We always wondered what became of that blighted ovum.
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Courtesy of Carlos Gosselin |
A 20-something from Texas, this cool, happy guy has been minding his own business on Twitter for more than a year. He likes tacos (especially Torchy's in Austin, mmmm), sports (go Boise State!) and hip hop. In fact he's turned his love of music into a career, producing for up and coming local talent like Michael James Rojas. Many of his tweets come out of the studio where he can often be found, hard at work. How nice to see someone so young with work ethic.
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Courtesy of Carlos Gosselin |
Carlos apparently thought it was funny he happened to share the same last name as some celebrity D-lister named Kate (He's right, it is.). So, clearly as a joke, light-hearted Carlos tweeted this to Kate early this morning:
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Courtesy of Carlos Gosselin |
The Gaping Maw of a Fame-hole did not get it.
Carlos immediately responded explaining that he was just joking around, but that Gosselin actually is his real birth name, it's French--as a firestorm of supporters swooped in to add their two cents. Carlos's supporters, that is. Only a few of Kate's fans bothered to try to explain away the misunderstanding. And apparently, Kate has successfully convinced the masses that Jon is dead, judging by this hysterical tweet from Carlos:
Baw-haha, Carlos! Throughout the day as support for him grew, the young, though quite grounded and wise Carlos continued to try to make light of the mix-up and defuse the situation,
Kate still couldn't accept he really is a Gosselin, but managed to issue a non-apology kinda-sorta apology,
a few D-lister celebrity gossip sites picked up the story, and the saga goes on.
Rock on--er, rap on, Carlos Gosselin. Good luck in all your future endeavors and sorry for your unfortunate last name.
1198 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1198 Newer› Newest»And if she's blaming it on it being too early in the a.m and that she was "busy" taking care of her children, wtf was she doing on twitter?
How did you come across it during your Oh so hectic morning?
Joy, Carlos tweeted awhile back he has a Boise State nightlight.
This guy is just....cool. That is all.
Let's just hope that one of the sheeple stalkers (the Defective Detective comes to mind) doesn't torment and harass the heck out of him. Those people are not sane and could really make things miserable for him.
Using her children as an excuse, again, for her shortcomings...if she wasn't so stressed about monitoring alllll the impersonators out there, she wouldn't have made such a big deal about it. Again, missing the point that there wouldn't BE any impersonators if you hadn't sold their lives to the highest bidder.
In my previous post(198) I said that they did not mention Carlos' name. They did mention his name, but did not mention his twitter ID.
Kate greeted her tweeties this morning with "Good morning every1! Just stopping in to drop off a smile..."
Well, thanks to her Carlos is definitely smiling:
CGOSSELIN ☤ @RealCGosselin 18m
Holy Bajskididgenje NOW THAT I HEARD THAT @andersoncooper Said my name on tv. I can die happy. The man is Bruce almighty . With white hair
I plan to do something in the media for a good long time... If that plan doesn't work, nursing is plan b :)
Kate tweeted this in September 2011. After today I can say with confidence, it's not working out. Go to plan B.
She *is* doing something in the media. She's making a fool out of herself. Not ready yet for plan B.
Wow, just wow. In one fell swoop, eh? The guy tweeted her what, two words? Two words and look at the fall-out because Kate is a narcissistic asshole that thinks the world revolves around her.
I agree though Admin, the fact that she reacted so negatively so quickly suggests major anger management issues. For us, this situation is funny but I bet it's not at all funny when those kids trigger it. So sad.
The other thing, if it's true that she's "CONSTANTLY" dealing with people impersonating her kids on social media sites, get the hell off twitter, get a mediocre job and live a freakin' private life. Easy peasy.
Too funny that Anderson Cooper is now talking about this and what a jackass Kate is.
You want to be famous Kate? There you go. Isn't karma grand?
There are 6,790 people in the US with the last name Gosselin. Feel bad for them LOL. So now I suppose they all need to change their emails?
Also, didn't she get put out by a fan who named their newborn "Aaden"? I seem to recall that she thought the person had some gall to use the same spelling.
@RealCGosselin: Never have I gotten this much attention in my life.honestly 99% was positive . So I've been nothing but happy. @Kateplusmy8 how's that 1%?
I love this guy!
Kate, Anderson Cooper is NOT laughing WITH you he is laughing AT you. Now all we have to do is wait for the Jimmy's (Fallon and Kimmel) to chime in.
I see that the twitterbots are out in full force today retweeting Kate's good morning tweet - @Kateplusmy8: Good morning every1! Just stopping in to drop off a smile...I'm glad to be ALIVE and plan to do my BEST w/ whatever comes my way today
Maybe if they retweet it enough people will actually believe it!
168&184: hmmm....March does seem the month for f-up's for Kate....I think the phrase for her for March is "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" which would translate for Kate "she f's-up in March(lion) and ends up humiliated with her tail between his legs (lamb) hahaha
Oops, my bad, it was a whopping 3 words. :D
I just noticed that Kate's half baked apology was sent to Milo and Carlos. Milo? Why Milo?
I don't follow Twitter so I don't know when or how Milo got in there. Does anyone know?
@realAlexWeisler one of them, anyway! Thanks for understanding my need to protect :) xo
She's still using the old "protect" defense. I guess that's all she could come up with, even though there was no threat, no impersonation, and no bullying. Problem is that everyone knows she's done nothing to protect her kids, especially not their privacy from internet creeps or national television audiences.
She's such a hypocrite. I guess that's what really bothers me so much about this thing whole. She really can't control her outbursts -- bottom line is that she has an acute case of flying off the handle.
Excuse me while I get on my soap box about the following tweet - @midwesternpeach: @ashymama2 @Kateplusmy8 speaking as a military wife w an absent spouse....our/single parents ways are different than others...
I am a military wife. I AM NOT NOR WAS I EVER a single parent. My husband always came home. @midwesternpeach should be ashamed of herself for calling herself a single parent. There are many military spouses whose husband doesn't come back. She continued to tweet with Kate and Kate replied
@Kateplusmy8: @midwesternpeach yes!I had a 'navy dad' so structure comes naturally.I appreciate when othr parents 'get me' &say so!Parents need2stick tog!
WTF! Kate is now a "military brat"?
Here's the clip of Anderson Cooper and Marilu Henner discussing Kate today on Anderson Live.
Went to the latest bog at The Stir: and I Quote: "Lastly, I always tried to stay calm and not get upset when accidents happened, no matter where. It's very important that potty training is a GOOD and positive experience, no matter what, or it could turn into a battle of the wills which could cause a crappy (sorry, had to) result!"
For those of us who have read Hoffman's book, know that this bog by Kate is a bunch of asinine bullsh*t.
Kate is a twit said... 86
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 62
Incidentally the Em Tanner incident was exactly a year ago this week! I guess this is her anniversary blow up?
It was also in March last year that Kate had her twitter spat with the Philly photographer guy who took pictures of her at the Red Cross function.
Perhaps, Kate should wise up and stay off twitter during the month of March.
Hey Kate, I just read that today is Extraterrestrial Abductions Day. Maybe you can claim that you were abducted by aliens who managed to take over your twitter account. That excuse is better than the one you actually used.
There is such a thing as an "anniversary reaction" in the field of psychiatry. If one had the time or inclination--it's more fun watching this latest blow-up play out--it would be interesting to go back and see what was happening in her life each March. Could it have been the reported abortion or the reabsorption of the blighted ovum? Interesting.
Still doesn't relieve her of the responsibility to deal with her real or perceived trauma so she and her kids can have a better life. A very wise therapist once told me that therapy might not totally solve my issues (bad choices in male-female relationships/partners), but it would definitely impact my child's life for the better. And that is why I can't forgive her, like most of the people on this board, for continuing to wreck her children's lives by giving them such a skewed view of interactions with others and the outside world.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8m
@msgoody2shoes21 @gypsi001 Ridiculous...but it shows how ANYTHING involving Kate gets the attn. N the media! Kate is relevant!
I can see Milo stomping her foot, she IS relevant, damnit!!!
To Sheri (#7): You are so right.
Kate's new bog is up. It's about potty training and how she handled it. And it's really not that bad, but the last paragraph is what caught my eye:
"Lastly, I always tried to stay calm and not get upset when accidents happened, no matter where. It's very important that potty training is a GOOD and positive experience, no matter what, or it could turn into a battle of the wills which could cause a crappy (sorry, had to) result!
After reading Robert's book, I find much irony and hypocrisy in that statement.
I can see Milo stomping her foot, she IS relevant, damnit!!!
I guess for Milo, even if you're relevant because you are despised, it's a good thing.
That woman or man or whatever, is insane. With every one of her idiotic tweets it just shows how far off the deep end she has gone. Sadly, though, I think she's beyond hope.
t's more fun watching this latest blow-up play out--it would be interesting to go back and see what was happening in her life each March
She was born.
Admin-Can you add the Anderson Live video at the top of this thread? I think it should seen by everyone.
I love AC and Marilu Henner was funny when she said that she can't help thinking of Kate when she hears that Lady Gaga song.
