![]() |
Keep out, residents say. |
A casting call from the production company includes the following:
"We are looking to focus on a total of four to five families who portray the typical Calabasas family. The parents and kids are busy, it's competitive lifestyle and they are keeping up with everything around them. Elaborate family vacations, sports, lessons for their kids from everything from music to football, travelling the country, looking at colleges, tutors....these competitive families push everything in their lives to the limit."
One resident of The Oaks called "Calabasas 91302" in "poor taste" and "invasive." She added, "The reason we are all there is for privacy."
Stand strong, The Oaks.
519 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 519 of 519 Newer› Newest»Katie talks about the younger kids like theyrr three years old because that was the last time she had any idea what they were like or knew annything about them
Very perceptive, Gilly. I think you're on to something.
Oh no, TLCstinks, SusanToyota was not trying to start a rumor, she was answering my post, it was me who said I thought I had read about it, from a very aggressive poster! Thanks, SusanToyota, it was a very aggressive poster, and you are right, she was just ignored. Sorry, I was not trying to start a rumor!
But if she was to ever go on a dating show, I would sure get my share of gut-wrenching laughter!
MJ said... 198
I'm a flyer who verifies the exit door locations, too. I've experienced airlines booking elderly or physically infirm passengers into exit row seats many times and they leave it to the flight attendants to make seating adjustments. Usually they do, however I've also seen them accept the situation and leave someone in this row who is unquestionably unable to properly operate the exit door. They've explained their decision by saying they left the passenger there because the attendant said they recognized the situation but they had enough FAs on board to take over if the need arose. I've also been on flights where the FA listened to concerns from other passengers who were uncomfortable with leaving someone in the exit row and very politely moved them to another row.
Bottom line: the only PC, "right" decision in this case should be based on the safety of all the passengers on the plane. If the FA errs and leaves someone in the exit row they could be putting the lives of all the passengers on the plane in jeopardy. If you're ever flying and don't feel comfortable with who is sitting in the exit row, politely speak up - your life and the lives of the other passengers could depend on it.
I agree, MJ. Only able bodied person should be sitting in the Exit seat/row.
All the same, Kate's hairdresser could have expressed his annoyance in a respectful manner.
His attempt at humor made him look insensitive- not humorous.
Oh, and Kate answering Jason's tweet (out of the blue) is her way of telling him that her hay is ready for a touch up paint/cut job.
Does anyone remember when Kate said she couldn't possibly answer all her twitter questions because she gets hundreds of tweets per hour? I just checked there, and she's averaging 8 tweets per hour. Wonder what her excuse will be now for not responding...
@Kateplusmy8 I really miss your show any chance of it coming back!!!(please say yes
Do these fans know that they are really hitting Kate where it's got to hurt? There are so many of these drive-bys who keep asking her the same question. She never responds! ;)
I hope the Gosselin kids all eight of them especially the poor boys are not too beat down and hurt and too desperate to please her so they do rebel like Paris when they are as old as her. From what administrator said in her recap all of them are really sad like robots. Not talking back or having opinion or just not caring even when mom is not there, a thousand miles away for two full weeks. Was it because of edits or they are all very shy and sad now? Even more scared than before.When ashley was there they had lots of fun doing things against house rules.
Gilly your fears are shared by many. I hope we're wrong. But to see an eight year old acting like that is very concerning. That kind of serious withdrawing, if it happens, shouldn't be going on until the teen years.
I think though filming was about a week for CWS, not 2 weeks. A 5 day shoot is pretty standard.
When ashley was there they had lots of fun doing things against house rules.
I have to disagree with this statement. When Ashley was there they did things for the camera that were scripted. If they had fun doing some of them that was a benefit. I'm sure that when the camera was turned off so was the "fun".
I bet Kate's bog will be about organic gardening....in her kitchen.
Has Kate mentioned Wantables lately? Or was that a one-time thing because they only gave her one free one?
Milo hasn't tweeted since late yesterday. She gave Kate seven days to respond to her. Kate did not.
Milo's last tweet:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24h
@Iamwise Strength comes fr within. At the end of the day, ur always by urself.. If U want 2make a change, it's up 2U & only U! #MyCall :)
She sent it to @Iamwise, Kate's favorite, in case I guess they want to use those words of wisdom. I'm pretty sure saying she's always by herself "at the end of the day" is a passive aggressive dig at Kate.
She tweets a mysterious platitude, as she always does before leaving for a while. Now she'll vanish and be silent--until some of the fans start tweeting her.
"Milo, are you okay?"
"Milo, where are you?"
"Kate, have you heard from Milo?"
After that, Milo will give it a few more days (so people will really start to worry.) Then she'll come back and say she's been conveniently busy.
She's actually punishing Kate, don't you think? "If you don't pay attention to me, I'm gone. And I'm your biggest fan, protector, and promoter. You need me."
What stage of celebrity worship is this? It's fascinating, scary, and bizarre at the same time.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24h
@Iamwise Strength comes fr within. At the end of the day, ur always by urself.. If U want 2make a change, it's up 2U & only U! #MyCall :)
She sent it to @Iamwise, Kate's favorite, in case I guess they want to use those words of wisdom.
Well I might accept this as words of wisdom if it actually made sense. It's like three different thoughts rolled into one. Plus saying you will always be yourself but you can change doesn't really make sense. If you change you're different from how you used to be.
