Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began."

"Mama always said dying was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't." ~Forrest Gump

Part of the reason yesterday's tragic events at the Boston Marathon has hit so hard at the heart of America, is because gathering together to run or cheer at a marathon is such an iconic part of who we are. Many runners seem to have an almost spiritual connection to the pavement, and even if running isn't for you, it's hard not to be inspired by such a remarkable accomplishment. Marathons have also traditionally been so welcoming to people of all challenges, from those in wheelchairs to the blind to the very old, and their stories have continued to inspire year after year.

Several films have been made exploring why people would want to subject themselves to such a difficult race, a race so hard it has made many runners sick and rarely, worse. But runners can't stop chasing after those 26.22 miles, and some even come back year after year. Perhaps the most beautiful cinematic look at long distance running is in the 1994 film Forrest Gump, in which Forrest passes a mountain lake in Glacier National Park so clear it looks like a mirror, and watches a breathtaking sunset in the desert (You can see a brief clip of some of these dramatic running scenes above).

And here are two of our favorite documentaries:

Spirit of the Marathon. Filmmaker John Dunham follows six runners from vastly different backgrounds as they train for the Chicago Marathon, exploring the history of marathons and the appeal of such an arduous challenge. (Netflix streaming, Amazon.)

Running the Sahara. America's Charlie Engle, Canada's Ray Zahab and Taiwan's Kevin Lin embark on an unprecedented quest to traverse the entire Sahara desert -- on foot. Along the way, the runners encounter the beauties and hardships that accompany modern African life. The only weak point in this documentary is watching Charlie become less and less of a team player as the run goes on, however, it is an honest look at the imperfections of human beings as they put their bodies and minds through tremendous strain. (Netflix streaming, Amazon.)

God bless all the runners and spectators hurt, killed or witness to the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon on Monday. Bring them peace.

1212 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

AuntieAnn said... 190
I broke another rule I made for myself and went back and read every blog Kate has written since she joined The Stir/Cafemom almost three months ago.

Merciful Heavens! Are you ok?

JoyinVirginia said...

Auntie Ann, thanks for taking the time to review the tits bog of Ms Kreider. Very interesting the passionate runner never mentioned running until this tragedy. When the car broke down she could have run for help, why didntcha Ms Kreider? Enquiring minds want to KNOW!!!!!!!!

And in other news this week, from the Seismological Society scientific conference this week, when Hurricane Sandy was at it's peak, and turning left in the Atlantic ocean to hit the nj/ nyc area, the wave action had a force measured on the Richter scale equal to a level 2 or 3 earthquake! Fascinating report! The force of the waves hitting the shore and hitting other waves in the Atlantic caused pressure on the ocean floor that was measurable thousands of miles away.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I think that's because attorneys told her to zip it and not make any comment one way or the other...to do so would open up a can of worms. Maybe for once in her life she took someone's advice.

She didn't keep it zipped when disgusting ROL asked for a comment.

Formerly Duped said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 1

Yes, that's what I mean. For crimes like this I am pro-death penalty in our state. Not carte blanche...difficult question. Just seeing him in the photo with the now-deceased child, then hearing of his partying, going to the gym, back to college, in a nonchalant manner speak volumes .

Apparently he is in very serious condition and cannot yet be interrogated. he may die with all information still a big question mark.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I like the uncle. He was basically like, this country gave us EVERYTHING, we have great lives here, everything you could possibly want, and they are LOSERS.

I don't get it, those boys had a nice life here. College, friends, sports, middle class lifestyle. I'm angry. We took them in and gave them the American dream on a silver platter and they turned on us.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Another thing kind of glossed over is it is my understand the vast majority of the injured, and all three of those killed, were spectators, not runners. Both bombs went off in the crowds, not on the road. So if anything that blog should have been about how tragic it is those who SUPPORT and cheer on runners got hurt.

Oh and I remember her comment she's scared to run marathons now. Not people in Orange County. There is an Orange County marathon this weekend and all reports are that they are getting and overwhelming number of last minute entries who want to run. Like THOUSANDS. Go America.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tucker agree and as been said so many times she wrote that blog when everything was going down, we were right in the thick of it, the saga was not over and in fact was reaching its climax.

It just seemed SO out of place and inappropriate when everyone else was glued to the news in some form watching to see if any more death and destruction would happen before we finally caught this guy. It seemed so insensitive when half of Boston was on lockdown and that one family had the bomber in their BOAT all night and day some 30 feet away from their HOME.

All I know is I believe she said that about Sept 11 if I didn't before. She doesn't seem to process world events like normal people, it's odd and pathetic.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

All I know is I believe she said that about Sept 11 if I didn't before. She doesn't seem to process world events like normal people, it's odd and pathetic.

I'm glad she wasn't bogging back then. I can't imagine how she would have inserted herself into that tragedy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Funny comment about suing the marathon but it brings up a good point.

Have you noticed that no one has really been talking this week about suing anyone (I mean, a lot of people had contact with the guy, from colleges to even the FBI), and there was also no talk of a reward? It seems these two things go hand in hand with things like this, but not this time.

People just cared about one thing, finding them and stopping them so no one else would get hurt and the victims could find justice. No suing, no reward, just people coming together to get the job done for nothing in return.

Kate said the first day she was scared to run a marathon and she cant' take that back, when this had nothing to do with marathons, meanwhile everyone else was signing up last minute to run and show solidarity and not give them the satisfaction they can bring us down. This is a week that will go down in history as the human race, with a few sad exceptions, at its very finest.

lukebandit said...

Perez has a picture of kate on one side and Jon on the other and Perez wrote with his white sharpie on kate's picture:

Pay Up Jerk!

Very nice picture of Jon at an event.

On I think ROL or TMZ, there is a picture of kate and it is a head shot, it is outside and she looks like a street walker. The headline says, people who were turned down from Playboy.

There were 3 women. One of them kate. They put on there what Hef said, No No, never. haha

Then on down in the article it said that Playgirl had a standing offer for Jon for 20K.

I just can't believe kate is suing Jon and Robert! She knows all the things that are in the book are true! She is so desperate to stop it, she is willing to sue and is hoping maybe to get him jailed.

This reminds me of a episode of Andy Griffith. A spoiled rich kid got a brand new 70 dollar bike and was riding it on the sidewalk, knocking people over coming out of the grocery store. Andy and Barney finally catch him and he talked back awful, fussing and threating. (kate?)

Then they were going to take the bike and store it for a week. The kid went into a rage and screamed, You can't do that! He ran and stopped and screamed, I am going to tell my dad!

The dad comes in later with the boy. The dad (Steve) tries to explain that his son is sensitive and didn't mean any harm. And Andy says, Now look, your that boys father and when he is out and about, he has to answer to us, the kid is pretending to cry, (kate) and then the dad gets a little madder and then Andy said, Your that boys father, unless you want me to lock you up. The kid turned around and said, Dad, make them lock you up, He's tough! Then he said, I really want my new bike, I just got it.

Andy, shocked, said you really want me to lock your father up in jail? And Opie was standing there with a stunned look on his face. Then the kids got his fist and slammed it down on the desk and screamed, I want my bike!

Then the dad said, Sheriff, there is no need to lock up the bike, I would like to have it, and the kid folded his arms and had the most smirk on his face ever and his dad said, I would like to have the bike, so I can sell it.

This reminds me of kate. That kid was so desperate for his new bike that he was willing to let the Sheriff lock his dad up in jail so he could have his new bike to keep on riding it.

Very selfish. Just like kate. But kate is so desperate to stop that book again from seeing the light of day, she is willing to see Jon in jail.

This proves that she hates and despises Jon so bad so much more than she loves her children.

She needs mental health treatment, now.

lukebandit said...


There is a huge annual event in North Alabama that is called Panoply! This year, it is next weekend.

Food, music, arts, plays. Anything that has to do with the arts is there.

Improbable Dreams said...

I thought the OC Marathon was on Cinco de Mayo...?


AuntieAnn said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 3

Merciful Heavens! Are you ok?


Yeah I'll be alright once my core temperature comes back up.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Oh Improbable looks like you're right. I just heard it on the radio and assumed they meant it was this weekend. In any case, they are apparently getting an overwhelming amount of signups!

Improbable Dreams said...

Your point stands, of course, about the registration uptick. But some of it is due to increased publicity, organizers say. It's good to know that people are taking an interest in fitness activities. Good, too, that they're not jumping on a bandwagon (a scooter...), at the last minute. For fitness buffs & newcomers alike marathons are very serious events, and advance training's essential.

OC Marathon registration is up following Monday’s terrorist attacks in Boston, race organizers said.

Organizers are witnessing an outpouring of support on social media for the Boston Marathon victims, and Orange County runners appear to want to compete in their honor.

“The numbers continue to flood in,” said race Director Gary Kutscher. “Very few are voicing enough concern that they are choosing not to run. [We've had] a number of people who said, ‘I wasn’t planning on running because of a slight injury, but now I want to run in support of Boston.’”

In addition to those registering in support of the Boston victims, Kutscher also explained that the Newport Beach-to-Costa Mesa race had stepped up a marketing and advertising effort planned well before the tragedy with full-page newspaper ads.

Kutscher said it would be difficult to determine how much of the uptick in registrants was due to Boston and how much came from marketing.

The exact number of registrants to sign up since the Boston Marathon was not available, but Kutscher said day-to-day registrations are trending about 30% higher than this time last year.

Race organizers expect about 20,000 participants in the May 5 marathon, half marathon, 5K and kids’ run. The main, 26.2-mile race starts in Fashion Island and ends at the Orange

Read more: http://ktla.com/2013/04/19/oc-marathon-organizers-see-post-boston-increase-in-registration/#ixzz2R1BUtbrw

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Well who knows if you can attribute some to better advertising but I think the bigger point is that the numbers are not DOWN.

In other words runners aren't cowering away in fear like Kate said she was.

Improbable Dreams said...

In other words runners aren't cowering away in fear like Kate said she was.

Yep. I think she's laying down tracks for an escape route. Easy prediction: no more marathons for Kate.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

What's funny about that comment oh I'm scared to run a marathon, was, I'm sorry were you going to run a marathon??? Because if I recall correctly you've barely mentioned running since you were fired from CC, and the last time I remember you saying you were going to run an actual marathon again had to have been at least a year ago. I didn't realize this was on the forefront of her mind!

Vanessa said...

She called it "the Boston explosion"...sounds a lot like "Sept 11th bombings, or whatever"

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Boston explosion makes it sound like it was just a tragic accident.

For someone who claims to be watching CNN all day, she really doesn't seem to have much idea what happened.

Ally said...

I was reading an article on yahoo this morning and your comment admin...11, made me think of this. The media attempted to sensationalize a story from this. They piced up about a newlywed couple, from last August, and both lost a leg in a below knee amputation. Well, by Thursday, a website and asked for money donations had reached nearly half a million dollars. The site and article play on them being this cute, young couple taken down in their prime and seeking money for medical bills and modifications to their home. What about all the other 170+ victims? The woman is a nurse at mass gen hospital. How can family, set up for donations probably within 24 hours of the incident, without knowing what their expenses are and ake it all and deny other victims. If it was my family, I would be way to distraught by the events to think about soliciting money so soon. And don't people remember all the fake websites set up during tragedy to scam money from people. Why don't people wait, set up a fund for ALL victims, and have it go to a known and reputable location so that you know the victims will receive it? That's what Newtoen did and I live here. I was kind of angered by this immediate solicitation of money to 2 victims rather than all of them. I am not insensitive, but they are no more important or special than any other victim. I made me really angry and upset. It seems a little to self serving for my taste.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

That reminds me, I wanted to ask the locals, the tragic car accident that killed those sweet girls, the charity event talks about how the family needs to raise money for medical bills? Were they not insured? They have to pay something beyond their copays?

