![]() |
Keep out, residents say. |
A casting call from the production company includes the following:
"We are looking to focus on a total of four to five families who portray the typical Calabasas family. The parents and kids are busy, it's competitive lifestyle and they are keeping up with everything around them. Elaborate family vacations, sports, lessons for their kids from everything from music to football, travelling the country, looking at colleges, tutors....these competitive families push everything in their lives to the limit."
One resident of The Oaks called "Calabasas 91302" in "poor taste" and "invasive." She added, "The reason we are all there is for privacy."
Stand strong, The Oaks.
519 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 519 Newer› Newest»Paris now says she wants to live with Debbie Rowe!
The Jackson's are outraged.
You mean she won't be able to/want to take her father's place as the family's cash cow and churn out reality tv episodes for millions?
I can just hear her family whispering in her ear about being able to restore Neverland back to it's creepiness, I mean, glory, if she can make all those millions.
What about parents who don't believe in paying for chores? Some parents think chores are just expected as a member of the family, within reason and age appropriate, and you don't get paid for doing what you are supposed to do as a family member.
Paris is the wrench in the Jackson's plan. I fear for her.
Debbie Rowe let her parental rights be terminated however you can undue that after five years in CA if there still is no adoption in place.
Since their father is dead and they're just in a guardianship, Paris might want to consider talking to a lawyer to reinstate her mom's parental rights and terminate the guardianship. Then she could just go live with her and there wouldn't be a thing anyone could do about it.
I hope she's happy and it all works out the way she wants.
I hope all three of Michael Jackson's children get out of the clutches of the Jackson family. At this point, I cannot feel that any of them (the Jackson clan) is trustworthy. I think the only one who ever made decent money on her own was Janet - but she's just as weird as the rest of them. How many secret marriages has she had by now? The most recent to some prince in Dubai (?). I just don't see how any of them can be trusted because almost all of them leeched off Michael for his lifetime.
If those children could get some decent, honest representation, I think they should provide a trust fund for each of Michael's siblings - some set amount they get each year - and that's it. Cut off that awful father entirely.
Then move out of any Jackson home and away from what that family has become.
I think Michael did the best he could to protect his children from the media and from the worst in his family. I sure hope it was enough. If they want to live with their mom, then I hope their attorneys draw up ironclad protective trusts for those kids so that the mom can't get her hands on that money either.
It was 50 years ago, but it's outrageous the way the Jackson father abused and exploited his children. It seems like we should have learned something in 50 years. But we seem to have learned very little.
Watching Latoya Jackson on Celebrity Apprentice is to watch a very ungrounded, flighty, damaged woman. Sweet and kind with a beautiful heart, but damaged.
@Kateplusmy8 I really wish that the show would come back can u post about that??
These fans really like to hit Kate where it hurts, don't they?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 195
So....where do we put the dirty dishes?
One of the two dishwashers is broken, therefore no dishes will be washed. Someone better start *laying* on the floor. Volunteers?
Don't worry I tweeted @seares and grifted a new dishwasher.
The Mr.delivery man will be here in the morning.
chefsummer said... 9
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 195
So....where do we put the dirty dishes?
One of the two dishwashers is broken, therefore no dishes will be washed. Someone better start *laying* on the floor. Volunteers?
Don't worry I tweeted @seares and grifted a new dishwasher.
The Mr.delivery man will be here in the morning.
Excuse ME! I volunteered my dog to be the dishwasher waaaaay upthread! If you don't stand with me you're against me! And next time USE A COUPON!
localyocul said... 10
LOL I said why use a coupon when you can grift.
+ It's all most Summer soooo we can use the coupon for when Mr. pool cleaner comes.
I get where the one tweeter is coming from. Kim Kardashian is a fame whore and a lot of other unflattering terms that could be applied. However, NO woman deserves to be trashed for her weight or size or shape when she's pregnant.
I think there is a difference between saying you don't like what someone is saying or you think they've gone so far, and believing that they have a right to say it and it's not bullying. It's that old cliche I hate your free speech, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Jerry Falwell didn't deserve to be accused of having sex with his mother either. But that's the very outer limits of free speech. His lawyer said it best when he said that what they were really debating here was "taste." My idea of what is tasteful and not tasteful, and that such litigation is "useless" because we cannot start imposing our sense of taste on the American people. If the American people see fit to discuss someone's pregnancy weight, I may think that's distasteful, but that doesn't mean that someone else might think it's fine.
If you don't like it, you can choose not to be a public figure, or move to other countries that are more strict about public commentary on public figures. This isn't the country. What makes what you and I think has "gone too far" the standard to impose on anyone? I think what it comes down to is that we have just as much right to say "they have gone too far" as they have a right to go "too far." If that makes sense. They can make fun of someone's pregnancy weight and I can say that's wrong, but neither of us should be stopped from saying that or accused of bullying. Same goes for Kate. You know how much the fans think some of the things we have said are not very tasteful. But, it's our right to say them, just as it's their right to say we are not tasteful.
We can debate what should or shouldn't be said, but neither side has the right to tell the other side they cannot say it. (Absent the standards set by the Supreme court, false information and actual malice). If you haven't seen it yet, the last 20 minutes of The People vs Larry Flynt which features portions of the actual Supreme Court arguments basically sums up everything I feel about free speech. His own lawyer even says I can't stand this article it was way beyond my standards of decency, but that his own tastes and standards wasn't the point.
It was 50 years ago, but it's outrageous the way the Jackson father abused and exploited his children.
Don't forget about the Osmond's father. He was a drill sergeant while exploiting his kids. No one ever talks about that tho.
Susie Cincinnati said... 198
One of the two dishwashers is broken, therefore no dishes will be washed. Someone better start *laying* on the floor. Volunteers?
Someone volunteered her dog to lick the plates clean. Who was that? Bring on the canine brigade
That would be me! Proud owner of a Bichon who figured out how to open the refrigerator by swiping at the door gasket and ate the contents of the deli tray!
Donny Osmond gave what I believe to be his only interview to ever mention how he was exploited, about a year ago. I did a post on it here. It was validation, although sadly so, because he is one of those who sheeple say see look Donny Osmond he turned out fine. No he didn't. He talked about having to work when he had appendicitis, how he almost died because of it, and how odd his childhood was because it was all a business. He said he wished he just had a simple life. And he remembers with pain being abroad for several weeks at age 9 and writing his mother begging to come home he missed home so much.
It had eerie similarities to Collin's constipation and all the traveling and the Gosselin "brand".
another trick or treat tweet from Kate Gosselin on what she has been doing! She promises it will be great. Kate is a real piece of work.
As far as I'm concerned nothing she has ever hinted about has ever come close to worth all the teasing, hemming and hawing.
Kim Kardashian should not be ridiculed for any weight gain during her pregnancy, but as a 'fashionista', using the word loosely, she has certainly made some bizarre fashion choices regarding her maternity wardrobe. And since she puts herself out there for the purpose of being photographed, she is fair game for comments, pregnant or not. Choosing to stuff her expanding body into unflattering clothing items is her choice, but she has made herself a public figure and this is where it comes from. The People magazine page in a recent issue showed several of her designer outfits created for her pregnancy with a combined price tag of over 50K. Her money but IMHO outrageous. So no, no sympathy for her bad publicity. Frankly I cannot imagine being as uncomfortable as she looks.
Goodie says she's talking about Jon but it sounds more like Kate to me. He included Oprah and Dr. Phil in her tweet. I just don't get it.
@msgoody2shoes21: Seem to me Jon Gosselin is a ......
@Kateplusmy8 @DrPhil @Oprah #LifeClass
I'm sorry I missed the brunch but I've been out of the loop most of the day. However, my bully has volunteered to help clean the dishes.
At what point does it start to make a person look pretty darn unbalanced to continue bashing so viciously someone who has been nothing but either silent or saying nice things about Kate for years now. I'd say we've long reached that point.
NJ no worries some people didn't clean their plates so we will keep serving the leftovers in their packed lunches until either they eat it or CPS intervenes.
I'm sure you can swipe something from them.
And the fact that Ms Goody continues to bash at whim someone she has no personal connection, has never met and whose life is frankly none of her business just points to her true craziness. She's a personification of bully; it is to JG's credit he chooses to take the high road. If anyone shoud be sent a cease and desist letter, this crazy should be first in line.
It was a lovely, unconventional brunch. Thank you for inviting all of us.
Who gets to keep the floral centerpiece?
Question, when that person bashes him, is it unprompted?
Like is she just going on tweeting about flowers and unicorns and then all of a sudden starts viciously bashing Jon without provocation? Or does someone tweet hey I love Jon he's the best and then she responds with such hatred?
Both are creepy, but doing it without prompting is creepier.
Why can't goody just leave Jon alone for goodness sake?
Why is she so obsessed with Jon.
Why is she so obsessed with talking bad about him I don't understand.
Like is she just going on tweeting about flowers and unicorns and then all of a sudden starts viciously bashing Jon without provocation?
Totally random and out of the blue. That's what is so weird. Her last tirade went on and on and on and nobody was saying a word about Jon. She really is unbalanced and has some serious mental issues. She does need professional help, and I don't mean that to be nasty or snark. She's ill. Those are the ones who snap and go after those they hate. Those on another blog have screen shots of her various rages, not only against Jon but against non-fans. It is disgusting and vile.
Dmasy said... 22
Who gets to keep the floral centerpiece?
