We always wondered what became of that blighted ovum.
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Courtesy of Carlos Gosselin |
A 20-something from Texas, this cool, happy guy has been minding his own business on Twitter for more than a year. He likes tacos (especially Torchy's in Austin, mmmm), sports (go Boise State!) and hip hop. In fact he's turned his love of music into a career, producing for up and coming local talent like Michael James Rojas. Many of his tweets come out of the studio where he can often be found, hard at work. How nice to see someone so young with work ethic.
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Courtesy of Carlos Gosselin |
Carlos apparently thought it was funny he happened to share the same last name as some celebrity D-lister named Kate (He's right, it is.). So, clearly as a joke, light-hearted Carlos tweeted this to Kate early this morning:
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Courtesy of Carlos Gosselin |
The Gaping Maw of a Fame-hole did not get it.
Carlos immediately responded explaining that he was just joking around, but that Gosselin actually is his real birth name, it's French--as a firestorm of supporters swooped in to add their two cents. Carlos's supporters, that is. Only a few of Kate's fans bothered to try to explain away the misunderstanding. And apparently, Kate has successfully convinced the masses that Jon is dead, judging by this hysterical tweet from Carlos:
Baw-haha, Carlos! Throughout the day as support for him grew, the young, though quite grounded and wise Carlos continued to try to make light of the mix-up and defuse the situation,
Kate still couldn't accept he really is a Gosselin, but managed to issue a non-apology kinda-sorta apology,
a few D-lister celebrity gossip sites picked up the story, and the saga goes on.
Rock on--er, rap on, Carlos Gosselin. Good luck in all your future endeavors and sorry for your unfortunate last name.
1198 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1198 of 1198 Newer› Newest»I don't know if this would help, but maybe someone could very nicely try to tweet her and explain, respectfully, that she shouldn't do this anymore if Kate can't even be bothered to thank her.
This isn't the first time this happened, and if I recall, some did try to explain the facts of life to her (and to others who sent her things and were never thanked). Obviously, it went in one ear and out the other.
I don't believe she's in college right now, but was accepted somewhere for the fall term.
@Paige_Kate8fan the 8 you mean? Yes! I did thank you (delayed oops!) it's perfect :)
She's rude and has no class or manners. I guess no one ever told her you aren't allowed to take anything out of the box until that thank you note is written and put in the mail. I don't understand why this woman is someone to look up to. She's awful.
I have the impression that several of them know, and are just playing along on the guessing game to up the hit count on her stupid web site.
My vote is that it's something to do with the time she and Milo were on twitter silence around Christmas time. Probably a one-time filming thing, the way CWS was.
Whatever it is, she'll announce it on her birthday, is my guess.
To the person posting as Milo, can you change your name to something else? Thanks. Clearly you're not the real Milo and I don't want to play those games. :)
What could the big secret be? A surprise she thinks her fans will go goo-goo over. Even the guys....including the big drinker from SD. A guy wouldn't care about a cookbook. It's really good news according to Kate. Finally got a dating show? Finally got the kids back on TV? Finally decided to move to LA? And why will she announce it on her dumb website? Can't be that big of a surprise then. That website of hers is bush-league. Dope.
To herself, the thing is Kate doesn't and probably never viewed herself as mediocre. No that's always the other people, it can't possibly be ME because I'M special. That's her thinking probably. Hence, why the things she does she does them with a little lack luster or what have you.
She doesn't try because in her mind she's above average and therefore has no need to try and even achieve something that's above mediocre--or at least to me what I see as mediocre because Kate thinks she's a total success. To her it's true, to the rest of us...yeah right.
She won't try, doesn't care because to her she's already above mediocre. Classic naraccistic move. I'm above doing these little things, I'm above trying to be original, you? You, you're mediocre because you aren't like me.
And you know something, Kate? I'm not and most of never will be. People don't give up when they reach their peak, professional, life or whatever it is because if everyone did...nobody would ever go anywhere I don't think.
Which is exactly Kate hasn't gone anywhere since her reality star shot to fame. She's leveled off because she's comfortable and therefore since she's probably comfortable with turning her nose down at everyone because, uh, no sorry not everyone choses to have 8 kids (single or otherwise) and you know what? That's a good thing. The thought of people actually continuing to suck up her for her leveled-off I'm above mediocre stop-trying attitude is beyond me.
And Paige, please, do yourself a favor and don't even bother hoping for a thank you. You can send anyone a gift, even if it's from your heart, might be wise to learn not everyone is humbled enough to say thank you. Simple as that. If you don't get a thank you for whatever you sent...then says to me the person you sent whatever to isn't worth your time to send stuff to. And a lack of a thank you toward anyone shows a real lack of common desency...but that's something that's taught and obviously something Kate blew right on by, sort of like all those speed limit signs. Same difference: because neither one is worth her time.
I beginning to agree with those of you that think a special was filmed over the Christmas holiday. She's just way too happy right now. One special does not a new series make though. I don't think she has the fan base that she used to have and I don't think she'd be able to sustain high ratings.
Maybe Kate's big announcement is going to be the long awaited meet and greet. Wasn't she the one who announced the not-a-cruise?
I don't see her announcing a TV special or anything similar. News got out about CWS before Kate even acknowledged it.
I think it is something that she is personally planning-not something that may involve a network or similar entity.
Perhaps, she's going to run a contest to spend a day with Kate.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 188
And it shows a willingness not to accept "just good enough." Or, mediocre. PW could have gone alone with her "just good enough" photography but she decided she could do better, and she did. Her blog took off.
For all Kate said about being mediocre, she is actually lazy, mediocre and "just good enough." She never pushes herself to do better than her half-assed attempts at anything.
The double-standard is mind-boggling. When Kate used the word mediocre in connection to Jon, you and your regular posters waxed poetic endlessly about the beauty of mediocrity. Now you are criticizing Kate for being mediocre.
Sherry Baby said... 189
For all Kate said about being mediocre, she is actually lazy, mediocre and "just good enough." She never pushes herself to do better than her half-assed attempts at anything.
But, admin, that is all she's probably capable of doing. She thinks it's amazing, awesome, and whatever. I honestly don't think she knows that it's mediocre. To her, it looks great. I think she's really not smart or creative enough to do any better.
She's smart in some ways. Getting thru nursing school, passing the boards, plotting to get pregnant with HOM's, using people, hiding money, etc. She may have an aha! moment every once in a while, but lacks the focus and work ethic to take it any further. Which is why she settles for good enough because after all SHE did it this way.
NJGal51 said... 197
I beginning to agree with those of you that think a special was filmed over the Christmas holiday. She's just way too happy right now. One special does not a new series make though. I don't think she has the fan base that she used to have and I don't think she'd be able to sustain high ratings.
I tend to agree with NJGal51, BUT how did she get this past Jon if they did film? Did they "pretend" it was Christmas in October if they filmed in PA in order to get around the new child labor laws with regards to TV filming or did someone actually send them somewhere exotic? And if they did go somewhere exotic, why did they let her come back? I'm not so sure there would be that much of an audience for another show so soon, especially with just Kate and the kids, since CWS aired recently and everyone is probably satisfied seeing how the kids have grown.
The double-standard is mind-boggling. When Kate used the word mediocre in connection to Jon, you and your regular posters waxed poetic endlessly about the beauty of mediocrity. Now you are criticizing Kate for being mediocre.
Hmm. See, I'm not using mediocre in the sense that Kate was using it. My impression of when Kate said that was that she meant that having a regular job and a normal life outside of the entertainment business was "mediocre." That was certainly the context that she implied, as she was talking about how she wants to be famous and on T.V. That's what we were waxing poetically about, "mediocrity" because many of us do not believe Jon's normal life is mediocre at all.
I have often used mediocre in quotes when I refer to that incident, because Kate spins a completely different meaning of the word. You can have a "mediocre" life by Kate's standards but you don't have to be MEDIOCRE in the true sense of the word--you can avoid being lazy and avoid "just good enough" while still being just mediocre in Kate's eyes--though not in mine.
Bottom line, whatever you do, do it well. If Kate wants to blog, she should do it well. If she wants to take photos, she should do it well. Or at least try. Nothing inconsistent about that. Blogging isn't for Kate. She's mediocre at it at best, but won't try harder. She may not be mediocre at a desk job or something else, the point is not what job you are doing, but whether you are finding something you do well and then doing your best and always striving to do better. Even people who flip burgers can do that.
I tend to agree with NJGal51, BUT how did she get this past Jon if they did film?
How did she get CWS past Jon? Simple, she admitted flat out to Brooke Sheilds she didn't even consult him. I believe Brooke asked if their father was involved in the decision and Kate said no, then went on to say it was a decision she and the kids made.
NJGal51 said... 196
I beginning to agree with those of you that think a special was filmed over the Christmas holiday. She's just way too happy right now.
She's been awfully giddy about her birthday this year. A little more hyper than usual. A "Kate Turns Thirty8" special?
Dear God. I hope not.
agree with you all that the surprise is a "special" which she filmed at Christmas with family/friends. Said months ago that Kate is maybe filmimg cause her only friends are hairdressers, make-up artists, cameramen and the only family are the children. Kate most likely setting "it" up cause if ratings are up Kate gets a show; not weekly but maybe 2-4 times a year IF ratings up pass 5 million!
