Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began."

"Mama always said dying was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't." ~Forrest Gump

Part of the reason yesterday's tragic events at the Boston Marathon has hit so hard at the heart of America, is because gathering together to run or cheer at a marathon is such an iconic part of who we are. Many runners seem to have an almost spiritual connection to the pavement, and even if running isn't for you, it's hard not to be inspired by such a remarkable accomplishment. Marathons have also traditionally been so welcoming to people of all challenges, from those in wheelchairs to the blind to the very old, and their stories have continued to inspire year after year.

Several films have been made exploring why people would want to subject themselves to such a difficult race, a race so hard it has made many runners sick and rarely, worse. But runners can't stop chasing after those 26.22 miles, and some even come back year after year. Perhaps the most beautiful cinematic look at long distance running is in the 1994 film Forrest Gump, in which Forrest passes a mountain lake in Glacier National Park so clear it looks like a mirror, and watches a breathtaking sunset in the desert (You can see a brief clip of some of these dramatic running scenes above).

And here are two of our favorite documentaries:

Spirit of the Marathon. Filmmaker John Dunham follows six runners from vastly different backgrounds as they train for the Chicago Marathon, exploring the history of marathons and the appeal of such an arduous challenge. (Netflix streaming, Amazon.)

Running the Sahara. America's Charlie Engle, Canada's Ray Zahab and Taiwan's Kevin Lin embark on an unprecedented quest to traverse the entire Sahara desert -- on foot. Along the way, the runners encounter the beauties and hardships that accompany modern African life. The only weak point in this documentary is watching Charlie become less and less of a team player as the run goes on, however, it is an honest look at the imperfections of human beings as they put their bodies and minds through tremendous strain. (Netflix streaming, Amazon.)

God bless all the runners and spectators hurt, killed or witness to the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon on Monday. Bring them peace.

1212 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Nancy said... 1

Well done and Amen :)

Dmasy said... 2

Administrator, thank you. My heart is full.

localyocul said... 3

Don't forget:


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 4


This is a nice opinion piece about a woman who has run the Boston marathon 8 times and once placed 10th, and says she will absolutely continue to run it.

Anonymous said... 5

People actually watch Piers Morgan? The guy is craaazzzzyyyy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 6

It's not Piers Morgan. The woman happens to have the same last name as his first, her name is Amy Piers. I've never seen his show myself! This article has no connection to Piers Morgan.

Yellow Roses and Dutch Tulips said... 7

Admin, God bless you for this tribute.
The locals in Boston and the outlying areas are in all our hearts and prayers.
One never knows when a life changing tragedy will occur. We've seen the heart and soul of these townships join together to assist the victims and their loved ones.
I know there are local therapists who've opened to their homes and offered their services to anyone in need. If you look at the google list it's an outpouring of kindness. A recent entry was from a therapist in the area who was offering to councel and house anyone affected.
America truly shines during these times. The spotlight desrves to be placed on the selfless individuals who have no agenda except to help those in need.
Prayers. I'm reading Corinthiums tonight.

Just Down The Road said... 8

@Kateplusmy8 @MegLinehan LOL To be honest...the State of Pennsylvania could use U guys as a state symbol! Think PA...think Kate+8! :)


Just when you think you hear everything that Milo could offer, she comes out with this. Thank goodness she lives in the south and nowhere near Pennsylvania. She'd camp out in Harrisburg with petitions to have a monument of Kate erected on the steps of the Capitol. She's nuttier than a fruitcake.

NJGal51 said... 9

To all those who turned and went toward the blast to help those who were injured. to those who opened their hearts and their homes. To all those in Boston who stepped up to the plate when needed, Mr. Rodgers said it better than I could.

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say "It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem." Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”
― Fred Rogers

OrangeCrusher1 said... 10

Thank you for the new post.

Meagler said... 11

The Boston Globe facebook page


fidosmommy said... 12

I'm reminded of the 80's movie "Chariots of Fire" where one runner ran to glorify God and another one ran to remove himself from the anti Semitism he faced in college in the 1920's. They both ran in the 1924 Olympic Games.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

NJ that is such wise words from Mr. Rodgers. I also saw that he once said that when he was a child and would see bad things on the news that scared him his mother would say whenever bad things on the news look for the helpers. The helpers are always there.

Wasn't that the truth. There is a cell phone video someone was taking as one of the blasts happened and you can see this very thing. Spectators who weren't hurt paused for at most three seconds due to shock and confusion, then immediately starting running toward the blast, toward the victims. They didn't know if there were more, they just saw people in distress who needed help. I think Boston has always been sort of the country's beloved kid brother, but now more than ever they have shown what salt of the earth people they are.

Mr Rodgers would have known just what to say right now.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 14

Also a head's up since stories of American heroism and courage can be especially helpful right now, John McCain's horrifying but inspiring story of imprisonment is going to be profiled on Locked Up Abroad tomorrow. National Geographic Channel.

Meagler said... 15

The Bostonglobe.com has also opened its website up to non subscribers if you are interested.

Melissa NV said... 16

To all those who turned and went toward the blast to help those who were injured. to those who opened their hearts and their homes.


I just heard an interview with Carlos, the man who helped the victim whose both legs were blown off. What a story, and what he did to help, risking his own life. Yes, I cried.

Anonymous said... 17

Kate Gosselin Supporters Accuse 'Bullies' Of Drug Charges, Death Threats, And Libel!By Perez Hilton

James McGibney has thrown down the gauntlet in his defense of Kate Gosselin.

The anti-bullying activist has begun publishing information attacks on those he considers to be Kate bullies, including a claim that one anti-Kate blogger was arrested on drug charges!

But the blogger (whose name will be left off this website) says it wasn't even she that was arrested! She says:

"No, that is not me. They are just posting anything on any (name redacted) they can find.

(Name redacted) is not even my real name, it is my aunt’s name. I started out using her name about 5 or 6 years ago. This is completely untrue."

Another of McGibney's- and Kate's- supporters says the same blog is responsible for death threats and libel! She says:

"It’s disgusting the lies they make up about people and this is what they do to Kate Gosselin and her children too."

As for Kate herself, she is firmly backing McGibney and his crusade.

We just wonder if they're on the side of the angels, or if they seem a little too much like bullies themselves?

Great article. The media is turning against her in this bullying crap.

Melissa NV said... 18

Also a head's up since stories of American heroism and courage can be especially helpful right now, John McCain's horrifying but inspiring story of imprisonment is going to be profiled on Locked Up Abroad tomorrow. National Geographic Channel.


Do you know if this is the same one that was shown prior to the campaign? That was such an inspiring story -- what he did and what he had to endure.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 19

@Kateplusmy8 @MegLinehan LOL To be honest...the State of Pennsylvania could use U guys as a state symbol! Think PA...think Kate+8! :)


Seriously Milo? You and your chum K8 looks absolutely ridiculous today given the real gravity of Boston. Maybe it's time you both just shut up for a few days.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 20

Melissa, oh, I don't know! I never saw what you're referring to. I assume it's going to be Locked Up Abroad's own version, they have their own format with reenactments and such. They usually do a great job.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 21

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h
@BullyVille Sorry but this weird #HowdyDoody look RH has is creepy! I feel bad 4 Kate having 2deal w/his obsessiveness over her & her kids!


WHO is obsessed over Kate and her kids? WHO, Milo??

As far as Kate being a "state symbol" of Pennsylvania, I'm sure all Pennsylvanians would appreciate that. Not that cliché ol' Liberty Bell or Constitution Hall, Ben Franklin, or Betsy Ross. No, let's do a woman who uses the number of kids in her name: K8.

On another note, thanks for such a nice post, Admin.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 22

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 I choose 2think hatred/cowardly acts R few & the goodness/kindness & brotherhood of man will always prevail! #HumanityWins :)


If "goodness/kindness & brotherhood of man" will always prevail (which I don't disagree with), why is Bullyville necessary again? And how does it fit into the equation? Bullyville doesn't dispense "goodness/kindness." What does it dispense then? The sheeple are hopeless.

Melissa NV said... 23

Melissa, oh, I don't know! I never saw what you're referring to. I assume it's going to be Locked Up Abroad's own version, they have their own format with reenactments and such. They usually do a great job.


Thanks, admin. I don't remember who produced it or when it was shown or on what channel. I just know that I watched it because I didn't know much about him at the time, and I was just so amazed and inspired of what that man went through as a POW. It was unbelievable.
For those who haven't seen his ordeal, it is so worth it to watch, no matter what your party affiliation is.

PatK said... 24

BV has now proclaimed the online war with the bullies is over and they have amassed the evidence they need for court.

It seems to me this online attack was a major fail on the part of McNipples and his band of mommy's basement dwellers.

Yes, take it to court and let's see where it goes. That's the proper venue.

However, I do wonder just what the goal was--besides making Kate a bigger laughing stock in the eyes of the very few who actually pay attention to her anymore? RH and Jon weren't brought down by any means. And her sheeple providing nothing new that wasn't already known is chuckle-worthy and only made them look like fools.

What a ridiculous clusterf*ck this is.

Unknown said... 25

PatK said... 25
''.....It seems to me this online attack was a major fail on the part of McNipples and his band of mommy's basement dwellers.''.....''RH and Jon weren't brought down by any means. And her sheeple providing nothing new that wasn't already known is chuckle-worthy and only made them look like fools.''
You are so right. Sounds like the saying from the 60's I repeated in the last topic came true.

''What if they gave a war, and nobody came?''

fidosmommy said... 26

I finally got on NovelRank and saw that Kate's book has sold roughly 50 copies on Amazon.com and another 3 on Amazon.ca. It's a blockbuster I tell you, a blockbuster.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 27

Seems to me there are problems with basic principles of a suit such as standing and damages/harm--and I'm curious the plan for how to get around those basic, fundamental issues.

Melissa NV said... 28

Prayers. I'm reading Corinthiums tonight.


Corinthiums? Do you mean Corinthians?

Most appropriate, in view of what is happening in the sheeple-hater war:

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." I Corinthians 13:11.

Most appropriate, in view of the love, kindness and unselfishness of those who risked their lives to help the injured yesterday:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. I Corinthians 13:4.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 29

The love passage is my favorite. For those religious or just curious, Brandon Heath has a beautiful song incorporating the passage. I think it works just as much as a secular song and very timely right now. This song always gives me tingles. What we saw in response to this tragedy is just love, unfailing love for our fellow man. The last time I felt this proud of my country was on 9-11.

"Love never fails you. When my heart won't make a sound, when I can't turn back around, when the sky is falling down, nothing is greater than this. Because love is right here, love is alive, love is the way, the truth, the life."


Melissa NV said... 30

Seems to me there are problems with basic principles of a suit such as standing and damages/harm--and I'm curious the plan for how to get around those basic, fundamental issues.


I'm curious, too, and also confused about how this works in a court of law. If there are 80 or so plaintiffs, and 10 defendants, can they just lump all the plaintiffs together going after all defendants, even if plaintiff 25 had no connection to defendant 4? I would think that #25 would have to show that he/she suffered damage by that particular defendant.

In the case of a class action filed against a corporation for not revealing a car's defects, the plaintiffs as a group have a valid complaint against that corporation, but in a scenario in the sheeple class-action, I just don't understand how that would work. A judge would be pulling his hair out. What do the sheeple think they will get out of this if anything? If the defendants would, in fact, be forced into settlement and they have nothing, what has been gained?

I would also think that the defendants would be able to have their side of the case heard, and after looking at some of the tweets/messages sent by the sheeple to the haters, it looks like both sides have a lot of explaining to do.

Anonymous said... 31

Great post, Admin. I appreciate it. Touching video scene.