Also Virginia I can't stand when people get cryptic when they are upset about something. They will never outright say what is bothering them but they will tweet stuff like that such that it's obvious something is going on. Either say what you mean or shut up. You just want to ask WHAT, WHAT is wrong. But then you look nosey. I see this a lot on facebook. In fact I saw an old college friend do this for six months and then finally a message, DIVORCE IS FINAL YEAA!
Lol, OH so that's what that was about.
Milo hasn't tweeted since late yesterday. She gave Kate seven days to respond to her. Kate did not.
Oh, but don't you know...they communicate in ways other than Twitter. Milo asked Kate a series of questions last night, but no response from Kate. If they DM and e-mail, then why does Milo continue to ask questions and expect a comment on Twitter from Kate?
Milo's pouting somewhere. She'll come back shortly.
Liz Borden @Katethespanker now
You're a single parent @kateplusmy8 Did the children's father die?
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan now
@Kateplusmy8 I need a job! Want a babysitter?
No Pagie just no.
madi02 @ninjagirl19710 now
@Kateplusmy8 hey big fan u insperation my family love u and ur show and when u were on wife swap! Will you please follow me and thanks :-)
But ur a big fan that love KK so you should know when she was on right..
But ur a big fan that love KK so you should know when she was on right..
She is saying that she loved Kate's show and (loved it) when Kate was on Wife Swap. She didn't ask WHEN she was on the show...at least that's the way I read it.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 17
madi02 @ninjagirl19710 now
when u were on wife swap! Will you please follow me and thanks :-)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24h
@Iamwise Strength comes fr within. At the end of the day, ur always by urself.. If U want 2make a change, it's up 2U & only U! #MyCall :)
My take on this is basically "If you like the person you see in the mirror at the end of the day, that's all that counts. If you don't like
what you see, only you can change that." I don't really see a slam at Kate so much as a platitude for the general public. JMO.
I don't think it's a slam at Kate, I think it's an attempt to build herself up. As in, even without Kate I am still okay and I can always change if I'm not okay.
Not necessarily a slam, but sort of a, "I don't need you" type deal.
And in that vein, it's rather immature. Like what a 15 year old does when you break up. Fine, you're breaking up with me, well I don't need you anyway!! But really deep down it's just to try to get a reaction, and they will take the person back in a heartbeat if they come crawling back. Just as Milo will.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 12
Milo hasn't tweeted since late yesterday. She gave Kate seven days to respond to her. Kate did not.
Milo's last tweet:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24h
@Iamwise Strength comes fr within. At the end of the day, ur always by urself.. If U want 2make a change, it's up 2U & only U! #MyCall :)
She sent it to @Iamwise, Kate's favorite, in case I guess they want to use those words of wisdom. I'm pretty sure saying she's always by herself "at the end of the day" is a passive aggressive dig at Kate.
She tweets a mysterious platitude, as she always does before leaving for a while. Now she'll vanish and be silent--until some of the fans start tweeting her.
I agree about that last tweet by Milo last night. She's pulling her old silent treatment until people ask where she is and what's wrong, and she can finally get some attention from Kate again.
But, I just want to clarify one thing. I checked that account Milo tweeted, "@Iamwise", and it's somebody with just one old tweet.
Then I checked the platitude account that Kate often retweets. Milo had the name correct, but not the complete Twitter name: "iAm Wise - @iAmTheWiseOne".
So, I see that Milo was just retweeting one of their tweets. She retyped it and used abbreviations to make room for her #hashtag addition:
iAm Wise iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne
Strength comes from within. At the end of the day, you are always by yourself. If you want to make a change, it's up to you and only you.
3:06 PM - 29 Apr 13
Milo retyped that and added the "#MyCall :)"
Does anyone remember when Kate said she couldn't possibly answer all her twitter questions because she gets hundreds of tweets per hour? I just checked there, and she's averaging 8 tweets per hour. Wonder what her excuse will be now for not responding...
Kate's Twitter is dying. There's one non-fan there who has been talking to herself for the past half hour. Why can't they realize that they just need to let it go and suffer a quiet death? It almost seems like they are trying to revive it. Why?
I read this tweet the same way Sleepless read it. The tweeter was implying that she loved Kate on Wife Swap and was not asking when it was on.
madi02 @ninjagirl19710 now
@Kateplusmy8 hey big fan u insperation my family love u and ur show and when u were on wife swap! Will you please follow me and thanks :-)
Thank you to all of the well wishes for my son's graduation and Baby Boy due on the 14th. There are a lot of very nice people on this blog.
I really need prayer for someone I am close to -to get good news in the morning. I would appreciate all prayers and good thoughts.
Again, thank you!
thank you!
It just goes to show you we can all read the same words and come up with different interpretations. We humans are odd that way. A dog never misinterprets another dog, nor do cats misunderstand other cats. The use of words is what's messed us up! ;-)
I personally don't think Amanda Knox is guilty but that interview she did isn't going to do her any favors. She appeared very cold and calculated. If she has to think about everything before she says it, why do an interview? Perhaps a taped and transcribed one would have been the better route to take.
Prayers you way, Luke
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 183
By Kate's definition any negativity is "bullying". It may not be bullying but it's sure insentive. Someday Jason will be old and people will have to tell him he is no longer able to do things like sitting in exit rows. I doubt he would want someone tweeting about him in a similar awkward situation. Aging is tough. Sensitivity is appreciated given that god willing we will get there one day too.
The lecture on aging was really unnecessary.
Child abuse is tough too, but that doesn't stop the posters here from making jokes about wooden spoons, etc. in the name of "snark." What Jason is doing is no different.