She makes the kids sit there and watch her eat an entire piece of birthday cake?
Maybe she's finally decided to do YouTube videos. Her kids' privacy be damned!!
Be Consistent #!
Keep reading on, please
She makes the kids sit there and watch her eat an entire piece of birthday cake?
Sure, she'll drink water in front of them if they're parched and ready to pass out. She'll take the boys' birthday cupcakes away from them and let the girls eat their's in front of them. After all it's HER big day!!!! YAY!!!!
Move over Jesus, Katemas is coming.
My minion Kate Gosselin will soon introduce me and all my tentacles to the world! What a wonderful surprise for everyone!
Sorry Admin. That was my post that said Milo. No idea how that happened. I must have been thinking about Milo when I typed my name. Oops!
Oh! Ok Mel, no problemo! I do that too, thinking about something then I just type it, lol.
I just don't understand it. What child would want to sit there and watch their mother eat a birthday cake? And what mother would take enjoyment out of such a bizarre thing? She's a freak. She arranges the children around her like she is queen bee. It's just not normal or healthy.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 4
I tend to agree with NJGal51, BUT how did she get this past Jon if they did film?
How did she get CWS past Jon? Simple, she admitted flat out to Brooke Sheilds she didn't even consult him. I believe Brooke asked if their father was involved in the decision and Kate said no, then went on to say it was a decision she and the kids made.
True. My first reaction to that is Jon needs to grow a pair and take her back to court in order to make sure periodic filming or worse is a mutual decision. AND to make sure the kids are paid and the money put in their accounts, which hopefully she cannot touch. I know he is probably taking the approach that periodic filming will not lead to a regular series, but it's still time out of the kids' lives which is better spent on other things. The 'littles' need to get off the Konpound, involved in sports, Boy & Girl Scots, etc. Plus, she keeps rising out of the ashes like some botoxed phoenix . . I really feel like anything could happen. Go get a real job Katie!
It was just too unusual for Kate to keep so quiet after that Xmas vacation. She said they had fun but she would normally be bragging afterwards about a freebie trip from someone so "poor her" could afford to go on vacation or she would be complaining about what it cost her. She is just too quiet about it. Some thought she went to France because of her French yogurt maker. I doubt she has family and friends in Europe so I am skeptical of the France idea.
Here are a couple tweets from that time.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 29 Dec
Hi! I've been MIA! I'm away w my kids over vacation visiting family and friends! Having an amazing time! We r all so happy to be here!!!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4 Jan
So far, I really love 2013! Nothing but fun has been on our schedule! Let's hope it continues on throughout the year! Good night all! XO
Does she eat a piece of cake on THEIR birthdays?
Or does she just portion out a sliver and tell them to eat it cake first then the icing and don't make a mess? Half the fun of having a birthday cake is sharing it with everyone at your party. I hope she joins in some of the festivities of those 2, count 'em two, days of the year. But according to that tweet, eating a piece of cake is beneath her unless it's a lemon concoction from Duff's.
All I can say is I've seen people like Kate with absolutely no respect for the court system or the other parent. You need a really aggressive judge who isn't afraid to throw them in jail for contempt. These judges really aren't all that common. It takes balls to throw a mother in jail, most judges think it will make them look bad and since most have aspirations they don't want to be in the business of cracking down on mothers. To this day, I believe much of society thinks mothers are sacred and untouchable. No one wants to be the one punishing a poor mother. Kate has been milking this view for years now and will continue to forever as long as she gets away with it. How many times have we said if JON were the one slapping Kate it would a different story? Mothers are sacred and it's absurd.
The more a parent like Kate realizes she's got a pushover judge who isn't going to follow through, the more empowered she feels to do whatever she likes. It gave me chills to hear her say so matter of factly Jon wasn't even involved in the CWS decision. She is so empowered now that she feels she doesn't even need to consult their FATHER over a decision as important as that one--that is downright SCARY.
A "hypothetical" simple parental alienation example might be a mother who refuses to bring the children to the father's visits. When he goes to her house to pick them up, she's not home. When he calls her cell phone, she doesn't pick up or has changed the number. She always has some excuse why the visit was missed. This might have to have happen seven or eight times before the average judge finally says enough is enough I'm holding you in contempt if it happens again. Family court sucks sometimes when the other parent is a parental alienator. I wouldn't recommend it. I hope these kids turn out all right, I really do. I have my major doubts.
Nothing about Kate is normal. It hasn't been from the beginning. It's like Lewis Caroll is writing the her life script as she goes along and we're watching. And we can't look away because there's always an O.M.G. moment on the horizon. Now what the hell is she doing?
Everything about her is Jabberwocky.
You can read about mental illness in a book and it's interesting enough. Or, you can watch something very unique and disturbing play out, day to day on twitter. Now that's fascinating. Twitter hasn't been around that long, how many true nervous breakdowns have been followed from start to finish on twitter? Like our own version of bird watching I guess. A lot of long days holding the binoculars for a big payoff every once in awhile. It's why I'm here. Pass the binoculars! So sue me!
haha! Kate birding. Bring a lawnchair and a thermos of coffee.
By the way I think it's important to note that while some judges are really intelligent, excellent bench officers, some of them are not. Any fool can weasel his way onto the bench if he knows enough of the right people and plays his cards right. I've noticed a lot of nepotism and the like. It is kind of shocking that people like that are responsible for kids.
And a book! Robert's book! So we can compare shit she does to things she's done in the book and check things off.
I think that's what bird watchers do anyway.
Although no need to whisper, which is nice.
Little OT here, but I know someone who is involved in a parental alienator situation. His ex has kept the child from her/him for years and she/he is finally in a position to go to court. The child and her mother live in let's say an eastern state famous for a music mecca. I think the ex has met her match in the judge as there is an emergency hearing scheduled soon to iron out particulars of visits. It's been interesting, even fascinating, to watch this play out. One thing I'll never understand--why does the generation raised on the computer & social media insist on putting everything out there for public consumption? It's in the public domain stupid! If you don't want people to read it, don't write a self-serving blog post insulting the people who have the authority to make decisions that will affect your life!! Don't put it out there on Twitter! Hmmm, maybe the person I'm thinking about is the true blighted ovum.
It's so hard to watch Kate continue to f-up on Twitter and continue on as if nothing has happened. Karma is so slow sometimes.
All I can say is I've seen people like Kate with absolutely no respect for the court system or the other parent. You need a really aggressive judge who isn't afraid to throw them in jail for contempt. These judges really aren't all that common. It takes balls to throw a mother in jail, most judges think it will make them look bad and since most have aspirations they don't want to be in the business of cracking down on mothers. To this day, I believe much of society thinks mothers are sacred and untouchable. No one wants to be the one punishing a poor mother. Kate has been milking this view for years now and will continue to forever as long as she gets away with it. How many times have we said if JON were the one slapping Kate it would a different story? Mothers are sacred and it's absurd.
I find it gets old that most of you make every excuse in the book for Jon not intervening in any filming going on. He has a voice, why doesn't he use it? Did he even TRY?
And if he truly was NOT aware filming was going on, did he do anything about it after the fact to prevent it happening again in the future?
Oh look Clara! It's the speckled orange-breasted sapsucker...right over there!
I think her surprise will be posted on her website on her birthday. And my guess is it will be a copy of the front of her cookbook.
Please, please let it not be that she will be on a TV show that was filmed over the holidays. Wouldn't it be weird if her family (parents and siblings) participated in it. That alone would drive the ratings.
@SandieBellz @MeInAtlanta @MiloandJack I agree! But I still gotta make our Gosselin Family Birthday cake.Yum! Kids sit and watch me eat a pc
WTF? First off she calls it "Gosselin Family Birthday Cake"?? Secondly they sit and watch her eat an effing piece of cake? Those kids are ALSO her narcissistic SUPPLY along with her twitties, textbook yet again. Wether they really "ouu and ahh" and she twits about it, or she totally makes the crap up, it's some serious effed up stuff. PLUS, some have already brought up the classic Cupcakegate, there's how things usually 'really' go in that house.
I think it's a Christmas special and she will announce it on her BIRTHDAY (!!!!). Men would not consider a cook book to be "very good news". She's so full of herself.
It's sad enough that she has such and eating disorder that her kids comment on it; what's even sadder is that she has no clue that it's not normal to be so restrictive that her kids notice. And she has no clue that saying so makes her sound like an anorexic weirdo.
Be Consistent 1 -- We aren't criticizing KK for being mediocre. We're criticizing KK for presenting herself as something special and unique and better than others, while only putting out enough effort to be mediocre. There's not a thing wrong with being mediocre. Most of us are. But we try our best to be the best mediocre we can be. KK does very little but tries to convince the world that she's the epitome of organization, cookery, home ownership, mothering, what have you. That's what raises people's hackles and makes them dislike her so intensely. It's one thing to have a superior attitude when you are superior (although it is still annoying). It's another thing entirely to have a superior attitude when you aren't good at much of anything and display that to the world daily.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 7
She makes the kids sit there and watch her eat an entire piece of birthday cake?