Have questions about this purported lawsuit. When a lawsuit is filed, whether it is a class action or not, is it public record? And how would we (this blog) find out when and if a suit is filed?

Personally I don't think it will never be filed but you never know. That is why I would be interested in following this lawsuit if it materializes.

Thanks, Leslie

Pat said... 32

So much sadness.Little Martin,his mother and sister and Dad usually ran together. Today, yesterday, they were waiting for Dad to finish the Boston Run and Martin died when the first bomb went off, his mother is in critical condition with a head injury and his younger sister lost her leg.

After reading this Administrator's post, I thought this might be a spot to stop, Wrong as some people can do nothing without mentioning K and her children in a negative day. Let it go for a day as the Administrator's Post is more important and the Love of the Bible.

God Bless Us All and keep our children safe for we live in a different world.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 33

Leslie without knowing what they are suing FOR and WHERE I have no idea how to answer your question. Torts vary state to state. Emotional distress? Harassment? Emotional distress is very hard to prove usually. You can usually only recover from that if it were something truly horrific, like watching someone negligently kill your child. And the more removed you are the more unlikely you can recover, I remember cases where random bystanders would try to recover from seeing something horrific happen (for example, someone getting negligently run over) and usually they require you to know the person and have some kind of deep familial relationship to them. Not just oh I saw something traumatizing now pay up.

Class actions are usually reserved for large groups of people harmed by some kind of unsafe practice. Drugs, a workplace. Or those dime a dozen technology torts over some kind of unfair trade or misleading the consumer. I just got another one today over the game Madden and NCAA football. I'm not aware of anything remotely resembling the situation here. I can't recall ever hearing something remotely resembling this situation. If anyone else can come up with something I'd be interested in hearing it.

It seems like common sense would suggest that a restraining order is what you need if someone is harassing you. Why make yourself wait years and years, why not simply address the issue now? In fact that would seem to cut against your "claim", if it were so terrible what was happening to you why didn't you call the police or seek protection in court?

And honestly in fairness I do not know why it shouldnt be as easy as cake to shut down someone tweeting 70,000 harassing times or whatever it was. Shame on Twitter for that if they are not able to handle such a clear cut violation. Many other social media sites are much more strict about violations, I don't understand why Twitter acts so powerless.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 34

Others may disagree but I also think there is lightyears worth of difference between someone tweeting someone directly using their twitter name so that they see it or even if they are blocked it at least shows up on their timeline, versus someone simple discussing the person but not using their tweet name, or discussing the person elsewhere where that person would really have to seek it out to feel any upset over it.

These are called celebrity web sites. They have been around for a decade. They have their sandbox, and if celebrities would prefer not to see snark about them they don't have to go or even know about them.

TWOP is one of the oldest and best and no one whines about them. They are scathing. But funny. If you ever want to read a really GREAT recap, check out any one of the 7th Heaven recaps. They will make you pee your pants lol.

AuntieAnn said... 35

PatK said... 25
However, I do wonder just what the goal was--besides making Kate a bigger laughing stock in the eyes of the very few who actually pay attention to her anymore?


Well, this is what they said:

To be clear: It's not that we are "protecting" Kate Gosselin, it's that We are laughing our Collective asses off while turning your miserable fucking lives inside out for being Epic Failures as human beings.

I'm not sure how well that would read on the summons and complaint.

Heidi Ho Heidi Hi said... 36

The 70,000 tweets your talking about (#35)were not all directed to Kate. Not even close. There are a whole of bunch of tweets made to various people. Bullyboy lied.
Kate does not see them unless she looks for them after she logs out. The same way she comes here and other blogs, to see what you are talking about. I am one of the 'haters' in the middle of this. It was the defective detective and a fan named ZiggyFlo who supplied false information to Bulyville including yours Admin and other 'haters'

No worries, now, he blinked. It's over. He waved the white flag.

Anonymous said... 37

Auntie Ann #36, Who is "they" said? I am very curious. And where was this posted?

Thanks Admin, for the great answer.

Anonymous said... 38

(A little humor I found on web-Leslie)

After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Walmart.
Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women
she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Walmart:

Dear Mrs. Tinnon,
Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband, Mr.Tinnon, are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras:

1. June 15: He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people's carts when they weren't looking.

2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.

3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom.

4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice,'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away'. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time and costing the company money.

5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layaway.

6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.

7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and
blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.

8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' EMTs were

9. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.

10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.

11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.

12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look' by using different sizes of funnels.

13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'

14. October 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!'

And last, but not least:

15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.' One of the clerks passed out.

mimi said... 39

I read here but never post. i have been following this stuff with Kate for a couple of years, the whole hater/fan thing. I totally get that people do not like Kate,what I don't get is why people want to destroy Kate and why as adults that people think that is ok. from reading here I know that most of you seem very intelligent,but yet you try to justify things that are just plain wrong. Have you actually read about what has been done to innocent people in the name of hate for Kate Gosselin.There were people who had blogs in support of Kate just as admin has this blog and they and there families were harassed and bullied until they had to shut down and than they were still going after them. I sincerely ask this question because I have wondered this for a long time. What do you guys on this blog want the outcome for Kate to be? You keep hoping for Robert's book to come out to "finish her off". Do you want her in jail,penniless, the kids taken away, in a mental institution what would it take for the hate to stop? People crowing about how they out-lasted bulleyville and are proudly going to keep spewing filth is not an accomplishment in my book.

MJ said... 40

Kate Gosselin Using Boston Bombing Tragedy To Gain Attention, Wants To Run A Marathon For Victims

"If this had come from anyone else, especially someone who is from Boston, I would have bought it. Coming from Kate, it’s sickening and disgusting to think how far this women would go to increase her own fame."


TLC stinks said... 41

Great new post.

BV will file, it will be thrown out. He just likes the publicity. What he wants to happen is to win by default like the other lawsuit if he gets that far. Kate has never confirmed she is part of any lawsuit. If she has been so harassed, why hasn't she personally gone after these people? That would make more sense. No, she would rather play the victim. All of this was orchestrated in preparation for Robert's book. Damage control.

Interesting article this a.m. in Washington Post called "Taking to the Internet to Sound Off" in regards to celebrities. Basically it's about celebs using social media to quash rumors. This is not what traditional publicists would recommend....ignore it. Bottom line, celebs live in such a bubble that they think everyone is talking about them. The only ones in the world talking about Kate are a few blog sites and a handful of Tweeters. Robert found out that Radar was the only one interested. This has confirmed to me she is sooooooo over. Kate, it's reality check time., not the make believe world of TLC.

TJ said... 42

and thank goodness Jon remained quiet throughout all this...I can't believe it but so far he has....

Mel said... 43

I think the whole deal with BV was 1) Kate's vindictiveness (how dare they say anything bad about me) and 2) she was hoping to get a teevee circuit about it.

I jus cannot fathom why on earth she thought BV was a good idea. Sleazy, scummy, scandalous.

Just what every tv producer wants to be involved with. They do something Kate doesn't like, and bingo! THEY'RE being outed about something. Just what everyone wants to be involved with.

Catherine said... 44

Also, regarding the 70,000 tweets. That Twitter account was in use two years before Kate joined "modern tweeting society". Bullyville simply pulled "facts" out of his butt.

mamaK said... 45

Admin, thanks for posting that song. Great song for right now, and it helped to ease the ache in my heart for those in Boston.
"Give me your eyes" is another good one. (linked in the video you posted)
The greatest thing about this blog is how the readers here love to pull together and encourage each other. I wish the world could be more like this.

Michelle said... 46

And honestly in fairness I do not know why it shouldn't be as easy as cake to shut down someone tweeting 70,000 harassing times or whatever it was. Shame on Twitter for that if they are not able to handle such a clear cut violation. Many other social media sites are much more strict about violations, I don't understand why Twitter acts so powerless.
And if they're looking for money and publicity, that's who they should be suing!

Terri said... 47

I think it's kind of interesting that Bullyville says the war is over right after he starting going after the administrator of this site. I think the timing is suspicious at best. Seems like maybe someone on his "legal team" may have advised him to back down because now this was going to get really really ugly. I may be way off base here but I don't think so. By the way, I love coming here to read all of the interesting comments on a variety of subjects.

Improbable Dreams said... 48

For runners (and those who participate in Marathoners for their own enjoyment rather than for p.r. purposes), in the aftermath of the horrific bombings in Boston:


TLC stinks said... 49

BAHAHA. MsGoody2sh*ts is getting attacked on Bullyville TL for continuing on the war by bashing Jon.everyone else wants to move on.

Who's The Bully Now said... 50

MsGoody2Shoes21 has been on a real rant about Jon (I know, what's new?) and has been tweeting everything from him being an abuser, deadbeat dad who can't keep a job and she's now saying he's a waiter or busboy. People have been calling her out on it because BV said the war is over. I've listed a partial conversation below. Kate really does need to tell this particular individual to stop and stop now. Ever since many of the "haters" have left Kate's twitter it has been pretty much dead. Kate needs the "bullies" to keep her relevant because reading how GR88888 K8 is is boring to everyone but K8 and Milo.

Someone asked Goody if Kate had her blocked and Goody replied: No, Kate does not have me blocked.

Another individual said: She should cuz u r being a bully.

To which Goody replied: Bully my ass. Jon is not on Twitter and even if he was I'd discuss his latest funk up.

And finally, someone called Goody out on HER bullying: Now it can b admitted it's not bullying. You said so right here.

lukebandit said... 51

The Celebrity Laundry article is scathing. It gives kate the ol' one, two punch. If you go there, they have other articles with pictures and the headlines are horrible.

Why, Why, WHY does she do this? Her children have already seen or will see this.

Can't we petition Twitter to shut her account down after her stupidity making the Boston situation all about her?

The article is 100% scathing about kate using the Boston situation all about her. Actually, I was kinda surprised that it went that far.

It is about time!


LisaNH said... 52

I have to say, being a life long New Englander, the attack at the Marathon were shocking. But as much sorrow at that attack produced, it also made me very proud to live in this part of the country. I haven't been proud of New England in a long time, but that changed Monday.

The irony in all of this, is the fact that the pinheads who did this chose the wrong time and place for it. Patriots Day (and the Boston Marathon) is a day to celebrate the events that took place on April 19, 1775, "the Shot Heard Round the World" when the British Regulars marched to Concord & Lexington to take their stores of ammo and artillary. But what the Regulars, a professional well trained army, met with was something that only Americans are capable of, resistence in the form of Provincial farmers, mechanics, tradesmen, tavern keepers ect...The Regulars had no idea that these simple people would rise up and not only chase them back to Boston, but in the years ahead, defeat a world power to create their own nation.

So to the terrorists who placed those bombs at the Marathon are clearly misguided in their attempts. With the kind of history that New England and the Unite States has, of strength and resolve, we will not be victims. We are tough and the terrorists, no matter who they are, simply cannot and will not win.

Vanessa said... 53

Thanks Admin, great post.
"However, Kate Gosselin, like the fame hungry, attention seeking twat that she is, has announced that she wants to run a marathon for all the victims following the Boston tragedy."

Well BV? Are you naming Celeb Dirty Laundry in your suit? Those meanies called your pooor wittle Khatie a TWAT! A fame hungry one at that! Seriously, what a joke. She sees nothing wrong with what she tweeted, but the rest of the NORMAL world does.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 54

Beautifully touching post.

Good for the soul.

Mel said... 55

“All I want 2 do today is RUN in honor of those whose lives were 4ever changed bc of the Boston tragedy – hope 2 decrease stress #prayforboston.”

Do y'all think she meant run a marathon? Or did she mean for herself to go on a personal run for the day?