Tweet said...(13)
"Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8m
@msgoody2shoes21 @gypsi001 Ridiculous...but it shows how ANYTHING involving Kate gets the attn. N the media! Kate is relevant!"
No Milo, Kate is a JOKE! And no, not ANYTHING involving her gets media attention, just the over the top, can you believe she's that stupid stuff does.
Just watched the Anderson clip. They were LAUGHING AT HER. Anderson was laughing, Marilu was laughing, the producer was laughing and the entire audience was laughing AT her.
I'm sure that's exactly the kind of relevance people who work in the media want.
it would be interesting to go back and see what was happening in her life each March
That's an easy one. Every March she faces getting another year older, since her birthday is in March. She can't accept the fact that she is "aging" rather than "de-aging".
This week's blog entry at The Stir is about potty training. Looks like a light bulb may have finally gone off and she's decided to give actual helpful tips from experience. Perhaps the editors had a little talk with her?
Stephanie @stephw1224 56s
@Kateplusmy8 funny..I was thinking about u today.i successfully potty trained my 2nd child &were using techs u used in the tv show yrs ago.
oh, god, I hope not. Not another one who puts her child on the potty, turns out the light and walks away, leaving him with a film crew member. Not another one who puts potty chairs in the driveway. Not another one who lets a constipated child cry in pain until he has to have his father take care of his problem in the back of the van.
Thank the lord that the "technique" of throwing a child into the crib because he wasn't potty trained fast enough wasn't shown on television, or there would be idiots out there who would think this is the right way to do it...because Kate Gosselin did it that way.
Here's what continues to baffle me. Knowing that there has been so much criticism about Kate's potty training techniques, why would she bring it up on a blog? Is she that stupid that she doesn't know that she's setting herself up for criticism? Is she running out of things to write about, grasping at anything for this weekly blog commitment?
I really don't blame Kate for making that mistake since there have been many impersonator twitter, Facebook, etc profiles--some were very elaborate. She knows she has the re-release of Hoffman's book in the future--her reaction was a very typical stress reaction. After all, we must all remember that she didn't sign up for this--she only signed up for the freebies, $$$$ and fame, poor girl--where is the compassion, folks?
Anyway, as always, she can't admit that she made a normal mistake, as all of us mediocre people do. Maybe Kate should ask herself, What Would Kendra Do? As questionable Kendra's life choices have been, this type of thing would never, ever, have happened.
As far as the candy at bus stop, I prefaced my comment with an "if". As usual, Kate's writing is disconnected and hard to understand. I took her to literally mean she handed out candy at the bus stop--not in the car. If there were other kids there, I assumed that even she wouldn't be so tacky to do it in front of others. Why would I assume that? I haven't a clue, hey, maybe she was standing with all the other moms, exchanging stories and chatting about this and that, and one thing led to another, and she asked if she could share with their kids.
I think I need to lie down.
sarah @gypsi001 3m
@Kateplusmy8 1 ?.what about nite/nap X? Did u use diapers? Or wash sheets everyday?
Doesn't gypsi have 5 or 6 kids and one on the way? I'd think she'd have potty training down by now.
Wow. I cannot believe she dared to write about potty training. Enough people have read Hoffman's book to challenge everything she's said about it in her blog. She's finally lost it and it's going to bury her this time, especially after what she did yesterday. Someone needs to grab her, wrap her in wet sheets and get her to a mental facility stat.
sarah @gypsi001 5m
@Kateplusmy8 1 ?.what about nite/nap X? Did u use diapers? Or wash sheets everyday?
Oh, my word. And this woman has how many children and is pregnant with another one?
Kate does NOT stay calm in 'emergencies.' She takes photos and calls for help. Jon, Carla, Steve...as per 'her' books and show. She always shrieks and screams, like when the nursery was trashed to gum on Collin's bear or when Joel vomited on his comforter
At this point, the only potential series in her future are these:
1-Along the lines of stars in danger: Ex-Drop Kate off on a frozen tundra, with only her pink iphone
2-Put Kate in normal settings and force her to interact with normal people
Honestly, I would watch any of those. And, I think any show that humiliates her would be a hit. If she isn't going to do this, then, pease, just go away.
Kate left herself wide open with that Potty Training post. Someone is posting excerpts of Robert's book in the comments.
One more week to her birthday-I really hope that's when Robert releases his book. It would be such a fitting present for Kate.
Blowing in the Wind said...(22)
"Is she that stupid that she doesn't know that she's setting herself up for criticism?"
That's a rhetorical question, right Blowing?
Of course she's that stupid.
She's stupid enough to lie about crap that's on film.
She's stupid enough to blow every single media opportunity she's ever been handed on a "golden platter".
She's stupid enough to claim that English was her best subject in school but not get someone to edit her website.
She's stupid enough to say she can't afford gymnastics for her kids and then brag the next day about a hair appointment in NY.
Phew...I'm pooped...anyone want to take over?
Ew, just looked at the new 'bog'. Keeping M&Ms on the toilet tank is GROSS, Miss Germaphobe!!!
I remember the kids didn't seem to wipe or wash hands when their potty training was broadcast on national TV...also Kevin was appalled at emptying the potties with a DAY's worth of contents, saying 'this is wrong!"
The Anderson Cooper clip was funny. You KNOW that his staff comes up with relevant issues and talking points before they are and AC either approves or doesn't. He obviously thinks she's as silly as we do, because he was all over that Twitter debacle (for Kate, not Carlos).
Carlos got a mention on national tv, good for him! Must have been a surreal day for the young man.
If you have any doubts left whatsoever, that Kate lies and is a narcissist who constantly rewrites history, just look at:
Berks Neighbor said... 11
Went to the latest bog at The Stir: and I Quote: "Lastly, I always tried to stay calm and not get upset when accidents happened, no matter where. It's very important that potty training is a GOOD and positive experience, no matter what, or it could turn into a battle of the wills which could cause a crappy (sorry, had to) result!"
For those of us who have read Hoffman's book, know that this bog by Kate is a bunch of asinine bullsh*t.
I read Robert's book too, which is to say, Kate's own words and she FLIPPED out on I believe Colin, after he hadn't potty trained in under 5 days. Kate used corporal punishment on the poor kid because he pooped on the floor.
Throughout Kate's journal, she is VERY quick to anger, but always follows it up with this Christian stuff about prayer etc.
I'm sure God was shouting from the heaven's for Kate to get therapy and parenting classes, but you know, she's a planner, not a follower.
I really hope Robert releases his book again soon.
Some bunny said...
She *is* doing something in the media. She's making a fool out of herself. Not ready yet for plan B.
At this point, Kate would most likely have to take an RN refresher course. But, that is another reality show I would watch. As long as no one actually dies.
Last week Kate wrote about vomiting. This week it's about "crap." I wonder why Kate is so fascinated with vomit, poop/excrement. Is there a term for this? Possibly "Obsessio-onis Merda"?
Bluebird @bluebird_xx 1m
@kateplusmy8 since Paris Hilton has left the scene,Kate saw a hole in the market for a stupid blond .She suits the roll well.Bimbo Punchline
Kate's trying to be cutesy with this tweet, but she comes across as looking incredibly stupid.
Joel:mommy when you were little did cameras take black&white pictures?..wasn't it like in 1812 when there was black n white pictures? WHAT?!
pym(12)- Milo jumped in(as usual) to defend Kate to Carlos. Kate replied to her tweet when she gave her not-an-apology. Here's the convo:
CGOSSELIN ☤ @RealCGosselin 20 Mar
@Kateplusmy8 @support it was a joke. I have the same last name chill out Kate. Me and Jon chill on the real
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20 Mar
@RealCGosselin @Kateplusmy8 Carlos,I think she thought it was an impersonation of her daughter Cara! There is a lot of that here on twitter.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 20 Mar
@MiloandJack @RealCGosselin I apologize if ur not trying2impersonate, but 'love you mom' tweet-->misleading. Just a mom protecting her kids!
So Kate didn't even directly tweet her "apology" to Carlos. She used Milo as the middleman.
Doesn't gypsi have 5 or 6 kids and one on the way? I'd think she'd have potty training down by now.
lol, Tweet-le! We must have been posting at the same time. I continue to shake my head over some of the stuff that these sheeple come out with.
Nah, if they aren't potty trained, you just let them sleep in wet sheets all night.
But let's be honest, Kate is never going to go back to nursing. It keeps being brought up but that ship has sailed, as someone said in the last thread. Kate's let it go, the rest of us need to as well.
Kate would truly need to hit rock bottom - house foreclosed on, kids kicked out of school, etc. - before I think she'd even consider it as an alternative. And frankly I don't think she's going to hit rock bottom. I think she has her money from the show (yes, the kids money too) and she ekes out just enough from media gigs to keep herself living the lifestyle she wants.
"Here's what I learned from potty training my own eight kids (and a few I had babysat for as a teen)"
It frightens me that this woman babysat when she was a teenager. I wouldn't leave my goldfish with her even for an hour.
GREAT article in Philadelphia Magazine: The Dad Files - How Kate Gosselin and Octomom ruined having multiples.
I don't read her blogs. What photo did she use? The one she took of their first poops in the potty, or the one of the kids sitting on potties at the driveway?
