff like that. I doubt 9 and 12 year olds care one bit about Kate's little space. Most kids wouldn't have the slightest interest in their parent''s room.
Clarifying my comment last pm: I didnt mean2imply that PPD was a CHOICE.I meant I 'refused'-mindset I use in life often,whether helps or not
I'm guessing Kate's twitter feed went into overdrive after her insensitive comment about postpartum depression. That, and she reads here.
@kateplusmy8 I aspire to be at least half the mother/woman you are one day. You've inspire me since day 1 on tv. I'm gay, so I can say that!
Oh, geez...this guy wants to be half the mother/woman Kate is. You can't make this stuff up.
Why in the world would the maintenance people be in her bedroom? That's really paranoid and also a bit disrespectful to people just over there trying to fix the sink who couldn't care less about your stupid stuff. Presumably, you hire people from a reputable company, you would be home when they are there because you don't work, and you would call the police if they ever took anything. They know this. If she has such expensive jewelry a safe makes more sense.
Excellent recap Admin. The "Wolf's Lair" comment is both hilarious and accurate. I will be laughing about that all week.
Isn't saying that she refused the mindset the same as saying PPD is a choice and she chose not to have it?
Yes. Okay Tom Cruise! Kate got lucky not to have it and that's all there is to it.
I wonder how her good friend Brooke Sheilds would feel about that comment.
Final score, Playboy Bunny: 1, Shrew: 0.
How ironic and kind of funny. I keep reading here the reference and other places about checking or watching for the bunny. Parody here maybe? Maybe ABC's choice was spot on. hehehehehehe!!!! Sometimes I crack myself up. My family calls it "a..insert my name, joke" because I'm the only one that laughs. lol
I don't know I grew up with and still do an "open door" policy. Doors are never shut except when you need to shut them like changing, bathroom, sleep, intimacy. It makes the house feel bigger and more inviting.
When I am in a house with closed doors in the middle of the day to this day it makes me uncomfortable. This is how people are in Europe, every door is always closed. There's nothing wrong with it exactly it just feels odd to me, less welcoming. Stilted. Secretive. Much like Kate's vibe.
How ironic and kind of funny. I keep reading here the reference and other places about checking or watching for the bunny. Parody here maybe?
Not just here many places. You know what the bunny refers to right? If not someone will happily explain it. :)
Dmasy said... 26
I think there was a great deal of Kate crying that was edited out of the round table meeting. Don't you wonder what it was about?
I did wonder about that. Maybe Kendra and Hank were telling her that her oppressive, regimented methods are making her children's lives miserable and saying so in more ways than Kate's contract allowed us to hear. Although... Kate usually doesn't cry when being criticized, she gets angry.
Don't you wish we were friends with the editing department?
By the way Admin, great recap. I really "felt" like I was watching it again. Anger, sadness and heartbreak. Spot on. Oh, if Deanna doesn't live in the state, wouldn't she be somewhat a stranger to the kids also? I know about the vacation with her but when a parent leaves, a short vacation is not enough time to gain trust for the children to feel secure from these other strangers.
One thing I am glad about is that Ashley didn't break rank and go back to Kate. I don't think she would agree to not tell Jon and Kate knew that.
Didn't see the new topic till too late, so I'm carrying this over from the previous thread.
@Kateplusmy8: So, I'm walking away from the schedule to bake 432 cookies (amount needed for rest of school year!) and will look at schedule again later!:)
What? She didn't have cookie baking on her schedule? How unorganized she is to interrupt her daily plan! snark
With that precise count, I guess it means that no one can have an extra cookie!!
Can someone provide the link to kates original comment about the PPD.
She is ridiculous!
Love the recap and the references to one of my top favorite movies, Shawshank!
Murphys Law will kick in at some point. She cant get away with all this tremendous lying forever.
I think it is possible that Robert may put the book out on kates birthday. Happy Birthday, kate! hahaha
Ray Comfort works together with Kirk Cameron at Living Waters. Ray does Gospel tracks, writes books in all areas of Christianity and he recently wrote a book on Atheists announced that he was going to give away 10's of thousands of these books to colleges all across the country on a certain date. Then he found out that the atheists were going to show up in groves at the colleges where the books were going to be given away on that date. Ray thought and thought and come up with a brilliant idea! He did the book giveaway the day before the real day! It would be funny FOR Robert, set the date on a Monday and it be released on a Friday at 5oclock Pacific Time. Everything, court house shut down and you can't do anything till Monday morning! Hopefully, the kids would be at Jon's, All of them!
Genius, as usual, Administrator. I've missed your recaps!
Genius, as usual, Administrator. I've missed your recaps! 41
I agree - great recap, but I'm not sorry that there hasn't been a need for one for so long. :)
Lukebandit, the PPD was on twitter last night at 9:06pm EST.
This was the original convo:
@Kateplusmy8 I was shocked by Kendra's saying she had 2have her party/getting drunk nites? Once motherhood arrives..that needs 2go..IMO! :)
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 IMO, I think after she got well from her post partum depression that lasted months, Hank took load off her plate.
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Good thing Kate didn't get #PostPartumDepression Imagine how the Gs would have suffered w/out her!
@MiloandJack @msgoody2shoes21 I had zero time to think about myself and how I was feeling.aware I could slip into it easily and refused!:)
By the way, boy, did Brooke Shileds and Elizabeth Hasselbeck look lovely on The View. Truly classy looking. Meanwhile, Khate's "dre$$" -if you want to call it that -- was pulled down to her breasts as far as it could go and pulled up to her cootch as far as it would go. Disgusting, fame-whoring pig you are, Khate Gro$$elin. Yuk.
cherier1 said... 16
Yes, it's on Youtube. It's also on hulu and on youtube you can avoid all the commercials.
Ah, Ashley. I really do hope she gets to Jon's on the occasional weekend so they can all go out for a burger or something. I think losing Ashley would be awful for the kids.
I really have good thoughts about Ashley and hope she is doing well.
Great recap, Admin. You nailed it again.
News to me you can will yourself not have PPD. She is truly ignorant for a former nurse.
She makes herself sound more ignorant every day. Did she pay attention at all in school? She sounds like some old timer who tells you you need to just snap out of your melancholy and that quack treating you (a licensed psychologist) is some crook who just wants your money. Surely some of her sheeple have suffered from PPD, the odds are.
Another note about stupid Deanna, it pisses me off that the lessons she takes out of this is that KATE needs to relax more, and not that the KIDS need to relax more or at least Kate AND the kids.
What a clueless idiot with absolutely zero sense of a child's needs.
Funny how Kate felt she needed to clarify the PPD comments, because the ones making comments about it were the non-fans(who she says she blocks) not her fans. Unless, someone DM'd her?
OK, what does the bunny refer to?
Admin, did you get any flashbacks watching and doing the recap that brought you back to the cold, steely glare you got from Kate at the book signing?
Kate's PPD remark really, truly warrants an apology. It's like Kate can't admit to being wrong, for offending so many people. Kate never did apologize for her "mediocre" comment and she won't for this. She'll just tell everyone what she "really meant" by it, which is to say, back peddle.
Both comments were monumental screw ups and if you want to make public statements in all forms of media, be prepared to stick your foot in your mouth every once in a while.
Then put on your big girl panties and apologize. It builds good will and endearment to look human every once in a while.
Of course you can will yourself not to lapse into PPD. You can also wish away depression. Or you imagine that you don't have a migraine.
Joint pain, back aches, low blood pressure -- what is your problem? Just get busy and deny yourself the time to experience the symptoms.
Soon, Kate will have the "mental" cure for cancer.
She was a nurse? Don't let her near me or anyone I love.
Kate has not one ounce of compassion or empathy for another person.
What a clueless idiot with absolutely zero sense of a child's needs.
But at least she knows how to apply eyeshadow for a smoky eye...or to make Kate look like Mr. Spock.
Great recap, admin!!! Nice to have a smile after watching that heart breaking show.
When Kendra and the girls were up on the tree house landing, saying something about the treehouse was locked, and the key was in Kate's bedroom, Kendra responds with, "Ooh! The bedroom!", starts to giggle snarkily with the girls, then remembers the camera, glances at it, and catches herself from saying anything further.
Probably Kendra wasn't staying in Kate's room, eh? She must have been threatened with beheading if she went anywhere near it.
Must have been tempting to call a locksmith and break in....I wonder if the TSA screens everybody going in and coming out of said bedroom.
Tucker's Mom, 52 -- regarding all the hide the bunny references:
In the movie Fatal Attraction the Glenn Close character lapses into crazier and crazier behavior as she pursues a married lover played by Michael Douglas.