She'd really have to run a marathon this time...not ride a scooter part of the time. Or have her running girl wear Kate's tag on her shoe.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 56

Well BV? Are you naming Celeb Dirty Laundry in your suit? Those meanies called your pooor wittle Khatie a TWAT! A fame hungry one at that! Seriously, what a joke. She sees nothing wrong with what she tweeted, but the rest of the NORMAL world does.


Good for them calling her out on this. Celebrity sites have been calling out celebrities on their bad behavior since the beginning of the internet. As far as I'm concerned we are a celebrity site. Certainly a very niche site (although, growing a bit broader in the past few years), but there are lots of niche sites. We are no different than Celeb Dirty Laundry, Celebitchy, TWOP, Perez Hilton, Realitytea, that popular blog who called her a gaping maw of a fame hole (forgot the name lol), and hundreds more. I think if the idea to try to interfere with a site that does not directly contact a celebrity but stays in their sandbox and snarks, is just ridiculous, unconstitutional, and hypocritical--if they come after one then ALL those sites who have snarked on this saga should be gone after.

Anonymous said... 57

Amen, Admin. James McNibbets said he that the local tv station in the hometown of Lisa (other blog owner) wanted to interview her. Never happened.

Oh, also that he was going to put up a billboard with up photo in Lisa's area. Never happened.

Didn't James also say that CNN was interested in this story? Never happened.

McGoody has tweeted over 20+ hateful tweets about Jon this morning. The tweets that we have already seen her tweet about over and over. She is obsessed with her hate for Jon. Kate is not stopping it. That means she is condoning her bashing Jon.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 58

she's now saying he's a waiter or busboy


I have no idea if that's true, but so what? That is an honorable job and something where people can make a lot in tips. And often it makes a good second job because the hours are often in the evening, if that's the intent.

This disgusting attitude looking down on the mediocre is shameful. At least Jon is not exploiting his kids. At least whatever he is doing, he can deposit his checks with his head held high knowing HE earned that money and not his eight-year-olds for heaven sake. I don't care if he has to shovel manure, you do what you have to do to support your kids so THEY don't have to. This is America.

Mimi, that's what I would like. For these parents to get jobs that do not exploit their kids. That means no putting their photos all over a cookbook, and no putting them on trashy reality shows like CWS.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 59

While I don't think that Katie was talking about a marathon per se in her ill timed tweet, but more just about running to relieve HER stress (I mean, pay the marathon fees out of HER pocket, c'mon now), I am not unhappy that a gossip site picked it up and trashed her. Time to get off Twitter before you look any more foolish. You too, Milo. Go away.

Midnight Madness said... 60

If she has been so harassed, why hasn't she personally gone after these people?


That's an easy one. Then she'd have to pay attorneys out of her own pocket. I would imagine that she already has quite an attorney's fee to pay. If she files class action, she doesn't need to pay an attorney -- their fees come out of the final settlement, if there is one.

JoyinVirginia said... 61

Another very sad story I read about on google news, link to Philly.com in Quakertown in Bucks CountyPA, a man apparently was overcome by carbon monoxide from a running car in a garage, and one by one his wife then 16 and 10 year old daughters succumbed to CO also as they tried to get to him. It's always so very sad when children die, especially something like this that was preventable.
Luke bandit, thanks for the info on the celeb dirty laundry story. Ms Kreider is irrelevant, and the self centered twit has managed to enrage people with her twidiot. Posters here tried to tell Ms Kreider to get off twitter, but would she listen? Of course not, the twidiot!

FYI said... 62

Kudos to celebritydirtylaundry for calling Kate out on making what happened in Boston all about her. But that's what Kate does-it's her MO. Remember, she did the same thing during Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Sandy, and Newtown.

She just can't say that she's sorry for what happened and is praying for the victims and leave it at that, like most celebrities do. No, she has to make it all about her, as if she were the only one affected.

She makes me sick.

Phone-a-friend said... 63

I'd be willing to bet that this whole thing is being orchestrated behind the scenes. Kate can say she's been away from Twitter and didn't see those hateful (bullying?) tweets on her timeline.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 64

I don't think she meant a marathon either, just a daily run. The problem with the tweet in my opinion was that part about being stressed and using this run to relieve stress. That may absolutely be true, but to say so makes it seem like you're only concerned with how YOU feel.

Lots of runners said they were dedicating their run to the victims yesterday. No problem. The problem was turning it around and saying I'm scared to run a marathon, I'm scared to take my kids out, I'm stressed and am running to relieve stress (oh and for the victims too, yeah them too.). Me, me, me. How this tragedy has caused upheaval in MY charmed life, meanwhile many victims were in surgery getting amputations.

It should have been just, I'm dedicating the run today to the victims. Period. Leave out me, I and myself. They called her out on it as they had every right to do. Also if this was the only me, myself and I slip she ever made, there would be a lot more leeway. But she turns every.single.thing around about her. Enough is enough.

Vanessa said... 65

Mel said-"Do y'all think she meant run a marathon? Or did she mean for herself to go on a personal run for the day?"

I also took it as she wanted to just run, but hoping that one of her twits would gush and beg beg BEG her to organize a charity marathon or something... her tweet just screams "Let's bring this conversation back to ME ME ME. How does this tragedy affect ME ME ME. Please tell me my twitheads"

She is evil said... 66

Karmic perfection. Kate's horrible personality and vindictiveness have put an end to any hopes of a media career. All that struggling and fighting and plastic surgery to stay in the spotlight has backfired on her. The irony is that if she had just walked the walk and been a loving involved mother to those kids and a respectful wife or ex-wife to Jon, she'd probably still be out there. Her own worst enemy.

Midnight Madness said... 67

McGoody has tweeted over 20+ hateful tweets about Jon this morning. The tweets that we have already seen her tweet about over and over. She is obsessed with her hate for Jon. Kate is not stopping it. That means she is condoning her bashing Jon.

Goody is ill, and I don't mean that to be cruel. There's either substance or alcohol going on there, added to a deep hatred of men. There are times when she appears "normal," only to later go off on one of her hateful tirades. I just wonder if she has nobody in her life who can get her the help that she needs. Mental illness is no laughable matter.

Kate should know this and neither acknowledge her or retweet any of those rants.

Vanessa said... 68

Admin said- "Also if this was the only me, myself and I slip she ever made, there would be a lot more leeway. But she turns every.single.thing around about her. Enough is enough."
That's exactly it! She's so predictable, yet she still makes you shake your head! And it's not like she's not being TOLD every single time she does this, be it her "haters", the tabs, the blogs... she STILL can't (will never) grasp this concept-EMPATHY. She "tried" to say something right, tried to "fake" it, but failed (as always) miserably. And that tweet was to get her ego fed, that's it, that's all.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 69

If this bulleyville crapola has not sealed her media fate, then the cat certainly has more than 9 lives. Between Milo on one side with HER weird obsessions and MsGoody on the other with her unexplainable and numerous nasty rants about the ex, it is clear there are no professional publicists or other 'people' guiding KG.Hopefully the drain that they are all circling opens up and swallows them soon. Maybe they can swim to China in the hole Kate keeps digging.

Phone-a-friend said... 70

I respectfully disagree. She could shut down Goody & her ilk with a general tweet, not directed at her specifically.

You might say it better, and so could Kate, if she wanted to. But if she's really invested in this Stop the Bullying campaign & not seeing it as a one-way street, she should interject with something along the lines of:, Please don't tweet negative messages about Jon on my timeline, out of respect for our children.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 71

I were under some kind of underground grassroots attack?

Breaking news, now they found a suspicious substance in a letter to Obama too.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 72

She is Evil, myself and many people here have said this for years....in the end she will bring herself down. That there's nothing anyone can do to help, she will handle her demise all by herself. I remember even saying that with the cruise, trust me just let it ride, she will screw it up herself without help.

We were exactly right then and now.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 73

Michelle, exactly! Am I missing something here? I could totally support this--how about a real campaign against Twitter for not responding to complaints about bullies and harassment? I'm more concerned about young people on twitter but it would be nice if celebs like Kate were able to legitimately shut down people being so vile and threatening.

Twitter should ban accounts that are harassing and ban the person's IP. I am not aware of any constitutional right to use Twitter, I think they could do that easy as pie without any legal issues. Other sites have done it. Forums do it all the time.

No one on that side has asked in all this, Where is Twitter? Why don't they care??

TLC stinks said... 74

She was a Red Cross supporter, right (remember the blanket picture?). Why doesn't she do something on twitter like encourage people to donate blood for Boston hospitals? Has she ever donated blood?

Midnight Madness said... 75

I remember even saying that with the cruise, trust me just let it ride, she will screw it up herself without hel


I think in that case that she did have a bit of help from Cindy and the vetting detective. Would the cruise have happened if those two hadn't had their hands in it? Not sure, because the cruise was so poorly organized from the beginning, but those two certainly did contribute to its demise.

Heck, even the secretaries knew that was never gonna happen!

TLC stinks said... 76

If Robert did indeed get death threats via email, he should pursue this because I bet some familiar sheeple names would be involved.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 77

Vanessa this is where just having a few honest friends are your lifesaver.

She could phone one up and say hey could you help me with this. Should I tweet something about Boston? This is what real celebs do all the time, ask for opinion and input on things they say.

Her friend could say yes I think so but just make it very simple say that you are shocked and saddened and your prayers go out to the victims and families.

Kate would say but I'm a runner shouldn't I say something about that?

And here her friend could say no don't mention that, it's hard to say something about that without making it look like it's all about you even if it's not.

Friends. Honest friends. They are important.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 78

Guys, they're finding suspicious packages all throughout the Capitol.

The Capitol building is being evacuated.

I'm praying for our country right now. God bless everyone and stay safe.

Midnight Madness said... 79

Admin -- are you watching CNN? Now there is a suspicious package in a senator's office, other letters are very similar to the one that tested positive for ricin.

The letter sent to Obama tested positive for ricin, but was intercepted at a mail facility. They are also saying that there is no indication of a connection to the Boston attack.

This appears to be widespread in Washington; it's not a single incident.

Midnight Madness said... 80

Weren't the anthrax attacks within a week after the 9/11 attacks? Did they ever find the person who was responsible?

Sherry Baby said... 81

She could phone one up and say hey could you help me with this. Should I tweet something about Boston? This is what real celebs do all the time, ask for opinion and input on things they say.

I agree, admin, but wouldn't a person with any intelligence at all (plus logical thinking) be able to come up with this on her own? She's not a young kid. She should be able to think for herself. This is what is just so upsetting. She is consistent in doing these things without thinking. She just can't seem to be able to figure out the appropriate thing to do in certain situations. I just wonder why, after all of this time, she can't see that she's making it all about her, and continues to do so. Something in her brain just isn't coming together to make intelligent decisions. She screwed up royally getting herself involved with bullyville, and she doesn't seem to be able to learn from her mistakes.

What she really needs to do right now is to lay down the law with Goody and tell her that all of this Jon bashing needs to cease...immediately. She wasn't afraid to tell the Detective to stop tweeting her with the hate tweets or she'd have to block her. I wonder why she just refuses to address the Jon bashing rants that Goody seems to be obsessed with on a regular basis.

Sherry Baby said... 82

She was a Red Cross supporter, right (remember the blanket picture?). Why doesn't she do something on twitter like encourage people to donate blood for Boston hospitals? Has she ever donated blood?


The Red Cross/Boston hospitals made an announcement yesterday that they were not in need of any blood at that time.

FYI said... 83

@BullyVille Could U DM 4 a few minutes?

@BullyVille I need U 2follow 4 a few minutes?

@Bullyville...DM sent...thanks! :)

Seems like Milo was awfully desperate to get in touch with Bullyville. She was tweeting to gypsi earlier about the account that was impersonating her. Is she now requesting bullyville to "take them down"?