Blowing In The Wind said... lol, Tweet-le! We must have been posting at the same time. I continue to shake my head over some of the stuff that these sheeple come out with.
Nah, if they aren't potty trained, you just let them sleep in wet sheets all night.
Me too. I get dizzy sometimes, from shaking my head.
@Kateplusmy8 Any tips for getting them to wear underwear to bed and not having accidents?
I don't know. I just don't know. Shaking my head...
Is Sue Buddy making a list?
I'm sitting here flabbergasted, reading KK's Stir 'bog' today. Of all things on God's green earth she could have written about, she chooses POTTY TRAINING TODDLERS?? What the hell?
I think that none of us will ever be able to figure out why KK does the things she does. She is so far outside the norm, that our minds simply won't go where hers does!
By the time that she hits rock bottom, should that happen, nursing won't even have her as she will be woefully behind in professional updates/ training AND she will be even more uppity, so working and taking orders from management and drs will never ever work. That ship has sailed far away on the open seas.
Good on for you Anderson Cooper as they say in her favorite Australia.
My vote on her latest blog....somebody else wrote that for her.
Someone in the office who drew the short straw. Baxter! Go write Kart Gosselin's blog for her this week, will ya? I'll let you out an hour early on Friday, if you'll just do it.
Somebody wrote it who didn't have any idea about Robert Hoffman's book, and doesn't have any idea how extremely not calm Kate is when the least little thing goes awry. Probably has never even met her or seen her show.
She really couldn't have been so stupid as to pick that topic. Could she?
I sincerely hope that the "7" in this tweet to Kate was a typo.
@Kateplusmy8 Yeah my son only wears pull ups at night but he needs 2 get out of them now that he is 7 1/2 & he wont wake up 2 go bathroom
I can't find my Katespeak dictionary. Can anyone interpret this tweet from Kate?
Just picked up @Starbucks for my last 2 that I owed it to in this 'round'....imagine THAT 'keeping it fair' score sheet in my head!
Kate twitter topics for the day--poop, pee, and coffee. What a combo.
@Kateplusmy8 Yeah my son only wears pull ups at night but he needs 2 get out of them now that he is 7 1/2 & he wont wake up 2 go bathroom
You guys called it. Kate's own words are being posted in the comment section on today's blog entry on The Stir about potty training.
Kate should have seen this coming. She should have just copped to losing it at times and said that its normal for parents to be at their wits end when they have to clean the umpteenth accident off the floors.
It's only human, but Kate can't seem to humble herself and admit that everyone fails at times.
She'd be so much more credible if she did.
Kate is a twit said... 34
Kate left herself wide open with that Potty Training post. Someone is posting excerpts of Robert's book in the comments.
* * * *
That is awesome! I might even have to wander over there just to see schadenfreude in action.
@Kateplusmy8 Any tips for getting them to wear underwear to bed and not having accidents?
Here is a serious, helpful tip: Don't set a time table for when your child will be potty trained. It will happen naturally, in the proper time for your individual child. Until then, have them sleep in diapers or pull-ups, to avoid wet sheets. It's not rocket science.
My son wasn't ready until after he turned 3. However, when he was ready, he told me - no more diapers mommy. I prepared myself for accidents, for having extra laundry, and allowed him to move straight from diapers to underwear. Marvelous result - only one accident. Otherwise, he was good to go, pun intended. I'm not super mom - but I did handle this particular stage right, for him. I let my son tell me when he was ready, and by gosh, if it wasn't the easiest "potty training" ever.
pym said... 12
I just noticed that Kate's half baked apology was sent to Milo and Carlos. Milo? Why Milo?
Because "Milo" is a plant to be Kate's cheerleader and has been for years. IMO, Milo has to be that or is some obsessed fan that Kate, who is psycho herself, has befriended. If I were Jon, I would be afraid for my kids; otherwise, Milo is just some PR flunkie Kate is bankrolling (I still think it could be her mom or Steve but that would be soooo odd).
Oh, I think Kate's media career ship not only has sailed, it sunk quite awhile ago. I hear tell she's attempting to hire Robert Ballard to locate the wreck.
Went to the latest bog at The Stir: and I Quote: "Lastly, I always tried to stay calm and not get upset when accidents happened, no matter where. It's very important that potty training is a GOOD and positive experience, no matter what, or it could turn into a battle of the wills which could cause a crappy (sorry, had to) result!"
O.M.F.G!!! Is she going to use this job to address EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER DIARY ENTRIES?
I knew I read that Kate gave in at times and used Pull Ups and sure enough, someone found that passage from Kate's journal and posted it.
Now all you loser moms can *really* know what she thinks about those of you who depend upon them for potty traning help. Yet there she is, saying how much it helped her stress to use them and "it's the way to go!".
Wait, I have to sit down.. I.... I....I...I almost feel sorry for Kate.
This is so, so bad. But, how, HOW could she not see this coming?
Carlos tweeted:
"she shipped me to boarding school. Lied to me about my parents ..... And told me I was Mexican. And told me Jon was dead
Sad story. Then Kate tried to take me to court . Behind everyone's back"
LOL!! This guy is having so much fun with this. I hope Kate's face is red. Now would be a good time for her to just come out with a real apology and then give twitter a rest.
The cherry on top would be Roberts book. It would be a hit right now.
Unbelievable that Kate would either write (or authorize to be written?) a blog about potty training. Surely she knows that's a hot button? And that her abuse is not only caught in her journal but on film, which millions saw? Now everyone is bringing up old pottygate incidents which were kind of dormant. She must be insane.
Awesome that someone has posted potty training excerpts from her book! Others are pointing out inconsistencies from TV and the blog.
As a mom of four, I've always resented her setting herself up as the be-all of great mothering. It's hard work, and it stays hard work, but it also requires love, compassion, and self-sacrifice. Meanwhile, Kate's an exploitive, lying, lazy, angry abuser. She's not the one anyone should be taking parenting advice from....
She's two for two yesterday and today. I suspect this is Karma taking a slow painful walk while visiting Kate.
(By the way, VAMom commenting on the Stir isn't me. I guess I should sue, yell, have the person put in a stockade, and call the FBI for "the crime of impersonation" like Genius did. Oh, or maybe there's more than one mom in Virginia. Hm.)
I am getting such a kick out of reading RealCGosselin's timeline! He is on a roll...
''CGOSSELIN ☤ @RealCGosselin 1h
@TaraNicole82 she shipped me to boarding school. Lied to me about my parents ..... And told me I was Mexican. And told me Jon was dead''
''CGOSSELIN ☤ @RealCGosselin 1h
@TaraNicole82 ya . Sad story. Then Kate tried to take me to court . Behind everyone's back''
I'm SO TeamCarlos!
Kate needs to undergo a craniorectalectomy. stat
Maybe someone has already said this, and if so, my apologies. But with 2 preteens and 6 9 year olds in the house, wouldn't there be something of more recent interest than potty training that happened lo those many years ago?
If the kids were in Scouts, for example, she could write about what wonderful things Scouting brings to kids. Or if her kids were in sports, she could write about the good effort being put in by the team at games/meets. I know Cara plays a sport, and Kate could write about a practice or a game or two in general terms, not even using names. Ditto music lessons, talking about the concentration and diligence it requires to read music and learn to play an instrument and the beauty of music in general (even if you kid isn't to the beautiful music level yet, there is that potential to look forward to.)
These are just a few examples. Put her children into activities and write about
sportsmanship, losing with grace, winnng with grace, going to practice even when you don't feel like it, learning to help other people, taking an interest in the world, the joy of
getting better at what you're doing, hitting that wall that makes you want to quit but not
giving into it, getting a basic idea of what interests you in life, building hobbies out of those interests, etc. Again, not writing about her own children per se, but using their activities to write a general piece on the things that their activities bring to Kate's doorstep. If only they all had activities!
It's been how long since the boys were potty trained? And she's still talking about it? It is well past time to move on from poop talk.
Just saw this on Facebook and thought it had Kate's adventures of the past two days written all over it:
"You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality."
--Ayn Rand
Vanessa said... 60
''O.M.F.G!!! Is she going to use this job to address EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER DIARY ENTRIES?''
It does seem that KK has decided to 'gaslight' everyone with her pretend version of her behavior. However, what she is REALLY doing is exposing how mentally ill she is. This woman really should be committed, before she does something horrific!!
Flight of the Kiwi said... 59
Oh, I think Kate's media career ship not only has sailed, it sunk quite awhile ago. I hear tell she's attempting to hire Robert Ballard to locate the wreck.
LOL, Kiwi! Thanks for the laugh. Now you have me picturing those grainy yellow-green underwater films.... And there's Ballard, scuba gear on, wearing a quizzical look as he holds up artifacts for the camera. In one hand is a wooden spoon and dangling from the other, a strangely shaped metallic "good bra." I'm going to be seeing "artifacts" all day thanks to you!
With all the cruise ship misadventures lately, it's probably lucky hers didn't work out. Didn't we call it the "S.S. Katanic"?