That is a strange comment.
Kate has an odd way of expressing herself.
I do not believe anything was filmed over Xmas. She had plastic surgery done. She looked different on Wife Swap compared to when she appeared on The View. The kids were parceled out while she recuperated from the surgery, IMO.
She makes everything a big deal with all the hinting, very childish, and it's probably just some "mediocre" event she's been babbling about. Perhaps she did a test for a show. Doesn't mean she'll be back on TV.
Interesting about the leak about her book being rejected. I wonder who did that? Robert? She sure has made an enemy
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 23
And a book! Robert's book! So we can compare shit she does to things she's done in the book and check things off.
I think that's what bird watchers do anyway.
Maybe it will be "The Big Year"
(I'm a casual birder, and loved this sweet little movie)
How does she get filming like CWS and other things past Jon? I think she pays him off. He got a taste of the money and the good life and lost it. Kate still has it and he wants it. He loves his kids and is a good dad but he also loved the money. There's and old Andy Willims and Robert Goulet movie called I'd Rather Be Rich. The first line of the theme song is "money can't buy happiness but I'd rather be rich".
I see Marie is back pontificating on everything.
Woke up to the news this morning that Italy has ruled Amanda Knox has to stand trial again. I can't believe it.
One other thing I'd like to point out about Pioneer Woman. She is confident enough in herself to laugh at herself and admit when she makes a mistake. People can relate to her. Kate would never do that.
Good morning! Today's platitude:
Life Tools @LifeTools 2h
Refuse to lose, refuse to be defeated, refuse to be cheated and refuse to have regrets.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
I think there's a word for this. Oh yeah it's stubborn.
Or, you can watch something very unique and disturbing play out, day to day on twitter. Now that's fascinating.
Exactly. There are case studies in a book...totally impersonal and out of reach. Here, we have our own cases right here -- Kate, Milo, and for those interested in the sociological and psychological aspect of it, we can see it happen on a daily basis.
As for the court thing, PA judges have historically tended to side on the side of the woman/mother. I've seen it happen over and over again.
"She's smart in some ways. Getting thru nursing school, passing the boards, plotting to get pregnant with HOM's, using people, hiding money, etc. She may have an aha! moment every once in a while, but lacks the focus and work ethic to take it any further. Which is why she settles for good enough because after all SHE did it this way."
Getting through nursing school and passing the boards requires book work. Many can do it quite well, but wouldn't know, for example, how to arrange flowers in vase. They'd just plop them it. She admitted that she's not internet savvy. Setting up a decent and commendable website and consistently contributing to it requires creative and imaginative skills. I don't think that she has that. Look at her decorating ability. She couldn't put together a room if her life depended on it. I think it's the same way with blogging. She has no idea what to do with a website or how to maintain it.
I also believe that this big announcement is a special that was filmed. If it were just a self-published cookbook, she could have revealed that at any time. This "I wish I could" tell you means that there is a contract with somebody. She said something to the effect, when someone asked her about a hint, "let me think about it." This means that she'd have to get prior approval, or word it in a way that doesn't divulge any info a network placed restrictions upon. If it were her own cookbook, she'd just blurt it out without fearing repercussions from anyone.
I didn't follow PW when this happened, so correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that she had a post about her big brother, who is mentally retarded, in which she explained that her brother is retarded and that she freely called him her retarded brother and didn't like all the hangs ups people had with that word. Okay, fair enough. However, a lot of readers really didn't like that post, they felt offended by it, and told her so. PW took the post down. She wasn't so stubborn and rigid that she was going to thumb her nose at all the criticism and do whatever she darn well pleased even despite the majority of people taking issue with it.
I'm sure she still calls him that in real life but she has enough respect for her fans and readers not to post things like that anymore.
It reminds me of Kate's absolute refusal to take the pic of Mady's legs down even when professional bloggers were outraged over it and writing up pieces about it.
JMO said... 29
I see Marie is back pontificating on everything.
The scroll feature is an amazing tool. Perhaps more people should use it.
Readerlady you said it so well. Kate was using "mediocre" to mean middle class. And that's what we took offense to. There is nothing wrong with being middle class, having a normal, middle class job out of the limelight, and a normal, quiet life. I don't recall anyone say it's okay to do things half-baked. Rather, people were saying it's okay to live your life out of the spotlight and be normal.
I use mediocre to mean what it means "Of only moderate quality; not very good". You can have all the money in the world, but be very mediocre. Most of what she does is of only moderate quality, not very good. I think she overcompensates. The mediocre person is her.
"How does she get filming like CWS and other things past Jon? I think she pays him off. He got a taste of the money and the good life and lost it."
"I see Marie is back pontificating on everything..."
I'd rather read her "pontificating," which offers different perspectives and insights on various things than a "I think she pays him off" bash on Jon that has no basis in fact but is just another slam at him at valuing money over the welfare of his children, which is just not true. Unless one has court records and knows exactly what went down before a judge concerning the filming issue, "paying him off" is nothing more than speculative trashing.
Milo wouldn't shut up about a twitter peer that is leaving temporary (apparently for health reasons) despite saying she "understands privacy needed thou". Then she keeps twittering about it & trying to guess what happened to that person. SHUT UP! If the person hasn't discussed or disclosed it then she has no business talking about it on a public forum.
Plus that person tweeted her message ONLY to Kate. She has not told anyone else. ARGH!
Kate encourages the nosiness! She tweeted "what did I miss here?" Now Milo has to figure out why that person is leaving twitter and is not shy suspecting she has cancer.
Milo wouldn't shut up about a twitter peer that is leaving temporary (apparently for health reasons) despite saying she "understands privacy needed thou". Then she keeps twittering about it & trying to guess what happened to that person. SHUT UP! If the person hasn't discussed or disclosed it then she has no business talking about it on a public forum.
Can you imagine what Milo's family goes through living with her on a daily basis? Maybe they encourage this fascination with Kate because it keeps her on the computer and away from them!
Nicole Mae @NicoleMaeL 1h
@Kateplusmy8 hi Kate! Have always loved you! Are you blogging right now? ❤
If that's what you want to call it! ;-)
I think before Robert releases his new re-edited book, I am going to reread the original. I want it fresh in my mind.
Plus that person tweeted her message ONLY to Kate. She has not told anyone else. ARGH!
The thing about Twitter is that Tweets to Kate (or anyone) show up on their timeline, so everyone can see it. Nothing private about it. The woman also put a pink teddy bear on her profile which symbolizes breast cancer. A sad fact with social media is it's far from private, might as well use a billboard for announcements. There's always going to be some damn nosy busybody like Milo around.
becky netzer @netzer267 2h
@Kateplusmy8 What's the weather like their? We have robins but it's only in the 30' s
If you keep checking Twitter, Milo should be on there any time now with the daily weather report for Kate.
That person should have DM'ed Kate if she had to leave twitter for personal reasons. But everyone jumped on that and started saying get well, take care, blah blah. Now she is not there to defend herself from all the assumptions being tweeted about her.
Milo even patted another tweeter's back for being 'very observant' on catching something about the asbent person that no one else noticed. I would not have said that if it was health-related...'oh good catch!'. It pisses me when someone has to be asbent and people are going on discussing that person's personal business behind her back ON A PUBLIC FORUM...that's just wrong. They also could be jumping to the wrong conclusion so either they are going to make big fools out of themselves or are they going to high-five each other?
Kate encourages the nosiness! She tweeted "what did I miss here?" Now Milo has to figure out why that person is leaving twitter and is not shy suspecting she has cancer.
But why is Milo speculating (#Worried) that it's the fan...just because she's going to be away and she has a pink bear on her page? It could be her mother, sister, best friend she's supporting with the pink symbol, and that she's going to be away to take care of them.
Why didn't that person just DM Kate instead of making it public? Stupid. Of course, Kate could care less. That's the problem. Her tweeties think they have a real relationship with Kate.
Oh for heavens sake, now Gypsi is asking Milo about the weather in Kate's area:
sarah @gypsi001 40s
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 did they get more snow durin the night? :/
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 "Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not." ~ T. Huxley
Hey, Milo...as long as you are quoting Thomas Huxley, tweet the one to Kate about asking God to give you strength to face a fact although it might kill you. I can't find it right now, but it certainly fits. She needs to come to grips with the fact that she is done, over and out.
Admin -- I took KK's use of "mediocre" to mean average, rather than middle class. She wants to be considered unique, set apart, above the crowd. I'm sure there are economic considerations in her definition, but I think it's more a reflection of her needing to be elevated above the world. She's too special to have to deal with the same issues the rest of us do. Whether it involves breaking traffic rules with impunity or being able to shop in a store barred to other customers or not paying her bills or making enough money to pay "helpers" to care for her children and run her household for her, she wants to be "better than" the rest of us. She just doesn't want to have to live in the real world. That, to her, is mediocre.