One Sunday afternoon, she breaks into their home. She takes the daughter's pet (white) rabbit and puts it into a large pot of water. You don't see this happen. You are as clueless as the wife who enters her kitchen and is puzzled by a lid juggling, boiling pot. That scene is cut in with the daughter running across the lawn to her pet's hutch only to find it empty.
"Boiling the bunny'" has become kind of a catch phrase for over-the-top behavior by an obsessed person.
Dmasy nice summary.
You know what's scary about Fatal Attraction is how gradual it is. Starts off just a LITTLE creepy (for instance the clip from dinner I posted is early on), then it's a little more creepy, then it's creepy, then it's psychotic. It just feels like it's something that could really happen. Brilliant movie. Brilliant.
Dmasy said... 55
Tucker's Mom, 52 -- regarding all the hide the bunny references:
In the movie Fatal Attraction
Oh gosh! DUH! I'm thinking it's something to do with a Playboy bunny (Kendra reference)!
Yes, Kate needs to hide the bunny.
@Kateplusmy8 I'm convinced my knee will heal faster after surgery if you RT me:-)
Oh, good grief, Kate...tweet this person and get it over with. She's been pestering the living daylights out of you for days. I'm sure Kate is thrilled to see a photo of a bandaged leg. These sheeple are in such need of attention.
I love the pics of the little kids in classic yoga stance. I never would have thought of that. I guess we now know where yoga actually originated from - watching the natural poses of babies finding their legs and arms. So cute. I wish I had watched the show a little closer. I missed a lot. I only watched the boring parts and missed the good parts. I just didn't like what appeared to be a love fest between KT and Hank. He was way too nice to her, and I didn't like the way she was looking at him. There is something about her that goes against the grain of anything sexy, whatsoever. I don't get it from my end. I really don't.
I started to get the flu and I just said, "NO, I CAN'T!" So I used my superior willpower to just destroy the viruses and stop them from replicating and then I was perfectly fine!
@kateplusmy8 I aspire to be at least half the mother/woman you are one day. You've inspire me since day 1 on tv. I'm gay, so I can say that!
Good God can't this person aspire to be more than 1/2 the mother/woman Kate is? Talk about setting the bar low.
Admin, as regards your comments about closed doors. I live in an area with winter weather and electric heat. I turn off the heat in the rooms we don't use and close the doors. Nothing to hide except centralizing the heat. Saves us money. However, in the summer, I love the doors to be WIDE open to show off my rooms and decorating. Not that my decorating is that great but it passes :)
I think the reason Kate actually tried to backpedal on the PPD comment(and failed miserably) is because some of the non-fans discussing it were also including Kendra in their tweets. She may have seen it when she looked at Kendra's timeline, since she follows Kendra. Interesting that she used the word "choice" since that's exactly what this tweeter said:
GoKingDaddy88 @GoKingDaddy
@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 @KendraWilkinson It was so dismissive & cruel to say PPD was a choice new moms make. Scary 2 think that way.
GoKingDaddy88 @GoKingDaddy
@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 @KendraWilkinson there's no misunderstanding what she said. She said getting PPD was a CHOICE.
She still could have said she was sorry if she offended anyone by her original tweet, but I don't think "sorry" is in Kate's vocabulary, unless of course she is the one demanding an apology.
@Kateplusmy8 I was shocked by Kendra's saying she had 2have her party/getting drunk nites? Once motherhood arrives..that needs 2go..IMO! :)
***Well that didn't go with Kate, did it? Toe licking or leg licking or whatever. Kate really let go ***
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 IMO, I think after she got well from her post partum depression that lasted months, Hank took load off her plate.
***Hank is a loving, supportive partner. Jon was to Shriek but she didn't appreciate it ***
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Good thing Kate didn't get #PostPartumDepression Imagine how the Gs would have suffered w/out her!
*** Those poor babies would have benefitted from Kate having PPD; she'd have left them alone***
@MiloandJack @msgoody2shoes21 I had zero time to think about myself and how I was feeling.aware I could slip into it easily and refused!:)
***What a steaming crock of you know what ***
You know what's scary about Fatal Attraction is how gradual it is.
Which brings us to:
"Aw. This dinner kind of has a Fatal Attraction vibe about it ...."
I won't be ignored Hank.
TLC stinks said... 48
News to me you can will yourself not have PPD. She is truly ignorant for a former nurse.
I disagree. Kate isn't ignorant, she is stupid. 100% certified, organically stupid.
Deanna came across as a little mouse who annoying chirped every so often to get Kate's approval. She was really very annoying.
It's really too bad that Kate can't wish away her bitchiness like she did PPD. She is such a tool.
@mochasabrina @lucindama that was the craziest book signing ever!Line went down&around entire mall! I'll never forget that one! Love u ALL!
What about the one where she hid in the closet and didn't want to come out...or the one where there was nobody there and she was embarrassed? Will she ever forget those?
Whew! I'm emotionally exhausted.
Excellent job, Administrator. It must have been painful sitting through it.
I am so happy I went to Boot Camp Aerobics, instead of watching this crap.
Too bad that Kate didn't learn from this experience to be a nicer person, and not a self righteous b*tch.
Poor G-kids.
You know what? I changed my mind.
Kate should not go back to nursing-
she'll do very well being a drill sergeant
in any one of the armed forces.
On a more positive note, Kendra, Hank, and Hank Jr. sound like a perfectly respectable, happy, and loving family.
I hope bulldozer Kate did not corrode them.
Omg...Botox has gone to kreider's brain.....what a stupid ignoramus she is! NOW PPD is a choice that you can WILL away....where the hell did she go o nursing school? Kate is so stupid she actually makes the rope she hangs herself with!
I thought the whole reason for the lock on the bedroom door was to keep JON out of there. He was originally going to come to the house for his "custody time" while Kate went to her apartment. She didn't want him using her bedroom.
Admin, maybe you should recap a few days at a time of her tweets. Now that would be funny. Maybe then she would go private. lol
Kate tweets that the kids and her are in her bed watching The Bible on the History Channel. Since it started (at 8pm) she has tweeted 11 times during the first 45 minutes.
Can't she just put down the damn phone for one and enjoy watching something with her children?
It's surreal on Kate's twitter page. The tweets a a combo of talking about The Bible on the History Channel and Kate's wife swap with Hugh Hefner's old girlfriend. Odd.
At the round table at the end, didn't it feel like a used up old hag picking on a young, fresh, new bride?
Kate tweeted that she "loves her kids furiously"....what does that mean? Oh I know....that's how she loved them when she was picking them up by the hair and throwing them into their cribs. Uggghh
Omg...Botox has gone to kreider's brain.....what a stupid ignoramus she is! NOW PPD is a choice that you can WILL away..
Why doesn't she will "will away" the wrinkles, misshapen jaw, dark roots, sunspots and folds in her neck? It sure would save the kids' money.
No wonder she started the yoga, breadmaking, and more chickens! She had to have *something* of interest for the episode. Otherwise, what idea would she have had to suggest for Hank?
She couldn't show him anything about cooking, he knows more than she does about it.
He's probably not that interested in shopping.
I know! She can show him how to grift. That's one thing that she *is* good at.
She could show him how to whip out an inane blog in 10 minutes and get paid thousands of dollars for a bunch of drivel,.
Kate is a twit said... 73
Kate tweets that the kids and her are in her bed watching The Bible on the History Channel. Since it started (at 8pm) she has tweeted 11 times during the first 45 minutes
Kate made sure to tweet her thanks to Mark Burnett--Roma Downey's husband--for "The Bible." He and Roma produced the series together, so this is just another way for Kate to suck up to Roma. Kate just can't do anything without an angle, can she? (I first typed "without an angel," Roma Downey, Angel. LOL.)
Thanks for the recap, Admin!
Great recap Admin. The thing that struck me the most was that Kendra, at the age of 27 with only one child, has a clue, while Kate, at the age of 37 with eight children, doesn't.
Great recap Admin. Wish I could write as well as you.
Did you hear Deanna at the end when everyone was arriving to meet and talk? She said "I have so much to tell you" She seemed like a little kid who's going to tattle.
I noticed Kate hugged Deanna with more enthusiasm than Kate hugged her kids. I wonder if they were afraid mommy was going to start shrieking at them once behind closed doors for anything that had happened.
Admin, please allow this to be posted again. Though Lillain said she was leaving I said I would trust her to answer. If she doesn't have the opportunity to read it there is no way to know to respond. Thank you. Scroll down all others if you have already read this.
njay said... 18
Lillian MacD said... 146
I appear to have hit a sore spot Administrator. Bullying is bullying, no matter the gender or age. Perhaps cyber bullying isn't the appropriate term, my mistake. To me trash talking somebody, even a public figure, is wrong. I will leave now, thank you and goodbye.
Lillian, you seem to me as one who tries hard to be nice. Your comments, to me look like you want to nicely say that people are wrong posting unkind words. I will say I agree with you. take on it is that EVERYONE has to answer for what they say.