Blowing In The Wind said... 49
@Kateplusmy8 Any tips for getting them to wear underwear to bed and not having accidents?
I don't know. I just don't know. Shaking my head...
Is Sue Buddy making a list?
I think I need a nap.
I thought the sheeple wrote:
Any tips for wearing underwear to bed and not having accidents?
SwingsandRoundabouts said... 66
Kate needs to undergo a craniorectalectomy. stat
Make it a double. Milo's head is up there too.
Twit 53
I believe Kate meant that she promised @Starbucks to all 8, but was delivering it piecemeal. I'm sure she got her own every trip though.
I often think about poor Aaden and his accident on her "unbleachable" wooden floor. He probably had gas from one of her bean dinners and more came out than he expected. And for this he got wolloped? My heart bleeds for these kids.
Who here agrees with poster above who thinks Kate didn't write the finished blog entry? It's too polished for her writing style, IMO.
It still sounds like her content, but cleaned up by an editor, big time.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h
Just picked up @Starbucks for my last 2 that I owed it to in this 'round'....imagine THAT 'keeping it fair' score sheet in my head!
Is there anyone who can tell me what this means? I've read it about 5 times. Thanks in advance.
Tweet said...(13)
"Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8m
@msgoody2shoes21 @gypsi001 Ridiculous...but it shows how ANYTHING involving Kate gets the attn. N the media! Kate is relevant!"
Didn't Kate say in an interview that she saw/wanted anything in the media? And didn't she say that is what's best for her to support her kids? Watch what you ask for Kate.
Blowing In The Wind said... 54
@Kateplusmy8 Yeah my son only wears pull ups at night but he needs 2 get out of them now that he is 7 1/2 & he wont wake up 2 go bathroom
* * * *
If this woman Christina has a son who is 7 1/2 and still has nighttime accidents, she probably ought to be taking him to his pediatrician and making sure there isn't some physical problem that should be addressed, rather than tweeting a has-been D-lister for advice.
Recently on Jeopardy, one of the contestants discussed during the brief interview portion, that he was a bedwetter in his childhood. (Personally, I would have refused to have that discussed on national TV, thank you very much.) His parents tried all sorts of things, including some contraption that hooked up to him at night and when he started to go, alarms would go off, waking him and the entire household.
Remona Blue said... 69
It does seem that KK has decided to 'gaslight' everyone with her pretend version of her behavior. However, what she is REALLY doing is exposing how mentally ill she is. This woman really should be committed, before she does something horrific!!
I agree and it's scares me to think that something horrific will be punishing her kids. She's so out of touch she'd blame them for what she has to go through to protect, support and defend them. Jon's dead so now they have to take the blame for everything.
fidosmommy said... 74
''Who here agrees with poster above who thinks Kate didn't write the finished blog entry? It's too polished for her writing style, IMO. It still sounds like her content, but cleaned up by an editor, big time.''
I agree that KK did NOT write the 'bog' that we read. I think she wrote something, and then was cleaned up by an editor that had NOT READ ROBERT'S BOOK, with KK's own words about how she beat her toddlers that she was potty training!
And I also agree with whoever pointed out that blogging about potty training, when your children are approaching double digits, is bizarre. Another chapter in the continued infantilization of her youngest. And for her to not understand that potty training is a hot button is also crazy. Of all the topics in the parenting arena. I think she, and Milo, are truly getting a healthy dose of karma thanks to CGosselin. Again, step away from Twitter Kate, you are no match for that world, as it keeps biting you where that stick is shoved.
fidosmommy said... 74
Who here agrees with poster above who thinks Kate didn't write the finished blog entry? It's too polished for her writing style, IMO.
(Hand goes up) Yes, agreed, it's far too polished. I think she wrote a draft, but someone else made it readable. The phrase "to be very honest" has that "honest" word she's so fond of, so that must have made the cut.
AuntieAnn said... 72
SwingsandRoundabouts said... 66
Kate needs to undergo a craniorectalectomy. stat
Make it a double. Milo's head is up there too.
LOL, good one.
Kate is a twit said... 53
I sincerely hope that the "7" in this tweet to Kate was a typo.
Is is pretty common for boys to have bed-wetting problems, even as late as 12 years old. If their father was a bed-wetter, it is more likely that a son will be, too. My son wet his bed many times until age 9. This was pre-Pullups, so I don't know that I would use them. Seems like they are the same as diapers, which would be more embarrassing.
This is what Kate has to look forward to once her kids are grown. I'm about to get a bit personal here so if you aren't interested, scroll on by.
I believe my mom is a narcissist. I've posted a few things about how she treated me as a child; that she gloated over being a smaller size than me when I was a teen (and yes, I developed eating disorders), she would spend hours upon hours on the phone with friends and family reading poetry she wrote and journal entries, that she would tell me, when I was 9 years old, that she was "done being a mother." She took credit for all my accomplishments and had otherwise no interest in me. Only herself. There's so much more I could get into, but I don't want to bore or depress people.
The point is, I love my mom, but I don't like her. She lives on the other side of the country now and the last time we spoke on the the phone she told me she wanted to make new memories with me. That she misses when I was a baby. I made me so sad, but so angry at the same time. I don't have good memories of her as a child. That ship has sailed and she missed the boat a long time ago. I was talking to my brother, debating whether to visit or not. He doesn't want to see her and I don't think I do either. I'm finally getting to a place in my life where I am happy and I don't know if I can handle her negativity right now. She is toxic.
So Kate, please please consider this as a warning. Your kids are going to grow up with a whole in their hearts where a loving mother should be. You have cut so many people from your life; you of all people should know the same can be done to you.
I love Anderson Cooper and he actually gave Kate a compliment saying he admires her for "hoofing it" on DWTS. He hates to dance and would NEVER EVER dance publicly. It's one of his biggest fears. He's adorable.
Berks Neighbor said... 16
Went to the latest bog at The Stir: and I Quote: "Lastly, I always tried to stay calm and not get upset when accidents happened, no matter where. It's very important that potty training is a GOOD and positive experience, no matter what, or it could turn into a battle of the wills which could cause a crappy (sorry, had to) result!"
For those of us who have read Hoffman's book, know that this bog by Kate is a bunch of asinine bullsh*t.
I agree- bullsh*t.
Kate has contradicted herself so many times.
I can't imagine someone lying so much, for no reason at all.
Is it possible that she suffers from Schizophrenia?
That was very touching, and thanks for sharing. You're last line was haunting. Kate has cut people out of her life with seemingly, no remorse. Yet, when people have had it with her, she bemoans her lot as a mother of 8 and that everyone abandons her because of it eventually. She never sees herself as the common denominator.
Although, I bet, when people like Beth have decided to accept that their relationship with Kate is over, that they are sad. Kate is just sorry for herself, NOT the relationship she lost.
I can't tell you what to do other than protect yourself and don't feel guilty for ONE SECOND about it.
You sound so well adjusted, together and in a good place, and I'm sure that was a tough road to hoe in order to get there.
This was pre-Pullups, so I don't know that I would use them. Seems like they are the same as diapers, which would be more embarrassing.
This tweet sounded like the boy was still wearing diapers to bed at that age, on a regular basis. Yes, Pull-Ups are diapers, only in underwear form without the sticky tabs.
Make it a double. Milo's head is up there too.
I wonder if she gets splinters in her eyes from the stick.
I live in Montreal, Quebec, and I can tell you that Gosselin is a pretty common last name among French-Canadians. In fact, during the 19th century, many French-Canadians moved to the US for better job opportunities (back when the US-Canada border was very porous) so nowadays, there are quite a few Americans with French-Canadian names, especially in New England. I'll bet Jon Gosselin's ancestors were French-Canadian.
So it's really silly of Kate to think her family would be the only one with the name Gosselin!
LOL!! This guy is having so much fun with this. I hope Kate's face is red. Now would be a good time for her to just come out with a real apology and then give twitter a rest.
Yes, he's having fun and while she no doubt deserves what she gets, it's probably time for him to give it a rest. You can only play with something so long before it gets old. Sometimes quitting while you're ahead is the best strategy, just hang it up, and take the high road. He'll look much better for it. Sometimes when you keep it going you end up saying something you shouldn't say, and you really don't come out smelling like the proverbial rose.
Interesting how she just writes whatever she decides is true at that moment. You can clearly see in the potty training episode online at least the boys were using pull-ups. Does she just forget that this stuff is out there and everyone can see?
I think her memories are of how she wished it had been: cooperative children who did what they were told on command and made her look good as a mom - patient, understanding and oh-so-loving.
I haven't been to The Stir and don't really want to visit. But I'm curious about the comments. Are there any that are pro-Kate? Are most from the haters or are the commenters Stir-regulars?
Is it possible that she suffers from Schizophrenia?
Nah, going with classic garden variety narcissism, bad enough, but she really, really needs help.
Hey Kate, Here's a little tip for you. GET OFF TWITTER! Your fights and rampages are not helping you get a media job. They are hurting it because everyone sees how nuts you are. I know you will have withdrawals and be very lonely without it, as it is the only contact you have with anyone, but hang it up honey, you can't handle it.