Perhaps she should file a report with twitter-not just tweeting to twitter support about it. As far as I can tell, that account no longer exists.

Ex Nurse said... 84

Mimi said.....
There were people who had blogs in support of Kate just as admin has this blog and they and there families were harassed and bullied until they had to shut down and than they were still going after them.
Mimi--your concerns are shared by many of the posters on this blog. Most, if not all, of the extremely hateful posters have left this blog because it is just too civil for them. Speaking for myself, I don't see the point in releasing the book. As we have all seen throughout this Bullyville saga, there is very little interest in Kate--as an entertainer, as a child-rearing expert, as an author, as a spokesperson for anything, as an interviewer or any other career she has tried to launch. Kate has always thought that she is entitled to the perks of fame, with none of the minuses. It doesn't work that way.

Her only talent is using her children as a launch pad for herself. I am sickened by this, as well as her greed and pathetic bids for attention. She has said that she would allow her family to be filmed until they were 18 years old. Thankfully, no one has taken her up on this, because she would sell every private moment of her children's precious childhood.

There are a few posters that are cheering the release of the book, but, I think that the numbers are dwindling. As has been predicted here, for years, when Kate flames out. It will be spectacular. And, that is exactly what has happened. Without the continued harassment and drama on twitter from the haterz, there is no one enabling Kate by making her a victim, and, any one who still cares to look will see her for what she is.

localyocul said... 85

Fired Up 4 Kate (@MiloandJack) tweeted at 0:26 PM on Wed, Apr 17, 2013:
@Bullyville...DM sent...thanks! :)

Midnight Madness said... 86

Breaking News...

"Officials believe bomb suspect ID'd. Video from department store, television station believed to have helped."

localyocul said... 87

Kate is a twit said... 84
@BullyVille Could U DM 4 a few minutes?

@BullyVille I need U 2follow 4 a few minutes?

@Bullyville...DM sent...thanks! :)

Seems like Milo was awfully desperate to get in touch with Bullyville. She was tweeting to gypsi earlier about the account that was impersonating her. Is she now requesting bullyville to "take them down"?

Perhaps she should file a report with twitter-not just tweeting to twitter support about it. As far as I can tell, that account no longer exists


I saw this too..or maybe she's not happy that BV has "ended" the war. Two days ago she tweeted BV asking when the big reveals would be because "the haters were still on Kate's TL all morning." LOLOL

Dutch Tulip said... 88

Ex Nurse said...Her only talent is using her children as a launch pad for herself.

For me that's the reason why Robert's book should be re-released so if anybody want to hire Kate because of her kids that someone should know how these kids have paid and paid and paid for their mom's career in tevee!

Millicent said... 89

Admin said:

I have no idea if that's true, but so what? That is an honorable job and something where people can make a lot in tips. And often it makes a good second job because the hours are often in the evening, if that's the intent.
Exactly. I don't think Jon is working as either a waiter or busboy, but if it came out that he was doing so, as a second job, good for him. Responsible parents often hold more than one job in order to make the bills. If you are working your primary job during the day, tending bar or waiting tables at night would fit into that schedule at bring in some much needed money. There's no shame in that.

My friend's husband works two jobs - his regular day job and then an overnight shift at a local grocery store, stocking shelves. That's a pretty "mediocre" job, but he does it because this second employer provides insurance coverage for the man and his family.

This Goody person is clearly unbalanced. The way she rants on and on about Jon, I'd not be surprised to learn it was one of Kate's alter egos.

To Mimi: I do not want the total destruction of Kate. I do not hate Kate. I despise her for what she has done to her children, how she used them from the very start to make money, how she was and is very cruel to them. I have said many times that what I want is for those children to be free of their mother's control. If they were to live 100% of the time with Jon and no longer have to endure their mother's behavior - I would be so very happy for them.

As to Kate, I don't need to wish good or bad for her. She is mentally ill, and she is her own worst enemy. She will bring about her own downfall - in fact, she's already done quite a bit of that.

At one time, she had amazing opportunities at her fingertips. She was part of a highly rated cable tv show. She was being touted as this great mother. K-Mart was considering having her do a line of children's clothing for them; TLC was considering spinning her off onto her own show (Twist of Kate), she was on DWTS, she guest hosted on The View; she was invited to attend various celebrity events. And for each opportunity - she soured it all on her own, by her demanding behavior, her unprofessionalism, her massive ego, and her mental illness.

Her stint on DWTS could have led to further tv opportunities -- except that the general public that hadn't known Kate before, or had thought of her only as a somewhat frazzled mom of 8 - found her immensely unlikeable.

Many people who didn't really know her saw her on Sarah Palin's short-lived reality show, in her visit to Alaska. Oh man - that was a complete disaster. A grown woman, crying because it was drizzling on her. They saw her nastiness toward one of the Palin children. They saw her nastiness toward her own children. Again - the general public found her immensely unlikeable.

I didn't wish that on her, nor did my comments on this blog cause Kate to behave like the immensely unlikeable person she is. Kate did that all by herself.

Anonymous said... 90

I wanted to post this because I think it is a compassionate and spiritual way to feel some kind of peace during these types of events.

The news reports are marketing the FEAR aspect to keep us glued to the coverage. All I ask is that if you read this, please read the entire posting before commenting, if you want to comment on it. (when it says darkness, it means evil, when it says light, it means love)

This was taken from a Facebook page.

F = False
E = Evidence
A = Appearing
R = Real

No matter who or what perpetuated the recent violence, please don't allow yourself to go into darkness. Stay in the light! Avoid the obsessive mainstream media and conspiracy reports about "Who did it?"

In the end, darkness did it. And the more we focus upon darkness, the more power we give to it. Darkness wants us to be afraid. And if we succumb to fear, we all lose.

Yes, the mainstream news is giving misleading information. That's what they always do.

Yes, the conspiracy theories are fear-based too.

Stay away from both of them for the time being.

If you want the true news, close your eyes, breathe, silence your mind and say, "God please help me to know the truth."

And then listen to the thoughts and feelings that appear.

God will always tell you the truth.


Ex Nurse said... 91

Dutch Tulip said...
For me that's the reason why Robert's book should be re-released so if anybody want to hire Kate because of her kids that someone should know how these kids have paid and paid and paid for their mom's career in tevee!
I guess that we will have to agree to disagree on this. IMO, the kids would be best served by her just fading away. In any case, I think we can agree that she brought this on herself.

Hopefully, Robert has had the time to a lot of editing and reformatting to make it readable this time around.

AuntieAnn said... 92

Anonymous (Leslie)said... 38

Auntie Ann #36, Who is "they" said? I am very curious. And where was this posted?


Leslie, BV posted a link to where it was stored on pastebin. He claims he did not author or host it, just something about pissing off the hive. I won't post the link, but it is still there on the timeline on Bullyville twitter (April 3 - #a lesson in comprehension).

I posted that comment mainly as snark because I'm confused as to how he intends to file a lawsuit for bullying yet claims that he has to bully the bullies to stop them. ??? I would like to know how the courts would sort that one out. BVman isn't exactly the poster child for unwavering integrity and neither is Kate. As I've said before, good luck to BV for opening that Pandora's Box. I don't think he's done his Kate Gosselin research. ha!

Vanessa said... 93

"She could phone one up and say hey could you help me with this. Should I tweet something about Boston? This is what real celebs do all the time, ask for opinion and input on things they say."
Yes,Admin, for you and me this would be normal behaviour. A naricissist HAS NO FRIENDS (we all know this about her)Having friends is too risky, they'd see the REAL Khate. She would never tolerate any constructive criticism. She would never ask for any advice because she would never admit to not KNOWING IT ALL! As time goes on, she knows less and less because she hasn't made any effort to learn/grow...Many of us have said she's stuck at 13!

Midnight Madness said... 94

Sent to Kate one hour ago:

katesmate ‏@katesmate1 1h
@Kateplusmy8 rise and shine kate, my two beautiful girls are asleep and your 8 are probs just rising, have a great day xx

You just have to shake your head...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 95

This Goody person is clearly unbalanced. The way she rants on and on about Jon, I'd not be surprised to learn it was one of Kate's alter egos.

It's not. She was outed a long, long time ago...location, name, photos, job history, etc.

I continue to be disappointed that three or so non-fans continue their Twitter activity. Why? I just don't understand why they fail to realize that this what she wants -- she NEEDS them to keep her going on there, and they are giving that to her.

Ex Nurse said... 96

“All I want 2 do today is RUN in honor of those whose lives were 4ever changed bc of the Boston tragedy – hope 2 decrease stress
If this is true, she really is showing the truth about just how much she cares for her children. My first instinct would be to hold my children close to me. Not to leave my children for the day. She has absolutely zero attachment to her children.

After 9/11, my husband and I went to the local blood bank to donate blood. The line was several blocks long. Everyone said that they felt so helpless, but that they wanted to help somehow.

Dutch Tulip said... 97

Ex Nurse said... 92 the kids would be best served by her just fading away.

That's just the point, Kate will never give up her dreams of being a star. Every time I think she's done she finds some new way to stay in the picture and I believe she knows she's nothing without those kids so she will keep on using them.

Michelle said... 98

rainbowsandunicorns said... 96

I continue to be disappointed that three or so non-fans continue their Twitter activity. Why? I just don't understand why they fail to realize that this what she wants -- she NEEDS them to keep her going on there, and they are giving that to her.

Baffling to me as well. The behavior of the non-fans on Twitter is more annoying to me than Goody's anti-Jon rantings. Ignoring Kate and her fans drives them crazy and I can't believe they just keep feeding them.

Ex Nurse said... 99

Dutch Tulip said...
Every time I think she's done she finds some new way to stay in the picture
I don't see her in any picture. If I didn't look for her, I wouldn't have a clue what she is doing. Robert has made all of his materials available to any news outlet. He has said that, other than ROL, there is absolutely no interest.

At this point, it seems like people will block her from ever working at any project--even if it doesn't involve the kids. I don't care what she does, or that she is only known because of her kids. As long as the kids aren't being filmed or involved in her "jobs", she can do what she wants. Clearly, the kids are no longer a draw, as her abysmal cookbook sales demonstrate.

The kids are at a vulnerable stage in their lives, and I believe that having some peace and shelter from the public is more important than their mother getting her comeuppance. She is a miserable and unhappy person--I am satisfied that Karma will do the rest of the job of leveling consequences for her actions.

Somewhere In Time said... 100

If this is true, she really is showing the truth about just how much she cares for her children. My first instinct would be to hold my children close to me. Not to leave my children for the day.


Sorry, but I don't see that this has anything to do with how much she cares for her children. She did not say that she wanted to take off to parts unknown to run in a marathon. She said she wanted to run, which could have meant her usual running route. This was tweeted yesterday morning. The kids were in school. She would not have been leaving her children for the day.

The fact that she made this about her, and wanting to de-stress, is what she does. It comes as no surprise.

Anonymous said... 101

These are excerpts from the post by BV called Pure Evil: See below for the full post.

I’m praying every day that you are successful in ending this horrific bullying. I’m sure the lies they tell about Kate and her children have cost KATE many job opportunities. Many of the stories in the tabloids come straight from these bullies. Kate needs to support eight children all by herself and these bullies are trying to stop her from being able to provide for her family so I pray you are successful.

I own a internet doll restoration and selling web site which the bullies have gone after, and I am now completely disabled and have a severe heart problem and two recent severe heart attacks. The doctors know my situation with the bullying and they strongly believe that the heart attacks were set off by the extreme stress I’ve been under from these bullies attacking me day after day, year after year. None of the things they accused me of are true. I’ve seen them do the same thing to Kate Gosselin and her children. They have attacked other Kate Gosselin fans in the same manner but there are only a few of us they are obsessed with and the most vile with Kate’s most loyal fans like me. These bullies have hacked into my financial accounts, gone after my family and yes even the children in my family. I’m hoping and praying with all my heart that you are successful in stopping for good these vicious people. It’s hard to believe that grown adults act this way. I’ve never encountered in my whole life anyone as evil as these people are.
I will admit it was so bad I considered suicide but then I realized the bullies would win if I did and I have too much to live for. I refuse to let them win no matter how many lies and death threats they throw at me.