There is no easy way to write any criticism, positive or negative, unless you have studied or are educated in writing or you are a genius. Face to face is so much easier. There you have the body language, tone and presentation to come to a conclusion of what the person is trying to say.
I won't say I am unintelligent but I will say I am quite simple minded and not well educated in the writing or spelling category. Therefore I have to use my common sense to discern what people are trying to say. I where my heart on my sleeve so it is a big task to get myself to the place where I can look at what people say objectively. I have to answer for my own comments and opinions. If you graft my seems that gravity is pulling at my success but at least I try.
Having said that, Lillian, can you take your self to a place where you are not angry at the posts here and see the wording through commonsense?
Please, respond to me whether or not the SUBJECT, not the emotion, of the answers given back to you, that regardless of what others say, the things that take place with Kate and how she handles herself, commonsense says, it is not what she portrays them to be. I said that kindly with no bad criticisms. The answer is a nice yes or no. Therefore you can live up to what you were raised with. No bulling, just yes or no. Thank you. I trust you will answer. You seem to be a nice person or at best, is working on being one.
I saw today her PPD comment - perhaps she needs to do some research online on her own so-called "employer's" website. A simple search on The Stir will yield over 800 articles to educate her.
Or maybe she needs to educate The Stir and its other contributors on her "bog" about PPD, since she always knows best?
Wow, what an insult to so many mothers who ache not to be in that situation. She doesn't think, AT ALL.
Kate made sure to tweet her thanks to Mark Burnett--Roma Downey's husband--for "The Bible." He and Roma produced the series together, so this is just another way for Kate to suck up to Roma. Kate just can't do anything without an angle, can she? (I first typed "without an angel," Roma Downey, Angel. LOL.)
Kate's been tweeting them. Guess who Milo is also tweeting?
Kate's M/O is when she makes an asinine tweet, like the PPD one, she then lays a barrage of tweets and RT's to try and cover her transgressions. If you look back at most of her twitter faux pas, you will see how she works.
I am trying to figure out what the angle was for Deanna to appear on CWS. She obviously wasn't really there to help Kendra since we have spotted some unknown helper.
What's up with Kate and these female BBF's? I have not been in the camp that Kate prefers the ladies but I got to say as time goes on, I haven't seen any male friends other than Steve.
Administrator- your recap is absolutely HILARIOUS! Thank you for putting in so much time and effort!
njay said... 72
Admin, maybe you should recap a few days at a time of her tweets. Now that would be funny. Maybe then she would go private. lol
Haha that would be great! Or Milo's tweets..or both!
Great recap Admin. I haven't watched CWF but I did see some commercials and maybe I've just been an Army wife for too long, but I think Hank Jr. needs a haircut. I know it's probably not a popular opinion but it's mine.
Oh, those poor boys. They are defeated. It seems that they have learned to be quiet and completely unobtrusive to fly under the radar. Kate barks nit picking orders and they comply. Scared shitless and as hopeless as any abused animal.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@NICOSMOM1999 @History @MarkBurnettTV you're talking 2 a mom of 8..A super multi tasker!I'm watching tweeting AND holding 3 convos abt show!
There you go-she's a super multi-tasker, too! How much more ruder could she be to her children that she has to tweet while watching a show with them.
It kind of belies Milo's praising tweet to her earlier when Kate said they were all piled in her bed watching:
@Kateplusmy8 @MarkBurnettTV How sweet...wonderful way 4entire family 2bond/spend quality time 2gether! Now we need a TwitPic fr Shoka! :)
Unless Milo considers all of Kate's tweeties the "entire family".
OK , irreverent question. Where was the other half of the avocado? I mean, it's not like they keep after cutting one open. I was just making a salad for dinner and had that thought. Kate left her a half an avocado? Said she could only use 1/2? Took 1/2 an avocado to CA?
Who thinks 1/2 an avocado feeds 8 kids?
But that's the thing she SHOULDN'T be multitasking when she's with her children. She's not super human. Anyone tweeting isn't really giving their full attention to their children.
Frankly I get very annoyed when people are on their phones when we are supposed to be doing something together like dinner or watching a movie. It's pretty well accepted now that such activities are RUDE. How do her children process this, that they are not important enough to get her full attention, that even when she is with them her tweeties still get a piece?
What's up with Kate and these female BBF's? I have not been in the camp that Kate prefers the ladies but I got to say as time goes on, I haven't seen any male friends other than Steve.
I don't think it's a sexual thing I think Kate looks for people who are easy to manipulate. As soon as they start resisting her manipulation she cuts them off. Deanna will get there eventually. I think males are a bit harder to manipulate in this context, they just really wouldn't fall for Kate's sob stories as easily. Also she's a handful. If a guy is going to bother to have a female friend, she can't be trouble or a handful. That's what girlfriends are for. :) Men are too black and white to fall for Kate. Hank was just being polite and trying not to cause fights.
Those kids have learned their position in the pecking order. And even if they're unhappy with their mom tweeting, what good would confronting her do? They know that mom's "career" is more important than they are even though they are the only reason she has a career in the public eye.
Oh and btw, why in the HELL is she even pursuing fortune and fame? The kids were always the draw. I don't get it. She's just an average looking, not too bright woman who has had lots of plastic surgery.
This is where I am convinced Kate has absolutely no idea what is going on around her.
Apparently she was completely out of it when Brooke Sheilds had her famous fight with Tom Cruise over PPD. And the resulting backlash mostly toward Tom Cruise at what an absolute jerk he was. Public support was overwhelmingly in Brooke's corner. She was not faking, it was not a choice, she truly was struggling through no fault of her own.
It was not just celebrity news. I remember seeing it on CNN. There's no way you could have missed it if you turned on the news even once that week or even picked up a paper even once that week. Or even just talked to normal people who discuss their world, they would have brought it up. It was such a huge story, it's part of pop culture, you say pulling a Tom Cruise when someone poo-poos your illness.
Anyway, she should have known this topic is controversial and even if you believe it, the LAST thing you should say to the public is what she just said. It's just proof she had no idea the temperature of the general public. None.
Did you hear Deanna at the end when everyone was arriving to meet and talk? She said "I have so much to tell you" She seemed like a little kid who's going to tattle.
I didn't include it in the recap but I did see that and it struck me as very rude to say in front of Kendra. She gives New Yorkers a bad name, rude and making faces when you don't like something and talking behind other's backs. She was quite uncouth. Like others have said not what was expected.
And what's funny is Deanna wasn't even around for most of it anyway, so what does she know? Deanna sure loves to talk about things that she wasn't even around for.
Wowser said... 76
Kate tweeted that she "loves her kids furiously"....what does that mean? Oh I know....that's how she loved them when she was picking them up by the hair and throwing them into their cribs. Uggghh
What kate means loves her kids furiously is: She BEATS her kids furiously with the wooden spoon. In their crib, in the van, in the house, anytime, anywhere she sees fit!
How dare her proclaim to WILL AWAY PPD! "If she can do that, why doesn't she WILL AWAY the BI-POLARISM that she has?
She is stinking nuts!
I'm pretty sure Roma has only ever tweeted Kate back twice in her life and they were both very classy and polite tweets as I recall, thank you enjoy the movie, stuff like that. How many times has Kate desperately tweeted her as if they are BFFs??
I know we've said this a lot this week but she needs to stop embarrassing herself.
Ha, I just had a thought--Kate is Roma's Milo!!!
At the round table at the end, didn't it feel like a used up old hag picking on a young, fresh, new bride?
Kind of. It also felt like someone with a very dysfunctional life telling someone with a well-balanced and normal life what to do. Like some crazy screwed up relative or something who makes suggestions about your life and you sort of pretend you are taking it to heart because it's not worth upsetting them.
Does anyone believe this? And then of course, Milo jumps in. Surprised she didn't include Donald Trump in her tweet. I'm sure that be coming.
Donny Dillon @DonnyDillon
@Kateplusmy8 have you ever been approached to be on the celebrity apprentice? I think you would be great and probably win
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@DonnyDillon lol yes. A few times. May do when I can fit it in but always films at beginning of school yr and I can't b away that long! :(
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @DonnyDillon We need 2talk2the Donald abt that! If he wants 2improve ratings..he needs 2accomodate Kate on #CelebrityApprentice
Admin-maybe you should do a recap of Milo's tweets--
5 mins Fired Up 4 Kate Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @DonnyDillon We need 2talk2the Donald abt that! If he wants 2improve ratings..he needs 2accomodate Kate on #CelebrityApprentice
Has anyone noticed how dirty the last two cookie rack are? She doesn't even have aluminum foil under them. How do you bake cookies on a rack instead of a cookie tray? Wont they melt through the gaps? And how do you get more than a few with what seems to be a design on the top? The closest two racks have cookies that look like they have a cymbal/A looking design on the top.