Milo and her darn weather!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Say how much snow did U get? If ur still smiling...its shows a good attitudey!
sarah @gypsi001 4m
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 did they get more snow durin the night? :/
Gypsi is asking Milo, the meterologist in the Deep South, how much snow Kate got in PA. No, Gypsi, no more snow during the night. Once again, Milo was wrong. Total snowfall during the day was less than three inches and it melted after it turned to rain. Roads never were a problem. There was no school cancellation, not even a delay. Milo needs a new weather source.
These tweets are just so darn funny! What is *with* these people? What is that awful mess she posted? Is that something Kate made?
kath burley @kathburley1976 30m
@Kateplusmy8 bulgogi! Hope it works. #ancientchineserecipe says to marinade for 24hrs? Any tips pic.twitter.com/iyGyMpMhtg
Yes. You marinade it for 24 hours.
Marinade --
a savory usually acidic sauce in which meat, fish, or a vegetable is soaked to enrich its flavor or to tenderize it
Oh for heavens sake, now Gypsi is asking Milo about the weather in Kate's area:
It's so amusing, isn't it, Tweet-le? Maybe Milo has set up an RV in a nearby property to keep very close tabs on Kate so when the big reveal comes this week, Milo will be right there to personally advise Kate on how to handle all of the media furor that she expects this big announcement to generate! She'll be there to help Kate to fill and hide the 100,000 eggs and cook the ham in the crockpot. No need to slice the bread, though, that magic machine does it all by itself!
While reading through this site quickly during my lunch I thought it said exposing herself
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 41
Kate has an odd way of expressing herself.
LB said... 61
That person should have DM'ed Kate if she had to leave twitter for personal reasons. But everyone jumped on that and started saying get well, take care, blah blah. Now she is not there to defend herself from all the assumptions being tweeted about her.
What horrible people, wishing the person well! Definitely something for ya'll to get so worked up over.
People are assuming the person is ill. They are not accusing her of being an ax murderer. She doesn't need to "defend" herself.
I have a feeling the "news" is more than a cookbook. She's too excited over this. Who sits on the end of their seats in anticipation of a book containing Kate's slapped together meals? Yeah, I know...the sheeple do, but Kate's too giddy over this for it to be just a cookbook. It's not impossible that a cookbook is in the works, but her flapping her mouth around with these teases says more than a book of recipes is on the horizon..."it's REALLY good news," "You'll love it," etc.
Sometimes I can't believe that anyone could be so stupid, and that the tweets are just a means of needling Kate. Like the one about how do you freeze cookies.
But it doesn't really seem like they're needling, either. Hard to figure out. Definitely a source of amusement.
Just Down The Road said... 68
Wasn't bulgogi the dinner that Jon cooked during the Korean Dinner episode? Isn't this the episode where Kate said "if you have to follow a recipe you're not a true cook"?
I find it funny that this tweetie is asking Kate for tips about the recipe, when during the show, Kate actually messed up part of it.
readerlady, Kate is special. All narasassistic (morning lag on spelling) think they are totally unique and therefore whatever they do is better than any one else can do.
Just like all reality tv people think there show is ther al deal. Not my opinion but it is what it is.
I can't believe there had ever been a time when I chose to think stupidly that people are kind and genuine. As if. Nobody is kind and genuine with a camera shoved up there nose. I at least knew at some point she'd turn Barbie...oh look she did.
Was only a matter of time before she turned her kids into plastic beings who just got to sit around and watch her feed herself. Talk creepy? Yes. Talk it's been too long since you escaped the mental illness van that people have tried to stuff you in? Totally.
It's a given on reality tv that you have to someone have this magic ability to turn into a complete freak. But hey, everyone has to have there talents.
"I see Marie is back pontificating on everything..."
Isn't it kind of pontificating if you are lecturing about pontificating?
Unless they Skype or video cam, those are pretty darn powerful binoculars Milo has that can see Kate smiling all the way up the East Coast! She/he is really creepy.
@gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 Snow was 4cast...but don't know if it happened! Kate was all smiles..maybe just making herself be of good cheer! :)
I'm playing catch up here, and haven't read all the comments yet, so I may be asking something already discussed...but I haven't read that KK denied her surprise is a cook book. Has she? Anything that KK doesn't want to discuss, she simply pretends to not see tweets about it, no matter how many times it is mentioned. Therefore, I think it is still quite possible that a cook book is her 'surprise'.
On the other hand, she was on twitter silence during Christmas. It's possible that she told Jon she was taking the kids on a trip, and then did filming of the kids behind Jon's back, the same way she did CWS.
If she once again has filmed the kids behind Jon's back, I think that one of the reasons she does that is so SHE controls all the money made from the filming. In that case, once again she would be using her children to line HER purse!!
@Kateplusmy8 BTW....U have a surprise coming on 28th! Won't come N the mail though....:)
Is Milo sending Kate something that will be delivered to her house, like flowers or something similar?
Or is Milo going to show up on Kate's doorstep on Thursday?
Isn't it kind of pontificating if you are lecturing about pontificating?
lol!! Well, if the person is stating it in an annoying or holier-than-thou way, and since this is the definition of pontificating, then the answer to your question would be "yes."
Maybe Milo knows all and sees all because she lives in the tree house (which is why Kate keeps it locked). Milo in the treehouse vice Flowers in the Attic.
IF Kate has a special coming up, why would she be the one to announce it and not the network? The only thing I can figure out is that she's coordinated to have her announcement to come out with the netwoek's announcement. All that being said, one can look ahead on a channel programming guide to see what will be on for the next month or so. Has anyone seen any mention of Kate? Also, the info came out about CWS well ahead of the show so I assume if she had been filming something would have slipped now. I may be changing my mind back to cookbook announcement.
Lol that sounds like a threat. I know milo didn't mean it that way but sheesh.
Oh, big word for you. Congratulations. Save it for someone who cares.
Oops! Posted too soon before as I've got another question. If she has filmed behind Jon's back (again) isn't there anything he can do about it? Couldn't she be compelled to tell him or risk a fine? If you hit her where it hurts (pocketbook) she might sit up and take notice.
I'm still not convinced that Kate's surprise is a show that will be aired on TV. She said she would announce it on her website and twitter, and it sounds like she will be the first one to announce it. Any show she's been on, including CWS, was announced before Kate even mentioned it. This sounds more like something she is personally involved with and self-produced.
It is possible(as someone pointed out), that she did make a Youtube video, either about her Christmas "vacation" or something Mady may have filmed. Maybe she made a birthday video thanking all her tweeties for their love and support.
Another reason I doubt it's a network show about their Christmas vacation is why would anyone want to watch a Christmas "special" and why would any network air it in March or April.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m
@Kateplusmy8 BTW....U have a surprise coming on 28th! Won't come N the mail though....:)
There it is. Milo will arrive at Kate's door on the 28th, bearing a gift. Herself.
Kate's out looking for a bunny cage in which to transport Bugs to the nearest bunny shelter.
Is Milo sending Kate something that will be delivered to her house, like flowers or something similar?
Or is Milo going to show up on Kate's doorstep on Thursday?
I'm not a stalker and only drive by Kate's house when I'm on my way to somewhere in that area. It would be so tempting, though, to drive by on her birthday and see if Milo is sitting at the gate with a bouquet of flowers, a Dyson or a filter for Kate's laundry vent!
Incidentally, does anything get delivered to Kate's house? I thought she picked everything up at FedEx or UPS which gives her the chance to park in the fire lane because she's so very special.
Kate is a twit said... 78
Or is Milo going to show up on Kate's doorstep on Thursday?
I'd pay to see the look on Kate's face if she does.
I can picture a large box being left at the gate on Thursday and Milo jumping out wearing nothing but a bow.
If she has filmed behind Jon's back (again) isn't there anything he can do about it?
Not unless there is something on record in the courts that she can't do so without his permission.
Another reason I doubt it's a network show about their Christmas vacation is why would anyone want to watch a Christmas "special" and why would any network air it in March or April.
Perhaps it has nothing to do with Christmas, especially if they went to Europe or on a cruise. It wouldn't be a Christmas Special, but a Vacation with the Gosselins Special.
Much Ado About... said... 71
No, my comment about unable to defend yourself meant to diffuse these rumors about being ill. What if she IS NOT ill? Ever think what they saw on her page might be just something she SUPPORTS vice versa being ill or having someone who is ill? Who thinks like that? I would never want to say that about someone I personally do not know! I would be mortified if there were people discussing my health openly and making far-fetched assumptions. Just like Milo did with Deanna's friend passing away. She pestered her for awhile, trying to find out personal information about the friend. How does that benfits anyone? Digging for that kind of information? UGH!
Why did Milo tweet the birthday surprise to Kate? Why not e-mail her, call her, or DM her? She's just a blow-house, attention-seeking tool who is as narcissistic as her idol.
I agree that it would be almost impossible to keep any filming a secret this long, so I don't think KK's surprise is an episode on television.
I just remembered the article that said KK's book had not been picked up by a publisher...but forgot who said that. All the tweets KK made when we all agreed that KK had not gotten what she wanted could have been her reaction to the book not being published. I wonder if that is when she decided to self publish? KK would see that as a huge accomplishment...no never means no when you do it yourself!