Melissa NV said... 91
Yes, he's having fun and while she no doubt deserves what she gets, it's probably time for him to give it a rest.
Agreed. It was fun. Now we'll just have to wait until next March to see who Kate picks on.
It's a "tradition" now.
Did Kate block Carlos from her twitter?
I almost feel sorry for her. She has no friends, no family other than the chidren, no reasonable prospects for employment, etc. She blew so many opportunities and just cannot understand this was all her own doing.
"I think her memories are of how she wished it had been: cooperative children who did what they were told on command and made her look good as a mom - patient, understanding and oh-so-loving"
You might be on to something there, with the Secret Life of Walter Mitty theme. A "Mitty" uses day dreams to escape to a fantasy world in order to escape conflict, where the person emerges as a hero in his/her own eyes.
Did anyone know Gypsi has two baby goats? She's raising them so she can milk them later because her kids have a lot of allergies and her kids can drink goats milk. Right now she's driving 3.5 hours total to a goat farm to buy goat milk for the baby goats because they were taken from their mothers so young. The goat milk costs $12 a gallon and will last 6 days. She lets the goats in the house. Now they know how to climb up her peach trees and eat the leaves and of course the fruit when it's producing.
Her husband must be a very patient man.
The proof that Carlos is in fact the 9th Gosselin will be if he has the giant Fred Flintstone toe like k...
Melissa NV said... 91
''it's probably time for him to give it a rest. You can only play with something so long before it gets old. Sometimes quitting while you're ahead is the best strategy, just hang it up, and take the high road. He'll look much better for it. Sometimes when you keep it going you end up saying something you shouldn't say, and you really don't come out smelling like the proverbial rose.''
I suppose that is one way of looking at Carlos timeline...and might even be the correct one IF we were talking about anyone other than KK. Carlos has ALREADY taken the ''high road'', and KK is doing exactly what she always does: Create an uproar, and then pretend it didn't even happen. Move right on...straight to another LIE. Write a bog giving advice about how to potty train toddlers, one that is full of lies, lies and more lies, while she ignores everyone reminding her of the truth!
I agree with Carlos....when KK gives him a REAL apology, he will move on...otherwise he continues to tweet.
Isn't this how her CC employment went?
She writes a few really, really crappy blogs that are clearly lies, with poor grammar and even poorer writing skills.
Then they edit a few for her.
Then she gives them a topic and they write it, trying to sound like her without being a complete idiot. (The problem there is that whoever writes it doesn't know enough about her to not write stuff that can be proven as a lie. They just write something generic. Something like how they imagine her life would be, or something similar to how normal people's lives are.)
Then they fire her.
Kate always put her kids in Pull-ups. On the show she called them Night Nights and they wore them even for naps.They were filmed running around in them.
Carlos has a great sense of humor and I'm glad he's milking this.
Auntie Ann said she wouldn't let her take care of her goldfish. I don't think she should take care of a pet rock.
Somebody asked about the View. They're on vacation so they're not around for Kate's latest screw up.
I agree with Carlos....when KK gives him a REAL apology, he will move on...otherwise he continues to tweet.
Then he will be tweeting about her for the next ten years. Wouldn't you think it would wear thin by then? She is never going to apologize. It's now become a battle of the wills and she's not going to give in.
She lets the goats in the house.
Do they use a litter box?
Penny said... 105
Carlos has a great sense of humor and I'm glad he's milking this.
Sense of humor. Yes. But you can only milk something for so long before the cow stops filling the bucket.
Some Bunny said... 108
She lets the goats in the house.
Do they use a litter box?
I wondered about that. Not sure how you housebreak goats.
Some Bunny said... 107
''Then he will be tweeting about her for the next ten years. Wouldn't you think it would wear thin by then? She is never going to apologize. It's now become a battle of the wills and she's not going to give in.''
Carlos would never be tweeting about KK for ''the next ten years'', because Carlos has a life. Carlos will have fun and then move on...leaving everyone laughing at KK with ''Loser'' written on her forehead one more time.
I agree--he should take a break from it, before she becomes a "victim" in the media....again....
bad_girl @bad_girl71 29m
@Kateplusmy8 black & white photos were early 70's colour soon after that...
Oh, my goodness. I hope Kate doesn't take these sheeples' tweets as gospel. Kodachrome was developed in the 1930s. I have boxes of color snapshots that were taken in the 1950s.
Carlos would never be tweeting about KK for ''the next ten years'', because Carlos has a life. Carlos will have fun and then move on...leaving everyone laughing at KK with ''Loser'' written on her forehead one more time.
I was responding to the comment that he should keep tweeting about it until she apologizes. My point was that she is never going to apologize.
I hasn't even been two days. And Carlos told people many times that way too much of a big deal was being made. But celeb sites kept reporting it and people kept talking. I cut the guy a break.
Did Kate block Carlos from her twitter?
It's very possible, but she's let slip a few times (by directly replying to her 'haterz', etc) that she reads her mentions, meaning that she searches for her name and she sees all of the tweets that have her 'kateplusmy8' somewhere in the message. IMO, she reads everything from everyone.
He really seems to just be responding briefly to other's tweets at this point, saying thanks and such. Otherwise, he clearly has a life and goes about his business and other interests. It won't really matter either way - I don't really see that she can be spun into a "victim" this time around, and this will always come back at her every time she does something else dumb even if it gets dropped completely for now.
And Carlos told people many times that way too much of a big deal was being made.
If too much of a big deal is being made, then why is he keeping this up? By doing so, he's contributing to the "big deal."
I don't know...I can see having fun with it, but at some point you just have to say, "Hey, it's over and done. Kate was exposed as a jerk, but beating it is only making her look like she's being bullied." Tables can be turned and the result isn't always the way you had it planned.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 100
Did anyone know Gypsi has two baby goats? She's raising them so she cdan milk them later because her kids have a lot of allergies and her kids can drink goats milk.
Meanwhile the little goats will eat her furniture. I kind of feel sorry for this gypsi gal.
OT but did you know that donkey milk is the closest thing to human milk. Kate should look into turning the place into a milk farm it could be quite lucrative. Good luck milking a donkey though.
Kate tweeted:
"Another crazy busy day tomorrow..good things on the horizon so I better get my rest while I can,right?Closing the house down early here..GN!"
Another 8:30 p.m. bedtime for Kate. Good thing she doesn't have a 9 to 5 job. Her work at home would just be starting now.
Was Milo around for the goodnight kiss?
And told me Jon was dead
Well that explains the widow comment.
I had the exact same thought when I saw that blog post, why in the world is she talking about potty training? Can you imagine Pioneer Woman doing that. Everyone would say huh? Her youngest is already six and she has teenagers.
She just doesn't "get" blogging. The whole point of it is to be current, to talk about current fodder. To take people on your journey as it happens. Waxing about something from five years ago is just odd.
If too much of a big deal is being made, then why is he keeping this up? By doing so, he's contributing to the "big deal."
Because he's 20 years old and suddenly with one tweet is on Anderson Cooper, E News and Radar Online. He's having his 15 minutes of fame and enjoying it. Let him ride it. Yes he should probably stop, but I'm not going to ask him to.
If he's still going at it a week later I'll take issue.
Library yes. Actually, within hours of this happening he was tweeting about normal things like traffic, work, and sports. He's made massive effort to just continue "normal" tweeting. He thanks and retweets his support because he's a nice guy, and occasionally lets loose a zinger, but other than that it's regularly scheduled programming. I don't see a single thing wrong with his behavior. If anything it's incredibly impressive. I can't imagine any other 20 year old being able to handle this so well.
She just doesn't "get" blogging. The whole point of it is to be current, to talk about current fodder. To take people on your journey as it happens. Waxing about something from five years ago is just odd.
Her disclaimer is that so many people have asked her about potty training, and since it is "current"t for many moms, then I guess she figures it never is old.
I think she's running out of material.
Don't these people have family, girlfriends, or heck, a pediatrician they can consult about potty training? There are also numerous web sites written by child development experts that give great tips. Or heaven forbid a book.
Why would you ask a celebrity about potty training? I just never will get these people.
Just Down The Road said... 120
Kate tweeted:
"Another crazy busy day tomorrow..good things on the horizon so I better get my rest while I can,right?Closing the house down early here..GN!"
There's that teasing again.
Oh, and she popped back on Twitter after tweeting that.
Overlooking the paragraphs full of blatant lies, there's no way Kate wrote her latest blog for TheStir or it was VERY heavily edited. Someone removed almost all of Kate's specialties; ie: 'ly' ending words and exclamation points and her overuse of flowery adjectives and adverbs. It reminds me of a few of her CC blogs towards the end - obviously not her style of writing and/or very heavily edited.
I don't understand why being so busy is such a badge of honor. She doesn't even work. Maybe it means you're actually disorganized or spending too much time on things that don't matter. Imagine if she had a real job how on earth would she cope? Many things can be accomplished in a regular 16-18 hour day, including a real job, without feeling overwhelmingly busy or frazzled. You just do it.
I'm sorry, but somehow I don't think is just having fun (and I'm not a prude!)...