Milo's last tweet:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24h
@Iamwise Strength comes fr within. At the end of the day, ur always by urself.. If U want 2make a change, it's up 2U & only U! #MyCall :)
So . . .Kate is breaking up with herself on Twitter? My guess is she got tired of playing the Milo persona because her timeline is drying up. On to greener pastures or maybe the old horse will finally retire from the public eye.
Women Of History @WomenOfHistory now
Fame means millions of people have the wrong idea of who you are. -Erica Jong
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Nah I think we know who you are Kate.I mean we know the true unedited Kate Gosselin.
It's your fans that don't know the "real" Kate.
Shelby said... 26
I personally don't think Amanda Knox is guilty but that interview she did isn't going to do her any favors. She appeared very cold and calculated. If she has to think about everything before she says it, why do an interview? Perhaps a taped and transcribed one would have been the better route to take.
Back when her conviction was overturned I said I didn't know enough about the case to have an opinion. I followed the Casey Anthony case so closesly I knew it inside out and strongly felt she was guilty. Anyway, I felt Knox's speech when she returned home was forced and fake but I though meh, she's been through a lot and is still reeling. However, I watched some of her interview last night and I agree it did not do her any favors. Still not knowing the details of the case, I just can't buy what she's selling. She seems forced and disingenuous to me. And the video of her doing stretches in the police station did not help my opinion either. Very strange.
lukebandit said... 24
Thank you to all of the well wishes for my son's graduation and Baby Boy due on the 14th. There are a lot of very nice people on this blog.
I really need prayer for someone I am close to -to get good news in the morning. I would appreciate all prayers and good thoughts.
Again, thank you!
thank you!
Sending good, healing thoughts for your friend, lukebandit. May she receive wonderful news today.
sarah @gypsi001 now
@Kateplusmy8 finshd hangin shoe organizers &cut bottom sets off &hung higher. My rabbit kept eating the strawberries pic.twitter.com/tgfV9l13tv
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 now
@gypsi001 what a great idea! I have a clothes line that I never use! I will soon! We have veges started inside!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 14
Also Virginia I can't stand when people get cryptic when they are upset about something. They will never outright say what is bothering them but they will tweet stuff like that such that it's obvious something is going on. Either say what you mean or shut up. You just want to ask WHAT, WHAT is wrong. But then you look nosey. I see this a lot on facebook. In fact I saw an old college friend do this for six months and then finally a message, DIVORCE IS FINAL YEAA!
Lol, OH so that's what that was about.
Totally agree, Admin. It comes across as the old, "I know something you don't know!" It's annoying.
Women Of History @WomenOfHistory now
Fame means millions of people have the wrong idea of who you are. -Erica Jong
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
That's odd why would people have the wrong idea who you are if you were on the realest reality show?
The lecture on aging was really unnecessary.
Child abuse is tough too, but that doesn't stop the posters here from making jokes about wooden spoons, etc. in the name of "snark." What Jason is doing is no different.
Public figure. Snark allowed. Snark is all over the internet about public figures. Should they become private, snark should stop. Private figure, especially a wheelchair bound elderly woman? Making fun of them so publicly is rude and insensitive. It's not the same thing whatsoever.
Someone else had a good point though. Jason never claimed not to be an insensitive jerk who gets his laughs off the elderly and infirm. But KATE was the one who said that any teasing, negativity, and snark toward anyone is bullying. Then she turns around and joins in the teasing of a poor old woman in an embarrassing situation. She can't have it both ways.
If she's going to snark about the elderly and infirm now so be it, but she doesn't get to cry bullying anymore.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 34
Women Of History @WomenOfHistory now
Fame means millions of people have the wrong idea of who you are. -Erica Jong
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
That's odd why would people have the wrong idea who you are if you were on the realest reality show?
The realest reality show that happens to be edited.
I didn't see the interview but Amanda Knox has never presented well which is why she got herself in so much trouble in the first place, kissing and cuddling, doing cartwheels, buying lingerie, all after just finding out her roommate was dead. When she finally came home to the U.S. she had such a flat affect. Now murderer or not anyone would be thrilled to be back on American soil. I'm sure she was exhausted of course, but she has always struck me as socially awkward and a bit disconnected. If she's ever been diagnosed with anything, I don't think they've said so. I don't think she did it either, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have some personality issues. She shouldn't do interviews if that is how she keeps coming across.
Lulu said... 28
Child abuse is tough too, but that doesn't stop the posters here from making jokes about wooden spoons, etc. in the name of "snark." What Jason is doing is no different.
What Jason and Kate said is very different.
How to bend words to make them fit 101?
We've snarked about THE SPOON being the happy-upper weilded by a woman who has little control over her temper, but never about the kids. Big difference. Try again.
Hmm, looks like someone is planning to garden this year: "we have veges started inside". Well good for you K8, but please, it's veggies, your abbreviations are like a nail on a chalkboard. About time, that garden, with all those acres and all that non-job time.
The realest reality show that happens to be edited.
And scripted.
I'd never heard this theory before and came to the idea myself, but apparently I am not the only one by far. This is a really interesting article from 2011 that talks to psychologists, Aspergers specialists, and pulls quotes from friends and family that suggest Amanda may have Aspergers or mild autism. She is described by friends as odd and a dork, wearing mismatched socks, singing loudly and annoying everyone, having absolutely no understanding that she was good looking, and having no street sense. However she is remarkable intelligent, also common in Aspergers. They describe her behavior after the murders as typical self-soothing, turning cartwheels, etc.