Anyway, she should have known this topic is controversial and even if you believe it, the LAST thing you should say to the public is what she just said. It's just proof she had no idea the temperature of the general public. None.
It all goes back to Kate not thinking before she speaks (or tweets). She just blurts out whatever she wants to at the moment because she thinks it's cute or funny, or whatever. She never stops to think that she might be insulting or offending someone when she runs over at the mouth.
Geez - she sent 100 tweets in the last 5/12 hours. Nothing like quality time with your kids. Happy Spring Break Gosselins!
Mel said... 75
''At the round table at the end, didn't it feel like a used up old hag picking on a young, fresh, new bride?''
I noticed that KK's face looked lumpy at the round table. I don't know if it was botox wandering or from crying. I do think that the round table discussion was VERY edited. I think that KK was a whole lot more awful w/her comments than we saw. I also think KK was very aware of how much older and 'lumpy' she looked compared to Kendra. KK was almost sick with envy. Nothing on God's green earth would be able to stop KK from getting a face re-do after the CWS!
Kate Gosselin is a horrible person said... 61
I started to get the flu and I just said, "NO, I CAN'T!" So I used my superior willpower to just destroy the viruses and stop them from replicating and then I was perfectly fine!
That was pitch perfect--I burst out laughing...
About Fatal Attraction: Around the time That movie was made, I really disliked Michael Douglas. That was was one of a string of persecuted characters that he played. There was one with Demi Moore as his boss, who sexually harassed him and one called (I think) The Game, in which he is seemingly randomly being victimized. Anyway, I really got a perverse enjoyment watching him being persecuted.
SNL did a spoof commercial for A line of Fatal Attraction luggage for men to take on business trips to keep them from cheating. When the luggage was opened, a pop-up cardboard picture of Glenn Close sprang out. I'm thinking that Kate's picture, with one of her signature scowls, could be used as an effective method of preventing cheating because the sight of her renders any man impotent.
Twittering constantly while supposedly watching tv with your family is not multi-tasking; it is self-absorbed, rude and adolescent behavior.
MJ said... 39
Didn't see the new topic till too late, so I'm carrying this over from the previous thread.
@Kateplusmy8: So, I'm walking away from the schedule to bake 432 cookies (amount needed for rest of school year!) and will look at schedule again later!:)
I thought the kids needed that schedule and structure or there would be chaos. Didn't Deanna also validate that at the meeting? There we go again. Another take on Kate that just doesn't fit to what she claims.
Michelle said... 102
Geez - she sent 100 tweets in the last 5/12 hours. Nothing like quality time with your kids. Happy Spring Break Gosselins!
ARGH my typos make me crazy!!! That should be five and a half hours. Sorry!
Not just here many places. You know what the bunny refers to right? If not someone will happily explain it. :)
I do Admin. I thought it was kind of a paradox, playboy bunny vs fatal attraction bunny. Watch out Hank Sr. She wants a clone. Or-does-she? Someone call Alfred Hitchcock.
Ex Nurse
SNL did a spoof commercial for A line of Fatal Attraction luggage for men to take on business trips to keep them from cheating. When the luggage was opened, a pop-up cardboard picture of Glenn Close sprang out. I'm thinking that Kate's picture, with one of her signature scowls, could be used as an effective method of preventing cheating because the sight of her renders any man impotent.
That reminds me, where is Steve.
Kate and her PPD tweet is a prime example of her mentally deficient mind. An idea falls through the hole in her head, rattles around for a few seconds and then rolls out of her mouth with a thud; like a surreal jackpot from the Slot Machine Of Crazy.
No way was she approached by celeb apprentice. No way!! And I could have sworn some seasons filmed over the summer.
@xxxxx #Kateplusmy8 It will surely cost Kate what little credibility and public good will she has left. She will be exposed as a thug.
What are they talking about? What did Kate do now?
Did Kendra have postpartum depression? Now why would she choose that?
Kate can't be on Celebrity Apprentice because she has no rich celebrity friends. If there were any question about the importance of this, watch tonight's episode on Hulu tomorrow. Trace Adkins didn't even TRY to pretend it was about getting the donations.
Here is the "boiling bunny" scene from "Fatal Attraction."
She gets even crazier after this. I read that they made two different endings to the movie. The first one, which they didn't end up using, had her committing suicide with Michael Douglas's fingerprints on the knife. The test groups HATED this ending, so they had to change it.
The Donald said in an interview with Howard Stern that they don't have to ask anyone to be on CA because people are lined up at his door wanting to be on it. If you last past the first couple of rounds it's great exposure and has a prime slot on Sunday nights. As someone pointed out the oth day (sorry, I can't remember who), CA has already shot this season so she wouldn't even have a chance until the 2014 season and who knows if it will even be renewed for another season. Hey Milo, why don't you suggest to President Obama that Kate stand behind him at his next press conference to boost his ratings!
So...did Deanna do Kate's makeup on Dancing with the Stars? :)
She is averaging tweeting a tweet every 3.3 seconds for 5 and a 1/2 hours. This with all the things she needs to be doing, and she does this.
She needs to be hugging her precious boys and telling them she is so sorry for the way she has treated them and begging them for forgiveness. Then the girls.
Let the boys be first for once, kate!
Still upset about the PPD remark. That is some bad dark place.
xxx@@Kateplusmy8 I saw a void and loneliness in your boys on the wife swap. The kind that screams "I need my daddy in my life more!" It hurt me!
@cfame007 yes. They sure want more 'man time' I agree...
What a fucking bitch. Sorry, she is so hateful.
How do you bake cookies on a rack instead of a cookie tray? Wont they melt through the gaps? And how do you get more than a few with what seems to be a design on the top?
The cookies were baked on cookie sheets and then placed on the cooling racks - I do the same thing, that way you can keep the cookie sheets busy/full of cookies baking in the oven. It looked to me like snickerdoodles were at the far end of the counter and peanut butter cookies that had a weird pattern on top in the middle with a rectangular dish of chocolate chip something, maybe at the end?
She IS so hateful. I am sorry her heart is so full of hate. I am sorry for the kids that she can't deal with all the hate in her heart toward Jon and anyone else who ever tried to stop her. The boys didn't crack ONE SMILE the entire time. Not one giggle escaped their lips. Most of the time, they were staring blankly. The only word I heard from those boys was Collin's flat "sure" when Kendra asked him to pack lunches. They were silent otherwise, beaten down and broken. I thought people were exaggerating before I saw it. When I watched it the other day, I realized they were understating it. Kate doesn't have the first clue what those boys need. She needs to be committed. (Administrator) said... 122
''Kate doesn't have the first clue what those boys need. She needs to be committed.''
Oh I think that KK knows exactly what the boys need. They need their father, and she knows it. KK hates Jon much much more than she loves her boys, so she will do everything in her power to keep Jon from having more time with the boys. That is just one of the reasons she needs to be committed!
Admin, thanks so much for the recap! It is very funny, and I love the Clint Eastwood photo and the Shawshank references and photos!
Down The Shore said... 114
@xxxxx #Kateplusmy8 It will surely cost Kate what little credibility and public good will she has left. She will be exposed as a thug.
What are they talking about? What did Kate do now?
I'm thinking it's about the PPD comment Kate made, but that's just a guess. I can't find the tweet in a search. If you know who sent it or who it was sent to I'd be happy to try to decipher the conversation for you.
Down the Shore @114,
I knew I'd spoken too soon - I found the original tweets. They're talking about the outings.
@emeraldcityjazz @kateplusmy8 There outings didn't make Kate money. It may just cost Kate money.
@Underwalt #Kateplusmy8 It will surely cost Kate what little credibility and public good will she has left. She will be exposed as a thug.
Ray Comfort works together with Kirk Cameron at Living Waters
I'm not sure who Ray Comfort is but if he has ANYTHING to do with Kirk Cameron, he's a homophobe.
I really wish people would do just a little digging about who they wish to support. Homophobia doesn't go over well here, if I recall. (Administrator) said... 50
Another note about stupid Deanna, it pisses me off that the lessons she takes out of this is that KATE needs to relax more, and not that the KIDS need to relax more or at least Kate AND the kids.
Admin, you don't suppose, do you, that editing was working it's magic to make it appear Deanna was sucking up to Kate when, in 'reality' she was telling Kate she needed to relax as in relax and don't be so rough on the kids? Nah, I didn't think so either.
NJGal51 said... 89
ITA with you. I am not an army wife or anything but I do not like to see children that age with long hair like that. I don't think it's cute. Little boys should look like little boys not little girls. (Administrator) said... 96
This is where I am convinced Kate has absolutely no idea what is going on around her.