I think either Chef or Local should get it, but they're in the kitchen fighting about the dishes right now. I can stil hear them.
Dmasy said (23)..."Who gets to keep the floral centerpiece?"
Is that what that was? Darn...I ate it with the organic salad dressing that someone tossed in the garbage disposal. You mean they weren't edible flowers?
OrangeCrusher1 said... 22
And the fact that Ms Goody continues to bash at whim someone she has no personal connection, has never met and whose life is frankly none of her business just points to her true craziness.
You know, I just have to say something. This comment is interesting. Us dis-likers of Kate, whom most of us have never met, feel we have every right to criticize her every movement. I don't have any personal connection to Kate either just like Goody doesn't with Jon. I just feel that it's hypocritical sometimes to say things like this. And OrangeCrusher, I want to say I like the way you think and like your comments. I was just trying to think like a sheeple for a moment and thought this perhaps might be an argument for them....
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@marci8199 LOL...interesting how U apparently watch my every move! Sad 4U, bcause twitter is NOT the only way I talk with Kate! :)
And yet she feels the need to tweet her endlessly making herself look foolish.
Well, today was fun and I think you'll enjoy the results so you'll just have to wait! (I promise it's worth it!) Good night! :)
Let me guess. It involves the kids, since they're not in school on Sundays.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@marci8199 LOL...interesting how U apparently watch my every move! Sad 4U, bcause twitter is NOT the only way I talk with Kate! :)
But if she "talks" with Kate through other means, then wouldn't you think that she would have known what Kate was up to today, and she would have told Milo all about the big surprise?
Curling up with my favourite ever kitty and some Kate Plus 8. @Kateplusmy8 let's go for coffee and have life chats.
I guess that would be more interesting than having death chats.
AuntieAnn said... 27
Dmasy said... 22
Who gets to keep the floral centerpiece?
I think either Chef or Local should get it, but they're in the kitchen fighting about the dishes right now. I can stil hear them.
Aw but I only accept hooker heels and daisy dukes.
So I can wear to the gas station and bed & bath & beyond.
You know Paper Plates, I see what you are saying, and you do have a point. I think some of the difference is a) most of what is said here about Kate is more snark than irrational hate filled tirades and b) here is a blog, and more contained than what I imagine Twitter to be, a more personal place. But yes, sometimes I do wonder why in my right mind do I read, care or make comments about a stranger?
You know, I just have to say something. This comment is interesting. Us dis-likers of Kate, whom most of us have never met, feel we have every right to criticize her every movement.
She's relevant or trying to be and still tweeting, on TV and in the public eye. Jon is not. That's the difference I see.
The reason I find this person's tweets creepy is not because she hates a celebrity, lots of people hate a celebrity. Not usually to that level granted, but it happens. What's creepy about it is she hates a celebrity who isn't even OUT THERE. That's WEIRD. It means she keeps thinking about something from four years ago and can't get past it even when that person is nowhere to be found.
If Kate disappeared years ago and we were all still here ragging on and on about her, it would be just as creepy.
I think either Chef or Local should get it, but they're in the kitchen fighting about the dishes right now. I can stil hear them.
I'm still trying to get the Scrubbing Bubbles out of my mouth. Every time I exhale I feel like Don Ho (may he rest in peace) should be singing, "Tiny bubbles in the wine, make me happy, make me feel fine..."
Saw this somewhere:
You post all of your drama on the internet
And then get upset when people judge you.
You must be a special kind of stupid.
And there we have it. The definition of Kate and the Kardashians.
@MiloandJack 2h
@marci8199 LOL...interesting how U apparently watch my every move! Sad 4U, bcause twitter is NOT the only way I talk with Kate! :)
But if she "talks" with Kate through other means, then wouldn't you think that she would have known what Kate was up to today, and she would have told Milo all about the big surprise?
This person tweeted very respectfully to Milo
@marci8199 14h
@MiloandJack not trying 2B cruel but maybe truth hurts? U R all heart but obsessing over a stranger is not healthy. Sending many tweets each
@marci8199 14h
@MiloandJack . . . Day and she never responds. Begging her for a good night obsessively, naming your dog after her, being a part of every
@marci8199 14h
@MiloandJack twitter convo anyone has with her, effusive in your praise for her every move . . For your own mental health look at what you
@marci8199 14h
@MiloandJack are doing and how much heart you are giving to a stranger who doesn't even know your name. You deserve better than a one sided
@marci8199 14h
@MiloandJack twitter friendship with someone who doesn't reciprocate. I won't bother you again but think about yourself and what you dserve
and got quite a rant in return!
@MiloandJack 10h
@marci8199 LOL...interesting how U apparently watch my every move! Sad 4U, bcause twitter is NOT the only way I talk with Kate! :)
@MiloandJack 10h
@marci8199 Kate has 8 kids...she is only parent financially supporting them...she has no time 2answer all tweets! But trust me she reads!
@MiloandJack 10h
@marci8199 There is SO MUCH YOU DO NOT KNOW!! And you ASSUME way too much N a negative way abt me! Kate knows me...who I am..where I live!
@MiloandJack 10h
@marci8199 Sorry that naming a lil female dog Katie bothered U...it was more of a joke because we got her on Kate's birthday! Joke's on U!
@MiloandJack 10h
@marci8199 So please don't feel bad 4me! I thoroughly enjoy my friendship w/Kate...& she reciprocates just fine w/me! :) Have a nice life!
Wow. Milo sure found a different voice and stopped dropping her g's when confronted with the truth by a kind person. What happened to the dopey idiot persona? Wow.
I really do think Milo is Kate. Milo definitely isn't the person she trys to portray on her Twitter - the country bumpkin. Not buying it.
So Kate reads all of Milo's tweets to her and Kate knows where Milo lives.
So why doesn't Kate defend Milo like Milo defends Kate of their such good friends?
Milo needs to wake up and smell the coffee mate.
After her rant, Milo gave the following advice:
The hurt that grown-ups/adults afflict on one another may take years/even a lifetime 2heal! Yes, oh yes, 2b a kid again!
So if ur an adult...or speeding toward that part of life....think b4 U speak...b4 U make that risky decision...b4 U hurt someone else!
This, from the same person who called a fundraiser for the family of 2 children killed in a car accident, a "book signing". This, from the same person who bashes Jon.
If Milo doesn't want to be criticized then she should go private, and also block the people who do criticize her. She admitted that she reads at RWA, and she probably reads here. If what people say about her bothers her so much, why does she read it? She just wants to play the "poor little old me" card, just like her idol.
IMO, she doesn't want to go private on twitter because she feels she has "bragging rights" about being friends with Kate, and she wants to let everyone know that they are BFFs and she KNOWS everything about Kate.
So Kate was busy all of yesterday, working on something #SuperFunSunday? Are you waiting with bated breath?
Guessing she didn't find time for church. Not that it's any of our business, save for the fact that she puts her life out there for public scrutiny, faith included. Can't help but wonder if it fell into the same sinkhole as her used-and-discarded family & friends.
Wow. Milo sure found a different voice
Milo sure does have a lot of different personas.
Funny about the hillbilly act so often. She doesn't use 'g' forever, then finds that key, starts leaving off the 'i', and now writes perfectly coherently.
So if ur an adult...or speeding toward that part of life....think b4 U speak...b4 U make that risky decision...b4 U hurt someone else!
What Milo wants to be surrounded with are enablers. People who either don't say anything at all when they see bad behavior, or even might encourage and support it. In many ways she is just like Kate, who also doesn't seem to want anyone around who doesn't enable her.
The problem is, a great many people are not enablers, thank goodness, and call it like they see it when they see something wrong, uncomfortable, bad, ridiculous, creepy and so on. This is why Kate has lost so many people in her life, because most of them refused to be enablers. The few that did usually couldn't keep it up for long.
Milo got called out, respectfully, and she may not want to hear it, but it was the truth.
That response sounds Kate-ish:
Accusing person of following her every move
Have a nice life
Joke's on you.
Implying the persons assumptions are incorrect, therefore lies sll lies
Milo tweeted this yesterday:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 18h
@Kateplusmy8 I get tired of being hurt/insulted every day. May I get the weekend off? LOL #MiloStaysInTrouble :)
Again--why doesn't she block those that "hurt" or "insult" her?
Kate hasn't tweeted to Milo since last Monday. Since Kate follows Milo on twitter, Milo knows that Kate can see all of her tweets. I think Milo is now playing the "pity me" card, in the hopes that Kate will finally tweet her.
Milo tweeted about the cookbook on Friday, Barb Gilmer tweeted about it yesterday. Guess who got the retweet? It wasn't Milo.
Kate is neglecting Milo, and Milo is trying anything and everything to get her attention.
"...she is only parent financially supporting them..."
How does Milo figure that? Kate isn't working.
She's done one gig since the show was cancelled and even then she couldn't have appeared on Celebrity Wife Swap without the kids.
The TLC show was "Kate Plus 8", not "Kate" and before that it wasn't "Jon & Kate" it was "Jon & Kate Plus 8".
If anything those kids are supporting their mother. Any money Kate has in the bank wouldn't be there without them.
Barb Gilmer say's she Kate's #1 fan I wonder how Milo feels about that.
I agree, the kids support themselves. Even that cookbook is all about them, without them, no cookbook.