Regardless what is going on with Amanda it really makes you think how difficult legal troubles must be to anyone on the autism spectrum. So much of how the public perceives legal troubles are how you "act". If you don't act "right" to the public, you must be guilty. But what if you are Aspergers and never act "right" anyway? And the problem is to anyone who doesn't understand Aspergers, including jury members, not acting right can get you convicted despite the forensic evidence failing. People often place more weight on your behavior than on the scientific evidence, it's crazy.
RT @LifeTools: Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains.
Wow. That platitude was tailor made for Kate.
Kate's tweeting platitudes again. Does she even realize that most of those platitudes apply to her?
RT @LifeTools: Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains.
Kate's tweeting platitudes again. Does she even realize that most of those platitudes apply to her?
RT @LifeTools: Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains.
Carlos Gosselin anyone?
Her lack of self awareness is pitiful.
HOW people make money on Twitter:
THAT'S why KK and milo are always looking for more followers....!!
Over 50,000....equals $600 a month????? And retweets!
Can this be correct?
hmmm, maybe it's how you buy tweeters fans:
I think milo's latest tweet was for KK, as KK's was for milo.
gabby2 said... 46
hmmm, maybe it's how you buy tweeters fans:
I don't know where she bought her followers from but they've sure messed up her timeline.
Kate tweeted last spring that they started "veges" inside. After that, not a word about how Mary Contary's garden grew.
Which is okay. She doesn't NEED to mention how things turned out...but I suspect it was a fail since there was no boasting.
RT @LifeTools: Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains.
Like taking fertility meds and complaining that you had HOM?
Like treating your husband abusively and then acting all gobsmacked when he doesn't take the shit you shoveled?
Like filming the crap out of your kids and becoming a media whore and complaining about the paps? Not only that, but expecting sympathy for it? By dancing to the Gaga song on DWTS?
That was the most self centered, narcissistic thing ever. There's always moving stories and tributes that let you peak into who the contestants really are, but Kate? Waaawaaaawaaaa..... poor me!! Poor me! I'm such a victim!
Can I get on The View again so I can tell the world about my pitiful self and how bad Jon is and how the kids don't want to see him and Jon them?
Mmm.. that fish in paper was delish!
DWTS talk about the tues night results.
Ingo and Andy were the bottom two. Jacoby and Karina were the third couple ”in jeopardy” for about thirty seconds. Andy went home.
Andy Dick is a great example of how the opportunity of being on DWTS can be used to rehabilitate a somewhat battered public image, and/or develop a new fan base. When I heard he was going to be on DWTS, I only recalled he had a very public melt down involving drugs and alcohol when on some sit com years ago. And I recalled I never really liked his comedy or any of the characters he portrayed. I thought he would be annoying at best.
Wow! I am now a fan! He shared so much with the audience, was honest that alcohol and drugs caused him to throw away his success, and that being clean and sober is very important to his life. He worked hard, and when the judges critiqued him, he and his partner said that's what we will work on this week. As Len said, every week they were entertained by Andy. He had a self deprecating humor, and was so grateful to his partner Sharna. He seemed very well liked by all the other contestants too.
I hope he gets more opportunities from being on the show.
This is how a celebrity takes full advantage of the opportunity of being on DWTS. I'm gonna miss Andy! Hope her gets to come back for some comedy bits in the next few weeks.
I don't know where she bought her followers from but they've sure messed up her timeline.
Have you seen all of the RTs on her timeline today...all from different tweeters? How could she possibly deny she's purchasing them? It's insane! If I were Kate, I'd be embarrassed.
Kate's tweeting platitudes again. Does she even realize that most of those platitudes apply to her?
RT @LifeTools: Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains
Joy, Andy is a great example of how DWTS, or CA can rehabilitate images. Kate garnered no good will on DWTS. She was difficult and seemed to not give a crap about learning her routines. She showed just how shallow she can be with her own themed dance. It could have been about her kids and the joy that children are, but no, it was about poor, poor Kate and how hard it is being hounded by the paps.
I totally agree with you JoyinVirginia regarding Andy. He really screwed up and I had no respect for him way back when. But now, WOW! I will always be a fan of his from now on. He always thanked everybody and I will miss seeing him. There are two who are really obnoxious on this season and I turn the channel when one of them is on.
Tuckers mom, I also recall when Niecy and Pam Anderson started to talk about parenting teens, Ms Kreider was all ”I don't want to think about THAT la la la...” She had openings to talk and bond with other moms competing on the show but did not take advantage of those opportunities either. Her PR person must have been banging her head against the wall in frustration at the lost opportunities for future jobs for Ms Kreider.
Melissa NV said... 53
Have you seen all of the RTs on her timeline today...all from different tweeters? How could she possibly deny she's purchasing them? It's insane! If I were Kate, I'd be embarrassed.
I think she got tired of only having six tweets per hour. Talk about obvious! smh
I don't understand how this Twitter thing works. Each one of the retweeters is a female with a photo of herself (or a fake photo) as her avatar. Are these people retweeting, or does the place paid to do this just automatically hijack someone's account and do the retweeting? Do these people get paid for this, or are these totally bogus accounts? If you check their timelines, they all appear to have nothing but retweets.Her timeline was up to more than 500 tweets per hour.
Mmm.. that fish in paper was delish!