Milo is teasing Kate with a surprise because Kate is teasing her with a surprise. My surprise is better than your surprise.
It's that elementary school mentality which someone here aptly called it.
Ever think what they saw on her page might be just something she SUPPORTS vice versa being ill or having someone who is ill?
That was what I said upthread. You can see other possibilities. I can see other possibilities, and others can do the same, but obviously Milo can't. It doesn't mean that the fan is sick, but Milo just has to keep digging and digging in something that is none of her darn business.
Did Deanna ever give Milo any satisfaction and answer her questions about her friend?
I can picture a large box being left at the gate on Thursday and Milo jumping out wearing nothing but a bow.
What color?
@SchmeckyGirl @EmeraldCityJazz @Kateplusmy8 I'm picturin Milo coastin into Kate's driveway like Cousin Eddie in National Lampoon's Vacation.
Now that's funny. At least Kate is on a septic system so Milo won't have to empty the waste into the city sewer and cause an explosion!
Way behind on comments, BUT saw that Krap has a BIG surprise. Pure conjecture- but maybe a network or cable show waited for ratings with CWS and will now broadcast her filmed Christmas/New Year vacation. Who knows? She is one twisted person who will never spare her kids, if she can earn an extra buck.
But has not spoken to her own parents for over 8 years, as "they don't know how to help her." Apparently Kate gets rid of people who offer suggestions, advice, etc. if it does not involve making money from her kids. She refuses to accept their advice as she knows she does not have a chance of any popularity without her kids. Co-dependant much Kate? Depending on your own kids to earn a living? Pitiful I say with all of the chances you have been given. Still pimping her kids.
Should have moved on to a quiet life for the kids' sake since SHE has nothing to offer on her own 2 feet. What a lazy pimp!!
Marie said... 82
Oh, big word for you. Congratulations. Save it for someone who cares.
Great response, Marie. Your posts are always well thought our an I always enjoy reading them.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 94
I can picture a large box being left at the gate on Thursday and Milo jumping out wearing nothing but a bow.
What color?
Perhaps clear, so that Kate misses nothing.
Someone posted this on Twitter. Milo in an RV showing up at Kate's door...chuckle of the day:
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 you mean like this? pic.twitter.com/9Pq7aZgv5T
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 94
I can picture a large box being left at the gate on Thursday and Milo jumping out wearing nothing but a bow.
What color?
Flesh color with a Pink Bow? Kate's favorite color : )
Kate is a twit said... 78
@Kateplusmy8 BTW....U have a surprise coming on 28th! Won't come N the mail though....:)
Is Milo sending Kate something that will be delivered to her house, like flowers or something similar?
Or is Milo going to show up on Kate's doorstep on Thursday?
[Groan & shudder]
Creepy idol & her creepy fan.
Maybe Kate will invite Milo to come along on her birthday dinner ;o)
Maybe she made a birthday video thanking all her tweeties for their love and support.
Kate...Kate...thank-thanking people....GHHHEEHEEHEE*SNORT*HEEHEE-MWUAHAHAAA!!!
Oh, bless you. I needed a laugh at the end of the workday.
OH! OH! OH! (to quote Arnold Horshack) Maybe Kate has produced and filmed an infomercial for her cookbook where she demonstrates her cooking prowess for some of the recipes. She would then be able to announce when it's going to be on becasue she is paying for the late night air time (or it's a youtube video that she'll be releasing). Not only can you see her in action, but for only $88.88 you can own an autographed copy of the cookbook AND a copy of the video. YEE HAW!
Maybe Kate will invite Milo to come along on her birthday dinner ;o)
But no cake for Milo. She'll have to sit with the kids and watch Kate eat it all by herself.
still sick... but I've watched every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 in the past 5 days on Netflix which was fun...
I think if I watched five days of Jon and Kate I'd be beyond sick. No wonder the tweetie doesn't recover!
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 97
I can picture a large box being left at the gate on Thursday and Milo jumping out wearing nothing but a bow.
What color?
A plain brown box, probably. ;-)
A little off topic but Admin, I have a question. When people bring tweets over here they leave off the name of the tweeter. To me that seems that we are closing in on plagiarism.
If you copy and paste something someone else wrote (sort of like quoting) shouldn't you give the source? Or am I just being a nitpicky fool. (I want to see the source so I can go to that person's timeline so I can see the context so I may just be creating an argument to support my selfish wants. If that's what this is, then just nevermind. Otherwise, could we get the original poster copied, too?)
Don't mean to single any one poster out (I know someone just did it above, but that only reminded me what I think when almost everyone does it.) And really I am not sure about this anyway. Maybe it is safer not to include the original poster?
Can the lawyer weigh in? Appreciate it.
NJGal51 said... 106
OH! OH! OH! (to quote Arnold Horshack) Maybe Kate has produced and filmed an infomercial for her cookbook where she demonstrates her cooking prowess for some of the recipes. She would then be able to announce when it's going to be on becasue she is paying for the late night air time (or it's a youtube video that she'll be releasing). Not only can you see her in action, but for only $88.88 you can own an autographed copy of the cookbook AND a copy of the video. YEE HAW
Maybe she got a contract with a pots and pan manufacturer to use their products on that infomercial. Large pots and pans for feeding 8 at a time! And a special pink can opener! But wait! If you order in the next 8 minutes, you get a second pink can opener FREE, just pay shipping and handling! Call 888-888-8888 or go to our website www.gr8pots2cookwretchedfoodN.com
Milo is teasing Kate with a surprise because Kate is teasing her with a surprise. My surprise is better than your surprise.
It's that elementary school mentality which someone here aptly called it.
You nailed that one, Auntie Ann...
@Kateplusmy8 Wow...U have been gone ALL DAY...working on that surprise? I'm workin on mine too....U want 2guess? 28th...big day! :)
You nailed that one, Auntie Ann...
@Kateplusmy8 Wow...U have been gone ALL DAY...working on that surprise? I'm workin on mine too....U want 2guess? 28th...big day! :)
I wonder if Milo is deliberately annoying or if it comes naturally to her or him or it.
Looks their's another divorced due to reality TV from the real house wive of ATL.
Kordell Stewart files divorce papers on his wife of two years Porsha Williams. (TRHW of atl).
Arielle Pfeifer @AriellaDarling 19m
Reading @Kateplusmy8's new book to pass time at work. #hooked
...and what new book might that be? :)
Sheeple are slow, but wow!
Words of wisdom from Kellie Pickler, former American Idol contestant and current Dancin With Them Thar Stars contestant. from a USA Today article. Something she learned while on American Idol. ”If you don't act bat·*·* crazy, they can't make you look like that”.
No, its not just editing. When someone is really unpleasant on film, they WERE that unpleasant in order for the behavior to be filmed i'm the first place.
I am incredible impressed with Kellie! She is really talented, and she and Derek work so well together! According to the interview, she is on the show because her grandfather loves the show. ” he's more excited than when I was on Idol”. And her hair is so short because she shaved her head in the fall to support a friend going thru cancer treatment.
I'm pretty sure the reason some people don't include the twitter names (and sometimes I intentionally X them out myself on the rare occasion I post them) is to remove a level of embarrassment for the tweeter. I think most of us actually feel quite bad for most of the fans (with the exception of Milo, who I believe to be very similar to Kate and I don't feel sorry for anymore) and we want to be able to criticize them without being unnecessarily mean, catty, or calling them out by name. Removing the name makes it a tad "gentler" if that makes sense. I liken it to coming home and saying oh my gosh you would not believe what my stupid coworker said to me today! Hubby: Who? Me: I'd rather not say.
It's just nicer to remove the name when relaying something like that. Plagiarism would be trying to pass off someone's tweet as your own and I don't see anyone trying to claim these tweets as their own. That would be the day! :)
Words of wisdom from Kellie Pickler, former American Idol contestant and current Dancin With Them Thar Stars contestant. from a USA Today article. Something she learned while on American Idol. ”If you don't act bat·*·* crazy, they can't make you look like that”.
Amen, Kellie. Someone on Survivor said that too once. I think it was Jerry.
They can certainly edit out some of your best moments, but how can they edit IN bad ones?
Thanks Admin for answering my question. I am just lazy and don't want to go look the tweet up but am nosy (like Milo) and want to see what led up to the most ridiculous tweet. Probably didn't even deserve an answer but thank you for taking the time.
Blast from the past. Here's what Kate said about Cara and Mady's birthday on her blog awhile back:
"I am honored to be called “mommy” by these two amazing creatures that God created and designed for me!"
The kids were designed FOR her. Even God had a hand in it. Says it all.
You're welcome Long Time, I hope that made sense. My best guess anyway. Twitter is a pretty new thing!
Hope you'll stick around.
Hey tweeties! You noticed I've been quiet today? Yeah, I've been super busy...it's a very exciting time!!!!! Can't wait to share..... #soon
Only a few of them noticed, one of whom was Milo (surprise, surprise!) and another one was the resident Twitter butt-kisser who parrots Milo. Kate is really orgasmic over this surprise. She's going to milk it until the cows come home with dry, cracked udders.
Other than a show, I'm not sure what else could possibly live up to all this ridiculous hype.