What she forgot to say is she has a pro-Kate website...Ziggy something. I find it strange she happened NOT to mention this little fact.


BV just believes her every word that the "haters" are costing Kate many job opportunities. What proof does she have to say this?

You would think if this post were true that the "haters" have hacked her financial accounts, went after her family, caused her suicidal thoughts & 2 heart attacks, caused her "extreme stress", death threats, extreme lies, gone after her doll business, etc. she would have closed her website or not posted on ROL incessantly. But no, she claims she is 100% innocent in all of this. Why hasn't she contacted the police for the death threats, going after her family, and hacking her financial accounts?

Everyone please go read this post. This post called "Pure Evil" is why BV is suing Lisa and others. I am so floored by all of this; it is craziness.

prairiemary said... 102

Could someone please tell me what DM stands for?

TLC stinks said... 103

RT @KarmaVille: There comes a time in life when you need to choose between turning the page or closing the book.
2 hr ago from web

A way of saying move on sheeple.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 104

Everyone please go read this post. This post called "Pure Evil" is why BV is suing Lisa and others. I am so floored by all of this; it is craziness.


This is from Lexxi. Enough said.

Call Me Crazy said... 105

Hi heather,

While I agree that "If it bleeds, it leads" is a prevailing mentality throughout all news media, I don't think the answer is to ignore the "darkness" in the world.

Trying to figure out who committed this heinous act has nothing to do with going "into darkness" and staying "in the light!" Avoiding "the obsessive mainstream media and conspiracy reports about 'Who did it?'" is akin to burying our heads in the sand.

You wrote "In the end, darkness did it. And the more we focus upon darkness, the more power we give to it. Darkness wants us to be afraid. And if we succumb to fear, we all lose."

In the end, there is a person or persons behind the darkness, or evil. Focusing on bringing that person or persons to justice does not mean we are succumbing to fear. It means we are committed to attacking the fear and fighting back against it. The citizens of our great nation have shown time and time again, year upon year, that we won't succumb to fear, no matter who is perpetrating it.

You said that "Yes, the mainstream news is giving misleading information. That's what they always do."

This may be true, but we differ in our opinions about why the news media gives misleading information. Sure, sensationalism sells. But I don't see it as a sinister way to promote fear. The better explanation is that news outlets report EVERY tiny shred of information they get, whether verified or not, simply to avoid being scooped by another news source.

Most rational individuals should know to be skeptical about reports and information that come out early in tragedies such as this. These are very fluid situations where fact and speculation and rumor all get jumbled together. Over time, the wheat is sorted from the chaff. While there is much to criticize the news organizations for, in the end they serve a vital purpose in disseminating information.

It seems to me that anyone who asks God to "please help me to know the truth," and believes that "God will always tell you the truth" must also acknowledge that God is helping us "know the truth" through the news media.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 106

Sorry, but I don't see that this has anything to do with how much she cares for her children. She did not say that she wanted to take off to parts unknown to run in a marathon. She said she wanted to run, which could have meant her usual running route. This was tweeted yesterday morning. The kids were in school. She would not have been leaving her children for the day.


I agree. The children had school and that's where they should have been. Keeping her kids with her would have done what? The bombings shouldn't have been kept hidden from the kids, but you don't keep them at home. They need to maintain their school schedule and be around their teachers and friends as they would on any school day.

Marie said... 107

Prairiemary - Direct Message in Twitter.


PatK said... 108

localyocul said... 88

I saw this too..or maybe she's not happy that BV has "ended" the war. Two days ago she tweeted BV asking when the big reveals would be because "the haters were still on Kate's TL all morning." LOLOL


localyocul, I agree that Milo was probably DM'ing BV to express her displeasure with them pulling out of the online end of it, and wanting to find out details of any new secret plan of attack. I do believe it was Lights Out time before this edict was posted by BV last night. She is Kate's self-appointed guardian after all, and needs to inform her as to where things stand.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 109

Kate really needs to get off twitter.


Anonymous said... 110

I just came across something interesting. I went to Lisa's website: RWA...you know the one that McNibblets is purportedly suing or whatever. What is interesting is at the top of her website in very large letters it says: This Is A Parody Site

I would think if this beyond stupid case goes anywhere near an attorney or court that this statement claiming her website is a parody site would greatly help her. Also at the top of her site it says: Keeping The Sheeple In Check Since 2008. So Lisa is clearly letting anyone who is interested in posting there know what the intentions of her parody website are.

fidosmommy said... 111

Hacking into another person's financial accounts is a form of identity theft, an actionable cause. My friend is fighting this very thing right now. U.S. Marshals were called in on day 1 because she found out about it immediately. This person saying Kate haters have harmed her needs to get off Twitter and get on the phone to someone who can actually do something about it.

Silimom said... 112

Somewhere in time - nicely said. I too did not interpret her "I want to run" comment as a "I want to run a marathon in honor of the victims and so I can de-stress" but as a "I want to run today to honor the victims and show that I am not going to stop running because of this act of terror. And I want to de-stress" but I suspect the destress part is from all the BV shenanigans, not the bombing".

Even with Kate, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Silimom said... 113

Ex-Nurse 100: The kids are at a vulnerable stage in their lives, and I believe that having some peace and shelter from the public is more important than their mother getting her comeuppance. She is a miserable and unhappy person--I am satisfied that Karma will do the rest of the job of leveling consequences for her actions.

Amen. As I've said before, in the end both Jon and Kate will be accountable to their kids for the choices they made. Those 8 people are the only ones they owe anything to.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 114

This person saying Kate haters have harmed her needs to get off Twitter and get on the phone to someone who can actually do something about it.


Honestly, Fido, I don't think that it ever happened. The person who wrote to bully about it is not the most credible person. She has a history of, let's just say, embellishment.

Bad Behavior said... 115

Anonymous said... 105
I just came across something interesting. I went to Lisa's website: RWA...you know the one that McNibblets is purportedly suing or whatever. What is interesting is at the top of her website in very large letters it says: This Is A Parody Site

I would think if this beyond stupid case goes anywhere near an attorney or court that this statement claiming her website is a parody site would greatly help her. Also at the top of her site it says: Keeping The Sheeple In Check Since 2008. So Lisa is clearly letting anyone who is interested in posting there know what the intentions of her parody website are.


Claiming your site is a parody site doesn't give you carte blanche to harass and stalk people. If she is doing what she is accused of doing, what difference does it make if her site is a "parody" site? That makes the behavior acceptable in your book?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 116

I saw this too..or maybe she's not happy that BV has "ended" the war. Two days ago she tweeted BV asking when the big reveals would be because "the haters were still on Kate's TL all morning." LOLOL


I imagine by now BV had it up the gazoo with Gladys Kravitz!!

Chia said... 117

BV really showed how honorable he is by asking for AND RECEIVING an apology from Admin for the True Grit video and then publishing it anyway along with anything else he could dig up. Who cares who she may or may not have met at Pepperdine? President Obama spoke at a function that I attended. That doesn't mean that I met him and that doesn't make him my BFF. We were in the same place at the same time but our paths did not cross. My guess on this whole mess is that Kate was paying them and the real target (as many on here have said) was Robert. BV can't get the book blocked and she doesn't want to pay BV any more. BV doesn't want to go after anyone unless he's being paid. War over. Now he wants the sheeple to stop bothering him but he made his own bed with that one and now he has to lie (lay?) in it. She may say that she loves the fact that most of the "haters" are off her TL but with them gone her TL is dead in the water. Be careful of what you ask for Kate.

Dutch Tulip said... 118

Ex Nurse said... 100

I guess that we will have to agree to disagree on this.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 119

Baffling to me as well. The behavior of the non-fans on Twitter is more annoying to me than Goody's anti-Jon rantings. Ignoring Kate and her fans drives them crazy and I can't believe they just keep feeding them.

The remaining non-fans do not appear to be stupid people, which is why I just can't believe that they can't understand that they are the only ones who are keeping Kate relevant on that site. Well, there is one on there who really gets things mixed up and makes outlandish statements, but besides that...

Speaking of Goody -- seems she had her afternoon nap after her morning rampage and is back at it again! I wonder if she misses the haters and is doing this just to bait them and get them to come back to argue.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 120

What she forgot to say is she has a pro-Kate website...Ziggy something. I find it strange she happened NOT to mention this little fact.

Ziggy did not write what is in the Pure Evil letter to BV although Ziggy has corresponded with BV as well.

All BV did was stir up the craziest of the crazy Kate fans...and then he left them hanging. They wanted blood and guts and all they got was a buh bye, time to move on.

Unknown said... 121

fidosmommy said... 108
''Hacking into another person's financial accounts is a form of identity theft, an actionable cause. My friend is fighting this very thing right now. U.S. Marshals were called in on day 1 because she found out about it immediately. This person saying Kate haters have harmed her needs to get off Twitter and get on the phone to someone who can actually do something about it.''
In order to inform the authorities that your financial accounts have been hacked, it must have actually happened! In order to prove that people said nasty things on your husband's obituary, it must have actually happened!

RWA has the proof that the obituary was closed because it expired, NOT because of nasty things said.

Bottom line.....Bv used things said by CJ, My3collies/marie/other names, and that Ziggy person.

Bv was PUNKED by KK and her fans. Period.

Over And Out said... 122

Leslie said:
"I would think if this beyond stupid case goes anywhere near an attorney or court that this statement claiming her website is a parody site would greatly help her."


I disagree that it would help her. A judge isn't going to look at it and say, "oh, it was just a parody site...all in good fun. No harm. Case dismissed."

What it comes down to is if that site was set up to harass the non-fans and use the parody guise as a cover. I'm not sure what the purpose of that site was -- to "keep the sheeple in check." What does that mean? It appears to be just a back and forth battle, with the "other side" copying and pasting remarks from that site, then that site going there and coming back and pasting what was said, and then going after them. Neither side will come off as angels in this. It's a tit for tat thing..."you started it...no YOU started it...no, I was just giving it back to you." So juvenile.

One thing, though...it seems like those who post there have kept darn good documentation of everything that was done, much of which is going to refute the sheeple's claims if the lawsuit goes forward. That's what will help them, not the fact that it's set up as a parody site.

chefsummer #Leh said... 123

No Kate can't find work because she has no talents she has no skills.

She can't do anything with out her children.

And she wants 2 blame the hater O...kay if it makes her feel better go ahead blame em'.

chefsummer #Leh said... 124

Bullyville ‏@BullyVille 21h
The online war with the @kateplusmy8 stalkers is over. The mountain of evidence collected ensures that (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rjqa28

Now KK will just find some one else to fight her battles.

Over And Out said... 125

Ex-Nurse said,

I don't see her in any picture. If I didn't look for her, I wouldn't have a clue what she is doing.


But she hasn't faded into obscurity. She did the CWS and her cookbook (which doesn't look promising). She's still out there, and I think that's what DutchTulip meant. Granted, she's not on every supermarket tabloid or co-hosting network shows, but she's still there and still has a fan base...for how much longer remains to be seen.

chefsummer #Leh said... 126

Gemma Gibson ‏@Bambi82gem 4h
@Kateplusmy8 hey Kate could you let me know what your book is called thank you XX


Pau16 said... 127

"Who cares who she may or may not have met at Pepperdine?"