CGOSSELIN ☤ @RealCGosselin 1m
Look at this picture . How can anyone trust her as a mother @kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/pvHXRQva5t
I'm pretty sure that pic is a vampire reference. Kate is a blood sucker. I don't think it's supposed to be sexual.
I'm guessing a non-fan sent that to him.
I'm pretty sure that pic is a vampire reference. Kate is a blood sucker. I don't think it's supposed to be sexual.
It was a photoshop of naked Kate's boobs.
It's gone now, I think.
Oh geez! The link I went too went to a fun pic of a vampire.
I can't feel that sorry for Kate. She was given numerous opportunities to end it and chose not to.
"I think her memories are of how she wished it had been: cooperative children who did what they were told on command and made her look good as a mom - patient, understanding and oh-so-loving"
Has anyone read Miss Francis's Diary of a Stage Mom's Daughter? I'm reading it right now and fascinated. I know some of you have but can't remember which ones.
That's exactly how her mom was. Her mom wanted her to be the perfect obedient daughter. When she wasn't her mom turned on her. I feel sad for people who in any situation are constantly longing for something else and can't accept and be happy with who and what they have, imperfections and all. Within reason of course. There's nothing wrong with longing for a better mother if your mother is that deranged.
Some complaint on Twitter that Carlos is liking the limelight a little too much.
Only Kate can enjoy the limelight? Off limits to everyone else?
Kate is now backtracking on the Pull Ups thing.
She tweeted about it, saying, basically, Oh, yeah, now I remember. They DID wear Pull Ups at night and sometimes during the day.
Bedwetting in older kids can be a sign of child abuse. It can also just be something they do, particularly boys. Of course as others have said it's just plain common sense to take your seven year old bed wetter to the pediatrician to make sure everything is okay. Good grief.
Michael Landon's mother hung out his soiled sheets on the porch for everyone to see as "punishment" for his bed wetting that continued into boyhood. It scarred him for life.
Oh geez! The link I went too went to a fun pic of a vampire.
The link I went to showed Kate with naked Triple F boobs, grabbing them and laughing.
I'm not sure what was up with that, but it was disgusting. Even Kate didn't deserve that. That's crossing the line by a mile.
Definitely. But that's mild for an early 20's young man. They tend to frequently cross the line. Most of them end up marriage material eventually.
Yeah, it's maybe time to wind the thing down, Carlos. Quit while you're ahead. It was fun though, wasn't it?
Admin, I remember when you went to a book signing of Kate's. You asked her a question, and the result was that you were escorted away by Steve. You called him Rat Claws, and that became a fun thing to play around with here. I laughed and enjoyed the whole thing.
Then you let it go. You didn't ride that joke until it became a bore. But, what that did was to make it fun to resurrect the joke on the rare occasion. Rat Claws! Oh yeah, I remember that story! Chuckle, chuckle all over again.
I hope this is how Carlos chooses to handle this. It will serve him so much better if he does. Just my opinion, of course.
Parents need2stick tog!
I HATE this. HATE. You should not have to stick by ANYONE who is in the same boat as you if that person is being abusive, hurting others or otherwise being a jerk. This is how people like Christopher Dorner get supporters, the stick together mentality. It's insane.
popems 15 minutes ago
When Kate Gosselin decided to make her and her kids public and then write all about their daily comings and goings she is going to have some people that disagree with her. It's not that I don't like Kate, I've never met the woman. With that said, I can tell you from everything I have seen on her shows and in tweets and occasional media tour I am judging her on what I see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears. Kate GOsselin has proven over and over she is a liar. This potty training post is laughable. Just go back to the episodes on her old show and see for yourself how kind, patient, and understanding she was NOT. Making those poor kids potty train in the driveway for god sake was one of the worst. Well probably not as bad as one of the little boys being impacted with poop and Kate was too busy bed shopping to even stop right then and there and take care of her child, without the presence of TLC cameras. So what does she do? She schreeches for Jon (remeber him, the husband she says didn't do squat for her) to come take care of it. He took that poor child out to the van and helped him get that poo out. This is just a sample of the things that I make my judgements on.
I bet the company that gave all the free pull ups isn't any too pleased to hear Kate advocating for not using them now.
Maybe they'll ask for their money back...
One of the comments on Kate's bog. It doesn't appear to be from the usual "haters".
"Ok, I was a big fan of Kate. But now I'm really starting to question everything. None of this rings true because I saw it on tv and it really wasn't as calm and sweet as she made it sound. Not at all! Plus this whole twitter war thing in the news now. I'm just starting to really think the detractors are onto something : ("
I can't feel that sorry for Kate. She was given numerous opportunities to end it and chose not to.
Narcissists are never wrong they are only wronged. Remember when she made the kids hug and say sorry after they punched each other? She only knows that apologies are necessary for others to give when they've hurt another person, but she refuses to acknowledge that in herself. It's the damnedest thing and incredibly frustrating. I understand Jon's dilemma. He would probably have gone insane living with her for another ten years.
Ah, so this is how Kate's tweeter bodyguards work. Remember the tweeter who was tweeting Kate about her "toxic" sauce? Kate was joking with him/her, so one of her fans sprang into action.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 12h
@MiloandJack I saw it and that person is still being, sly, slick & wicked. I told @deannatweeting & she sent a text to Kate's phone.
No wonder Kate thanks Ms. Goody all the time. Goody vets tweeters for her, just like CJ did for the cruise.
"Ok, I was a big fan of Kate. But now I'm really starting to question everything. None of this rings true because I saw it on tv and it really wasn't as calm and sweet as she made it sound. Not at all! Plus this whole twitter war thing in the news now. I'm just starting to really think the detractors are onto something : ("
Well, assuming this isn't a fake comment, NOW she realizes nothing Kate says matches up with the show? I guess a lot of people are sort of driveby casual viewers not really paying that close attention. But when it's THIS blatant, when she is flat out gas lighting left and right all the live long day, even a casual viewer is going to notice.
One of the comments on Kate's bog. It doesn't appear to be from the usual "haters".
"Ok, I was a big fan of Kate. But now I'm really starting to question everything. None of this rings true because I saw it on tv and it really wasn't as calm and sweet as she made it sound. Not at all! Plus this whole twitter war thing in the news now. I'm just starting to really think the detractors are onto something : ("
Welcome to the sad reality of it all. Keep your eyes open and there is much to see.
Thank you for posting that comment, KIAT.
No wonder Kate thanks Ms. Goody all the time. Goody vets tweeters for her, just like CJ did for the cruise.
No wonder Kate sent her that tweet that said she missed her soooooooo much! Is there a hierarchy among sheeple? Is Milo at the top, with Goody second? Who is vetting Irishfan -- Milo, Goody or CJ?
Notice she said it's important to TRY to stay calm. She never said she was actually successful.
Oh and Carlos is an Anderson Cooper fan.....I think he'd fit right in here. :)
Fido oh yeah Rat Claws! :) Yes I agree I hope Carlos enjoys these couple days then looks back on it once in awhile with a little grin. The guy seems so absorbed in many other interests anyway, especially music, I doubt he'll hang onto this for long. He's not an old hat like us though, mature and knowing when to stop. However, I wasn't mentioned by my boyfriend Anderson Cooper. It would be hard to let that one go right away. I'm not sure if I would have handled the situation as gracefully if that were the case lol.
I too am beginning to think that it is time for Carlos to move on, but I couldn't help but laugh at this tweeted he just sent to Kate.
Sweet dreams mommy . Sorry I was a bad boy @Kateplusmy8
OT basketball: VCU made it past the first round as did Louisville and Saint Louis and Butler and James Madison. Plenty of teams to root for! Fantastic basketball!
Sleepless--Milo and Goody are vetting irishfan too:
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 12h
@MiloandJack Lots of people hve blocked me & vice versa. However, if Irish is "new" & we never convo'd, why was I blocked & why did I block?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 12h
@msgoody2shoes21 Yep...that's a real mystery 2me? obviously a NEW acct in sense of new ID..if they want 2date Kate..need2b more transparent!
Kate's a big girl, and she can decide who she wants to tweet with, but Milo and Goody have to go into "protective" mode. Milo's always tweeting Kate about her "wise" decisions-yet Milo doesn't seem to trust Kate to make any.
That Bog may have started out by kate but was heavily edited by someone. There are words used that kate NEVER uses!
BUT, the biggest give away that kate did not write that article entirely herself is this statement...
"Mommy will be so proud of you! Daddy will be so excited when he gets home from work to see how well you did!" etc."
Kate, in her world today, would never,ever mention Jon in a bog!!!
I don't know if anyone noticed this twitter convo between David Perel and Carlos. David is the Executive President and Managing Editor of ROL. Notice what David says in his last tweet to Carlos. If I remember correctly, David was the one that was emailing back and forth with Robert, and who wrote some of the ROL articles about the book.
CGOSSELIN ☤ @RealCGosselin 20 Mar
soooo http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/03/kate-gosselin-fight-twitter-demands-man-change-same-last-name/#.UUnitkf6bp8.twitter …
David Perel @IMPerel 20 Mar
@RealCGosselin Yup, u are now on Radar thanks to Kate's reaction! So, any plans to change your name?!