I can't pay my bills!! Jason, can we go a bit blonder this time? My treat at Fig and Olive, and oops...did I remember to write a check for my annual tanning membership? Remind me to make my appointment for my weekly manicure and pedicure. But, I CAN'T PAY MY BILLS!
Her timeline today is all screwed up. Different tweeters retweeting the same tweet (at least 85 in the last hour). I guess you get what you pay for. Here's the tweet:
@BrooksViv: @Kateplusmy8, I'll be around a few minutes if you want to discuss my last tweet.
It's from a place called "how to tweet". Very, very odd.
Baileyyyyy_C @Kateplusmy8 honestly you're one of the most down to earth mothers on reality television. I love your show and your kids! Haha(-:
@Baileyyyyy_C xo to you. Just a mom who happens to be on tv.. We are all the same otherwise :)
Gosh, I hope not! I think you used the wrong tense here, champ. It should be "happened" to be on tv. Those days are over.
Joy said in #52:
"I hope he gets more opportunities from being on the show.
This is how a celebrity takes full advantage of the opportunity of being on DWTS. I'm gonna miss Andy! Hope her gets to come back for some comedy bits in the next few weeks."
I haven't watched DWTS this season, but I went to Youtube & watched Andy's performances last week when some of you were talking about him. I really enjoyed him! What a sweet guy!
Tucker's Mom said... 55
Joy, Andy is a great example of how DWTS, or CA can rehabilitate images. Kate garnered no good will on DWTS. She was difficult and seemed to not give a crap about learning her routines. She showed just how shallow she can be with her own themed dance. It could have been about her kids and the joy that children are, but no, it was about poor, poor Kate and how hard it is being hounded by the paps.
I'm still laughing @ the papz dance she did!! OMG have u ever watched it in slow mo? Way2funny! You just gotta love Karma. No more papz for KK.
Here we go again with the mediocre comments. Will she never learn to THINK before she tweets or re-tweets?
RT @MY_3BCOLLIES @KATEPLUSMY8 It is better to struggle striving for excellence than to succeed at being mediocre. I LOVE THIS AND AGREE!
I'm still laughing @ the papz dance she did!! OMG have u ever watched it in slow mo? Way2funny! You just gotta love Karma. No more papz for KK.
That dance was cringe-worthy. I would be so embarrassed but Kate is so unaware of herself, she though it would bring pity.
Poor thang.
Kate has said before they started a 'veges' garden inside then we heard or saw no more of it, and her talking about buying form Amish Henry...
Looks like she still considers herself ABOVE mediocre
RT @MY_3BCOLLIES @KATEPLUSMY8 It is better to struggle striving for excellence than to succeed at being mediocre. I LOVE THIS AND AGREE!
50 mins ago - Twitterrific
I haven't tuned in to DWTS this season, because I had grown tired over the last few seasons of inclusions of people that I thought were politically motivated (with the worst being Tom DeLay). That turned me off and I probably will never watch the show again regularly.
That being said, I am sorry to have missed Andy Dick's performances and behavior on the show. I loved his character on Talk Radio, and was alternately disappointed, disgusted and sorry for him as he fell ever deeper into addiction. I am so glad to hear that he is in recovery (and may he always stay clean and sober!), and I truly wish him further opportunities from his time on DWTS.
Some people make the most of the opportunities given them, and other people squander them foolishly. With some true effort, I believe Kate once had the chance of carving out a niche for herself on tv. People with less "celebrity" have certainly done so. Elizabeth Hasselbeck did so. She was a contestant on Survivor. From that, she was able to go on and become a co-host on The View for a number of seasons. (Her political views apparently have made her less popular with the viewers, so I guess she's no longer a host. Tough lesson to learn - if you want to be on mainstream tv, then you have to at least appear to be mainstream.)
Unlike The Most Interesting Man in the World ("if opportunity knocks and he's not home, opportunity waits"), Kate let opportunity after opportunity slip through her fingers. She will never acknowledge her mistakes, and thus she'll never learn from them.
Jimmy Fallon doing a parody of the dance is even more fun to watch.
Kelly H.
@Baileyyyyy_C xo to you. Just a mom who happens to be on tv.. We are all the same otherwise :)
It's all in the word usage, or tense, in this case. Kate forgot to type 'ed' and went with the 's'. Wrongo.
I was not for Andy either- But he admitted his faults/problems, embraced this new adventure, was very positive, engaged, GRATEFUL, enthusiastic, got along well with other participants and dancers, and seemed to embrace this whole experience and enjoy it! On top of that he was fun and hilarious. Hats off to Andy.
This is one retweet that shows up a lot on Kate's twitter timeline. The original tweet is from March 2012-over a year ago. Kate's timeline doesn't even go back that far.
I don't know how twitter works, but I think a lot of tweets on Kate's timeline are from twitter bots. Whether they are paid or not is another story--but it's just something that make you go hmmm...
Katie the idiot. Boring. How does she expect to maintain tweeter fans if all she does is retweet dumbass platitudes? And if she tries to make a conversation it has to be about her kids? And pretending they are preschoolers? Boring, trite, not worth the click to get there. Her tweets are like her bog and website just a big old waste. Sure buy a lot of bots and twitter followers, not going to impress anyone with two brain cells.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 now
It is better to struggle striving for excellence than to succeed at being mediocre.
Here she goes again with the whole mediocre thing again.
Melissa NV said... 59
I don't understand how this Twitter thing works. Each one of the retweeters is a female with a photo of herself (or a fake photo) as her avatar. Are these people retweeting, or does the place paid to do this just automatically hijack someone's account and do the retweeting? Do these people get paid for this, or are these totally bogus accounts? If you check their timelines, they all appear to have nothing but retweets.Her timeline was up to more than 500 tweets per hour.