Not to mention, she is the only parent financially supporting them? So, Kate gives Jon an allowance when the kids are with him? LOL. Also how does Milo knows who covers the children's insurance, school tuition, activities, and so on? Kate talks about that with Milo? Awfully inappropriate.
If Kate is covering the expenses of the very expensive things they are a part of like school and the house, it's because Kate was willing to keep on exploiting them for years longer than Jon ever was. I'd venture to say most parents would go to a homeless shelter before exploiting their kids to pay the mortgage. You just don't do that and Jon realized it, eventually. Also, a parent making a mediocre salary like most parents might find it a bit easier to support the kids if the mother of the children didn't insist on giving them such a posh lifestyle all the time. It's KATE'S choices that have made these kids so darn expensive. They need not be.
Silly little celebrity story about Kate Middleton buying a baby carriage, however it's yet another example of celebrities telling people no please, do NOT send gifts, thank you:
Yesterday, Bugaboo said it had not presented the buggy to the Royal couple after being advised by officials not to send gifts.
So it appears that Kate, who was seen shopping for a Moses basket in South Kensington last week with her mother, bought the pram herself.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2315835/Kate-Middletons-biggest-clue-sex-unborn-child-.html#ixzz2Rrcy02TK
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Not that I actually believe that Kate is Milo, BUT should that be true, then someone is a lot crazier than I would have ever thought possible. The person who told M some truths did it in a very gentle and straightforward way, and M looked even more cra-cra by her answers. Not engaging would have been a better idea. It does appear that Kateworld is getting smaller, only a few people left to fight over the Superfan #1 title. Seriously, what is on her calendar between now and grifting for the tups birthday?
Another thing I find interesting about Milo's Twitter are the people who are following her. Lee Strahanan, The Stir, Kate, Bullyville, George Lopez, Deanna. Milo follows only 6 people but has 471 followers herself. It seems very strange. She definitely is not who she is trying to portray. But what is the point? Is she like a PR person using a false identity to come across as a fan or is she Kate herself?
@marci8199 Sorry that naming a lil female dog Katie bothered U...it was more of a joke because we got her on Kate's birthday! Joke's on U!
@MiloandJack 10h
@marci8199 So please don't feel bad 4me! I thoroughly enjoy my friendship w/Kate...& she reciprocates just fine w/me! :) Have a nice life!
Milo really does sound like Kate here. The only thing she forgot to include was BLOCKED! Had she put that in I would agree with Marie and say Milo is Kate and Kate is Milo.
I think she's just an obsessed fan, nothing more nothing less.
As for Kate "knows me" blah blah, know what I think? I think Kate called her once, maybe twice, if that, and Milo has hung her hat on that forever saying there is so much you don't know, Kate and I are so close. All based on a very brief contact offline.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 56
I think she's just an obsessed fan, nothing more nothing less.
I agree, and she sounds like Kate because she's taken on Kate's mannerisms.
I've seen that happen when subordinate women take on an Alpha woman's personality, likes, dislikes, and idiosyncrasies.
Who had the suggestion of a parody cookbook? I tried to find it in old post, but could not. Wanted to say that I think it is great suggestion! After all the creative brunch entries, everyone here could come up with hilarious parody recipes for all meals plus snacks!
NJGal51 said... 55
@MiloandJack 10h
@marci8199 So please don't feel bad 4me! I thoroughly enjoy my friendship w/Kate...& she reciprocates just fine w/me! :) Have a nice life!
Milo really does sound like Kate here. The only thing she forgot to include was BLOCKED! Had she put that in I would agree with Marie and say Milo is Kate and Kate is Milo.
Well, imitation IS the highest form of flattery so I think Milo is emulating Kate right now in these tweets to get her attention. She seems desperate and Kate, who lives and breathes for flattery, is probably loving every minute of it.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 56
I think she's just an obsessed fan, nothing more nothing less.
As for Kate "knows me" blah blah, know what I think? I think Kate called her once, maybe twice, if that, and Milo has hung her hat on that forever saying there is so much you don't know, Kate and I are so close. All based on a very brief contact offline.
Instead of concentrating on "taking down" her "haterz", Kate should be setting respectful boundaries with her obsessed-fanatics.
She may find herself handing out Orders of Protection like halloween candy.
Oh, boy, Kate had another big surprise coming up. My bet is she was prepping for the tups' upcoming birthday. Opening the pool, doing some yard work, ordering food and a cake. Oh, sorry, giving orders to Mr. Pool Man, the lawn boys, and Mr. Baker Man. They do the work. She masterminds. I forgot.
So, I'm guessing she'll take pictures on the big day, post them for her half dozen fans to see, and claim exhaustion afterward. The fans will gush and give her full credit for all the work that was done by others, but down deep they will be disappointed because what they really want is for one of these endless surprises to be a new show. Kate will sit by the phone waiting for somebody to call her and offer that amazing TV opportunity she wants so badly, because in her mind, all that needs to happen is for the right person to be reminded that she exists.
And the non-fans will sit back and laugh at the absurdity of it all.
What I find funny about Kate announcing her "surprise" is that she only had about 10 responses to it. It's almost like people are thinking "we've been down this road before" and are tired of her constant teasing about things to come.
I remember the last time when she tweeted about a big surprise and they were all thinking that she got a new show. They must have all been disappointed when it turned out to be the cookbook.
Kate can only lead them on for so long, before they start treating her like the boy who cried wolf, and start ignoring her "surprise" tweets.
Re Milo - I have thought at times that she is an alter ego of Kate's; but after this recent fund-raiser for the family who lost two little girls, and seeing what appears to be a rather nice woman who is star struck over Kate Gosselin, I've had to rethink.
So perhaps Milo is a real person, but if so, I sure feel sorry for any children she has. Can you imagine having a mother who is completely absorbed with some stranger she's never even met?
Milo reacted furiously to some very gently worded tweets - which demonstrates to me that she identifies way too deeply with Kate. It's like the phony bubble she's created in her mind, where she and Kate are super friends, was poked and it freaked her out. How dare that person try to induce some reality into the situation? I don't think Milo is "all there."
Marie, I don't know about the Kate=Milo theory, but I have said forever that the way Milo writes is a front. Even if you talked that way, you would never write like that unless you were writing dialogue for a book. Also, Milo has not been outed (and didn't join the class action suit as far as I could tell which would mean giving a real identity to attorneys). I don't think Milo is some obsessed fan, just someone in Kate's family who posts and tweets on Kate's behalf.
Again--why doesn't she block those that "hurt" or "insult" her?
Milo tweeted that she talks to Kate in other ways. If this is true, then why does she bother with Twitter at all? Why not call her, DM her or e-ail her? Why put anything out on Twitter if she feels hurt or insulted?
MIlo has to be out there on Twitter because Milo herself is a narcissist. She feeds on being Kate's best friend forever, no matter if the tweets aimed at her are positive or negative. It's the closest she's ever going to get to rubbing elbows with a celebrity. She wants to be Kate. It's the classic Single White Female syndrome. I think she's a poor soul...but she's just so annoying.
Has anyone ever asked Milo why she has never met Kate when there have been opportunities for her to do so? If she's such an obsessed fan and such good friends with Kate, then Kate would have arranged for Milo to be at a book signing, run, or other public appearance. I believe Milo lives in Georgia, only one state away from where the ill-fated cruise was to have departed. Why didn't Milo sign up for that cruise?
The Examiner has an article about kate fixing to spill the beans about a big surprise coming up that her fans will love!
Here is what I posted on the site:
Probably worked out another Celebrity Wife Swap: Special Edition: OctomomNAYDA swaps with OctomomK8. Another trip down the road of exploiting her kids for money. Or Bullyville has won their case but actually by default because nobody showed up for court!
My oldest son graduated Friday night with his Educational Specialist degree in Education.
SO happy and proud for him! He has worked since HS graduation in 2001 till Friday 2013 (12 years) for 4 degrees.
The baby is due in 2 weeks! WHEW!!! lol
If kate and milo are the same, would that be kate catfishing herself? lol
If this were true and it came out that she was doing this, she would never get another offer on anything I would think.
Robert do you plan for the book to come out on Mother's Day?
Can't wait.
Maybe Kate's surprise is she GOT A JOB!!! Hey yo, hey yo! That would be surprising. hehe
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h
@Kateplusmy8 U are BLESSED 2have people who R there 4U..some battles U can fight alon
Kate haven't tweeted Milo back aw poor poor Milo.
OK, time for my speculation on the big surprise. Maybe it's the you tube video that fans have been begging for (just in time for the tups birthday) or Maybe it's a Kate sponsored charity run to try and rehab her image even more OR a Kate sponsored contest much like Kirstie's recent contest but you've got to buy her book and show proof of purchase to be eligible to enter.
It's amusing how, when Milo gets her dander up, that she drops the southern hick persona and an entirely different personality comes out. She almost sounds like a real person -- no rhymes, no dropping her "gs" and no well, shucks, "me and Kate are just pullin' your leg" teasin' tweets. It could be that she really does have MPD. Something is way off there.
Kate claims, as part of her fan base, the Jon-hater, the hole-in-her-heart hypochondriac, the defective detective, the lovesick Irishman, the Wallmart waving poster gal, the very naive Paul bearer person, the Milo clones and wannabes, as well as the ones who don't know how to freeze cookies or slice bread...among others. She really does have some very odd followers.