CGOSSELIN ☤ @RealCGosselin 20 Mar
@IMPerel ummm Nope never changing my name! its my name.. ha thats a silly question
David Perel @IMPerel 20 Mar
@RealCGosselin Yes, was kidding about u changing your name! Kate gets angry when people don't do what she wants them to do.! #askjon
Kate said there were things coming up on the horizon .....does anyone know what she might be doing? Amazed she is still being offered things......
This is a recent comment on Kate's new blog. I wonder if this is true:
Nonmember comment from SwimMom 1 hour ago
Well, Kate you've done it again. You managed to mess up another easy gig with your outright falsehoods, rewriting of history, and total lack of effort to perform well. You probably already know this - or will very soon - but a very good contact has just informed me that a letter similar to the CC letter is coming your way. Adios, Kate.
Kate's a big girl, and she can decide who she wants to tweet with, but Milo and Goody have to go into "protective" mode. Milo's always tweeting Kate about her "wise" decisions-yet Milo doesn't seem to trust Kate to make any.
So Milo is Gladys Kravitz, and Goody is Gladys Kravitz Jr. Is there a Gladys-in-Training?
I have never seen such busy-bodies who have to be involved in every aspect of a person's life...a person they have never met! I can't decide if a television movie on all of this would be a drama or a comedy. It certainly wouldn't be fiction. One thing, though, it would be entertaining. Who would play Milo? Kathy Bates (Misery) or Jack Nicholson (Cuckoo's Nest)? Ironically, the latter was directed by Milos Forman.
I looked at the video of the boys being potty trained, just to see if it was really as bad as I remembered. Oh yes, it was.
Poor Collin. He got the worst of that. The other boy didn't seem too upset, but poor Collin sat there with his knees pressed together like he was embarrassed to have the camera trained on him. I'm not sure it was acutal embarrassment, he was so young, but still, that was how it looked to me. He just seemed so sad to have "company" in the bathroom while he was trying to do what Mommy told him to do but his body wasn't doing.
No breakfast until you empty your bladder, young man!
I have to wonder if he will suffer from "shy bladder", a condition where you can't urinate unless you're completely alone. I hope not.
I also wonder if those boys EVER had alone time in a bathroom, or if sisters were forever running in and out yanking on diapers and underwear.
Kate is now backtracking on the Pull Ups thing. She tweeted about it, saying, basically, Oh, yeah, now I remember. They DID wear Pull Ups at night and sometimes during the day.
I'm sorry, but how in the heck do you forget about all of the pull-ups you bought (or boxes you picked up at the UPS store) and then put on your children???
Oh wow - a whole bunch of random people are tweeting "Hi Mom" to Kate now.
Here is the clip from J&K Plus 8 of her potty training the boys.
At the beginning of the clip at the 2:43 mark Kate tells Collin on day 2--yes day 2 of training-- "Don't be stubborn. Let's just get this over with so you can wear big boy underwear".
Then at the 19:22 mark Collin is sitting on the potty in his bedroom at nap time and she asks him if he wants to be the only one (stresses only) in diapers? She asked him if he wanted to be a big boy or a baby? He mumbles big boy. Then she gives him two stern commands. "Then you have to pee in the potty. Don't get up until you put pee in there, understand?" Then she leaves him with the camerman & sound man with a camera and mike inches from his face. He was just sitting on the potty and Kate flips off the light and walks away. Collin is left sitting on the potty in the dark after that scolding and shaming.
Also, she said in this episode that "Collin is the one doing the worst".
During this episode we saw Collin several times just sitting on the potty with his pants around his ankles along with another boy. And Kate said during the episode that she lets the boys sit a long, long, long, long, long time on the potty. Yes, she said long 5 times.
She was outright being a bully to Collin. Asking him if he wanted to be a baby over something he had zero control of. At times you could see the embarrassment on his face. Kate made him feel terrible about himself. She made him feel lesser than the other children.
P.S. I thought about not using Collin's name but it is in the episode for the entire world to view it.
SCgal said... 162
Oh wow - a whole bunch of random people are tweeting "Hi Mom" to Kate now.
Well, let me correct that. They're tweeting Kate and referring to her as mom in various contexts.
MJ said... 161
Kate is now backtracking on the Pull Ups thing. She tweeted about it, saying, basically, Oh, yeah, now I remember. They DID wear Pull Ups at night and sometimes during the day.
I'm sorry, but how in the heck do you forget about all of the pull-ups you bought (or boxes you picked up at the UPS store) and then put on your children???
My bet is Kate didn't buy them or put them on her children. My bet is the nanny picked them up at the FedEx store and either she or the twins put them on the "littles". Kate doesn't remember because she was too busy on her 3rd iPhone or cleaning something to change her toddlers.
The problem I think was that the ghostwriter made it up or added that in. Then when called on it Kate had to act like oh I forgot silly me. I'm sorry but no parent "forgets" their kids wore pullups.
It doesn't mean they are bad ghostwriters. Awhile back Heather implied that's what was being suggested. Not at all. It's just ghostwriting for Kate would be impossible. Even someone who had been following her for awhile probably couldn't do it because she's run her mouth SO much online and on the show it would take an encyclopedia to keep it all straight. Even most of us here can't remember what she said when. Usually it's a group effort to recall things.
Who would play Milo? Kathy Bates (Misery) or Jack Nicholson (Cuckoo's Nest)? Ironically, the latter was directed by Milos Forman.
I always thought if there were a movie filmed, Ernie Borgnine would be a great Milo, but since he's dead, well...
What is really funny about the pullups is that Kate tweeted this:
Potty training extras: I covered mattresses w crib protectors and DID use pull ups at night & rarely in dayX..
And then this:
only used them in a pinch or at night... Used cloth and rubber pants 95% of X and they learn fast!
95% of the time is 72 minutes. SEVENTY TWO MINUTES. Pretty sure nighttime lasts longer than 72 minutes. I hope she isn't helping the kids with their math homework. (Especially the way she likes to say she has 40% or 80% of the kids when she could more accurately just give it in eighths).
I appreciate the Twitter updates and reports. I don't tweet. I would be completely unaware of Kate's clueless remarks if some of you didn't share.
Just saying thanks.
She didn't forget. She didn't know to begin with. Jodi's sister stated a long time ago that Kate was very uninvolved with the kids and didn't even know which child was still in pullups or which toothbrush belonged to whom. So it's likely she wrote the piece but as usual, it's just full of BS. Same thing as when she goes on talk shows.
I think it's so telling that she isn't including @pullups in her tweets. If she still used them, you just KNOW she'd be giving them all the love and credit they deserve. Oh, and if she used cloth diapers and rubber pants on 8 kids, then the joke is on her. It always amazed me how she absolutely thrived on making life as difficult as possible for everyone. Karma is wonderful; her punishment is that she has to go through life being her. #gethelp #patheticbitch @anypsychiatristwhowantstolosethewilltolive
Jon was still there at the time and took total care of the kids after he quit work, but for some odd reason she took control over potty training, just like she did the food intake. I&O's. Input and output. She is fascinated with bodily fluids. She probably has no idea what he put on them for bedtime. She did a horrible job of potty training, especially with the boys. There is no telling how long she made those babies wear the wet cloth diapers when they were not allowed the luxury of being dry. It was never shown on the show, but they must have had terrible diaper rashes.
My thoughts on how this worked:
She gives them a topic and they write it, trying to sound like what they think a normal mom might say or do.
The problem there is that whoever writes it doesn't know enough about her to not write stuff that can be proven as a lie.
They just write something generic.
Meagler 155
"Mommy will be so proud of you! Daddy will be so excited when he gets home from work to see how well you did!"
Precisely what I thought. As soon as I saw that sentence I KNEW that Kate didn't write that blog herself.
I reviewed the youtube video of her training the boys. They wore pull-ups for their naps, and those naps were mandatory for everyone during the daytime (some kids, like my daughter, never took naps but Kate always treats them as a group). And poor Collin. Forced to sit for 30 minutes on the potty. And she leaves him in the dark!
I never rewarded my kids with candy, just a "good job" and "I'm proud of you". I never forced them to pee or poop, just reminded them to go often.
I wonder if the spoon was used if they wet themselves?
Saw disposable diapers and pull- ups MANY times on the show.Reasonable choice if you don't LIE about it and pretend to be green and a pro on potty training which we know are not true!
I find it interesting that The Stir apparently did NO due diligence before hiring Kate.
You'd think they'd ask to see some prior writings, what else has she done. And have her do some test blogs, just to see if they like what they saw.
When they saw the CC blogs that were complete tripe, you'd think they'd question their thought about hiring her.
When they vetted her credentials, they'd find out that she was very publicly FIRED from CC. You'd think that the hiring person might then have an off-line conversation with CC to see what happened.
In the vetting process they would become aware of the cheating scandal with the Las Vegas run. And maybe think twice about hiring her.
She probably told them, it's all lies, conjured up by the 95% of the world that hates me for no reason. You can't believe all those people. They're all haters/liars/bullies.
And nobody investigated. Just believed her. Wrong move.