We already KNOW about her cookbook, she told us! So did the self-publishing company!
Long, long, long time reader, sometime poster,
I rarely post either but didn't want you to think you're the only one who prefers it when a name is included with a copied tweet. It saves time (sometimes a lot) when trying to find it on someone's timeline when trying to follow the context of a conversation which often happens. It's not a big deal if it is xxxx'd out but it is helpful when it is included.
wonder if Kate Gosselin is moving to California.
Kate has been talking alot about that she's a warm weather person and should be in California; mainly Hollywood.
Oh dear - you all can see from my comment above why I don't post very often. I apologize for the horrible run on & confusing sentences above.
gosh is my face red!
Sure, Kate can move to CA. Just not with the kids.
Woke up to the news this morning that Italy has ruled Amanda Knox has to stand trial again. I can't believe it.
i think the big news today is the Supreme Court. Call me crazy.
~~ Butterfly
(insert red = sign here!!)
i think the big news today is the Supreme Court. Call me crazy.
Um, okkkkay. I don't understand this snide comment, Butterfly. Correct, there was more than one news story today. I didn't say it was the only news, did I?? Just that I woke up to it (as well as 10 other news stories). I brought up Amanda Knox because we have talked about it so much here. We have never talked about Prop 8, far too political anyway. Why would I bring such a thing up?
I woke up to the SC news too, and read about that first as a matter of fact, and have been all along. I trust everyone can read their news and know what is going on!
Um, okkkkay. I don't understand this snide comment, Butterfly. Correct, there was more than one news story today. I didn't say it was the only news, did I?
No, and neither did you say that it was the BIG news, only that you woke up to the news, which it was.
Hey tweeties! You noticed I've been quiet today? Yeah, I've been super busy...it's a very exciting time!!!!! Can't wait to share..... #soon
She's really going overboard with all this hype. Kate loves using hyperbole and exaggeration for even the most mundane things. She expects her tweeties to be just as "excited" as she is.
If her reveal doesn't turn out to be "super-duper", "over-the-top", and "outstanding" news, I wonder if there will be disappointment in twitterland and many whispers of "huh? That's all it is?".
They're like children anticipating getting the gift they hoped and wanted for Christmas. Their "mother" is dropping hints telling them it's going to be the bestest Christmas ever, and they believe her. But on Christmas morning they get clothes or something similar, instead of the toy or other gift they wanted.
Kate should realize that what's "exciting" to her, may not necessarily be "exciting" to others and she may be making a big mistake by her teasing and continuous hype.
She's really going overboard with all this hype. Kate loves using hyperbole and exaggeration for even the most mundane things. She expects her tweeties to be just as "excited" as she is.
If her reveal doesn't turn out to be "super-duper", "over-the-top", and "outstanding" news, I wonder if there will be disappointment in twitterland and many whispers of "huh? That's all it is?".
On the flip side, I can't wait to snark on how lame her news is compared to all the silly hype.
It surely will be. Just another indication of her complete lack of self awareness.
no snideness. that's the problem with this form of media.
~~ Butterfly
"Call me crazy" is usually pretty snide. Written or in person.
um, admin, it's a phrase I use quite often and mostly in jest. For example, i like my coffee with caffeine, call me crazy.
Or, I like sleeping in, call me crazy. I hope I have made myself clear.
Or, I like sleeping in, call me crazy. I hope I have made myself clear.
Butterfly, I agree that the problem with an internet forum is that the the comment is often misunderstood because you can't hear intonation in speech or the manner in which it's being said.
This is true with your remark, "I hope I have made myself clear," which could very easily be taken as a snide remark.
I wonder if there will be disappointment in twitterland and many whispers of "huh? That's all it is?".
Remember this old song?
"Is that all there is, is that all there is
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is"
Wine corks might be working overtime...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4m
So,thought I'd let you know that tomorrow is a SURPRISE kind of day!
Check http://www.kateplusmy8.com/ & twitter often! I just can't wait!!! GN!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m
Oh, &make that, goodnight my 150,000 wonderful loving supportive followers! You guys rock! Hope you love what tomorrow brings! Love u guys!
Looks like tomorrow is the big reveal.
Kate has announced that tomorrow is a surprise kind of day. Looks like the wait is almost over.
insert red = sign here!! 128
Butterfly, seconding your motion and inserting pink on red equal sign.
Except Friday was supposed to be the big announcement. I give up.
With the build-up she's given the big reveal, tomorrow will probably be deemed a national holiday- at least in Kate's mind!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 16m
@sammc243 hahaha I like your attitude! :) suspense is terribly wonderful isn't it?! :)
Not if you're watching ratings and waiting to hear if your show is cancelled, or if you are being fired from a blogging job.
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 honestly, I've hustled to get it all together... It's killing ME to keep you in suspense... I'm soooooo excited!!!
If it's something SHE'S taking credit for, then it can't be a new show...can it? I'm still thinking something along the lines of a possible homemade video.
Check http://www.kateplusmy8.com/ & twitter often!
I still don't get it? WHY? Why not just TELL your fans when you've posted it and THEN they can check out the web site? Why make busy moms with their own work and kids to tend to refresh all day? It's sick.
It would be karma if her server crashes from all the hits. She can't be paying to accommodate that much traffic, she's cheap.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 123
''We already KNOW about her cookbook, she told us! So did the self-publishing company!''
Sure, WE know about the cookbook, but KK still hasn't denied that a self-published cookbook is NOT the surprise! If KK ignores all the cookbook guesses, and pretends to not see them, then in her world no one has guessed that she's releasing a self-published cookbook! I still think the cookbook is her big surprise, and to her is a huge accomplishment. Book publishers won't accept my cookbook, then I'll do it myself!
Yes true, but I can't remember where the tweet is, but she flat out said she is working on a cookbook. She said it! Then the self publishing company announced it too, and said it was coming this fall. The gig is up. Tell me I'm not making this up, I distinctly remember this from about three weeks back! :)
Can you "regift" a surprise?
Wonder if surprise is that Kate's web page is all new, revamp, new pictures, and someone did it for her!
I think Kate has so many irons in the fire out of desperation for something to do, that at this point I really don't know what it could be. lol
Just revamping the website is a good guess, though!
Maybe she's pregnant!
Abuse expert in Jodi Arias trial testifies: abusers know that nobody would suspect or believe that they're abusers.
Fits kate to a T.
I have been reading and reading on here since Friday. I got sick again and right now I am in the hospital in ICU. I am hoping that I will get to go to a regular room soon. I am so mad because my glasses came in today or will be in tomorrow at the NH and I am not there! I will have to wait another month! I am already wearing the back ups of my back ups!!!
I have so enjoyed the REALCGOSSELIN-GATE!
I went to NBRob's article about kate and that picture that they used, UGH! When you cover her eyes, she looks like a late 50's woman!
Since kate is so happy, maybe the kids found the wooden spoon and finally happyed her up!
Did kate try to rewrite history about Nana Janet, by trying to say that she was never there? I only got a little bit of that.
Found recipe for Hawiian Ham Sliders. So easy to fix. Instead of Dijon Mustard, I would saute the onions till caramelized and add Cheez Wiz, like Philly cheese sandwiches. I would also saute the shaved deli ham. These would be great for the kids to take to school for lunch. I wish I could walk into a kitchen and stand and cook a meal.
Get cooking lazy kate!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 48m
Oh, &make that, goodnight my 150,000 wonderful loving supportive followers! You guys rock! Hope you love what tomorrow brings! Love u guys!
Why weren't there tweets from 150,000 wonderful followers, excited about this news? Guess they aren't as supportive or loving as she thinks!
There's no money in it for Kate to be pregnant again.
It would ruin her tummy tuck/navel relocation.
It wouldn't look good to take off and leave more than eight kids at home.
I won't even venture into HOW it would have happened.
Lukebandit, so sorry to hear you are back in the hospital. Hope you are feeling better very soon.
Kate Gosselin's Love Is in the Mix: Making Meals into Memories with 108+ Family-Friendly Recipes, Tips, and Traditions [Hardcover]
Release date: September 3 2013
As the well-known mom to eight growing—and hungry—kids, Kate Gosselin knows her way around the kitchen, bestowing her passion for cooking onto her brood of budding chefs. In Love Is in the Mix, Kate shares the Gosselin family's favorite recipes for every day and entertaining, a very important ingredient when creating special family time.
With bold four-color photos of the food and the family, plus amusing anecdotes of holidays and traditions, Love Is in the Mix offers a repertoire of recipes for any home chef, from crowd-pleasing appetizers to decadent desserts, from lazy weekend breakfasts to speedy weeknight suppers, plus company-worthy dishes you can serve without a hassle—or leftovers. From sweet and savory to spicy and saucy, these recipes will become regulars in your kitchen rotation, with guaranteed favorites including:
Pork Chops with Sauteed Apples, Mommy-Style Chili, Very Sloppy "Joels," Summer Stir-Fry, Mom's Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Leah's Favorite Spaghetti Sauce, Swedish Meatballs, Kate's Sausage Cacciatore, Healthy Eggplant Parmesan, Pizza Meatballs, Collin's Thomas Hummus, Cara and Mady's Crock Pot Pulled Pork, Savory Chicken Corn Soup, Kate's Famous K8 Salad, Gosselin's Chocolate Birthday Cake, Autumn Apple Pie with Crumb Topping, Aunt Helen's Lemon Squares, Blueberry Crisp, Holiday Pineapple Casserole, Kate's Basic Bread (Maker) Recipe, Spicy Sausage Bean Bake, School Morning Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cereal, Buffalo Pretzels, and Edible Dough for Play.