FYI said...

Well, in her bog she wrote that 1200 people didn't get to finish the marathon, when actually that number was closer to 6000. Seems like she just pulled numbers out of the air that sounded right to her.

Of course, she had to use one of her kids (Cara) in that bog also. Just couldn't write one without mention one of the kids.

And she talked about "stress" again, just like she did on twitter. "All this stress just makes me want to run harder and faster".

Most people, when talking about what happened would say "My thoughts are with Boston", yet Kate says "My thoughts are in Boston."

Apparently, they were--because obviously there were no thoughts in her head when she wrote that bog.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Notebook of Love ‏@Notebook 2h
One of the #GreatestFeelings is doing something that people said you couldn't do.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

What, exactly, would that be, Kate? Finally finding some attorney to take on your lawsuit against Jon?

Ally said...

Admin, my point with this couple. She is a nurse at an excellent hospital. They are both in their 30s. She and he by extension of marriage would have health insurance. How can the family instantly solicit money, not knowing what any bills are or out of pocket expenses within 24 hours. They racked up almost half a million in 72 hours. They claimed that any left over money they are sure that they would be so generous and share with other victims. It just sounds so tacky, tasteless and self indulggant. I have been in and out of hospitals and surgery for major complications on my knee for over 5 years and at one point I was recommended to have an amputation to improve my quality of life. I've been there. I have insurance. Minimal out of pocket costs. Hence insurance. I can't see how they would need all that money. Donations should go to funds for all victims, not 2 who seem rather well off, comparatively. I have the upmost sympathy for them and all victims. But they are not more important.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Ally, I hear you on this. I think insurance has become such a touchy, sore subject that it is hard to ask questions about situations that sound "fishy" without being seen as someone who is not sympathetic to the uninsured.

I have to admit I am left scratching my head why a couple like this wouldn't be insured if she is a nurse. In fact most places like that would REQUIRE you to be insured, there is no opting out. My insurance is nothing special, is the cheapest option available to me, and is a dreaded HMO, but if anything catastrophic happened to me, the maximum copay is 300 bucks. Now naturally there are other expenses associated with medical care like just keeping your life running while not being able to work, but it seems like this couple should have a good support system of family and friends who can bring dinner by, see to it bills are paid, clean the house, etc etc?

I completely feel for people who cannot afford insurance but there seems to be a disproportionate amount of people who ask for money with very little questions going on. Keep in mind, the number of uninsured Americans is only %16. Still WAY too many of course, but why is it that people hurt always claim to be in that %16?

I think sadly, that there are a lot of scams that can happen after such things and it's okay to ask questions, respectfully of course. Now, I hope there is nothing fishy going on with this couple, but I do not have a problem whatsoever with asking a few questions before you do. Heather brought this point up a few days ago too. If only the good church people had asked a few questions of Jon and Kate before lavishing them with their hard earned money.

Ally said...

Hopefully, at least come 2014 with the new healthcare plan that is to take effect there will be no American left without medical insurance. Like Canada, they have a great healthcare system. Everyone is covered. I also work as a healthcare professional so I see it from both sides as the provider and my current stays as patient. I am very sensitive to patient's rights. You wouldn't believe the crap insurance company's pull thinking the average joe or Jane won't know to question it. Costing people thousands more than they need to pay. My copay is 100.00 regardless. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks at one point and the bill was over 150,000$ just for the stay. Not the doctors bills. My bill, $100.00. Unsuspecting people may not be aware of that and donate because they think people have to pay those really expensive bills. Now that's not everyone, but this couple, no doubt is well covered.

Ex Nurse said...

I just read an edited version of Naughtybutnice Rob (won't read her blog):

"it’s like eating the cake and having the icing snatched away just before you get to sink your teeth into it. And, actually, that example doesn’t even do that feeling justice, I am sure!”

Yes, Ms. Antoinette, I am sure that if you work a little longer at it, you can find yet another way to trivialize the loss of life and limb.

And, having the cake snatched away before you get to the icing--hmmm, why does that sound so familiar? Oh right--now I remember. Oh, but she just snatched the cake from the boys, so, that's OK because they hadn't yet tasted it. Funny when she, as Admin says, tells on herself and shows what a complete monster she is.

Ex Nurse said...

And, BTW, didn't Kate say that the cupcakes were completely forgotten the next day? As in, no biggie?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Well that's something I like about this health insurance plan! Cutting down on scams. It's going to get a lot harder to spin a tale of being uninsured and needing your money. That could very well end that. Scammers probably aren't happy.

AMD said...

Meanwhile, back in Twitterville...
LeAnn Rimes’ Sudden Rise In Twitter Followers Draws Suspicion

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

What? She compared not finishing the marathon to not getting cake?? Yeah cause it was just like that. Good grief.

The boys forgot about the cupcakes as a defensive mechanism. Other wise they'd live all the time in misery constantly mourning their mistreatment.

Ex Nurse said...

I hope that the kids are taking notes for their future lawsuit against Kate.

Did you, or did you not 1) promise the kids they could have their cupcakes after dinner, 2) did Hxxxxxx really eat more chicken than the boys, 3) did you then give the girls their cupcakes to eat in front of the boys, 4) did you then say, to the viewing public, that they had forgotten by the next day, and did you then, 4 years later, compare taking cake away before the icing to runners being deprived of their big finish because of a terrorist bombing

I rest my case.

Oh, please, let this go in front of Judge Judy!

Ex Nurse said...

If Joan Crawford had twitter and a tits bog it would sound exactly like Kate's. Only there would be wire hangers involved.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ally said... 29
I also work as a healthcare professional so I see it from both sides
Ah, we have that in common ;-)

Ex Nurse said...

Admin said....
What? She compared not finishing the marathon to not getting cake??
No, Admin. She said it was like eating cake and having it snatched away before she could eat the icing. BIG DIFFERENCE! Because, you see, she got the cake, but not the icing--which, I'm guessing, she thinks is worse than never getting the cake. Even if she had been schlepped out hither and yon to have the crew daddies film the making of the cake.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

AMD said... 33
Meanwhile, back in Twitterville...
LeAnn Rimes’ Sudden Rise In Twitter Followers Draws Suspicion


“Leann Rimes gained Thousands x 40 of robot followers Yesterday. They all use same words at same time check it out leannrimes,” user @Wonderful_Meee tweeted on Tuesday.

Readers online speculate LeAnn used one of the many companies available that buy “Twitter bots” which can even fake retweet — and a large chunk of LeAnn’s new followers are users with the generic egg icon as their user photo, which is usually the first sign in a fake follower, sources say.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I'm glad she wasn't bogging back then. I can't imagine how she would have inserted herself into that tragedy.


She would have said she had tickets on one of the doomed flights, but was a late arrival at the airport and missed the plane.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Kateplusmy8 do you know when TLC is coming to England?


I'm sure Kate is going to get right on the phone with TLC to find out for you!!

Call Me Crazy said...

Hi Ally. I understand your unease about the donations being solicited for this young couple. I, too, usually feel a bit suspicious and uneasy when people start asking for money. There will be many more such requests from friends and family of other victims as time goes by. This morning I read that a friend of the young man who lost both his legs in the bombings set up a similar fund.

But having said that, I'd like to offer this: I don't think that MOST people do this because they feel their loved ones are somehow more important than other victims. I think they are just trying to do whatever they can to help.

Lots of people who were injured may very well have good medical insurance. But we have no idea the extent to which their injuries will prevent them from earning a living in the future.

One young man who was injured but released from the hospital talked about three (or four?) of his friends who lost limbs. One of his friends was a carpenter and also suffered severe injury to his hands. That friend may never be able to work as a carpenter again.

It will take a very, very long time for many to heal physically. Some may never heal psychologically or emotionally. Their lives are changed forever, and they will never be the same as they were before this happened.

I think I will give the benefit of the doubt to friends and family asking for donations at this point. My feelings will certainly change if I find out that people are using this tragedy to perpetrate fraud against generous people.

The thing that aggravates me more is that online donation sites take a percentage of all the money that is donated. I also think, sadly, that there will be lawsuits against the city and the marathon organizers in the future.

Continued thoughts for peace and healing to all those affected by this terrible tragedy.

FYI said...

This was posted on the Boston Marathon's website last Tuesday. Perhaps, Kate should have read it before writing that bog.

"It is a sad day for the City of Boston, for the running community, and for all those who were here to enjoy the 117th running of the Boston Marathon. What was intended to be a day of joy and celebration quickly became a day in which running a marathon was of little importance."

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely hilarious. That Bully guy tweeted :

# priceless And complained that Kate's haters have contacted an Attorney General, his advertisers, and celebrities connected to him!

This is the guy who outed people, called employers, exposed people on ROL, made people apologize to sweet Kate, called Jon and Robert thieves and liars, and threatened people who don't like Kate Gosselin with a lawsuit.
Did Bully think that the story was always going to stay one sided?

Millicent said...

(I used to watch AI faithfully, but could only manage two episodes this year. I have no interest in the Nikki and Mariah show)
Joy, I was never an avid fan of AI, but I would tune in near the end of every season, once it was down to the final 6 or so. At times the interplay between Simon and Paula could be annoying, but it could also be funny. I liked the way all 3 judges interacted.

Totally agree with you re "Nikki and Mariah show". What a train wreck. I don't see how much longer AI can go on, fumbling around with various judges who are more concerned with their petty disputes than with putting on a good show.

Millicent said...

From what I've read, it seems that the older brother was unable to assimilate comfortably into American life. The younger brother did become a naturalized citizen, but the older brother still only had a green card after 10 years in the U.S. I wish if he hated living around Americans so much, he would have emigrated back to his country of origin. Sounds like his father did - why not go with him at the same time?

At age 19, the younger suspect should know right from wrong. He's going to try to say his older brother influenced him -- but that's not acceptable. The younger suspect apparently looked one man right in the eyes before putting down the pack with the explosive device. This is the man who lost both legs and was pictured in a wheelchair, rushed to aid by the man in the cowboy hat. The 19 year old suspect looked a man right in the eyes before putting down a bomb that would shortly after maim that same man. He deserves a fair trial but he deserves no sympathy.

Meagler said...

Narcissists usually struggle with empathy, and really truly believe that how they feel MUST and IS exactly what everyone else feels and thinks. So any article she read, she read thru those lenses.

"The marathoners were saddened by the bombings" which meant they couldnt believe what was happening and the tragic outcomes for the people injured.

Kate when she read those words, she reads "the marathoners were saddened because ....they couldnt finish the race, and thats what they were there for. Their dreams were dashed. Yea Yea, people were hurt, and that sad, but they didnt get to finish the race, and that SUCKs!!" because thats how kate would have felt.

I believe Kate knows she doesnt always see things in the most appropriate way, and is trying to rebrand herself... but...

To use her analogy of the cupcake... if the cupcake has too much baking powder in it and is horrible, no matter how much pretty icing you put on top of it, it is still going to be nasty!

IMO.. kate is one nasty tasting cupcake!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

20/20 had a beautiful story of one of the racers who got a medal from his organization, running back and helping another runner in the blast, and putting his medal around her neck as he did so to comfort her.

That's what "finishing" was, surviving and being there for each other, strangers helping strangers. He said she did win, love won.

I am sorry for Kate she can't grasp this.

Unknown said...

lukebandit said... 12
''...I just can't believe kate is suing Jon and Robert! She knows all the things that are in the book are true!''
I think that KK believes that if she says she's going to sue Jo and Robert, they will fold, and never go to court. In other words, KK's public threats act as her ''cease and desist'' letter!

lukebandit said...

kate is ridiculous!

For her to say that eating that piece of cake right before you get to the icing snatched away is just horrible!