Hilarious! Wasn't someone commenting last night that she was getting about 5 tweets per hour (minus) the haters? She really does read here if her paid for retweets, multiplied by a 100 overnight. Two words- Sad and desperate. All about appearances, as always.
Let's face it, the Pap Dance (with her complete lack of effort) fully displayed Kate for what she is. The best was of her stuck in a crane, like an idiot,singing because she was too lazy to go up on the trapeze like her costar.
Who has EVER used a crane on Dancing with the Stars to complete their dance? EVER?
She needs to focus on the content of her tweet rather than buying followers. For instance she mentioned she gardens, that's a perfect subject to tweet about. And bog about. Lots of people like to hear about gardening. She needs to study some popular twitter accounts and get a feel for what and how people tweet. And bog too.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 78
''She needs to focus on the content of her tweet rather than buying followers. For instance she mentioned she gardens, that's a perfect subject to tweet about. And bog about.''
Maybe she doesn't tweet/bog about gardening because she really doesn't garden, she just says she does?
It will be interesting if her bog tomorrow IS about her garden. If it is, I bet she will overdo the whole thing, the same way she cooks 43868000 dozen cookies....or buries a dead fish, making it clear that she really isn't gardening at all.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is no garden, because you know damn well that the boys will be doing all the work, and those poor little boys already do enough!!
DWTS (as well as most shows) is about ratings. The show didn't do that well with the all star season, is doing ok with the current season, and I believe would not do well with Kart or any other has been awful dancer appearing on another season. Frankly, she's yesterday's news and not even a cat litter or some organic dog chew would want her. So even though her most ardent fans want her back, I believe she's finished with that show. Celebrity Apprentice's ratings have been lousy also. I won't even conjecture why they would want her for that show. Aside from a few cookbooks sold, this fake poppy seed chicken or paper fish gal is finished.
These are all fake accounts. I checked about 20 of them and most of them either have no tweets and they each follow exactly 3 people or the account has no tweets going out but the accounts are made up of 100% RT's. And the reweets are the same message to the same twitter account. For instance numerous accounts have the retweets about getting their nails done in "Blood Diamond" from Amycheapho.
She is so busted. I wonder if Kate is aware of this slip up. I wrote down the name of about 30 of these accounts.
I also don't believe she gardens. With 25+ acres she would have been gardening when she purchased the home in 2008. This gardening attempt will be another desperate attempt to sell her cookbook and fake image.
She is so busted. I wonder if Kate is aware of this slip up. I wrote down the name of about 30 of these accounts.
Why would she do this? Anyone with half a brain could figure out that you don't go from 5 tweets per hour to 500 tweets per hour in less than 24 hours. What's the purpose of buying a RT? Just looking at the accounts and photos (and the fact that they are all females) clearly shows that these are fake accounts. Who does she think she's fooling? Is it "twitter legal" to purchase accounts like this, and if this is reported, would twitter do anything about it?
I don't personally care what Elisabeth Hasselbeck's political views are, I just wish she wouldn't screech while expressing them. She can believe what she wants, but she really needed to work on voice modulation. The more worked up she got the scratchier, faster and more irritatingly her words tumbled out.
RE: Kate's garden. Needed: one bag potting soil, 8 paper Dixie cups, watering can, seeds from Farmer Henry's stash. Kids plant a seed each, and over the next few weeks there will be a green pepper plant, a radish plant, a lettuce plant, a snow pea plant, a cherry tomato plant, a cucumber plant and a feta cheese plant. Kate will have it all for lunch, and will tweet a picture about their glorious garden that produced ALL
Have to speak up re:Exits on planes. You have a responsibility to know those exits, read that card in the seat pockets. All planes are different. There are many exits, READ THE CARD. Don't ever take for granted the FA will be capable in an emergency, people get hurt during a rough landing, none more than the FAs who try to get to those people who have to pop up while the plane is still landing and breaking for a stop. Psgrs stand in the aisle, you are the ones who will cause more injuries and possible deaths. Remember you are in a plane, find out what type as you sit and plug in your techno equip and play your game pads. Be Responsible, READ THE CARD describing the type of aircraft you are in. You may be the one who puts out a fire, helps open that door in an emergency where the emergency slide/shoot is. One doesn't know what can happen. Be alert, stay alert and stay in your seats with a seat belt fastened until that plane stops at a Jetway. PLEASE, thank you!
You know Kate strikes me as sort of a shortcuts type person. Why focus on trying to gain twitter followers the old fashioned way, through simple hard work and writing great tweets that are interesting, funny or more, when you can just buy them.
Also people who care that much about followers, how many FB friends you have, how many hits on your web site (she has a counter right there showing it off), strike me as rather shallow and misguided. Those 150,000 followers aren't going to help her much when her own eight children decide they want to estrange her someday. She should focus on preventing that.
Kate will have it all for lunch, and will tweet a picture about their glorious garden that produced ALL
But we will all know that the "garden" is actually located in the produce department of her local Giant grocery store.
Why would she do this? Anyone with half a brain could figure out that you don't go from 5 tweets per hour to 500 tweets per hour in less than 24 hours.
I'm not following the 500 tweets per hour. Where are they? I don't see that on her timeline
Everyone says Kate G is gone, so why is everyone still talking about her? Why would someone spend time checking her tweets and writing down the info? Don't make no sense.