I think it's amusing that he published admin's school. In doing so, he actually showed that she's no dummy. Pepperdine is tough, and passing the CA bar is no piece of cake!

The whole thing kind of backfired on him, particularly since his BIG outings on so many people were old news and he was patting himself on the back that these were earth-shaking revelations.

Sherry Baby said... 128

Gemma Gibson ‏@Bambi82gem 4h
@Kateplusmy8 hey Kate could you let me know what your book is called thank you XX

lol! I guess the pour soul doesn't know to go to Amazon or Kate's website. If not, how is she going to order it?

Dutch Tulip said... 129

Over And Out said... 126

Thank you, that's what I meant!

Sherry Baby said... 130

Bottom line.....Bv used things said by CJ, My3collies/marie/other names, and that Ziggy person.

Bv was PUNKED by KK and her fans. Period.

Yes, and there is so much documentation to back it up. BV never checked facts. He just believed Kate and the fans, many of whom have zero credibility and the tweets are there to prove it. Not good. Not good indeed.

prairiemary said... 131

Marie, thanks for explaining what DM stands for, I just could not think of what it was:)

Chia said... 132

Bad Behavior@116 said "Claiming your site is a parody site doesn't give you carte blanche to harass and stalk people. If she is doing what she is accused of doing, what difference does it make if her site is a "parody" site? That makes the behavior acceptable in your book?"

What if we someone has never been involved in the "twitter wars" but runs a site like this and the sheeple and Kate seek it out to see what is being written. Is that stalking or harassing on our part? How is is stalking or harassment if we're just stating our opinion on this blog? Although I will admit to reading the timeline, I have never tweeted any of them. Yes, I realize that some on the other RWA have been involved in the "twitter war" but nothing is forcing Kate or her fans to go to that site and read and nothing is forcing the RWA folks to go to the fan sites and read.

fidosmommy said... 133

Honestly, Fido, I don't think that it ever happened. The person who wrote to bully about it is not the most credible person. She has a history of, let's just say, embellishment.

Oh, I agree. I was just saying that my friend went straight to authorities, she didn't tweet about her troubles. If this really happened to
the doll restorer, she wouldn't be tweetimg about it, she'd be dialing numbers to the authorities. What good is twitter going to do her? If she has a legal problem she needs to be in touch with the legal world. She probably doesn't have trouble, so she's tweeting.

gabby2 said... 134

Would be funny if bully outed all KK's altered egos.LOL


readerlady said... 135

Wonder where Preesi is in all this uproar. She's been remarkably silent. If she didn't eradicate all her KK material when she decided to back off the KK saga, she should have a lot of documentation for the people who are being falsely accused, too.

Goody seems to be awfully shocked and upset that Jon, according to her, is working as a waiter and busboy. Who the heck cares? It's honest work and it's hard work. Just what is KK's job, again?

PatK said... 136

I think outing that RH had been at Pepperdine and trying to make some earth-shaking connection out of that was almost the icing on the cake. I mean, what the hell was THAT all about?

You can't make this stuff up.

I'm STILL chuckling.

Sherry Baby said... 137

Speaking of Goody -- seems she had her afternoon nap after her morning rampage and is back at it again! I wonder if she misses the haters and is doing this just to bait them and get them to come back to argue.


Goody has some problems and not insignificant ones, but rather some serious mental issues. I think the best things those on Twitter can do is to ignore her and not respond. Let her run wild with her Jon trashing and get it out of her system. To keep tweeting her with counter-arguments is not going to do any good.

Kate does, however, need to very kindly tell her to stop. If she'd listen, I have no idea, but at least she would have been told. If Kate does ANYTHING right here, she really needs to tell her to stop this because this is the father of her kids.

It's really good that Two Shoes lives nowhere near Jon or there would be cause for concern. We sometimes kid around about Milo showing up at Kate's house, but with Goody it's a different story. Those are the ones, with such horrible anger issues, that really will show up as a stalker with a purpose.

Charity? said... 138

At this link, details of the charity event in which Kate is appearing. NOTE: She's autographing photos of her family--once again, bartering away her children.


Me and Kate [photo near the bottom] ! SHe will bring and sign to the first 100 people a pic of her/family.
She will have some of her books to sell and will donate the proceeds :)
She will take pics also and sign her books if you have them :)
*Note- $5 fee must be paid for ALL AGES and paid even if not doing Zumba - thanks!!

We are doing a Special class to help defray expenses.
or take a chance on a basket or make a donation.
We will also be having a 50/50 drawing.

Sherry Baby said... 139

I think outing that RH had been at Pepperdine and trying to make some earth-shaking connection out of that was almost the icing on the cake. I mean, what the hell was THAT all about?


I think it's called grasping at straws. He had nothing else.

localyocul said... 140

PatK said... 137
I think outing that RH had been at Pepperdine and trying to make some earth-shaking connection out of that was almost the icing on the cake. I mean, what the hell was THAT all about?

You can't make this stuff up.

I'm STILL chuckling.

He never said what year RH was at Pepperdine either..so funny. I was almost run over by Joe Paterno once but we were never bosom buddies.

Unknown said... 141

readerlady said... 136
''....Goody seems to be awfully shocked and upset that Jon, according to her, is working as a waiter and busboy. Who the heck cares? It's honest work and it's hard work.''
I think that 2shoes's comments about Jon working as a waiter/busboy are her opinion that Jon is working some sort of 'lowly' job. She's attempting to insult Jon. As others have said, IF that is what Jon is doing, so what? HOWEVER, I've not seen anyone other than 2shoes saying that is Jon's job. No one has ever confirmed it....not that that matters to her.

You know, in MY opinion it is nice that no one seems to have any idea what Jon is or is not doing. Jon's silence in the face of all the goading attempts to get a response, once again proves to me that JON is the only person involved in all this to-do that is 'normal' and doing the right thing.

To ME that is a clear indication that the children have a safe, normal, stress-free, loving place to be when they are with their father. Thank goodness!

Good for you, Jon. YOU are to be admired for your silence!

localyocul said... 142

PatK said... 109

localyocul, I agree that Milo was probably DM'ing BV to express her displeasure with them pulling out of the online end of it, and wanting to find out details of any new secret plan of attack. I do believe it was Lights Out time before this edict was posted by BV last night. She is Kate's self-appointed guardian after all, and needs to inform her as to where things stand.


I still think Milo was one of the masterminds. She was DMing Kate left and right in the weeks before this wet down. I think she got info from CJ and Ziggy and convinced Kate to go with Bullyville and gave Kate the info to give him. Doh!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 143

I wasn't even following the blogs in law school. I was busy working and studying about 18 hours a day. Law school is not a good time to be doing anything else, you have to put your whole life on hold, much less writing a book or meeting with whoever Tom Dick or Robert who may want to visit a campus for one of the 100s of other things that go on on a college campus every week. Lol.

Marie said... 144

Fidosmommy. . . I agree. If you are the victim of identify theft, you don't go on Twitter and cry about it to Bullyville. You call the authorities. Based on that alone, I don't put any credence in anything this "victim" says.

As far as Bullyville trying to make a connection between Admin and RH through Pepperdine . . . well, that was just assinine and laughable at best. I can't believe he even tried to pass that off as being credible. It really proved to me that he is all bluster and has nothing to back it up. And whatever happened to the "money trail" between Jon, Robert and Admin? Hmmm . . . haven't seen that either. You can only cry wolf so many times.


Ex Nurse said... 145

Over and Out said...
But she hasn't faded into obscurity. She did the CWS and her cookbook (which doesn't look promising).
As Joy Behar would say....so what? Who cares? She has been filmed for one show in 2-1/2 years--other than a handful of interviews. Nobody in mainstream media cares about her. She is done. She has blown every opportunity she has been given. What will republishing the book gain, exactly? And, is it worth the invasion of the kid's privacy?

Anonymous said... 146

Readerlady, Preesi left all of her documentation up.

I miss moon, lol.


localyocul said... 147

Oh NO! Looks like the blogger/author of STFU Parents better call Bullyville!! Or not.


Danielle B said... 148

Bullyville ‏@BullyVille 21h
The online war with the @kateplusmy8 stalkers is over. The mountain of evidence collected ensures that (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rjqa28

I read that, and maybe I have reading comprehension problems, but I didn't get out of it that he waved the white flag or that he is done with the whole situation. I think he meant it as a "warning" to the people he's after, that it's over for them, that he's got some definitive proof and they are going down soon. This is the last sentence of the tweet or whatever it was:
Let them continue to run their mouths, very few people are listening but rest assured, a judge will hear every word soon enough.

I'm just baffled by the whole thing. I realize some people were harassed terribly (on both sides) but every time I think of this so-called lawsuit I just imagine a judge trying to keep up with all the drama. I picture my kids, when they were younger, running to me because one called the other one a name, or "was looking at me!" or some other thing that's a big deal when you're five years old. But these are grown women for crying out loud! Get off twitter and stop seeking out the negative comments!
And the ones who feel that they have legitimate grievances should still step away from their computers and contact an attorney, not continue to "poke the bear".

Marie said... 149

I don't agree with some of the comments that were being made on Twitter, but IMO the ardent Kate supporters like twoshoes, were enjoying it just as much as the haters were and I believe she actually encouraged it, along with a handful of others. I don't feel sorry for any of them. They all have the ability to block, ignore, go private, etc. It seems to me that they all enjoyed the back and forth and now some are crying foul because Kate called in Bullyville. I would bet that they all miss what Kate's twitter used to be. Twoshoes is still baiting by posting things about Jon. She's going into withdrawals.


Marie said... 150

Ex Nurse . . . . LOL . . I am not a fan of Joy Behar but I LOVE saying that . . . So what, who cares. That should be everybody's motto on twitter.


Marie said... 151

I have to admit, I was a little freaked out when all of this Buddyville stuff started. I didn't know what they were capable of and who would be held responsible for criticizing Kate online. But after watching all of this play out, I believe it was an intimidation tactic by Kate and Bullyville without a lot of teeth behind it. And I also believe they both did it for attention. It seems like a lot of wasted time and energy.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 152

It really goes back to judgment issues. Serious judgment issues. It is downright scary that anyone could look at this situation and think to themselves this is a great idea. And then be responsible for eight young children.

Unknown said... 153
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said... 154

Charity? said... 139
At this link, details of the charity event in which Kate is appearing. NOTE: She's autographing photos of her family--once again, bartering away her children.


Ex Nurse The above is why I'd like to see Robert's book published. Because Kate has no skills and isn't going to be able to secure any type of media position without using the kids, and because her show continues to be broadcast world-wide and is available on Netflix, You Tube etc, I want her to be held accountable for what she did to the children (and dogs) to anyone who comes along and thinks she's the epitome of what motherhood's all about. She shouldn't be permitted to rewrite her despicable history.

The children know what happened to them. I don't believe this book will harm them in any way.

From the get go, BullyVille had little credibility in my eyes, but when they referred to ZiggyFlo's blog as their point of factual reference I actually roared. So much for fact checking!! And this letter from BHappy/Marie/multiple names, good grief - her complaints have been disproved over and over again.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155

You know what else is hysterical, I didn't even see this show until I was well out of school. In fact I remember studying for the bar and turning it on a few times and thinking aw they seem like a cute family I remember the news blurb when they were born!! It wasn't until later I thought something was off.