She denied the boys their cupcakes and let the girls eat theirs in front of them. kate said, Oh, they forgot about it the next day!

kate, they will have YouTube forever to help them remember all the hurtful, painful, tears and fears and torture you have put them through their baby and growing up years!

All in the name of money.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Unknown said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 28
''Keep in mind, the number of uninsured Americans is only %16. Still WAY too many of course, but why is it that people hurt always claim to be in that %16?''
16%? Unless you're in Texas, which google says: ''For the fifth straight year, Texas has the highest uninsured rate in the country -- the 28.8% of adult Texans lacking healthcare coverage in 2012''

As for why so many people hurt are uninsured, my non-political theory is because a good percentage of them may be people with low-paying jobs (and in Texas, w/low minimum wage that would be MANY) and can't afford insurance. Texas is full of what we call ''working poor''....those that work two jobs or more in order to provide basic housing and food.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Remona that's the national average. It varies state to state of course. But in Massachusetts it's only 4% which makes it all the more important to ask questions and be wary of "I don't have insurance" scams.

lukebandit said...

From the movie, My Cousin Vinnie:

When Vinnie is trying to explain his "real name" to Judge Chamberlain, he knocks over the Judge's chessboard. This was accidental, but director Jonathan Lynn thought it was so funny and authentic, he decided to leave it in the film.

Authentic: genuine - true - real - veritable - original

Inauthetic kate: not genuine, not true, not real, not veritable, not original.

God bless you, CEO Scott Kluth for outing kate Gosselin as inauthentic!

God bless all of the victims in Boston. The children who died, the victims that are still being hospitalized. God bless the runners who turned around to help, and all the EMS workers, fire and police and FBI.

Many prayers are going up for you, Boston from all over America and the world! God Bless Boston!

Unknown said...

Millicent said... 45
''.......The younger brother did become a naturalized citizen, but the older brother still only had a green card after 10 years in the U.S''
On MSNBC today, they said that the older brother had shoved/hit his girlfriend, and was arrested for domestic violence. When he applied for citizenship, it was denied due to that arrest. Since he wasn't a citizen, he was prevented from boxing in Golden Gloves, leading to possibly being on American Olympic Team.

It was speculated that that situation may have been the beginning of the path that lead to the bombing.

For what it's worth.

TLC stinks said...

Kate may have grounds as far as her journal's copyright, but she can't win on putting Jon in jail. Why didn't she report the "theft" by either him or Robert to police in regards to the computer and disks?

As far as I can tell she has nothing except for a disgruntled ex-girlfriend looking for publicity. Here say does not take the place of being a witness to a crime.

She better watch out because Robert has proven that he can't be "bullied".

localyocul said...

@brollins50 2h
News concerning a terrible person no one should care about.
KATE GOSSELIN ON WARPATH http://pulse.me/s/kNbJg

Circle the wagons—KATE GOSSELIN’s in attack mode!

It’s been 4 (count ‘em) years since erstwhile octo-mum Kate and JON GOSSELIN filed for divorce but now the real drama is afoot

TLC stinks said...

Did anyone notice the photo of the running shoes Kate provided were never worn? Ironic?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Testimony about what Jon did or didn't tell a girlfriend would be thrown out as hearsay, absolutely. Not to mention it only proves if true he considered it, not that he actually went through with it. Useless in court. Plus is theft a tort? Not that I know of. Theft is criminal and if something is stolen you're supposed to call the cops. Wasnt Kate worried about someone stealing out of her home with eight kids there? Her lack of action for four years suggests not. She really needs intensive therapy to help her move on from a nasty divorce.

Tucker's Mom said...

lukebandit said... 51
From the movie, My Cousin Vinnie:

When Vinnie is trying to explain his "real name" to Judge Chamberlain, he knocks over the Judge's chessboard. This was accidental, but director Jonathan Lynn thought it was so funny and authentic, he decided to leave it in the film.

Authentic: genuine - true - real - veritable - original
In "Almost Famous", Director Cameron Crowe captured a sweet moment between the actors when Penny Lane asks William ("the enemy") if he wants to go with her to Morocco. William says "ask me again" and Penny does, then he says "yes!".
That was a blooper. He wasn't ready for the line, but Crowe loved the genuine sweetness of the moment, and kept it in the film.
Man, I love that movie.

Ex Nurse said...

Admin said...
Plus is theft a tort? Not that I know of. Theft is criminal and if something is stolen you're supposed to call the cops
So then, what is Kate suing for? I just don't believe that no assets were awarded to Jon in the divorce. Since she got the house, isn't it likely that she had to but out his half at the market price at the time of the divorce. And, any good financial planner would have sheltered as much income as possible from taxes--meaning, Jon may have some retirement accounts, or income producing annuities that she is going after. Otherwise, why bother suing?

I guess she could be hoping to bankrupt Jon so that he would lose his custody. Maybe she still thinks she could get back on TV if she film the crap out of those little ATM machines that she birthed.

One last scenario--maybe she is trying to collect from their liability insurance. Which would seem to be very iffy at best. Liability insurance is for accidents, not intentional thefts. Either way, she is truly a monster.

TLC stinks said...

This is interesting:

• Registration establishes a public record of the copyright claim.
• Before an infringement suit may be filed in court, registration is necessary for works of U.S. origin.
• If made before or within five years of publication, regis­ tration will establish prima facie evidence in court of the validity of the copyright and of the facts stated in the certificate.
• If registration is made within three months after publica­ tion of the work or prior to an infringement of the work, statutory damages and attorney’s fees will be available to the copyright owner in court actions. Otherwise, only an award of actual damages and profits is available to the copyright owner.


Ok, so if I understand this, for there to be copyright infringement lawsuit claimed by Kate on her journal, she has to register a copyright. To register a copyright, it therefore must be her actual words. But if she claims Jon and Robert altered the journal, then she can't register it? Seems to me she'd still have the original journal In order to that and who's to say she has not altered the journal.

However, copyright protects unpublished works. "Under the current law, creators do not need to publish, register, or affix a copyright notice to their works; they need only to fix a creative idea in a tangible medium for that work to be protected by copyright."

So I do believe Robert did commit copyright infringement even though the journal was not copyright registered, but she now has to register it in order to sue. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I believe the lawsuit is a threat forcing Robert and Jon in debt with attorney fees. It's a settlement she wants because I can't believe she'd go to trial.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

TLC stinks said... 57

Did anyone notice the photo of the running shoes Kate provided were never worn? Ironic?

How do you know they weren't worn? I thought the opposite. She had some tag stuck on them which I thought was something she got when she ran a marathon and then just left it on there for old time's sake...
Probably the reason you thought they weren't worn is because Kate, unlike most people, can afford to buy new runners more often than most people can. I would guess she buys a new pair every few months. Hell, when you are a multi-millionaire, the sky's the limit.

TLC stinks said...

Paper Plates, it occurred to me she just put that tag on a new pair of running shoes. I get it,though, that she probably has many running shoes. I would have taken a picture of old, beat up running shoes as opposed to new"ish" ones. Gets the point across that you are a dedicated runner, not a fake.

NT said...

I think it's insensitive of Milo to be hawking Kate's cookbook right now. The woman has crossed the line. Kate has only sold about 60 books. So if Milo wants books sold,she will have to buy more than the 10 or 15 she's already bought. No one is looking for cookbooks right now.

Winsomeone said...

Amazon is hacking Kate's cook book too. I buy books from them a lot..hard copies and kindle. The other day, I received an e-mail from them..it was hawking Kate's book, and said they thought it was something I might be interested in. The e-mail also listed a couple of other cook books , but hers was the first in line. Why they thought that, when I have never bought a cook book form them is beyond me. Wonder if everyone is getting those e-mails from them, or just a lucky few like me?

NT said...

I got that email,also. I deleted it. So many sites onnline to get receipes free,why pay for a cookbook. Also,Kate's cookbook,I don't think,was kitchen tested by anyone but her 8 kids who are too afraid to tell the food sucks.

Hook 'em Horns said...

Remona, Texas is HORRIBLE for people with no health insurance. As a teacher, I have children who do not go to the doctor because their parents don't have health insurance and can't afford it. And Perry shut down Planned Parenthood, which many women used. Perry is fond of saying Texas is "open for business" and touting jobs. What he doesn't say is that these are minimum wage jobs. No health insurance. No paid days off. So parents send sick children to school because they can't afford to take the day off and lose a day's pay.

And I agree with the poster who said that Kate said the runner's were disappointed because SHE would have been disappointed. And FURIOUS. But she also would have been mad if the swat team had to hide in her bushes while chasing the terrorist and crushed a plant.

Just Down The Road said...

Remona, Texas is HORRIBLE for people with no health insurance. As a teacher, I have children who do not go to the doctor because their parents don't have health insurance and can't afford it


Here in PA, we have CHIP. Our child labor laws were lousy, and child protection laws needed revamping, but when it comes to health insurance for kids, no child will ever go without health care.

TLC stinks said...

I got the email too from Amazon.

TLC stinks said...

Did you guys buy Robert's book from Amazon? Maybe hat's why we got the email?

Just Down The Road said...

Since she got the house, isn't it likely that she had to but out his half at the market price at the time of the divorce.


Not necessarily. I think that Jon got screwed in the whole divorce settlement. He was probably just so sick of the whole thing, tired of spending money on attorneys and dragging it out that he just bit the bullet and said, oh, heck, just get me out of this and give her what she wants.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Here in PA, we have CHIP. Our child labor laws were lousy, and child protection laws needed revamping, but when it comes to health insurance for kids, no child will ever go without health care.


Well wait a minute. Those two girls who died in that tragic car accident. So why are they saying they can't afford medical bills? If you're saying every child is insured, the family at most should have some small copays to cover, right?

Maybe a scholarship in their name might be more appropriate at this charity event, rather than paying "medical bills" that insurance is covering??? I am so confused and a bit skeptical.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

This is when Kate cuts off her nose to spite her face.

Those buying Robert's book are now getting some free advertising for Kate's. He actually helped her.

She could have just used Robert's book to drum up curiosity about her version of events and her books and everyone would make money.

Winsomeone said...

Yes, I bought Robert's book at Amazon.

Just Down The Road said...

Totally agree with you re "Nikki and Mariah show".


The only reason I'm watching is because the remaining gals have so much talent -- much better than some of the established vocalists out there today. What fantastic voices. If the ratings are low it's because of Nikki. I had never even heard of her before. She's abrasive, her voice is annoying, she's such a narcissist and has absolutely no place among those judges. She's such a low-class rude personality that it's humiliating. What they ever saw in her is beyond me. If Idol folds after this season, they will have nobody to blame but her.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
@sweetbren66 yep! :) see you there! Zumba clothes this time, not running clothes, right? Lol!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 @sweetbren66 Ha....we definetly want a pic of that!! If U do a radio intervw....please advise ahead of time! Love2support it

That creepy Irish guy isn't as hot for Kate as Milo is.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Remona that's the national average. It varies state to state of course. But in Massachusetts it's only 4% which makes it all the more
important to ask questions and be wary of "I don't have insurance" scams 52

Massachusetts also has mandated insurance coverage for all (thanks to Mitt btw). Not everyone injured lives in MA, who knows if they have insurance and what it covers.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Yes but the couple that Ally mentioned left her a little disconcerted was from Massachusetts. She worked at MGH. I am at a loss why they would need help with medical bills. OTHER expenses associated with such a calamity of course, but donation sites are specifically asking for medical bills. Why? I think I'm left as confused as Ally is why they wouldn't have insurance with only come copays to cover.

Just to clarify I have no problem with victims receiving donations, that's the American way when terrible things happen, I just think it's a good idea to be aware of things that don't add up, to just make sure everything is on the up and up. There are sadly some people out there who wish to take advantage of the situation and may be using their terrible story to try to make a buck for themselves. I prefer the idea of a general fund that could be distributed in as fair a manner as possible.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2h
@sweetbren66 yep! :) see you there! Zumba clothes this time, not running clothes, right? Lol!