Apparently she was completely out of it when Brooke Sheilds had her famous fight with Tom Cruise over PPD. And the resulting backlash mostly toward Tom Cruise at what an absolute jerk he was. Public support was overwhelmingly in Brooke's corner. She was not faking, it was not a choice, she truly was struggling through no fault of her own.
It was not just celebrity news. I remember seeing it on CNN. There's no way you could have missed it if you turned on the news even once that week or even picked up a paper even once that week. Or even just talked to normal people who discuss their world, they would have brought it up. It was such a huge story, it's part of pop culture, you say pulling a Tom Cruise when someone poo-poos your illness.
Admin, I recall, back in the day, Jon said Kate never read or watched the news. She would have no clue that Tom Cruise said something so insensitive.
My heart aches for those dear little boys. I would love to give them all a huge hug and tell them there are people rooting for them and one day it will be ok. My little grandson is the apple of my eye and we have so much fun together. He isn't yet three but knows he is so dearly loved. Those for little Gosselin boys; I could just cry at how they wear their despair on their little faces.
Anonymous said... 120
xxx@@Kateplusmy8 I saw a void and loneliness in your boys on the wife swap. The kind that screams "I need my daddy in my life more!" It hurt me!
@cfame007 yes. They sure want more 'man time' I agree...
What a fucking bitch. Sorry, she is so hateful.
Are you kidding me?! What a...well what you said! So first of all she contradicts her happy happy kids crap and admits they are void of emotion. Then she throws Jon under the bus by blaming him. WOW. Get your boys some therapy witch. And start giving them some love.
"Usually when adults see kids doing chores all you hear from them is, “Eh, it’s good for them!”
Exactly! It's like those Mormon children forced to pick pecans, working to make the adults life easier and richer.
Funny, the show usually plays the Captain & Tenille song "get right back" with the couples running and jumping into each others arms when they're reunited. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Guess they had to leave THAT out! You can bet there would have been some heavy PDA between Kendra and Hank.
Audible Click said... 112
Kate and her PPD tweet is a prime example of her mentally deficient mind. An idea falls through the hole in her head, rattles around for a few seconds and then rolls out of her mouth with a thud; like a surreal jackpot from the Slot Machine Of Crazy.
That comment had me laughing out loud. Quite the visual and so true.
Thanks Admin for the terrific recap. It is both funny and sad at the same time. As others have said, my heart breaks for those poor boys.
Those who have sons know that at that age they are little tornadoes ( and daughters too for that matter ) with so much energy and curiosity and eagerness to experience everything in their world. What a vampire K is for sucking the life out of them. This is really where she is at her worst and there is a whole bunch of bad to choose from.
She has said herself that she always has help when she is baking, because she is not a baker. No way she made all those cookies by herself. She was the one that reached for Jamie's hand in the limo to NY, holding hands. If you've never read MB, she sat at the counter crying over the bills for months In spite of the fact that Jon's dad was paying them. He said to her, "whatever it is (you are crying about) KT, I will take care of it." Also, when everyone in the house was busy with the babies she felt left out and wanted to scream, "can't you see I'm bleeding, here?" PD, yes, for anyone but her. That is just her, jealous over the attention the babies were getting. She did nothing but pump milk and make up bottles and lists and open the envelops that contained money, and/or gift cards and check the front stoop and mail box for treasures that were left there. The volunteers came in droves bearing gifts and necessities.
I agree that Kate does not articulate her feelings well - esp regarding Jon - but I don't get these tweets to her. . . Who are these people who presume to know what is going on with Jon's visitation? Do we know FOR ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that Kate doesn't let Jon have the kids more? Do the kids want to see him more but he doesn't want them more? I just don't understand people on Twitter questioning her about stuff they are not privy to.
With everyone's comments regarding the boys, I am glad I was not able to watch Kate because she irritates me. Still, I am angry. Just because she has money, the children attend school, are clothed and fed, she, as the mother, is allowed by a judge to continue to psychologically beat down those children, particularly the boys. She hates them. Isn't it time that SOMEONE in her family or Jon demand those kids be in therapy? Kate can afford it. Make her PAY. All that money she has spent on her face? And, I believe after filming in October she immediately made an appointment with her plastic surgeon after being around the fresh faced Kendra.
The cookie baking marathon is another one of her lame idiotic attempts to try and "fix" latest PR bumbles. 1- baking from scratch to address the Toll House pic
2-"spontaneously" changing her schedule to do so
3-yet again, she "thinks" this will prove what a great mother she is
I keep thinking back to those poor poor boys. Not a smile, not a joke, no energy, no interaction with THEMSELVES let alone Kendra...
Does anyone think they are being medicated?
How could they have changed personality wise so so much? All 3 of them? Robots
xxx@@Kateplusmy8 I saw a void and loneliness in your boys on the wife swap. The kind that screams "I need my daddy in my life more!" It hurt me!
@cfame007 yes. They sure want more 'man time' I agree...
Let me play Devil's Advocate for just a moment (and suspend my belief) and assume that Jon is not seeing them as much as he has been granted, doesn't pursue more time with the kids and declines offers to see them when offered or asked.
I don't believe for a moment that what the kids want is more "man time". I believe they want more Dad/Jon time. Always have. Always will.
Furthermore, if Jon is not the model divorced Dad right now, why poison the kids with the expectation that he'll never change, because anyone can.
Not that I think this is the case, but I'd keep my kids positive and hopeful and do anything I could to shield them from the pain of rejection.
And a final point for this post, I noticed Kate's vitriolic response above did not try to deny the twitter accusation that the boys looked lonely on CWS.
Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't @EmeraldCityJazz one of Kart's most suppportive sheeple at one time?
Vanessa, it crossed my mind about medication, but I really think those boys live in fear. Some day they will be bigger than her. It will be ugly.
@ Tucker's Mom,
You said exactly what I was thinking, PLUS this way she blames the boys' obvious sadness, catatonic look on, you guessed it! Their DAD! She replaces the word "man" for "dad", this way "cleverly" hiding her true meaning, always she speaks in code. CLASSIC NARCISSIST TRAIT
BTW, I think the boys are not only subjected to Kate's hatred but I am guessing those girls who are most like mom also gang up against the boys.
Let's hope a teacher steps in.
Kate tweeted that she was making 432 cookies, than last night admitted that she only baked 215.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@HspncElvis I made a total of 215 so only halfway done but I'll do another day of baking soon... :)
What? The super multi-tasking mom of 8 couldn't watch TV AND have convos about the show with her children AND tweet AND finish baking cookies?
Catching up here - wow!!
Wonderful, on-the-nose recap, Admin. Thanks for your accuracy as well as your snark!
So...Kate's kids had a sleepover and Kate spent the time tweeting. They had family time and Kate spent the time tweeting. Kate put her big Flinstone foot in her mouth re PPD. She baked 42,501 cookies, bashed Jon again, lied about Celebrity Apprentice calling her, expressed her love for Milo, Deanna chimed in and sounded like the spineless wimp she turned out to be. All-in-all there's really little going on in Kate's life...still. Happy Monday!!
Excellent recap, admin, and as I only watched a portion of this, I am spared further viewing. I too think Kendra came off better as a warm, loving person, and Kate as a mean, evil-eyed b*tch.I feel even more sorry for the G kids- things have not got better for them as far as I can see although Mady seems to be living her mother's 'ideals.' The 'little' girls seem bratty, the boys 'deadened' and Cara sullen and sad. On the other hand,lil Hank is a bundle of sunshine and smiles.
Like some crazy screwed up relative or something who makes suggestions about your life and you sort of pretend you are taking it to heart because it's not worth upsetting them.
That's my impression. Hank and Kendra were very polite and didn't have any inclination to bring on drama. Good for them.
I had to snicker at her comment about Celeb Apprentice. She'd skip off in a heartbeat to do that show - she just won't because she knows she'd be decimated and look worse than usual. It means nothing to her to be slammed by people she considers nobodies in "the business", but I can bet it'd mean a lot more to her to be slammed by someone as high profile as Trump. Those are the people she cares about and where she tries to so hard to fit in but just doesn't.
Does anyone know if Jon's tax lien has been paid?
The boys have men in their lives, but Kate's kicked them to the curb. Where's Kate's Dad? How about Uncle Kevin?
How about letting the kids have a relationship with their extended family?
This loneliness is self-imposed by Kate. But, Jon's the brunt of all things bad in the lives of the "9", and the sheeple lap it up.
Kate is a twit @91...Thanks for posting those tweets. I was glad to see that someone called Kate out on her manic tweeting last night while she was "allegedly" watching The Bible with the kids AND included Roma Downey, her husband, the History Channel, etc. on the tweet. As someone said above, whenever Kate inserts her foot in her mouth (PPD comments) she goes into manic tweet mode to try to deflect from her comments. Kate has yet to learn that not everyone is distracted by shinny objects.