Do we know for a fact that Kate and Milo have never met? I know it's not likely they have spent hours shopping for shoes together, but in today's world of video chats, they may gab together every night between Kate' massage time and the appearance of Lights Out Man. Technology has made "meeting" quite convenient and easy, and many think it is just as good as actually being under the same roof.
Lukebandit, CONGRATS to your grandson on his achievement! And congrats on upcoming baby!
lukebandit said... 68
My oldest son graduated Friday night with his Educational Specialist degree in Education.
SO happy and proud for him! He has worked since HS graduation in 2001 till Friday 2013 (12 years) for 4 degrees.
The baby is due in 2 weeks! WHEW!!! lol
Many, many congratulations!!!!!!!
Melissa NV
I still think there's a chance Milo has met Kate. Maybe she helped Kate get that free beach vacation they drove to last year and met up along Kate's way. She did say in a tweet once that Kate knows what she looks like. (but it could be through webcam too though I never thought of that) What better way to have more contact with Kate than other tweeters get if you are able to help with a huge, free vacation. Kate would hang onto that sort of "friend" even if she couldn't stand her.
Milo was very concerned that if she got to go on on the cruise about what Kate would think of her looks. I believe she couldn't go due to cost or health.
Milo was very concerned that if she got to go on on the cruise about what Kate would think of her looks. I believe she couldn't go due to cost or health.
She has admitted a few times that she never met Kate in person, so who knows? There was some speculation (though never proven) that she owned the beach house where Kate vacationed. If she does own it, then it would seem that the cost of the cruise wouldn't have been a problem. Shortly after the cruise, she was tweeting that she walked a marathon, or went for long walks, or something like that -- tweeties were asking how she recuperated so fast, so I doubt she couldn't go on the cruise because of her health. If she is so obsessed with Kate, she could have figured a way out to go...or at least met her at the pier for a lunch before the cruise -- wouldn't good friends try to get together? Something just wasn't right there.
Milo is indeed a puzzle...
Anyone have the link to the radio program where milo made an appearance?
I am one of the people that think milo is not what they say they are...
AND where is Robert's book?????
Lukebandit--congrats and best wishes to you, your son, and his family.
I don't think Milo and Kate have any real conversations outside of public tweets except for the rare DM. If they did, Milo wouldn't get so "hang dog" (as we say around here) when Kate doesn't tweet her back.
Kate is a Twit said Milo hasn't had a tweet or retweet from Kate since last Monday. She must be climbing the walls. Milo NEEDS to constantly know she's Kate's favorite.
After a few days of Kate's silence to her, Milo usually plays Kate's martyr, goes for sympathy, pouts, then gets angry. That conversation Milo had with the woman last night might have been displaced anger toward Kate.
(By the way, when I was visiting Texas, I learned that my friends there had no idea what it meant to be hang dog. It means to wear a sad face and mope around. Here's how you use it in my little Virginia town: "Milo gettin' all hang dog on us..." lol)
Nobody was talking about Jon, but she had to RT:
RT @crissyyy_1981: Extra - News - Kate Gosselin to File Lawsuit Against Ex http://t.co/Ipu4iXDFEp(preview) @Kateplusmy8 U GO KATE :) xo
Melissa NV
This is why I think what I do.
Milo sent a tweet to that Irish guy that said Kate knew what she looked like. That's why I thought they might have met. She may have a friend/family who was able to give the free beach house so she wouldn't need to own it. Maybe Milo insisted that if she got her this beach vaca that she had to promise to meet her. Kate would keep anyone as a friend that could give her huge gifts even if she couldn't stand them.
Milo asked Kate if she would push her around in a wheel chair on the cruise when it was first mentioned which was several months before the cruise date. So I figured she was still unstable or weak or whatever back then. She mentioned a few times about convincing LMO to go.
I put nothing past Kooky Kate or crazy Milo.
Maybe the surprise is that Kate is taking the tups to France for their birthday. you know how Joely so wants to see the Eiffel Tower..grifted trip of course.
I don't think that Milo has ever met Kate, that she talks to Kate offline or that Kate would give her the time of day if she did meet her. Milo lives in a fantasy world made up of her own delusions. This is typical of obsessed fans, the whole Celebrity Worship Syndrome, and she exhibits all of the symptoms, having progressed through various stages. I just hope that Kate has some smarts and will figure out a way to disentangle herself from Milo. If not, I'm afraid of where all of this is going. The ending is not going to be a happy one.
Big congrats to your son Lukebandit and for the new baby when it comes! Very exciting!
Yeah, videocams are great. My friend has a bunch of grandchildren she has not "seen" in several years (no animosity, just health and distance issues), but they are on webcam together every day. It helps ease the
sense of loss, and she'd give up food before she'd give up her videocam time. She's watching them grow, sees their school projects, their new shoes, and hears all about their day. When used properly, it can be a godsend. I actually do hope Kate and Milo have put it to good use so Kate at least has some idea who this avid fan is.
I know! Fox has renewed the celebrity dating show (game show?) "The Choice" and Kate is going to be one of the "celebrities" on this season.
I read Kathy Griffin's book (very good) and she admitted that towards the end of her marriage they "faked" it for the cameras. He had moved out but he'd show up before the cameras arrived and leave after they left. Her reasoning was that it was a comedy show and she didn't want to bring her viewers down.
He would wake up before her, take her ATM cards and withdraw thousands of dollars, put her ATM cards back in her purse and crawl back into bed. He also faked having a job, which he didn't. She didn't care about the money and did everything to make the relationship work. HE finally told her to give it up. Sad. She does have a very big heart.
Lukebandit, Congrats to you and your son! What an exciting time for your growing family.
Except for The Bachelor franchise, dating shows are tanking. NBC canceled Eva Longotia's after just 3 episodes. All The Examiner does it read Khate's twitter account and report on it- they have no insight. With Mother's Day coming up, I wouldn't be surprised if some tabloid show wouid interview the idiot for their show. Personally, I hope they all ignore Khate and focus on moms that have so much more to offer. Wonder what The Stir will do? BTW- I was thinking- did Khate ever have that dinner for the idiots who signed up for "her" cruise like "she" promised "she" would?
BTW- I was thinking- did Khate ever have that dinner for the idiots who signed up for "her" cruise like "she" promised "she" would?
Nope! Not another word about it after the initial offer.
Wonder what The Stir will do? BTW- I was thinking- did Khate ever have that dinner for the idiots who signed up for "her" cruise like "she" promised "she" would?
According to an e-mail, she didn't promise to take them to lunch or dinner...she said that she'd like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal.
There was no promise; therefore, she had an out if she couldn't arrange it.
I'm thinking one day maybe isn't long enough for filming. What about a photo shoot of some sort?
Blowing in the Wind- I thought Khate offerd a dinner with the few idiots who signed up for the cruise after the cruise was canceled as a concilation. I guess "she" tried to do this but we all know- trying is lying!
Blowing in the Wind- I thought Khate offerd a dinner with the few idiots who signed up for the cruise after the cruise was canceled as a concilation. I guess "she" tried to do this but we all know- trying is lying!
She sent an e-mail to someone who had signed up...the e-mail said that she wanted to TRY to meet up with the fans who had signed up, or figure out some way to make up for the cruise being cancelled. There was a thread here about it last year:
"The cruise-goer/mole who first broke the news to us of the cancellation has passed on to Realitytvkids.com an e-mail dated May 10 from Kate apologizing for canceling the cruise. The cruise-goer asked us not to share the word-for-word contents of the e-mail for their own anonymity.
In the e-mail, Kate tells the cruise go-er that she is sorry for you and for me, and that she sent everyone who signed up an e-mail to tell them the same. Although Kate won't be going on the cruise, Kate says she would like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal. If Ft. Lauderdale doesn't work out, she wants to figure out another way to meet with all the cruise people. Kate says she doesn't want to be the reason that the cruise-goers don't have a great vacation."
Did it happen? If it did, I don't think we ever heard a word about it.
Thanks Blowing in the Wind! I'm sure that meet-up never happened and I bet Khate just tried to pacify the situation with a try but never insisted for the meet up to happen- that is unless someone else paid for it!
Kate has been MIA all day. Milo hasn't been around either. Two minutes after Kate tweets, lo and behold, there's Milo. What does she do? Sit huddled over her computer all day waiting for the love of her life to show up? Very creepy.
To JoyinVirginia, it is my oldest SON, not my grandson that graduated! lol He just turned 30.
Baby boy is due in 2 weeks.
I am only 50 years old! lol
Thank you and Pink for the kind words. With his father gone, that kid worked for 12 years as a teacher, delivered pizza's, waited on tables with the help of grants and academic scholarships, he is debt free from school.
Milo is a puzzle. Confusing puzzle.
How do you go from tweeting and leaving off g's and silly texts to all of a sudden more coherent texts. Unless your a MPD. Syble had 16.
Do you think that kate is Milo and kate did the I am picking up your birthday surprise and coming to see you and got us all in a tizzy because we were concerned about the kids safety and it was late at night.
I wonder if Robert right before publishing got more information and worked it in and that maybe the reason why it is taking so long.
Just wish Robert would just let's get it on...out to the world! lol
I have been really tired these past few days, have been falling asleep while reading all the posts after her non-fun fundraiser, and having issues with my internet provider, so I don't know if I already posted this or not, please excuse me if I did. I think I was reading comments at kate's blog, and one very aggresive poster was saying that kate is going to be back on DWTS, as a dancer who has improved so much.I may have been dreaming, but this poster was very adament that this was going to be announced very soon. Sorry if it has already been discussed on here,I get behind reading posts when there get to be so many of them!