Anonymous said... 156

If I had as much money as kate has, I would silently give money to the family who lost their 2 daughters,and would pay for the funerals, without telling anyone,so the right hand doesn't know what the left one is doing. Remember kate, how the Bible tells you to give? Remember your Bible? You can take a re-fresher course, because you may have forgotten what the Bible says about giving, mothering and many other things you show strong signs of forgetting how to do. And the same goes for the "fun" day you are attending, what the heck is so fun about why the day has been planned in the first place? I don't even believe that for every book you will sell there, that you will give every cent towards the cause. And are you bringing the books of yours that are nearly being given away at the $ Stores? If so, what price will you put on them? No, you should be doing it all quietly, and not charge a penny for anything. Why is it always turning into something about YOU, always comes back being about YOU?? Why do you think that YOU matter so much?? You are really nothing special, just a speck of dust on this planet, no better than the rest of us.If you are/were such a good Christian, then you must remember how we will be judged in the end-every word, every action, every thought, nothing will be forgotten. Doesn't that about cover it all, kate?

Anonymous said... 157

Looks like KK been left again hahahaha but she still has Milo.

Bye by BV.

Jane said... 158

Panic, panic ... call the Keystone Kops, errrr BullyVille!!

@BullyVille @Kateplusmy8 Ever since you tweeted there will be no more online wars with the haters due to lawsuit........... THEY'RE BACK!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 159

I'm sure they don't mean this intentionally but it strikes me as pretty insensitive to be signing photos of your happy and healthy kids when a mother just lost all the children she has and may ever have.

Over In Kate's County said... 160

As Joy Behar would say....so what? Who cares? She has been filmed for one show in 2-1/2 years--other than a handful of interviews.


The point that Tulip was making that even if nobody follows her or knows what she is doing, she is still in the news, Somebody cared enough to give her a brief stint on Celebrity Wife Swap, and somebody obviously listened when she wanted to put out a cookbook. No more, no less...Tulip was just saying that she has not crawled into a hole somewhere in Berks County. That's all.

Over In Kate's County said... 161

I still think Milo was one of the masterminds.


I think you're right. Milo can't keep her nose out of anything, and when it comes to Kate, she has both ears and eyes in Kate's business as well.

PatK said... 162



Oh, I believe Kate DOES have quite a stash of her books to bring. Probably boxes and boxes...

Over In Kate's County said... 163



A stash of what? I hate to imagine...

Melissa NV said... 164

I'm sure they don't mean this intentionally but it strikes me as pretty insensitive to be signing photos of your happy and healthy kids when a mother just lost all the children she has and may ever have.


That's the first thing I thought of when I read that promo. It sounds like something she would do -- not THINK that it might be insensitive. Of course, Kate's there to put the FUN in fundraiser. Kate needs to do this on her own without invoking the help of her children. She relies on them for everything. It's time to cut the cord.

Rhymes with Witch said... 165

If kk was so concerned about bullying, why didn't she speak up years ago when hate blogs popped up about her children (one in particular
who was SIX at the time), bullyville or no. NOT ONE WORD from the woman who goes public about everything in HER life (except her poops).

I'm sure they don't mean this intentionally but it strikes me as pretty insensitive to be signing photos of your happy and healthy kids
when a mother just lost all the children she has and may ever have.

I think we're looking at "celebrity" worship run amok once again. Kate donating all the $? Oh wait, she never said THAT.

p.s. Great post, Admin. Thanks.

FYI said... 166

That fundraiser is being held in a church. Seems kind of ironic that Kate will be signing pictures and selling books in a church. Shades of deja vu.

Anonymous said... 167

Tweet-le #121, who do you think wrote the "evil" letter to BV legal? Why not Ziggy?

BV absolutely accomplished zero. But what gets me is tens of thousands of his readers on his site may think Kate is a victim of horrible bullying. The general reader doesn't know all that we know. And what we know is McNibbets is accepting all these nut's complaints as if they are true without verifying them. Or heaven forbid, getting the other side of the story.

Also, the general reader of his site, thinks Robert and Jon wrote the book for money and the book is lies.

And the above reasons I stated are exactly what Kate Gosselin wanted to accomplice with associating with BV. Make herself the victim again and trash the Hoffman book & trash Jon as a criminal who should be thrown in jail.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 168

That's the first thing I thought of when I read that promo. It sounds like something she would do -- not THINK that it might be insensitive.


Yes. I think this kind of misstep could happen to anyone from time to time, which is what friends, family, and if you are a celeb, handlers, are there for. The problem is she doesn't seem to have a good handler who would say something (or if she does she doesn't listen), who would say ehh you know maybe signing pictures of children at a fundraiser for dead children is insensitive, let's think of something else for you to do that would help, perhaps just showing up for a meet and greet and to help collect tickets? Or perhaps just write a big check?

I remember I saw some good handling once before, when celeb thought it would be fun to put some old clothes on ebay under their name. For some odd reason they were terribly excited at this brilliant idea of theirs. After we banged our heads against the wall for a few minutes we all said it might make you look like you were struggling financially (they weren't) or desperate and that people might get the wrong idea, and the only way to do such a thing is either to list them without putting your name on it, or list them for CHARITY. They listened, literally said "OHH you're right", and never went through with it. Good handlers, a celeb who listens equals success.

Unknown said... 169

Anonymous said... 160
''Tweet-le #121, who do you think wrote the "evil" letter to BV legal? Why not Ziggy?''.....''And the above reasons I stated are exactly what Kate Gosselin wanted to accomplice with associating with BV. Make herself the victim again and trash the Hoffman book & trash Jon as a criminal who should be thrown in jail.''
Leslie, the person who wrote the letter to Bv legal was clearly Marie/3bordercollies/Lexi, because of the incidents she described. Ziggy was a link that Bv provided as ''proof'' of the supposed bullying, but Marie is the one that claimed her dead husband's obituary was 'defaced' w/ugly comments, and her other 'charges'...so she was easily identified.

Though KK/Bv's intention was to trash Jon and Robert's book, it was also unsuccessful. However, their attempt is why I think Robert's book should be republished...make it available to all to read.

Melissa NV said... 170

Leslie -- If you have followed any of this, you know that this came from Lexxi, not Ziggy. She goes through her life history in that letter. The author would only have to mention the cardiac problems and her late husband's memorial to know exactly who it is.

Anonymous said... 171

Good 4 BV for finally waking up.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 172

Someone help me with this, is there something wrong with our law enforcement and legal system as it is? Is it not widely available to us when we have legitimate problems?

I can't feel sorry for someone who is listing a bunch of problems that can all be taken to the authorities! Financial fraud is getting easier and easier to report these days it's so common. Heck many banks will shut everything down for you, reimburse you, and often help you with your suit. Especially for little interferences I remember my bank was lickedy split to correct it all. Someone once bought a bunch of video games with my card in Texas--I called up, they stopped the card, refunded all the money, and opened a claim. Took about 20 minutes tops. End of story, I was golden.

Grow up and deal with your problems through proper channels or choose to ignore them and just do your thing. Unless these people are saying oh my goodness I tried EVERYTHING from law enforcement to the courts and no one will help me, I'm not sympathetic.

I had no idea who ran that STFU Parents blog but she is a hoot. Obviously when she is calling people out on the pervasive problem of oversharing she's going to get some haters who love to overshare about their families. She gets that will happen, she brushes them off as ridiculous, and basks in all the positive attention and appearances she DOES get from those who think her blog is funny as hell and don't take her so darn seriously. It's snark, it's funny, and she makes a good point about child exploitation on Facebook. I say let her be and I'm glad she has a good sense of humor.

chefsummer #Leh said... 173

So I'm guessing their will be no lawsuit then?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 174

If kk was so concerned about bullying, why didn't she speak up years ago when hate blogs popped up about her children (one in particular
who was SIX at the time), bullyville or no.


Exactly! I can tell you this much, if Kate had seen the video posted here when it came out and reached out to contact me to say that it concerned her and would appreciate it pulled, I am virtually certain I would have immediately apologized to her. But that's the thing, no one has EVER from Kate's camp indicated that they felt this blog was bullying or hurtful to the family or it would be best to shut it down. Heck I just assumed no one even looked here or if they did laughed it off (although later I found out at least some of them did follow us, like Jodi and Jon, but all indications was they thought we were funny and clever). Even some people have made snide comments here about how it's ridiculous to suggest Kate reads here. Well, if that's how you feel, then how is this bothering her?

Even the Discovery letter to me (which contrary to sheeple reports I did not "ignore," in fact I responded to it, TWICE, and they were the ones who chose not to respond to my second response and dropped it) was NOT about shutting down the whole blog, but rather was about them upset about the very short one minute clips from the show that were put up here to debate and give a brief rundown of some of the most egregious exploitation moments. They didn't like those all gathered in such an easy way to find, I gather. Which is exactly the point, to inform and educate quickly and efficiently to all the newcomers to this saga. They were very polite about it and we had a good open dialogue about it but they never said hey shut the blog down please. Is that what Kate wanted? Well you coulda fooled me cause that sure isn't what they ever asked for.

The bottom line is, if you have an issue with something, you have to be clear what you are asking people to do and you have to COMMUNICATE with them. And nine times out of ten if your request is reasonable and respectful people are happy to work with you or at least discuss the matter with you like grownups.

Off the top of my head I can think of dozens of requests that Kate could have made of us I would have complied with without argument--things like blurring the kids faces, refraining from mentioning her drinking, not degrading the children's father (lol that would be the day), etc. We have always been here and always responded to any communication from those directly involved and I don't think anyone would report that we were ever anything less than polite and respectful, nor can I report anything different about them.

Another example, Disney was upset we had used a picture of Discovery Cove. Hey, no problem, I removed the pic. If they don't want the free publicity that's their problem, it is no skin off my back. But I'm always happy to work with any reasonable request made adult to adult, like adults.

Anyway the point being it's really sort of a "too little too late" thing now, to suddenly after all these years claim to suddenly have a problem with the celebrity blogs who have been doing this for YEARS. It's disingenuous after saying you just ignore it. And if anything this blog has gotten way tamer, back in Kate's skanky clothes orange tan open toed shoes days the comments were scathing. NOW there is a problem? When the show is long over and the career is long over and anything major to discuss is long over and most of the posts are about other things including this one? LOL It's ridiculous and can't be taken seriously.

Melissa NV said... 175

Exactly! I can tell you this much, if Kate had seen the video posted here when it came out and reached out to contact me to say that it concerned her and would appreciate it pulled, I am virtually certain I would have immediately apologized to her


Did she ever acknowledge the recent apology for the video?

njay said... 176

Heather and Call me crazy, I think when it comes to good vs evil, light vs darkness, love vs hate and any other drastic contrast between 2 polar opposites, a difference of beliefs and understanding will always come to the forefront of any debate of opinion.

I think any opinion derived by any one person is built by the years of their life, the experiences and understanding that one derives from their experiences, plays a huge role in how they perceive any circumstances. Does it mean either one is wrong? No, but it does mean that how they will choose to let it affect their life and how they go about obtaining healing will, more than likely be different.

Kate for example, because of her narcissism will make comments like she did and some saw it as a big deal. To them it probably is. That person may have had to deal and arrange all their life according to their narcissists, pain in the butt, outrageous issues. To some they may feel they will help by donating money because they have worked hard to come out of a low income situation and have learned to appreciate the value of a dollar. Others, just placing a beautiful arrangement of flowers is enough for them to feel complete, maybe they never had anything beautiful in their life and for them it makes them feel complete.

Quick story, when my sis. died at 32, complications from diabetes, she told mom that she never had a beautiful dress so, she wanted my mom to get her the most beautiful dress she could find. My sister was a giver and had a very good heart.

Anyway, BOT, where I feel the two of you may have misunderstood each other is not that both were right or wrong, just your experiences or spiritual beliefs may be different and that is OK. Neither one of you or myself and one of you, or for that matter, everyone on this blog and both of you, were made and given the destiny to live each others lives or experiences. You and your lifes experiences were for YOU to live. NO ONE ELSE. Why do you think we are told not to judge or you will receive THAT SAME JUDGEMENT? (some call Him karma, I call Him God. hehe) Because if you judge without living their experiences you leave yourself with no firm foundation to stand on when you impose the sentence that is deserving of the judgement given.