Donny Dillon @DonnyDillon
@Kateplusmy8 have you ever been approached to be on the celebrity apprentice? I think you would be great and probably win
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@DonnyDillon lol yes. A few times. May do when I can fit it in but always films at beginning of school yr and I can't b away that long! :(
Kate lies again:
Daily News Thursday October 20, 2011
'Celebrity Apprentice' Season 5 starts filming: Teresa Giudice, Victoria Gotti, Aubrey O'Day in cast
CNN Entertainment October 12, 2012
Trump announces 'Celebrity Apprentice: All-Stars' cast
October isn't when school starts and you were away this past October, right around the time that CA begins filming. I guess Milo never bothers to check anything Kate says. She doesn't want to know the inevitable. Milo isn't stupid, but she certainly is in the deepest denial I've ever seen.
To Remona Blue (#123): So true.
I would love it if someone from Trump's camp came out that she has NEVER been approached. She can't keep her lies straight.
Tweetle-good catch re Celebrity Apprentice's filming schedule.
Kate wouldn't have to worry about being away "that long"--she'd be fired on the first episode.
According to Wikepedia, the filming takes just a little over a month and I'm sure they don't film every single day. These were the filming dates for last season, which is about 5 weeks.
Filming dates
October 17, 2011 – November 21, 2011
When she was on DWTS, it didn't seem to bother her when she was away-and that was shortly after the divorce was final, when she actually should have been concerned about leaving her kids.
Just another lie in the long trail of lies that Kate has told.
@ TLC I agree, but I can see her demanding they be put on something, it's sooo common these days. There's a lineup at lunch hr at our girls' school for meds dispension. Plus there's the obvious favouritism their mother has for their sisters. What am I saying? "favouritism" It's downright mental abuse, terrorism and neglect. We saw it all from gumgate to Cupcakegate. She's even "happied" the instinct to laugh, interact, to just be boys out of them, no emotions at all. I wonder if they even fight like brothers usually do? Rough house? What am I saying? We all know the answer
I really can't stop thinking about them.
No wonder Jon ended up with nothing after his divorce.
Mark Heller being addressed by a CA judge re: Linday Lohan:
The magistrate then called into question the New York based attorney's suitability in handling the case in accordance with California law.
"Somebody needs to come in to assist you who has some experience in California law or Miss Lohan is going to have to come in here and waive her right to have attorneys who are competent in California law and procedure to go forward," he told Mr Heller.
Kate is a twit said...
When she was on DWTS, it didn't seem to bother her when she was away-and that was shortly after the divorce was final, when she actually should have been concerned about leaving her kids.
So true. Kate has NO problem ignoring the kids' needs, for example M's stomach ache that went on for days, her tooth than turned black, C's delayed trip to the ER because Kate was filming and had ignored C's complaints, the boys' needs to act like boys!!!
To watch these fans oooh and aaah over Kate being the best mom makes me want to tear out my hair.
xxx@@Kateplusmy8 I saw a void and loneliness in your boys on the wife swap. The kind that screams "I need my daddy in my life more!" It hurt me!
@cfame007 yes. They sure want more 'man time' I agree...
Okay. I get that Kate is stuck in her Truman Show-like world and loving every second of it, but the kids have been imprisoned in it long enough. As their mother the last thing she should be doing is discussing their emotional needs on a social media. She should be protecting them from that very thing. She needs to get help for her mental illness.
I've got an idea for a show for Kate. "Be A Gosselin Kid".
A fan is selected to be a Gosselin kid, and must live under Kate's control for one week and do everything one of the Gosselin kids is required to do, and abide by Kate's schedule to the second. They would have to do each and every chore required by each of the kids, plus they would have to eat each and every meal that Kate prepares.
Then at the end, they would have to reveal what they found out is "fun" about being a Gosselin kid and why Kate is such a Supermom.
Now that would be a show I'd watch.
Kate is a twit said... 156
I've got an idea for a show for Kate. "Be A Gosselin Kid".
A fan is selected to be a Gosselin kid, and must live under Kate's control for one week and do everything one of the Gosselin kids is required to do, and abide by Kate's schedule to the second. They would have to do each and every chore required by each of the kids, plus they would have to eat each and every meal that Kate prepares.
Then at the end, they would have to reveal what they found out is "fun" about being a Gosselin kid and why Kate is such a Supermom.
Now that would be a show I'd watch.
LOL-I'd watch that too.
I was just getting ready to post another show for Kate when I saw your comment.
"The Biggest Liar"
The audience asks Kate questions and a panel competes to see who can prove the lie first. The winner of the competition gets to pour a big vat of sticky honey over Kate's head!
MJ, you mentioned searching tweets. If you could find the tweet that @theaustinmartin wrote to kate about spending more time at home now that TLC was over (sorry it was something like that.) The important part is she responded to him and said that it works best for her family for her to be at home one week and gone for the next week.
If the public had that tweet where she admits where it is best for her family for her to be gone 1/2 of every month it would greatly damage her. It would decimate her "Mother Of The Year" image.
I think the comment was probably after TLC canned her in August 2011.
It would be great if you can find this. Thank you so much.
October isn't when school starts and you were away this past October, right around the time that CA begins filming.
She didn't say "when school starts." She said at the beginning of the school year, and September-October is considered the beginning of the school year. Kate lies and exaggerates, but in this case, I know what she meant.
I wish someone would come out and say that CA never approached her to do the show. But would it really matter? Her fans would say that CA is lying.
Virginia Pen Mom said...
Kate made sure to tweet her thanks to Mark Burnett--Roma Downey's husband--for "The Bible." He and Roma produced the series together, so this is just another way for Kate to suck up to Roma. Kate just can't do anything without an angle, can she? (I first typed "without an angel," Roma Downey, Angel. LOL.)
Melissa NV said... 84
Kate's been tweeting them. Guess who Milo is also tweeting?
Good ol' Milo, Kate's Enabler-in-Chief.
Should we point out to them that when they tweet to @ABC hoping to get Kate a show, they're actually tweeting ABC *News*. And when they gleefully tweet @Extra, they're reaching a defunct tool site. Of course, I can't think of any more defunct tool than Kate, so maybe it works.
To TlC stinks (#146): I haven't heard a word if Jon's tax lien has been paid or not. Does anyone know??
Virginia Pen Mom said... 160
Of course, I can't think of any more defunct tool than Kate, so maybe it works.
Another laugh out loud reaction from me. I may have to close my poor dog in the bedroom when I'm reading here so I stop waking him up from a snooze.
Tucker's mom you are spot on. Like you said, even assuming one's father IS in fact a dead beat dad, what good does it do your child to pound that information into their heads? He's the only dad they have for better or worse and they love him. Alienating him constantly is only going to confuse and damage these kids, who have likely realized long ago that half of them is Jon, and if Jon is so bad, perhaps THEY are bad too. Every time she insults Jon, she insults half of each of the kids too.
I too also noticed she never denied how lost the boys look. I would have expected her response to that tweet be they were just shy around Kendra that's not how they normally are! I mean what could we say to that?
October the beginning of the school year? Not really. Remember they start early, in AUGUST.
Also Wife Swap was filmed in OCTOBER when CA was filming! She had no problem leaving the kids then. She also went to Australia in November, also when CA was filming. Busted.
Actually Kate never said WHO approached her about CA. She doesn't specify CA producers. In her twisted mind "being approached" might very well be fans saying "please pretty please do CA".
Also Wife Swap was filmed in OCTOBER when CA was filming! She had no problem leaving the kids then. She also went to Australia in November, also when CA was filming. Busted.
Yes, but she wasn't gone for five weeks. I think her contention is that she couldn't be away for THAT LONG at the beginning of the school year.
Yes, school starts at the end of August/beginning of September, but I think she means that things are getting underway in October. It certainly isn't the middle or end of the school year. It's the beginning. But I bet if she were invited back on DWTS and they filmed in October, she'd be there with bells on!
AussieGoldenLuv said... 166
Actually Kate never said WHO approached her about CA. She doesn't specify CA producers. In her twisted mind "being approached" might very well be fans saying "please pretty please do CA".
Very true, like when she said it had been "circulating around" that Kate work on a nutrition project with Michelle Obama.
Stephanie said... 116
Kate can't be on Celebrity Apprentice because she has no rich celebrity friends. If there were any question about the importance of this, watch tonight's episode on Hulu tomorrow. Trace Adkins didn't even TRY to pretend it was about getting the donations.
CA was brutal last night wasn't it, lol! DT is always full of surprises.
I agree with you. Kate would go down fast if she had to do a fund raiser on that show. Not only does she not have any rich celebrity friends, she has no friends with the exception of Milo who might mortgage the house if Kate asked her to. Deanna might sell her makeup kit to raise money.