I think Milo must have an alert set up on her phone so she's instantly notified whenever Kate tweets. And can spring into action.
I think I was reading comments at kate's blog, and one very aggresive poster was saying that kate is going to be back on DWTS, as a dancer who has improved so much.I may have been dreaming, but this poster was very adament that this was going to be announced very soon. Sorry if it has already been discussed on here,I get behind reading posts when there get to be so many of them!
Hmm, I missed that. I'm not sure that person knows what they are talking about but who knows.
I didn't realize it's even been confirmed what the theme of the next season of DWTS will be.
my life basically consists of watching old @Kateplusmy8 episodes and being heartbroken that they ended it.
No snark. This is sad, and pathetic.
"I think Milo must have an alert set up on her phone so she's instantly notified whenever Kate tweets. And can spring into action."
But what if she's in the bathroom...or taking a shower...or in the middle of a meal? She springs into action no matter what, even if she's sitting on the potty? lol!
I've barely used twitter and not much on my phone. Is it possible to get an "alert" for a specific person? To have it pop up like a text? If so it's possible if your phone is going off it would be easier to jump right in there right away.
My goodness! Kate is saying her home is like an episode of Romper Room. That's for Kindergarten children! Does she have a piano teacher for the kids? She could make it cost efficient and pay for a teacher to come to her.
Romper Room was a shot for toddlers and preschoolers.
Her children are 12 and a half and almost NINE.
Lord knows how show got changed to shot.
I think autocorrect needs a drink.
I will air out the porch and put out some tequila for those partaking.
Romper Room? Strange comparison. Kate's kids are(almost) 9 and 12.
She needs to stop doing this to the children, trying to make them seem so much younger than they are. It's getting really embarrassing. Has she ever said the kids ever act OLDER than they are, because that's actually cute, when a child says something usually only adults say.
She needs to stop doing this to the children, trying to make them seem so much younger than they are. It's getting really embarrassing
Maybe she's taking this person's advice...
But I can't believe the sextuplets are going to be NINE in a couple weeks @Kateplusmy8 please tell your children to stop growing up
Kate's a mess. She got stuck at age 13 with regard to her emotional development and is stuck back in time during filming when tups were babies.
I don't understand why some of these sheeple really want them to stay babies.
Nine is a wonderful age. They can participate in so much, do so much (and I don't mean just chores), understand so much, you can have real conversations with them that resemble closer to adult, they start to understand the world, their personalities are developed so much, and they are usually so fun and game for anything. They can take on almost any game, any sport, watch more mature movies and appreciate them, often game for a fun day trip or a new food or project, tackle things like helping in the kitchen, can get really creative with art and music--it awesome. It's those precious last few years before they turn on you. :)
I am sorry for people not enjoying age nine and constantly thinking about the baby years.
Kate's a mess. She got stuck at age 13 with regard to her emotional development and is stuck back in time during filming when tups were babies.
Think of a typical 13 year old girl. They are at the age where little babies are really cool and fun to them, they often become very interested in babysitting for the first time. But their feelings on a nine year old?? Ewww, a nine year old is their gross annoying kid brother, BLECH get AWAY!
It makes sense Kate is lamenting the baby years given her emotional age.
Off topic....they found a female's DNA on one of the pressure cooker's bomb.
I suppose it could have just been the person who sold it to them, who knows.
It makes sense Kate is lamenting the baby years given her emotional age.
Yep, and to admit the tups are nine would be for her to admit there's no chance of a show for her and kids. No babies = no show. Kate calls the way she thinks 'positivity.' I call it denial.
Remember that sheeple who cancelled her spring break plans so she could go on Kate's cruise?? I felt so awful about that.
They said the cruise was ALMOST full then they turned around and said not enough signed up to go and it had to be cancelled. People should read the fine print, yet when someone says it's almost full a reasonable person can assume it won't be cancelled for poor turnout and go ahead and sign up. They flat out lied and that was WRONG.
By the way people here didn't believe it when they said the cruise was full. Smart bunch. Based on the small handful of people twittering they were going something smelled fishy! :)
Still the average person who hasn't been around the block with her lies and didn't know Cindy was an idiot would believe it.
Just saw this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h
For folks asking WHY I have not met Kate N person...I live very far away...our day will come...she's bracing herself! LOL #HighFivesToKate
Well, she obsessively reads here. Why?
In a way I find it creepier they haven't met in person. Kate is really encouraging and enabling a complete stranger. She's even told her she loves her, at least twice. Even did a shout out to her on some T.V. show once.
Romper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic Mirror, tell me today, have all my friends had fun at play?
Seriously Kate....Do Bee a Do Bee and admit your kids are almost 9 & 13, don't bee a don't bee by comparing them to pre schoolers!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 117
Just saw this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h
For folks asking WHY I have not met Kate N person...I live very far away...our day will come...she's bracing herself! LOL #HighFivesToKate
Firey Topaz @FireyTopaz1 2h
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Maybe you'd have a better chance of her answering if you used your "other" ways of communicating you talk about??
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h
For folks asking WHY I have not met Kate N person...I live very far away...our day will come...she's bracing herself! LOL #HighFivesToKate
That's a cop-out. She wasn't that far away from the cruise departure port. She wasn't far away from several of Kate's book signings and speaking engagements. She wasn't that far away when Kate went on vacation to BHI. I'm sure if they are close friends they could have arranged to meet up at a location that wasn't "very far away."
She wasn't that far away when Kate went on vacation to BHI. I'm sure if they are close friends they could have arranged to meet up at a location that wasn't "very far away."
Not only that, but if they are as close as she says, it would seem to me that Kate would fly her to PA to spend a week at Kate's house. Isn't that what close friends do? They find a way to spend time with one another? Or...meet up half-way and have a girls' day out.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 106
Romper Room was a shot for toddlers and preschoolers.
I won a slinky from Romper Room. The lady on the show here in Utah was Miss Julie. lol. what memories. Aught oh...that makes me sound old.
Maybe her super big surprise is that she finally broke down and will take the twins to DWTS and be in the audience on alumni night or something like that. Although she hasn't talked much about it this season at all so maybe not.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h
Recall that show 'Romper Room'?Yeah it's my life.Kids singing in the shower,kids eating a messy snack,kids playing random tunes on the piano
When did Kate get a piano? She never mentioned having one before. Didn't they leave the piano at the old house when they moved?
And what does showering and eating a messy snack have to do with Romper Room? Seems like she just pulled an old children's show out of the blue in order to make that tweet.
Was she hoping that her tweeties would think that she's filming a childrens' TV show, ala Romper Room?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 118
Well, she obsessively reads here. Why?
I think she's trying to communicate with us for some strange reason.
Ohh just like that movie Contact!
Maybe her super big surprise is that she finally broke down and will take the twins to DWTS and be in the audience on alumni night or something like that. Although she hasn't talked much about it this season at all so maybe not.
Only two sheeple have asked about the big surprise -- Milo, and the young girl from Connecticut who asked Kate to be her baby's godmother. Kate has not responded to either one of them.
Hi Luke bandit, sorry, I got mixed up re son and expected grandson!
On the nuttier side of the news, the stories from Tupelo, Mississippi about the alleged sender of the poison ricin letters are going to make a hilarious movie one day. The first person accused was a bipolar Elvis impersonator who has repeatedly accused the hospital he was fired from of trafficking in organs from cadavers. The letters with the ricin were signed with the characteristic online sig line of this man. The FBI found no sign of ricin in the mans home. He was released and now the person accused and arrested and being held without bond is a tai Kwon do instructor accused earlier this year of molestation of several students, who formerly had feuded with the Elvis impersonator. Threatening letters were sent to the president, a Mississippi senator, and an eighty year old female judge locally, whose son holds the state representative seat that the tae Kwon do instructor ran against years ago. I think its a soap opera, or a modern day Faulkner novel, or a Cohen brothers film, or a particularly bizarre Simpsons combined with Family Guy episode.
Numerous news stories about this, just look for Tupelo Mississippi and ricin letters.
Kate is a twit said... 125
Yes they have a piano it was in a epi of J&K+8.
I think it was in an epi where they were doing the carpet.
If anyone saw the Charles Cullin story on 60 Minutes this week, about the nurse who murdered several patients, it kind of relates to the whole misguided notion that we would know if something bad happened because people would have said something or something would have been done. (An excuse I've heard the sheeple make often for Kate as related to the child abuse) They didn't delve too deeply into the sociology behind what happened, but Charles Cullin was passed from job to job despite a bad history, and lots of people suspected he was hurting and killing people but just sort of passed him around. Finally a fellow nurse helped to nab him but they estimated at least five people were killed from the time people well KNEW to the time he was actually stopped. 60 Minutes thought the story was about why he did it. I thought the story was really how was this overlooked for so long. To me it relates to that old true story of a woman being raped in NYC and many neighbors hearing it and doing nothing.
Anyway it's a sad truth, but often either people don't speak up or when they say something the powers that be ignore them. For some reason, it is immensely difficult for some people to face up to anything out of the ordinary like this.
Joy thanks for the details on that haven't been following that closely, what an odd mess!
In other news, I just heard the good people of Texas threw Westboro in JAIL for protesting funerals. Free speech be damned, there IS no free speech when you mess with Texas, come on now you've never heard of that exception? :)
Yes they have a piano it was in a epi of J&K+8.