Just one more thing and I'll be done. I want to comment on not letting darkness win, have control or whatever was meant. The ONLY way to get rid of darkness is to bring in more light. PERIOD!! You don't fight darkness with light. You just put it on a candlestick where it can shine on all who are around it and so those afar off can see it and know they have a guide. When there is light shining you see where it needs to be cleaned.

John 12:46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. NIV

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 177

I actually think the news media has done a fairly good time this time around. I don't think they are leading us down rabbit holes. There is nothing wrong with wondering what signs of this tragedy might indicate who it could be. They have been pretty open that we don't know a lot just yet. When they got some bad information about an arrest they immediately retracted it. And they've been very clear no one is sure if this is foreign or domestic yet. This is light years away from the shameful coverage of the Olympic bombing in Atlanta and how they put poor Richard Jewel through a lynch mob when he was completely innocent. I didn't realize this, but he died in 2007 after being very ill at the young age of 44, before he could ever finish his 15 million dollar lawsuit against an Atlanta newspaper. He did settle for large amounts of money with other news sources who crucified him.

I really don't have much to complain about. All in all this whole tragic event was handled incredibly by both the everyday people there and the media.

Unknown said... 178

Ex Nurse said... 146
''....What will republishing the book gain, exactly? And, is it worth the invasion of the kid's privacy?''
The book was only available for a very short time, and by the time many learned about it, it was taken down by Amazon. I think that republishing the book would be a good thing, because it would be available for anyone that wants to check out what Robert has to say, and see the comments made by KK in her own words.

I don't understand the thought that republishing the book would somehow be an ''invasion of the kid's privacy''. I hope you will explain your thoughts, because I simply don't 'get' your thinking!

KK is the one that continually invades the children's privacy with things like CWS, using photos of them in order to attempt to sell her cookbook, and her ''quoting'' things they supposedly say on her twitter.

We have agreed to disagree many times on this blog...and I suppose this is one more time for disagreement.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 179

Kimberley D ‏@KimberleyD23 4m
@Kateplusmy8 Hi K8! Where did you get the cute packs that attach to the back of your kitchen chairs with the kids mom's names?


The kids have different moms? What am I missing here?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 180

The kids have different moms? What am I missing here?


No, they have one mom and no dad.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 181

PJ's momma said... 30
PS: Why are the haters bombarding Roma Downey's twitter account with blasts about what a witch Kate is? What does Roma have to do with that?


Oh sheesh. I wish they would stop doing this to anyone and everyone who makes even the most benign contact with Kate. I'm confident it's no one here, just some weird rogue obsessive group, but good grief.


This is a comment I made on the blog on December 19, 2011. Many people chimed in to agree with me.

Proof that for YEARS this blog as not supported or agreed with the silly twitter wars. If the point was to stop people harassing Kate on twitter, the attack on us was misguided.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 182

Remona Blue said... 170
Anonymous said... 160
''Tweet-le #121, who do you think wrote the "evil" letter to BV legal? Why not Ziggy?''.....''And the above reasons I stated are exactly what Kate Gosselin wanted to accomplice with associating with BV. Make herself the victim again and trash the Hoffman book & trash Jon as a criminal who should be thrown in jail.''
Leslie, the person who wrote the letter to Bv legal was clearly Marie/3bordercollies/Lexi, because of the incidents she described. Ziggy was a link that Bv provided as ''proof'' of the supposed bullying, but Marie is the one that claimed her dead husband's obituary was 'defaced' w/ugly comments, and her other 'charges'...so she was easily identified.

Yes it was absolutely Marie, Lexxi, and whatever other names she uses.

I guess Milo is in pouting mode again? So quiet after that rush of excitement over the BV fiasco. What a letdown, eh, Milo?

Speaking of Milo, I was reading a book this afternoon by John Irving. One of the characters in the book is an author who said it was the fans she was once kind to that scared her the most because they felt she owed them something since they had been "friends."

So we're not the only people who feel that way.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 183

Oh sheesh. I wish they would stop doing this to anyone and everyone who makes even the most benign contact with Kate. I'm confident it's no one here, just some weird rogue obsessive group, but good grief.


Because they can't. It's not about Kate. It's not about the kids. It's about their Twitter obsession and love of harassment. They're not going to give it up. They are as pathetic in their hate as Milo is in her love.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 184

I think this is a case of the old give them an inch they want a mile. What I've observed from some is very selfish, demanding, monopolizing people who cannot be content with one or two gracious interactions with Kate, they want more and more interactions and much more involved contact. It's even to the point where we get them demanding that Kate say goodnight or if she disappears for awhile, demanding to know where she is, or even if she says she's with her kids, still demanding interaction. I think this is true of other celebrities' fans too and what it comes down to is that some people are just rude and demanding and can't be content with what they are given.

The problem with this is that some people want so much that sometimes they become violent when their unrealistic expectations are not met.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 185

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
It's finally MY bed time..........YAYYYYYY!!!!! (Good night)

D.™ ‏@BeyondMirrors
@Kateplusmy8 u meant to go to bed now?

You just have to wonder how some people function in society...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 186

Anonymous I'm not publishing your comment only because I don't like the link. However in response to the allegation that I "stalked, harassed and ambushed" Kate at her book signing that is downright ridiculous not to mention libel, again, as usual from that sludge.

I bought Kate's book fair and square and attended a PUBLIC book signing in MY TOWN at a book store I have BEEN TO on the Third Street Promenade I FREQUENT. I waited patiently in line and had polite and pleasant conversations with a reporter from Radar (who was also not stalking, harassing or ambushing anyone), B&N security, Steve, and some lovely fans waiting in line. Tony Be Still My Heart Dovolani was there too and we chatted for quite awhile about some mutual friends and he OFFERED to take a pic. We had a good time. Even some of her fans were joking that she is really tough on Jon on the show, they weren't obsessed or had their heads in the sand about who they were fans of. A blind boy came and met her and it was very sweet and everyone thought so. When it was my turn, I politely approached Kate's table, stood where everyone was asked to stand, and asked two perfectly reasonable questions, Do you keep in touch with your kids by text (there had just been an article out about how Kate says she keeps in touch with her kids from afar by text, this was a time when Kate was abandoning them a LOT), and what do you think of the new child labor laws coming down from PA (Murt had just recently started that whole thing.) This was all documented on this very blog and anyone there can back me up. I went as a "reporter," even CALLED B&N ahead of time, disclosed exactly which blog I was with, and asked them about press passes for bloggers (they were only giving press passes to photographers, but press was welcome to come and mingle), and I asked questions that any good reporter would ask so I could post it here to the blog. As I recall we had a good ole time in the comments as I posted "live" from the event, it was FUN. If Kate had an issue with any bloggers showing up she could have asked B&N to deny entrance to us-- she did not.

There is no law that someone who did not like your book cannot show up to your book signing. Many non fiction books welcome both fans and non-fans alike to come.

Steve gripped my arm tight and asked me to leave after the Murt question, and I immediately told him it's okay I'm going, and left. I was not "thrown out" really although that makes for a funnier story, Steve just made it clear I was done asking her questions that were too hard for deer-in-headlights Kate.

If that is stalking, harassing and ambushing, I really don't know what to tell them. Why can't I ask why Kate wasn't fully supportive of any child labor law that seeks to protect children from greed and exploitation? After all if SHE'S not exploiting her kids, she has nothing whatsoever to fear about such regulations. And in fact should support them just in case other mothers aren't as protective as her, right?

A ludicrous allegation. I have not sought Kate out in any manner since in over TWO YEARS.

Sandi said... 187

Milo has not had a tweet from kate for 3 days now. Milo tweeted Kate at least 20 time in the last 2 days and Kate did not respond. Today Kate came on just to say good night, no response from Milo.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 188

Uh oh Sandi. Trouble in paradise? :)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 189


Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m
@HspncElvis I need U 2DM me rt away. Important!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 190

Why is she so rude and demanding of people? Like what if people are busy or not online? Not everyone's life revolves around twitter.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191

Oh by the way I told the Radar person exactly what happened after and she laughed her butt off. The whole thing was just silly, not threatening in any manner. We should have exchanged numbers, she seemed really funny and cool and was about my age. I'm sure we would have been friends.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 192

Milo must need something translated.

Anonymous said... 193

Thanks to all that corrected me that I said it was Ziggy's "Pure Evil" letter post to BV when it was Lexxi's letter. I apologize that I don't really know the people well at other blogs.

Admin. the stalking and harassing claims are beyond ridiculous. You handled yourself extremely well at Kate's book signing in CA.

AuntieAnn said... 194

I still smile when I think of that book signing. We all had a good laugh envisioning Admin getting hustled out by Steve "Ratclaws" Neild (ooo that sounds so gangsterish) and Admin you were such a great sport about the whole thing.

Ambushed? Harrassed? haha! I think not.

Unknown said... 195

AuntieAnn said... 194
''I still smile when I think of that book signing''
I remember that too, and what fun was had w/''rat claws''. Isn't that the time KK was hiding in a closet or something, crying because there were so few people there?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 196

Remona, yes that was the one.

What happened was Kate went out for a little bit then disappeared again and everyone was wondering where she was and who is so rude to leave a book signing in the middle of it. There were like a few dozen people there tops, and even Radar posted this number despite the sheeple trying to say that couldn't possibly be true.

Then months and months later we found out in one of the episodes Kate was hiding in a utility closet crying about how few people were there and Steve was talking her off a ledge.

Baw-haha. Well, that's what happens when you don't promote things. It was barely promoted at all. She is the one who never wants to bother to promote anything, that is the consequence. That and L.A. has 300 other reality stars where that came from and no one cares.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 197

Oh and she also demanded that B&N completely rearrange the table and nice setup so that it was crammed in between two bookshelves instead of in a nice wide open spot out by the stairs that they had so meticulously set up for her. This happened before I got there, and I was asking Radar chick about the bizarre setup and she explained it to me. She said she did this because she was grumbling about being embarrassed by the lack of crowds so she thought it would look less empty if she moved the table.

Sounds like how a 12 year old would handle the problem. If you want something to look crowded, cram yourself in a tiny place! Hysterical. So worth it to go to that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 198

Remona I also remember feeling vindicated when it came out from Kate herself no one was there, because Baby Mama, god bless her cause I actually like her, implied as politely as she could that I was lying about the lack of people there and that in reality it was actually an epic event drawing crowds from near and far.

Uh, no it wasn't. There was a handful of fans and some media there, that's it.

I was not lying, and Kate herself not only confirmed the lack of people but was shown CRYING about it like a big helpless baby.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 199

Why is she so rude and demanding of people? Like what if people are busy or not online? Not everyone's life revolves around twitter.


Wouldn't the correct tweet be: "Will you please DM me as soon as you can? Thanks!"

Not that one, though. Can you imagine living with someone like that 24/7?

I was looking back at her timeline because Kate is ignoring her. I wanted to see if there was something she said to her that might have contributed to the shunning, and I found this:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 15 Apr
@dwrms11 @Kateplusmy8 BlackMail...Bullying tactics IS EXACTLY what RH & EX have harassed Kate w/4years now! She put up w/it..tried 2ignore!

Wow...she accused Robert and Jon of blackmail? That's serious stuff coming from someone who claims there's not a mean bone in her body and that she's always kind and respectful to everyone.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 200

Wow interesting.

If anything Jon was the one blackmailed. Let your kids be exploited or we will RUIN you financially. Ruin. He chose to be ruined financially. The very definition of blackmail.

I'm glad Kate is taking a little break from this weird fan.

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