DWTS has really gone down the drain with losers. How do you put older men like Andy up against a 16 yr old Disney dancer/singer? Can't watch the show and cannot stand the judges and idiotic ways they speak.
@Kateplusmy8 Take a post office trip yet? Hahaha ;)
Poor Austin. She still hasn't answered him about the package he sent. If these people are foolish enough to keep sending her things, then they deserve what they get and they don't get upset when she doesn't thank them.
Oh, geez...Milo is back. I guess she just couldn't stand being away from Kate's twitter, even though they do communicate in other ways...but probably not in the way that Milo would like!
I'm not sure if anyone saw this little blurb interviewing the ex wife of one of the victims of that awful 747 crash in Afghanistan. The video is released and it's horrific, the plane literally falls out of the sky.
Anyway the ex wife said we broke up some time ago but we remained best friends, he was a wonderful man and there's never been a better father, and we continued to co-parent our children and this is a horrific loss for all of us.
Obviously there are many mothers out there who are perfectly capable of remaining on good terms with their ex's despite the relationship not working out, and this can only help their children as she guides them through the grieving process. I will never understand the hate Kate has for Jon especially all this time later, heaven forbid if something ever happened to him, I can't imagine her being as capable as this mother is of helping the kids deal with it in a healthy manner.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 15m
@Kateplusmy8 Don't let someone's stormy life cloud ur course...steadily steer ur ship...have a hopeful heart...possess positive perspective!
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Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 17m
@Kateplusmy8 We laugh abt it now...he WAS NOT laughing when I did it then! :( #SillyAnticsOfNewWife
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 18m
@Kateplusmy8 Had some visitors fr our early days...reminiscing abt day I broke hubs glasses/bloodied & broke his nose& gave him a black eye!
Looks like Milo is back.
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne now
Don't let people get to you when they try and knock down your dreams and ambitions. That's why you are successful and happy and they aren't.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Not to snark but how are you successful if you depend on ur children?
And when you do go out on your own you suck so you have 2 use your kids.
I think the notion that anyone who ever criticizes anyone else's hopes and dreams must not be happy is a ridiculous one. If your hopes and dreams are to exploit children you're going to get criticism and it has nothing to do with people not being happy.
It's ALWAYS about the messenger and trying to distract by cutting down the messenger, isn't it? They never actually address the criticism itself.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 76
Melissa NV said... 59
I don't understand how this Twitter thing works. Each one of the retweeters is a female with a photo of herself (or a fake photo) as her avatar. Are these people retweeting, or does the place paid to do this just automatically hijack someone's account and do the retweeting? Do these people get paid for this, or are these totally bogus accounts? If you check their timelines, they all appear to have nothing but retweets.Her timeline was up to more than 500 tweets per hour.
Hilarious! Wasn't someone commenting last night that she was getting about 5 tweets per hour (minus) the haters? She really does read here if her paid for retweets, multiplied by a 100 overnight. Two words- Sad and desperate. All about appearances, as always.
Sad, desperate, inauthentic, lacking self-esteem, and very tacky.
It appears that Kate has to ALWAYS be better than everyone else in EVERY aspect of of life- even if it's by artificial means.
She should embrace her mediocrity.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 92
I think the notion that anyone who ever criticizes anyone else's hopes and dreams must not be happy is a ridiculous one. If your hopes and dreams are to exploit children you're going to get criticism and it has nothing to do with people not being happy.
It's ALWAYS about the messenger and trying to distract by cutting down the messenger, isn't it? They never actually address the criticism itself.
We are all faced with negative criticism at some point in our lives. Negative criticism happens. Man up and deal with it. The problem is that some people hide behind the term “critic,” when they are in effect negatively criticizing something on a personal level. I have no problem with the people who critizing Kate for her behavior, especially when her behavior never changes. I do have a problem with some of the people who sit on her twitter TL and keep repeating the same things over and over and over again or who are criticizing her appearance. To me that is bullying.
She should embrace her mediocrity.
Kate thinks she's extraordinary in every way. The thing is, I think most of her is mediocre. Her dancing, writing (less than), cooking, speaking.
Seriously, what does she excel at beside tanning, bleaching and having an ever present French mani?
Kate is still angry with Jon because HE left HER before she could actually have the upperhand and kick him out. Didn't Kevin and Jodi say he was living in the garage apartment prior to their renewal vows in October of 2008? If something ever happened to him I hate to think of the horrible things she would tell the kids about him. They are old enough now though where they know the truth, as Jon has always said.
RT @MY_3BCOLLIES @KATEPLUSMY8 It is better to struggle striving for excellence than to succeed at being mediocre. I LOVE THIS AND AGREE!
Sigh . . . if she only knew how mediocre she really is.
She is seriously mediocre. She doesn't excel at hardly anything except maintaining her Z-list lifestyle and exploiting her children.
The thing is, it's fine to be mediocre. I can't remember who said this, maybe sillimom? But she was talking about something to the effect of how she's not going to apologize or feel guilty for ordering a pizza after a long day. Because she worked and spent time with the children, and if she squeezed in making a 5 course from scratch meal, she wouldn't have time for the kids or be too tired to have time with them. Amen. Order that pizza.
Kate thinks this sort of thing makes her special when often, all it does it take her away from precious time with her children. She thinks she's not mediocre because she doesn't order a pizza and put out a few drinks and napkins. She's got it all wrong.
Marie to me though that crap is just hurling insults.