I can't see her being on Celebrity Apprentice but you never know. Trump is a tricky guy. He may think Kate is a draw like Gary Busey or Omarosa.
If that is her attitude about the boys oh yeah well they just need more man time then Jon needs to take those boys to raise. I don't even think she would mind. She seems to be hinting that is the direction she would like to go in. She has nothing for those boys nothing. I have never seen a sadder lot.
Leaving her kids at the beginning of the school year didn't seem to bother her when she signed on to host the ill-fated S.S. Cindy Cardella cruise. Wasn't that expected to be at the start of the school year?
If the public had that tweet where she admits where it is best for her family for her to be gone 1/2 of every month it would greatly damage her. It would decimate her "Mother Of The Year" image.
Leslie-here is the twitter conversation (with Milo of course) where she made that statement. Unfortunately, nothing seems to decimate her "Mother of the Year" image-at least not with her die-hard tweeties. Don't forget, they all think she deserve all the "me time" she can get.
These were tweeted on Sept. 28, 2011, approximately 2 weeks after the final show aired:
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 @mkbrownlow What are U fillin ur days with Kate? Dumb & dumber type question!
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @mkbrownlow all stuff that needs to be done. Little stuff big stuff and list gets longer not shorter&School is so busy this yr!
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 @mkbrownlow Well....maybe it's a good thing Ur not workin runnin all over the place w/TLC just now!
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @mkbrownlow I'm going a bit batty... Just sayin'. Have always loved being work at home mom 1wk and travel mom next. Works4us
Rearranging The Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 162
To TlC stinks (#146): I haven't heard a word if Jon's tax lien has been paid or not. Does anyone know??
* * *
I don't know, and I don't care. It's none of my business. I sure wouldn't appreciate strangers checking to see if my property taxes were paid on time, if I paid off a tax lien, etc. I say, let's leave Jon to his business because he's a private citizen and has been for quite some time.
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @mkbrownlow I'm going a bit batty... Just sayin'. Have always loved being work at home mom 1wk and travel mom next. Works4us
Kate is a twit, did Milo have a reply to that tweet?
xxx@@Kateplusmy8 I saw a void and loneliness in your boys on the wife swap. The kind that screams "I need my daddy in my life more!" It hurt me!
@cfame007 yes. They sure want more 'man time' I agree...
A jab at Jon (you know, because the divorce was clearly all HIS fault and now his sons are missing out on "man time" because of HIM), plus I think trying "increase awareness" that she needs a dating show so that her boys can have "man time" all the time.
But not a lot of tweeting this morning, so I'm hopeful (as my username suggests) that the kids are getting Jon time today? (It's Monday I guess, but I'm not sure we know what Jon's current job is or entails, because GASP, he keeps such details private).
So does Kate make cookies in a huge batch (or rather, have the housekeeper and/or helper do so?) and then freeze them all? What is the point of that? To whip together a batch of cookies takes very little time. I often make a half batch of chocolate chip cookies, which makes about 20 cookies. LOL - that used to last my son a week of two cookies in his lunch and two cookies for dessert. These days, I'm lucky if they last us two days.
While I can see where making a double batch and freezing half for later makes sense, I just don't get the massive numbers here. 432? to last the rest of the school year, or the rest of 2013?
Thanks for the recap Admin, sure sounds like Kendra got more out of it than Kate did. The description of the boys was heartbreaking. Glad I didn't watch, too sad.
As for this tweet...
"Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @mkbrownlow I'm going a bit batty... Just sayin'. Have always loved being work at home mom 1wk and travel mom next. Works4us"
I realize it's an old one but it's very telling about narcissism. The assumption that what's good for the parent is automatically good for the kids.
A parent like that will never put the kids first because they see their kids as merely extensions of themselves and not as separate people. That's why whenever they talk or write about stages of their children's lives they can only drone on about how it affects them.
There is no empathy, no compassion, no separation. If I'm happy then you're happy and if you're not there's something wrong with you and I'll be a good parent and happy you right up.
Though I will never have sympathy for Kate, as an adult and a parent its her job to take notice of these issues, deal with them and help her kids deal...I do have to wonder what happened to her to make her so oblivious to what is as plain as day to most of us. alludes to Kate's "apologizing" about her insensitive PPD comment on Sunday, but she never apologized! She said she was sorry another twitterer had it, but never said she was sorry for saying that she refused to get it, as if anyone could.
From the sharticle (yes, new portmanteau for the stupid articles these people write about Kate's every tweet):
Kate Gosselin made a rare apology via Twitter on Sunday evening, trying to soften a comment in which Kate claimed that she managed to avert postpartum depression by refusing to get it after she gave birth to sextuplets in 2004.
Here's the sharticle:
@cfame007 yes. They sure want more 'man time' I agree...
This tweet of hers is not only implying that Jon doesn't see the kids enough (supersinglemom does it all on her own), but also that Jon is less of a man.
Tweetle-I don't know. I got those tweets from an old thread on this blog. If she did reply, it wasn't copied and pasted here.
Some thoughts about Kate’s use of heels.
She claims to “have always worn heels”. But that isn’t true.
She didn’t start wearing heels until she started going on the book tours with Steve.
So why did she start wearing them? Partly to dress up for the tour, granted. But partly to differentiate herself from the masses.
A lady of leisure as opposed to a lady who works. She’s trying to signify her status as an upper class lady, one who doesn’t need comfortable shoes. She can afford one-time use shoes that are impractical for walking or daily living. Thus her need for the highest, spikiest heels.
She’s trying to differentiate herself from the masses. She’s trying to signify her status as she has money, she can afford frivolous goods and dressing up, she can afford to invest in her appearance, unlike “lesser” women.
She’s trying to indicate that she is upper class. A rich lady.
I think that’s where all the plastic surgery comes from also. She can afford this stuff, the masses cannot.
The trouble is that she isn’t classy, and can’t tell the difference between stripper shoes and high-end upper class shoes. She doesn't know when to stop with the plastic surgery. She doesn't know what a rich lady's dress looks like, versus a hooker dress.
For example, notice that her shoes on The View had a platform at the front of the shoe. Not classy. Throws it into stripper shoe territory.
Notice that the other ladies did not have that kind of shoe.
Her dress OR her shoes might have been ok (not really), but the two together do NOT scream high-end rich lady, especially combined with the bleach blonde hair and the out-dated French manicure.
They screamed clueless, obnoxious, wannabe.
And therein lies her problem with Kendra. Kendra had more money than Kate, and it showed. And there was nothing Kate could do about that.
Hence, her need to tear Kendra down anyway that she could. Kate knew that she couldn't compete on the money level, nor the good mom level. The only thing she could come up with that would hurt Kendra was that she was a bad wife. And it did hurt Kendra, but she was too classy to engage Kate about it.
Pathetic, huh?
Millicent I agree, I don't see how someone's taxes are any of our business, unless they're using their children's money to bail them out of their mistakes. I don't think we should allow it on the blog. Same goes for Kate unless you can show some connection to exploitation.
Kate is a twit said... 181
Tweetle-I don't know. I got those tweets from an old thread on this blog. If she did reply, it wasn't copied and pasted here.
Ok, thanks for the reply. Milo probably suddenly got a call from her Lite Out Man to go to bed.
Pity Party said... 171
''If that is her attitude about the boys oh yeah well they just need more man time then Jon needs to take those boys to raise. I don't even think she would mind. She seems to be hinting that is the direction she would like to go in. She has nothing for those boys nothing. I have never seen a sadder lot.''
I don't know.....I wish that since KK said the boys need more man time, that she was hinting that it would be ok with Jon having the boys. I just don't think that KK's mind works that way. I think the only reason she said the boys need more man time was to strongly imply that Jon wasn't available...throwing Jon under the bus one more time!
I do think that KK wouldn't mind if the boys were gone, BUT she will never ever ever willingly let Jon have the boys. KK and 5 would destroy her 'brand'. It just doesn't have the Kate plus 8 'zing'. We've known for ages that she doesn't like the ''icky'' boys, but it was shocking to see what she has done to those boys when we watched CWS. It was far, far worse than we've imagined. It is sickening, and so frustrating to know what is going on, and being unable to actually DO anything to help those poor children.
I think Khate's comment about the boys needing more "man time" was "her" attempt of pitching a dating show.
Kate is a twit,
thank you for finding the tweets about Kate preferring one week home, one week away.
Gosh, if only I'd been smart enough to have sextuplets instead of a singleton, I could've avoided dealing with suicidal depression! Silly me for having time to think about myself and how I was feeling.
Everytime I think Kate can't say anything dumber, she goes and does it. She "refused" PPD? Damn. Just...damn.
*back to lurkdom*
MJ said... 187
Kate is a twit,
thank you for finding the tweets about Kate preferring one week home, one week away.