Uh, this fundraiser really isn't a joke. LOL really aren't appropriate. Two children died.

MJ said...

So then, what is Kate suing for? I just don't believe that no assets were awarded to Jon in the divorce. Since she got the house, isn't it likely that she had to but out his half at the market price at the time of the divorce. And, any good financial planner would have sheltered as much income as possible from taxes--meaning, Jon may have some retirement accounts, or income producing annuities that she is going after. Otherwise, why bother suing?

I guess she could be hoping to bankrupt Jon so that he would lose his custody.

I've always thought that neither one 'got' the house in the divorce settlement. The house is deeded in the name of the trust with Kate now the executor. I think the house/trust is the kids' as J&K originally said when they bought the property with Kate having the right to live there with primary custody.
I don't know what job Jon ever held long enough to get retirement benefits so I don't think those would be assets she's trying to get - the same thing with annuities. I honestly don't think Jon has a cent stashed away in any account anywhere.

I don't think she's interested in any money (neither Jon nor Robert reportedly have any) and the remedy in a civil suit is not jail so that can't be her focus. Jon being bankrupt isn't grounds for losing custody so the question remains, what does Kate want from this suit and the only thing I can come up with is that she wants to have the satisfaction of further alienating/destroying his relationship with his kids.

I think the only thing that will make her happy is being able to gloat and say, look at me, I'm the poor preyed upon mom of 8 and my kids can now see how awful their dad was to me. Her hate for Jon is all consuming and the love of her kids pales in comparison. She'll never recognize or acknowledge that any of her actions could hurt the kids - actually (especially in light of what's taken place the last couple of months) that seems the furthest thing on her mind.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay!,
I thought the shoes in the photo were used, also. In fact, I wondered why she hadn't taken a pic of a pair that weren't as worn looking. Different perceptions, I guess. lol

Melissa NV said...

That creepy Irish guy isn't as hot for Kate as Milo is.


Do we really know that the Irish guy isn't Milo, who is just trying to make it appear that Kate is hot and desirable to the opposite sex? :-)

Unknown said...

Love Robert's latest post on his blog:

Marvin Gaye's song, Let's Get It On



Just Down The Road said...

Well wait a minute. Those two girls who died in that tragic car accident. So why are they saying they can't afford medical bills? If you're saying every child is insured, the family at most should have some small copays to cover, right?


It would seem so. You can check out the CHIP website. Maybe they didn't apply for it. I don't know, I haven't been following the fundraiser. I thought it was to cover funeral expenses.

KyPastor said...

"Common professions for narcissists include doctors, lawyers, pastors, and politicians. They like high-status jobs where they can have a lot of influence and where they can receive admiration and appreciation. They may have a lot of financial problems because they’ve tried to find happiness in possessions or “buying” love."


My goodness, I will have to mull this over!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Just Down the Road, the fundraiser is for funeral *and* medical expenses.

Funeral I get. Medical I'm confused.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Ex Nurse said... 35
Oh, please, let this go in front of Judge Judy!
Totally agree.. love Judy Judy. She deals with facts and zero tolerance for BS.

Ex Nurse said...

MJ said...
I don't know what job Jon ever held long enough to get retirement benefits so I don't think those would be assets she's trying to get - the same thing with annuities. I honestly don't think Jon has a cent stashed away in any account anywhere.
I was talking about money they would have put away from the show, MB, which Jon "co-wrote", etc. It is pretty clear that they were living on grifted goods and services, and should have been able to put away a lot of money. It has never made sense to me that Jon was not awarded some share of their joint assets. Retirement savings is a great tax -shelter--any decent planner would recommend it.

Just Down The Road said...

Funeral I get. Medical I'm confused.


I don't know, admin...maybe they had private insurance and it didn't cover everything, or perhaps they never applied for CHIP. There are many variables, but I do know that CHIP is an excellent program.


localyocul said...

There's a good movie on Lifetime right now about people with various mental illnesses. Right now it's about a little girl with a mentally ill mother. don't know whath er illness is yet..maybe bipoar? Anyway it's really good. Wonder if they'll show a BPD or NPD person.

Anonymous said...

This is the lady that Kate is going to Rumba with. Her she is tweeting jokes to the masters of jokes. Can you believe this?

T‏@sweetbren66 @LateNightJimmy @jimmyfallon I was in line checking out at the Dollar Tree!! and no joke the lady ask "how much is this"?

‏@sweetbren66@LateNightJimmy How about when you walk up to a walk light and people are already there thinking they pushed the button not!

@sweetbren66 @LateNightJimmy I hate when I answer the phone at work "with the company name of course" and people ask is this "company X"

localyocul said...

Speaking of insurance, what do people like Kate do for health insurance? Or movie stars? Do they just dip into their millions for medical care or do they purchase private insurance?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

SAG offers some kind of health insurance program, I think it's private but heavily discounted for SAG members. They also have retirement plans, life insurance, and anything else you might need. I also think when you get a series you're eligible for that network's regular employee insurance plan. ABC, NBC, etc are all big companies. Maybe they qualified under TLC's employee plan.

That just begs the question though if reality T.V. subjects are not really actors and can't qualify for SAG, they're just hung out to dry and have to pay out of pocket for insurance?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

@sweetbren66@LateNightJimmy How about when you walk up to a walk light and people are already there thinking they pushed the button not!


What? So push it again, it's not that big of a deal. Sometimes people forget or don't realize there is a button.

This is supposed to be a joke? Sheesh.

Wowser said...

Hmmmm...Robert 's message seems to imply that he is VERzy relaxed and ready to take on Ms. Kreider....anyone else interpret his latest blog differently?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Something is off with that lady. Her jokes all seem to be at the expense of people who were just legitimately confused, it HAPPENS. Kate sure knows how to pick 'em.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

A sense of calm and confidence tends to happen when you know you did nothing wrong.

Unknown said...

Wowser said... 94
''Hmmmm...Robert 's message seems to imply that he is VERzy relaxed and ready to take on Ms. Kreider....anyone else interpret his latest blog differently?''
I took it the same way, with the added smile at Robert jabbing the fool and the bully one more time!! GO ROBERT!! !!!!!!

JoyinVirginia said...

Speaking of BR549, Chuck Mead and His Grassy Knoll Boys are playing at Ashland Coffee and Tea tonight! Ashland, Virginia, the epicenter of the universe since that earthquake a few years ago. Good show! Nothing like rockabilly and honky tonk music to make you feel good!

NJGal51 said...

Kate finds this worthy of a retweet today.....

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 To get back on a really #PositiveNote...let's remember2pre-order #LoveIsInTheMix Kates new cookbook..sweet music N the kitchen!

Melissa NV said...

Something is off with that lady. Her jokes all seem to be at the expense of people who were just legitimately confused, it HAPPENS. Kate sure knows how to pick 'em.


She's been "off" all along, kind of a clinger, one of those who tweet celebrities in the hopes that somebody is going to notice.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Yeah this Boston explosion or whatever is getting to be SUCH a downer!

Let's get back to positivity! A cookbook!

Over And Out said...

T‏@sweetbren66 @LateNightJimmy @jimmyfallon I was in line checking out at the Dollar Tree!! and no joke the lady ask "how much is this"?


I agree. This one is weird. There are people who confuse Dollar Tree with Family Dollar and Dollar General, where not everything is one dollar. Moreover, at the Dollar Tree there are items that are not one dollar, but sometimes two for a dollar, or in the case of Kate's books, a quarter each, or candy may be 79 cents.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I was just going to say that, any dollar store I've been to, not everything is a dollar!

How much is this is really not that silly of a question.

ncgirl said...

"Wonder if everyone is getting those e-mails from them, or just a lucky few like me?"

I got an Amazon email about Kate's cookbook. I have never ordered cookbooks, but I did order Robert's book. I was so quick to delete that email.

NJGal51 said...

OK so Milo did the math and said that at Kate's age the slowest she can run and still qualify for the Boston marathon is 3:40:00 which is an 8:23 per mile pace to which Kate replied...

@Kateplusmy8: @MiloandJack @MY_3BCOLLIES just stopped in&saw this.... I knew it was fast but holy crap!That's 26.2 ( not 13.1) my X from SD 1/2 last yr!!

What am I missing here because I just don't get it. Does Kate think that's her time from her "run (cough, cough) in LV? I just don't get it.

readerlady said...

Evening All. I've been reading here all week but haven't felt like posting. A washed up has-been (is that redundant? LOL) just didn't seem very important given what was going on in Boston and Texas. But I feel my snark coming on again ;-) .

MJ -- IIRC, it was reported at the time of the divorce that KK bought out Jon's share of the house, but he was required to put the money in an equity account of some sort to cover that exorbitant child support he was assessed. He also set up irrevocable trusts for the kids that neither he nor KK can touch. So he didn't come out of the divorce with nothing, but most of what he came out of it with, other than his sanity, is/was tied up. He also was prevented from working for some time by TLC, plus he had the expense of the lawsuit TLC filed against him. And he wasn't very wise in his choices there for a while, too. Despite the way KK seems to live, the money supply isn't unlimited.

I bought Robert's book (also Polly and Al's), and I buy a lot of books, both DTBs and e-books from Amazon, including some cook books, and I didn't get an email about KKs crookbook. I do get regular emails about mysteries and sci fi/fantasy books, though. So who knows what their criteria is for sending those out.

Mel said...

My littlest brother recently ran his first marathon, with his lady friend.

I asked them what the chances were that the two of them would have identical times, down to .1 of a second at ALL the checkpoints.

They looked at me like I was on drugs, and said, "NO WAY!!!! What are you smoking?" They said the chances of it happening at even ONE checkpoint would be remote.

Even if they tried to be that precise, other runners get in the way, etc.


Anonymous said...

I don't care if you post this or not. I just want you to read it. Why are you calling Kate inappropriate when she posts lol when talking about Zumba at the charity event when you're questioning the friends/families motive for the fundraiser ? You may not see that your posts are Insensitive, but they really are.Doesn't matter what they raise the money for.Maybe its for therapy or something else.Some of your posters may decide to investigate this and hurt the family. Some of them are already after the woman who running the fundraiser on Twitter. And yes, some of your posters do post at RWA too. Whatever your feeling about Kate, she is doing something good for others. She will attract people.Don't post this if don't want to or post it if you and the others want to trash me, I jsut wanted to tell you how I felt.Thank you.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Lana, I appreciate your respectful post. I think it's always okay to make sure you are fully informed of the full intentions of fund raisers. Unfortunately time and time again charities, especially ad hoc ones that are not registered 501c's with full disclosure required, take money inappropriately.

No one is criticizing the family that I see, I am devastated for the family. I want to be sure that they get every dime and that people understand what the real needs are. Just because something tragic has happened doesn't mean that we don't have a right to ask questions when people ask for our money. I anything we are concerned that the family and all families, including the Boston marathon families, not be taken for a ride by anyone either intentionally or ineptly.

I also do find it very insensitive to be passing around photos of Kate's beautiful family when one mother lost hers and I don't think it's wrong to speak up about that. I think it's great Kate is helping this family.

Melissa NV said...

Austin Martin ‏@TheAustinMartin 2m

@Kateplusmy8 the "surprise" that I ordered for you and your 8 arrived today! Will mail it on Monday!!


Kate -- for the love of all that's holy, tell these people that you appreciate that they think about you, but to please NOT send anything, but to donate to charity or to a homeless shelter in the area!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your answer.


Susie Cincinnati said...

Some of them are already after the woman who running the fundraiser on Twitter.


"after" the woman? How? Harassing her on Twitter? E-mailing her? How is anyone "after" her...they're personally contacting her? For what reason?
Who is the woman who is running the fundraiser?

mamaK said...