TO ANONYMOUS (#163): AT 4:42 IN THE VIDEO CLIP, IT SHOWS COLLIN BUTT-NAKED ON THE POTTY AND THE CAPTION IS, "COLLIN POTTY TIME:25 MINUTES." Collin's friends at school could easily get this public video and harass him. I hate Khate AND JON more than ever for publicly humiliating their children like this. Hell is too good for this woman. I hate her gut$.
By the way, I wonder what her "GOOD NEWS!" is that she is teasing on twitter? WHO WOULD WANT HER FOR ANYTHING??
There really are no adequate words to describe the vileness of this monster.
AussieGoldenLuv@168, How do you get 95% of the time being only 72 minutes? I don't get your math. By my math, say they're in bed (night) for 9 hours = 540 minutes X 95% = 513 minutes.
I watched the show...
she's rewriting history, and so much for super organized mom of the century...
1. She says she wouldn't have made an eye doctors appointment for the boy while potty training, but she didn't know they were going to start potty training that day.
2. In her blog post, she says the girls were trained at 2, but on the episode she says two and a half, and they were still in pull ups in the episode, so I'd put that more toward age 3.
3. she used pull ups.
4. The kids never used the big potty so I doubt she had m&ms on it. In the episode they go into the kitchen to get them.
5. In the episode she is super frustrated with Collin, and like the diary entrys, she blames him, his personality and his stubbornness for his behavior (although it is age appropriate).
6. Seeing Collin at the eye doctor was heart breaking. I have never seen a child so sad and disallusioned at such a young age. He never smiled, and his interaction with Kate at the docs was little and not shown (probably because he didn't want to sit and do the test so this was probably bad footage of Kate).
After reading the book, this was very, very hard to watch.
Admin you are driving me crazy with your use of "gss light". Have you ever seen the movie? To gaslight is not to change history but rather to manipulate events and situations in order to make a person believe that he or she is crazy. Kate is not trying to gas light anyone, she just can't keep her lies straight and she is trying to rewirte history.
Damn, with potty training the child holds all the cards. You can't make them potty on command. As my husband told me, "How many of your adult friends are not potty trained? Take it easy. It'll happen.". Those poor kids.
Mel, ITA. No way did Kate insert the part about daddy being excited. In Kate's world today, Jon does not exist (except to put down).
Now she said she used rubber pants, was that with disposables or cloth diapers? Overkill if used with disposables? If she did indeed sometimes use cloth diapers, it was from a FREE diaper service.
I wonder if she thinks up the subjects for the bog or The Stir gives her a list of subjects? They really need to fire her.
I think the eye doctor appointment was made soley to fill time for the show. You can always change an appointment if you are in the middle of potty training and need to be home. Remember, the show was scripted. I wonder if the doc was compensated for his time on the air? It was publicity for him, that's for sure.
Admin, I think you got it right. This is copied straight from Wikipedia. This is what Kate is doing.
"Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making a victim doubt his or her own memory, perception and ..."
Admin you are driving me crazy with your use of "gss light". Have you ever seen the movie? To gaslight is not to change history but rather to manipulate events and situations in order to make a person believe that he or she is crazy. Kate is not trying to gas light anyone, she just can't keep her lies straight and she is trying to rewirte history.
I asked the person using it if it were re-writing history and they said it was. It's not?
Wikipedia makes it seem like rewriting history is one way to gaslight (as is to manipulate): Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making a victim doubt his or her own memory, perception and sanity. Instances may range simply from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.
I would think re-writing potty training blog would be the "staging" of a bizarre event to disorient the victim. They have their memories of what happened, then they have a published blog post on a professional web site trying to convince them it went something different.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
@BarbGilmer @ThatsEarth isnt that in the redwood forrest? That looks like the tree named 'General Sherman'..Those trees I HAD to scream abt!
Yes, Kate. That's because you don't have the intelligence or the vocabulary to use words to describe them.
Tweet I think that's why I hate screamers. Ugh.
Use your words to express your emotions, don't hurt my ears.
Admin, if you haven't seen the movie "Gaslight" with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer, you really need to. It's such a great example, and you'll know exactly how the term "gaslight" came about (the gas lights in her house dimmed every night, and she didn't know why....then she found out!)
Anyway, just my .02...one of my favorite movies of all time....I'm not sure it applies here with Kate, because I don't think she's intentionally trying to drive anyone crazy, as was the intent in the movie--I think she's just a blatant liar and doesn't care who thinks so.
Anonymous said... 157
Kate said there were things coming up on the horizon .....does anyone know what she might be doing? Amazed she is still being offered things......
My guess- unless she has something really special, marketable, interesting, and entertaining, it will amount to a whole load of nothing.
Just more negative attention coming her way.
Gaslighting, what it isn't (and what it is)...
This essay explores the old and revised definition as presented via Wikipedia and other sources, and puts the behavior into a broader, psycho-social context:
I know when celeb was writing their book, they didn't really "write" it but they did spend hours and hours on the phone dictating to the ghost writer all the details and stories. Then the ghost writer took all the stories and put them into a readable format with chapters and a good flow that actually did sound like their voice. I couldn't tell the difference, it was so good that before I knew that I thought they actually did write their books. Of course this was a cream of the crop ghostwriter. I remember people would joke oh they just LOVE when they get to write a book (they've written several) because that means weeks and weeks talking about little ole ME, which meant they were happy for weeks and weeks!!! :)
I wonder if that's how Kate's blog posts work. She phones up a ghostwriter, talks about herself for awhile then they put the story into a blog post. In that case I can definitely see her conveniently forgetting about all the pullups because that's what she does all the time, blabs on and on about something completely different than what she did and said before. Classic Kate.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 187
Tweet I think that's why I hate screamers. Ugh.
Use your words to express your emotions, don't hurt my ears.
And when Kate does use words, they're often "ridiculously ridiculous."
I haven't seen the move I'm just going by the definition I read myself on Wikipedia which sounds exactly like re-writing history.
In any case she re-writes history, whatever name or movie you want to call it, she RE-WRITES HISTORY! :) She has for years.
I hope I'm remembering this correctly. Wasn't the last the last time Kate starting saying she had GOOD NEWS was right around the time CC publically fired her. Does she get a sense that she's about to be fired so she is deflecting the firing to alluding to something she has in the works.
I agree! Kate is desperately trying to rewrite history--I probably would also if I were her. She had an amazing experience--giving birth to 6 healthy babies, becoming famous, being given everything she'd ever wanted (and more importantly, what others had) and it was never enough--she wanted more, more, MORE--until she became the fisherman's wife and will end up with nothing.
The term gaslight may well have been around before the classic movie--but when you watch the movie you'll get a new appreciation for the word--and see that it's more of a nuance....and Kate simply does not do nuance....
A definition that describes “gaslighting” as “trying to discredit your emotions” is not rigorous. What the more rigorous definitions of gaslighting are referring to is specific: attempting to deceive someone that false events actually occurred, and that real events are false. It is ongoing and requires some prior knowledge of at least one participant’s experiences; you can’t “gaslight” someone in an anonymous internet argument, and simply telling someone they’re being too sensitive lacks the denial-of-reality aspect. There needs to be a deliberate, dishonest aspect to it — in other words, there needs to be lying. Simply telling someone they can’t take a joke doesn’t qualify as lying, nor gaslighting, nor abuse.
I don't see how Kate doesn't fit this description to a T. Especially the way she handled the Alaska camping episode, trying to alter the reality of what happened for Sarah and the kids meanwhile Sarah's sitting there like, WTH? That is NOT how it went down here's what happened!
She is evil said... 182
Damn, with potty training the child holds all the cards. You can't make them potty on command. As my husband told me, "How many of your adult friends are not potty trained? Take it easy. It'll happen.". Those poor kids.
Your husband is correct.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2h
GM! Good news is COMING SOON! Keep checking back HERE
and here to find out more...... #YAY!!!!!!
With that faulty counter on Kate's website and if people keep checking there today, she'll end up with about 5 million more hits. LOL
Actual gaslighting: A son witnesses his mom snorting meth in the pantry, when he previously did not know his mom did drugs at all. Since this event is so anomalous, he has a hard time believing it. She insists that he imagined it — she was just dusting the pantry. But since this image was so vivid, he insists he believed it. She starts to discredit his statement, saying that he is delusional, that he is too emotional, and that he doesn’t have a grip on reality. He begins to doubt his own sense of reality and she uses this as a basis for additional lies.
Children go camping with a former vice presidential candidate and have the time of their lives and want to stay. Their vile mother tells they they have to leave and so begrudgingly, they pack up and go, sad faces all around. Later as they reflect on all the fun, their mother insists that they imagined it — they were actually miserable, cold, wet and didn't even like hanging out with the Palins and had much more fun back by themselves alone at the lodge. When the kids insist they actually did have a blast camping and the memory is so vivid they are sure they had fun, she starts to discredit their statement, saying that they are delusional, too emotional, and that they don’t have a grip on reality. They begin to doubt their own sense of reality and she uses this as a basis for additional lies.
Seems to fit perfectly to me.
Oh Lord what now.
My guess is another scam she wants her sheeple to buy into.
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