Kate Gosselin's Love Is in the Mix will help busy moms and dads put delicious meals on the table while making lasting memories.
Here's the secret...stealing Kate's thunder, lol
Kate Gosselin's Love Is in the Mix: Making Meals into Memories with 108+ Family-Friendly Recipes, Tips, and Traditions [Hardcover]
Release date: Sept 3, 2013
As the well-known mom to eight growing—and hungry—kids, Kate Gosselin knows her way around the kitchen, bestowing her passion for cooking onto her brood of budding chefs. In Love Is in the Mix, Kate shares the Gosselin family's favorite recipes for every day and entertaining, a very important ingredient when creating special family time.
With bold four-color photos of the food and the family, plus amusing anecdotes of holidays and traditions, Love Is in the Mix offers a repertoire of recipes for any home chef, from crowd-pleasing appetizers to decadent desserts, from lazy weekend breakfasts to speedy weeknight suppers, plus company-worthy dishes you can serve without a hassle—or leftovers. From sweet and savory to spicy and saucy, these recipes will become regulars in your kitchen rotation, with guaranteed favorites including:
Pork Chops with Sauteed Apples, Mommy-Style Chili, Very Sloppy "Joels," Summer Stir-Fry, Mom's Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Leah's Favorite Spaghetti Sauce, Swedish Meatballs, Kate's Sausage Cacciatore, Healthy Eggplant Parmesan, Pizza Meatballs, Collin's Thomas Hummus, Cara and Mady's Crock Pot Pulled Pork, Savory Chicken Corn Soup, Kate's Famous K8 Salad, Gosselin's Chocolate Birthday Cake, Autumn Apple Pie with Crumb Topping, Aunt Helen's Lemon Squares, Blueberry Crisp, Holiday Pineapple Casserole, Kate's Basic Bread (Maker) Recipe, Spicy Sausage Bean Bake, School Morning Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cereal, Buffalo Pretzels, and Edible Dough for Play.
Kate Gosselin's Love Is in the Mix will help busy moms and dads put delicious meals on the table while making lasting memories.
Kate's been saying she's been working on a cookbook for some time now. Whenever she is asked about a cookbook, her reply is always "working on it". Wasn't it a couple of months ago that she was "researching" publishers?
The tweet from the woman about the book coming out in the fall was on Feb. 21:
Kim Weiss @kimmerieweiss 21 Feb
Conference call this morning with Kate Gosselin about her fall cookbook. Should be interesting!
When Kate made this tweet, several people thought it was in reference to her bog-but it could be in reference to a publishing deadline.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7 Mar
GM!Working from home today.I have a babysitter coming to help out which is rare while I'm home..I usually try 2 do both! Deadline coming!!!!
Could be she needed a babysitter, because she was meeting with someone that day to work on the book.
Stealing Kate's thunder (not her recipes, lol):
The secret's already out:
Kate Gosselin's Love Is in the Mix: Making Meals into Memories with 108+ Family-Friendly Recipes, Tips, and Traditions [Hardcover] Release Date September 3, 2013
As the well-known mom to eight growing—and hungry—kids, Kate Gosselin knows her way around the kitchen, bestowing her passion for cooking onto her brood of budding chefs. In Love Is in the Mix, Kate shares the Gosselin family's favorite recipes for every day and entertaining, a very important ingredient when creating special family time.
With bold four-color photos of the food and the family, plus amusing anecdotes of holidays and traditions, Love Is in the Mix offers a repertoire of recipes for any home chef, from crowd-pleasing appetizers to decadent desserts, from lazy weekend breakfasts to speedy weeknight suppers, plus company-worthy dishes you can serve without a hassle—or leftovers. From sweet and savory to spicy and saucy, these recipes will become regulars in your kitchen rotation, with guaranteed favorites including:
Pork Chops with Sauteed Apples, Mommy-Style Chili, Very Sloppy "Joels," Summer Stir-Fry, Mom's Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Leah's Favorite Spaghetti Sauce, Swedish Meatballs, Kate's Sausage Cacciatore, Healthy Eggplant Parmesan, Pizza Meatballs, Collin's Thomas Hummus, Cara and Mady's Crock Pot Pulled Pork, Savory Chicken Corn Soup, Kate's Famous K8 Salad, Gosselin's Chocolate Birthday Cake, Autumn Apple Pie with Crumb Topping, Aunt Helen's Lemon Squares, Blueberry Crisp, Holiday Pineapple Casserole, Kate's Basic Bread (Maker) Recipe, Spicy Sausage Bean Bake, School Morning Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cereal, Buffalo Pretzels, and Edible Dough for Play.
Kate Gosselin's Love Is in the Mix will help busy moms and dads put delicious meals on the table while making lasting memories.
The announcement is that Milo is really Steve and the two of them are going to walk into the sunset together. The BIG surprise is for Gina.
At one time I thought that the comment that Kate is stuck at 12 or 13 years old was an exaggeration, over the top. After seeing what she's being doing for the past week, it's very close to the truth. Will she ever grow up? If she does, can she survive in an adult world?
I thought maybe she was a bit ADD because she can't focus on one thing. She's all over the place. She doesn't know who or what she is. Is she the celebrity who rubs elbows with the famous, believing that her best friends are real celebrities, jetting off to Hollywood, living the high life with expensive "things," or is she the helpless struggling single mom who packs kids' lunches to save money and has to have advice about lint filters from her Twitter friends (apparently the only friends she has are strangers)? She has no idea. One thing is certain...she has no deficit when it comes to wanting attention from anyone who will give it.
See? It's already been announced. LOL if that is her news I will just laugh. Idiot. The news we already KNOW cause she TOLD US and so did her publicist person.
And way to name all the recipes off the kids. They probably just want McDonalds for once. Even poor Aunt Helen didn't escape. My guess is she's dead. Any relative who just loves her is.
Aren't the kids WAY too old for a playdough recipe?
And nice theme, "help busy moms and dads put delicious meals on the table while making lasting memories." Wonder what Tucker thinks of that. Kate is not BUSY, she has hours upon hours to screw around with a bread machine and casseroles. And I thought their dad was dead. She's a widow.
Admin - Here's the tweet about the fall cookbook from the woman who helps to self publish.
@kimmerieweiss 21 Feb Conference call this morning wth Kate Gosselin about her fall cookbook.Should B interesting
Hands down this is her cookbook. She's been so happy lately, doesn't even tweet whoa is me tweets anymore. The big surprise everyone already knows about. hahahahahha.
Someone should tweet the description to her tweet by tweet and steal the thunder of her surprise.
I TOLD you it was some way for her to make money off her sheeple.
Maybe the surprise is a recipe contest from the fans that will be included in the book. If it's not coming out for six more months. Good heavens what is taking so long for a simple self published book anyway?
Here's the link to the Amazon page:
The publisher is listed as HCI.
Kate shares the Gosselin family's favorite recipes for every day and entertaining,
She entertains? Hope she knows how to cook the chicken or those guests will go home with more than memories of a great evening with Kate. Their party favor will be Montezuma's Revenge...it's the gift that keeps on giving for days.
Improbable Dreams great catch! Where did you find he announcement? Is she self publishing as we suspect or did she actually find a publisher?
I have been reading and reading on here since Friday. I got sick again and right now I am in the hospital in ICU. I am hoping that I will get to go to a regular room soon
Oh, no, Luke! I'm sorry to hear that. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care of yourself and let the doctors work their wonders!
Kudos, Improbable Dreams!! lol
Improbable Dreams-I should have congratulated you on finding the book before I rushed to post the Amazon link.
You get the award for Great Find of the Day!!
Kate will probably have a link to Amazon on her website so people can rush to pre-order the book.
I wonder how many tweeties are going to be disappointed that her surprise is a cookbook. I'm sure Milo is going to be disappointed. I don't recall her ever asking for a recipe and pushing her to put out a cookbook.
Hands down this is her cookbook. She's been so happy lately, doesn't even tweet whoa is me tweets anymore. The big surprise everyone already knows about. hahahahahha.
She tweeted Elvis that he is going to like the news. Huh? What would Elvis want with a cookbook when he lives at bars and grills?
Kateplusmy8 @HspncElvis it's news you'll like... :)
Is this being self-published? Do you think she ran off more than a few dozen copies of the book?
On March 12 she tweeted:
I'm thinking you'd all probably LOVE to know what I've been slaving over all day....dying to tell you, but I can't yet! Can't wait!!!
And I'M thinking it's gotta be something involving the kids because according to the Kate decoder booklet, slaving and hustling is means 'putting the kids to work'. Kate herself neither slaves nor hustles. Interesting.