And thank you for indicating that it is indeed Kate's preference, not "what works for us", because kids don't want their Mommy or Daddy gone for days at a time, unless there's some horrible abuse going on.
"Clarifying my comment last pm: I didnt mean2imply that PPD was a CHOICE.I meant I 'refused'-mindset I use in life often,whether helps or not"
"refused"- mindset she uses. AKA "denial". Just like everything else that doesn't fit the current concept she holds of herself, just deny it exists. *poof* its gone.
The woman makes me wanna bang my head against the wall.
Millicent said... 174
''I don't know, and I don't care. It's none of my business. I sure wouldn't appreciate strangers checking to see if my property taxes were paid on time, if I paid off a tax lien, etc. I say, let's leave Jon to his business because he's a private citizen and has been for quite some time.''
Thank you! Jon is a private citizen, and deserves to be left alone. His ex-wife gives him more than enough to deal with! It would be so easy for Jon to speak up and say the same things we are all saying, yet he keeps his thoughts/actions private. Can you even imagine how KK would treat those boys if Jon made any public statements? KK puts herself and her children on television, exposing her we comment about her. Jon keeps his time with the children private, so we should respect his example!
More kids to be exploited on reality show. Michael Jackson's kids! I heard this on The Talk so looked for some links. They surely don't need the money. I had hoped they would find things to do with their life that wouldn't revolve around being celebrities.
I loathe this said...
I think Khate's comment about the boys needing more "man time" was "her" attempt of pitching a dating show.
Thanks for deciphering...My Katespeak decoder ring is in the shop! Makes way more sense than that she was referring to Jon--she would have said daddy time. SO,Mathis comment is even worse that we thought. She doesn't consider Jon at all.
Tucker's Mom said... 189
"And thank you for indicating that it is indeed Kate's preference, not "what works for us", because kids don't want their Mommy or Daddy gone for days at a time, unless there's some horrible abuse going on."
You know, even when there is horrible abuse going on, I still don't think kids want their parents gone for days at a time on a regular basis.
I rather think it's the opposite. Kids raised in abusive environments learn early to not trust the world at large. "If Mom and/or Dad treat me this badly and they love me more than anyone, how will the rest of the world treat me?"
It's an emotional and mental conditioning that does far more damage than any physical bruises and lasts years and years longer.
In my opinion, I think a child who is loved and properly cared for would fare much better if their parent were away. They would be much more inclined to trust that whoever was caring for them would not hurt them because their parents wouldn't let it happen.
Hence why I loved Hank Jr's comment to Kate about her not taking care of him. He knew that he was going to be just fine.
Also, it is why it makes Kendra's tears and concern for the Gosselin kids so believable and heart wrenching.
Kate made a huge mistake--she went on CWS, but got paired with a person who she is clearly jealous of, big time. And it showed.
Kendra has more money - and her bank account is going up while Kate's is going down.
Kendra is and tinier than Kate - Kate is not a large woman but isn't tiny either, and starving herself isn't going to change that; it makes her look worse in fact.
Kendra has only one child - even if Kate loves her children, it still must seem overwhelming at times to have so many--and it's only going to get harder for her; one must seem wonderfully easy compared to eight.
Kendra has a handsome husband who obviously adores her - Kate had a husband who once adored her, but something tells me Jon wasn't handsome enough for her once she started getting more famous.
Kendra has other shows going on currently - Kate's phone is not ringing very often, I have a feeling.
Kendra is happier - Kate knows she's not happy, no matter how much she tries to fake it; she must envy Kendra's happiness because it's real.
Kendra is younger and has a fresher look - all the plastic surgery won't help the fact that Kate is older and her face--while not ugly--is not as "fresh" looking as someone younger; the sad thing is that she used to look much younger, and that wasn’t too long ago before she started messing with Mother Nature.
Kendra, by all accounts, is still in the "in" crowd - Kate yearns to be in the popular crowd (and probably always has). For a while she was and she loved it, now she probably can't understand where everyone went (why isn't Kelly calling her anymore??)
Kendra has lots of friends - and while it's no crime to not have TONS of friends, everyone needs at least one person who they can call a true friend; Kate doesn't even have one person like that. She must be terribly lonely.
Kendra is a confident person - Kate has very low self esteem; she needs constant praise and confirmation that she is wonderful. Kendra seems like a person who does what she wants and doesn't worry about what others think. Hence the reason Kate needed to tear her down.
Kendra lives in Southern California - Kate is isolated on that property in PA; there's no way she can afford to live like that in California and she knows it, not to mention the impossibility of moving the kids out there.
She wanted the house that Beth had, and got it…but it hasn't made her happy.
She wanted the handsome husband that other "stars" have….so she got rid of Jon, but no one is chomping at the bit to take his place.
She wanted the jet-set life, but realized she'd have to bring her kids along because she knows deep down they are the draw, not her.
She so so so wants the life--and paychecks--she had in 2008-2010 when her phone was ringing off the hook and money was pouring in….but that phase is gone and most likely won’t be returning.
She wants so badly to be famous and talked about--but she's not even the butt of late-night jokes anymore….the world has passed her by, and she can't accept that.
She's grasping at anything--ANYTHING--that will get her back to where she was, but no one cares anymore…..and she has to face that fact every day. How sad for her.
How sad for her kids, who have to live with her.
Mel, well said. While I really don't notice too much what people wear, I do realize it is something the kids could be embarrassed about.
Although, I'm pretty sure the Gosselin kids are used to seeing Mommy's parts. She's been showing them long enough. Especially in her babydoll dress phase. Ugh.
Anyway, the point about how Kate has to tear someone else down in order to make herself look good is such a valid point. I once had a boss who did just that. He was so afraid he would be found out as lousy at his job that he decided to nitpick at everyone else to make them look like the ones who messed everything up. He almost had the secretary in tears one day over a typo. I'm being serious. Meanwhile,
he sat in his office all day with his arms folded over his head and his eyes closed while the rest of us ran the place. Then he'd tell the Personnel people that if it weren't for him there would never be any work accomplished.
He was a lot like Kate, or Kate is a lot like he was. Either way works for me.
But it is a very common way to try to cover for one's incompetence without ever admitting incompetence.
Kate won't do CA. She has no charity that she works for and supports and they don't get paid,I don't think, to be on that show. Also,if you can't bring in big bucks you're fired. Just look at Brett Michaels. Last nite fired for not bring in alot of money and he brought in about 25 grand. Kate knows no one who would write a check for that amount for her and her charity. She might last one week and that's all. Those celebs would tire of her really quick.
Remona Blue said... 191
"Jon keeps his time with the children private, so we should respect his example!"
Hear, hear! If only Kate would follow his example then she could spare herself all the "bullying" she claims she's experiencing.
I read it here so often, there are no qualms about Kate pursuing a media career if she just kept the children out of it.
I truly believe she tried, no really, I mean it. She even said herself she felt good about one week on, one week off parenting. You know, at least she owned it. The unfortunate thing is that not one of those "gift of gab" opportunities panned out.
So instead of stepping back and reflecting, perhaps even taking some media classes, what did she do?
She spent her "off" time primping herself, tweeting platitudes and blogging about how hard it is to be a mother of 8, count 'em 8 kids.
And the first chance she gets, she puts the kids back on t.v., lies about hard she has it and then boasts about how she felt "in her skin" while the camera rolled.
The woman has no shame and the only hope her kids have right now lies with their father who seems to be doing his best to stay out the public eye and give his kids as normal a life as he possibly can.
I disagree that Jon should be off-limits in regards to.his contribution to this mess. The lien was from 2009--not since he became a private citizen. That hefty lien on his personal (not joint) income reflects that he had a very high income, at least in 2009. Since he was under contract until February 2012, he received income. We know this because we know that his very high child support dropped radically right after the contract ended. He made a statement about going to jail because he didn't pay child support just 6 months ago. I think it is relevant, only because it is direct evidence that refutes the myth that Kate took everything in the divorce. The fact that Jon is in his current financial predicament is no one else's fault.
I understand that people are sick of the subject. People don't ever seem to complain or tire of the fact that Kate's behavior is endlessly discussed and no time period is off limits. Yes, I know that she is in the public eye, but it isn't fair (or correct) to assign all consequences of their joint decisions to her.
As long as he is at the top of the blog, he is relevant. If Admin wants to add a rule, or take it down, then so be it. I welcome responses, but please refrain from personal attacks on me and my character. I just call 'em as I sees them--just like everyone else. I have said many times that he is a caring and loving parent. I am glad that the kids can escape Alcatraz and just relax and be themselves. I will even go so far as to say that the kids would be much better off if Kate could be in her dream chair--the less time they spend with her, the better. Kate is a horror of a mother and a person. Jon is not.
The woman makes me wanna bang my head against the wall.
And tear your hair out at the same time.
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