The platitude wasn't talking about hurling insults. It was talking about "criticism." Which is something different.
By that tweet's logic, anyone who says hey I don't like what our president is doing, is "unhappy with themselves." That's insane.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 96
She is seriously mediocre. She doesn't excel at hardly anything except maintaining her Z-list lifestyle and exploiting her children.
Well said, except you forgot lying, manipulating, and grifting.
Well said, except you forgot lying, manipulating, and grifting.
VERY good at grifting. I couldn't believe all of the behind the scenes freebies, offers, contracts etc. that they were getting while the show was being filmed. Their lifestyle was NOTHING like the show.
It was raining free stuff.
Kate's lying is scary, really. It's sociopathic.
And the show gave her accounts at various places. Wasn't it the Ann Taylor Loft credit card that she emailed some TLC rep on CHRISTMAS EVE to fill that back up PRETTY PLEASE.
On Christmas Eve!!!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 86
You know Kate strikes me as sort of a shortcuts type person. Why focus on trying to gain twitter followers the old fashioned way, through simple hard work and writing great tweets that are interesting, funny or more, when you can just buy them.
Also people who care that much about followers, how many FB friends you have, how many hits on your web site (she has a counter right there showing it off), strike me as rather shallow and misguided. Those 150,000 followers aren't going to help her much when her own eight children decide they want to estrange her someday. She should focus on preventing that.
May 1, 2013 at 5:15 PM
Why would she focus on that when she doesn't care about that?? I always thought the w hole points and reasons of the twitter and paying people to make tweets was to make katie famous or rich or both. And I don't think she would care at all if all of her kids left forever and ever because she will probably kick them out anyway and she will believe always she is the victim and they hurt her. Always. in 2025 she will RT something about selfish children and milo will tweet back how sad she feels for her that she did everything for those kids all alone and now they hate her because they are selfish and mean and just want her money
Milo's nuts. Kate hasn't tweeted her in over a week and yet Milo thinks Kate is looking at her? She WISHES!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@TheAustinMartin @Kateplusmy8 LOL...Kate is giving me that #Look right now! pic.twitter.com/gVEK3jIp7r
And the show gave her accounts at various places. Wasn't it the Ann Taylor Loft credit card that she emailed some TLC rep on CHRISTMAS EVE to fill that back up PRETTY PLEASE.
On Christmas Eve!!!
It really takes balls to do that, doesn't it?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 100
And the show gave her accounts at various places. Wasn't it the Ann Taylor Loft credit card that she emailed some TLC rep on CHRISTMAS EVE to fill that back up PRETTY PLEASE.
Yes, Ann Taylor galore and of course, Gymboree.
After a filming trip, Jen, Kate's producer, gave Kate a card for $750 and Kate had the audacity to be peeved at how little her gift was!!
But Admin, cooking "from scratch" serves many purposes for Kate. 1) she can tweet a picture of it and have her fans comment how yummy it looks 2) she can make everyone think she actually does this and owes the world her recipes and 3) she can tell the kids to go to the basement and stay out of her way for 2 hours. She couldn't do any of that with take-out or delivery.
And I don't think she would care at all if all of her kids left forever and ever because she will probably kick them out anyway and she will believe always she is the victim and they hurt her.
I don't agree that she wouldn't care if her kids left forever. She needs those kids...she's nothing without them. As long as she thinks that they are still marketable, she wants them right there with her.
How sad is it that Kate (or a fan on her behalf) is reduced to buying retweets because her timeline is so dead. I guess the old saying "be careful of what you wish for because you may just get it" is really hitting home for Kate. She wanted the "haters/bullies" gone and they are. They were what kept her timeline alive. Her timeline is on life support and the only merciful thing to do is pull the plug.
NJGal51 said... 110
Speaking of haters/bullies, whatever happened to BV? Is everyone still suing everyone?
@FosterMom62 @kateplusmy8 for sure. Did u see glowing sheep yet? They mixd it with jellyfish DNA. Purpose for that??
There has to be a sheeple joke in there somewhere!
Doesn't that picture look like Kate is going to morph into The BattleAxe (a la the Incredible Hulk)?
She couldn't do any of that with take-out or delivery.
But this is Kate. She could take a picture of a loaded Pizza Hut pan pizza and say that she slaved for hours making it; or order China take-out, put General Tso in a wok and tweet that it was one of her new culinary inventions.
Marie said... 100
RT @MY_3BCOLLIES @KATEPLUSMY8 It is better to struggle striving for excellence than to succeed at being mediocre. I LOVE THIS AND AGREE!
Sigh . . . if she only knew how mediocre she really is.
Don't ya know KK's a star.
I mean KK bakes she runs buys organic post on twitter x8.
That's life of a super star.
@Kateplusmy8 We don't drink Mntn Dew but I mite have to buy some to try this. 😛 http://t.co/ppfXLzukPY(preview)
@gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 All the more reason not to drink mountain dew! I wonder what causes that chemical reaction?
These sheeple are so darn gullible. If they actually believe the Mountain Dew glowstick myth, they'll believe anything.
New post, this is an important one.
To the locals here, remember Brenda Heist!!! The mother from Lititz who went missing in 2002.
SHE TURNED UP. She just abandoned her family on her own choosing and lived homeless in Florida. Craziness. I thought she was dead.
They blamed her poor husband for YEARS although I don't think he was ever formally charged. People are JUST unwilling to believe a mother could do something so terrible on her own. He feels vindicated he says.
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