The kids are ALL over the cover and apparently all in the book.
Of course she couldn't do it without selling the kids. How much of a cut will they get?
So I guess the kids had to give up their weekend for a photoshoot. Many of the girls are even wearing makeup. Probably the weekend she tweeted a pic of that wrap.
Photoshoots are hard work and not fun.
Of course she couldn't do it without selling the kids. How much of a cut will they get?
She's going to make money from this thing? Wouldn't it be nice if she'd announce that all proceeds are going to charity? Now that would be a BIG SURPRISE!
Great sleuthing Improbable Dreams! That book title is on Goodreads, and someone has already rated it, without reading it I assume. However, you can't get it from Barnes and Noble.
I hope Carlos Gosselin got a recipe named after him!
Wonder if surprise is that Kate's web page is all new, revamp, new pictures, and someone did it for her!
I agree with this Mom. Why else would she want people to keep clicking on her web page? She never cared before.
Oh I didn't see the post about her Love is in the Mix er... "cookbook" before I commented, lol. The kids' cut goes toward the mortgage payment.
Those recipes are all the slop she's been showing pictures of on her website. Oh My God. We've seen how she butchers her meals. The most appetizing thing on the list is the edible play dough.
Wait a minute. When I googled Love is in the Mix cookbook, I saw the announcement of the cookbook KK did in 2009, that was only released in other countries. Improbable Dreams post seemed to be taken from the 2009 description, with a new hardcover release date of September 3, 2013.
I think we're being punked.
I'm laughing thinking about the sheeple who set their alarms to wake up at the crack of dawn to keep checking her website...only to find out it is a cookbook when they were expecting a new show. I'm sure Austin and the Irishfan guy are going to be jumping up and down, trying hard to contain their excitement.
I just want the sausage cacciatore recipe, the one with the green beans. If I ever served anything like that, it would go outside for the raccoons and the family would order Chinese take-out or pizza.
NJGal51 said... 161
Improbable Dreams great catch! Where did you find he announcement? Is she self publishing as we suspect or did she actually find a publisher?
LOL, it was a no-brainer, really. I just put together the clues she's tweeted lately & the tweet from that self-publishing consultant. When Kate hinted that the exact timing of her pending announcement was beyond her control, I figured Amazon might be "in the mix."
HCI ("The Life Issues Publisher") is a self-publishing enterprise, so yes, this is a self-published book. Here's a short excerpt from HCI's "About us" section of their website:
Changing Lives … One Book at a Time
Since 1977, HCI has been changing the lives of our readers and the people they touch, one book at a time.
Dedicated to bringing readers quality books, HCI makes its distinction in the marketplace by not just publishing books, but by “publishing people”. These people are carefully selected authors who inspire readers to achieve their dreams, live lives of abundance, to experience consolation when needed as well the healing power of laughter. Readers will find a wealth of topics reflecting every aspect of life including: Inspiration, Self-Help, Soul, Spirituality, Relationships, Recovery, Healing, Health and Wellness, Diet, Teen Issues, Women's Issues, and Parenting. There are riveting memoirs to enjoy and trademark stories to savor in the tradition that made Chicken Soup for the Soul series famous.
Although many publishers jumped on the self-help bandwagon through the years, HCI was a pioneer in the field. Its own inspirational story illustrates why one should never give up on their dreams.
HCI began a publishing program for professionals in the recovery and addiction treatment field. Starting with pamphlets and magazines, it soon expanded into books. Its mission then, as now, was to bring inspiration, information and hope to its audience.
More about HCI, from their submissions page:
Besides being familiar with the subject areas in which we publish, it's also important for you to understand the type of book we want to acquire.
An HCI book shares the following qualities, which we refer to as HEART:
Healing - The book promotes personal growth and long-term change by offering deep-rooted solutions.
Expert - The author is an expert and bases the book on either experience or extensive knowledge and research.
Affirming - The book has an emotional component that touches readers and its tone is compassionate.
Readable - The book is written in a popular style and is easily accessible to general trade readers.
Timely - The topic is newsworthy and offers something new to readers in terms of content, author or approach.
To continue our tradition of excellence in publishing, we seek high-caliber authors who produce original material that appeals to a broad readership. We are interested in nonfiction books that emphasize self-improvement, personal motivation, psychological health, overall wellness or mind/body/spirit integration.
Most of our authors are established experts in their fields and, in some cases, already enjoy national recognition. Many of the authors we publish are professional speakers and consultants who conduct workshops, seminars, or training classes regionally or nationwide. Therefore, these authors are well prepared to promote their books successfully.
One of the most famous and successful self-published books was A Child Called It. I read it last month.
New post on this!
Can I just say I LOVE that we're all stealing Kate's thunder?? Haha. She's clueless about what's going on with her own book, clearly she doesn't know it's on Amazon or if she does she's stupid enough to think no one will check there. Good job ID.
NJGal51 said... 168
Admin - Have you seen the cover? Is there a link?
The cover is posted on the Twitter link.
How do we know that this one isn't the victim of plagiarism?
Melissa NV said... 136
Or, I like sleeping in, call me crazy. I hope I have made myself clear.
Butterfly, I agree that the problem with an internet forum is that the the comment is often misunderstood because you can't hear intonation in speech or the manner in which it's being said.
This is true with your remark, "I hope I have made myself clear," which could very easily be taken as a snide remark.
That all falls on the receiver, doesnt it? Because I, the originator of the message, sent it the same as I would "hope you like the dinner I made" or "hope you like the gift I got you"
WOOWOO- go Rhymes w/Witch!! I am following this case like a hawk! Civil rights in action- how exciting!!
PS- $23.00 for that cookbook? Are you kidding me? (and for those who cant figure out my intonation- insert eyeroll and sound of disbelief here)
Pretty funny....last month another blog tumbled to the hacker thing, and this month this blog tumbled to the self-published book. Some smart cookies and sharp eyes between the two blogs. And our little Katie thinks she's so clever. Not.
Maybe she's marrying blow up boyfriend or posing for Playboy. lol
Whatever it is, it certainly not going to be as BIG as she pretend it will be. She has to go overboard with everything enhance everything, including her oversized melons she wears on her chest.
Face=over done
Boobs=over sized
Tan=over baked
Hair=over processed
Skin=over aged
15 minutes of fame=OVER !!!!
Pimping the kids, on the cover, in the recipes, utter crapola and all for $22.95. Pre-order now, no thanks.
This is the publisher: http://www.hcibooks.com/
Self-help, self-actualization stuff, but kudos to Miss D-lister for getting herself out there again.
You're okay with the Supreme Court overturning the people's vote, Butterfly? Just sayin'! They do it for this nothing stops them from doing it to any vote we ever made. Scary stuff here. Hate to break it to you but it's not going to happen they don't have the guts to tell the people their vote doesn't matter anymore. They would be right.
Terrible picture for sure. I bet she had her 'friends' with the 'really big cameras' take the pics for her for free. I wasn't impressed with the other pics they took either.
I bet she is calculating in her head 150,000 followers on twitter times X number of dollars profit and expecting to make 500K or more.
I'm glad to say I was wrong about her surprise being a filmed vacation but unfortunately she is still exploiting the kids.
lukebandit... so sorry to hear you are back in the hospital.
Right of the people said... 193
You're okay with the Supreme Court overturning the people's vote, Butterfly? Just sayin'! They do it for this nothing stops them from doing it to any vote we ever made. Scary stuff here. Hate to break it to you but it's not going to happen they don't have the guts to tell the people their vote doesn't matter anymore. They would be right.
Thank God the Supreme Court can trump the voice of the people or we would still have segregated schools.
I am incredible impressed with Kellie! She is really talented, and she and Derek work so well together!
I was stunned by Kelli's dancing on Monday night. I wanted to post and tell 'yall to watch out for her, didn't want to spoil.
I thought the 16-year old had it all sewn up, but look out for Kelli!
Rights of All People, Not Tyranny of the Majority said... 196
Right of the people said... 193
You're okay with the Supreme Court overturning the people's vote, Butterfly? Just sayin'! They do it for this nothing stops them from doing it to any vote we ever made. Scary stuff here. Hate to break it to you but it's not going to happen they don't have the guts to tell the people their vote doesn't matter anymore. They would be right.
Thank God the Supreme Court can trump the voice of the people or we would still have segregated schools.
I am NOT OK with discrimination- EVER.
Right of the people said... 193
You're okay with the Supreme Court overturning the people's vote, Butterfly? Just sayin'! They do it for this nothing stops them from doing it to any vote we ever made. Scary stuff here. Hate to break it to you but it's not going to happen they don't have the guts to tell the people their vote doesn't matter anymore. They would be right.
We shall see if the Supreme COurt overturns an unconstitutional law. Which they EVERY RIGHT TO DO. I hate to break it to you- It will happen. Victory belongs to the people, all people, not the prejudiced majority.
Njay so sorry to hear about the fire. Glad everyone is safe. Red Cross is a great organization and will help as much as possible
Can't give any help with cleanup, only had experience with mold/mildew after Katrina. Hope the cleanup is a little easier.
Will be praying for you.
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