I think it was in an epi where they were doing the carpet.
But wasn't that episode when they were in the old house? They also had the episode when Mady got the violin and they got the piano, but that too, was in the old house.
I don't remember them ever showing a piano in the new house, and I also don't recall Kate ever mentioning it before.
Admin~In searching for more information about the Westboro arrests you mentioned, I found an article on Snopes that says the reports are likely false.
Improbable, no way! I never would have thought that was a false report. It just sounds so....Texas! :) Plus I saw it on the FB of a Texas friend.
Oh well they're still awful.
Kate is a twit said... 132
For the violin I think it was the twins get musical epis.
Ya can see the violin and piano.
Yeah it's this epis where J&K get the twins a violin.
And they takes lesson for the violin & piano.
If Milo and Kate "communicate" through other means, then why did Milo make her birthday surprise so public? She tweeted that she was sorry she was late with the surprise, traffic was heavy, long drive, told Kate to stay awake, and so many other teasers. Why not just e-mail or DM Kate...why did she make such a big deal out of it? Is it because she needs the attention -- in fact, thrives on it? She loved the tweets from both fans and non-fans wondering what she was up to.
What a let-down it must have been when Kate was less than thrilled and didn't ask how the dog was doing, and in fact, never thanked her (at least not on Twitter) for naming a dog after her.
Saying she knows Kate probably makes Milo feel like a celeb too. She has bragging rights and I guess that makes her important. Too bad for her Kate is a failed D-lister who can't even drum up enough interest in her book to break 200 in pre-orders.
Kates surprise that she has been working on all day... is her bog for thursday... which will outline what has happened to the audi...or not...
Nothing to see here folks...move along please...
I remembered Kate tweeting about the piano in this house. I think it was around Christmas of 2011 and she tweeted that a family friend was visiting, and they were playing Christmas songs on the piano.
A quick Google search turned up this tweet:
Awww old family friends teen daughter is here visiting.. Playing our piano! House filled with music above kid chatter is a beautiful thing!
1 year ago
chefsummer said... 135
Kate is a twit said... 132
For the violin I think it was the twins get musical epis.
Ya can see the violin and piano.
Yes, I know they had a piano in the OLD house, but didn't they leave it there when they moved to the new house?
What I'm saying is that I don't recall them showing a piano at the NEW house, and Kate's never mentioned it before. So I just wonder where the piano she mentioned tonight came from.
Kate is a twit said... 141
I don't think that showed it.
Loves to Read--Thanks for finding that. I searched and finally found the original tweet on twitter. It was November 2011, at Thanksgiving.
I remember that upright piano at the Andrew Ave.
house. It was donated, if I recall. Didn't Kate say that Cara quit because she didn't want her fingernails cut, which was required for playing piano? Also, I think I remember Kate not liking the piano because of fingerprints all over it. It's surprising to me that they would have one now, unless one of the "littles"
has taken an interest.
Someone said:
I think I was reading comments at kate's blog, and one very aggresive poster was saying that kate is going to be back on DWTS, as a dancer who has improved so much.I may have been dreaming, but this poster was very adament that this was going to be announced very soon. Sorry if it has already been discussed on here,I get behind reading posts when there get to be so many of them!
From time to time during this long Gosselin saga, as I've been reading on this blog and others, posters have come and gone who insisted they had inside info. I think only a tiny percentage actually had info that proved accurate.
I highly doubt DWTS would have Kate back. She was apparently a real pain in the arse to deal with, and even Carrie Ann pointed out as clearly as she could that Kate was delusional. She will never be any good as a dancer, because she isn't willing to put the work in that is necessary. I think Tony Dovalani would threaten to quit if ever they even considered asking Kate back - lol!
The miracle is that Kate ever finagled a tv show in the first place. The reason the show did well was not because of Kate, but despite her. The children were young and adorable, and Jon was likable. Once Jon was gone, the show went downhill and soon was "not renewed." Give it up Kate - you will never have another show on tv again. Ain't gonna happen.
And yet another strange twitter reference, to compare her home to Romper Room. Her home is like a show for preschoolers? Except there are showers and messy snacks? Whatever Kate - no one but your three reality-impaired fans are even interested.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 109
She needs to stop doing this to the children, trying to make them seem so much younger than they are. It's getting really embarrassing. Has she ever said the kids ever act OLDER than they are, because that's actually cute, when a child says something usually only adults say.
Unfortunately, Kate appears to want to keep the tups at an age where they were marketable, and making tons of money for her. Arrested development?? Sad, because she wants to keep them "babified" in order to market them, and to keep herself significant.
Don't know what her big "surprise" is but I suspect more filming of her kids. Call me jaded. It is sad that she can't earn money by herself at this juncture, without using her kids, and she knows it. Does Jon ever get a say in whether filming of his kids will continue? Seriously. JMO.
Kate is a twit said... 125
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h
Recall that show 'Romper Room'?Yeah it's my life.Kids singing in the shower,kids eating a messy snack,kids playing random tunes on the piano
Odd at best. Romper Room was for toddlers, and did none of what Kate mentioned. I think she is losing it. Tups are almost 9. Arrested development. WTH?
prairemary said... 100
I have been really tired these past few days, have been falling asleep while reading all the posts after her non-fun fundraiser, and having issues with my internet provider, so I don't know if I already posted this or not, please excuse me if I did. I think I was reading comments at kate's blog, and one very aggresive poster was saying that kate is going to be back on DWTS, as a dancer who has improved so much.I may have been dreaming, but this poster was very adament that this was going to be announced very soon. Sorry if it has already been discussed on here,I get behind reading posts when there get to be so many of them!
Could be. Who knows as there was mention of DWTS bringing back some of the worst dancers to redeem themselves. However, if DWTS is bringing back some of the worst dancers, why not Kenny Mayne. He was hilarious, had a great attitude, contestants and pros loved him and he was entertaining. Who knows? If Kate is brought back, I will not watch. Although if she does something for once without involving the kids, I am fine with it.
Laurie said... 87
I know! Fox has renewed the celebrity dating show (game show?) "The Choice" and Kate is going to be one of the "celebrities" on this season.
Sorry, but reading posts backwards. If this is so, so be it. At least the kids are not filmed, I hope.
Kate is one of the most critical, undatable, self-absorbed people ever, but if so, will be surprised if anyone watches.
"Odd at best. Romper Room was for toddlers, and did none of what Kate mentioned. I think she is losing it. Tups are almost 9. Arrested development. WTH?"
It's another ignorant insult comment about her kids...
Remember when she yells out from the RV to Jamie?
"Try being with a bunch of kindergartners!" HMMMM?
Sounds like BULLYING to me!
Unfortunately, Kate appears to want to keep the tups at an age where they were marketable, and making tons of money for her. Arrested development?? Sad, because she wants to keep them "babified" in order to market them, and to keep herself significant.
It's yet another example of MIXED MESSAGES. She expects sooo much from them in certain aspects ie-chores, responsibilities, yet in the same breath, she throws a curve ball in there so they still FEEL DEPENDANT on her. GASLIGHTING! She will "ALWAYS be the boss, and nothing's going to change". She enjoys CAUSING the chaos, (real or imagined) because it really is the only way she's IN CONTROL.
The pumpkin decorating? Kids allll having a good time? Peaceful, calm, enjoying themselves?? NOPE!!
She's going to make sure they KNOW she has ABSOLUTE control over them.
Kate is a twit said... 143
Loves to Read--Thanks for finding that. I searched and finally found the original tweet on twitter. It was November 2011, at Thanksgiving.
KIAT - impressive that you found it. I had thought she tweeted it around Christmas time, but it looks like it was around Thanksgiving.
I am sorry for people not enjoying age nine and constantly thinking about the baby years.
Remember though, this was also a time when she was getting tons and tons of attention AND sympathy. LOTS of people were "enablers" and filling her head with exactly what she wanted to hear. Poor you! Hoe DO you do it? Oh here, let me do that, you go rest, you need it....the image of martyr was being fed. NOW? Aside from the 2 butt kissers, MOST do NOT give her the narcissistic fuel she needs.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 147
Kate is a twit said... 125
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h
Recall that show 'Romper Room'?Yeah it's my life.Kids singing in the shower,kids eating a messy snack,kids playing random tunes on the piano
Odd at best. Romper Room was for toddlers, and did none of what Kate mentioned. I think she is losing it. Tups are almost 9. Arrested development. WTH?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 10h
@Kateplusmy8 Its Chaos Gosselin Style...its ur life! And what a wonderful/crazy never know what 2expect bunch U have there! #NeedNewShow
And there you have it. Milo has named this imaginary new Romper Room style show: Chaos Gosselin Style. Milo is SO hoping that a camera will be stuck in the kids' faces again.
Kate desperately wants the world to believe she's still dealing with "littles" and it's worthy of a show. Wrong, Kate, those teen years will be upon you very soon. You'd better stop looking backwards and get yourself ready.
Then there's the Aussie (below) who thinks Romper Room here must be an older version of their show. Nope, jellybean, it's the same show. Kate's still trying to market her kids as toddlers and preschoolers.
jellybean @nswru1 9h
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 The one you are talking about Milo sounds like the version we had in Aus. But it was for toddlers before school
Well it seems like Kate has finally lost her mind. She is actually comparing the cereal in her bowl to her kids. You just have to sit back and shake your head at the insanity of it all.