Interesting. I wonder if you wore one recording thing (sensor?) on one shoe and one recording sensor on the other shoe if you would end up with two results within .1 second of each other...

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 To get back on a really #PositiveNote...let's remember2pre-order #LoveIsInTheMix Kates new cookbook..sweet music N the kitchen!

What the eff does sweet music in the kitchen mean anyway? How does one have sweet music in the kitchen with a cook book? There are no sweet sounds in Kate's kitchen. But I bet there is a whole lot of yelling, screaming, barking out orders to innocent kids and freak out attacks compliments of Kate. Milo, why is everything so sweet to you? Sweet tweets and sweet music and Kate's sweet smile, you sound like a love sick puppet who needs Lights Out Man to give you a double dose of ZZZQuil tonight so you don't have sugar plum Katies dancing in your head.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 To get back on a really #PositiveNote...let's remember2pre-order #LoveIsInTheMix Kates new cookbook..sweet music N the kitchen!

What the eff does sweet music in the kitchen mean anyway? How does one have sweet music in the kitchen with a cook book? There are no sweet sounds in Kate's kitchen. But I bet there is a whole lot of yelling, screaming, barking out orders to innocent kids and freak out attacks compliments of Kate. Milo, why is everything so sweet to you? Sweet tweets and sweet music and Kate's sweet smile, you sound like a love sick puppet who needs Lights Out Man to give you a double dose of ZZZQuil tonight so you don't have sugar plum Katies dancing in your head.

MJ said...

I agree. Jon blew through a lot of money after the divorce, TLC limited his employment opportunities, and his original child support was exorbitant which is why I don't think he has any money stashed away for Kate to be going after in the law suit. I don't remember seeing any info about Kate buying Jon's share of the house, but if that happened wouldn't the deed have changed? It stayed in the trust name.

Either way, I can't imagine Jon having any assets that Kate would be interested in other than his relationship with his kids and that's something I think Kate would love to destroy.

AuntieAnn said...

Anonymous (Lana) said... 108

...Doesn't matter what they raise the money for.Maybe its for therapy or something else.Some of your posters may decide to investigate this and hurt the family. Some of them are already after the woman who running the fundraiser on Twitter.


I'm not after her, just curious whether she's genuinely concerned about this famiy or if she shares Kate's propensity to have an ulterior motive when she does something charitable. I mentioned a few days ago that her announcement about this event seemed inappropriate i.e. "put the FUN in fundraiser". It's not a joy filled occasion.

After looking at her timeline and photos she appears to me to be somewhat of a celebrity groupie. If that's investigating her, so be it, but that's as far as I looked and don't plan to look further. I noticed she also invited Bethany F, Pink, and Ellen Degeneres. I don't know if they repsonded.

You're right though, it doesn't matter what they're raising the money for, as long as it eases the burden of their expenses. This is a grief stricken family who just lost two beautiful children and the suggestion of anyone here wanting to hurt them is harsh.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

You're right though, it doesn't matter what they're raising the money for, as long as it eases the burden of their expenses. This is a grief stricken family who just lost two beautiful children and the suggestion of anyone here wanting to hurt them is harsh.


Which is exactly why it is inappropriate for Kate to show up there with a book and pictures of her beautiful children. It's just wrong. She doesn't need to sell anything. She can attend, maybe sign some autographs and write a check for the fundraiser. Just for once in her life, keep her children out of this.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Just got home from a great night out with my buds. We saw two magnificent Clydesdale horses!! They're so gorgeous and gentle and huge. I want one.

RH-Loved your latest blog entry and your message to Kate and the bull sh*tters.

Anonymous said...

Some of your posters may decide to investigate this and hurt the family. Some of them are already after the woman who running the fundraiser on Twitter. And yes, some of your posters do post at RWA too.

Lana, why do you write that some of us may investigate and hurt the family? And some of the posters on this website are already after this woman? What proof do you have to make this harsh unfounded comments? And how do you know that some of the posters here comment at RWA too? I think you owe us an explanation of all your claims about us. Thank you for answering my questions.

And by the way, I have never posted at RWA. And yes, I have looked at the woman's TL, so what? That is not investigating the woman what so ever. I wish Kate, the woman, and the family the best in this fundraiser too. But I agree with Admin. we have a right to question where the money is going.

Anonymous said...

I dont know exactly what this donation/insurance/scam subject is (I couldnt find the OP) but from my experience with medical insurance, it absolutely does NOT cover all the bills. My hospital stays were limited, my care was limited, and extras like prosthetics, had I needed them, were only partially covered. Things like some operations were not covered and some things like therapy were only covered for so much per calendar year. So, whoever that person/couple is may very well have medical bills that are not covered by their insurance. Had that been me in the incident, with the insurance I used to have, I sure would have accrued thousands of dollars in medical bills.

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 117

Which is exactly why it is inappropriate for Kate to show up there with a book and pictures of her beautiful children. It's just wrong. She doesn't need to sell anything. She can attend, maybe sign some autographs and write a check for the fundraiser. Just for once in her life, keep her children out of this.


She's really her own worst enemy. Steve at least tried to advise her and rein her in at this kind of thing. On her own, God only knows what she'll do or say. I have to wonder if she has anybody left that knows how to keep her in check.

JoyinVirginia said...

Re: medical costs and fund raisers.
Even when people are insured, if you have a catastrophic injury and require surgery and hospitalization for am extensive period, the coats can be substantial. And if a person is out of work, had limited paid sick leave or total bank of paid time off PTO, and doesn't have substantial savings, they may be facing financial burdens that are far beyond their means, even with a good job, even with benefits.
The dh had a torn Achilles tendon last year, I got some good advice from posters here about what to expect during rehab. We have good insurance, but this injury meant copays for surgeon visits, separate copay for hospital labs, separate copay for hospital surgery cost, separate bill from anesthesiologist, separate copay for x-rays,.separate copay for radiologist charge, and that was just up to day of surgery. AFTER surgery there were physical therapy visits twice weekly for several weeks, then decreased in frequency, and EACH physical therapy visit was separate copay. Oh, the surgeon did not charge for post op surgery visits up to sixty days, that was nice surprise. We ended up, with uncomplicated outpatient surgery and follow up, with out of pocket costs around $3,000. Fortunately the dh could continue to work, he works at a desk and could telecommute, and I work, and we have savings, and could manage the extra costs. Some other families might not be able to.
out of curiosity, I checked cost of prosthetic limbs. A lower extremity prosthesis can range from $5,000 to $50,000. Insurance may or may not cover some of the costs. The blades Oscar Pistorius runs with are like the Cheetah Product from a prosthetic company, and can cost $15,000 to $20,000 each, so for someone who lost a limb and wants to run again, the cost may be enormous. Because before you can think about a prosthesis, there is surgery, wound healing, physical therapy, rehabilitation that may be inpatient or outpatient, and so on, all of which may have caps our limited coverage or no coverage depending on the persons policy, even if they have insurance. Then physical modification of a dwelling can be expensive depending on needs. Building a ramp for a wheelchair is relatively simple and inexpensive, but do bathrooms need modification, do doorways need to be widened, counters lowered, bedrooms relocated to a lower floor, tubs made accessible? Costs for remodeling could easily reach $50,000. And most insurance will not cover anything like that. Also what about modifications to a car so you can drive? I don't have any idea what that would cost.
So I can understand the reasons why fund raising efforts might be needed, and might start sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

Lana are you the tweeter "Lana B-banna" on Kate's TL?

SCgal said...

I had a rare medical problem that caused me to seek out doctors across the US. I have pretty good insurance - but I ended up spending almost $12,000 last year in out-of-pocket expenses.

Silimom said...

I have no issue with medical fundraisers. As Joy said, even with insurance coverage out of pocket costs can be a lot. As my own example, my two youngest children receive ABA and OT therapy for their Autism Spectrum Disorder. My husband has wonderful insurance and it covers the majority of our costs minus our co-pay, which runs us $90 a week for both girls. Now, for those of you who know, that's nothing when it comes to autism therapy. However, it still adds up to $360 a month or $4680 a year.

Another example - our eldest child - 23 years - recently had several cavities and a broken tooth that required a crown. Total out of pocket cost was $1700 and that was after insurance.

As Joy said, we are fortunate to have a good income from my husband, I work a few hours part time and we have savings. For many of the people at the marathon who were hurt and maimed by this blast, who will require many surgeries and rehabilitative therapy, the out of pocket costs I'm sure will be astronomical. So I'm glad people are willing to step up and help.

And regarding the two girls killed in the car crash that Kate is helping to raise money for - my understanding was that Mom was a single mom of two, both from different fathers, and worked in a day care center. Odds are she didn't have insurance or what she had was minimal or provided by the state of PA. I'm not sure what it costs to bury someone in PA, but in CA it's at minimum $5000-$7000. She needs to bury two children plus pay for the emergency care that was provided for both herself and the children. Again, I'm glad that there are people willing to help, even Kate Gosselin.

It's sad that there are so many scams out there not to mention the extravagant administrative costs renowned charities deduct from donations that people are now cynical of any type of charitable giving.

Silimom said...

My understanding, and correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't read through all the comments, was that Kate was donating any proceeds raised from book sales that day to the fundraiser.

readerlady said...

MJ -- There were several articles about the divorce settlement at the time it occurred. I think most of them were in the rag mags, though, so who knows if they are completely accurate. Re the deed to the house -- since it's held by a trust, wouldn't the only modification needed be removing Jon from the trust? I don't know. I agree with you that KKs only motive in going after Jon is to completely and utterly destroy him, and she won't be happy until she does. She wants 100% control of the kids 100% of the time and the only way she can get that is if Jon is out of the picture. She doesn't care what means she has to use to achieve this and she doesn't care that the kids are, and will continue to be, collateral damage. She's an evil and vindictive witch and I hope and pray that Jon has a good support system behind him and that he's able to withstand her assaults. He's not perfect by a long shot, but he's the only loving, non-judgmental parent those kids have.

readerlady said...

Forgot to add to my post -- on insurance/fund raisers, etc. A young woman I worked with was diagnosed with breast cancer. The conventional treatments weren't successful and her doctors decided that her only hope of a long-term remission or a cure was a bone marrow transplant. We worked for a government agency, so we had good insurance. However, the insurance declined to cover the procedure because it was "experimental". She had 2 little children at the time (I don't remember their ages but one wasn't in school yet, so they were small) so she and her husband decided to go through with the treatment. We held several fund raisers and also donated unused sick leave to her to help with the costs. It wound up costing over $200,000. Oh, BTW -- she lived to see both of her kids graduate from college and her oldest just had her first child a few months ago.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @jeannine1222 Ur a nice lady! Really hoping this bk does well 4Kate! Will pay 4mortgage/schooling/& 8 kids 4another yr! LOL #HeavyLoad

I hope Kate is not counting on the monies earned from the sale of her book to pay the bills. Are pigs flying in Milo's area and is there going to be a sudden change in the weather and hell is about to freez over? Milo, pull your head out of the sand. Sales are not going well and if the brick and mortar stores order ANY copies at all it will only be one or two, not hundreds. I don't think Kate is going to get an end cap display.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

readerlady said... 130
Forgot to add to my post -- on insurance/fund raisers, etc. A young woman I worked with was diagnosed with breast cancer. The conventional treatments weren't successful and her doctors decided that her only hope of a long-term remission or a cure was a bone marrow transplant. We worked for a government agency, so we had good insurance. However, the insurance declined to cover the procedure because it was "experimental". She had 2 little children at the time (I don't remember their ages but one wasn't in school yet, so they were small) so she and her husband decided to go through with the treatment. We held several fund raisers and also donated unused sick leave to her to help with the costs. It wound up costing over $200,000. Oh, BTW -- she lived to see both of her kids graduate from college and her oldest just had her first child a few months ago.

Great story with a
great example and outcome. My sister chose a similiar route, as she was 37 years old, with a small child, but the outcome was not as successful. But I know she chose this, incurring major debt, as she just wanted to live and raise her child.

readerlady 129...

I agree. How does Kate suing their father benefit the kids in any way? Does she ever put them first? Seriously. After all, her matra is everything she does is for her kids, right?
Is she going to serve the news they can't see their father anymore on a golden platter?

Not sure what she is trying to accomplish (other than blocking Robert's book), but there has to be a way for HER to resolve this without alienating the kids from their father and exposing them to further embarassment. Time for her to put her kids first, and show what a "Super Mom" she is. It doesn't get much worse than this for THE KIDS.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

@MiloandJack: @jeannine1222 Ur a nice lady! Really hoping this bk does well 4Kate! Will pay 4mortgage/schooling/& 8 kids 4another yr! LOL #HeavyLoad


She could get a traditional job with a traditional paycheck and know exactly how much money is coming in this month and exactly how much to set aside. That will pay for mortgage, schooling, and eight kids and you wouldn't even have to have the sheeple help.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Not sure what she is trying to accomplish (other than blocking Robert's book), but there has to be a way for HER to resolve this without alienating the kids from their father and exposing them to further embarassment.


You know what keeps popping into my head? Mediation. I doubt Kate would ever lower herself and go, but I keep thinking that a professional mediator with years of experience in mediation and reconciliation could sit down with the two of them and help her work through everything that is bothering her. I think she needs to hash out her issues in person with him with the help of a professional and come to some creative solutions. For some people something it's just hearing an acknowledgement and an apology that helps them to put it to bed and move on. Of course this is a narcissist so this could be a supreme challenge, but it's worth a shot.

It's to the point where it's really just unhealthy at this point. The time to hash out all her problems with Jon was during the divorce. Get it all out of the way then. It can't be good for her mental health to keep harping on transgressions from 2009 that have by all accounts never happened or will ever happen again. Jon is in a serious relationship now, is quiet, works, and the kids love him. She needs to move on now. Whatever happened in 2009, she has to find a way to take a deep breath, let it go, and move on with her life for the sake of her children.

Kelly said...

I don't understand why some people are getting snippy when the public asks questions regarding insurance coverage etc.. If everything is on the up and up, it should be no problem and the people asking for the donations shouldn't mind answering. Unfortunately, too many people have been the victim of scams and may be sensitive to handing over diminished wages (in this awful economy) unless they're certain of where it's going and the family needs it for what was stated.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kelly yes I think it's just too competing feelings of defensiveness, those defensive of people who might be taken in by scams, and those defensive of the legitimately ill and struggling. Both exist.

Like you said it's a very simple solution. Just be clear what the money is for. My college mate's wife had a terrible stroke a few years ago, and when they accept donations, they earmark what they are using it for so you know what you are giving to. Nothing is vague like "bills."

For instance we're raising X amount of dollars to modify our house for a wheelchair.
We'd like X amount of meals provided to us each week.
We need X amount of dollars so we can extend our stay at long-term rehab.
We need X amount of volunteers to help us drive our child to school on these days.

Many of the things they ask for are not money itself, for instance the meals and driving, which is great for people who can't spare much, but could help out by driving on their way to work.

There usually won't be any kind of odd feeling of something is off here when you are that specific. I think part of it is just the organizer's inexperience. I wish them all the best and hope that Kate helps bring in lots of money to help that beautiful mother and maybe leave the pictures of the Gosselin kids at home for this one.

Layla said...

I am wondering about what Kate's lawyer is planning to get out of this. First of all, Kate will have to WIN her lawsuit on order to get anything at all out of it. That is no guarantee. What are the damages? Then, take into consideration that even if she does win, both Jon and Robert are struggling financially. IF she wins, and IF there is a judgment, they can't pay it. If her lawyer is planning on taking a portion of any judgment won, he will end up with little or nothing. If that lawyer is smart, he is making Kate pay. Otherwise he is working for free.
Did Jon and/or Robert actually do anything wrong? It seems that their actions must have been legal, or this would be a criminal case. Instead, it is a civil case, so Kate has to prove damages. If the contents of the book are all true, and she was careless in disposing of computer discs, then she has a hard case to prove. If you read Hailey's/Jon's texts, he says he is going to take a hard drive. He doesn't say he actually got it. This occurred shortly before Hailey released notes about Jon and Kate's finances. Do those texts (if true) reference Jon trying to get financial information (hidden money, etc) from Kate's computer?e could have used that in the divorce. Those texts don't specify anything at all about what Jon was looking for.
IF Jon did get Kate's hard drive, as the texts say, wouldn't Kate have noticed it was missing? I know I would. But she didn't report it missing. So, obviously, IF he wanted to take the hard drive, he was not successful. So, no wrongdoing on Jon's part. He may have wanted the hard rive at one point, but he didn't get it. It would have been make public if he had.
The point of this lawsuit is revenge. Kate's who life for almost 2 years has been a string of failures. She can't take it, and she blames Jon and Robert for the mess. She wants vengeance. She wants to hurt them But what about after the lawsuit (IF there is one)? Then want? She is even less marketable, the kids are even older and less marketable, her career is still a huge failure, and she has no future prospects. Of course, this is Kate. She doesn't see the future, only the present. She could lose it all if she's not more careful, and if that happens, she deserves it.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

She didn't do well with the therapist she hired to counsel her and Jon as she reportedly got sued after lining her up and refused to attend treatment. And the therapist won.

4 years later, she should be smarter, more insightful and respectful of her kids, and how all of this is going to impact them. Period.

Again, everything she does is for her kids, they deserve everything on a golden platter (her words), time to walk the talk, and do what is best for them. Instead of acting out of spite. They both need to do the right thing for their 8, count 'em 8 kids.

Reality shows do change people immensely, but when there are 8 kids involved, they should be front and center of the equation. In every case.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Layla, all excellent points.

There really is no logical end game here other than just "revenge" and I think that's why so many of us scratch our heads because for most well-balanced adults revenge just isn't something you normally strive after or care about.

The texts are open to a dozen different interpretations and are useless. The FIRST thing I thought, given the timing was right when the divorce talks were at their most contentious, was that this was simply about financial issues and divorce issues and trying to get some leverage in a divorce that TLC drove for Kate. We heard quite a lot of grumbling over assets and there are even pap photos of Kate photocopying a bunch of documents and even a piece of paper where she was earmarking family expenses. Jon has every right to blow the whistle on he felt she might not be completely honest about those things.

The fact that Kate apparently never reported the hard drive missing is going to be a huge problem for her in court. In law sometimes doing nothing can be interpreted by the judge as acceptance. Look at a simple example of painting a house, which anyone who has been through law school knows is our go-to hypothetical. :) If my neighbor comes over and starts painting my house and I don't say anything, any judge is just going to assume I was happy to have his help and wanted him to do that. I can't turn around four years later and say your honor my neighbor trespassed and defaced my house! They're going to wonder where I was four years ago.

Same with theft. If you just sit by and let someone walk off with your hard drive, I would assume you're fine with it. To four years later suddenly say hey you can't do that is disingenuous.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of good ole LaFaire, there sure is a heck of a lot of grumbling about how I'm GOING to file a law suit. But no suit ever seems to actually get filed.

I was thinking practically the only person to ever put their money where there mouth is and file was LaFaire. And she won! LOL.

California Suzy said...

Having just returned back to California after spending last week in Boston, I am now trying to sort out feelings. My biggest concern was to protect our little children from the horrors of the media coverage—which was constant and ever-changing. Our family is very connected politically in Boston but I will omit detail in that area for obvious reasons. Besides our immediate concerns about family and friends involved in the Boston Marathon, and those with offices in the City, all came out unharmed—physically. But the emotional scars will never be healed. To think innocent precious lives were taken so violently is inexcusable. But to think, from what I am reading here as I will not give her a “hit”, that Ms. Kreider has taken the opportunity to use this tragedy suggesting she knows how runners feel is just pathetic. Quite frankly, I will never, ever be convinced she completed a full marathon—for so many reasons. Perhaps the full truth on that unbelievable finish in full makeup and barely breaking a sweat can be another argument for another day. Meanwhile, the focus should be on lost lives and support of the amazing law enforcement people who valiantly put themselves “out there” to protect all of us. I had the privilege of meeting and talking to a SWAT member while we were watching kids playing in the park! God bless the “Helpers”…as Mister Roger’s mother would say are what to look for when bad things happen. (Makes you wonder how Ms. Kreider took what could have been a “teachable moment” for her kids and turned it into a “look at me” situation!)

FYI said...

Interesting article about the sites that are being set up to raise funds for the Boston victims.


This is from the person who established the fund for the married couple:

"There's so many more good people out there than evil," Kelly said, adding that the funds will go to pay for medical care not covered by the couple's insurance."

This is another excerpt that tells donors to be cautious:

“You want to make sure that the money you donate goes to the intended party,” said Allan Bachman, education manager for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

While critics understand the impulse to donate to one particular victim, they’re wary of any effort that promises to do that. Bachman suggests that people donate to established charities. If they must give to individuals, they should ask for an address to send a check instead of divulging financial information online, he advises."

PatK said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 139

I was thinking practically the only person to ever put their money where there mouth is and file was LaFaire. And she won! LOL.


Now, now, Admin...remember, according to the sheep LaFair didn't win!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 124

Lana are you the tweeter "Lana B-banna" on Kate's TL?


Yes, I am.I'm not hiding. My question and opinion was to the Admin here. Not anyone else or to any other blog.She answered my question and I appreciate that.And I thank her once again.


Anonymous said...

One more thing. I believe the woman running the fundraiser asked Kate to bring books to sign.


Amy2 said...

Two comments about the lawsuit. First, IMO Kate is doing this for revenge and to get her picture taken by paps. Thus getting back in the news. Second, I hope Robert and Jon have good lawyers. Cause I can see Kate on the standing lying and crying, lying and crying. Same old act different venue.

AuntieAnn said...

So if I understand all this correctly Jon is being sued by Kate for taking property and plotting to conspire with Robert for writing a book that exposes Kate's journals and Kate is being sued by Hailey for releasing the text that Jon sent to her that contained the plan to take Kate's hard drive that had the journals on it which are revealed in the book by Robert who denies he obtained the information from a hard drive or Jon but instead obtained from disks that were thrown in the trash by Kate the day after she told Jon to get out of the garage apartment.

I wanna be a fly on the wall if this lawsuit ever makes it into a courtroom.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I know there are a lot of fans of the Hoyts here, the father and son team who run marathons together. Son has CP. I had the honor of seeing them (before I knew where they were) several years ago at a race.

First I heard this, they were at the Boston marathon and only a mile away from finishing when the explosions went off! Their family was in the crowd but not near the bombs.

Of course their thought was not oh too bad we didn't finish, but rather is our family okay??? They said they'll be back next year.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Nancy posted this over a year ago I think about the cruise but I think it applies to her current threat of a lawsuit too:

Nancy has left a new comment on your post "Freedom!!!":

I guess the only way to understand the mentality of this woman is to bang our collective heads against a brick wall repeatedly until we are dizzy and incoherent and then maybe we could get a glimmer into how her thought process and mind works???

I get that she has the mentality of a teenager as I am the proud “owner” of one myself but seriously the stupidity just baffles me…

FYI said...

Auntie Ann(145)-After reading your comment, it reminded me of the Mother Goose rhyme "The House that Jack Built".

I guess we could rename this whole scenario "The House that Kate Destroyed".

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack now
@jeannine1222 Ur a nice lady! Really hoping this bk does well 4Kate! Will pay 4mortgage/schooling/& 8 kids 4another yr! LOL #HeavyLoad

KK & Milo better start selling then.