Yes, Kate's tweets about Romper Room and her cereal are pathetic. Make her look like a twit-pun intended- stay off twitter, Kate! Poor 'littles'. I watched Romper Room before I was old enough for Jr K.(age 3-4)
@kate89johnson really???!? I had no idea! Where do I read about it?
14 mins ago - Twitterrific
kate89johnson @Kateplusmy8 that's awesome!! But, don't support Kashi- their products are GMO! #read #research #learn #SayNO2GMO
Uh, Kate? Have you heard of this new thing on the internet called Google???
@Kateplusmy8 ha ha. Your life depends on HER you know! :)
13 mins ago - Twitterrific
JasonBacke I love that the 900 year old lady in a wheel chair doesn't want to give up her exit row seat. #travelingman
Nice one Kate. Old joke. Got any new material?
Being as you're so creative and all.
Whoa, that's very rude. Tight airplanes are uncomfortable enough for young and healthy people let alone an elderly person in a wheelchair. Let them have a few extra inches in the exit row for heaven sake. That's really up to the airline whether they are okay with them sitting there anyway. If anything, it makes sense to have her sit there so she can be gotten out first and not hold up the line.
It's easy for Kate to laugh when she gets first class comped.
I seriously doubt there is much chaos in that household. Kate is a drill sergeant.
I guess Kate forgot we saw exactly what that house was like on CWS. The boys were very quiet, the girls not too much louder, there was walking not running, inside voices, dead eyes, and a robotic dedication to their lengthy daily chore chart (under penalty of severeness?). When Kendra tried to stir things up and create some fun chaos with the tacos, the kids panicked.
The kids looked more like little silent soldiers to me than anything chaotic.
Jason flies coach? I didn't realize that there were exit rows in first class. What I find funny is that Jason tweets to all his followers and Kate answers as if they're having a private conversation.
Doesn't Kate ever stop to think whenever she is trying to babifty the younger children that to some people she makes them seem as if they are.....retarded? I'm not saying this to be mean. But she talks as if they have stunted growth or something. Really, who in Hollywood would want to create a show around a group of babitifyed children? Plus how would that look for Kate to have 'retarded/shunted growth children? She needs to stop keeping them back.
Not to mention, lots of elderly or ill people use wheelchairs in the airport when they never would normally because many airports these days are gigantic, and it's just easier and saves them a lot of energy and time to get a wheelchair. My grandfather has started doing that lately, mostly due to a weak hip that starts to act up if he starts walking three miles with a bunch of luggage. But if he were in an exit row he is perfectly capable of getting out and even assisting others.
I don't like Kate and I don't like her friends.
Uh oh spaghettio. Didn't she have an alternative rice krispi bar using kashi?
I thought Kate was all about positivity and respect. And giving back. And paying it forward.
Why doesn't her friend offer to help the lady with whatever she may need....instead of mocking her?
Maybe he could have bought her a Starbucks and offered to help with her carry-on.
Mel, amen.
Wait a minute here. Isn't this one of the few exceptions to the rule that only kids can be bullied? Picking on those in a "weaker" position than you, like the elderly and infirm? Laughing about them behind their back on twitter?
Exactly, how about he offer to help her. How about he offer to sit next to her so he can be the one "assisting" in the unlikely event of an emergency. How about he let the flight attendants handle this since it's none of his business.
Obviously aging can be very hard for people. Typically when I've sat in an exit row they ask, are you willing and able to assist in an emergency? I can see a flight attendant having to tell a very elderly person that perhaps she should move because she is not able to assist in an emergency. That could be a real kick in the gut to someone having trouble facing aging, to suddenly be told they are no longer up to the task of what younger folks can do. Moreover, she may have purposely picked the exit row to be more comfortable and to suddenly be told she has to move to a less comfortable and tighter seat can bring anxiety to someone who hasn't mentally prepared for that. How about some compassion??
How about some compassion??
What??? From Kate??? Are you kidding???
Did you miss the memo that it's all about HER?
Admin said...
I guess Kate forgot we saw exactly what that house was like on CWS. The boys were very quiet, the girls not too much louder, there was walking not running, inside voices, dead eyes, and a robotic dedication to their lengthy daily chore chart (under penalty of severeness?). When Kendra tried to stir things up and create some fun chaos with the tacos, the kids panicked.
The kids looked more like little silent soldiers to me than anything chaotic.
I saw the same vacant eyes in the boys, their daily routines carried out with military precision and timing when Kate or Kendra was there, but I'm reminded of their younger years where they lashed out and hit and screamed to settle their disagreements and I'm thinking that they still do that - at least when there is no one monitoring their every move. I can easily picture them in the basement or outside where she can't see or hear them or she's tuned them out to be on her phone/twitter and all heck breaking loose as they settle their disputes in their own way. I don't think much has changed in that household since filming stopped other than the personalities becoming better defined, behaviors intensifying, ie: harder hits, louder screeches, darker spirits and more severe withdrawn looks and actions. I think it must be a very confusing environment to live in especially with the contrasts they experience at Jon's and at school.
I do love Dancin With Them Thar Stars! I would be surprised if they had a season of ” worst dancers”, but I would still watch, esp if the beloved Saint Tony Dovolani of the Ballroom was on it!
IF , and this is a if, Ms Kreider was on, out would be a win-win in my view. Just think, Ms Kreider gets a paycheck, her kids get a break from her while she is filming (the show did not film the kids, only her, when she was on before). Plus the hair and makeup staff would get another chance to make her look.... Not quite as perfect as everyone else. And Tom Bergeron would have another chance to make remarks that go over her head, Bruno gets another chance to call her something worse than a shopping cart and Carrie Ann can just call her a housewife again! And we can start another ”Free whoever” campaign for whoever is her unfortunate partner, probably Tristan would get her, he handled Nancy Grace.
I don't believe DWTS will do this, there are enough talented celebs and athletes who have not competed before. But I can definitely see some fun possibilities.
Ooooh!! And if she insults camera and sound guys, they will get the snappier worst moments on film, and the producers would show it I bet! Win-win--WIN!!!!!!!!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 102
I think I was reading comments at kate's blog, and one very aggresive poster was saying that kate is going to be back on DWTS, as a dancer who has improved so much.I may have been dreaming, but this poster was very adament that this was going to be announced very soon. Sorry if it has already been discussed on here,I get behind reading posts when there get to be so many of them!
Hmm, I missed that. I'm not sure that person knows what they are talking about but who knows.
I didn't realize it's even been confirmed what the theme of the next season of DWTS will be.
I remember seeing a post from Anonymous on the next to the last page? of the Zumba post re: this subject and wondered how it got thru. The poster was very aggressive, kind of na-na-na-na, but everyone seemed to ignore it and kept to the subject being discussed.
No point in starting rumors here. A return to DWTS is her dream, doesn't mean they'd have her come back. I hate her hints. She does this to make news on Twitter.
The biggest problem with her inane tweets about 'surprises' , besides the annoying juvenile aspect, is that there is really nothing of substance for a surprise. which is how it usually turns out. Oh maybe there is a photo shoot, or an interview, but as we have seen since the show ended, all of the surprises have turned out to be unsurprising one-off opportunities at best. Cruise - tanked, cookbook - tanked so far, one episode of CWS, which did NOT take her on a tour of celeb interviews. Her biggest surprise these days is the Thursday reveal of an increasingly boring and poorly written bog piece for the The Stir.
Am I the only person who hopes Robert's 'book' is also a thing of the past? At this point, why expose these kids to even more sordid reveals about their mother, their parents' divorce, etc. it would be best for them if this all just went away.
No point in starting rumors here. A return to DWTS is her dream, doesn't mean they'd have her come back. I hate her hints. She does this to make news on Twitter.
I'm not trying to start rumors. Someone remarked on it upthread and I remembered an anonymous posting in the previous blog entry.
One of Kate's tweeties actually called out Jason for his tweet:
@jasonbacke What do u have against people in wheelchairs excatly??
I'd like to see him answer that one.
Regarding DWTS, I'll go out on a limb and say that the next time they do another season with former contestants, she just might be on that list. Will she agree to do it? If she's got nothing else going on media-wise, you bet she will. She'll be on a plane before she hangs up the phone.
Kate tweeting a picture of her cereal this morning just goes to show how immature she really is. That's something a young teen would tweet out of boredom--because they have nothing relevant to say.
Romper Room, a picture of her cereal--maybe Kate really is "de-aging".
Is this the comment on The Stir that started the talk here about Kate getting back on DWTS. It's all I could find:
I enjoy talking about k8...she's an amusing monkey. I can't tell you how many times I've watched her dwts paparazzi dance. And her Alaska meltdown...hilarious. She should really consider a career as a comedienne. Steve can toss out anyone who doesn't laugh at her jokes. Speaking of Alaska, I thought it was interesting to hear how she kept whining about the cold. And then I saw a clip of her recently in NYC promoting her book, botox, or something silly. It was freezing there...the reporter, local yokels, and hanger ons all had heavy coats on...but not k8. She just had to look fab. I don't h8 k8....I hope she continues putting out crazy stuff. I want to see her in a dating show...oh man that would be so funny. And i'm glad she uses botox otherwise her face looks like a hounddog's what with the perpetual frown. You go k8!
It seems that Kashi has had several class action lawsuits filed against them due to their mislabeling of ingredients.
Perhaps Kate should contact her lawyers and bullyville and ask "Can I sue, too"?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 159
Whoa, that's very rude. Tight airplanes are uncomfortable enough for young and healthy people let alone an elderly person in a wheelchair. Let them have a few extra inches in the exit row for heaven sake. That's really up to the airline whether they are okay with them sitting there anyway. If anything, it makes sense to have her sit there so she can be gotten out first and not hold up the line.
Since the tweet says that she didn't WANT to give up her seat, I think it can be inferred that she was asked to do so and was not considered able to carry out the responsibilities of someone seated in the exit row. It is not bigotry against the elderly/disabled to expect them not to sit in the exit row when passengers in those rows are expected to help with emergency evacuations, nor is it bullying to make an offhand tweet about it.
This is from the Vanity Fair interview when she wanted Nobu.....everybody remembers the Nobu comments, but few remember what Steve said was his REAL job.....
"A swarm of paparazzi is predicted to follow the excursion. Since March, when In Touch and Star simultaneously broke the news that the reality of the quaint, Christian Gosselins might be somewhat different from that seen on TV (“Jon’s Talking Divorce!” In Touch announced), Kate says they have hounded her “every single single single single single single single day of my life. I hate it. I hate it so much.”
I say you can almost feel sympathy for the celebrities who lose their tempers around photographers. “Who says I didn’t lose it—or may not?” Kate asks archly.
“I’m waiting for the call,” Goldberg says, laughing.
“I’m actually there to keep the paparazzi safe,” Neild jokes.
“Shut up,” Kate tells them sharply, frowning. “Now that’s where I draw the line.”
Kate just wants us and her sheeple that drive-by here to talk her up so it will make gather/babble/examiner.com. She needs the chatter to keep her relevant. Sure, DWTS could decide that this time she makes the cut, but "improved"??? That sounds like a sheeple leaving droppings here. Frankly, I am tired of the rumors about her every DWTS season. It's coming from her.
By Kate's definition any negativity is "bullying". It may not be bullying but it's sure insentive. Someday Jason will be old and people will have to tell him he is no longer able to do things like sitting in exit rows. I doubt he would want someone tweeting about him in a similar awkward situation. Aging is tough. Sensitivity is appreciated given that god willing we will get there one day too.
denni, you just reminded me of what Kate must choke on daily.
She has gone from being the feature of a Vanity Fair article to tweeting photos of her breakfast cereal.
What a world...what a world.
Regarding the tweets about the "900 year old woman" in the Exit row. My opinion is that anyone who is sitting in an Exit Row has to be able to perform the required functions and those are pretty stringent. I have a hard time believing that an older woman in a wheelchair would be able to do that and, therefore, she should be asked to leave her seat. Jason doesn't say whether or not they removed her, just that she didn't want to give up her seat. I would not be comfortable depending on someone like her being able to perform those functions based on his description. I would rather be insensitive and safe. In fact, if I was on that plane, I would demand that she move.
Maybe Kate can put her Kashi cereal on Ebay like someone did with the Jesus Toast. Hey, I see my kids in my Kashi Cereal. Anyone want to bid on it? Milo? Anyone?
Hehe . . .
I was reading the interview from Goodhousekeeping they did and found this gem:
L: "You can hold my doll. It's a boy. His name is Steve, and this is his penguin, Icy."
L [planting her hands on her tiny hips]: "Where’s Steve? I told you to watch him!"
The younger kids were four in this interview, and good ol' Steve must have been a staple in the household even then.
Marie, absolutely I thiink everyone is entitled to be safe but I see no reason why anyone should be so rudely called a "900 year old woman" to do so. That's the main issue.
I would not be comfortable depending on someone like her being able to perform those functions based on his description.
Jason described her as 900 years old. Maybe she is 65! How can any of us make a decision based on his description? When I've flown I can't even remember checking out who was sitting in the seat by the exit. I'm always more concerned with trying to find somewhere to stuff a carry-on and hopefully finding an aisle seat.
Admin-I agree. It was very rude to call her a "900 yr old woman". How would Jason feel if someone called his mother that? He could have just said "elderly", but he thought he was being funny. I'm sorry, labeling someone like he did, is not my brand of humor.
Tweet-le . . . I ALWAYS check to see who is sitting in the exit row. I have never had to complain if I thought someone was not going to be able to perform the duties but if I felt they were not able to, I would complain. It's not about being rude, or polite, it's about being safe. Yeah, maybe Jason should not have said 900 year old in a condescending way and I'm sure sure he was trying to be funny, but safey on an airplane is to be taken seriously.
Oh, and I'm also that person who checks out where all of the Exits are on a plane. It may come in handy some day.
I didn't think the original tweeter was bullying,
nor did he really mean anything by it. Like someone said, just an off-hand remark.
And true, a wheel chair bound person probably isn't a good choice for the exit row seat.
It's Kate that I thought was obnoxious. The tweet had NOTHING to do with her. She could have just ignored the tweet, or said something positive....but no, she's gotta make a snide remark.
She, who complains mightily about bullying, negativity, etc.
That's the part I objected to. *She's* the one who's always spouting about "positivity", and no bullying, yada, yada, yada.
If Kate wasn't ALWAYS spouting about no bullying, let's be positive, I wouldn't have thought so much of her comment. But *she's* the one making a big, big, big deal out of no bullying.
In light of the recent bullyville fiasco, I would not expect that Kate would be making mean remarks about *anybody.*
Apparently it's ok to make a snide remark about some random stranger who didn't ask to be in the public eye, but not about Kate who willingly puts her (and her kids) entire life out in the public realm.
Re the elderly woman sitting in an exit seat on an airplane. First of all, how did she end up there? If these seats are only for the able-bodied individual, capable of carrying out special safety activities in case of emergency, then why wouldn't the airline do some special restrictions on who can purchase those seats to begin with? Why put any of your paying customers into an embarrassing situation?
Second, I am not going to "demand" anything of airline personnel - because I figure they ought to know the appropriate safety measures more than I do. I'm Jane Doe, and it would be rather presumptuous of me to make demands of airline personnel, as if I have some special rights that take precedent over their expertise and knowledge.
I don't know any of the details of this situation beyond the fact a woman in a wheelchair was asked to switch seats and she didn't want to. I imagine that flying is probably quite a miserable experience for her - she's got to deal with TSA groping her and minutely examining her wheelchair, has to deal with just getting around a busy airport, then gets settled in her seat and gets told she needs to move. Of course she was unhappy. And she has every right to be.
The thing about society today is that people have very little empathy for others. They forget, one day they might be in that very situation. How would they like to be treated in her shoes?
A 25 year old fit and trim man could freeze up block the exit in an emergency or do something stupid and pull the door in instead of pushing it out. Unfortunately you just never know how someone will react. Heck maybe that's why she wanted to sit there, she didn't trust some stranger with the task. :) Nonetheless as OP pointed out the airline determined she was not able, and they have a right to do that. But it doesn't give Jason the right to mock her. He has no idea he would do any better in an emergency.
My MIL is 94 and she shouldn't sit in the emergency exit row. I hate to say it, but sometimes when they get as old as my MIL they seem to feel entitled to do what they want. That being said, you can't pick the emergency exit seats online when you make your reservations. Those are assigned at the airport so if she was sitting in that row it may have been the seat assigned to her. I probably wouldn't have tweeted about it but I would have told everyone about it especially if her refusal to move caused a delay in the flight.
He didn't call her a 900 year old woman to her face (I hope) so I don't have a problem with that. I've called people worse while driving (what can I say...a Jersey girl with an attitude problem AND a 94 year old MIL!). He didn't identify her in any way nor did he say what flight he was on. She'll probably never know about the tweet. I'm not ageist and did I mention that I've got a 94 year old MIL?
I did find it funny that Kate answered his tweet as if he sent it to her only.
I'm a flyer who verifies the exit door locations, too. I've experienced airlines booking elderly or physically infirm passengers into exit row seats many times and they leave it to the flight attendants to make seating adjustments. Usually they do, however I've also seen them accept the situation and leave someone in this row who is unquestionably unable to properly operate the exit door. They've explained their decision by saying they left the passenger there because the attendant said they recognized the situation but they had enough FAs on board to take over if the need arose. I've also been on flights where the FA listened to concerns from other passengers who were uncomfortable with leaving someone in the exit row and very politely moved them to another row.
Bottom line: the only PC, "right" decision in this case should be based on the safety of all the passengers on the plane. If the FA errs and leaves someone in the exit row they could be putting the lives of all the passengers on the plane in jeopardy. If you're ever flying and don't feel comfortable with who is sitting in the exit row, politely speak up - your life and the lives of the other passengers could depend on it.
Katie talks about the younger kids like theyrr three years old because that was the last time she had any idea what they were like or knew annything about them as people that they are instead of just sextuplets or in the case of the boys nothing. She only remembers and knows what the show and fans said they are. 1 is wild and loves hher aldergator and the dark basement, 1 is professory, 1 is a little mother and pooped in her pants. Milo and other fans always talk about the kids like they are still three to. If a fan asked how the sextuplets were doing in kindergarten katie and milo would jump and post about messy fingerpainting.
She has gone from being the feature of a Vanity Fair article to tweeting photos of her breakfast cereal.
Would this be the stale cereal from Brownie, the cereal lady? I bet that stuff just clings together like glue.
CherisaFlintCarroll @CarrollClanof4 now
@Kateplusmy8 Does your cookbook contain mostly organic recipes?
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