Cause 30-40 books ain't going pay that much.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I keep on forgetting that KK wrote a cookbook.
-(not snarking)

I wonder how many people are also forgetting?

rainbowsandunicorns said...

One more thing. I believe the woman running the fundraiser asked Kate to bring books to sign


Even if someone asked Kate to bring books and photos, Kate should have thought about this - is this really what should be done in this situation? You sit down and you use your head!

Is the person "running" this event SweetBren? I thought she had just been a Kate fan who contacted Kate to see if she would show up. Wasn't there someone who actually organized it and is in charge? Who was the person who said to put the FUN in fundraiser?

AMD said...

It's all in the words you choose......

November 22nd&26th.‏@biebezzBABY16h
@Kateplusmy8 was it true that alexis and collin got expelled from school...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8 14h
@biebezzBABY no.

Dmasy said...

Auntie, 146....thanks for making that so clear for me. I have some other questions/issues that could use you fine logic, too.

Are you available for translation and summaries?

MJ said...

LOL, Auntie Ann. I dare you to read that aloud without taking a breath!

Michelle said...

If Kate's thinking is correct, Jon and Robert are the WORST collaborators in history. Two men who supposedly (per Kate) had this information in 2009 and didn't use it to make a fortune when Gosselin tabloid mania was in full swing, but instead sat on it for a few years until Kate Gosselin was just a blip on the radar and pretty much no one is interested. If that's Kate's theory, it doesn't add up to me.

AuntieAnn said...

Are you available for translation and summaries?

I am Dmasy. I will contact you from the phone in the heel of my shoe.

AuntieAnn said...

I guess we could rename this whole scenario "The House that Kate Destroyed".
Kate is a twit - That's exactly right because it really is a house of cards she's living in. She should have quit while she was ahead.

JoyinVirginia said...

I got to talk to my neighbor whose husband was running the Boston marathon Monday. He finished in about three hours, and his wife was at finish line. He wanted to stay and wait for a buddy who would finish in about another hour. Neighbor says she fussed, she was cold and hungry, and did not want to stand around for another hour so she made him leave with her to go back to their hotel, collect their things and get to the airport a little early. She told me that they really didn't know what was going on, except when they got to the airport the security was extra tight, and she noticed extra barriers between secure areas. Neighbors had tried to call their cell phone and couldn't get thru. They got in to Richmond airport very late Monday night then drove home, and found out most details by watching the news the next day.
Neighbor says it is very strange feeling, that all this happened where she had been near finish line, and they didn't even know extent until they got home. If she had been warmer, she probably wouldn't have fussed so much, and they may have hung around the finish line waiting another hour.
I didn't even ask her about husbands buddy, I am assuming he was ok since she didn't mention anything about him. We just talked briefly.

Over And Out said...

Here's one thing I don't understand:

The identity of the main sheeple players has been known (by the other blog) for some time...names, addresses, family members, employment, etc.). However, Milo still remains a mystery. Why?

MJ said...

Sweetbren66 met Kate last Sept when Kate did a 5K and she's tweeted her frequently since then. I don't doubt the sincerity of Bren's motives to raise money for the mother of the girls who were killed, but she's missing a great opportunity to raise even more. If she'd tweet the mailing info for the fund that's been in place since the end of March she might be able to get some more people to help. I do hope this is a successful event, but I agree with others that Kate signing photos of her kids is insensitive.

Just Down The Road said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack now
@jeannine1222 Ur a nice lady! Really hoping this bk does well 4Kate! Will pay 4mortgage/schooling/& 8 kids 4another yr! LOL #HeavyLoad


I know absolutely nothing about publishing and the income generated from it. If Kate needs at least $200,000 for the mortgage and schooling for one year, how many books does she need to sell?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It's hard to say the exact numbers, but publishing is sort of like many other low-paying professions. Do it because you love to write, not because you want to make money. The vast majority of published authors have day jobs. Only a select few can really make a living at it and even then you can never predict when your next book will flop.

You really have to be Obama to be a millionaire. Even then just a few years after his book came out he is making chump change compared to what he made the first year. It doesn't last either.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

chefsummer said... 151
I keep on forgetting that KK wrote a cookbook.
-(not snarking)

I wonder how many people are also forgetting?

Cook book? What cook book? : )
I have a large volume of family recipes, about 100 cook books, access to online recipes, and don't like cooking that much, so I am not your average consumer. But..... I think most of the Reality Star cook books are bought by the fans of whichever star is the flavor of the month. More for the "inside info/photos," as opposed to the acutal recipes. Just guessing...

librarylady said...

The identity of the main sheeple players has been known(by the other blog) for some time...however, Milo still remains a mystery. Why?
I've wondered about that, too.

Just Down The Road said...

Kaitlin Guillory ‏@GuilloryKaitlin 39m
I finished all 124 episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8... now what am I suppose to watch? @Kateplusmy8


Shaking my head here. How about going to the library and picking up a good classic? Check your local television listings for some educational documentaries -- ANYTHING that is going to enrich your mind, broaden your knowledge, expand your vocabulary...

OrangeCrusher1 said...

It is actually refreshing to realize how 'medicre' life in Kateland is right now. Threats of spurious lawsuits, inappropriate small town picture signing (good cause but typical non-thinking insensitive action), and Milo leading the charge of 1 to buy, buy, buy that poorly received cookbook, and thinking that somehow this will pay poor K8's mortgage. Carry on ladies.

Anonymous said...

I went to the Runners World website today. I wanted to have a gander and see if other runners were as disappointed as Kate said they were about not being able to finish the race.

You know what...NOT ONE said that. The closest I got was an article that an elite runner was P*SSED about what happened. I'm gathering Kate saw the headline and figured she'd 'run' with it.
The problem was, the Elite Runner that was profiled wasn't P*SSED that she finished the race and couldn't bask in her glory, nor that others couldn't finish, she was PO'd because someone did this (the bomb) to other people. She knows there will always be another race but people can't grow back limbs and 200 lives (plus all the people in their circle) that will have to help these people deal with their physical and emotional scars.
Kate doesn't get it. She really doesn't and I don't understand how she doesn't have any empathy for what people have gone through.

And...I don't want to make this all about Boston, but we should also remember those in West, TX who have lost their homes, their lively hood and the lives of family members who are still missing among the rubble. That is another tragedy that sadly is falling by the wayside in the midst of the horror that happened in Boston.

What a pained and sorrowful world we live in.

Mel said...

You might think that if you boot up your computer and it won't boot because the hard drive is missing, AND you're in the middle of a contentious divorce, AND your ex is in IT, you would give some heavy duty thought to getting your crack security team to look at the pc to see what's wrong....

Anonymous said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack now
@jeannine1222 Ur a nice lady! Really hoping this bk does well 4Kate! Will pay 4mortgage/schooling/& 8 kids 4another yr! LOL #HeavyLoad
So, according to Milo, Kate has to pick the pockets of the mediocre in order to maintain the style of living she believes she deserves. You can't make this crap up.

I'd be embarassed if I was trying to be a 'high fluting celebrity' but had to stand on the backs of the little people in order to snub my nose at them.
Kate is a JOKE!

Unknown said...

Anonymous said... 124
''Lana are you the tweeter "Lana B-banna" on Kate's TL?''
Good question. I've not read any of the responses, this is the first post I read since logging on. I do know that ''Lana'' was still unable to remember to double space after a period. So....denials won't work for me.

Wowser said...

Did she just lie again on twitter when someone asked if the kids were expelled from school??? I am surprised she hasn't been bombarded with comments re that one! Oh that's right!!! Slap my head...they were "asked to leave for an extended period" they were not expelled. She is an ass! She's like the MRSA virus...impossible to get rid of and when you think you have it beat, she morphs! Uggghh

Unknown said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 138
''..... The FIRST thing I thought, given the timing was right when the divorce talks were at their most contentious, was that this was simply about financial issues and divorce issues and trying to get some leverage in a divorce that TLC drove for Kate.''
That is ringing a bell for me. Wasn't it around that time that Jon said KK had numerous bank accounts, and SHE controlled all the money? I'm not sure, but I do think it was.

Sandi said...

GuilloryKaitlin I finished all 124 episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8...now what am I suppose to watch? @kateplusmy8

@GilloryKaitlin @kateplusmy8 just start from the beginning!:)thats what I do!! And always catch cute things I mised the first time.:)

OY Vey

librarylady said...

I wanted to have a gander and see if other runners were as disappointed as Kate said they were about not being able to finish the race.
I actually have read several newspaper articles, from various local papers, where runners from the marathon said they were angry and disappointed that they didn't get to finish - BUT, all but one (and that newspaper article received many negative comments from other runners) then said that vanished once they realized exactly what had happened and the scope of it. Most of those who were held back and couldn't finish didn't understand what was going on until much later and stated that their initial disappointment meant nothing once they fully realized what happened.

Layla said...

I am positive that Jon did not take Kate's hard drive in 2009. First, he was texting all about it. Wouldn't there have been a follow-up text saying, "I got it!"? Kate would have noticed it was missing, and run to the waiting cameras to cry her crocodile tears about how mean Jon was to steal from her. Kate would have filed a police report against Jon for stealing it. Jon would have used any information he got from the hard drive in the divorce so he wouldn't have gotten so royally screwed financially. Did any of these things happen? No! So, even if the texts are true, he still did not take her hard drive. No hard drive taken=no case. Sorry, Kate.
Kate is showing her true colors lately. She claims that her haters inspire her, claims she doesn't see negative tweets, even thanked her haters for "all the buzz". But then she goes running to Bullyville to get revenge. Why, if she never sees what haters tweet? Why, if haters inspire her and she wants to thank them for all the attention she gets? Truth is, she is furious and seething with anger. She wants to hurt people. She claims that she and the kids are so happy, but in her email to Hailey she says she has to get the kids away from Jon.If they are so happy, then why take away their relationship with their father? Perhaps some of the kids would rather be with Jon, and she can't allow them to love anyone more than her. I have seen the kids in person with Jon (twice). There is a closeness there that does not seem to be present with Kate. I admit, I have not seen them in person with her. But Jon was very hands-on and affectionate with them. One interaction with Joel almost made me cry. Joel always seemed like the forgotten child to me. Kate has never had anything nice to say about him. But to his dad, he is obviously someone special.
She can't even write a blog post without lying. Yet she says her life is so exciting! Which is why she uses so many exclamation points! So, why not write about all her exciting experiences rather than manufacture fake stories?
Last point--Kate's last book sold miserably. 11,000 total sales, if I remember correctly. If she has cases of books lying around to sell for charity, then how many were actually bought by others, and how many did she buy to bring her numbers up? She had loads of money then, and now she has cases of books lying around. Hmmm.... This cookbook is a miserable failure. About 11,000 copies of IJWYTK were sold. I think she'll be very lucky to sell 1,100 copies of this cookbook. Not enough for tuition-mortgage-8 kids' expenses for a year, no matter what Milo thinks.

Hoosier Girl said...

Nancy has left a new comment on your post "Freedom!!!":

I guess the only way to understand the mentality of this woman is to bang our collective heads against a brick wall repeatedly until we are dizzy and incoherent and then maybe we could get a glimmer into how her thought process and mind works???

I get that she has the mentality of a teenager as I am the proud “owner” of one myself but seriously the stupidity just baffles me…
If I could have a vote for 'Authors' at The Stir, I'd vote for Nancy!! Short, Succinct, Point Made, Humor. That's what I look for in a 'bog!'

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Berks Neighbor said... 170
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack now
@jeannine1222 Ur a nice lady! Really hoping this bk does well 4Kate! Will pay 4mortgage/schooling/& 8 kids 4another yr! LOL #HeavyLoad

I completely agree. Another year? How does she know this?

The timing and the embarassment factor of this post, with "average people" going through so much - Boston and Texas- is so ill conceived, it is horrific.

Don't know where Milo gets off spouting this stuff off, or if she does so with Kate's permission, but news flash- there are people who are not millionaires, don't own a mansion, do not send their kids to private schools, do not travel extensively. And do not choose to film/photograph/tweet about their kids endlessly, who have lossed loved ones, limbs, are unemployed, have major illnesses, don't know where they will live/eat from one day to the next etc.... so I find Milo's tweet completely inappropriate, insensitive, disgusting, and completely out of touch with reality.

Why she does this, at this time, behooves me. It is inconsiderate, and outright offensive with all that is going on. I guess like goes with like. Or something like that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Remona that's EXACTLY when it happened, Jon and Kate were both accused of improperly withdrawing money (though only a few sites reported that Kate was too) around about OCTOBER 5. A mere DAYS before Jon's angry alleged texts.

If true, common sense suggests that he was ticked off about all their financial wars and looking for financial information from her computer to end it. There was definitely an implication around that time that Kate was mismanaging or concealing money, though no one would outright say it. If Jon could prove that she actually had plenty of money, or misused the money she has, and need not have withdrawn from the account, that would have helped him.

I find it hard to believe Jon even read much of Kate's diaries to even know there was such info there. It would be a rare husband who could muster up interest in all that drivel. But I bet he knew there were financial spreadsheets and account information on that computer. He never says DIARIES in those texts, wouldn't you say I can't wait to get my hands on Kate's DIARIES to bury her? Instead it's just, Kate's computer.

Unknown said...

Over And Out said... 160
''The identity of the main sheeple players has been known (by the other blog) for some time...names, addresses, family members, employment, etc.). However, Milo still remains a mystery. Why?''
I think that Milo hasn't been 'outed' publicly, but I find it difficult to believe that no one knows. There is probably a reason those who know are being silent (for now). Some time ago, I saw her first name and where she lives...but I didn't retain the information.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

You shouldn't have to beg people to buy something because you NEED the money for your celebrity lifestyle. It's so embarrassing. Kate needs to reign this fan in, she is embarrassing her.

What other celeb says please support my latest project my kids need to stay in private school?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

You know what I haven't thought much of but that doesn't add up? Jon had an experienced divorce attorney representing him in October 2009. If he knew there was information on that hard drive, they could have asked for it in Discovery. Anyone who has been through a divorce knows it's hard to keep anything private. Everything comes out in the open. If Jon could demonstrate there was information pertinent to the divorce on that hard drive, it would have been a pretty simple request to get Kate to disclose it. Done.

All this running around like madmen "stealing" it is really hard to believe when they could have gotten it fair and square without much fanfare.

PatK said...

Remona Blue said... 180
Over And Out said... 160
''The identity of the main sheeple players has been known (by the other blog) for some time...names, addresses, family members, employment, etc.). However, Milo still remains a mystery. Why?''
I think that Milo hasn't been 'outed' publicly, but I find it difficult to believe that no one knows. There is probably a reason those who know are being silent (for now). Some time ago, I saw her first name and where she lives...but I didn't retain the information.


I also believe it's partly because Milo never attacked them with the hate and venom those other fans did. That, and they probably feel sorry for her having a backwoods mental capacity.

gabby2 said...

Does anyone know when was the last time KK got to travel with Stevie?

No book tour this time I see.

Is it a matter of time before KK endorses some adult products on twitter. LOL.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Berks Neighbor said... 170
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack now
@jeannine1222 Ur a nice lady! Really hoping this bk does well 4Kate! Will pay 4mortgage/schooling/& 8 kids 4another yr! LOL #HeavyLoad
Totally missed the LOL at the end of Milo's tweet. Odd at best. Something is off here.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

gabby2 said... 184
Does anyone know when was the last time KK got to travel with Stevie?

No book tour this time I see.

Is it a matter of time before KK endorses some adult products on twitter. LOL.

A fan asked Kate if there would be book tours and Kate answered those will be set up after the book is actually available, not pre-orders, which makes sense. The question will be will the publisher want to send her out on book tours if the books sales are pathetically low? I can just see Kate demanding to stay at the Essex Hotel and ordering Kobe beef room service dinners.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 185
Berks Neighbor said... 170
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack now
@jeannine1222 Ur a nice lady! Really hoping this bk does well 4Kate! Will pay 4mortgage/schooling/& 8 kids 4another yr! LOL #HeavyLoad
Totally missed the LOL at the end of Milo's tweet. Odd at best. Something is off here.

I noticed that. What's so LOL funny about trying to scrounge enough money from twitter fans for book sales to provide only one years' income? Isn't steady income the goal we all aim for?

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 18h
I'm checking in to my bed...Long day of school sports! Mommas tired and so is my girl who played 4 games today (tournament) and did GR8! GN!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 5h
@dowd24 I slept like 10+ hours somehow.... It has been a million years since I've slept that much! Whew! I'm ON this day!:)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4h
@Kateplusmy8 Don't U just LOVE IT when U get a #ZonkedOut good sleepin every once in a while! Happy 4U...U obviously needed it! :)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4h
@Kateplusmy8 I guess after the excitement/adrenaline of watching 4sports events...w/Ur child involved...it just slap wore U out! :)

How do you get worn out watching your child play 4 games of lacrosse, especially when your tweeting several times during the day? Wouldn't the child who was actually playing be the one who was worn out.

Layla said...

I have to wonder if Milo is capable of independent thought. She seems to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for Kate to spread her latest agenda.
Remember when K+8 was first cancelled, Kate said that she had only been saving for a little while, and had enough saved to last a few months? It has been more than a year and a half. Far more than a few months. Kate hasn't done much in that time. So, what are they living off of? I always thought that Kate got so much in the divorce because she put it all in trust for the kids. I recall in the papers Hailey released, Jon had written notes about their finances. He had written that the house and BBB and $900,000 was in trust for the kids. He couldn't take half of that because it was the kids' and therefore not marital property. I think Kate put as much of their assets as possible in the kids' trusts so he couldn't touch it. She got custody, so she got access to the kids' money, house, etc.
I don't believe that Kate made $250K an episode for K+8. Oh, she made plenty, but I don't think TLC would have paid her that much without knowing that her show would be a huge hit without Jon. She once said, shortly after K+8 began, that she had "major, major, major" legal debt. Probably from the divorce, where she had a whole team of lawyers, and from LaFair's lawsuit. Then, when the show ended, she said she had saved for "a little while" ( after paying off the legal debt). She would need the kids' money to continue to live her preferred lifestyle.
But what happens if some of the kids want to be with Jon? That would give him access to their money. She does not like to share. Right now, she can withdraw whatever living expenses they have from the trusts. If Jon gets some kids, he gets access to their money, and he gets to see what she's doing with their money. Then she's busted. Is that what this lawsuit is all about? Keeping the kids (and their money) out of Jon's reach? Hiding the details of her withdrawals from the kids' accounts from being exposed? She may have a lot to hide, and fears exposure.

Somewhere In Time said...

Totally missed the LOL at the end of Milo's tweet. Odd at best. Something is off here.


Do you mean besides Milo in general? :)

Somewhere In Time said...

That, and they probably feel sorry for her having a backwoods mental capacity.


But that never stopped them from outing any of the other sheeple!

fidosmommy said...

Admin said.....If true, common sense suggests that he was ticked off about all their financial wars and looking for financial information from her computer to end it. There was definitely an implication around that time that Kate was mismanaging or concealing money, though no one would outright say it. If Jon could prove that she actually had plenty of money, or misused the money she has, and need not have withdrawn from the account, that would have helped him.

Isn't it about this same time that Kate put a deadbolt lock on her bedroom door? I think I remember she thought Jon was stealing something from her. Since I doubt she had actual money in there, it could very well have been her computer to look for financial info.

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 9m
@Kateplusmy8 Some minds R like concrete...thoroughly mixed up and permanently set! #Haters with no compassion! @Bullyville

Except for the part about the haters, Milo could be talking about herself and Kate. Everyday, she's like a broken record, just saying the same thing over and over and over and over..........

Anonymous said...

Remona Blue said... 171

Anonymous said... 124
''Lana are you the tweeter "Lana B-banna" on Kate's TL?''
Good question. I've not read any of the responses, this is the first post I read since logging on. I do know that ''Lana'' was still unable to remember to double space after a period. So....denials won't work for me.


Denials won't work for you because I didn't remember to double space after a period? That doesn't even make sense. I guess I didn't use the space because on twitter you only have so many characters and I was still in twitter mode. I said I was Lana,no denials. Like I said, I asked Admin a question, she answered and I thanked her.


Somewhere In Time said...

@GilloryKaitlin @kateplusmy8 just start from the beginning!:)thats what I do!! And always catch cute things I mised the first time.:)

OY Vey


Yes, well, that comes from Gypsi. Consider the source.

Unknown said...

fidosmommy said... 192
''....Isn't it about this same time that Kate put a deadbolt lock on her bedroom door? I think I remember she thought Jon was stealing something from her. Since I doubt she had actual money in there, it could very well have been her computer to look for financial info''
Oh I don't know about her having actual money in her bedroom. I am positive I read that she had xxxxxThousands of money in cash (from the cash 'love offerings' and sale of the photos). I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that was true, and that she had it stashed in her bedroom!

fidosmommy said...

Clarification of my previous post. I don't believe Jon ACTUALLY took anything - but that Kate believed he was TRYING to get her hard drive. I truly do believe Robert found those disks in the trash and Jon took nothing from Kate. It will take a lot of proof to convince me otherwise.

I didn't make my previous post very clear.

PA Dutch Mom said...

"Did she just lie again on twitter when someone asked if the kids were expelled from school??? I am surprised she hasn't been bombarded with comments re that one! Oh that's right!!! Slap my head...they were "asked to leave for an extended period" they were not expelled"


It's her darn word games again. Semantics. Expelled is not a term used for that age group. She had no choice. She had to take them out. If saying that they were not expelled makes her feel better, then so be it. There are those who know differently.

Unknown said...

Anonymous (Lana) said... 194
''....Denials won't work for you because I didn't remember to double space after a period? That doesn't even make sense''
''Like I said, I asked Admin a question, she answered and I thanked her.''
Apparently, a LOT of things don't make sense to you. You support someone that abused her children and animals.

As I said....since Admin posted your comments we are 'aloud' Love you, Robert) to respond, whether it ''makes sense'' to you or not. It is irritating enough to read your pronouncements on twitter, but REALLY annoying to read them here!! I'm done with you.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Maybe the term "expelled" has changed since I was in school? It used to be a child was kicked out their school and had to attend another. They weren't allowed to return to the school they were attending. If that's still the case, Kate's kids weren't expelled.

fidosmommy said...

Remona Blue said....Oh I don't know about her having actual money in her bedroom. I am positive I read that she had xxxxxThousands of money in cash (from the cash 'love offerings' and sale of the photos). I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that was true, and that she had it stashed in her bedroom!


You're right! I did hear that, just forgot. Thanks.

prairiemary said...

kate, this is to you. When I lost my daughter to cancer, there was no way that I wanted to be in the same room as other kids her age. Nor could I stand to even look at pictures of healthy kids her age, whether they were relatives, friends or strangers. I just could not handle it. Now I am not speaking for this mom who lost her 2 daughters, but this is how I felt. Maybe she also feels like this, I don't know. But kate, keep those books and pictures of your kids AT HOME. Please do not bring them with you. Even if you do give all of the proceeds to the fund set up to help this mom, don't do it this way. Write out a big cheque(you know you can write a big one, and never feel it) and give it to the fundraiser, that is all you need to do. You do not need to be in that spotlight you love so much, this is not about you! Please, for once, do the right thing, and do it the right way. I know you can do it.

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